#the way i see it.. i post these. people see. now i have to finish it lmao
genericpuff · 7 hours
wait wait wait, regarding that Minthe post, you're telling me that Rachel literally wrote the character as having BPD.....and portrayed her as an abusive mean piece of shit??? WOW. fucking WOW. sorry for being so angry, but even if she "retconned" that - it's still so god damn disrespective. as someone who has BPD it hurts so much to see my mental illness villanised :(
ugh I'm so sorry pal. and I don't blame you for being angry about it, like I don't even have BPD and I'M fucking pissed LOL like I can understand why Rachel might have wanted to backtrack from that knowing fully well that Minthe's story wasn't gonna have a happy ending, but writing her with BPD in the first place and then BACKTRACKING from it as soon as she likely got heat for it (or just realized it wasn't a good look) isn't much better because it means now all she's done is written the stigmatized negative effects of BPD into her character without showing the more positive outlooks of healing and managing. Maybe that was doomed to happen considering Minthe is someone who doesn't get a happy ending in the myths, but it begs the question of why she'd write her with BPD to begin with because in hindsight it really does seem like she just wanted to use it as a way to make her "evil".
But like, when you read the actual episode, you can SEE the potential there for character growth, you can SEE that she's aware of her actions - but doesn't understand why she's "like that" which is a VERY common feeling among people with undiagnosed mental illnesses - but it was never meant to be.
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Like jfc not only is it HEAVILY IMPLIED, but again, the episode is literally called "Splitting". And we see exactly that with Minthe, who can't seem to rationalize with herself that she messed up.
But... that leads me to another point that I failed to mention in that first ask response: she DIDN'T mess up. Like, yes, she messed up by escalating it to the point of slapping Hades, but it wasn't her fault that she didn't make it to her date with Hades. Whose fault was it?
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Continuously throughout the first season we see Thetis being an awful influence who manipulates and gaslights Minthe. They're "friends", but it's clear Thetis does not have Minthe's best interests in mind. In this very scene we see Thetis manipulate Minthe and even attempt to get her so drunk that she won't be able to show up to her date. And then of course when that plan works and Minthe freaks out, Thetis spins it around on Minthe in a very passive-aggressive way.
But of course, the narrative has to find a way to turn this whole thing on Minthe being the bad guy. Hence we get the slap which shifts the focus entirely away from what led up to it back onto Hades who has, in a lot of ways, put her in a situation that she can't control. And of course, being in those kinds of situations does not help with mental health.
Like, sorry, I'm really going off here now, but... the slap happens in Episode 76.
When is it finally addressed again? Episode 103.
It took Rachel nearly THIRTY EPISODES to finally bring it back to Minthe, and in that time the reader has spent SEVERAL EPISODES reading about how sad and lonely Hades is, and about how cute and lovey he is with Persephone. The reader has not had ANY time to reflect on Minthe's circumstances, because it completely pivots away from her to focus on H x P as a sort of distraction from the fact that Minthe is a victim in her own right.
And when it DOES return to Minthe in 103, we get this harrowing reminder that her entire life is dependent on Hades-
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And once again, here comes Thetis to the "rescue", reinforcing the negative feedback loop that Minthe is trapped in where she's put in unhealthy situations. She drags her to a bar and the whole time Minthe is not having fun because she's understandably still reeling from what happened.
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Now we DO get some character development here, where Minthe realizes exactly what I've just finished explaining, that Thetis isn't her friend, that she'd rather not have Thetis as a friend than continue being talked down to and manipulated.
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But then, as we know, because Rachel still needs Minthe to be the "bad guy", the breakup between Hades and Minthe winds up being all about Persephone from a POV that attempts to villainize Minthe for being "jealous" (rather than focusing on how shitty Hades actually is for having an emotional affair with Persephone to begin with) and then Minthe goes right back to hanging out with Thetis anyways for the sake of having the "evil other girl" who wants to "ruin" H x P's relationship.
It's not until Season 3 that we finally see Minthe tell Thetis to fuck off for good, but by then it's too little too late, and Minthe has lost an entire character arc. Rachel tries to go "see! Minthe's life is so much better now that she's taking care of children!" but that's an entirely different solution to a problem Minthe never had. She never got treatment for her BPD. She just got away from H x P which, while is a good thing, isn't actually analyzed as such. It's treated more as a "good thing" for H x P and the readers, because now they don't have to be subjected to Minthe's evil scheming anymore, something something "the evil is defeated". And don't even get me started on this comic's problem with constantly resolving female characters' story arcs through motherhood.
It bums me out so fucking much. Minthe deserved so much better. She's one of the many characters in LO who make it so painfully ironic when they're done dirty, because despite Rachel's attempts to write a "feminist retelling" that focuses on "moving on from trauma", she's inadvertently done more damage to feminism and the stigmas around mental health and trauma through her assassination of grounded and realistic and relatable characters like Minthe and Demeter who are shown ZERO empathy or understanding for their actions (unless it can be done so by making Persephone and Hades into the heroes). It happens so often throughout the comic it almost feels like how the comic markets itself as a "progressive feminist retelling" is some sick joke that I'm just not getting.
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evanbuckleyrecs · 3 days
Buddie AUs over 20k
To catch up on recommending fics in my bookmarks, I'll also try to make some lists instead of posting one fic per post. Though some fics might also still get their own posts even while added in a list.
To start, here are some finished Buddie AUs with more than 20k words
(I made this list in March so it doesn't have any newer fics. Soon I want to spend a day dedicated to catching up to new fics and adding posts to my queue here)
what if you're someone I just want around by ReallySmartLadyMarieCurie
20k, Rated T
"Eddie pauses in his typing, glancing at Buck and trying to figure him out. He seems so eager to help and to please, so willing to take some of the burden in order to make others happy. It’s the sort of presence that Eddie’s been craving in his life. One that he’s missed since Shannon’s fatal accident. And he’s incredibly handsome. He’s got conventional good looks and a beautiful smile, but that pink little splotch above his eye, which Eddie guesses is a birthmark, is really what brings it home."
Or, Eddie Diaz is a successful boxer who's been making a big name for himself in recent years. Buck is a fan, but he certainly never expected to end up at Eddie's house after the man calls 9-1-1 when his son gets sick.
I love the way you spoil me, baby by rosebuddiekin
33,8K, rated E
“I, uh, I was actually at that coffee shop to meet with someone else. You see, for the past few years, I’ve been a sugar daddy on a site that connects people looking for similar things. I was supposed to meet with a prospective baby that day, but then I saw you. And I felt drawn to you, so I messaged the guy I was supposed to be seeing and told him I had to cancel. I just, I thought you should know. That I should be upfront about it from the start.”
Eddie’s fork drops to his plate, making a small clatter. He can feel that his mouth is agape. He’s very glad he hadn’t taken another bite or sip of anything while Buck spoke. Because what the actual fuck? Buck… is a sugar daddy.
OR: Buck is a sugar daddy who wants to spoil Eddie rotten and take care of everything for him. Eddie has never had that sort of relationship but is willing to give it a try. There is plenty of adventure along the way.
Sunny skies & summer high by prettyboybuckley
Sequel to a one shot, 43,8K, rated E

"Well, I kind of want to kiss you right now but that's usually something that happens at the end of a first date, right?" Buck asks, doing a weird movement with his eyebrows in an attempt to be funny.
Eddie chuckles, wrinkling his nose a little.
"I guess, yeah," he mutters. "Think we're doing this a little backward already anyway, so are there any rules to follow?"
He's got a point there, and even then Buck has never really been the kind of guy who follows rules, so he ends up leaning over the center console as he uses one hand to pull Eddie's face towards him. It's a short kiss, a simple peck hello that Eddie chases after when Buck pulls away again.
OR: Buck and Eddie sneak around behind Eddie’s family’s back, spend the summer together, smoke a lot of weed, and fall in love along the way
Kiss me before It's over (if only for a minute) by Bob_loblaws_lawblog
54,2K, Rated E
Evan Buckley is living out his childhood dream as the star hitter for the Philadelphia Phillies. He’s climbing the ranks, improving his stats with every single game – he’s unstoppable.
That is, until the Los Angeles Angels get a new pitcher seemingly out of nowhere. Known for his strong arm and tricky curve balls, Eddie Diaz is one of the few pitchers in the nation who consistently makes Buck strike out, and its infuriating. Even from the sixty feet that separate them between the batter’s box and the pitcher’s mound, the weight of Diaz’s gaze is enough to make Buck’s blood boil.
Because Buck doesn’t get nervous on game day, he never feels calmer than when he steps up to the plate with the bat in his hand – it’s where he belongs. But when he sees Eddie Diaz standing on that mound, his stomach flips and nerves spark across his skin.
Because if there is one thing Buck knows for sure, it is that he hates Eddie Diaz.
… Until he doesn’t.
Traded by princessfbi
23,7K, rated M
Really, it was Lena’s fault. She’d been the one to demand a video when Eddie had finally caved and sent an SOS to the group chat asking if anyone was willing to trade.
“Is anyone interested in trading jerseys with me? Preferably for a smaller size,” Eddie had said because knowing his coworkers, one of them would’ve been a smart ass and gave him an even bigger size. “I ordered an XL because I’m usually a XL but… the way it fits makes me look like I’m fucking one of the players.”
Eddie wasn't trying to go viral. He just wanted to trade his jersey. But then something called Booktok got involved.
Bartender!Eddie Diaz x Hockey Player!Evan Buckley
Snowed Inn by brewrosemilk
31,1K, rated M
Rivaling for a promotion, journalists Evan Buckley and Eddie Diaz get sent to a small town where they are each to write a piece on a once illustrious inn and its rich history. For two talented and overconfident authors, it sounds like an easy assignment - but in between a violent snowstorm, blocked roads, heated stares, and a struggling inn, Buck and Eddie may just have to abandon their rivalry and accept each other as partners.
Don't play games (come my way) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
43,1K, Rated E
Buck hates Eddie Diaz.
Ever since his publishing company and Eddie's merged, the man has been nothing but a pain in Buck's ass. The way he nitpicks all of Buck's company emails, the way he spends half his day bickering with Buck, the way he makes Buck's stomach flip and the way he's started haunting Buck's dreams... yeah, it's one hundred percent hate. Definitely. Buck's sure of it.
Because what the hell else could it be?
Falling slowly; sing your melody (I'll sing it loud) by princessfbi
55,3K, Rated E
Buck didn’t like him at first.
Eddie Diaz was all hard lines and strict rules with a bone structure that could cut through glass and scared away his fans. Which... if you asked Bobby, was the point but still!
He also yelled at Buck which was fine. It’s not like it hurt his feelings.
It didn’t.
It didn’t, Maddie!
It also definitely didn’t turn Buck on either. Nope.
Stop it, Maddie!
After a traumatizing home invasion, Bobby Nash decides to hire a bodyguard for his lead singer.
Musician!Buck Bodyguard!Eddie
More fics to be recommended soon!
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euno11a · 3 hours
i just saw your post about reader who can’t make themselves cum and ugh i love it, especially because i feel like no one ever talks about or includes it. anyways i would love to hear your thoughts on reader who has a hard time cumming, especially during sex no matter how good it feels
I fell that it’s honestly really important to talk about it to let people know that they aren’t alone. And I’m so glad you liked it :)
It is scientifically proven that men can cum easier during sex than women. It’s mostly because women have complex bodies, what works for one person might not work for the other. So when figuring out your own body, it’s important to keep in mind that your body is unique compared to others.
this wasn’t the first time that you’d been sprawled out in bed with Simon pleasing you. He kissed up and down your body, caressed every inch of you, even stopped for a little to rest his head on your chest and make sure you were nice and relaxed. You two had been on this journey together for a little while now, trying to figure out what you like and how he can make his pretty cum. He had tried many things, using his tongue, light pressure on your clit, firmer pressure, no pressure and just stimulating your g-spot, stimulating your g-spot and your clit, adding nipple play to see if that made you more sensitive; but even if it felt good, your body wouldn’t let yourself go.
at first, Simon thought it was because he wasn’t good enough. That he just lost his touch and that he wasn’t doing enough for you. But when you comforted him and explained how you’d been like this since you could remember, it made him feel better and worse. Alright, he wasn’t a complete failure and could still make you cum…but why hasn’t he? Every time you two had sex or just did foreplay, he would make sure to take all the time in the world to get you really nice and wet for him. He would use his fingers to curl inside you and touch that spot to make you mewl and arch your back off the mattress. But you still couldn’t cum. You were in the middle of him thrusting into you, feeling how his cock would twitch gently inside you, his fingers working your clit. Left side, right side, hood of it, right on it, pinching it gently, but all it would do is make you feel more pleasure that lead to nothing but a dead end.
you buried your head into his neck and let out small whimpers as he kept his movements steady. After another 15 minutes, that’s when the whimpers turned into silent sobs. Your body jerked a little as you cried, tears gliding down your cheeks and onto his bare shoulder. His head leaned down against yours and held you tightly, gently sliding your of you to hold you in his lap. You cried softly, neither of you talking, but both knowing what was wrong. “I don’t like being broken…” you said through little cries, voice soft and hoarse. But you were cut off by Simon shaking his head and cupping your face to press small kisses against the apples of your cheeks.
“Yer not broken, love. Y’just different. Just because we don’t know how t’make you cum just yet doesn’t mean my sweet girl is broken.” His words were soft against your ear as he caressed your head, another time failed.
as time passed, you began losing hope. It’s fair, thinking you just can’t do it because something inside is wrong or maybe you just weren’t cut out to be able to feel that pleasure everyone talks about. You started to notice how Simon even began refusing any type of pleasure. Handjob? No thanks, love. Maybe a blowjob cause you had a stressful day? Nope, but I do need cuddles, sweet girl. He was refusing your love. While he sat in his home office finishing some paperwork, you walked in quietly, staring at him as he stared down at the paper, pushing up his glasses. The glasses that you finally got him to buy because he kept complaining about the television being too hard to see and the news on his phone is too small. Thank god you did though, he looked bloody hot in them. Scooting your way into his office, you stood in front of his desk, catching his attention. “Somethin’ ya need, love?”
your cheeks burned as he looked at you, but you couldn’t get distracted! “Why are you refusing my love?”
it was clear the question caught him off guard by the way he paused, mouth slightly agape as he looked at you. “I’m not refusin’ your love. What makes you say that?”
“Wha-…? Yes you are! Every time I offer you a blowjob or a handjob, you say no. Am I doing something wrong? Does it not feel good? Do you…do you not like me anymore?”
he could hear your little heart shatter in that last question, standing up from his chair and walking over to you. He grabs you hands and sits on his desk, pulling you towards him. “I fucking love you. Neve think for a minute that I stopped loving you. I’m refusing to let you do any of tha’ because I don’t think it’s fair to ye. Not fair that my sweet girl has to endure not bein’ able to cum, so m’not gonna either.” He says while looking straight into your eyes, his thick and calloused fingers pushing some hair behind your ear. “Won’t cum until you can.”
while you thought he was refusing your live, he was actually doing it because he didn’t want you to feel left out? This man looked like a scary man, but he was the most thoughtful and caring teddy bear ever. “What if I never do, though?”
“Then neither will I.” He spoke seriously. “Understand?”
the small nod you give him is enough acknowledgement for him, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. “Now, I was doin’ some research, and I found that most women can’t reach an orgasm without some help. So, what do ya think ‘bout lookin’ for some toys with me, eh?”
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lanafofana · 2 days
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Day #7! I spent the majority of the weekend writhing in unimaginable pain so it doesn't count as late. Those are the rules I've just made up! Pairing: Halsin/Tav(f) Summary: He's just so...big Rating: Explicit. Minors DNI Warnings/Tags: Porn, Smut, Cunnilingus, Size kink, Hand job, blow job, foreskin play, inappropriate use of colossus elixir, shotgunning No beta we die like Yonas (RIP Yonas) And the AO3 link, with love Special note: Hysterically this is colossal compared to the others I've posted for HalsinTav week. Additional note: I'll eventually post the one i started writing for Day4 (?). I took the prompt "wildshape misuse" in a completely different direction and it's taking me longer to write because it's more angst than romance. Probably no romance at all but we'll see. Enjoy!
Halsin was a big guy. Like a really big guy. 
Until she met Halsin, Tav had not been aware that people even came in sizes that large. It did not help that he was as thickly muscled as he was tall. No part of him was too skinny or unproportionate which always sent her dirty mind tumbling straight into the gutter wondering just how proportionate he was where she couldn't see. 
All of this was just harmless thinking on her part, she knew how to mind her manners and keep her hands to herself after all. He was a great ally and becoming an even greater friend so, despite the turn of her lustful thought from time to time, she’d never overtly act in any way to make him uncomfortable.
That didn’t stop her from laying in her tent late at night, calloused fingers strumming her sex, brain full of how’d she’d whimper and shake trying to take his thick cock. What if he was too big? The thought drove her wild, picturing him tensed up beneath her while she used her hands, her tongue, to bring him to release. Pussy drenched, skin flushed, breathing thready; the thought of how he’d stretch her near to breaking always pushed her over the precipice of her climax, choking back her moans while she writhed with her desperation. 
All of this was fine, probably a healthy outlet all things considered, and a welcome distraction from the horrors of their day to day adventuring. She was completely content with keeping her own company and it seemed unlikely her fortune in that regard would change any time soon. 
So if his larger than average hands brushing hers when she handed him a plate of dinner set her stomach fluttering. Or when he towered over her just slightly too close and she felt dizzy with fantasies about that large frame fucking her to the feywild and back, well, nobody needed to know it but her and her hands late at night in her bedroll. 
Things might have continued in this fashion till the conclusion of their little adventure but for one critical incident. 
The fight with Ketheric had been awful in more ways than one but when the avatar of Myrkul threatened to completely devastate them Tav had pulled out all the stops. Her focus had narrowed down to each fighter, her desperation providing her with all manner of tricks up her sleeve to, if not turn the tide of the fight, at least tread water till Aylin could finish smiting him to death. Or undeath. 
When she had spun on her heel and thrown the elixir to Halsin she hadn’t really been thinking too much beyond the immediate threat and how to keep her companions alive. Hadn’t been thinking about what the “after” of their fight would leave her with. So when the fight was over and that line of thinking evaporated she was chagrined and thrilled to realize what she was left with was a druid of colossal size and embarrassingly damp panties. 
Halsin had been huge before but now the sight of him was enough to break her brain a little bit. 
His hand could completely engulf her head and the thought alone was enough to have her lashes fluttering, her breath whooshing out of her in a pained sigh. And when she imagined his enormous cock, well, it was best she didn’t think too hard about that till she was safely ensconced in her tent that was for certain. 
Her companions may have joked from time to time about climbing Mount Halsin but actually seeing him so…engorged, had even the wittiest among them speechless, tongues dry behind their teeth. He was very good natured about it of course, the man didn’t seem to let anything phase him. He excused himself after they decided to camp for the night, the tenor of his voice deeper than usual and each step as he left camp was like a gentle tremor that climbed up her legs and tapped insistently at her clit. 
When her companions scattered to their own bedrolls for some much needed rest and he still hadn’t returned, Tav's mind began to worry. It wasn’t like anything out in the wilderness would be a challenge for him to deal with in his current state but still the worry gnawed at her. Isolation could be just as dangerous to one’s mental wellbeing as an enemy was to the physical form after all.
With this thought in mind she shoved her lust to the side and went to find him. It didn’t take her long. Halsin was down by the water’s edge, sitting on the sand and gazing out at where Tav was surprised to see stars twinkling down from a nearly cloudless sky.  
When he turns to see her a kind smile breaks across his face and Tav’s worry dissipates in its warmth. 
“It’s late,” she says chidingly when she’s close. She climbs a large rock to put them on more even ground, sitting on the edge of the damp stone closest to him and letting her legs dangle over the water. 
Halsin hums in agreement. “I find myself overwhelmed,” he says softly. “Overwhelmed and grateful for this chance to see these lands begin to heal. For once I think my rest will not be found in my meditations but here, watching the fruits our labors unfold.” 
Gods, even the way he spoke had a sexy appeal that left her heart hammering in her chest. “Right,” she says skeptically, “I guess. You could just say you’re too excited to sleep. Or trance or whatever.” 
Halsin laughs and shrugs. “I suppose I could.” When she meets his eyes there’s something in them she doesn’t recognize immediately but it warms her clear down to her toes. “You have a gift for seeing to the heart of things. A trait you share with Karlach I feel. One could learn a lot from seeing the world as you do.” 
Tav feels herself blush though she’s not sure why. She coughs. “Ah, right, well. Thanks. Myself, I quite like to smoke a little flower to help me relax if I can’t sleep. Something I’m sure you’re acquainted with.” 
“Indeed,” he agrees. “The stresses of leadership can take their toll and as Archdruid I became well acquainted with medicinal herbs to soothe the mind when rest was beyond my reach.” He gives a thoughtful hum. “Pity I left my pipe behind.” 
“Oh I don’t know,” says Tav slyly pulling out a familiar pipe from the small pouch at her hip. 
Halsin laughs, a booming thing that vibrates low in Tav’s belly. “How did you–?”
She fans a hand out and wiggles her fingers with a grin. “Sticky fingers I’m afraid.” She digs in her pouch a little more until she pulls out a little snuff box the size of her thumb and a match. “I snagged it after talking with Lettie, I honestly didn’t have a whole lot of faith you were still alive.” 
With the skill of someone who is well acquainted with the action she packs and lights the pipe, sucking at the stem till she feels the familiar curl of smoke burn in her throat. She turns to offer it to him but realizes his predicament in the same breath he declines with a rueful smile.  
“Too small for these fingers,” he tells her. If he notices how her dark eyes seem to zero in on his hands for a beat too long he is gracious enough not to shame her for it. 
Tav, as is her nature, puts zero thought into the consequences before she offers the easiest solution that pops in her tadpole’d brain. “Come here then. Let me show you how it’s done in the Gate.” 
Halsin stares at her but she beckons him closer impatiently until he complies. 
“Come on, scaredy cat.” She sucks at the pipe for a long moment before she pulls his face close and puts her lips close to his, tapping at his bottom lip till he opens his mouth and she breathes the smoke between his lips. When he sucks it in her lips graze his, only lightly, like the brush of a feather. 
She lingers then, checking his expression and the moment seems to slow down and draw out as if they’re locked in a slowing spell. This close she gets her first real look at the peculiar shade of his eyes and what was once a harmless way to share a little smoke between friends turns into something heavier, charged. 
Leaning back she sucks at the pipe again, a shorter puff to give herself something to do before she opens her fat mouth and says something insane. Halsin breathes out the smoke slowly, turning his gaze from watching her to instead watch the curl of smoke twist and dissipate in the evening air. 
“Inventive,” he says, voice a tad rougher than he normally speaks. 
Humming in assent she smiles, enjoying the pleasant buzz that hums along her frayed nerves, soothing the disjointed clamor of her thoughts. “I wasn’t sure about you,” she confesses after a beat. He looks at her with interest. “The other druids in the grove were so…” she trails off, weighing her words. She settles on frankness. “Rude. Possessive of their time, their grove. Willing to follow Khaga rather than risk speaking up against each other. Even after you came back I tried talking to them but besides the few that were relieved most were more than glad to see the back of me and ballsy enough to say it to my face.” 
Halsin frowns but lets her continue. 
“I was worried you were going to turn out to be the same. Sure, you accepted the tieflings and all but, still, I wondered when your patience was going to snap. We’re not exactly the most cohesive group on our best days. You surprised me though. You take everything as it comes and never lose sight of what you want while sticking to your scruples. It’s admirable.” 
Maybe it’s the way the moonlight shines in his eyes or maybe it’s the flower working its magic, untangling her tongue but she pushes on, a light flush suffusing her cheeks. 
“You’ve become something of a hero to me. Someone I can aspire to be like, especially now. With the bloody cult and all. Gods and curses and monsters. You’re someone I can look at and be reminded that, even against these absurd, impossible odds, I don’t have to lose sight of myself. You look at me and it’s like you really see me. See the me that I want to see in myself. I, uh, I’ve never had that before.” She breaks off with a rueful chuckle. “Sorry, I just had to say it. It’s just…I’m really glad you’re here is all.” She rubs the back of her neck and looks away from his stare. 
A finger as large as her wrist brushes her chin and her gaze snaps back to his in surprise. 
“I feel the same.” He swallows and Tav tracks the movement before meeting his eyes again, feeling something like anticipation welling up within her. “About you. Before you came to the grove I had all but lost sight of who I was. Being Archdruid consumed me so entirely I had…cast off who I was. It didn’t seem to matter, not when so many things needed doing, people needed the skills and diplomacy of the First Druid, not me. It’s been a long time, longer than I like to think about, since I had a…friend. Someone I could just enjoy the company of without the distance of my station playing some role.”
“Sounds lonely.” 
“Yes. It was. You pay me a high compliment, calling me a pillar to look to but it is you, my friend, who has been my guiding light. You showed me that ‘Halsin’ still has value, beyond the title and everything else. It means a great deal to me, what you’ve given me. You mean a great deal to me.” 
Tav shrugs a shoulder, lopsided smile bashful in the face of such open praise. “Flattery will get you everywhere.” It’s a crude attempt at brushing off the heavy feeling that has settled over the moment but Halsin’s eyes crinkle at the corners, charmed. Producing another match she gestured with the now-cold pipe, “Another hit?” 
Halsin’s chest expands as he takes in a slow breath, as if conflicted and thinking too hard about it. Tav, who has perhaps never thought too hard about anything in her entire life, ‘tsk’s’ with a teasing smile and lights the pipe, sucking on the lip of the stem. Holding the smoke in she gives him a challenging look, smirking when he draws closer. 
Emboldened by the lingering intimacy from their conversation and her own burgeoning tangle of feelings and lust, Tav grasps his chin with both hands and plants her lips against the seam of his firmly, releasing the air and smoke from her lungs into his mouth when he sucks in a surprised gasp. She lingers there, eyes shut and consumed with the warmth of his lips against hers before reluctantly pulling away. 
His eyes are shut tight and she feels a twinge of guilt for the way he holds himself so still and tense. “Was that alright?” She asks quietly, wondering which would destroy her first, the rejection or the disappointment. 
But the druid surprises her. “Yes,” he utters, eyes opening at last. “I am only disappointed my current form is not well suited for returning the gesture.” 
Tav has a sudden vision of being suffocated by those lips. A warm wet tongue the size of her face gliding over her body and she shivers with want. Her tongue darts out to wet her lips and his eyes flick to her mouth to watch it closely. “I wouldn’t say that.” 
A muscle in Halsin’s jaw twitches as he clenches his teeth together, the pupils of his eyes swelling and she breathes out slowly, suddenly acutely aware of their proximity. 
“You’re not shy about what you want,” he breathes with a smile. “I like that.” 
Tav’s expression turns wry. “You say that now,” she mutters. 
Before Halsin can think of how to respond to a loaded statement like that she leaps off the boulder she’d been sitting on and approaches him. She doesn’t hide the way she stares at his body. The way her eyes trail along his massive legs while she steps between them. The way they linger on his hands, the expanse of his chest, and trail scorchingly up his neck to his face. 
“The pipe is nice but I know of even better ways to relax.” 
Halsin’s chuckle rumbles in the night air. “An intriguing if unwise notion.” 
Tav’s expression turns coy, her smile sly. “Is it so unwise to embrace the unexpected opportunities we’re afforded? I’m just ‘seizing the moment’.” The look he cuts her at parroting words he once spoke to her sizzles along her skin. 
“I had hoped to take the time to broach the subject of my affections for you before we–”
“Oh, we’re past broached, Halsin.” 
“I could crush you.”
“You won’t,” she says dismissively and then, “I’d very much like to touch you. If you’ll allow me.” 
His stomach clenches with equal parts anticipation and uneasiness. He nods. 
She trails a hand along his thigh. It’s so small but burns through the leather of his trousers and he shifts, releasing a sigh. It takes her less time than he’s expecting to reach the apex of his thighs and when she runs her palms down the straining seam of his pants where his cock lies trapped and swollen he breathes in sharply. 
She checks his expression and must see the reservation in them because she stops, removing her hands. “Do you want me to stop?” 
“I don’t think y–”
“Yes or no, druid. I won’t be offended.” She cants her head to the side in thought. “Disappointed maybe.” 
The muscle in his jaw jumps again and when he swallows the bob of his throat sends a thrill up her spine. She’s definitely playing with fire but she’s never been particularly good at denying herself when she has her mind set on something. And burying her face in the slit of cock is very much on the forefront of her brain. 
“No,” he says finally. 
Tav grins. “We can stop anytime you wish.” Tugging on the laces of his breeches she pulls the leather away and she comes face to eye with the largest dick she could have ever imagined. To call him proportionate would be doing him a disservice, he was clearly very well endowed, colossus elixir notwithstanding.  
Using her hands to ease him from his breeches completely she feels her cunt give a needy throb at the weight of it. Holding it with both hands the girth is wider than the fattest part of her thigh and she runs her hands from the base to the tip experimentally. His foreskin is impossibly soft and loose enough she adds more pressure to her grip and salivates as it glides down easily revealing the flushed head of his glans. 
He shifts, his breathing turning heavy when she lowers her face and licks at the slit. She probes and suckles, moving across the smooth skin eagerly while she caresses and strokes the shaft. When precum beads at the tip she licks it away and hums appreciatively at the salty taste. His musk is overwhelming, intoxicating. 
Sucking his loose foreskin into her mouth, twisting her tongue against it, running her hands over every exposed inch of him she smiles against his erection when he groans, gasping and needy. It resonates in the air and she flexes her thighs together to ease the wet need that beats between her legs. 
He allows her to indulge herself for only so long before, trembling with immense effort, he asks her to stop. Immediately removing herself she backs up a step but gives him a searching look.“Are you certain?” 
Running a hand down his face Halsin works at controlling his erratic breathing. “I am. My control is…not what it should be. In my current state, I cannot promise to be able to contain myself. I will not risk your safety, no matter how your touch ignites me.” 
Wiping a slick streak of precum from her chin and licking it from her finger she almost misses the way his eyes flash gold while he tracks the movement. “Another time then,” she says with an easy smile. “Whenever you’re ready.” She turns, as if to leave, but Halsin can smell her arousal. The scent of it makes his mouth water. 
“Wait. Do not suppose I am an inconsiderate lover. I would taste you tonight, beneath the light of the waning moon.” 
Tav cannot help the gasp this pulls from her, nor the throb of desire that starts at her cunt and spreads like branching roots through her body, lighting every nerve on fire. “I would like that.” Her voice thrums with want. “Very much.” 
“Then come here to me,” he beckons. 
She steps closer and nearly swoons as the palm of his hand scoops her up. He is gentle as he brings her close and with his other hand he gently thumbs open the clasp of her robe. Underneath she is bare and the cool night air prickles at her skin, pebbling the dusky mauve of her nipples into stiff peaks. 
“Perfect,” he murmurs and the intensity of his gaze sends the blood rushing to the surface of her skin in a hot wave. 
He holds her to his face, running his nose from the thatch of dark hair between her legs to her chest. When he slots his mouth over her bosom, the warm wet mass of his tongue flicking and curling against each breast she moans, letting her head fall back. She holds his face and presses further against his exploring touch with wanton abandon. 
When his tongue retreats she whines, her legs falling open desperately. He smiles through the blazing hunger and takes his time mouthing her soft flesh with careful attentiveness. Halsin’s tongue swipes down one leg to her feet and she feels her mind go brittle at the edges when he sucks the entire foot into his mouth. Engulfing her foot he continues to sup and the suction of it has her writhing and eager in his hand. Treating her other leg to the same treatment is too much and her hand dives between her legs to sooth the apex of her desire. 
Halsin’s eyes, black as the night sky behind him flash gold and for a second his teeth look sharper, his expression wild. He plucks her hands away and this time when she widens her legs her cunt is met with probing wet warmth of his tongue and she cries out, shrill and breathy. 
Possessing an infinite amount of patience he laps at the damp lips between her legs at a slow, rhythmic pace driving her feral. The heels of her feet find purchase on his forearm and at the next swipe of his tongue she thrusts her hips to meet it, groaning when it presses against her clit with an insane amount of pressure. 
Her breathing comes in gasps and pants, her eyes half lidded with need. “Please,” she babbles, nearly sobbing. “Please, H-Halsin, m-more, please!” 
Holding her against his mouth firmly he swirls his tongue between the lips of pussy and she keens, roughly palming her own breasts and arching her back. It’s too much, it’s not enough. Her orgasm flickers in and out of her reach. With the rough flat of his tongue he licks and gently suckles and her body shakes. 
Pressing the tip of his tongue to her cunt he rolls the muscle there in a continuous undulation that has her gripping at her own hair, her back bowed. 
The taste of her arousal, the scent of her musk, the salt of her body pulls an appreciative groan from his throat. The vibration shivers across her clit and she reaches her climax with a lust drunk wail that cracks through the night air. 
Removing his mouth from her body she lies limp, flushed dark and muscles trembling.
“Fuck,” she whimpers, voice rasping. “That was,” she struggles to return her breathing to something approaching normal. “That was incredible.” The look she gives him is awed, sated. “You are incredible.” 
Halsin grins. She thought he might set her down but instead he brings her to his chest and she leans into the heat of his body gratefully. Exhaustion tugs at her but she’d rather bask in the bliss, snuggled into him. She nuzzles at his neck, reaching up a hand to run the flat of her palm against the edge of his tattoo that curls around his throat.     
“Sleep,” he murmurs, the sound of his voice as lulling as the steady beat of his heart against her ear.
“I don’t want to miss this,” she complains, turning her face into his bare skin and pressing a kiss there. 
He chuckles, warm and rich. “We have plenty of time. Rest.” 
So she does.
That's All Folks!
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kouyou-arc-when · 3 days
hi! just finished reading your 10k dazai character analysis and it got me thinking...i'm not sure how recent it is and i've never sent an ask on here before so sorry if this is isn't something you care about anymore! i want to start off by saying i really love your interpretation of dazai, i feel like there's a lot of people who "analyze" him and conclude that he's emotionless and evil, or center his entire personality around his suicidal tendencies. i also really liked reading about his thinking and emotional process and how it translates into his actions, instead of treating all of his behaviors like they are controllable and intentional all the time. i'm currently writing an assignment where i have to discuss a character portraying mental illness, which is why i read your post (dissertation?) and it got me thinking way more than just looking up the symptoms. but now i'm wondering if you have any more thoughts or new interperetations of him based on the chapters that came out recently! I also wanted to ask if you think his symptoms fit other types of personality disorders, and why? personally i've seen a lot of evidence from people that he has BPD, but i disagree because the most commonly referenced traits of his that exhibit BPD are the traits that are used as evidence for most other mental health headcanons for him, and I think that he has more defining characteristics for other disorders. but idk. depression is obviously a given, and i am interested in doing more research into antisocial personality disorder to see how much dazai portrays it after reading your paper. i recently did a research paper on CPTSD and thought of him, but i come up blank thinking of other possibilities! If you have more thoughts or ideas on this topic i would absolutely love to know, i really enjoyed reading your analysis and will probably go back and read it again! sorry this is so long...dazai gets me thinking.......you know how it is
I wrote such a large ass reply that I had to make a post -_- I am so sorry. You can find it here:
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kseniyagreen · 3 days
To avoid making this long post even longer, I'll just quote the end and continue:
@kingsandbastardz "He's just not translating it very well and I wonder if, in the end, llh ever fully gets the message?"
Yes, this question has been bothering me since I finished watching the drama.
I think Li Lianhua fully realized Di Feisheng's love for Li Xiangyi, not just for fighting, at least after the scene in the wedding chambers - this one looks like Li Lianhua understands and accepts Di Feisheng's feelings. But.. Big but...
It seems to me that until the very end, he was inclined to believe that Di Feisheng loved Li Xiangyi and wanted to bring Li Xiangyi back. And if Li Lianghua doesn’t want to be Li Xiagnyi anymore, then he can’t be with Di Feisheng.
Therefore, his farewell to Li Xiangyi’s sword was also his farewell to Di.
What he doesn't fully understand is that for Di Feisheng, there is no dilemma for Li Xiangyi or Li Lianhua at all. For him there is only a living spirit, which he sees in him now as well as ten years ago.
And Di Feisheng tried to express this in words about the sword, that the owner of the sword is alive as long as his sword is alive.
But did Li Lianhua understand the symbolism of these words correctly? Or again he fell into the trap of an internal traumatic delusion that if he does not want to be Li Xianyi, he cannot have anything that Li Xiangyi had.
And the saddest part of this misunderstanding is that I think Di Feisheng in the finale makes the same mistake he made ten years ago, which is, in general, an inevitable mistake for him.
He relies entirely on fighting as a way to establish contact.
Ten years ago, during the Battle of the Eastern Sea, he also saw that Li Xiangyi was confused - but put off the conversation until after the battle. Because fighting is the most reliable and complete way for Di Feisheng to communicate, convey his feelings and perceive the feelings of others.
But then a lot of things happened, and instead of understanding, they both almost killed each other.
And I think in the finale he makes the same mistake - he expects to make things clear about their relationship through a fight. And, as is generally typical of autistic people, he relies too much on the agreement between them. That Li Lianhua will fulfill his promise and come, no matter what is going on in his head.
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flw3rrr · 3 days
My forever dove
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Paring: Billy the kid X fem!reader
Rating: 18+ NSFW MDNI
word count: 4.2k
Summary: wanted for murder. You escape to an old friend's house to find shelter, gaining safety from the law hunting you down. when suddenly Billy sees your face plastered onto a wanted flyer.
Warnings: alcohol usage, unprotected PnV (wrap it up), Oral (Fem receiving), Swearing, fingering, Betrayal, Death, murder, plot twist at the end, No happy ending, NOT PROOFREAD, rifles/guns, no description of reader, No mentions of Y/n.
Please 100% let me know if I missed any warnings! my inbox Is open and free for ask's and requests
Bold = Flashbacks (Note: Had to save this to post for when the new episodes came out <3 )
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The sky was dark and gray, as the clouds were gray and threatened to rain any second. Thunder is heard in the distance as you arrive at an old friend's farm house. The farm wasn't really alone in the middle of nowhere; there were other houses in the distance, but they were far away for privacy. Knocking onto the door as tiny droplets of rain had begun to fall and hit the dirt ground, awaiting your friend's response.
You'd been running from the law for quite some time after having an accidental run-in with someone, which caused the gentleman to lose his own life. But in your defense, he earned it after you saved a couple of people from him. He was yelling and screaming and took out his pocket knife. An instant reaction came from your body as you tackled him to the ground, resulting in cuts and clothing being ripped when your hand suddenly knocked the knife from his hand, which landed into his throat.
But before you could get any words out to the law, you were defending yourself and explaining how you tried to hold him down to save those strangers, but there was no mercy, calling you a heartless and unlady person, quickly getting up and running away before your leg was shot. Not noticing it for quite some time as your adrenaline was pumping quickly, running as fast as you could before falling to the ground, a numb, painful, cold yet warm feeling as you looked to see a dark red liquid pour out of your leg along with a trail.
Your thoughts were blank in confusion as you processed the image in front of you. Your vision began to go blurry as you saw the outlines of the lawmen running to get you. Before the darkness consumed you. Coming back to your realization, your friend opened the door for you. "What are you doing here?" She spoke in confusion and worry, seeing your pale, tired face. "Oh Mary, thank God you opened. Please just let me in, and I'll explain everything," letting out a sigh of relief as the door opened wider.
The second you stood foot into the house, the rain began to downpour aggressively. Mary guided you to take a seat at the wooden table, handing you a drink to warm you up. "So why have you come here as if you just had a worrying moment or as if you saw a ghost?" Her words filled up with concern, yet a serious expression was seen on her face. Looking up at her with a painful look and glossy eyes before opening your mouth to explain everything, start to finish.
Your senses slowly came to you as your eyes slowly blinked open as you heard voices speak in the distance, talking, yet you could not comprehend what they were saying. Slowly leaning up, your eyes wander to your leg, seeing a white bandage wrapped around it, though it hurts to move. "Ah, it seems you're awake now; the doctor came by and removed the bullet. gotta keep you alive to give you a trial at least." The sheriff laughed at the end as he sat behind his desk. You tried to sit on the edge, but the pain prevented you from moving more than you could have, forcing you to sit in an uncomfortable way.
Looking at the sheriff before speaking to him. "But I am innocent. I was only stopping the man from harming those people. They saw me; just ask them, and they would tell you I was trying to protect them." The words you spoke hurt your throat. Dry and desperate for a drink to relieve the pain sensation.
A laugh was heard from the sheriff, who was shaking his head as he laughed before speaking once more. "Lucky for you, Miss. I did my research and asked them. They said you attacked them. That's all I needed to know—you were the wrong one and a danger to this town." Standing up immediately, the sting and major pain shot through your leg, and you grabbed onto the bars of the cell.
"They are lying; I swear, I was only protecting them; they are the ones who lie, not me!" You yelled in despair to defend yourself. The sheriff just shakes his head as if you were speaking riddles and jokes, not taking you seriously. "You can say that all you'd want. it’s what they all say, but nothing happens." He walked off to another room, leaving you alone and in great pain. But four days later, you managed to escape with a few others who were arrested and were sent to hang with you. Kindly, they guided you away through the bricks of the wall as your leg was still healing. Leaving you to take a horse and begin your journey to Mary's farm.
Mary spoke your name softly, placing her hand above yours that laid on the table. "So now you're wanted and to be sent to death." You nodded slowly, a slight panic in your face as you suddenly remembered someone you knew a long time ago: Billy. Your good friend, your old lover, somebody who understood you and treated you with the most kindness you ever had gotten. You heard he had gotten a name for himself and was known to almost every lawman in the towns. Now both of you were in the same boat, yet he had more experience than you. praying silently that he'd find you before the law did.
Mary looked to the side before speaking up, almost unheard, as a loud crack of thunder cried out. "I'll try my best to hide you, but you know I won't be able to forever." Stating as she looked you in the eye with a serious tone. Mary was known for being honest, never doing dirty work, and never lying to those she spoke with, including never lying to the law. Knowing deep down this played something big in her life, you agreed to stay for a while, and once your leg healed, you would flee farther away from here.
Taking her hands and playing your forehead on them, giving a silent thank you, and looking up at her with gratitude. "Thank you, thank you, Mary. Thank you so much. I'll never ask again, I promise." feeling the weight of fear dissolve from your body. 
Mary led you to a guest room that was small but yet had a warm bed, and that's all you cared about, giving your body the proper care to fully heal and rest. The rain was still pouring hard, but it always sang you to slumber as a child growing up.
being left alone to dress in a loaned nightgown from Mary and fresh wraps to wrap around your leg, hissing as you cleaned it from a little whiskey, which your good friend also handed with a clean cloth, making sure your night was painless as it was for the past four days.
Once, after getting into the bed all clean and comfortable, you sigh out of gratitude, thankful for being safe as long as God has granted you. Leaving the candle flame to dance until it burned out. Letting slumber claim your exhausted body to comfort.
Billy walked into a saloon with Jesse and a few other men for a drink as a celebration for a good day's work. Walking up to the man who ran the bar, signaling for a whiskey. "This time, don't be worried about getting all out, 'ight?" Jumping from the slap onto his shoulder, Billy looked at Jesse before smiling, "Don't have to worry 'bout me. I'll just do fine."
His head looked around the saloon, looking at the decor and seeing drunk fools tumble over anything and even nothing. Then his eyes land on a wanted board... In one of the sketches, looking a little too familiar, he took a last swig before walking over.
Just as he reached up to the bulletboard, he admired the sketch of the woman, upon his eyes landing to see your name. You, his dove The name of your favorite bird, which you found breathtaking and admirable. Looking around the room to see if anyone was paying attention, he took the paper off, shoving it into his pocket. Jumping at the noise of a man behind him, he turned to see a man, half blind in his left eye, with hair almost gray and missing teeth. "Plannin' to catch that one, eh?" The man asked, his rough southern voice yet scratchy voice almost filling the room.
​​Billy stayed silent for a moment. Every question flew through his mind. What did you do? How on earth did you get into trouble? Taking a deep breath before asking. "Yeah. What exactly did she do though?" looking at the old man shake his head before speaking again, his eyes burning into his. "The real question is, what hasn't she done?" Billy's head followed the man as he sat down. Taking a sip of whiskey before speaking one more. "These fools believe someone like her killed a man."  
The words rang through his ears. Killed? "I saw it myself actually... She was defending a couple. A man was threatening, taking him down and fighting, which caused the knife to slip and land into the man's throat." Billy imagined the scenario of you going through it as the man explained deeper. "My guess the law was so desperate for a crime they took that chance... bribed everybody to lie to get her in trouble... even shot her in the leg as she tried to run." His head shot up, looking at the man in the eyes. Anger filling up through each bone of his body. "Why did they do that exactly?!"
The old man shook his head. "No clue.. I asked them, but they paid me to stay silent. Didn't take it though." Clearing his throat before pointing his hand at Billy. "She escaped though. A couple of outlaws escaped by the building. was blown up by the gang, and they kindly took her and helped her escape, but from what I've known was her last location, she was seen alone.. possibly going to a hideout." Billy quickly thanked the man before walking off to Jesse, eager to find you as quick as possible before the law did. "Jesse is leaving. I have business to attend to; it's urgent." Speaking harshly while gathering his stuff. "Woah woah, what's gotten' you into a twist?" Raising his hands up as Jesse looked at Billy. "Just a job... I'll be back." Storming out of the saloon before heading out. 
Mary gave you chores—nothing hard on your leg but simple chores to keep you busy and earn your stay until your leg fully heals. The hot sun beating onto your back as you placed a bucket of hay down for the animals, wiping the sweat off your forehead as you sighed and began to walk back into the building, limping as your leg stung in pain. Sitting down onto the wooden chair, you held tears from the pain before Mary walked in front of you, handing you whiskey. "Here should help with the pain... just don't drink it too fast or you won't have any left." Nodding your head before you took a sip, the drink cooling your dry throat before looking up at her. "You're too good to me, Mary," you let out a chuckle. "Well, I don't just leave helpless friends alone while in pain. You rest for now. I'll cook a little something. I do need to go down later on, just so you know." 
Nodding as you let Mary alone cook, knowing she enjoys that time alone to focus deeply. your head hitting the pillow as you think before falling asleep. 
Being shaken awake by Mary as she spoke your name, which deeply scared you. "Jesus Mary, what is the issue?" You placed your hands onto hers, which kept its place on your shoulders. "There is a man near here. I'm not sure who, but he seems to be coming this way." Those words worried you as you stood up limping to the door. Peaking out to get a glimpse, but the sun setting gives a challenge of guessing. "Go out there and confront him with your shotgun." Mary's eyes widened. "Are you insane?" Shaking her head as you hand her shotgun, opening the door before pushing her out. 
As you now watch peeking behind the now open door, watching Mary sigh before taking a few steps in front of the silhouette. "Stop right there... hands where I can see them, mister," hearing the tone of uncertainty filling her throat as she spoke. Watching as the man got off his horse before raising his hands. "I'm not here for trouble, miss." As the words came out of his mouth, you recognized that very voice... Billy... "And that exactly is...?" Mary's hand shook. "I'm looking for- '' His words cutting off as you rushed out before slamming into him, hugging him deeply. His scent of whiskey and cigarettes and gunpowder comforted you.
His arms quickly wrapped around your waist, tightly afraid you'd disappear from him. Moving to look at him to admire his face, which looked... sad and tired. "How on earth did you find me?" You asked. "I have my ways. I even found out the trouble you're in by the law." Staring into one another's eyes before Mary spoke up. "I enjoy a reunion, but we need to go inside; law likes to search at this time." Guiding both of you into before shutting and locking the door
With everyone now seated at the table, the only thing heard was the clock ticking. "So how did you... get here?" Billy asked, breaking the silence. He knew just wanting to know your view from it. Your gaze goes to him before you smile at him. His presence brings you joy and comfort. "A group helped me. I got a horse, and this place was the closest.. and I'm here until my leg fully heals." Just watching him, you could see how his heart broke for you. yearning to place your hand onto his.. to feel him and let him know you're alright.
With Mary not knowing what to do now with two people in her house that were wanted by the law, she grew tense at the thought that if the law found them here, she as well could be in big trouble. Before snapping back to reality, she looked at the both. "I just realized I have to head out and... get a few... things," she said quickly, raising up from her stool before heading to the door. "I can trust him here; I can actually get my things." That was the last thing Mary said before she left.
The crickets began to hum their tune as it got darker than ever, turning your head to Billy, then back to the door. Mary seemed hesitant and almost guilty as she left. "That was odd..." Billy broke the silence. Looking at him with soft eyes with a slight smile. "Nothing to worry about; Mary is just... normally a nervous person; I'm sure she is just anxious." Now both looking into one another's eyes, the tension is growing and yearning for one another. In a blink of an eye, Billy's hand cradles your cheeks as his lips softly land on yours. skin feeling warm as his hands slowly slide down to your waist gripping onto tightly.
A groan escaped his mouth as the kiss deepened, hands roaming around his body, desperate to feel him anywhere you were granted With the feeling of you being lifted onto the table, the feeling of his lips trace and teasing your neck, creating a sensation that tingled well. Biting your lip as he teased at your collarbone before looking at you in the eyes that spoke thousands of words that couldn't be described. "What is it?" You asked, your heart beating from the heated kiss. His hand caresses your cheek before speaking. "I want to make sure you're alright with this, especially because of your leg." His words filled with sincere, truly caring about you and your health.
The words that slipped from his mouth brought butterflies to your stomach—the feeling of love and kindness, and most importantly, trust. "Yes, of course I do.. just not here.. the guest room will do." Getting down from the table as you gently take his hand, leading him to the guest room, upon closing the door, his lips land onto yours once more. the feeling full of bliss as if you both were on earth for one another just to be in love, and that's what your purpose was for, just to be with him in every moment life granted you.
Slowly he laid you onto the bed, carefully untying the ribcages of the borrowed dress Mary gave you, revealing your bare skin to him and the cold air hitting your body, creating goosebumps. You watch him place soft kisses, starting from your collarbone, slowly down to the middle of your breast, and furthermore till he reaches the inside of your thigh. His eyes look up at you once more as his lips place a soft kiss on the inside of your thigh.
Shivers ran through your body at the sight of him and how he moved with grace and patience. His tongue slid through your folds slowly, a wash of pleasure washing over you, your body aching more of anything he has to offer. Hands slowly sliding down to grip softly onto his hair, which granted a groan from him. His tongue continued to move, moving to your clit bringing more stimulation and guiding you to an orgasm.Bucking your hips twoards him, building the pleasure as his tongue flicked at your clitoris with moans escaping your mouth. "Please do not stop," a feeling of euphoria washes over you as Billy's hand grips your thighs to keep you still. Watching him as he rests on his knees, bringing two fingers, slowly teasing your entrance before slowly sliding them in, spreading you out fully
with his fingers. One of your hands grips onto the bedsheets as another grips onto his other hand that held your waist down."
Billy, please," you begged, gasping for breath as your body tried to squirm around, but him holding you down did not allow such a thing. The feeling of his fingers curling up, hitting all the spots, bringing you ecstasy. "Just one more, I promise, then I'll give you what we both want. I promise." Taking his other hand in yours, placing a kiss onto the palm." Just as those words were spoken, a wave of bliss passed, your heart beating quickly, head flung back moans filling the room as you came, your body already hot but yearning for more.
Gently taking your legs before placing them around his waist, watching carefully as he removed his gunbelt.. then his pants.. showing his hard cock, precum dripping out as he moved your waist closer to him. eyes both locked in once again as he slowly slid in, filling you fully up to the brim, bottoming out as both of you groan in pleasure. Taking your hands to wrap around his neck, giving him a soft kiss, and reassuring him to move.
Slowly nodding and proceeding to thrust into you, the feeling of him filling you up greatly encouraged you more to your climax, letting out a sigh as he hits all the right spots once more and more deeply than his fingers. short moans leaving as each thrust he took was not slow nor fast.. just perfect to savor the feeling. "You feel so good wrapped around me.. god," moaned Billy, his hand moving to play with your breast, squeezing, feeling you tighten around him.
"Right there, don't stop fuck." You cry out as his thumb circles your clit to guide you to another orgasm. "C'mon.. together.. your doing amazing." Billy whispered into your neck as his eyes tightened. Within seconds, both of you came together, and both moans could be heard throughout the whole place. Warmness filled you up, bodies both still letting the pleasure pass by.
Within minutes, both of you lay together, bodies covered in sweaty thighs sticky from both of your releases. Taking in the moment of silence with one another. "When do you think Mary should come back?" Billy asked once again, breaking the silence and looking at you. "Nothing we should worry about. She likes her time." smiling as your eyes grew heavy, Billy being the last thing to see before Slumber claimed you.
"Has Mary returned yet?' You walked up to Billy as he kept watching through the window. "No, not yet. Has she done this before, meaning being gone for a day collecting?" Looking towards you hoping to find a response. "Unfortunately no," you say, wiping your hands on the cloth as you see a group of lawmen on horses come up, aiming guns before the sheriff spoke. Yelling your name. "We know your in there... no hope left. Just come out, and this will be easy for all of us." Billy ran to you, holding you tightly and giving both of you comfort. "How about we talk first, like normal people do?" Watching as he signaled the men to lower their guns. 
You slowly looked at Billy before slowly walking out of the farm house, Billy's hand staying tightly onto your waist, ready to defend you at any cause. "Ah.. you even have Billy the kid himself with you... Your little friend didn't tell me that. As you watched the sheriff chuckle, your heart dropped in horror, eyes widening as you looked over and saw Mary with an upset guilty face. "W.. what?" You stuttered in shock. "Your friend.. you see she didn't want to be the bad guy hiding you.. and so she led us here.. at least thank her for giving you a night in a comfortable bed." Each word rings through your ears as you hyperventilate.
Staring out at whatever was in front of you, everything was blurred. The voices of Billy yelling at everyone, his hand tightened more around you, securing you. "Be quiet Billy, be thankful we aren't taking you in.. though don't worry, we'll come back for you." His smile was corrupted and insane. Two men splitted you and Billy as more held him down, restraining him from getting you. Just as you passed Mary, you spoke. "You fucking traitor. You're no friend. You're a horrible person." You spat as tears filled both of your eyes. Upset and angry as she was crying when she's the one who gave you in.
The last thing Billy saw was you taken away on a horse before he was knocked out cold.
3 months later
Once again, it was raining, but soft as Billy stood there looking down. What kept him so occupied was your headstone, hung by the law—all because of your 'friend.' Anger filled his body as he dropped a coin onto the dirt patch. walking away from where you laid to rest, awaiting for him to return to him and hug him in the afterlife. He had business to finish... to avenge you. blinded by rage as he slowly rode up to the farmhouse Mary resided in. Stopping as he quickly checked if his gun was loaded, before dismounting and walking up to the door and slowly opening it.
Upon walking in, Mary stood facing away from him, pausing as she heard a click of a gun. "Don't move," Billy said quietly. "Please don't.." She slowly said, turning to face him, both hands raised. "Why shouldn't I? You turned her in. Now she's in a cold grave with nobody to keep her warm and loved." His heart felt broken—the same way he felt as he watched his own family die in front of him as he grew. Hearing a chuckle, his breath shook as she watched her. "Fine, you want to know... I couldn't stand her... So I used my charms on the sheriff... on the town.. made everyone think she was a killer. I hated her. Despised her" Mary's voice yelled towards the end. His hand tightened on the gun more as his pointer finger moved to the trigger. "Slept with the sheriff even.. told him she'd probably run to me for safety.. when you came it was the right time to get him... Best thing I've do-" Her words were cut.
Her body laid still... Lifeless just as yours did. Cold and nothing. Blood pooled onto the wooden floors, soaking and staining the wood. turning around to head. out back into the rain, stopping just before he left. "Say hello to her for me." Before shutting the door. Never once forgetting your smile.. the rain slowly stopped. Looking over to the fence, he saw a white bird. Upon further investigation, he noticed it was a dove. looking straight at him before flying away.
a sign that you were now free from your pain of injustice and now could wander free as birds do.. praying he shall see you once more as hold you in his arms as he once did.
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saltpepperbeard · 6 months
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hi everyone how are we doing i'll go first i'm doing Bad :)
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mutantmayhems · 6 months
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dumping these gifs because i may or may not be making a set about raph and his relationship with anger and this is how i hold myself accountable skksjdkdafj
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commsroom · 1 year
the "big picture" - whether that refers to some detached, calculated greater good; ruthless ambition and progress for the sake of progress; or even the dear listeners' cosmic indifference - as an antagonistic force in wolf 359 is so fascinating to me because of the way eiffel as a protagonist is set up to oppose it, just by nature of who he is. eiffel retains his humanity even under the most inhumane circumstances. his strength is in connection, and with that he's able to reach others who share his core values, but he's operating under a fundamentally different framework from the show's antagonists. he can never understand where they're coming from or be swayed by their points of view because, for better or worse, he can only see the world through a close personal lens.
it's an ideological conflict he has with all of them, but notably with hilbert: "you talk about helping people, but what about the real, live people around you? [...] that's your problem. you're so zoomed out." eiffel will never, ever see that "big picture" because he is so zoomed in. at his best, he puts things into perspective and grounds the people around him. at his worst, his perspective narrows so drastically inwards that he becomes blind to everyone and everything else. his failings are deeply, tragically human - they're personal, they're impulsive, they're self-destructive. they're selfish. no matter how much he might try to narrativize or escape from himself, he's still left with doug eiffel: "it's taken me this long to realize that running from everyone else means that you're alone with yourself." eiffel could never be convinced to harm others on purpose, but he has hurt people, and it's never been because he didn't care. the very fact that he cares so much, that he's incapable of reconciling the hurt he's caused with the things he values, is what keeps him from real growth for so long. where many of the other characters in wolf 359 will justify their cruelty in service of something they consider more important, eiffel is so caught up in vilifying himself and the fear that he's always going to harm the people he cares for without meaning to that he shuts himself off from the people who care about him and perpetuates his own self-fulfilling prophecy.
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chiropteracupola · 2 months
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okay hello everyone. Does anyone know anything about what kind of hat it is that Tharkay has.
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mattodore · 9 months
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The BOLD THE FACTS tag with Imani
tagged for my choice of oc by @pralinesims and @raiiny-bay <3
The Rules are simple! Tag people and name a character you want to know more about! If you want to let the person you tagged decide who to showcase, then don’t name a character and they can pick somebody. Easy! The person who is tagged will then bold the remarks below which apply to their character and, if they want to, include a picture with their reply!
$ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty / other ✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable ✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other ✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other ✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no (despite his attempts matthias has never successfully roped her into any of his mess lmao) / has committed crimes, but hasn’t been caught / yes, but charges were dismissed
◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children ◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling (but it's complicated... imani has real love for her baby brother but she's also aware of the difference in how her parents treat the two of them and it's definitely impacted their relationship) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased ◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parents / not applicable / other
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between ♦ disorganized / organized / in between ♦ close minded / open-minded / in between ♦ calm / anxious / in between ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between ♦ cautious / reckless / in between ♦ patient / impatient / in between ♦ outspoken / reserved / in between (she's more outspoken when she's just with romeo or matthias, but when she's around her parents she gets quiet) ♦ leader / follower / in between ♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in between ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between ♦ traditional / modern / in between ♦ hard-working / lazy / in between ♦ cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown ♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown ♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic ☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no /don’t know / don’t care ✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious ❀ Philosophical: yes / no
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual ❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naïve and clueless / other ♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naïve and clueless / romance suspicious ❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naïve / inexperienced (she's had sex before but her experiences have been few and far in between) / curious ⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all ⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate (she's taken a self-defense class before and matthias has taught her a couple nasty tricks in case she ever needs them) / poor / none ≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good (she sketches while she's waiting around; she's often drawing her own designs, fairies, flowers, snakes, pointy scribbles, or spirals) / moderate / poor / none ✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / alcoholic ☁ Smoking: tried it (disliked the taste and the smell) / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain-smoker ✿ Recreational Drugs: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict ✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication (used to take meds for an old ballet related injury but she's good now) / some medication needed / frequently / to excess ☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater $ Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic ♣ Gambling: never (she's too disciplined for that)  / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
tagging @cowboycid for val, @helltrait for chris, and @tau1tvec for isa! and let me just rapid fire some of you who i think might have fun with this tag game!! @birdietrait, @wildmelon, @diwns, @fangs-trait, @deehya, @bunmou, and @spurgees
#@ed twenty ppl all together so hopefully if any of you wanted to join in then you got an @ :3c#river dipping#imani haut#echthroi#oc extras#ts4#this took me so much longer than i thought it would thanks to ea wanting me dead and me having too much fun in cas but anywayyyyyyy#MISS MODELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL#MOST GORGEOUS WOMAN EVERRRRRRRRR#imani is probably the third most important character in the echthroi universe#sehyuk is kinda tied with her but that's really only bc he's how matthias and theo meet. shrugs.#like sehyuk is plot important in that way but imani is close with matthias and she gets close to theo later on <3#theo's friends aren't rlly like that bc they mostly all dislike or in some cases hate matthias......... jdkfhnkhdnfjkhgjkdfgndkfkhndfhj#which like tbf............. would YOU trust your friend to MATTHIAS of all people? i rest my case#anyway i rlly wanna get into the backgrounds of all the echthroi side characters on here more but that would#require me to stop thinking exclusively abt mattodore for a few hours...... but. like. how could i do that. how.#but yeah...... i think imani sehyuk jordan and dutchie have the most fleshed out backstories out of all of the side characters#ummmmm anyway <3 this took a lot longer than i thought like where did the time go……. but okay.#i'm going to go back to my activity feed now bc i actually hadn't finished reading the posts i was tagged in in the first place 🧍#i swear the last two days i’ve been like okay time to log in and catch up and see how everyone’s been doing lately 🧎#only to then end up doing something like this for 4+ straight hours#i’m actually normally asleep by now but here i am…. i need to at least get thru my activity feed before sleeping like i need to do this 🔫
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theamazingannie · 6 months
I’ve been avoiding the PJO tag cuz I haven’t finished TOA yet and I’m afraid of being spoiled but is there a chosen tag for talking about tv show spoilers so we can talk about the books and non-book readers can be unspoiled?
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sherlock-is-ace · 6 days
#i'm done i'm so fucking tired#i want to burn the internet to the ground#i want to destroy my computer chuck my phone into a river and go live in the middle of nowhere#no wifi no 4g no nothing#i want to die because we cannot fucking escape this shit#meta using my art to train ai and refusing my request to stop#my computer not being able to run glaze or nightshade or any of those ai poisoning thingies#spam emails and text messages and whatsapp messages and bots in the comments#and just EVERYTHING TRYING TO SELL ME THINGS WHILE ALSO STEALING WHAT'S ALREADY MINE#i hate it i hate it i can't fucking stand it anymore#and you'll be like ''then why don't you go offline then... nobody's making you have an instagram account''#and you'd be right... if it weren't for the fact that i chose the one fucking career that DEMANDS online presence#i already struggle to find work as an illustrator WITH social media and POSTING MY ART ONLINE#how the fuck would I do it if people don't see my art?!#and sure people have illustrated books way before the internet existed... sure... BUT IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT ANYMORE#i'm so fucking angry and tired and frustrated that there's no way out of this#the internet is becoming unusable yet life demands it#my only option right now it to fuck myself and my beliefs and let companies steal my hardwork for the benefit of..?#having no notes in my posts except for the bots commenting ''see 👀my hole 🍑 daddy 💦 kitten 😻 ready 4 u 🤤 subscribe🔥 pay 💲 me''#i'm sick of this#i don't want to delete everything i ever posted online because A. at this point that's useless and B. again. how the fuck would i get work?#also even then... emailing my clients their finished illustrations goes through google drive or gmail...#do we think google is nice and doesn't steal images to train generative AI?#''talk to your representatives they need to make laws about this'' my fucking president is currently chumming it up with elon fucking musk#while people here are starving to death#we're literally going to freeze this winter because the genius goverment has fucked up our gas supply and that's used not only for heating#but for ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION#so we won't have a wat to heat our houses cook or even fucking SEE AT NIGHT#and you want me to ask them to make copyright laws?!#i want to die
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aroanthy · 3 months
being gay and aromantic is wild because people will accuse you of hating gay people because you (checks notes) wish people would be a little more critical of romance as a patriarchal structure. the thing is that rgu literally does this, it examines and interrogates how romance is a patriarchal structure. every time i talk about aromanticism in rgu people get very upset about that, as though aromanticism impedes queerness— i did not realise we were still doing exclusionism so bare faced. every time i talk about aromanticism, people get upset. im not even talking about it in relation to the show, instead making a general throwaway post about the weight that people afford anything that deals in Romance, and i get told that rgu is a romance and i should cry about it. like. what? rgu made me realise i was aromantic. i was already gay and that gave me the final piece of the puzzle.
to be gay and aromantic does not mean you Just Have Friends (? what does this even mean, let’s unpack this statement at a later date): to be gay and aromantic means myriad things for myriad people. it means queer sex, it means queer connections that aren’t defined as ‘romantic’, it means queer attraction, it means queer understanding. nothing about this devalues romantic queerness, though i must say that every time i post about aromanticism someone has to qualify my words with a statement about how romance is cool too. and sure, it is, but you can maybe understand how that’s exhausting when you actually want a meaningful conversation about your identity. anyway aromantic people i love you aromantic people and gay people i love you gay people (i am both. godbless goodnight)
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dawntheduckrb · 6 months
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I'll stop posting wips eventually but it's been five days since I've said anything and I don't want anyone to think I'm dead/dying/stuck in a ditch and withering away, so here's 10% of the reason I disappeared (the duck is stuck in rendering hell) (and my little baby laptop is screaming at me every time I open up this file)
I might still be mostly lurking for a little bit so please be patient with me in the meantime 🙏🙏
#seriously though I'm sorry for just up and disappearing like that#wanna talk to people and interact with them so bad lately but I just can't bring myself to do it#so the best i can manage is blabbing in the tags like always#i don't know wtf is going on but over the past few days I've just felt like i don't deserve to talk to anyone#tried to reblog posts from mutuals several times but something in my head keeps saying;#'yeah they don't actually care for your input at all and you're being a bother for even trying etc etc'#and i know deep down that's probably not true (i hope) but i can't reason it away you know#and i know the best solution to this is to just talk to someone#let it be known that i *did* make an attempt to#i tried texting someone (and succeeded) but i couldn't keep doing it and I'm back at square one (and now feel worse lmao)#i'm not really putting this here for anybody to see it as much as i am for myself#but i know that (hypothetically) this could be seen by a real human so it still kinda feels like I'm reaching out in a way which feels nice#makes me feel less like I'm shriveling up in my own self imposed solitude#so uh hello person who might be reading the tags (there's six of you guys here now which is crazy cause i post nothing but junk here lol)#((but thanks anyway for following and even more thanks for reading this if you did))#i'll make my way around all the posts i missed soon enough don't worry#i'm sorry i'm really not meaning to ignore anybody#i have drafted quite a few posts from moots that i couldn't finish leaving comments on but i have seen them#everyone here is super cool and talented as always <3 whether that be through art or writing or just finding neat posts to share#this wall of text is long enough and i'm very eeby so thank you again for reading this#tldr; not dead and i'll be okay eventually :)#not rb#hey look i didn't post a picture of my dog this time (a crime)#i'll make sure to share one the next time i get a good one
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