#there i go again. ok grandparent time for bed
quietpossum · 1 year
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I like to imagine mobians do this
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ricolaviecher · 2 months
Who's the dad
This is a Evan Buckley (9-1-1) fanfiction I have finally decided to post. It is the first or second fanfiction I have written in my whole life so this is probably bad. English is not my first language so there could be a few mistakes.
I hope everyone who reads this enjoys it. If anyone has feedback, I am open for it.<3
Summary: A few months after a one-night stand leaves (Y/N) pregnant, she unexpectedly meets the baby's father at a BBQ at her dad's fire station.
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The blonde guy was hot, (Y/N) had to admit. His baby blue shirt lets his eyes glow in the most perfect way.
“So why are you here today?”, (Y/N) asked. They both had a silent deal: no name’s, no prying for information.
“Hard day at work”, the man answered. “You?”
“Hard week.” (Y/N) knew she was already drunk, but she ordered another tequila. In the afternoon, she brought her kids to their grandparents, Bobby and Athena. The reason she told them: I need the evening for drinking until I don’t even know my name anymore.
She knew drinking wasn’t going to solve her problem, but it would numb her for at least one night. It would make her forget the pain.
The man nodded, but she didn’t even know what she had said before.
They drank a few drinks together until both of them saw black spots dancing in front of their eyes.
(Y/N) knew it was wrong what she wanted to do know. She wanted to kiss this man. She wanted to forget why she was here tonight. She knew exactly how wrong it would be. How disappointed everyone would look at her. But screw it. She wanted him and she wanted him now.
She leant forward and pressed a kiss on his lips. It felt so right, but so wrong. It didn’t matter. The blonde deepened the kiss. The next thing (Y/N) knew was that they were in the man’s apartment. In his bed.
(Y/N) did her best to hide the baby bump – but it didn’t help much. Maybe she could tell everyone she has just eaten too much when they were in Europe. She hasn’t seen anyone of her family in the last 5 months. They didn’t know she was pregnant and they are not supposed to. Half a year ago she packed her stuff and drove away with the kids.
After her husband died and she slept with this stranger, she had to leave. She wasn’t able to stay anymore. She was ashamed of herself. How was she able to sleep with someone just some hours after Henry died? They weren’t always happy but she loved him. He had been her world. Until he was gone.
“Mommy? How much longer we have to drive?” James asked from the back of the car. He was the most impatient of her kids.
“Only around half an hour then you can finally see grandpa and grandma again.”
(Y/N) heard a sigh from her son and chuckled.
“Is there going to be cake? Is grandpa going to make pasta for us?” Cameron. She and James are twins and couldn’t be more similar. Both impatient and always hungry until they ate two bites and complain about being too full to eat any more.
“I don’t know. I have never been to a party at the station.” Nobody knew they were going to come. It was going to be a surprise.
Suddenly, Emily began to cry in her seat. The two-year old always slept in the car, but when she woke up, she always had a shock and started to cry when she noticed they were driving.
“Liv, can you please give Emily her pacifier?” The 14-year-old didn’t seem to hear her mom, as she had her headphones in her ears and scrolled through TikTok’s.
“Liv! Give your sister her damn pacifier!” Finally.
After two weeks in Europe, (Y/N) was already super annoyed. She tried to keep it cool, but it wasn’t easy to be with four kids and pregnant when she didn’t have her husband around.
Just a few minutes later, (Y/N) parked in front of the firehouse. She had been here before. Not inside it but she had dropped off her father a few times when his car was at the car repair.
“Ok! We are here! All out of the car!” (Y/N) picked up her youngest and followed the rest of the kids inside the firehouse.
She didn’t see many people downstairs, but around 50 people were upstairs.
“(Y/N)? Hey! You’re back! Where were you in the last few months? We tried to call you but you didn’t answer. We were so worried!” Bobby literally ran to her and hugged her as tightly as possible with Emily between them. “She grew up so much”, he said, reaching out to stroke Emily’s back.
“Yes. She absolutely did.” (Y/N) could see the worried and exhausted expression on her father’s face and immediately felt sorry for not even writing him and Athena a message that she and the kids were ok.
“May I introduce you to the team?”, Bobby asked after hugging the twins and Liv, who finally put away her headphones.
The 118’s Captain led his family to a bunch of people in uniforms.
“These guys are Eddie, Chimney, Hen and Buck.” (Y/N)’s breath caught in her throat. Fuck. The super-hot guy stood in front of her. With his uniform he looked even better that in his baby blue shirt he wore the last time. Why the fuck did she still remember what this guy had worn when they met in the bar?!
“Meet (Y/N), Liv, James, Cameron and Emily.”
“Hey! Nice to meet y’all”, (Y/N) said overly friendly, trying to hide the surprise, as well as Buck did.
“Grandpa? You have cake?”, Cameron asked Bobby.
“Of course. A party without cake isn’t a party. Come on, I’ll show you all.” Bobby led the kids away from (Y/N) and the team, over to the kitchen island on which many plates of cake were standing.
“’So… you are Cap’s daughter?”, a brown-haired man asked, who (Y/N) remembered as Eddie.
“Yepp, that’s me.” (Y/N) looked at Buck who looked just as surprised, as she felt.
“So, you are Buck?”, she asked him just as a try to build a conversation. She tugged gently on her shirt, as she didn’t want Buck to notice her baby bump.
“Uhm… yes. I am. Evan Buckley. So… these are your kids? You look quite young”, Buck asked and (Y/N) furrowed her brow until she realized, they haven’t talked about ages when they spent the night together. She was quite young for already having 4 kids. She had Liv when she was 16, but she barely told people, as she always got these judging looks.
“Yes, they are.” (Y/N) stared at the ground, unable to hold eye contact with the man she had a breathtaking night.
“Father’s not in the picture?”, Eddie asked and (Y/N) could see that Buck was relieved, that his friend asked the question, so he didn’t seem too suspicious.
“Um, no. He died 5 months ago. Car accident.” Instead of staring at the ground, (Y/N) now looked at the ceiling, trying to stop the tears, which always threatened to flow freely, whenever she talked about her late husband.
When she finally managed to make eye contact with Evan, she could see pain written over his face. Her husband died 5 months ago, around the same time, she slept with him. Had he been some kind of replacement? He knew they agreed to one night – no personal information, but it still hurt to know she didn’t actually feel the tiniest bit. She only had tried to compensate everything.
Around 3 hours later, in which the 118 got a small call once but came back after only one and a half hour, they all sat at the big table, because it was dinner time. Most of the time, (Y/N) stood on the sidelines, as she didn’t really feel comfortable around all these people she barely knew, and Buck. Nobody seemed to have noticed the baby bump which was covered under her shirt.
And now, (Y/N) even felt nauseous and had cramps in her lower belly. Her other pregnancies had gone quite well, except the last few months with the twins, but this pregnancy was terrible. She already had to go to hospital 4 times in the last 5 months, as she couldn’t keep anything down and had been severely dehydrated.
After only 2 bites, (Y/N) had to lay down the fork because she felt like she would throw up right away if she ate only one more bite. She had already thrown up breakfast and everything she drank today. She was lucky no one noticed she hasn’t eaten a piece of cake before.  
“Are you ok?”, the brown-haired man from before asked. Eddie? (Y/N) has always been terrible with names and couldn’t remember any. It took her 2 weeks to even remember Henry’s name after she met him, something he also made fun of, even years later.
“Uh yes. Just not feeling too great today”, she answered, trying to suppress the feeling to be sick. Her throat felt tight and her stomach felt like it was twisting and turning. The cramps were still present. She knew she wasn’t having a miscarriage as she once had one, and it felt different. The symptoms were pretty much the same, but she had another feeling. She had felt like something was missing, but this here wasn’t any better.
“You sure? You don’t look too good and you haven’t eaten much. Don’t you like the food?”, her father intervened now.
“The food’s great. Really. I haven’t been feeling my best today, that’s it.”
“Do you want one of the medics to take a look at you?” Bobby really seemed worried, but his daughter waved him off.
“Dad. Don’t make more out of it than it is.” Her dad made an acknowledging sound and (Y/N) thanked him silently with a small nod.
(Y/N) fidgeted with her hands, a nervous habit, she always did when she felt uncomfortable. Today, this many people were too much. She has never liked being around many people for a long time. She felt like everyone was staring at her and making fun off her or thinking of her as a disappointment when she did something wrong. Her kids were different, except of Liv. Liv came after her mom in these things, while the others luckily came after their dad and were the most social persons in this world.
Everyone looked at (Y/N), as she suddenly stood up, because a wave of nausea waved over her. As fast as possible she went to the restrooms, but only made it to the sink, where she threw up the bit of water she had managed to drink before. She rinsed her mouth and looked in the mirror. She looked like shit. Her skin was pale and her lips dry.
The door opened, and a woman stepped inside. She was around as tall as (Y/N) was and wore a wine-red shirt, that showed she worked at the 911 dispatch center. Had she been at the dinner table before? Or has (Y/N) just not seen her?
“Oh hey. Sorry. Just needed a break from out there. Who are you? I have never seen you here before. I am Maddie by the way. Chimney’s fiancé, Buck’s sister.”
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow. Buck’s sister?
“(Y/N). Bobby’s daughter. Nice to meet you.”
“Are you okay? You don’t look too well.” Again, this question. No, she wasn’t ok. But she didn’t say anything, so everyone should stop asking her. If she wanted someone to know she wasn’t well, she would tell.
“It’s okay. Just not feeling my best today.” Maddie nodded.
“Ok.” She didn’t pry further to get information, what (Y/N) was very thankful for.
“Soo. You are Bobby’s daughter? Athena has never mentioned, that Bobby has a daughter. She usually talks about everything.” Maddie furrowed her brow.
(Y/N) shrugged her shoulders.
“He doesn’t like talking about his private life too much.”
(Y/N) went back to the table, after she was sure she wouldn’t have to throw up again. But when she arrived at the dinner table again, she felt she was dizzy. Congratulations. First, she was sick and now she was dizzy because she didn’t drink or eat enough today.
She caught Bobby’s concerned gaze as he was looking at her, before everything went black.
“Heyyy! Here we go. You with us again?” She felt something painful on her chest and after a few moments she realized it was someone performing sternal rub to bring her back around. (Y/N) grumbled something.
When she tried to sit up again, there was a firm hand on her shoulder that kept her laid down.
“Damn, let me sit up if I want to. I am fine.” But (Y/N) noticed on her own how hoarse she sounded from being sick.
The hand suddenly disappeared from her shoulder, but when (Y/N) sat up, the hand was back at her back to steady her and kept her from falling over. Finally, she managed to open her eyes and caught look on the brown-haired man – Eddie. Evan sat directly next to her.
“We are just going to check a few things, ok?” All (Y/N) did, was giving an acknowledging sound from her.
The next thing she felt was a pulse-oximeter being slipped on her index finger and a blood pressure cuff on the other arm. She winced when Eddie inflated it and it squeezed tightly around her arm, which made her eyes well up with tears.
She had never liked the BP reading. When she was a kid, she cried freely as it made her arm feel like needles were jabbing it.
“Sorry.” Eddie was quick to deflate the cuff again after noticing the tears in (Y/N)’s eyes but she just shook her head to show everything’s ok. “BP’s 108/70. We are going to give you something to raise it again.”
“No! Wait!” (Y/N) frantically said. “I… I…” She made a sign for Eddie to come near to her so she could whisper into his ear without anyone hearing it. “I am pregnant but no one can know yet. I didn’t tell anyone.”
“Okayyy… I think we should go somewhere more private.” (Y/N) nodded agreeing.
Despite the other’s confused looks, they made their way to the locker room. Once they were there, Eddie began talking again.
“Has this happened before?”
“Yes, I already was in hospital because of it but it is just this morning sickness. I can’t keep anything down and it makes me dehydrated.” When (Y/N) looked to her right, she could see Buck looking at them but he couldn’t hear anything, right? He wasn’t as near and it was quite loud upstairs.
“Mhm. I want to hook you up on an IV if that’s ok with you? I don’t want you to be as dehydrated as you are now and I figure you don’t want a trip to the ER?”
“Yes, if that is possible, please.”
Only a few seconds later, (Y/N) could see her dad storming into the locker room.
“Sweetheart, what happened?” He looked kind of mad but also worried.
“Ehm… It is complica…”
“She is dehydrated because she didn’t drink or eat enough. She just wants to be alone for a moment and I can give her an IV,” Eddie intervened. (Y/N) shot him a thankful gaze and a tiny smile. She liked Eddie. He was really kind. She couldn’t think of any of her friends, who would do that for her.
“Mhm. Ok. I am going to call Athena. She said she would be here earlier. I’ll come back later.”
Bobby disappeared as fast as he came into the room.
“Thanks. For not telling him.” Eddie smiled at her.
“It’s not on me. And I think there are going to be better circumstances for that talk. How far are you?”
“5 months.”
“Ah. May I ask…”, he hesitated for a moment. “Is it your late husband’s baby?”
“No.” You didn’t know for sure why you told him, but he kind of let you feel calm and safe. “We didn’t… you know… the time before he died. We argued a lot. Had a one-night stand just a few hours after he died.”
“You know the father? Were you able to call and tell him?” Eddie looked honestly interested while he put an IV bag out of the medkit.
(Y/N) shook her head before nodding.
“I haven’t seen him… until today.” Eddie looked shocked and raised his eyebrows.
“Today? Is he here? At the station?”
(Y/N) nodded guiltily and looked at the ground when she heard Eddie chuckle.
“Damn, tell me more. Who is it?”
“Buck?” The firefighter looked even more shocked than before and you nodded again.
“I didn’t know his name we agreed to ‘no personal information’. Why would I know he worked at my dad’s workplace? God… when he will find out he is going to be so pissed.” Eddie shook his head.
“Nah, I don’t think so. He will understand. And hey. You don’t have to defend yourself.” She smiled at his kindness.
She watched as Eddie swabbed the alcohol pad over the back of her hand.
“I would recommend to close your eyes if you are not good with needles”, he suggested. But (Y/N) couldn’t. She needed to see what Eddie was doing, even though she wasn’t good with needles. When the firefighter pushed the needle in the back of her hand, she let out a small squeal.
“Told you to keep your eyes closed but you refused to listen.” She heard Eddie chuckle. “Do you have any other symptoms I should be worried about?”
“I have cramps”, she admitted.
“Lower belly?” (Y/N) nodded. Why couldn’t she just have been home. She would lie on the couch and relax, but instead she was here, being poked and prodded by a firefighter.
“Can I take a look?” She nodded again. Eddie pulled her shirt over her abdomen and pressed his palm on different spots. (Y/N) looked upstairs, and froze. Fuck. She forgot that Evan was still standing upstairs, looking at the locker room. Looking at her.
Her eyes widened. Why had she agreed to this? Why didn’t she insist on being ok and went home? Why was she so stupid? She wanted to slap herself for not thinking.
Eddie seemed to notice her sudden panic, the pulse-oximeter, which was still clipped to her finger, chirped in high pitched noises.
“Hey, hey. Look at me. Deep breaths. What’s up?”
“B… Buck.” The firefighter looked where she was pointing at and sucked in a deep breath.
“Ok. That’s ok. We’ll fix that, after we are finished here, ok? It’ll be ok. Don’t worry. Try to breathe with me, the baby won’t like you breathing like that.” Demonstrative, Eddie took some deep breaths. “Do you know the gender yet?”
(Y/N) could tell that Eddie was only trying to distract her but she played along.
“A… girl. It’s a girl. Again.” She laughed. Her breathing became slower, steadier.
“That’s great. You already told your kids?”
“How did they react? Are they happy?” Eddie grinned at her.
“Y… yes. They are. James was a bit d- disappointed at first. H- he hoped he would finally get a brother t- to play soccer with.” (Y/N) smiled. “But the g- girls were all over t-the moon.”
The brown-haired man, put an oxygen mask over her face, which she tried to pull off, but his hand was immediately back, to hold the mask in place.
“Let it on, please”, he said with a look at the pulse-oximeter which was still chirping. “It’ll make it easier to breathe for you.
(Y/N) nodded, even though she hated the feeling of the mask, which made her feel the opposite of ‘easier to breathe’.
“Can I have a listen to the baby’s heartbeat?” After he had seen (Y/N) nodded again, he took the stethoscope and pressed the diaphragm to her belly.
“Looks good so far. The heartbeat is a bit fast for my liking but it’s nothing too concerning, just take some deep breaths, ok?”
“Copy, Firefighter Diaz.” (Y/N) took some deep breaths.
Just a few seconds later, someone stormed into the locker room. Buck.
“You… you are pregnant?” Buck hoped that (Y/N) would tell him it wasn’t his. That it was her husband’s.
“Yes.” She was surprised that her voice didn’t sound as high and panicking as she thought it would. She was scared. Scared of Buck’s reaction, which became even more clear, as the pulse-oximeter started to chirp frantically again.
Eddie took a look and was surprised how high the shown numbers were.
“Deep breaths”, he commanded her. But she couldn’t.
“Who’s the dad? Is it mine? Or is there a tiny chance, that it is your husband’s?” Even though (Y/N) thought something like that would come out of Buck’s mouth, she felt disappointment deep in her. She hoped he would not sound as panicked as he was now.
“Your’s.” (Y/N) fell silent, holding her breath in anticipation of what Evan would say now.
“Oh… wow. I have to admit that is a shock. Why… why didn’t you tell me? I could have been there with you.”
“I didn’t have your number, your address, your workplace. Not even your name! I didn’t even know if you lived in LA or somewhere else! What should I have done?”
Eddie put the oxygen mask over her mouth and nose, that she just put off again, but she immediately put it back to the floor. She didn’t want to breathe in the oxygen. It made her feel lightheaded and nauseous and gave her a headache.
“(Y/N)! Damn, breathe properly now the baby’s not comfortable anymore. Buck, I think you should go now and let her breathe a bit without the stress, this conversation puts on her.”
“No, he won’t go now! Not until this conversation is finished!” (Y/N) glared at Eddie. She wasn’t sure if that were the pregnancy hormones speaking out of her which have made her a bit temperamental these last few months.
“What do you want to do now? Buck? Do you have a girlfriend? Do you want to be a part in the baby’s life? Do you want to be part in MY life? I need to know it.” She could feel tears welling up in her eyes. Definitely the hormones which made her act strange at the moment.
“I don’t know exactly what I want to do now. But I don’t have a girlfriend. And I want to be part of the baby’s life. I want to be their father…”
“Her. It’s a girlie. Again.” (Y/N) could see Evan smiling a bit.
“Ok. I want to be HER father and spend time with her. And I think I would like to try to go on a date… with you. If you think you are ready. I liked you the last time we met, even though that could be because I had been really drunk that night.” Buck laughed and blushed a bit.
“I think… I think we can give it a try. I don’t know if I am ready for everything. But I do know I am ready for something. And maybe that could be with you.”
“Ok… uhm… great. And now you should really try to breathe properly with that mask. I know it’s not great, but even I can recognize how high your vitals are.”
She did as she was told. (Y/N) knew she liked Buck. He was cute. She wouldn’t have imagined to see a man like him blushing when talking about a baby and dating.
“I’m nauseous.” Eddie and Buck both looked a bit worried.
“Deep breaths. I think it’s just the IV and oxygen. I put some meds in the IV that should help with the belly cramps, that could make you feel nauseous.”
(Y/N) only nodded. She suddenly felt exhausted. The adrenaline of the day started to wear of.
“I think I’m gonna drive the kids home and we are going to relax a bit while watching some tv. Thank you for everything.”
“Wait. Stop. I won’t let you drive home alone. You don’t feel good and I wouldn’t like to know you don’t have anyone with you except you kids.” She nodded again. Evan was right. It would be stupid to not have anyone around her.
“I can come with you. Just if that’s ok with you.”
“Yes. That would be great. Thanks.”
“No problem. Shall we take your car?”
“Mhm.” She was thankful. She could really imagine Buck as a boyfriend. He is great.
“That doesn’t make any sense.” Evan laughed. He, (Y/N) and Liv were sat on the couch, watching a firefighter show, (Y/N) and Liv had been addicted to in the last few weeks.
“It doesn’t matter! This show is great!” Liv and Evan discussed about the mistakes in the show since around 10 minutes and it made (Y/N) smile. It was like a real family. Even though it hurt her a bit that it wasn’t Henry, sitting here. But let’s be honest: Henry would have never watched a show like that.
“That doesn’t change the fact, that you don’t use the saw like that. It’s just not safe!”
“Then just do not pay attention to the details.” Now, it was Liv laughing. (Y/N) hasn’t seen her daughter that happy in the last few months. She tried to cover up her emotions but it didn’t work completely. Her eyes started to burn and she felt a pressure building up. No, she wasn’t going to cry. Not in front of Evan. Her daughter. No.
“I’ll go to toilet for a moment.” She hoped nobody would notice she was about to cry, but her voice gave it away. She sounded hoarse and her voice broke at some point.
She locked the bathroom door and sank down to the cold floor, where she curled up, leaning her back on the even colder wall. Her hand was rubbing circles over her swollen belly. Damn it.
(Y/N) knew she missed Henry. She knew her kids have missed him every second since his death. But she was scared. Scared that moving on with Evan would make her forget her late husband. She heard a gentle knock on the wooden bathroom door.
“May I come in?” Buck.
“Ok.” Her voice sounded hoarse. She attempted to brush the tears away but it really didn’t work. Her eyes were still read, as well as her cheeks.
She got up to unlock the door, for Buck to come in. After he stepped inside the room, he closed the door again. He sat down next to her, and (Y/N) leaned her head on his shoulder.
“What’s up?”, he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Nothing.” Evan shot her a look, that said more than a thousand words.
“This honestly doesn’t look like nothing.”
“I don’t want to forget Henry. And I am scared. I have never had a relationship before him. And I still have cramps. And I still don’t feel too good in general. And I am scared of giving birth alone. And I am scared of everything else in my life.” Buck looked at her with a concerned expression and immediately pulled her into a hug as (Y/N) began to cry again.
“Ok. So, we first go to hospital, because these cramps make me worried, and then we can figure everything else out, ok?” He pressed a sloppy kiss on (Y/N)’s forehead, and she nodded.
“Mhm. But you need to help me get up, the baby is in the way.”
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ratcash-wasgud · 21 days
Tragicomedy II
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hey gang, I finally finished this lol sorry it took so long, I just have some complications in my life rn
Anyways, NSFW so minors (and MEN) dni
After the day at the amusement park, Ellie walked home in a cartoonishly bummed way. Which, if you ask me, was pretty understandable. In her head, she had lost every chance in the world with the cutest girl ever, and the worst part was, that she has lost to Abby.
She didn't live in a dorm, the house she basically grew up in was just a couple blocks away from her college, and like 30 minutes away from the amusement park, so she had time to listen to music and stare at the sunset on her way. When she got home, she kicked open the door, and walked past a very concerned looking Joel, and slammed her room's door behind herself. She was acting like a child, she knew that, but she couldn't help it. If today would've went in the way she planned, you could be here too right now, listening to her playing the guitar, marveling at her comic collection, or even...I don't know, sit in her lap or something. But now, it's all ruined because of some straight jock who doesn't deserve you anyways.
Abby on the other hand, is not home yet. Instead of going back to her dorm, she got into her truck, and just went out to the edge of the city, to just...sit there. The last couple months were overwhelming, but today? Yeah, it's taking the crown. She had just started being ok with liking girls, then you came in the picture and suddenly Abby wishes she was still in denial. You saw her cry for fuck's sake. If she wanted to achieve anything, it was the cool and chill persona she had assumed girls like you were attracted to, but nah, she had to fuck it up and almost have a panic attack because of one homophobic comment that wasn't even directed at her. She's so terrified of being gay, of disappointing everyone. That's probably the reason why it was so easy for comphet to eat her alive for so many years.
But then, both women are dragged out of their gloomy moment by a notification lighting up their phone. A new groupchat was just made, by you, and the first text was sent.
"now we have a super cool groupchat, only for super cool people"
"(˵ •̀ ᴗ •́ ˵ )"
Ellie stares at the text. You made a groupchat instead of just texting Abby, which, to her was a success. Abby on the other hand, just didn't understand why did you still think she was cool.
"i wanted to text both of you, but i feel like it's easier this way."
"btw do you guys have plans on friday??"
Perfect. Another chance.
"nah im free." Ellie texts without hesitation, already smiling as she rolls over in bed, staring at her phone. She's already starting to come up with places she could go with you.
"i don't have any plans" Abby texts, her fingers shaking a little. She's happy that you don't hate her, of course, but she's nervous. She doesn"t want to fuck up anything again.
"⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡"
"my grandparents are out of the state for a couple days, and they told me i could hang in their pool!!"
And that is exactly how both Abby and Ellie ended up having a huge watergun fight in your grandparents' backyard. It was amusing, really. They both took it really seriously, like the waterguns you found while searching for a beach matress were completely real, and their life depended on shooting the fuck out of the other.
"Come out, Williams!" Abby yells as she walks up to the shed where she saw that pesky woman run to. "Just give up! Come out with your weapon in the air!"
But, Ellie wasn't in the shed at all, she was behind it. So when Abby tried to enter the shed, she jumped out from behind it, and blasted the bigger woman with cold water all while laughing wickedly. "I got youuuu, you died! I won!"
You just watched them, chuckling to yourself. You were happy. Having friends was cool. I mean, you were watching with a bunch of adoration in your eyes, and your heart was also fluttering, but that's a totally different topic.
"Okay, do you guys want to get in the pool already?" You ask as you start taking off your shirt just to reveal a light purple bikini top decorated with a pink bow.
Ellie swallowed hard. Suddenly her victory didn't even matter to her at all. The only thing that mattered was following you right into water. She peeled her own tanktop off, staying in her own pair of swimwear. This is the most skin she has ever seen you show, and it's already making her mouth dry. She stars sprinting towards the pool and with a huge splash, she lands in the water, drenching the frozen Abby standing next to the pool, who is in complete gay panic, and just stands there, stiffer than ever. She gasps when the cold water hits her skin, and shoots a glare to the auburn haired woman, who's just emerging from under the water. And as we know, revenge is both of their speciality, so Abby peels her own clothes off too and jumps into the water as fast as she can, and her aim is the smaller woman right in the middle of the pool. But as the waves from her jump arrive, they push you right into Ellie's arms.
Ellie, of course, sees the opportunity and takes it right away, wrapping her arms around you from behind. "I got you," She whispers into your ears, and you blush in response. You can't help yourself but lean into the touch, smiling softly. "Yeah...thanks."
Abby comes up from under the water, and sees the scheming that's happening behind her back. She can't let that happen, she can't be left out. She needs to keep up her game. She can't be a coward again. So, she moves towards both of you in the pool, where your feet can touch the tiles on the floor, and she corners both of you.
Abby needs to swallow her nerves. She has to be brave. "I pushed you on purpose." She murmurs, ignoring that you're in Ellie's arms, and puts her hands on your hips under the water. "I wanted to see you fall under the water...and get wet." She says, knowing exactly what she means.
Ellie, on the other hand pulls you closer. "She's already wet. We didn't need your help." She says, lifting her knee to rest between your legs. They didn't know is that you were indeed wet.
"I think she wants my help tho." Abby says, her heart pounding in her chest, but doing her best to not let it show. "Tell her sweetheart," Abby leans closer, her eyes intense. "Tell her you need my help."
You were stunned for a moment, glancing back at Ellie over your shoulder then back to Abby. "I...I need help. From, uhm...both of you." You croak out, her legs wrapping around Abby's waist under the water, while you lean back into Ellie. "Allow me to be selfish."
Both women stopped for a second, considering their options. In that moment, they both realized they didn't hate eachother as much as they thought. Over the time of then hanging out with you, and through that, eachother. Ellie learned that the meat head jock can cry, and isn't afraid of playing with toys or laughing in such a carefree way. Abby learned that the grumpy merd is fierce, and stands up for what she believes in, and that she puts up a fight in whatever she puts her mind to. They learned that they...wouldn't mind this whole thing.
Ellie was the one who moved first, giving Abby a nod, as she snaked her hand lower, along your stomach, right into your bottoms, grazing your lips. Abby shuddered when she saw that, and she just decided to go for it and plant her lips firmly against yours. You kissed her back withouth hesitation, wrapping your arms around her neck, and Abby felt like she was in heaven for a slight second. Ellie watches as her tongue moves with yours, kissing the side of your neck softly as she felt how wet you are down there. She slid a finger inside you, then after a couple thrusts, another. You moaned against Abby's mouth, and in response to that, the bigger girl started kneading your tits gently at first, but she lost self control pretty quickly.
The next thing you knew was that your second orgasm was already fading already, your juices gushing out of you as you're next to the pool on a convenient blanket, while Abby sits right on your face, her pretty pussy reacting to every single lick, while Ellie is between your legs, her cute little cunt against yours, rubbing and chasing her own orgasm, all while they make out, moaning your name into eachothers mouths.
In that moment, Ellie and Abby both decided to stop hating eachother for now.
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flashbangstars · 8 months
NCT Dream if they were your roommate (college edition) <3333
in honor of it being the first day of classes for a bunch of my fellow college friends, I wanted to give y'all a little something. I'm also currently writing this while in zoom classes. This divulged into just plain old roommates too lol
mark was actually pretty good at waking up, you were up before him for a zoom geology class so you would always hear him in the mornings
mark always showers first and will play justin bieber's entire fucking discography in the shower
he also locks you out of the one bathroom you have even though you both have to leave at the same time so you're just kinda fucked
he claims its to preserve his innocence, but you have a black shower curtain you can't see through. so he's just being a princess
he only wear sweats to class, but somehow you are always done before him
you once got into a fight because you were wearing the sweatshirt he wanted to wear, so he made you take it off in the entrance of the apartment and switch with him
he insists on walking you to class because "it's what a gentleman would do"
you two DO NOT beat the dating allegations because of this
he will ask people leaving your class if you are still in there when it ends so people call him "the hot guy who waits for y/n"
it honestly boosts your ego so you're not complaining
your not sure if he's aware of his reputation, since he's so painfully oblivious, but you're not gonna tell him
without fail, every time your on the bus on the way halfway through, he will look up with wide eyes and tell you what he forgot and how badly he needs it, so without fail you will end up going in between your classes since he doesn't have a break to go retrieve what he needs for classes
it almost always is his computer charger and his notes
and it's almost always thrown on the floor by his bed, where he had been studying the day before
will ask every single day if you can walk to the further bus stop "because it's so nice out" and will act like a toddler who just went outside for the first time touching leaves n shit
he is 100% more put together than you
he wakes up every morning 2 hours before he has to leave (you wake up to his alarm so you know)
he will shower, get dressed, and still have enough time for breakfast, AND still LEAVE EARLY ENOUGH TO STOP FOR COFFEE
he has tried to get you to join him in this lifestyle, to no avail
what happens is he will drag you out of bed at the same time he wakes up and you just end up getting into his bed while he is getting ready, and then wake up an hour later when he comes to harrass you again after he's done getting ready.
you look like a gremlin compared to him when you're leaving, you usually go to your classes in sweats and with your hair in a clip.
meanwhile he is in a whole coordinated fit that he set out the night before to wear
you both have your desks in the common room off the apartment and it's pretty funny to both of you because your set ups are so obnoxiously different, his is all white and sleek, and yours looks like a rainbow threw up on it
whenever you take the bus to class in the mornings, he will let you nap on his shoulder for the 15 minute ride and will wake you up one stop before you get off.
he will pre-order your coffee with his, (he has your order saved on his phone, and never makes you pay him back, he just makes you pay for the boba you stop for after class
he whines when you stay up really late because your keyboard is noisy
and if you still have to get work done, he will pull up his desk chair beside you with a blanket and will sit with you until you are done. he will fall asleep despite the claims it's too noisy but will refuse to go to bed if you tell him it's ok
and its funny because he doesn't look like a little angel curled up on the chair, he looks like a grandpa with wire glasses on
you met on a facebook page for your university when he posted about needing a roommate
he didn't know you were a girl until after you had moved in, he doesn't mind... but when you walk into your apartment shirtless to a female rearranging the coffee cups it's a bit jarring
he has now grown to say you act more like a guy than most men he knows
since you're a engineering major you've never actually seen the sun, so he makes you take walks with him when he gets back from classes so he knows you're getting clean oxygen
he calls you his little plant, and takes you on "photosynthesis walks" ... you don't get it either
he will leave his gym water bottles out on the counter, like the ones with the little shaker ball in them, he has like 17 of them
he will knock and wait outside your door for you to open it despite you yelling come in multiple times, since he walked in on you changing once
he is like a little housewife when you are gone
when you went away for a competition, you came back to the kitchen cleaned, bathroom cleaned, and he had made dinner for you two
the whole experience itself was entirely too romantic and only made you two incredibly confused for the following day
he will lay in your bed while you are working and play with the cats claiming "they miss you" to get you to stop working
you pick him up from class everyday on the way to yours and he will run like a little school girl over to you when he sees you in the hallway
and then will come with you to get coffee before your class because he missed you and won't see you until later tonight
the biggest drama queen you've ever met
on the first day of the semester, he made you two take first day of school photos with like little signs
you and him have the same schedule for classes since you're the same majors
he will ask if you two can match outfits, and will insist he gets to choose what color you wear
when you have time in the mornings, he loves to take the long way to classes, to stop for coffee and talk.
he sits next to you in the two classes you have together and will depend on you to take the notes
he's an ipad note taker, so you have to listen to him slamming his apple pencil into the screen while taking notes
he calls you grandma because you take paper and pencil notes, but mostly you know its because he's jealous because you can write in cursive
he will come into your room while you will be laying down and won't even ask he will just sit on the bed and start talking as if it's his fuckin room, shoving his phone in your face when he wants to show you things
one of the things that drew you to the listing was that... he had a car.....
he knows you pimp him out for his car but he's fine with it
he drives you to school in the mornings and you have solidified your passenger pimp status
since you've become friends with his friends too, they always bitch because you automatically get shotgun since you live with him
when you two go grocery shopping and Haechan refuses to get anything off brand, but then proceeds to bitch when the whole thing is expensive as hell
he gets bored being in the house, sometimes you will come home to him rearranging the fridge
sometimes its the bathroom
and that one time it was your fucking room you literally couldn't find anything for a week straight and would have to ask him to come in and find things for you
you and him had met your freshman year because you lived doors that opened opposite to each other
You had decided to live together after spending a year greeting each other in the mornings before classes
Jaemin was actually a really great roommate, he cleaned, he cooked and he wasn't annoying to be around
the other nice part was that he was stupidly hot
he was one of the few men you knew who had a skin routine that took up half the sink and he had hair products in the bathroom as well
Jaemin also was weirdly overly touchy with you.
he would hug you from behind while you were cooking, he would pull you into his lap when he would be sitting in the living room etc.
it was weird, but honestly im not gonna lie with the freakshit jaemin did you weren't surprised
he spent on average 200 dollars a month at a coffee shopcbuying a like 15 (4) espresso shot drink. and would drink like 2-3 a day
it had to be like macro dosing caffeine at this point
you would wear Jaemin's sweatshirts all the time since when you would forget one, he would literally give you the one off his back
nobody ever thought it was his though, because they almost always have fucking kittens with halos on them
you will come home somedays to him laying in your bed on his phone, like deadass snuggled up in YOUR covers
his excuse was always that your comforter was warmer and that "you wouldn't want him to freeze"
dude will sit in your lap when you're at the desk sometimes, and his shit is BONEY hurts like a bitch!
you are not bABY you are a GROWN MAN
one day he walked out in a outfit you thought was really cute, turns out.. it was literally your clothing. pants and top. underwear is a toss up if he was feeling freaky that day
claimed "we do laundry together, mix ups happen" how do u mix up underwear. WAS THE VICTORIAS SECRET LABEL NOT ENOUGh
Chenle was a little bit of a mess, but god we loved him still!
He made adult money but swore he didn't want to deal with the stress that came with cleaning/managing a apartment all to himself
he insists that you let him pay for all of the utilities since he made you get an apartment with a elevator because he would rather die than have to carry all his things up stairs to the apartment
He leaves a trail of his things from the front door to his room so its like hansel and gretel but instead of bread crumbs its his fucking pants
yall have a shower curtain with steph curry on it, originally you would have thought it was a boner killer for the guys you brought over... but it does the opposite....
chenle also doesn't give a fuck if you're in the bathroom, especially when you are showering. he will walk in proceed to do whatever he needs to do and then will purposely flush the toliet so the water gets cold.
you think its because he beats it, but how can one tell you know
but also walls are thin and you swear you haven't even hear a single whimper from this man
he touches all up on his friends with no shame!
he swears he should get a say in who you date because he is "father" you don't want divulge into whatever that means
one of the last weekends his friends watched you come in with one of your guy friends and go to your room and then you heard them proceed to lecture chenle on why was he okay with a man going into your room with you
just for them all to be utterly confused when he tells them you two aren't dating
a simultaneous "HUH?" sounded in the living room
and when you walked out to grab water and also... eaves drop one of them pointed at you and went "what do he mean you aren't dating?" in a accusatory tone
and the other joining in with a "freaks!"
that night you had a late night knock your door after everyone had left
you and jisung were randomly selected roommates, Jisung swears he didn't know he pressed "ok" to both genders
to be for real tho he agrees it isn't even that hard to live with you
Jisung is crazy because he makes zero sound in the apartment
you have been jumped scared by a 6 foot tall emo man more times than you would like to admit
You will be home for over 3 hours and then turn around and he will just be standing there
he always feels so bad though when he does scare you, he once joked he would wear a bell so you could hear him throughout the apartment
for a week you made him wear a bell, it got weird because he almost wore it out of the house, bell got retired to a drawer
Jisung will fall asleep literally anywhere in the apartment, like literally anywhere
you once tripped in the living room because he was sleeping FACE DOWN on the carpet
bro sleeps like a limp spaghetti noodle
you've walked into him asleep on the coffee table
hes also fallen asleep and mid sleep grabbed your wrist, and literally refused to let go??
like his you couldn't pry his cold dry hands off of you??
he's weirdly quietly possessive, whenever you two go somewhere he will have some extension of his body on you, in your apartment with friends over he will stretch a sleeve of his sweatshirt and lay it ontop of your thigh to lay there limp
he will grip you by the wrist not the hand when hes trying to keep up with walking with you
one time when you.. didn't actually know if he was in the apartment you found a brown paper bag outside your door, inside was several pairs of your black underwear and a note saying "im so sorry I washed them with my black clothing and they were in my room" he literally couldn't look at you without turning red that night in the kitchen
once again I have not proofread anything xoxo
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lovingeddiediaz · 4 months
9-1-1 rant. I have a lot of mixed feelings about this season and a lot of them aren’t good. Love this show, I’ve been watching live since season 3 but yikes that finale was a mess imo definitely one of my least favorites for sure. Very underwhelming. The whole season in general was wacky.
I’ve been feeling this way for at least 2 seasons now. I feel like 911 has been trying to fit these LARGE stories that they don’t have time for or are failing to make time for in these episodes. I get that this season was shortened, but if they can’t properly flush out a story in time, they should figure something else out instead of simplifying it and cutting out so many parts that it loses the build up and the emotion and captivation.
So much happens off screen that I feel like should be SHOWN. like we didn’t get to see Chris upset in the moment when he saw the Shannon lookalike, the scene cut out after he said mom. All we see is just him in his bed telling Eddie to go away later. We didn’t see the confrontation with Marisol and Eddie and her leaving, just an offhand comment of her not coming back later. We didn’t see the phone call that had Buck rushing over. We didnt get to see Eddie at his house alone after Chris leaves, just him leaving with his grandparents and boom, cut scene. We didn’t get to see hen or Chim at Bobby’s bedside.
We don’t get to see the aftermath of ANYTHING. The show keeps cutting the scenes just short and it has been pissing me off so much. They’re missing out on so much depth bc they’re doing too goddamn much at once and too quick.
All action, no build up or payoff. Just one thing after another. You don’t even have time to let your emotions settle and follow the characters bc it’s over so soon. You don’t get to worry and grieve alongside the characters. Bobby almost died and then boom he’s fine again like nothing happened. Like what am I supposed to be emotional over? He almost died in the desert just a couple episodes before that and then he was fine, no mention of it again.
Idk it seems like this show has been doing a lot of telling instead of showing when it comes to what are supposed to be emotionally charged scenes, like Buck saying how he was worried he was gonna lose Bobby but we didn’t really see that. All we got was a teary eye when Buck told Eddie he was in the hospital. Didn’t get to see the team actually save bathena in the beginning, so seeing them get the medals held no weight, like cool we’re told they saved them but we didn’t see shit. We didn’t get to see any of the madney wedding buildup like picking flower arrangements and a venue and dress/tuxedo shopping or anything like that, just assume off screen obviously XD
Buck’s sexuality arc being reduced to background noise also sucks. He kissed a man and then they said ok cool good enough moving on now. Not even bothering to deepen/develop his relationship with Tommy (are they even together or are they still going on dates?? No fuckin clue lmao), instead of a meaningful conversation between them in the finale it’s turned into a sexual joke like come ON, besides the first kiss and the second kiss that Buck initiates, their scenes are meaningless imo and that’s sad bc I was so excited for this storyline in the beginning but again, there’s nothing there. No substance.
And don’t even get me started on henren’s storyline. How many times are they gonna recycle the ‘person gets in the way of henren expanding their family’ bullshit before they finally get creative and think of something new? What is that, 3 times now? It’s just annoying at this point lmao I’m over it.
Why is Tim so against happy storylines? I know he said something along the lines of people wouldn’t watch if the characters were happy, but I think that’s bullshit. If you can’t captivate an audience with positive stories then I think you have a skill issue. Big drama and angst doesn’t equal good story telling and writing. Couldn’t even give madney a nice wedding like wtf.
Idk. I hope next season is thought out better.
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Hello, I see the asks are open! Here is some of this cake I got after killing a slime in the skull cavern: 🍰 just ignore the purple slime on it, I'm sure it's fine. lol. Definitely not a bribe. Anyway.
I made a character recently who adopted a child. Could I ask for some headcannons for how the characters react to the farmer tearing up after their adopted child casually calls them dad/mom for the first time.
For context, their adoption was from before they moved to stardew valley but is still pretty recent and the child has a few abandonment issues so it's a pretty big deal. If it's ok, could I ask for the expanded characters as well?
*Chewing cake* Oh, I thought that purple thing was plum jam. Hmm... *Still chewing the cake* Delicious 😋 Thank you! So, about the question...
I'm not sure, dear anon, exactly which characters you meant, so I did the bachelors/ettes, also added the ones from SVE as well. Thanks for the question! Enjoy!
Hedcanons is written on a situation where the characters know for the situation of the Farmer and their child, that they had adopted the kid before coming to the Valley, and that the child had a sense of abandonment.
SDV/SVE bachelors:
Shane understands more than anyone how much a tsunami of emotions can knock you down at times like this. The day he put Jas to bed and she sleepily called him "Dad" he'll never forget. The girl had already forgotten it, but Shane remembered it forever.
A feeling of abandonment... When Alex's abusive father left him alone with his mother, and later she passed away... It took athlete a long time to shake off the feeling of being unwanted. It's a blessing that he still has his grandparents, and that this child has a loving parent, Farmer.
If you see a little river coming out of nowhere near your feet, just know it's all Elliott's tears. The writer was so touched by the event, its like as if it was his own child calling him father. Elliott doesn't want to get involved right now, but he will congratulate Farmer later.
Sebastian, without noticing it himself, smiled broadly as the crying Farmer hugged their adopted child. Even though he doesn't fully realize how important this is to Farmer, he's genuinely happy for them.
Sam, who in the absence of his father has become not only Vincent's best big brother but now part father figure, truly understands Farmer, even if their situations are a bit different. Every child should have a family and Sammy is glad that this kid have the Farmer in their life.
Humanity is capable of incredible cruelty, but also great compassion and kindness. And Harvey's glasses get a little wet when he witnesses true kindness. He can't put into words how happy he is for this kid and how proud he is of Farmer.
Victor would definitely need a whole box of tissues, maybe two. The fact that the Farmer's foster child could finally feel like a member of the family touched Victor so much that he cried quietly.
The sight of a crying Farmer hugging their kid makes Magnus both smile and feel unbearably sad at the same time. What it's like when a child calls you dad, alas, Magnus will probably never know.
Lance's heart filled with joy when abandoned children found a family again. The adventurer, however, took it upon himself to scold the Farmer if they risked their lives for no good reason, where a child might be left without a family again.
SDV/SVE bachelorettes:
Penny had to cover her face with her hands, for her face was already a little swollen and red from the endless flow of tears. How happy Penny is for them! The girl wishes all the best for this family.
No child should ever feel abandoned, and Leah is very proud of Farmer that even though they were young, they were able to be a great parent to a child. It's not something everyone can do.
As much as Abigail tried to hide her tears, she failed. And you know what? She doesn't care! Even a man with a stone for a heart would shed a tear. The little one deserves a home and a loving family. Hell yeah, Farmer, good job!
Oh, how happy Emily is for them, how happy she is! Happy people and acts of kindness will always overwhelm her with positive emotions. Especially after all the troubles the kid has been through, she is glad child found people who love and care for them.
"Awww" Maru couldn't help gasp in tenderness, and can you blame her when her friend and their child are so happy? She would congratulate Farmer later, she didn't want to distract them right now.
As Haley was about to take a picture of the happy family to give to them later, she stopped herself at the last moment. It seemed to her that it was too personal to take a picture without asking. So Haley would only observe this beautiful scene. Ugh, her tears made her mascara run....
Sophia is about to cry herself to tears. Such a touching moment, she just can't hold back her tears at the sight of her crying friend and how much a child's words mean to Farmer.
Coming out of Jojamart for a break, Claire happened to witness this moment when she saw Farmer standing in the park in the spot where the cashier usually rested. They were crying and cuddling their child. She was very happy for both of them, and decided to rest elsewhere, not wanting to disturb the parent and their kid.
The happy child and their wonderful parent are sure to be the first gossip Olivia tells her friends. Running a farm and giving a family to an adopted kid is a lot of work and a lot of responsibility, and the woman is genuinely happy for the child and proud of Farmer.
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wonik1ss · 4 months
✦ 9 lives — ❝ seol sullyoon ❞
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[ you're not for sale, woah-oh-oh ]
synopsis • for 8 lives you and seol yoon a have meet and never interacted, meaning you would die without ever meeting your sole mate until you walked into the pet shop and saw her standing there ( 1.1k ) imagine / fluff a lil sad but happy ending so :) < song : not for sale - enhypen >
a/n : spoiler ! gra gra boom bitch x2
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“in this world if not by your ninth life you find your one.. the one that lights up your life.. makes you happy all the time..!”
“mom the road!”
“will always be here.. but you won’t! just humor your birth giver for a sec kid”
“this ‘kid’ is thirteen.. I’m basically an adult..”
“ya.. so we need to talk about this.. you have eighteen years to find your one before you die..”
“haha.. “
“how will I know though..?”
“your little heart tattoo will go from black to white”
“so was dad like no-“
“he wasn’t but you have me and that’s all that matters”
you sat dazed in your hospital bed while your mom lay dead on the bed over. no sobs, no tears just shallow breathing.
“y/n- is it? your grandparents are here”. looking up your grandma opened her arms and you ran into the bawling. that was the last time you really cried. not over low grades.. boys.. or girls.. not even over your college acceptance letter.
“ooh don’t you look darling..”
“ok I got everything.. so I’ll see you in four months..”. you beamed at your grandma as she fixed your skirt and kissed your cheek.
“go.. go.. the wheel of fortune is on..!”. you laughed as your grandpa hugged you and slid fifteen bucks into your pocket and winked. when you got to college nothing really changed. wake up.. force yourself to get ready.. go to school.. sleep. and repeat. one day though while you sat in the corner of another useless college party you remembered a memory.
so as a drugged up.. thirty year old? tried to hit on you, you ran out and called an uber. getting out at the nearest pet shop. walking in you looked around. what dog did your mom want to get again..
“oh hi I’m trying to buy a-“
“dog! hehe.. we have a range in breed and attitude so-“
“shit sorry I’m off my shift yoona will be here in a minute just wait here..!”
you nodded and looked around. what a small business leaving their customer unattend-
then you saw her.. or maybe him..
a tiny little pup with a gold coat. you opened the gate and stared at.. it? you both tilted your heads and then it jumped into your lap.
“aren’t you a peppy one..”
“ya charlie’s such a cute little girl huh”. you jumped.
“oh sorry I’m sullyoon or seol yoon a..”. you felt a tingle thinking it was your phone you bowed to the girl and went to answer it. but when you pulled your phone out you only saw that your heart was now white..
“ouch..!”. a few minutes later charlie I’m hand you decided to pop the question.
“so do you need anything else..”
“your number..? maybe I mea-“
“it’s on the receipt..”
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“I invite you over and you being a.. record..”
“I swear it’s good !”. sullyoon giggled as she let you in and put the record on.
cheoeum neukkineun feeling
neol mannago jakkuman simjangi isanghae
“so.. who are they”. you sat inbetween the two college beds with the girl as the song went on.
“some old band named enhypen..”
simjangeun for sale (Ooh)
sarangdo for sale
sullyoon sang along and you joined in jokingly. soon you both just blankly stared at eachother. her eyes went down and so did yours. when you locked lips you swore you heard fireworks. with your hands in her hair and hers on your waist you both somehow got up and your back was now on her bed. a door opened and sullyoon threw the covers over you both.
“I’ll be back in five k?”
“ok kyujin.. have fun”. you giggled as you heard the door start to close.
“I new you had a girlfriend !”
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your next proper date want proper at all. you sat on the floor flour dotting your face while sullyoon put out the fire on her stove top.
“It’s fine it’s gone !”. you giggled as you stood up and saw her face. she giggled and grabbed on to your top and tugged you closer.
“what’s so funny?”. you tried to deadpan while sullyoon played with your hair.
“the brownies”
“are burnt”
“then.. I guess I’ll just eat you !”. you ran but she was to fast, sullyoon tickled you while simultaneously kissing your neck.
“sully it stinks !”
“you smell like strawberries !”
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“bobo bear… “
you threw a pillow at the bored girl on your bed.
“what sully?”
“excuse me? this is our.. 1..3.. 6th date! and your studying..?”. your laptop magically closed with sullyoon flipping you onto her lap.
“so you want a dumb girlfriend”. the taller girl took of your glasses.
“no I want a present one.. can we watch rapunzel now?”. as sullyoon cupped your face and got closer you cracked.
“fuck.. fine”. charlie jumped into your lap and you laughed as sullyoon pulled up the movie.
four months you were drunk on the girls love. with out turning a finger you knew when she was the one hugging you. how she always need you around after a test. and how your grandparents loved her. sitting down with charlie in your lap now three times his last size sullyoon walked over.
“thier dead asleep..”
“that’s what happens when your old..”
“k love let’s go.. I wanna get your grandma those strawberry sandwiches she keep raving about”. you nodded and placed down charlie he dropped dead asleep.
putting on your coat you felt a kiss on your cheek.
“le-go girl”
“I told you to get off that ipad..”
“but I’m a minecraft pro girl !”. you giggled as sullyoon flexed her ‘muscles’. then something caught your eyes.
“y/n wait !”
“it’s perfect”
“it’s so cold..”. you lightly punched your the taller girl as you bent down and hit her with some snow.
“abuse !”. sullyoon pouted as you giggled, which slowly faded as you felt snow hit your face. brushing of your clothes you smiled at her.
four months had passed and now you both were in the middle of winter. playing in the snow.
“so would you go with me to the.. lodge.. i kno-“
“I’m your girlfriend ofcourse I would”.
sullyoon giggled ‘your’..
as your crossed the street she kissed you on the cheek and you giggled. so much you didn’t see it coming. and other truck. so you would go out the way your mom did. at least you were in her arms.. maybe your ashes would be for sale at some ju-
“neoraneun jonjaeneun naege isseo
you're not, you're not for sale..”
your eyes slowly opened.
“it’s our song..”. infront of you was a bruised sullyoon still smiling.
“why am I not for sale at some garage sale..”. sullyoon giggled and kissed your lips once again.
“your not for sale..”
pal su eomne
sal su eomne, yeah, yeah, ooh
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What would dating Sean Diaz (LiS 2) include? :0 if you wanna do that one! I bet he’d use a lot of Spanish nicknames for female s/o LOL
Dating Sean Diaz Would Include..
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Authors note: I was definitely planning to do lots of life is strange posts so no worries! And you’re completely right on that one. He definitely would! Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!
Sean’s song to Reader:
Ok so I think Sean would be very chill and at the same time very open and gentle in his way of loving someone.
Some things depend on if when you’re dating it’s before the events of Seattle or after. Or if you’re with them and seeing his character development for yourself.
I do think he would be very protective no matter which version of that is.
He’d want to be there in every way. If it’s protecting you from someone or something else or even from your own thoughts. Cause let’s be honest we all have our moments when we aren’t as kind to ourselves as we should be. And he’d be right there! Hence the song
Would most definitely call you “Mi vida” meaning “My life”
Before the incident:
If you’re dating before the events of Seattle then I see so many movie nights with popcorn and snuggly blankets. Daniel would always want to be right in the middle 😁 Sean would try to send him away unless you told him different. Sean’s dad, Esteban, would walk by making teasing comments every so often but all in good fun.
If you guys went to parties he’s definitely the show off type when it comes to you. Introducing you to everyone that talks to him. You’ll probably never really talk to these people again after the party and he knows that, it’s just a way for him to say “I love this person and no one else!” to people so they don’t get any ideas.
100% loves to draw you. You are his muse whether you realize he’s drawing you or not. (You know he’s drawing you but he doesn’t always know that you know. He thinks it’s genuine when you pretend to be surprised as he hands it to you.)
Laying on his bed sharing earbuds and listening to the music in silence is something he loves to do because just being in each other’s presence is special to him. He loves spending any kind of time with you.
After the incident:
Now if you’re dating him during/after the incident/journey to the boarder, he’s a bit different.
His protectiveness is a lot more heightened. Nothing will get past him when it comes to you or Daniel.
And as much as their dad is still their dad, he has taken on some kind of parental figure over Daniel so it would make sense that you both took on those roles.
Talking with each other about what’s the best plan of action when it comes to Daniel is a frequent conversation. Talking with you about wether they should go to their grandparents for medicine for Daniel was a big one.
You both are pretty much in a rush trying to survive and get to Mexico that it put a pause on your relationship. You were still together but there was now things that were more important and you didn’t really think about other things. That was until you both were able to settle down at the farm.
Things at the farm weren’t completely perfect but you both had the chance to feel normal again. Or at least as much as you could.
Coffee in the mornings, swimming at the lake, cuddling at the campfire with the others, playing that pirate ship game that Daniel says he out grew is a normal routine for you guys.
Also I just feel like he loves kissing your forehead/the top of your head. He does it very frequently.
He’s also a big hand holder. If you’re walking and let go of his hand, he is offended! ☝️
“What are you doing? Give me back your hand.” 🤝 “good, now let’s go.”
All in all, he’s very sweet and loves you greatly. He’d do anything for you and Daniel. Whatever it takes.
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dannystattoo · 10 months
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Wedding Date Daniel
Pairing: Danny Wagner x Female Reader
Warnings: None, it's literally just tooth-rotting fluff
“Babe, are you sure I look ok?” You asked as you finished touching up your makeup. You’d originally planned to get into town yesterday for your cousin’s wedding, but Nashville had terrible storms the night before and no flights were getting in or out. You were now stressed about getting ready since you’d only been able to get in a few hours ago and the wedding was fast approaching.
“Sweetheart, how many times do I have to tell you, you look incredible,” Danny told you. Admittedly, the backless black dress you’d picked was very flattering, but you looked so exhausted no amount of makeup could make you look more human.
“I feel like you have to say that,” you said. You were convinced you looked like a gremlin who had slept at the airport the night before (because you were), and it was incurable.
“10/10, would gladly bang? Is that better?”He laughed. You lightly smacked him on the arm, though you appreciated the compliment more than you wanted to let on.
“You’re disgusting, you’re lucky you’re cute”
“In all seriousness baby, you don’t have to worry, I promise. Now, me on the other hand-”
“We talked about this, honey, are you worried my family isn’t gonna like you?”
“I dunno. I’ve only ever met your brother, your whole extended family is quite the jump”
“And they’ll love you, I know they will”
Danny shot you a look, and you could tell that he was more nervous about meeting your family than he would ever say.
“Honey, you have nothing to worry about. My brother loved you, and we had a great time when he came to Nashville over the summer.”
“Yeah, but your parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins…”
“Don’t forget the pets, my cousin’s dog will absolutely be part of the wedding,” you laughed. You could tell that hadn’t eased his mind at all, so you sat down next to him and grabbed his cheek so you could pull him to face you.
“Listen Danny, I won’t sugar coat it, my family is a lot. There’s a lot of us, we’re loud, we like to party, and I promise everyone will be all over you. Everyone is really excited to meet you though, they’ve been telling me since you agreed to be my plus one. It’s gonna be great, by the time we get to the reception, you’ll forget you were ever nervous.” You leaned your forehead against his and kissed him on the nose.
“I also happen to really like you and can’t wait to show you off to my family.” You kissed him again, and this time he laid down to pull you on top of him.
“I hate to cut this short, babe, but we should probably call our Uber soon. The ceremony starts in a little over an hour. Don’t worry, we’ll pick up where we left off when we get back tonight.”
“I’m already looking forward to going home with the best looking girl at this wedding”
Danny grabbed his phone to order the Uber, but thankfully it was within arm’s reach so you could keep him pinned to the bed until you absolutely needed to leave.
A few hours after and the reception was in full swing. The ceremony had been uneventful, save for a few of your family members accosting you the second they saw you. It was a huge wedding though, and because you arrived on the later side, you were able to be seated towards the back.
“At least you’ll have a chance to ease into this” you said as you both sat down. There was no need to be worried, though, like you expected. Danny fit right in with your family immediately and everyone would tell you later how much they liked him. You even lost him a few times throughout the night, finding him talking to various relatives.
“You having a good time?” You asked as the dinner and speeches were wrapping up and people were starting to move towards the dance floor.
“Yeah! Your family’s pretty great”
“I knew they’d love you. Now as happy as that makes me, come spend a little time with your girlfriend please”
“Of course, baby. Wanna go get a drink refill and we can hit the dance floor?”
“Yes please”
Just as you guys made your way to the dance floor, the bride was about to throw the bouquet. You never understood the hype of this tradition, but you played along anyway and stood to the back of the floor.
“What, don’t wanna catch it?” Danny laughed in your ear.
“Eh, I just don’t care as much as everyone else I guess. Do you know who many bouquets I’ve caught at weddings? People have certainly gotten married before me.” What you didn’t expect was your cousin’s new wife had an ARM on her. Despite being in the back of the crowd, she hurled it far enough it made it directly to you.
“Oh that was so on purpose” Danny pointed out. You had to admit, it did feel aimed.
“What can I say, I think my family already decided they wanna keep you around”
“Good, I’m not intending to go anywhere.”
The rest of the night was a fun, drunken blur. Your family really knew how to throw a party, and this had to be the most fun wedding you’ve ever been to. By the last slow dance of the night, your shoes had long since been taken off and you were leaning into Danny, partially because you wanted to be as close to him as possible (you were very affectionate when you drank), and also because the room was spinning just the tiniest bit.
“You ok, darling?”
“‘M fine, those cocktails were just a lot stronger than I thought they’d be. The first one tasted so watered down!”
“You wanna go sit?”
“No, I’m good, I promise.” As soon as the song ended, the room was filled with cheers as the opening chords of Don’t Stop Believin’ started playing. You were nothing if not a sucker for 80s music, and you suddenly felt much better than you had a few minutes ago.
After a couple of songs played and the bride and groom were sent in their way, you managed to catch a ride back to the hotel with some of your cousins. In an attempt to avoid the surged Uber prices, you’d squeezed five people into the back seat, and you’re pretty sure someone had also put themselves in the back hatch of the car. It was a good thing you didn’t mind squeezing onto Danny’s lap at all. You leaned back against the window and shifted so you were laying your head on his chest as best as you could in the cramped backseat.
“Hi” you giggled as you looked up at him, the fact you were shoved in this clown car the funniest thing in your still drunken state.
“Hi yourself” he pulled you as tight to him as he could. “You still doing ok?"
“Mhmm, just really tired.” You had a decently long drive back to the hotel, seeing as the wedding venue was beautiful, but kind of in the middle of nowhere. You made yourself comfortable and were out before the stuffed car left the lot. You’d drunkenly insisted on bringing the bouquet you’d caught home with you, clutching it while you slept. You guys hadn’t been together all that long, coming up on a year in a few months, but something changed that night. After meeting your family, seeing you interact with everyone (including the kids and the dog who was, in fact part of the wedding party), and surviving sleeping on the floor of the Nashville airport together, he knew and he couldn’t stop thinking about it as he watched you sleep. He wouldn’t ask for a while, but he knew that you were the one. He was more excited to see you get excited about the bouquet than he wanted to admit since it seemed both to you were on the same page.
Lost in thought, the hotel came up sooner than expected.
“Honey, time to go,” he nudged you gently. As you groggily realized where you were, everyone else was already discussing plans to go have a nightcap at the hotel bar before heading up.
“Danny you guys in?” asked your brother, who had become Danny’s biggest fan at the wedding.
“I don’t know, probably not? Babe, do you wanna go hang out at the lobby bar before we go to bed?”
“No, I wanna sleep” you tried to burrow your way back into his chest.
“Yeah, I think we’ll pass tonight, but we’re still here for another day if you wanna do something tomorrow?”
“Sure thing, man. See you guys tomorrow, I hope. She’ll be a mess.” Danny waved to your brother and went back to trying to get you out of the car.
“Babe, you’ve gotta get up, we’re home.”
“I’m too tired, we have to go all the way to the top floor. Stay here,” you slurred.
“We can’t sleep in your cousin’s car, sweetie. Tell you what, can you let me out and I’ll carry you up?”
“Fine,” you agreed as you shifted off his lap. You managed to take a few steps out of the car, regretting the round of shots you’d been talked into five minutes before bar close. You hooked your arms around Danny’s neck and he grabbed your legs, carrying you inside.
“God this is embarrassing” you laughed as you leaned into his neck.
“Babe, I’ve seen much worse at weddings, trust me, this is tame.” When you got up to the room he made sure you had water and ibuprofen, and he managed to find some vending machine snacks for you in hopes it would soak up some of the alcohol.
“Ok, where are your pjs?” He dug through your suitcase, astounded by how much you squeezed into a carry on.
“Um, about that. I kinda didn’t pack any?”
“Do you want the leggings you wore on the plane?”
“I can’t sleep in pants, you know that.” You started laughing “I might have bought a couple new lingerie sets and planned to sleep in those…well nothing, preferably. We can still….if you wanna”
“Babe, I love you so much and trust me, I wanna see them, but you’re so so drunk right now. Let me grab one of my shirts and you can sleep in it ok?” He grabbed his well-worn Church of Rock & Roll shirt out of his bag and helped you change into it. Once he’d gotten himself taken care of, he came into bed and you immediately clung onto him like a koala.
“Have I told you how much I love you?” you said into his neck.
“A few times, but I never get sick of hearing it. Go to sleep angel, i don’t want you to get sick tomorrow” he had a feeling he’d probably still end up waking up with you in a few hours to hold your hair while you puked, but he could hope.
“Ok, I love you, I can’t wait to get married”
“What was that babe?”
“Well, I caught the bouquet so we have to get married next,” you drifted off to sleep, and Danny already knew you���d have no recollection of saying that tomorrow. He agreed though, and hoped you meant it when you said you couldn’t wait to get married.
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nolita-fairytale · 2 years
living on a remote island with sirius & raising baby harry together (remote island au)
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au headcanon where you and young!sirius black flee the country to live on a remote island and raise baby harry instead of going to azkaban
pairing: sirius black x fem!ravenclaw reader
warnings: none.
a/n: ok so hear me out: i thought that this is the last part. but then. i had some ideas of how this remote island au would fit into the storyline of hp so i may write two epilogues (one where it lines up with the hp storyline and one fluff happy ending).
thank you again to all who have read, liked, reblogged, and commented. there's an instagram account called @aendthesea and this is what i feel reader, sirius, and harry's lives are like on the island. check it out if you're a visual person like me.
part one | part two | part three |
there's a letter in the kitchen of the cottage from your father that explains that it's not safe for you to meet up with your parents yet. you must wait a full two weeks to make sure that you haven't been followed and you're sure that you destroyed the armoire correctly.
when sirius finally comes to a few days later, he's expecting to wake up in azkaban. boy, is he surprised to find himself overlooking the mediterranean as he makes his way out onto the back porch.
"what did you do?" "sirius, i couldn't let you go to azkaban for a crime you didn't commit. remus helped me. he wasn't the traitor, sirius he-." "i know. it was peter. the traitor. that bloody rat."
your conversation is interrupted by the sound of a baby crying. as you emerge from the house with baby harry in your arms, sirius falls to his knees in grief, the events of what happened coming back to him. he knows that it means james and lily are dead.
there's so much grief but sirius grieves more openly than you. he grieves for his best friends. for baby harry. for the life he was almost condemned to.
waking up in the middle of the night to sirius having nightmares.
sirius has major survivor's guilt.
about a month after you settle in, you receive a letter from dumbledore. remus has gone to him for help. he will keep your secret and help cover it up, as long as you agree to let harry come back for school. you both oblige willingly and figure, it's a problem for future-you-and-sirius.
moving from the safe house to a home inside of your parents' villa. while not pleased that they've practically become grandparents overnight, it takes one look at harry for them to fall absolutely in love. and they make great babysitters.
adjusting to life on the island takes time but sirius is beginning to warm up to being only a short walk from the beach.
roaming the island sirius in his animagus form (he is a wanted fugitive afterall) and becoming known around town as the girl with the black dog.
giving in and finally marrying sirius because, you know, for the diplomatic immunity, of course.
having a competition of who can learn the native language fastest, then competing with each other who can learn the rest of the languages that line the coast of the mediterranean.
once it's safe for you and sirius to venture into more mainland territories, sirius begins exploring in his human form. sirius continues increasing his new language skills by reading sleep training books in the native language, after baby harry regresses and refuses to sleep through the night.
sleepless nights because you two have a freaking baby.
sirius really brings a whole new meaning to 'speaking in tongues.' think: sirius speaking french in bed and then all of a sudden he switches to greek, italian, or turkish. he's got a real knack for it too.
baby harry is bilingual, that is, until sirius begins teaching him french. can you imagine a harry potter raised in the mediterranean?
enjoying a slow life filled with simple pleasures: walking to the beach, eating slices of melons & fruits under the warm sun, and sunday sauces that simmered on the stovetop all day long to pure perfection.
keeping an herb garden, pulling lemons straight off of the trees and making lemonade for the three of you.
family beach trips with lots of sunscreen involved. baby harry absolutely loves the water and as he grows older, you practically have to pry him out of the ocean to get him to come to dinner.
while you take up photography as a hobby, sirius finds an old piano that someone's just left on the street and takes it in. he takes up his old hobby, playing the piano and humming along. singing and playing lullabies to harry omfg.
having a long conversation when harry first calls sirius 'dada,' and deciding how you'll tell him about his parents. debating whether or not you let him call the two of you mum and dad and questioning what lily and james would've wanted. you decide to let him choose when he gets older, what he'd like to call the two of you.
sirius has a phase where he wants nothing more than to give harry a sibling to play with, but you know it'll be too complicated with him being a wanted man. he's fallen head over heels for harry and for being a father, but you feel it would be irresponsible to bring your own child into it.
"gods, you're so beautiful. c'mon, just think about it. harry and a little brother... or little sister." "sirius, i-, we're barely twenty two! i love being harry's godmum more than anything and i just-, i don't know." "bet you'd look so good carrying our baby too, love." "sirius... damnit. we can practice if that's what you're getting at." "always, my darling. always."
also, does anyone think about how the marauders would've only been 30-32 when harry began hogwarts, yet they were played by grown ass adults in the movies? just me? ok, cool.
taglist: @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy
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crushedsweets · 1 year
neeed to hear the context behind ur most recent art. please enlighten us
you guys dont even know how excited i get when someone asks smth like this abt my art or headcanons or au.
i actually wrote liek a fucking essay oh my god im so sorry anon ill have the actual drawing context after the big bolded caps
TW for typical creepypasta story type stuff
anyway ok UNNECESSARY BACKSTORY: liu spent a long time trying to just psychologically recover from everything. he hated jeff and he hated the memory of everything. jeff signature murders would occur every now and again, each time liu would fall into a deep depression. the murders stopped for a while, and everyone believed jeff 'retired' or died. liu was conflicted about it. until Jeff committed his final full-blown 'jeff fashion' murder (janes family) in tuscaloosa alabama. liu had another breakdown and ended up moving to tuscaloosa because he was completely convinced he needed to find jeff again because he could fix it (or die trying and he'd be fine with that too)
nina was always one of those girls obsessed with 'true crime' but like.... the murderers instead of the cases. she was 12 when jeff's first rampage happened and she just fell head over heels in love with this freak. she began to act out, miss school for days, sneaking out to meet older people, etc etc. eventually she did the classic jeff smile cut into her face(she pussied out on making it like jeffs, so she has cleaner, less noticeable scars) . she started getting severely bullied (for being creepy and worshipping a literal murderer) and her parents sent her to live with her grandparents in mississpi. she started stalking liu through social media and whitepages when jeff was presumed dead. but eventually, jeff's final murder happened in alabama(a state away from her) and after turning 18, she ran away to go find jeff convinced he would 'save her' from the life she created for herself. nina got wrapped up in slenderman business because of her constant Tom Foolery. she met her idol
JEFF IS A BAD PERSON IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD. he did a beautiful job in using his #1 fangirl and enjoying the worship. she scrambled for pennies to afford an apartment, she'd sleep on the couch if he wanted to use her bed, she's ride her bike hours to go get weed or something from rando drug dealers that give better deals to pretty girls, make him food, do his damn laundry, literally anything and everything bc THATS HER MAAANNNNN (no he isnt.)
jeff DOES NOT GIVE A FUUUCK about everything nina does for him . one day he finds her trying to creepily get into contact with liu (and liu actually responded) and he loses his shit and stabs her and goes on and on about how 'you ruined your own useless fucking life your family is never going to take you back you did this to yourself' etc. he didn't intend to kill her only cuz he knew she'd forgive him and he liked all the shit she gave him
afterwards nina gets patched up from jeff stabbing her, she has some weird 'liu will save me' spiral (not romantically just in a very literal 'he can fix this' way). liu's been on his own spiral since finding out jeffs alive which is the only reason he even gave nina the time of day. eventually she ends up at his house to 'talk about jeff' bc she sent him creepy pics proving she knew jeff yadayadayada.
im not sure the exact conversation i imagined for the drawing, BUT liu eventually says something that sets nina off and she tears at her stitches and breaks down and drips blood all over his kitchen talking about 'I CAN MAKE HIM LOVE ME AGAIN I JUST NEED YOUR HELP PLEAAASEEEE' or something.
liu's a good man, much to his own detriment, and can't help but comfort this kid who's bleeding and crying in his kitchen at the fault of his own brother. he's all too familiar with wanting to repair his relationship with jeff, despite the amount of rage, betrayal, misery, etc he felt at jeffs hands. he doesn't ACTUALLY want to reconnect with jeff, but it's a very deep internal longing for the baby brother he once had that VERY RARELY overshadows his hatred
i want to reaffirm that liu does not feel positively about jeff at all, does not want to see him, and only moved to alabama b/c of a long ass mental health crises and is now too wrapped up in new financial commitments(plus jane) to move again. and now he feels obligated to help nina
he just misses being a big brother :( not so much the jeff part
also none of this at all is shipping at all i am terrified at the idea of people taking anything romantically . even if nina is in 'love' with jeff its purely for the story/horror . ITS ALL REALLY BAD
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aleksa-sims · 9 months
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RL Simself Story
Finally arrived at home after a long day at the hospital. N. & I had planned to see each other later, but we'll catch up on our date tomorrow. I was so tired... My family was exciting waiting for me at home. My Mom made dinner. She and Ana immediately wanted to see my Baby's first Ultrasound pic.
My Mom took my Baby's pic and hung it up on the wall next to Ana’s and my photo in a empty, nice frame, where Daniel's & my pic was before.😔 A nice gesture to show me, that she is happy about my Baby. Though the situation was still a bit tense. My Dad wasn’t upset or anything, but he usually didn’t say anything, when we talked about Nico's & my Baby. He was also happy for me, supported me and all this, but he was more reserved when it came to my pregnancy. He was worried about my Baby’s development & health due to the meds I was taking.🙁
After dinner I played with my cat. Ana & I constantly took pics of Lucky. He’s so cute, he really enjoed posing for us. Lucky loved it at my parent's place. He was so happy here. Meanwhile it became his new home.
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I missed my room & my bed, while I was at my grandparents. Here it's just more comfortable for me. My bedding smelled wonderful. Soft & pleasantly fresh. Idk how my Mom does it, but she, her/our home and stuff, always smells perfect. I was even often asked at work by co-workers, who sat next to me in the office, what kind of nice smell this is on my clothes? Anyway! Even though I slept well, the next morning I didn't feel good.
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I realized that I usually felt nauseous in the morning after waking up since I was pregnant. I had to eat something to get rid of my nausea. I just didn't know that yet at that time. My Mom heard me in the bathroom. I coughed and choked, my stomach was empty but my body still reflexively tried to throw up. Anyone who’s ever been pregnant knows what I mean. However, after I was.... done, I was totally exhausted but I felt a relief. As I washed my hands, my Mom came to me in the bathroom. She immediately started scrubbing the toilet.😅🤦‍♀️She's such a neat FREAK!
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Me: Mom? What are you doing? I was just about to clean the toilet.
Mom: It's ok. You can take a shower so you will still have enough time for breakfast before going to work. I just wanna help you... I know how you feel rn. It's.... not fair.
Me: Not fair? What do you mean?
Mom: Well, having a child... Everything always stucks with us women. Pregnancy, delivery and even later. But you're not alone, A. Your Dad are there.
Me: I know. Thanks. But N. will help me too. He wants that.
Mom: Why isn’t he with you? He promised to be there for you. But to me it seems... Nico doesn’t add anything to all this. I mean... your Baby will need a room, a bed, a stroller and many other little things. Like I said, your Dad and I will handle all this. But I think Nico or his parents should add something too. They are doing a lot better financially than us, A. I hope you don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to argue with you or him. But you should tell his Mom. They need to know you’re pregnant. He will soon have to go abroad again. His parents should also help a bit.
Me: You're right! I'm gonna talk to him later. But about N. & me, you're wrong! It was my fault.
Mom: When he was sleeping with you, he didn’t mind you being married. Now that it’s getting serious, you’re pregnant, he suddenly got doubts?
Me: Yea, that's right. He'd say I failed him. He trusted me, but I hesitated with the divorce. You know?
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Mom: Look, I’m staying out of your.... relationship. But some important details, you should make clear to him!... For Nico nothing has really changed. He will continue to play soccer, live abroad and you will be here alone with your child. Make sure he will support you financially! Tell his family, A.!
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And again, my Mom was right! 🙁I'll be here alone. I have to sort all these things out with him. We don’t have much time left. Only 2 months! In September he has to go back abroad.
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char-shifting · 9 months
guys i think i almost shifted yesterday i’m so happy i feel that i’m so close now omgggggfg
idk if i was ULTRA close or it was just the symptoms that i felt REALLLL hard but wtv i’m super happy i’m gonna tell you guys how it went (it was i fucking roller coaster)
so, i got to my grandparents beach house yesterday 4pm and i wasn’t thinking about shifting at all throughout my day, wasn’t thinking about ANYTHING shifting related mostly bc last time i tried to go to my wr i thought i was going to the back rooms and i got scared lolll but whatever
yesterday at 11pm i went to sleep, usually i sleep at like 2am but i’m sleeping in the same room as my dad and he goes to sleep around that time so i didn’t wanted to bother him with me and my phone so i went to bed earlier even though i wasn’t tired at all so i just started thinking like “what if i try to shift today” so i started to discuss that in my head (call me crazy) and i decided that i wasn’t shifting that night
honestly i think i actually slept at like 1am because of the things i was thinking about, i started hearing stuff and i thought it was someone breaking into the apartment so i started to think traumatic stuff happening to me and i started to cry over the things i was thinking (call me crazy again)
after my breakdown over something i created in my head i started to think about getting a new phone AND the symptoms HIT LIKE A BITCH like ??? literally nothing to do with shifting and my dr, 5 minutes before that i thought about being in fucking hostage and changing my phone and i got tingles all over my body and started to feel light weighted so i automatically started to affirm that i was in my dr and started to say like my name, where i live, started to visualize my dr self, my dr friends, my apartment, the neighborhood and the symptoms started to get stronger and i felt my nose itching like there was something on my nose and i ignored that as hard as i could, i also followed a tip that someone told me to just acknowledge the symptoms and continue the method, so i just said in my head “ok i’m feeling symptoms” and tried not to freak the fuck out and continued to visualize how my day would be the day i shift there, so, me waking up to my phone alarm (fun fact it’s the traumatizing one from iphone), so i was thinking about that and then the symptoms disappeared because i heard something outside, it sounded like i bomb or something and i literally jumped out of bed when i heard it
so that was one big step for my shifting journey bc every time i tried to shift i wasn’t feeling any symptoms at all so even though i didn’t shift i got super excited!!
if you have any tips i would be so happy to hear!!!
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thewritetofreespeech · 4 months
I liked that phrase from the alphabet for Noe: He believes in making love. Not having sex.
I would like to request a Noe x reader (female or gn whichever you prefer). The reader believes that sex is just a need, and not romance and love, so they do not like intimacy. And Noe decides to have the most romantic evening of the reader’s life. Something very nice, like candles all over the room and rose petals on the bed, lots of words of love and loving touches that reassure the reader that they are safe.
Reject this request if you are not comfortable writing this. And thank you for reading to the end. Have a good day!
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It had been a long day, and all you wanted to do was take a bath & go to bed.
Traveling with Noé and Vanitas was fun. You believed in the work you were doing to help cure the Malnomen from your people, and uncover the mysteries of the Blue Book and Noé’s teacher’s interest in it, but sometimes it was hard. Besides the mental & physical strain of fighting actual monsters, there was also the financial strain of being able to support yourselves.
With no real permanent residence, you had to take the jobs you could get. Noé had taken a job at a café. You had taken a job at a laundry/seamstress shop. And Vanitas well…you weren’t too sure what he was doing to contribute, but he came back with money from time to time.
You finish climbing the stairs to the top floor where your hotel room turned flat was, and breathe a heavy sigh as you grip the doorknob. All that much closer to your goal. When you open the door, however, you were greeted not by the crisp smell of fresh sheets and the night air through the window Noé liked to keep open, but roses and the distinct smell of candle wicks in the air.
“Gah! You weren’t supposed to be back yet!”
You turn towards Noé. Just noticing him through the sea of roses & candles and taking in his startled expression. “What’s all this?”
“It’s a…surprise.” That much was obvious. If his startled expression and exclaim that you weren’t supposed to be here yet was any indication. “I’ve…been thinking about our conversation. The other night. About us?” You recall but let Noé keep talking. “I do want to take our relationship to the next level and I thought well….we should maybe do that tonight. If you want to, of course.”
You look around the room again and see all the romantic furnishings & tapestry. “Oh. Ok. If you wanted to have sex, you didn’t have to go through all the trouble.”
Noé’s face went beet red, and he floundered a bit. You remember now that Noe wasn’t the most comfortable talking about sex, or intimacy. You figured his experience was non-existent. Given that he had lived with his grandparents and then sequestered away with his teacher and the twins. Domi never made mention of them having a more than platonic relationship, as you were sure she would have been clear to mark her territory.
When you talked about sex previously, about taking your relationship to the next step, Noé had reacted this way then too. Flustered, uncomfortable, but clearly not against the idea. It had been a long time since you had been with a virgin. Perhaps you were being too crass for him.
“I-I-I! I don’t want to have sex! I want to…be close to you…” Suddenly Noé was very shy. Fidgeting with his hands. Staring at his feet. It somehow made him all that more appealing. “I want to make love to you. It’s supposed to be the physical expression of love, right?”
You arch a brow at Noé’s comment. What romance novel did he read that line out of? “And all this?”
“Domi said I should make it special. She gave me this book!” He handed her a faded copy of Among Roses & Thrones. A tawdry romance novel that had been popular in your mother’s time. So that’s where he got it from.
“You know we don’t need all this to have se—I mean, make love, right.” You tell Noé as you set the book down and come over to him with the best ‘come hither’ swagger you can muster. “We just need each other.
You saw Noé physically gulp and felt very proud of yourself. “I-I know…” He stammered out. “But…I wanted this to be special.”
You take a step back to look at Noé and realize that this wasn’t just meant to be special for you. It was special for him. This was his first time. He wanted everything to be perfect. It may have been a while since you lost your virginity, but you remember that time. Circumstance and various heart breaks had jaded you to think that sex was just physical. But it was so much more than that.
“Noé, it will be special. Because it’s you.” You cup his cheek and give him a smile. “But, show me what you had planned. I’ve very excited now.”
Noé perked up and showed you everything he had set up. Besides the candles and roses, there was also wine and small cakes he had gotten from the café he worked at. You spent the evening talking, until it was time to go to bed and not sleep as you both slipped under the covers. Noé was timid, and you were patient. He kept asking if you were alright, despite this not being your first time, and you assure him he was doing good. He whispered sweet words in your ear. Held you close. Looked into your eyes and for once you realized why they called it making love.
When the two of you had finished you curled up together. Noé asleep with you on his chest, lulling off by the rise and fall. He was right. This was special. But you had been right too because it was him.
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andydrysdalerogers · 1 year
Sliding Into Home ~ On The Hunt For Mike Weiss
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Pairing: MLB!Frank Adler x Abigail Hernandez (OFC)
After a trade from Boston to Los Angeles, first baseman Frank Adler would seem to have it all. Money, women, an amazing niece, yes Frank should have it all. Except for one thing. One thing that left after a mistake five years ago. Los Angeles should be the chance to start over. Except she is supposed to be in Boston. Not his new medical director.
* A Frank Adler AU x Major League Baseball Story**
Warning: ANGST (i can't stress this enough), second chances, cheating, S~M~U~T!!, slow burn, drug use, abandonment issues, betrayal, domestic violence (i may have missed some), flashbacks
Dividers by me
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
Previous: Since When Is Ice Cream Evil?
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Mary Eileen Adler has only ever known two parents: Frank and Abby.  They were her dad and mom for all intents and purposes, regardless of the time Abby left.  She understood that her real mother was Frank’s sister, but she wasn’t her mom.  
And she understood that she had a father but that he never acknowledged her so really, he wasn’t anything to her.  
So why did Uncle Mike say he was her dad? 
As her grandparents drove them to their Boston house, Mary sat quietly, not sure how to ask the questions in her head. Uncle Mike was nice but not nice to Frank or Abby.  She remembered the bruises she saw on Abby and when she asked, she was told she was in an accident.  But she knew it wasn’t the truth.  
“Nugget, are you hungry?” 
Mary snapped her head up to Frank, who looked concerned. “A little,” she whispered.  
“Do you want...” 
“I want Abuela’s food. Because it's at home.  And I want to go home.”  
The sadness in her voice nearly tears Frank in half.  His little girl is scared and hurting. “Ok Nugget.  We’ll go home.  We have a flight to Los Angeles tomorrow.”  
Mary nodded. “You won’t leave me, right?” 
Frank almost lost it right there.  He lifted the girl out of her seat and into his lap, adjusting the seatbelt so she could sit the rest of the way home there. “I’m always going to be here for you.  And I’ll make sure nothing happens to you again, ok?  I love you Mary, so much. Abby and I are go so happy you are ok and that you are back home with us.” He kissed her temple and she snuggled into him. “You’re ours Nugget and we’ll fight every day to make sure of that.”  
May fell asleep in the comfort of his arms.  They made it to Abby’s parents' house and Frank took her right to the guest room.  Tucking her in, he moved to leave the room, but a tiny hand fisted his shirt.  “Please stay with me,” she whispered.  
Frank smiled, scooting her to the middle of the bed, took off his shoes and climbed in. Mary rested her head on his chest and went back to sleep, taking Frank with her. 
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 Frank sat with a coffee, watching Mary a few hours later as she played in the back yard with Johnny, Susie, Marco and Scott, Dodger chasing her around.  He sighed as he took in the sight.  “Frankie?” He looked over to his wife, who placed some sweet bread on the table next to him.  “Are you ok baby?” 
“Yeah, Cricket, I’m ok.  I’m just wondering how I’m going to break this news to Mary.  We have to give her something and she’s too smart not to just start googling everything.”  He rubbed his forehead.  “I was hoping we could have this conversation when she was older, but I guess not.”  
“I know Frankie but its better it comes from us.” Abby kissed his head. “Our baby needs to know the truth.” She looked at the group and an idea came to mind.  “How about we do this with everyone here? If it becomes too much, she can lean on Scott or Johnny or Marco or us, whatever makes her happy. She’ll know that she is loved by everyone here.”  
“Are you ok with everyone knowing our past?” 
“I am not ashamed of how everything got out of sync, Frankie. We were manipulated and that the truth.  Is that something I wanted Mary to know? No, of course not because I never wanted her to be afraid of anything but if it makes her safer, then I will do what I need to do to protect our girl.”  She cupped his cheek and he leaned into her warmth.  
“We’ll do it when you parents come back,” he said. “I want her to have all of the support she can have.” Frank leaned into Abby for a kiss. “You said our baby. Did you mean that?” 
“Mary is ours, Frankie. Of course I meant that.” 
“No I mean, will we have a baby?” 
Abby sucked in a breath. “You think you’re ready for that?” 
Frank looked at her eyes. “Maybe we wait until this all blows over but yeah, Cricket, I want a baby with you.” 
“That good. Because if you wanted a baby with someone else, I’ll murder you.”  
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After a dinner of spaghetti and meatballs, the family gathered around the living room, Mary sat between Frank and Abby, chatting with Johnny.  “Mary, we wanted to talk to you about what’s been happening.”  
She fell silent as her family quieted.  She looked around and swallowed.  “Okay.”  
Abby sighed. “You know how we’ve told you that your birth mom is Frank’s sister?” Mary nodded. “Well, we also told you that we didn’t know who your biological father is, right?” She nodded again. “The last couple of months have been enlightening to us all.”  
“What does that mean?” 
Frank swallowed. “You remember that Abby was in the hospital?” 
“You said she was in accident.”  
“She was, Nugget, but not the way you were thinking.  Uncle Mike,” he swallowed, “he...uh... he...” 
“Did he hurt Abby?” 
“No.” He said firmly. “No, he didn’t touch her, but he knew where your mother was and invited her into Abby’s old house. And she hurt Abby.”  
“Why?” Mary’s eyes filled with tears.  “Why would she do that? 
“We are not really sure Mary,” Abby said softly. “But Uncle... just Mike, sweetheart, Mike and Diane have their reasons for everything.  All we know is that the police are looking for them and they and we have a lot of questions. Do you have any questions?” 
Mary looked at all of the people in her life, her family. “Are they going to take me away?” she asked just above a whisper. “Will they...” tears trickled down her face, “will they take you and Dodger away?” She looked between Abby and Frank. “You’re my mom and dad, not them.”  She began to sob.  
Frank immediately got out of his seat in front of her. “Listen to me, Mary.” He locked eyes with her. “No one is going to take you anywhere.  You are coming home with me and Abby and Scott and Dodger.  Johnny and Susie are going to hang out with us. Your abuelos are going to visit and we ae going to visit in the off season but this right here,” he looked around the room, “this is your family. You are my girl,” he wiped around her face to remove the tears. “I won’t let anyone, or anything change that.”  
Mary threw herself into his arms as everyone calmed their own soft cries. Mary understood. Her home was with Frank and Abby.  
The two people who would do anything for her.  
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The morning of their flight home, Abby and Frank sat down with the lead detective on Mary’s kidnaping case, Paul Diskant.  “I’m sorry I haven’t met with you sooner,” he said, after introducing himself. “I’ve been following up with some leads coming in.”  
“Any news on finding Weiss?” Frank asked with a hard edge. 
Detective Diskant frowned. “No, it looks like he rented a car when he arrived in Boston a week ago and turned it in, but we don’t know if he’s left town or has someone else helping him.  We found the house, just as Mary described. There were no signs that he was going to hurt her in any way. We did find some photographs, surveillance of your family. It was taken by a professional, so I am assuming Mr. Weiss hired a private investigator.” 
“Fuck,” Frank mumbled. “What is the next step? We’re flying back to Los Angeles this afternoon.”  
“Yeah, after what happened to Abby, I didn’t want to risk a commercial flight.” 
“I would like to send some officers to escort your family to the airport, just as a precaution.” Detective Diskant sighed. “I’m going to contact LAPD and advise the detectives on your case, Dr. Adler, what’s happened.  I’m sure, with the coverage it received in the press, they are aware of something but not everything and I want to keep them in the loop.”  
“Alright, what do you suggest for personal security?” Frank asked.  
“Frankie,” Abby started.  
“No, Abigail, we are not discussing this again. I will not allow something to happen to you or Mary or Scott for that matter.”  
“Mr. Adler, Dr. Adler, let me make this clear. My recommendation is that your family take every precaution available.  It is clear that your sister and Mr. Weiss are not of sound mind.  He is desperate to get to you Dr. Adler.  Your husband is right.”  
Abby stared at the detective for a minute before looking at her husband. “You really think he might try again?”  
“Cricket, if it wasn’t for the fact that your entire family is with our girl right now, she would be here with us. I refuse to leave any of you vulnerable again.”  
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Departing from the airport, Abby’s parents hugged their daughter, granddaughter and son-in-law hard. “Call us when you get home,” Ana said, cupping her daughter’s cheek.  
“It’ll be late, Mama.”  
“I don’t care.”  She turned to Scott and Johnny. “You boys behave. “ 
“We will Mrs. Hernandez,” Johnny said before picking up Mary and carrying her into the plane.  
Abby looked around.  “Where is Susie?” 
“I think she left her bag in the car,” Scott said.  “C’mon Dodger, let’s get on.”  
Abby walked back to the SUV and stopped. She smiled as she spied on Susie and Marco, holding hands and whispering to each other, heads bent closer.  Abby quietly moved away as Marco bent down to place a soft kiss on Susie’s lips.  
Frank waited for Abby as Susie came around the side of the car.  “You girls are always late,” he mumbled. He grunted as Abby elbowed him. “What?” 
“Leave Susie out of this. She just needed a moment,” she whispered. She pulled out her phone.  
Abby: You could always find work out in California  Marco: Why would I do that  Abby: Because a certain blonde may love it  Marco: I don’t know what you are talking about  Abby: Ok fine. Just know, Frank is looking for someone to run security for the family. This could be the opportunity you’re looking for  Marco: Really?  Abby: Call him.   Marco: I’ll do it tomorrow.  Thanks sis. 
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Returning to the team and relative normalcy helped the Adlers get back into normal. Frank thought it was a brilliant idea to have Marco be the head of security for the family. He moved Marco into the guest house on his property and Marco took over interviewing and hiring security to protect the family.  
Frank had a good couple of weeks, the Dodgers on a run at the moment.  Mary was thriving with camp, Abby found time to work at USC and attend to her duties with the Dodgers and Scott had found a job that allowed him to take care of Mary and work from home.  He and Abby shared an office, which Abby loved as Scott was rapidly becoming her best friend.  
Yes, everything was going great.  
Unknown: enjoy it while it last  Frank: Who is this?  Unknown: a nightmare 
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fitrahgolden · 9 months
“To another successful Sharma-Bridgerton birthday bash.”
Kate and Anthony clinked beer bottles as they laid on her living room floor, propped up by pillows they'd pulled down from the couch.
Anthony took a sip before saying, “Yeah. He genuinely seemed to enjoy it, didn't he?”
“You're surprised?” Kate raised an eyebrow as she took a bite of leftover cake.
“I mean, it's what he asked for, but he's turning fourteen. I would think the, you know, typical balloons and birthday cake and games and all that with his family wouldn't hold that much appeal anymore.”
“Ah,” Kate laughed. “I think he asked for a traditional party for his siblings. Such a sweetheart. He’ll get to do something cool when he goes out with his friends tomorrow.”
They sat in silence for a while. “Do you think they feel cheated out of what’s supposed to be a perk of being children of divorce?” Anthony mused.
“And what is that?”
“Two of everything. Two birthdays, two of every holiday. Just…double the stuff.”
“Oh, that. I wonder how common that actually is. Either way, no, I genuinely think they love that we still celebrate everything together.” Kate then added, a bit shyly, “So do I.”
“Hey, I do l, too,” Anthony assured her. “Definitely.”
“Yeah, you seemed to be enjoying yourself.” Kate nudged him with her shoulder.
“Oh, I did. I just… I love when everyone's together, all the grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins. I was afraid that when… Well, I'm just really happy the kids can still have that. That the five of us can still have that.”
There was a pensive shift in Anthony's eyes.
“In general, have you been OK?” Kate asked. “Violet asked me what was going on with you.”
“Did she?” Anthony rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, even though I'm probably not a good person to ask anymore.”
“Why not?” Anthony’s tone was almost defensive.
Surprised, Kate stammered a bit. “Well, um… We don't… I'm just not in your life most of the time. There's plenty that could be happening with you, and there’d be no reason for me to know.
Anthony seemed to consider that for a few moments, his brow furrowed. “You really feel like that?”
“You don't?” Kate replied, instead of thinking too hard about how sad it made her feel, the prospect of Anthony eventually becoming truly estranged from her. What will we be to each other by the time Kav is a teenager? 
“No, I don't.” Anthony was almost petulant in the sternness of his response.
“Oh.” That was all Kate could say. She took another bite of cake. 
There was an awkward silence. Anthony seemed to think of something to fill it.
“Hey. I haven't told anyone at work yet, um, I'm working on a book.”
Kate sat up. “Really?!”
Anthony nodded, reluctant pride colouring his face. 
“You’re writing again! That makes me so happy. Tell me, tell me. What's it about?”
“A mother and son fighting for the affection of a useless dog,” Anthony answered with a smirk.
Kate stared at him for a couple of seconds before whacking him with a pillow. “You'd better be kidding.”
“I'm not. Of course, you and Maan would need to grant me life rights before I publish it.”
Kate continued to glare at him, and he laughed.
“Kit, I promise, it's really cute. It'll be even cuter with your pictures.”
“I can't publish a book without your pictures. That'd be blasphemous, coming out with a book after so long, only to have the illustrations be subpar. You ruined me for other illustrators a long time ago.”
“You're serious.”
Anthony nodded, his eyes full of…something Kate couldn't quite decipher.
“I, um…”
He reached out and patted her knee. “You don't have to answer now. But please think about it. I can show you what I have so far and… Just think about it, please.”
Kate smiled at his earnestness, ignoring the warmth his touch left behind on her leg. “I'll think about it.”
“Thank you. Now,” Anthony turned more towards her. “I have a much more important question.”
“What's that?” Kate tried to sound breezy, but was sure she failed.
“Are you, Ms. Sharma-Bridgerton, going to finish that slice of cake?”
Kate sighed a soft laugh, shaking her head as she passed Anthony her plate. He eagerly took a bite, and made a face that was too obscene for Kate to look at directly, accompanied by a sound that was just as bad.
“Fuck, Edwina can bake.”
“I know, right?
“Why doesn't she do this professionally?”
“She thinks she'd hate it if she had to do it.”
Anthony took another bite and shrugged. “That's fair. But my God.”
Kate laughed, and had to look away again. “I'm just happy Ned's favourite is the same as mine.”
“Strawberries and chocolate,” Anthony said appreciatively, looking at the fork.
“That’s what you tasted like.” His voice was low and wistful.
Warmth suddenly surged through Kate's body. “What?”
“The night we met, at that party.” He looked over at her, his eyes landing on her lips. “When I kissed you.”
Kate forced a laugh, having no idea what to do with that, what Anthony wanted her to do with that. “Well, I may or may not have been parked next to the chocolate fountain the whole time before you talked to me.”
“Oh, I know you were. Why do you think I went over there?”
“For the novelty of a chocolate fountain in a flat occupied by no one over the age of twenty-two?” Kate truly didn't know what this conversation was anymore, and Anthony didn't seem concerned with helping her out. He just wordlessly shook his head. Kate bit her lip. “That, um… That feels like three lifetimes ago.”
“It’s odd to think about. Right now, at this particular moment.”
“Why now in particular?”
“Well, we had a party for our oldest’s fourteenth birthday today. Now, we’re lying here in the living room, decompressing after putting the kids to bed. It’s exactly the kind of scene I would have dreamed about back then. But…” Anthony looked up at the ceiling. “I don’t live here.”
Kate could feel her eyes getting heavy with tears. “Right,” she whispered.
Anthony slowly shook his head, continuing to look up. “That part, I would have never seen coming.” Kate thought she saw his own eyes getting watery.  “Kit?”
“Are you happy?”
Am I happy? Kate really had no idea what was happening.
“I have a really good life,” she conceded. 
Anthony nodded, but didn't let it go. “Are you happy, though?”
“I… don’t know, actually. I try not to think about it.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do if the answer is no.”
“Yeah.” He gave her half a smile. “I’m not happy,” he said simply. He propped himself up a bit more as he continued. “Kit, I think we made a mistake. We got it all wrong. I don’t think our marriage was the problem. We ran away from each other when we needed each other most.”
Kate suddenly found it hard to breathe. “Anthony–”
“I think we made a monumental, excruciatingly harmful mistake. And the five of us are so much worse off because of it.” Anthony sat up fully, and ran a hand down her arm. “Is there any part of you that agrees with me?”
“Yes.” The answer was out before Kate could even think about it. She finally made herself look back at him.
“Really?” His eyes lit up. 
“Yes. But… Well, what do we do?”
Anthony huffed out a laugh. “I have no fucking idea, Kit.” His hand reached down to cover hers. “Can I try kissing you? Maybe that will help.”
Anthony approached her slowly, eyes shining with gratitude, as if this is all he's ever wanted. How long had he wanted this? How long had she? Did they ever really stop?
He placed his lips on hers carefully but confidently, like he did that first time when they were at uni. It was brief. He pulled back slightly after a couple of seconds, but didn't move away completely. Their lips hovered over each other as he waited. Kate knew that's what he was doing. Giving her the chance to end it there, or continue exploring. She chose the latter.
She surged forward while pulling him to her by his hair, and they met roughly in the middle. Anthony made a wounded sound that only resulted in Kate tightening her grip, and then he more or less fell on top of her. She giggled against his mouth, a sound that died immediately when he took that opportunity to tease his tongue past her lips. The thoughts that had temporarily vacated Kate's head started trickling back in as she felt Anthony roll her onto her back and settle between her legs, one of his hands on the back of her neck, the other disappearing under her shirt.
“Strawberries and chocolate,” he murmured as he kissed her throat.
When Anthony's fingers started playing with the button of her shorts, a thought occurred to Kate that had her pushing him back.
“Wait. This isn't right.”
He sat back on his haunches, panting. “Why not?”
“Anthony,” Kate said with derision, trying her best to ignore the state of him, his hair in utter disarray, his flushed face, black eyes, and swollen lips. “Your girlfriend?”
Anthony huffed and shook his head, still breathing heavily. “We broke up. Last month.”
Anthony clasped her hands. “I promise, Kit. You know I would never–”
“No, of course. Of course.”
Anthony leaned his forehead against Kate's.
“We shouldn’t be doing this out here,” he whispered. “Not with the kids upstairs.”
“You're right. Do you want to go to my room?”
“Fuck, yes,” Anthony hissed and they laughed. “Are you sure this is what you want?”
Kate looked into her husband's eyes. A voice in her head reminded her that he wasn't her husband anymore, but a louder one said, Fuck off. Yes, he is.
“Yes, I'm sure.”
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