#the woke apocalypse
redrobin-detective · 1 year
Simon Petrikov really is the dad of all time.
Continuing my Adventure Time binge and I got to the Gunter/Orgalorg bits. Ice King took this horrible, cruel alien menace who's been seeking ultimate power for millennia and loved him, cuddled him, disciplined him (sometimes undeservedly) and overall sucked him into his deluded family unit. He did this for so long that when Gunter finally was given a chance for ultimate power -via the wishing crown - he chose instead to become Ice Thing. To become like his dad.
Simon dadded so hard that he turned two eldritch beings with capacity for immense destruction into daddies girls.
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 28 days
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was suddenly possessed to draw this future foundation togiri from my post
(shoutout @to-nae-giri for their character style exploration sketches which really inspired how i drew these two lol)
meanwhile, makoto:
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jane-lynndrake-t · 20 days
(OOC title: have a baby-Tim)
Woke up crying???? Because of a dream baby????
I was holding them, and then I woke up, and my arms were empty.
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Couldn’t sleep until I made this.
I feel so jittery. This is the kind of baby dream I won't stop thinking of for days.
My brain keeps wanting to ask,'Where's my baby? Where's my baby?' Then my chest and arms respond with this ridiculous ache.
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mylonelydreaming · 1 year
I take issue with this idea of Link just "fucking off" and leaving Zelda completely alone before totk. Not even in just a shipping sort of way either, as close friends and him choosing to remain her knight, that makes zero logical sense? It is completely out of character for him?
Link doesn't ever leave Zelda's side. This is canon. "Fucking off" is just not something he does during peace time when he isn't on a heroic quest and being controlled by the player's whims
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That's five times it's stated officially somewhere that he is by her side, and that's only the ones I can immediately recall. Botw's full ending and totk's opening together also show us that. We see them together when the story ends and we see them together when it picks back up in the sequel. At no point is it implied they ever parted.
And can we just remember for a second what happens when he's not there, for even a short amount of time, if she is unable to call upon her abilities and therefore defend herself?:
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"Fucking off" is a fantastic way to get her killed. The Yiga worship Ganon, there is nobody they want dead more (besides Link), than the last living member of the royal family. They are also not opposed at all to going into villages. They snuck into Kakariko to assassinate Dorian's wife. We just don't see that reflected in gameplay.
Some people will say "it's just his job" to deny they even have a friendship or growth as characters, but want him to... not do the main part of that? "It's just his job" and "he fucked off to the wilderness" are simply not compatible ideas. Either you think Link is just a completely duty-bound mindless command robot or you think he completely doesn't care anymore about that to the point of endangering the person he's supposed to protect. It can't be both at the same time.
Thankfully, it's implied by the wording of master works, the cutscenes and the jpn version that he wants to protect and support her. That this is what he desires, even when the king is dead and he is immediately given the option to not do so anymore. That he is motivated by wanting to see her happy and safe. I'm pretty sure the only way to get him to stop trying to protect her or following her is death, and he has already proven that twice over.
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sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
waaaa no bc 🥺🥺 it’d been two years since the apocalypse started and society went to shit. you’d been on your own, for the most part, forced to keep moving from place to place as you looked for someone—anyone—who was still alive. you’d lost a lot, you’d gained little, but you were still kicking and breathing. that had to count for something, right?
you thought you’d seen everything, thought you’d become an expert on how to avoid and kill clickers, stalkers, and bloaters alike. but what you hadn’t accounted for were, well, people. who could blame you, though? you’d been by yourself for years.
one moment you were tentatively picking your way to a strange, high-tech fence, the next you were tumbling into a hole feet first. you landed clumsily—your ankle made an odd cracking sound—and you had to bite back a shout as you crumpled to the ground. winded.
how were you supposed to know there were traps in the area? sure you probably could have been more perceptive, but you were caught off guard. and now you were stuck in a hole that was too deep to pull yourself out of with your injured ankle and too steep to climb. you resigned yourself to sitting on the ground with your pistol gripped tightly in your hand. your eyes never once left the opening of the hole.
surely whoever dug this hole—made this trap—would still be around, right? you swallowed thickly.
you were lucky that he was.
katsuki, when he found you hours later, was a surprise you hadn't been expecting. you heard his steps before you saw him peek into your little hole. you didn’t think he expected to see the barrel of a gun pointing up at him, but then again, neither did you. he was the first person you’d seen in ages—you lowered your gun first. he glared down at you with ruby eyes that seemingly seared right through your soul.
it took a lot of convincing on your part, assuring him that you weren't infected. he didn't believe you, of course he didn't, and he was more than willing to leave you in the hole to die if you were lying. but... he hadn't seen another person in so long... his resolve wavered. he brought over a ladder to get you out and before you could even step foot out of the hole, he scanned you. green. you were safe. still, he didn't let his guard down.
he took you to his home base—a heavily fortified area beyond that same high-tech fence you'd seen. there was no infected in sight. now that your adrenaline had faded away, you could feel the shooting pain in your ankle. you sheepishly asked him if he had a medkit as you awkwardly limped behind him. he... wasn't much for conversation.
katsuki gave you clothes, let you shower. he dropped off a large medkit in the bedroom he'd let you have so you could wrap up your ankle. he had running water, working lights. he had a garden and a little farm. and he was alone.
you could tell he'd had his fair share of loss as well. it lingered in the air, potent at times. but still, he'd made something peaceful in these exhausting, terrifying times. a little safe haven that he dedicated hours and hours to cultivating and protecting. you respected that.
your ankle worsened overnight, became swollen and painful to stand on. so he let you stay, albeit begrudgingly. sending you back out into the wilderness would be a death sentence and he knew that. but you had to pull your weight—as much as you could, anyways. you didn't mind. you had your skills you'd developed over the years.
days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months. he didn't bother to kick you out, even after your ankle had fully healed. he'd grown used to you, and you to him. you helped him with his chores. you had dinner with him every evening. you woke up with him in the morning to go on little jogs around the fence perimeter. you shared quiet laughs and grim acknowledgements. you had your highs, and you had your lows.
it was only inevitable, you think, that you'd both become so tightly intertwined together that it was difficult for you to be separated.
katsuki kissed you, one night, after the sun had set and you both stood out on his house's porch, staring out into the darkness. fireflies dotted the air. the wind's cool caress along your face was replaced by his warm palm. he kissed you like you were the only thing that mattered—like you were the only thing tethering him to the earth. he told you, in a hushed voice, that he had something to protect, now, with you by his side. he had never known fear until you squirmed your way into his heart.
things changed, that night, for the better. your life—once so tainted by fear and blood—had turned into something so much sweeter in a way you didn't think was possible. you had him and he had you.
and together you would both love each other. for a long, long time.
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fluffyluckyvampire · 4 months
I just had a dream that was basically a zombie apocalypse AU of obey me, where sometime after the extange programa a virus breaks out in the human realm and MC and Solomon desperately try to find a cure with both necromancy and science. (In my dream, they used somesort of necromancy type magic, so it'd only affect the dead) MC returned to the Devildom to research more magic and be safer while doing it; but MC (still being mortal) works themselves to the bone, barely sleeping or stopping to eat. So Mammon (and the rest of the brothers but mainly Mamms) are desperate to get MC to take a break, which MC (due to stress) kinda snaps at him because 'humans as a species are in danger' which in response (instewd of backing down) he brings up that if MC doesn't stop and take a break they'll probably end up stressing to death (because humans are fragile) and leave Solomon alone to try and fix this so MC tales a break but all they can think about is the literal apocalypse happening in the human realm.
ALSO, in my dream, whenever MC had to go to the human realm or were ever in danger, the brothers would bust ass and kill any zombies trying to kill/bite/get to MC.
Anyway, I thought that was interesting 🤷‍♂️
(Yes, I literally just woke up to tell ya'll my dream😭)
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raiiny-bay · 8 months
apocalypse patty (wip)
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feralnumberfive · 1 year
Fan art I drew of Five Hargreeves dying in a glue trap
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overlyimmersed · 7 months
Um, hey guys? Where exactly *is* The Fairy King's Forest?
That seems like a dumb-fuck question to ask, especially for me to ask, but there's this underlying issue.
This is really more of a genuine question to people who are better with the translations and original Japanese versions than I am. And not really analysis.
We know where the forest is. Like we have maps, it's on maps of Britannia.
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But... is it actually in Britannia?
Because of translation and issues with localizing vernacular, there are a few things with Fairies that have always tripped me up a little. Like switching between saying "Holy Tree" and "Sacred Tree". I always assume they're interchangeable terms for the same tree, but I'm never 100% sure. Three different trees as this point are all refered to by these words;
The one in the Fairy Realm that was birthed by Chaos and created the Fairy Realm and the Fairy Clan.
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The tree in the old Fairy King's Forest
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And the one in the new forest
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They're all called "The Sacred Tree" even though, at least the new one for sure, is a separate structure we've seen start from a new seed.
So what I'm unsure of, based on how things have been said in both the manga and the anime, is weather the Fairy King's Forest is technically in Britannia or if it's just inside the Fairy Realm. Like, I know we're told it's on the border - or acts as the border? - but that makes it's physical location a little tough for me to grasp. When someone is in the Fairy King's Forest, are they technically in the Fairy Realm?
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i napped the entire day away and my dreams included, but were not limited to: big earthquake that, as it was happening, i was like "oh this is a bad one" and my stepdad went "its not that bad" - our house slid down a ravine into water / very vivid evening apocalypse that - after the blast hit and i died - swirled into sleep paralysis that occurred While I Was Dreaming (and i do mean swirled. i got whipped around like an inflatable tube man) / rich people sitcom where everyone was unbearable but i had my dear cat Letti with me / sound-based monster shaped like my mom that i kept from killing me via a funny joke (i didnt even get to finish my microwaved macaroni smh)
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strawberrybyers · 10 months
realizing i’m so funny and talking a lot and making a million plans right now is not because i am healing for a new year new me era but because i am entering a state of ✨hypomania✨
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brainyrot · 1 year
Well, emotionally they are on another level completely, because:
- Cuphead and mugman likely would get flashbacks of their trauma with demons, they will see bendy in another light. (I have an hc for this.)
- Boris..you know, seeing your brother possessed and possibly risk it is not a good thing, not with how attached he is. he would def go to bendy without thinking "hey I might get killed!!" (Luckily he won't, but bendy has a personal little guy to talk to now.)
- holly,,holly IS interested on how everything works but is too busy trying to find a way to keep everyone safe, especially knowing it's bendy AND HE'S A DEMON, which is harder than a witch.
- Alice has conflicted feelings because, she knows it's not bendys fault, but you know. She can't help it. She's scared of him.
- Felix is really just trying his best with bendy
But all of them get a reminder that he's a demon and he is DANGEROUS if he WANTS to.
None of them get hurt, well baldy hurt like a fracture, bendy has some sort of soft spot where he enjoys talking with them, they are still his friends you know. But it's disturbing to see your friend like that, EVEN WORSE IF I PULL OUT "I was having some fun sometimes" WITH BENDY.
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innytoes · 6 months
From the subconscious that brought you the Quiet AU, it's time for Inny's Brain Comes Up With Another 100k fic she's never going to write while she's dreaming.
Okay so it's the Post Apocalypse. The apocalypse happened a few years ago, there was a horrible plague that makes you bleed from your eyes and maybe some other things, a lot of humanity was wiped out, chaos, destruction, blabla.
We start with Our Heroes travelling on foot. Luke is telling them this area seems familiar, and Alex and Reggie realise they're near where Bobby's family had a cabin. They decide to veer off because Alex remembers where Bobby hid the emergency key. Not that they haven't done their fare share of breaking and entering, but it would be nice to, you know, not have to.
Also maybe they want to see if Bobby is there. Because even though they split with a lot of bad blood between them over some stolen songs, the apocalypse makes you miss old friends.
Julie and Willie are like: um excuse me that is not a cabin that is a Log Mansion. It's three fucking stories. (It also had the exact layout as my grandmother's old house, because this is my brain, which is funny because my grandmother's house was very much not a log cabin).
And then SHOCK AND GASP Bobby comes out. He has the Trevor Wilson Beard and Man Bun and is just... staring like he's seen three ghosts... and two random people he doesn't know, I guess.
There is a big sappy reunion and a big talk and apology and blabla of course they can stay. There's more cabins around the place and they've made themselves a little farming community. They trade with the other little the towns in the area, but they haven't heard much from the bigger city in the while.
"Um yeah, maybe... maybe don't go to the city," Luke says. Reggie is very pale. Willie mutters about how there was plenty of stuff that could still be looted (as long as you don't mind all the dead bodies is left unsaid).
They settle in at Bobby's house and become part of the community, finding jobs. Willie does indeed go with some of the more brave individuals to the city to search for supplies. The whole community has like one working truck because gas is hard to find these days.
Some traveling trader comes by and he's basically on a giant sled on wheels pulled by huskies and predictably Reggie loses his mind and gets to play with the doggies.
There comes a night when Reggie can't sleep, so he's the only one awake to hear the car. Two cars. A group of four with two cars is bound to mean trouble, so he wakes everyone up because there's a high chance there's raiders.
The people are breaking in and Reggie goes downstairs to greet/distract them, playing the clueless guy, welcoming them and being like 'oh hey are you lost do you need help? We're looking for a bartender if you need a job' and basically being in the way and these four people are just so confused because they broke into his house and he's so cheerful about it.
One of them was injured and Reggie more seriously offers the first aid kit and just when they were about to be like 'fuck it let's just murder him and raid the place', where comes Julie and Luke with the shot guns. Meanwhile Alex, Willie, and Bobby were checking out their cars and alerting the neighbours about trouble and OH SHIT ONE OF THEM IS BLEEDING FROM THE EYES HE'S INFECTED.
Cue fuzzy chaotic time jump because I woke up with a dry mouth lol.
For some reason Bobby disappeared from the dream after this so maybe poor Bobbers got shot in the show down with the raiders. Or got hit by the car of the other three fleeing, leaving behind their infected friend.
The gang stays in Bobby's house, though, and slowly, Juke and Willex drift together. When they were travelling, they usually all slept together, but now...
Reggie, who is still grieving Bobby, and maybe blaming himself because he wasn't good enough at distracting the raiders, sees the other two couples drift together and decides to stay out of their way. He can't sleep anyway, since he was the only one awake to catch the raiders in the first place.
So he starts sleeping less, and less, spending less time with his friends because he wanted them to have time together... Pining because he's secretly a little in love with all of them, but they clearly don't want him.
Until he was suuuper stoked because he found a puppy. It was so cute, and he wants to show his friends, and they're so freaked out because Reggie, there is no puppy...
Turns out Reggie was hallucinating from lack of sleep, and he's so confused because he's CLEARLY HOLDING A PUPPY WHAT DO YOU MEAN and then the whole thing kind of comes out and not only is Reggie heartbroken when the hallucination shatters and vanishes, but he also confesses how he's in love them with but they clearly chose their partners and not him.
And both Juke and Willex are like: we've missed you, doofus, we love you, we didn't want to make you chose between us, we were scared you were mad at us for both flirting with you.
And they all live as happily ever after as you can in the post-apocalypse.
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Technically we're in a zombie apocalypse but it's the one where ppl are constantly on their phones and are willing to believe whatever they've been told
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merry-andrews · 1 year
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Zombie Apocalypse AU;
Bradley being the leader of his small group of survivors, they find Jake on accident when boy was badly injured and barely holding a gun straight with his bloody hand. They'll patch him up and suggests him to stay with them so Jake sticks around for few days (which leads to first time he sleeps with Bradley) and next morning he's gone and has taken some supplies with him too..
Few weeks pass until they meet Jake again. This time the boy helps them run away from a hard situation surrounding by zombies and this time, Bradley won't let him go. That boy takes first step and offers to share his caravan, his supplies, his everything and his life with Jake if he stays. And this time Jake accepts but he only stays as one of group's member. Saying he doesn't do 'feelings' and 'domestic life'. They'll continue their journey to find big colony of survivors (the place's called East of Eden and is the only place people not-infected live there).
Jake and Bradley take 'guards' part (everyone should have a role in colony). One night Jake wanders a little too far away and Brad in tow to stop him but something happens and they're under zombies attack before they know. Bradley gets hurt during saving Jake (not bitten!) And Jake spends days at his bedside, holding his hand and begging him to wake up (he's going through harsh fever because of injuries and lost lots of blood) he kisses Brad's forehead when he opens his eyes; "I can't stand losing you again, marry me"💗
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What does Leo look like in Mutant Apocalypse Episodes in your Au? Leo will be a BIG Killer snake ?
Leo has never become a Maximus kong in my Au
Leonardo has created a clan consisting of different species of Mutants ( + Old friend and Old enemies )
Leo has two daughters and a Son ( his son is really a Donatello Clone created by Doctor Rockwell )
I'm still working on it
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