#these hashtags are so goofy lol
cinnamoo-n · 6 months
hii reader. 👋🏼🌺
sooo i write articles for fun. i published an article on medium about nuances of female empowerment and the perception of self on what i see as a meaningful contribution on ongoing discussions about gender, identity, and empowerment. i will be very grateful if you could check it out and i appreciate any thoughts and insights into this!
happy week ahead!!
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mistergoddess · 1 year
telling myself i don't need hello nastymas merch bc i already have it on my skin.......
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bylertruther · 2 years
do me a favor, pls. think abt the eddie we were introduced to before he let down his walls after realizing that the party weren't who he thought they were. did u do tht? okay, cool, thank u. now, please tell me if you think that will would like him bc i'm very curious to hear y'all's thoughts 🧐📝
#see in theory sometimes im like yeah OFC someone that's into dnd that much and that is so unapologetically himself and loves what he loves#with reckless abandon and wears his otherness like a shield rather than something to be ashamed of sounds like someone will would like#and then i think abt how dustin n mike were scared to tell eddie n lucas didn't even try to and how eddie threw food at them and manhandled#them roughly n shoved them away and how he spoke abt lucas n i'm like ........hm.#the eddie that wrestles with dustin n pretends to be warriors with him n tells him to never change n makes lotr references? hell yeah#the soft joke-cracking goofy silly sweet eddie that he shows to chrissy? hell yeah#the eddie that he shows to his lambs at the lunch table? mmmmmmmm i don't think so#bc eddie didn't change until he saw that the party was cooler and braver than him lmao. he was so cagey until he realized oh these guys#know what they're doing and are not the people i assumed they were (prob bc he expects ppl to judge him so much [n they do] tht he finds#himself judging them too and i guess trying to get the upper hand if tht makes sense? idk how 2 explain it idk the Words)#and i just ... don't know that will would like being manhandled roughly by another man after lonnie#or having things thrown at him#when the most anyone has ever done with him is ruffle his hair lol#but then i think well... maybe eddie would react accordingly? like he did with chrissy? but idk#i'm not an eddie scholar idk who that man is#ANYWAY tell me ur thoughts <3#side note. ->#i like ripple effect by one of the greatest writers in all of human history aka lilacline bc of how she wrote will not taking eddie's shit#bc THAT felt hashtag real to me
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startrekprodigyfan · 3 months
Okay yeah… I binged the whole season in one day.
It was actually surprisingly easy to do so. And while that means my planned slower recaps and speculation are basically out the window, I also now just don’t have to worry about spoilers for weeks on end.
I’m still going to keep spoilers under a cut though. Even if you block key hashtags, stuff can get through, and just making the spoilers further down a text post you have to scroll past to continue browsing tumblr doesn’t help either. Hide that content behind a cut, please!
Non-spoiler thoughts:
It was so good. It was honestly more Trek than I could’ve possibly expected. And to all those early naysayers who were confused by the Protostar and where it was supposed to be in the timeline after the first episode of season 1, all of that gets answered and put into context by the end of season 2. Thank GOD! Every single plot point people brought up and thought was a “plot hole” gets filled and explained.
It’s not as emotional as the first season, but the situations and events definitely still have a lot of weight and the stakes are so high for so long too! There’s a surprising number of dark events that happen throughout the series. Way darker than even I’m used to watching the animated shows that I do. Kudos for not skimping on the peril and stakes of the mission for the sake of kids being traumatized lol
And while there is the potential for more, if we never get a season 3 this would still be an extremely satisfying ending all the same. I am very happy there aren’t any loose ends here.
Prodigy is without a doubt the most reliably consistent Star Trek show that’s ever existed. Not a single episode feels like filler. Not a single episode wastes time or characters. Even the goofy episodes have character development and callbacks later, and I genuinely don’t think there’s a single episode that I would skip or not watch again. That’s an amazing feat in and of itself, but as a Trek fan that’s just unheard of! Kudos all around!
Now for my longer spoiler thoughts under the cut:
How the HELL did you guys make Wesley Crusher’s time traveling arc sooo good? As a TNG fan I was always annoyed with the “traveler” storylines and with Wesley’s character in general. Even as a kid I never really liked him. But this storyline makes him interesting and gives a lot of weight to his powers. He’s almost like The Doctor from Doctor Who, someone who has so much going on in his head that he’s sort of lost it.
That honestly was the biggest surprise to me. I was convinced that Hologram Janeway (and the construct) were somehow manipulating time and events because of the wormhole. Janeway would be trying to help them, while the construct was trying to stop them. That was my working theory for the start of the series. Imagine my surprise when it turns out it’s Wesley Crusher! wtf!?
I do like that he gets to reunite with his mom finally. And that he learns he has a brother.
Incidentally that’s something else I was not expecting. How MUCH of this series was going to be timeline connected to the events of Picard and Lower Decks respectively. Like, wow… they connected the Mars Shipyard explosion and the Romulan evacuation plot points that made sense for the story. Like holy crap, then FINALLY getting into Starfleet only for the shipyards to explode and Starfleet is severely crippled. I did not expect that to happen, and it’s sadly realistic too.
I still hate the Romulan evacuation storyline from Picard, but as a matter of keeping things consistent it makes sense for it here. And while I don’t like it being a canon event, it’s overall good for the consistency of “prime” trek.
I do like that Dal became a second in command. I’ve always felt like Dal was never really destined to be the captain and that he’s always been better at helping others be their best selves. So it makes sense for his character arc that he learns he doesn’t need to be in charge to make a difference and that there’s no shame in being second.
Overall I am still reeling from how much Trek happened in this season. There’s never a dull moment. Unfortunately I am not optimistic about a 3rd season. Netflix picking up a mostly completed series to broadcast on their streaming service is far FAR cheaper than paying for an entire season to be created outright. And sadly, as much as I want more Prodigy, I have a feeling it’s just not on people’s radars enough for it to do gangbuster numbers enough to convince Netflix to pick them up for a 3rd season. I hope I am proven wrong, but I will not get my desire for more season unrealistically hyped up.
I do want to rewatch the entire show now, because there were clues left in the first season that only get answered at the end of season 2. And I love closed loop time travel storylines like that! I can’t wait to go back and connect the dots knowing what I know now.
An excellent series. Probably one of Trek’s best in decades. A true love for the material and the characters and the legacy of Trek lore all rolled into an amazingly animated package.
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archangeldyke-all · 4 months
Hey Angel! First, gotta say a big thank you again for all the amazing Sevika content you bring us! I've only been here a short while and you make me excited every time I go to check for any updates!
I wanted to ask if you have any tips for an aspiring Sev fanfic writer? Your writing has inspired me so much I'm thinking about doing a few things on my own here and there! I've been writing for about 10 years now, but I've never posted anything before. (And even tho I've had my account for a while, I barely know how to actually use Tumblr lol)
omg this is amazing to hear!!! i do have a few tips, but before i give 'em to you, my biggest piece of advice is to have fun!! be goofy, post your silly headcanons, make sevika act ooc if you want-- it's not super serious, we're all just here because we love her, and even if you think something is stupid: if it makes you smile it'll probably make a ton of other people smile too.
sometimes when i hit a block, i like to watch the compilations or edits of her on youtube, or re-read some of my fave fics, or scroll thru fan art of her on tumblr and pinterest-- seeing her in action always inspires me and sparks something inside of me.
when it comes to posting on tumblr, the 'keep reading' function is super helpful when you're posting something longer, and it'll keep your blog easy to navigate. you can insert it just by adding a line break and using the far right icon, it looks like two straight lines with a zig zag line between them. hashtags are super useful too, but make sure you keep them specific to your writing. (like don't tag a sevika x reader fic with the #arcane tag, because then fans who are just looking for show content will stumble upon your stuff-- and that's usually where people who aren't super supportive and pleasant come from lol)
and finally: don't stress the small stuff! i think as writers, we are constantly fighting with the perfectionism demon that makes us want to make everything polished and perfect before we let other people read it. what's always helpful for me is to remember that this is for fun! my writing is for people who love sev just as much as i do-- they're not going to be upset if they catch a typo or grammatical or lore error, they're just happy to be reading content about their fave! (to keep myself from becoming obsessive over the little reqs i do, i usually limit my re-reads to once or twice, and then i just let them be once i post 'em! if i notice a blatant typo, i'll change it, but besides that i usually leave the mistakes so i can get more comfortable with posting mistakes in my writing)
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1800duckhotline · 16 days
what is vampire the masquerade and whats killer is dead. i assume videod games but i could be wrong... you seem to be having soo much fun im nosaayy 😁
omg hi mani im so flattered u would ask!! yeah ive been in the throes of videogames lately AHAH... oc brained but videogame about it sort of...
vampire the masquerade is actually a ttrpg originally published in the 80s i think, but it keeps getting updated so its not like. anything super old... whenever i mention "vampire the masquerade: bloodlines" im talking about the 2004 videogame created based off of the ttrpg! im biased in loving vtm and vtmb since well. it's about vampires. but i think it's an unique take on them that like makes the supernatural aspect not too boring compared to the classic supernatural vampire take. since it involves clans, a lot of vampire politics and societal aspects to it all, etc... Bloodlines itself is not a perfect game (ill avoid geeking out too much about the brief dev hell history it had) but i value it so dearly bc its so 2004 and is so gothic/alternative in its genuine influence. also the story is goofy but really good too (with um, simultaneously, the con that It Is a 2004 Game, meaning it has a lot of weird bigotries that were normalized for the time lol). Unforchy it's almost unplayable without downloading an additional patch mod that restores also a lot of cut content ^_^ but you make do... its so easy to make ocs for the game and the general ttrpg, sooo many ways you can go with your characters!! Bloodlines itself as a game is an action/adventure RPG mostly focused on combat (with stuff like stealth sessions) as well as various ways to resolve different quests. the variety of said outcomes is mostly limited by the fact the studio wasn't able to polish the game at all for release due to activision, the publisher, pushing troika games (dev team) to release the game early to compete with half life 2 at the time (yeah crazy i know). that said, the dialogues can be really charming and fun and offer a nice variety of things to do.. its not perfect but seriously is the best vampire RPG game around so far..
killer is dead is completely different (mostly because i can never focus on one thing for too long lmfao), it's an hack and slash 2014 game created by suda51 and grasshopper manufacture (same game devs behind no more heroes, lollipop chainsaw, shadows of the damned etc) and it's. an okay game. i dont even know if i can explain the story bc its like, a clusterfuck. and usually clusterfuck stories are goichi suda's specialty but this one goes over the moon (funny joke if You Know). it's a pretty mid game. I love it on one hand bc its easy to play and very stylish, tho the shaders sometimes can give you an headache. I also love the protagonist (mondo zappa) because to me thats a butch not just some guy. Unfortunately the game has the very strong cons of being too short for the kind of game it is, and also has an infamously bizarre minigame that's called "gigolo missions"... you basically go on "dates" with beauties (sexy girls basically), you give them gifts until they 'love' you and then you go have sex and they give you weapon upgrades as a result. the date though consists of you building up your "guts meter" by looking at their boobs or legs so it's like. REALLY STRANGE. CANT HASHTAG IM SORRY FEMINISM OUT OF THIS ONE I'M AFRAID.... it's so conflicting bc apparently suda didn't want to add this function but publishers forced him to. oh well. a solid 6.5/10 tbh. idk if i'd reccomend it tho maybe gameplays are better than getting it at full price imo (i got my game as a gift)
UM SO SORRY FOR GEEKING OUT...I HOPE THE EXPLANATION WAS CLEAR. My brain keeps jumping from media to media with no pause... i wanna focus on ocs again but this keeps happening hahaha
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morgenlich · 3 months
i do want to preface this by saying that overall i really did enjoy the good place, i think it's a fun show that's given me more to chew on than i expected it to. but part of that chewing is definitely me thinking about things i think it could have done better....
i already joked that it's over with supernatural in terms of things that are very deeply american protestant and seem to lack self-awareness of this.....characters keep refuting the idea that it's not christian heaven or hell, and it's not really but also the concept of an eternal Good Place where super virtuous people are rewarded forever and an eternal Bad Place where anyone shy of perfect gets tortured by demons forever. well.
i think overall though my biggest criticism of the show is that it's very....safe. this isn't necessarily a bad thing, it makes it very enjoyable to watch, but i think there's something missing in the criticism of the idea of a Good Place or Bad Place. now, mind you, i am coming at this from a perspective that totally rejects the concept of an eternal Good Place or Bad Place existing in the first place, which i'll elaborate on throughout the rest of this but yeah.
i think one of the things that gets me is that the main characters are like...none of them are really evil, except michael in the beginning and that's mostly played for laughs and it's also kind of a different situation with him being a demon and all lol. like yeah, eleanor and jason especially were kinda scummy people, and eleanor was even kind of aware of the fact that she was and jason suffers from being the idiot friend in the sitcom which means he has like zero brain cells.
anyway point is like, i don't think any of the main four humans really are going to like, really challenge people's ideas of whether or not the Bad Place should even exist at all, and the show also wasn't really going for that, and that sort of frustrates me because i'm just fundamentally opposed to the idea of Eternal Torture even for the worst of the worst. like. even if you uphold that an amount of torture as retribution for evil in the afterlife, assuming it exists, is a good and just thing (which is also something i fundamentally oppose), then like. for eternity??? that's a very long time! it feels like, even for like the Absolute Worst Humans, the sentence far far outweighs the crime!
but anyway it just doesn't feel very...challenging, that the main four humans were like, kinda scummy people, who absolutely did harm others (but pretty much only emotional harm, overall, none of them were ever violent) but like i would absolutely never call evil. like, ok, eleanor's job on earth was trying to scam old people out of money by convincing them to buy useless supplements. not exactly any points (heh) in her favor but also like idk, she had bills to pay and it was a job. not saying that it's harmless (i actually think it's worse than the show kinda makes it out to be?) but like, i don't think many people would necessarily think that she actually deserves to be in the Bad Place for it either?
i think the show would have been more interesting if there had been someone who had actually been more, like, hashtag problematic in the main cast who of course ends up learning and growing and so on, but someone who seems to really belong in the Bad Place (i think this would also make the initial Torture Scheme--which i did think was a brilliant way to write psychological torture btw lmao--more interesting. someone who is both bad and self aware enough to really think from the beginning that they shouldn't be allowed into the Good Place, and trying desperately to cover that up...maybe confronting their guilt over like the murder or whatever that they committed....). i think it'd make the tone of the show a bit less goofy, but imo that's not necessarily a bad thing either
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cerealmonster15 · 3 months
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?e about an up and coming wip please!
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
well truly. i like writing silly goofies KJFJDSKFHDS but i do enjoy writing that pre relationship flustered stage and where each step feels like a Lot, like the first time a character takes another's hand and gives it a squeeze, be it for romantic reasons or even just supportive in general... it's sweet :")
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
cater's a lot of fun lol. i love heartslabyul in general and i love trying to portray riddle, idk if im any good at it but he's such a specifically odd little critter of a guy who is also hashtag relatable and writing his way of processing situations is very fun.
idia is also very fun even tho ive not written him as much [things that must be remedied. i love him so much and he and cater probs come most naturally to me jfksdjkfls], and then of COURSE theres jamil and azul who i've written probably the most for bc im obsessed with that freak situation theyve got going on, and also bc writing them together is VERY fun. theyre so funny. the fish boys are so weird and i love writing their weird behaviors + other characters having to experience said fish.
and then i'm not sure if you meant for this one bc it got cut off but for
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
i did answer that one here BUT ill talk about kalim and the great relationship rescue next chapter anyway since thats my only other [active] wip lol. ive done a bunnnnch of brainstorming/idea organizing and ive written the start of the next chapter and have a general plan for it, right now it's a bunch of second years annoying each other lol. i really want to try and fit in riddle and ruggie mentioning jamiazu from their time at the masquerade event but i am unsure if it'll come up organically lol. i ALSO, either in this chapter or the next, think it would be fun to have a scene of sebek and silver duking it out and more or less helping silver figure out his feelings for kalim, both bc i fear the jamiazu def is overriding the kalisil in this dual fic [oopsie i clearly have much more practice writing one pair over the other teehee] and also because I LOVE sebek and i want an excuse for him to be here [also his bond with silver is very funny and very sweet] [but i'm also scared to try and write it bc if i do it poorly i will never recover] [the burden of caring so so so so much about Characters.....]
bonus this isnt a wip but ive been haunted by haikaveh for many moons and every day i become more tempted to try and write a first genshin fic about them in their akademiya days bc. they consume me. but im scared. ok bye
[questions!!!!!!!! wahoo!!!!!!!!!!]
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kmze · 5 months
There's this clip of paul and candice from some convention.Not sure what year this was from(Candice had shorter hair so assuming post-tvd).And I don't know what the question was but their topic of discussion was basically 1. skincare 2.Haircut 3.travel diaries and they were acting like they were the only two people in the room.I just love how weirdo they used to be and I wish the show had tapped onto this dorkiness and written that side of them more.Just because there was romance involved doesn't mean they couldn't be goofy together anymore.
Yes I have seen this clip they are so funny together! Even after all these years every time I see a con video of them they are cracking each other up or doing weird stuff as if they are the only two people in the room and not on a stage. When he compliments her hair and she's like you have been with me all weekend now you mention my hair lol. There's some cute clip where Paul crosses his legs like Candice on the stage and just laughing about it and I'm like romcom when?! This clip from December also kills me because one he put #steroline4lyfe as the hashtag and then he's trying to spell facetious while Candice is trying not to die laughing at him.
They really did not utilize their weirdo chemistry enough because it was gold! There's this funny post on Reddit about how Stefan deep down was so bizarre and the OP even says how him and Caroline's weirdness was what sold them on Steroline because it just worked. This is what pisses me off the most about early S7 because that was the time to do more of the dorky awkward romcom stuff and they hardly got any scenes! That's why I love the "thaw" scenes in 7x22 because that was missing for so much of that season, like deep down they are both both just dorky weirdos who fell in love with each other.
S6 and S8 did a much better job of including that romcom-ness though, like I always laugh at the moment in 6x21 when Stefan struts up to Caroline in his suit and she just TURNS AROUND as if that's gonna make him go away. Or when he shows up with the Christmas lights and holds them up for Caroline to choose like a puppy waiting for a treat for doing a trick. Then in S8 he was making fun of her about the sandwich crusts and of course BOTH proposals have hilarious aspects. In the first one Stefan being like "wear this engagement ring as a token of my love" LMFAO or when he got down on one knee before she even closed the door and said "Marry me" like 3 times in 3 seconds.
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just for fun!
Thoughts, opinions, and a just for fun timeline. Google and a couple tumblr rabbit holes later....disclaimer lots of rumors with receipts for rumors.
I too find it weird that the same people talking about Johanne used to describe MK, Rikke, and Fanny the same exact way. Down to the same wording. Except they used to go after MK'S tattoos like they're a bad thing. People were awful about her, and the rest. Now Johanne and his family and friends are getting it too.
Now they act like a friendship, spanning 7 years, is something "more"  bc he likes her posts. Lol I bet he likes a lot of people's/friends posts, guys and girls. Probably a lot of private accounts too bc a lot of his friends went private bc people kept posting his friends' videos and pics. I don't understand why he can't like any of the accounts he follows without it causing a stir. Lol liking a post isn't a big deal lol. People can be friends, it's not like he doesn't have TON of female friends lol. I doubt he's still pining for her, and probably hasn't for a long long time.
It's not like he hasn't dated since or before (Olivia who rejected him supposedly 2017).
And he's older now and probably has sown his wild oats and wants to settle down with the woman he loves (Johanne). And I think, personal opinion, that now he has someone who matches him, loves him as he is, and let's him be just who he is. All goofy funny husky puppy energy Alex. That's great imo.
Busy boy in 2018.😂😂😃😃 he was young.
Short timeline with receipts:
Threesome rumors:
Jan 13-14 2018
People were also posting about topless photos of Gee with Alex. They're deleted now.
· Mar 9, 2018When she finally responds to your desperate love letter text that you know she opened 35 min.… twitter (while in England)
Strange tea about Alex, take with grain of salt etc
May 17 '18#1310
"Does anyone follow Alex H. on instagram? His story yesterday so much cringe, or the hashtag #phatasswhitegirl = Alicia A.  :eyeroll: she's the white girl that has fame for being a white girl with a big ass after that scene with Ivar, trying to get her attention alluding her? she's way out of your league, kid."
"He is a creep, he follows her even on spotify when she goes under a secret username but she doesn't follow him back :rofl: smart girl."
Lipstick alley source (I google alex hogh gee hirst threesome and it popped up, the above links. And quote/gossip came from there.)
May 29, 2018 the weekend/pics he took of MK were posted. Cryptic post from her around this timeframe.
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Jun 17, 2018 alex hogh with rikke westi red carpet its official twitter:
"Alex Høgh with Rikke Westi via alexhoeghandersen: "Rikke has always been too cool for school, but now it’s official. Watch out. She’s special. Huge congratulations my friend"
August 20th, 2018, Anonymous asked:
"What kind of relationship is there between Alex Høgh Andersen and Mary Kate Slattery???"
"As far as I know they are friends. For a hot minute I thought there might be something but that passed"
So they stayed friends it seems. Maybe they just realized they're better as friends? Maybe the rejection was mutual after all? Maybe he wasn't trying to be serious, just seeing how it goes? Or vice versa we will never know. Good for them. That's mature to stay friends. 😊 Her boyfriend type seems different from Alex. Not a bad thing to each their own.
Late 2018-2020 he dated a few others, one I think named Kaja? I've researched enough for a day. 😆 😆  there were blondes and brunettes, several women, one at the Zulu awards. One sitting on his lap at distortion which was posted on tumblr May 30, 2019 (edited to fix date).
That twitter/x post and IG posts don't seem to be focused so much on privacy. As some claim he's all about, I've always thought he was only private when he wanted to be. That's his choice. 😊😊 So I'm still not getting how Johanne ever "violated" his privacy.
So MK only likes his RC posts/posts that have Johanne in them. That's sweet she probably LIKES Johanne too. She's probably happy for her friend.
Seems like what friends do to me! Like posts and Support each other and be happy for each other. 😊😊😊
Another long post, but as ever don't expect it to be read. Just want to say what I want to say. 😊😊😊
PS I don't think it's weird that he's dated around before finding someone serious. You gotta shop around, see how the "clothes" fit before you buy them. Dating is what people do before they find their match. You gotta figure out what you like/want/need and what you don't like/want/need.😃
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wellntruly · 1 year
The problem with just giving my whole M*A*S*H Season 1 viewguide a watch, is that I think I might have been good at this. Because now I’m like, hmm Season 1, best season? Cannot possibly be!! But! !
Anyway I never posted my backstage notes on the first season because I didn’t take any notes on the first season, because I’d just had a minor surgery and was, a little bit rather medicated. Just enough to be like, peaceful dismissive flomp of the hand, wrist Very loose.
But I have thoughts now.
M*A*S*H Season 1 Notes Finally (Deluxe Episode Selection)
1x15 ‘Tuttle’
Phasing out the bits of original score laying over the start of the cold opens was a mistake, this is so worn-in & cozy I could cry
I had missed Hawkeye promptly swooping up this nun’s hand—to clean the engine oil off it with the bottom of his jacket. Overwhelmed that this would be his introduction to anyone following my list.
Also hadn’t realized I’d kicked off with an episode where Hawkeye starts talking about a man getting pregnant within the first three minutes. Starting strong for our BOY (gender neutral)
I’m just so happy. I was right, 'Tuttle' best first episode. 'Tuttle' best episode? I am also so happy watching the laugh track version again, I don’t know! I really can't figure out why I feel it highlights somehow how the early seasons were soooo Catch-22, the idiotic and painful absurdism of the military, and the surreal blitheness that those who can see it take refuge in.
Have I not noticed before that Radar’s cot is just one the beds from post-op, with that cross bar across the head of it
WAIT WE SAW SPARKY HERE???? ‘Tuttle’ perfect intro wow
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Hawkeye does not frequently tent his eyebrows like this and good on it as we might be in a 'some dead, many injured' situation otherwise
Hehe I’d missed early seasons Radar, this sweet but entire little freak...
1x09 ‘Henry, Please Come Home’
They are all SO scruffy (even Radar!!!), yet Hawkeye also has his shirt tucked in. Disorienting visual moments to come back to. (Don’t hate it!)
I think about the physical dialogue of this wordless bit of Frank trying to get Hawkeye & Trapper to salute him all the time
I cannot figure why Hawkeye and Trapper are staying sooo low in the bath, up to their ears, besides that maybe they just happened into it on the day and found that it was extremely funny, because it is.
Okay and now I want to know why they are wearing kimonos over full Class A uniforms, with tie. They look so handsome and silly.
Really remembering now why this was my second up: the sequence where Henry takes charge is one of the more interesting and rewarding character bits of early Season 1. It’s important to know early on that Henry can step up, and really cares about his people, as he’s gonna be such a goofy buffoon a lot of the time, but will be called upon for gravity and pathos in certain moments. Seeing him in this episode bolsters those moments so much when they come later.
he literally seduced him
Fun I had just meant to stylize that with a hashtag and Tumblr did this to it. Leaving it!
1x06 ‘Yankee Doodle Doctor’
They really talked to generals a whole lot more in the early days huh
Lol wait, he’s only a brigadier general
The scene of Hawkeye & Trapper dancing in each other's arms around their tent is just….they are Together. This was the sixth episode.
TRAPPER JOHN, YOUR GOLDEN RETRIEVER BOYFRIEND: Hawkeye: “Oh, that’s my bad side.” Trapper: “You looked good to me.” Hawkeye: “Oh-oh-oh, you were good in that place! Isn’t that good?” Trapper: [laughs delightedly, beaming]
Trapper, literally, stepping in between them as Hawkeye's bodyguard, Hawkeye playing up the leading lady, “Save your voice, my darling”—THEM IN THIS EPISODE.
It’s funny that this is also our first & only glimpse of Alan Alda, Future Actual Director
Wait, is his name Crandle?? Oh lord I looked this up later: yes. Brigadier Gen. Crandell Clayton. Naming Awards.
Gary laughing when Wayne bonks him on the head with this prop mallet for “anesthesia” as powerful a painkiller as one ibuprofen
It’s just a good little monologue, huh. It gets me every time. Part of it is those haunted silver eyes, and we have the black & white to thank for that, but it’s just a nice bit of writing too, and a nice choice to play it almost calmly (tiredly) direct. He is Looking.
1x07 ‘Bananas, Crackers, and Nuts’
This muted, meandering riff on the theme is so so pleasing
Trapper asleep on a bed in the OR, welcome
Oh my god, this episode was their “Our first fight” moment. My babies…<3 Why does Alan keep Hawkeye’s bent knuckle resting against Trapper’s bare arm for half of this vacation planning…<3
Trapper: “I’m worried about Hawkeye.” Frank: “Well I wouldn’t be. He does very well looking after himself.” Margaret: “Very well.” Trapper: “That’s exactly the point, he’s not himself.” Frank: “What’s that supposed to mean?” Trapper: “He seems to be losing touch with reality.” Henry: “I think the last person we have to worry about is Hawkeye Pierce!” Margaret: “I second that.”
You know what. This episode is destroying the scraps that remained of my own sanity. I’m ruined maybe most by Trapper jumping on the idea of “he looks after himself” as a worrying sign of self-editing. I’m reading into that but also, as Frank asks, what's that supposed to mean? If not something like that?
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Ah this shot of the moon beyond the PA speaker…!
His like, James Dean look up through the forelock of his hair talking about the man he’s in love with…fucking hell, Hawkeye
“You know she dyes her hair blonde? That’s why I died my hair black. I think Frank should have a clear choice.” This joke has always killed me. That’s such good bonkers logic, and also a bit custom-made for Tumblr.
Absolutely adore Frank & Margaret silently conferring with each other just upstage, actually. Something that is really well rendered with them is the co-conspirator angle of being a couple.
“This is the Army, no one can do the best they can!” See I did miss this kind of thing later. This is a whole nuanced essay I need to write about Lt. Colonel Blake to Col. Potter, and it will be so much about the Vietnam War.
I think I’m starting to figure out the difference in early Radar, and it’s that he was still super innocent but simultaneously, crafty. He is constantly, or at least every episode in my list so far, roped into schemes by Hawkeye & Trapper as like their inside man, which he tends to perform well, for a comedic value of well.
The ‘Bananas, Crackers, and Nuts’ rewrite where the psychologist is Sidney Freedman. Everything goes the same, except of course, Sidney has no previous connection to Margaret. But they still send Radar in trying to make this scheme happen, and Sidney is just so amused watching Radar try to pull something off, sipping his soup surreptitiously, that he goes along with it. He just keeps going along with it, cheerily makes the same burnt-out bulb joke about how “my profession is helping people find their way in the dark,” and then when he finally figures it out of course tries to stop Margaret from undressing, and she flips, but then cracks up at the idea that she’d be trying to sleep with HIM, the opposite of her general type (pun inteeeended), and she actually makes this joke, which cracks Sidney up, partly just imagining himself as a general, so when the boys rush in to catch him they’re just cackling together, and Sidney’s like you know what, this has been entertaining. I’m not taking Pierce right now as it’s clear he has a support system (cut to Trapper and Radar), but I’m gonna be back, to check in on ALL of you. Margaret’s like, I’d like that. :) Frank is like, Margaret?! This is my vision.
(And then the Wouldn’t Actually Happen In Real M*A*S*H But I’d Like It final button is Sidney having breakfast with them all in the mess tent the next morning before he heads out, seeing how they all are together under what passes for normal conditions, and then as he’s clearing his tray outside with Hawkeye just mildly asks, “So, Frank was it?” And Hawkeye’s fork stills over his tray, but already Sidney is just smiling at him and saying “Good choice—I really could have thought you were crazy.” And Hawkeye grins, and Frank comes outside, and they both laugh, and Larry Linville does that little sort of shifting stomp thing that he does over how he keeps walking into spaces where the psychiatrist is laughing and he doesn’t know why. FIN.)
Anyway trying to figure out why this scene with the not-Sidney psychiatrist and Margaret, in real M*A*S*H, didn’t bother me as much as it seems to have bothered lots of others. I think maybe it’s partly because it was never going to get very far, as they were already waiting outside to stop it as soon as it started? So it plays without an air of actual threat. And also that we’re supposed to hate this guy, he’s the episodic enemy, so Margaret’s fury against him is all framed as right & justified & him getting his just desserts. Unlike, sadly, a number of other “jokes” these early seasons, this episode positions a man trying to take advantage of a woman as wrong, punishable even. I think that’s why I was weirdly kinda okay with it. Though on the whole I mean I would have preferred we just, not. If we have to, would prefer the Sidney version I already laid out, OF COURSE.
1x11 ‘Germ Warfare’
Hey Oliver Jones was still here in this one too! Godspeed fella, your stay at the 4077 was too short.
Hawkeye, sleeping in a chair so the wounded North Korean soldier can have his cot, whispering “Trap?” without opening his eyes. No note I just like it.
The fucking theremin cue when they start stealing Frank's blood while doing their Dracula bit
“In the morning he will be one of my brides!” Alright.
Larry’s little meow in his sleep, omfg
Hawk stop trying to seduce Frank while he sleeps, this psychological torture is so…subliminal
Truly what makes incorrigible flirt Hawkeye work is that in just so many of his ceaseless attempts to seduce Nurse Cutler and Lieutenant this blonde babe, the joke is on him. He has no sense of shame or self-preservation.
“I’m only paranoid ‘cause everyone is against me.” I’D MISSED FRANK.
They walked back a little Radar being so, so psychic as well
The thing about Frank & Margaret is that while we hate Frank for Margaret (because we know later Margaret), it’s also extremely good that they fully are set up as the counter couple to Hawkeye & Trapper. Like 1000%. Those are the two couples. Constantly engaged in battle.
Was briefly considering if this should have gone before ‘Bananas, Crackers, and Nuts’ in my viewguide, but have decided it’s funnier if Hawkeye hits on Frank so much after the one where he pretends to be in love with him, like it puts the idea into his head.
Wait the boys brought Frank daisies???! Huge Frederick Chilton visiting Will Graham in the hospital tbh
1x12 ‘Dear Dad’
‘The Longjohn Flap’ is the first true And They Were All So Cold episode in that it’s the plot, but I was loathe to forget that this one invented being bundled. Hawkeye in his scarf writing this letter to his dad....my absolute origin story.
I MISS GINGER. Her vibes with Hawkeye and Trapper were so good.
Father Mulcahy is So Cute, look at him!
Henry stressfully cajoling his unruly audience, “Let’s just can the jokes, I’d like to get right down to the sex,” did make me laugh
A whole interlude about how Trapper is the strapping sweetie-pie of the outfit, wow
WAIT this was the first time you would have seen Klinger!!??! And he was so rowdy!!! Wow wild intro for him
“Attention all personnel: when filling out GI insurance forms, be sure to state your age and sex at the time of your last birthday.” Innncredible.
What do you think a snail smells like anyway
I’d forgotten that the first time Hawkeye kissed Margaret, just out in the middle of camp as a bit, he then promptly volunteered to go down on her, in so many words. Y’know this is the other thing that makes his pursuit of all the nurses (slash everyone) work: he’s extremely keen on making sure they have a good time. “I’ve certainly done my share to keep up [the nurses] morale,” he wrote earlier, “but I’ve only got two hands.” This apparently is the perfect cocktail for an incorrigible flirt: 1 part complete willingness to embarrass yourself, 1 part complete willingness to be a service anything.
And then of course that scene is immediate followed by one where he makes a joke that Trapper is getting him pregnant. ~HAWKEYE PIERCE~
Hmmm. Hawkeye paused before getting on the chopper and tried to say goodbye to Trapper just in case, and Trapper went “Tell me when you see me!” Aw Trap…
“All the ladies of the ensemble” oh my god...<3
1x19 ‘The Longjohn Flap’
I love Radar and Henry so much
It’s actually all of the cots, they’re all taken from post-OP supply huh
Trapper dealing cards into the stove one by one…
It’s just soooo goooood watching Hawkeye comically cave to poor shivering sneezing Trapper, he’s so resistant and such a soft touch at once
Have I ever mentioned in public how much I love Radar's makeshift ear-muffs---surgical gauze layered under his radio headphones---that he uses for multiple season's worth of cold episodes. Man...Now That's Television
‘The Longjohn Flap’ is so perfect. Hawkeye listing out all the descriptors of the long underwear Trapper has just lost (“double weave! semi-woolen!”) while he just sits there in shock, Radar already trying to unbutton them off his chest.
Trapper: “Hey. Look what the giant rodent has on his body.” Why is this line killing me.
Loretta’s bizarre little cold voice is just the greatest, wtf
Y’know, this transition from Klinger, in a bandana but fatigues, trying to blow Frank up with a grenade, to now being outside in a dress in the cold and saying “I’m crazy, ask anybody. Crazy Klinger,” kind of works?
Hawkeye: “Only God knows where they are now…” [Cut to Father Mulcahy bringing a sentry coffee] Alan I want to kiss you on the cheek
It also works as a second Klinger episode that once again his closest relationship seems to be with Father Mulcahy. Incidentally, I’m also seeing where the Klinger & Mulcahy truthers are coming from lately.
“—which we own” Oh so now the 'johns are collective property of the two of you
Hawkeye’s sweet overwhelmed joy when he gets them back, oh my gOD
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What is this!!!!!!!!!
1x17 ‘Sometimes You Hear the Bullet’
Loretta Swit’s “trying to figure out how to grab crouched-over Frank to move him out of her tent” acting is so, so funny
Loretta Swit’s “pointing where Frank was coming from” acting is, you guessed it, so, so funny
Admittedly, the way Tommy fully seems like Hawkeye’s wild gay friend, is incredible. McLean Stevenson’s reaction to Tommy kissing him though is just the bee’s knees & all the rest of her.
But…this episode does still throw me off a little! Not for nothing is I think their only homophobic joke from Hawkeye? Unless we want to count “If you kiss me I’ll throw up,” but he says that while eyeing Trapper over a sip of his drink so it still just feels flirty ultimately.
“I’d give you a kiss but I…can’t move my head” is just quite good as a line I’ll give you
God I’m so sorry ‘Sometime You Hear the Bullet’, but look at that I’ve just come right back down on you again. It just doesn’t work for me! It’s too quick, you can’t introduce a character I’ve never heard of before, tell me he’s one of Hawkeye’s best friends, and kill him 10 minutes later, and not have me just looking at all the brush strokes and not the picture.
1x21 ‘Sticky Wicket’
“You go right to Major Houlihan, you set your jaw firmly, and you look into those cool, killer eyes of hers and you tell her I’ll be right there.” McLeeaaaaan
Radar waking up Hawkeye is always the cutest. I’m injured.
Sorry sorry to just bag again on ‘Sometimes You Hear the Bullet’, but really, I just feel like its relative emotional depth is shown up in sophistication by even just a few of these other S1 episodes. Margaret going from threatening Hawkeye with a formal complaint in one scene to the two of them working seamlessly together in the operating room in the next, and that’s the point, is so much more real about the nature of living in a surgical hospital camp during a war, if that’s what it is that 'Sometimes You Hear' is supposed to be giving.
Hawkeye, operating: “What’s the score, John?” John, minding the patient’s vital signs: “He’s doing pretty well, considering what you’re doing to him.” I can’t really explain exactly what emotion this inspires in me, but it sure does it
Putting this one right after the episode where he loses Tommy does give Hawkeye’s behavior in this one a specific interpretive flavor. Not sure if I prefer that though; there doesn’t always have to be reasons, you know?
Trapper hauls Hawkeye away from trying to murder Frank by the waist. Just FYI.
Ah and yes also the first time we see Trapper just physically steer him out of the hospital. Hawkeye is upset and Trapper has gone hands-on. Hmm I was probably going to rest easier before I noticed this.
The “I told you to leave me alone, Trapper,” bit, TRULY ...truly
Wait then Trapper ACTUALLY SHOWS UP, with booze. And literally is like, so is she helping? Wow? Wow.
Was this the first one that started on how Margaret is very good at her job
Y’know what, one of S1’s hottest episodes is: ‘Sticky Wicket’. This episode has everything: The very beginnings of Hawkeye & Margaret, Besties. Operating on war victims feeling like it has Consequences. Trapper jilted that Hawkeye left him for two nights, then relenting and being like [literally chucking his cheek] baby at least you came back. :) The first shower scene in my viewguide. McLean Stevensen sleep mask acting. And what's that? Why, it's Radar O’Reilly.
1x20 ‘The Army-Navy Game’
I do love how open Hawkeye always is with his fear. It’s nice.
Had missed before that Margaret is fully just leaning on Trapper as they cower near Henry comma concussed
“Yeah yeah, don’t panic, I’m doing that for everybody. Go inside.” LOVE Leadership Pierce, when it kicks in.
Army brass: “Call me at half-time, will ya Captain?” Hawkeye, amazed, mockingly polite-society: “Certainly.” Army brass: “If I don’t hear from you, I’ll understand.” This Catch-22 shit in this episode is SO GOOD
Wait so was S1 just entirely the Klinger/Mulcahy hours and I just never noticed the pattern
Henry: “One foot, can you imagine!” Radar: “Twelve inches!” Literal lol
Henry: “….It’s whose?” [scene cut] Hawkeye: “The CIA!?” Sublime.
Reading off the flyer: “Give yourselves up. You can’t win. - Douglas MacArthur” It's perfect.
Viewguides (selected episodes for each season; M*A*S*H reduced like a gravy)
Misc. MASH (formless notes from my watches)
#M*A*S*H hours (all this & More)
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thewingedmuse · 2 years
💭💌 )
dina, what would loki think abt me, ++ a long rant abt godzilla. FIRSTLY, godzilla would either step on you by accident ( and wouldnt even say “whoopsies!!! what a silly goofy mistakw teehee” like a CIVILIZED radioactive arsonist would ) or would spray his flaming hot cheeto breath all over you. im sorry but its true. unless youre mothra ( they were dating right ) bro will treat you like an average citizen in a burning city. if you proved yourself worthy enough hed probably just look at you and sorta give u mercy by walking away a bit BUT THATS UNREALISTIC and imo godzilla always looked like he had a lot of fun blowing up places. me too hinestly hashtag arson 4 life hashtag i love being a public menace hashtag skincare OK SORRY IM RUNNING ON 3 CUPS OF COFFEE RN THANK YOU AND BYE
Hello Dina, thank you for joining if only I've known you, and thank you for your exchange. That's very befitting of Godzilla's animal aspect, so it's pretty logical. And you are so funny xD thank you for giving me a good chuckle out of this! Now, onto your reading! 💚
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Cards: Judgement (r), Ace of Wands (r)
Loki would love your wicked sense of humour! He would think you're a prankster just like him, and would love to see more of your antics (even participate in them). This energy he feels of you feels like an upside-down room, it is a very peculiar and intriguing energy. He thinks you're someone who thinks outside the box. Your eyes twinkle with mischief? There could be times you would be shy and try to behave like a normal person but those mischievous eyes betray you lol. He'd love to have you as a friend or maybe a partner-in-crime (if you could catch up, he says). He also thinks that you might have a hidden motive but doesn't everyone? He certainly isn't as innocent as a lamb himself, so whatever your aim is he does intend to stay to find out (and enjoy the fun in the process).
To him, you feel disorienting in a fun way like the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland. This vibe of yours sets you apart from other people. You could at times be pensive; sentimental he says. He'd frown when you frown in an attempt to mirror you and get you to feel in sync with him, therefore helping you open up to him, if not reach a common understanding.
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I hope you enjoyed your reading. Feel free to let me know what you think. Have a nice day.
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patrickztump · 2 months
Hi! I had a bit of a goofy time on the Sims earlier where I had been in build mode, but didn’t realize I had taken out the front stairs of the house you helped me add a basement to, so I decided that the solution was to put the whole shebang on the gallery and re-download it. It was only it uploaded that I realized the actual issue and added steps back in, but I suppose if you want to see how I furnished it for 4 adults, 2 kids, and 2 cats, you can. It’s under Furnished Greenbrook.
Also I went down a rabbit hole after realizing my sim was dancing to we are young by fun. (this is my first time playing any sims, so I didn’t realize they put actual songs in the game) and found a simlish version of This City from Soul Punk on YouTube. You are one of a small number of people who would enjoy this niche overlap of interests, so I thought I’d pass it along :-)
sup! sorry that happened but glad you got it figured out! i tried searching for it on the gallery (under both item name and hashtag), and unfortunately it didn't pull up :( either it's the gallery showcasing it's tumblr search function capabilities, or maybe your profile is private? mine was for a long time before i realized it, so if you go into your ea account online and to privacy settings, there will be the question "who can see my profile details and maybe include friend recommendations" with a drop down box. if you select "everyone" i believe that makes your profile and uploads public on the gallery. it's been several years since i updated that part of my account but i think that's where it's at. if yours is already on everyone, it unfortunately means the gallery sucks :(
and i haven't listened to the similish version of "this city" in yearssss. i came across it when i got into the game little over five years ago because i heard "hot in here" on the radio and was like hold up, what? lol i did a deep dive when i discovered it trying to find video of him recording it like there are of a few artists but came out empty handed. it's only in whichever sims 3 pack (night life or something? idk) but you can save the song and put it in the "custom music" folder by going to your electronic art folder > the sims 4 > custom music > [whichever radio station you want] and it'll play on the radio. here's a link with more info :)
0 notes
racketballz · 3 years
can we get some mickey crumbs.... that sketch of her u posted with their dynamics... love ❤
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Here’s some stuff that I didn’t like enough to post or finish! I do like the front facing sketch tho :3
Mickey is goofy and she’s not as deep as the girls are but she’s a mood maker for sure! She’s in a lot of sports clubs and she’s super chill and really like dense Like a complete blockhead I can’t express this enough 😔 like I said a cold stone herbo but it’s okay she’s super strong! hashtag just jock tings
She isn’t introspective at all (I say this because the other girls kinda think too much about perception and their intentions) and she very honest and has no Ill intent but bc she’s honest so it can come off as her being kinda a dickhead. She lives with 2 older brothers and her father and their dynamic at home is like probably the more non toxic of the 4 lol but it’s pretty chaotic. She’s probably the most adaptable in most situation because she thinks on her toes and “gut feelings” is everything to her.
Her power is fire and flames and stuff because it’s an element that’s hard to control you have to have a lot of skill to be able to not destroy stuff which is not easy for someone who doesn’t think.
maybe this is saying too much too early LOL but when it comes to Mickey and Jennie their powers are all about learning to control and harness it as individuals and working together but faith and Violet is about balance and trusting and each other!
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maschotch · 3 years
hello my friend, wanted to ask you to rank the team from least favorite to most favorite. and to tell you i hope you have a good day!
ahh ok ok ok like the whole team or just the core 7? fuck it: all of them
jj: explanation here but tldr? white pinterest mom vibes and im nota hashtag feminist girlboss
kate: same reasons as jj but i thought she was funny while she lasted and i liked the human trafficking episode with her niece that was crazy
rossi: racist wealthy italian. "i used to be in the mafia" and "im a war veteran" are his only other personality traits. need i say more? his best moment was when he gave hotch a gun to kill himself ajsdlghsjg
seaver: wattpad energy im sorry gamergirl
matt: breeding kink. my vietnamese and filipino friends have had too many interactions with kpop stannies and koreaboos for me to support wasian kids with white moms im sorry
reid: he's not low on purpose i just don't really like any of the story arcs that surround him specifically and hes the most annoying ab his daddy/mommy issues than anyone else on the team (why cant he be normal about it like morgan lol) and i know enough other people love him to make up for him not being my absolute favorite
alex: another low empathy legend. i find her fascinating and i love lveo lveolevoevlevoelvoevleovelvoe her relationship with reid!!! thats his mom right there!!! (no disrespect diana- a boy can have two moms<3)
stephen: he was such a funky little guy. had that weird dad energy that we've missed since gideon left. didn't deserve to go like that, the scene with monica brings me to tears everytime, i wish he could've been there longer and had a chance to develop his relationships with the rest of the team more
tara: i loooove her she's so cool and smart. i wish she had more storylines about her tho :/ but thats the racism ig lmao
gideon: literally just a fucked up guy he's so goofy and weird. and it's kinda like the opposite of spencer--he's higher on my list bc i know he's low on so many other people's and honestly the weirdo freak deserves better. i want someone to hannibal him so so bad
jordan: ok i thought she was fucking awesome??? i really wish she had stayed longer but i also loved how she always struggled with the job because of how personally she took everything. she looked at this nightmare of a life and said "no thanks :) not for me" and i respect that. but i love her relationships with the team especially emily morgan hotch <3
penelope: ????do i even need to say anything she's gorgeous and funny and literally the glue that holds the team together like this show would not be shit without her in it
morgan: another one i feel like goes without saying he's just such a good man so gentle and sweet and kind and loving and protective. he takes all the hurt he's experienced and uses that to fuel his love and devotion for others. and he's so so smart he just doesn't need to rub it in everyone's face all the time. he's just got that tmasc swag and his tits always steal the show<3
luke: baby boy baby he's my absolute golden boy fr. he's going higher than morgan/penelope which seems a little off but i'm grading on a curve: he didn't really get any storylines and he wasn't there for that long. latino king and im a sucker for sign language. his crush on garcia is sooooo cute and just the way he was always there for her emotionally even when she didnt want him to be.. .giving him infinite gold star stickers
elle: badass cuban?? the way she instantly settled into the bau family?? putting everyone in their place?? how her leaving left a permanent scar on everyone who cared about her?? the potential for vigilante elle?? haircut in the second season?? her smile??? teh gUn HoLsTerskasj j??? what's not to love?? i wish she lasted longer :((((
hotch: hes my boring white man i will hype this bitch up so much!!!!!!WILL defend southern boy hotch to the death. trans man autistic man trying-to-be-better-than-his-father man <3 hes sooooooo expressive and emotionally open especially when he goes -_- i love him so so much
emily: she's so so so smart and hot <3 i love my low empathy queen <3 normally i dont really like ~rich white girl with mysterious international connections~ trope but she manages it perfectly bc its not her whole personality you know? she's all about second chances and trying again and building a new life for herself out of the ashes of her old one and it doesn't always work but she keeps trying anyway and i love love love her
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oneletteredwondered · 4 years
Hi! Sorry to bother you, I just have a question. I just joined tiktok and am thinking of creating a mascaraed Roman au, but I have no idea how to start or if I should or if it’s too soon... I absolutely adore your high school au and was wondering if you have any tips or wisdom?? Thank you!! 💜
It's never too soon to AU XD
My suggestion would be, if you have some sort of storyline you want your AU to follow, make a word doc and start writing out little plot points/scenes you would like to include in your story.
For example
Roman wears gold
Janus wears red in 'revenge'
Roman freaks out
Get your base down first so you know what you're working with.
After that it's a matter finding audios that fit your scenes. Scrolling through tiktok for audios or songs you like or think fit your AU, keep an open mind cause ANYTHING can be twisted to your story if you think about it. This does not mean find anything and try to shove it in, but find things close and keep your AU in mind when audio hunting. Once you find a sound you like, copy link of the audio itself or video that gave you inspiration, or write down what audio you want, and add it to your doc.
For example
Roman wears gold - dissolve - link here
Janus wears red in revenge - so this is love - audio needed
Roman freaks out - he was very charismatic! (princess and the frog audio) - link here
Keep doing this until you have close to if not all of your sounds necessary for your scenes. There's no rush to complete this. You will most likely find things that fit your AU half way through filming or planning, do not be afraid to put them in your doc.
When hunting for audios or finding sounds that work, change up the length of your videos. Do NOT only make 45 seconds-minute long videos. And do NOT only make quick 5-15 second videos. When thinking about your AU, figure out which parts needs quick moments and which parts need to be drawn out. You are telling a story and a movie, make it cinematic.
For example
Remus never ending pick up lines are goofy and hold no weight to the story other than funny. Can be short.
Remus figuring out he actually has feelings for Logan is a major point for Remus, it holds weight to their arc and development. Longer time frame.
Sophie suggests: if you have the ability to do so, video/audio editing skills or app, so this way you can make or change audios to fit your needs even better, or add more flare to your videos.
If need be, or just for brain purposes, you can always add a choreography bit, possible dialogue options, or a brief description of what you want to happen in the video to your doc so things that happen near the end, you know what you're supposed to be doing or planned originally.
For example
Roman wears gold - roman walks by janus, slo mo, petty- dissolve - link here
Janus wears red in revenge - looks at the camera, dialogue 'see something you like pretty boy?' - so this is love - audio needed
Roman freaks out - roman having a MOMENT - he was very charismatic! (princess and the frog audio) - link here
Then you can film to your hearts content!
You can film all of them in one go, or split it up how you want, and save multiple drafts. Try to put them out in order as best you can, that's the whole point of the doc and plot map. Once you put a video out, copy link of your own video, and add it to your doc to keep track of what you need to film/is out already/sitting in drafts ready to go.
For example
Roman wears gold - posted - link to video here
Janus wears red in revenge - in drafts - so this is love - link here
Roman freaks out - needs filming - roman having a MOMENT - he was very charismatic! (princess and the frog audio) - link here
Save the audio link until the video is posted just in case you decide to refilm a scene.
I would recommend making a hashtag for the AU so people can find your story easier. Something that is simple and not too long but gets the point across.
For example
One sanders sides high school alternate universe = onesshsau
It'll be tempting to make your AU hashtag like Romanmasqueradeau but that's long and you only have so much space in your description. Shorten words, make it sweet and simple. Tag all your videos appropriately.
In your description of videos, put a little quip about the scene itself.
For example
In the roman wears gold video, the description is "when you wear your totally not a crush favorite color to get his attention but you're still petty".
Which is.. very long to be fair but lol and in return:
In the janus wears red for revenge video, the description is "two can play at that game".
Something that gives the viewers a little more to the story to hold on to.
Sophie suggests: you can always put backstory in the comment section to give yourself more space to talk about a scene, tell the viewers where to find it. "Backstory in comments" works pretty well.
For the cover clip, choose a banner to go with the clip. Keep the banner the same throughout the whole AU so people know which videos are and are not a part of your AU. If you plan your videos out well enough, you can even add 'parts' to your banners so people know where to look next.
For example
The banner for the hs au is... : HS AU.
If the AU was planned better, the banner would have been : HS AU pt 4. And for duets: HS AU pt 4.2.
This way people who join the AU mid way can click your hashtag, see the part markers, and know exactly where to go next to get the full story in order.
In the event you find an audio you want to use for your AU but the timing has passed(aka you already put out videos that come later timeline wise) you can still use the audio. In the description/comments you would put something along the lines of "what happened after/when -insert moment here-" and for the cover clip banner add .5 to the number marker.
If you plan on doing this AU on your own, caption videos properly, make things duettable if you want to encourage interaction, but make sure that they are stand alone available so people who don't see a duet can still get the full story. You can always duet yourself and add captions to the blank space above the video should you wish.
Something I've seen other creators do is put a poll or "what should they do?/pick an option" in the video captions or description. I would recommend NOT doing this. You may want the interaction from the audience, but then you'll need to make sure your plot map and audios match up with the choice and that it's something you want to happen as well. Also. If you don't get a lot of audience interaction, you may be disappointed, and that uh, sucks.
Something else I've seen is self duets where the duet part is all black and has a paragraph of the scene so people can have the story line more fully that way. That's a personal choice to make for yourself if you want to use this method. Snail(1_1snailxd) has used this method before if you want an example. They do plenty of AUs too if you want to see another creators process.
Keep your outfits and lighting consistent unless necessary for change in the story arc.
Since this is your AU and your page, you can post the videos for the AU whenever you want. Every day, every other day, every specific day. It does not matter. I would space them out if you can, or at least not post more than three videos for your AU a day. Give the viewers something to anticipate in your story line and a schedule that works for you.
Remember you are making this AU for you and it's what you want to see come to life. Be proud of the things you create.
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