#then i will!
manonamora-if · 5 months
lol u wont win the psringthing again
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Have you seen the other entries submitted to the Spring Thing this year? It's packed of well-known creators* who did amazing things! And even the new entrants did really cool things! So many glowing reviews for so many games! *At least a third of the authors have participated in a previous edition of the event, or other big competition like the IFComp.
There's the sequel of The Bones of Rosalinda (which had won best in show that year, seriously that game was so good), Social Democracy: An Alternate History (who's gone viral at release), Studio (by another heavy hitter), PROSPER.0 (whose gameplay is so different and interesting!), Ink and Intrigue and Dragon of Steelthorne (from beloved published CoG authors), Voyage of the Marigold, Rescue at Quickenheath, Loose Ends, Alltarach, You Can Only Turn Left, Provizora Parko, Nonverbal Communication, Luna Gardens.... well you get what I mean. At this rate I'm listing all the games, this year is just that good!
The original version of my entry didn't do well at the French Comp, so I'm not delusional about how it will do in this competition, anon. I've played the other games, I know what to expect here. I think my game is good, but not that good it will win Best in Show. I'm just hoping for some funny Audience Awards from voters (personalised ribbons written by voters in their voting form) and neat reviews (I had a few already, so I'm happy).
Anyway, instead of spamming my inbox (because you're becoming annoying), go play the other games of the Spring Thing and vote for them. They deserve all the love!! And the tallies are super tight right now, so you bet that your vote will count!
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"Little Talks" by Of Monsters and Men keeps popping up in my lists and it's not like I don't like the song, but it's the ONLY Of Monsters and Men song it will pull up on its own and it won't even pull up their other stuff when I look under where it shows me stuff related to that song. I like Of Monsters and Men, and I like that song, but c'mon.
It's probably just trying to protect my Merthur-shipping heart from "King and Lionheart" though, because that song does kind of fuck me up and that is a song I will listen to on repeat. So, I guess I can't blame it too much.
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charlesoberonn · 7 months
It's gonna be such a funny mess when Donald Trump dies of a stroke on April 1st, 2024.
Naturally everybody will think it's fake because of the date only to lose their minds (both positively and negatively based on their opinion of trump) when realizing it's real
There will be massive celebrations in the streets and on social media and lots of predictable "don't speak ill of the dead" discourse about those celebrations
Weird evangelicals will pull some weird number trick talking about how Jesus was conceived on April 1st and that makes Trump a sort of messiah and people will make fun of that
The Republicans (after they're done with the faux-sadness and faux-outrage) will stomp over each other to be his successor but none of them will succeed. They'll tear each other apart and have no single nominee for the November elections.
There will be discourse about if Biden and the living former presidents should go to his funeral (they won't, he was a traitor insurrectionist)
The Ukraine-Russia War immediately goes in favor of Ukraine as morale in the Kremlin is reduced. China similarly backs off from its threats on Taiwan.
Ten thousand new memes are made, some sticking around for years to come.
Not a month later a bunch of unofficial biographies of Trump hit the bookshelves, many with new details about just how awful he was.
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staff: our april fools joke this year is a silly feature that doesn't really do anything but give you a button to boop other users! they have to opt-in first though :)
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sexygaywizard · 3 months
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ladyshinga · 10 months
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whiteshipnightjar · 8 months
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Zoozve, my beloved
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toastbutteregg · 7 months
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ramshacklefey · 5 months
Kind of hilarious to me how poorly the title "Mob Psycho 100" localized to English-speaking areas. To someone whose first language is English, it scans as:
Mob (Yakuza, Mafia)
Psycho (violent person with "crazy" behaviors)
Thus: a particularly violent member of organized crime.
But in Japanese it scans as:
Mob (background characters in crowd scenes in manga or anime)
Psycho (short for psychic)
Thus: a psychic who looks/acts like someone you'd never pick out of a crowd scene in a comic.
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teaboot · 11 months
BRUH a dude I know from work came in for the first time in months and I thought he looked different but couldn't figure out why?? So I asked if he'd changed his hair and he was like "BITCH I GOT TOP SURGERY"
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wizardpotions · 9 months
Christmas as a cultural icon is starting to get really dystopian in a climate sense, december has historically been a time of year in which there would be snow in a significant portion of europe and north america, and the fact that its not even icy this time of year and all the christmas songs and decorations reference a time of year that will likely never exist in the same way again in my life time is so strange.
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girlstressed · 9 months
can’t stop smiling in inappropriate situations
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sirompp · 9 months
hi. i made some images.
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feel free to take them and use for whatever you may need them for. no credit required
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copepods · 6 months
leitmotifs never get old to me like holy shit dude there’s this melody that corresponds to this one guy and if you hear the melody it means the guy is there. holy shit. and sometimes it refers to ideas too not just guys. has anyone heard about this
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theblob1958 · 11 months
people are saying do it scared, but you also gotta do it alone. you'll miss out on so much you want to do if you wait til someone will do it with you. do it scared and do it alone.
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cosmos-kitty · 6 months
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Maybe the real treasure was the boops we made along the way
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