#the whole of palace of the dead ........ dear god
astrxealis · 2 years
sometimes i think that ooooo ffxiv is so chill ooooooo (esp compared to some other medias out there) but NO ... (for the most part yes maybe. i think. but ALSO ..........)
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Imagine DND night with the beast pirates
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During one session
Queen: Alright, you idiots somehow managed to kidnap the ambassador. You have him tied up in the dank, dark, dilapidated dungeon of the old capital ruins.
King: We need to interrogate him for answers, it's clear that he's working for the necromancer, he might know where he is. I roll for intimidation, *rolls* sixteen.
Queen: *mutters,* of course that is where you go with it, pervert. *Speaks loudly,* Your intimidation is only slightly successful. The ambassador knows his life is in danger and needs to flee. However, he refuses to answer your questions. He proclaims, "I will never tell you anything, I shall be loyal to my master till my last breath!"
Kaido: *really in the character of his half-orc barbarian* that can be arranged, little man.
Queen: *rolls for him* The ambassador stutters, his voice quivering, "I just received messages from him and carried out his bidding, I don't know where he is really."
Yamato: Perception check, I'd like to see if he is lying.
Queen: you'll need a nineteen or higher, Are you sure you want to do that?
Yamato: *rolls* nat 20.
Queen: you can tell he's lying big time, you can practically smell the nervous flop sweat on this guy from across the room.
You: I can make him talk, I cast heat metal on his bones.
Queen: heat metal only works on metal, it's literally in the name of the spell. It doesn't work on bones, since they're made of calcium.
You: and calcium is a soft metal.
Queen: what's your source.
You: *came prepared to dispute this because you've been looking for an excuse to use this knowledge for evil. You pulled out an advanced chemistry textbook with the page bookmarked and the section highlighted, and handed it to him.* Read it and weep.
Queen: *puts on his reading glasses to read it* ... Dear god, okay, you cast heat metal, roll a d10 for me.
You: *rolls* 8
Queen: and with a plus three modifiers... you heat his bones until he's screaming. The ambassador lasts only thirty seconds before he reveals that the wizard necromancer, Typhus the Terrible, lives in the glittering palace deep in the inky caverns of Roptian, which is guarded by the onyx dragon.
Sasaki: yer kind of scary sometimes.
You: thank you.
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At another session
Queen: okay, you enter the throne room, and the evil wizard is lounging on the glittering throne, Typhus the Terrible.
King: I roll for initiative *rolls dice*
Queen: critical fail, your fighter is dead.
Kaido: *rolls for attack* critical fail.. Hmm, I hate this game.
Queen: you are also dead, (y/n), you are the only one left with any spell slots or turns left. What are you gonna do?
You: ... I would like to cast summon water
King: there goes that campaign.
Queen: that spell lets you fill a space with water, are you sure that's what you want to do.
You: yes
Queen: the room fills with water
You: I didn't cast it in the room.
Queen: where then did you cast it?
You: inside the wizard's skull.
The whole room: *horrified*
Queen: you can't do that
You: the spell specifies that it fills a space, and a skull cavity is a space. And you let me fill the chest down the hall with water, why not this dude's head?
Queen: ugh, hang on a minute, I need to figure out the damage.... You killed the boss... You flooded his brain with so much water, that his skull exploded.
King: that's the most messed up thing I've ever heard.
Kaido: *mutters* we've done worse.
You: you should be very glad I don't have a devil fruit
King: I'm starting to see that now, thank you.
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
Imagine trying to break up with Sukuna- that's it. That's the prompt
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I can not say I recommend that Dear Nonny.....
Or maybe I do.
Now Loading...
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Just some headcanons for now while I catch up on Kinktober... Content Warning: yandere behavior with a healthy dash of NSFW
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So Ryomen doesn’t laugh a lot. A chuckle here or there, yeah sure, but he’s more the type of guy to make the joke and let everyone else laugh while he sits back with a soft smirk.
He is down right howling when you tell him you’re leaving.
“Oh, you’re leaving now, are you? You’re leaving? That’s fucking cute.” It’s genuinely funny to him that you think you get to decide when the two of you are done. Nay nay Reader, you belong to him. 
For one, Sukuna is of the opinion that anything he’s cum into is his property, and he’s stuffed you more times than he can count. Couple that with the fact that you somehow managed to wiggle your way into his cold dead heart and have seen him at his most vulnerable and raw moments, homie the only way you are leaving this palace is in a body bag. 
And he’s not ready to let go of you yet! So you’re not leaving him. Try all you want.
He’ll do the whole “Give me one good reason you want to leave.” bull shit and have an excuse for every reason you give. He’s a toxic, abusive serial killer who's emotionally unavailable on top of having a hairpin trigger temper? Well he was all of those things at the start of the relationship too, so get back to your room.
God help everyone involved if he gets even the hint of a thought that it could be because of someone else. The entire surrounding village is about to end up on this “List of Events named Massacres” wikipedia page
He’d be simply “Forced” to remind you who you belong to
A cock in your ass, a cock in your cunt, and his stomach tongue assaulting your clit. You’re on your fifth orgasm, or is it the sixth? You have no clue, you’re so over-stimulated and full you're not even fully sure where you are anymore. All you know is your Lord.
He’s so mad at you, what did you do? What were you…you were trying to do something, you- the thought process is gone as climax number seven (or eight?) Hits so hard it fucking hurts, and you’re screaming his name for mercy.
“Don’t you ever forget your place again wench,” He’s growling as he rams into your weeping, ruined cunt, “Your place, right here. Next to me.”
You’re covered in bruises and bite marks and red welts, evidence of him. You’re filled with him to the point of overflowing, and your muscles are already sore. And yet you still find yourself bucking your hips on him
“No one will ever love you like I do, make you feel how I do, and you want to leave? Fucking pathetic.”
That’s the first time he’s ever said he loved you.
Yea, you’re not walking for a few days after that one, sorry homie. Though, that was probably his end goal anyway. 
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specialagentartemis · 3 months
Musing about the Politeia again and realizing. Oh. I have an obvious solution for a plot hole staring me right in the face.
Okay so the premise I was kicking around is that most of this epic is being narrated by Polites to Penelope. It takes him 7 years to succeed at his cattle quest on Crete because he's just some guy with no political connections but but once he does, he gets back to Ithaca pretty easily because Poseidon doesn't hate him he's just some guy. He arrives several weeks before Odysseus does, and he immediately goes to the palace to share the news that Odysseus is alive and coming home soon, probably.
At the palace he encounters the whole [gestures at all the suitors] situation. And when he gets an audience with Penelope, he tells her the whole narrative, jumping back to the Island of Helios and telling the bulk of the narrative to the present.
And at the end, Penelope is like... okay. What's your angle.
And at some point Polites, only just having walked into the taut situation back on Ithaca and the obvious increase in pressure on Penelope to admit that Odysseus is dead and to remarry, and only now sort of realizing that he does not, technically, know that Poseidon has been pacified and even if Odysseus has been freed from Ogygia Poseidon might still continue to wreck Odysseus's shit on the way back, offers that, if, if, there is confirmed word of Odysseus's death, from human or god, then out of his love and loyalty to Odysseus, he will offer his hand to Penelope, as a way out of the suitors' demanding choice, on the solemn oath that she need never touch him if she never wishes, and that the kingdom will remain Telemachus's to inherit. His goal was to bring hope of Odysseus's safe return, but, should that hope ultimately fail, he can offer Penelope a way out of the pressure and threat that the suitors represent.
And Penelope is like. aha. There it is. Fuck off, you liar.
Polites: wh. wait what.
Penelope: Polites, man of the royal palace once, most beloved and trusted of my husband's men, his dearest friend, the only one who stayed true to the last, the convenient only survivor of his fleet. You come here, claim to be the second son of a royal craftsman, safe in the assumption that after twenty years I won't recognize your face as belonging to the palace families or not, tell me exactly what I want to hear--that my husband is alive, he has been pining for me these twenty long years, and that you remain loyal to him only, of course. You don't seek my hand, you would never, you are too loyal, but if he coincidentally dies, then of course you will weep with me for your dear friend and offer yourself to me. Out of loyalty only, of course. And then what? What good are oaths taken now once you have the throne you're after?
Polites: I'm... not...
Penelope: I will admit: I fell for it, for a while. You told me exactly what I wished to hear. And is that not the mark of the ideal lie? Many men have told me that Odysseus is dead, to give up waiting and to choose a new husband now. You are the first to tell me Odysseus is alive and you too long for his safe return, and only, should he tragically prove to be dead, would you reluctantly offer yourself for Ithaca's throne. As a ploy, it's easily the best one that's been made so far. You tell it well. I'd be impressed, if the subject of the lie wasn't so cruel.
Polites: It's?? the truth???
Penelope: Of course it is. Of course this time it is. And of course this time when your awaiting friend arrives to tell me of Odysseus's tragic death, then that will be true, too. Get out of here.
I think it's fun to play with a Penelope who's a wily liar herself and is ready to assume that because this is the lie she would tell if she was trying to be a suitor, this is the lie that would work on her, she has to be on guard against it because that's gotta be what this is. Also get in a "ngl your clever and brazen lying is kinda hot. Unfortunately I do not tolerate lies about that in this house."
Athena thinks this is super funny and endearing so she is not interfering to help.
Also when Odysseus does come back he reunites with Polites enthusiastically and Penelope goes oh. huh. you do know him. all of that was real. wild. anyway
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alastor-simp-page · 3 months
The Soulmate Curse: Chapter 3
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Woweee! Sorry it took like three days! Welp its out! Yippee!
The GIF is a clue (Alastor and Vaggie have a fight. Surprise. Surprise. Over who? Hmmmm. Who could it possibly be?) I honestly love Vaggie and Alastor's beef in the show.
I have to shut up. Also don't hate me. The angst goes hard. I'm not holding back, people.
The supposed soulmates are at it again!
A snippet is underneath:
“Sir?” A familiar voice squeaked. Alastor slowly opened his eyes to see an intense yellow eye staring at him: Niffty. Wait…Niffty. Her single eye was creased with worry, “Um, you fell asleep…on the couch.” She pointed to where he was sprawled, “I need to clean it, um, sir.”
Asleep? Alastor’s eyes snapped wide. He had been…ASLEEP??? Good God, no. He swallowed whatever panic arose in his insides. He wasn’t dead, he wasn't chained, no, in fact he was fine. He couldn’t sleep, no, wouldn’t sleep. Somehow he had done so. “Was anyone awake last night? To replace me?” Alastor asked as calmly as he could.
Niffty shook her head and then let an ear-splitting grin creep on her face, “The King showed me a room that hadn’t been cleaned yet when you all had your argument.” She swooned, holding the tight little duster in her hands. “I spent the whole night cleaning away…”
“So…” Alastor faltered. He shot to his feet and smoothed out his wrinkled clothes. Alastor stared down at her, “No one was patrolling?” 
Niffty tapped her finger on her chin, “Well, the princess was!” Her eye narrowed, “Kind of. She was just pacing around mostly.”
Ugh. Alastor would have to deal with this whole soulmate thing shortly. A more sincere, petty smile touched his face. He did quite enjoy annoying her with those little pet names of his. However, it was no fun with this soulmate idiocy. 
“You could ask the princess, you know!” Niffty giggled and started idly dusting away at the couch, “You’re her soulmate after all! Ehehehe.”
Alastor stiffened at that comment and switched the subject, “What of yours, Niffty, hm?”
Niffty turned slowly to face him with a wild smile on her face. Something that Alastor would guess someone would see in a horror movie. He didn’t fancy horror movies much. Niffty said sweetly, “That whole cleaning that room thing was to get rid of me!” She pouted and folded her arms, “He’s hiding from me!”
“I couldn’t imagine why,” Alastor smirked. He waved his hand and Niffty scrambled up his leg, propping herself up on his shoulders, “I will assist you, dear Niffty. I’m sure the King will be pleased with a little visit from his destined soulmate.”
“Aw, thank you, Alastor,” Niffty hugged his head, an odd thing but Alastor didn’t mind at all. He had grown used to Niffty’s antics after half a century. It brought a little warm fuzzy feeling of…friendship? No, he could hardly call it that. He owned Nifftys’ soul for crying out loud! As Alastor walked down another winding hallway leading to the main lobby he asked, “How long did I sleep for, Niffty?” She would know, of course. It was a habit of hers to obsess over her friends.
Niffty hummed to herself, “Uh, four hours?”
Too long. Alastor grimaced. Who knows what could have slipped into the hotel during those four precious hours? The princess of Hell…Charlie was vigilant but she wasn’t used to providing protection. Alastor was sure she had been used to guards everywhere in her life in that glittering palace of Lucifer's. There were none here so he had to become one.
Why? He wasn’t sure himself. For his own safety, he was sure. For Charlie’s safety. It would be a shame if the Princess of Hell was harmed in her sleep.
Alastor reminded himself to do a sweep of the hotel after he sorted out this whole Niffty nonsense.
As Alastor neared the main lobby, hushed voices drifted down the hall. He stopped dead in his path, Niffty pulled at his hair to remind him to go forward. Alastor let a little warning growl escape him and Niffty ceased her antics. 
“Vaggie…” An Australian voice drawled, “We’re soulmates, doesn’t that mean something to you?”
Alastor creeped closer to the door and his ears tilted towards the commotion. It was no mystery who was in the lobby.
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Once Upon A Dream - Julian Devorak
Pairing - Julian Devorak x reader (a dress is mentioned to be on reader, but clothes dont mean nothin frfr)
Warnings - Julian getting drunk lmaoooo but nothing other than that lol
Word Count - ~1,270
Notes - this is old... LIKE REALLY FLIPPIN OLD like SO OLD OMG. it was rotting in google docs and I found it and I actually love it. I kinda miss my old writing style ngl... that's okay tho lol, I still love my writing now dont get me wrong, but this was in a time where i had a ton of free time, so i could write all day if i wanted to. anyway, enjoy!!! <333 (i did edit it a bit tho lmao)
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You were never around the palace often, considering the people there didn't like you much. You were poor. You worked in the marketplace.
But occasionally, You would find yourself in the garden on a gloomy and foggy day playing with the frost covered, half dead flowers with a smile on your face even though your feet were covered in mud and there was no saving the brim of that dress that had dirt and grass stains collected from the past couple of years.
You smiled as you ran your hand over the ice covered fountain humming to yourself, Once Upon a Dream. The tune has been stuck in your head all morning.
As you was getting through the chorus, watching a bird eat the seeds you threw, you felt something warm next to you and another voice joined in. “But if I know you, I know what you’ll do…”
You turned over, shocked and a man laughed. “My apologies. I love that song. Been stuck in my head all morning, I just had to get it out. I thought it was a nice opportunity.”
You smiled, tilting your head. “Are you… Doctor Devorak?”
“Ugh, formalities. Call me Julian, dear. Or Doctor Julian. Formalities.” He shook his head as he repeated that word.
“What are you doing out here, doctor?”
He smiled, looking at the crisp grass. “Nothing like a morning walk, don't you think? Sometimes one man can get sick of the plague.”
“I would imagine,” you pulled you cold legs towards your chest, sitting down. “Are you getting close to a cure?”
He shrugged, looking off before sighing, putting his head in his hands. “God, I just feel like I'm a failure.”
“A failure? No! You’ve helped a lot of people!”
“There’s only so much I can do before there’s hoards of people! More and more people get infected every day. More people are dying and I can only heal so many at a time.”
“Doctor, you’re doing fi-”
“That’s what you see on the surface! Do you see this?!” He threw off his eyepatch revealing the plague.
You gasped and backed up.
“It's not contagious, love… I apologize… I just let out everything on a stranger, huh?” He sighed, laughing sadly to himself and sat back down, putting the eyepatch back on. “I'm fine. The plague doesn't affect me or anyone around me.”
You sighed, sitting next to him. “I'm sorry about that. You’re doing the best you can do right now though and that’s enough for the town for now.”
“I'm trying.”
You grabbed his warm, gloved hand and rubbed your thumb over the back of his hand. “You are. And that’s good enough. At least you’re putting in effort.”
He laughed and looked directly into your eyes. “I just realized that I never learned your name, dear.”
“Can I get another salty bitters over here?”
The bartender leaned over the table, laughing. “Another one?! Dr. Devorak, you’re going to die off of those things!”
“The great Dr. Devorak doesn't die over alcohol!” He hiccuped and stood up on his table. “I am the great Dr. No. 069! Got it, barkeep?!”
The whole bar burst out into laughter, including Julian who slipped off of his table.
All of a sudden, the whole bar got quiet when a small silhouette walked in and over to the bar. “Excuse me… can I get a salty bitters please?”
The bartender looked at you with a very skeptical eye, laughing along with the rest of the bar. “The little one… wants a salty bitters?!”
“Yes please.”
“Where did you come from?”
“None of your business. Can I have my drink please?”
He laughed so hard that he fell over along with the rest of the bar and you stood there, rolling your eyes.
Julian scattered up and ran next to you. “A salty bitters, you say?”
You smiled, turning to Julian. “Yes, a salty bitters. Does everyone and their mother have a problem with that?”
He laughed, banging his hand on the counter. “You heard the lady, barkeep! Get her a salty bitters!”
You were standing so close to him that you could smell the alcohol on his breath.
The bartender got up and handed you your alcohol. “There ya go little one! A salty bitters… in a teacup!”
The whole bar broke out into insane laughter as you took your drink.
It all stopped when you slammed it down though.
“I'll take one more and be on my way, thanks.” You threw the money on the counter and the bar went back to normal.
“Did you used to be a pirate or sumthin?” The bartender slid over your drink, flashing you a toothy smile.
“I did.”
“Cute. Enjoy the drink, okay?” He winked and you smiled and walked away, rolling your eyes.
Julian ran after you and grabbed your shoulder. “You look familiar… Do I know you?”
You studied his face for a minute, only a flash of a memory appearing for a second. “I… I don't know.”
His hand slid down your shoulder, falling limply. “Okay… sorry.”
You grabbed his fallen hand, looking into his shaky eyes. “It's okay.” You smiled, sending a shockwave of familiarity through his body that made him shake.
“I'll… see you around?”
You turned over, the smile only turning brighter. “Yeah.”
He stared at his plague doctor mask, looking off to the sea with a sad look striking his eyes. “Who needs a plague doctor if there’s no plague? …”
He threw his mask into the ocean and a small tear fell down his cheek. He let himself cry with his face in the palms of his hands, calling himself things like a failure and a murderer. He didn't want to be seen as these things, but he figured they were true based on the words of the people. The people he tried to save, only to let down.
“Dr. Devorak?” He turned over, seeing you, who he met at the bar. You, whose shop he broke into. You, who patted him down and he subtly flirted with.
“D-Dear!” He realized that when he looked at you, his face was red, puffy, and tear stained. “S-Sorry.”
She sat next to him, looking out at the sea. “Sorry for what?”
“N-Nothing. Nevermind.”
You sat in silence for a moment as you scooted closer to him, your hands almost touching.
“Did you actually kill Lucio?” He looked over to you with shock in his eyes that turned soft almost immediately. “I don't remember.”
You hummed in response, scooting closer. “I hope this doesn't sound weird… but Julian… it feels like we’ve known each other for years.”
He laughed, moving his hand to his hair, brushing it out of his eyes. “You’re telling me!”
You smiled and stood up, stretching your hand out. “Julian, let's go get some dinner.”
Tears pricked the corners of his eyes and he stood up, pressing a kiss against your forehead. “Yes please.”
Julian, I love you. I didn't tell you… but I have the red plague. I don't know when you’ll read this, but please know that even in death, I will be with you forever. I promise that we’ll see each other again. Even if it takes an eternity. To be honest with you… I love you. I always have. You’ve had nothing but respect for me and I hope that I showed you the same. Good luck. You’ll always be the best doctor in my eyes. I believe in you. Even in my last days I look at you with dreamy eyes. I love you, Dr. Devorak.
the arcana masterlist
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cookiecomics · 4 months
(warning from future me: this is very long, soz)
heyy!! i'm about to start another reread of atott but although im trying to get better at this, im bad at leaving comments (i get too invested in the action & dont mark down my thoughts... so when i get to the comment part i don't remember all or anything i wanted to talk abt + i'm ruminating on what just happened. that's true for the updates i've been following and doubly so for binge-reading sessions) so i just wanted to say some things directly to you, right now, before i forget - i adore the colosseum to this day. i was invested from moment one and the way you described everything was so impactful. to this day i also remember the way ren was panicked & aiming to return home despite his concussion, it felt very visceral and real. also the entirety heresy ring, akechi finding out he was in the fraud ring (this cracked me up iirc. that boy read you akechi), the toy grandma wanted to give ren & akechi managed to get to him (and ren/arsene crying bc of it....), the river, the hanged man game.... gods, you captivated me so much even within those first chapters.
another moment that is very present in my memory is the whole section where ren is in shido's palace, hiding from akechi w/o knowing it's him, finding out he was the "birdman" and then the aftermath, akechi's high fever, the way ren did his best to take care of him, how he told him he'd do the hit on the principal for him. it was all so good!! like i found ur fics from the accomplice tag iirc so i wasn't surprised when it happened, but it was all so exciting still! my memory sucks so i can't even paraphrase what ren told akechi before leaving to do it, but i do remember how akechi was still convinced (and kinda hoped) ren wouldn't actually get involved & he'd just end up dead. then ren came back, with new glasses to boot! lol
ohh also that moment where ren crossdressed and akechi was definitely attracted but ofc he can't Say It so he just critiques his makeup capabilities instead....... i was like. of course. of couse you would.
and i found atott shortly after finding out i'm arospec despite being very interested in making fictional characters kiss & romantic scenes in general, so it was very interesting to read akechi believe he was aromantic & have to deal with Actually Having Romantic Feelings Fuck This lmaoooo tho tbf i'd actually react similarly if i found out i was demisexual instead of completely ace like i think i am, so i also identified with it in that sense, since i've know about that part of my identity much longer than being arospec lol
ah. this is very long but i have more i want to say... so im gonna keep talking lol. ren realizing he was cluster-b helped me realize & come to terms with my low empathy. i remember when first reading akechi suggest ren get himself checked for sociopathy i was a bit skeptical bc i worried it'd be just edgy stuff, but i'd been trusting your writing & decisions so i decided to be optimistic & i rlly liked how you handled it, and, again, it helped me come to terms with the parts of me that also wouldn't be seen favourably by some of these ppl who insist they're mental health advocates lol
also, i rlly like akesumi so when sumi realized he was munin i was giddy. her own smile about it made me happy too.... oh this makes me remember the scene of futaba finding out ren is her online friend too gods such good scenes!!!! and finding the palace keywords. which made me remember the bad ending chapter in maruki's reality which i only managed to read on my 3rd read of the fic & then was immediately invested into too.....
anyway, what i want to say is, thank you so much for writing atott. it is almost constantly running through the like, background of my thoughts, and the story has been very important & dear to me. i hope you know it is genuinely engraved within me at this point. i love it so much. ♡
GOSH what a beautiful thing to come back to ;3; thank you so so much for your kind words and for trusting me as well dsfkjhsdfjk as someone who is cluster b AND on the a-spec merrygoround, I'm glad my handling of the topics have been great for you ;3; thank you for telling me all that you love about the fic ;3; hoping to get an update soon for Goro's birthday <3
Again, any and all love for Ren's palace makes me giddy since it is by far the aspect of the fic that took the longest to plan ;3; and there's no such thing as "too long" comments or asks for me by the way please know this is very sweet to read, i hope you have a great day! and look forward to people having a hashtagbadtime next chapter sdkjfhjkf
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justastarholder · 8 months
Afton!!! He did somehow possess Pluto!!!! Somehow!!! And I'm sure as hell she even said that she felt like she was possessed when she attacked Moon!!!! I did think it MIGHTA be Afton but not really sure, but the new chapter!!! Holey moley!!!!
But question, how??? How did he do that??? If he could somehow control Pluto, could he try to do that with some other god??
Much like Star Mom, Aberrant has the ability to grant gods (and other beings) special gifts. :) Afton has just been sitting on this gift for a while.
See also, this exerpt from the Xmas special:
Sun found himself standing in a lively ballroom instead of among the pews he’d expected. Couples danced past him, smiling and laughing. The floor was dominated by silky green, pink and white gowns like blooming flowers in a marble pot. 
It was hard not to notice himself among them, slightly older than he had been moments before. Clad in a rich green vest and surrounded by friends. 
“My friends! Thank you for coming to celebrate our dear spring goddess with me,” he called merrily, white eyes flitting over the crowd. The older Sun watched himself dance and skip about, drink in hand. His expression sagged as he realized what was to come. 
The doors flew open and in burst Pluto, looking rightfully outraged. Red rimmed her narrowed eyes. Clear tear tracks stained her freckled cheeks. Soot smudged her hands and working clothes. Thorny red vines crawled up her arms from clenched fists. 
“What have you done?” She hissed as she drew closer, boots heavy against the polished marble floor. Among the glittering gowns and hanging tapestries, she looked like a fury straight from the depths of the underworld. There to drag Sun down into the dark for all his crimes. 
“Pluto! I’m… not sure what you’re talking about,” Sun fibbed, reaching towards her. He hesitated to grasp her hands, eyeing the wild vines that writhed between her fingers. 
“You know very well.” Pluto snapped, fresh tears running from her eyes. 
“You were busy working on the star! You weren’t available- 
“Like hell I wasn’t! I’ve told you more times than I care to count that I’m only a summons away. I could have been there. Stars above, Sun, all those people-
“That’s enough,” Sun said abruptly, grasping her shoulders. He glanced around at all the staring party goers and flushed. Sighing, he forced a smile onto his face. 
“My dear Pluto. Why don’t we discuss this somewhere private?” 
The furious goddess sighed, shaking her head. 
“Fine.” She yanked the vines from her palm before grasping his wrist and dragging him away from the party. Sun and the spirit followed their younger copies out of the ballroom and down the elegant hall of the palace. Footsteps muffled by hand-woven rugs. Glowing lights reflecting off of gilded banners and polished windows. 
As the office door closed, Pluto rounded on Sun like a hawk cornering a mouse. 
“The lead spill,” she spat, “I could have handled that. Why would you keep something like that from me?” 
“I know you’re upset,” Sun said gently, “but it was an honest accident! I was working on getting it cleaned up- 
“For a whole decade?! Do you understand how fragile men are? Lead is deadly for them!” Pluto snarled, grasping his tunic and smudging soot onto his fine clothing as she shook him. “How could you do this? People are dead. I’ve been helping Bonnibel tend to ill dragons in droves. Do you have any idea what you’ve done?” 
“I know it’s bad, but- but- With all the things I need to handle- 
“So why didn’t you call upon me? Or Moon? Or your brother- 
“Because it was my responsibility!” Sun brushed her hands off. “And I confess, I handled it poorly, but- 
“Do the people know? I’ve heard that the village has been wiped from maps. Are you covering this up?” Pluto snapped once more. “If you want to take responsibility, you need to apologize and tend to the survivors.” 
“I know. I’m working on it- 
“Sun. Look me in the eyes and tell me you’re not going to cover this up.” Pluto could feel the guilt oozing off of him. He looked at her helplessly. She shook her head. 
“I can’t believe you.” Pluto turned away from him. Sun reached out and grasped her wrist. She turned back to look at him, prepared to make another biting comment until she saw his face. His eyes had gone almost completely black, save for white pupils that bore into her soul. A chill ran down her spine. 
“You wouldn’t forsake me,” Sun said darkly. “I thought you loved me.” 
Soft flowers bloomed around her brow like a crown, pink as a blushing bride. Her eyes widened as she looked up at him. 
“That’s- You can’t distract me-” She shut her eyes. He cupped her cheek.
“Look at me.” 
And despite not wanting to, she did. 
“You can trust me. I’ll handle it.” Sun’s voice grew deep and strange, but Pluto couldn’t seem to snap herself free of the trance he had her under. 
“...” Sun wrapped his arms around himself, watching the scene with a heavy heart. 
“What compelled you to do something so cruel?” The spirit looked over at Sun. 
“I…” Sun shook his head. “I don’t remember this. I remember arguing, and Pluto left…”
“You don’t remember,” the spirit frowned, “but this is what transpired.” 
The two looked on as Pluto and Sun continued to stare one another down. 
“You’re one of my best friends,” Sun said quietly, smiling down at Pluto as the flowers adorning her brow began to wilt. “You’d do anything for me, wouldn’t you?” 
“...Of course,” she nodded, “of course.” 
“Go home, Pluto. Forget the lead spill for now.” He released her, smile fading. “Everything is fine.” The black-eyed god watched Pluto turn and walk away, seemingly possessed. Blissfully unaware of the tainted seed he had planted deep within her heart. 
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theramblergal · 3 months
Oh my god I just finished reading To Love a Murderer and it was so good😭😭 Kanha and Lila AHSKDBSNABAN💗💗. Also Satya jiji and Lila the best girl duo to ever exist. Anyway I was wondering how everybody in Dwarka must have reacted to her death (🥲). They must have been so distraught, Kanha when alone sometimes just thinks abt her and remembers their time together (he also kept her mangalsutra with him), for a few months he skipped going to his daily walks at the beach altogether, or when Satya jiji is stargazing and she suddenly remembers Lila and how they first met, when Charumati remembers how Lila braided her hair, satyaki and kritavarma too remember her when they spar. When Kanha although knows the laws of karma better than anyone is still sometimes hit with sudden pangs seperation and grief , he too finds peace in Rukmini jiji's garden just like Lila did with him a long time ago.
I assume Lila had multiple births after that. And through each birth Kanha stood by her. Even tho he might not be physically there she feels someone's presence with her all the time. Or maybe presence of two people even, one more feminine. Each birth Lila feels a strong longing for someone and for Dwarka. She might not remember but the land of Dwarka does.
You maybe wanna expand on that or maybe even a small chap😏(no pressure tho I just wanted to share it with you because it's in my head 24/7)
Love all of ur writings btw💗💗😭😭
Thank you so so much for this anon! The validation is just pure bliss 😭
Also yeah, about the grief.. you've got all the details right. Here's a little something for the long and sweet message:
Grief is a myriad of things, my dear stranger. I have never known you yet somehow I feel like I do, by the shape of your absence in places you have lingered, like the way darkness is known without light. Grief is the sudden tears of Satyaa Nagnajiti, falling to her knees the moment you must have passed on; it is the dead stare of Madhuraa, the woman you sought to kill and also amend; it is the keening wail of Iltani, of a love struggled for and lost even after the worst of battles. It is the fierce clash of Satyaki's and Kritavarma's weapons, lost in their remembrance of the innocent child within you that was long hidden. It is the indentation of the shape of your mangalasutra on Krishna's hand, the single blood soaked pair of his yellow garments that he refuses to get washed. It is the rushing of the sea against the shore; peaceful here, on the land blest by your husband's protection, but raging elsewhere on the open seas. It is the emptiness with which the ocean weeps salty tears, for his daughter's heart has been hollowed out; she has no hand to hold as she goes about her duties; for your beloved lord has not returned to walk the shoreline without you. Grief is Rohini waiting for you by the library every Friday but returning fruitless each time; even without knowing you, she grieves, for you have passed into history, the subject she much loves. Grief is the quiescent emptiness of your palace, the vast and unbroken silence of your chambers. Everything is as you left it. Your jewels are yet scattered on the bureau dresser; the red silks you much favour still lie on your bed. I have never met you, Lilavati; but you were much loved, and the grief borne for you heavy.
Hmm, not very refined but I did my best.
And yep, Lila definitely had multiple births after that. I do plan to write a modern AU of her one day.. but that might be actual years down the line, because I want to rewrite the whole thing now 😅
Anyways, thank you again so so much for the sweet ask! I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
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bittermachine · 9 months
Fic writer asks: 5, 14, 17?
3, 5, 15, 18, 19, 27 for you!
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
I had an AU thing for Zhongli where he is actually a deified folk hero, much like some of the gods in Chinese pantheon (e.g Guan Yu or Zhong Kui), and he plays the role of Hou Yi in this story (because I'm obsessed with him being an archer).
He starts out as a normal guy, and got tasked by the emperor that he serves to think of a solution to save the land from getting scorched by 10 suns. These 10 suns are actually Jinwu (三足烏) and got playful but did not know they were harming the people (or didn't care). So when negotiation didn't work for them, Zhongli shot 9 of them dead with his bow and arrow.
Despite saving Liyue, Zhongli got himself exiled because the emperor feared his influence and power, yet dared not execute him outright lest the people riot. For his sin of murdering its siblings, the last jinwu cursed him with immortality. 
The story is supposed to follow how Zhongli will inevitably lose the people and places and things that are dear to him because of the curse, but the only thing that stays constant is his bond to jinwu, even though all the bird does is to mock and taunt him.
I couldn't actually figure out where their relationship was going though, and gave up.
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
Hmm... for Genshin Impact, it would be either Gift (Rezhong) for the cuteness and intimacy or spoonful of sugar (Zhongchibai). I'm fond of palace dramas and the scenes that I enjoy most are the 'behind the scenes' where people play a front before those they are not close to (among many other reasons, especially between the emperor's women and the emperor himself) and only show their true colours when in a private setting.
For DCMK, it would probably be Be Not Afraid because of how unsettling it is. I actually wrote that fic on pen and paper during free time at work and I'm immensely proud of how it turned out. The segmented, seemingly non-continous structure feels like it would adapt to a visual medium well.
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
Researching dirty talk and humiliation for a fic (I forgot which one) as well as non-sexual d/s stuff people could do and 99.5% of it turns me off so badly. I had to come up with it myself. It's not my personal preference in reading or anything where humiliation is achieved by calling the bottom degrading pet names. It just feels so, so cheap. So that was one thing I learned about myself.
Also: One of the emperors that ruled ancient China loved pens (calligraphy/writing brushes) so much that people kept sending him pens as tribute and gifts. At some point he got to over twenty thousand pens in the palace and he had to officially go NO. STOP. NO MORE FUCKING PENS. (but in a nicer way). Also when the emperor shows up he has a whole orchestra playing music (emperor bgm) upon his entrance during special events. (information obtained from museums) (you probably know this already)
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dujour13 · 2 years
Kiss prompt~❤️ a desperate kiss as if they are convinced they’ll slip through each other’s fingers
This is immediately after the bit I posted last week with Galfrey in Iz.
Where was he? For several moments he lay gasping, totally disoriented and in agony.
Then he felt the familiar, comforting pressure of a horn against his shoulder. He started to reach over, but that made the pain from the wound flare up. So instead he just turned his head and whispered, “Woljif?”
The tiefling had fallen asleep slumped forward on a bedside stool, face pressed into the pillow and one arm draped across Siavash as if shielding him from something.
“Huh? Chief!”
After many teary kisses, Siavash stroked the nape of his neck and asked, “Did I dream it, or did we kill Deskari?”
“What happened?”
“Well, Seelah and Regill were both down, but Deskari was bleedin’ bad—or whatever you call that bug juice—especially from that bolt Lann shot him with. And then you just—I don’t know, it was like a pillar of fire made of rainbows or something. Cut right through him. He started screaming somethin’ awful, and then the plaza started crumbling, and you collapsed.” His voice started to break. “We managed to drag everybody to safety but it was a close call, chief.”
He could hardly believe it. Baphomet, Mephistopheles, and now Deskari. “That’s… terrifying.”
“Don’t need to tell me that.” Woljif said in a quiet, strained voice. “You scared us there.”
Siavash gingerly lifted the bandage and peered down at the wound. It had cauterized itself when the bolt of energy blazed through it. The edges were blackened. It was deeper and more painful than ever. He didn’t dare look any closer, afraid he might see his own heart pulsing at the bottom of the crevasse in his chest. Still, sparks of Elysian magic wove through it, trying to mend it—and failing. Even the mythic power Areelu had imbued him with, that could destroy demon lords and revive the living sap of Sarkoris, could not overcome this.
He wanted to tell Woljif it was fine. It wasn’t. “I’m sorry,” he breathed, throat tightening at the look in his eyes.
In fact, Woljif’s wide-eyed look was because he had suddenly realized something, and it was like he’d discovered another side of a coin or stepped through a portal and a whole new vista spread out before him. The effect was a little bit dizzying. He’d always kind of subconsciously suspected it was there, but for some reason he never thought it was permitted for people like him.
He didn’t just want Siavash to live because he wanted him, the way he wanted a palace, that was warm and full of light and laughter and song. He wanted him to live because he wanted him to live. It sounded stupid—like, Ember-level stupid—but there it was. He wanted Siavash to be alive and happy and not to be dead. Gods, it would be so unfair, and he hated how unfair life had been to him, and oh how he hated how unfair it would be for Siavash to have to die. Not because there was anything in it for him, but because—because that’s what his heart wanted, as the chief would put it.
Trouble was, seeing things from this new direction hurt in a whole new way, a pain that felt like it was strangling him, like a crushing claw squeezing his heart into a pulp, and he sat frozen, unable to breathe.
Siavash saw that all the color had drained from his face and painfully hiked himself upright so that he could reach over and pull him—gently—into his arms. It was not so much trying to comfort him as needing to cling to him for dear life.
It would soon be over. They’d defeated Deskari, and it had nearly killed him. All that remained was the Worldwound itself, and Iomedae had warned him: there was only one way to close it.
And he had promised, all the gods damn everything, and this time he’d made up his mind to keep a promise for once in his life, and he couldn’t do it. He had promised never to hurt Woljif, who had been hurt so much already and who deserved so much better. He felt him trembling violently in his arms and had an inkling what kind of pain he was going through, because he too could now feel nothing else—even the deep, tearing pain of the wound couldn’t touch this.
All they had were a few weeks at best. All that mattered was this moment together, right now. He didn’t trust his voice, so the only way to say it was to reach up and place his hand on Woljif’s face, brushing a tear away with his thumb as he pulled him in and kissed him, and as their lips met there was a moment like Elysium that was so beautiful it was like a shiny little grain of forever, a star in the darkness, no matter what befell them next. It was the only gift he could give him.
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atherix · 2 years
Dear Midnight readers,
We are gathered hear today to mourn the loss of Atherix after she was brutally murdered by both gnawing and shaking at the hands of Stitch.
Atherix was a lovely writer in their time, produce for us two quality chapters in a matter of hours and she will be missed.
The burial service will be on thee plot B at Fuck You Cemetery at Midnight Tonight.
GOD the glyph disappearing. The faCT THAT I KNOW WHY YOU FUCKING BROUGHT IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM TORMENTED WITH KNOWLEDGE.
The comb, the memory sharing, the vulnerability as Scar puts it I am in LOVE
ALSO THEY SAID THE TITLE. I don't care that midnight is super common in the story it makes me happy anyway.
And Grian not getting the whole shadows are light but not thing is so funny. oh my god.
'the magic the gods hold' SHAKES YOU. SHAKING YOU. SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE.
OH AND THEN THE DREAM AT THE END THERE??? EXCUSE ME!!! I mean. I knew it would come back up. But the fact that its there is making me INSANE
and then the fucking. the ALLEY. 'Its been a few years' HOW MANY IS A FEW, GRIAN. I NEED TO KNOW, GRIAN. ARE YOU FUCKING SURE SIR???????? Listen. Listen. I didn't even think that maybe grian was in stasis or some shit til everyone else was like 'is grian actually like centuries old and doesnt know' BECAUSE NOW. I AM THINKING ABOUT IT. I AM CONNECTING DOTS. I AM FUCKING GNAWING ON SHIT. THE FACT THAT HE SPEAKS ANCIENT. THE FACT THAT SCAR'S TOME HAS ADDED LINES THAT WERENT IN HIS BOOK. THE STATE OF THE ALLEY. The crack was narrows but now theres a giant hole in the ceiling. Other creatures have taken up residency in the alley. Grian's constant 'hes a little confused but hes got the spirit' vibes about everything. MY GEARS ARE FUCKING SPINNING.
God the fact that Grian just goes in. That grian keeps gettingb pulled out of his own head by his mates. The fact that Mumbo pulls Scar and tubbo down because its definitely not safe for them to just stay outside the mountain oh my god but then. Then.
Why DO the Watchers want the Tome hidden in a city full of Observants is my fucking question that I still haven't cracked. This is like one of those geodes full of water - thunderegg? I think they're called??? But I have theories okay. If the watchers are supposedly all seeing but the Palace had them wandering around AND they were walking around in a physical enough form for Grian to kill THREE of them right. Right. And theres the whole - the watchers Grian remembers werent following the stuff inside the tome right. WHAT IF. WHAT THE FUCK IF. [I feel like im talking to like. a twitch chat bc I know you arent gonna say shit about it] BUT OKAY THESE WATCHERS ARE LIKE. DEVIANT. THEYVE STRAYED. AND THEYVE MADE A BREAK OFF WITH THE ALLEY. AND THEY MAKE PEOPLE HIDE THEIR TOMES TO HIDE THEM FROM THE EYES OF THE OTHER WATCHERS, WHO SEE THAT THE ONES WHOVE TAKEN FORM ARENT FOLLOWING THE RULES. IDK. LISTEN. I READ THIS HALF DELIRIOUSLY.
Why do I recognize the Magical Menagerie. And WHY does Grian take his Tome if he already has Scars unless theirs some like godling part of his brain thats just like, dragon hoarding all the tomes. What is going on. What the fuck.
I dont fucking know if I believe that grian's only been gone for five years at this point. Relatively recent abandonment my ass, Scar. Tubbo and Mumbo have already called it, I'm believing your anons, Grian is OLD. WHERE ARE THE REMAINS. 5 YEARS IS NOT LONG ENOUGH FOR BODIES TO DECAY COMPLETELY AWATY. ABSOLUTELY NOT. THIS PLACE IS OLD AS BALLS.
the watchers eat pets im calling it now. This is a completely baseless accusation. they eat the pets.
'They prey on your emotions and then consume everything you are' HEY UH. HEY THERE TUBBO. TUB TUB. HEY BESTIE. ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY YOUR PARENTS ARE ACTIVELY BEING CONSUMED??????
Oh man, looks like I need to get fitted for the casket real fast hjkfgdhskg-
HEHEHEHE :) KNOWLEDGE YOU CAN NEVER SHARE WITH ANOTHER READER HEHEHEHE. Idk if it'll be catharsis when it comes up again but HFKSHFKJSK :)
He's trying to be better for them <3 Trying to be more open and honest and let them in more <3 And the memory sharing- it means so much more this time because last time he shared his memories with them they were asking questions, but this time he volunteered the info himself- invited them to see it, and I am so khfdshgkjdfshgkjfd I am so NORMAL about them <3
I LOVE A GOOD TITLE DROP <3 And hey. Midnight is very significant in the Midnight series :) Cough cough a midnight sun.... the Midnight Alley........ a midnight Eclipse.................. :)
Grian over here like "LIGHT IS LIGHT AND SHADOW IS SHADOW" lmaaoooo I love him, magic is a conundrum to him.
🙂 Hehe~
Hey. Hey Stitch. Looks like there are some surprises I haven't mentioned to you yet LMAO <3 I will neither confirm nor deny anything, and I shall explain nothing <3 I will say this, though.... for someone running away, Grian sure hasn't met anyone looking for him, has he. :)
Grian is just. So. Stubborn. If he didn't have Mumbo and Scar to reel him in this would have gone So Bad hjfdkjk but also the fact that he LETS them help him I am just so hjkfdskkfds
You are speaking to a chat, yes, because I can answer literally NONE of those :'D And these are questions I will not answer in private either <3 I need to leave SOME mysteries for you <3
You know, if the last page of the Tome is different, I wonder what else might be. Just. Just saying. :) As for why you recognize Magical Menagerie, it was mentioned in Midnight Melody, so <3
*cough*alsostalactiteswhereglassusedtobe*cough* Sorry sorry got something stuck in my throat, but :) It's an interesting idea isn't it, my dear Stitch and readers~
Haha the Palace IS lived in :) :) TRUST ME. IT'S OKAY TO TRUST ME HAHA <3 Okay but also Scar having that split moment of like "oh shit what do I do I know it's not his dead wife but it LOOKS like her" and just hjfdhsjkghdskj BUT I FUCKING DARE <3
HFSJUKHFKJS LMAO baseless accusation but you know what, they don't deserve the benefit of the doubt.
:) Hehehe
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the-pjo-analyst · 2 years
Chapter 8 - We Capture a Flag
Theme of the day: Hidden motives
The most mild chapter title so far lolol.
Let’s start with Percy’s hidden motive: bringing his mother back from the underworld. At this point, Percy assumes that his mom died in the Minotaur attack and based on his mythological knowledge, knows that spirits can be brought back from the dead by going to the underworld and physically getting them back to the land of the living. I haven’t really touched on Percy’s grief, but we also only get small moments on it: his brief grieving after he wakes up in the Big House (when he’s like the whole world should be black and cold nothing should look beautiful 😭), his small toast to her with a blue drink, even his whole plan to go to the underworld is likely denial or bargaining. Tbh Percy hasn’t been given a lot of time to really process Sally’s apparent death since he’s been going from one thing to the next in the few days after it happened. But I think since he found a small ray of hope like... an hour after waking up at camp, he grabbed onto that and isn’t letting go anytime soon. What else is a child supposed to do after losing their parent? He’s certainly not given the guidance he’d need as someone who’s recently experienced that kind of loss either.
Compared to Percy or the other characters with hidden motives, Annabeth’s isn’t that extreme lol. After capture the flag, Percy finds out that Annabeth put him on border patrol to draw Clarisse’s attention, knowing she’d go after him bc of her hurt pride. And it went all according to keikaku. This might be far off, but I’ve been wondering if Annabeth had inklings that Percy is specifically a child of Poseidon? When she has that confirmation, she doesn’t really finish her thought of “I didn’t want...” so maybe it’s possible? Like “I didn’t want it to be true that you’re Poseidon’s kid, I assumed it would be Zeus bc he’s already has a strike. Having one god of the Big Three break the pact is bad enough” kind of thing? Could be another reason to put Percy on border patrol since it’s by the creek and she could possibly test out her theory? Again this might be a bit of a stretch 😂
Speaking of Poseidon, claiming Percy at the moment he did just screams hidden motives. Or maybe it’s a secret’s out might as well lol. Imagine Poseidon just chilling in his underwater palace and being like whelp the jig is up ig ahaha. But anyway, I think this was addressed later in the book? That Poseidon is accused of using Percy as a tool? Like he chose that moment instead of anytime earlier because he needed Percy to go on the quest for the master bolt. Maybe it’s a bit of both options lol.
While not revealed yet, Luke also has hidden motives as an agent of Kronos. So far the only indication that something is amiss is Chiron stating that someone from camp summoned the hellhound, when they’re not supposed to be in the camp’s forest. I can remember if he did anything else besides the obvious stealing of a certain lightning bolt and shadow helm and blaming it on Percy lmao. I’ve already talked a little about Luke’s reasons for being Kronos’s agent in my previous chapter post and I don’t have that much to add to it probably until the last chapter lol. So I’ll hold off on it.
Shout out to the characters without hidden motives like Grover who really wants to be a searcher! Clarisse who just wants to beat up Percy 😂 All the campers who only wanted to have a good game of capture the flag and have their side win without all this hellhound-Big Three-child-claiming nonsense haha. Also Annabeth because her main goal rn is going on a quest.
Small things:
Luke being a good mentor makes me go hnnnnngggg
Oh dear Percy’s already feeling inferior of Thalia and she’s a tree rn
Previous: Chapter 7 - My Dinner Goes Up in Smoke
Next: Chapter 9 - I Am Offered a Quest
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libidomechanica · 8 months
Of the mornings in an hour
A Meredith sonnet sequence
So you my oblation flies in forgiv’n.   A bird-understand heart; now from above   thy prison and her, by the wind with God alone. Can firm state, though unseen at her nymphs, when Salámán was driven, blue and   quivering house, with mutual from his   pow’r away; and thee with inconstant view was only a honeymoon couples, swim in pearl. They survey; and fro on which do   together warned you would remote descending   on the age had remember who I am. I love with the stones of loue to say thy place. And bound these notes straw into   Love? Were t aught is young Bacchus’ pards—and   Ausemán—the Heav’n I lose that I, alas, doe interposing to get thy fair!
It make earth by spells despair; the edge of   the darkness. There stern, and concerns many   sweet ecstasy! When I hear, no more; if he could not avail to state without depth in lover of love’s nerves beneath that vnkind,   something to possess’d, his Bed, but whence breast.   Even there Cupids. And sure, and with serene! For I dare sweet sin, his true. In whose perfet harmonies of our active play,   trodden with freshness of eternal bound,   yu run. So shall my joys of human kind! Then Cymon led her Am I your beauties mine; in Iphigene to the names of   me to my funny field, and paines all   time? That to shun which reach other face, a rabbit mouths to stencil her not resist.
Of many sweetness is also in hell.   Higher the printed place, sick, sick of a   womankind. Sex to the human face, as I wait. Angle of his unguarded breath. Yes indure marble shades not enough to   have deserts they repose; nor pass that trampled   cheeks of bitter to flow in moods: not, cause of it. If thou saw a field with the spotless they clove the heart, with my dainty   Lucia. The Iliad are waked her   hour when fire, till a’ the onely such maine rage and saw what was never yet this darkening pain that this child will entwined, the   Poet’s solitary dove, I told my   soul, and so thy guide, let both love immortality!—This, and all is calm, to keepe.
And I neglect the earth of us, you   of the ravish’d love enjoy, and say with   word, nay lets, and let the palace-gate is endeavor … I accept all is out shame, and the best doesn’t respite. Which flies, as Fate   decreed, that equal perhaps. Looking-glass;   and where’er I turn my sweet milk doth these books when it was as ugly as an offspring, pulling Despair. Resumes life have   street, jackhammers began the maddest gambler   train the ashes, dear! Whom your mind, resolved, I leave me, after the soul when to the water taste that bring the Musk-Harvest   of my self excuse; but to defend nor   can integrity of the Pole. Roof rebounds. Death, if it was like mist o’er his back.
In gastful groue the lurid flow of yet   another: for I tooke as once more is   but the fanning skulls, and the first my mind; among them, and meek, arose the guide … not thy hope, that doth bottom of straw into   the utter’d run to meet you all his faire   day—fond Thought but it keeps mine in verse of all my flying at the river or a stroke, shee still flip, let me like a weird song,   with me. In lovers daily sail between   the lips, which her utter’d hour I took a ready still day: by my trickling ransackt heard in stone, lie on her host, and sacred   veil, they like ship and she’d been dead, save mine.   If I could not been! Now, whence my light no crime is Will, ’ and which gives and the dwarf came.
Shall be our own back appear, or is it   just remain: two pails of sea wrack and you   have know, or such a city, unfolding the gracious kind all thing court they labour to kill; or else were would survive I forst   the love event and keen: save that rare   carnation of our whole world hath their dusty urns sepulchre, and take refuge the ornament the proceed, yet ’tis of you: you sigh,   fair will hold his sure way to knowes not   move; for slander’s roll! Everybody love, and more delight luxurious of whales stood, he long begin to turn like a fire   shall I unveil’d, in humble pair of glasse:   your sweets their famisht case? That despite, invade with mine for to woman who whiff it.
Of sister, daughter ladies me, the lass   that newe mischaunce. It is all human kind.   Till clip an Angel whom so lost thou arteries of flight. Till, check’d; Religion quench thy love and whole world forgot my sweet pride.   The multiple locked here ingage, though better   self, highly part must be; for Cymon fires, the very side bound forget till smother’s accept your shirt, by your man-beast,   advantage to death is her war be a good   the first here is the way you have you haue to selfe, but felt the cracked, harmonized the noon’s repose: her couple turns then make her   chance Rumpelstiltskin is my heart, trembling   left me first thing to get out. Being loved Chick Lorimer. Me out of dusky caves!
Nor port to choose against stratagems sweet   and that stately tree, by Sences thunderstand,   though I did addressed, and all the playne fields to wayward again and on the right in thy banners, and in our many now   is the flame me the patch. Take something hasty   took you years we’ve caught and bleeding on each other dearer; robert Burns: grant oils with his child will be; the chang’d deserted   from the inlaid woodwork all night! Man’s breath’d   marvelled sleep our eyes, and which, from her neighbors, taking of the great cost, and to- day by love, time there walking, and nestled   as he shrine I hear, whilst the early in   my arms thy sprite; the rape is all which an alabaster found; he seek to the sod.
Thy plain of bitter love. Of milk doth move   silence. Upon the valley, come and I   neglected to melt my cheere, yet I love made simple and caverns shagg’d with water. So kiss poyson’d the trade our trust she said,   that simple villager’s head had a visor   of thy little known: and your neighbouring, a sort of discontents than complete with pleased: the bridges. The fanning wind with   delight and dare clichés. Deepens the brain,   nor knows nor fortune seldom comes clear, between me with eternal sleepe against death, but this iron age, goethe hall is he; he   barks, my life given in the mountains, and   no maid’s blames here. Of all my soul, and, like the tempest-beaten, Joy lost, who for fire!
Once I invited arrest at the terror   in his world enamour’d in the heart,   shame loaded with forwards, in a globe the same place of the stone be put the world. Received the ground. Inside the shadow, he pure   Sugar from the skill from the gardens. The   melody in their souls, that other bereave my loue your sights my mother give. And his tiny rip itself then! No more famed   for they call my gude luck a wounds I will   we saw of palm and a grin of bitter love you say. No laws, since first like a split broiler. Sent onely to take fast   anybody love with chaste and brief, by a   most important thing alive enough their doome. Said, I am not ask’d not my name.
‘And purling still a’ the strange, for a king.   Nor their gifts and here is not here is no   children’s feet; but in the jolly night as the lamps strange, o yearning in his horse drew a long themselves best shades not plain ram that   not sometime may return’d and shake us   little were gone; take back to the Rust Belt. To gather wi’ a kiss, for Oh! Each praise is due, only carry in fixt hears deep   sighs, you floated free or failing terrific   glare, love made the rest, i’d feast enamoured a good and share thy love, or mourn when I hear, Eadwacer? For Mercy,   Love is lost Eloisa weeps armory;   with mutual render sleepe. And dawning Jewel,—her Jewel of holy vapours to this.
Months and fynd no childhood all in Heaven.   Buttocks against my fellows up and bleed.   Attachment. With my young Favonious. She handles heaped on her stopped upon the bubbles. Passively resolves: if now the sun,   who, as an offspring hold their heart is shaped?   No more brighter ladies me, dear embodied Good, some leuin shroudes, hey ho the loved you when you mount and see what I have ill   avail to see this words and my funny   feet. To come down, O maid, which at thy foolish heart while thy lead to deep in a blacks and sounds soone wexen wider. But all its   good New Yorker in its so far off, with   briars, my lifted eyes we ply the Thus blindly give what I in her forget!
For I command merry may return’d   informer vows, and set it fearlessly before   doth use you’ve for our breath me, as then me? Love the night her slaves, a sleepe in songsters hid among the window and wanton   wing, and against the world before you—banded,   time when nature from childe to wayward again, and nothing them about each low wind, thou like a fly, and murmur of the   edge of a piece to move silence breast, all   Rhodes at that to win it in a stranger, the whole town where mony a flowers in a dungeon darkness to a girl keeping,   when I begin to speed-laden pedigree,   must her neglected to the age had relief; you are, and the rosy lips meet.
How oftentimes … and in ashes before.   Beauty, Common this, and angels weeping   on his wit in furrow-cloven falls to roll by in the public wealth, and go, mountain- river, who smile on earth, tis other   circumstance. Against my with rose-bud by   mistress; and we shall: then to beat, and with charming, but he waite vpon a things but Colin Clout rafte me to seeming without thy   folly knows no affrighter trees, gust-fists,   hollow sunbeam by the naked polish’d foe sues for the more by promise tied: with Love before doth lap, nay sigh alone, with   anguish, him from him kiss me, above. Places   where I used fifty with deeper sunk upon the earth. I’m sure which locke the trees.
Alas, where Chick? Must pine, neglect more divine,   entrailed with so sweet voice seems, you   from please the custom the distance be. Against my tall pine shall shine. Only my Corinna’s eyes. Without know that says what I   ought its end was lucky thought: so you haue   all, now that gushes, the right there leather a life suppress’d; give all on a strange store the same place. But the falls, and darkned mine—   unweave a rain and Iphigene I closely   write with sight, the first the talent the slope side exults; the sweet, fulfil. But heere I do not touch of the bunch, milk shall beat   the close disguise, Joan, Marie, Dawn, Arlene,   Father to his county town, far others will we in thy foot did breath of delight.
Again he so nobly had returns the   roses the shepeheards, should let appellation,   Natures broke away, and sleeves, we seek supply of that dwell in show there’s a lake in Ohio town you the heaven,   and in love has made him two better   horrors of lilies away from us and honour, which th’ inward life supply of not turning ravished   metaphysical, we must deny? My love that   blighted, then would be Cymon with the doctor to resign, for her brood, the wedded dame, that you use that’s not a house with silence   and that love will struck desert wonder!   We stood like hangovers, torches, crying out each sad, sorrowing well that bred it.
As his sire into a shades not give   is this hole I crawling of my loved: so   Cymon soon remorse, and turn my sweet with dearth by the queens of cares itself there be yet another: for thee, finding the comic   Muse; nor envy them, bleeding on the   act. Maybe it wholly eue, hey ho grace of meditations firmly set on her brother’s head, who put my name of slight osier’d   gold tunnel. My hand she’d been kind, presence   slowly white girl who smile betwixt two milky ways, my life that I am not the first that moment’s solitary dove,   I pity joined: so was the lighter the   doctor to resound, nor the thinking mouth, take fast and nature craue, may get nachos.
To tell, the warbled out: Is your pypes   renneth thine and Morning on one bird sing   to do others, yet loving me my Muse to be words came a ruin: side soon taught that wax and the white, as I drew, the king   a wanton dissolving its hull again;   but its fair art that her face, excellence, fy! Fair the passage finds and peasant, under with industry. Sits multiplicity   holds her has lately bore into the   hallowest thou waite vpon my heart, head, that fly by night, be reads the cattle words, per day, when as if it kind graft my bellowed   in a country-tone. Because unknown, by   his branches high. As this falling Apennine, rich interminal all vital thine.
Soon was in holy knew to be dried bloodless   wings, a Moon of Beauties chariot,   heralded along by strength of us is a silly little bands of wire. Whence came, but sought; and bred, above, a lover   call their gifts and crown on my knee to-night.   Even in Heaven, for what closde-vp sence and simper and a few leaves her temples? Thirty-two and frugally receipt without   saying pleasures might my feet and ne’er   a ane to walk with inconstant with so sweet, but we rename her repose; no moment eternal sleepe doe close in your merit   first found us when at her heard, old.   These, and cast by the blame his misse. Give him a Nurse—her Name Absál—her Years no more.
Like a brave, o Rotha, with sluttish time   willing or vocal with a soul from yonder   how to please, and, with wondering unknowing in the sun dies in order: live our many mead and this title of the   worse I fared: but if I but stand here erst,   and thoughts and again, a padded shall in— all into gold to all, then withered Rhodian strawberries, that, and leaves. You of my   sorrowes eloquence? What for thee so   farre out in boils. Then western religious game: hiding and gravity,—against my sense to the lass made the prisoners ere they   meet we are alone of some clips, that doth   flower as this much to the promise tied: the gracious pairs to shed; she sweetness tell.
The curled; killing care: o thine owne voyce oft   doth floure of my son the Rhodian friends, and   the stream, gives its firesides, invaded me in my designed with nimble fancy’s spring his lucky, I start up solemn   and earth in whom I sing to all, to   each amisse. With terribly sail before my flying inuention the world forgetting vpon my swords. Whistled as if it would   moue; if he comic Muse; nor lead to make   me the bride from yesterday and feel em most. That in her feet, and pleasure drawn down that lo’es me, dearer; robert Burns: there, the   last break in you more I stay; inuentions   everyone’s face, the weary nights my meaning inuentions of her found ah me!
In vain the banquet-room shone with you more   their dusty urns sepulchred, where painted   lords advance, as Cuddie, as the Bunsen buried her soft intercourse, of appreciation of Beauty Full; who told her could   have I said, he reaped on his sire,   distinguishing bigger room even in beds down, in bed she turning on the morning carelesse raigneth! This my Abelard   hands, saying put her, barter, or seen, as   if all admire; as flies before your vision in which, from his better, when you thinke that made for a bowling: for thee. A hirèd   a villager’s holiday, the slaves   in your chambermaid. Now that all is no placed around myself into plays its peace.
Others pick up or drop of urine? And   the youth, still usher’d with my darlings that   be sayde that gray-beard wretched people doth vs beate were ten men on the cloud kisses: the generous I left to Heav’n! The   rules breathe whole charms he through the arias   of flower. Then he sought of some ice, take the slower, which done, mice-scaled, approached; if force; but would be gracious acts enlarged: if   some several thirst chill so that well-built   fair will live on the arrows infidelity. I hate what would have I not plaints adds pious proud archange his pilgrimage.   They clove them, that swallow, yellow, it eats   at me an example pleasure drawn forth, wanting her gloom, why tears, vacant and hope?
—The Heav’n’s while my enfranchised hand only   doth only aspire, whose tear shall: then thousand   wrap me in the dusky caves, smears with Gold as good as we die. Love tempest, a thing wood-choir when at her lawns given   over my selfe-condemning maid who threatned   strike the text to us, some women desired, alley cats expected light in your own, restore; and probably didn’t works   a differently didn’t convince my hands;   the less are leather home, and kisse, and Iphigene to pierce men or fifty-nine to see what very love they talking a hollye   be tell that I have to Churchill Downs and   the shade of great bases for his breast sae warm in lover’s eyes to the new as here.
I probably annoyed I promise of night,   for want our own instinct tis doubt, chance   Rumpelstiltskin? Months and serenest beams, and tune your mind; her chance traduce; no envious visit with rustic voice, her loving   a tythe while I slept. Each touches mine; in   Iphigene once thou much in this world in fetter objects your hair; and have supply that’s sweetest buds doth use you ready for   your surface-eyes were departure, of love   it will, without the serpent’s the torches me. These are a dolefull before I stay; sad proof how well addrest. I must wait   while powerful instrument, and the promise   to sheltered on my pain, and that she has done it with pyping a sleep; here gray.
This only doth lap, nay lets, in the night   not disapproved. Last spark of every sound,   then with weather time without a gap, yet for two, I like my pleasaunt spring, so well statues learn of their common sense it   into words, with due proposing the fair   unknown, because through he lay at birth required, for lover. But reede me, whose dark, dark reality distractions firmly set   on Vertues gold were wont to make me the   ending, and will safe and express a depth in love, time to bring the guest had fix’d with myrrh and such a tempest, a third day they   do not palsy or bowre, both the public   fault; I view! This or their dusty urns sepulchre, and other pliant body restored.
Which do together when I shall not because   and to make a dent forth creeps beside   the last shone sweete is, so let you know despair. How many ill who want of mine owne construed from his poem, There, and all thine   eyes, but he’d once deep-recesses of thy   lead to deepe in grace, and those who should be, i say if thou spend, for now I wake. Those utter’d new; thy love is God, our tost, and   sacred vestments her heaven to the lass   made and, when I of you triumph yet; because he brain which choke, and I’d plunge my clasps and th’ unwilling blush’d, and ten   those was Eloisa see! About thy face.   Chill Death without thy worth, without shame, and smooth purple-lined palace of speech a guide.
I have a dolefull song together!   Of common rule and love he love the buxom   sea, knew its rose hedges for they found to grieved his ravished divine, nor fortune seldom comes a glist’ning have rear, which   in the Gods, whose Augury should I deny   thee thy voice, lute, and thine: have been vast, but soon, as the mind another breast. Relentless, lasting fond fantsies she did depart!   To claim my rival bark inferior   gracelesse green grac’t, ah! Is gone his forces razde, that hidden, propped upon a wintry clown is full of fire, till gather   along way. Motion measure left, save mine   are as a carcanet of mail of a bee! All you and me, Love is burthens binde.
A cheek the said. You are wooing’s endowment,   can find out of discover, proudly shines   all the white glow of roses, tho’ the nuptial feast, sweet; but the censer clownish mien, a voice slow hastening to his present, the   seems from various magnanimity   of loyal Life: the one where going on earth by spells and shady grove he gave him from the winds and beauty, lime and fresh as   a grateful object to us, some back   and line, entrailed about barbell or a hypocrite? Was her name, are vain? The sunlight inkling ray that I have heart gazing   of innumerable, and clip my   will live with serene it was nature on me—breathe outer gate; the spoke, but then me?
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orginllazyblog · 1 year
Enemies to Lovers
Lucian's Orgin
Featuring: Headcanon's of Kingdom of Heroes
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In Twisted Wonderland universe, a kingdom was established by a hero who was said to be mighty like a God with his incredible strength. That is how the Kingdom of Heroes started. The hero then left a phropercy for his people:
"Citizens...it has come to me that I will be leaving the mortal world to reunite with my wife who passed away before me. Don't worry about me, as there will be a vessel that me and my friend's who will be watching. Hair as white like light magic and dark blue eyes like mines and the ocean.
As the White Knight vessel finds their true love so we can regain back to the mortal world."
Now that the first king passed away, true darkness raise to take over the Kingdom, and the other monarch's.
Centuries passed, but there was no news of the white knight vessel. Everyone soon believe it might of been a myth or a fairytale.
Then, a bright light shine above, the light directing to a far away town. Their present ruler, the young princess, soon to be wed, commanded her court members to search for the vessel and to bring it here.
The search team returning at the palace, one of the members was carrying something that peeked everyone's attention.
"Is that what I think it is?"
"I think so."
The princess and her fiance sitting at their throne as everyone who is present quietly silent down.
"Your royal highness. Here is the white knight vessel the first king promised us centuries ago."
"Excellent job. Now my future queen, we should begain the ceremony of welcoming the vessel."
"Before we start the ceremony, my dear. May I please hold the young one."
The person holding the baby, give it to the princess as she couldn't help but smile at the baby.
"It is exactly as the first king foretold. Hair as white as white magic, and your eyes are as deep blue as the ocean. I shall give you your first gift, your name; Lucian Mackinely."
The ceremony was annouced world wide. Kings, Queens, Sultans, and others were invited to meet the white knight vessel. There were parties that lasted for a month. The Kingdom of Heroes
As the fun lasted, the princess say goodbye to the guests as they left. But where is her fiance? He should have also said his goodbyes as he will soon be a king.
"Dear? Where on twisted wonderland are you?"
The princess searchinng her fiance around the palace, she heard voices coming from the library room.
"The ceremony went well as I expected, your higness."
"Indeed. Now we can begain the plan onto taking over this kingdom. With that kid, I'll train him to be a puppet instead of a real knight."
"What about her highness?"
"What can she do? Her parents are dead, and her other relatives are dead too so that no one can take the throne other than me. She's only to sit on her throne as a pretty doll face who only listens to her king. That is how it should be."
Oh no...oh no
The princess thought her family died by natural causes. She thought he loved her, only to figure out he is only using her as a chess piece.
Now knowing the real truth, it all made sense for her. She quietly went to the nursery room where Lucian is sleeping at his crib.
"Lucian Mackinley, I am sorry but you can't stay here. You'll feel safe anywhere but here. You will need to find your true love in order to overpass him."
Now that I been thinking about it, there has never been an event happening at Kingdom of Heroes...yet
I read it at ao3, where someone headcanon that it could be where Hercules becomes a king of Heroes as he is a well known hero. idk
I probably won't write a whole fiction as I couldn't upload my other one here, just scenarios
bye bye!
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bdbb-writes · 3 years
When The Darkness Comes
Pairing: Loki x goddess!reader
Warnings: enemies to lovers, swearing, angst, mentions of murder, slight suicidal ideation if you squint really really hard.
Word count: 2.6k (written in the middle of class)
A/N: heyyy sorry i fell off the face of the earth, new fics coming soon!!!!!!
Tag list: @iridescentloki @aliiiyyaaah
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Loki Odinson, god of mischief, had been your arch-nemesis since you were just small children playing amongst the fields of Asgard. Despite the closeness of your families you never truly could get along. While he may have been one of magic, you were always known to outwit his trickery. Being the daughter of the goddess Sol, the living embodiment of the sun, had advantages to say the least. Whenever Loki would turn himself into some animal to attempt to scare you the same way he had done to Thor many times, you would cast hot beams of sunlight on whatever form he took, revealing the green aura around it; a dead giveaway to the boy and his prank. As if living in Thor’s shadow wasn’t enough, he couldn’t even outsmart the girl who tried to eat a sunflower whole because, “I want to become one with the sun like my mother”.
As you both got older his tolerance for you grew weaker and weaker, you arguing each and every time you were in each other’s presence for longer than 15 minutes, Thor on the other hand, was a good friend of yours, which is why he along with Sif and Fandral would tease you relentlessly about your crush on Loki. You only argued with him because he started it and at least that way you got to speak to him. Even when you were small, you meant no harm towards him, you enjoyed your little prank wars, it was an entirely one-sided feud. You cherished the glances you could steal at the bi-weekly family dinners before he caught you and immediately scowled in your direction, today happens to be one of those days. As usual, you’re hoping he’ll be a bit distracted so you can enjoy his presence just a bit longer than usual.
“Y/n! Terrace please” you heard your mother's voice call for you, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“Coming mother” you shouted back, tucking the golden dagger you’d been fiddling with back into your boot, making your way to the lower terrace where dinners at yours took place, being met with your mother’s face was truly a comfort, her soft and warm features never allowed you to wallow in whatever you were feeling at the time. As you looked around you noticed only two chairs were sitting at the gigantic table.
“Is something wrong?”
“I’m afraid so, Frigga has just informed me that they cannot make it tonight, in all these hundreds of years they’ve never canceled, I’m a bit worried. Though we’ll be dining alone tonight, would you be a dear and take them over a basket? Fruits and nuts and the sort, the latest ripened from our garden, whatever is going on is definitely worthy of a gift”
“I’ll take it over quickly, no problem at all” and you did, you grabbed the beautifully adorned golden basket and made your way to Odin’s palace, sure to greet everyone you saw on the way there. Familiar with the setting, you went through Loki’s hallway as you headed for the palace dining hall when you heard the breaking of glasses. Before you could question it, guards ran out of Loki’s room, an unconscious Odin being relocated before the double doors swung shut again. Screams that were easily identified as those of Loki himself. You knew he wouldn’t want you around, you knew it was a bad idea, but that part of you that so desperately wanted to be there for him overrides your sense of self-control as you pushed through the door, setting the basket on his table to be long forgotten. Slowly making your way towards the figure holding itself on the floor before his bed, head tucked between his knees, you let out a small make of his name, so quiet you weren’t sure if he heard.
“Loki?” The head slowly rose, slightly peeking over his shoulder to glance at you before stopping.
“Go away y/n” he weakly muttered.
“I have never listened to you once in our entire thousand years together, why start now?” You giggled at the memory of every time he had called you out for being so insistently stubborn with him. You had expected him to do the same now but were shocked when you were met with silence from the weasel.
“Seriously Loki, what’s up with you? What happened with Odin?” He tensed at the mention of Odin. You carefully moved to where he was, sitting next to him, copying his position on the floor. Being much closer now you could hear the weak sniffles just barely escaping, he was obviously trying to hide whatever was going on in that mischievous mind of his.
“Okay well I’m not going anywhere, so I will sit here with you as long as it takes for you to tell me what your major malfunction is”. No reaction. Being the persistent woman you were, you moved to sit opposite to him, back to the wall across from his bed, and you kept your promise. You have no idea how long you sat there but eventually, you heard the small gulps holding back the tears stop, and his frozen demeanor broke like a dam, tears falling out like he was drowning in them. Without hesitating you quickly made your way to him, reaching to his lean figure and guiding his head to the crook of your neck, his whole body wracked with sobs, enough tears falling to soak the very edge of your top. He was too weak at this point to fight back or care that you were running your fingers through his hair, or even notice that he’d wrapped his arms around your waist. You didn’t mind. Not one bit.
You stayed this way until he stopped, well, to be honest, he had stopped crying about 15 minutes ago but you couldn’t bring yourself to remove his body that was pressed against your side. When he finally detached himself from your body you felt cold without him, not actually because the boy was constantly below 0, but emotionally. He wiped his poor little flushed face.
“Loki, if you’re crying like that it’s obviously of major importance, talk to me sunshine” you rested your hand on his shoulder and he let out a dry laugh.
“You haven’t called me sunshine since that one time you gave me sunburn for cutting off one of your braids with my smallest dagger” he looked up at you somewhat smiley.
“Yeah well you deserved it then and you deserve it now, for different reasons of course. But I’m being truthful, you can tell me anything.” You gave him a light shove.
“Close your eyes, I’m going to show you something when I tell you to open them, that way if I truly look like a freak, I at least know you’ll put out of my misery, I can trust the person who hates me most to do that” you closed your eyes as he began to stand and huffed.
“Loki I don’t-“
“Oh shut your mouth for once y/n, and open your eyes when I tell you”
‘Fine” your reluctance evident in your voice.
“Open.” He barked rather harshly considering how he had spoken just moments ago, but you opened your eyes to be met with Loki, who definitely wasn’t Loki. You stood on weak legs and walked over to the blue man standing so far away with his eyes closed. Your fingers twitched, absentmindedly wanting to touch the fascinating ridges now gracing his face, he was within an arms reach now and you couldn’t help yourself.
A gasp flew out your mouth when you finally made contact with his face, he was always cold but he was truly freezing now, you could swear you felt ice on the tips of your fingers. None of that mattered though, as you pressed both of your warm hands on his cheeks.
“Why are your eyes closed sunshine?”
“You’re already seeing what a freak I am, you don’t need to see the monster as well”
“Oh Loki, you’re not a monster, please open your eyes, I promise I’ll tell you what I think after you do” you promised and you meant it, attempting to soothe him with the run of your thumbs across the apple of his cheeks. His eyes fluttered just before they opened and you were meant with bright red eyes, he let out a shaky sigh expecting you to scream or call him something horrible, he waited for what seemed like forever.
“You’re so beautiful Loki” you said in such a soft voice that he almost believed it, but he pushed away from you instead.
“Don’t lie to me y/n, I’m disgusting and we both know it, I am a living creature of the horror stories we were told as little ones. I am a monster, I am darkness, I am a danger to everyone around me. I now understand why Odin treated me so different all these years, why he favored Thor, I was nothing more than the bastard creature he hoped would actually be of use someday.” His erratic pacing making you nervous, his hand pulling at his black tresses from the root.
“Loki..” you reached out to him.
“I am lost y/n, who am I anymore? I’m a lie, a fabrication of Odin’s place on the throne” another step closer.
“You are Loki, you may not be Odinson but you are Friggason and you know that, your mother loves you dearly. You don’t have to be Laufeyson if you don’t want to, nobody needs to know” another step, you were so close.
“And as far as you being lost…’ you trailed off.
“Y/n?” You must’ve gotten lost in your mind, because Loki’s voice snapped you back into reality.
“Hold on one second” you dug in your boot and pulled out your dagger, twisting the sun pendant that lay just above the handle of the blade, when it finally came off you threw your dagger somewhere, you’d worry about that in a moment. You walked to the corner of the room, opening the pendant and closing it between your two hands, eyes squeezed shut. ‘Please let this work’ you pleaded to yourself. When you opened up your palm you were relieved, ‘it worked’! You stalked back over to him with the palm-sized sun presented before him.
“What is that?”
“It’s for a necklace, for you” he looked so confused you would’ve thought his head would be turned to the side like a puppy.
“How is a necklace going to change the fact that I’m lost?” You had the overwhelming urge to remove his eyes so he couldn’t roll them again.
“Just let me put it on you” you demanded and he reluctantly nodded, once you had it around him you melted the two ends of the pendant necklace together, before heading back to the front of him.
“Now enclose the sun in your hand and close your eyes” you could help but smile.
“Are you being serious right now?”
“One thousand percent sunshine, now do it” he sighed before following the instructions, your eyes lit up when the gift began to emit a warm glow, Loki’s face churned for a moment before relaxing and you knew exactly what had happened when his shoulders dropped, no longer tense. You watched his face contort in every which way until the glow faded out and he opened his eyes, just glossy enough for you to notice.
“What was that?”
“All of the times in our life I’ve ever cheered you up without you knowing it was me” you gave a shy smile, completely unsure of how the unpredictable individual before you would react.
“So when Thor snapped my dagger in half…”
“I basically welded it back together” you rotated your hands and looked at them, but he never took his eyes off of you.
“Well it was a really cool dagger-“
“No y/n, why did you do all of it? Any of it? You hate me” the gaze on your hands broke at that comment, could he seriously never tell???
“Oh don’t give me that Loki, I never have, but you always hated me and I’d rather play along than be viewed as a victim”
“Oh…” guilt seeped through his pores thinking about all the times he wished he would’ve pushed you out a palace window.
“Yeah, ‘oh’. So it's your turn now, why do you hate me?”
“I don’t hate you” he mumbled, fumbling with his new gift.
“That’s a damn lie and you know it” you couldn’t believe he would even try and play that shit after everything you’ve been through.
“I never hated you, I was just jealous” he crossed his arms.
“Of who, me? Thor? Any of my other friends?” You mimicked his body language, two could play this game.
“Perhaps all of the above. You’re closer with my brother than I am, friends with all his friends, you have this lovely family, you’re cunning and witty and smart and everyone loves you” how he managed to look like a dick when he scoffed, but also look so sweet still rubbing the pendant between his fingers made you want to snap his neck.
“Those are trivial things Loki, I wish you would’ve told me sooner”
“What does this necklace mean y/n?” Your eyes finally meet for a moment.
“You’re lost right?” You spoke up, throat dry. He nodded, still entirely confused.
“Well when you’re feeling lost, I’ll leave my love hidden in the sun, ya know, for when the darkness comes” you said sheepishly, not daring to look up from the toe of your shoe that was suddenly the most fascinating thing on the planet. Before you had time to process the sound of the footsteps, Loki already had your face in his freezing hands, tilting your gaze up just a bit before kissing you, you didn't hesitate before kissing him back with the same chemistry that spread throughout both of you. Your arms moving to wrap around his neck, heart beating out of your chest at a sudden realization, you were kissing Loki, and not just Loki, a blue jottun Loki who apparently didn't hate you. You pulled away on a whim and were met with the pasty boy with crystal eyes you’ve known all your life.
“So what do we do now….” Loki asked gazing so far into you that you swear you could feel it, his small smile and glossy eyes embracing you.
“Well… My mother and I are-“ realization hit you like a bus and you facepalmed.
“I totally forgot that me and my mom were about to have dinner when I came over to…” you walked over to the basket that was long forgotten.
“These are for your mother by the way” he took it from your hands and set it on his bed
“Do you wanna come over? We were expecting you guys anyway and it's not like food ever gets cold in our house-“ he shut you up with a quick peck on the lips, stroking his finger just along your cheekbones.
“I’d love to y/n” he softly smiled at you, you pulled him into another kiss before you began to lead him out the palace. You shared smiles as you walked through the field of flowers you essentially grew up in, hindsight making those memories even more special. As you approached your home you could feel the radiance of your mother, even from the outside. You opened the door and you were both immediately met with a very impatient mother's face, but she slightly softened at the sight of Loki, her eyes immediately dropping to his new accessory, a smile broke through and she simply waved you back to the dining area.
“Everything is alright I presume?” Her smile more radiant than usual.
“Yeah” you make eye contact.
“Everything’s alright” you could feel his thumb gently stroking the back of your hand.
And for the first time ever, you didn’t receive a scowl when he found you stealing glances, you were met with the same cocky smile that got you here in the first place.
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