#they believe that killing innocent Black people is 'doing their job'. what the fuck
thekidsfromyestergay · 9 months
Why is nobody talking about what's happening with the met police right now. Chris Kaba, an unarmed Black man, was murdered by an armed officer last year. He was spotted in a car that had connections to a firearms incident, and was shot through the windshield after police had followed him, without ever activating lights or sirens. Kaba was not a suspect in the case, and no firearms were found inside the car. There is no evidence he gave the officer any reason to fire in self defense.
The unnamed officer who shot him is now facing murder charges. 10% of firearms police are now refusing to carry guns in protest- not because they want to prevent future deaths, but because they are afraid of being arrested for 'doing their job'. They are protesting their "rights" to murder without consequence.
The met police are a racist organisation.
Black Londoners, and all Black British people, I wish you and your families safety.
May Chris Kaba rest in peace.
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mrsparrasblog · 23 days
You're losing me pt 4.
prev part. part 1 next part
TW: Drug use, mentioned rape, mention of violence, medic is the worst human on earth
Simon sat down next to Johnny on his bed, holding the Scotsman's hand while giving him a reassuring nod. "We have the whole day time."
"It's complicated."
"I will understand."
"Promise to believe me."
"Promise." Simon didn't know exactly what had happened or how Johnny got this way. He always admired Johnny for his confidence and the way he made everything seem so easy. Seeing his boyfriend like this broke his heart. He knew Johnny would never cheat on you; he loved you, everyone loved you. He remembered that one day Johnny got piss drunk on a mission and a bird approached him. He showed her pictures of you for 10 minutes, telling everyone he had the most beautiful lass on earth. This man wouldn’t cheat, especially not with her, definitely not his type.
Simon thought she had just gone into Johnny's bed at night, removing her clothes and gaslighting him that he cheated. But when Johnny told him everything about the drugs, about the rape, about the way she tried to blackmail him, he felt like he needed to throw up. He was too young to protect his mother from this. He couldn’t do anything when it happened to him. He didn’t know you when it happened to you. But this time, he was going to kill the rapist. "You’re a good man. Don’t let her manipulate you into something you aren’t."
"I feel like shit."
"This won’t go away easy, love."
"I don’t know what to do." And he really didn’t know. Everything seemed and felt so lost. Simon believed him, right? But what if she tells everyone he raped her? It will be over with his military career. After she pulled that stunt you wouldn’t believe him anymore. The look in your eyes almost broke him completely. This was wrong. It went too easy for her like she had done this many times before or had been planning this for years. It was too easy.
"Let me fix it for you, Johnny." He was determined to do this. Through his head already went 1000 ideas on how to kill her. But every way was too easy, too nice for her. Rip her head off. Sell her off to the black market so she will experience first-hand the crimes she did to others. Burn her alive. Many possibilities.
"Don’t kill her, Lieutenant."
"You know she will do it again. Not only to you but to others."
"Do you think she already did this?" Johnny fiddled with his wrist. The bracelet that you bought him to help with his ADHD was gone. It always calmed him. You told him how you searched through whole Etsy to find some gems that should calm him down. He didn’t believe this shit, but it indeed calmed him down since it reminded him of you. And right now, you were the only thing he needed. He needed you to tell him that he isn’t dirty, that he isn’t at fault, that he is a good man.
"Would explain why she was transferred so fast to us from her old unit."
"Fuck." This needed to stop. He couldn’t let that happen to more innocent people.
"Let’s talk to Price, then I’ll take care of her, and after that, we get our girl back." Simon missed you just as much as Johnny did. For a split second, he was afraid that you were mad and disappointed that he didn’t check on you. But that wasn’t the selfless girl he fell in love with. He knew you would understand if you only knew. He could already imagine how you would apologize even though you didn’t do anything wrong. You were different than the medic scum.
"Do you think she’ll take us back?"
"Yes, promise." He placed a small kiss on the shaved part of Johnny's mohawk, a small gesture that the Scot always loved. Simon always knew how to calm him down. With that, they left in the direction of Price's office.
He woke up with an immense headache and the urge to throw up. John really drank too much the last few days, but this will end now. He will concentrate on you and the job again. You forgave him for lying, at least that was the last thing he remembered before you brought him to his bed. On his bedside table stood a glass of water and one of your self-made brownies with a small note. "Take care of yourself, bear." You always jokingly called him a bear because that was what he was to you. John was the big cuddly bear who always kept you safe.
He knew by the amount of alcohol he drank yesterday, he should probably head to the medical department for some meds. He would never tell anyone, though. He was a hypocrite sometimes, always letting the other hungover soldiers run miles to torture them for being so irresponsible to drink before training. But he could afford the luxury of taking meds against his hangover.
So John went to the medical. He was annoyed when he only saw her there.
"Hello, Captain." She smiled brightly, which made him almost throw up on the spot. There was always a difference between the real, sweet-like-a-cake, like his girl, and the artificial acting sweetness she faked. It was disgusting. "Is there another medic or nurse in here today?"
"No, sorry, Captain."
"I'll go then."
"Come on, Captain, be professional. What do you need?"
"Just something against my hangover." He can be professional and still respect you, right? You won’t be mad he talked to her.
"That was easy. I'll bring you something."
She came back, still with that creepy artificial sweet smile. In her hand was a glass of water with, judging by the displaced white particles, meds. "Just some pain meds against headache and dehydration. Drink up, Captain, and then stay here for 20 minutes for the next med."
John drank it up. After a few minutes of sitting in the chair, he felt his limbs tingle weirdly. This must be one of those side effects of the meds.
"How are you feeling, baby?" Weird name.
"Don’t call me that." He tried to leave, but it felt like his body didn’t do the things he wanted anymore like he was paralyzed.
"I wouldn’t do that, John."
"What was in there?" This can’t be fucking true. This is one of those weird drunk dreams.
"Oh, baby, just some mild paralyzer. Don’t worry, it only lasts three hours, and you can still talk. That’s great, isn’t it? Oh, and Viagra."
Fuck, this is true. This is how she got Johnny. She is fucking sick. "What do you want?"
"You know, I really tried to be nice, but you all only talk about her all the time, so I took matters into my own hands." She said as she slowly sat down on his lap. John tried hard to do anything, but he wasn’t able to move.
"Look, you’re a pretty girl. You don’t need us. There is someone who loves you." He tried to be nice, and use his words to come out of this situation, but she already removed his pants. He knew it was over there until he heard the sudden voices of Johnny and Simon. He knew she could never outsmart them, and she knew it too.
"Fuck, fuck," she screamed, gathering the remaining meds and her things. She ran out of the room the second she saw the door open.
"Fucking hell, Captain, you're okay?"
"That fucking cunt drugged me. Get a fucking nurse here." This all didn’t go like Simon's plan. It felt like she was always a step ahead of them.
Kyle didn't notice any of the drama going on in medical as he used his time in the gym. Well, more of texting you instead of being productive, until.
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"Fucking hell."
Tag list: @littlechomper @ab12305 @darkangel4121
A/N: I know you are waiting for her downfall, it will come promise.
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faesystem · 1 year
I just want to say that it is important (to me at least) not to mischaracterise Mario when it comes to Bowuigi fanfictions. I especially think that people are not giving him the complexity that he deserves.
Mario loves Luigi and Luigi loves Mario. They care very very deeply for each other. Mario would do anything to make sure his brother is happy and safe.
That means, it entirely depends on the context as to how he would take Bowser and Luigi dating. But, regardless of how he took it, it would be because he wants his brother to be happy and safe.
Let us say Bowser is on civil terms with everyone and is not a threat and Mario knows he makes Luigi happy. Bowser is not making Luigi unsafe, if anything them being together makes Luigi safe. And he's making him happy. Even if Mario hated Bowser, I highly doubt he would be anything other than supportive towards their relationship. At least, to Luigi's face. Give me Mario who lets Luigi gush to him and helps him plan dates and is nothing but supportive, while also having his own personal feelings on the relationship. Personally feelings he won't let get in the way of his brothers happiness.
And seriously, I really think people need to consider that Mario would not just threaten Bowser into not breaking his brother's heart. He would help Bowser. Just picture him finding out, storming to Bowser's castle, and then spending 3 hours lecturing Bowser about all of the things Luigi likes and dislikes and needs in a partner.
On the flip sides, in stories in which Mario knows Bowser makes Luigi happy but believes that he is too dangerous. Give me complexity to his lack of support in the relationship. Trying his best to keep his brother happy and safe.
After his attempts to reason with Luigi end in argument, he's guilt ridden at how upset he's making Luigi. But he'd rather his brother be miserable than hurt. And he knows what Bowser is capable of.
That's not to say he can't be mad at Luigi! But I think that people are missing this layer of guilt that could add more dimension to stories. I mean, after all, it is a very good turning point if Mario realises that in his attempts to prevent his brother getting hurt, he hurt him. Maybe he and Bowser to toe-to-toe, and he's shocked to find our that Bowser is mad at him. Then horrified to hear Bowser thinks of him as a danger to Luigi's wellbeing in much the same way Mario thinks of Bowser.
Another thing is considering how it would be if Bowser was at war with the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario is not just a brother but a defender of the innocent. If he doesn't side with his brother he betrays him, but if he does it betrays the people who rely on him.
I view Mario as a soldier a lot of the time. He has very black and white thinking when it comes to the war. He has to. He can't start thinking of the other side as having a good reason to fight, he can't question his own reason for fighting. You cannot do that when you are at war, it gets people killed. His worldview is unshakable, and to have his brother be dating not just the enemy but the leader of the enemy. It is a betrayal unlike anything he thought he could feel.
Give me a story where Mario's lack of support is rooted in how betrayed he feels by Luigi. The wedge that gets driven between them, make it not just be that Mario doesn't support them, but that Luigi has betrayed him. Give me Mario who loves his brother more than anything in the world watching as his anger drives him further into Bowser's clutches. Make him blind to the reality of their relationship, make him make up every excuse under the sun so he does not have to accept that his brother is safe and happy in being with Bowser--safe and happy in hurting Mario.
Make Mario realise with horror that his brother is safe and happy. Have him be at war with himself. He's angry he's grieving he feels like he's lost him he hates him. But he loves him and fuck he looks happy. And Bowser's doing a better job than he ever could keeping him safe. But no, Bowser is the enemy. How could Luigi do this? If not for their people, then for Mario? Mario loves Luigi more than anything in this world, he would do anything for him. And yet Luigi clearly doesn't love him enough not to date the leader of the group that he is at war with.
Give me some complex brotherly moments please.
Also if anyone writes anything based off of this please tag me. I will eat your writing. I need it.
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wildflowerteas · 1 month
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first half of our tsp ch15 reactions!!
i make such a big deal of sitting down to respond to these it's so. i have a fresh pot of tea ( Japanese sweet potato and chestnut with black sugar and some cookies, but that's beside the point ) and my hair is washed and my paper outlines are done and i can devote all my attention to giggling at my laptop screen like a freak. okay lets do this STARTING WITH SKK. and Orphydice. Because to love is to turn around. God . . . i really hope my insanity about dazai's suicidality in this fic shows. it's so complicated that it's got my brain going around in circles--at the start of the fic he's just burning through life and his job for mori, hoping that once everything is resolved and the people he loves are safe, he can kill himself as punishment for everything that he's done. but then he meets Chuuya, and suddenly he can feel good and useful for a reason and in a way that isn't so violent, and living for the sake of feeling that is enticing. but at the same time, he keeps pushing, slipping up, losing control, killing, and saying things that are almost incriminating because he wants Chuuya to know him and wants to see what he'll do when he does.
"falling for it just the way he's supposed to" (^_^)
TALS THESTJHGSA! THE TheTJSHJJA Yes they haven't said I Love You out loud yet because even though they're very clearly far gone, that would be too real for the both of them
Gun and No Badge . . . yeah. He was wearing his badge when he went home with Chuuya that first night. ALSO YEAH I realized as I was writing that this is the second New Year's kiss I've written??? how did we end up here . . .
sskk * explodes into red mist**
Woah picking up on the accent mention???? yes. Atsushi's gotten better at it, and at assimilating, but his first language is Japanese like Kouyou. The fact that you know nothing about TSP Atsushi is 100% intentional. even within the story, he's unknown to almost everyone. he's the golden boy at the precinct but there have been no mentions of his previous education, his time at the academy, or where he grew up ( beyond what he mentions himself in his POV ). The character that knows him best, and who he's revealed the most to is actually Mori if you can believe it. Most of the other characters are content to tell him things because of his open nature, and they don't even notice that the conversation is one-way until after it's over.
THE CROSSWORD. CRAZY. YOU'RE THE FIRST PERSON TO NOTICE THAT. Yes...it's a gambling term. And the opposite is 'All on Black'
'fic author made for me' . . . ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ blushing and giggling and kicking my feet. WAIT WHYAM I GETTING CURSED?
that party image is exactly what it feels like when i see that I've been name-dropped in the discord gc.
i left the way they ended the night of new year's up to interpretation, because anything could have happened, really. they could have snuck off and left their dates behind to be in each other's company ( kouyou and yosano were bound to meet, anyway, considering Dazai's payment for her coming with him to the party was drinks at the Double Black -- which is coming up soon!! ). Or they could have gone back to the party, Dazai trying to shake off the feeling of having forgotten about something important, too caught up in the relief of having convinced Chuuya of his innocence. they really are unsalvageable, and were bound to end up like this regardless.
"you're an angel." was 100% intentional and you will be seeing it again because I'm insane
aha . .. ha..
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skzhocomments · 7 months
THE WHITE LILY (Mafia Book #1 - Bang Chan) - Chapter 1 - Girl on a mission
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Story masterlist - please consult it for the summary of the story, trigger warnings etc.
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Chapter 1 (current chapter) - Wattpad | AO3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1 - Girl on a mission
chapter word count: 4.1k words
~1 year and 6 months before Present Day~
"Find and kill CB97."
"That's impossible."
"It's not, if you wanna get out of here."
"Fuck you."
"Shut your fucking mouth. Don't forget who you're fucking speaking to, bitch!" Boss said, while pointing his loaded gun at me. "I'm giving you two options here. You either kill him, or you leave this place dead."
"I don't even know what he looks like or what his real name is!" I whined.
"Look, that's not my fucking problem. I think I'm giving you a pretty good offer here. Most don't get to leave this place alive at all. So, you either do what I'm asking, or you don't and suffer the consequences. You know the rules!" He screamed harshly.
I knew he was right. Leaving a mafia wasn't as simple as submitting a resignation letter when you got tired of your job.
You couldn't simply leave a mafia.
Someone who's outside is a risk to the others' safety. Anyone who's out becomes a target, a way for our rivals to get data on us.
However, my gang - The Scarlet Rose - is a bit different. Here, the rules state that, if you do wish to leave, you have the leisure to do so, providing you complete the mission Boss gives you.
More often than not, though, the mission proves itself to be simply impossible. Some give up on leaving altogether, others get killed while attempting to do so.
I believe no one's ever managed to complete it. There are only rumours that some people have, but there's no actual proof. And as they say – only believe what's in front of your eyes.
So, why would I want to go through this just to leave, you might ask?
It's pretty simple: this gang's rules no longer coincide with my life views. In fact, they never have, but even more so lately. My boss makes me take innocent lives. I am forced to kill families, children... I don't want to do this anymore.
I don't mind killing bastards as long as they deserve it, but I'm drawing the line at infants who can't even speak, let alone be guilty of anything.
Three weeks after the pretty chat with my boss, I've heard through the grapevine that SKZ Mafia will be hosting a party at their house and made some plans on how to get in.
I've faked my identity, posing as a millionaire's wife, and entered the premises quite easily. Red lips, wearing a classy but slutty long black dress, under which I've hidden a dagger, strapped to the back of my thigh, and I was ready to make my way through.
The plan for tonight was to use my good looks to find out who exactly CB97 was, at least. If I'm lucky, I could also attempt seducing him and taking him to bed to kill him when he's most vulnerable. This shouldn't be too hard, right? He's just a man... Like all Mafia leaders, this CB97 is probably an old degenerate, sex maniac psychopath.
Unless the 97 comes from his birth year or something.
Nah, that can't be it. I chuckled to the dumb possibility that this guy would be my age.
Anyway, the success rate for this plan is dim, though, maybe 30% on a lucky day, since this guy's been so secretive about himself all this time.
However, I felt pretty lucky today.
May the odds be in my favour, as they always are.
I was two hours in, when suddenly I got approached by someone.
"Bored?" the mysterious man said, placing his hand gently on my lower back.
I smirked cunningly seeing the man in front of me and thought that maybe I could get some information from him if I flirted a bit. He was also hot as fuck, and a little fun never hurt anyone, did it?
"Not at all. Just enjoying the wine and taking in the atmosphere. This place looks amazing. Just to my taste." I looked him from head to toe and gave him a suggestive look.
"Thank you."
"What for?" I raised an eyebrow curiously.
"For the compliments on my mansion, of course."
"CB97, then? I didn't expect you to be so young." I replied, genuinely surprised by this.
Shit, so 97 was his birth year after all!
Should I continue with the plan, or should I just get out of here quietly? I found out what he looks like, after all...
"You didn't expect me to me so hot." He whispered in my ear, which made my cheeks turn red. Thanks god for make-up. "I noticed you've been fucking me with your eyes from the moment you saw me."
Nah, he fell right into my trap. This might still work.
"Are you always so cheeky?" I turned to face him and put one arm over his shoulder, grabbing at his shirt and pulling his body closer.
"Are you always so bold?" he returned my question and brought his face closer to mine, our lips almost touching.
"Mhm. I am. So how about we take this upstairs?" CB97 chuckled hearing my proposal.
"Wouldn't your millionaire husband have something to say about that?"
"Like I give a shit about what he thinks." I scoffed. "Look at you." I flirted and bit my bottom lip playfully, eyeing him from under my long eyelashes.
CB97 showed me his teeth through a sly smile and grabbed my hand in his, guiding me up the stairs.
"Let's get going, then. The night's still young."
He led me to an exquisite room that had a master bed with fresh linen on top.
Without missing a beat, CB97 pushed me on the bed and kissed me hard. I don't know if the wine was getting to my head, but his plum lips tasted so sweet, almost addictive; I was mesmerised by how good he felt on top of me.
CB97 licked my upper lip, as if asking for permission, so I bravely stuck out my tongue a bit, touching his.
He was quick to respond, sucking on my tongue and continuing to kiss me deeper and deeper.
Don't forget why you're here, Emilia.
I put my arms around his neck and pulled him in closer, if that was even possible. His kisses were making me drunk, his tongue exploring every corner of my mouth.
All of a sudden, he pulled back and looked me in the eyes.
"Just wanted to let you know that I like it a little rough." He said with a stern face, taking my hands in his and putting them above my head, locking them in place with one hand, while he took off his belt with the other.
He was so strong, I couldn't move from his grip.
I didn't have any time to protest as he skilfully tied the belt tightly around my wrists. He then stood up on the bed and grabbed my body, turning me around, so that my face was buried in the sheets.
This is dangerous.
"I'd prefer if I had more control." I chuckled, hoping the man would release me, and turned my head to the right to look at him, resting my left cheek on the bed.
His eyes were dark, but his face showed a blank expression. He looked at me coldly, as he pressed his whole weight on top of me, his crotch pressing firmly on my ass, and moved my hair to free my neck. There was a powerful contrast between his action and his words. He kissed my neck gently, but what he whispered in my ear made my skin crawl.
"Why, so you could kill me, Emilia?"
My heart rose up my throat. How does he know my real name?
I swallowed my saliva and tried to calm down. My chest started hurting, as my heart beat faster and faster.
That's how I felt.
I was scared.
CB97 traced his hand on the length of my leg and felt the dagger on my thigh.
"Is this what you wanted to use to kill me?" he asked mockingly, taking the dagger out, admiring it, and pressing its' blade firmly on my neck, not strong enough to pierce my skin, but enough to feel its coldness. "I like your style."
"Nice dagger, huh?" I tried hiding how I was really feeling behind this stupid joke.
Who betrayed me?
"Indeed. But damn, you really are bold, coming into my house like you own the place and planning to kill me in my own bed."
I am genuinely scared.
I will die.
What should I do?
"So, why kill me, babygirl?"
I scoffed at his choice of nickname and smirked.
"What, didn't your informant give you all the details?" I mocked.
"Oh, baby, he did. Just wanted to check if the stories matched."
When I stayed silent, he continued.
"Cause if they do, I feel sorry for you. You've been sent to the wolf's lair, only for the wolf to be informed that you're coming for his neck."
"... Who told you?"
Chan smirked. "Your boss."
"WHAT?!" I asked surprised, trying to turn around, but CB97 kept me in place with his body.
"Sit tight, will you?"
I sighed.
"It must hurt horribly to be sold out like that by your family." Chan whispered in my ear.
"What family? Those bastards aren't my family."
Even if I didn't consider them so, as they say you should once you join a mafia, CB97 was right. Betrayal did hurt like hell.
Feeling some stubborn tears forming in the corners of my eyes, I turned my head, so that my face would be buried in the sheets.
It wasn't the first time I've been close to dying.
No, far from that, actually.
But it was the first time I've been so... helpless.
It was the first time no one was coming to help.
Boss wanted to get rid of me, so he sent me here to die.
All hope is lost.
I will die.
I started shaking under CB97 as I tried to control the tears.
Fuck, this is not the time to be emotional, Emilia.
I cleared my throat and tried to think of something else, to divert my attention from the feelings of betrayal and from fear, as my last moments were approaching.
"Hey, since I'm going to die soon anyway, what's your real name?"
"Curious?" CB97 replied. Although I couldn't see his face, I was sure the fucker smirked.
"Mhm." I nodded.
"They say curiosity killed the cat, you know?"
"But satisfaction brought it back." I smirked.
"Hah. Fair point, love."
"You know mine, might as well let me know yours as well. I'll quite literally take it to my grave, so it doesn't matter to you either way. It won't hurt you." I replied defeated.
CB97 got off me and turned me around again, so that my back was firmly pressed against the mattress. He got on top of me and caressed my face with his thumbs, forcing me to look him in the eyes.
I hated this.
He will see my tears. He will see how weak I am.
"Say please?"
"Pff. As if I would." I rolled my eyes so far back, I almost saw my brain for a second.
"No longer curious?"
"Just wanted to put a name to your pretty face before you kill me, that's all."
Repeating it out loud, the realisation that I was going to die hit me again.
I tried to swallow back the tears, but I couldn't stop them. They started flowing, rolling off my face uncontrollably.
"Shhh, don't cry, baby." CB97 said soothingly, as he continued to brush his hands on my face and wipe off the tears that wouldn't stop falling.
He was giving me fake comfort, I knew, but I allowed myself to get relaxed under his touch and pretend that everything would be alright.
"Do you hate me?" he asked, searching my face for the truth.
"Even though I'm about to kill you?"
I tensed at his words.
"I don't hate you." I answered truthfully. "I hate the situation I put myself in, that got me in your bed tonight. But I don't hate you, CB97."
"Bang Chan."
"Bang Chan. That's my name."
"Bang Chan... okay." I nodded softly. "Turns out my key to freedom will be my demise." I smiled sadly and looked into his eyes. "Your name has a nice ring to it. It suits you."
"Yours too."
"Please do me a favour and finish me off quickly, hm?" I continued and closed my eyes, waiting for Bang Chan to take my life.
Instead, I was met with a soft peck on my lips.
"I can still be your key to freedom." He said, trailing soft kissing down my neck, sucking small bruises on it, making me whimper.
I clenched my thighs under his touch, feeling intoxicated by him. I wasn't supposed to feel like this. I was on my death bed, but I was dripping wet just from his whispers and touches.
"What, if I let you fuck me, you'll let me go?" I laughed sarcastically.
"Let me fuck you? Babygirl, I don't need you to let me do anything. I know you want it as much as me." As he said this, he traced two of his fingers on my slit, through my panties, feeling my horniness. I was mad at my body for betraying me like this, but he was right the second time this night. I was lusting over his body.
He didn't remove my panties, but he pressed two fingers firmly on my clit, applying pressure, before rubbing it a little, causing me to moan.
"See what I mean? I'm not blind, Emilia." he whispered more in my ear, licking my earlobe, sending me into overdrive.
"However, if you don't want it, I won't touch you any further." He got off of me and freed my arms, pulling me in a seated position and handing me my dagger. "That's also not what I meant. I'm not looking for a fuckdoll. But I can still be your key to freedom if you choose to follow me."
I took the dagger from his hand unsurely and thought for a bit.
Follow him? Does he think I'm stupid?
I can't kill him. He is way more powerful than me.
And even if I managed to strike him down, the other members probably know we were inside and watching us closely.
Even if I somehow escaped this mansion, Boss wanted me dead. It wouldn't matter if I'd free myself from him.
I'm dead, either way.
And the only way to make sure I die on my terms is...
I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and quickly pointed the dagger to my throat, sending my arm as powerfully as I could towards my carotid artery.
Penetrating this artery would most likely result in a quick death. I would bleed out quickly, it would only hurt for a few minutes.
"What the fuck?!" I heard Bang Chan's voice loud and clear, and although I braced myself for the blade's fury, I could only feel my hand being held back forcefully.
I opened my eyes, shaking.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." was the only thing I could blurt out, as Chan took the dagger out of my hand.
"What the actual fuck, Emilia. That was a test to see if I can trust you not to kill me, but I wasn't expecting you to try and commit suicide. For fuck's sake." He spit out.
"I'm... sorry?" I said, unsure of what just happened and why he's stopped me. Quite annoyed, I ranted "Why did you stop me? Just kill me already! I'm ready to die!" tears streaming down my face once again.
"I don't want to kill you. It'd be a waste of talent. So how about we make a deal? Follow me, join SKZ, and let's get revenge on that old bastard together. I've always hated his guts, you wanted to leave his mafia anyway. He'll think you died; we'll have enough time to plan his death."
"So, what do you say?"
"I – I don't know. I mean, yes, but, how can you trust me? Aren't you taking a big risk here?"
"You should learn to keep your pretty mouth shut sometimes; it might make some overthink their decisions if you plant doubt like that." He caressed my cheek. "Not me, though, my intuition tells me to trust you."
"O-okay. But, I want to be free to choose things for myself. I don't want to be a bird in a cage if I choose to... join you."
"No one in SKZ is here forcefully. My only request is to kill that bastard, but other than that, you're free to do whatever you please. Once he's dead, you can start a new life somewhere else, for all I care, or you can continue to stay here. Whichever you want."
"But why?"
"Your questions are getting annoying."
"Then... how should we seal the deal?" I asked, Chan picking up on my underlying question.
"So you do want my body tonight, huh?" he smirked, closing the distance between our lips and laying me on the bed again.
Our kisses were even more intense than before, both of us hungry for the other's touch.
"Fuck, you're hot." I mouthed in between the wet kisses we were sharing.
Chan moaned at that and stopped, looking me straight in the eyes.
"Fuck, you're beautiful. I want you so much, I could break you."
I felt myself blush at his sudden confession, before unconsciously tensing.
"Everything all right? We don't have to do this if you don't want to."
"I do want it, but..."
"But?" he raised a brow.
"Don't laugh."
Chan was now even more confused, but he nodded in agreement, so I took a deep breath and confessed, quietly.
"I, uhm... it's my first time."
"WHAT? How the fuck, when you look like that?" he asked, surprised.
"It's just... no one's made me feel horny before. But you, fuck, I want you." I cursed, looking at the bulge in his pants and feeling my legs clenching again. "Please take care of me."
"Such a needy girl." He praised and caressed my head gently, before kissing me again, his tongue deeper than before. "Baby, I might be a monster to most, but tonight, I'll be a gentleman to you, I promise."
He quickly took off his shirt, exposing his toned abs, and continued leaving wet trails on my neck.
Each time his lips grazed my skin, I could feel myself burning, and I moaned with pleasure under his every touch.
He made me stand up so he could take off my dress, leaving my body bare in front of him.
"Damn." He muttered under his breath, as he pulled me closer, his hands touching me everywhere.
His mouth was going lower and lower, and I whined in anticipation. I wanted his tongue connecting to my core, but instead, he decided to tease me, not touching me where I needed him most.
He kissed my thighs, sometimes his teeth grazing my soft skin and making me moan again and again.
"Please, touch me."
Chan chuckled. "Where?"
I groaned. I couldn't wait anymore, so I grabbed a chunk of his hair and pointed his head to my crotch.
"You're lucky this is your first time, otherwise I would've punished you like hell for this."
Even though his tone was harsh, Chan complied and gently licked my core.
The pleasure was too much, my knees growing weaker, and soon enough I fell on the bed.
"Can't handle it, baby? We just started."
He pushed me further on the bed and made sure we both sat comfortably, before he started eating me out again. His tongue drew circles on my clit, sending waves of pleasure.
Kissing his way up my lips again and initiating another passionate kiss, he quickly moved his mouth and focused on my neck again, pushing two fingers into my mouth.
"Suck." He commanded, and I listened and sucked on them to the best of my ability.
"Good girl." He praised, before his lips met mine again.
He took the two fingers to my slit and started rubbing me slowly. I couldn't even kiss him right because I moaned each time he moved.
"Never did this before, baby?"
I shook my head.
"Then you're gonna love this."
As he said that, he slowly inserted his index finger, his mouth moving to my right breast, sucking on my nipple gently.
He was moving the finger in and out, and when he noticed I've relaxed more, he asked:
"Think you can handle one more?"
As the words left his mouth, he put his middle finger inside as well, earning another small moan from me.
His hand movements were slow, but he was hitting all the right spots, making me pant for air and put my arms around his neck, pointing his mouth to my neck, place he gladly took as he began to kiss my neck gently.
Just as I was reaching my high, he pulled his fingers out.
"Wh-" I looked at him with doe eyes, not understanding why he stopped.
"You're so needy." Chan chuckled. "Soon, baby."
Chan unbuckled his belt, his bulge even more obvious through his underwear, which he was quick to cast aside.
I couldn't take my eyes off him. He looked so hot, his body toned and his member... quite impressive.
"Like what you see?"
I licked my lips and stood up a bit, pulling him above me and kissing him. His tip was now aligned with my entrance, and he groaned as he slowly started to push in.
It was painful enough to make me dug my nails in his back. Small tears formed in the corner of my eyes.
"Are you okay?" Chan asked. "Does it hurt a lot?"
"Mhm. It does."
"Want me to stop?"
"No, baby, keep going." I replied, hearing him groan at the nickname.
He caressed my face with his thumbs as he continued to push in me, in an attempt to comfort me.
I whimpered as he worked his whole length inside.
"Shh, I know, baby." He comforted me again. "Just relax, it will feel better soon, I promise."
He picked up the pace, stretching my walls, and I could feel the pain being replaced with something different. A new kind of pleasure.
"You fit me so well, baby. You're so good." Chan praised me, moans escaping his lips.
Instead of hovering over me, he changed positions and stood on his knees, taking my legs and placing them on his shoulders, supporting my body weight as my bum was no longer touching the sheets.
Like this, he was reaching even deeper than before, touching a very sweet spot inside of me.
"Fuck, you're doing amazing. Right there, baby. Please keep it up." I praised him as well, watching as his face contorted with pleasure.
Just a few more thrusts made me reach a powerful climax and grab the sheets under me powerfully, moaning Chan's name over and over.
His movements were quick to become sloppy, and without warning, he pushed one last time inside before releasing himself in me.
His eyes became big, as he started to frantically apologise.
"Shit. Fuck. I wasn't supposed to... Fuck. I'm so sorry. I couldn't control it. Damn, this never happened before."
"That's okay... I'm on BC."
"On Bang Chan?" he joked and winked, making me slap his hand playfully. "Why are you on birth control though, if you aren't having any sex? Or weren't, I guess."
"Menstrual issues."
"I see." He nodded.
After losing my virginity, I suddenly felt the need to receive some after care and attention.
Fucking hormones, I thought, realising how dumb it was to expect Chan, essentially a cold-hearted mafia leader, to comfort me and make me feel loved.
And what a dumb word this was, love.
I looked down at my hands and an involuntary sigh left my lips.
As I tried to get up in an attempt to find my clothes and get the hell out of this room, my feet gave in, and I fell back down on the bed.
"Where are you going, hm?" Chan asked softly, his hand gripping my arm and pulling me next to him, his body engulfing me in a hug.
"I just thought-"
"Let's sleep for now and think tomorrow, okay?"
I allowed myself to relax in his arms and closed my eyes, falling asleep quickly.
Chapter 2
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ceilingfrogs · 4 months
(Based on this prompt)
“You taste like how wet dogs smell,” Chiara complained, retching into the pink bucket they usually reserved for cleaning. She was sitting her coffin, head close to disappearing within the bucket so as to avoid any unwanted spillage. The satin lining her coffin was a bitch to clean after all.
“OK. First, rude. Second, that makes no fucking sense,” Devin said, standing in the doorway of the dark room, his large bulk blocking out most of the light from the hallway, the smell emanating from the bucket keeping him well away.
“You gave me food poisoning!” She hissed at him, fangs extended, eyes blood red.
“You tried to eat me!” Devin squawked back, hands raised in exasperation.
“I only wanted a snack,” Chiara moaned in between retches.
“That’s what the blood bags are for.”
“But they never taste as nice,” she spat out the last of her bile into the bucket. Amazing how much vomit such a small person can expel. “It’s not like I would have killed you,” and then under her breath, “Maybe.”
“Heard that.”
“Stupid werewolf hearing,” she muttered to herself and, subsequently, to the werewolf.
“No,” Devin said, “You’re just a terrible whisperer.”
Chiara hissed again, fangs gleaming under what little of the hallway light managed to sneak past Devin’s mass.
Devin was unimpressed. It’s hard to be intimidated by a vampire cowering her coffin because she’s got a bit of a tummy ache.
“I can’t believe you never told me,” Chiara said, making sure to infuse as much betrayal in her voice as she could.
“Honestly, I thought you knew. I mean, what the fuck do you think I was doing every full moon?”
“I don’t know. I just thought you were PMSing or something.”
“PMSing?” Devin asked, more bewildered than exasperated now.
“Some people’s cycles can get very violent,” Chiara said defensively.
“I don’t think going into the woods to slaughter innocent rabbits to satiate one’s bloodlust is a very common symptom of PMS.”
“Goes to show how much you know,” Chiara huffed and finally done retching, placed the pink bucket on her coffin-side table.
She bundled herself up under layers and layers of deep red blankets, not dissimilar in colour to the blood red satin of her black, ornate coffin which paired nicely with the red and black floral wallpaper. Chiara had a theme and she stuck with it admirably.
“Though that would explain all the raw steaks you consume,” Chiara said, after a moment’s reflection, “And your hatred of the postman.”
“Maybe if Rony were better at his job, I wouldn’t need to hate him.”
Chiara sat up suddenly, dozens of blankets pooling into her lap.
“Wait. Are you the one who’s been digging holes in the garden?”
Devin thought about defending himself, thought about outright lying, but he’d never been very good at that, “I needed somewhere to bury all my bones,” he finally admitted.
“You arsehole! You blamed it on the neighbour’s pomeranian.”
“Sprinkles is hardly innocent; she is an equal participant in the excavation work.”
Chiara was about to retort before she leaned over the coffin, only just managing to get her head over the bucket in time for more fluid to spew out of her mouth.
She groaned as dramatically as she could in her state, and threw her covers over herself, burrowing into the fabric until there was nothing but her deep red eyes and a thin sliver of her pale face—paler than usual—peaking out.
Devin did feel a bit bad about the whole thing, mostly because Chiara was looking especially pathetic and especially small in her oversized coffin (she needed the XL coffin because, apparently, she liked to stretch out during her slumber; Devin thought she just liked to be ostentatious).
“Why don’t I go and find you a nice human you can eat? Would that make you feel better?” Devin asked.
“It might,” she said, her voice muffled. She peered out from underneath the blanket. “Could you get me a type O+?”
“Okay. Type O+.”
“And a virgin?” She asked, pushing her luck.
“Alright, a virgin,” he sighed, rolling his eyes.
He turned away and made to close to the door only to stop when her small voice emanated once again from the pile of blankets.
“Could you clean the bucket before you go?”
“Of course,” Devin stepped into the room, breathing through his mouth.
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veliseraptor · 2 years
mmkay been struggling with feeling like my writing tanks are empty but sometimes this helps. if nothing else maybe it’ll help me fuckin’...finish something, eh
so it’s a 150 words meme! send me up to 3 numbers from the following list and I’ll write 150 words in that project. twelve fics and some stuff in here is even not yi city centric if you can believe it
1. “I’m gonna be gone,” Xue Yang said, “for a little while.” 
He was sprawled across Xiao Xingchen’s lap, shirt rucked up in a decidedly distracting way. What he said, though, jarred Xiao Xingchen’s thoughts away from thinking about that kissable strip of skin, and not very pleasantly. 
Xue Yang’s nose wrinkled. “I have to go out of town. Work stuff. This one client, stupid rich…he wants to meet me in person, apparently. He’s got some big job and…” He shrugged one shoulder. Xiao Xingchen’s stomach squirmed. 
“Is that…unusual?” 
“Yeah, sort of,” Xue Yang said. “I mean, I’ve done shit for this guy before, but I guess he didn’t care about the personal factor or whatever it is. Or maybe it’s something illegal and he doesn’t want a digital trail.” Xiao Xingchen’s eyes widened and Xue Yang laughed. “You’re so easy. It’s fine, Xingchen. I promise if he tries to lock me in his sex dungeon I’ll run for the hills.” (Redux)
2. You summoned the other corpses. 
“Just one isn’t very threatening,” Xue Yang said. “All weak, and I didn’t tell them to kill anyone–” 
You lied. You said there were no puppets left. 
“There weren’t,” Xue Yang said. “I made new ones.” 
It’s disrespectful, Song Lan snapped, frustrated. You’re desecrating the remains of innocent people–
“Yeah, yeah, it’s an abomination, if you’re looking for an excuse to finish what you started then stop talking and just fucking do it,” Xue Yang snarled, his muscles bunching tighter. “I could do anything and you’d find something wrong with it even when it’s helping you–” 
You aren’t helping me. Just yourself.
Xue Yang’s mouth set. To Song Lan’s surprise he didn’t immediately snap back, eyes suddenly gone flat black. “Yeah,” he said after a couple moments, his voice darker and uglier. “Right. So are you going to kill me or just keep telling me everything I did wrong this time?” (Walking Far From Home)
3. “Accept Christ,” Lymond said, “and my deformities shall disappear. Deny him, and I am cast out of the body public. Is that it?” 
Gabriel knelt, beginning to remove the dressings. “You cast out yourself,” he said mildly. “If you refer to your convalescence…I am given to understand it is exhaustion and overwork that brought on your collapse. You drive yourself hard, my dear.” 
“I do what I must,” said Lymond. “Should I let my opponent set the pace, instead?” 
“Your opponent,” Gabriel said, setting the soiled bandages aside. Lymond made no move to pull away, head turned just slightly to retain view of him as he examined the wound, livid and angry. “Your metaphors are all of war.” He paused, leveling a clear gaze at Lymond. “Is it any surprise there should be casualties, when such is your approach?” 
“You made it so,” Lymond said, suddenly blunt. Gabriel’s expression changed not at all. (et ipsi sunt jacula)
4. He slid his fingers into my hair then and pulled my head back until my neck hurt and then said, “do you know what I am going to do to you now, darling?”
I swallowed and shook my head. 
“It is an old piece of magic,” Malkar said, and his voice was like velvet, but velvet with a knife under it or something, and I’d’ve sworn I could feel it all the way down in my bones. “It is called the obligation d’sang. Do you know what that means?”
I shook my head again. 
“It is also known as the binding-by-blood,” Malkar said, still in that voice, and he let me go and stood up. “You are my student now, Felix. Do you know what that makes me?” 
“My master,” I whispered.
“Yes,” he said, and I could hear him smiling. Then he let go of my hair and moved away. I lay still and took shallow breaths and shivered, my heart pounding in my stomach.
Malkar knelt straddling me and I arched up against him without thinking but he shoved me back down, pinning me flat. “Hold still, darling,” he said. “This is delicate work. Don’t make me start over.” 
Then he cut into me, and I put together that binding-by-blood meant mine, and all at once remembered a hundred horrible stories about blood-witches like Vey Coruscant. “Wait,” I said, but he ignored me, and then the magic took hold and I couldn’t say anything at all. (Pygmalion)
5. After a moment Xue Yang added, “what if you could bring them back? Like Wei-qianbei did with his Ghost General. Did you ever think about trying?” 
“No,” Jiang Yanli said. “Never.”
Xue Yang made a sort of ‘huh’ noise. “Would you want to?” 
“It wouldn’t work,” was, awfully, the first thing Jiang Yanli said. “A-Cheng and Zixuan both had Soul-Calming Ceremonies.” And a-Xian…there had been, she knew, official attempts to summon his ghost in order to destroy it for good, with no result. “And…it would be wrong, besides.” 
Xue Yang made a dismissive sort of noise. “Right, wrong, what does it matter?” he said. “It’s not like it makes a difference. It’s not like people are going around rewarding the righteous and punishing the wicked. So why not do what you want if you can get away with it?” 
“It’s not what I want,” Jiang Yanli said, even if it wasn’t entirely true. Of course a part of her wanted it. Of course a part of her wished…
But she knew it wouldn’t be the same.
“Huh,” Xue Yang said. “Well, if you ever change your mind…I’d be up for trying again.” With that, apparently ignorant of how it made Jiag Yanli’s stomach jump and twist, Xue Yang rolled up to his feet and stretched. “Okay,” he said. “I should probably go, I guess. But I’ll see you later, right?” and just like that, he was gone.
She dreamed about it that night. Dreamed that she stood at Lotus Pier, looking out at the water, and she could feel her brothers at her sides – a-Xian on the left and a-Cheng on the right. But she didn’t want to turn her head and look. A-Xian took her hand with skeletal fingers, bone worn smooth. 
Welcome home, shijie, he said, in a voice like a terrible cold wind. But she wasn’t afraid. (this world is gonna break your heart)
6. “Does Wei Wuxian know?” Jin Ling asked quietly after a couple moments of silence. Jiang Cheng set the letter aside.
“About this specifically? No. I imagine he’s well aware of the fact that he still has enemies.” 
“Maybe,” Jin Ling said slowly, “you should mention it to him?”
Jiang Cheng managed to keep himself from giving his nephew an incredulous stare, not sure whether to start with that would require us speaking to each other or you want me to make the first thing I say to Wei Wuxian after eight months of silence to be ‘someone is writing me letters to convince me to kill you’? and not really inclined to say either aloud. Even less inclined to try to express how it felt to wonder, with an unpleasant twist, if Wei Wuxian would take it as a warning or a threat.  (through thistles and thorns)
7. “Where?” He asked the Seeker wearily. There was no point in refusing her; Seekers got what they wanted, and Cullen suspected this woman more than most. 
“The Gallows,” she said, turning toward the door, clearly with the expectation that he would follow. Cullen stood, and did. 
“Did I get your name?” He asked as they walked into the street. 
“Cassandra Pentaghast,” she said, her eyes straight ahead. Cullen couldn’t help turning to stare at her. 
“The Dragonslayer?” 
Oddly, she didn’t seem pleased. “I have been called that, yes.” 
He couldn’t decide if it was a good sign or a bad one that the Seekers had sent the Dragonslayer herself to talk to him. Considering the trend of his life so far, probably a bad one. But that was rank self-pity, and he shouldn’t indulge in it. (Salvage)
8. “I don’t usually do this,” Xiao Xingchen said breathlessly. Xue Yang pushed his hips up, squeezing the tops of his thighs where he was straddling him.
“Do what,” he said. “Go home with strange boys you meet in bars?” 
He meant it as a joke, but Xiao Xingchen looked serious when he nodded. “Not really,” he said. “But you’re…” He reached out, fingers brushing Xue Yang’s cheek with sudden and startling gentleness. “There’s something about you.”
Xue Yang stared at him, knocked off kilter by how fast Xiao Xingchen had veered off script. (spin me right round)
9. “Hello, Chengmei,” he said, calm and even. It was always better to at least act calm, dealing with Xue Yang. He treated fear like a wolf scenting blood. “How are you feeling?” 
Xue Yang let out a series of huffs that might have been laughter. “What’s it look like,” he said. “Should’ve…should’ve killed me better the first time, a-Yao. Wouldn’t be causing you trouble now then.” 
“As necessary as it was at the time, I’m not unhappy to see you’re alive,” Jin Guangyao said, which brought back the expression of consternation. He knelt down and held out one hand. “Let me feel your pulse. Do you know what’s happening?” 
“Yeah,” said Xue Yang, after a pause in which Jin Guangyao thought he was considering lying. There was sweat beading visibly on his forehead, his expression tight with pain. Jin Guangyao had seen him shake off open, bleeding wounds as insignificant. Either that had always been pretense or what he was feeling now was worse. 
“If you tell me, I will be better able to help you,” Jin Guangyao said, when Xue Yang didn’t elaborate. “As it is…” 
“I’m fine,” Xue Yang interrupted. “I’m fine, everything’s fine, I didn’t mean to – I wasn’t supposed to–” Of all things, he glared over at Song Zichen.
“Of course,” Jin Guangyao said soothingly. “I know. When did Song Zichen-daozhang die?” 
Xue Yang’s expression did something strange again, somehow furtive and miserable at once. “A while. Doesn’t matter.” 
It very clearly did matter, but Jin Guangyao wasn’t going to push. Not on that, anyway. “Did you kill him?” 
“No,” Xue Yang said. “I mean. Sort of. I would’ve. But I didn’t. Not exactly.”
That clarified exactly nothing and raised a great many more questions. (these are our times (the end times))
10. There were the things about Jinlintai that Xue Yang expected to appreciate (good food, warm bed, consistent supply of sweets), and the annoying things that he might’ve predicted if he’d thought about them (the people, mostly). 
Then there was the shit that came as a surprise, like the performances that got put on sometimes. Plays of stories he sometimes knew and sometimes didn’t, some better and some worse and some just stupid as all fuck. 
“Was that supposed to be Liu Qiuyue?” Xue Yang asked Jin Guangyao, who paused, pulling his brush away from the letter he was writing, and looked at him. Xue Yang waved a hand. “Last night. The story. That’s what it was, right?” 
“I believe so,” Jin Guangyao said after another moment, setting the brush down. Xue Yang smothered a smile of triumph at the indication that he had his attention. “Why do you ask?” 
“Cause it was different than the version I’d heard,” Xue Yang said. “The story I knew she wasted away cause she wouldn’t eat after Prince what’s-his-name turned her down. But this one had her…” He wrinkled his nose. “Puking petals, or something. Unless that was supposed to be symbolic.” (xuexiao hanahaki au)
11. “I,” Anders said, “was thinking about the Hanged Man. I’d pay a lot of money right now for their piss-flavored beer. And that soup–”
Fenris raised his eyebrows. “The one with the chunks of unidentified meat in it?”
“Yeah, that one,” Anders said with a bit of a laugh. “I heard Merrill ask what was in it once and the barkeeper wouldn’t say. Hawke said one time she found a rat skull in her bowl but I’m pretty sure she was making it up.” 
An unwilling smile tugged at the corner of Fenris’s mouth. “Better than anything you’d find in Darktown.”
“Oh, well,” Anders said. “At least there they’d just give you the whole rat on a skewer. You knew what you were getting into.” 
Fenris’s laugh startled him. Anders grinned, looking pleased with himself, as wet and bedraggled as he was. It had been a while since the last time he’d laughed, Fenris realized. Probably since he’d left Hawke. 
That killed his laughter and he looked away from that grin, suddenly annoyed by its smugness. (the best all lack conviction)
12. The next morning Song Lan wasn’t certain he hadn’t dreamed the whole thing. But he wasn’t certain he hadn’t, either. It shouldn’t be possible - he’d been deliberately thorough disposing of Xue Yang’s corpse, and made heavy use of suppression arrays. There had been a part of him that thought let him lie like a dead dog in the street for his body to be desecrated as he did to so many but almost immediately he’d been ashamed, and the pragmatic part of him knew it was too great a risk. 
And some dim part of him, too, looked at Xue Yang’s empty eyes fixed on a piece of candy in one limp hand and felt a miserable sort of pity. Bitter and unwanted, but it lingered nonetheless. 
But the memory was so very clear. Xue Yang’s voice, precisely as he remembered it. The black feeling that had been plaguing him lately.
If anyone could somehow cling to the world of the living in spite of everything that said it should be impossible, it would be Xue Yang. (the poison in your bones)
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babythegod · 7 months
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Remember when I was 16 and my cousins kept getting pregnant so you woke me up out of my sleep to accuse me of being with child, beat me with a broom then called the police on me &I wasn’t even sexually active. I had to cover my black eye with make-up during thanksgiving festivities or when we actually still lived with Monterra &you hit me with a pool stick before school (for getting “smart”) so I tried to stab a knife into my wrist vein (where my ankh tattoo is now because I was sick of looking at the scar) or when nobody gaf after lil bro busted my lip wide open cause I said he “acts like our dad” or when I lost my cat and you lied and told him I was trying to assault you so he came into my room and abused me as you watched proudly from the doorway. Fun times 😻
Kinda an excerpt : from my upcoming book :
The Calling.
“I still cry for that teenager that was left with an ultimatum that would unknowingly change the trajectory of her entire life and leave me scarred and traumatized for years. When I told my dad “NO!” I didn’t want to live with him as he threw my mom out of our family home , I didn’t realize at the time that I was choosing death. I meant NO ! I want all of this to end now. NO! can we fix it ? NO ! Let’s press rewind …My innocence was killed that night &I lost everything I ever knew to be true. I had always felt the absence of love but then safety vanished as well. No one ever asked me if I was ok . No one. Not once. I began to look for home in all the wrong people and places. Both of my parents swear they did “their best” with me but the way my brothers were and still are treated , I know that’s not valid. I was denied child support my entire teenage years while everyone else received lavish new clothing &designer shoes , I would get berated if I ever tried any piece of my moms wardrobe on. I remember hearing “YOUR DAD GIVES ME $600 A MONTH, ALL FOR FAT” an innumerable amount of times. So I would walk to this bootleg cd/dvd/ women’s apparel store called “Hot Girls” every single day after school begging the owner to let me work there. It’s lowkey so funny cause it was right across from the police station and he was pirating his ass off 😹😹😹 He finally agreed and I made $5 an hour , from 4-8 , when I got off the bus I would go straight there &all day Saturday. He was closed on Sundays. $70 -$120 cash under the table every week is what helped me survive. Now that I think back , Seven was really the only father figure I had as a teen. He was a skinny weird little dude from Hollygrove. We would always fuss cause I was a product of my circumstances and he was Dwayne PONCHO Eli, I still don’t really know why people called him Seven but he always told me “you’re not country like most Kenner people, you’re different 😹” I am so thankful for him because I could’ve got lost in the streets like most abandoned young ladies do. I worked there until I was 18 &was able to find real employment. “
The main reasons I can never bond with my father still to this day; 1. Our relationship was never fostered. 2. While working at my job I purchased a white pair of shorts , that were too tight and skimpy , I admit. But I just thought they were fly at the time. I couldn’t have imagined that Instead of buying your daughter new clothes you’d rather wish rape upon her , vocally in front of our entire family in my grandparents house. No one even batted an eye. No one addressed his cruelty. My dad must be a wizard because his evil wish eventually came true in 2015/2016, my senior year in college I was assaulted in my own apartment. I went into denial, dropped out with only 6 credits left. I honestly believe; Sire &the Holy Spirit saved my life. I would not know love if it wasn’t for Christ.
The things I am still struggling to forgive, but can never forget.
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The hate u give little infants fucks everyone …
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vannahmontannah · 1 month
Dangerous Personalities ~ Kai Cenat fan Story READ THE REST ON WATTPAD @ VANNAHMONTANNAH
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It's been a week since everything had happened. Kai still doesn't have the green light to go back to work, Rylo is no longer cool with Dez, and Don is officially rolling around with Rylo. Rizo on the other hand has ran a couple of errands for Kai that concludes drug trafficking and manipulating any witnesses.
"I've been trynna call Kacey all day and she's not even answering!" Brittany cried.
"Did you go over her house?" I asked.
"No one is answering. Are you sure you talked to her?"
"Yes. The last time we talked she was telling me about Kailen,"
"And now all of a sudden she's missing?"
"She's not missing. I'm sure she's fine--"
"Rylan, this is our friend we're talking about. She isn't answering her phone and she isn't answering her door. She is either missing, dead, or don't like us and I refuse to think she just up and decided she don't fuck with us anymore. I refuse! We need to do something,"
"Let's file a missing person's report then," I suggested.
"Isn't it funny how that witness died and now Kacey is gone?"
"Kai knows Kacey is my girl! He would never--"
"Open your fucking eyes, Rylan! Real shit! And word on the street is, Kai isn't even working! Have you seen him in his uniform lately? What about riding around catching criminals?" Brittany asked.
"He tells me he goes to work all the time,"
"But when is the last time you saw him at his job or working his job?"
"A while ago. Besides we were supposed to go on vacation and he said he had to cancel due to work,"
"And you believe that? Look...I didn't wanna say it, but my boyfriend knows a lot of people in the drug industry, okay? Word got out that Kailen is participating is some type of trafficking and that he's suspended,"
"I don't know. So If I were you, I would talk to him. See if he knows anything about Kacey. Please?" She pleaded.
"Don't let me down on this. She's our friend and she would do the same for you,"
"When he gets here, I'll bring it up to him,"
"And call me after you do,"
I hung up the phone and took a deep breath. I didn't know what to do. Everybody ahs been saying this and that about Kai and it's starting to make me mad. Did Kai really kill my brother? What is he up to? What's going on?
As the detectives and officers settled the handcuffed figure into the chair, Officer Gray's heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. Two years of incarceration had taken a heavy toll on the prisoner, leaving him gaunt and weary. This was Gray's second opportunity to unravel the truth behind the murder of RJ, a case that had haunted him ever since the fateful night. The prisoner, drained by the relentless weight of his confinement, finally broke his silence. He confessed to being a pawn in a sinister plot orchestrated by Kai, the true perpetrator. Kai, driven by motives yet unknown, had lured the prisoner to RJ's house and orchestrated the fatal shooting from afar. The prisoner's confession painted a chilling picture of manipulation and deceit, revealing the depths of Kai's depravity. As the prisoner's words echoed through the interrogation room, Officer Gray felt a surge of relief mingled with a profound sense of justice. The truth had finally emerged, and the innocent could be exonerated.
"That night, Kai called me and said he needed me to meet him at the spot. We used to go to In and Out sometimes, so we would meet there. I went and he said he had some business to take care. He was riding in a red Honda. The car had two dints on the left side and a black scratch on the right side due to him being in a small accident,"
"Why did he want you to go with him?" Detective John asked.
"Kailen and I were supposed to be like brothers. We would so a lot of things together. He kept complaining about someone who owed him money, but I didn't know the extent of it. I didn't even know the guy's name or who he was affiliated with. I just thought he was gonna go over there, set him straight and we would leave,"
"So what happened after that?"
"Once we got in, he immediately started to speed. He was doing 80 in a 40 mile lane!,"
"What the hell, man! Slow down!" Gray shouted, his voice a mixture of fear and frustration.
"Can't. This one's a good one," Kai replied, his voice unwavering. 
"What's going on?" Gray asked, his mind racing. 
"Remember the guy I was telling you about who owes me money?" Kai said, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. 
"Yeah," Gray nodded, his heart pounding. 
"He owes me $150,000," Kai said, his voice laced with anger. 
"Damn! How?!" Gray exclaimed, his shock evident. 
"I can't share those details...but he's about to get his just dessert," Kai said, his speed increasing even more. 
"Kai! Look man, it's not that serious! Just calm down! This isn't it!" Gray pleaded, his voice laced with desperation. 
"I need my money!" Kai shouted, his voice rising. 
"Kai--" Gray began, but was cut off. 
"NO! I NEED MY MONEY, IREN," Kai yelled, his voice filled with rage. 
He slammed his foot on the pedal, the car accelerating to over 130 miles per hour. Gray's body went rigid with fear, his mind racing with thoughts of his family. Kai reached into the glove compartment and pulled out a gun, not just any gun, but the gun they used for work. 
"Is that the station's gun?" Gray asked, his voice trembling. 
"You're not supposed to have that!"
"I fucking know that!" Kai snapped. 
"You're not gonna kill anyone, are you?" Gray asked, his voice barely above a whisper. 
"Are you slow?" Kai retorted, his voice dripping with contempt. 
"I don't appreciate how you got me into this! Just drop me off on the side of the highway!" Gray demanded, his voice filled with anger. 
"...No," Kai said, his voice firm. 
"Why?" Gray asked, his confusion evident. 
"I saw you the other day," Kai said, his voice low. 
"Okay! What does that have to do with anything?" Gray asked, his mind reeling. 
"When were you gonna tell me you and my ex were dating?" Kai asked, his voice laced with pain. 
Gray fell silent, his mind spinning. Not only was he just forced to risk his life, but he was hit with a question he never hoped to answer.
"I thought we talked about this. I know you found her attractive and all, but we're not just gonna skip past that. I went to the game with my mom and shit. We go to the snack bar and I turn around and I see you and Celine holding hands. I didn't wanna rain on ya parade, but I did see the chemistry. I saw you pull her close and hold her by her waist and all. That hurt me bro," Kai expressed.
"Kai, I'm sorry,"
"Sure you are. Sure you are,"
"Look, we aren't dating anymore,"
"That's not the fucking point! I knew I shouldn't have ad her around you. Ya only met twice! How did ya even have the time?"
"She found my Facebook,"
"And you didn't say shit to me! But, it's all good though,"
Kai swerved on the rode, sped down the ramp and ran a light. Gray's nerves were high and he was anxious to know what Kai was gonna do with that gun. Kai had a good grip on it and was could shoot at any given moment.
"We're five blocks away,"
"From where?!"
"The nigga's house,"
"Just think about this shit man!"
"You can shut the fuck up because you didn't think about shit when you was fucking my bitch!"
"I'm sorry!"
"Nah, fuck that!"
Kai's car screeched to a halt as he turned onto the street where RJ's house stood. With a calculated swerve, he pulled up alongside the curb, his heart pounding in his chest. His gaze fell upon RJ, sitting nonchalantly on the front porch, unaware of the impending danger. Kai's fingers tightened around the steering wheel as he slowly lowered the car windows, revealing the cold, metallic glint of a gun. His eyes narrowed in focus as he aimed the weapon, his resolve unwavering. In that moment, a single thought consumed his mind: to end the life of the man who had wronged him so deeply. He shot five times, killing RJ on his porch. He tossed the gun in the back seat, pulled off, and raised the windows up. Gray couldn't believe what happened as he was taken back. He could barely breathe as he just watched someone die. Sure, he's seen dead people before, but watching your partner kill someone in front of you out of spite was different.
"WHAT THE FUCK, MAN!" Gray yelled.
"What you gone do? Report me?"
"I have too!"
"How, when your gun is missing?"
"Huh? Wait! You took this gun from my station?"
"When people I care about do some stupid shit, thinking I won't ever find out, they pay for their actions,"
"Notice how I have these gloves on my hand?" Kai asked.
He pulled over and parked the car. He forcefully grabbed Gray's hand to get his fingerprints onto the gun. They tussled for a bit, so Kai gave up and grabbed another gun from under his seat and aimed it at Gray's head. Looking at Kai was just as equivalent to looking at the Devil. The evil in his eyes was extremely terrifying. He cocked the gun back and placed his finger on the trigger.
"Do it. NOW!"
Gray grabbed the gun as a tear shed from his eye. He was getting framed for the murder of RJ because he betrayed Kai by dating is ex girlfriend. In that moment, Gray was fighting for his life. He didn't know if Kai was going to kill him or not, so he just stayed silent.
"Get out the car,"
Gray got out the car as instructed. He shut the door and went out on the street.
"What do you want from me?"
"Nothing. What we gonna do is fight. You're going to beat my ass,"
"You're going to beat me up,"
Kai pulled his gun out and shot at the wall that was behind Gray.
"The next one is for you. Now, let's go!"
"Kai, I don't wanna do this, man"
"You either do it, or you die and imma report it as a suicide,"
"You're so cruel!"
"Ah! Yeah, I'm cruel. I learned it from you,"
"She said she was unhappy with you dawg. She said she didn't love you," Gray confessed.
"Okay? So that gives you a reason to date her? You're being backwards right now,"
"I couldn't help it. But now I see why she left. You're fucking crazy!"
"I am! Not to mention she came back to my ass when she expressed to me that your stroke game was complete ass! And to prove it, we made a tape together. See?"
In a moment of reckless abandon, Kai retrieved his phone and located the incriminating video. With a malicious grin, he amplified the audio, its contents seeping into Gray's ears like molten lava. The words, sharp as daggers, pierced through Gray's composure, igniting a primal rage within him. His skin flushed crimson as the blood coursed through his veins like a raging torrent. Blinded by fury, he lunged at Kai, his momentum carrying him forward. Kai, caught off guard by the sudden assault, was sent sprawling onto the unforgiving ground. Gray's weight crashed down upon him, pinning him beneath his rage-filled grip. Kai's breath caught in his throat as he struggled to break free, but Gray's ironclad hold proved unyielding. The once-quiet street erupted into a cacophony of violence. Punches thudded into Kai's face, each strike fueled by Gray's unyielding anger. Kai's body writhed in agony as his bones cracked and his flesh tore. As the assault continued, Gray's rage spiraled out of control. His eyes blazed with a feral intensity, his voice reduced to guttural growls. The spectators, stunned and horrified, watched in disbelief as the once-civil encounter descended into a savage display of brutality. The air grew thick with the stench of fear and violence, suffocating all who dared to witness the unfolding carnage. Finally, as Kai's body grew limp beneath the relentless onslaught, Gray's rage subsided. He released his grip on Kai's battered form, leaving him broken and bleeding on the cold, unforgiving floor. In the aftermath of the violence, a chilling silence hung over the room. The weight of what had transpired settled upon the hearts of all present, leaving an indelible scar that would forever alter their lives.
"I guess since I had beat him up pretty bad, that basically was icing on the cake for me. I believe he still has that car, but he hid it somewhere,"
"What makes you think that" John asked.
"What criminal is just gonna get rid of a car like that and possibly risk it getting turned in for evidence? He had to hide it somewhere. It was a lot of shit in that vehicle. And add on to the shit, Celine disappeared off the face of the Earth. Has anyone tried to contact her?"
"No one has talked to Celine since the trial. We did try to get in contact with her for the trial coming up, but we haven't been able to get anything,"
"Kai is an evil individual. You guys have to find that car. Play back the cameras! I remember placing my things back where they belonged,"
"We checked the cameras and everything was normal. But we were also getting new cameras installed around that time,"
"Hmm. Well, word on the street is, Kailen is pushing drugs and getting rid of many of the witnesses from that night. I recall there being a small crowd watching us fight that night. If you can, please get them to help. I didn't get a chance to fully defend myself last time, but I am this time. Kai for sure murdered RJ and because he didn't get his money while at the same time trying to get his revenge on me. All the evidence from that night is probably in that car!" Gray stressed.
John looked at his team and there was a bit of a silence. John then nodded his head and stood up.
"We need to find that red Honda,"
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madeofvoid · 4 months
I feel like beibg a captive bystander to the genocide of innocent palestinians is actively making me a worse person. Like I was pissed at Israel before all this because we pay for their free healthcare and college while they doot doot away on their goat horns. And like, fair play have fun. But I thought that was *all* they were doing. I was fr raised to believe that israel is just a enclave for jews to live and they were just vibing as a society totally comprised of money counters, bankers, and investors.
Now knowing that we've been funding their existence while they've been actively colonizing a land they have no claim to AND killing AMERICAN CITIZENS for TWENTY FUCKING YEARS??? Like what the fuck dude we're doing what china does with north korea!
MFers had their population decimated by an austrian landscape painter 100 years ago and lowkey took fucking notes I'm screaming.
"Israel cant commit genocide because theyve been genocided" rhetoric is the same as saying that black people can't be prejudiced/racist. And to prove how bullshit that is: I, as a black people, have littered this post with dogwhistles and antisemitic rhetoric! If you caught it and wanted to say something? Good job, here's a fucking 🍪
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fuckenvampirism · 2 years
people are like im 37 years old and assumedly have a whole life with a job and friends but i spend sooo much energy thinking about how the biggest problem in the world is that pedophilic content is censored and not easily available and i make infographics about it and how awesome it is to be attracted to children and how it is ABUSIVE BEHAVIOUR to tell someone online that it’s disgusting, and actually i think it’s just like homophobia (i’m allowed to say that because i’m queer) and we need to celebrate our FREEDOM to do anything we want (be attracted to children) and if you point out my age YOU’RE BEING AGEIST and we cherish our precious incest ships because there’s nothing better than a story about forbidden love (and if someone is trying to CENSOR a specific kind of story, that means it should be celebrated so much more [i hate oppression sooo much... btw i hate most Black characters, for mysterious reasons]) and also i have a huge over-reliance on tropes because there’s absolutely no substance to what i write and everything i read has to be the same story over and over again and i have mental breakdowns over people telling me every day that im a bad person? that i am dangerous to kids (again, i’m queer so this kind of statement sounds very suspicious and familiar. ignore the fact that i enjoy sexual content about children)? that i should touch grass? that i should stop pretending criticism of people like me spawns from puritanical beliefs? that i should stop pretending this is meaningful commentary on fandom culture? that i should stop reminiscing about the good ol’ days (REMEMBER FANDOM HISTORY!!! THIS IS FOR SOME REASON SO INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT!!!!! REMEMBER WHERE YOU CAME FROM!!! WHY ARE WE ACTING LIKE THIS IS A SIGNIFICANT CULTURAL THING!!) when apparently everyone in fandom loved pedophilia, before you pesky KIDS came along and ruined it.......... oh.............. that i should stop pretending my ideology is against bullying and harassment (ignore how i sic my badass pedophile friend group onto people to make clumsy insults about them if someone DARES to try to say anything critical about me flaunting my attraction to children)? that i am repulsive and my life has no value and i add nothing to this world and i should die HEY WAIT that sounds exactly like fascism, don’t those guys try to eradicate certain types of people? you seriously want to do a pedophile genocide? oh, you’re just saying it on an individual basis and you don’t think there should be a systemic ability to kill people for any reason? i can’t believe you openly hurl DEATH THREATS at people... isn’t that morally reprehensible? what if i said i think people are born this way? i can’t change this about me, so why should it be condemned (ignore how it’s very much a choice to seek out pedophilic media and constantly engage with it and spends hours upon hours drawing or writing that shit and posting about it and making it my entire personality and life)? am i supposed to just NOT reply obsessively to each and every comment that rightfully upset fourteen year olds leave on my posts and act like i deserve a reminder every second of the day that my choices are fucking terrible and i make a very dangerous environment for everyone, but especially young people who simply want to talk about their cartoons in peace? am i just not supposed to post my explicitly sexual art of the characters while using the main tags and putting no kind of warning (ignore how i love to tell people to curate their online experience and say that we ALWAYS make it easy to avoid seeing this shit) hey also, this time, the art wasn’t even depicting characters who are minors so i don’t know what you people are getting so upset about! i can’t believe every single one of you folx who are AGAINST people like me definitely all know each other and all communicate in a giant group chat and talk about how to conspire against us innocents! i can’t believe that you would say such things to VICTIMS OF CHILDHOOD SEXUAL ABUSE (nobody else except us has ever actually experienced this btw and differing views are just wrong, but i am totally a reasonable normal person) or say that our background means nothing regarding our choices and actually makes it worse because we use our victimhood as a way to groom people into our cult or try to soften what we really get up to or that we encourage abuse victims to read triggering content because no no it’s soooo healing and normal and healthy - ONE therapist i heard of said it was okay - or if you have intrusive thoughts because of ocd, you should also totally engage with pedophilic content- have you ever heard of immersion therapy? it’s the exact same thing and it won’t do anything weird to your brain at ALL and you’ll have really regular, healthy perceptions of the world and people, and be able to interact with others in a really Usual and Not odd way. if you have a problem with my online presence then uhhhh i think you’re a big whiny snowflake, you’re probably like TWELVE years old (i evidently really hate kids, they’re ALWAYS pestering me and snivelling so uh KIDS DNI, but also i just read smut involving a kid this same age) and you wouldn’t survive anywhere in the REAL world... but anyway yeah, fiction has no affect on reality and that’s why i have such a tight grip on all this fiction i enjoy and spend every waking moment of my day thinking about.
also please tag any criticism about media i like. it will ruin my day if i see a worldview that differs from mine, or anything that adds complexity or nuance to my interests. thank you.
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scuttling · 3 years
If I Should Linger
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairings: Aaron Hotchner/Female Reader Word Count: 6,979 (what is wrong with me??) Tags: 18+, NSFW, Best Friend's Dad Hotch, Confident reader, Flirting, Oral sex, Protected sex, Dirty talk, A little angst with a happy ending Summary: Your best friend stands you up at the bar, but it actually turns into the best night you've had in a long time—maybe the best night of your life. Unfortunately, things don't stay uncomplicated for long... *Requested by @hotforhotchner11 Link to A03 or read below! “I can’t believe you stood me up to have sex with a frat boy,” you hiss into your phone from your seat at the bar. Your best friend Julie—better known as Jay—is on the other end, and she’s completely ruining your plans for the evening at later than the last minute. She’s never on time for anything.
“He’s not a frat boy… yet. He’s rushing.” You pick up your gin and tonic to take a sip, but her comment makes you pause.
“He’s rushing? How old is he?” The breath she blows out before she answers tells you everything you need to know. Goddamn cradle robber.
“Twenty? Or, almost twenty.”
“Oh, you nasty girl. He’s nearly ten years younger than us.” At 28, you literally could not imagine being interested in a 20 year old. Anyone under 25 is practically an infant; what would you talk about?
“The pussy wants what it wants, babe. It’s more fun when they barely know what they’re doing.” Then again, you figure, she isn’t exactly doing much talking.
“That’s gross, Jay.”
“Is it any grosser than your thing for older guys? You’d fuck my dad if I let you anywhere near him, which is exactly why I don’t.”
“I would not fuck your dad—actually, what does he look like?” She groans down the line and you laugh. “I’m kidding. I’m trying to fuck someone’s dad tonight, but not yours.” You hear a choked laugh from beside you and you glance over at, objectively, one of the most attractive men you’ve ever seen: he’s Black, bald, muscular, with a neatly trimmed goatee and a killer smile, and apparently your thirst for older men amuses him. You smile back. “Jay, I have to go; I’m embarrassing myself in public.”
“Okay, and what else is new? Bye!” When she hangs up, you lock your phone and turn to face the man at the bar.
“Sorry about that. Sometimes I forget people are actually listening in places like these; there’s so much talking it’s all kind of white noise to me.”
“It’s kind of my job to listen to what no one else does, but I forget to turn it off sometimes,” he says, and no, that’s not intriguing or anything. “So you’re into older guys?” he asks with a raised eyebrow, and you lean in with your chin in your hand, elbow on the bar.
“Almost exclusively. You don’t look old enough to be someone’s dad, but I’d probably make an exception.” He laughs again; he doesn’t have a drink, so maybe he’s waiting for the bartender, but you sip yours.
“I’m flattered, but taken. I have a friend who’s probably your type; he doesn’t do one night stands, though. He doesn’t really do anything. We’re trying to loosen him up.” You hum thoughtfully, take a cursory glance around the room.
“I happen to be great at loosening older men up. Is he here?” He shoots you a smile, looks at you like you kind of amaze him.
“You don’t beat around the bush, do you?” You raise an eyebrow.
“Would you, if you weren’t taken?” He nods a little, like you’ve got a good point, and you both laugh. “Yeah, it’s a double standard. If you can walk up to a woman and ask her if it hurt when she fell from heaven, why can’t I walk up to an older man and ask if he believes in love at first sight, or if I should walk by again?”
“That tired line would not work on my friend,” he says, and you grin.
“I think you’d be surprised. But, you know him better, so why don’t you just invite me back to your table, since I got stood up by my friend and I’m all alone, and let me do my thing?” You swirl your straw in your drink, try to look flirty, and he leans in on his elbow like you did before.
“You know what? What the hell. If nothing else, he gets some attention from a pretty girl and maybe it boosts his confidence.” You smile—you like this guy already.
“Aw, you think I’m pretty?” He rolls his eyes, and then the bartender presents him with his drinks. You take two—one is a neat bourbon, that has to belong to the older man friend—and follow him to his table while he just shakes his head.
“Looks like you brought back more than drinks,” a pale woman with dark hair and bangs says with a smile when the two of you approach the table. He hands her one of the beers, takes the cocktail from your hand and gives it to a petite blonde with fair skin.
“Her friend bailed on her and we got talking at the bar, so I invited her to come sit with us.” You introduce yourself to the group, and the friend Derek mentioned might be your type? Egregious understatement.
He’s everything you like in an older man: polite, well-spoken, handsome, clean shaven, with a great head of thick, dark hair—he’s wearing an expensive watch, a goddamn suit, a tailored suit that fits him perfectly, and if Jay were here, you’d be catching her attention and panting like a dog, with your hands up near your face.
To someone without your more refined palate for older gentlemen, he may look like an average white guy in his early fifties, but you have to look down to make sure your panties haven’t dropped involuntarily. Just in case.
“Is this seat taken?” you ask, gesturing to the one next to him, and he shakes his head, pulls it out for you before he sits back down—yes, he stood when you approached the table. Manners, check. You’re trying not to drool.
You smooth out your skirt before you take your seat—you always dress for the man you want to attract, and tonight is no exception, so you’re wearing a black lace dress and nude heels; the dress is fitted, but not clingy, and not too short, and you know the right kind of man will find it appealing. So far, your handsome potential love interest Aaron seems to be looking respectfully; that may change, but you’re happy to see it, for now.
“So Derek mentioned you’re all in the FBI; are you the boss? You look like the boss,” you say with a playful smile, and Aaron looks a little nervous when he nods, makes eye contact.
“Until someone decides to overthrow me,” he jokes, deadpan, and your smile gets brighter. Dry sense of humor, check.
“I’d like to see them try; I definitely sense that you can handle your own.” Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Derek hiding a smile behind his hand. He knows you’re flirting, even if no one else does, and another reason you hope to take Aaron home is so you can wipe that smile off his face—but mostly because Aaron’s gorgeous, and you know it would be a very good time for the both of you.
“Let’s play darts,” Derek says to the other people at the table—you can’t remember their names at the moment, all your attention focused on Aaron—and they get up and walk over to the board, so it’s just the two of you.
Aaron clears his throat. “Thank you. What do you do for work?”
“I’m in publishing; a copy editor. Mostly Tom Clancy type action novels, and romance novels. Lots of heaving bosoms and cries of overwhelming pleasure, you know?” You take a sip of your drink through the straw, looking over at him as innocently as you can. He’s a little flushed; you’re a huge fan of that look on a man. “Do you ever read romance novels?”
“Uh, no. Not my genre.” He takes a sip of his drink, and you watch his mouth while he does.
“Not mine either. When you edit enough of them, they become wholly unsexy… and they never compare to real life.” You flick your eyes over his body, briefly but not subtly, and he gives you a glance back. Your heart beats a little faster in your chest. “So what do you like to read? Wait, may I guess?” you ask, setting a hand on his arm. He nods, and you carry on, leaning just a little closer. “So I’m going to guess you’re a fan of the classics, novels you’ve read a hundred times. I think you would tell me your favorite is To Kill a Mockingbird,” you say, tapping against his sleeve, “and maybe intellectually it is, but you actually feel more when you read Moby Dick. I bet your heart yearns for adventure—not that life as a crime solving FBI agent is boring, but it's all too real. Moby Dick is the perfect blend of adventure and fantasy for a man like you.”
“You’ve known me for all of ten minutes,” he says with a raised eyebrow, and you shrug and take a drink.
“True. But am I right? Or close?” He smiles, the first full, unguarded expression he’s given tonight, and you feel awesome for making that happen.
“My favorite book is Moby Dick. I make a point to read it at least twice a year. You’re good.”
“Thank you.” You pull back, take your hand off of his arm; you’ve laid the groundwork for touching, and he’ll have to make a move if he wants more. “People often tell you a lot they don’t intend to, and books are my thing, so it’s easy for me to connect the dots. I recommend books to people as a kind of party trick.” You stir your drink, and he shifts a little, sitting closer.
“Have you disappointed many people with your recommendations?”
“Oh, I make it a personal mission to never leave anyone disappointed,” you say, your voice low and sweet like honey. His eyes move to your mouth. You sweep your tongue over your bottom lip. “Derek said your friends are trying to get you to loosen up; can I ask why?” He flicks his eyes up to yours, frowns a little, like he’s not sure that’s something he’s ready to tell you; ultimately, he just sighs.
“I’ve been divorced for five years, alone for five years. They think it’s time I…” He trails off, shrugs.
“Get back in the saddle?” you offer, and he laughs lightly, agrees. “Is that something you’re interested in? You shouldn’t feel pressured into it if you’re not ready.” You might want to sleep with him so badly it’s sickening, but not at the expense of his well-being.
He exhales deeply and lifts his arm to rest it on the back of your chair; you want to smile, but the conversation doesn’t call for it, so you hold off.
“I think I’m ready, but how do you really know?” You turn toward him a little more, lean against his arm; it feels easy, comfortable, almost like a real date and not you flirting like your life depends on it and hoping to get a bite.
“I think you should wait to meet someone who makes you feel a spark, and then explore it. Maybe it burns hot, but doesn’t last. Maybe it’s a slow burn. Maybe it’s a bit of both. I think when you’re really ready to put yourself out there, you’ll know.” He holds your gaze, wets his lips, takes a breath.
“You’ve been flirting with me.” You do smile a little, then.
“Yes, Aaron, I have.”
“Did Derek put you up to it?”
“Absolutely not.” You touch his arm again, gentle, lean in close. “I’m genuinely interested in you. You’re everything I’m attracted to in a man.” His smile doesn’t touch his eyes.
“Old and uptight?”
“Older, and kind, and capable of having a conversation about more than just sports and money, and handsome. Very handsome.” You lift your fingers from his arm, brush them through his hair over his temple. “I feel a spark. Do you?”
“Yes,” he breathes, and when you set your hand on the table, he covers it carefully with his. His hand is big, warm, softer than you’d expected, and you’re met with the sudden urge to feel it all over your body. “I feel a spark.”
“Good. Do you want to come home with me tonight? No strings attached—just to get you back in the saddle,” you say with a tilt of your head, and he nods.
“I want to.” You’re certain that the smile that crosses your face is softer, inviting, but you get the feeling he won’t kiss you while his friends could be watching. You’re actually surprised he’s touching you so openly.
“Okay, so why don’t you give me a ride home? I was going to have to call an Uber, since my friend didn’t show up, but you’re a gentleman, aren’t you? You wouldn’t let me do that.” He catches on to what you’re saying, the excuse you’re giving him to give his friends, makes a noise of understanding.
“Of course. I wouldn’t rest not knowing you made it home safely.”
“I’m not sure how much rest you’ll be getting tonight,” you murmur, and you rest your free hand on his thigh under the table, squeeze a little. He’s very firm, and you kind of melt. “But that’s a very sweet sentiment, Aaron. Are you committed to staying here much longer?”
“Not at all. Would you like to leave now?” You hold his gaze for a moment, want to be really sure about this; you’re no expert on body language, but you’ve been here before, and he really does look less tense than when you first showed up, more comfortable and open. All really good signs.
“Yes, please.” He squeezes your hand, then stands, smooths out his jacket, and tells you he’ll be right back while he goes to say goodbye to his friends. You stand too, finish what’s left of your drink, and pull out your phone to text Jay.
Taking home the most incredible man. Guess I don’t need my wingwoman after all.
J: Tell grandpa I said he better treat you right.
Please. He’s not that old. If anything, you can call him daddy. :P
J: You can call him daddy. Have fun ;) The ride to your apartment starts out quiet, but you try to fill it by asking Aaron more about himself. You keep your hands on him while you chat, leaning as close to him as you can while wearing your seatbelt, running your hand up and down his leg, over his arm while he shifts gears. You know it’s turning you on, and you’re fairly certain it’s turning him on as well.
You learn more about his job, that he basically solves crimes by judging people, which is kind of funny; before that, he was a lawyer, which you can definitely see. He has one child, a daughter who’s upset with him because of the divorce (someone’s dad, check), and a brother who lives in New York, no living parents. It’s more information than you usually get out of someone you plan to sleep with, but you really do like him, and since he’s not the one night stand type, you think more conversation is the right way to go.
He asks about you too, about your family and your job and your lame friend who bailed on you, and when he arrives outside your building, parks in the lot, you unbuckle your seatbelt and lean in closer, smoothing a hand over his waist.
“I’m really glad I met you tonight,” you breathe, looking up at him, and he puts his hand on your cheek and you meet for a slow, easy kiss. “Hmm. I knew you’d be good at that.”
“I knew you’d be good at that, too. You have the most beautiful lips.” He brushes his fingers over them, and you take his hand, bring two of them into your mouth to suck softly. His breath hitches, and you feel your panties getting damp. God, he’s gorgeous. “Let’s go inside,” he whispers, and you slip his fingers out, drop a hand to his lap where he’s—oh, so perfectly hard it’s unreal.
“We could get started out here, have a little adventure,” you say playfully, fully prepared for him to say he’d rather not, but he just licks his lips and looks at you like you’re going to be the death of him, but at least he’ll die happily. That’s another look you’re a huge fan of on an older man.
You undo his belt, his button and his zipper, pull his cock out of his pants; he’s of average length, thick, makes your mouth water, and you lean in to use that to your advantage, getting him wet with your saliva and then stroking him in your hand. You look up at his face, and he’s got his eyes closed, head back against the headrest—so fucking sexy. You reach your free hand under his shirt, where he’s hairy, strong, but a little soft, just the way you like it, and he opens his eyes and pulls you close for a kiss that’s a bit harder than the last.
“You’re absolutely perfect,” he sighs against your lips, and you press closer for another kiss. You almost regret the adventure comment now, because you want to undress him, and touch him, feel him all over, but you’ll just have to be patient. (That’s never been your strong suit.)
“Are you kidding? You are… everything. If I could build a dream man, he would literally be a copy of you.” He makes a sharp, self-deprecating sound, and you lean down to get him wetter, move your hand a little faster. “I’m completely serious. I’m a little upset I’ve been going to that bar for so long and our paths never crossed.” One of his hands moves to your hair, and he pulls you close for a kiss; he’s ready to come, you can tell, and you want him to more than anything, so you cover his hand with yours and dip your head, sucking his dick like you’re desperate for it. When it comes to Aaron, you’re kind of desperate for everything.
“Oh, god. That feels so good, baby.” You moan at the pet name—is there anything better in the world than an older man calling you baby? Maybe just Aaron specifically calling you baby—and he tightens his fingers in your hair while you glide over him, tight and wet, until he comes in your mouth.
You swallow it down, pull off breathless, and then swipe your tongue over him so he’s clean enough that you can tuck him back into his pants. You look up at him from his lap, and he’s panting too, rubs his fingers over your lips, your chin, down your throat. You’re desperately horny now, soaking wet, and when you shift to sit up, he catches you for a deep, steamy kiss, and that does nothing to help your situation.
“Thank you,” he murmurs, and ugh, your heart flutters. Seriously, who created this man? He’s incredible. “Now let’s go inside so I can make you come, too.”
“Definitely,” you agree with a nod, and you kiss him once more before pulling back and climbing out of the car, straightening yourself up. He does the same, then walks over to you, takes your hand, and follows you into your apartment.
Sex with Aaron is… talk about adventure. He fucks like—well, like he hasn’t done it in over five years. As soon as you get inside the door, he gets on his knees, pulls your panties down, lifts your skirt up, and eats your pussy with such enthusiasm you come with your hands in his hair, rocking against his face, in less than three minutes. Seeing him down on the ground in the full suit, just going to town on you, is not an image you’ll soon forget, that’s for sure.
After that, the two of you stumble to your bedroom, hands all over each other, tugging at zippers and discarding clothes—he has you keep your shoes on, and that makes you feel slutty like a porn star, and super hot—and you kiss, touch, moving your hands all over each other's bodies until he’s hard again. You stay in missionary, and after he slips on a condom from your bedside table, he slides into you, kisses your lips and your neck and your shoulders while he rolls his hips against yours.
It’s slow and sensual at first, and you drag your nails lightly across his back, tilt your head when he nips at your throat.
“Aaron, oh. You feel so good,” you breathe, scraping your fingers through his hair, and his thrusts get a little deeper, his kisses a little rougher.
“You’re incredible. So gorgeous.” He moves a hand to your breast, massages it while your bodies work; you hitch your legs up higher, moan, and pull him closer, your hands on his body, and he fucks into you more frantically, humping against you hard, wildly. You’ve never really gotten fuck you like an animal, but that’s kind of what he’s doing, and you’re into it, clinging to him, pushing into his thrusts like it’s possible to take him deeper than you are now.
God, he’s going to spoil you, ruin you for all other men. You’re going to have your best sex at 28 and then be chasing this feeling the rest of your goddamn life. It’s both amazing and horribly unfair.
“Yes, Aaron, yeah. Fuck me hard, fuck me deep.” He groans, pounds inside you, moves his hand from your breast to the back of your neck and stares down into your eyes while he absolutely destroys you. You come clenching around him, pulling his hair and digging your nails into his shoulder, and his mouth comes crashing down for a kiss while he thrusts through it and then stutters, his orgasm right behind yours.
You sag against the pillow behind your head, and he puts his weight on you, hand still clamped around the nape of your neck, and breathes hot against your throat.
You stare up at the ceiling, catching your breath, and thank fucking god Jay stood you up tonight. Aaron is very sweet, kissing you and holding you, murmuring against your skin, and the two of you go to the bathroom, get cleaned up, and then raid your kitchen for snacks, talking easily and laughing. He doesn’t look like he’s about to bolt, which you’d been a little worried about; in fact, he actually suggests taking your snacks back to bed, jokes about not getting any crumbs on your white sheets. Never one to kick a man out abruptly after sex, and especially not a man like Aaron, you agree, and you end up in bed again, which means…
Another frantically torn condom wrapper later, and you’re on your stomach, your nipples rubbing against the sheets. Aaron’s hands are on your ass while you work yourself on his cock, rolling your body, moaning desperately like you aren’t already two orgasms deep; his dick hits just right, and between that and the nipple stimulation you’re coming fast, bucking hard against him so he’ll follow.
“Fuck, baby, coming already?” He tightens his grip, slams inside you, plants one hand on the bed to change his angle a bit. “Let’s try for another; your body is so perfect, built for sex, built for me.” You groan, roll your eyes back because his dirty talk is hitting the spot, and the two of you fuck together, noisy and eager and hot, until he shudders, squeezes your ass hard and starts to come.
You’re so close, right on the edge, and you sound wild because of it, your moans high, whimpering, your fingers digging into the sheets.
“Yes, yes, don’t stop, please don’t stop,” you beg, grinding against him, and he puts both hands hard on your hips, rails you into the bed.
“I’m not stopping until you come for me. Come for me,” he murmurs, and he wraps one hand around the front of your body, rubs your clit, and you climax, squeezing your eyes shut, seeing stars. You moan his name, drop your hand to cover his where it rests against your pussy, and this time when his body drapes across your back like a weighted blanket, you sigh and close your eyes.
He kisses your back and shoulders, runs his big hands over your hips and ass, then slides off and guides you to the edge of the bed, lifts you up and carries you to the bathroom. You think absently that you could get used to being treated this well, and you must say it, because he presses a kiss to your lips and whispers, “I will if you let me.”
There’s a little talk in bed, after you’re cleaned up and cozy beneath the comforter, about going on a real date; Aaron seems nervous, like he thinks you won’t go for it, that all you wanted was this night of sex. And yes, while that’s typically your MO, something about Aaron is different. He makes you want more, things like dates and picnics and sweet lovemaking at night and kisses—all the kisses, everywhere, all the time.
You ask him to stay, and he promises he will, and you fall asleep in his arms. It’s the best you’ve felt in a really long time.
You wake up to Aaron’s sleepy, handsome face, and you kiss and smile into each other’s lips, because last night was great, but this is even greater. Your plan is to take a shower together and then go out for breakfast, but there’s a knock at your door just as you’re planning to step in.
“You go ahead, I’ll catch up,” you tell him with a kiss, and you pull on your robe and peer through the peephole, then pull the door open. “Well, well; now you decide to show up.”
Jay steps in with a box of doughnuts and two cups of coffee, looking properly shamed.
“I know, I’m a horrible friend. I broke the slut code: stay slutty, but never at the expense of your best girl.” You crack a smile, because you could never really be mad at her, but especially not after last night. You’re about to say that, but she looks over your shoulder at the clothes still strewn about your living room and grins. “Holy shit. Is your old man still here?”
“He’s not an old man, and yes, he’s in the shower, so shut up.” She shoves the doughnuts and coffee carrier into your hands and brushes past you, toward your bedroom, and you groan. “Jay, no, come on.”
“I just want to get a glimpse of him,” she says, peeking her head into your room. She sees more clothes, and the condom wrappers, looks back at you with a cocked eyebrow. “Okay, someone had a good time last night.”
“Yes, it was fucking incredible. He’s a sex god, I’m not even kidding. He ate my pussy like he hasn’t had a meal in months, then fucked me twice, so hard and sexy, and then he asked me if he could take me on a date, Jay.” You smile wide, can’t help it. “I really like him, so I actually owe you for not coming out last night.” She smiles back, pulls you close for a hug, and you step back with your hands on her shoulders. “So thank you, and thanks for coming to apologize, but can you please leave? I really don’t want to miss out on some potential good morning shower sex.”
She rolls her eyes, but it’s all from a place of love, and she turns to head out of your room.
“Okay, but only because cockblocking you would mean breaking the slut code again, and I can’t have my membership card revoked. I have a date with the almost frat boy again tonight.” She grins, and you shake your head, pull off your robe when you hear the door shut and head for the shower.
Good morning shower sex has never been so good. One month and twelve dates later, and you’re head over heels for Aaron. He is so sweet, and smart, and secretly funny, the perfect gentleman when you’re in public and an absolute manic in private, and you seriously could not have imagined a more perfect man.
Jay is maybe a little tired of hearing you talk about him.
You’re out for breakfast on a Saturday morning—Aaron is on a case in Indiana, or you’d probably be with him—and she sighs around a bite of french toast.
“I get it, he’s the best lay you’ve ever had in your life. He makes your pussy wet and your heart horny, or whatever. When do I get to meet the old man who’s got you wrapped around his big sexy fingers?”
“He’s supposed to be home tonight, maybe I’ll see if he’s feeling up to drinks?” Sometimes he’s really worn out after these cases, and you don’t blame him, but occasionally they must touch him in a way that makes him want to enjoy life, because you’ve had some nice dates the same day he gets back. You’ll ask, and if he’s not up for it, you’ll reschedule.
“Ooh, yes. I can’t wait to finally get a good look at the hunk who turned my maneater best friend into a monogamous whore.” You gasp, affronted, and she cackles, takes a sip of her iced coffee. Sometimes you can’t even remember why you’re friends—but she never fails to do something completely unexpected and sweet that reminds you eventually. “Hey, maybe now that you’re obsessed with this guy, you can finally meet my dad, since I don’t have to worry about you trying to suck his dick at first sight.”
You know that Jay’s relationship with her dad has been a little rough since her parents split up, and you’ve always thought that maybe you could get her to open up to him, to talk to him, if you could get to know him, but her fears about your taste for older men have always been hilariously real. As if you can’t control yourself; as if you’d ever actually date her dad.
“Well I’ll have to ask my old man; maybe he’s down for a threesome?” It’s her turn to act offended, and you laugh and send Aaron a text about this evening before you forget.
Can’t wait to meet the infamous Jay, he replies, and you won’t lie, you’re feeling really good about your two favorite people finally getting to know each other.
That night, you and Aaron beat Jay to the bar, because of course you do—that bitch is never on time for anything.
You’re feeling cute in a sexy turtleneck dress (the neck of which Aaron tugged down to place a hickey under when you rode him on the couch before coming here) and a set of earrings he bought you—you’re wearing a set of lingerie he bought you, too for later—and he looks gorgeous in a dark blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up.
You can barely keep your hands off of him, squeezing his thigh, kissing his neck; you only give him an inch of space when he gets up to run to the restroom, and even then, the way he smiles and presses his lips to yours before he goes makes you want to cancel drinks and take him home so you can be alone.
But Jay asked to meet him, and you have been a little obsessed lately, so you want to do this and make her happy.
You look down at your phone, ready to hit her with some inflammatory where the fuck are you??? texts, when she drops into the seat Aaron had just vacated, breathless.
“Sorry, sorry. Traffic was really bad, and I got into this huge fight with my mom on the phone...” She pulls off her jacket, drapes it over the back of the seat.
“Is everything okay?” you ask, concerned. The two of them usually get along pretty well.
“Yeah, she’s just pissed because my dad has a new girlfriend—which is stupid, because she’s the one who wanted to divorce him, so why does she care? But anyway, I told her I’d meet her and be nice to her, because it’s important to him, and she expects me to take her side or something. I don’t know. Let’s just say I’m really glad I’m out for drinks with you and your old man so I can forget about my problems for a while.” She takes a deep breath for practically the first time since she started talking, then looks around, realizes it’s just the two of you. “Hey, where is he, anyway?”
“Restroom,” you say with a smile, but something more must creep onto your face, because she rolls her eyes playfully.
“And you didn’t follow him in there for a little stall action?”
“Ew, no. That’s more your speed than mine; we had sex before we came, anyway, look at this hickey.” You pull the neck of your dress down and she whistles, impressed.
“Congrats on having such good pussy, babe. I know you’re sickeningly obsessed with him, but it looks to me like he’s got it bad for you too.” You grin, instinctively want to gush over him, but you see him walking over out of the corner of your eye, so you hold off.
He’s frowning, though, and you’re not sure why.
“Julie?” Jay whips her head around at the sound of Aaron’s voice, and her eyes get wide.
“Dad? What are you…” You stand up abruptly, looking up at Aaron, and Jay stands too, looking between you, confused. “What are you doing here?”
“I… We…” He swallows, looks at you like you’ve both made a terrible mistake. You’re surprised how much that look hurts, but you know you have to take care of Jay before you can feel sorry for yourself.
“Jay, listen to me, okay? I swear to god I didn’t know.” You’re begging, pleading with your eyes, your hands on her shoulders. “I did not know.” She shakes her head like it’s not making sense, but when she lets herself connect the dots, she brings up a hand to cover her mouth.
“Oh my god. Are you fucking kidding me?” She pulls away from you, looking at you like you punched her in the face. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
“Jay, I didn’t—”
“Julie,” Aaron says, reaching for her, but she steps back, palms up.
“I seriously can’t believe this. You two… After every joke we made about me keeping you away from him?” She looks at you like you betrayed her, and you exhale, shrug sadly.
“It’s not like I went looking for him, Jay. We just… found each other.” You don’t look at Aaron, because if the last month hasn’t meant the same things to him, you’ll have to be okay with that. “I know it’s shocking, and I’m sorry. I can’t imagine what it feels like to find this out, this way.”
“You’re right, you can’t imagine. I just fought with my mom about my dad’s new girlfriend, and it’s-it’s you.” She laughs, humorless.
“You fought with your mom? When?” Aaron asks, crossing his arms, and it’s so clear how much he cares about Jay. Her eyes fly to his.
“On the fucking way here. She told me about your new slut girlfriend, and I was defending you! I told her I’d meet her if you asked me to, that I’d be nice because I know she’s important to you! And it’s you,” she practically spits, turning to you. “Such a whore that you’ll fuck anyone over forty who can still get it up, including my fucking father.” Her tone stings, and people are looking at the three of you, but you take a breath, remind yourself that she’s just angry right now, and she loves you, doesn’t mean that.
“Julie, that's enough. I’m taking you home and we can talk about this there.” Aaron steps past her, picks up her jacket, and glances over at you, but you’re collecting your things and and pulling up a rideshare app to get yourself the fuck out of there.
You head for the bathroom to wait it out until your ride comes, and you definitely don’t cry because the two people who bring you the most happiness in the world are gone and they barely even looked back. It’s five days before Jay shows up at your door with apology doughnuts and a bottle of rosé. You eat and drink and cry on each other, and then laugh at each other, and your heart feels a little healed by the end of it.
“I’m sorry I called you a whore. It’s just… what are the odds, after everything we said, that you would actually hook up with my fucking dad.” You laugh and take the last bite of your doughnut.
“You don’t think I was a little startled by that turn of events? I was as shocked as you. I knew he had a daughter around my age, but that’s not really what we talked about, you know?” She shoves half a doughnut in her mouth and cackles.
“You don’t talk a whole lot, from what I’ve gathered.”
“Didn’t,” you say, and your whole mood shifts. She looks confused. “We didn’t talk a whole lot. He hasn’t spoken to me since the night you found out.” She pulls out her phone, starts texting.
“Okay, I told him I was okay with you guys like, two days ago, so this probably means he’s spiraling. He tends to do that—get in his own head and beat himself up for things that aren’t his fault.” She looks up from her phone, gives you a soft smile. “Will you forgive me if I tell you he’s moping at home right now, and that I know he’ll be happy to see you?” You roll your eyes a little.
“I already forgive you, Jay, but if he hasn’t called me, maybe there’s a reason. Maybe he was looking for an out, and I gave him one, or maybe he can’t feel the same way I do because he knows we’re friends.”
“He told my mom about you, remember? He wouldn’t have done that if he wasn’t serious about you, and I don’t think he’d be acting this emo if he didn’t have feelings for you.” She reaches out, covers your hands with hers. “I’m really, really sorry I fucked this up for you guys. Weirdness aside, I know what good people you both are, and I hate that you were happy and I took that from you guys. I’m 100% supportive of you being my future step-mom,” she says with a grin, and you roll your eyes again and give her a hug and then jump up to get a shower.
You’re going to go get your old man.
When you knock on Aaron’s door an hour later, he looks surprised to see you.
“I thought you’d be Julie,” he says softly, and you sigh.
“I know. She sent me. She wants us to get our heads out of our asses, but I told her I don’t know where your head is, because we haven’t spoken.” Seeing him makes you feel a little better, because he does look like he may have been moping the last few days, so that must mean the spark is still there, right? “If you want me to leave, just tell me, and I’ll go; I’ll get out of your life and you can pretend it was just a casual thing, if that’s what you want.” Your heart aches at the thought, but you’d understand, if being his daughter’s best friend is an obstacle he can’t overcome.
“I don’t want you to leave,” he says after a long, painfully drawn out moment. “I don’t want you to ever leave. And I could never pretend this was casual.” He steps forward—so handsome in a t-shirt and jeans it makes you long to press kisses all over his face, to hold him and be held by him—and his eyes are trained on yours. “I know nothing about us is conventional, but it doesn’t matter to me if it doesn’t matter to you. I want to be with you.”
You take a deep, calming breath, exhale and nod. Your hands ache to reach out and touch him.
“I want to be with you, but only if you can promise that if something comes up with Jay—Julie—we can figure it out together. I don’t ever want to feel the way I felt the other night, and while I get that you had to take care of your daughter, and I’m glad you two talked things out, I can’t just be abandoned if things get weird.” You approach him, wrap your arms around him, and sigh. He hugs you so tightly, rests his cheek against the top of your head.
“I promise. I know I could have handled that better, but the situation was just so...”
“I know, that’s okay. Family comes first—but just so you know, she gave me her full support to campaign to become her new step-mom,” you say, pulling back with a teasing smile, and he shakes his head and grins. “So, one last question: Are you ready to get back in the saddle, Aaron?” He leans in and kisses you so hard you’re breathless, weaves his fingers into your hair.
“Sounds like my kind of adventure.” Message sent with high importance: Do not disturb! Your dad’s indecent.
J: Gross. Thanks for the warning, mom.
That’s step-mom, to you. Taglist ❤️: @thaddeusly @arsonhotchner @mrsh0tchner @ssahotchie @sleepyreaderreads @mintphoenix @meghannnnnn @disgruntledchowchow @azenpal @g-l-pierce @my-rosegold-soul @ssamorganhotchner @heliotropehotch @angelhotchner @qtip-blog @gspenc @wishuhadstayed
519 notes · View notes
luminnara · 3 years
I wonder what Dick would be like trying to flirt on the lead up if the mission, trying to be smooth and cool before screaming next to Weasel. The back track of trying to be cool again after than freak out would be glorious and I would probably fall for it, lol
Dick Hertz x fem!reader
This ended up way longer than intended and I am not mad about that lol
Sfw but raunchy!
Requests for oneshots and HCs are open!
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You were no stranger to the concept of the suicide squad.
Thanks to your own colorful past, and powers that you couldn’t always quite control at first, you were stuck serving out a long ass sentence at Belle Reve, the shittiest shit hole of them all. Your only escape from the mundane, high-security monotony was the occasional mission from Waller.
The Suicide Squad—more officially known as Task Force X—was the latest installment in Amanda Waller’s series of highly classified, top secret, black ops teams. She chose Belle Reve’s most infamous criminals, many of whom had extraordinary powers and even more extraordinary reputations, and tossed them together on incredibly dangerous missions. You knew she didn’t care whether you lived or died, but successfully completing such impossible tasks always cut time off your sentence, and with nothing else to do with your time, you always thought it was worth the risk.
And besides...you hadn’t died yet.
So when Waller approached you during your daily yard time, you already knew what to expect.
“Yeah, yeah.” You grumbled as you followed her into the exam room and plopped down in the same old chair. “I know the drill. I go off mission, you blow my brains out.”
“—with the explosive device implanted in the base of your skull. Correct.” Waller said, unimpressed.
“And what, you have to give me a fresh one?” You raised an eyebrow as the doctor made you lean forward. “Lose the button for the last one or something? Or are you afraid that just one won’t do the job?”
Waller looked even less impressed. “I suggest you put a lid on that attitude today.”
“Why?” You winced at the feeling of a thick needle pushing into the back of your neck. “Jesus, fuck! Seriously, how many little bombs do I need in my head?”
“Good luck, puppy.” The doctor sneered as you stood up to follow Waller back out into the corridor.
“This is a black ops mission.” She continued with her usual spiel. “Your commanding officer is Colonel Rick Flag.”
You gasped. “The Colonel Rick Flag?”
She turned to glance at you.
“I have no idea who that is.”
You could hear her sigh in exasperation. “Suit up and go outside to the transport. You’ll meet the rest of the team and fly out to Corto Maltese.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. Yeah, the Suicide Squad was a nice distraction from your shitty everyday life...but putting your ass on the line for someone who didn’t give a shit whether you lived or died, and who was always hovering above the button that would splatter your brains all over the wall, wasn’t exactly the greatest feeling in the world.
Waller waited as you ducked into a room to change. There was a black box waiting for you, and upon opening it, you couldn’t help but grin at the sight of your old gear. The dark gray leather suit fit like a glove, and your gun had been cleaned and polished after your last mission, the painfully bright fluorescent lights reflecting off of the barrel with a gleam. You grabbed your gloves and strapped your ammo belts on before buckling a gray carbon fiber mask on.
Wearing your own stuff always lifted your spirits. It was the suit you’d been arrested in a few years ago back in Metropolis, and after seizing it, the feds had been nice enough to give it some upgrades with newer tech. Anything to make you a better government-sanctioned killing machine, you guessed, and it’s not like you were gonna turn it down. After all, killing was how you ended up in Belle Reve in the first place, and it was one of the only things you were good at...it just made sense for Waller to want to put your near-inhuman skills to good use.
You walked out to join her again, lugging a canvas bag of equipment and supplies along behind you.
“Pick that up and carry it correctly.” She snapped as the doors at the end of the hall opened.
“Why don’t you eat my—“
You interrupted yourself by groaning at the bright sunlight as it hit your eyes, raising a hand to shield your face as you managed to spot an armored truck waiting for you.
“You’ll have a lot of new teammates.” Waller called after you. “Be on your best behavior. I’m not responsible for anything they do to you.”
“Probably just a bunch of old farts like always!” You yelled back as you jumped up into the back of the vehicle.
Two guards sat down on either side of you as you got yourself settled in. There was another woman already waiting, her skin orange, her hair in a high ponytail that seemed to be pulled through the top of her helmet. She was regarding you with very little interest, and that was absolutely fine with you. You had a few friends within the Belle Reve prison complex, and you weren’t necessarily looking for more.
The ride was short and uneventful. You passed through a few gates that took forever to open, waited for a few security checks, the usual shit. When the truck came to a halt and you hopped out again, you were at a small airbase hosting a few hangars for planes and helicopters, one of the latter already sitting outside. Guards from Belle Reve were lining the circle of armored vehicles, and as yours joined them and the back doors were opened once more, you grimaced at the bright sunlight.
“Afraid of a little sun?” The orange woman laughed, baring her teeth at you.
“Hurts my eyes,” you mumbled, jumping down after her.
You landed on pavement, looking down at your feet in an attempt to avoid the oncoming headache you knew was imminent. When your shoulder rammed into someone, though, you had to look up anyway.
What you saw wasn’t exactly what you were expecting.
A good looking blond guy was looking down at you, a cocky grin on his face. “Whoa, didn’t realize we were getting a babe this time!”
You glared at him, grateful for the mask covering the lower half of your face.
He couldn’t see you blush that way.
“Little girl’s got some ammo, huh?” He reached for one of the belts strapped across your chest,
Your hand flew up to grab his wrist and you held him in a Vice-like grip, your glare more pointed now. “Touch me, and you can see some of it from behind your eyeballs.”
Blondie whistled lowly, relaxing his arm. “You’re tough, huh? I like that in a girl.”
You dropped his wrist and rolled your eyes. “Still gonna like it when I’m ripping your balls off?”
You could swear he was swooning on his feet. “Baby, you are a goddamn tease...”
“Oy, Dickhead!” An Australian voice rang out, “back off!”
His grin faltered for a moment, obvious disappointment flashing over his face. “Oh. Got a man already. Damn.”
“Who, Boomer?” You grinned, unclipping your mask as you turned to wave at one of your only friends. “Nah, I’d never fuck that wanker.”
“I heard that!” The gold-toothed Aussie yelled.
You let out a loud laugh as you looked back to blondie.
You were caught off guard by the actual, genuine look on his face. He was admiring your smile now that your mask was off, his eyes lingering on your lips for a fraction of a second longer than they should have. He was trying to be smooth, you could tell, and most people wouldn’t have noticed something so slight...but you were an assassin working your way through a couple life sentences, and you weren’t most people.
It all only lasted a moment before the cocky grin was back. “So, after this, you wanna come back to my cell, maybe we could, you know...” he waggled his eyebrows at you, making a hip thrusting motion you almost couldn’t believe a grown criminal was making.
“Maybe focus on not dying first, slim.” You patted his chest before turning towards Boomer, leaving blondie to stare after you—or more precisely, your ass—with a dramatic, longing look.
Your friend was regarding you with an amused expression. “Flirtin’ on the job? Didn’t think you had it in ya.”
“Shut up.” You punched his arm a little too hard and he winced. “Who is that guy, anyway?”
“Dick,” Boomer said, rubbing his arm.
“Don’t call me a dick—“
“No, dumbass, that’s his name. Richard Hertz.”
“...very funny, Boomer, but there’s no fucking way his parents named their kid Dick Hertz.”
Boomer shrugged. “Believe me or don’t, I don’t care. Either way, it’s the truth.”
You scoffed and stole a glance over at your new admirer. He was tall and pretty well built, platinum blond hair short, lips pulled back in a grin that showed off straight white teeth. He was dressed in all black, two guns holstered to his chest, and as he messed with a Belle Reve guard by pretending to reach for one, he looked like an overgrown child who should not have been allowed to hold onto firearms.
“Please tell me he’s got a cooler name,” you groaned.
“Why? So you can scream it at night?” Boomer cackled. “He goes by Blackguard. He’s pretty strong from what I hear. Prolly pretty fun in bed, too.”
You wrinkled your nose and rounded on Boomer. “Shut up.”
“You like him.” Your friend grinned. “Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me. Just remember to name your kid after good ol’ Uncle Boomer.”
You gave him a rough shove and he stumbled back a few steps, laughing like a madman the entire time.
“Hey!” One of the guards barked at you.
Rather than pushing your luck with your armed babysitters, you huffed and crossed your arms over your chest. More cars were pulling up, dropping off the rest of your comrades, and while Boomer was distracted with them, you stole another glance at Dick.
He was still messing with the same guard, and was receiving some harsh warning glares in the process. Was he a complete idiot, or was he so cocky because he could actually handle it? He had to have ended up in Belle Reve for a reason. It wasn’t the type of place you went to for innocent misdemeanors. And if he was chosen for a Suicide Squad mission, that meant that his sentence was long enough to warrant risking his life to lessen it...and it also meant that he was useful.
When he winked at you, you realized with a start that he had totally noticed the way you were checking him out.
“Time to load up!” A voice yelled, saving you from any further embarrassment.
A few minutes later, you were strapping yourself into your seat on the chopper, pretending not to notice as Dick struggled with his seatbelt across from you. The guy sitting next to him had to help, and when you finally couldn’t help yourself, you let out a quiet laugh from behind your mask.
Dick’s head shot up to look at you, that cocky grin plastered to his face again.
“Wish you were over here helpin’ me,” he said bravely. “Rather have your hands down by my—“
“Dick.” Colonel Flag warned as he stood above you all with his gun in his hands.
Boomer let out a loud laugh at the unintentionally dirty euphemism and you snorted.
“What? Just makin’ some conversation,” Blackguard said, leaning towards you with a wolfish glint in his eyes. “You don’t mind, do ya, Princess?”
Your cheeks were heating up behind your mask, and he could see the way your eyes crinkled slightly with your smile.
God, he wished he could see your smile again.
“Hey guys, sorry I’m late!” A familiar voice said. “Had to go number two.”
“...Good to know.” Flag sighed as none other than Harley Quinn herself hopped in.
“Harley!” You called, reaching for her with grabby hands as she looked for her seat.
“Hey there, baby!” The pale blonde woman greeted, slamming her equipment bag into Savant’s head. “Hey, Boomer!”
“What’re you doin’ back in prison, Harls?” Boomer asked, hanging onto the nylon mesh cage behind him as he stretched his arms out.
“Got road rage. In a bank.” She finally found a spot between you and Javelin, and as Flag checked everyone over, the chopper took off into the air.
The lighting was dim and red, the thrumming of the helicopter blades blending in with the white noise of the pressurized cabin. Save for that, it was quiet for a while, everybody either sizing each other up, or, in Dick’s case, imagining how you looked under your suit.
“So, uh...how much longer you in for?” He asked you.
You raised an eyebrow. “Why?”
“Because I don’t exactly think I should be talkin’ about sneakin’ into your cell while Flag is here to rat me out about it,” Dick grinned.
You caught the colonel rolling his eyes.
“Hey, that never stopped anybody,” Harley said brightly.
“Boutta be in a whole big ass jungle,” Boomer elbowed you in the side. “Plentya room in there to be alone.”
You groaned as Dick gave you a sly grin.
“Y’know, this mission’ll be over in no time.” He said, stretching his arms out behind his head. “I’ve got some wicked ass powers. I got this.”
“Oh yeah?” You asked, recognizing the way he was trying to peacock and impress you. “Not worried about anything?”
“Baby, I’ll carry this whole team. Just you watch.”
“I’m looking forward to it, Dick.” You bit his name out as more of an insult, but he didn’t seem to care, giving you another wink.
He obviously thought that his flirting and posturing was working...but you were pretty sure he was just annoying. Cute, but annoying. Maybe good for a hook up here or there...but that was about it.
“We’re in a butcher’s freezer, Harls!” Boomer called from the other end of the bench. “Surrounded by dead hogs hangin’ on hooks. Only they don’t know it yet.”
“Leave ‘em alone, Boomer!” She called back with a laugh.
You chuckled at your friends, leaning your head back as you settled in for the flight. Harley was complimenting Javelin’s accent, you still didn’t know what TDK stood for, and Boomer was just starting to mess with him about the fact that all names were made of letters when the freaky weasel-thing next to Dick stole everyone’s attention.
It was one of the strangest creatures you had ever seen. Human height, covered in mangy brown fur, with big bulging eyes and a mouth full of sharp little teeth all made it both fascinating and concerning to look at, and as it made a few disgustingly wet retching sounds, Dick nodded towards it.
“Yo, is this a dog?” He asked.
“...What?” You asked in disbelief. He had to be fucking with you, right? There was no way he meant it.
“Is this thing a dog?” He repeated.
“A...a dog?”
“What...what kinda dog do you think it is, mate?” Boomer asked.
“I dunno, I’m not familiar with all the breeds.” Dick gave him an incredulous look.
“I’m gonna go with Afghan hound.” TDK said.
“Since when does an afghan hound have bloody thumbs?”
“Oh my god, is it a werewolf?” Harley asked excitedly. “I’ve wanted to meet a werewolf for ever!”
Dick was already up and struggling against his restraints. “Yo, they sat me next to a werewolf?!”
“That’s not right,” TDK agreed as his neighbor slammed into him in his desperate attempt at an escape.
Boomer was laughing loudly, and you couldn’t help but join in. “You’re seriously scared of werewolves?”
Dick glanced up at you as he tried to unbuckle his seatbelt. “Yes, I fuckin’ am! So fuckin’—get me out! I do not fuck with werewolves, there is no fuckin’ way—“
“Maybe you should hop onto your new girlfriend’s lap!” Boomer cackled, jabbing a finger towards you.
“Poor baby,” you cooed, and as you saw the look in Blackguard’s eyes, you were pretty convinced that he was about to try to tear his way out so that he actually could.
“Hey, hey, he’s not a werewolf!” Flag yelled over the commotion. “He’s a weasel, he’s harmless! I mean, he’s not harmless, he’s killed 27 children, but I—I think we got him to—I think he’s agreed to this, so relax.”
“Thought you were super tough?” You asked as Dick calmed down and caught his breath. “Gonna carry the whole team?”
Rather than the snarky flirtation you expected, he actually looked a bit defeated. When you raised an eyebrow, though, he took the prompt, and the most desperate backtracking you had ever seen began.
“Yeah, well...” he scoffed, trying to give you a cool look. “Caught me off guard, that’s all. No big deal.”
“Off guard? Isn’t guard, like, in your name?” You teased, your smile genuine behind your mask. Alright...he was winning you over now. He was an idiot, but...maybe he was a lovable one.
He faltered for a second. “I-I mean, yeah, well...”
Flag was shaking his head. “Get into position to drop!”
Everyone unbuckled themselves and collected their things, lining up to jump into the ocean off the coast of Corto Maltese. When you saw that Dick was back to struggling with it, again, you smiled to yourself and leaned down in front of him.
“For what it’s worth...” you said as you pulled up on the metal tab, your hand dangerously close to his crotch, “I wouldn’t mind shacking up somewhere in the jungle with you.”
He stated at you with wide eyes, disbelief written all over his face. He really was cuter when he wasn’t putting on such a dumb, cocky facade, and he jumped up as quickly as he could to follow you.
You just laughed as you straightened up and walked away, Blackguard right on your heels. As the door opened and the big, dark ocean came into view below you, you felt a hand brushing against your hip and a firm chest press up against your back. You realized you could have stayed right there forever, patiently waiting to see how far he was brave enough to go...but you were both members of the Suicide Squad, and you had a job to do.
“I’ll see you down there, Dick,” you said, turning your head slightly to glance at him.
“See you on the other side, baby,” he grinned.
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justcallmenikki7 · 3 years
BTS Reaction To: Them Breaking You Out of Jail
Mafia!Au & Maknae Line
Summary: the boys are not happy when they find out that you, their girlfriend, was arrested and put into jail.
Warnings: mafia related stuff: guns, killing, mature themes (torture), split!jungkook that is basically a given with his insane personality, okay jungkook is insane in this mainly because of his love for you, ACAB is mentioned in this on all of the parts mainly in tae’s part but the term ‘acab’ is not said directly, a heated kissing scene in kook’s part, THE RELATIONSHIPS WITH THE BOYS IS A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP!!!.
Notes: I went overboard with jungook’s part that I feel like I kind of do all of the time with his part in these kinds of reactions. But, I hope you enjoooooyyyy!!
Hyung Line’s Part
Park Jimin:
You were sat twiddling your thumbs on the cold concrete floor of the jail cell that you were for unnecessary and unfair reason. Being the mafia leaders girlfriend who is hated by the law enforcement is not really the best thing in the world. The cops who hate Park Jimin are the ones who know that they are crooked and unfair, so they very stupidly try to make his life a living hell. Sometimes, you wonder if they know what exactly your can and will do to them, especially if they mess with you.
They thought it would be okay for them to make a scene at your work by arresting you for being a suspect for a shooting that had nothing to do with you or even your boyfriends gang. Shrugging your shoulders, you let out a heavy sigh, now deciding to retie both of your already tied shoes from boredom. What you did not know is that on the other side of the jail, your boyfriend has stormed into the jail, shooting the cops that were in his way, Jungkook behind him as an extra eye. Walking up to the front desk lady who was secretly a spy for his gang, he gave a smile as she threw him a key that was specifically for your cell.
“Thanks, Jisoo,” Jimin thanked before making his way to you, sighing at the armed men that were at a stand off with his gang. “Why can’t things ever be easy for once?” He groaned before signaling Jungkook was a nod of his head.
You did not hear any commotion or even footsteps that were making their way towards you. A familiar chuckle was what got your attention, looking up so quickly which cause you to get dizzy for a split second. “Jiminie!” You squealed excitedly, running towards the bars, grabbing onto them.
Pouting, “Did you not think that I was going to come for you? My heart,” he pressed his right hand to his heart in a dramatic manner.
Rolling your eyes, you smiled, “well, you took an hour too long to come and get me,” you teased which earned you an adorable laugh from your boyfriend.
“Well, my bad, princess. Namjoon was taking a shit as I got the call from Jackson that you had been arrested, and so Namjoon delayed us.” Your boyfriend spoke honestly, unlocking the cell door to let you out.
You tackled him into a deep kiss, heart fluttering like it always does when he wraps his arms around your waist to bring you in closer to him. “I know that you’ll always come for me, my knight in shining armor,” you said once you pulled away from the kiss.
“NOONA AND HYUNG SITTING IN A TREE, K-I-S-S,” You jumped from the loud yelling of the two youngest. “On a serious note, Noona Jisoo said that the SWAT is on their way and will be here in like, I don’t know, .5 seconds,” Jungkook noted casually. A loud crashing noise was heard with a few cusses from Jimin’s hyung’s. “Looks like they are now here,” he said calmly, “I suggest we should get going, don’t you think?”
Kim Taehyung:
Kim Taehyung has always been a person who does not tolerate bullshit and people who have the train of thought of abusing their power just because they believe that they can. He knows that the law enforcement hates him because he basically does their job for them by getting rid of pests and keeps the streets clean. The hate that they have for him is from jealousy and pride. He knows that a few law enforcement people are actually grateful for him because of how Taehyung and his gang can actually figure out some cold cases and criminals that the law enforcement are trying to catch. Some cops and FBI members actually turn to Taehyung and his gang, mainly Min Yoongi the IT of the gang, for help when they cannot figure out a case even though their bosses are against it.
Anyways, the call that Taehyung had gotten from one of the officers that turns to Taehyung informing him that you had been arrested for going ‘over the speed limit’ with a suspension of you carrying marijuana on you really did not make his day. The officer, Yu Jong, gave details of which cell and area of the jail you were at that really went against his protocol, which Taehyung thanked him for, informing him that Jong and the other three officers who are for Taehyung that they needed get out of there as soon as possible because it will turn into a slaughter house. Dressing in his designer ripped jeans, a black shirt and his Gucci jacket, he grabbed his pistol and got the gang together, making their way to the jail.
You are having a glaring contest with the officer who arrested you, the distaste that you both have for one another is strong. “You’re honestly a piece of shit, you know that?” You commented calmly, knowing that your boyfriend could be showing up any minute now, so you are going to make the best of it.
“Don’t test me, bitch. I could make your life—”
“Make her life what?” Your boyfriend’s baritone voice boomed in the hallway, comforting you but mainly scaring the officer.
Smirking, you stood up cuffed hands resting against your lower stomach as you walked towards the bars, a calm look on your face. “Go on, don’t be shy now, say what you were going to say,” you said calmly, too calm for the officer.
Not saying anything due to being frozen in shock at the thought that Kim Taehyung is standing right behind him with his pistol aimed at his head with the safety off. Sighing, Taehyung rolled his eyes out of boredom, “You guys are literally all talk but cannot for the life of you actually say anything to my face, it’s pathetic really. Now, hand me the keys so I can take my innocent girlfriend home.”
Doing as he was told, you were out of the cell and in your boyfriend’s arms in no time. You knew that this was the cop who has been tormenting both you and Taehyung for years now, and you knew that Taehyung has had enough of it. So, wanting to spice things up, you whispered into your boyfriend’s ear, “He also called me a bitch, Tae.”
Smirking darkly at you, “oh did he now? What a shame,” Taehyung looked at the officer who was looking back at him with fear in his eyes, “what a real shame.”
Jeon Jungkook:
You love your boyfriend with all of your heart – you really do – but sometimes you get nervous with how … sadistic he can get with his job. You know that he loves the thrill he gets when he sees the fear in his victim’s eyes, you can tell that he gets off from it sometimes. Knowing him since you both were in diapers and been together exclusively since the age of fifteen, you are confident with confirming that you know your boyfriend like the back of your hand, and as he did you. But having been in the job since the age of seventeen, taking  over his dads position when he was murdered, Jungkook, you can now say that you do not know his business side like his gang. Namjoon once said that Jungkook turns into a completely different person, someone more sinister – and you do not want to know that side; not because of the fear of him hurting (something you know that would never happen) but because of wanting to stay out of whatever business he is in.
Jungkook has made it a mission of making sure that you would never get tied into his business, and made a promise to yourself that you somehow you did, he would make sure that whoever found out about you and dragged you in would never see the light of day ever again. So, receiving a phone call from Seokjin, telling him that the cops in Busan had arrested you as a pay back for ‘scaring them into submission’ and wanting to show that they will not back down, Jungkook automatically saw red. He knew that this would happen once the Sheriff, Kim Jung, stepped down, a good friend of his dads, actually. But Jungkook dreaded the thought of the son of the Jung, Kim Mark, would screw everything up, always having something against Jungkook since the two were kids without any reason. Jungkook had told Mr. Jung that even though they were almost like family, Jungkook will do whatever he would to a person that he ran into on the street – in short, killing them – and Jung sadly accepted that possible fate of his son.
And as you sat in jail cell that was being watched over by Mark himself, both of you hearing the gun shots and screaming of the officers in the room above. There was a feeling of relief of safety that you felt, but there was also a feeling of nervousness, almost fear, that you felt that came of the knowledge of seeing your Jungkookie in action – the side that you will meet. You came to accept that this may change your relationship dynamic, something that both you and Jungkook will have a very long talk and acceptance of whatever that means. To make things clear, you will never leave Jungkook over this, but you know that this is the beginning of being involved in his second life style – the lifestyle that Jungkook was trying to prevent you from of being involved in.
So, as you heard the deep, sadistic laugh that came from your boyfriend, you braced yourself. You watched his intimidating form walk in, his long black hair in a half up bun while the lower half of his hair touched his shoulders. His signature outfit which consisted of his black ripped skinny jeans, timberlands, and an oversized white shirt and his black leather jacket – you would be a liar if you said that he did not look hot as fuck. But the one thing that you did notice about him was the deranged look in his eyes that looked you straight in the eyes – noting the fear you felt.
“Now look at what you did, Marky, you scared my girlfriend, my Y/N. Now that is another thing that you will have to pay for.” He snarled, moving to the side so that Taehyung and Jimin restricted him, kicking the pointing gun out of his hands. Walking over to the cell door, Jungkook unlocked it, pulling you into him for a heated kiss. You allowed him to dominate you for that small moment, letting out a shaky breath as he pulled away. You knew that right now the man standing in front of you is not your Jungkook, it is someone different. Brushing the hairs that fell in front of your face, Jungkook smiled down at you lovingly, “There’s my beautiful princess. I’m sorry that Marky over there caused this mess, but I’ll make sure to clean it up for you, don’t want my princess to get into anymore messes now,” he chuckled a spine chilling laugh, one that shook you to the core. But what made you even more nervous for Marks life was when you were walking up the stairs to the main floor was the scream that came from Mark and the laughter of your boyfriend that soon followed after.
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wangxianficrecs · 3 years
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Follower Recs
Hello Mojo, hope you're doing well and that you had a good break! I wanted to signal boost the MDZS May Diaspora event collection on AO3, and point out my favorite fic from there: 归心似箭 | Longing to Go Home by dragongirlG! It's both tender and bittersweet and it features such mature writing. The author got some hate for it when it initially got posted so I wanted to counter that and give it some love instead! [Who would do such a thing?!  @dragongirlg-fics I’m sorry that happened to you, and here, have *so many hugs!* I’ll try to do a thing just for the diaspora event, but meanwhile, I’ll just treat this as a follower rec.]
归心似箭 | Longing to Go Home
by dragongirlG (M, 8k, wangxian)
Summary:  The destruction of the Yin Tiger Seal does not kill Wei Wuxian; it ages him instead. He takes shelter in a cave expecting to die, but instead he lives, slowly learning to embrace life with each new day.
Thirteen years later, a young man with a Lan forehead ribbon stumbles into the cave. His name is Lan Sizhui.
Hi Momjo!!! I recently read the most *adorable* fic, and I loved it so much that it dragged me out of seclusion (read: social anxiety cave) to rec it. It's called 'Covered in Bees' by ScarlettStorm in which the Cloud Recesses is an apiary, and Wei Wuxian has suddenly found himself host to a swarm of bees. ~ @akyra-talanoa
Covered in Bees
by ScarlettStorm (T, 8k, wangxian)
Summary: “Cloud Reccesses Apiary,” says a toneless, deep masculine voice, with zero question in it. Wei Ying doesn’t care, because whoever possesses that voice is probably going to come save him from bees like a fucking hero while wearing like, a suit of armor. That’s what you wear to catch bees, right?
“I have like, so many bees outside my front door right now,” he says, mouth running out ahead of him before he can even begin to think about reining it in. “It’s like a sandstorm of bees out there. There are so many bees. I got out of my car and there were just bees and I don’t want these bees. Do you want these bees? Please tell me you will come get these bees. I can’t leave my house and I have enough food for maybe a week but then I’m gonna have to learn how to cook dry beans and no one wants that, especially not me.” Wei Ying runs out of air, takes a breath, and belatedly adds, “My name is Wei Ying. Hi.”
Or: The beekeeping AU that no one asked for.
Hi, you are a bless to this fandom. Your blog feels like a library, so thoroughly arranged and always within hand reach. [Thank you, wow!]  Recently, I was going through Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn is a Wēn tag and came across a fanfic, it has 3 chapters till now and is so intriguing that i thought to recommend it to you. I don't know if I can recommend or if you have already checked the story, The legendary Phoenix and his Dragon by Devipriya. I am in love with this story. I hope you will enjoy it too, do check it out
The legendary Phoenix and his Dragon
by Devipriya (T, 7k, wangxian)
Summary:  Wen Wuxian, the essence of who he is, he is a naughty child, a prankster, an enchanting dizi player, a graceful dancer, an irresistible lover, a truly valiant warrior, a ruthless vanquisher of his foes, a man who left a broken heart in every home, an astute statesman and kingmaker, a thorough gentleman, a righteous individual of the highest order, and the most colorful incarnation.
He has been seen, perceived, understood and experienced in many different ways by different people. Different people saw different facets of who he is. For some, he is God. For some, he is a crook. For some, he is a lover. For some, he is a fighter. He is so many things.
But the phoenix, seen from the eyes of time was just a playful man. A man who plays with his awareness, with his imagination, with his memory, with his life, with his death. An individual who does not just dance with somebody. He dances with life. He dances with his enemy, He dances with the one he loves, He dances even at the moment of his death.
To taste an essence of who is Wen Wuxian, be with me in the journey of exploration, NO! playful exploration of life of a playful man.
Hi! Thanks for running this blog, it's helped me find so many fics. For your next follower recs post, I wanted to rec "This love like a flood, a fire, a fear" by natcat5. Its summary is vague (which I suspect is why it isn't better known) but it is a beautiful retelling of canon from LWJ's POV with slight canon divergence. I love the author's characterization of him and the prose is gorgeous. It is easily my favorite fic in the entire fandom, and I don't say that lightly. ~ @nyanja14
This love like a flood, a fire, a fear
by natcat5 (M, 57k, wangxian, lan wangji & lan xichen)
Summary:  “I will love you as misfortune loves orphans, as fire loves innocence, and as justice loves to sit and watch everything go wrong.”   - Lemony Snicket
i came to this ask to rec this baseball one called "Waiting for Spring" by thievinghippo on ao3. It somehow made me care about baseball soooo 'nough said ~ @scifikimmi
Waiting for Spring
by thievinghippo (E, 131, wangxian)
Summary:  “It is a well-known fact across the major leagues that one does not smack Lan Wangji’s ass.”
Wei Wuxian rolls his eyes. Everyone smacks everyone’s ass in baseball. It’s how the game is played. Lan Wangji does not get to be exempt from this most sacred of baseball traditions.
Wei Wuxian will make sure of that.
Or, a Major League Baseball AU
hi mojo! i wanted to rec Something Good by boxoftheskyking (a loose sound of music/canon divergence au) and also MDZS: The Golden Engine by iffervescent (immortal wangxian modern au where they gotta solve a mystery and save china, featuring jiang cheng/lan xichen)
Something Good
by boxoftheskyking (T, 43k, wangxian)
Summary:  "That Wei Wuxian, you know he used to be such a promising cultivator. Head Disciple of the Jiang Clan, can you believe it? You see, juniors, the punishment for traveling the path of demonic cultivation. No golden core, not so much as a whisper of spiritual power."
As a punishment for real and imagined crimes, Wei Wuxian is sentenced to work at Cloud Recesses as the lowest of servants. When a surprising reassignment lands him with eleven children to care for, everything changes again.
A Sound of Music AU
MDZS: The Golden Engine
by iffervescent (E, 82k, wangxian, xicheng)
Summary:  In the modern era, immortals Lan Zhan and Wei Wuxian return to Gusu. New evil and old friends + new friends and old evils.
Hi Mojo! First of all let me just tell you that you are amazing and this blog is like a gift from the gods! Bless you and your endless patience and hard work. [Oh, thank you so much!]  I know that you have just accepted follower recs and I have missed miserably but I still wanted to write and bring attention to a writer by the pseudo Xiao_Hua on ao3, I think they are quite good and I just recently found the account with so much content. If you do have the time to check them out, I'd rec catfish, my fox or the red ribbon.
The Red Ribbon
by Xiao_Hua (M, 21k, wangxian, TGCF crossover)
Summary:  Wei WuXian died but not before saving HanGuang-Jun and A-Yuan, leaving so much more behind than just his ribbon.
My Fox
by Xiao_Hua (E, 13k, wangxian)
Summary:  Once he headed to YiLing that all changed for him. His priorities have been mingled with and ordered in complete disarray even without him noticing as he was left heavily influenced by a creature.
Or one where Lan WangJi is a dragon-spirit and he finds his mate in the form of a fox.
by Xiao_Hua (E, 15k, wangxian)
Summary:  Wei WuXian has a common sense that believes it has a nine-to-five job while Lan WangJi finds that incredibly hot.
Or one where two catfish realise that neither of them truly catfished.
Hi Mojo i'm recommending this amazing fic it is called song of joys and regrets. it's a time travel AU it's amazing. And your Blog is a Godsend Thank you! [Aw, you’re so sweet!]  ~ @highgoddess
Song of Joy and Regrets
by HelloKitten (not rated, 59k, wangxian, WIP)
Summary:  The Archery competition at Qishan this year has hit a snag. As the Sects face the wrongs perpetrated by their future selves, Wei Wuxian finds himself adopted by half of the cultivation world who are determined to save him from himself.
Baby Wangxian suffers. Adult Wangxian's job here is done.
"I'm starting to see a pattern to all his plans..." "Do they all involve him being bait?" "Yes" came deadpanned responses.
Here’s a 2021 Reverse Big Bang entry, in time for Father’s Day; [Oops, my bad, sorry!]  Under a Blanket of Black Wings, by ChaoticAndrogynous (#31398395); LWJ, recuperating from the 33 lashes, tells A-Yuan a series of fairytales about a heroic monster and the brave little boy he befriended. Vampire! WWX (in the framing story as well as the story-within-the-story); happy ending.
Under a Blanket of Black Wings
by ChaoticAndrogynous (T, 19k, wangxian)
Summary:  Lan Wangji tells A-Yuan a bedtime story about a beautiful monster and the brave little boy who was his friend. Thirteen years later, the monster returns.
Hello Mojo! Have you read ‘Key Differences’ by Pupeez4eva? Its a MDZS!WWX meets CQL!WWX and its really good! [It’s on my list!]
Key Differences
by pupeez4eva (T, 6k, wangxian)
Summary:  “I don’t understand,” Wei Wuxian said, while his alternate self continued to stare at him with almost a look of hurt in his eyes. There was longing in there too, which Wei Wuxian would have easily recognised if he paid enough attention. “How could you not get together, after everything. What even went on in the Guanyin Temple if you didn’t confess?”
“The Guanyin Temple,” Wei Ying repeated incredulously. “You’re asking me if I confessed at — honestly, a lot went on that day. It was a life and death situation. There was no confessing.”
Wei Wuxian stared at him, appalled.
(Wherein Wei Wuxian ends up meeting an alternate version of himself who, much to his horror, never married Lan Wangji. Obviously he has to do something to fix this).
Hey Mojo i would recommend this fanfic if you already haven’t, it’s called “ take me back to a time “ by DizziDreams. It’s sooooo good
take me back to a time
by DizziDreams (T, 144k, wangxian, 3zun)
Summary:  Wei Ying has a lot on his plate right now.
It’s finals week -- which isn’t so bad. He’s never had to study much to do well in classes. But that just means that things are that much more tense with Jiang Cheng, who, as far as Wei Ying can tell, only takes study breaks long enough to glare at Wei Ying where he sits on the couch playing video games.
It’s not studies that have Wei Ying stressed out. It’s everything else. It’s the recruitment for the research trial he’s coordinating. It’s jiejie and her impending marriage to His Royal Douchebag Jin Zixuan. It’s the volunteer work at the palliative care facility. It’s Wen Ning’s worsening condition. It’s Wen Qing working herself thin to care for her brother and Wen Yuan. It’s the way Wen Yuan never seems to have enough food.
So, yeah. There’s enough on Wei Ying’s plate already, meaning it’s not entirely welcome when he comes home and finds a man standing in his bedroom. A man in extravagant white robes, a ribbon tied around his forehead, long hair gathered into a topknot, fist clutching a sword at his side, who asks him, “Where am I?”
Idk if this has already been rec’d (I’ve been off the grid for a while now), but there’s this absolutely incredible fic called Restitution by an anon on ao3 people should definitely check out!
this one?
on restitution
by Anonymous (M, 78k, wangxian, jin ling & wei wuxian, lan sizhui & wei wuxian, WIP)
Summary:  When Wei Wuxian regains consciousness, he is in a bed. A real, proper bed, not the slab he called a bed in his cave in the Burial Mounds.
Jiang Cheng is glowering above him.
Wei Wuxian doesn't die during the siege of the Burial Mounds. Rather, he is captured in secret and confined at Lotus Pier. Things change accordingly.
Hi momjo! I feel like every time I come to your blog there's twenty more new and amazing fics for me to read. Thank you for everything you do for this fandom!  [Thank you, sweetie!  And yes, I think there ARE 20 new fics every day out there in the fandom.  It’s amazing!] Today I come bearing my own rec to you. I've recently read this and it's IMO one of the best fics out there. It's called Lapsteel by carriecmoney and it's a modern stormchaser AU featuring country songs and coming home. ~ @manaika-chan​
by carriecmoney (T, 42k, wangxian)
Summary:  Now and then, I think about you now and then...
It's been thirteen years since Wei Ying ran for the prairies, leaving behind a family in shambles and a secret on the Pacific wind. What happens when the storm he swirled catches up to him?
Modern AU with country music star Lan Zhan, stormchaser Wei Ying, and shared crossroads.
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anxiousstark · 3 years
The Name of the Game | Mitch Rapp
Warnings: Vulgar vocabulary, public sex (if you squint), unprotected sex (this is a fic, be safe), teasing, foreplaying, etc. Porn with some plot.
Word Count: 3280
A/N: First time writing smut so, please don’t kill me. This CAN’T be considered flithy after the 11k I wrote for the Dylan fic.
All Rights Reserved. The author, me, don’t allow any type of copy or adaption.
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A long dark green silky dress hugged the shape of your body, accentuating the most appealing parts of your physique. Your bareback was full of goosebumps as your hair caressed the uncovered skin. Besides, your makeup was done flawlessly, emphasising the most attractive features you had.
Your walk was confident, the clicking of your heels turning heads towards you. Your presence too big for the room. However, you ignored the desiring gazes that you received from both men and women, focusing on your mission.
Liam Zajicek was your objective. A young and attractive man who was being searched by almost every CIA agent. At the young age of 22 years old, he was probably the most searched and wanted hacker. The CIA had been searching for him since last year when he successfully altered the votes in the elections of the new president of America. However, Zajicek was stealthy, not leaving any hint that could implicate him in such a grave crime.
But the man you worked for was even more stealthy, preparing his next moves before Liam Zajicek had the opportunity to do anything. And his next move was you.
The mission was easy, too easy for you. You would be lying if you denied feeling offended for receiving such a simplistic mission. It was as lightly as seducing Liam. Even if he was a talented hacker, he was still a young man who would be sex-driven.
A man in a tuxedo walked closer to you, a tray on his right hand, lowering it so you could grab the drink you craved. Nodding while offering him a charming smile, your eyes gazed around, trying to find the man whose pictures you had studied closely.
The ballroom was full of people. Elegant dresses and tuxedos, expensive drinks, and perfumes. It was the perfect environment to seduce someone, leading them out of the public eye to kill them. However, Liam was going to be luckier as your boss wanted to be the one taking care of him.
The golden light appeared to illuminate your beauty as you wandered closer to the bar, discerning your target talking to a considerably alluring woman. Sitting in a luxurious barstool, you crossed your right leg on top of your left one, causing the cut of the dress to expose your glowing skin.
Setting your intense gaze on him, waiting for his eyes to meet yours. Your tongue wetted your lip, exaggerating the action a little more as Liam Zajicek noticed you. His mouth turned into a smirk, eyes focused on you as he ignored whatever the red-haired girl was telling him.
The music turned into a ballad. Getting up from the barstool, you walked to the floor where some couples were already slow dancing, enjoying the closeness, and hoping to bring a nice one-night stand to their hotel room. As you walked to the floor, your gaze was focused on Liam. He completely ignored the red-haired woman, walking to where you were standing.
"Are you maybe waiting for someone who will have the chance to slow dance with you?" His voice was husky, and you weren't sure if it was due to the desperation he was radiating, or if it was his usual tone.
Your left hand grabbed his right hand, placing it on your waist. "I was hoping you would be that lucky someone." Your white teeth accentuated the red rich, rosewood lipstick.
His other hand instantly grabbed your other side, dragging you closer to him while your hands rested on his shoulders. "May I get your name?"
You wanted to groan, feeling a little overthrown. You expected to have fun during this mission, have some sexual tension yourself. But the way his hands only pulled you closer, without teasing you in some way was telling you that Liam Zajicek didn't have as much experience with women as he did with hacking.
"Holland," You lied, not displaying such valuable information to someone who was a mere target. "May I get yours?" This time it was you pulling him closer, biting your lower lip.
His eyes sparkled, and if you had gotten a little closer, he would have thrust against you, rutting just there. "I'm Adrian." You tried not to scoff, knowing that he was also lying.
His hands went lower, moving towards your back. He bit his lower lip too excessively, and you tried to contain a roll of your eyes. His hips got closer to yours, letting you know that there was a bulge growing, although nothing prominent.
"So," His fingers relocated, grazing your back. "Such a pretty lady coming to a party like this one on your own?" The knife being held by your garter ached to be grabbed. "Is your dad one of those rich men?" He smirked. "Because that means it will be difficult to impress you, baby." The pet name sounded lame coming from him.
Before you could answer, the music switched. The melody was still slow, a little more sensual, and you saw people wandering around to dance with other people, bodies even closer than before.
"May I take her from you now?" A deeper voice interrupted your words. Looking beside you, a man's gaze was focused on you. The other men preferred to look at your cleavage while this one preferred to gaze into your eyes, at least for now.
Before you could answer, the black-haired man had glared at Liam, making him walk away, whispering that he would try and find you later.
"Do I know you?" You did. You knew him, and he knew you. However, you both wanted to have a little fun, ignoring the detail of recognising each other.
Mitch Rapp innocently smiled at you. "I don't believe so." You had seen pictures of him that your boss had shown you, and this wouldn't be the first time Mitch Rapp had the same purpose as you. He had shaved his beard and styled his quite long dark hair. "But I wouldn't mind getting to know such a good-looking lady."
You grinned. Your hands dropped from his shoulders to run down his chest, pressing against firm muscles. Not caring about your long dress, his left leg parted yours, resting in the middle, grazing the sides of your inner thighs. His left hand slid from your back, resting upon your butt, pulling you even closer. His face near yours, warm breath hitting your top lip while his lightly upturned nose rested against the tip of yours.
"You told him your name is Holland, uh." He smirked. His right hand was on the right side of your waist, pulling you even closer to the point where your core was placed directly on top of his thigh. "I thought I told you this type of dudes are the CIA's business, Y/N."
You smirked, tongue leaping out to wet your lower lip, accidentally grazing his bottom lip, which made him try and hide a grunt. "You know I like the excitement of ruining your plans. And if Stan gets mad, it's a plus." You grinned. "Plus my boss wants him."
"I'm going to have to teach you a lesson." He scoffed. "So disobedient, always making my job harder." You suggestively glanced at him, noticing that wasn't the only hard thing you provoked as his bulge was pressed against your core. He understood what you were implying, shaking his head. The hand that was resting on your butt went to the front, brushing your tummy while going down. Disappointment overflowed you as his fingers skipped the part you desired he would graze, going directly under your dress, grabbing the knife that was being held by your garter. "You changed the place of the knife."
"Couldn't have you finding it again." You whined as his cold fingers left your thigh, not taking the blade as he was confident you wouldn't use it against him. "But seems like you did."
"Leave this one for me, baby girl." He referred to Zajicek, knowing he will have to fight you to take you away from whatever your boss had ordered you to do.
"Do you know how much I will get paid for this, Rapp?" Your hands went up again, circling his neck to bring him closer. Your next words made your lips brush against his. "A lot of money, Rapp. More than you can imagine." Your gaze moved around, remembering what you were there for. Mitch Rapp had distracted you from your objective. "Shit."
The man that was keeping you close to him turned around, following your gaze until he saw Liam speaking to a man while glancing at you two. He had discovered that you both were there to get him. He swiftly pushed through people, trying to escape both of you. "Fuck." Mitch's hands left your body, stepping as quickly as possible, following Zajicek. You did the same, trying to ignore the fabric stuck to your lower lips, confirming the effect Mitch Rapp had on you.
You lost both of them, finding yourself in an empty hall, glancing around. It wasn't until you heard a thump that you knew where both men were. Rushing to a white and golden door, you were met with Mitch as he dodged a chair that was thrown to his head by Liam.
You quickly walked closer, jumping on Zajicek's back, arms tightly around his neck, trying to choke him. "Mitch, he is mine." Your legs around his waist, pressing your thighs against him, trying to weaken the lower part of his body. Nonetheless, Liam Zajicek used his elbows to hit your stomach, causing you to fall on your butt and back, your breath being kicked out of you.
"No way, baby girl." He grunted as he ran after Liam again. As soon as you were able to get up, you ran behind them, seeing them going inside another room, which seemed to be an office. Liam tried to kick a shelf. Mitch was strong enough to stop the entire shelf from falling on top of him, although he would have a big bruise on the back of his arm.
Liam's eyes widened as he understood how tough, and trained Mitch Rapp was, running to a door that was inside the office. Pulling it open, he was met with no exit. Mitch and you ran to the other chamber, which was a bathroom.
You quickly kicked Liam's chest with your heels, making him wail in pain, collapsing on his bottom. Mitch gripped the boy's hair, dragging him over the white porcelain bath, turning the water on, and splashing his face with the head of the shower until he was turning purple as he couldn't breathe.
"Where's the SD?" You asked Zajicek. When he didn't answer you, Mitch turned the water on again. But the boy resisted, not wanting to reveal his secrets.
Your hands rapidly moved around Liam's body, going inside his pockets until your fingers found a hard object. Mitch Rapp was too distracted threatening the hacker. It was your opportunity to flew from the room with the SD you needed. Proof enough for your boss to get the money from finding and discovering the ways of Liam Zajicek.
You rushed out of the bathroom, not getting too far as a hand grabbed your right elbow. You didn't have time to turn around as a rough body pushed you against the desk placed on the middle of the office. Your chest was tightly squeezed against the hard wooden surface, while a body was pressed to the lower part of your body. A hand around the back of your neck, keeping you in place. A veiny hand came to view, grasping the SD card from your grip. "Such a snake, baby girl."
"I repeat," You tried to get away from his grasp, unsuccessfully. "I like ruining your plans."
"Good," You heard him shuffle behind you, probably hiding the SD in one of his pockets. "It's my turn to ruin you." There was no time to proceed his words as both of his hands went to the cut on your leg, ripping the dress so he could see what was underneath. His cold fingers grabbed the knife, throwing it somewhere in the room. "No underwear." He grunted, hips colliding with yours, showing how desperate he was.
You moaned, using your elbows to hold yourself up. You turned your head to look at him, his eyes already on you. "Underwear looks horrible with such a delightful dress." His eyes slipped from you to look down at your folds. Seeing the satisfaction in his eyes, you decided to move your hips back, hitting his hips again, leaving a little damp mark on the front of his pants due to your wetness. His eyes went back to yours, holding your gaze as the fingers of his right hand teased your folds, not touching them completely, just grazing them. "Mitch, you better touch me right now. I swear to g-." Your words were interrupted as he conducted your wish. Two of his fingers rubbing the wetness of your pussy all over your folds, making you gasp and hold his gaze.
"So wet." His fingers left your core, making you whine. He placed his hand between your centre and the desk, his fingers going back to the sought place. This time, toying with your clit as the other hand ran up, grabbing your boob through the dress, squeezing, and pinching. "Fuck. How can you be so wet even before I started touching you."
"You always do the same." Your hips trapped his hand against the desk, riding his hand as he played with your clit. "You always get me all turned on, and then, you leave." Your right hand stopped supporting your weight, blindly going behind your body until it was wrapping Mitch's bulge. "How can you be so hard even before I touched you."
"Shut up," He groaned, a little smirk decorating his face. His hand left your clit as he felt how you fere fastening your peace against him. His other hand removing yours off his bulge. He rapidly unzipped his jeans, and after thrusting his hips a couple of times against yours, he lowered his boxers. His left hand pushed your face against the desk, keeping you there as the head of his dick caressed your wet folds. "We have no time, baby girl. We have to be quick." He pushed the head between your folds, teasing. "No time to eat you out, no time to have my dick deep down your throat, and no time to finger you." You could notice that he was talking with a pout on his lips. He finally decided to shove himself fully in you.
"Mitch," You whined. "Don't go all soft on me, please." The grip he had around your neck tightened while his dick went out of your pussy, just to go back inside at a slow pace. You were going to beg him to do you harder, and faster, but the ringing of your phone interrupted you.
"Who's it?" Mitch mumbled. As you wanted to ignore the call, you didn't answer, which made Rapp stop his slow thrusts. When you complained, turning around to peer at him, he had an earnest expression. "I asked you a question, kitten." Your legs trembled, and you were grateful that Mitch and the desk retained your entire body.
With shaky fingers, you clutched your phone. Hazy vision trying to guess the ID of the caller. "Stan," You answered. Mitch couldn't help but smirk at the chance of fucking you while your boss was on call.
"Well, kitten." His hips went back, going forward, roughly, fastening the pace. "No more foreplay for us." Mitch and you did this in every mission that Stan sent the both of you to. You both acted as if you were each other's competition, ending up fucking somewhere after capturing or killing your target. "Answer him, baby." Your eyes widened, and before you could talk, Mitch thrust a couple of times into you, fast.
"Y-yes?" You replied after sliding your finger on the screen of the phone to accept the call.
"You guys are taking more time than normal. Was there any problem?" His annoyed voice sounded over the line, making you both roll your eyes.
Your hand went to your mouth, keeping yourself from moaning while being on the phone. Mitch was going harder and deeper as possible. His balls hitting your clit every time he thrust. "W-we already have him, Stan. We will be back soon." Soon, you were going to cum soon, not being able to hold back from how quick Mitch was doing you. "We are taking more time as I lost my knife," You plainly lied. "You know how much I love that kn-." A loud moan interrupted your sentence, followed by a couple of more.
"Oh my god, you horny rabbits." Stan realised what both of you were up to. "Finish quickly, and come back with Zajicek." He hung up.
"You heard him, kitten." He pushed you even farther into the desk, ordering you to stay there. His left hand went to your waist, moving your body to meets his thrusts. His right hand found its place on your clit, expertly moving in circles until your knees were buckling. "Come on, baby. Come on." He groaned, knowing you were so close to your high.
He pressed his chest against your back, his teeth biting your ear, not scared to moan loudly, letting you know that you had the same power on him that he had on you. "I'm so close baby." You could feel his dick grazing places that could make any woman pass out from pleasure. His member pulsating in you, letting you grasp that he was close.
A couple more of thrusts and he was cumming inside you, the movement of his hips still hitting you, perceiving you were close. "Mitch!" Your mouth was open, and a trail of drool running down your chin as your body shook from how hard you were cumming. His load filled you up, and even after both of you had reached your highs, Mitch was still inside you, pressed against you while breathing hard.
"Fuck, even quickies with you left me all satisfied." He groaned, deciding to slip his dick from you, which made you whine as you loved being filled up by him. Now, you moaned, the mix of your juices falling down your thighs. "Let me go grab you a towel." He moved to the bathroom, to come back a couple of minutes later with a warm wet towel on his hands, not hesitating to gently clean you up, knowing you were quite sensitive after sex.
"Hey," Your eyes widened. "What about Zajicek?"
"He was unconscious when I came here as you tried to escape." He hummed, concentrating on cleaning you up. "But when I went back inside to get the towel, he was conscious, tied to the bath. He probably enjoyed you moaning loudly." He winked, making you feel flustered.
"Mitch Rapp," You groaned. "My dress it's all ripped. How am I supposed to get out of this party like this?" You pointed at the ripped dress he was guilty of as he couldn't wait until you unzipped it to be inside you.
"You will have to keep closer to me, baby girl." He grabbed you, dragging you closer to his body. Your hands ended up against his firm chest. "Hard again?" You chuckled, feeling his bulge on the lower part of your tummy.
"Wait until we get home, Y/N Rapp." He winked. "I'm going to fuck you so hard, Ms. Rapp."
Taglist: @og-baby-ob14​ - @siwiecola - @linkpk88​ -
People in bold means I can’t tag them.
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