#they are transmasc on transmasc solidarity 🤝
when they both have superspeed and the ability to slow down time
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jaxallope · 4 months
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🏳️‍⚧️Happy Pride!🏳️‍🌈
I love Vivian! I always thought she was super adorable 🥰
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creaturefeatureart · 8 months
Sometimes being supportive of your trans friends is drawing them with huge boobs. I mean some serious honkers. A real set of badonkers. Some dobonhonkeros. Massive dohoonkabhankoloos. Big ol’ tonhongerekoogers
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Hobies 6'5 love. Hes lanky and big mf
jfc the producers of this movie were really like "we're going to make 90% of the hot people tall and give the bottoms what they want
Could you EVEN IMAGINE being Miguel O'Hara, cracks keep forming in the multiverse, there are literally countless, COUNTLESS lives at risk because one collapsing dimension could become a domino effect into another, and another, until everyone is wiped out, and by your own admission, you don't like what you have to do, you're a grown ass man standing at 6'9 and you're having to regularly inject yourself with Spider nanomachines or whatever the film decided to do to stay functioning and not suffer the debilitating effects of Rapture, YOUR BIGGEST THREAT IS A TEENAGER (miles) and in the MIDDLE of you trying to fix everything, still try and be a good guy, here comes ANOTHER fucking teenager/young adult/whatever the fuck Hobie is, he's been STEALING YOUR SHIT, he helps out the FIRST TEENAGER, you got a third teen who you gotta send home because she also lowkey could start breaking the multiverse AND THEN THE SECOND KID IMMEDIATELY BAILS HER OUT SO SHE CAN INTERFERE WITH YOUR SHIT AGAIN, USING THE PARTS HE STOLE FROM Y O U TO DO IT
and this entire goddamn time, this like 17-??? year old who has only lived a fraction of your lifespan and whose entire persona is telling authority figures to get fucked has become one of the biggest pains in the ass you could ever even comprehend, and also is only four inches shorter than you. I would absolutely lose my fucking mind.
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nachosforfree · 2 years
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tysonfurybattlepass · 10 months
glad that people seem to like henley as much as i do👍
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inkmaze · 2 years
this might be niche as hell but some nb transmascs 🤝 some butches ?
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transmasc demiboys 🤝 transfem demiboys
nothing, they are just holding hands in solidarity and supporting each other.
think ive gotten this ask before but yeah! i support all my transfem demiboy siblings!!!
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
in celebration of me getting my first anon hate comment that just so happens to be transphobic I want to hear more about your headcanons abt the gaang and the characters u think are trans :3
SO Zuko is Link level trans to me.I want to get my transmasc version out first,he was an early egg cracker and Ozai is a sexist ass so he was happy to have a son instead of a daughter and Ursa was happy to have a son because Zuko was happy to BE her son.Zuko's transition happened no hassle thanks to being a prince giving him easy resources and he has top surgery scars and his voice is like That because of T and voice training to sound 'intimidating' and he identifies as dragongender since he says 'he's a guy in the way a dragon is'.There's a Zunia moment where Zuko is feeling dysphoric and Nia says he's never known him as anything but a guy and Zuko snarks that they met after he realized he is one and Nia points out they actually met when he was still just figuring it out and insisting he was a guy in the way he talked about himself and that he'd just rolled with it while everybody else dismissed it as him being a tomboy.Cue 10+ gender euphoria for Zuko
And TRANSFEM ZUKO MY BEAUTIFUL WIFE <333 She keeps her birth name because 'Princess Zuko' goes hard and just has an in-universe attachment to it because Ursa named her(/hc)and her storyline in the show has major tgirl swag with letting go of toxicity to not force herself to be Ozai's son,what a Team Mom she is to Aang,Maiko and Ty Luko feel so sapphic to me and she's lowkey kinda a misandrist lmao(instantly beefing with guys for talking to Mai because she thought they were creeps just for being guys,her Iroh roasts that're worse than her Azula ones,how realistically she hates men and trust women because of having a bad dad and a good mom,etc).She's femme presenting in a japanese way and the first people she comes to out to would obviously be Nia and Aang and she was being super jittery and even teary but they showered her in love and acceptance and nobody could really say anything about the Fire Lord being transfem because hello,FIRE LORD.Her transition went as smoothly as her transmasc variant's and she's him but cooler cause she's a girl /lh
KATARA HAS TGIRL SWAG!!!She tries to emulate motherhood despite being 14 so she can be 'a real girl' but still fights against other gender stereotypes like that feminine women can't be strong or else they aren't feminine or even female and her getting so excited to finally have another girl in the Gaang :'))) Her reinforcements of her gender identity are her being transfem and proud of it and rightfully demanding she be aknowledged as female being a core part of who she is and wanting to experience the good parts of girlhood including being thought of desirable FOR being a girl(Thank you gender validation king Aang)and she's mermaidgender.Also 'I was a Teenage Anarchist' by Against Me! is Katara core and so is Punk Tactics by Joey Valence & Brae,I'm just a girl by Cassidy Mackenzie and Bang Bang Bang Bang by Sohodolls.Normie Katara truthers wild asf,that is a punk native trans girl,end.of.discussion!
Aang is transmasc genderfluid and i once described his gender as 'tboy swag in the sense that's so feminine she's a girl but in a guy way'.Any pronouns and obviously the Air Nomads had their own transgender parts of their culture so that's why he's so openly gnc and is only embarrased about it when mocked for it and Nia also practices into Air Nomad transgenderism because Aang teaches him about since it's his heritage like being half Fire Nation(the black subgroup)is!!He physically transitions but Nia dosen't,solidarity🤝🏾🤝🏼
Sokka is a trans man and the token binary of the Gaang.Nothing much to say on this one,it's just vibes and he overmasculinized himself out of trans male insecurity and he transitions physically as well!!Him and Yue were t4t obvs i mean she's literally the moon in addition to her personality????
I consider transmasc girl Toph quasi-canon since she expresses wanting to be seen as a girl but also uses male titles for herself and the Ember Island Player scene deadass had her getting overjoyed to sound like a huge burly guy so testosterone could've saved her.Any pronouns like Aang and hrt but no surgeries for extra gender fuckery
Jet is a trans Team Dad to the Freedom Fighters and diy'd his own hrt with stolen resources from the goverment,KING!!!He was working on doing the same for Smellerbee who is transfem but we didn't get to see it because the 2000s😔She gets her full transition in my verse though and finally is seen as the beautiful girl she's always been♡Also Jet's rizz comes from his brownskin tboy swag /hj
Nia to expand a bit is afab and bigender so he's transmasc and happily uses the trans man label but also he's a black femme so his experiences with gender are really similar to that of trans women's and he relates the most to them when it comes to girlhood next to other black women so he's transmascfem too!He's naturally androgynous so that's why he never wants physically transition and it took him a hot sec to find his style due to his complex gender but Otome Kei was the perfect fit and he's also dragonkin and pinkgender!Zunia is extremely goth4pastel t4t childhood best friends to lovers and The Peace Trio is literally trans parents and their adoptive trans sondaughter
Ty Lee is such a typical femme trans girl(complimentary).She's a girlypop who's super peppy and goofy but she's also mentally hardend due to trauma and dosen't actually know how to approach guys but DOES girls-A lot of Atla lesbians say this is a lesbian thing and i'm like that one 'Why not both?' meme,transbian Ty Lee supremacy.Anybody who slutshames her for her body type is automatically transmisogynistic and hates to see a trans queen winning(and is also probs a conservative who'd rather pin the blame on her than the writers🙄)
Mai is giving tradgoth transfemme.If i'd seen her design as an adult instead of growing up with the series i would've thought she's canonically trans and especially Maiko pics because they're your average alt4alt transmasc4transfem couple.Like Zuko her transition was easy breezy but fitting in with other girls not so much because she was never taught how to,thanks a lot Ukano and Michi /s.Her dysphoria was crazy bad until her and Ty Lee reunited and got to be trans girl best friends again.I think she'd be batkin also!!
And finally,Azula!!She's a nonbinary trans girl and Ozai choose her as his perfect child soldier subject so she'd 'prove' herself as truly worthy to 'fail' by being useful to him.He gave her all the hrt but none of the needed love every child does💀Azula considered herself 'the perfect trans girl' out of a mix of genuine pride and being taught to be traditionalist with her girlhood but learns to let herself stop being a perfect illusion and just a tgirl after her Nia induced redemption arc that was also a healing arc and dating and eventually marrying Ty Lee let her see that there's no one way to be perfectly trans and that she dosen't have to fit herself into a box.She added nonbinary to it because she likes being masc sometimes!
And not related but they're also all autistic.Ty
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laurentlemonke · 8 months
Gay🤝lesbian solidarity
Transfem🤝transmasc solidarity
Gay transmasc🤝lesbian transfem solidarity
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sunthyme · 8 months
BABE, WAKE UP! PART FOUR'S OUT! Anyways, thank y'all so much for the support!! Every time I read y'all's tags and comments, I tear up istg y'all are so sweet. Have some photos of my kitten as a treat.
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So I believe they have the least amount of members out of all my headcanoned dorms so if y'all can think of some more villains for me to twst, I'd be more than happy to toss them in here lmao.
🦦Kalim Al-Asim🦦
omg they have an otter emoji cute!!
(he/him) Transmasc - Panromantic Asexual
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My baby boy is so precious omggg
- I really didn't change a lot from the og design tbh, I love him. I did give him rounder and bigger eye for that cute puppy-eyed look.
- Stuck some freckles on him and gave him a tooth gap for max cutie patootie status. Oh, and some scars from previous assassination attempts.
- I'm really partial to Kalim and Ruggie or Kalim and Silver personally (or both, Kaiplim does have two hands for a reason) but I see them as a little friend group regardless and he LOVES spoiling them.
- Ruggie at first befriended him for the money aspect but eventually grew to like being around Kalim anyways. Silver just likes to listen to Kalim talk. Was also his first friend outside of Diasomnia.
- Kalim has ADHD and dyslexia, making it super hard for him to concentrate in class so Ruggie helps him study for tests (Kalim always bring food along with so it's mutually beneficial lmao). Because of this, people end up thinking he's dumb but he's super intelligent, he just can't concentrate easily. Crewel lets him have different fidgets in class as long as he doesn't accidentally disrupt his potion-making with them.
- Kalim's also highly empathetic and view himself as a support to all (maybe I am a Kalim kin too, fuck). He loves to listen to other and help out. God, he's such a cutie omg. Also has really good memory in specific about remembering who tells him what.
God I love Kalim so much, the cutie patootie. Still on Book 4 so I don't know ALL of the shit that happens yet but y'know it's gonna make me cry.
Next is
🐍Jamil Viper🐍
(he/it) Agender - Gay Demi-romantic Asexual
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If I didn't think I changed a lot about Kalim, I changed practically nothing about Jamil lol.
- Biggest change was giving him a much redder skin tone. Not only is it closer to Jafar's, I felt it would look really nice with his general colour palette.
- Made his face a bit more angular and 'snake-like', plus some fangs but you can't see them lmao. Dimples because every time this man actually smiles, a new angel is born istg.
- I love him and Azul as a dynamic because it's two really emotionally constipated people dancing around each with a fun amount of delulu on Azul's part, let's be honest. Lowkey could be toxic or healing, who knows?
- He purposefully cooks too much some times as an excuse to give some away. I see him slides over an extra thing of food to Azul at some point as a sort of 'repayment' for like give him the homework or something. (Azul loves his cooking but wouldn't say that to his face for a hundred dollars lol).
- He and Trey cook together and Trey is like the only other person Jamil trusts in the kitchen with him. Trey teaches Jamil his family's baking recipes and in turn, Jamil share his cultural recipes. Trey 🤝 Jamil solidarity.
- Hella competitive streak which means Azul and Floyd find it incredibly easy to push his buttons.
- I know this is a lot of AshenViper but I love them lol. Azul tries to flirt with Jamil subtly like in the mer fashion of penguin-pebbling but Jamil is obviously unaware of the custom so he doesn't get it. (He does keep all the little shiny things, though over his dead body would he tell Azul that.)
Enough about my two favourite dumbasses... now for my ocs!
🌅Dareen Irfan🌅
Third Year - (she/her) Nonbinary - Sapphic Asexual
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God, this is just the dorm for asexuals, huh?
- Dareen is twisted from the Cave of Wonders! I could not for the life of me tell what kind of cat it was so she's kinds ambiguous, especially since there's already another tiger.
- She is a very knowledgeable person and knows pretty much everyone. If you need information about someone you wanna ask out, she's your girl. She love playing matchmaker but respects when someone is not reciprocating and helps the rejected party move on.
- She and Oki are friends and like to do tarot readings together. (She may or may not have a massive crush on her but refuses to say anything lol). Both are very interested in cultural practices and hang out a ton to talk about them. (God I love sapphics)
- She's actually also on the basketball team and she and Jamil get along pretty well. She's very fast on the courts and Oki attends all of her games.
Next is one of my favourite designs...
🌼Chunying Liu🌼
Third Year - (they/it/she) Genderfluid - Aromantic Bisexual
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- Twisted from Shan Yu, from Mulan! I kept the greyer undertones in her skin which really makes her standout among the warmer ones lol.
- Kept the gold eyes, I love how piercing they look, and darker makeup. Turned the furs into little earring tassel things, idk just for fun.
- Definitely outdoorsy type, she loves to hike around a ton, bring some other classmen out with her. She comes from a hella cold climate so she's wearing shorts until it hits the negatives. Loves horseback riding too and her family has their own stables.
- Natural leader, I can see it being the captain of a sports team, maybe like cross-country or something. She and Leona are probably pretty similar in demeanour as captains, make of that what you will.
- Her and Rook do archery practise together and she actually gets along great with Epel, they bond over winter sports and whatnot.
Time for probably one of my favourites out of my ocs!
🐯Chanda Singh🐯
Second Year - (she/her) - Bisexual
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God I love her sm.
- Twisted from Shere Khan from the Jungle Book, which I looked up and it takes place in India so she's Indian.
- I didn't want to give her solid orange hair so I settled for some streaks and I love how they look. Gave her a bindi, some thicker brows based on a Pinterest reference that I though was GORGEOUS, and some beautiful hazel eyes.
- She's also likes to be outside but more in the lazy cat way. She love to sunbathe and tends to be spotted around the greenhouse too. Chanda and Leona having cat solidarity lmaoooo. Though her behavior is solely because she's a cat and not depression lol.
- I dunno why but I think she's a totally history nerd, specifically fashion history. Ask her anything about the origins of corsets or sarees and she's go on a long rant about it. She loving drawing, namely fashion sketches and she and Vil work together whenever she makes some prototypes.
🦜Nasira Haqq🦜
First Year (she/they) Unlabelled Gender - Bicurious?
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- Twisted from Iago! She's so cute lol. I gave her dyed hair (and pronouns) and she's a freshman.
- Kinda takes after Jamil and enjoys cooking, one of the primary people that makes food for the parties. She and Kalim get along really well since they're both really social extraverts.
- She's loves flowers and tends to decorate the dorm with them, changing them out when there's an event coming up.
That's most of everything for Scarabia, I hope you enjoyed! Tyty once again and I love seeing y'all's tags omg!🩷🩷🩷
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handshake of solidarity as an average transmasc robot :]
handshake of solidarity!!!
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sepiamestus · 9 months
I wanna do a normal ask. but I'm not normal and Emmay is my entire personality
do you have Emma and Ray headcanons pooks :3c
I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ouhhhh emma and ray my bestest friends in the whole world. I love how much tpn focuses on platonic relationships more than anything else and its so rare for a show to have a pair of male and female main characters and not make it romantic. Everything 2 me
When they were ~6 or 7 emma stole a pair if kitchen scissors and helped ray style his godawful hair cut <3 isabella let him keep it only because emma was so proud of her work she thought she would start crying if she fixed it
They have a shared scrapbook where ray puts all of his photos and emma decorates it with doodles and stickers :)
Transmasc lesbian 🤝 transfem gay solidarity. They both have a gender crisis immediately after reaching the human world
ALSO adhd 🤝 autism besties
Most random hc ever but i need you to know that emma toad mains and ray rosalina mains in mario kart
They are absolute bastards unlimited when left alone together. They can and will put neon pink hair dye in norman's shampoo
Ray is a master chef. Emma cannot make microwave dinner without something catching on fire
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spacelazarwolf · 2 years
Fistbump of transmasc fag/transfem dyke solidarity
transmasc fags 🤝 transfem dykes
being incredibly fucking sexy and cool
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transmasc trans women 🤝 transfem trans men
this is in reference to ur bio. solidarity <3!
☺️👏💜 solidarity indeed!!!
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freyrmichokolatte · 1 year
Nicktoons + other characters Gender, Sexuality, and pronouns headcanons go
Spongebob: Agender Pansexual Aroace, Any pronouns As if it isn't obvious enough that man rarely feels romantic attraction to anyone other than squidward "I like squidward" episode flashbacks and he just radiates pan energy
Jimmy: Cis Bisexual, He/Him Look at me in the eyes. Look at it. Look at Cindy then Look at Timmy. You cannot tell me this man is not bi when THEY EXIST.
Timmy: Bigender Bisexual, He/She Timmy radiates so much trans energy; both transmasc AND transfem I can't choose so boom Bigender Timmy.
Patrick: Non-binary, They/Them Hear me out please just hear me out
Squidward: Cis Achillean/MLM, He/Him No comment.
Sandy: Lesbian, She/Her MY GIRL<3333
Mr. Krabs: Cis Heterosexual, He/Him He's the token straight friend😌
Plankton: Cis Hetersexual, He/Him The ✨𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝✨
Sam: Transfem Lesbian, She/Her She and Danny used to be T4T couple until she found out she was Lesbian
Tucker: Cis Heterosexual, He/They No comment
Cindy: Cis Sapphic, She/Her
Libby: Cis Sapphic, She/Her
Carl: Cis Heterosexual, He/Him
Sheen: Cis Gay, He/Him
Cosmo: Transmasc Heterosexual, He/Him HE LITERALLY GOT PREGNANT (or it's just like that)
Wanda: Transfem Heterosexual, She/Her Same comment
Chester: Cis Gay, He/Him Chester🤝Cindy = blond/e MLM WLW solidarity
AJ: Transmasc Heterosexual, He/Him I want to give him a transfem s/o<33
Chloe: Cis Heterosexual, She/He
Trixie Tang: Genderfluid Lesbian, She/Her Season 2 Ep 7 says it all
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