#thespian cryptid
rjavenuru · 2 months
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anybody else obsessed by this? 😅
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anoddopal · 2 years
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@mothlover69 Well met, Logan! How have you been faring; and your lover, Rottie? I trust all is well. Ah, and many greetings to the rest, especially you, @yearnin-cryptid​!
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🎵 - a song or lyric that reminds you of s/i?
“All the hate that you've heard” - “has turned your spirit to a dove.”
Despite everything she has been through, Opal hasn’t lost the purity of her soul. She brings immense peace in times of daunting hostility.
🧀 - what's your cheesiest petname for s/i, and what's theirs for you? any other funny petnames you use for each other?
I call her my “Lamb”- which is a term of endearment in my culture that would be the equivalent to how humans call their significant others “baby”. Though Opal is always quick to remind me she is a rabbit, and will be referred to as such. *chuckle*
She refers to me as “Dames” or “Ovis”. Dames is a shortened version of my name. Ovis is the genus for sheep on Earth.
💬 - who confessed first?
It was I. She is very shy about these sorts of matters. Yet the look in her eyes gave her feelings away long before she could voice them. 
💋 - describe your first kiss (if you've had one)
It was short, yet very tender. She is not one for kissing on the lips for an extended period of time. Yet she had taken me by surprise by quickly kissing my cheek immediately afterwards. 😳
⛱️ - if you could take s/i anywhere, where would it be and why?
I desperately wish I could take her to explore the oceans of The Jeersei Expanse. There are many wondrous sea creatures she would delight in seeing. Alas, it is not yet safe for someone like her to be wandering the beaches of my homeland... 
🗒️ - what are your favorite details about s/i that you think more people should notice?
When she is in the presence of an animal, her demeanor changes. She shoulders relax, her eyes become warm, and her voice goes soft. Opal will speak to them with upmost adoration. It does not matter if the creature is grotesque in appearance. Many a time I have heard her refer to them using terms such as “sweetie” or “babydoll”. 
Her laughter is a joyous sound. To hear it at any capacity is a blessing. Every noise she makes- from the quietest of chuckles to her explosive mischievous cackles- should be seen as delight by all who are around her.
She cares deeply for others. I only pray that those around her recognize it and return the same degree of concern back towards her.
📙 - if you had to use one trope to describe your relationship, what would it be?
Indeed… it would be Beast and Beauty. Opal is charming, perceptive, and a flicker of light amidst the stygian reality we corporal beings are forced to wander. She manages to see the best in the world around her; she furthermore is able to see the best in me. I would have no other choice than to tear anyone who tried to take that brightness within her away into pieces.
💌 - describe your first date. was it a success, awkward, etc.?
It was most successful! We went to an artisan fair that is a semi-annual tradition for my people. Opal was enthralled by all the rich culture of the Fawuné. We ate merrily, watched thespian performances, and spent immense amounts of coin to support the many independent creators there with their artistic endeavors.
And when the day was done we returned to her realm to watch the sunset and talk the night away. She let me hold her hand on that date, and has continued to let me do so to this day. 💜
🪱 - MOST IMPORTANTLY...would you still love them if they were a worm?
I… I am befuddled by this notion. If she were to suddenly become a worm, I would have to assume a devious hex had been placed upon her. I would devote every waking hour to finding a remedy.
My loyalty to Opal is boundless. I would love her in any form she manifested. Though I wonder… if she were a worm… would she still love me?
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fallforfail · 3 years
I think I might be a Batman (Bruce Wayne) apologist, but. In my defense. I think I’ve only read about ten actual Batman comics, the two of which that left the biggest impressions being Batman year one and death in the family.
The Bruce Wayne in my head, a description:
Acts like b-man 66 as public Bruce Wayne
Is genuinely charming in a passionate and dorky way, just always too intense
Has no idea what is a normal level of noticing things, so he chooses to err on the side of oblivious.
has Batman 1989’s level of ability to actually function as a person (that is barely)
Is more like JLU animated b-man when on his normal setting (plus the green lantern bullying from justice league war)
The Dark Gritty persona is a put on persona, because Bruce finds being perceived as a terrifying, bogeyman, cryptid to be amusing
Completely left field sense of humor. Will lie on a dime if he thinks it will be funny to go along with something. Lives and dies by people never being able to be completely certain of wether or not he’s yanking their chain
Always came across as a ditz even as a teen because he’d be deep in thought about something as someone tries to talk to him and when they confront him about not listening he’d be like ‘huh? Sorry?’ “what’s so important” and Bruce allergic to explaining himself stares up into the distance and says ‘the weather’ he’s thinking about an article he read about the effect seasonal depression has on the frequency of certain types of crime but the person follows his line of sight and sees a single cloud in the sky and it looks like a turtle and they’re just done
was as unhinged as we hope Patterson will be, as a teenager, but hid it because he didn’t want to reflect badly on his parents or Alfred. And also feared being taken away from Alfred and/or put in an institute.
(Thinking of that panel I’ve seen of him bribing his caseworker and burning his file, and how I’ve heard he got triggered so he burned the answers to a math question into his teacher’s lawn, or the time he beat the snot out of a bully)
Custody dispute between Alfred and his Uncle Philip when he was eleven, Alfred had to blackmail Philip to get him back, Bruce doesn’t learn the how of it until year one (negotiable)
Went to boarding school, ran by a 500 years old man who sold his soul to the devil, for a little over 3 months shortly before his parents died
Idolized the grey ghost and green lantern(Alan Scott) as a kid, most Gothamites have mixed feelings for GL because he gave up on them and left
Technically started vigilantly work at age 12 and is childhood friends with Selina à la Gotham tv( I’m interested in only pieces of that cannon)(this part is negotiable)
At age 8 sat in the cooling blood between his parents bodies for at least half an hour, clutching a handful of pearls and thinking about how the gunpowder had looked like a halo around his moms head
His mother specified in her will that she did not want her side of the family to gain custody of Bruce
Was raised by his ex-pro thespian, ex-SAS, ex-covert ops butler who tried to use Victorian work place formality (and also fencing and boxing lessons) as a way to provide structure for a grieving orphan, and who told Bruce not to let them(vultures) see him cry, at his parents funeral (and also once drove Bruce to the house of a kid bullying him and proudly took Bruce out for pizza after he beat the kid up)
Touch starved, Touch starved, Touch starved, and he and Alfred probably don’t even realize until Dick comes along actively reaching for hugs from adults he trust (Bruce was probably told by his parents not to bother the help because they were working and it would be rude of him to keep them from it or something like that) and Bruce is like ‘wow it doesn’t feel like I’m being tazed anymore’ and Alfred goes 😦🫖 (critical hit)
I also like the idea that Bruce has always had days where he is touch repulsed. The kind of kid that you genuinely need to ask if you can touch them, and sometimes the answer is yes but just as likely (if he’s comfortable with you, otherwise it’s more) the answer is no. And you need to respect that. Especially when he’s upset.
Spent a couple months (concurrent or asynchronous) functionally mute as a kid. Also spent whole days in between the walls of the Manor up until the point of Alfred banning him from doing so (because Alfred couldn’t always find/reach Bruce to make sure he eats and sleeps)
Is autistic but probably didn’t get tested by his parents because old money reputation concerns and Kane family history (his parents were probably at least a little wasp-y, and apparently every few generations someone in the Kane family goes completely of the rails, I wouldn’t be surprised if they tried to hide any kind of mental concern) and it is extremely difficult to tell which issues were or weren’t caused by various traumas
Developed chiroptophobia at six or seven when the ground (covered old well) collapsed beneath his feet and and dropped him into a tunnel system, breaking his arm (green stick fracture), which in turn caused him to get swarmed by a colony of bats because he was crying to loudly
Was probably read age inappropriate things for bedtime stories (murder mysteries, Wayne family history, Gotham city history, med books, etc.)
Is a detective (forensics and all)
Both his parents made a genuine effort to hammer civic mindedness into him, and it stuck
Visits random people in his dads former work place (hospital) has conversations with them and pays there med bills
Took off at 17 without warning, and sent Alfred a total of 3 postcards over the 5 years he spent travel training
Cannot cook (except maybe pancakes) in a kitchen, has accidentally exploded a toaster, makes the best campfire lizard you’ll ever have
Has never hit one of his kids in anger, has hit multiple justice leaguers in anger (he usually baits them into throwing the first punch). And even if he lost the fight (Wonder Woman & Superman) he manages to do it with panache
I’m not saying it’s okay for him to let kids be vigilantes, but I don’t think he could have stopped any of his kids but Jason. He might have been able to delay Dick, but he would have done the same thing at his age given the chance and he’s a dumb*** your honor
Raising a traumatized kid, for whom you were not part of the life of during their formative years, is parenting hard mode
Is no more than 14 years older than Dick Grayson (that makes him at most 26 when he takes Dick in, that’s about the same as Carly and Spencer from icarly, just let that sink in)
Bruce was the one who started the ‘do the butts match’ thing
Ace is Bruce’s service dog, the version were Alfred trains him as a gift to Bruce (and also as a symbol of the ability to heal past trauma?)
Made Wayne industries’ starting wage for ‘entry level’ and ‘unskilled labor’ a mandatory $3 more than local living wage (plus college scholarships, if not fully payed rides, if they want to go through school). They also have a paid internship only policy and free childcare. (These changes take at least a few years to make happen)
Has been increasing the amount of money he gives to charity each year as corruption and embezzlement decreases and the framework has been put in place for more charity work (his net worth still increases despite giving away billions each year because that’s how being super rich works and he’s frustrated about that) also is extremely good about avoiding gentrification
Screw the ‘Gotham always gets worse’ thing or whatever the line is. Gotham is getting better. People have hope and criminals are rehabilitating.
Pays for random people’s collage education when the opportunity comes up
Chum, Jay-lad, Boy Scout, princess, Al, glow stick, the man is constantly coming up with and using nicknames for people
Once stuffed half a plate of cookies into his mouth at once just to spite either Dick or Clark. Once laughed so hard he lost his balance and hit his head, narrowly escaping a concussion (this point is pure head cannon)
Can we really call ourselves DC fans if we don’t pick and choose what we consider cannon the same way the writers do?
As it turns out, Battinson was perfect. Did not see that coming. Especially the voices he used (Batman speaking. Vs bruce speaking)
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forgetful-dorito · 3 years
What your favorite Side says about you
- You’re super egotistical on the outside but secretly you think everyone hates you
-you‘ve always wanted to be that “popular” friend in the friend group. wether or not you ARE the popular friend is yet to be decided
-you constantly preach about self care to your loved ones, but never follow your own advice
-you’re creative!!!! most likely, you’re an artist or a writer
-your self standards are higher than Logans love for Crofters
-You either really like Disney or are a thespian in the making
-You constantly have trouble knowing wether someone was being sarcastic to you or not and you’re really self conscious about it
-you know how to play one or more musical instrument. double the points if one of them is the ukulele or the piano
-You are an optimistic person!
-Either you’re the mom friend, or the dad friend of the group. Yes there’s a difference. No I will not elaborate.
-You enjoy stress baking, and if you don’t, chances are you do and just don’t realize it (y’all hmu if you want a nice banana muffin recipe-)
- You constantly try and push your loved ones to their goals
-You’re emotional, and you often see eye-to-eye with the Roman stans
-you think Logan is amazing
-you think Logan is AMAZING
- you prefer hot cocoa with sprinkles and whipped cream over coffee
-low-key you think Emile is amazing too
-you actually DO understand those dirty jokes your friends are saying, but you pretend you don’t for the sake of it
- you worry about your grades and are constantly stressed out
-a lot of people like Virgil, so you’re in good company :)
-oversized sweatshirts, anyone?
-you are Gen z. There’s no way around it
-VERY sarcastic
-you may be an emo, or an ex-emo
-you try to think rationally, but that pile of laundry on your chair really does look like a serial killer at night, and you’re scared shitless every time you see it
-halloween is your favorite holiday, or one of your favorites
-you think that the Patton stans are the best people in the world, and you’re completely right
-you are a cat person
-you either like Logan because you relate to him on a core level, or you feel bad for him all the time
-people constantly ignore you and while it hurts, you’re kind of used to it at this point
-lmao wut r feelings
-you absolutely adore the nerd aesthetic
-constantly infodumping on your friends about your latest obsession
-you know too much about serial killers and/or forensic science and/or true crime in general
-you’re low-key the mom friend of the group, but no one realizes
-you had a space phase when you were younger
-“I’m not a psychopath, I swear! It’s for a story I’m writing.”
-self care, bitch!
-you also feel ignored, and get along well with the Logan stans
-you think that lying is ok in the right circumstances, as long as it’s to help someone else or it’s harmless
- you like snakes. Danger noodles :3
-you are introverted
-either you are a strong lover of tea or coffee, and you hate the other beverage with a burning passion.
- like the Roman stans, you try and pretend you are amazing, but secretly you think everyone hates you. The difference is that you’re lying to yourself about your true feelings
-either you are the conspiracy theorist of the friend group, or you’re the lovable cryptid of the friend group
-you like the cold weather because you can pile on blankets and sweaters and its still comfy
-you are definitely the local cryptid
-chaotic as hell
-you dont care about grades. At all.
-you swear the most out of your friend group
- you are extroverted.
-between the choice of dogs or cats, you would choose horses.
-your best friend is either a Janus or a Patton.
-like the Logan stans, you also know way too much about true crime, and you have a morbid curiosity for dead things
- you come off as carefree, but you never meet your own standards and constantly belittle yourself, not unlike the Roman stans
-you have a collection of something very specific. Maybe it’s banana stickers, maybe it’s scarves, maybe it’s deer antlers, who knows.
-people are surprised when you do something morally right for no reason
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
Anacapa’s Own: Get to Know The Mer on Everyone’s Minds
Posted 6/5/20XX by Mandy Tempkin
PORT HUENEME, CA - Visitors who arrive at Anacapa Island’s three islets for a day spent exploring its sea cliffs, caves, and natural bridges have been reporting another eye-catching sight entirely - that of a young male mer, seemingly separated from his family pod.
Sightings have been reported regularly since March 5th, when hiker James William Dodger and his fiance Mary Benson first mentioned that they had come across a strange seal-like creature sunning on a rock while eating one of the seabirds that Anacapa’s islets are famous for. 
“At first, we thought maybe it was a kid, like a teenager had fallen into the ocean and managed to climb out,” Dodger said in an interview with local TV station ABC7 shortly after the original sighting. “You know, you see what looks like just some guy from the waist up, and then we realized, you know, kind of all at once that he had a tail and also that he was just tearing into this bird, feathers and all.”
“It was pretty startling,” Benson added in the interview. “He was eating this bird raw, and that’s kind of when it sunk in that what we were looking at wasn’t even a little bit a human.”
At the time, Dodger and Benson contacted park staff on the island, sharing many photos, unfortunately blurred, they took of the mer, who appeared unaware of them and focused on his meal. By the time staff reached the location the two had described, the mer was gone, but some feathers and a few shed scales that were confirmed to belong to a species of mer known to routinely migrate past the California coast, helped support their story.
Tourists and locals both have continued to spot the mer, who has been known to greet boats as they ferry visitors between Anacapa’s three islets by popping up out of the water and appearing to wave in greeting. The website A Cryptid All Our Own, run by local cryptozoologist Anders Kirsse, catalogs sighting reports, maintains a photo gallery that is consistently updated, and states that the mer is sure to become “the new Loch Ness, only this one is real.”
The SoCal Daily Skim would like to include a disclaimer here that Kirsse’s comments as to the existence of Scotland’s beloved Nessie do not represent those of this website in general or the writer of this article specifically. 
The gallery is extensive, and the mer looks from the waist up like an adolescent male, with short pale hair and skin, dark freckles that seem designed to help him camouflage in the shallower waters, flat slit-style nostrils that can breathe air, and gills along each side of his neck. He has fins at his ears, near his elbows, and along his long scaled tail with a large flared fin at the end. His eyes contain no iris or pupil, only a pure solid green, and pictures taken at dusk or night show them glowing.
Marine biologists who study the mer have noted that it is likely he was separated from his family pod during their annual migration and is hoping to link back up with them upon their return. The mer is mammalian, with family-centered pods that can number up to one hundred individuals, and they primarily live in the colder Arctic waters, migrating south once per year and then returning after their known mating season. They communicate underwater with a series of clicks and calls that many find similar to whalesong, and are primarily obligate carnivores with some additional need for vegetation like seaweed. 
Biologists who have studied the mer say he appears to be in the middle of his adolescence. Mer are capable of instinctive geographical knowledge that far outpaces mankind, and biologists are confident his pod will return to retrieve him when they head back for their usual home in the Arctic with new calves in tow.
The mer are famously shy and reticent to interact with humans, and the young mer’s behavior confuses biologists, who have never seen a mer seek any kind of direct contact with humans before. It is believed that the mer calf’s youth is responsible for his unusual openness to contact. Nonetheless, attempts to lure and capture him temporarily for tagging have not been successful.
Park staff and visitors alike seem to harbor affection for the young mer, and a private individual’s attempt to capture him ended in a hostile standoff that required mediation by the Coast Guard. The capture, ownership, or even private attempt to contact a mer is illegal in the United States of America, due to their being listed as critically endangered thanks to increased human activity and environmental change significantly damaging their natural habitats.
Park staff has stated that the mer seems to understand that he was in danger during the standoff, and began leaving small shells on the rock where one park staff member spends some time drinking coffee each morning.
“If you didn’t know better,” Park Ranger Stephanie Blackhouse said in a short phone call with the writer, “You’d swear he was human. I think maybe we don’t know as much about the mer as we think we do.”
His family pod should return within the next three months, and Anacapa’s staff and visitors will miss him - and be happy to see him reunite with his pod and make the arduous journey north. But maybe, until then, he’ll leave a few more shells on rocks for all of us to enjoy.
Ed. note: As of 9/03/20XX, the mer has vanished. His family pod, who are being tracked by biologists, is still hundred of miles away. Park staff believes that he was lured to a boat and may have come into the possession of a private owner or owners. 
“Mer don’t do well in captivity,” Marine biologist and mer specialist Dr. Rachel Lachlan was quoted as saying in the initial announcement as to the mer’s disappearance. “They don’t last long. We are hopeful he will be returned in time to meet with his pod.”
Anyone with information is encouraged to come forward to park staff or local police and share what they know. A local business owner has offered a $5,000 reward for information that leads to the recovery of the mer.
@astrobly @burtlederp @finder-of-rings @slaintetowhump @moose-teeth @wildfaewhump @that-one-thespian
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Your Laugh is a Gateway Drug
The Joker x Rex Zimmer
Word Count: 793
Warnings: Drug mention in the title, but other than that, I don’t think there’s anything!
Tag List: @heavenshipped @the-schizotypal-cryptid @heartstringsymphonies @ghostlyvenus
Summary: Wrote a bit about me & Joker’s first meeting in a timeline where we meet and bond in Arkham at first!
The Thespian, aka Rex Zimmer, had finally worked their way up to be taken into Arkham Asylum. They were by no means a top criminal, but they had finally gotten the attention of the Batman, which was a clear sign of their future if they could not be swayed from this path of criminal activity.
Upon being taken into the facility, they remained stone-faced despite the jeers and glares they received from other inmates. They entered their new cell quietly, listened patiently to a guard explain the gist of what their time in would be like, and generally behaved, unlike the other occupants of the sanatorium.
Their first lunch hour came with immediate confrontations.
“Well well well, looks like we’ve got some fresh meat,” a monstrous, lizard-like man growled, “and another clown, too!”
Rex did not acknowledge the attention, focusing on the bland meal before them.
“There’s no way they have any relation to The Joker… right?” A man with a question mark tattoo piped up.
“No, I’ve never met the man,” Rex answered coolly.
“Ho-ho, it speaks! Well, if he talks to you, the best thing is to just ignore him. Nothing good comes from being the center of a mad man’s attention.”
“I’ll make my own decisions, thanks.”
“You talk tough shit, newbie,” the lizard spoke, this time.
“I know how to handle myself,” Rex stood, picking up their tray, “now if you’d excuse me, you’re blocking the trashcans.”
They attempted to step around the larger man, but he stepped to block their way. They attempted the other direction, and yet were still met with a thick, scaly torso, covered by an orange jumpsuit.
“Are you looking to pitch a fight, my friend?” They set their tray aside and the monster snorted.
“He’s always looking to ‘pitch a fight,’” Question mark sighed.
“That would be a very ill choice to make, especially on my first day here. I will ask you again. Please move so I can throw away my scraps, and we will both be out of each other’s hair… scales?”
The reptile of a man sneered before lightly pushing Rex. They remained still, so he shoved them again. At this point, the other fellow had resided to the sidelines to watch, practically fighting the urge to encourage a scuffle. It was a mess hall stand-off between a criminal nobody and a terrifying beast. A distorted bell played over the intercom and the reptile grunted, finally getting out of Rex’s way, though not without a fierce backward glance. The new inmate paid no mind, tossing their garbage and moving on to their next activity.
It did not take long for their odd nature to get noticed by all, including the clown prince of crime. One day, he decided it was time to make a “grand hello” to this newbie, sitting across from them one dinner time. He grinned across the table.
“So, you’re the new nut. What’re you in for?” He asked.
Rex paused, gathering their thoughts. “Whatsa matter? Cat got your tongue?”
“No, I was simply recounting all that got me to this point… thievery and illegal trade, mostly. Arson. Rigging an eighteen car pile-up.”
Joker sat back slightly, looking impressed.
“It’s a shame I’ve never heard of you before. We could make great partners. You already have the look!” Joker gestured to their messy facepaint with a light chuckle.
“I’ve worked alone, mostly. Not entirely, but after the circus dropped me and the boys split up.” Rex cut themself off. Joker leaned in once more.
“Oh, do go on. I love a good story.”
“I don’t trust you with that sort of intimate knowledge just yet. Come back some other day?” They joked dryly. The much more infamous criminal before them chuckled again.
“You drive a hard bargain, my friend. The others, they say you’re name’s Rex. But what does the old Bat know you as?”
“The Thespian. Or so I hope.”
Joker nodded to himself, “That’s good… Joker. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, fellow clown.” He offered his hand and Rex shook it gingerly, yanking back when they felt a slight shock. Joker laughed, showing them the joy buzzer looped around his thumb.
“You like your gimmicks. I’ll keep that in mind… though it’s not like I haven’t heard of you before.”
Joker threw up his arms, “who hasn’t?! If you’re born in Gotham, you’re bound to quake in fear at even a mere reference to me!” The clown prince of crime laughed again, a sound that drowned out all other conversations and was, by all means, a trademark of his being. Was it in that moment Rex felt something between them? Or did it take longer for them to realize Joker’s pining was genuine, unlike anything before?
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🙌🙌🙌 !!!
Time for some more mates. I’ll introduce y’all to Thefri, Thesanth, and Felix; disclaimer though: FELIX AND THESANTH WERE JUST AN IDEA I STARTED. @wandering-gharasham gave them LIFE and I will do everything I can to do them justice. They belong to her, but she’s given me permission to include them because they are prominent characters in Alchumena’s life.
This will be long, so it’s going under a cut.
First, I’ll introduce Thefri Tlapuni, Ati’s third mate, whose faceclaim is Nikolaj Coster-Waldau.
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This boy is an idiot. A hot-headed dummy.  He’s bold, sassy, dull-witted and gullible, but persistent. His friends make fun of him because he will fall for just about anything and is very quick to start a fight simply for the fact that he’s not the brightest and doesn’t really think before speaking or acting. His friends particularly like daring him to jump off of tall structures to see if he can transform into his monster form quick enough to fly off before he hits the bottom.
And every single time he forgets he doesn’t have wings.
Despite being just ridiculously dumb, he’s a loyal friend. He’s quick to give his buddies shit for anything and everything, but it’s his way of showing he cares. Though he’s also got a bit of a temper, he’s actually quite soft. He has a talent with art and likes to paint, though his works are more impressionist works, and thus not many people take to them like they would the more commonplace realist works. Regardless, his artwork helps keep him calm, but there are perhaps all of two people who know he even paints in the first place - it’s not something he advertises. 
Alchumena’s attraction to him was nonexistent until he approached her first. Thefri was born post-Conjunction, so he is FAR younger than her, but when she advertised that she was looking for a mate, he took initiative and told her he wanted to be chosen rather than doing what all others did and competed for her affection. That he was so hell-bent on being her mate endeared him to her, so she agreed if only for the fact that never had anyone been so brazen to approach her like this. She is one of those few that knows about his art and actually quite adores it. Her adoration for his art resulted in her being his muse for a number of pieces despite her still being cold and manipulative. She still thinks he’s a moron, but it’s oddly endearing. He was willing to do anything and everything for her, even going so far as to wait on her hand and foot. 
He still sees her at the reunions and makes a habit of trying to convince her to be his mate again at least once, to which she responds by swiftly telling him to piss off. It doesn’t stop him from trying though. He gets insanely jealous of her current mates every time as well (and was even dumb enough to challenge every one of them only to get his ass handed to him because he doesn’t really think).
NEXT, we have mate number two, Thesanth Vercna, whose faceclaim is Hugh Jackman, and I will fight you if you say anything.
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Thasanth is a fucking goofball and we love him for it. He likes making jokes at everyone’s expense including his own and will stoop to any level even if it embarrasses himself. He’s just that good-natured and silly. No one takes him seriously as a result, but he’s still a good man and a good friend. When Ati says she’s made a mistake, his usual response is “I’m the mistake.” He’s a ray of sunshine and a bit of a clown, though he also tends to be childish and irresponsible as a result. He’s also a bit of a thespian and will put on full-blown acts for the sake of making himself and others laugh (we also potentially hc that he hangs around actors a lot). He likes to joke that the Conjunction was the best thing that happened to him because vampires generally have no sense of humor. Another unfortunate side-effect to his mischievous nature is that he tends to cause trouble and drag everyone around him into it. 
The only reason he ended up being Ati’s mate was because she had gotten inebriated at a social gathering and had found him absolutely hilarious. She laid with him before having actually decided she wanted to take him as her mate, though that was mainly a result of the blood intoxication, but his good humor had sparked enough interest in her to convince her to stay. Being a pre-Conjunction vampire, he is also up there in age, though not quite as old as Alchumena or even Ladislav. Though he commands the respect of lessers, he really couldn’t give less of a damn and spends his time giving them shit. His son is usually pretty done with his shit, but that doesn’t keep him from being any less of a goof. Even though Ati was just as awful with him as she was with all of her mates, he is one of the only ones that can make her laugh and soften the blows of her foul temper. He is, perhaps, one of her favorites of all of her previous mates.
FINALLY, we have Felix Tiazu, her most recent mate prior to Ladislav, whose faceclaim is Michael Fassbender.
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This is going to be brief(er), because honestly, this guy is a cryptid. No one’s really sure about anything with Felix except that he’s one of the biggest enigmas anyone has ever known. Thesanth adores him solely for the fact that anything and everything that Thesanth makes up about him, he just agrees. (ie: “I’m pretty sure he was born in a bog and lives in a cave with a family of bears. Isn’t that right, Felix?” “Mhm. Bears.”)  He also has a propensity for mischief in that he simply enjoys his status as an enigma and will let anyone believe what they want while never necessarily disproving anything. Despite this, he is a fairly quiet and independent individual. He’s aloof and fairly superstitious as well, and always seems to have some strange sort of good-luck charm on him. No one knows why. He’s also got some sort of innate ability to predict the weather apparently. Really, this man is just off-the-wall, but he’s also oddly likable as a result.
Nobody has any idea what attracted Alchumena to him save for the fact that he likely just rolled over and let her have her way with him without so much as a peep. He’s a man of very few words, and when he does speak, it’s usually startling, unsettling, or else meant to vex and/or infuriate. He’s a little shit in his own respects, but we love him for it. His son knows a great deal more about him only for the fact that Felix keeps a meticulous journal, but his son is the only one who has ever found it. We’re pretty sure he’s a pre-Conjunction vampire and was likely in charge of the Gharasham’s army, if not at the very least a legate. He also a strange crush on Ladislav, and by that I mean he would be happy if Ladislav stepped on him.
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contentgf · 6 years
Some cheesy cliche lesbian love story prompts :
set at a strict all-girls private school. Lots of sapphic sexual tension. lead singer in a band lesbian thinks she fell in love with a straight girl. PINING
sports lesbian vs STEM lesbian: fight. no, really. they've been friends since they were six years old, and now they're betting to see who can get a significant other first. the student athlete really thinks she's straight(lmao). they end up sabotaging each other "in order to win." it isn't until they're both covered in slime in the Deans office that they admit they like each other.
a lesbian's life gets infinitely better when she dumps her toxic bf and accepts herself as gay. as she moves on from her past she makes close friends and learns what celebrating love means to her
thespian depressbian meets artsy aesthetic anxiety bisexual when they take an English class together. both are useless gays and spend the whole semester trying to drop hints that they like each other. it's a social commentary on the cluelessness of LBPQ women
summer camp archery teacher and (affirming!!!!!) Bible discussion leader hit it off when the tether ball tournament gets heated
transbian cruise-liner captain and scuba-diving instructor fall in love but only get to see each other during cruise stops
gentle-spirited pirate and lonely selkie become business partners (selkie finds treasure for her in the deep ocean) and eventually more
an interdimensional traveller thinks she knows everything about the universe, until she finds an error in the code, a girl who only shows up in one dimension. angst bc even though traveller is practically immortal, her love only shows up once, and she has to move on without her, later seeing her live on in the small beauty of things: lizards and willow trees and green, moss-covered rocks
gal pals get an apartment together in the city, and as they unpack memories, they realize they've been falling in love for some time, from their first kiss at a sleepover when they were 16, to cuddling at every opportunity, to the unending support they've shown each other over the years
butch and femme monster hunters who have been together since their first hunt together and now they face their toughest monster yet: commitment. they're hunting a siren (nbd bc sirens can only call men) and they're both trying to propose the entire time
a clumsy telekinetic stumbles upon an expert knife-throwing assassin when she misses her target and almost hits the superhuman. assassin is on a mission, and when telekinetic awkwardly flirts with her, she gets pulled into the scariest adventure of her life
two gals take a square-dancing class with too many girls and get to dance together
gal bonds with the new neighbors' kid over cryptids and legends, but later becomes infatuated with the free spirit of his twin sister
nb lesbian lumberjack. that's all I have but I think it's great so far. they are stronk
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voidtrace · 6 years
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
Tagged by: @phoenx-art
Nickname: Chari (My gf calls me puns of my irl name but she’s. The only one that does that)
Zodiac: Scorpio
Height: 5′1
Last movie I saw: Uuuhhhh I watched Birdbox with the squad
Last thing I googled:  Emmy Altava from Prof. Layton because I didn’t know who she was jdhgjsdf
Favorite musician: UUHH god idk 
Song stuck in my head: YOU’LL NEVER SEE IT COMIIIIING
Other blogs: @rinkhet (art blog) @wisdom-triforce (kin/aesthetic blog) @magnoli-cannoli (my bird)
Do I get asks: Not a whole lot, sometimes!
Following: 349
Followers: 2,870
Amount of sleep: Either 3 or 14 no in between and I’m Always So Tired.
Lucky number: 6
What I’m wearing: Power Rangers shirt and short shorts
Dream job: I want to go study forensics and maybeeee get into that. But I’ve always really loved science in general idk so something.
Dream trip: I’m a simple girl I just wanna meet up with my friends 
Favorite food: I love a lot of food dfjhjfdgh lately I’ve been wildin out for dark chocolate though 
Play any instruments?: No ;;
Languages: English and if I kicked my ass to study more, German
Favorite songs: The No Pants Dance feat. Ninja Sex Party
Random Facts: Before I knew I was a lesbian I thought I had a crush on Klavier Gavin so big F I even had two little phone charms of him. This is more of a self drag ghh
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: Vaporwave, pastel pinks, winter scenery, late night coffee, cryptid, being in a walmart at 3am
Tag 21 People: @rubyrose @professor-chariot @professor-croix @yangxiao-long @your-thespian-dumbass @nellietrelawney @travellerofdawn @tracfone @neckdeepinthewonderyears @mchandraws @crycamellia @bansheeprime @projectray12 and hhghghgfjg anyone else
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bogkeep · 6 years
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OKAY SO i finally got to the shadow stage in tattered weave, and with some help i read through the event from when it was revealed and there is So Much Tasty Lore......... so i’ve been trying to think out a thespiansona since then, and it took me a while to reach the logical conclusion that i’m THE UNICORN. (i had the epiphany while brushing my teeth and spotting my unicorn mug.) my main problem is that i have a fear of masks, so trying to come up with a design for a story where the mask is kind of essential?? yEaaaaaaaaaaah i gave him a helmet instead. this is still just the very vague concept sketch, as evidenced by the fact that i forgot thespians have black eyes, but hey!! i think i managed to find the vibe i’m going for - regal and tattered. the Unicorn is a bit of a cryptid, as their role is usually to be tracked down, even hunted - for magic, for gain, for wisdom, or for sport. they’re pretty good at forest parkour. if they have a shop, it’s the Artefactory: it contains rare items from all the other shops, but this shop is really hard to find. blink and you’ll miss it.
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tydy-the-megnet · 6 years
A Homey Side of the Camp
I wanted to write Marris. It ended up being mostly gen though. And I’m not even too happy with it…
Eh, whatever. I’m sure somebody will enjoy it, right?
“Alright, Campers!” David spoke loudly and cheerfully as he always did, grabbing the attention of every kid in the mess hall as they dutifully carried their trays toward the washer, “Today is Gwen’s day off, so we won’t be bothering her!” The jovial counselor hopped in place, betraying his own excitement.
Max scowled, just thinking of what David would have them do without Gwen there.
“Instead, we’ll be hiking into the forest to see all the different trees!”
Max groaned and slumped forward, leaning his check onto his fist, “Figures you would come up with this, you tree fucker.”
The grumpy boy ignored the chiding response.
The campers trekked through the forest, following their overenthusiastic counselor, and cursing the day that derived them of Gwen – the only protection they had from activities like this.
And it didn’t help that David was stopping every five seconds to lecture them for twenty-five minutes on each and every tree they saw. It was all little facts and trivia and almost seemed like he was trying to lose his interest, Max thought, as he looked away.
One thing did catch his attention. The scream-rustle-thud that sounded decided unlike Conifers 101.
Max turned around, eyes darting to where David stood – he was gone. What the fuck?
“Where did he go?” Space Kid asked, scratching his bowl.
“He fell into the bushes…” Neil responded, digging through the shrubbery. Jolting back, the boy pulled some bright cloth from the branches. It was a small, yellow shirt – David’s, which they all knew he wore as an ascot. The worst part, Max noticed, was that it was splattered with red.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Max swore, looking upward.
“Great, he probably got eaten by a bear or something.” Max griped as the campers headed back the way they came.
“Perhapth it was a wood troll. They can be particularly nefariuth creaturth.” Nerris replied, “And their CR is too high for David’s current level.”
“Yeah, but bears are real.”
“Aw man, I wanna wrestle a bear!” Stars danced in Nikki’s eyes as she skipped a few steps ahead of the others.
“Nikki! We need to stick together!” It was Neil who spoke next, attempting to keep them safe. “Any one of us could be next.” Nikki stopped, allowing the others to catch up.
Conversation between the campers continued in a similar pattern until they reached the main campgrounds again. They went immediately to the counselor cabin, knocking urgently on the door.
There was no answer. Neil stepped forward, knocking again, and the door swung open with an eerie creak. The room was lit only by the open window, a soft breeze rustling the drawn curtains and letting in the occasional beam. There also were words etched in the wall beside it.
newg ame xam pers
“… The fuck? Is that Latin? Is this that fucking cultist!?”
“It doesn’t look like Latin.” Neil said uncertainly, examining the carvings.
Max glared at the offending words as his fellow campers started to panic. What he failed to understand was why someone would come all the way to this dump just to kill people off.
Psychopaths were weird like that.
“Would you guys shut the fuck up already? Let’s go get the try the Quartermaster. If anyone can stop some crazy serial killer, it’d be him.”
“Yesh! The elder one will surely hold the key to thith mythtery!” Nerris cheered, and the others shakily cheered back.
Max sighed, and the group began to exit the counselor’s room. Max was the first out, pausing when he heard a whooshing – “Oh my got they got Space Kid!” Nurf’s voice rang out clearly in the night, and everyone turned quickly toward Gwen’s window, where only the astro-enthusiast’s helmet remained. The glass bowl was spinning slowly, rattling on the floor as it slowed.
Loud rasps and scratches came from just outside, and Max ran around the corner to try and spot the culprit.
All he saw was the faint swish of a cloaked figured barreling into the woods.
“T-they’re picking us off one by one!” Neil wailed, sinking to his knees.
“Jesus, this guy’s good. How did none of us see him?”
Quartermaster had given them some creepy spiel about pesky dryads and left to search. That had been expected, but it meant they were left alone, and now Max and the others were stuck in the mess hall out of fear, or at least concern.
“Maybe the camp will get shut down after this,” Max muttered idly, reclining on a table.
Nikki gasped, “Oh no! You think it would! We can’t let that happen!” She grabbed Neil and a frying pan and charged out the door, shouting, “Onward to the hunt!”
Max watched the door that the pair had burst through. He was slowly becoming more and more done with the situation. “Ugh, come on. I guess we should go look for them. But if we get brutally murdered by whatever fucking thing there is out there, I swear to fucking god—” the boy groaned.
“We should shplit up, for efficiency.”
Max stared disbelievingly as everyone accepted the idea without question. It’s like they were trying to fall into every horror movie trope in existence.
People moved around him, pairing off – Ered with Dolph, Harrison with Nurf – leaving only Max, Nerris, and Preston.
“This is stupid,” Max griped, “We should just leave. Our counselors are dead. We should go into town and call the cops, not search the camp for some rabid psycho-cryptid or whatever.” The boy pulled David’s bloodstained shirt from his hoodie and murmured, “Or we’re gonna die.”
“Relax, Max,” Nerris said, bounding a few feet forward, “I’ll protect uth with some magic wards.”
“This is Act Three! The climax is approaching!” his other partner insisted – how had he gotten stuck with these two again? – “The heroes can’t leave now!”
Nerris nodded, “No self-respecting adventurer would leave in the middle of a quetht! … Unless there’s a sidequetht that must be completed…”
Max drowned his tone in sarcasm and attempted to roll his eyes at both of them, “Well maybe—”
He was interrupted by the sounds of several things breaking. Something darted out of the bushes with a familiar feral snarl. Max barely caught sight of glinting teeth before the thing leapt onto Preston. The thespian’s cries of terror and pain were drowned out by loud growls and a distinct ripping was heard. Red sprayed everywhere, and Max was right in the splash zone.
A couple of limbs were left behind as Preston’s gurgling body was dragged through the underbrush, leaving two horrified campers gawking at the gory aftermath.
“… Fuck.”
The pair had been running through the woods for at least ten minutes, trying to get away from the mess. Ragged and rattled, the duo burst out into a small clearing, tumbling together out of the vegetation. They stumbled to their feet, holding each other upright.
“That… Was… Horrifying…” Max stared at the ground, still in shock. Nerris started nudging him, but the touches barely registered. Nerris’ voice was distant – “Max… Max…” the lispy whisper begged his attention.
He looked up to see Nerris’ face staring wide-eyed into the area. Slowly, he followed his gaze to see a tall – maybe ten-foot – figure ambling toward them slowly. Behind the figure was a pile of bodies with ashen faces.
Nikki, Neil, David – they were all there ­­– Nurf, Harrison, even Preston… The figure stumbled slightly, and began muttering… Max grasped Nerris’ arm, nearly paralyzed and mind hurtling through several scenarios.
Quartermaster’s body was absent. That was a plus.
The tall cloaked being’s mumbles became clearer as it approached. A rasping whisper assaulted their ears, “Camp Campbell is the place… For you… And…”
Gwen! She was not there either. She probably had gone to the cops, like a sensible—
The thing shuffled closer, and Max’s grip loosened. He took a single step forward, ignoring Nerris’ gasp and frantic grab.
Gwen was one of the first to be discovered missing, with those weird words in her room – Newg something.
That song… “Arsony and dying… Hurt and torture—dying…”
It was David’s song with the lyrics switched out…
The figure was right beside him now, raising a too-thin arm. Max glared at it.
He had been stuck with Preston – the actor – and Nerris ­­– the roleplayer.
“Holy shit. Am I being punked?”
The figure stopped, and a grumbling came from its stomach. Its arm descended, and a broomstick fell from the sleeve.
It lowered its hood, revealing Gwen, smirking at him from whatever perch she had.
David perked up from his spot in the bloody pile, “We thought you’d like a murder mystery camp night!”
Gwen lowered herself slowly, and took off the cloth, revealing Quartermaster underneath. “It was Nerris’ idea.”
“We do a lot of activitieth for all our campth. This time we wanted to do one for you…” Nerris rubbed her arm as she looked away.
Nikki ran up to him from where the others were untangling themselves, “Yeah! So, we all decided to put you through a horror movie!”
Max’s eyebrows rose as they all started talking at him, excitedly telling him which parts their ideas were. They all looked so happy to have done something for him...
The camp sucked. But the campers weren’t that bad.
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rjavenuru · 9 months
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This is never not funny. 🤣🤣
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ear-worthy · 2 years
What Skills Do Actors Need For Audio Fiction?
Quick. Name some of the greatest actors of all time. Olivier. Garbo. Streep. Nicholson. Those GOAT actors are movie actors. How about the best actors in audio fiction. You know, podcasts?
Let me toss out a name for you. Tal Minear. Tal is an Southern California-based actor, sound designer, and producer. They’re the creator of Sidequesting, What Will Be Here?, Someone Dies In This Elevator, and several other productions, and Tal can be heard in audio fiction shows such as Tales of the Echowood, Circles, Deconstructive Criticism, and more. They do sound design for Seen and Not Heard, Surreal Love, Wizard Seeking Wizard, and their own podcasts. They also write about audio drama production on Medium, The Simplecast Blog, and Discover Pods.
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Podplane is a monthly newsletter from Tal Minear spotlighting podcasts by trans, nonbinary, and non-cis creators.
Tal has been called “a creative force to be reckoned with” and “one of the best sound designers currently creating.
Audio fiction is becoming big business. It’s attracting name actors who several years ago would have replied when asked to do a fiction podcast, “OMG! Is my career that bad? Doing a podcast is even lower than doing a car commercial!”
Now, not so much. Actors of note and talent — sometimes mutual exclusive categories) are leaping into audio fiction. These actors are not thespians who are desperate for work. No, these actors are well-known in the acting community.
Here’s a brief list of well-known actors now acting in audio fiction podcasts: Anthony Anderson (Black-ish, Law & Order), Alan Cumming (Instinct), Betty Gilpin (Glow), Helen Hunt (Mad About You), Justin Min (Crazy Rich Asians), Will Sasso (Mad TV), and Billy Zane (Titanic).
The questions driving this article are straightforward. Do actors in an audio fiction podcast need specific skills that they may not have learned or encountered during their non-podcast acting careers?
What specific skills does it take to succeed on audio fiction podcasts?
“It takes, like with most things, a lot of patience,” begins Tal. “Auditioning is really the job. Beyond that, I think being able to portray emotion with your voice and finding different ways to read the same lines will really help you go far! If you have the option to send multiple takes for an audition, do a read for the second one that is different, weird, or simply out there. Variety flourishes in audio fiction!”
A Sheperd to her flock
In 2019, a scripted sci-fi podcast, Cryptids, was released to strong reviews and healthy audience numbers. The podcast was developed by Wild Obscura Films (WOF) and produced and directed by Devin Sheperd and written and created by Alex Thompson.
WOF’s 2021 feature film, A Nightmare Wakes, a psychological thriller about Mary Shelley and Frankenstein, was a selected participant in IFP’s Narrative Film Lab.
“The audio medium allows the imagination to take over in ways that no visual medium can, so there was a lot of fun and tension to be mined in letting the listener fill in some of the blanks for themselves,” says Thompson, who was interviewed during the podcast’s initial release.
The podcast director, Devin Sheperd, knew it would be a challenge.
“As a director, it was definitely different,” Sheperd says. “A lot of the actors haven’t worked in the audio space before. Our actors are based in theatre so with a podcast these actors are now working in an enclosed visual space.”
Alex Thompson also acted in the Cryptids podcast, and he notes, “As an actor, I’ve done some voice-over work so I’m comfortable with the mic in front of me. The continuing challenge was to make sure that the acting came through in my voice. So in the visual medium, I can use acting mannerisms and physicality to get into the role but in the podcast that had to be channeled into my vocal chords. Even then, is the story you’re telling in the room the story the audience is hearing on the tape? It was more akin to a theatrical performance than film acting.”
As the director of a podcast, Sheperd found that she would have to turn away from her actors while they were performing to ensure that her eyes weren’t influencing what she was hearing.
“Often, I would listen to the actors with my headphones on, looking away,” continues Devin. “In the audition process, we found that the actors we loved in the audition room while watching them, we didn’t love as much when we listened to just their voice later on. Their physical performance would give us a totally different read than the audio performance. That was hard to adjust.”
Becoming an audio fiction actor
When asked, “What’s the hardest part of having to act via only your voice?” Tal Minear smiles and repsonds, “ This is going to be silly, but my answer is hitting the mic! When I act, I gesture a lot. I record standing up, and you can find me jumping, leaning, waving my hands around, you name it. Your voice changes with position and movement, and I take advantage of that a lot. The only problem is… my mic gets in the way sometimes. The worst thing is ruining a great take with a THUD.”
Tal got into audio fiction acting by first becoming an audio fiction producer.
“Which is a weird way to go about it, I admit,” begins Tal. “ I started making audio fiction, and acting in it primarily because I didn’t know how to cast voice actors at that point. It was simply the easiest thing to do, performing the words that I wrote. But in doing that I sort of fell in love with acting for audio fiction, and began auditioning for other shows. And now I’ve been in over 50 and counting!”
Tal recounts this story about audio fiction acting: “One time I was recording for a multi-hour at-home session (we were knocking out the entire show over the course of a weekend), and it was then that I learned the true cost of recording while standing up — it gets really hard on hour four! Anyway, now I bring a chair into the booth for things like that. Sometimes you learn the hard way!”
Acting doesn’t stay in Vegas
At the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) students and faculty have taken the college podcast concept to a new level of theatrical drama, creating a witches’ brew of ever-shifting realities, art converging with illusion and sonic wizardry.
In June 2020, the UNLV podcast, called POD 115: Kessel Run, was released to superb reviews and impressive download numbers. The audio fiction podcast’s tagline was “Where science fiction meets real science.”
The podcast was written by Rae Binstock — a playwright and NYC-based TV write and UNLV Adjunct Professor Adam Paul.
Adam Paul is an actor, writer and director best known for playing Mitch, ‘The Naked Man’ on the CBS hit How I Met Your Mother. He is also the creator and star of the Starz original series Hollywood Residential, and has appeared in the films The Informant, One for the Money and Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron.
Paul, with his years of experience in acting observes: “As a professor of acting at UNLV, where I’m also teaching actors voice over skills and content creation and self-production skills in the podcast arena, the fundamentals are always essential. Any character an actor is playing, regardless of medium, is still a human character in a story.”
“So, the rules of conflict, change, action, verbs, relationships, objectives, obstacles, tactics — all must be readily available to the actor at all times,” says Paul. “As an actor with a long career in voice over, I’ve learned that with ‘audio-first’ productions, the advantage any actor has is their imagination. Being able to visualize and physicalize the action of an audio script with your voice is the key to bringing the material to life. Scripts will seem to be just a little expository or narration-heavy as dialogue aids the visual creation of the action of the story, and an actor needs to be able to justify that exposition.”
Paul further explians that there are subtle, quick shifts an actor needs to make in audiobook narration — from narrator to character to another character, or several other characters, in conversation with one another in real time while recording. That skill takes some time for most actors to master, but the opportunity to play all the parts is delicious for most actors.
Paul continues: “The overlap for all of these media is that the collaborators on these projects have to consider the listener in a way visual stories do not. We have heavier lifting as we ensure the audience knows who’s talking and can track the story. It’s one of the fascinating ironies of ‘audio-first’ media that it’s extraordinarily visual.”
Currently, Paul is producing season three of POD115, and it is on track for a Halloween release. Paul is proud of being a Webby Award Honoree for the second season of POD115. You can check out the podcast at POD115.com.
Paul has also been producing and co-hosting a movie review podcast with a close friend and his stepson, debating the merits of current and past favorite films. several other podcast projects. The podcast is called, Les Idiots du Cinema.
“We consider ourselves “idiots” because we’ve always followed legendary screenwriter William Goldman’s maxim ‘Nobody knows anything,’” says Paul.
Becoming an audio fiction actor
When asked, “What’s the biggest mistake experienced actors make when entering this audio fiction space?” Tal responds this way: “I think the biggest mistake actors make when entering the space is assuming it’s the same as theater, film, or TV acting. I’ve found that with most audio fiction, grounded, realistic, and intimate acting really thrives.
“There are exceptions of course, especially in comedy or children’s media — this is just a general observation! I’d recommend that folks who want to enter the audio fiction space start by listening to audio fiction shows and see for themselves how it compares to the medium they’re experienced in.”
If you listen to Tal, Devin Sheperd and Adam Paul and other successful audio fiction producers / actors, you will quickly realize that the craft is more than simply voice-over. Audio fiction acting is tasked with creating images in the listener’s mind, as opposed to creating it on a screen and presenting it directly. That task is delicate and subtle, but allows for much deeper engagement of an audience when done right.
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magnomagus-janus · 7 years
BOLD WHATEVER APPLIES & tag people. add stuff & even change the format to your liking! naturally, repost; don’t reblog!
STOLEN FROM: @femmelieutenant TAGGING: @ofarkhxm, Anyone! Everyone~! @
black and white. powder puffs. red lipstick. winged eyeliner. white kitten heels. black lace lingerie. icy blue eyes. rain. abandoned cars. skeletons. acid. poison. voyeurism. switchblades. strangling. overcoats. looking over your shoulder. trans-Atlantic accents .private detectives. dinner parties. haunted mansions. cobwebs. perfect blonde curls. kitchen knives. shock. cellars. dust. ghosts. dark alleys. empty streets. horn-rimmed glasses. radiation. zombies. serial murder. suspicion. paranoia. the city. witches. the devil. cannibalism. conspiracies. amulets. abject terror. the American South. the American Northeast. England. analog cameras.
aliens. blinding light. dark woods. driving at night. claw marks. bite marks. men in black.memory loss. dismembered bodies. sewers. flashlights. cell phones. video cameras. cars with tinted windows. unlabeled cassette tapes. bugs. big cities. urban crimes. clowns.something rustling outside your window. glowing light. unsolved mysteries. suburbia. mirrors. the american pacific northwest. the american midwest. hiking. backpacking.
gaslights. corsets. ballrooms. candlelight. mist. starless nights. full moons. cobbled streets. horse-drawn carriages. mysterious strangers. bogs. moors. forests. mountains.castles. velvet. silver. brass. gold. jewels. domino masks. the opera. dangerous romances.tragic romances. violins. roses. lilies. empty graves. crosses. cemeteries. snow. ice. the gallows. crows. milk-white skin. ambiguous illness. fangs. pointed nails. something howling in the night. capes. gloves. top hats. straight razors. lightning. pipe organs. underground caverns. bats. mice. rats. ravens. cats. pearls. attics. talismans. axes. wood. isolation in a room full of people. vampires. werewolves. ghosts. coffins. western Europe. eastern Europe.bones. churches. catacombs. mausoleums. books.
malevolent spirits. seances. spells. missing bodies. hidden graves. white noise. static. flickering lights. rings of salt. demons. poltergeists. dark histories. old buildings. cold air. wells. urban exploration. a dog barking at unseen things. iconoclasm. black ooze. old photographs. dark bodies of water. crucifixes. priests. possession. exorcisms. dolls.
bloodbaths. massacres. wanton nudity. newspapers. leather jackets. letterman jackets. converse sneakers. obscured faces. social unrest. bonfires. lakes. babysitters. high school. lockers. dead leaves in the fall. jack-o’-lanterns. passing shadows. outdated television sets.nightmares. psychiatrists. hospitals. unstoppable forces. gunfire. police. landline telephones.improvised weapons. halloween. secrets. revelations. cut wires. character masks. scrunchies. wild curls. jeering children. parties. fire. swearing. revulsion. california. the american midwest. ambulances.
daylight. fluorescent lighting. morgues. unwavering eye contact. tension. lit rooms. empty rooms. killer in plain sight. a dog digging in the newly-planted flower bed. steely gazes. paperwork. anagrams. codes. convicted killers. missing persons. law enforcement. federal agents. small towns. suspicion. paranoia. subdued terror. dimly-lit parking lots. a noise in the distance.
ancient forbidden tomes. dead astronauts. empty space stations. nihilism. unblinking eyes. dark prophecies. the end of the world. mad cultists. human sacrifice. insanity. New England. the deep ocean. monsters. tentacles. dark rituals. dark magic. primordial gods. lost civilizations. ancient aliens. human-monster hybrids. fish people. unspeakable names. alien gods. that which cannot be named. the abyss. blasphemous, forgotten lore. the darkness between the stars. distorted reality. forbidden knowledge. esoteric orders. dark gods. irrationality. liminal spaces. the void. grotesque idols. horrible truths. masks. mad artists. mad thespians. a thousand eyes. a gaping, toothed maw. ancient mysteries. the insignificance of humanity. hopelessness. despair. 
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the-obsidian-mystic · 4 years
Suleiman: Bastard
Ramses: Group Dad™
Akephalos: Narcissism Incarnate
Aeger: Friend-Shaped
Vercingetorix: Cactus
Valen: Resident Cryptid
Thalia: If Black Canary was a Thespian
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tragedium · 6 years
worthless-weight-in-gold replied to your post: [text] i dont fucking know anything and honestly...
thespian: fine. no, the jersey devil is not real. yes, some other cryptids are. no, i will not tell u which ones
kara: UGH
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