#these are my ‘find a trusted adult’ choices😭
seokwoosmole · 4 months
Never has my opinion about a non-antagonist character changed so drastically than it has about Shigure ok there might have been some before but right now I can’t think of any.
I went from “Oh he’s just a silly lil guy” to “*sobs* silly *sobs again* DAD” to “ohhhh….silly….pervy😳lil guy” to “ohhhh….silly mysterious guy???” to “oh- oh….😬”
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whinlatter · 7 months
something tells me you don't really like tonks, just a hunch xD
For the relationship ask if you're still doing it: harry and remus, molly and remus, teddy and adromeda. I would love to see what do you think <3
noooo i love tonks! i had a ball writing her and think that @evesaintyves’ rendering of her is one of fandom’s greatest gifts 😭 i just find it very funny that harry thinks she should low key get a grip. and as a clumsy young woman who should myself get a grip, i say: get off her case, hjp.
ok the remus + tonks/black extended family universe... hyped for this one. delicious choices, thank you anon. (i have a few more in the inbox i'm going to take a stab at but am trying to avoid spoilery ones or ones where i risk boring you all again by repeating old talking points, so if i don't get to one pls forgive me...)
right — to business. we begin with everybody looking at remus lupin waiting for him to put his crippling self loathing aside to write (1) singular letter to his dead friend's son:
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i jest (to an extent). but i do think the entirety of harry and remus' dynamic is best encapsulated in one singular scene in PoA:
“When they get near me — ” Harry stared at Lupin’s desk, his throat tight. “I can hear Voldemort murdering my mum.” Lupin made a sudden motion with his arm as though to grip Harry’s shoulder, but thought better of it.
i know there's a very understandable move in AUs to imagine what would have happened if remus had raised harry - or, more often, if remus had been 'allowed' to raise harry by dumbledore. but looking past the whole plot-requiring-harry-to-be-at-the-dursleys thing, the truth is, canon remus lupin would never have put himself forward to raise harry, because of his own (not unfounded!) concerns about the precarity of his existence and the dangerousness of his condition. remus' sense of self - more specifically his fear of himself, and his very low self worth - consistently lead him to hold harry at arm's length from the moment he's introduced in the series until its bitter end. i don't think remus at all approves of the way harry is treated at the dursleys. but i can very much imagine that remus thinks it would still be better than the life he could have given harry if he ever had been called upon to serve as his primary caregiver. one of the most interesting implicit dynamics in the series is that harry notices this and does, to some extent, resent it (obviously the fact that he only ever calls him 'lupin' in his narration, though uses remus to his face, and also: 'Harry had received no mail since the start of term; his only regular correspondent was now dead and although he had hoped that Lupin might write occasionally, he had so far been disappointed.') while the harry & remus fight in DH is about harry's view of what remus ought to do re tonks and the baby, it’s also harry coming as close as saying to remus: you're letting your own child down like you let me down. ('I’m pretty sure my father would have wanted to know why you aren’t sticking with your own kid, actually... He had it coming to him,” said Harry. Broken images were racing each other through his mind: Sirius falling through the veil; Dumbledore suspended, broken, in midair; a flash of green light and his mother’s voice, begging for mercy… ‘Parents,’ said Harry, 'shouldn’t leave their kids unless—unless they’ve got to.')
molly and remus: i think this is a very, very underrated relationship! i know there’s a lot of molly-bashing around these days, especially if you’re a marauders and/or sirius and/or wolfstar stan. but i think it is very very overlooked that the person who looks after adult remus the most from 1995 onwards, and who shows him some of the deepest trust and roots for his happiness, is molly. for a man who has plainly known a huge amount of financial/food/housing insecurity, and who is so villainised in wider wizarding society, it is no small gesture for molly to not only provide for remus materially but also to trust him in a house with all of her children and encourage him in a romantic relationship he struggles to feel entitled to and worthy of. (i love sirius, but he is in no fit state to ‘look after’ remus in the last year of his life, and fandom’s continued unwillingness to recognise the importance of domestic/caregiving labour as a vital contribution to the resistance will never not be problematic af). remus clearly values and admires molly in return - the only time he actually ever entertains a parent/guardianship role is when molly is weeping over her boggart, crying onto remus’ shoulder (‘what must you think of me?’) and he assures her that if anything were to happen to her and arthur, he would be a part of the team making sure her children are taken date of (‘what do you think we’d do, let them starve?’) remus’ relationship with molly is often the more mild-mannered translator of her viewpoint to others (especially others with hot tempers), and mediator trying to find middle ground between molly’s protective instincts and the battle/ready instincts of others. (more grist to my sirius & ginny parallels mill — in DH, when a fuming ginny is desperately trying to sneak off to fight in the battle, it’s remus who appeals to molly and ginny to find the compromise of ginny staying in the room of requirement to know what’s going on but not actively fight, a mirror image of his role mediating the dispute between sirius and molly over harry’s right to know what’s going on at grimmauld in ootp…) molly accepts this compromise, a sign that she trusts remus implicitly (she never frets that a werewolf is living among her children in ootp onwards, and invites him to christmas readily even after months undercover with the pack) and also feels able to call him out (‘i’ve always said you’re taking a ridiculous line on this, remus’.) this is too long but basically — justice for molly and remus, unlikely buds!
teddy and andromeda: i weirdly think a lot about teddy lupin these days. i tend to imagine teddy as a very mild-mannered, affable, calm child, like who remus might have been had he not been bitten, with tonks' heart and sociability but also with something of remus' more philosophical disposition. i think he'd slip very naturally into a big brother role because, in part, he does see himself as having a responsibility to take care of people, and i think this would shine through in his relationship with andromeda. we know teddy was raised by his gran, and i imagine she feels enormously protective of him, perhaps bordering on strict in her desire to keep him safe from the harm that came to all the rest of her family. but i like to imagine teddy didn't act out against this too much, in part because he understands where it comes from and in turn feels very protective of andromeda. growing up in the aftermath of the war would make teddy as a child particularly aware of the grief and pain and the silences among the adults around him, and i think teddy would take any compensatory protective strictness on andromeda's part with good grace, and humour her for it. i like to think teenage/young adult teddy serves as the translator for any of his gran's more prickly edges, and that they have a very close relationship that both of them really treasure.
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jils-things · 10 months
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But if you give me just one night You're gonna see me in a new light Yeah if you give me just one night To meet you underneath the moonlight
happy first anniversary to my beloved pookie bear and champion husby 🍎🍏
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careful, incredibly corny and romantic lovemail coming through.... (you don't have to read it, i just love expressing myself.)
y'know part of me felt kinda bad for glitchy red because he was quite literally the reason why i ended up liking sun and moon red and he basically overpowered him ahuhudsa but i guess i can kinda thank the mod for being the catalyst for me to really get into pokemon again because before this i was not even touching pokemon since... i was a teenager.
the moment i saw red, i just knew i was gonna like him. no rhyme or reason apart from the fact he's super handsome and adorable as an adult (and my silly taste for brunets <3) and im absolutely here for it :] i'm really thankful i have friends who really supported my goofy admiration for him and helped me create what would be known today as appleshipping~ i have so much funny and heartwarming memories with him (like that time i fell asleep to his battle ost on discord calls many times 😭😭😭)
i remember dreading the fact, learning that i may never meet red properly in sun and moon (emulator on pc isn't really my preferred place to play unless i have no choice) but ohh man, what a blessing my classmate was to be a pokemon fan who had a 3ds with all sun and moon (and ultra) copies with him and since he had already finished all games years back - he happily allowed me to borrow his 3ds and reset his ultra sun file for me to play <3 i can't thank him enough for it, and it was simply because he wanted me to experience it. not only was it my first time to use a 3ds, but my first game would also be where i get to meet my hubby in game, and in a REAL console. it feels so cool, it definitely beats that feeling of using emulators.
i also remember eagerly making my way to the battle tree and even recorded my live reaction when he was actually there aeheheh im shy to share it but trust me when i say i was so squeaky and audible when he appeared... all im saying, im just happy i had a fun experience as a fan and as a selfshipper :]
alright, anyways - i like love red so much, as a character and someone i find pretty appealing eahudhuahf he looks so huggable and warm like a cozy snorlax sleeping in the winter night. i love his quiet but determined demeanor. it stands out from the rest of the characters and even if he was a protagonist at first, he's treated as a really cool legendary trainer that many characters respect and it just adds to the appeal (for ya girl, at least ehe). while many prefer his battling prowess, i love thinking of his emotional side, i think there's a lot to dissect there especially as a character who's silent most of the time, and of course when you're in a relationship its all about the connection and communication amirite ehhehafs ... while i'm a bit sad he's not really a popular character at the moment, at least he and my friends would know i'm (definitely) his biggest fan ehehee (twirls hair)
hooray for appleshipping! thank you for keeping my mood in high spirits this year, red 💚❤️
dividers: (x) (x)
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rweoutofthewoods · 4 months
hey mere! so i just go around to reading tennessee baby and i just wanted to express my … disappointment i guess? don’t get me wrong here i love previous work vm usually u do jeggy so so much justice and i usually have such adoration for your characters but this one is really rubbing me the wrong way as james is essentially grooming reg and its promoting teachers and adults in general abusing their power with children. cause regulus might be of age but he’s still a child in comparison to james and just in general like 17-19 are still children they are teenagers and don’t have a fully developed brain and so the way you’re making it seem as if it’s regulus doing is just WRONG. like i don’t even have other word for it. and yes i get the whole don’t like it don’t read it but… how do you feel comfortable promoting stuff like this in the first place to your audience who previously hasn’t gotten the impression that you’d promote such violence in your fics yk?
anyways, i’m only sending this in hopes that you may have something say about it i guess cause as of right now i’m not sure if i’d even feel comfortable reading anything else you’d write in the future which is just heartbreaking to me as i’ve been following along with you for so long now!
If you have read my writing before then I hope you know that I don’t write anything as black and white. I write things that are purposefully wrong and the characters are supposed to be in the wrong.
This is something I run into a lot that is very frustrating to me because I can’t force anyone to understand my work. But I understand my work.
That is to say I’m not writing Tennessee Baby with the intention of saying any of this is good or alright. I’m not writing it to act like my characters are in the right. I don’t write things to be moral lessons on how a person should act because why should I? I plan my writing, I exist for it, I have thought out every single little detail and exactly what I’m portraying. which as the fic goes on, I think everyone will find is the exact opposite of “promoting violence” or any of this behavior to my audience.
So two things.
1. The fic is incomplete and very early in the story. Their relationship is just beginning and we’ve barely gone anywhere. It’s a bit premature to judge me morally on a story I’ve barely begun and I WILL touch on all the things and I’m not painting my characters as their actions being okay. But it takes time to write a story. You know who thinks regulus in control and at fault for their sexual relationship? REGULUS. In his pov only… maybe think about that and think about all the ways I’ve showed how he IS a kid despite being a legal adult. I know exactly what I’m writing, trust me. I think you don’t, and I can’t blame you bc the fic is so early in the plot, but it would be nice for people to trust me. Bc comments similar to your concerns pop up regarding a lot of my WIPs and I always know exactly what I’m doing and what my intentions are. So it’s a tad frustrating often feeling the need to defend my writing choices when ik if we just wait and read on everything will become clear.
2. I did warn multiple times exactly what the fic would contain and that it is immoral and it’s MEANT to be. None of this is supposed to be acceptable behavior and I have never acted as if it is.
So really I guess I’m a little disappointed in your response. If it’s not your cup of tea that’s fine! Not judging! It isn’t a nice happy unproblematic fic. If u went happy moral fluff there’s a million other fics for you. But this is the writer I am. I always HAVE been. I’ve written multiple cheating fics, I’ve written age gap, I’ve written characters killing people. Does that mean I believe in infidelity, murder, and student teacher relationships? no 😭that’s not how it works, and the things I write don’t morally define me at all. In fact most of my writing teaches a lesson. if you can’t understand that and don’t want to read my work anymore that’s fine, but I hope you consider why people might choose to purposefully write things that are wrong.
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ronsharry · 10 months
1. What is your favourite HP ship and why?
2. If you like fanfic, which HP one is your favourite?
3. Out of all the potential paternal figures for Harry, which one is our favourite and why?
(4. Do you have any ronarry fluff fics? All I can find are abandoned or not ronarry fics)
ohhh i love these questions!! tysm for asking :))
1. i’ve shipped many ships in many eras and the one i always go back to is ronarry!! they’re so special to me and i know it’s like a popular trope that people find annoying but i really love the bestfriend to lovers trope it’s so sweet :)) and not to mention that they are both in my top 3 😭
2. i definitely read fanfic (i have an ao3 acc 6amflwrr) I’ve been reading it for years 😭😭 ahh this is such a hard one but out of the hundreds of fanfics i’ve read there’s a few that i always think of or go back to:
‘honey honey by aeoneskova’ — marlene lives and takes harry from the dursleys!! harry is in muggle primary school in this and it’s soo realistic !! really sad too harry literally fainted in p.e bc he was so starved ITS SO SAD
‘Hermione Grangers Hogwarts Cranmer for Delinquents on the Run by waspabi’ — i suprisingly loved one sm i went through a phase of hardcore shipping drarry and i met this gem through it!! idk if i ship them anymore but im not like against them either idk anyway this one harry doesn’t know he’s a wizard until they recruit him 💀 and sirius is alive also <3
‘An Hour of Wolves by solvskrift’ — one of the first fics i ever read so that’s probably a reason but this one’s dark and it shows harry’s ptsd really well and also check tags for this one!!
3. oooo i love this question sm i love all dynamics between harry and parental figures bc they’re so interesting but my favourite is sirius and harry by far!! they get each other so well, sirius would do absolutely anything for him and he is the only adult harry fully trusted like harry loved him sm :(( they had their flaws and while i don’t think sirius was the healthiest (something that i don’t blame him for at all i think he did amazingly given the circumstances) he definitely was the best choice and i think that makes it even sadder actually 😭
4. oh i definitely have fics!!! here are some of my favs:
‘perspective by malapropism’ — In which Ron realizes that maybe, just maybe, you aren't supposed to feel this way about your best mate. But only after a dance at the Yule Ball, months of being busy with other things, Cedric Diggory's death, the return of Voldemort, and a quiet knock at his door. (i love this one sm and gof and ootp!rarry is my fav <33)
‘Foolish hearts by iwantacoolassname & orbithastnt’ — this is set in hbp and sirius lives !!!!! the only thing is that it’s ongoing but i don’t think it’s been discontinued :)
‘sacrifice by sim54’ — i love this one sm
‘Somber Skies and Bruised Bodies by ManyGayUmbrellas’ — i love this one too it’s so sad but happy ending!! more of a character study but yeah it’s good :)
‘i’ll hold you when things go wrong by cloudlesslysky’ — Ron has always struggled with insecurity and jealousy since he was a child. However, Ron has grown up. And while he loves his mother, if she's making him choose between her and Harry...Well, Ron knows where he stands. (this is probably my favourite even tho it’s not actually ronarry but they are very close and it’s definitely worth the read and uncle harry & rose AHH)
‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell by IamShadow21’ — one of my favourites too!! this one got me into ronarry in the first place :)
‘merry christmas, war is over by dykesiriusblack’ — wolfstar&ronarry and i loved this one sm!! definitely recommend:))
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thosewildcharms · 6 months
I’m rewatching s3 episode 12 and it just blows my mind all over again the immediate mutual empathy between Rick and Michonne; a silent understanding to carry their weight to protect each other just as much as they yearn to be protected. Somehow in their deepest selves, they felt an immediate safety with each other and learn from each other. Like Michonne taking on the emotional toil of making the hard choice to pass the helpless hitchhiker. Rick gets to look past him and have a brief reprieve of being the one forced to make painful choices. Carl didn’t really understand what a grown adult alone in a dark world must go through because he still had the innocence of a child to wonder why his father or Michonne would make an immoral choice. Rick and Michonne just immediately establish this reciprocity of being each other’s ride or die, if love is all we have at the end of the world how beautiful is it that they both instinctively put each other’s faith and heart in the other’s hands. The just want to live for real unconditional love worthy of dying for. And Rick in his silent acknowledgment of what Michonne has done for him defends her ruining their ‘run’ with “it was an honest mistake” and reasserts her morally gray choice by definitively leaving the hitchhiker. Like he was so ready to intensely match her energy as soon as she showed him an act of compassion and strength, it’s actually disgustingly romantic 😭 It’s just interesting to see long before they ever kissed, it seems that they actually made it relatively easy to fall in love with each other.
hey anon! first of all i just want to say that this really beautifully worded. i especially love that last sentence. you're right - in retrospect, it really seems inevitable that they fell in love with each other.
i will say that i read that car scene in 3x12 a bit differently.
i always saw the car ride out as a test, and the car ride back was established trust. in the previous episode rick tells daryl that he's bringing michonne on a run and that he'll "find out" if it's a good idea or not depending on how it goes. and while they connect during that trip, it's really carl's "she's one of us" that solidified the trust. i did see them both silently deciding to leave the hitchhiker behind as an early sign of their unspoken shared instincts, although i read it as them both being in a particularly nihilistic mindset at that point (tbf, i read the show as a whole as pretty nihilistic but that's just my personal opinion). by that i mean that i don't think either of them had any qualms about it lol. i do love how it's completely wordless, but i also attributed that to the inherent tension of the car ride - rick knows he's testing michonne, and michonne knows she's being tested, and they both know that there's no chance they're letting that guy in the car. as for the moment with carl when rick tells him it was an honest mistake: maybe i'm an idiot but i always thought that was rick reminding carl to have good manners lol but your take is way more interesting, so i like it :)
all of that being said, i love your interpretation of how this, intentionally or not, was an early sign of their eventual dynamic. like, it's kind of blowing my mind a little, to be honest. i think most people consider this episode as the one that planted the seed for what they would eventually become, and i agree, but i love that after reading this ask i can look at it and see it as a reflection of everything they eventually build between them. that's so insightful. i especially love this: "Somehow in their deepest selves, they felt an immediate safety with each other and learn from each other." because yeah! rick told michonne that maybe it was "something else" that made him take her in instead of just taking the baby formula. on some level, they knew!
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sam-glade · 7 months
Happy STS! I hope your week has been kind to you :) which character do you find that you talk about the least? It there a specific reason you don’t talk about them much?
Happy STS, Kraken!
I've been sitting on this ask, because it was such a hard choice, but I've settled on an answer now:
Mikkel Amberblade
The First Prince's, Anthea's, honour guard
A silent looming presence with porcelain skin, copper hair, freckles, and eyes like stormclouds
In a setting where the most common skin tone is olive, and hair is almost never lighter than medium-brown
This is basically the equivalent of having bright blue hair IRL
He was not born with it (it's not Maybelline either)
In my mind he's enby, using he/him pronouns.
He's got a younger half-brother, Claren Nightingale, Ianim's honour guard.
When he learnt about Claren's existence (Mikkel was a young adult, Claren a tween), he was tricked into believing that the White Dragon, the legendary prince, wants to kill both of them.
He burnt all the bridges to find the brother he'd never met and keep him safe.
Now they're inseparable.
He's Anthea's only platonic friend, whom she trusts unconditionally.
Her mentor and the parent figure who let her be a child and herself, while her overly strict parents left her no room to breathe.
Probably gave her beauty tips and found her pretty dresses to wear in the privacy of her rooms, before she came out to her parents as trans.
He's 15 times her age. He'll sacrifice his life for her.
When she's about to die and he can't do anything to stop it, he brings up her happiest memories.
Almost all of them include him.
Here's a short piece from Anthea's POV, where he plays a key role
I love him so much😭
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doctorofmagic · 8 months
Hi! I just read the latest issue of Strange and while I'm honestly happy with how it ended, I'm a little concerned about the direction they're taking with Clea and I would love to know your thoughts about it!
I love seeing her being a badass fighter and ruler, but I feel like they're either forgetting or putting aside the compassionate and loving side she used to have within herself but also thanks to Strange. She was "the good one" in a family of evil, a light in Stephen's life and I really hope they'll go with a sort of redemption arc now, with Strange trying to make her remember her caring and loving side... because tbh I'm not a fan of "evil" Clea, she's almost turning into Umar. Her clothes are completely black now, she constantly looks evil, and treats everyone very harshly and violently, blaming her "warlord" state and her grief. I love that Strange sent the General to therapy, now I need Clea to do the same 😭
Honestly?? SAME 😭😭😭
I know she's supposed to be her own character and have a strong personality, but I totally agree that her caring and sweet and vulnerable side is missing in the new volume. Her last conversation with Pandora left a bitter taste in my mouth, because it shows she was willing to go against Stephen's request and kill Aggamon.
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On the other hand, I still hope that, when she mentions that there are parts of her that Stephen cannot know, she's referring to the side of hers she fears the most (the violent, angry part, whereas Stephen is full of compassion and love).
Because, you see, she showed concern about not being believed by him, about being seen as a monster. And they're both stubborn enough to hide their fears and some of their true feelings, even after all those years (*bonks them*).
You're absolutely right, it's not healthy for Clea to be sweet only when Stephen is around (or Moon Knight, for that matter, cause they're frens <333). Maybe Jed is still cooking, I have enough trust to put in his skills so I'm just waiting and looking forward to the next chapters. As for her clothes, I *think* it's more of a design choice by Heather Moore's colors, although the black elements were present in Lee's first redesign. I miss the purple and pink, to be fair.
Lastly, funny enough, you did mention that she's starting to look like Umar. Well, that's a fear she has in canon haha. And since I'm pretty sure Jed read this run, it could be intentional.
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After all, one of the generational trauma's traits isn't an adult fearing to become their parents, only to find out they did the very same? Hopefully, there's more to it than we're reading at the moment. Fingers crossed 🤞
Thank you for passing by and sharing your concern, and also apologies for the late reply! Have a wonderful day/night! 💜
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sigyn-foxyposts · 4 months
"Vent art dump" Tw: Eye strain, heavy themes of child loss & death, Surgery, body scars, slight body horror, non explicit nudity, mental health problems. ‼️
Minors DNI, stay safe okay? <3
Don't worry everyone, I am mentally well these days! 😭
i wasn't originally planning on sharing these but I feel like someone out there could relate and maybe find comfort in what I express through my art, I'll even explain the meanings behind them for more context so i dont leave people guessing.
Nothing here is to gain sympathy, just sharing experiences. That's what I'm after! <3
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Fenrir being bound by the chains and him holding around me is supposed to be a metaphor for my build up emotions and anger towards the people that have failed me, it resembles how I can't properly express my emotions without lashing out because I had no choice then to supress them. Like fenrir, they silenced my pain, they abandoned me. Many adults in my life, including my teachers and my parents that were supposed to protect me, teach me things, that I could trust! They all failed me.
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This is supposed to be me and my twin sister, who only lasted a few months after our birth. Ever since I was little I always expressed I felt like something was missing, that I was half of something that was supposed to be whole. It made sense to my parents on what I meant back then and it does to me too now.
It left me feeling so empty all these years. Even if I never got to know her, I still miss her. We were both aware of each others existence at some point! After all we were identical twins. The reason her face is melted and attached to mine is because we could have been so similar in appearance, but no one knows that for certain with how things turned out. I'm more at peace with her passing these days, since I had my whole childhood to process it. But keeping her memory alive is something i wont let go off.
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The moment I entered this world, everyone was certain that Hel was going to take me into her sweet embrace because of the way I looked compared to my sister, I was the smallest and thinnest. It was like my fate had already been decided, but I proved them wrong by fighting on. Before I knew what fighting even was. While luck was on my side back then I ended up being frail, always so sick and truly I never grew out of it. Not only did life's circumstances almost take me, but my health complications were there to add more into the stress. Despite all these issues, I kept going!
All the way back in 2017 when I first learnt I had scoliosis, which is a condition where your spine curves sideways, that affects many things in your body! I was terrified for my life. I've always avoided those "dangers" like breaking an arm because I knew I probably couldn't handle it and I knew already back then if the treatments I got wasn't working, it was going to get life threatening. Which it did, I was doomed for surgery no matter the efforts.
While you can't die from surgery these days, with my weak condition and this HUGE surgery I had a feeling I wasn't going to make it. But I did and i have gone through this twice now! The scar on my back will remain forever, but it's not there to remind me how horrible life is and how scared I was, instead rather how strong I've been through it all!
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gurorori · 1 year
9, 10 and 13 final answer locked in
9. share an unpopular opinion!
hmmm this is a bit hard 2 think of. i cud say a few unusual opinions on da way of dress itself but i have a general community opinion dat most lolitas wld definitely side eye me 4...
ok stay with me. bit of a fun topic but, kinksters in lolita. an' 100% i don' mean the s/ssies or anyone similar, sadly lolitas r quite used 2 bein' sexualised & havin' their pictures (especially if it's sweetloli) stolen & used in s/ssy imagines, so on, non-consensually ofc. which angers me too, kink is normal but involvin' ppl who want nothin' 2 do w it will always b nasty, even if it's only a picture. like i need them men 2 understand lolita isn' a girly girl costume, it's jus' a fashion. dat ppl wear, sumtimes everyday...
That Being Said. i find it very insultin' seein' most lolitas turn their noses when they see someone who is Also into kink, interact with the community. in a non-harmful way dat is, i'll explain. it doesn' happen very often but yunno how on reddit, if ya interact with nsfw subreddits & such, it will show on yr profile. well, i've noticed ppl in r/lolita bein' very judgemental of those who have a nsfw side, despite their posts in lolita bein' completely normal & nawt suspicious.
idk, i can only hope im mistaken & it's nawt actually 'most' lolitas, as a lot of da community is full grown adults, an' i don' hold the whole s/ssy thing against em, i'd b slightly wary seein' someone at the intersection of kink&loli too, but i hate seein' ppl act like they r interests without overlap. ya can only have one at a time, apparently.
so ye ig my unpopular opinion is dat ya can b into cool adult stuff & still wear lolita & keep those two separate. ya don' taint the fashion somehow & don' ruin anyone's impression of it. there's a lotta pressure sum ppl put on others in da community 2 always b this perfect representation of wat lolita is, but we r all jus' ppl w our own lives, wearin' unusual clothes. i think ppl r free 2 do the things they normally do.
n_n anyway da more tame opinions i have will always b old school related, an' it's a few style choices dat ppl outside old school look down upon, so i guesss.. unpopular? i luv peekin' bloomers, i luv small/no petticoat, i luv striped socks, i luv whites not matchin', i luv black shoes/accessories with sweet or shiro, i luv coords with a random bag/shirt/anythin' ya found home slapped on, if 2000s FRUiTS street snap girlies cud do it, ya can too.
10. do you prefer vintage or new dresses?
looks at ya with my autistic eyes. guess. guess.. guess. guess. I LUV OLD SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!! i don' particularly mind re-releaaes of the old designs tho, so technically they'd b 'new', but 'm mostly in favor of older, used, even worn dresses/skirts/etc, if da price is good & it's a piece i want.. sumtimes the designs get updated a bit thru da years & end up lookin' different, which happend 2 a baby dress i own ↓
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2005 (da version i own) vs current,
i still have no idea if we can trust new baby stock images but da color difference is crazy if true. havin' the older dress irl i can vouch it's.. actually even lighter in person, but dat might jus' b signs of wear. but yeah as ya see da design itself still had changed quite a bit, the cute lace curtain on da bodice is gone. i think da bigger bow on da neckline instead of da waist throws da balance off 4 me personally, too. like i jus' overall prefer the old version here.
i think dats my stanceeeee.. i don' mind buyin' re-releases & most likely will, but i still have more old-school preferences. it's quite hard 2 find pieces dat r both new & fit dat vibe still. as ya see even da old designs get renewed 2 da point where they lose their charm..
13. where would your ideal photoshoot be?
A CEMETERY!!! srsly, all da western places like europe & the us have such aesthetically pleasin' lookin' well-kept cemeteries with like nice greenery & stuff. here they r huge & ugly & very packed tho like it's nawt a place where ya can melancholically lean against a tombstone or stand menacingly & look gothic. nope.
aside from dat, jus any gothic architecture really, dark & imposin' n watever. obviously we don' have dat here either..
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daz4i · 10 months
coming here bc with ur dazai bdsm & control post i think u'll understand my point. i always feel weird when i read skk and specifically filter out "top dazai" because its like it shouldn't matter but it DOES end up mattering. i can't describe it but somehow it feels like whenever people write "top dazai" there's this level of extra control he has over their dynamic. again hard to explain my ick about it but it's feels like (to me) that skk aren't equal. does that make sense. there's always a layer of "dazai is Possessive and Controlling over chuuya" while chuuya's just along for the ride. meanwhile when people write a dominant chuuya its feels more balanced?? like they're both active in the relationship. (not saying top = dominant but we know how heteronormative society thinks of sex roles. everyone writes a top as dominant unless they specify otherwise nowadays :/) i think this stems from like. as readers we all Know that (adult) dazai is the smartest one in the room at any given time. we know he can manipulate and control the situation however he pleases if he wants to. that level of control isn't a given with chuuya. so when chuuya has this (superficial) control in their relationship it's like "sick! dazai trusts chuuya! dazai views chuuya as an equal!" which is what i'm always craving from their dynamic. (i also think i'm truamatized from prior fandoms and quick to think something is heteronormative. i can acknowledge where i'm being dramatic but some people out there really do just think of chuuya as a girl i'm sorry. stop making dazai your harry styles wattpad badboy that is NAWT MY MANS!)
oh anon i get you 🤝 (and i do the same tbh, it's quicker than trying to find fics that DON'T fall into the trope of top = dominant / bottom = submissive)
[also as a usual disclaimer when talking abt this topic that I'm sure you probably agree with; this is all talking abt a fictional couple and the way fics are written about them, speaking realistically they would probably switch but this discussion isn't for the sake of realism but rather talking about characterization through smut. we know it's not that deep, this is an observation for fun and bc it's interesting and harmless, and this isn't judging anyone who writes these fics or subscribes to a different characterization. okay now we can keep going]
the trust thing you point out is honestly the biggest thing here for me!!! like it's not even just dazai letting go of control, it's about letting chuuya take it, too. we see them do it time and time again in the context of battles and strategies and well. why wouldn't it extend to this area too, yknow? same way chuuya gets to have the final word in their plans - they're both involved in every step, but in the end it does hinge on chuuya and his choices. also unironically i think it'd be good for chuuya to get control over smth in his life in a less chaotic way than, say, he does as an executive.
and 😭 god i agree with that part abt people turning dazai into an edgy wattpad bf, esp when it comes to like his current canon self who is just a silly little princess whose entire arc is about trusting people and letting them take control of situations for him
and while I'm at it, i think he COULD be possessive but not in a dark yandere bf way or w/e, first of all he'll be more subtle about it lol, but mostly his possessiveness, to me, is more "no one can hurt those i love" (see: his anger when finding out fyodor is "controlling" chuuya. animezai dni) or "please don't leave me" than "you're mine, no one can touch you, you can't leave me" as people tend to fall into in those fics. does that make sense
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Omg I love the would you rathers so much- anyway here are my answers:
1. I’m sorry, but I am absolutely chomping. I feel like he’d still make a sexual reference either way, like “Damn, you’re that excited to go down on it? 😏”
2. Yeah Jennifer is getting someone else. Best part is I can get rid of a guy I don’t like!
3. I would never do that to Bubba 😭, I’ll take one for the team. My no-major injury streak had to end sometime
4. Look, Patrick is the one of the many people I’d rather not make an enemy with, so I’ll gladly go sleep on the couch. Chances are someone else might tell him to shut up though.
5. I do not trust Chucky within an inch of my life. Jason will at least be courteous and withhold on the chopping, can’t say the same for Michael but if I’m quick enough, I can get by without a stab wound.
6. Omg this one was so hard. I guess I’ll go with Beetlejuice. At least I can make him go away
7. As a child of divorced parents, going into the kitchen with two people are arguing will be just like old times. If I want chips I’m getting chips
8. Well, I have no idea how hard she’s flinging that table. So sorry Carrie, as much as I would like to help you, I’d rather not possibly die by table
9. So my favorite Slasher is Jason and my favorite Non-favorite is Pennywise. I honestly don’t know if either of them really need my help, but if I had to pick one…..I’ll save Penny. Jason has a history of coming back after dying so he’ll be up and going again soon. Penny can only do so much against an adult
10. I’m going to Mama Voorhees, I think she’ll appreciate the honesty. If I go to Freddy, I’ll have to owe him a favor, and something tells me he’ll take full advantage of that
11. Truth. God knows what they’d make me do as a dare.
12. Again, a very hard choice. I guess I’ll go with Patrick, at least he’ll try to make me look flattering.
13. I would definitely want Penny to turn into Freddy. It would come as no surprise to anyone if “Freddy” flirted with Pam. Plus, it’d be kinda funny seeing Jason chuck Freddy through the wall lol
What are your answers though? 👀
I'm so glad you liked them XDD
Oh he sure would- that or he'd be over dramatic and toony and, like, you would see his soul would crack inside his eyes XDD
Exactly!! I'm glad this is the consensus so far XDD Like, Jennifer's telling ya'll that A sacrifice must be made., and you're just going 'Okay! :D :D :D I have a list!'
That's very brave of you ^^ ^^ XD Bubba should make you a stew.
Oh same. We can brave the living room together! I think if we build the best fort- it should be fine. Haha
Again, guys-
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I just don't think these are the actions of a polite boy!! This is a bitter old man!
6. Hahahaha, I'm glad it was hard 😈😈😈
7. Sameeee!! Don't mind us, guys, just gettin cheezels. Hey do we have- Hey. Hey. HEY- DO WE HAVE THE CHICKEN FLAVOUR??
8. Good call 😅
9. Good point!! We shouldn't worry too much about Jason. He's stubborn ^^ Also- same as Fox Anon!
10. Very honourable!! And you now may befriend Jason because you're pure! Congrats!
11. OKAY YOUR TRUTH! Here we go- from Billy and Stu: Would you live inside Christine, a car, if she allowed you to do so??
12. Ohhh, good choice!! Yeah, and you'd probably get some really nice, expensive digs out of the deal!
13. Its always funny to see Jason take the hammer to Freddy XD I agree.
Thank you for your answers!!! They're were great! Also thank you for the opportunity to give my answers, too! ^^ They're below if you're interested ^^
I'm eating that popsicle normally. I canNOT bite cold things, or hot things, or wood- My teeth are SO SENSITIVE!! If he has a reaction, oh well that sounds like a him problem and he can deal with it.
I'm sure I can find someone for her...
I kinda wanna meet Aubrey II!! 😅😅😅 So yeah, I'll go! Bubba can stay inside and have a tea. But I'm gonna see if I can, like, drop some food down from above somehow.
Couch!! Patrick is scary. Bring all your blankets and pillows and books for the fort. Also chocolate- we'll need rations.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, this one was hard!! I think I have to go with Jason and Michael too, though! I'd rather be manhandled to death (What? Look me in the eyes and tell you that some of those gifs of Michael holding women against walls with knives and yanking them around doesn't do something to you. Look me directly in the eye- ) then whatever that dreaded big red button does... God forbid.
Drayton!~ I love Drayton ^^ And I'm very good at listening. And-
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... no no no- No. No. NO
7. Like I said, I'm with you here.
8. ... *sigh* I'm probably gonna get concussed. Bring on the table!
9. Favourite Slasher? Freddy. Favourite Non-Slasher? Probably Aubrey II now!
... I would love to see this fight XD And I would probably try to save Aubrey II. Like you said- Slashers have a knack for comin back.
10. If Freddy can help me I'm going to him. That way- if it all goes south still and Pam finds out anyway- I'm not going down alone. I am taking him with me. Ha
11. Oh dear god. ... truth...
12. Oh!! Oh! This is hard. I... hmmmm... I'm gonna go with Jerry. He might be nicer to me 😅😅 And he does have a good sense of style.
13. Oof... the thought of real Chucky being oh so confused and wondering why the hell Tiffany is throwing shit at him again is hilarious... But yeah, option B. I'd rather get Freddy chucked out a window then cause a divorce.
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roxyfoxgamer150 · 3 years
You want more ideas? Well how about an AU where Mirabel left Encanto and became a pirate? Has a whole crew and everything. Would love to see Observer’s and Scrappy’s reaction to that universe.
Pirate Mirabel AU
When Mirabel left the Encanto (before fallen casita or after), she was kidnapped by a pirate.
Apparently they were a mile away from the pirate's resting place.
When the captain saw they kidnapped a child instead of an adult like them, he punched their faces.
The captain gave her a choice, either go back to where she came from, or join them.
Mirabel thought that her family hates her now that she broke the casita, so she picked the second choice.
Meanwhile in the Encanto, everyone was devastated and crying, but not because of the casita falling.
It's because that they couldn't find Mirabel.
They've been looking for her for weeks, every day and every night. Even the children of the Encanto decided to help.
But with no luck, they couldn't find Mirabel, Julieta thought that she was in the rubble and cried.
Isabela was also crying, she never had a chance to say sorry to her hermanita for being a selfish brat towards her.
Luisa never got the chance to say thank you for the break Mirabel gave her.
Bruno never had a chance to say thank you for making him see something in his vision, for seeing the butterfly.
Julieta and Agustin never had the chance to say "I love you" to their youngest daughter.
Alma was the most affected, she never had the chance of saying sorry to her, sorry for the fact she ignored her an treated her like she was an outsider.
Now two years later, a 17 year old Mirabel was having fun, she got to be a free pirate and stole treasures for her crew.
She had her own ship that she leads, the captain that took her in gave her the ship, saying she should be the next captain for making everyone stay healthy but better fighters for other enemies in the sea.
She yelled for the anchor to sink, her crew were very confused, but sank the anchor non-the-less.
She got down from her ship, landing in the grass.
Apparently, this was the place where she was snatched by an idiotic pirate ("I said I'm sorry!" "Sorry my butt! You kidnapped me!")
She followed the path back to the Encanto, she left her crew on the ship, and made one of her crew mates be in charge while she was away.
She wore a blue trench coat with a pintuck shirt and black cargo pants (I had to fucking search different types of clothing so you could imagine it damn it)
She was happy that she could finally reunite with her family when all of a sudden a golden light covers her eyes infront of her and it fades.
She pushes a bush away and sees the Encanto, all lively and all, but there were atleast a second of very loud screams when the light appeared.
So she ran towards it, she ran to the direction of the newly built casita, she didn't notice that multiple people were screaming that she's back.
The Madrigals ran infront of the house to see why the others were yelling.
And then they see a pirate that looks exactly like Mirabel- scratch that, it is Mirabel
Isabela ran to her, but almost got stabbed by Mirabel's sword that was on her hip.
Needless to say, Alma sort of got a flashback, making Mirabel drop her sword.
"I swear I did not mean it- I am so freaking sorry-" she just gets hugged by everyone and Alma after that.
They got a reunion, they also got to meet her crew.
Some of them complimented Pepa and gave her advice by saying not to surpress her emotions, and told Luisa to get a bit more breaks for herself.
"How do you know that?" "Trust me I know the feeling lad, cap' Bel here told me after seeing the signs."
Apparently when the golden light appeared, their powers were back stronger than ever.
Isabela and Alma got to say sorry to Mirabel, and she got to forgive them afterwards.
Meanwhile Observer and Scrap were trying not to go in the portal and join the crew
I typed this while I was in bed lmao, sorry for the nonsense- it's because I was in a rush typing this out
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
Hello my dear, I wish you a wonderful weekend 😊🌞
TB is my obsession 💚🖤. The dream-scene had me screaming, my Lady you're killing me 😅🥵...the vision of Loki's choc-cock is now engraved in my mind forever (right next to the freezer 🤣🤣)🍫
As I expected it happend and Loki spent the night with Paris 🥺😝😝😝. Y/n is pouting, jealous, angry and behaves like a toddler....of course she is...she's in love with him. He's there for her, she trusts him, listens to him and then he dissapointed her somehow...but he had no other choice🥺😢. And one thing is for sure, he doesn't love Paris, he loves his baby y/n and want to stay with her whatever it takes 🥺🥺❤️💚
He doesn't understand how he always makes women crave him sexually? 🤣🤣🤣... come on Loki, you're just too handsome and sexy 😏... but I get it, seriously. To look handsome and sexy can be curse and blessing at the same time and it's sad that none of these women see the man in him who has feelings and wants to be loved and wants to give love 🥺.
You're absolutely right, we all should be very grateful for food but I get it why y/n did it and she regretted it immediately...and Loki regrets to have pushed her back into her shell again. They want to stay and stick together and they don't know how 🥺😭...it's a long way for them to go.
Steve 😝 "he's my son in law, this is his house..." I just want to throw up 🤮. I'm pretty sure y/n has to make the same sacrifice like Loki did...Steve will appear in her room and claim his right to sleep with her just to humiliate and bully her afterwards to hurt her further.😭😭😢😢
Why did Steve miss "Auntie" so much? Is she one of his whores too? She's disgusting and unsympathetic like all the others in this crappy family 💀
I'm so happy that y/n and Loki talked to each other, first in text messages and later face to face...communication is everything.
Their age gap is definitely sexy (they're adults and if it's with consent everything is fine)...baby, darling, sweet y/n...that's sooo cute 😭🥰 and all the filthy thoughts when they talked with each other...the tension you create between them is *chefkiss* 🥺🥰😏
The last line makes me curious and I want to know what happend. Is Paris really gone forever 🤔? Can't barely wait for the next chapter 😅. I'm addicted to TB and to you my Queen 👑 💕 and as you already know...
ILYSM 💚💚💚❤️🖤🖤🖤💋
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Loki's choc cock is what I'll feast on everyday and I don't even like chocolate 😂
He's so humble about his good looks, I love people who are oblivious to the fact that they turn heads, when they walk into a room all eyes are on them. I have only met only one person like that in my life and they're very rare. Loki is definitely one of them 🥺🥺💚
She's used to throwing stuff around and at people whenever she's angry so that's something shell have to work on because she wouldn't to hurt him when she's angry.
We will find out about Paris and also Steve's excitement for suzzanah 👀👀
I love you so much dear 😍😍💚
Love the gifssss🥵
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iamacolor · 3 years
hii king's affection anon again! I'm all caught up with the show (well except ep 14 😭) and I'm absolutely loving it sm!! dami is one of my favourite leads I've encountered so far. she's just soooo good?? the way we have a female lead who's strong AND vulnerable? literally the most amazing thing everr. also also park eunbin is just SUCH an amazing actress. you can see everything she's feeling and it's crazy (saw her first in do you like brahms and I absolutely love that show, she was flawless there as well)
and about jiwoon, I'll be honest I put of watching this drama firstly bcs it was a historical but also bcs I wasn't the biggest fan of rowoon 😭 especially after the disaster sunbae dont put on the lipstick was shcj but he definitely won me over this time!! he has improved soo much acting wise and his character is a great great love interest for dami.
also I enjoyed the little thing with the late King and gaon sooo much. like ik the king wasn't the best person ever but for him to remember gaon/eunseo and help him out was actually vv sweet
anyways im sorry if this was unnecessary
hi anon!!!! there is absolutely no need to apologise omg i was wondering if you had caught up with the show yet and hoping you'd send your thoughts!! i love reading other people's thoughts (one of the main reason why i make edits is so i can read people's tags lol) and talking about mine (this ask is about to get long) so there is no unnecessary ask don't worry 💜
i'm with you when it comes to dami, i think she's on of my fave leads so far if only because her set-up is so unique and tragic and it really puts her in such an interesting position, one that female characters usually don't get to be in and it's so interesting. i'm glad we got to see her as a child and then as an adult so we could see how she had become cold and had closed herself off to protect her lie and at the same time see how she had grown into the position of crown prince and was able to be commanding and smart and to genuinely care for her people and for her position. i love that she never feels like she doesn't deserve to be crown prince or king or to have power, she knows she can since she's be trained and educated for it and she's so good. but she has such hidden depths, so many things she's never fully experieced because she's never lived as herself (she's honestly such a tragic character) and at the same time she is fully the king now. i hope she gets to find who she really wants to be though and live as she wants one day, without having to look over her shoulder all the time and not being able to trust even her physician. i'm so glad she's not alone anymore (of course she always had a few people on her side with whom she has wonderful relationships) because she can truly show herself to jiwoon and rely on him.
and yes park eun bin is absolutely wonderful!! she's so commanding as hwi and yet so vulnerable all the time and you can always see that she never really releases the tension that her character carries and her eyes are so expressive. i had seen her before in do you like brahms and in age of youth s1 and so i was really curious to see her in this and she has such an impressive range, it's a pleasure to watch her performance honestly and to see how she's making choices to portray this woman passing as the most powerful man of her country.
sldkjfdkh i have not seen sunbae don't put on that lipstick but some of my mutuals watched it and from what i heard i'm not surprised it put you off lmao it seemed to be a very lacking show generally. i have only seen rowoon in extraordinary you before where i thought he did very well (clearly he was the perfect haru) so i was curious to see more of his acting in another tragic romance with impossible odds lol - with extraodinary you because of the genre of the show and the setting of his character he really didn't get to explore as much as he does in the king's affection - his interactions were reduced to very few characters and he also didn't even talk at first lol. so i'm really impressed with his acting here especially because his character is kind of a tricky one since he's put into such conflicting situations but he shines in comedic scenes and in emotional ones as well, it's really nice to see
and yes!! i'm glad we got a scene between gaon and the late king - showing once again that the king was looking back on some of the choices he'd made or things he'd let happen and the regrets he has but also allowing gaon to show more of himself and now i'm really curious about what he's going to do since killing the king was his main goal for so long
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disaster-j · 4 years
holy hell the gifted has me fucked up too im Feeling a lot like there was sm pangwave angst? chanon? betrayal? mon's prob anti gifted? korn i fucking hate u? pangwave met at the rooftop??? punnclaire angst wtf? punn are u Dead? idek where to BEGIN
1. Pangwave angst holy hell i was not ready for this like ik a lot of people feel that the fandom forgave Wave too quickly but like he's literally just a kid who was manipulated and groomed by an adult he believed loved him and then betrayed by that person like I am 100% behind him punishing her for what she did and I can also understand him being distrustful of people because of it. Him finally learning to trust again with Pang and the others' help is so heartwarming to watch and it all makes Korn's betrayal of them so much worse.
2. Chanon. Holy shit Chanon. First of all, good to know that he really is alive cause honestly I've been wondering about that since s1. Secondly, the teaser makes it seem like he is somehow involved with whatever tf Korn and the anti gifted are up to and that is making me hella curious. There's also people on twitter wondering if Korn and Chanon are actually related and that's part of why Korn started the Anti Gifted, but at this point it's too soon to delve into that since we have practically no information.
3. The betrayal. Holy hell the betrayal, I can't say I didn't see it coming bc honestly I had an inkling he'd do something bad since Claire's and Punn's episodes back in s1 bc "friendzoned" characters always end up doing something shitty. But I never pegged him for such an evil mastermind type. Though I am very interested about what he's up to and what he'll do next ngl. He's definitely the perfect choice for an imposter among the class.
4. I personally don't think Mon is anti gifted BUT I feel like it could happen in the future. Both Korn and Mon wanted to give up their powers and I'm assuming it's what brought them closer. Mon has also shown that there are lines she's willing to cross to protect herself when she fought Punn in s1 during Wave's raid. So I'd say it wouldn't surprise me if she does end up joining him at some point but I'd rather she didn't bc I like her :(
The reason that I believe he said Mon already knew is bc Mon did seem suspicious of him when she went to see him at the beginning of the episode and then when she stopped Claire from reading Korn she looked scared and frustrated. I think she'd already realised that if there's a traitor it had to be Korn and didn't want that confirmed bc it would mean losing someone close to her and when she stopped Claire, Korn saw that fear in her. The bastard is smarter than he appears clearly.
6. PangWave rooftop scene gave me so many feels Nanon and Chimon seriously have such amazing chemistry why tf will gmm not give them a show together GMM WHY YOU WASTING THIS POTENTIAL
7. PunnClaire angst should be illegal how dare they mess with them they're one of the few straight ships that I love please gods let them live let them find their way back to each other I cannot lose this😭
8. Punn is Not Dead but the fact that he's hurt at all is making me rage like Korn you little shit if I ever see you it is on sight
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