#there’s like 3 comics in here alone in such detail for my style and skill at the time
Going through an old sketchbook I had lost and oh my god I had so much good winx art and comics and shit and my old art style for traditional art was stunning where did I go wrong
Anyway idk if I ever actually posted these but I found them and they’re cute and I’m posting them now
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Some old (like 2 year old??) but cute doodles of Bloom, Andy and Selina as children to enjoy
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Nightwing 79 Review
i said i would and i will. i did like this issue! not as striking and attention grabbing as 78, but i think this issue was meant to be a foundation one, laying out the groundwork for the future. overall, pretty good. also there wasn't enough bitewing. as promised, overly extensive metaphors and me reading too much into things under the cut
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i know i've talked about this cover before, but this particular thing is oddly important to me, so i'll talk about it again
this is me, once again screaming about how artists put nightwing in traditionally feminine poses and how every time i see it i just get whiplash. i mean, true, the main reason why is because nightwing is a so often sexualized character, and putting him in these poses just increases the objectification, which is a goal that dc producers have. but there are very few popular male characters that do this. the only one i can think of off the top of my head is deadpool, but that was so obviously a critique and a way to make fun of the media industry. when they draw dick like this, they’re being serious. they’re putting him in appealing poses meant to show him off, and that’s something that’s traditionally only been done to women.
it's a very direct and very loud breaking of traditional gender roles in media, especially for a character as high-profile and historic as dick grayson. colour also plays a factor in this. the entire background is pink. i was absolutely shocked when i first saw it, when the teaser came out, because i cannot think of any comic book covers of male comic heroes this high-profile where pink is even just prevalent in the cover, let alone the majority of the cover. the pink does look beautiful: it offsets and highlights the black and blue of dick's suit gorgeously, but does it with more finesse than orange or red. but the fact that the stylistic choice was made to accent and draw this cover with aesthetic and beauty in mind, completely ignoring traditional hard-set gender rules in art, was a conscious choice and one i wholeheartedly support.
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just another example of the sexualization i was talking about. i remember seeing harley quinn in this exact pose in suicide squad.
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so far, taylor's been pretty dead-set on bringing alfred to the forefront of importance in this series. he wants people to know how much he loves alfred's character, and how much the butler meant to dick growing up. he was dick's father too. but what i adore is how taylor managed to stress alfred's importance in a way that didn't insult or belittle bruce.
this is one of the best bruce and dick interactions i've seen, and it's done in one simple interaction. in this, bruce is tough and harsh. he knocked dick down hard, but then he reached a hand down and helped pull dick back up. let me analyze their dialogue for a minute
on your feet: this is bruce telling dick to get up. he's trained dick, he knows what the younger boy is capable of, he knows his limits, and he knows what dick can do. this is bruce telling dick i know you're strong enough to get up, so get up and prove me right
are you just going to knock me down again?: surface-level, it looks like dick's complaining. he doesn't like bruce's rough training, and he's tired of bruce knocking him down. but look at his face in this. he's smiling up at bruce, knowledgeable and a little hopeful. he knows that bruce is doing this to help dick better himself, he's completely on board with the rough training, because they both know the rewards are incredible. also, he's teasing. he's bantering with bruce. there's an ease in that joking statement, one that belies affection and intimacy. they've only known each other for a little bit, but they're already slipping into a close familial relationship.
it depends on how fast you learn: this is bruce bantering back. this is bruce not being a stoic, unfeeling asshole. instead, he's shown with the dry humor that a good batman writer knows is a staple of the character. he's teasing dick, telling him he'll basically whoop his ass if dick doesn't learn fast enough. it's incentive for dick to train harder, while also being lighthearted enough to tell dick that believes in dick and doesn't want him to push himself too hard.
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gosh i love the titans. also it looks like wally's staring at dick's ass.
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this was cute. a prod at dick's silly and playful sense of humor, while not dumbing him down for the sake of a laugh. instead, he's joking about food, which is stuff everyone jokes about. this is the kind of stuff that'll actually make me laugh, instead of just making me vaguely uncomfortable.
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bludhaven's almost always portrayed as a cesspool of a city. and to be honest, it really is. but this panel gives the city a meaningful history, while also giving us a reason for why dick moved there.
it talks of a time when people still thought they could beat the monsters. that if they fought hard enough, they could win the fight. it was a tentative hope that you could always overcome hardship.
dick's little "i like that it's still standing" shows how he still believes that, despite what the rest of the world thinks. despite everything that he's been through, dick is still tentatively an optimist, and believes he can fight the monsters of the world and win. it's a beautiful testament to his character, and i'm like that they added his signature element of hope back in. it used to be what he symbolized as robin, and despite his growth and character arc from robin to nightwing, this is one aspect of robin that i'm glad nightwing still has.
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remember when i said "things that make me vaguely uncomfortable??" yeahhhh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Shooketh Dick: A Sequel
(the expressions in this series are just,,,,on point)
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this was an incredibly sweet and kindhearted thing for dick to do, but i found it kind of,,,,,,,,desperate? maybe that's just me, but let me explain.
dick's suddenly a billionaire, and he has entirely too much money that he knows what to do with. it's also alfred's money, what the man left to him, so dick forever links it with alfred. in addition to that, he's back and bludhaven and looking at it with "fresh" eyes. (at least, from a different point of view since he got shot in the head. then mind controlled.) he's desperate to do something with the money and he's desperate to help the people around him that so obviously needs up, so he comes up with an on-the-fly solution that's a little impractical and a little crazy, but it still helps and still does some good.
to me, dick seems a little lost. he hasn't completely found his balance yet, and he's trying to do things that will. he tries charity, because that's what bruce did and it's what he knows, even though he admitted that he always thought bruce could have done more as bruce wayne than batman.
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they have a family group chat guys yall were right.
also, do i think that dick would ever actually get his wallet stolen?? no way in hell, he’d notice someone getting ready to pickpocket him a mile away. but i suppose it’s important to the Plot. 
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okay this is getting interesting. first blockbuster, now maroni (+ the weird heart stealer guy). i can officially say that i am intruiged
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this particular artistic quirk is shown a lot in this issue, and from this art team in general, but i feel like this panel is one of the best examples of it. it was stunning enough to take up a full page, and it’s well deserved.
the way they show dick moving is absolutely brilliant. as a reader, i like seeing these smaller versions of dick getting clearer and in more detail as they come closer to the screen. not only do they show depth in the picture beyond what a simple 3 dimensional piece of art does, it also shows the passage of time.
in addition, it showcases dick’s skill. dick spots these mobsters running after a group of petty thieves. he then, and follow me here, leaps off the roof of one building feet first, springboards backwards off the side of the adjacent building with his feet, gracefully continues his backflip, rights himself, shoots a line with perfect timing: just in time to soften his landing but not slow him down, execute said landing on top of a moving bus, keep running on the moving bus without missing a beat, shoot his grapple, use the grapple to swing, use the swing to build up momentum, then use the momentum to deliver a powerful blow to the mobsters. and he did all that fast enough to catch up with the mobsters, even though he was a ROOFTOP OVER. 
d a m n  s o n
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this panel, the very first in the issue, is also another example of that art style, but a little more distinctive. i love the way they showed dick’s different costumes through the ages, along with him simply growing up. it’s a little heartbreaking, but a lot uplifting to see how far he’s come. thank god he got rid of the red. now all we need is the fingerstripes, and we’ll be golden
discowing my beloved. also i can’t clearly see discowing’s hair but it definitely looks like it’s pulled back. it looks like he put it in a ponytail. guys. guys. dick had a ponytail omg. 
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he’s having a Hero Moment
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are you talking about the city, dick, or are you talking about you? the kgbeast, the court, the joker. dick fell to each one of them, no matter how hard he fought. he won in the end, eventually and with his family’s help. but i think he’s feeling a little low, a little defeated right now. it’s almost like he needs a win, he needs to feel victorious, he needs to feel like he helped someone (hence the food and the hotel room), just because he needs to remember what it feels like.
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these lines were supposed to resonate with you, and goddamn they did.
i looked at it from two ways. first, it’s the girl asking, begging nightwing not to hurt them. bludhaven doesn’t know dick the way gotham does, they’re still a little frightened of him. this child was brave enough to step in front of all of the other hurt and homeless kids and ask, to a strange man in a mask, if he was going to hurt them like the other men had. it’s heartbreaking, but commendable, and an echo of the city itself that dick’s decided to protect. they’re bloody and broken and terrified, but still gritty and brave enough to stare what they fear in the eye and ask it not to hurt them.
second, it’s dick seeing the question reflected in himself. recently, he got shot in the head and lost all his memories. while i think that the way ric reacted was a perfectly valid and human response to the situation, i think dick still regrets how callously and rudely he treated his family. then, he was manipulated by the court of owls, then he was brainwashed with a magic crystal by the joker. dick does have a guilt complex. it’s not a big as bruce’s, but it’s there. and right now, with this girl begging her not to hurt them, dick is probably thinking about all the times he hurt people, in control of his own actions or not, bc he “didn’t have a heart.” 
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little ambitious don’t you think, dick?
also just look at the sunset colours loOK at the they could not make this any more obvious oh my godddddddddddddddddddddddd
in conclusion, i need more of her
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harpidiem · 3 years
Hi, you and I seem to have very similar tastes in art and in other things and as a begging artist I would like to know your art journey and any resources you used such as books and things or where you get inspiration from, thanks in advance
Hello! I'd be happy to!
I've been drawing since I was a kid, but I only started drawing seriously when I was about 12 (I wanted to become an animator, I didnt know that jobs like illustration on concept art were a thing). I never took a formal art class, expect for one that was on acrylic painting, and I didnt really learn that much there, and it was only for 4 weeks. (Maybe I'll learn to love acrylic someday, but not today).
For inspiration, I write down favorite memories of mine, and sometimes unimportant ones (memories of sitting at a gas station on a hot summer day, waiting on my dad to buy some sodas so we can get going on our trip; walking under football bleachers at night), and most times I'm a little too scared to post these because they're personal, but im working myself up to it.
I collect moodboards on interest, just whatever catches my eye, even if the aesthetics don't match. When I'm out, I take pictures of places I would like to draw later (abandoned farmhouses, old mill houses, a lighthouse far off in the water alone, a stretch of road completely covered in graffiti).
Books! Ok so I have a lot of art books but few that have actually been beneficial, so I'll post those here.
Color And Light by James Gurney: A Guide For The Realist Painter; I cannot reccomend this book more!! This book is excellent, it talks about how to paint different light conditions, and how it effects light scientifically. Very easy to understand, and Gurney is a master painter.
Adorning The Dark by Andrew Peterson. Another excellent book, and one I don't think I'll ever be over. While this is a book from a Christian standpoint, and I don't know your opinions on religion, this book for me was unputdownable. I read it cover to cover in a day, and did the same thing the next day. Reflections on self and the creative process that takes place in the mind and spiritually, and how we effect others. A simply wonderful book. Id go as far as to say life-changing.
Any Ghibli art book (I own Howl's Moving Castle, and Spirited Away.) These are excellent if youre wanting to look into illustration or character design. It doesnt give much advice, but I find myself inspired every time I open the ghibli books I have.
Sketching From The Imagination: Characters by 3d Total Publishing; this book has many MANY artists of various art styles, and they give their process and advice! Little nuggets of "Oh! Yea that makes sense." are scattered throughout the book, at least for me.
As for fiction books, I read a wide range of genres, so I can't really make a HUGE list of books I reccomend, but I can give a few that I feel have been important to me personally the last few years.
Jeff Vandermeer's Southern Reach Trilogy, and Borne Trilogy. Rick Bragg's All Over But The Shout'n, and Ava's Man, Flannery O' Connor's A Good Man Is Hard To Find, C. S Lewis's A Space Trilogy, and Madeline D'Engle's A Wrinkle In Time. Comics like Batman: The Long Halloween, Calvin and Hobbes, and Minna Sundberg's Stand Still Stay Silent have been great to read as well!
Movies and TV shows are HUGE inspirations for me, but as a general guide, I adore movies like Alien, Fury Road, Pan's Labyrinth, Lord of The Rings, Oh Brother Where Art Thou?, and TV shows like Stranger Things, Over The Garden Wall, and The Twilight Zone. Video games are important as well, like Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Kentucky Route Zero, and Death Stranding.
Anyway, heres what I have to say: Use everything. Dont be afraid to deviate from your "aesthetics". Yes, you'll feel a bit lost at times, like you have no identity, but thats a good thing for growth. When I was 12, I was dead set that my thing was extremely cartoon art styles, pokemon, and drawing dragons. While these are still great and huge inpirations, if I didn't branch out, I would be stuck in a rut.
It is not important to have a set aesthetic. Youre not an aesthetic Instagram page at heart! Find what you are drawn to, what imagery catches your eye, what symbols have meaning to you. I will change throughout my life, but my core values are still there. And I think its important to understand that, to loosely quote Andrew Peterson, that self expression is an endless, and often fruitless chase. You gotta shift your direction outward, and you'll discover things about you, good and bad.
Wow, this post is getting very very long. Apologies. Anyway, one more note. Just explore. Collect things, look for details! Note that swirl in the sand, a wrinkle next to an eye, get a feel for a place or thing. I have dozens of books that make no sense together (2 books on sharks, 1 on specifically waterplants, 5 on animal species, 2 on surgery, 1 on the history of medicine, 1 on car mechanics, 1 on martial arts, 3 cookbooks, and a book on the history of wood working.) Yes, I tend to hoard books. Get a book from the library on a subject you know nothing about once a week. Glance through it, take at least 20 minutes hopping page to page, even randomly. You'll find something! Just keep your eyes open, dont stop learning! I encourage wiki rabbit holes 100%.
And please, please dont be afraid to post new things. In the end it doesn't matter if your followers are unused to the new thing you like! As long as you are conveying meaning behind what you create, you'll find your way. Im uh, still learning this. People latch onto concepts more than skill, I've found.
So yea, thats just what I have to say. Sorry for the long, LONG post. I hope this helped!!
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senterya · 3 years
It's been an absolute joy reading people's takes on the OC interview that has been floating around recently.
The idea of a Pale Rose interview (read: Fyarh and Nym dragging ex-courtier Reln into this) sounded so oddly entertaining that I wrote it for myself for fun but it turned out... surprisingly okay? So I'm gonna leave it here.
OC Interview: Pale Rose edition
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(Draw (or use an old drawing, don’t worry!) or take a screen of your character in an interview setting and make them answer the following questions!)
1. Can you introduce yourself?
Fyarh: Sure. I’m Fyarh, founder and – formally – leader of Pale Rose. I’m also the head of the Dreamers’ division in our guild. (turns to the other two) And they are Nymeleia and Reln, head of the Soundless and Courtiers, respectively.
Nymeleia: (with a wide smile) Glad to be here!
Reln: (remains silent – just nods a little)
2. What is your gender identity, orientation, and relationship status?
Fyarh: (after a few seconds of thinking) I’m male, maybe prefer others who identify as that too? Didn’t think too much about it before.
Nymeleia: I’m looking both ways. I’m female and taken, you could say.
Reln: Why is this even– (exhales) ...I’m male, I don’t care what my partner identifies as. And my relationships are not for the public to chew on.
3. Where and when were you born?
Nymeleia: Back in the Grove, all of us. I awoke at Dawn and the boys are both Night blooms.
4. What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?
Fyarh: I’m best at stealth and surprise – daggers work just fine with that. If it’s an open confrontation, I prefer a light sword that doesn’t hinder my agility. But I’m trained and still training in hand-to-hand combat too.
Nymeleia: I was trained at the Vigil to be the shield, not the spearhead of the attack. I stay behind and make sure nothing hits that shouldn’t. I utilize shades and magic so technically I don’t need a weapon – a staff or scepter can help, though. I also carry a dagger on me, just in case.
Reln: I’m best with a bow. Two-handed sword if it comes to that. But whatever does the job, really.
5. Lastly, are you happy?
Fyarh: (smiles and glances at the others) I am. I’m on the path my Wyld Hunt laid out to me and I got great allies and friends that are with me every step I take. I’m truly grateful for that.
Nymeleia: (with a soft smile) I feel like I found my calling here. I’m working on a cause and with people that are amazing. I’m pretty happy with that, yes.
(both look over to Reln)
Reln: (after a few seconds of silence, with a cynical smile) Are we just supposed to say yes or no to that? Like happiness is that easy to define. (he glances to the side for a second.) But it’s been better here. Take that as a yes.
1. What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?
Fyarh: The guild is the closest I have to a family in a sense you ask. I think? I’m on good terms with everyone – luckily, I mean... (he laughs a little nervously) ...it’s as it should be.
Nymeleia: I’m with Fyarh on this one. The sylvari in Rose are the closest people to me.
Reln: It really is pointless to ask sylvari about “family” – we’re all technically related, but are strangers at the same time.
Nymeleia: (with a smile she barely tries to hide) You are dodging the question.
Reln: I’m not dodging anything, I’m being reasonable. I have close friends, and allies – call that a family, if you want to.
2. Have you ever run away from home?
Nymeleia: We’re all sort of runaways, aren’t we? (she laughs) I’m Soundless, I left the Grove quite early, then joined the Vigil. Does that count?
Fyarh: It counts. But just so that you don’t feel left out. (Nymeleia gasps and mimics trying to kick him in the shin, they both laugh. Takes them a few more seconds to get back on track.)
Fyarh: I used to sneak away a lot when I was supposed to be in lectures. I loved discovering Caledon, I knew every corner of it so well when I was a sapling. Maybe I’d still remember if I walked around.
Reln (after everyone looks at him): ...I’m from the Court. I think that’s self-explanatory.
Fyarh: But didn’t you also wander away a lot?
Reln: You could say. I preferred being alone. Hunting was a good excuse.
3. Would you consider marriage or having children?
Fyarh: In the far future, maybe? I’m still very young though, and my hands are full with my guild and my Hunt. It’s definitely not something I think about a lot.
Nymeleia: Marriage sounds cute – I like the idea of honoring commitment with a little ceremony.
Reln: Neither of those seems to be for me.
Nymeleia: (quietly) Ah, my heart.
(Reln glances at her, but doesn’t respond.)
4. Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
Fyarh and Nymeleia: No...?
Reln: (slightly annoyed) Is it even a friend if you hate them? Next question.
5. Which friend knows everything about you?
Fyarh: Maybe Daleien? We've known each other for the longest, and he was with me through thick and thin. Nowadays I share a lot with Nym and Reln too. I used to be very secretive about myself but I’m working on it.
Nymeleia: We chat and gossip a lot with Dia – she’s another Soundless from the guild. She’s lovely and so supportive, I’m really glad I have her.
Reln: I’m not the one to share everything about myself. But my second-in-command knows the most.
Nymeleia: Oh don’t listen to him. He and Lavan technically read each other’s minds – no words, just half a gesture, and they know all they need to know.
1. Are you literate? Have you been to school?
Fyarh: I’m literate, and I’ve been mentored as much – well, maybe a little less – than any other sylvari.
Nymeleia: I actually struggled with reading and writing for a while – I could, just not well, as I never really had to. Paperwork has been a nightmare for the first months in Rose, but by now I got the hang of it. I’ve been reading a lot of novels recently, too.
Reln: I’m literate, and was mentored like all other saplings. The latter didn’t reach its purpose, though.
2. The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?
(They all look at each other, but neither of them seems to have an answer or anything they’d be willing to share.)
3. What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?
Fyarh: Oh. I somehow never really talked about my Wyld Hunt in.... sufficient detail to my mentors? Not before the Wardens arrested me for hiding thorn pups in a forsaken outpost. It was a real journey talking my way out from there. One of the most embarrassingly funny things that happened to me, in retrospect.
Nymeleia: I was always too caught upon not handling the concept of pain, and death, very well. I don’t regret working on it and toughening up, I just wish I had realized sooner that I should hone my strengths instead of desperately trying to “correct” what I perceive as a weakness.
Reln: ...I guess I haven’t realized soon enough what real understanding means. (he seems mildly uncomfortable by the question, and does not elaborate)
4. Do you have mental health or physical issues?
Fyarh: Fighting takes a toll on everyone, I’d say. But nothing other than that.
Nymeleia: (nodding along – her eyes wander off to the distance)
Reln: A few scars here and there. Had a lot to deal with after coming back from the heart of the jungle, but I have worked through most of those by now.
5. What is your current main goal?
Fyarh: I’m dedicating all my time to the guild. It’s been coming along so much better than what I prepared myself for, and I’m not about to waste the opportunity.
Nymeleia: I’m not satisfied with my level of skills on the field yet – I’m spending as much time on training as I can, next to Rose. There are some other necromancers in the guild with who we share our knowledge, and I have gotten some general good advice and lectures from Firstborn Trahearne himself. It’s crazy how far Fyarh’s connections go.
Reln: I’m busy training and supervising my own division. Most of us are reliable and trusting, but there are and will always be a few loose cannons I need to keep an eye out for.
1. Drink or food?
Fyarh: A drink, maybe? I tend to forget to eat. It’s getting on Nym’s nerves at times.
Nymeleia: Ah don’t even mention it. I’m picking food – nothing tops a good, warm meal after a long day.
Reln: Food, if I have to pick.
2. Cats or dogs?
Fyarh: I love cats. I wouldn't mind adopting one, but I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to take good care of them.
Nymeleia: Can we pick both, maybe?
Reln: (glancing at the thorn wolf lying next to him) I’m more of a dog person. But cats are good too.
3. Early bird or night owl?
Fyarh: I’m a night owl. Waking up with the rest of the guild at early hours is a nightmare for me. I tend to oversleep so much, it’s almost comical.
Nymeleia: That’s not a problem for me though. I’m up before everyone else. And so is Reln.
Reln: (nodding)
4. Optimist or pessimist?
Fyarh: Optimist.
Nymeleia: Same, some will even say naive for sure.
Reln: Middle ground. I’m more of a realist than any of the two.
5. Sassy or sarcastic?
Fyarh: Maybe... sassy? With close friends. I don’t feel like either most of the time, honestly.
Nymeleia: Would you say I’m more sassy or sarcastic?
Reln: (to her) Is that really a question?
Nymeleia: Oh entertain me.
Reln: (gestures towards her; she laughs)
1. Been caught sneaking out?
Fyarh: Once, when I was sneaking out of a Court camp with two stolen thorn pups. Barely got away. Didn’t dare to show myself around there for a while.
Nymeleia: Several times. Did a lot of bathroom cleaning in the Vigil for it too.
Reln: If I was, I doubt I would be here today.
2. Broken a bone?
Fyarh: Miraculously, no. I don’t even know myself how’s that possible.
Nymeleia: My left arm. Open wound, too – wasn’t a good experience.
Reln: Nothing that a field medic couldn’t fix.
3. Received flowers?
Fyarh: If you mean it like, in a romantic way? No, not yet.
Nymeleia: I received a few, but in my experience Vigil soldiers are more of the blunt than the romantic type.
Reln: No.
Nymeleia: How dare you. I gave you potted herbs a while ago!
Fyarh: (leaning forward) Potted herbs?
Nymeleia: It’s because he takes his food back to his room all the time. And then he complains about the seasoning. Go figure!
4. Ghosted someone?
Fyarh: I did... use to run away from confrontations a lot. But people say I’ve gotten better with that too.
Nymeleia: I prefer to just tell people if I’m not interested in talking to them. As kindly as possible, of course. But I think it’s ruder to leave them hanging.
Reln: I did leave from places – the Grove, the Court – suddenly, but then again, I didn’t have many connections to either in the first place.
5. Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get?
Fyarh: That happens. Easier than trying to go back to it and figure it out, takes away the flow of the conversation.
Nymeleia: Everyone does that from time to time, no?
Reln: I don’t. If someone’s not funny enough, that’s not my problem.
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rumor-imbris · 3 years
Hello, Lady Connor! I want to ask out of unbearable, suffocating curiosity in my heart, even though in the previous post you already said to not mention "that certain comic". Could you please enlighten me about your view on that comic and what you despise about it? I would love to read your detailed thoughts about it even if just once. But if this is too triggering for you, I'm truly sorry for your discomfort and you don't need to answer it.
Hello, dear Anon and welcome ^-^ It's weird you naturally called me Lady Connor, as usually only my little fairy @giuliettaluce does. Well, I guess her magic put a spell on everybody here!!
If you really care to know, I'll answer, but brace yourself, it's going to be very long, almost an essay, because I can be very detailed about that comic being a failure in its every part. There's so much to say. You're right, as I mentioned before, it can trigger me, but I have attentively analized it and I know it makes not a single atom of sense. So nothing can actually bother me that much, don't worry ^_-
First of all, my general consideration of the AC Reflections comic issue #4, (yeah, that thing -.-) is that of a mere attempt to desperately make Bayek's remote vision through Senu's eyes a canon feature. It was created and published in 2017, the same year AC Origins was released and yes, they needed an excuse to make believe Connor's alleged daughter inherited a skill someone (who isn't even their direct ancestor!!) that lived 1700 years ago in ancient Egypt had! OMG, this should be funny enough, but I'll go on. Also, I think it was likely a carelessly arranged way to satisfy those AC3 fans demanding a "happy ending" for unlucky Connor (quite 5 years later, of course).
I'll better go step by step to figure out where to start from, seriously.
1) In the comic, when Otso Berg opens the file related to Connor, the scene is set in "1796: Upstate New York." Now this is chronologically and spacially incoherent and illogical. We see Connor still wears his assassin outfit in it, right? According to AC Initiates (2012) in 1804 Connor invites the Dominican assassin Eseosa at the Davenport homestead to provide him some advices and further training as he's involved in the leading of the Haitian Revolution. That's a really cool character, read about him, if you want!
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So, until then Connor is still an assassin, probably the mentor (by now) of the Colonial Brotherhood. He still runs the homestead and he still commands the Aquila, I guess, he's the captain still. I calculated the distance between the homestead and the then upper NY frontier territories is approximately 260 miles (quite far nowadays with cars and planes as well). Then, why the hell should he have a family located in the forest upstate NY? It sounds very unconfortable to run back and forth to reach them and go back to take care of all the Brotherhood matters, doesn't it? Unless he knew about teleportation!!! Also, wow, he lives all alone in a nice massive villa with all the comforts of that time while his children and wife still live in a Native village constantly menaced by settlers wanting to steal their land? Beside the fact that Connor, at least in my point of view, seemed at last very familiar with european way of living by the end of the game, this leads us to the next point.
2) By the time the game and the comic are set (second half of 18th century), most of the East Coast Native tribes were facing the tragic and forced migration to western and northern territories (mostly towards Canada, protected by the British) because of all the consequences of the Revolutionary War (lost territories, failed alliances, settlers advancing and buying their lands and so on). So tells us history, unfortunately. It's a fact. And this is wisely showed to us in the AC3 main game when, after all the Kanien'kehá:ka tribes had left the territory around Connor's village (yes, even those near New York, to be clear) even Connor's own tribe at last migrates west, leaving an empty ghost village. They had remained all along to protect the secret temple, but in the end they as well were forced to leave. So, to me it's highly improbable that in upstate NY, one could still find a tribe and even if so, that Connor would let his family live there and risk their safety everyday.
3) The whole comic plot revolves around the fact that Io:nhiòte has a "special gift"... She inexplicably knows how to read the ground and find animal traces, she also can perform a perfect twisted acrobatic flip in the air and land unharmed to the ground. Do we know why? No, don't ask! xD She simply knows U.U, even if right after the next scene she slips and falls miserably down a cliff xD, but... ok!! Beside that, when Connor is far away to search for some water and is about to be attacked by a wolf hidden in the grass nearby, she sees the whole scene from the eyes of an eagle flying in the sky above her. As I said before, this reminds us of Bayek's (never clearly explained) ability to see through his eagle Senu's eyes and spot dangers and enemies. Now can you tell me why the hell this little girl has super powers and a skill Bayek had? As I said, they are not even directely related, as Bayek is not one of Desmond Miles' ancestor, we know him simply because Layla's new Animus is magical and can inexplicably read fragmented DNA from people who died a thousand years ago (it can also prepair coffee, I think!). So, where did she get that from? Magic? Mysteries of life? Convenient improbable connections for marketing's sake? We'll never know and you should simply accept that and ask no question!
4) From her height, way of speaking/moving/running, I assume Io:nhiòte is at least 8 years old, 8 - 9 minimum. She's the youngest of three siblings, who must be at least two years older than her and than each other (according to a human woman pregnancy timing!). If the comic events are set 12 years after the main game ending (1784, when Connor also starts to train the young ex-slave Patience Gibbs, arriving at the Davenport homestead with Aveline De Grandpré, according to AC IV Black Flag bonus mission with Aveline), so, this means that in that same year Connor must have found hastily the love of his life in a Native village (as if he was easy to open himself with other people after all he's been through), married her, impregnated her and seen her give birth to their first child, all in the same year when (let's not foget! xD) he still is the leader of the Colonial Assassin Brotherhood at the Davenport homestead training novices. Now, this may even be possible humanly speaking, (well, if you force the things a bit and hurry up!) but highly unlikely to happen!! xD
These are the main problems affecting the logic of the comic in my opinion, the points making its foundations crumble apart. Though I'm sure there are many little others to point out, such as Otso Berg "opening" Connor's files... like what? Where did those data come out from? I remember playing AC IV Black Flag and uncovering a file where Abstergo researchers themselves closed access to his memories as there was "nothing appealing to this character anymore"! So, if no more researches were conducted on him since 2013, where did Mr Berg magically or conveniently discovered such data in 2017?
Or... do we want to talk about the cover? It shows Connor in the spirit outfit from the Tyranny of King Washington DLC, which has apparently nothing to do with the comic, since it is set in his present day and he wears his assassin standard robe. Now, I think that can be either a simple marketing choice to make the comic more appealing, as... well, that cover is so cool, let's admit that, or maybe the subtle suggestion that the events told in it are just a parallel Disney-like reality and are not to be considered true at all! xD i don't know, maybe both explanations are right.
I'm sure that the deeper i dig, the more nothing rational I'll find!
If you played the old games, if you know well the franchise and its lore, the true, good, old AC lore, you definitely realize by yourself how that comic is useless and senseless.
This doesn't mean I do not wish an "happy ending" for Connor. But I'd rather accept something coherent with the main game events and AC chronology. Also, it doesn't necessarily needs to be a "happy" ending, as they conveniently created to please complaining fans. I wished for something real... coherent with his personality, acquired life-style and endless sense of duty and values.
Maybe that's what pushed me to write my FanFic novel in the first place, after all... To give him MY OWN cohesive ending, including my love, for love is always needed, I guess.
I'm so sorry if the answer took this long in time and words, but you were warned! ^w^
Though, thank you... Seriously, thank you so much for asking. You made me reflect once more about this matter.
Come visit me again, if you want. Take care
- Rumor Imbris 🦋
P.S. Oh, and if you're interested, this is my "jelousy song", for when things like this trigger my inner witch!! xD
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ryuukia · 5 years
[Translation] Tsukiuta. 2nd Anniversary Round-Table Discussion ~Seniors version~
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I’m a bit late but, happy birthday Shun! I started to translate this on his birthday but due to this interview being long, I only ended up finishing on 25th. This is an interview published in the AGF version of Tsukiuta Monthly Publication, meaning it’s 6 years old by now.
I should have translated the 1st anniversary interview, but this one really left me in shock. I mean.... SHUN HAS A KINK?????? I’M JUST????? TSUKIPRO?????
Anyway, that’s all I’m going to say for now, I hope I made you curious. Many thanks to Ryota and Chrome for assisting me and helping with the proofreading. Please don’t reuse/retranslate/repost my work. I mean, seriously.
Haru: The 2nd anniversary round-table discussion of the Tsukiuta. series, seniors version is…… starting!
Shun: Wah (claps)♪
Haru: That being said, this year had a lot of chaotic things in store for us, but somehow we managed to reach the second anniversary without any problems. We’re grateful for that, aren’t we?
Hajime: That’s right. Thank you for always supporting us.
Kai: Thank you. We will never forget this feeling of gratitude.
Shun: Ah, I remember it was during last year’s round-table talk… Ever since AGF finished, there were a lot of opportunities to organize different plans and fairs. We managed to expand our merchandise too, didn’t we?
Haru: Well, speaking of big things, we also had a corner with things for our fans, and then Haru no Fan Matsuri1 too……?
Kai: Then Super Comics, the artbook, the summer comics, the collaboration with Karatez-san, then the Full Moon Fair & Full Moon Cafe, and now we’re back to AGF.
Hajime: We had a big event about every two months and in addition to that, our duet CDs were being released monthly. Somehow it feels like we’ve been busy all year round. Good grief.
Haru: Right? But monthly progress is something fitting for Tsukiuta (smiles bitterly). Good job for now.
Kai: Good job~
Hajime: Good work.
Shun: Good work. This round-table discussion gives us the chance to take it easy and look back over what happened this year. Ever since last year’s events it feels like our talk has become a routine.
Hajime: Okay. Then without further delays…. Haru, bring the tea.
Shun: Ye~s. I want some too.
Haru: Really? That’s how we’re starting? (laughs)
Question: “Tell us about a situation that occurred during the production of the duet CDs.”
Kai: ......Well, until our spoiled leaders get their tea, we have our first topic. “A situation that happened during the production of our duet CDs” it says.
Haru: Hmph, hmph.
Kai: Each of us had to prepare two duets at a time, right? The ones Shun and I got were “Kimi ni hana o, kimi ni hoshi o” and “Celestite”.
Haru: Otherwise known as “Hana Hoshi” and “Kuro Ouji2”, right?
Kai: Yeah. “Hana Hoshi” is based on my image, while “Kuro Ouji” is based on......
Shun: Behold☆ My image!
Hajime & Haru: …...Aah (both see the light)
Shun: By the way, since the composers and the listeners both have their own impressions on the songs, the prompter is telling us to talk about some stuff that happened during the photoshoots for the CD jackets.
Haru: Roger (smiles bitterly). So, about those photoshoots…...
Shun: The Hana Hoshi photoshoot was fun. It was done somewhere in the north, on a vast field.
Hajime: Based on that description alone, it must have been cold.
Kai: We actually went there during the summer, so the cold air was pleasant. Underneath a sky covered by stars, we were sitting on a flower bed with bouquets in our hands. It felt so nice…… for us it was very relaxing.
Shun: Fufufu.  Because of the shade of my costume, at first glance it looked as if I had a ribbon on my bare chest. That created many confusions, you know?
Hajime: You sound glad about that.
Haru: Above your head was a complete starry sky, and you were holding flowers in your birthday suit (distant look)
Kai: …...You’ve just destroyed my precious memory…... 
Hajime: Now that you mention it, I’ve observed since long ago that many of the Procella duets have the word ‘flower’ in their titles. Is there a reason why?
Shun: Fufufu. You have good eyes, Hajime. It's a coincidence I'd like to call ‘fate’!
Kai: That was so blunt (laughs)! But it really was just a ‘coincidence’. Although we all have different producers, these kind of things happen once in a while. I guess you could call it proof of our unity?
Haru: Wow, you’re forcing your own conclusion~ (laughs bitterly)
Hajime: …...Haru, do we have something similar to that?
Haru: Don’t force me to compete with that, leader (laughs). Also, if you think about it, Celestite is not a ‘flower’.  
Kai: For that one, we went completely into Shun-sama’s world. Or should I call it the ‘Spirit World’?
Shun: Ahaha, Kai? Do you want a demonstration of my real powers? I’ll show you how hard I worked for the ‘Kuro Ouji’ concept.
Hajime: Indeed, it suited you. Both you, …...and Kai.
Kai: Me too?
Hajime: Yeah, it suited you…...I think. Kai, during TsukiRadio, you did something similar to a Demon Lord, right? The younger kids said you fit that image perfectly. I think so, too.
Shun: Kai’s physical build was perfect for this to begin with. Those black clothes brought a lot of impact to the surface. He was definitely cool-looking.
Kai: Eh, you think so? You two praising me makes me feel a bit embarrassed, but I’m happy. Thanks.
Hajime: On the other hand, we have ‘Koi wasuregusa’ and “Hajimari no haru”.
Haru: Yes.
Kai: I could feel Japanese vibes coming from both of you, and I’m talking about both the titles and the costumes.
Haru: Ahaha. Is it because of Hajime?
Hajime: ? What about me giving off that ‘traditional Japanese’ impression?
Shun: Your entire image is built that way, can’t you see, Hajime? Take your first stage outfit for example, it was heavily inspired by traditional elements.
Hajime: …...I see.
Shun: On the other hand, mine is inspired from the west.
Hajime: Even without you mentioning that, it can be seen that the duet costumes and many other costumes are made based on a western style.
Haru: Maybe the reason why Gravi’s and Procella’s own images are divided into ‘western’ and ‘traditional’ is exactly because of our leaders’ images.
Hajime: Our images...huh.
Kai: Though, the more you look at Koi Wasure, the more luxurious it looks. Are those costumes made from Nishijin silk fabrics3?
Shun: They look that way. I was watching them when the shoot happened, but the real thing looks even more impressive than in the photos. I think someone poured their soul into those outfits, and the final result is only proof of their skills.
Haru: Speaking of effort? On site, everyone was bursting with energy, but that shoot honestly made me all tensed up for the first time in a while. I rarely wear kimonos to begin with…… I mean I probably wore a kimono only for the Shichi-Go-San festival4 in the past and having to wear one again after so long felt like too much of a hurdle for me (smiles bitterly).
Hajime: Haru, has it really been that long since you've worn a kimono?
Haru: Ahaha, Hajime. Most people aren't even fated to wear a kimono in their entire lifetime. I’m one of them. I can’t get used to it, and if it wrinkles or looks dirty even the slightest bit, I become terrified. Not to mention they are also unbelievably expensive. ……Though, I think it might be difficult for Hajime here to understand that.
Kai: I know what you mean. I definitely do, Haru. That common sense is something I agree with on a spiritual level.
Hajime: Hmm……. So that’s how it is.
Shun: We’re quite familiar with household events, aren’t we?
Hajime: Yeah. At each turning point in life, our relatives would gather for events and wearing full formal dress was a custom.
Haru & Kai: (We’re witnessing a conversation between two real young masters)
Hajime: …...Though if you look at the results, I think it suited you well enough, Haru.
Haru: Ooh, my king is bestowing me with words of praise.
Hajime: C’mon, look at this shot, you look like a young playboy husband or like a beguiling king. (chuckles)
Haru: Correction, it wasn’t praise. They randomly started to call me beguiling recently and I keep wondering why, Kai. 
Kai: Don’t mind it, Haru (laughs). Well, wasn’t the concept of that jacket cover the ‘bewitching, traditional Japanese rock style’? In that case, the beguiling king concept was a huge success in a way. Good job, Haru.
Haru: Oh, geez.
Kai: Finally, ‘Hajimari no Haru’. You had the same ‘traditional’ theme, but it was the complete opposite of the previous CD and felt more formal. The military uniforms gave a nice, cool feeling.
Haru: Correct. The costumes were made to represent military outfits. You can tell that just by looking (laughs).
Shun: Hajime! This includes Haru as well, but Hajime looked sooo good! It suited you so well, I end up wanting to crawl! I want to go down on all fours and be stepped on by you! I want to see you cast that cold glare onto me! 
Kai: …...Shun, Hajime’s backing away slowly. Haru and I, too...
Question: “What event left a strong impression on you?”
Haru: Shall we answer at the same time?
Kai: Ooh, a curve ball was thrown. ‘Kay, let’s do it. I’ll bring the notebooks and markers then. Everyone, write~.
Hajime: I’m done.
Shun: Me too.
Kai: Then, three, two…... one!
Haru: ‘Haru no Fan Matsuri’
Hajime: ‘Haru no Fan Matsuri’
Shun: ‘Full Moon Fair’
Kai: ‘Full Moon Fair’
Haru: Ooh, we got half and half (laughs). My answer is without a doubt ‘Haru no Fan Matsuri’. It has my name in it too, but it’s also because I worked on every special benefit up until the smallest detail.
Hajime: Aah, indeed, like the little bunny plate that came as a bonus or the rubber strap that came with the DVD and stuff. I chose our first independent event because it left an impression. Unfortunately, my schedule didn’t match with it so I was only able to participate via video feed.
Kai: As expected, you went for ‘Haru’ (laughs)? On the other hand, I chose the Full Moon Fair which incidentally ended not long ago~. It was our first nationwide Animate fair, after all. And the Animate storefront even made it on the ‘Kyarabii5’ cover, right? The fact that they were given that important cover space made me so happy.
Haru: It was the first time in a while when all of us were featured in a photo.
Shun: We were so lively (chuckles). In one set we were wearing casual clothes, and in the other yukatas.
Haru: That one also ended up being the cover of the calendar this year.
Kai: The fans’ reaction was more than what we were all expecting, so the staff was left in awe at the power of the yukatas and some hair arrangements.
Haru: Hajime, you also let your hair down, right?
Hajime: You’re the one who messed with my hair. I wish I had done something about that back then.
Haru: Ahaha, that’s true. That was the result of me talking with the hair and make-up artists and how we agreed that not teasing your hair up was better since the yukata was so fitting on you.
Hajime: I admit they complimented my hair, young master.
Shun: Ah, yes, yes. Me too. They said I looked like the prodigal son of a rich family. Kakeru and I happened to be shot side-by-side, and they were saying from all directions that we looked like ‘the apprentice and the prodigal son’. Ahaha.
All of them: (Because that’s exactly how it looked like)
Hajime: Our first solo event, and our first national fair. This year we had a lot of ‘first times’ once again as a series.
Shun: That’s what we would call some of our many progresses. Thank you very much.
Question: “Tell us about other work situations if there are any.”
Shun: This year, a lot of new opportunities arose for me and to top it all off, I’m really, reaaaaally happy that I got to experience being paired in the leaders group. I think it was very fun. (softly)
Kai: The twelve of us look like some kind of family (lol). We barely had space for everyone to fit in at the same time, but even with the limited room by picking out the right camera exposure levels, the two leaders didn't look unnatural. Of course, there's the tiniest bit of post-production as well.
Haru: Wow, that’s a very vivid story you got there!
Shun: Geez, Kai~ I’m trying to be grateful here so please don’t bring up business here.
Kai: Ahaha, my bad, my bad.
Hajime: ……. I’ve been thinking about that too.
Shun: Yes?
Hajime: Your…... ‘that’ thing you do, Shun…...Being my fan I mean. I started to think about it only recently, but half of that thing is a joke, isn’t it? I’m not wrong about that, am I?
Shun: ーーー!?
Kai: Ah, his shock is easy to understand for once.
Haru: It really is. …...I can’t ignore how pitiful Shun looks now so I’ll back him up. Listen Hajime, anyone can tell that Shun's very serious about ‘that thing’, you know?
Hajime: …...Really?
Kai: Yeah. And what I’m about to add might sound strange…… but I can confirm he’s been seriously devoting himself to his fan activities and supporting you since the beginning and until now. From the start he rarely, er, sometimes, no, always was noisy about it, but well, he can be pretty entertaining if you feel like listening to him.
Haru: He never changed (laughs)
Hajime: Is that so……? …...I see. I’m sorry, Shun. Thank you for always supporting me.
Haru: Ah, here’s the heartfelt fan interaction. (laughs)
Shun: ーー!! That "I see" just now! That gives me legal authority to accompany you from now on, right!? In that case there’s no problem! I don’t mind it! It just means I didn’t put my heart enough into it. From now on I'll work hard on my fervor for Hajime so that my love will be conveyed! L O V E Hajime LOVE!! WASSHOI! (grabs Hajime and clings to him)
Hajime: ……
Shun: Hajime~, Hajime~♪ Fufufu no fu (snuggles)
Hajime: ……
Kai: (whispering) Hajime’s definitely trying his best not to send Shun flying across the room.
Haru: (whispering) He’s really putting up with him (laughs). Let’s not forget that apology from earlier. It’s a good thing our leaders are on good terms with each other. A really good thing.
Kai: Right~? The leaders’ work kept increasing, but on the other hand, we are still considered…… uhh, ‘advisers’? We also received more and more jobs in pairs like this one and they’re always fun.
Haru: Ahaha, you’re right.
Hajime: ……
Haru: …...Anyway, I think that’s enough, Shun (laughs bitterly). Our king is a cat after all. You can hug him however much you want, but he won’t get used to it. He’s already turning into stone, so can you release him? 
Hajime: Who are you calling a cat, Haru? (sigh)
Kai: You say that but it's so easy to tell that you're relieved (laughs). Good work, Hajime.
Question: “Leave a message for your fans.”
Hajime: It’s been exactly one year since the last AGF. Due to everyone’s support, it feels as if we were able to go a few levels up. Thanks. This is more or less all I wanted to say.
Shun: Fufufu, indeed. The things I want to say as Procella’s leader and the things I want to convey myself, too, are exactly the same as the ones Gravi’s leader, Hajime, just said. …...Thank you, everyone.
Haru: You switched from fan mode to leader mode (laughs).
Kai: I’m always amazed when he does that switch (laughs).
Haru: I think now’s the time for the advisers to show their gratitude too. And we'd be happy to receive your support for more of the merchandise promotions we do together in the future.
Kai: And don’t forget about the youngers either! Their growth is remarkable even from our point of view, so don’t miss out any of that. 
Shun: You pulled that off perfectly. As expected from our reliable partners.
Hajime: …...Right? I trust both of them too.
Kai: Ahaha, thanks. Among our unit members, the senior group aspire to be the ‘most steady’. Let’s continue doing things in our comfortable rhythm and without pushing ourselves. 
Haru: The younger ones will be able to walk ahead without worries if we build them a solid foundation, won’t they? 
Shun: Even more than that, we are both their foundation and their guides. The two of us should pave the path for them, don’t you think so, Hajime? A path everyone would stroll on happily as they head for joyful days.
Hajime: Yeah. …...Indeed. As the ones who walk ahead of everyone, you and me have that role.
Haru: If you two get tired, don’t hesitate to tell us, okay?
Kai: I don’t mind if I’m being relied on even without them being tired. 
Hajime: Then I want a second helping.
Kai: Of tea? …..Well, I'll guess I'll pour it for you then (chuckle).
Shun: Me too, me too~.
Haru: I want some too!
Kai: Everyone's taking advantage of me (laughs).......Fine, I get it. I’ll be taking your requests~. Do you want Japanese tea? Black tea? Or coffee? 
(And so the end transitioned into a leisurely tea party.)
Haru no Fan Matsuri (translated 'The spring fan festival') was an event held back in 2014. The guests were Masuda Toshiki (Kisaragi Koi), Aoi Shota (Minaduki Rui), Kanemoto Hisako (Hijiri Kurisu), Uesaka Sumire (Tendouin Tsubaki), Mamiya Yasuhiro (Kurotsuki Dai) and Yamanaka Masahiro (Tsukishiro Kanade). You can buy the DVD here
Kuro Ouji means 'Black Prince'. Shun reveals in his duet SS that according to the song concept, he's the black (imperial) prince. I'll get to it more when I translate that SS.
The Nishijin silk fabrics are high quality silk fabrics originating from Kyoto.
The Shichi-Go-San Festival (translated 'Seven-Five-Three Festival) is an event held on 15th of November for girls who are 3 or 7 years old and for boys who are 5 years old. On that day they celebrate the growth and well-being of young children.
Kyarabii is a magazine from Japan.
If you like my work and you want to support me, you can now buy me a coffee by clicking right [here]. I also started taking commissions, more details are right [here]. Thank you~
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comicteaparty · 4 years
July 20th-July 26th, 2020 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from July 20th, 2020 to July 26th, 2020.  The chat focused on Ring Spell by Artem Ficta.
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Featured Comment:
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Comic Tea Party
Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Ring Spell by Artem Ficta~! (http://ring-spell.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace until July 26th, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Discussions are freeform, but we do offer discussion prompts in the pins for those who’d like to have them. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic! Whether you finish the comic or can only read a few pages, everyone is welcome to join and chat with us!
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic?
2. What has been your favorite moment in the comic (so far)?
3. Who is your favorite character?
4. Which characters do like seeing interact the most?
5. What is something you like about the art? If you have a favorite illustration, please share it!
6. What is a theme you like that the comic explores?
7. What do you like about the comic’s story or overall related content?
8. Overall, what do you think the comic’s strengths are?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Feather J. Fern
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic? I like how it seems lighthearted at first, but knowing Artem it's going to drop the ball on us really soon haha.(edited)
Also I always love how the backgrounds are, they look great.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Hahah, it's a shame I didn't get one more update up XD Thank you so much, Feather~!
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
well, the CTP is gonna run for the rest of the week...
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
I can't finish the next 8 pages by then XD
My guess is they'll be up the week after next
For the beginning, I'm with Feather and I like how quickly the comic transitions from just lalala happy school to oh wait there's weird shit going on. I really like stories where the status quo is quickly ripped out from under your feet. My favorite moment in the comic so far is probably the most recent scene when we get to see Lyall's apartment and ya know, Claire starts dropping all these bombshells on us. The scene is the epitome of "Well that escalated quickly" and its just loaded with so much info to unpack. My favorite character right now is Claire. One because she seems the most sensible and mysterious, and two because I love Claire's hair so much and I'm so jealous and want such floof beautiful hair. ;3; As for characters I like see interacting the most, probably Claire and Lyall and they have some really good banter and a relationship, insofar, that's just kind of hilarious in its brutal honesty. A close second for me is Claire and Tasha as it quickly switches from happy smiles to probably most likely to have a catfight in the hallway.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Catfight in the hallway, lolol. Makes me want to draw them dressed like cat girls XD
No not that sort of catfight
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
comic turns into a catgirl fetish comic
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
1. I like how the first word is Zenchav which was the title of the comic this is a hard reboot of XD 2. My favorite moment was Lyall sticking his hands up Damon's shirt XD I really like how it was drawn and it's the most Lyall thing ever to do. 3. My favorite character overall is Damon, although it's probably Lyall at this point in the story. But I like them all of course XD 4. Damon and anybody, lol. I like when I get to draw him XD 5. I've been trying out a new shading style with this since I almost exclusively just hard shaded before, so it's nice to be branching out a bit and trying some new things. The Intro page is probably my favorite atm.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Theory: Lyall sticking his cold hands up Damon's shirt is how he drains Damon's energy, because secretly he's the witch.
mariah (rainy day dreams)
Oh no! XD that would be a twist!
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Oh snap!
Hmmm, so we ship Claire and Tasha then?
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
I don't not ship Tasha and Claire >v>
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Drew that picture of them
We should indeed all suspect Lyall. I mean no parents, lives alone, yet somehow affords everything? That's witchery.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
How does he afford all that stuff
does he sell drugs on the side or something XD it is suspicious
1. I'll mostly echo everyone else here in terms of the start seems pretty straightforward and makes one wonder how the teaser page fits into it all. I'll add a remark on the subtle details of world building, like you've got your digital alarm... and dude straight up has a TAIL, and it's like, no comment, that's normal too.
2. Favourite moment was probably recruiting Claire into the cosplay skit. It's like, hello new person, oh you want to associate with us? Then you need the proper accessories, and Claire's all 'Um, I'm not sure... prop weapons? Uh, okay then...' Cosplay is a force to be reckoned with. (nods)
3. Fave character... yeah, may have to echo Rebel here and go with Claire. Possibly because she's the first chapter name, and like the reader is coming into this new situation, so can get behind her trying to figure it out... but also because I'm big on the time/space bureau stuff and that sounds like a cool job to get.
Damon has a cool cane and has the mysterious ailment afflicting his cosplay though, so he's my fave guy at the moment. (Werewolf blood? Moon thing? Dunno.)
4. I honestly do like the Tasha/Claire interactions the most, because each of them seems to have something to hide, and so you're kind of wondering if and when one of them might slip up. The other girl interrupting with the paint was classic, and I felt it helped break tension. The ship picture (which I imagine won't show in the log) is kind of representative of that with the chessboard too, like they're making moves against the other (though I'm not yet convinced that one is a witch, could be a setup).
Of course, I'm very biased towards the yuri, so grain of salt for my opinions and all. And while the ship was a humour comment at first, I think I'm more into it after seeing a "catfight" could play out.
All that said, the Lyall/Damon interactions are equally good. Lyall's perversion sometimes saying the quiet part out loud.
5. I recognize the art style, have read some of the work before (under different name). Always find the hair impressive, like here you get the impression of each individual strand except that's not actually what's drawn... you can still see the neat ears, Claire having some strands that fall in front of her too. The shading is really good too, like definitely shades of grey, not just black and white.
Kind of echoing the author there, but I can see it.
I'm so bad with themes and need to charge computer, will be back later. o.o
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
I love all this input Math, thank you ;3;/
@mathtans You have no idea how happy I am that someone noticed the tail that nobody seemed to comment on.
What I like about the art is how clean and crisp everything is cause mmmm that sexy lineart you can just paint bucket when needed. <3 I like that the comic explores the idea of having someone you've known your entire life possibly be evil. Cause it opens up a lot of questions. Like should you doubt? Should you trust? And at which point have you hit the point of betrayal? So I'm glad we'll get to see a bit of this tackled as Lyall and Claire look for evidence. As for the overall story, I like that there's just lots of questions going on. It's a theorists dream. But I find the more mysteries a comic has, the more engaging it is. Because even when you know the answer, it's interesting everytime to see the characters reach that answer. As for the comic's strengths, see the above and the art. It's super pretty and clean to look at, has some fantastic emotive faces during the more comedic moments, and there's just lots to theorize and look forward too. ;3;
Now I will proceed to weep as someone who beta read the script and actually can't theorize cause I just know .
Others may have noticed but not been sure what to say? (Does the tail turn into the cane?)
6. Ok, themes... could be a theme of belonging in there. Like Claire being accepted into the group, like Lyall wondering if she's only talking to him to get to Damon, that sort of thing? Then there's the idea Rebel raised of thinking you know someone but not necessarily knowing them.
Of course, there's also credibility, like maybe Claire is simply an escaped mental patient with really good hacking skills to get herself in the school and apartment. Because that's quite the tale she spins. (Though Lyall had heard of the organization? Or he's pranking her, bit hard to know for sure.)
7/8. The story's been setting up a number of things in the background, I feel. Which can be a strength, as we're learning more character items first. Though Claire's latest revelation I'm really jazzed about, because the idea of time travel (times when demons weren't supposed to be) and personification (Earth as a female entity) are right up my alley. So that's cool.
Also Lyall apparently has a strange aura to go with Tasha's strange energy? Maybe the witch is jumping bodies. Maybe we should ship Lyall/Tasha.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Oh my gosh, loving these ideas!
I don't want to give spoilers but I think I'll answer the tail thing cause I never really meant for it to be a mystery It's just tucked into his pants when he's in public is all. That's why he's wearing the track suit for the school and not the standard school uniform, cause the pants are looser.
although it turning into the cane could have been hella cool(edited)
now I'm a little bummed I never thought of that
But the cane has other purposes
I didn't really think it was a big mystery, and that explanation makes sense. (So I suppose it could be not normal, only normal for Damon's friends... demon prejudice otherwise?) Ok, so the cane is where he hides his stimulants to keep awake until the full moon.
Comic Tea Party
9. What are your theories about Damon’s past? Why is he concerned about when the full moon is? Additionally, what do you think was meant about Damon and Xerfonos being the same age but not being twins?
10. Do you think Claire is right that Tasha is the witch Cadence? If so, how will she prove it? If not, who else could it be? Also, what might this all have to do with Tasha’s concern about Claire being the mysterious Draco’s student?
11. What do you think Cadence ultimately wants from Damon? Why would this compel the Earth, and by extension Apus, to protect him? Also, even if the characters find Cadence, can she actually be stopped?
12. Why do you think Lyall reacted so strangely to Claire mentioning Apus, and why do you think he’s so sure Apus wouldn’t care about protecting Damon? Do you think Lyall can trust Claire even for the long term?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
9. I mean, Damon seems to be a demon, but he's cool with being in our world, so... maybe he was born of a human/demon pairing? Or he was adopted by humans when he was a baby and simply given the same birthday as Xerfonos. I'm guessing the full moon has more significance than merely to werewolves (unless Damon needs to bite a werewolf to regain strength idk) and so it would help him.
I will say that initially the "same age" thing didn't phase me because there's more than 9 months in a year, plenty of time for having a second kid born in the same year. But now that I'm debating the adoption angle, maybe there's more to it.
They're not twins... they're TRIPLETS! Dun dun dun. Anyway.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
they could also just not be twins due to a date technicality like one was born right before midnight and one was born right after
but yeah the adoption angle would explain a lot
10. I don't think she's right about Tasha, or if she's right, not in the way she thinks. Because we've seen some from Tasha's perspective and she didn't seem to be the person in charge of whatever. In terms of proof, I guess she could see if Tasha would cosplay as a witch? And if the shoe fits? But yeah, maybe the witch is jumping between people like I mentioned earlier, or is not actually there yet, like APUS got the date wrong or something. Maybe Tasha's also trying to protect Damon from the witch (hence trying to give him that new name) but it's a rival organization?
I mean, technically still twins in that case, just not having the same birthday. (If Feb 29th enters into it, it gets even weirder.)
Actually, why wouldn't Claire use Damon's given name? Maybe her organization doesn't know everything it thinks it does?
Anyway, just had time for some random thoughts. Back later tonight.
11. Cadence may just want him to keep living so that she can keep siphoning off energy. (Thus perhaps APUS wants him dead, it's not about protection?!) Or maybe Cadence wants a sweet cosplay. (Probably not.) Of course, it might be that if she's a free floating witch, she wants his body. Maybe she can't be stopped, but could be redirected?
The Earth aspect is one I haven't really been able to figure out yet. (Are pavonis a type of pasta?) But maybe there's a destiny or something that Damon needs to fulfil first.
12. Lyall could have been pranking, but maybe he knows a different organization like that... or maybe that's the name of some mystery file on his computer that he hasn't been able to open because the Cadence inside him hasn't revealed the password, oooh. I think Lyall can trust Claire (assuming she's not a raving lunatic) and she might even need him to provide better cover (she didn't seem to even know what apartment she was in)... but that's short term. Long term is another question, if she starts getting Apus directives saying to do things he wouldn't agree with.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
This is all so interesting ;3;
Pavonis as a type of pasta, lolol
I'm glad it's more interesting than rambly.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Nah, I love it XD I'm afraid I'd give spoilers if I said anymore lmao
My theories about Damon's past are that he's a werewolf. And that something about being a werewolf has changed how he ages compared to Xerfonos - thus why they're the same age but not twins. Granted I guess they could also just be half brothers who have a shared father who said, "Man I should knock two girls up at once." But werewolf sounds more interesting. No I think we've established Lyall is clearly the witch. He is too suspicious. Tasha probably is a super secret agent or something, hence the suspicion. Maybe Apus is into some shady shit that Tasha knows about, especially Draco, so she doesn't want them jumping in on everything. As for how proof, she won't. Cadence will reveal she's Lyall when the most damage can be caused and Claire will weep her career as a detective is through. Cadence might just think Damon is hot. Although I think Damon has a grand destiny ahead of him, and Cadence wants to interfere with that destiny while also bulking up on some of that tasty werewolf energy. Also, can Cadence be stopped? Probably. But definitely not by these chumps right now. XD Lyall reacted strangely cause that was the Cadence in him going oh shit and kind of taking over. And sure, Lyall can trust Claire to never figure out its him. Sorry Claire, you hot, but clearly aren't noticing some stuff.
I hadn't considered the "same father different mothers" angle. O.o Maybe it was a sperm donation sort of thing though?
As to Claire, maybe Tasha will be nice enough to buy Claire ice cream and give her snuggles once she realizes the error of her ways.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Tasha and Claire will get to snuggling at some point I'm sure XD
The same father with different mothers sounds most probable
of what's been mentioned at least
I mean, time travel could also be involved. What with Apus.
Maybe Claire is Damon's daughter and she's trying to protect her own existence.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Maybe Claire is Xerfonos' mother
Wait, I don't think that'd work out lmao
Daughter would be way more probable
Comic Tea Party
13. What are you most looking forward to seeing in regards to the comic?
14. Any final words of encouragement for the comic?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
I look forward to getting a bit further into the story XD it's still pretty early on atm and there's a lot of really good scenes later. I don't feel like we've really gotten to know Damon yet either
I am looking forward to seeing people's theories as the story continues and pieces fall into place. It will be interesting to see the routes people take with the ideas of what the answers are going to be. My final words are just read the comic. O_O
mariah (rainy day dreams)
I didn't end up having any brain power to write responses over the week, but I really enjoyed Ring Spell. Damon and his brother are cuties, Claire seems very capable, and I can't wait to find out what Tasha's motives are. I'm real excited to see how the themes of magical marital vows come to the forefront :3
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Thank you~!
Busy weekend was busy. Looking forward to seeing how the Apus thing fits in, like is Claire even from their time period? Will Lyall spill all the secrets? Will the ships happen? I'm so behind in all my reading but I've flagged it to check back when I can.
There was also the bit at the start implying knowing people from other lives, but the time travel possibilities make that weird. And I guess there's also the question of whether a Ring will have a Spell on it. Like, maybe the witch doesn't know she's the witch while she's wearing a ring? Or they have to get her to wear a ring? Here I am guessing again. ^^
14. To conclude, all the best with it, looks like a good setup. I do enjoy the art style too.
Also I guess congrats on being the finale CTP? Nice that you got it in there. Good initiative.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Thank you so much Math~!
Comic Tea Party
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Ring Spell this week! Please also give a special thank you to Artem Ficta for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Ring Spell, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://ring-spell.com/
Artem Ficta’s Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/artemficta
Artem Ficta’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArtemFicta
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What is with Birds of Prey criticism?
i have seen BOP 
and i have read comments and review’s from different people (male and female) and i have decided to throughout my observations into the void. 
now personal taste is personal taste and everyone is allowed to like or not like whatever they want. 
but i will be looking at this from a ‘structured’ pov so i will be breaking the movie down into what others have got to say about it.
and with that in mind i will be taking things out of context but i will be summarising and linking to the sources when possible.  
i will be looking at how people have persevere them (again male and female) and why this might be so (but i will say now that it is only my best guess, and i will try to be as fair as possible)
and i will also add i have only seen the movie once at this point so i may miss some things or misremember others 
so from here on out we this will be nothing but 
ok so with that out of the way. 
the plot is basically 
Harley and the joker have broken up (joker, dumped her) 
this makes Harley lose her immunity in Gotham as she was protected by the fact she was the jokers girlfriend.
black mask is one of these people and is one of the most powerful in Gotham.
but he needs a diamond (that belongs to Helena) to be the most powerful in the city,
but when Zsasz and Black canary, get it take off them by a street girl (Cass) 
Harley says she will get it back to square herself with mask and he will protected her afterwards 
(there is also a b plot with Helena going around kill everyone who was involved with the death of her family)  
things happen 
and they all end up fight Black Mask men in a amusement park 
and Harley kills him on a dock.
then they all part ways.
now this is an oversimplification. 
but that does allow the movie to explore the characters and their relationship's with the world and the story.
but over all an average plot but no so more them say 
-the avengers (2012)
-thor (2011)
-age of ultron (2015)
-spider-man homecoming (2017)
and so on.
this is what one critic had to say about the movie
review from  Mick LaSalle
“but no, even that makes things sound better than they are. There’s no character there at all. There’s a look. There’s an attitude, and there’s an assemblage of mannerisms, but these are all veneers surrounding a vacuum.”  
“None of them suggest a personality, beyond some generalized zaniness.”
now i am no expert but is having a look, an attitude and mannerisms all things that make up someone’s personality? 
i can see if he was trying to say she has not much to add to the overall story or if it over shadowed everything in the movie, for sake of being “zany”   
but it was integrated into the movies narrative as a the main story telling tool,
e.g. Harley’s narration and the cartoons/ animation that came with. those where there to add character to the movie through Harley’s, so basically Harley’s personality is the films personality. 
and this is what he had to say about the plot
“If she wanted the Joker back, that would be something. That could be a movie. If she wanted revenge, that would be a weak motive, but it would still be something.”
now this has some interesting connotations,
what he was trying to say with this sentiment is only something i can guess, but i will want to give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe he was asking for a story similar to ‘mad love’  from the s4 of the Batman new adventures.
looking more at the sickness of that relationship (that some people admired and fawned over in suicide squad) so if that is the case then its not a bad thought,
however the way it is phrased makes it sound like more like Harley needs the Joker to be major part of the story for it to be any good. 
but Harley has had comic’s for year’s that prove the opposite.
now to compare this what he had to say about the Joker (2019)
“What’s terrifying and brilliant about Phoenix’s Joker is that he seems to be operating from an intricate yet alien form of logic. There is very little common ground between the character and the viewer, no shared understanding of right and wrong, real or unreal. He erupts into laughter without warning — a terrifying, piercing laugh that he can’t control. He sits in the audience at a comedy club, joyously and maniacally laughing at setups, not punch lines.”
now i am not saying Joker is a bad movie, I am just saying that he complained about the lack of story and character in one film and praised it in another.  
now i also understand that these films are different, and they have different tones and messages. and ever genre (one is action, the other is drama)
but basically
he is saying Joker’s lack of clear “personality” made the movie good and Harley’s made it bad (again this is apples and oranges, and way to simple)  
but the main point is that he has failed to look for WHY Harley is that way, or how that adds to the movie like he did for Joker.
now moving on to
Anthony Lane
“ No one could call Harley Quinn a recluse. She loves to go out, get wasted, meet people, and fight them. In onscreen graphics, she proudly reports what it is about her that vexes her opponents. (“Voted for Bernie.” “Have a vagina.”) Yet Harley is often alone in the frame—marching toward the camera in her T-shirt and shorts, smiling madly through lips of fire-engine red, and peppering us with unceasing chatter, as if words were buckshot. She lives on her own, too, with a stuffed beaver in a tutu and a pet hyena named Bruce. (As with the title, note the surfeit of nuttiness. Rarely have I seen a movie strain so hard to seem out-there.) Our heroine needs some kindred spirits, and quick.”
ok benefit of the doubt this is just a colourful way to describe the movie and Harley’s set up,
however with the next paragraph that follows i don’t think so
“No surprise, then, that Yan’s movie, peopled as it is by women who talk among themselves, with only fitful reference to men, doesn’t so much pass the Bechdel Test as ace it, while also ticking the profanity box, the ear-splitting box, and the bone-snapping box—every box, in fact, except for the tricky one that requires a motion picture to be good”
the strange thing is that he was so close to an epiphany
yes Harley is social but she is lonely that is the point of her being with the BOP, taking in Cassie.
and saying someone who is social is not able to be lonely is the dumbest thing i have ever heard.
and i can name dozens of movies off the top of my head that is a group of guys ‘talking among themselves, with only fitful reference to women’
-  the hang over (1,2 and 3)
- die hard
- pulp fiction 
- fast and furious (all 9 of them)
- the other guys
- Sherlock (RDJ movies)
- the dark night 
- scarface
-  any Adam Sandler movie for the last 20 years
- rush hour (all 3)
- fight club 
like damn dude your getting all bent out of shape for women having the nerve to want to tell story’s about other women.
(and i would also like to point out that very on in the movie was a ‘bad guy’ or did bad things all throughout the film and the men are just what they are up against you know like some kind of antagonist??? fucking wild idea right, and as we all know every female villain in movies are always written with respect and dignity, can you feel my sarcasm)
and this is what this man also said about ‘ford vs ferrari’   
“Ford v Ferrari” is directed by James Mangold, and it may be his strongest film.
like dude you are showing your hand here.
but i am not wasting any more time on this dude.
 let us move on to the lady’s
“the movie ultimately embodies different kinds of liberation - not only of women breaking free from their abusive boyfriends, psychotic employers and the restrictive boy's club, but also the freedom and power that comes with finding a group where they feel accepted and supported.”\
“Cathy Yan's directing and vision for the film, which is realized in the action, costumes and music. The fighting sequences are absolutely brutal and choreographed in a way to showcase the characters' respective abilities. Harley's gymnast moves make a return, and when she gets her hands on a bat, the Cupid of Crime really lets loose - and it'll leave audiences breathless with exhilaration. Birds of Prey stands out because it's uniquely female, from the characters' fighting styles down to the details of Harley pausing mid-fight to give her friend a hair tie. This further extends to the costumes, designed by Erin Benach (A Star Is Born), which are exquisite and perfectly showcase each character's personality.”
Susana Polo
“Each character’s storyline is given a slightly different genre and tone, as well, one of a number of tactics the production employs to mimic Harley’s manic internal life. Huntress stalks around Birds of Prey like it’s a Kill Bill-esque revenge epic, while Renee Montoya is in a hard-boiled cop flick. The main heroine ensemble actors all breathe a wonderful amount of life into little-known characters overdue for mainstream attention.”
“Winstead delivers a comedic twist on the Huntress’s classic personality that I hope makes its way to comics as soon as possible, and the 13-year-old Basco deserves particular credit for holding her own alongside Robbie in their many scenes together. Robbie’s Harley Quinn is just as scene-stealing as she was in Suicide Squad, appearing to operate on at least 20 percent cartoon logic at all times — a useful skill for an occasionally fourth-wall-breaking narrator. Cartoon-channeling is also a useful skill for the star of a movie with such splendid fight scenes.”
 now i am not saying every man hates the movie, and every woman loved it that is insane and dumb.
but what does seem to be a common theme is that positive or negative, men and women are looking at different aspects of the movie 
women look at the movie on its own terms and men seem to look by comparing it to other “guy movies” 
now this a generalisation but this is a common idea that seems to run through it.
and here is some general thoughts from some people who have made comments, online.
“I am sick and tired of being told what movies I need to like as a woman, this is a bad movie. It isn't a zero nor is it a ten and anyone rating it that way isn't being honest either with you or themselves. The storytelling is odd and the flashbacks are weirdly placed to the point where they take you out of the movie. This movie has too much exposition and then not enough which I congrats I guess. I don't think men are rating this film low because they are "man babies" I think they are rating it low because there are far better superhero and anti-hero movies out there to choose from.”
this is based on personal taste and why it didn’t sit right with them (and that’s fine)
“A rush movie without any type of storyline and God knows where they are heading with DCEU and it's characters..It's only Harley and Harley who has never been in BOP in comics...Mis usage of characters and movie..Just make a decision where do you wanna go with your movies”
now this interesting, when this people has the same feels as the person above 
they don’t look to the movie itself they look to find out evidence to discredit instead of anything in the film itself.
again i am not saying this person is wrong to feel this way i simply think the method of expressing it, is interesting.      
(and for the record this is actually an incorrect statement Harley and Poison Ivy have been apart of the team at different points) 
Tumblr media
“The girls looked terrible like they were going Break-Dancing or something and Harley Quinn was dressed up like a Bird with makeup?? The ending was ridiculously stupid and predictable and the misogynist male pig attitudes towards the females in the film were jaw dropping cringe moments, like who acts like that??”
now this is about appearance, and the male characters, now this is showing that men see a violent, man who literally gets someone to cut a MAN’s face off  
and the only thing they focus on is that ‘oh he is mean to women damn SJW’s’
that is the weird’s thing? like you the bad guy is bad to the hero’s? shocking.
now i am not saying that the character is perfect and well crafted like loki or kilmonger but he serviced the purpose he was meant to, he was powerful intimidating and unpredictable.
(and black mask has always been a nut case)  
but i also think its interesting that these men who cry about SJW’s and how they mock men (and that does sometimes happen, it would be dumb to say they didn’t) 
never seem to mind that that women get called bitch’s and whores in every other movie.or that women are used shallow props to move the movie along. 
almost like it is distressing when you see someone you can identify with is treated like the peace of garbage. 
“The Film was decent enough for a lowkey Friday night out with the girls. Nothing you'd rant & rave about or even remember seeing in a few months but it was entertaining in places. The script felt a little bit underbaked & the story itself felt a bit disjointed. The direction of the film was lacking for me. In a world where Todd Phillips pulled off Joker (2019) this seems like a more rushed project that would've been better at Netflix or even Amazon Prime for release. I think the deserve another crack at this movie & another attempt at something with a bit more substance”
honest to the point and is looking at the movie on its own term's
notice how she does not need to devalue other women to get this across, not the character’s, not the write or director but was looking at it from a personal taste and rewatchablity,
the anger about this movie is so strange 
like how many hero movies have been worse then this and was not taking very chance they get to bash the creators and that they should not do their job’s because the movie had women as most of the cast and was mainly about them.
anyway i hand it over to all of you.    
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In my defense, I was literally asked.
So, I have actually been asked about my LGBTQ+ headcanons for Suppression. I shall now recite from my massive, ancient textb- ok no, I’m kidding, Iggy was my most detailed one, but here’s some others I’ve been kicking around under the cut:
So first and foremost, I want to be clear: There doesn’t have to be a REASON to make someone gay or transgender of asexual or whatever. There is no reason for these things in real life after all, people just are. You can be a rocket scientist or a wrestler or a pigeon breeder and just happen to be someone who was assigned a different gender at birth as well. It happens. That’s not to say that there isn’t a culture and some common trends that go along with it, but the point I’m trying to make is that just because I’m noting my favorite characters to think these sorts of things about here, you could literally make ANYONE LGBT. There’s no checkboxes you have to tick before you get your lesbian license.
...but if there was, Sam would have like 3 of them.
ANYWAY so yeah that’s the first one: 1. Everyone is gay and transgender. All of them. All at the same time. Figure it out.
Also, even if any of these WERE canon, I wouldn’t expect it to come up very often either? Suppression is a very action based comic, I don’t think there’s a lot of downtime for characters to be like “ANYWAY, I’m going on a date with ANOTHER GUY this Wednesday because that’s HOW I ROLL.” Because that would be. Weird. Still, sometimes an offhand mention can go a long way.
To organize this a little bit better though, I’m going to split it into “Characters who I think could or should be X, Y, and/or Z” and “Characters where I wouldn’t do that unless a lot of effort was put into pulling it off well.” Personal dos and don’ts, pretty much.
For characters who I think are or could be LGBT, well, like I said, it’s fun to imagine just about anyone, and I think making a character some type of LGBT can add a really fun element to someone that ordinarily would be a little bit boring. In this case though, I’m expressing only my thoughts on the ones that either have some sort of written element that could be taken as supporting my headcanon, or ones where I think it would play well with their pre-established traits and desires. So, without further ado:
1. Samantha Wight is a lesbian, in both continuities but ESPECIALLY the reboot, god. I think this one is most obvious when you compare the version of her that existed in the preboot timeline in comparison to the reboot. And for that, I’ve got to talk about the Wights a bit, or at least as how they were in the preboot. 
They come off to me as… well, deeply repressed, unhappy, and (let’s be honest, most likely) very conservative people. They all want something out of life and want to be proud of themselves and their family, but are so deadlocked in trying to “maintain the family tradition and honor” and whatnot that they end up dragging each other back down into that depressive pit. There’s plenty of examples of this; Alaster is very proud of being a Wight and their traditions of burning and pillaging, but hates what his family has become and how they treat each other. He tries very hard to be a good role model for his younger relatives even though he’s unable to get out from under his father’s thumb himself. Meredith is incredibly enthusiastic (and gifted!) about her family’s magic traditions and history but is constantly facing snotty, belittling remarks about how airheaded she is from Samantha. In addition, it’s clear her dad and uncle don’t understand her in the slightest, let alone have a shred of respect for her (or if they do, it's for her use as a resource or tool and not as a person with her own merits). Jericho thinks the Wights are already great, but is increasingly frustrated with the fact that his beliefs mean absolutely nothing in the wider world and he doesn’t actually have the power to do anything about it. Heck, even Arthur had a line that implied a LOT about how he and Max were raised- how he didn’t really want to be a necromancer, but picked it so he could “get out of what Dad had (Max) doing”. It gives off the impression that no matter how powerful a Wight you are, your life gets set in stone at birth and you aren’t changing it, no matter how hard you try, and those traditional roles are HARSH. I wouldn’t be surprised if Alaster wasn’t the only Wight that got quietly offed when they stepped out of line, that’s for sure. 
Needless to say, I would imagine it would be pretty much impossible to come out as anything in that sort of environment… provided that you managed to get out enough to learn about that stuff to start with. And Sam definitely appears to be one of the worst victims of this. She died really young. While Meredith and Alaster might have gotten to go to a public school or at least hit the mall every once in a while, she probably spent every second since the day she died locked up in the mansion because… well, zombies aren’t supposed to exist. Unable to go anywhere, do anything of value, make any friends… it’s really no wonder her nihilism cranked up to 11 in just a decade or so. Not to mention (especially in comparison to the reboot), there’s no way she can buy her own clothes, so she’s literally just a Wight themed dress up doll. She has the Wight family logos literally all over her- bones in her dress, the skull on her head and shoes, a Wight crest on her necklace, most of them oversized for her stature. Literally weighing her down in a poofy dress that makes her look adorable instead of practical. Heck, she’s even drawn in a way depicts how she’s had her agency removed. She’s a Wight, so she definitely HAS the sharp pointy teeth, and yet unlike everyone else in her family you barely ever see them. (If at all- I’m pretty sure you don’t, but I’m not going to go through every page she appears to check.) She’s literally defanged and weighed down by family expectations. It’s no wonder she lashes out at Meredith, who is capable of actually expressing herself to a degree. 
(Also, a smaller side headcanon- I’ve noticed that while the red eyed fangy icon is the Wight family crest, those simplified skulls on Samantha and Meredith’s heads appear a lot as well. I like to think that those were the family crest of Nora’s now extinct bloodline from when she married into the Adigard family. Even though they aren’t the official Wight crest, they’re now considered a sort of secondary crest that’s still carried around out of respect to the maternal lineage, which is why you see it more prominently on the women of the family as well. Is there any textual support for this? No, none, but it’s still fun to think about.)
SO YEAH, Sam in the reboot, wow. Goes by a (notably more gender neutral) nickname instead of the longer and more formal “Samantha”, with her clothing following. Jeans and a t-shirt. Square glasses. Very short hair. The family symbols are now not dragging her down, but smaller accents that she wears to go with her outfit instead of defining it. She’s finally free! She has a job she likes. She takes pride in her skills. She has a favorite sandwich spot and a college education and friends. ...And like, maybe a girlfriend? It would be nice. This is admittedly because her style of hair and dress is… well. Kinda butch. But like I’ve mentioned before, physical appearance is one of the last indicators I like to go for with this. Instead, I prefer to look at it in terms of her personality- outside of the deathgrip of outdated family tradition, Sam can afford to be herself more, and yeah, maybe that involves dating folks with the same gender and wearing blue jeans. This is also kinda supported to a degree by how her siblings haven’t changed that much since the old timeline. Merry’s outfit is pretty much the exact same. Jericho doesn’t have the biohazard suit, but his new outfit still kinda evokes it in the hat, long coat, and boots. He still seems to prefer the same styles, at least. Alaster is pretty different, but that’s more because he’s wearing a uniform more than anything, and with the bandages it’s clear he’s still putting his own personal spin on it. Sam is COMPLETELY different, and it’s a change for the better and happier. So yeah. It would be really fitting if part of that new access to personal freedom was in getting to explore her sexuality as well, and eventually settling down into being a lesbian. It would be a happy ending to Samantha’s story, even Sam’s is only getting started.
2. Arrie is bisexual! What? Who do you think it is that Sam’s dating? But yeah, I ship them pretty hard. Like Sam, Arrie has some pretty big personality differences between her preboot self and current self, Parrios vs. Tinderbolt. Old Arrie seemed to be well versed in politics, able to negotiate and take charge easily even if she was a bit overly formal and her interpersonal skills weren’t QUITE up to snuff. That’s not to say that she couldn’t have been bi, but I also didn’t read her as vibing with anyone all that well. 
Not to turn this into a massive shipping discussion (as that’s not really the topic I’m trying to cover here), but I saw her most interesting potential romantic foils as Trevor and Sally… but neither of them were very likely in practice. She and Trevor were good friends but the last time they spoke in the comic he stuck his own foot in his mouth with her and they never got the opportunity to work things out after that (and even then, there was no sort of… spark implying that they would make each other better as a couple. Seriously, just friends.), which leaves that ship on a particularly sour note. And while she and Sally were FANTASTIC counterparts to each other (rough and tumble demon girl and overly formal and technical elf princess? Sally getting her to slowly loosen up and have fun with it a bit while also reminding her how much her one liners suck? Arrie coming to impress her and earn her respect with fancy spellwork? Hell yeah.), but they only spent maybe an hour tops with each other and didn’t have any opportunity for deeper conversation. Also, that would mean that Sally and Bael wouldn’t be a thing and I refuse to break that couple up.
But Arrie in the reboot? Oh man. Her social awkwardness and getting stuck on details have really been dialed up now that she’s essentially been raised in a classroom and in private study instead of being trained as a politician and dignitary.  She’s no longer a princess, but a magic computer programmer. She’s anxious, stubborn, and definitely has a lot of room to grow. But, that’s where Sam comes in. They’ve known each other since they were little- they definitely know each other’s baggage and have accepted it. They know each other’s hopes and dreams. They spend a ton of time with each other. And yeah, they bring out the best in each other. Sam gets Arrie to leave her room once in a while, and Arrie’s attention to detail means she no doubt always listens to Sam complain long after anyone else would have tuned it out. And yes, you could easily interpret this as mere best friend territory, but wouldn’t it be interesting if it was something more? After all, Sam is really touchy-feely with Arrie even though she’s normally standoffish. She drapes herself all over Arrie in the early pages of the comic, and Arrie barely blinks. Sam threatens to drag her and Arrie is suddenly done with her work, but they’re both smiling about it. Similarly, when Arrie finally pries Sam off of her with magic, Sam just lets Arrie toss her around midair even though they both know she could use it offensively (which Arrie does when tussling with Sally later.). But they both know Arrie would never do that- they trust each other implicitly. Again, could just be friendship, but it’s not difficult to read into it and see a bit more intimacy than that. Additionally, it would really be neat to see them together just from an angle of “Their families used to be bitter enemies, but… well, not for these two, I guess.”
Also, it’s really funny to imagine a copy of that first scene but Sam’s in fancy clothing trying to drag Arrie to their anniversary dinner. For god’s sake Arrie, you’re already in the dress. The runes look FINE. You’re going to miss your reservation, get UP.
(And on another headcanon side-note- If I was going to cosplay as anyone in the comic, it would 100% be Arrie, if just because I have blonde hair and blue eyes and none of her outfits look too crazy to sew and it's not that hard to find elf ears online. With current circumstances though, I don’t think I’ll be doing anything like that any time soon.)
3. Charlie is agender or genderfluid, at least in the preboot timeline. This is less “it just feels right” and more “this is probably the inevitable conclusion of having hundreds of souls with conflicting gender identities stuffed into one body.” He is made up of boys, girls, and people who never got to have enough of a personal identity to make a decision about that sort of thing. Just a big bag of angry ghosts. Considering what happens in the approximate… like… what, six to nine months or so? That he gets to exist, I don’t think he really thought about what gender he was all that hard and probably only went with “he” because that’s what everyone who met him assumed he was. Which, let’s be honest, he’s canonically very emaciated, has long, probably matted hair, and probably has heavily stunted growth due to his upbringing- I think it would actually be pretty hard to figure him out on first glance. I’ve just noticed that people tend to default to “this is a dude” if they don’t know right away. If he had time to think about it though, I think he either a. Honestly would not give a crap, or b. Would just switch his pronouns around depending on how he was feeling that day. Heck, while “Charles” is definitely a guy’s name, I’ve definitely seen “Charlie” used for both. So he wouldn’t even have to change anything there. Still, if you asked him what he identifies as, his answer would probably something like “An Avatar Of Vengeance”, which, while accurate, isn’t the answer most people are looking for. (He knows this. He does it on purpose.) That being said though, I still have no clue what reboot Charlie’s deal is or how many souls he’s got stuffed up in there, but hey! Like I said, anyone can be anything so who’s to say Charlie ISN’T still genderfluid in the current timeline? Could have just been a “dude” day when we met him the first time around.
4. Junior is genderfluid! Or, well, would have been in the future. This just feels like a logical progression of the worldview Junior had going. He seemed very into transhumanism and just changing yourself to who you want to be instead of sitting there and waiting for it. I certainly can’t imagine him going “Hm yes. I have all these options, but I think I’m just going to stick with being a Regular Dude until the day I die.” when he was so gung-ho about getting his hands chopped off and replaced with giant claws. Therefore I could see a “I think, therefore I am.” sort of philosophy with regards to his gender developing as he gets older. “I think I want to be a girl today, so I am a girl! That’s all there is to it!” Unfortunately, considering he was being raised to be a weapon (or at least a lab rat) of some sort, I don’t know how much his identity would be respected, but I’d imagine there’s at least one or two people in his life that would nod and swap over to what he was feeling that day. 
5. Lexi as a nonbinary woman. To explain a little bit, most people who imagine nonbinary genders for the first time think of gender as a slider with “dude” on the left side and “lady” on the right side with nonbinary genders somewhere in the middle. And for some people, that’s how they feel… but for others, its not that simple, with their gender being somewhere “off the grid” so to speak, or aligning themselves with one gender but… not.. QUITE all the way with it, or picking and choosing the parts of it they like, etc. So a girl or a guy, but… a nonbinary girl or guy. I could see Lexi as this, using she/her pronouns or they/them pronouns, just kind of being blase about it. 
I talked about the Wight’s general culture a little bit and how it came off to me, but not Thal’nasia’s. To put it simply, I don’t think Thal’nasia is NEARLY as bad as the Wights, but I do think it has its own troubles. Between Trevor’s comments about how the humans shouldn’t trust anyone (which is probably in reference to the politicians, but it also implies a “the walls have ears” sort of vibe for the kingdom in general) and the fact that the elves are several years behind human culture in general, I could imagine being different in this way wouldn’t be… necessarily frowned upon, but there would certainly be a lot of gossip. Not to mention, it’s not like anyone who lives there can just move away if coming out doesn’t go so well. So I’d imagine things would be a little awkward for anyone who’s off the beaten track in terms of gender identity or sexuality, getting a lot of gritted teeth smiles and hesitant “Uh-huhs”. And then getting a lot of whispers and giggles as soon as their back is turned.
With that in mind, I think Lexi would have some trouble getting people to take her seriously, but in some ways I think this meshes well with what we saw of her in the preboot setting. She’s already a pretty counterculture person, working in a store that explicitly sells things that are edgy or in poor taste. And she’s already used to secluding herself to a degree, considering that she had been able to hide her plague markings for a while by the time we saw her for the first time. So for people she doesn’t know too well, I could see her introducing her gender in a half-joking manner similar to how she runs her shop in general, and gauging their reaction to see if they’re cool about it or not, at which point she’d either double down on the edgy performance or relax a bit.
6. Cerene is polyamorous! This one’s mostly for fun, and mostly because it was implied that Cerene had to pick either Morris or Charlie, and… why not both? Neither Morris nor Charlie seemed to dislike each other, and neither seem like the jealous type. Morris is super chill and reasonable, and as I already mentioned up in #3 I really don’t think Charlie’s the kind to care about traditional relationships. And who’s to say they wouldn’t like each other as well? Not to mention Cerene’s certainly capable of splitting her attention and dedicating the time needed to maintain a relationship that’s… bigger than most peoples’. I’m just saying, if anyone could make a polycule work, it’s probably Cerene with her insane networking skills. Bael’s downplaying her skills by just assuming she sleeps around a lot. Oh no- she’s asking multiple people about their day, keeping notes of their personal preferences and wants for birthday gift reasons, and plotting out multiple sweet date ideas to take place simultaneously. She has this shit ORGANIZED. There is a day planner. Also she gets to bang a lot but that’s, like, secondary.
7. James Narron is gay? Perhaps? Granted we only barely know him, but still. He seems like a nice guy with a tendency to scoop up and mentor outcast children. Perhaps due to a history of being a bit of an outcast himself? Not enough to damage his career- he’s still head of the scholar’s society after all- but something that makes him feel a little different in the crowd. I just think it would be neat!
8. Mara is a trans girl. This one’s a bit harder to explain, and considering I have no idea how she’s translated over to the reboot timeline (if at all, seeing as the circumstances of her backstory and personality have been completely erased.) Buuut I think this meshes well with her once you take into account her various motivations. She’s determined to be taken seriously. People try to brush her off due to being very young and not mentally fit for the position due to the whole “child soldier” thing. So she’s used to people not taking her seriously at best and at worst finding the fact that she’s in her hard-earned position at all to be disgusting. Not to mention that folks don’t exactly trust the red army to start with. This… surprisingly parallels a lot of what transwomen have to go through, both being taken seriously as real women and as not being seen as a “threat”. This is probably even harder for younger trans girls who no doubt constantly get the “Okay, but can you really be SURE at your age?” treatment. 
You could also link this, surprisingly, into her hairstyle. Mara has boxy cut bangs in the front, but has a long twist braid in the back, far longer than most other characters in the comic. You could argue its a sense of personal style, but there’s a reason people in the military cut their hair so short (and even women in the military keep theirs in tight buns.). So you could handwave it as “it helps differentiate the character and looks like a vine, which is her whole shtick.”, which is a completely valid reading! But it’s known that a lot of trans women grow their hair out as a point of pride in transitioning, and its heartbreaking if they have to get it cut off again. So while it might be more convenient and strategic for Mara to cut her hair, she could also have a very good reason for keeping it as long as possible,
9. Dr. Grenner is bisexual. Or just questioning? Something like that? This has zero textual support and is just kind of fun to think about in terms of the personal conflict it would bring up for him. First and foremost- not everyone figures out that they’re LGBT right away. It’s not a “kids these days” sort of thing, anyone can learn something new about themselves at any time. It would be nice to see a character that has this experience, just for fun and interest! That being said, Grenner as we know him would be an interesting choice for this, considering that until very recently in the preboot’s storyline, he was likely happily married to a woman. (I mean. Iggy had to come from SOMEWHERE, and I doubt he was plucked out of a cabbage patch.) And it ended… badly. 
As a result, I could see him being really conflicted due to his grief and the fact that he’s now single for the first time in decades. And, well. Santris is the only guy who really seems to stop and have any in depth conversations with him who isn’t a coworker or a patient. (Also, he’s kinda pretty. And Grenner finds that he can’t really stop looking at his eyes? That’s. Weird. Hm.) This leads into mental conflict between “It’s fine! Plenty of people figure this out at your age, and let’s be honest, there WERE some signs for it back when you were in college.” and “This isn’t anything, you’re still heavily grieving and you have a monster living in the back of your head and you’re heavily projecting onto the one person that actually treats you like a person. Get ahold of yourself.” Which one is it? Well, that’s what storytelling is for, you figure it out. But I could easily imagine himself just sitting there and psychoanalyzing himself endlessly to try and keep the issue at arms length, treating himself like a patient to avoid having to confront the emotional reality of his grief, guilt, and weird crush.
Not sure how Santris would feel about all of this because who even knows what that guy thinks, but I’m pretty sure he would definitely notice. And maybe milk it just a little bit so he doesn’t have to stretch and grab things on tall shelves anymore. Or pull out his own chair. Or make his own coffee. It’s a nice change of pace.
Is this piling too much on poor Grenner when he’s already such a guilt driven person? Yeah, probably. But what is fiction but a chance to torment fictional people with weird crises about their sexuality.
10. The old Wights? Are probably a lot of things? I’m not necessarily referring to the old Wights we’ve seen already, just the culture and atmosphere for the old clan in general. I definitely noticed how the old Wights and Adigards definitely don’t have the same culture as the new ones. There’s no need to prove themselves to be great- they ARE the greatness that the modern Wights are trying to live up to. So there’s not as much of an issue with trying to “fit in”. They’re the ones setting the standard to start with. Not to mention the old Wights are so far modified from their original human bodies already, does it really matter what they identify as after a certain point? That guy has 50 arms with flesh ripping claws and you’re saying he’s not a guy because there’s also a set of boobs involved? How do you know he didn’t put those on himself anyway? Let’s be honest, most people are going to refer to you as “OH GOD, WHY WON’T IT DIE!” anyway. Might as well call yourself whatever you want.
There’s also at least a little bit of historical support to this as well. The old Wights are vikings, or at least rather viking-inspired. In comparison to a lot of peoples that were living at the same time, vikings were surprisingly chill? It’s pretty well known that viking women could own property and demand divorces, etc. Who’s to say the Adigard family couldn’t take that an extra step further? 
And then there’s the characters I WOULDN’T make a particular thing, whether it REALLY doesn’t make sense for them story-wise, or would just be stumbling into a bad stereotype for a particular group. I don’t think it’s impossible, but you’d definitely need to have more members OF that group in the story to make it clear that that’s just what that particular CHARACTER is like, and not an assumption of what that group of PEOPLE is like.
1. It could look bad if Sally was a transwoman. Don’t get me wrong- I love Sally a LOT. Like, SO much. Her personality is so much fun and I just love big, kinda dumb brawler characters. She has interesting twists to her personality (like how she loves being strong and having cool powers but is also aware that she didn’t use to be quite this aggressive and violent and finds it difficult to know where the line is and know when to stop.) and makes an excellent foil to the characters that have a tendency to ramble on. But… let’s be honest, having the explicitly beefy, aggressive female character be the only transgender woman would be a really bad look. Trans women are very frequently under a large amount of scrutiny for how they present themselves, and overly muscled and aggressive individuals are one of the negative stereotypes for that group. Does that mean I think Sally is a bad character? No, absolutely not! I’m aware she has depth, and for a cisgender woman I think her power set is a breath of fresh air. God knows I’d love to have the ability to throw someone across a city block when a guy’s been following me for a little too long when I’m walking home at 2 am. But I do think that, in the absence of other trans women, making her transgender would be choice made in poor taste as it hews too close to stereotypes that have been made to insult and belittle these women.
2. Max and Arthur as… well, anything. This is in regards to the preboot setting. We have known Arthur for literally one page in the reboot and he’s already clearly pretty different from the old version of him so I’m withholding all judgement there. Still, this one’s a little harder to explain. 
Don’t get me wrong, I love the idea of a young Maxwell feeling absolutely nothing for all of the girls dragged in front of him as potential suitors and eventually picking one for no reason other than “Dad liked her”. Max assuming its normal to feel this way because being asexual isn’t an option when it’s your literal job to carry on the family bloodline. I like the idea of Arthur waking up from an accidental nap in front of the TV to find that it’s moved on to some sort of documentary about trans women and how relieved they felt to be able to reflect on the outside how they felt on the inside and sits there watching it blithely for a little bit too long before he identifies that feeling in his chest as something close to pain and scrambles for the remote a little too fast while grumbling something about kids these days ruining their bodies for shits and giggles. (Hey remember how I mentioned that those skull motifs are usually only worn by girls? I say usually because Arthur is the only dude who wears them. Funny, that.)
It could definitely be interesting to interpret them as something else, but… I think it would have to be in an AU or timeline just to the left where they’re. Mmmmore tolerable as people. Look let’s be honest, in the original Suppression timeline, Max and Arthur are some of the biggest… well, evil people we see. The younger Wights have their sympathetic traits (or are just hilariously outmatched such that they aren’t really a threat. Sorry Jericho.). Grenner wasn’t even trying to be a villain. Kolt is creepy as hell and I try to forget he exists. William… isn’t really traditionally sapient, it’s hard to hate an evil Siri. We don’t know much about Santris, and we were really only getting started on Maggie and Bartleby. But Max and Arthur kill innocent people, kill their kids, kill each other because they’re canonically selfish, miserable people. If you wanted to redeem either, they’d have to be… well, not those people. So like I said, you’d need a different version of canon.
This is because, well. While I’m sure there are evil people that are… let’s pick one and say gay. 1. Gay-coding villains is a well known negative stereotype. And 2. Saying that people who are against LGBT rights in real life are totally just repressed gay people is both harmful and… idk, annoying. For point one, there’s plenty of villains where they’re presented with traits associated with LGBT individuals. Think how Ursula in The Little Mermaid was based on a drag queen, Scar in The Lion King is a sort of effeminate gay stereotype, Raoul Silva in Skyfall and his… weird homoeroticism. Don’t ask me why those were the first three examples that came to mind. In and of itself, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Everyone loves Disney villains, they’re the most fun characters! But in settings where they’re the ONLY characters that are LGBT, it suddenly creates the stereotype that… all LGBT people are inherently evil, deviant, or corrupt in some way. Which is a nasty thing to say. For a lot of the other villains, it could be fun! But these two are just so unavoidably (if amusingly) awful that it feels… weird to pin this stuff on them.
Which leads me into the second point. It’s fun to poke fun at say… a pastor saying all gay people are going to hell by going “Man, he has sure been talking about gay guys and their gay sex for a really long time huh? Makes you wonder, huh?” Because unfortunately at the end of the day… statistically, they aren’t. They just want to hurt those people (or “help” them in their own minds but again, let’s be real here.) And even if they ARE, they’re doing so much damage that it’s hard to feel sorry for them. It feels similar to my own experiences where I’d be bullied by a guy at school and the adults around me would be like “Oh don’t worry, he just has a crush on you!” Great! Awesome! That helps me out a LOT and makes me feel so much better. Really unrips up the homework he stole from me. That’s definitely a behavior we should be encouraging in guys too. Just fantastic. Yeah, I don’t think that mindset really helps anyone, and frankly feels like it would be a shallow addition to these guys.
And let’s be honest, with these two it feels like part of the fun that they’re so irredeemably awful because when they lose it feels just that much better. It was so, SO funny watching Max get squished by a demon falling several stories, or watching Sally deck Arthur in the face and Arrie blind him temporarily. It was fitting watching Arthur drink Max’s phylactery, wrapping up both of their character arcs as selfish people who inevitably only had each other but couldn’t even trust each other- and shouldn’t have. And then Sin Arthur got thrown around like a ragdoll by King Law like five minutes later. It was GREAT. If it turns out that deep down they felt differently but didn’t feel like they could say or do anything about it, it would make them more sympathetic and thus make me feel… well, worse about watching them get beat down on. Which would inevitably make those moments I mentioned fall a little flat. 
So, uhm. Yeah. I think that’s everything? Just about everything? Holy crap, I was NOT expecting to write this much. Maybe a few notes for each character, but nothing huge. And it did get huge, that’s. That’s a LOT of words. I’d apologize, but I’m not THAT sorry about it- it was really nice to get the opportunity to put to words some of the feelings I’ve been having on this stuff for a while.
0 notes
8requiems · 3 years
The God of Bath Review
This review, by current standards at least, could be considered a “Quality Drop”, but i still wanted to post it anyway.
With that said, I hope you like the review!:
Intro Sequence
It’s official description reads:
“Heo Sae, wants to be the best person in spa massage and scrub, has battles with others.”
And if you want to suck out all the nuance, then that is the simple premise on which all 30 episodes of this manhwa are built on but let’s spruce this up a bit
“God of Bath” follows Heo Sae, a narcissistic jobless college grad that’s found himself indebted to a loan shark because he keeps trying to chase the chic city life of Seoul, South Korea. After being bailed out of his debt by the Chairman of ‘Geumja Public Bath’ because he has the hands of Taemirus also known as the God of Bath. Heo must work off his debt by participating in the ‘Bath Star M’ contest, the winner will be crowned the best “Ttaemiri”, given 300 million won in prize money and a luxury Sedan
Side note: Ttaemiri - a professional scrubber who scrubs down in bathers in a public bathhouse
The primary location of ‘God of Bath’ is the ‘Geumja Public Bath’. A giant Pyramid in the middle of a town, also I know I’m colourblind but is it just me or does the colour look oddly like...hmmm(*sound of running water*).
The comic skews heavily in using 3D renders coupled with some drawn over assets and while these shots aren’t my favourite they’re hardly the point. Most of the art in God of Bath seems to serve the purpose of giving you an appreciation of the world Heo Sae envies and wishes deeply to be a part of. It sets the stakes for what he stands to lose if he loses the Bath Star M contest. Thus = This could be due the fact that regardless of which type of comedy I categorized this webtoon as, it’s still a comedy, and I didn’t start reading so I could find exceptional art, but the poor 3d models somehow compliments the art that is actually drawn. Maybe its the simplistic art and lack of drawn detail. Whatever it is, it works.
God of bath is home to a cavalcade of characters.
First there’s Heo Sae - The Humbled Narcissist: 
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( ^ Chapter 1)
He is a narcissistic college grad, who  in the 8th grade decided to move to Seoul Korea to put distance between himself and inheriting his late father's bath business. He is a trend chaser and deeply cares about keeping up appearances. Despite giving off an egotistical demeanor, he is still a respectful person.
Then we have Kang Hae - A Traditional Professional:
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( ^ Chapter 3 )
Kang Hae is a traditional Ttaemiri, who is diligent and is strict about safety. Kang Hae is introduced as Hae’s ideal endpoint if he devotes himself to “Tae” the art of scrubbing. He is an earnest individual with no sympathy for those that look down on Ttaemiri, or the dreams of others. It’s revealed during the second round of the ‘Bath Star M’ contest that the chairman had to retire after hurting his right arm protecting Kang. An example of this would be when he responds to Hae downplaying the skills of Ttaemiri in an attempt to not look as shameful about his loss in the Bath Combat (Chapter 4)
And then theirs his Kanh hae’s Rival, Kim Seonggong - The Icarus of Ttaemiri
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( ^ Chapter 16′s Beginning Art )
Is an Elite Ttaemiri, whom unlike Kang Hae, seemed to have grown up under normal circumstances, but chose to become a Ttaemiri regardless. During a bath seminar, he debuts a “bath paddle”, which is a curvy white knife, to scrub off the dead skin of a homeless man. After the demonstration, Kang asks Seong why he is so eager to succeed. Kim responds in kind, “People tend to reach higher places… Should there be a reason for that?” Because of his desire to succeed, he can be seen as an opportunist. As he will tend to as many VIP’s as possible, postponing the regulars he would usually scrub.
Now, right off the bat, It may seem weird to be discussing Immersion in relation to the comedy genre on webtoon, but hear me out: 
Generally there are two ways comedy is portrayed in webcomics,
Stories where consequences are never/very occasionally carried over into the following episodes, think Garfield
Stories where consequences are carried over and the character roster is unchanging, think
‘God of Bath’ falls under the latter, meaning that although its jokes are a major selling point of the webcomic itself, it still has an ongoing plot that you can attach yourself to and enjoy. Although I have read webtoons like ‘God of Bath’, I found myself forgetting that it was mainly categorized as a comedy. This isn’t to say that it isn’t funny, but the webtoon treats the plot as important as the humour it presents. 
      2. Execution (Is it funny?): 
When thinking about the execution of ‘God of Bath’, we’d naturally have to think about 3 things. The jokes considering that it's under “Comedy”, the “Arc” that Heo Sae goes through, and the logistics of anything “bath” related that this webcomic is asking you to accept (which I will explain why it is important to any degree in a bit).
But first, the funny ha ha moments. Naturally, no matter how objective I want to be about this section. Whether or not this webtoon is funny is completely up to YOU, the reader. That being said, throughout the time I was reading these 30 episodes, I found myself often smiling. Referring back to the art, the way Creator Ilkwon draws Heo Sea is unique enough to the point where I can’t help my face just lock into a grin.
Moving on to Heo’s unintentional journey towards bettering himself, “God of Bath” is surprisingly realistic with the way certain situations unfold in the story, despite it being a comedy. In the span of 30 episodes, Heo is somehow completely unrecognizable when compared to his chapter 1 counterpart. Honestly, there is way more nuance in this webcomic than it really should have. I say it like it's a negative, but it's honestly just unexpected. Especially since the webcomic doesn’t wear a message on it’s sleeve.
Finally, the logistics of anything bath related. If I’m going to be honest, if God of Bath’s “logic”, wherever there is, when it comes to scrubbing was 100% false, I wouldn’t really bat an eye to it. Because scrubbing is more of a device used to progress the plot rather than as a selling point for the story. Which is weird considering that all bath related activities is what makes God of Bath, ‘God of Bath’. The fact that Geumja public bath is able to disguise itself as the centerpiece of the webcomic instead of Heo’s arc in the comic, all the while both being enjoyable to read regardless, makes the Webtoon succeed, and properly deserve being among the list of Originals on the site.
        3. Style:
I already touched upon the quality of the webtoons setting, so the main focus will go towards the art of the cast themselves and how it translates towards telling the story. 
‘God of Bath’’s art can be summarized through this one panel of Heo Sea (Chapter 3):
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Although Ilkwon Ha has a decent grasp on how to draw his characters, it never stops him from drawing absurd versions of the cast. But more importantly than that, he doesn’t always stay consistent with the way he draws gags. There are multiple combinations or versions of some gags that it never really feels repetitive. 
An example of this would be of when Heo Sae takes a selfie.
Chapter 1
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Chapter 8
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There are countless amounts of this specific panel sprinkled throughout the 30 episodes, but I can’t help but crack a smile seeing it regardless.
Here are some more examples of Ilkwon Ha blurring the line between a gag drawing and a normal panel.
( Both of these panels come from Chapter 6 ) 
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Gag panels aside, I have come to like Ilkwon Ha’s intro panels. Seeing them somehow feels refreshing every time I read a new chapter. I think it’s because the art is usually ‘peaceful’ or ‘calm’, which you could even say matches how customers feel after being scrubbed down by the Ttaemiri in Geumja. I don’t know, that's just me spitballing.
(All 3 of these images come from Chapter 1) 
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Originial Opinion: (If you want to elaborate on how 3D models are used throughout the webcomic, go for it. I don’t really have much opinion on it besides the fact that- it exists).
In Retrospect: I was going to leave tis review untouched for when I posted it since I did this a while back and it shows a good sense of progress for me personally, but I just wanted to say that the 3D models kinda grew on me, and somehow contribute to the Webcomics style despite being so clearly out of place.
Overall, after reading ‘God of Bath’, it could have truly succeeded as an episodic series. The story concept alone gives it enough creative freedom in expanding the “Bath World”.
But most important of all fleshing out the characters more.
At the very least, seeing how Seonggongs’s path towards greatness would have unfolded. Because no matter how much I dwell on his character, it feels like his arc as a character was incomplete. Or rather, it feels like there was missed potential. 
THAT BEING SAID, the webcomic itself was very complete, seeing as how it was about Heo Sae’s values and how those values change throughout the comic.
I should also note that APPARENTLY, there was going to be a movie adaptation released in 2015, but due to the main lead (Kim Young-Kwang) finding a successful role in “Pinocchio”, it got shafted. Which sucks because while I was writing this I was thinking about how this should get an animated adaptation like ‘Tower of God’.
All in all, I definitely suggest you give ‘God of Bath’ a chance, because it just may surprise you how,  before you know it, the webcomic is already pulling you into its odd, yet realistic world.
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creative-type · 7 years
Building up to Arlong Part I
“Just wait ‘till the Arlong arc.”
I think anyone who’s been in the One Piece fandom for any length of time has read some variation of the above sentence. It’s almost universally agreed that the Arlong arc is the tipping point from the series, elevating One Piece from okay to great. Detractors, newcomers, and the generally curious are all told to hold off their judgment until seventy chapters into the series, which seems like an absurd amount of time for a reader to get hooked.
In an interview with several of Oda’s former editors (English summary here, about three-quarters down the page) it’s stated that One Piece met some initial resistance in Japan among the staff at Shonen Jump, with some of the editors not seeing the appeal and others having to convince them of its “awesomeness”. 
It’s hard to imagine the manga garnering such a reaction today, but I think it’s important to keep in mind that One Piece is Oda’s first serialized work. He had been an assistant and written several one shots, but he’d never had to put together a long-form story before. He was learning and growing as an author and artist as he went along. 
Just compare the art in these two pages
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Both are establishing shots of new locations, one of Usopp’s hometown and the other the Marines setting Luffy’s first bounty. The amount of detail outside the marine base blows the idyllic hills of Syrup village out of the water. It can be jarring to see how sparse early One Piece panels are when you’re more used to the cluttered, chaotic pages of later chapters.
But I think it would be impossible for Oda to make the jump from “meh” to “this is amazing” without some proper buildup. Early One Piece arcs contain bits and pieces of what makes the series so beloved, and as each arc progresses Oda takes what he’s learned and adds it into an ever-improving whole. So let’s take a look at these early chapters and find the diamonds scattered among the rough.
Romance Dawn
Chapter 1 is arguably the best crafted stand-alone story in these early chapters. That makes sense. As a pilot chapter for the series I’m sure it was written and rewritten dozens of times for maximum effectiveness, and I think it gets across everything it needs to without belaboring the point.
Romance Dawn is a glimpse of the quality that Oda would later produce on a more consistent basis. The characters are fun and have hidden depths, the art is simple but dynamic, and the bait-and-switch where Shanks doesn’t initially beat the crap out of the mountain bandits is a surprise considering the genre. And if haki was indeed planned from the beginning it’s also the first instance of Oda’s famous foreshadowing ability. 
Considering future backstories it’s a little surprising that no one important to Luffy dies, but the familiar themes of inherited will, dreams, and sacrifice are present. The lack of uber-tragedy sets Luffy apart from a lot of protagonists and fits with his lighthearted, carefree characterization and the more whimsical nature of the series, while still hinting at the darkness that exists within the world. 
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Chapter 2 is also a stand-alone story, but it’s much more generic. Following a common trend during these early chapters, it’s more focused on establishing Luffy as a character than any of the antagonists, and world building is minimal. Alvida is so boring that Oda completely repurposed her design and personality when she was reintroduce in Louge Town, and at this point Coby is a walking, talking foil to Luffy with little to no personality of his own. 
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There are a couple of things to note, though. One, Luffy’s characterization is remarkably consistent to what we see later in the series. Here we see him smile as he faces death, while later in the chapter Luffy insults Coby and calls him a wimp in a scene that’s reminiscent of his interaction with Shirohoshi during the Fishman Island arc. He also doesn’t help Coby until Coby stands up for himself, subtly enforcing the idea that Luffy is not a hero. 
Second, we can see the embryonic form of Oda’s later paneling and page layouts. The above scene reminded me of a picture I pulled for my analysis of Chapter 218.
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You can’t see it here, but in Chapter 218 Oda tilts his panels to match the rocking of the Going Merry, using an unconventional panel format to convey the chaos the Straw Hats are experiencing while also giving the eye an easy path to follow.
Chapter 2 has the “fade to black” Oda commonly uses when transitioning scenes, but the format is the traditional three lines of (mostly) rectangular panels. Despite the huge whirlpool you don’t get a sense that the situation is dangerous.
Also note the sheer amount of information conveyed in the sequence from Chapter 218 compared to the Chapter 2 despite them sharing basically the same layout. There are four separate panels of the same whirlpool - adequate enough in showing the passage of time, but visually kind of boring, which sums up the art in general during these early chapters.
Shells Town 
The Shells Town arc shares a lot of the same flaws as the Alvida encounter, but has the benefit of a longer page count, which is helpful in fleshing out the story. Coby starts to grow into his own, and Zoro is introduced. The focus is still on establishing Luffy’s ideals as a pirate and Morgan is a one-note villain, but the world is starting to grow, namely with the complex morality of the marines.
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We also get our first taste of Oda’s specific brand of Tragic Backstory (tm). Zoro’s flashback is arguably the weakest of all the Straw Hat’s. The pacing is rushed and I personally find the segue in and out of the present day to be a little jarring, but the bones of it is sound even if the execution is iffy. 
The fight against Morgan doesn’t last long, but outclassed as he is, he at least puts up a better showing than Alvida. There are some neat camera angles and perspective tricks that Oda uses that sell Luffy’s flowing, so-long-as-it-works-I’m-going-to-do-it fighting style. 
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Again, this is but a taste of things to come, and short as it may be the Morgan fight is fun. Oda has said he gave Luffy the gum-gum fruit to help keep things from ever getting too serious, and reading these early chapters I believe it.
Orange Town
I would call the Buggy arc the first “standard” One Piece arc. At fourteen chapters it’s decently long by East Blue standards. It’s is leaps and bounds better than anything we’ve seen thus far, and we have the flashy bastard himself to thank.
Pre-comic relief Buggy manages to straddle the line between menacing and likable. One thing I do appreciate about One Piece villains is that they’re generally not given an excuse for their evilness (a trend that is admittedly starting to reverse post timeskip). We are never told why Buggy, Kuro, or Kreig set out to be pirates, and frankly we don’t need to know. Buggy is given a reason for his animosity towards Shanks, but it’s never used as a justification for his more jerkish behavior.
And he is a jerk. A clever, reasonably powerful, flashy jerk, but a jerk all the same.
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With this added characterization, Buggy has the honor of being the first charismatic and memorable villain of the series, and is also the first instance of camaraderie within an enemy organization. In all honesty, I think the only thing separating Orange Town from the Cocoyashi village is emotional stakes. Buggy’s opinion notwithstanding, there is no Tragic Backstory (tm). The little dog comes closest, but the effectiveness of Shu depends entirely how much one cares for sad animal stories (I am immune, and subsequently don’t much care about Laboon either).
More importantly, it’s here that we see the first primitive instances of Straw Hat interaction, and some of the stuff that happens when Oda lets all the different personalities bounce off of one another is pure gold
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Also Luffy shoves an old man face-first into a wall for his own good. I feel like that ought to be mentioned every time someone tries to call him a hero.
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But the thing that really stands out in Orange Town when placed within the overarching plot is Oda’s burgeoning skill at playing the long game in regards to his storytelling, specifically in regard to Nami.
The Alvida, Morgan, and later Gaimon’s arcs are largely self-contained little stories that serve to flesh out Luffy as a protagonist. When Zoro was recruited the audience was informed of his history and character motivation almost immediately. During Nami’s first conversation with Luffy in chapter 9 we learn that she’s 1) raising 100,000,000 berries to buy a village, 2) loves money and tangerines, and 3) hates pirates. We don’t learn the reason for any of these things until her backstory is revealed in chapter 78.
There are obvious parallels to Robin’s recruitment much later, but really this is Oda something does quite often. Vivi and Law were both around for awhile before the meat of their stories were told. Having someone familiar around for big conflicts helps give a face to the nameless masses. It would have been really hard for Oda to make the reader care about the average Joe in Cocoyashi village without having a pre-established connection in the form of Nami, and it would be really hard to care about Nami if the audience hadn’t been given the time to get to know her first.
By waiting so long to let Nami develop as her own character, the emotional stakes missing from Orange Town are fully present during the much-beloved march to Arlong Park. The latter cannot exist without the former.
I said in the opening that 70 chapters is an absurd amount of time to get hooked into a story, but in some ways I can completely understand why it would take that long. One Piece isn’t built on slick one-liners or “cool” characters. It’s fun and goofy and doesn’t take itself too seriously. Hints of future intrigue and mystery are strewn along like bread crumbs down a path, organically delivered as the world unfurls bit by bit. There’s a methodicalness to it that catches the reader by surprise, yet makes perfect sense as the crew goes from island to island.
Orange Town is just the beginning of this in action, but once again this is getting pretty long. I’ll finish the road to Arlong Park in another post. Thanks for reading :)   
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quousque · 7 years
Why Wonder Woman’s Fight Choreography Worked
so in my post critiquing the shit out of Wonder Woman, I mentioned that I liked the fight choreography, so here’s a more detailed post as to why (post is in queue at time of writing, will link it later).
I thought that I would spend the movie quietly stuffing down my exasperation with all the extra twirls and flips in the fighting. Usually, that’s the case when I watch action films, especially superhero/fantasy films. I don’t think that movies should have 100% “realistic” combat choreography, but movies with especially unrealistic fights, with spins, flips, dramatic pauses, etc. really break the immersion and throw me out of the story. Part of this is because I have some experience with a few different combat arts. Those sports aren’t necessarily “realistic” either, but they’re definitely closer to “real” hand-to-hand combat than what you see in most Hollywood movies, and so seeing egregiously unrealistic fights on-screen sets off the constant thought of “wait, that’s not what that looks like” that you then have to squash down so you can enjoy the movie. It’s like watching an actor with a really badly faked American accent (looking at you, Bimblesnip Copperflap). That’s not what that’s supposed to sound like, and it’s distracting (I’m sure that people from Not America have this problem a lot more often, with American films that butcher the shit out of other languages). 
Aaaaanyway, I expected that that would be the case with Wonder Woman, and it sort of was, but not really. I didn’t spend all that much time going “ignore the fact that someone should have shot her in the legs/stabbed her in the back during her flip”. Instead I was engrossed in how fucking awesome it looked.
I think that the reason has to do with how Wonder Woman mixes two different movie atmospheres: the high fantasy comic-book movie world of Themiscyra, Diana, Ares, and the Amazons, and a gritty war movie world of World War I, Steve, and the horrors of war. For the Amazons, it makes sense for them to be doing all these sweet kickflips and shit. Isolated for thousands of years, war and combat has become an art form to them. Their movements are practiced and sure, they never misjudge a move or make a mistake, they never look unsure or desperate, they hardly even break a sweat or breath hard, and of course they’re going to embellish their fighting style. It’s still effective as hell, but did Antiope really need to jump fifteen feet in their air off a shield to shoot 3 dudes she could just as easily have shot from the ground? No, not really. But it looks really fucking cool. The Amazons exist in a world where everything is sort of elevated to this perfected, stylized art form- combat, armor and clothes (you can’t argue that Hippolyta’s metal corset is comfortable, or that the Amazon’s armor is effective and realistic), the way they speak, the way their hair is always fucking perfect, the cliche (not in a bad way) legendary past and Important Artifacts, all of it is contrived as hell, but it’s acceptable in a movie about Amazons because, well, it’s sort of part of the package of the world.
The gritty war movie half of Wonder Woman is the half where the movie tries to emphasize the fact that heroes aren’t always good people, innocents die in war and you can’t save everyone, combat is bloody and dirty and gross and horrific, and there is no honor in battle, no dramatic pauses while you say something witty to the enemy, no spinning around to high-kick another dude in the face because if you do the guy you’re kicking grabs your leg and punches you while the someone else bashes you in the back of the head with a gun.
Throughout Wonder Woman, you can very clearly see the divide between the Gritty War Movie and the High Fantasy Movie. Steve, who’s in the Gritty War Movie, is the one who doesn’t waste his time saving people he knows he doesn’t have the resources to save, he’s the one who doesn’t manage to find the magical option C that lets him save the day and survive, he does what is needed, even if it’s immoral. 
Diana exists in the High Fantasy Movie. She saves everyone because she wants to, not because it makes logical sense for her to be able to. She wins the big fight at the end through Righteous Fury, not a clever plan (not a bad thing, just a hallmark of the High Fantasy Movie). She bends the world through force of will alone. Her final fight is versus the most High Fantasy villain ever- a villainously-monologuing ancient evil god wielding fire and dressed in spiky armor. 
These two halves don’t traditionally mix well. Lots of times, in movies that are trying to be the Gritty War Movie, there’s a fight that is just so perfectly choreographed that it looks silly. It doesn’t look like the characters are trying to kill each other, it looks like they’re playing out a script. Fights in Gritty War Movies (if done right) are scrabbling, punching, fighting dirty, desperation, clawing, and panic. Think about how fucking weird and stupid it would look if Steve fought like Diana did. Not with her skill level- with her style. If he went around throwing high kicks and jump kicks at Germans, or mowing down 20 people like they’re nothing, or pausing dramatically with his hair flowing in the breeze and giving a dramatically determined look and somehow not getting shot, it would look ridiculous. Because he’s in the Gritty War Movie half of the movie. Those moves all are fine on Diana, because she’s in the High Fantasy half of the movie. (NB, the only other movie I can think of whose ridiculously silly combat and lack of effective armor didn’t bother me at all was 300- for exactly this reason. 300 knew precisely what kind of ridiculous, over-the-top fantasy it was, and it didn’t try to be anything different).
What’s interesting about Wonder Woman is that it manages to combine the High Fantasy Movie and the Gritty War Movie remarkably well. Not perfectly- I think that Diana’s final fight and character arc were too stuck in the High Fantasy Realm and missed out on the impact they could have gained from the Gritty War Movie Realm. But really well! Most movies that try fail utterly. For instance, Hunchback of Notre Dame tried to be a silly disney movie, while also being the darkest fucking cartoon you’ve ever seen, and the result was the darkest fucking disney movie you’ve ever seen, with the unfortunate distractions of a silly song and a lame, cop-out ending to the romantic arc. It made a potentially phenomenal movie just ok. The Hobbit trilogy tried to be about 15 different kinds of movie all at once, and just ended up being a mess. 
Wonder Woman was, in a way, all about the clash of the High Fantasy realm and the Gritty War realm. It’s Diana vs. Steve, Themiscyra vs. World War 1, Ares vs. chemical weapons. Idealism can save the day vs. do what you can and mourn later. Like I said, I think the movie kept Diana too much in the High Fantasy realm. Her arc was about her losing her naive idealism about humanity, and choosing to save them- idealistically- anyway. To do that effectively, the movie needed to thrust her much more into the Gritty War Realm. But I digress- that’s a thing for a different post, I guess. Wonder Woman’s fight choreography works so well precisely because the clash of fighting styles is mirroring the clash of realms in the plot and characters. Steve keeps telling Diana that they can’t save everyone, and Diana waltzes in and flips reality the bird and says “watch me”. Her (objectively silly, but also objectively cool as fuck) fighting style is a symbolic mirror of this: reality says “don’t do stupid shit in a fight or you’ll get shot in the back of the head” and Diana’s kickflips waltz in, middle fingers up, and say “I don’t care also fuck your teeth”. It works really well. It emphasizes her idealism and the strength and force of her convictions.
Now, I do think that the movie would have been better if, like I said in my other post, she had lost her High Fantasy fighting style when finally killing Ares, and just beat him to death with her fists. This is because her character arc is supposed to be her losing her naive ideals about humanity, but choosing to save them despite their flaws and darkness. Ending the fight in the Gritty War Realm instead of the High Fantasy Realm would have paralleled that realization- Diana is no longer fighting in her idealized, art-form style, showcasing the true gruesome reality of death, and the gruesome reality that she killed someone, but she is a hero despite that, and her decision to uphold her mission to protect humanity, despite their violence and flaws, is made with her having fully, viscerally experienced those flaws and that violence herself- in herself.
As it was, it felt to me a bit like Diana was still ignoring the realities of war and death, and the High Fantasy Realm was just running roughshod over the Gritty War Realm (plugging its ears and going “lalala I can’t hear you). Diana’s character arc neatly and beautifully brings the idealism of High Fantasy into concord with the ugly reality of Gritty War, but the effect is undermined by the final fight’s insistence on a neat, High Fantasy conclusion, and would have been better supported if Diana had fully immersed herself in the Gritty War Realm and come out the other side with her High Fantasy ideals. 
sorry for the length and the plot analysis digression. If only I were majoring in something that would require me to analyze the shit out of the plot of Wonder Woman...
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castielgurl · 7 years
The Soldier, the Spy and the Underoos
for @romanogersweek
Artwork9 Based on amazing 
fan art http://romanogersweek.tumblr.com/tagged/artwork9
by @ym4yum1
Beta by @ym4yum1 and dedicated to @ym4yum1
They were in Germany when Peter met the Black Widow for the first time. He couldn't  take his eyes off of her. Because she was the most  beautiful thing he ever seen. Well, sure he had met pretty girls in his school. But no one could be compared to the Black Widow. She was the definition of beauty. When he saw her fighting,  moving with precise and impressive skills, with such flexibility and tiny body, that made him respect her so much. He was  flexible but not as much as her. He wondered who she was and what she has been through in her life to make her fight like that. He had a crush on her. Well, every guy in his school had a crush on her. He would never be able to talk to her even if he  tried to. He was sure that no words would come out of his mouth. He only knew her from the comic books and gossip column in  the online tabloid.
One day he came back from school – it was after he had fought Vulture, a week ago. He thought he was hallucinating when he saw the blonde woman wearing  tight pants and a black jacket. She was staring at him and smirking while he was sitting on his bed. No words came out of his mouth.
“Well. We met before.” She said with a tiny smirk on her perfect lips.
“You are… you are… well you...” Peter struggled to find his words.
“I'm Natasha.” She said while coming closer to him.
“Well. You are the Black Widow.” He looked down at his feet. trying not to look at her eyes.
“Yes. Remember me, Peter?” She came close to him again.
“Yes. Well… what are doing here? And how did you get in here?” Peter was still shaking.
“Well, I don’t need a door to get in here. That's my style. Besides, you can climb out of your room’s window. and So I can do the same.” Natasha said while looking around.
“That’s awesome. I mean, your skills are pretty impressive., Miss Romanoff. Well, I'm sorry about my room, it is a little bit… um… It’s a mess.” Peter picked up his comic book and his calculus textbook on the floor and put them on his bed, very quickly. “Do you need anything, coffee? Orange juice?” Peter asked.
“No., I'm fine. Thank you for asking. Getting coffee is not the reason I'm here. Come here and sit down. Don't be afraid of me. I won’t bite.” Natasha said pointing at his computer chair.
Peter sat down on the chair.
Then she explained, “I need you Peter. The Avengers need you.”
Peter got so excited when he heard the word “Avengers”
“Yes I'm ready! I will do anything you ask me. Save people and  whatever the mission is.” Peter was almost jumping on his seat.
“Well, we do have a mission for you. We need you to go back to class.”  Natasha said.
“What? Go to class? But I go there every day.” Peter said.
“It’s not your regular class in high school, Peter. It is an extra class in Virginia University.” Natasha said as she held her smartphone and showed him some news article. “This is Professor McDonald, he teaches Biology at Virginia University. We believe he is creating a serum that could make humans grew bigger and become super strong. And he is on Hydra’s radar. We believe Hydra is paying him to create this serum to make their agents super strong. Can you imagine what if they could accomplish? Super strong bad guys? And it’s possible that he will sell it to the market.” Natasha said as she was scrolling her phone.
“I'm not going to let that happen. What if they sell it to the market? Bullies will get worse.” Peter stood up from his chair. speaking passionately.  since  bullies were a big issue for him, “I'm going to take him down now.”
“No., no Calm down, little boy. We have a plan. Your job is to follow our plan.” Natasha said as if she almost panicked when she saw Peter so determined. She’ve never seen that spirit in any Avengers before.
“Our? You mean you have a team?” Peter calmed down a little.
“Just me and Cap. Well, Rogers.” She forgot that Steve didn't allow anyone to call him Captain anymore. “He’d hate if anyone screwed up his plan. And we can't compromise working with anyone who wants to work alone.”
“Woah…, woah, woah... You mean Captain America? That is awesome! Thank you for giving me a chance, Miss Romanoff. It will be an honour to work with you and Cap.” Peter slightly jumped and squeaked. Natasha thought it was very cute.
“Well, this was easier than I thought. What I want you to do is to attend his class and investigate every detail. You will report to me.”
“Wait. When will I go?”
“What about Aunt May?”
“Just tell her you will attend an extra class. And don't worry about her, I will handle her.”
It turned out that Natasha’s skill to influence people was majestic. She told May that she was his tuition teacher. And gave her a free resort voucher to the Thailand Hotel. So Aunt May would will be absent from home for 3 days. Thankfully she had not read the news about the Black Widow. May had no idea who Natasha was.
On that night, Captain arrived. Peter saluted him as soon as he saw him. Steve almost had a heart attack. Natasha almost laughed when she saw his reaction. Nobody saluted him before, not after he had served his country. Besides, he was is not a Captain anymore.
“Captain...It’s an honour to meet you..Again. I'm sorry I took  you down in the airport. And I'm sorry for stealing your shield. I want you to know that you still have my respect Sir. You inspired me to be hero, and you still is my hero. No matter what the government says.” Peter spoke with his shaky voice.
“I know. I know. Thank you, and it is nice to meet you, Peter. Well, we’ve never introduced properly before.” Steve tried to shake his hands. And Peter was more than eager to do it. “Just call me Steve. And not Captain anymore. As you can see  I'm changed. A Captain isn't suppose to have a beard. Not in the military.” He said surprised by  how strong Peter’s handshake was.
“Well, you’ll always be Captain America for me.”
Steve exchanged  a look with Natasha. And she just smirked at him. “So, well, are you ready for your mission?”
“Yes. Anytime.”
Natasha handed him a small brooch and explained that it was actually a microphone, and a pair of glasses that actually had a hidden camera.
“Remember, do not take action unless we ask you to. Don't do anything more than ordinary. Just show interest in his lecture and ask questions. But don’t do too much,” Natasha warned warning him.
“We’ll always be standing by you . If you need back up. Understood?” Steve said.
“Yes Sir! But.. can I bring my suit?” Peter asked as he put his backpack  on his shoulder.
“Yes. But don't use it.” Steve said.
Steve and Natasha watched the camera while sitting on Peter's bed. The class is two hour. And nothing happen. Peter writes down everything the professor said. Natasha passes out, and she lean her head on his shoulder. Off course Steve had been close to Nat before. But this time, she is very close. And no one is around. He touch her hair, her new hair, her smells turned him on. He didn't care red or blonde he loves her hair. He kisses her hair, and slowly moves her head and legs so she lay on the bed comfortably. He almost falls on her body and Natasha body turned so her head is close to his Their lips almost touch each other. It takes him a few second to not to kiss her mouth. Until the bedroom door is open. Peter standing there awkwardly
“Peter! Oh you back. Sorry. Just she is tired. Just let her sleep for a while” Steve almost jumped when he sees Peter.
“Oh. Do you need a time for privacy?” Peter said awkwardly
Steve face turn red. “No. No we fine. Let’s talk outside.” Steve said as he walks to out to living room.
Peter told him he put his little spidey trackers, so they can track him everywhere The Professor go. He also asked about the DNA formula in Professor McDonald research. But refuse to share it. And he thought that's odd. He also observed an adult men sitting behind the class suspiciously. Tomorrow he had a lab class so he promises to get more information.
Peter was surprised to found out that Steve Rogers not only interested on the mission he also asking who he was, about his parents, his aunt May and his uncle Ben. And Peter learned that who is Steve Rogers before and find the similarities between them. Both of them lost their parents and living in a poor condition. He never thought that Steve is very care and emotionally deep person. He only saw him as Captain America, mean old men with and strict with rules. He also asked about Natasha.
“She had been through a lot of things in her life. But she is very secretive. I knows her for years, I still don't know who she is. But she is the good person and I won't be adapt to this new world, if not because of her. It makes me think sometimes; despite it was painful to lose your life. But she makes it worth. Maybe she is the reason I wake up again in this new century. I won't regret any single thing” Steve said with a lot of emotion in his eyes.
Peter thinks it was powerful. The love between them is powerful that become the real reason for them to woke up and feels bless to be alive.
Tomorrow Natasha wakes up and realizes it was seven in the morning. She can’t find Steve in this room. She looks around and found Steve sleeping on the couch. She stares at him. He is very handsome young man. She always thinks of that every time she stares at him. But she looks around to find Peter and realized that he must be at school. She looks again his living room and found a family picture. She takes as shower and sitting on Peter's bed to dry her hair. And then she sees something look like a comic book with bright yellow cover just below a Peter's pillow. She picks up and looks at it. It was title with Captain America and Black Widow: The Soldier and the Spy A love Story
She found it's funny. Off course she knows about The Avengers comic book. But she never had seen this one. It looks like it was published on 70s. She open and read it.
Steve and Natalia met during a world war 2 where she was send to kills him. But she let him go. And that cause the red room torture her, until she was safe by Steve Rogers. But not after that Steve was kills during a fight with The Red Skull. And he wakes up again in the new century and met Natalia who now known as Natasha.
“You are a very handsome young man Steve Rogers....And for the first time, perhaps I'm allowing myself to see that, to see you as someone other than icon called Captain”
This is bullshit.
“May I offer my threat?”
“That's mighty nice of you Tasha”
“Assuming of course that Jennifer does not want you all to herself”
There is no where I'm saying that. They make me pathetic fan girls.
“Please stop me Steve. Take me with you.” Right before she left the grave yard.
“I'm not good enough for you. You deserve everything Rogers. Even that dream not included me”
“Bruce is just a distraction. The truth is I'm in love with you.”
“Nat?” Steve stands on the door.
“Yeah?” Natasha immediately fixes her face
“Are you alright? I heard you cursed or something.”
“Nothing, just angry with my hair, bad hair day” Natasha said as she hiding the comic behind her body.
“Well. I'm asking if you want some breakfast. I 'm going to buy sandwich.”
“Sure. Cool”
Later Peter got back from school and Steve Rogers out to buy a dinner for them.
“You have to lie to get what you want Peter.” Natasha talk to him
“I don't know how lie” Peter said
“Really? You had been lying about your identity for year now.”
“That is my biggest secret. I'm did it for May”
“If it for saving life. Are you going to do it?”
“But I'm not sure if I convincing enough”
“Well Peter, watch what I'm doing carefully” Natasha went to refrigerator and get 2 big green chilli.
She eats the chilli in front of Peter like nothing. Peter eyes widen.
“What? Is not that spicy right?” Peter gets up and takes another green chilli from refrigerator. And eat it. Second later he coughed, his tongue burning like fire. His stomach feels hot too. Natasha picks plain water and gives it to him. After a few minutes and he drink a lot of water and he managed to ask Natasha.
“I don’t understand. How you do that?” Peter asking, he almost cries.
“Lying, even you hurt, you pretend it wasn't. If they find you lying, give some truth in it and make it up with lies. But do not lie to people care about you except if it needed” Natasha take a plain water and start to drink it.
Later, Natasha and Peter prepare the dinner. Peter pours some orange juice.
“Steve will not drink that. The way you arrange the plate is wrong too. Steve will not like it. And put plain water near his plate.” Natasha said as she put salad in the bowl
Peter surprise how close they are. The little detail remind him to Michelle
“Natasha how long have you and Steve been together?” Peter asking innocently
“We are not together. We are partner.”
“But he really cares about you.”
“Because he is gentleman”
“But not like that. He checked every hour to see if you slept well or not.”
Natasha surprise, she wonder if he did checked her every night.
“Steve really cares about me. But he cares about everyone in his team too.”
“I guess. You know, I have this girl, she was very weird. She did not talk to anybody, she did not have any friend. She noticed every single detail about me. I don't know how and why. She knew I quited band, she knows where I'm going after school. She draw me” Peter tells his story
“She likes you” Natasha chuckle
“No, she can't be. Nobody likes me. I'm a nerd, I did not have many friends, I'm a loner” Peter can't see anything special in him
“She likes you because you very similar to her. Girl won't pay attention so much to a guy, unless she had a crush on him” Natasha smile. And see Peter face got red.
“So, you like him too right?  Because you pay attention so much about him”
“No, me and Rogers is a different story”
“I didn't say Captain Rogers”
Damn Peter, you got me.
“Peter as you grown up, you will see. When two people was in love each other started to yell about why she did not reply texting, yell about why he going back late. Why you put a cinnamon in steak. They are fighting about every small thing. Being in love is easy, but being in relationship is the hardest.” Natasha tries to hide her blush on her face
“I know, I seen my parents, and Aunt May and Uncle Ben” Peter said, as he face looks sad
Steve Rogers arrives with their dinner. As they eating dinner, they talk about their plan.
Peter get ready, and sees Natasha in front of door. Dress up as like a kindergarten teacher.
“Today I'm going to take you the class”
Natasha was very good at acting, she pretended to be his aunt. Professor McDonald didn`t expect anything. Natasha even asked, if he can give extra lesson to her “Nephew”. He said yes of course.
Peter said Professor wanted him to go his house tomorrow.
That night all three of them watched the spidey tracker, to see where Professor goes. Peter observed Steve and Natasha obviously flirting with each other. Steve will get a coffee every hour, and asked if she want to sleeps. And Natasha will bring him his favourite snack. He thinks they are very cute.
“Are you guys dating?” Peter said
“No” Both of them says at the same time.
“There was a gossip about you two in Hollywood tabloids. Many people ship you two.”
“What is ship means is it like a ship?” Steve ask because he so confuse.
“Please Roger's; you did not know what that is?” Natasha rolles her eyes
“Ship is support or has a particular interest in a romantic pairing between two characters in fictional series.” Peter said as he Google from his phone.
“Is that why you have a comic book about Captain and Black Widow? You ship us?” Natasha asks, as she lifts her eyebrows.
“What? Come on all boys reading comic.” Peter defends himself, as his start blushing.
“What is that comic about? They did comic about us?” Steve knows about comics, they make Captain America comic since the world war two.
“Nothing, Rogers, just normal comic book about us take down hydra” Natasha said as she signal to Peter, to not let Steve find out.
That night Steve is the only one was awake. He try to find the comic book Natasha talking about. He shouldn't bother, but he knew Peter and Natasha hid something.
As tomorrow, Peter going to Professor McDonald`s private class. Natasha convinced him to showed them his lab. And he showed them without suspect anything.
Steve knew something is wrong. Natasha should give a signal, a text or a secret code of something. But he did not receive anything. He anxiously waits in the car behind Professor McDonald house. He just about to breaking the house, he saw four large black hummer, arrived in front of the door.
“Captain? Long time no see” As a man in black with trench coat approach him outside of the car.
“I'm surprised to find you here Cap” The man said
“I think I should be the one who more surprise. Because I just saw a man comes back from death” Steve said. He very disappointed as he sees Phil Coulson still alive.
“I'm dying, but they found a way to make me alive again.” Phil
“So your death is just some kind of joke to us?” Steve said sarcastically
“You guys need a push. But I'm kind of proud of what I'm doing. If I'm not dead, there is no Avengers. More people will die” Phil said as usual, he did not show his emotion.
“I will deal with you later. I need to see what's going on in there” Steve said as he clearly angry and push Phil away
“Cap, you need to calm down. Nothing is going on. Professor McDonald worked for us.” Phil said as he tries to stop him
“What? S.H.I.E.L.D knows about this? S.H.I.E.L.D or whatever you call yourself. The serum is not going to anywhere. Nobody will get it, not even you” Steve as his start to shows his anger. He tired of this bullshit. He breaks the door. And he sees no one around.  Phil gives a signal to S.T.R.I.K.E team to hold their weapon.
“Natasha? Natasha!!”
Then he heard something big coming from the basement. He was hiding and ready to attack. He saw a giant red foot. Then he look up and
“Hulk?” Steve is in shock.
He is hulk but not a hulk, a red hulk. Then everybody scream and said what the fuck is that?? The S.T.R.I.K.E team start to shooting at him that caused the red hulk angry. Steve distracted him, tried getting him to paid attention to him. Steve successfully avoided his punches. And stopped hulk fist with his hand. And then he saw a spider web cover hulk face. He knew it, Spiderman was there.
Steve punched hulk abs and hulk very angry. Hulk cannot see anything and tries to remove the web on his eyes but failed. Then Peter uses his web to tie the hulk feet just like he did to Giant Man in Germany. And gave the signal for Steve to attack. Steve jumped as high as he can and punch the red hulk face and as hard as he can. Then the hulk felt down and fainted.
“Peter! Where is Nat?” Steve asking worriedly
“She was at the basement” Then Peter realized basement is not basement anymore. Is just a piece of concrete now?
“Nat! Natasha!! Natasha!!!” Steve screams her name and removed the heavy piece of rubble with his hand. He is much panicked.  Then the hulk woke up again and punched Peter send him flying across the yard. Steve looked back and in ready to fight again. But he heard a very familiar voice.
“Professor McDonald. Please look at her. She is your daughter. She knows you and believes you. You know her don't you?” Natasha walks closer to red hulk with a little girl.
“Daddy!” The little girl starts to cry.
“Stop this. You are a good man Professor. At least in your daughter eyes” Natasha said as she holds the little girl shoulder. Then red hulk slowly turn to human and pass out. The little girl runs to her dad.
Steve was very relieved to see Natasha. And jumped to hug her tightly. Natasha was surprised by his reaction.
“I'm fine Steve.” Natasha looks fine.
“Don't ever do that again. I can't lose you Nat” Steve said as he looking at her eyes.
“So you are very worried huh?” Natasha teasing him
“Of course. But what you just did was amazing Nat.”
“Did what?”
“The hulk weakness is his daughter. Even when he turned into a monster, he stills himself inside his heart. You did without a fight and without blood. That's amazing Nat.” Steve said as he holds her face.
“Are you really flirting Steve?” Natasha smirks at him.
“Hello? I'm bleeding here!” Peter yells to get their attention. They almost forgot about Peter.
“Agent Romanoff, we haven't seen each other for a long time” Phil approach them. Steve grabs his collar and lifts him like his weight is nothing.
“Steve! Put him down!” Natasha yells at him.
“None of this happen if not because of S.H.I.E.L.D. Hulk almost kill you and the 15 year old boy!” Steve said angrily
“I know. Just put him down ok.” Natasha persuade him
Steve releases him. Steve thought Natasha about to help Phil. But Natasha punched his face with one movement. And Phil passes out.
The mystery location Steve found in the tracker was S.H.I.E.L.D based where they cooperate to do research. S.H.I.E.L.D needed the serum to make Hulk as a replace the green Hulk that been missing two years ago. They want the serum back but Natasha steal it while Agent Coulson busily talking to Peter Parker. Natasha and Steve threw the serum in river. Natasha said Professor McDonald get panicked when his wife was kidnapped by mafia who wanted the the serum. So he injected himself with the serum. But S.H.I.E.L.D helped to get his wife back.
Steve and Natasha send Peter back to his home. Is time to say goodbye.
“You did a very good work there Peter. I'm was surprise when you try to protect me, or else Hulk will smash me to the ground. So thank you Peter” Natasha said as she kiss him on the cheek.
“Take care of your Aunt May. Finish school, and continue helping people in need. It was nice to work with you Peter” Steve said as he hugs the teen. Peter was shocked at that. Suddenly he felt so sad to see them go. They are like his parents now. So he hugs both of them.
“Thank you for everything Captain Rogers and Miss Romanoff. I won't forget all the advice you gave me.” He looks up to both of them. They was his idol and his new family.
“You can ask anything Peter. Just give us a call.” Natasha said as she touch his face
“Good luck for you two, my parents had a fight every day; my dad regrets it after she passes away. He regrets that he never told her, that he loved her. So I hope you guys will a find a way, before it’s too late.” Peter said genuinely, he really hoped they will confess their love.
“Thank you Peter, but I'm taking this comic book with me” Steve smirk as he show him the comic book in his hand. Peter and Natasha in shocked that he found the comic apparently.
“That's is very good advice. I learn something from him as well” Steve talks as his driving to get out of the town
“He is very young and naive, I'm surprise for how mature he was” Natasha said as she looking at the window.
“So why don't we follow his advice?” Steve said as suddenly stop and parks his car beside the bridge. They watch the sunset, the view is stunning
“What are you doing Steve?” Natasha said as Steve takes her hand to the bridge to see the river.
“Natasha, I read the comic, I don't know how they found it, how they know about our story. But I want to say the way they described me in the comic book was true. I was stubborn and also an idiot not sees that you and me.” Before Steve can finish his words. Natasha pulls him for a kiss. Natasha laughed to see his reaction. She been with him all this time, as his best friend, helping each other in need, believe in each other no matter what happen, helping him to cope with this new world, she with him at the lowest point in his life, right now even he is a war criminal. So he cannot stop his feelings anymore. Because if he didn't say now, he probably will never ever can tell her.
“I love you Tasha” Natasha shocked at his confession, because she never though he will say the words very quickly. But she shut it down immediately as Steve kissed her passionately.
Later, Steve and Natasha heading to their secret honeymoon.  
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littlefearsdoodles · 7 years
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I keep getting asked about my creative process about the moment. Here on the blog, on social media and in real life. So for the next few weeks, I will post a wee bit about how I create the Fears and attached images.
First of all, the writing of the tales. I find doing something every day, even for a few minutes, can help maintain both quality and quantity of whatever I am creating. Simple daily practising. Part of my morning routine is to write six tales. I used to write whatever was in my head, so I got a mixed bag of stories each day. In the Fears future, the stories have themes and plots throughout, so now I write six separate stories per day, but to a theme or around a plot point.
I usually discard three of them and keep the three best. As I only post one story per day here and use the rest further down the line for books, this gets me miles ahead of where I need to be writing wise. I am currently writing tales that won’t be posted online until 2021. Compiling them into books, ninety at a time, also leaves me writing my 13th book today. I have so far only released two.
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That does have a downside that I can barely remember what I have written. Further down the line in the Little Fears story, the books develop a plot throughout. So they consist of ninety or so flash fictions like you currently read here, all individual and they will be readable as a stand-alone story, but they have a strong theme or plot throughout.
An example of this would be Reala, the 5th book. She finds herself in a pub on the road mentioned in a few Fears tales. Serving drinks to wandering spirits. In one chapter of twelve gags, she has a troupe of penguins in the bar. All twelve stories can be read independently as jokes and dramas, but they form a single narrative of them arriving, causing havoc, then getting slung out.
Past the 5th book, the stories run throughout entire books. Plot planning can be tricky when you are generating stories so fast your memory cannot keep up.
It’s worth saying as well, for each short story, I usually write with the punchline or twist in mind and steer the story towards it. That’s easy to do when your fiction is as short as mine. For the longer narrative, I have a vague idea of where I am heading, but rarely know if it’s the final destination until I get there. Occasionally I have a final scene in mind, but that’s always an epilogue scene, not a final encounter scene.
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The last part of this is the chicken and egg question. Do I write the stories or do the accompanying doodle first? I used to write and doodle six of each a day and would mix and match using characters I had just drawn, or redraw a panel for a tale.
When I got the 4th set of 90 doodles, I sat down with all the photos I had printed not used and filled them all in, then wrote the stories around them. That didn’t work for me at all. I was able to write all 90 tales for the characters, but I just felt they all looked to samey. They lost their personality. When I got onto the next 90 that would form Reala, I wrote the tales first and doodled after. That left me with a stronger visual theme throughout the images. It was such a stark contrast; I ended up going back and redrawing half of the previous 90 panels for Hydra.
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For anyone wanting to get into writing or brush up on some writing skills, I have a few course suggestions for you from Skillshare. As always, a 3-month premium subscription to Skillshare costs just $0.99 and lets you visit thousands of online classes in all sorts of subjects.
Creating Webcomics: From Sketches to Final Comic
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By Sarah Anderson. I reckon most of you have seen her comics somewhere online. I would go as far as saying she’s one of the most famous webcomic writers on the internet.
Picture Books I: Write Your Story
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By Christine Nishiyama. Ignore the picture quality. The content of the class is good covering structure, character development, dealing with word counts (yep that appeals to me!) and coming up with story ideas.
Creative Nonfiction: Write Truth with Style
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By Susan Orlean of the New Yorker. Not aimed at us fiction writers, but, she covers everything in some depth for a 1-2 hour course. The course includes dialogue, descriptions and story elements. A lot of us subconsciously pull details of our real life into our writing, so I found this course pretty helpful.
If you would like to purchase either of my currently released books, please visit the Amazon links below.
January USA – $15.54   /   January UK – £12.00
Capricorn USA – $15.54   /   Capricorn UK – £12.00
If you would like to support me on Patreon, like my new and awesome shiny patron Denise Timmert a fellow WordPress Blogger and artist, please visit The Little Fears Patreon Page.
Finally, I still have some discount art prints left from last weeks post, give me a holla if you are interested in nabbling a £5 Fears Art Print.
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zippysqrl · 7 years
I don’t know what to do with myself.
Sorry, it’s a rather long rant about my current state.
tl;dr: can draw and stuff but can’t make a living from it, can’t get a regular day job because i’m useless, see little point in continuing to draw, want to try other things but the transition is a struggle.
so basically, about this whole being-a-content-creator thing, as many of you are aware I have quite a mixture of skills, I can draw pretty decent stuff, I can colour okay, I can animate relatively well given enough time to refine and perfect movements, I can make simple 3D models in blender, and I can program in a couple different languages, I have learned a lot of little bits and pieces here and there and have a pretty good eye for detail.
But in terms of making a living, earning enough money to live happily, the only thing I've ever really monetised in any way is drawing, and I've known for many years that making a living out of that alone is tough, especially with all the hobbyist artists over-saturating the internet and fandoms, and the endless supply of free/pirated stuff. I enjoy drawing, I want to continue drawing, but I’m too inconsistent and too much of a perfectionist to effectively min-max the drawing process and do it for a living, and I’m clearly not good enough for most people to care about throwing their hard earned money for the luxury of art from yet another artist. Even if I can make some money from drawings, it’s very inconsistent income as it may take me 30 minutes to 1 hour for a sketch one day, and 3 to 6 hours the next, and for more refined pieces... don’t even get me started. Definitely not even close to what a minimum-wage job could provide, and I don’t want to paywall or anything to force people to throw money at me for what might not even meet their expectations.
There are so many people that can draw and do commissions and stuff so much better than I that I question if it’s worth it, if there’s any point continuing to produce content which isn’t as great as what a lot of other artists produce. Even if the content I produce is unique and original, there’s so much new content being produced by so many other good artists that most people wouldn’t notice, they wouldn’t know what they’re missing and therefore would not care. I know there’s a few fans that’d be disappointed, I know how it feels when an artist you like quits, but it’s something you can get over quite easily, and there’s always new artists with amazing styles filling those voids. Art(aka porn) is a leisure after all, and most people can get better content for free. I know there’s always the case of drawing something that hasn’t been drawn before, but again they won’t know they’re missing those things if I don’t make them in the first place, but the same applies to all mediums of content, including those that I could be doing instead.
In the real world, with regular day-jobs involving god-knows what, I’m fucking useless. Not only am I genetically disadvantaged because I’m a scrawny weak fuck with very little fat & muscle (cus of some unidentified genetic disorder that the doctors have taken their sweet-ass time to test me for), I’m also somewhat mentally disadvantaged, I can’t communicate with people as easily as I’d like, I can’t focus my full attention on single tasks because of le-autism, my memory is fucking terrible and I can’t remember a lot of shit or follow instructions unless I write them down, and to top it all off I’ve a phobia of travelling, so I’ve a pretty short straw in terms of employment potential. A while ago I tried going on employment support so I’d get help finding a job I’m physically and mentally able, but their tests are shit and completely disregarded most of what makes me need the help in the first place, so I was deemed “fit for work” and forced onto regular job-seekers shit, which I had tried a few years ago but struggled with and had to quit. After that I tried self-employment with art, which didn’t really work that well, most of the money I made during that time was by other means which i’d rather not mention here. So I’m sorta in the same boat as before, I need to find a way to earn a living online using the skills I have, but i know damn well that drawing alone won’t get me very far, I thought patreon would at least make things a little better, but as I’ve said; I’ve not a large enough following of people that give a shit.
So.. I have those other skills, I can try and make games, that at least reaches a wider audience and would give me some practice so that i might be able to get a real job in game development, which I’ve wanted to do since I was 12(I’m now 22). I’ve got a few ideas for things I could make, before I even got into drawing I was pretty good at programming things that people really liked. Problem is I’m out of practice, It’d take a while to get back into the swing of things, and I’d have to stop (or at least significantly reduce) drawing, as my autistic brain cannot do both programming and drawing in the same day, I have to focus my creative efforts on just one. While there are a lot of programmers in the fandom, there aren’t nearly enough making pony games, I’d like to make mlp-themed games, but realistically I’d aim to make something that I can shove up on steam. So I likely won’t be making any pony porn games.
The biggest pain is that i have a lot of unfinished projects; drawings, animations, comics and stuff, my biggest struggle with transitioning from art to game production is that i want to finish those first, and i always get new ideas for things to draw that it’s an endless cycle of finishing 1 thing and starting 1 or 2 other things. I wish I could just give all my unfinished shit to other people, but nobody would do that for free, and I can’t afford to pay people to draw my ideas, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If only I invested in bitcoin when I was 15 (like I VERY nearly did), I could be a multimillionaire right now and not have to worry about earning money, I could do whatever I want without a care in the world, I could get my family out of debt, and I could share my riches with tons of artist friends and such so they could also live freely while creating whatever they want, and I could be living with Zajice and friends and going to conventions ;~;
Foresight is a bitch, if only I made that unknowingly-life-changing descision 7 years ago, I wouldn’t be in this position. >:T
Don’t suppose anyone would let me borrow their time machine? or bitcoins.
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sainttheosylas · 7 years
all the aesthetic questions
(Btw @cyrusgavar sent me all this questions so you all know they rock)
flower crown: when did you last sing to yourself?I don’t sing to myself but I talk to myself literally every day.
fairy lights: if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know?I’d ask if my parents really love me.
daisies: what is the greatest accomplishment of your life?I haven’t done many impressive things with my life, and I’ve missed out on some stuff I wish i could have achieved. But I’d say my biggest achievement is who’ve I’ve become and the attitude I’ve curated. I used to have extreme anger issues that held me back and I’ve had to conquer that. Very few people actually have to go through such dramatic personality change like that in order to progress in life so I think I’m rather proud of my personal character development.
1975: what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?I’d say my most recent happy memory is playing DM at my first D&D campaign with my friends and hearing afterwards how much fun they had even if I was pretty nervous and afraid I was doing something wrong the entire time.
matte: if you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living?I think the first thing I would start doing if I knew I was going to die would be being more honest. I feel like I’ve held my tongue all my life and I have always wanted to speak my mind more. In addition, I think I would try to speak to other people to create the change I want to see in the world and leave a legacy.
black nail polish: do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things?I don’t have a written bucket list per se but I do say three things I definitively want to do before I die. I want to explore Seattle alone, get a job that I’m happy at and see my friends Chase and Robin in the flesh.
pantone: describe a person close to your life in detail.They look exactly like every single blonde heartthrob from the 90s with like three more inches of hair. I don’t think they’ve even touched a bra in their entire life even though they should probably wear one and they’ve got really cute selfies. Also I’m totally doing their make up if we ever see each other in the flesh.
moodboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood?Oh HELL no. I don’t want to go into detail on such a public forum but the people closest to me really understand how horrid my childhood was.
stars: when did you last cry in front of another person?Last Thursday in front of my maternal grandma, actually.
plants: pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them.@im-bravo she’s pretty cool.
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them?oh definitely if they were up for it I’m a pretty sociable person and I’m always looking to make new friends. But having mutual interest is one of the most important things in a new friend for me so my standards are a little bit high since my interest can be a little obscure at times.
lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you?Dude I’m not awake at 3 AM. if I’m awake at 12 AM it’s a miracle.
handwriting: if you were about to die, and you could only say one more sentence to one person, what would you say and to whom?I think I’ll try something pragmatic. I’ll go up to a judge and write my last will and testament dividing all my worldly possessions and money.
cactus: what is your opinion on brown eyes?Well I have them. They’re pretty okay. I wish my mom would stop saying brown eyes mean I’m full of shit, though.
sunrise: pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally.“This now, this us, we can cope with that.” -Cecil Baldwin Basically I like this quote as it will basically says ‘we can cope with that’ and well, frankly coping is about all I can do right now.
oil paints: what would you title the autobiography of your life so far?'Drafting plans for a Powder Palace’
overalls: what would you do with one billion dollars?First things first I’m going to get the hell out of here and go to where my friends are. Then I’m going to donate like 2 million to ACLU and Planned Parenthood. Then I’ll probably just stick a bunch of it in stocks and bonds well I think of the next thing to do.
combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way?I think I’m a pretty forgiving person but it’s also because I can’t stand up for myself and if I can even hold a grudge its hard for me to act upon it.
winged eyeliner: write a hundred word letter to your twelve year old self.“Dear 12 year old me: everything is super shitty and mind numbingly bland right now but just give it a while and you’ll escape. One thing I will need to stop doing is procrastinating and I also want you to speak your mind a little more. Also do anything you can to not be boring and see as much of the world as you can because HOO BOY was your childhood boring you need to exercise your brain with new experiences.”
pastel: would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel?PASTEL.
tattoos: how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain.I really want a dragonfly tattoo and I’ve got a few pretty interesting ideas drawn up and I doing a few piercing but my mom hates facial piercing so I can’t get one. A mouth piercing would be pretty cool though.
piercings: do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not?I usually don’t wear make up on school days unless something important’s going on since it takes so much time to put on but when I’m going to the mall or out of town I tend to put on some make up. Eyeshadow, eyeliner and all that.
bands: talk about a song/band/lyric that has affected your life in some way.can’t say I can think of a song/band that affected me in a particularly noteworthy way.
messy bun: the world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them.'Read Ava’s Demon and shoot Donald Trump.’
cry baby: list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel.Never been to a concert in my life.
grunge: who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say?I’d say I really want a letter from Michelle Czajkowski. Maybe some artistic encouragement or behind the scenes looks on how she makes her own art or own comic.
space: do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organised/not organised?My desk is pretty dang organized usually it’s only disorganized for a few hours or so until I reorganize it.
white bed sheets: what is your night time routine?Hang out on couch for several hours, get tired, grab my dog, read fan fiction, fall asleep.
old books: what’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know?Just one thing?
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why?I probably go for a dark purple to lavender gradient. Not that you can get a good gradient in a pixie cut.
eyes: pick five people to go on an excursion with you. who would you pick and where would you go/what would you do?Chase, Robin, I.M. Bravo, Michelle Czajkowski, and @accordingtomyresearch and we’re all hitting up Seattle
11:11: name three wishes and why you wish for them.I’d wish for financial security, the confidence to do what I really need to do, and the belief in myself to work on my artistic skills until I am as good as the people I admire.
painting: what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up. I put together a pretty hot greaser costume last year. Turns out i can rock slicked back hair.
lightning: what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done while drunk or high?The craziest thing I’ve done while high was knit while watching a horror movie/ roleplay a sad, drunk Damara.
thunder: what’s one thing you would never do for one million dollars?Say something positive about Donald Trump.
storms: you on only listen to one song for the rest of your life, or only see one person for the rest of your life. which and why?This question fucking sucks. One song because I cannot survive only seen one person.
love: have you ever fallen in love? describe what it feels like to realise you’re in love.I had a crush on this one girl in middle school but definitely wasn’t love. I’m never felt romantic love for anyone but I do know that I love the world and I love all my friends deeply and platonically and warm way that few others understand because they see love as exclusively romantic.
clouds: if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair?considering I’ve had a pixie cut for over a year now I’d say I would.
coffee: what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone?Dude I don’t go to Starbucks their water tastes burnt.
marble: what is the most important thing to you in your life right now?I took the most important thing in my life right now are the steps I’m about to take into independence and adult hood.
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