#there's so much there shouting at the top of its lungs for me
jaynovz · 10 months
I just wrote a whole ramble vent meta thing about John Silver and how I get irritated when ppl don't give his character the same amount of consideration or attention or sympathy as Flint only to come around to, "Well Jay, that's sort of the point of the structure of the narrative is for us to ignore him and write him off and gloss over him as we're watching Flint, glued to Flint, until suddenly Silver is at the center of it all and neither the other characters nor the audience are quite sure how it happened like some three card monte magic trick"
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super-done-dead · 5 months
love seeing users who are friends interact on posts. would like to interact with a user whos a friend one day, on a post
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vampiricgf · 4 months
ᝰ you think he's just another frat boy with meaningless flirty words for the person he sits next to in a boring class (he's down horrendous)
frat boy satoru x f!reader, college au, somewhat established relationship you guys are classmates, sfw no smut, alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, just lots of him being an idiot with a massive huge earth shattering crush <3
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"And how's my favorite girl?"
"Worse, thought you'd skip this class again and we'd have some peace." You roll your eyes as you slide the straps of your backpack over the back of your chair.
Satoru Gojo, nuance Sig Ep and unfortunately glued to your side since the first day of statistics for reasons unknown to you. You'd made an effort to avoid members of greek life on campus, not wanting to get involved in party culture or whatever new dramatics were unfolding with its subgroups. That only seemed to encourage him though, casually throwing his arm around you through the duration of lectures and begging in that whining tone of his for you to come by the house.
You never did, you also pointedly ignored most of his text messages and actively regretted ever having to give him your phone number after the one assignment you'd been paired up for. Outside the occasional drunk text where he'd plead for you to show up, which did make you feel both bad for ignoring him and a little high off the attention. Not that you'd ever admit to clicking your phone lock and grinning to yourself in bed on those nights.
"C'mon, I'm the highlight of your day!" He shoots you that signature megawatt smile and you stick out your tongue at him, scooting your chair in the opposite direction and creating a wide gap as you sit down.
You see him frown and for a half second it looks genuine, making a pang of guilt reverberate through you so you scoot back to where you were and he resumes pestering you with some latest escapade in the Eps house as you both wait for the stream of students to peter off and the lecture to begin.
"Hey so, why you been ignoring my texts?" He pulls a pout and god you wish it wasn't actually cute.
"You send me weird combinations of emojis Gojo, what can I say to that?"
"It's Satoru," he quips almost immediately, barely allowing you to finish.
"Alright, Satoru, it's because you send me weirdo shit. Say hi every once in a while and maybe I'll say it back." You shrug, opening your laptop and preparing yourself to block out his incessant whispering for the next hour while you take down notes.
"You actually came!"
The sheer volume in the cramped, would-be living room of the house made you wince in tandem with his shout as Satoru threw an arm around you.
"I'm just humoring you so you stop bugging me!" You shout back, accepting a cup of god knows what from his hands and already formulating a plan of when it would be polite to bow out for the night without a barrage of where'd you go texts.
He doesn't answer you, too busy immediately yelling at some other guy over the volume of the music but you don't miss the way his hand slides down your back to settle at the lower curve, just above your ass. It makes you smile a little, despite your own misgivings about the scene you're in.
But quickly it becomes too much, being jostled by a permanently sweaty and horny crowd in such a cramped space, and you find yourself drifting outside to a patio sparsely populated with only a handful of smokers. The alcohol buzzing inside your brain makes you crave one, a thick, acrid stream of smoke spreading like thick flower petals blossoming inside your lungs.
One girl catches your eye and slowly you meander over to where she's perched, away from the rest on a railing that's seen one too many coats of poor paint jobs.
"Could I bum one off you?"
"You got a dollar?"
Lamely you pat your hips, absentmindedly searching for one until she lets out a soft laugh and extends the pack in her hand out to you. Marlboro lights, the gold top of it shimmers faintly in the dim light as you slide one out and accept the lighter she passes you.
"I tell myself lights mean I'm working on quitting. What a load of shit." She huffs out a laugh to herself as you flick the lighter and it gives a few sparky coughs before the flame catches, burning the tip of the cigarette into a solid ember cherry.
"I'm Ieiri," she says cordially as you hand back the deep purple lighter.
You give her your name before taking a deep drag of the cigarette, enjoying the feeling of it settling in your chest.
"They should invent a kind of cigarette that doesn't kill you." You say absentmindedly and she cracks a smile.
"Too bad the "healthy " cigarettes of ye old days had asbestos in them."
That makes you laugh, enjoying the way it flows into the air with the breeze that plays against your skin, like a lover running fingers over it and giving you gooseflesh.
"Wait, you're the girl Satorus got statistics with right? Tuesdays and Thursdays?" She asks between puffs, flicking ash off into the dark.
"Yeah, the very same. I figured I should finally take him up on the offer to come over, I've blown him off so many times." Saying out loud makes you feel a little like an ass, he may get on your nerves but he's never been anything but sweet to you.
"You know he's like, obsessed with you, right?" She says with another laugh and it makes you raise a brow.
"Oh yeah?"
She shakes her head, another drag before continuing. "Oh yeah. Gets too drunk every weekend and cries in the bathroom because you didn't show, has a crisis every day because he doesn't know what to say to you in texts. I've never seen him excited about a math course before this semester either, usually it's any excuse to cut class until a prof bitches at him."
With every word a strange sense of giddiness grows in tandem with the alcohol drenching your brain, and you can't help but think about those devastating blue eyes. The opposite of rose colored glasses but it fits, a shade of comfortable blue that tints the world because of him and suddenly you're gripped by the urgent need to go back inside and find him.
"Hey, thanks for the cigarette but I'm gonna go find him. See you inside?" You crush the butt out with the toe of your shoe, grinding it down and giving Ieiri a wave goodbye as the wall of thumping bass and neon light swallows you back up.
It strikes you as incredible how a house can turn into a labyrinth when filled to the brim with bodies and only offering the occasional flash of strobe or neon lights to guide you in the dark. After when feels like hours and checking nearly every room you come across for Satoru, without luck, you find Ierie once again leaning against a closed door with a particularly bored expression.
"Satoru she wasn't saying she was leaving she said she was coming to find you, dummy. Open the door."
As you sidled up beside her she shot you a conspiratorial glance before pulling you closer so you could hear her over the din.
"Can you tell him you're right here? He's such a whiny drunk." She rolls her eyes but you can tell it's playful, although you get the feeling this has happened more than once.
Hesitantly you put your palm against the door, feeling the distant bass thrumming through the wood. "Hey Satoru? I didn't leave, I'm right out here with Ierie!"
There's silence on the other side, making you frown in concern until the door is suddenly wrenched open and you nearly fall right against him. Despite clearly being drunk his hands come to grasp your upper arms gently to steady you before yanking you inside the hazy dark of what you assume was his bedroom.
"You're welcome!" You hear Shoko yell through the door as he sits down in a huff, still holding onto you, against a well worn futon.
You can't help but giggle at the way he almost curls around you, as if determined to attach to your side like some sort of sucker fish. With a bit of wiggling you manage to pull back, sweeping a few stray strands of hair from those baby blues as you do.
It's in that moment, when your fingertips brush his skin, that everything seems to pause. The noise outside seemingly vanishes, and it's like only the two of you exist in a comfortable bubble of silence. You never really noticed how his eyes looked almost crystalline before, too pretty to exist.
"Who gave you eyes like that?" You murmur, more to yourself but nevertheless he beams down at you.
"So you do like me, huh?"
The way he says it, so boyish, so... happy. You can't help but smile back, a shy thing that barely tugs at the corners of your lips.
"Duh, of course I do."
That makes him frown a bit, brows knitting in thought and somehow it made him look even cuter. No fair.
"Then how come you never showed up before? And you don't text me back?" A little pout forms on his lips as he finishes and you're struck with the overwhelming urge to kiss him.
With a superhuman effort you keep yourself focused on answering him. "You're, well... All this," you gesture broadly with your hands as you pull away slightly. "And I'm just a girl you have stats with. I thought maybe you were just yanking me around, being flirty in class but that's it, you know? I didn't wanna look stupid getting my hopes up."
"A girl I have stats with? You're joking, right? You're everything." He says incredulously, eyes wide as if more shocked than insulted that you could've looked at the situation that way.
Heat rushes beneath your skin at that, you're everything, and you know it's not the alcohol making you lightheaded. In your silence he continues.
"Y'know I'm not just messing around with you, I think about you all the time. Sometimes you're all I think about all day-"
With a surge of confidence you grab him by the front of his shirt, pulling him down and cutting him off with your lips pressed against his. It grips you like a fever, a crushing need to taste him. It's all sloppy teeth and tongues and spit but it feels perfectly serendipitous at the same time, an otherworldly calm that takes hold of your mind as your lips move against one another.
As you open your eyes into his you can't help the grin that now stretches wide across your mouth, giggling as you press kiss after kiss against his lips, his cheeks, his forehead and soon enough he's dissolved into a puddle of giggles and faux pouts in your arms.
"Will you tell me I'm your favorite girl again?"
"I'll tell you that forever."
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postmortemnivis · 7 months
no grave can hold my body down, i'll crawl home to her.
simon really meant it, every bit of it, he’d come back to you somehow. he would find his way back to you. wether it was walking through the front door quietly not to wake you up in the middle of the night or cold in a coffin. he’d rather have you hold his dead body than not to have you touch his skin ever again.
that’s what simon was thinking about as his ear ringed so loud he couldn’t focus on his surroundings. he looked up at the sky, so blue it almost didn’t feel right. why so blue when so much blood was being shed?
he occasionally would feel the ground he was laying on tremble, maybe a hand grenade, maybe a body falling next to his. the smell of gunpowder filled his covered nostrils and he could feel his lungs collapsing on themselves from the thickness of the air he was breathing. his eyes weren’t doing good either, filled with dust and sand from the dry earth.
it took him a few more seconds to focus his eyes on something, something that possibly wasn’t moving, his head spinning each time he tried to sit up. something was weighting on his legs, holding him down. he struggled to raise his torso and groaned at the sight of a large body blocking him. he let himself fall back down.
he was ready to go, a sharp pain to his side telling him he wouldn’t last long alone. he’d been through worse, way worse, the scar provided by the meat hook was proof of that, but something was telling him this was as bad. he was ready to go.
the only thing he could think about in his last moments was you. he thought he could see glimpses of you, maybe your hair in the corner of his eyes or he’d hear your laugh as another fire shooting started. his eyes searched for you frantically. he wanted to tell you to leave immediately, scream it at the top of his lungs, but his voice was caught in his throat and you weren’t really there. his mind just playing cruel tricks on him.
your name was repeated like a mantra in his head, repeating it so many times it almost lost a meaning. almost. a prayer, a chant. he sure needed to pray, for you.
he had been shelving the thought that tormented him for months. he wanted to go and confess his sins, he almost felt the need, his palms itching with haste anytime he thought about it. years had passed since the last time he had set foot in a church, so many that he had almost forgotten the reason for the visit. the ghosts of the past never abandon you, especially if they are people you love, especially if they are family, the innocent. its always the innocent who pay the highest price.
‘i wonder what she’s doing now, who’s gonna knock on her door and tell her im gone.’ he thought. ‘hopefully price. he’s the one with tact and the most considerate. he’ll help her when i’m gone, keep an eye on her.’
the sweet smell of your hair replaced for a moment the one of blood and gunpowder, your laughter still echoing in his ears. he pictured your sweet face and big innocent eyes looking up at him.
“promise me something?”
“mhm?” he hummed, surprised you were still up. his hand hadn’t stopped caressing your hair since you laid down on his chest, your hand resting on his collarbone as your ear listened to his calm heartbeat. “yeah, anything.”
“promise me you’ll always come back.” you whispered in the dark room. “promise me, simon.”
he nodded, taken aback by your request. you weren’t the fondest of his job, he knew it, he hated to concern you like he did.
“promise.” you urged. “please.”
he bent his head down and kissed the top of yours, his arm sliding down your back and drawing you closer by your waist. “i will, love. i’ll always come back to you.”
you sighed, the knot of thoughts in your worried head began to untie. “mh.”
“better now?” he softly asked. his voice was hoarse from his constant shouting orders at the obstreperous recruits. you gave a short nod. “i mean it.”
he groaned as he managed to get the body off of himself, struggling to get on his knees.
fucks sake, he couldn’t let you live with him gone like this. it was selfish of him to leave you in such an abrupt way, really. he tried to push away the image of you opening the door to find price with a carton box filled with simons stuff from the barracks with the balaclava and skull mask on top and your knees hitting the floor before he could even say anything.
his legs didn’t feel like they could hold his weight up, he immediately fell to his knees as he heard another rapid fire too near him for his liking. his gun was long gone, he had to manage to survive alone, again.
“crawlin’ it is.” he breathed as he started to drag his tired body with the strength of his arms alone. you had always praised his strength: he could lift you with one arm alone, you loved to be held and hold on to his arm anywhere and at anytime. that was the main reason he always pushed for more while training, and the motivation your sweet compliments always gave him now were gonna save his life. he made a mental note to kiss and hold you a little longer and tighter if he ever made it home alive.
he could see the building his team was supposed to meet up in case things got bad. it looked so far away that it was alarmingly close. maybe it was just his messed up vision, a mirage, but he could swear he saw you from a window looking at him, urgently motioning him to come.
he brought the thick balaclava above his nose so he could breathe better and as enemy gunfire continued to flow, he kept his head low as he moved dead bodies from his way.
he could hear your voice calling for him and he wanted to call you for you back, but the noises of the battlefield were hurrying him to get to the safe zone first.
he stumbled by the door as he brought himself up, one hand stabilizing him as he held on to the doorframe as the other went to press on his wound.
“lt!” johnnys voice called before he rushed to help him. “ye cheeky bastard, i told them not to leave yet, to wait for ye.”
“gaz saw you get shot.” price swung simon’s arm over his shoulder in order to help him to the nearest table, where he laid down.
“he saw that right.” simon bit the inside of his cheek as price inspected his wound, pressing on it. “is he a‘ight?”
“he’s fine, hit his head but had his helmet on, he’s getting checked out by the medics.” price informed him as simon winced at the sharp pain. “there’s at least two bullets in here, didn’t pass through, stuck.”
“just take ‘em the fuck out.” simon groaned. “how’s it lookin’?”
“you’ll live.” price patted his shoulder in comfort before he went to call a medic.
“we really thought we’d lost ye there, lt.” johnny’s face was glowing with sweat and blood, the black war paint smudged messily all around his face and his mohawk dusted.
“helicopter’s leaving in thirty, boys!” price’s baritone voice called from the other room.
simon scoffed, sighing and closing his eyes, finally letting himself relax as your figure started to fade from the corner of the room where it’d been standing, silently looking at him. “won’t lose me, can’t wait to go home, johnny.”
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cry4mina · 5 months
(BackTattoo!Sana x Fem!Reader)
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Word Count: 4.9k
Summary: You unintentionally walk in on Sana, completely naked, and see a large tattoo you never noticed before. You're admiring the artwork but she has her eyes on something else.
TW: this is literally just fucking. If that’s not something you want to read, please don’t! Slapping, teasing, biting, fighting for who is on top, Sana has a dragon back tattoo, overstimulation, choking...uh degradation maybe? Let me know if I missed anything
A/N: Thank you @neoplatinum for letting me write a story *cough porn cough* about back tattoo Sana and to @nr1chaedickrider for scheming hehehe. And thank you to @tttwiceeluvrr for the request that I thieved from Neo! @myouicieloz for helping me spark the idea for the same cuz i was STRUGGLING lmaoo Please enjoy what my Sana brain rot produce and thank you for reading<3
Music bumps through the house, vibrating the walls and rattling the framing of the pictures scattered.The high hats ringing off the ceilings, bass reverberating through the floor. Sana knew you were coming. You made plans to go out to eat that day at 1:30pm after schedules, she couldn’t have forgotten right?
Letting yourself in, you walked through the halls to the source of the loudness, finding the master bedroom cracked with about an inch of space between the door and threshold. Yelling her name was useless, music blanketing any sound that could’ve been made in a 20 foot proximity.
Pushing the door open curiously, you take your first few steps into the room when her shadow comes into your view, stopping you dead in your tracks.
Sana was in her walk-in closet, completely nude, facing her clothes and attempting to pick out an outfit. The curvature of her was enough to send you into a panic, perfectly smooth skin draped over a frame even Gods were jealous of. Muscles noticeably flexing as she slid a shirt across the rod bolted into the wall.
Seeing her bare like this wasn’t the only thing that surprised you.
An entire back piece, a dragon in Japanese traditional style, lay across her, fitting that perfect frame in a way that was almost natural. Like she was born with it. Getting lost in the intricacies of the details, beautifully designed with near perfect line work ascending her spine.
Head of the dragon on her shoulder, body of scales intertwining down her back over part of her ribs, claws on her hips and tailed stretched down her butt and ending at the top of her thigh. Cherry blossom petals balancing the negative space throughout the piece, shading perfectly balanced and clear. This was a work of art.
You are suddenly hyper aware of everything around you. The loudness of the music, the softness of the carpet, the way your heartbeat picks up its pace, arguing with the bass in the music, and how your lungs are struggling to function properly. Your underwear is in the beginning stages of being ruined, unable to help yourself imagining her looking down at you between her legs.
Mind completely mesmerized and your body moving without your permission, you step into the closet to get a closer look at the artwork on the masterpiece that was Minatozaki Sana.
Your hands lift and lightly start tracing the line of the dragon’s head on her shoulder, startling her. Her back muscle tensed underneath your touch, before she whipped around to see you absolutely enchanted by her naked body along with the ink laid into her skin.
Attempting to keep eye contact and not look down at her chest, already feeling horrible about invading this much of her privacy to begin with but your pussy was soaking at the thought of making her cum.
There’s a glimmer of something present behind her eyes, a slight smirk slithers across her face when she sees how red you are. Your brain immediately releasing cortisol into your veins causing your blood to run cold in panic.
“I’m so sorry, I should’ve knocked.” abruptly shouted over the speaker system before attempting to get out of that room. Absolutely embarrassed that you didn’t just turn around and leave in the first place.
Speeding to the door, the music was halting mid song and you hear “I’ll be ready in a minute!” before you close the door behind you and almost sprint to the living room. Thinking about just leaving entirely when your phone vibrates twice in your pocket. A text from Sana.
Sana: You better not leave! We have lunch plans.
You: Fine.
Sana: :)
How could she just know you were going to try and escape the situation? More importantly, how could you not just stop yourself from approaching her? What an invasion of space.
Hands reach to cover your face in shame when you hear Sana’s crisp giggle emerge from the hall that connects the living room to the rest of the house. A long heavy sigh leaves your chest, raising your head to face her.
She’s wearing a short sleeve cropped shirt that’s nearly see through, a black sports bra underneath, black cargo pants that are a little too big for her, and some white sneakers. Giving a little spin to show her outfit, but all you can focus on is the bold lines that shows through her shirt and exposed on her lower back.
You swallow roughly, standing up and attempting to explain yourself and apologize.
“I am so sorry, Sana. I do not know what came over me, I should’ve knocked or texted you or something instead of just walking right into your space and then not leaving immediately when I saw you were…unclothed” not wanting to bring attention to the fact that she was naked. So uncomfortable with the idea of violating a good friend's boundaries that you could barely even make eye contact with her.
Sana is smiling at you in an endearing way, placing a finger under your chin and tilting your head up to force you to look her directly in the eye.
“Y/n…it’s completely okay. It was only a matter of time, okay?”
Only a matter of time?!
“What do you mean by that?” regrettably leaving your mouth before you could even question the thought.
“Maybe I’ll show you after lunch.” winking and grabbing her keys before ushering you out the front door, giving no time to question what she had just been spoken so nonchalantly.
Pushing you playfully to the car, opening the passenger side door, and motioning for you to get in. Baffled by what is happening currently, you can’t imagine why she would say what she did…unless?
Unless she actually meant it…peering over to her, watching her carefully put the key into the ignition, pull the car out of park and speed off down the road.
“We are going to go to that Italian place down the road, I’m feeling like pasta today! Is that okay?” still peeking at her, you forget to respond entirely. Distracted by the sentence that plays back in your head over and over and over again, causing a slight ache between your legs.
“Y/n? Are you there?” reaching over to lay her hand on your upper thigh, lightly tapping to try and get you to pay attention to what she was saying. The tap causes you to clench your thighs together, holding your breath as a devious smile appears on sana’s face.
“Too distracted? What’s on your mind?” knowing full well she already knew the answer to what was occupying your thoughts.
Flashes of those details on the cherry blossom petals and the dragon's teeth cascade through your mind, you know what? Fuck it.
Finally exhaling and beginning to breathe regularly again, you shift back in your seat and mutter “I saw you naked once and now I can’t stop thinking about it.”
A little surprised by your boldness, that was not the version of you she was familiar with, sunglasses slid to the end of her nose as she raised her eyebrows at you.
“Let’s discuss over lunch, hm? I’m interested in the thoughts you’re having.” sultry tone coating you in absolute need for her.
“Maybe I’ll show you after lunch?” oh my god, why did you say that?
A snide chuckle knocks on the windows of the sedan as she pulls up to the restaurant.
“Playing my own game against me?” sultry tone still present with half lidded eyes, leaning over the center console to get closer to your face.
“How am I doing?” leaning towards her, almost mocking her movements, even playfully, she takes it as a challenge.
Smirk, a hum, and a tongue in cheek as she picks up her phone and makes a call. You’re confused until she speaks.
“Hello, I would like to play a to go order please.”
She’s calling the restaurant you were parked out in front of...I guess we will be dining in today.
Food in hand, you walk back into the house you left about 20 minutes ago, Sana throwing her bag and keys on the counter as you place the food down. Having no moments to register what’s about to happen, she places her hands on either side of you, trapping you against the counter.
“What were you going to show me?” lowly reveals itself from her throat, inching closer to your face, somewhat teasing you and attempting to ignite the tension that had been building since you were caught admiring her shamelessly.
Sana’s hands travel up your sides under your shirt, you’re stoic in all of this. Waiting for the opportunity to show her exactly what you meant as she continues you softly run her nails down your ribcage.
Goosebumps pepper your skin as you throw your arm around her waist to hold her tightly against you. Skin warm on yours while your forearm locks her into place, bringing your face so close to hers, mouths almost touching, her lips chasing yours in an act of desperation.
“Tell me what you want,” whispered into her mouth, eye contact all consuming, completely converting your mind from slightly nervous to absolutely lust drive.
Sana watches how you change, the shift in dynamic between the two of you tenses the air even further. Though she was the instigator, she was no longer in control and she knew that.
“I think you know what I want.” lips moving closer to yours before you pull back again, making her a little annoyed that you keep making her work for it.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish, Satang.” a warning disguised as playful banter. Neither of you had ever experienced each other in this way before, even if it felt natural to hold Sana so close to you.
Chuckling at your statement, she’s having a hard time taking you seriously. The friend version of you sits in her mind's eye. Always so sweet and caring, she assumed that carried over into the bedroom too.
“Oh, are you a top? Well you’ll have to fight me for that. I’ve waited too long for this…I’m not going to give up control so easily.” big brown eyes blinking at you, almost challenging you, pushing you a little farther off the edge.
“Safe word?” coldly uttered as your pointer finger trails up her stomach to the neck of her shirt.
“Do we need one?” head cocked to the side. She truly has no clue what’s about to come.
“Hmm…let’s go with colors instead. Stoplight style.” smirking at you, eyes full of lust and curiosity waiting for you to make your move.
“Deal.” Hand maneuvering from the neck of her shirt to her actual neck, the soft sweet human she knew was no longer present in this. Almost predatory in your movements as you lightly pulled her to her bedroom.
“You’re going to listen to every word I say, understand?” ice shards spewing around your words before throwing her onto her bed.
She looks confused by this, never expecting the sweet anxious Y/n to be so…dominant. It tastes like a daydream she’s had continuously since she’s met you.
“And if I don't? What happens then?” curiously inquiring about your plans, testing the waters to see if being a brat was something you wanted.
Glaring down at her, ignoring the question, you simply had one instruction for her.
Sana hesitates, another push, intrigued by the demeanor you’ve presented to her. It’s just so unexpected, you’re usually so docile and reserved about sexual things. This is what she dreamed of most nights, unable to grasp that it was coming true before her eyes.
“Now.” taking a seat in the chair in the corner to watch the show you insisted she put on.
Sana stands up, sauntering over to you while grabbing the hem of her shirt and peeling it from her body. She slowly turns around, removing her sports bra in the process, dragon tattoo on full display, making sure to slowly slide her pants and underwear down to her ankles before kicking them to the side.
Refusing to pull your eyes from her body as you take in the ink and curves. Her skin is silky smooth, a perfect ass you just wanted to take a bite out of, and not a single mark on her to tell the world who she now belonged to.
“Turn around.” rotating to face you, she takes a few steps forward and leans down, placing her hands on the arms of the chair and invading your space again.
“Demanding, aren’t we? Especially since you were the one who came into my room unannounced” standing up straight and walking over to the bed. Her ass on the edge leaning back on her hands, legs spread apart in front of you. She is leaving nothing to the imagination.
Jaw tensing at the new view you had, practically ripping your shirt off before leaning back into the chair again. Unable to keep your eyes off of hers as she continued on in that low tone that nearly made you rabid.
“Were you expecting to see me like this? Sprawled out on the bed for you? I’ve thought about inviting you over, just to give you a show like this.” one hand raises up and you know exactly where it’s headed.
“Stop.” eye contact maintained as she halts in her tracks, surprised you said anything.
You stand and walk over to her, removing your bra and pants along the way.
“Don’t touch what’s mine.” growled at her before roughly cupping her face and bombarding her with a fiery kiss, tongues intertwining, her hands wandering up to you as she tries to flip you onto your back.
Grabbing her hands, locking your fingers in hers, and pinning her to the mattress. She lightly whimpers into your mouth causing your knees to buckle. Feeling her lips curve up before she uses a leg to literally sweep you off your feet. Your knees hitting the ground roughly, causing you to wince, squeezing her hands tightly and pulling her forward with you.
“How can you expect to be the dominant one from the floor? I thought you were actually going to put me in my place…such a shame.” glowering at you from above.
“You wanted a fight didn’t you?” jumping to your feet, pushing her onto her back, rolling her over harshly, inciting a giggle of excitement out of her.
Cocking your arm back, you smack her ass roughly, watching her flesh ripple underneath your touch, only to lay another immediately after. Hearing her suck air through her teeth as you lay another handprint to the canvas.
“Color?” cuts through the sound of Sana panting, admiring the red welts left behind and watching a string of slick drip from her.
“Green…so so green” between breaths.
Expressing amusement at her enthusiasm with a dark chuckle, you apply one more solid smack to her before placing a kiss at the bottom of her spine, confusingly soft in your touches and light pecks up her spine, over the line beautiful line work, across every cherry blossom petal and up to her neck.
Sana breathing heavily underneath you with your tits pressed firmly against her back to hold her in place to avoid her squirming, you take a second to appreciate the position you found yourself in, and how absolutely drenched you were for her.
Your right hand follows the curvature of her hips wrapping around her and sliding down between her legs. She groans before you even touch her.
“Awhh, baby’s all worked up, hm? How long have you been dreaming about what I would feel like between your legs?” dragging your middle finger lightly over her dripping cunt to gather a little wetness before coasting over her clit a few times, just to rile her up a little more.
The bed muffling her whines, you grab a hand full of her hair and pull it towards you, forcing her head back to allow the honeyed moans to drench the room in their sickly sweet stickiness.
Sounds reverberating through her body, causing a reaction in yours, solidifying the ruination of your underwear. Sana’s hips start rocking back and forth in the rhythm of you set with your hand so you still your movements and let her fuck herself on your hand.
“Awh, look how desperate you are for me. Grinding into my hand to feel something? How pitiful. You might as well beg.”
Sana squeals in frustration, grinding down into you harder as you watch her pathetically try to earn some sense of pleasure, tail of the tattoo snapping with her subtle movements. It’s like watching a scene unfold.
Removing your hand suddenly brings her even more anger, rolling over, forcing you onto your back with the movement and quickly finding her seat on your abdomen, slick warm against your skin. Your breath hitching silently so she can’t see how weak she has you.
“Why can’t you just fuck me like I want you too? Have to make it about teasing me?! I obviously fucking want you so why won’t you just take what’s yours?” almost maliciously spat at you, her hands dragging down your chest and brushing over your nipples. You're clenching around nothing as Sana touches your body, trying to tease you back.
You’ve had enough of her trying to be the dominant one, even if it’s only for a second. You sit up, halfway getting in her face, foreheads pressed together and noses brushing, her arms instinctively wrap around your neck.
“I don’t need you to tell me what to do…color?” Wrestling her onto her back again before she has more time to protest.
“Green,” moaned back to you, her eyes half-lidded, screaming fuck me through the tension. Lowly growling as you press your lips together, urgently trying to absorb as much of her as possible.
Making your way to her neck, you bite down viscously. She moans your name into your skin as you refuse to let go of her. You’re practically dripping onto her as she rakes her nails cruelly down your back, causing you to whimper into her.
“Fuck baby, I need you.” hoarsely stated, shaky hands tug at your waistband, trying to pull them off, moving . You’re inclined to help her remove them from your frame, finally unlatching from her neck and giving her just enough leverage to slide them off you.
“Let me feel you, baby. I’ve waited so long- need to feel you.” running her hands up your thighs, grazing over your slick covered skin until she reaches your core. Her finger glides past your clit a couple times causing you to almost get carried away grinding into her, before you snatch her hand away from you.
“Who’s the desperate one now?” Spat at you as your slick drips down her fingers slowly.
“It’s still you.” guiding her hand down to her own pussy, letting her smear your cum onto her. A loud wail leaves her mouth, feeling the warmth from your wetness against her, unable to stop herself from shoving her fingers inside.
Grabbing her cheeks, forcing her lips to pucker and making eye contact, you utter one single word that halts her in her tracks. “No.”
You remove her hand for her knowing she wasn’t going to do it herself. Whimpering at the lack of something inside of her, she’s reduced to just a begging mess for you. Your little whiney play thing.
“Pleaseeee, I’ve been so good.” rocking her hips, the attempt to feel something overpowers her need to be the little brat she was attempting to portray.
Smirking at her, you lean in to kiss her again. She’s melting into you, exactly where you want her to be. So desperate for you. Your hand wraps around her throat again, squeezing lightly before your fingers descend her torso, scratching along the way, and stopping right above her slit.
“Begging looks good on you. Are you sure you’re needy enough? Maybe I’ll make you wait all day…maybe I’ll make you wait all week, actually. I think you look too good like this…” sharply spat into her mouth as her brows furrow. The whiny little whore beneath you squirming, writhing for your touch, bucking her hips up.
“Maybe it’s because you can’t make me cum.” the whiney tone contradicts the words hissed, neediness has taken over and now she’s just trying to make you fuck her.
A smack on her cunt, followed by a loud shriek fills the room, her juices coating your hand and splatter against her thighs and yours.
“Try again” straight faced, despite how badly you want her, how badly you crave the way she tastes. She doesn’t need to know how close you are to fully devouring her.
“Unghh…fuck, please y/n. Please fuck me! I’m so fucking desperate for you. Want to cum for you. Fuck please please please.” tears brimming at how badly Sana aches for you. The knot building in your stomach pulls at all your senses, this was just as bad for you as it was for her.
“So pathetic…color?” gripping her hips tightly before getting on your knees, pulling her forward just a little bit and resting her legs on your shoulders.
“Gre-eeen…oh, shit.” stuttered as the warmth of your breath radiates up her thighs
The sounds she's making could make anyone weak for her. Yelping and arching her back, rutting her hips forward for more contact, the lustful whimpers begging you to use her in a way that you never thought you would.
“Look at me.”demanded before laying a long, slow, tantalizing lick from her entrance to her clit that has her unable to keep still, she’s absolutely rabid.
“More, please…fuc- I’ll do anything, just please…” almost weeping, running her fingers through your hair, gripping tightly and attempting to pull you closer to where she needed you the most. Putting your tongue out in preparation; you knew she was going to try to do this.
Allowing her to use your face for mere seconds, you force her hips down onto the mattress and give her another slow long lick. Taking back the control you allowed her to have and driving her insane all in one swift motion.
Hair completely all over the place, face red, and half lidded watery eyes look down at you, a single tear, reflecting your diligence in working her up, sluggishly plummets down her features before hitting the bedding with a thick thwap.
You mewl into her, securing your lips around her clit before running your tongue over it incessantly. She’s already close, body tensing under you, unable to keep still as you overstimulate her. You spent all this time working her up just for this moment where she would absolutely crumble for you.
“Fuck fuck fuck” followed by another string of unintelligible sounds solicited from her mouth. Immediately adding 2 fingers into her with no intention of taking it easy on her, immediately pumping at full speed just to watch her fall apart for you.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” Screamed out into the negative space of the room as Sana came around your fingers. Her silky smooth thighs tighten around your head, one hand grasping at sheets the other tugging your hair as you keep lapping at her aggressively.
“Fuck…wait wait…I’m gonna- oh my god” already hitting another stride of pleasure.
Pressing up into her roughly, the sound of her pussy crying for you makes you want to shatter her. Sucking, licking, and sliding a third finger into her, Sana falls apart around you again. Shaking violently as you hold her down against the sheets, tears running down her face as a flash of heat dances across her entire body in pure ecstasy.
Breathing heavily and sitting up, she grabs a fist full of your hair with one hand and leans back onto the other. Bucking her hips into your tongue wildly, panting and moaning loudly without a single care in the world.
Firmly holding your head in place, smearing her cum along your tongue and lips, completely lost in pleasure as she fucks your face in an attempt to push herself over the edge another time.
Letting her have her moment, you left your tongue out for her to use. Slurping every drop of her as she rides your mouth. Her pants are getting faster, body tensing again, moans being cut off by curses. She’s completely lost in her own pleasure when she finally manages to formulate a short and simple sentence..
“Good girl”
Ripping her off of you before she can fully finish using you. The frustration behind her eyes seers into you like a brand, eyes carving into your skin as you start sifting through nightstand drawers.
“Where is it?” almost shouted at her, trying to quickly locate the last thing you needed to prove the point that you were in charge. She knows exactly what you’re looking for, huffing over your question and pointing to the bottom drawer of the dresser across the room.
Quickly stepping over and finding it, the 8 inch strap heavy as you fix it around your hips, balance feeling almost off as you bring your attention back to Sana who is still rocking her hips and whimpering. Just where you want her.
“Flip over…color?” You’re practically leaking down your thighs and she fixes herself, ass up for you. Her back arched, face in the mattress and massive tattoo on full display as she taunts you by wiggling her ass against you.
“Fucking green…Fuck me, please! Need you inside so so so bad.” desperation weighs heavy in her voice and only grows worse as you grind the strap against her clit, teasing her even further. How far could you push her?
Smacking her sensitive little clit with the silicone a few times, building it up even further than you needed, just to see how she would react.
The sounds coming out of her are so pitiful, whining incoherently for you.
“You want it, Hm?” teasing the tip at the entrance before running it over her slit one last time. Pressing the head into her entrance, only the head.
“I’d bet you’ve dreamed about this moment.” removing the tip to watch her clench before gliding it back in painfully slow. Sana is just nodding her head and making sounds that could only be described as painfully needy.
“Dreamed about what it would be like for me to slam into you?” rapidly bottoming out into her, touching her cervix and staying in place.
“Does the little slut want to cockwarm my strap while I mark all over this tattoo? Let the world know who you belong to? Hm?” brutally sinking your teeth into the line work of the dragon that graced her back.
Reeling your hips back slowly, torturously staying with half the tip in, waiting to re-sheath it and leaving it buried inside of Minatozaki Sana. Just where it belonged, inside your perfect little toy and she couldn’t be any more feral for it. Trying to push back into you to feel something, even if it was just to feel full.
Finding a place on the other shoulder to bite down on, railing into her again. Creating a slow building rhythm that harmonizes with the symphony ejecting from Sana’s perfect lips. Like a crescendo building higher and higher as you slam into, getting faster in every thrust.
A scream, the snap of a knot, another belligerent bite down, and a continuous pace that wasn’t going to stop until she was unable to hold herself up, creating a whirlwind of heat and passion. Dragon tattoo on her waving into the waves the both of you created, Sana slamming back into you with your hands on her hip, pulling down and creating leverage for yourself.
It didn’t take long for her legs to give out, fully spasming into the bedding, gasping for air when you finally let go of the flesh on her back, tasting a mixture of her and iron on your tongue, licking the wound before laying sweet kisses on her back and neck.
Carefully removing the strap from her, she moans at the loss of what filled her. You watch her muscles contract and laugh to yourself as you remove the leather off your hips and crawl up next to her.
Sana’s still laying stomach down horizontally across the bed, breathing heavily with her eyes closed. Tapping her shoulder, you lift an arm and offer for her to cozy up with you and she is happy to take it.
Arms and legs wrapped around each other, dragging the tips of your fingers over the bite marks and ink, you can’t help but ponder when she got the tattoo.
“Can I ask you something?” whispered to her, not willing to remove any comfort that she currently had from her grasp.
“Mhm.” hummed back at you in pure exhaustion, you can feel her body relaxing onto yours- she’s about to fall asleep.
‘Why did you go for a back tattoo? Out of all the tattoos I thought you could get, a very large dragon was not on my list.” chuckling as you spoke, watching the coy smile form on her face through a sleep filled haze.
“I wanted to give you something to look at.”
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j23r23 · 24 days
That's my wife!
tangerine x wife reader
Waring: Violence and Fluff
BTW: Thank you @little-miss-dilf-lover for being my muse and making me write again 🍊🫶🏻🧡
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Tangerine had never been one to keep his temper in check, especially when it came to you. The two of you had been in far worse situations, but today was different. The local police force had no idea who they were dealing with, and it didn’t help that they were handling you both like a pair of thugs.
The officer shoving you into the back of the police car had already crossed a line, his grip too tight, his attitude too arrogant and his hands touching you. But when the other one got rough with you, pushing you toward the vehicle with far more force than necessary and making you trip, something snapped in Tangerine.
“Oi, that’s my wife!” His voice cut through the commotion like a knife, fury lacing every word. Before anyone could react, he lunged forward, headbutting the cop who’d been forcing him into the car. The crack of bone against bone was unmistakable, and the officer staggered back, blood pouring from his nose.
Tangerine didn’t stop there. He turned with a wild intensity in his eyes, his curly hair disheveled, one strand falling across his forehead, giving him a feral look. With his hands cuffed behind his back, he couldn’t do much, but that didn’t stop him. He barreled toward the cop who’d been rough with you, and with another fierce headbutt, sent him sprawling to the ground, clutching his face in pain.
Blood now dripped down Tangerine’s forehead, his hair a mess of curls and sweat. He sniffed, a drop of blood running down to his upper lip before he spit, his saliva tinged with red, at the cop writhing on the pavement. There was a terrifying calmness about him as he turned to you, the fiery rage melting into something softer, more tender.
“You alright, love?” he asked, his voice gentle, as if he hadn’t just taken down two cops with nothing but his head. His eyes searched yours, worry etched in every line of his face.
Before you could respond, the other officers started to move in, their shouts filling the air as they surrounded the two of you. But in that moment, all that mattered was Tangerine. Despite the chaos, despite the fact that your hands were cuffed behind your backs, you stepped closer to him. He leand in as close as he could, and you buried your face in his chest, feeling the warmth of his body on your cheek. His chin rested on top of your head, his breath coming in soft, reassuring huffs.
“I’m alright,” you murmured into his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart.
His kissed the top of your head, as if reassuring himself that you were really there, that you were safe. You look up wanting to kiss away his worry.
Just as your lips were about to brush his, the moment shattered. Rough hands yanked you backward, pulling you away from Tangerine before you could taste his lips. The separation was brutal the world that had narrowed to just the two of you expanded back out into chaos.
His eyes widened in fury as you were torn apart from eachother, and before either of you could protest, a cop shoved him roughly toward a separate squad car.
“Tangerine!” you called out, your voice cracking with desperation as he was pulled away. But before his name fully left your lips, a hand clamped down on your arm, yanking you back so brutally it felt like your shoulder might tear from its socket.
The violent pull sent you stumbling, nearly crashing to the ground. The cop jerked you upright, twisting your arm more with such force that pain shot through your entire body.
"Get the fuck off of her!" Tangerine roared, thrashing against the officers holding him, as he tried to get back to you. But they were too many now, and even he couldn’t fight them all off with his hands cuffed. You struggled too, your heart pounding in your chest, the grip on your arms unyielding, forcing you further away from him.
The last thing you saw before they shoved you into the back of a squad car was Tangerine being kicked into another vehicle, his eyes locked on yours with a look that promised he wouldn’t stop fighting until he got back to you. But then the door slammed shut, cutting off your view. The cold metal of the cuffs dug into your wrists as the car pulled away, the flashing lights reflecting off the windows as the city streets blurred by.
Your mind was spinning, back to Tangerine. You could only imagine what he was going through in the other car, his fury probably pushing him to the brink. You hoped he wouldn’t do anything too reckless—though, knowing him, that was probably a lost cause.
When you finally arrived at the precinct, they dragged you out of the car, your shoulder aching from the rough treatment. You were led through the fluorescent-lit corridors, the sound of your footsteps echoing against the linoleum floor. The air thick with the scent of sweat and cheap coffee. The officers, still on edge from Tangerine’s outburst, were rough as they took your fingerprints, mugshot and your personal belongings.
They put you in a holding cell, the bars cold and unwelcoming as they locked you inside. As you paced the small space, minutes felt like hours as you waited, your heart thudding with every creak of the building around you.
Then, finally, you heard a familiar voice outside the cell.
“What the hell have you two gotten yourselves into this time?”
Lemon’s tone was half exasperated, half amused, though there was an underlying concern that warmed you just a bit. A moment later, the door swung open, and there he was, looking far too calm for someone about to bail his brother and sister-in-law out of jail. His bright yellow jacket stood out starkly against the drab surroundings, like a ray of misplaced sunshine.
Lemon's exasperation clear on his face as he surveyed the mess that was your situation. His eyes softened when they landed on you, taking in the bruises forming on your arms and wrists.
“Alright, let’s get you out of here,” he sighed, pulling some strings with the Sergeant and sliding a few bills across the counter.
“They’re releasing him now,” Lemon said as he guided you out of the cell. “You’re lucky I got here when I did. Tangerine was about to start a riot in his cell...”
You followed Lemon through the station, the tension in your chest easing with each step. When you reached the front desk, you saw Tangerine standing there, still cuffed but very much alive, a bandage hastily slapped across his forehead and his shirt stained with dried blood. His curls even more disheveled than before, but you’d never been happier to see him.
“Lemon, about time, mate,” Tangerine grumbled, though there was a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
“Yeah, yeah, save it for later,” Lemon replied, rolling his eyes but clearly glad to see his brother in one piece. “You two are bloody hopeless, you know that?”
Tangerine ignored the jab. The moment his eyes met yours, his entire demeanor softened. He jerked his arms, clearly eager to get to you, but the officer behind the desk held onto his cuffs until the last possible second, as if hoping for one more reason to keep him locked up.
Finally, though, the metal restraints fell away, and Tangerine was free. He crossed the distance between you in a few quick strides. Without a word, he pulled you into his arms. He held you tight, like he’d never let go again, his lips brushing the top of your head in a silent promise.
“You alright?” he murmured, repeating the question he’d asked before everything went sideways.
“Now I am,” you whispered back, leaning into him as much as you could.
Lemon cleared his throat, making a show of looking anywhere but at the two of you. “Right, well, let’s get out of here before these idiots change their minds. We’ll deal with this mess later.”
With Lemon leading the way, you and Tangerine made your way out of the precinct, your fingers holding his as you walked side by side. As Tangerine pulled you closer, his arm slung protectively around your shoulders.
The cool night air hit your face as you stepped outside, the city buzzing around you as if nothing had happened.
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moonydustx · 5 months
Hi, I was wondering if you could do Zoro, Luffy, Ace, Mihawk, and Lucci as well as Crocodile x Reader, what if the reader, one day tells them that they are pregnant, how would they react/ How would they be as parents? ( also maybe add some parenting shenanigans, knowing these guys.)
OMG! You have no idea how much I loved your request. I know, I know, it took me a looooong time to respond. But after a few migraines (and anxiety), I'm back. I was already thinking about doing something like that, but I was lacking some kind of inspiration so thanks <3 Maybe I got carried away with writing, I'm terrible at summaries and things like that , but I hope you like it.
The structure is kind of: them discovering the pregnancy, them dealing with the pregnancy and a small hint of how they deal with the children.
Warnings are placed individually in each story.
I'm dividing it into two parts so as not to be exhaustive. (I'm sorry, I reaaaally got carried away writing it).
PART 2 HERE - Lucci, Mihawk and Crocodile.
requests open | one piece masterlist
Warnings: Fluuuff, super fluff. F!Reader has a bad health at the beginning of this one. Sanji is Zoro's daughter's favorite person for food reasons.And of course, Zoro is protective and jealous (especially towards the little girl).
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It should have just been a momentary relief, you didn't expect the little escapades between you and Zoro to turn into a relationship. Much less did I expect to have seen the two blue lines on the small stick that you kept hidden in your small desk. How to raise a baby in Sunny? How to tell Zoro that the relationship between the two of you would now gain another part?
You wished you had more time to think about the solution, more time to even clear your doubts with Chopper, but the little being inside you insisted on demonstrating its existence. One of the days, you had almost passed out on top of Franky - who obviously freaked out. In the other, he had eaten twice as much as Luffy ate and had to come up with a lame excuse. This time, it was the third time in a row that you had put food in your mouth and it barely lasted minutes in your stomach.
"Hey…" you heard your name being called from outside the bathroom, but it was a female voice. "Do you need any help?"
"I'm fine, Robin."
"I believe that fine is not the term that best defines your situation." she laughed, still outside. Not knowing how to deal with the situation, you reached out and opened the door, giving her space to enter. "What's our plan?"
"What do you mean our plan?"
"Nausea, dizziness, food cravings, and all the noise you and Zoro make when you're alone." with every word that came out of her mouth, you could feel your skin turn pale. "The swordsman doesn't know yet, right?"
"Not yet." your face sank into your own hands, frustrated with the indecision that plagued your mind. "What do I do, Robin?"
"I suggest you talk to your boyfriend soon, I believe he might accept the idea better than you might expect." She smiled gently, brushing aside the strands of hair that stuck to your face. "However, right now he's trying to kill the cook because he thinks he gave you some spoiled food."
Robin's light laugh was left behind as you ran towards the screams, which had seemed imperceptible before now became increasingly audible.
"Stupid cook, he doesn't even know how to make an egg properly."
"You moldhead, shut your mouth."
"Mold is what you're putting in your food."
"You two stop." you stood between the two, shouting at the top of your lungs and interrupting their argument and the laughter of the others, who were entertained by Zoro and Sanji fighting. "I just… I just need…" the air seemed to disappear from your lungs and the scorching sun above you became just a black screen.
Minutes, hours, days, when your eyes opened, you felt so tired that you couldn't calculate how long you were gone. The first thing that crossed your field of vision was Chopper walking from side to side with a stethoscope in hand.
"Ah, you're awake!" he came happily by your side.
"What happened?" you knew very well what had happened, but first of all you needed to find out what the little doctor had already discovered.
"I'm sorry, but Robin told me some things." He placed the cold item to listen to your heartbeat, remaining silent for a few seconds.
"And is everything okay? I mean, with…" the word seemed to disappear from your lips, it was difficult to bring up the idea without knowing how the other party responsible for it would react.
"These days helping Franky, all this commotion from the fight, from my diagnosis, you're just exhausted. And a little dehydrated too, and that's not good for you or the baby." he explained, sweetly as usual. "By my reckoning, you must be two months pregnant. I'll talk to Luffy and Nami, so we can quickly find an island and secure supplies."
"Wait!" you held him, even though the reindeer hadn't moved. "Can I talk to Zoro first?"
"Of course, he doesn't know yet, right? But he's out there, very worried."
"Do you mind calling him for me?" you asked and saw him nod, leaving the small infirmary.
Your body still feeling heavy from fatigue, you sat down thinking about what words to use, how to bring up such an important subject. The door opened, but you lacked the courage to face the man who stopped in front of you. His silhouette on the ground began to become more real and closer, only then did you realize that he had bent down to be at your height.
"Ready to talk about this?" he whispered and adjusted his posture, remaining standing in front of you as your legs dangled off the bed.
"About what?" His eyes dropped from your face, went to your stomach and looked back at you. To his surprise, he found your orbs wide open in surprise. "How do you know?"
"I was looking for my material to clean my katanas, I missed the drawer and ended up opening yours. I found something strange there and asked Robin. As the drawer was yours, the test could only be yours." he listed with the most passable face in the world.
At the same time it lifted a burden from your conscience. You wanted to kill him for leaving you in agony and thinking of ways to bring up the subject.
"I understood." Your voice was calmer than you could have expected, but you could feel your eyes burning with pure anticipation - and hormones, which you would still discover how much they would affect you. "And what do we do now?"
"We continued sailing." Noticing your stress, one of his hands joined yours, on top of your belly. "And if it becomes too risky, beyond my ability to protect you both, we step aside for a while and then the three of us come back when it's safe."
You wanted to be grateful that he didn't freak out, you wanted to freak out yourself or even say "What do you mean we're step aside?", but the only things that came out of you were tears and sobs, as you clung to his torso.
"I-I thought you would hate me…" a lot more sobs, a lot more tears. "And you was going to leave me on some island."
"I would never do that."
"And I-I wanted to eat the salad Sanji makes."
"You can ask that idiot." Zoro gave his arm, he didn't understand much about pregnancies, but when he found out about the subject Robin explained some things about hormones and sensitivity, while Chopper, in the little time he had to call him, had warned him about the health conditions of the woman who he loved most in the world. Arguments with the cook could wait.
"Don't worry, sweetheart." He had to contain his own laughter hearing you say such nonsense. "I promise to take care of you both, here at Sunny or anywhere else."
Zoro couldn't define his promise about taking care of you better. The remaining months of pregnancy passed faster than you could imagine, despite you being left out of any and all activities. No fighting, no major exploration, no staying near stairs or high places. On the other hand, there was a type of exercise that your hormones craved - and consequently, disturbed the entire team.
After long hours of labor, you didn't know who was screaming more - you, in pain, Zoro desperately wanting Chopper to do something or Luffy thinking you were going to die, seeing the blood when he decided to peek into the room. When little Kuina was born, everyone, including you, discovered a new side of the swordsman. More careful, delicate, he held the little girl like the most precious thing in the entire universe. The three swords were no longer tied to him all the time, the insults directed at the cook became a little lighter when the little girl with green hair was nearby.
"Uncle Sanjiiiii" the girl, now five years old, ran and hummed towards the kitchen, clinging to the cook's leg. "Can you make 'rispy potatos for me?"
"Of course my dear, just give me a few minutes." you saw the cook laugh at her pronunciation, but he already knew the girl's favorite dish and no, they weren't the spicy ones.
"Why don't you ask me?" Zoro grumbled, crossing his arms and forcing you not to make fun of him and destroy the little authority he had - yes, little because the man had a soft heart towards his daughter. Not to mention the small jealousy he accumulated towards little Kuina.
"Uncle Sanji's are tastier." she stuck her tongue out at him, laughing with the cook afterwards.
"You know what? Let's see." Zoro marched to the edge of the sink and took the girl from the cook's legs. "You go with your mommy there while we go prepare something."
"Please don't kill yourselves." you murmured, picking the small girl up in your arms. "And you my love, what do you think about going to see Usopp fishing?"
Zoro practically growled at Sanji and began to dedicate himself to his tasks. Boiled and roasted potatoes, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside in small pieces, was his daughter's favorite dish, it wasn't that difficult, was it? The presentation wasn't the best, at least not compared to Sanji's, but he watched the girl try a little of each dish. After thinking for a brief moment, she pulled out the plate made by Zoro and began to eat happily.
"This one! The dad ones!" She offered you a small potato, which you accepted. "Daddy knows how to make it too! Now I can eat 'rispys every day."
The flavor was good, but you knew that cooking wasn't your now husband's strong point. You reached out and took a small piece of Sanji's and understood what it was, seeing the blonde blink quickly at you, unnoticeable to the other two. In this case, your husband was now holding your daughter on his lap and spinning her around while she was thrilled that he would now have a new potato supplier.
"Uncle Captain Luffy will like it. Dad, shall we take some for him?" she asked showing with her little fingers the small amount she wanted to share and as always, Zoro immediately answered her.
"You know he's going to eat it all, don't you my dear?" He took the plate with his free hand and left with the girl on his lap.
"Thanks." you turned to Sanji, who smiled.
"I may not be a fan of the mosshead, but I wouldn't accept seeing little Kuina disappointed." he replied, removing the dishes that had accumulated on the table and tasting some of the potato he had made. "I just didn't add any seasoning."
"The shitty cook doesn't know how to cook." you both heard him cheering outside and Kuina right behind. "Shitty cook, shiiiity, shit."
"I think I already regret helping." the blonde grumbled, watching you follow the two and give him a good scolding.
warnings: Fluff, angst with a happy ending. Luffy is a lot more mature than usual in this one, mention of F!Reader being hurt (nothing serious). Gear 5 Luffy (yes, I'm still excited about his latest appearance). The child's name is Ravi, which means sun.
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The floor of the small room that the two of you shared seemed to be about to sink with all the turns you had already taken and you were amazed that the test in your hands hadn't yet broken from so many times that it bumped against your fingers in pure anxiety.
"Hey, did you call me?" Luffy appeared at the door noticing that you were alone. "Finally, just the two of us!" he vibrated, about to grab you.
Since the two of you had left Foosha Village, you hadn't let go of each other. You started as rivals when you were children in Dadan's house and it took you a few months after entering the sea to understand the true feelings you had for each other. It didn't take long for him to call you his own pirate queen and introduce you as his girlfriend.
"Hi! Are you around?" he waved in front of you, taking you away from the memories of a past that was already distant and so different from what you would face.
"Luffy, we need to talk." you tried to take a firmer stance.
"As your captain or as your boyfriend?" He remembered the little agreement the two of you had made, to separate matters to maintain order - more precisely so you wouldn't kill your boyfriend when he stole food from your plate and, consequently, be left without a captain too.
"I think both, I don't know." a frustrated sigh left you, shoulders carrying the immense burden of fear. "I was feeling strange a few days ago, I was late…"
"Late for what?"
"I'm pregnant!" you spat out the words quickly. If the man hadn't been paying attention, he would barely have caught it. "I'm pregnant, Luffy."
"This is…" he sat down on the bed, lowering his head. You had never touched on such a subject, it barely crossed your mind what his attitude would be.
"I understand it's a lot, I'm scared too…Luffy?"
His laughter took over the room as soon as your feet left the floor and he turned you around, pressing your body tightly against his arms.
"A baby! A mini me or a mini you!" he vibrated and noticed your expression close. "Don't you want a mini me?"
"Not that. Just don't…" your hand went to your mouth, containing the nausea. "No spins, for a while."
"Ah, sorry." he placed you on the ground, more carefully. "How do you feel?"
"A little scared, I guess." You laughed lightly when you saw him bend down to analyze your belly. He promptly put his ear to it, trying to hear something. "Babe, the baby is the size of a grape now, it's a little hard to hear."
"But I know he knows I'm here. A boy!" He placed a quick kiss on your skin. You wouldn't question the fact that he's sure the baby is a boy.
"I think this is the best treasure I could find." you murmured, hugging your boyfriend and allowing yourself to stay there for a few seconds.
"Love?" his voice called to you quietly. "Can I tell everyone?"
"For sure!"
"Guys!!!" He barely waited for you to respond and pulled you out the door, shouting for his friends. "Let's have another crewmate."
"What idea is this Luffy?" Nami cut off her own scolding when she saw him pointing at her belly.
"We're going to have a baby!" your fear ceased for a while when you saw everyone vibrate with the news.
The time you had to find your balance, you lost when you felt Nami and Robin hug you together, happy for the news. It didn't take long for your other companions to congratulate you on the new life that had emerged there.
"Luffy, we need to stop at an island soon so I can get some materials." Chopper warned and the captain immediately agreed.
"Sanji, can we have a feast to celebrate, please." Luffy asked for cook, being interrupted by you who joined him.
"Meat…" the word alone brought the flavor to your mouth. "I need to eat meat and a pie, please Sanji. It could even be meat pie." you asked, clinging to the cook, in the best Luffy style. Noticing the attitude, you soon resumed your posture. "I think I have a little craving… for meat."
It was undeniable that Luffy's genes were strong in the little child who was growing month by month. Restless, the unborn baby was always making you incessantly hungry and seemed to think your belly was made of elastic. Anyone who looked at you would find you with a small package of snacks in hand or grumbling to Luffy about why he had to insist on poking your belly when the baby was quiet, making the child start kicking again. Luffy still didn't seem to have much of an idea of ​​what having a pregnant girlfriend was like. Occasionally he would steal your snacks or make plans that involved you, getting slapped by other companions.
"She's strong and I'm sure our son will be too." was his common response every time.
The contour of the bulge of your belly was already noticeable at six months of pregnancy and even so, you liked to follow Luffy and the others on each new island they stepped on. This time, you didn't expect that a little shopping break would turn into a horror so quickly. An enemy of Luffy had found you along with Nami and Sanji and even though the cook was capable of fighting, he couldn't hold off the man and his henchmen for so long.
Your head was small compared to the man's hand that held it. The instinct taking over your body made you bring your arms to your belly, protecting the being that was developing there, while he dragged you to where Luffy was. As you approached, for the first time in a while you saw terror in your beloved's eyes.
"I see there have been interesting changes." The man's slurred voice irritated you more than usual. He lifted you off the ground and gave your stomach a little poke. "As far as I know, I bet it's a little straw hat."
"Let. Her. Go." the threat implied in Luffy's voice was different than most times. You remembered seeing him like this when a tenryuubito decided to hit Hatchan, but still, he seemed to have more hate in him than you had ever witnessed. "I told you, keep your hands off her."
"As you wish."
Disdain was present in the man's every attitude and in the same way that he had barely used his strength to lift you, he did the same to throw you meters away. With the wind against your body and the screams of your friends like blurs passing by you, you cringed and waited for the impact that didn't come. Instead, you felt something wrap around you and your body land against something soft.
When you opened your eyes, you found Luffy holding you, putting you on your feet even though he didn't let go.
"You're okay, you're alive, you're okay…" the words came out of his mouth like a mantra. It was like seeing relief and fear walking side by side.
As soon as his hands released you, you felt yourself staggering, being supported by someone behind you. Luffy's hands held your face delicately as if a breath could take you away. He took off his straw hat and placed it on you and one of his hands rested on your belly, feeling the agitation under your skin, which seemed to bring the lucidity he needed.
"Jinbe, take her back to the ship." Luffy didn't bother to look at his companion who had just approached, his eyes roamed your face in search of any discomfort. The hand that remained on your face wiped away a small tear that insisted on falling. "Take Chopper with you, get all the tests possible."
"I am fine." you tried to reassure him, seeing that your words had been in vain. "Baby, we're both fine."
"Zoro, protect them." Luffy asked and only then did you realize it was the swordsman supporting you. "Don't let anyone get close to them. Don't let anyone lay a hand on my girl and my son."
"Okay. Jinbe, you carry her. Chopper, stay alert too, but your priority is to get to the ship with the two of them." the mate gave the orders and before your feet left the ground, you felt Luffy place a quick kiss on the small gap between your forehead and the straw hat.
"Those who are left, don't let any of his idiots get out of here. I'm going to finish that bastard off." the last glimpse you saw of Luffy was of his hair turning white.
Something changed that day. The baby was fine, you were fine - enough for Zoro to restrain you and prevent you from returning to the battlefield. Lying on your bed, you curled up again, this time wracked with worries about your captain and boyfriend. Using the straw hat as your companion, you allowed yourself to close your eyes and wait. The sun was already gone when you woke up from your brief nap to feel arms squeeze you tightly.
"Lu?" you turned around and found him smiling, even if a little lighter than usual. Some scratches on the face, but apparently fine.
He took your lips voraciously, capturing them and holding them to his. Your hands soon tangled in the dark strands of his hair and gave him space to fit around your legs, but Luffy moved away.
"Chopper said you're okay, just scared, but you need to rest so our son can be okay too." the captain slid on the bed, until his face was aligned with your belly.
Luffy lifted the cloth that hid your skin and covered your belly with kisses, in silence. Your hands, which previously sought to get tangled in his hair, opted for a light caress.
"I promised to protect you two and today…"
"Today you protected us, love." you interrupted before he even considered finishing the thought. Taking one of his hands, you led him to where the child was kicking. "And someone agrees with me."
From that day on, you saw Luffy change and consequently, you did too. He no longer teased you about your strange diet and didn't even make jokes about the snoring you started to have every night or because you looked like a cuddly ball - except when he, with the help of Usopp and Chopper - tied a watermelon to his belly. and pretended to be you at the end of the pregnancy. Now the words you had said to him "I think this is the best treasure I could find" made more sense to him.
It was early morning when little Ravi was born. The sea water was more crystal clear than usual and your body was sweating cold even though the night was hot when the first contractions hit and lasted throughout the morning. Chopper had chosen Robin and Nami as assistants while Luffy remained there by your side, using the power of the fruit to avoid feeling the strong grip of your hand against him.
Along with the first rays of the morning sun, Ravi came into the world and illuminated Luffy's face. As soon as the boy stopped crying in his father's lap, it was like watching two long-lost friends reunite after so much waiting, Luffy didn't know that he had been waiting for this his whole life and now he knew that he would never be able to stay away from the boy. In a way, it reminded you of the way little Luffy looked at Ace with admiration when they were still children.
He took the feeling seriously since little Ravi became his father's shadow and Luffy didn't make much of a point of preventing the boy from doing something wrong.
"Luffy!" you screamed as you saw him about to throw the two year old into the air.
"But he likes it."
"Sun…Ravi." the little one mumbled a few things.
"See? He wants to reach the sun." Luffy laughed, throwing the child at a much lower height than he intended at the beginning, eliciting a laugh from the baby. "Who wants to go again?"
"That's enough, you two." You stretched your arms to catch the baby, who promptly reached towards you. "It's time for someone to eat!"
"Yay! Let's eat some good food, kid." Luffy ignored you and headed to the kitchen. Before he reached the door, you took little Ravi from him.
"Just little Ravi." you corrected him and saw him mumble.
With each passing year, he became even more like his own father, which meant double work for you. At least at 8 years old, Ravi still had a little more calm than Luffy.
"Zoro!" he walked across the deck to the swordsman "My father said he was going fishing."
"That's good, it means fresh fish for lunch."
"The problem is that the fish caught him. He hasn't come back to the surface for a few minutes." Ravi said without much concern. "Can I go get him? I know how to swim, I don't think my daddy can."
"What the fuck Luffy!" Zoro dropped his swords and threw himself into the sea, attracting his other companions.
"Do not even think about it." Nami warned the boy who was about to reach for one of Zoro's swords.
"But Nami…" he mumbled, lacking the patience to argue. In the same way that she imputed fear to the father, it worked on the son.
"They're too big for your age." you saw him mumble just like Luffy and you had to hold back your laughter.
"Ravi!" Luffy's voice attracted the two of you to the end of the ship where he was, soaked and being scolded immensely by Zoro.
"Wow dad, what a big fish. All this for us?" the boy poked the little monster lying in the deck.
"That's right." Luffy laughed alongside the boy. You thought it was adorable that their laugh was identical.
"Hey Sanji, I'm hungry." they both shouted. Apparently, the appetite was also similar.
Warnings: fluff, a little angst until Ace finds out, Marco and F!Reader are best friends. Ace just wants to be loved by his baby. And for the record, I know Whitebeard would be a badass grandfather.
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"Wait…" Marco began, analyzing your figure standing there biting his nails in front of him. "I thought you heard me when I explained it to you. You know, condoms, medicine, yoi."
"I heard, but maybe I forgot one…" his critical look made you change your tone. "Okay, I forgot to use protection a few times."
"Sit there already." he gave up and waited for you to curl up on the stretcher. Once you did, you watched him prepare a small kit.
"Why do you keep a pregnancy test kit?" You tried to take the object from his hand, but the doctor quickly dodged it.
"I don't keep it." Your eyes watched him concentrate and insert the needle into your arm, drawing a small amount of blood. "You've only been vomiting for two weeks and you've also been refusing to drink with alcohol. I'm a good doctor, yoi."
"And now?"
"Now…" he dripped the blood onto a small white spatula and placed it next to you on the stretcher. "We waited, for five minutes."
"All of this?"
"I've been waiting for you to bring this up for two weeks, don't complain." he replied.
"I needed Ace to be busy or out of here." you simply responded, turning your attention to the clock hanging next to one of the cabinets.
For the remaining minutes you stood there, legs shaking from side to side and watching a Marco as anxious as you. As soon as the hand reached the long-awaited minute, the two of you turned to the test together.
“Two risks…” you started.
"Positive. Looks like I've been promoted to uncle!" the man smiled, containing the feeling when he saw your face.
"I'm pregnant." the phrase still sounded strange to your ears, so sudden and unexpected. "I'm pregnant." you tested again, trying to improve your expression.
"You're pregnant! Now we need to do some more tests to make sure everything is ok. Dad will be happy when he hears about this." Marco placed the test results on a table away from the two of you. "I suggest an ultrasound, it would also be good to see some blood tests."
"My God, Marco, I'm pregnant!" A certain happiness crossed your expression, eliciting a laugh from your closest friend and brother.
"Now you're ready to jump…"
"You are pregnant?" you both turned as you heard a third voice join the room.
Ace looked at the two of you, waiting for some kind of justification, but at the same time it felt like the air had been knocked out of his lungs. You were still there, the same girl he had left to follow to a nearby island a few days ago, but now it seemed different. There was almost a glow emanating from you to his eyes.
"Ace, can we talk?" your voice reached his ears, but his mind was in a distant place.
Ace took a few steps back, moving away from the small infirmary and disappearing from your field of vision. You and the doctor looked at each other, surely this was the last reaction either of you would have thought of having.
"Are you feeling good?" Marco's voice pulled you back to reality. "Hey, look at me, yoi."
"I need to talk to him." You ignored your friend's question and went in search of your boyfriend.
From his reaction, you knew you had two options and to solve the first of them, you leaned over and saw that the Striker was still docked and with no one around, you immediately ran towards your room, finding the door closed.
Two knocks weren't enough to get his attention, so ignoring any possible chaotic scene you were going to encounter, you entered the room unceremoniously. The idea of ​​finding the room on fire crossed your mind, but was soon dismissed when you found Ace sitting on the bed, his face buried in his hands.
"Babe, please." You asked, trying to keep your tone calmer - despite the internal desperation in him hating you. "Please talk to me."
"Y-You…" his dark irises met yours and only then did you realize that your beloved's eyes were full of water. "I'm going to be a father?"
"My love, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." Urgently, you moved closer, holding his face in your hands. "I know it's kind of scary, but I promise we'll figure it out."
"No, no. That's not the problem." he sniffled, not allowing any of the tears to flow. His hand threatened to touch your belly and withdrew. "What if I'm not a good father? What if this child doesn't love me."
"Think about how much I love you Ace, how much you love me." you stated almost obviously, gaining his attention. "What can come out of here, besides love?" your hands found your belly for the first time after the discovery.
Your body was enveloped in a tight hug, his face was almost buried in your belly, while you caressed his dark locks.
"I love you so much." He turned to you, noticing the slight discomfort, he moved his chin away from your stomach. "Oops, I'm sorry."
"It's okay…Ace!!" you screamed as you felt your body hit the bed, now with him fitting between your legs.
When it came to loving you, Ace could be as hot as the fire that emanated from him, strong as the waves that insisted on crashing against Moby Dick. Except that day. His lips touched yours gently, his body didn't press against yours, just covered it lightly. The delicate kisses went down to your belly, being placed as if they always belonged there. His lips found your face again, his smile hovered over yours.
"We need to talk to Marco." he began, interrupting himself to allow his kisses to cover your face again. "I need to know everything that's going on."
"Well, you know now."
"Not this." he grumbled. "We need exams, to know if everything is ok with you two, we also need to know what a baby needs. My god, are you going to give birth here at Moby Dick? We barely have room for the two of us…"
"Calm down, stay calm." you asked as you watched him spiral. With his support, you got back on your feet, holding out your hand for him to get up. "I have a better idea of ​​what we can do."
You expected some commotion, of course. Maybe even a few tears. You didn't expect to see Ace crying like a baby when telling Whitebeard that he was going to be a grandfather and consequently, bringing some tears from your old man and several other colleagues also shedding tears. It was good to know that your little baby would arrive surrounded by love.
The months that followed the discovery were more peaceful than you imagined and even though for a long time you had insisted to your father that there were too many men on that ship, you couldn't complain about being so spoiled.
Want to eat something different? Thatch had it ready within minutes of you ordering. Marco walked like a shadow behind you and Ace - this by his own choice and by Whitebeard's direct order, since on one of the days you were sick, you had almost killed the three men of the heart. It was adorable to see how Ace worried about the mission that was getting closer every month. More than once, you found him in Whitebeard's room, asking for tips on what to do with the baby, how to help you at this time and how he could be a good father. The idea of ​​not being loved by his own son haunted him more than you might expect. Everything seemed great, except one detail: the two of you couldn't agree on the name.
The little baby decided to arrive a few weeks ahead of schedule, which caused widespread chaos on the boat. Ace was having dinner with the other commanders when your scream reached his ears, along with Whitebeard's scream that echoed louder than any earthquake he had ever created, prompting them to speed up the preparations for the birth. Apparently, immense pain arose when you and your father were talking, which led you to stay in the ship's medical wing for hours. Your screams were heard throughout the ship while Ace served as your support point. The little boy was born and if you hadn't been feeling so weak, you would have laughed at the screams of joy coming from outside the room as they heard his cries.
"Ace?" you called to him, who held you even tighter in his arms. "I think I have an idea for the name. Can you see if we can use it?"
You whispered in his ear, making Marco curious. Ace delicately left behind you, who was holding the little baby and ignoring the blood that still stained his hands, he left the ship in search of a specific person. A few minutes later, you saw your beloved enter the room again, accompanied by your dad.
"Can I take that as a yes?" you saw Whitebeard bend down to get closer to the baby. "Meet your grandson, Alev Edward Newgate."
If you were spoiled during your pregnancy by Ace, you couldn't imagine what it would be like with little Alev. The child was never alone - or at least walking on two feet. There was always one of his uncles who could pick him up and carry him around the ship. Marco, who called himself the child's uncle and godfather even though he had not been baptized, had already lost count of how many times he had to redo the serums and medicines he applied to Whitebeard, since Alev - with his grandfather's permission, used the height difference to make it like a little personal slide.
And Ace, who was completely in love with the little piece of love you two had brought to the world, even when he messed up.
"Papa!" you and Ace, who were playing cards with other friends, heard the child scream and a laugh soon after. You already lowered your deck knowing that it anticipated some new prank.
"What is it Alev?" Ace spoke loudly so the boy could hear him and know where he was.
You don't know how your blood pressure didn't drop or how Ace didn't have a heart attack when he saw the child in your not-so-calm and serene days coming twirling a burning cloth in one hand and in the other a lighter that only God should know where he found.
"Look papa, I can control fire just like you!" the boy rolled the cloth and you prepared to move forward and take it from him, but you were anticipated by Ace, who placed his hand exactly where the cloth would hit Alev's freckled face.
"You can't do that, ever again." Ace raised his voice, taking the cloth that was half ash and the lighter from the boy. "You are crazy?"
"But daddy, I want to be like you."
"That doesn't mean setting everything on fire, my little flame." you warned and saw the child threaten to cry. Ace noticed immediately, regretting the little scream.
"I can't believe you're such a crybaby." Ace said in a teasing tone, throwing the boy over his shoulder. "Does your grandfather know about this? He won't like having a crybaby pirate at all."
"No daddy, I already stopped, I already stopped." you heard your son mumble in the distance, drying his tears. "I just wanted to be cool like you."
"My son, you are the coolest kid ever." Ace let Alev slip out of his arms and hugged him, stopping him from reaching the ground. "You know I love you very much, don't you?"
"I love you sooooo much more daddy."
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rafedaddy01 · 24 days
pls do a karaoke one like maybe they go to a bar tht has karaoke n sarah and reader r always singing hot ovulation songs or cute lovey songs (you pick whatever for the fic ;)
so rafes watvhing reader from the croud n hes js like damn thats my girl n goes n kisses her infront of everyone and shes in for a treat when they get homee
Crazy about you
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He cant take his eyes off her. His girl. Shes his whole word and he’s stupidly, madly in love with her. Especially right now, as he watches her sing her little heart out, slurring some words from the alcohol coursing through her veins. Just The Way You Are, by Bruno Mars, blasts through the speakers and Rafe can’t help but crack a smile at her antics. Which is rare for him. Before y/n, Rafe was a reserved coke addict with anger issues. But now, now he sees the little things in life and he’s able to cherish moments, moments like these ones. She’s singing the words off key and she doesn’t even care or seem to notice that the song describes her perfectly. Her eyes do make the stars look like they’re not singing, her hair falls perfectly without trying, she is beautiful, and everytime rafe compliments her she doesn’t believe him. But she is all those things and so much more. Rafe stands from his seat, he can’t take it anymore, he needs to feel those soft lips against his. He needs to stare into those eyes that brought him back from the darkness, he simply needs her. “Rafe! Ohh baby sing this part with me” she jumps up and down, giggling as the chorus starts. Both of them shouting at the top of their lungs, her a little more than him, but it’s hard not to go along with it when it makes her so darn happy. And rafe would kill anyone who gave him dirty looks for simply making his girl happy. She finished singing and before she could pick another song Rafes big arms swoop her by the waist and tangle her up, pressing their bodies close together he covers her lips with his, supplying all the oxygen she could ever need. He kissed her with so much love and passion that they forget there’s other people around them. So lost in their kiss that she lets a little moan slip out and Rafe growls like a hungry animal that finally caught up to its prey. Eventually they pull back for air and take a moment to stare into each others eyes, words that haven’t been said yet passing through conversation with just their eyes. “I think we should go home” y/n wasn’t gonna argue with her boyfriend’s suggestion because that kiss made her hot. Even if she was having fun singing her little heart out, she’d much rather be held down by her strong boyfriend’s arms as he made her take him over and over again, lovingly of course..
@f4ll-for-you @rafeysworldim19 @baby19sthings @sevenwivesofrafecameron @rxfecameronsslut @findapenny @r1vrsefx @spencerreidsrealgf @rafescokenostril @thievin-stealing @rafemotherfuckingcameron @dilvcv @starkeysheart @wearemadeofstardust0 @theoraekenslover
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theosmanuscript · 6 days
tequila & empty cups
theodore nott x reader
warning: not proof read and its 2 am im dead tired
word count: 800+
synopsis: at an afterparty celebrating slytherin’s big win against gryffindor with bf!theo
author's note: sorry for the lack of content! i’ve been terribly lazy tehe!
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Typically, the dungeons of Hogwarts are dark, cold and gloomy. First and second years were always huddled up in a corner, scrambling to complete their overdue assignments. This time, none of them were in sight. The highly anticipated Quidditch match resulted in Slytherin’s favour and like every other win, another raging party was put on. 
Green strobe lights lit up the common room and the air was filled with the scent of intoxication. Pansy and Lorenzo were on the floor, amidst the sea of people, dancing to the rhythm.
The loud music blasted out of the speakers made your heart thump with excitement. Mattheo and Blaise were on top of a table which surprisingly supported the weight of two beefy beaters. The former shouting the lyrics to Weasley Is Our King at the top of lungs along with the rest of the crowd whereas Blaise was taking swig after swig of the Firewhiskey which was graciously provided by an anonymous seventh year. On the other hand, Theodore was seated on the leather chair and you, comfortable on his lap.
“Weasley cannot save a thing! He cannot block a single ring!” Mattheo sang, throwing both his hands into the air. 
You watched with amusement while taking a sip of the strange concoction of punch and tequila out of the plastic cup. Contrary to popular belief, Slytherins knew how to appreciate Muggles’ masterpiece of hard liquor. Theo’s hand stroked your thigh that was draped over him. 
“He’s making a fool out of himself,” Theo whispered into your ear. His breath was hot against your neck and your skin started to tingle. Your heart pounded against your ribs as you looked into his eyes
“C’mon, he’s just having fun,” you replied, holding in a laugh as the table wobbled and Mattheo stumbled. “Couldn’t hurt to loosen up too, Mister Nonchalant.”
Theo snorted and sighed, “I think I need a refill, if you want me to loosen up.”
“I can do it. I need someone to top me up too.” You swung you legs off his lap and stood up, straightening your skirt that rode up. Theo probably had a good view of your ass but you didn’t care.
You took his now empty cup and walked towards the bottles, opening them, careful not to waste a drop of liquor. After all, it was difficult to acquire and sneak the bottles into the castle. 
“Great turn out, right?” 
You jumped at the sound of the voice. Turning around to face Adrian Pucey. He looked far to merry to be sober. You doubted he could walk in a straight line. 
“Yeah, I mean it was the last game before the end of the year,” you said nervously, “I think someone would have to be a bloody prat to miss it.” 
Adrian laughed as he took a step towards you. He was definitely not sober at all to disregard how uncomfortable you looked. 
“Well, I’m glad I made it. Wouldn’t want to miss seeing you here,”
You took another step back, as he reached out to grab your arm and a lump formed in your throat. 
“I have to get back to –” 
“C’mon, baby. You know you want this,” Adrian insisted. He tugged on your arm as you tried to wriggle out of his grip.
 “Pucey, let go of me,” you shrieked. As if you wanted anything to do with this slimy, lame excuse of a man.
“C’mon, we will have so much fu–” 
“She said let go of her,” a familiar, husky voice snapped from behind you. You turned to see Theo standing there, arms crossed and he looked pissed.  
Adrian’s face paled, immediately letting go of your arm. Your arm was painted white. How tightly did the wanker have to grip you? Adrian left as quickly as he came, pushing through the crowd, escaping from your volatile boyfriend.
Theo’s face was dark and if looks could kill, Adrian would have been burnt alive by Theo’s scowl. 
“Are you alright, cara mia?” Theo asked, worry written on his face.
You looked up and sighed, “Pucey was just being a prick. Nothing I can’t handle.”
Theo’s finger went up to your face, stroking your cheeks gently. “I love you.” he professed. He glanced at your lips and held your waist, pulling you closer to him. His lips met yours and your eyes fluttered close. You brought your arms up and placed them over his neck, deepening the kiss. Theo squeezed your waist and you let out a gasp, taking the moment to slip his tongue in, dancing with yours. 
Your eyes opened as you pulled away to take in some air. Looking into his eyes as you responded, “I love you too.” 
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© 2024 theosmanuscript. All rights reserved.
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Just like Animals
It's my first time posting. Sorry for any mistakes. (In case someone actually reads this)
Summary: The bed breaks while y'all bang like rabbits lmao
Warnings: None, I think. Let me know in case you think otherwise.
The creaking sound loudened as he thrusted into you at an impossible speed. The poor bed sounded like it was screaming with you. Each animalistic stroke of his cock in your tight little cunt drove you closer to insanity. The bed was going to break any moment now, you were sure of it. But you couldn't care. Not when he was fucking you so hard that you could feel each jolt of pleasure like an electric shock coursing throughout your body. And so, the bed falling remained a hazy thought floating into the back of your mind where it belonged. He was groaning into your ear like an animal feasting on its prey. You were close. So, so close. You could taste it. You could feel it deep in your stomach. Every second, every thrust, you screamed and cried. Writhing under his weight with no relief. No matter how much you shook your head or dug your nails into his back, there was just no relief. You just didn't want him to stop pounding you. No, no, no, you could even entertain that thought. And it must have been the same for him. Because he was shouting at this point. Gripping you so hard that it hurt. It was all too much. Between the sound of the skin slapping against skin, his groans and the bed creaking, you were helpless. You couldn't take it anymore.
With a silent plea followed by a choked yell, you came. Waves and waves of pleasure washed over you. The wrenching, numbing sensation started between your legs and spread everywhere until it consumed all of you. Your mind in a bliss. You were too lost. So much that you didn't hear the bed detach from the headboard. Nor did you feel it fall until it crashed against the floor while your orgasm crashed against you. You almost had one practical moment of shock but there was no time, no. it all felt like a dream. The soft mattress underneath you sprung up softly and absorbed all the shock. It threw you upwards gently and sank you back in like you were laying upon fluffy clouds. You felt as if you really were. It was heaven. Your legs were shaking and locking and unlocking around him as if they had a mind of their own and he was still riding you through the orgasm.
You felt sensative. Oversimulated beyond your capacity. You weakly pressed a hand against his chest but you had no energy. He didn't stop. He kept fucking you. Thrusting over and over and over until you were filled up to the brim with his load. Rope after rope, it shot into you. It oozed out of you and spilled all over the sheets, painting your walls white. He let out a loud groan and collapsed into you with all his weight. Loudly beating hearts, breathless pants and gasps for air was all you could hear until the outside sounds began to register. Slowly the voice down the floor of your apartment grew louder and clearer. It sounded like your downstair neighbours weren't too happy.
"Are you people or animals? Keep it the hell down!" the middle aged woman cried at the top of her lungs, "No shame at all!"
You couldn't help as you giggled into his chest.
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somanyratsinthewalls · 3 months
Congratulations Mo 🥹🩷
Ordering Crimson with Kitten and a sprinkle of stork thank you
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OMG HI THANK YOU SWEET BABY FOR REQUESTING! I like totally went overboard with this one and I think it made me realize that I have to write a Kid slow burn. I keep writing waaaaaay too much for Kid One Shots.
Pairing: Eustass Kid x Fem!Reader
Prompt: Hurt/Comfort to Smut x Breeding
WC: 2400 lmao fuck
Warnings: KINDA HEAVY- potential assault of some sort but it doesn’t happen (don’t worry we’re cool!), comfort, protective Kid, Kid with feelings, Killer is also here for reasons, p in v sex, cream pies and breeding yay, unprotected sex, fingering, good girl type shit.
I'll Protect You (+18)
— — 
It was a whirlwind of blood, cannon fire, and flying metal. 
Cuffs were tight behind your back and you weren’t sure how you got into this position. You receive a hard kick to the ribs. You spit blood. 
“Aww, little Kid Pirate girl isn’t so tough now, huh?” Your captors laughed down at you. 
You had been a part of Kid’s crew for awhile now but this was your first confrontation with other pirates in which you had found yourself bested. You were overtaken by several powerful enemy pirates and swiftly hauled off to a secluded closet area away from the fray and away from the safety of your captain and his crew. 
“She’ll make a fun little play thing for us I think… heh heh…” One of the brutish pirates chuckles down at you, nudging your cheek with the bottom of his boot as you lay bound on your side. The moist wood of the ship was splintering your cheek and one of your eyes was swollen to the point of obstructing your vision. 
“T-they’ll kill you, fucking bastards..” You spit out with all of your might, but it came out quiet since there was very little air left in your lungs. 
“Hah! You think they’d come for you? See how easily we were able to take you away? They don’t give a shit about you.” Another of the men sneered at you. 
“Come on, let’s get her out of those ugly punk clothes. She belongs to us now.” A taller, thinner man said as he reached for the buckle of your pants. 
“Get the fuck off me!” You choked out. 
“Stop playing hard to get, sweetie, I thought you liked red heads?” Another enemy pirate chuckled as he used his sweaty hand to rip your tank top, exposing your breasts. 
You had almost given up and resigned yourself for whatever you were about to endure when the door of the closet was blown clear off its hinges. The men around you straightened up and turned around immediately taking their hands off you. 
In flash of long blonde hair and blue and white, the men around you had fallen to the floor in pools of blood, sliced to pieces. 
“Kil-“ You try to speak but your mouth was full of blood again and you cough. 
In an instant you were scooped up in Killer’s huge arms, tucked into his chest to cover your now exposed body from any other prying eyes. You were fading in and out of consciousness while Killer carried you across the deck of the Victoria Punk. As your head lolled back you could see Kid facing away from you out of the corner of your eye, no doubt destroying what was left of the enemy pirate crew. 
“Captain! Y/n’s hurt! Bringing her inside!” Killer shouted at your captain. 
You were able to catch Kid’s eyes as he turned around. His expression changed so fast in that brief moment of eye contact it was almost as if Killer was carrying you in slow motion. You saw shock turn to blind rage as Kid noticed how damaged your body was. He no doubt saw your torn clothing… so god help those pirates if he assumed the worst had happened to you… 
You lose consciousness before you make it to the first aid quarters.
— — 
Your vision is too blurry and your head too fuzzy to make sense of your surroundings. All you could hear was a far-away, muffled yelling… a voice you could just barely recognize. 
“LET ME IN THERE NOW, HEAT! THAT’S AN ORDER FROM YOUR CAPTAIN!” It sounded like Kid was underwater, miles away, but you could still make out the words being exchanged. 
“Captain! I-I’m sorry but she’s been sedated! Waking her up now would only put her in more pain!”  You could just hear Heat outside the room pleading with your irate captain. 
“I DON’T CARE IF SHE’S AWAKE! SHE NEEDS HER CAPTAIN!” Kid clearly was not in the mood for reason. 
“Captain… The threat is eliminated. You need to rest, and so does she. We all do. Heat has assured us that y/n will be fine in a few days. If you trust your crew, you’d back off.” Your ears perk up further as you hear the logical and clear voice of reason, Killer speak to his captain. 
Several moments of silence go by and you felt yourself passing out again… 
“FINE!” *SLAM* Kid must have grabbed Heat and pushed him against the wooden wall of the ship. “But if anything, and I mean ANYTHING changes in her condition… I’m in there. Got it?” You hear kid spit at his crew. 
“A-aye captain.” You can nearly hear Heat choke out at Kid. 
You black out again. 
— — 
You hear whispers and see a faint light behind your eyelids. 
“Hey…. Hey y/n…” 
Your eyes flutter open completely for the first time in several days and you’re met with a mane of blue hair and a Glasgow smile. 
“AH!” You shriek and jolt up. 
“AH!!!” Heat pulls back and screams louder. 
“Gods on fucking bikes, Heat! You can’t wake people up like that!” You breath heavily, leaning up on your elbow, hospital sheet clutched to your chest in your other arm. 
“Like what? I literally just look like that!” Heat snips back at you, comfortable now seeing you’re alive and well. 
“Maybe a surgical mask or something, geez… Nearly shit myself…” You sigh out. 
“Are you body shaming me?” Heat brings his hands to his scarred, grey cheeks in fake offense. You smile weakly. 
A few moments of silence go by. 
“Do you… do you remember what happened?” Heat asks you. 
“Yes.” You respond instinctively. You don’t elaborate. “Can you get Kid? He asked if anything changed to come get him.” You ask without looking up from your feet at the end of the hospital bed. 
“How did-? Yes, y/n… I-I’ll get him.” Heat stutters as he swiftly exists the Victoria Punk’s makeshift medical bay. 
Without having the energy to thank your crew mate, you just sat on the hospital bed and pulled your knees up to your chest. You hugged them close into your body and stared out the porthole on the opposite wall. It could have been seconds, minutes, or an hour… but you found yourself lost in the point where the ocean met the sky, rocking back and forth in the window before you were startled by a gentle knock. 
Too gentle from what you’re used to on this ship. 
“Yes-“ you try to call out but your voice was hoarse. 
You hear the door behind you creek open and a heavy body thumps in with large boots. The door shuts. You don’t turn around.
Nothing is said. You can hear Kid’s heavy breathing. He was upset. You were sure you knew why. He was angry that a member of his crew had been so easily captured and needed to be rescued and put on a week of bed rest. You were pathetic.  He was here to tell you that you weren’t worthy to be a Kid Pirate anymore. Tears formed in your eyes and your throat felt tight. You clutched your knees harder before you finally spoke. 
“I killed them.” Kid interrupted you immediately. 
“Y-you.. what-“ You turn your neck and wince, muscles still sore. 
“Every single fucking one of them. Killed them and threw their bodies in the sea. Set their ship on fire.” Kid paces across the room slowly, his jackboots creaking on the wooden floorboards. 
You tried to swallow down the lump in your throat. 
“I-I apologize c-captain. I-I was w-weak-“ You try to square your shoulders as you turn to face your imposing captain, but your voice trails off. “But I.. I… I… ” Your voice falters and squeaks. 
“You what, y/n?” Kid stops pacing and takes a step towards you. 
“I.. I was so fucking scared, Kid.” You spit out and succumb to violent sobs that wracked your whole body. “So fucking scared…” You cry and whimper into your knees as you pulled them impossibly closer to your shaking body. 
You were so engulfed in your own emotions that you were startled when you were scooped up entirely and pulled into Kid’s huge chest. 
You didn’t know why he was holding you, but you couldn’t help but let it comfort you nonetheless. You cried into Kid’s leather clad chest for awhile until he finally speaks. 
“I don’t want to ever hear you apologize to me again. Not for that shit. You fought hard. It was my fault.” Kid pulls your head out from between his pecs so you could look up at him. He gently uses his flesh hand to push your damp hair from your eyes while he cradles your body in his giant metal arm. Your wet eyes bat up at him and he can’t help but melt. “It was my fault that I couldn’t protect you. I’m never letting that happen again, you hear me?”
“But Kid, I-“ You try to protest, knowing you were too weak to be a part of his crew.
“You hear me?!” Kid pulls you closer to him by the back of your neck now. You inhale sharply. “I’m never letting anyone else touch you again. If they do, I’ll fucking slaughter them just like I did those bastards. You’re mine.” Kid becomes heated as he moves his face even closer to yours. “You hear me?” He repeats, but this time in a soft whisper against your lips. 
“A-Aye Captain..” You barely breath out through your trembling lips. 
“Aye, Captain what-“ Kid starts to run his hands up and down your torso, still not kissing you fully.
“I’m yours.” You finally get out. 
Kid hums in satisfaction just before pressing his painted red lips into yours. 
You sigh into the kiss, releasing so much anxiety and stress from yourself, knowing that Kid want you to stay, and wanted you in this capacity. 
Kid ripped the hospital sheet off your body and kisses down your neck to your breasts, quickly attaching his hungry mouth to your pert nipple. Small pants leave your parted, swollen lips. Kid pulls back from your breast to admire your naked, quivering body beneath him. 
Kid stands at full height, he then hunches slightly to drop a large ball of spit from his lips to land right on your bare pussy. You gasp slightly at the lewdness. 
Kid then leans down and presses his forehead against yours while undoing the buckle on his belt. 
“Tell me this is okay… tell me if you don’t want this, we can stop… tell me you want me…” He whispers softly to you as he strokes himself above you. 
“Yes. Touch me.” You meet Kid’s gaze and cup his jaw in your hand, truly magnifying his size against yours. 
Kid wordlessly moves his hand to your sex as he smears his own saliva across your clit. You throw your head back and sigh. 
“Have to get you ready for me…” Kid says tenderly as he pushes two large fingers inside of you. “I don’t want to hurt you…” Such softness you had never seen from your captain before was only adding to your arousal. He stroked your g-spot gently as he whispered sweet praises to you in assurance. “Such pretty sounds, baby… You’re doing so good getting so wet for me… you ready to take my cock?
“I-I need you… Kid… please…” You plead, wanting him inside of you so badly that you could swear your slit was dribbling out onto the bed beneath you. 
Kid nods his head against your forehead and takes his fingers from your clenching hole. You groan in frustration, but only for a moment as Kid returns and slides his massive member into you. You squirm at first, so unused to such a massive stretch. It didn’t hurt, but it was going to take a little work to get it all in…
Kid hears you whimper and tries tor assure you. 
“I know baby, it’s a little big… we’ll make it fit… you’re gonna feel so good…” Kid coos at your boneless form on the hospital bed as he gingerly thrusts the first half of his cock in and out of you. 
With each few thrusts, Kid sinks his cock a bit deeper inside you and with each additional centimeter you squealed. You moaned but you never protested, as your gushing slick coated him further, he was eventually able to sink himself balls deep inside of you. 
“See, pretty? I told you it’d fit.” Kid smirks and presses his flesh hand on your lower tummy while his metal arm holds your legs apart. 
“Ahh, Kid don’t do that I’ll-“ You protest and try to push his wrist. 
“You’ll what? Cum? Squirt? That’s the point, love.” Kid chuckles and rips your hand off his wrist. He pins your wrists together above your head in one hand as he presses on your belly with the other all while he relentlessly fucked into you. 
You shriek. Your vision turned starry for a moment and you feel liquid gush from your lower half.  Your eyes roll back in your head and your thighs twitch from the stretch to accommodate such a large man between them for so long. 
“That’s my girl… my fucking girl…” Kid grips your face with his hand and forces you to look at him. “Let me make you mine.” Ge growls at you. 
“Y-yes, Captain.” You make out through your post orgasm haze. 
“Mine…” Kid grunts and slams his hips so far into yours that it made you cry out. He came hard and heavy deep inside your cunt. 
Kid’s feet shuffle against the wooden floor as he tries to pull himself off of you. He pulls back and lifts your chin to face him. You were cock drunk and exhausted, still recovering from your wounds. 
“Come finish the rest of your treatment in my quarters. You’re not staying in this shithole anymore.” Kid says as he nuzzles his nose against yours. 
“You’ll have to take it up with the doctor, but I have a feeling you’ll be very convincing.” You place a gentle kiss against Kid’s lips. 
— — 
**A/N** This was too much plot with not enough porn? I can admit that but IDK I HAD FUN WRITING IT? I hope y’all like it!
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ghvst-ing · 5 months
not proofread
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It’s the blinding, morning sun that pours past the curtains, and into the bedroom that wakes him from his slumber.
The duvet was thrown off to the side during the night when it got too warm, a gentle pressure on his chest as it rose and fell with every intake of breath he took through his nose.
It was peaceful, quiet; no unpleasant thoughts swarming his brain. No sound of distant gunfire, or shouting he could make out within the comfort of his apartment, the four walls he called home.
His gaze soon shifted to you, and blinked the tiredness from his eyes, tongue darting out of his mouth to wet his dry lips, idly tracing over them whilst he admired the image before him.
You were tucked to his side, the side of your face resting against his bare chest with your hair splayed out messily, tickling his skin. It was a sight he wouldn’t change for the world, one he loved waking up to each day, knowing he wasn’t alone in this life, even if he didn’t deserve it.
Ever so slowly, he lifted himself up slightly using his arms, careful to not disturb you too much as he did so. Simon tilted his head before pressing a quick, affectionate kiss to the top of your head, the smallest of smiles forcing its way onto his lips.
He lowered himself when he felt your stir, a soft groan escaping you as your eyes squeezed shut. He chuckled, and his hand moved to the back of your neck, rough fingertips lightly massaging the area.
“Mornin’, love.”
His voice was deep, gravelly, yet it held a tinge of softness; an adoration that already shone in the look he reserved for only you.
Your eyes languidly fluttered open, cringing at the brightness you were met with. “What time is it..?” You muttered, lids falling back closed.
“Past six,” He replied after throwing a short glance at the clock settled on the bedside table.
At his words, your brows pinched, and your lips pulled into a frown at the early hour. It was a normal time for him to awake, a routine he grew used to after years of service. However, on days like these, where you weren’t forced to go into work, you liked to sleep in.
You rolled over, your back facing him as your head hit the pillow. “Wake me up at nine,” You grumbled, and he rolled his eyes in response.
“Oh, come on,” Simon huffed, shifting closer to you once you moved. His hands landed on both sides of your torso, tickling your sides, effectively making you squirm.
A small giggle was forced from your lips, legs threatening to kick out if it weren’t for the weight of one of his own on top of yours.
“Si-Simon..!” You struggled, hands pushing at his in a futile attempt to stop his attack, eyes squeezing shut as you writhed. “Stop that!”
“Only if you promise to get up.” He said. You felt his warm breath next to your ear, and you could almost hear the smirk in his voice.
You nodded hastily, breathless. “Fine, fine!”
It was only then that he relented, giving the shell of your ear a playful nip.
Finally, you could only think as you sighed in relief, panting as you regained the ability to properly inhale and exhale air from your lungs.
Once you begrudgingly sat up on the mattress, Simon followed as you threw your legs over the side. Your feet touched the cold floorboards, and you shivered, tossing your boyfriend a pouty glare.
“Asshole..” You swatted his shoulder, the sound reverberating, yet the bastard only chuckled heartedly at your pitiful attempt to be mean.
“Love you, too.”
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sturniolo04 · 1 month
I’m not drunk M.S.
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Bf!Matt x Gf!Fem!Reader
Summary: its your 21st and you had to much to drink.
A/N: If you don't like the preadded name in my stories, you can either add your own name or not read it; it's up to you :)
It was your 21st birthday and you were finally legal. You knew you wanted to have a big party with your closest friends nothing to crazy right? Well not quite see you woke up quite normal your roommates treating you with a happy birthday serenade.
"happy birthday"
Madison and Tara scream out as you made your way into your guys shared kitchen in your house.
"thank you guys"
you giggle out giving them a birthday twirl, still in your pjs which consisted of your boyfriend Matt's t-shirt he left over a couple nights before.
"how does it feel"
Madison asks you as you sit next to her on top of the marble island counter.
"pretty good"
you reply simply
"did matt text you"
tara asks turning around to grab something out of the fridge, as you lift your phone to check your notifications.
"yeah he did"
you state smiling at your phone reading his text.
Happy Birthday, Princess! I Can't wait to celebrate with you tonight!
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Thats how the day started. Eventually you, madison and Tara meet up with the triplets and some of your other mutual friends to have the big celebration for you which to no surprise was at a bar. You promised yourself you were only going to drink two drinks of some sort and not overdo it. boy were you wrong. It was now a little past 11 in the evening and you were only 3 drinks in.
"how do you feel"
tara screams yells to you over the music.
you reply giggling at the same volume tara was at, as matt makes he way over to you since he was your designated driver knowing you were going to push your limits tonight despite what you told him earlier.
"how are you hanging princess"
matt asks you as he could tell you were clearly somewhat intoxicated.
"im great"
you shout lifitng your drink to meet your lips once again. down goes drink number 4.
"you want one"
his girlfriend asks.
"no thanks baby girl"
he chuckles
"why not youre no fun"
she whines out swaying her hip catching the beat of the music in the background.
"baby i have to drive you home"
he chuckles at you again placing his hands on your hips as you spin around your ass colliding with his crotch continuing to sway her hips. Matt nuzzling his chin on your shoulder.
Time skip
Its now a little past 12 midnight and well you lost count of how many drinks you consumed.
"baby i think its time to go don't you think"
matt asks having a tight protective grip on your waist preventing you from doing anything else stupid considered he finally found you after looking for you for the past 15 minutes.
"nooo mattt im having soo much funn"
you slur out to your boyfriend.
"youre drunk my love"
he chuckles out.
"im not drunk"
you huff out as he looks at you unseriously with your birthday crown is falling out of place on your head, as Madison comes over to the pair who was as equally as wasted as you at the moment.
"come dance"
she slurs out handing you another drink.
you reply also accepting the drink she handed you as matt if quick to grab it.
"baby no more for you i think you had enough yeah- I think we are going to head out "
he questions as he sets the drink he took from you on the nearby table.
" no we are not its my birthday you don't get to tell me what to do"
you huff out as matt groans out in annoyance but also knowing you are completely wasted at the moment and this is not how you normally act.
"yeah we're not doing this"
he states picking you up by your calves lunging you over his shoulder.
you slur out accepting defeat propping your hands on his shoulders and head uncomfortably and then waving at everyone as he walks out the door.
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you guys finally got back to the triplets house matt escorting you into the house.
"baby did i tell you i love you so much"
you slur out as matt is walking right behind you keeping his hands on your waist to ensure your safety.
"yes babygirl your did and i love you more"
"thats not possible"
you huffs out as he chuckles at you as you guys make it to his room sitting you on his bed.
"arms up"
he instructs you as you follow suit as he lifts your mini dress over your head and replacing it with his black ransom hoodie. Matt noticed you had went quiet so he knew something was up.
"baby you okay"
he trails off in his question worried shift his gaze to your face.
" you gonna throw up"
you couldnt do anything but now your head as matt helps you make your way to the bathroom as you kneel in front of the open toilet empty the alcohol contents you consumed tonight.
"thats it there you go"
matt stats calmly rubbing your back comfortingly as you gag again spilling more contents in the toilet bowl.
"oh goodness atta girl"
he whispers. You repeated you actions a few more times finally felling a little lighter.
" you get it out"
he chuckles as you shift your weight she your back was leaning against his chest.
"yeah i think so"
you mumble out leaning forward resting your head on your arm on the left side of the toilet seat.
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The Next Day
you woke up feeling like the absolute worst. Your head was aggressively pounding an to make matters worse you didn't remember how you got to matt's bed, remembering that you literally had two left feet last night.
"how you doing"
matt asks walking into the room with some Tylenol and your Stanley cup in your favorite color, baby blue.
"dont ask"
you groan out sitting up in the bed crossing your legs.
"not so good im guessing- here"
matt assumes handing you the tylenol as you pop it into your mouth as he holds up your stanley straw to your lips for you to drink out of, you willing do so.
"well did you enjoy your birthday at least"
"yeah but what i need now is cuddles and sleep"
you states holding your arms out
" that i can definitely do"
he agrees with you as matt leans into you as you two fall backward colliding with the mattress underneath, you giggling.
"oh dont let me drink that much ever again"
you groan out again as matt chuckles at your statement, agreeing with you in the end.
@mintsturniolo @dirtylittleheart333 @wh0resstuff @spicymuffins03
@aaliyahsturn @stayingstromboli
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yaut-jaknowit · 14 days
Hiya! Was wondering about a bad blood that takes a woman from earth but she's fine with it? He expected more fighting from her but is pleased. Not sure how you feel about soulmates but maybe he's been drawn to her for awhile and finally just took her?
Are We Meant To Be? Part 2
Pairings: Cew’voc (Male Yautja) x AFAB!Reader
Word Count: 2995
Summary: So much time has passed since you last saw that mysterious figure. He saved you then abandoned you. You had discovered he was your soulmate too late. When all hope was lost, he comes back to you. Is it too late?
Author Note: Okay, I know this isn't entirely what you were asking for. But, I hope it's still okay. If not, let me know and I do another for you. I wanted to use this as an excuse to write a part two for this story.
Part 1
All the years since that faithful day offered no relief. Since then, you’ve had your ups and downs. From ending up jobless and homeless, you were able to barely bounce back to a decent life. It wasn’t normal. It would never be normal again. Not without what you saw that night. Who or whatever that creature was… he was yours. As much as you were his. Two souls destined for one another.
The reminder made your heart ache. You gritted your teeth and rubbed the heel of your hand over your sternum. Some of your co-workers gave you a puzzled look before shaking their heads and going back to their business. You cleared your throat before squaring your shoulders to face the lobby and customers all over again.
A pain that’ll be with you till the end of time. You were used to it.
Twelve hours in the building was an average shift. It was the minimum you needed to work five days a week just to make do.
From living an average, normal life, meeting what had to be your soulmate had ruined everything. Despite the longing to see him, just a glimpse every so often, there was no chance. He abandoned you. It was unheard of. Usually soulmates for the first time they meet each other can’t leave each other. Some say its physical and others say its emotional. But to break apart within even the first day was beyond cruel. It’ll leave someone, yourself, broken and hollow.
That’s exactly what you are. A shell of the person you used to be. Now, here you were, a beggar for any change, even a penny. It could mean the difference between having a roof over your head or being homeless.
No one wanted you. Not even someone destined to be with you until you died.
The plates in your hand wobbled precariously. Your attention returned to your surroundings only to watch the four plates you had been carrying slip off of your arms. They came crashing down onto the ground. The porcelain shattering into tiny pieces at your aching feet. Food smears across the ground.
In the moments after that, you could only look down at the mess you’ve created. Your shoulders slumped. There was gasps that sounded through the lobby of the diner you worked out. But, you heard nothing. Stuck in your own world again while all you could do was look at the disaster at your feet.
This was it. Your last straw that broke the camel’s back. It seemed like you couldn’t hold down a job anymore. The pains in your chest only growing worse with the passing time. No one understood. This didn’t happen. Worst of all, it’s not like you had any insurance to work with. There was no help. All you did was suffer through the pain.
Over the white noise in your ears, you heard your name shouted at the top of someone’s lungs. Avery. Your boss. She came stopping around to stand in front of you with a heated glare in her eye. You simply lifted your head to look at her, dead and emotionless.
Her gaze flickered for a moment but returned to steel. One of her hands whipped out to point towards the door. “Get the fuck out of my establishment. You’re fucking useless,” she bit out with a ferocity you didn’t know she had. You blinked at her before finally picking up your feet and making your way to the door. Not even clocking out or taking off your apron.
There you had done it again. Lost another job. Useless. Just like she said. You couldn’t do anything right. Not even your own soulmate wanted to stay with you.
The concrete was harsh on your knees despite the jeans you were wearing. You had collapsed in the middle of the sidewalk. No one gave you a second glance; only giving you a look of disgust and going on their way. A broken sob left your chapped lips. The world around you closing in. You tilted your head backwards to gaze at the darkening sky.
It wasn’t long before day morphed into night. Sometime during the transition you had pulled yourself up and meandered along the path set in front of you. It was random and leading you further and further from the dingy apartment called home. The city you resided in offered nothing of relief. It allowed you to stay on a decently lit path through the side of town you resided in.
In your heart, something tugged you to stop. Your head finally picking up to find the street deserted. You had walked so far that not even those brave enough would venture out. A whine built in the back of your throat. This was pointless. Now, you were somehow lost. Your head tilted back to look at the dark sky. There was little to no stars that would dot the night sky. “What am I doing?” Your voice was hoarse. It lacked the warmth it had years ago.
All the hairs on the back of your neck stood up. The muscles that lined your back tightened. Your breath caught, body prepared for the worst while your mind hoped for the best. But, your luck has shown you how well that’ll go.
You neck creaked while it turned towards the dark alleyway. Nothing could be seen down the endless path. Either it turned off or ended towards the end.
A loud thump echoed off the walls. Your entire boy turned towards the entrance. The soft clicks of something entered the air. Your brows furrowed while you tried to deter was creating that noise. In your careless state and defense, you weren’t of sound mind. There was one thing in the world that would solve all of your issues.
It wasn’t here.
At the crest of the entrance, you eventually spotted the silhouette of a humanoid figure. Oh, not again. You took a couple of stumbling steps away and nearly fell over your own two feet. It seemed your lucky wasn’t the greatest.
Light shined off metal. Faster than a blink of an eye, your throat was snatched. Your back was pressed to a firm, hot surface. Humid heat washed over the top of your head and ran down the back of your neck. A shutter ran its course. The muscles in your body only tensing more.
Yet, in this moment, after everything that’s happened after four years… you didn’t care. Not any more.
Sharp clicks and growls vibrated into your ear. The firm grip around your throat tightened only fraction. “Mi-ne.” A voice growled that it could be felt in your bones. The declaration strong and firm.
A voice you recoginized. Your hands instantly go to the one holding you in place. Try as you may, you couldn’t tilt your head far enough back to look at the figure. But, the lack of an ache in your chest only solidified your thoughts.
This had to be him.
As your mouth opened to speak words he deserved, his free hand pressed something into your mouth. Two fingers coaxed you to swallow dryly whatever he had placed on your tongue. His palm still covered the lower portion of your face. You tried to speak and began to fight him. Anger filled your veins at not only past action, but his current ones now.
When the hands left you, you believed there was a chance for escape. Your entire body whipped around to face the towering creature. Only, for you to sway from the sudden, unwise move. Strong, capable hands grasped your shoulders before you could slam into the ground. A haze took over your mind and left you unstable.
The ground left the bottom of your feet. Then, you were hoisted onto a thick, muscular shoulder that dug into your waist and belly. The move caused you to wheeze and grab onto the a fish net like material that covered at least his toned back. “Let me go!” you screamed at the top of your lungs then began to beat on his back with clenched fists.
He takes it. Without complaint. The humanoid figure spins on his heel and lets the darkness engulf him again. Your cried for help and desperate attempt for freedom begins to fade. Whatever he forced you to ingest was starting to take effect already. Your movements turned sluggish. Every beat was weaker than the last.
“I… hate you,” was what you could say before the darkness consumed you. Your body falling limp on his shoulder.
Warmth. Comfort. Those were the first two things to greet you when your consciousness finally decided to wake up. A soft blanket swaddled your entire form and kept you safe from the lurking monsters. A groan left your lips. You squirmed in the swaddled you’ve been placed in until it loosened.
It took a monstrous amount of strength to open your eyes and blink away the fatigue sitting in your bones. What greeted you made you believe the night still claimed you.
Metal from ceiling to floor made up the room you were in. The blankets on your shoulders slipped off when you sat up to fully take in the space. Your jaw dropped. Five skulls were line on the wall behind you. All were creatures you didn’t recognize. You gulped and kept taking in the room. Weapons decorated some parts of the wall. A bean bag like chair was shoved into one corner. A fur like blanket draped over it.
That’s when you realize the blankets you had been covered with are fur from an unknown creature. You shuttered to think of all the death that was proudly displayed in here. Why… why would he take you in here? Surely, it wasn’t to kill you? No. Your head shook in the negative. He wasn’t. He would’ve already done that if so. Plus, something in your heart told you he wouldn’t harm you.
You were in the process of shuffling to your knees when the door slid open. The entire room filled with tension. It was him. Face still covered a metal mask.
He doesn’t move. The two of you engage into a staring contest.
Thoughts were running wild in your mind. From the last time you had saw him, there had been slight changes. Mainly scars. He was already adorned in them and proudly presenting them. But, more had been added to his collection. A nasty looking one started from an inch above his right collarbone and descended with small jags mostly downwards.
All of them… made him look good, despite not seeing his face yet.
Your first move was to tug the blanket tighter around you, like some sort of shield. He wasn’t terrifying. Not an ounce of fear in your heart at the sight of his towering form.
But, you were nervous, unsure of the whole situation. The most of all. You were angry. Four years. It’s taken him four years to come back into your life and decide you were worth something after all. Tears pooled in your eyes at the thought.
A glare set over your features. You sat back down on your butt and looked away from him. The creature doesn’t deserve your attention, let alone a second of your time. For all you could care, you were going to completely ignore him until he gives up. Let him feel the pain of being abandoned by the one you thought was supposed to your other half.
Out of the corner of your eye, you watched at the mustard yellow figure stalked forward. Your ears strained to listen to each step as he made his way towards you. You strengthened your walls. The beast stopped at the edge of the mattress and gazed down at your figure. Then, he gingerly sat down a couple of feet away from you.
His scaly hand reached out timidly. A move you observed closely. When he got in range, you swatted at the approaching limp. The creature snatched his hand back and made an offended noise. You didn’t need to see his eyes to know he was looking at you as if you had grown a second head. To go against someone three times your mass was obviously stupid. Yet, here you were, protecting yourself from his touch in what could be taken in an aggressive matter.
Except, he held back and took the sign completely. The figure bowed his head. “I-I kn-ow… you are u-pset.” It sounded like he was struggling to speak English. Not as it’s a language he does not know, but like his mouth and throat can’t make the sounds well. “I have reasons. I-it shouldn’t b-e possi-ble. Can’t be.”
If his words were meant to be soothing he was doing the opposite. You hugged your knees tighter with a scoff and a roll of your eyes. You wanted to ask him the reasoning but felt like that would give him too much attention. Despite what your soul wanted since it finally get’s to see your other half again after so long.
“It’s wr-ong. You’re ooman. I’m…” he trails off and glances over at your curled up form. A position meant to protect you from incoming harm. “I’m not.”
For him to confirm your suspicions, you weren’t surprised. Not after finally getting to see him in a better light. The dark, mustard yellow of his skin was dotted with scales. The color and texture wasn’t normal. The size of him wasn’t normal. The blonde rubbery-like dreads that poured from his head weren’t normal.
“I-it’s aga-against ev-everything I know. I came back. I sh-shouldn’t have.” The masked creature made a noise of agony. One of his hands came to rub at his sterum. “But the pa-in. A-after s-so long. I grew weak. Co-uldn’t handle it. I-I ne-needed to lay e-eyes on you.” Words kept tumbling from him. Words you barely understood while he struggled with your language.
They almost, almost softened you. The same pain you endured the last four years was what he experienced as well. But, there was a difference. He purposefully abandoned you. He deserved the pain. You, on the other hand, did not.
You were only human, after all. “Where am I?” Your voice was barely about a hoarse croak.
He perked, only slight, at the sound. “My s-hip. I’ve h-idden us-us from your go-vern-ment senses behind a plan-et you ca-ll Jupiter.” Him clarifying he was an alien though, wasn’t on your list of possibilities. At least, not very high. The most you thought of him was a mutated, escaped human experiment. Not… that.
“Y-you’re an alien?” you gaped before reeling in your shock. There was no reason him to give the benefit of the doubt. He doesn’t deserve it. He doesn’t deserve you.
“Yes,” he confirmed and dipped his head. The strange, rubbery dreads slipped over his shoulders to sway. “I a-m a Yautja. No-t t-that you know w-hat that is.” You bristle at his offensive words and sent a heated glare at the alien. He brushed it off with a shrug. “My name is Cew’voc. A-and yours?” You turned your head away again as your answer. He has not earned that right to know you.
Newly named Cew’voc purred with mirth. It took every ounce of will not to spin around and punch him. How dare he laugh!
“That is-is okay. I-I can just look-k it up.” Whatever he had for a face, there had to be a smirk on it. You could hear it. You bristled against and huffed. This surely couldn’t be your soulmate.
A new silence fell over the two of you. For a moment, tense peace. Until you heard a mechanical hiss. Your head whipped over to find Cew’voc’s hands gripping the metal mask that adorned his face. Carefully, the alien tugged the cover free and let his features be revealed.
Alien. He was completely alien. Three mandibles tipped with sharp fangs protruded from where what looked to be a mouth. The mouth area had an animal like jowl but the front area was open. Similar to a person, he had a jaw. Teeth protruded from both the jaw and upper side of the mouth. Terrifying teeth that looked deadly.
Then, his eyes. Those felt like a predator was staring directly into your soul. You couldn’t help the shutter than ran its course. They were a bright, scary yellow that almost seemed to glow in the calm lighting of the room.
After you exploration of his face, you find the alien with its only upper mandible quirked up. As if he was smirking at you. You glowered.
In broken, struggling English, the Yautja spoke your name. You swiftly got on your knees to be the same height as him and pointed a finger at him. “You don’t deserve the right to say my name! You abandoned me,” you grounded out. Cew’voc simply raised a brow in your direction then amusedly shook his head. “Oh, no you don’t! You don’t get to brush me off like that. Four years of misery because of your scared little ass running away.”
Now, that got a reaction out of him. The alien stood up to a lumbering height above you and glared down at you over his mandibles. “I am n-o co-coward. I’m Yautja. S-strong, mi-ghty.” He thumped a fist over his chest. “Do not a-cused me with fa-lsehood.”
You didn’t fear him. Not one bit. You stood up to be eye with him on the bed and got into his face. “Yes. The fuck. You are! You ran away with your tail between your legs like a little sissy crying to your mom!” Despite nearing twenty-three, you used some middle school insults that hopefully did the trick.
The anger that covered his features melted away when he slumped back with another smirk. “Oh, we may g-et alon-g yet.”
Oh, you doubted that.
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clxja16 · 2 years
Our Life
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Pierre Gasly x Reader
Genre: established relationship, parents au!, dad Pierre
Warnings: angst, yelling, arguing
Word Count: 1.5K+
Author's Note: I realize this is probably the most I have ever posted here. and this is probably the first time I have two different 'on-going' stories out at the same time. well I had this idea for a while, except it was with Charles and I can't keep posting things with Charles man. but this concept works with Pierre so yeah. I don't think there will be a part two, unless you guys absolutely beg for a part two but there's a happy ending so yeah. also Idk if this is a fear for a lot of people or if im just being irrational, because its definitely a fear for me lol. anyway enjoy reading, pls let me know what you think.
“If I want my son at the race then he will be at the race,” Pierre spoke loudly as he tried to get his point across to you.  
“Pierre, he’s only 10 months, I don’t think a race track when cars are flying past is the best idea for him,” you matched Pierre’s volume, you couldn’t understand why he just wouldn’t get it.  
“He can wear a headset, just like all the other drivers' kids do, I want my son at the race with me,”  Pierre wouldn’t let it go. 
“No Pierre, I don’t want him there, and I don’t want all the media with pictures of our son, we’ll be…”
“You don’t have to come this weekend, but my son will be there this weekend, nanny can come with him.” 
“Pierre you’re not getting it, I don’t think that's the best environment for our son, right now, maybe when he’s a little older.”  
“y/n what do you think is gonna happen to him?” 
“I don’t know,” you shook your head at this point, “anything could happen to him, I don’t wanna risk it.” 
Pierre sighed, running his hands through his hair, “he’s coming to the race this weekend, he’s my son…” 
“OUR SON,” you shouted at the top of your lungs, cutting Pierre as the tears finally escaped you, “he is our son.” 
The sound of the baby crying coming through the monitor stopped you from continuing on.  You and Pierre both sighed, knowing that you’re shouting at each other is what woke him.  “Let me…” Pierre spoke up first.  
You waved your hand to dismiss him, “I’ll get him.” You quickly exited your shared bedroom with Pierre and made your way to the nursery, wiping away the escaped tears.  Down the hall, before you entered the nursery you took a deep breath, calming your racing heart.  
“Hi boy,” you spoke softly to the crying baby, picking him up.  You held him close to you, afraid that he would be taken away.  You closed your eyes, breathing him in, your perfect son. You cradled him in your arms, rocking him back to sleep.  You watched him sleepily yawn, he had his father’s eyes. Eyes you loved very much.  
“Dear,” Marta called out to you.  Marta was an older woman that Pierre hired as a housekeeper to help around the house.  Marta didn’t have any kids, her husband had died many years ago.  She became a mother to you, since your mother wasn’t anywhere near.  
“Marta,” you sighed, “I’m sorry, did me and Pierre wake you?” Because it’s only Marta by herself, Pierre had her move into the downstairs bedroom, it’s especially helpful when Pierre is away during the season.  
“Don’t worry about me, I can sleep plenty when I’m no longer here,” Marta smiled, taking a seat next to you in the nursery, “what’s bothering you?” 
You shook your head, as you smiled at your little boy in your arms, “Pierre wants to take the boy to Monza this weekend, and I don’t think it’s a good idea.”  
“That’s not it,” Marta said, as she gave you a look.  A look a mother gives when she knows her child is lying. 
You felt the tears begin to well in your eyes, “he’s our son.” You whisper into the night, like the words are a sin.  You look up at Marta, meeting her kind eyes, her eyes telling you to continue you on.  “He’s our son,” you speak a little louder, as the tears fall, “he’s not just Pierre’s son, he’s my son too.”  
“I see,” Marta hums, nodding her head, “and? Why does that bother you?” 
“He’s all I have left Marta.” You pulled the baby closer to you.  “He’s all I have.”  You took a deep breath, closing your eyes.  You breathed him in, you burned this moment to your memories.  You treat this as if it’s your last moment with your son.  You opened your eyes looking at Marta, “He’s all I have.  You know, when I got pregnant, it wasn’t planned.  It was an accident, me and Pierre had only been together for just under two years.  But we said we were gonna do this, we were gonna have this kid and raise him together.  Pierre makes more money than me.”  You took another deep breath, trying to gather all your thoughts.  “I had a good job, a place of my own, but there was no way I could raise a child by myself, and I couldn’t expect Pierre to move.  He lives in Milan because it’s best for his career, he was set up already.  I gave up all that I had, so he could be in his son’s life, and maintain his career.”  
“You regret that?” 
“No, no, never, Pierre is so good with him.  He’s such a good father,” you smiled at the thought of Pierre with the boy.  “But I’m so scared Marta.” you felt guilty for even speaking your feelings aloud.  “Everything belongs to Pierre.  I live in Pierre’s house, I drive Pierre’s cars, I fly on Pierre’s dime, I am completely dependent on Pierre.  We’re not married, I own nothing, all I have is this boy, and Pierre has all the power to take him away.”  
“You think…” 
“I know,” you spoke quickly, “I know Pierre wouldn’t just randomly kick me out, but that doesn’t mean I don’t fear the possibility.”  You felt the hot strikes of your tears, “If Pierre doesn’t want me anymore, I won’t have anything.  I have no money to my name, I have no job, no place to stay, I have nothing without Pierre.  If he decides he no longer wants me, I have no way to support myself or go back home.” 
“That possibility scares you?” 
“It does, and everytime we argue, he reminds me of that possibility, by saying ‘my son.’  He’s not his son, he’s our son, our child.  Both mine and his, our son, together.” 
“Oh dear,” Marta sighed, as she stood, pulling you close to her standing figure.  
“Is it wrong to be scared?” you asked as you silently sobbed, holding your son closer to you.  
“No dear, it’s not wrong to be scared, it’s the world we live in.”  Marta said, as she held onto you tightly, wishing she could take away your fears.  She wondered where in her lifetime did she go wrong?  Why do the women of today have the same fears as the women of before? 
Little to your knowledge, Pierre had overheard your conversation with Marta.  And he thought how could he be so stupid?  How did he not realize how damaging his words were?  How did he not realize the weight they carried?  How could he allow this to happen?  He mentally slapped himself over and over again for not realizing his mistake.  Our son, the boy, was your’s and Pierre’s son.  
“Pierre, where are we going?” you asked as you sat in the passenger seat, as Pierre drove.  
“To do something I should’ve done a long time ago,” Pierre said, as he pulled into a parking garage.  
“Isn’t this your lawyers’ law firm?” you asked, as Pierre parked the car.  
“Yes,” Pierre answered, as he made his way around the car to open the door for you.  
“What are we doing here?” 
“You’ll see,” Pierre said, taking your arm, as the two of you walked into the building lobby.  You silently followed after Pierre, as he made through the lobby, up the elevator and to his lawyer’s office. You watched him exchange a few words with the man behind the desk, before the two of you took a seat, opposite of the lawyer.  “I’m sorry these changes are a bit spur of the moment, but it’s something I should have done a long time ago.” 
“Since the house is paid off, it was actually really easy changes,” the lawyer spoke before setting down paperwork before you and Pierre.  “I’ll just need you both to sign on the line, and initially at the tabs.” 
“Pierre what is this?” you asked, picking up the paperwork before.  
“I’m putting your name on the house,” Pierre said, as he signed his set of paperwork.  
“What?” you asked, as you threw the papers back on the desk, as if they were burning your hands.  “Pierre this is a big thing, that’s your house…” 
“Our,” Pierre said, correcting your statement.  The one word had you shutting your mouth.  
“Our house,” Pierre said, as he set his paperwork and pen down, “We have a son together, and our son needs a home.  We need a home for our family.  This house can be our home, together.  y/n, I should have done this when you gave up everything for me, for our family together.  I am sorry this is so late, too late, but I want it to be our home together.  This is our life together, none of this mine anymore.”  
You couldn’t wipe the smile from your face even if the devil himself appeared before you.   You signed away at the line and initialed at all the tabs.  You were so grateful that Pierre was willing to share his life with you.  “You know, you could’ve just asked me to marry you,” you joked as you and Pierre made your way back to the car.  
“I am, I’m just going to do it right,” Pierre smirked at you, “plus it actually doesn’t cost money to add someone’s name to the deed of a house, when the house is paid off.”
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moonsaver · 5 months
Your writing is very good! And I like it! I'm having it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, everytime
BUT LIKE, LISTEN TO ME, WHAT IF S/O WAS REBELLIOUS LIKE HIM TOO. But not like actually him, just typical rebellious student back then. Like, breaking the rules, pissing off the teachers, etc
AND, HIS S/O IS LIKE NOW, NORMAL. A PROFESIONAL, and probably embarrassed of their phase back then. I do see them being Friendly and chilled with Ratio?? Or like "Oh crap, it's the old rebellious dude that tries to teach me random smart stuffs"
But in my opinion, I do see S/O just being like "Oh, what's up Ratio" and just being neutral. Greeting him whenever they passed by or see each other again, while also slightly joking about the things Ratio tried to teach them back then. As they told him that they actually listened to his teaching.. Even though it's.. Well, it's used by unsuccessful methods
S/O WOULD DO THAT, telling Ratio old rebellious phase embarrassing stories to his students whenever they feel afraid of him. Like
"Oh, did you know that your professor (Veritas Ratio), used to talk so much about our teacher that just give the slightest wrong formula, to the point he keeps getting send to the office? Hah! I was there!"
As Ratio stood there with hidden embarrassed look, as he tries to hold the urge to not shut S/O up.
Under the cut,might be long!
Soso, you're the rebellious kid who's butting heads with the other jerkwad, the only difference between you two is that he's just a nerd on top of being a rebellious kid. He's the "worst" of both worlds.
It's a very cliche enemies to strangers to acquaintances who respect each other to tension between possible lovers. Its kind of funny.
In your student days, I imagine the moment both of you see each other in the hall, you scowl at each other. Or make fun of something the other has. Maybe he's lugging a bulky art project and you make fun of him saying he looks like a turtle dragging his own shell. Maybe you left your bag's zip open and Veritas comments on how "devoid of knowledge" it is, "like your head" (you forgot all your books somewhere, your bag is completely empty). God forbid either of you tried something experimental and the other catches a glimpse of it. If they're not within talking distance, they'll shout on the top of their lungs. To both of you, the louder it is the more humiliation is involved. You'll find this method is often used by Veritas, as he openly quizzes you and chides LOUDLY that you're a BUFFOON and an IDIOT for not knowing a SIMPLE FORMULA. You decide to retaliate by stealing more than half his stationary, so now he has to scramble to gather extras and literally no one helps him cause he's a jerk lol.
Everyone on campus absolutely either hates it or loves it. Theres fanpages of you two with cringe edits,or those really well-made shitpost ones. Sometimes your classmates just bait the other to go a certain place just so you two cross paths and stir up a lot of trouble. The teachers are all done with both of you.
Cut to the future (or present?), reader's a professor too now. Let's assume either of them is unaware when they join the job (as implied by the request).
I imagine professor reader, if they manage to stay calm and just.. talk normally, it does give Dr. Ratio some whiplash. His pride demands he straightens himself out though, so it's not too soon before he himself drones on about some or the other tedious topic. You mention the past and how often you used to butt heads, and Veritas' first instinct is to immediately retaliate the way his past self would have done; but he stops himself in time, and sighs at it. You've painstakingly ingrained that response into him. But he's still slightly embarrassed nonetheless. It's not too soon before the conversation becomes more relaxed (I mean.. considering Veritas,as relaxed as he lets it be), and as a form of "nostalgia" he brings up all the questions he used to ask you back then, only to be pleasantly surprised when you give him detailed but professional answers. It's not too soon before he learns that you've become a professor aswell. Dr. Ratio congratulates you – with reservations of course, which is completely thrown out the window when you tell him you knew all of this because.. you listened to him.
Ugh. Don't make him feel so sappy. A part of him detests it; warming up and being all chummy with a hopeless classmate of all people. But a part of him is.. kind of happy about it.
Which is promptly changed the moment you also realize he's a professor now.
And that his students aren't spared from the nostalgia either.
He's bursting through the door, jaw dropped, angry and shocked face as you prattle on about how much of an asshole he was back in the day to his students. For a moment, he contemplates whether he should just throw chalk at you and make an example of you to his students, or drag you out. After a few seconds of paralyzed contemplation, he immediately grabs you by the back of your collar and drags you out before something else comes out of your mouth.
It's almost the same all over again – both of you bickering back and forth as he's all pissy about you spilling everything to his students! You've positively tarnished his reputation! Perhaps he shall tell your students how you used to walk around wearing a lanyard and a shirt with the institution name written on it in big, bold letters on the first day? Or that time you tripped and faceplanted right into the trashcan while you complained about his (axe bodyspray) deodorant?
Ugh.. he'll just deal with you later. Although he won't admit this even to himself.. it's nice seeing you again. He didn't think of that, it must be the headache you gave him that's making him think all weird.
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