#these two being wholesome? yes ma'am
shadowqueens · 1 year
POST - IT NOTE - kagura, adoption verse!
send “ POST - IT NOTE ” for what my muse would leave yours in a post - it note message !
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upon kagura's vanity in her room, on her mirror is a black post-it note. in metallic-purple ink, there is a chibi-esque doodle of kagura winking with a speech bubble that says, "zap anyone who dares touches you!" with little lightning bolts in the background for good measure. it's both a reminder and an uplifting message that its okay to set boundaries. at least, that's zilla's intention.
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The baby brains
𖤐Pairing: husband! König x Wife! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: heartaching toothrotting fluff, wholesome, a child genius, typical elementary school bully, fighting, married couple, kissing, badly translated German, language,
𖤐Summary: König’s and Y/n’s 6-year-old daughter Heidi is known as what the teachers call her ‘a child genius’ she is very smart and gets the best grades in her class, but due to her being smart, that also leads her to get bullied by the other kids
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Heidi was sitting in her class doing some extra work after getting done with one of her assignments. She was almost done with this assignment next.
She went to her teacher's desk and placed the extra work on her desk, and she was given a sticker for her good work, every student gets a sticker once they're done with their work. Heidi just gets a few extra stickers.
Heidi went back to her desk and grabbed a book from her desk cubby and opened it, she read hard chapter books that were in 9th grade reading level.
Heidi placed her extra sticker on her bookmark that was covered in other stickers. Heidi used her bookmark to move down a sentence so she wouldn't get confused and reread the same line again.
"Why do you keep getting extra stickers?" Romy, a girl in Heidi's class said as she walked up to her and pointed to her bookmark with the stickers.
"I don't know? Because I do my work?" Heidi said, showing her bookmark.
"I do extra work and I never get an extra sticker," Romy said with her hands on her hips.
"Then go ask Mrs.Ludwig to for an extra sticker if you do extra work," Heidi said.
Romy took Heidi's bookmark and ripped it in front of her. Heidi stood up and grabbed the torn bookmark and she grabbed Romy's shirt collar.
"Why would you do that!?" Heidi said, Mrs.Ludwig looked up from her doing paperwork and saw Heidi grabbing Romy's shirt.
"Girls, girls, what are you two doing?" She asked, grabbing Heidi's hands to let go of Romy's shirt.
"She ripped my bookmark."
"She keeps getting extra stickers and it makes me mad, I do extra work and I never get extra stickers."
"Romy...you don't do extra work, that's why you don't get extra stickers, and Heidi you can't put your hands on Romy like that okay?"
"Yes ma'am," the girls both said at the same time.
"Good, I will be calling both of your parents for this," the girls just nodded, and Romy went back to her desk and Heidi sat back down in her seat.
Y/n was at work doing some paperwork till her phone was rung. She looked down seeing the school calling her, she rubbed her eyes getting prepared for the phone call.
Y/n answered the phone and in her nicest voice she answered.
"Hi, Mrs.King?"
"Hi, I'm Mrs.Ludwig, Heidi's teacher, I'm just letting you know that Heidi has almost got into a fight with one of the other girls Romy Weber. Over Romy ripping Heidi's bookmark because Heidi gets extra stickers for doing her work..."
"Over...a bookmark?" Y/n rubbed her eyes.
"Yes...it's a little silly, but I am supposed to report to parents about every little thing that happens in the classroom even over something about a bookmark ripping and almost causing a fight," Mrs.Ludwig said, and she gave an awkward laugh.
"I understand, I'll have a talk with her once she gets home, thank you for telling me."
"Of course, have a good day, Mrs.King," Mrs.Ludwig hung up the phone.
Y/n went to text and was going to text her husband König, he was back on the field for a while, he comes home around midnight and gets 4 hours of sleep and has to leave around 5 in the morning and repeats.
Liebe: *König, your daughter almost got into a fight at school*
King: *Sie wird unser Tod sein (she's gonna be the death of us)*
Liebe: *And it was over one of the girls ripping a bookmark*
King: *zur Hölle (The fuck) that's so fucking stupid. If my daughter put her hands on you, it was probably over something else, then a ripped bookmark, ridiculous* *And this is the third time they've called about this girl causing problems with Heidi....I'll go back down there and put my two cents in*
Y/n could tell König was pissed and a pissed König was the hottest thing ever.
Liebe: I mean, I'm not opposed to it*
King: *Nah, I'll do it when something actually bad happens*
Y/n just giggled at her husband.
Y/n waited at the bus stop for her daughter. Heidi soon got off the bus and walked with her head down knowing she's probably in trouble. She looked up at her mom and gave a lazy smile.
"Heidi, you're not in trouble, come on," Y/n said as they headed inside their home.
"But mama, she ripped my bookmark because I get extra work..."
"I know, baby, but you can't just put your hands on someone, do you understand?" Heidi just nodded her head. "Your father will have a talk with you later, okay?"
"Okay," Heidi said.
Heidi put her bag in her bedroom and walked back downstairs and grabbed an apple as a snack. She sat on the couch to watch her afternoon cartoons but that was soon stopped by Y/n.
"Nah, nah, since you almost got into a fight, you will have to play outside with the neighborhood kids," Y/n said with her hands on her hips and Heidi groaned.
"But mama-"
"Don't 'but mama' me, go get your bike and go play outside with them, okay?" Heidi hated playing with the neighborhood kids, mainly because she thinks that since she's smart, she shouldn't play with children but kids who are around her sort of intelligence.
She grabbed her bike and sat on the seat in the driveway looking for the neighborhood kids, she saw them in the court going around in circles and playing tag with each other.
She rolled her eyes and went to the court and 'played' with the kids.
Y/n could see Heidi play from the kitchen window. As Y/n was washing the dishes she got yet another phone call from the school.
"Hi, I'm Mrs.Meyer the principal from the high school, we have seen your child's Heidi King's test scores, and we would like to have her in the high school next year."
Y/n was stunned that her 1st grade child may go into high school with teenagers and young adults.
"I ummm~ I...that's insane..." Y/n stuttered.
"Yes, it is, and she will be the first child prodigy to come into high school, she will be a freshman when she comes into the high school."
Y/n could hear the smile on Mrs.Meyer's face.
"I would have to talk to my husband about it and call back on a decision."
"Yes, of course, our office hours are 7:00am to 4:00pm, just to let you know whenever you want to call."
"Of course, thank you."
They both hung up and Y/n rubbed her temple, that's crazy that the high school wants her to come and be part of the high school.
König came back in the house, taking his boots off at the door and removed his mask, he took a deep breath and removed all his gear at the door as well, leaving him in his black camo pants and black tight shirt, that hugged his muscles perfectly.
König opened the fridge and grabbed some leftovers from the night before, he was about to heat up the microwave and could see a plate sitting inside the microwave.
"We saved you some," Y/n's voice sounded horsed and tired. She rubbed her tired eyes and König turned to look at her and she was wearing one of his shirts that stopped at her mid-thigh and one side of the shirt just exposing her black panties.
He smirked at her and pulled her close to his chest and he kissed her forehead.
"Thank you, honig (honey)."
"Sure," she walked to the other side of the counter and sat on the stool and looked at him move the plate in front of her.
"Why are you up?" He asked.
"Heard you come home...the high school called me."
König looked confused. "Why?"
"They saw her test scores and they want her to come into the high school next year and be a freshman. I told them I'd talk to you about it before I call them back with an answer."
"I think that's amazing...but I'm worried she may get picked on there then in high school."
"No, people will respect her in some sort of way. She's the smartest kid, we know, and the high school want her," Y/n said as König smiled and ate his food.
Y/n and König headed upstairs to their bedroom; Y/n fell on her side going back to sleep as König was getting some comfy clothes on. He walked out his bedroom a little bit and headed down the hall to his daughter's bedroom.
She was still up; she had a flashlight on one of her chapter books, she immediately hid the book and turned off the flashlight, but she knows she can't act dumb, her daddy knows better.
"Kleines Mädchen (baby girl) come now, you have to go to bed, Es ist Mitternacht (it's midnight)."
"Ich bin nicht müde, Papa (I'm not tired, daddy)."
"I don't care if you are or not, Du brauchst deinen Schlaf (you need your sleep)."
"Fein (fine)," Heidi groans. She put her flashlight and book away in her nightstand drawer. König sat on the edge of her bed and kissed her forehead.
"Gute Nacht, Baby (good night, baby)." He said as he walked out of her bedroom and headed back to his bedroom.
König had gotten up ready for work. Y/n walked into the bathroom with König. He smirked seeing her, his hands went to her waist pulling her into a good morning kiss.
"Guten Morgen mein Liebling (good morning, my love)," he said with a smirk on his face.
"Morning, König," she said.
"Oh, you were asleep, but I went into Heidi's room, and she was still awake."
"Oh, that girl, she better get up and ready for school soon. I'll also call the high school to let them know that we've made up our mind and will let Heidi go to high school, but we need to let Heidi know."
"Oh yeah, I know," he kissed her lips again. "I'll have to get going soon," he said.
"Okay, have fun."
"You know I won't," he said, smacking her butt before leaving the bedroom.
"Give your kisses to Heidi," Y/n said.
"I know, I will."
Heidi was already up and getting ready for school. König opened her door slowly and saw her up and putting her work folder back in her backpack.
"Good morning, papa," she said. König picked his daughter up and kissed her temple.
"I have to go to work, I'll be home later," he told her and placed her back on the ground.
"We also have something to tell you, Heidi," Y/n said, stepping into her daughter's bedroom and trapped König inside with her, so he couldn't just dart off just yet.
"Oh yeah," he said, turning to his daughter.
"What?" She asked.
"Next year for school...the high school called me yesterday and would like you to go and be a freshman..." Y/n said.
Heidi's eyes lit up with excitement that she could be in high school, she's excited that she gets to leave the elementary school behind and start high school.
"Yes, baby," Y/n said, kissing her daughter's cheek.
𖤐AN: Hi, I may do a part two with this fic to show what Heidi may through when she starts High school and is in a new environment and how things may go with her and the new faces in the school
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To you he's a menace to society, he's my little princess though. I'm back and here to serve more ideas of my favorite mean bbg 💗💗
Ok ok so I know this is based on the fic I sended, but can you imagine tan's wife being just so sassy? Walking up to this well known and feared leader, hand on our hip, smug smile, not a care in the world and saving our boys. And we always win because I said so.
Which brings me to my next point, acting. (I'm not obsessed with this idea at all haha) Now, this is silly but hear me out, since in the movie, the prince is a diesel because of her acting and how she bluffs, what if reader is arguing she's also a diesel because of her great acting skills. All I know for sure is that Lem would be so pissed at what we just said.
I hc that Tan doesn't spend much time on the internet, so when we send him "I'll see you at 14:37 :)" don't expect him to know. Lem would be like "you fucking dumbass" and having to explain what it means. (1437 = i love you forever)
Casual dom with Tan?? Pulling you by the waist so thar on the sidewalk you're further from the cars. Giving you his jacket because you "forgot" yours at home (he secretly loves it) scolding you when you don't eat and holding your chin up to make you look at him
This one is self indulgent but, wearing heels all day and you're legs hurt so he offers you a piggy back ride back home :((
Last one, I think he's kind of hesitant to open up at first but as time went by, and you two get married, what do you think will change in your relationship?
OK LAST ONE FR THIS TIME I'm feeling a little mischievous, giving him an attitude? 😱😱 shocking but,, how will he react? Please share thoughts ☺️
Also,, that text conversation ?? Delicious, thank you for the food ma'am. A while back, when I send one of these ideas asks (idk how to call them) I mentioned how it'll be like to be in a groupchat with these two and the fake sms app is exactly what I had in mind. Now that I saw the post, I wanted to ask if you could do something similar but I'm aware it's probably a lot of hassle so it's okay if you don't want to !! Sorry for any spelling mistakes!!  💺 anon
I love wearing sunglasses bcs no one will know what you're looking at haha. I say as I'm obviously staring at Tan's chest
hii!! ofc ofc, please enlighten me with ideas of our cute wholesome angel😩!!
1. like a protective mama bear 😌 always looking out for our little princesses. and yes to winning bc that’s the only way tbh
2. 😭😭😭 yes!! would kinda imagine as a femme fatale just bc it’s badass, and she would have many skills- acting one of them!! like someone you watch in a movie, and you’re like she’s fucking cool
3. yes!! feel like he’s a bit old in that department - he’s not really ‘up to date’. tbh I didn’t I know what that meant either until I read your last line😭 I feel like Lems the opposite of tan with the internet, he just knows things
4. ARFFGH LOVE IT!! he’s very chivalrous bc I say so! he NEVER lets you walk on the outside of the pavement!! always holds the/ your bags !! holds you close if you’re both out at night!! makes you food if you haven’t eaten!! makes you drinks- big acts of service kinda guy🫠😌 MAYBE… he doesn’t need a jacket but always brings one bc he knows you’ll get cold :((
5. so cute !!! especially if you went on a date!!
6. he’s a tough nut to crack!! dare I say a little difficult to love at times😶 I think he just needs lots of genuine reassurance and support to get you both past that first barrier. also he probs tries to push you away. but once you’re comfortable with each other and had a lot of time to learn from one another, he’ll be a great partner!! as most people, he gets more comfortable with time, so he’ll start to annoy you and wind you up for fun. maybe might argue more as time goes on, but they’re not that serious, nor are they petty, just standard ones
7. he knows how to shut you up, that’s all im gonna say
8. ugh you’re so welcome, love feeding my children😌 yes yes ofc!! just need to figure out how to that (bc it’s 3 people) I send messages to my ipad and respond that way😭 so if I find away to make a group chat as such, I’ll definitely let you know
9. he’s got such a pretty chest🥹
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softie-rain · 4 months
I know none of you are as crazy about Coral as I am but could you do a little drabble of her and Mizzen going around Four's market place amd selling things?🥺 just silly little wholesome seablings??🥺🥺
sweetheart I'll write anything you ask me to
Also Coral is growing on me and I've always loved Mizzen my pookie. Sorry this took so long 😔🫶🏻 I sneaked in a few headcanons I have about them, hopefully these aren't too out of character (especially for Coral 🥲)
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"Mizzen, this is dumb." Coral whispered, looking around the market. She observed hers and Mizzen's market bench, looking so small and insignificant compared to the others.
"It's not! Your artworks are amazing, and everyone wants the bracelets I make with shells at school!"
Coral shook her head, unconvinced. Mizzen finished fixing the table with the small handwritten price tags and smiled proudly. He cleared his throat and moved in front of the table, while Coral stood behind uncomfortable.
She knew they needed to do this. Coral's family wasn't exactly starving, but her mother had fallen sick and was unable to provide for her and her siblings. Mizzen was the only one to know about her situation, being the only one Coral trusted with such delicate and personal information.
She didn't think he'd offer to help her like this though.
Mizzen cleared his throat, and started loudly calling for clients. "Homemade bracelets! Buy your bracelet made with freshly caught shells! Every bracelet you buy, you get a painting for free!"
Coral blushed looking at her drawings. In her eyes they weren't that good, but Mizzen had always said she underestimate herself. She looked around once more. Everyone was too busy buying food to pay attention to them, the yells of the other sellers calling for fresh fish much louder than Mizzen's. And for the first twenty minutes, no one even dared looking at them.
"Mizzen, maybe we should-"
"Homemade?" An old lady asked, getting closer to their small table.
Mizzen smiled happily, "Yes ma'am! I made them myself just this morning!"
The old lady chuckled at Mizzen's excitement, nodding. "They sure are beautiful, you are one talented young boy."
Mizzen's smile widened. "Thank you!"
"Did you make those drawings as well?"
"Oh, no," Mizzen said, moving aside, "these were made by Coral here."
Coral gulped, her cheeks getting redder as the lady smiled at her. "Did you?"
She nodded. "Uh, yeah. Just something I do after work, to relax."
The lady raised an eyebrow, confused. "Work?"
"Yes, she helps her mother cut the fish my father catches, and then we sell it together." Mizzen explained, and Coral angrily stared at him. Why was he telling the story of their life to this stranger? She didn't need anyone's pity, they were just trying to make a few more money, that didn't mean Mizzen had to go and tell a sob story to everyone.
Mizzen ignored her glare and kept looking hopeful at the lady, who frowned. "How old are you kids?"
"Thirteen and fourteen, ma'am." Mizzen replied, pointing at him and Coral. The lady nodded.
"I'll buy two, for my grandson and granddaughter. They'd love your bracelets! And your drawings too, Coral." The lady decided, winking at Coral.
Coral awkwardly smiled, while Mizzen thanked her. He took the bracelets the lady pointed at and two drawings, one representing a red, dying coral - "It's sad.", "It's art, Mizzen. It's self-descriptive." - and a yellow fish surrounded by bubbles.
The lady smiled. "You kids are doing a great job. I'm sure your parents are proud of you." She said, and then left.
Mizzen looked as she walked away and then turned to smile at Coral. "See? I told you! You need to be more confident, my friend." He said proudly. He turned around and stated yelling again, drawing attention to himself.
Coral chuckled and rolled her eyes, secretly deeply thankful for Mizzen's help. She walked up to him in front of the table as well, starting to call for clients with him. Maybe her drawings weren't perfect, but if one old lady had liked them, trying some more couldn't hurt anyone, right?
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justalildumpling · 1 year
moots as nct members
I'm not sure if uve already done this sorry if u have/ don't want to do this
ahh i love love love moot games like this hehe ty for sending this in💗
(i’m realising that a lot of my moots that i mostly interact with are from deobiblr😭 i’ve only tagged ppl who i am certain they stan nct but if i forgot i’m sorry!! this was written at like 3am delusion)
@sungbeam - mark
miss ma’am works herself as much as sm overworks the shit out of mark lee istg😭 TAKE A BREAK MA'AM IT'S OKAY. ok besides from that, i feel like mark is universally a comfort person for everyone in the nct community and beam is literally MY comfort person, my soulmate, my best friend (yes, she's mine. no buts😤) she's so talented at what she does, an absolute sweetheart, she cares so so much about her peers and i rlly just admire her as a person outside of tumblr. i could literally write an essay about how much i love her but i'll save everyone the read😭
@jaeminvore - jaemin
chaos. the both of them. OK BUT besides from that, nics gives off like hot girl energy like jaemin. he's is like woah he's so sexy and he knows it type vibe and nics is the same! i remember first seeing her blog/works and being like girl. im such a fan (and i still am, she's fucking hilarious and amazing) i folded for nics as much as i did for jaemin fr. it's always so fun talking to nics about literally anything from plain old thirsting over korean men to throwing irl ppl off a cliff and like jaemin she makes any scenario so much more enjoyable!!
@polarisjisung - jisung
LOOKLOOKLOOK yes he is her bias BUT the amount of rizz the both of has😭 UHM HELLO ALSO BOTH MAIN DANCER ENERGY nah i folded fr😩 ok but besides that, we all know jisung is the most wholesome bean ever and I JUST WANT TO PROTECT HUA YK?? idk she's such a cool person to talk to and i feel like we just clicked from the first time we met. jisung gives off like ride or die energy and i can def say that hua is the same💗
@winterchimez - xiaojun
THIS ISNT CHEATING ISTG ITS A COINCIDENCE THAT HER BIAS HAPPENS TO BE HIM AS WELL OK????? Both ally and xiaojun are literally the biggest sweethearts and can get along with everybody!! I always thought that xiaojun would be such a great conversationalist and no joke, ally and I got along so well as soon as we met and now we're forever emotional support buddies🥹🤞
@sehunniepot - jungwoo
literal golden retriever energy, like ball of sunshine. the most sociable and friendliest person i’ve met. i literally fell in love with nikki’s personality as soon as we met just like I did for mr kim jungwoo😔😔 I just feel like if I were to be in a room with her, she would be the lighting everyone up like idk how to describe it. She’s just someone that I feel like everyone couldn’t help but adore.
@jaehunnyy - taeyong
I LOVE THESE TWO PPL SO MUCH ALSNFOAFEI ok. i've calmed down. but fr tho like u CANNOT hate both taeyong and chip. LIKE she's literally a beam of positivity and she cares so much for her peers and always checks up on everyone when she can🥺 our bubu is a great leader and residential cutie and i feel like chip fits that to a tea
@wuahae - haechan
something about cat always screamed haechan to me idk why. just her mannerism/texting/talking style. as soon i started talking to her on the deoboyznet chat like i knew she and i were on the same wavelength just like i felt with haechan LMAO cat may seem playful and fun all the time but she's firm when she wants to be and she knows her boundaries/morals/values which is very admirable.
@mosviqu - ten
for some reason bar and ten just makes sense. both insanely talented, sarcastic and has strong opinions which they’re not afraid of expressing. lowkey intimidating to approach at first due to how highly i thought of her work, but was literally the most down to earth, loveliest person ever. I always love when she talks about the process behind her pics because they blow me away every time just like ten’s dancing.
@daegall - renjun
yes. I know it’s literally illegal for me to put anyone else other than lee donghyuck for sunny BUT IDK MAN SHE JUST GIVES OFF RENJUN VIBES!! we all know renjun is like the cutest little ball of sweetness ever and sunny is always so lovely and whenever she gets giddy like i get giddy too😭 and her expression of emotions towards haechan is portrayed thru capitalisations, keyboard smashes and typos which reminded me of renjun's little spits of anger yk??
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princelyprisms · 6 months
I scrolled down the timekeeper's dialogues and those are some REALLY Alain things to say skbmekjg
Anyway, Ribbonverse? Oc lore? 👀
Aaaaa yes! Oc lore!!
The whole thing is just "perla meets the tsme gang (+ kalos gang) and chaos ensues."
I'm still writing the actual timeline, but its getting there.
There's not many changes to the canon, only that there's a few more Perla moments sprinkled here and there.
Some of the lore moments include: (i forgot episode names so have poor descriptions of it)
-first actual alain appearance
Perla only watches on the sidelines, no introduction. She may be an important character but she doesn't want the spotlight. Also implies that this girl knows Alain, maybe as a training buddy or companion.
-Laverre City, the one with the modeling
She is there again, but now running around and like... following orders from the other Furisode girls for the fashion show, with her and Audino carrying boxes of clothes / accessories.
-that one party / ballroom episode
Some random guy: "Ma'am, you're supposed to be wearing a dress for the ocassion."
Perla, already in a suit: "Wait, I am?"
The only way I can describe this. She gets a pass.
-Tournament part 1, bumps into the kalos gang, forced to introduce herself.
It also shows her battling someone, and capable of Mega Evolution. But she's not as strong, so she loses the round.
-Mairin episode
Establishes that these two have met before (Perla acts like a sister figure for Mairin) Also shows a bit more of her personality, that she often comforts people in need.
-the angst episode(s)
It does not end well for her. Remember those dark vines? Something happened with her involved.
content warning -> (It's injury. She got hit pretty hard. Even more fuel to make Alain more conflicted. And Mairin too. Because she lost Chespie to the Giant Rock / Megalith and now she sees Perla, her sister figure, injured.)
-post incident
Surprises everyone she is not dead. And by surprise I mean, walk in while everyone was having the celebration. Ash and the gang are shocked, but TSME duo are more shocked, cause the two were sure they just witnessed a death. So group hug, sobbing, wholesome scenario.
Perla's whole arc:
- Identity.
They are a blank slate, they don't know what to do, they're stuck in this cycle of following people and living like that. Even in battles, she mirrors Alain's battling style (not literally, with the punching and all)
Perla went from being quiet, doing what she's told. But later on, she does her own thing. Like crossdress for one time, willingly join the tournament, show more of her true colors.
Even risk her life to save people. She found that she wants to help everyone. When the world is crumbling down, that's when she acts. Perla does her own thing, that changes their view of her.
uhfhfhfh she's been through a lot, thats the only thing i can say
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mariabtsos · 1 year
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One That I Want ||m.yg||
Chapter 2: Tell me more
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<-Previous | Index | Next ->
Description: It is summer of 1956, and leader of the T-Birds Yoongi is working at a food joint at the beach to make extra money over the summer, when he meets a pretty girl. They start a summer fling that unfortunately had to come to end, but an unexpected turn of events will bring them back together.
Genre: 1950s au, angst, fluff, some smut, Greaser!Yoongi x Square/Goody-Two-Shoes!OC.
TW: underage drinking and smoking, sexual content, violence, misogyny (it’s the 1950s so peak macho man era).
Word Count: 1.5k
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The bell resonated through the hallways as all students entered their classrooms, the only ones seemingly out of place being the T-Birds, who were still frolicking around the place.
"This isn't fair, every teacher I got this year has flunked me at least once," Hoseok complained.
"If you ain't careful you'll end up spending all your time in Lee's office," Jin chuckled, flicking the younger's forehead. Which caused him to aggressively slap it away.
"No way, I ain't taking none of her crap this time," Hoseok explained.
"Oh yeah?" Jimin retorted, quickly motioning Jin over as he saw the woman they were talking about approaching.
"Yeah, this year, I'm gonna make that old broad wish she'd never seen me," he confidently said, suddenly stopping when heard the heels clacking on the floor.
"Mr. Jung, what're you doing out in the hallway, aren't you supposed to be in homeroom?" She asked.
"Yes ma'am," he shuffled nervously.
"Are you just lollygagging in the hallways?"
"No ma'am, I mean yes ma'am, I-"
"This is no way to start a new semester Mr. Jung, now I do hope to see you graduate this year, so I better not see you out and about when I come back, is that clear?" She asked pushing her glasses back up her nose.
"Yes ma'am," Hobi answered with the most fakest smile, as soon as she was back in her office, Yoongi approached, hands in his jacket pockets.
"I'm sure glad you didn't take any of her crap!" He laughed, making the younger smack him on the shoulder as they walked to their classes. Spotting Jeon Jungkook on the way with a poster in hand.
"Hey Jungkookie! What cha got there?" Namjoon asked, taking the poster from the younger's hands. Jungkook immediately reached for it but Namjoon passed it to Jimin.
"It's a poster for the rocket club I'm starting, I'm not sure if you pea brains knew but space is the next frontier," he rolled his eyes.
"For you pUuuberty is the next frontier!" Jimin said as moved the poster back and forth between his legs, Yoongi snatched it, handing it back to Jungkook.
"There, now beat it," he placed his hand on the back of the younger's head and smacked him, Jungkook nodded and power walked into Lee's office.
"Sometimes I wish you guys weren't so annoying to him, he is my cousin after all," Yoongi complained, the rest of them shrugging as Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi made their way to science, and Jimin and Hoseok made their way to English.
The morning went by quickly, Principal Lee announced that a program on their local station had chosen their school as a perfect model of Korean school and youth, and they would be holding their national dance off there.
"We are truly excited to have this opportunity to show the nation our wholesome, kind" Lee started slowly drifting off, realizing what she was saying, "cleancut...students we have here at Seoul Central..." she finished, "god help us all," and then the announcements were over.
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Lunch time arrived, the girls were in the cafeteria whilst the guys were at the bleachers near the field, watching as their school's athletes practiced.
"Girls!" Miyeon called as she sat down with her gang, "what do you think of my new glasses?" She asked JiYoon and Kim. "Don't you think they make me look smarter?"
Kim chuckled loudly "nope, you can still se your face" Miyeon responded by hitting her with the magazine she was holding.
"Did you all take good look at Min this year?" Jiyoon asked, "he was looking pretty good, right Kim?" She moved her glasses up and down in a suggestive tone.
"That's ancient history" Miyeon clarified, getting ready to start eating.
"Well, you never know, sometimes history repeats itself, it's human nature after all," Kim stated with a devilish smile.
As the whole interaction was going on, Lottie and Nayeon were making their way to the table with their lunch trays, the bunny smiled girl had been kind enough to walk her to all her classes, she waited for her at the door of the classroom every single time. She was the sweetest, and Lottie considered her a friend, even if they hadn't known each other long.
After doing their best to not bump into people, they made it to their lunch table, they found the girls all looking into Miyeon's macaroni and cheese.
"Hey girls!" Nayeon greeted the group cheerfully as she made her way to one of the empty seats, Lottie following close behind "this is Lottie Hutchins, she just moved here from the US!"
"Nice to meet you all," she replied with a slight bow, sitting down.
"What part?" Miyeon asked her, supporting her chin on her fist.
"Florida, more so the gulf coast," Lottie replied.
"I bet you're one of those..." Kim expressed sarcastically, she wanted to call Lottie a square so badly.
"Beach lovers?" Lottie tried completing Kim's sentence.
"Well ring-a-ding-ding," Kim rolled her eyes. This new girl looked so innocent, so bland, there were a ton of different judgments running through Kim's mind, the thing was, she was more of a silent and passive-aggressive person, her tongue was double-edged, she could be complimenting you, turn around and roll her eyes at your presence.
"Hey, guys!" A voice resonated through the room, all the girls except Lottie knew who it was.
"Well if it isn't Wendy Shon," she said sarcastically, "the bad seed of Seoul Central- HI!" Kim greeted her over-enthusiastically. "Oh I just LOVE the first day of school, isn't it the most to say the least!" Wendy exclaimed, she seemed so cheerful it almost seemed fake.
Wendy turned Lottie's way and immediately her face was one of shock. "Oh, you must think I'm the rudest for not introducing myself to your friend! Hi, I'm Wendy Sho- AHH!" As she sat down she felt something weird touch her ass, that being Jiyoon's hands resting on an apple, everyone got a kick out of the situation minus Wendy.
"Anyway, have you thought about trying out for cheerleading? We could have so much fun and be long-time friends!"
Nayeon moved over to sit close to the girls, "So, what do you guys think about Lottie? You think she can be a Pink Lady?" she asked, as they all briefly looked at the brunette who was mid-schedule sharing with Wendy. "She looks too pure to be pink," Kim scoffed.
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Meanwhile, at the bleachers, the guys were having their lunch, and making fun of the jocks.
"You guys thinking of going out for soccer this year?" Jin asked his pals as he watched on.
"With Kim Taehyung as captain?!" Jimin chuckled loudly "no way!"
Just then Taehyung ran by, he waved briefly, more of a courtesy really, he hadn't gotten along with the T-Birds for a while, and he planned on keeping it that way.
Yoongi was just kind of sitting there, he watched his friends on whilst his mind briefly went back to a few weeks ago, when he was with Lottie.
"Did you all see that hot chick at registration?" Namjoon remarked as he sat next to Yoongi, "she sure beats them foam broads around here."
"You mean her jugs are bigger than Annette's?" Jimin walked to him in wonder, genuinely shocked someone was more well endowed.
Namjoon rolled his eyes and grabbed him by his shirt, "Jimin, come on! Nobody's jugs are bigger than Annette's!" He replied to which the younger nodded raising his arms as a truce.
Jin looked at Yoongi and he couldn't help but see him staring at the distance. "I wanna know what Yoongs did down at the beach!" He exclaimed sitting next to the aforementioned, who looked at him and scoffed.
"Yeah! Tell us Min how was it?" Namjoon asked.
At the same time the girls were asking Lottie about her summer vacation.
"I spent most of it at the beach, I met a boy there," Lottie sighed dreaming back to her days with Yoongi.
"You hauled your cookies all the way to the beach for some boy?" Kim asked.
"Well, yes, he was sort of special," Lottie replied, her heart beating faster at the thought of their summer adventures. "There ain't no such thing," Kim rolled her eyes, chuckling at the newcomer's naivety.
"Oh, you haven't met this boy," Nayeon sat next to her, "he was so romantic!"
Yoongi was telling the boys how it truly wasn't a big deal, that it wasn't something so important that it needed to be discussed at the moment.
"Sure hyung," Hobi rolled his eyes, obviously curious about his friend's summer time. "Come on Yoongi, tell us about the girl!" Jin asked.
"You got in her drawers right?" Jimin asked, moving his eyebrows up and down suggestively, Yoongi rolled his eyes, smirking at how nosey his friends were being.
"Come one guys, do you really wanna hear all the horny details" as soon Yoongi said that, all of them started talking at once, they were now demanding to know.
"Okay okay fine!" He chuckled, "I'll tell you more."
5 notes · View notes
wench-and-jezebel · 2 years
Howl’s Moving Castle Reaction:
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
Wench’s Note: the first half of this was reacting to the original.  About halfway through, we switched to the English dub.  We didn’t mark it though, so… fun ‘lil guessing game :)
Second Wench's Note: Also, the book comes up quite a bit and, while I've read the book before, it was a longggg time ago. If there are any false statements... apologies. Feel free to let me know (politely)!
– – –
Welp… Title already makes sense
Mood lady! I hate hats  *sigh*  I don’t have the right head shape
She just looks so grumpy
How did she not see that guard to begin with?  
Oh shit blobs!  Tf?
Oooo he flies
Ye this is normal… Just walking on air… As one does
No– No one– NO ONE SAW THIS???  Like… THEY WERE JUST FLYING  [He probably has some kind of glamor up tbf.  Or he just… Doesn't care.]   ☠️☠️☠️☠️  [He's a bit of a show-off, tbh]  I would be too tbf if I could just fecking fly
The fucking men just be popping up everywhere
Blobssss  [Blobs]
Wait she’s the old lady right?  [Ma'am, I say nada]
Le gasp
Well… damn
I feel ya, Sophie, I feellll yaaaaa
She is handling this…. Surprisingly well  [Perks of magical realism, tbh; they know wizards exist, and they know abt the witch, and-]  Fair!
Oh noooo!
☠️☠️☠️☠️ A 90 year old … You don’t say
Poor Sophie 🥺🥺🥺
MOOOOD SOPHIE!!!  ISS ME. And my kids are the witch 😭 they made me old
Ma’am… you’re old. Maybe hiking a mountain is not a good idea  [She gotta go on her trademark Studio Ghibli quest]
Le gasp! A scurrrcrow
[Did you see what he's carrying]  Well damn 🥺  [Man Scarecrow brought her a cane]  That’s wholesome
“Can you bring me a house…” And he left… Scarecrow: I gotchu ol lady
[He knows where to find her one… He done brought her a house]  😭😭😭
Oh, or not 🤣
Jumppppp Sophie
[Turnip-Head brought her her shawl :)]  💕💕💕 I love him  [You gonna love the next anthropomorphic being more]
Ooooo I see fire 🙂
[In case this hasn't registered, btw... she just invaded a wizard's home.  His very feared castle.  And sat down.  And stoked the fire.]  ☠️☠️☠️ Fair
Calcifer! (Casifer 🤔😂)
Ooop she ded  [This really is you… She fell asleep mid-conversation]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  MOOOD SOPHIEEEEE!  I feel ya boo! I feel ya
Ooooo that noooseee
A child 
I sat down and cracked like that ☠️☠️☠️ I feel like I’m resonating with this movie in the wrong way 😭☠️🤣  [Then the moral will resonate too]  I even have a shawl like that ☠️ [That... is not the moral]
So they are afraid of him but he’s not bad  [They are afraid of the Wizard Howl, yes.  BUT.  As I think is clear, they're not clear on who, exactly, Howl is]  Ahhh! I see.  Makes sense  [If you saw, Markl just answered messages for both Wizards Jenkins and Pendragon]
Giant house comes creeping down the road… I’d be scurrrd too… but I’m guessing a bit thing is not to judge by appearances
Oh damn
[Pay attention to Calcifer being cute]  I’m a DeMon…
The kids like… shit all I had to do was lay a pan on him
[Calcifer monch on eggshells :)]  THE NOISEEEE  💕💕💕💕😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣  Meh oi eh
Imma eat my steak like that! If I stop responding … Hubby killed me (Kidding)
[Did I mention Sophie is just amazing?  She legit just invaded a scary wizard's house... and told him it was filthy... to his face]  ☠️☠️☠️🤣🤣🤣  Very true
Just know! Now my husband’s gonna expect me to watch anime in… not English… with him. And I full blame you 😤  [GOOD]  My brain be struggling to do it all [Get good]
Ancient sorcery! The worst kind
[Calcifer get bacon :)]  Me meh mi meh
[Dang, Sophie, be nice.  Calcifer told you that you couldn't talk about it alksdfj]  Women! They never listen 🤣
Oh shit! Ok lady strength
["A witch rages within"  Poor Calcifer :(]  Poor Calcifer indeed
He fly again
Markl’s too cute  [Buddy, whatchu hiding?]  Also true
Uh oh.  He ain’t there to not let her get carried away
[He's so cute :)]
SCARECROW  [He's called Turnip, the Turnip-Head actually. According to Sophie.]
BRUH That seems not sturdy  [Ma'am, stop overthinking the magical castle]  Shhhh  [No]
Ahhh I seee
🥺🥺🥺  Wench this better have a happy ending ‘cause, minus the curse, it’s too happy  [Hmph.  I say nothing]  *opens google* try me Wench  [You can't multitask that much and we both know it]  *tells husband to open google* TRY ME — er, US — Wench
[Literally as we speak, you're missing that Howl is a bird]  Oh shit!  Howl is a bird!  [alkdsfjlakdf no shit]
Oh them toes
There is so much 😭😮‍💨  Sooo much happening
[You don't seem to have caught that she was young again]  I– I didn’t 😭  Is she young when she sleeps?  [She was young when he checked on her as she slept, yes.]  Bruh the witch is a biiiiitch! What kinda curse is thatttt  [I didn't say what was going on; I said it was what happened.  Shush and watch]
BLOB  [Blob]  BLOB
“AHHHHH!!!”  [You remember your prediction about Markl not paying attention when she went cleaning?]  YES- OH NOOOOO  [There ya go… I love this lil drama queen]
P- poor ☠️☠️☠️ poor howl  [And btw… when I say drama queen… ]  Buddy  [...I mean DRAMA QUEEN]  Budddy!!!!  [Man's calling on the Spirits of Darkness because of his hair dye]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️  ACk
Oooop- she’s looking younger! SO CONFUSING
[Turnip-Head brought her an umbrellaaaaaaa]
BUDDDY  [Did I mention “drama queen”?] 
Ah the rain too
Booty ☠️  [Ma'am, mind out of the gutter]  It wasn’t in the gutter.  It was on the screennnn!  [Bitch-]
[His room be prettyyyyy]  It issss.  It’s a lot though
[btw, this is the English dub for that conversation: (Sophie): "Howl, why is the Witch of the Waste trying to hunt you down?" (Howl): "She was once quite beautiful, so I decided to pursue her.  Then I realied she wasn’t, so, as usual, I ran away." For information purposes]
Hmmm, the sigh
[His hair is magical]  *Simultaneously* His hairrrr tho  [I want it]
THE FUCK IS THIS DOG?!?!  [I say nothingggg]  Full Metal Alchemist vibessss
["Thanks to him, I've become a cleaning lady"  Bitch, that was either the Witch's fault or your own decision; you just kinda... announced it to Howl]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️  Right?!
Blobbbssss  [Blobs go bye-bye]  Blobs blobbed
Poor dog [*simultaneously* Poor pupper]  Is struggling  [SBC]  He’s like halpppp
Tf [Who carries a dog like that tho 😭]
The guardsss
I’m dying.  Well, actually THEY are dying.  Im laughing.  
That’s just not normal
That would be me tho… Im tired for them  *sigh*
[Ma'am be lying to the Witch of the Wastes]
Ooooooof  [Feels bad.  Like... she's awful but also :(]
She is saying she is his mother? …  [Yeah, that's their strategy.  Well, Howl's strategy]  Ackles movie vibessss  [Ma'am, shush]  I can’t think of the name  [Devour.  But also no]  My brain has too many tabs open
Well damn  [:(]
[Sophie is awesome]  YESSS  [The pupper's eyes tho alkdsjf]
She be getting younger  
Ooop- Fangirl  [The Witch is also pathetically adorable alksdjf]
Oooop I might understand the curse now
[Oof- That bluff went badly]  ☠️☠️
WHATS HAPPENING!  [That was the King.  The current plotline is that the King is demanding Howl (as Howl, as Jenkins, and as Pendragon) report for, essentially, a magical draft to fight in the war.  (This is magical realism, so magic is kinda commonplace.)  The first version of the King has been revealed to be Howl trying to bluff his way out of the war without breaking his oath to report when needed.  This got broken because a) she knew who he was already but b) the real King walked in and was like.  Hey.  Good?]  Yes! 🙂 thank you lool!
The dark hair’s nice tho  [I knowwwwww]  Noooo the witch ☠️☠️
This shit is crazyyyyyy  [Welcome to Studio Ghibli]  Fucking animeeeeee  [I'm now making you watch Spirited Away btw]
[Parallels to their first meetinggggg]  True lol
Ooooo scurrryy
They fly  [Many times]
Dog said he's out too
Oooo such a scurry demon... gets summoned with the heart  [OH SHIT THE MEANING TO THAT!!!  I'll explain later]
The fucking witch in the back thooo…  Just smiles
Ma'am, you know she's not his mom... stahp  [You really were scarred by Devour, huh?]  Yes
[They destroying his door :(]
[Markllllll  He’s so cute]
Bruh [Poor Calcifer :(]  The house just ate them.  I’m ded
That’s adorable…  Also, she younger!   Not young, but younger
So, is emotion a factor?
Ooooop-  She very young.  [Yup, even when awake]  She young and he's a bird… Ladyhawke vibes
🥺  [He has a nest]
[BRUH LKDSJF;LAKDSJF THAT WAS BATMAN.  Like, I knew English version was Christian Bale, but that was Batman]  It is loool… except bird man
Wait, Calcifer sounds familiar too  [He's Mike Wazowski, I think.  iirc]  Le gasp!
Double le gasp!  My emojis!  I cannot use them!
The- The house.  Has.  A tongue.
[BRUH THE MEANING!  Okay, I’ll explain shit later.]
So is she just.... good now?  [Her deal with the demon possessing her was broken… So kinda]  Ahhh
Sir!  He's so happy!  [I love him in this scene.  He's pretty :)]
THIS!  I love this scene! 
Well damn
But also like… If the witch that cursed Sophie is now kinda irrelevant, how does the curse get broken?
[He made her her own shop :)]
Ooop- The voice changes are giving me whiplash  [It's helping you keep track of her age tho]
And young again
Kay 😍
His fucking hair length changes as much as her voice.  And appearance  [IT'S ALL MAGIC; JUST SHUSH]
[This be concerning buddy.  It feels like giving away your possessionssss]  😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢  (I found the emojis)  [Did I mention that all of my faves are apparently concerningly risky with themselves]  Maam your type... is concerning  [Shhhh.  I'm sure it doesn't mean anything]  Mhhmmmn
[Howl, buddy.  You won't fight in the war, but you just... fought in the war.]
Tf???  Flying tadpoles  [The entities in these films are awesomely weird okay?  Like These Dudes (below)]  Awwwwww
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Sophie, why are you pedaling, ma’am
[ALSKDJF;LSAKFDJ THE MEANING!!!  Remind me to explain]  Ok lol
She gonna die… She's become too likable.  *Sighhhh*
Oh damn I thought they were sisters 💀  [I thought they were.  I think they were in the book.  It might be a nickname]  They were in the other verison
[She better not have hurt Calcifer :(  I forget if she did but.]
Le gasp  Well DAMN!  The bitch!  [I think her husband was a hostage, ma'am]  Aaaand? hmph
Awwwwwwwwww my heart
Bruh  [Oh shit she does seem to have hurt Calcifer :(]  Her whole personality changed  [She lost the demon, woman, so no wonder]  Yeah, but she was being so nice. What changed?  I thought losing the demon made her nice  [Oh, I see... Just... file it under things to discuss in endpoint if not answered]  Ok lol
[Blobs]  Blobs
Ooooof they are gonna have strange babies  [Ma'am, he's not actually a bird]
["You're alive!"  Shades of Westley/Buttercup: "If you want I could fly!"]
[She just put the cigar out on his handddd  😭]  Right?!?!
Edddieeeeee vibeessssss [*simultaneously* EDDIE-CODED :(  Okay, actually.  Fuckkkkkkkk maybe not SPN fusion.  Maybe ST fusion.]  😭😭😭😭😭😭  [I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes]  Well fuck now that songs stuck in my head  [adslfjaldskfj good]
Oh shit  ["Looks like Howl's in trouble" My dear, when is he not?]
["I preferred him as a coward"  *sigh* Don't we all?  (That's Steve's "Don't be cute")] 😭😭😭 Stapppp I cantttt  [*This* one has a happy ending tho]
I'm soooooooo confused with the witch lady  [I’ll explain (I think)]
Oh shit  [Moving castle go bye bye :(]  😭😭😭😢 Welp  Encanto vibes  [KLJALKDSJFLAKSFDJ HOW DARE]
This movie has fucjing unlocked umpteen fic ideas  [I KNOW]
This girl is gonna get him ded  [I'm saying nothing]  Le Gasp!  (Also gaddamnnnn this tablet)
[Calcifer et her hair to be stronggggg.]  Noooo the pecs!  When he was lifting the wood  [What is it with fictional haircuts being so cool, f'real] I knowwwww
[Poor Howl :(]
Well damn  [There's so much symbolism I'm gonna cry]
Like.... Maybe it's just me but I would have let her burn  [asdflkjaldskfj]  🤷‍♀️
[Pupper still doing stuff]
Um.  “What if I killed Howl?” They BOTH told you it would.  I caught it even in a different language.  Wot do you meannnn?!  [Trueeee]  Also gotta love how she doesn't care she killed Calcifer just that she might have killed Howl  [alskdfj]
[This be Very Important btw]
He’s gotta pee lady
[Oh look it's the Supernatural season 8 finale]  ☠️☠️☠️
Oooop- [He monch the star]  The wheeze tho  [From him or the dog ☠️]  The dog ☠️☠️
["Find me in the future"  Remember how the first thing he said to her was "I've been looking everywhere for you?"  :)]  Yeasssss
[Howl be not looking so good]
Burujhhhhh them feettttt!  That was meant to be spelled bad ‘cause… damn
[These scenes were very different in the book, btw; tell you at endpoint]
That.  That was easier than expected.  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
[Honestly, I still feel like SPN would work better, but I could do a ST one-shot from just that other scene]
[No fuckkkkk but the SPN vibes are killing me; explain later]
Awwwww  [Calcifer be so happy :)]
[Turnip saved them!]  Yusssss  [But he not responding :(]  Nooooooo
Ahhhhh… yussssss again!
[Ma'am, it's not the heart that’s so heavy; you're sitting on him ☠️]
Well damn
“Big boy”  [LAJSD;LFKJADF]
[Doggo betrayed evil witch woman :)]
The wheezing
New meaning to the phrase “Hot lips”
[Oh my god my head is killing me with the fic planning... I'ma be ranting later] Yesssss
– – –
Wench: Your typing Has Not Improved 
Jezebel: YOU KJOWBWHAT? 🖕🏼
Wench: You prove my point  (For those not aware of the editing process, btw, I do a cursory spell/punctuation check as we go most times, as much as I can do without falling behind.  The above^ would be a lot more common if I didn’t.  Y’all are welcome!)  ANYWAY.  Endpoint
Jezebel: That was adorable!!! I may just rewatch fully in English ☠️☠️☠️  And by may… I will ☠️🤣🤣  Eventually
Wench: asldkjfalkdsfj
Jezebel: But the fic possibilities are endlessssss omg
Wench: TSCH!  Ma'am, that's reserved for not-endpoint-reaction!! No spoilers!
Jezebel: I knowwwww.  Was just saying!  But omg ok explain the bipolar witch please!  Cause the amount of things that gave me whiplash in this movie… Were a many
Wench: I mean, I think her personality was just… shifting. She'd lost the demon, so she wasn't as corrupted by power, but she was still questing for Howl's heart. I do think that her proximity to power restored her a bit to her earlier self (and when she was smoking the cigar she apparently got from Suliman), which is why you noticed her being a bit more her at times when she was near Howl… but it's all within her normal character
Jezebel: Ok fair!
Wench: As for the things I was saying I'd explain now, btw... They keep foreshadowing the reveal about his heart.  Like, there are blatant bits (e.g. her earlier note saying something along the lines of "You who swallowed a falling star, o' heartless man, your heart shall soon be mine.")  But there were smaller things.  Like the Witch being so focused on Calcifer, talking so regularly about "oh, what a pretty fire."  I'm sure it was partly because the fire *was* pretty, but when you know that she was questing for Howl's heart, it's got a second layer.
Jezebel: Ooooo! I thought it was just her being old and senile ☠️
Wench: Also, the heart reveal renders other things increasingly significant too.  Like the metaphors of the Witch trying to get at his heart, and it burning her when she tried... something something she tried to steal his heart and control it but it didn't work, whereas Sophie had been connecting with it from the very beginning. Or him telling Sophie that the way to get HIS RING to work and lead her home was to call out to Calcifer with her heart... Which was his heart... Connect the dots :)
Jezebel: Oooooooooh 💕💕💕🥺🥺
Wench: Also, an interesting thing... Like I said, the book is quite different.  It's one of the few adaptations, actually, that changes A Bunch about the original story but I just... can't be that mad about it.  Because the story isn't the same, but it's awesome anyway.  
Jezebel: Ooooh? Interesting :)
Wench: Yup!  And one such example is that they explicitly state what's going on with Sophie.  Sophie isn't just this ordinary girl. Or, well... She is, but she isn't.  She was a hatter, like in the film, and she usually talked to the hats.  It's explained that she would tell them what their owners would be like as she made them.  (One example is when she tells a hat that its owner would have a heart of gold and someone would fall in love with them for it)
Jezebel: That’s adorable thoooo
Wench: And whatever she said would come true.  But she was also highly determined to be the Eldest Daughter. Which means she'd stay at home, tend to the business, never ever ever seek any adventure, etc.  So she has this magic... and nonetheless sets about using it to have nothing happen to her ever, quite without knowing it.
Jezebel: Ack!  So the exact thing she doesn’t want is exactly what happens ☠️☠️🤣🤣
Wench: Precisely!  And that magic is the explanation for a lot of what goes on in the story.  It's why the scarecrow comes to life, for example.  And it's also the reason she's able to separate Howl/Calcifer without either dying.  In the book, she asks if she can separate them and Calcifer says that he thinks he'd die if anyone else did it, but he knows she's talked life into things before so, if anyone could do it, she could.  And she outright says "Have another thousand years" before pinching them apart so Calcifer will survive.
Jezebel: So the scarecrow’s not a prince in the book?
Wench: I don’t think so.  The scarecrow and the prince are two separate entities, and the prince has a far more gruesome fate.  I don’t fully remember enough to say more, but I’m pretty sure they’re separate.  She talks them both to life, though, so in that sense, it kinda works.
Jezebel: Ooooop! Well damn! I see!  Oh, and, as for endpoint… Ummmmm I have forgotten how to endpoint.  Halp!
Wench: Give thoughts.  Did you like it?
Jezebel: Ummm I LOVED it.   It was so gooooood!
Wench: Aight… Elaborate on that :) 
Jezebel: And cute and confusing sometimes but also sad and then happy.  Also why was he a bird man?  I think I missed that part
Wench: It was just one of his spells.  It helped him fight the largely air-based battle.  But it was an anthropomorphic spell, and he ran the risk of not recalling how to switch back each time he did it
Jezebel: Ohhhhh.  Ummmm… Did it ever explain Sophie’s cure being broken or was it ever broken?
Wench: Ah, right, so… complicated.  First off: the Witch's deal with the demon thing was basicallyyyyy that she got the power to cast curses but couldn't uncurse them.  Or at least, I think that's it, and that's how I've interpreted it.  So she couldn't change Sophie back.  I thinkkk, in large part, Sophie was eventually talking herself into the curse.  Like I said --- and as she's shown in the movie --- she's very doubtful and not-confident throughout the story… And she also had this magical power that let her control reality, within reason.  So, basically, she was expecting herself to be an old woman, and thus she was.  That's why she was young whenever she wasn't consciously focused on the fact that "oh, yeah, I'm old" (e.g. while she was asleep, when she'd woken up but was more focused on what was going on with Howl and his nest than what he was doing, etc).  And whenever she feels more confident/less like she's not worth much, the spell wanes further.  So, whenever the Markl calls her "family," whenever she's dwelling on love for Howl, etc.  And then, at the end, she's still got the silver hair because technically she's still cursed (or, at least, that's how I interpret it), but she's confident in who she is/where she's going/who she's with, so she's perpetually talking herself out of the curse.
Jezebel: Ahhh! Ok that makes sense! I was like…. Have they forgotten ma’am is cursed ☠️🤣
Wench: Also, bit of fun fact, parallel, etc…  Howl tells her, at the end, that her hair is like starlight.  And Calcifer was a falling star who was holding custody of his heart.  So Sophie at the end of the movie is the new bearer of his heart  😭
Jezebel: 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 Awwwwww
Wench: I love this movie alskdjflkasjfd
Jezebel: It is veryyyyy goooood
Wench: Any more to say for endpoint?
Jezebel: Honestly not that I can think of! But I did love it!! 💕💕💕💕😭😭😭
Wench: Aight... what's next on our react schedule, you think?
Jezebel: Hmmmmm 🤷🏻‍♀️ 🤣🤣
Wench: Bitch, I just sent the excel!  You don’t pick one, I will.  And you likely won’t like it.
Jezebel: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Ummmmm… DA?
Wench: Aight, folks, you heard her!  ‘Til then!
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cat3ch1sm · 2 years
Ok so I had a wholesome thought/request.So like the phantom troupe but with a like powerful like 13 year old girl and she’s like the baby of the troupe and they treat her like a daughter or little sister😭😭 idk I just thought it would be a cute thing to write abt. Thanks for listening:)
🐸| actually, this type of thing has crossed my mind a time or two, so it's cool that someone requested it! these ran a little long so i apologize😅😅 ily and thank u for requesting<33
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ light mentions of murder, alcohol
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phantom troupe with a young but powerful member!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ the phantom troupe would probably be quite wary at first, probably unimpressed. let's say this is before kalluto, so she's the youngest one to ever try to get into the spiders.
・❥・their main thing would be like, she's a kid, so there isn't any way she's ruthless enough to be a part of the group. besides, doesn't she have parents to go to? nobody wants to babysit some whiny teenager. their answer is no. no way a kid's gonna be joining their group. lots of losers every day make claims about wanting to be troupe members on the internet and such- this girl just happened to be one of them. they would just send her off, they didn't care.
・❥・but when she walks in, all of that changes. her presence is one of the most unsettling ones that the troupe has ever felt, worse than even some of their members. instantly, they know she isn't like your typical thirteen-year- old. there's nothing behind her eyes except a dark void. she displays no fear whatsoever of the troupe, and has no issue coldly threatening anyone who questions her membership. she also reveals that she's a specialist- a trait nobody in the troupe has but chrollo himself. still, chrollo and his subordinates will still be reluctant to allow a child to become a spider, so chrollo reminds her of the rule: she has to kill another member. this is when they all expect her to back out, waving off her intimidating demeanor as a bluff, but when she actually reveals the full capacity of her Nen and proceeds to move toward shizuku, chrollo stops her to incredulously invite her into the spiders.
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a/n~ anyways got carried away there for a second so here are the actual headcanons 💀💀😭
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・❥・now that she's a spider, will they give her the tattoo?? a very small one, probably, on her arm or somewhere it's easy to spot. nobody feels comfortable doing it elsewhere💀💀💀
・❥・she's allowed to murder on missions. like duh. but missions where they're undercover at places like bars, strip clubs, etc- she won't be allowed to go despite her protests. no alcohol or naked adults for you ma'am
・❥・they do try and monitor their language and what they talk about around her as well
・❥・pakunoda will probably button her dress around her too just bc she feels weird about having most of her boobs out around some kid
・❥・when she does go on missions, there will usually be someone kind of hanging really close by to her at all times- the person varies. also when they have to split up on missions, instead of splitting in only groups of two, they'll send one group of three with two adults and her for her safety. they will never admit it, but it's nice to have someone to look after
・❥・sometimes one of them will take her aside and give her Nen tips. even chrollo does so despite his illusion of being the elusive all-powerful troupe leader.
・❥・ the troupe members never miss a chance to make fun of feitan for being shorter than her🙏🏾🙏🏾
・❥・and yes, the kicker- they will do their very best to keep her from hisoka.
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purecantarella · 3 years
Next to You
happy rosé day yall! i hope you all enjoy this and it was sort of an on the spot idea. it was supposed to be another fic but i got really inspired for this one so here we go 😁
park chaeyoung / rosé x reader
disclaimer/s : this is some wholesome fluff
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"You're falling asleep..." You muttered in an amused tone as you typed on your laptop, your phone propped up on a stack of books. Rosé's eyes shot open momentarily before rolling over onto Hank's small frame before she shook her head.
You chuckled softly, "Yes you are, darling..." Picking up your phone from its make-shift pedestal, you stared at your sleepy-eyed girlfriend. A warm wave washed over you as her lips cracked into a small grin. Four years together and she still found a way to make your heart run a mile a minute.
"Talk to me, baby. How was your day...?" The blonde asked sleepily before nuzzling into the dog in her arms. Your eyes flicked from your Rosé back to the data on the screen in front of you. You began rambling on and on about how your boss was rushing you suddenly despite your deadlines being in the second quarter of the year.
In the middle of your rant her soft voice cut through the speaker. "I wish you were here with me, N/n...In my arms again. I miss it." Suddenly she had your full attention. Her one eye was now closed. You were well aware she was fighting the feeling of sleep.
"It'll only be a few more months, then I'll be home." Rosé smiled at the idea, she was your home. A dreamy smile grew on her lips as her eyes drooped again. "Good...Hurry home, N/n..." With that the smile fell into a serene open mouthed sleep before Hank wriggled his way out and jumped off the bed.
A melancholy feeling fell in your chest. If it wasn't for the opportunities that taking this project on would open, you never would have agreed to leave South Korea to handle the business of your foreign investors for more than half a year. You took a deep breath, pulling your hair out of your face.
For a moment, you stared at your laptop screen then to Rosé's calm face. You opened the calendar on your laptop, seeing that if you rushed through the next three reports you needed to fill out, you'd be cleared for a break. You smiled, body flooding with determination to see your girl again.
Two weeks passed since you made plans to return to home to Rosé. Your presentations all went smoothly and your reports were cross-checked. Finally, you were cleared for the next week or so and since you'd saved every single one of your vacation days, you could even extend that break a little longer.
An uncomfortable and pricey plane ride later, you touched down in South Korea and you hopped onto the first cab to your shared apartment with Rosé. You grinned as you pulled up your phone and dialed in her number.
"N/n! Baby! Why're you calling from your Korea number, you know that calling from this would cost more—" You cut her off, excitement flooding your voice. "I'm home, darling! Are you at the company? I can pick you u—"
Suddenly you heard a man's voice asking her, "Ma'am your boarding pass?" Dread and shock filled you suddenly.
"Wait—You're in—?" Your eyes went wide as you fell into the seat of the cab you sat in. "Noooo..." She whined softly with Jennie in the background complaining about where Lisa was. "N/n, I'm at—" Suddenly the line cut out and your eyes grew impossibly wider.
"Sir, I need you to turn around." Before the driver could complain you leaned forward to look him in the eye. "I will pay you triple to go back. I'm about to see my girlfriend and I will not miss her." The driver smiled to himself before taking a u-turn back to the airport.
The moment you pulled up to the airport, you left the driver an obscene amount of money and ran into the building. Looking for the a crowd that would lead you to your girlfriend. You ran a helpless hand through your hair, frustration and disappointment bubbling in your chest.
You fell into one of the many metal seats that were vacant. You rubbed your temples as you felt a headache brewing when you heard a soft, "Y/n?" You heart jumped and you grinned seeing a lost Thai woman staring down at you, dopey grin on her face.
"Lali!" You cried happily before wrapping your arms around her neck, relief filling you. She scratched the back of her head chuckling as you told her what had happened as you walked to the terminal where the other girls were waiting.
As you drew closer, you could make out the Rosé's silhouette rummaging through her bag while Jennie tried to soothe her by rubbing her back. "You know what, I'm just going to buy a new charger. I'll be right back Jen!" She called frantically before she met your eye from across the almost empty terminal lane.
A hand fell over her agape mouth, while Lisa pointed to you excitedly. It wasn't long before Rosé was barreling towards you with speeds faster than any bullet train. The blonde jumped into your arms and all the stress of the last eight months were forgotten.
She leaned back and held your face in her hands, squishing and pinching you to make sure you were real making you laugh heartily. The sound was absolute music to the Rosé's ears. You took her hands in yours, sliding it down right between the both of you as she stared at you, eyes glimmering with both tears and happiness.
A giddy smile on your face as your nose brushed against hers, "I'm home."
After a long 14-hour flight and additional antics, you finally jumped into the plush bed that the you two picked out the first week you moved in together. You groaned when you felt a sudden weight over your chest. Your heart bubbled with an airy joy that was simply indescribable. You stared down at Rosé, finding comfort in staring into her brown eyes.
No screens. No call cutting unexpectedly. Just her.
You leaned down, placing your lips over her soft and warm. She placed her hand over your cheek before pulling away and falling into your chest once again. You placed your hand behind her head while you nuzzled your nose into her blonde lock.
"I'm never trying to surprise you again, Park Chaeyoung." You joked making her groan softly before propping her chin onto your chest. Brown eyes staring into yours, filled with love and adoration. You leaned forward, pecking her forehead as you hummed a song into her ear.
She giggled as her eyes grew heavier and heavier. You smiled and muttered, "You're falling asleep." Her eyes open slightly before she nods against you, nuzzling into your neck. Suddenly, Hank jumped onto the bed with both of you, finding his place right by your side. You scratched his head lightly before your body relax while your eyes began to lull down.
Everything was perfect. All cause you had the love of your life right next to you.
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vanderlustwords · 3 years
ma'am do u rlyy love steve? I swear you only write angst for steve 😭 how about a steve x reader at the carnival for your halloween drabbles? <33
note: I resent this as it's only half-true!! Technically After You and the original version of This Dress is Karma had happy endings!!! LOL
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The Natural Progression of Us
Please do not repost/translate anywhere. Reblogs/Comments are much welcomed ♥
MASTERLIST || Join My Taglist!
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader (College AU)
Summary: It would be stupid, right? Falling for Steve Rogers, your best friend since 6th grade. But it's always been so easy between you and Steve. So, maybe as he wins you stuffed animals, goes through haunted houses with you, and suffers through the bright lights of the rides, you wonder if it's just the natural progression.
Warnings: Best friends to lovers trope, past mentioned bucky x reader, truly wholesome fluff, steve being his usual attractive self.
Count: ~2.2k
"You sure you're okay with this?"
Steve sighed as he stopped walking and turned to you with a stern look on his face. "Yes for the last time, so stop asking."
You gave him a sheepish smile as you nodded, falling into rhythm with him as you walked.
You could see the carnival rides in front of you, part of it obscured by the gates. As you and Steve approached, he pulled out his wallet and gave the young teen running the ticket booth some cash.
"I can grab my ticket," you spoke up, but Steve shrugged it off.
You know Steve had always been a gentleman; it was just in his nature. It didn't really matter if you were a friend or a lover; Steve never let a girl pay when hanging out with him.
You can't help but smile as you think about those days when you were just shy of being 11 when you met Steve and how he had bravely saved you from a bully pulling on your pigtails and pushing you. Steve had used his allowance to buy you ice cream after, and you've been friends ever since.
"What're you smiling about?"
Steve's question broke you out of thought as you looked at him.
"None of your beeswax," you replied, sticking out your tongue and earning a playful eye-roll from Steve.
The two of you walk further into the carnival, the smell of corndogs and popcorn infiltrating your senses.
You tried to not think more about it, but you've never been good at stopping your train of thought.
Bucky had been there too, but he had thought you were sorely annoying in the ways that young boys always thought girls were annoying.
Still, the three of you had gone on to be good friends as you grew up together, even going to the same university.
You think the three of you had always believed you would be together until the end of the line. And in a way, that was true.
You just never expected that you would end up dating Bucky your second year into university and breaking up before third year could even start.
There was so much tension between you and Bucky. You thought it would change as you dated—like it was going to satiate the tension.
But it hadn't. All you and Bucky figured out is while you both love each other so much to the point of being willing to take a bullet for one another, a romantic relationship wasn't meant to work out.
It's how you were here alone with Steve at the carnival. Steve had watched it happen, hadn't really understood it in the first place—you and Bucky rowed so often, but Steve digressed some people were into that.
And when it fell apart, Steve was trying to be there for both of you. Right now, Bucky was at the bar with a few of their other friends while you were going to go to the carnival alone.
Initially, you had resisted Steve's attempt to join in with you. You felt bad he's been splitting his time evenly for months while you and Bucky needed the space apart before things could return to normal.
But Steve persisted in his heroic way as he always did things.
"So, what do you want to do first?" Steve asked as he looked around.
"Are you sure you want to be here?" You couldn't help but blurt out, wincing at the way Steve glared at you. "I just—I know Peggy was going to be there at the bar tonight and I thought things were going really well between you and her."
It was no secret that Peggy had the hugest crush on Steve—except Steve, maybe. But you remember asking Steve if he'd ever date her, and he seemed amicable to the idea.
Steve shrugged. "I mean, I guess? She's great to talk to but there's no way I'm going to let you wander the carnival alone. I'd be checking my phone every hour scared that I'll see a news article about your gruesome death."
You huffed, smiling at how Steve was half-serious and half-teasing.
"Alright, you conceded," you looked around until you spotted a ride you wanted to go on. "Let's go on that first. Loosen up a bit, you know? Better to do rides now, then eat, then haunted houses, and then games."
Steve clapped his hands. "Good game plan, solider. Let's go!"
"I...never knew you were so strong..."
You whipped your head to the side as you narrowed your eyes at Steve.
"We're going to never talk about that again. You hear me, Rogers? We're taking that to our graves." You looked at him threateningly, but there was some glint in your eye that Steve returned.
You and Steve just exited from a haunted house, and it was filled with clowns, unbeknownst to you, until you were halfway in.
Steve had never seen you so terrified to the point of grabbing his fingers until they lost circulation. You also made a noise that he's never heard from a human being before. Or an animal.
Then, you had frozen in your spot, and Steve ended up having to carry you out as you nearly choked him to death with how tightly you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"I never knew you were so scared of clowns," Steve said thoughtfully. He had been friends with you for so long. Why hadn't that ever come up?
"Because our day-to-day life doesn't involve running into killer clowns. And I hope it continues that way," you said seriously.
Steve looked at you for a long moment before he grinned. "Wimp."
"Fuck you," you stuck your tongue out. "I've seen how you are around chihuahuas."
"They shake too much! How am I supposed to know if it's cold or if it's going to go rabid!"
You end up laughing harder than you ever had since the breakup. You distantly wonder why it's always been easier with Steve.
"Steve, it's really fine."
"No, no," Steve said determinedly. "I'm going to win this or go broke trying."
You stared helplessly at the side while Steve slapped down another $20 on the counter for the worker to exchange for some baseballs.
In terms of strength, Steve was unmatched by anyone. But this game required a delicacy to keep the balls inside the bin.
The last four tries resulted in the balls bouncing out every single time.
Taking a deep breath, Steve ever-so-gently tossed the balled with purpose.
It landed in.
"Oh my god," you whispered.
Then, the second one stayed in.
"Oh my god, oh my god!" You squealed a little more excitedly.
But Steve refrained from getting his hopes up, even if he felt a little flutter in his chest.
When the last ball rolled around the rim and landed in, staying inside, Steve hollered as you jumped and congratulated him.
The worker couldn't help but smile as he asked Steve which stuffed animal he wanted. Steve pointed at the giant stuffed baby Yoda that was nearly half your size.
"You must really love your girlfriend," the worker said.
"Oh," you both said with surprise. "We're not—" but the worker already walked off to help another customer.
Shaking it off, you couldn't help the giant grin when Steve passed it to you. You can't believe he remembered you gushing about how cute you found baby Yoda after watching The Mandalorian months ago.
"I can't believe you really won it," you pressed your face against the softness of the toy and began to walk again. Steve was getting a plastic bag that you'd inevitably have to use to avoid getting the baby Yoda dirty.
"I'm nothing if not a persistent man," Steve winked as he fell into step with you.
"I think it would've been cheaper to probably buy this online somewhere," you sighed.
"This isn't about the $100 I just spent," Steve tsked. "I earned this with hard work and dedication. You can't lie and say this baby Yoda doesn't feel extra special."
You turned your face to the side while still pressed against the stuffed toy, trying to hide your smirk.
"You are very right, Mr. Rogers," you said with seriousness as you turned back. "I will treasure this my whole life. It will be a family heirloom.”
"Damn right," Steve muttered. "I just spent $100 on it."
"I thought you just said this wasn't about the money," you quirked your brow.
The two of you stare at each other for a moment before bursting out into laughter.
"I haven't been on one of these since I was eleven years old."
You turned your head to your left, catching Steve holding the pole attached to his mechanical horse. He looked up, seeing you and him in the reflection, and smiled.
The last time you were on a merry-go-round was also when you were eleven. And it was with Steve.
It seemed like a fun way to end the night. You were too tired to ride anything extreme, a haunted house was out of the question, and you had more stuffed animals than a person should.
"Nostalgic, isn't it?" You grinned as you leaned your head against the pole.
Steve followed suit and smiled back at you. As the ride started to move, you couldn't help but think about how much time had passed. Steve was always cute, even when he was young. Now, he was also handsome, pretty even—though you'd never tell that to his face.
When Steve smiled, there was a boyish charm to him, and you could easily see why Peggy was so enamored by him.
"Thanks for coming out with me tonight," you said suddenly and genuinely.
Steve's smile only got wider. "Anything for my best girl."
And it was strange. Steve had said that maybe over a hundred times since you've been friends with him. It was something of an inside joke between the two of you. Something that belonged to just him and you, shared by no one else.
Yet now, the words made your heart skip a beat.
Oh no, you thought, feeling the heat rise in your chest. You were going to have a crush on Steve at this rate. And that would be just a terribly, terribly stupid idea.
It hadn't worked out with one of your best friends; surely, it wouldn't be proper to develop a crush on the other. It wouldn't work out, anyway!
But when you stare at Steve, you think about how it's always been so easy with him. You could joke and tease each other without it becoming bickering. You knew Steve better than anyone. He knew you better than anyone.
Steve had always embraced you for who you were from the time you were eleven and now. Even now, he was staring at you with a giant, stupid grin, obviously satisfied with you having a good night.
And you just—you couldn't contain—
"I wish I had fallen in love with you first," you blurted out.
Mortification set in faster than the drop of fear ride just a couple of feet away from the merry-go-round.
God, that was a lousy fucking thing to say. Were you an absolute idiot? Jesus Christ, maybe this ride would malfunction and propel you right into—
"Me too."
"Huh?" You blinked.
Steve still had his head resting against the pole as he gripped it with both hands. "Me too," he repeated, his eyes sharp as he gazed at you and no longer smiling.
"I...uh..." You stumbled, elegant as always.
The corners of Steve's mouth lifted just slightly upwards.
"To be honest, I don't really know when I suddenly wished that," Steve shrugged. "I just...one day I was sitting with you and it just occurred to me that I wished I were Bucky...minus the breaking up part."
"Why...?" You asked softly, surprised that Steve could hear it over the obnoxious music.
"Because you loved him, maybe you still do—"
"I don't," you said but then hastily added, "I mean, not like that anymore."
The corner of Steve's lips went a little higher.
"Because you loved him," Steve repeated, this time with finality. "I thought, how nice it'd be if that could be me—if we could just follow the natural progression of our relationship."
"I think we are..." you nervously chuckled, tapping the pole lightly.
Steve's eyes twinkled. His pupil widened despite the brightness of everything.
"Yeah?" Steve breathed with hopefulness.
God, Steve Rogers was so fucking pretty.
"Slowly but surely, I'm sure." There you go with your elegant words again.
Steve merely laughed as he sat up, releasing the pole as he wiped his hands on his jeans. It occurred to you then that Steve might've been nervous to admit what he had.
You tried to tell the crush you were developing to slow down.
"Good," Steve stupidly grinned.
Silence falls between the two of you as you enjoy the rest of the ride.
"Oh man," Steve suddenly groaned. "Bucky's definitely going to punch me in the face."
"Will he really?" You asked with worry.
Steve merely waved off your concern. "Yeah, but after he'll tell me to take real good care of you." He snorted. "As if I haven't been doing that all my life already."
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #662: Drip Oscar (RWBY)
Oscar: Drip Coat.jpg
Oscar: Soooo.......What do you guys think?
Ruby: (・o・)
Blake: (●__●)
Yang: ⊙.☉ ⊙.☉ ⊙.☉ ⊙.☉ ⊙.☉ ⊙.☉ ⊙.☉
Weiss: Oscar..... darling......As a proud member of our wholesome Groupchat, I speak for everyone when I ask: What on Green Earth are you wearing?
Oscar: A Drip Coat. It's a coat that has been passed down from generations of how cool and powerful it's dripness level really is.
Oscar: At least that's what Sun and Neptune told me when we left out of the mall today.
Oscar: Uhhhhhhh.....Yang? Is everything alright?
Blake: Don't mind me her. She's just laughing like a complete maniac right now.
Blake: Speaking of which, could you tell Sun and Neptune to join our chat? We have a few choices of words for them.
Oscar: Sure thing.
Blake: Thank you.
Sun Boi and The Great Neptune has Joined the Chat
Sun: Yo!
Neptune: What's happening, ladies?
Blake: Sun, why the hell did you and Neptune made Oscar wear that heavy coat for!?
Weiss: And what kind of stupid nonsense have you two dolts you been putting onto his head!?
Weiss: "Drip Coat" "Dripness Level"!? Explain yourselves right now!
Ruby: Yeah! Is this whole "Dripness" thing is real or......
Neptune: Well, to answer your question, Rubes, yes. Dripness is, in fact, very real.
Sun: And to answer everyone else's questions, we just wanted to see how it looks on the little guy. And maybe have him be a hit with the ladies.
Blake: Yeah? Well, we're ladies and we're more worried about his safety and well-being than being popular.
Weiss: And now we're worry about your influences on him too!
Oscar: Oh, come on, you guys. There's no need to be harsh on them. They're only trying to see how cool I can really be.
Ruby: But we think you're cool and amazing already, Oscar.
Oscar: Wait. Really?
Ruby: Yeah! You're the coolest farm boi we've ever known!~
Oscar: Wow.... Thanks, Ruby. I think all of you are cool and amazing too. In your own way, of course•‿•
Ruby: ( ꈍᴗꈍ)( ꈍᴗꈍ)( ꈍᴗꈍ)( ꈍᴗꈍ)( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Blake: You're too kind ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Blake: Yang says thank you by the way.
Yang: Love you, farm boi!~ (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Oscar: Love you too, Yang lol
Sun: See, kiddo? I told you would be a hit with the ladies eventually!
Blake: Sun!
Sun: What? I was only giving him some confidence boost here!
Neptune: Yeah! He definitely earns it in our book.
Oscar: Thanks for the support, guys.
Sun: No problem, bud! (◠‿・)—☆
Weiss: Okay. Compliments aside, you better hope and pray that your parents doesn't see that picture you sent us, young man.
Ruby: Yeaaaaaah.... About that......
Oscar: Oh God. You already sent it them, didn't you?
Ruby: Sorry!
Neptune: Wait. Who's Oscar's parents?
Ruby: Well.................
Vomit Boy, Thunder Thighs, and Master Chief Ren has Joined the Chat
Ren: Oscar, what on heavenly Earth are you wearing?
Jaune: Better question is why are you wearing it in the first place? It's Freaking Hot in Vauco remember!?
Nora: I hope you're not planning on buy it and wearing it around town, young man. The heatwave could easily get you dehydrated and passed out on the streets if you're not careful!
Oscar: Nora, how did you know all of that?
Nora: A mother's love for her babies knows no bounds, sweetie. Plus, I just looked it up on the internet.
Sun: Time-Out! Oscar, you're telling me that Nora's your mom!!???
Oscar: She might as well be......
Nora: Uh correction! I am a mother who loves you very much, Oscar Everlynn Pine!
Oscar: Whatever you say, mom......
Oscar: .....Also I love you too.
Nora: ( ꈍᴗꈍ)( ꈍᴗꈍ)( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Neptune: Awwwwwwww~
Nora: Sun. Neptune.
Neptune: Uhhhhhh......
Sun: I'm.....guessing by bold fonts of our names that she's.... not too happy with us, is she?
Jaune: Yep.
Ren: Pretty much.
Nora: Are you two being bad influences on my son right now?
Sun: What!? No way! We're totally being good influences here!
Neptune: Yeah! We were only teaching him how be cool and the essence of "Dripness" and all it's glory.
Ren: Drip....Ness?
Weiss: It's this stupid nonsense they're teaching to Oscar.
Weiss: Neptune Vasilias.....Was that text message implying that you are yelling at me right now?
Weiss: Do Not Test Me.....jpg
Neptune: No ma'am...... I'm sorry......
Sun: Lmao! You are not having the best of luck right now, are ya, bud?
Neptune: Shut up, Sun.
Sun: But as I was saying, you guys have nothing to worry about here. He's already in good hands.
Oscar: Sun's right. They're actually pretty fun to hangout with.
Oscar: Not to say that you guys aren't fun either!! I love being around all of you!!
Nora: We know you do, sweetie lol. We're just so happy you're having yourself a good time.
Oscar: Thanks, mom.
Nora: ( ꈍᴗꈍ)( ꈍᴗꈍ)( ꈍᴗꈍ)( ꈍᴗꈍ)( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Jaune: Yeah. No. Sorry, fellas, but I don't think I see you two as good influences on Oscar.
Sun: Ah what!?
Oscar: Jaune, what are you talking about?
Jaune: I'm just saying. Making you wear heavy coat in a city filled with heat, teaching you nonsense like Weiss said.....I personally don't think that being a good influence to me. Not at all.
Oscar: ......You know, this might be a huge hunch here, but are you saying all of this is because you're jealous of Sun and Neptune?
Sun: Wait. For real?
Neptune: Is that true, Jauney-Boy?
Jaune: NO! Of course not!
Jaune: That's crazy!
Jaune: I mean, really, Oscar. Why would I, the Fearless Leader, would be jealous over two of the most popular guys on Beacon!?
Jaune: Like, they're soooo popular that girls kept falling over heels for them almost everyday in class!
Jaune: I mean, seriously! That's soooo ridiculous on paper that I'm almost close to laughing.
Ruby: Jaune?
Jaune: Yes, Ruby?
Ruby' You just sent five separate messages in the chat. I think that kinda proven Oscar's point here.
Oscar: It does.
Jaune: .......It was a.........typo?
Ruby: I don't think so.
Oscar: It clearly isn't.
Jaune: Don't sass me, mister.
Sun: Holy crap. You really are jealous of us lol!
Jaune: NO I'M NOT!! I just.... Speaking my mind is all.
Neptune: Oh Jaune, my banana hair friend. There's no need to deny it. I mean, it's not everyday that someone like you, is jealous of our coolness.
Jaune: ಠ︵ಠ
Nora: Are you implying that our Jaune-Jaune is not cool!?
Neptune: No. Not at all. All I'm saying is that maybe....juuuuust maybe, he might not be at the same level as Sun and I when it comes to our overall coolness factor.
Ren: Apologies, Neptune, but haven't I heard you gotten yourself rejected and struck out by almost every ladies you came across in Vauco? And on your first day arriving here nonetheless. If so, then I really wouldn't be talking about your level of "coolness factor" in front our Fearless Leader if I were you. Just saying.
Ruby: \(◎o◎)/\(◎o◎)/\(◎o◎)/
Oscar: (●__●)
Jaune: (‘◉⌓◉’)(‘◉⌓◉’)(‘◉⌓◉’)
Sun: ........Jesus...........
Blake: D-Did....Ren just.....
Weiss: Roasted Neptune? Yes. I believe he did.
Blake: Well, Yang went back to laughing again. So it must be effective.
Weiss: Possible.
Nora: Ren, have Jaune and I ever tell you how much we love you as of late?
Ren: You told me you love me this morning.
Nora: Oh..... Right.....Well......
Nora: WE LOVE YOU!!!~
Ren: I love you guys too, Nora. Very much.
Ren: But anyways, what are you gonna say about that, Neptune?
The Great Neptune Left Chat.
Weiss: Neptune?
Blake: Where did he go?
Sun: Don't worry, you guys. Neptune's fine. He just lowered his head on the table and sulking. I think he's crying too.
Sun: A Broken Neptune.jpg
Blake: Huh. He really does look broken.
Sun: Right!? I mean, Jesus Christ, Ren! Since when did you became a savage?
Ren: I have my ways. Just know that I'm not same as I used to be. Not mostly at least.
Sun: An almost changed man. I respect that!
Ren: Thank you.
Oscar: Oooooookay. Seeing that this Groupchat is going haywire already, I just wanted to let you guys know that we are outside at the Noodle Shop getting ourselves something to eat and will be coming back home in shortly....After we cheer up Neptune.
Oscar: And before anyone, no, we didn't buy the drip coat. They only wanted to see how it looks on me. So you don't have to worry if I'm planning on buying it or wearing it outside.
Ruby: Well, I'm glad you didn't get the coat. I don't want you to pass out on the streets.
Weiss: Neither does any of us. We love you too much to see you getting yourself hurt again.
Oscar: I know. I love you guys too. And don't worry, I'll be extra careful from here on. And Ruby, I'll bring you cookies once I get back.
Ruby: Really!?
Oscar: Yeah. To cheer you up and stuff.
Ruby: Awwwwwww Oscar!~ Thank you!~ You being here makes me happy already!~ (◠‿・)—☆
Oscar: Aw I'm flattered~ ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Nora: I'm expecting a big hug outta you once I see you back home, mister!
Oscar: Well do, ma'am. See you guys in a few.
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Special Preview: Gateway Drug | 1994
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @emariehorror  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter    @arianareirg  @gingerspicetalks
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze @reigns420 @sixxseconds2love @leatherandheels @dogmom2014 @allyouneedislove-mp3 @n0-self-c0ntro1 @viinceneil
"Ow!" I squeak when, hot oil popping my hand when I try to turn the bacon over in the pan. 
"Mom, maybe you should wait for Dad." Jamey suggests from the stool at the bar, his water colors paint set scattered across the counter. 
"'Mom'? Since when am I 'Mom'?" I ask him, feeling a little hurt. 
"Woodson says only babies say, 'mommy'." He says next.
"You shouldn't be taking advice from a four year old who calls his mother by her name." I state. 
"He lets me play with his hotwheels during toy time." He explains as Nikki comes in from the garage and heads to the sink to wash his hands. 
"I can buy you your own hotwheels, Jamey. Don't let someone boss you around because they give you something in return." I tell him. 
"Why not?" 
"Because you're a Sixx. And Sixxes don't sell out." Nikki states, drying his wet hands. 
"Exactly." I add, hissing when I get popped again. "Can you do this?" I reluctantly ask Nikki, holding my wrist that's got a red splotch on it now and he pokes his lip out.  
"Aww, poor baby," he says. 
"Yeah, I am, actually." I reply and he chuckles, patting me on the ass to move me out of the way. "Thank you." I reply, kissing his cheek. 
"Ew!" Jamey says, grossed out. 
"Ew?!" I raise my brows, looking at him and he knows what's coming as he wiggles down from his chair. "Ew?!" I step to him and he tries to run but I catch him, making him kick his legs, squealing and laughing when I wrap my arms around him and pepper kisses to his cheek while tickling him. 
"I'm sorry, mommy, I'm sorry!" He laughs out loudly. 
I eventually have mercy on him, catching my breath and he turns on me, tickling me and kissing my cheek, making me laugh and fall over to the carpet. 
Within a couple moments we're both out of breath and laying on the floor, looking up at the ceiling…
"So, when can we go get my hotwheels?" He asks me. 
I look at him, his brown hair and green eyes, his little dimples shining with his mischievous yet wholesome smile. 
"You are so much like your dad," I tell him, tickling his little apple juice belly sticking out of his transformers shirt, making him laugh again. 
The phone starts ringing and I stand back up with a groan, holding my back, still sore from my antics with Nikki last night, and head to the phone in the kitchen. 
"Hello?" I answer it, rubbing my lips together, seeing Jamey go to Nikki to try to watch him cook. 
"H-Hey, Viv, it's Robbin." I hear on the other end and I glance at Nikki's back that's turned to me while he stands over the stove. 
"Hey," I reply, turning my back, looking at the wall. 
"I know we haven't spoken since me and Nikki got into it but...I really need to talk to you because I don't know who else to really go to about it that won't run their mouth, right now." He says shakily and I furrow my brows. 
"What's going on?" 
"I can't tell you over the phone, Viv, you know, I really can't, it's um...do you think you can meet me somewhere?" 
"Well, tonight," He says. 
"Um...I--yeah, yeah, I can." I nod, remembering we only have Jamey since Monroe and Santana are with Sharise. 
"I'm staying at that shithole hotel off Sunset, right now." He tells me. 
"Okay, I'll be down there in a couple hours." I say. 
"Alright, see you then." 
"Alright, bye," 
"Bye." We hang up and put the phone on the hook and let out a heavy sigh, rubbing my forehead. 
"Who was that?" Nikki asks, putting the bacon onto a plate. 
"Izzy's back in town to visit." I lie without skipping a beat. "He wants to hangout." I add. 
"Oh." He mumbles, unconvinced, and I sigh out. 
"Jamey, baby, go wash your hands for dinner." I tell him. 
"Yes, ma'am." He says, walking back to his bathroom. 
"Is me going out tonight a problem?" I ask him, crossing my arms. 
"I didn't say that." He says, turning to face me. "I didn't say that at all." He passively shrugs. 
"You're acting like it." I say next and he turns back around to pour the grease in the pan out as I grab my glass of water off the counter and take a sip. 
"Just '91 and '92 all over again." He
mumbles, referring to the copious amounts of time I spent with Izzy on the Illusion tour. 
I slam my glass down on the counter and glare at his back. 
"If you wanna accuse me of another affair, you can, I don't care." I tell him. 
"I'm not accusing you of anything." 
"'Just like '91 and '92'? Did you forget you accused me multiple times of screwing Izzy in those two years or…?" 
"Trust me, Viv, it's hard to forget your wife barely calling you to check in, barely taking your calls--" 
"I was under a lot of stress and pressure, Nikki, I was tired and wasn't awake a majority of the times you'd call." 
"You were also pregnant and had no Goddamn business--"
"--Don't say that word, Nikki--"
"--Even being on that tour."  He ignores me. 
I don't answer, trying to understand his perspective before things escalate. 
"I love you, but I'm going after dinner." Is all I say. 
"You say that like anything I've ever said has stopped you from doing exactly what you wanted to do." He says as I'm about to go to our room and I immediately turn on my heel and face him again. 
"Excuse me?" I snap. 
"I'm hungry!" Jamey yells from his hallway, running this way. 
"I'll handle you later." Nikki promises me in a grumble and our son comes in before I can answer. 
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cattles-bians · 3 years
damie vibecca exes au part 8
post directory
obsetress: now i just want fanart of damvibecca at the gym
em: well. pitch it to me comrade ghostfucker
obsetress: idk that's about as far as i got i just reread that bit about vibecca in their matching gym outfits and my brain got stuck
em: hypothetically do u have a colour palette in mind bc i associate gym outfits w like. bright loud colours and
em: idk if it works w our earth sign queens
[em note: emily is a liar and did NOT draw fanart of damvibecca at the gym]
[em note 2: we have the gym art now [x] [x]]
obsetress: i was imagining like charcoals tbh, or jewel tones
obsetress: i could see them in like jewel tone purples or that jewel tone blue green color
obsetress: yeah viola jewel tones or blacks n charcoals
obsetress: becs pastels and camels but jewel tones at the gym
em: it’s about Matching
em: And Destroying Ur Ex (platonically)
obsetress: yeah
obsetress: viola's feeling particularly smug about it but then
obsetress: dani's in an old school tshirt and shorts and jamie's in............ one of dani's old school tshirts and shorts
em: YES
obsetress: not intentionally, she just grabbed whatever was there
obsetress: dani chirps "oh you two look so cute! baby look, they have a matched set"
obsetress: viola arches an eyebrow "and so do you, it seems" and dani laughs "not on purpose, jamie just grabbed whatever was on top in the drawer"
viola: you two... share... a wardrobe?
dani: yeah?
em: god cute
obsetress: cute n dumb
em: they can share nearly everything except pants
em: well. pants as a treat
em: haha pants
em: trousers
obsetress: also rly nice rly clean smooth funny juxtaposition in my brain of vibecca being the ones who intentionally match and damie the ones for whom it just accidentally happens
obsetress: hahahah pants
obsetress: they can share pants but................ should they
em: idk miss chapter 12 danis thighs jamies pyjamas
em: should they
obsetress: PLEASE
obsetress: that's exactly what i was referring to THANKS
obsetress: anyway
obsetress: rebecca just laughs
obsetress: viola huffs and bex is like "sorry, babe, but it is kind of funny"
em: dani jamie wearing like
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obsetress: YEAH
em: poor viola
obsetress: thinking about dani's ass in those
em: yeah....
em: violas huffing until jamies exercise flush lasts a little Too Long
obsetress: big blush jamie taylor
em: she’s still like ‘oi dani close ur mouth’ but then she
obsetress: yeah
obsetress: just ogling each other
obsetress: (they briefly pause to ogle vi and rebecca passing a medicine ball back and forth as they do squats and have to acknowledge that, yeah, they've all done alright by themselves)
em: funny montage of the gang doing exercise while surreptitiously taking Peaks
obsetress: omg all i want
obsetress:sometimes having friends as a lesbian means they're all your exes except one, who's your gf, and you're all checking each other out always anyway
And That’s Beautiful
obsetress: dani: checking out viola's biceps, rebecca's abs
viola: checking out dani's thighs n ass
rebecca: minding her business
jamie: scowling n scrawny
obsetress:(n also checking out dani's thighs n ass, viola's biceps, and begrudgingly peeking at rebecca's abs)
obsetress: every other woman at the gym: checking out jamie, trying to figure out the entire dynamic here
are they a polycule? what
em: jamie probably like
em: maybe she gets really into running bc she just checks out and listens to her audiobooks but like
em: slow twitch vs fast twitch fibers so stays scrawny
obsetress: i can see that
obsetress: just gets on the treadmill and zones tf out
em: jamie ‘why don’t i have biceps’ taylor vs jamie ‘no u gotta lift w ur hips’ taylor
obsetress: she hates it but her psych told her it'll be good for her routine so you know she was like yes ma'am every day ma'am
em: cant believe safe lifting procedures screwed her over
em: ‘yes ma’am every day ma’am’ ur just Going for it arent ya anshdjdh
obsetress: sorry but don't tell me you can't hear it
obsetress: jamie's the person who takes notes in therapy
obsetress: jamie, in the locker room after their workout: do my biceps look bigger?
dani, patiently, already knowing where this is going: bigger than what, baby?
jamie: than yesterday
dani: mm, rome wasn't built in a day, you know
jamie: do they look bigger at all?
dani: well
em: i mean not to perceive her too much but mattresses scene indicates AE/jamie like. at least some muscle in the leg area
em: poor jamie
em: not playing to her strengths
obsetress: yeah she does
obsetress: i mean ae has toned af arms
obsetress: she's just wiry
em: how could i forget the benchpressing dog gif
obsetress: dani's like "jamie, baby, come do squats with me and vi" "m'good" "baby, c'mon, you'll like it" "don't wanna do squats" "it could be good for you" "don't wanna do squats with you two"
em: dani: you gotta like. eat more
jamie: i eat plenty
dani: no u graze all day and then u don’t eat dinner
obsetress: dani: five biscuits spread out across a day doesn't count as eating more
em: dani: protein jamie it’s abt protein
obsetress: dani: you need more protein, which is why i think some lentils would really––
em: jamie thinks protein shakes are Nasty
obsetress: jamie does think protein shakes are nasty but dani will make her a smoothie and sneak it in like she's a child
obsetress: viola and rebecca, with their matching monogrammed blender bottles, just staring
obsetress: becca's like "jamie, just drink it, really, it's fine"
obsetress: viola just does this haughty sniff at her and that's what finally gets jamie to start
em: jamie can deal w being a brat but the idea of viola having Anything over her drives her Insane
em: Drives Her Fuckign Nuts
obsetress: she hates it
obsetress: just the absolute fuckin worst
em: do u think dani ever like
em: like they REALLY need to clear out storage but it’s a boiling frog situation where it’s increased so gradually that
em: like jamie thinks it’s Fine storage is Clear Enough
em: it’s Not
em: danis like. should we invite rebecca and vi over
em: just be Idea of A Snide Viola Comment fills jamie w a burning rage
obsetress: oh my god
obsetress: i'm obsessed with this
obsetress: i would read a whole oneshot about this
em: eventually dani comes clean abt it n jamie thinks it’s v funny bc yknow; open and honest communication is a v important part of their dynamic
em: jamie: next time just tell me my storage looks like shite dani or i will be grumbling abt viola for a Week
obsetress: inevitably
obsetress: when they do have to come over to clean
obsetress: dani offers them takeout and wine ("step up from pizza and beer at least," jamie grumbles) and viola's like "jesus, dani, let's just go out to dinner. my treat"
obsetress: at dinner, viola's like "if you want more storage, i have some wonderful properties––"
obsetress: rebecca's mouthing "sorry" from next to her across the table
em: every time they go out rebecca takes vi aside n is like ok sweetheart so you promise you’re not gonna try convince them to sell the apartment again
em: and violas like (mock horror) of course i won’t. ye of little faith
em: and every time
em: every time she does
em: she’s tryna HELP
obsetress: she would too she'd be like
obsetress: "i'm just trying to HELP"
obsetress: "they're our FRIENDS"
em: i’m on a mission to figure out like
em: this is way way down the line
em: but i wanna believe eventually viola and jamie start to, at the v least, Tolerate each other
em: jamie might even be fond of the crazy bird but she’ll NEVER admit it
obsetress: god like vi's on business or some shit in like
obsetress: the UAE
obsetress: negotiating some Deal
obsetress: and so dani and jamie get dinner with just bex and they're driving home after and having a perfectly mundane conversation and then jamie's just blurting like
obsetress: "i think i miss vi"
em: she’s HORRIFIED
em: she tries to play it off as like um
em: she’s Too Comfortable
em: things are Too Boring
em: which is weird knowing everything we know abt jamie
em: but actually she just... maybe misses viola
em: danis like god i wish i was recording this
obsetress: jamie's passed out next to her at home later (it's ten pm) and dani's chattering happily away on the phone with vi (drinking a martini in her dubai hotel room at one am since, y'know, no bars) in bed right next to her
obsetress: "jamie, uh, said she misses you. i know. no, i KNOW. don't tell her i told you. yeah, yeah, you win, vi, we know. uh-huh. uh-huh. i'm gonna pretend you didn't just ask me that"
em: CUTE
em: u can’t lord it over her vi it’s a little secret
em: vi's like when have i EVER
em: she does
obsetress: once they're good again, dani and vi absolutely just. lose time (there's a metaphor in there) talking to each other still
em: this is wholesome tbh
em: i really like the damie stories where like
em: look it’s nice when damie have each other but it’s also nice when they have their own friends and stuff
em: dunno how to articulate that well
em: it’s a balance! it’s a balance
obsetress: yeah! exactly
obsetress: because that's part of the love n possession thing too yk
obsetress: not to say either of them would ever be like "no friends for you" but
obsetress: wanting to have a life outside of your partner yk
obsetress: they're meeting vi and rebecca for dinner after vi gets back and vi's just grinning and sweeping jamie into a hug "i heard you missed me"
em: she gets jamie a souvenir t-shirt
em: it’s too big
em: OR
em: child’s t-shirt
obsetress: (jamie sleeps in it that night)
obsetress: oh childs might be better
obsetress: she's like "you're a little scrawny, so..."
em: jamie sleeps in it.... soft bitch
em: she feels too much
obsetress: jamie taylor softest bitch
obsetress: dani watches her pull it on and raises an eyebrow and jamie's just like "wot"
em: jamies like (grumbles) i knew she was comin back i’m just
em: shouldn’t you be HAPPY about this development dani
em: ‘s’a gift... s’rude not t’....’
obsetress: YEAH
obsetress: dani just grins "mmhm"
em: it accidentally makes its way into jamies workout clothes pile
obsetress: oh my GOD oh my god
obsetress: viola's shit eating GRIN when jamie shows up at the gym in it
em: jamies like fok
em: mental maths tryna figure if she wants to just. work out in a sports bra
em: she Doesn’t
obsetress: she Doesn't!
obsetress: (she's shy)
em: god it’s one of those shirts that’s like
em: someone who loves me went to UAE and got me this t-shirt or something
obsetress: dani corners her in their empty row in the locker room "you could've just taken it off, you know" "dunno, not everyone needs to... see that, you know?" "i'd certainly like to see it" jamie rolls her eyes but she's grinning "you can see that any time" "well maybe i wanted to see it during my workout" "dani......."
em: jamies embarrassed bc of her gnarly farmers tan means her tummy is at least five shades lighter than the rest of her
em: crisp tan lines
obsetress: god jamie's farmers tan
em: once again i am bringing my tan lines jamie agenda
obsetress: dani loves jamies dumb farmers tan so much
obsetress: she giggles
obsetress: but it's the most loving giggle possible
em: and then when she gets into running...
em: god when i was rowing there were a couple ppl w like what i called a neapolitan icecream tan which is
em: gimme a second
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obsetress: jamie gets all huffy when dani giggles at her tan but then dani's like "baby, no, i think it's cute" and jamie gives her a look and dani grins mischievously and ducks her head
obsetress: and then she's licking and kissing and nipping her way along jamie's dumb tan lines
em: there it is
obsetress: it was inevitable
em: so caught up in the joy of jamies dumb farmer tans i forgot abt her gnarly scar she keeps under wraps
em: baby
em: the most baby
obsetress: baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
em: jamie decides the only way to claim the stupid t-shirt as hers is to cut off the sleeves
em: it’s abt the ritual of the thing
obsetress: she shows up at the gym wearing it and
obsetress: that's viola's "oh no she's hot" moment
obsetress: literally just like
obsetress: world stops
obsetress: viola stares
em: jamie finally gets to do an exercise that shows off her sinewy manual labor grip forearms
em: viola’s probably just as horrified to find jamie hot as every time jamies like oh no
em: violas hot
em: and once again jamie CANNOT know she’s hot bc she will be insufferable
em: she will be the Worst
obsetress: viola's tugging rebecca aside "why didn't you tell me jamie was hot" "what?" viola waves a hand and rebecca just furrows her brow a little and is like "that's just... what she looks like, vi"
obsetress: viola corners dani next "why didn't you tell me jamie was hot" "i did" "oh. right" viola pauses, then "why didn't you make sure i was listening?" dani just gives her a look and walks away
obsetress: dflksdjfldaj god the way jamie and viola are. the same
obsetress: kind of incredibly, in the same ways dani and rebecca are the same
em: “hey baby, did viola seem different today? seemed off”
em: jamies like. is she mad at me. did i break another social taboo.
em: rebecca ‘jamie looks like jamie’ jessel vs dani ‘my gf is so hot i can’t stand it’ clayton
obsetress: "i tell you how hot she is at least three times a week, vi"
em: danis tryna goad her into making the damn shirt a crop top
em: jamies like yeah but isn’t that a step too far. i feel like i am destroying this shirt too much
em: she does it anyway
em: so jamies workout clothes are danis endless grey baggy school t-shirts and this one ugly souvenir shirt that like
em: psychological warfare and she doesn’t even know it
obsetress: i would........ like to see it
obsetress: also crop top jamie is one of my favorite jamies
obsetress: she is severely underrated
em: crop top jamie is
obsetress: and we do not talk about her enough
em: jamie wear More crop tops
obsetress: viola and rebecca in bed, in matching facemasks, after going to the gym post-epiphany that Jamie Is Hot
obsetress: viola: are dani and jamie hotter than us?
rebecca: what?
obsetress: and like
obsetress: viola is NOT insecure
obsetress: she is constantly confident that she's the most attractive woman in the room at any given moment, but
obsetress: she's just so staggered by this realization
em: some neutral third party (ms grose and mr sharma probably) are like well. u guys definitely have a little more of a scary thing going on
em: i’m imagining rebecca and viola at brunch w hannah and owen v seriously discussing this
em: viola brings it up and rebecca GROANS but then she gets invested in the convo
obsetress: GOD yeah
obsetress: she's leaning forward and gesturing with her fork "when you say 'scary'..........."
em: owens like scary is a compliment
em: hannah grose sips her tea knowingly
obsetress: rebecca just narrows her eyes at hannah grose and hannah raises her eyebrows and shrugs
em: after a week or so viola bursts into a room w stupid big sunglasses and a tray of take out coffees and she’s like Don’t You Worry Jamie I Have Concluded You’re Hot But I’m Not Threatened By It
em: jamies like sorry WHAT
em: you’ve been thinking about WHAT
em: viola leaves without ever following it up
obsetress: dani is entirely unfazed
obsetress: doesn't even blink
em: danis like neat she remembered the oat milk
em: everyone in this au is insane
obsetress: any lesbian in 2021 is insane
obsetress: par for the course
em: was gonna protest but
em: Yeah
obsetress: this lesbian meme account i follow on insta is doing “stop asking who’s the top and who’s the bottom. start asking...” posts
obsetress: and one of them is “start asking who’s baby and who’s fuck around and find out” and it just makes me chuckle
obsetress: jamie taylor baby
obsetress: viola lloyd also baby
em: dani is baby passing and jamie is fuck around faking
obsetress: oh my god that’s why that’s why i think we cracked it
obsetress: dani (fuck around) dated jamie (baby) and vi (baby)
obsetress: rebecca (fuck around) dated jamie (baby) and vi (baby)
obsetress: the reason they could never cross further even tho per the transitive property dani (so similar to vi) should be able to date beccs and jamie (so similar to beccs) should be able to date vi is because
obsetress: you can’t have two babies and two fuck arounds in a relationship together
em: oh of course. i see. i see
em: however in the rare rare crack ship of the ‘jamie viola hatefuck’ a similar phenomenon to ‘social anxiety mum friend ordering food’ instinct takes over and someone fucks around and finds out
em: this is just my unhinged jamie viola hatefuck bulkshit which is. it’s ironic ok it’s ironic it’s ironic it’s
em: ok one last thought bc i know it’s super late for u but
obsetress: omg i also have a last thought let’s trade
em: what if mikey is about isabels age n jamie ends up looking after him for one reason or another for a bit
em: and viola absolutely Dotes on him
obsetress: omg
obsetress: that’s what does it. jamie seeing viola w mikey
em: grumble grumble i guess she’s not that bad
em: except then she’s like god what if mikey likes her MORE than me
obsetress: “dani what if mikey gets one of those weird first crushes on vi”
obsetress: dani doesn’t even look up from the laundry “who hasn’t had a crush on vi”
obsetress: jamie’s like “mE” and dani just gives her the most withering look
em: danis like It’s Par For The Course Jamie
em: danis a teacher she’s like it happens don’t sweat it
em: anyway
em: what was. what was ur last little thought
obsetress: i was just thinking more about viola also baby and how also she’s been so privileged her whole life that sometimes there are just some things she can’t do for herself because she just doesn’t know how
obsetress: like she’s never had to learn
em: rebecca gets um
em: freeze dried coffee
em: nescafé
obsetress: but like
obsetress: rebecca genuinely loves taking care of vi for whatever reason (it’s because she loves her) when she really needs it but
obsetress: rebecca also takes no shit and is like “i’m not making the nescafé for you. you’re 36 years old, vi, you need to learn to do it for yourself”
obsetress: and she’ll stand there and watch her do it and then she makes vi do it at least three more times for posterity
obsetress: “i’ll make a plebeian of you yet, viola lloyd”
obsetress: (god only the two of them would think a line like that is funny)
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dreamyjoons · 5 years
00-Beginning-Shift // knj
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⇢ being stuck in the sleepy town on the edge of a forest is the last thing you need after your grandma’s passing. But a forest ranger, stormy nights and deep amber eyes that sit deep in the woods mean that nothing is sleepy for long. 
genre/warnings: smut, angst! Werewolf!Namjoon x reader. Werewolf fighting, minor injury and blood, swearing, two v different smut scenes, unprotected sex, oral (m receiving), fingering, impreg kink, knotting, biting + marking, creampie + lots of it, slight cumplay, some rough smut and some soft, dirty talk. yeah.
words: 21k
A/N: FINALLY i have finished this damn fic. And just in time for Halloween! I hope you all enjoy. Header by Lucy, my shining light. Thanks ho!
Now, you may notice a few faces pop up in this, a question or two left unanswered. This is a little taste of the land that lies in The Tangier Wilds, home to all sorts of beings. You should probably keep an eye out in the next couple months - right, @underthejinfluence? We have a lot ahead, and the shift at the Tangier Wilds is just beginning.
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The thing no one talks about with small town is silence.
Sure, there’s always something going on, everyone knows everyone and life always bubbles on. But it’s the moments in between, the suffocating quiet that can take hold of you.
As you stand out on the old wrap-around veranda, eyes transfixed by the huge forest ahead of you, the silence stretches.
Maybe it was because you were standing on the decking of your grandma’s favourite place - where she wanted to spend every last second until the end. Or maybe it was the fact that you had to be the one to pack up and sell on everything of hers. Either way, noise would’ve been very welcome.
The deck creaks behind you, and against your leg brushes something warm. You flinch at the contact, only to peer down and see your grandma’s faithful companion: an elderly mastiff named Luna.
You bend down and stroke the top of her head, smiling as she leans into your hand. Dragging your eyes back up to the forest that looks past the reaches of the open garden, you heave a heavy sigh. Even in the daylight it looked dark and creepy. But it was just trees, you knew that.
You’d only been in town a few hours. But you’d been stopped by at least three locals who knew who you were on sight. After they all offered you kind words about the passing of your grandma, each of them told you to be wary of the woods.
Turning back to the house, you grabbed the keys to the pick-up your gran left you and turn to lock up the house. Luna scurries past you, jumping up into the truck bed and wagging her tail excitedly at you.
"Come on, girl." You sigh, hand sitting on your hip.
The dog merely lets out a soft 'boof' at you as she plonks her butt down, wiggling as she wags her tail. Sighing, you turn and lock up the house before climbing into the driving seat.
You slide open the window to the truck bed, and Luna slowly clambers her way through, wiggling her little legs through as she shuffles into the seat beside you. You give her a little scratch behind the ear as you turn on the engine, pulling the vehicle slowly up the winding drive and out to the small twisting road that leads to town.
Rolling hills settle on one side of you, whilst the forest lines the road on the other. You could barely see past the few rows of trees, a swirling fog rolling across the expanse of dark green.
The low crackle of the radio is the only noise that follows you, the white noise settling eerily on the landscape that surrounds you. Luna sits patiently beside you, eyes fixed on the treeline as you make the half an hour journey into town.
Eventually, you arrive at the nearby town - more of a high street than anything, local shops and boutiques lining the old road. It was a textbook old town, with a little diner on the outskirts and no chain stores; save for the supermarket whos neon sign sits glaringly bold against the sleepy bricks of the town.
You pull into a space along the street as the rain starts to descend. It's more of a fog than rain, but it clings to you as soon as you step out of the truck.
"Sorry girl, I don't think they allow dogs in the store."
You crank the window down despite the chill in the air and shut the door. Luna whines a little, but you wave at her.
"I'll be quick!"
You turn from the truck and jog the distance to the store, the rain permeating through your thin clothes. Cursing the weather of the small town, you grab a basket and begin gathering the essentials.
Your Grandma passing left little in the way of edible foods. Anything in the fridge had gone off, and you weren't particularly interested in the incredible amount of tinned plums and corn soups she had stored away.
A quick ten minutes and two full bags of provisions later, you hovered at the door, watching as the sky poured heavily onto the streets. Steeling yourself, you shoulder through the door and begin to run the distance to your car. The rain flattens your damp hair to your face, your jeans sticking awkwardly to your legs as you push forward.
It would have been an easy task, had you not managed to trip over your feet. You never hit the ground, but a loaf of bread falls from your bags and some apples begin to run away from you. The rain falls hard on you, and you know that if you're not quick, the bags in your arms were going to disintegrate.
Swearing under your breath and feeling the rain seeping through your clothes and chilling you, you stoop awkwardly to pick everything up.
The rain suddenly stops pounding on you, the relief and cold immediately settling in. Noticing the rain still falling just ahead, you spin behind you to see a man in a deep green ranger's uniform standing over you with a large umbrella held over you both.
"Uh... hello?" You say dumbly at the man, flicking your head to get your wet hair out of your face.
"Hello ma'am, need some help?" He smiles down at you, dimples riveting on his cheeks as his eyes gently take in your damp appearance.
"God yes, please."
A breathy laugh passes his lips as he watches you stand, sliding an arm around one of your bags and taking it from you. After quickly rounding up your escapes groceries, he lets you lead him to where the truck sat. Once you'd got the door open and the shopping shoved safely in the dry, you turn to him.
He stands close so that you both fit under the umbrella, hand reaching out to stroke Luna through the cracked window. With him distracted you cast a quick glance over him, your heart thumping wildly in your chest.
He was hot. And not in an obnoxious way - he was wholesome. And hot.
His honey hair was pushed back from his face, his uniform pressed over his obviously in-shape body, and a ranger’s badge with one above it saying ‘chief’ sat pinned to his chest.  His little dimples draw your eyes as he grins at Luna, ringed fingers stroking behind her ears.  You make a subconscious mental note that there as no ring on his wedding finger - before promptly scolding yourself.
"Well, thank you officer." you croak. He looks back at you and you almost squeak at how tender he looks.
"Namjoon, please. We're not that kind of place."
"Namjoon, cute. I'm Y/N."
"Yes, I know." He smiles, a little redness cropping across his cheeks. You're floored, watching in delight as it spreads.
"Your gran, she talked about you a lot."
A small smile picks up on your lips. Of course your grandma did - she couldn't be contained. You realise Namjoon was still there, waiting. You meet his gentle eyes and smile.
"That sounds about right."
"You staying at her place now?"
"Yeah, packing up all her stuff so it'll sell. I'm trying to work with the solicitor here in town but he's a little..."
"He's an asshole." Joon smirks, and a laugh burst from you, relief flooding you.
"Yeah, he's an asshole. Mr Min's not the easiest to deal with."
"I know. But I'm friends with his son, Yoongi, and I can promise they're not all like that."
The conversation lulls, and a comfortable silence settles upon you. The rain hammers against his umbrella, the breeze drifting through the gaps between you. Noticing the shiver that consumes you, he clears his throat awkwardly.
"You better go before you catch something nasty. The sicknesses that go around here aren't to be tested."
He pulls open your door and moves the umbrella so that you can get in the car dryly. Heat creeping across your face, you jump in, slamming the door shut beside you and rolling the window down.
"Well, thanks again." You smile as you lean against the door, your eyes meeting his.
He smiles back at you, but it slips off his face as he presses against the side of your truck, his eyebrows creased as he looks at you.
"Y/N, do me a favour."
His sudden change in demeanour slides over you, cutting deeper than the chill settling into your bones. You nod slowly, wrapping your arms around yourself.
"Don't go into the woods."
"Why does everyone keep telling me that? What's so bad about it?"
"Just... bad things happen in the woods. People go in and often don't come out. I don't want that to happen with you."
You sit your hands on top of the wheel, eyes locked into an intense stare. You wanted to know what the big deal was. But you were an outsider in this small town. There wasn't going to be a lot that you would be told - you were gonna have to find out for yourself.
You let your eyes drop to his soft lips, the little dimple that sits on his cheek, and back to the warm eyes that now had a sharp edge to them.
"Okay, fine."
At your words he deflates a little, pressing away from the car and an easy smile slipping onto his face. He taps the hood lightly, offers Luna and then you a small wave and then turns, walking down the street with the umbrella propped against his shoulder.
you watch him walk away, eyes lightly flicking down to his tightly-clad trousers before setting on the top of your wheel.
Blowing out a sigh, and cranking the heating up in the truck to max, you turn on the engine and pet Luna on the head. You pull out of the rainy town, starting the windy journey back to your grandma's.
-- --
Once the groceries were stowed away and the heating was thumping through the house, you settle yourself on the couch, eyes stuck on the forest sitting just beyond the window.
All the comments about the forest had gotten your back up, but for the ‘chief’ forest ranger to personally warn you was another matter. So alone you sat, all doors and windows locked, Luna curled up at your side, baseball bat sat tightly in your hands.
Not that you were expecting anything - but you weren't going to risk it.
You sat quietly as the light drained from the sky, darkness and chill settling over the house and seeping into the forest. You thought about dragging yourself off to the nice four-poster bed that sat upstairs with fresh sheets on it, but you wanted to see what was wrong with the woods just short of actually venturing inside.
The hours whittled away, the light gone as you sat in the blackness, eyes scanning the treeline. Your day had been long -nearing twenty-nine hours at this point- but you were determined to see it through. Luna was completely unphased, twitching in her sleep against your thigh.
This was stupid, you knew it is. But if there was something wrong with the woods, you needed to be able to live alongside it for the time being.
Your surroundings grew hazy quite often, and it was hard to keep your eyes focused when your body so desperately needed sleep. But you struggled on, bat sitting against your calf. You prop your head upon your hand, eyes loosely focusing on the near full moon before finally going dark.
Luna's aggressive barking wakes you up, and with a start, you sit bolt upright on the chair. The baseball bat clatters to the floor, and you groggily rub your eyes as you take in your surroundings.
The sun was low already, and you realised you must have slept the day away. A light chill drifted through the air, but at least the rain had stopped.
Luna's next round of barking started, and you realise that she was barking at the front door. Another rattled knock echoes through the house, wearily bringing you to your feet. Your body cries out stiffly, your need to sleep in a bed absolute.
You stagger to the door and calm Luna before unbolting and opening to reveal Namjoon. A frown slips onto your face, but you feel a little giddy as he smiles at you.
"Hey, officer."
"Y/N, good evening. How was your first night?"
"It was good. You wanna come in?"
"No, no. I was just on patrol and thought I'd stop by to see how you settled… and also, to give you this."
He pulls his hand round from beside him, presenting you an umbrella - identical to the one he sheltered you with yesterday.
"This is a rainy-ass town. You're gonna need one of these and I have at least a dozen, so here."
He extends the umbrella further and you take it from him, fingers brushing against his as you slide it from his grip. You roll it over in your hands, genuinely touched at his gesture.
"Thank you offi- Namjoon. Thank you Namjoon." You smile, holding it tightly to your chest.
He grins at you, tucking his head into his chest before looking back up at you. His radio attached to his shoulder crackles into life, and with a short sigh and a roll of his eyes, he backs away. He waves at Luna and you laugh, and he turns an easy smirk onto you before turning and jogging to the department truck that sits at the end of the drive.
With a final wave to each other he pulls away, heading in the direction of the setting sun and further away from you. You step back inside the house and close the door before leaning back against it. You pull the umbrella from your chest and give it a once over, a soft heat creeping across your face.
Luna lets out a light rumble of a bark from beside you, snapping you out of your daze. You push off the door and give her a quick scratch on the ear, laying the umbrella next to where your coat hung.
The next night and day pass without a blip.
Your grandma’s house was almost entirely packed save for the essentials, and the solicitor had been over with a realtor to take photos and assess the process.
In all, you hadn’t been able to stop, the forest that lingers on the outside of the house pushed to the furthest reaches of your mind. The days exhausted you, and the nights were spent completely flat out, exhaustion pulling you to sleep in minutes.
It was shaping up to be another of those days. You made the rounds, locking the doors and shutting the curtains. The glow of the full moon was especially bright, illuminating you through the dark and blustery night as rain pounded down on the windows.
You’d barely pulled the final curtain shut when Luna starts barking frantically. You find the old girl running crazily around the living room, occasionally stopping to scratch at the back door. Confused you stop just behind her. She turns and barks at you before sitting in front of the door, growling. Something doesn't settle in your stomach but you can’t place it.
You gotta pee?” You ask softly, unease clear in your voice.
You move to open the door, but you decided to take precautions, the words of the town’s people ringing in your head. Stooping to grab the baseball bat that now sat by the back door, you unlatch the door and swing it open, heart in your throat.
You raise the bat and jump into view and prepared to fight, only to find nothing there. The porch is empty, and there’s nothing sitting between you and the forest-
Apart from Luna.
The old dog moves like you’ve never seen, charging full speed into the forest, disappearing into the treeline.
“LUNA!” You bellow, but she doesn’t reemerge. You call her again but she doesn’t return, the only answer you get was a heavy rustle of the treeline as you stare helplessly into it.
You swear under your breath, all the warnings of the forest charging unchecked through your mind. You didn’t want to go in -that was the last thing you wanted- but you weren't going to let Luna get lost in that creepy-ass forest.
You run to the hallway and throw on your coat, lace on your boots as tight as you can and dash into the kitchen. You rip open one of the draws to find the large flashlight you knew your grandma had kept - bright red, dotted with dinosaur stickers. You had ‘decorated’ it for her when she was younger, and she had kept it ever since.
Flicking it on to ensure it still worked, you threw yourself out of the house, through the now howling wind and ran full speed into the forest.
You felt your steps falter as you finally stepped within the treeline. You tried to remind yourself that there was nothing to fear, but with the way the trees lumbered as far as you can see and the wind rustling through the gnarled branches, you found your resolve getting weaker.
You wanted to call out for Luna, but you could feel your voice dying in your throat each time you tried. Instead you strained your ears, searching for anything that could reveal the old girl’s location.
A fair bark ripples off slightly to the left, and you forcefully ignore the fact that it’ll drag you deeper into the forest. Aiming your torch down to the mulchy forest floor, you push on. The floor is slippery and you often lose your footing but you press on, determined not to lose Luna. Your grandma would surely come back to haunt you if anything happened to her.
A low growl soon turns into a yelp and you slam to a halt. It was unmistakably Luna, but the sound bounces off the trees making it impossible to pinpoint her.
Your heart thuds stupidly in your chest, an eery feeling of the forest creeping along your body making the hairs stand on end. You needed Luna, and you needed to get the fuck out of here before you get hurt, lost or something much worse.
You’re cut off by a movement over a large gnarled tree root in the distance. The wind rattles again, sending a chill straight to your bones, but you shake yourself loose of its hold, forcing yourself to put one foot in front of the other.
You bolt in the direction of the movement, pleading with whatever divine power there may be that it was Luna, and you’re not chasing some kind of angry forest animal. You crash over the tree roots and slide down the small drift into a tiny clearing.
Picking yourself blearily up out of the mud, you finally spot Luna: cowering against the trunk of a huge spruce tree, her fur filthy and soaked.
Pushing to your feet you stagger over, dropping to your knees in front of her and holding her face in your hands.
“Are you okay girl?” You whisper, brushing forest debris away from her face.
She pulls her face away from your hands and balls into your stomach, making herself as small as possible. Panic running wild through your mind, you get to your feet and stroke her, hoping you remembered the way back.
A large crack echoes from behind you, and you cautiously turn towards the sound, against your better judgement. Your mind screams at you to run, begging and pleading. But your body doesn’t respond.
Slowly you turn. But there’s nothing behind you.
You let out a soft sigh, shifting the flashlight in your hands.
“Okay Luna, let’s go-”
Another crack, and you spin - only to meet a pair of huge amber eyes staring at you from between the trees ahead.
You think you just imagine it -your brain was playing tricks on you- but then it blinks, continuously watching you.
Ice runs cold through your veins, your heart pounding it’s way desperately through your chest. You fiddle with the torch in your hand, trying to turn the damn thing off but you know it’s too late.
The eyes move towards you, the mass moving from between the trees towards your frozen figure. It stoops above you, despite stopping feet away. The wind blusters your hair into your face, the fur on whatever the creature was rustles wildly. It reared back on two feet, covering any light that filtered in through the trees above.
It appeared to be sniffing but you daren’t move. It was as big as a bear but it was lither, and infinitely more terrifying despite being only a ghostly silhouette with deep amber eyes.
You feel yourself rooted to the spot, the cold and wet that seeps into you a distant memory as you remain petrified. Was it going to attack you? Attack Luna? What was it waiting for?
Luna whines, and the beast shifts it’s eyes towards her, and you know this is the only chance. As quickly but with as little movement as you can, you flick on the torch and launch it through the trees, away from you and Luna.
It makes a loud crash as it bounces off a tree, and the creature whips around to the sound, charging off in the direction of the noise. It moves fast, vanishing like smoke in the wind as it charges in the direction of the torch.
Freedom burns at your senses, and you know this is your only shot. Ignoring how heavy she was, you scoop Luna up in your arms and sprint as fast as you can in the direction you thought the house sat.
You didn’t stop, despite the pain in your back and arms, and the short burning breaths that squeezed out of your lungs as you ran. You didn’t stop until the edge of the forest was visible.
You daren’t look back, staggering on until you finally hit the deck of your grandma’s porch, bursting through to drop Luna on the couch before slamming the door shut behind you, throwing shut every lock and bolt it had.
You sank down as you leant against the door, your entire body throbbing. You were covered in mud and twigs, your skin burning at finally being in the warmth. But your brain wouldn’t slow, and neither would your heart.
Luna sprints to you, crawling into your lap with her head pressed against your chest. You cradle the dog to you, ignoring the grime that sticks to you both.
You stay there. You don’t know how long for. Hours, definitely. Neither of you moving. Luna had fallen asleep against you, and though your body had gotten stiff and sore you didn't dare move nor close your eyes.
It wasn’t until the light was strong and glaring through your windows that you actually felt your body relax slightly.
Luna had finally felt brave enough to peel herself from you, taking a deep drink of water from her bowl before curling up in a warmer spot on the couch. You hadn’t moved though, your hands now sitting in your lap, nervously twitching.
The shape of it, you couldn’t shake from your mind. It was something that transitioned from being on all four legs to standing, huge and furry. You couldn't make out any more defining features in the darkness, but you remembered the eyes. Those huge amber orbs, staring right at you.
Why didn’t it attack you straight away? It was going to at some point, you were sure of it. But why did it take its time?
You didn’t know what it was. Not you could even begin to process it fully, but you knew for certain that you didn't know of such a creature. You had to know more - especially if you were going to be living there for the time being.
A quick knock on your door makes your heart race, the noise making you almost jump out of your skin. You get up and stiffly walk to the window, sliding the curtain back just enough so that you could see who it was. The person wasn’t visible, but the ranger jeep sitting just a little behind your truck let you know who it was.
You let out a relieved sigh as you shuffle into the hallway. You caught sight of yourself in the mirror and froze, your hair twisted and matted from being in the rain, your eyes tired and wild. You ripped off the coat you still wore that was covered in mud and forest debris, and you kicked off your mud-caked boots, nudging them out of sight. With a quick comb of your hair with your fingers you unlocked the door, opening it and smiling weakly at ranger Namjoon. It’s a smile he doesn’t return.
“Hey.” You smile, voice thick with lack of use, and from the panting you had been doing that night. You clear your throat as he offers you a stiff nod.
“Morning, Y/N.”
“Morning, How can I help you?” You ask, eyes taking in the dark circles under his eyes, and the way his jaw sits tightly. You narrow your eyes at him, searching for your answer.
His reply is cut off by a feral bark, and you both spin to see Luna finally awake, barking at Namjoon with such a ferocity all you can do for a moment is stare dumbly. She jumps up at him and barks aggressively in his face, leaving him to stagger back, stunned.
You grab her collar and pull her away as gently as you can, ushering her still howling into the next room and closing the door on her.
You turn back to him, worried that he’d hate you for Luna’s actions. You don’t know why you cared so much.
“Are you okay? I’m so sorry. She got… spooked by something last night and I think she’s feeling a little protective.” You say softly, holding back from reaching out and placing a hand on his arm.
He swallows thickly, eyes examining your face.
“I’m alright. What spooked her?” He asks a little too quickly, and you pause, running through the options in your head.
It was only a couple days ago that he and half the damn town had warned you not to go beyond the trees. And you said that you wouldn’t - but that was before Luna had taken off. And she was your priority, an ode to your grandma. Besides, maybe you could get some information out of him about just what the hell you saw. Why would he warm you if he didn’t know what was there?
“Luna got lost in the forest last night. I went in after her, and found her very afraid in the woods.” You say each word carefully, measuring the weight of it as you watch the information sink in.
His jaw drops slightly and his eyebrows cross, and you immediately know he wasn’t happy.
“You did what?!” He bellows, his volume making you jump and triggering Luna to begin howling on the other side of the door.
“Was I just supposed to let her run in and stay there Namjoon? No way in hell.”
“I told you not to go!” He shouts, finger pointing at you. You can see the anger clear on his face but there was concern there too, you were sure of it. That didn’t mean your blood wasn’t boiling, though.
“You’re not my parent! I don’t take orders.”
“I’m not being an ass Y/N! It’s not safe, that was a stupid thing to do.”
Why isn’t it safe, huh? Tell me, officer.” You spit, watching him recoil at the ice in your words. He exhales hard, his eyes set firmly on you.
“I don’t have to tell you anything. If you’re gonna be that careless I don’t want you in my town.”
“Don’t go in again.”
With those harsh words passing his lips, he gives you a critical once over before turning, shaking his head as he trudges back up your drive to his car. You watch him go, blood pumping angrily through your body but a pang of hurt settles in your chest.
You slam the door and opening the one beside you to release Luna. Confusion rattles around your brain as you stalk back into your living room, and throw yourself down on the couch. You chew your lip, his words floating around in your head.
‘If you’re gonna be that careless I don’t want you in my town’. It hurt, prickling at you whilst you replayed the conversation in your head.
Luna jumps up next to you and sniffs wildly in you face before plonking herself down next to you, head in your lap and big eyes peering up at you. You sigh, bringing your hands to gently rest between her ears, stroking her gently, letting your anger ebb away.
That interaction with Namjoon had left a bad taste in your mouth. You didn't know what could have provoked him so, but you weren't going to be stopped. His defiance concreted that fact.  You were going to find out what was going on in the woods.
You let your eyes flick to the still curtained window, hyper-aware of what laid beyond the trees. You forced yourself to breathe evenly, grim determination settling itself within you. You were going to find out what was in the woods, and not even the infuriating and impossibly cute Namjoon was going to stop you.
The next morning found you up bright and early in the town library, rifling through what had to be at least two centuries worth of local newspapers. Your laptop sits near you, whirring away with freshly typed notes, and your third to-go cup of tea sat cooling nearby.
So far you'd found barely a page's worth of information, and even that was a stretch.
The articles that did highlight anything were vague, and often oddly so. Important issues raised about missing people who wandered into the woods or strange shapes spotted through the treeline were never mentioned again until something similar pops up months or years later. And then the process would repeat.
But you did strike a little amount of gold.
A shape had been spotted in the forest consistently for at least one hundred years, big and dark, not quite a bear but not small and definitely not human. There were a few articles from paranormal investigators and cryptid hunters that it was a humanoid who could turn, or it was the amalgamation of negative energy metamorphosing into a beastly shape. Only a few of these were ever published, and with a quick glance at the mail section of the newspaper, you could see that people didn't want that kind of rubbish in the town paper.
There had even been mention that there was more than one shape that rustled beyond the trees, though you had only found mention of it only four or five times.
And despite what Namjoon had said about people going missing in the forest, the missing person’s segments were empty and there were no articles about anyone going missing within the last decade.
A chill runs through you as the creature seeps back into your mind. You forcefully push it aside and try to stifle a yawn - you hadn’t slept well that night. How could you?
With your body slowly going numb from your prolonged period sat on your ass, you get up and stretch before moving to put away the papers. You tuck away your laptop and throw your empty cups in the bin as you emerge onto the sleepy rainy street.
Despite having been in town for barely a week, you hadn’t seen a single day without drizzle. Not that you minded - it make the smell of the forest drift everywhere, fresh and clean. You root around in your bag for the umbrella Namjoon had left you - although it still stung to think about him, the little black umbrella had been very appreciated.
So entrenched in your searching, you blindly stepped onto the sidewalks; only to crash into someone. You stumble slightly, but they shoot out a steadying hand, their gentle grip righting you back onto your two feet.
“Oh, Y/N, I’m sorry!”
You turn to face Namjoon, his slightly longer hair ruffled and wet from the rain, his ranger uniform shrouded by a puffy black winter coat. The delight you want to feel at seeing him softly smile down at you, dimples looking divine, is tinged with the hurt that you still feel from the day before.
Sensing your apprehension he hangs his head, nodding. You wait, hitching your bag higher and waiting expectantly for him to say something. He rubs his arm awkwardly, and you could practically see the thought whirring in his head.
"Bye, Namjoon," You sigh, turning to walk away but his hand encompasses your elbow, stopping you.
"Wait- Y/N, I'm sorry I was an ass yesterday. I was just worried."
"Worried? Why?"
His thumb begins idly stroking your inner arm, and despite the blush that creeps across his face you don't think he realises he's doing it. His forehead was creased as he looks at you, his warm eyes surrounded by dark bags. You realise he looks like hell, tired and a little drained.
"People really do go missing in those woods. And it's my job to find them. Sometimes I'm not always lucky." His voice lowers, the weight of his words hitting you square in the face. You don't think he's lying - no, you know he isn't - but it wasn't adding up.
"Who is going into the woods?" You ask, your mind reeling back to all the papers you had just spend hours pouring over.
"Out of towners, mostly. Hikers, teens, the usual. The people of this town learnt long ago not to go into the woods, especially after dark..."
He lets his sentence linger, finally letting his hand drop from you.
You knew all about what loitered in the trees after dark. The memory of those amber eyes root you to the spot, the cold settling deep inside you.
You blow out a harsh breath, eyes examining his face.
"Do you wanna grab some coffee?" You blurt, immediately sucking your bottom lip into your mouth and chewing on it.
"What?" Namjoon's eyes are wide as he stares at you, wiping away a particularly fat dribble of rain way from his temple. You watch his fingers brush the drip away and swallow thickly.
"Yeah I know what you said, I mean why?"
"Fresh start? Look, I want to know more, and you look like you haven't slept in about three days. It's mutually beneficial." You shrug, but you desperately wanted him to say yes.
He meets your eyes, and after a second he smiles softly, nodding and extending his elbow for you. You draw your eyebrows but smile at his gesture, slipping your hand into the crook of his arm.
"Only if you let me pay. As a way to apologise."
"That sounds fair, Namjoon."
He looks down at the mention of his name, a hint of a chuckle falling from his lips. You look away from him, heat building across your face as he gently steers you to a small chain coffee shop that sits on the corner of an intersection.
"Not quite quaint and small-townlike." You smirk, walking through the door behind him, letting your hand drop from him.
"No, but it is twenty-four hour, so I'm not gonna complain."
Drinks ordered and picked up, you both stow yourselves away by the windows, clouded from the heat that presses against the cold glass. The rain is falling a little heavier, the sounds seeping soothingly into your bones as you pull the cup to your lips, eyes finding Namjoon across the table.
His eyes find you, watching you blow the steam from the top of your mug. Suddenly aware of him watching you, you hide behind the mug. He splutters at having been caught before he laughs awkwardly.
"So, you don't fancy staying here in your Grandmother's house?" He asks after sipping his own drink, pink speckled across his cheeks.
"Oh, no. There's nothing for me here, not really." You sigh, placing the mug down.
He nods, fingers circling the handle of his mug. It's your turn to watch, slender fingers tracing the edges of the porcelain. He brings an elbow to the table and rests his head in his hand, eyes finding yours.
"That's a shame. It'd be nice to have a new face in this town, especially yours."
"Oh really?" You ask, eyebrows raised.
"No! I mean, yes of course, but, I uh-"
"Thank you, Namjoon."
He stops his rambling to look at you, wide-eyed and frantic. He looks like a deer caught in headlights, and you can't help but laugh at his expressions. He blows out a shaky laugh, eyes meeting yours.
"No don't be sorry. It's... cute." You smile, eyes darting down to your hands around the coffee cup.
"No, you're-" His words are cut off by the crackle of his radio pinned to his chest. you can't make out the words, but he stops to roll his eyes and tips back his coffee, swallowing it in two big gulps.
"Sorry, I have to run."
"It's okay, I have a meeting with Mr. Min soon anyway."
"Oh, really? well, I might see you later, then." He gives you a wide smile as he gets to his feet, shuffling around you awkwardly.
He gives you a final wave and shouts a quick goodbye to the shop staff before he pushes out of the coffee shop and out into the drizzle before jogging down the street, out of your view.
You hide your smile in your mug, pressing it to your lips and taking a deep sip, eyes raking over where Namjoon had once sat.
You may not be fully sure of the big man's intentions, but he was impossible not to like.
You barge out of Mr Min's solicitor's office with a scowl on your face and a fire still roaring in your stomach.
Not only had he snottily decided that he didn't want to deal with the realtors any more -meaning you had to manage the whole move now- but he had also kept you waiting for an hour so that he could let his food ‘digest in peace’.
You shut your eyes as the rain gently fell, letting it cool you down. It had settled down, turning from a rainy onslaught to a soft haze that rolled through on the breeze.
you snap open your eyes to see Namjoon leaning out of his truck window, waving at you. Confusion written across your face, you check the coast is clear before jogging across the road and stopping just outside his window.
"What are you doing here? I thought you got called away."
"Oh, yeah, well my deputy was handling it in the end, and I was nearby. I remembered you saying that you were here, and you know, I was just passing by..."
"Ah, I see." You murmur, unsure of where he was heading to but endlessly endeared by it.
"Do you, uh, don't worry." He whispers, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Do I what?"
"Do you wanna come on patrol with me?" He asks quickly, his eyes darting away and fixing on his steering wheel.
"Can... can I do that?" You ask, eyes flicking over his profile. He looks back at you with a glimmer of excitement on his face, and he grins.
“What’s the point of being the chief ranger in the area and not taking advantage of it?”
You smile at him, a lightness filling the angry void that dealing with Mr Min had left.
He takes your smile as a confirmation as he leans away from you and opens the passenger door for you. You run to it and jump in, slamming the door behind you as you let yourself thaw out in the warm truck.
He looks over to you and grins, dimple taking pride and place on his face. You sigh, basking in the warmth of his smile. But the warmth of the truck mostly, you tell yourself.
He pulls off, taking you both through the drizzly town and out towards the outskirts. You trace the edges of the forest, following the windy roads that lead around the town and the surrounding areas.
It’s quiet, inside and outside the car. But it’s comfortable, soaking in each other’s presence as you watch the wet world pass by.
But when it’s not quiet, you talk. About everything and nothing. You talk about he only recently got his driving licence so he could do his job, how he has to keep a spare uniform in the car because he drops his coffee on himself on a daily basis. You talk about your gran and the way she would force Namjoon to stay for a cup of something hot and a story from her childhood.
“And you. She talked about you a lot.” He smiles as he looks over at you, gentleness creeping into every inch of him.
You’re pulled to the side of the road in a small gap between the trees, watching as cars zip by. Namjooon said this was his favourite spot to stop and you could see why.
Just over the other side of the road was quite a sheer drop, but beyond it laid the forest, reaching as far as you could see in the foggy afternoon. The fog filtered over the treetops as it began it’s slow crawl towards the town, shrouding everything in its way. The road that lay ahead of you was empty, but from your spot between the trees you can see it weaving around the trees and inclines for miles.
You drag your eyes away from the surroundings to smile at him, letting his words sink below your skin.
He feels so close to you suddenly, only a foot away in the seat of his truck, the warmth from the heating and the heat radiating off his body fogging up the windows. His hair sticks out awkwardly from under his hat, one hand perched awkwardly on top of the wheel despite the engine having been shut off a while ago.
He seems to notice this to as he slides it off and moves to put it on the seat between you, but lands his hand on yours instead.  He jumps at the contact, grinning sheepishly at you, cheeks turning a bright pink. You watch him in complete fascination as the blush on his cheeks spread down his neck and how he plonks his hands awkwardly in his lap.
“So was that a part of your job description? Having tea with my grandma?” You ask, a small smirk slipping to your lips. He huffs out a light laugh, finally lets himself relax a little.
”No, but your grandmother never gave me a choice. Not that I minded.” He smiles, shuffling around in his seat to face you.
The warmth of his truck finally seeps into your bones, and it strikes you how comfortable it is, sitting in there with Namjoon. Condensation begins coating the window and soon you can’t see out. It’s warm, and the closeness to him makes your head spin.
You take the time to look at him, really look at him. The softness of his hair that sits clunkily under his hat, the small freckles that dot his face. One sits under his lip that you’re extremely fascinated by, and when he smiles it disappears, but then you see his dimples and your heart flips.
He watches you too, his dark eyes flickering over your face, stopping on your lips before darting up to meet your eyes.
“How much longer will you be in town for?” His voice is barely above a gravelly whisper, and you lean in closer to try and hear.  
“I… don’t know.” You whisper truthfully, your eyes lingering on his full lips.
He sighs, and you can feel his hot breath roll down over your face and neck. You smile sadly at him; you don’t want to leave the town too soon, you realise. It would be like leaving a piece of your grandma behind, a piece of you. And a whole Namjoon would be here too.
You bite your lip in thought, dragging Namjoon’s eyes to watch the movement. His tongue shoots out to wet his lips before your eyes meet again.
The warm air is electric, and like some unstoppable force, you and Namjoon slowly ease closer. His chest rises and falls against his tight green shirt, one of his big warm hands finds a place on your leg, heat spreading from his touch. Your eyes flutter shut, and you can feel him so close, your lips just a brush away from colliding-
A loud knock on the door makes you both jump, sending you back into your seat with a jolt. Namjoon’s eyebrows crease together as he roughly cranks the window down, red hot blush burning on his face.
You take a second to suck in a deep breath, realisation hitting you in the stomach.  You were about to kiss Namjoon. Chief ranger Kim Namjoon, sitting in the car with his bright eyes, big dimples and bigger hands. And if you were honest, despite the churn of your stomach, you were gutted that the kiss didn’t happen-
Outside stands a man in a similar ranger uniform to Namjoon, but with less badges and patches. His chocolate hair rolls back from his forehead, and when he sees Namjoon, his bright smile lights up his whole face.
“Hey Joon! What’s- oh, hello there.” His eyes sweep across to you, and he raises a hand to give you a tiny wave. You feel heat burning furiously across your face but you wave back.
“What do you want, Hoseok?”
“You’ve been radio silent long past check-in. Just wanted to check everything was good so I detoured to your routes. But I can see you were doing just fine…”
“Well… thanks.” Namjoon grumbles, flashing Hoseok a quick smile. “I better take Y/N home soon. I’ll see you back at the office, deputy.”
Hoseok flashes you both a cheeky smile before stepping back and retreating to his truck sitting just down the road.
He takes a moment to let the windows clear as he switches on the engine, the vehicle slowly rumbling into life as the world outside faintly comes back into focus.
Finally he pulls out into the road, the silence in the vehicle thick and engulfing. Your heart still thumps quickly in your chest, your eyes flicking between everything that isn’t Namjoon.
The world flies past as you head back to town, every inch of your skin prickled. You couldn’t explain why you were so drawn to him, why every nerve felt so attached to every move he made and why he was on your mind.
He has answers, you tell yourself. That creature that was in the woods was something that you were sure wasn’t natural. And though you know Namjoon was a good man -you could feel it- he still knew more than he was letting on. You had to find the answers -  even if the truth if it scares you.
You feel yourself slow to a stop, and you look around and realise that Namjoon’s pulled to a stop just beside your truck. You had made it back to town in lightning speed, and a quick glance to Namjoon and his whitening knuckles that gripped the wheel made your stomach churn. You reach for the door when his gravelly voice catches you.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-“
“I mean it Y/N, it was wrong of me-“
“No stop, Namjoon, it’s fine. I wasn’t going to stop you.” You say, the latter part in a softer voice. But he catches it and whips his head around to you, shock growing on his face.
You jump out of his truck and shut the door before he can say anything else, letting the cold evening air cool your burning face. You hurry away from his truck and stop outside of your car door, your heart thudding stupidly in your chest.
You rummage around in your pockets for your keys when you hear the door to Namjoon’s truck. You sigh, worry flitting through you that he might not feel the same, that he had overstepped and as a result, you’d have to leave town. You spin, watching as the big man steps quickly towards you.
“Namjoon, I-“
He takes hold of your face in his hands and pulls you gently to him before he crashes his lips on yours. Small drops of rain splash against your hot skin but you ignore them as you sink into his kiss. You press your hands under his coat as you press yourself into him, your fingers bunching into his green uniform.
His lips move hotly against yours, taking control of the kiss as he swipes his tongue delicately across your lower lip.
He finally pulls back, both of you left panting, hot plumes of breath visible in the cold atmosphere. Your face is still cupped in his hands, his thumb gently tracing across your cheekbone.
“I don’t know what it is about you, but you’re always on my mind.” He breathes, his dark eyes entranced with yours. You nod, your heart fluttering in your chest.
“I-I feel the same. It’s like you’re under my skin.”
“Look, I have to go back to the station, but I want to talk to you. I’ll stop by tomorrow, okay?” He whispers and you nod again, letting your face lean into his touch.
He presses a final soft kiss to your lips before stepping back, letting your fall from his touch. He gives you an awkward wave, but drags his lip between his teeth as he takes one last look at you.
When he finally turns away from you you feel yourself deflate, warmth coursing through you despite the icy rain that starts to beat down heavier on your skin and through your clothes.
You’re still standing there when he pulls away, and only when the first round of shivers run through you do you finally move, finally gripping your keys and opening the vehicle. You slide in, a grin wide on your face as you blast the heating. Once your limbs are thawed out you begin the journey back, the touch of Namjoon still lingering.
A hot dinner and a hotter shower later, night had fully fallen. Mercifully it had stopped raining, but all that remained was silence. Luna had curled up in your bed, the covers fluffed over her head as she nuzzles deeper, a contented whine leaving her.
You smile as you towel dry your hair, drawing the curtains against the night.
You launch the towel at the overflowing laundry hamper, making a mental note to do some washing at some point soon. You prepare to climb into bed and shift Luna over slightly when something faint drifts to your ears. You snap up and crane your head, trying to decipher the noise.
Luna doesn’t stir, the noise not affecting her the way it was you, but you were sure you weren’t imagining it.
It was high pitched and melodious, and grabbing the bat that never strayed too far from you, you stepped out of your bedroom and began your slow descent downstairs.
The sound definitely wasn’t coming from inside the house, and the more you listened, the surer you were that it was coming from the edge of the forest. Peering between your curtains out towards the tree line reveals nothing, much to your discomfort.
It was singing.
Once you realised, there was nothing else it could be. It was melodious, and as the sound sunk below your skin, you felt yourself inexplicably drawn to it. You needed to find the source, your soul needed it.
You find yourself drifting towards the back door, and were halfway through unlocking it when you suddenly stumbled back to your senses.
With an aggressive shake of your head, you stagger to your grandma’s dusty landline and dialled one of the numbers that sat scribbled on the small address book next to it.
You anxiously tangle your fingers in the phone wire, praying the number hadn’t changed. Finally it clicked, telling you that he had picked up.
“Namjoon?” You blurt.
“Y/N? Is everything okay?”
“I don't know. There’s someone... singing.” You say, trailing off when you realise how stupid it sounds.
“Singing? Is it coming from the forest?” His voice is serious, and you feel the tension drop from your body.
“Yeah, it’s beautiful... but it’s- you know, weird. Oh, it-it’s stopped.” You stammer, eyes shifting to the back door.
“Y/N, listen to me. Stay inside, drown it out, do not go out towards it. I will sort it but please, keep you and Luna shut up inside.”
“Please just trust me. I’m on my way.”
He hangs up before you can reply. Your stow the handset back on the side, quickly relock the door and bolt back upstairs with the bat.
You rummage around in your suitcase for your portable speaker and play the first song that shows up, cranking the sound as high as you can to down out the singing before it starts again. The volume makes you wince, but you didn’t dare turn it too low.  Luna jolts awake, displeasure clear on her face as she searches for the source of the noise.
You pace the room, curtain thrown open so that you can see when Namjoon finally arrives.
The time seemed to stretch as you waited, the strain of the blaring music starting to get to you as you paced in antsy circles.
Finally you spot him, two solitary beams of headlights stopping close to the edge of the forest. You watch as the lights flicker off, before the beam or his torch moves from his truck and disappears between the trees.
You pace, your mind racing as you subconsciously move to turn your music down. Luna lets out a groan of relief, sagging back under your covers.
You chew your lip, mind wandering to the voice from the woods. Who would be singing in the treeline by your house late at night? Was it some kind of prank?
The voice begins to sing again, but it starts so quiet that you don’t hear it, oblivious to it until the voice is carrying loudly across the open space between the house and the forest. It catches you off guard, and you find yourself being carried towards it. It’s soft, a gentle melody that hits you deep in your core, making you feel almost dreamlike. You barely pull your boots on properly before you’re down the stairs with the door unbolted.
You stumble towards the trees, the wind rustling through your tee and sweatpants, the long blades of grass leaving wet smears across your ankles. The wind whips your hair harshly across your face, but you barely register it.
The singing grows louder as you stumble onwards, and it only takes you a few minutes to find the cause of the heavenly sound.
Leant casually against a gnarled tree stands a man unlike any other that you had seen. His silver hair is swept back from his face, plump lips perched in a delicate ‘o’ shape as a soft sound leaves him. He stands facing away from you with a simple tee tucked into trousers, the cold not phasing him, seemingly rolling off him.
You finally stop, watching him through hazy eyes - although you could definitely make out the peachy shape of his ass, that was crystal clear. He finished his note before lazily turning to face you.
A smirk sits on his lips as he looks you over, his eyes trailing across your body. He pushes off the tree and saunters towards you, a slight lilt in his step as he stops before you. He lifts a hand and lets a finger trail across your cheek, making you shiver under his touch.
“So nice to finally meet you, Y/N.”
“You- you’ve been waiting for me?” You ask dreamily, each word a lot of effort to say.
“Of course, I tend to make a habit of knowing people in the town, especially when they’re pretty.”
You feel your heart flutter as you watch him, his lips perking as he begins to knot his fingers in your hair.
You need to kiss him. It was the only thing you could think about through your haze. And if this beautiful man wanted to kiss you, then who are you to deny him?
The pull to him was roaring through your body, the only thing visible through your fog was him. He begins to move closer to you, and the shiver that runs through you is intense.
With a final smirk he moves towards you, and you realise you're finally, finally going to kiss.
Your eyes had barely fluttered shut before he’s ripped away from you, tugging sharply on your hair as he’s pulled away.
Your eyes fly open as you watch Namjoon drag Jimin by his collar and slam him against the nearest tree. You slam a hand over your mouth as you gasp, but your body feels too heavy to move.
“What are you doing, Jimin?” He barks, anger thick in his voice.
“Just checking out the new face, Joonie-“
“I told you to stay away from her. If I catch you again I swear I'm gonna-“
“No threats needed, dog. I hear you loud and clear.” Jimin puts his hands up in a surrender motion, but a smug chuckle passes his pretty lips.
“I’ll see you around, doll.”
“No, you won’t.” Namjoon growls, but Jimin simply laughs as Namjoon releases him. He pauses to wink at you before he saunters away, heading casually through the trees and finally out of sight.
As soon as he’s out of earshot, a heaviness settles on your bones. The cold finally rattles it’s way deep into you, and you wrap your shivering arms around yourself as you take in your surroundings properly. You felt groggy - it was like a hangover, but instead of a headache you were bone tired, and your hormones were raging against you.
You see him clearly, unclouded - and you had never seen him so angry. The torch that he’d thrown lit up his face from the ground, and you watched as he ground his teeth, his narrowed eyes focused on you.
“What are you doing here?” He snaps, and you step back, affronted.
“I-I don’t know. One minute I was waiting for you to show up, and the next… you had that man pinned against the tree.” You murmur, but you could feel annoyance bubbling under your skin.
“I told you not to leave the house.”
“I didn’t do it on purpose! And even so, you can’t just tell me what to do.”
“This is for your own protection, Y/N!”
“Protection from what Namjoon?” Your sentence is perforated by shivers, the night air settling on your goosebumped skin.
You watch his words die in his throat as you shake. He blows out a harsh breath, before he shuffles the thick black jacket from his shoulders. He steps up to you and wraps it around your shoulders, holding it tightly against your chest, the bottom of it grazing your knees. It smells of the rain, the pines that surround you and faintly of some kind of organic soap - it was heady and impossibly him.
His eyes meet yours as you sink into the warmth of the jacket, the heat rolling off him despite not being wrapped up any more. You can see his little freckles, the ridges of his golden skin, the soft brown, almost amber glint to his eyes.
Your breath catches, but he finally steps back, stooping to pick up the torch. Placing a gentle hand on your shoulder he nods behind you.
“Let’s get you home.”
You’re reluctant to move, your feet barely able to put one in front of the other as your mind reels but he leads you forward.
His hand never leaves you as you steer up towards the house. It isn’t until you reach the treeline that he hesitates, his large hands slipping from you. You turn to him, only for him to be mere inches from you.
If what you had felt like that Jimin before was a dream, the air that crackled between you and Namjoon was palpable, tangible and utterly undeniable. He lets his hand move to your face, cupping your cheek in his hand. Your eyes flutter shut at his touch, and only open again once you hear a sigh rumble past his lips.  
“Y/N…” he whispers, but his voice cracks.
“What is happening, Namjoon? What is going on with this damn forest?” Your words sink in, and he lets his hand slip from you as he looks away from you, face dropped slightly.  
He sighs, shifting the torch between his hands. You look down at it in his hands, but you feel your blood run cold when you see it.
It was red, dotted in a ridiculous amount of dinosaur stickers.
You snap your head up at him, face contorted in horror. His softened features harden again, eyebrows creased as he tries to read your face.
“What’s wrong?”
“Where did you get that torch?” Your voice is ice, and he almost recoils from you.
“The torch Namjoon. I threw it at- I left it in the forest the other night. How did you get this?”
The blunt edge to your voice has him stepping back from you, and you can tell he’s floundering. His eyes dart over your face and his mouth flaps slightly.
“I found it-“
“No you didn’t, you went into the forest with a torch. There’s the one in your hand, and the pockets of this coat is fresh out of torches. So I'll ask again. How did you get it?”
“It’s not what you think.”
“I will find out what’s going on here.”
“And I will throw you in a cell if you keep pushing me.” He sets his jaw at you and you splutter, but when he doesn’t relent you scrunch your face, anger coursing fully through you. Could he even do that as a ranger?
“I- what?”
You step forward, letting the coat fall from your shoulders as you hold your wrists out to him, eyes fixed on his.
“Lock me up.”
“You cannot be serious.”
“Are you? Gonna throw me in a cell, Namjoon?” You snap, and his mouth flaps.
“Of course not!”
“Then start explaining.”
“Y/N, I can’t-“
He stops mid-sentence, and his head snaps to face inside the forest. The confused anger that had seized you freezes in your veins as you follow his eyes, but you can see nothing in the dark.
He holds up a hand to silence you, and although it infuriates you, something was obviously very wrong.
“Get inside. Lock the doors, do not leave.”
He looks back to you, swipes the coat off the floor and wraps it around you again. He must have noticed the concern in your face as he softens only for a second, his eyes searching yours.
“Please.” He whispers, desperation thick in his voice.
“... Okay.” You nod, stepping out of his grip.
With a nod he turns to the forest, and you watch as he heaves a heavy breath before pushing through the treeline.
Once you couldn't see him anymore, you turn and run as hard as you can, throwing yourself inside the door and throwing every bolt on it.
You begin to pace once again, your heart thumping wildly in your chest. Luna plods down the stairs, sleepily watching you make tracks on the floor. After a few minutes she gives up watching, resolving to settle on the couch and doze off.
You were still annoyed with him, and your argument wasn’t over, but something had him rattled.
After half an hour of pacing you finally relent, moving to sit with Luna. She relishes finally receiving your attention and stretches across your lap, but your stomach churned still. You let your fingers stroke her head as your other hand sinks subconsciously into the pocket of Namjoon’s coat that still hung over your shoulders.
Your hand hits something cold and you pull it out, only to realise that it was his phone. Panic ripples through you as you wonder what would happen if he needs help. You place the phone on the coffee table in front of you, infinite possibilities running through your brain.
You tried to push them from your mind - he wasn’t the chief ranger in the area for no reason. He would be fine, you knew it. You had to believe it.
Time ticket on, and the worry that laces your stomach was threatening to seize your heart too. You weren’t sure of how long it had been since you had seen Namjoon. An hour, definitely. Two, possibly.
You were debating on another round of pacing when Luna bolts up from you, growling and barking at the back door.
You jump to your feet, your gut telling you that it was about Namjoon. You shrug his coat on properly and pull the hood up ad you run to the back door and unlock it frantically.
Manoeuvring a still aggressively barking Luna away from the door you slip through, close it carefully behind you and begin running towards the trees.
The rain had stopped, but the air was still icy, and it was no better despite you pushing further into the trees.
Soon you begin to slow, doubt forming in your mind. What were you running to? You had no direction, no plan. No definite proof that you were running towards Namjoon at all, even if your gut was screaming at you to continue.
You slow to a stop, a small sweat beading on your brow but all of the hairs on your arms begin to rise. There’s something nearby, you know it.
You spin, straining your eyes in the darkness for signs of Namjoon, for anything.
A rustle of a bush nearby startles you, and you snap your eyes to it, your heart in your throat. The wind settles and the rustling stops, and you sigh harshly. You walk back slowly, realising that you shouldn’t have come, and turn to run. You only get about five feet before you see it.
Hunched over beside a tree sits the creature.
You gasp, but smack your hands over your mouth to stop the sound escaping, and you can feel the terror creeping through your system.
You can’t see what it’s doing, but it’s not looking at you. You could see its ears twitching on its head, and you realise you have a chance to escape. No matter what your suspicions may be, you don’t want to risk your life to be right.
You step back slowly, determined to keep it in your sight for as long as possible.
But the forest floor has other plans, and a well-placed root sends you flying to the floor, a sharp cry bursting from you at the impact.
The creature is on you in a second, towering over and you watching with sharp teeth bared, and finally you get a clear look at what had been terrorising you.
Despite all logic and reason, one word screamed at you. Werewolf. Your blood felt like ice in your veins as it glared down at you.
It stood on its hind legs, towering to at least eight feet. Its fur was so dark it was almost jet black, rippling over thick shoulders and arms. Its teeth were as long as your index finger, bared as a low growl rumbled from within. But the eyes were amber, deep, bright, and searching.
“If you’re gonna kill me just do it.” You whimper, your voice shaking.
The wolf eases back slightly, but it doesn't stop its low growl.
“Or are you not gonna kill me?” You ask, sitting up to look at the creature above you.
It lets out a horrifying howl, loud enough to shake your heart and pierce your eardrums. You squeeze your eyes shut and cover your ears, the sound echoing off the trees.
“Do not look at me.”
Your eyes fly open and you stare at the forest floor. The voice was Namjoon’s, no doubt about it, but it also wasn’t deep and dark, and with an echo as if there were five people talking. You obey the voice, the blood roaring in your ears as you let your hands fall away.
Your head snaps up to see Namjoon, filthy and completely naked with his hands are covering his front.
You stagger to your feet and stare at him. His eyes are still amber, his muscles rippling beneath his skin.
“What the fuck…” you mutter, your voice croaky and low.
His face is contorted, fear, anger and guilt all playing across his features. He moves to step forward but stops, a shiver rippling through him.
Without thinking you pull the coat off yourself and give it to him, averting your eyes so that he can put it on. You ignore the freezing night air that ruffles your tee, raising goosebumps over your skin.
“Thank you.” He says finally, the coat barely grazing his mid thigh. At last, you snap.
“What the fuck, Namjoon? What the actual fu-“
“I’m sorry, Y/N. You can see why I couldn’t tell you anything.”
“You’re a werewolf? Like that’s actually a thing and not some stupid Twilight bullshit?” Namjoon recoils at your words, his face dripping with rage.
“Please don’t mention that, those films are a gross misrepresentation!”
“Not the point!”
“It’s an actual thing, yes. The gene has been in my family for generations, we use it to protect the forest and town from other beings. These woods act as a border between this place and the next.”
“Other beings?”
“Jimin, for example.”
“Jimin? That would explain how- No! Not the point, Namjoon! It was you in the forest with me and Luna. It’s you that keeps sending her crazy!”
“I’m sorry. I never meant to scare you both. Sometimes I have to change - full moons. But during the rest of the moon cycle I have a little more control on whether I can change or not.”
“... Does it hurt?”
A small sad smile passes his lips, and he takes a tentative step forward.
“It can, if I'm not ready for it.”
“What are you protecting the town from?”
“Things a lot scarier than me.”
“Namjoon, tell me!”
“No. I’ve already failed to keep you safe so far! I’m not putting you in any more danger - especially as you constantly go looking for trouble.”
“Why are you trying so hard to keep me safe? I can look after myself.” You stare defiantly, taking an angry step towards him. His grip holding the cost together tightens and he angrily moves forward, sweat beading on his brow.
“Will you stop pushing it, Y/N? I care for you, okay?”
“Y/N, I can’t drag you into this!” He shouts, closing the distance between you but neither of you notice, too wrapped up in shouting at each other.
“I’m not a child, Namjoon. You can’t make decisions for me!”
“I’m not trying to! But there are things out of my control here and I am not risking you!” He shouts, moving his hands from the coat to gesture around you. “I need you to be safe!”
“Why me?” You shout, forehead creased as you stare up at him, his angry warmth spreading through you at the contact.
“Because I like you!”
Your mouth hangs open, and you finally realise you’re both pressed together, his coat hanging open and his crotch pressing into you - and you could feel everything.
“Namjoon...” you whisper, eyes meeting his.
The amber in his eyes glow, ragged breaths making his chest heave as he glares down at you. There's something animalistic about him, the way he watches you like you’re his prey. You swallow thickly, your heart beating wickedly in your chest. You could feel how worked up he was, the annoyance rolling off him in waves as he stares.
His hands are on you in a second, gripping your ass and lower back as he pulls you tight against him, crashing his lips to your own.
You gasp at the impact, but melt into his as he kisses you, angry, fiery and hot all at once. You sink your hands into his hair, rolling your hips against his cock that you could feel hardening against you. It felt big - bigger than anything you’d encountered.
He keeps a hand on your ass as he moved the other in between you, hand sliding under your sweats and panties, fingers immediately flying over your clit. Your eyes practically roll back at the friction, the angry speed Namjoon was setting making you sag against him. When your hips had barely begun to roll into his hands, he moves his finger down to press at your entrance. His speed makes you gasp against him, his mouth stealing kisses from your parted lips. The sound of his fingers in your wet slit was audible over the breeze that rustles through the trees, and despite the heat that burns over your face, it’s endlessly hot and judging by the groans from Namjoon’s lips, he agreed.
“So wet for me, baby. All this for the big bad wolf, huh? I bet you taste sinful.”
He presses his fingers in slowly and you groan into him. He moves his mouth from yours and begins to kiss and suck his way down your neck, steadily increasing the speed of his fingers.
“Gotta prep you, gotta have you ready to take all of me.” He grunts, and you moan at his words and he growls them into your neck.
Two fingers pump into you as you lean against him for support, your hips rolling with every pump of his fingers. Satisfied with how easily his finger could move into you, he breaks away, amber eyes glowing in the dark as if he were bewitched. He slides the two fingers that were inside you into his mouth, and you hear a low growl rumbles from him. Heat creeps across your face as you watch him. He pulls his fingers out with a pop, his eyes transfixed on you, a fresh sheen of sweat dribbling down his brow.
“On your knees.”
You don’t think twice about it, sinking to your knees on the damp forest floor. He stands in front of you and you see just how big he is - thick with a plump head, fully erect and straight. A flicker of panic passes through you.
He grips your chin and tilts your head up to meet his face.
“Are you sure you want this?” He asks. His voice is low and coarse, as if he was holding back. You nod in his hand, feeling your wetness soaking through your panties to trickle down your leg. Without a doubt, you did.
He’s on his knees behind you in an instant, fingers in your waistband and tugging your sweats and panties down as far as he can. His hand snakes up under your shit to grab at your breast, rolling the soft flesh beneath his fingers.
His breath is hot by your ear as your back is flat against his chest, his pants making your mind spin. You feel his cock teasing around your entrance, and slowly he begins to push in.
He’s big, and no amount of fingers could have prepared you for the burn as he pushes inside.
“Look at you taking my cock baby, so good, so tight. Gonna fill you so good you’ll scream for me.”
Your fingers grip onto his arm that lays across your breasts, nails digging into his skin hard enough to draw blood. He hisses into your ear before sinking his teeth into your neck, clamping down as he finally bottoms out inside you.
You can feel your pussy throbbing around him, his tip barely grazing your cervix. It was dizzying, Namjoon sitting fully inside you as you both kneel on the filthy forest floor.
“Move.” You whisper.
As if opening the floodgates, Namjoon reel back and slams into you - no gentle pace, no softness.
He whines into your neck as he hips slam against you, alternating between sucking and biting your neck. You faintly realise your neck is gonna be covered with marks from him, and as you hiss from the sensations that he blankets on your body, you know that you want more. You want whatever he can give you.
“You like me filling you up like this, huh? Want me to fill you more? Want to take all my cum inside, too?”
You cry out at his words as he angles you both down so that you’re on your hands and knees. You grip the ground for any kind of hold as he fucks hard into you, his stomach pressed against you and an arm propped beside you as his mouth hovers by your ear. Hot breath rolls across your throat as he bites down on you again, groans falling from him.
“Namjoon..” you wail as you shiver at his words, and he barks a strained laugh by your ear.
“Oh you like that idea? Want me to fill you and mark you as mine?”
“Yes yes, cum in me Namjoon. Give me everything.”
He growls into your ear, his thrusts hard and fast against your battered core. Your pussy squeezes down on him, and both of you let out a symphony of groans.
“Everything baby? What if I fill you, make you swell up with pups for me, huh?” He groans, his hips stuttering as he fucks you.
The image of him cumming deep inside where no one had ever reached, plump, carrying and heavy just for him wasn’t one you’d ever thought you’d be into. But as his cock grazes over your g-spot with each thrust, and the thought of him filling and breeding you like his play thing was all you could think about.
“God Y/N, so hot all swollen for me. All mine.”
“Joon…” is all you can manage.
Your fingers scrunch into the dirt below you, mud coming up under your fingernails as he fucks into you. He free hands circles around your throat, holding on as he rocks you both roughly. He doesn’t squeeze down hard enough to choke you properly, but just enough to let you know he’s in charge. And he was - you’d do whatever he wanted in that moment.
“Show me how much you want that, baby. I want you to cum on my cock before I breed you. Can you do that for me?”
The softness of his filthy words whispered in your ear coupled with the obscene sounds your pussy makes as he thrusts into your tight hole is almost too much. You whine but nod your head, swallowing a thick gulp under his hand that hangs around your throat.
You lift a hand from the floor and slide it down your body, moving it down towards your sore centre. Ragged breaths pass your lips as you begin to circle your clit, the feeling of Namjoon slapping against you and inside you sends eyes rolling.
“Close…” you whimper, gasping as you feel the tips of his fingers press into your throat.
The thick drag of his cock inside of you, the sharpness of the marks he was leaving on your throat and collarbone, the heady pleasure that spiralled from your touch on your clit, it was all too much.
“Cum baby, let me feel you. Clench down on my cock, show me how good I feel in you.”
With a final harsh thrust you scream out his name, your body jerking and rolling underneath him. Your orgasms crashes through you as your hand flies to grasp at his arm sitting on your throat, nails digging in as you ride through your orgasm. Whimpers and cries pass through you, and Namjoon lets it roll through you until your juddering stops.
“That’s my girl, taking my cock so good.” He whispers by your ear, his heat radiating through you.
His hips begin to move again, pounding at your weak pussy as he begins to chase his own high. Your sensitive core was still being stretched by the size of him, but it still felt good to have him pushing inside.
His hips became stuttery as he fucked into you, his hot breaths jagged by your ear.
“Gonna cum baby, will you let me knot in you? Give you all my cum and make you mine?”
“Yes, fuck. Yes Joon!” You squark, another orgasm building inside of you already.
Your hand flies down to play with your clit again, faster and harder than before leaving you whining and panting. As soon as you start clenching he lets out an almighty growl, and you knew he was about to blow.
Your orgasm is forgotten when his knot begins to expand inside you.
Gasping at the stretch, Namjoon moves his hands from your throat to card through your hair, letting his fingers tangle there as he growls into you.  His thrusts slow as his knot swells, and you whimper, your walls stretching almost uncomfortably around him.
“So good for me baby, taking my whole knot. Gonna pump you so full baby, wanna make you swell for me and carry my pups. You want that, Y/N? Want to be mine? So good to me.”
His rambling continues, getting breathier and breathier as hot cum shoots out of his cock and coats your insides. His head drops to your shoulder as his hips twitch, ropes and ropes of cum spurting inside you. His hips twitch as he pumps his last into you, and you had never felt so full, practically fit to bursting. You could feel his cum leaking out past his slowly softening knot, and feel yourself begin to drip out past his cock and down your legs.
The feeling of him pulling out of you and the cum flowing out of you is obscene, but the soreness and the blush across your face grounded you.
Namjoon sits back on his knees, pulling you with him, your back flush against his chest. He plants soothing kisses over the bites on your neck and shoulder, the tip of his tongue tracing the deeper bites.
“So good, Y/N, fuck.” He whispers, lips placing soft kisses below your ear.
He slides one of his big hands to your inner thigh, and pulls it up to see a string of cum stretching across his fingers. He sighs, the breath rolling down your neck.
“We can’t have this escaping, can we?” He groans.
Tangling one of your hands in your hair, he slides the other back to your core, gathering up the cum still leaking from you on his fingers.
Slowly he presses two fingers back inside you, curling them inside you as he pushes his cum back into you. You gasp, and with his fingers in his hair he turns your head to look at him, watching you get worked up on his fingers.
“You look so good with me filling you up. I’m gonna need you to ride me next time so I can see your face.” The smirk spreads across his face as you stare at him, your vision hazy as his fingers begin to piston inside of you.
“Next time?” You strangle out, meeting his gentle amber-brown eyes.
The squelching sounds of his fingers inside you are outrageous, a blush spreading across your face. Namjoon watches in delight as it spreads down your throat, a small laugh bursting from him. He lets his thumb flick out across your clit, and soon you’re seeing stars. Unable to keep your eyes open they slam shut, your body rolling back against him, his fingers still tight in your hair.
“If you’ll let me.”
“Y-yes, always. Fuck, there!”
With a final few pumps of his fingers and a flick over your clit your hips roll into his hand, your orgasm riding through you as you buck. Namjoon lets his fingers still, plugging you so that no more cum leaks from your sore and sensitive core. He pushes the leaking cum back in you a few more times before he slides them out of you.
You open your eyes groggily to find him staring down at you softly. He moves his hand up, and you look at it to see his fingers dripping with both of your juices.
You grab his wrist and manoeuvre his fingers into your mouth, eyes shooting up to meet his as you suck them clean. You let your tongue swirl around them as you swallow down the salty substance, eyes never leaving his stricken expression.
A low growl resonates in his throat, his eyes greedily watching your mouth.
“Fuck, be mine, Y/N.”
You pull his fingers from your mouth with a pop, smiling sheepishly up at him. There was no trace of amber in his eyes, just the deep chocolate you had grown fond of.
“Are you asking me out?”
His face suddenly drops all hints of smugness, his cheeks bursting with red as he looks away from you briefly, holding you tight against his warm stomach. Shy, despite the lewd things he was just whispering in your ear and how he fucked you on the soggy forest floor.
“Yeah, I mean, if you’ll have me.” He mumbles, and a laugh ripples through you.
“Yes Namjoon, I’d love to. Though I didn’t expect you to ask like this…” you say, gesturing to you both kneeling almost fully naked on the mulchy floor.
“Oh! Right.”
With a final few pecks across your tender neck, he pulls both of you to your feet. He finally releases you and the cold latches onto you. You shimmy your sweats back on, ignoring how they stick to the insides of your legs.
Your arms raise in goosebumps as you finally reacquaint with your surroundings and the lack of Namjoon's super warm body heat to keep you cosy.  
He shucks the coat back onto his shoulders but moves forward and wraps his arm and the coat around you, and slowly begins to steer you back up to where you imagine the house to be.
“We should probably chat when we have a minute. I know you have a lot of questions.” His fingers clench a little on your shoulder, but you run a hand up and lace your fingers with his.
“I do. But I’m not going to be scared off.” He smiles down at your words, pressing a light kiss to your lips.
The walk back is slow, but you don’t mind. Namjoon was like a walking radiator, and you relished in it on the way back. Your mind begins to race with all of the questions you could finally get answers for once you were back inside your house, but Namjoon stops dead.
“Joon?” You whisper. You don’t know why, but something felt very wrong.
You look up at him, but his eyes are transfixed on the trees beside him. He untangles himself from you, turning his body away and pulling you against his back. You try and peer over his shoulder at what he was focused on, but your human eyes could make out nothing.
“What are you doing in this part of the forest? You’re not supposed to be here.” Namjoon bellowed, his voice deep and angry.
Spurred on by his words, out from the trees creep three looming figures.
You strain your eyes, watching as they emerge - only to be faced with three werewolves.
Namjoon tenses in front of you, and you watch in horror as the three of them fan out. Your blood runs cold as they watch you both, snarls thick and loud over the growing wind that howls through the forest.
Three werewolves. The biggest stood in the middle, a mottled grey and black creature with a crooked nose and wild eyes. The second smallest was an ash grey, it’s teeth bared and feral, stood panting, coiled, looking ready to spring. The smallest -but still standing much taller than you- was a dingy brown, it’s low growl almost as feral as a hyena’s.
“Namjoon. I knew you would be lurking around but I didn’t expect you to look like… this.” The biggest wolf rears to two feet to watch you, it’s voice a distant echo and a nearby nightmare all at once.
“What are you doing here?” Namjoon barks. If he was afraid, he showed no sign of it.
“Forest’s not safe any more. Something dark… it doesn't matter. Who's your friend?” The biggest wolf leans back on his haunches to glare over Namjoon’s shoulder, peering down into your face.
You tried to stand your ground and glare back, despite the terror that seizes in your chest.
“Is this your mate?”
“Mate?” You mumble, but Namjoon doesn’t respond.
“You do know how to pick ‘em.” The biggest snarls.
Namjoon reaches his hand behind himself to knot his fingers in your shirt, keeping you by him.
“You have one chance. Get out of my forest, or face the consequences.” Namjoon stands his ground, chest puffed as he glares down the huge creatures.
“We told you-“ the small dingy one growls.
“We can’t go back, young wolf. There’s something in the forest… we’re not risking our lives. So get out of our way, or you and your mate won’t see tomorrow.”
A snarl rumbles from behind you, and you spin out of Namjoon’s grip to come face-to-face with the middle wolf. You hadn’t realised that he has snuck from the group, but as his rancid breath rolled across your face and spittle drooled from his mouth, you could tell what his intentions were.
You could feel Namjoon moving behind you, letting out a sharp cry of anguish that deepened as you felt him grow behind you.
You wanted to turn, to see him change, to warn him away from a battle with these creatures, but you couldn’t move. The wolf that was in front of you pressed closer into you so that he leered down at you, the tips of his fur brushing your arms.
“Get back.” You growl out, but your voice wavers, fear thick in your throat.
The wolf above you simply glowers, and you swallow hard as he begins to press you in. It raises a meaty paw, dragging back to swipe at you, but in a flash the wolf is sent careening back, it’s body slamming into a tree ten feet away.
You spin, shock flushing hotly through you. You turn to see Namjoon standing behind you, fully transformed and wolf-like. His broad chest heaves from exertion, casting you a quick glance before he turns back to the other wolves.
Growls echo off the trees, the dark air rippling with an aura dark enough to feel tangible. Retaliation was imminent, and you don’t know if Namjoon is able to take on two feral creatures.
They waste no time, the two wolves jumping at Namjoon. You stagger out of the way, a mass of growls and bodies flying at each other. You watch helplessly as the wolves snap at Namjoon where they can reach: neck, ankles, limbs, whatever they could tear at.
He gives as good as he gets, slamming into them with all his might. Namjoon was broad, holding a lot of power in each swing. But he was outnumbered, and you could see how desperate they were by how scrappily they were attacking. You realised that if Namjoon was going to win this fight, he wouldn’t come out of it whole. He needed help.
You keep casting paranoid glances back at the wolf that still sat slumped against the tree behind the carnage. Dropping to the floor and scrabbling around in the mulch, you find a fist-size stone and launch it into the tussle. It slams into the smaller wolf’s back, making him yelp at the impact.
It whips its head back to you, a blood-curling howl falling from its lips as it tries to break free from the fight and head straight to you. You scuffle back up over tree roots and craggy rock outcrops, your blood running cold as it’s beady yellow eyes follow your movements.
It speeds up, charging at you full tilt when it crashes to the floor beside you, Namjoon’s body pinning it down. You cry out as you slip to your feet on the muddy floor, his face level with yours.
“Y/N, get Hoseok!”
You barely registered his deep voice as the big wolf throws himself at Namjoon, pulling at his long ears awkwardly to pull him off the other wolf. Namjoon lets out a deafening cry. Without thinking you jump to your feet and slam your boot into the creature’s eye, sending the heel straight into his eye. It releases Namjoon just long enough for him to get to his feet and wrestle both the wolves underneath him, into his grip.
“Get Hoseok!”
“I can’t just leave you!” You wail, watching as he fights to keep control as the two wolves bite viciously at his grip.
“Y/N, please!” He almost screams, the desperation in his voice thick despite how un-Namjoon- like he sounded.
You stagger back and watch, fear tearing at you as you watch him struggle. His reactions were getting slower, and patches of blood grew thicker along his body.
Nodding dumbly, you ignore the tears that prickled at your eyes, staggering uphill to where you desperately hope your house sat sleepily despite the chaos that sat outside its warm wooden walls.
“Namjoon, stay alive or I’m going to be really fucking angry!” You scream over your shoulder, desperate for him to heed your words.
The cacophony of growls, whines and howls of pain soon drifted away until all that surrounded you was suffocating silence as bone-chilling cold. But you ignored it like you ignored the bile that wanted to rise in your throat, the same way you ignored the way your heart was beating so erratically that you feel like it would burst from your chest.
You pushed the pain that burned in your legs to the back of the mind as finally, the edge of the treeline was visible. You let out a grateful sob as you stager out from between the trees, throwing yourself up the veranda steps and stumbling inside.
Luna jumps up off the sofa with a bark, and upon seeing you, runs at you, tail wagging excitedly. You absently pat her head as you carefully sidestep her and run to your grandma’s landline, stumped as you stare at the number pad.
Hoseok. How the hell were you gonna get hold of him?
As if a light flickered in your head, you drop the handset and jump over the sofa to get the coffee table, snatching up Namjoon’s phone and unlocking it. Thankfully it didn’t have a passcode and you began scrolling through the numbers, stopping on Hoseok’s name and slamming dial. Your skin prickled as you warmed inside the house, you sodden tee and sweats holding the cold against you.
He picks up after the second ring, and you could tell he was anxious.
“Joon, where are you?”
“Hoseok, it’s Y/N-”
“Y/N? Is he with you?”
“He’s in the forest by Grandma’s there’s wolves- he’s fighting- he’s not gonna last Hoseok!” You bellow down the phone, your eyes slammed shut to keep back panicked tears.
“I’m on my wa-” He doesn’t finish his sentence before he hangs up.
You know you need to wait, to get Hoseok and show him where Namjoon was. He obviously knows about Namjoon’s shifting as he didn’t refute a word you said. Was he one too? Or was he trusted?
Either way, you weren’t going to wait. You couldn’t.
You run to the back door, telling Luna to stay put - but you stoop to grab the baseball bat. You fly from the house once you had safely shut the dog inside, storming out into the night and heading through the same patch of trees that you emerged from.
Panic gnawed at your gut as you stumble over roots and broken branches. You put all your faith in your gut, hoping you manage to stumble into Namjoon once again. But you were stumbling wildly around, the only gut feeling you had was a sensation to just run.
You don’t make it much further as you’re slammed into the ground, the bat rolling from your hands and out of reach. A heavy weight sits on your back pressing your body painfully into the sharp and craggy ground.
You struggle round and try to gasp in breath, only come face-to-face with the wolf Namjoon had knocked out earlier. You try and recoil as it presses your face to yours, it’s beady yellow eyes glaring into you.
“Hello again, Namjoon’s mate.”
“Mate?” You reply dumbly.
The wolf throws its head back to laugh, and you take the chance to look for the baseball bat. It’s still nearby - near enough for you to reach. You just needed to survive long enough to grab it.
“Oh, I’m going to enjoy eating you, human.”
“Aren’t you a human too?”
“You’re a werewolf too, right? So aren’t you a human too? Isn’t that cannibalism?” Your voice comes out light; very light considering you had a seven-foot wolf crushing your body into the forest floor.
The wolf tilts its head as it looks at you, a line of drool escaping from its mouth and pooling on your shoulder. You hold back a cry, carefully walking your fingers out across the wet floor as you begin to subtly reach for the bat.
“I was human, long ago.”
“What happened?”
“I don’t tell my food my life story. Do you?”
You choke on your words, the wind picking up and rustling through the forest. The wolf’s fur billows, and you use the volume of the wind to carefully smack your hand around. You graze the smooth wood of the handle, and you gasp before you can help yourself.
The wolf reads your face and scans around you, only to see the bat millimetres from your fingertips. It stares back at you and growls, and the fear that shreds through you is almost crippling.
You force your body against the weight pressing down on you, and with all your might, throw yourself towards the bat. You wrap your fingers around the base and swinging it up as hard as you can, aiming for wherever you could hit the wolf.
A huge blust of wind -bigger than anything you had felt- blasts through the woods, sending the wolf flying away from you, slamming against the forest floor with a sickening crunch. You watch in confused horror as it slowly begins to stagger to its feet when another rush of powerful wind blows through, pulling up roots from the floor and wrapping themselves around the dazed wolf.
You stare around confused, only to see Hoseok stepping through the trees, hands gently cupped and pointing at the wolf.
“Y-you?” you stammer, watching with wide eyes and even wider mouth as Hoseok drops his hands. The wind drops immediately, resuming the softer breeze that had been there all night.
“Are you okay?” He asks, reaching out a hand to pull you up. You eye him cautiously before you take his hand and get to shaky feet.
You wobble to the baseball bat and pick it up, gripping the cold wood tightly.
“I nearly had it!” You blurt, waving the bat at him.
“We don’t have time for nearly. Where are they?”
You let the bat drop by your side as you pause, letting your gut take over. You knew he was nearby, and you didn’t have any time left to waste.
“This way.”
Hoseok barely has time to register your words before you’re careening through the trees. He’s hot on your heels as you begin to sprint, as soon enough, howls could be heard echoing through the trees.
You slow as the sound bounces, unable to pinpoint where it is coming from. Hoseok doesn’t slow, barrelling past you and through the trees. You do your best to keep up, the heavy reverberations of your feet hitting the floor coursing ache through your body.
Finally you see them - a flurry of fur and red.
Hoseok sweeps into the areas and throws his open hands out at the wolves, sending them flying in different directions.
Namjoon stumbles to his feet, dark drips falling from his body. He casts a quick eye over you and Hoseok before zeroing in on the wolves across from him. He rolls his neck and hunkers down, ready to go again. The other wolves aren’t in a better state - though the bigger of the two seemed to be held together by pure malice. His eyes were locked on Namjoon, and Namjoon alone.
After that, it was a free-for-all.
Namjoon staggers wearily to his feet, only to charge at the biggest, tackling him and wrestling him to the floor. Hoseok charges at the other, lifting debris from around him and hurling it towards the limping wolf.
All you could do was watch.
The smaller wolf manages to break from Hoseok’s storm and makes a run for it, vanishing between the gnarled roots that littered the frost floor.
“I’m going after him!” He bellows before darting after the wolf.
You spin back to Namjoon, hesitantly watching as he fights back the remaining werewolf, holding it back from snapping at his neck. He lands a heavy punch, sending the wolf staggering back. It looked positively feral, it’s orange eyes narrowed slits and it’s mouth practically frothing. It had its sights set on Namjoon, and it wasn’t going to stop until one or both of them were dead. And it looked like it wouldn’t take much.
In the time that you had been gone, Namjoon was soaked - sweat or blood, you couldn’t tell. It was matted into his jet black fur, and with the way he heaved breaths in and wobbled on the spot, you knew it wouldn’t be long.
The wolf gets under Namjoon, taking his feet out from below him and slamming him onto his back. You hold in a gasp as you watch on in horror. The wolf presses one foot onto Namjoon’s chest and the other across his throat, pressing down hard.
Namjoon flounders undeath the wolf, arms flailing to get a good purchase. The growls that ha once clouded the area had stopped, the only noise gargling from Namjoon’s constricted throat.
“You should have let me through, little wolf.” The big wolf snarls glaring down at Namjoon.
It opens its mouth wide, heading for Najoon’s throat, and you finally find yourself able to move, no longer willing to stay petrified in fear.
You run forward and scream bloody murder. The wolf swings round to look at you, only to be smashed across the face with the bat. A high-pitched wail flies from it and it crashes to the floor, eyes rolling to the back of its head.
Once you were sure it wasn’t going to get back up any time soon, you spring to Namjoon’s side and cautiously kneel down beside him.
His chest rises and falls rapidly as he catches his breath, his eyes screwed shut.
Finally he looks at you and you want to flinch from his intense amber gaze but you gold your ground. He moves a big hand to cup your face, the paw almost as big as your head.
“Hoseok?” He croaks, and you nod in the direction he ran off into.
“I’ll watch the wolf. Go.”
Namjoon nods once at you before staggering to his feet and limping after Hoseok. You stand too, moving to hover over the big wolf, baseball bat levelled at its head in case it dared move.
It didn’t, but the minutes ticked on silently.  
You tried not to look at the unconscious creature at your feet too much, careful not to get sucked into your fears and worries. It’s teeth were huge, it’s jaw wide, and it’s claws deadly. How was Namjoon still able to stand after facing off with two at once?
Shuffling can be heard, branches snapping and a low murmur. You spin to the sound, bat reared and ready to swing. But through the trees stumbles Hoseok dragging an unconscious wolf. You scan behind him, ice running through you as you fail to see Namjoon. You wait, rolling onto your toes to peer between the trees.
Finally, mercifully, you see a messy head of honey hair appear between the trees, and a once-again naked Namjoon staggers into view.
You throw the bat as you run, launching yourself at him and wrapping yourself tightly around him. He sways under your grip, and you pull back with damp eyes and take in his appearance.
Your hands cup his face, slightly swollen on the left but not too bad. The rest of his body though… he was littered in bites and scratches, blood and sweat slowly drying on his weakened body.
Hoseok pulls off his coat and throws it to you, and you shout your thanks as you help Namjoon pull it on his body. He winces as he moves his arms back, and grunts as the weight of the coat presses down on his injuries.
Sliding under his him, you sling his arm across your shoulders and take some of his weight, walking him slowly towards the house.
“I’ll take Namjoon back to mine and patch him up. Will you be okay?” You shout to Hoseok, watching as he dumps the werewolf he was dragging by the other.
“I’ve already made a call. I’ll have some help in just a minute. Look after him.” Hoseok nods, a wide knowing smile stretching across his face.
Namjoon offers him a weak wave as you both move towards the house.
He leans more and more weight on you, but you struggle on.
“Joon? Stay with me, stay awake.”
“Oh, I guess it’s kinda stuck.” You laugh, heat cropping on your cheeks.
“I like you saying it.” He slurs slightly, and you tighten your grip.
“So Hoseok… what is he?”
“That's- ah, that hurts. That’s for him to say.” You shift your grip slightly and sigh, but catch him grinning at you.
“You’re no fun.”
Mercifully the house soon comes into view between the trees, and with a huge amount of your remaining energy, you manage to get him up the steps and swing open your door.
Luna is already on her feet and waiting, and as soon as she sees you both she begins howling. She runs and licks at you both, tail wagging so hard her butt shakes.
“Hey girl, sorry I scared you the other night.” Namjoon smiles weakly, slipping from your grip to scratch at Luna’s head.
“Come on, bathroom.” You say, grabbing his free hand and gently tugging him up the stairs.
He’s slow, but he makes it. Once inside you shut the door and throw on the light making both of you groan at the brightness. Having been outside all night was really starting to play with your senses.
You push him to sit on the closed toilet whilst you gather things to clean and patch him up with. He watches you run around, eyes half closed and dreamy.
You kneel down in front of him, damp towel in hand. He smiles tiredly at you, dimples proudly on show and eyes heavy-lidded. You could feel your heart almost stop. You could look at him like that forever.
Forcing yourself to move, you shuffle between his legs and help him push off the coat on his shoulders, biting your lip with each wince he gives. Naked once again, you begin to dab the towel over the areas of dried blood and sweat that pools on him. All you needed was for him to stay awake - you weren’t sure you could drag his heavy limp body anywhere.
“So, does this make me a furry?”
He chokes out a laugh, eyes examining your face as you slowly clean him. You make light work across his stomach, slowly working your way up his broad chest and to his shoulders.
“Only if you want me when I’m a wolf. You should see my dick then-“
“What? I thought we were trying to work out if you’re a furry!”
“Don’t talk about your wolfie weenie-“
“My what?!” He laughs, leaning back against the wall.
You have to kneel up and lean in between his thighs to reach his shoulders, your head level with his chin.
You look up at him, your towel stilling on his chest as you meet eyes. He smiles softly at you before he leans down and captures your lips with his. His kiss is gentle and slow, like a reawakening.
Placing your other hand firmly on his chest you push him away, trying to appear stern.
“No, not now. I can't have you bleeding over my grandma’s bathroom.”
“Okay, not now. But there’s a chance for more kisses later?” He asks, eyebrow raised. You laugh and shake your head, rinsing off the towel and bringing it back to his body.
“You’re ridiculous. You want kisses when not long ago I didn’t know if you were even gonna…” you trail off, not willing to vocalise your fears about losing him. You couldn’t.
“Shh, hey, come here.”
His hands cup your face, bringing you level. He dots kisses over all the skin that he can reach, thumbs rubbing soothingly across your cheeks.
“I’m not leaving you, Y/N. I only just got you.”
You nod in his hands, pressing forward to kiss him again. You’re careful when you press your body flat against him, not applying too much pressure but touching as much of him as you could.
He kisses you back, the heat between your growing. You let your hands knot into his hair, fingers tugging through the wind-tangled strands.
It’s not long before you feel him growing hard against you, and you pull back from the kiss to glare at him.
“You’re getting hard? Now, seriously?”
“I can’t help it! You’re hot and I'm turned on. If anything, it's your fault.” He smirks, shrugging his shoulders at you.
“I’m not touching anything until you’re patched up, Joon. And even then! You need to rest.”
You force yourself to get to your feet, slipping out of his warm touch. You throw back the shower curtain and turn on the taps, hot water shooting out of the showerhead and collecting in the bathtub, slowly draining away. You crack open a window as steam fills the room, making your filthy clothes stick tighter to your skin.
You hold out a hand to him which he begrudgingly takes, letting you help him to his feet and climb carefully into the shower.
He practically melts under the warm spray, the water cascading down his golden skin. You watch in awe as the water dances across his chest, washing away all the excess grime that clings to his skin.
You turn him gently, dabbing at his back and gently scrubbing away the dried blood and dirt.
He practically moans at your touch, and you bite your lip so you don’t get sucked in. He was injured and he needed to be cleaned, you couldn’t go further than that.
But he grabs hold of your arm, tugging you softly to the tub.
“Come on, Y/N. I know what is still sitting between your legs. Are you still dripping for me?”
“Namjoon!” You squeak, but you let him pull you up into the tub, just shy of the shower’s stream.
“What? Am I wrong? It’s not like we had a chance to get clean.”
You slap his shoulder, and the smirk on his face turns to a wince. You gasp and step towards him to comfort him, dousing your clothes.
“Now you’re gonna have to take those filthy clothes off. I promise, no funny business.” He holds up his hands in a surrender motion, before reaching out and beginning to tug on your shirt.
He begins to try and lift it over your head, but he drops the shirt, hissing as his sore skin pulls tight. You sigh, brushing his hands from you and removing your sodden clothes and throwing them into the sink. The warmth that was sinking below your skin was heavenly, a feeling that you had almost forgotten.
Finally fully bare in front of his eyes, you want to hide. But he takes you by the hand, a soft smile on his face as he drags you under the stream and presses your bodies together, his eyes swimming with stars as he looks at you.
You kiss again, safe and warm under the hot water. You break apart and begin to splash water over yourself, and soon enough the grime was scrubbed away. Turning Namjoon around, you drop a chunk of shampoo in your hands and work it into his scalp, combing away all the knots with your fingers until it was soft and clean. You tapped him back under the water and massaged it out, delight trickling through you as he shivers under your touch.
You turn from him and let the water run down your back, your temperature finally warm enough to let your body relax fully. You finally get to wash away the stickiness that had begun to dry between your legs, the memories of Namjoon making heat burst across your face.
Namjoon’s hands snake over your hips, pulling you flat against his chest. He lets his hands wander down to cup your slit. You gasp at the touch, grabbing hold of his arms.
“I thought you said no funny business?” You lean back into him and whisper.
“I’m just making sure you’re clean, baby.” His breath is hot on your ear and you shiver at the pet name, rolling your body against him.
He lets his finger run over your slit, water cascading over you both. He dips in, letting his finger run up you until he hits your clit. Swiping small circles there, he presses a kiss against the shell of your ear before taking the lobe between his teeth and tugging softly.
“All these marks… all mine…”
You turn your head as Namjoon trails kisses down your shoulders, bite marks and soft bruises welling over your skin.
“Sorry if it was too rough. Some of these look a little fierce.”
“Mmm, it’s fine.” You sigh, hips rolling as his fingers press a little harder on your clit.
His head lulls heavily on your shoulder, and you reluctantly pull his hand away from your body as you turn to face him.
“Sit, Namjoon.”
“Is this a dog thing?”
“Sit on the edge of the bath, you moron!”
You push gently on his shoulder as he sits on the rim of the bath, leaning back against the wall. He slumps, relief washing over him as he gets off his feet. You kneel between his legs, concern written across your face as you look up at him.
“I’m fine, honestly. My body is tired but my mind… it’s all you.” He smiles, fingers reaching out to tangle in your hair.
You surge up to kiss him, his fully hard length pressing into your stomach.
“I guess I need to find a way to keep your body awake then…” you smirk against his lips.
You let your hand trail to his cock, taking the thick member in your hands and slowly starting to pump him.
His face knots as he stares down at you, eyes meeting yours. You smile as you move your head down, licking a fat strip up the underside of him.
He groans and throws his head back against the wall. You smirk as you move to sink your mouth over his tip, but stop, worry bubbling in your mind.
“Erm, if you get close enough to cum, will you, you know, knot in my throat?” You ask, eyes wide with worry as you stare up at him.
For a minute you think he’ll laugh at you but he doesn’t. He simply runs a hand through your hair and smiles down at you, that dimple you’ve come to adore popping out at you.
“No. I only did early because I was still pumped up from adrenaline and changed back to this form very quickly.”
You nod, letting him tuck a lock of hair behind your ear. Flashing him a smile, you lean down, hovering over his lip and giving it a small kitten lick across his slit. When he’s fully leant back against the wall, you flash him a grin and sink your mouth over him, taking him as far as you can go.  
He releases a string of curses as you hold him in your mouth and slowly start to pull off him, thick cock making the corners of your mouth sore already. You flutter your eyes up to him and wag an eyebrow, and he shakes his head.
“God, what are you doing to me?” He groans, fingers tight in your hair.
“Just checking you’re still awake.” You smirk as you pull off his length.
His next words are cut off as you slide your mouth over his tip, swirling your tongue over any skin you could reach. You pump a hand over the rest of his length, letting his moans hit your ears.
You pull off him with a pop and pump vigorously, watching as his mouth falls open at your work. His eyes are heavy, flicking between your hands and your face.
“Y/N…” your name falls from his lips like a prayer, louder and louder as you work him higher.
You bring your mouth back down, running your tongue along his tip. His hips roll slightly, utterly helpless under your hands and making you soak.
You reach down a hand between your legs and begin to rub at your clit, the water from the shower warm as it hits your back and cascades down.
“So hot…” he groans, watching as you grind on your hand whilst your other picks up pace.
You moan onto him, the vibrations causing him to suck air thickly through his teeth. Soon he’s practically bucking off the side of the tub, unable to take any more.
“Y/N, ride me.” He moans, fingers tugging softly in your hair. You pull off him and look at him with your eyebrows drawn.
“I don’t know, Namjoon. You’re not strong enough for that kind of thing…”
“Y/N, please, I need it.” He whines, and you roll your eyes.
“Sit in the bath. If you so much as move, I’ll leave you so high and dry you’ll forget your own name.” You command, your hands slipping away from your bodies as you kneel back.
“God, yes ma’am.” He sighs dreamily, carefully lowering himself into the bathtub.
The shower continues to pour as Namjoon sits on his ass, the stream just hitting in front of him. You move through the stream to straddle him, pushing wet hair out of your face.
“If you’re in any pain, tell me and I’ll stop-“
“I’d rather die-“
“I wanna be inside you, baby, please.” You clench at his words, a groan falling from your lips.
You line him up, pressing him against your entrance as you brace yourself against his shoulders.
Slowly you begin to lower yourself, his thickness causing you to hiss. He places his hands on your hips, guiding you down without any pressure.
The drag inside you is pure pleasure and pain, a tight squeeze until he’s fully seated inside of you. You let out a breath and lean your forehead against his, getting used to how thick he is inside of you.
“That’s it baby, you take me so well.” He whispers, his eyes fluttering closed as he revels in you.
“Never had you pegged as a talker, Joon.” You mutter.
“There’s a lot you’re gonna learn about me- oh fuck!”
You cut him off with an experimental roll of your hips, pulling away from him to watch his eyes roll. Placing a hand behind his head on the edge of the tub you start your slow ascent, sliding almost fully off his girthy length before rolling back down, bottoming out once again.
“God, you fill me so good.” You mumble, setting a slow pace as you begin to ride him. He drags a lip between his teeth as he watches himself disappear in and out of you.
“Tell me baby, I wanna know how good I make you feel.”
“Want me to inflate that ego, huh?”
“Please baby, I’m injured.” He smirks at you, his eyes wide.
“Puppy dog eyes won’t work on me, Namjoon.” You clench down on him, and his fingers dig into your hips. “You’re not exactly a puppy.”
“Y/N, don’t make me beg-“
“Like a dog-“
I’m being serious! God how are you arguing when I'm sitting so deep inside of you?”
You chuckle as you roll your hips, picking up your speed. His hands move to your chest, rolling your nipples between his large fingers.
Your head rolls back at his touch, and a broken groan escapes you as he sits forward a little, taking a nipple into his mouth.
He swirls the bud with his tongue, and you knot your free hand in his hair, holding him steady as you ride him. His slides a hand to grab at your ass whilst the other tugs on your free nipple, a torrent of sensations that send you hurtling to the edge.
“Joon-“ you gasp, tugging him gently off your nipple to pepper his faces with soft kisses.
He slides his hands down from you other breast to brush teasingly over your clit. He doesn’t apply enough pressure, and no matter how many times you clench on his dick as you ride him, he doesn’t pick up his pace.
“Please Namjoon!” You whine, feeling every inch of him press teasingly against your g-spot.
“Tell me how good I make you feel.”
“Come on-“
“It’ll make me feel better baby.” He pouts, letting his fingers rub briefly across your clit, making you see stars.
“You make me feel so good, Joon.” You say a little awkwardly, but he moans, dotting kisses up your throat and jaw.
“So thick inside me. Want to cum all over your cock.”
“Mm, me too-“
“Want you to cum in me again, want you to fill my pussy up.”
He practically growls, seizing your lips with his as he bucks up into you, crashing his lips against your own. You kiss him back, leafing your hands through his soft locks as he pounds up into you. His fingers finally giving what you want and rubbing over your throbbing clit.
With a strangled cry of his name against his lips you come undone, bucking on him as pleasure rolls through you. Your walls clench down on him too, dragging his orgasm out of him. You feel him pulse inside of you, hot ropes of cum shooting out from him.
Both of you stay there for a moment, Namjoon firmly seated inside you as you kiss, slowly, sloppily.
He finally breaks away from your kiss to pull his softening length from you, and a trail of cum leaks from your sore pussy. Running a finger up your thigh, he grins sheepishly at you.
You sit forward and seize his hand, sticking the finger between your lips and licking it clean. He watches you with an open mouth, and once you pull him out with a pop, he sits forward and kisses you, tasting himself on your tongue.
“I could watch you do that forever. You’re incredible.” He sighs as he sits back against the tub, pulling you to lean on him.
You laugh, pecking lightly at his lips.
You sit carding a hand through his damp hair, eyes locked in a gentle embrace. He lets his hands sit on you back, rubbing small circles in your skin.  
Luna can be heard shuffling outside the door, yapping like a puppy. You smile, letting your head nestle into his neck.
“We should probably get out of the shower and let you rest properly.” You sigh, letting your breath fan over his chest.
“Yeah.” He says softly, but makes no effort to move. Luna begins yapping again, and you smile.
“Can you tell her we’re coming out?” You ask, and Namjoon chuckles, shaking you.
“I don’t know what she’s saying.”
“But you’re also a mutt-“
“Hey, that’s speciest.”
“Sorry, big bad wolf, I take it back.” You laugh, pulling back to smile at him.
“Hey Joon, what’s a mate?” You ask, and delight in watching his eyes blown wide.
“Erm… kinda like a girlfriend, I guess? But more, I dunno… Fated.”
“And everyone seems to think I’m your mate.” You say carefully.
“Yeah… I think it’s a smell thing.” He shrugs, but you could see the blush stretching across his face.
“I don’t mind, you know.” You smile.
“You- you don’t?” He stammers.
“No - but I think you need to take me on a date first, before we start talking semantics.” You smirk, leaning forward to press your lips back against his.
“Yes ma’am.” He grins, holding you tight against him.
“Good boy-“
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CHEESECAKE: I'm so glad you guys could make it! I've been meaning to talk about something-But that can wait for later!
CHEESECAKE: Whats it like being a famous married couple?
PRINCESS: We're famous?! Sick! But uh... We arent married, at all. Not even legally!
CHEESECAKE: Didnt sign the papers?
PRINCESS: Nope! Thats too boring! Plus, marraige is for old people!
CHEESECAKE: I know a few people who're quite young and married~!
PRINCESS: They're old at heart then hehe!
CHEESECAKE: Oh you goof!
CHEESECAKE: Come along babes we're going to have SO MUCH FUN!!
KNIGHT: Yes ma'am.
CHEESECAKE: You can call me Cheesecake Knight, dear!
KNIGHT: Yes, Cheesecake.
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CHEESECAKE: I've been so lonely recently! No one has any time for parties this time of the year! That's OK though, small gatherings are so wholesome!
PRINCESS: What'll we be doing, exactly?
CHEESECAKE: How do you two feel about a movie night in the movie room?
PRINCESS: Sounds good to me!
CHEESECAKE: What about you, Knight Cookie?
KNIGHT: Hm? Oh, yes, sure!
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