#then you should be aftaid
Minecraft: A short Essay on Nostalgia
I'm writing this rather late at night so excuse any spelling errors (Sorry it's not in MLA format, I'm not back in school yet and need a break)
I often find myself scrolling online late at night, stuck in the rabbit hole of youtube shorts, wondering how in the world I'll be able to function the next morning. Many times, the only thing that puts me to sleep on those restless nights, are playlists of "nostalgic" minecraft music. Why is that? Why is the music considered "nostalgic" in the first place?
Nostalgia is defined as making one think of or long for a familiar or comforting time. When I first received Minecraft back in 2016, I was still a little kid. I was in fourth grade and was longing to know what all the fuss was about. I remember booting it up for the first time, my sister sitting eagerly next to me. We only had one controller, so we had to take turns. In true older sister fashion, I did not share as I was supposed to. Eventually, though, I learned to share the game and enjoy what my sister created. I found that I was a natural at this game, I learned all of the mechanics with ease. My sister was not so lucky, she still struggles to fight in the game to this day. We spent many nights playing Minecraft. My mother worked the night shift at her work, and my father was always working on schoolwork to get his second degree. This left me and my sister to eat our spagettio's and play minecraft all night. I remember one night in particular, playing the "Little Big Planet" Mash up pack for the PS4 Edition of the game. We knew that nothing we did would be saved, but oddly enough we liked it that way. I was usually a creative player and my sister liked survival, though she wasn't very good at it. When we did play on a saved world, we would build massive cities and marveled at our own architectural prowess (Or, more often, the prowess of those we watched on youtube). I still have these old worlds, I visit them from time to time. I used to entice my sister to play with me by telling her I would do whatever she wanted me to in the game. This usually ended badly. Still, there are many old save files titled, "E's the Boss". I was young and simple, a stable built out of pink wool was just fine for me.
As I work with my therapist to uncover certain things about my past, I remember the nights that I would spend playing this game, desperately avoiding my bed time. This game, this simple game comprised of blocks and some funny red powder, had become virtually the only escape I had from the harsh reality that attacked me every time I left that infinite green wasteland that was a superflat world. Long before the aquatic update or the remodeled horses, I was building houses to replicate my own, creating worlds to escape the one that so vehemently tortured me each day. I remember, on the days that we were aloud to have the sound on on the TV, I would always play my favorite music disc. It was the one simply titled C4-18. I have so many memories attached to the music that plays in this game. And the only reason those memories mean so much, is because that is how I coped. Gen-Z, the silent generation, the generation that inherited all of the problems that everyone else was to stubborn to settle, has been left to our own devices to find some way to be happy in a world that revolves around hate. And for many children, including me, that device just so happened to be digital. We found some sliver of hope in the notion that we could still shape out destinies. The thought that we could choose to survive, adventure, or create was so enticing that we put hundreds of hours into buildings and bases, maps and achievements. On the occasions that we couldn't play the game, we would watch others play it. Roleplay channels like Little Kelly and Little Carly, mod channels like Unspeakable and Moose, Pat and Jen, even DanTDM, shaped out childhood. Often these channels exposed us to more mature themes through contact with more mature channels, such as Markiplier, JackSepticEye, and Pewdiepie. Now, we're all grown up. Many of us are going to college, getting jobs, some are even starting families. And so are our heros. Dan is a father, and Felix will be too. Mat has a son and wife, Pat and Jen split up, Jack has Evelyn, Mark has Amy. As we matured, so did our heros. And what does it al come back to?
A simple video game based on mining blocks, and using them to craft different blocks. I guess, what I'm trying to say, is that the Minecraft soundtrack is so nostalgic, because it takes us back to a *bad* time. It reminds us of when everything was going downhill, and all we could do is watch and hope we didn't get hit when crap went flying. Minecraft, for many of us, was our first step into healing, our first step towards maturing, and our first step towards becoming our own people, all be it far to soon. Minecraft music makes us cry, makes us feel this deep nostalgic sadness, because we don't know if we'll be able to find that again. We're grown ups now.. there's no one else to guide us, and video games can only take us so far. How do we know what to trust, what to watch, what to smile and laugh at..
We don't. That's the unfortunate truth of nostalgia. We don't have that wonderful thing, that guide to help us through the tough times. Now we are the ones guiding, building, surviving.. In a weird way, Minecraft prepared an entire generation of struggling kids with a blueprint for life. It's as simple as this:
Start your Journey
Find someplace you like, and settle down there.
Go on adventures, make friends, learn new things, and never go into the dark without a light.
And if it all comes crashing down...
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shayberri789 · 1 year
Thinking back on it and... even though I didnt have the words or vocab to adequately explain my fears or how I felt, I'm really really proud of younger me for identifying those experiences and fears and trying to voice them anyway, and I'm proud of younger me for not changing in face of those differences
#ive always been aroace just didnt have the knowledge to say it#so i kept with my stupid promise theory#but im proud of myself to identifying wjay i did or didnt want. that i didnt feel that way#and rather than trying to force myself to appear allo or hating myself for not beint like anyone else#i found a reason that made sense and rolled with it#and stood true to myself#i was thinking of a trip when i was like 12 to the beach#and we were walking back to our hotel and i said to my mom i was afraid that my promise to never get a crush#had closed my heart to love. i was afraid i couldnt love ever#and i don't remember if i meant i wanted romantic love or if i was aftaid this meant i couldnt love my friends and family#or life and the things in it#(it was probably the latter)#but im proud of myself for voicing those fears and even when my mom gave the wrong response#('oh maybe you did. thats not good maybe you should open your heart to love and crushes')#(mom didnt know any better and what she actually said wasnt bad or even unwise. but it did hurt me. i remember the hurt)#im proud that i took that pain and wrong answer and rather than betraying myself i just basically went 'so be it' and accepted who i was#im looking back and i was a really wise child#idk im just feeling self love right now. i dont always feel this easy love and acknowledgement to myself#shay posts#aroace#aromantic#asexual#aroace positivity#aromantic positivity#aromantic experience#aroace experience#asexual positivity#asexual experience
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Sephiroth, pressing Lazard against a wall after an argument about the upcoming mission went particularly badly:
YOU!... You're not aftaid of me?
Lazard, praying to every deity he knows that if he breathes through his nose slowly enough, his erection will go away:
No, General, I trust you
Anyone else would recoil from the anger in glowing, slitted eyes. Sephiroth knew very well that sometimes he managed to get that particular fight or flight reaction from the director without meaning to, barely there, barely perceptible... to anyone who wasn't so very enhanced.
He watched, unblinking. Waited. Measured the space between Lazard's breaths and the thudding beats of his heart, waited to parse the scent of him and the exact dilation of his eyes behind the glasses.
The SOLDIER's grin spoke of danger.
It took no time and no effort to pull away just long enough to turn the blond man into the wall. Sephiroth pressed his whole body against the director's, pinning him just hard enough to feel the solid muscle at his back, and shared the shudder of his breath. The First leaned in a little closer to rumble low in Lazard's ear, "Are you afraid of me yet?"
Closing his eyes tightly, trying to regain some amount of control over himself and his own reactions, Lazard made a slightly annoyed sound at himself alone. That was his out, the moment Sephiroth would back away if he really didn't want this. He had paperwork, he had things to do, plans to make, not to mention how many of them involved the very man pinning him to the wall with very obvious interest--
"Not yet." The director's words were a rough whisper.
And Sephiroth's hands were already reaching around to deftly unbuckle and remove the man's belt. "Suppose we should do something about that before security makes their rounds, then."
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psychblurred · 10 months
Now that i think about it. It’s probably the issues with my dad that created some sub clinical mental illness in me and i couldn’t achieve anything despite having a very bright past despite passing all exams in med school in first go. He was mostly good with mom and with me when i was a kid then i dont know what happened he used to yell at every little thing i was always aftaid of his outbursts, we could never go anywhere together as a family cuz he would always pull a fight in front of other people. Now hes away but so good with everyone on phone. In a month or so we are going to be in the same house again and i dont know how it goes. Theres nothing apparently wrong with my mental health but theres got to be a reason i couldn’t do things couldn’t get married like other people my age. May be it really has something to do with all those times i cried for hours in the room cuz my dad yelled on me or someone i loved. Parents should realize how deeply their words their behaviors can effect their kids. May be hes better now. But my damage has been done. also no one in the family would think that it could be the cause of my weirdness or me being afraid to go out and talk about marriage cuz cmon all dads are like this sometimes whats the big deal.
Sorry if i trauma dumped its just so relatable whenever u post. I hope we still can grow out of all this.
don’t be sorry, actually i’m quite grateful for this message. because i think there is actually a connection between where we ended up and our dads. and of course i’m not saying they are horrible. if you asked my dad about all of this he would not even remember. in my case i can certainly identify some memories where my ‘i’m not good enough’ is coming from.
i’m considering going back to therapy. but i’m not sure i’m ready yet. especially not before my exams.
anyways i hope we both heel. my little inbox is open any time you feel overwhelmed. as if i wasn’t the one constantly screaming about my problems on this platform.
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iowntheworldandyou · 4 years
Meowth: *commands mareanie but in the most polite way possible*
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peepo · 4 years
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having literally the worst night of despair and dread in my young life i have no idea what can make me feel happy!!!! drawing was too hard cause of dread animal crossing feels like just work putting it in my diary quelled it a bit but not fully and i’m sitting here cramping eyes wide open on the screen dissociating for the first time in months/weeks i don’t know how time works. i’m going back soon so thankawoo that’s the best but tonight was the worst night i think cause i avoided responsibility and that puts so much pressure on me i’m scared and gonna go to bed though and tomorrow i will have a really good day and i love myself. just will take some time to get out of this weirdo land headspace
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koreanstudyjunkie · 2 years
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👂Korean Listening Tips: Improve Listening Skills
Tip Number One: listen to material that is on your level / listen to the right material
Listening to korean dramas as a beginner is usually not the best idea to effectively improve your listening skills. Youtube videos are the better option, because Korean used in youtube videos is actually used in real life. On the other hand, dramas are scripted and not as natural.
Korean dramas also have a lot of niche vocabulary. For example, if you watch a drama about hospitals words like “blood pressure” or organ names or anything else like that will appear often. That’s one of the reasons dramas can be hard to understand.
Lingq app is a good place to find stories that you can read and listen to at the same time. Podcasts are also very good for listening practice.
Music doesn’t count in my opinion. If you started studying like a month or a few weeks ago maybe, but at that point I think you are much too new to practice listening in the way I mention in this post. You should keep learning more vocabulary & grammar before attempting active listening. Of course listening to the language is good to help familiarize yourself with the sounds, but don’t expect to understand more than a word or two here or there at your very beginner level.
Tip Number Two: don’t be aftaid of subtitles
I am against using ONLY English subtitles (or subtitles in other languages besides Koresn) whilst practicing listening in Korean. Try using Korean subtitles while you watch youtube videos and while you watch your favorite Korean dramas. For very beginners, using subs in your native language could be a chance to understand more and get familiarized with how fast Korean is and the different sounds. I suggest watching once with Eng subs & again with Korean subs
Tip Number Three: read more
Reading and listening are one in the same - they both have to do with taking in context and interpreting what that context means. In other words, reading will improve your listening skills and vice versa. You should read and listen to improve your overall comprehension of the Korean language.
As with listening materials, try to find things that are on your level to read. Maybe reading Harry Potter books in Korean as a beginner aren’t the best for this unfortunately. Lingq & Naver Blogs are good places to find things to read. You can also go to wattpad and find some rather interesting stories in Korean. You can read webtoons as well.
Tip Number Four: take it slow
Nothing wrong with changing the speed of a video or a drama to understand it better. Koreans do speak rather fast and slowing down your audio can help a bit. I would say listen to it normally once and then again slower and then again normally. Or you could start slow and then go back to normal audio. Listening to things more than once is a good thing too. You’ll catch things that you didn’t the first time around.
Tip Number Five: change your mindset
Don’t aim to understand every single word and grammar you hear. If you can just get the gist of what is said - you’re doing great. Trying to focus on every word as it is said actually is what causes you to not be able to keep up with whatever audio you’re listening to.
A good tip also is to look at the mouth of the person while they are speaking - if their mouth is visible at least. You can also do this in real life conversations or just with online videos. This actually can really help you understand better although It may seem weird.
Another tip for understanding dramas would be alternating subtitles between your native language and Korean. For example, I watched Squid Game with my family in English subs, but went back to study on my own and watched with just Korean subs. So If you watch one episode with Korean/English subs first and then rewatch and switch it can help alot
One of my goals was to understand Korean dramas - this was the first few months of starting Korean. I remember telling one of my friends that was studying with me at the time and she said “It’s gonna be a long time before you can do that”. And wow she was right. It’s like 5 years later and It’s still hard for me to understand Korean dramas😂 She stopped studying years ago, but here I am still chugging along.
I was watching this drama called “내일” or “tomorrow” on Netflix with just Korean subtitles. I could get the gist of a lot of things but there were also entire scenes (like 5 or so minutes at a time) 😬where I had no clue what was happening. I’ve been studying this drama as practice and I went through and broke down those scenese I didn’t understand🫢
But to be fair this drama is about grim reapers and death and I don’t know the vocabulary that well in that area😂 so I’ve learned a lot just from Episode 1. I have just moved to the 2nd episode and there are like 16 currently and more being added I think😳 I want to study the whole thing but I don’t know If I’ll stick to it that long lol
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zsocca55 · 3 years
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(I usually don’t draw ships I don’t ship myself but I saw you put Japan and Norway in one sentence and this picture was the first thing my mind made up. XD)
So you guys wanted me to reflect on Norway and Hungary’s relationship….well here I am.
Except there is not much to say. T-T
We scarcely met in history, if ever, and diplomatic relations only exist between us since 1920 when Norway officially accepted the Hungarian state as an independent state. The two has developed economic and commercial relationship ever since and today even cooperate in environmental protection campaigns.
Hungarians do have an opinion on Norwegians though. We think that they are pretty open-minded, pragmatic, optimistic, and work really well in groups and trust easily. They think any problem can be solved in some way and are not aftaid to get to work and see it done. They are also pretty self-confident and know what they want. They are also very proud of their history and their independence.
In most cases, Hungarians always paint Norwegians in a positive light, like a model country, while also pointing out why we sadly can’t be like them but should try still.
So the main point is: Hungarians like Norway but they have a very idealised picture of him in their minds.
What do Norwegians think of us though? I haven’t found any info related to that so if there are any Norwegians out there, please share an opinion.
I hope I answered your question to some extent though.
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Alright, someone is afraid to make things when they shouldnt.
Dont be afraid to create. You should never be afraid, even if you think it will, mess something up, or it will go wrong. Never, ever be afraid. Its alright if things go wrong, or if they go weirs, or even out of order! Mistakes. Happen. And you dont desrve the anxiety of being aftaid to make anything. Just know if something messes up, or goes wrong, people are here for you. And people WILL help. Everything has some mistake, or some imperfection! And thats what makes it GOOD.
Now get off your arse, and dont be afraid, invis. Everyone here will alkways lend a helping hand. No ifs, ands, or buts.
-Blue Void Narrator.
((in character for the above, but i this message is for anyone afraid to do things!! its okay to be afraid!! or mess something up!! also forget being anonymous lmao, and keep up the good work!!))
Invis takes a deep breath. "Okay, how shall I explain this...? I'm... not exactly scared of mistakes. And I love getting help. I'd take any help that I can get. It's just that... last time I tried to create something, something really, REALLY bad happened to me. And I... don't want to repeat that. I apologise."
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akajustmerry · 2 years
Maybe I should not ask this because neither of us is jewish, but are ever aftaid of finding out that artists like Adam Brody , or Neil Gaiman for example May be fucking pro Israel?
I already know Neil does. He stated here that he supports Israel's right to exist 😒 but hey just a heads up, speculating on Adam Brody, who is proudly Jewish, being pro-Israel when he hasn't said anything either way comes off as antisemitic. it implies Jewish folks are some sort of power hungry monolith. Not all Jewish people are pro-Israel. Please don't be vaguely antisemitic in my ask. Just because I'm pro-palestine, I'm not out here assuming hostility from Jewish folks as justification for leaning into paranoid anti-Jewish thinking and neither should you. Assuming people with Jewish heritage are secretly pro-Israel, and being antisemitic doesn't do a THING to help Palestinians, especially Palestinian Jews living under Israeli apartheid who are so often erased.
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(Hope I did this right!)
There's a note attatched to a box of white chocolate.
Hello, Riddle! So, you may be wondering why I'm giving you this box of chocolates. For Valentine's Day of course! And because I don't like white chocolate that much but we don't talk about that. I really look up to you and the way you can follow so many rules without breaking them. I mean, I also love you quite a bit, but that can be saved for another time. Another day, another confession! Anyways, jokes aside, I really do appreciate everything you do. Thank you!
- Signed sincerely, Hallow <3
Sweet on You.
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“Honestly...” Riddle sighed as he finished reading the letter. “It’s just like them to push their unwanted food onto me. Really, they should not purchase white chocolates if they do not plan to eat them themselves.”
“They express such appreciation for all that I do... And yet they cannot seem to properly speak on their feelings.” He shook his head, crimson bangs swaying. Cheeks pink.
It is difficult, he knew, to express one’s true emotions. Perhaps they would not string the right words together, or perhaps they were aftaid of damaging the friendship they already had. But whatever the rhyme or the reason, it was what they had chosen, and he would respect that.
“... I will accept these tomo chocolates for the time being. It is a shame that they are not honmei, but... I would like to think that I am learning to be a patient man.” Riddle smiled softly. “I will wait for that day to arrive with bated breath.”
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bbbqlays · 4 years
넷: 아무것도 옳지 않다
4: Nothing is Right
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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It was morning once again. The sun shined against the mirror conveniently pointing at your face. You awake after a short stretch. Your eyes finding their way towards the flowers.
Bright and beautiful still. You turned and made a small smile as you smelled the freshness of the plants. It was the only freedom there was to smell.
You sat up and started to shuffle towards the desk. Sitting, you pulled out a piece of paper and a pen.
‘Is there any entertainment?” You put that paper to the side and looked at the shelf connected to your desk.
An elegant dull purple satin dress layed across the shelf. It looked soft. Your hand went to touch it. “How’d they even get it in here without me hearing?” You felt the fabric and rubbed it with interest. You hummed to yourself enjoying the feel.
A knock was on the door. And in welcomed a small thing. Bearing another plague doctors mask, but he didn’t seem human.
“Be ready in ten minutes! Perfume is in the drawer on the left. The dress is mandatory and a mask to match. I will be out here when you are ready!”
He walks out, his small legs dragging him off. Demanding, but funny for his size. You brushed him off and looked throught the drawers.
Grabbing out makeup and the three bottles of perfume, you began to make yourself decent and presentable.
You smelled all fragrances and choose on a flowerey scent. It differs from your usual non expensive brand. It smelled richer.
You slipped on the dress admiring how it fit perfectly on your body. It even had a bra to match. You combed your hand through your hair, swooping it to be a side part.
You slipped on whatever heels were left by the door. And knocked. Putting on a black mask, you gave yourself a silent cheer to being professionally ready.
The small humanoid man came back. You couldn’t help but smile at his small appearance. “Now. You will be respectful. Elegant. And obedient.” He spoke walking faster down the hall. “You shall address Overhaul with Sir. Example. ‘Yes sir’. If he asks you a question. You say?”
Overhaul? You pondered on that. Who is Overhaul?
You were snapped back into reality when the small black humanoid clapped. “Yes sir?” You answered as quick as you could, though he didn’t seem too impressed.
“Enter the room and wait for Overhaul to offer you a seat!” The door swiftly opened.
There, revealed a couch, a dull burgundy color. The walls gray, and the room felt calming.
No one seemed threatened or tense.
Your heels clicked two more times before halting. Three men turned to look your way. You eyes all three of them then bowed.
You bit your tongue as you came to the consensus that the man that sat in the middle of the couch, was the man who killed that night.
“Welcome.” That honey smooth voice. You couldn’t bring yourself to lift yourself up. Fear of looking him in his golden eyes. “Please, have a seat.”
You forced your bones and muscles to move. Heels clicking loudly as you sat in the lone chair across from him.
“We finally meet on better terms.” He began. Gripped his thigh and pushed his back against the couch. “Think of this as a warmer welcome than when you were first here.”
You nodded and breathed in. The scent of bleach crawling it’s way into your nostrils.
“Now, I’d like to ask.” You looked at him. Unfortunately, you looked into his eyes. You couldn’t stop staring and he knew he had you hooked. “Why haven’t you fought? Seeing the situation. I’d expect a little resist. But my colleagues here say you’re such an Angel.” Under that mask held a half smile. A playful polite one, and that is what scared you.
You sighed and tried your best to look away from him. “I don’t see.... Sir. I don’t see a reason to fight. My quirk isn’t physical. And I lack... I lack, strength.” You wanted to continue with excuses but instantly stopped as you started itching at your arm.
“I see.”
“And how is Eri?” He sat up and looked down at you. Humming for a response.
“Eri... she’s-“
“My daughter.” You’re head shot to make eye contact again. Even if looking at him was unbearable. This peaked your interest. “Her mom died a few years back. I haven’t been the best at taking her out to do things. I’m running this place and so I lose track of time.” He shook his head, as if feeling sorry.
But it didn’t feel, Right.
“That’s why I want you to be here. So she can be lively again.” His eyes closed as if he was making a big smile. Welcoming, yet decieving.
“Yes sir. Though, For this to happen, am I able to suggest things for her? I’m a licensed therapist and just being here for her won’t do everything that is required for making-“
Overhaul’s hand went up. “Of course. If you reach any of my colleagues they will take note. Being Chrono, or Mimic.” His hand reached out for two people. The Humanoid and the man in all white.
“Now, I expect to see you every night for a meeting. I would like updates on. Eri.” He looked at you deeply. But his intent seemed close to harmless.
Though, your back shivered. “What is your quirk?” He asks, his eyes being torn away to something on his table.
You nodded and took a deep breath. “My quirk is, Empathic feel. I can read the feel of the room better than anyone else, is all.”
You could feel the whole room turn upside down. Worried, you shifted yourself in the chair.
“That’s all for now. I’ll see you tonight.” The man in all wall stepped from behind the couch to guide you out. You stood and followed behind, looking back to make short eye contact with Overhaul.
You heart beat abnormally fast, and your head was scattered. “Clothes are on the bed. You and Eri will be seeing each other again.”
“Thank you, Chrono.” He was about to walk out until he heard his name. He nodded to that and continued on. Locking the door behind him.
You crawled onto the bed and bundled up the blankets, curling up in a ball. You waited for your heart to beat normally to even think about all that went on.
The conversation played in ypur head multiple times. Everytime you blinked all you saw was his golden eyes. You were aftaid of everyones capabilities now. Afraid of death looming at every corner.
A knocked happened on the door. You got up and cleared your throat. He entered and dropped off a silver tray. Though it wasn’t Chrono. It was someone different.
Holding a calm, solemn tone. You could see his expressions and cream colored hair, his mask sat on his face snuggley with three straps holding the mask in place.
“Uh, Thank you...” you smelled the aroma and it smelled like eggs and toast. Easy prepped meal, with a water on the side.
You nodded to him and he nodded back walking out and locking it again.
Staring at the meal, you pondered everything around you.
And his daughter.
What could all this even be?
And why isn’t it as frightening as it should be?
@inanabsentia @wormxunii @lalachanya @cth-l @a-monsters-love @irisallenm
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symphonicmetal101 · 4 years
Babysitting in the Devildom- Mammon and Levi: MINE! VS ME TOO!
You and Lucifer reached the livingroom, where everyone was supposed to be watching Solomon's magic show.
Supposed to be.
However the only thing that may have resembled a magic show would have been the smoke in the air.
Solomon was standing in the doorway of the kitchen, with a blackened pot of...something. You thanked the stars when you saw that Satan, was in fact not the cause of panic, as Simeon had taken it upon hinself to distract him with more cat videos. Asmo was in the corner, making faces at himself in a mirror you could only assume Solomon had materialized for him. Barbatos was trying to keep Luke calm and Diavolo looked close to tears as he sat on the floor near him. You could hear Beel and Belphie crying from the kitchen, but what concerned you the most were the two little demons quite literally throwing each other across the room.
"That doll is MINE!"
"First of all, she's a figurine, second of all, SHE'S NOT YOURS!"
Leviathan then used his tail to whip Mammon and run to you with what looked to be a plastic Ruri-chan figurine. However, his little legs didn't take him far enough, fast enough, as Mammon used his wings to propel himself forward and tackle Levi to the ground, where they continued to wrestle.
You felt Lucifer shift next to you. Before he was able to say anything to his brothers you knelt down to talk to him again. "Hey Luci. I know you wanted to help me with your brothers, but I need someone who knows how to be a friend. You see Diavolo? He seems kind of nervous being around so many kids he doesn't know. Do you know how you can help him?"
"Of course I do!" He huffed. With his priorities shifted, Lucifer made his way with confidence to Diavolo, as this was all too familiar chaos to him.
Now back to the other two, who were still going at it, however, it was clear Levi was getting tired. Mammon grabbed his wrist.
"Why ya punching yourself, huh? Huh? Why ya punching yourself? Ya see this doll?" Mammon ripped the figurine from Levi's other hand, dangled it in front of him and licked it. "It's MINE now."
"Eww! Levi don't touch it, it has yucky germs now. It has Mammon-cooties!!" Asmo piped up from his little corner.
"Shuddap Asmo! I got the doll now, I got the doll now, it's mine, all MINE!" Mammon danced around gleefully as he waved Ruri-chan through the air. Leviathan retreated to another corner in the room crying.
"What a crybaby! I bet he couldn't ev-"
"Mammon." Your voice rang with a clear warning.
"Uh-oh." Immediately, he started running away from you. You let him run. If he could still do that, then he wasn't badly injured, and Leviathan could be your priority. You gently placed a hand on his back, to which he flinched.
"O-oh, it's just you."
"Are you ok Levi? Did you get hurt?"
"N-no, not really. I just really like Ruri-chan, and Solomon summoned it for me because he told me you used your powers again to help him know what we like but then Mammon came over and tried to take it from me because he wanted to have the biggest toy pile in the universe, but I told him Ruri-chan was not a toy, and he said it looked like a doll and that I don't deserve to have cool toys so I should give it to him and that made me really mad because he does this all the time." Levi took a small, shaky breath. "I'm sorry I'm talking so much. You have better things to do than talk to someone like me.
"Levi, I need you to understand something." He turned so that he could see you a little better, despite having his head on his knees. "What is it?" He whispered, almost aftaid of the answer you would give him. "You are incredible, and I love and appreciate you for who you are. If there's anything you want to talk to me about- good or bad- please do! I love hearing your ideas and I want to help you, ok? Sometimes I might need you to wait a minute, but I will always make the time to listen to you, alright? Also, I can get Solomon to summon some more figurines for you, ok?"
He started crying again. He threw himself at you for a hug. "You're the best!" You held him for a moment before you registered that youstill had to find Mammon, check Beel and Belphie, make sure Lucifer wasn't smothering Diavolo, relieve Barbatos from baby duty, thank Simeon for helping with Satan, and reprimand Solomon for leaving them alone as well as ignoring what you said.
Ok Levi, I'm gonna go talk to Mammon."
"Ok." You stood up, but to your surprise, Levi latched himself to your leg. "If I stay close to you, nobody can spend more time with you than me! Lucifer already got time with you, so I need to have more time than him....even if it means seeing Mammon." You smiled down at him, ruffled his hair, and hobbled over to Barbatos. "Hey Barbatos. Thank you for helping with Luke. I know he can be fussy, I can take him back." Barbatos hesitated. "You know? I kind of like holding the baby. Maybe I can still hold him if I sit down?" You felt a bit of relief as Barbatos situated himself on the couch and reached out to accept Luke again. If he was content with the baby, it gave you two less children to worry about. You glanced over at Diavolo and Lucifer, who had found a deck of cards and were playing a game. They were fine for the time being, so you walked into the kitchen, where Solomon was still trying to make dinner despite the cries of the twins on the floor. You tried to keep yourself calm, as you didn't want to scare the kids by lashing out at the only other caretaker they had.
"Solomon." He stopped stirring the boiling monstrosity he had on the stove and turned to look at you. "What? You were taking a while with Lucifer, so I took the liberty to summon some toys and make dinner. You should be proud of me."
"Excuse me? I gave you very, VERY simple instructions to follow, and because you didn't listen, Mammon and Levi got into a fight, scared Diavolo, and the twins are bawling! Simeon and Barbatos are being more of an adult than you are! And your "dinner" isn't edible, not even by baby Beel standards!" You felt a tug on your pant leg. You hadn't noticed, but the twins had made their way to you, but Levi made it impossible for them to grab the same leg he was on.
Solomon was quiet. You sighed. "Look, I'm sorry for yelling at you. Let's just order some dinner. Also...do you know if the twins are wearing diapers?" Your face contorted in disgust as one of the twins sat on your foot, to which the texture was unpleasant.
"Great! To make it up to me, you can change them and order dinner. I'm going to go find Mammon."
But I-" you walked away, and headed in the direction Mammon had run, stopping to thank Simeon on the way, and to have Levi readjust hinself on your leg so you could walk faster. You walked for a while, Levi still holding onto your leg. You sighed after about ten minutes of looking. You looked down at Levi. "I guess he'll come back when he's ready, huh?" Levi nodded, then shook his head, leaving you confused. He cleared his throat, tightened his grip on your leg. and whispered, "I have an idea." "I GET TO BE WITH MC AND YOU DON'T! MC'S GONNA GET ME MORE FIGURINES THAN YOU! I GET MORE TIME WITH M-" You were brought down from behind, Levi getting out of the way before you fell on top of him.
"SHUT UP LEVI! SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!" Mammon stood up straight, ready to pounce again in his demon form, while Levi hid behind your recovering form. "MC IS THE COOLEST PERSON WE'VE EVER MET AND YOU MADE THEM ANGRY AT ME! NOW THEY HATE ME, AND LOVE YOU! I ALWAYS GET IN TROUBLE! I ALWAYS DO THE WRONG THING! AND THE ONE PERSON THAT I COULD HAVE TRIED TO BE OK WITH HATES ME! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING LEVI! JUST LIKE ALWAYS, JUst like always..." He choked out the last few words. His eyes were filled with tears he refused to shed in front of Levi. Tiny fists by his side, shoulders raised, and uneven breaths left him as he avoided your eyes. You could feel Levi bristling next to you at the weight of Mammon's accusation. You stood up and ruffled Levi's hair in an attempt to calm him down without using words. He locked eyes with you, and immediately backed down. He hid behind you again, glaring at Mammon, but he wasn't trying to kill him, so you considered it a win. Mammon still wasn't letting himself cry, using his sleeve to stop the tears from rolling down his cheeks. You knelt in front of Mammon and gently turned his face towards you. He stopped swiping at his tears, letting them finally fall as he held your hand in place on his face. You pulled him in to hug him, which he gladly accepted and buried his face into your shoulder. You gently stroked the back of his head while you held him. You stayed like that for a while before you spoke.
He clung onto your shirt tighter, trying to hide his face even more. He started shaking, so you held him a little tighter, hushing him gently. After a few more minutes, you tried again.
"Mammon." His grip tightened again. "Hun, I'm not going to let you go, I just need you to know I'm not mad at you. I know it's hard for you to share. That's ok! I still think you're "THE GREAT MAMMON!!" Nothing will ever change that. I know that you're a good kid." Mammon hadn't moved at all.
"....why? Why are you being so nice? Even my own brothers think I'm a bad kid. I'm always the bad kid. I don't know why, but I always want more. I don't care what it is, but I always want more and I always end up upsetting everyone. So why even try and be a good kid? Lucifer's the good kid, Levi's the shy kid, Asmo's the cute kid, and the twins are the youngest, so it doesn't matter what they do! And they always tell me I'm dumb and scummy! And I am dumb because I don't even know what scummy means! Even Asmo knows! And he's four! I-....I need a friend. Lucifer is already talking to the cool kid in red, the green hair guy likes babies and I don't want to get close to the baby like the other guy......so guess what? You get to be my friend! You're not allowed to say no!!" You blinked a couple times. Kids are confusing. You weren't quite sure how Mammon had reached that topic after just spilling his guts, but you tried to keep up. You didn't want to bring up his other comments again, worried about making him upset. All you knew was that Mammon needed a protection squad, even if said "squad" was just you alone.
"Of course I'll be your friend! Maybe...maybe the "Great Mammon" will even let me be his best friend?" He pushed away from you, flashing his million dollar smile. "Oh, maybe. I'll have to think about it." Levi cleared his throat behind you. "Hey, I thought I was your best friend!!"
"YOU'VE BEEN HERE THE WHOLE TIME?!" Mammon yelled. Levi just nodded. He bit his lip, looking unsure of something, then launched himself at Mammon. You were going to intervene, however, the fighting didn't ensue as you had thought. Instead a very emotional Levi had his arms wrapped around his big brother.
"....You know, if you can be nice, I can share my figurines with you. Then we can have the biggest...um..toy pile in the universe....and you're actually a pretty good big brother when you're not taking my stuff. Remember that time you got my comics back from Lucifer? That was really cool. I want to be cool like you, because I know I'm not anywhere near as cool and-" Your hand on his shoulder was enough to settle him down. Mammon was in a state of shock, then started to boast.
"Of course ya wanna be like me! I'm the Great Mammon! And...uh, you're actually not bad.....ok you're pretty cool too. Thanks for giving me another chance."
And audible sigh of relief left your lips as the three of you made your way back to the main area, where everything seemed relatively calm. Simeon was still keeping an eye on Satan, however he had been dealt into the game Diavolo and Lucifer were playing. Lucifer was sitting almost behind Diavolo in order to distance himself from Satan, and waved, smiled and gave a thumbs up when you walked in. You returned the gestures in turn, and checked on Barbatos, who was playing peek-a-boo with Luke. Asmo was still making faces at himself. Mammon and Levi strted playing nicely together with the toys Solomon had summoned for Mammon. You walked into the kitchen to find that Solomon had cleaned it. You found him on the floor "playing" with the twins. He was summoning food almost non-stop for Beel and Belphie was asleep on the floor next to him.
"Oh, hey." Solomon greeted you. "Hey. How's it going?" You plopped down next to Solomon as he summoned another snack for Beel. You watched in amusement as Beel worked his way through a slice of watermelon that was nearly double his size. "It's fine...I'm sorry, I didn't listen to you." You forgave him and just took in the stillness of the moment.
Again, the stillness of the moment.
And then the yell came.
From Asmo.
You turned to Solomon as Asmo's message rang loud and clear.
Oh boy.
Chapter 5
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biglokinator · 4 years
December 17
I was at balcony, standing near the handrail, looking at the stars and dreaming about him. Dreaming about how many hugs and kisses I would give to Loki. If only he could be here. If only... if only I could really say I love you for the first time to him. What if... what if I was able to do that before, but fear and disappointment made me to kept those words in my damn mind? How can I forgive myself not doing that? Not telling Loki those good and lovely things he really deserved? How can I forgive? Someone in this world please tell me!
-Hey, why are you here? -As I heard footsteps behind me, I exhaled deeply and imperceptibly wiped my tears away. I turned back to Aaron with a smilling face.- Have you been crying? -My brother’s expression changed quickly when he saw me.
-Yes. -I fake smiled again.- But those tears are happy tears. Like.. tears of joy. -I shrugged.- I will come back to party in couple of minutes.
-Oh, cmon, sis. It’s your birthday. How can you say that when everyone is looking for you?
-I just need to be alone right now. I promise, I’ll be back in ten minutes.
-Okay. Okay. -He was going to go, when suddenly turned back.- Before I forget and before you are all alone, this letter was given to me to give to you. -He gave me an envelope, which was green and my heart just skipped a beat.- So... here you go. -Said Aaron and went back to the building. I was still looking at that thing in my hands. It was from him. From Loki. I knew it, as soon as I saw it’s color.
-Oh, it’s my favorite kind of green. -I was touching it carefully. Honestly I didn’t want to open, but also I was looking forward to read this letter.
“Open it please.” Said my another self in mind. “Cmon, what are you waiting for? Don’t be a coward! Open and read it!
I started shivering(not from a cold weather, but from anxiety). I was afraid of Loki. I was aftaid of his words. I didn’t know what was written in this letter... But logically I will never know if I don’t open it.
-So, I’m doing it... -I exhaled air deeply and opened green envelope, when suddnely from nowhere Thor appeared in front of me.- Oh, my GOD! What on the earth?! -I screamed with fear, as I looked at Asgardian’s frightened face. It was so unexpected.. Also he was nervous about something.
-Don’t read that letter. -Odinson Said carefully.
-Why? -I got confused.
-Because it’s not true what it’s written there. -Thor pointed at letter.
-Where do you know what is written here? -I asked with a doubtful voice.
-Cmon, do you really think Loki would sent you an envelope? -God of thunder asked me sarcastically. I didn’t like his tone. He seemed unusually unusuall.
-Cmon, do you really think Loki would come here to talk to me? -I asked it ironically too with a painful laugh. I know he’s not the type of person, who writes a letter, but in that moment when my brother gave me an envelope, for one second I really thought it was from him. And if it’s not from god of mischief, then who would want to do that on my birthday? I put down envelope on the table.
-You know him very well. No one knows what will come to his mad mind.
-So what are you trying to say, that he’s may be here? -I asked with my eyes wide open.- There is no way. -I shook my head.- I’m sure Loki’s somwhere far away. I won’t be surprised if I listen a story from you about him, how he demolished another planet.
-Is he tho? -Thor shrugged in a funny way, but I didn’t laugh.
-Thor stop! -I said loud.- Don’t do that!
-Don’t do what? -He asked with a surprise, like he really didn’t know.
-I will beat your ass, right now, if you won’t stop! -I pointed my index finger to him.
-Okay, okay. -He raised up his both hands as a sign of give up.
-Why are you really here, Thor?
-To talk about my brother. -He got serious in seconds.- I wanna know the truth... About him and you. What is going on?
-Um... I... Are you sure you want to hear?
-Yes, darling. I’m listening. -Thor said and crossed his hands on his chest, like Loki would. And I realised, he was Loki in disguise. I got even nervous, when I realised who was actually standing right in front of me. This little... Ugh! Odinson junior was playing his brother’s role so damn well... until now. He really, really shouldn’t have said those words. So you wanna play game like that, huh?
-Well... -I sighed.- As we already know, your brother is a real pain in ass, a real catastrophe and all that stuff. It is a way how he want to be seen in public, or maybe he doesn’t even want to be seen in that way at all. -I shrugged.- But I know one thing. -I raised my finger and got closer to Thor-Loki. He was looking at me with curiosity.
-Like what?
-Like what and... I know he isn’t that bad as it seems. Loki is confused, disappointed and heartbroken by your stupid father. -Thor got angry.- I’m sorry for saying that, but I had to. I’m sorry, but when it comes to your brother, there is no way of hiding the truth and my truth is that, if I could, I would give him the world and attention he needed all this years. I would give him even my own world too if it’s possible, because as much as he’s strong and powerful, he’s also vulnerable and lost. And I can’t stand when I have to look at him in his beautiful eyes and only see the pain, jealousy, anger, sometimes tears too. It’s not a real Loki. And I know if he was here, he would ask me how the hell I know who is a real Loki then, but trust me, I know. -I shrugged again and smiled slightly.- I also know that you will do me a favour and instead of me, you will wish Loki a happy birthday. -He’s face changed and got even more serious. Someone wasn’t expecting the last sentence. I could see that in Loki’s teary eyes. He cleared his throat. -Is there anything you would like to say? -Loki asked almost silently and carefully.
-Yes. -I answered shortly.- I would like to say that... -I looked at my fingers. I’m not sure if it’s a good or a bad idea. But if don’t take that chance as a hint...- that, I love him.
-What? -Tear dropped on his cheek.- What did you say? -Loki got even more close to me.
-That I love your brother. I love Loki. And I’m so sorry about what happened to him and I recently. Can you tell him those words for me? -I was looking at Loki. He was silent. Didn’t say anything. He started to walk around balcony with his hands on his back, as always.
-Wow. -Then finally started talking: - Wasn’t expecting that. I’m sorry, but I think it’s not enough for Loki to believe in your words.
-Oh, really? -I raised an eyebrow.- Then exactly what should I do to prove him I’m right and I’m not a bad liar like him? Should I colonize a planet too? Or kill people?
-You just have to kiss him. -Loki transformed into his real body with a smirk on his face. The Asgardian came even more close and touched me on my cheeks with fingers.
-And that’s all? J-just a kiss? -I was looking at his eyes and I can really tell, for the longest time, he was truly happy. As I wished about some minutes ago, I hugged him very tight. He didn’t hesitate to do the same and because of his touch, my heart begin to jump out from my chest.
-No, it’s not just a kiss, darling. -He whispered and touched my neck with lips.- I want everything from you. I want you!
-Loki... I- after all I have done to you-
-Shut up. It wasn’t your fault. I made you do that. The one should apologize is me. I’m truly sorry, love. -Loki was staring at me with pain. He’s eyes were full of grief and sorrow.
-Don’t look at me like that ever again.. like you are in great anguish. I said that I love you. I truly do with all my heart. You are precious to me. -While I was confessing my feelings for him, he just stood there with a smilling face.
-Where and when on the earth did I deserve to be loved and appreciated by you? -Then he laughed with a surprise.
-Since our first meet. -I shrugged.
-Guess, I’ve never said before that I care about you. I’m terribly in love with you, if you wanna know. I didn’t want to say any of this words, because.. you know why. -He laughed again, but it was a nervous laugh.- But some things had changed so... I realised I wanted you by my side. You still don’t have an idea how I’m addicted to you. I love everything in you. You just have to believe me this time.
-Wh- Is that really you? -I was so shocked, because of this words. Did I- did I really listen carefully and right? Or am I dreaming?- Are you allright?
-Am I? Are you? -Loki smirked and engrasped his hands on my waist. And I felt that...That spectacular feeling with goosebumps in my body.- Are you? Because your face is full of confusion. And what expression will you have if I ask you to be by my side this whole life? I promise, the sun will shine on us again.
-It already does. -I couldn’t be more patient. I couldn’t wait any longer. I just wanted to kiss him and I did it with no hesitation. Loki was so soft and careful, he wasn’t hurrying anywhere, so he was kissing me slowly and sweetly. His one hand touched my cheeks and then fingers slided into my hair. I repeated Loki’s move and felt those goosebumps again in every inch of my body.
-You know, darling... -A few seconds later god of mischief stopped kissing me and whispered: -I will never try to harm you, I will never try to disappoint you, I will never leave you and most importantly I will NEVER stop loving you. -Once again he kissed me, but in a forehead and held me close to his chest. I heard how fast was Loki’s heart beating.
For the first time in my life this was the most special birthday I have ever had.
Hello guys, I hope someone will read this. Btw, it’s my first imagine on tumblr so I hope it wasn’t that bad. I know there are some mistakes, but I really wanted to write something in English. Also, it’s not my native language and it was so hard not to write in my first language, but I tried my best and hope you’ll like it. 💙
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flowersoldier · 4 years
The Flower Girl and the Wolf
Aerith's living a normal live, until she met a shapeshifting wolf named Cloud... Formerly known as 'Beauty and the Beast' but completely rewritten.
Chapter 1: The Stranger from the Woods
It was night in Midgar and a dark, hooded figure jumped over seceral roofs. This town was weird, it had a gigantic plate and people lived above and below it. Cloud decided to hide below the plate and somewhere in the middle of these...slums, he stopped. He was on the roof of an old church. He pulled the hood of his cloak off, revealing a pair of wolf ears twitching at every sound. He smelled the air, but except for the bad smell of the town, there was no hint that anyone followed him. Nodding to himself, he turned to get going, but suddenly the wooden plates he stood on broke and he fell into the church, getting knocked out by the impact.
"Mom, I'm off!" Called Aerith cheerfully, pulling on her little red jacket over her pink dress and bouncing down the stairs. Despite her twenty-one years of age, she was still being as cheerful and bouncy as a child.
"Where are you going, sweetheart?" Asked her mother Elmyra, stopping her daughter before she could leave the house.
"The church. Someone has to take care of the flowers." She said, smiling happily at her mother. Elmyra smiled back and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
"Be careful, Aerith." Said girl rolled her eyes playfully. Elmyra told her this everytime she left the house. Yes, she knew the Slums could be dangerous, but Aerith could take care of herself just fine.
"Always. See you later, mom."
Aerith walked happily through the streets of Midgar. Her braid that was fixed with pink ribbon swung back and forth with each step. Aerith kept looking around to see if there's anything dangerous nearby, but there was nothing. It was very early and there weren't many people outside yet.
The girl looked up at the upper plate that prevented everyone living below it, to see the sky. But Aerith didn't really care not to see the sky. She was...kinda afraid of it.
Just a few minutes later she arrived at the church of Sector 5 and entered it. It was very old, no one bothered to take care of the building, so now it was just rotting away. If it wasn't for Aerith of course. She took care of this place and even grew a flower bed in the middle, where the altar once has been.
But something was different today. As she came closer to her flowers she saw someone lying in them. She tilted her head at the unconscious man lying on her poor flowers, before looking up. There's a hole that wasn't there yesterday. He must've fallen down. Did he come from the uper town, or did he just walk on the roof?
The boy was had spikey, blond hair and he only wore black. A coat, a wollen shirt with only one sleeve -which was a different kind of fabric she noticed, and pants. Oh and a wolf necklace. After taking a closer look she noticed him having animal ears. And a fluffy tail, too! She wasn't an animal expert but it looked like they're from a wolf. Was he cosplaying? Tilting her head again, she knelled down and poked one of his fluffy ears and to her surprised it wiggled with every touch. As if it was real...
Then the man began to stir and groan quietly, snapping Aerith out of her thoughts. "H-hey, can you hear me?" Aerith waited for a reply, but none came. "Hellooo~!" She called and watched him stirring awake. "Hellloooo~!" Aerith called again and now his eyes fluttered open.
Aerith couldn't help but stare at his bright, sapphire blue eyes for a while. Was this how the sky looked like? If so then it wasn't scary at all. "Yay!" She exclaimed, when he looked back at her and sat up. He was staring at her, too, kinda like as if he never saw a human being before.
Cloud stared at the girl, not quite sure what to think. Was he dead? Was she an angel? Her eyes sparkled and shined and looked define on their own. And then there was her face and hair and dress and everything about her. No that wasn't an angel, she was a goddess.
"Are you okay?" She asked and her voice...Her voice sounded so...sweet. No, she couldn't be a normal human being...But then his eyes widened. No, she smelled like a human. He immediately reached up for his hood, but it wasn't there. She could definitely see his ears. And he knew they moved, too. Way to hide his identity...He had to get out of here.
"Hey." Her voice caught his attention immediately. "Do you understand me?" Cloud just nodded hesitantly. "Are you okay?" She asked again and Cloud answered with another nod. "So...what are you?" He looked away, having no idea how to answer this. Well, actually he did, but he couldn't get any words out of his mouth. "Can you talk?" She really had lots if questions. But he'd probably be just like that when he saw a weird creature. He nodded again.
She smiled at him then. It was...so radiant. So beautiful...He opened his mouth to talk, but was stopped by her voice. "Are these tiny fangs?" She asked amused and even though these are not the worst things she saw on him, he quickly covered his mouth and avoided her gaze.
Then, just a second later, he felt something tickling his ear. It wiggled on its own and the girl began to giggle. He glanced at her and saw that she was the one tickling his ear. It would be so much more annyoing if she wouldn't have such a beautiful, angelic voice..."So, these are real? Can you tell me something about yourself?"
Well, it was too late now, anyway, right? "I'm a wolf." He answered, looking away again. The girl hummed and he could practically feel her stare on him. It was kinda embarrassing...
"Well, except for your fluffy tail and ears you look like a normal guy to me." She said thoughtfully.
It was forbidden to reveal the identity to humans, but it was way to late for that. "It's because...This is a disguise. I uhm....can transform into a real wolf."
"Wow...Can you show me?" This question really surprised him.
"What?" He asked shocked leaning away from her. What kind of girl was this? Normal people would be afraid of him, but she was actually curious!
"Can you show me? I'd really like to see it." She asked again, looking at him hopefully with her sparkling green eyes.
"No." He answered, again trying to get away from her gaze.
"Why not?" She sounded so disappointed. So sad. This shouldn't have an impact on him!
"You'll be afraid." He took the lamest excuse ever. This girl should be aftaid of him, but for some reason he didn't want to scare her.
"Don't worry." She said and Cloud made the same mistake again and looked at her radiant smile. "Wolves are one of my favorite animals! I won't be afraid of you."
To be honest, he had no idea if she was brave or extremely naive..."Still no."
"You're no fun..." She mumbled, pouting like a little girl. "By the way...do you mind getting out of the flowerbed?"
His question confused him for a second, that is until he looked down and realized for the first time that he was sitting in the middle of many pretty flowers. "Oh..." He quickly stood up and jumped out of the flower bed. "Sorry."
The girl smiled, despite him crushing her flowers. "It's okay. They can handle it." So that's why it smelled so good. And he thought it was only her that smelled so amazingly flowery.
"Why...why are you not afraid of me?" He asked then, thinking that her lack of fear weird. Every other human hated and feared them, so why not her?"
"Why would I? You're a really nice guy. Wolf."
"People call us 'monsters'." He said, frowning.
"I don't think you're one. As I said, you're really nice. Say, do you have a name?"
The blonde was clearly hesitant, but then again he never met a human like her before. She looked very trustworthy. "Cloud."
The girl hummed, her smile never faded. "Cloud, huh." His ears twitched when she said his name and couldn't help but like how it sounded with her voice. "I'm Aerith. Nice to meet you." Cloud smiled back, slightly. Could anyone not smile in her presence? "Cloud. Please show me how you look as a wolf."
She looked at him like a wolf pup and he felt himself crumble under that gaze. "Okay..." He said, looking away from her. She was surely smiling brightly right now. Looking around, he found a back door. "Wait here." He left her standing there and went to the separate room. Then he undressed himself, since he still needed these 'borrowed' clothes and couldn't afford to rip them apart. As soon as he shed all clothes, he transformed into his wolf form.
He had a golden like fur color and his hair style was still there. His head and neck was all spikey. And to top it all off, he got the white spots from his father. A big part of his eight ear was white, his feet were white he had a big white spot on his left eye and the complete underside of his muzzle belly and all the way to thw tip of his tail were white. He was probably the most bright colored wolf on this planet. Well, except for the ones who were completely white or silver-ish. After stretching his legs and ruffling his fur with his paws, he hesitantly walked back to Aerith.
He still expected her to be afraid as soon as she saw him, but instead she looked at him in wonder. Not just because he was an actual wolf, but also because he was much bigger than a normal one. He was big enough to carry her on his back. "Wow." Cloud made sure to have a safe distance between them and sat down, just watching her reaction. To his surprise, she approached him and reached out, gently touching his head. "You're fur is so fluffy..." She said more to herself, as she petted him gently, running her fingers through his fur. Aerith traced the white spots on his eye and ear and if he'd be a human he'd surely blush. Actually he still felt quite warm already.
He scooched in, unconsciously, really enjoying the way she petted him. But then She surprised him by coming even closer and burrying her face in his shoulder. "W-what are you doing?" He asked, but it sounded more like a barking to her ears. Sadly, his kind couldn't speak with humans. There was a different, intelligent species that spoke the human tongue, though. They were close allies.
Aerith kept snuggling him and Cloud tried to ignore her sweet, flowery scent. It was more intense with his wolf form and it wrapped him into a sweet, warm bubble that he didn't want to get out of. But he had to. He won't stay in this weird, stinky place. All he wanted was to see the world and had to go back eventually. With that in mind, he backed away from her and disappeared into the back room again. Even if everything in him told him to stay like that with her forever. Before he could change his mind and go back to her, he transformed back and dressed himself again. When he went back to the girl, he saw her pouring.
"Why did you change back?" She asked sad, disappointed. It was almost enough to go back there and change back. Almost.
But he didn't have an answer to her question. While trying to calm his racing heart, he approached her again and sat down on the ground. "I don't understand you...You should be afraid of me. Every normal human being would be afraid and run away from me."
But Aerith ignored him obviously, as she was more occupied at poking his ear and tail. "Are you listening?" He asked her frustrated. She didn't bother looking at him and kept poking his tail.
"I hear you. I just don't care." Her honesty was really...something else. "'Oh my gosh, whatever should I do'? Is that what you want to hear?" Cloud just stared at her blankly.
"Every other wolf would've killed you instantly..."
"But you didn't."
"Yeah, but..." There was no use talking with her. She was just a crazy and insane person. "Can you show me the way out of this town?"
Now this got her attention. "You wanna go already?"
Cloud nodded. "This isn't really...the best smelling place I've ever been to..."
"You're right. It's the Mako. I think I got used to the smell...I've been living here since I remember." Silently Cloud wondered why anyone would want to live in this place. He had no idea how people lived above the plate, but down here...It must be like living in hell. "Hey, how about you stay here overnight? I can offer you a place to sleep."
Cloud took a moment to think. It wouldn't hurt staying here for the night. Until then he could probably talk with Aerith more. "Okay."
Aerith beamed at his answer. Her smile was blinding him. "Great! You can stay at my place. My mother's there, too, but don't worry! I know she'll love you!"
At the mention of her mother, he was nervous. "Are you sure she won't mind? And what about..."
"Don't worry! She's very good at keeping secrets, you know. Even if she kicks you out, you can still stay here. But it's worth a try, right?" She was very optimistic...But it was infectious.
"Right." After pulling the hood of his coat over his head, she followed Aerith out of the church and to her place.
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Ice box Yandere Shoto ❄️
Chapter One.
Part One
A/N. This is my first try at Yandere writing and i felt like Shoto would be a good fit for it. Thank you for reading! (All parts can be found under the Icebox tag!)
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You were watching the news on TV in youre dorm. it was a interview with youre favorite Hero, Shoto. You loved him more than anything, his posters all over the walls and his merch scattered on the desk . You even told yourself that this was the same dorm he used when he went to UA. You wanted to meet him and tell him how much you looked up to him and wanted to be a Hero just like him.
“Is it true you will be in the park later in the day to meet fans?” Asked the reportor.
Shoto turned to the camera with a smile. “Yes, id love to meet all of you , maybe we can get dinner together”
The reportor blushed and so did you. Quickly you turned around going to youre desk picking up a planner . “If.. i leave now i could make it to the park by the time it starts. “. You set the planner down getting up and putting on youre shoes. Quietly you opened the door to not see anyone nearby except for a teacher. Aizawa turned seeing you and waved lazilly.
“Hey, Y/N, going somewhere?”
“Uh.. yeah i wanted to go to the park.”
“Hm.. okay. No using youre quirk unless you really need to.”
“Okay!! Ill be back-“
“Are you going to the Shoto Meet and Greet?”
“Oh yes.. uh i am”
“Y/N, be careful. A lot of people will be at that”
“I will Sensei!”
You hurried past the tired teacher and out the door making youre way to the sidewalk to the park. It was going to take a half hour to get to the park and you could grab a crepe on the way.
You passed a bunch of girls while you walked and overheard them talking about how excited they were to meet Shoto and how they would do anything to get to have dinner with him. They were dressed .. a little revealing and you still had the UA uniform on. Was the uniform a little silly? Was it to much? Should you go back and change clothes? You did not want to miss this oppertunity. .. It should be okay you thought. You saw the crepe stand coming into view now and went over getting in line .
The man in front of you had on a black coat with a matching hat, he was quite tall too. He seemed very laid back when he was ordering. The salesmen handed him the crepe and he turned to leave seeing you. Youre eyes widened when you saw his face , his red and white hair and his blue eye. He smiled at you moving to the side turning back to the salesmen.
“I’ll pay for their order too. “ he put money on the cart . You fumbled youre words trying to explain he did not need to do that but he just smiled handing you the crepe and motioning you to the side. You followed him blindly , unaware of where he was actually leading you. It was near a alleyway when he stopped and turned to you again.
“Thank you!!! I ... i dont know what to say! I admire you so much!!! I want to be just like you! ”
“Oh thats so sweet.. im flattered , whats youre name?”
“Y/N.. heh”
“Oh thats a lovely name.. i like the UA uniform too, what year are you in?”
“Uh.. my third . “ you took a nervouse bite out of the crepe and a small smirk came across Shoto’s face.
“ so tell me about youre quirk, i bet its interesting”
“Oh its uh.. “ you started to feel a little dizzy. You rubbed youre eyes and Shoto gently moved some hair from youre face making youre cheeks flush red.”uh.. its just i can make ice cubes and throw them... “.
Shoto laughed making ice in his hand and holding it to youre face , “thats pretty neat, almost similar to my quirk in a way.”
“Yeah.. heh..” you leaned on the wall looking around , everything was blurry.
“Are you okay Y/N? You seem... tired” he leaned down cupping youre cheek .
“ yes i... i guess i took training to seriously today”
“ oh.. you should not do that Y/N, who do you have for a teacher?”
“Uhm.. Mr.Aizawa.” Youre eyes started to close and youre body was slumping.
Shoto caught you chuckling. “Oh my.. maybe you are tired. Aizawa is a hard teacher, lets get you...home”
You woke up cold, freezing even. The room was a small little bunker it looked like. Nothing was in the room, no windows, no desk, no lamp. The only light was coming from a hanging celing buld swinging slightly . You spotted a vent on the top of a wall but it was to high up to reach.. you rubbed youre head trying to get up, youre legs wobbling and numb. What happened...? You held youreself rubbing youre arms . “I ... where am i? Was i kidnapped? Its cold.. really cold.. calm down.. remember the training..” you went over to a wall rubbing youre hand on it and knocking in various places, nothing sounded hollow to you. It all felt like cement. You turned around spotting a door running to it grabbing the handle trying to open it. The door did not budge at all from youre side.,
“Hello?!? Is anybody out there?!? Ive been kidnapped!!!” You yelled banging on the door. .. No answer. You looked down putting youre hands together to form a large ice cube . “Ughn... please work” You lifted up the ice cube getting ready to hit the door , you heard a click and saw the door open as soon as you were about to hit it . Shoto smiled putting his hand on the ice cube melting it .
“Y/N? What are you doing? You could have hurt youreself.” He stepped in closing the door locking it.
“Shoto!!! I think someone kidnapped me! We have to get out of here!”
Shoto smiled removing his hat and coat letting it fall to the floor , his adjusted his black turtleneck looking around the room. “Well the AC is working”
“ what... i.. Shoto.!!”
He walked past you checking over the room , making sure nothing was damnaged . He looked up at the vent then back at you. You ran over tugging his arm trying to drag him to the door again.
“Y/N? Whats wrong?”
“We have to get out of here!!! We need to contact the Pros! “
“But.. Y/N i am a Pro. “ he smirked down at you stroking youre cheek. “Arent you a fan of mine? Admire me?”
“Yes Shoto! I.. i really like you and think youre really cool. “
“Then what are you aftaid of ?”
“I dont know where i am ! I need to get home.. or the dorms. I need to contact Mr. Aizawa..”
His right side started to show and his smile turned into a scowl. You held yourself taking a step back. The heat from his quirk felt nice but...
“Aizawa.. he never believed in me , told me my fire side was .. monsterous .” He stepped to you . “No one at that damn school believed in me!!!!”
You screamed turning to run only for him to grab youre arm yanking you to him holding you close. Your back to him , he held you securely with one arm. You whined trying to break free , digging youre nails in his arm. He laughed yanking you close and holding his other hand to youre face , a flame sitting in the middle of it.
“Shh... Y/N its okay. Im here. Youre safe here okay? I wont let anyone hurt you Y/N .”
What was going on?!? Was this really Shoto? The Hero you wanted to be like?!? The Hero you admired more than anyone?!?
“Shoto..!!! I dont understand.. please lets get out of here! “
He held his hand closer to youre face quieting you down. He smiled letting the flame go out and hugging you very tightly.
“Its going to be alright okay? Dont you see? Im saving you . Im saving you from UA, that school will only hurt you, and tell you youre quirk is useless.” He squeezed youre struggling body. “ i will keep you safe , youre quirk... is amazing. I’ll help you with it! We could make it even stronger!!!” He squeezed youre arm while he talked , leaving small bruises.
“Dont worry Y/N, everything is going to be okay. Because im here okay?”
You were confused and freezing . Nothing made sense and you were alone with someone who you thought was youre Hero.
Meanwhile in the outside world, Aizawa was waiting outside the dorms. Waiting for his student to return.
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