#they can just write some cute interaction with no pressure for it to go anywhere
minetowalkonglass · 7 months
ooh in 11x11 and then 11x13 they want to build the DeanAmara thing soo badly with Mildred's conversation and the shifter turning into Amara's silhouette but it's so difficult to buy into any of it :/ for ME at least
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thefalloutwiki · 3 months
First, a more serious one: To all staff "What do you consider to be the hardest part of your job on the wiki, and what is your favorite part of your wiki job?"
And now, here's a fun one I've been asked in an interview before: To all staff "If you were an object, what object would you be and why?"
Answers Below the cut!
V13Kobold: The hardest part of my job is actually when someone disagreeable comes onto the wiki just to cause problems. Not that I can't handle it, it's the arguing/complaining/trolling (aggressive) that gets to me sometimes. The best part is the community, as cliche as it is. The sharing of interests, advice, and ideas overall is fun. 🙂
An object? Honestly, I'd be a Gecko (I know that's a creature) or a Deathclaw Mounted Head.
Findabair: The hardest part is keeping up with new content, the best part is the gratification from having properly sourced articles.
RurinGas: The hardest part would probably be just keeping up with all the information that comes out! While to a casual glance, Fallout might be about 8 or 9 games and 1 TV series, there are littler-known games and releases that are all constantly ticking away and releasing new content, it's a challenge to keep track! and thats just all the proper stuff, let alone our mod and community spaces too! My favourite part however would probably be the chance to do something creative, to find a problem and immediately think "Oh yeah, I can fix this brilliantly", it's like a jigsaw where everything juuuuussssttt slots into place perfectly, and you can just crack your fingers and lean back with a drink and think to yourself "good work"
Hrmmmmmmm..... For the sake of fun, I'll limit myself to Fallout objects xP I think I'd like to be a bottlecap. You get traded the world over, get to see the whole nation from a random person's pocket, and see all sorts of things. And, in the possible event you get made into a bottlecap mine, you go out with Passion! (And, In my experience, take someone down with you too. Whoever put the bottlecap mine in Starlight Drive-in is a fiend!) MeatServo: The time pressure often involved if something breaks and genuine, applied problem solving. Aren't we already objects in a way? Rubbinmahbelly: Probably trying to get DPL tables working the way I want. There's a reason 9 time about of 10 I ping Rurin and have her so it. Best part is interacting with folk and makin really good friends. A funny statue of a dog in a hat. NarratorJack: The worst part of the job is the more technical aspects of the wiki, My favorite part of my job is just talking to community members and shit Probably a computer, I like computers. AstralAbraxas: The hardest part I think comes to putting the pieces of the fallout puzzle together, sort of speak. Connecting the dots to make previous speculation into real or working content for the wiki. Is that the Loveland frog I see? Probably! But because it's not confirmed in writing anywhere, it remains speculation. Jersey Devil on the S12 scoreboard? Yes! And now I can say for a fact it is, because now they're in the game! Little things like that to be able to discern between using real world knowledge/content and things confirmed in some way by in game content is always a welcome challenge and something I love to discuss. If I were an object, I'd want to be the Brahmin Plush! He's so cute! KateAces: Keeping up with new content is a challenge, making sure it’s correct and complete is important and a very fulfilling feeling when it’s done, honestly the best feeling is seeing people use the site or hearing that it was helpful for someone.
I’d be a pre war neon sign, maybe even one that names a town like Novac
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shishibloomy · 3 years
Hello! I love the Shishigumi and they don’t get enough love! I was hoping you could, if comfortable, how the Shishigumi members react to their s/o having a mental disorder (anxiety/depression etc.) and what they do to comfort them/how they react and or feel. If not then delete this :)
Ill stick with the anxiety/depression stuff cus thats what I’m most familiar with.
Ibuki I feel like Ibuki would be one of the best people to have with you if you’re going through an anxiety attack or a depressive episode.  He’ll be there with you through every thing and he’ll know how to balance letting you take time to rest but also getting you up to get you moving.  I think he would also appreciate that you’re showing this side of yourself to him and being vulnerable.  He’ll probably start opening up to you more as well and it’ll be more time for both of you to bond. Talking is going to be very important for him. He's had to hide his struggles behind the mask of being a strong lion so having someone he can open to is going to be refreshing for him; he might end up talking more than you because he feels so comfortable with you.  After the first couple of times of it happening, he’ll figure out a routine for you that will get you up and running. If you're having anxiety doing something, he'll be there with you through it all. If it gets very bad, he'll give you the comfiest hug in the world until you stop feeling so anxious. He keeps your hand in his and squeezes it to let you know that he's there with you. He's honestly a giant lion teddy bear, and one thats happy to be cuddling with you too.
With Miguel, his first thought will be to get you up and active. He'll make sure to only do as much as you're comfortable with; he just doesn't want you to fall into a rut. He'll take you to walks and low impact workouts and use them as an opportunity for you to open up to him about whatevers going on with you. His usual intense gaze softens up incredibly; he doesn't want you to feel intimidated from him. He does a lot of comfortable touches that help you relax, like keeping your hand in his or rubbing your arm. If the two of you are walking somewhere, he'll have his arm wrapped around you the whole time and keep you flushed against him, it's especially nice during the winter time. Even though he tries to get you more active, he'll also be doing so much for you during this time. If you don't feel like eating, he'll make something for you that you'll like; if you're laying down somewhere and you need to go somewhere, he'll just pick you up and take you somewhere. If you have issues with anxiety, he'll work with you ot build up your confidence... by getting you to work out more. Not because it's anything related to your physical appearance but working out in a gym infront of people will make you more comfortable. He'll be with you the whole time so if you start getting very uncomfortable, you can tell him and he'll stop.
Free suddenly becomes so serious with his s/o. Yes he is reckless himself but when it comes to someone he cares about, you bet he's going to watch out for them. He drinks and does a lot of silvervine, but in front of you he'll never do it because substances like that can make depression and anxiety worse. If you want to just lay down and not do anything, he's going to take that as an opportunity to lay with you and cuddle you. He's going to be talking to you a lot to keep your mind active and it's going to be the randomest things ever (most of which he got from Agata). He just wants to laugh with you and hear your happy voice again. He's not the best at talking about his feelings but he's going to try and open up so that you feel comfortable talking to him. It's going to be stuff like "I know shit sucks sometimes but it'll get better babe." Also, expect his regular affection do increase even more. If you're making breakfast, he'll hug you from behind the whole time or try to make it for you; if you're doing stuff in public, he'll never let go of your hand; he's going to be giving you kisses every minute too. He wants you to feel very loved the whole time.
Agata is someone who wants to be more comfortable talking about his feelings so when he sees you going through some depression or having anxiety, he'll spend a lot of time making sure you're feeling ok and asking how you're doing. He doesn't want you to have to hold everything in like he had to and pretend like everything was ok. He's very sensitive about things so he'll pick up right away if you aren't feeling ok. He's going to try to get you to play a lot of really fun, feel good, or goofy games with him. Think Mario Party, Animal Crossing, Minecraft, Roblox, etc. He'll bring you a lot of snacks you like and some new ones both of you guys havent tried before so you can eat them together. After you start opening up to him, he'll start telling you how he feels as well. He wants to bond with you and also let you know that you aren't alone in your feelings. I imagine him as someone who also has issues with anxiety stemming from all his pressures to be a strong lion so you’ll both be helping each other in situations where you’re anxious. Lots of hand holding, standing close together, whispering in each other’s ears. You’ll both eventually forget others are there because you’re both so focused on each other
Dolph ends up being a leader to the Shishigumi when their actual leader isn't there so he has experience from members who occasionally come up to him and talk him (specifically Agata). He seems like someone who's very intimidating but when he wants to, he can be the sweetest person ever. Whenever you talk to him, it feels very intimate because he keeps very intense eye contact with you. He doesn't do it intentionally but he wants to feel connected to you; if you feel uncomfortable he'll tone it down a bit. Dolph will listen to you a lot and then if you ask for advice, he'll give some. He wants you to know that he's listening to whatever you're saying and that you getting better is the most important thing to him. You'll find him bringing up times when he's had similar issues and how he went through them and survived; he wants you to know that whatever it is that has you depressed is only temporary and you'll get through it. When it comes to your anxiety, he's also like Ibuki in the sense that he's a giant lion teddy bear that you can hug and hold whenever you get anxious. He's going to use his scar as an example; even though he has it over his face, he manages to get through public interactions.
Dope will know right away that you aren’t feeling good by reading your body language. Even if you don’t tell him, he’ll ask you if everything’s ok and offer you lots and lots of emotional support. He wants you to feel absolutely comfortable telling him everything so he can do something to help you feel better. If you thought that he was good with his words before, he comes to a whole other level to make you feel better. If you talk about yourself in a deprecating way, he's going to correct you right away. It might feel irritating at first but he wants to change your negative way of thinking and eventually you'll notice that you have less deprecating thoughts about yourself too. Until he notices that you start acting like you did before your depressive episode, he's going to dedicate time for you every day where you open up to him about how you're feeling. He'll also make sure to ask you if you want comfort or solutions so he doesn't say anything that might upset you if you just want to vent. If you want solutions, he'll sit with you until you two figure out what works best for you.
Hino is the king of self care and it’s going to reflect when he helps you during a depressive episode. If you aren’t feeling up for doing anything, he’s going to make sure you’re taking care of your personal hygiene. When you wake up, he’ll do a routine for you (face wash, brushing teeth, putting on some moisturizer and sunscreen) so you feel pampered. He wants you to feel good and fresh physically even if you aren’t feeling the best mentally. He’ll do the same at night and will get new products for both of you to try out; some of them are luxe and some are more silly (face masks that bubble when you put them on and sheet masks that have funny faces on them). He’ll be showering you with compliments the whole time, and they’re all genuine ones; none of those superficial ones. He’ll bring you some new clothes to try on, it’ll be cute outfits he picks out for you and all of them fit perfectly. Even though this all seems a bit materialistic, he does it all while giving you a lot of emotional support too. These things are just extra stuff to help you feel better because it’s things he likes himself and he wants to do things both of you can enjoy together. I imagine Hino as a very artistic person too so he’ll do art activities with you. Lots of painting how you’re feeling and writing out your feelings in poetry. He’s going to make sure you don’t feel the pressure to make your art look perfect and he’ll share his to show you that your art can be anything you want it to be. If you get anxiety in public, just take him anywhere with you and all the attention will be on him. He will make sure to build up your confidence so that you don’t need to rely on him all the time too and Hino is the best person for a morale boost.
Sabu is better at telling you're feeling upset than Dope is. He has his years of experience under his belt and him being quiet means he listens more. You don't even realize it but he's been listening to a lot of the little things you say and from that he picks up that you aren't in the best state of mind. Before you even tell him, you notice that he starts doing a lot of things for you to make your mood better. Whatever he doesn't say with words, he shows with his actions and right now it's that he wants you to feel better. Once you do tell him and open up to him, he makes an effort to try and talk more to you. Similarly to Dolph, he'll mainly listen and then only talk if you ask him to. He's not used to talking about his past so it's going to be a new thing for him to be so open about it but he'll do it so that you feel comfortable. It'll still be short answers but you know that he's trying his best to open up. If you're having anxiety, Sabu will be your silent supporter through all of it. If anyone in particular tries to mess with you, he goes back to his intimidating self and will get them to back off of you right away. Just imagine a scary, scarred lion intimidating someone while holding his s/os hand.
When you tell Jinma about how you're feeling, his first train of thought is to find the best therapist in the BAM that you can talk through all of this. He wants to help you through all of it but he knows he has his connections and he could find someone way more qualified. Even if you do go to a therapist, he'll still make sure to check on you through everything. If you really enjoy nature, he'll find the best nature area that the both of you can go to together. If you want to eat something good, he's going to find the best and most exclusive place and somehow manage to get you reservations the day of it all. Whatever you want, he's going to know where to get you the best one of it. If he doesn't know where to get it, he'll know someone else who will. If you're dealing with anxiety issues, he'll make sure to talk to the best therapist and figure out ways to get you comfortable in situations that make you anxious. He'll also try his own things by taking you to places with him so you get more comfortable being in new places. Of course nothing dangerous like gang deals but if he hears about a new place to check out, he's definitely making you tag along so that the two of you can experience it together.
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formenis · 3 years
Rest [NSFW]
Anon asked: "We need some Near nsfw in our life 🤍 could u do one were Near is stressed from his work & his S/O wants to make him “relax”"
A/N: I can finally use long-haired Near twt
pairing: Near x gn!reader
|| warning: NSFW, mention of oral sex, handjob + blowjob, pet names (I guess?). Be careful ||
requested: yes
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Y/N worked with Near since the Kira case, on 2009. Together with Lidner, Rester and Gevanni, Y/N was a member of the SPK, the youngest one to be precise. Despite Near and Y/N hadn’t an important age gap, Y/N was treated in step with the rest of the team: they were well-known for being a precise and discreet agent, with a sharp flair and great initiative. Everything Near needed for his investigation team.
Not long after the end of the Kira case, something between Y/N and Near (or rather L) changed, in a positive way of course. Now that the pressure of that case disappeared from Near's shoulders, he noticed how good his team was. And this appreciation included Y/N too.
«L, I received a call from Watari and I think this case will interest you»
«Excellent Y/N. Let me see the details on the screens, please»
Near trusted Y/N's tastes about cases. They knew Near will accept only cases in "L's style": interesting, complex, with a good amount of thrill and a notable pay. Not that it matters for Near, he just wanted to solve them.
And that was how the relationship between Near and Y/N started. At first it was a mere working relationship (since Near was Y/N's boss after all) but month after month, year after year, it changed into something else. Something more private, more heartfelt.
This alarmed Near: he wasn’t used to those things, people and social interactions weren’t his strong points. But with Y/N was different, he noticed it immediately. With them, Near didn’t need to explain each deduction, each statement or all his decisions. A particular stare, an unusual movement or just too much silence were enough for Y/N to understand Near.
Soon enough, Near came to conclusion that he had feelings for agent Y/N L/N. And he was sure Y/N noticed it. Whenever a new, dangerous case would involve Y/N, Near would make sure not to drag them in it.
«It's too dangerous, Y/N»
«I know but it's my job!» they replied annoyed for the umpteenth time.
«I'm well aware why you were hired but I need you here, Gevanni will take care of it»
«L, please…» Y/N walked closer to him, careful not to step on his toys scattered on the floor, and kneeled behind him. «I know you're worried about the safety of your team but trust me, I know what I'm doing»
«I'm not worried about the others. It's yoursafety my priority at the moment» he said while playing with his cards.
So yes: Y/N knew Near had feeling for them and Near, on the other hand, hoped they would understand what was hidden behind his words. And Y/N accepted the message behind those words.
Truth was that Y/N felt something for Near too, hence they were hoping to hear some sort of "confession" from him. It was nothing openly said but the way his dark eyes would become soften when looking at them or he would tentatively touch Y/N's hand was enough for them.
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Near was stressed. Truly stressed actually. And said stress was clear on him: tired face, heavier and darker eyebags, messy clothes. Y/N was worried, it wasn’t healthy for him.
It was late night, the SPK was already gone to bed. Near and Y/N were the only one still working: the young detective was writing something at his computer on the floor while Y/N had to organise some dossiers. However, the SPK agent was more focused on Near's health rather than work.
«L…I'll take care of it, you have to rest»
«I'm not sleepy, Y/N. I have some important work to do…you may go if you want» Near quickly replied with a weary voice. It was clearly betraying his current state and this upset even more Y/N.
«I'm not going anywhere if you don’t come with me»
«I guess it will be a long night then»
He could be such a brat sometimes: stubborn, good looking detective. Y/N's eyebrow twitched nervously. «Is that so?»
Then, like a flash, a very good idea popped out in their mind. «You know, L, you're right. We don’t need to go to bed to relax…» a smirk adorned their face, a sinful smirk.
«What do you mean, Y/N?» Near asked without turning to look at them. Big mistake: Y/N walked in front of him. «Y/N I'm trying to work-»
Near hadn’t the time to finish his words of protest that Y/N silenced him. How? With a kiss on the lips: if agent Y/N L/N wanted Near to relax they had to turn off his brilliant brain for a while. Since the beginning of their relationship, the two of them shared many kisses especially on the cheeks and forehead but when it came to lips…Y/N knew Near would go on the fritz.
And that was what really happened: for the first time after a while, Near's mind was blank. His brain couldn’t produce any logical deduction, any refined statement, any truth. He wasn’t clear headed enough to kiss Y/N back but they didn’t care, they had Near on the hook.
Y/N didn’t give him the time to come back in his senses that they moved again: Y/N licked Near's lips asking politely access to his mouth. Near, however, was not so distracted and he denied said access. Y/N didn’t quite agree and sunk one hand in his long, silky white hair, pulling them slightly.
Near groaned in the kiss and Y/N seized the opportunity to French-kiss him. If the white haired detective could be rather mean and impressive at work, when he was alone with Y/N he would show more caring emotions. Near was still a bit insecure –since he shared with Y/N his first experiences- but he secretly loved being vulnerable in front of his favourite agent.
When oxygen became a need, Y/N broke the kiss, a trail of saliva still connected the two. Near was breathing fast, his half-lidded eyes hid something more than just "passionate feelings". «Did you like it, Nate?»
The detective nodded, looking at them with love and…need. «You'll be a good boy for me, alright? Let me take care of you» they said with alluring voice.
«W-What do you want to do?» was everything Near said before watching Y/N descending on his thighs. A faint blush covered his pale, adolescent face but he tried not to think about it by focusing back on his work. They unbuttoned as slow as they could the zipper on his light-coloured pants; with the same slowness they removed them in few precise movements.
Y/N knew that Near needed few minutes to get excited since he had low libido, hence they slowly started moving their hand around the tip of his manhood. On the other side, Near was truly trying to finish his work but for him it was almost impossible: he was suppressing moans and sighs with great difficulty.
Y/N chuckled at his efforts to stay silent, his body was telling them something else. And when their fingers got wet due to his pre-cum, they moved their face closer to his dick; after moistening their lips, they took the tip in their mouth.
Near had enough. He abandoned his computer and grasped Y/N's hair with both hands. «Ah~» he sighed, his breath was becoming harder and harder. The SPK agent smirked mentally, singing a mental victory song, and decided to take his entire length in their mouth.
«Y/N!» he finally moaned their name, shiver after shiver were shaking his body in excitement. His back found support against a big 3D printer he had on the floor and the grasp at Y/N's hair became even stronger.
Eager to hear more of Near's sweet sounds, Y/N decided to massage his balls too while they deepthroathed him. This caused the detective to quiver in pure pleasure.
«Come for me, Nate. Be a good boy~» Y/N said with a whisper, their hot breath on his smooth skin was too much for Near. The muscles tensed, all his body paralysed and the cock twitched in their throat. After few seconds he surprised them with a large amount of load which Y/N swallowed.
Y/N kissed their boyfriend's manhood and then looked at his sweaty face with a cute smirk. «Are you ready to rest now?»
«Y-Yes…» he replied rather tiredly, he was going to fall asleep there on the floor.
«Now let's go to bed, shall we?» Y/N replied still smirking.
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yeolmae-s · 3 years
a chanbaek analysis from a veteran exo-l
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before anything else there are a few disclaimers i'd like to make:
i am writing this analysis right now because as a non exo stan i'm not into chanbaek that much anymore. of course i like them to some degree since i'm writing this and all but it's nothing in comparison to the way i felt about them two years ago. so i feel like it's easier to keep a less clouded (?) state of mind being where i'm at right now, mentally, in regards to them. i feel like i can look at things more objectively, which is why i decided to write this and share it with you all.
for all the smart asses out there, this is a ship analysis. yes, i’m reading too much into everything. that’s what an analysis is.
all translation credits goes to @/fyeah-chanyeol
i'm a chanyeol stan. this analysis will, most likely, have more information about him in comparison to baekhyun. this is simply because i consumed more content about him since he's my bias (such as magazine interviews, fancams).
i don't stan exo anymore, but it's not because of anything they did. i liked them for a long time and made a lot of different friends because of this fandom, therefore i experienced a lot of hurt, scandals, fights and didn't deal very well with many things, so i decided to leave. this didn't happen because of exo themselves and neither did it happen because of the fandom itself. it happened because of the relationships i had.
that being said, i haven't been following them closely for the past year and a half, but i still keep up with stuff a bit, although not chanbaek related stuff since i gotta dive in kinda deeper for that lmao. so this analysis is mostly in depth for 2012-2018. if anything that you perceive as significant happened after 2018 i'm more than willing to hear your opinions about it.
so, let's get started!!
I have always felt like Chanyeol and Baekhyun's relationship was strange. I started shipping them when they debuted and more specifically because of the 130128 ISAC. When I was younger I didn't see a lot to discuss in their ISAC interactions besides it being cute and shippy, but I've started to look at it differently now.
I think everyone knows how ISAC is known for being basically a stage for fanservice. The whole "dating ground for idols" issue aside, judging from the amount of attention they direct towards the fans who manage to attend the event, idols are clearly instructed to perform fanservice. EXO's first ISAC had to be full of it, obviously, and they did give fans a lot to be happy about, content we still get giddy about to this day, and I'm sure they were instructed to act like this to please us. I don't believe that fanservice equals "false interactions": if two individuals are talking, touching each other, they are interacting, even if it is a carefully planned setting made specifically for pleasing fans. They still get reactions out of one another through these interactions, it is still relevant to the way these people's relationship will develop; even though these acts are done with the intent of pleasing a crowd.
Don't get me wrong, though. I don't think the 2013 ISAC fanservice changed anything in Chanbaek's relationship. In fact, I just want to use it as a way to illustrate something I will explain later on.
To be remembered in an industry you must have an image. You won't be getting anywhere without a carefully constructed visual image. Marilyn Monroe is always used as an example of this: she's someone you can easily make a costume of and people will instantly recognize it as her. She's basically a concept by now: blonde hair, red lips and white hair. These aspects take our mind back to her instantly. Of course, most celebrities don't achieve this type of icon status, but it is still important to cling to a specific concept/image of what you want your celebrity self to be perceived as. Without this, you'll be forgotten as soon as your career ends.
When Chanyeol debuted, he clung to the first trait they gave him: being a happy person, a.k.a "happy virus". If you were not an EXO fan back in 2013 then it's likely you're not even aware of this nickname that was given to him, but it's basically just what it sounds like (lol). He was bright, energetic, had a "teeth rich" smile (another nickname that was given to him back then), was able to give 10/10 laughter reactions to MCs and to his members jokes, was always enthusiastic to interact and smile towards fans. He even introduced himself as "happy virus Chanyeol" in interviews (and later on that changed to "EXO's voice Chanyeol" or "EXO's rapper Chanyeol").
I feel like Chanyeol was very much aware of this "must have" that I mentioned, this need to have an image pasted into yourself and have that image be what people will remember you as. We're all complex and multifaceted individuals, but the general public needs something simple to grab on to, something easy to remember. That happy guy from EXO? I know who he is! I'm sure this is the path Chanyeol chose, back when he debuted: to pick a trait given to you by the public and make it a huge part of your image.
However, that image of him didn't last very long. It certainly became tiring to worry so much about how he was being perceived, to carefully construct something so his career would last, specially when his group had so many scandals and went through a sudden burst of popularity that changed their lives completely. By 2017, Chanyeol already had a change of mind in relation to his career, these changes being mostly due to how he felt about music and what he wanted to do with it.
He recognized himself as having always being impatient, which might be the reason why he clung to a specific image so fast right after debuting:
From Fall Magazine in 2017
"At the moment I just want to enjoy myself with the music as it comes, without feeling as though I have to do something. It isn’t a greed from impatience, I could call it more of a greed to do better."
"When I first debuted I thought I was very optimistic, but as time has passed I think a more reserved side of me is showing."
"I think I've grown in many ways. Maybe it’s because it’s as though I perform everyday, but the stage has become comfortable for me. Shall we say I’ve become more calm and composed? [...] I think I’ve become more mature."
He matured. He's still bright and energetic but he's also more reserved. He managed to keep up the fanservice that his fans adore in a way that is more fitting to his actual personality. It still is an image, but an image that's not as exhausting as his previous one, with its strict demands to act in a certain way all the time. I remember specific interview with MCs demanding him to smile (although jokingly, of course) saying things like "Aren't you EXO's happy virus?", so I'm sure he felt pressured.
This is interesting to think about when put side by side with his relationship with Baekhyun. Back when they debuted, Chanyeol and Baekhyun were close friends that clearly felt comfortable with each other, and it isn't surprising to think that Baekhyun would be Chanyeol's first pick when he thought about doing fanservice with someone. Of course, I can't exactly pinpoint their first fanservice moment since I'm not a walking EXO encyclopedia anymore, but I can say with certainty that both of them felt like it worked as soon as they first tried it with the fans, and that's the reason why they kept doing it. Conveniently, they were both good friends, so all was good.
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Until well, it wasn't.
At some point, Chanyeol's interactions with Baekhyun seemed too eager for Baekhyun himself. There are various moments where this is visible, such as this one:
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Why are you grabbing my wrist out of nowhere young man........
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That one pic where Jongdae, who was in front of them, looked so damn uncomfortable I can't even bring myself to google it
Of course, they had some over the top fanservice that did work out pretty well, such as this one, both of them imitating Jonghyun's and Taemin's Internet War stage, which seems a little scripted now that I look at it properly, with Baekhyun seemingly expecting Chanyeol to do whatever it is that he did on that day. (Can you imagine this: both of them backstage, watching Jonghyun's and Taemin's performance in silence, and one of them just blurts out "We should do that too!". What the fuck was going on)
By the way, if you have never seen the original Internet War performance, you can watch it here.
This is what they were imitating.
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Tumblr won’t let me upload the gifs for this moment for some reason, so here and here.
You can't tell me Baekhyun wasn't expecting it already, lol.
Now, know what this moment reminds me of? ISAC. On their Internet War imitation moment, Baekhyun seemed fine, playful, even, agreeing. During ISAC, however, doing basically the same thing again (this time on a lighter way even; since they weren't, you know. Imitating a strong performance such as Internet War.), he appears reluctant. It's a bit painful to watch.
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What changed? The ISAC event happened a few months after the SMTOWN concert where they did the Internet War thing, so what made things become so different?
If this has enough likes I’ll make a second part!
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eliemo · 4 years
Summary: Logan knew it was only a matter of time until Thomas found out, but he had no intention of pushing Virgil out of his comfort zone. Unfortunately, things are a bit different right now. 
Notes: I plan on writing the “incident” mentioned throughout this fic sometime soon. It’s killing me to plan out
Logan had known it was only a matter of time until Thomas found out. 
He’d been the one to suggest telling him right away, just days after Virgil’s past had come to light. After all, it couldn’t do any harm to have him on the same page when it came to redirecting a harmful mindset.  
But he’d quickly dropped it upon seeing how distressed the idea made Virgil. Logan wasn’t quite sure what he was so afraid of, (Rejection? Dismissal? Annoyance?) but he had no plans to push the anxious side out of his comfort zone. 
Unfortunately, things were a bit different right now. 
It had been almost a week since the...incident had occurred, and while things were steadily improving, they were still hardly back to normal. 
Virgil was still horribly jumpy, wide eyed and trembling far more than usual, apologizing relentlessly for even the smallest things like he was terrified they were all still upset with him. 
Not that anyone had been upset with him to begin with. Just...stressed and worried, was all. They’d all triggered some kind of panicked response from Virgil before, but last week had been a whole different story. 
But that was in the past. It wouldn’t happen again. 
That being said, Virgil still needed time. And Thomas wanted to film today. 
Logan had done what he could to get the date rescheduled, but logically, there was no reason not to film today. Not without a viable excuse, and he knew better than to push the idea of telling Thomas the truth. Virgil would open up when he was ready. 
So now they were all in Thomas’s living room as usual, sharing wary glances as they talked through their host’s latest problem, hoping he wouldn’t notice Virgil was just a bit quieter than usual. 
Virgil’s hands were still wrapped in bandages- and Logan made a mental note to check how those were healing when they were done here- but he was able to keep them hidden beneath his sleeves. 
The issue today was fairly standard- Thomas panicking over a reaction from one of his friends, frantically scrambling as he tried to figure out how to respond and move forward. 
It was the kind of discussion that would usually have them all bickering, shouting over each other with no real malice, probably getting frustrated and carried away in the process until they inevitably came to some kind of conclusion. 
Today, they were careful to keep the volume low, cautious not to lose their temper, Patton and Roman sending less than subtle glances Virgil’s way every few minutes. 
Really, with how obvious they were being, Logan would be more worried if Thomas didn’t pick up on something being off. At the very least, he was bound to be feeling a little extra anxious recently. 
But he hadn’t said anything, Virgil left to his quiet fidgeting from his usual place on the stairs, so perhaps they could--
“Virge? What do you think, buddy?” 
Then again, perhaps not. Thomas was speaking softly, and Logan knew he was only trying to gently encourage Virgil to voice his thoughts, but the anxious side still jumped at the sudden attention, eyes widening slightly. 
“I...s-sorry, what?” 
“I was just wondering what you thought,” Thomas said. “About what Patton was saying.”
Logan saw Patton wince at the question, at the way Virgil was beginning to look helplessly cornered, Thomas still watching with oblivious confusion. 
He should have tried harder to get them to reschedule. Today was a bad day. 
“I- um, I don’t know,” Virgil said. “Sorry, I-I was just, I was…”  
“Zoning out a bit?” Thomas offered, his smile easy and gentle. He’d meant it lightly, Logan knew, but Virgil actually flinched at the implication. 
“N-no I was listening,” he said quickly. “Or, I- I was trying to, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to space out.” 
“What? No it’s...It’s fine, Virgil. Honestly, we were all just rambling at this point, right guys?”  He turned, just in time to see the worried glances Patton and Roman were failing to hide. 
“Right!” Patton exclaimed, too quick and too cheery, and Logan resisted the urge to groan at how utterly horrible the two were at nonchalance. “Everything’s ok! You’re doing great, kiddo!” 
Virgil sunk even further into his hoodie, fiddling with the strings, looking like he would rather be anywhere else in the world, the attention clearly overwhelming. 
Thomas noticed, frown deepening, and he quietly cleared his throat before turning to the creative side. “Roman? Can you stop the recording for a sec?” 
Roman hesitated, looking to Patton and Logan as Virgil began noticeably trembling. But he did as he was told, moving to shut the camera off as Patton hurried to Virgil’s side, talking too softly for the others to hear. 
“Alright, what’s going on you guys?” Thomas asked, missing the way Virgil flinched again. “Logan tried to change the schedule earlier, which we all know is unheard of, and all of you are acting...really weird.” 
Logan opened his mouth to answer, everyone else stubbornly silent, but Virgil beat him to it, his voice heartbreakingly small. 
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to, we can...we can keep f-filming, Thomas.” 
Immediately, Thomas’s expression softened. “Hey, buddy it’s ok. I’m not upset, I just wanna know what’s going on. Obviously something’s been happening for a while.” 
Virgil stared resolutely down at his lap where Patton had intertwined their hands, and Roman was shifting restlessly by the camera, clearly waiting for someone else to take the lead. 
Logan sighed, realizing that despite his own lingering stress, he was still the most composed person in the room. As was usually the case. 
“Thomas,” he said, hands automatically fidgeting with his tie when the others turned their attention to him. “There was a...situation a few days ago. It’s been sorted out since then, but today might not be an ideal time to film.” 
“A situation?” Thomas echoed. “Is...is that why I had a panic attack earlier this week?” 
Virgil’s head snapped up at that, kept only from scrambling to his feet by Patton’s tight hold. “You felt that? I- I’m so sorry I thought I...y-you said you felt fine and I thought--” 
“No, no, Virge it’s ok.” Thomas was moving towards the stairs, crouching to Virgil’s level, careful to keep a couple feet of space between them. “It wasn’t that bad. Your panic attacks don’t usually get to me, but this one felt...different.” 
Virgil shrugged, but offered a reluctant nod. “Yeah it was...more intense than usual, I guess. Sorry.” 
“What did we talk about, kiddo?” Patton squeezed Virgil’s hand, smiling sadly. “You don’t have to apologize. It wasn’t your fault.” 
Virgil didn’t answer, still refusing to meet anyone’s gaze, shoulders hunched under the weight of their stares. 
Thomas inched closer, ankles brushing the stairwell, finally breaking the silence. “Virge, can you...tell me what happened?” 
Logan was actually surprised by how quickly Virgil shook his head, looking like Thomas had just suggested something ludicrous, like talking to a cute guy in public. He’d known Virgil was adamantly against telling Thomas any of this, but he hadn’t realized just how hesitant he was. 
“I-I can’t,” he stammered, looking to Patton for help. “I can’t say, I’m sorry, I just...I can’t tell you.” 
“Perhaps it is time we told Thomas,” Logan suggested. “He’s bound to find out eventually, Virgil. And I can assure you, there is nothing to worry about.” 
“But of course, you don’t have to!” Roman added, looking almost just as nervous as Virgil. “It’s entirely up to you!” 
“I’m not gonna pressure you into anything,” Thomas said. “But you know you can tell me anything, right? I’ll do what I can to help.” 
Thomas’s living room was silent for a long moment, the only noise being Patton’s overly exaggerated breathing to keep Virgil from hyperventilating. They all waited, patient and silent, careful not to do anything to make the anxious side feel rushed. 
Logan blinked, surprised when Virgil’s eyes were suddenly locked onto his. 
“Can…” he paused, chewing on his lip. “Can you tell him? Please?” 
Logan gave what he hoped was a reassuring smile and nodded. “Of course. Would you prefer to be in the room or wait somewhere else?” 
Virgil hesitated, free hand tugging at his hoodie, glancing up at Thomas as if to make sure he wasn’t upset with the change in plans. 
“Do you want to wait in the other room, kiddo?” Patton asked. “I can come with you if you want.” 
Virgil nodded, the relief in his eyes painfully obvious, but Logan didn’t miss the tremble that stayed in his hands, the wary, anxiety riddled glances he kept sending Thomas’s way as Patton led him up the stairs. 
“I’ll come get you in a few moments,” Roman called, moving to sit on the edge of the couch, wringing his hands in his lap. “Teach?” 
Logan cleared his throat, adjusting his tie again as he turned back to Thomas, suddenly painfully unsure how he was supposed to continue. 
“Right...Yes. Well,” he started. “A few weeks ago we became aware that, ah...actually Thomas, would you like to sit down?” 
He was stalling and they all knew it- he wasn’t exactly trying to be subtle. But Thomas went along with it anyway, sitting opposite of Roman while Logan awkwardly remained in his usual spot, careful not to fidget. 
“You are, of course, aware of the other sides.” 
“Yeah,” Thomas said. “The dark sides, right?” 
“You have, being a complex and emotional person, many facets of your personality,” Logan explained, ignoring the question. “Some are not as...developed, or as fundamental as the four of us. Most you will likely never interact with. I doubt they even have the ability to manifest.” 
“Okay?” Thomas looked to Roman for some kind of clue, concern clearly morphing to confusion. “What does this have to do with Virgil?” 
Roman clasped his hands in his lap, switching between staring intently down at the floor and looking at Logan- who was frantically trying to figure out the best way to put the delicate situation. 
“Soon after we had accepted Virgil as one of us,” Logan said. “It...came to our attention that he was not...treated well, in a sense, by a majority of the other sides.” 
Roman scoffed. “That’s one way of putting it.” 
“We had all noticed right away, of course, that he was uneasy around us, and always a bit on edge. We all thought he was merely nervous about being rejected again and assumed it would pass.” 
Logan was resolutely not looking at Roman. He would not lose himself, would not fall apart in front of Thomas. He was simply restating facts. That was all. 
“I found him in my room about two weeks into our attempts to get to know him. He was borrowing some reading material and he...well, he believed I intended to strike him as punishment, since he was used to that being standard.” 
Logan risked a glance up, allowing himself to be relieved at Thomas’s expression. He was horrified, as was expected, but there was compassion and understanding flickering in beneath that. 
He wasn’t sure what he had been so afraid of. Perhaps Virgil had been rubbing off on him a bit. 
“But he’s...he’s alright now, isn’t he?” Thomas asked. “I mean, he knows he’s safe with you guys. Right?” 
“It’s a...work in progress,” Roman admitted, and Logan quickly jumped in to elaborate at Thomas’s growing distress. 
“And he is making a great deal of progress. We’re all very proud of how far he’s come in such a short period of time. But it is not something that fixes itself right away.” 
Thomas nodded, scrubbing a hand over his face, and Logan shared a worried look with Roman, both sides at a loss of what else to say or do. 
“How long?” Thomas asked suddenly. “Do you know...how long it went on for?” 
Logan shook his head. “Not exactly. We’ve all...helped Virgil talk through his experiences in chunks whenever he is comfortable. But from what I’ve gathered, it would have been several years at the very least.” 
That, clearly, was not what Thomas had wanted to hear, distress only doubling as he dropped his head into his hands, Roman frantically attempting to provide comfort. 
“Years?” Thomas pushed himself off the couch, Roman hurrying to follow. “It went on for years and I just-- fuck I just let it happen?” 
“You did not let anything happen, Thomas.” 
“He’s my anxiety, Logan!” Thomas shot back, and Logan couldn’t help but be thankful that Joan wasn’t over to hear this particular rant. “It happened in my head and I didn’t even--” 
“Thomas.” Roman’s hand on their host’s shoulder shut down his rambling, the Prince's voice uncharacteristically grim. “There was no way for you to have known. None of us knew- hell Virgil didn’t even know it wasn’t normal!” 
They’d all gone down a spiral of self blame, obsessing uselessly over what could have been since they’d found out what Virgil had gone through. 
If they had just been kinder to him, welcomed him sooner, tried harder to get him to open up from the beginning, then maybe they could have stopped it, saved him from the treatment sooner…
But there was no use in those thoughts. All they did was upset Virgil, who refused to allow anyone to feel guilt over him, half the time convinced he was still just a minor inconvenience. 
“Placing blame is not of importance,” Logan said. “What’s important is Virgil’s safety, and learning how we can undo what has been done. He’s been...conditioned to have a very unhealthy mindset.” 
Thomas took a shaky breath, still much more pale than Logan would like but noticeably more collected than before. 
“You guys found out about this a while ago,” he said after a moment. “What about this last week? You said something else happened?” 
And just like that the tension in the room skyrocketed once again, Roman meeting Logan’s stare with wide, questioning eyes. 
It was like they hadn’t talked about it. They’d had several long discussions, both with and without Virgil, doing all they could to ensure nothing like that ever happened again. 
But Logan didn’t think they’d ever really...recounted out loud exactly what had happened. They all knew. They didn’t need to relive the details. 
Which was illogical, of course. It happened, it was terrifying at the time- the glass, the blood, the way the mindscape had been too quiet- 
But it was over now. It was a mistake, an oversight, and it wouldn’t happen again. And Thomas had the right to know. 
“You don’t have to tell me,” Thomas said, and Logan was surprised by the sheer force of the relief that hit like a tidal wave. “It’s ok. I trust you guys to take care of him.” 
“We will,” Roman agreed. “Always.” 
Logan nodded and Thomas took a breath, running his hands through his hair before glancing at the empty stairwell. 
“Roman, do you think you could go get him? I wanna talk to him if he’s up for it.” 
The creative side nodded, glancing at Logan for some kind of unspoken approval before hurrying up the stairs, disappearing the way Patton and Virgil had left, leaving Logan and Thomas alone in the suddenly much too quiet living room. 
The logical side adjusted his tie once more, eyes trained on the floor. “Virgil has been worrying over your reaction for weeks,” he said. “Please attempt to keep your emotions in check.” 
He couldn’t help but think back to that first day, when Patton had lost himself in his emotions, and Virgil had been convinced that anger was directed towards him. 
Luckily, Thomas seemed to pick up on the uneasiness because he just nodded again, glanced once more at the staircase, and moved back to his spot on the couch. 
“Did...did Deceit hide this from me too?” 
“Not that I’m aware of,” Logan said, and unfortunately that was the truth. He didn’t know. “But from what I’ve gathered, I don’t believe he ever laid a hand on Virgil.” 
That, of course, didn’t mean he hadn’t known about the abuse. No one had really gotten the nerve to ask the dark side about the affair.
But there wasn’t a need to fill Thomas’s head with any more doubts.
It wasn’t long before there were footsteps from the stairs, Virgil reluctantly following Patton into the living room, Roman lingering a few paces behind. 
Thomas waited until they were all off the staircase before scooting over, patting the spot next to him. “Hey, Virge. You want to come sit?” 
Virgil shrugged, shoulders hunched and hands buried in his pockets, but he made his way over to the couch, sitting as far away from Thomas as possible. 
He didn’t look like he was panicking, Logan noted with some sense of relief, just miserable and wary, like he was expecting the worst. 
“Did Logan tell you?” Virgil asked, pressed up against the back of the couch with his knees pulled up to his chest. 
“Yeah, he did.” Thomas moved closer, still careful not to crowd the anxious side. “Buddy...do you think I’m gonna be mad at you?” 
Virgil shrugged. “No. I...I don’t know. Maybe.” 
“I don’t think Thomas has ever been angry with you, kiddo,” Patton pointed out from his spot by the window. “And I really doubt he’s gonna start now.” 
“Of course I’m not angry with you, Virge. Why would you think that?” 
A beat of heavy silence, and for a second it looked like Virgil would refuse to respond at all. But there were no tell tale signs of a panic attack, even as he took a small, trembling breath. “Because you should be.” 
It was mumbled, barely audible, and Logan frowned as Thomas looked like he’d just been slapped. “I- what?” 
“You should be,” Virgil snapped, finally looking up to face the others. “All of you should be! You should...you should be furious with me and you’re not and it’s been months and I don’t get it!” 
His breaths were steady, albeit labored, eyes wide as he met each of their stares, voice only slightly wobbly, and Logan briefly wondered how long he’d thought about saying this. 
Roman took a careful step forward, still hesitating by the stairs. “Virgil...why do you think we’re going to be mad?” 
It was a question they’d all asked him before, when he got that panicked look in his eyes when he thought he’d done something wrong. But this...Logan knew this was something different. This wasn’t panic. 
He didn’t like it any better. 
“I don’t,” Virgil argued. “I know you won’t be and that’s the problem.” 
No one knew what to say, exchanging helpless glances as Virgil took a steadying breath, finally focusing on Thomas. 
“I just...let them do that to me,” he said. “They said I had to be- be h-hurt and I just believed them like an idiot. It probably just hurt you and I didn’t even realize!” 
“Virgil, there was no way you could have known. You thought what was happening was normal.” 
“How is that any better, Logan? I thought I deserved it just because they told me I did. I never tried to fight back! It just...to me it just made sense. I deserved it. I...I still think I do sometimes.” 
“But you’re all so nice to me. I just...I-I love you all so much and I don’t know how...I just keep messing up and panicking over stuff I let happen to me and making your lives harder and it’s...what if I don’t get better? After what happened last week how long are you gonna…” 
He paused with a shaky breath, clearly resolutely determined not to cry. “What if I don’t stop doing this to you? I-I keep...doing this and- and I try to listen to you but sometimes I...I get it. I get why they did it. I mean, if I’m just such a fuck up that that’s the only way to control me, then why don’t you guys just do the same thing and beat the shit out of me so--”
Logan hadn’t meant to raise his voice, but he could see Virgil getting more and more worked up, and the last time he’d brought up any of them getting fed up enough to resort to violence Patton had burst into tears, which would do nothing to help the situation.  
Luckily, the flash of fear in Virgil’s eyes as he fell silent only lasted a second, recognition taking over as his shoulders dropped. 
“Sorry,” Virgil muttered. “Sorry I didn’t mean to say all that, I know you guys...I know you won’t do that. I just worry...I don’t know.” 
Thomas was scooting closer again, watching Virgil with an expression Logan couldn’t quite read. Sadness, definitely. But it was also fond, something protective and kind. 
Logan thought Thomas was the only person kind enough to look at their anxiety like that. 
Good. Virgil deserved that kindness. 
“Virgil,” Thomas said, arms now open and inviting, his smile warm and genuine. “Come here?” 
Virgil didn’t hesitate. His face crumpled and the facade he was trying so desperately to put on faded as he fell forward into Thomas’s embrace, holding him tight. 
Logan smiled, sinking out along with Roman and Patton. They would need to talk about what had happened- all of them, but it could wait. 
Virgil needed some time with Thomas, and Logan had no doubt he would be taken care of. 
To Virgil’s own, silent amazement, he managed not to dissolve into tears the second he realized Thomas not only wasn’t upset with him, but offering physical comfort. 
The others had sunk out sometime into the hug, leaving the two of them alone on the couch, and he did his best to breathe through the lingering panic at the memories of what he’d just said. 
Thomas didn’t let go, but didn’t try to pressure a conversation either, seeming to know Virgil needed some time to find his voice again. 
Instead he just leaned back slightly, enough so both of them were resting comfortably against the back of the couch, and turned the tv on to some mindless show, the background noise helping to ground them both. 
His arms were still wrapped around Virgil, comforting and safe, and the anxious side’s breath hitched as Thomas began carding fingers through his hair, unable to stop himself from leaning into the touch. 
Thomas shouldn’t be taking care of him like this. Not when Virgil had done nothing but hurt him. 
He pushed those thoughts away, closed his eyes, and willed his mind to focus. 
It was impossible to tell how much time passed, everything fuzzy and far away, but Thomas never pushed, waiting until Virgil was ready to talk on his own. 
“I’m so stupid.” 
The fingers in his hair stopped, just for a second, before starting up again, even more gentle than before. 
“You’re not,” Thomas said. “You’re not, Virge. You were being hurt and manipulated. It wasn’t your fault.” 
He’d heard this all a thousand times before. It wasn’t his fault, it was manipulation, his reactions were normal, he shouldn’t blame himself. 
It helped to hear, sure, but only in the short run. It all came creeping back eventually, taunting, jeering voices mercilessly screaming in his head. 
“I know,” he said against Thomas’s shoulder. “But I believed them. I know what they did wasn’t my fault but I never questioned it. I hated the way it made me feel and I still never tried to get it to stop.” 
“You thought you didn’t have a choice.”
“Nobody else would be stupid enough to believe that,” Virgil muttered. “You wouldn’t, the others wouldn’t, I just always thought...I thought I was helping but I always just make it worse.” 
For a second, Thomas didn’t answer, the low volume of the television the only sound in the living room. For a terrifying second, Virgil thought Thomas was going to agree. 
“You make us better, Virgil,” he said, the same words Princey had spoken in his room. “Not worse. Never worse. Don’t forget that.”
Thomas pulled back slightly, just enough to meet Virgil’s eyes, carefully moving a hand under his chin when the anxious side averted his gaze. 
“You aren’t stupid, buddy. And you did not deserve that. Any of it. You couldn’t have known- we all treated you like a villain, and you thought you had to be the bad guy.” 
Virgil shrugged, taking a shuddering breath. “I thought...I was just trying to protect you.” 
“And you do,” Thomas said. “You always have. Nobody blames you for believing what they told you. Especially not when you were scared.” 
Thomas finally allowed Virgil to look away, the side staring down at his lap, forcibly reminding himself not to pick at the bandages under his sleeves. 
“I hated it,” he mumbled, face burning. “I wanted it to stop so bad so I don’t know why...why I can’t accept that it’s over.” 
“You’ll get there,” Thomas promised, more certain than Virgil had ever heard him. “You’ll realize someday you didn’t deserve it. We’ll show you that you deserve to be loved, Virge.” 
Thomas pulled him close again, the hug tight and desperate on both ends, and for just a moment Virgil thought that with an embrace like this, a family so open and understanding, he would never be afraid again. 
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perhapsthanatos · 3 years
10:32 pm with yuta ♡
nct’s yuta x fem!reader (got inspired by a dream of mine & found the idea really cute)
alternate title: be the james dean to my audrey hepburn
genre: fluff. a pinch of angst. non idol au. badboy!yuta au.
word count: 1400~
playlist: chinatown by wild nothing, lover’s rock by tv girl & work this time by king gizzard and the lizard wizard.
warnings: featuring johnny (not a warning though). smoking cigarettes. cursing. lowercase intended. not proofread.
a/n: hi i was supposed to post a vampire!haechan fic but i really wasnt happy w it in general :( the plot or overall idea of the fic was really good, but i just felt as if i didnt do it justice so here we are :( but ngl, i kind of like this concept more? maybe bc i can see it more vividly? idk, i feel like my writings r getting repetitive & its getting on my nerves lmaoo this is getting long im sorry do u guys even read this part anyway? i would also like to apologize abt the amount of projecting im doing lmao ive been having some rough days & i love my sister but hate being compared to her so often so this is a way for me to rant abt it ig? also so sorry its coming out a little later bc i woke up late today (& procrastinated for the rest of it so here i am posting really late at night) & decided to go to the convenience store to get ice cream (& a ton of other bad shit pls dont do this its rlly unhealthy) for breakfast bc i can :) any who, enjoy lovelies <3
“oh my, y/n! you’ve grown up so well! just like your sister!”
“oh! i’m sorry i’ve almost mistaken you for your sister! y/n is your name, correct?”
“y/n, darling, you are looking so dashing! you really do resemble your sister, don’t you?”
“ah, you must be y/n! i’ve heard all about you and your sister from your father!”
you swear that your reddening cheeks are threatening to fall off any moment now from all the fake smiling. the hundreds of superficial compliments, the insincere flattery and the need for these people to constantly compare you to your godforsaken sister makes you feel even weaker than you are. it gets harder and harder to keep up with a big persona that isn’t at all you. as lucky as you are to live such a lavish lifestyle, you can’t help but hate how your family has to be so perfect. you hate how you have never fit in with them, even if you are so good at faking it. you hate how you have always been stuck in your sister’s shadow, constantly haunted with the reminder that you yourself aren’t good enough. you hate how you now have to entertain the rich and brainless guests at your parent’s gala because she’s gone for some stupid prodigy competition and everyone is only talking about her in front of your face. so what if she’s better the better sister? you still have the right to earn respect, right?
you’re exhausted from all the small talk. your facade gets more brittle by the second under all the pressure. your body feels as if it's gonna give out due to your brain shutting down after all that interacting. you try to keep on going with the night as it unravels itself by being the perfectly poised poster child, trying to make your parents proud. but alive yet almost completely devoid, you decide enough was enough. what if you left right now? no one would notice, would they?
after pulling up your phone discreetly to send a few text messages, you pass through lots of people dressed in gold and finery in a way that wouldn’t have you noticed right away. keep your head down and don’t you dare make eye contact with anyone. nearing the end of the room, grabbing the first glass of whatever alcohol you see and downing it in one gulp, you start walking away as quickly as possible from the ballroom. “ignorant privileged fucks,” you angrily whisper to no one in particular, setting the now empty glass on whatever surface and begin to head to the main exit where no one could spot you running away.
“and what do you think you’re doing here, miss?”
a voice interrupts you, looking up you see that it is your father’s head butler; johnny. he is dressed in a simple black suit that makes him appear taller than he is. his long brown hair is slicked back and his bowtie seems brand new. you have known the man since he started working in your household less than ten years back. you were a reckless child, often trying to find ways to sneak out, finding a way to escape from this life and he sympathized with you. after all, he could barely imagine living your life, never catching a break for yourself and always pretending to be someone you weren’t. he often helped planning when you would sneak out into the night, scheduling things like what time you should leave and what time you should be back, more specifically a time when no one would notice. he would take care of your form of transportation and have your location on at all times, just to be extra safe. as much as he wants you to have fun and have a bit of freedom, he still worries that something might happen to you. because of all this, you two have grown to have a very strong bond. you could confidently say that he is most definitely a parental figure in your life since your parents (and even your sister) are often overseas for work.
“what do you think i’m doing? you think i wanna be in a room with those half-baked bipeds? fuck no!”
“i know, i was just joking. you looked like you were about to explode in there, i wish i could help.” he laughs, pulling out his phone preparing what you might need. “so what will it be for today? the driver? we just need to pay him to keep his mouth shut. a taxi? it’s cheaper than paying the driver, but you still need to pay… not like that’s a problem for you though. maybe an uber would be good enough—“
“actually, i got myself covered. thanks.”
his jaw slightly drops and his eyebrows furrow. he looks straight at you in shock. “what do you mean you got yourself covered?”
you look down at your feet, a nervous habit. “i got myself a ride, you don’t need to help me. i’ll be back as soon as dawn comes.”
he raises his eyebrow. “who’s your ride?”
“doesn’t matter,” you glance down at your phone seeing a notification and wave a goodbye, leaving rather suddenly. “i gotta go, i’ll text you when you need to open the gates!”
“y/n! wait! who’s your ride— and she’s gone.” johnny sighs, watching as you run towards the front gates, tossing your stiletto heels away on the grass while you’re at it. he heads back inside, silently hoping you’ll be fine.
knocking the window of the old black mustang parked outside behind the big bushes, the driver rolls down his window and sends the most charming smile.
yuta in his black beanie, long blonde hair, worn out doc martens, signature leather jacket and black skinny jeans. it almost makes you laugh on how he wears the same thing almost everyday but still manages to look so good.
he is most notable for having a big bad boy reputation and you knew that he was the breath of fresh air you needed in your life. a person who can understand having the pressure of having to be or to fulfill your persona. a person you can completely be yourself around. a person who is full of warmth no matter how cold he may seem on the outside.
“get in, princess.”
and that was all you needed. you tiredly walked to the other door and sat yourself in the car. rolling his window back up, he looks at you. you are wearing a simple yet stunning black dress along with silver jewelry adorned on your neck and wrists. your makeup is perfectly done but still struggles to hide the fog in your eyes. he has the sudden urge to clear them away. he softens at the sight of you. no one is perfect, but he finds you being perfect enough without ever having to dress up.
“where to?” he asks as gently as he could. he knows that you are most vulnerable during these moments and that it is hard to finally break down your walls after a day full of stress, so he doesn’t pry immediately. all he wants to do is to keep you here, safe and away from your burdens and for you to stay comfortable with him, even if it couldn't be for long. but is that too selfish of him to ask? he hates how you hate your life and it is taking every bone in his body to not run away with you. but who is he to tell you what to do or what to change anyway? all he can do for now is try to find a way to make you genuinely smile.
“take me anywhere,” you whisper to the latter. “i just want to be as far from myself and my life as possible. miles away or the nearest convenience store, just take the long way home before dawn.”
you look down at the cup holders, spotting an open cigarette box. you tug one out of the nineteen and light it with the lighter you kept in your pocket. you lean back and close your eyes. he only admires as you bring the cigarette to your lips, exhaling a cloud of smoke afterwards. letting the radio play quietly, he starts the car and begins to drive away from the mansion. he can’t help but wonder how you (an elegant daughter) and him (a bad boy) are millions of worlds apart, but more similar than you think.
© perhapsthanatos (efa)
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mantistog · 4 years
I was wondering if you can take a request for Yandere! Hannibal x reader x Yandere! Will Graham where the reader is very cold hearted so she always rejects Hannibal and Will and so they start killing for her like courtship and they eventually kidnap her and tell her they killed those people for her? Sorry if it’s long and I love your writings keep up the good work!
Bit different than what you wrote, sorry lol. I often get caught up writing, although I hope you still like it. <3
Yandere!Hannibal Lecter x Reader x Yandere!Will Graham: Devotion
The first time you rejected them you had been dealing with a sizzling headache for most of the day. It was the kind of headache that spread through the top of your head to the bridge of your nose and to the edge of your neck, making your head heavy and unbearable. The kind of headache that renders you desperate for relief and makes you question if life is even worth it at all. So to say you were irritable was an understatement. They could not have chosen a worse time to try and court you with dinner and fake kindness. 
At first it seemed they had thought your coldness and rejection was a symptom of your vicious headache or your bad mood following it. In reality you were just not at all interested in being part of a weird three way relationship, much less their toxic and gross partnership. The only way to describe it was codependent. It seemed Hannibal loved when people needed him. Or maybe he liked the control that came with someone being under him and having complete control. He did seem like the control freak type. Will on the other hand seemed he needed someone to make him stable. Someone to just handle him, even when he can’t handle himself. 
You needed neither, and you definitely didn’t want it. No one needed to give you a role to make you feel worth something and you didn’t need to define yourself by anyone you chose to date. You were not interested in any aspect of their sick love. Maybe if you had told them that that day instead of telling them politely to fuck off, they would have understood. The next time they had asked you out, it was when you bumped into them by accident. What for you had forgotten, but you needed flowers. Maybe it was a funeral, or maybe it was one of your friends' birthdays. You had never been good with gifts, always giving people things you’d liked. The flower you had chosen was a large bouquet of sunflowers, a big beautiful one that went well with the season. Sunflowers were your favourite, too. When you had bumped into them you had accidentally let that slip, when Hannibal had asked what occasion called for sunflowers. He had always looked far too deep into everything, making him too pretentious for your liking. Who cared if the flower was wrong for the occasion, if it was pretty? 
Either way you had told them in exact words that whatever they were trying to invite you to was not going to happen, and you were not in any way interested in any of them. Hannibal had of course tried to goat you into coming for dinner as a ‘friend’. Will was less tactful, seeming rather distraught. You disagreed, your patience thin. You simply walked away without even a goodbye. A lot of your friends would call you cold, or mean. To you it just meant you didn’t lie or deal with peoples shit. You were okay with being called cold if it meant you didn’t have to bother with putting up fake courtesies. 
When the pictures of the body came to you a few months later, you had completely forgotten the interaction. They had seemed much less pushy in their pursuit and you had to some degree even forgotten they had even tried to court you. In some way, the body was beautiful. The way the skin seemed so pale, like porcelain, matched so well with the vibrant yellow of the flowers. The body wasn’t even the focus of the masterpiece, it was the canvas for which the sunflowers were painted. The body was perched on a set of antlers, and it made you think it must have been the chesapeake ripper. 
But the motive was so different. Violation, cannibalism and the act of murder was always what you saw on the crime scenes from him. But this was not anything violent in nature itself. There was barely any blood anywhere on the body, it looked barely touched. She was almost alive, if it was not for the paleness and cold of her skin. Some of it looked even blue. You wondered what Will would gather of the body, if he would come to the same conclusion as you. 
You were surprised when he claimed it to be a love proclamation, yet still insisted that it was the ripper. Will knew better than you, when it came to all this, so you didn’t bother arguing with him. He insisted something must have changed in the ripper's life. That he must have found someone or something worth his art. It seemed almost unlikely to you, that someone like the ripper could be possible of love. Jack seemed to agree with you, which at least put your mind at ease. 
It wasn’t long before the next body turned up, in the same state as the last. So well preserved it was eerie. The body was exactly the same as the last, but the sunflowers were backed by bouquets of flowers. Just like with the last body, you didn’t connect the dots. But you still briefly thought about how pretty it was. You loved all those flowers, and you had to stop yourself from letting that thought fester. It would be too morbid to find it beautiful. 
Bodies kept turning up like that, so different but all so similar too. And after the 4th one you started to notice a pattern of the things the bodies were adorned with and that it was all things you found nice. But the 5th drove it home, putting it just beyond a coincidence for you. Just a week before the body turned up you had an altercation with your neighbor about a noise complaint after you had some friends over. You were complaining about it for a week, the fact that you didn’t see him again didn’t even cross your mind. You were too busy being caught up in your own spite to notice his absence at all. Until you saw the pictures of his body. Unlike the almost artistic and beautiful vision portrayed through the previous bodies, this one was malicious and predatory like the other victims of the ripper. 
It was like the pictures snapped you back to reality. All those bodies, it was all too close to home. You hadn’t asked for this. All you had done was complain. You went home early that day, overcome with a sense of guilt. You stayed home the next day too, calling in sick. You kept going over who it could be in your life. Will had deemed the killing proclamations of love, yet you couldn’t find one person who had shown any kind of interest in you. That was until you remembered the rejections. The lead was so thin, that you honestly felt bad for even thinking about it, but it was quickly squashed when you thought about it further. You had always found Hannibal creepy and probably capable of murder. And Will was unstable to the point where you didn’t even question his capabilities. 
You went back to work as normal after that. You made sure not to say anything personal, or complain about anyone when Hannibal or Will came near you. It went pretty smooth, and while everything was laying dormant in their relationship and your mind, you focused on trying to come up with a plan to see if it was them. But as mundanity rolled back into your life, you started chatting with your coworkers the same as you always had. And you made a mistake. You hadn’t even noticed Will was in the room as your back faced the doorway of the breakroom talking about a guy you had met at your local cafe. You were interested in him. It wasn’t often you were, and you had just let it slip in excitement. You didn’t even notice until you got spooked by a cough behind you that he had been there the whole time, pouring coffee. You fretted going home that day, scared of what would happen.
You couldn’t remember exactly when you had fallen asleep, but you woke up feeling really tired and stiff, with the faintest of headaches growing in the back of your skull. Yet you felt nice, pulling the duvet closer to your face to try and put pressure on your head and alleviate some of the headache. The duvet was  soft, and it smelled faintly of manly cologne. A cologne that wasn’t yours. Suddenly the gears in your head turned, and you shot upright, looking around suspiciously. The room is unfamiliar to you, but at the end of the bed you see Will, asleep. He’s sitting on the floor, propped up on the bed with his hands reaching upwards towards you, his face down on the sheets. He looks almost cute, like that. You almost consider waking him, to talk to him about this, but you quickly decide not to. Could you even make it to the door without him waking?
You look over at the half open door, at the other side of the room from the bed. But before you can even calculate the chances of your escape the door opens further, creaking in the process and startling Will awake. Hannibal is looking at you with a smile, and your blood runs cold at how creepy and insincere it is. Will scrambles to stand up, sitting on the edge of the bed and staring up at you. His expression was so emotional, mixed with both pity and something akin to happiness. He looks like he is approaching one of his wild dogs, moving very slow and cautiously. 
“Why?” Is all you manage to ask, when in reality you probably had hundreds of questions you wanted to ask them. But you don’t manage to eliquate a good question. It prompts Hannibal to step into the room fully, and you can now see that he is whipping his hands with a small cloth, indicating he was probably making something in his kitchen, like he always did. He cocks his head confused and Will scoots himself closer again. “That’s a very broad question. You’re going to have to reconvey.” Hannibal says. Your mouth scrunches up as the fake smile appears back on his face. It’s obvious you’re displeased, and you can’t help but grow a bit hostile. 
“Why am I here? Why do you murder innocent people?  Why am I alive?” You snap, looking at them with pure anger. It feels good, to finally tell them off again. Hannibal's fake smile drops, and he opens his mouth to reply but Will is already sitting by you, grabbing your hands in his. You’re too stunned to say anything. “We did it for you, can’t you see?” He pleads. But no, you still don’t understand. You will never understand. All you can feel at this point is exasperation. “You’re crazy. Neither of you even know what love means.” 
Will smiles, bringing your hands closer to his face, despite you half heartedly pulling them away. He kisses your knuckles gently. 
“Breakfast is ready.” Hannibal says, as if everything is normal. As if you’re not kidnapped. As if you’re not the cause of over 5 dead people. 
As if you love them.
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jamaiskookie · 4 years
Yoongi Doesn’t Romance [myg x reader]
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✂︎ warnings: excessive cursing, bad writing
✂︎ word count: 6.6k (I meant to write a very short drabble… aHAHHA)
✂︎ genre: it’s.. literally just crack. Good dosing of cheesy romance and overused cliches
✂︎ A/N: it took awhile but we here!!! with a short drabble but still!!! hope you enjoy this cringey fluffy fic full of shameless jimin and shy yoongi- arguably the best yoongi
masterlist asks
✂︎ synopsis: yoongi isn’t great at expressing feelings- especially with how nervous he gets around you. alternatively titled: yoongi sucks at romance
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“... and I don’t understand why you’re so hell bent on denying it! You obviously have a crush on him!” You roll your eyes at Namjoon, flicking your index finger at his forehead and watching as he flinches and lets out multiple sounds of pain, which you promptly ignored. 
“I’m denying my crush because he so obviously doesn’t like me back! He hates me, Joon. He literally detests me.” You say, jumping back onto the stained and cluttered couch that occupies most of you and Namjoon’s shared dorm. 
“And I’m telling you that you’re overthinking it,” Namjoon says, chewing on some popcorn. “I don’t think he hates you, you’re just exaggerating things.”  
“I am not!” You protest, swinging your head around to look Namjoon dead straight in the eyes. “He hates me! He practically leaps out of the room whenever I’m around.” Namjoon opens his mouth to reply, but is cut off by Taehyung, who is currently seated two feet away on a small thrifted chair. 
“Shhhhhhhh-” His eyes are still fixated on the TV screen, watching the random nature documentary playing that you and Namjoon had long ago abandoned. You and Namjoon both watch Taehyung for a second amusedly as he attempts to stuff popcorn kernels in his mouth and completely misses the mark. You’ll have to remind him to clean up the floor later. 
“But,” Namjoon whispers to you, “Literally every time you aren’t around I swear all he can do is run his mouth on and on about you.” 
“Not true!” You yell, squeaking out a quick apology to Tae, who glared at you for interrupting the segment on apes. Something about how apes can learn languages, but you’re not too sure. “Lies!” You hiss, elbowing Namjoon in the rib. 
“Ow-!” He jumps back, wincing. “Why do you always resort to violence?” You didn’t have an answer to that question, unfortunately. “And I’m not lying! I swear on my bonsai trees he always asks where you are whenever you don’t show up to stuff.” 
“Maybe he just wants to know how much glorious time he has left before he has to face me again.” You offer, tearing open what must be your third dorito family pack of the night. (It’s fine, you’ll burn it off by running to class tomorrow when you’re inevitably late once again.) “Namjoon, face the facts: he only tolerates my presence occasionally because we share a couple of mutual friends. If it weren’t for you and the other guys, he would’ve already started a  hate club for me, I’m sure of it”
Namjoon stared at you exasperatedly, before muttering something that very suspiciously sounded like ‘God you’re such a dumbass’ before taking out his phone to swipe through Tinder, not uttering another word to you. 
Despite Namjoon’s utter and complete lies, you don’t exaggerate anything when it comes to Min Yoongi. Not his hatred towards you, or how he speaks two words maximum every year directed at you, or your massive slight crush that you’ve harboured for him, or how cute he looks with beanies on, or how you almost fainted that one time you saw him playing basketball, or- well, you get it. 
The point is, you can’t acknowledge your crush on Yoongi (Even though everyone around you is fully aware of it) because he seems to completely resent you and your existence for no reason in particular. Namjoon, Taehyung, Jimin, and many others insist that he doesn’t hate you as much as you think, but you dismiss their stupid assumptions time and time again. You’d love to believe them, but the evidence and first hand experiences you’ve had says otherwise. 
Exhibit A: He seems to avoid you on campus, or anywhere you go. This one is actually quite impressive considering the classes you two share. You’ve never seen someone go so out of their way to ignore someone they don’t like. It’s pretty commemorable. Whenever you sit in the same row as him during a lecture, he’ll move seats. One time you waved at him at a coffee shop and he just strangely blushed, and bolted out of there faster than you could say ‘rejected’. Taehyung ended up saying it, all while laughing his ass off. (You made him pay for your coffee that day.) Everytime you head over to Jimin’s dorm, he’ll just blankly stare at you two and march straight towards his room and lock himself in there until you leave. He even gulpes and swerves away when he sees you in a hallway. 
You know, that awkward thing when you’re heading the same direction so obviously you’d try and be slightly friendly and wave or something but then he’ll just suddenly turn around, navigating through the crowd of angry, late students and facing all that social pressure just so he doesn’t have to waVE BACK AT YOU- okay, maybe you aren’t as over this incident as you thought. 
Exhibit B: He won’t speak to you or touch you or interact with you in any way. Okay, maybe ‘in any way’ is a teensy bit exaggerated, but he definitely seems to find trouble when you two are left alone for some strange reason. He seems to be fine when all your other friends are around, but he just looks so uncomfortable when it’s just you two. He won’t look you in the eye, and he’ll just mutter incomprehensible sentences under his breath. 
A couple months ago you attempted to hold a decent conversation with him in the kitchen of Jin’s fancy ass apartment. After many awkward silences that you had to fill up with your timid and boring small talk, he just mumbled something and you had to watch him go into the bathroom and scream. Either he was having some really bad explosive diarrhea, or having to talk to you was just that excruciating. Apart from intense Uno game nights or when he’s under the influence of alcohol, you’ve never even heard Yoongi raise his voice!
How is it possible that just by talking to you, he feels the urge to scream? You aren’t that boring, you think-! Actually, now that you think about it, you did try and bring up sea otter fun facts as a conversation starter, so maybe that’s why he had to scream. 
Personally, you think that sea otters are the most adorable creatures to ever grace the earth, but Yoongi does seem like the kind of guy to prefer bats or something like that. 
Exhibit C: The elbow incident. This haunts you to this day, not just from the horrible humiliation, but if the two previous exhibit’s weren’t convincing enough, this was real cemented evidence that Min Yoongi hates your guts. 
You were talking to Jimin about the significance of ‘Phineas and Ferb’ in the cinematic industry, when your dumbass had tripped and caught yourself on Min Yoongi’s fucking arm (His bicep, on a completely unrelated note, was much bigger and stronger than you had thought, which was a complete other source of anxiety.) You would much rather fall on the ground and break all your bones, because the look on Yoongi’s face as he stared down at you clutching his arm like some sort of idiot, could only be described as disgust or horrified. Maybe both. You immediately let go, of course, and blabbered out apology after apology, but all he did was just stare and blink owlishly at you. 
You proceeded to blush madly and run away, hiding your face in Jimin’s chest, which was, in hindsight, not a good idea, considering how hard he was laughing at the time. (What you didn’t see was Yoongi staring from behind you, deciding to never wash the hoodie he was wearing ever again.) 
So, that concludes your argument against Namjoon’s preposterous claim that ‘Yoongi doesn’t actually hate you Y/n, it’s all in your head’ Delusional, that’s what he is. How could someone like Min Yoongi, a person you have literally been drooling over for most of your academic career, a person who single handedly has every sorority girl wrapped around his finger, even tolerate your very existence, much less be attracted to you? No, none of it makes any sense. You’ll continue to hurt yourself by being around him, despite clearly knowing that he detests your presence, and will even deny the crush you’ve somehow managed to build up for him. 
Because even though it hurts to see him flinch and ignore you, you truly do think that Yoongi is one of the greatest people to ever walk on this shitty earth. He’s caring, even if he does pretend to not care, he’s smart, passionate, ambitious, and you’d be absolutely lying if you said you haven’t dreamed of pinching those squishy cheeks he seems to hide away so often. 
If only you knew why he hated you so much. 
All the way across campus, Yoongi was having a similar breakdown while Jimin looked on anxiously. 
“God fucking dammit!” He screamed. The sound comes out slightly muffled since Jimin can only hear what he’s saying through the pillow that Yoongi currently has his face buried in. He kicks his legs up and whines, hitting the bed with his hands. Jimin is suddenly reminded of his 4 year old cousin who threw a tantrum when she didn’t get the doll she asked for. 
“And then you know what I said, Chim?? Do you kNOW?” Yoongi’s been screaming for the past thirty minutes or so. Jimin’s surprised that nobody on campus has come pounding on their door telling them to shut up yet. 
“Please, do enlighten me.” Jimin murmurs, picking at his nails. 
“I said ‘Salutations’ AND THEN I RAN OUT THE FUCKING CLASSROOM.” Yoongi tilts his head up from the pillow and groans, scrunching his nose up at the embarrassing thought.
“At least it’s not as bad as the time you screamed in the middle of the street when she touched your shoulder… right?” Jimin offers timidly, forcing a smile on his face. An angry, sleep deprived Yoongi is already scary enough, but he’s ten times more intense when the source of anger comes from you. 
Honestly, sometimes he wonders how effective it would be if he could just lock Yoongi and you in a room and force you two to admit your feelings for once. (Until he mentioned this idea to Namjoon, who dejectedly informed him that they’ve already tried that.) ((Yoongi broke out of the room using a bobby pin and sheer force of will)) He’s never even seen a pair so smart, and yet so obliviously naive. Anyone with functioning two eyes could see the horribly obvious feelings the both of you shared for each other. In fact, for the first couple months upon meeting Yoongi, he thought that you were his girlfriend, based on how much he talked about you. That assumption carried on when he met you, until Jin told him that the two of you were just in a weird phase of dumbasses who kinda flirt. 
It’s not Yoongi’s fault that he’s so bad at having actual emotions that aren’t the tears of joy that he sheds whenever he gets free coffee from the barista at the local cafe, and it’s not your fault that your self esteem is too low to recognise that Yoongi basically worships you. 
In theory, you two are a match made in heaven. Both just as stupid as the other.
“How do you do feelings, Jimin?” Yoongi sits up from the bed, and Jimin thinks that the tear tracks and defeated look on his face is a tad bit dramatic, but he chooses not to comment on it, for fear of his own life. 
“... what?” 
“You know, feelings. How do you romance?” 
“... what?” 
Yoongi, completely exasperated, throws his hands up in the air and turns around to face Jimin. “Everytime I try to talk to her by myself it’s like I’m a fish out of water. I get way too nervous, and then she starts talking about otters, and she’s way too pretty so I obviously start freaking out! I don’t know, you and Jungkook have been dating for a year now, right?” Jimin nods.
“How’d you do that.”
“... Are you asking me how I got a boyfriend or-? Because I assure you that 85% of getting Kookie to be my boyfriend had to do with my great ass, so I can’t really help you out there- ” Jimin laughs as he watches Yoongi squeal and cover his hands over his ears. 
“Can I ask you for relationship advice without hearing about your sex life, please?” Yoongi pleads. “I know too many unnecessary things about how Jungkook is in bed.” 
Jimin decides to put his friend out of his misery. He places a hand on his shoulder, and shoots him a soft smile. 
“Yoongi, my young grasshopper- ” He retracts the hand when he sees the deathly stare Yoongi is looking at him with, but so far so good, “- there really isn’t much to it. Tell her you like her, and in the very, very, extremely small chance that she rejects you, so what? It’s not like you’re going to spend the rest of your life getting ov- ” Jimin’s voice falters again when Yoongi’s stare intensifies. 
“You don’t get it!” He complains, throwing himself back onto the bed once again. “You’re all good at this sort of stuff!” Jimin tilts his head in confusion. “You know, relationships! Talking to people! And I’m pretty sure Y/n is the love of my life, so I’m literally going to break down if she rejects me! I’m going to cry for days, I already know it!” Yoongi stares up at the ceiling, pouting at nothing in particular. 
“She’s so perfect, smart, nice, caring, funny, strong and incredible. It hurts that she’s never going to like me the way I like her.” 
“You know, Yoongi, if you never talk to her, she’s never going to know you feel that way.”
He sighs and closes his eyes, while it takes all of Jimin’s strength to restrain himself from not throwing Yoongi out of the window. 
Once he’s absolutely sure that Yoongi is fully asleep, he pinches the bridge of his nose and rolls his eyes. After a few quick taps, he brings his phone up to his ear. 
“Guys, I can’t deal with him anymore. We have to do something.” 
“I would like to, once again, reiterate that I am 100% against this idea.”
“Shut up, Namjoon.” Namjoon grumbles something about being unappreciated, but continues to speak up.
“It’s a bad idea, Chim. Logically, there’s only a small chance this will work out in our favour, and if it doesn't, I’m at least certain that Yoongi will dislocate all of our limbs until we’re a pile of human flesh.” 
Jimin dismisses the thought. “Yoongi would never do that to us.” 
“Of course he would,” Taehyung piped up. “Do you remember the time he dyed my bright pink because I made fun of Y/n for her stupid heart patterned boots and she cried?” 10 pairs of eyes slowly looked up at Taehyung. 
“Well, that’s justified, we all want to murder you.” Taehyung gasps at Jin, who smiles back at him in return. 
“And also, you were being a huge asshole that day and you totally deserved it. The pink hair didn’t even look that bad.” Tae smiles proudly at Jimin. 
“That’s true, I fucking slayed with that pink hair. I kinda miss it, actually… ” He hums thoughtfully, scratching his chin. Jimin looks away and scoffs. Taehyung’s one of his oldest friends, but sometimes he gets a little too art-kid-college-dropout-hipster for him to handle. 
“Do you guys think I should dye my hair pink again?” Nobody answers his question. 
“Tae might be an absolute douchebag, but he has a point. We all know how protective Yoongi is over Y/n. Are you willing to potentially risk your life if this doesn’t work out?” Curse Namjoon for being logical. Maybe Yoongi killing him is a bit of a stretch, but he would make Jimin’s life a living hell if this operation ended up a failure. 
Nevertheless, he continues to insist. “Okay, what’s the worst that could happen? I physically can’t stand Yoongi stomping around the dorm because he’s emotionally incapable of working out his feelings anymore! Yesterday he fell asleep in my bed. My bed, Namjoon. For such a tiny man, he’s really fucking heavy, I couldn’t move him and had to crash on the couch for the night. If this doesn’t end up working, Yoongi will just go back home and mope around all day long. Nothing different from what he’s doing now.” 
“Um, what’s the worst that could happen?“ Namjoon asks incredulously. “How about if Yoongi finds out we tricked him, invites us to a murder mystery party, but then decides to kill us instead, and covers it up by burying our cold hard, deAD bodies in a highly unhygienic GRAVEYARD? What will you do if that happens, Jimin?“ 
Nobody says anything to Namjoon, and the boys turn to Jimin once again. Shaking his head, and attempting to ignore... whatever the hell Namjoon just did, Jimin speaks. 
“Oh come on guys!” He shakes his shoulders and lightly taps his foot against the ground. “Aren’t you guys tired of dealing with these two dumbasses too?” A murmur of agreement seems to go around the group, and Jimin breaks into a huge smile. 
“Well, gee,“ Namjoon mumbles sarcastically. “Why don’t you just make a Namjoon Facebook hate group?“ Taehyung shushes him. 
Beside him, Jin and Jungkook are exchanging money, clearly for some kind of bet. What the bet entails, Jimin has no idea, but he doesn’t have the time to question them right now. 
“So, we’re in?” Everyone slowly begins to nod, all except Namjoon. Jimin beams, looking up expectantly at him. Namjoon bites his lip, and squeezes his eyes shut. 
“Fine.” He grumbles out, not acknowledging Jimin’s shouts of joy. “If this goes wrong though, you bitches better be fucking responsible.” 
“Well, I’m happy you’re all on board, because Hoseok is already here.” Jimin happily smiled up to find Hobi shuffling through the cafe doors, waving enthusiastically at him. He also decides to ignore the collective round of groans and ‘Jimin!’’s that went around the table. 
“Why did you even ask us for our opinions if you already planned this out anyway?” Jungkook hisses, awkwardly smiling at Hoseok.
“Because you guys can never say no to me!” 
“That’s only because of how fucking annoying you are, Chimmy.” Jin moves over in order to let Hoseok sit, even though he doesn’t look overjoyed at having to abandon his favourite seat. 
“Well, all of you look super happy to see me.” Hobi jokes, immediately picking up Namjoon’s milkshake to take a sip. 
“Sorry that you had to get dragged into all this bullshit, Hobi,” Namjoon says, pushing his milkshake towards him and sticking a second straw in the cup. 
“No problem! I love pissing Yoongi off!” The group slowly stares at Hobi, who is still cheerfully sipping at Joon’s milkshake. 
“Well,” Taehyung mutters. “What else do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Drowning yourself in lava?” 
“Taehyung, play nice. Some people are just special. Anyways, here is the plan for Operation: Delusional Idiots Who Need To Make Out.” 
“... Can’t we shorten that?”
“Yeah, seems pretty lengthy.”
“How about Operation: DIWNTMO? Like, pronounced as diwinteemo?”
“That’s… even worse, somehow.”
“Let’s just shorten it to Operation: Delusional Idiots.” 
Six voices, in the middle of the busiest cafe on the school campus, suddenly shout out the words ‘Operation: Delusional Idiots!’, and a cheer goes around the table. 
Onlookers wonder if they are referring to themselves. 
In hindsight, Namjoon was probably right. But Jimin can be extremely convincing sometimes, and Jin takes every opportunity to throw a party, so maybe Namjoon was fighting a lost cause in the first place. 
He ponders what he wants his tombstone to say, while pacing around Jin’s apartment, where the party is already going on, full force. Maybe something like ‘Kim Namjoon (1994-2020) Murdered by Min Yoongi at a house party.’ Well, at least if he really does die tonight, it would be a good night for it. 
Namjoon has many complaints about Seokjin. He could probably pull up a never ending list of the girls and guys who have come complaining to him for his friend’s mistakes, screaming about how Jin broke their heart, so and so. But, even he has to begrudgingly agree, Kim Seokjin throws one hell of a party. 
It was one of those rare nights where you could actually make out the faint stars in the Seoul skyline, where the twinkling of the stars felt peaceful. Namjoon isn’t too much of a party person, but the monsters that he calls his friends go out every Friday night, pulling him along most of the time. He’s gotten used to just camping out on Jin’s fancy apartment balcony, (Seriously, what kind of college kid has a balcony?) avoiding the cheers, loud screaming and horribly unhygienic things that are happening inside. 
Unfortunately, thanks to Park Jimin and his horrible ideas, Namjoon is currently wincing in the middle of a huge crowd full of sweaty bodies. He regrets not faking a fever while he could, but it was way too late now. His job tonight was to keep Y/n preoccupied. 
“Remember Joonie, under no circumstances can Y/n see Yoongi before Hoseok completes the task. If she even sees a glimpse of him, she’s going to freak out and leave.”
His aforementioned target was nowhere to be seen. Namjoon is starting to worry that all their efforts will go to waste just because you decided it was another Friday to stay in bed and watch Disney movies on repea-
“wHOA!” Another sweaty hand pulls him out from the crowd, and Namjoon stumbles out, breathing heavily. 
“Why aren’t you out on the balcony?” 
“Why- what- oH! Y/n!” 
You stare blankly at Namjoon, who is still rubbing his arm in pain. 
“You came!” He says, with a look on his face that you can’t quite decipher. 
“What do you mean, I came? Of course I came! It was you and Jin who insisted I come, right?” You dragged him over to the makeshift bar that Jin had set up hours ago on his kitchen island, pouring the both of you strong drinks. You’ll need it to get through the night. 
“Right!” Namjoon awkwardly laughs and follows you into the kitchen, craning his neck to lock eyes with Jimin, who then gives him a thumbs up and leans over to whisper to Hoseok. 
“Y/n,” He says, patting your back when you start coughing lightly from the shot you just downed. “We’re friends no matter what, right?” 
“What are you talking about?” You cut him off, looking around Jin’s apartment. “Wow, it’s pretty empty today. Aren’t there usually like 50 people trying to get into one of these parties?” Luckily for Namjoon, who was almost sweating and about to cry trying to come up with an excuse to satisfy you, you ignored him and continued talking. 
“Whatever, it’s fine. The less, the better.” You’re still looking around the crowds when you grab a hold of Namjoon’s shoulders, turning him towards you. “Yoongi’s not here, right?”
“What? hahahHHAHAHA nO of course not!” 
“Oh okay,” You breathe out a sigh of relief. “I look terrible today, I would not be able to face him.”  
“You look great today! What do you mean…!” Hopefully you dismiss the bead of sweat trailing down from his temple. It is pretty hot in here. 
Apparently, it took multiple threats, to Yoongi’s coffee machine and lots of bargaining from Jimin to convince him to attend the party, but it seemed to have worked, considering that Namjoon could make out the dark figure of Yoongi, dressed in a black hoodie and ripped jeans in the corner of the room, chatting to Jungkook. His eyes, however, were riveted straight beside him, on Y/n. 
“They really are idiots.” Namjoon muses to himself. 
From the corner of his eye, Taehyung is waving his arms around trying to catch his attention. He mouths something that Namjoon can’t quite make out, so he just mouths a ‘what?’ back at him and shakes his head. 
Namjoon can almost hear Taehyung sigh from across the room. 
You’re still pouring your second shot, so you don’t notice as Hoseok walks slowly from the living room. Namjoon has actually never seen his friends more concentrated on anything in his life. Even Seokjin, who was, just a second ago, dancing with some guy that Namjoon isn’t even sure he knows, has now pushed the stranger away, completely fixated on Y/n, who is blissfully oblivious to the attention focused on you. 
“Hey…!” Hoseok slowly slides in, real fucking smooth, if Namjoon could add, beside Y/n leaning on his forearm and smiling up towards her. Namjoon has to commend Jimin for the execution of Operation: Delusional Idiots. He’s honestly never seen Jimin put this much work into anything. 
Hoseok was the only mutual friend they knew of that Yoongi was familiar with, but not Y/n. Jimin said that he had considered Jackson for a short while, before realising that Jackson can’t talk to girls for shit. At least Hoseok can force his thoughts into some semblance of order when he’s flirting. 
“Oh! … Who,” You furrow your brows at Hobi, and Namjoon slowly backs away against the kitchen wall. “Are you?” Hobi laughs and spins around to face you. 
“I guess you don’t know me. I’m Jung Hoseok,” He sticks his hand out and you tentatively shake it, making him grin. “I’m friends with Namjoon.” He points up at Namjoon, and Joon awkwardly smiles, waving back at the pair. 
“Ohh,” You say, nodding. “Hi! Nice to meet you!” Sometimes Namjoon worries about you. You’re way too friendly and nice for your own good. 
“I’m a dance major, actually. You can call me Hobi, by the way.” He smiles at you and finally lets go of your hand. “Are you sure we’ve never met before?” You shake your head, murmuring incoherently. “No, I didn’t think so. I’d remember you if we met.” You giggle and push him aside playfully, offering him a drink. Hoseok accepts it with a smile even wider than the last. 
(Namjoon is now a little skeptical about Hoseok’s claims of flirting skill, but thankfully, you are, admittedly, a little stupid when it comes to this kind of stuff. You probably won’t even notice Hobi’s flirting with you at all.)
From the corner of the room, Yoongi’s deep gaze is now glaring deep into Hoseok’s back, but Hobi either seems to not notice or acknowledge it. He continues to stare at Y/n, laughing at whatever comes out of your mouth. 
“You’re a dance major? That’s so cool!” You gush, and if he didn’t know you so much, Namjoon would think that you were flirting back. No, you were just that naive. 
“- Thanks!” Hobi suddenly laughs at something that Namjoon didn’t manage to catch, but what he does catch is the look on Yoongi’s face when Hobi touches your forearm. 
Even Jungkook, who was talking to Yoongi, gulped and took a step back. Jin gestures something to Jimin, and Jimin shoots back an enthusiastic thumbs up. He then shouts something over to Namjoon, but he can’t quite hear over the loud party noise. 
 Based on his own mediocre lip-reading skills, he either said ‘It’s going well’ or ‘Jungkook smells’ He’s thinking maybe it’s the first. Namjoon slides away from the kitchen to join Jin, who is happily watching all of this unfold from the sidelines. 
“When do you think he’ll break?” Jin says, sipping on a bright blue drink that Namjoon doesn’t even want to know the contents of. He quickly glances over at Yoongi’s face, which is getting redder by the moment. 
“Anytime now. His glass is about to explode from his grip.” Sure enough, Namjoon predicted correctly. A few moments later, Yoongi begins to stalk over to the kitchen, and Jin clinks his bright blue monstrous concoction against Namjoon’s glass. Grumbling, Jungkook also comes over and slaps a $10 dollar bill into Jin’s palm, scowling when Jin smiles and accepts it. 
“Yeah, so a group of otters are actually called a romp, can you believe that- oomph!” Seemingly popping out of nowhere, Yoongi grabs a hold of your hand, glaring at Hobi. 
“Yoongi!” You squeak out. Namjoon, that fucking liar! He left you all by yourself with a new friend and didn’t even bother telling you the love of your life was in the very same room? You didn’t even wash your hair yesterday night! Well, at least someone finally listened to what you have to say about otters… say, that was a bit unordinary, nobody else has ever been interested in your otter fun facts before- 
Your trail of thought fades away when you look back up at Yoongi, who is still strangely looking at Hobi. “Um...” How is he holding you right now? He flinches away whenever you poke him on the shoulder, how is he holding your arm right now, completely unaffected? Oh. 
Of course Yoongi wouldn’t touch you willingly. He just has to be stupidly noble and moral and save you when you’re alone with a man he isn’t familiar with. “Oh, ah… Yoongi! This is my new friend, Hobi! You have nothing to worry about, I was just talking to him about otters and- oh, nevermind. Anyways, you don’t… have… to… hold my hand anymore.” Well, at least you can save him from the embarrassment of holding your hand any longer. 
“Yoongi, Yoon- Yoongi,” He doesn’t let go of your hand, even when you attempt to slip yours out of his. He seems to be gripping on, for a reason you can’t seem to comprehend. All he’s doing right now is maintaining eye contact with Hobi. Instead, he just glares into his eyes, repeating your words. 
“Friends. Friends?” 
“Yes, friends! Oh, ah, let me introduce you, um, Hobi, this is Yoongi, and Yoongi, this is-”
“Jung Hoseok. You call him Hobi?” 
“Well, yes- oh! Do you two know each other, or?” 
“Of course!” Hobi says, pouring another drink out. He stretches out his arm and offers the glass to Yoongi, but all he does is stare at the glass, not moving an inch. Still smiling brightly, Hobi just brought the glass to his lips, sipping on two separate drinks at a time. 
“Long time no see, man! Yoongi, how’ve you been?” Yoongi, still clutching onto your hand, stayed silent for a while, all while Hobi continued to smile. 
“I’m… fine.” He eventually chokes out. 
“Yoongi, are you okay? You seem really-” You’re once again interrupted when Yoongi pulls you away, stomping out the kitchen. You lean backwards, yelling out a quick apology to Hobi, but he doesn’t seem affected in the slightest. 
“Yoongi, you’re being rude! I said you don’t have to worry! Hobi is a new friend I met, he’s a friend of Namjoon’s, and we were just talking about otters-” 
“Why are you defending yourself?” Boy, you just keep on getting interrupted tonight. 
“Wha- huh?” Yoongi finally lets your hand go when he reaches the apartment door, shutting it closed, leaving it swinging in midair, even though he regretted it immediately after. You can still faintly hear the party going on through the door, but you had no time to process the fact that Yoongi just pulled you outside the party when he spoke up again. 
“I said, why are you defending yourself like that? You have no reason to. You’re acting like I just caught you cheating.” Yoongi’s voice turns faint towards the end of his sentence, and he looks down at his feet, stuffing his hands into his hoodie pockets. 
“I’m not defending myself! I’m just- I’m just, well, I-” You fumbled with your words, stuttering and fidgeting around with your fingers. Why were you defending yourself? It’s not like… Yeah, it’s not like you’re his girlfriend or anything. 
“You can talk about otters to whoever you want. You might want to change up your flirting tactics though, not many people can put up with your strange obsession with otters-”
“- Anyways, Hoseok’s, not a bad man. He’s pretty great, actually,” Yoongi admits. “He’ll treat you well. And he seems to be super interested in you, so… ” Yoongi clears his throat. You narrow your eyes and look down at his shuffling feet. This is probably the most Yoongi has ever spoken to you, in private, anyway. Why is he so unbothered? And why does that bother you so much? He doesn’t even care a little bit? Does Hobi really seem like such a great guy? 
“You don’t care?” 
“No, just, you know, don’t get hurt, or whatever. I’ll have to murder him… Or something.” You let out a small laugh, but he doesn’t seem to be joking.  
“So, if I go straight back in and ask Hobi out, you wouldn’t mind?” You swear that a vein pops out from Yoongi’s neck, but perhaps it was just your imagination. 
“Why would I mind?” He says, through clenched teeth. 
“... You’re right. Why would you be mad? You don’t care about me anyways.” Something ticks in Yoongi’s jaw. 
“What do you mean I don’t care for you?” He blurts out, just as you were about to head back through the apartment door. 
“Oh no, please, it doesn’t bother me as much now, trust me. It’s fine, Some people just don’t… vibe with you, I get it! You don’t like me all that much, it’s okay! It’s not like you’ve hurt me or anything! You just don’t like talking to me because I’m kind of a dumbass, that’s alright. It’s okay to keep avoiding me. And again, I’m sorry for the whole elbow thing, you didn’t talk to me for like the next two weeks, and again, I totally understand, you know?” Yoongi stares at you, blinking in realisation. 
“So… you mean to tell me that all this time, you’ve thought that… I didn’t like you?”
“Well,” Now you’re blinking confusedly along with him. “Isn’t that… why you run away everytime I come over to hangout with Jimin?” Yoongi brings his hands out of his pockets and buries his face in them, groaning. 
“And that’s why you don’t like talking to me, right? And that one time I spoke to you and you went into the bathroom and screamed for like five minutes? … Do you not hate me?” A look of realisation floods his eyes, and Yoongi leans against the wall, slowly sinking down to the ground until he’s practically sprawled out on the floor. Staring aimlessly, he reaches up and grabs your hand again, pulling you down to face him. You let out a small squeak, but you crouch down on your feet, awkwardly looking at your right hand that Yoongi (!!!) is currently holding for the second (!!!!) time. 
“Forgive me, Y/n.” He whispers, dropping his head onto your hand. 
“Forgive you? What for? Yoongi this is a little dramatic, don’t you think? This is technically a public area, um, maybe you wanna go back to your dorm? I can call Jimin out here, I’m sure he’ll leave the party early, let me just-” He pulls you back and won’t let go, even when you try to stand and leave his grip. 
“Yoongi!” Like a child clutching onto his mother, he just sits there and pouts, not letting your hand go. 
“I’m sorry!” He wails, lightly kicking his feet up. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry for being my emo self and avoiding you, I’m sorry for making you think I hate you when that really isn’t the case at all, I’m sorry for being an idiot and screaming whenever you touched me, I promise that none of that was ever your fault, because you must have felt so hurt and disgusted by me-” Yoongi suddenly looks up and glares at you. 
“Yah! Why didn’t you just slap me!”
“Slap… you?”
“Yes, slap some sense into me, you idiot! I was so mean to you, why didn’t you just tell me you were hurt?” 
“Well,” You said, smiling nervously. “I wasn’t hurt!”
“Yes you were!” He wails again. Some sort of strangled noise comes from the back of his throat. “You must’ve been really hurt, and I’m sorry! I don’t want you to be hurt! I don’t want you to date Hobi, and I don’t want to lose you, because I’m selfish, and I’m fucking stupid!”
You speechlessly opened your mouth and closed it again, like a fish. Well, that was a full 180. What is he talking about? Apologising? You had dealt with the uncomfortable small talk and denying your feelings for years only to have him apologise now? You finally manage to open your mouth and firmly say something, but what comes out of your mouth is certainly not what you planned to say. 
“Min Yoongi!” You yelled and watched him slightly tilt his head up. “How could you say that now!?” His head is fully up now, gazing at you slightly dazed. “How dare you mess with my feelings for the past two years, just to completely, unexpectedly, blurt all of this out outside of Seokjin’s shitty house party?” You cry, slouching down onto the ground and sitting cross legged. Your unoccupied hand reaches up to your hair, frustratingly running your hand through your messy locks. 
“... If it counts for anything, I think that your obsession with otters is really cute.” You sniffle, for no particular reason, and nod. 
“... Does that mean you like me then?”
“Y/n,” Yoongi sighs, taking your other hand out of your hair and placing it into his own. “Isn’t that obvious, you fucking dumbass?” 
“You’re kinda giving off mixed signals here.” Yoongi squishes your cheeks together in a brave act from an unusual burst of courage that he managed to somehow build up. 
“Mmph- Yesh?” 
“I like you. I like you a lot. I’m sorry for being a dumbass who couldn’t ask you out, and I’m sorry I had to do this at Seokjin’s ‘shitty house party’, but I’d really like it if you would go on a date with me sometime.” 
Yoongi releases your cheeks from his grip when you stay silent for a small while, red slowly creeping up from the neck up to his ears. 
“I mean, you know, only if you want to, it’d be fine if all of that was just, you know… ” Yoongi mutters, gesturing around randomly. 
“I’d love to go on a date with you, Yoongi.” 
“Oh. Cool, that’s cool. That’s… yeah that’s cool.” 
“Text me the details?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll, I’ll do- I’ll do that.” 
You can hear a faint scream when you enter Seokjin’s apartment again, but instead of filling you with the insecure, horrible feeling like it once did, you just smile and giggle to yourself again. What you don’t seem to notice is Jimin, Jin, Joon, Tae, Jungkook and Hobi exchanging victorious glances across the room. 
(About a week later, Yoongi took you to the zoo for your date. He slightly regretted that decision after you spent an hour making faces at the otters.) 
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
The shelves have eyes
Pairing: Rupert Giles x fem!reader
Request: Can we show Giles some love pleeeeaaase? Some cute story where a new hire for the shop is witty and flirty and it makes him stumble over his words and all of the scoobies try to encourage him to go for it (and even Spike is like "mate, she's doing bloody everything but throw her panties at you") and he finally just goes for it and kisses her! OMG I JUST HAVE SO MUCH LOVE FOR THAT CUTE HUMBLE LITTLE BRIT 😭😭😭
Requested by: Anon
A/N: My first published Giles fic! Enjoyed writing this, I hope this is okay !!
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You were new to the store, Giles needed an extra hand around the shop and he was all too happy when you turned up for the interview. You quickly settled into the job, working so closely with the man was the best part for you.
He caught your eye immediately and he was just as enamoured with you. You lit up the room when you were in it, he barely cleaned his glasses when you were around, not able to bear to look away from you for a moment. He enjoyed that you were witty, intelligent and you made him smile. It was a good set of qualities to have when there was an apocalypse threatening to happen almost every week.
He properly noticed his affection for you one Wednesday afternoon in the store. He had muttered something after Xander spoke, mostly to himself, but you had caught it and it had made you giggle. He looked up, catching your eye. A wry smile as he saw your appreciation for his humour.
Giles had definitely caught your eye. You had been trying to find ways to get him alone, away from his band of clingy teenagers to try and ask him if he wanted to spend some time after work with you. You had tried hinting subtly, smiling at him and offering bursts of affection when you weren’t being harassed by customers or demons getting in your way. You really liked this man, and you were sure there was something you were picking up from him. The only reason you hadn’t come out and asked was because he was technically your boss.
However, Giles had been looking extra cute one morning after stock-taking with his pen resting against his chin in thought. Something about the suit he had chosen and the little squint he was doing at the books did it for you, you had to act. Today.
“Y/n, would you be able to hand me the book for the spell?” he asked, barely looking up as he continued to squint a little at the book he was scanning through.
“You’re already casting a spell on me, is there someone else I don’t know about?” You say sweetly, trying a little more boldly.
“Well, uh, yes, uh-” he replied, taking the book and not finishing his sentence. You furrow your brow, unsure if you had misread his feelings or just come on too strong. Mentally, Giles was kicking himself. He couldn’t tell if you were teasing him or if it would be inappropriate to drop to one knee on the spot and profess his feelings that he had been battling with since he laid eyes on you.
Not battling because he didn’t want the feelings, he indulged in them in fact, because you were probably one of the most refreshing and interesting people he had come across since moving to Sunnydale. You smiled anyway, offering a little wink before leaving to attend to a customer. Your heart was beating so fast and you were completely distracted when the customer was talking to you. You were buzzing with excitement, you had finally said something. Shown something a little more than normal. Was it your imagination or was he about to say something back with a little smile on his lips?
After this, you became bolder. Hinting here and there, but it was never a good time. It was coming up to Halloween, which is the busiest period in the store. Plus, demons liked to get their evil plots out of the way before the actual night (the demon’s one night off).
You started to falter, your words failing you as he had never said anything back. He was unsure, he didn’t want to push himself on you. He knew he was supposed to be your boss and he couldn’t see why you would wish to pursue anything with him.
It was your week off and everyone had noticed the way Giles was moping about the place, missing you. He snapped at Buffy, who had been drafted in during your absence, for not doing it the way you did. Apparently, he was very used to the way you and he danced around the store together working in harmony. You knew the others’ steps intimately.
Finally, during your week away, the Scoobies decided to drop more than a hint. They cornered him, deciding that enough was enough. Everyone could see the way your flirtation
“Giles, we think you should go for it” Buffy finally broke the silence on the matter, “She’s nice, really nice – and she’s totally into you” Buffy insisted.
“G-man, make with the moving!” Xander insisted.
The way you smiled in each others presence. The way you were both in such a good mood since you met, with Gilles letting Buffy and the others off when things went wrong. Barely anything phased you and so they enjoyed your addition to the store. They caught you glancing at each other. You not-so-subtle gaze lingering, seemingly always wanting more.
“Giles, you should tell her!” Willow said quietly as Giles was caught, again, contemplating what had been said earlier. It had gone dark and instead of studying information on a demon, Giles was scanning the words and not taking anything in. He was only thinking of you. He took his glasses off, rubbing his forehead as he thought over Willow’s words as she took the book from him and read it herself instead as she was actually able to focus on the research.
“I do not wish to pressure her into anything…” Giles started, but was quickly cut off by another voice weighing in on the matter.
“Mate, she’s one bloody interaction away from throwing her knickers at you and sexy-dancing on one of the tables in the storefront” He rolled his eyes, exasperated, deciding to speak up. Giles hadn’t even noticed Spike had arrived. The vampire didn’t think he could handle you both giving each other the moon-eyes one more second. Giles opened his mouth to respond but couldn’t think of anything to say to this revelation. He only could have hoped this was the way you felt. Apart from the sexy-dancing on the tables, especially if the store was open. As Giles was considering the best way to move forward with you, Spike spoke up again, “Just give her what she wants, a good shag on the counter-top” Spike shrugged, thinking he was still being helpful.
“Get out. Bloody get out, you don’t talk about her in that crass way” Giles’ rage started to bubble to the surface, defending your honour despite you not being anywhere in the room. Stepping towards Spike to shove him. Spike just shrugged, stalking out of the front door before Giles hit him.
Of course you meant it, you were kind and you had been reserving your flirting for him, he just hadn’t been sure you meant it. He thought you saw him as this stuffy boss-type, but you knew he was so much more. You saw him, the humble man and his fierce care for those around him. You wanted him to know how amazing you thought he was. He was most importantly a good friend and confidant to you, with both of you spending long afternoons talking about your lives in the quieter periods.
So, when you returned after your week off just in time for the busiest day in the store, Giles had made his decision. All of the Scoobies had been drafted in and everyone had been told to dress up accordingly.
“Happy Halloween!” You smiled, fake vampire teeth in your mouth arms raised in mock-spooky stance, “Too much?” you asked, pulling the teeth out and smuggling them in your pocket. You didn’t want him to think you were childish, but you noted that he was smiling softly.
“Y/n, we need to talk” He said shortly, gesturing for you to follow him to a back room where rows of bookshelves held magical tomes that weren’t on sale to the public.
“I know I’ve been away and I wasn’t sure on the outfit but Buffy insisted that you would like it-” you winced a little as your words rushed out before he had managed to open his mouth. You had been dancing around your feelings, as well as each other in the store. He smiled, taking your hand as soon as you admitted this. Every doubt melted from his mind, now filled with only thoughts of holding you. Kissing you.
He leaned in, almost tentatively at first, kissing you, only building fervour when you enthusiastically kissed back. He pressed you against one of the bookshelves, his hand sliding along your collarbone and resting against your neck. His thumb rubbed along your jaw, moving your lips closer to his.
Just as you were willing him to deepen the kiss even further, he abruptly stopped. You frowned slightly, almost whining. That had been one of the best moments you had shared, the anticipation making the kiss sweeter. But now he had moved away so quickly. Had you done something terribly wrong? Did he regret what had just happened?
You had been so thrilled at the way he had just pulled you into that kiss. He had been so forthright; you hadn’t expected it. It was filled with meaning, your dance building up to the crescendo of the music. The kiss the perfect final note. You were desperate for his lips to be on yours again, for this not to be the end and your brow furrowed. You were still a little perplexed as to why he had moved from your embrace. He appeared to have understood your look and quickly put you at ease.
“Ah, it appears that the bookshelves have eyes” He indicated with his head to where the Scoobies had been giggling and watching the pair of you kiss from behind a bookcase. They weren’t making fun of you, just excitedly giggling because Giles had actually made a move. They scattered when they noticed you were looking in their direction and went to hide in the stockroom.
“Later then?” You offer and he nodded quickly, his demeanour changing as he felt that they were watching still. You grinned, leaning in for a peck on his lips before skipping off to the counter to serve some customers that had started to form a long queue. You were both grinning so wide your faces were aching and you knew that this wasn’t going to be the last kiss you shared together.
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genshin-obsessed · 3 years
of course your writing can compare, pocket! Writing is subjective. There is no fact to writing. If there’s words on the page, and they make somebody feel something, that’s all that matters. And you have thousands of followers, so clearly, you’re making lots of “somebody”s feel lots of “something”s. Don’t feel discouraged. Everybody needs something different. For somebody, or lots of “somebody”s, your writing will be exactly what they need.
on that note, don’t feel pressured to write something for me if you don’t feel inspired. I want you to write something because you enjoy it. If that means writing for me, tahts all good. But that was something I wanted to point out.
and if you really don’t mind me going into my day a little bit more… the truth is I feel worthless and lonely today. I’ve been trying hard to make friends. But it’s difficult. I don’t really know what to expect. What I should be looking for. Trust and affection builds, and as you connect more with another person, they place more emphasis on you in their life. I have noboyd who does that for me except for myself. When I see that others don’t have to do that in all honesty, it makes me feel… worthless. Especially when I see them go towards those people instead of me and I can feel the dramatic dissonance between how I value them and how they value me. It’s unrealistic and unhealthy to expect things to go from one to a hundred, I know. But it still manages to hurt. I wish I was someone’s priority. And of course, this all comes from previous trauma. But these more minor situations always evoke it. But in any case. I need to go do homework, or else I wont get enough sleep.
-🐗boar anon
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Adding ss in here for anyone who sees the middle ask you sent where you mentioned you were unsure about whether I could post this or not since I rarely post in order of asks received <3
So for the first part, thank you for such kind words, they mean a lot but no worries! I wasn’t being all that serious anyway! I was just joking but it was true to some extent. I think your writing is beautiful and I’m not sure whether that earlier ask was a joke or not, but you should 100% try writing if that’s something you like. You’re very good at it! And if you’re already a writer then I wish you well on your journey!! I’m sure you’ll have tons of followers soon SO DONT YOU BE FORGETTING ME WHEN YOURE FAMOUS >:0
And don’t worry, I do respond with my little drabble when I feel like it. Recently, the requests I have arent sparking any inspiration so I opt to do these instead! But don’t worry, I’m not ever pushing myself to respond when I do. I just wanted to but that time I couldn’t. No biggie ^w^
Now, for the second part, I’ll be more serious.
I want to preface the mess below by saying, I won’t tell you wanting friends is a waste of time. A lot of people make it seem like if you want friends you’re just looking for validation or something- no. That’s not true. Having people to connect with doesn’t mean we’re living life the wrong way or looking for the wrong things. It’s literally what we’re supposed to do as humans. Connect & interact, so what you’re reading below WILL NOT say what you want is bad, a waste of time, the wrong way to handle life, etc.
I understand. All of that, actually because I went through that as well. Friends are easy to come by, but to have that genuine friend- that best friend- those relationships are so hard to build. They’re sometimes very sensitive too, where they break super easily but take years to build up. That’s terrifying and a lot of people dont want to go through it. It makes sense, why spend years on a relationship when one stupid moment could ruin it all?
But you’re not alone, because I’ve been through similar situations. Most of my life was spent without friends. School was never a good place for friends for me. It’s one of the reasons I despise school with a passion. There was never even a social life there for me. I’m not sure what setting you’re in (whether it be school or a workplace) but regardless, feeling lonely is very possible.
When you’re younger and want friends, you’ll notice a lot of adults tell you friends don’t matter- especially high school friends bc “you won’t even know them when you’re in college”. Sure, they say that as a way to make you feel better but it doesn’t help. Because even for those four years, you don’t want to be alone.
Your feelings are valid and I really, really understand them. There were so many days in school where I was alone/watched friends interact and it hurt. It hurt on some stupid level that I realized wasn’t good for me.
Wanting a friend is normal. Wanting to be alone is normal. It doesn’t make you worthless- and I really want you to understand that. You may feel that way, but at least know it’s not true. There are those super crappy days where you realize just how alone you are. And those days hurt the worst. It’s like a kick when you’re already down.
For some people, they want to have friendships/long lasting relationships but can’t build them properly due to previous troubles (i.e past trauma) and those situations can be worse. Because you feel somewhat responsible for your current situation. Kind of like “maybe if this wasn’t a thing, I would have ___”.
I could probably have a laundry list of times where I realized I really was just so alone. But it’s not something I wanna get into, publicly on my blog. But even now, I don’t have any irl friends. The “city” I lived in for the last two years was all due to my ex. I moved BACK there to be with him and I didn’t like anyone there. I’ve moved back to where my college is and so now I have a chance but I don’t connect well with people either.
I don’t mean to make this about me, it’s more of me trying to show you that you’re not alone. Especially with something like this. All my friends today are online. And it does feel a little unfair, what’s special about me online that people haven’t seen in person, you know? It’s just something we kinda have to push through sometimes, even though it seems impossible or we have those days where realization just hits.
Potential friends can be anywhere, though!
I’m not sure if it’s any consolation but I’m your friend. You may be an anon for me but you’re an anon friend. And for now, we’re not super close and that’s completely fine! One day, you might feel confident enough to reveal yourself and we might get closer. Or maybe someone else online! Maybe you’ll find someone who’ll be besties with you for like ever. I mean, you never know, ten years down the line we could be having brunch at a cute little cafe talking about what our conversation today.
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Hi i rlly like ur blog and ur takes!!, whats your fav episode of ml?
Hi! Thanks! It may not look like it, but Miraculous isn't a show I that I hate, because I don't tend to watch shows that I hate unless I really want to rip them to shreds. Which requires some intellectual honesty, so I need to watch everything so that I can discuss everything.
Miraculous is a show that frustrates me, because I actually like quite a few episodes! So giving you only one answer is going to be super hard. Would two-parters be considered as one episode? Who knows. I'll try to give you two answers for each season, and my favourite season 4 episode this far.
So, season 1! It was a fun one, there are very few outright bad episodes, it was a very promising one overall!
Stormy Weather
It is, to me, the best season 1 episode, and maybe the best episode of the show proper. It's basically all of what Miraculous can be, condensed in twenty-two minutes, and while it also includes some of the show's flaws, they are rather minor here.
The storyboarding is stellar, the use of shot composition is genuinely terrific and so is the visual storytelling in general, the character acting is brilliant, the rendering is the best the show has ever gotten, the lighting is so expressive, they make full use of the show being 3DCG by moving the camera around in ways that make sense rather than having it spin around stupidly and meaninglessly as would often be the case later on. The character writing is really effective, so that, by the end of the episode, you know who these characters are, and you've got a few ideas of where the show could be going next and you find yourself wanting more. It establishes the storyworld and the basic character dynamics in a very efficient way and it made a strong impression on me. This is how you make a pilot episode.
The Origins two-parter.
It's the proof that the show can attempt character arcs and continuity and be good at it, and make the Love Square actually appealing and not a somewhat annoying gimmick. It captured what falling in love as a teenager actually feels like, and that's an impressive feat I've rarely seen anywhere else. Thank Étienne Guignard for the Umbrella Scene, he's the one who boarded it (he went on to work on some of the best sequences in Steven Universe: Future). Back then, “they're made for each other” made actual sense and didn't make me want to turn off the show. It's a satisfying two-parter.
Moving on to season 2! Which also did tons of interesting things which made up for less competently-written and animated episodes.
Dark Owl
Worldbuilding revolving around civilian characters? In my episode of Miraculous? It's a rarity but we love to see it! It's a very fun one, the pacing is great and M. Damoclès' Knightowl cosplay/Batman fantasy actually makes a lot of sense and is very entertaining. The Love Square interactions in this one are great, that bit of reveal for the kwamis actually felt impactful, something actually happens to M. Damoclès once he's been deakumatised and what caused his akumatisation in the first place is being addressed and solved. It's very enjoyable! Just thinking about this one makes me smile.
I like sabre fencing. I like perfectionist “gifted” kids crushed by parental pressure who put on a front of coolness but are still just kids underneath. So of course I liked Riposte and I loved Kagami from the very start. The fencing animation is good, they get the timing and poses right, the rendering is actually pretty great for this one too. It makes sense that Marinette would behave this way and have such a strong bias against that other fencer, even without knowing that it's Kagami. It's not without its flaws, the reveal that “it's actually a girl and she's cute, and could this be a rival for Marinette?” annoys me, and “she's Japanese, therefore that whole Samurai BS, in the year of our lord 2017” makes sense considering who her mother was but we could only make inferences back then, also it doesn't make it any less orientalist bullshit. Nevertheless, it's an episode I really quite enjoyed.
Moving on to season 3!
It's my least-favourite season so far. Doesn't mean there aren't good moments in it. I would put Oblivio on this list if not for the last two minutes which are, if you'll pardon my French, utter dogshit that makes me hate what they're doing with Chat Noir, it kind of ruins everything. Because the rest of the episode is genuine fun, like, actually genuinely fun and then this shit happens. Desperada could be a good Adrien episode but it's disguised as a Luka episode and it's just not very memorable. Most plot-heavy episodes have very mediocre execution and questionable creative choices that make me frustrated with a lot of them.
Chris Master
It doesn't get talked about a lot, and I understand why, but I also really like this one. The art direction is fun and reminiscent of A Town Called Panic, one of my favourite Belgian cartoons ever, which uses real toys and stop motion. The animation is lovely, the show remembers that Marinette is a fashion designer for once. Chat Noir is fun. The akuma is fun. It's just a fun time overall! Sometimes, you just want to watch giant toys and weird flying fish and Miraculous delivers on that.
Ikari Gozen
Hate the orientalist BS, hate that they're doing the whole Samurai spiel in, wow, 2019, but aren't actively disproving it by having other characters not buying into that. These are the only two Japanese characters in the show for crying out loud. Hate that Kagami is still wearing a school uniform for no good reason, even when doing kendo. Despite these flaws, Ikari Gozen is great, for both Marinette and Kagami. It has some of the strongest character writing in this show and I didn't expect that.
Moving on to season 4! But you probably know what my favourite episode so far is, it's the same as everyone else's.
Gang of Secrets
It's not perfect, not by any means, but it does so many things right that I can't help but like it. It builds on everything the show has been so far, and it's a very gratifying experience for the viewer. Continuity gets to play a major role for once. Alya finally gets to be a fully-realised character again, the show stops treating sadness like a fashion accessory and actually does something good and clever with the theme of its episode. And most of everything clicks together in a way that delivers in terms of emotional payback. This episode is a game changer. I hope there will be other episodes like that in season 4.
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Meeting and Dating Todd Anderson
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(Not my gif)
(Once again: for the sake of these headcanons let’s pretend the school is unisex)
- You met Todd when you were sent by another teacher to deliver some papers to Mr. Keating. Since Keatings class pretty much consisted of all boys the instant you entered the room all eyes were on you.
- You glanced around the classroom as you waited for Keating to sign the papers, that’s when your eyes met with Todd’s. You sent him a soft smile just as Keating finished. You were almost dissapointed that you couldn’t stay longer and look at the boy as weird as that may sound.
- Neil was the one to push Todd to introduce himself…literally. He pushed him into you forcing him to talk to you.
- He probably apologized like ten times before he even introduced himself all the while blushing bright red. He’s really thankful that you don’t hate him for bumping into you.
- The boy isn’t good at social interactions but he managed to keep up a conversation until you were called away by your friends. You said goodbye and he stuttered out a “I’ll see you around”. Even though everything went fine he still had to give Neil a good punch on the arm for pulling that stunt.
- Over the next month you spoke to Todd more and more. You soon became friends and he began to become comfortable around you.
- Then one day you found out it was his birthday and got him a cupcake with a candle in it. The instant you held it out to him he pulled you into a tight hug.
- After you jokingly sang to him and he blew the candle out you asked him what he wished for. He took a moment to gather his courage before speaking.
“I wished…that you would…agree to gooutwithme.” He nervously rushed at the end before he could back out of his confession.
- Your smile shocked him, he expected to be slapped or something but instead he received a kiss on the cheek and your number written on a page of his desk topper set.
- For your first date you guys go to a small bookstore where there’s not a lot of people and the two of you can just enjoy each other’s company. He probably buys you a book you couldn’t take your eyes off of.
- Your first kiss is a few days later when you’re saying goodbye to him after another date. The sun was just beginning to set as the two of you leaned in and kissed, it would have been a pretty gorgeous photograph.
- After that, even though the two of you never really outwardly say it, you make your relationship official.
- Once he’s comfortable with you he’s actually really funny and playful.
- He’s made you a book full of quotes that reminded him of you.
- He’s just a really thoughtful person in every sense of the word.
- Playing with his hair.
- Wearing his sweaters.
- Call him pretty boy, just please call him pretty boy.
- He’ll wrap you in his coat the instant the wind blows. Honestly he will suffer just so you’re comfortable.
- He likes to take care of you; it makes him feel more important and he genuinely just likes being there for you when you need it.
- He asks for so little but deserves so much.
- Anything other then desk toppers is like a gift from the heavens.
- He says you’re the cute one but we all know it’s him.
- Please don’t bring him to parties. He won’t learn to like it or end up having a good time, he’ll just be uncomfortable.
- He’s pretty clingy once the two of you get together. He feels like he can be himself around you and that’s a rare feeling for him so of course he wants to hold onto that for as long as possible.
- It’s a miracle he was able to ask you out, he’s just basking in the ambience of love at this point.
- He likes to say you’re “the angel that came out of Hellton”.
- He’s actually really romantic but maybe not in the conventional way. His type of romance is sort of innocent and free of societal expectations, it’s just different from everything you’re taught to expect from men and you can’t help but love it.
- On the basis that you need something he can do anything. Stand up to someone, order food, buy something at the store, all the things he would normally avoid and be afraid to do he suddenly has no problem doing.
- Him writing quotes he likes on his arms and yours if he runs out of room.
- He gets really inspirational at random moments. He’ll perk up all of a sudden and you just know that he has a brilliant idea in his head.
- He has a hard time controlling his emotions and impulses, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, especially when it comes to him. Usually it’s him not being able to stop himself from complimenting you like twelve times in a minute.
- Watching old cartoons with each other.
- Has a surprisingly good eye for decorating and anything that involves being creative even though he doesn’t think he does.
- Has definitely done the ‘y/n + Todd’ in a heart thing more times than he would care to admit.
- You’re definitely going to have to be the one to say “I love you” first and when you do he’ll probably ask you to repeat yourself.
- Theres never any pressure for you to be someone you’re not. The two of you are just your honest selves with each other.
- Neil has found some of Todd’s poetry about you and hes lowkey jealous. He befriends you even though he wants your man to himself. You probably have had a threesome at some point or are just in a poly relationship.
- Reassuring him that his parents do really care about him even if they don’t always show it.
- The boys too nice and too nervous to fight, and if we’re being honest what do you and him have to fight about? Your relationship is kind of perfect yet he’s still so scared you’ll break up with him whenever you seem upset with him.
- Reassuring him that you’re not going anywhere.
- Rehearsing speeches he has to make in class with him to ease his nerves.
- Comforting handholding.
- Helping him with getting around the school and not getting lost.
- You guys try to spend as much time with each other as you can but your schedules make it difficult. When you do see each other he acts like he hasn’t seen you for months even though it’s only been a few days.
- He’s the kind of jealous where he just gets upset when he thinks you’re interested in someone else. You’ll need to pull it out of him when you notice he’s acting different.
- He says it’s nothing for a while, refusing to admit he’s jealous until he finally cant take it anymore and confesses. You kind of find it a bit funny but in the end you just hug him and tell him you don’t want anyone but him.
- Yet if someone where to tell him that you were hot or something like that he would probably slap them. No words are spoken just the sound of skin against skin and probably a gasp or two. Neil was probably there and broke out into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. He thinks you’re hot too but he’ll never tell Todd that.
- He really likes to just hold you whenever he can. World: harsh and cold, titty: warm and soft.
- He’s pretty insecure and is genuinely surprised you want to date him which you cannot believe because look at him.
-Any time you kiss him he’s on cloud nine, even if it’s just on the cheek or forehead.
- He’s surprised when you say you love him but he instantly says it back. He’s wanted to say it for forever but he wasn’t sure when it would be appropriate.
- Taking care of each other.
- Todd can write a mean love poem/letter. He might not like hearing you read it out loud and might think it’s stupid but in reality it’s one of the sweetest things you’ve ever read.
- He’s definitely asked Neil for relationship advice even though he’s probably never had a girlfriend before either.
- Comforting him after Neil’s death. Shut up it didn’t happen.
- Making sure he feels loved because he deserves it.
- Making sure he knows how proud of him you are and how amazing he really is.
- Helping him through his shyness.
- Cuddling with each other all the time. He likes keeping you as close as he can so you usually wind up basically laying on top of him; he has no complaints.
- He sneaks out to see you and you both wind up in the cave. You probably fall asleep there wrapped around each other on top of your jackets.
- Making sure he’s never left out.
- Todd’s a shy person; obviously, he doesn’t like confrontation so he isn’t the type of person to pick fights in your honor but if he hears someone insulting you he’ll occasionally lose his temper. Maybe not try to fistfight the guy but he’ll find a way to get the last laugh.
- He helps you with your work and gives you some tips and tricks to make everything easier.
- He gets embarrassed pretty easily which usually results in him hiding his face behind his hand and his ears reddening.
- He’s always complimenting you. He knows what it feels like to have people pay no attention to you and he never wants you to feel that way.
- You help him gain some confidence.
- Hugs where he rests his head in the crook of your neck.
- He loves you more than anything in the world but this boy is far too nervous to try and bring up the future with you. He knows he wants to keep you in his life and all he can do is hope that you want him in yours.
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notveryglittery · 4 years
so @/dysaniadisorder​ posted this really cute zoom moxiety art and then i posted some selfies in a discord server and the reactions from that + this moxiety art got me feeling even more Fluffy than usual so here’s a very rambly au that i stream of consciousness wrote in half an hour lol 
idk about anyone else, but i had a pen pal through english class in middle school for a little while. so what if, patton and virgil meeting through being pen pals. patton's letters are as bubbly as his stories, he includes stickers on the pages and the envelope, and uses *so many* exclamation marks. virgil meanwhile, tends to write very little and mostly just in reaction to whatever patton said. because sure, the letters are sent to the school and they've been told not to give away personal information, but y'know... Just In Case.
except for one towards the end of the program, when patton really doesn't want to lose contact with virgil, so he shares his instagram. and he says no pressure of course i dont even know if you have an instagram but here it is if you ever wanna try to keep talking. and bc roman's his best friend, of course virgil has instagram (ugh). so of course he checks patton's profile. and oh *no* he's as cute as his bubbly handwriting and his stories and stickers and exclamation marks
virgil's never really mentioned this whole pen pal thing to roman, because roman's english teacher did not sign her class up for it and he knows roman would be jealous. but he made the mistake of checking patton's profile in roman's presence and if anyone's going to notice a Gay Panic™, it's roman
so of course roman grills virgil and virgil caves bc like what?? else is he gonna do?? but anyway, roman hits the follow button for virgil but then virgil throws his phone across the room and breaks it so can we get an f in the chat
meanwhile patton's studying with his step-brother logan when he gets a little chime from his phone and? oh a new instagram follow that's neat, who's [insert cool username for virgil]? except of course virgil's profile is private so patton has to follow back to see any photos. except virgil's phone is busted! bummer
cue virgil not getting a new phone for a week or two bc idk he's in trouble for breaking the old one to begin with and by the time he finally does get a new one, he totally spaces on installing instagram. so it's like a month and a half later when roman asks him why the heck he hasn't been liking roman's pictures that virgil remembers. and then he also remembers patton. *oh god patton* how could he ever forget, he is a fool, and patton probably hates him now, or he must be super worried, bc the pen pal program is over so they havent been writing and then he just disappeared off the face of the planet which?? well patton should have expected it a little because he did say it would be okay if virgil didnt want to keep in contact but *oh god patton*
virgil installs instagram and finds patton's follow request (and like 32 comments from roman demanding that virgil like his photos what kind of best friend is he smh)
and he accepts it 
and then while he's still riding his bravery high, he messages patton "hey it's virgil" and then Very Calmly sets his phone down before screaming into a pillow
meanwhile patton's busy cheering logan on at his swim meet but this does mean that he's posting all sorts of encouraging cheesy stuff to his story which means virgil is already getting a sneak peak into patton's life and wait oh my GOD is that his voice???????
virgil is very gay and he is having a Time
anyway patton also almost breaks his phone when he sees the follow request approved *and* the message!!! because lowkey , he considers virgil a pretty close friend!! he vented in some of those pen pal letters! said some things he couldn't bring himself to say to anyone else. and virgil was always so patient and kind and reminded him of all the good things to help and balance out the bad things.
so y'know, fast forward thru lots of instagram interactions. messaging each other late into the night. virgil always liking patton's photos and leaving a single "💜" comment on every one. they talk about roman - and how he's virgil's best friend and he may be dramatic and loud but he's reliable and genuine - and they talk about logan - and how patton wouldn't know anywhere near as much as he does w/out him and how they have sleepovers in the basement every saturday.
and fast forward to moving on from instagram to discord, and joining servers of fandoms they're both in. making a server for themselves + roman + logan (and *oh boy,* introducing roman and logan). sending silly memes and posts that "made me think of you", late night texting that ends with one sending the final “i guess you fell asleep, sweet dreams <3″ message, and the other sending the “oops i did, good morning <3″ message in return 
and sure, roman might post pictures on instagram of himself and virgil, but virgil's always half-in half-out of frame or he's blurry or he's looking away. and so one day, he posts a selfie in their friend server because he's just got his hair dyed purple and he's *so excited* and patton. patton didnt even have time to prepare can we get an f in the chat
there are a LOT of keysmashes and hearts lol
roman is still laughing by the time patton manages to calm down. patton sort of flat out demands for a group video call aljsdf
logan and roman, all this time obviously because they can't be out done, have already had plenty of personal voice and video calls themselves. sometimes it's just to help roman run lines or help logan study for a test. but they have been on the receiving end of patton and virgil gushing about their respective crushes so they're in full support of this tbh
so they set up a group video call that night, roman and logan like immediately muting themselves bc let's be real we all know the real reason behind this. patton is gushing about virgil and virgil's hair like, right off the bat, and virgil is slowly but surely disappearing into his hoodie and the lighting in his room isn't very good, but gosh patton is *melting* and then
and THEN
patton pauses to finally drink out of his cooling hot cocoa and virgil takes the opportunity to clear his throat and sit up a little out of his hoodie cocoon and says thank you
and y'all we thought virgil was all Gay Panic™ when he saw patton's face in photos for the first time? and then he broke his phone when roman followed patton for him?
patton does a spit take and chokes on his hot cocoa and kind of maybe shorts out his laptop ajsdkjhsf
because we gotta go full circle baby
roman disappears from view on his camera because he just rolled off the bed he's laughing so hard
you know logan definitely anticipated this, so he's been on best buy's website this whole time, ready to find laptops on sale / schedule an appointment to get patton's laptop fixed
and uuuhhhh yeah :) pen pals to friends to lovers long distance moxiety, with background probably-qpr logince because that's the Vibe i'm getting. with bonus best friends prinxiety and familial logicality!! thanks for reading :D 
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sxveme-2 · 4 years
blueberry pancakes // bucky barnes
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Description: A single mother. Juggling being a mom, a full time pediatrician, and a difficult ex who believed now would be the best time to finally be a father. A soldier ripped out of time. Ex-assassin turned superhero. Learning how to balance a new domestic life with handling demons of his past, while facing the trials of the future. a love story began over something as simple as chocolate chip pancakes with hidden blueberries.
Disclaimer: I do not own any original Marvel characters! All canon plots and canon characters belong to Marvel Comics and Marvel Studios. This is an original work. You may not publish it anywhere else
Status: Edited
Note: Takes place after endgame. I have elected to ignore Tony's death and Steve's leaving. Did not happen. Quick Reminder! My works are only published here, AO3 and on Wattpad, thank you.
Chapter Thirteen: The One With the Aftermath
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 1937
��   "He did what!?" Gen and Rose's high-pitched squeals vibrated through the cellphone, resulting in Lily dropping it from her hands in surprise. Lily had broken the news to the two about the actions taken by Mr. James Buchanan Barnes just hours before in her kitchen. The way his calloused hand and cool prosthetic rested against her pale cheeks, holding her face as though it were a fine piece of china that would break if he applied too much pressure. Followed by the pressing of his petal-soft lips to her own, creating undeniable friction between the two not even Lily's deflective tendencies could deny. All over a cup of coffee.
"Okay woah, let's relax there," Lily sighed while finishing zipping up the flower-patterned muted coral skirt she had slid on above her white lace tank top. Her hand gripped onto a cropped red cardigan that hit just below the waist of the high-cut skirt. A cute and simple outfit that encompassed the true aesthetic of Lily Osborne. One that the girls on the phone disapproved of. Speaking of which, "It was just a kiss...it doesn't mean anything, right?"
Two conflicting parts of Lily seemed to have been raging war in her mind. On one hand, she prayed and hoped that the kiss meant nothing to him. That it was simply a heat of the moment sort of thing. The tension and adrenaline of the night had welled to a head in Bucky and he made an impulsive decision that didn't mean anything. It was just a kiss. Nothing more. Nothing less. But on the other hand, Lily secretly wished that the kiss was out of some sort of romantic feeling. That he had kissed her because the slight crush that Lily had on the man out of time was reciprocated. And that he felt the same way that she did. But honestly, she wouldn't believe that if someone wrote it in the sky out of the smoke from a plane. Mostly because she herself didn't believe it was even remotely possible. A guy like that liking a girl like her? It was a cliche trope but she never thought in her wildest dreams he would even look at her in a way like that.
"You should totally ask him," Rose chimed in, seemingly shooing someone away. Lily had figured the two were sitting in the kitchen at Gen's cafe, munching on pastries as they awaited even more juicy gossip from Lily. But they would be sadly disappointed because the kiss was really the only news that Lily had. But it wouldn't stop them from hoping, "He seems like an honest guy. He already kissed you and you kissed back, what's the worst that could happen?"
After a few more minutes of back and forth between the three girls, Lily hung up her phone to focus on fixing the mop of golden hair atop her head. It was only 9 o'clock in the morning, and after the events that had transpired the night before, Lily didn't expect to see Hunter come in to her room or down to the main floor for another while. Bucky, however, Lily didn't know if he was wandering around her home, or if he had taken off somehow. If the avengers sent someone to pick him up or something. But, after leaving the soft curls be and dancing across her shoulders, Lily would soon come to learn that answer to her confusion before.
Sitting at the birchwood dinner table sat Bucky Barnes and Lily's son plowing down on some frosted flakes while laughing over something. Lily stood on the landing of the stairs, heart growing even larger than it already was. It felt as though the beating organ inside of her may explode at the drop of a hat if she kept staring at the beautiful moment in front of her. A beaming smile on her son’s youthful face and a mirrored one on the stubble-covered and worn face of the Winter Soldier. Neither boy had spotted the blonde staring longingly at them from the staircase, and she prayed silently that they didn't. Instead, she slid her phone out of her skirt pocket and took a quick picture, wanting to relive the moment a million times over if she could.
"Mom!" Hunter exclaimed when Lily's feet hit the bottom of the stairs finally. He shot from his chair and curled his slim arms around the waist of his mother. Lily smiled gently as she bent down to rest a kiss on his forehead before turning to the older man who too seemed to watch in bliss at the interaction. A similar expression to the one Lily wore just moments ago.
"Morning buddy, didn't expect to see you awake right now." the blonde smiled after Hunter released her from his grip and returned to his seat. She bent down to pick up Joey's dish, the dog's ears perking up from the mat in front of the door to the backyard. After she filled up the dog’s food and gave him his morning kisses, Lily found herself sitting at the table across from the brunette man that had stayed in her guest bedroom the night before, "Frosted flakes this morning, hm? I thought these were only for Saturday breakfasts and your birthday?"
"I pulled them out, they were the first thing I saw when I opened the pantry, I hope that's okay." His timid voice radiated across the table towards Lily, causing her eyes to shift from her son over to the rugged man that sat across from her at the table. A faint grin spread along her slightly puffed features caused by her morning rise. For a second, their eyes met and the world melted away as it always seemed to do when they met iris's. Something that Lily was sure she wouldn't be able to get used to.
Not too long after all three had completed their breakfast, Lily had to excuse herself. She had a duty to call her lawyer today and set up a review of her and Scott's custody agreement. There was no way in hell after that stunt occurred, Scott would be keeping partial custody of their son. He left Hunter home alone with a clearly lousy babysitter, as well as he had lied to mary about who her child was left in the hands of. Everything about the situation was already unnerving for Lily. One part in particular that just stuck in her mind like it had been superglued, was the fact Hunter had said that the person attempting to break into Scott's apartment, or at least get his attention, was there specifically for Scott. Not just to play a heinous joke or commit a petty crime. No, they were looking for Scott Harvey specifically. And that one part did not sit well with Lily.
But instead, she had a New York-level lawyer to handle.
"Lily! it's been ages since you've called. what can I do for you today love?" the man's raspy voice echoed through the phone she held to her ear.
Carter Evanson was the man that helped Lily through the roughest parts of her divorce. Kept her sane through the entire process alongside Rose and Gen. She had been so thankful for his kind words of encouragement as she would recount the numerous emotional trauma stories she had faced in her marriage to Scott. How he hadn't touched her in ages. How whenever he came home he was drunk and always smelled of another woman's perfume. But Lily never decided to look further into these things back then. He had made her believe that nothing she did would ever make her good enough. He was the best she would get. No other man would want a woman who already had a kid and a divorce under her belt. Scott Harvey had manipulated Lily into believing she was less worthy of just about anything in the world, and she continued to believe it to this day.
But Carter's kind voice created a sense of comfort throughout the whole divorce process. Always encouraging her and remind her how good of an idea this was. That everything would work out for her. How she was strong enough to get through it without chickening out like she always seemed to do. Whether it was his warm and energetic voice that would constantly play in the back of her mind when sitting down at Scott's lawyer’s table, writing out their custody agreement as well as their splitting of assets. And because of him, the divorce became final and the majority of assets and custody landed in the a-line skirt-covered lap of Lily Osborne.
"Hey Carter, I need to set up an appointment with Scott to redo the entire custody agreement. Something happened and Hunter cannot go back there- oh I'm getting another call," Lily continued, clearing her throat after placing the lawyer on hold and answering the call, "Doctor Lily Osborne."
"Ms. Osborne? This is sergeant Harrison, we just interviewed the man who attempted to break into your ex-husband's apartment last night and uh...we need you to come into the station. Right now if possible." the police officer explained, his voice reverberating through the front of her mind, setting off her heart into a mile a minute race.
Arriving at the LAPD station, or more specifically, the 88th precinct, Lily rushed through and up the elevator and up towards where they had instructed Lily to go. She had to apparently see the culprit, so after convincing Bucky to watch the young boy that is Hunter Osborne, she arrived at the precinct in a rush. The moment she heard the elevator ding, she ran out in a rush and past the small gate that blocked off the desks from the public. She saw the Sergeant she spoke to on the phone and let her ballet flat-clad feet rush forward.
"Ms. Osborne, thank you for getting here so fast." the large man sighed, neck-craning down to look at the small blonde that had rushed through, "here, come with me." Sergeant Harrison sighed softly while leading the young doctor towards the interview room.
He walked her through the doors that kept them separate from the criminal that sat in front of the two-way mirror. The moment that Lily spotted the man in front of her, the young girl had to furrow her eyebrows together. The mop of blonde hair atop the man’s head screamed at Lily in a violent signal that there was something very wrong here. The way his shoulder slouched and the fact that she was unable to see his face because of his hunched posture. She figured he was too embarrassed or ashamed to even look at himself in the mirror that the police officer and Lily looked through. But his body type, his hair, the bracelet that sat on his hand looked so familiar to Lily.
"Alright sir please state your name quickly so we can get this show started." a woman's voice sighed as she entered the room that was blocked off from Lily's presence. She was a breathtaking beauty and it almost took Lily back before she reminded herself that was not exactly what she was here for. To be honest, she wasn't 100% sure why she was actually here.
A screeching behind her caught the blonde’s attention. The Sergeant that had brought her in had pushed a chair up behind her, gesturing her to sit. Saying a quick remark about how she may need to with what she was about to learn. It caused her heart to set off into such a quick beat that she was worried it may explode inside of her chest. Whatever was about to happen clearly wasn't good news for Lily. So she sat and waited. And almost threw up.
"My name is Cedar Osborne."
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jjobxx · 4 years
-- Fallin’ All In You;
Pairing: Topper Thornton x Reader
Words count: 2,767
Request: I love your stuff so much😭 could you please do a Topper imagine (where he’s a good person) with the prompts 8,9, 10,14 and 33?Sorry that it’s quite a few prompts lol. I just saw that and thought it would be perfect for a pogue and that she has a crush on Topper and the others are like “Should we let her know we’re onto her?” and Topper also has a crush on her and they others try to like push them together but y/n thinks Topper likes someone else? That would be so cute and thank you for writing!
Warnings: A couple curse words, mentions of fighting. I think that’s it? Not really a warning but a cheesy!Topper at the end.
A/N: I was able to get the rest of this done at work today (shhhh, I had to wait on a coworker before I could do my paperwork so I figured why not ;D) so here you go! Anywho, if this isn’t to your liking please let me know and I’d be happy to try again. As usual, not proofed so any mistakes are my fault.  ^_^
Being in the background was something you were good at. You didn’t like being the center of attention, much like your older sister, and you definitely didn’t like conversations with people outside of your bubble. It wasn’t that you didn’t like people, something your older sister always seemed to aggressively tease you about, it was more-so that you were quiet by nature. You were calm and well, she was not, which is why she never understood your choice in friends. Though the both of you were raised as Pogues, your sister never stopped trying to climb the social ladder into the world of the Kooks. You on the other hand stayed close to home and kept your social circle rather small.
Everyone knew “the” Pogues – John B, Pope, Kie, and JJ – they were loud, rowdy, and lived for a good time, or three out of the four at least. You and Pope had hit it off from the beginning, your personalities similar to one another. While you were glad to have found someone who understood your quiet nature, he was glad to have found someone to at least attempt to help him keep his friends out of as much trouble as he could. Try as you two might, however, there really was no stopping the others from doing what they wanted – especially when it came to a few certain Kooks on the island. 
You never quite figured out the issue between the two classes on the island, seeing that your sister didn’t have much of a problem getting in with the Kooks when your family first moved to the Banks, but you came to a realization fairly quickly when you befriended the Pogues that the rivalry did indeed exist. Perhaps it was your sister’s beauty and flirtatious personality that got her in, or the fact that she so graciously hid her Pogue status, but nonetheless, you tried your best to stay in the middle of the fence for two reasons; it wasn’t your fight and you weren’t about to choose between your sister or your friends. So, any time a fight took place between your friends and the Kooks, you tried your best to stay out of it – not that it was hard, you were like a mouse; quiet and practically hiding behind anything or anyone you could. What you didn’t know was that, over time, you had caught the attention of one of the Kooks, Topper. You were intriguing to him. He was used to the rowdiness of your friends, expected it, but he wasn’t used to your timid nature and that someone like you would run around with the likes of the others. He didn’t know you by any means, just your name, but you confused him and he wasn’t sure if he liked the feeling or not.
Likewise,  any time there was a run-in with the Kooks, you often felt a pair of eyes on you. For the longest time you weren’t sure who they belonged to, too nervous to let your eyes wander anywhere else than on Pope, the friend you worried about the most in these situations. But you eventually gave in one day, your eyes travelling to everyone on scene. Your breath hitched as soon as your eyes met Topper’s, followed by the burning of your cheeks. He kept his gaze but you broke it, your eyes skimming the ground and then back to Pope who had been trying to hold back JJ from Rafe. Your eyes widened at the scene, knowing full well that Pope wasn’t going to be able to contain JJ much longer and that both would end up hurt if they kept at it. That’s when you decided to try something, your eyes searching for Topper’s once more, pleading him to do something. It had taken a couple moments before he spoke up. “Let’s go,” Topper nearly hissed at his friends, his hand applying pressure to Kelce’s shoulder so as to get him to follow suit. “Bullshit,” Rafe muttered. “We’re not done here,” he was matter of fact as he continued taunting JJ and Pope. “They’re not worth it,” Topper countered, “lets. go.” He enunciated his words, his jaw clenching as he waited for his friend to follow him. You could hear Rafe spew some colorful words as he gave up his position and stormed off. The five of you looked at one another, then at the trail the Kooks left behind, and then back at each other. “So, is no one going to talk about how weird that was or what?” Kie spoke up, the others agreeing with her and adding on their own opinions. The only thing you could do in this case however was mutter a small ‘yeah’ accompanied by a nervous chuckle.
The next day after that particular Kook versus Pogue fight, you had coincidentally run into Topper, though it wasn’t much of a shock running into him as you were the one on his territory. You were looking for your sister, your parents needing to speak with the both of you and she wasn’t picking up her phone, thus you had to find her. You knew to go to Figure Eight but from there you were clueless. That’s when you had heard your name being called. “Y/N!” Topper’s voice was hesitant, but much softer than the day before. “What brings you to Figure Eight?” he inquired, his gaze burning your cheeks once more. “Oh, I’m looking for my s.. friend. Layla,” you spoke just as soft, catching yourself from saying your sister as you knew she would be less than thrilled if her secret got out. She had gushed about Topper and his friends to you several times, so you knew that Topper had to of known who she was. “She’s probably at Sarah’s, I can show you the way if you’d like?” He had offered, his eyes showing a glimmer of excitement. You chalked it up to him being able to see Layla, because why would he not want to see her, but little did you know it was because he could be in your company for just a little longer. You didn’t talk much during the walk but laughed every so often as Topper would crack off some silly joke, a sound he decided he very much liked.
As you arrived however, he was a little stand offish, his attention now on your sister and her friends. You didn’t waste time in getting your sister by herself so the two of you could converse without anyone overhearing. “Mom and dad need to talk to us, but they didn’t say about what and they couldn’t get ahold of you so they wanted me to come find you,” you explained in a hushed voice. Over your conversation you could hear Topper and the others in the other room, Topper’s laugh echoing. Today was probably the first time you had heard his real, genuine laugh and much like Topper enjoying yours, you couldn’t help but to enjoy his, too. But you quickly subsided the feeling, knowing someone like him wouldn’t be caught dead with someone like you, his withdrawal from you evident when the two of you walked into the Cameron household.  
Weeks went by and the two of you seemed to walk on your tiptoes around one another. The Pogues noticed a significant difference in Topper whenever him and the others were around. He was less abrasive and not as confrontational as usual. While Kelce and Rafe would keep up with their usual shenanigans, Topper was more in the back of it all – he still uttered nonsense towards your group so as to make it seem he was still in the fight but none of it had any meaning to it. The more he saw you, the more he didn’t want to keep up with the rivalry. You felt the same way, though the thought of him liking you was unimaginable as your sister’s voice rang in your head any time your eyes met with Topper’s.  Your thoughts convinced you that your sister fancied him, and he fancied her. But the Pogues could tell otherwise by his lingering looks your way and the sorrow etched on his face whenever his friends began their tormenting. 
Your friends figured out pretty quickly that you had it bad for the Kook, as JJ had mistakenly made a comment about your sister and Topper being together one day, even though none of them really knew for sure, but they assumed that’s what Topper’s changed behavior was about. The deflation on your face was pretty obvious as you excused yourself from the group that night and hastily went to sleep. It was then that Pope had spoken up, “Should we let her know we’re on to them?” he questioned. “Both of them are crushing on one another but no one has the guts to come forward,” Pope exclaimed. “Now, where is the fun in that?” JJ offered. “You know Y/N thinks he has it bad for her sister, she’s never going to fess up to him. I say we do something about it.” The group knew JJ had a point but nonetheless it took some convincing to get the others to meddle.
A few days later and currently you were sitting next to the water at one of the many Boneyard parties your friends liked to throw. There were voices all around you, but it was white noise compared to the sound of the waves crashing onto the surface. Unbeknownst to you, your friends had just finished talking Topper into coming over to you to start up a conversation with you, while they stood opposite to observe the interaction.
You hadn’t realized someone was standing behind you until they lightly cleared their throat then spoke a gentle “Hey” towards you. You pursed your lips but politely responded with a hello of your own. He was quiet for a moment but then continued, “It’s really nice, isn’t it? The sound of the waves, I mean.” The small talk wasn’t making you feel any better about your silly crush on him. “Um yeah, it’s nice,” you gracefully stood up from your position. “I’m going to go get some water, I think Layla is around here somewhere,” you mused softly. “Wai-“ but before he could ask you to wait up, you had already disappeared into the crowd of people.
Topper’s eyes landed on your friends, a questionable look on his features. While your friends all agreed that they loved you, they felt that sometimes you could be very dense. Of course they meant it in the nicest way possible but this situation was only proving their point. Kie mouthed a silent “I’m sorry” Topper’s way before turning to the others to see about another plan. “I think it’s time for Plan B,” she smirked before explaining their next move in operation.
The next afternoon you had received a text from Kie instructing you to meet the group at her family’s restaurant. What you didn’t know was that they were currently setting up a table for just you and Topper, their Plan B to finally get the two of you together.
When you arrived inside The Wreck, the first thing you noticed was a small table with a candle sitting in the middle, the flame casting  shadows on the tablecloth. The second thing you noticed was the figure that was currently occupying the table: Topper. The timing in which your friends asked you to meet them and the timing in which Topper was there waiting on someone was unbelievable. You couldn’t believe your friends had asked you to meet them the same time Topper was going on a date with someone, someone who you assumed was your sister.
When your eyes landed on Topper, you let out an inaudible gasp and hesitantly turned away. You had just taken a few steps when you heard his voice behind you. “Where do you think you’re going?” His word choice was harsh, but his tone gentle. You squeaked out a quiet ‘what do you mean?’ before turning yourself back around to face him. “I just mean, you walk away from me every time I try to talk to you,” he responded, running his hand through his hair nervously. You bit your lip, unsure on how to answer him. “I don’t want to get my hopes up,” you finally uttered. “And besides, you have Layla to keep you company,” you countered, your voice a tad harder than you meant for it to be at the mention of your sister’s name.
The expression on his face was blank before his eyes narrowed.  “Wait, why are you so jealous of Layla?” Your shoulders shrugged. “I wouldn’t say I’m jealous, it’s just she’s so much prettier than I am,” you confessed, “she’s beautiful and she’s confident. She’s experienced, and fun, and I’m none of that,” you went on, your voice breaking at the end.
As you finished your sentence, your friends had made their way into the restaurant to see how things were going… which was clearly not what they had expected. They stayed in the sidelines though, watching to see where things were going to go.
He always knew you were timid, but he didn’t think you would be so insecure. To him you were so much more different than any one he had met on the island before. You were beautiful in your own way, kind, and caring. There was more to you than any girl he had encountered, and probably more than anyone he would ever encounter in the future, and he didn’t even know you to your fullest extent yet.
“I don’t want her though, Y/N, I want you. You make me feel… you make feel. And I hate it. I hate that someone I don’t fully know can make me feel this way, but I like you, Y/N. Not Sarah Cameron or any other girl, or even Layla, but you. You are the best kind of different there is and it’s unimaginable how you don’t see that,” he ranted on. You were quiet for a moment, soaking in the words he had just told you. You couldn’t believe that he felt this way about you, always assuming he was interested in your sister by the things she had told you. Now you felt kind of foolish to be jealous when you didn’t even have his side until now. “I’m sorry,” you whispered. “I had no idea,” you confessed, a small smile forming on your lips. He brought his hand up towards your face and lightly brushed your cheek, nearing your lips, with the pad of his thumb. “It’s okay, you had no idea,” he agreed, a goofy grin adorning his features. You closed your eyes for a few moments at his soft touch, then opened them, only to be met with his.
“Do you want to kiss as bad as I do right now?” he spoke up, a light chuckle. You smiled and nodded your head, “absolutely.”
He was slow in leaning in and when your lips finally met, nothing but lightness enamored your thoughts.  Everything about this was right, and good. You and Topper were right, and good.
As the two of you finished, you both couldn’t help but giggle wholeheartedly at what just happened. And behind you, you had heard an array of reactions. There were some hoot and hollers, a couple of awes, and of course a gagging sound made by the one and only JJ. You playfully rolled your eyes at him over Topper’s shoulder.
“So, should we proceed with the date that that your friends set up for us?” he wriggled his eyebrows as he turned his attention towards the table that was still empty waiting for you two. With that, you let him lead the way and he even pulled out your chair for you.
The two of you sat there for hours, discussing anything and everything about one another. You learned there was more to Topper than just the rich party boy who desperately wanted to fit in, especially with Rafe and Kelce. Sometimes he could do or say dumb things, but he was a good person. Furthermore, even though he knew you were a genuine person, he learned that that was what you were through and through. It wasn’t a façade, and he admired you even more than before. The two of you realized how well you could balance each other out, and how much of a good thing you two were about to become.
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