#there was no hiding that their love is not healthy
feistyvirghoe ยท 7 hours
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๐ฉ๐ข๐ฅ๐ž 1 - you guys have such bright, very infectious because iโ€™m just so giddy right now, yalls energy just shines bright like the sun omg, so full of positivity and love, happy as a child fr. i feel like people just like to consume your energy, has them all over the place, like pleading, thereโ€™s a push and pull effect you have, like you can be the most positive, optimistic person full of fucking light but then you have that other side to you that has people on their knees, like they canโ€™t hold it in with you, the focus is on you guys, youโ€™re hardworking and when youโ€™re ready to fucking commit to something and go you just do it and get it started but you also know how to be inclusive and make others feel welcomed. i feel like people just want you to look at them, acknowledge them, you guys can adapt easily and may be spread out everywhere, you canโ€™t just stay stuck to one thing and even within relationships im not saying youโ€™re non-committal but you know your worth and some people and things just arenโ€™t worth your time, youโ€™re like a temptation, watch out for users and takers that may want to swindle you for whatever reason. youโ€™re in tune with your femme side, you truly donโ€™t need anyone to validate you and thatโ€™s a flex babeโ€ฆitโ€™s all you, something about the way you love and care for others, never dim that part of yourself, itโ€™s so beautiful, the way you can own your mfkn power is by not letting bozos or losers come in and try to knock u off ur damn throne, standing up for yourself, believing that youโ€™re fucking powerful just by being your true authentic self, confidently strutting your stuff, not giving away too much of yourself as well, connecting with your innermost self, reminding yourself who you are deep down inside, not being swayed the outside opinions of others, you may be a lil homebody and thatโ€™s okay..youโ€™re sure of yourself and you donโ€™t need anyone up in your face trying to fucking control you and make u feel small, by continuing to protect yourself in a healthy way, strong fucking boundaries is what needs to be set, donโ€™t let these weirdos try to come in and fucking knock down your walls with their hateration and disgusting jealousy, show yourself off, embrace that fire within you, dont second guess yourself or make yourself small to fit in, burn bright baby boo. an affirmation for u - โ€œi am a badass warrior and i conquer self doubt like itโ€™s my fucking job!โ€
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๐ฉ๐ข๐ฅ๐ž 2 - your gentleness makes u fucking strike like lightning and i know youโ€™re like โ€œhow?โ€ babe we need more kind people like you on this planet, this world is so full of hatred and evil people, youโ€™re kindness and compassion and just love for others makes you fucking strike babe, youโ€™re a giver, very generous individual but i can see that you protect your heart as well, you know not to let shady people come and try to steal your energy, yeah thatโ€™s a thing, and you may need to be careful of that too, giving yourself away to undeserving people. youโ€™re so content and just emotionally fulfilled on your own, u truly do not need someone else to fill your cup but im betting thereโ€™s a lot of people that would love to if youโ€™d let them, youโ€™re allowed be taken care of and poured into. but with how abundant your energy is and just how rich you are in spirit, of course itโ€™d attract a bunch of energy vampires, just people with weird intentions. very emotionally mature and also vulnerable as well, well with the right people of course but you donโ€™t hide how youโ€™re feeling, and thats literally okay, youโ€™re allowed to fucking let yourself feel free expressing what and how youโ€™re feeling if that makes sense haha. you may throw people off, itโ€™s like they dont expect YOU, like literally just you, your compassionate self. you donโ€™t chase after people bc you know youโ€™re already secure inside so donโ€™t doubt that. maybe you really second guess yourself and how youโ€™re coming off to others but i feel like people just see such a pure genuine soul, not just a nice person but a very kindhearted soul. you make others feel calm, like just content and chill haha. i feel like yall just make people smile, like smirking to themselves just thinking about you, omg admiring you and adoring you, u could be all up in peopleโ€™s heads, unforgettable, maybe some just want to indulge themselves in you, just be cautious and aware of snakes hidden in the grass. i feel like i could go on and on about you guys, i dont want to make it too long though ;) your sweetness dude, youโ€™re just like a lil fucking teddy bear ahhhh, someone who loves to help others, doesnโ€™t matter what it may be just serving, wanting to be useful to others? maybe ppl have made u feel worthless bc of how kind you are like as if thatโ€™s boring or some shit, ignore those ppl, we need more kindness and love, donโ€™t hide that side of yourself idc, let others who want to appreciate you show you their love. youโ€™re also very in tune with your spiritual side and i feel you may dim that down too as if youโ€™re not gifted i mean youโ€™re here right?? embrace that side of yourself, you donโ€™t even know how helpful you are to others, i feel like your generosity and just your pure loving soul is what puts a smile on others faces, so balanced, youโ€™re just an unforgettable nurturer, a whole sweetie pie, a cutie pie ahhh, just such a sweet soul okay hereโ€™s an affirmation for you <3 โ€œsuccess is my middle name; watch me fucking conquer.โ€ โ€œi choose to surround myself with people who fucking respect meโ€ and to own your power i feel like you just need to see you more, like youโ€™re the one who can stay calm during the stormy weather, a shield for others, very protective over your loved ones and self, stay true to that boo! <33
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๐ฉ๐ข๐ฅ๐ž 3 - i feel like yโ€™all are my glamorous pile, the ones ready to put their feet on the fucking ground and nobody ainโ€™t going to fucking get in your way and stop you lmfao iโ€™m hearing under the influence by chris brown, i feel like you guys got people feeling like they on drugs around you, your energy is intoxicating and addicting, some may even wanna knock u up to keep you as theirs wtf okay anyways hahahaha okay i feel like the way yall strike is like youโ€™re in that empress energy very strong minded, in touch with your feminine side and you know when to cut a bitch off but then with that, the same people you cut off may try to come back and slither their way back into your life omg what the hell, so you guys are like the โ€œheartbreakersโ€ but not really because you just know your fucking worth more than what lames can give to you and not just that how theyโ€™re with you as well, goes for any relationship, you know when to fucking walk away and youโ€™re not taking weird bullshit from anyone, you donโ€™t play, i feel like your anger plays a part in making you fucking powerful, when youโ€™re done youโ€™re done and you can easily see through peopleโ€™s bullshit, their facade, in hearing shit you up, lol u piss people off, idk what youโ€™re truly doing, it could honestly just be you and your awareness, youโ€™re not going to stand down and make yourself a tiny purse dog lmfao, very sassy as well, like no one can fucking control you, even if they wanted to, you guys make people uncomfortable but thatโ€™s there own issue, you may the wrong people for you uncomfortable haha, they try to fucking go and go at you relentlessly attacking you for no reason, so i can see why youโ€™re protective of yourself and u donโ€™t stand down, i mean with weird people like this honestly weird energy like this coming for yโ€™all i understand why, itโ€™s like youโ€™re power makes others want to overthrow you and try and like one up you, just weird, got people competing for u and against you, i feel like theyโ€™re jealous of your fucking success and not just material success but your ambition, your drive, your resilience, never giving up on yourself no matter how hard it gets, youโ€™re your own positive light in your life, you know how to make yourself happy, still shining, blowing out your candles, celebrating your fucking self like you should! yeah your fucking power just makes others despise you lmfao weird as hell, you live life on your own goddamn terms and youโ€™re not sitting around waiting for anyone, a leader on your own, itโ€™s like a natural quality of yours, you just know how to be up in front exuding dominance, like a lion, your walk may just give off CONFIDENCE i mean you have the emperor here, youโ€™re just a fucking natural at it, it comes easily to you so i can see why others may feel offended by your power but theyโ€™re just projecting and not seeing their own power within themself, you look ahead, you donโ€™t look for others, they look for you, goddamn lmfao! affirmations for you guys - โ€œiโ€™m letting go of negative bullshit, toxic people, and self doubt. iโ€™m creating a fucking epic life on my own terms!โ€ & โ€œi am enough, i have enough, and damn right im fucking worth it!โ€
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๐ฉ๐ข๐ฅ๐ž 4 - i can see you guys regenerating in hermit mode, like taking some time to be alone with yourself building your power back up and cleansing yourself of all the weird energies you may have encountered, you like your solitude, my loners here, the ones who donโ€™t mind leaving the party early, ready to go home and chill the fuck out or going on adventures by yourself and taking some time to just connect with your higher self if u wanna say that, just going within and seeing that light within yourself, you blossom on your own, you know how to make sure busy, itโ€™s like when quarantine was around heavy, it didnโ€™t phase this group, maybe it was even like a fuck yeah moment, nobody outside to bother you hahaha, like you guys may love to work out and get back to yourself that way, doing yoga, stretching, moving your body, but you may also be very cautious of the outside world, like you just jumped off the boat into uncharted territory taking time to feel out the place/environment/energy just watching where youโ€™re stepping, or what youโ€™re stepping into, making your way as you go along whatever journey you may be on, weighing out your options, not making hasty decisions, a thinker, maybe even a realist too. calm, balanced people here, like a lot of introspection, a very nostalgic person too. embracing the old memories, in tune with your childhood self, doing things that fuel your soul and what makes you feel the most peaceful, maybe you guys struggle with the mind so grounding yourself and staying away from the crowd is what helps you to stay sane and sharp, for you to be your most powerful self i feel like you just need that time away from everyone. yep itโ€™s like you canโ€™t really count on other people, do people make you second guess yourself, itโ€™s like youโ€™re there for everyone but they couldnโ€™t even be bothered to hear you out, donโ€™t give so much of yourself away to ungrateful people. you matter a lot and i can see this may be draining you as well, probably why youโ€™re very cautious, but remember donโ€™t keep yourself stuck on others weird projections and how they may try to take from you, itโ€™s okay to be alone and regroup, if some one is offended by that then thatโ€™s there issue. the way u, my group four babies can uplift yourself and own your power is by letting yourself fucking shine and put yourself out there, confidently, i feel like people like making you guys feel small and quiet like a mouse, but youโ€™re not a goddamn mouse youโ€™re the fucking cat, and cats do whatever the hell they want to do, use your voice and own that fucking power, your words hold weight, speak more positively over your life and your self, unbiased opinions and being straightforward with your communication, donโ€™t close yourself off from true unconditional love too..you deserve to be recognized and appreciated for all you do!!! keep fucking going, donโ€™t give up on love, that goes for loving yourself too!! every fucking part of you and yes even the ugly bc the ugly is actually beautiful and makes you see the parts of you that you want to grow from and evolve beautifully into a better version of yourself! affirmations for yโ€™all - โ€œiโ€™m unstoppable and nothing can hold me back, not even my fucking fears.โ€ โ€œmy uniqueness shines like a freaking diamond! confidence? itโ€™s my middle name, baby!โ€ โ€œiโ€™m a badass boss babe and i donโ€™t give a damn about what anyone thinks. i rock my confidence like a boss!โ€
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star-sparkler ยท 1 day
How does August fare growing up in a house with a ton of traumatized turtles?
(obviously they wouldn't let it affect her in any harmful way, but like, to what extent does she know of the stuff the boys went through?)
I feel like the fandom REALLY likes the boys being broken forever but that's not a story I'm interested in telling in August's AU. Yes, the boys still carry scars and hurts from their pasts but they're also adults who have learned and grown and gone through years of therapy and come out the other side better for it. Even if they have bad days, they've learned how to address their problems in healthy ways. They've also built a strong emotional support system with their family and friends, so they're not alone either. If someone is struggling, the brothers know they can turn to their loved ones for help and will receive it without judgement. Do they still dig their heels in on that sometimes? Sure. But the others are pretty good at reading their cues and doing what they can to help loved ones out of slumps. August AU turtles took/take care of their emotional/physical/etc needs, so they're overall well adjusted, healthy, and happy. August also knows her family is made of heroes, and that being heroes isn't easy. The family doesn't hide their adventures from her, they just might leave out certain details of an event to make it less scary (Donnie has always been very straight forward with August - neither of them are good liars and neither of them WANT to lie to each other - so trust and honesty are important aspects of their relationship). Kid August knows that at one point, for example, her Uncle Leo was in the prison dimension with the Krang. It was scary, but he was rescued by his family and everything was okay in the end. She might not initially be told he intentionally trapped himself there, how that hurt the family and what that could imply. If August pressed for details on anything though, she would get them. She also knows sometimes those events will still upset Uncle Leo and the rest of the family but if someone's not doing well then they take care of themselves and gets better again. It does become important to be more detailed about stories like the Krang invasion as August grows and insists on carrying on the Hamato legacy / being a 'hero' / fighting for and protecting others. It's not always "hero beats up bad guy and the day is saved hooray!"- she needs to know and understand what she could potentially be up against, that the hero isn't guaranteed a victory and there can be a lot of damage done along the way. The fact that her family is there for her no matter what happens though, is also reinforced. They're careful not to make their fears into hers. So if there's lasting trauma from their battles, August doesn't feel it inflicted on to her. She just knows if she sees a faraway look in a loved ones eyes and they flinch when she gently touches their hand, she'll be extra nice to them that day and ask if they want to have a cup of tea and a piece of fruit with her. Long story short: realistically yes there would likely be residual trauma and the existence of mental health struggles wouldn't be hidden from August. But my turtles are grown adults with lots of therapy and support. Life is messy, and you can't clean up every mess, but there are futures where everything is ultimately okay, even if it's not perfect. Kids are smart, they'll often see between the cracks of what's said. But these turtles recover and grow and get better. So August is raised in a very happy, healthy, and honest family. They're excellent role models.
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ominoose ยท 3 days
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Character(s): Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley Summary: Not x reader, just random silly thoughts about the lads. Kinda summer themed. They're still in London. This came out more British than intended. Warnings: None
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Now that he's not constantly tired and getting two hours of sleep every fifth night if he's lucky, the Brit goes between quiet moments with a book on the couch to hyperactive spiels with no warning.
The newfound energy also takes his sass and mischief to the next level. If Marc or Jake (usually Marc, Jake's too scared) piss him off he will not drop it. For days Steven will slyly bring it up, make offhand remarks or fully kick up the argument again. It's never serious, he's still the one to step in if the other two are at arms, but Steven is no pacifist. "Y'know I just bought all these ingredients to make a lovely homecooked dinner with enough leftovers for Jake's taxi shifts and Marc's workouts... But-" "Steven please, we're starving, come on." "Since my cooking apparently tastes like a grannies garden!" "Por favor, I didn't even say it, Marc did-" "But you didn't disagree bruv!"
Takes Eurovision seriously. He made a point of not watching the BBC broadcast this year, although he's kept tabs on it through other websites. He's still not over last year. Jake tried to look into it and made a small comment about listening to the winner, commenting on Sweden's contestant being good. Steven went on a rant for a good twenty minutes about how it was rigged before Jake learned this was a lot more than a friendly song contest.
Whines when its hot out and forces Marc or Jake to front outside. Then forces them to buy a Mr Whippy for him to front and eat.
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Gets really into British football. It started with hearing chants and noises outside on match days, the comradery and stupid sing-songs from fans in matching team colours bringing him a sense of nostalgia. He's still a diehard cubs fan, but going to the local pub to watch the match, getting a healthy outlet to yell and bang a table amidst others oddly suited him. Steven's just glad he's socializing.
Secretly folds up Stevens more "colourful" shirts and hides them.
Loves British chocolate, hates British crisps. He see's a packet of pickled onion Monster Munch and physically cringes away.
While Steven fronted and browsed through a charity shop, Marc spotted an old ds, just like one he had as a kid. The Brit could physically feel him eye it up from the inside and bought it. Now Marcs post-workout routine includes playing Pokemon.
Marc gets visibly sad and sighs whenever they phone in pizza because its never like the ones back home in Chicago.
Loves a greggs sausage roll.
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Half the reason the other two found out about him was when the old lady that Steven scared off in the elevator to the point she avoided them like the plague suddenly smiled and offered them tea. Turns out Jake had been helping her carry the shopping back to the flat when they bumped into each other. Their odd tea and biscuit afternoons helped Jake keep tabs on the boys.
Naps in front of the telly, usually to some reality tv like Eastenders, snoring away. The moment Steven or Marc slowly try to control the arm holding the remote he jerks away, pulling it to his chest and telling them off because he's still "watching" it.
Knows Marc folds and hides Stevens shirts that he hates. He puts them at the top of the pile just before Steven fronts. Marc has no clue and it drives him nuts.
His favourite passengers to pick up are drunk women. They're always either very funny or tell the most downright devious gossip, never afraid to openly include him in it too.
Made a solemn vow to himself that if he ever drove past Rishi Sunak he'd egg him.
Since he prefers night-shifts, the cat distribution system seemed to give him an 90% chance of meeting kittens on the street. If he has a passenger when he spots the little critter he'll make a mental note to return after drop off, Jake Lockley will not pass a chance at checking up on and cradling a gatita. Marcs learnt to be somewhat present during these shifts to stop Jake sneaking home with several kittens in his coat.
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katerinaptrv ยท 2 days
My Stand-In - My view on Ming/Joe
I have been known to like very controversial ships, they are actually my favorites. But in all of them the thing is, it has to have a specific element, for me to love them. And thatย  is balance (or technically balanced unbalance).
Let me explain, I did not like Third/Kai, and I did not like Ray/Sand because for me these relationships were just toxic, they are unilateral toxic relationships. One part being extremely toxic and the other not, just suffering the abuse from their partner.
But I love ToddBlack and VegasPete because their craziness matches, they are very toxic together, two sides of the same coin.
And I am loving My Stand-In so far, it will definitely be my new obsession until it ends because I think they are very unbalanced together. BOTH OF THEM.
Let me explain my POV on this.
I think their level of unbalance is the same and rooted in the same cause but they express it differently. Ming with being violent, controlling, selfish, etc. And Joe letting him, never establishing any limits towards since the beginning, putting everyone needs/wants first but himself (including Mingโ€™s).
And they both act like this because they both believe deep down they arenโ€™t worthy, they are unlovable and they donโ€™t deserve anything. Every unhealthy action they have towards others or themselves is because they have big self estimate issues.
This is why Ming always thinks Joe is always about to leave for someone else, this is why Joe can accept the help his friends offer him.
And they both started being the stand-in for something the other needed, Joe as a replacement for Mingโ€™s crush for Tong and Ming as someone that needed Joe, made him feel worthy. The โ€œsomeone to come home to at home waiting with lights onโ€.
So, I think they are both on a journey to learn to love themselves more and each other. Ming is his path to realization that there is no replacement for Joe. And Joe on his that is not โ€œsomeoneโ€ he wants at his home, that person is Ming.
So, I think they are a perfect matching unbalanced pair. But I also think the show is very good at hiding his. Everyone pays a lot of attention to Ming, what he is doing, why he is doing, but not much on Joe. The whole he needs money situation and the urgency of it letโ€™s all of us believe he has no choice but to go back, but true is that he wants to, even after everything, he does not want to want to, but he does. He is conflicted with his feelings, just like Mingโ€™s was conflicted when they were together.
So people claimed justice for Joe, or him being saved. I donโ€™t think he wants to be saved, he never did (this could change in the future). And from our POV Ming ruined his life, but I think for him the worst thing Ming did was not loving him like he believed, and when he understands that was not entirely true I don't think he will hold on the rest of his sins towards him for much time.
Because he made Ming his life, for the moment they met. He is just as obsessed about him as it happens vice versa.
Like, ok, he made him lose his job, but Joe had Ming above his job for some time now. You can see when he hesitates taking a part that will really benefit his career or going against Tong because it could jeopardize what he had with Ming.ย 
The whole accepting that offer to take Tongโ€™s part that could prejudice his career was all about Ming, he says it โ€œIโ€™m going to show his fans i can be the male leadโ€.
So, yes, Ming is the cause of everything but also the reason behind everything he does.
And of course it isn't healthy, they are very unhealthy together, the both of them, and that's why I love this ship.
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dualogical ยท 2 days
Divorce the Princess AU - credit to Cabin Enthusiast
I've talked with a few people in the Tabby Discord. They agree that there should be an ending where Quiet separates from SM but doesn't slay her.
Think about it: Whether intentionally or not, they have hurt each other, and sure an option is to shove everything under the rug, but there can be more options.
Maybe once Quiet goes to the Heart with Hero and are above the basement - let's suppose Hero got them out of Her - the Voices can stage an intervention? It's difficult to see you're in a bad situation if you're in the thick of it. Hero genuinely cares for your wellbeing and I'm sure Contrarian wouldn't be opposed either. Smitten and Broke would possibly be the hardest to convince. Just talk things out with people that can see from the 'outside' or at least one step removed.
Here's my readings/evidence
Adversary: Look, I love adversary and it can be healthy, sure! But if the wrong options are picked she beats him to death, even moreso if he tries to go upstairs and hide from her. Needle outright blames him from what she's become. Even SM agrees she victim blamed him!
Damsel actually doesn't do anything, she's fine. LQ can make her deconstruct but it's accidental at least? (I hope the Pristine Cut doesn't make me eat my words)
Prisoner is also fine other than strangling him with her chains. Boundaries, people.
The Greys kill you but to be fair you killed them first so it's a bit of a cycle.
Spectre: LQ outright killed her first. I've never been killed so I don't know if ripping out the heart is an appropiate response. Wraith has some lines in the posession moment that's heavily reminicent of other things.
Witch: If it's Witch alone I can say 'fair', because it's a cycle of betrayal. Both hurt each other in this one.
Wild is also pretty okay but you can also read the route as codependency given form.
Nightmare and MOC are pretty irredeemable in my book, what with hurting him enough times even the Voices are heavily traumatized. That's an overreaction to being locked in a basement. I get the initial lashing out but to keep it going...
Beast and Den: She fucking eats him. Enough said.
Tower: The most obvious one, verbal abuse galore and makes him hurt himself. Fury from what we have won't be a cakewalk either. And given the trailer Apotheosis can stone you
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inkmonster21 ยท 2 days
Sing for Me
9. The Proposal
Cooper Howard ร— Fem!Reader / The Ghoul ร— Fem!Reader
She's a singer the nation adores. He's the actor everyone respects. What happens when these two get entangled in a heated affair? Passion, regret, rage, and even murder will commence.
From before the bombs drop to the vast wasteland, these two souls live for one another.
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Series Masterlist
Tagged: @fallout-girl219 @harmfulb1tch @themadhattersqueen @one-of-thewalkingdead
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I was leaving the recording studio, bag in hand and sunglasses on. I was pleased with the upcoming album. I was going to pay much dedication to Cooper. It was more of a love letter to him. Suddenly Iโ€™m taken out of my thoughts. โ€œ(Y/n)!โ€ A woman runs towards me from across the street, โ€œ(y/n) (l/n)!โ€ She greets me with a smile, โ€œHi. Iโ€™m Miss Williams, Iโ€™ve been trying to get in contact with you.โ€ I see what this is. I back away with a smile. โ€œYou can reach my assistant through the telephone number-โ€œ โ€œYouโ€™re in danger.โ€ I look around seeing no such danger in sight. This has to be a joke. โ€œExcuse me?โ€ She steps closer, โ€œmind if I walk with you?โ€
A hand on my back as we walk, she speaks with a hushed voice. โ€œIโ€™ve spoken with Cooper before. A few months back. He refused to listen. He thought everything was my own conspiracy. You are in danger, (y/n). We got as far as they have now, but they have no plan on stopping, and the next stepโ€ฆโ€ Miss Williams shook her head. โ€œNo one deserves that type of cruelty.โ€ I attempted to pull away from her, acting politely as I could. This woman could be ill. โ€œIโ€™m sorry, Iโ€ฆ I have no idea what youโ€™re speaking of.โ€ She holds my arm, her fingers digging into my sleeve. โ€œTheyโ€™ll kill you, (y/n).โ€ I jerk my arm away with force. The madness in this womanโ€™s eyes scares me. Was it an illness that drove her to this madness? Supposedly an unhealthy obsession? Or was it the horde truth? The entire day all I could think of was her words. Who was going to kill me? Did I seriously have that many enemies out there? Iโ€™m a singer and actor for fucks sake. She was probably some crazed fan. Yeah, some obsessed woman with too much time on her handsโ€ฆ
Attempting to relax on the couch wasnโ€™t achieved. Two hands coming down on my shoulders had me springing from the couch. I spin to look at Cooper who stands there with a smile. โ€œSorry, honey, I didnโ€™t mean to spook you.โ€ I protest, โ€œNo, itโ€™s fine. Iโ€™m just in my head.โ€ I return to my original seat, cuddling into Cooper's side as he turns on the television.
โ€œHow was your day?โ€ I feel him shrug his shoulders. โ€œNot the best. Itโ€™s not the part I wanted, but it will do.โ€ I look at his face, the disappointment clear in his eyes. He could never hide anything from me in his eyes. The truth is always clear to me within his orbs.
This had been happening to both of us. Slowly our acting careers were fading. Less callbacks. Fewer offers. It didnโ€™t affect me as much. I relied heavily on my singing as I did before my appearance on screen, but for Cooper, this was his livelihood and legacy. This was his dreams at stake. I kiss his cheek, โ€œno role is a small role, my love.โ€ Cooper captured my hand, kissing each of my fingertips. โ€œYou always know what to say. Even if I hadnโ€™t gotten any part at all. It wouldโ€™ve been just fine. All I'll ever need is you.โ€ We were truly taken with each other.
The alarm blared in the room. I roll over shutting it off with a sigh. I turn over and nuzzle into Cooper's side, the cold winter air kissing my shoulders. He wraps his arms around me tightly. "It's so early." He groans, "Don't you just want to stay in bed today?" I roll over onto him, straddling his lap. "Oh, I would love to do nothing more than lay in this bed with you all day, but you promised Janey you two would go get a Christmas tree before lunch." He sighs loudly, dramatically with a roll of his beautiful eyes. "Why so damn early?" "Because she has a whole plan to decorate the tree and eat cookies instead of a healthy lunch. And why on earth would I say no to that? He rolls me off of him, but not without planting a kiss on my lips. "So you'll be in a sexy little apron making cookies like a housewife. Just what I wanted for Christmas." His words strike me. Housewife. This was the first time he had ever referred to me as such. Cooper dips away into the bathroom before I can question him for his words.
I get up and wrap my robe around my frame. I open the door to Janey's room. "Janey, hun, your dad's getting ready. I'm going to start making breakfast. You want to get up and get changed?" She rolls over facing me with a small smile. She nods with a yawn. "Can I have a waffle?" "You, little lady, can have anything you want." I glow at her with unconditional love. She had rooted a place in my heart.
Janey and I maneuvered through row after row of trees. โ€œWhat about this one Daddy?โ€ Janey asks as she races towards one. โ€œItโ€™s taller than (y/n)!โ€ She laughs as she looks at the tree from all angles. It couldnโ€™t be more perfect. The season of joy enchants our home. โ€œYou like (y/n)?โ€ Janey looks at me with shock. โ€œI LOVE HER! She makes the best breakfast and she always sings for me whenever I ask.โ€ I nod taking in her reaction. I had a ring concealed in a pair of socks in my drawer. I had been waiting for months, wanting the moment to be perfect, and today felt like the perfect time. โ€œHow would you feel about her and I, maybe getting married? Would that make you happy?โ€ Janey smiles widely at me, โ€œI want you happy, Daddy, and I see how happy she makes you.โ€ I ruffle her head, โ€œWhenโ€™d you get so smart?โ€
We haul the tree off the lot, on the top of the vehicle, making the drive back to the ranch. Upon arrival, you could smell the sweet sugary aroma wafting from the house. Janey bursts through the door and skips to the kitchen. I drag the tree in by its trunk. โ€œWhoa, whoa! Hold on, theyโ€™re still hot!โ€ (Y/n) laughs as Janey scarfs down cookies as if sheโ€™s been starving for days.
(Y/n) enters the living room as I stand the tree in its stand. โ€œShe sure knows how to pickโ€™em.โ€ I move to her side, wrapping an arm around her. She lifts a sugar cookie to my mouth, sticking it between my lips. She kisses my cheek, โ€œIโ€™ll go get the ornaments.โ€ She walks towards the basement, descending. With each of her echoed steps the more sure I felt of my fate.
I nod towards Janey who stands at the edge of the kitchen, 3 different cookies in her hands. โ€œGo get that box from my drawer, sweetie.โ€ Her eyes gleam with joy. She wouldโ€™ve tripped up the steps if sheโ€™d run any faster
The noon turns into night. I cook dinner, we all eat in the living room on the floor, and watch Christmas movies. It was truly the most memorable day of the holiday season Iโ€™ve had in a long time.
Janey elbows Cooper and nods her head towards me. The child trying to be inconspicuous. Cooper nods and Janey springs to her feet pulling him with her. They both stand in front of me. Goofy smiles plastered their faces. โ€œWhatโ€™s going on?โ€ I laugh at them.
Cooper takes a step closer, โ€œ(y/n), you are the brightest soul I have ever had the privilege of knowing. You make my mornings easy and make nights relaxing. Within the four walls we call home I am the happiest man I have ever been.โ€ He lowers himself to one knee causing me to sit up in my seat, shaking in anticipation. โ€œI love you, and everything we have is so good, but one thing could make it perfect.โ€ He looks back to Janey. She passes him a black velvet box, the widest smile on her face. Cooper pulls the lid open revealing a large Diamond ring.
โ€œYes.โ€ I breathe out feeling numb. This could be a dream.
Cooper laughs, โ€œI havenโ€™t even asked yet!โ€ I urge him on, โ€œWell go on. No need to be nervous.โ€ Janey laughs coming to sit beside me. โ€œWill you marry daddy, (y/n)?โ€ Cooper scoffs tossing his hands up, โ€œThis is my moment!โ€ Janey and I giggle as Cooper composes himself. The actor in him is clear in his expression. He bores into my orbs looking directly into my soul. โ€œ(Y/n), will you marry me?โ€ I open my mouth to answer, but at the last minute turn to Janey with a teasing smile. โ€œWhat do you think?โ€ She nods frantically.
โ€œWill someone just answer me, please?โ€
I look at Cooper and stand from the couch. I extend my hand to him offering my left hand. โ€œI would love to marry you.โ€ He slips the ring onto my finger. The three of us were enveloped in a lovely embrace within seconds.
Janey opened the door to the house and ran inside in search of her mother. โ€œMommy!โ€ She latched into Barb as she sat at the table. The once decorated dining table now looks like an office desk. Covered in loose papers and files alike. Barb pats Janeyโ€™s shoulder, before pushing her away lightly. โ€œHold on, Janey. Iโ€™m working.โ€
I hold back the urge to roll my eyes. Working, always working. Working so much that she can barely acknowledge her daughter. I take my hat off and lay it on the files, catching Barb's attention. She glared at the hat, moving her sights onto me. I push a fake smile. โ€œHi Barb. Merry Christmas.โ€ I push an envelope her way. Disregarding her โ€œworkโ€ she tears the seal open. I kiss Janeyโ€™s head and bid her goodbye. I had one foot out the door when Barb's heavy footsteps chased after me. She closed the door behind her, shielding Janeyโ€™s ears from the conversation that was going to take place.
โ€œThe divorce papers?โ€ She screeched, crumbling the legal document in her hand. I look at her, unable to hide the smile that grows. โ€œYes, Barb. The divorce papers.โ€œ She inhaled sharply, โ€œI'm not signing it! You just havenโ€™t come to your senses yet, Coop. Sheโ€™ll leave you. Sheโ€™ll leave you for someone her age, for someone who can take care of her.โ€ She shakes her head, balling up the papers. โ€œBarb you know weโ€™ve outgrown each other. We donโ€™t fit anymore. This is tiresome, please, for us, just sign the damn papers.โ€ She glares at me, nostrils flaring. She turns on her heel and storms inside without another word.
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Family trees
The day Akai Shuuichi is born, his father plants a sapling.
A weeping willow, as is custom for his time of birth, raised from seed to sapling by the young couple while Mary was pregnant, put onto the earth at the same time as the child. While not as strong as the oak, or as regal as holly, they hope their son will grow to be just as flexible, able withstand the adversities life will surely throw at him.
As the child grows, he's taught to take care of his birth tree. It grows rapidly, and needs trimming each season so it stays healthy, so perhaps sooner than he should, Akai gets to hold the pruning shears, snipping away where his father tells him to.
He plays under it - he's too young to climb it yet, and so is his tree. It sways gently in the wind, a mosaic of light and shadow across his face as he weaves through the branches, laughing without a care in the world.
He gets a baby brother, and really annoys his mother that one time by hiding the both of them under his willow's branches.
By the time he's ten, the willow is as tall and lovely as it could be. In spring, the catkins bloom, small and hidden, without fragrance, but still buzzing with activity. The child is equally unobtrusive, unbothered by the insects. One of the branches has been allowed to grow sideways, close to the ground, and Akai is often found lazing around on it, napping or reading, shielded from the rest of the world.
By the time he's 15, the willow has reached full maturity.
It's only natural, then, that so has the boy of days-gone-by. He leaves his roots behind, branching out to find the one he lost.
Akai runs to the last place he called home when his cover is blown, to lay low and recover for a few months.
His family home has been abandoned for more than a decade now. Family friends have been checking up on the grounds to make sure there are no squatters, and a gardener came by every year to make sure it doesn't look completely abandoned up front, but the small garden behind the house is wild and overgrown.
He spends his time trying to undo the damage time and abandonment have wrought.
Some are beyond help.
His father's mighty oak has fallen, withered from within. He spends a week cutting it down into firewood for the winter, although it's likely he won't be here for it.
His brother's rowan needs pruning, having grown wild and unfocused, though there's a lovely set of wild roses that's grown beside it. He can't bear to cut them all down, so he just trims both of them down to size.
Below his willow, small white flowers that dwell in twilight have grown, their blossoms wilting in the late summer heat. It's a shame he didn't get to see them bloom. Poison ivy has started wrapping itself around the bottom of the tree. It might be poisonous to humans, but it won't hurt the willow while it's healthy, so he leaves it be.
If it's weak enough to be consumed by the ivy, then so be it.
He's not there to witness it, but when he's thirty-two, the willow is struck by lightning. The ivy burns with it.
The next time he visits, the willow is starting to wilt, itself.
Lack of care during its prime hasn't done it any favours, and it's probably really only still in shape because the ivy has wound itself around the stem quite tightly. In fact, the burnt and blackened parts, destroyed past recognition, are covered by it, making it appear healthier than it really is. But Akai has cared for his tree for years and years; he knows it will soon be time to cut it down in order to not become a hazard.
It's a bit of a shame; birds are singing in its branches, bugs and bees have made it their home, and when he kisses his lover behind a veil of leaves, for a moment, the world narrows in on just the two of them.
(He should've brought Rei sooner.)
They stay for a month, their first real vacation in years now, watching as the leaves turn brown and then, finally, fall.
While they wait, they tend to things - the house, the garden, themselves and each other. It's a far cry from the lives they usually lead, bringing with its own set of challenges, but they manage to weather them, together - even if it is strange and sometimes difficult for the other to be around at all times. This is the path they've chosen, the one they want to travel together. They're not backing out easily.
Which is good, because getting the necessary phytosanitary documentation for bringing a branch-turned-sapling to Japan is a bit of a pain.
They leave the old willow behind, cut up into firewood, the ivy grown in too deep to separate. One day, their ashes will be scattered together.
They dig a hole, together, and plant the sapling in the company of friends and family.
Just like the child it was bound to, long ago, the willow comes back from the dead in their new home. Theirs is a small house in the outskirts of Beika, much more of the grounds they purchased together dedicated to creating a garden.
For now, Akai tends to it. Eventually, his husband will retire there, too.
The seasons come and go, the years pass, and eventually, the willow is large and lovely, though a little lonely, standing tall and proud on its own. Flowers may grow in the meadow beneath, but all trees are kept a certain distance, to preserve its majesty.
It's Rei who makes the suggestion one evening as they're reading in the study, pointing to an illustration of 'ร itason', the married vine.
For rather obvious reasons, they've never quite gotten back into drinking heavy liquor, but on occasion, they do enjoy a glass of grape juice, fermented or otherwise, and Rei's been pushing for growing some grapes of their own. He used to leave his husband free reign (leading to lots and lots of hydrangeas), but now that Rei's retired too - and hey, even a couple years early, Akai's counting it as his win - Rei's got his own ideas for what to do with their garden, nitpicking and nagging in that passionate way of his that just shows how much he cares. Akai wouldn't have it any other way.
So he agrees.
Despite their shared experience - Rei getting dragged in under grumbled protests many times throughout the years, though he eventually relents that it is actually quite pleasant to work side by side with Akai again - it takes them several years and just as many attempts to get the grapes to stick.
It tastes like defeat, every time they watch the vines wither and die, never even reaching the willow's tall branches. But if they've kept anything from the tumultuous days when they first started dating, it's their attitude to keep trying and trying to make things work. If a couple of years in a long-distance relationship, stationed on different sides of the globe, haven't managed to disentangle the pair of them, a streak of horticultural failures won't break them either.
They're revitalizing their life together, now that they can, and this challenge is just adding spice.
Shuukichi's twins save them, eventually, clambering up the tree to wrap the vines several times around a branch to steady it. Akai had insisted he could do it just fine, and then Rei had knocked the walking cane from his hand and caught him as he stumbled, stealing a kiss and handing the can back. While Akai prefers Rei's breathless 'yes', his cheeky 'no' is almost as good.
And when the vines still hold onto the stem in a gently curved arc after a storm, and Rei kisses him silly, well, it's just the two of them again, like so many years ago.
The willow turns twenty-five, and the pair of them renew their vows beneath its branches. They've taken good care of it, this time around; it will last a good twenty-five more, though the same might not be said for them.
Weeping willow is an accurate name for the occasion- they've never expected to make it this far, and now that they have, it's worth celebrating their roots.
The days are getting longer and harder, but their love is still growing softly and steadily, gently winding around them.
They've managed to produce just enough grape juice to give each of their guests a shot glass' worth.
The willow is growing old and rugged, despite good care.
Their gardening days are over, and so the plants are mostly left to their own devices unless family comes by to help out - which is every two weeks, when Masumi comes by and brings her kids. Grumpy teens they may be, but Akai once was one himself - he knows how to get them to open up about their interests, when to drop a spy fact to impress them.
Akai's been slowly losing his vision, leaning on his husband for support and descriptions. Rei's laughter, quiet, but true, by his side when he strings them along is his greatest joy. Maybe he did learn a thing or two from his husband's machinations.
They sit, one afternoon, under willow and vine, taking a nap. Akai doesn't wake up anymore, finally having found peace.
Rei keeps his husband's ashes, so when he, too, passes, they can be scattered together.
He doesn't have to wait long. Without Akai to grasp for support, there's little to hold him anymore, and soon he, too, collapses.
Together, they return to the earth from whence they came, under their beloved willow tree.
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sometinybees ยท 2 years
sometimes I think people equate โ€œI donโ€™t personally like this choice this character madeโ€ to โ€œthis is badly writtenโ€ and it stops them from actually dissecting things with any nuance
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poorly-drawn-mdzs ยท 1 month
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I want it back / I drag its dead weight forward.
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thecapturedafrique ยท 7 months
When youโ€™re reading the latest chapter of @coffeebananaโ€™s awesome fic everything i know (brings me back to us) and suddenly realize that Marinette lying about Gabe to Adrien at the end of S5 is just a repeat of the scarf incident in S1:
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kimchicuddles ยท 10 months
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Cozy red flag blankets are the BEST ways to hide things from myself!!!!! LOL TikvaWolf.com for commissions, books, patreon, and more
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thranduel ยท 2 years
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mike being all cute as he excitedly talks about 20 sided dice ๐Ÿฅฐ
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f1nalboys ยท 5 months
hmmโ€ฆโ€ฆwe all know iโ€™m a fan of stu x randy but โ€ฆโ€ฆ billy x randy has a certain somethingโ€ฆโ€ฆ
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nayeliq1 ยท 1 year
June 7th, prompt: Stars
The stars were beautiful tonight. Dots of light in a pitch-black sky, no clouds to hide them.
Their fingers were entwined. Remnants of warmth in a tranquil night, no fear to divide them.
Cas had helped create some of those stars, remembered their constellations like the back of his hand.
He turned his head to the side to look at Dean, looking up at his stars.
Dean had a peaceful smile on his face, the silver glow of worlds far away reflected in his eyes. The gentle breeze moved his hair, his bare shoulders relaxed against the hood of his car. Cas' eyes were drawn to the array of freckles scattered there.
Cas had created those too, had arranged them carefully, mimicking the stars he knew so well.
Dean's head had turned, smiling at him.
"Hello, Dean."
"What're you thinking about?"
Stars. Freckles. Beauty. You.
"How much I love you."
And he leaned in, pressing his lips to the starry sky on Dean's shoulder.
For @starcrosseddeancas Dramy Drabbles
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femme-et-traditionnelle ยท 3 months
Slowly falling in love with my natural hair color ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฏโœจ๏ธ
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flashbackonyourbehalf ยท 8 days
Iโ€™m so disgusting and abhorrent I want to cry and throw up and slice myself open
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