#theres no soul behind those eyes
feraltwinkseb · 2 years
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I can't stop laughing at these photos. Why does he look like he's been taken hostage and these are the staged photos sent to his family saying that "He’s alive and being taken good care of”
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ozymoron · 8 months
i wanna draw fanart so bad but my body wont fucking let me
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astarionancuntnin · 2 months
Hyello! I don’t know if you do requests but I thought I’d ask so the request is that x reader is honestly pretty badass and Astarion does something that pisses her off and so she barges into his tent after a long day to tell him off and fight him but decides that amidst the anger there is also hunger and decides theres a a way he can make it up to her and smutty content insues, preferably very like animalistic?? think closer by nine inch nails lol i do like the idea that they're both fighting for dominance in the interaction, you choose which one wins lol hope I’m not bothering you
did i listen to closer on repeat to bring you this? perhaps
and i never really put it out there, but hell yeah im taking requests! thank you for being my first <3
(also thank you for your patience i was heavily focused on my last chapters for die for you before approaching this ask and then it really went overboard LMAO you said "animalistic" and i took it literally, i hope you enjoy!)
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Run, Little Fox
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pairing: astarion x reader!ranger!tav
rating: E
word count: 5.1k
cw: 18+. smut, biblicaly accurate Astarion primal!astarion, predator/prey, knife play (if you squint), rivals/hate sex, mildly dubious consent, fighting for dominance, p in v, blood/vampire bites, creampie, very slight somnophilia (but id rather mention it, never too safe)
read on ao3
or keep reading down below~
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That’s it. 
That was once too many.
This brat of a rogue had gotten on your nerves more times than you could recall, and today you decided you had enough. Your group trusted and respected your position as their leader, a brave and cunning ranger whose decisions everyone agreed with — as they were for the greater good — so why couldn’t he do the same? It wasn’t enough that he questioned your every move in front of everyone else, no, he grew bored of you ignoring his remarks. He just had to act on his impulses and get you in trouble this time. 
You had intended on getting information out of a group of adventurers, when he had tried to pickpocket them in the middle of your discussion, and when he got caught, things obviously went south. You tried to talk things down, but they wouldn’t hear it. One thing led to another and next thing you know, they laid in a pool of their own blood and you stood with no more information than you started with. All of it, because of him, and he had the gall to say it was your own fault for not defusing the situation better. Really?!
The stress of this adventure — the impending doom that those tadpoles in your brains were — was already enough weight on your shoulders, you didn’t want to deal with Astarion’s trickery on top of it anymore. No — you couldn’t. You had enough of his unnerving attitude; enough of his shameless flirting when it was clear you weren’t interested; enough of his impetuous disdain and insolence that matched your own. Tonight, you would set the record right.
Once back at camp after this horrendous, unending day by his side, the first thing you do after dropping your loot and equipment at your tent, is bolt straight for Astarion’s. 
Still covered in a mix of your sweat, today’s unfortunate souls’ blood — and your own — you burst through the entrance of Astarion’s tent without so much as a warning to find him peacefully laying, with one arm behind his head and the other already flipping through the pages of a book he had found, and most certainly stolen, during today’s stroll.
He barely lifts his head to notice your intrusion, his eyes darting your way, half-lidded. “Looking for a cuddle?” 
The sheer audacity of the smirk he gives you. 
“You—” You fully step into his tent, staring him down with an anger that couldn’t be contained, as you close the flaps behind you, “Have been a pain in my ass for long enough.”
He scoffs, “Darling, we haven’t been close like that yet — unless this is your way of asking?” He closes his book and puts it aside to focus on you, as he rests on his elbows, his taunting smile never leaving his lips. What you wouldn't give to wipe it away from his smug face.
“The last thing I want is you anywhere near me.”
“You see,” he checks his nails, bored. “I have a hard time believing that, dear.”
“Get over yourself.” You cross your arms over your chest, annoyed at how well he could annoy you. “What makes you think I want anything to do with you after the commotion you caused today?”
“For one, you came to me, in my tent. If that's not a dead giveaway, I don't know what is,” his eyes dart back to you. “And to further prove that point, you still haven’t left — even though you claim I am the reason for your frustration. Really, it's as if you relished my company after all.”
You open your mouth to contradict him, but your words are left hanging when he gets up, his shirt slightly unbuttoned revealing the lines of his muscles concealed underneath and you can’t help but let your eyes wander longer than you intended, gulping as you do so. He chuckles lightly before he speaks up again.
“Secondly, I’ve seen the way you’ve been looking at me.”
Your eyes shoot up to his face again, and you ask defensively, “Would you rather have me not look at you?”
He gives you a mischievous look as he eyes you up and down, and he meets your gaze with just as much intensity.
“Third, and lastly, I can smell you, darling.”
“I haven't washed yet.”
“You know that isn't what I'm referring to.”
Your heartbeat quickens, as the air seems to draw out of the tent, “Well, whatever you think this is, isn't your doing,” you lie plainly in the hopes he buys it, but his smirk leads you to believe he sees right through it.
“You’re not fooling anyone but yourself, dearest.” He tilts his head, a long silence settling in between the two of you, with your breathing as the only sound audible in the space of his tent. “Maybe… There's another reason you might be frustrated. That all this, pent up anger building inside, is because of something else that you can’t control.” He closes the distance between the two of you, stopping but a whisper away from your face, and his voice gets lower, deeper. “Something that you would rather not have to deal with, but for some reason just can’t get rid of. Something that just rubs you the wrong way, and is the same reason why you can’t help but want to stay in my presence.” 
You scoff, challenging his gaze, “If that something you’re referring to is you, Astarion, then you’re right — you are the sole reason of my frustration as of late, but I could do without your irritating presence.”
“Oh, but I could make it much more pleasurable.” 
You lean back, and turn your head aside, trying to make some distance between the two of you, ”You give yourself too much credit.”
He slides a finger down your throat, leaving an unexpected shiver in its wake as he exposes your neck, when he pushes your vagabond strands of hair away, before he continues.
“Why don’t you give me a chance to show you exactly what I mean? We would both benefit from this, really; I could fix your predicament, and in exchange, I could receive… a little something from you in return.”
You contemplated the opportunity laid before you for just a second before opting for the reasonable choice. You grab his hand, pulling it away from you and when you speak up again, the anger in your voice is gone, leaving place for your much smoother, yet very assertive tone. “If you want my blood, you’ll have to earn it.”
You release his hand and he keeps it in the air where you left it, cocking his head to the side as he looks at where your hand had held him, “Earn it, you say?”
You nod, “We wouldn’t want you to become soft now, would we?” A smile of your own takes place on your lips. “If I am to be your meal, it’s only fair that you work for it.”
His eyes dart back to yours as a smirk appears on his lips, “I’m all pointy ears.”
“I’ll be hiding in the woods. If you can find and catch me, you get to drink from me. But if I catch you instead, you’re never getting a drop from me.”
He sighs, “That’s hardly a fair proposition, darling.” As you’re about to contradict him, he continues, “Here’s mine instead: if you catch me, fine — I’ll keep chasing boars and whatnot in the woods — but if I catch you…” He leans over the crook of your neck, whispering. “I get to drink from you every. night.”
You grab him by the chin, bringing him face to face with you, “If I catch you, you don’t get to put the party at risk anymore. You will be kicked out of the camp if you do.” If you had to put your vitality on the line, he had to bet something just as valuable.
His fangs glow in the faint lighting of his tent as he smiles. “Deal.”
You drop his chin as he steps back and you notice how something about him seems to be shifting; the pupils of his eyes widen, darkening; his own breathing stops; the hands at his side turning into claws, with his long and sharp nails peaking out, ready to hunt. There was nothing left of the rogue in distress that you picked up a few weeks ago, who could’ve pretended to be nothing more than an innocent, but rather pale, elf. 
When he opens his mouth to speak again, you spy his elongated fangs; much longer than you remember them to be, and his voice—
You don’t lose a second more; the vision of nightmares before you triggered your fight or flight reaction and without your weapons, the choice was clear. You turn around and slide through the flaps of his tent, bolting straight for your tent, where you quickly manage to pick up your trusty dagger and your set of bow and arrows.
Thankfully, everyone else at camp had gone off to bed, so no one notices you as you pick a frantic run towards the deep woods, making distance from the hungry vampire on your tracks. 
The woods are dark, with only the faint light of the moon guiding your tracks. Once far enough, or so you think, you hide behind a tree to control your breathing; you had no intention to lose to this, you needed all the advantages you could get. With your experience as a ranger, you were almost assured to catch him off guard.
What you had seen in his tent before sprinting off was like nothing you had ever seen before. Of course, you knew Astarion was a vampire, but this was… different.
A beast, straight out of those scary bedtime stories you recall from your childhood; a monster guided by his thirst for flesh and blood, who would show no mercy, no remorse. It was merely enough to make you question this challenge with him, Gods, how embarrassing would it be to lose your life to a stupid game you had initiated purely out of spite?
The rustling of leaves nearby brings you back into focus, the adrenaline in your veins keeping you on edge for any sound. You ready your bow before you peek out of your hiding spot to aim where you heard the sound and wait patiently for another moment, your eyes never leaving the bush right until you hear another crack — right when you release the arrow, your aim striking true as you hear a loud thud. You wait a few more seconds, and when no sound can be heard from the bushes you leave your cover, advancing towards your prey. When you push the branches away, you’re face to face with none other than—
A boar.
Shit. Well — guess you caught your next meal.
Another rustling of leaves has you drawing out your bow again, ready to strike, but you’re unable to tell where it comes from.
“How does it feel, little fox?” You hear him through the woods, his deep and raspy, but unnatural voice almost echoing through you. “To be the one being hunted?”
“I’m hunting you, too, in case you forgot,” you mumble mostly to yourself, not wanting to draw out more attention and telling on your location. 
Although you were confident in your capacities, you couldn’t deny the fear building up in your chest. The unnerving feeling of knowing he was around, knowing he was onto you, but unable to find him through the dense woods, the reminder of what he looked like before you ran for your life, a creature of darkness—
“Keep running, you delicious little thing,” his voice already seems to be coming from somewhere else, where exactly you couldn't tell, as if he was constantly moving and it came from everywhere all at once. “You’re making this too easy for me.”
Damn him. He could be anywhere, it was useless to stay there, out in the open, when he was clearly onto you. Then again, he could also intentionally be pushing you to run, only to lead you into a trap of his, right where he wanted you to be. 
No, you’re smarter than this. You won't let your emotions get in the way of this: you were a hunter, born and raised for this kind of situation.
He is just another prey; you can outsmart him. You are better than him.
You put away your bow and arrows; you know your long range weapons would be of no use to you if you couldn’t see your target. If he’s trying to make you run, he has to be further ahead, so the smart choice would be to go back on your tracks.
You turn on your heels in a heartbeat and start sprinting in the opposite way, not even bothering to look behind you for any sign of him, as you hear the clear rustling of branches around you. At this moment, you know he’s right on your tail, the sounds of the forest barely covering the sound of his own movements between the trees — if that was even him. You assume it is, but who’s not to say it isn’t just another boar? Either way, all you can do now is keep running, hoping he will tire before you.
But you were against a creature of the night, someone — or rather something, now — much more in its element, in the darkness of the woods, than you were. 
You don’t run for long before you stop abruptly in your tracks to change directions, leaving the clear road for the crowded forest, where you think you could lose him.
You're temporarily reassured when you don't hear him anymore, and allow yourself to breathe again. Your heart is pounding in your chest, faster than ever, as the fear of being chased — of your life being on the line — created a warmth within you that pooled right down to your core. The risk of being caught, as for once you’re the prey, and you can’t explain it, but it excites you. Although Astarion had gotten on your every nerve, you had to give it to him — he was right that his unnerving attitude had gotten a rise out of you in the most carnal way — but you’d never admit it to his face.
A good minute passes by with no sign of him, and you feel safe enough to peek out of your hiding spot, investigating the beaten path for any sign of life. When you’re met with a dead silence, you move away from the tree you had been leaning against, only to come face to face with Astarion, who drops from the branches just above you. His eyes are somehow a much deeper shade of red, his pupils fully blown out, and he even seems taller as he smiles down on you, and that’s when you perceive the additional fangs that appeared next to the smaller ones you knew. 
You’re fixated on his sudden presence, assessing your opponent the way you would a wild animal, and you remain unmoving, focused on your own breathing.
“Nowhere left to run, I’m afraid,” the voice that comes out of his mouth is otherworldly, almost a growl and nothing like his sultry voice he used to try and charm you before. It’s as if anything that once made him pass as a mortal was gone the second you ran off from him.
You want to turn around and sprint in the opposite direction, but he's faster than your thoughts. Before you can even move a finger, he grabs you by your neck, his sharp nails digging into your skin enough to draw blood as he pushes you against the nearest tree, slightly lifting you from the ground. Instinctively, you reach for your dagger, but he is fast to catch onto your intentions and takes it away from you, throwing it on the ground far from reach. With no other options left, you reach for his hand around your neck, trying to hold on as your vision blurs from the chokehold he had on you. 
“Caught you, little fox,” he leans into your neck where you bled from to breathe you in, and licks your skin from the bottom of your neck up to your jaw, tasting your sweat mixed with the dry blood left on you. Your camp clothing leaves you dangerously exposed as opposed to your armour, and he had every intention to take advantage of it. “You will make a fine meal indeed.”
He presses his entire body against you, and you can feel not only his oddly cold breath down your neck, but also his hard bulge rubbing against your navel, right above the heat between your legs. 
A particularly bad idea crosses your mind, and you know you’ll blame it on the lack of oxygen later, but for now, it’s the only option you have.
Your hand slides down to his crotch, where you squeeze his length through his trousers, making him shudder against you and loosening his grip on your throat. You take this chance to free yourself as you quickly push him away and against the earthy ground of the forest, pinning him down using your entire body weight. You land right next to your knife and grab it just in time before he comes to his senses, now holding it against his throat.
“I win,” you say, breathless, over him.
You remain unmoving, with the threat of your knife keeping him in place, but unsure what to do next — until he laughs. You’re taken aback, but you keep your position, pressing your blade deeper into his throat.
“Well done.” His voice softens, still deeper than what you’re used to, but less guttural than it was a minute ago. “You have me completely and utterly helpless. What will you do next, I wonder?”
You don’t get to answer before you feel him moving under you, his hardness rubbing against that sweet spot between your legs. Your breathing quickens once again, caught off guard by the delicious movement of his hips against you.
“What do you think you’re doing?” You ask, the words almost getting stuck in your throat.
“Fulfilling my part of the bargain, of course.”
“That’s not—” he lifts his hips higher, the tip of his crotch rubbing against your clit, and your body tenses at the contact. He’s rock hard and between your thin camp clothes, it's almost as if you were rubbing skin to skin against each other. A pleasurable shiver running across your spine, and you allow yourself to close your eyes for just a moment, fighting between giving in to your desires or stopping yourself from letting this go any further; it was clear which side of you was winning over, as your hunger for that something more was becoming impossible to ignore. You soften your grip on his wrist and your dagger against his throat, and that’s all he needs to gain back dominance over you, flipping you back under him and seizing your wrists to pin you down the same way you had him only seconds ago.
“Now,” he says, “this is much better, don’t you think?”
“Oh you prick,” you groan, fighting to free yourself from his grip on you, but he only tightens his grasp around your wrists. His immortal strength beats yours and your hand twists under his crushing grip, making you finally release your knife.
You curse under your breath for letting yourself be bested by the most annoying member of your party; the one who you had dreamed to put back in his place was now dominating you instead. A mix of anger and shame swirls in your stomach, along with something else that you want to deny, but can’t for the life of you understand.
Your eyes meet his, dark and hungry and so incredibly close to you. His lack of breath is strange in comparison to yours, so heavy that your chest rises with each breath you take, brushing against him. It wasn't a position you were used to, either, and you find yourself liking it more than you thought you would; with his entire body pining against yours, his legs surrounding yours and keeping them closed together, your wrists held strongly above your head; a prey caught by her predator.
You remain unmoving in this position for what feels like an eternity, until he licks his lips, his eyes falling to the space in your neck that was exposed just for him.
He leans into you, his deep voice shooting a warmth straight to your core. “This little game of yours made me quite hungry.”
You gasp when you feel his bulge rubbing against you once more and touching that sweet spot that made you rub your thighs together. 
“Perhaps,” he whispers, “you've grown an appetite of your own, little fox?”
You take a few breaths, "If you wanna feed, be my guest. You…” you sigh, defeated. “You earned it. Just— be quick about it.”
You turn your head aside, looking away and giving him space to feed, only for him to lean back, “Quick? Oh darling, you’re mistaken if you don’t think I won’t draw this out as long as I possibly can.”
He pushes your wrist up above your head where he can hold them both with one hand, while his other hand slides down to your chest, his sharp nails grazing against the curve of your breast. You close your eyes as his hand continues its journey down your navel, and into your pants, rubbing against the moist spot that kept growing in your panties.
“But don’t worry — I’ll make sure we both get our fill tonight,” he growls.
Your hips move of their own accord, wanting more of him and his touch, almost against your own will.
“Greedy, greedy, little fox.” He flashes a toothy smile, “Can't get enough? I'm not surprised.”
Your eyes open back up and you stare at him, frustrated, “Gods, do you ever shut up?”
“You have such a way with words.” He sighs, pulling his hand out of your pants. “You know, it's a wonder we haven't gotten killed because of your social prowess.”
“If you think you’re so much better than me, why don’t you—”
His lips collide with yours into an hungry kiss, one bold enough to shut you right up. A part of you is disgusted, furious, even, that he would push himself onto you, but your body’s reaction betrays you, as you kiss him back with the same intensity. It’s sloppy, his elongated tongue invading your mouth and rubbing against yours, until he bites into it and sucks, letting your crimson hit his lips. 
You moan as you pull back, rolling your tongue around to feel the puncture he made, and he smiles down on you, his teeth tainted by your blood.
“Ah… delicious.”
Something comes over you, a supernatural strength — almost animalistic — and you flip him back around on his back to take control once again. Your dishevelled hair frames your face over him, and he gets to see you panting, teeth bared, with angry eyes towering over him. There's a flash of surprise in his eyes before they take back their lusty look, and his hands fly to your shirt, ripping it open as his nails tear through the fabric as if it were air. Your shirt is quickly discarded, exposing your skin to the cool night air that raises the hairs on your back.
In the frenzy, you give the same treatment to his shirt, using that strength to destroy his clothing and revealing the very muscles you spied earlier in his tent. He raises himself up to meet you where you sat over his hips, his mouth finding yours  and kissing you feverishly as he did before, while his hands work to remove your pants. 
With a grunt from him, you're pushed back on the harsh forest ground where he rips away your trousers, leaving you only with your panties to cover you. You gasp into his mouth, breathing in his cold breath, when the night air that matches his breath hits the thin fabric of your undergarments. The shock of temperature affects you more than you had anticipated, as you are completely soaked from your arousal that had pooled down there since the beginning of the night. Astarion instantly notices it, and laughs ominously.
“Are you still going to deny it now?” He pushes your underwear aside and slides his dexterous fingers between your folds, discovering just how dire your situation is. “Hells, look at how wet you are, just for me.”
His fingers feel good, and fucking Hells you didn’t want to admit it — he was an absolute asshole — but that ship had sailed a while ago, and now you just wanted to know how good he would feel inside you.
“If you still want to feed, you better do it now before I change my mind,” you groan.
“Change your mind?” He scoffs. “I'm afraid that isn't an option. I won fair and square, little fox; now I get to devour you every night.” He flips you around, the sudden roughness of the earthy floor rubbing against your sensitive nipples making you gasp in surprise. You feel him move behind you, and you're not sure how or when it happened, but he must've removed his own trousers as you feel the ghost of his cock hovering just over your entrance. Your heart threatens to burst out of your chest with anticipation, and this feeling goes into your throat when he grabs you by the nape of your hair and pulls you into him, making you arch your back and clearly exposing your neck to him in the process. “Starting tonight.”
Within the same beat, he thrust into you, his hips slamming hard against your skin, and his fangs dive into the crook of your neck, finally taking what is rightfully his.
You cry out at the stabbing pain in your neck, this one much more different than the first time he bit you, as his elongated fangs dive deeper into your neck to draw out more of your life source, and the additional fangs leave more marks into your skin. It hurts and yet, you find your core growing warmer and wetter; between his bite and his reckless thrusting into you, with the added sensation of his initially cool skin getting warm from your blood. His thrusts gain in speed and force, and in that position, there is nothing else you can do but take it.
Even as you try to reach behind you with that last remaining will to have control, to grab his hair and pull him forward, Astarion takes a hold of your arm and pushes back against you, using his entire body weight to hold you firmly against the rough ground, and his hips to slam into your needy, little cunt. With your hair still pulled back, but your wrist now stuck in his grasp, he continues to take his fill of you with no restriction.
“Look at you, finally put in your place,” he growls as he licks up the drops of blood leaking from the fresh wounds in your neck. “Is this what you’ve been desiring all these times your eyes got lost at the sight of my body? What you’ve been dreaming of? To be properly used, like a bitch in heat? Ravaged by a beast?”
You manage to get a few words out between rushed breaths, sneering.
“F— Fuck. Y— You.”
He snickers wickedly, “I guess that answers my question. Don’t worry, pet. Your secret’s safe with me.”
“Oh you—”
“Shh now,” Before you can even finish your sentence, his hand quickly moves from your wrist to your mouth, muffling any sounds coming from you. “We wouldn’t want to risk waking our dear friends, now, would we? Unless that’s what you want?” You groan in the palm of his hand and he chuckles. “You depraved little thing. I’ll give you just what you desire.”
His hand previously holding your hair goes down your body to hold your hips in place as he fucks you, and his teeth sink into your shoulder on the other side of your neck. The gesture meant only to keep you steady as he fucks you senseless. With his fangs deep into your skin, his nails cutting the soft skin of your hips and his dick pounding your abused cunt, you scream into his hand as you reach your climax. It’s nerve wracking, mind shattering, and leaves you completely drained. 
With a final push inside you, Astarion’s hips still and he growls into your neck, taking his last sip of you, as he pulses around your inner walls, filling you up with his warm seed. Your muscles fail you, as your body goes limp against the earthy ground, and you barely feel anything else — leaving you almost unconscious. Behind you, Astarion pulls out of you, and a weak moan escapes you as you feel his load leaking out of you.
While you’re recuperating from this treatment, Astarion loses his monstrous features: his nails retract, his pupils go back to those annoyingly charming red ruby eyes, his fangs retract just enough to fit back into his mouth, and he mimics breathing again; now passing as a mortal again.
With the minimal strength you manage to gain back, you push yourself up, and gather the few pieces of clothes that were shredded during your nightly session; tomorrow you would definitely need to find new camp clothes, these were the only ones you had and they were utterly ruined. Thank the Gods everyone else was fast asleep and you’ll be able to walk back to your tent without any remarks.
As you’re about to take your leave, completely disregarding the rogue who looked just as messy as you were, you hear him clear his throat.
“It’s always a pleasure to be doing business with you, my dear. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”
You roll your eyes before shooting him a glare. “Don’t push your luck.” Your cheeks still flushed, your hair all over the place, and your form barely clothed, making you not as convincing as you had hoped for. 
You only catch a glimpse of his smirk in response to you as you walk away, and when you catch yourself actually looking forward to it, you tell yourself it's only for the opportunity to put him back in his place. 
Perhaps another white lie to coat your true feelings, but no one needed to know about that.
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tag list (comment or message me if you want to be added!): @grimistheangerinmystares @silverfangmarks @roguishcat @nyx-knox @anacdoce @jwera @annnagennnie @angeldarkness95 @marlowethebard @hellethil @frankie-mercury @ariajc79 @lets-just-daydream
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reddesires · 2 months
Tethered (Logan Howlett x Reader)
Summary: Memories are hard to get away from, especially while asleep.
Logan Howlett x (Implied mutant) Reader
Rating: Angst 🤧 (Implied happy ending)
Fandom: Wolverine (X-Men) (Deadpool and Wolverine)
A/N: I just had to start with Angst, didn't I?! LOL, I'm planning on doing more fics, including fluff and some smut 🤭 ugh this man has me in a headlock, istg. I've had the BIGGEST crush on this man for YEARS, so THIS IS THE TIME TO BE ALIVE!
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The flashes of memories that appeared before you in your restless sleep tore through your mind unlike ever before, memories of times that were far behind you. The remnants of your life from before torturing you and nipping at your vulnerable body, the tremors racking your sleeping body doing nothing to knock you from your unconscious state.
You can feel his skin, the warmth seeping into yours as he held the back of your neck as he hugged you into his body, the action itself knocking the breath from your weakened lungs, the taste of iron on the tip of your tongue overwhelming your senses as you struggle to cling on to him desperately.
“Hold on, baby, I got you.” 
You can’t see his face, but you know his voice.
A sob climbs up your throat, threatening to break the silent atmosphere surrounding you. This isn’t the present. It's just memories.. Your eyelids refuse to part as you're bombarded by the next memory of a past you're desperately trying to escape.
“Can’t sleep again?” 
His hunched over figure was leaning over the kitchen counter, a beer cradled in his hands. There's a slight smile that pulls at his lips at the sight of you. It's weakened as unreachable sleep clings beneath his tired eyes, but he seems relieved by your presence.
“Yeah.. You too?” His voice is gravely with exhaustion. You can feel the worry tugging at the back of your brain, but you bite it back as you sit in the stool next to him. “I guess it’s just that type of night..” He offers you his beer, and you stare at it in contemplation for a second before accepting it, it’s not like theres any better alternatives to it at this hour, so you minus well indulge.
You plop your head on his shoulder after taking a sip. He lays his head on top of yours with no hesitation, a sigh escaping him.
“Long day, huh?”
“You have no idea, bub.”
No, no, no. This isn't fair! Why must you go through it all over again? He's haunting you, lingering in your very soul, and no matter how much you try to cut those pieces of you out, it’ll just heal over again and again. You’ll remember him for as long as you live and he’ll come to you in sleep again and again.
“Listen to me, doll. You need to go.”
You grip on to his forearms as you force him to look you in the eyes, his hazel meeting your own, the pain was evident in his face and it only caused the tears start to well up in your eyes as you take him in, your heart pounding heavily against your chest.
“Please don't do this. We both know how this ends! Come with us! Come with me!”
The commotion behind the both of you only grows louder and he looks back with a set brow before looking back to you, his lips quiver with words that he can’t bring himself to say and you can see it, the waver in his body and it reels a sob from you.
“This is the only way, I'm sorry.”
The kiss he presses to your forehead is swift as he rips himself from you and runs back into the chaos, you're held back by your teammates as they regretfully watch their Wolverine sacrifice himself for the greater good.
The gasp that pulls from your body forcefully awakens you brutally as you panically look around the room you're in. Nothing is out of place, and the air isn’t riddled with ash and debris. Your blankets were kicked to the side while you struggled with your memory addled dreams. You can feel the moisture of your sweat covering your forehead as you sit on the edge of your bed.
You sigh tiredly as you stand from your bed, opening your bedroom door. You step over Wade's dirty clothes in the hallway like you were walking over a mindfield, you roll your eyes as you think back to how the idiot barged into the apartment singing ‘I Need A Hero’ at the top of his lungs while stripping to the bathroom after he was done with a job.
You grab the water bottle from the fridge, relieved the cool liquid soothes your seemingly raw throat, and press your forehead against the cold surface of the fridge. As you turn your head to the living room, your eyes flutter open, only to see a burly figure sitting on the window frame of the apartment, and you feel your heart completely drop into your ass.
You totally forgot about the Logan variant that Wade’s harboring along with you in his apartment, it seems like Wade enjoys picking up strays of all kinds including yourself, your also a variant of yourself, the version of you from Wade’s universe bit the bullet long ago and he was more than happy to proclaim you his ‘Snookums’.
You know that Logan is aware that you're there but he makes no effort to acknowledge your presence and you're half tempted to ignore him too but you're familiar with that distant look on his face and it tugs at a nerve you have long haven’t felt since you lost your Logan.
You pull a beer from the fridge and walk over next to him, holding the beer out to him. You know he's often broody and keeps to himself a lot of the time but this is your olive branch to him, your aware that you existed in his own world due to wade’s big mouth and you figured that had a lot to do with his distancing himself from you but you’d rather not maintain a awkward atmosphere between the two of you for as long as you're both living in the same space.
When his gaze meets yours, you can feel your heart skip a beat as the familiar hazel looks back at you. It’s been so long since you truly got to look at the features that enraptured your very being, how close but so far he is to you, you know he isn’t your logan but he was a version of him and you couldn’t help but love him. You never truly got to love your own Logan, your romance dying off too soon as you both just realized your feelings for each other.
He accepts the beer from you, his fingers grazing your own and it sends a shock up your spine as you register that he’s just as warm as your Logan, his lips twitch as he maintains his gaze on you and you wonder if you remind him of the version that was his.
“Thanks..Kid.” He mutters as he takes a swig, that gives you a pause but you choose to not to speak on it as you sit across from him looking out at the view he was so invested in before, this was completely different from your former life from when you lived in the Mansion but it was definitely a upgrade from the void.
“No problem, Bub.” You couldn’t help the small smirk that pulled on your lips, and you're relieved when he chuckles at your tease. 
You two were variants from two different universes with endless means of rekindling a bond that tethered every version of each to the other.    
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robin374 · 8 months
*throws u silly HCS ideas yet again aggressively*
Adam x Sweet angel reader
basically reader is the most sweet person u can encounter, like always complementing Adam, giving him hand made gifts and etc, and then theres Adam.
wanna know how this dynamic will go
luv ya
Character: Adam x reader (Romantic)
Notes: I'M BACK, I've finally finished my exams YIPPIE
Summary: Reader is a sweetheart and Adam somehow falls in love with them.
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I'm pretty sure that he's always trying to make you angry in some way. For example, he will be trying to annoy you all the time, and you will answer him with a sweet smile asking him if he's happy that day because he seems more enegertic.
We all know that he sometimes says really morally questionable things, so whenever you hear him say those things you will hit the back of his head and scold him.
At first he thought that your kind and sweet nature was a sign of weakness, because well, he's always around Lute and the Exorcist angels. However, when he saw you ruining someone's day with just a smile and two sarcastic but bold phrases, all those negative thoughts about you dissapeared. Now you have a supportive angel behind you everytime you argue with someone. And with supportive I mean that he's flipping the other angel off while saying "That's right, bitch!" or "You tell ém, sugar tits!"
Yeah, he's pretty obvious with his crush on you, and he's not ashamed. He told Lute about it, she was bit confused at first, like... She's sure that your blood is pure sugar, how could he fall in love with you? You're the total opposite. But, she was happy that Adam found someone after the events with Lillith and Eve...
He's a bit insecure of those events, I mean, he's afraid that Lucifer goes to heaven and steal you away from him. Then, he realizes that you don't even know about the exterminations. He won't tell you, and if you were at the council when Charlie tried to talk to Heaven's leaders. He will be very afraid that you turn against him, that you see him as a monster. Of course, you don't want to accpet that he's been killing souls, even if they are in Hell, they don't desever to die permanentely.
He tried to apologize telling you that those souls desever it, they were in hell for a reason, right? You told him that as long as he didn't kill any children or people who didn't really deseve it, you would let him go down to Hell. If not, you would tell Sera and even God about it and forbid him to go to Hell.
Before the extermination he wanted to talk to you in private. "I want to tell you something, sweetcheeks." You looked at him with a smile. "I... Sorry, you..." For the first time in centuries he was at a loss of words. So, he decided to kiss your lips. It was a bit aggressive at first, but when you softly put your hands in his cheeks his tensed up body loosened a bit. When you separated, you looked at golden eyes, which were looking at you softly. You caressed his cheek, you knew that Hell was going to fight back in that extermination, you knew that he was in danger. "Just don't die, please." You whispered. "I won't die, sugar. I'm Adam, the Adam, the original dick! They can't kill me." He said while hugging you. The, he put his helmet on and flew off to Hell. You gave Lute a gaze that asked her to protect him.
What you didn't expect was to see Lute without an arm. You rapidly rushed to her and started to treat her wounds. While you were stitching up her arm, she took something from a bag. It was a halo similar to Adam's. Suddenly you felt a knot in your throat, was he dead? The look that Lute gave you told you everything. "I tried... But... I'm so sorry..."
You took his halo and put it next to your heart. Tears were falling from your eyes, Lute didn't know what to do, should she comfort you? Should she walk away? Call someone? She just decided to stand behind you waiting for you to say something Now, you had mixed feeling about Hell, you were sure that souls could be redeemed and that extermination was wrong. But how could you fully believe them when they killed your lover?
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pxuvalentinx · 6 months
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Atta girl ✧ High Noon Yone x fem!reader tw: degradation, creampie, abuse (i think??), spanking, forced breeding, dub con (if theres anything else let me know<3) an: i wrote this a while ago when hn yone got first leaked, so if any new lore dropped - i wouldn't know. ✧ ˚  ·    . You swore to yourself that you’d kill every single one of those damn devils — without a single exception. You promised to avenge all the poor souls that got killed by those who made a pact with a devil. Not only that, but you’d give your life to free the west from its curse. It was the least you could do after failing so miserably to save others. So why were you bent over the saloon counter while a man rutted into you? Why were you moaning and whining his name? The name of a man who had made a pact with a devil. Bounty hunter Yone. Such an ironic title when you consider that there’s a high bounty on him as well. He hated devils, too — more than anything. His hatred took him so far that he became one of them. And god, you were thankful for it. Your thoughts were clearly getting manipulated by your tight cunt that was squeezing around his girth so deliciously that it made him growl into your ear. He wasn’t even trying to be quiet — the saloon might’ve been empty, but he wanted everyone to hear that walked by, how he was fucking this once so proud and snobbery woman into his little bitch. How she slowly became his dumb slut. Yone’s hands were on your hips as he thrusted into you from behind, pressing his pelvis against your ass while he leaned forward to whisper sweet nothings into your ear. One hand wandered up your throat, grabbing your chin with it and pulling your head back. His lips were barely two inches away from yours — “Aren’t ya just so pathetic?” He purred. “Just half an hour ago ya were soooo confident about killin’ me, tellin’ me how much ya hated ‘my kind’, how selfish I am, and now… You’re soakin’ and suckin’ in my cock like it’s ya’s life purpose.” The low growl in his voice was making your walls flutter around his dick. You hated to admit how good this felt. His hands were cold, freezing even. They sent shivers down your spine with every touch. He had this frightening and overwhelming aura that seemed to become more distinct with every thrust. His hand let go of your face after he saw the tears roll down your cheeks, proud of his work. From the corner of your eye, you could see his cocky grin. 
“Oh, fuck…!” He cursed. “Makes you this horny? Nasty bitch. Gon’ teach ya a lesson… Make…Ah~ ya regret facin’ me.” Your walls kept pulsating around his cock, massaging all of it like your cunt was made for him. It was driving him crazy, low grunts escaping his throat. 
He spread your ass cheeks with his two broad hands - one gloved. Groans of satisfaction as he looked at the sight. Letting go of one and giving it a hard smack right after, leaving a stinging pain which made you whine out. Music to his ears. Another smack. 
And another.
And another. 
“That ass already looked good in those tight ass jeans ya were wearin’ - but I didn’t expect it to look this good without ‘em” He could feel himself getting harder at the sight, growing even bigger inside of you. “Gon’ make you ride me next time. Want to see that pretty ass bounce on my fat cock. Better show me how much of a cowgirl ya truly are.” 
You turned your face to him, where he was already looking at you with the same cocky smile he had before. The pale skin in combination with his flaming orange eyes made your heart skip a beat. You never thought you’d think of a devil as handsome. Tears were streaming down your face as he continued to abuse your cunt to the best of his abilities. 
Yasuo warned you of him — No, everyone warned you of him, but you didn’t want to listen. You were so confident in being able to defeat him, in being able to get one step closer to peace in the west. And here you were, squirming underneath him, sobbing because his cock just hits all the right spots too damn good, begging him to fuck you harder, to abuse your cunt just a little more because in reality you were a pathetic masochist, who loved that he treated you like a piece of fuck meat. You were begging him to fill you up with his hot seed, to make a mess out of you and your cunt - to mark it as his. 
You didn’t care about the peace of the west anymore. All you could think about was Yone’s cock buried deep inside your pussy while his hands were kneading your ass in such a nice but rough manner. You wanted to cum all over his dick again and again and again. 
“Oh shit, darlin’ - gonna cum. Gon’ fill your tiny little pussy with my seed, ya want that? Fuck~ Tell me how badly ya want it, sweetheart. Tell me how badly ya want to get bred by me.” Yone commanded, the same low husky tone as before. 
Oh, how much this man turned you on, with his stupid low voice and his stupid grunts. “Yo- Ah~ Fuck… Please…fill me up…” 
“Atta girl!” 
His sloppy thrusts eventually ended up in him burying himself deep inside you, filling you up with all he has. The twitching feeling of his cock and the noises he made really hit you hard, making you squirt around him, ruining his chaps. Soft whines and pants leaving your lips. Yone threw his head back at the feeling, his hat almost falling off his head.  A split second before he pulled his cock out, looking at his cum oozing out of your cunt. Yours and his fluids were mixing together on the floor. He slurred out some quiet words, while spreading your pussy to really take in the view. "Think ya can take another round?"
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eightballspins · 4 months
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(〃ω〃) soul reuniting with his streamer bf
pairing : soul (p1harmony) x male reader
warnings: none :)) oh wait, reader is japanese - speaks japanese and a lil korean - but other than that theres no physical description being described so i hope it still is relatable (he had to b japanese for the plot ‼️)
rating : just fluffy pining and subtle (not so subtle) clingyness from shota <3 abrupt ending (?) a lil bit, sawrryyy
-> pt. 1 , maybe a short series because i feel this is just too cute + i feel like this was written rlly messy so pls excuse that and just look at how cute soul is pls.
wc : 4.1k+
the two of you met way before he even became a trainee and stayed close throughout his whole journey. being one of the few people he kept close from his hometown, he is always eager to talk to you and catch up — even if you guys are now very far from each other.
while he pursued his dream of becoming an idol, you were working towards your own, which was to become a popular streamer. with how oversaturated the market is, it took you quite a while to make a name for yourself. luckily, you had a strong support system in shota and the loved ones surrounding you. and all the hard work and effort you put into this dream eventually paid off, in two years time you were a well known name in the gaming community, not just in japan, but internationally.
shota liked tuning into your streams whenever he could, playing them around the dorm and watching them at full volume as he was entranced completely by you. the members wondered why he would be so invested in your streams, beginning to recognize your face from how often shota would watch, but did not know how deep your relationship with the boy was.
he kept his love life a secret from everyone, including the members, to play it safe. he was still young and even though he knew how much he loved you, he doubted he would be able to convince those around him how serious this relationship was for him and they’d just end up forcing a break up to happen between you two. he knew he could trust the members to not be completely doubtful of his relationship, but he still didn’t really see a rush in telling them.
meanwhile, since they thought that he was just watching some random dude streaming, they didn’t pester him about it, noticing that you were japanese and immediately marking it up to shota finding some sort of comfort to his homesickness.
“sho, guess what?”
he immediately made a face at the question, making you laugh at his suspicions.
“what?” he asked, wondering what had you so smiley. naturally, it made him smile in return, ear to ear with his eyes crinkling at the ends.
you didn’t say anything, instead showing him the plane ticket that was in your hand, as well as the passport that was accompanying it. he leaned forward to the phone screen, eyes comically blowing wide as he physically jumped into the air.
“oh my god!” he exclaimed in english, making his members snap their head in his direction at the sudden screech. he began giggling like a kid, running in place to physically get out all of his emotions of excitement and anticipation. “are you serious? are you really coming?!”
the members looked at each other in confusion, wondering if any of them could translate what he was saying from japanese to korean. then they watched in even more confusion with the way he threw himself into his room and shutting the door behind him rather excitedly.
“yep! my flight is in thirty minutes, i’ll be there in, hm, 3 or 4 hours?” you grinned, trying to be mindful of your volume as people were beginning to stare at you for your excited whispers to your phone.
“[name]! you’re really coming?!” he repeated again, throwing himself onto his bed and hugging one of the stuffed plushies you had bought him. “are you really coming?”
“yes, shota! why else would i be at the airport?” you laughed, spinning the camera around to show your surroundings, “i think i might have to hang up soon though, the people are starting to whisper about me,”
“no, no, stay on the phone until your plane leaves! promise, i’ll be quiet,” he pleads, looking at you with nothing but adoration and love, hugging the plushie tight as he imagined it were you instead. well, it would be in a couple of hours, which he found to be unbelievable.
“hm, ok, ok, until the plane leaves then,” you agree, nodding and internally cooing at how cute your boyfriend is, “what should we do when i get there?”
“eat! eat!” he chants, “then shopping? we have to get you some souvenirs. wait, how long are you going to be staying? do you already have a hotel? maybe the managers will let me have you stay in the dorm-”
his rambles continued on beyond that, the words leaving his lips before he could realize. but you simply let him go on, smiling at the animated expressions he was using while he talked and how audibly excited he was at your surprise visit.
“no, no, don’t, i already have a hotel booked, it should be pretty close to your dorm…if i was understanding the directions correctly when i booked,” you commented, crossing your fingers for shota to see, “my korean still isn’t the best, but i’ve been studying for a long time,”
“it’s probably better than mine,” he comforts, making you frown at his comment. he raises his hand in defense, swiftly apologizing for the slight self-deprecation.
“i’ll be there for about a month? i didn’t know your exact schedule, so i wanted to stay for a while in case it overlapped-”
“we already finished promoting for our recent song, so we don’t really have anything scheduled — besides morning and afternoon practices and lessons,” shota explained truthfully, grin widening as he realized he’d actually get to spend a lot of time with you.
“then, that’s perfe-”
you were cut off as there was an announcement made for you flight, making it known that boarding was beginning. shota frowned at the news, but reminded himself he’d finally get to see you in person in a few hours.
“i’ll see you soon, sho! promise the time will go by like this,” you snapped your fingers, making shota anxiously-excitedly toy with the soft fabric of the plushie.
“bye, i love you,” he says quickly, waving his hand towards the camera.
“i love you too, shota, i can’t wait to see you again!”
a blush is present on both of your faces at the farewell, but thankfully the camera doesn’t properly pick it up. you hang up after a couple seconds of waving bye, making shota turn onto his bed with a dreamlike look on his face.
in a split second, he’s turning over onto his stomach and making all sorts of noises into the thick mattress below him and ruining the neatness of his sheets as he flails around in bed. he thinks about how this would be the first time in about six years you two would see each other. and he gets all flustered at the idea, wondering how you have changed — how he’s changed and how you would react to it.
you’ve talked almost every single night since he’s left japan, but facetimes and phone calls can’t compare to the real thing. and he now feels nervous, butterflies in his stomach as he continues kicking into the bed.
“soul? what are you doing?” jongseob asked, peering into the room with a confused look on his face.
he stills in his actions, looking up from the pillow at his close friend and weakly replying, “boyfriend is coming.”
jongseob blinks several times before repeating what soul said, in a loud, shocked tone, “your what?!”
“boyfriend,” shota says, enunciating the syllables, “is coming. here. now.”
“what?! since when did you have a boyfriend?!”
“a what?!”
now the other members are barging into the room and surrounding soul, who’s still in a panic over how you’ll react to seeing him in person for the first time. keeho takes a seat next to him, placing both of his hands on his shoulders, “repeat what you told jongseob,”
getting tired of the entire interviewing process, shota speaks in a clear, definitive tone, “my boyfriend from japan is coming here, now. he’s on a flight, now!”
there’s silence that falls over everyone, taking in the words.
“well, that’s good, right?” keeho tries looking at the positive side, refusing to question shota further on why he never said anything about having a relationship, instead choosing to be comforting rather than demanding.
“no — well, yeah it is, it is! but what if he doesn’t like me anymore?” shota whispers, feeling himself grow more self conscious as he realizes what he had just said to his members.
“okay well, since we know nothing about him since it’s our first time hearing of him-” jiung slaps keeho on the back of the head, making the leader clear his throat and reword his sentence, “well, we don’t know much about him, but i’m sure him coming all the way here for you is a clear sign that he still likes you, shota,”
he remains silent, fiddling with the rings adorning his fingers. the others watch on, anxious and too shocked to really say anything else. so he shoots up from his bed, grabs his towel, and rushes to the bathroom to shower and freshen up, and also clear his thoughts.
in the newfound silence of the bedroom, they all look at each other.
“shota has a boyfriend?” intak repeats, still not believing the news, “why didn’t he tell us?”
keeho shrugs, that question being the main thing on his mind. he wonders if soul was burdening himself with such a secret for a long time and frowns as he thinks about how there might be more that he’s hiding.
“well, let’s not question him too much about it, if this guy is on a flight right now, that means that he’s gonna be here in a couple of hours. just, pretend that everything is normal, alright?” keeho advises them all, motioning for them to leave the room to give shota privacy when he gets out of the shower.
after the flight that was a little over three hours long, you finally touched ground in south korea. you felt both giddy and nervous over being reunited with your boyfriend after so long, but tried to not focus on the nerves too much. after going through airport security and securing your luggage, you opened an app on your phone, about to call for a taxi to take you to your hotel, but a shadow standing in front of you distracted you.
looking up in confusion, your furrowed brows became relaxed the moment you recognized who it was. it took a couple of seconds considering they were wearing a beanie that covered their hair and a mask.
but you could easily recognize shota’s eyes from a mile away.
he was standing in front of you with a bouqet of flowers proudly in front of him, as well as a plushie keychain of sorts also attached to the bouqet.
“sho-chan!” you cried out, pulling him into a hug immediately, which he reciprocated in a second. the flowers were crushed in between the both of your chests, but neither of you minded. he rocked the two of you back and forth, the mask on his face covering his grin, as he breathed in your scent. “why are you here? what if you get caught?”
“i needed to see you,” he whispered, still holding you so tight it was borderline suffocating. his arms were around your waist as his hands went up and down your back, fingers slightly digging into the fabric of your clothes. as if he were grabbing for you, trying to understand that you really were in front of him.
this wasn’t one of his dreams.
“i missed you so much,” you said, smiling into his chest as he kept running his hands up and down your back. you tried pulling away, but he was pretty adamant in keeping you against him. it took pinching his side with laughter before he could release you. and even then, he still had his arm around your shoulder to keep you close. “so, what are you do-”
“[name]-san! welcome to korea!”
it was a sudden exclamation of pretty off-sounding japanese. you looked behind shota and saw five heavily disguised individuals holding a sign reading the words they had just said, as well as one of them holding flowers.
“what is going on?” you ask, voice breaking into laughter at the awkward scene.
“my members, they wanted to come so that they could say hello to you,” shota explained quickly, “i just told them today, that you were my boyfriend, so i think they were really excited…they seem more excited than i do,”
you watched shota’s reaction carefully, to see if there was any hint of how they took the news, but he was just relaxed and embarrassed of their activities, not at all spiteful or hurt. so you simply smiled, taking his hand in yours and walking forward.
“thank you so much for the warm greeting,” you bow in thanks, taking the flowers from theo, and looking at each of them, “we can just speak in korean, by the way, no need for japanese,”
“yeah, they don’t speak it well anyway, so i doubt you’d be able to understand anything they said,” shota teases in his mother tongue, making you smack him on the chest as a way of scolding him for being so mischievous. but he only smiles wider, grabbing your hand in his and swinging it back and forth. “should we go?”
the rest of the members watch his comfortabilty with you, fond smiles on their faces, before nodding and agreeing that they should leave the airport before someone notices them. shota makes sure to stay close, holding you tight with a grin that he can’t wipe off of his face the entire time.
”so, [name], how did you and soul meet?” keeho asked, closing the door behind him as everyone was settled into the van. you sat at the window seat, shota next to you and jongseob on his other side. the remaining four were sitting in front of you, being able to look at you directly with the way the van’s seats were positioned.
“me and shota have known each other before he even came to korea for training,” you explained carefully, trying to keep the vocabulary simple so you didn’t confuse yourself, “childhood friends,”
“so when did you two starts dating?”
you look at shota, trying to remember the exact amount of time. he giggled quielty, deciding to answer, “i asked him to be my boyfriend a couple of months after our debut,”
the members tried fighting off the look of surprise on their faces, but it was hard when the news was so ground breaking. since debut, soul had been successful in keeping his relationship with you hidden.
“wait — hold on,” intak clapped his hands, pointing a finger at you with shock painted across his face. keeho smacked his pointing finger down in a second, glaring at the third youngest for his behavior, “i know you! i know your face!”
you became bashful, nodding your head at the man’s exclamation.
“wait, intak how do you know him?” jiung asked, confused even more, along with the rest of the members.
out of nowhere, theo was next to shout out, “oh! i know you too! this is crazy!” he said, looking at you and soul with wide eyes, “you never told us he was the one you always watch,”
“guys, what are you talking about?” keeho asked, making theo and intak both shout at the same time: “the streamer soul is always watching!”
shota covers his face in embarassment of his members’ antics while jiung, jongseob, and keeho all make sounds of realization.
“you’re so cool!” keeho says suddenly, also putting two and two together, “me and soul were watching you together one day, you’re really good at game. how did i not recognize you?” the last part was rhetorical, of course, but you simply shook your head in bashfulness.
“wait, this is so cool, soul’s dating him!” jongseob said, grinning ear to ear as he slaps shota’s shoulder several times. then he looks at you with a kind smile, “i watch your streams sometimes, you’re really cool!”
“huh? since when?” soul asked, hearing that piece of news for the first time.
“since i started playing honkai, he’s got good builds,” jongseob shrugs, looking at you with a kind smile, “wow, you look different in person, in a good way!”
shota rolls his eyes at jongseob’s compliment, but you thank him with a genuine smile and nod of your head.
“that’s really nice of you guys, i didn’t know shota would be watching it that frequently,” you said, feeling shy at the fact that these guys have probably all seen you look your worst on streams where you didn’t really care for your appearance.
”he watches you allll the time,” intak adds on, “always on his phone watching you!”
“and with no headphones, it’s at full volume too,” jiung says, briefly scowling at soul before sweetly smiling at you, “i guess he was just so proud that he wanted everyone in the dorm to know,”
shota waves his hand and makes noises to tell them to shut up, but their exposing of him doesn’t end there. they keep telling more and more about his behavior whenever he watched your streams, the entire car ride consisted of that while shota tried getting them to stop.
but you took each thing they said to you with a genuine smile and thankful nod. you were internally relieved that they were all very accepting and not even paying any mind to the fact that you and shota were both boys dating, just treating your relationship like any other — which you appreciated.
the entire car ride was light hearted and full of laughter, plus shota making embarrassed noises whenever they exposed him of his very down bad behavior that they were also piecing together. whenever shota would get particularly embarrassed, he’d hide into your shoulder and whine audibly enough to the point they also began teasing him for that.
finally, the van arrived to their dorm and they quickly explained, “let’s just eat dinner first before you go to your hotel room,” and they all seemed too excited to deny, since you thought that it would have been too burdensome. but with the way they were so eagerly guiding you to the building made you feel too welcomed to refuse.
“we tried cleaning up before you came, so if there’s any mess, please excuse it,” keeho says softly, looking a bit embarassed, but you just shake your head and tell him it was fine. shota is still lingering incredibly close, standing behind you with his arms wrapped around your waist.
“we bought a mix of korean and japanese food, so hopefully you find something you like,” jiung says, motioning for you to take a seat across from him and smiling excitedly at the sight of the food, “everything looks really delicious. i want to try the curry,”
“it smells very good, too,” you comment, the aroma of all the food surrounding you all. they all agreed with moans of pleasure, excited to finally dig in and soon, they were all grabbing their own pair of chopsticks and grabbing pieces of the food.
shota grabbed at least one piece of everything for you, excitedly watching you react to each thing you tasted. his dark eyes were seemingly permanently resting in a crescent position and his cheeks were always raised high due to his smile.
“is it yummy?” he asked after feeding you a spoonful of spicy tofu stew. you nodded with sounds of approval at the food, making the other member chuckle in agreement.
“here, try this one,” shota repeats, holding a piece of an unknown dish to your mouth. his hand is resting underneath it in case he needs to catch it. opening his mouth as he feeds you, eagerly awaiting your reaction once again.
he did this with every dish that was on the table, grinning happily and shaking your hands together every time you enjoyed it. jiung had to physically restrain himself from showing any sign of giddiness at how adorable the two of you were.
“so, what do you have planned while you’re in seoul?” keeho kindly asked.
soul was eagerly waiting for your response wanting to get any hint of anything that the two of you could be doing for the entire month you were together. trying to ignore his adorable eyes planted on you, you looked directly at keeho, “i have a lot of things i want to do and see, like the traditional villages and stuff, but also the other tourist spots…i’ve never been to korea before so i’ll be happy to see anything! i do have some stuff planned with shota, but, i can’t spoil them,”
the boys all nodded in understanding, looking pleased at the information.
“well, if you ever need anything, we’ll all be here for you,”
you thanked them for being so kind and that was the wrap up of your meal. shota was quick in pulling you away, the others not minding that he was skipping out on cleaning up since he was so visibly excited to be with you. he carried you into his shared room with jongseob by your waist, falling onto the mattress with a satisfied sigh.
despite not seeing you for so long, the level of comfortability was not at all forgotten. his awareness of his skin against yours was enough to make him crave it more, burying his head into your neck and tightening his hold around your waist. you laughed at the ticklish sensation, feeling his smile press against your skin.
you rolled over a couple of times until you were in a comfortable position. shota moved up to sit against the wall, letting you sit on his lap with your legs on either side of his, and resting his hands in yours, holding on tight.
“i can’t believe you’re really here,” he sighs, eyes blown wide as he takes the sight of you in, “i missed you so much, [name], you wouldn’t believe it,” his voice is quiet and soft, as if he wants these words to only exist in this moment alone.
his hand gently moves to rest on your cheek and your scared that he’d feel just how hot your skin was from the close proximity and his heartfelt words. but he can only smile at you so fondly, the cool feeling of his rings against your skin calming your racing heart (to an extent).
“always wanted to go back home to you,” he whispers, his other arm moving to wrap around your waist. he leans forward, making your chests meet at the sudden closeness, as well as vice grip around your middle half making you forcefully press against him.
“i missed you too, shota,” it’s soft, but he catches it and he smiles ear to ear at the confession.
“can i kiss you?”
it takes a couple of seconds to process what exactly he had said, but when it finally does click all you can manage is a nod. it’d be your first kiss together, but there wouldn’t be any more perfect of a time than now to have one. reunited after years of being apart, forcing a long distance relationship that you both knew would have sparse amounts of support.
his eyes are trained on yours, until he eventually flutters his eyes shut and leans in for the softest kiss in the world. he squeezes you closer, practically melting into you as he tries so hard to keep your lips on his for as long as possible.
when the two of you have to pull away, he’s already grinning ear to ear with a healthy blush on his face.
“i love you so much, [name],” he gently says.
it’s the easiest thing in the world to reply back, “i love you too, shota,”
┆pt. 2 would probably be more centered around how reader being a streamer acc impacts the plot lmao (like random ass ppl recognizing him on the street - which i think would b rlly funny)
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volturiprincess · 6 months
To love You in an Old Way
Jasper Hale x human mate reader
Summary: Reader is a fan of old school love Warnings: None, just pure fluff A/N: This one-shot was inspired by this song I been listening on repeat lately, its called "Amarte a la Antigua" or "To Love You in an Old Way" by Eslabon Armado. I added lyrics from the song onto this (Spanish is my first language so translating was easy) From just that song theres another song I listen from this group and another one shot idea came to idea. There will be another A/N in the end. Enjoy :)
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(You can never forget your first love for a Vampire)
“Today we no longer write letters to fall in love
Today the flowers are no longer seen”
I have never been serenaded by gifts or even experienced all those old school love gestures. I always said I had no interest in being serenaded but secretly I wished that everything you see in the movies could happen to me. The endless romance books I have drowned myself in so that I could try to picture myself in those romantic scenes leaves me with an unsaid desire. But it is an unrequired thing, guys at school just don't work like that anymore 
“Where has that romance gone?
There are no longer poems to conquer each other
Now only emails are sent”
That is until a certain cowboy came into my life, Jasper Hale. I always admired him from a distance and didn't really approach him in any way until he awkwardly but oh so adorable came up to me one day and said “Hello y/n would you like to go out with me to a bookstore in Port Angeles”. The way he had a hint of anxiety in his eyes and how he flexed his arms behind his back left me curious as to why he was so nervous to talk to me. From that moment 2 years ago today, we have been together ever since, and yes I do know about him and his family being vampires and his past even. There are days where he has to be away from me to control his thirst but I never feel disappointed or hurt. I do always praise him for how far he has come to being able to be around me without the feeling of wanting to drain my blood in a second. 
But the thing I absolutely love about Jasper is he is an old school lover, makes sense since he is old but he does everything you would see in the movies. At first it started with just short poem phrases left inside my locker or in the books I would read, 
“Loving you the old way, stealing your smiles
Hold your hand, open the door for you, write you poems
love like before”
And from that he started to write full on poems, one of them being called “To love you in old way”, which just hits my heart in every way. He then started to give me little gifts, nothing fancy yet unless you count chocolates but he would give me little drawings he's done throughout the day or once he gave me a bracelet he made that had a small heart and rose charm. I still wear that bracelet to this day. 
“Fill you with roses, sing you songs, paint you caresses”
When he writes me poems, he leaves them in my bedroom with a bouquet of my favorite flowers each time. The way he loves me is something I never knew could exist, he's so suave with his southern charm  and the way he can sit for hours listening to me talk just makes my heart swell. Many would assume just because he's the reserve type he lacks being a romantic type, but when me and him are alone he says some of the most dazzling and mesmerizing things that can put any poet to shame
Like just a minute ago he said this line 
“In you, I have found the love that fills my soul”
And with his Texan accent, it made it more personal.
“Was that an Edgar Allan Poe quote?”
“It was, I figured you would like it for the reason being you love his works”
“Oh you know me so well cowboy”
He smirked slightly and pulled me into his embrace so my back was against his chest while he was leaning against a tree. 
“I like how you learned quotes from his works to woe me, even if he focuses more on the dark and terror of life”
“Well one thing I have grown to know about you is books are a key to your heart”
“Yes true, and food, don't forget food”
The way he laughs makes me melt into him more, his laugh is quiet like the sounds of small bells ringing, so angelic yet at the same time so bewitching.
“I could never forget that about you darlin”
I thought about our first date, I was internally panicking and was overthinking constantly of what to say to him, I was debating to just be myself or my quiet self. What made me loosen up with him was he gave me this aura of calm, at the time I didn't understand how but with that feeling I relaxed and was able to finally be myself. Since our first date was at a bookstore, he held all the books I wanted and he didn't protest or anything, actually he would recommend books or I would catch him sneaking books into my growing pile. After that date, we just knew we fit like a puzzle, it was then confirmed later that Jasper and I are mates which confused me since I am human. 
We would spend hours either in his room or mine reading and then talking about it afterwards. He really is my missing piece to my soul. My parents even approved of Jasper and would be happy to have him over or even letting him stay the night or vice versa. They knew Jasper was the perfect gentleman and wouldn't do anything to hurt me, which is true in every way, even if he does have his days where he struggles with his thirst control.
“Penny for thoughts?”
At hearing his voice through my mist of memories I answered “I was just thinking about our first date”
“What about it?”
“Just thinking how we fit like two puzzle pieces”
He kissed the top of my head and mumbled quietly
“You have no idea how true that is”
I grabbed his hand and traced his visible veins. I would often do that to make him relax more and in a way it comforted me. As for him I noticed he would bury his face into my hair, he says my hair smells like flowers and I could feel him melt everytime he did that. 
“Can I ask you something”
His sudden voice in our quiet bliss startled me
“Yea? What's up?”
“Well I have a supplication for you”
I raised an eyebrow at that word but pulled away from him so I could face him.
“Supplication? You never fail to amuse me with your formal words but continue with your supplication”
His radiantly affectionate smirk spread onto his face. He reached into his pocket and pulled a small box out, seeing that box my eyes widened slightly, is it what i think it is? With opening the box I can already see the twinkling diamond shining through 
“Darlin’ the moment I meet you I felt I could finally breathe again, I felt somewhat human once again and my dark past did not cloud my mind as much, I don't know what I would do if I were to ever lose you or let you do, that might sound selfish but damn dang it I love you doll, Will you do me the honor and marry me?”
My tears were already building up when he barely said his first words. The man of my dreams is asking for my hand in marriage and the way the sunlight was hitting him made him look so surreal, it felt like we were in a dream at that moment.
“YES Jas, YES!!”
His smile widened and he placed the ring on my finger in an instant and pulled me into a deep kiss. This kiss didn't feel like any other kiss we had in the past, it felt like all our past deception vanished and it was just me and him in this whole world. And to think this all started with me craving for that old antique love gestures. 
“Love you the old way, love you like before”
A/N: I love Jasper, as I said in one of my past post, he was my first Vampire love until well I discovered Felix but I still love him never less. I have another idea for a one shot with another song but this time it will be about Caius, hence to why I have one of his quotes in my bio.
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sangyeonsmuse · 1 month
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PAIRING Preachers Son Jacob x Innocent Reader ft demon Sangyeon
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DNI Jacob likes corrupting you, Sangyeon tempting Jacob, mentions of masturbation, porn without plot, degradation, corruption, pet names like darling, mature language, vaginal fingering, oral, penetration,etc
SUMMARY Jacob isn’t the sweet angelic preachers son everyone makes him out to be. Behind closed
doors he just can’t stop thinking about corrupting you.
An old story of mine rewritten for tbz, i haven’t read through again so sorry if there are typos
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“Jacob, tomorrow morning make sure that all pews are neat and each seat has a bible, along with the tithe envelopes, we’ll be having a few new families joining us today for sister leah’s baptism.” His father spoke authoritatively over the phone, having left Jacob alone while he and his mother went on their yearly anniversary vacation. Which meant it fell upon Jacob to take care of their upcoming service since they weren’t home.
“Yes father.’’ Jacob absentmindedly scribbled down all of his fathers orders on a piece of paper
Being the son of a preacher and the town's golden preacher's son meant that everything about him, the family, and its church must be perfect and in no shape or form show anything that presented them as anything other than pure. While Jacobs' father believed he had the perfect family and the most innocent and well put together son he had been completely wrong about the innocence of the man. Growing up his father had always taught him the things that were right and wrong in the eyes of all those holy within that list was the conjuring or deal making with demons or devils, like any kid he would listen and it would all go through one ear and out the other.
“What a daddy’s boy, still following all of his orders like you always did back when we were kids.’’ His mischievous voice cuts through the silence of the place like a knife.
“Sangyeon , I told you to stop showing up here.’’ Jacob sighs as he sits his phone down on the bed and continues to jot down tomorrow's preparations before the next upcoming service.
“Awe now where's the fun in that, i already own half your soul so there's really no getting rid of me unless you bind me to someone else.’’ Sangyeon chuckles as he kicks back on one of the benches with his hands behind his head.
And he was entirely right. When Jacob was younger, Sangyeon and him had been the best of friends, of course any outsider would assume the two hated one another the way they always bickered or annoyed one another. Jacob being the more calm and level headed while Sangyeon had always been the more risky and rowdy one. Well one night Jacob had gotten a call from Sangyeons mother telling him that Sangyeon was gone. Not wanting to lose his best friend Jacob took it so hard that he went against his morals and brought a spirit board home one night. He had been tampering around with things he knew nothing about and somewhere along the line without realizing he made a deal with a demon to bring back his friend. A demon that now not only owned Sangyeons soul, but part of his as well.
“Why is it that even through death and damnation you find ways to annoy me Sangyeon.’’ Jacob shakes his head as he finishes up with preparation notes.
“You’re the one that brought me back, stop acting as if you wouldn’t have missed it.’’ Sangyeon chuckles and sits up from the bench and as if on queue theres a knock on the door and Jacob makes his way downstairs being followed by Sangyeon. As he opened the door there you stood.
Sangyeon didn’t miss the way Jacobs gaze immediately took you in from head to toe and there was a sudden shift in his mood as well as the look in his eyes. Sangyeons lips immediately curled at the sides, a mischievous grin now decorating his lips as a lightbulb went off over his head.
“Well she’s cute cobie, is she the one you’re always moaning about whenever you jerk off alone in your shower.’’ Sangyeon chuckles as his tongue grazes over his fanged teeth, as you look up at Jacob your gaze was so sweet and innocent, Sangyeon couldnt help but eye you with an amused look on his face and a glint in his eyes.
Jacob gave the latter an annoyed look before looking back at you.
“What it’s not like they can see or hear me? Afraid they’ll find out innocent little Jacob isn’t so innocent and pure?’’ Sangyeon stands at his side and watches the interaction between the two of you.
“y/n what are you doing here? were we supposed to study today, did I forget?” Jacob speaks with the softest tone, it was enough to make Sangyeon laugh, having seen straight through his bullshit.
“Actually my parents thought that it would be a good idea to help you out with prep for tomorrow since your parents told them you’d be alone. And they wanted to make sure everything will go well with my sister's day tomorrow.” She gave him an innocent smile, one that Sangyeon found oh so enticing.
Your parents had been quite fond of Jacob since the moment you all first started attending his family's church. They saw him as a sweet well put together man , not to mention he and his family's faith seemed to be quite strong. Unaware of who he truly was behind the scenes they felt he would have been perfect for you. You, their sweet innocent daughter who they raised to be pure and sweet under the eyes of god, which you were. Never been to parties, never caught drinking or smoking. You were exactly what they had raised you to be, a good girl, one that Jacob who was also meant to be pure had thought of corrupting time and time again, but never put into action.
“You think she’s a virgin too? That’ll make it even more fun to corrupt her right Cobie? I bet she is a cute little virgin that's why you like her so much.’’ Sangyeon chimes in and Jacob simply ignores him, trying his best to focus on you alone.
“I see you don’t need to worry I’ll make sure your sister's day goes perfect, but i could still use the help, come in.’’ Jacob responds while leading you inside and over to the couch to have a seat.
“I have no doubt that it’ll be perfect my parents think very highly of you and your father.’’ She laughs as she takes a seat and adjusts her dress.
“Do they now? I wonder how her parents would feel if they knew the things you think of their daughter, she’s cute Cobie, seems innocent too, makes me want to play with her even more.’’ Sangyeons finger slid over your thigh sending a shiver through your body, you being entirely unaware of his presence caused you to believe it was simply just a chill.
“Sangyeon.’’ Jacob calls him through gritted teeth which only earns a laugh from Satoru.
“Just say the word and i’ll leave her alone.’’ His fingers slowly grazed the skin up your legs until he reached your skirt. As he watched as Sangyeon opened his mouth and flared his fangs Jacob could no longer stay silent.
“Sangyeon enough.’’ his voice was so loud it startled you for a second, you were even more startled to see another man appear at your side kneeling at eye level with your thighs.
“Now you’ve done it Cobie, you know the rules looks like she could see me now.’’ Sangyeon chuckles as Jacob silently curses himself for having said Sangyeons name in front of you.
“W-what? Where did you come from? Jacob?’’ Your eyes frantically move back and forth between Sangyeon and Jacob.
“This should be fun. Go on Cobie tell her about your deal.’’ Sangyeon leans against the couch behind her with a huge amused look on his face at his friend's sudden silence.
“Not gonna tell her? Alright, well angel i’m Lee Sangyeon a demon and Cobies best friend, Cobie here gave up half of his soul to a demon to bring me back when i died, but i could only come back under unfortunate circumstances, so guess you can say im his own personal demon.’’ Sangyeon ignores his now annoyed friend sitting there with a look of disapproval on his face.
“You know you really are pretty, I see why Jacob is always thinking about you.’’ he continues on, disregarding the silence between the three of them.
“Sangyeon.’’ Jacob finally glances at him, his eyes now darkening as if queueing Sangyeon to shut up.
“What? I just want to play with her a little. Don't act like you're some sweetheart wanting to protect her. Go on tell her about all those times you’ve jerked off thinking about her, about all those times you’ve had to force yourself to behave around her when she would show up to study sessions in her cute little skirts. What’s stopping me from playing with her now that she knows I'm here? What stops you from playing with her now that she knows you aren't as sweet and innocent as you look?’’ Sangyeons hand wraps around your neck earning a gasp from you as his other snakes around her waist.
“Just look at her Cobie, the way she trembles at my touch and looks to you just to save her and protect her from me. Be her savior then.’’ Sangyeon chuckles and licks a slit up your neck earning a soft whine from you that makes Jacobs cock twitch against his pants.
“She’s so believing in you being her cute little savior, sweet innocent preacher's son, save her then Jacob, live up to your title.’’ Sangyeons tone was quite menacing as he tries to talk Jacob into giving in to his desires.
“Jacob...’’ His name spills from your lips like a silent plea, you were looking for him to help you unaware that you had given him the very push he needed just by calling his name.
“Listen to how desperate she sounds calling out for you Cobie.’’ Sangyeon chuckles as he slides his fingers up your skirt and pushes his fingers past your folds.
“She’s perfectly ready for you to save her.’’ Sangyeons other hand holds your skirt up in place against your stomach revealing how tight you were wrapped around Sangyeons fingers. Seeing such a sight and hearing a cry spill from your lips, nothing else mattered to Jacob but this.
“That’s it show her the real you.’’ Sangyeons fingers moved so quickly against your clit that you had no time to refuse him.
“J- Jacob please.’’ You choke out soft pleas which Jacob simply ignored, he was done putting up his facade especially having gotten to see you in this position, legs spread wide on his own couch with his best friends fingers buried deep in your cunt.
“God your whining is so pathetic it makes me want to ruin you even further.’’ Jacob finally speaks, making you fall silent and Sangyeon laughs behind you.
You were completely taken back by Jacobs sudden change. Moving closer to the two of you he lets out a dark chuckle as he helps Sangyeon hook your panties to the side, pushing a finger through your folds he then brings it to the lips. This was the complete opposite of the Jacob you knew, the Jacob he pretended to be around you.
“How is she?’’ Sangyeons face had been close to your neck, you felt his fangs graze your neck as if warning you not to make one move. Which meant you were forced to keep your eyes on Jacob, watching the way his head falls back and he lets out a soft hum at the taste of you.
“Such a sweet girl, let’s take our time with her Yeon.’’ A desperate whine spills from your lips as Jacob buries yet another finger inside of you.
“Make sure she doesn't get too rowdy Yeon, shut her up until she learns to be silent, wouldn't want your parents to hear anything from next door now would you darling? Their good little girl being fucked by a demon and the person they think so highly of.’’ Sangyeon whispers near your ear before biting into the skin on your shoulder earning a loud scream. Your scream is swallowed up into Jacobs mouth as he takes your lips against his in a kiss.
While he had you distracted with his kiss he took a moment to unbuckle his belt and pull out his cock, he didn’t miss the soft whine that spilled out from your lips and into his as he kissed you. Grabbing hold of your hair he roughly pulls away from your lips before shoving his cock deep down your throat without warning.
“Shit.’’ he grunts out as he thrusts into your mouth the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat over and over as he disregards every gag or cry that spills from your lips as well as the tears that form in your eyes slowly falling down your beautiful face.
“Shit look at how wet she is Cobie, she likes it, how cute, corrupted little angel getting turned on while she’s being used like a fuck toy.’’ Sangyeon presses his thumb against the sensitive bud between your folds, smiling at the way your body jerked and convulsed at his touch.
“And here we were thinking you were just a good little girl that did everything her parents asked.’’ Sangyeon chuckles and watches as his friend simply went crazy showing no mercy whatsoever as he abused your throat.
“Tell me princess will you still play innocebt after this, fucking someone who isnt even your boyfriend and a demon right next door to your own home, how naughty. I guess i’ll have to continue to fuck away your innocence every time i see you from now on.’’ Jacob holds a fistfull of your hair, his grunts and moans of pleasure echoing throughout the entire house so loud he would have expected a noise complaint.
“Does this make her ours? Our personal little plaything.’’ Sangyeon chimes in cheerfully earning a glare from Jacob.
“Don’t act as if you haven't marked her already I saw you bite her Sangyeon.’’ Jacob growls and the moment he gets ready to cum he could hear a knock at the door and a chime on your phone and he was forced to stop.
With a chuckle he he places you on his lap as he takes a seat on the couch, while Sangyeon slips your phone from your purse.
“Looks like mommy and daddy are at the door sweetheart, i think i'll let them know you aren’t here at the moment.”
“Remember pretty girl, you make a sound and your entire family will know their innocent yn is just a dirty little girl that likes fucking demons.’’ Hoisting up your skirt Jacob places his hands on your ass and lifts you up gently sliding you down into his cock. After having texted your parents that you and Jacob had taken a break from studying to go out into town for food, Sangyeon places your phone down and walks over to you. Hovering over you he takes a fistfull of your hair and shoves his cock into your mouth until he completely bottoms out.
Jacobs eyes fixate on your bouncing figure as he watches your desperate movements. He found both amusement and pleasure at the way you so willingly gave in to him and Sangyeon now. his breath catching at the sight. Hearing your moans of pleasure and loud exclamations, a primal growl escapes his lips. Sangyeon tightens his grip on your hair upon feeling your cheeks hollow around his cock. As Jacob caught sight of you reaching up to stop Sangyeon from fucking into your throat he’s quick to grab your arms and force them behind your back.
“Nono angel, go ahead and take him like a good girl, i'm sure you can take it baby.” he thrusts his hips up with increasing force and speed. The sound of your bodies colliding fills the room along with the sweet sounds of your moans as if you were harmonizing, a symphony of your own pleasure and desire.
His eyes lock with Sangyeons, a mixture of lust and tenderness in his gaze. "You’re lucky to even be this close to her, enjoy yourself while it lasts Yeon" Jacob warns Sangyeon before letting out a breath, his voice filled with a mix of urgency and adoration.
His sultry voice only makes you eager to have him finish inside of you. The rotation of your hips and force of her bounces became stronger. As youre riding him so desperately your eyes catch a glimpse of Sangyeon, you immediately clench at the sight of him loving the way that his head fell back and loud groans spilled from his lips at the way your lips so skillfully sucked him off.
your gaze losing all its innocence, suddenly changing into one so lustful and sensual that it would make any man crumble at your feet. In that moment you didn’t seem to care about the consequences of your actions as you had both of them invoking unawakened pleasures within you you had never felt before that day. The more they gave in to their desires the more compliant you became, you wanted them to do whatever they wanted with you from this point forward, you'd allow them to completely destroy you however they wanted.
“Looks like you’re ready to cum already Cobie, she that good?’ Your hips rotation and skill of your tongue pulling the lewdest of moans from both parties.
Jacobs body tenses under the intensity of your movements, his breaths becoming more ragged as he nears his peak. Only thing you hated about this was the fact that you couldnt take in how beautiful he looked behind you. The sweat dripping down his neck as his hair fell loosely upon his face
He watches you, captivated by the way your hips rotate and the force of your desperate bounces. The feeling of your tightness and the way you clenched around him driving him wild with pleasure. The sound of their moans fills the confession box, a testament to the pleasure they're experiencing together.
Sangyeons eyes meet yours, his own filled with a combination of desire and a hint of dominance. His hips continue to move with a fervent rhythm as he takes control, giving in to the primal urge to dominate and see you crying at the force of his thrusts into your throat. The squelching sound from Jacob burying himself deep into your cunt intensifies the pleasure building within you.
Jacobs hand wraps around your neck, his grip tightening immediately around your throat as your body convulses with pleasure, his fingers combined with his rough thrusts earning gush after gush from you, your squirting only fueling his desire further. He watches your reactions, attuned to your every whimper and moan, while maintaining a careful balance of control and intensity. With a growl, he delivers harder thrusts, his hand still firmly wrapped around your throat, his dominance and control evident in his movements. He takes in the sight of you, the way your body trembles beneath him, your moans of pleasure echoing in the room.
"Too much, pretty girl?" he taunts, his voice laced with desire. "Or is it just enough? I want to make you lose yourself, to make you completely mine. My pretty little sinner. I'll corrupt you over and over again."
As the intensity between them reaches its peak, Jacob also continues to ravish you, the both of them taking you to the brink of ecstasy. All of your bodies move in unison, a dance of passion and pleasure, until you’d all succumb to the overwhelming release that awaited.
“Fuck look at her, shes making a mess.” Sangyeon groans as he looks down on the scene before him. You had never squirted so much in your life, actually you had never even squirted before in your life. Jacobs' couch had been completely soaked after Jacob having made you do it over and over again after seeing you do it the first time. He didn’t even care even if you begged him to let you cum. He found pleasure in edging you in ways that brought tears to your eyes and had you trembling for your release.
Sangyeon took pride in the way you gazed up at him, mouth full of his cock while drool spilled down your chin, your lip gloss a complete mess.
Upon feeling your body convulse and your trembling legs against his lap Jacob knew you were reaching your breaking point. His eyes darken with a mix of satisfaction and desire as he takes in the sight of you in such an overwhelmed state. Your body trembling, the evidence of the three of your escapades staining the couch. He relishes in the marks he's left on your skin, the hickeys adorning your skin a testament to him having corrupted you. Feeling your desperation and hearing your whimpered please, His own control begins to waver. He knows the both of you are on the edge, bodies yearning for release. With a final, powerful thrust, he pushes you both over that edge. Sangyeon is not too far behind allowing you all to release in synchronicities.
A guttural moan escapes his lips as he finds his own release, the intensity of it coursing through his veins. As you ride the waves of pleasure together, he holds you close to his chest savoring the aftermath of the encounter. THe way you lay against him so fucked out and pretty.
“From now on you’re mine, no one else looks at you or touches you, the only one allowed to corrupt your pretty little mind angel, is me.”
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kindestofkings · 10 months
sunshine baby [1]
robert keating x reader (she/her)
faceclaim: gracie abrams (ofc hahah)
authors note: hello hello! this is a really random one, I am a broken record but I am self projecting in these hence why the reader is always home friends with the boys. also theres so many time skips lol
I really home you enjoy, would really appreciate any feedback or comments yee might have <33
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liked by bobbyskeetz and others
yourusername 2 months into lockdown we are playing, we are hot girl walking and most importantly we are hot girl drinking 💅
view all 20 comments
bobbyskeetz thanks for choosing the most flattering photos luv x
yourusername any time baby any time :))
yourbestfriend i miss you and your impromptu sing songs <3
yourusername no I miss you so much !! boys are really smelly sometimes 😀 yourbestfriend thats what you get for dating bobby SKEETZ bobbyskeetz heyy yourusername I know right?? bobbyskeetz HEYYYY
elijahhewson there is very little going on behind those eyes
yourusername the bulmers was very warm... and we just lost a zoom quiz
joshjenkinson_ keep our boy sane !
yourusername and whos gonna keep me sane?? whos gonna keep me alive? ryanmcmahon_15 did you put yourself on the line?
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liked by yourbestfriend and others
yourusername as y'all know I dabble with playing some piano andddd my very cool, talented boyfriend and his friends asked me to play on a few tunes for their DEBUT ALBUM. thank you for briefly employing me :))
view all 30 comments
joshjenkinson_ no thank YOU
ryanmcmahon_15 we owe you forever, this is so exciting !
bobbyskeetz as your boss can you make me a cuppa?
yourusername and your legs stopped working when?? also you're closer to the kitchen than I am rn!
bobbyskeetz they just cant take the weight of being such a musical success 😔 friend1 @bobbyskeetz how does she put up with you? bobbyskeetz shh dont make her reflect on her decisions
yourmam so proud of you chicken!!
yourbestfriend and the start of your music career is when?
yourusername oh hush you heheh elijahhewson she asks the important questions yourusername why be a musician when you can be a broke college student right 😀
yourusername posted to their story!
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if the boys have zero fans, i am dead.
bobbyskeetz so extreme but I love you <3
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liked by joshjenkinson_ and others
bobbyskeetz EVEN BIGGER NEWS !!! Our greatest hits debut album is coming out on July 16th for all you beautiful people to hear. We poured our hearts and souls into this and can’t wait for you to listen . Couldn’t have done it without @theantski @thedrewmanshow @johncatlin @andrea.cozzaglio and all the other talented people who helped get this record finished.
view all 100 comments
bobbyskeetz ALSO @yourusername for the pretty piano playing
yourusername hushhh rn CONGRATS ON THE SUPERB album
inhalerfan1 i'm seriously so proud of you guys 💙
inhalerfan2 finallyyyy
yourmam well done boys!! huge achievement
bobbyskeetz thank you :))
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liked by yourmam and others
yourusername it is very cool and a lil strange seeing my fella on posters while im on my daily hot girl walk....
it always be wont this like is out today woooo!
view all 15 comments
elijahhewson I dont remember that photo being taken 😑
yourusername you just release your debut album you gotta celebrate! yourfriend shes just too nice, you were locked.
yourmam lovely photo, why are yee outdoors though? 😂
bobbyskeetz sure we're following covid restrictions! you're looking at four v responsible boys!! yourmam hmmm I don't know about that one now!
yourbestfriend no cause robert and sir hewson would wanna stop looking into my soul..
elijahhewson 😐😐 bobbyskeetz 😐😐 bobbyskeetz what about josh huh he's also throwin some looks yourbestfriend josh can do whatever he wants 🫶🏼 (liked by joshjenkson_ and yourusername)
yourusername oh also everyone compliment ryan on his GORGEOUS hair
yourbestfriend such a power move I adore x yourfriend ryan how does it feel being coolest member of dublin's coolest band?? joshjenkson_ so fit, is he single...?
bobbyskeetz not sure if you got the album name exactly right there..
yourusername huh I dont see anything wrong 🤔
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liked by bobbyskeetz and others
yourusername the trio is back and just in time to see the boys killing it at fairview park 🔥
view all 15 comments
yourbestfriend forget about them WE are killing it
yourfriend mmhmm we slay 😤
yourbestfriend posted to their story!
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when the base player with a staring problem is away, the girlies can steal his girlfriend 🤘🏼
bobbyskeetz oi oi get your feet of my dining table 😤
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liked by yourusername and others
bobbyskeetz happy birthday beautiful.
view all 50 comments
inhaler1 this is my thirteenth reason 💔
yourusername miss you rockstar!
inhaler1 miss girl who are you? and can you please accept my follow request
inhaler2 nooooooo you're taken ?!?
ryanmcmahon_15 hundreds of girls heartsbroken with the softest of soft launches haha
lewevans the spooky powers of mr skeetz
yourbestfriend FINALLY you're letting him show you off
yourusername haha this is too much please stop 🥺 ��
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liked by inhalerfan1 and others
inhalerfanupdates I hope its real cause I need a gun after seeing bobbys soft launch
view all 10 comments
inhalerfan1 im so sad I cant
inhalerfan2 im afraid to ask but how long do you think they've been together
inhalerfan3 i 😭 cant 😭😭 think 😭😭😭 about 😭😭😭😭 it
part 2
174 notes · View notes
glassartpeasants · 6 months
Run Rabbit Run .09
Yandere!Eustass Kidd x F!Reader
Warnings: angst, mentions of past abuse, pregnancy, implications of death,
A/N: So since theres gonna be a little more people in this chapter then usually so some people are gonna have the same colors but different size fonts to indicate a different persons talking. hope its not to confusing. The key to help for people with the same color is below
Chopper- small orange Nami- regular orange
music playlist
pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7 pt.8 pt.9 pt.10 pt.11
“We’re here! Everyone assume positions and get ready to dock!” The sound of thunderous footsteps and Tashigi’s voice breaks through your nap. You rub your eyes as the sun shines through the windows of the bunk room. 
“Wake up (Y/N)! We’re at Sabaody!” Tashigi’s voice once again cuts through the silence as she calls out to you from behind the door.
“Mmh, I’m up…just give me a second.” You stretch gently before gathering the strength to push yourself up. Breathing heavily, you manage to sit up, the purple turtleneck you wore slightly riding up before you pull it back down. You grab your hat from beside you and position it so that it keeps your hair in place and hides the scar along your face.
“Do you need help picking up your things?” The door opens as Tashigi peaks inside to check up on you.
“That’d be wonderful. I can’t really pick up things like that anymore, haha.” You watch her grab some things and hand them to you before she carries some things herself.
“There's no need to do that. I’m going to have to carry it after I get off the ship.”
“I’m using it as an excuse to just hang out with you for a little longer. Smoker might make me do something.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the slight pout on Tashigi’s face. Yet, you were happy you’d be able to talk to her as friends before you guys became ‘enemies.’ The thought made your heart bleed, but there was nothing you could do about it. Even if you were enemies outside, you’d always be friends in your soul.
The thought of not being woken up and seeing the smiling faces of G-5 marines made a small voice inside you tell you to stay. That you’ll miss them more then you think you would. It was like an earworm replaying the same song over and over again. But when you bite your tongue harshly, all those thoughts leave, and the voice telling you to return to the Straw Hats and that your almost home comes back. It’ll always be hard, never being able to talk to them peacefully ever again. But the memories will soothe the pain. 
“Captain! We’’ve docked! We’re on tree 30!” One of the marines notifies Tashigi and you on th ebay that the ship was anchored. Thankfully, quite a bit away yet close enough to bay 41. While you weren’t looking forward to walking that far, it’d be worth it in teh end to see everyone.
“Here’s to hoping my shoes don’t get drenched in whatever makes those bubbles here.”
“It actually doesn’t! Truly weird stuff. Have you never been to Sabaody before?”
“I’ve been here but haven’t actually been on land. Just a quick sight as we passed by to head to the new world.”
“It’s a pretty place but also full of bad people. Bounty hunters, other pirates, and not to mention those disgusting Celestial dragons. Makes me sick.”
“Anyone sane would want to see those horrible people go down.”
Memories of the Celestial Dragons you encountered two years ago flood your mind as you hold back the urge to vomit everywhere. You remember a conversation you had with Killer months ago when you were still under Kidd’s lies. How he told you about how the Celestial Dragons mark their slaves by burning their symbol into their skin. Almost exactly like the jolly roger scarred into your own. Once again, though, you escaped your kidnapper's clutches. But there's so many people who’ll never be given the chance you’ve had. Never be able to see the sun as a free person.
‘No. Don’t dwell on that. Today’s supposed to be happy. Stop thinking about things you can’t control.’
“Well, this is it.” As soon as you were 20 feet from the ship, you and Tashigi stopped. Turning around to face the ship, you saw everyone gather to say goodbye, including Vice Admiral Smoker.
“So this is it, huh?”
“I guess so.” A little chuckle leaves your lips before it turns into tears. Despite trying your best to silence them, they continue to flow.
“I’m so thankful for all of you…You’ve always done so much for me, and there's nothing I can do to repay you. I’m going to miss you all so much.” You can feel Tashigi wrap her arms around you before starting to cry as well.
“Don’t leave (Y/N)! Stay with us!” The two of you held each other tight as tears continued to cry harder.
“I’m sorry! We can still be friends regardless of our sides!” Tears made your vision blurry as you held onto Tashigi for a little while longer before leaving her embrace. Walking up to Vice Admiral Smoker, you lower your head.
“Thank you for everything, Vice Admiral. I promise to protect the honor of G-5 and take down any pirate who dares speak ill of you. And I also promise that no civilian will be hurt by my hands.”
“They better not. Now, get out of here before I change my mind.” With a chuckle, you lift up your head and grab your things with Tashigi’s help.
“Oh, Tashigi, one more thing before I go. I have to ask you something.” With all the overthinking you’ve been doing, a scenario popped up in your head that you couldn’t help but ask her to be a part of.
“What is it?”
“If, by some chance, I do end up keeping the baby with me, and I happen to pass away, would you take care of them for me? Like a godmother or something?” Once again, you were wrapped up in Tashigi’s arms as she cried.
“I’m so honored! Of course, I will. Oh my god (Y/N), you're so sweet!” The two of you hug a little longer before separating. Wiping the tears from your eyes, you wave to the other marines, who wave back to you.
“Goodbye, everyone! I love you all!” With a final wave, you turn your back and make your way to the thousand sunny.
“Do you think she’ll be safe? I can’t help but worry.” Smoker watched as the captain of G-5 gently wiped her tears away. How a single pirate managed to worm her way into the hearts of G-5 will forever be a mystery to outsiders.
“She’ll be fine. As much as I’d like to arrest those Straw Hats right now, I’ll wait. We’ll definitely be seeing each other again. A pirate can only escape for so long.” Crossing his arms, he watches you walk away.
He’s never met someone like you in all his years on earth. Someone who’s been through hell twice yet still has kindness to give to a world that turned their back on her. How you’ve managed to pull through all these months was a miracle. So many nights, people were awakened to the sound of your cries from the night terrors you suffered, but no one said a word about it to him until a day ago. To suffer all that and still find a way to smile is a trait not many can say they have. It’s admirable.
“Let’s get ready to go back to the New World. Everyone get ready!”
“Yes, Vice Admiral!” Watching the Marines scatter helps Smoker ignore the sadness in his chest. Despite how he’d outwardly deny it, he’ll miss you. You can only hang out with someone for so long before they worm their way into your heart. And somehow, you managed to set up a place without meaning, too.
‘This place is much bigger than I remember. I hope I’m going the right way. Not like I can ask for directions.' You were trying to avoid the public eye yet not look suspicious, so you just kept your head down. With your hair covering your scar and your hat hiding your face, a slight sense of safety coursed through your veins. But not enough for you to ignore the wanted posters that had your face scattered everywhere. Even though there was so much noise around you, you still managed to catch your name being talked about.
“When the hell are the Marines going to catch her? Doesn’t she know the destruction and death she’s caused?!”
“She should just go back to Captain Kidd. Everyone would be safer and happier. She’s being selfish.” Those words make you stop in your tracks as a rage boils inside you. You know you promised Smoker that you wouldn’t lay a hand on a civilian, but how dare they call you that? They don’t know what you’ve been through. How can they tell you what you should do when they haven’t experienced anything you have?
“Let’s not forget she’s pregnant! The most infamous worst-gen pirate has a child! No doubt that child is going to be just like their dad!” Your knuckles turn white from how hard you were gripping your belongings. Every cell in yoru body begged for you to teach them a lesson. To tell people that they had no right to treat you the way they were. That if they went through what you went through, they wouldn’t be talking the way they were. You can feel your body shake in anger as they continue to talk.
‘I have to keep moving. I’m gonna do something I’ll regret if I don’t.’ Taking a deep breath, you begin to fast walk away from the two civilians. You’ve come too far to blow your cover now.
“300,000,00 berri’s if given to Captain Kidd, but only 100,000,000 if given to the Marines? Why would anyone turn her into the Marines if the price Kidd is asking is much higher?”
‘Just keep walking. Just keep walking.’ Water begins to appear at your tear line as you try to ignore the angry tears that threaten to spill. Your heart beats hard as you look at the ground, only sneaking glances at the trees to see that faithful 41.
“Please leave me alone! I’ll give you all my money. Just let me go!” A woman screaming caught your attention, making you scan your surroundings. When you turned your head to the right, down a dark alley, you saw a large masked man gripping a woman's wrist harshly. The scene triggered your own memory of being in her shoes.
“Please! Just let me go! I-I’ll give you all the money I have! Just let me go!” You try to pry his meaty hand off your wrist, but inside, you know it was pointless. It seemed your desperate attempt amused him.
“Now, why would I let something I caught fair and square go?” The way his eyes looked up and down your body made a shiver go down your spine.
“I could get a pretty penny selling you as a slave. You don’t mind, do you?”
“No! Someone help me!” You begged for someone to help her. The chances of your cover being blown would multiply if you jumped in. Yet, the more seconds that went by, the more your hope diminished. Images of that man two years ago, the day everything happened, popped into your head. The man begged for help, and all he wanted was to see his family, but no one did anything. All they did was ignore him as those horrible people arrived and killed him.
You couldn’t do anything then, but maybe now, you could.
Picking up your bags, you walk into the dark alley, your heart beating wildly. Looking up just enough to see the man’s chest, you crack your knuckles before speaking.
“Didn’t you hear her? Let her go.” The sounds of struggling stopped before a raspy laugh left the man.
“Your kidding me? A pregnant lady trying to jump in and help? What are you gonna do? Waddle over here and give birth on me?” His words only made you see red.
“I’m going to give you one more chance. Let her go, or else.” The familiar tingling in your fingertips reemerges as you wait for the man’s next move. Your fingers twitch as you can hear barely silent crackling.
“Oh, I’m so scared!” The man mocked you and seemingly gripped the woman's wrist harder. 
“You're hurting me!” As those final words leave the woman’s mouth, you curl your fingers into claws before feeling the tingling get stronger and the crackling gets louder.
Light began filling the dark alley, flashing and flickering as the ball of pure electricity in your hand started forming. Each snap of electricity only made you pour more anger into your attack.
“A devil fruit user? Go figure. Just because you have some powers doesn’t change the fact that you're weak-” After deeming it has enough charge, you throw it straight for the masked man. You watch him try to dodge, only to have it hit him directly in the chest.
The woman manages to pull her wrist free from the man’s grip before running behind you. Both of you watch as the ball of electricity disperses and runs across his entire body. You watch him grab his chest before falling back and landing on the ground with a heavy thud. Without saying a word, you watch as the man spasms on the ground, trying to get a breath in.
“We need to go now.” With the woman nodding, you both quickly walk away from the alley and into the road. Having all your belongings in your hands, you feel slightly drained. Your lungs burn as your mouth goes dry. Sure, you’ve used your devil fruit powers on pirates while in G-5, but that stopped when you found out you were pregnant. So it’s been months since you’ve used it on anyone.
“Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you anywhere else, right?”
“No. And yes, I’m okay.”
“Good.” Turning your back, you begin walking towards Grove 41 once again.
“Thank you. I don’t know what would have happened to me if you hadn’t come.”
“No problem. Just make sure you stop using back alleys and stay on public roads.”
“I will.” You watch the woman run in the opposite direction from you and take that as your cue to continue your original quest.
After walking for what felt like hours, the familiar smiling lion comes into view, and you feel your heart jump in your chest. Seeing the thousand sunny after being in the dark for so long felt like seeing a miracle happen before your eyes. A new-found energy bursts inside you as you start walking faster with a new vigor.
‘I’m here! I’m here!’ Holding your belongings with a crushing grip, you can feel a huge smile spread to your face. You could hear laughter the closer you got, and your heart felt as if it were going to explode!
Soon enough, you were close enough to where you were able to see a clear view of the crew. You try to speak, but nothing seems to come out. It felt like it was a dream. Even though you were speechless, your presence seemed to be enough as a familiar face called out to you.
“(Y/N)?!” You watch her run up to you along with the others.
Not even seconds pass before you're encased in a hug. The feeling of being near them was enough to have you start sobbing. Being surrounded by pure love and care but the people you owe your life to felt unreal. You’ve dreamed of this moment for so long, and now that it is finally here, you don’t know where to start.
“You're okay! I was so worried about you!”
“Yeah, me too!”
“We all were,”
“I missed you all so much…I’m so happy!" Despite your limited ability, you try to hold everyone close to you. It’s been so long since you’ve been so happy that the feeling almost felt foreign.
“I can’t believe this is real. I was so afraid I’d never see you guys again!”
“Come on! Let’s go sit down now. I bet you're tired.” Through your tears, you nod as you let them take you aboard the Sunny. You notice a shiny substance covering it. 
“What's that?”
“Oh! It’s the coating that’s going to help bring us down to Fishman Island!”
“Wonder if Franky enjoys having his ship covered in bubbles.” Laughter erupts through the tears. Having your shoes crunch against the grass of the safety has a wave of safety washing over you. Sitting on the bench connected to the mast pole, your able to let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Robin and Nami sat next to you while almost everyone else sat on the grass.
“Where’s Luffy and Zoro?”
“They should be here soon. I swear if that moss head got lost.” You finally take off your hat as the sun is beating down harshly, making you sweat. With your hair finally being able to move, the strands that once hid the huge scar on your face disappeared. Leaving it for them all to see.
“Oh my god, what happened?! How did you get that scar?!” While you knew you shouldn’t have been surprised they’d notice it right away, it still managed to shock you. Maybe you just lived with it for so long that you’ve forgotten what you used to look like without it.
“This? Oh. I went face first into a corner of a crate.”
“Does it hurt? Here, let me check!” You watch as Chopper hops onto the bench before examining your face. 
“How you are not blind is amazing, considering where it’s placed.” Feeling Chopper's little hooves on your face causes a small warmth to erupt in your chest.
“No, it doesn’t hurt. I’ve had it for a while. And it hasn’t caused any problems.”
“What about this one? There's a huge one on the back of your head.” You feel Robin's nimble fingers gently brush through your hair, her gentle touch reminding you of your mother. The sensation made you bite your lip as you choked back tears.
“Can you do that again, Robin? It felt nice.”
“Sure.” Her calm voice and touch made your eyes close as you tried to regain composure.
“Hm? Yes Robin?” A shiver goes down your spine as you feel her trace the scar.
“Did….Kidd do this to you?” Simply hearing his name makes tears finally slip down your cheeks, and some even onto Chopper's hooves. With your vision blurry, you close your eyes and nod. Even saying his name would leave a bad taste in your mouth.
‘God damnit. I should be crying tears of joy! Not sadness!’ You argued with yourself as you tried to pull yourself together. Gripping your pants, you dig your nails into the fabric.
“How about we change the subject? Umm—” A loud rumbling echoes around everyone, making you hold your stomach.
“Sorry. I haven’t eaten a snack or something.” With the adrenaline finally settling down, you realize how tired and hungry you were.
“Do we have supplies restocked?”
“Of course (Y/N)-swan!”
“That’s good. I’ll just go get something to eat real quick.” Just as you go to sit up, Nami sits you right back down.
“Sanji can get it. You’ve walked all the way here, so Sanji can whip you up something. Right, Sanji?” The stare-down Nami gave the cook made a giggle slip past your lips. You watch Sanji run so fast to the kitchen that dust almost flies behind him.
“Okay, the rest of you, except Chopper, scram.” Nobody moved for the first 20 seconds.
“SCRAM!” Everyone begins to run in different directions until only you, Nami, Robin, and Chopper are left.
“Okay, now that they’re all gone, we can talk about more important things.”
“More important things?” Nami puts her hand on your back, and Robin continues to gently comb through your hair. You watch her look down at your stomach before looking back up at you sympathetically. 
“How are you holding up? Do you have any pain?”
“It’s okay. Not anything right now. I get migraines sometimes from the head injury and back pain, but that’s it. Just regular pregnancy things, I suppose.”
“Have you been eating properly and sleeping well? Taken a tumble or anything?”
“No. I’ve been stable on my feet. And almost all I do is eat and sleep.” Chopper lets out a sigh of relief.
“That’s good.”
“I do work out and exercise. Gotta keep myself strong, ya know?”
“We just don’t want you to overdo it. Pregnancy is no easy feat, so it's nice to hear that you're doing well.”
“How far along are you, do you know?”
“Six to seven months.” With Nami and Robin comforting you, it was easier to talk about the baby growing inside you. Yet the nagging thought in your head kept coming back.
“Do you think Luffy will let me stay a straw hat? Even after knowing that I’m pregnant?” You can hear your heartbeat in your ears as you look at Nami and Robin.
“Of course! You’ll always be a straw hat!”
“No matter what!”
“Everything will be okay (Y/N).” You put your arms over Nami and Robin and hold them close. Chopper cuddles close and hugs you as well. Tears fall from your eyes, and you never want to let them go.
“I don’t know what to do, your guys. It feels like no matter what I choose, everything is the wrong decision.”
“If I give the baby up for adoption, there's a chance Kidd will find them or the marines will use them as bait. If I were to keep them, the Marines and Kidd still would be after us. All I want is for them to grow up happy and safe. Is that really too much to ask?”
“No. Not at all. No matter what you choose, we’ll stand beside you.”
“You’ll never have to be alone again.” You see Chopper jump up from the shared hug with a look of shock and wonder in his eyes.
“Chopper? Are you okay?” Everyone split from the hug and looked at Chopper in concern.
“I felt them kick me! When we were hugging, I felt them kick me in the face!” Normally, such words wouldn’t have a positive reaction, but this seems to be a different story. Nami and Robin seemed excited, too, at Chopper's confession.
“Really?! Aw!”
“They know were talking about them.” Robin smiled and giggled softly.
“Have you thought about names?”
“Not really. I don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl even.”
“Well, do you have names that you planned on naming your baby with (....)? Perhaps you can name the baby after them?” It’s been a while since you’ve heard your late fiance’s name—almost to the point that you’ve forgotten it with all the chaos that surrounded your life.
Kidd didn’t know your fiance's name, or you hope he didn’t. On one hand, you somewhat liked the idea. But at the same time, it’d be a constant reminder of the love you lost. You fear you might accidentally compare the baby to a person they’ve never met. And even though the baby was innocent, the fact it’d be the offspring of the man who took everything from you, having their name felt wrong and tainted.
“They deserve to be their own person, so I don’t think I’ll give the baby (....)’s name.” You rub your stomach subconsciously.
“What if they look like him? I know it’d still be my child, but…”
“Even if the baby looks exactly like Kidd, it doesn’t mean they’ll be like him. I bet one of my tangerine trees that they’ll be the exact opposite.” A chuckle leaves your lips as the ease Nami brings seems so natural.
“I’ll take you up on that offer.” You and Nami shake hands, and the sound of the kitchen door opening lets you know the food is finally done.
“After you're done eating, I'd like to give you a checkup to see if everything's healed alright.”
“Sounds good.”
After finishing your lunch, you head up to the infirmary. When you sat on the bed, you noticed just how out of breath you were. The stairs have been getting harder and harder each day. What used to be an easy task now felt like you were being asked to climb a mountain.  
“You okay (Y/N)?” Holding a clipboard, you watch Chopper walk over to you and look at you in concern.
“Stairs are just getting a little harder, but it’ll be okay. So what's your first plan of action, doctor?” It was always so cute to see Chopper get all excited when called a doctor.
“Can I check out any wounds or scars that may have happened since we last saw each other? I’ve made scar cream that is supposed to help reduce the size and stiffness that comes with said scars.”
“Oh, okay. There’s…a lot. Just give me a second.” You begin to take off your sweater before placing it beside you. Chopper's eyes widen as he tries to focus on a single scar, but there's so much more than the last time he’s seen you. He doesn’t know where to start, but he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable by staring.
“Is there any place you want me to check first?”
“I don’t know if there are any on my back, so you can check there.” you feel Chopper jump on the bed and start to inspect your back. The bra you wore gave the reindeer enough space to inspect your back. While it didn’t cover the scar you hated the most, you simply hid your chest with your hand.
“Not seeing much. Just small ones anyone could have." Chopper goes and grabs your left arm to check it out. You feel his hooves put pressure on the scars before stopping at your hand.
“Did you get shocked? What happened that caused all these small scars?” The realization that you haven't shown anyone your devil fruit powers yet shoots through your mind, and a small excitement courses through your veins.
“Chopper, can you let go of my arm real quick?” Chopper cocked his head before letting go. A big smile plasters on your face before you take a deep breath.
There were sizzling and cracking echos in the room as electricity started to form along your arm and slither around your scared skin. It gave off a flickering glow as you began to accumulate it in your hand.
“Woah! I didn’t know you had devil fruit powers! Why didn't you tell us earlier?”
“I only got them during the two-year separation. I’ve worked my ass off to have control like this. I’m probably not as strong as the rest of you guys, but I think this’ll help.” All your words seemed to go in through one ear and out the other as Chopper watched the electricity form into a ball in your hands.
“I’ve never seen an electricity logia type devil fruit. I didn’t even know there was one.”
“Well, here I am, haha.” Chopper laughs alongside you before he stops. You wonder why, but you soon figure it out when you follow his eye direction. Since he asked to see your arm, you left the branding scar open for him to see. The look of horror is present on his face.
“Oh my god, how did I not see this?!” Moving around to get a better look, Chopper stands next to you on the bed. Carefully moving his hoove near your chest, he stops.
“Is it okay if I check this out?” Swallowing the lump in your throat, you nod.
“Yeah.” You feel Chopper place his hoove on the scar and watch as his eyebrows knit together.
“Unlike the other ones, this one is raised above the skin rather then indented.”
“Is that…a bad thing?”
“No. The one on your chest is a hypertrophic scar, it’s normal to scar like this on ones chest. The others are simply atrophic scars. They're all fine, but…”
“I just can’t believe it. With this being in such a sensitive place, I can’t imagine the pain this caused.”
“Yeah. It wasn’t a fun recovery.” Tears gather in your eyes at the memory. There are a million memories you wish you could forget, and this just happened to be in your top five. Remembering Kidd’s approach with that heated metal pole speeds up your heart rate and constricts your chest. Your breath goes jagged as the tears start flowing.
“I look like a freak. Everywhere I look is a reminder of him. How can someone ever love me when all they see is a disfigured shell of a human.” You begin to cry into your hands as the room feels suffocating. Tears slip through your fingers and onto your tummy as you try to catch your breath.
“What have I done to deserve this? Everyone in my family is dead, and I don’t even have a home to go back to! My entire island was wiped out in a single afternoon, and there's only five people who survived to prove the island even existed in the first place! Why do they have to perish while I live?! What’s so great about me?!”
“What’s not great about you?” You and Chopper freeze and look at the infirmary door. There stood Luffy with a big smile on his face.
“Luffy?” Dropping your hands to your thighs, you look at him through your blurry vision.
“I was wondering where you were! But Usopp told me you were in here with Chopper and-” Luffy’s happy voice soon cuts off as he fully registers the state Kidd had reduced you to. You watch his eyes zero in on the branding before his expression darkens.
“Did he do that to you?” He points to the scar, and even though you try to sound tough, you hiccup out a ‘yes’ as you feel your body shake.
“I know it’s their Jolly Roger, but I promise I didn’t want it! Please don’t kick me out, Luffy! I—” You stop in your tracks when you feel something be placed on your head. Rubbing your eyes, you see the brim of Luffy’s straw hat in front of your face. You are at a loss for words as your heart beats in your ears.
“You're not going anywhere (Y/N). I’ll make sure he’ll never lay a hand on you ever again.”
“Cause I’m gonna kill that bastard for doing this to you.”
Sitting in his workshop, Kidd twirls a sharp scrap of metal between his fingers while looking at the wall. All the bounty posters for the straw hats are plastered on the wall, covered in holes from the number of knives and sharp scraps he’s thrown at them. Even seeing their faces makes rage course through Kidd’s veins.
His eyes zero in on the captains before he throws the metal scrap at the poster. It hilts the man on the poster right between the eyes. His poster is the most shredded. If it weren’t for him, you wouldn’t have been taken and escaped in the first place.
It’s been six months since you left the Victoria Punk, and every second has been a waking nightmare for everyone. While their captain had always been a hothead, he’s been ten times worse ever since you left. The amount of blood on his hands could rival the devil’s—and to many, he was.
The Victoria Punk has become one of the most feared pirate ships currently sailing. When the Victoria's big jaws came into the sight of any other pirates or marines, all they could do was pray. They prayed that by some miracle, Eustass ‘Captain’ Kidd would take pity. Unfortunately, the New World was not known for its kindness, and neither was he.
There was even talk about naming him a new emperor of the sea.
While the title would help him on his path to becoming King of the Pirates, it meant nothing if he still couldn’t find you six months after the fact—couldn’t find you or his unborn child. He didn’t know how you were doing, how the pregnancy was progressing, or what the gender was. It didn’t matter much to him because, in the end, they’d make a great future ruler of the sea.
“Kidd!” Bursting open the workshop door stood the right-hand man of the Kidd pirates. He huffed and puffed, trying to regain his breath after running from across the other side of the ship.
Moving his eyes towards the man in teh doorway, Kidd responds before throwing another scrap metal at the posters.
“What is it Killer?” Walking up closer to the table, Killer slams down multiple papers and photos.
“What am I looking at?”
“I know who’s been harboring (Y/N).” Jumping from his seat, Kidd gets closer to what Killer was showing him. 
“What?! Who?!”
“After looking through enough photos and newspaper, I’ve managed to pinpoint the marine squad that’s been hiding her.”
“Well?! Spill it!”
“Marine squad G-5. It’s occupied by Vice Admiral Smoker and Captain Tashigi. How many lower rank marines are on the ship, I don’t know but it can’t be anymore then twenty.” Gritting his teeth, Kidd looks at the pictures of each crew member.
“Next marine ship we see, keep a marine alive. We’ll use them to get G-5’s location.”
“And after we find them?”
“Kill every single one of them. I want that ship to paint the sea red.”
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@rebeccawinters @iggy5055 @dairygrrl @childconnoisseur @menifire1092 @nerdgeekandeverysweet-blog @tremendoushorsepatrolgoth @lovemesomefanfic846 @ryuv1i @carpinchootaku @misoxramen @pinkfoxmusic
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arcade-chaos · 24 days
Eldritch Scritches
Everyone say ty daycare friend pickup for this drabble
First person POV, eldritchy mer moon x reader, a tiny bit of 'last day on earth' before 'the sacrifice' but its not for long and theres nothing too scary beyond Moon shenanigans. Very silly and indulgent, enjoy!
You quite literally signed up for this. The village was sad to see you go, but you had offered yourself up and no one could think of anything to say to convince you. Everyone knew this needed to be done, you were the only barrier between the things beyond and your home. 
Those who were rich enough left you all behind, desperately hoping to outrace the end of time itself, but this was your home and you were willing to do whatever you needed to stop it from coming to an end. 
The town wished you the best of luck, treasures and sweet treats to make what they assumed would be your last day as lovely as possible. When the sun set you set off towards the beach and the endless dock, the wood worn but surprisingly unrotted by the tide. The ocean grew quieter the further you walked out, it took a moment to realize the stars were blinking down at you. You would show them no fear, even if your heart was racing. 
When you reached the end you merely waited, glancing around for a toothy maw or an echoing voice. Instead the first thing you noticed was how black the ocean was, swelling not like a wave but as a mound. A spill of inky blackness pushed up through the water, little starry lights on its body winking and flickering as two larger ones opened. One red, one white. 
“Mortal.” The world whispered, no other sounds daring to cover the ancient voice. “What do you have to offer me?”
Tales of escaping death flicker through your mind, of Scheherazade and her many stories, of trading souls of crows and deer to quell death's hunger, even Sisyphus's tricks (even if they did bite him in the end). All of those ideas escaped your brain as your mouth opened. 
“I could give you some scritches.” The coil of blacky ink stopped moving for only the briefest flicker, the cool rush of air that slipped off his coils stilling. 
“What.” It asked, quiet and disbelieving. Your hands came up to where his probably-eyes shimmered, grabbing at the frigid air. 
“Y’know. Scratches. Pets.” With that he began to shift again, the eyes coming closer down, zeroed in on you alone. A god looking down at an ant. 
“You think me a pet?”
“Afraid you’d like it?” An ant with hubris apparently. The air hummed as it thought, the fabric of space itself splitting as rows of teeth shimmered in the moonlight. 
“You have one of your ‘hours’ to convince me this is a worthy sacrifice.” You have half a mind to make up some lie and say you can’t possibly touch him from here, but he coils again before you can think, the cold air that had been rushing your hair back suddenly turning as he shrinks down in on himself. His new form is more humanoid, with tendrils of that inky blackness instead of legs and a mouth far too wide. He grins, eyes red as the devil as his long arms come to rest on the dock. You don’t let him have the satisfaction of whatever line he's thinking up, instead you sit down on the worn wood and pat your lap. 
Like calling a cat.
An ancient terrifying kitty who only wants food and prey. 
Just like a cat actually. 
His grin waivers for a moment before shooting back up, the night sky warping behind him as he moves too fast to hover over you. Even when making himself small he still needed to be bigger than you. Go figure. 
“Hurry hurry.” He crackles, his head tilting at an unnatural angle. 
“Eager.” Your hand meets his jaw as you stretch up, feeling the way the flesh ripples under your touch. Like petting a waterbed, surprisingly not as chilly as the wind he had been pushing around, that was a boon. He stayed quiet as your fingertips rubbed careful circles, glad you cut your nails prior lest he think you were trying to harm him (you doubted he would let you anyhow). 
It took a moment to register what you were hearing, the chilling silence had been put away in favor of the normal sounds of night. The waves lapping at the beach far behind, the crickets even further, and the strangely comforting sound droning out of the body in front of you. 
Oh gods he was purring. 
His eyes that had slowly begun to shut opened to frown as you tried to suppress a smile, your other hand moving to cup his face. He shuddered beneath the little touches, leaning more and more of his weight into you until he literally fell into your lap. You snorted at the sudden intrusion, moving a hand instead up to his head to smooth it back. His hands clawed at the wood on either side of your legs, the purrs vibrating through your knees and legs. 
His head was devoid of hair, instead topped with another tentacle. Little wobbly yellowish spots occasionally opened to peer at your face, forcing you to stroke his head with single digits unless you wanted to poke one of them out and ruin any chance you had at saving the world. 
If they had told you it was this easy you might’ve actually let someone else do it instead.
Eventually your hands went back down onto the wood, the feeling of something not giving under you was both grounding and strange. The ancient one let out a louder rumble, then a louder one before popping up, glaring at you with the heat of a thousand volcanic vents. 
“Why have you stopped, mortal.” He hissed, getting as close to your face as he dared. 
“It’s been an hour, I figured I’d see if I’ve convinced you.” You were trying not to sound too cheeky, but he huffed and turned away anyways. 
“You have done… Well.” His grin grew again, one of his hands coming up to grip your leg. “However, that was not enough to put me to sleep for even a year. This token was hardly worth the day’s end. You have until tomorrow, then I will eat the whole world.” 
“I’ll see you tomorrow then.” You tugged away, dusting the splinters of wood off your legs as he watched. “Oh,” You turned, smiling as he straightened up a little under your eyes “They never told me your name.” His eyes tilted up at the question, his little tendril hat flickering about. 
“You will call me Moon.” 
“See you tomorrow then, Moon.” And with that you headed back towards the little town you called home. 
Days and, more importantly, nights passed like this for a long while. It seemed that Moon’s hunger wasn’t only for the world, but also for any form of affection he could get. Most nights he would rest his head in your lap and purr, clawing at the wooden safety of the dock. One night you decided to start bringing a blanket and were delighted when he started kneading it like biscuit dough. 
Little cat indeed. 
Sometimes you two would talk while you sat, he didn’t have a lot of experiences to talk about, but he seemed to like listening to you talk about your day. The goings on in your life, the shock of the town that he hadn’t eaten you or their world yet, what kind of treats you made for dinner. 
When you brought him a little pie he looked over the moon (ha), the cherry filling dripping down his hands would’ve looked a lot more terrifying if his ‘hat’ wasn’t wagging at 90 miles per hour. You made him wash the sticky mess before cuddling, and as a token for cleanliness you let him drag you into his lap. The vibrations from his mouth into the nape of your neck was ticklish, but not terrible enough that you regretted it. The little spines down his back curling into your fingers as though they were trying to snatch you up and hold you there forever. 
That was the first night you lost count of the time, staying almost two hours before you realized your mistake. 
“I don’t suppose you’ll let that count towards tomorrow?” Moon’s face scrunched more than you thought possible, making you giggle as you waved off the idea. “Guess not.”
The nights only seemed to grow longer from there, either by your own hand or by his (you suspected some nights he warped time to move just a little slower, but there was never any proof beyond his sly little grin and wiggling tendrils). 
“You fell asleep during our time little mortal.” He purred, his hand cupping your face as you tried your best to stay awake enough to hear. “You’ll owe me more time tomorrow.” You were too sleepy to argue (despite the fact he definitely knocked you over so you’d be laying down), nuzzling back into the blanket for five more minutes that stretched on for a bit longer than they should’ve. 
One night he was more riled up than you had ever seen, the ocean rolling as his tendrils kicked them up. He didn’t even straighten up when you called out to him, instead he seemed to pout even more.
“What’s wrong nighty?” Moon huffed, pulling you to the edge of the dock instead so he could keep kicking up the ocean (though notably the bubble around you two stayed calm). 
“The mortals have made a terrible treachery against me! After I have been so kind as to allow them into my waters!!” Ah yes, another hour in favor of him letting boats leave the harbor to look for more people. Your hands rubbed over his tendril hat, squeezing it back as it wrapped around your wrist. 
“Oh dear, what did they do this time.” Moon hissed, his fingers digging into the back of your shirt as he looked at you with an intensity that made your heart skip. 
“They have made noises at me.” Your brain fizzled out for a second before the giggles kicked in, Moon whining in indignation as he buried his face into your tummy. 
“Horrible! Cruel! Laughing at my pains! They make loud honkings at me like geese! After I was so kind!” 
“Aww poor baby, how could they honk at such a powerful thing?” 
“Terrible, laughing at my pain! You agree with their honkings!” 
“C’mon now, I’m sure they were just trying to get you out of the way. Maybe they were thanking you for not taking out your wrath on them?” Moon huffed, rubbing his face against your shirt. 
“A horrible offering. You owe me double for their treachery. 
“Alright, alright. Just for tonight.” 
It never was. 
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ok but dennis’s hands shaking late at night while texting mac as johnny and he tells himself its bc the room is cold or hes stressed but its actually bc its getting more and more difficult to know where dennis ends and johnny begins. when johnnys texting mac all the things he loves about him but its really everything dennis loves about mac. and when mac texts all the things he loves about johnny its all the things he loves about dennis. because dennis made johnny just like him. he wants to be caught by mac because he cant catch himself. he knew from the start it wasnt sustainable. that wasnt the flaw in his plan, it was the climax
when he sees mac texted “gn ily” and for a second he prays mac sent it to his number and not johnnys. but he knows mac didnt bc mac already confessed and dennis said no. so macs trying to move on. when mac texts that and for a brief second dennis debates texting mac “i love u too” from his real number. he knows mac is in his bedroom. he wonders, if he did, how long it would be before he hears footsteps making their way to his door. what would be the first thing mac says as he makes eye contact with johnny for the first time
or when he sends mac to the motel and he sits outside of what he knows for a fact to be macs room. johnny texting excuses as to why hes not there while dennis is just feet away from the door. maybe once or twice he gets his hand on the handle before pulling back. the cold metal burning his skin like holy water hitting a demon (despite nothing about this being holy). sitting in his car in front of the window begging mac to look out the window. to see him. to recognize him. to make the first move bc dennis sure as hell cant
but he never texts “i love you” from his real number and mac never looks out the window and dennis never opens the door. so hes left there knowing exactly where mac is and a pretty good idea of what hes doing but never getting to be as happy as mac. bc mac is texting a fake man hes convinced hes going to have while dennis is texting the very real man hes convinced hes never going to have
always telling himself tomorrow. tomorrow he’ll go to macs bedroom or motel room and confess. lay out his soul and affection. but he can never make tomorrow happen. then mac has to go and tell everyone about johnny. and suddenly its real. mac is in schrodingers box and unknowingly blows it open and the universes collide. text mac and irl mac are one and dennis cant handle it so he doesnt get his grand confession. he gets his exasperated “i am him” but theres people around. he could maybe get his soul out in front of one person (one specific person) but not here at the bar in front of an audience (even if that audience is only one or two people)
so it ends. johnny doesnt exist (at least physically) and now mac knows. everyone pushes it behind them as some scheme abruptly ended as usual. no one pokes or prods at it too much bc why would they. so now that johnnys gone mac isnt tethered to anyone anymore and dennis has to sit through as mac uses his own system against him. so he has to make another elaborate private tactic because being another person is the closest dennis has ever got to being true to himself and mac. dear god he couldnt get anyones help with this because again, his soul only has room for one person. if he doesnt start something else this feeling with sit and sit and fester then die. he already has enough dead things inside of him and one more might start having consequences. he wonders if this is how mac felt all those years. if macs feelings festered and died. maybe he’ll never know
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kikosaurscave · 2 years
introducing Neteyam to your spirit sister Neteyam x Reader gn pronouns
( its been a few weeks since the arrival of jake sully and his family
when they arrived your father ordered you and your younger siblings to teach the sully kids the way of your people.
its not long til the cycle of the tulkun migration continues and you are reunited with your spirit sister. )
"THEYRE HERE ! The tulkun have returned" Neteyam gives your smiling face a confused look. you pull him up and urge him towards the commotion
in the short distance you hear joy and laughter, people run past you both as you slowly catch up to your siblings who already approach the tulkun. Na'vi and tulkun share their joy together as you both pass by, theres a beautiful connection that surround the two of you , engulfing Neteyam in the beauty of your clan.
you see your spirit sister Anyih from a distance and you can sense her excitement as she does yours , you pull him closer to you and he follows behind, swimming to the large creature
finally reconnected after many eclipses you tell eachother stories of your past journeys , current journeys and the joy overwhelms you when Anyih notices him presence
when you feel an arm wrap around your waist you finally turn to the first born sully, you sign to him the this is your spirit sister , Anyih.
you watch him give a playfully shy wave.
she judges him curtly and you could give a joyful laugh at the moment if you werent under water.
she sounds out a playful sound of approval which leaves you both confused but dont ask on.
for next few hours the 3 of you travel lengths of the oceans that would get you all killed if those in your clan found you returning just after ecplise, yous just laid there letting the ocean take yous further away while you all stared at the eclipse , feeling nete's hand guide some hair out of your face you smile at him , as he does to you , lost in the comfort of your smile
the sudden large splash pulls you both back into pandora , Anyih is laughing as she rolls around in the water , watching the impact of you both being pushed under water , this is when the three of you decide to head back
when they leave neteyam is already asking you many questions about the tulkun , you share with him the many stories you have of playing with the beloved tulkun getting up to no good
the two of you laugh soundly , enjoying the others joy , hand in hand your head casually leaning on his chest while his skinny monkey tail caresses yours , eclipse slowly sets in that night
"that was awesome" Neteyam says beside you with a smile
it was uncommon to you , the two of you met not long ago but you feel so comfortable with him , youve adored when his eyes connected with yours since the day he came here
to him your touch no matter the form could fire his heart beat for millenniums to come
in his eyes your presence is all he needs for his heart to heal from years of trying to be great for his father
when hes with you he doesnt feel judged and he loves that his soul always finds safety with you
- end
i was gonna like end it with the 2 of you connecting queues n wotnot but its off plot so ill js write more fics n drabbles abt him
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iodrawsandtalks · 4 months
A long-ass testimonial as a player of Honkai: Star Rail. please read if you have the time. I wish all honkai content creators would bear to understand this
goin through exhaustion rn but thats just normal and not something id complain about. Anyways when this game released in summer 2023, I was just as hyped as everybody else. I had started playing since the last closed beta where I had gotten bailu and mained qingque cuz she felt so real for being lazy on the job plus i LOVED playing hard and winning big.
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I had a fun time later when the game ACTUALLY did release though I had to say goodbye to my bailu who I replaced with Clara and mained Seele who I knew from playing Honkai Impact for quite a while. I felt like i fit in with every other HI3/HSR player, running high spd seele with bronya and taking my silver wolf to every Simulated Universe fight, and laughing about getting rolled by the blue gorilla that hates when people use skills. I laughed at the launch memes everyone else was laughing at and usually was the first person to beat new bosses fights and stories when they came out.
I've realized that just because you think you fit in with people, doesn't mean they'll act like you do fit. They watch you trip, and struggle, and when the thing you like starts slinging venom at you, they let you fall. They laugh when you get hurt and protect what hurt you. Now when I started this game, as a black guy I was aware dumb, racist things were gonna pop up, as we know with genshin impact with the whole ass glass bottle floating around calling desert explorers/fighters "sand-lickers", and Honkai Impact's one black character being one who hates her dark skin and bleaches it consistently with makeup. She's also the only character to never get special outfit effects. Naturally, I did not bat an eye at the dark skin lightning guy having the SHACKLE BREAKER and SWIFT HARVEST SKILLS.
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as we may know im a lore guy who thinks a lot. there is no "character reference" or wordplay that holds up here. This is dumb associations made to dark skinned individuals for doing slave work(harvesting.) and being held in chains(shackle). Anyways somehow even though this eluded me, I found it odd that the one dark skinned character in the roster was the bad one. People would make all kinds of excuses but never show anything concrete. Arlan himself is lacking the skill point mechanic which literally bars him from an entire simulated universe path. see my notes on him here . Point is this got worse as time went on, to a point where this fan that was still crazy hyped after the Xianzhou arc hype was watching every promotional video for the next region. Penacony, and got hit with the revelation that their next region was going to be based on the Jazz Age. Jazz is known throughout the world as one of the most widely celebrated creations of black people for the rest of the world, and the soul of Jazz, Funk, Pop, and many other types of music rest in black history, black stories, and black emotions. I'd rather not revisit the complete amalgation of this soul that is that dumb fucking region with the slave master and the incel-heaven slur slinger invading the quantum meta, but I should still add that the story is an incredibly half-assed take at introducing evil concepts like slavery and trying to add nuance to them. I played through so many routes where there was some implication of slavery benefitting a future society, and there was this one awful point i had to check out at where the player uses CLOCKWORK TO FIX THE MIND OF A DISCONTENT FREED SLAVE SO THEY SEEK THEIR MASTER AGAIN. There is no "makes sense in context" or "theres lore behind this" because that should be taken at face value. Their disgusting apparition of the Jazz Age should not be justified and glorified the way it is today. I believe in protecting the history of those who paved the way for me and I also would like to believe that I shouldn't have to fight to not deal with mockery within games or shows I enjoy. This whole experience I've had has tainted this game for me. I was listening through my fighting game playlist earlier and WHITE NIGHT came on. The first time I had heard it I thought it was amazing and wanted to make a cover of it and enter the 2024 fan art contest. But when I heard it for the most recent time, I wanted to vomit. This 'fun party' song was empty and felt like it was slinging lies of joy and entropy in my face. I couldn't celebrate the media that glorified excusing my people from society. And I really don't get WHY everyone else does. As somebody whose played a lot of mainstream games I've seen a crowd that acts woke to social issues and seemed to stand up in the face of injustice. I don't KNOW any internet culture so i thought activist = good person. recently ive seen and interacted with a lot of "activists" that were willing to watch this billion dollar company perpetuate racism, stereotypes and appropriation. This is usually because the company had given them a "complex" png with "emotions" that was "coded" to be made for them. and their character's emotions outrank real people's emotions in their interactions. these activists were more likely to listen to the billion dollar company's machinations of a white girl fairy princess or whatever their latest obsession was, than real people.
its been tiring and its been sickening. excuse me for being too real for a second but I AM SICK AND TIRED OF MENTALLY ILL WHITE PEOPLE ONLINE TELLING ME RACISM IS A CHARACTER TRAIT OR SOMETHING THAT CAN BE DONE RIGHT, OR SOMETHING THAT SPICES UP A NARRATIVE. SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. what if we had characters that were abusers, huh? or pedophiles? and what if those characters never had to deal with consequences of their actions? and what if everybody was worshipping the writing team making these hero abusers, and hero pedophiles? would it suddenly make sense then?
can people stop hyping this awful shit up? Pick up a different game or something. stain their brand. Have an audience for your star rail content? can you draw like trees or something,..... instead? this is not a good game and it does not do good things. The developers are incels with a large cult following. They are not good people, they say the right things. stop feeding them. do something else. pick something else up. play something else. I know people may find their games and content dear to yall but if racism is worse to you than losing a game, boycott these rich, selfish snakes.
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zyonsay · 1 year
Tired as hell
Fem aligned people may read but not f3tishize my work!!
Warnings: Being a Line cook sucks, Smoking, Intimacy, Eeby Jeebies
Reader: Genderneutral
Song i listened to while writing: "Lost soul down x Lost soul" by NBSPLV
AN: Hi theree :] Y'all voted for Hobie, y'all get Hobie! I will probably also post a Ghost fic soon, since i already have an idea about what i wanna write! But for now i hope y'all can enjoy this one! Also Fun Fact: The part where i write reader washing salad, that was me today. I was so friggen annoyed by this green piece of shit. Anyways darlings, love y'all! <3
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You were washing some salad as your last task for your shift. You kept glancing over to the cheap clock hanging on the kitchen wall above the vacuum sealer. Your shift had already ended, but you wanted to get this stuff done so the others wouldn’t have to finish your work. You worked as a line cook in an 80s Themed diner and were stressed whenever entered the establishment. You loved your colleagues, but the constant nagging of the servers and the regular verbal abuse of your executive chef Jerry really annoyed you.
“I’m out guys!”, you yelled over the loud sizzling of the Beef patty on the grill. You laid the salad into the metal bowl next to you. “Bye darlin’!”, hollered one of the workers.
You left through the back, stepping into the cool Londoner night air. A chill ran down your spine, you’ve been standing in that unbearably hot kitchen for too many hours. You lit a cigarette and started walking home. All you wanted to do now is to flop on your bed and sleep. But you urgently needed to shower first and there was a big possibility that your bed was covered in dirty clothes, so you’d have to move those out of sight too. You suddenly felt someone grab your shoulders and in fear of being shanked by a drunk Brexit geezer you immediately spun around and punched the person right into their stomach.
“FUCKIN’ HELL, Y/N- “, you now saw that you punched your boyfriend Hobie and immediately spilled thousand and thousands of apologies. “Oh my god I’m so sorry sweetheart!”, you put your hand on the hunched over figure, trying to comfort him about the pain you inflicted. “You pack a real good punch mate”, Hobie chuckled with a pain-stricken face. He straightens his posture, seemingly recovered from the pain. You both start walking again, Hobie stealing a cig from you since he always forgets to take any along. And obviously he also forgot to bring a lighter, so you gave him yours with a small grin. He then shot you a toothy smile. “Thanks!”
You were fiddling with your keys, desperately wanting to go sleep. Your partner was standing behind you, pressing a small kiss to your neck. “I’m sweaty.”, you stated as you scrunched your nose. “We’ll shower and then go to bed dear.” Hobie gave you a quick peck to the cheek. You finally found the right key and opened the door of your apartment. You threw your bag on the floor and stripped your boots off, Hobie doing the same.
Hobie began walking towards the bathroom, you followed him in a sleepy manner. You both got rid of your clothes, dumping them in a corner of the room, as you cannot be asked to deal with them now. You tell yourself that you’ll put them aside tomorrow, knowing damn well you won’t. You and your boyfriend hop in the shower and begin lathering up your bodies with showering gel that smells way too yummy. Hobie lets his hands wander, giving you gentle squeezes on your hips, shoulders, and ass. You jokingly roll your eyes at his cheeky actions, allowing your head to lean against his shoulder. He pulls you into a gentle kiss, caressing your face softly. “Your shoulders feel tense.”, he mumbled quietly. He slowly spun you around and began massaging your shoulders, earning groans from his beloved boyfriend.
After you both rinsed off the soap, you stepped out of the shower, reaching desperately for the towel. You got sleepier by the minute and struggled to keep your eyes open. Hobie gently led you to the bedroom, disposing of all the clothes lying on your bed. He brought you one of his T shirts and a pair of underpants, handing them to your tired self.   You dropped the towel and got dressed.  Then you flopped into the patterned sheets, burying yourself in them. Your boyfriend let out a quiet chuckle and laid down, pulling you into his arms. He began caressing your back, knowing you love his soft touches. Hobie then nuzzled into the creek of your neck, getting all cozy and comfy. Your breathing fell into a peaceful rhythm as you finally fell asleep in your boyfriends’ arms.
“Love you.”
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