#thecity writes
genyathefirebird · 5 years
This is your badness level
killing eve x lilo & stitch crossover 
To Villanelle's utmost displeasure, Lilo pulled out a notepad from the pile of papers beside her and began to outline the figure of a woman. She craned forward to see Lilo's handiwork and was surprised by the rough sketch of arms and legs wearing Villanelle's clothes, from her black leather jacket, right down to the golden rings on her hands. There was also a frowny face scrawled onto the circular head.
“This...is your badness level.”
Lilo grabbed a red pencil and drew a line skimming the top of Villanelle's head, cutting off her eyes and forehead from the rest of her body. With quick shading, she had coloured her in red all the way down to her strappy sandals. The she flipped the notepad around to display her artistic skills.
“It's a rough estimate. I read your file on the flight over, and I’m not going to lie, it's pretty high on the scale. But not the highest I've seen.”
Villanelle bristled at the thought that there was someone out there with a higher badness level, and wondered how much better at their job they were.
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gayandthecityblog · 3 years
One day last week, my roommate invited someone over randomly after bumping into them at the new Harry Potter pop-up. For privacy purposes, his name's going to be Tristan. The roommate that did the bumping let's call Shelly. Now, while Shelly did ask another roommate if it was cool, she didn't send it in the group chat to let the rest of us know. This really isn't that big of a deal considering, but the house was a mess; a complete and utter mess. Tristan didn't mind of course, but I did. I was brought up with the idea that before anyone can come to the house it would have to be clean. There were some exceptions. Case in point, friends you've had for five years, but if we were having a legitimate get together I still had to help clean the house. While your guests may not care about the state of your house, it still reflects on you. At least, that's what I've always thought. They all showed up, and Tristan walked in wearing a pentagram necklace and a muscle tank that had a flaming pentagram on it. My first thought, "Damn. This dude's cool as hell." Turns out he was, cool that is; at least by my standards. He has a whole rock and roll vibe about him. Then he mentioned he was scared of spiders and snakes. I wasn't shocked like "Oh my GOD!" but I was a little taken a back by it though. He just didn't seem to be the type to have those fears and I told him that. His response, "Well, that's an assumption." He was right. It was, and I told him he was right. It wasn't your typical run of the mill response you'd expect from someone, but that's also an assumption. He actually got me thinking about how many assumptions we make in our daily lives and posed the question, do we all just make assumptions based off what someone wears? Then comes the caste system. The rich v. the poor is a constant dilemma that's lasted all throughout society and her many lifetimes. We used to be able to tell who was royal based off what color clothes they would wear as purple dye was harder to find, and thus purple clothing was rare and expensive. Nowadays we have patent leather, silk, and monochrome outfits thanks to the "Kardashians" and the many pop culture trends they inspire. Because of this, we begin to assume someone has money based off the clothing they wear, the things they buy, and what they choose to share to the outside world.   Not to mention that with the help of the internet, it's gotten easier to insert ourselves into the lives of others and make assumptions based on the content created when in fact that their life is rarely anything like what they post. It seems that making assumptions comes naturally, but say what if we look past the assumptions we make about others and choose to see them for how they really are. Maybe then, we can begin to move past the stereotypes and ideals that have been ingrained within us for generations.
-Jacob Terry  
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the girl on the balcony
When I used to walk on the streets of the city
I would romanticize everything I would see
The quaint coffee shops that smelled of baked goods and espresso beans when the wind blew
The man on the fire escape smoking a cigarette with troubles of the past haunting his face and demeanor 
The woman on the street holding the hand of a child with a busy mind and a smile that was one of abscence
Throughout t these uplifting moments and sights of depression, there was a favorite romanticism of mine
And it was always the lone girl on the balcony
These women would always look so sure
So at peace
With a book and a cigarette joined together with a coffee
And the expressionless look of their furrowed brow with a concentration of the parables in front of them
Without much they were confident
Basking in the light of the sun and feeling the unrushed blow of the breeze
That’s where I wanted to be
Curled up on a bench lost in the mind of an author 
Breathing in the city smog with not much more to think about than the storyline in front of me
Today as I sat in my new solace, I found myself sitting on the balcony
With a coffee, a cigarette, and a book
It came effortlessly and seamlessly without the vision of romanticism
However, the confidence failed to arrive to this invisioned party
I never thought it was possible to be so happy and so scared
So excited but so nervous
Perhaps these women on the balcony were just seeking rehabilitation on their own balconies
Dangling their legs off their chairs in hopes of catching their breath
The romanticism is gone
And empathism has arrived
I am amongst you all
Here I am. 
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ekaterinaselezneva · 6 years
city II
i walk alone among the silent screams
among the bones
that lie, in pieces, on the cobblestones
i know that they belong
to people who were young here once
they’re gone
their ghosts don’t spare me
their voices follow me
they whisper
you don’t stand a chance
and they’re not wrong
you learn to live with it
surrounded by concrete giants
bursting at the seams
they look upon me with a hundred eyes
filled to the brim with lies
and cries of pity
they dare me
i recognise the call
and yet, they let me go
into the night
they know
this is my city
it doesn’t scare me
under its cold, uncaring
stare, i fare
better than most
better than those who lost
their hearts to the stones
their minds to the ghosts
even though
not completely alive
there’s something
somewhere inside me
that somehow
© Ekaterina Selezneva/Short Circuits
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alyssalillian · 7 years
The City
You remind me of a city. It’s a foreign place, somewhere I’ve never been but feels familiar. Your hand in mine is like clutching the railing of a bridge. Water rushing below us, threatening to wash us away completely. But I can feel you, so firm and secure in my grasp and I know that for now, I am safe. Your lips are the river, sweeping me away from everything I’ve ever known, and taking me somewhere I never knew I desperately needed to go. Your body over mine is a skyline, jagged but soft, expansive and all-encompassing, filled with places I’ve yet to discover. I see cities in your eyes, vast and unexplored, filled with endless possibilities of what we could be. 
I still believe sometimes that love isn’t meant to last forever. That the people you open yourself up to will always hurt you in the end. But there is something about you that makes me feel like maybe it will be worth it. That maybe we will destroy each other, but that the road to destruction will be so fucking beautiful that when we finally get there we will smile as we watch our city burn to the ground. We will hold each other tightly in the ruins knowing that sometimes destruction is more necessary than creation. 
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namaslay28 · 7 years
Gift of Self: Day 1 (2/20/2017)
Song: Last Light- Zero 7 (I do not own any rights to this music)
Mood: Excited/anxious
Since today marks the start of my project, it’s only fitting if I give a bit more background on my inspiration for starting it. Back in high school, I kept a journal that was sort of like my escape from the stresses that came with life. I remember I did most of my writing in my chemistry class. I could never really grasp the subject to be totally honest so, I would put in my earphones, pick up my pen and escape into an entirely different world–my world. At the time, I came up with the idea to call the journal my, New York State of Mind. Writing has always been about being able to create and live in a reality that brings me genuine joy and an escape from a world that sometimes seems as though it seeks to destroy that. With that being said, my ultimate joy during that time was this idea of being in New York and writing. I’ve always romanticized the idea of being in New York. When I would write, I’d picture myself in different parts of the city during different seasons and then I’d write my mood and which song I’d been listening to so that when I went back and read it, I could put those earphones in, play the song I’d been listening to and be transported to the exact moment in time I had written a particular piece. I found some of my greatest inspiration in doing this and it was beyond therapeutic. But, I digress. I was going through some of my old journals and writings today and I just happened to stumble upon my, New York State of Mind. It brought back every feeling from that year I’d kept the journal and it felt so good to be able to, in a sense, relive that. So, I’ve decided there’s no better time than the present to begin that project again. Why not? Life is so short and with the hustle of life it’s easy to miss out on the moments we live in or to forget what they meant to us. I want to be able to appreciate this time I’ve been granted and by writing I’m fulfilling my greatest passion and documenting memories and feelings for my future self. I also love the idea of sharing my deepest emotions and moments with whoever should be interested because the things I feel could very well be the things you feel but didn’t realize anyone else was feeling. In other words, maybe someone who feels alone or shut out because of their emotions can find comfort in knowing they aren’t alone and in fact are far from it. So, I want to end this by saying thank you to whomever decides to come along on this journey with me. I hope it means something to you the way it has and continues to for me. Welcome to my Gift of Self.
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waabi-miigwan · 6 years
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What's on my mind? Her, always. My kids, my relations, friends, my people and their struggles, the deaths of friends, the service users I have been blessed with the opportunity to serve and learn from, my social work practice, assignments, grad school, publishing my paper, deadlines, deadlines, deadlines... My brain never stops, I am always thinking, worrying, analyzing. I write my papers in between the times I am sitting on front of my computer. Some.of my nest work was written in my head while pacing, working out, walking etc. I am grateful for my gifts, my intelligence, critical thinking skills, my insight and ability to understand and connect theories and concepts and apply them to my practice. However, my aptitude in some areas are deficits in others. A good example is how I am really fast at finishing exams, I am typically one of, if not the first person done and score consistently above 4.0. I am able to go above and beyond with the papers I write, which nets high grades. What is harder to see is the price I pay for these natural gifts, which includes but is not limited to insomnia, and an almost constant state of anxiety. I think the point I am trying to make is that we are all walking contradictions in one way or another. Life is full of a multiplicity of contradictions. If we allow ourselves to get hung up on every contradiction or unknown we stall. The world is not simple and for those of us who engage in the messy world of helping we must accept contradiction as a fact of life. For example, hurt people, hurt people. Those who were abused often tend to abuse others similarly, but those who hurt others are still entitled to their own healing while being simultaneously responsible for someone elses trauma, both victim and perpetrator. Black and white edit. #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotos #photograghingeverystep #photograghy #art #arttherapy #fitnessfocused #fit #tattooeddad #tattoosandsocialwork #inkedandindigenous #ojibwe #ojibway #firstnations #toronto #thenorth #the6 #thecity #turtleisland #socialworkdad #ojibwaysocialworker #ryersonstudent #ryersonsocialwork #indigenousknowledgeinformedsocialworkpraxisandpedagogy #socialworker (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp5-npGnWPR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ss3gsdqbnl1t
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kiell · 7 years
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A famous rooftopper died in China last week, prompting me to write a defense of photographing the exploration of our cities and trying to explain to a lay audience some of the complexities. Link is in the bio.⠀ ⠀ Why do people think that if you break your leg on the roof of a building, you can then sue the company that owns that building? This myth is bizarre.⠀ ⠀ Full article - link in bio. Let me know what you think. And please pitch in on the comments.⠀ ⠀ #roofcult #roofculture #rooftops #urbex #urbanexploration #ontheroofs #rooftopview #exploreeverything #thecity ⠀ #parkour #parkourlife #parkourculture #parkour4life #parkourphotography #dailyfreerunning #freerunning #parkourandfreerunning ⠀ #climbing #climbing_pictures_of_instagram #climbingrocks #climbing_is_my_passion #climbinglife #climber #climbingisbliss #klettern #doyouclimb #london #cityscape #skyline #buildering — view on Instagram http://ift.tt/2yWYjck
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genyathefirebird · 5 years
A Killing Eve and Orphan Black crossover fic
Four times Villanelle met a clone (and the one time she was bested by one).
It was natural for her to keep an eye on the work of others, so when a spree of murders connected to a big pharmaceutical company in America hit the headlines, she slumped into the pillows on her bed, took another sip of champagne, and delved into the gory details.
One thing led to another until she found a photo in a database that matched one taken at a crime scene, and a second held in the records of a defunct shell corporation. It was when she saw the improbable third that she asked Konstantin for a week’s break citing terrible boredom and fashion requirements and potentially her own suicide or someone else's murder if she didn't get her way.
He gave in after two days of her pestering and she booked her flight to America while reading up on the meagre scraps she could find on related advances in biotech and corporate sabotage in the cosmetic industry.
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indie-mox · 4 years
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I want to write something massive but... I'd probably take forever. Let me try to keep it simple: Thank you for everything #Arrow You've given me so many wonderful memories. So many awesome shows. You will always be a part of my nerdy heart.💜💙💜 ... Alright now DC Comics!!! Green-lit that #GreenArrowAndTheCanaries already!!! Also, I still haven't bought a BluRay Copy of Season 7. #StickyNote #Flaws #Everything #Nerd #DCUniverse #GreenArrow #Bumps #Bruises #Endings #Beginnings #TheCity #Memories #2012 #2020 #Love #JohnDiggle #OliverQueen #FelicitySmoak #TheaQueen #RoyHarper #EmikoQueen #TatsuYamashiro #HelenaBurtinelli #DinahDrake #SaraLance #NysaaalGhul #Rene #Rory https://www.instagram.com/p/B75dAqLnNex/?igshid=dkljh440uqkb
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dougmeet · 5 years
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.@swindledPodcast  REVIEW: THE BODY SNATCHER is the latest Pod from @SwindledPodcast.
 NOT THE last show available, but there REMAIN only UNA penultimate Y LA ultima left in the can, and then ONLY TWO MORE TO COMPLETE THE SEASON. 
It IS the one i nursed my sleep-deprived body with tonight;  playing the professional Mardi Gras careerist, Graham Greene-stilo and choosing to dwell on more salubrious, ephemeral, and hidden sybaritic hedonism, not of the festivities, but not in a place where the festivities are nowhere to be found: NEW ORLEANS!
i took up with it tonight.
 (That was the creepiest music you ever conscripted. And i’m glad it’s over.) 
All Swindled Pods are thought up by your concerned anonymous pocaster/citizen (i don’t have time to go into the long line of anonymous disc jockeys, pirate ship radio and South American journalists whose longevity owes its “long” part to their obedience to their number one rule:  stay anonymous, and STAY ALIVE) in a VERY CROWDED, MEDIOCRE CRIME POD-SCENE (what’s worse than a scene?)  today.
"A Concerned Citizen" is serious about what he does, and doing it while protecting his anonymity.
.  He goes as far as blurring out his face in photos from his Social Network platforms.
  I get happy when he posts a manufactured complaint from some bored listener.  His pithy sparring with fans and critics is commensurate with his on-Pod demeanor: 
so dry as to make the three years i spent in Vegas seem wet.
Not one to shy away from a joke (that is close OT a Bob Dylan lyric and its making me crazy, from Infidels), or wanting  us to laugh, he sometimes posts screenshots of some of his still-disparate as hell, wandering, wondering future-fans:  AS SOON AS HE DOES exactly WHAT THEY TELL HIM TO DO!
This ep. features his most ghoulish twofer to date, including TWO deranged morticians, Mercury poisoning, and hundreds of dead bodies, in a gory killing field to make Jim Jones look fastidious, or John Wayne Gacy call Angie’s List. 
They’re corpse-hoarders who would respectively make Herschel Gordon Lewis proud. 
You're likely to hear
WARNING: i now go on a Lester Bangs-type rant as my body cries out for one person to exert a calming influence on me tonight. 
 (once you stop telling everyone to listen to that fucking 2-year-old PODCAST which NO ONE born yet HAS NOT yet LISTENED TO BY NOW!  - and, yes, that dead guy from Alabama also likely had the Mad Hatter's Mercury poisoning chelation disease too, which probably had not a little to do with how he died and from what;  although it was probably time to go, if you believe George Costanza!) 
*You just made me run-on my parentheticalized sentence, too far to go back now.
Watch this podcast! 
There ain't but two more left, and you're on your own, unless, you take media advice from  The fucking New Yorker snobs, whose mascot has his nose in the air in top hat and specs, and wouldn’t give you the time of day if his pocket watch wasn’t being rejewled in Lucerne...They also  passed Swindled over for Best Crime Pod last year ... someone to whom you're gonna transfer power of attorney, or living will rights holding dominion over your final Podlist and Testament...as you slowly succumb, but in your mind flail back in forth like a Price is Right contestant on your death bed (sounds like you’ve been zombified, like poor Narcisse in that book you have not read yet, from the tetratadactin coursing through your veins, administered by the only unfriendly Haitian at the Hotel Olaffson--he was very concerned about your PG Tipps?!  (look.  no fucking research, putain et salopes--as before Wikipedia as naked and only nourished what has gone in and stayed in to the cerebellum, hypocampus, or deep in the dark side of the moon/brain, WHERE IT WILL DIE UNUSED--all “up here,” AS THEY SAY, when the dumbshits aren’t trying to edit my peerlessly accurate submissions to Wikipedia “Traci Lords” article:  imperfect as the ruined executive function shell  shared by Keith Richards who only has to laugh until he vanquishes DEATH HIMSELF!  i, mE, who thinks this is a good use of my time...
*hOP back on.  it should be safe now, unless you are an editor
... and mutely scream to your Jamaican nurse,
"I don't like The fucking New Yorker's taste in podcasts, or anything else, for that matter, it turns out...AND STOP WITH THE REGGAE!”
*extra words in case you need them for continuity, like unused Ikea hardware: ***whculture, after all."*** -- this should be display:none in the html.  thanks--ed. 
if it gets bad ENOUGH, come back here or come see one of us on Twitter. 
We'll set you straighter than Parade. 
thought up by -- mrjyn  3.7.2019 
*i could key-in me a goddamn Kerouac ream with this fucking Special Elite font at 25px. 
Good choice, "CC".  
Now go sing your song!
if you’re completely all over the place and every way but louche, you can also go to the greatest browser button ever invented.  it tells you which font anything on the WWW is!  Then you can write shit in that font, and act like a big fucking journalist from the 40s.
to see the full size typography sample of this font, try going below or here, but it’s also up top.  just click on it and it should let you see.
i typed this at the above url, but it was kinda longish, and so it didn’t come out for me to save it, but if you can imagine, it looked good.  CC can paste it on his Telegram thing IF he’s got time. 
https://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/20/us/georgia-crematory-manager-pleads-guilty-and-gives-apology.html https://web.archive.org/web/20110718010013/http://www.wdef.com/node/2478 https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/ray-brent-marsh-released-from-prison-after-tri-state-crematory-sentence/372030430 https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-2002-02-17-0202170367-story.html https://www.timesfreepress.com/news/local/story/2012/feb/12/horror-in-noble/70497/ https://archive.is/20130127080006/http://www.joplinglobe.com/local/local_story_242213157.html http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7192462.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4552742.stm https://www.cbsnews.com/news/18-years-for-ny-body-parts-pillager/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/michael-mastromarino-aka-the-brooklyn-bone-snatcher-dies-from-bone-cancer-report-says/ https://www.medicalbag.com/despicable-doctors/michael-mastromarino-the-organ-grinder/article/472352/?fbclid=IwAR002hKyrqdoYPJ2RFly1acm1CDGh49CA8u2aKu827IbvfsHmitIjsWVjGc https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1388122/ https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/brooklyn/boss-notorious-body-snatching-ring-54-years-harvesting-article-1.286586 https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/body-snatcher-michael-mastromarino-dead-article-1.1392503 https://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/bodysnatcher-facing-ultimate-irony-death-bone-cancer-article-1.1304216 https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/brooklyn/admitted-body-snatcher-testifies-gruesome-practices-article-1.291606 https://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/23/nyregion/alistair-cookes-bones-were-stolen-for-implantation-his-family-says.html https://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/19/nyregion/19tissue.html https://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/19/nyregion/thecity/19bones.html https://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/09/nyregion/michael-mastromarino-dentist-guilty-in-organ-scheme-dies-at-49.html http://www.oprah.com/relationships/husbands-secret-lives-revealed/2 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/01/27/AR2006012701569.html https://web.archive.org/web/20120924153427/http://www.phillymag.com/articles/body-snatchers/ https://www.wired.com/2005/12/a-macabre-theater-of-greed/ https://www.cbsnews.com/video/brooklyn-da-episode-4/
(via s2e11-800x480.jpg (JPEG Image, 800 × 480 pixels))
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dontcallmeleon · 7 years
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I'm not sure why I ever left this city. Outside of #Vienna this is probably the ob place on the planet that I am constantly inspire and all ways feel whole not just from a filmmaker perspective but from a personal on as well #film #filming #fimmaker #Cinema #Cinematography #Cinematographer #writer #writing #writersofinstagram #thecity #production #Producer #newyorkcity #empirestateofmind #empirestatebuilding #madisonsquaregarden #creative #love #inspired #photo #photography #Photographer #blackandwhite #nycphotographer #nycstreets #director
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swenyando-blog1 · 7 years
Shocking I'd admit. At the sight of this some may split. Now he's showing his wit. Here's a tip, the picture he brings, the ladies sing, put it together, that's his thing. No he didn't make that drawing but when you saw this, a smile began forming. Stern warning America, he's got talent like the baldie. If you're shaking and tingling as if riding a Harley, the name you're thinking of is .... ? I wonder if I could ghost write for Wait Wait, Dont Tell Me. Who are you playing for? @betternovelproject has got me thinking about comedic writing so this week I'm going to try to do some improvised writing. is it funny? .... I don't plan out my photos and I'm usually doing something else while I post. the next photo is just funny because I saw it as I was typing this and it seems to flow. cats got my tongue ... hmm... Sunday September 4 2016, union square, SF ca 2:53pm ...#artattack #cuteasf #creative #thecity #thoughts #unique #tmblr #bookstagramfeature #trippy #writings #aliens #artgram #hippiechic #npr #simple #whateverforever #handmade #greatness #think #writersofig #newyork #thoughts #funnyshit #handmade #artlovers #comedy #waitwaitdonttellme #artbook #swenyandomemes #faceittheytalk --- check out swenyando.com (at Loading. . . Please wait [][][][][][][][] 99% ๏̯͡๏)
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      Mi piace molto il disegno utilizzato, permette subito al lettore di intuire il mood della storia, che genere di avventura andrà a vivere. Dover cliccare su start per incominciare è un'idea semplice e utilizzata di frequente.
You wake to the sound of your phone going off. Same as always. Slowly you climb out of bed. Your head is pounding, but you can't remember what you weredoing last night. You put your hand to your forehead, surprised at how clammy it is, and headto the bathroom
     Prima di proseguire con l'azione mi piace il fatto che ci sia la possibilità di approfondire certi aspetti, cosa che permette di conoscere meglio il personaggio.
         > Phone
You hear it, but you can't seem to find it. It must be under the piles of clothes and debris somewhere.  The A Horse With No Name mp3 you use as an alarm is starting to get annoying...
         Questa scelta narrativa ha una funzione descrittiva, permette di conoscere meglio il personaggio con cui ci dovremmo immedesimare. Interessante il fatto che ci sia anche il titolo della suoneria, per cui si può cercare e ascoltarla in sottofondo. Mi sarebbe piaciuto ancor di più se ci fosse stato un vero e proprio link, dato che si tratta di una canzone specifica.
>The A Horse With No Name mp3 you use as an alarm is starting to get annoying...
You wake to the sound of your phone going off. Same as always. Slowly you climb out of bed. Your head is pounding, but you can't remember what you weredoing last night. You put your hand to your forehead, surprised at how clammy it is, and headto the bathroom
          > bathroom
           Questa volta la frase, a differenza della precedente, ha la funzione di azione, permettendoci di portarci avanti nella storia. Trovo questo inizio intrigante: crea una certa aura di mistero intorno al personaggio e a quello che gli è successo la notte precedente, facendomi incuriosire molto.
The bathroom is pitch dark. You blindly grope around looking for the faucet, lights orwhatever else you can find to establish your bearings
        > lights
         Anche questa scelta narrativa ha la funzione di azione, inoltre il mistero intorno al personaggio viene mantenuto, aumentando l'attesa. Data la curiosità, la mia scelta è ricaduta sulle luci proprio per vedere se si veniva, almeno in parte, svelato.
You find the lightswitch and flip it. Finally you can see the bathroom around you. Your eyes aredrawn to the mirror.
        Ancora una volta ci tiene sulle spine, finalmente staremo per scoprire qualcosa sul nostro protagonista?
      > mirror
     Questa scelta narrativa ha una funzione descrittiva ma allo stesso tempo credo che dia un certo ritmo: crea una sorta di pausa, di sospensione, prima di scoprire cosa vedremo nello specchio. Come un respiro, prima di fissare l'immagine riflessa. Ciò che segue però è una descrizione che ci permette di comprendere, finalmente il protagonista.
The face you see in front of you is a long, flat oval. Two beady eyes stare back at you, and atiny mouth opens and closes. There is no nose on this pale pink face, but on either side of thehead are a pair of bright red, feathery gills. It is the face of an axolotl salamander, and through the sleep and possible hang-over addledbrain of yours, you slowly awaken to the idea that this is your own face. You need a few seconds to process if this is normal or not.
      Mi piace molto l'idea che il protagonista sia una salamandra, dato l'ambiente in cui ci trovavamo inzialmente, il quale faceva pensare ad una normalissima casa per esseri umani, non me l'aspettavo.
      Dato questo colpo di scena voglio provare a vedere che succede se si decide che si tratta della normalità. Quest'ultima è una scelta con funzione di significato, permettendo di creare una maggior profondità narrativa.
        > normal
Of course it's normal. You've been an axolotl all your life, why would this morning be anydifferent? You wonder what exactly you were drinking last night to leave you in such a state thismorning. The constant drone of America is starting to wear thin, so you return to your bedroom to retrieve your phone.
        > drinking
        A questo punto non posso fare a meno che scegliere Drinking, poiché porta ad approfondire il personaggio e comprendere meglio questo mondo abitato da salamandre.
Salamanders, of course, do not drink alcohol like humans. It would kill them to even absorbany through their thin, membranous skin. Instead, you partook of the amphibian delicacy known as "Spawnya". It is a variety of moss,mixed with water and absorbed through the skin. It produces a state of mild euphoria andrelaxation in amphibians, and can be easily obtained at any upscale drinking establishmentthat would serve salamanders. back
       >upscale drinking establishment
        Anche questa scelta porta un ulteriore approfondimento, avendo la funzione di meaning.
"Frog Spawn"? No, you don't go there since they got pretentious. "Julia's"? Not since Anne Linus moved back to Hawaii. "The Duck and Pickle"? Could be "The Duck and Pickle"... Just where were you last night? It's so hard to think with your alarm going off nonstop, but youfeel like it is just on the tip of your brain
       >Anne Linus
Anne, Anne, Anne... What happened to Anne Linus? It's been so long since you heard from her. Even longer sinceyou saw her. Perhaps you should write her a letter sometime. Your alarm is still ringing and you can still almost remember the name of the bar you went to
       >remember the name of the bar you went to
      Data l'immedesimazione col personaggio decido ci approfondire il bar in cui si è stati la sera precedente, per concludere l'interrogativo lasciato aperto sugli eventi della sera precedente. Anche questa scelta ha la funzione di meaning.
... ... EISENHOWER'S! Of course! You and your friends were celebrating Molly's engagement. No wonder you got so smashed, it isn't often that your best friend gets engaged.
     >best friend  
Molly the olm has been your friend for years, ever since the two of you first arrived in America.You from Mexico City, her from Slovenia. Everyone assumed that the two of you were eitherrelated or dating. Idiot humans, you're not even in the same family of salamanders! It's convergent evolution isall! You remember that you were meant to drop by her house later with the number of the catererfor her wedding. Well, no time like the present
        >Well, no time like the present
Molly lives in a cave just a few blocks from you. The only problem is how far down in the cave she lives. You'll have to make your way throughthe winding underground river that crosses under the city. You hate visiting Molly at her place, but it's for her wedding and this caterer IS the best in thecity. Grabbing your flashlight, you enter into the cave
       > cave
When Salamanders were given the right to own property, a new lucrative business opened upfor aspiring architects. While you live in a human-style house, you know many amphibians who live in the newlydesigned houses. Caves, aquariums, genetically modified giant pitcher plants, salamander housing is bigbusiness now. back
      Tutte queste scelte intraprese portano ancora ad approfondire personaggio e anche il mondo in cui ci troviamo.
Molly lives in a cave just a few blocks from you. The only problem is how far down in the cave she lives. You'll have to make your way throughthe winding underground river that crosses under the city. You hate visiting Molly at her place, but it's for her wedding and this caterer IS the best in thecity. Grabbing your flashlight, you enter into the cave
     >into the cave
       Questa volta abbiamo una scelta narrativa con la funzione di azione, portandoci avanti con la trama.
You enter the cave. All around you is the damp smell of moss and wet stone. You can hear theunderground river flowing slowly below you. The beam from your flashlight suddenly flashes across a pair of eyes. Down here that can onlymean one thing. Into the light steps a majestic Slime Sphinx. Part cat, part slime, part slimeperson. Asexpected, it addresses you with a riddle. "FOUR HANG, FOUR SPRANG, TWO POINT THE WAY, TWO TO WARD OFF DOGS, ONEDANGLES AFTER, ALWAYS RATHER DIRTY. WHAT AM I?" Man Cow Tree Frog You have a ring in your pocket Sandwich Monkey Bear Third Base Slime Sphinx Axolotl Mountain Oh, oh, like some kind of robot monkey with springs on its feet which are also claws andit has direction blinkers on its butt and has dog whistles in its nostrils and a broomhanging from its robot dong
      Per la prima in questa storia ci troviamo ad avere moltissime scelte. Apprezzo molto l'idea che ci sia molta libertà nel dare la risposta, grazie ad una varietà di tentativi seri così come risposte divertenti (o addirittura citazioni). Anche questa è una scelta che comporta un'azione, portando avanti la trama.
       > You have a ring in your pocket
     Ho scelto questa risposta per curiosità, per vedere quello che sarebbe successo nel caso in cui si fosse sbagliato.
"INCORRECT" The Slime Sphinx becomes amorphous and takes the shape of a large wall, blocking your pathto the cave. "I'M AFRAID I MUST ASK YOU TO LEAVE." Unfortunately this means you have to go the long way around. Either that or just give up.
        >the long way around.
         Altra scelta che comporta un'azione. Il ritmo della storia è diventato più veloce rispetto all'inizio, procede molto più velocemente.
Ugh, you hate taking the long way around. You begin walking. Roughly 17 hours later, you finally arrive the outskirts of Molly's cavern
        >the outskirts of Molly's cavern
You reach the entrance to Molly's cavern. As you enter, you hear slight sobbing. Molly is sitting at the table, her head buried in her tiny hands. She is crying, but there are notears since, as an olm, her eyes are completely undeveloped. Despite being completely blind,she immediately sense your presence with her highly developed smell, hearing andelectroreceptors. "Oh, you came. Thank goodness, I don't know what to do. Everything is falling apart!" What's wrong?
            >What's wrong?
"The wedding is in two weeks, and I still care for Devin, but I love someone else!" You are shocked at this news. Is it Sam? Is it Linda? Is it the Slime Sphinx?
        Ci ritroviamo davanti a tre diverse scelte, dato il percorso fatto non so chi sia il primo personaggio che viene citato, probabilmente si sarebbe scoperto scegliendo altre risposte in precedenza. Mi piace l'idea che questo possa essere un punto di congiunzione di altri percorsi.
            >Is it the Slime Sphinx?
"Yes! She's just so knowledgable and commanding... and slimy. But I feel terrible. I don't wantto hurt Devin but my heart is no longer his. I want to tell the Slime Sphinx how I feel, but I'm sonervous... What will she say?" Let me help, I have a way with words
          >Let me help, I have a way with words
You leave with Molly and return to the Slime Sphinx. "OH, HELLO AGAIN. YOU DON'T NEED TO ANSWER A RIDDLE TO PASS THE OTHER WAY. SEEYOU LATER." Wait Slime Sphinx! I have a riddle for you
         Le scelte che abbiamo ritrovato finora portano avanti l'azione, non c'è più spazio per le descrizioni, le scelte si fanno più veloci, così come i testi da leggere, aumentando la velocità della narrazione.
              >Wait Slime Sphinx! I have a riddle for you
"WELL THAT IS UNUSUAL FROM PEOPLE GOING THIS DIRECTION, BUT ALRIGHT. LET'S HEARIT." Who has a crush on you? What has no eyes except for you? And also lives in this cave? What is one third goo, one third cat-person-thing, and one third blind cave salamander?
      A questo punto abbiamo di nuovo maggior controllo sul personaggio, dovendo scegliere come porre la questione. Stiamo per scoprire come andrà a finire la storia e credo che il fatto di avere più scelte possa aumentare la tensione per il risultato finale. Ancora una volta si tratta di una scelta con una funzione di azione.
              >What has no eyes except for you? And also lives in this cave?
"WAIT. ARE YOU SAYING..." The Slime Sphinx looks from you to Molly and back. "It's true..." Molly responds shyly. "I HAD NO IDEA.... THE TRUTH IS, I TOO HAVE OFTEN LOOKED AT YOU WITH AFFECTION.BUT I ALWAYS THOUGHT MY JOB WOULD GET IN THE WAY OF A RELATIONSHIP." "Oh no!" Molly says, "I admire the dedication you have towards your work!" The two blush and stare at their feet. "I THINK I HAVE A NEW RIDDLE... WHAT HAS TWO TICKETS TO A SHOW, A WALK ALONG THEPARK, A BOTTLE OF ZINFANDEL, AND THEN SOME CONSENTUAL SMOOCHING IF WE FEELUP FOR IT?" "Is it... our first date?" It is their first date
   A questo punto siamo tornati su un unico percorso, non abbiamo altre possibilità e scelte. Credo che questa scelta abbia la funzione di pace.
                     >It is their first date
A week later, you get a phone call from Molly. Things have gone well with the Slime Sphinx.Devin was upset, but surprisingly understanding. It turns out he had a crush on the SlimeSphinx too. So SS just divided herself asexually and now both couples are happy. They playtennis on Thursdays. Congratulations. Of all the endings in this game, this one is truly the seventh. Play again to find them all!
   La storia mi ha preso fin dall'inizio ed è stata veramente divertente da giocare. Credo che  sia stata gestita molto bene, mettendo il lettore di fronte a scelte interessanti, inserendo tutte le informazioni necessarie per decidere con cognizione.
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Can Someone Please Write Sex-N-TheCity in the In-N-Out Burger font???
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defjew-smokesignals · 6 years
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NYC, nice to see you! —— Twitter: @ebennett_music Snapchat: imdefjew Instagram: @im.e.bennett Facebook: @e.bennettmusic01 YouTube: DefJew - #nyc #writing #newyorkcity #music #musician #musicians #musicproducer #musicvideo #love #newyork #musicianlife #musicmonday #musicstudio #photooftheday #potd #instadaily #life #follow4follow #friends #repost #manhattan #brooklynbridge #thecity #instamusic #instagood #instalike #instaartist #driving #citylife #kittycat https://youtu.be/EXEc-1Z5Ckk
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