#there needs to be more bun options or more ways to put hair up
enniewritesathing · 11 months
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don't worry, he's not gonna eat you
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ravencincaide · 6 months
Happy unhappy home!  
Summar: Soukou think you may be suffering from postpartum depression. Something you strongly disagree with. How dare they suggest you’re an incompetent mother and a threat to your children when they haven’t been around for months! Surely, they must have a different agenda behind their accusation? 
Pairing: New parents! Dazai x Chuuya x Fem! Reader!  (SKK x Fem! reader)
Inspired by Sweetober prompt 12: Chaste Kiss   
Warnings: Cursing, Postpartum depression, light hint at maternal filicide, angst and disappointment, angst
Author note: An independent part two for Desperate times call for Desperate measures. Check that fic out if you’d like more angst, new parents and see more of what happened before this scene! 
The alarm was ringing.  
It had been ringing for the past twenty minutes. A dull monotone sound that had reached its maximum amplitude sometime between minute five and eight, leaving the clock to just screech and nervously buzz closer and closer to the dresser's edge. Another loud ring followed by metallic duns as the clock jumped to its death off the bedside table, finally growing silent.  
Slowly you pulled yourself up into a sitting position, forcing your eyes open. You ran your hands over your face, heaving a heavy exhausted sigh. You were literally keeping your eyelids open with your fingers to prevent them from shutting and falling back asleep inside the hard spare bed in the shoesize room. You felt so-so drained and yet you had gotten a decent six hours of uninterrupted rest last night. Without Dazai or Chuuya craving your attention or bringing the twins to you when they became too much.  
Truly six hours of sleep was a miracle.  
Though now that morning came all you felt was a dull frustration. At that moment you did not know what was worse; the fact that you had to get up and face the day. Starting with preparing breakfast for the twins and your lovers, or the mild annoyance of having to go and buy yet another bloody alarm clock.   
At least the babies weren’t fussing. Yet.  
With great effort you dragged yourself out of bed and haphazardly put some day-old clothes on. Hair up in a bun while on the toilet and a quick wash of your face with cold water and you were ready to get started in the kitchen. You needed to put up coffee, blitz some fruit and think about a more adult-suitable breakfast. Porridge was hated by both Dazai and Chuuya but approved by the babies, while omelet was liked by no one but you. Yet another day of sandwiches was out of the option. That left you with pancakes. Glancing at the clock in the living room on your way to the kitchen, you hurriedly picked up your pace.  
Pancakes were doable- if you hurried up.   
Once you got to the kitchen you let out a low groan of frustration. The sink was full of bottles from the nightly feedings wedged between midnight snack dishes and crusty cups of coffee that had finally made their way out of your partner's room and into the kitchen sink. The espresso machine was demanding a new water filter, and you did not even want to think what the splotches and sticky mess on the counter and kitchen table were.  
For a second you didn’t know where to start- then as stress set in you felt your body come alive. You were practically tearing yourself between doing dishes, making the pancake batter and wiping the counter.  When the two non-stick pans on the stove were warming up, you ran the cleaning program on the espresso machine. Then as the pancakes fried, you wiped the table and blitzed fruit for the babies. You set up cups, cutlery and plates in between flipping the pancakes.  
Just as the first batch of pancakes were finished and the coffee machine was brewing the first cup, you heard the heavy shuffling of feet into the kitchen. You ignored them as you proceeded to whip up another batch of pancakes- realizing you made far too little to feed double black. Halfway through cracking the eggs, you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist.  
“You’re up early, Sweets” Chuuya yawned in your ear before placing a chase kiss on your shoulder.  
“Morning” you replied dryly, moving out of the embrace. You were fully focused on flipping the pancakes with one hand while mixing the batter with the second. “Coffee’s ready I think” you muttered, out of the corner of your eye watching a zombie looking Dazai reach for the hot cup, muttering a halfhearted morning and thanks in one breath.  
You heard Chuuya sigh heavily, disappointed, before going over to the coffee machine and brewing another cup. As the machine skimmed the milk and ground the beans, Chuuya got into a half bicker, half quiet discussion with Dazai about something. Not too long after, the two settled down at the table a few paces away continuing the hushed discussion.  
They didn’t even bother to ask- let alone step up to help you. Jerks.  
“Are you absolutely sure this is legit? And how the hell are we supposed to fill it in anyways” You heard Chuuya hiss at Dazai, making you turn your head in question towards them. You saw the two of them staring at what looked like a thick stack of papers between them- no doubt some kind of work-related report. Probably an evaluation of the new recruits or something. 
“ Of course it’s legit- I’m not an idiot like you.” Dazai stated matter of factly pointing something out on the sheets of paper with a half broken- half chewed on ink pen.  
“ Who the hell are you calling an idiot- you extra stuff that comes with bandages!” Chuuya snapped back but settled down the second he noticed your eyes on them.  
You felt your lips turn down in a frown as you flipped another bunch of pancakes: So, fucking typical. With them it was either work or the twins. While you were still just this ‘something’ that did everything around the house with little to no gratitude or help. Right then you felt like the extra stuff that comes with babies. A ghost- boggart- in your own home.   
You had just finished making pancakes when you heard a wail from upstairs. The babies had woken up. Instantly you turned off the stove: wiping your hands on a cloth you rushed upstairs to get the twins. After all, those picture-perfect fathers were not so perfect until after breakfast.  
You returned a few moments later, placing the babies in their highchairs. Then you put small bowls with mashed fruits in front of them in different cups. Yet another attempt at introducing solids into their diet. Then back to the kitchen, returning a few seconds later.  
“Here!” You dropped the two plates of pancakes in front of your so-called partners, not caring either about the loud clang the plates made against the wooden table, or the way the food slid off them. Or the way the twins clapped their hands in glee at the loud noise. You went back to the kitchen, moving things into the sink to make it easier to wash up later, while turning on the kettle for tea.  
A hot cup of chamomile or melissa tea sounded heavenly at that moment.  
Hearing the children's fuss, you abandoned both dishes and tea; rushing back towards the dining table, where Chuuya and Dazai mouths were stuffed with food. Their attention was divided between the stack of papers in front of them and the twins that were eagerly reaching for their fathers' pancakes. You felt another wave of irritation wash over you- a bitter kind of anger that you bit back before you said something you would regret. Instead, you fixed all of them with a warning look, making sure that neither Dazai nor Chuuya shared their breakfast with the twins. The last thing you needed that morning was to pull pancakes out of the children's noses.  
“Sweetheart, aren’t you going to eat anything?” Chuuya asked suddenly, sounding concerned as he watched you come closer to the table and take a seat beside the children.  
“I’m not hungry” you growled through squeezed teeth as you picked up the small plastic spoon and began trying to feed them mashed berries. After a few moments of screwed faces and the fruit going everywhere besides inside the children's mouth, you dropped the small spoon back into the colorful cup and looked up at the ceiling. You were blinking away tears of frustration. How fucking hard was this supposed to be? 
Not hard if you were to ask the pediatrician! 
“Here let me try Belladonna” Dazai gave you a small smile as he picked up the spoon you had carelessly dropped back into the mash.  With some exaggerated motions and airplane noises, the children ate the mash without any issue. As if Dazai was feeding them formulas from a spoon. Soon Chuuya joined him, wiping their mouths and then burping them once the twins were done.  
The sight warmed your heart, but it also made you feel self-conscious- a failure somehow. Why hadn’t you thought of doing that? Wasn’t it a mother's instinct to know what to do and how to care for her children?  To have an inseparable bond. And yet it seemed Dazai and Chuuya were somehow closer to the twins- despite the fact that you were the one who did the majority of the nurturing duties. Were you perhaps- not equipped to be a parent?  
The thought lingered in your head as they all finished breakfast. It lingered through the playtime with children and even as you put the twins down for their nap. When they'd wake up, you’d need to bathe them, then dress them and take them for a little time outside. And then–  
“-Belladona?” you snapped out of your thoughts when you noticed that Dazai had been talking and trying to get your attention for the past minute or so.  
“Oh sorry, what did you say?” You asked as you draped the covers over the snoozing twins and headed towards your partner who was lingering in the door of the nursery.  
Dazai flashed you a nervous smile, one of his hands in his hair, trying to make himself look less awkward. “A moment of your time dalin?” he repeated himself. You frowned, unsure why he’d suddenly ask for your time so formally. Then as you saw him shift under your gaze you felt your eyes widen with realization and nodded quickly, eagerly and followed him back to the living room.  
You sat down on the couch opposite your lovers, a hopeful feeling in your chest. They looked so nervous, bumping shoulders against each other, flickering eyes, silent motions for one or the other to start. To an outsider they would have looked like composed mafioso's- to you they looked like a bunch of nervous teenagers. You held back a giggle, the sight reminding you so much of when they first asked you to be with them- then once again when they asked you to start living together.  
You almost felt nervous yourself. And excited. And anxious. Were they really going to finally–?  
“Sweetheart there’s something we’d like to ask- no discuss with you” Chuuya started, clearly having lost whatever silent banter he and Dazai were having above your head. You felt the palms of your hands grow damp- sweaty. Your heart was hammering in your chest. Your mouth dry- your ears ringing. It was finally happening, wasn’t it? You could barely contain your grin: 
“ You both know I’d say YE–” “– we think you might have postpartum depression”  
Your heart dropped to your stomach. Ice cold dread washed over you; making dark dots play in your vision. The disappointment on your face was clear. It seemed to throw both of them off guard for a moment. Like they couldn’t understand what it was you were hoping for- what you were so eager to say yes to. It took a moment for your mind to register what Chuuya said- but you certainly regained your composure quicker than either of them.   
“What?!” You snapped, narrowing your eyes dangerously at the pair, daring them to repeat themselves. “What did you just say?” 
They didn’t answer directly: Instead, they made a motion towards the stack of papers that they had been fiddling with all morning. They were laid out on the small table between you. Postpartum Assessment sheet with a bunch of ticked off boxes. You didn’t know what made you feel more insulted- that they assumed you had postpartum depression or the fact that they assessed you behind your back instead of coming and talking to you.  
You scoffed in response  
“We think you might have postpartum depression– it’s not uncommon. Especially in young, first-time mothers and–” You flew up from your seat silencing Dazai’s voice instantly.  
“No you’re just saying that because You are not around. Either of you! so it's just fucking easier to blame all the shortcomings and inadequacy on me than look at your own failures!” You began pacing, running your hands through your hair. You couldn’t believe it- that they could even think you were a threat to your own babies. To the children you birthed and raised and nurtured- stayed up nights and nights to care for. The ones you took to doctors and classes and sacrificed so much for. How fucking dare they even suggest that?! 
“ Sweetheart it isn’t..” Chuuya started. He had moved off the sofa and closer to you, hands reaching towards you, palms up. Something between an awkward attempt at a hug and reassuring you, he meant no harm.  
“No you’re right, it isn’t about that- is it? It’s cuz you want to take them away from me, right?! Want to take my babies away from me and start a partnership” Your eyes moved from Chuuya to Dazai who had remained awfully passive throughout your entire outburst. The fact that he was always absent with urgent work, then demanding Chuuya to come and help during missions suddenly made a lot more sense to you. 
Just like your bare ring finger.  
The thought stung. Instead of feeling anger however, you felt overwhelming sadness. A type of defeat that only came when you realized your own pitifulness- your own worthlessness. The naivety that those two would ever see you as their equal- a shared part of a whole. This realization left a bitter taste in your mouth; “You’ve gotten what you wanted- what you can’t create yourself- out of me and now you want to lock me up with a stamp of being incompetent? Forget it!”  
Chuuya gaped, his brain trying to come up with something that wouldn’t aggravate the situation further. He seemed to have an idea, a thought, but the words got stuck in his throat as your eyes went away from Dazai and back to him. 
Eyes full of icy fury.  
“I’m not giving them to you, not without a fight!” you snapped just as you heard the twins stirring. Their wails awakening a protective and possessive motherly instinct inside you. Without another word you brushed past Chuuya, bumping his shoulder purposefully on the way out of the living room.  
“That went brilliantly, simpleton” you heard Dazai’s voice but did not bother turning around as you headed upstairs to the twins. Out of the three of them you were the most competent to be a mother - a parent. If anyone was having ‘postpartum depression’ it was those two self-centered idiots.  
Going upstairs you picked the crying babies up and began pacing with them around the room, your mind still a jumbled mess as you pressed kisses to each of the twins' foreheads. God what were you supposed to do if they made you out to be so sick and incompetent, so you’d lose your parental rights and — and— you swallowed then shuddered as you heard your so-called partners yelling at each other downstairs. In panic you hurried to retreat to the safety of the bathroom.  
You made sure to lock the door, then barricade it.  
You took a step back from it, your heart in your throat. The children sensed your fear and wailed loudly in your arms. You shushed them quietly before going further into the bathroom. There you set the children down onto the floor only long enough to turn on the water in the bathtub in a feeble attempt to block out the bickering echoing from downstairs. You made sure the water was perfect temperature, then you hurried to pick the twins up and hugged them tightly to your chest, rocking backwards and forwards. The sound of your so-called partners' loud voices only fueled your fear and sadness. How dare they suggest you were incompetent. How dare they attempt to take these babies away from you. As if they’d be able to do a better job than you. To protect them from this cruel, cruel world! 
 No, you were not going to let Chuuya and Dazai take them away from you. Your twins- your joy. Your purpose in life.  But if they were truly serious about it– then you’d rather take yourself and your babies out of this world than risk putting them through the horrors of going even a day without their mother—.   _____________________________________________________ Update: Check out the next part A hit beyond rock bottom
All fics are unique works by ©ravencincaide 2024. Do not copy/repost/translate or spread my work(s) without my explicit permission. If you see any of my work(s) reposted/copied anywhere else without my consent, please inform me!
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ador3sturniolo · 7 months
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An - omg I feel like I haven’t posted in a year what. Okay so earlier this week I went to a hockey game, and something happened while I was there and I wanted to write a fic about it. And I wanted to do Nate because I love Nate, and we need more Nate fics out there asap. And the song has nothing to do with the fic, it was the song I kept playing while writing this 😭
Paring - Nathan Doe X FemReader
Summary - You go to one of Nate’s hockey games
Warnings - Kissing, NOT PROOFREAD
Requested - Nope
I hadn’t realize how late I had slept in until I heard my alarm go off more than 30 times, most of which I had just sleep through. I check the time and see it’s a little past 3. Shit. I had so much to do and had it all planned out. I was to clean my house, get a gift for Nate, go grocery shopping, and decorate for fall. I’ll just eat some food while I’m out but right now, I need to clean up my place. I have u til 6:30 to get everything done on my list. Considering Nate’s game starts at 7.
I clean my house, lighting candles and turning on fairy lights I have setup around my house. I take a quick shower and put on my freshly clean clothes. I do a slick back bun, not trying to do anything fancy. I get into my car and make a quick stop at Starbucks to get a drink. I also did an online order for my favorite lunch place in town so it’s ready for pickup when I get there. I pickup my lunch and eat in my car as I drive to target. I put my Starbucks in the cup holder of my cart and push it too the food section.
I grab my list of food and start putting it in my cart. I decided to grab some cookie dough for me and Nate to back after his game. I go over to the floral section and grab a bag of white, blue, and purple pair and place it in my cart. I’m on my way towards check out when I spot the cutest pair of matching pj sets. There was a vampire, pumpkin, and ghost option. They were all so cute but I decided to get the ghost ones. I check out and go home to eat dinner and decorate.
I decided to make something, quick, easy, and delicious. I play my fall playlist as I grab my last year bin full of pumpkins, signs, pillows and blankets. It only takes me around 30 minutes considering I cleaned earlier. I looked at the time, with not much time left I had to get ready. I put the totes back and head to my room. I put on a pair of leggings and his hockey jersey that he gave me. I take out my hair and do two French braids. I take some face paint type makeup I have and write his number on my cheek.
I put on my shoes and grab his flowers and teddy I bought him earlier that week. I grab a blanket so I don’t get cold at the rink. I drive to the rink in only 10 minutes. I head inside and get a ticket. I’m greeted inside by the triplets. They all look over at me and walk my way.
“Finally, we’ve been waiting for like 5 hours” Nick says rolling his eyes
“Nick, we got here 5 minutes ago-“ Matt chimed in
“Oh hush.” Nick says, crossing his arms, clearly annoyed.
“I’m so excited to watch my boyfriend play!” Chris says clapping his hands. Nick, Matt and I slowly turn towards Chris, giving him a confused look.
“Fine, I can’t wait to watch her boyfriend play” Chris says sarcastically but rolling his eyes.
“That’s what I thought.” I say pushing Chris a little bit jokingly. We all walk to the rink, getting a rush of cold air as the door opens. I could feel goosebumps approaching my skin. I wrap the blanket around my shoulders and sit down with the triplets. We sat and waited for the game to start. It only took a couple scrolls on insta before the players came walking out of the locker room and onto the ice to warmups. It wasn’t hard for me to find him, considering I had his number imprinted into my brain. Before I the warmups ended, I went to the snack bar and got myself a water and chips for me and the triplets. I head back just in time for the game to start. We all stand up and start to cheer, like the rest of the crowd. I only had my eye on one player the whole time. Every time he scored a point and I would jump up and down and scream for him. The three looked at me like I was insane but I didn’t care.
The game was over and Nate’s team won! We all wait for Nate outside of the locker room to finish up, but before he comes out I need to use the restroom. I come back not too long and see the brothers talking to a man I wanted to hug the first I saw him on the ice. He noticed me and started walking towards me. I ran up to him and gave him a hug.
“You did great tonight, I’m so proud of you.” I say giving him a peck on the lips.
“And these are for you.” I handed him the flowers and teddy bear, he then looked up at me with a smile that would make my heart melt.
“Thank you so much baby.” He said as he went to the side of me and wrapped his arm around my waist. He turned back and waved to the brothers as he started to walk with me out of the building. I help him load his things into my car, and we get inside the car after.
“So I had a really fun night planned out for us, but if you don’t want to do it, that’s okay and we can do something else.”
“It’s whatever makes you happy my love” I couldn’t help but blush at his words.
“So, my house is all decorated and I had candles going so it smells really good in there, and the house is clean so a bonus! And I was thinking we could make cookies and watch a movie together? And there’s also a surprise with that.” I say almost out of my seat from how happy I was.
“If that’s what you wanna do.” He says smiling back at me.
“Of course it’s what I want to do, but I wanted to know if u wanted to do it.” I say turning on my car, pulling out of the parking lot.
“I’m okay with anything you want to do.” He says looking out the window. I smile as I continue to drive back to my place. I pull into my driveway and get out of my car.
“Let’s take showers first tho.” I say unlocking my front door. He nods as I unlock the door and walk in. We take off our shoes at the front and walk to my room where my shower is.
“I’ll go first, I’ll be quick.” I say as I start to take out my hair. I hop in the shower and wash my face, get out, and wrap myself in a towel. I walk out into my room and too my closet, telling him it’s his turn on my way. He gets off the small couch I have in my room and head into the bathroom. I quickly get dressed into the pajamas I just bought for us. I sit down at my vanity and start doing my night skincare. I hear the shower turn off and with Nate walking out with the towel around his waist. He points at the pair of clothes on my bed.
“What’s this?”
“It’s yours, to wear! Tonight! To match with me!” I say turning around, show I’m in the matching set. He gives me a sigh but walks with it into the bathroom to get changed. I do a little clap of achievement, as I turn back around to finish my skincare. I hear the bathroom door open and see him walk out, giving me a sigh and looking down in disappointment.
“Hey! You look amazing! Don’t give me that I hate this energy, it’s supposed to be fun!” I say putting all my things away and getting up.
“I feel so weird in this.” He says throwing his hands like a baby
“Why? You look so cute!” I say walking towards him.
“Can I just take the shirt off? It feels tight.” He says scratching his neck
“Not yet! I wanna take a picture” I say grabbing my phone out. His arm wraps around my waist as I put the mode to 0.5x and turn on the flash. We smoosh our heads together doing a kissy face as I take the picture. I look at the picture to make sure it was okay then I put my phone down.
“Okay, let go make some cookies” I say kissing his cheek and walking out of my room. He follows close behind me. I grab a pack a Pillsbury cookies from the fridge and preheat the oven.
“How about you put on 6, and I put on 6” I say grabbing a tray from my cabinet.
“Good with me” He says giving me a smile
“Can I take my shirt off now?” He says whining
“Fine, Stop acting like a baby” I say as I start to put on my cookies.
We both finish putting on our cookies and put them in the oven. I walk over to my couch and turn on the tv.
“What would you like to watch?” I say looking up at him.
“I don’t know, you pick.” He says sitting down next to me
“Mhm, Corpse Bride? The Nightmare Before Christmas?” I say leaning back and laying my head on his chest
“Corpse Bride, The Nightmare Before Christmas is a Christmas movie.”
“No it’s not!” I say as I scoff
“It is tho!”
I shake my head and get up to go take the cookies out. I put them on a plate and organize them in a cute way. I bring the plate to the couch along with a blanket.
“Hold the plate while I put the blanket on us.” I say handing him the plate. I sit down, covering our legs and a little bit of my waist. He sets the plate down on the blanket.
“Do you like tonight?” I say putting my head on him again.
“Of course” He says kissing my head. I smile in happiness that I was able to make tonight special.
“I love you” I say lifting my head up.
“I love you more” He says giving me a peck on my lips
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pitifulbaby · 1 year
break down
summary: your car was old and finally gave out after rehearsal, now you have to walk all the way to the shop to find your boyfriend, Eddie Munson.
pairings: Mechanic!Eddie Munson x Fem!Ballerina!Reader
warnings: reader is mentioned as having hair long enough to be put in a bun, flufffffffy
a/n: so i have been writing this for a while so i hope it is good? anyways enjoy the reading! 2.4k words
stranger things masterlist
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It was safe to say you hated your car right now. The night had settled in along with a chill. Now the cold wouldn’t have been bad if it weren’t for the fact you weren’t dressed properly for the brisk wind. All you had to cover you was your black leotard, light pink tights, a pair of sneakers, a thin skirt wrap and a random long sleeved shirt that was loose on your torso.
It was a normal thing you wore on Tuesday, the usual outfit needed for ballet class. But right now you really hated it, along with your car- which you despise most of all. 
Of course the car had to break down, and in the middle of a cold snap. It had been much warmer when the sun was still up. But now that night had fallen and settled down, the cold only seemed more bitter as it nipped at each and every inch of skin not covered, seeping through your thin tights and encasing you in nothing but cold. If you exhaled you could see your breath.
Needless to say, it was very cold.
You were still parked in the lot of the dance studio, brows furrowed in as you tried to start the car again. But it would turn out like the last time, stuttering, stuttering.. And then, nothing. The engine huffed and puffed out nothing but air and an obnoxious sound before rattling to silence. After that you tried once more only for nothing to happen at all. With a groan you smacked your hands against the steering wheel, letting your head fall back against the headrest.
You knew nothing about cars, only that your car was old and on her last leg- and that leg might have just given out. It was a bit ironic that you knew nothing about cars and your boyfriend Eddie Munson was a mechanic at the local shop. 
He was always telling you to bring your car into the shop so he could have a look at it, he knew it wasn’t in the greatest shape. But you always declined it, saying the car was fine. 
You knew you didn't really have the money to get your car fixed- though Eddie has told you time and time again he wasn’t going to charge you for anything. But you would feel bad if you didn’t pay for his services. 
And right now you really regretted not letting him at least take a look. You were stranded, everyone else had gone home and all the shops around were closed for the night. 
Your saving grace was knowing that the shop Eddie worked at was only a few miles down the road and he was working late tonight. You knew you would be able to walk to the shop, but the thought of venturing off in the cold at this time of night wasn’t ideal- but, there wasn’t really any other option.
With one final turn of the key, with the outcome of nothing- you decided to brave the cold and venture the walk to Hawkins Mechanical Shop. 
You had speed walked to the shop, hoping to break a sweat to combat the cold. But the cold wind was too strong to even give you a hint of any heat on your body. It took you longer than you would’ve liked to get to the shop, old sneakers padding against the concrete sidewalk- passing under street lamps, passing by signs that you didn't care to read. You just wanted to get inside a building and feel the heat encase your body once more.
Step after step, closer and closer till the only sign you wanted to see was finally ahead of you, letting out a breath of relief as you closed in on the door. The garage doors had been closed for the night, hoping to keep the cold out- but you knew the store was still open. Reaching forward you twisted the door open, stepping into the warmth with a shuddering breath.
“Welcome in, just letting you know we close in-” The sound of Eddie’s voice rings out through the shop, steps echoing as he gets closer. Soon you catch sight of him, his coveralls adorning his frame, curls pulled back into a low bun at the base of his neck. He is wiping grease from his hands with a cloth, his eyes lighting up and a smile slowly pulls at his face.
“Hey sweetheart, I didn’t hear your car drive up.” Eddie spoke through a smile, stepping close to you and taking you in. You two were quite a pair right now- from your dainty ballet getup to his oil clad coveralls. You watch as his eyes scan behind you and out the glass door- his brows furrowing in softly as he steps closer. “Where did you park?” 
With a sheepish smile and an awkward laugh you shifted from foot to foot, wrapping your arms around yourself. “Honey- did your car break down? Please tell me someone drove you here.” You could see the slight panic in his eyes and hear it in his voice as he placed the rag down on the front desk, stepping closer to you before he placed his hands on your arms. 
His brows furrowed in at the fact that the clothing felt cold to the touch, his eyes scanning you over again and seeing you in better light. Your body had a small shiver to it, he soon placed his hands on the sides of your face, hissing at the feeling of how cold you were.
“Shit! Sweetheart you are freezing, c’mon I have my sweatshirt in the breakroom.” He mumbled out, pulling you in and keeping you close as he walked you into the breakroom. Once you two were stepping into said room, he brought you over to the couch- watching you sit down before he was grabbing his sweatshirt that was thrown over the back of the couch.
A moment later he is kneeling in front of you, helping you out of the thin long sleeve shirt- he knew you didn’t really like the feeling of multiple layers of long sleeved shirts, plus the sweatshirt of his was rather thick and would help fight the cold. Once out of the long sleeve he was helping you into the sweatshirt. After the sweatshirt is placed onto your body, he lets his hands run up and down your legs in hopes of creating some heat. “Why don’t you tell me what happened, yeah?” He asks quietly, looking up at you.
His question only makes you let out a groan, letting yourself flop back against the back cushion of the couch- causing him to laugh at your antics. “Yeah?” He asks with a smile.
“My fucking car,” You start, digging the palms of your hands into your eyes- rubbing them, causing bursts of light to emit from behind your eyelids. He tuts softly, reaching forward and pulling your hands away from your eyes. You feel the couch dip down as he sits down next to you, his body turned to face you. “There I am, a long day of dance- my feet are aching from being on pointe-” You started, letting yourself be a bit dramatic, a habit formed from dating the king of dramatics himself.
“We had to stay longer today, I can’t even remember why. And so I get in my car, everyone had already left because before I even tried to start my car I was taking my hair out of the bun- the pins were really digging into my scalp. And I put in the key and it just, it doesn’t start. So I try again.. And again. And nothing!” You exclaim the last part, shoulders sagging. “All the stores around were closed, it was literally just me. I just decided to walk here then.” With a frown you look to Eddie who is already looking at you with a small frown. 
“Please don’t tell me ‘I told you so’ about my car.” You interrupt him before he can speak anything else, pulling your legs in as you turn to sit facing him. “I just wish you didn’t walk here all by yourself, it's dark and freezing out.” He replies, scooting closer to you and placing a hand on your cheek.
You simply shrug at his response, “It was either sit and freeze in my car, try and fix said car myself and hope i don't explode, or walk here. And I didn’t feel like becoming a popsicle in my broken car- plus exploding didn’t sound enjoyable either, though I would be warm.” You let your words trail off at the end, pursing your lips in thought. Eddie lets out a fake gasp, his hand shifting from resting against your cheek to squishing your cheeks in, leaning forward and pressing a soft peck to your lips. 
“Don’t even joke about my sweet girl exploding!” He says with a fake sob, his other arm coming to wrap around your waist and pull you against him. His hand moves from your face to rest on the back of your head, his face coming down to press a kiss to the underside of your jaw. A few loose strands of his hair tickle your skin, the scruff on his face scratching against you oh so softly. His words cause you to laugh, letting your own arms wrap around his neck loosely. 
You ignore the bits of oil and grease that transfer from his coveralls to your tights and his sweatshirt that adorns your body. That would be an issue for later, and at this point you have figured out the perfect ways to easily clean the mess from clothes. You feel him let out a content hum against you, pulling away to look at you fully. “Hi,” He says with a bright smile, which in turn causes you to let out a laugh, smiling just as bright as him. “Hey handsome.”
His arm unwraps from around you, letting his hand smack against his chest. His other hand falling against his forehead in a swoon. Eddie lets himself fall back against the armrest, “Handsome?” He says with a forced crack in his voice, tilting his head forward- chin on chest as he looks at you. “You can’t call me handsome like that, I might just have to make out with you- or worse.” He speaks out.
With furrowed brows you tilt your head, “Worse?” You whisper it out, he simply nods, sitting back up. He reaches out a hand once fully sitting back up, his face close to yours. His hand gently pats your cheek, “Worse.” He says with a fake sad face. Though you knew his ‘worse’ really couldn’t be bad, honestly knowing him it would just mean more than making out. But you didn’t think doing anything like that in the breakroom of his work place was a good idea- at least not today.
He lets his hand push some of your hair out of your face, from it being up in a bun and pins it had a bit of an odd wave to it- plus being windswept from the walk, it was a bit of a mess. But it wasn’t like Eddie minded, no, he loved you and the way you looked no matter what. 
Before any of you could talk anymore, your mouth is dropping in a yawn, eyes scrunching shut as you hide your face in your hands to yawn. Eddie lets out a quiet laugh, pulling your hands away from your face. “You tired?” He questions, pulling you close. With an arch of a brow you shake your head looking at him.
“No, I just like yawning.” You say with a straight face and a monotone voice. Your words seem to cause Eddie to gasp, “I do not enjoy the sass!” Eddie says, his hands coming up to squish your cheeks in, causing your lips to purse and pout once again. With your lips pushed out he is moving in to peck your lips before pulling away, letting go of your cheeks to slide his hands down your neck, and to your arms. “You wanna go home, pretty girl?” His tone is more soft than before, which- in turn, causes you to nod your head. 
You really did want to go home, soak in the bath for a bit and then crash for the night with your man. Eddie looked down at his watch, seeing that it was time to close up shop for the night. With a kiss to your forehead he is jumping up, stating that he is gonna go make sure everything is good for the night. 
Eddie is rushing around the shop, making sure the back door is closed and locked as well as the garage doors, turning off the radio that was playing a quiet hum of music- much different than the usual metal that is playing. He is turning off the lights in the bathrooms, office and such before he is back standing in the doorway of the breakroom. Keys in his hand and wallet in his pocket. “Ya’ ready pretty?” He questions you, which in turn you smile and nod, he puts his hand out- causing you to nearly jump up and rush to him. Grasping a hold of his hand and leaning into his shoulder with a content noise. 
He leads you two out the front door, locking said door behind you both once you two are outside. Not even five seconds later he is letting out a hiss, pulling you close with furrowed brows. “Fuck! It's freezing out here, I can’t believe you actually walked all that way.” He speaks, words a little shaky as he is pulling you to his van, opening the passenger side door for you and helping you inside. Once you are in he is closing the door, basically sprinting to the drivers side and nearly throwing himself in. He turns to look at you, “Do you need to get anything from your car?” He questions you, putting the key in the ignition and turning on the car, he turns the heat on and nearly moans as the warm air hits him. 
With a shake of your head he is then pointing to the seatbelt, “Seatbelt safety.” He mumbles to you, leaning over the console to press a kiss to your cheek. Of course you then put on the seatbelt as he does the same for himself. “The next order of business is, get home and we are taking a warm bath- bubbles and all.” He says with a nod, causing you to laugh happily, leaning back in the seat.
And that was just what you two did when you got home.
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shefromhouston · 2 years
Pretty on Purpose
beauty maintenance tips:
at home mani-pedi: having your nails done at a salon constantly can sometimes be hard to keep up with when you don’t have the budget for a 70-150$ set every 2 weeks, so pick up a at home acrylic set to do for yourself along with some cute nail polish for your toes💅🏽 I usually stick to a super cute but classic french manicure. KISS Salon Acrylic Nude set is so pretty + fits every skin tone! It retails for about 7 dollars + lasts for over a week! with great care they can stretched for two weeks.
kitchen face masks: im not crazy about DIY skincare because i do believe proper skin care products are specifically made to absorb into the skin, not just sit on top BUT i do understand running out of my favorite LUSH mask of magnaminty while i’m trying to save a coin or two can cause more stress pimples than my pretty face can afford. SO, a simple yet effective mask (+ only kitchen masks i’ll ever whip up) is my go-to. Try a mix of manuka honey (or any unfiltered RAW honey) and turmeric. That’s all, mix a small amount + apply to your skin for even tone and glowy skin. Also you can’t go wrong with a Aztec Healing Clay Mask, that’ll run you about 12 bucks.
style your natural hair: hair tends to be my BIGGEST beauty bill, so during times when i need save + my hair isn’t already in a style, i focus on styling my curls. Slick back buns + ponytails are my go-to. It’s simple, sleek, + super cute! If managing your natural hair is too much, braiding hair is about 5-8 $ per pack, this’ll be a great time to sit in front a mirror, prop up that laptop + find a good tutorial on easy braid styles. Learn how to do knotless braids on yourself or those super adorable North West chunky braids, building skill during this time could not only save you money but with practice, save you the hassle we all experience dealing with hairstylist.
body mist + perfume minis: idk about y’all but when i look + SMELL good, i feel good. Running out your favorite fragrances during a time when you don’t have the extra cash to re-up can be like losing an old and familiar friend, look up the notes in that fragrance + make your way to a department store like Marshall’s, Ross, TJ Maxx, Burlington, Walmart or Target + get a body mist or perfume dupe! Marshall’s + TJ Maxx usually carry a travel size of many lux perfumes. If you’re obsessed with Juicy Couture fragrances like me, they’re always at these places for super low prices too. Body mists with similar notes can give you a more affordable fragrance option too. To keep body mists scent lingering a little longer try to pick up a similar scented body oil. These options shouldn’t cost you more than 20$, unless your aiming for the perfume dupes or smaller sizes of your favorites, most of them are going for 20-40$ which is a lot more affordable than the 120+ dollars we spend on full size perfumes.
shop your own closet + make a wishlist: shopping sprees are my favorite past time, but saving money can put a quick halt to that hobby. So instead I tend to focus on what i already have, pick out my favorites + literally style them in as many ways as i can- this is also a great time to develop your styling skill, experiment with different pairings + what not. If you just enjoy being out shopping like myself, there is nothing wrong with window shopping for yourself, i call it ‘wishlist hunting’. Go out, get yourself a nice lil lunch, grab ice coffee or chai latte and hit up your favorite stores. There is no law against browsing! (lol but avoid luxury stores or boutique due to them most times having a policy against browsing) Anyways, browse your favorite stores + make note of your next pick ups once you’re able to. It’s like manifesting lol. It also gives you something to look forward to once you’re able to splurge so you won’t be frivolously spending once you get extra coin.
mental health maintenance:
to be transparent, being in tight spot financially can sometimes cause me to worry + feel stressed, even if i’m able to manage all my bills + food. Not having extra money to do the things i want, the way i want can be depressing. My mental + emotional well-being is more important to me than just looking pretty, i want to feel that way too. Being pretty also means my thoughts aren’t against me, especially about things out of my control. Being pretty means that i’m in high energy, not only to be kind to others but kind to myself. Ive been dealing with chronic depression + anxiety since i was 14, so maintaining the things that bring me joy + comfort me is prioritized during times of worry or stress. Being pretty isn’t just about my nails + hair staying done, being pretty is knowing i’m in a safe space with myself so i wont act out in ugly ways. A lot of people don’t acknowledge how managing finances can add to stress + sadness, why should i allow myself to be angry and anxious? that’s ugly to me. Therapy isn’t always accessible or affordable, so journaling is my go-to until i’m able to access professional mental health services. A super cute girls and thems night in is great for the heart, vent it out with your closest friends. Volunteering is free! it’s a great way to give back during a time when you may not have the funds to and gets you out of your mind about things out of your control. Donate or sell some old clothes to help other itgrls on a budget be pretty on purpose. Something about seeing other people appreciate things you don’t show enough love to anymore is good for the conscious.
remember, there is no one in this universe who can be you better than yourself and who you are should not depend on how much or how little you have at any given moment.
xoxo, itgrl Pier
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deblklesb · 9 months
Maybe reader goes into a full autistic/neurodivergent shutdown and Abby helps reader?
(disclaimer: I'll describe it based on my personal experience with shutdowns and also on what I've seen some people sharing. not all autistic people have the same experience, please keep that in mind)
i just KNOW abby would be so so supportive and caring with you!
like depending on the au she could have more or less knowledge about autism, i think doctor!abby could have more experience after appointments with autistic patients and etc. (she went out of her way to learn more in order to create a better experience to them), but either way would first and foremost ask you in simple questions about what you need, as in presenting options for you that doesn't need too much to think about.
"Want me to stay with you?"
"Hey, I brought water for you, babe. I'll leave the bottle in the bedside table"
"You need to eat, bun. I'll bring something for you okay?"
She'll get your favorite food. And if there's none in the house (most of the times you don't run out of your comfort food, but anything can happen) she calls for some delivery - she's not leaving you the first times because she doesn't know what you might need.
The lights bother you even more in shutdowns, so she'll have just one light on in the house, maybe the bathroom because it's central, or the kitchen because it's farther from your room. Sometimes you like to watch your favorite show or favorite movie on and on, so she tries not to interrupt.
There are times when you specifically ask her to stay with you, and so she does. If working next to you it's okay, she can lay down by your side and do some, just the very necessary, before giving you her undivided attention. At this point she also knows some lines of the movies, and so she repeats them along and laughs with you.
Abby is a-okay with being your personal weight blanket. Sometimes you just need her to lay on top of you, between your legs, and she stays there happily. You love how warm she is, and that she lets you stim caressing her skin and making braids on her hair over and over.
Once you got months without a shutdown, so when it came it made you so frustrated and nervous. Abby got home to find you laying on the floor due to the very hot day, face swollen with tear trails, only panties on your body; your skin was directly in contact with the cold ground as you looked at the TV.
"Hey, babe", she said, putting the keys on the table. When you didn't answer, she left her bag at the corridor and took out the shoes, coming closer. She crouched next to you, noticing how you weren't looking at her. "Bun? Are you okay?"
You just shook your head, still looking at the TV. Silent, you pulled your phone closer and wrote on the notes app.
The day was shit. it's too hot so i was sweating all the time and I'm already feeling like crap. my boss was so fucking stupid, he doesn't know how to maintain a good work place and just acts like all ableism is just jokes between co-workers when i distinctively told him it's affecting my job. I can't punch that motherfucker of coworker in the face because i would be fired and i need the job. and on top of all of that, traffic was hell, people kept honking all the time up and down, the chatting in the bus sounded louder than usual and i think my body doesn't want to stay together anymore because of this godforsaken heat.
Her blue eyes, bathed by the cool LED of the TV, wandered around the screen as she read you rant. And then she was seating there, not too close but enough for you to feel her presence.
"I'm so so sorry, bun", she whispered, not touching you. Your feet were brushing against each other, since the sensation soothed you, and the open window let the smallest wind come inside the apartment. "Have you eaten?"
I haven't been able to get up after i showered
"Okay. I'll go take a shower myself and then I'll make us something to eat, alright?"
She was next to you all the time that night. She didn't ask you nothing the whole time, just putting the food for you and then sitting there on the floor so you could eat together. Abby didn't come too close because she knew the temperature wasn't ideal and you both didn't had the money to get an air-conditioning yet, she just stated that you could come to her when you felt comfortable to do so and offered her hand to be held in the mean time.
After an impossible to count amount of time, you rested your head on her thigh, still quiet and watching the cartoon.
"Oh my God, Dooffenschmirtz' building looks so much like Ferb. Like, the shape... I never noticed that before", she muttered more to herself, but the fact brought a chuckle out of you. And as simple as it was, it made her chest a little bit warmer; to see you slowly relaxing and regulating.
"Do you want to sleep on our bed or here on the living room, babe?" She asked after a long time, because it was getting late and soon you'd have to sleep.
The living room was cooler than your room, and the mattress could be so hot during the night you'd wake up all sweaty and sticky - if the heat during the day was painful, waking up on drenched sheets would make you so so much worst. And you had that traveling mattress, you could put it on the floor and stay there for the rest of the night, next to the living room window.
"I can stay on the couch so you won't be alone", she added.
I guess I'll sleep here. We can fix the area to be more comfortable. I'll help you.
You stood slowly and the place was soon being organized to better accommodate you both. She got some pillows and thin sheets, you padded the simple mattress and covered the couch with a duvet to make it more comfortable for Abby.
That night she slept with her hand between yours, and you felt so grateful for having someone that would be with you through those times. You kept caressing her hand with your thumb because the stim was soothing you, untill you fell asleep with some cool wind coming from the restless city night.
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cyprus-green · 2 years
Need you, Granger
Pairing: Draco x Hermione
Rated E; Male Masterbation
Summary: After six months in Azkaban Draco is stuck at a Hogwarts Reconstruction summer program. He's consumed by a certain Golden Girl and we get a view into his explicit masturbation session.
He palmed himself.
His hands were cool and rough--still slightly callused from his time playing Quidditch. Skin toughened from years of gripping a thick length of smooth wood.
But his hands had changed over the years. He no longer had the polished hands of a pampered heir. Six months in Azkaban could do that to you. His apperance had hardened, shoulders filled out. No longer all angles and edges. The tattoo on his neck, a reminder of how lucky he had been to let out on 'parole'.
So many things had changed in the last two years. But oh, how he savored his new-found freedom.
After six months of no privacy, he had vowed to never have another quiet orgasm for as long as he lived. An 'up yours' all to the times he tried to sneak in a wank in his small cell and had to bite down violently on his fist to silence his groans.
No more. He was determined to thouroughly enjoy himself nowadays. Not that he had anyone to enjoy with. Being a convicted death eater, even one who was acquitted on account of being a minor at the time of his crimes, could really put a damper on your dating life.
So alone he went. Savoring the feeling of rubbing his long, thick length slowly with both hands. Imagining her body taking him in, filling her to the hilt.
That girl. The fucking girl he could never quite shake.
The girl who also happened to return to Hogwarts for an optional 8th year. The girl who also happened to joined the summer 'castle reconstruction' program. The only student present who was not required to attend due to ministry mandated public service.
The Golden Girl, herself.
Hermione. Fucking. Granger.
His mouth parted and he thrust his cock up into his fisted hands.
Mmmm Granger.
And Fucking Infuriating.
Precum lubed the tip of his head as he spread it around with his wide thumb. He gently rubbed the slick up and down himself. Needing more glide, he spit into his hand and rubbed it down his length, coating his cock. It made an obscene noise and he groaned in pleasure.
He squeezed his eyes shut. Fuck. Fuck. He had needed this, so badly. It had been such a long week. Full of hard physical labor, lifting slabs of stone. Complex spells, repairing walls and floors. He had little time to do more than work, sleep and eat.
Gods, she had been right there. Wearing her awful muggle outfits that left him hard all day. Skimpy little things she said kept her cool in the oppressive summer heat. Tight shorts that sat low on her hips and rode up her ass. Tank tops with thin straps that he wanted to rip off her body. Her smooth mid drift showing everytime she pulled her wild mane up into a bun. And by all apperances she had zero clue the effect she had.
Her fragrant scent hit him every time she passed by his way. Distinctivly feminine. Apple shampoo and sweat.
By midday she was dripping in it. He wanted to lick every single drop. Wanted nothing more than to feel her body beneath his, sweating and used. Panting. Hair wild around her, cascading down her back. The evidence of her arousal all over her thighs. The taste of his semen all over her mouth and chin.
He wanted her to be filthy for him.
He wanted her to bend over and spread her ass cheeks for him, showing off her pink little holes like a good girl. Wanted to see her thighs coated in her own need, desperate.
Fuck. He palmed himself up and down again, gritting his teeth and throwing his head back against his pillow.
He could stretch her out. She was so small. Would his cock even fit the first time? Her thin shorts left little to the imagination, fabric clinging to her fat little lips--until she turned and adjusted herself. Delicious.
She'd be so embarassed if she knew.
If she had seen him stare.
If she could see him panting as he indulgently stroked himself to thoughts of her, and her alone.
Would she blush and turn around? Or would she stare and lick her lips? Letting her gaze linger on his proud cock just a second more.
His grip tightened and he twisted his hand around his head and back down.
Merlin, he needed her.
His hand went past the base of his cock and he grabbed his balls, tugging at them. They bounced heavily. He tugged at them again, and felt a familiar ache.
Fuck. He was so full. He needed to cum. So badly.
He wanted to fill her with it. He was young. Verile. Full of seed. A wizard who needed to fuck. Hard. And she could take it, with those high hips. That petite, yet solid frame. Oh yes, Granger could take a pounding.
He fisted his cock harder and groaned at the loud sloppy sounds it made.
Her cunt would be heaven. Warm. Soft. Wet. He just knew it. He wanted to taste it. To eat her out. To finger her tight cunt, to push his thick fingers in her ass as he licked and sucked at her clit. Working her body into a frenzy. Not letting her escape him even when she writhed and shook.
He wanted to make her take more than she ever thought she could. To make her weep from pleasure. To spasm and gasp and squirt all over him in confusion and shock. To grip her perfect cunt around his fingers and sob his name into the air.
He shuddered and thrust his cock up into his hand again. And again. And again. His light blond pubes beginning to become wet with spit and precum.
Fuck. What would she say if she knew? If she walked in and saw him?
His arms began to ache at the punishing speed but he couldn't stop. He couldn't stop. It felt so good. He hissed at the smooth glide over the sensitive underside of his head. He threw his head back again and cursed. She was unreal. The perfect delight for his filthy mind. The glide of his hand addicting when paired with her image.
He wanted to bite at her smooth light-brown skin. To tounge her pretty dark cunt from behind and rub her round ass while she went down on him. He wanted a close up of her pretty little pussy contracting on air. Needing his thickness. Needing his length. Needing him. Wanting him. Screaming his name. Crying out for his cock. Saying his name over and over and over. Draco. Draco. Draco. Draco.
His abs began to quiver and his eyebrows knitted together.
He was getting close and he let out a involuntary yell. His hips bucked and he felt himself on the edge of no return. He pumped his hand harder. Fucking himself, turning himself on with how wanton his need must look.
He needed Granger. His Granger.
He was so thouroughly pent up. Salazar, he would cum buckets just at the sight of her breasts. Her perky little tits. Bouncing slightly when she walked by on early weekend mornings, wearing no bra. The fucking tease. Little peaks poking through. He wanted to take them in his mouth and suck on her dark nipples. Biting her from her tits all the way up her neck and back down to her soft thighs. Marking her as His.
Granger needed his cum. She did. She needed a good hard fuck. One look at her and you could tell it was true. Her shoulders were too tight. Her posture to ridgid. Someone needed to help her let go. Needed to tame the little lion into contented submission. His little lion.
She'd beg for it. She'd beg for him to come on her tits. Or to come all over her pussy, just to fuck the cum into her with his thick long fingers. A greedy little pussy. His greedy little pussy.
Or maybe he'd just fuck her into the bed. Drill her with her ankles pushed all the way back to her ears. Banging the wooden headbord into the wall over and over. Their hip bones grinding against eachother. Her cunt rubbing his pelvic bone, hitting that spot just right. That spot that he knew would have her gushing, drenching his balls.
He wanted to taste their sex.
He wanted to grind himself into her. To make her cling to his arms, his shoulders, his back. He had always felt so skinny growing up, but she had always made him feel broad. Large. Strong. She had changed everything for him.
And recently something had changed between them. At times it felt like they were actually firting and dare he say, they had chemistry. Brushing by eachother in close spaces, knocking into one another on purpose just to feel the closeness of eachother's body.
Fuck. He thought of the way she had rolled her eyes at him today. Their verbal sparing leavng him frustrated. The little fucking brat. Needed a lesson in manners. Needed to be teased. Needed to beg for it. And he needed to taste her desperation.
Fuck he wanted to get her pregnant. The prissy little swot. To force his pleasure deep into her. To fill her again and again. Until her womb accepted his seed.
Fuck, he was close. His arm was burning at the speed. His hips snapping up to meet every single pump. The pleasure, a weight across his hips. He moved his hand from his balls and grabbed for his towel in anticipation. His hand snaked down his chest. Wet from perspiration. He tweaked his nipples and cried out sharply.
His hand remained on his flat stomach, fingers feeling his core tense again and again as his body teetered on the edge of release.
He whined. He needed it. He was chasing it. He imagined being muffled by her cunt. Her thighs around his face.
He spasmed at the thought, as he continued frantically fucking himself. Grunting and cursing every thrust. He bit down hard and grabbed his balls cupping and pulling and squeezing when suddenly his peak hit him like a steam train.
His body tensed, thrusting his cock, hard as he could into his fist. His abs tensed and he saw stars, his body hit by blinding pleasure that shot through him. He howled her name.
Unabashed. Unashamed.
His eyes rolled back as cum shot violently from his pulsing cock. His voice rang out clear and desperate as he yelled into the air. Long strings of hot pleasure, shot out one after another. The first sailing past his head, the next hitting him in the shoulder, in the chest, on his abs and the final shot landing below his belly button. Each rope brought another groan. Another clench. Another bliss.
He continued to slowly stroke himself after his last shot. The warm, slick cum, feeling heavenly on his sensitive cock. Turning his head he panted into the pillow, letting out a shout as he needily jacked his cock, chasing another orgasm. The image of her naked writhing form flashed behind his eyes. Fucking beautiful. He found it quickly and cried out her name again. The sound of his hand on his cock, obscene.
Granger! Oh fuck, Yes. There it is. Fuck me. Yes, love. Just like that! Oh Fuck, I'm coming...I'm coming! FUCK!
His second orgasm had him shouting loudly, body spasming, his legs shaking and his hand now absolutely covered in his thick pleaure. Cum gutters filled with warm, white, need.
Slowing to a stop, he lay there absolutely drenched in his own seed. His balls empty. He stayed like that for a few moments, panting into the night air, the aftershocks making him shiver. He fought the powerful sleepiness that threatened to overtake him.
His hand shook as he loosened his grip.
Fucking Fuck.
His hand came away, just covered. He opened his eyes and surveyed the scene. It was quite the sight. And it was all her fault. Beautiful fucking thing.
After he cleaned himself off, he continued to lay there with a smile playing on his lips. He chuckled to himself as he listened carefully for any signs of life coming from his neighbor to the right. It was a dumb thought, really.
But he could dream right?
On the other side of the wall lay a girl with wild curly hair, smooth tan skin, and warm, kind, chestnut eyes. She grabbed for a towel and wiped her hand on it before placing it between her legs. She stifled a moan, biting her lip. Her clit was large and swollen. Fuck. So sensitive. And although she had touched herself to him nearly every night, and had craved to be as loud and carefree as he, she would be damned if she ever let Draco Malfoy know how badly she needed him. The feel of his svelte, toned body gripping her tight. Gods. She needed to stop.
If he wanted her, he was going to have to do more than wank to the thought of her every now and again.
Maybe he'd come knocking on her door one night. Come use her willing body to fulfill all his filthy needs. It was a dumb thought, really.
But she could dream right?
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eyesofshan-if · 6 months
What kind of haircut does the emperor have??👀
the emperor, yongsun, has long, straight dark hair that reaches midback! he usually keeps it in a simple, loose braid that is tied off with a coloured silk ribbon.
this is very different from the usual hairstyle for men in hae - his hairstyle is closer to that of an unmarried woman. as for why he chose it... it's practical and he likes the way that it looks. it's all about the ✨aesthetic✨, you know? only the emperor could get away with doing something like this.
the empress has her hair in twin braids that are done up into a bun, held up by hairpins with dragon or floral motifs. her hairdo is that resembling a married woman, which stresses the nobles out to no end since they need her to get married as quickly as possible. she likes it that way.
quick haeian fashion guide below!
unmarried men: either keep their hair up in simple ponytails (like hansol or wooyoung), half-up half-down (like insu)
married men: keep their hair up in topknots, held in place with small metal ornaments with the optional headband as decoration
unmarried women: hair left down in a long plait. some women get creative by intertwining more than one braid, or by bunning up certain portions of their hair and letting the rest down, or leaving some parts loose. usually decorated with simple ornaments in bright colours
married women: hair done in a braid before being put up in a bun and held in place with accessories such as hairpins.
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slut4fangs · 2 years
Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time Part 2
Part 1
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Female reader
Summary: A steamy game of Truth or Dare escalates between you and your best friend Eddie Munson. It becomes increasingly clear he will stop at nothing to get your attention, including obsessing over you, stalking you at work, and wearing skin tight leather pants. Anything it takes to have you come over a play a naughty game of Truth or Dare
Warnings: 18+ Smut, Eddie is a perv, obsessive, irresistible, flirty, soft dom Eddie and mean Eddie but in a sexy way *wink wink.* Face sitting, creampie, unprotected sex, overstimulation. Eddie is a bit of a stalker because he's obsessed with reader, raunchy drinking game, a healthy amount of exhibitionism. And A bunch of other sexy things I want to be a surprise, etc.
Author's note: I really loved writing the first part so much that I couldn't help but write another one, Eddie and Reader's relationship is very personal to me lol I'm literally fangirling over my own writing right now. Enjoy, and remember to reblog and comment, it really helps and def encourages me to write more + means a lot to me! <3
It had been a week since you and Eddie confessed your feelings for each other, well more or less that's basically what happened. Most nights he would call just to talk about his day and ask you about your day, an excuse to hear your voice and to keep tabs on you. One thing Eddie Munson was sure of was that he didn't want anyone asking you out, or even innocently flirting with you, that was off the table. Eddie thought he was being casual, only coming into Family Video when you were scheduled, but you caught on quick.
"Need help finding anything, Munson," you're leaning up against the horror section shelf, arms crossed over your chest.
Eddie was squatting with his elbows on his knees, trying to find god knows what, he was particular with his horror movies. Eddie's hair was in a low bun, loose strands rested on his cheeks. You fought back a dreamy sigh that threatened to blow your cover, 'play it cool', you thought to yourself.
You squat down beside Eddie, and finally he turns to you, "I would, but the service here sucks," he slaps his knees and stands up, smiling down at you.
You fake pout, "that's offensive, Munson. I keep this place organized, and I do a pretty damn good job at that considering you like to put everything out of order on purpose, just to fuck with me. You're a menace." A very cute menace, honestly.
Eddie did that on purpose, mix up all of the tapes in the horror and comedy section and then watch as you huffed and puffed, organizing them all over again while he watched sitting on top of the counter, usually talking to Steve and Robin. That was most nights, but Sunday nights like tonight you were always on your own, mainly because Sunday was the least busy night and it was an option to work this night. But you were nothing but persistent in the pursuit of moving out of Hawkins, saving up for your way out was on your mind as much as Eddie Munson was. Which was saying something, because you thought about both a lot, both involved escapism and the irony of it all mocked you.
You hold out your hand to Eddie and he yanks you up by your hand so fast you have to steady yourself when you knock into his chest, you scoff while he's clearly amused that you're both chest to chest again.
"Woah, you ok," Eddie steadies you by your waist. You feel like a puddle of feelings looking up at him, all you wanted to do was kiss that goofy grin off his face.
"I would be ok if you stopped rearranging my masterpiece," you cross your arms over your chest, defiant but playful. Your cover was still holding strong, while you were screaming on the inside.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Eddie puts his hands up in defense and chuckles.
"Yes you do, you know exactly what I'm talking about," you poke his chest with your finger.
"But when you organize the bottom shelves I always get the best view of London and France...and your underpants. You know that saying, right?"
"It's a children's rhyme...so yeah, I'm familiar. Why are you interested in my underpants anyways, Munson?" You weren't wearing any panties today and there's no way you were about to organize those VHS tapes in front of Eddie, you would never hear the end of it.
"Stop calling me that."
"Fine, what do you want me to call you?"
"Daddy," Eddie smirks and pokes his tongue out at you.
Your face heats up, you'd be lying if you said you hadn't thought about calling him that outside of your fantasies. "You're such a perv, Eddie oh my god," you turn around and storm to the back of the store, the employee break room just behind the door. Eddie follows behind you, staring at your ass, and making sure to close the distance between you two when you hit the door his crotch is on your ass. Your hand rests on the door knob, frozen in place. It had been a week since you two were this close, it was driving you both insane being so close and keeping the game at play. But now since you both were aware, the rules of the game had changed drastically. Eddie was braver now, blatantly driving you crazy because he knew he could afford to be more obvious and in your face about it.
"Somethin' important in that break room, baby," Eddie whispers in your ear and you can feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up in anticipation.
"I have to pee, Eddie." You fake annoyance, this was your only way to maintain your cool, otherwise you would've fucked him in the aisles already. You had half a mind to make the horror section look like a porno, which Family Video would never dare to carry, being a family friendly store and all.
"Can I watch," Eddie says, completely serious and intrigued. Part of him wonders if you would ever consider saying yes to that question.
"Gross, no" you swat him away with your clipboard, you had your checklist for closing the store in hand.
"You should add doing me on that checklist of yours, sweetheart. What do you say," Eddie smiles nudging you back with his elbow. You're both facing each other now and you can feel your breath grow shallow with each passing moment. You wanted to be all over him in that moment, but teasing him was all apart of the fun. He tortured you, so it was only right you got to torture him back.
"Shut up, Eddie," you roll your eyes at him, fighting back a smile. Because his smile was just so contagious, it was hard not to melt at. You turn around, barging into the break room, turned away from Eddie and immediately letting that smile escape you while he wasn't looking at you, butterflies in your stomach.
Careful to coax that smile away because you knew Eddie would follow close behind you, not letting you out of his sight. He was in a good mood today, but that was about to change. You knew the more you teased him the meaner he would get, and that was sort of your goal.
"I have a show this Tuesday," Eddie mentions, sitting down at the break room table, manspreading like some kind of Greek god.
"Yeah...so?" You stand above Eddie and the moment you're close enough for him to grab he pulls you into his lap.
"So you're going," Eddie's voice gets huskier, more demanding as he places a gentle hand on your chin, tilting your face to his. "I don't like your attitude, Princess. Do I have to be mean to get your attention, is that it?"
“M-Maybe,” you stammer, Eddie’s delighted at his new found discovery.
“Ah, I know what you are now, makes a lot of sense too. Hmm, I think I could use this to my advantage.”
“What I am, what do you mean by that?” You wiggle under Eddie’s gaze, his eyes were practically black whenever he was like this, it was mesmerizing as much as it was terrifying. 
“You’re. A. Brat. See, you can’t even stop yourself from grinding yourself on my dick. You’re so needy, Princess,” Eddie moves you so that you’re straddling his waist, both of your legs gripping his hips for dear life.
“I thought I was a cocktease,” your voice is hushed, small compared to Eddie’s loud mouth.
“Oh, you are. That’s what you’ve been doing the moment I walked in here, acting like what happened a week ago was nothing. If you wanted to get a fucking rise out of me it worked, you’re coming home with me tonight. When’s your shift end, Princess?”
“In thirty minutes…”
“See you in thirty,” Eddie hops out of his seat, pulling you up with him as he stands, striding out of the room without looking back. 
Eddie knew what you wanted now, which was reassuring, but there were still answers left blank whenever he thought about you and what your relationship meant. How far can you go with someone and still consider them a friend? One thing was clear, and that everything had changed between the two of you for good. Maybe you could still consider each other friends, but most friends didn’t spend all day fantasizing about the other. Eddie sat in his van, parked in front of your work, contemplating how insane this all was. He had never felt this crazy about someone. Never could he imagine being so consumed, and so obsessed with you. He had always seen you as beautiful, funny, smart, reliable, but it wasn’t until that game night where you two had first seen each other in a different light. Eddie thought about that night a lot, and wondered how intentional your advances were, or if it was just a pure accident. 
Everyone was drunk, laughing and playing cards, when you came back from a night out you found Robin, Nancy, Steve, and Eddie all at the dining room table. Nancy called to you first and managed to ask if you wanted to be dealt in. You said sure and she dealt you a hand of cards, but then you noticed there were no more seats left.
You looked over at Eddie, his lap looked so comfortable and inviting, so sit-able. And so you were still tipsy from the bar, so you thought to yourself ‘fuck it,’ and sat down in Eddie Munson’s lap. Eddie was shocked, you were always so polite and friendly…but never this damn friendly. The pressure of your ass on his thigh made it hard not to get a boner, but he fought for as long as he could, trying to play it cool. No one said a word about it, they hardly even noticed, all distracted with drunk chatter.
“Comfortable, honey,” Eddie squeezes your waist playfully.
“You’re the best seat in the house, Munson,” you say, definitely not thinking about sitting on his face. You had drunk two glasses of wine, and while it was having an effect on you, you were completely aware of your actions, just more inclined to do them is all.  
Eddie chuckles, “so I guess girl’s night was better than game night with us then…did you at least miss me,” Eddie fake pouts. He was always naturally flirty so there was nothing off about this, but now things suddenly felt different, dirtier. The way he squeezed your hips made you feel like you were doing something forbidden.
You rub your thighs together at his words, moving to straddle his thigh, your elbows on the table. Staring down at your cards you place one in the deck, everyone was too busy and caught up with conversation to see what was happening right in front of them. It was almost too easy, you thought about taking Eddie to your bedroom right then, no one would even suspect a thing if you said you were tired and wanted to turn in for the night. 
“Of course I missed you, don’t be silly,” you rubbed yourself on Eddie’s thigh, testing the waters. 
Eddie’s cock grows beneath you and you grind your ass on him, it goes on for about five minutes and Eddie’s doing everything in his power to keep social grace even though you were driving him crazy. Eddie stood suddenly and excused himself to the restroom. Little did you know at the time, he went to your bedroom to relieve himself instead, he left early holding his jacket over his pants to hide the dark patch on his jeans. 
“Is he…alright,” Robin questioned, raising an eyebrow in your direction. And for a moment you thought you were about to get caught before anything had actually started. But then thankfully Robin shrugged it off and went back into a rant about the newest book she read and how bogus the ending was. You sighed quietly in relief and went about the rest of your night like normal. 
Normal was a funny word, a concept really, a concept that didn’t exist between you and Eddie anymore. That’s why when you opened the passenger door to his van, you didn’t know what to expect.
“So, are you kidnapping me or something? Because I don’t have time for that, I have an air tight schedule, Munson.” You couldn’t help it, the word just slipped out of your mouth, it’s what you were used to calling him. That’s what Steve called him for a long time until eventually Eddie started calling Steve ‘Stevie,’ that’s when everyone followed suit on the first name and nickname basis. 
If looks could kill, you’d be dead, the way Eddie stared you down made your stomach do little flips. He looked really hot when he was angry, and maybe subconsciously you wanted to rile him up more than originally intended. 
“What did I tell you about calling me that? It’s Eddie, got it?”
“Yes, sir,” you salute him with your hand and he scoffs back at you, muttering something along the lines of ‘that’s more like it’ under his breath while backing out of the parking space. 
The ride to Eddie’s place was quiet, he moved into a one bedroom apartment a year ago, it wasn’t fancy but it was homey and modest. Eddie opens the front door for you, letting you go ahead of him, always looking for a chance to gawk at your ass. Eddie didn’t care about being subtle about it anymore, he pinches your ass the moment you step in front of him, cackling when you jump in surprise. 
“Eddie! What was that for?!”
“Your butt is really pinchable. I can't help myself, but hey I almost forgot I have a surprise for you,” Eddie smiles mischievously and runs to his cabinets to fish out some shot glasses and a bottle of whiskey. He was planning on you coming over, he had deep cleaned and reorganized his whole apartment in a nervous rush two hours beforehand. But he would never admit that outright.
You cross your arms over your chest, narrowing your eyes at him, “what’s that for?” Stupid question, you knew what. Eddie wanted to play a game.
“I have a drinking game I’ve been dyin’ to play with you, honey,” bingo, fucking jackpot, you were right.
Eddie looked downright stunning tonight, and you finally have a moment to admire him under good lighting. A Black Sabbath muscle t-shirt that left little to the imagination with leather pants, god how could you only notice now he was wearing leather fucking pants?! 
“Like what you see, doll,” Eddie winks and hands you a shot glass and brings you to his room, leading you by one hand, and holding his shot glass and the whiskey bottle in the other. 
Eddie’s room was…clean? Strange and unusual behavior from a man that would usually forget empty beer cans in his room. 
“Weird,” you mumble under your breath. Eddie’s making himself comfortable, head up against the headboard, pouring himself a shot and motioning for you to set your shot glass down and pours one for you as well. “So this game you’ve been dying to play with me…what exactly is it,” you ask, crawling on Eddie’s lap and making yourself comfortable straddling him for the second time today.
“Truth, Dare, or Drink sweetheart?” Eddie’s grinning from ear to ear, prepared Truth’s and Dare’s already in mind.
“Truth,” you say instinctively, already regretting your choice you wince, knowing what’s bound to come up. Maybe Eddie will go easy on you, or at least wait a few rounds to bring out the big guns so to speak.
“What have you and King Steve done,” oh so he wasn’t going easy on you at all, not even a little bit. 
Whatever, you had to answer this truthfully sometime, better late than never. You downed the shot before you spoke, Eddie’s eyes widened at this, his heart skipping several beats. “He taught me a few things, like how to kiss. But it’s not what you think, Eddie. It wasn’t that big of a deal, really. Are you satisfied now?”
“What do you mean taught you a few things, what does that even mean? Just kissing? Why did you need a fucking teacher, anyways. Did he con you into that so he could feel you up or something, I mean, fuck. That just sounds like a porno to me, sounds fucking ridiculous to me.” The thought of you and Steve sharing such an intimate moment, made Eddie’s heart ache a bit, but imagining the two of you kissing did give him a semi hard on.
“Ah ah ah, wait your turn. You only get one question at a time, sir. Play by the rules,” you say, Eddie rolls his eyes at you. “Truth, Dare, or Drink, babe?” 
Eddie’s heart flutters at the pet name but he keeps a straight face, “Well, since I’m drinking no matter what after listening to that…fuck it, dare me,” Eddie downs his shot and pours himself another, downing that one as well. 
“Jesus, you haven’t even heard the dare yet.”
“I needed the first one for sanity, and the second one for bravery, now dare me!” Eddie yanks your hair playfully and you swat his arm.
“Ok fine, I dare you to…”
Eddie chants, “please say eat your pussy,” three times with his hands clasped together in prayer and his eyes screwed shut while you think of a dare. 
“Take your shirt off,” it wasn’t much but it was the best you could think of under pressure.
“Oh, so you are horny, good to know. Lame dare, but good to know,” Eddie tosses his shirt on the floor and slaps your ass. “I could still eat your pussy though, I don’t need to be dared for that. That’s on the house!”
“Focus, Eddie! Keep your head in the game, this is serious!”
“I’ll have you know I am very serious, now Truth, Dare, or Drink?” Eddie’s eyebrows are raised, prompting you, a whole list of truths and dares already circulating his mind.
“Dare…and drink,” you hold out your glass and Eddie pours you another shot and you toss it down, wincing at the burn, but appreciating the warm feeling that grew in your stomach from the whiskey.
Eddie has something wicked in mind, you could tell by the look on his face,  “I dare you to sit on my face,” Eddie’s staring you down, laying down and making a ‘come here’ motion with his pointer finger.
You take a deep breath and crawl onto his chest and plant a small kiss on his cheek, the way Eddie had his tongue out and wiggled his eyebrows at you made you throb. Thinking about his tongue on your pussy was something you thought about constantly, and now it was finally happening, in the hottest way possible no less. You place yourself on his face, Eddie grips your thighs, pulling you down further so you weren’t hovering. 
“Oh fuck,” you moan, hands running through his curls, you pull on his hair when his tongue sucks at your clit. You start grinding on Eddie’s face and he does the unthinkable, HE starts moaning at how you tasted. Eddie squishes your thighs, massaging them, your face is flush and you try not to laugh. He sucked on your clit so hard that it tickled, you throw your hands over your mouth, but not before one giggle escapes. Maybe he won’t notice? Eddie stops and you smooth your skirt down so your can see his face better. Oh god, he fucking noticed. He also noticed you didn’t wear panties underneath your skirt today. He wasn’t about to let those two things go without chastising you about them.
“Hey, what’s so funny, punk,” Eddie questions you, his mouth wet from you.
“It just tickles, that was,” you sigh deeply, “amazing. But don’t get a big ego because I said that,” you point your finger at him and he tries to bite it but you pull it away quickly. “Now, Truth, Dare, or Drink, Eddie?” 
“But I wasn’t finished!” Eddie tugs at your skirt and tries to pull you up to his face again, you resist him and scoot into his lap. He sits up, hands propped up behind him and sighs, “you’re driving me crazy again.”
“Too bad, answer the question, pretty boy,” you say and squish his cheeks together. Eddie thinks he’ll die if you call him another pet name, you’re softening the mean Eddie that showed his face not too long ago. 
“Are you kidding? Dare me, and make it challenging this time, babe. Shock me,” Eddie tosses back another shot and winces, slamming the shot glass down on his bedside table.
“I dare you to call Steve Harrington and ask him on a date,” you giggle at the utter shock on Eddie’s face at your words.
“Well, you shocked me. But I’m drinking and not at liberty to discuss Stevie for the rest of the night, ok?” Eddie takes the whiskey bottle and takes one big gulp.
“Easy there, tiger,” you say, taking the whiskey bottle away from Eddie before he tries to chug anymore. “I think we’re good on this for tonight, I’m putting this away,” you roll off the bed and stride into the kitchen, placing the whiskey bottle back where Eddie got it, hoping he doesn’t try to argue with you on this one. 
“You’re such a killjoy, baby,” Eddie grumbles from behind you, following your every move once again. You turn around to see Eddie admiring you, amused by how responsible and cute you were, the little things showed you cared about him and it made his heart swell. “My sweet little killjoy, my little cocktease, my little brat,” Eddie rattles on, caging you to the counter, arms on either side of you . “Am I going to have to show you how to ease up, ya know, just let me in. I know you want me, baby. Afterall, that’s why you’re wearing this skirt, huh? That’s for me, isn’t it,” Eddie’s face is proud, “I love the lack of panties by the way, easy access. Only for me, right,” Eddie’s in your face now, staring down at your lips and licking his own. 
You’re speechless, for once you’re speechless. That was a lot to process, and Eddie was on a roll, you wanted to hear more from that dirty mouth of his. 
“Truth or Dare,” Eddie challenges you one last time. 
“Dare, definitely dare,” you say, knowing you would’ve done whatever he asked of you right then and there. You were under his spell, you thought, or maybe you just happened to have a soul crushing, heart pounding, crush on your best friend that changed the dynamics of your friendship forever. Probably the ladder, though.
Eddie grabs a handful of your ass and squeezes, “I dare you to hop up on my counter and open those pretty legs for me. Here, I’ll help,” Eddie lifts you up and sets you down on the counter, discarding your shirt you stare at him in awe. You never really thought raw sex appeal was a real thing until you saw Eddie Munson at work, and riled up. He was a sight for sore eyes, that was for sure. Shirtless, tatted, leather pants, the imprint of his hard cock through his pants were very distracting. Eddie opens your legs, insisting you keep your ‘pretty skirt on for him’ winking, unzipping his pants to reveal he also didn’t wear underwear today either. His dick hit his stomach, pre cum staining his newest tattoo of a dragon in red ink. Eddie peels the leather pants off and situates himself between your legs, “you’re being so good for me, doll. I’m really proud of you, nothing smart to say?” Eddie holds his dick in one hand, rubbing it up and down your pussy. 
“You look really yummy right now, so no,” you hold his face in your hands gently and crash your lips into his. Eddie slams himself into you with ferocity, no one’s called him yummy before and he thinks he could get used to that, get used to your body as well. You wrap your legs around his torso and moan into his mouth, a moan you didn’t know you had in you, it was so pretty it sounded fake. 
Eddie breaks the kiss to suck on your neck, mumbling sweet nothings into your ear, “you’re so pretty, baby. Did I ever tell you that? Oh god, you’re being so good for me tonight I’m going to fuck you so good. Can you touch yourself for me, please? Yeah, rub your clit just like that, you’re perfect.” Eddie’s praises and rough pace was enough to make you see stars alone, your fingers on your clit was sending you over the edge. Overstimulated and a moaning mess, you kiss him with tears falling down your cheeks, Eddie sucks on your tongue and bites your lip, he was overstimulating you on purpose. Knowing much more about women’s desires than any man in Hawkins, only because he was obsessed with women and sex, and learning about the two of them. The female sexual response was something that came naturally to him, he had enough practice to know what drove women crazy, and you were the cherry on top. The one he’d been waiting to spoil with his knowledge, but it was almost downright devilish from your perspective. You’d never fallen apart in front of someone like this, it was new…but a good new.
Pulling away from the kiss Eddie wipes a tear from your eye and cups your cheek, “aw, did I make you cry? I’m so sorry, baby. But I’m not finished yet, do you think you can be a good girl for a little bit longer for me?”
You shake your head yes, fucked out and resting your head on his shoulder, holding his torso while he pounded into you. Eddie gripped your hips and resumed his fast pace for a good ten minutes, kissing your chest, neck, and lips until you felt him come deep inside of you. You could feel his dick twitch as he pulled out of you, “I’m really proud of you, baby,” and sloppily kissed your lips. 
“Does my makeup still look good,” you sniffle and wipe under your eyes, laughing at how absurd this all felt. Fucking your best friend felt like a sin, it was something secret that was just for the two of you to share. The feelings you two shared only made it worse, made you feel more guilty, and scared the friendship would never be the same. That worry never leaving your mind most days, but right now you didn’t care, this wrong felt so right. 
“Don’t worry about it, you look yummy,” Eddie smirks and pulls you in for another kiss. 
Before you knew it, it was finally Tuesday, the day of Eddie’s show and you were sitting at the bar watching his set, he was wearing those fucking leather pants again. Eddie kept glancing over at you, not being able to help himself. You were wearing a flattering red dress adorned with red lipstick, he admired the bold choice, and you admired his. The Pants were definitely something you could consider your weakness now, something that would always make you think of how your best friend seduced you again, and how you were starting to care less any time you saw him mouth something to you from the stage between songs. Eddie mouthed the words ‘hey, killjoy’ and ‘yummy,’ and winked every time he caught you staring at him with your mouth open. Watching him play was fucking mesmerizing.
When the show ended Eddie sauntered over to you, resting his elbow on the counter and leaning into your personal space, “did you like it?” He was ecstatic you went to one of his shows, cheering him on silently from a pretty decent size bar crowd he had managed to gain over time. They were a town favorite, Corroded Coffin was one good show away from a state tour, and Eddie was proud of that.
“I loved it, the guitar player was pretty cute too, and the singer…,” you smile up at his face that was glistening with sweat. 
“Hey, I happen to be both of those guys. What are the odds, wanna have a private show in about an hour? VIP only!”
“Isn’t it inappropriate to take advantage of your fans,” you tease him.
“I think it would be inappropriate to not take advantage of how killer you look tonight, doll face. See you in an hour,” Eddie grins, stealing your beer, then smooching your cheek quickly and hugging you to him with affection. Sticking his tongue out at you, he jogged away to pack up his equipment with the rest of the guys. 
Your mouth dropped, not caring if anyone saw, because still it could’ve easily been seen as regular Eddie behavior from an outside view. But you knew better, you knew right then and there you were head over heels in love with your best friend Eddie Munson.
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ladylooch · 1 year
WAIT can you do Nico smut about letting him go without a condom for the first time? maybe he finishes quick and reader expects him to be done so the reader is a bit disappointed
A Night of Firsts- Nico Hischier
(say thank you GIF makers of Tumblr. We love you. Plz GIF more Nico at Worlds. Thx!)
A/N: So. I almost feel like I should apologize here. This is.. yeah. Whew. I’m a lil tomato here posting this cause it’s pretty smutty. Also, I’m getting on my soap box. As a.. mature (yuckie) woman, this may be an different opinion but it is fucking HOT when a man is like… omg I’m not going to last long and comes in a few strokes. I’m going to pat myself on the damn back about this 100% of the time. Now, our partners have a responsibility to handle it a certain way after and I think Nico does that here 😉 Enjoy bby.
World Count: 2.3k
Warnings: SMUT 18+ Content, Swearing, toys of the adult variety.
I sit on our bed in a plush robe, staring at the door to our master bathroom. Flickers of light are waving under the door at me from where my boyfriend is inside. It’s been quite the day for us. After the Devils were eliminated in the second round by the Hurricanes, Nico needed a day like this. We both did. What has the day entailed? Absolutely nothing. Except for soft touches that are igniting a need between the two of us. We had coffee in bed. Lunch at our favorite restaurant just down the street. We napped. Made Baked Ziti for dinner- the long two hour from prep to finish one- and indulged on hot chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven. 
After all that food, we were sleepy, but opted to watch a comfort movie: The Holiday. Nico secretly loves this movie and often puts it on when he sees it as an option on our various streaming platforms. Armed with a blanket and dressed in comfy sweatpants, we snuggled together under a fortitude of warmth. I was almost asleep when his hands started to wander. At first, just his finger tips dipped below my sweatpants, but it didn’t take long for him to begin stroking fire just above and below his favorite places. 
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When I started returning the favor, Nico begin to writhe beneath me. 
“Let’s take a bath.” He blurted out suddenly once I finally skimmed my fingers over the tent in his pants.
“What’s in the bath that we don’t have here?” I asked. He bit his lip, looking at the two distinct points in my shirt.
“You wet and naked with a glass of wine.”
That sounded like heaven, so here I am, waiting patiently for him to open the door and let me in.
“Ready?” He asks when he finally cracks the door open. Just one of his eyes pokes out to look at me.
“Was five years ago.” I joke. He rolls his eyes. 
“Welcome to paradise, babe. Right here in Jersey!”
I grin as I step into the low, flickering light of the candle lit room. The smell is a combination of lavender and lemon. The bath is drawn perfectly and the warmth from it’s water fills the bathroom. Nico turned our towel warmer on to get our towels ready for when we inevitably dash out. He comes behind me, kissing the back of my neck as he gathers my hair up. He makes an awkward bun on top of my head, securing it with my purple scrunchie. 
“Ooo, that’s bad. Don’t let me do your hair when it matters.”
“Wasn’t going to.” I laugh as he works the tie of my robe apart. “Would ask Timo before you.” Nico considers and nods in agreement as he pushes the robe off my shoulders. He sighs when I’m naked in front of him. He brings me to the tub and steps in, then guides me to move between his legs. I settle back into his chest, feeling him grow hard beneath me. I look at him over my shoulder, gnawing on my lip aggressively as he hands me a glass of red wine.
“Thank you.” I murmur in appreciation. I lean back to rest my head against his shoulder, sighing at how good he and the water feel on my skin. I could stay here forever. I close my eyes after resting my wine glass back on the edge. Nico’s fingers trail from my hips up my stomach to my breasts. He holds them both in his hands, swiping the peaks into stiff points. My lips part with a pleasureful sigh.
“We’re gonna play tonight.” He whispers in my ear. “Wanna worship every part of you.”
“Okay.” I respond.
He plays with my nipples longer, letting the soapy water lap at them when his fingers take a break. I wiggle against his thick thighs, scratching my nails along them as he becomes stiffer against my lower back. His touch moves down my chest to glide between my legs. He fingers my opening then rubs a few, welcoming circles along my clit. A heavy moan falls from my mouth as he pushes my legs wider. 
“This thing waterproof?” Nico asks me, bringing my vibrator in front of my face. 
“Uh.” I sputter in surprise. “Yeah.”
“Can I use it on you?”
“Yes.” I whisper, eyes wide as he brings it into the water with us.
“Show me which setting you like.” He presses it against my folds and I suck in shallow breaths as I bring my hand over his on the device. It’s a clit focused vibe that has air suction with it. I turn it on, moving his hand back to adjust the intensity so we can build together. I feel Nico’s dick pulse against my back as I moan, setting the sucker over my clit. “Just hold it here?” He whispers into my ear. I nod, breathing in deep as he presses a bit further in. I jolt and he pulls back, sensing it’s too much. 
My legs widen further, one of them extending out of the bathtub. I dip further down Nico’s chest. The hair at the base of my skull gets wet as I dig my finger nails into his forearm.
“That mean more or less?”
“More. Next setting.” He increases one press and my loud moan rattles off the bathroom walls back to us. Nico grins into my hair, savoring the way I grind against the toy and his hand.
“That feel good?”
“Yeah. Ohmygod.” I yell, arching off his chest as his unoccupied hand comes to my breast. He rolls my nipple while biting my ear lobe.
“Mmm, good girl.” He praises. I’m gone after that. I shutter against the bathtub, pushing the toy away as I pulse rapidly. Nico drops it to the bottom of the tub gently rubbing my clit through the waves. 
“Holy fuck.” I moan to him as he kisses along my bare shoulder. I turn to capture our lips together.
“I’ve been wanting to do that to you for a long time.” He admits. 
“You should have asked sooner. I would have let you.” I murmur against his mouth. His tongue snakes out, lapping at me. He tastes like desire and red wine- my favorite things. I turn in his arms and work my way to straddling him. We make out. Nico’s hands trailing up my back. Between his touch, the orgasm, and the cooler air, goosebumps form along my skin. I shiver a bit, causing us to break apart. He lets me sit back further into the water, still mounted on his thighs.
“Maybe…We could have another first…” I trail off, smearing the bubbles on his chest as he places his wine glass back on the edge after a sip. His hands then grip my hips before trailing up to my ribs, just below my breasts. “Maybe I could feel all of you tonight?” Nico looks into my eyes, confused. “No condom.”
“Yes.” He says immediately, sitting up straight. “Yes and yes and yes.” I laugh as he leans forward to stuff his face between my breast, getting sudsed up in the process. 
“Nico.” I murmur, wanting him to think with more than just his dick.
“Baby, yes. We’re clean. We trust each other. We are in love. I want you pregnant with my baby as soon as possible. Just yes.” He knocks off all the worries I have in my head without them even being expressed. I bite my lip, not quite believing he’s real, even as his fingers run around to my ass cheeks, spreading them and working my hips into his hard cock. He’s just too perfect.
Nico stands, our bodies dripping obnoxiously as he walks us from the tub. He sets me on the bathroom counter, grabbing his towel and tossing me mine. We wipe as much water from us as we can before he’s hustling us into our bedroom. My damp back hits the comforter hard. I work my way up the bed as Nico follows me eagerly.
He strokes his head once through my folds then shoves himself deep. The feeling of his bare skin stroking mine is everything. I can’t even describe the feeling that rocks through my body. Nico shakes above me, mouth open to breathe as he watches my eyes. I bite my lip, breaking eye contact to groan in ecstasy. 
“Fuck.” He whimpers, breathing ragged as he strokes. It feels incredible, I agree, but I’m a little worried about how much his words quiver as he tells me how good I feel. He’s close already.
“Oh shit. Ah, I can’t. I’m sorry.” He pants abruptly from above, sliding out to come on my stomach. I purse my lips against the laugh at the way his face is distorted in pain and pleasure. “I’m sorry.” He moans as he strokes himself. I can’t help it and start to laugh, clasping a hand over my mouth to muffle the sound. “Oh god, now she laughs.” Nico hangs his head, squeezing his eyes shut with a final grunt.
“It’s okay. It’s hot. I came without you earlier.” I assure him, rubbing at his thick thighs. The hair there tickles my fingers as I stroke him.
“You felt so good, baby. Fuck.” He mumbles against my lips. He hovers over me making it hard for our lips to stay connected while he tries to not get cum on himself. “I’ll be right back.” He says, walking off to grab a towel. I laugh as he swipes along my stomach, digging into my belly button and making me cackle. He tosses the used cloth onto the floor, then comes back to give me a real kiss. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” I say back to him, biting down on my bottom lip. I feel a little disappointed that it’s already over. We spent hours teasing each other for it to end without the ultimate high for me. “Wanna finish the movie?” I move to sit up, pushing those thoughts aside. Nico gives me a put off look.
“Uhhh… we aren’t done.” I look down at his softening shaft and then back into his face. I open my mouth to respond but then shut it again, not sure what to say. “Because I’m done we are done?”
“Well, yeah isn’t that usually how this works.”
“Not with me, baby. You’re not leaving this bed anytime soon.”
“Neeks, it’s okay you don’t have- oh.” I startle, snapping my head back into the pillow as his mouth moved between my thighs. He places teasing kisses all along the plumped lips. In the past, when old boyfriends would come early, that would be the end of this. Nico seems to have a different perspective. “Oh wow.” I whisper to the top of his head, threading my fingers through his hair. I pull his strands, mouth falling open to suck in a deep breath at the incredible circle his tongue forces along. I startle forward, quivering. He moans against my clit, making me buck harder into his face. His light stubble creates a friction that begins to slowly drag my orgasm to the surface. It’s incredible, deep and soft laps, then swift circles that make it hard to breathe.
Without me even asking, he slips his middle finger into my entrance, curling it up to hit the velvety spot I need him to. My abdominal muscles quake. I reach for his other unoccupied hand, placing it on my breast, so he can rotate my nipple between his fingers. I come hard against his lips, shaking into the tender kisses he leaves on my inner thighs. In a quick twist, he gets me to my stomach, then encourages my hips up into the air.
“I’m more than just a hockey all star.” He tells me as he strokes his plumped head through my sensitive folds. He’s rock hard, ready to dunk into the abyss again.
“Yeah you are, baby.” I groan as he slides in to the hilt. He’s so thick and deep. My head claps all the way back, lips parted and sobbing at the ceiling as he moves.
“Ugh.” He sounds tortured again. “You are so wet. Wish you could see how beautiful you look like this.” The slickness of me eases his thrusts and allows for him to pump deeper without any protest from my body. I reach around, gripping his wrist that holds my right hip. He leans forward, working his left hand around my stomach to press in a bit, making his cock feel so much deeper.
“Ooooo.” I breath out, quivering at how damn incredible he feels against my cervix. My teeth chatter in my mouth as Nico whispers in my ear.
“You’re taking me so good. Can you handle a bit more?” I nod and he presses deeper in. I become limp in his arms as my orgasm rocks through me. It’s so intense, Nico has to hold me up from collapsing off the bed. I pulse agressivly around him, pulling Nico off the cliff with me. He comes inside of me, smearing my walls unexpectedly.
“Shit. I’m so sorry.” He sputters for a completely different reason. He pulls out, stroking the last little bit of cum out of himself in a half ditch effort to save the moment. “I am so sorry. Baby. Shit.”
“Nico.” I reach around, holding his thigh so he can’t leave the bed. “I’ve got an IUD. We are good. And that was perfect. Don’t ruin it by freaking out.”
“I just.. I love and respect you and we didn’t talk about that being okay-“
“Consider this me saying it’s okay.” I grunt as I fall onto the bed, melting into the mattress and looking up into his face. “Tonight and every day after this. Don’t change a thing for next time.” Relief relaxes his shoulders and face. He looks down at me, eyebrows pulling together in adoration of me. My face is pink, hair curly from the dilapidated bun and our hot bath. My skin is peppered in gooseflesh from his strokes. “What are you thinking?” I ask. HE is quiet, eyes get deeper, fingers stroking at my face. 
“That I’m looking at the rest of my life.”
I smile back, knowing I’ll remember this moment with him forever.
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seattlesolace · 2 years
bejeweled // jay (ENHYPEN)
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pairing: jeweler!jay x fem!reader
summary: you visit Jay's studio to order a custom engagement ring, and Jay thinks he has fallen in love.
content: sfw
word count: ~1.7k
author’s note: this has nothing to do with Taylor Swift's song. LOL. the idea just came to me because I was scrolling TikTok and found this account so.... yeah. (lowkey stalked that man's account and idk why he just gives off jay vibes)
ANYWAY hope you enjoy this one! click here for more of my works <3
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Jay pouted as he fiddled with the 3D-printed model of a ring he was working on. The headphones on his ears canceled out every other noise, so he did not notice the figure approaching him slowly. The young man tapped Jay on the shoulder ever so slightly so as not to startle him, but Jay still flinched theatrically, making the headphones slide down to his neck.
“God damn it,” Jay muttered to himself.
Jake was giggling by the time he was finally noticed. “Sorry, mate. I really did try my best to be gentle.”
Jay groaned and stretched his arms to the side before setting his headphones on the desk in front of him. “What is it?”
“You’ve got a customer,” Jake said as he walked away.
Jay frowned before standing up and wiping his hands with a cloth. He then took a few steps away from his desk, entering the waiting room where you were calmly seated on the sofa. You noticed his presence and immediately put your phone away, smiling to greet him.
“Hi!” You stood up and extended your hand for him to shake. “It’s Jay, right? I’m Y/N.”
Jay thought people were just exaggerating, that they had watched way too many rom-coms when it comes to talking about love at first sight. Nobody could fall in love that fast, right? You really need to know somebody first before loving them. It was the only logical explanation. That was what he believed.
But that was before you visited his studio, before you stood there with your arm out, looking like you just woke up and put on the first dress you saw when you opened your wardrobe. Effortlessly beautiful. The way your hair was styled up in a neat bun, with strands of hair framing your face so well, Jay thought he was in the presence of a goddess.
“Hi, Y/N,” Jay replied, shaking your hand. He spoke with the deepest voice he could muster, somehow wanting to show you the best side of him. “How can I help you?”
“You were on my for-you-page as I was just scrolling TikTok, and I saw that you make custom jewelry,” you spoke politely. You then reached into your handbag to take out your iPad. “I was wondering if you could make a custom engagement ring.”
And just like that, the pink flowers and red hearts that were floating around you froze and turned to grey dust in Jay’s eyes. He was right, after all. Rom-coms are just movies. Things don’t magically happen. Love at first sight does not exist. Maybe not for him.
“I can make anything,” Jay replied to you, smiling. His remark came off sounding a little cocky, but he had abandoned his initial intention to protect his image since he knew he had zero chances with you. You were just a friendly, pretty customer to him now.
“I can see that from your profile,” you chuckled, admiring his confidence. You looked around his studio and saw displays of different jewelry, as well as sketches and pictures of custom jewelry framed on the wall.
Jay glanced at the way you were admiring his work. He smiled to himself before clearing his throat. “If you don’t mind stepping into the studio, I can show you options, and we can talk about details.”
“Sure.” You followed his steps and were met with a large room with tools you do not even know the name of and a desk with a computer setup larger than your brother had at home. “This place looks amazing.”
Jay pulled a chair from a table nearby to set in front of the computer for you. “Thanks,” he said before gesturing for you to sit.
As you sat down, he sat on his own chair beside you and began pulling up pictures on the monitor. You unlocked your iPad and held it towards him, showing him pictures of the mood board you had curated. Just like that, you and Jay ended up spending hours together, and you had to end the meeting because it was getting late. Since the request was quite complicated, you promised to make a visit regularly until your custom order is completed.
Jay did not know why he suggested meeting up at a café instead of his own studio. Maybe a part of him still wanted to deny the fact that you were taken, so meeting you somewhere else would then make it feel more natural and less transactional. He was fiddling with his Apple pencil and staring at his sketch when you pulled the chair in front of him, startling him again.
“You’re really jumpy, you know,” you smiled at him as you took your seat. Jay just grinned and pushed his hair back, placing the pencil on his ear while he gave you his iPad.
You both went straight into discussing the design, and you were surprised that Jay had even brought a 3D-printed model of the ring that you requested. You were even more impressed because it took him less than a week, which is weird because you knew he had a lot of other orders to take care of. In reality, Jay just wanted to put you first and get it over with so he did not have to see you too often and break his own heart.
After discussing business, Jay steered the conversation into absolutely anything else but the engagement. He asked more personal questions like your interests and other trivial things. He found out that you had a thing for one-time classes, like pottery-making and perfume workshops, and when he mentioned tufting, your eyes lit up.
“I’ve seen it on YouTube but I’ve never tried it,” you commented. “I usually go to classes alone, but since you said you know the owner, should we go together?”
It took everything in Jay to stop himself from saying yes right away. It isn’t right, he thought. You were to be married. He knew he wouldn’t be able to just hang out with you and just be friends. He already had friends. He didn’t need more.
“Sure,” Jay cleared his throat. “But maybe after I finish a couple of orders?”
You were sipping your drink, so you couldn’t utter a word as a response. You pressed your lips together and nodded enthusiastically, and Jay cursed himself for thinking that you were the cutest girl he had ever laid eyes on.
You visited Jay’s studio a couple more times because, for some reason, you just kept changing the design and making revisions here and there. When your order was finally completed, though, you arrived at his studio in all black, somehow mimicking the vibe of his place as well as his chic appearance.
“Your ring is ready, Princess,” Jay chirped as you entered his studio. After a couple of meetings and a lot of text messages, Jay decided to unironically call you a princess since that was what you were to him at this point. Gorgeous, kind, and unattainable.
You smiled widely and brought your fingers together in anticipation. At the same time, you watched as Jay took out a box from his drawer. He opened the box dramatically, and you gasped as if you had never seen the design before.
“Oh my God,” you whispered, hands over your mouth. “It’s breathtaking.”
You’re breathtaking, Jay thought.
“Do you want to try it on?” Jay asked, carefully taking the ring out.
“Yeah, why not. I’m pretty much the same size as my sister.”
Not wanting you to feel his sweaty hands, Jay wiped them on a small towel that was placed by his computer, but the sentence you uttered made him freeze. “I’m sorry, what?”
“My sister and I share clothes all the time. We have the same shoe size and everything. I bet our fingers are the same size too.”
Jay blinked a couple times, and you just laughed at how dorky he looked. “What’s the matter?” You asked with a chuckle.
“Why are you bringing up your sister all of a sudden?” Jay asked again. He was now afraid he might be sounding dumb.
“Because it’s her engagement ring?” You replied, sounding more like you were asking a question because now you were also confused.
Within several seconds of silence, Jay quickly backtracked to the first time you visited his studio. He remembered what you wore, how you smelled, and then he remembered what you said. 
“I was wondering if you could make a custom engagement ring.”
You never mentioned who it was for. Jay just automatically assumed that the ring you wanted to order was for you. And because he is a hopeless, pathetic dorky romantic, he avoided discussing the subject during your meetings.
You weren’t getting engaged. Your sister was.
“Jay?” You tilted your head, getting increasingly concerned because of the prolonged silence. “Are you alright?”
“I am!” Jay half-yelled, completely snapping out of his train of thought. She’s not engaged!
You smiled with relief and raised one hand in front of you, wiggling your fingers. “Let me see it then,” you said enthusiastically.
The way Jay’s hands both trembled when he touched you was more than embarrassing. You pressed your lips together to hold back a chuckle, and when he finally put the ring on your finger, you could hear the exhale of relief coming out of his mouth.
“Perfect!” You said, smiling as you held your hand up and took a picture of it with your other hand. “She’ll love this.”
There were a dozen questions in Jay’s head, and he didn’t know which one to ask you first. When he finally gulped and decided to speak, however, you did the same thing.
“So about tufting…”
“The tufting class…”
You both looked at each other for a second before you burst out laughing. You calmly took the ring out of your finger and handed it back to Jay, who then safely put it back inside the box.
Now his head is filled with images of him putting a ring on your finger during an actual proposal. But he’ll get to that later.
© seattlesolace 2022, all rights reserved
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drewsbuzzcut · 8 months
Sundays Are For Textiles
nick moldenhauer x dallas blankenburg
a so it goes blurb
warnings: none that I can think of
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Nick’s seated in the passenger seat of Dallas’ car. He doesn’t mind being the passenger princess when she is driving.
Right now, the pair are headed to multiple thrift stores, so Dallas can buy various scraps of textiles. It’s a Sunday tradition at this point. Wake up early, grab breakfast, and spend the better part of the day in and out of thrift stores.
Nick’s eyes are glued on Dallas. She has her favorite pair of big sunglasses on, and her hair is thrown up in messy bun that looks too good to be effortless. Her stranded strands of hair whip around as the wind blows through the open windows.
“Baby, can you give me my lipgloss? I think it’s in the glove compartment,” Dallas snaps Nick out of his thoughts.
When he opens the glove compartment, he sees about a dozen lip products.
“Umm… which one?”
Dallas take a quick glance and gives him a shy smile. A girl has to have options.
“Surprise me,” she says, although she hopes it’s one of her favorites.
He hands her fenty lipgloss, the lip plumping one. As she expertly applies her lipgloss with one hand, Nick watches her in awe.
“What?” She asks, her eyebrows quirking over the frames of her sunglasses.
“Nothing, I just think you’re amazing,” Nick responds, blushing in the process.
“Why because I can apply lipgloss with one hand? You haven’t seen all the amazing things I can do just yet,” she teases him.
“Tell me more.”
“In your wildest dreams, Nicky baby,” she giggles, parking in the parking lot of one of her favorite thrifts.
“Don’t you dare open that door!” Nick warns her.
“Why?” He doesn’t answer her question. He quickly exits the car and rounds to the driver’s side to open her door. He holds his hand out for hers and Dallas melts.
“Well aren’t you such a gentleman,” she teases, squealing when Nick pulls her into his body. His lips plant themselves on hers, and he enjoys the way he can feel her smile. He returns her smile. He loves that he’s the one making her smile, making her laugh.
“C’mon, my smiley boy. We have lots of searching to do,” she drags him by his hand, practically matching her way to the entrance.
“Babe? Why are my lips tingling?” He asks, fingers touching his lips.
She almost fails at holding in her laugh, just giving him a questioning look. The confusion placed on his face makes her smile, she’s falling so hard.
After about half an hour scouring through the racks of clothes, Dallas finds a umich variety style jacket.
“Baby, look!”
She slips the jacket on, flipping her air and posing for Nick who just smiles adoringly at her.
“You’re so hot, babe. How did I get so lucky?”
Dallas covers her blushing cheeks, sauntering towards him with a sly smile on her face.
“Imagine how hot I’d be if I was just wearing the jacket. Nothing else,” she whispers in his ear, slapping his ass before walking away.
He groans, eventually following behind.
“I need to find some lace, maybe silk, and linen. Can you help me find scraps of fabric, so I can look through them?”
“Yes ma’am.”
As they’re looking, they end up on different ends of the store. For Dallas, searching for textiles is fun and therapeutic. She usually puts in her earbuds and takes her time. Nick doesn’t ever disrupt her process. He keeps wandering about until she’s done. It’s the perfect time for him to look around for himself.
Along his small trek, he finds a dress that he thinks will look perfect on his girl.
“June?” He calls out, tapping on her shoulder to get her attention.
“Oh what did you find?” She asks excitedly.
“We have pieces of cotton, pieces of polyester, I think, and one scrap of lace,” Nick lists off, already memorizing the different fabrics thanks to Dallas.
“This lace is so pretty. I can definitely use that cotton, perhaps for a blanket or something. Thank you, baby,” she wraps her arms around his neck, his arms wrap around her waist.
“What did you find?”
“A lot of lace, which I’m very excited for. I found this really pretty silk fabric, but it’s such a tiny piece, I don’t know if it’s worth getting. I also found this piece of denim and if I embroider something on it like flowers or stars, I think it’d be really cute to add onto a bag or something,” Dallas rambles, eyes wide and filled with happiness.
Nick smiles at her, hands on her hips, softly rubbing the exposed skin of her sides. He pulls her into him, kissing her temples. He smiles at the way he can feel her physical melt into his arms. Every tense bone in her body relaxes with his touch.
“I think you should let me take you on a date,” he says.
“Really?” She asks with a teasing tone, her eyes sending him a playful glare.
“Yeah, a fancy date. With you wearing this dress,” he pulls this beautiful, pale yellow silk dress from its hiding spot.
Dallas’ mouth falls open and her eyes twinkle in the light of the store. She grabs onto his face, pulling his lips down on hers. She pulls away way too fast for his liking, but she’s appalled by the dress.
“This is actually really pretty, Nicky.”
“See, I do have style,” he tickles her side.
“Do you?” She teases.
“Yes, you are a great teacher.”
“You’re right. Yes, I will go on a date with you,” she finally answers, not that Nick was doubting it.
“I love Sundays,” he cheers, grabbing her hands to playfully dance with her around the aisle.
a/n: I really like this one. I hope y’all enjoy!!
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bunmurdock · 3 months
//hiii im that anon from before!! wrote this quick blurb for you because im too shy to actually post it but i hope you like it!!
usually, you're able to be patient while matt finishes his work. in fact, you pride yourself in it. the way he smiles at you as he slips his coat onto your shoulders, ready to take you home and away from his office, it fills you with pride.
except for tonight.
you're tired. you had a long day at work, and now matt is ignoring you. but you know that he knows how frustrated and worked up you are.
half because he's just that good at reading you, half because you're hanging all over him. your head is on his shoulder as you sit in his lap, trying to get his attention as he listens to the latest case he has to work on.
and on top of that, you're rolling your hips against him, and whining. at some point, he grabs your chin in his hand.
"quit the whining, bun." he leans in and presses a soft kiss to your lips, a sharp contrast to his sharp words. "you know i don't want to be rough with you after a long day. i'd much rather take care of you." he hums, his hands beginning on your knees, slowly inching up towards your panties.
you weigh your options.
"make me." you tell him. you see his jaw tighten, and just as quickly as his hands were on you, they're off. with ease, he picks you up off his lap and puts you on the floor, not exactly gently. you look up at him confused, before he just clicks his tongue, something he does every time the two of you start a game like this.
"i know you know better than to just sit there and look at me all dumb, baby." he says, his foot positioned perfectly for you to ride his boot. "go on, i know you can get off on my boot, dumb mutt." he hums, and then he turns his attention back to his work.
selfishly, you do just that. you begin to hump against his boot, and when you begin to let out a whine, matt's hand is in your hair. he pushes your hair back, before pulling on it with all of his pent up frustration.
when you let out a loud whine at this, he just rolls his eyes.
"gotta be quiet, bunny." he hums. "don't want daddy to think you're enjoying this, do we?"
you shake your head, and he mocks the shaking of your head with a wicked smirk. you try and hide your face in the fabric of his pants as you rutt against his boot, but he pulls your hair again.
his hand finds your chin, and he squeezes your face so that your mouth is in the shape of an 'o', before leaning down and spitting in your mouth-- you do not try and stop him, just letting out a soft whimper. before you can really react though, his hand moves from his grip on your chin, before slipping two fingers into your mouth.
you immediately latch onto them, happily sucking on his fingers, not minding so much when he toys with you, slowly pushing his fingers back to gag you, just to smell your salty tears in the air as you gag against his fingers.
every time you whine, he just shushes you gently, a stark contrast to his rough movements.
"every time you whine, i get distracted and lose my place, mutt. keep it up and i'll never finish my work, and you'll spend all night riding my boot without cumming. don't make me repeat myself, honey," he leans in and presses a soft kiss to your head, "dumb puppies know how to follow orders, right?"
putting this under read more bc i want ppl to read n reblog - pls 🙏
i felt a dizzying flush come over me @ "go on, i know you can get off on my boot, dumb mutt" i had to close out of this ask and go back in bc . ok. like i need to be his dumb mutt so bad. i need him to verbally degrade and bully and stand over her n tug on her hair and step on her a lil while she's crawlin aronud on all fours abd blame it on her bein dumb and an easy target *—*
"dumb puppies know how to follow orders, right?" OUGH and "you see his jaw tighten, and just as quickly as his hands were on you, they're off." SCREAM no bc what is it about this man bein unrelengting but not raising his voice that is so brain-metlingly hot i need him to beat me up while shushing me which speaking of-
"every time you whine, he just shushes you gently, a stark contrast to his rough movements." sorry but i need him to shush me the way he was doing to that dude in s1e2 before he threw him off a building . u are EVIL for putting this image in my head i need to mayhaps jump off a building.. ALSO the spitting in her mouth and finger-fucking it deeper oh nonnie i dob't feel so well i don't thibk . fuzzy brain disesase taking hold yowling really really really loud
seriosuly nonnie did you steal this from my brain because thisis eveything i want i do not deserve u thank you so much holy fkn shit i jus keep rereading this..
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uchihaharlot · 5 months
I’m so uncoordinated myself lol 😂 are you sure? …ok.
NSFW; ‘erotic dancing’; withholding; pet me with your eyes only; oral/masturbation—for some reason I really like writing blow jobs now?? Also, did not extensively edit. My guilt of not writing for four days got to me lol.
Let’s see, let’s see. Itachi is more of a traditional man, while he likes to spice things up occasionally—he’s not boring, far from it. He enjoys the more simplistic things in life the most. So when his s/o corners him for a dance—again. He’s awfully…bashful. Intrigued, but holy hell this damned girl was making him question his sanity.
They way she yanked him by the lapel of his shirt and dragged him to sit in a fold up chair already had his face warming. Ever so cute is Itachi when he hides his emotions. It made these little salacious moments more precious to her. That a grown man would act as if they hadn’t been fucking for the better part of a year.
Taking the tie from his hair, she put hers up in a bun. Fiesty today, the menu reeked of blood, sex and booze. Well, not really. But her energy was charged, owning him with just a glance. Her house robe slipped to the floor and the outfit she wore underneath was entirely too inappropriate for his liking.
But he did like it. So much he ran his hands over it, slipped two fingers on each side under the garter straps and snapped them. Tested the thin material beneath his fingers before his eyes flickered back up to hers.
‘I like it.’ Itachi grinned and then immediately grew cross when she swatted him away.
‘Good. You can touch me, but with your eyes.’ Yes ma’am, no further direction needed. Black orbs spun into red pearls fueled by desire.
Itachi knew if he really wanted to, he could take this act of hers and commandeer it. Throw it beyond any woman’s wildest dreams. Though he really liked being the audience in these situations and not always the theater master. If she wanted to put on a show, Itachi would behave. For now—or not.
Ass down, face up. She spread her self around for him on the floor first. Sat in his lap and ground herself into his erection.
‘That hard already?’ Well, yea? What did she expect when the dainty piece of lingerie left nothing to the imagination. The garter straps grew taut on her thighs went she bent her ass over in his lip. If he stole a kiss, she didn’t chide him.
‘Let me see..’ A devilish grin spread her lips.
Itachi sat back, unfastened his belt and drew out his cock. Languidly stroked himself a few good times before she sat between his legs and licked up his cock. Sucked the tip between just her lips and then railed it to the back of her throat. His eyes never leaving that perfect mouth.
‘Sit on it.’ He breathed the words out fast.
She shook her head no and gargled him more, Itachi groaned and clutched her hair. Running her tongue over his sensitive tip and dragging it back down the base of his shaft. She worked him with two hands as her mouth cradled his testicles. His head tilted back, mouth open as she sucked them gently and lightly tugged them with her lips. When the pulse in his cock quickened, he was given control again. Along with options.
‘In my mouth or on my face?” Tongue out, the soft coo of her voice only quickened his hand. The sharingan spun wildly under lidded eyes.
‘On your face.’ He let out a soft grunt, pumped his cock fast and then slow again right as he came. His warmth covering her face like a sprinkler.
She was beautiful always, not more divine when like this. Covered in his silky cum. Itachi wipes the small bit form the corner of her eye before leaning down to kiss her.
‘Maybe next time you’ll do this for me?’ The roaring laugh that came out of his mouth made the post nut clarity hit harder than it usually did.
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finelinevogue · 2 years
I can see them laying on their side kissing and he is there doing his thing with his hand on her ass and giving a few slaps and she is clearly enjoying it but the noises she makes but harry is like “fuck angel I can’t leave marks 😩” because people will see since everyone is always in bikinis, so he give it a few more squeezes and and pull he panties/bikini up and shake it in that way that feels so good and make her ass whiggles “fuck…” *leaves wet kisses all over it*
I can see this happening in the hideaway
okay i decided this is for their first night back together in bed after the recoupling!!!:
i changed it a bit… but i will use this anon for inspo in the hideaway too!!!!!
“Excited for bed tonight, man?” Luca asked, slapping Harry on his bare back.
Harry was licking his lips looking all smug, because he had finally gotten you back. He couldn’t work out whether he would rather just hold and spoon you all night, or give you some loving to show you how badly he’d missed you.
“More than you can imagine, mate.” Harry chuckled bashfully, before sitting on the edge of the bed on his side.
Whilst he was chatting to the boys and putting on some after-sun moisturiser, you were getting ready in the dressing room with the girls - stressing out over what to wear.
“Girls, I need help!” You stressed, walking around in your evening outfit still but without the heels.
“You need to go sexy.” Tasha said, putting her hair up in a bun.
“Yeah, I agree.” Gemma added, removing her makeup.
“I’m stressed. Why am I so nervous?” You laughed giddily, opening your wardrobe door to see if you could find something suitable to wear for Harry.
You knew it didn’t matter what you came and wore to bed with Harry, because he would make you feel beautiful regardless. However, you just felt like you wanted to put in an extra bit of effort for tonight because of everything that had happened recently.
“I think go for the full shebang.” Ekin-Su made her input.
“No, no! Wait for the hideaway for that.” Antigoni added and others agreed. It would be more special that way.
“Like, save your sexiest outfit for the hideaway but still go cheeky tonight.” Tasha said.
You pulled out a few options, getting shrugs and definite no’s from each of them, but then you pulled out a purple nightie that had a tiny slit and some lace detailing ( * ). The girls faces were enough to tell you that you’d made the right choice.
“Oh my God!” Antigoni squealed when you came back wearing it, your skin looking perfect against the colour.
“You’re stunning Y/N!” Indiyah complimented you, clapping her hands together excitedly.
You did a twirl for them and bashfully smiled when they started cheering for you. It was clear that you were over-the-moon happy tonight, as you should be. You had gotten Harry back and it was a night for celebrations.
Whatever happened you didn’t mind, because you’d be sleeping next to Harry and get to wake up next to him in the morning. You couldn’t ask for anything more than that.
The girls started filling out and you walked with Indiyah to the bedrooms. Your heartbeat quickened as you got closer to the door and Indiyah went in first, holding the door open for you.
Some of the boys hooted and cheered, making Harry turn around from the direction he’d been facing. His jaw dropped slightly when he saw you and you but your lips, trying not to crazily smile at the way he was looking at you.
“Oi, oi!” Luca chanted and Harry stood up so he could whack his friend on the back of the head. Luca and Jacques laughed together at how whipped Harry was, but he didn’t care because he was too busy gawking at how fucking gorgeous you looked.
You walked over to Harry, who was still stood up at his side of the bed. Instead of going straight towards him, you wanted to divert the attention away from you both for privacy and so you opened your side of the duvet and laid down in bed.
Harry was still stood there looking down at you and you couldn’t take his stare anymore, so you slid down further and under the covers. You squeezed your eyes shut and bit your lip as you internally squealed in excitement over his reaction. He hadn’t said anything to you, but with that look he was giving you it was clear he loved it - he loved you.
The other side of the bed dipped and you watched Harry’s body get under the covers too.
“It’s been ten seconds and they’re both already under the covers.” Jacques joked and you shook your head in embarrassment.
Before you knew it, Harry’s hand snaked sound your waist and pulled up against his body. Your breasts squashed against his hard chest, your leg sliding in between his and his nose touching yours.
“Where’ve you been hiding this then?” Harry asked, voice deeper than usual, about your outfit.
“Was keeping it for someone special.” You smirked, raising your hand to touch his cheek softly. He leant into it and you could feel his whole cheek warm up just at the touch.
“Does that mean…?”
“Yes, H. You’re someone special.” You nodded slightly and Harry made the first move to kiss you.
When his lips touched yours, everything else around you faded away. It was stereotypical to say, but when his lips were on yours it made you feel like you were the only two people left on Earth. It was like being with him was the only thing worth living for. It was like him being the breathe of air that keeps your alive and going.
His lips were so soft and his breathe tasted minty. He curled his hand under your jaw and directed your face how he wanted. He took lead and pushed his lips into yours, kissing you with every molecule of love he could find within him. He kissed and you kissed, before he started to bite and you wanted to bite. Your soft gentle kiss, became heavy and rushed and it was causing your breathing to become erratic.
You pulled back to take a deep breathe and you saw deeply into his eyes.
“I don’t want to rush this.” You whispered, not wanting to take things too far too quickly.
“I.. I just don’t want to fuck things up again a-and—”
“Y/N/N, baby. I know, okay? It’s okay:” Harry assured you, pressing a soft and mighty kiss to your lips.
“I thought I’d want us to do things tonight, b-but I’m not sure I’m ready.” You spoke softly, feeling like you owed him some form of explanation even if he didn’t think you did.
“We go at a pace we’re both comfortable with okay? If you don’t want to do anything tonight, that’s alright with me. I get you in our bed, looking like… well this - a fucking angel - and I get to hold you whilst we sleep. That’s more than enough for me.” He kissed your nose and you smiled softly.
“Thank you.” You kissed him. “I do miss your hands on my arse though.”
“My hands have missed your arse too.” He grinned so cheekily, but slid his hands down your back and over the bottom of your nightie. He pushed it up slightly and took a firm hold of your cheek. You giggled when he did so, loving the feeling of him being back to his mischievous self.
He slapped it and the sound made a loud echoing sound across the room.
“Fucking hell, what’re you two doing?” Dami asked from the bed next to yours.
You got all embarrassed and ducked your head into Harry’s neck, finding refuge there. You smiled and bit down onto Harry’s skin to keep you from explosively laughing, because that’s what you always wanted to do in uncomfortable situations. Harry, instead of apologising, kept on hitting your bum with smaller pats - not helping the situation at all.
“Stop.” You whispered to him, but he chose to ignore you.
Then his hand accidentally brushed over your core and you made a whimpering noise. Neither of you expected that to happen, but Harry’s hand stilled on your ass when it did happen.
“Fuck.” He gritted between his teeth. “Baby, I have good control over myself but not when you’re making noises like that.” He whispered and you could feel yourself craving him more and more.
“Sorry.” You laughed.
“One day you won’t have to be sorry, because I will want to hear more than just one whimper.”
“You have no filter.” You leaned back and he grabbed your ass in response.
“Not when it comes to you, no.” He grinned and you brought his lips to yours for another sweet kiss.
You didn’t stop kissing for another hour.
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wrathofrats · 7 months
21. Blowjob / domsub
Yes I know it’s November. Idc. Happy kinkvember ig
2.8k words of zephrit. Zephs a brat and ifrit is just the kindest dom about it.
Or I stumbled delirious into @divine-misfortunes DMs and came out with this. Shout out to it for dragging me by the collar back into writing.
Small warnings for a bit of degro, face fucking, they/them Zeph, yeah
“I just thinks it’s fucking stupid” Zeph grumbles. The room is too cold, dew won’t let them watch what they want on tv, everything is wrong to them and the longer they stand in the kitchen with ifrit the more pissed off they get over seemingly nothing.
Ifrit usually has the patience to deal with Zephyr when they’re like this. The knowledge that they’re in pain and don’t mean to be bitchy is enough to give him the time and energy to talk them down.
Todays different.
“Zeph, honey, there’s nothing you can do. Maybe just calm down, it’ll be ok” ifrit stands behind them with a hand around their waist, the other playing with a loose strand of hair from their bun.
“Do you have to be so fucking positive all the time?” Zeph mumbles to themself. It’s a stupid comment, they know it’s mean, it’s really just a day to push as far as they can, they can’t help it.
Something in ifrit snaps. The usual patience turned into a need to just set the air ghoul straight. He shifts his hands to their waist and throws them over his shoulder. They’re light, easy to manhandle into a comfortable position. Ifrit knows Zeph won’t listen and be reasonable if he were to simply tell them to go upstairs, much rather take them there himself instead of listening to the back talk he knows he would get by trying to reason with them. In his eyes it’s the easier option.
“put me the fuck down”
Zeph struggles against him, kicking their feet and grabbing at the back of his shirt. Ifrit simply stays silent until he opens his door and throws Zeph onto the bed.
Something in his demeanor changes, he smiles, watches Zeph like he’s infatuated with them, a kindness in his eyes that contradicts the way he simply maneuvers zephyr like a ragdoll. The sugary sweet appearance only furthers their anger.
“This is fucking stupid, I’m going back down stairs” zeph bites and attempts to push past ifrit.
Ifrits sharp claws dig slightly into zephs wrists as he grabs them and pins the air ghoul to the wall. Watching, daring them to struggle.
“Be sweet darling, I know you can be” ifrits lips are on zephyrs skin immediately, his spare hand pushing up their shirt to thumb at his hip.
“Shut up, let me go” Zeph says. Their anger betrayed by a uncertain high pitch to their voice when Ifrit's lips brush their neck, not even consciously tipping their head to give more access to the sensitive skin, it's instinct to want to lay themself bare to him, even if they pretend that they hate it.
“Oh honey I know you don’t want that, you’re so cute when you act like this” *you're so cute when you struggle knowing full well you'll lose.* he doesn't need to say it for Zephyr to understand and it makes blood rush to their cheeks and their dick all at once. Ifrit purposefully shifts, pushes a knee between their thighs - not heavily, enough to keep them aware of how their dick reacts to whatever he does to them.
"*I'm not cute.*" they hiss through their teeth, breath hitching as a warming hand ghosts beneath their shirt.
A strangled noise leaves zephs mouth, ifrits claws dig further into their wrists and the word cute goes straight to their cock that’s rapidly filling in his pants as ifrits leg rubs against it.
“I know you can be sweet, poor thing you just need to be reminded don’t you?”
Ifrit thumbs lightly over a nipple, enough attention to get the little bud properly pebbled, before rolling it between his fingers. Zephyr wants to be embarrassed at how fast they practically collapse into ifrits support as his hand pinches, fingers hot to the touch. They don't intend to go boneless like they do, but Ifrit knows their body too well. The way his teeth tease at their pulse is evident of that, they want to scream in frustration but trying to bring themself to even speak at all is more difficult than it should've been.
They gasp, bucking into it but struggling against where they’re pinned still. The lips on their neck are so soft compared to the burning sensation on their chest.
“Fuck- ifrit I-“ they try to ask for more but struggle against the words, all the sensations making their brain practically turn off. He chuckles into their neck and Zeph barely fights the urge to roll their hips forward into the pressure his thigh offered. Zeph knows they wouldn't survive it if he let them do it, already turning to mush.
"I know sweetheart," Ifrit kissed beneath their ear, voice soft and understanding. Only the slightest bit condescending, easily missed. They do. "I'll give you what you want...Could never say no to you, even when you're acting up like this, but you can't help it huh? Can't help but be a brat cause you need it so bad. Need my cock so bad you forgot how to act darling."
“Shut up, give it to me” zeph grinds against ifrits leg.
“I know you’re just a needy cockwhore, I’ll take care of you darling”
Before Zeph can comprehend it their shirt is being dragged over their head and ifrit has his fingers struggling with the button and zipper on his pants, even just the friction of ifrits hand on the front of his jeans has them ready to start begging. The kindness and rough touches has their head spinning, desperate.
Ifrits fingers swipe across their lips and Zeph immediately invites them in, letting ifrit slide them in and out as they coat them with spit.
Zeph pretends they're annoyed by everything, by ifrits fingers petting over their tongue, but it's a hard facade to keep up because his fingers are warm and rough and taste a little sweet
“Youll just suck on anything I give you” ifrit whispers “you’re so adorable acting out, when you’ll go brainless if I put something in your mouth”
it's true but Zeph still groans and protests it a little but there's more pressure against their crotch and their eyes damn near roll back, immediately chasing the feeling, groan trailing off into a whine as his fingers push further into their mouth
Jaw slack, they eventually forget why they were protesting him or his attention to begin with
Ifrit smiles so sweetly, coos a little praise when they stop struggling
"There you are....there's my sweet flower, don't gotta keep acting up, you've got me now"
Zeph practically whines, their hips grind harder into ifrits thigh, hands still high above their head.
“It’s ok, I know you don’t mean it sweetheart, we both know who is actually in charge here” ifrit whispers, low and sweet into their ear. a reminder instead of a threat.
Zephyr nods compliantly, almost content to just suck on ifrits fingers and hump his leg like they won’t get anything better. There’s something so addictingly mindless about it all, about the sweet whispers from ifrit while they hollow their cheeks around the fingers and cover them in spit, about the drag and friction over their cock that’s sensitive and borderline painful but they would never dare stop.
They just get so easy like this, so malleable that they even whine when ifrit pulls his hand away and pushes them to sink to their knees
“Gonna give you something better sweetheart, this is what you wanted right?” Ifrit tilts zephs head up to stare at him, eyes already glassy as they look at him pathetically, as if they don’t get a cock in their mouth soon they may cry
Ifrit shushes them, they'll get what they want, he always gives it to them, Zeph just needs to be patient
He could tease, see just how needy they really get, but he knows not to push when they fall so fast like this. It’s almost embarrassing how easy zephyr gets with just a few rough touches and commanding words, ifrits sure they’ll be blushing about it later, refusing to admit it.
But right now? They're just sitting there with their mouth open stupidly, tugging at ifrits pant leg and he’s surprised they're not drooling all over their lap.
He pulls himself out, uses his other hand to keep a firm grasp on zephs chin, he knows they’ll be good and still but it’s just an added reminder, an added force of command for ifrit to easily slide his cock into their mouth.
It’s almost surprising how Zeph sits with their hands in their lap, waiting for ifrit to use them. His sweet ghoul,
“Knew you knew how to be good,” ifrit smiles at them. He places a gentle hand in their hair just to guide them, knows they like the extra force, the slight pain that comes with it to keep them sweet and stupid. The tip of ifrits cock glistens with pre in the dimly lit room, it’s hard for zeph not to lunge for it, they know better to be greedy but they can't get enough of ifrits dick in their mouth, thick but comfortable enough not to make their jaw hurt, long but not enough to gag them outright
It's perfect, like it was made for them to suck...not to mention the way their mouth makes ifrits voice go all breathy.
They go still as ifrit brings zephs mouth to him, looks up and waits, a silent invitation to fuck their mouth, use them.
It’s easy for him to realize what Zeph wants, almost too easy to just tighten his grip in their hair and force them down, making them take as much as they can.
“Fuck- you look so much prettier when you’re quiet doll” ifrit grits out, trying hard to not fuck that pretty little mouth too hard, but it feels so good he doesn’t know if he can help himself. Zephyrs red lips and glassy sweet eyes make it hard to control himself.
Ifrit being rough isn't a thing that really happens all that much but zephyr constantly aches for it
Especially when they're acting up like they were, need it bad, but ifrits seemingly never ending patience rarely falters. So when they do finally get him like this it’s easy to milk it as much as possible, trying to be as obedient as possible to hopefully get him to give them what they want.
It’s an itch they get sometimes to see how far they can push it before ifrit breaks. Needs to be punished, needs to be put in their place and made to obey.
Almost just wants to see how much he will really let them get away with.
Zeph is usually talked down with soft words and gentle touches, the never ending kindness enough to make them fuzzy and have their head spinning.
But when ifrit is truly rough with them? Makes them feel small and stupid? It takes all their energy to not straight beg to be treated like a toy, to be used and fucked with no respect
“You’re just nothing without my cock between those lips are you darling?” Ifrit coos at them, sweet despite usuing their mouth, slamming them back down over and over as drool begins to spill out the sides of their mouth, tears running down their cheeks.
He stares fondly at them with his fingers curled around their neck pinning them to the mattress, telling them how Beautiful they are as he fucks their throat with a fist around their horn,
“You’re such a good toy to fuck, much more useful when you’re quiet like this instead of being a brat, can’t ask for what you want can you?” His tone is kind, but mocking.
Ifrit pulls them off his cock so he can spill his mess on their face with a purr of I love you
They've been too bratty to earn the reward of him cumming in their mouth. A treat that Zeph almost cries over when they realize they won’t get it. Zeph can’t help but sit there with their mouth wide open, hoping to catch just a little bit, just desperate to taste what they do to him. They make a sad little sound they make when he pulls out, a very hoarse and pathetic please please please they whisper...
They truly do look pretty like this, lips fucked a cherry red, cheeks tear stained and eyes sad and desperate, truly looks fucked out, like they were made for taking cock down their throat.
They really are such a sweet little toy.
Zeph can’t help but sit there with their mouth wide open, hoping to catch just a little bit, just desperate to taste what they do to him.
Ifrit gathers what he can from zephs cheeks onto his fingers and holds them up to their lips, a small gesture of kindness because Zeph really is too pretty to deny like this.
Ifrit could just keep on like this all night, till he had nothing left to give, if it meant zeph would stay like this for him
a flip switches in Zeph when ifrit is rough and cruel like this. Abandons their usual snark and haughtiness for begging and desperately sweet words, willing to worship ifrit even, if it would get his approval
They’re not apposed to the long game, the fear that maybe ifrit will keep them like this for another round or two before they’re touched at all, let alone be allowed to cum, is terrifyingly arousing considering how often they’re allowed just get whatever they want.
The prospect of just being given the sweet mercy of a short hand job, not even getting fucked like they’ve been begging for for an hour now, it’s unsatisfying, in their opinion cruel, especially knowing how nice ifrit will be about it and treat the situation as if ifrit is being merciful and generous. It’s almost embarrassing, to be told that being given the bare minimum is a reward, a treat since ifrit just loves them so much.
They can’t get enough of it.
Hopes he will treat them like that
And ifrit does.
He fucks two more loads out in their mouth, but barely gives them a taste. More than happy to shoot on their face, their chest, anywhere that isn't where they want it. They look pitiful, a proper decorated whore, soaked through their boxers, left visibly wanting
Ifrit wishes he could muster up another round, but he doesn't think he'll survive trying to milk out a forth orgasm, so instead he scoops them up. Lays them out on the bed, a little princess posed in the pillows. He calls them pretty as he crawls between their legs which fall apart so easily for him, inviting him in.
Gentle kisses trail up their thighs as ifrit noses the underside of their cock, just teases them because Zeph just sounds so cute when they’re so compliant and desperate. He wants them to work for it, beg and try hard to fuck his mouth. It’s too easy to just lightly lick at the head, wanting them to buck up into it.
He lets the head of their dick just rest against his tongue, close to the warmth of his mouth, but not giving it proper. Every little sigh and exhale has zeph twitching, kicking against his tongue. They're trying so hard to be good, to not take more than what they're given and ifrit can see them sweat, see the visible restraint. He makes the softest sympathetic sound, gives them a little, a few generous strokes that has them sobbing in relief.
But then it's just his fist loose around them, teary eyed and confused,
“I’m sorry for being mean love, you can fuck my fist as much as youd like”
Zeph almost wails, desperately wants to cry and beg for ifrits mouth, needs to feel his lips around them, hot and wet. His fist almost seems like a cruel joke and with the way ifrit smiles at them they’re sure it is.
Their thrusts are pathetic and lackluster, barely able to get off the bed, it’s not enough like this they don’t think but they don’t want to be greedy. He’s never seen them be so good, remembering their manners and doing without the sarcastic comments, he almost feels bad for them after he’s been so cruel.
Ifrit caves.
He pins their hips down and takes them fully to the back of their throat.
Zeph almost cums immediately, it doesn’t take much after everything, they barely have time to warn ifrit before he just moves their hand to his hair, silent permission to take what they want, they’ve earned it.
Zeph keeps a loose fist tied to his scalp as ifrit bobs, can’t help but to just whine and thanks him for his mercy before spilling hot down his throat with a cry.
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