#the way that Lou is like yelling with pain
feelingtheaster99 · 8 months
Speaking of Fabian accidentally biting glass at the mall while imitating Riz, that scene is INCREDIBLY funny. Lou SELLS Fabian’s surprise and his pain and even the fact that his tongue is unable move in a normal way
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Rise Characterizations Pt. 8!!!!!!!!
This has literally been sitting in my drafts for so long I forgot it existed. Sorry to all the Baron Draxum fans (and Draxum himself, bbgirl deserves better). If you're new to my line of notes here's the beginning where I started with Raph. Alright part 8, Baron Draxum, here we go.
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Language Habits:
Speaks in long and drawn out sentences, if you're getting nervous about run-on sentences you're on the right track
Due to this, tends to give speeches or monologues
Dramatizes everything fairly eloquently, look for the most exaggerated form of a word. Classic villain speak: "imbeciles", "brethren", "eliminate"
Puts emphasis on those dramatic adjectives and verbs
Occasionally refers to himself in the third person, not as often as Raph
Tends to yell or raise his voice when frustrated or lost in passion
A common gag is trailing off in a casual tone about the severity of his experiments ie his "if it works right" about the ooze causing pain when mutating that poor fish guy
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Incredibly intelligent yet impatient. It isn't known to my knowledge who taught Draxum or if he taught himself, but his mastery of alchemy and fighting makes him a truly impressive opponent. However, he's always cutting corners to get to his goal. He wasn't willing to raise through the ranks of The Foot the traditional way, he created an army of mutants rather than seek yokai, and was unwilling to spend further time interpreting the prophecy of doom towards yokai-kind
Flair for the (over)dramatic. Draxum is almost your classic evil villain kind of guy. He'll pull out all musical stops, including flowing hair and clothes. On the other end he'll completely overreact and commit to things of little matter like his position as a lunch lady.
Unyielding in his stubbornness. Draxum is not easily swayed in his belief, and even as hard as Mikey tries he is not rid of his disdain for humans by the end of the series. Guy was also incredibly persistent in his research despite his lab blowing up twice. This also allows him to hold longer grudges, even resorting to childish pettiness if he feels annoyed enough.
Affinity for muscles and power. He was drawn to Lou Jitsu for many reasons, but a main one was definitely his muscles. All his guards are usually incredibly beefy, and he was immediately drawn to Raph as "beautiful" when he's reintroduced to his specimens. As for power, he's drawn to the dark armor and is lost in the ecstasy of being imbued with so much mystic energy.
Self-absorbed and egotistical. Draxum is kind of obsessed with his title and self-proclaimed responsibility for saving yokai-kind. He's not one to easily admit his mistakes and takes great pride in his work.
Willing to toe the line of morality. Huginn and Muninn have blatantly called him their evil boss, but Draxum does see his actions for the good of yokai-kind. I don't think he really cares if he's working with evil organizations (The Foot) or doing evil things if he saves the day.
Team builder. I think it's interesting how Draxum is drawn to building teams. He's drawn to working together, all he wants to do is unite yokai and his mutants into an efficient force. This does not mean he's very successful.
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Has minor telekinesis
Was a warrior before he was an alchemist
Does not have a good relationship with the Three Heads (apparent leaders of the Hidden City)
Controls seeds that can a) grow into vines, b) expand into robotic vine gauntlets, c) encase his gauntlets into meatier gauntlets that can shoot out waxy cocoons
Is referred to as a sheep-man from the brothers, but I suppose whatever animal you interpret him as is up to you
Has a great singing voice :) ( which is subjective I suppose)
Alright now that is finally posted just gonna let you know that this Isn't the last of my rise analysis posts!! I'm so sorry for the wait!! I got lost in so many schedule things. I'll try and pump a few more analysis posts out within these next few weeks (excluding June 16-22), but I've also been busy working on miscellaneous wips. Thank you for being so sweet to me on all the other notes posts, you guys are so awesome :)
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emsgwenstan · 4 months
Personal or professional?
Larissa Weems x fem(carpenter/joiner) named reader
Chap 7 | chap 8 | chap 9
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Words: 2.5k
Warnings: blood, assault, weapons, ✨angry bitches✨, pain, all of the above.
Note: sorry not sorry, be warned tho lovely’s! <3
I. Feel. Sick. I immediately stood without hurting Lilly, gently shoving her off, I hopped over the coffee table and sprinted to the bathroom. With the door wide open everyone could hear me hurling without reprieve, the second my knees hit the tiles I threw up. No, this can’t be happening. Larissa was quick on my trail coming in and pulling the hair out of my face. “Darling what’s wrong?” She asked rubbing my back, I was gasping for air and shaking my head. “No, no, no, no, no, this isn’t happening.” I breathed in disbelief. “Violet, what’s going on?” She asked again in a more concerned manner. My head sunk further into the toilet bowl, I took multiple deep breaths and decided that there is only one way to deal with this.
I lifted my head and used the toilet paper to wipe at my mouth, on shaking legs I rose and flushed the remnants away, I turned to Larissa with a blank expression and a murderous look in my eyes. “Let’s go.” I said trekking back out slowly into the living room. Everyone was standing and their gazes focused to my form. “Louise, take Larissa and the rest of the girls into another room…now.” I said, lowly just short of a growl, Lou knows what’s about to happen, she doesn’t hesitate to take her kids, sister and Larissa to safety, but before she could enter the closest bedroom she turned and asked. “Violet? Does she know?” I looked to Larissa and gave her an apologetic pout, then back to Louise. “No.” I stated simply. “I’ll explain.” She said dragging Larissa away into the next room leaving me with dad and our guest.
I rolled my neck and kept my stance tall. “What the hell is he doing here?” I asked dad. “I invited him for dinner.” He said backhandedly. “After everything… after all I’ve told you and all you know, you would do this to me.” I said taking steps towards him. “I can invite anyone I want into my house.” He hummed. “And you… how dare you come here.” I growled. “Come on vi I -.” “No you don’t get to call me that.” I snapped coming to loom over him. “I suggest you leave Christopher.” I said, my heart feels like it’s going to beat out of my chest, the longer I look at him the more flashbacks I have, the way he’d pin me down, the slaps, the hair pulling, the kind of degradation that no one likes.
Larissa’s pov
“Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on.” I asked frantically. Louise looked to me and looked horribly concerned. “I’ve only ever seen her like this once before, she’s not going to be in her right mind and we have to stay here.” She said. “That man out there is her ex, he’s- he’s not a nice man.” She continued. Dear god I need to help her. “Trust dad to pull this shit.” Jade said sitting down with Lilly and charlotte. “We need to help her then…” I said pushing past her to get to the door. “She can handle herself… that’s what I need to tell you.” I stoped and looked at her, what the bloody hell have I walked into.
Violet’s pov
“Get out.” I said still sane and calm. “We used to be good together.” Chris said with a smirk, his arms coming to sneak around my waist. “Don’t touch me.” I sneered slapping his arms away. “Don’t be difficult Violet.” Dad said. And just like that my calmness shattered, all I saw was my fist collected with his face, my father’s nose started to bleed immediately. “You fucking bitch.” He yelled slapping my right cheek with the back of his hand, his ring slicing through the flesh. I will not cry, I will not show weekness. “That’s right I am a fucking bitch, but you know what you two are?… Monsters, and I’ll be damned if either of you get away from me now.”
Larissa’s pov
“You see Violet isn’t like us, she’s different, we don’t share the same trait.” She continued, I’m so lost. “We don’t have the same mother’s, so she gets it from her mom.” I still don’t understand. “Has vi ever seemed to lift things or move things that you can’t, or has she ever said she wasn’t… normal, or?” She questioned. “No… well, actually yes, she brought me a desk and vanity-.” I cut myself off at the realisation.
Violet’s pov
I stared at Chris and knew he was about to do something, he put his hands up slowly towards me and instantly I grabbed the closest thing I could throw, a vase on the mantle. I pelted it towards him and it smashed at his feet. “Don’t fight it vi, you know you miss me.” He chuckled. “Don’t come any closer.” I said holding a fire stoker. “What are you gonna do hit me?” He asked tauntingly. “I mean it.” I said. My dad stood back wiping the blood from his nose and let that asshole come for me, I don’t need the prod, I dropped it and went for the man, lunging at him I started to hit and kick, I held onto him for dear life and scratched the shit out of his face. “Get off me!” He yelled. “But this is what you want! You want me you fucking have me!” I shouted.
Dad sprung into action trying to pull me off of chris, I elbowed him in the face making the blood from his nose bleed again. Christopher succeeded getting me off him, but I didn’t stop, I kneed him in between his legs and continued to punch and fight landing proper hits to his head. Dad put me, his own daughter in a head lock and dragged me to the floor, that was my last straw, I used my telekinesis to manoeuvre and pin him to the wall so he wouldn’t move. Christopher’s face turned to shock as I did so, with my hands out stretched using my ability to keep him there, the man ran into the kitchen to steel a knife, I was to busy to notice the few moments he had gone.
"I always knew you were a freak." he said jumping onto my torso with the blade firmly held in his grasp. My concentration broke and so did the hold on dad, he fell to the ground groaning as he hit the floorboards. "get off me!" I screamed sinking my nails into the skin of his forearms to hold the metal away. He's going to kill you if you don't kill him violet. I may be strong but unfortunately he has the upper hand of pushing down.
Larissa’s pov
I could hear the commotion coming from the next room, something smashing, groaning and yelling, I need to help her, she cant face these disgraceful men alone, I pushed past Louise and successfully opened the door. She was pinned to the floor fighting with the man on top of her. "Stop!" i cried hardly believing that that's the sound of my voice, scared, destressed and helpless. My whole body started to shake and tears welled in my eyes, I don't know what to do, something anything Larissa.
She couldn't hold onto his arms any longer as they got closer to her chest, I could see violets grip was faltering, she grasped the sharp blade wrapping her palm around it, blood trickling down her wrist and dropping onto her neck, in her one moment of weakness, her hand that was pushing up on his closed fist around the handle was thrown down beside her head, the gasp that left my lungs as he stabbed the knife though her right hand and the guttural scream that erupted from hers almost made me faint.
Violet’s pov
i felt the tendons and bones snap as he punctured through my skin and into the floorboards, for a split second the noise sounded like I was under water and my vision hazed, the only thing I could hear and feel was my pulse and the pain shooting through my arm. The scream I let out was deafening and made my throat sore, but nothing compared to the pain in my hands. Somehow I managed to bring my knees high enough to push him away, he got off me and crawled to my father, without thinking I rolled to my side and pulled out the knife wining and moaning as I had to wiggle it to come free of the wood underneath, warm metallic blood ran everywhere, into my hair, clothes, neck and the side of my cheek.
Once it came free Larissa came walking cautiously over, I sat up and held out a shaking finger, silently telling her to stay away, she took a few steps back doing as she's told. Though dizzying I stood rising slowly with the knife clutched in my left hand, the one that I could still move my fingers with. Turning on the spot with my head lulled, I cast my eyes down at the pair on the floor as Christopher is on all fours leaning over my father about to help him sit up I twisted the blade in my ruined palm before sending it into the back of Chris’s thigh.
It hurt me to do it physically but I can’t even begin to care, about how unlawful this whole situation is, how much I’m losing my shit, I don’t even care about the gasps coming from Larissa and how frightened she must be, all I know is that this feels fucking amazing, to finally make him hurt- both of them for all the things they have done to me in the past.
“You crazy bitch!” He screamed. I kicked him in the jaw once he fell to the side. “Get up.” I said menacingly, he was crying in pain, he stabs me through the hand and slices the other and yet I didn’t cry, I boot him in the stomach. “Get up.” Another boot to his nose. “Come on Christopher, get up honey, you know you want to.” I said in a shakey sing song voice. He groaned spitting out blood from his now broken teeth. He looked up at me through weeping eyes, knowing that he has in fact not won this twisted game.
My father found his way to his feet and after stepping back for a moment so did Chris, with all the energy I have left I use my left hand to lift both of them off the ground and into the air right beside each other. As strange as it is a smile graced my bloody face, internally my body was screaming but I remained unfazed. “You took everything from me… my trust, my self esteem, my security, you ruined me… I plan on returning the favour by watching as your world burns.” I said speaking directly to Chris. He snickered in response. “You’re not as evil as you think you are.” Showing a grin I remarked. “No I’m much fucking worse, you will leave this house, and you will feel what it is like to constantly look over your shoulder, the paranoia won’t leave you body ever as long as I live, you will spend the rest of your life running, but also knowing your only living because I granted it. If you look at me, if you speak to me, if you even think about me again, I’ll come for you.”
His breathing became quick and shallow at my words. “I’ll come for you, I will come for you, I will fucking hunt you down Christopher, I’m not that scared little girl you remember, I’m your nightmare.” I gritted leaning into speak in his ear so I knew it was made crystal clear. He kept his mouth shut and didn’t utter another word, I moved a step to the side to be face to face with dad. “Oh Robert, how disappointing…” I pouted. “As of today you lose a daughter, I will never see or hear from you again.” I reached up to take a hold of his crooked nose and snap it back into place. “And one more thing, my step father has been a better dad that you ever have been and ever will be.” I whispered, unsnapping his nose again, listening to his cry brought me lost years of joy.
“You’ve always been the disappointment Violet.” He groaned. “Because I’m not a boy, isn’t that right, well sucked in a man who only wanted a son got 3 daughters, how ironic. Am I supposed to be great full having survived this, all of this?” I asked rhetorically. “No that’s right, you know don’t you, you know you’re the problem.” I said stepping back, I looked one last time at Christopher who’s head is hung low to avoid looking at me, for a moment I almost felt pity, but it was only a fleeting second before I tossed him to the other side of the room sending the pair into near by walls knocking them both out completely.
I turned to Larissa with tired eyes and pace towards her, she took a step back causing me to stop. “Please sweetheart I’m not going to hurt you.” I said with my body coming down from adrenaline feeling heavy on my feet. She gazed at me speechless for a second then ran into my arms. “You- yo… you’re.” She stuttered. “I’m fine, I’m ok… I’m sorry.” I said with my arms out to the side so I don’t bloody her back with my hands. “What the fuck just happened.” She muttered. “Look at me, rissa… we need to go, before they wake up, now go make sure the others are alright, I’ll be with you in a moment.” I said sternly. “But-.” “Larissa go, please.” I begged. She turned on her heels entering the room.
I popped my head in the door to see the girls sitting on the floor cradling one another and watched as Larissa urged them to start getting ready to leave, no one is safe in this house. I ran to my room and pulled out an old sleep shirt and did my best to tear it with my teeth, with the cotton rags I wrapped them around my hands and used my wrists to pick up our items and toss them into our bags. I tossed our luggage out the window onto the driveway underneath, luckily nothing valuable inside them and snapped the window shut with my elbow. Larissa came into the room looking disoriented and just stared at me as I whipped around the room. I dropped to my knees and hissed as my body’s starting to ache terribly, I managed to open the designated floorboard and pull out a small shoe box that contained photos, trinkets and a pack of cigarettes.
Opening the box I grabbed out the lighter and shoved the cigarette into my mouth desperately, my fingers were struggling to strike the light when Larissa came over, crouched down and lit it for me. A small moment of serenity filled my lungs along with the nicotine. “Our stuff’s out side, we need to go.” I croaked exhaling smoke. “Mmm.” She hummed pulling the cigarette from my fingers taking a drag herself, then passing it back to me. I left it dangling between my lips puffing on it regularly until it was nothing but a bud.
“Ok we’re ready.” Lou said at the front door. “Come on, guys out to the cars.” I said walking out the door, the others trailing behind me quickly. “Auntie vi, what happened to your hands?” She asked hugging onto her teddy. “I hurt them is all.” I said avoiding the truth, she will know once she’s older. I opened my arms as far as they would stretch offering an embrace for them all, jade hugged me first briefly but tightly, Lou holding Lottie next and Lilly last. “I’ll see you all soon, I love every one of you and I’m so sorry this has happened.” I said tiredly. “We love you to Violet, this isn’t your fault. be safe.” Louise said turning to put the kids in the car, jade shut the boot and walked to the drivers side hopping in with a wave and turning down the drive way when Lou was secured in the car.
The front door opened, Larissa’s and my attention went to it, dad. “Get in the fucking car!” I yelled out running to the drivers side, we both jumped in the vehicle and I sped off, bits of dirt were flinging around the car and shards of concrete were breaking off the pillars at the gates, I released they were bullets. I got the hell out of there and floored it, after a while when I knew we were in the clear I put my hands in the steering wheel to give my palms a break using my wrists to drive, but kept up the high speed, Larissa was silent and kept her eyes on the road.
20 minutes have passed. “Where are we going?” She asked. “Somewhere safe.” I said. My eyes are heavy and it’s getting harder to see as dusk approaches, I want to cry, I want to scream, I want to feel like I have to constantly make sure Larissa’s ok, but I can’t, I don’t have the energy. Driving down the hill and breaking slightly, I turn on my right indicator, Larissa peers out the window to see a small house just off the road lit from the inside with a small outside light on. I park on the driveway and turn off the car letting my eyes close for a minute before reaching my buckle, she does the same and hopped out of the car to open my door and help me out.
I slung my arm around her shoulder and made my way up to the front steps, Larissa knocked for me. My head hung low and my vision was fading, the door opened and the smell of sandalwood incense wafted in the air. “Hello?” He asked. I smiled at his voice. “Hi Lachey.” I looked up. “Vi darlin- oh Jesus Christ!.. Cate!” He yelled out to mom after seeing the blood all over me, my limbs gave way and I dropped falling unconscious.
Larissa’s pov
Violet lays on the lounge in and out of consciousness, we helped her inside and I greeted her mother Cate and stepfather Lachlan, they are both lovely and very kind, far opposite to her father, their home feels full of love and I believe we can take care of her here. Her mother, I learned is a nurse and once Violet was situated in the living room she brought out a box with medicinal supplies as well as a warm bowl of water and cloth to wipe down vi’s skin, we removed her clothes and put her in some clean ones after I help Cate to stitch violets hands and bind them with bandages.
Her mother, stepfather and I sit at the dining table talking about the events of this horrific night, they tell me about violets telekinetic ability and I listen intently, she was 11 when she developed her power and she does in fact get them from her mothers side, she too possesses the ability, although it’s still unclear as to why she hasn’t told me about it. Lachlan tells me that they’re a very close family, but recently Violet has been less responsive to their calls and texts, because of me they believe. I decide to tell them that we are… something, closer then friends, her mother places a hand over mine and looks at me as if to say she knows, what exactly I don’t know but with her eyes I knew she understood.
3:30 in the morning and Violet still hasn’t roused, I’m worried about her, I cannot believe she’s endured what she has, I still haven’t processed it, but in time I’ll understand it more and hopefully we can talk about everything that’s gone on.
Violet’s pov
The next day, I think, I woke feeling sore and drained, I looked over the edge of the couch that I somehow made it to, to see mom, Lachey and Larissa asleep on the floor with pillows and blankets scattered about the carpet, my hands were throbbing, I moved the bandage down a bit with my teeth to see newly stitched wounds, I’ll have to remember to thank mom for that later. I made my way to the kitchen quietly and attempted to make a tea for myself, but when I couldn’t move my fingers in my dominant hand or close the other my world started to fall apart.
“Hey, what are you doing out here?” Larissa asked. With tears running down my face I looked up at her with a sniff. “I needed to clear my head.” I squeaked, she sat down on the porch chair with me and adorned our laps with a blanket she had around her shoulders. “I can’t do anything…” I breathed watching my hot breath mix with the cold air. “What do you mean?” She asked wrapping an arm around my shoulder gently trying not to hurt me. “I. Can’t. Do. Anything. I can hardly drive, I can’t get dressed, I can’t make food for myself, I can hardly go the damn toilet, I can’t use my phone, I can’t do anything!” I sobbed into her chest.
“It’s ok you’ll be alright we just need to get them healed and you will be fine.” She cooed softly. “Larissa, if I can’t do the most simplest things, how can I work? I need my hands for my job, my career, my life! I’ve come to far in this to be defiled by that man, another thing he’s taken from me! I need my fucking hands to live Larissa! It’s not fine! I can’t even use telekinesis… my hands are to damaged.” I yelled, not particularly at her but at the situation, all I could do now is sob into her and hope that whatever happens next will be better than the hell we’ve gone through.
“I’ll help you through it darling, I promise.” She said, my panic slowing just a little at her sweet words.
@lex13cm @im-a-carnivorous-plant @barbarasstar@giogwensversion @sabraaabra @readingtheentrails @readingtheentrails @hungry2bhelpful
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comfort-person · 9 months
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MY NIGHT MY NIGHT MY NIGHT AHHAUEIEEIEO WEMBLEY N3 🔛🔝 I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. I hope yall enjoy this story!! Eeek it’s adorable 😭
My baby fever has returned. This is why I’m writing this. But this is absolutely fucking adorable MY HEART.
Synopsis: After a long shift at work you come home to something absolutely adorable.
Baby fever
You had just finished your work. You worked as a full time doctor within the care of the NHS. Sometimes you had shitty days and sometimes you had lovely days but this day had just been incredibly shitty. It had just been one of those days… one of those dreadfully slow and painful days. You never liked to bring home what had happened at the hospital as you didn’t like your 5 year old daughter hearing any of it, sure you and Harry sometimes talked because communication was best after all but you hated even having to talk quietly… you didn’t want sweet little Loulabelle hearing about anything horrible. The little girl had a vivid and wild imagination and came up with the craziest of dreams and nightmares that you and Harry were often shocked she, someone so young, could see… so vividly.
You slowly opened the front door, eyes tired and dreary. Lou should’ve been in bed by now. Sometimes Harry let her have later nights on Fridays which today was Friday but sometimes she was so overtired that he just put her to bed immediately yet you were quite surprised when you heard the gentle strums of guitar. A small smile immediately formed on your lips… maybe he was practicing? And so you slowly walked to the living room the sight before you immediately warming your heart. Harry sat on the sofa, Lou sat on her little purple beanbag a plastic lidded cup with hot chocolate in it as she stared at her daddy with big loving eyes. Yet it only got cuter from then on, the strumming becoming familiar the little girl bouncing up and down excitedly “you gonna sing Lou?” His voice was soft as he gazed at her with loving eyes, giving her daddy a toothy grin as she nodded her head desperately.
“You’ve got a friend in me… you’ve got a friend in me… daddy! When the road looks rough ahead and your miles and miles from your nice warm bed you just remember what your old pal said daddy, you’ve got a friend in me!” The little girl sang with wide happy eyes, hands clutching at the plastic cup her happiness obvious as she continued singing with wide happy eyes, her words sweet and loud before she pointed at Harry showing she didn’t want to sing anymore “daddy you sing! You sing!” The small girl yelled, Harry unable to stop smiling agreed- fingers continuing to strum the guitar gently and slowly “nice and loudly daddy!” The girl yelled and he chuckled nodding his head softly “okay baby okay…” he licked over his lips preparing himself before looking into her big green eyes a lot of love etched onto his face giving his shoulders a little wiggle the girl bursting into fits of giggles as she kept her eyes on him, taking big gulps of her hot chocolate:
“You’ve got a friend in me. You’ve got a friend in me. You’ve got troubles and I got em to. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you. We stick together and we see it through cause you’ve got a friend in me! Some other folks might be a little smarter than I am big and strong too. Maybe but none of them will love you the way I do… it’s me and you, girl… and as the years go by our friendship will never die. You’re gonna see it’s our destiny… you’ve got a friend in me…” you watched your eyes stinging with tears your lower lip trembling as you stared at him. The love of your life… so good with kids. It was heartbreakingly adorable. Soon you joined them “you’ve got a friend in me…” you sang out the little girl immediately squealing “mummy!!! Mummy!! Daddy look it’s mummy!” Lou ran up to wrap her small arms around you and you quickly lifted her up into your embrace. “Oh what pretty singing you have young lady” you spoke smiling Harry soon pressing a kiss to your cheek silently asking how you are, his arm wrapping around your waist gently
“Mummy sing me a song!!” “No little girl it’s your bedtime. I’ve already sang that song to you ten times” a soft laugh left your lips, before you said goodnight to the child, Harry taking her up and putting her to bed before he came back down, arms wrapping around you immediately as he held you close to his body looking down at you with loving eyes “good day?” He asked softly the look in your eyes saying it all “it’s better now that I’m with you and Lou.” You spoke quietly his eyes softening “I think that is a good means for cuddles and take out… what do you think?” He raised his brows and you smiled nodding your head “and cuddles with you?” “Of course.” He then pressed a soft kiss to your lips eyes full of adoration and love…. That evening full of nothing but love and care… he spent his evening taking care and loving for you… there truly was nothing he wouldn’t do for you. The love of his life.
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itsyagurlchip · 6 days
Rottmnt request platonic funny hc.
Younger sister reader whose always talks about " am daddy's favorite and i'll have most of his inheritance " type of talk like how leo jokes mostly about new Jersey and whenever her brothers are either in danger or doing something naughty she always writes to her dad with
" dear daddy, sadly i'd like to inform you that my brothers are mostly dead so please scratch their names off your will and thank you "
٠ ˚ ※ ๋࣭  ᯓ⚝ ⋆ .˚✰"Daddy! Buy Me North Korea!"٠ ˚ ※ ๋࣭  ᯓ⚝ ⋆ .˚✰
✰⋆⁺warnings: death mentions(!) death threat jokes(!) reader is scary(!) lil bit of angst(!) cussing(!)
✰⋆⁺I really love this one- I'm even gonna add gifs for specific events rather than making up my own plot. My brain is kinda hurting- I found this funny bc it's a thing that me and my dad joke about from time to time.
"that's a thousand dollars" "out of what?" "what I'm owing you in my will"
I hope you all enjoy<33
✰⋆⁺ Random scenes where reader "accidentally" mentions her ability to kill the four turtles. Poor thing doesn't even know that Splinter hasn't even written his will yet.
Reader already knew that Lou Jitsu was a popstar in the hidden city-
Just look at all of those posters!
And after a bit of poking and prodding at Draxum for a while, she found out how they were created.
Yet she didn't know who her biological father was, and her digging came to an end.
After finding out that Splinter is Lou Jitsu (during the fish and ladders fight), reader has been ADAMANT that Splinter still has some of that leftover money.
You know how the turtle boys always try to gain Splinter's favor?
Well, reader tries even harder.
Homemade gifts, physical affection, spends time with the old rat, listens to his stories.
She is getting that money one way or another.
She even tries to stay in the lair more often, sometimes to manipulate his opinions of her brothers just a tiny bit.
But that doesn't mean she isn't genuine with her actions-
She just wants the benefits yk?
I basically headcannon her to be like Zuri from 'Hey Jessie" and "Bunk'd' where when she finds an opportunity for money, she'll take it.
Reader is very observational, so after finding out Donnie's password, she just slowly started cashing out the man's bank.
She found it even better when she realized that ALL of his passwords were the same and he BARELY changes them.
When someone owes reader her money, she'll get it.
She's actually kind of a loan shark, and even does interest depending on who owes her and how long they didn't pay her,
"HEY! I said pay up bucko! It's been three months and you still haven't coughed up JACK."
Repo never wanted to be in debt to a little girl ever again.
Anyone who is in debt to her will be crouching in pain- wallet empty, dignity lost, banging the floor, and broke as hell.
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"IS THAT MONEY I HEARD?" You shouted, this may have been the best day of your life! Say goodbye to pyramid schemes ole pal! You just found a new source of forever income!
You sighed dreamily, thinking about how much cash you'll be flowing in before the old rat croaks.
Raph deadpanned at you before grabbing you by the shell and dragging you away from the fight.
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"Ooh Donnie! DOn't GeT ClAweD At!!! You might just loose your name in the will! Who do you think Splinter will give it to??? His favorite child of course!"
You cackled evilly at the thought, but pouted when you saw that your brother survived.
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"NO!" Raph yelled, jumping off the roof to catch Leo.
"There's no point! You should've just ran- Besides, he barely has anything left to his name but a few lil comics and unicorn figures." You rolled your eyes.
Raph successfully caught Leo, with said turtle yelling in retaliation to your claim.
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While Leo was fighting Raph, you were writing a letter, tears staining the page. Somehow, you had gotten aloose with all of the commotion.
But instead of running, you wrote,
" dear daddy, sadly i'd like to inform you that my brothers are mostly dead so please scratch their names off your will and thank you "
The joy that you would have mountains of cash was overshadowed by the depression that you felt over the possibility of losing your brothers.
If they did actually die, you would pay them 500 bucks each everytime you passed their graves. If not, then writing this letter was completely and utterly useless.
More tears fell from your eyes, angry at the selfishness you had despite how dire the situation currently is. You stopped writing.
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The Krang had attacked the day before, but you had to find it before it was too late!
Splinter was dead. He had been for a while now, died from old age and dementia. Out of respect, you held back your impatience to find that damned paper-
While very unprofessional, and quite frankly very unorganized, the will was there.
"My Dear youngest, Pink .
I know you will find this first. You always had a thing for wads of cash and anything that blinged."
Tears began to flow from your eyes again, your lip trembling as you continued to read,
"Do know, I have nothing to my name. No money, no residence, nor any left over children."
The paper crinkled beneath your hands, you knew it. You fucking knew it and yet you continue to read it. How utterly selfish of you. Law wouldn't matter, not with what is going on right now.
Things were hopeless. The future would be corrupted by these alien things. And yet, you still read.
"The only thing I would want to leave for you and your brothers, the only thing I can give you in my current state are my final words.
I love all of you. I am proud of each and every one of you. Watching you all grow up was one of the best things that Lou Jitsu never would have known he needed.
Take care, don't miss this old rat too much.
-Splinter Hamato"
That night, you cried the most you've ever done in your entire life. And in a few hours, you were dead.
Mikey, the one who found your hand clenched to your weapon underneath pounds of rubble, couldn't speak for the next few days. The letter stayed in his pocket.
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man... I'm bummed now.
For those who are worried; no, reader did not kill herself. The Krang just caught her, she was the first to go.
(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و tags: @kittykittyanon @radicallxser @oleander-nin @towomatos @thealphagirl
@ziipzeepzop-eez @spongejuice @nuncscioquidsitamor-13 @cyb3r-st4r
if you would like to be added, check my blog. if you would like to be added, check my blog. SEE? I SAID IT TWICE!!
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kerubimcrepin · 5 months
Episode 11: The Hairy Arachelmet
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First of all, Kerubim's cup is in a dangerous ass place. If he spills it, he will have burns.
Truly, if Ecaflip wasn't on his side, he would be long dead.
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Second of all, love that he begins looking at Simone when she's on The Ladder That Looks Like It Will Fucking Kill You.
When I first noticed this moment, I assumed it was Kerubim y'know. Ogling her. But now, considering this is the only time in the whole scene he's looking at her, I think he's looking at her because she's on The Ladder That Looks Like It Will Fucking Kill You, and if she began to fall things would be bad.
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Btw, the only pictures Keke has in his home, anywhere where it's visible, are of himself, Lou, or some random scenery.
There HAS to be something psychological going on here, considering he is a father and canonically, uh, really normal about it.
Like. Whatever the reason for having Joris call him grampycat is, is the same for not putting up any cute pictures of Joris.
Something-something, his canonical guilt about killing ("""killing""") Julith, perhaps? Perhaps, feeling a bit too old for fatherhood? Maybe both?
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On one hand, YESSS RARE SIMONE FAILGIRL MOMENT + i love it when people who are supposed to be good at something are bad at it.
On the other hand... Kerubim, your upbringing single-handedly changed the course of Joris's life so much, that, as an adult huppermage man, he uses a "magic wand" (log) to bash in people's skulls.
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Kerubim yells at him to stop, and he just immediately stops and salutes.
It's never explained why Joris does this all the fucking time in the series, (besides the fact that he has ADHD. (To me. In my brain. I decided that he has it.)) but I think Kerubim did some Pikmin-style parenting shit on him.
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Except instead of Pikmin it was probably something like "let's pretend I am a commanding officer and you are a member of the Bontarian army."
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Okay, so, this is a whole can of worms we'll get in now.
This text is the famous Lorem Ipsum placeholder. The first two words are exactly Lorem Ipsum. Yet, I am mentally ill enough to sit down and translate this all.
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So, uh. Yeah. I translated it by hand. It was painful.
The interesting parts are: the first page is the usual Lorem Ipsum placeholder with random edits, spaces, and changes. The second page is the original Lorem Ipsum from Cicero's De finibus bonorum et malorum.
I may be wrong with some of the spaces, because of the way the letters that look like " : :: . " and their weird sizes.
But also... Who give a shit?
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Obligatory food moment: he is eating grapes and bird legs. Maybe tofu, or maybe other bird that size.
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He is so fucking stupid.
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My friend @dullard had pointed out that the way Kerubim's system works is probably by assigning a number to a direction.
I am not good with numbers OR directions, so I hope he makes a post about this. Or sends me an ask.
All I can point out, in regard to this, is the often neglected connection of Ecaflips to scrying and predicting the future and destiny.
So yeah. For all intents and purposes, Kerubim, with his level of luck, maaaay be a bit of an, uh. Oracle.
Though, I think he'd be scandalized by this idea I'm proposing here.
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I suppose this episode's story takes place after the story in the episode 38, Dragokart Race, where Kerubim becomes a second place Dragokart champion.
Is this in any way relevant? No. Welcome to my blog, where I talk about literally the most useless Dofus facts. Anyway.
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Adding to the list of Implied Adventures We Never See:
Literally everything to do with Atcham.
Kerubim working with Arachnees some more.
To be added.
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Culture note: being a hypermage is associated with being smart and being able to predict how situations are going to go.
This blog may seem like it's pointing out the most obvious shit, but keep in mind, besides me wanting to gush about this show and write analysis pieces, this blog is also meant as a bit of a resource for Random Irrelevant Lore. For fic writers.
I may be the fic writers.
...It's interesting to think about how these cultural standards may affect Joris, who, in all honesty, is fucking stupid. There are pebbles where his brain should be.
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He really is stupid.
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For how cheerful this show is, this moment is a very stark reminder of the fact that Kerubim was fighting and killing people.
I think that the way he was describing this to Joris probably was something like "and then I sliced that guy in half". Which is both... very violent, and also not very detailed.
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Your daily reminder that while searching for Ecaflip City, to get rich and be able to propose to Lou, he tried to fuck a pandawa girl, and DEFINITELY fucked these three. Sad! (Edit: that, or he was searching for it long before the proposal thing.)
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Better late than never, Keke. Better late than never.
But it would have been cool if you knew that when you were [SPRAYS HIM WITH A WATER BOTTLE] an orphan, as described in the official text The Wheel of Destiny #8: Kerubim Crepin.
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This is my legally required once-in-a-few-liveblogs Wheel of Destiny lore mention. You're welcome.
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Joris looks like he heard what just happened, and like.... I know that this is just a funny animation moment.
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but i want to belive so so badly, that, due to dragon possession, joris can hear whatever the fuck is going on with this hat, by intercepting its ~~psionic waves~~
that he just heard a spider call his father a motherfucker.
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Is it not a wonderful vision of the world, that I just described here?
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jinlizz-dragondrama · 7 months
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Chapter 14
Hug it out it's Thanksgiving
"S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N!" Donnie yells from the kitchen
I'm getting ready for my shift at my new job at a Famous Lou, Mike Tony, Tony's Pizza! I can't believe I missed pizza week but stupid school got in the way of a very eventful momentous time of the year. Thankfully they left me a few slices when I got home after swim practice. Anyway, I'm pretty excited to have a job again and start having money of my own.
My mind has been going crazy with training in private, what transpired with my future self, and my very complicated feelings for the purple terrapin. So I decided that a job would help distract me and calm my mind...I hope. A plus is that April will be working with me and a double plus is FREE PIZZA.
Back to Donnie screaming S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N has been acting a bit well teenager like and it's funny to see Donnie lose his cool a bit with his robotic son. Putting my hair in a ponytail and adorning my work hat on my head making sure my uniform is in tip-top shape before leaving my room.
Entering the first floor I look up at Donnie and can practically see the steam shooting from where his "ears" are. S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N zooms past me the wind from his drive by taking my hat with him, quickly chasing after it and joining Mikey and Donnie near the skateboard ramp.
"What's up, guys?" I say while putting my hat back on.
"Ugh it's S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N! I just upgraded his operating system to version 13," he says while pinching the area between his drawn-on brows.
"Ah 13, feels like yesterday he was a twinkle in your toolbox," Mikey says
"Yeah, and now he's a pain in my shell
He charges til noon, he's always coding back to me, and now he's drone racing all over the house! I don't know what to do" Donnie says annoyed
"S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N is at a delicate age. You need to nurture his spirit or you'll drive him away" Mikey says while snapping his fingers and the screen changes to us to the projector room and has Donnie and I sitting in chairs.
"Good morning I'm Doctor Feelings, welcome to my seminar 'Hug it out'" Mikey says while introducing one of his Doctor personalities.
"Wait when did you change into that therapist outfit?" And how did we get here?  I say confused.
"Doctor Feelings, I thought you were "Doctor Delicate Touch," Donnie says while air-quoting the last part.
"Doctor Delicate Touch feels NOTHING," Doctor Feelings says in a pretty creepy tone.
My question not being answered I shrug and watch the seminar.
"Lesson one! Because I said so is not an answer, you need to learn a healthy way to express your feelings to your family" Doctor Feelings continues in a therapist tone.
"Yes, feelings...hot, cold, hungry, sleepy" Donnie says uninterested
Which causes him to receive a smack on the head with Doctor Feelings pointer.
"No, feelings like anger. Remind you of someone?" Doctor Feelings questions as he puts up a picture of Donnie and S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N arguing
"Noooope" Donnie says sure of himself
Doctor Feelings brings up another picture on the projector of Splints scolding Donnie then he flips back between the two pictures. It finally clicks in Donnie's head and he begs Doctor Feelings to teach him the way.
"Of course, right after we move onto the next part of my seminar," Doctor Feelings says
"Huh?" I question
Doctor Feelings moves to another projector prompt and it reads 'Confessing ones romantic feelings'
Doctor Feelings clears his throat and continues. "Now my students I will now have you two complete some role-" he's cut off by Donnie and I
"NO..." we both say in unison
"I mean I totally have to go to work, catch ya later," I say while quickly grabbing my backpack and racing out of the room.
"Ah yes. Right, and it's no time like to present to get those expressing feelings lesson with S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. ONWARD...." Donnie says while awkwardly laughing as he quickly exits the room as well.
*sigh* "When will they just admit that they like each other, we can all see it. Probably in the next chapter so hang tight kiddies" Mikey says looking directly at the camera
"Uh, Mikey who are you talking to?" Raph says while poking his head through the opening
Mikey winks at the camera and goes after Donnie. Leo comes behind Raph and says "Pfft I bet they will probably say it during a very beautiful romantic moment like a dance or something"
"Raph agrees," Raph says while nodding his head
I hope onto my Moped that's next to the turtle tank. Specially designed by Donnie himself and of course it's in purple. Putting on my helmet and starting it I speed through the garage tunnel exit into the surface and head to work. Parking my bike in the alley behind the Pizzeria.
I walk in the back door and see April. I wave at her frantically.
"APRIL!" I quietly shout
"BESTIE!" she quietly shouts back.
We giggle, our bosses come in and give us the rundown on how they operate. We start making the pizzas which we are pretty good at from cooking with Mikey during our family cook-offs. Which we always come out with the best cuisine *chef kiss*. After the piping hot pizzas are put in the pizza warmer bags I place them onto my Moped and zoom to my deliveries. It was a long first day working a 12-hour shift not wanting to stop just yet from having too much fun.
I make it back to the lair super groggy, parking my Moped in the garage, and sleepily walking to the shower to wash off the pizza smell. The shower perked me up a bit so I went to the fridge to grab leftovers that Mikey left for me and there was a little note from the gang.
'We hope you had a great first day! Tell us the deets in the morning'
I smile and heat my food in the microwave, quickly devouring it. I decided to go to Donnie's lab to finish my science project which was a suit of armor that could collapse and shrink to the size of a ring. I'm still working out the kinks and Donnie wants to help. But being as stubborn and secretive as I am I'm not allowing him to see my blueprints or help in any way. It's not due for another two years but April gave me the heads up that at senior year they hold a Science competition and the lucky winner could sign a contract with an Elite company or even the government.
"I'm going to win that competition," I say sure of myself.
Quietly skipping past the boys' rooms, I see Donnie snoring peacefully while holding onto a Jupiter Jim figurine. Entering the lab and inputting the password I sit in my corner of the lab and start tinkering. I didn't notice that S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N wasn't at his charging port as I was too distracted. I ended up pulling a Donnie and falling asleep in the lab. I wake up to a purple weighted blanket on my shoulders, smiling softly I rub my eyes and head to the kitchen.
"Now that S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N is grounded I can finally enjoy my toasted avocado baco-bagel-rito in peace!"
I look at Donnie intrigued by his creation and walk up to him.
"That's one heck of a sandwich coming from someone that likes 'flavorless juice'" I chuckle and fist bump with Mikey
"Hey, I can appreciate flavorless every once in a while" Donnie retorts
Donnie stuffs his sandwich into his pie hole and goes to check on S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N but we found out that he snuck out. I hop onto my Moped to help search for him, but before we leave Donnie shows me an adjustment he added, he presses a button and my wheels turn into hover fans.
"Oh yeah!" I shout in excitement
We search everywhere and call out for S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. But thankfully we were suspiciously at the right place at the right time to hear that the Drone Races is where wayward teen drones go when they run away from home after a fight with a misguided parental figure and will regret it for the rest of their lives.
"Oddly specific, he's at the drone races let's go get our boy," I say while grabbing Donnie by the arm and running towards the race.
"Our boy?" Donnie says quietly and smiles softly as he runs with me.
We make it inside and Donnie has the brilliant idea...major eye roll to impersonate a drone to get close to S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N to talk some sense into him. So Donnie had to win to show him that the Purple Dragons only use people to get what they want. S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N learned a valuable lesson that day and also got a hug which I may or may not have snapped a picture of. Oh, and we got a transmitter that I definitely took for my science project.
After that very eventful evening, we head back home to sleep off the adventures of the day. We end up sleeping in a pile in the middle of Donnie's room. Leo took this opportunity to take a picture to use as leverage later. A few days go by and Mikey is very suspicious of sneaking off to pizza in the sky knows where. But I busy myself with work, April had the day off so it was just me and the owners. I do my normal routine of delivering pizzas and realize I'll be delivering to April's apartment. I decide I'll say hi after I do this delivery but as I walk to the apartment number I hear Splinter say "Happy House Warming Mr. Mrs. O'Nnnngggghh"
Rushing over to see what's happening I gasp and drop the pizza when I see Raph, April, Mikey in a...dinosaur costume...Leo, Splinter, Donnie, and in the back of the room is Barum Draxum.
"What is this? I thought we were finally meeting April's parents" Splinter says
"No apparently we are helping Draxum get his groove back," April says disapproving
"Called it!" Leo says and Donnie hands Jim money.
"He's not our enemy anymore, he's family" Mikey retorts
My brain shuts down after hearing that and I pass out. Which finally alerts everyone to my presence. I wake up sitting on the floor with April fanning me with a self-help pamphlet and Donnie putting an ice pack on my head.
"Oh thank goodness you're ok," April says worriedly
"I'm OK, but sheep boy won't be once I'm done with him," I say menacingly while my eyes change into cat-like slits. But I look at Draxum and he looks pretty beat up.
"Damn you look terrible, looks like someone got to you before I could" I stand up with the help of Donnie.
Donnie's expression is hardened and he's doing his best to hold back. I could see the pure anger in his body language but I looked over at Mikey and its rare to see the young turtle angry but I could also see his conflicted emotions and he had bandages on his fists. He walks over to me and I hug him tightly.
"Thanks, Mikey," I say quietly turning to Draxum and everyone else.
"Well since we're all here might as well eat while it's semi-hot. And I'm doing this for Mikey so you better not try anything Draxum or I'll have your head." I say sweetly but my voice is laced with venom while slamming the green bean casserole onto the table. We all sit at the table and awkwardly eat.
"Isn't this nice, when was the last time we all got together like this, huh?" Mikey says while trying to cut through the tension
"The time Draxum dropped me off a building," Leo says
"No, actually I think it was when he ambushed us at the botanical garden" Donnie adds
"No, no baseball stadium, dark armor tried to destroy humanity," Raph says
My mind goes blank as I start to have flashbacks of the last time we encountered each other and I start to breathe a bit heavily.
"Well, we know that last time Aqua saw him, " Donnie says while gently and awkwardly placing his hand over mine which helped my panic attack a little.
After Draxum dared to call us fool humans April joined the chat.
"Fool humans? As Aqua and I are the only humans here we take offense to that" April retorts. I smile a little knowing that it's far from the truth but it made me feel better. After a successful burn from April about reading an instruction manual before jumping into a suit of dark armor which gets a high five from Donnie. Mikey decides that Draxum needs to hang out with humans to understand them and volunteers Raph to go with Alberto Land. Donnie and I regretfully decide to go but we will not enjoy it one bit.
We ended up enjoying it, going on the bumper cars, merry-go-round, and rollercoasters, he even won me a huge unicorn stuffy. But Donnie was keeping a close eye on Draxum now and then I could see his jaw was tight, eyes slightly narrowed, and hand hovering near his tech bo just in case. We hear a commotion coming from the Ferris wheel and we rush over to see what's going on. But we end up too far back in the now dense crowd of people watching the scene unfold. Donnie decides to activate his battle shell and hover over to see what's happening. I nod my head and he takes off to take a look, by the time he gets to the Ferris wheel everything settles down slightly and the crowd starts to disperse.
When I reach Donnie I see Mikey, Raph, and Draxum saying goodbye to a mom and little child. I ended up finding out that Draxum saved the child. Don't get me wrong saving someone is a good step in the right direction but I'll never forgive him for what he did to me. Donnie walks over to me and smiles at me.
"Awww are you two on a date?" Mikey asks
"What? No, I....we, um, you see this is just a friendly outing between friends" Donnie stutters out clearing his throat while awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.
I blush slightly and hide my cheeks behind my plushie.
"Right...." Raph says seeing his younger brother's reaction
"Well enjoy your not date, don't stay out too late," Mikey says while dragging Raph and Draxum away.
Donnie glares at Draxum as he walks off, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards a snack booth.
"Get anything you want, my treat," Donnie says shyly
I giggle and order what I want and Donnie also places his order. We sit at a table and enjoy our spoils in comfortable silence. I love how sometimes we don't have to vocalize how we're feeling to understand each other. I've also started picking up some sign language to use for the days he completely shuts down and it's the only way he'll communicate, still learning but getting better.
Unbeknownst to me Donnie summons my Moped which pulls up next to us. He nods his head to it, I nod and hop onto it with Donnie in front driving off into the New York night. We get to a familiar alleyway, hitting the hover button we hover up to the road of the nearby building. Landing gently on the roof we sit with our feet dangling off the edge and watch the sunset.
Closing my eyes feeling the gentle breeze blowing my hair and caressing my face. I took a deep breath in and let it out slowly as I listened to the hustle and bustle of the city that never sleeps.
Donnie stares at me and smiles to himself, thinking back all the times he felt this way and chalking it up to feeling a close friendship bond with me but dare he think it's something...more....only time will tell and a few experiments, hypothesis and data collecting will hopefully finally come to a bite-sized conclusion. But for now, he sighs and relaxes his shoulders as he looks at the bright lights of Times Square.
"Pizza?" I say breaking him from his trance
"Race you there!" He says while zooming off with his battle hover shell
"No fair you got a headstart!" I shout as I tuck my unicorn stuffy into my hoodie, hopping onto my moped and flying after him laughing as we go.
A/N I hope everyone had an amazing and thankful Thanksgiving! 🦃 My family and I had ours today so I thought I would write a quick chapter before I start getting to the good part of this book. Thank you for reading this far and be ready for the next few chapters it's going to be an interesting turn of events! Author-chan out! 💜
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Heaven without fear
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Credence Barebone x Dom!Fem reader
Requested by: no one at all😀
Warnings: Dom reader, sub credence, smut, swearing, edging.
Summary: Credence seeks out comfort from Y/n after his wicked care giver beats him, Y/n calms him down and comforts him in a more pleasurable way. Just for clarification the reader is a year younger than Credence.
Y/n knew Credence for a while, she watched him from afar, once in a while talked to him, and even came by the church to see him. She saw the hatred his mother had for him, and it made Y/n's blood boil.
On occasion she imagined using the cruciatus curse on that evil woman, Credence had no idea she was a woman with magical abilities, until the day she came to him while Mary Lou was out.
"Credence, what did she do to you?" She had whispered in her usual kind tone. He shook his head and looked away from her.
"Let me help you." Y/n gently took his hand and guided him to his bed, she sat him down and unbuttoned his oversized cotton shirt.
She pressed her forehead to his and ran her finger tips over the red gashes on his chest, he let out a quiet whimper of pain and grasped her arm.
"Shh shh shh shh, it's okay. Let me heal you, Crede."
He slowly nodded allowing her to begin her spell.
"Vulnera Sanentur." She quietly chanted over and over until the gashes had disappeared.
"You're a witch?" He asked.
"Yes, you mustn't tell Mary Lou. Do you understand?"
Their eyes locked and he whispered...
"I promise."
Now here Y/n was sitting on her couch, curled up in a warm blanket hidden away from the cold snow of the outside, when there was a sudden but quiet knock at her door.
"Who in the?" She grumbled.
Y/n began yelling from across the house, as she practically hauled towards the door.
"Listen, Bub! I don't wanna here nothin about no witches or wizards! I have no interest in half decaying meat! I don't want bug infested coffee beans nor do I desire to be criticized on what my lawn looks like!" She then swung open her door. "So I would rather you take your deseased up-"
She was cut off by the obviously upset young man in front of her, blood soaked the palm of his hand and his white shirt looked tattered and dirty.
"Credence." Y/n said, stepping out of her house and wrapping him in a tight hug. "Come inside before you freeze to death."
He fallowed her in and she took him into her washroom. She looked at him with worry in her eyes, y/n gently caressed his cheek and connect her lip with his.
"You can stay here. I don't want you going back." She whispered.
He pulled her into a warm embrace, hiding his face in the crook of her neck.
"I'll heat you a towel, get yourself washed up and I'll bring you some new clothes."
He nodded. Y/n turned and left the room, closing the door behind her. Credence removed his clothes and turned on the shower, stepping in he let the warm water run down his scarred skin.
Y/n gently knocked on the door and opened it slowly, she set his clean dry set of clothes on the sink and turned to leave until..
"Wait...could you heal my wounds? I don't want to get blood the new shirt."
She locked eyes with him and nodded, Y/n slowly removed her clothing and joined him.
"Give me your hand." She said.
He did so and Y/n chanted her spell, he towered over her watching and listening to her words, the way he felt for the young girl was like nothing else he experienced before. She was kind and gentle, Y/n actually cared about him and he could feel that, she looked at him with such love and protected him.
"I love you." He whispered.
She looked up at him and smiled, Y/n captured his lips in a passionate yet hungry kiss, she suddenly felt his hard member brush against her leg.
"Credence...I." Her voice came out breathy and soft.
"Please." He rested his head on hers and quietly begged. "Please, I need you."
Y/n smiled and gently took hold of his hard cock, he let out a hushed gasp and groaned into her shoulder.
"Shh shh, just feel it." She comforted.
Y/n began slowly stroking his member, Credence gripped her waist and began thrusting into her hand.
"Please please please." He whimpered.
"Please what? You want more?"
"Yes, Y/n I want more."
Her grip tightened and she rubbed him faster, Credence leaned down and started kissing and biting her neck, leaving marks all over her. His marks.
"Where is Credence!?" Mary Lou's Voice rang through the church louder than the bells themselves.
Modesty looked down at her shoes, the same with the rest of the children. Mary had them lined up like criminals, she wanted to know, where? When? Why? And, how? Who done it? And where was the body? Who did she have to thank?
"I want Credence found!"
"No need." Y/n said calmly. "I know where my Credence is."
Mary Lou turned only to have a wand pointed at her hideous bob of a hair cut.
"You're a wicked!" She said while backing up.
"No you're the witch my dear, the one that beats children. Credence, the kindest boy Ive ever met."
"Where is he?"
"Somewhere you'll never find him, you won't even try."
"And why is that?"
"I'll give you one word." Y/n said. "Obliviate."
I hope you like it @kpopgirlbtssvt while you wait for your other stories
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harry-styles-obsessed · 9 months
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My baby fever has returned. This is why I’m writing this. Im chronically online LMAO. My bad. But this is absolutely fucking adorable MY HEART.
Synopsis: After a long shift at work you come home to something absolutely adorable.
©️ please do not copy or translate my work.
Baby fever
You had just finished your work. You worked as a full time doctor within the care of the NHS. Sometimes you had shitty days and sometimes you had lovely days but this day had just been incredibly shitty. It had just been one of those days… one of those dreadfully slow and painful days. You never liked to bring home what had happened at the hospital as you didn’t like your 5 year old daughter hearing any of it, sure you and Harry sometimes talked because communication was best after all but you hated even having to talk quietly… you didn’t want sweet little Loulabelle hearing about anything horrible. The little girl had a vivid and wild imagination and came up with the craziest of dreams and nightmares that you and Harry were often shocked she, someone so young, could see… so vividly.
You slowly opened the front door, eyes tired and dreary. Lou should’ve been in bed by now. Sometimes Harry let her have later nights on Fridays which today was Friday but sometimes she was so overtired that he just put her to bed immediately yet you were quite surprised when you heard the gentle strums of guitar. A small smile immediately formed on your lips… maybe he was practicing? And so you slowly walked to the living room the sight before you immediately warming your heart. Harry sat on the sofa, Lou sat on her little purple beanbag a plastic lidded cup with hot chocolate in it as she stared at her daddy with big loving eyes. Yet it only got cuter from then on, the strumming becoming familiar the little girl bouncing up and down excitedly “you gonna sing Lou?” His voice was soft as he gazed at her with loving eyes, giving her daddy a toothy grin as she nodded her head desperately.
“You’ve got a friend in me… you’ve got a friend in me… daddy! When the road looks rough ahead and your miles and miles from your nice warm bed you just remember what your old pal said daddy, you’ve got a friend in me!” The little girl sang with wide happy eyes, hands clutching at the plastic cup her happiness obvious as she continued singing with wide happy eyes, her words sweet and loud before she pointed at Harry showing she didn’t want to sing anymore “daddy you sing! You sing!” The small girl yelled, Harry unable to stop smiling agreed- fingers continuing to strum the guitar gently and slowly “nice and loudly daddy!” The girl yelled and he chuckled nodding his head softly “okay baby okay…” he licked over his lips preparing himself before looking into her big green eyes a lot of love etched onto his face giving his shoulders a little wiggle the girl bursting into fits of giggles as she kept her eyes on him, taking big gulps of her hot chocolate:
“You’ve got a friend in me. You’ve got a friend in me. You’ve got troubles and I got em to. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you. We stick together and we see it through cause you’ve got a friend in me! Some other folks might be a little smarter than I am big and strong too. Maybe but none of them will love you the way I do… it’s me and you, girl… and as the years go by our friendship will never die. You’re gonna see it’s our destiny… you’ve got a friend in me…” you watched your eyes stinging with tears your lower lip trembling as you stared at him. The love of your life… so good with kids. It was heartbreakingly adorable. Soon you joined them “you’ve got a friend in me…” you sang out the little girl immediately squealing “mummy!!! Mummy!! Daddy look it’s mummy!” Lou ran up to wrap her small arms around you and you quickly lifted her up into your embrace. “Oh what pretty singing you have young lady” you spoke smiling Harry soon pressing a kiss to your cheek silently asking how you are, his arm wrapping around your waist gently
“Mummy sing me a song!!” “No little girl it’s your bedtime. I’ve already sang that song to you ten times” a soft laugh left your lips, before you said goodnight to the child, Harry taking her up and putting her to bed before he came back down, arms wrapping around you immediately as he held you close to his body looking down at you with loving eyes “good day?” He asked softly the look in your eyes saying it all “it’s better now that I’m with you and Lou.” You spoke quietly his eyes softening “I think that is a good means for cuddles and take out… what do you think?” He raised his brows and you smiled nodding your head “and cuddles with you?” “Of course.” He then pressed a soft kiss to your lips eyes full of adoration and love…. That evening full of nothing but love and care… he spent his evening taking care and loving for you… there truly was nothing he wouldn’t do for you. The love of his life.
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verosvault · 4 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 4 "Under Pressure"
Timestamp: 2:32:27
Video Length: 4min. & 8sec.
Adaine sees Kalina at her job (‣Pt.1 | Pt.2)
Adaine gives a wizard some strudel :3
I love the sound effects they put on top of Adaine getting the strudel prepared! ❤️
I love how Brennan doesn't even say Kalina's name at first. Just "a familiar voice".
Ahhhh!!! Lou's gasp is ME FR! 😭😭
Adaine asks if Kalina can even eat strudel now and Adaine says that she shouldn't even say that cause there's a lot of incorporeal people in the Synod anyway.
Kalina: "I didn't say that I wanted sauce"
Cassandra is pamphleting at the Synod 🥺🥺
Adaine: "Isn't Kristen supposed to be doing that?"
Kalina: "Yeah, isn't Kristen... On her way?"
Cassandra talks to Kristen in her mind and she seems to be very disappointed 🥺🥺🥺
Kristen shows Cassandra a vision of the party that's about to happen where Kristen will both announce her candidacy and her goddess of doubt and Cassandra seems a bit disappointed that it's a shrimp party 🥺🥺🥺
Kristen tells her plan to Cassandra:
Kristen: "I'm going to become student body president. Through that influence, I'm also gonna let people know about doubt, and it's gonna be incredible. The numbers are on our side, people not even from my school are gonna be at this party."
Cassandra yells in pain! 😭✋
Brennan: "There is a shatter of red light through Cassandra's chest." 😭✋
Adaine sees Cassandra collapse on the ground!!! 😭😭😭
Adaine: "Is anybody good at god medicine?"
Kalina: "You have to get Kristen here RIGHT now!!!"
Come on! Not right before the ultimate shrimp party!! 😭😭✋✋
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bigdvmnhero · 2 years
Donnie follows his new friends down NYC's rabbit hole. Makes them shiny things that go BLAM, fast things that go VROOM. Sometimes lethal things that make no sound. His friends cheer. His friends push pretty drinks into his hand. His friends call him The Man. It's in his blood, to give so completely.
The Hamato Clan, four generations apart, the same old song.
word count: 2.7k words
sequela, n. /sēˈkwelə/ a condition which is the consequence of a previous disease or injury.
Yanked by the scruff into the past by the only father he knows, Casey thinks under the panic: sure, I guess!  
Deep down, he felt it coming. This is how every story starts. How all Hamato are made: in unmakings so absolute. The body a blade too bloodied to turn over. Casey doesn't have to hear the stories to know; he's lived through most of them.
On the other side of the timegate is a world skewed to the side, smothered in smog and strange lights. Miles and miles of it, rending the breath out of him. He feels flat-footed and wrong. He has a hurting in his chest with no exit wound, and no one to blame. And every time he looks at Leo—sixteen and several shades off—he wants to run. 
So he does. 
(This too is a Hamato specialty.)
Casey doesn't know how to live outside a war yet, and at this point he's too afraid to ask. I wanna see what's out there, he lies, walks away. Leo doesn't stop him. Casey looks back to check anyway.
Funny kid; he thinks his pain is unique. If only he looked a little further down the family tree, peered a while into its dark alleys, he'd find his answer. 
To find his answer Donnie stumbles down the dark alley and skins his human knee. This whole night is the sequela of one terrible question: what would it feel like, to be loved by someone not of your kind? 
All Hamato are born foragers, and Donnie is no different. He leaves the lair to hunt down the origin of his hurt. Topside scintillates like a motherboard, and maybe if he can just slot himself into its circuitry—and why not, when he talked like them, dressed like them, danced their funny Tiktok dances better than anyone had any right to? 
So he wears the cloaking brooch into the city.
Then he lets the city wear him.
Donnie follows his new friends down NYC's rabbit hole. Makes them shiny things that go BLAM, fast things that go VROOM. Sometimes lethal things that make no sound. His friends cheer. His friends push pretty drinks into his hand. His friends call him The Man. His friends want to see him drink this whole city clean. 
It's in his blood, to give so completely. 
He was so ready to be under-appreciated in his time, but maybe this is the way out—how he breaks the family curse. 
When April finds him puking in the alley, he throws her finger guns and pushes her hand away. April wouldn't understand. April doesn't have three brothers and a distant father who never call him The Man. 
Donnie thinks his loneliness is novel, but if only he pressed his ear against the bottom of the vodka bottle, he'd hear it: the way home, whistling.
Yoshi's head whistles when the white man's fist cracks against his skull. Then he grins, like someone who just figured it all out. 
This is what it means to be accepted into this city: the rough and tumble way you hold your guns, your girls, your liquor. The beet-red glow of his cheeks is impossible to hide, but Yoshi is starting to realize he was never meant to disappear. Sorry, Grandpa Sho, not sorry. Yoshi is many things, but he is not like his mother; he will not fold himself into tiny wishful cranes.
A flash of momentary genius—yelling HOT SOUP! loud enough to startle two executive producers at the booth—and Hamato Yoshi hurricanes through his very first New York bar fight and fails. Lou Jitsu walks out, busted nose up, a brand new gash of a man. 
Now he's fast food and quotable, the pulp of all-American superhero flicks, nothing too fussy. He learns to shapeshift, because he is Hamato still, and all Hamato must make it through the winter. When he fights, he fights completely. When he loves, it's to the point of blindness.
Alone and battered in the Battle Nexus cage, Yoshi unfolds a photo of his mother from his pocket and shrinks. His cell smells like piss and day-old gore. Sorry, Grandpa Sho; maybe he was meant to fade into nothing, after all; just like his mother, and the mother before her—an endless queue of martyrs living inside each other like frozen-smile Matryoshka dolls. Yoshi checks himself for a pulse.
He prays for forgiveness, but who would understand betrayal like this? Made gladiator-slash-slave by the love of your life, who actually turned out to be a six-eyed enterprising spider-beast in disguise? 
(Admittedly, this is... new territory for the clan.)
But if only he looked past the bars, followed the gentle wrist of light the hallway offered—how it persisted in the deepest hollows—he'd remember his training.
Karai watches her own father die in a starburst of ancient light and forgets all her training. The armor's work is absolute; it twists him into something vile and blood-starved. She flees into the forest when it lurches four-legged after her. 
She has no weapons. No shields. No time to bury her own mother and sisters. Cold bites into the deep gashes on her back where the beast clawed into her, leaving a bloody trail in the snow. Daughter, the Shredder singsongs, where are you going? No matter how fast she runs the forest is a wet grave pulling her down, down, down—
Please, she prays, I cannot do this alone. And the seed unlocks and greens inside her. 
All Hamato are born harvesters; now is time to reap. Karai is several seasons early for this task, but she will not carry it alone. 
Beneath her, the grave spits out a spade as white as bone.
Karai stops running. She turns to face the demon. Up close the armor's illusion is clear; beneath the smokescreen of fury it is still her father, kind and soft-spoken, his hands the very same that sheltered her as they traveled through the snow-chromed world; their twin laughter tangling.
I love you, she thinks with a smile. Grounds her feet. They cannot bury it. 
Widening her stance, Karai thanks her family for the gift. Then she fashions the spade into a long, crackling spear that flies straight into the future and never stops. 
Lou flies into the wall and the hits never stop. His arm is broken in two places and his spirit too, in more ways than he can count. The jeers hail down on all sides. Officially, this might be his newest low: ex-action superstar, now laughing stock of all yokai-kind, and he's not even getting any dental for it.
On his 178th match, he finally makes peace with dying. That's when the voice lances through him. All the hairs on his arms stand on end.
This is not your grave. Get up.
And a second voice, gentler under the tone: no, you are not meant to disappear.
Lou's heart snags around it, never lets go.
Without looking he blocks the strike meant for his jugular and bends the yokai's palm back onto itself. Holds it for three, until the satisfying CRACK! Now for the last, honorable blow. The crowd howls. That was child's play; all in the fingers. His mom taught him that trick. Lou can't believe he'd forgotten; all his best moves come from her.
Across the arena, Big Mama stares at her crowned champion and feels something akin to remorse. 
This man does not yet have the four great loves that will animate him in his second life, but for a moment the future and past bleed into the present—it's her old Lou, grinning unabashed, invincible in the sun of his love. She averts her eyes with a grimace.
The Champion considers his options: Lou Jitsu feels too much like a dizzying skyscraper view. Yoshi a sleepy town, too small to keep living in. So he renames himself Splinter—to honor the mangling of all his past selves, as he folds them together into one proud paper crane. 
All that's left now is to lift his wings; he flies out of that story and into a new one.
Donnie yelps as he's flung out of a window and into a new one. The holographic armor he wants to build won't hold. His mind's stuck in a morass. And newly escaped from its government cell, Kraang Two is loose in the city to lay its judgment.
While Donnie was nursing his broken pride, building stupid playthings in the city, his brothers were warding her off. Now his mystic power is failing, and he needs his anger now. It's the key to his power. That's what Draxum said at least. 
The first time he'd grazed the ceiling of his potential, they were taking Leo away into the prison dimension, and Donnie was so furious it shut down his heart and all coherent thought. So Donnie gets angry, because anger is easy. Simple, one-line code. 
He imagines: his brothers, broken; his tech, a dead man's error; his hands, a mistake. He hates and hates and hates. Kraang Two tears through a billboard like it's paper. He needs the drill, now. The biggest it can ever be.
The shape forms in the air once. Then it scatters in a blitz of purple.
No, no, no. He pulls at the hurt in his chest. The one with no exit wound, the thorny half-seed, half-bullet that he suspects someone planted in his brothers too, only no one ever talks about it. Why don't they ever talk about it? He needs his rage but only grief comes out. He wishes he had more of him to give. He wishes he had more time to tell his brothers, regretful sigh; guess I was the dum dum after all?
He's about to give in to exhaustion when, like lightning, a bolt of energy plows through him. The voice almost sounds like a laugh: 
No, your power has never come from anger.
On the next mid-rise building, April is climbing up the rungs of the emergency exit to throw a bat at the approaching Kraang. It glances uselessly against its exosuit. One blistering eye turns.
April shrieks, "Run, I'll cover you!"
"Have you lost all your marbles," is what Donnie wants to say but doesn't, because his chest is finally flowering with his answer. Nodes glow. Separate systems connect. Donnie counts: one stupid sister, one rat-father, three dum dum brothers—and all the pieces click into place.
Oh, I love you, he thinks. How could he ever think he would bear this distance? It's in his blood, to love so completely. 
Above Donnie's head, a massive cannon powers up its barrel, its mouth brimming with ultraviolet. Something greens in Donnie's chest; he'll need to invent the word for it. Anger dies in this new garden. 
Donnie folds his hand into a gun and lifts the length of his arm. He mouths, blam. 
—and the Kraang shrieks as its side detonates. A containing net swallows her whole and lists off the building's ledge.
As the smog clears, April finds him on the roof. April always finds him, especially when he doesn't want to. She holds her hand out, says, "So... you done being stupid or what?"
"I make no such promises," Donnie replies. But he takes her hand and never lets go.
When the Purple Dragons hold out their hand, Casey can't let go. Joining a street gang wasn't in the plan, but it's the Hamato in him, to seek out belonging; whatever takes to make it through the winter. 
The gang artist flicks his tattoo gun. "All settled?" he says, and around Casey his members leer, imagining all the terror they'll take into town with this crazy-eyed new kid in tow. Casey shrugs. He rolls up his left sleeve.
Then something soft knocks against his chest and plants a seed there. They cannot bury it, the voice says. Remember? And Casey jolts in his chair, gasping.
"I have to go," he tells them. He's better than this. He throws on his coat and pushes past the pissed-off Dragons who spit at his shadow. He runs out into the streets, through the confounding cacophony of street activity, between stalls of chicken halal rice and piping-hot samosas, leaping through rails streaked with pigeon shit, until his heart stops pounding, until night whittles away into the early morning chill and Casey thinks he's found what he's looking for. 
Leo is dangling his legs down the edge of a condominium down central. He's dressed in a black hoodie, no gloves. There's a shadow in his face, draped over all of his sixteen years, but Casey would know him anywhere. 
For a beat, Casey considers leaving again. But then he imagines Leo's hands hurting in the cold, and suddenly he wants to cry.
After a month of absence Casey Jones Jr. appears on the roof, bearing cup ramen. Leo is surprised but makes no show of it.
They exchange greetings. Leo fidgets, while Casey loosens the noodles with wooden chopsticks and stirs. Leo watches him for a while, eyes wide. And then, voice tempered as if not to spook him, as if any wrong move will scatter Casey back into the streets, he says, "Dude, I love this flavor."
"I know. It's your favorite." Casey smiles, then wavers. "Was. Um. Here."
Leo curls his hands around the cup and drinks in the steam greedily. "Aw, yeees. Wanna help me out here though? It's a big boy."
"Sure, just leave me the last bite or something."
"You mean the best part? With all the tiny noodle bits and soupy sodium goodness swirling at the bottom? Oh, I see your strategy." Leo takes a sip. "Respect."
"Uh, I wouldn't say strategy. I've only had two cup ramen in my life. The first time, Master Michelangelo crunched up the noodles, sprinkled the packet in, and voila. Ate the stuff—"
"—with your hands, yeah! Yeah. Like finger food."
"Obviously," Casey says.
"Obviously!" Leo crows. "Trust Mikey to have good ideas. I've got plenty more ramen hacks, if you're curious. And you must be. My family are big devoted noodle fans, I'm sure my reputation has preceded me. Just stick around, Case, I'll show you how it's done. First, you wanna start with your foundational—"
"I missed you," Casey murmurs.
Leo's jaw closes so fast it makes an audible click. Casey drags his gaze from his scarred hands to Leo's face. "Thought it'd pass. But... Yeah." He exhales, sheepish. "Guess I'm still figuring this whole thing out."
The quiet collects. Traffic streams below their feet. After an eternity, Leo says, "One time, I put an egg in my cup noodle and thought I invented the thing. Raph didn't like that. We got into a whole fight, because he said he'd been doing it first." Leo laughs. "Turned out we were both wrong, and Dad's been doing the egg hack since we were itty-bitty green babies. Fried, poached, dropped in... you name it. Probably an unlocked core memory or something. And guess who taught him?" 
Casey thinks about it. "Uh, Mikey?"
Leo's laugh is a bell. "No, dummy. His grandpa did. And who taught his grandpa? His mama. Anyway. What am I saying—yeesh, sorry, my point is—what was my point—?"
"I think I get it," Casey says, chest tight with remembering. He thinks of Leonardo, from the future that will never be, teaching him to throw a punch, the way uncle Raph did; just how grandpa Splinter taught him. How once Casey insisted on a solo mission, because he was young and foolish and needed to prove himself; how Master Leonardo never once faulted him for what happened next.
Take me with you, Leonardo said instead. And just like that: another way. I've gone down this path before. 
"I get it," Casey repeats, and startles to see Leonardo's face in Leo's. And in Leo's face, his own. "Maybe we can figure things out together?"
"Maybe," Leo says, eyes wide. He's oddly quiet for a moment. Steam curls and curls around his face.
Casey follows his thousand-yard stare. He does one sweep around the empty roof. "You... good?"
"You look like you saw a ghost."
Leo laughs, and does not tell Casey how, just for a moment, the floor was green with life, a whole coterie of people, watching over them. "Nah, I just," Leo says, "remembered something funny."
Casey lets that be that. They sit side by side, watching the city turn warm, happily haunted.
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atomsminecraft · 2 years
Nighttime Comfort
Here’s a little thing I made while I’m procrastinating on another fic I’m making lol
This is also not proof read so yeahhhhh- Good luck :D
Genre: Fluff and some angst
Characters: Lou and MC
________________________________________ “MC, sweetie! Me and your father are going to the store, is there anything you need?” My mom called out to me.
“No thank you, mom!” I said while cuddling with Robin on the couch.
“If you need anything, don’t be afraid to text me. I’m just a text or a phone call away.” My mom said before both my parents walked out of the house.
“Mew!” Robin licked my cheek and ran off the couch to play with one of his mouse toys. He bit and scratched at it and threw it around then caught it in his mouth in a repeating cycle. Everything felt perfect at this moment, the only thing off was how familiar this all was to me. As if I’ve gone through his entire day before.
I looked out the window and looked at the kids playing in the streets, their laughter could be heard from here. Things were weird though, the kids didn’t look normal... They looked almost warped, still human yet just barely. Before I could think about it further though, a knock came at the door.
“MC, sweetie... Open the door...” My mom’s voice came through the door. Her voice sounded strange, however. It sounded distorted and more like she was in pain. What’s going on? Before I could open the door, it opened on its own to reveal a dark void and what looks like what could be my parents corpses. I wanted to scream but I couldn’t. I went to go grab Robin but he was nowhere near sight. My parents walked inside and the void followed them causing me to back away.
“Come with us, Honey...” A corps that looked and sounded like my father said. “We can be together this way...” The void surrounded the house by this point and my “parents” started walking faster towards me. I continued to back away from them trying to create as much distance from them as possible. What is happening?! Is this some sort of dream?! The more I tried to create a distance the more apparent it became that it wouldn’t work, they just kept getting closer and closer to me.
“Come be with us!” Both my parents yelled, both grabbing one of my arms. I screamed.
I jolted awake from my bed, sweat covering my body and I tried to catch my breath. Tears were streaming down my face and my vision blurred from them. I remember now, that was the day of my parents death... I looked around for Robin only to not see him anywhere. Right... He went to sleep with Grusha tonight... I hugged my knees and cried.
Lou looked at his crystal ball, unable to fall asleep. A strange feeling came over him when he woke up and now he’s watching his paramour, MC, sleeping. Strange? Yes. Was it the only thing keeping the strange feeling of something bad happening that he needed to take care of away? That’s... debatable... He was about to stop and go back to bed before he heard MC talk in her sleep. “What is she dreaming about?” Lou thought. He watched her through his crystal ball. Should he go make sure she’s ok over there? Before he could make up his mind, he saw MC jolt awake in bed. The first few tears that came down her face said enough and he made up his mind on what he was going to go.
I tried to wipe away the tears in my eyes but with useless effort. The tears, no matter how many times I try, won’t stop flowing. I thought I healed from the death of my parents, but apparently I wasn't even close. Ok MC... Take a deep breath... 1, 2... A sudden knock at my door broke me out of my thoughts. Who could be up at this house? And why here?
I wiped away as many tears as I could then opened the door and to my surprise, Lou was here! Wait, why was he here in the middle of the night? I couldn’t think up a sentence before I was embraced in a warm hug. That gone and done it, more tears fell down my face than before now and I hugged Lou back.
“...It’s alright,” I heard him say, “everything will be ok.” He rubbed soothing circles on my back and I hid my head in his shoulder. At some point my tears began to stop and my sobs became small whimpers, Lou never stopped rubbing my back in a comforting motion. I felt tired yet I didn’t want to fall asleep. Why exactly? I couldn’t quite remember. “It’s alright to fall asleep, I will stay here until then.” His calm and gentle voice relaxed me more and my eyes slowly began to close and I felt myself being lifted then put on my bed and on Lou’s lap. He continued to rub circles on my back even as my eyes closed and even as I drifted to the land of dreams. I’m not so scared of my next dream that I’ll have as long as he’s here with me. “I love you,” was the last thing I remember hearing before I fully succumb to sleep.
I’m pretty proud of this fanfic I made, it’s the best and only one I actually finished haha
I’m sorry if it sucked though- I’m still learning to write so this is the best I can do lmao
This was also written at 12 AM and in the span of I think like 30 minutes to an hour lol
This was easier to write then the one I’m writing rn since it was MUCH shorter(and I might shorten the one I’m making rn but who knows) but I find comfort in how small it is
Of course my first fic is of Lou, don’t ever think so low of me that it will be anyone else 🙄
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irl-magicalgirl · 1 year
after a few weeks of procrastinating I started catching up on Neverafter again yesterday — and episode 9 just punched me in the gut in the first 20 minutes.
(this ended up being longer than intended so slapping a readmore here as to not clog folks' dashboards)
Pinocchio has always been one of my favorite characters since I i was little, and I never agreed with the way his story is so often interpreted as "he was a bad child and all lying is bad, so he deserves the punishments he gets". I just always felt it was such an oversimplified and dishonest story in that way.
So when Lou was explaining Pinocchio's inner thoughts, about how he wants to know why everything is so hard, why it had to be this hard, why nothing ever works out. Why other children get to lie and steal and cheat and still get to live good lives, but when he does it he gets hung, or burned, or his father is hurt or killed. Why when he fails he suffers the ultimate consequences that other children don't — it really hit me because that's exactly how I've always thought about Pinnochio.
and after about 40 minutes of letting that percolate and replay in my mind, I started to vividly remember being around 12 or 13, and working up the courage to ask my mother why she yells at me and punishes me the way she does, and asking to please not scream at me. I remember even saying that I knew none of my friends' parents treated them that way. And I was met with anger and more yelling, and being told I was lying and ungrateful and that every parent treats their child like this. And this was the first time I learned that trying to have any dialogue with my mother would only lead to more yelling and threats and pain, and that my best option was to shut up and never fight back. And I had to become exceptional at telling small and big lies all of the time, to protect myself and my siblings, and to keep my thoughts and feelings to myself.
I'm nearly 27 now, and just thinking about that confrontation still makes me cry and feel helpless, even though I am out of that house and independent. And I got to have such an extreme moment of self realization and understanding last night thanks to Lou Wilson (and Guillermo del Toro) providing such beautiful interpretations of Pinnochio as a character.
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harperfrogspad · 4 months
Partners: Chapter 16: Recovery
Gunfire, yelling, pain, blood, her lifeless body in his arms. He’d failed, failed to protect the one he loved most.
Kay woke up suddenly from the nightmare half sitting up in a bed a weight on his left side and a sharp pain in his right shoulder. He cringed at the pain and laid back down, his head was spinning.
“Easy there, tough guy,” a familiar voice said.
Kay blinked several times and opened his eyes.
“Jonas?” Kay saw the healer standing over him.
“Were you expecting The Prior of the Inquisition?” Jonas quipped.
“Where’s Lou?” Kay coughed, his throat was very dry. “Is she alright?”
“Relax, lover boy, she’s right next to you,” Jonas said flatly. Then he moved away from the bed headed towards the kitchen unit.
Kay turned his head and saw her asleep on his left shoulder, and only then did he feel her body pressed up against his. He sighed when he saw her then he buried his nose in her hair and hugged her with his left arm that was wrapped around her. Kay stroked Lou’s hair as he nuzzled her, trying to calm his own emotions. It was selfish, but he wanted her to wake up, he wanted to see her eyes, to hear her voice. He gave her a little shake, hoping to rouse her, but she didn’t even react. He tried a little harder, and said her name softly, still nothing, that made him worry.
“Here,” Jonas was back at his side with a glass of water.
“What’s wrong with her?” Kay asked, worried.
“Nothing, she’s fine. I just give her a sedative,” Jonas told him.
Kay turned and looked at the healer in surprise. “She won’t be happy about that.”
“Nope, she wasn’t. Now here drink this,” he helped Kay sit up a little and drink the water.
Kay hadn’t realized just how thirsty he was until the cool liquid filled his mouth and eased his dry throat.
“Thank you,” he said to the healer, after finished the glass of water, then he rubbed his wounded shoulder.
“That hurt?” Jonas asked.
Kay nodded.
“Sharp or dull pain?”
“Sharp,” Kay said.
“Here,” Jonas indicated that he wanted Kay to move his hand, Kay complied.
Jonas put his hand on the wound on Kay’s shoulder.
“Take a deep breath,” he told the empath.
Kay did as he was told and then he felt the heat coming from Jonas’ fingers, the sharp pain intensified. Kay’s face contorted in pain, but he didn’t make a sound.
“Keep breathing,” Jonas instructed.
Kay let go of the breath he didn’t realize he was holding and took another deep breath. And then the pain faded away.
“Better?” Jonas asked.
“Yes, thank you,” Kay said.
“Anymore sharp pains or just a dull ache?”
“Just a dull ache,” Kay replied.
“Good, those sharp pains were bone fragments, but I think I’ve gotten all back into place. That was a nasty bullet that hit you,” the healer eyed the empath.
“Yes, it was,” Kay agreed.
“You wanna tell me why all of Termitary wanted to kill you all last night?” Jonas asked.
Kay said nothing.
“You ever think about a career change, Stone?” Jonas sounded annoyed.
“No,” Kay said simply, not sure why his choice of work bothered the healer.
“You wanna know why I sedated Lou?” Jonas was sounding angrier every time he spoke.
“Yes,” Kay remained calm.
“She was hysterical, not a word I ever thought I’d use to describe Lou. You know why she was hysterical?” Jonas asked.
“She was worried about me,” Kay replied.
“Worried is putting it lightly, she kept asking me why. ‘Why would he do that, Jonas, why? Why would he just lay there and sacrifice himself?’” Jonas was downright angry now.
Kay stayed calm. “It was foolish on my part, but at the time I couldn’t see any other way to protect her. And asking me not to protect her, is like asking you not to heal her.”
Jonas and Kay stared at each other for awhile, Kay could see something in the healer’s eyes that he’d never noticed before.
“Go back to sleep,” Jonas finally said. “You haven’t gotten enough yet.”
“What time is it, anyway?” Kay asked.
“9:30ish,” Jonas said.
“What?” Kay was surprised, he tried to sit up. “We have to get to work.”
Jonas put his hand on the empath’s shoulder, keeping him in bed. The touch confirmed Kay’s suspicion.
“You aren’t going anywhere, doctor’s orders. Besides, she probably won’t wake for another 2-3 hours,” he nodded towards Lou. “So go back to sleep or I’ll sedate you too.”
Jonas walked anyway signaling that he was done with the conversation. Kay sighed, he didn’t exactly have much a of choice and if Jonas was telling the truth about Lou then there was no point. Kay turned and buried his nose back into Lou’s hair, kissed her head, closed his eyes, and tried to go back to sleep. It was easier than he’d expected.
When Kay woke again a couple hours later it was hunger and the smell of food that roused him. He felt Lou nestled against his side, at first he thought they were at home just like any morning. Then he shifted slightly and a sharp pain ripped through his shoulder, he drew in a sharp breath.
Footsteps approached. “That hurt again?”
Kay opened his eyes to see Jonas standing over him, the memories flooded back.
“Yes,” Kay said breathless from the pain.
Kay nodded.
“Take a deep breath,” Jonas told him, Kay did as told.
Again Jonas put his hand on Kay’s shoulder again heat spread from his fingers into wound and the sharp pain got worse.
“Breathe through it,” Jonas said.
Kay felt like Jonas was twisting a shard of glass inside his shoulder, he scrunched up his face in pain. He turned his head and hid his face in Lou’s hair, holding her tightly.
Lou felt like she was in a vice grip, she tried to shift, but couldn’t. Then she woke up. Kay was holding her very tightly, on his face was a look of pain. Jonas was standing over him with his hand on the empath’s shoulder.
“Jonas, stop you’re hurting him!” Lou said suddenly.
Kay was surprised by the sound of her voice and opened his eyes up look at her.
“Necessary evil, Lou,” Jonas said, his voice strained.
“It’s alright, it’s alright,” Kay’s voice was stained as well.
Lou looked at him, she’d never seen him like that, it hurt her to see him like that. She pulled his head against her shoulder, cradling him gently, kissing his temple repeatedly.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you,” she whispered to him between kisses. “I’ve got you.”
Kay’s right hand landed on Jonas’ instinctually trying to stop the thing causing him pain. Jonas pulled Kay’s hand off with his other hand, put his knee on the bed, and put Kay’s wrist under it to hold him still.
“Deep breath, Kay, we’re almost there,” Jonas said.
Kay took several deep breaths, sweat running down his forehead.
Lou looked up at Jonas, red streaks were starting to run down from his eyes.
“Jonas,” she whispered.
“A bit more,” the healer said.
Kay began to squirm and try to get away for Jonas, Lou held him tightly.
“Shhh, it’s okay, baby, I’ve got you,” Lou said in Kay’s ear. “Just breathe, focus on your breathing.”
He did what she said, he breathed deeply and felt all of Lou’s emotions. She was so desperate to ease his pain, to make him feel better, Kay clung to those emotions.
Then the pain was gone, Kay sighed becoming lacks in Lou’s arms as Jonas took his hand away, and then the healer headed towards the bathroom, Lou watched him go.
“Are you okay?” Lou asked Kay, looking at him intently.
“I’m fine,” he said, smiling faintly. “You?”
“Fine,” she said, then she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. “I was so worried about you, don’t you ever do that again,” she shook him slightly.
“Okay,” Kay whispered. He didn’t know if he could truly promise that or not, but he couldn’t deny her request in that moment.
They stayed like that for a long time, snuggled in each other’s arms, they didn’t even separate when Jonas finally came out of the bathroom. Lou watched the healer head towards the kitchen unit.
“Got food ready, if you two are hungry,” he said.
“Jonas?” Lou called to him, letting go of Kay slightly.
“Hm?” He didn’t even turn around.
“Are you okay?” Lou asked.
“I’m fine,” he said softly.
Lou let go of Kay, sat up slightly, and looked at the empath, who shrugged. She kissed him quickly and then got off the bed. Unfortunately she had completely forgotten about the abuse her bare feet had taken the night before and her first step had her stumbling and almost falling. Kay managed to catch her arm and give her enough stability to prevent a fall. Lou swore loudly. Jonas was by her side instantly and helped her back onto the bed.
“What happened?” The healer asked.
“It’s her feet,” Kay said, while Lou continued to swear.
“What’s wrong with her feet?”
“She ran all over Termitary barefoot last night,” Kay said.
“Let me see,” Jonas said to Lou.
She pointed at him angrily, “don’t you dare.”
Jonas rolled his eyes. “I won’t, just let me see them.”
Lou sat farther back in the bed so Jonas could look at her feet. He unwrapped them and got down on his knees to look at them.
“You did a good job treating them,” he said.
“Kay did it,” Lou told the healer.
“So you can treat people, not just shoot them?” Jonas said.
“Jonas!” Lou was angry, she felt Kay put his hand on her back.
“On the news this morning they said that over 30 bodies have been found,” Jonas said, then he looked at Kay. “How many of those are you responsible for?”
Kay didn’t dignify that with an answer.
“Jonas, stop it,” Lou said.
“Why is it that death seems to follow you two everywhere?” Jonas asked.
“It’s not our fault that other people think killing those in power in the answer,” Lou said, annoyed.
“There were 13 people killed not that far from here, but far away from where all the others were found. That was you wasn’t it?” Jonas said looking at Kay.
“Thirteen?” Lou asked softly.
“Yeah, 13 killed in a residential square, full of homes of innocent people,” Jonas glaring at the empath.
Kay stayed quiet, but he was perfectly willing to take the blame for those deaths in Jonas’ eyes.
“Did you even think about those people? Do you think about the families of the people you kill, Stone? Or has the Corps harden you to it?” Jonas said angrily.
“Stop it!” Lou yelled. “He didn’t kill them, I did!”
Jonas stared at his friend.
“I know you think all killing is bad because you’re a doctor but life isn’t that fucking simple, Jonas,” she continued.
Kay rubbed her back, trying to help her calm down, but she paid no attention to it.
“You act like you are so fucking righteous because you save lives, but how many people do you think are dead because you saved the life of some criminal? Huh? Do you even think about that?” Lou raged on.
Jonas was looking at Lou differently now, like maybe he was starting to understand her side.
“I know you hate killing, I’m not going to tell you that I enjoy it, but I understand that sometimes you have to take a life to save others,” Lou said.
“Lou,” Kay’s voice was soft, but it still caught her attention.
Lou looked at Jonas who was quiet, she sighed. “Jonas, I’m sorry. I overreacted, I guess I’m feeling extra protective tonight.”
“No, you’re right,” the healer admitted. “I try to never think of that side of it. I’m sorry, Lou.”
“I’m not sure I’m the one who deserves an apology,” she said.
The healer sighed. “Sorry, Kay. I had a rough night even before you two showed up, I didn’t mean to take it out on you.”
“No worries,” Kay said.
Lou looked at her friend kneeling in front of her and realized how tried and beat down he look. She scooted closer to the edge of the bed and him.
“Jonas, tell me the truth. Are you really okay? You look like shit,” Lou said.
Jonas chuckled. “There were a lot of gun shot wounds at the hospital last night, and then you two, and I hadn’t had much sleep or food.”
Lou hugged him, practically falling into his lap, emotions rising. “I’m sorry, Jonas, I wouldn’t have brought him here, except I didn’t know where else was safe.”
“Oh, shut up,” Jonas said, hugging her back. “You know you can always come to me.”
“Yeah, I know,” Lou let go of him and sat back on the bed, tears welling up in her eyes.
“You can come to me with your injuries, your fears, your stalking exs, your bullies, your shot up boyfriend,” Jonas joked.
Lou and Kay both chuckled.
“I promise not to make a habit out of this,” Kay said.
“You better not, or I’ll beat your ass,” Lou said turning to glare at him, Kay just smirked.
After Jonas bandaged up Lou’s feet again the three of them ate together, and then Lou and Kay left Jonas’ so he could get some sleep. They went to Lou’s house to shower and change clothes, then they headed to the Inquisition.
When they walked into The Prior’s waiting area it was after 1 o’clock, Danielle nearly flew out of her chair to greet them.
“Lou, Kay! You’re alright!” The secretary came out from behind her desk and hugged them both at once. “We’ve been so worried about you two. Quick come inside.”
The partners smiled at Danielle’s reaction and followed her to The Prior’s office. She didn’t knock before entering the office.
“Monsieur Martin, excuse me if I’m interrupting,” Danielle said, as she stepped into the room.
“Do you have news?” Martin asked.
Danielle just smiled as she moved aside so Martin could see the partners behind her.
“Lou, Kay,” Martin rose from his desk and came around it, in much the same way Danielle just had. “Glory to the United One.”
He walked up to them and put one hand on each of their shoulders, he looked at both of them and then his eyes stayed on Stone.
“Kay, how are you? Mark says you took a bullet for him,” Martin asked.
“I’m fine, Monsieur Martin,” Kay gave a half smile. “Lou’s healer friend fixed me up quite well.”
“Excellent,” Martin said.
“Where is Mark? Is he okay?” Lou asked suddenly concerned.
“I’m fine, Reed,” came Mark’s voice. “But your concern is touching.”
“Let’s sit,” Martin gestured to the sitting area where Mark was sitting.
“We were about to send out search parties for the two of you,” Mark said once they’d sat down. “You could have at least called.”
“Well, our phones died, but even after changing them we didn’t want risk using them in case more people turned up to kill us,” Lou said.
“Ah, yes,” Mark said.
“As it turns out, it was the network that was hacked, not your phones specifically,” Martin explained. “And Danielle has already solved the problem.”
“That’s good,” Lou said.
“So,” Martin began. “I have heard Mark’s account of last night, and now I want yours.”
Kay and Lou told them about the whole night from their prospective.
“Well, I’m glad everything worked out,” Martin said. “The two of you did excellent work. I’m very proud of both of you. You can expect bonuses, as well.”
“Thank you,” Lou said.
“Thank you, Monsieur Martin,” Kay said.
The Prior smiled very slightly at his bodyguards. “Now I want you to go home and get some rest. I want you both back here in two days. And Lou I want you to get your Psi assessed when you get back.”
“You think it’s advanced?” She asked, mildly surprised.
“What you did was very impressive and I think it is possible that it has,” Marion said.
Kay looked at Lou proudly while she looked at Martin still trying let that information sink
“Now go home,” Martin said.
The two Psionics left The Prior’s office, Lou decided she wanted to get some chores done at her place, but they planned to meet back at Kay’s for dinner. Being alone in her place did nothing good for Lou’s state of mind. Without Kay near her it was much easier to be angry with him. She couldn’t stop seeing him get shot or just laying on the ground waiting to be shot to death. So she angrily cleaned her apartment trying to understand what he was thinking. Every now and then tears threatened to take over her anger, but she never let them. Once her apartment was clean, Lou started working out, she began with pull ups, then push ups, sit ups. She was full of pent up anxiety and angry energy, yet nothing helped to make it go away. Eventually, hot, sweaty, and tired Lou took a long shower. Once she was done it was time to head to Kay’s for dinner, so she got dressed and drove over. Lou could smell dinner as soon as she unlocked and opened the door to Kay’s apartment.
“Hello,” Kay said, smiling as he walked over to greet her.
“Hi,” she hugged him briefly as he kissed her cheek.
“I’ve got dinner all ready,” he said stepping back so that she could see the table.
The table was covered in not just delicious smelling food, but also candles and flowers. Lou wasn’t sure what to say, everything was so romantic, she would have been really pleased if she hadn’t spend the afternoon being mad at him. She was fairly certain he was aware of it too.
“It’s beautiful,” she finally said.
Kay smiled, then gestured to the table, they walked over and sat down. Kay poured them some wine.
“What’s with all the romance?” Lou asked, after sipping her wine.
“Well, I thought after the night we had it would be nice to have a romantic meal together,” he said.
Lou watched him, he was smiling while he explained, but she was even more certain that he knew how upset she’d been earlier. Lou enjoyed her dinner, she appreciated the effort Kay had put into making everything, but she was still wrestling internally. For the most part they eat quietly, Kay tried to start up conversations now and then, but Lou clearly didn’t feel like talking, so he decided to stay quiet. After finishing her food Lou stood up.
“Thank you, Kay, that was wonderful,” Lou said with a tone that didn’t match her words.
“You’re welcome,” he said, watching her pick up both of their dishes and take them to the sink where she started washing them.
Kay sighed quietly. He knew she was still upset and he was fairly sure he knew what she needed, he just wasn’t looking forward to the process. He stood up and watched as she washed the dishes, her movements getting faster and harsher.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” He asked gently.
Lou threw the scrub brush down into the sink roughly, grabbed a towel to dry her hand, and turned to face him.
“No, Kay, I don’t want to talk about it!” she practically yelled. “I want to scream about it, I want to rage about it, I want to throw things across the room about it, I want to be mad at you for it!”
Kay stood quietly letting her work through her emotions.
“I can’t decide if I want to hold you or hit you. I’ve never felt so scared in my whole life,” she came closer to him. “I understand that you wanted to protect me, but I just can’t fathom why that was the way you choose to do it.”
She was up in his space now, her voice raised, her hands holding fistfuls of his clothes.
“Why, Kay, why!?” She yelled as she started pounding her fists on his chest as she spoke. “Why would you do that!? Why!? What good is protecting me if you’re dead!?”
Kay didn’t try to stop her, but he held his hands out, somewhat around her as if to try to contain her rage. One of her hits got him right where the bullet had exited. Jonas didn’t heal Kay completely and so it still hurt. He wrinkled up his face in pain, but he didn’t make a sound, he didn’t move, he didn’t try to stop her. It didn’t take all before her anger dissolve into the real emotion she’d been trying to conceal. She stopped hitting him and sobbed, holding him tightly, this is what he had been waiting for, only then did he speak. He didn’t try to explain himself or make excuses, he only sought to comfort her.
“I know, sunshine,” he held her securely. “I’m safe, I’m here. I’m alive thanks to you.”
She continued to sob against his chest, her arms wrapped around his neck as he repeated words of comfort in her ear. Eventually the sobbing subsided and she felt weak against him. Kay bent down slightly to grab her behind the knees and pick her up, then he carried her into their room. He set her down gently on the edge of the bed, she clung to him.
“It’s alright, I’m not going anywhere,” he reassured her.
“I-I don’t want…” she couldn’t quite get the words out.
“You don’t want what, love?” He asked softly.
“I don’t want to feel all these emotions,” she said with a shaky voice. “I don’t want to be mad, or scared, or upset, I just want it to away.”
Kay pulled away just enough to look down at her, she looked up at him, the torment in her soul reflected in her eyes.
“I know, sunshine, I know,” he kissed her forehead.
“You could feel me earlier, couldn’t you?” She asked.
“Yes,” he said stroking her cheek.
“There’s a part of me that wants to be so mad at you,” she sounded angry as she spoke. “And there’s another part of me that doesn’t want to be mad at you at all,” she sounded sad now.
“Both of those things can be true at the same time,” he told her. “It’s not uncommon to feel conflicting emotions when we are upset, especially when we’re upset with someone we care about.”
Lou reached up, touched his cheek, and traced a line from his temple down along his jawline. She studied the face of the man she loved more than any other. She looked into his eyes, there was such warmth and tenderness there that she smiled as she touched his cheek.
Kay smiled as he watched her eyes move slowly around his face, shamelessly staring at him, but he didn’t mind. He felt her conflicted emotions fade away until there was nothing but love left.
“I love you, my sunshine, my light, my joy,” he said affectionately.
Tears welled in her eyes and then she buried her face against his collarbone.
“I love you, too,” came her muffled voice.
They stayed snuggled together for awhile, Kay didn’t move away, letting her soak up as much as she wanted. Eventually Lou raised her head from his collarbone, gently pressed her cheek against his, and began nuzzling him much like a cat. Kay smiled, enjoying her affection, feeling her need to touch his skin, he slid his hands under her shirt and gently rubbed her back. She whimpered softly before sliding her hands underneath his shirt and pulling it off. Her eyes immediately fell to the scar of the gunshot wound, sadness and anger clouded her expression. With extremely delicate fingers she touched the scar, Kay felt the array of emotions that she was feeling, but there was one that he didn’t understand.
“Resentment?” He asked quietly.
Lou took her hand off his shoulder and looked up at him.
“It’s a shitty thing to think, but I’m mad that Jonas didn’t heal you completely. He would have if it had been me,” she explained.
He smiled softly, her level of concern and care for him warmed his soul.
“He saw me and my bloody eyes before he saw you, and I have this feeling that he didn’t heal you completely so that he could heal me too. I don’t know why, but it makes me angry,” she told him, gently touching his wounded shoulder again, eyes on the ugly scar.
“I don’t know if that’s true or not,” Kay said.
Lou’s eyes met his, he felt the resentment boiling again.
“He wouldn’t even let me have a tiny scar on my forehead and he left you with this,” she gently tapped the wound.
“He healed the inside, that’s far more important than the scar,” Kay said, gently.
“I know, and it looked like it was hard on him, I told you it was shitty,” she admitted. “I’m sure he did everything he could, I’m just an emotional wreck tonight.”
“I think you’re allowed,” Kay smiled and kissed her forehead. “You should go to bed, you’ll feel better in the morning.”
“No,” Lou shook her head. “I’m not ready yet. I want to touch you, to feel you close to me.”
Kay smiled as he leaned closer to her, touched his nose to hers, before he pulled her top off exposing her bare skin. His hands immediately began moving, exploring her body. Lou scooted her hips closer to his, pressing their naked torsos together. Her hands were on either sides of his face, as she looked at him, love flowing from her eyes and emotions. Their lips met in a tender, sensual kiss, it was slow as they enjoyed the taste of each other. Kay slowly pulled his mouth from hers to place kisses down her neck and along her shoulders. Lou lowered her head and rested it against his shoulder, her arms draped around his neck. After just a few short moments Kay felt that Lou was falling asleep on him. He gently laid her back onto the bed, she startled awake and looked at him confused.
“Shh, it’s alright,” he said still scooting her farther onto the bed. “You need to sleep.”
Kay got her tucked into bed, but she wouldn’t stop reaching for him so then he snuggled down with her whispering words of comfort until she fell back asleep.
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cloudbxrryy · 2 years
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“It’s Just A Burning Memory..”
( Demon slayer x depressed!reader )
tw. tramacore , hospitals , mental illnesses , bullying , suicidal behavior , knifes , blood , eating disorder , sex , cursing .
an. The stressful life of a teenage girl will be permanently altered as a note from a hospital enters her life. The note claims the teenage girl is in danger, and that they can help. But what if this hospital is wrong about all helping. Or what if her problem is worse than it appears. How could an ordinary teenage girl be this lucky, or unlucky, depending on the turnout. Either way, the note has been read.
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You sigh as the sounds of the loud classmates fill the room, so lou- your cut off by one of your classmates walking up to you and tapping your shoulder aggressively trying to get your attention. “Hey HEY” the sound of the classmates annoying voice filled your ears making you turn to there direction
“Yes..?” You say clearly annoyed
“Your hair is funny looking hehe..” they run off making you want to jump up and tear out there hair viciously. You turn over to see the same students talking about you and smirks at your gaze. You snap jumping out of your seat and grabbing there hair dragging them into the hallway and causing a school fight.
Fight. Fight. FIGHT. Your classmates yell as y’all fight like wild animals you punch them as they kick you in your stomach making you jerk and let go, they kick you down on the ground and stomp your head. BOOM the door flings open as the headmaster runs over to pull them off of you. The sounds of everyone laughing at you fill the hallway.
“Haha how can she start a fight and then lose..”
“What a bitch can’t even fight..”
You sit there on the ground on the verge of passing out of pain, humiliated you try to get up and walk out the circle but your toe meets someone’s foot and you go face first on the floor making everyone take pictures and record.
You want them to stop but you can’t even fight making you tear up and run away from all of them. Not looking where you going to bump into a tall red and orange haired boy making him drop all his books and papers.
“Omg I’m so sorry..here let me help you!” You try to help the boy but without saying anything he takes one good look at you and scurries to pick up his books and before you know it he’s running off. “Well dang..I’m I that ugly..” you think to yourself as someone shoves you out the way making to trip and fall.
“Move out the way bitch haha..” sometimes you think to yourself why do you even live on this ugly earth anymore why can’t you just disappear. School ends and you take your bag out the locker. You shut your locker and your face to face with the boy who ran away from you in the hall way
He looks you up and down real quick and tries to run off but you grab his Shoulder just in time before he scurried off like a scared little puppy. He looks at you and yelps and turn around smacking you with his book and running off.
Leaving you there standing looking like a creep. You leave embarrassed trying not to make eye contact with anyone.
4:00 pm
Ding dong the sound of the doorbell fills the air, you walk up to the door opening it up to see a small rather slightly stained envelope with a red stamp marking the tip. You pick up the letter and open the envelope to a slightly stained letter reading..
“Hello y/n you are receiving this letter because you have been chosen to stay at a mental hospital. I know you might not wanna go but we are here to help you get through what ever you going through right now at the moment you are not alone. If your still scared about being admitted to this wonderful place don’t worry when you Arrive here you will make new friends have great food and the staff here is great if you want to join are family please contact us at WonderWood mental hospital where dreams become reality!”
You have so many questions filling your head at the moment so you run up to your moms room just to see here drunk and passed out making you sigh out of disappointment knowing that she won’t be awake for dinner tonight you walk downstairs and sit on the couch and slouch down thinking about your options right now.
I could just admit myself in there I could thinking of at as a vacation from school and. Family you know.. you say to yourself as you stand up and pace around your living room. “Case closed in going I don’t even know why I had to think about it..” you contact the hospital with no hesitation.
“Hello welcome to WonderWood mental hospital Kocho Shinobu speaking how may I service you..?” You gulp out of fear “y-yeah uhm h-how can you admit yourself here..”
“Ohhh your y/n aren’t you..!” You reply with a concerned voice confused as how she knows your name. “Yes..yes I am” the woman sounds a little excited “Ah! Yes yes your already admitted here darling” your shock at a ding there with the phone in your hand “h-how am I already admitted here ma’am” the woman pauses
“I don’t know sweetheart your just in are system for already admitted here..” you paused trying to reply but there’s a knot in your stomach telling you something isn’t right here “Uhm ma-“ your cut off by the sound of knocking on your door “there they are darling can’t wait to meet you” the woman hangs up leaving you standing there terrified.
Knock knock knock the sound of the door knocking fills the room making you open the door. “Uhm hello..?” You observe the people in front of you “Uhm hello are you y/n..” you snap back in reality “y-yes yes I am” they gesture for you to follow them on the ambulance car.
They strap you in the car make sure your comfortable. “Do you want me to sit in the back with you?” One of the workers says while looking you up and down. “No thanks”
You then arrive at the hospital, the hospital looks like your ordinary mental hospital. The workers walk you in to the teenagers wing office. A woman with purple to black ombré hair. “Hi y/n I’m Kocho Shinobu nice to meet you darling” the woman hands her hand out for you to shake it. You look around to see that some kids shaking there heads telling you don’t shake her hand. Listing to the other kids you disregard her gesture.
“Uhm hey shinobu..” she pulls her hand back with a irritated look on her face “I’ll show you to your room darling..” when walking down the hallway to your room you see the same boy from your school who smacked you with the book, you see that he saw you too making him look away with a scared look.
“Here’s your room make yourself at home..” shinobu walks away leaving you with a stranger . The boy turns around and looks you up and down. You analyze the boy, the boy is a tall muscular boy with short white hair . “Uhm hello..?” He says while starting to stand up “damn you tall..” you say but then hurry hands on your mouth out of embarrassment
The boy laughs. “I know, what’s your name mines is tengen..” you look up to see him smiling at you “uhm my name is y/n..” he looks at you with a surprised look then smiles again “so your the one all the nurses have been talking about..” you look at him with a confused look “what do you mean by that..”
“Nevermind..” he looks away scratching his head. You turn around to see a girl with blue hair staring at you two. She looks at you at smiles. “HI!” you see that she’s a very cheery happy girl without constant she runs in the room and hugs you. “Hi I love you by the way..” you try to process what the hell just happened
You analyze the girl, the girl is a curvaceous girl she has big eyes and white irises. “Uhm h-..” your cut off by tengen yelling “YOKI GET THE FUCK OUT” she looks at him with a psychotic smile then gets up. She then walks over and hugs him. “Don’t worry I love you too..” she then walks out making you question existence.
“Sorry about her she’s hella weird to new people and me..” you look at him with a smile on your face. “I thinks she’s kinda cute hehe” he looks at you with a confused look on his face “hm that’s weird because most new kids hate her..”
Tengen sighs “why are you sighing tengen..” you say with a confused tone in your voice. “Everyone hates group time all we do is therapy is boring as fuck..cmon” he gestures for you to come out the room. You walk down the slightly cold hallway.
You both then enter a warm room where chairs are positioned in a circle. Tengen sits and then gestures you to sit next to him, you sit next to him and look around the room to analyze everyone.
You see a boy with scars and white hair just like tengen. You see see a girl with pink and green ombré hair. You look to your side and see the boy with orange and red hair he gives you a glare. You look to your left and see a boy with spikey black hair.
“Uhm where’s shinobu at..” the boy with scars says while looking around for her. “Oh..! She just wants us to talk alone with y/n..!” Everyone then turns to look at you waiting for you to say something “h-hi I’m y/n..nice to meet you all”
“Hi y/n I’m mitsuri!”
“Im sanemi..”
“I-I’m rengoku..”
“Oh nice to meet you all..” mitsuri then Raises her hand, “I will make the question today..the question for today is the devil real..!” Sanemi looks at mitsuri with a concerned look “mitsuri are you alright..?” Giyu looks up “Yeah who as-“ you cut him off
“The devil is real, he’s not a little man with horns and a tail..”
“He can be beautiful..”
“Cause he’s a fallen angel and he used to be god’s favorite..”
Everyone in the room gives you a concerned look. “Hey uhm y/n you alright..” Tengen says while nudging you. “I’m fine..” you say with an emotionless look on your face, “well then..” mitsuri says while scratching her head, “that answers are question for today..”
3:00 am
“Gah hah hah..” you wake up drenched in sweat to see that tengen was nudging you to wake up. “Oh your up..cmon..” he says with a sturn look on his face. “W-where are we going..HUH!?” He picks you up out of the bed and starts tip toeing out of the room with you on his shoulders.
“Don’t ask any questions.” Tengen sounds scared and serious so you shut your mouth up quick. You look to see mitsuri im the kitchen craming food in her mouth. “Cmon Mitsuri its time..and stop eating so much you know you have a eating disorder..” she turns around with food in her hands and food crammed in her mouth.
“Ugh tengen its time already..and you know they don’t feed me enough because of my disorder..” she says while trying to shove food in her bra. ”what the hell is going on tengen..” he looks back at you with a annoyed look, “I said no questions..”
4:00 am
Your hiding with tengen in a closet while trying to keep quiet. “CMON KIDS I SWEAR I WONT HURT YOU” you peak through to door the see shinobu with a knife giggling, “CMON KIDS I TOLD YOU EVEYBODYS A KILLER IF YOU PUSH THEM FAR ENOUGH AND YOU PUSHED ME FAR ENOUGH..”
“Can I tell you something y/n..” you turn to a teary eyed tengen, “sure..” he gulps “there was once a boy named obanai he went here for a little until he got caught by shinobu he was a nice calm boy who loved mitsuri with all his heart she love him to but ever since that one night I told him to hide he never listened and he said he wanted to stay with mitsuri, and make sure she was safe.”
“What happened then..” he wipes his tears “he got caught shinobu ran up to him a sliced him up right in front of mitsuri spared her but not him..then the next day forced us to..” he gags “eat his remains..” you look at him in shock trying to comprehend what he just said to you.
“Sorry didn’t mean to tell you so soon..” you look at the closet wall “it’s alright..” Tengen then creeks open the door looking for a close cover “ok guys it’s safe to go..” everyone walks out of the hiding spots. Mitsuri looks around “where’s yo-“ she’s cut off my rengokus screams.
Rengoku runs in the room with a body covered in blanket with blood stained on it.
To be continued..
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smita97 · 8 months
My fav fanfics (underrated version)
too good to be true by tatu28 (52k)
you're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off you. the one where louis doesn't eat, harry doesn't function and all they need is each other.
or: one lonely boy trying to heal another is love.
I Don't Wanna Face The Music by hereforh (95k)
Louis likes to think he's a pretty normal, typical lad. He likes spending nights at the pub with his mates, he loves football and is very close to his family. So when he moves to London for uni, he doesn’t think much will be different.
Until he makes these new friends who are nothing like his mates back home and change his life for the better - and this one boy who messes with his head from the get go and makes him question everything he has ever thought about himself.
I Still Wanna Dance With You by hereforh (88k+updating)
What happens when trying to mend a friend’s broken heart ends up making Harry and Louis finally face their painful past?
Or the one where after seven years without any contact, Harry and Louis are forced to see each other again on a lad’s reunion trip.
While almost everything has changed, they find out that a lot is still the same.
If it was easy, anyone would do it ! by Perfectdream(52k)
“I'm not changing my mind because you can finally admit that you miss me.”, Harry added, still whispering hoping that it would still convey his conviction. He couldn't speak louder, couldn't break the bubble they were in. It felt like home.
“I know...”, Louis breathed, pain interlaced with the words. Harry could feel it deep inside him. He was amazed at how much they were still connected. They had been one for so many years it was hard to dissociate himself from the love of his life. Louis will always be it.
“It's too late, Lou.”, Harry declared, his voice more sure than his heart.
“I'm aware.”, Louis murmured, broken but collected. “I guess I let the world make me lose sight of it all. And now I'm seeing clearly.”, he explained, his words painful to say and to hear too. It had to be said. Now. “I love you, I will always be utterly and tremendously in love with you, Haz.”, he hushed again and Harry's heart broke a little bit more.
Almost 8 years of an unconditional love but now it's too late. Harry had to let go not to break apart.
Louis can't stop loving him, but is he ready to fight for it?
Can love be enough when dreams are broken?
Are we hiding from the light? by Perfectdream(138k)
Harry has a problem with addiction. When Gemma is called because he's passed out in a bar, she panics.
Out of ideas to help her brother, she calls Louis. He hasn't talked nor seen Harry for five years but he accepts to take him in for a few days, to help sort him out.
Days turn into weeks.
When the past and the present are tightly woven together, some things happen. Sometimes help comes in a different way.
Blown Away by Fandom_Larry (151k)
“Dude, does Japan even have gay people?”
What! Harry’s neck snaps to Blake. He better be bloody wrong or else he’s just signed himself up to a life sentence of loneliness. “I mean surely they do, right?” Zayn tacks on. He is useless at making Harry feel better. Clearly drunk or high; probably both. Scanning the area he looks for a familiar mop of wild caramel hair. Where’s Louis? Louis will help him.
Or, the one where Harry leaves Louis behind, changing the trajectory of their lives forever.
Be There by mission2feelike(179k)
Niall sits down dramatically, arms flopping to his side before he leans forward and looks right into Harry’s eyes. “So, your ex-boyfriend, who broke your heart four years ago, is coming to stay at your house for six weeks? And his daughter, your daughter, is coming to stay tonight?” Harry nods, worried if he speaks he’ll be yelled at again, but then Niall’s face softens, his ever-present smile is back and Harry hears him breathe out a small chuckle. “Okay, for the record, I think this is the worst idea you’ve ever had, but how can we help?"
The one where their family has been torn apart and their hearts broken, but an accident, a snowstorm, cinnamon rolls, and the adorable Josie force Louis and Harry to finally face the truth, and each other.
some things fade (some never do) by we_are_the_same for waterlille (25k)
Matching tattoos. He’d never thought he’d be the type for tattoos to begin with, let alone matching or magical ones, but once Harry had put the idea in his mind it had never quite managed to disappear. And it had made sense. With their relationship a long distance one, this was simply another way of feeling close to one another. Of knowing where the other was, how they felt. It had made so much sense.
Back then.
Three years after their break up, Harry calls.
write this down by sunflouwerhabit (233k)
"And Louis responds by kissing him. He closes his eyes and presses their lips together and hopes it’s enough to distract from how those words cut and extracted critical pieces of his heart, his soul. Louis kisses Harry to avoid sobbing, yelling, pleading, begging him to never, ever use words like always or never or I promise, because they can’t. They don’t have an always. Nevers will forever remain a mere dream. Time has run out for commitments or oaths or pledges and if Louis is going to be okay- if he’s going to enjoy this time with Harry and then let him go and still feel whole- he can’t let himself start thinking long term. He can’t let this become emotional; something more than silliness and fun and sex.
He can’t hear Harry say he’s proud of him when he doesn’t know if he’ll ever see him again after this week.
'I miss you,' Harry murmurs, his breaths warm and equally shaky. 'All the time.'
Louis kisses him harder."
Harry leaves his hometown to find himself. Every road he takes has a single, fated destination.
the tis the damn season fic.
I thought we were forever by SweetieR (225k)
“I need time alone from you.” Louis’ heart skipped a beat. That he had not seen coming. “From me?” his voice shook. Harry nodded, another tear rolling down his cheek. “I don’t understand, H.” “It’s-” “You want to go on holidays on your own or something?” frowned Louis, so very confused. A long silence settled. “Look, there’s no easy way to say this.” murmured Harry and he looked so in pain. “I like someone else. Like Like like. At least I think I do. I’m not sure. That’s why I need time alone.”
Or – Harry and Louis have been together for over 25 years, married for 20 of them. What happens when one night, Harry comes home telling Louis he thinks he’s in love with someone else. Can they work it out?
Given A Chance by Acciolarrykulos (230k)
“I'm still scared”
“Scared of what?”
“Messing things up”
Niall sighed. He was watching Harry's face intently.
“You won't. You won't mess things up but if things do go out of hand then people would be there to guide you. Just keep faith in yourself, Harry. Remember that you are strong. You are the strongest person I've ever met.”
Or Harry thought to move out of his home and do something big, better with his life. Spending hours wiping tables, serving alcoholic drinks to the locals and memorizing different shades of drunk and moody people, he finally told himself he was done. He needed something else. A change. But little did he know that searching for a change will lead him to a door. A door that held secrets from his past, secrets he didn't know existed.
  But the door was fabricated with happy colors, a promising future, a secure life and a past he left long behind unknowingly. Or rather someone who held the golden key to all the answers to his questions he thought he'd never ask.
My Worst Nightmare by BooBear411 (191k)
Louis bursts with excitement, squealing slightly in his arms, while Harry watches him with an amused and soft expression.
“Why are you so happy?”
“You never stay. Sometimes I feel like you are changing right in front of my eyes and that one day you’ll forget about me.” Louis whispers. “I just want us to always stay friends.”   “I’ll always be your friend, Lou. That will never change.”
~   Or the one where Louis' been in love with the same boy his whole life. Unfortunately, said boy hates Louis' guts and wants nothing to do with him anymore.
Come back to me by SweetieR (110k)
“I’ll be alright.” smiled Harry, stroking his husband’s face tenderly. But Louis was still frowning, his hands loosely wrapped around his husband's waist. “I just don’t like it. Something doesn’t feel right.” “Lou…” “I have a bad feeling about it all. Please, please don’t go.” Or : The one when Harry and Louis are soulmates - Louis is a teacher in middle school and Harry is a war reporter. One awful day after a terrible attack, Harry is announced dead and Louis’ entire world collapses. But what happens when five years later, US government rescues a very much alive Harry Styles and brings him back to his former life in the UK and most of all, back to his Louis?
I thought I was Narcissus but I am the lake by baciamigliocchi (146k)
In una soleggiata Firenze, ai piedi di un Gigante di pietra, due ragazzi si incontrano e si scontrano per la prima volta. Due mondi diversi, due visioni diverse, due storie diverse.
Harry Styles ha ventitré anni e un contratto in esclusiva con Gucci. Ha gli occhi verdi e un sorriso sghembo, oltre che tutto il mondo ai suoi piedi.
Louis Tomlinson di anni ne ha ventinove e di poche cose ha bisogno nella vita. Una di queste è sicuramente la sua macchina fotografica.
E mentre Firenze racconta una storia d'amore che non è solo una semplice storia d'amore, il mondo tace e la ascolta.
Immergetevi con me nelle sue infinite strade, chiudete gli occhi e immaginate la bellezza della città che ci ospiterà in questo viaggio: culla di un amore impossibile.
Pensiamo tutti di essere Narciso, ma invece la vita ci inganna e siamo il Lago.
a thousand miles away (from the day that we started) by perfectdagger (sincerelyste) (88k)
Finally caught up with what Niall’s proposing, Harry is taken aback by the reminder of the time capsule box they had set in his family’s old bungalow back when they had just left Sixth Form.
It’s not that he had never thought about it. He might’ve thought about it more frequently in the weeks and months following their stay, once or twice when Harry himself had been back there. But it was not something that, unlike Niall, Harry had been interested enough in to set up a reminder for ten years later.
Maybe five years ago it still would’ve mattered to him. Given the circumstances now and how much his life has changed, those letters remained buried in the back of his mind, just like they probably still are next to one of the trees at his family property.
Five years after his break up with Louis and ten since they've left school, Harry finds himself hosting a reunion at his family bungalow, having to face his ex again and the feelings he had left behind.
Or, a time capsule au
Blood and Moon by Evinaadlene (107k) (part 1)
“Is that... him?” someone next to Louis asks. “Who else would dress in red today?” Beside Louis, Lady Camellia's eyes stay locked on the one in red, same as many around. The effect must be intended, or why dress in such a way today at first place? “He looks dashing." the first one licks her lips, eyes darkening in a laced lust. "Who would've known? Thought he'd be in chains, stuck in a dark dungeon." The other scoffs. “Have you been under a rock? He's the most privileged Lycan alive. The King's ward, some go so far as to call him his consort. It’s all hushed, but I have my sources.” she reveals like a dirty secret.
In a world where the Vampires have taken over, Humans are just pawns in blood farms, Warlocks are extinct while the King has Lycans under his thumb - eliminating the threat of the lethal bite. The world is falling apart. Louis, nephew to the malistic Vampire King, lives away from it all in blessed ignorance until he gets dragged into the chessboard that traps him in front of a green eyed Prince who is bound to a miserable fate.
Or where Louis wants to save Harold, the Prince of Lycans, when Louis' allies want him DEAD
Blood and Bones by Evinaadlene (191k)(part2) and part 3 on the way
“I thought I told you to not to lie to me.” Zayn says eyeing the gracious form reflected in the mirror with reluctance. All he wanted was to trace his fingers along the markings on his skin. His sinful beauty reeked perfection like a cruel joke meant to lure him. Snare him. He's is nothing but his own curse... poison. “I’ve never lied to you.”Harry slurs, eyes fixed on the floor. He doesn't looking up. Zayn wants to strangle him with bare hands right there… to wrap his fingers around the long, perfect neck of his and throttle him. The nerve he has - even in such a weak state, all Harry seemed to want to do was to provoke him.
In a world where the Vampires have taken over, the remaining Lycan, Human and Warlock factions are hunted and oppressed. Everything is falling apart. Louis, nephew to the dictator Vampire King, gets dragged into the chessboard of power-play that traps him in front of a green eyed Prince who is bound to a miserable fate with an unfortunate, toxic love. Or where Louis yearns to save Harold, the Prince of Lycans, when many of his allies want him DISPOSED. Part 2 of the Blood Right Series. Heed the warnings... because I do mean them.
I can be your China doll (if you wanna see me fall) by Poisonlana (134k)
La famosa estrella de pop, Harry Styles, y el estancado escritor, Louis Tomlinson, no recuerdan haberse conocido hasta que por obra del destino comparten un viaje en tren que los transporta al pasado.
"¿Será como si nunca lo hubiera conocido?" inquiere. Puede sentir la inseguridad palpable en su voz. Se siente igual a una daga en medio de su garganta.
Zayn lo mira como si Louis aún no entendiera la magnitud de lo que está a punto de hacer.
"Será como si Harry Styles nunca hubiese nacido"
O un AU inspirado en la película Eterno resplandor de una mente sin recuerdos.
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