#they both wear matching outfits = greed
halofaxu · 8 months
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pre-split peridean costume concept
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akutasoda · 7 months
This is my first time requesting here, so
Hi! Mind if I send in an Obey Me request? How about this: Asmo, Mammon, Simeon and Solomon with a reader who makes jewelry. And one day they make a cute little accessory especially for them, like a keychain, a bracelet, or a pin or something
eye of the beholder
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synopsis - your very good at making jewelry, how would they show interest?
includes - mammon, asmodeus, simeon, solomon
warnings - gn!reader, reader makes jewelry, fluff, wc - 906
a/n: hello!!
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mammon ★↷
↪now, upon learning of your hobby of making jewelry mammons initial thoughts - which he will deny - is how much he could make off your little trinkets and jewelry.
↪while he does admire how dedicated you are to making them and sercretly honours your skills and dedication, at the end of the day the avatar of greed is namely know for one thing in particular. especially when your not that close to him.
↪however that attitude mostly shifts as the two of you grow closer and eventually the deciding factor is when you gift him a small gift of his own. i could definitely imagine you making him some sort of crow feather keychain.
↪he flaunts it off on everything. anything he can attach it too that's with him, always making sure it keeps close to him as he never wants to lose it.
↪and he even would absolutely treat it as the most valuable item. because it means the world too him, would honour it even more if perhaps you both had matching keychains. and no matter the temptation to seel it for a quick buck, he would never for your handmade gifts.
↪although sometimes he can't help but pose the idea if you two becoming so called 'buisness partners' to sell your jewellery and such. however under no circumstances would he get rid of his personal gifts as he would most likely become very, very upset.
asmodeus ★↷
↪he was absolutely enamored and so interested in your little hobby. especially because you were so good at it and he did always have a thing for collecting various jewellery and similar trinkets for his various outfits.
↪if he was honest he did sometimes always think about making his own because sometimes he wanted a very particular thing and could never find it. but then he realised how much time that could take and that would put him off.
↪but as he got closer to you he realised you vould help him with that issue! upon your choice to do so if course. but still, he would never forget the first time you gifted him a very precious handmade gift to him. one that made his heart absolutely soar.
↪i could see it being something along the lines of a bracelet. a bracelet signifying either his significant or favourite colours and finished with a very nice charm. and you bet it would receive better looking after than his actual very expensive ones.
↪during the day, he would wear it proudly and happily recite its origins should someone ask. and during the night he would safely store it as to avoid unwanted damaging. similarly to whenever he did something that may damage it. eventually he may subtly ask you to match with him.
simeon ★↷
↪initially and throughout, he absolutely admired your work. while he may be a writer he understood that making the things you made probably took alot nore precision and time. although he could understand and admired you more.
↪as said, because he is a writer he understands you time and dedication to something that you love and take pride in. meaning you two often converse about various works you two are occupied with and sometimes tips to help manage.
↪and so when you handed him a piece specifically for him, he was overjoyed. i could imagine it would be something along the line of a keychain or those little pen charms you can attach. mainly because he would carry it everywhere or keep it on his favourite pen at all times.
↪so everytime he would write, he would spend a decent amount of time staring at the charm and thinking of you and how much he treasured it. which often lead him to being more proactive as he imagined it was your way of cheering him on.
↪and if it were a keychain, he would love to have matching. something so small yet so meaningful hand crafted by you felt so nice to him that he wouldn't have it any other way.
solomon ★↷
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↪if he were to be blunt, he did feel a bit conflicted on your little hobby. while he admired your dedication and pure skill, his long life as a sorcerer meant that he didn't understand why you wouldn't just make it that way.
↪but you did explain to him and he knew that was his issue and confliction not yours. and after seeing you so happy, pouring your life into making them he did start understanding why and he did like watching how you did it.
↪he finally truly loved your hobby when you gifted him his own personal piece. i would feel like it would be either pins or a necklace.
↪mini pins that could start decorating the white neck piece he wears, each ranging in colour, size and design. or simple necklaces with a small trinket on each. either way he would treasure them nonetheless.
↪although considering he isn't the most tidy especially during experiments, he does sometimes get them damaged or destroyed completely. he lacks the ability to maintain their condition iften going back to you asking for another.
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everlastlady · 8 months
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Dating Mammon HCS
✰- Author's Note:Hi! I'm laying in my bed and still have Mammon brainrot so here is some dating Mammon head canons. I have said this before but I love and hate Mammon. He's such a greedy bitch but also an interesting character now I have two Australian characters I love Mammon from Helluva Boss and Junkrat from Overwatch. Now this was going to be Mammon and Asmodeus dating hcs but I decided to give Mammon the spotlight but if you guys want Asmodeus to be added in the next hcs just let me know I hope that you guys enjoy these hcs! Remember to eat a meal or a snack, drink some water, get some fresh air, take your medicine, and remember that you are loved. If you loved this story remember to comment, click or tap that heart button, reblog with tags, and blaze if you can. Always remember to support your local writers. ♡♡♡
✰- Story Contains: Boyfriend Mammon, Spoiled Reader, Gn Reader, Fluff, & Overall Sweet Things.
✰- Posted: 11/2/2023
✧- Dating the king of greed comes with it's perks and a lot of gifts. Everyday Mammon gets you a gift, either one gift or sometimes you a ton of gifts. Mammon never gets you anything cheaped. Only the highest quality for his sweetheart for his gem. Mammon never ever wants you to feel like he doesn't pay attention so he always showers you in a ton of attention. He also doesn't shut up about you, always bragging about you while in meetings or with his personal fizz robots. " (Y/N) is so fucking cute. If I could I would make a doll of them and sell them! But I don't want people to have a doll version of my partner, I could make one and keep it to myself. " Mammon eventually does make a little doll version of you and shows it to you. He also made a doll version of him for you to sleep with if you ever get lonely. Now the cutest thing about these dolls are that the little patches on the hands stick together so you can make them hug or hold hands. " (Y/N) let's make them hold hands while we hold hands! " Mammon. Loves to hold your hand while you two are out and about. You never have to worry about him having to let go of your hand because he has to do something.
✧- Matching outfits is something that Mammon loves to do with you. The green or white outfits is something you both go with. Don't every worry about getting made fun of wearing matching outfits with Mammon because he'll crush anyone who dares mock you or him. If it's a demon lord like him. He'll tell you to ignore them that they are just jealous. " We look amazing, ignore them. " Mammon is a busy man, always making money and exploiting people. But he will always make it up with gifts, dinners, or a special night with him in bed~ You know what Mammon does and you don't get involved in his work. You also don't have to work because the king of greed is your boyfriend. But you still like going out and helping out which Mammon always wonders why do you volunteer if you aren't getting anything out of it. But he now sees that you just have a kind heart; how are you in Hell!?
✧ - Even with happy and healthy relationships sometimes you will have disagreements with your partners and get into arguments it just happens in relationships. But the arguments you and Mammon usually get in aren't that bad. Sometimes the arguments could be about Mammon always running late for dates or when you mishear him. Mammon will feel bad about arguing with you and will apologize if he's in the wrong, he'll buy you a gift and talk with you. Now if you are in the wrong and apologize; of course Mammon will forgive you. You both will hug it out and continue your relationship. " I'm sorry that I snapped at you babe, I love you, let's go out to eat and have some good old fun. " Mammon also loves playing his guitar for you, he also doesn't mind if you play his guitar. If you don't know how to play that's fine he'll teach you. He honestly just loves playing music with you.
✧ - No matter if you are skinny or plus size. Mammon loves you no matter what shape your body is. He doesn't like seeing you shame yourself or talk negative about any part of your body. " Babe, come on, you are beautiful just the way you are. " He kisses your stomach, head, nose, and shoulder. If anyone says anything negative about you then... their dead just turned into ashes. Mammon doesn't want you to change anything about yourself of course if it's for health related reasons then he understands. But he never wants you to feel like that you need to eat less or more to look perfect for him because he loves you for you. Mammon will always playful pinch at different parts of your body or tickle you. " One time (Y/N) accidentally knocked me out because I tickled them and all I remember is seeing their foot and then darkness. " Mammon said to Bee who laughed up a storm.
✧ - Despite his bad blood between Fizzarolli and Asmodeus. The lord of lust and the clown jester don't hate you. But they wonder how Mammon got someone like you. They don't know if you are insane or Mammon has you under some love spell. But Asmodeus can clearly see that you love Mammon and that Mammon loves you. Good, someone needs to keep that green motherfucker in check, which you do. You always remind Mammon not to be so harsh on his clients or calm him down before he can turn into a large spider. Speaking of his large form. Mammon has picked you up in his large form a lot, you are so tiny in his hands. You always place a kiss on his check which calms him down. " Sorry that I exploded, they made me so mad. " Mammon would either change back or carry you back him.
✧ - Mammon loves when you sleep on top of him. He thinks you look adorable, so usually in bed you sleep on top of him. His four arms wrapped around you. It's usually his bed or his web. The web is usually used for naps though so a lot of his workers or clients have walked in on you two napping or cuddling which upsets him because he was having a comfortable moment with you. " Get the fuck out! " Mammon would look down to see you still asleep after yelling at a worker or client. You are the only person to have seen Mon without his jester looking outfit. " I'm not sure why everyone always assumes or assumed I'll be in a business suit. Maybe I should put one on to surprise people, anyway (Y/N) give me back my outfit, you look adorable but I have to go soon. " Mammon did eventually get a version of his outfit for you. " You look a little like me but you aren't becoming a greed lord. "
✧ - A lot of vacations for you both. Very expensive vacations that people wish that they were Mammon's partner. He gets you guys the best hotel rooms, the spas are always amazing, and makes sure that you two have lovely dinners. " (Y/N)! Come help me build a sand castle! " Mammon would drag you to go build a sandcastle with you. Mammon has so many vacation pictures and videos with. Mammon plans these vacations by having you throw knives at a spinning wheel. It's like a fun circus game! A lot of times you do try to land on some where you think looks great.
✧ - Now as far as the human world goes. You have visited the human world with Mammon. Human disguises are something Mammon could easily do for you both. Now the two of you only visit the human world because Mammon wants to mess with the humans. You two even have a home in the human world. Mammon usually causes a lot of businesses to crash, friendships to end, or a lot of war to happen because of those falling for his greed. Whenever you visit the human world. You always bring something back. " (Y/N) what's that? Oh a switch.... I want one :( " And now Mammon has a switch, Mammon finds your human form also beautiful. " Shit babe even as a human, you look fucking delicious. " Of course you also think Mammon looks handsome in his humans form.
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inner-viper · 4 months
Valentines Day With Your Lover
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Hello, I trust that you all been doing well. It’s the start of a new month and I enjoy Valentine’s Day because of the romantic associations. Anyways, I’m launching a special Valentine’s Day NSFW tarot reading. Please check it out if you are interested in purchasing a romantic reading. You can claim it’s an act of self care ❤️
Pile 1
Sexual Tarot Deck:
2 of Swords, Queen of Chalices, 4 of Chalices, 10 of Swords, and The World
This Valentine’s Day was special for the both of you. I feel like it was the start of a new relationship with them. So you both are getting to know each other, and really getting to see what’s behind the mask. It’s like you both are in the unmasking phase, there is a sense of belonging together. You both want to make it meaningful.
Although, someone does have feelings of commitment issues or disconnection with their lover. This could be you or them, regardless this person has had past experiences that weren’t the best. So, I’m seeing that they will work through their traumas and pains of the past.
Now, I am getting a vision of the both of you planning your date and how it’s going to go. There seems to be this general energy of wanting to spend more time with each other but their is conflict regarding your schedules. Determined to make the best of it, you both set a time to indulge.
The sexual connection is emotional and romantic. This feels like a “heart to heart” connection. I’m seeing you both wanting to consume each others soul. The sex is powerful, and deep. Anyways, someone will feel like they are lacking connection in their relationship. This person may be you. There is a strong desire to make you feel better. You could have self-esteem issues too. So they really want to comfort you!
Thank you for reading! For full reading join my Patreon click here.
Pile 2
Sexual Tarot Deck:
Knave of Chalices, King of Wands, 4 of Pentacles, Knave of Pentacles, and Ace of Swords
This Valentine’s Day is passionate and you are dominating. You are ready to conquer your partner. Wanting to mark them up, caress them, and claiming them. It’s like you are a predator dying to get your prey. This is intense and kinky because I’m getting a vision of you having toys set up and ready to go.
The sex is passionate, and warm. It’s not lacking anything and the both of you will feel more than satisfied. Their is a sense of greed coming from you though, you will want to selfishly keep your partner to yourself haha. I’m seeing that you both made plans ahead to book yourselves a getaway trip for Valentine’s Day.
Now, this trip could have been in some forest like area. I’m seeing a lot of woods and nature scenery. You could of have gone to Italy, or Spain! I’m seeing a European country as a vacation spot and Brazil, despite Brazil not being in Europe. Either way, you both planned the trip and outfits to match on your travels.
Speaking of outfits, I’m seeing you wearing lingerie or giving your partner sexy lingerie. It’s like you both like to have clothed sex sometimes. The teasing and flirtatious glances is what sets you both off. I am getting a vision of you teasing your partner by lifting your shirt, bending over, grabbing their hand and putting it over your crotch. I’m seeing your partner exchanging this energy with you too. They will be reciprocating your actions and letting you get peaks.
Thank you for reading! For full reading join my Patreon click here.
Pile 3
Sexual Tarot Deck:
6 of Wands, Queen of Pentacles, 4 of Chalices, 10 of Swords, and The Tower
Your Valentine’s Day is certainly transformative and it’s quite unique for you both. I’m seeing that this may be your first serious relationship, this being your first serious Valentine’s Day. So you’ll want to make sure it feels special for the both of you. They will feel the same way and will want to make you feel happy and comforted.
There seems to be this teasing energy that you have with them. Similar to pile number two, you may have resonated with that pile as well. Anyways, you will dress up and show off. You will tease them through your body, I heard “shape wear”. So, what comes to mind is wearing clothes that highlight your features.
Now, I’m seeing that this day will begin with you lifting your skirt up and not letting them touch you. If you are a man then I’m seeing you showing off your boner to them and teasing them. You will take control and will have your lover worship you. It’s like you have them begging for your attention and you like that.
There seems to be this energy of them wanting you to give and to fuck them already. You will be patient and won’t let them have their way this time. Also, they really like your thighs and leg. They find it to be squishy and thick. Someone could actively workout and show off their muscles from their calves too. Anyways, you will assert the power play right off the bat.
Thanks for reading! For full reading join my Patreon click here.
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suzteel · 6 months
I've been meaning to talk about the change in Tankhun's wardrobe over the course of the series for a while, and this gifset crossing my dash again ended up being the motivation I needed. So here we go!
As highlighted by at gifset, green lighting and backdrops are often used to indicate danger in the show. It is also a color heavily associated with the Minor Family and some great meta has been written about the use and significance of the color on the show and especially about Porsche's final green suit. Green is the color of greed, of danger, of corruption. But green can have more positive associations with it as well: it can represent hope, growth, renewal, rebirth...
But what does this have to do with Tankhun? Well it's all in the wardrobe.
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When we are first introduced to Tankhun on the show, he’s hard to miss in his fuchsia robe. It's a color we see a lot of when it comes to Tankhun. For the first half of the season he’s awash in pink and color, wearing fuchsias, reds, golds, and the occasional blue-tinted metallic or sky blue. And his character is much like the colors he wears—loud and attention-seeking and distracting.
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But then as we approach mid-season, we start to see a switch occur in the colors he chooses to wear. The bright reds and fuchsias fade and we start to see more subdued colors—solid whites, greens, and blacks (all fabulously and loudly styled of course because he’s still Tankhun). In fact, Tankhun’s primary wardrobe color across SIX different outfits in the last two episodes is black. For Tankhun, it’s a flashing neon sign of his state of mind as the dangerous and perilousness of the events happening around him increases. Now is not the time for bright colors, now is the time to be serious.
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But I’m not here to talk about the black, I’m here to talk about the green.
While green is not entirely absent from Tankhun's wardrobe in the first half of the season (very few colors are), the first time it takes a dominant role is in episode 10 when Gun presents Ken’s head to the Main Family. As noted up top, green is a color associated with both danger and with the Minor Family, so it's not a surprise to see green appear in this scene. Both Korn and Gun actually have hints of green in their wardrobe (Korn in his tie; Gun in his cravat). But it is notable that Tankhun is not only wearing it, his entire outfit is green.
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On a character level, it's a tantalizing choice. While Tankhun isn't in any more danger here than anyone else, but he's dressed as if he is. And while we do see him respond to guns being drawn with more fear and distress than any other point on the show, there's something bigger going on here as well—Tankhun is playing a role.
Let's look at the dynamic of the scene.
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Korn is at the head of the table, with Gun at his left and Kinn and Tankhun on his right. Tankhun, specifically, is sitting on Kinn's right—he's performing the role of Kinn's right hand man. And he's wearing green, a color predominantly associated with the Minor Family. Sitting opposite Korn and Gun, Kinn and Tankhun reflect their dynamic in a way that foreshadows the changes to come. That foreshadowing is pretty blatant when you note the blue suit Kinn is wearing. After all where else do we see this same blue/green color dynamic?
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And from this point on, Tankhun continues to wearing green in moments specifically connected to his relationship with Kinn (and Porsche). When Kinn confessed his love for Porsche and Tankhun voices his support, he's again wearing green. When Arm and Tankhun save KinnPorsche in the finale, the collar of his jacket is teal-green. And for his last appearance on the show, the green hue of his jacket exactly matches the green of Porsche’s suit.
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It's again notable that when the day is won and the danger has supposedly passed that Tankhun does not return to his brightly colored clothing of the beginning of the season, but remains in his darker clothing. The choice works on multiple levels: it indicates the danger has not, in fact, passed; it points to a more permanent shift in Tankhun; and with the presence of the matching green, it links both the danger and that shift with Porsche.
There's definitely been a lot of meta about Porsche's green suit already, and I'm not going to rehash it because we're mostly talking about Tankhun here, but I am going to point out the similarities between Tankhun and Porsche at the end of the series. Both of them are eldest sons—both failed to be what their parents wanted of them, both failed to truly protect their younger siblings from this world, and both of them have found themselves prisoners in a gilded cage of Korn's making. And neither of them are truly safe there.
But speaking of eldest sons wearing green, it's interesting that despite green representing the Minor Family, the only one who actually wears it is Macau. Vegas is awash in green lighting and green decor, but black and red are his personal colors. He never wears green. Until, of course, he does—when he and Porsche genuinely cooperate for a common cause.
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Just some food for thought.
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lamb-of-seven · 1 year
Head-Canons for the Demon Brothers 2
Prompt: The Brother’s reaction to you dressed as a Cat Maid
!!Minors and Ageless Do Not Interact!!
Word Count: 3,127
Content Warning: Rather Suggestive.
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You, our favorite MC have a knack for getting into some wacky and sometimes unfortunate situations with our favorite Demons in all of Devildom. You are always invited to play different games with them, You, Levi, Belphie, Beel, and Mammon tend to play video games together. You Satan, Asmo, and Mammon tend to play cards. And you and Lucifer will play a round of chess… with Mammon begging to play but being shut down. Our Avatar of Greed couldn’t help but always ruin the games with wanting to have every one place some bets with cold hard cash, and as always everyone refused. Until one day…
Mammon: "Ya Know what…” Everyone involved in their game of Poker looked at him. “We don’t have to bet with money. How ‘bout this, loser has to do whatever the winner says for a day.”
From that day on, everyone gathered together once a week, playing games and the person who lost the most had to do whatever the one who won the most, do something entirely of their choosing for a day. One week Mammon lost to Levi and had to clean his entire room. Another week Beel lost to Asmo and had to be his perfectly handsome butler for the day, while the disastrous week Levi lost to Belphi, Levi had to attend the next game night in his Ruri Cosplay. And so the new tradition was born. And after narrowly escaping last place for two months, you officially came in dead last and were ordered to dress up in a Maid Costume with Fluffy Cat Ears and a Tail.
            ★The moment you entered the room, with your body dressed head to toe in a typical French Maid Costume, adorned with charming cat like features, a smirk graced his face. He didn’t once try to hide his amusement as he took his time gazing over ever inch of you.
            ★Though the costume was alluring, Lucifer is a busy man, and he will absolutely put you to work, to the point where you are starting to think that the bet was for you to be an actual maid. However, as you bend over slightly to dust away dirt from a hard to reach spot in his office, he sneaks a peak at the frilly matching underwear and gives your bottom a swift slap. Laughing as you jump and let out a small yelp, then walking away to continue his paperwork.
          ★Unlike some of his other brothers, he will make sure not to parade you around in front of others. He wanted this sight all to himself and knowing how desperate his brothers were to see you like this made his smirk grow wider.
            ★Throughout the day Lucifer will often make small comments like “I believe you missed that spot.”, “Ah, what am I going to do with you MC, you need to sweep this spot over again.”, “Mc, the bed sheets are uneven, fix them.” You could have cleaned perfectly, he just wanted to see you work harder or twist and bend in all different positions.
            ★Once his work is done, then cleaning is over. He will stay at his desk, his eyes darken and his smile becoming sly. “My my, you’ve been working hard haven’t you my maid. Come here, I believe I have a task for you that we can both enjoy.” From there he will have you on your knees under his desk pleasuring him until he needs more from you. “Remember MC, your mine for the entire day, and night.”
            ★The Avatar of Greed himself winning a gamble and getting you as his prize is practically a dream come true. The idea of a Cat Maid Outfit came to him after one of his brothers had to wear something similar. He just couldn’t get the thought of you in such an outfit, acting all cute and sexy for him, out of his head. The moment the day of your punishment started, he was up at the crack of dawn banging on your door and practically throwing the outfit at you. He will wait excitedly bouncing on his toes for the moment you step out of the room.
            ★When you look up at him, with embarrassed eyes and a blush he’s just ready to pounce on you right there, but he holds back, he’s got a long list of everything the two of you are going to do that day. He’s grabbing your silken glove covered hand and guiding you to his room. He askes you to first clean his room, and though he spends a lot of the time watching you work, just admiring the view, he can't help but sometimes join you in the cleaning, showing you where everything goes and ultimately putting half his stuff away.
            ★Now it’s time for him to show you off to everyone, and by everyone, he mean’s everyone. He wears such a cocky smile as he parades you around HoL in front of all his brothers, often making you sit on his lap, or meow for him or giving him little kisses on the cheek. He’s simply in pure bliss and often laughing to himself as his brothers look on with jealousy.
            ★Once the late night hits, he's bringing you out on the town and by that, to poker matches or illegal casinos. Despite your protest and further embarrassment to be seen in such a way, he just remarks, “Hey, who’s the winner here? Me, the Great Mammon! So you have to do everything I say for a full 24 hours, alright Kitten, no complainin.” And sadly you spend the next few hours hiding your face as best you can while Mammon props you up on his lap at ever poker game you visit. His hand constantly wrapped around your waist.
            ★The more time he spends with you, the more he wants. He brags to others about how he won you, and will start to sneak his hands and fingers towards more dangerous places. The more drinks he consumes and the more money he wins, the more restless he becomes, until soon enough he has you pushed up against a wall in some alley behind a casino, tongue pushing into your mouth and hands grabbing at every inch of you. Next thing you know your back at his place bent over and being told “Don’t you dare ever take this off. I'm about to show you why your mine!”
            ★The jealous otaku having you all to himself in a cat maid costume! It just can’t be!
            ★When you first show up to his room, standing in the doorway with the cutest maid costume on and perky fuzzy ears and tail on, it just drives him crazy. The moment he sees those thigh highs pinching into your thighs, he becomes a blushing mess about to have a nose bleed.
            ★He is probably one of the few brothers that will not make you clean a thing. Instead, he’s going to take a few hours filled with stammering and stuttering and game playing before he is brave enough to ask for the first thing he wants. He wants a photoshoot. He want’s to pose you in so many ways and take million photos like as if you were doing a cosplay shoot at a convention. A first he will shyly ask for you to look like your dusting off his figures, then maybe making his bed, then maybe posing like a cute cat. After the first half an hour, his confidence begins to show. Now he’s physically posing you and putting himself into weird positions and adjusting lighting to get the most perfect pictures.
            ★Now that he is a bit braver, he will ask you to call him master. “Ok Master.” You say and his face is bright red again. Now he will start to make more request. “Could you play games with me?” “Of course Master.” “Would you feed me?” “Say Ah, Master” “Would you pat my head?” “Anything you want Master.” Now that he’s getting more of the hang of it, his demands start to become bolder. “C…could you k…kiss me?” “Where would you like me kiss you Master?” From there on the more perverted side of Levi comes out as he starting kissing you. All games and fears are abandoned as he has you pinned down on the floor, the maid costume rising up to reveal more of your thighs for him to kiss and lick.
            ★He will totally start roleplaying with you. “I know it’s forbidden for you, a maid ,and me ,your master, to have such relations, but I simply can not resist.” You are in for a long night. And once morning comes, he will absolutely be a scared blushing mess again.
           ★Have you seen this Demon’s bedroom. He needs a maid. Have you seen his obsession? He want’s a cat. Put those two together and it’s the more alluring combination. He will come and fetch you from your room the day of your punishment. “MC, are you dressed and ready?” Once you appear and he glimpses at the adorable cat ears and tail, he will try to hide his blush, then smile. “How cute!”
            ★He will bring you to breakfast to show you off in front of his brothers to get a rise out of them, reminding them how you are all his for the rest of the day. And once you two take your leave after eating he will say, “We will be spending the rest of the day in my room, so don’t bother us.” He can’t help but give into a toothy grin as his brothers, especially Lucifer, try to protest.
            ★However once in his room, your put to work. His books need some serious dusting and organizing. However, your not doing it alone. Satan’s books are so precious to him so he’s helping you and making sure you don’t touch anything cursed. He will most likely want to clear up the space surrounding his bed first.
            ★You have been cleaning for hours, and as time passes Satan’s self control starts to slip. It starts with him saying stuff like “that’s a good kitty.” And “No, kitten, this goes over here.” And progresses to him often patting your head, rubbing the ears and tail, cooing at you like as if you’re really part cat.
           ★“Does my precious little kitty need a break?” He will ask, standing above you as your kneeling on the floor going through a pile of scattered books. Satan will help you up and settle you onto the sofa with him, where he has two cups of tea on a table. He will ask if you could read to him as he settles his head on your lap. As you read, you almost thought he fell asleep, but with ever pause he tells you to keep going. As you continue to read the novel he provided, you notice the themes of romance start to get heavy until you suddenly stop reading.
           ★“Go on Kitten, use your words.” He smirks, one hand rubbing you thigh, while the other reaches up to touch your lips. You stammer and blush as you start to read the graphicly intimate chapter. As the characters build up to their climax, Satan’s now on top of you undoing a few of his buttons. “Let’s make this a reality, shall we?”
            ★The literal Avatar of Lust. Need I say more?
            ★He will be totally gushing over how cute you look in all that frill and silk. He will make sure your hair and make up are on point, and have you as personal arm candy. Asmo has no intention of making you clean a single thing. He’s taking selfies with you and going on and on about how cute you look. At one point he will be matching you. Similar to Levi, the two of you are doing a couples photoshoot and he’s posting it all over Devilgram.
           ★After the photoshoot, he gets himself ready for a shopping trip, and you are coming with him as his personal maid. The blush could not be more obvious on your face. “Oh sweetie don’t be embarrassed, your so cute and sexy! You just have to come out with me like this!” Every time you walk into a store with Asmo he introduces you to everyone as his personal maid. And when he buys something, guess whose holding the bag, you.
            ★After a long day of being dragged from store to store he will ask you to join him for a bath back at home, where you can scrub every inch of his beautiful and delicate body. Though he would love for you to get naked and join him in the water, there was something so satisfying in seeing you as an obedient maid washing his skin.  
            ★The real fun comes when your relaxing back in his room. He will sneak his manicured fingers around your shoulder. “You know MC, I slipped a little special treat into that tea your drinking.” He giggles, his body pressing closer into you. “It’s a lovely aphrodisiac.” As your eyes widen and body starts to heat up, he moves his lips so close to yours that they are practically touching “Did you forget?” His breath hot on your lips. “I’m the beautiful Avatar of Lust.” And with that he embraces you in a passionate kiss.
            ★You were suppose to be a cute cat maid, and yet it seems you have been demoted to chef. The Demon with food occupying his mind 24/7 has kept you in the kitchen for hours now, making meal after meal for him. Beel has requested for you to cook up every human dish possible with the Devildom ingredients he has provided. The moment the dish is done, he scarfs it down in an instant and is asking for the next. You have to keep giving him simple snacks to hold him over while you cook.
            ★What you didn’t know is that watching you make food just for him didn’t just satisfy his appetite. To Beel food is everything, so watching his favorite person make him dishes with their own hands was special. To have you do it dressed as a cute cat maid made it all the more alluring and satiating, like he was at one of those maid café’s Levi has talked about.
            ★The fuller Beel’s stomach gets, the more he starts to notice things about you, things that make him feel a different kind of hungry. The way a bead of sweat drips down your chest, the way your cheeks are flushed, they way your thighs rub and your hips sway with each movement. It made his lower belly feel hot and other parts of him needy.
            ★“I think I might want dessert now.” Beel stated. You smiled and nodded happily. Dessert was a lot easier for you to make than large meals. Beel’s heart skipped a beat as he watched you skip off to the fridge. You started to pull out different ingredients like whipped cream, custard, pudding, and more. As you put the ingredients down you cant help but have a taste of some of the custard that spilled a little on your finger. This small action made Beel’s mind stop thinking. He impulsively grabbed your hand.
            ★“Oh, did you want to taste it Beel?” You ask. He just blinks, almost in surprise that he grabbed your hand in the first place, but didn’t stop. He bent forward and licked the rest off your finger. “More.” He says, then picks up the whipped cream, putting some on your hand, licking it up, the taste of cream on your skin making his member twitch with need. “More.” He says again, now pulling you practically on top of the counter as he pours more whipped cream over your bare shoulder, licking it up. Beel moans a bit to the taste.
            ★Beel lifts his head up, looking into your eyes. His gaze had darkened and he was starting to pant. “Not enough.” He states in a pant. “I need more.” Dessert became you on the counter top spread out for him while he kept pouring whipped cream over every inch of you and lapping it up with his tongue.
Belphegor :
            ★The lazy sleepy Demon is thrilled to have someone be his own little maid, and the cat features just add to the best part, humiliating you. It was so much fun for Belphie to see you blushing and flustered. All day he can boss you around and you can’t do anything about it.
            ★He will absolutely have you wash all of his bedding, pillows and clothing. He’s the avatar of Sloth, his favorite pass time is sleeping and on a good day, he is maybe able to do one load of laundry and that’s it. So to have you clean all his stuff while he lazes about was a dream come true. Even better since Lucifer couldn’t yell at him for shirking on his chores.
            ★Once You have all of his stuff clean he will snuggles up in his utopia of blankets and pillows ready for the best nap of his life. This is when Belphie starts to bark orders from his soft cocoon. “Hey Maid, tuck these blankets in more.” “Hey Maid, fluff these pillows.” “Hey Maid, get me a glass of water… no tea, make it both, and order me some of the best sushi Devildom has to offer!” He will be giggling to himself as he watches you frantically do every task he orders. He’s in such a good mood, it made it almost hard for him to sleep. Almost. Once he is asleep, you finally have a break to yourself.
           ★You didn’t even notice yourself drift into sleep while slumped back in the chair. “Slacking off are we.” Belphie’s cynical voice wakes you abruptly, your heart now racing in your chest. Belphie was looming over you and you stumble out of the chair. He laughs a little wickedly. “And here I thought I would treat you to something nice, like letting you use your thighs as a pillow for my slumber.” He grabbed your wrists. “But no, I’m fully awake now, and I’m going to make you work hard.” Belphie dragged you to his bed, throwing you onto it a little roughly. He started pulling off his clothes then laid down on the bed. “Hop on, and don’t you dare stop until I tell you to.”
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idyllcy · 1 year
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Word count: 5.8k
Summary: Serenity. It is as simple as that. You make him feel serene, and that is enough.
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You don't have many memories of your youth. You had mother and father, you had your countless half-siblings, and you had the endless supply of maids coming and going. There was little to no continuity in your life other than the royal palace. You remember moving from the outskirts of the empress's place to the emperor's castle once you were crowned as the next regent of the empire. Your education had been pushed heavily onto your starting from that day forth. You don't remember anything of your prior education; you only remember mingling with high society, silently wishing for everything to end.
But what did you have to complain about as the upcoming monarch? Certainly nothing. You had people waiting on your hands and feet. What else could you possibly want?
A lover, perhaps.
You watch all your friends ramble about their betrothed and giggle over the gifts their lovers leave them. You don't need any of it, but it would be nice to have someone gift you something out of the genuinty of their heart rather than the scheming of their greed. So, as you sit at tea time with the aristocrats and listen to their gossip about the others, you try not to think about love that much. After all, while your siblings were all being betrothed for the sake of the country, you get to marry for love — out of a small pool of candidates that are all nobles. You really don't get to pick at all. The empress is far too pushy, and the emperor cares far too little for your romance. You pray that somehow, somewhere, someway, you would find someone suitable for yourself within the pool of possible suitors.
"Did you hear, Marquis Komaeda almost lost a limb again..." Celeste snaps open her fan, and you glance at her.
"That is old news, no?"
"Well, that may be old news," Sonia smiles, "but the royal family of Regalia shall be visiting in due time. I heard both princes are to visit. Perhaps you'll find someone of interest, your highness?"
You stare at the teacup on the table, wordless.
"Of course, it is just a suggestion—"
"I know." You smile. "I do not know. I do believe I've grown bored of black-haired men."
"The first prince of Regalia," Sayaka smiles, "is a wonderful knight. I hear he is brown-haired and tan."
"Just sharing news," Sayaka smiles. "I'm sure you'll find your fated one soon, your highness."
"That, too, is old news," You chuckle dryly. "So, princess," you stare at Sonia, "when shall you return?"
"Once the embassy from Regalia leaves, I shall depart back to my homeland." She smiles. "My mother is worried."
"Well, 'tis normal to be. The seas will be freezing soon, so do stay safe on your journey back."
"Or course."
There's not much talking done in the palace other than with the visiting nobles. You only ever socialize at tea parties your mother hosts and banquets you design. The curtains must match the drapes, and the floor must be without dust, for only shiny floors may host the aristocracy. The chandelier must be spotless, and the electricity must run the entire night; for who knows when a snowstorm would destroy the light? You order the walls to be repainted and the hall to be cleaned, and the head maid runs all the errands while you pick out an outfit to greet the royals from Regalia. You have no idea what would be considered offensive. No, forget that. You know exactly what to avoid. You must avoid red and green, and the halls must be adorned with gold since the royal family was symbolized by the precious sun melting into their palms in the form of the metal.
You arrange the clothes of the empress to the royal colors, and you pick the suit for the emperor. The maids iron and lay them out, and you purse your lips at the sight. It matches.
"The emperor shall wear the crown of greetings, and the empress her own. Make sure they are shined and polished in two days' time. Understood?"
The maids of the palace adore you. You wonder why. You think you work them half to death, but you make sure to compensate them properly. You assume it had to do with the fact that the lower classes only cared for money and not other issues. You wonder if you could have lived as carefree as your friends do, had you not been chosen as the crown of the empire. The problems hold nothing over your head. You do not worry too much. The maids of the palace would tell you had you done something against public opinion again. The people expect too much from a single person while criticizing all they wish to.
"Your majesty, you must rest early tonight." Your personal maid smiles at you. "They arrive tomorrow morning by carriage."
"What an awful way to travel." You mumble. "Very well. I will check everything before the sun rises, so do take care of the main hall before I wake."
"Of course, your highness."
The moon is high in the sky by the time you fall asleep — you lose track of time. It was a lot. The rooms for the visiting royals were prepared. Four rooms in the nobles' visiting mansion, and you rise before the sun wakes up. The maids rush in at the sound of the bell, and you start your day, the mask brushed on your face and powder set. You don't wish to look outrageous, but you must look presentable. You put the jewelry on, and you rush down the spiral staircase to check the hall for any last-minute adjustments. The first prince had no will to be the king, yet the aristocratic faction still pushed heavily for the consideration of the eldest son. You wonder if it was because they were twins. You wouldn't pry.
"Y-your highness!" The gardener rushes into the castle gates. "The royal family is here!"
"So early?" You gasp. Turning to the nearest maid, you call. "Please summon the empress. You, let the emperor know that I will take the royal family to them. I will greet them on my own, as it is not out of the question since they have arrived early."
You stand at the center of the hall as the palace doors open. The royals step in, and you stare at them. The royal family bows at the sight of you, and you don't react. Instead, the smile you've practiced so many times makes its way onto your face, and you beam. "It's our pleasure to be hosting you this time around."
"It's always a delight to be here, dear," The queen smiles, rushing to you. "Our apologies for arriving early. But knowing you, you would have been prepared."
"You must be tired from your journey," You nod gently. "The servants will send your luggage to your designated rooms. I will bring you to the emperor and empress."
"Before that," The queen smiles cheekily. "I must introduce you to my two sons. You're still single, correct?"
"Just this once." She smiles. "They are twins."
"If I stick a hand in this imperial battle for the crown, wouldn't I topple the balance?" You joke lightheartedly.
"Not at all!" She steps to the side and motions for her sons. Regalia was still a matriarchy through and through. "My eldest, Hajime."
The prince bows, taking your hand into his, pressing a kiss to the backside. His hair is brown, you think. The others told you such, but he is nowhere as tan as you were expecting. He just isn't as pale as his brother is. You wonder why they even told you he was tanned to begin with. Was it colorism? You try not to think too much about it as he lets go of your hand. He... you don't know. He's cute, you suppose. You lock eyes with him, and he nods. He has comely green eyes.
"And my second, Izuru."
The second prince holds his gaze with you the entire time he greets you. He's prettier than his brother. He's both charming and lethal. You wouldn't dare to think about what kind of a person he would end up with. You smile as the king nods, and you take them through the palace, explaining portraits on the wall and artifacts on display. Once you arrive at the king's welcoming quarters, you wait for the announcer to report of your presence. You chat lightly with the queen as the doors to the study open, and the emperor and empress take over, greeting the royal family. You sit next to the empress, and you check the tea for poison. You drink it as she talks about the recent alliance, and you wonder if they're going to marry one of your siblings away again. The emperor was cursed to only have children of weak descent, so when you were born, he jumped at the child who seemed fearless. You should have stayed quiet when you could.
"Well," The queen hums. "We'd like to see if our sons fit the next ruler's taste."
You pause as you stare at the queen.
"It's a little ambitious, I know." The queen smiles sheepishly. "But, I received an oracle that one of our sons was the sun's beloved child, so we're..."
"It makes sense," The emperor is the one to speak up. "It would be nice to form an alliance with the kingdom."
"Yes." The empress agrees. "There is no harm in waiting, though we would still wish for you to pick a child."
"Of course." The queen smiles. "Perhaps..."
"Crown, you are dismissed." The emperor locks eyes with you, and you side-eye him. "Please take the princes around the palace."
"Could we not have a half-sibling do so? It has been a long day, and I still have trade affairs to finish with." You stare at the emperor.
"Then take them with you," The queen smiles sheepishly. "They can be of help, I promise."
"If they keep their mouth shut." You don't want to make a scene. As you step out of the room, you make a run for your office. It mattered not whether or not they caught up to you. You wanted them off your tail.
You are sure to lock the door once you enter your study, grinning once the maids at the door shake their heads. The door was locked with a lock only you had the key to. The temple seldom gave out artifacts, but you were glad you had the key to the only lock in the empire with a temple's key. You kick one leg over the other on the table, and you go back to scribbling letters to people and ordering maids through the door. Surely they were gone by now.
"Your highness, the emperor orders for your presence at dinner." A maid calls through the door. You open it and pause at the sight of the first prince at your door. The two of you blink at each other before the prince speaks up.
"Why must you lock us out?"
"It's my study. I am free to do as I like." You tilt your head. "Why must you stay?"
"My brother went with another maid, but as a knight, I am to stay with whoever I have been tasked with."
"Very well." You dust your pants. "Shall we head to dinner together?"
"It would be my pleasure."
Dinner is civil. Civil is an understatement. The emperor summoned all of your half-siblings, and at least three of your sisters were all over Kamukura. Hinata sits next to you, partaking in light conversation with you as the rest of your siblings try and talk to the queen. The table is filled to the brim with an abundant amount of food, and you sneak a few pieces to the maids to share later that night. Hinata stares at you as you do so, but he doesn't speak up.
"Is there a reason for the difference in last names?" You glance at Hinata, wine on your lips. "Between you two princes."
"Kamukura is the last name given to the crown prince." Hinata hums. "It had been decided from the day my brother and I were born, so it is not to be changed. I do not understand why the nobles are so desperate to send me to the throne."
"They think you are braindead and a musclehead," You sip the wine. "Since most knights are said to be that way."
"Correct." Hinata hums. "Are the knights here stereotyped as such?"
"Everyone in the imperial palace receives an education at the maid school." You wave a maid over to refill your glass. "An educated staff may question your intentions and works, but they will also be able to distinguish evil from good much more easily. So ultimately, once they receive the punishment for the betrayal of the royal family, they know where they went wrong."
Hinata hums.
The banquet comes on the next day. The entire palace is turned upside down as you walk about the hall pointing out errors and picking and nagging at mistakes. The two princes are taken around by a princess as you prepare the tables and room. The royal family's outfits had been chosen by you, and you couldn't wait to see which one of your sisters would throw a fit over their dress of choice. You'd show up in a dress per tradition, and the emperor would be the one to walk you down the stairs after the empress is escorted down by her brother. You adjust the crown on your head as you wait for the announcement of your arrival. The banquet must be gleaming.
The doors to the hall open, and you step next to the emperor. The two of you start your descent.
That's all there is to it.
You turn the nobles down as they ask for a dance, and you stick to the side as the emperor and empress dance the first dance. You wonder who you'll drag to start the night dancing with. You look around, and you wonder if you could stir something up with one of the princes. You aren't the only one thinking such, as the first prince steps up to you, holding his hand out.
"If you would, your highness."
You stare at the prince.
"Is this motivated by marriage?"
"No," He looks at you, eyes soft. "Interest, perhaps."
"Very well, prince." You take his hand. "Just once dance?"
"More, if you are willing," The prince whisks you onto the dance floor as the emperor and empress finish, and you already hear the aristocracy whisper amongst themselves. He's pretty, upon second glance. He looks as you'd expect a gem to be found without polishing: rough, unmarked, yet precious to the finder. Perhaps you'd stay close just to see what kind of a gem the prince was. Though, it wasn't as if you lacked a collection.
The hall is glittering in gold and purple, and Hinata sways you in his arms. The light from the chandelier reflects off of the gems on your body, and Hinata stares at you, smiling. Time seems to pause, only for a brief moment. The light spilling into the hall focuses only on the two of you. The emperor and empress mumble amongst themselves, and Hinata's hand on your waist loosens as the music comes to an end. Maybe he was pretty.
"What make you stand out, prince?" You spin out his arms gracefully as he smiles.
"Sometimes, being the most ordinary means standing out the most," Hinata hums, bowing.
Hinata escorts you to the side, handing you a glass of champagne as you watch the rest of the nobles step onto the dance floor. It's strange. You hadn't seen it coming, though you had known. You could ignore him, maybe. Maybe it'll go away on its own if you just leave him alone. You wonder what had even caused him all of this to begin with. Perhaps it had been charisma? Who knows. You don't.
You wake the next morning and have breakfast alone.
"Your highness," A maid peeks through the door. "The first prince would like to know if you would be willing to go on a walk with him."
You glance at the maid.
You don't know what to answer.
"He said he'd be in the garden if you agreed, and if not, then to send a maid." The woman adds.
"I'll go." You sigh. "Fetch me a suit, will you?"
The servants bundle you up for the weather, and you hold back a yawn as you step down the stairs to the garden.
"Your highness," Hinata bows, pressing his lips to your knuckles. He's surprisingly warm in weather like this. "Thank you for accompanying me."
"Mm," You follow him along. "Why'd you call for. me?"
"There was something one of the princesses revealed to Kamukura," Hinata holds his arm out for you, and you place your hand on his forearm.
"Do tell."
"There's a rumor that the crown regent of the palace is cursed to be unable to love."
You laugh dryly. "There is more to where that came from."
"And," He pauses at the sight of the tree. "a rumor that the crown is the moon's beloved child."
You stare at him. That was a pointless prophecy made by the saintess on the date of your birth. The saintess wasn't even a real saint. You never thought too much about it, but apparently, your siblings cared more. Rumors of your lack of empathy spread through the palace, and rumors of your lack of attraction scared suitors away. You didn't understand why religion was such a big issue. Well, if your claim to the throne was strengthened by something a fake saintess prophesied, then you would leave it be. You still didn't believe it, though.
"There is no evidence for it."
"The evidence," Hinata looks around the two of you. The sight of nothing still causes him to lower his voice. "Is the temple's key you use for your study."
You glance at him.
"Each child of the empire receives their own key upon birth. That is simply how the moon supports us all."
"Your key is an artifact. That's plenty of proof."
You pause. "Even if I had been a child of the moon, my soulmate would not be a child of the sun."
"Why so?"
"The moon married the stars, you know?"
"The sun is a star too," Hinata turns, and he wanders through the garden. "There is no harm out of giving it a chance."
"I'll consider it if you show me proof of your lineage." You smile teasingly.
"Excuse me, your highness," Hinata loosens his arm from your grip, and he takes a handful of steps back. You hold your breath as the clouds seem to clear to make a hole for the sun. So the sun's child can do a lot more than the moon's, huh? You brace for yourself as Hinata holds his hand up, and you pause at the sight of a bird seemingly forming out of nowhere. You hold your arms up in front of your face to stop the wind, and the cold is replaced with the feeling of a summer's day. The warmth spreads through your chest, and you pause at the sight of a bird. No. A phoenix.
You stand there for a moment, basking in the warmth that the bird radiated from his hand.
"Is this enough proof, your highness?"
The bird stares at you, and you freeze in place. You know those eyes.
"flora." You blurt the name unconsciously.
Hinata pauses at the name, and the bird coos.
"So that's your name?" Hinata scoffs when the bird turns its head away from him. "rude."
"If it helps," You swallow slowly, regaining your composure. "I don't know the name of my own divine beast."
"fauna." Hinata smiles. "The dragon, right?"
"Why fauna?" You step closer to touch the bird. flora tilts its head toward your hand, and you pat the phoenix. "a dragon brings upon destruction."
"I met it in a forest while I was out hunting one night." Hinata shrugs. "So, your highness, is this enough proof?"
You exhale. "Three days."
"To think?"
"To swoon me." You smile at him. "Hm?"
It starts small. Hinata follows you around. It's almost as if he's your personal knight. You keep him on the sofa as you work through documents of the empire, and you have him chew on something while he goes through his own papers. You wonder how a man you barely knew managed to wedge his way into your life so easily. You sip on the tea as you sign the documents, and Hinata entertains himself with looking around the room at the art you have stored.
"Who drew this one?" Hinata turns to look at you once he stares at the portrait of you.
"My brother."
"No," Your shoulders sink at the sight. "My blood brother. He ended up married off. I haven't heard from him since."
"Ah." Hinata pauses. "Is this your last..?"
"No," You shake your head. "I know he's still alive because the knight I attached to him hasn't contacted me."
"It must be hard," Hinata mumbles offhandedly. "seeing so many siblings married off in your lifetime."
"The number of disastrous arranged marriages amongst my siblings makes it kind of hard to believe in marriage at all," You pull a cord to ring for the butler, and you hand him the papers. The man nods as he rushes off, and you turn to Hinata. "So? What's our plan for today, prince?"
Hinata stares at you, wondering how to explain what you were doing next.
"We're flying."
You blink at him in mild confusion. "Flying?"
"Of the few things I can do as the sun's son," Hinata holds his hand out to you as he steps out onto the balcony. "Flying is one of them."
"You? Prince, with all due respect, I don't think you can fly."
"flora can." Hinata summons the phoenix, and he helps you onto her gently. "Just promise to take me on a ride on fauna sometime."
"Alright." You wrap your arms around his torso, and the two of you soar into the sky.
The sky is gorgeous. The clouds wet your hands ever so slightly, and you stare down at the castle as Hinata drives the divine beast. You wonder if fauna could do such. You hadn't even thought about training the dragon to be able to ride. Though, as the sun sets over the town and you stare over the horizon, you think it's gorgeous. You like hot his feel, you decide. If you were to ever die, you'd want to end up as a cloud in your next life. It must be fun to be light and airy.
"How is it?"
"It's pretty," You stare at the sun, a scintilla of warmth on your face. "Thank you, prince."
The next day brings more experiences. Hinata sneaks you out of the palace in the dead of the night to experience the town's life after dark. You spin and dance with others at the bar, gasping and spinning for air. You don't know how many jugs of beer you chugged that night, but you remembered everything down to the second. You're pretty sure Hinata used divine powers on you since you woke up without a hangover. Hinata didn't mention anything about that night. He didn't mention how you had clung onto him while drunk, mumbling about how you found him hot. Neither did he mention about how you had wrapped your arms around his neck and begged for a kiss he never gave you. You grow embarrassed at the memory itself.
The maids serve you a different tea this morning. You circle the spoon in the liquid, and you pause.
"What is this?"
"Tea from Regalia," Hinata smiles at the door, waving the maid off. "I'll serve it since I've been trained to."
Hinata serves you tea. You sit at the table in the salon with Hinata, the two of you talking lightly. Hinata prepares the tea for the rest of the party, and you wave him off as the noblewoman gather.
"Your highness!" Sayaka is first to rush over. Sonia nods at Hinata, and the two talk lightly as Celeste takes a seat next to you. The doors to the salon close, and you bring the tea to your lips.
"So... is the prince courting you?" Sayaka tilts her head. "If it isn't rude to inquire, your highness."
"I suppose it can be considered as courtship." You pause. "The prince has been tasked with making me fall in love with him from both the emperor and empress and the king and queen."
"It would be beneficial to the country," Sonia smiles. "Is this tea from Regalia?"
"It's supposed to help with hangovers," Celeste hums. "Did you drink last night?"
"I suppose." You chuckle. "How's your engagement, Celeste? Is the duke treating you well?"
"I still have to thank you for sending a member of the royal family over." She smiles. "The duke is wonderful."
"Of course."
There's no fun in a tug-of-war against siblings that think you care about them. You worry about poison in your tea every day, and you worry about getting killed every other week. You don't understand why people are so desperate for a throne. Maybe if you marry a commoner, you would be able to flee from it all. Would it be better to marry Hinata and relinquish your title as crown regent? What a foolish idea.
"Your highness," Sonia smiles. "Have you made up your mind about the courtship?"
"I'm still considering it." You chuckle. "He seems sincere enough. I think that's the first step."
"It's hard to find someone who isn't marrying for status," Celeste points her fan at you. While it would have been disrespectful, you know she means no harm. "Take advantage of it. He's a good man."
"Oh, my," You laugh. "How rare of you, Celeste."
Celeste flushes from the compliment, and you smile. "I know. That's why I'm letting him stick around."
It's a strange experience, now that you think about it. You had decided to let a prince entertain you for three days and somehow he managed to slot himself into your life. You wonder if this was part of his plan. Maybe. You don't know. You aren't going to be the one to propose, but Hinata can't be the one to do it either since he's a lower rank than you. It would be taboo. You wonder if Hinata's just going to leave in two days' time without even saying goodbye. The three days have long been up.
You sit out on your balcony, fur coat wrapped around you snugly. The winter breeze kisses your face, and you glance at your divine beast curled into a ball on the table. You rub its head gently as you think of what to give Hinata as an answer. He hadn't seen you since the tea party. Maybe he's resigning his heart. Well, that would just mean you would have to start over with someone else. You wonder if you'll get to see him again. The winter breeze brushes your hair, and you pause at the sight of white fluttering through the air.
It's the first snow of the year.
Your heart sinks in your chest as you stare at the snow. You aren't sharing it with someone again. The white lands on top of the divine beast, and it shakes its head to get it off. You only summoned him thinking that Hinata would come to visit you. flora couldn't be summoned at night. You brush the snow off of the dragon's head, mumbling to yourself. It's a lot, now that you think about it. You should've just fallen for a commoner and run away from home. That would have made so many things easier. You would be able to abdicate the throne, and your parents would have thrown you out. Your brother would have been the crown prince instead.
Fauna stares up at you, tongue stuck out, tilting its head in curiosity at your expression.
"Don't worry about it." You smile.
"Hrawh." The divine beast makes a sound.
"I know," You play with its claws. "I was foolish to think that I could spend it with someone this year."
"Not quite." Hinata hops over the balcony, flowers in hand. "Happy first snow, your highness."
"And what did you bring?"
"I took a quick trip home on flora," Hinata hums, handing you the flowers. "They're starflowers, but these are the ones that grow around the Regalian temples."
"You picked flowers from the temple for me?"
"You wouldn't like the rest of the flowers," Hinata smiles. "Were you waiting for me?"
"Yes," You smile at the flowers gently. "I was."
The following day is a masquerade ball for the departure of the Regalian royal family. You will admit that it is a little cold when your dress wasn't keeping you warm. Your shoulders are cold. Perhaps the hall itself will be warm. The empress was the one to plan the farewell ball for the royals. You enter with both the emperor and empress with the royal family's matching outfits first before you're pulled to the side and changed out. The mask is tied around your face, and you step back into the hall, this time in a different color.
Hinata is the first to recognize you, gravitating to you, offering his hand to dance with you. You don't want to, but you suppose it'll help you decide whether or not you're in love with him. He takes you to the dance floor, and you spin in his arms. It's different from the first time, you think. This time, it's more natural. His hand fits yours naturally, and you don't feel strange that you're dancing with him. Was that love? Maybe it was. Maybe it was simply habituation.
Hinata leads you on the dance floor, eyes soft, as if he were looking at something precious, terrified his gaze would break it. You wonder if that look was love. The only one who had ever given you that look was your brother. Maybe it was love. Who knows. You barely realize that the dance floor is quickly emptied with only the two of you left. The two of you become the cynosure of the eyes in the hall. You don't care anymore, perhaps. Hinata smiles at you as you smile at him. Two pieces of a puzzle, perhaps. You're in love with Hajime Hinata, the sun's beloved son.
"I'll tell you in secret," You giggle airily as Hinata twirls you in his arm, and the music stops. The two of you bow, and you giggle. Hinata follows you as you drag him through the garden, and the servants whisper amongst themselves as you pass them. Hinata wonders if you mind. The smile on your face says otherwise as the moon kisses your skin. You look ethereal like that, he thinks. Becoming. He'd hold you in his arms forever if he could.
"What are we?" Hinata stares up at you as you stand underneath the tree.
"A dalliance that failed." You hum, eyes closed. "The efflorescence of a courtship. A clandestine relationship that everyone has grown aware of."
"A short-lived epiphany," He stays in place. "Is that what we are, your highness?"
"We are whatever you say next." You smile.
Hinata steps up to you, taking your hand in his, drawing gentle circles over it. He takes a deep breath, almost shaking.
"This is my proposal to you," He exhales, "for something as insignificant as a star would dare to ask the beloved moon for their hand. For you'd become an idyllic memory in my heart if you do not accept, but even if you were to reject me, there are a plethora of people for you to pick. However much you wish to destroy my heart, I will continue to stand by your side, for I do not care whether it will be as a knight who relinquished their royal title or an aide that was sent from a foreign kingdom, my heart will lie with you for the remainders of my life, for you are the panacea for me, your highness. Your presence delights me to the point that all my worries are taken away, to a point of felicity. You must know this, your highness, for even if you bloody me with wounds and your mellifluous voice destroys every ounce of my sanity, my heart would still lay in your hands. It is not courteous for a prince of my standing to ask me for your hand, but you must know what I feel for you."
You stare up at the prince, batting your lashes gently. "Must I be the one to ask? I give you permission, my prince, only you."
Hinata gets down on a knee, pulling a ring from his pocket, staring up at you. You seem so pretty to him. He struggles to keep his composure as he speaks again.
"I am but the sun who may never possess you, your highness, but please allow this foolish star to beg for your hand. You may love others, and you may treat me without care, but please do not throw me away, for your presence means more to me than any other phenomenon in the world; it is only in your hands that I may find the euphoria and serendipity and eternal rest. Your highness, please listen to the begging of a foolish sun, for I hope that you could show me even the littlest of fondness back." Hinata's voice wavers, "For as charming as the moon is, I am but another worshipper."
You move your hand to trace his jaw, and he leans into it, staring up at you. Anyone looking only at him would think he is enamored with the cynosure of his eyes. Your heart is warm, and you take that as a sign of acceptance.
"Your highness," Hinata's voice breaks. "How long must you make this prince wait?"
"For eternity past," You pull him up, "for eternity present," you lower his face so that your lips are hovering over his, "and eternity future." you kiss him.
Hinata melts into your touch, his own heart growing warm.
"Is that a yes?" He rests his forehead on yours, eyes kind.
"Yes, my prince," You whisper back. "It is a yes."
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waitineedaname · 7 months
not the anon but I'd love to hear about the fashion thoughts 👀👀👀
okay these are not particularly unique thoughts, they are definitely shared by and inspired by other people's modern aus lol but I have a basic idea of how characters look in my head. Ed's got that grunge/punk look down and is very big on layers. him and Al standing next to each other is very funny because it's like. a sweet young man in pastel sweaters, and his brother looking like a hot topic threw up on him, covered in leather and chains and studs. his most normal outfit is a flannel. everything else is goth as hell.
ling's fashion is very influenced by that incorrigible hypebeast post lmao that post changed me. he is absolutely a hypebeast. very into streetwear or name brand sportswear because Rich Boy. however he will sometimes mix it up with a crop-top, I think he'd like those. lan fan's fashion is much more functional, she always dresses like she's going to the gym or like she needs to be ready to kick someone's ass at a moment's notice. clothes she can move around in, you know? the mobile game does not understand my girl. she will not be wearing miniskirts.
greed's fashion is entirely influenced by this post, which I totally don't keep in my drafts so I can look at it at a moment's notice, what are you talking about. he's vain, so he dresses to look good. this should not be a surprise. he and ed definitely share a love of leather though, and he likes to accessorize, especially with jewelry, any kind -- rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, piercings, whatever. he'll wear it all.
I know they haven't appeared yet, but I think may dresses very preppy, she aims to be as cute as possible at all times, and she succeeds. she and al are kind of matching aesthetically lol they both like looking cute and put together. winry is one of those people that pairs overalls and like. a crop-top. does that make sense? I'm kind of specifically describing my old roommate's aesthetic, which i cannot convey, but just connect with me psychically and understand my vision. she's somewhere between ed and al on the punk/prep spectrum
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blazewatergem · 1 year
Lowborn Seven(In Order of Age)
Pride - (Stock Companies/Helps Manages the others work)
Pride’s main colors are white and gold. She’s never seen without a perfect suit or dress, often in the most recent fashion she can get her hands on. She is meticulous about her appearance, hair uniform, makeup on point, and a never changing look of a gold watch around her wrist with a Diamond necklace to match. The only thing that she changes in her outfit is her shoes, which always has to have a one inch higher heel than Lust’s. Her horns are the standard demon horn sort, chains of white-gold wrapped around them like braids.
Her personality is of a perfectionist, and she is stubborn about that. She sticks to a schedule, will not deviate from it, and if she did - don’t bring it up. That’s someone else’s fault, not hers. Obviously she had to accommodate another’s problems and had nothing to do with her. Towards her family, Pride feels both great joy and mild aggravation. She doesn’t get how some of them can be so calm, or unwilling to strive towards perfection. Her version, anyway. She feels joy though, in that she truly does love them. She’s just extremely bad at saying so.
Wrath - (No Official Industry, traveling always)
Wrath’s main colors are bright red and deep orange. She doesn’t care that much about what she’s wearing, but can typically be spotted in a casual outfit of a leather jacket, plain shirt, jeans, and combat boots. By the end of the night, they’ll be ripped up and stained. Her horns are snapped off, jagged and burned, and she likes them that way.
Personality wise, Wrath is brash, bold, and screaming for more. She indulges to the extreme in not just her own sin of bar fights and riots, but in her sisters’ sins as well. She’s highly supportive, if a bit aggressive in it to the point of hostility. Violence is the highest art form in her eyes, and where most see a fight she sees a dance. There’s beauty in pain, and she - a beholder.
Gluttony - (Chefs/Restaurants/Bakers)
Gluttony’s main colors are beige and cream, enjoying neutral tones. Gluttony is one of the sisters who changes her outfit frequently, often to match whatever she’s doing at the time or wherever she’s visiting. She’s more picky about accessories, classically enjoying food-themed jewelry and bags. Her favorite is a purse that looks like a jar of jam. Often, if she’s been baking, there’s flour on her nose. Her horns are small, and are dull at the end, looking like a cute ram.
Personality wise, Gluttony is bubbly, giggly, and cruel. Like the false southern belle of drama tv, she’ll titter and laugh all while ripping someone apart. This side of her is saved for those who push her too far, which honestly is a lot of the time. She plays nice enough with her family and those they care about, but it’s a literal hell for anyone else the minute her patience runs out. Brutality with a caring smile, she’s actually the sister with the most soulbound humans - Envy and Greed just at her heels.
Lust - (Strip clubs/Brothels/Travel Agencies)
Lust’s main colors are dark pink and black, wearing both in spades as both a human and demon. She generally goes for looser clothing, but she’ll dress up for “work events”. Her standard outfit is an off the shoulders shirt, long thin skirt, and leather boots. Her “dress up” is a corset in her colors, a short frilly matching skirt, fingerless black gloves and those same boots. On days she’s feeling down, she’ll wear a crown around the office. For her horns, she has two sets in a more goat-like appearance, one set curls around her head and the other outward at the sides. She’s managed to pierce them, so there’s jewelry and chains there.
Personality wise, Lust tends to be overly-affectionate and open to talking about anything. She has a lot of interests, and - as you can guess - feels no shame in any line of questioning. She loves love, in any form, and enjoys being the shoulder to cry on. She’s got a habit of putting others before herself, which unfortunately has tanked her self-esteem in some regards, but when standing up for others has some…ferocious ways to defend boundaries. She takes care of the humans in her work with a motherly sort of protectiveness, and is considered one of the better siblings to work for among other demons.
Greed - (Casinos/Gambling in General)
Greed’s main colors are green and copper. She’s the only Sister to share these colors with her twin Envy. Greed has a…interesting appearance, even more inhuman than her siblings. She looks like someone through a black and white filter, the only color on her being her bright green eyes and outfit, a flapper’s dress accented with copper beads. Her horns are three sets along the sides of her head in a bug-like fashion, pointed upwards.
Personality wise, Greed is a bit of a show off. She wants the attention, the spotlight, to the point of even willingly humiliating herself. She doesn’t care if she’s the best or the worst, as long as people are talking about her. She’ll put this aside for her siblings, especially her twin, and uses her resources to help them however she can. This isn’t exactly a selfless endeavor however, as she loves the feeling of being one of the youngest but being able to provide.
Envy - (Fashion Industry/Jewelry, occasionally joins Greed)
Envy’s main colors are green and copper. She’s the only Sister to share these colors with her twin Greed. Envy actually has the same look as her twin, except in the reverse, like a living shadow. Her copper eyes seem to glow in the dark, hungry and wanting everything, and the green beads along her flapper dress stay quiet even when she moves. Her horns, unlike her twin’s, are pointing downwards.
Personality wise, Envy can be a shy and gentle sort. She would rather people pay attention to her twin than herself, and follows along with most of Greed’s plots willingly. The few times she takes her lead role, she makes a mess out of it all. Pulling the strings of those around her to put those she loves on the pedestal, and feasting on the resentment and envy around her.
Sloth - (Hotels/Vacation Spots)
Sloth’s main colors are purple and blue. She can often be seen wearing baggy shirts and sweatpants, or if in a comfortable environment a nightgown in her colors. Her hair is pretty consistently mused up, an effect from her often trying to take naps, and has shadows under her eyes. Out of all the Lowborn Seven, Sloth actually has the look of a teenager. It’s suggested this is due to her own sleep deprivation, as she is as old as any other demon could be - as in, centuries old. She also has no horns, another symptom.
Personality wise, Sloth is a hot mess of irritable, emotional, and apathetic. She does her best to be as unflappable as possible, but there’s only so much she can handle some days. When her sanity finally runs out, and sleep isn’t coming her way, she ends up being the most aggressive Sister, even giving Wrath a run for her money! After the show that’s that, she’ll end up super upset and crying, only to end up right back into the calmness from before, and the cycle repeats again. She hates being this way, and has tried to fix it, but without the sleep she needs - for her physical and mental health - she’s not getting free anytime soon.
Demon Ranking
Lowborn Seven - The Seven Sisters, only.
Archdemon - Archdemons answer to the Sisters only, and even then their specific Sister takes priority, they act as personal guards or assistants.
Demon - A standard demon, might belong to one Sister’s sin or more, has a little more wiggle room than the Archdemons.
Imp - More like wayward souls than actual demonic entities, brute work mostly or message passing.
Soulbound - Humans who’ve made deals with demons, now in service to them. Only way to break the bond is to go back on the deal, losing what they gained.
Main Challenges
Lust’s Crisis
Lust is having an identity crisis, where she doesn’t just want to be lust anymore. Not sexually at least. She wants to be passion, caring, to be the feelings one gets to travel or adventure. She feels like she can be so much more, even though she enjoys being just sexual lust as well. It’s causing a major problem in her life, as it’s effecting her own view of herself and her mental health.
Pride’s Control
Pride is holding the reigns far too tightly. She thinks things need to stay the way they are now, that they’re perfect the way they are now, and nothing should change. Obviously, with what Lust is going through, this is gonna cause sparks.
Sloth’s Insomnia
Literal, Sloth is constantly between a state of insomnia and oversleeping depending on her biology. Most demons don’t need sleep, maybe an hour or two, but as the Sin of Sloth, she actually needs more - much more. This effects her mood, her health, and her temperament. Very bothersome.
Lucifer’s Reluctance
The Lucifer of the Sevens world is like Lucifer on Netflix - running a bar and not involved with Hell at all. He left, and is having fun in the human world. By doing this, he is reluctant to even get involved in any of the sisters’ issues and it’s making him a…not good ally, or a good father for that matter. He doesn’t want to return, but he just might have to when Lust goes missing.
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justafoxhound · 2 years
I'm late but for the otp ask game: (omg going through these, I feel like I know the answers to a lot of them, so I chose some fun ones heehee 😈) 3. Do they wear the other’s clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.) 8. What happens if one of them gets sick? 14. How do their personalities compliment each other? How do they clash? 19. How do they feel about PDA? 26. What are their vices? 30. Your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits; what is each wearing?
No worries! I don't find many I can rb so any q's whenever is fun. And curious to hear your ideas on some of them??? 👀
Ok I had to think quite hard about these!
3. Do they wear the other’s clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.)
I don't know a girl who doesn't steal her bf's clothes now and again, and Talia is no different. T shirts to sleep in, jacket to pop outside in the rain, or his shirt when she's trying to be enticing 😉
Burke might borrow a scarf or something if it's lying around (which I imagine it always is), but he thinks about his image so it would have to match.
8. What happens if one of them gets sick?
If Burke got sick Tali would be a great nurse. She might surprise him really with how soft she becomes. And quite a lot of her dad's knowledge stuck (she was always smarter than the GOAT said) so an effective one too. Depending how sick he was, he'd just carry on as normal, not letting on, and probably get annoyed at her fussing over him. If it really knocked him out though, well, he'd appreciate her help so no one learned he was sick (sickness = weakness!!), but he would also be pretty arsey company.
If Tali got sick he'd expect her to just get on with it as well, though she isn't the type to whine. But would he offer up a lot of support? It hurts him a little to see her hurting, but I'm not sure he'd acknowledge that until she was already upset with him :( Boy is learning. Tali would be used to having to get on with things, considering how the vault was quite short on population to maintain it. But daddy was a doctor so she’d be missing that compassionate medical aid, it was a time when she got most attention from James and now probably the least from Burke. ☹
14. How do their personalities compliment each other? How do they clash?
Burke is thorough, careful, unbothered by fools, so things won’t get out of hand with Talia’s impulsivity and temper. He has to have everything under control and Tali can see it so it calms her down a lot.
Talia likes to joke around, is headstrong and outspoken, so maybe Burke doesn’t take himself so seriously so constantly. She’s also very sociable and likeable, and perhaps it rubs off on him so he can be a bit more normal. (Moriarty does call him a ‘class A weirdo’ or something in game haha, I think I toned him down a bit but he should have some oddball vibes hehe).
How they clash, hmm, I think they can both be stubborn, leading to fights. Neither wants to apologise after a fight. They both struggle to admit weakness, express their needs, stymying deeper intimacy... At least for now.
19. How do they feel about PDA?
If Burke wants to engage, to any level, he will. He doesn't care. What's going to happen, someone will see them and he'll feel embarrassed?? He doesn't know the meaning of the word. I feel like I wrote him more sombre from the middle-latter part of the fic, but he's quite unpredictable if he's feeling up for some antics (general antics, not just 👀 lol). However if he doesn’t want to or it would put out the wrong image at the time he will shut it down abruptly, even just holding hands. It's quite confusing to be dating him.
Talia doesn't mind doing it, seeing it, whatever. Except for ghouls. Seeing that probably topped seeing a ghoul for the first time as the Scariest Moment of her life (or maybe just new category, Grossest Sight).
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26. What are their vices?
Haha, well Burke is almost all vice isn't he? Greed, arrogance, jealousy, wrath, deceit, and the boozing and smoking. I feel like they drink more around each other, when things are coasting along quite well anyway. 
Talia has always been struggling with anger and doubt, though she gains a lot of self confidence and pride in surviving Events, and being around Burke is only going to gas her up more hehe.
30. Your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits; what is each wearing?
Burke is going to pick some evening gown or cocktail dress isn’t he? With sexy shoes completely impractical for walking anywhere, and underwear that he doesn’t realise can’t be worn with the dress because the straps show or something.
Talia would just try to dress him more casual, with a bit of attitude. She like the bad boys. I imagine she somehow got him wearing a chain or two...
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moemoemammon · 3 years
yay! requests are open! y'know that thing where the s/o being so weak for their partner? I wanted to request the demon bros being weak for their s/o? does that make sense?
like, for example, MC would pout a little, and say 'pwease 🥺' and the demon bros would be like, 'yes, go on, what do you want from me? would you like my-' they'd just be so weak for mc.
I hope that makes sense! also, if it's too much characters, you can just do mammon and satan :) thank you ;3
Their One Weakness: MC!
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
Lucifer is known as the cruel eldest of the brothers. A sadist whose word is law, whose will can only be bent by Lord Diavolo himself. And yet since you came to the Devildom, all you ever seemed to do was the opposite of what he asked. Yet he still came to love you. He wonders if he spoils you too much...
Especially when you always seem to get your way one way or another. When you proposed the chaotic idea of a massive get together between the House of Lamentation and Purgatory Hall, Lucifer immediately said no. It’d be way too noisy and he had things to do.
But THEN... You fixed him with those damn EYES of yours.... The big eyes filled with sparkles and hopes that pleaded to him.... stop staring at him with them big ol eyes-
Lucifer REFUSES to acknowledge how cute you are when you look at him like that. Well, verbally anyway. You look like a kicked puppy...and he loves puppies...
"............I suppose if we prepare right now and get a dinner menu ready, it could be possible. And if you pout any harder you might pull a muscle, and I doubt I could explain that to Lord Diavolo. Now, go tell the others what you have planned."
Mammon is practically the biggest MC simp in the world. You always occupy his thoughts any time of the day. 'Oh, MC would probably like one of these'. 'MC's always eatin' this for lunch. I'll grab one.' 'This would be way less borin' if MC were around...'
But as the Tsundere 🤢 king of the Devildom, there's no way he'll admit to any of that! So what if he's head over heels for you?! That doesn't mean he's gonna be all weak in the knees the moment you-
Wait, you're saying that because he lost a bet yesterday and promised he'd take you out to Ristorante Six and pay for the whole thing, now he's gotta pay up?!?! No way! He doesn't remember what you're talking about, and that voice recording you've got on your phone is clearly fake!
Mammon's dead set on weaseling out of his promise, until you freeze him in place with your pouty face... then you hit him with a "please..?" and the Avatar of Greed swears he might die right then and there.
"Tch..! Damn it, I ain't got a choice when ya look at me like that!!! What're ya playin' at, pulling' my heartstrings like that?! Hurry up and get dressed so we can go! A-and ya better eat your fill, too!"
The founder of the top secret MC Cult Fanclub, there's not much that could keep Levi from becoming putty in your hands. He's used to idolizing the objects of his affection, and you're no exception!
So when it comes to bending to your will, he's definitely the easiest. Except when it comes to n-...normie stuff...
Seriously, do you think someone like HIM should be going to The Fall?!?! No way! Not in a million, billion, trillion years!!!! You shouldn't get him to go to that crowded club even if you dragged him there!!!
Then... you hit him with the cute act... You declare your loyalty to him as his beloved Henry, fixing him with a pleading look that shoots him straight through the heart, and... GAH, HE'S GOT NO CHOICE!!!!!
"At... at least help me choose something to wear..! I don't know how I'm supposed to dress for normie stuff like this!!! Aaah... I wanna stay home, b-but when you say something like that, I just can't win-!"
Satan openly admits to how he likes to spoil you. It's cute seeing how big your grin becomes when he gives you something you wanted, and how happy you are when he takes you out for the evening.
But there are some things even he doesn't want to do, like when you suggest going to a chess tournament with Lucifer. You've been pressured by Lucifer wanting to attend, but figured it'd be easier to sit through with someone else. So why not Satan, who'd mentioned liking chess?
Yeah... he'd go if Lucifer weren't involved. As much as he'd love to go and pull some strings to ruin the match for the dear eldest, he's got something else planned involving a well timed glue bomb and Lucifer's study. So he'll pass.
Or so he thought, until you started poking your fingers together and mentioned how you'd hoped you could both enjoy it together. Kind of like a date..? Gah, his heart and its weakness for unconventional dates-!!!!
"...I... suppose I could go. It’d be nice to study how Lucifer plays, so I can finally beat him. Don't you think the look on his face will be priceless? And if you're there as well, I'll be able to stomach watching his face for an hour."
Asmo LOVES you more than aaanyone!! There's no one who loves you more, you know? Why, he wants to involve you in every aspect of his life, and actively tries to do just that! He's even tried dragging you into the tub with him a few times...
And when it comes to spoiling you, he loves it! He's always the one being spoiled, so it makes him giddy when he can give a little back. If there's anything you want from him, just tell him and he'll make it happen!
Eh? You want to play fangol? With HIM?? Um... pass. You know he just got his nails done, right? Asmo's not really a fan of running around with a ball and getting knocked to the ground, so... no thanks! ❤️
Wait, don't make that face! What're you looking so glum for?? He'll kiss your sadness away, and- Eh?! You don't want a kiss?? You really wanna play THAT badly?????
"....You really don't have me mistaken for Beel, right..? You really want to play with ME? ...Haaaah, fine! I'll play one game with you, and in exchange, you have to spend all of tomorrow with moi! Sounds good, right~? Now let me see if Satan will let me borrow some of his clothes...urgh..."
As a 'go with the flow' guy, there's not much Beel won't do with you, even if it's not really something he's interested in. As long as he has you around and a surplus of snacks, he's fine with anything.
Until you suggest going to Majolish to try on some stylish outfits. You mention how Beel wears variations of the same thing all the time, so it's time for an update! He thinks you're spending too much time with Asmo...
Beel isn't really into tight, itchy, stiff fabrics like the 'stylish' things they sell at Majolish, and decides he'd much rather go to Hell's Kitchen instead. He's hungry. Are you hungry?
'Stop changing the subject'? Ah.. damn it 😔 Wait, now you're saying you just wanted to buy fancy outfits because you were planning to take him to Ristorante Six?! You can't tell if he's blushing over your consideration or the idea of food, but now Beel's looking through the clothes with earnest.
"I didn't know you were the winner of that 'all you can eat' coupon lottery. When I didn't win I was pretty upset, but I'm glad to know it was you. Even if these clothes are weird, I'll wear them. Can you pick something good for me?"
Belphie likes to spoil you in more subtle ways, instead of simping as hard as his brothers. He's still as much of a sucker for you as they are though, much to his dismay. All you have to do is smile and you've got him wrapped around your gross human finger.
But when you mention wanting to go biking with Lord Diavolo and wanting him to come along, Belphie suddenly discovers that his ears don't work anymore. Anyway, goodnight-
Hey, stop poking him like that. Can't you see an deaf man is trying to sleep here?? And what's with that face..? You're pouting so hard you look like you're going to explode. It's cute, but Belphie can close his eyes an not see it.
But then you scoot into bed with him and hold him from behind, and the sleepy demon starts feeling his resolve crumble. You have some dirty tactics, huh..? Getting all cozy with him just because he's got a soft spot for you...
"...............Why Diavolo of all people..? I'd prefer anyone over him. Ugh... Hey, they still rent out those two person bikes, don't they? I'll only go if I can ride on that with you. I'll sit right behind you and cheer you on, okay? ..What's with that look? I'm joking...maybe."
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sukirichi · 3 years
defeat (m.)
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no thoughts, just sparring with naoya in his black tee and fucking him all sweaty
cw. sweaty sex, breeding kink, naoya and his wife are both ass people, doggy style, naoya is very touchy, lame fight scenes lol, creampie, unedited and just brainrot tbh
note. in honor of naoya being a canon ass man and overall just celebrating his sexiness (plus talking to my wife about naoya genuinely awakened my breeding kink) prompted by this ask!
# part of the trophy wife collection
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“Let’s train. Gym, in five minutes,” your husband commands with a playful glare. Rolling your eyes at him, you lean back to make yourself more comfortable on your seat, arms crossed over the robes to show your defiance.
It’s not every day you tease him like this, but training in the middle of the day? You’re not in the mood of it.
One quirked brow from Naoya, though – merely a premise of what is to come if you don’t follow him to the training grounds – has you switching to your yoga pants and a fit shirt to match his outfit. The whole way there, you shamelessly stare at his backside that looks enticing and begging to be squeezed, especially in his light grey sweats that cling to his thighs deliciously.
“You done staring at my ass now?”
“Nope,” you chirp, popping the ‘p’ as he begins to stretch, rolling his eyes at you when you still very much openly stare at his ass. But it’s fine, since he’s doing the same and you’re prompting him to in the first place.
Out of your extensive wardrobe that your husband spoils you with, you had to choose a pair of dark yoga pants that are hugging the outlines of your legs, your shirt barely even keeping you modest as you extend your arms side to side. You and Naoya smirk at one another, cursed energy kept brimmed to the bare minimum as to not hurt each other. Despite always being cooped up in the Zen’in Estate per Naoya’s orders (and you don’t really feel like going out anyway), neither of you doubted your skills in sparring.
Long before he met you, he’s heard of your name spoken in high esteem, another special grade one sorcerer just like he was. This fact remains even as you’re married now, and Naoya closes the gap between your bodies, his gaze directed at your lips and hands trailing up to squeeze your neck, his eyes so hazy that it seems as if he’s not entirely aware of his actions.
“My love,” you purred, clasping the wrist connected by the hand where his thumb is rubbing circles over your vein. “Are we here to train or are you too distracted?”
“A sorcerer must never be distracted.”
“So keep your eyes wide open, sweetheart,” Ducking your head under his grasp, you ram yourself into his chest where he immediately falls on the ground, the wind knocked from his chest. Naoya’s reflexes are fast before he’s up to his feet again to mimic your stance, his arrogant grin showing that he’s not that irritated by how devious you could be, using your allure as his woman to take his attention away, if only for  a little bit. “You look a little tired. Want me to go easy on you, babe?”
“Don’t you dare.”
Cheater, he’s a fucking cheater! Faster than you could comprehend, Naoya already has you pinned before him, your legs locked in place with how he’s shifting his weight onto your ankles. You hated it so much every time he used his technique against you, but then again, there weren’t any rules that stopped him from doing so.
“Well?” he prompts and leans down, hovering his lips right before your ear while you pant under him. “Aren’t you going to fight back? I didn’t invite you here to be boring with me.”
Stifling a laugh, you use your strength to push him off you, and you spar heartily with your husband who seems to be in a good mood, considering the rare influx of compliments leaving his otherwise harsh tongue. It’s no easy feat as he’s skilled even without using his techniques, and the both of you are breathless by the time you’ve delivered and handled the other’s blow by blows, your palms and muscles sore.
Your husband is in no better state.
He’s struggling to catch his breath, his legs bent and his arm drawn over his knee. Naoya chuckles under his breath when you drape your sweaty arms over his back, shameless and wanting as you tap his cheek to urge him in for a kiss.
Albeit grumbling he doesn’t really want to touch you when you’re covered in sweat, he kisses you anyway, smiling before he hitches you onto his lap that you’ve proudly claimed as your throne.
“Where’d you learn to fight like that?”
“Sometimes you forget I’m just like you, Naoya,” you rub your nose with his, foreheads pressed while you rock yourself over his groin. His eyes darken in warning, large hands coming up to knead your ass that you know he worships so much, though he makes no move to stop you, and really, he never would. “Just because I’m your precious little wife who would gladly serve you tea, doesn’t mean I won’t hesitate to hand your ass back to you.”
“Oh, will you, now?” he chuckles, “I’d like to see you try.”
“I already did.”
“Only because I let you,” Naoya mumbles on your lips, his once curious kneading now turning more intentional, more heated. “You’re funny if you think I’m letting you win against me.”
“So then why did you?”
“Because if I do, you’ll let me do this.” This refers to tearing your shirt apart, exposing your sports bra to him that is now clinging to your skin from the sweat, droplets of perspiration dripping from the tips of your hair and down to your flushed chest. Gasping from the torn material, you try to slap your husband’s destructive hands away.
“Naoya, that’s my favorite shirt!”
“Because you like the brand or you know because I go crazy every time you wear it?”
“Both, of course,” you scoff, and Naoya silences your protests by capturing your lips for another feverish kiss. A cheater, a huge, immature cheater he was – he knows so well that you get so weak every time he’s like this, and it really isn’t beyond him to exploit other’s weaknesses for his own enjoyment. And as much as you enjoyed this too, you don’t really want to fuck in a room that smells like sweat.
“Naoya,” pulling away from his sweet lips (which is a shame, really, you could’ve made out with him a lot longer), you ignored the throbbing he’d caused deep within your core. “My love, if you want to fuck me, you should take me back to the room.”
“You’re ordering me around now?”
“You will take me to the room,” you repeated firmly, dragging him down by the collar to force him to look at you. “Be mean all you want, but at the end of the day we both know you want to be buried inside me.”
“You’re not any better, wife,” he remarked, and he squeezes your sensitive breasts as if to prove a point. “At the end of the day, we both know you want me deep inside your tight cunt.”
“So then let’s help each other out.”
Ordering him around was one thing, but compromise? Naoya is a man capable of it, he just doesn’t like to show it because he doesn’t want people questioning his power. Your husband who is mostly anger and greed, his mind clouded by the need to always be better than others, shifts a little just for you as he carries you in his arms, your legs wrapping around his slender waist like second nature.
Naoya must’ve been so eager that you’re back in your room in a flash, with your back bouncing on the mattress and him stripping above you.
“No!” you insist and stop him, “Keep the shirt on. Please?”
“What the fuck for? It’s sweaty and sticky.”
“Exactly, and you look sexy like that.”
“Fucking filthy,” he scolds, but keeps the shirt on anyway and lets you roll it back to his waist. His pants, however, they need to be off. Your husband watches with unmasked interest as you push the band of his pants until you’re throwing it somewhere on the room. In return, you shimmy out of your yoga pants that are now uncomfortably pressed to your skin, discarding all forms of clothing that irritated you. Settling down on the bed, you spread your legs right beside his hips, but Naoya only smirks, groping your knee with a chuckle. “What, you think I wanna fuck you like this?”
“How else then?”
“Oh, come on,” he prompts, “You kept staring at my ass the whole time. I think it’s time I return the favor.”
Without another word, he flips you onto your stomach and grabs you by the waist, giving you no time to relax before your head is pushed back down on the pillows. Naoya’s warm cock is throbbing from your backside and he groans, delivering a harsh smack to the skin before it aches under his touch.
“Such a pretty fucking ass that’s begging to be fucked,” in time to his words, you wiggle your hips at him in a silent complaint to get moving already. Naoya simply grips down on your hips to keep you still, spanking you once more as a lesson. “Don’t fucking move.”
“Naoya, please, just fuck me already.”
“Needy little wife, begging to be ruined, huh?” Another smack.
Shutting your eyes tight, you fist the sheets under you as tears come to life. “Yes, ‘em so needy for you, Naoya, want your cock so bad, please-” Your pleading is cut off when he slides into you in one fluid motion, his deep groans resonating around the room once he’s seated comfortably. Mouth falling open at the pleasure of being stretched so open and shocked by the fact you’d already been so wet, you could barely register the pace he’s started.
Naoya keeps fucking deep into you, slapping your ass repeatedly and calling you his dirty little slut – mine and all mine only, he said. You’re left immobile and whining under him, all of your consciousness centered on the burning sensation between your legs.
Beneath you, Naoya’s hands travel to tug your bra downwards. The material remains stuck under your breasts and you moan around his rough, calloused hands that are expertly kneading your breasts. His pace quickens until his hips are roughly slapping against yours, grumbles and garbled moans mixing in with your little gasps of his name in a desperate plea to be brought to your orgasm.
You feel so raw, so dirty, so filthy like he said.
Sweat and arousal is coated on your skins and everything about this position feels so primal, even more so when he begins to rub at your clit just to push you over the edge. “Oh, fuck!” you grasped his bicep with one hand, the soreness of your muscles extreme.
“Yeah? You like that? You’re such a good fucking girl, taking my cock like a bitch in heat,” he spits in your ear with lust dripping from each word, and his words are enough to make you cum around him.
Walls clamping down on his cock, you hear Naoya grunt above you, his chest now pressed onto your back. You’re crying around him but he only goes faster, he’s so close and like the good wife you are, you help your husband by driving your body back to meet him thrust by thrust. Naoya’s chuckles are stuttered and half mixing in with moans when he runs a hand through his hair, those same hands following in gripping your cheeks to face him.
His kisses are sloppy and short-lived; you’re too busy moaning and he’s struggling to breathe with your pussy convulsing around him. “God, so fucking tight!”
“Hmm, come on, baby, come for me,” you encourage by rolling your hips around his cock, ignoring the fact the oversensitivity is making your legs turn to jelly and your arms are seconds away from giving out on you. But you hold strong, this is the duty of his wife, and you look past your shoulders as Naoya digs his nails into your hips to keep you still while he cums inside you.
“Oh, fuuuuckkk,” prolonged groans spill from his mouth the same way his own cum is released in spurts from your pussy lips.
Satisfied and extremely tired, you fall limp on the bed. Naoya dips two fingers to collect the mess you’ve made and you shudder, but then he lets go of you until your lower body is sliding back down on the bed, eyes droopy from that heated fucking. The minute sounds of sucking is enough to let you know your perverted husband is most likely feasting on your cum, but nothing prepares you for when he pushes them back inside your pussy.
“N-Naoya!” you exclaim and stare up at your husband, whose attention is zeroed in on your pussy lips hungrily encasing his fingers and cum. “What’re you doing?”
“You think that’s enough to get you pregnant?”
“Don’t answer that,” he narrows his eyes and begins to pump his cock that is half hard again, the sight making anticipation and arousal throb all over you. You’ve seen that look on him before, and it’s the face he makes when he’s dead set on accomplishing something. “I’ll keep fucking you until I’m sure you can grant me an heir.”
In combat, you’ll most definitely spar with your husband without fear of losing, but having Naoya in bed when he’s determined on breeding you is a different thing.
This, without a doubt, is the one thing you can’t beat him on. And not that you wanted to, anyway, having him fuck a baby in you does sound nice.
Locking your eyes with your husband, you willingly spread your legs open for him again.
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godlyaffection · 3 years
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Anything For Him
Source Material; Obey Me!
Pairing; Asmodeus x Male Reader
Warnings; None
Summary; It wasn’t uncommon for you to get dragged along on many of Asmo’s shopping trips. Today was like any of those other times, and like alwayse you two were going to enjoy the time you had to spend together to its fullest
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There were too many words to describe Asmodeus, too many words that you could use to describe him. Right now you’d love to describe him as simply a handful. He was running around the store, picking out anything and everything he could get his hands on. You wouldn’t have been surprised if someone confused him as the avatar of greed in situations like this. You, as his boyfriend, got dragged along on many of his shopping trips, which lead to you being in your current situation very often.
You were sat on one of the chairs near the dressing room of Majolish, waiting for Asmo to come out and show you the next thing he decided to try on. It wasn’t all that interesting to be honest, but Asmodeus wanted you there, and you couldn’t say no to him, even if you wanted to. You sat there hearing the quiet ambiance of the store, and the humming from your companion as he presumably tried on his next outfit.
A smile made its way onto your face when the man stepped out of the changing room. He was wearing a suit, or partially a suit. The suit jacket was a peach color, with matching pants. The jacket was also open, displaying the black mesh shirt that was underneath. It was the type of outfit you’d seen going to a concert back in the human world, and somehow it looked perfect on Asmo. The shirt hugged him nicely and the color of the suit complimented him well.
“How does it look?” he asked, although by his tone you could tell he knew what your response would be.
“You look amazing.”
Your comment made the other male grin. Asmo was clearly pleased with your response, choosing to wink at you and spin around, giving you a full view of the outfit. He made his way over to you, choosing to sit on your lap and wrapping his arms around your neck. You placed your hands on his waist as he spoke to you.
“I’m glad you think so darling, but there are just so many other options,” he said, sighing dramatically. “I just don’t know what ones I want. They're all just so pretty.”
He pouted as he leaned more into your shoulder. His hands falling down your back, to particularly to not be intentional. You could feel his fingers start to trace shapes on your shoulder blades. The dramatic gesture, quickly followed by his hands all over you made you roll your eyes.
“Whatever you choose will look great on you.” you responded.
When he didn’t move, you slowly moved his hands up under his jacket. Choosing to also trail your fingers over his back in small shapes. The mesh was an interesting texture under your hands, but the feeling of caressing your partner's body was a nice one anyways. Asmo seemed to feel the same way because he let out a content sigh as your hands moved over him. He was always happy to receive any affection you could give to him. Asmo especially loved when you touched him. It didn’t have to be anything sexual, he just liked it when your hands were on him.
“You know,” He paused, playing with a strand of your hair. “I could get you something. There are so many nice things here, you’d look good in so many of them,”
He was clearly excited by the thought of getting something for you, for one reason or another. And that tone pulled a chuckle out of you. You simply chose to shake your head at him, which he rolled his eyes dramatically at, but the grin on his face gave you more than enough insight to know that he wasn’t actually upset with your response.
You both sat there for a moment more, just enjoying the sensation of being with the other. That feeling couldn’t last forever though, Asmo had to get back to what he was doing before. With a giggle Asmo stood up and started walking back to the changing room. Saying a simple, “I’ll only be a little longer,” before closing the door to try more things on.
You sighed and shook your head, he was a lot to deal with sometimes, but truthfully you wouldn't have wanted him any other way. So if you had to sit there until the store closed, you would. Anything for him.
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plush-rabbit · 3 years
Obey Me: First Date - Brothers' Ed.
A Lucky demon wants to take you out on a first official date!
A/N: I‘ve been stuck in a mood so we get this!! (luci is he shortest with 900 words so take that as you will for the rest of the bois)
It’s a classic date. You’ve both shared meals together- whether it be with the brothers and the others, or just the two of you, but even then, the meals were rushed, they weren’t something so intimate. He takes his time, with planning the date, the time and seating arrangements already plotted before he’s even asked you. Lucifer knows what he’ll wear, he knows what he’ll tell you and it’s all so simple in his mind. He isn’t nervous in the slightest when he approaches you, asking you for just a moment of your time and pulling you into his study. He clears his throat and he looks at you and for a moment, he’s breathless. Pride flows through his vein as blood flows through yours, but for just a moment, for a second that he catches, he’s speechless. However, it isn’t enough to deter him away from asking you to accompany him on a date. He’s in front of you, pulling you to sit beside him and he asks you if you'd be willing to go on a date with him. He tries to hide his enthusiasm when you accept, but it’s evident- his chest puffs a bit and he stands taller, rising up with a sly smile on his face as he tells you excellent, letting you know that he’ll tell you the details at a later time.
He fixes his attire, pulling on his blazer and making sure his keys and wallet are with him. He approaches your room, gives a curt knock on your door and will call your name. He’s the perfect gentleman, smiling and grabbing your hand, bringing it up to his lips where he merely presses them against your knuckles. He compliments you, telling you how wonderful you look. A thought floats in his head that he wishes he had matched with you, but as quick as it came, it’s pushed away. The restaurant is high class and when you give him a worried look, he raises a simple hand. This is a date, he’s going to treat you out. Perhaps it’s a bit much, too forward and high class for a first date, but he wanted to leave a mark. You two sit in a quiet area, closed off by screens away from people, and enjoy a nice dinner. It’s tense at first, you look like you’re lost and given how the meals you’ve had recently have been more than loud, he doesn’t blame you. He takes great care in easing you into the date-pleasantries shared that soon turn into conversations where he hides his smile and you laugh behind your hand.
Once dinner is done, he’ll take your hand and lead you into his car- opening the door for you and helping you inside. The date isn’t over yet, he wants to make this a moment to remember, to have you think back and look at it with fond memories. He talks to you, listing off that you’re going to see a play- it's one that’s been sold out for quite a while, a popular play based on some human myth. It’s for you- he wants you to experience a bit of humanity while here so he sits with you, enjoying the show and staring at your hand that rests on the arm rest. He’ll clench his hand and bite the inside of his cheeks, resisting the urge to take your hand. Pride has faltered for a moment, gone and replaced with a demon who stares at your hand for a bit too long. It isn’t until you tap on his shoulder, murmuring to him that you’re cold, that he removes his jacket and lets it wrap around your shoulders.
The play is over, done and finished with bows and cheers. You tell him how you enjoyed it, pulling on his coat tighter around your body. He doesn’t ask for it back, lets it linger with you a bit longer. It’s begun to drizzle once you’re outside. Your hand reaches out to touch the rain, your palm wet with droplets. The weather- he had forgotten to check the weather. His flustered nature is apparent, his hands tightening and pulling yours back, his eyes scanning for the car. He’ll raise a brow once you start to laugh, raising a finger and pulling an umbrella seemingly out of nowhere- a spell, no doubt. You share that umbrella to the car, taking on his role and opening his door, and closing it behind him.
The drive to the house is filled with idle chatter. You mention how you heard the myth once ago, and you’ll talk about another, wanting to get his opinion. The conversation soon turns into one of both of you chuckling over a Devildom show. It’s lighthearted and his stomach drops when you arrive home. He didn’t want this date to end- not yet, but it’s come to an end. Lucifer still wants to take your hand, to hold it and feel the warmth and how soft you are and though he’s wearing gloves, he’ll take them off to feel your hands. At your door, he’ll do something bold; he may not be able to hold your hand, but he’ll lean down and kiss your cheek, his hand slipping his jacket off from you, and tell you that he hopes you’ll consider another date with him. He bids you goodnight, a pink tint on his cheeks as he walks away, trying so desperately to not touch his lips.
To say that Mammon is nervous is an understatement. It’s not that he’s never had trouble with asking others out on dates before, but for some reason, it’s different. You’re different compared to the others and he’s unsure why it’s you that makes him so nervous to confess or even ask you out on a simple date. But it isn’t just a simple date; it’s your first date with him, the first date that you both will have. While he may have spent some time with you alone before- whether it be eating lunch together while you catch up on homework, or even watching a movie together- it’s never been seen as something like a date. The hangouts are just that, hangouts. There’s no kiss at the end, there’s no hand holding even if he so desperately wants to do that, it’s only him sitting beside you, trying to inch his pinky towards yours and focusing too much on how nice your smile is. He’s Greed, he wants everything, wants everything that’s shiny and expensive and he can have trouble saving money, but in order to take you out on a nice date, he saves up. He’s got a few things in his hoard that he can sell, make a small profit and it makes his blood boil to sell his things, it’s for you.
He opts for a casual date, one where it’s the two of you and maybe it’s a bit too overdone, but it’s with you and you make every experience nice. He doesn’t mind doing the same thing over and over, as long as you’re there. He comes to you, scratching the back of his neck and removing his yellow tinted glasses, and he’s stuttering, his lips scowling and pouting until he takes a deep breath and rubs his hand through his hair. He asks you out, plain and simple, giving himself an assured nod when you accept. He tells you to get ready- he makes claims about how it’ll be the best date you’ve ever been on and how you're going to have the time of your life. On the night of the date, he’s dressed in something nice- an outfit from a past modelling gig that he had and was able to take home. He holds a bouquet of flowers in his hands, the petals glistening with the faint mist, the lighting in the hall not enough to capture the beauty of the flowers and when you answer your door, he tenses when he sees how wide you smile. Your hands brush against his gingerly when you take the flowers and you’re gone for a moment, placing them in a vase you happened to have.
The engine revs to life, the lights flashing in the already darkening sky of Devildom as he exits the house. The drive there is filled with silence in the first few minutes, your hands on your lap and the music playing is too low to drown out the noises from the outside. He hates being so tense with you- it shouldn’t be this hard to engage in a conversation with you. You’ve been living with him for a good while now, he has a toothbrush in your room and a spare charger, he should be able to talk to you. And yet, he can only manage to tell you how the weather is nice. He feels like a child saying that and he presses a bit harder on the accelerator, until he hears you laughing. You look at him, eyes gleaming and smile blinding and you reply back to him. The conversation is easier, it’s light and fun and when you arrive at the restaurant, he can’t wipe off his grin.
He’s managed to take you out to a nice restaurant, maybe not one so fancy because he won’t be able to help himself from showing off, nor is it his style to do that, but it’s a nice one, one where music plays and chatter is echoed in the establishment. It’s a nice dinner. You two chat and dine, you steal food off of his plate when you think he isn’t looking and he does the same. It’s a dinner that he enjoys, where he laughs and gives you his undivided attention, hearing a story that he’s heard before but still being the best audience that you could ever ask for. He orders a dessert, a simple one where you two can share and when you ask him to open his mouth, he does so, biting on your spoon and having to go to the toilet to hide his burning face. On the way back, he wants to extend the date, rapidly searching through his phone, making sure that a show is playing at a drive-in theater. He drives fast, his hand on your thigh and squeezing it whenever he makes a turn. When he hears you laugh, he offers for you to choose the music, offering you his phone to search up whatever playlist you want or song of your choice. When the song is one that he recognizes, he sings with you, loud and laughing, finally slowing down on the accelerator, wanting to make the drive last just a bit longer despite being near the destination.
The movie plays, it’s one where you two end up moving to the backseat, the movie is ignored as you lean into him, thanking him for the date, and you’re curled up beside him. Mammon makes a teasing joke that you shouldn’t fall asleep near a demon- especially one so powerful as him- but you retort back, that you know you’re safe with him. You always are. He nods, unable to respond unless he wants his voice to crack. He’s emotional, there’s no secret to that, but hearing it from you, knowing that you trust him, is enough for him to never want this moment to end. He wants to be in the backseat of his car with you against him, your arm interlocked with his. The credits play and you’re asleep beside him, and as if you had known, you wake up. He doesn’t mind that you feel asleep, will only caress the side of your face and when it seems like he’ll kiss you, he’ll pull away, telling you not to worry about it. The drive home is filled with him explaining the movie, telling you that he had gotten bored halfway through and ended up just researching the movie on his phone. He walks you to his door and he leans for a kiss, his breath a gentle puff against yours, until he pulls away, telling you that he had fun and that he hopes you did too. Once in his room, he tells himself that he’ll ask you out again, and this time he promises himself that he’ll kiss you.
Romance anime has prepared Leviathan for this moment. He’s had people slip away before due to his insecurities and his sin, but not this time. This time will be different. He’s been so involved in anime and drama that he can plan the perfect date for the both of you. It takes an embarrassing amount of time for him to finally work up the nerve to confess. He walks up to you, his hands fisted at his side and his face tinted red with his anxiety rising. He’s stern in his words, asking for you to accompany him on a date, while he tries not to stutter or look away from you. If there’s any time to have confidence, it’s now. He doesn’t want you to think that he’s this nervous demon- he is, but he’s more than that. He likes you and he’s going to show you that through a wonderful first date that is going to leave you wanting more.
He’s nervous and a part of him regrets asking you out but he couldn’t just not ask you out. He had to, he likes you and he likes spending time with you and you always listen to him and he’s so close to running and hiding himself in his room. His thoughts scream at him, telling him to get a grip. He can do this. With a shaky raise of a fist that has been held for far too long, he knocks on your door and waits for you to answer it even if the few seconds that you do are the longest seconds in his very long life. A part of him is terrified that you’re going to flake and another part actually wants you to, but then you open the door, and you look so pretty. Perhaps it’s a bit awkward at first, tense speech and him refusing to look at you, only mumbling a compliment under his breath and being unable to respond to you more than he can. However, once you ask him what you two are going to do on your date, his spirits lift. He talks slowly about the date, a hint of hesitation on his words that he was thinking about watching anime together but that maybe you wouldn’t want that and he decided that going to an arcade and winning prizes- because he’s really good at games- and maybe going to karaoke afterwards would be a good date. When you respond with enthusiasm about the date, he's more than thrilled, grabbing your hand and nodding along, so excited and relieved that you liked his ideas.
The arcade is something that he's looking forward to the most of all. He knows it’ll be fun to sing with you but he’s good at games. He has excellent precision and knows how things work. He can win things for you; he wants to so that whenever you look at the stuffed animal or whatever it is, you’ll be reminded of him and the date. When he’s focused, he’s an entirely different person. Every toss of a plastic ball into a hole guarantees for his score to continue riding, grinning at you and slightly competing as you manage to catch up to him. He holds a toy gun attached to a game steady and manages to hit every monster, pumping his hand and entering his initials into the machine. Wanting to make sure that you aren’t at a disadvantage with the games, he stands behind you, gripping your arms and positioning the plastic weapon near you, and he’s so close, whispering into your ear his hands cool against your warm ones and he doesn’t even realize how close he is until he looks at your flushed face. He backs away, laughing awkwardly and trying to calm his beating heart, pulling you to a crane game despite your round just starting. He shows off just a bit, ginning to you and asking what you would like and it may take him just a bit of rounds, but he gets enough for you to hold stuffed animals in your arms.
It’s late when you leave, a tote bag in your hands of some cute character that he managed to win with his tickets, holds the things he won for you. You play with the lollipop in your mouth, listening to him as he talks about how fun that arcade was and how he wishes that he could have an at-home one in the house. His hand is in yours, and he continues, bumping into you playfully when you mention how he’s had an unfair advantage at you at the games. The sign to the karaoke place gleams in neon, the colors blinking across your faces and he’s pulling you inside, eager to sing with you and eat the food there. The drinks are half-filled, the plates empty as you both sing, stumbling over the lyrics and laughing when your voice catches and squeaks or when he ends up mumbling through a rather fast tempo of the song. He sits you at the end, the television playing with the lyrics as the song plays and you two talk, your hands busy playing with a stuffed animal that he won you. When the time is up, he doesn’t ask for it to extend, rather offering to go back home.
His confidence throughout the date has finally worn thin. He’s gone back to wanting to go inside his room and sleep for a long while. He had fun, there’s no doubt about that, but he’s also exhausted. You stand beside him, giggling and practically skipping home, tugging on his hand and telling him how fun this date was. There’s been enough romance anime, manga and dating simulators in his life to know that this date was a success. You had fun and that’s what matters to him. At your door, he holds your hands, clearing his throat and asking if you would please consider another date with him. Leviathan doesn’t leave time for you to answer, a sudden boost of adrenaline bursting in his body, and he leans down. Hen pecks at the corner of your mouth and when he pulls away, he nods to himself, telling you goodnight and that he had fun as he rushes back to his room. Behind closed doors, he screams into a pillow.
Satan won’t lie. His stomach twists into tight knots, his palms clammy and a growing red hue against his cheeks as he goes to you and asks you on a date- a proper one. It's something simple, something that he wants to share with you despite it being rather cliché. He’ll clear his throat in front of you, stand tall and linger beside you for a few moments. He wants you to accompany him to a bookstore. When you ask if the others will be joining he shakes his head, telling you that it will only be the two of you. He wants to take you out on a date, one where he treats you to a day of activities. When you accept, he nods his head with a smile already on his lips as he proceeds to tell you the details of the date. It’s something safe and expected, one that he knows that the both of you will enjoy and be able to talk and spend time together even after the date is over.
On the day of the date, he makes sure that he dresses his best, his shirt clean and pressed and he’ll walk to your room. He knocks twice with his knuckles, and once he sees the knob twisting, he curses internally- he should have bought you flowers or something of the like- he’s read about human cultures- romance and all, he should have known this. His thoughts are loud and his smile is strained until you open the door and stand in front of him, greeting him with a dark hue against your skin. He’s sure he can hear your heartbeat but even then, it could just be his. He clears his throat and offers his hand to you, complimenting on how well you look. The drive to the store is one filled with idle chatter, his grip on the wheel tight as he nods along and offers commentary that causes him to groan inwardly. He offers for you to get whatever you want, he doesn’t care about the price- not when it comes to you or books. He’s interested, peering over your shoulder and asking if he could borrow the book once you’re done since he would like to engage with you further. He’s close enough for him to smell the mint on your breath and the perfume that you wear and when he pulls away, he tells you that you should both get matching bookmarks- something nice and useful.
You’ll share a meal- nothing extravagant but filling nonetheless. It’s something to get your energy up, as you both head off for the next location. He tells you how excited he is for this one, it’s something that’s been rather popular as of late and he hopes that you enjoy it too. You attend an escape room- something safe for those who are not demons to participate in. He’s quite pleased with himself about this idea- it’s something new, something that you mentioned once about wanting to experience and now he gets to make it a reality. Although, it is for you, it’s also a date and the escape room allows for him to show off his intelligence. He’s excited, walking around and showing clues to you, and once you find the last piece, he’s excited, grinning wide and pulling you for a hug with his cheeks nipped red.
The ride home is filled with laughter. You praise him, clapping your hands and making up nicknames for him on the spot. You praise his intelligence, giving him credit for figuring out the harder puzzles and telling him how you would have never guessed about certain things. With each praise is him shaking his head, smiling and laughing as you continue. His cheeks hurt with how much he’s been smiling and his stomach aches with laughter. Yet, you continue on, complimenting him and you smile for him. He makes a mental note of having the both of you attend something of a similar caliber for your next date. It’s then that he realizes that he still has to ask you and somehow, he’s still filled with nerves. He takes a glance at you, his gaze meeting your reflection and you both share a smile. He’ll ask you out on another date soon, he promises to himself.
He helps you carry your bags to your room, and when you offer for him to stay so you can read a bit of the books together, he’s more than happy to make himself comfortable by your side. It’s quiet in the room, a comfortable silence when your arms touch and books are in your lap. Satan hates to admit it, but the words in the book are nothing more than just words, he’s much more focused on you, watching you read and let your finger run down the edges of the paper. He wants to talk to you, will continue and push for conversation about the book as to why you chose that one, and asking for recommendations or other books that you might want to read. Once it’s late, your eyes growing heavy and yawns much more prominent, he’ll bid you a farewell. He holds his books in his hands and sucks in a deep breath before leaning in to give you a rough kiss on your cheek as he tells you thank you for accompanying him on a date today. When he’s alone, he’s fiddling with the matching bookmark you both have.
It’s no surprise that Asmodeus has been on many dates with countless demons and humans, but even so, he tries to make each date something different, nothing that overlaps and can still come across as memorable. He’s already his charm to rely on and even without that, he’s beautiful and confident that most people fall for him and his advances. However, you don’t fall for him immediately and at first, it was something he lusted after, knowing that you were immune to his charm, but still attainable. He’s stressed over it, having to figure out if you’d prefer a more blunt approach or rather something classic, and it’s a difficult time for him. He’ll ask you on a date, his mouth becoming dry and chest still as he waits for your reply and once you accept, he gives an excited nod, making sure to tell you the details at a later point. Once in his room, he’s giggly, clutching at his chest and unable to stop his grin from growing. He has a date with you, and it’s going to be memorable.
He’s been so preoccupied with thinking about how to ask you on a date that he comes to a realization that he has yet to figure out what the date will actually be. The date has to be something that has left you with a fuzzy feeling whenever you and him would recount it. He wants to make the date memorable, something where he knows that if he had to recall the day, he’d be able to recall you, to recall the exact moments. It’s hours of research- dates that range from classic, to cliché, and even to things more on the adventurous side. Hours of research ends with him deciding to escort you to a botanical garden. It’s perfect for both him and you- you’ll be able to fit in with the scenery, something beautiful and he could flaunt his knowledge of the flora of Devildom and capture wonderful pictures for the both of you.
It’s a fine place for a date where you both can enjoy yourselves and spend some quality time together. He’s touchy, wanting to hold your hand but as he begins to move, his hand bumping into yours, he apologizes rather than holds it. He’s nervous. His charm doesn’t work on you- whatever you fall for, will be him, you’ll like him for him and not because of his abilities. It terrifies him for a moment, holding a camera with a stiff posture as he snaps a photo of you sitting at the fountain. He hadn’t even realized that he was so stiff until you came to hold his hand, your palm against his and it’s then that he allows himself to relax. He gives your hand a squeeze, going to thread his fingers with yours, opting to take a picture together at another exhibit, pulling you with him. He wants to take pictures with you- you both look amazing and it would be a waste to not have something memorable from this date. The pictures are cluttered with stickers and different poses- ones of you solo and others of him, and it’s fun for him. When your attention is taken from him, he stares at his phone, and a part of him wants to show you off to his followers, but he keeps the pictures to himself, sliding the phone into his pocket and grabbing your hand to lead you elsewhere.
Afterwards, you are taken to a wine testing. It’s more for him rather than you, just a way for the nerves that linger on him to finally give away. It’s simple and he’s greeted when he enters, already purchasing the tickets and keeping you close to him. He walks with you, sipping the drinks that are offered and when you take some, he clicks his tongue. He’s forgotten that most of the alcoholic drinks in Devildom don’t have an effect on you. You make a remark on how it tastes like juice only to peer at him and clear your throat. You bring a hand to your chest, posed dainty-like and with the drink in your hand, you make some outlandish remark that has him sniggering. He mimics you, having fun and eating the few snacks provided, making claims how the wine is exquisite. When finally alone, he whispers to you how the wine is actually rather fine, nothing too extraordinary.
You two rest in his room, his legs resting above yours and his hands busy as they massage yours. He’s laughing, his cheeks a bit flushed and eyes closing slowly as he listens to you tell him how you enjoyed the date. His fingertips run over your nails, tracing the edge of it and sliding back down your finger, to intertwine your hands together. When he hears you yawn, he opens his eyes, rising to rest on his forearms. He’s handsome, he’s always been, but with flushed cheeks and slightly ruffled hair and the light in his room making his skin appear as if it were glowing, then it’s a different type of handsome. Asmodeus brings your hands to his chest, his hand clenching tighter around yours. He’d offer for you to sleep in his room for the night, but he’d rather have you wait until you were comfortable with that. He walks you to your room, telling you that he had a wonderful time. At your doorway, he kisses the tip of your nose and thanks you for the date and that he hopes you’ll consider another one with him. In his room, he stares at the pictures that you both took together, making the one that you had taken together, his lock screen.
Beelzebub is stuck between a rock and a hard place. He wants to ask you out on a date and he’s positive that you would agree to go out with him- even just for one date- but he doesn’t know where to take you. He’s tempted to take you to an all-you-can-eat buffet but that’s more for him rather than you. He thinks about taking you on a hike but even then, you might not be used to the more natural terrain of Devildom and he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if you accidentally hurt yourself with him. A horrible aspect of his sin is that people assume that whatever he has to say will be about food and while they might not be totally wrong about that- most of the time- it isn’t his fault. His sin is gluttony, he’s in a constant state of hunger that he isn’t able to control. A buffet or dinner would be something that you both have done again and again, and he wants something new, something where you two can spend time together that can be new and fun. With his phone in his hand, he sends you a quick message asking if you would like to go on a date with him and when you reply with a yes, he can’t stop smiling.
The day before the date, he’s still scrambling to find something fun for the both of you, not wanting to do anything out of the ordinary for him and nothing too extraneous for you. He’s scouring the internet until he lands on a perfect idea. He’s sure that he has chosen the best date that you have been on. It’s a simple thing- taking you to a pottery date. It’s fun and simple and you two can paint the already available statutes together. He’s a bit bummed that you aren’t able to actually mold something into shape but it was a last minute plan that he had come up with and you still seem to enjoy the aspects of painting something with him. He and you talk over the music that varies from the different realms and when he starts humming a song, he can feel your eyes on him. He shrugs his shoulders, looking away with red tipped ears as he continues to paint the sculpture. Midway, he clears his throat and calls your name. It’s a silly idea, and he’d understand if you don’t want to do it, but he’d appreciate it if you would swap sculptures for a bit- think of it like those online trends, just for a few minutes for him to paint yours and vice versa. It helps if you think of it as a reminder of the date and when you agree, he’s ecstatic, carefully painting onto yours, so careful to not mess up the art that you’ve already done on it. Once you both are done, signatures dotting the areas that belong to yours, you leave the sculptures to get glazed and he has the brilliant idea of having that as an excuse to bring you back for another date.
As his luck would have it, once you both exit the establishment, his stomach growls. He’s hungry and while he’s able to keep a decent control of it, he knows that his nervousness for the date isn’t helping his hunger. With a rather embarrassed expression decorating his features, he asks to go get something to eat. He didn’t want this date to be about his sin, for him to have to admit that food is something permanent on his mind but when you cup his face, titling him towards you, you nod. You eat a quick meal, sitting beside him as you eat from a container, offering him some of your fries in exchange for a sip of his drink. He can’t help but stare at your lips when you tap a sip from his straw and without being too eager, he takes a sip following you, his stomach twisting into knots when he realizes that you both had an indirect kiss.
After a quick meal, he decides to take you to an aquarium. He knows that you haven’t seen a good portion of the animal life of Devildom and you’ve mentioned before how you’ve always been a bit interested in the ocean so he decided that an aquarium would be perfect. He holds your hand and as you both walk around, he makes a few jokes that you can’t quite tell are jokes or actual statements about how he had probably eaten a few of the sea creatures when he was just starting out with his sin. He holds your hand, walking through the tunnels as creatures swim above and beside the both of you. You hold his hand tighter, bringing yourself closer to him when a rather dangerous looking creature keeps eyeing you. He waves off your concern, explaining a bit of the sea life, holding your hand tightly and pulling you close. He offers to take you to the gift shop if you’re getting a bit too scared, and a part of him hopes that you’ll accept. He wants to get you something from there despite how expensive the times could be, but it’ll be another memory of the date that you both shared.
With a steady hand, he guides you to the gift shop, letting you pick whatever you want as he chooses a matching one for himself. Beelzebub wants this date to be something that he’ll have memorabilia for. He wants the matching stuffed animals or pottery with each other’s work done on it. He wants to be close to you, to share something with you that no one else can. It’s been a long day, one where you’ve walked the entirety of the aquarium, and he can tell that you’re growing tired, your steps smaller than before. He offers to carry you- it’s something that he’s done countless times due to loving affection. He carries you on his back, a hand on your thigh and holds your hands that wrap around his neck. He chats endlessly, talking about how some of the sea creatures are harmless, how others eat things with more meat, and anything else as long as he can hear your voice and feel your breath against the shell of his ear. At your door, he wants to kiss your lips, wanting more than just an indirect kiss that you both had shared but he can’t bring himself to do that just yet. He kisses your cheek, his bottom lip pressed against your jawline and the other on your cheek. Once in his room, he asks if you’d be willing to have another date with him, his heart beating rapidly as he holds the stuffed animal in his hands, waiting for your reply.
The Avatar of Sloth finds himself at a loss on where he could take you to on a date. He wants something special for you, wants the date to outshine any dates you've been on before or will ever go on, but even he knows that that is a feat that he can’t accomplish. Belphegor knows his sin better than anyone else. He knows that he gets tired easily and that most things drain his energy or at least seem to despite how much he actively wants to do something. There are only so many date ideas that he can decide to take you on that don’t involve too much energy. So fixated on where to take you, he realizes with annoyance that he hasn’t even asked you out on a date but even then, the two things go together. He can’t have a date without you and he can’t have you without a date. He wants things to be fun, he wants you to have a good time with him and want to have another date with him. It’s a first date, it’s supposed to be fun, it’s supposed to be where the both of you can be together and have fun, but for some reason, he’s unable to come up with anything original. Perhaps it would be easier to ask you out first and then maybe with a time limit, he could rush to pick something fun for the both of you. Without realizing the time, he sends you a quick message, telling you that you two will be going out soon.
Despite thinking that having a limit would help him figure out things faster, it only serves to stress him out more than necessary. He wants to take you somewhere you nice, somewhere where you two can talk and not run the risk of any awkward silences. He thinks about taking you to a movie, that way you two would have something to talk about afterwards but a part of him worries that he would end up falling asleep. He opts for a picnic date. It’s something that can be done together and he’s sure that you would enjoy it. He plans extensively, buying foods that the both of you like, making an effort to buy a nice basket and finding the perfect blanket that will add nicely and be soft to the touch. The day of the picnic, he feels a bit out of place walking up the hill at the park, holding a picnic basket as you hold the blanket he had gotten. It’s so much work and he can already feel himself growing tired but he forces himself to stay awake.
The moon glows brilliantly above the both of you and there’s a gentle breeze. You both assort the plates and meals, and when he catches you taking a quick bite of a snack, he can only snort. You sit beside him, eating from your plate, and looking up at him when he’s a bit too silent. He doesn’t want to force a conversation because he knows that it’ll sound tense but the moment is tense and he hates it. He doesn’t want this date to be tense- he wants it to be fun but he doesn’t know how. When you steal from his plate, he glares at you only to end up laughing when you smile innocently at him. The conversation grows easier, fluid and laughter as you both lie beside each other on the blanket. He points out the constellations that he can see, telling you stories about them as he inches his hand closer to yours. His fingers circle around your ring and pinky finger as he continues to talk without a pause in his voice. His voice grows soft, his words gentle as he tells you that at a different part of night, you can make out a constellation that happens to be his favorite. He doesn’t voice that he wishes for you to join him for another date in order to catch a glimpse of it.
With tired limbs, you both head back home, only to stop in front of a coffee shop. It’s early enough that you both stop inside. You both order something sweet to drink, leaning beside each other at a table. You tell him how back in the human realm there are moments of different types of moons and that you always enjoyed seeing the moon grow so big that you could see the craters, taking beauty in the moon and making a reference to something that he doesn’t understand. You can only snort at his confusion, finishing your coffee as you lean your head on his shoulder. He doesn’t know whether it’s his sin affecting you or just the fact that you’re tired, but he takes you home, finishing his own cup and holding you hand in his.
The picnic basket is devoid of food, the blanket wrapped neatly and tucked between your arms as you both make your way home. A part of him wishes that he could ask you to spend the night with him, just to cuddle and sleep together, but he knows that it might not be appropriate given that it is your first official date with him and not him pulling you onto his lap. He’s at the steps towards the attic, his gaze everywhere but at you because he doesn’t know how to end the date. Of course, he wants another one, of course he enjoyed it but he doesn’t know what to say without it coming off as sarcastic. He fiddles with the end of his shirt, watching in the corner of his eye at how you begin to open your mouth. Maybe it would have been better to hear what you had to say, a desperate attempt to extend the date just a bit longer, but he wants to hug you. He pulls you close, buries his face in the crook of your neck and lets his hands slip to the middle of your back. His breath is hot on your neck as he tells you that he’d like to have another date.
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sleepylixie · 3 years
Lost Boy
Swan Prince! Felix X Princess! reader 
Fantasy AU, Retelling of the Swan Lake. 
5k words, Romance(Fluff/Angst), Beware of mentions of death(Only mentions, with respect to curses and general dark magical behaviour)
A/N: @crscendoforsung​ hallo, Soro!! Tis me, your Secret Santa!!! You’ve been such a sweet soul (That Jisung anon of yours is so cool. btw-) and I hope you like this little offering to make the end of your year a little bit sweeter! This idea seemed to fit your vibe (and Felix) too well, so I just had to give it a spin~ This here marks the start of Christmas on Sleepylixie!! As always I will be incorporating high fantasy into the stories you will be seeing and I hope all of you enjoy reading them! Huge thank you to @aliceu @decembermoonskz and @seraplantery for helping me through moments of writers block hhhh- Do let me know what you think, my ask box is open!~
Drop me an ask! || Masterlist
I love you as misfortune loves orphans, as fire loves innocence, and as justice loves to sit and watch everything wrong. -Lemony Snicket
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The first time you met him was quite by chance. You’d broken away from your maids,  eyes glowing in the darkness as you strolled through the woods, humming an odd tune to yourself. It was a full moon night, so you’d headed out under disguise for a night time frolic in the nearby woods. You’d forgone the heavy skirts and tiaras of your royal wardrobe for the looser bodice and thinner skirts of a homespun dress your maid lent you, tendrils of breeze and grass grazing your ankles as you moved. 
All too suddenly, you stumbled  into a clearing by a lake- it was small but beautiful, almost ethereal with it’s still waters and edges disappearing into the shade of the trees. But what caught your eye was a slash of  of white against the darkness of the far shore- upon squinting, you realized it wasn’t a bird, but a boy. Evidently, he’d noticed you too, because he straightened up from his kneeling position, head cocking to the side as his eyes scanned yours.
You smiled at him uncertainly, unsure of whether you were invading a moment of privacy or worse, a moment of dark magic. Your own magic roiled inside you, careful of the possible threat this boy could pose to you. However, he only smiled back, and stepped onto the water- walking over the surface, almost gliding across the lake to your side of the shore. He didn’t leave a single ripple in his wake, almost like he was just an apparition floating right above the water. You watched in silence as he he stepped out of the lake, coming to a stop in front of you.
He was slight in build, almost birdlike- but his shoulders seemed strong under his white and gold outfit. His bright golden eyes curved softly above his cheekbones, burnished bronze hair falling elegantly over the planes of his forehead.
“Hello, mortal.” His voice was deep, instantly sending shivers of wonder down your spine. “Or should I say royal?” He smiled, rosebud lips parting slightly as he nodded at the signet ring on your finger, the only sign of your heritage. He had a sharp eye for detail, this strange boy who could walk on water. Perhaps he was Fae?
“You know of my heritage, but I know not of yours,” you hedged, not wanting to give him your name; names held power, after all. The boy grinned wider, poking his tongue into his cheek as he eyed you amusedly. “You may call me Felix, darling.”
He wasn’t Fae, after all. He was from a far off land, he said, beyond the bounds your kingdom knew of.  He was to stay in these very woods as an apprentice with a family of magic wielders and alchemists. He was an easy talker and an even easier listener; he enjoyed your accounts of the royal court and the parlour you presided over and your evenings of sneaking past the guards into the night markets.
It was a peaceful time with him, walking amongst the woods- you forgot that you were supposed to be with your maids, basking in the new companionship you’d found. You enjoyed Felix’s company, you realized as the night wound down, making way for a new dawn as Felix led you to the edge of the woods.
“You must come see me in the castle gardens,” You smiled, clasping his hands in yours. Felix eyed your intertwined hands before looking back up at your face. Your eyes were bright, your skin glowing against the soft morning sun. “It is a glorious place, you will love the magical herb-house, and oh, the fountain too-”
“I would be honoured, princess.” He bowed his head slightly, suddenly shy. “But I am a being of the night. Visiting after twilight isn’t the most becoming of a lady of your stature, I’m certain.”
Your brows furrowed; he was right, but you did not want to entertain the possibility of never meeting your new friend again. Stars knew when you’d get to sneak this far out of the castle again. “It matters not, dear friend.” you declared. “I shall slip past the guards into the garden, if it allows me to see you again. That is,” you fumbled, a wave of awkwardness invading your mind as you dropped his hands and stepped backwards.  “That is, if you would wish to meet me again, I do not mean to impose-”
“As I said, princess,” Felix smiles-no, smirks, backing up into the trees, almost melting into the shadows. “I would be honoured. Until next moon, then.”
True to his word, you saw him standing next to the fountain from your room balcony the next full moon. Slipping past your guards and into the garden, you found Felix gazing around in wonder, eyes bright as he took in the sight.
The wide fountain was set in the center of a large square hedge of rose bushes. At the center of the fountain was the sculpture of a long-haired mermaid with a trident in her twisted hands, face serene as water gushed around her stone-scaled tail. At night, the water shimmered in the moonlight and the soft glow of the moonflies that flitted around the area, making the scene all the more exquisite.
You loved the privacy and peace the fountain provided you, with the tall rose hedges and the flow of water. The moment you stepped into the hedge, Felix’s eyes shot towards you, widening in wonder. You were dressed in lilac gossamer, a silver cape akin to butterfly wings draped over your shoulders and a matching silver wreath woven into your hair... You looked less like the girl-next-door he met and more like the heiress of the kingdom he lived in. He averted his eyes, rubbing the back of his neck. “You… You look breathtaking, Your Highness,” he murmured, bowing low.
You giggled as you walked towards him, your skirts dragging on the grass. “Felix, please. I’m no more than the girl you met at the lake during the last moon. I plead you to not see me otherwise when I am dressed in the garb of a royal.” He straightened up and smiled at you, his demeanor relaxing almost instantly after hearing your familiar voice. He looked almost angelic in the light of the moonflies, bouncing off the glitter on his eyelashes.
“As you wish, princess.” He turned back towards the fountain, letting his fingers trail in the shallow water of the pool as he sat on the edge. “You were correct, this garden is a work of art.”
“It is, isn’t it?” You responded, sitting next to Felix on the edge of the pool, uncaring of your pretty garments. “The gardens take up a good half of the castle grounds. I love spending my nights there. The herbhouse, in particular. We grow a lot of the kingdom’s alchemical herbs ourselves, so I’d suggested we supply them to those who need it for no cost.” Felix glanced at you in surprise, his fingers twirling together two streams of water from the pool. “That’s generous.”
“It’s our duty as royals to make our subjects’ lives as easy as we can,” you shrugged, leaning your head back to watch the stars. “While levying taxes is a necessity, it felt prudent to cut down costs for a normal man and make alchemy available to all. Knowing what herbs are used for what can save lives someday.”
“That’s very noble of you, princess.” He murmured, his lips quirking up as he stared into the night sky. “I’ve seen royals that are drunk off the crown’s power to the point of greed and gluttony. But here you are, giving everything you can for your subjects. It’s admirable, really.”
“As I said, it’s my duty.” You let your attention slip to the pretty shapes Felix was conjuring out of the pool’s water. “Now, tell me, how has your time in the woods been?”
As you grew into adulthood, your daily responsibilities became larger, but you welcomed it. You’d trained and studied for years so you could take on the mantle of crown royal for your kingdom, and you were only too willing to make your contribution to council meetings and parlour galas alike. However, your friendship with Felix was like a safe haven from the day’s happenings, a space where you could just be Felix’s companion and not a royal with responsibilities.
The both of you grew more and more comfortable with each other, letting yourself slip into familiarity when you were together. You showed him all your favourite corners of the garden, but your favourite place to spend time together was at the mermaid fountain. You’d always meet there at the last midnight chimes on full moon nights and sit at the stone edge, talking and flicking water at each other.
He would always bring you enchanted wreaths of flower crowns that wouldn’t wilt for weeks- it was for you to remember him by until the next full moon, he claimed. You would wear them everyday until the magic wore off, counting down the days until you got to see Felix again.
The first time you met him was quite by chance. It had been almost a year since you’d begun to meet Felix in your expansive garden. He was waiting for you by the fountain, just as he had a year ago- but something was different. He’d normally be trying to catch the moonflies or playing with the pool’s water, but today he was looking straight at the entrance of the hedge, almost like he was waiting for you.
“Good evening to you too, sunshine.” You smile, walking straight into his arms, as you always did. Hugs were your way of greeting your magical friend from the woods, once you’d caught on that Felix loved physical affection. He’d normally catch you and swing you around, the two of you trying to stifle your laughter as he set you down. This time however, he pulled you closer by the waist, pressing you to his body as he nuzzled his nose into your neck. A shiver of apprehension slithered down your spine. This wasn’t normal.
You pulled back, but his arms tightened around you, restricting your movement- and that was when you noticed it. His normally gold eyes were the darkest shade of obsidian black, his lips pulled back slightly in a smirk. Instead of his usual outfit of golds and whites, he was dressed in stark red and black, making you stumble back at the realization. In your haste to see him again, you hadn’t noticed his clothes, demeanor or eyes, none of which alluded to the boy you were used to meeting.
“You’re not Felix.” You said out loud, hoping against hope that you were wrong. But the boy that stood before you cocked his head, an action that you were so used to seeing from your friend but right now, looked like a foreign action of pure impertinence. “What makes you think so, princess?” His smirk grew wider. You stood your ground, hackles rising at the almost insulting tone he was using. “Was it the clothes? Or maybe the fact that I’m making it obvious how much I enjoy touching you?”
Your teeth gritted as you let out a snarl of your own. “ Watch your mouth, Felix.”
To your surprise, Felix let out a laugh, sticking his tongue in his cheek- another familiar action that seemed disrespectful on this.. This impostor. “Are you scared of me, sweetheart?” He cooed, taking another step towards you. Your magic stuttered to life as adrenaline rushed through your body, an invisible protective forcefield molding itself around your body. “Oh, that’s adorable.” He laughed again, loud and derisive. “That forcefield doesn’t hold a candle to my kind of power, princess.”
“If you’re Felix, prove it.” You demanded, the fear sharpening your senses to cold awareness.  He rolled the cricks out of his neck, training his jarringly black eyes on you again. “We met at a lake a year ago this day. Or rather, you met my twin. He’s the one you’ve been meeting all this while, although I’m loath to admit it. I guarantee you, I’m much looser with my tongue than my damned twin is.”
“If Felix is your twin, what’s your name?” Your voice was cold, devoid of the fear that was rippling through your veins at the moment. “I’m Ellix. Pleased to make your acquaintance, princess,” he spit the endearment out like a curse, dropping into a mocking bow. When he rose, his lips quirked up in the same arrogant smirk, his hands running through his hair. “And who said anything about different bodies?”
A quiet knocking awoke you from your slumber the next night, prompting you to sit up and pull the bedcovers over your body. Were you hallucinating? You hadn’t slept at all the previous night, still reeling from the oddity that was Felix. You ordered him to leave the premises immediately after his strange declarations of having a twin… in the same body? He’d held his arms out, pouting for another hug, but you snarled at him until he left. 
Another knock brought you out of your reverie; you were definitely not imagining it. Pulling a robe around your body, you stepped out into the balcony, to be faced with an unfamiliar boy standing next to the railing, his hands twisting together nervously. He had jet-black hair that engulfed his forehead and high cheekbones that made his round eyes look bigger. Your heart dropped slightly; you were hoping it was Felix, here to explain himself. You needed explanations, and your midnight companion was the only one who could give them to you.
“Your Highness, Many apologies for the late hour.” the boy bowed, his voice high for a male, yet smooth- you shook yourself. You were comparing his voice to Felix’s infinitely deeper one. “Who might you be?” You questioned, your voice even.
“I.. well, I’m Han Jisung, your Highness. I’m from the Twilight Woods. You’re Felix’s companion?” The mention of  Felix’s name had you jolting to attention, but you kept your face schooled to polite indifference. “What is it to you?”
“I heard that he.. He wasn’t himself when he came to you the previous night. I felt it prudent to come to you with the information you must be seeking, because Felix won’t tell you himself.”
“On whose authority do you hold this information, Jisung?” you demanded- you were not going to be duped by dark magic. You magic probed him shamelessly for traces of dark magic, turning up with nothing but an airy silence. “On my own, your Highness,” Jisung smiled sadly. “I’m one of the people who know the truth. I’m His Highness Prince Felix’s elder brother, second in line to the Twilight Throne.”
“The Twilight Woods outside your kingdom has had its own royalty, ever since it’s inception. We preside over the woods and the surrounding lands and make sure our subjects don’t wreak too much havoc in your lands. Our folk are wilder, they live much longer than your subjects outside the woods and reside further into the woods than any of your folk would dare to wander. The lake you met my brother at is one of the entrances to our kingdom. For the past 200 years, our uncle has ruled the Twilight Woods. His 3 daughters were in line for the throne- but Mina abdicated and Chaeyoung ran away, leaving only… Sana.
“Everybody knew that she was courting the darkness, with her obscene interest in blood magic. When the King our uncle found her in the middle of a pentagram with her hands wreathed in shadows and her lips red as blood, he knew Sana was beyond help. He had her banished immediately, leaving only my little brother and I as choices for ascension to the throne.
“My brother is blessed with an almost endless bank of magic, but he was a creator first, a royal next. His dream was to become an alchemist, providing treatment and protection to the kingdom with his potions. The kingdom loved him, as did our uncle. He saw greatness in my little brother- in his golden heart, infinite power and unflinching moral compass so he chose Felix as his heir apparent.
“The kingdom rejoiced the new era of their to-be king. The coronation was to be the most special day of all our lives. But that Christmas Eve, days before the coronation… Sana broke through the kingdom’s defenses and ravaged her way to the castle. She trapped Felix in a wall of fire in the throne room, rendering any of us unable to help.
“Even his endless power was no match for the abomination she’d become. When she subdued Felix, she.. she placed a curse on him, condemning him to the life of a wordless bird- a swan by day and only reverting to himself by night. She… She gave him no ultimatum. Just that… that she’d give him 50 years to try and find a loophole, just for her sick amusement. If he failed, he would spend the rest of his existence as a swan, completely losing his humanity.
“What we didn’t anticipate was his magic taking a hit from the curse. The internal war his endless magic had with Sana’s curse had created a.. Well, a dark alter ego. We… We called him Ellix. One that was consumed by his base desires and lacked the grace that my brother normally held himself with. Between the curse and the possibility of meeting Ellix at sundown...there was no way he could possibly take the throne. We are not many months short of the 50 year mark, and the stress and fear he’s feeling just means that Ellix is awoken more often than not.
“Yesterday was one such day when Ellix came out to play, and I must apologize on his behalf. You have been a dear friend to Felix ever since you met him. It would shatter him to realize that his own alter ego had damaged a companionship he holds so close to his heart. Ellix is Felix’s darkest, most depraved impulses put into a persona. It is not the Felix you know, the way no mortal is defined by their darkness.
“When he does meet you again, I implore you to not push my little brother away. He is a lost boy, his power and sense of duty beyond that of beings wizened and old. He needs a friend that doesn’t see him for his curse but for the individual that he is. All I ask of you is to be that person for him, for these last few months of his life.”
You waited impatiently for the next full moon, barely focusing on your daily royal duties as you counted down the days. As the full moon night got closer, you steeled your nerves, prepared for the possibility of meeting Ellix- a persona that you were woefully unfamiliar with despite the familiar face he carried. This was just another facet of the Felix you knew. How was this any different from the different faces of a mortal’s personality? You would not be bowed by his drastic change in behavior, you decided.
You hurried your steps as you made your way to the mermaid fountain,  the delicate iron chains around your shoulders clicking softly against the midnight blue fabric of your dress. Rounding the edge of the hedge, your eyes instantly caught Felix’s- no, this was Ellix. His eyes were the same obsidian black as before, standing out starkly against his honey skin and the gold circlet that rested on his forehead. You took a deep breath, calming your nerves. His lips dragged up in a smirk akin to the ones he’d flashed at you the previous moon. “If you’re done taking in my appearance, darling, I must say you look absolutely ravishing yourself. ” You rolled your eyes, pursing your lips against the smile that bubbled to your lips unbidden. “If you’re going to behave like a creepy elder with me, Ellix, I guarantee you I will not be hugging you, or walking with you anytime soon.”
A surprised laugh spilled from Felix, his dark eyes lighting up with amusement. This was banter the two of you were used to, indulging in the easy back-and-forth for hours on end. “No hugging or walking for us then, darling.” The endearment spoken in Ellix’s voice struck a chord, sending a familiar shiver of wonder down your spine. “What do you think about talking?”
You grin back at him, taking his hand and leading him to the edge of the fountain. “That is most definitely my cup of tea.”
That full moon night cemented your companionship with Felix’s dark alter ego- who wasn’t as dark as he made himself out to be. Ellix was much more easy with his magic than Felix, using his powers to do even the smallest of things. He was also more confident, almost confrontational with his opinions and his sentiments- even if they weren’t in line with yours. You enjoyed the new dimension to your banter, although a small part of you missed the softness that came with Felix himself.
Despite his openness, however, you couldn’t bring yourself to ask about the curse, or the story Jisung had entrusted you with. It seemed too big of a topic to breach- one that Ellix or Felix would have to address by themselves. So you let the conversation flow in the way they wished it to- quick witted banter and almost flirtatious comments.
The next moon had you encountering Felix again, and you were quick to jump into his arms and he swung you around, the two of you laughing brightly as his eyes crinkled, the jewels under his eyes twinkling softly. He left behind a bracelet of rose-petals and a matching rose wreath. The moon after brought back Ellix, this time with his ornery smirk and a kiss on your cheek before he melted into thin air. 
The fluttering in your stomach every time he said something mildly flirtatious, brought out those presents, or let his touch linger for a second too long wasn’t lost to you. You’d felt floaty and obscenely happy with Felix ever since the first time you met him, the quiet nervousness melting into heady peace and teasing banter every time you met after that. When Jisung told you about the curse, the first thing you felt was a wave of concern that you knew instantly was far beyond the bounds of friendship. You wanted to find him and engulf him in your arms, hold him close and tell him he was brave, strong, more special than he allowed himself to believe. You wanted him to stay close by your side, not for one full moon night but for the rest of your lives so you could tell him every day how much he’d come to mean to you, no matter whether it was Ellix or Felix.
It was a soft, simple feeling that had taken root in your heart in the beginning of your companionship with him and had only grown larger since, pushing the limits of your heart in your affection for Felix. It wasn’t just friendship you felt for the lost boy in your garden- it was love. 
“You’re lying. Tell me you’re lying.” Your hands pressed against Ellix’s chest, pushing him away from you. Your magic sparked against your fists as you advanced, Ellix’s only reaction an evil grin. “Why would I be lying, darling?” He purred, his own fingers sparking with the beginnings of a flame. You skirted the edge of the mermaid fountain, your eyes trained on him. The anger and betrayal coursing through your system had you seeing red, but you kept your voice even. “How dare you stand before me and tell me that our companionship was a fraud?”
“Oh no no, darling, I didn’t say it was a fraud,” Ellix bit back, looking like a demon set loose from the Netherworld. “I said that this friendship was a game. You let slip so many royal secrets to me, all of which will go towards the siege that the Twilight army is planning upon your kingdom.”
A snarl of outrage ripped from your throat, sparking your eyes as you stepped closer to Felix, eyes ablaze with fury. “You traitor.”
“I’m the Crown prince of Twilight Woods, Princess,” He used the same mocking tone that drove you up the wall. “I’m a royal before your little companion. Did you really think I agreed to your acquaintanceship because I appreciated your COMPANY?” Ellix spit back, his entire body betraying his disgust.
You reeled back at his words, each one of them pricking your heart with a savage sharpness. “You don’t mean that.” you breathed out, but Ellix was on a roll.
“This entire companionship was built for your desires, with none of mine taken into consideration. You’re too absorbed in yourself, with your hair and your clothes and your little kingdom that you forgot that I was a part of this friendship too. You didn’t give a single damn about me, did you?”He shouted, close enough that the two of you were almost nose to nose. You stood your ground, not wanting to seem weak. Not to him. Never to him- “ You just wanted a sweet submissive little boy from the woods to listen to you, and let me make it clear to you, princess. I am NOT IT.”
A beat of silence passed between the both of you- and then you straightened up, looking down your nose at the boy in front of you. “This companionship is terminated as of this second. I owe you nothing, as don’t you. Does that please you?” Tell me it doesn’t please you, don’t do this to my heart, Felix, please-
“Absolutely, princess-” He pressed a kiss against your cheek, a mockery of an action you’d gotten used to from Ellix. But it only served to set you off, a scream ripping from your throat. “No. You don’t get the last word on this sham of a friendship, you dirty liar. I trusted you with my life and my dreams, and this is what I get in return? You should be ashamed of yourself, Ellix.” Your voice cracked from the rage, but Ellix didn’t bat an eyelash.
“Jisung was right. You’re a monster. Begone, Ellix. Take Felix with you and never return. If you do, I will make sure the guards find a dungeon for you with your names on it.”
All you could see was the glint of his black eyes disappearing into the darkness, likely for the last time- and the only emotion you could recognize from the maelstrom in your mind was that of a broken heart.
The walk to your chambers was a demonstration in self control, eyes silvery with tears cast low and your fists clenched to prevent the scream from leaving your throat. It wasn’t until you reached your chambers that you allowed yourself to fall apart, crumbling to the ground behind your door as you hid your face in your hands- and the soft rustle of paper with the movement of your skirts catching your attention. By some sleight of hand, Ellix had slipped a letter into your pocket.  While you had half a mind to feed it to the flames, the sad, sentimental side of you ripped open the thick paper, scanning the elegant scrawl dancing across the paper.
Greetings, princess.
I’m sorry I never told you the full truth.
Sana did leave one loophole. When she cursed me, she left me 50 years to find a mortal that would love and accept me for my cursed self, a mortal that would look me in the eye and admit to it. But when the complications began to happen with Ellix…There was no point hoping. I bided away 48 years, lost in self-pity and the darkness that the curse festered within me. Until I met you.
You were so beautiful in the moonlight, darling. Over time however, I came to know that it was your goodness that gave you that celestial glow- You were noble and selfless, strong yet soft, relentless in your pursuit for all the good you could bring to your loved ones.
I was smitten by you, but I couldn’t stand to taint you with the horrible scars I bring with me, darling. So I kept my secret and met you every full moon, only falling further and further with every meeting. The first time I held you in my arms, it was like a missing key had finally clicked into my locked heart and princess, I didn’t want to let go of you again. You gave me the sweetest memories in the final year of my life,  and for that, princess, I will be eternally grateful.
I am but a smidgen in the glorious story that will be yours one day, even though it pains me that I will never get to be a part of it- so don’t remember me, princess. Don’t worry about me. Don’t try to save me, because I am likely already beyond the point of saving. There’s no way out for me.
The fact shall remain, as it always will in this letter, even after I’ve passed into the darkness- I love you.
I love you as misfortune loves orphans, as fire loves innocence, and as justice loves to sit and watch everything wrong. Justice has done exactly that with me, darling. It has cursed me to live my last moments away from you, lost in my own mind, my magic fighting against the curse to keep the darkness from claiming me. It is my misfortune that I met you so late into my life, but my life’s greatest honour to have known one who shines as brightly as you.
Beyond Forever,
You scrambled to your feet and broke into a run, your skirts whipping around your ankles as you let your memory guide you, eyes blurred by the tears that streaked down your face. Ellix was trying to protect you from the pain of losing him, he loved you, he loved you, he loved you- 
Slipping past the guards and into the stables, you were on a horse, riding bareback in the fastest speed you could coax from it, towards the Twilight Woods. You had time, you had to try, you couldn’t just let him die, not  like this-
Before you knew it, you had reached the lake where you’d met Felix for the first time, the memory of his quicksilver smile and his golden eyes- no, one pair of golden eyes and another pair of obsidian orbs flashing across your mind before another fit of tears claimed you. If you remembered right, Jisung had mentioned you’d brushed by an entrance to the Twilight woods somewhere close by this very place-
“FELIX!!” You screamed aloud, dropping to your knees at the shore. “I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, Please come back to me, I can’t bear the thought of losing you Felix, please-” You caught a view of your tear-streaked face in the reflection of the water, rippling softly, uncaring of your screaming.
The first rays of the morning sun began to hit the edges of the lake as you sobbed aloud, the despair setting in and burrowing deep into your chest as the moments ticked by. You scanned the horizon, desperately looking for a sign, any sign of the kingdom Jisung and Felix belonged to- and then you saw it. 
In the far shore, two figures stepped into the soft morning light- both small and slight in build, dressed in whites and golds. One had hair the colour of ebony, the other hair the colour of burnished gold. You straightened up, your eyes widening as you hurriedly brushed the tears off your face.. It couldn’t be..
Both of them stepped onto the water, walking- no, running across the surface of the lake without leaving a ripple in their wake. You got to your feet, backing away from the shore as Jisung and Felix stepped off the water, their smiles brighter than the sun itself. Felix stepped towards you, his arms held out wide and you let out a quiet sob, running right into his warm embrace.
“I love you, I love you so much, thank the stars-”
“You’re here, you’re real, I love you, I adore you, princess-” Your murmurs mingled together, muffled in each other’s bodies as you clung together, scared to move away. You pulled away, your arms still looked around Felix’s shoulders and his neck, only to be met with the brightest grin you’d ever seen lighting up his face. His eyes- one gold and one black, crinkled with happy tears as his lips stretched into an ethereal smile, his hair a dishevelled mess around his ears.  
Felix was the crown prince to a kingdom bathed in betrayal and grief, while you were the heiress of a kingdom that prospered from the nobility that ruled it. Felix’s cousin was likely on the way, pulling her hair out in the frustration of being ousted. You would likely face the music for screaming at a boy in the gardens and then disappearing for hours on end- but in each other’s arms, the two of you were nothing more than each other’s special little forevers.
In that moment, it was truly all that mattered. 
Taglist: @aliceu​ @rebecca-noona @decembermoonskz ​ @straykidsownmysoul @soya-zz , @stellarmonsterr ​ @malai-barfi ​ @fylithia @seraplantery ​
Network Tag: @inkidz​ @districtninewriters​ @starryktown 
Do let me know what you think! - Elliana.​​
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Greed - Angelic Demons (2/2)
Mammon x gn!MC
Words - 2596
Content warnings - angst, lots of comfort
Prompt/Inspiration - Angelic Demons Event
Summary - Following the events in the “Angelic Demons” event where all the brothers are turned into angels and forced to wear magical bangles that correct their behavior.
You go to check on Mammon to see how he is doing now that he’s reverted back to his demonic self and no longer under the effects of the angelic magic.
AO3 | Part One - Envy
It had been a few days now since the magic from the cursed (because that’s what they were to you) bangles had worn off. Diavolo had also finally removed the outfits so everyone was more or less back to normal. At least, that’s how it appeared at first glance. In reality, Satan was probably the only one you saw much of as everyone else had made themselves scarce, recovering from the stress of being forced to remember their time as angels.
Two demons in particular seemed to have gone even more silent than the rest and you were starting to grow concerned so you had decided to check on them.
You blinked a few times, processing Mammon’s response to you knocking on his door. You hadn’t expected him to sound so angry. But given the circumstances, you understood why he would be. He may not have been angry with you - but since he was hiding out in his room, yelling at you was probably the only outlet he had.
“Mammon, I need to talk to you. I just want to make sure you’re alright.”
There was no response from Mammon, so you tried the door knob. Much to your surprise it was unlocked, so you let yourself inside. And the sight that greeted you took your breath away.
Now, Mammon’s room had always been sort of a mess. He was impulsive, and easily distracted, so things often got left right where he set them when he went off to do something else. He still managed to maintain a minimal level of cleanliness though. You could always see the floor. There had always been seats on his sofa. The top of his pool table would be visible.
But going into his room now? It looked like something off that TV show Hoarders you used to watch in the human realm. And it wasn’t just things on his floor either (though make no mistake, there were a lot of those). There was trash too - empty noodle cups, soda cans, wine bottles, shipping boxes. You couldn’t understand how someone could acquire so much garbage in so little time.
“Mammon, what the hell happened in here?” your eyes scanned the room, taking in as much as you could of what was before you, “Mammon?” You called out to him again when he didn’t respond. You would have thought he’d have been trying to chase you out, but it seemed that now that you were here and he was instead going to attempt to hide and hope you just went away.
As you looked around for Mammon, you heard the sound of a plastic noodle cup fall to the floor. You turned in the direction of the noise, and there was Mammon, sitting in his bed, bundled up under his blankets, looking intently at his DDD.
“Hey,” you said as you walked towards him, clearing off a space on the bed next to him.
He didn’t acknowledge you, and just kept scrolling through some app on his DDD. You scooted a bit closer to him, so that you were almost touching and your back was against the wall, before leaning over and taking a look at his screen. He was on Akuzon.
Now everything made sense to you. He must have been buying things online and having them delivered straight to his room. Since everyone else had been distracted with their own things, no one had noticed the influx of deliveries. And it had all happened so quickly, you doubt Lucifer had even received the bill yet.
“What are you doing?”
“Looking for something in particular?”
You knew that shopping was a bit of a therapeutic thing for Mammon, just like gambling could be. That rush of finding something new, of feeling like you won. But this was excessive, even for him. Usually he’d have some sort of goal in mind - new clothes maybe, a new video game he wanted to try, or something nice for you. You hadn’t seen him just mindlessly buying things before. He hardly looked like he was even paying attention to what exactly he was putting in his cart.
“How have you been feeling?”
“Oh...that’s good. I’ve been worried about you.”
Mammon scoffed. Worried about him? Why would anyone be worried about him? He was the scummy second born, after all. And surely after this past week you knew exactly how scummy he was since you were able to see what he could be like if he wasn’t. So what was the point in even trying anymore? He was a demon wasn’t he? Shouldn’t he just indulge his sin? It’s not like it mattered. It’s not like it would change anything.
That’s what he thought, at least. Or rather, tried to convince himself of. But with each purchase he made and each delivery he accepted, he felt the emptiness inside him grow. It had gotten to the point he wasn’t even opening the packages anymore. Just letting them pile up wherever they fell when he sat them down.
“Nuthin’. It’s fine.”
“Oh ok.” You studied his profile for a moment while you thought about how exactly you were going to handle this. He wasn’t giving you a lot to work with here, and you were running out of questions you could ask. But maybe you didn’t need to say anything right now? Maybe for right now you could just sit with him.
You scooched over a little more, looping your arm through Mammon’s and resting your head on his shoulder. You felt him stiffen under you briefly, before relaxing again and resuming his scrolling.
“Whattya doin’?”
“I just thought I’d sit with you for a little bit. I’ve missed you.”
Mammon didn’t really have anything to say to that, so he continued with his shopping. Unconsciously though, he slowly rested his own head on top of yours and it made you smile, feeling more confident in your choice to just stay with him.
As he scrolled, you started pointing out things that looked interesting to you, hoping to engage him in conversation. He was surprised to hear you apparently helping him shop, and not scolding him. Though he supposed that was more Lucifer’s territory than yours. You never really got on to him when he messed up. At first, he had thought it was because you might be a bit dim and didn’t realize all the trouble he’d get himself into. But as he got to know you, he realized you saw a lot more than you let on, and you were actively choosing to let those things go, supporting and encouraging him instead.
Not seeing any reason not to, Mammon began replying to your questions and pointing out things to you as well. It wasn’t long before he was laughing along with you too, as you both found progressively more ridiculous things for sale, shopping now completely forgotten. He should have known better than to think he could ignore you and that you’d just leave. You had this ability to just worm your way into his heart, no matter how many defenses he thought he had in place. He was just no match for you.
And well, he was kinda thankful for that right now. He had missed you. A lot. More than he’d care to admit. But he had been so ashamed of himself, he didn’t know what else to do besides lock himself away. The stupid bracelet made him painfully aware of just how much of a screw up he was.
Before, he had always imagined that he was able to make you proud of him. He liked showing off for you, if for no other reason than to see you smile. He pushed himself to work harder, to be more open with you, even to cause less trouble for Lucifer. But then the bangle happened...and he saw just how short he fell.
The gulf between his “angelic persona” and his “demonic persona” was just felt so vast. Too vast. He was never going to be someone worthy of you.
So he just gave up.
Sensing that Mammon had become a bit lost in his thoughts, you sat up. As soon as your head started to leave his shoulder, he realized that he had been resting his against yours. He jerked his head up immediately, blushing heavily. You let out a soft chuckle when you saw how flustered he was, satisfied that he seemed to be a bit more relaxed and like his old self than when you had first found him.
“You alright?” you asked.
“Umm yeah, fine.”
“Ok,” you paused briefly, taking a breath before continuing, “Do you think we could talk now?”
“‘bout what?”
“Umm, well…” you hesitated, hoping you weren’t overstepping your bounds and about to send him back into his shell, “...about all this, actually,” you said, gesturing around the room.
“Oh.” Mammon’s blush only deepened as he took a quick glance around the room. He hadn’t noticed how bad things had gotten until then. It was like he had tunnel vision, and had only been able to see the path directly between his bed and the door, and nothing else.
“Just felt like doing a little shoppin’ is all.”
“Oh? Well, I’ve just never seen you buy so much stuff before…”
“Well, ya don’t know everything about me,” he replied. He wasn’t sure why, but he was feeling on edge now. Things had been nice when you had been just sitting with him, not talking about anything of consequence. But now you were trying to meddle. He didn’t want the proof of his failure pointed out, and he didn’t want to know you knew either.
“Mammon...I’m just trying to understand...” you pulled back a little to get a better look at him.
“I’m just being who I’m supposed to be. You don’t need to understand.”
“Mammon…!” your thoughts were racing now. What had gotten into him? Everything had switched so quickly from the fun, happy moment you had been sharing - to unconcealed anger. You hadn’t been trying to make him feel bad, you just wanted to know why he was acting how he was, and what you could do to help. But your line of questioning had apparently set him off.
“This is who I am, ok?!” he snapped, instantly regretting it, “It’s all I’m good for! Just stop...please…” his voice sounded so weak now, cracking as it trailed off.
Slowly, you reached out to cup his cheek and turn his head back towards you. You had expected him to resist, but he didn’t. And when your eyes met his, you could see exactly how much pain he was in. He looked even more confused than you felt. You started to stroke his cheek with your thumb, and he closed his eyes, partly to avoid looking at you any longer, and partly so he could enjoy the sensation of your hand on his cheek.
Not knowing what else to do, you wrapped both arms around his neck, pulling him toward you and hugging him. Again, he didn’t resist, he just let you have your way. You were a bit saddened when you realized he wasn't hugging you back, but you noticed he hadn’t pushed you away yet either, so you continued to hold him and nuzzle into his neck.
“Please tell me what’s wrong,” you begged.
There was no response from Mammon, but you felt his arms begin to loop around your waist, soon pulling you into his lap, with your legs perpendicular to his. He mimicked your hold, burying his face in the crook of your neck. You were so warm. And you smelt so good. He had missed being this close to you.
He didn’t know what he was supposed to say now. A minute ago he had lashed out at you, angry and defensive, and now he was holding you and trying not to cry. His emotions were a jumbled, chaotic mess, and he just felt so...helpless.
“...I don’t...know…” he mumbled.
“That’s ok. It’s ok,” you soothed, as you started combing your fingers through his hair. Nothing was said for a while, the two of you simply holding each other; you hoping to convey how much you cared for him, and Mammon hoping you could tell how lost he felt.
“I’m Greed ain’t I…? This is what Greed does. It’s what it is…” he said, his voice scarcely above a whisper, tightening his grip on your waist.
“What are you talking about...?”
“It's reckless, and impulsive, and selfish.”
Why was he saying these things? He called himself impulsive, and sure, you couldn’t really argue with that. But selfish? He didn’t look that way to you. Not to say he never did anything in his own self interest, but he had this way of looking out for his brothers and you. Especially you.
“You’re not selfish, Mammon. Why would you think that?” You kept your voice low and calm, as you continued stroking his head and running your fingers through his hair.
“...because I am...aren’t I…? Takin’ things from my brothers...wastin’ all your time…”
“Hey, you never waste my time, ok? I like spending time with you.”
“...I dunno why…”
“Because you’re The Great Mammon, why wouldn’t I want to spend time with you?” you replied, pressing a kiss to his cheek. Mammon didn’t answer, but you saw the blush start creeping across his cheeks, before resting your head on top of his.
“Look, you might be Greedy, but that’s not always a bad thing, you know?”
“...it’s not?”
“No, it’s not. I never felt that way when I spent time with you. You always made me feel loved, and happy, and safe.”
“If you were as awful and selfish as you seem to think you are, you wouldn’t have been able to do that.”
“And what about that little girl, huh? The one you told me about before. The one you take care of. You weren’t an angel when you did that.”
Oh. How had he forgotten about her? Or that he had told you?
“Just because you are a demon doesn’t mean you don’t have good qualities, you know? And it doesn’t mean the bad ones get to overshadow all the good things about you either.”
“Do ya mean that? That I have good qualities?”
“Yeah, Mammon, I do.”
“...even though Imma demon?”
“Even though you’re a demon,” you answered, kissing the top of his head, “You are more than just your Greed. You get to make your own choices.”
Mammon listened carefully to what you had to say, each word making his heart feel a little lighter and his outlook a bit brighter. Maybe...maybe things weren’t as hopeless as they seemed.
“Besides, I like Greedy Mammon. The Mammon that wants to spend all his time with me and never leave my side. I’d be awfully lonely without him around.”
Hearing you say that warmed his heart, thawing the last bits of ice that had settled there. You were right. Just because he had bad moments, didn’t mean he wasn’t allowed good ones too. He was an Avatar after all - he commanded Greed, it didn’t control him. He wasn’t just some mindless, lower tier demon that was helpless against their sin. He got to decide when and how he would act. And if he had to be Greedy for anything, it would be your attention. It didn’t have to be material things (well, at least not all the time).
“...yeah...I guess ya’d be pretty bored without me too,” he said, lifting his head to look at you.
“Oh definitely. Very bored,” you replied, with a smile.
“Err...do ya think you can help me with something?”
“Returning all that before Lucifer gets the bill,” he said, gesturing to the piles of junk behind you, “or well, most of it.”
“Of course,” you replied, kissing him on the cheek, “We will need to take the trash out too.”
“Sure we can’t just get Beel to eat it?” he asked, with a cheeky grin
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