#there's just so much good fluff and stuff like this in this thread it's one of my favs 🥺
coolspacequips ¡ 1 year
Reading some old beloved rp threads in an attempt to find inspiration and y'all...I just love Lance LMAO oh I miss writing him all the time he's so silly afhfwjafwfjwgwg g
I'm reading a stretch basically after he and Keith hook up for the first time, and the next day pidge is insisting at breakfast that she heard unusual sounds in the night
Lance strongly insists that it was the Castle settling at night and she was just up too long, Coran gets defensive about the Castle, and in the end Lance gets roped into Castle maintenance with Coran for the morning after putting his foot in his mouth LMAO
I'm just getting the giggles over this part oh u guys I miss the Coran and his fav space nephew fanon:
"Coran was quick to have Lance use his height and long arms to stick the sensors into 'creative' places. Creative, in Coran's case, tended to mean tricky and difficult. He even had to shimmy his way into a narrow space between some of the ship's workings down near the hangars, once Coran had assured him that it was safe. That is, until Lance was all the way inside and halfway to his destination, when he thought of several possible things that /might/ happen; 10,000 years was a long time for a piece of equipment to drift around, after all!
It was about then that Lance decided to call it quits."
2 notes ¡ View notes
rose-tinted-kalopsia ¡ 3 months
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≡;-꒰ 𝑿𝑨𝑽𝑰𝑬𝑹 ꒱₊˚ ପ⊹ I 𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒂 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓
╰┈➤ ❝ xavier x afab!reader | smut nsfw 18+ mdni
tags : 5+1 trope, pwp (porn with plot), porn with feelings (a. LOT.), poetic descriptions, fluff, with slight angst undertones, references to cards “moment’s respite” “close feelings” “fragment of time” "lightseeking obsession",  unrequited but actually requited love, yearning, miscommunication, love confessions, reader is drunk in scene 5, kissing, heavy petting, grinding, fingering, clit play, slight nipple play, multiple orgasms, first time sex (with each other), vaginal sex (raw), needy sex, creampie, praise, dirty talk, use of pet names “angel” “my starlight”. lmk if i missed any tags !! ((slightly unedited))
wc : 13.4k (😭)
an : PHEW OK. i'm going back to my roots guys ... this is LONG, embarRASINGLY LONG but. if you want to skip to the Fun Part, that's in scene 6 (which is like. more than half of the entire thing really) !! also, play the song as you read i promise you won’t regret it <3
taglist : @spotted-salamander @darlingdummycassandra @milkandstarlight @thoupenguinman @valvinny [sign up here!] / +tyty @unluckywisher for beta reading a part of this the other day 🥺
Five times he couldn't say “I love you”... And one time he actually did.
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“Do you think Lemonette will finally stop bothering us for a while?”
You stifled a yawn as you walked up to your apartment, Xavier’s own footsteps following not too far behind you. The yellow wanderer had been roaming the city causing trouble, and you thought you’d gotten rather sick of seeing its face around—especially now that it had kept you both awake, the threads of sleep having slipped from you both the instant your watch went off. In that moment, a glance at the time told you that it was well past midnight. The sky surrounding the building was darker than dark, light from neither the moon nor stars enough to bring you out of it, the only comfort being the dim gleam of the hallway lights.
“We gave it a good beating, at least…” came his reply, and you shouldn’t have been so surprised to hear the grogginess present in his voice—as if he hadn’t been a large part of the reason Lemonette was rather… annihilated, for lack of a better word.
You smiled.
“Yeah, and no less thanks to you for it,” you chuckled, stretching as the door to your apartment finally came into view. You realized that you’d never once thought you wanted to be in bed any more than you did in that moment.
A momentary silence fell, and you stood by the doorway, turning around to face him.
Xavier remained still.
He seemed contemplating, scanning over your figure, fingers reaching out tentatively… only to fall back to his sides.
The call of your voice prompted a shake of his head, and a hint of embarrassment flashed briefly in his eyes.
“It’s nothing,” he mumbled.
It wasn’t nothing.
“You’re not… injured, are you?”
A smile spread on your lips, then.
So he was worried.
“It’s just a scratch,” you shrugged. “You know how it is. Just the usual stuff, I don’t even need first aid for it. It’ll be fine.”
Still, he didn’t move.
“So… Will you be able to sleep okay?”
It was almost comical how he said it, what with how obviously sleepy his own gaze had turned. Eyelids heavy, slow blinks in your direction, as if everything he was doing in that moment was with the intention of conserving as much energy as he could… He was tired. Just as tired as you were. Just as jolted out of his sleep as you had been.
You nodded your head, and reached over to give his shoulder a pat.
“I’ll be okay. Really. Maybe it’s since I’m tired from all of that, but I feel like I could get some pretty good rest! I don’t want to keep bothering you with my sleeping problems, anyway…”
Your eyes met, then.
Xavier’s searched yours, as if trying to ascertain that you weren’t just brushing it off. And this time, he seemed to let impulsivity win—or, whatever it was that made him reach out, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
His touch was soft. Gentle. Much like it always was; much like he always was, especially when it came to you. It lingered, the feeling of his skin against your ear, settling to rest by your cheek—and perhaps that was what made it feel more intimate, and soothing, than it otherwise would have been.
You didn’t know it could be so comforting just to look at someone like this.
To share a pause in thought, to enjoy the presence of each other… to have a little bit of your worries melt away the way that they did…
The moment offered more solace than you thought it ever could.
But Xavier tended to have that effect on you.
He always made you feel safe.
“Xavier?” You mumbled, your hand reaching up to rest on his wrist.
“Um… Thanks. It’s not so bad, even if Lemonette had to bother us tonight. Since… I have you, after all.”
And at that, you watched him smile.
Somehow, the dim lighting around his figure made him appear all the more ethereal than he usually did.
“I think the same,” he nodded.
His hand dropped back to his side, then. His mouth opened and closed for a moment, as if trying to weigh what to say next, before he took a prompt step backwards.
It was soft, the way he said it. You could have missed it if you weren’t paying attention, and something told you that it wasn’t quite… what he had meant to say.
Still, you smiled.
“Goodnight, Xavier.”
In the end, it wasn’t so bad, like this.
How many days was it, now, that you’d found yourself in such a situation?
You stood in his kitchen, hands on your hips, looking at the tray of cookies in front of you. Much to your dismay, they were mostly charred, or otherwise deformed, or otherwise… much too expanded to be considered presentable. Your gaze raised to meet a very expectant one, blue eyes nearly twinkling, and you thought—how could he be so confident?
“Xavier,” you started, and you crossed your arms for emphasis.
It was in an instant that you saw him deflate. If he had ears like a rabbit—a thought you’d had for quite some time now—you were certain they would be folding over his face in near-mortification.
Or guilt, perhaps.
You weren’t quite sure which one it was.
You were sure, however, that it was difficult to scold him properly with the kind of expression he was giving you.
You reached up to scratch your cheek; “It’s not terrible… I mean, you’re getting better…”
“...I followed your instructions, though…” You watched him lean over the counter to take a look at what had become of the cookies, and then he, too, found his nose wrinkling in distaste. “They don’t turn out very well, do they?”
“On the plus side… They don’t taste bad!”
To make a point, you held up a cookie and took a cheerful bite.
“...Well, you know. Aside from the burnt ones, I guess…”
A pout formed on his face with ease, and with the way he’d been leaning over, you were able to notice the slight flutter of his eyelashes with every blink.
For a moment, your heart skipped a beat.
“How are you so good at baking?” he sighed. “I know you’ve been trying to help… But is there something you’re not telling me?” His voice sounded a little dejected, more emotion seeping into it than usual, and you could see his desire to learn reflected cleanly in his gaze. Xavier wasn’t often this expressive. You knew he was genuine with all of this, and especially with all of the impromptu baking lessons that he’d dragged you into.
Not that you ever complained, of course.
To you, any moment you got to spend with him was one of comfort; an opportunity you could never bring yourself to pass up on. 
Even if these moments often ended up in…
You took another look at the cookies.
Well, burnt things.
You couldn’t help but laugh.
You knew you weren’t supposed to, and you watched his expression change from one of gloom to that of bewilderment. His eyebrows furrowed slightly as if trying to understand your sudden outburst—and with Xavier, you found, it was this expression that you so unabashedly adored. The confusion made him seem akin to a lost puppy, innocence in his eyes unveiled, a sincere glimpse into the person he didn’t often let you see.
This, with the way the sunlight streamed in through the window, the placement of his kitchen aptly weaved into the path of the sun, made the moment all the more heartwarming.
This was why you could never decline his invitations.
If only to see a little bit more of him the way that you were…
Your laughter settled into a grin, and you shook your head.
“Nothing, it’s just… Xavier, you’re so… So…” You made vague gestures with your hands, trying to find a suitable word. “So cute.”
The confusion in his face no less settled at that, but he crossed his arms. “...Well, so are you.”
You paused.
Your eyes widened.
In retrospect, it wasn’t as if this was anything new. Quips like this would often come out of nowhere; you’d learned to get a little bit used to it. That was the Xavier you were familiar with.
But there was something about the way he said it this time that made your heart skip another beat.
It had been doing that quite often in his presence, as of late.
The softness, perhaps; the directness, perhaps—or maybe it was the way the depth in his eyes made it seem a little more real. He met your gaze head-on, never wavering, never taking back what he’d said.
But in another split second, that moment was gone—and just as you had meant to tease him, now it didn’t seem like the words held much weight for him. There was an easy smile on his face, his eyes softened ever so slightly, but then he reached out for his own cookie to taste. And it was almost as if he hadn’t said anything at all. It was so typical of him to act so nonchalant about it.
Perhaps, part of you wished that he had said something more.
You cleared your throat.
“A- anyway,” you dusted some crumbs off of your clothes, “you can just—you know, try again later? You could follow along with a demonstration, or something… Maybe it was a little much just to recount the recipe to you. But, I really still think you’re improving! This’s a lot better than the last time we baked already, so with more practice I think you—”
Your words felt swallowed down in your throat, his eyes watching you with such intensity that you nearly had to take a step back.
“You’re amazing.”
“You’re good at a lot of things. I don’t think I know what I’d be doing with all of this if you weren’t here.”
Again he spoke, with the follow of silent words that, to you, seemed like they never really made it out of his mouth. Like there was something more, something else he would have loved to say out loud, but he… didn’t.
As if he were holding back.
He took the tray from you, setting it aside, his eyes following the sunlight. You noticed him squinting slightly when he found its source, acting, as always, as if he didn’t just say something that could get the butterflies in your stomach acting up. As if the push and pull that had consumed most of the days you’d been spending together as of late didn’t… exist.
You almost didn’t know what to make of it, until he opened his mouth to speak again.
“Can we do this again, sometime?”
“I like baking with you.”
His head turned back to face you, and there was a small smile playing on his lips—one that mirrored the one you’d had just moments ago.
“Let’s do this again sometime.”
It wasn’t a question anymore, but a statement.
You swallowed down the fluster in your throat, feeling as if the implications of his words were a lot more than just… This.
But you offered a smile. “O…okay. Yeah. I… I would like that, too.”
It was so difficult to say no to him.
…Not that you’d ever want to say no, anyway.
He would do that quite often, you found.
Your eyebrows knitted together as you glanced up from your textbook, only to find him, chin in his hand, not at all paying attention to the book laid out in front of him. Blue eyes bore into your own, and though that selfsame flurry of butterflies whirled around in your chest, you only crossed your arms at him in response.
The library was quiet.
You were the only ones here at this hour, quite early into the morning, save for a few people scattered in their seats here and there. The only sounds were a few hushed whispers every now and then, the rustling of paper, perhaps the sound of a book closing, a chair scraping. Menial sounds, if only to add to the environment.
Sure, it was a perfect conduit for thoughts to wander, for sleeping to be induced, but—but he promised. He promised to help you study for this exam, or at the very least, that he would study with you so you wouldn't feel alone in it.
Yet here he was, not taking it as seriously as you'd hoped him to.
“What are you even looking at?” you nearly whined, your voice lower so as not to disturb the people around you that were reading. “A library is made for reading, you know…”
You didn't know how to feel at the expression he gave you, rather relaxed and unconcerned, head moving in a little nod. He gestured towards the open book before him; “I have a book,” he spoke matter-of-factly.
You gave him a pout.
“Yes, but you're not reading it…”
“I'm… doing more important things.”
“...Like what?”
You couldn't tell if he was being serious, but his words definitely made it seem like he was playing around. In fact, had his tone not been so direct, you could have thought he was mocking you.
“Are you making fun of me?” you huffed. “If you didn't want to come here with me, you could've just said so, you know.” You made a face, and then promptly rolled your eyes. “You're not even looking at your book. What are you studying, then?”
And then he smiled. 
And it was less irritating to you than it was worrisome, for there was something about that smile that made you feel caught. 
Though in what, you weren't quite sure yet.
You blinked, your words cut off, your brows furrowed in confusion. “...What?”
“You, I'm studying you.”
He reached over and brushed against your hair, knuckles just barely grazing over the side of your head, nearly akin to a slight flutter of the wind. In an instant, you felt a faint trace of dust fall down onto the table. Your eyes followed it, the moment passing in silence.
You bewilderedly blew it away.
You couldn’t bring yourself to speak just yet, only quite having the mental fortitude to look back up at him, the confusion on your face ever more evident.
“There was something in your hair,” he smiled.
Your face flushed, then, and you weren't unaware of the particular gleam in his eyes. He might have been stating the truth, but he was obviously still… teasing.
A finger to your lips, this time, and there was no holding back the smile that formed on his own.
“Shhh,” he spoke quietly, “it's a library. You have to be quiet.”
You couldn't help the way your cheeks bloomed into shades of pink, and you lowered your head back to your book, defeated.
He didn't know the things he made you feel.
There was little sense left in you to find some kind of retort.
“You have kind of a funny interest in all of these legends,” you mused, following him with more careful footsteps.
Your eyes focused on the cone of ice cream in your hands, delighted at the appearance that you were promised. Though you had to plod through such a touristy place such as this for it, you were glad to have the bunny-shaped sundae cone finally right there in front of you. Holding it up a little, you tilted your head to compare the side-by-side image of the vanilla ears with Xavier, and smiled to yourself.
It kind of looked like him.
Little white ears matched the shade of his hair, and you figured it was maybe just missing those blue eyes you loved so much.
The person in question, on the other hand, seemed to have other ideas on his agenda.
He barely noticed your little self-satisfying antics, brows furrowed as he tried to make sense of the navigation app you’d installed on his phone. It was endearing how adamant he’d been on sticking with an old-fashioned map; this was a side to him you found that you adored dearly. Moving to circle around him, your eyes shone at his expression of concentration, his eyes narrowed, lips jutted out slightly into somewhat of a pout.
God, you really…
The thought remained uncompleted, and you cleared your throat.
“Xavier,” you reached up to lower his phone, shuffling closer to him to take a peek. “I really don’t think it’s that far… If you’re having trouble with it, just give it to me and—”
The phone screen shut as his finger moved over the lock button, and he promptly put it back into his pocket. A little smile, and a shake of his head, and then his arms were steering you forward as if nudging you along to continue walking.
“Nope,” he said, with a shake of his head to emphasize it. “I’ve studied it enough. We just have to walk a little bit in that direction. We’ll see the lovers’ bridge, then.”
Your eyebrows raised in amusement.
You let him steer you, felt the way his hand moved from over your shoulder to back by his sides, your hands brushing every so often. The only way you could distract yourself from it was to stare intensely at the ice cream in your other hand, one that had endured a few little kitten licks from you, but had its shape more obviously affected by the warmer temperature around you. You wondered, in the back of your mind, if it would last before you got to the bridge at all.
“Why do you want to go there, anyway?” You risked a glance back up at him as you spoke.
This little trip, in and of itself, had been planned on very much a whim—or, you supposed, not very planned, at all. But you could recount the few times you had been out with Xavier, and they had often been on your invite. This time, it was he who had insisted on dragging you out along with him, all to find the so-called Lovers’ Bridge that was infamous for its ‘good fortune’.
The white pedestrian bridge, stretching over the river in a sleek, sophisticated figure, had been used as a filming location for a number of romance movies. Of course, these were films that you had seen… But ones you knew Xavier had yet to, especially with the way he usually avoided all those sappy titles in the first place.
It was odd enough that he'd want to visit the bridge for such a reason… Yet there was more.
And you had found out about those reasons not more than a day before you’d left.
Because more than filming locations, was the superstition behind the bridge—a bridge that had completed its construction on Valentine’s Day, thus earning its name. And it had been swirling with promises and legends ever since, ones that reached the ears of even those outside the area. According to what had spread online, crossing the bridge with the one that you loved would ensure a long and happy life with them as a couple. And something churned in the pit of your stomach as you mulled over the thought, tongue darting out for another few licks on the treat that you held.
The taste of vanilla was cooling on your mouth, a welcoming rush of sugar that served as a means for you to ground yourself a little.
Because you and Xavier were not a couple.
In fact, you were far from it.
You were friends; yes, neighbors; yes, colleagues; yes.
The thought brought a blush to your cheeks, because you wished that you were. And you were aware that sometimes, the both of you tended to act like you were. You spent nearly every moment that you could together, the lingering warmth of his touches and his presence near you whenever he could be near you were burned into your memory.  The rumours at the Association didn’t fall on deaf ears, either. You knew what people were saying about the both of you, and you oftentimes wished them true—you did. The affections you held for him were undeniable.
But that was quite frankly not the reality you lived in.
Xavier had never been clear about it with his signals, nor direct about his feelings, nor—nor anything else. Nothing official had ever occurred between either of you, not in this oddly-structured game of tag, so shrouded in this push and pull, where the rules remained ambiguous, and where the outcomes presented just as vague.
And it was a terrifying thing to assume.
Yet, without properly explaining why… he had been adamant all day to walk straight into it—the bridge, its surrounding legend, all of it. 
“When good luck is involved, it’s better to believe they exist. You have nothing to lose.”
Those were words he was fond of saying, and the only words he would ever use to give you a reason.
The same could be said for this moment.
You found yourself being thoughtful as you fell into step with him, eyes scanning your surroundings, watching the couples that seemed to float in and out of your peripheral vision. There weren’t as many of them as you thought there would be—the bridge was now in your line of sight, its pearly-white structure jumping out against the backdrop of the setting sun. At the very front of its steps was a little bed of flowers; blue, you noted, tinted ever so slightly with the swirl of cotton candy from the clouds above.
The river below it rippled with a darkening pinkish hue.
The sun would be below the horizon in just a few moments.
And at the same time, in perhaps a minute or two, the bridge would be lit up in an equally captivating display of beautiful colors.
Even without the legend, you wouldn’t have minded getting to see something so pretty.
“...Your ice cream is melting.”
You blinked at his voice, your eyes drawing away from the scenery and back to him.
It could have been the shadows of the sunset that made him shine a little brighter in your eyes, now, that you couldn’t quite bring yourself to formulate any sort of response.
His eyes softened, the gentle breeze brushing through his hair.
Sometimes, you thought, there was something about him so inexplicably out of reach. Yet here he was, giving you attention, reaching for your hands, allowing for the heat from his skin to linger upon your own for even just a moment…
And then in these moments, you couldn’t help but think of how lucky you were.
“Aren’t you going to finish that?” he mumbled. There was a slight shift of his gaze towards the cone in your hand, before he looked at you again. “It might make your hand all sticky if we go and walk on the bridge right now…”
He was right, of course.
Your own gaze drifted down to the hand with your ice cream, now less of a rabbit, and more of the standard scoop of ice cream for all that it had melted. Parts of it had even begun to drip down onto your hand, but you had barely noticed the feeling.
“Oh, I… I mean, we can wait for the lights to turn on first, so…”
Blinking again as if to snap yourself out of your reverie, you lifted your hand—
Xavier beat you to it.
He had his thumb and index finger wrapped around your wrist, slowly pulling it towards him.
A smile.
You didn’t miss that smile, how could you? Slight, and perhaps, barely visible otherwise, but your breath caught in your throat—Something had you gravitating towards him, nearly entranced in the heat of his stare, sucking in a sharp intake of breath as his tongue darted out to lick at the stains of vanilla that ran over your palm.
You were blushing, probably.
You couldn’t even tell, at that point.
Soft, tiny little kitten clicks at your skin, almost as if to clean up the mess—you couldn’t really have bothered to focus on the expression you were making, feeling your own heart beat so loudly out of your chest that you were certain he could hear it.
“Xavier…” you mumbled.
His eyes twinkled, and he moved his mouth to the treat in your hand, taking a bite of his own.
“Can’t let it go to waste, right?” he licked at his lips.
The clusters of people, then, long-forgotten in the moment you had dared to share with each other, let out a resounding exclamation at amazement, as a click resounded in the air and the bridge before the both of you erupted into dazzling colors. Yet, your skin still tingled at the feeling of his touch, and you felt dazed as you turned your eyes back to him.
“I guess we, um… We should finish this before we go…?”
He chuckled, and then he nodded—“I… Think vanilla isn’t a bad flavor.”
The spin in your head made your vision hazy. You couldn’t remember, anymore, what time it was—only that your system had become intoxicated long past coherence, and the grass you sat on had a strangely soothing texture to it. And in front of you, right then, was that red, empty solo cup you’d brought with you outside.
You vaguely made out some loud music, and a voice in the background—Tara’s, probably. But you couldn’t be bothered to decipher what she was saying. You didn’t register that she was actually right beside you, trying to keep you engaged in conversation, a hand over your shoulder.
How long it had been like this?
You weren’t quite sure, either.
What you could remember was that Tara had planned a little girls’ party of her own, and it had gotten bigger than anticipated… And you supposed you’d ended up drinking more than you’d expected to. Eventually, you found yourself out in her front yard. It was the night breeze that felt comforting, despite the cold. There were stars out that night—a few of them shone brilliantly above you, and though you weren’t looking at them anymore, their presence made you smile.
It was only when a shadow passed over your figure that you looked up again, head lolled a little to the side, rapid blinks trying to steady on the person in front of you.
“There you are!” Tara stood up from beside you, dusting off some of the dirt from her pants. With a grunt, she managed to pull you up, though your weight naturally rested on her shoulders. Unbeknownst to you, she let out a pleading sigh. “Sorry, Xav… I didn’t notice how much she drank until she went wandering out here…”
The nickname registered in your head, and your vision, a little less blurry at the snap the information had given you, managed to form Xavier’s figure in front of you. His hair was a little unruly, the white hoodie so familiar on him a little more disheveled than you knew it to be—his eyes, too, held a certain level of concern that you were able to make out.
He had probably been sleeping.
There was a twinge of guilt that lapsed over your face, but it didn’t last—his presence brought on a giddiness you couldn’t have thought to control, and a lopsided grin easily came to prove it.
You slid off of Tara to fall straight into his arms; the scent of his laundry detergent had you sighing. It was almost by instinct that your arms wrapped around his waist.
A nuzzle against his chest had Tara clearing her throat then, and she made a pointed gesture.
“Well! She couldn’t stop talking about you, so I figured you were the person I should call! Sorry, really! I didn’t realize it would get this out of hand, but I do need to get to the other guests, too, so I hope I can leave her in your hands! Thanks, Xavier!”
You didn’t notice her leave, not until you felt a warm hand on your back, a familiar, soothing voice speaking softly into your ear.
“Hey… Let’s get you home. Let me just… Call a cab, and—”
“...But you’ll just leaveeee…”
He paused.
“I’m… Taking you home, so you can get some rest.”
“T’my place?”
“And you’ll stay w’me?”
The silence that followed only had you clinging to him tighter.
“Seeee…! You’re not answering! You’re gonna leave me ‘gain… N’I dunno when I’ll see you ‘gain, n’theenn…!”
Your voice trailed off on its own, resorting to nuzzling against him, feeling as if parting from him in this moment would never give you another to hold him so close like this.
But it didn’t last.
The fact was: Xavier was gentle with you; still.
Enough to pry you away from him, enough to get you to comply to get in the cab with him, enough to usher you up to your apartment and unlock the door… until the familiar warmth of your couch had you happily sprawling out, hugging the pillows close to you.
You barely had any recollection of what had happened; it was enough for you to know that he had been with you.
That he was still with you.
Your hands reached out for his, registering late that you’d been reaching for the glass of water he was holding rather than the hands themselves.
And you frowned.
“Huh? C’mere… Wan’ hold you…”
You made out the shake of his head, gentle gestures to sit you up properly on the couch.
“You have to drink water first,” came his reply.
His voice was so soft.
You could let it get to your head, the mere sound of it bringing a silly grin onto your face, a giggle bubbling past your throat. “Oooh… Can you say it again?”
It was clearly nonsensical, and you noted yet another shake of his head, the patience in his eyes ever evident despite all of your antics. It could only make you giggle even more, your hands falling to your lap, expression clearly very much out of it.
“Angel… You’re too drunk. You really need to drink this.”
The giggles, the laughter, all stopped abruptly. You felt your expression shift into that of wonder, your eyes wide and blinking curiously. Somehow, the nickname sent all kinds of flutters into your stomach—ones you couldn’t bring yourself to understand, especially in the state that you were in.
You leaned forward:
“You’re right… You’re like an angel…”
Your voice was light and airy, nearly akin to a gasp, and perhaps you might have giggled it off again had Xavier not reacted with a sigh. Because before you could do anything else, he moved his hand to rest gently over the curve of your spine, bringing the glass up to your lips.
It registered, then.
Your response was immediate, as if nearly conditioned, allowing him to tilt the glass upwards. You found yourself eagerly gulping at the water as it flowed down your throat; you hadn’t realized how much you needed the water. You were suddenly all the more grateful he had given it to you, gasping for air once the glass had been drained empty, and then blinking to look at him through hazy eyes.
“Better?” he murmured.
The hand on your back gave you soft, gentle rubs as he set the glass down, and then he reached up to brush the strands of hair from out of your face.
Immediately, you stilled. All traces of your giggles seemingly washed away with the water you’d drunk. You certainly didn’t feel any less intoxicated than earlier, but his touch through your shirt, and the soft caress on your cheek, felt all the more heightened that this moment felt nearly surreal to you. It was then that you could notice those favorite blue eyes of yours, staring into your own, searching your own, soft, and full of worry, and—
And something else. 
Something you weren’t coherent enough to put a label to.
But something that caused tears to well up in your eyes.
“Xavie,” you pouted, though you kept relatively still nonetheless, if only to lean more into his touch. “Why’re you lookin’ a’me like that?”
You caught the faintest trace of a smile on his lips, but he didn’t move away.
“Like what, angel?”
That nickname again.
You groaned as you fell back against the couch, grabbing a pillow to bring it up to your face.
Something about that nickname was driving you insane.
You felt your cheeks flush a cherry red, not just from the alcohol, and more likely from whatever else he was making you feel. You couldn’t quite tell what expression you were making, hidden behind the pillow, fighting some sort of giddy urge to let out a squeal. You didn’t even know how you had the space to overanalyze it. But the questions swirled in your head before you could stop it—has he said it to anyone else before? Was it just… you? Was it supposed to be… Common, and you weren’t aware of it?
The possibilities that plagued you only allowed another groan to sneak past your lips;
“Wh- why’re you callin’ me that, too! A-an’ being all soft with me, s’like… like you mean something…”
You felt the couch shift beside you, and although you still refused to look at him, you felt yourself naturally gravitating into his warmth.
“Do you… want me to mean something?”
This time, you sniffled.
Saved from his gaze, you quickly moved to bury your face back into his hoodie, allowing yourself to focus on his scent, on the way he held you like this, on the way—for even just a moment—he felt… yours.
“Dunnoooo,” you whined. “I’unno what you’re thinking… I never knowww what you’re thinking! Always so nice to me n’then you leave me all alone the next, then I’unno where to find you anymore… Say all these things n’keep me all close t’you, then you act like nothin’ happened…”
You rambled into his chest, your voice slurred and muffled into the fabric, gripping at his hoodie as if he could disappear in any next second. They were similar words to what you’d said by Tara’s front yard, similar feelings of refusing to let him go. But speaking them out with more clarity—whatever clarity you could muster the way you were speaking now—felt like twisting a knife into your heart.
Because all your thoughts had been clouded with him.
They were all-consuming, deliberately buried down into the pit of your stomach only to resurface with an intensity you could barely fathom yourself. How he’d been treating you, the words that he’d say… For the past days, for the past weeks, just—just him. Him, and his eyes, and his hair, and his voice. His touch. His presence. His comfort.
The Xavier you knew you’d come to love.
A hiccup bubbled in your throat, and you let out a quiet whimper in attempts to quell it.
Was that the emotion you couldn’t pinpoint?
Was that what you were feeling?
The visceral grip that he had on everything that you were; was that what you could call… Love?
“This isn’t the kind of time we should be talking about this…” You felt him murmur into your hair, a soft kiss placed on the crown of your head. Yet he wasn’t pulling away. He kept his hand on your back, soft, gentle caresses, trying to soothe you from the outpour of emotions you had barely the consciousness to control. “You’re not going to remember this tomorrow. How about we talk about it then?”
“B-but… But you always make excuses!” 
You looked up this time, sniffling in irregulated breaths, eyes watery with tears that were threatening to spill.
“You can’t call me that!” you insisted. Your hands balled into a fist. “D’you know what that means?! W-what if it’s making my heart all restless? N’you can act all calm like it’s nothing!”
“...I’m sorry…”
“An’—an’ you’re… You’re so warm… You’re like a fluffy cloud… N’what if you leave? What if you’re only here ‘cause m’like this, and then the rain passes n’you just leave me all alone again, an’... A-an’ then the sky won’t have any stars, either, n’I’ll be all alone—”
You could register the mix of confusion and concern on his face, your words barely making sense even to you, but your grip on his hoodie remained tight. You felt it, the way your tears rolled down your cheeks, your own expression a mix of desperation and a confusion that likely mirrored his own.
“Just… Just don’t… Don’t leave, Xavier…” you felt your lower lip tremble. “I’on wanna be left all alone… M’scared… I’on wan’ you t’leave…”
Your voice became smaller and smaller with each word, and you were left there, sniffling for a moment, looking up at him with a certain kind of hopelessness.
You were aware, at least, that you likely looked pathetic in his gaze like this.
“...M’sorry, Xav, I-I’unno what…”
Your words swallowed back into your throat when he reached out, brushing his thumb over your cheeks, over the corners of your eyes, wiping away your tears. His touch, as always, felt like a gentle caress. Patient, despite the incoherence of your thoughts and your actions; kind, despite the way you were keeping him here with you very likely against his will.
But he squeezed your hand.
You knew what that meant.
You gulped, looking up at him again, allowing his touch to lull you into a calm as it often did.
“It’s okay,” he mumbled. “I won’t leave. You have me. I’m not going anywhere.”
Through the haze of your eyes, half blurred from the alcohol and half from the tears, you caught the softening of his gaze. He moved closer, a little bit—slow, steady movements. And then he pulled your arm back over him, his own moving to rest in your hair… Until you were encased in the warmth of his embrace.
Almost just as earlier, except this time more… real.
He didn’t feel like an afterimage, not now.
Not in this moment.
His head dipped down, nuzzling against your neck, and he sighed.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I’m sorry I made you feel that way, I’ll… I’ll do better. I’ll stay with you. I’ll be right here.”
His breath tickled your skin when he spoke. And, to you, these were words that you felt were more genuine than you had heard from him in a while. It was enough to have you comfortably settling into his hold, eyes falling closed, breaths beginning to even you out.
Your head still throbbed.
It was a combination of everything; all of these feelings, and the alcohol that had planted itself into your system far past any level of sensibility.
Maybe he was right.
Maybe you wouldn’t recall any of this when you woke up the next day.
You tended not to remember things when you got like this, after all.
But still, your arms wrapped around him, returning the embrace.
“...I love you, Xavier,” you whispered.
Maybe he wouldn’t remember anything, either.
—ꜱɪx ... xᴀᴠɪᴇʀ.
The soft clinking of spoon against the mug was all he could hear.
It was late in the afternoon, leaves rustling gentle against the kitchen window. The atmosphere was quiet, and peaceful—enough for him to let out a little yawn, eyes blinking slowly in the golden rays of the light.
The tiredness was catching up to him.
Fluctuations had been far more unsteady than usual these past few days, and it only meant another morning full of missions for the both of you. Now, here, where in his apartment the both of you decided to relax in, was the first moment of pause the two of you had been granted in a while.
He recalled, too, the complaints you’d muttered on the way back. Though you’d done so on the premise he wouldn’t hear you, he did, anyway. It brought a little smile to his face thinking of the tone of voice you had taken.
For though headstrong and dedicated to your job as you were, you, like all Hunters in the Association, had the right to feel weary. You deserved moments of rest, such as now. Xavier couldn’t blame you for your complaints. He wouldn’t dare.
Like a distant whisper in his mind came words that were familiar to him; words that he wished he had another moment to comfort;
“I’m tired, Xavier… What if I can’t brandish my sword one day? What then?”
The memory made him close his eyes, jaw tightened in a grind of his teeth.
What he’d said, then, were words he had never gotten the chance to fulfil—words he could never take back. He could remember them, still. It was of the last few times that their conversations had been cordial.
And it was the moment he realized that words were not enough; they never would be. Not if he couldn’t live by them. Not with all the promises he had easily broken.
He wondered, then, how many things of the past he’d come to regret.
With a shake of his head, Xavier carried the mug carefully out the kitchen, sure not to let its contents spill. This was your favorite flavor of tea, and it always had been. If he couldn’t make up for lost hours and missed opportunities then, he would make up for it now.
He would try to.
“Hey, Xavier?” Your voice called out, getting steadily clearer to him as his footsteps padded the wooden flooring of his living room. It was his apartment, one he’d know the layout of like the back of his hand—yet he found, instead, that his path had moreso been mapped out by the sound of your voice. “I realize I never got to ask what these are. Is this… Are these what I’m thinking they are…?”
He blinked.
You weren’t where he’d left you, just earlier.
You’d stood up from the couch, the soft rabbit plushie now out of your hands and since left to the side, looking a little dazed. His own gaze flitted from the toy up to your figure, crouched beside a little wooden stand by the corner of the room. In a manner he’d always found familiar, your head was tilted to the side, pure evidence of your own curiosity. And on top of the stand lay a case, beige as most things in his home, raised slightly open to reveal the touches of a little turntable.
Immediately, his eyes softened in understanding.
“It’s a record player. And those are vinyls.”
He walked up behind you to tap on your shoulder, and the way your eyes lit up at the sight of the mug in his hands nearly made his heart skip a beat.
“Really?!” you exclaimed, taking the tea into your own hands. Your shoulders lifted, whether by the warmth of the drink or your own excitement, Xavier wasn’t quite sure. But he smiled, nonetheless.
“Aren’t those from… Incredibly long ago? I mean, I’ve always known you were old-fashioned by nature, but I didn’t expect you to have things like these, too… I don’t think I’ve ever seen them outside of those little antique shops we pass by sometimes.”
You were rambling, almost.
He knew you got like this when you were excited.
Your expression became more animated than usual as you spoke, leaning in to get a closer look, and he almost laughed.
For all the times you’d call him adorable, he almost wanted to say it back to you, this time.
He almost did.
But when you looked at him next, there was a certain plea to your gaze, the corners of your mouth then turned down into a little pout. “Please can we play something?” The hopefulness laced into your voice didn’t go unnoticed by him. “I’ve never heard you use it before! What’s the use of having it sit around if we don’t get to hear what it plays?”
It felt ironic, looking at the image presented before him. The stand the player rested on had two shelves lodged within it, the bottom hosting a set of vinyls, the one above it hosting none other than a stereo. And suffice to say, the stereo had been used a lot more. The case of the player was well-kept, cleaned and shined every now and then… But it was obvious it had barely been used. It might as well have been new. Xavier himself couldn’t recall the last time he’d used it.
But that you were asking him to, only meant that he would give in. It was difficult to say no to you.
He could hardly dream of it.
“Okay,” he said finally, nodding his head in the direction of the vinyls.
The both of you crouched down to look at the titles, Xavier watching intently as your fingers traced over the record sleeves. They were soft, slow, contemplating motions. You took each one out of its place to look at the cover, eyes skimming the title, before putting it back down—rinse, and repeat.
This time, he did laugh. There was a confused sort of wonder on your face; he was sure that these titles were anything but familiar to you.
“Are you having trouble choosing?” he offered, leaning in closer to look at the records themselves.
Here, sitting so close to you, he could feel the warmth from the tea that you had only taken a few sips of, the scent of your perfume equally as notable in the space between you. Part of him, perhaps, wanted to prolong the moment.
He liked being close to you.
“Mmh… I’m not sure what to expect from either of these,” you admitted, your face scrunched up in concentration. Still your hands trailed over the jackets, and without thinking, he reached over to rest his own hand over your wrist.
When you looked at him, he was pleasantly surprised to find the faint traces of a blush over your cheeks.
You truly were adorable.
But he shook his head.
“Well… They’re a lot different from what we’d be used to now,” he leaned in closer to you to give you a little nudge. “I could choose for you, but I want you to experience it for yourself, too. So, maybe… Choose something you feel drawn to?”
He stood up, then, willing his heart to calm enough for you not to notice how your proximity was affecting him. Instead, he busied himself with the case, lifting up the lid completely to reveal the knobs and switches not otherwise visible just earlier. He tried to remember the last time he’d cleaned it, but it seemed to be in a condition good enough to be able to work, anyway. There was a part of him that let out a sigh of relief at the confirmation; the last thing he wanted to do was disappoint you with it.
“Katharine McPhee…” you mumbled, then.
“It’s a pretty name. The cover looked interesting, too, and the song title is… Well…” Your voice trailed off with a shrug, and he looked back at you, blinking at the vinyl you held in your hands.
Slowly, his lips turned back into a little smile.
Oh. That song.
You handed it over to him, expression expectant, as you took another sip of your tea.
“I actually… Don’t really remember how to use it.”
The soft admission fell from his lips, an honest warning that only earned a scoff from you in reply. He didn’t look at you this time, as he gently slid the record out of its jacket and placed it on the turntable. He didn’t need to, after all. He’d memorized enough of your expressions—the mirth in your eyes, the tugging of a teasing smirk against your lips that would eventually spill into a grin… He was sure you had your head tilted in quiet observance, his own hands moving to push the needle flush against the record.
After he reached over to flip the power switch on, he straightened, arms crossed, a hope in his eyes that could have mirrored your own. In a similar manner, you peeked out from behind him.
And then the first notes of a song flouted out from the box.
Mellow tunes wafted around the living room, a different kind of fullness to it compared to the music that both of you were used to hearing from the speakers. The gentle strumming of the guitar, the soft hums that started off the song—he breathed out a sigh of relief, while you, on the other hand, let out an exclamation of amazement.
In his head, he would have likened your behavior to that of a puppy who’d gotten a new toy. The mere thought of it had him glancing away for a moment, the back of his hand covering his mouth to hide his smile.
Yet, he—couldn’t quite look away from you.
It was hard to look away.
It always has been, when you had since filled his heart with a song of its own, and he’d always been so vividly aware of your presence ever since.
As if you were the only thing that truly mattered to him.
And perhaps, you were.
He could think back to these past months, every little glance the two of you would share, every brush of your hands, every caress he dared to initiate, every hold on you he’d be greedy enough to take for his own.
One of the earlier nights he’d let his self-indulgence get the better of him, he almost said those words—always on the tip of his tongue, always surging through his heart with an intensity he had to fight back so as not to scare you. And I love you became goodnight; I love you became stay; I love you became come back; I love you became come with me.
It became a glance. It became a touch, it became the tug of your hand. It became gentle ruffles of your hair, it became smiles, it became laughs, it became—you.
Love became you.
And now, the crisp noise emanating from the player seemed to wrap you in its embrace, smoothly, as you began to sway. Your feet shifted side to side as you let your head bob in time with every step, every little shuffle. You’d tucked your hair behind your ear, and your eyes closed. And he couldn’t help but notice—admire—the warm cascade of sunlight over your hair, shrouding you with a glow more ethereal than he’d ever seen… even with you. You were brighter than the sun. Brighter than the stars. Brighter than anything else, brighter than whatever light his Evol could possibly conjure, and just enough to match the warmth that being here with you, unfiltered and peaceful… filled him with.
“You know… I really like this song!” Your voice echoed through the music then, more noticeable to him than any other sound in the room. You turned your head, eyes meeting his own—”You’re right, it doesn’t sound at all like the kind of music we’d listen to these days, but the melody is really catchy, and her voice is really smooth, and—”
“Dance with me?”
Xavier spoke before he could stop himself.
In the next second he felt a sudden surge of heat at his own statement, nearly retracting his words to look away in embarrassment…
But he didn’t.
Instead, he reached out his hand.
He was sure the tips of his ears were near-glowing red.
He tried again.
“May I… Have this dance?”
And for all that his heart rate had always been naturally slow, he could hear the steady thrum of it in his ears. Louder than usual, quicker than usual, more anticipating than usual. If there was anything that could get him nervous, it was you.
Always you.
But you took his hand.
Your palm in his was small, but just as warm as you always were to him. Just as beautiful, as you always were to him. And perhaps, the world began to fade away, then. It often did, when he was with you. Only, now, in the confines of his home, symphonies echoing in the background, he knew that he was free to hold you as close as he did.
Neither of you spoke for a while as he pulled you up against him, his arms wrapping around your waist, your head against his chest. This was the closest the two of you had ever been in a long, long while, and he realized, then, that the pulse of your heart seemed to beat readily in time to his.
“I didn’t peg you to be a collector type, huh,” you mumbled.
You weren’t looking at him, eyes focused on the shuffle of your feet. He took the opportunity to rest his chin on the top of your head.
“I’m not,” he said quietly. “It was… A gift from a friend, but I haven’t gotten to use it much. It’s… been sitting around.”
He felt you laugh softly against him.
“Yeah? But you’ve kept it around, anyway. Who knows just how old this thing is…”
“...But, it works.”
“Mmh… yeah, it does. Thankfully. And… You know how to use it.”
“I hoped that I would.”
This time, you raised your head, and his breath hitched in his throat. Seeing your eyes, so up close like this, brought on a wave of emotion that he found he had to choke back.
It didn’t stop him from speaking.
“I… thought it might be something you’d like. I’m glad that you do.”
The smile that spread across your face in response to that nearly made his heart jump out of his throat. And the tug of your body closer to him was all he could do to keep those words from spilling out of his mouth.
I love you.
He could say it with a look.
And, sure, you had said it.
He remembered that night.
He’d barely gotten a wink of sleep, holding you in his arms as he had, but you weren’t—You weren’t sober. 
And neither of you had talked about that night.
It was as if your relationship had meant to continue for as long as it could without addressing it, and it was driving him insane, and—
And if he could, he would have this moment drag on forever, just you in his arms, a slow dance to the music, as far as he could lie to himself that you were already his without either of you having to say it.
But he knew that was not the case. It couldn't be. And he knew that you knew it, too. He saw it in the way your expression flickered into one of apprehension, and your lips parted to speak.
“Xavier… What are we?”
Your voice came as a soft whisper, with a question he found that he had no immediate answer to. He searched your eyes, brows furrowing, trying to ascertain what it is you were expecting him to say. 
He knew what he wanted the two of you to be.
He didn’t know what you were. He didn’t know what… you wanted.
So that was what he said.
“What do you… want us to be?”
It was as if all he knew how to do in that moment was deflect the question back at you.
And you frowned.
“Xavier, that’s not… I don’t…”
The turmoil that made itself obvious in your voice had his heart dropping almost immediately.
Because that was it.
You weren’t sure.
Those words you’d uttered to him just that night were nothing more than a drunken ramble, and he was right—this wasn’t the same as all those years back. Here you were, in his arms, yet every time he’d think you wanted him just as much as he did you, you’d pull back.
How cruel that you would think the same of him, when you could barely be receptive to what advances he could make.
Then, perhaps, he realized there was a limit to how much he could take.
“I know what I want,” he mumbled, then.
His hands moved up to rest against your cheek, a gesture that had become familiar to you, despite the emotional charge behind it, despite the way he could only wish to hold more of you in exactly this way.
And there was so much of you that he held in his heart.
He didn’t even know how to place it anymore. So many years of feelings he’d harbored for you, always, all this time, yet he never knew how to explain it. Neither to you, nor to himself. Because he’d never felt this way with anyone else. To be so full of contentment in someone’s presence; to be so hopelessly enamored by every little thing—even after all this time, this was new to him. New, and profound, and—
And terrifying.
To love you so wholly, so insurmountably, so… so much.
It almost felt foolish how terrifying it was.
His heart felt as though it had lodged itself in his throat, and he was sure that his voice would falter as a result, but this—this was it.
How could he move forward any longer without letting you know?
And it was the way your eyes remained steely on his that allowed him to speak again, determined—
“I want you.”
The music had since been long forgotten. Familiar, yet faded within distant memory, as the world, once more, became filled with you. It had always been like that. In his mind, there were many things that had since receded into cloudiness; a grey abyss of things that once were. Now, the only thoughts that ever seemed to hold clarity to him were thoughts of you.
How much he wanted you.
How much he needed you.
How much he… loved you.
Perhaps, he couldn’t say those words just yet.
Instead, he swallowed them with a kiss.
A chance; a risk—an obvious display of the bounds of longing that he’d reached, that had filled to the precipice, that had tortured him beyond an anguish of waiting.
It was an anguish that only you could fill.
The touch of your lips against his, soft and supple, the way you craned your neck for more of it, the way your arms tugged him closer, closer, pressing him into you if he should dare pull away… 
“Again,” you whispered.
And he had his answer, then.
You wanted this just as much as he wanted you.
So he kissed you again.
And again.
And again.
“More,” you pleaded, and each and every time you parted with one another, he could only think, perhaps, that there was no place else he would rather be than here with you. The quiet, crackling tune faded into your heedy breaths against each others’ lips. Right then, the music came to its own end, bringing with it a different kind of symphony that now danced within the depths of your eyes.
He felt your hands slide down from his neck back to tug at his sweatshirt, and his forehead moved to rest against yours.
“Satisfied?” he smiled, his voice lighter than it had been today.
“When it comes to you? Never, really.” Your noses bumped together, the slightest nuzzle filled with an insurmountable kind of affection. ”Because I want you, too.”
Those were simple words—but a direct revelation of your feelings, a direct reciprocation of his own, and—naturally, they spoke volumes. Enough for his heart to fill with warmth. Enough for his shoulders to relax, with a sort of relief he wouldn’t be able to explain to you if you asked. And he held you in his embrace, arms still wrapped comfortably around your figure, knowing that he could let go, but… he didn’t quite want to. Not at all. Not when you felt so right with him here; not when the implication of your words settled deeply into his chest.
So instead, he let out a slow, heavy breath, and perhaps he couldn’t help it anymore. His lips gradually inched back impossibly closer to yours, his gaze straying down from your eyes, dizzying, almost, at the way you were barely touching—
“How much?” he mumbled, because an agony of waiting couldn’t possibly be resolved in a single moment.
You let out a soft laugh.
“For forever,” you rolled your eyes, but you smiled. “If having you forever could ever be enough.”
His breath hitched.
Forever sounded like bliss with you. Forever sounded far more wondrous than whatever fantasies lived in the pages of those books on his shelves; far more than anything he had ever, ever wished for. And he had wished for this for a long, long time. For you had always been in his heart. He knew, now, that he was in yours.
And forever was as long of a time he was willing to spend with you.
“I’d like that.”
Then his hands gripped your waist tightly, desperately, as his lips came crashing down once more—and this time, the desperation that had coiled itself in the depths of his heart found freedom in the way that he kissed you. Like clawing; almost, as if afraid he could never get another moment like this, as if afraid you could disappear from right in front of him, right then and there.
As if he wouldn't let you. 
He couldn't. 
And the longer the kiss continued, the hungrier it became.
There was the scent of your perfume, the scent of your shampoo, the taste of your lipgloss… All-engulfing, more, and more, until all he could feel was you. All he could taste was you. You, and you—so warm, and so right, and—his.
All his.
All while he felt your hand tangle into the roots of his hair, and you panted hazily into his open mouth, desperately wanting to breathe, and yet—neither of you wanted this moment to ever end.
And the both of you had an inkling of exactly where this was intending to lead.
Feet shuffled against the floor, a few steps backwards, but neither of you got very far before Xavier was lifting you up into the air. His arms supported the weight of your body through your back and your knees, positioning you into a princess carry—he noted the squeal that you let out, your eyes finding his in search of confirmation. It was, perhaps, instinct the way you clung to his waist next.
But he had never been more grateful for the straightforward layout of his apartment, keen to lay you down on his bed with a promise of much, much, much more. The weight on the mattress shifted, and his figure crawled over your body, the faintest brush of his knuckles against your skin. From this angle, you caged between his arms, legs slotted between yours, his weight holding him up by his forearms—you were beautiful.
More beautiful than you always had been.
The redness that surrounded your lips, lipstick askew, swollen from your kisses… Your hair was splayed out against the pillows, disheveled than things had started with. And there was a certain longing in your eyes that, he was sure, quite vividly reflected in his own.
He could feel the way his hair had likely gotten just as unruly, the sting in his scalp still tingling from where you had tugged and scraped just moments before. Yet he made no attempts to fix it, the annoyance of his hair nearly in his eyes of no importance to him in this moment. Not when you were here. Not when the tension in the air left him feeling dizzy, the prospect of having you closer making his head spin.
“My starlight,” he whispered, then.
He watched, fondly, at the blush that covered your face—and he came to the realization that the midday glow had melted into skies of velvet. 
And this was different, now, from any past sunsets he had ever watched with you.
Now, it streamed in through the window in skyburst reds and yellows. vibrant hues painted over your face, your body… A skyward hearth reflecting the solace he could only ever find in you.
And you were his sky.
You were his home.
You were his… everything.
It was these words that were swallowed back as his lips descended past your cheek, past your jaw, down your neck. He would let actions speak louder than words, this time; the words uttered instead into your skin. His fingers worked deftly to undo the buttons of your blouse, hips rolling into you, a friction that had his breath tremble against your neck. And then a suckle over the soft flesh on your shoulder made you gasp—he’d do it again, and again, lips trailing your skin in search of every mark of you he could finally, finally make his.
His eyes closed.
He could savor the sensation—hot breaths against you, the drag of his hands across the smoothness of your skin, those slow, loving circles he rubbed into your waist before he could tug your clothing off of your body.
Not a word was spoken; not yet.
Only hushed gasps and shaky breaths, every roll of his hips, the friction of his erection against the outline of your sex nearly driving both of you into a quiet dance of insanity.
You broke the quiet first.
A shaky whisper as his fingers trailed downwards, pressing flush against your lips, feeling the desperate cling of the fabric against you.
Another stroke of his finger, lewdly accompanied with the wet, sticky sound of your arousal—
He looked at you, then. Dragged his gaze from over your figure to the haze in your own.
And he whispered; “Beautiful.”
His strokes against your cunt had your bottom lip quivering, hands slipping from over his back to the mattress below. Little taps against your clit, finger dipping the fabric nearly inside, your wetness seeping through with ease… He could feel every pulse of your pussy, your need for stimulation never more clear to him than in that moment.
“Xavier… Xavier.”
You sounded so sweet.
Every utterance of his name had hip drawing in a breath; he had never before in his life heard it called out with so much… love. 
He wanted more of it.
Lips moved to mouth at your breast, as your panties were pushed aside. Slow, open-mouthed kisses, dangerously close to your nipples but not quite—
His finger, then, slid directly over your folds, and you caved.
A louder, uninhibited moan of his name, your back arching into his touch.
And there, displayed in his eyes, was a look of wonder. A look of love.
Your legs spread in response, inviting, daring. You were baring yourself to him so willingly, that you didn’t need to say anything else. The plea in your eyes was enough.
The plea in your voice was enough.
“Xavier…” you spoke again, barely a whisper, your hands moving back to thread through his hair.
And how could he ever deny you? 
You shuddered immediately as his lips moved to wrap around your nipple, the heat of your skin against him pulling the corner of his lips up into a little smile. Every flick of his tongue had your body twitching beneath him, and he felt every little jerk with a certain sense of pride.
It was so easy, then, for his finger to push inside. 
You gasped, and he pushed deeper—the gentle probing of your hole had you pliant and starved for his touch, his name falling out from your lips in a chant.
“Xavier… Xav—Xavier— Xavier—!”
He groaned against your skin. Your sounds were like music to his ears, a jolt straight down to the tent in his boxers that was almost painful.
Yet still, his eyes never strayed from yours.
He let his teeth graze over your bud as his finger curled inside you, pressing against your gummy walls, just slow, easy thrusts to guide you into the rhythm. And he could see it in your eyes. He searched them, equally as lost in the swirl of haze that had you drowned in the pleasure he gave you—and it was beautiful. Almost heart-wrenchingly beautiful. How he had always wished, yearned, to belong to the inner world behind your irises, and now he—he could.
He only pulled away from your breasts to rest his head by your ear, a low chuckle resounding. He felt the effect of it almost instantly as you clenched over his finger, but he didn’t stop there—a second digit found its way in.
“Shh, I know, angel, I know.”
Quiet, soothing whispers against your ear, his other hand moving to brush the hair out of your face.
This time, the light from the window was bathed in twilight—
He smiled.
That even the moon and the stars would smile upon you, would cover you in their light… The sky itself would speak of love. Of you.
He watched, as your hips, illuminated by the evening glow, began to make more desperate motions. You drew his fingers in deeper, guiding them to rub against the spot that had you crying out another chant of his name. His thumb brushed up against your clit, then, and your hand reached out to grab his arm.
Another smile.
“Is it there, angel?” he murmured. His hair fell over your face as he moved to face you, lips ghosting over yours. And he caught every gasp, every moan, ever drone of his name and every shudder of pleasure he could elicit by repeating the same actions.
And again. 
And again.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, wanting him close, his ministrations unrelenting. Long fingers dipped in and out of the heat between your legs, sounds of slick and arousal emanating from your cunt in time with the murmurs you keened into the crook of his neck.
“Close?” he whispered.
Whimpers fell from your mouth as he kissed at the corners of your lips, gently coaxing you closer to your high. Each pump of his fingers had your body arching higher, higher off the mattress, the soft cooing of his voice a catalyst to the climax you were so close to.
“Please,” you begged. “Please, Xavier… Please!”
Your words nearly made his throat close up, eyes closing momentarily as his cock twitched in response to you.
“I know,” he mumbled, “I know, starlight. You can do it, just a little more. Focus on me. Does it feel good?”
He leaned up to kiss the little beads of tears that formed out of the corner of your eyes, whispering against the flutter of your eyelids as the only coherent response you could give was a feeble nod.
“Then cum for me, angel.”
You gasped, and he felt it. Your walls constricted, your body arched, and his words, his voice playing into the heat in your core, so much so that it was much, much easier for you to let go. The coil snapped, and your hips bucked upwards, his name mixing with curses upon your lips that he found… delightful to his ears enough to smile.
“That’s it. There we go. You’re so good, angel, look at you…” He let out a slow breath as he withdrew his fingers from you, watching as your body twitched in the aftermath of your orgasm. Slowly, he slid down your body, hands gripping your thighs to spread you apart, and he placed a soft, barely-there kiss against your clit.
Your body jerked at the contact, and he immediately rubbed soothing circles into your skin, cheek resting against your thigh as he looked up at you with a smile.
“I know,” he whispered, again, “I know. You’re sensitive. I won’t do too much.”
But you shook your head.
His eyes blinked slowly, carefully, as he felt your fingers in his hair, coaxing him back up to you.
“You’re an angel.”
Your breathing had calmed enough for you to speak this time, the familiar words falling from your lips in a way that made his heart skip a beat.
“You…” he breathed out in disbelief as your foreheads touched, taking in the slightest hint of mirth that became visible in your eyes.
And after all this time—through all the doubts that swirled in his head, through all the desperation to get the timing perfect, in manner with the perfectionism that had been instilled so deeply into his heart—
It was you who spoke the words first.
“I love you.”
And the lump in his throat had prevented him from responding immediately, but you knew.
Your hand reached up to cup his cheek, and like all the years he had felt such a familiar gesture, he allowed himself to surrender. The weight of his head fell into your palm as he nuzzled closely into you, his own eyelids fluttering, as if savouring every bit of affection that you held in that caress.
“My starlight…”
A feeble rasp of the little nickname he’d made for you was all he could muster in the moment, and you, in return, could only chuckle.
Perhaps, it made the moment feel more real.
A soft sigh fell from your lips as he pressed back up against you, as your hands worked to pull down his boxers, as the throbbing of his cock pushed against folds.
“Starlight, I…”
His words melted into a groan as it was you who moved your hips against him, the slide of your sexes coating his member in your slick. And the quiet of the night could not have rang in his head any louder than the wetness between the both of you, evidence of the desire that rang true in your bodies as his hips seemed to move with a mind of their own. His eyes closed as he dragged his length along your folds, breath stuttering as the head of his cock would catch on your entrance with each withdrawal of his hips.
Your breaths were shaky as you hugged him closer, receptive of his slow grinds into you and against you, and he realized, then, that this was real.
Your words were real. There was no alcohol laced into your words this time. Instead, you nodded your head, and he noticed it—a different kind of intoxication, the reflection of his figure stirring in your eyes with unspoken need.
“Xavier…” You whispered again, and it was a plea.
Such a multitude of ways that you could say his name.
“Xavier… please, take me.”
And with one slow thrust, he was there.
Closer to you than ever; as close as the two of you could be.
A moan fell from his lips as the tight passage constricted around him, the thickness of him stretching your walls to accommodate the feeling of being so full. 
And it was enough.
“I love you…”
His head fell against your chest as he felt himself tremble, the sensation overwhelming. You were so snug and warm around him, so… perfect. There was no stopping the words from falling out of his lips. He would say it again.
“I love you.”
He felt your breath stutter against the crown of his head, and he buried himself deeper into you, nuzzling into your chest, his body alight with a heat that he could barely begin to fathom.
He loved you so much, it ached.
And you moaned as your head threw back, hands clawing into his back, as his hips began to move. Slowly, at first, the languid pacing of his hips allowing you to feel the drag of his length against your walls, allowing him to soak in the way your cunt would suck him right back into you.
“Xavier, Xavier, Xavier…”
Your sounds were soft from your lips, a melody that had him rhythmically moving in the tune of, only picking up the pace ever so slightly—because he could hardly get enough of you. You drank each other in shamelessly, savouring the taste of your skin, every inch of your bodies colliding with every movement, and it was—enthralling. Breathtaking. Every snap of his hips as he breathed heavily against you had you shuddering. You would meet his grinds with needy little humps of your own, and he—
He could lose himself in this.
And all he could focus on was the endless litany of his name upon your lips, the quiet sound of skin against skin, the near-filthy squelch of your cunt with each dance the two of you would play in.
Until he could barely breathe.
Until his lips were back on yours, and you would hold each other close, hold each other tight, never letting go because this—all of it—was exactly what the both of you needed.
Xavier felt it, then. The squeeze of your walls, the flutters, the pulses—he lifted his head.
His vision was hazy.
All he could think of was you; all he could feel was you; all he could see was you. The flush of your cheeks, the way your eyes looked back at him with a darkened, half-lidded gaze, the way your mouth held open in desperate pants for air.
And he moved harder, harder, faster—
“Angel,” he choked out, holding himself up by his elbows on either side of your body.
“D-don’t stop, Xavi, please, don’t—don’t—”
“M.. M’not stopping, angel… I know… I know, feels s’good, doesn’t it…”
He angled his hips, deliberately pushing his cock against the spots inside of you that he’d memorized, and—
“X- Xavier…!”
His teeth grit as you clenched around him, legs drawing over his hips and keeping him flush against you enough to trigger his own release.
“Take it… C’mon… take it, angel, take it, take—it—”
His head dipped to bury against your hair, tucking you under his chin, keeping you caged in his arms for as long as he could. His hips stuttered as he pumped inside of you, spilling his load with a wave of euphoria that had you both letting out a cry of pleasure. And he pulled out just the littlest bit before sliding in again, shallow thrusts making a mess of his cum, the throb of his cock pulsating against your walls…
Muffled groans turn into trembling breaths, heavy pants as the atmosphere gradually relaxed into contentment.
“I love you.”
He peeled off of your body only to gently stroke at your cheek, taking in the glow in your smile at his words.
So he said it again.
“I love you.”
And he leaned in to pepper kisses over the side of your face, like little specks of stardust, a gather of constellations that could only fill his universe full of you.
You laughed, softly, nuzzling your nose against his.
“You make my heart smile,” you sighed, and he placed a kiss at your eyelids in response.
“And you make mine. Always.” An honest reply. His hands found yours, fingers intertwined, a soft, gentle massage into your palm. “...I love you. I’m sorry I took so long.”
And you smiled.
“You did take long,” you hummed. “But now that you’re here… It’s worth it. Just... Make it up to me and cuddle for a little. Okay?"
His eyes fell closed.
This time, he felt—this was a promise he could make for you. This time, knowing he had you, he thought… Perhaps, he could. 
“...Mhm. Rest now,” he whispered. “And I’ll be by your side. Always.”
“You said it again, my heart's in motion; every word feels like a shooting star. I'm at the edge of my emotions, watching the shadows burning in the dark, and I'm in love—and I'm terrified."
[Terrified ; Katharine McPhee]
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⁺₊ / an: first of all scene 4 was inspired by the tamsui bridge in taiwan, second of all can you believe this is the first time i used 3rd person pov limited (non-reader)?? and it was such ??? a challenge??? and third of all DID YOU NOTICE… that i used the slow dance trope in direct contrast to sylus’ "once upon a december" drabble hehe i’m smart sometimes <3
ANYWAY my thoughts on this is that writing this made me realize why xavier/mc has always felt so special to me, and why the 21 days card made me so emotional :'> this took reallyyy long to finish because i reaally wanted to convey the gentleness in their relationship (through a reader insert, no less!) while also keeping all that fear and desperation and uncertainties of falling in love still very much real and present 🙏 writing the outline and scenes 5+6 made me cry a little,,, i hope reading this fic has allowed you to feel the depth of their love, too <3
also : mention for @sadfragilegirl for that one request you sent a while back! since you requested "passionate loving smut" with xavier i'd think this fits in with that hehe
Š rose-tinted-kalopsia. all rights reserved. do not: steal, copy, repost, reupload, modify, or claim any of my works as your own, regardless of credit given. absolutely do not use my works for AI training and other related purposes.
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596 notes ¡ View notes
suhkusa ¡ 2 months
HELLOOOO i see you opened ur req👀 can I req for suna or atsumu suddenly getting a girlfriend, like hardlaunching her on social media, after almost a year of being on and off... can it be angst to comfort/fluff (pls i want to cope so bad from my prev situationship bahaaaaahahha) tysm just so u know i love u and ur works and prolly the first one to like em immediately>< <3
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PAIRING. Atsumu Miya x f!Reader
CW. hurt/comfort, angst to fluff, situationship-to-relationship lol
A/N. ouchhh i hope this is good anon ><
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Being in a situationship with Atsumu Miya was the absolute worst.
Sometimes it felt like he was stringing you along in his little game, while other times it felt like you two were truly meant to be together. 
There were many invisible boundaries in the relationship, or talking stage, or whatever he wanted to call it, that were made without having to say a thing. 
It was mutually exclusive, so no talking to other people romantically.
You two didn’t post each other on social media.
The two of you would make it official when you both were ready.
The rules were easy to follow. Though, you had always been a bit iffy on the third one. When would the two of you deem yourselves “ready” when you’ve already been talking for so long?
The worst part about Atsumu, was that he was so indecisive. 
One minute, the two of you could be acting as if you were a married couple. Going on dates, spending time at each other’s houses, and late night calls. The two of you even had pet names for each other! 
But then the next minute, he decides his volleyball career is more important. Or that he’s too busy. Or that he wants a break. Or that you’re too controlling. So many excuses, yet every time he calls out to you to come back, you come running back head over heels. 
And it hurts. It hurts being with him even though you two had never made it official. How could you feel so tethered and intertwined with a man who never had the guts to ask you to be his and only his? Who never posts you on social media?
You weren’t controlling. You were just tired of this cat and mouse game. You just wanted certainty and reassurance. 
Was that so much to ask for?
Apparently for Atsumu Miya, it is.
“I don’t get it Atsumu, why can’t we just say we’re together? Everyone already knows we basically are!” you sigh. 
The two of you sat in his apartment as the TV played in the midst of your argument. This was definitely one of the worst arguments that had occurred between you two.
“If we’re basically together then why can’t you just be happy? Do I need to ask you out? To post you?” he rebuttals, his voice clearly agitated.
“Because! You haven’t asked me out. That stuff is the bare minimum yet I’m here begging. You’re so comfortable in this weird limbo talking stage where it’s so easy for you to leave me and then hope I come crawling back!” you cry, you hadn’t even realized you started to cry. “I’m so, so tired of this shit!”
“If you’re so tired, then leave!”
Usually during the short breaks of your situationship with Atsumu Miya, it was always him who had decided to call it off. But his words had snapped a cord in you that had already been thinned to its last thread.
The two of you share a tense look, both unmoving. It’s you who decides to break the silence.
“Me? Leave? Hah, fine. I will,” you’re quick to grab your bag on the side table.
“Wait, Y/N-”
“And don’t expect me to come crawling back to you, Miya. This time you really did it,”
He freezes when you open the door, eyes filled with tears as you look back at him. 
The door shuts before he could say anything.
What was he supposed to do now?
If Atsumu knew one thing for sure, it was that he was stupid. 100%, a million times over, he was an idiot.
His concept of love and relationships were hindered during his high school days. The ability to commit was a hard idea to grasp onto. 
But you were different. 
You were kind and patient, unlike any one he’s ever known, and he was undeniably scared. Scared to lose you, scared to fuck up. And so what did he do every time he got scared?
He ran away and gave you some bullshit excuse. But even then, you’d come back time and time again.
But now it is different. He told you to leave and you really did. You wouldn’t come back to him willingly.
Atsumu’s stupid. That’s why he’s at your doorstep in the rain.
He rings the doorbell. He’s shocked when you open it on the first attempt.
“What are you doing?” your quiet voice says.
Atsumu takes in your disheveled appearance. You definitely had been crying based on your swollen eyes.
“I—” Atsumu can’t find the words. He’s really scared.
“If you’re going to yell at me or ask me to come back, you better be ready to beg me Atsumu, I’m not doing a stupid “talking stage” or some cheap crap you come up with,”
“I’m sorry, I-l fucked up really bad,”
You don’t say anything in response, allowing him to continue. 
“I love you so much,” he’s stuttering, “I’m really scared but I want to try with you, I want to be with you, for real this time,”
“And if I say yes, are you just going to leave me when it’s convenient for you?” your own voice sounds a bit hesitant. 
“No, no. I promise you. I mean everything that’s coming out of my mouth,”
You look like you’re lost in thought for a split second before you speak. “I’ll be with you, Atsumu. For real,” you smile as you mock his words.
Another moment passes by, and before you know it, you’re kissing him and he kisses you.
[tsumumiya]: my person ❤️
[yn.lnnnn commented]: ughh loves it <3 ure so cute ml
>>> [tsumumiya replied]: I LOVE YOU!!!!!
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Š all writings belongs to suhkusa 2024. do not repost or change.
256 notes ¡ View notes
plussizefantasia ¡ 2 months
Date Day
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Summary: You plan a date day for you and your boys. It goes to plan... mostly.
Pairing: Stucky x f!reader
Warnings: 18+ Content ahead! Other than that, reader has female pronouns and some nicknames (sugar, sweetheart) It's mostly fluff though not gonna lie.
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: Woohoo! This is my submission for Essie's Summer Lovin' 300 follower celebration! @bigtreefest is one of my writing inspirations and I wanted to celebrate with her <3 Congrats, Essie on 300 followers, here's to the next 300 and even more after that!
There are also a lot of firsts for me in this one, first time posting something smutty, first time writing for more than one love interest and I think I did a pretty damn good job so I hope you all like it!
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You loved to spoil your boys, it wasn't very often that they would let you but when you managed to convince them to let you take the reigns on date night, it always turned out very well.  Steve and Bucky were never easy to convince. They loved to take care of you
 and wanted you to just be able to let go with them not having to worry about anything when it was the three of you.
  However, you had finally managed to get the boys to relax for one day. One whole day that you were going to plan to a T. All three of you had work off, the boys weren’t likely to be called in anytime soon and you were so looking forward to it.
  The day would start softly, the boys were early risers and you were a light sleeper so you had no worries of sleeping in necessary. They woke you up with soft kisses spread across your body. Bucky always slept at your back, it was the side in between you and the door and he slept better knowing he could keep the two of you safe. Steve usually slept holding onto your front, most of the time with his head resting on your chest and his arms wrapped around your hips. `
 Steve wakes first, still wrapped in your arms with one of his hands clutched in Bucky’s behind your back. He peppers kisses on your chest where his head rests and begins to pull himself up closer to your head. His movement wakes Bucky and he tightens his grip on Steve’s hand, bringing it closer to his mouth and placing a single kiss on his still scraped-up knuckles before releasing it and rolling onto his back.
Your eyes flutter open slowly, the feeling of Steve’s lips along your skin making a smile spread across your face. “Morning baby,” You whisper to him, threading your fingers through his hair, mussing it up more than it already was.
“What about me?” Bucky reaches an arm around you and pulls you closer to his chest, away from Steve. Steve glares at him before making a slew of grumpy noises as he scoots closer to you once more. You can’t help but giggle at the scene of your overgrown puppy of a boyfriend pouting like a kid. 
“Relax boys, I have more than enough sugar to go around.” You place a kiss on Steve’s head before turning your torso and planting one on Bucky’s waiting lips too.
“Yeah, Sugar? You got enough to go around?” Steve’s lips curve up into a devilish smoke and he begins running his hand up the outside of your thigh, wiggling his eyebrows. Bucky picks up the memo quickly and soon you have both boys running their hand all over your body.
“Down boys, I have planned a whole day for us and I refuse to let you seduce me into staying in bed all day.”
“Who said anything about all day Sugar? How about just the next thirty minutes.” Bucky moves his hand up to the side of your neck, turning your head so you are looking at him. Steve coughs in the back of his throat from his position, still propped against your tummy and very much still caressing any and all skin he can get his hands on. 
“Okay, maybe an hour.” Bucky concedes. 
“You have one hour, any more than that and I’ll have to start cutting stuff which will make me super sad.” You learned very early on in this relationship that the boys loathe to make you sad, they’d do almost anything to keep you happy and you’ll milk the hell out of that if it means saving your day.
“Don’t worry doll, we can do a lot in an hour.” Steve winks at you and in one movement flips you onto your stomach. He crawls over you so that he’s practically laying on you. “Especially with the proper motivation.” He presses down on you so that you feel the hardness contained within the sweatpants he wore to bed. 
“Consider yourselves motivated then.” You say from your spot on the bed, turning your head to find Bucky standing on the side of the bed, in a very similar state to Steve.
Bucky smirks at you before shedding his clothes and moving in close. He practically shoves Steve off of you and yanks you by the legs towards him. “Sugar, we’re always motivated when it comes to you.” He flips you back over and pulls you even closer to him, your legs in his arms and your body lying at the edge of the bed.
Bucky falls to his knees and brings your legs with him, placing one on each of his shoulders. Steve grumbles and his adorable put returns to his face for a moment before you reach out for him again. He takes your hand and lets you pull him to your side. You take his hand and place it on your neck. Licking your lips sightly and looking back and up at him from where you lay.
“You have fifty-five minutes left.” You smile at him.
“Brat.” the two of them say in unison, the word bursting with affection.
They use their time well you have to admit. Bucky feasts on you from his position between your legs, he makes you cum twice before he even moves and you have a sneaking suspicion that this is going to be one of those times when the boys try to one-up each other. 
Steve quickly removes your top and starts lavishing your breasts with attention, leaving love marks all over them and across your collarbone. Once Bucky is satisfied with you, Steve takes his place, making you cum once more on his fingers. He takes you apart methodically, using every method he knows works. 
Both boys manhandle you seven different ways to Sunday and you can’t help but giggle every time they do. Your previous partner wasn't nearly as strong as your boys are, and having two men you can lift, flip, and throw you around has done wonders for your self-esteem in the bedroom. 
They close out the hour together, laying on your sides similarly to how you woke up. Steve lays at your front, placing sloppy kisses up and down your neck, occasionally catching your mouth with his, not too often though. Both of the boys love your noises too much to swallow them. They fill you up perfectly, as one thrusts in the other pulls out, this goes on for far longer than you’d like, the boys taking you to the edge a couple of times before they finally let you fall over. They follow you quickly and the three of you lay together in one big heap of limbs and sweat. 
Bucky looks over to the clock on the wall, “Four minutes to spare.” He chuckles out.
You groan lovingly and throw your head back against his chest. “Good, it’s going to take at least that long for me to be able to function again.”
Steve laughs at that and pulls away from you. “Well, while you learn how to function again I’ll go make us some coffee.”
Bucky follows Steve’s example also pulling away from you and heading to the bathroom to get a wet washcloth to clean the three of you up. He pulls Steve back into him by the wrist before he’s able to leave the bedroom. He kisses him deeply and smiles like a goof at him. “Good Morning.” Steve laughs and kisses him back before pushing his lover closer to the bed.
“Morning Punk.” 
You smile like an idiot at both of them, loving to see your two favorite people be in love, especially because you know how good that love feels.
Bucky cleans you up quickly and pulls you out of bed with the promise of pancakes and scrambled eggs. You kiss him before you leave and set out to begin preparations for the day. 
You dress quickly, having planned weeks ahead in your mind what you would wear. Once you finish picking out your own outfit you pick outfits out for both of your loves. You pull on a white undershirt and colorful button-up for Steve, along with a pair of khaki shorts. For Bucky you pull a deep red shirt that he loves, it’s a lightweight knit piece with a small V and buttons running down the front. You lay a pair of black jeans next to it and smile at your choices. 
You make your way to the kitchen where you hear your boy’s bustling around. Bucky is making good on his promise; making pancakes and adding each of your favorite mix-ins. Bananas for Steve, chocolate chips for yourself, and blueberries for him. Steve is next to him making the scrambled eggs and looking handsome while doing it.
“So Sugar, gonna let us in on the plan for today.” Bucky looks up from the pan and cocks his head at you.
“Well, I thought we could start the day with a trip to the boardwalk, followed by a picnic on the beach, and then finishing up with dinner at that diner the two of you like so much?” 
“Sounds like a great day sweetheart, when do we need to leave?” 
“I knew you two wouldn’t be able to keep your hands to yourselves so I scheduled the car to come pick us up in about forty-five minutes. Plenty of time to eat, and for you two to get dressed while I grab the rest of what we’ll need.”
Steve places your coffee in front of you and presses his lips to the top of your head. “You think of everything Sweetheart.” You practically preen at his praise and cover your smile with your mug. 
Bucky finishes breakfast and the three of you eat and talk for a couple of minutes before you shoo them off to get ready and you start putting the last touches on the picnic basket you had prepared the night before. Also grabbing a nice big outdoor blanket, some sunscreen, and some snacks because if you know your loves and you do, you know that they will certainly get hungry again before it’s time for lunch.
The boys come back into the living room and you whistle at them in their outfits. Steve smiles bashfully and puts his hands in his pockets while Bucky smirks and gives you a little twirl showing off your choices.
“Thanks for the fashion expertise Sugar.”
“What can I say, I love taking care of my boys.” You shrug before handing the picnic basket to Bucky along with his sunglasses a hair tie and a baseball cap. You hand the backpack with all the other stuff in it to Steve along with his hat, wallet, and phone. You grab your purse off the counter and place your own sunnies on your head before clapping your hands together. 
“Alrighty Gents, who is ready for the best date day they’ve ever had.” You grab one hand from each of them as they take their rightful places at your side and lead them out to the black SUV you arranged to take you to the pier. 
The morning is going well, Steve and Bucky walk hand in hand with you up and down the boardwalk, looking and laughing at all the dumb junk in the tourist shops that line each side of the pier. Bucky begs you both to stop for ice cream and you can never say no to him so you do, continuing your day now each holding a cone in your hand. You drop Bucky’s hand to hold your own ice cream and he looks downright offended before you point out that he was the one who wanted ice cream in the first place.
Walking the boardwalk was nice, it was a perfect day too. Not too hot and with a nice breeze that made everything look so beautiful. The trees sway and the birds are flying. Your boys stay by your side the whole time and the three of you walk and talk, you go up and down the pier before you start guiding them to the spot on the beach you had scoped out earlier. You don’t stop the conversation and just take in the time you had with your lovers, cherishing these quiet days when none of you had anything to do but love each other. 
Eventually, you happen on the spot, it's a little further down the beach from all the people which affords you the privacy you need. Being with two heroes is nice in a lot of ways and not so nice in some others. People recognize your boys all the time and usually, it's not a problem, most of the public is super nice and doesn’t take up a lot of time but you really just want today to be the three of you, with no interruptions and no random people coming up to you.
You task Steve with setting out the blanket and Bucky with finding some rocks to weigh down the edges. He quickly pecks your lips before giving you a joking salute and setting down the beach. When the blanket is all set out and secured you sit down with the basket and begin pulling things out. Starting with the cooler that holds the sparking white wine and the strawberries that you had already cut. You pull out a container of turkey and cheese pinwheels, some chips and salsa, deviled eggs which Steve loves, and lemon bars which Bucky loves. As you reach in to grab the last container your hand meets something wet and sticky and you groan.
“Why’s it… sticky?” You pull your hand out along with the broken plastic container full of chopped watermelon and make a face at the residue on your hand. Bucky laughs at the look on your face and takes the watermelon from you. Steve jumps into action and begins looking in the backpack you packed for any napkins or wet wipes but before he can find them, Bucky takes your hand in his and runs his tongue down the side of your wrist licking up the juice. 
You pull your hand from him and give him a look, “Now my hand is sticky and covered in spit, thank you, James.”
“Just trying to help Sugar.” He winks at you.
“No, Stevie was trying to help,” You take the wet wipe from his outstretched hand, “You were being a perv.”
“I told you Sugar, when you’re around I’m… motivated.”
“You need to be motivated to eat all the food I packed because it’ll go bad before we get back home.”
“It looks great Sweetheart, thank you for making everything.” Steve, grabs one of the pinwheels you made and takes a bite, moaning a bit at the taste.
“Damn it Steve, now I’m… motivated.”
“I can help you with that Sugar.” Bucky wiggles his eyebrows at you. 
“I appreciate the offer Honey, but I don’t want sand to get all up, everywhere.”
“Fair enough Sugar.”
The three of you spend several hours lounging around the beach, you don’t have anything else planned until dinner later so you let yourself relax a little bit. The boys have no problem finishing all the food you packed and after a while of just sitting and watching the waves, they get a little restless. 
You smile and shake your head. You really do know your boys. You pull the backpack closer to you fishing out the frisbee you brought and a book for yourself. You toss the plastic disk at Steve, “Go crazy you too.”
They practically jump up and start running a little ways away from the blanket lest you accidentally get caught in the crossfire. Sometimes you forget that they haven't had much time to be young, the war stole so much from them and neither of them has had the chance to let go in a really long time. 
They play and you read for another hour or so, you occasionally take glances at them. They’ve graduated from just tossing the disk back and forth to trying some trick shots. Their laughter lifts your heart and sticks a smile firmly on your face. 
What drops your smile though is the sudden darkening of the sky and the water that falls from the heavens shortly after. Your book gets splattered with a couple of drops at first and you glance up at the sky, cursing lightly. It wasn’t supposed to rain today, you double and triple-checked the weather before you left. 
It certainly wasn’t supposed to start absolutely pouring, it’s like the sky opened up and in a single moment you and everything around you were soaked. 
The boys run back towards you as you scramble to start packing everything back up. They help and in a few minutes, the three of you are once again, hand in hand except this time you’re sprinting down the beach back toward the bridge you had passed earlier. You practically collapse once you’re under the shelter. Dropping everything in one big pile and falling backward into the sand. 
The boys look at you in concern for a few seconds before you just start bursting out in laughter. You look like a drowned rat you’re sure but they still look at you with heart-eyes. They sit down next to you and start laughing along with you. The rain only lasts for a few more minutes, departing just as quickly as it arrived.
“Looks clear Sugar, we can go.” Bucky pulls the backpack onto his shoulder and stands, offering you his hand to pull you up.
“Damn, we can’t go to the diner dripping wet and covered in sand.”
“How about…” Steve starts, “We head home, take a shower get changed, and order a pizza from that place in the city you like. Then we can watch a movie and snuggle on the couch for the rest of the night.” He pulls you into his chest, looking down at you and pushing some wet strands of hair off your neck.
“That sounds fantastic Stevie, what do you think Buck?” You turn to look at him.
“I just want to spend time with you, I don't care where.”
“Sap.” You throw at him. He just shrugs and walks closer to you and Steve, wrapping his arms around you both and placing a kiss on the side of both of your heads. 
“Alright,” you go to pull out your phone, “I’ll call the car and we can head home.
The car doesn’t take long to meet you back at the entrance to the beach, you make a mental note to apologize to the driver for getting sand on the seats and add a couple of bucks to the tip you had planned.
When the three of you get home you do just as Steve said. All three of you make your way to your bathroom, you strip out of your still kind of wet clothes and climb into the shower together. You each take turns washing each other, sharing kisses, and cleaning all the sand from your bodies. 
You get out and put on some pajamas, a pair of loose cotton shorts, and a tank top along with a pair of socks that have dinosaurs on them. You had bought a pair of them for each of you as a simple no reason kind of gift. 
You make your way out to the living room where Steve and Bucky have already begun setting up, lighting some candles, and putting your favorite and most soft blanket through a quick cycle in the dryer to get it nice and toasty.
“Alright Sugar, the pizza is on its way the couch is set up for some serious snuggling action all we need now is our girl and a movie to watch.” He pulls you down so that you are lying across both him and Steve, your legs propped up on Steve’s legs. He immediately grabs ahold of your calves and starts massaging the flesh there. 
Steve puts on Muppets from Space, one of the hundreds of movies on the list he and Bucky have to still watch and he dims the lights with his phone.
“You know, I wanted to take care of you guys today, this isn’t really fair.” You spoke out into the room.
“You do take care of us Sweetheart, every day you take care of us.”
“Yeah sugar, you took care of everything today, you scheduled the car for an hour later, you packed some of our favorites, you brought a frisbee and you had planned a nice dinner at the place we love. It’s not your fault the day got messed up by some rain.”
“Still, I almost got everything perfect.”
“Sweetheart, every day with you is perfect whether or not we end up soaking wet and covered in sand.” Steve squeezes your thigh to drive his point home.
“I love you guys.” You sit up to give each of them a kiss.
“We love you too sugar, now hush I want to find out what kinda creature Gonzo is.”
“I take it back, I love Stevie, I tolerate you.” You stick your tongue out at Bucky.
“Brat.” the two of them say in unison, voices laced with affection.
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underscorewriting ¡ 1 year
stupid bracelet.
KĂśnig x reader
Warnings: fluff, maybe a little angst
Hope you enjoy! :)
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It was amusing to him how such little pieces of thread could calm him down. But they did. And here he was, his fingers mindlessly fidgeting with the thread of a bracelet. A red bracelet to be specific. One he would’ve called „stupid“ not too long ago. But now, could he even call it stupid if it had become a part of him in such a short time?
In the military many men and women had something that reminded them of home, of who they’re here for, who they’re fighting for or want to return home to. Some had photos. Yes, König did also have them, he had his pockets filled with small things that reminded him of her. Others had small stuffed animals laying in their rooms back at the base. And again, König, of course, had them too.
He loved having small things to remind himself of her, to keep himself grounded. His friends also knew better than to touch his stuff, especially the one teddy bear wearing small traditional leather pants holding a gingerbread-heart with a writing on it saying „Ich liebe dich.“, like it was tradition in Austria.
When it came to small reminders of his love at home, he was the one that had everything. Of course his friends thought he was crazy, but he needed those small little things desperately to get him through the day. The one little bracelet that had him fidgeting with whenever he was feeling slightly on the edge, as he was now, was one he got gifted early on in their relationship. He hasn’t taken it off ever since.
This little piece of thread, knotted together with some beads, was the most precious thing he owned.
A small smile tugged at his lips underneath his masks as his mind wandered back to how he even got it.
It was a late tuesday evening when she walked in with a bright grin playing on her lips. „Oh no, what’s going on in your head again, Schatz?“ He couldn’t help but chuckle. „We, my lovely boyfriend, will make some bracelets!“ The excitement in her voice was unmatched by anything he ever heard, he couldn’t say no, but he was tired.
König had just returned from one of the first missions he had ever since they got together and all he wanted was to snuggle down with her, have her in his arms reminding him that he’s not all he is out there in the field. He’s not s psychotic insane killer, not like his opposites think. Yes, he might be a war hero, but so we’re thousands of others. Yes, he was good at his job, but he was only as good as the next one.
He knew that whenever he comes home, that that’s where he’s most important and most needed. „Schatz…“ His voice was draggy, hesitant to tell her that he just wants to sleep.
Sleep all the pain and worry off.
Sleep all the nightmares snd blood off.
Sleep off ever needing to be away from her.
A soft smile replaced the overbearing grin on the girls face. „You’re tired, aren’t you?“ Guilt. It was the first thing he noticed in her voice, the quick change from barely manageable excitement to this unsure sound of guilt in her voice, made his stomach turn. He didn’t want to lie to her though, he also didn’t want to pressure himself into staying awake and possibly snapping at her if everything got too much.
He had the tendencies to do so if he was overly exhausted.
With a simple nod and an apologetic smile he opened his arms slightly, making room for her to lean against his chest. „How about that, ja? You can lean against my chest, make your little bracelets, while I hold you, watch you, maybe get a small nap in…“ His smile turning into a soft grin as the girl climbed into his lap.
She didn’t ask questions, she never did. She knew he wouldn’t ask if he wasn’t really exhausted. That’s who he was, he would do anything for her, even put his own needs aside just to make her happy.
Settling down onto his lap the girl took the thread and beads and placed them next to her, before getting to work. König couldn’t help but admire her more than the show she was watching. Small giggles escaped the girl as she bit her lips in concentration, her mind going god knows where.
She was adorable.
She was perfect.
She just fit right in his arms.
Soon his chin found her shoulder as he rested it against her. „Red bracelet, hm?“ His voice was soft, interested in what she was doing and what her beautiful mind had though of as an outcome.
Nodding she leaned towards him slightly, her nose brushing against his as both of them grinned like giddy lovesick teenagers. „It’s gonna look great and you know it.“ Going back to work he couldn’t help but chuckle softly at her enthusiasm.
Her enthusiasm and optimistic being was what he loved the most about her. It was what he admired the most and needed the most.
An hour passed, the loving couple was still all snuggled up. KĂśnig was resting his eyes a little, he still held her tightly against himself. With a huff the girl threw the bracelet onto the couch after she was done, her movement waking KĂśnig up.
A frown was settled on her face and he couldn’t help but reach out to caresses her cheek. „Whats wrong, mein Schatz..?“ He was worried, he hated seeing her upset. Anger and disappointment flashed up in her eyes and she shook her head, her hair falling into her face, making her seem even less at ease than before.
„It looks stupid… I made a mistake and now it’s all weird!“ König caressed her hip softly as he leaned over to pick up the bracelet. She threaded all the red beads onto the bracelet. „Where did you mess up?“ With a huff the girl pointed to a place where she knotted the thread wrong, it was barely visible under the beads.
A soft chuckle escaped König as he pulled her closer. „I think it looks great, Liebling… you can barely see the Knoten there.“ He turned her chin softly so she was looking at it and pointed to the at the barely visible know that was hidden underneath the beads.
“I see it, and I don’t like it…”
A moment of understanding silence fell between them. He understood her need to be perfect and to make everything the way she wants them to be.
“I see it and I love it, Liebling.”
His voice held a soothing tone, knowing it would help her calm her nervous mind.
“You do?”
“I do…”
With a soft smile and an encouraging nod he underlined his opinion. He loved it. A lot.
“Can I have it?”
A small smile formed on the girls face, excitement returning. KĂśnigs heart swelled up at the sight of her bright eyes searching for his. A disbelieving look on the girls face.
A soft chuckle left König as he kissed the spot between her shoulder and her neck while nodding softly. He knew she could get insecure about things she likes doing and the image she has of things and how they should look in her head, so it’s his job, and always will be, to make sure she sees that its perfect even if it doesn’t turn out how she wants it to be.
“Of course, would you please tie it around my wrist?”
With quick movements the girl tied the bracelet around his wrist, making sure it’s secure and wouldn’t fall off the next time he moved his hand. The bracelet was extremely visible on him,, making her unsure if he’ll actually wear it for a longer time.
A soft kiss on her cheek made her squirm but also cleared her mind from the doubt she was feeling.
He’ll wear it. She’s sure of it.
“Who knows, Liebling. Maybe Ghost or Soap will want one too if they see it, ja?”
A soft and quiet giggle made KĂśnig smile proudly. The image of him threatening the two men just for them to call his girlfriend and ask her about the bracelet she made, was already imprinted into his mind.
Yes, he would even threaten them with his gun up to their head just to hear the excitement in her voice again, because whenever he heard it he felt like he could breath again.
With every small giggle that left her, he felt like his heart beat again.
With every smile or simple look she gave him, he felt like he was alive again.
On days when he felt depressed, couldn’t leave the bed because of all the things he had been through. She was there.
He’d be damned if he wouldn’t try to do everything to make her even the slightest bit happier.
In their quiet and precious moment, the girl turned towards KĂśnig, straddling his lap as she wrapped her arms around his neck, hiding her face between it and his shoulder.
“Don’t lose it, okay…?”
It was a simple question, but the meaning behind it was something so deep that hurt his soul. This was one thing, one worry, he couldn’t take away from her. He hated himself for it.
“I won’t.” His hand caressed hee back softly making sure she knows he’s here.
Making sure she knows he’s going to come back home, like he always has.
The voice of one of the recruits snapped him out of his thoughts as he heard their voices all mix together. With a small smile under his mask and a last look down to the bracelet, his eyes softening at the thought of coming home.
“Like I always do…”
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We absolutely do have the same kinks I will consume anything you put out involving breeding?? Raw?? Dirty talk?? I'm playing bingo and you're out here hitting EVERY SINGLE ONE. I appreciate all the content even the fluff! Take all the time you need, I'll be busy lurking on your page while I'm at work don't mind me <3
I went a little wild in Shane’s tbh because I love him but like enjoy!!
The bachelors and breeding kinks
Content warning: afab reader implied and afab parts used, smut, lotta cum talk, little bit of bondage in Shane’s MINORS PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT
Definitely has a bit of a breeding kink
Loves to cum inside you and will use a plug to keep his cum inside you if you’ll let him
Like one of those remote control vibrators
He has you on your back on the bed while he fucks you
Cock slamming into your sensitive cunt at a quick pace
“Doing so good for me love, just a little longer yeah?”
Can’t stop imagining what it would be like to get you knocked up with his kids
Wants to have your tits heavy with milk while he fucks you so he can suckle them
That being said best believe he’s sucking on a nipple while he fucks you, hand toying with your clit, the other supporting his weight on the bed while his tongue swirls around your nipple
“Gonna fill you up, be good and take it”
Gasps when he cums inside you, stays there for a few moments to catch his breath before very quickly replacing his softening cock with a remote control vibrator
“Can’t have any of that slipping out now, can we?”
Fantasizes about cumming inside you, always hated pulling out because your cunt is so warm and wet and inviting
Thinks it’s a waste of his cum to blow his load on your stomach, not that he doesn’t love the site of you being marked with his seed
Your on your knees on his computer chair bouncing on his cock while he plays video games
“Shit baby, just like that. Don’t fucking stop”
Meets your bouncing with sharp thrusts up into your cunt, loves the moans you let out
Sets his controller down, threads his fingers in your hair and pulls you into the deepest kiss while you grind on him
Hand wrapped around your throat, gentle enough to still breath but hard enough for that lightheaded rush
Cums in your warm cunt with a whine, doesn’t let you get up
Makes you cock warm him while his cum threatens to spill out of your cunt
You take a nap stuffed full of him in his gaming chair
King of stamina, can go multiple rounds in one session
Loves to stuff you full of multiple loads, wants to see how much of his cum your cunt can take
Holding you up against the wall, hands under your ass supporting you while your legs are wrapped around his waist, arms around his neck
Slamming his hips up into your cunt at just the right angle to drive you insane
“That’s it baby, take my cock, gonna stuff you full of my cum yeah? Think you can handle the third load of the night?”
Your brain is overstimulated mush so all you can manage is a high pitched whine and nodding
Loves seeing you like this, all dumb on his cock
“Fuck baby feels so good”
Cums inside you with a loud groan, face buried in your neck while he mouths at the skin there
His cum is slowly dripping out of your cunt and down your thighs
Loves how sensual of an act it is, letting him cum inside you, to claim you in such a way that may create life
Absolutely over the top romantic and lovely
Feather light touches and whispered praises while he works you up
“Doing so well for me my love, that’s it, cum on my fingers. Let me feel you”
Slow deep thrusts when his cock is inside you, passionately making out while his hips drive into yours at an agonizingly slow pace
Leaving soft open mouth kisses down your neck and chest while pulling you down to meet his slow thrusts
“You feel amazing darling, so good for me”
Cums with a groan of your name, hips pressed deep into your center
Cuddles up with you as you cock warm him, will fall asleep in this position, loves the intimacy of the act
This man has the biggest breeding kink out of all of them
More then ready and willing to oblige at any point in time
Absolutely will bend you over the kitchen table, hands flipping the bottom of your dress up, running along your thighs and ass, letting the lacy underwear your wearing scrunch in his hand while he gropes you
Pulls both of your hands behind your back and secures them there with his belt wrapped around your wrists and arms
Fingers gently ghosting along the growing damp spot on your panties, rubbing circles where your clit is before he’s shoving them to the side and jamming three fingers deep inside your cunt to stretch you out for his cock
“Fuck baby gonna make sure your nice and ready to take this cock yeah? Gonna stuff your slutty little cunt till your dripping”
When he feels like your adequately prepped he shoved his whole cock in, in one harsh thrust. Bottoming out inside you with a low grunt
“Fuck yeah, take it, fucking take it”
Harsh thrusts while one hands reaching to rub your clit, the other reaching forward to grope your chest and pinch your nipples
When he cums inside you he slams his hips into your as hard as he can getting as deep as possible, one hand in your hair pulling you up a bit so he can groan in your ear
“Fuck that’s such a good girl for me, taking it so fucking good”
Pulls your panties back over your weeping cunt and tells you to spend the rest of the day feeling his cum soak into your panties
You’ve been edging him for the past hour and a half now, his cock is so sensitive inside your gummy walls
Your bouncing on his cock, he’s a subby mess beneath you while he whines out
“W-wanna cum inside, please let me, fuck please lemme cum inside baby”
You pretend to give it some thought while speeding up, his hands are all over your body groping your tits, your ass, rubbing your clit
“Hmmm, have you been a good boy?”
His brows are furrowed with the effort it takes to form a coherent sentence
“Fuck I’ve been so good, please please please”
Your smiling at him as you pull him to sit up so your face to face
“Then be my good boy and cum inside this cunt”
Smashes his mouth against yours in a messy needy kiss as he cums inside you
High pitched whines and moans leaving his throat while his hands ball into fists in your hair
Quickly flips you over ready to take control for another round
“Now sweetheart, I think it’s my turn to be in control, and I think it’s payback time”
1K notes ¡ View notes
taesansbeloved ¡ 2 months
Cherished Moments.
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| Park Wonbin X Reader
| Genre: established relationship.
| Warning: just pure fluff, lovey-dovey scenes :>
| Word Count: 1,100
You sighed for what seems like the 125th time in 4 minutes. You were sprawled out on your burgundy couch, bored out of your mind. It was a Saturday so that meant no work, no chores, and everybody being busy.
While thinking of something to do for the 10th time, your phone began ringing. You looked at the caller's ID and a wide smile began appearing on your face. ‘That one guy named Wonbin <3’ was displayed on the screen.
You accepted the call and put it on speaker, too lazy to hold the phone to your ear. “Hey, sexy.” You say, resting your phone on your stomach.
“Hey, hot stuff.” Your boyfriend's voice echoed through the room, bringing a warm smile to your face.
“What is the reason for your call on this fine evening?” You asked, playing with the loose strings on the couch.
“What? can't I call my beloved girlfriend? Also, my Y/n senses were tingling telling me you're most probably on that couch of yours trying to find something to do. Right?” Wonbin guessed, a smile clear in his teasing voice.
“Bingo. How'd you know?” You ask, smiling widely.
“I know you too well. Anyways, wanna go out?” Wonbin asked nonchalantly.
“Park Wonbin, are you asking me out on a date?” You joked, sitting up and bringing the phone to your ear, suddenly awake.
“Yes, my dear. Indeed I am. Now, do you wanna?” He asked, and you can just imagine him grinning widely.
“Well, even though I have SO much to do, I accept your offer. Where are we going?” You asked, getting all giddy at the thought of spending time with your boyfriend.
“Well, I was thinking about going to the mall if you're down.” He asked as you hear shuffling in the background, assuming he's already planning his outfit.
“Oh, I'm so down. Are you picking me up? You should cause my car is not working.” You said, getting up aswell to choose your outfit.
“Your car is not working? Have you called anybody to fix it?” He asks worriedly. You can hear your own voice echo from the other side indicating that he put you on speaker.
“Nope. Too lazy.” You answered simply.
“Okay, darling. I'll pick you up and possibly help fix your car after. Your welcome. Hurry and get ready cause I'm almost done. Bye, baby.” He said quickly knowing you'll refuse to him helping you fix your car.
You sighed with a smile as you got ready.
After getting ready and putting on a light face of makeup on, you wait on your burgundy couch for Wonbin.
Half way through a tiktok, you heard a loud honk from outside your house.
You glance from your window seeing Wonbin's car parked infront of your house, waiting for you to get into the passenger seat.
You quickly grabbed your bag and sprayed a few spritz of perfume and exited the house without forgetting to lock the door.
You watch the window to the passenger seat go down, showing the face of the one and only, Wonbin.
“Lookin’ good!” He exclaimed as you walked closer to the car.
You chuckle as Wonbin exits the car before you open the passenger seat.
“Hi, baby.” He whispered and pulled you by your waist, closing the distance between you two.
His mouth warm on yours as he sucks on your bottom lip. Threading your fingers through his hair, tugging it gently.
Leaving a few pecks on your lips before pulling away, he looks at you with loving eyes.
“I missed you.” He whispered, rubbing your waist softly.
“You saw me yesterday.” You chuckled as you left another peck on his lips.
“Come on, we've got shopping to do.” He said, hesitantly letting you go. He opened the passenger seat for you, throwing a wink at you as you get in.
Arriving at the mall, Wonbin excitedly pulls you into your favourite store. You gasp as you pull him into the men section of the store.
“Can I pick out some stiff with you?” You say giddyly.
He chuckled as he ruffled your hair before nodding slightly.
You rummage through the endless amount of options, trying to find the perfect thing that will suit Wonbin.
“Okay, so. Here are the options we have. You kinda have to to try them on to get the ‘me’ approval.” You smirk as you show him the the few shirts you've picked out.
“You're going with me.” He chuckled as he pulled you with him into the fitting room.
You sat on the little stool in the corner of the small fitting room as Wonbin hung up all the clothes you chose for him.
He began taking off his shirt to try on the black shirt you picked out for him.
Your eyes were stuck on his abs and his toned chest. Wonbin took notice of your eyes wandering on his front, he smirked. “Like what you see?” He said walking closer to you.
You shook your head as he stood in between your legs. His fingers gentle on your chin as he led your head up to him.
“Eyes up here, love.” He said, voice low and teasing. Leading his hand to the back of neck, rubbing behind your ear.
You shuddered as you looked at his big brown eyes. “You should- You should try that shirt on.” You said, unable to look away from his gorgeous features.
He bent down and brushed his lips against yours, leaving you wanting for more.
“Gosh, you tease.” You muttered as shivers ran up your spine.
He laughed slightly as he walked away and put the black shirt on. “How does it look?” He said turning towards your tomato self, wanting your approval.
“It looks fantastic.” You said, genuinely. Still red.
After shopping for what seemed like hours for eachother or for yourselves, it was time to go home.
“Wanna stay over?” You asked as you were stopped at a red light.
“That wasn't the plan from the beginning?” He asked with a joking frown.
His hand was on your thigh, rubbing it lovingly, as the other hand rested on the wheel, waiting for the light to turn green.
“I love you.” He said looking at you, face lit up by the red light.
“I love you more.” You say back as you brush away the stray hairs from his face.
“Impossible.” He said.
Those were the moments you loved. These moments where memories were made and the love bond became stronger. Those were the moments you cherished.
My debute riize post!! Everybody cheer. Hope you like it, loves!
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drabblesandimagines ¡ 2 months
Omg happy early birthday!! 🎈🎂 I hope your birthday week is phenomenal and you are able to spend it with all your loved ones! ❤️🩵🩷 Thank you for providing such wonderful writing with such good portrayals of many characters. You are without a doubt one of my favorite writers 🫶🏻💫
As for the ask, I'm thinking about a laid back breakfast in bed with Leon. Up to you though.
Again happy early birthday 🥳🎉
Thank you so much, sweet anon! And, eee, that's so sweet of you! I'm truly honoured that anyone my stuff, but to read that I'm one of your favourite writers is so mind-blowing!
Hope you enjoy x
Breakfast In Bed Leon Kennedy x female reader, fluff
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You wake up, alone, to an annoying, repetitive and shrill beep, but it’s not your alarm clock…
You sit bolt upright with in realisation.
It's the smoke alarm.
You wrestle the covers that have become entwined between your legs as you slept and stumble out of bed in a panic, nearly face-planting into the door. You throw the door open to a whiff of acrid smoke, and hear Leon curse from the kitchen in between the beeps.
By the time you get to the kitchen, you find your boyfriend frantically whipping a tea towel back and forth at the smoke alarm, the windows now thrown wide open, and a smoldering frying pan of something in the sink.
The beeping finally ceases and Leon gives it one last whack of the tea towel as he sighs in relief. He runs a hand through his hair, places the other on his hip and turns - his eyes widen when he sees you stood there. You tilt your head inquisitively.
Before you can finish your question, Leon has stepped forward and thrown you over his shoulder. “Uh-uh, nope. The birthday girl gets breakfast in bed.”
“Leon!” You protest, unable to hold back a giggle as he strides back towards the bedroom and carefully drops you onto the mattress in a practiced motion.
“Mm-mm, it’s tradition.”  
“Is it tradition to burn down the apartment too?”
He rolls his eyes as he leans over you, caging you between his forearms. “Dunno what you’re talking about, sweetheart. Smoke alarm was due its monthly check.”
“Interesting timing.”
“Well, what greater gift on your birthday than to be safe in the knowledge that all the alarms are in working order? Now…” he tugs the blanket back up over your torso, unable to resist pressing a kiss to your lips – soft and slow, perfect for that time of the morning. Just as you were about to raise your hand to thread your fingers through his hair, he pulled back with a smirk.
“Now, I just need a little time to finish breakfast off, so if you could please just stay tucked up until I can bring you it in bed?”
You nod – you’d never been able to refuse him when he kissed you just so and especially then combined with those puppy dog blue-eyes.
“Good.” He smiles, giving you a kiss to the forehead before he retreats.
You dutifully wait in bed, scrolling through your phone, ignoring the fact that no further noise comes from the kitchen, but the apartment door definitely opens and closes 20 minutes later…
It isn’t much longer after that when Leon steps into the bedroom, a tray in hand. He places it carefully on your lap - a stack of chocolate chip pancakes, a glass of orange juice and a mug of coffee.
“Leon, this is so sweet." You beam, picking up a fork, ready to dig in.
They look suspiciously like your favourite order from the cafe down the street.
He has a sheepish smile on his face as he climbs into bed besides you, kissing your temple.
“Happy birthday, baby.”
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tinkerbelle05 ¡ 1 year
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Spiderman Kiss: Miles
Genre: Fluff, Slightly Angsty
Warnings: cussing (just 1)
Translation: mi sol = my sun
A/N: These were the same so I decided to put it in one post. Readers for both fics is black coded.
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You knew that Miles was Spiderman for some time now. He told you on your 2nd anniversary, he was late yet again to the restaurant and you’ve had enough of it.
There was an argument, things you both regretted were said and you both felt horrible about it. In the end he came by your bedroom window with his suit on, showed off his powers, and explained everything to you.
“This is why I'm late for everything. It's not because I don't love you or that I don't care for the stuff that you care about. It's just something’s always happening in New York,” he explains to you.
You took it all in, and in a way it made sense. This was months ago now and the two of you fell into a routine of sorts.
He would disappear to go off being Spiderman but will try to text you so you wouldn't worry too much. And you will cover for him.
“Oh Miles, he had to go to the bathroom, Miss.”
“Oh he told me that there was some family emergency.”
“He was having some..issues.”
The constant lying was tiresome but you two made it work, somehow. It was nighttime when you heard the knock on your window, you were binging a show so time escaped you.
You walked towards the window with mild annoyance until you saw Miles at the window upside down from the thread of his web. Instantly your heart leaped out of chest, it's been a while since you've seen him. Now you were just slightly annoyed with him.
You unlocked and opened the window, cool breeze made it’s way into your room.
“What are you doing here, Miles? Isn't it a bit late?” You asked him, leaning against the wall. You two were close, really close.
“Uh well I missed you so,” he admits to you and he seems to notice how close you both are two, with his avoiding eyes.
You chuckle softly, “Yea I missed you too. Guess it's the price I pay for dating the Spiderman.”
He laughs at that, and your heart just aches. You missed his laugh, the comfortable silence that envelopes when you both are together, you missed him.
You grabbed his head and lifted his masks to reveal his lips. You kissed him softly. He smelled like laundry detergent and mint toothpaste.
“Oh, an upside down kiss, huh? Was that in your bucket list?” Miles joked and cracked a smile.
You rolled your eyes and poked his cheek, “Your the one hanging upside down and I just saw an opportunity then took it. Don’t act as if you didn’t like it.”
“Yea, yea,” Miles said. He went to open his mouth but then his watch thing started beeping rapidly. “Shit, I have to go.”
“Is it serious?” You asked. You were looking at the screening, it was flashing red which honestly doesn’t seem too good.
“Yeah it’s probably pretty bad out there. I should get going,” he admits and you can feel how disappointed he is. You feel it too. It’s been barely 15 minutes and he already has to go.
Guess it’s the price for dating Spiderman, or one of them.
You kiss him again, “It’s all good, Miles. Go, just come back.”
His smile came back, “For you, mi sol, always.”
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Spiderman Kiss: Pavitr
Genre: Angst, Comfort
Warnings: near death experiences, mentions of death
Translation: Piya = Beloved, Jaanu = Treasure
A/N: Yea the plot kinda expanded while I was writing. Oops 😅
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You were falling. You remembered that. There were bits and pieces to your memory on how you got there. You remembered the rain, how cold it felt on your skin. You remember that it was dark, it was an alleyway. You remembered the villain of the week who kidnapped you.
Who dangled you off the side of the building where he dropped you from.
You were terrified.
“(Y/N)!” You heard Spiderman yell. He was scaling the buildings with his web shooters. His arms reaching out to grab you, any part of you.
Were you going to be saved? You won't die then?
But the ground was fast approaching and there was still a wide gap between him and you. And he was tired and bruised. His movements were slower and wilder. Desperate.
But it will be fast, the death. From this height, you’ll fall and that will be the end of it. At least you won’t suffer. At least your family and friends won’t suffer. Mom, Dad, Pavitr.
There won’t be any agonizing months in the hospital. Them praying to any god that’ll listen that you will survive this. At least they won’t suffer like that.
“I got you!” Spiderman yelled out you and you fell into a web. Relief washed over you in waves and tried to catch your breath. “Are you okay?” He cradled your head softly, his fingers grazing your body gently as he looked you over for injuries.
He looked scared, and you could understand it. Watching someone die wasn’t an easy thing to deal with. Especially when your the one saving them but despite that there was something odd in the way he was acting.
“Um Spiderman?” You looked at him quizzically because while his hold on you calmed your nerves, you really should get to the hospital. And call your parents. And Pavitr.
He practically jumped away from you, “Oh, um I’m sorry.” He looked away and laugh awkwardly. “I called an ambulance so they should get here soon. Let me help you down.” He extended his hand to you which you took and with careful, slow steps you made your way down.
It felt good to be on solid ground again it helped calm your heart down a bit. Then the ambulance came and whisked you to the hospital.
Thankfully you didn't have anything serious going on, just cuts and bruises. The doctors said they wanted to keep you for a day, just to make sure. Your parents called every two hours. The city’s brigde was damaged serverly by the villain of the week so they couldn't be there with you, unfortunately. And no matter how many times you called or texted Pavitr, he wouldn't answer. You hoped he wasn't hurt.
It was very lonely but you promised yourself that you wouldn’t cry if you do then you won't stop. In the midst of your misery, you heard the tapping from the window. You saw Spiderman hanging upside down, he gave you a little wave.
You walk over to the window and open it. You were surprised to see him but it wasn't unwelcome. Plus it was nice to be around someone that wasn't a nurse or a doctor.
“Hi Spiderman, are you okay?” He looked a bit tattered and beaten up. His hair, which was usually smooth, was now dirty and sticking all over the place. His suit had cuts of all sizes.
He scratched the back of his head, “Um, actually I was going to ask you that. That fall, um, it seemed terrifying and I wanted to check up on you.”
You leaned back a bit. You couldn’t understand it but there was something off about Spiderman. Was his voice cracking?
“Oh thanks, Spiderman. You visit everyone you save?”
“Huh, well I try to,” he told you. “May I come in? I have some important to tell you.”
You widen your eyes at that because what could Spiderman possibly have to to tell you. You nod your head even though you were still confused. You walked backwards some to make room for Spiderman.
He sighs and paces a bit. He doesn’t say anything but you could tell he was nervous about whatever he has to tell you.
“I’m sure it can’t be too bad,” you attempted to encourage him. His nervousness was started to make you nervous.
“Okay, I’m just going to say it,” he told you with his back turned to you. “But please don’t freak out when I do, okay.”
“Um okay then.”
He takes off his mask and turned around.
Your knees almost gave out when you saw his face. It’s a face your familiar with, it’s Pavitr. Standing right in front of you in Spiderman’s suit. Or well his suit you guessed.
“So your…?” You couldn’t get the words out. That’s why Pavitr wasn’t answering your calls because he was too busy fighting villain after villain. You look at him again.
He had a bloody nose and bruised cheek. And the scars on his body looked worse under the harsh bright lights of your hospital room.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I wanted to tell you so many times but it just never seemed like it was the right moment.”
You walked over to him and you could see the tiredness in his eyes. You hugged him and he melts into your arms. He was so strong. Dealing with all of this by himself. But god you are still screaming on the inside. You had millions of questions but Pavitr, he didn’t look well.
“You have nothing to be sorry about Pavi,” you comforted him and walked him over to your bed. You noticed how he was limping and winced.
“What are you doing?” He asked and looked at you in confusion.
“Fixing you up,” you responded. You had to do something. He looked terrible and well you are still freaking out that your boyfriend is Spiderman. So you will help him the only way you can.
You found the first aid kit and started to clean the blood off of Pavitr’s cheek. You tried being delicate when you saw him flinching a bit.
“I’m sorry,” he repeated again but quieter this time. “I thought I could do this on my own but I was wrong.”
“It’s okay,” you told him. “There is no reason to be sorry about anything, Pavi.” You were about to kiss him but his watch thing started bleeping rapidly.
He glanced down at his watch and got up immediately, and you followed him.
“Pavi, where-. Where are you going.” You grabbed on to his arm. He was hurt and still wanted to go back. Why?
“Jaanu, I have to go. The city needs me,” he argued.
“Your still hurt! You could get more hurt, you could die,” you protested.
He stopped at the doorway, “I know, Jaanu, I know. But someone has to protect Mumbattan. I can't promise I won’t come back hurt, but I will promise that’ll come back to you. Haven't I always come back to you?”
You were taken aback but his speech because he was right. He'd always came back, and that’d have to be enough for you. For now.
You’ve loosen your grip on his hand but couldn’t let go until he was oh the balcony. He shot up webs (You’ve always wondered how that work. You’d ask Pavi when he come back to you) and hung upside.
You stared at eachother for a while before you thought of something bold. You got close to the railing and took off Pavi’s mask. Just revealing his lips, and kissed them.
“What was that for? Good luck?” He joked, a smile gracing his face. It was nice to see him smiling.
“Yea, something like that,” you replied and putted his mask back on.
He gives you a playful salute and slings off into the darkness.
When you go back inside of your room and lay on your bed, it finally hits you.
My boyfriend’s Spiderman.
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Tags: @dunghirse, @nagi3seastorm, @butterfi, @hoeboat101, @randomhoex, @dreamxcollide, @shibble, @sleepdeprivationis4coolkids, @somber-starz, @maypersonne, @hoeboat101, @rosebunny, @midnight-the-shadow-wolf, @mur-docs, @eight-cats-in-a-box, @emgavi, @sawi-06, @707xn, @niktwazny303, @nagi3seastorm, @ghostsimp000, @cloudstrifefantatic, @vixqn, @yourtsahik, @spider-bren, @im-jisoo-im-okay, @andhdi68a, @itstooearly-its3am, @universallypeanutpizzapersona, @sodapopzds, @avatarl0v3r, @randomhoex, @nerdyparker616, @1uvvmi, @keawio, @centipider, @ellatienesuscosas, @m4rihrts, @jell0buss-37, @baddiebehaviourxx, @laylasbunbunny, @minimari415, @gw3ndyswonderland
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Which did you like more? Miles or Pavitr
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heliads ¡ 11 months
Hello 💕🌸 can you do a Thomas modern au fic when the reader is not well, sad. And Thomas come to her house to shower her «  the boyfriend package » : hug kiss, etc… the reader is adopt sister of Brenda, Teresa is Thomas twin sister. Newt is their best friend (who also had been matchmaker before they dated..) can you do à maximum of fluff please 🥹🥹
'boyfriend checkup' - thomas
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Being sick is terrible, isn’t it? From the second you felt the first threads of the cold start to clog your throat and nose, you knew it was all over. Mentally, you signed your death certificate: Y/N L/N, passed away today, gone from the most horrific cough known to man. That’s how it felt, at least, yet you’re still expected to get up and act as if nothing was the matter. Those kids with tuberculosis in the Victorian age who got to lie around in bed all day while their parents treated them like royalty didn’t know how good they had it.
Thankfully, you have at least a couple of days to feel better before you really have to be productive. You started feeling poorly on a Friday, barely managing to stumble through class before heading home as quickly as you could. Not wanting to complain and spoil the good mood of everyone excited about their weekend plans, you had tried to tell as few people as possible. Specifically, you hadn’t told your boyfriend, Thomas, but now you’re missing him more than ever.
It’s not like you’re intentionally trying to keep things from him, you just don’t want him giving up whatever fun things he was supposed to do this weekend so he could hover over you. You love your boyfriend more than anything, honestly, but when it took you so long to admit your feelings for him because you were certain he would never like you back, small things like this make it even easier to talk yourself out of thinking he’ll want to know about it. Thomas is the varsity cross country athlete, the popular one. He loves you, and he’ll tell you that as many times as it takes so you believe it, but some part of you will always wonder why.
That’s why you haven’t told him, not yet, although you have a feeling that he’ll find out sooner or later. Your adoptive sister, Brenda, is best friends with Thomas’ twin, Teresa, and they trade gossip like no one you’ve ever seen before. Both of them have repeatedly assured you that Thomas is head over heels for you, but what if he’s not quite infatuated enough to want to drop his weekend plans to take care of an invalid?
As the cold progresses, though, you start to wish that you had bothered him anyway. You’ve shut yourself up in your bedroom with all the lights off, just lying there and reminiscing about the golden days when your nose had worked as it was supposed to. You had taken so much for granted, and now you’re afflicted with a truly terrible fate indeed.
You’re miserable even on a Saturday, which is how you know things have truly taken a turn for the worst. Not even the weekend, the blessed release from work, can lift your spirits. Your best friend Newt was the only one who knew that you were going through it, and he’d made you promise to call him the second you started feeling better so he could plan a friend group movie night or something. Newt’s always the one on top of stuff like that. You doubt any of you could accomplish anything without his work behind the scenes to keep you all organized. He holds all of you together and keeps anyone from straying too far.
You had hoped that Newt would forget that you were feeling down, but it’s half past noon when your phone buzzes with an incoming call from the blond boy. You briefly consider just letting it go to voicemail, but that would alarm him even more than if you admitted that you still aren’t feeling your best.
You end up giving yourself a second or two to put on your best fake smile before answering the call. Thankfully, Newt had elected to go for just a talk over the phone instead of FaceTime, so you only have to disguise your voice and not your expression, too.
Newt’s voice rings over your phone. “What’s up, Y/N? How’re you doing today?”
You’ve never planned on a career as an actress, but when you answer Newt as happily as you can, you start to consider it. You sound chipper and excited, surprising even yourself. “Doing fine, Newt. How about yourself?”
Maybe this is actually doable. Maybe you might be able to convince your friend that you’re fine so he doesn’t do something terrible like try to get involved. Right now, you just want to be left alone to wallow in your dark room until you’re physically forced out of it.
Newt clicks his tongue in disapproval, sending a rush of static crackling over the phone. “Y/N, are you being honest with me?”
You start to sputter in surprise. Hadn’t your ruse been perfect? “What? Of course I am!”
Newt lets out a sarcastic laugh. “Sure thing. We’ve been friends for years, I know when you’re lying. You want to let me know how you’re really feeling?”
“Really, I’m great,” you eke out. “You’re being paranoid, Newt.”
“Am I?” He asks.
“No,” you admit. “I’m still miserable. My head is killing me, and I haven’t left my bed for more than a couple of minutes all day.”
Newt sighs. “That’s what I was worried about. Is there anything I can do? Maybe rally the group to swing by your house to cheer you up?”
“No, honestly. I don’t want to do anything. Hopefully I’ll get better soon, but until then, I don’t want any crowds around.” You tell him.
Newt pauses for a moment, thinking, then asks, “What about just one person?”
You frown. “Are you offering? I thought you were busy all day.”
“I am,” Newt clarifies, “But Thomas isn’t.”
You go silent. Newt, always the perceptive one, sighs again. “You haven’t told him that you’ve been feeling under the weather, have you?”
“No,” you admit, “but I didn’t want to bother him, that’s all. There’s nothing Thomas can do about this. I don’t want him to worry about something out of his control. He’s already got enough on his plate already, you know that as well as I do.”
Although this conversation is happening over the phone, you can picture Newt’s look of disappointed consternation anyway. “No, he would be furious with me if you were sick and I didn’t tell him. I’m letting him know immediately.”
“Newt, don’t you dare,” you admonish.
He just chuckles. “Too late. Texting him now. With any luck he’ll be over within the hour.”
“You’ve betrayed my trust. You’re a terrible friend,” you admonish him, but only half heartedly.
Newt laughs openly. “No, I’m a fantastic friend and you know it. Did I not use everything in me to get the two of you together?”
You giggle in spite of yourself. “You did indeed. I remember you bringing that up many times.”
“As I deserve,” Newt grumbles. “The two of you fought me all the way despite supposedly wanting this. He had better make you happy now, I’m not ruining all of my hard work for a bad cold.”
You smile. “Thanks, Newt. I’m very glad that you suffered so much for us.”
“You had better be,” he says, but he’s laughing when he hangs up.
Seconds later, you get a text from Thomas: On my way ASAP. Might be breaking the speed limit.
You grin and text him back. Don’t get pulled over.
Never, he answers, and he’s true to his word, a knock sounding on your front door about five minutes later. The rest of your family is out of the house, so you have no problems creeping down the hall to unlock the door and let him in.
Thomas swoops in immediately, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before pulling away so he can get a good look at you. “How are you feeling, Y/N? Dizzy? Feverish? You look alright, if a little tired, but let’s get you back in bed at once.”
You laugh. “I’m not dying of the plague, Thomas. I’ll survive standing up for a few more seconds.”
“Yeah, but you shouldn’t have to,” he says. Pausing briefly to leave his shoes at the door, Thomas proves his point by picking you up in bridal style and carrying you back to your room despite your protests, which are admittedly pretty halfhearted.
Once Thomas has gotten you back in bed again, found a glass somewhere to bring you water, insisted on watching you drink all of it, run back downstairs so he could fill it again, and returned, he perches on the side of your bed, gently squeezing your hand.
“Well, Doctor Thomas?” You ask teasingly. “What’s your diagnosis?”
He grins and plays along. “Not terrible. I recommend bed rest, and maybe also letting your boyfriend know when he needs to take care of you.”
This last bit is delivered with increasing passion, and you’re left sheepishly smiling at him. “Alright, maybe I should have told you in the first place, but I just didn’t want you to worry.”
“Worrying is my job,” Thomas says, “I am excellent at it. Also, if I think you’re not telling me when you need extra love, I’ll worry even more than usual. The only way to keep me from worrying is to let me know when you’re sick or hurt. Deal?”
“Deal,” you agree, and smile when he kisses your cheek.
“You should get some rest,” Thomas urges you. “Here, I’ll close the door so the noise from downstairs doesn’t bother you.”
He moves to stand, but you reach for his hand and he freezes at once. “Stay with me?” You ask hopefully.
“Of course,” he smiles, and, careful not to disturb you, climbs into bed next to you, lying down on top of your blankets to keep his street clothes off of the mattress. You curl into him, letting your eyes shut as the steady beat of his heart lulls you to sleep. Once you wake up, you’ll feel better, and be more open to conversation, but for now, both of you are quite content with the silence. Peace is good for both of you.
requested by @hope92100, i hope you enjoy!
maze runner tag list: @rogueanschel, @ellobruv, @retvenkos, @neewtmas, @mayfieldss, @hiya-itsamber, @gods-fools-heroes, @23victoria, @w1shes43, @imwaysthelastchoice, @fadedver
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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babyleostuff ¡ 1 year
Omg your Minghao soft hours absolutely have my HEART. If you’re up for it, could I request a PT.2? Maybe reader wakes up in the morning feeling a bit better and gives Hao kisses as a thank you?!
the thought of kissing or making out w hao and having puffy pink lips after will forever drive me i n s a n e
kisses for hao | xu minghao
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a little extension of this soft hour thought
genre | fluff [is a bit suggestive]
author's note | blonde hao is so fucking pretty, i just want to run my finger through his hear and kiss his pretty lips, god help me
Your eyes fluttered open, as the rays of the morning sun seeped through the curtains, warmth grazing your exposed shoulder, which Hao’s shirt failed to cover. You couldn’t  remember the last time you woke up so content, but you were sure that the body pressed to your back had something to do with it. 
Slowly, as not to wake the sleeping man next to you, you rolled over to your back, so you could fully take in the figure of your boyfriend, who looked as happy as you - even in his sleep. It wasn’t often that you got to wake up next to each other, your crazy schedules, his tours and endless flights made it almost impossible. 
His newly dyed blond hair made him look like an angel in the morning light, contrary to his toned upper body and perfect arms that the bedsheet failed to cover that made you think of anything else but angelic things. 
You carefully swept back the hair that fell onto his face, gently threading your finger through the soft strands. Almost as he could sense your featherlight touch, Minhgao stirred in his sleep, his perfect lips letting out a content sigh. 
“Good morning, bǎobèi,” he murmured, his eyes still closet, but with an evident smile on his face. 
“Mmm, it’s definitely a very good morning seeing you like this,” you giggled at how fast he opened his eyes, immediately noticing how most of his body was uncovered. 
“Isn’t it too early to think about how perfect I am?” You couldn’t believe you actually had this man in your bed, the annoying smirk on his face with a body out of your dreams. 
“It’s never too early, Hao,” you laughed, and put your hand on his chest, scratching lightly the expanse of his naked skin with your nails. He giggled as if you said the funniest joke ever, something you could listen to 24/7. 
“Thank you for last night. Thank you for taking care of me,” you said in a more serious tone, looking him deeply into his golden brown eyes. “You have no idea how much I needed that.” 
“I’ll always be there for you, darling. No matter where I am, you can always count on me,” Minghao said, his tone mirroring yours. As he raised his arm, his fingerstips grazed your arm, sending shivers down your back, only to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“I know, but-,” before you could finish your sentence, Minghao suddenly lunged at you, crushing you with his entire weight, making you let out a genuine laugh of joy. 
“W-what are you doing?” you asked, feeling his wet kisses all over your collarbone and neck, as his hands found their way under your (his) shirt. 
No matter how many times stuff like these led to sex, there was nothing sexual about it now - you were like two idiots in love, grateful that you could finally spend a perfect morning together, exchanging not so innocent touches and kisses in the comfort of your shared bedroom. 
“I should be the one kissing you,” you kept on laughing, as his kisses neared your lips. 
“Why?” he smiled at you, placing another one on your cheek, this time more gently. “Because of what you did for me yesterday,” you said, placing your hand at the back of his neck. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if you weren't there.” 
The way he smiled could light up even the darkest days, you would never find the right words to express how grateful you were for him, so you hoped that at least your kisses could convey a small part of it. 
You lifted yourself on your elbow, and pulled him closer to you with the hand that held his neck, as he placed his own on your cheek, stroking it with his thumb. You took a second to admire his face now that you could be near him, noticing all of his imperfections that made him so perfect. 
“I love you,” you whispered against his mouth, placing a sweet kiss on his perfectly plump, pink lips, that you’d never be tired of kissing. “I love you even more,” he whispered back. 
For a second, as your eyes met, the world around you seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you, tangled in your bedsheets, in your own little universe. With a gentle, almost hesitant approach, you leaned in closer, sealing your lips in another heartfelt kiss. 
Your mouths moved together in perfect harmony, and the taste of morning lingered on your lips - a mixture of crisp air and the promise of a new day.
taglist (if you want to be added, check my masterlist): @weird-bookworm @sea-moon-star @hanniehaee @wonwooz1 @byprettymar @edgaralienpoe @staranghae @eightlightstar @itza-meee @immabecreepin
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heich0e ¡ 2 years
the heart is but a winding road p.2 - shouto todoroki/f!reader (1.8k) fluff, pro-hero shouto todoroki is not good with kids (lying), natsuo is the most big brother that ever big brothered, someone pls give the poor assistant a raise, i truly believe that shouto hyperfixates on random things for a few weeks at a time and you cannot change my mind, also i promise the 𝓇𝑜𝓂𝒶𝓃𝒸𝑒 is coming.. i just need to set the mood first.
p.1 - YOU ARE HERE - p.3 - p.4 (upcoming)
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“What was I like when I was five?” 
“Uh, dunno? Guess you were kinda—hey!” Natsuo doesn’t even manage to finish his thought before something (apparently very pressing) on his end of their phone call distracts him. “Aoi! You little—get down from there! Motherf—“
Shouto listens to the chaos unfold with a completely unchanging expression.
“Tou! Talk to your uncle for a second. Your brother's gonna break his neck!”
There’s a scuffle, and before Shouto can so much as protest there’s a little voice greeting him on the other end of the line.
“Hi Oji-chan!” Touma, Natsuo’s 7-year-old, says cheerfully after having evidently been handed the phone.
He hears a little giggle and the sound of his brother squawking incoherently somewhere in the distant background on their side of the call. This is immediately followed by a series of very loud crashes and a panicked string of words which, even in his limited knowledge of childrearing, Shouto's fairly certain kids are not supposed to hear.
“Hello,” he greets his nephew curtly. “If your father’s busy, I can—”
There’s a bit more shuffling, some disgruntled grumbling and laboured panting, and then Natsuo is taking the phone again.
“Sorry, sorry,” the older man says breathlessly, and Shouto stares up at the ceiling over his sofa blankly. “Oh, okay, what were you asking about?”
“Me. When I was five.”
“Oh, yeah!” Shouto’s brother laughs. “Dunno. You were round, I guess? And pretty squishy.”
Shouto rolls his eyes. “That’s not what I meant.”
Natsuo laughs, loud and carefree like he always does. “Well, what did you mean, then?”
“What kind of stuff did I like?”
There’s a thread hanging from Shouto’s sleeve, and he fiddles with it while he speaks with his brother. It’s distracting, but he can’t quite grip the troublesome string to pluck it loose since he’s using his other hand to hold the phone to his ear.
Natuso hems and haws as he mulls Shouto's question over for a bit. “Soba and chewing on things, mostly.”
“I liked chewing on things when I was five?” Shouto’s reply is flat and unamused. He shifts to hold his cellphone between his shoulder and his ear as he lays back against the cushions of his sofa, snapping the string off easily once he has the use of both his hands.
“Yeah, you were always bite-y,” Natsuo replies simply.
The youngest Todoroki sighs. He rolls the thin bit of thread between his fingers for a moment, watching how the ends split and fray, then flicks it away disinterestedly.
“What’s all this about, anyway?”
There’s a significant amount of racket on Natsuo’s end of the call, but Shouto suspects that’s a fairly normal thing for his older brother’s home. What with two kids and more pets that Shouto can keep track of, there’s always pandemonium happening whenever he stops by to visit. He can’t help but think it’s a miracle that Natsuo managed to find anyone who would willingly subject themselves to that, let alone a partner as normal as the one he married.
“Nothing really,” Shouto mumbles. “Just curious.”
“Well, Yumi would remember that stuff better than I do anyway,” Natsuo chirps. “You could always ask her!” 
“Yeah, thanks,” Shouto nods even though he knows his brother can’t see the gesture. 
They end the call with vague plans to meet up for dinner the following week, though these plans often end up getting rescheduled or completely forgotten about in the stir of their busy adult lives. Once the line disconnects, Shouto is once more left staring up at the boring beige ceiling of his living room.
His apartment is always just a bit too cold. It’s been that way since the day he moved in. His hope in choosing such an upscale domicile had been that he wouldn’t run into issues like this one; it was newly constructed after all, and cost enough that things as simple as climate control shouldn’t be a problem. But no matter how much he fiddles with the thermostat, no matter the time of year, there’s always a chill that seems to linger in his quiet home.
He blinks up at the ceiling and listens to the pitter patter of rain outside.
It’s been raining for days now, with only the occasional break in the downpour that never lasts more than a few hours. His last four patrols have ended with him towelling off in the changing room at his agency, using his quirk to warm the terrycloth before he ruffles it through his drenched hair. His costume is fairly well-insulated, and repels the rain, but he still always feels so soggy by the time he gets home.
Suddenly, he thinks about a little yellow raincoat, and the thump of rubber boots.
Truthfully, Shouto’s not sure why he hasn’t been able to stop thinking about that strange encounter from a few days prior. The little boy in the yellow raincoat and the ill-fated, crumpled receipt.
Maybe it’s because he can’t remember the last time a kid was less excited to meet him. 
Maybe it’s something else.
Shouto’s expensive sofa creaks as he pitches himself upwards, reaching out towards the tablet he’d left resting on the edge of his coffee table. He unlocks the device, and realizes he’d left it open to a news article about the Recycling Hero he'd been reading earlier in the day.
He’s been reading a lot about Reductro lately—just about any resource he can find. News articles online, press releases, pamphlets that environmental activists are handing out on street corners. Hell, half the hits on the the guy's Heropedia page from the past week were probably thanks to Shouto.
Just earlier that very day he’d even placed an order online for a copy of the Recycling Hero's newest book.
Reductro, Shouto recently learned, has dedicated his life’s work to inspiring meaningful environmental changes around Japan; he uses his quirk that is capable of breaking down plastics and other complex carbon compounds (as well as his doctorate in Ecology and Environmental Science) to make significant improvements to the climate and the country. The man has a way of speaking that’s neither overly sanitized nor pedantic and inaccessible; kids love him for his exciting way of talking about the environment and why they should care about it, but he's equally capable of putting on a suit and addressing a crowd of adults. Above all else, he seems to be truly passionate about the work that he’s doing–a conclusion Shouto has inarguably come to through his extensive research, and by watching just about every video he's managed to track down online.
He hates to admit it, but the guy is kind of… really cool.
He gets why Naoyuki was so obsessed with him.
Shouto taps around the surface of the tablet for a moment, pulling up an article about a documentary that Reductro is in the process of producing about microplastics. He scans through the article—making a mental note to look up when it will be coming out and see if his secretary can get him an early cut of it—when an image at the bottom of the article makes him pause. It’s a recent photograph that, according to the caption underneath, was taken only a few weeks prior when Reductro was giving a presentation at a local elementary school.
A little voice rings in the back of Shouto's mind, from a rainy day not unlike this one.
“He came to my school last week and he helps to get plastic outta the ocean!”
Naoyuki may have been a bit of a menace, but he was well-intended. And ultimately Shouto has him to thank for opening his eyes to the prestige of the Recycling Hero.
He stares at the image lighting up the screen in his hands for a moment, his eyes scanning over the name of the elementary school a few times as an idea begins to take shape.
He reaches instinctively for his cellphone.
“Good evening, Shouto-sama,” Shoto’s assistant and secretary, Takahashi, answers on the second ring—just like he always does. “Are you well?”
“Hi,” Shouto greets the man in a relatively abrupt manner, brushing off pleasantries for the sake of saving time. “How hard is it to find a kid?” 
There’s a few beats of silence as Shouto’s question lingers over the line.
“Such as a missing person’s case?” Takahashi-san finally responds, though the usually proper and eloquent man sounds uncharacteristically baffled. 
“No,” Shouto shakes his head. He thinks about his next words carefully. “If i know where a kid goes to school and his first name, could you track him down?”
“Track… him down?”
For all the hard-fought takedowns Shouto has made in his career as a hero, he sure is losing this battle.
“He’s not a criminal or anything,” Shouto explains, and Takahashi hums understandingly, but it sounds sort of like when an adult is placating a child. “I met him in the street the other day."
"I see."
Shouto knows he still doesn't get it, and he wracks his brain for a way to make this whole situation make sense, even though it doesn't.
"He’s… a fan.”
Lying is bad. Shouto knows this. He happens to pride himself on knowing the difference between good and bad, as a matter of professionalism. But Naoyuki is a fan, for all intents and purposes.
Just not his.
“Oh,” Takahashi-san sounds more at ease now with this half-truthful revelation, “very well. I don’t suppose it would be all too difficult to find the child’s information. I'm sure the school would be willing to forward contact information for a legal guardian if your office were to reach out on official business.”
“His mother," Shouto replies immediately.
“He, uh..."—Shouto fiddles with the tablet in his left hand—"The little boy. He was with his mother when I met him. She’ll remember me.”
“I see. Please forward me the name of the institution and I’ll reach out to the school administration first thing in the morning.” Takahashi has always been exceedingly competent, since the first day Shouto hired him. He’s a bit stuffy, and Shouto’s pretty sure he’s never seen him smile, but the young hero strangely admires the man's no-nonsense sort of antiquated way of doing things. “I assume you’re looking to send some sort of gift. Perhaps a signed poster? Some merchandise?” 
“Yes,” Shouto says, nodding. Then he pauses. “But not mine.”
“Oh?” the man on the other end of the line—who Shouto now realizes is likely at home during his off-hours that he rudely interrupted—sounds puzzled again. 
“Takahashi-san…” Shouto stares down at the tablet in his hands, still open to the article he’d been reading before he picked up his phone to make this call. “Have you ever heard of the Recycling Hero?”
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brights-place ¡ 8 months
Hello!! I read some of your Trolls stuff and I really really like them! May I request Trollex, Branch, and Floyd with a super supportive s/o who’s experienced in a lot of genres of music and dance? They have a TON of instruments and they know how to play every last one like girl where did you get these???
Sheet music and music theory knowledge is through the roof like you’d think they teach it as a profession, and if they give them physical affection and compliments and actually just normal relationship stuff??? They are a puddle on the ground they are NOT used to someone close actively caring so much about them besides like family they love that shit, giving AND receiving 😎 (they can be shy about it sometimes tho it’s adorable)
Uhhh tldr local music nerd is smitten with their amazing s/o, they down bad tbh /j
If this is too much in a single request, don’t hesitate to message me in case this is too long!
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Them Dating an Music Theory! Troll
Pairing: Trollex X S/O, Floyd X S/O, and Branch X S/O
Warnings: Lots of Fluff, Mild cursing
A/N: OOOOH I LOVE THIS REQUEST! this is so good okay okay! plus I do music theory myself so this is fun! >:D
- Trollex loves the way you explain music theory in a way that is easy to understand and engaging
- He enjoys listening to them talk passionately about music.
- He enjoys watching you play music for you and analyze the pieces in depth
- He listens when you rant and explain Music theory to him explaining that music theory covers things such as pitches and scales, intervals, clefs, rhythm, form, meter and time signatures, phrases and cadences, and basic harmony for music which he nods his head listening to you - Trollex loves how you play many instruments and stares at how you play it with ease - Trollex listens to you rant about it and is very patient with you even with his short attention span and endless energy.
- loves the way you light up when you talks about things that are about music
- He asks so many questions and forgets since his brain is re-setting sometimes - He can't help but admire your dedication to studying and refining your endless knowledge of music - He loves that they challenge your preconceived ideas about music and open you up to new perspectives of different musical styles and genres.
- He loves your creative ideas and imagination for how to explore and experiment with music.
- He values your willingness to share your knowledge and experience with you.
- He loves the way you express yourself through music and many genres not sticking to one and enjoys how you dance with him to techno music
- Floyd loves to encourage you to express yourself creatively and explore your musical side more around him which you obviously do
- He appreciates how you share music tastes with him and discover new songs to listen to together
- He finds your knowledge of music history fascinating and enjoy learning new facts about the origins of different musical styles.
- Floyd is fascinated by your ability to deconstruct a piece of music and understand how the different elements interact to create a cohesive whole
- Floyd can’t help be impressed by the way you can find common threads between seemingly disparate pieces of music and make connections that he had never noticed before and would ask more
- You love the way your shy emo partner aka Floyd opens up to you and shares his emotions through music with you
-You two enjoy discussing the deeper meanings of songs and analysing the lyrics together though he mainly stared at your face to see your focused face
- He loves to play you a song that relates to your current emotional state and makes you feel understood and comforted.
- He can’t help but be drawn to how your musical knowledge and understanding of music theory can shed light on your personality in ways that you may not have been aware of but he was aware of it
- He finds it amazing how you can deconstruct your emotions using music theory and communicate with you on a deeper level which he also does I mean he is the sensitive one and knows about emotions
- He can’t help but be amazed by how much you can learn through many genres of music and their musical knowledge… I mean he’s Pop Rock but he can’t help but be shocked how you know ALL the genres
- He can’t help but be charmed by the way you approach music with pure enthusiasm and wonder as he stared at you lovingly.
- You both feel a strong connection with each other through music and can tell that you're both on the same wavelength even though he doesn't show it much,
- He can't help but admire the way you are fine with how branch can effortlessly switch between serious discussion and playful banter
- He finds it adorable when you become shy and blushes after realizing you have been rambling on about music for too long.
- He loves when you start sharing your favorite songs and artists with each other and discovering new music together
- He loves to support your creativity and encourages you to express yourself through music. - Branch can’t help be impressed by the way you can find common threads between seemingly disparate pieces of music and make connections that he had never noticed before and would ask more about it towards you
- He's impressed by your intelligence and knowledge of music theory.
- He finds himself admiring at your musical skills and wishing he could play or compose music the way you do.
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact!
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zarvasace ¡ 8 months
Fic Rec List
AO3 is holding a Feedback Fest for International Fanworks Day! So, in no particular order, here are 10 fics from my bookmarks that I recommend. :) Most of these fics are by stellar authors, but the list is for individual fics. I recommend checking out the authors as well.
EDIT: fandom code. LU = Linked Universe. FS = Four Swords
Dawn of the Fourth by @lazuliquetzal - (LU, complete) A fic that's on plenty of rec lists, I'm sure! The mastery of plot, character, and language itself is top-tier. This has a mystery-ish plot filled with twists and turns that hold up very very well on rereads! The tension remains taut the whole time, but it isn't too stressful. There are some particular images from this one that have stuck with me since I read it.
Threats and Theatrics by htruona - (LU, complete) This one makes me laugh. A lot. Vio is too dramatic for his own good, and I adore the idea that they might just keep fake blood on them for stuff like this.
A Guide to Living (Again) by @cerame (LU, complete) - Also one that I'm sure is not unfamiliar to a lot of people! It's no secret that I'm a big fan of Shadow, and it was so so much fun to see these other opposite-Links coming around, too. This is just overall a very good time.
Awake, Sweet Prince by @vagueandominousvibes - (FS, complete) There's a lot by Kahl I adore, she's an excellent writer with a wonderful handle on world and words, and this one in particular is one of my favorites. I love slightly spooky fae and this is definitely high on my list.
Count to Nine by @tess-aka-fishy (LU, complete) - One of my top fluff and humor fics. Everyone is in-character in the best way possible, being chaotic but not necessarily on purpose. It's awesome.
It's Dangerous to Go Alone by @hey-adora (FS, complete) - Among the many standout works by Sam, this one is an excellent one to recommend thanks to the showcase of her particular brand of humor, the fun, adventure-y plot, canon-extension worldbuilding, and of course the focus on Vio and Shadow being awful as always.
Keep Your Face to the Sun by Ageofavalon (LU, complete) - This one is a wonderful little fic with, surprise surprise, a focus on Shadow. This one just feels cozy, and I've reread it a lot. I particularly enjoy the way that they adopt him into the LU Chain :)
Take a Number, Any Number by @cluelessmoose (LU, complete) - An outstanding Four whump fic that recently got a very satisfying second chapter. It uses a lot of my favorite whump tropes. The imagery and particular use of words makes this a delight to read.
Soft Glows by @youmixxx (FS, incomplete) - Breaking my hesitant rule of "only complete fics allowed" to rec this fantastic Green/Blue modern college AU story. The attention to detail in this fic is unbelievable—and I mean detail in-text in descriptions and narrative, as well as behind-the-scenes details like consistent schedules. It's beautiful. Don't let the word count intimidate you because it flies by in a haze of glory.
Draw a Circle Around Your Grief by @lattewritesthings (LU, complete) - Dramatic, horrific, bitter, hurt-no-comfort—BUT in a way that doesn't leave you hanging on a thread. It's tragic but the resolution is satisfying anyway. The images are striking and the emotions are potent.
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letsquestjess ¡ 1 year
The Bad Batch and Gifts (TBB x GN!Reader)
Summary: You decide to treat the Batch to a gift.
Warnings: Lots and lots of fluff.
A/N: I never realised just how different writing x reader stuff is to the stuff I'm used to writing, but I am having so much fun with these and I definitely plan on doing some more.
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Hunter had been grumbling for some time about his bandana starting to itch his head. When you looked, you saw the worn patches and frayed edges, and you couldn’t help but wonder how it hadn’t just completely come apart.
You head to the market to restock your supplies, and you spot a stall selling some accessories, so you tell Hunter you'd forgotten something back on the ship and that you'd meet up with him later. You slip away to the stall once he's out of sight and look over the selection of bandanas. A vibrant, cherry red one catches your eye.
That evening, while Hunter does his usual checks of the ship, you ask each of the Batch to write their names on the inside of the new bandana. You stitch over the outlines with a soft silk thread, carefully weaving in your own name with a little heart next to it. You give him bandana after heading to bed and the grin on his face lights up your entire world. When he notices the names of his family on the inside, you swear you hear his breath hitch as he tenderly traces the letters. His loved ones are always with him now thanks to your thoughtful gift. Needless to say, you’re not escaping his arms for the whole night.
Echo's memories bring a mix of emotions, from nostalgia to regret. He can still remember the events of Skako Minor and the devastation in Rex's voice when he told him about Fives as though they happened yesterday. He has lost so many brothers and experienced so much pain that at times he feels like he’s steeped in awful memories. But he has good ones too, and it is those he holds onto the most. 
He tries to deal with them himself, but one night while you’re both nestled together in his bunk, you feel him tense up. You ask him what’s wrong, and he tells you about how the memories haunt him. That it hurts to remember his fallen brothers, but he’s not ready to let them go.
The next morning, as Hunter and Tech stack up a pile of storage boxes they plan on getting rid of, an idea pops into your head and you take one of the smaller ones. You spend all day painting it with all the things that Echo loves and add a few little items into the memory box to start off the collection. Presenting it to him, you see the tears in his eyes, and he is grateful beyond words that you did this for him.
Over time, he collects items that remind him of the good times and small trinkets that fill him with hope of a brighter tomorrow.
Wrecker once tried a particular snack on some distant planet in the middle of nowhere and declared that it was the most delicious food he’d ever had. And you haven’t been able to find anything like it since. Each time you go out looking for supplies, you keep an eye out for them, but you’ve had no luck.
Just when you’ve given up hope of ever being able to find them, you see some in a bakery. You purchase as many as you can and carefully put them into a box, placing it on Wrecker's bunk along with a heartfelt note.
You carry on with your day as normal and Wrecker returns from his fishing excursion while you’re doing a few repairs on the ship. He goes inside and a few moments later you hear a gasp, followed by excited, hurried footsteps as he bounds back out and whisks you into a hug. You can smell the salty water on his clothes as he spins you around and peppers your face with kisses, trying to say thank you through a mouthful of the snacks you kindly got him.
After carrying out repairs near a lake, you and Crosshair take a well-deserved break and find some stones to skim across the still waters. Feeling a little mischievous, he decides he’s going to give you lessons, sneaking a hand onto your waist and holding you so that your back is pressed against him. He makes a show of guiding your aim, not that you actually need any help, but it gives him the opportunity to be close to you. You spend the entire time exchanging smiles and laughs, trying to outdo each other with the furthest skims and stealing secret kisses when no one is looking. It’s peaceful and serene, and all too soon, Hunter calls everyone back to the ship. As you prepare to leave, you find a small blue stone that stands out from the rest and secure a thin cord around it. Crosshair is confused at first when you offer it to him until you tell him it’s a rock from the lakeside that you made into a charm for his rifle. A token from you he can keep close to him.
Okay, so this one might be sickly sweet, but Tech is definitely someone who appreciates time spent with a person. Not because of a mission or necessity, but out of an earnest desire to be there with him in that moment. He knows that time is precious and that sometimes he takes up a lot of it with his rambling, but every single time you sit there, every single time you listen attentively to him, throwing in a few questions every now and again to prompt him to keep going, to show him you are listening and freely offering him your time, it fills him with such a warm feeling of love and appreciation that he spends hours just basking in it afterwards.
So when you lie in bed with him one night, watching one of those cheesy, romantic holo-dramas, and the couple are exchanging gifts, you confess to him you’ve often thought of getting him something but you’re not sure what. In those shows, they always get their significant other flowers, or chocolates, or teddy bears, and while those things can be sweet, you want to give him a present that means something to him. He smiles, an adorable grin lighting up those intelligent eyes, and kisses your forehead, telling you in a tender whisper that the time you spend with him is the most precious gift you have ever given him. A gift that will remain close to his heart forever.
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agendabymooner ¡ 1 year
lost in japan ! max v. x ofc (hearth sister!ofc) - tltl series extra
“i was hoping i could get lost in your paradise.”
summary: sylvie and max in japan. sylvie’s new obsession. a lot of shopping. and twitter/instagram wars. OR f1 twt summarized each one of max’s posts in his ig story after he and sylvie ford went to japan without any notice.
content warning: use of explicit language, established relationship, threads of posts regarding their relationship, nothing just an inchident serious just fluff and possibly humour, press the pictures for the full view!
note: me: i’m gonna update the masterlist. also me: haha funny brain post some more.
i don’t feel alright today but i hope y’all are doing good and touching grass. enjoy xx
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tagged maxverstappen1
liked by tillywolff, landonorris, georgerussell63
comments have been limited
yukitsunoda0511 did you go to akihabara then? liked by sylvieeford
maxverstappen1 she practically lived there if i’m being honest 😀
danielricciardo watch out mustang he might steal your supermodel career liked by sylvieeford
sylvieeford he already snatched it. by the weave and all
landonorris left the country as an avid animal crossing gamer and supermodel, came back as an animal crossing gamer and supermodel with a hint of otaku liked by sylvieeford
sylvieeford i can be hot and be obsessed with certain fandoms at the same time, best friend 🤐
landonorris i know, best friend. and i fw it 😍
pierregasly max had been texting us in the groupchat asking yuki about animes and street foods. he was studying that’s why he’s on the phone all the time 😂 liked by sylvieeford
sylvieeford we had a tour guide for a reason maxverstappen1 😭
maxverstappen1 yuki knew the seedy areas that we didn’t know about. how did you think i found our way into that alleyway of vending machines?
yukitsunoda0511 i helped him
sylvieeford it was quite sketchy but thank you yuki 😀 take me somewhere with lights next time caddy
charles_leclerc did you get me something?
sylvieeford my priceless presence during the next race?
charles_leclerc i’m hoping for something like some stuff from the mario theme park.
shawnmendes i’m glad you took my advice 😉 liked by sylvieeford
sylvieeford am i ever glad that i did.
maxverstappen1 if we hadn’t been listening to your playlist we probably wouldn’t have anything to do at home 😅
tillywolff is there anything for the little cubs perhaps??? 👀 liked by sylvieeford
sylvieeford maxverstappen1 lol about that
maxverstappen1 you’re gonna hate us so much
tillywolff oh god, you two went all out on the kids. victoriaverstappen these two are at it with the gifts again 🥲
victoriaverstappen we should swap lives for a day at some point and see how much clutter would you step on when you get them toys
sylvieeford actually we got them new friends and some new clothes from the nintendo shop 😉 then we went to sanrioland and got them all…
tillywolff you two need to stop the retail therapy
maxverstappen1 what’s done is done, tils 🤷‍♀️
christianhorner i’m glad you two missed me 🙄 liked by sylvieeford
sylvieeford don’t worry we got you something to compensate 😉
christianhorner i don’t even want to know.
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maxverstappen1 posted a story !!!
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bonus !!!
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