#their hair is a mix between their natural hair and the Sweet design
mcondance · 1 year
washday tmrw so
hobie makes a playlist titled “wash day” the day before wash day for you to listen to while you two wash and detangle your hair. he goes and buys lots of your fav snacks to stock in your shared bathroom, with its own designated washday rack
when the day comes, he’s the most helpful man in the world. he starts the playlist and then makes sure the water’s warm, throws some towels in the dryer for after, and gets to work.
he knows he can’t just go 51/50, drenching your hair, cause then it’ll tangle. this is the worst part for him, your small winces and jolts as he separates your hair into fourths fill him with regret at the pain. “‘m sorry love, ‘s the worst part, then it’s over.”
he’s so gentle, running his bare hands over your hair— he’s taken his rings off already so they don’t get caught in your shit 😭 the scent of your strawberry shampoo fills the room, mixing with hobie’s natural smell that brings you comfort as you nuzzle into his bare chest from where you sit in a bra and shorts.
his slim fingers work the fruity smell through your hair, making sure to coat every strand— “gotta make sure i get it everywhere. smells good, by the way.” he tells you this every time he washes your hair, and every time, you can’t get over it. last time, it was a mango scented lather.
lithe fingers scraping your scalp, you damn near lull to sleep.. that is until the beginning notes of your favorite song meet your ears. “can always count on you to put some good shit on here, hobaby.” he grins at your nickname, scratching your scalp the way you taught him way back when. downing snacks, you revel in the feeling of his experienced hands in your hair.
singing and swaying to your favorite song with you, he makes sure to massage your scalp and get it as clean as possible. by the time he feels like ending your scalp massage, you’re leaning against his stomach, breathing slow and content, relaxed and in love.
“time to wash it out, babe.” you tilt your head back and he cups his hand over your forehead, creating a barrier between the water and shampoo and your eyes. kissing your forehead, he brings the shower head over your hair, smiling when you giggle at his lovey little gesture.
hair clean and ready to condition, he lathers a fuck ton of it on, which is really what you need. you don’t mind 🤷🏾‍♀️
anyways, he does the whole conditioning process… then it’s time to detangle. he pats your hair with one of the towels out of the dryer, keeping the other one spinning. combs in hand, you both tackle the arduous task, made easier by the music and most importantly, your lover.
he’s sure to warn you when he feels he’s about to hit a knot or tangle, a soft “gonna get caught here, probably” leaving his upturned lips, pierced eyebrows furrowed in focus.
it’s sweet, sitting between his legs in your living room in a bra and shorts, trusting a man enough to let him in your hair. he doesn’t take it for granted, knows how much it should mean to him and it means more than that, to be honest. it means the world to him.
when y’all are finally done, last section of hair detangled, he celebrates.
“we handled that, babe. we ‘ate that’.” you both giggle at his use of your slang, turning around to kiss him on his pretty lips.
he smiles against your lips.
“we’re such big steppas!” you exclaim in excitement, loving eyes fixed on his perfect face. his reaction doesn’t disappoint, smile tugging at his lips before it turns into a toothy grin, laughs racking through his chest.
“go get undressed, i’ll get your towel.” he kisses you again before you walk off to your bedroom, reveling in the feeling of finally getting your wet clothes off. he’s not far behind you with the warm towel, passing it to you and giving you the clothes he set out this morning.
“you look peng, love.” he compliments you with a proud smile, eyes flitting over your curls.
“yeah, yeah, whatever.” you brush him off, shy and bashful.
washday is so much easier with hobie by your side.
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inubaki · 19 days
Adam’s Pride Au
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-story section by @rainforestakiie. Was kind enough to write this while helping my develop the design. Please check out their stuff. ——
Adam felt undeniably diminutive, a mere wisp of his former self. He was far smaller than he had ever been in his Edenic days and, naturally, infinitesimally tiny compared to his celestial form. He barely grazed the shoulder of his angelic self—how utterly disheartening! His new form seemed so fragile, so vulnerable. Although he was uncertain of the full extent of his new body's powers, his present concern was more with its appearance.
His face was heart-shaped, softly feminine, with a nose that curved gracefully like a bird’s beak but lacked its sharpness. His lips were plump and tender, featuring a subtle, secretive dimple at one corner. His skin was the colour of delicate ash on fresh snow, milky-white and sprinkled with grey freckles that cascaded down his cheeks, neck, shoulders, and back. These freckles meandered down to the lush, pastel green and blue fluff that framed his thighs and extended to his dainty, delicate hooves. Though he lacked the long, arrow-like tail of Lucifer, his tail resembled a delicate spring of blue feathers, starting close to his backside and arching upward like a plume worthy of Hera.
His hips were rounded and plush, akin to the fanciful Barbies Adam had once seen the young Winners chatter about. His arms were slender and cushioned with tender flesh, his fingers long and delicate, tipped with the same blue and green hues as if bruised. His hair was a cascade of soft brown tufts, interspersed with genuine blue and green feathers that sprouted from the sides of his head, two of them curving like horns. Resting serenely between them was a sweet, sinuous snake, coiling gently and floating above his head like an ethereal halo.
Adam's cheeks were rounder than he had ever imagined, blushing with a faint pink tint. He winced, pinching his right cheek and hissing in surprise. It was far more sensitive than he remembered and disturbingly reminiscent of Lucifer! His wings were long and plush, cascading down his back and sweeping along the ground behind him. He inspected them with curiosity; they weren’t gold but a mesmerising gradient of green and blue, interwoven with hints of orange.
He wondered if he could lift them—and if they could lift him. With a determined squint and an arched back, he watched as his wings began to unfurl, nearly causing him to have a heart attack. They didn’t resemble typical wings but rather the majestic plumes of a peacock, stretching around him and fluttering softly. The eyes embedded in the feathers shimmered in gold, purple, and orange, framed by gentle greens and blues, echoing the feathers sprouting from his hair.
Adam's eyes widened in shock as he gazed at his reflection.
“What the fuck am I?” he exclaimed, his voice echoing with disbelief.
A soft gasp fluttered from behind him, drawing his attention. Adam turned slowly, his gaze squinting against the soft, shadowed light of the hotel room.
There, standing in the doorway, was Lucifer, eyes wide and mouth agape in astonishment. “You’re… beautiful,” he whispered, his voice filled with a mix of awe and admiration.
Adam's heart sank.
He’s even shorter than fucking Lucifer?! The pint-sized King of Hell?! How did this fucking happen?!
The concept idea was what if Adam’s sinner punishment was to look like Lucifer.
The face of everything he thought as evil and through him excused his own horrid deeds. All that he took pride in and suffered through vanity is stripped away. Leaving a shorter, more ‘ delicate’, even feminine version of himself. He retains his wings but they barely hold the strength to lift himself. His halo becomes a snake, one he later names after constantly trying to chase off. (Though being separated, gives him migraines.). Adam keeps those hips though! Cause damn boy!
Watercolor pencils and @m-d-tr1 was kind enough to color one as well. But all drawn by me. I wanted to test out the colored design.
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Okay these are the head cannons I have so far, and yes I will always add more 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Herbert West headcanonnons:
a gay or unlabeled trans man
also aroace
Hates loud noises or bright lights specifically
Clenches his jaw or grates his teeth when he sleeps
Rarely ever remembers to shower but also needs everything around him to be clean
Despises coffee but if he had to drink it, he would either drink it purely black and probably like the bottom of the coffee pot or so much sugar it’s insane
He secretly has a sweet tooth (PLS HEAR ME OUT ON THIS)
Literally only wears suits and will sometimes sleep in them
Doesn’t remember to take care of himself like ever
he loves compression socks (once again just hear me out)
He wears sock garters
smells like either mold/corpses or hand sanitizer, no in between.
he has two different handwriting, one that is like a mix of cursive and his normal in pen, and really shitty writing in pencil.
Rarely would ever care for music but he would occasionally go with classical
LOVES the rain/thunderstorms
Wanted to study archeology when he was younger (I’m projecting)
will go through math equations when he gets bored or stressed
Definitely stims, but specifically hand taps, leg taps, facial movements, and scrunching his hands or opening and closing his hands into a fist shape, or swaying/pacing.
He also Stims by breaking the fuck out of No.2 pencils and sometimes even pens if he’s stressed out/agitated enough
He fidgets with his tie and watch a lot, especially when he’s nervous, it’s one of the only ways you can tell he’s on edge
Either can’t sit still for hours or will be so silent/still you won’t notice he’s there.
Has a collection of encyclopedias that are really fucking old.
Will read fiction on very, and I mean VERY rare occasions. They will most likely be science fiction too.
Gruber was 100% a father figure for him.
Genuinely couldn’t give less of a fuck about your opinion on him unless you say something about his work.
did his own top surgery with perfect performance and had guidance from Gruber
Doesn’t drink much besides water or just well nothing, but will have some tea on occasion.
I also like the idea of him liking 7 up from the cut scene because it’s silly
used to wear socks with fun yet sophisticated designs on them in high school.
He definitely dressed like your average high school nerd when he was younger, suspenders and all.
Used to have glasses that would make his eyes look 10x bigger
His vision is absolute shit without his glasses, basically a male Velma.
also I think it’s silly to say he did ballet when he was younger (reference to the bride commentary)
used to have his hair a bit more shoulder length in high school
literally sleeps with one single pillow and a sheet. Also his bed feels like a rock when you lay on it. (He never fucking sleeps)
actually really enjoys nature and not just in the experimental environment way, but you would have to water board that info out of him.
Genuinely wants some kind of reptile as a pet.
he has so many random facts on the most niche things you could possibly not want know/hear about.
Genuinely likes the color green, but more of a forest green and not bright ass neon.
has gone camping ONCE.
has a specific routine for everything and will breakdown if it doesn’t go accordingly
never ever shows his meltdowns to anyone but himself
Has gone to the psych ward during his time in Switzerland after Grubers death
Doesn’t trust psychiatrists
this one I think is just funny to me but he has tried to read fiction with magic and shit and HATES IT. Read love craft and he had called that man out for his writing and bigotry so many times to Gruber and probably Dan.
Has the most manic laugh/giggle you’ve ever heard
smiles with his teeth if he’s being an asshole, almost like the Cheshire Cat, smiles with his mouth closed in a tight line when he’s sarcastic or annoyed, only has smiled genuinely like twice.
Hates showing emotions, even negative ones. He prefers to seem entirely neutral unless provoked
never looks himself in the mirror
hates going to the barber shop and prefers to cut his own hair
Literally cannot legally drive
Speed walks, he cannot walk at a normal pace ever.
Enjoys puns and jokes but only if he’s the one making them.
Death glares that could kill a man if it were possible.
thinks he’s very clever but sometimes he really is just stupid 🙁
thinks logically but not rationally
His morals are so fucking grey, like he has his lines he won’t ever cross but besides that, he does not give a fuck at all
He sits with his legs crossed or he sits like a bird perched on a branch, no in between
He either really loves or really hates small spaces
loves curling his body into himself or have his chested puffed out really proudly once again, no in between
He has SERIOUS back problems, and has kinda bad posture
He paces so much that it freaks Dan out sometimes
Talks to himself a LOT
If he lets himself relax, he often does crossword puzzles or just reads medical textbooks and highlights the misinformation in them
does actually care for Dan, just has a really hard and shitty way of showing it
Finds the realism art movement very interesting, and did a lot of research on Eakins to understand how to draw anatomy for his subjects
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mcntsee · 7 months
— my angel
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Summary: Fires of passion, ashes of hate epilogue! Months had slipped away since the night they barely escaped from the crumbling building. The memories of that night’s hours-long conversation haunted Kaz’s thoughts until the moment he laid eyes on her at the party—the very gathering where he decided to finally set them both free.
Warnings: Mentions of drinking, low self-esteem, negative self-perception and self-doubt. Past relationships, mentions of breakup and heartbreak. No happy ending? (In my opinion, it is a happy-ish ending) and kind of ooc Kaz. Not proofread, so excuse any grammar mistakes.
Authors notes: In my opinion this can be read as a standalone or two-parter too. Anyway, this was, originally, going to be the ending to the series and, although the ending ended up being entirely different, I really liked this and wanted to do something with it. Lastly, there is no use of “Y/n”
The ballroom was alive with an electric energy, each corner aglow with the soft, golden hues emanating from the large chandelier adorning the ceiling. Its crystal facets refracted the light, casting intricate patterns across the room. Couples moved with effortless grace on the polished dance floor, their silhouettes swaying in perfect harmony to the melodious strains of the band.
Clusters of guests mingled and conversed, their laughter and animated gestures mixing with the soft tunes as waiters navigated skillfully through the crowd, balancing trays laden with glasses of champagne. The clinking of crystal and murmurs of delight filled the air as guests indulged in the sparkling libations, toasting to love, laughter, and the joy of the moment.
The soft glow of candlelight flickered against the ornate décor, casting shadows that danced playfully along the walls. The scent of fresh flowers perfumed the air, their delicate fragrance mingling with the sweet notes of champagne and the tantalizing aroma of gourmet delicacies being served.
His crew’s laughter reached his ears as he continued to glance around the bustling ballroom, the cacophony of voices blending into a steady hum. Their conversations ebbed and flowed, barely audible over the swell of music and the clinking of glasses.
His eyes swept over the crowd, scanning every familiar and unfamiliar silhouette, searching for a mark among the pigeons ripe for the picking. They moved back and forth between the guests' faces, seeking out the perfect opportunity, until they finally landed on her.
There, amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces, stood her, illuminated by the soft glow of the chandelier above. Her hair was expertly styled into a fancy yet slightly messy bun that exuded an effortless elegance. Delicate rhinestones in shades of gold adorned the intricate twists and turns of her updo, while loose strands cascaded gracefully, framing her face with a captivating allure.
Her dress, a vision in forest green, draped elegantly over her figure, accentuating every curve with effortless grace. The low back of the gown hinted at a hint of allure, teasing without revealing too much, leaving just enough to the imagination. The fabric shimmered in the light, casting a subtle sheen that complemented the richness of her hair and the sparkle of her eyes.
His eyes traveled down her figure, lingering on her choice of footwear—a stunning pair of gold heels that accentuated the graceful curve of her ankles. The heels, with their intricate design and shimmering finish, perfectly complementing the forest green of her dress. With each step she took, the heels added a subtle sway to her movements, adding an extra layer of elegance to her demeanor.
But it was the jewelry that truly caught his eye—simple yet elegant in its design. He remembered the day he stole those pieces for her years ago, after catching her longing gaze upon the shop's window where they were displayed. The gold-dangling earrings perfectly matched her bracelet and necklace. Each piece seemed to enhance her natural beauty, radiating a quiet confidence and effortless charm that left his eyes frozen in place, unable to tear his gaze away from her mesmerizing presence.
He couldn’t hear her laughter amidst the cacophony of noise in the room, but he didn’t need to; he remembered the sound well enough to imagine it when he saw her head slightly tilt back, an open-mouthed smile gracing her face as her eyes squeezed shut. He watched as her shoulders moved up and down with every sound that left her mouth, the loose strands of hair gently swaying from one side to the other, following the slow movement of her head as she gently shook it.
He attempted to divert his gaze away from her to resume his search for the perfect prey amidst the crowd. Yet, every subtle movement that his peripheral vision caught seemed to tug at his attention, irresistibly drawing his eyes back to her.
They had encountered each other countless times since the building’s collapse, their paths crossing unexpectedly during jobs or by sheer coincidence, such as ending up waiting in line at the same café. At times, they had even spotted each other through the bustling crowds at the barrel, their eyes meeting fleetingly for just a second before they each continued walking in opposite directions.
Just as they had for years, they still fought and plotted against each other's success, seizing opportunities to disrupt each other's plans while praying for their downfall. The only difference was that their reactions were no longer as explosive as they once were.
Ever since that fateful night, after a long conversation and a couple of sips of the rye whiskey she had been so eager to drink, he hadn't been able to keep her out of his thoughts.
The images of her lying in his bed with the brand-new sheets below her consumed his every thought during the day.
The way that, despite her face being streaked with grime and dirt from the collapsing building they had narrowly escaped, her features remained striking. The sight of her sweat-dampened hair, tousled yet somehow still captivating, strands falling delicately across her forehead like they always seemed to do as she lay there. Her injured arm rested on her stomach, while the other hand gently massaged her temple in an effort to ease a headache.
The short sleeve of her shirt had been rolled up to her shoulder, revealing the dried blood that marred her skin. Her legs had been crossed, one foot gently tapping in rhythm to the song she hummed softly under her breath—a melody that had filled the air that night. Her brows furrowed, accentuating the lines on her forehead, as she kept her eyes closed, shutting out the world around her. Her lips tightly pressed together.
At night, while he shifted softly in bed with a subtle turn here and a slight adjustment there, as if he were navigating the landscapes of his dreams with the fluidity of a wandering soul, the memories of what they had once shared flooded his dreams. Each recollection brought with it a pleasant warmth that filled his heart, contrasting sharply with the urgent whispers of his subconscious urging him to wake up. Yet he remained nestled in the embrace of sleep, unwilling to part with the fleeting solace found within the depths of his dreams.
Blinking away from the thoughts that had started to consume him, he tore his gaze away from her silhouette and turned to face his crew. His lips moved, shaping instructions he couldn't recall, and before he could even register it, his feet were propelling him in her direction.
He felt his chest tighten, his eyebrows furrowing in concentration as he navigated the crowd. A couple of guests edged too close for comfort, prompting him to subtly maneuver away, doing everything in his power to avoid contact.
Silently thanking the saints he didn’t believe in for her remaining stationary and engaged in conversation with the woman before her, he moved as quickly as his bad leg allowed, inching closer to her with every uneven step. Despite the trembling of his gloved hands brought on by the encroaching crowd, he kept his eyes fixed on her figure, trying to steady his shaky breathing as best he could before finally reaching her.
After a couple more uneven steps, the sweet, intoxicating scent of cherries wafted through the air, enveloping him in a nostalgic embrace. With a sense of familiarity washing over him, his arm extended out, his gloved finger delicately tapping her shoulder twice.
Her radiant smile illuminated his world as she turned to face him, but it vanished quicker than he'd hoped, replaced by a confused expression overtaking her features instead. Her eyes quickly scanned over his face before she turned back to the woman she had been talking to, politely excusing herself from their conversation. Then, her attention swung back to him, and her focus was now entirely on his presence. “Brekker?”
His attention fixated on her face, meticulously memorizing the details that had been obscured from afar. He studied the subtle pink blush that graced her cheeks, then shifted his focus to the dark eyeshadow that accentuated the brightness of her eyes. As her lips moved once more, his gaze descended, settling on her lips, admiring the deep red hue of the lipstick she had chosen.
The gentle sound of her voice calling his name snapped him out of the trance. With a swift transition, the muffled sounds in his ear sharpened into clarity as he recentered his focus and locked eyes with her.
He cleared his throat, a subtle nervousness betraying his composed exterior, before extending his arm once more. His palm facing upward as he offered her his hand to take. “Dance with me, love.”
In a matter of seconds, her vibrant smile reappeared, accompanied by a quiet giggle that escaped her lips. Her eyebrows arched in a teasing manner, her voice rising in pitch as she responded, "Why, how could I ever deny you a dance, handsome?" Her hand extended to grasp his, but before it could make contact, he retracted his arm, pulling it closer to his body.
With a shaky sigh, he brought his other hand up, trembling slightly as he began tugging at the gloved-covered fingers of the hand he had just offered her. Slowly, he peeled the leather enclosure away, setting his hand free from its confining cover.
He tucked the glove into his pants pocket, mustering a deep breath, before extending his now-bare hand back to her. The sensation of her skin against his sent waves of nausea churning through his stomach as he battled with the ghost of his past, threatening to overwhelm him like crashing waves. Yet, the familiar caress of her gentle touch eased the struggle, empowering him to emerge victorious.
His previously tentative gaze, fixed on the ground, snapped to their connected hands in surprise. He hadn’t anticipated the tenderness with which she would grasp his hand, nor did he recall how deeply he once cherished the sensation of her skin against his own.
Her other hand slowly advanced, delicately grasping his chin as she awaited his reaction. Sensing his acceptance of her touch, she gently guided his face upward to meet her gaze, offering an affirming nod and a tender smile. As his surprise subsided, he returned the nod, softly squeezing her hand before leading her to the dance floor.
They found solace in a secluded corner, away from the throng of dancing couples and prying eyes. He swiftly withdrew his hand from hers, wiping away the sweat on his pants as his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
He gauged his hand’s dryness before cautiously raising it, meeting her gaze once more, anticipating a teasing glint in her eyes. However, to his surprise, he found a warm smile gracing her lips, accompanied by an understanding gaze that met his nervous one. Without hesitation, she raised her arm and connected her hand with his once more.
With another shaky breath escaping his lips, he maintained eye contact as his free hand snuck around her waist, drawing her closer until their chests gently pressed together. Simultaneously, her free hand found its place on his shoulder, completing their embrace as they prepared to dance.
As the music enveloped them in its tender embrace, they began to sway in perfect harmony.
"Do you think that, perhaps, our love was too potent to coexist?" she whispered, her eyes probing his face for an answer as they swayed together on the dance floor.
His face turned to hers, her question echoing in his mind as he searched for an answer. “I believe it still is.” Her eyes shifted away from his, flickering back and forth as she processed his response.
With each step, their movements flowed effortlessly, as if guided by an unseen force. His hand, firm yet gentle as it led her through each graceful turn and dip, while her touch, light as a feather, traced patterns of warmth across his shoulder.
“There’s—” He hesitated, his gaze lingering on her face, before reluctantly tearing his eyes away, searching for the right words. “There is a breathtaking ache in knowing I’ll never forget our love.”
Their bodies moved as one, the music fading into the background as his heart’s erratic rhythm drowned out all other sounds. He hesitated, the weight of the words he needed to say hanging heavy on his tongue. “I can’t keep doing this, love.”
With a sigh, her movements stilled, and her arms lowered from their previous position on his body. Just as she had done before, his hand moved slowly, delicately grasping her chin before gently guiding her face upward to meet his gaze.
At the sight of her teary eyes, his heart dropped, making him regret his words. With a tender touch, his bare hand moved up from her chin, tracing the curve of her cheek, seeking solace in the warmth of her skin, while his gloved hand joined in, enveloping her face gently between both. As a tear escaped her eye, his thumb instinctively moved to gently wipe it away.
After a moment, he gently took her hand in his and guided her away from the dance floor, leading her towards the door that would take them to the tranquil garden outside.
As they stepped outside, the cool breeze gently tousled his hair, sending strands swaying in rhythmic waves with each gust, rustling the leaves of nearby trees, and sending ripples through the surface of a nearby pond. The air was filled with the earthy fragrance of damp soil and fresh foliage, mingling with the subtle hint of flowers in bloom.
“I meant what I said.” He rasped out. With each step, the soft crunch of gravel beneath their feet added to the symphony of sounds in the peaceful garden, creating a serene backdrop for their conversation. “I can’t keep doing this.”
“Doing what?”
He couldn’t bear the burden of resentment nor sustain the weight of a love confined to memories. “I really thought it was going to be you,” he confessed, his stride faltering. Halting abruptly, his grasp on her hand tightened, drawing her back towards him and compelling her to face him once more. “I really wanted it to be you.” His gloved hand reached out to grasp her free one, completing the union of their hands. With one hand bare and the other gloved, he held her securely, his thumbs gently caressing the soft skin of both of her hands. "Sometimes," he admitted softly, his voice barely above a whisper, "I still do."
He found nothing more humiliating than his own desires, and for that, he hated her, because anger was better than tears, than grief, than guilt.
The day she walked out of what used to be their shared room, his heart shattered into a million irreparable pieces. The warmth that had always accompanied her presence vanished with her, leaving him enveloped in a chilling emptiness that still lingered whenever she was absent.
“I can’t keep hoping for something that will never be.” There were days when he believed he had finally moved on from her, only to find himself longing to hear her voice and feel the warmth of her embrace enveloping him once more.
Every day he sought out the sensation of being truly alive because, in truth, the last time he had felt truly alive was when he gazed into her narrowed eyes, their voices rising in intensity, breathing the same air, witnessing her every step as she walked out of his life.
The last time he felt truly alive, he had been slowly dying, watching his world crumble before him as the sound of the slammed door behind her echoed in his ears.
From that point forward, he found himself endlessly replaying every moment they shared in his mind, mourning the loss of what they once had and resigning himself to the fact that they wouldn't be creating any new memories together.
During the initial stages of their relationship, he dwelled in a state of confusion. He couldn’t comprehend how her bright eyes had seen the hell in his and loved it anyway.
She was a kind soul forced to navigate in crowds full of evil. Unafraid to stand up for what was dear to her, never hesitating to shield everything she loved. And, saints! Her love flowed like scorching waves through both her words and deeds, showering him with a kindness he believed was beyond his deserving. And it was only in her angelic gaze that he found refuge, for it alone could discern the remnants of goodness within him.
She remained the sole divine thing he believed in—the one enduring belief he still clung to.
Her touch was a gentle caress that gradually transformed him into a man more deserving of love. Under her influence, he became the type of man who would pause as he passed the florist shop, turning back to pick out flowers for her. He memorized her coffee order and took the time to prepare a somewhat presentable version of her favorite dessert. Her sweet demeanor reached a part of his heart he thought could never be touched.
In contrast, his touch only left claw marks on her, slowly eroding the essence of the girl he had once met in Lij. His voice demanding she transform into something so different from herself. Something filled with anger and cold calculations. A girl he had polished to the point where he could see his own reflection in her.
That was something he regretted deeply. She had picked up all his broken pieces and put them back together, while he had picked her apart, fragment by fragment. And it pained him so much because he knew that Kaz Rietveld would have loved her endlessly and passionately. But he was not him; he was Kaz Brekker, the man who loved her ruinously.
“I can’t keep hurting myself—“ His voice wavered, grappling with the weight of his words, for he knew deep down that that wasn't really it. He deserved to carry the weight of his own pain, regret, and grief, but her? She deserved a life free from the turmoil that plagued him, filled instead with boundless joy and love. “I can’t keep hurting you.”
“No! I don’t want to keep hurting you.”
He couldn’t bear the thought of completely banishing her from his life. He wanted to keep her within reach, even if it meant maintaining a cautious distance. He longed to witness her laughter, as he had earlier that night, and to feel the warmth of her gaze upon him. Saints, he still yearned to know if her lips tasted like the cherries that defined her scent.
But she wasn't his anymore.
He knew her like the back of his hand, but he couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that she was slipping away, morphing into a stranger. He knew every single one of her favorite locations, her preferred foods, and the ones she despised. He's keenly aware of her most ticklish spots and knows precisely when to cease the frantic movement of his fingers on her side to evade a punch to the face.
Her favorite color, her favorite type of jewelry. He knows how she washes her vegetables and how she cuts them. What pisses her off and what makes her happy. Her favorite song, and for fucks’ sake, he knows the name of her childhood cat.
But were all the things he remembered as her favorites still her favorites? He didn’t know. People change with time, their preferences constantly shifting, and he hadn't had a real conversation with her until a couple of months ago, and even then, he hadn’t asked.
The warmth of her hands squeezing his brought him back to the moment, infusing him with a sense of courage he had longed for as he summoned the strength to utter his next words, "I need to set you free, and you need to do the same for me."
“I know, but I-“ Her eyes struggled to blink away the tears, their rapid movement tugging at his heartstrings as he watched his beautiful girl fight to maintain a strong facade, a frown etching across his brow in silent pain. “I don’t want to forget you.”
He maintained the sad but soft smile on his face for a moment as he studied her expression. “Am I that easy to forget?” He finally said, his previous smile morphing into a teasing one, his playful tone carrying a mock offense as if he were truly offended.
“No.” She laughed softly, shaking her head as her eyes shimmered with unshed tears. “If you were, we wouldn’t be here.”
Silence enveloped them for a while as she took a moment to compose herself. As she averted her gaze from him, her hand slipped from his and moved to her cheek, wiping away the tear that had finally escaped her eye.
When her gaze returned to him, he gently took her hand back in his, feeling the warmth returning to his bare hand. “Will you forget me?”
“My love,” his body drew closer to hers, their chests almost touching as his gloved hand departed from the warm embrace of her gentle grasp. It traveled up her face tenderly, cradling her cheek with affection. “You have a place in my heart no one else could ever have.”
As a soft gasp escaped her lips in response to his words, his gaze flickered down to them, observing them part in search of words, yet none emerged. After a moment, he finally looked up to meet her eyes, only to find that, much like he had been moments ago, she was fixated on his lips. Slowly, he inched his face closer to hers.
As his face drew closer to hers, he felt the warmth of her breath on his skin, their eyes locking in silent communication, his gaze seeking permission from hers.
The nod of her head came slowly, a silent affirmation that Kaz cherished as he leaned in, closing the distance between their lips.
His shoulders dropped, tension melting away as his body relaxed, and her arms gently wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer as they melted into the kiss.
He battled his inner demons for as long as possible, but when the nausea became overwhelming, he reluctantly pulled away from her. His eyes closed as he let a quiet chuckle out.
“What’s so funny?”
"Oh, nothing, love.”
She patiently waited for him to regain composure, and once he did, she waited for him to make the next move.
Tears welled up in his eyes at the prospect of forever letting go of her, yet he knew it was the right decision. With gentle determination, he reached for her hands once more.
His grip tightened briefly before releasing, lifting her hand to his lips, where he placed a tender kiss against her knuckles. As he did, he couldn't help but notice the subtle blush that graced her cheeks and the sparkle that danced in her eyes when they met his.
“Goodbye, Kaz.”
With one final, gentle squeeze of their intertwined hands, he lowered hers, savoring the all-too-familiar sensation of her skin against his for the last time before releasing her grasp.
“Take care, love.”
He stood there for a moment, his gaze fixed on her as she turned away from him. Her shoulders slumped slightly, a barely audible sad sigh escaping her lips before she began to walk away. Away from him, away from what they had once shared.
He allowed his gaze to linger on her back for a couple more seconds before he, too, turned to face the other direction, his uneven steps carrying him away from the scene as a bittersweet smile graced his lips. She did taste like cherries.
For the first time in their lives, they didn’t look back. They keep moving forward, each step a silent acknowledgment of the paths they must now walk alone.
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sparkykitsune · 10 months
Paldea League explanation time
Might as well go into an explanation ramble about my picks for the Paldean league here! I did on AO3 but gonna mostly crosspost this here cause I feel like it.
Katy - grizzly bear This is a pretty obvious one. Considering she has a bug tera Teddiursa/Ursaring (because bears are often depicted as honey lovers in media), it makes sense why I'd make her a bear. Katy's also like a sweet momma bear in terms of her personality (not unlike another trainer here in Paldea, who is also a momma bear in terms of her personality, but more formidable, in this AU).
Brassius - serval I was just gonna make him an ocelot (because jungle cat) when he was first revealed in the trailer, but I kinda eventually wanted to make him part serval too, because servals have cute ears that I wanted to draw. Then I didn't really think he looked like a ocelot anymore, so I just made him a regular serval (yes, I'm aware servals are from the savannah, not the jungle/rainforest). He also jumped down from a windmill on his feet, hence the saying a cat always lands on its feet.
Iono - ragamuffin calico cat Iono just screams "cat girl" energy to me. Originally drew her as a pale orange and white cat, but I hated the design I did. So I went with a dilute calico to match her two toned hair, with one side of her fur being gray and the other half being pale orange. I also realized I unintentionally made a pun on cation.
Kofu - walrus Was gonna make him a hybrid between a walrus and a sea otter but last second, I just made him a walrus because the ears looked weird. I kinda went a bit half baked on the thought process of this, but I think he'd be a jolly old walrus, even if walruses are pretty territorial in real life. Also, first time I've drawn a walrus.
Larry - gray wolf Furry analysis thing. Wolves are like one of the most (if not the most) common species for a fursona. Larry may be a basic salaryman, but we all love him for that. Gave Larry some rather basic markings (gray fur, light gray markings on the snout, limbs, stomach and ear insides, and a black tipped tail; I know adult wolves don't have blue eyes but it's not uncommon to see wolf fursonas with blue eyes) for an average wolf to go with his theme. Larry's also almost always hungry, so I could say he's hungry like a wolf. Another point I initially forgot to add is that Larry's really popular among Pokemon fans, reminds me of how the furry fandom just goes bonkers whenever the media releases a new wolf character (*looks over at Legoshi, Mr. Wolf, and Death*).
Ryme - red fox So, this is a slight headcanon-ish thing that I've "dropped"/"forgotten about". Fox Ryme still works, cause she has a Houndstone, the fox and the Houndstone. I just think she'd be a fox, it just comes naturally to me (the urge to add a fox every time).
Tulip - leopard Okay so this is a questionable one. When I first saw Tulip's design, she instantly reminded me of Clawroline from Kirby and the Forgotten Land and I can't really shake that off, which is the reason why she looks like Clawroline in my AU. Also, the area around Alfornada is kinda like a savannah, and Tulip does have an Espartha on her team, which is technically an ostrich, another savannah animal.
Grusha - siberian husky Again, a pretty obvious one. All the ice type specialists (that I know of) in this Pokemon AU are all animals that originate from/inhabit places from, yet it took me this long to make an ice type specialist a husky in my AU. Also, those icy blue eyes of his are too hard to pass for a husky.
Rika - egyptian mau/sand cat mix This was a neat design to do. This design was pulled out randomly because I do have this headcanon that she's Falkner's older cousin (Falkner in this AU is an egyptian mau cat). She's also part sand cat to tie in with her being a ground type specialist. She mostly just looks your average spotted tabby though.
Poppy - raccoon When I saw her, I was instantly like "OMG, she's so adorable, she's my favourite character in this game" (no matter what everyone else says). Raccoons are my second favourite animal, but I didn't really think Poppy's design would translate well into a fox, so I went with a raccoon instantly because of her silver clothing and black hair gave off raccoon fur vibes. Raccoons allegedly like shiny objects, and Poppy has a giant key around her neck, so a perfect match. I could really just go on about this design choice, but I'd rather not make it too long or too deep. I didn't initially notice this at first but I found out that Poppy's giant key is actually a purse that she stores candy in, raccoons for sure have a sweet tooth as well.
Hassel - st bernard/golden retriever mix His hair colour reminds of a golden retriever but his face kinda reminds me of a st bernard. I'd definitely imagine a happy Hassel to be a blubbering and slobbering dog (st bernards drool a lot) in my AU, and I'd say both breeds would match him nicely.
Geeta - bobtail tortoiseshell cat I was gonna make her a bombay (black) cat initially, but I chose a tortoiseshell last minute, I'm not sure why, probably just to try and match her design more, I don't know to be honest. I eventually thought of the bobtail since I like the idea of Iono, Rika and Geeta being the three cats of the Paldea league (cause Brassius and Tulip aren't domestic cats), and them having a different vibe to them, with Iono being fluffy with a bushy tail, Rika being sleeker with a sleek tail, and Geeta kinda being inbetween with a cute little bobtail.
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tigertofu · 1 year
for the oc ask thing...
ty for asking !! 💖💖
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
nopee, the Current Kacie that i always draw nowadays looks v different from how she looks in my first fic (her hair is much longer now/her natural color grew out so much that only the tips of her hair are still dyed. she's also lost weight and got a bit more tanned between the two stories). and her appearance in my first fic is vastly different from like,, how i first imagined her when i came up with her. Fetal Stage Kacie had gauges and piercings and just........dressed all around more "alt" and was generally more aware of/adhered to the fashion trends of the mid-2010's. think a mix of 2014 "'''soft grunge"'''/stoner/hipster trends
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
pre-meeting trevor: the day she estranged herself from her parents/when they told her to fuck off forever post-meeting trevor: the Tooth Incident...........
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
pre-meeting trevor: moving into her shitty little house in paleto bay. getting to live on her own for the first time, with her own source of income, feeling that sweet independence post-meeting trevor: i am realizing that she has not made a ton of good memories after getting tangled up with him LOL.......mmaaaaybe the first time they held hands? smth simple like that cuz she's a simple gorl with simple wants
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Lay You in the Ground Chapter 3 - an iZombie AU fanfic (Blaine X OC)
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Read the full Chapter 3 at AO3: (the pain that you hide behind the smile on your face)
Start at Chapter 1 Here: (hungry)
He’s created a monster.
The woman who had come into his bar and literally cut him with sweetness, her hair wild and her eyes dark underneath with the kind of sleep deprivation that he personally appreciates, is now behind his bar charming the proverbial pants off of every bastard in Seattle. She’s smiling and laughing from behind a layer of makeup that makes the shadows work like magic across her features, and when her painted lips curl away from her even, white teeth, he can tell that she is an expert at putting on a mask.
Blaine is half fascinated and half sick with jealousy at every idiot who smiles back at her.
He doesn’t even know her—this Catherine Cohen, who can mix a perfect Manhattan with one hand while the fingers of her other brush against the folds of cash that are passed across the bar to her. Another of her rules, that she only be paid in cash. He gets it, but it makes him wonder what this lithe, haunted woman is trying to keep from official eyes. She certainly doesn’t seem like the type who deals in anything that he collects under the table for.
And the dress she’d come back from Mario’s wearing? Fuck, it’s both blessing and malediction, a masterclass in balancing sexual allure and elegance.
Crafted from a slinky scarlet fabric that seems to shimmer with its own inner glow, the dress clings to her figure like a second skin, celebrating every slim curve and contour. The neckline has just enough plunge, and thick, braided straps hold the bodice in place, adding a touch of sophistication to the sensuous design. The fabric gathers at her waist with a gentle cinch, and the skirt flares to a hemline that grazes her mid-thigh, revealing a flirtatious hint of leg—just enough to leave an indelible impression. Completing the ensemble is a pair of black heels with a hint of red undertone, their pointed tips like a natural extension of the dress, elongating her legs.  The whole damned thing is a careful dance between sophistication and temptation.
Whatever is on his account from the purchase of that dress, Blaine considers it the price of his very soul. He has to look sideways at her, like looking at the sun. So he catches flashes, glimpses, a curve here and a soft expanse of exposed shoulder there, adjusting to the sight until he’s finally able to look fully. He supposes, more apt than the sun metaphor, that what he’s doing is akin to taking small doses of poison until he becomes immune.
Any time now, Blaine expects that immunity to kick in.
Any time.
(Full Chapter 3 at AO3! Link at beginning of post.)
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nyandereneko · 2 years
Sit With Me a Moment
Word Count: 693
Summary: “They did indeed sit for a moment, watching the flames dance to the crackle of wood mixed with the forest’s chorus.”
Author’s Note: Happy day 3 of yumeweek! I tried to put something together for Qifrey this time, and I’d like to try to alternate between him and the other two I’ve written for for this event in terms of development for the near future. I think, we’ll see where my brain decides to take me, but either way I love this witch so much and I’m still chomping at the bit for the anime can’t wait to lose my mind next year!! It’s ironic that I love these two being sad together when all I want is for them to heal each other hfieslfels it will come in time I’m sure, as always thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!
Night had descended like a cloak upon the atelier and the surrounding moors; the moon and stars presided over the rolling hills like shepherds in the twilight. The feathery grassland swayed like a sea in the calm evening air as a comfortable hush nested in the blades like dew. Drawing nearer to the atelier itself, one could catch the sound of nature’s sweet symphony serenading the picturesque homestead with a subtle melody colored with a melancholic lilt. A tune carried on the wind from the nearby woodland, the question of whether or not nature was truly feeling sullen was anyone’s guess. But the silver haired witch that alone served as audience for the somber tune was likely just projecting that atmosphere himself, lounging on a couch before the hearth as his thoughts went around in circles.
His eyes were closed to the approach of a small fluffy companion, separate from the furry noodle otherwise known as a brushbug that had curled up in the first warm place it could find on his person. This fluffy creature was no such thing at all, but rather a cunning witch donning a mirror cloak, one of her personal design and crafting. The dusting of stars that accented her form was a quality unique to her casting alone, an imprint that displayed itself in one way or another in the result of every glyph she traced. Encountering the sight of his dozing form, the cat wrongly assumed he was oblivious to the sensation of fur brushing skin as she butted her head against his limp hand.
Said hand came to life much to her surprise, and just as Qifrey attempted to return the favor the witch stumbled back and immediately dispelled her four legged form. Scrambling to regain her bearings in the aftermath, words weren’t cooperating as much as she would’ve liked. “I—I thought you were—.”
“There’s no need to panic, please,” the bespectacled witch soothed as he sat up slowly, reaching for his quire. In a matter of moments he summoned a spell Nova had seen him cast on a few occasions; it was one she positively adored. Crystalline droplets drifted from ink to air as he closed the circle, infusing the space with a rejuvenating aura that instantly relaxed her tense nerves. “I apologize for startling you, I didn’t realize you were so unprepared.”
“It’s fine, really. I’m just sorry for disturbing you,” she sheepishly replied, ears folding flat as she collected her cloak and promptly perking up again as Qifrey patted the the cushion next to him. “I didn’t mean to wake you or anything, you can go back to sleep. Or maybe you should just go to bed, if you’d prefer.”
“Sit with me a moment,” he insisted with a few more pats.
She acquiesced when she accepted he wasn’t going to give up, settling herself at his side as she fought to suppress her giddy panic. They did indeed sit for a moment, watching the flames dance to the crackle of wood mixed with the forest’s chorus.
“Can you promise that you won’t forget me if something happens?” Nova murmured on the ghost of a breath, allowing herself the bold luxury of resting her head on his shoulder. The curve of her ear tickled his chin, but the shiver that followed felt warm to him in a different way. “Well, I guess you can’t promise that, not really. So, how about this instead? Even if something happens, no matter what happens down the line, will you befriend me again? Or at least don’t leave me to flounder, if you can—”
“I’ll never forget you, I promise you that. Its one I intend to keep,” he replied without hesitation, snaking an arm around her almost reflexively as she nestled against him. “I would never invite someone into my home with the intent to throw them away. And you are naturally no exception.” Far from it, but he didn’t feel the need to emphasize such sentiments at the moment.
The purr he soon heard rumbling in his companion’s throat was the only response he needed, and the only one she desired to give.  
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Hi! Could I please have a matchup with a male character from Honkai Star Rail and BSD?
My Name is Rachel, Im 18, and my pronouns are she/her.  My zodiac sign is Taurus and Im a Gemini rising. My personality type is ENFJ! I have brown hair that comes a few inches below my shoulders, brown eyes and freckles.
I’m a really optimistic person, and I try to help others as much as I can! I’m good at giving advice, and making people feel better. I’m also very charismatic and very outgoing! I love trying out new activities, But, I can get impatient easily and I tend to be stubborn. I’m very affectionate and I tend to make sure that everyone around me is feeling alright before making sure that I am. Basically, I’m like the mom friend. 
I really enjoy fashion design. I love sewing and coming up with a new ideas of something I can make! I’m also really passionate about music. I’ve played piano since second grade, and it really helps me to express myself! Some of my other hobbies include baking, crocheting and shopping. My personal style is a kind of mix between softie and angelcore. I love clothes that are pink, ruffly or have some sort of lace on them. Some things I like include, pretty perfume bottles, flowers, and jewelry I have a huge sweet tooth, so I also really like desserts! I absolutely hate bugs.
Thank you so much!! <33
Hi Rachel! Thank you for your request! I hope you like your matchups!
In Honkai Star Rail, I match you with...
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I think you and Caleus would get along very well! You both have similar personalities but your "mom friend" energy balances out his "raccoon" energy so he doesn't get into too many strange situations when you're around.
Loves anything you bake. He always has a smile on his face when he's eating your cooking. It makes him feel loved to know you made that food and he gets to eat it.
I see Caelus as someone who also has a pretty big sweet tooth so he's right next to you when you're out and about and you find a new dessert shop.
Takes care of bugs for you. They don't really bother him that much so he doesn't mind taking them outside or killing them.
Whenever he's out and sees something pretty that he thinks you'd like he'll make sure to get it. I think he's got a pretty good stash of money saved up from all of his dumpster diving so he's never short on money.
Caelus loves listening to you play piano. He can always feel your emotions seeping through the music and he feels more connected to you after listening to you play.
In Bungo Stray Dogs, I match you with...
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Atsushi is another one who loves listening to you play music. I see him as someone who would be good at piano if he had the opportunity to learn. He's got a naturally good ear for music.
Appreciates any advice you give him. He knows you're good at giving advice so whenever he has a problem, he usually goes to you first.
Please teach him how to crotchet! I think he'd be good at it, even if it takes him a while to figure out. He'd love to make something for you as a surprise once he's got the hang of it.
Atsushi will get rid of bugs for you. He's not super fond of them himself but if he doesn't think about it too much, he doesn't have a problem taking them outside or killing them.
Atsushi would love baking with you! He finds it a fun way to pass the time, plus you both end up with a tasty treat at the end of it!
Thinks you're very clever being able to sew. He's sewn a few things before (mostly repairing clothes at the orphanage) and he knows it's not as easy as it looks.
Saves up so that he can buy you something pretty at least once a month. I think Atsushi's love languages would be gift giving and quality time. He likes to make sure the people he cares about have a physical remainder of his affection.
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mysteriawrites · 1 year
Hi! Could I please have a matchup with a male character from Genshin Impact?
My Name is Rachel, Im 18, and my pronouns are she/her.  My zodiac sign is Taurus and Im a Gemini rising. I have brown hair that comes a few inches below my shoulders, brown eyes and freckles.
I’m a really optimistic person, and I try to help others as much as I can! I’m good at giving advice, and making people feel better. I’m also very charismatic and very outgoing! I love trying out new activities, But, I can get impatient easily and I tend to be stubborn. I’m very affectionate and I tend to make sure that everyone around me is feeling alright before making sure that I am. Basically, I’m like the mom friend. 
I really enjoy fashion design. I love sewing and coming up with a new ideas of something I can make! I’m also really passionate about music. I’ve played piano for 11 years, and it really helps me to express myself! Some of my other hobbies include baking, crocheting and shopping. My personal style is a kind of mix between softie and angelcore. I love clothes that are pink, ruffly or have some sort of lace on them. Some things I like include, pretty perfume bottles, flowers, and jewelry I have a huge sweet tooth, so I also really like desserts! I absolutely hate bugs.
Thank you so much!! <33
Hello hello thank you for the request I really appreciate it. And now the moment you’ve been waiting for…DRUMROLL PLEASE!!!
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My match maker senses have decided that our calm and collected head of the Yashiro commission is your true match.
I feel like Ayato's calm nature and your upbeat and outgoing personality would mesh well together. He keeps you grounded while you open his eyes up to new opportunities and solutions.
Besides that, I also think you would fit into his lifestyle quite well. He has to meet with important people and keep up appearances so your charismatic nature and way with people would work well with the socialite lifestyle.
Being the head of not only the yashiro commission, but the Kamisato clan as well puts a lot of burden on Ayato's shoulders. He will often come to you for your advice and your interesting perspective, and even if you can't solve his problems you effortlessly are able to lift the stress off his shoulders with something as simple as a hug.
You are the only one besides his sister and Thoma who he will let his guard down around and let himself breath, cry, and be overall vulnerable with.
I imagine that due to his busy schedule Ayato has a tendency to forget to take care of himself, so Thome relies on your motherly side to convince the man to eat 3 meals and sleep for at least 8 hours. Even Ayaka has begun to see you as a big sister and comes to you with her own struggles and worries.
Because you do so much for him like baking him treats and playing songs for him, Ayato often worries about returning the favor due to having so little free time. So as a result, he spoils you so much you even barley get a chance to thank him.
He takes you on dates to the fanciest restaurants, buys you the finest of silks, the prettiest of dresses, the most radiant of jewelry, he almost named an entire festival after you (Ayaka and Thoma were thankfully able to talk some sense into him to save you from embarrassment). He just loves you so, so, so much and wishes he could spend more time with you.
Even though he's busy Ayato will always be there for you when it matters and support you no matter what. If you want to become a musician, he will get you the finest of instruments and be in the front row of your first performance. If you want to be a fashion designer, he will get you the best materials to work with and the biggest venue to hold your fashion shows. No matter what you do he will be so proud of you, and to celebrate your achievements he will buy the best of the best of sweets.
At the end of the day if it came down to it, Ayato would give up his name and his title if it meant he could bring even a bit of the happiness that you bring to him. (P.s. you didn't hear it from me, but I hear he plans on getting you a pretty shiny engagement ring so may wanna start planning your dream wedding now ;))
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Sorry, this took me all day to write, I prefer to write on my computer, and I was busy today. Hope you like it.
Runners Up: Venti, Zhongli, Thoma, Childe
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bokutosbiceps · 1 year
Hi! If requests are open, could I please have a matchup with a male character from bsd and kny?
My Name is Rachel, Im 18, and my pronouns are she/her.  My zodiac sign is Taurus and Im a Gemini rising. I have brown hair that comes a few inches below my shoulders, brown eyes and freckles. My MBTI type is ENFJ
I’m a really optimistic person, and I try to help others as much as I can! I’m good at giving advice, and making people feel better. I’m also very charismatic and very outgoing! I love trying out new activities, But, I can get impatient easily and I tend to be stubborn. I’m very affectionate and I tend to make sure that everyone around me is feeling alright before making sure that I am. Basically, I’m like the mom friend. 
I really enjoy fashion design. I love sewing and coming up with a new ideas of something I can make! I’m also really passionate about music. I’ve played piano since second grade, and it really helps me to express myself! Some of my other hobbies include baking, crocheting and shopping. My personal style is a kind of mix between softie and angelcore. I love clothes that are pink, ruffly or have some sort of lace on them. Some things I like include, pretty perfume bottles, flowers, and jewelry I have a huge sweet tooth, so I also really like desserts! I absolutely hate bugs. In a partner, I look for someone who is loyal, patient, and can make me laugh.
Thank you so much!!
a/n: ugh i immediately knew who i wanted to match you with but i’m so conflicted for kny. we’ll see ;) i hope you enjoy !!
bungou stray dogs
I match you with dazai osamu! So post port mafia dazai because he’s just a happy lil boy who’s trying to live his best life and help people. you are like dazai’s shining light, his little angel, his everything. he loves that you’re so optimistic and affectionate because sometimes when the weight of the world is too much for him to bear, you can pull him right out of that with just your smile and you two can continue to be happy and adorable together. dazai also really enjoys your doting nature because the boy knows he needs someone to take care of him + remind him how important he is to them. dazai finds your fashion sense absolutely adorable and is *heart eyes emoji* whenever you wear something w lace. he loves that shit. because he knows of your love for sweets, he will bring home a different treat for you every day and weekends would include parlor dates where you guys will share a nice sweet treat while you have a nice light hearted chat.
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kimetsu no yaiba
I match you with agatsuma zenitsu! this boy is so heart eyes over you it’s insane. you saved his life. at first, he was a little skeptical that someone so cute could also be so kind, but once he saw your optimistic nature and caring heart, he done for. he spoils you. buys you all the cutesy outfits you want, treats you to a sweet treat whenever he gets the chance, and will always buy you beautiful jewelry because its beauty reminded him of you. he is also such a cheerleader for you + support all of your hobbies. if you bake something, he’s the first in line to taste it + will get super jealous over anyone else who gets to try your cooking >:( he loves it whenever you play music for him + will always proclaim it’s the most beautiful thing that’s ever graced his ears. basically, he simps for you. but in a good way. such a wholesome lil couple omg
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ariadnasdiary · 1 year
Could you do this questionnaire for Ari? 👉🏻👈🏻
Mun Ari: Very well anon-chan! Your wish is my command~ (I saw that the ocs were answering them, so I'll do the same 👉🏻👈🏻)
Complete your OC Info★:
「 ー credit: @mukami-kuron-mrsadisticcat 」
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( A. Appearance )
Shape of eyes? Length/style of Lashes?
Ariadna: I think they are a mix between almond and round in terms of shape? And about lashes, I think that I have them normal length? I do apply myself a treatment for them to get longer and stronger. I wonder if it's working…
Any piercing? How many?
Ariadna: Apparently, earrings are considered to be piercings? So… In that case I have 2, one in each ear jejeje~
Hair color? Was it dyed before?
Ariadna: My hair color is dark brown, like chocolate! It is my natural color~. I did dyed it once a long time ago, but only halfway down until the tips! I cute pink gold.
Describe casual outlook/outfit 
Ariadna: *looking at her clothes* Hmm… I'll say it's femenine, casual and colorful? I always try to add something from Mexico to give it life! Idk, I like it… I think I look cute *blushes*
Any physical uniqueness?
Ariadna: Maybe my height? *giggles* Besides that, it could be the fact I definitely look foreign or mixed traits due to my mexican-japanese roots. Also forehead scar and the amount of moles I have all over my body, some could be seen others not of course~.
Are they confident with their looks?
Ariadna: *hesitating* I mean… sometimes? Depends on the day… I have good and bad days in that matter.
What kind of expression do they usually wear?
Ariadna: You mean like the "resting face"? People say that I have an "approachable" face, friendly even! Yet Kino says I have a nervous face more than an approachable.
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( B. Bout them )
Height? Weight? Age? Occupation?
**Mun Ari takes over here**
Mun Ari: She's 1.56 m, no more no less! I don't remember exaclty how much she weights though. She's 18, the legal age in Mexico, so I could send her over to Japan for the story basically~. She's a student, one step close to college as she's a third grade student.
How would you describe your OC’s personality?
Mun Ari: precious baby, my baby <3. She's kind, empathetic, patient, sweet, cute, funny, loving, helpful and caring. She's also clumsy, over-thinker, insecure, shy and has a low self-esteem ;w;. Has good and bad things as everyone, which makes her very especial and dear to me <3
Three hidden knowledge or secrets about them.
Mun Ari: At this point I think you all know them:
Ari escaped home to look for her father. Once she got herself in this vampiric situation, she hid her sister's existence for everyone especially the Tsukinami. This in order to protect her, as she believes that if they knew about her, they might go after her for their plan. As both are half founder/half human.
Although Ari is a half founder, her blood isn't as strong as Yui's. The difference lies that Ari's blood is strongly mixed with her human blood and Yui has Cordelia's heart which makes her blood of higher quality. However, both "can't" wake up as vampires for the same reason that the founder blood "suppress" the vampire virus. But! Ari can awake here founder nature under very specific situations and depending the AU.
Talk about their room design
Mun Ari: She has 2 rooms:
Mexico (picture I found on the internet):
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Kino's mansion in the human world:
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Do they have someone that they like?
Mun Ari: She does! But don't tell anybody, ok? Here's her crush:
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Do they have someone that they worship?
Mun Ari: She worships only God, but she had to stop doing it since… well, she fell in love with a vampire :(
What are they skilled in; What are they not skilled in doing? 
Mun Ari: Many things, she isn't perfect. She's good at baking, writting, taking care of someone, showing affection or comforting others, she's a good diplomat (she can make good negotiations in order to give solutions for the resolution of conflicts), has good memory and she's quite creative herself too!
She's terrible with maths, making decisions, making friends or socializing in general, speaking in public, how she jumps to conclusions from time to time, how permissive she can be and how she has a hard time to say no or to speak up her mind when she has to.
( C. Community )
Do they have many friends? 
Ariadna: Not really. It's so hard to make friends, but is not like I can anyway.…
How do they behave towards friends ; How do they behave towards strangers?
Ariadna: I try to act normal. Having the kind of life I have is not easy, so I try to act as normal as I can around others.
How do they behave towards closer friends? / How do they behave towards their best friend (s)?
Ariadna: The only people I can talk freely is Yui and Naomi, but I don't see them as often. I can speak about anything and is a little easier for me to go out with them. I don't have to act "normal", since they know about my situation. So I can feel more free and at ease with them.
How do they behave towards the ones older than them? 
Ariadna: I always treat everyone with respect and I try to be very polite, regardless their age. Although here in Japan, I'm more careful since there are more rules towards older people or in general to treat others… so hard.
Do they like hanging out outdoors?
Ariadna: I do. Whenever I get the chance, I take it! It can be on a date with Kino or simple outing!
Do they prefer to be alone or with a group of friends?
Ariadna: I like balancing between alone time, Kino's time and friends' time. Yes, Kino absorbs most of my time so I simply call that time of my day "Kino's time" cause' it belongs to him whatever I like it or not *sighs*.
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( D. Diet )
Do they prefer eating rice or noodles?
Ariadna: Is both a valid answer? I enjoy eating both! They are so dynamic! I like noodles a little more, but otherwise I like both!
Do they like soft drinks?
Ariadna: Sure, not as much as tea or coffee for example, but I do enjoy them once in a while.
What are their most hated food ; What are their most favorite food?
Ariadna: I hate onions. The taste and consistency is nauseous and gross for me! If I happen to strumble with dishes with it I need to remove them or if I can, I avoid them to begin with. And if I happen to eat some by accident… it can make me want to vomit. I have some others, but onions are my most hated food.
On the contrary, I really love cookies, chips and popcorn! gosh they are so addictive and yummy! I have to be careful not to eat a lot jejej
Are they picky in terms of meals?
Ariadna: No…?
Kino and Yuri: *on the background and at the same time* Yes!
Ariadna: That's not true and you both know it! Look, the thing is that sometimes they use certain ingredients that I simply can't make myself to eat! And I try REALLY hard not to put them aside that obviously, but they always notice. And I think I speak to the great majority that we have our "oddities".
Kino: Define "oddities". You are very picky to eat.
Ariadna: No I'm not!
Kino: *taking out his phone* For example:
You can't eat something with onions or similars
You can't stand having wet/soupy foods mixed together with dry foods
You said your father said: "it exists the main dish and the dessert, they are not the same and are not meant to be together", that said: you don't like dishes that are bittersweet aka sweet and salty at the same time,
You can't eat fish in it's complete state, meaning served as a whole: head, fins or scales.
No raw meat, specially if it has blood. Something as "Medium Rare" is out of the question.
You only eat egg in the morning and chicken from the supper on forward, not the other way around. You only eat one egg, mostly scrambled and if you happen to want sunny side you always ask for it to be over well… again: cause' raw yolk grosses you out. You also hate egg sandwiches… why? Idk.
You don't like spicy food. On the other hand you love sour food, specially vinegar flavour.
You prefer mustard over ketchup to go with your food: sandwiches, french fries, nuggets… you name it.
You hate smoothies or frappes, so you most likely ask for cold drinks with little ice. Why? Because you get goosebumps with ice and your brain freezes easily. YET! You can't drink very hot drinks, if you ask for one… You most likely leave it there to cool down.
Regarding the previous point… If you get ice-cream, you'll ask it with no toppings and in a cup. And to eat it, you'll leave it to melt to later one drink it. Oh! And you prefer ice-popsicles, but the way you eat them is by licking them until they melt. You can't stand biting ice and if someone does the mere sound or sight gives you, again, goosebumps.
See what I mean? Do you find any logic in your eating behaviours?
Ariadna: *Ari was too stuned to speak* W-Well… I-I repeat w-we all have oddities!
Kino: Keep saying that until you believe it ¬¬
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**Bonus: In the picky ask: Ari, although embarrassed, was deeply moved Kino knew all these things about her and have them written down on this phone~
Do they like eating junk food?
Ariadna: Yes, I mean… who doesn't?
Are they stable in the concept of three times of meal a day? Are they taken regularly in time?
Ariadna: Three meals a day are a most. The time I take to eat is average as well. In terms of snacks or schedule… that's another topic *laughs nervously*
Do they prefer sweet or salty food?
Ariadna: Sour. If I have to choose between these two… I think I choose sweet~
Mun Ari: This were to much fun to answer!! Thank you for the recomendation anon-chan!! :D
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sultrysirens · 2 years
Monstertober 2022: Part 4: Troll
Universe: Original
Characters: Reader, Troll
Rating: Mature
Being an employee at a gym had two great benefits: first, you got to work out on your off days for free; second, you got to meet and get to know a ton of people, many of whom were really cool. 
But working at a mixed-race gym was even better, because it meant you also got to know orcs, minotaurs, satyrs, werewolves and more. To your surprise, most of them were pretty chill people. They’d chat you up from time to time, share tips, compliment one another and the like. You got to know some of them personally and hung out outside of the gym on occasion. 
There was an orc named Gurn who was one of your best friends, in part because he was a really squishy teddy bear underneath. He recently confessed to you that he had a massive crush on a satyr he’d met a few weeks back, and it was legitimately enjoyable to encourage him to go confess to the other man. 
They were dating now, and it gave you butterflies the first time Gurn brought his new boyfriend to the gym to show him around. They were adorable together. 
But the patron who had your eye most recently was Loran, a troll. He was a new member of the gym, had only shown up a week prior, but he was already becoming a bit of a celebrity. 
His skin was a bright, aquamarine blue, for one thing, his hair thick, long and navy blue. True to form for most trolls, he was tall and lanky, probably stood close to seven feet tall — when he wasn’t slumping, which he usually was. And his tusks were massive, over a foot long each, with tribal designs carved into them. 
Similar to orcs, Loran’s strength was greater than his musculature appeared. While he wasn’t the strongest patron by far, he was still able to use the heavy-duty machines specifically designed for the fey clientele. 
Like a bunch of other gym stars, he garnered a lot of stares while he worked out, and you were a little embarrassed to admit that yours sometimes joined the others — especially when he paused between sets to stretch, showing off (unintentionally or otherwise) how incredibly limber he was. 
Honestly, you hadn’t seen many patrons that flexible. 
But Loran wasn’t much of a talker, you found. In fact, so far you hadn’t heard a word from him; he gave nods and waves in greeting, and sometimes he just waved people off when they got too close, but otherwise he kept to himself and kept quiet. 
Weirdly, you didn’t get the impression he was embarrassed by the attention he got, nor did he come off as arrogant or dickish. He was just quiet. 
It made you ravenously curious. 
You got your answer why a few months into his patronage. Every so often he’d stay late, almost as if he simply didn’t want to be wherever else he was supposed to be, even staying until closing twice before. Today was another such occasion, and it fell to you to call everyone to get off the machines about a half hour till closing. 
Loran was among those who’d been lingering, and at your warning he nodded and headed to the changing rooms with the others. 
You and a coworker cleaned up the floor and the machines, putting misplaced weights back in their places and such. As you did so a particular patron who’d been flirting with you lingered nearby, clearly watching you. 
Marinka was a selkie woman with fine, blonde hair and nearly matching skin tone. Like most selkies you’d met, her skin was slightly glossy all the time and her irises were twice the size of a human’s, giving her an animalistic look. And she was clearly crushing on you, hard. 
You didn’t mind so much. She was sweet and kind of shy sometimes, adorable as could be. She knew better by now than to disrupt your work, so instead she stayed near the entrance and waited for you to be done. This was the umpteenth she’d done so and honestly you liked talking to her, though your gentle declines of her occasional flirts hadn’t done much to dissuade her. 
It didn’t bother you; it seemed like being a little flirty was just in her nature, and she’d never pushed for anything besides. You were starting to think she just liked talking to you, so why not just join her in conversation? 
Once your work was done and you had your personal belongings you waited with her by the door, waiting until all of the patrons had filed out. You were almost instinctively looking for Loran as you waited for them to file out, and he was last in line, allowing a pair of others ahead of him with a nod. 
You nudged Marinka ahead of you, and your coworker left with the others. Once everyone was out, you locked up and strode over to the selkie. 
“So,” you promoted her even as your eyes sought out Loran as he headed out into the parking lot, “what’s the plan?” 
“Why do you mean?” she asked, canting her head at you. 
“You usually ask me to hang out with you somewhere. So what’d you pick for tonight?” you asked her. Given she usually fronted whatever bill you received from these outings, you weren’t particularly opposed to them. 
“Well—” she started, then paused, blinking over your shoulder. 
Curious, you glanced back, your stomach giving an embarrassing flutter as you recognized that Loran had turned back around and was heading back to you. It looked like he was holding something in his four-fingered hand, analyzing it. 
Confused and intrigued, you asked Marinka, “He’s coming back?” 
“Maybe he found something?” she offered, shrugging. “He’s definitely holding something.” 
“Looks like a cup?” you said, squinting at the object. In his large hand, though, it was hard to be certain. And, figuring it was useless to guess, you turned back to your companion, saying, “Well, whatever it is, he—” 
Your voice dried up when you noticed a figure step out of the shadows behind Marinka, lunging at her. Before you could do anything more than give a shout in warning it had her by the neck, a red-tinted arm banding around her throat. 
She shrieked, flailing, and your impulsive move to jump at the assailant stopped when you recognized the glint of metal in the light. Suddenly a knife was at her jaw, and a deep, raspy voice snarled, “Don’t make a move.” 
You slowly lifted your hands, concern for your friend overriding all else. 
Marinka gave a snarl in return, her carnivorous teeth lengthening threateningly. “Jareg, I swear, if that’s you—” she hissed in a guttural tone you’d never heard her use before. 
“Jareg?” you echoed, your heart stuttering with fear. 
“We’re going,” the male told her, tugging her backwards as he started to retreat. 
Anger rose to battle the fear in you. Oh, no — you were not about to stand here and watch a friend of yours get fucking kidnapped. “Let go of her — right now,” you warned harshly. 
“I got this,” Marinka assured you, then promptly chomped down on the arm holding her. 
Blood splurted from the bite, Jareg howling in pain and flinging away from her. Enraged, he swung the blade at her and she went wheeling backwards to avoid it, tripping over the sidewalk and landing sprawled in the street. 
You were so focused on Marinka and Jareg that you hadn’t noticed the heavy, thudding footsteps behind you. When you made a lunge towards Jareg, intending to knock him in the head with all your not-inconsiderate strength, he pivoted and turned the knife towards you. At the same time a sudden yank at the back of your jacket hauled you off your feet, narrowly pulling you out of the range of the knife. 
Loran was stepping past you in the next second, and Jareg — who, you now saw, was an oni with a single horn poking out of his forehead — was in a terrible position, off-balance. 
Loran caught him by the neck, and in one hard thrust, Jareg went soaring through the air. The oni was large, bigger than Loran in every way, and he slammed into a tree, snapping the trunk clean in half and tumbling to the ground. 
Obviously injured, now, Jareg took a moment to get back to his feet, wincing from the pain in his back, unable to stand upright, hacking for air and cradling his injured arm. His knife had vanished at some point in that toss, but he squared off against Loran all the same, assuming a fighting stance. 
You dove for Marinka, hauling her back to her feet and guiding the both of you back. This was about to become a fey battle and the last thing a human like you should do was get involved in it. As for Marinka, you just wanted to keep her safe, away from the bloodbath you could see was about to occur. 
She wiped the blood off her mouth, and you realized too late that she was holding her neck, blood oozing from between her fingers. Shit! 
“Fuck, fuck—” you swore, digging in your pocket for your phone, trying to keep eyes on both Marinka and the troll and oni. The males charged at each other and slammed together as you struggled to dial 9-1-1, and you were working on auto-pilot as you attempted to keep focused on three points at once. 
You let Marinka use your coat to staunch her bleeding, rattled off what information you had to emergency services, and watched in a state of awe as the males scrapped right in front of you. 
Jareg was definitely bigger than Loran, broader and heavier, but it was clear that he didn’t really know how to fight. Loran shifted into some kind of beast as they fought, not physically but in method, and he was clearly trained in his form of battle. He bullied Jareg around, took blows and barely staggered from it, and at one point used his tusks to catch and snap Jareg’s arm. 
It ended as suddenly as it began with Loran seizing Jareg by the back of the head, lifting him off his feet, and then slamming him face-first into the pavement. Jareg didn’t get up again, and soon a puddle of blood was easing out from around his face. 
Loran stepped back at last, heaving with breath, and you realized after the fact that in that entire fight he’d still never once made a sound. He finally backed off from his fallen foe and turned back to you, looking you over with one black eye squeezed shut, then giving Marinka the same once-over. 
He approached where she sat on the ground at the same time that you started to hear sirens in the distance, and he pulled something out of his coat pocket as he crouched down in front of her. It was his phone, you saw, and he opened a text app and typed on it, then turned it towards her. 
Are you okay? 
She read it and nodded, giving him a grateful smile. “Thanks,” she murmured, her voice tight. 
Absently, you heard the dispatcher on the other end of the line ask you for an update and you informed her that the fight was over, the assailant was knocked out. Then, hanging up, you moved to sit beside Marinka, giving Loran a steady look. 
You couldn’t help asking, “Are you mute?” 
He gave you a look, seeming reluctant, then nodded. 
Oh. Well, that explained a great deal, you thought. No wonder he’d never said anything to his fans or even made a single grunt or snarl that whole fight. 
He literally couldn’t. 
Though a part of you desperately wanted to know more, you held back, saying, “Thank you. For your help. I don’t know what would’ve happened if…” you started, then trailed off, looking past him to where Jareg remained prone on the ground. 
A crowd had gathered during the fight, and now you could see a group of three large men — an orc and two humans, you thought — keeping guard of the knocked-out oni. They were keeping everyone else back, too, not that there were too many stragglers this time of night. 
Wheels squealed as vehicles turned into the parking lot, and immediately the few pedestrians were flagging down the police cars and ambulance. Before you had time to do much more than identify yourself to the officers and help Marinka identify herself, she was loaded up and gone. 
The next hour was a flurry you barely had the cognizance to follow. Two officers spoke to you, and several others questioned the pedestrians and Loran — who was given an interpreter to help him communicate. Jareg was given first aid, woken up, and eventually taken away in another ambulance. 
For a while it looked like Loran might get arrested, but you backed him up and assured the officers that he was just protecting Marinka the entire time. 
In the end, the police left without him but only after you’d both given statements. You needed some time to come to terms with what had happened, though, so after everyone else had already dispersed you remained behind, sitting on the curb and replaying those few minutes that had turned into such a visceral memory to you. 
Loran lingered too; you guessed he was watching over you in a similar way to how he’d defended Marinka. He just quietly sat nearby, close enough that it was obvious he was here for you yet far enough to not crowd you. 
You appreciated that. And, after a little while, you turned to him. 
He glanced at you. 
“Why did you come back?” you asked. Curiosity had been plaguing you this entire time. You remember him coming towards you with something in his hand, but you never saw what it was, and after the circus that had followed the attack you hadn’t had a second to gather your thoughts enough to ask. 
He gave a silent laugh, then scooted over closer to you, reaching into his pocket. He withdrew his phone and typed on it, then showed you. 
Found a cup. Figured it belonged to someone from the gym. Dropped it. 
Then he pointed past you to where he’d come from, and when you looked, you saw splinters of plastic in the road. One of the vehicles must have run it over, you guessed. 
You chuckled. “Well,” you offered, giving him a wry smile, “if someone comes over asking for it, I can tell them it got crushed.” 
He typed on his phone again. 
“Maybe,” you agreed. 
You fell into silence again, and it was strangely comfortable and warm despite the cold night. Maybe it was because you had such a fine companion to chase away the chill? 
You stretched your legs out, sighing up at the sky. Then, unable to stem your curiosity, you prompted, “Loran? …This might sound weird,” you hedged, “but during that fight…I saw you use — um — use your tusks to break that guy’s arm. Is that, like…common?” 
He looked amused, and this close you realized for the first time that his eyes were an even lighter blue than his skin. He took a moment to type out a reply, then showed you again. 
Too hard to explain this way. Takes time. 
You nodded, accepting that, and made a silent promise to learn sign language. You’d always had the inclination to learn anyway, but now you had a reason. 
“Don’t worry about it, then,” you said, smiling at him. “I’m just glad you came back when you did. The way things were going…I mean, I know it’s not healthy to envision it, but Marinka…she’d probably be kidnapped by now, and I’d just be…bleeding,” you finished, morose. You couldn’t help rubbing at your chest where you recall Jareg’s knife had been aimed, wondering which — if any — of your vital organs it would’ve pierced. 
There was a chance that, had Loran not yanked you out of the way, you could be dead right now. 
Suddenly a heavy weight thumped on your head, and you found Loran giving you an affectionate kind of smile as he tousled your hair. 
Before you knew it you were grinning and laughing, shoving his hand away. “Don’t patronize me,” you chided, and he grinned down at you. 
You found yourself enraptured by that smile, feeling lighter and brighter than before. 
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danicadenniss · 3 months
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Totally Spies 2024: Alexandra China Huang-Vasquez
Fullname: Alexandra China Huang-Vasquez
Aliases/Nicknames: Alexia, Alexis, Alex
Homes: Beverly Hills, California
Dates Of Birth: July 8th, 2010
Age: 14
Sexuality: Pansexual
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Asian Latina American (Chinese Cuban American)
Religion: Buddhism, Christian
Hair Color: Natural Dark Blue Black
Eyes Color: Amber Brown
Skin Color: Light
Hobbies: Learning In Biology, Being partner with Sammie, Hanging out with her friends and family, Designing cute kawaii clothes and painting with Clover, Taking care of her cat, Cherry Blossom, Training herself to being a veterinarian like her father, Watching My Tiny Horsey with my older sister after getting her biology homework everyday, Healing the animals, Playing Soccer after school
Favorite Color: Yellow, Lavender
Family Members: Carmen Vasquez (father), Da-Xia Huang (mother), Zhen Huang-Vasquez (older sister), Blaine Kai Huang-Vasquez (twin brother) Cherry Blossom (pet cat), Javier Vasquez (paternal grandfather), Gloria Vasquez (nèe Garcia, paternal grandmother) Mrs. & Mr. Huang (maternal grandparents) Captain Diego Vasquez+ (paternal great grandfather), Cassandra Vasquez+ (nèe Diaz, paternal great grandmother), unnamed maternal great grandparents+ Huang Ancestors+, Vasquez Ancestors+
Friends: Samantha Nyad Simpsons (Best Friend), Luna Rosalie Ewing, Britney Kali Bloom
Rivals: Candace Margaret Sweet, Amanda Erica Luxembourg
Love Insterests: Dean Ace Brown (boyfriend)
Role in the team: the Shy Animals Lover
Fashion Choices: Cute Kawaii and Comfortable Causal clothes
Favorite Movies/TV Shows: My Tiny Horsey: Friendship Is Magical and Wildlife Documentary
Favorite Music: C-Pop, Mediation, Latin Pop
Favorite Foods: Vegetarian and Chinese cuisine
Favorite part of being a spy: Being kind to innocent people and children and saved the animals
My version of Alexandra is a bit different from the original Alexandra is a mixed between a tomboy and a girly girl. My version of Alexandra is a shy and kind girl. For the design, I turned her a beautiful, slender, light skinned Chinese Cuban American girl with long natural dark blue black hair kept in a single braid with a lilac pink hair tie on her right shoulder, a light pink barrette on the right of her head, thin dark blue eyebrows, thin long eyelashes, amber brown eyes, lilac lips and wearing cute kawaii and comfortable causal clothes instead of sporty clothes including sneakers, shorts and pants. She like to play soccer as the Team member of Beverly Hills Soccer team and also a member of Anime Club every Wednesday after school. She is an animal lover and she is a member of Biology Club every Tuesday, she taking care of animals while she worked for W.O.O.H.P and part time job with her father. She dislike Mandy and the other girls bullying her and her best friend Sammy, the principal put her in the lunch, after school and Saturday detention office by the principal Bulter and Vice Principal Dale, her other friend Clover helping her design cute kawaii clothes and painting at fashion design and art class. She wearing a golden yellow catsuit during the missions to recuse people and animals, her father Cameron Vasquez who is a veterinarian worked at the vet, her mother Da-Xia Huang worked at the natural center, her older sister is Zhen Huang-Vasquez who is a 16 year old girl who is in the junior year and her twin brother Blaine Kai Huang-Vasquez, who is a freshman as similar to her and she had autism when she was a baby, and she also had a pet cat named Cherry Blossom. She is going to attend the University of California, Berkeley, to study to become a veterinarian like her father.
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bmpmp3 · 4 months
So this weekend I'm just gonna go right into it, today we're talking about Toa's Patchwork Staccato (ツギハギスタッカート)!
A decade old classic, such a sweet sounding and uplifting piano-heavy instrumental that almost leans into the sound of a children's song game, a song that aurally really makes me want to play hopscotch outside LOL which contrasts beautifully with the lyrics and subject matter of the complicated and frustrated feelings of a shitty relationship, complete with ghosting and all!
I adore the instrumental work with all my heart, I'm a sucker for piano-led tunes so this is to be expect - but the vocals in the original are nothing to sneeze at either! VocaDB lists the vocals as Miku V2 Soft although I'm unsure if that's accurate, she sounds almost V3 Soft or Sweet to me, but there's hints of the V2 transition noise so I really couldn't tell either way. For a long time I didn't think much of the tuning, but looking at it closer now, 1) similar to sound design, unnoticed tuning is usually a mark of great tuning LOL but also 2) those throat clearing noises are unreal. How did Toa do that. How did they do that.
First cover I want to point out is a big one that doesn't need my help promoting it LOL the Project Sekai cover:
I've mentioned this before but I don't play the game because I'm bad with gacha games and it doesn't run on my phone, but I still follow the music despite not knowing the plot or characters because Fururin and Tomoriru voice characters in it LOL Love Live fans are insane like this, if you voice a character in that franchise there's a good chance I've ended up as a dedicated fan for life without either of us realizing it. You KNOW when they release a solo ver. album with the pink hair girl's versions I'll be all over that shit SHKFJKFSD
Anyway, I like this cover because the Fururin solos are fantastic (she's doing a character voice obvs but I'm a fan of both her natural voice and her skill at singing with character voices, she's very talented!) and the other singer is nice too, and despite the jank of the early Miku NT voice, I think it actually works really well in a song like this. Her weak and sort of wobbly tone helps for a song that keeps itself quiet and gentle, I think. Fun cover! Some of the instrumentation changes sound a little odd to me, maybe it's the mixing too, but overall I like it!
Another extremely popular cover that doesn't really need my introduction if the 2 million view count is any indication, but here is ePiaeon's version with all of Hatsune Miku's voicebanks!!
Iconic, it's just a really fun, well tuned piece that also serves as a great timeline and comparison between the sheer amount of voicebanks this blue anime girl has gotten over the past 15 years. This cover is from 2020, so Miku NT was still in beta and I don't think her appends (soft and whisper I think?) were out yet, but still thing it works great comparison-wise since Miku NT has been a bit MIA in the past three years anyway. When will NT return from the war... ANYWAY I love this thing, it made me really appreciate the V3 banks again especially, I love the tone of V3 Vivid!
This cover was so popular it started a very small trend of other's doing a similar bit with other vocal synths with multiple releases to this song, here's a few interesting ones:
Namine Ritsu version by rubeeish
Kasane Teto version by Teto Kasane-Chan
a Gekiyaku version by Akiroo
These UTAU ones can be so fun because there are a lot of UTAUloids who just have an absurd amount of voicebanks LOL probably because it's free and conducive to passion projects! Of course, Ritsu, Teto, and Gekiyaku all now either have or are getting commercial voicebanks in other software as well, but its wild how even just within one software we can have so many already, plus the sheer variety of them all! Gekiyaku's whisper bank is a standout to me, she genuinely sounds like she's whispering!! It's wild what UTAU can do.
There's plenty more out there, search up "all voicebanks patchwork staccato" on YT sometime and have some fun! And of course people do the same bit with different songs as well, ePiaeon also did a Melancholic cover with all the Len and Rin banks which is very fun:
I'm a sucker for a good product timeline what can I say!!!!!!!!! Maybe someday I should make an "all voicebanks" style cover of a certain favourite vocal synth character of mine too, a certain guy who's name rhymes with benbu... hmm...
Anyway, '"all voicebanks" cover tangent finished, back to the topic at hand - but this leads well into a cover I really enjoy: Omotelie's Genbu cover!
Just a really lovely and soft cover - one thing I've been really enjoying about Genbu specifically (although it's also audible in other standard-style SV banks too) is how when you turn up his breathiness and/or use his softer octaves/phoneme groups is how the program almost seems to like, double his voice in his aspirations, if that makes sense? It's more noticeable in his Lite and you can hear it clearest in his "ka" sounds and such, but it gives his voice this husky and sort of moody dimension I really enjoy. You know, I would love a full Genbu AI singing bank someday (we're getting close with Voicevox Humming!) but if that ever happens my pipedream would be them finding a way to mimic the raspy tone from his standard in like a vocal mode or an emotion style LOL
That's the funny thing about vocal synths, sometimes the so-bemoaned engine noise (and by engine noise I mostly mean audio artefacting and distortion as a result of the software's methods of resampling or reconstructing the voice) is a feature not a bug <3 Flower is a notable example, I quite like the 2.0 version of Ci Flower, but I do get why people prefer vFlower over her: she's still husky and a bit androgenous sounding in Cevio, but that extra husky-growly tone, flatter tone in the concatenative process of VOCALOID4 is just really unique and fun LOL sometimes engine noise is the noise you want, I guess!!
Anyway, engine noise sidetrack over, back to the very nice Genbu cover, I also wanted to mention that that I love the adlibbed harmonizing bits a lot, really fun and pleasant to listen to!
ANOTHER COVER I want to point out is this cover by the voice actor, singer, and I believe vtuber, Hazuki Saki (葉月さき)!
I knew them from her utaite days as Hazuki Yuu, if I remeber correctly her brother is the utaite Touyu? Lot of talent in these siblings LOL but I love her singing here, her voice is high but you can also hear this sort of deep nasal tone especially in the first verse and the chorus, it's like fuzzy and nasal but I wouldn't call it a full head voice nor a chest voice (<- not a musician, I am talking fully out my ass LOL) it's like... sound that feels near the sinuses and back of the teeth. This is a compliment. Am I making sense. I love voices and sounds. Anyway, very nice cover!
AND one last cover, I tend to keep the covers I listen to the most often for last and here's another one: 96Neko's (96猫) cover!
96Neko is a very popular utaite known for her sort of androgynous voice that, at the time when she started, often got slotted into a sort of "Len" type voice. We used to do that, describe utaite by what Cryptonloid they sound like HDGSKJHJDS Anyway, I really love her take on this song 'cause she uses both her higher range and her normal deeper ranger while also cramming so much emotion into these softer parts here and there... the way she says "mou iya da na" is wonderful, she uses bits of vocal fry here and there to make a real "singing" style sung performance... I am aware I am getting more incomprehensible by the second. To be honest I was holding back in the first few cover-remix weekends but I am going to talk about voices how I think about them now so watch out. I am going to get weirder. I prommy <3 Anyway, what I'm saying is, listen to this cover now!!!!!!! It's very lovely :)
That's all for tonight, partially because these were the main ones I wanted to talk about but also partially because I just discovered Tumblr has a 10 video per post limit. Future posts may be multiparters, watch out LOL anyway, thank u and goodnight! (you break up with me by phone and i die on impact)
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swordxtears · 4 months
Zaharrah Reign.
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Zaharrah's journey began when she was adopted by the loving Torres family. From a young age, she felt a deep sense of gratitude and belonging within her adoptive family. They provided her with a nurturing and supportive environment, encouraging her to explore her passions and talents.Growing up, Zaharrah discovered that she had a twin sister named Alice. The revelation of their connection was a profound moment for both of them. Despite being raised in separate families, the bond between Zaharrah and Alice was undeniable. They quickly developed a strong sibling relationship, sharing their dreams, aspirations, and even a few mischievous adventures along the way.As Zaharrah entered adulthood, her love for art and design led her to pursue a career as an interior designer. She possessed a natural eye for aesthetics, effortlessly transforming spaces into beautiful and harmonious environments. Zaharrah's creative flair, combined with her meticulous attention to detail, made her a sought-after designer in the industry.Through her work, Zaharrah found fulfillment in bringing people's visions to life and creating spaces that reflected their unique personalities. She believed that the ambiance of a room could greatly impact one's well-being and happiness. Zaharrah's designs were not only visually stunning but also functional, ensuring that each space catered to the needs and desires of its inhabitants.In her personal life, Zaharrah remained deeply connected to her adoptive family and cherished her relationship with her twin sister Alice. They supported each other through life's ups and downs, sharing laughter, tears, and the occasional sibling rivalry. Zaharrah's journey as an interior designer and her close bond with her family and twin sister Alice shaped her into the remarkable woman she is today.With her artistic talent, warm heart, and the love of her family, Zaharrah continues to make a positive impact in the world of interior design, creating spaces that inspire and uplift those who inhabit them.
name. Zaharrah Louise reign dob. 0316 age. twenty three.
major. Interior design. height. 5'7” sexuality. bisexual.
sign. Aries . status. single. body mods. rune tattoos faceclaim. Kat McNamara. hair. red.
Zaharrah has a sweet and gentle nature, always radiating kindness and warmth towards others. She has a natural ability to make people feel comfortable and at ease in her presence. At times, Zaharrah can appear distant and shut off emotionally. She may have moments where she retreats into her own world, needing time and space to process her thoughts and feelings. Her temperament can be quite temperamental, meaning she can have occasional mood swings or emotional outbursts. It's important to approach her with understanding and patience during these moments. Despite these occasional shifts in mood, Zaharrah is generally collected and composed. She has a calm and graceful demeanor, handling situations with poise and maturity. Zaharrah is also an artistic soul, expressing herself through various creative outlets. Whether it's painting, writing, or dancing, she finds solace and joy in the world of art. Her charisma is undeniable, drawing people in with her magnetic personality and charm. Zaharrah has a way of captivating others with her words and presence, making her a delightful person to be around. Additionally, Zaharrah possesses a natural affinity for children. She has a special connection with them, understanding their needs and bringing out their playful and imaginative sides. She is great at nurturing and caring for children, creating a safe and loving environment for them. Zaharrah's personality is a beautiful mix of sweetness, artistic flair, and charisma. Just remember to give her the space she needs when she becomes distant, and appreciate the moments of creativity and joy she brings to your
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