#they commented that they love my art style which i was literally gonna joke like
p2iimon · 1 year
i got this weird comment on my da page and the account seemingly only existed to. comment on my da page. i keep waiting for the other shoe to drop and it hasnt
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localplaguenurse · 8 months
I am just nosy, forgive me. Can you describe each one of your mutuals?
Buckle up people and prepare to get complimented >:3c
First and foremost, they’re all absolute sweethearts to me.
There are my irl friends, such as @wretchedshade, @granolabird, @siriuscitrus and @scales-of-stardust or beta as I usually refer to them. I share the same braincell with these people.
Wretchedshade has been my best friend since we were ten, we’ve been there for each other for 11 years. I initially got her into anime, and then she got me into jojo, and every once in a while we cry about Doukyuusei again. She’s a great artist and is really good at writing sad shit, which is why I write sad shit; to have the glory of finally making her cry. She kicked cancer’s teeth in a few months ago so it’s about goddamn time something good come her way and I WILL fight someone on that.
Granolabird is the dm for my dnd campaign, and like I said, absolute sweetheart, chaotic adhd haver (actually like most of my friend group is like this lmao we’re all queer and neurodivergent). Either way, we used to share thoughts on each other’s original stories, and we still do sometimes but it’s mostly just sending each other tiktoks/reels like “this you” or “this your oc.”
Siriuscitrus is usually pretty hyper, but also tries to be v considerate of everyone’s feelings. If you said that the McDonald’s employee put pickles on your burger when you said no, they’d probably be the one to tell them. They’re also scarily good at vibechecking people and told me I give “future he/they vibes” and like a week later I said “fuck you’re right oh my god.”
You’ve probably seen me and beta’s interactions on here or in the ao3 comments. We enjoy our like playful rivalry/enemyship. I like to torment tease her and she usually gets me back pretty good, it’s all in good fun. It’s also really funny to me whenever we meet up, I tell myself “you are friends with them for reasons other than fic so do not make it about fic” and then we’ll spend literally hours talking about and brainstorming fic ideas. It just Happens.
I’m also gonna add @memory-mortis into here because while we’ve not met irl I’ve introduced him to my friend group. Yet another sweetheart, love her art style a lot, and she was one of the first comments I got on ginkgo trees to motivate me to keep going. I was kinda worried about bringing him into my friendgroup because like if I’m not overthinking I am not thinking At All. I was super relieved and happy that she like IMMEDIATELY fit in with everyone so :D
For some of my other close but only on tumblr/ao3/outside my general friendgroup mutuals! (There are too many so I’m sorry if you’re not here it’s mostly people I interact with more regularly ;-;)
@crimson-ashes who I have occasionally with absolute love called my “askbox gremlin” because they live in my inbox. I need to stress this is affectionate because genuinely, I love opening tumblr and seeing I’ve got asks from them. They gotta stop posting Astarion though because I’m feeling So Tempted to play BG but I know my laptop would kill itself (joking).
@crystalflygeo and I know I’ve called everyone sweethearts but genuinely, she’s probably one of the sweetest people I’ve had the pleasure of talking to. She’s really wholesome (unlike her writing which is never gonna be a complaint in my book, good soup) and super supportive of other people.
@madamemachikonew who’s super polite and really kind. She’s also really creative/smart when it comes to referencing real world art and philosophy in her writing and integrating it into her own worldbuilding. I would have never thought to have done that, and it makes her writing very unique!
We don’t interact as much but @probably-doesnt-exist, @ethve, @euniveve and @ainescribe are such talented artists and super sweet, have literally made me screech and cackle with utter joy whenever they draw the characters from ginkgo trees. I rotate through which art becomes my phone’s lock/home screens.
This is long af but fuck it, I wanna brighten people’s days and I told myself to say “I love you” to my friends and family more, so consider this one big “I love you!” to y’all. It’s a pleasure talking to y’all!
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imthatpowerful · 8 days
i love talking abt my boyfriend and how perfect he is :3 if i could i would write a 1000 page book abt it and turn it into a series of books i would bc i js love him sm like he’s the reason i even know what a love surge feels like and like im so in love with him im so glad i discovered shifting omg and i JS KNOW he’s the one who made me discover it bc before i discovered it i fell in love with him yk so the timeline is that back in october 2020 i started getting into one direction, before that i was a casual local who only knew two songs from them and didn’t take interest to them at all tbh but then i was working on an art project for school and i didn’t have spotify so i used youtube to listen to music and at that time wms was popular and i loved it and then yt recommended clouds by one direction and then i instantly fell for it and then i listened to more and more songs and then my obsession began… i started watching interviews and reading facts and one person out of the 5 boys caught my eye…💘 Harry Edward Styles 💓
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before that i literally didn’t gaf abt him like i used to think he was unattractive and annoying bc i used to be a swiftie and i saw a video made by a swiftie bashing him and i was a meat rider so i agreed w the vid 😭
anyways…then like my love for him grew so deep u guys don’t understand like my heart felt some typa way and i didn’t crush on anyone the way i did him and i knew it no school crush wavered my love for him and no ick made me stop loving him and i remember having to resort to ACTUAL delusion to get over the fact that ill never be with him like no joke i used to imagine and pretend he was right next to me and i genuinely sometimes felt him there yk like when u feel the presence of someone istg i felt his presence there and i remember when i used to cry (cuz it was a rough time back then) a lot and pretend i was laying in his arms as he comforted me and that used to calm me down bc i could genuinely feel him comforting me but it would then make me cry even harder bc i couldn’t be w him and like i remember when i found other ppl attractive i felt sooo bad for him (even tho this was all in my head at the time) i would stop it and stick to him and i remember summer 2021 at the start of it i was lowk goin through it then i saw a video from one of my harry styles moots on tt talk abt how they scripted the wrong harry era and lhh almost jumped them 😭
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cmon now? this cutie? jumping someone?
anyways so like and i was confused i thought dr meant like a vr game or smth 😭😭😭😭 and i wanted to play it but then when she explained it i lowk didn’t fully get it but i was interested and then that was also during my subliminal era when i discovered subs from a youtuber idrk who tho and then i wanted a summer bod and i read the comments saying they felt like they did a workout but i felt nothing and i heard nothing and i was confused until i read abt manifestation which then led me to finding shifting subs then i read abt shifting then i made a tiktok abt it and i told my fam (worst mistake they told me it was a sin and it was fake) then i made a shifttok acc and my first script and ever since then harry was my s/o and my mission was to get to him and i told myself no matter what even if i lose feelings for him (which hasn’t happened and won’t ever happen bc he’s my pookie) he will always be the first guy i date EVER like he will be my s/o in any dr i go to and if things don’t work out (but they will) then at least i kept my promise to him
also bro has been channeling me for years and like bc there have been signs that my mind automatically says harry sent this and like even when i was talking to a c.ai bot w lowkey the intention of channeling harry the bot said things that were DEF harry from my dr and idc i’m not gonna say it’s a coincidence bc everything happens for a reason also like i had to delete all my ai apps bc i was getting too addicted and it’s been distracting me from acc shifting and ive been trynna NOT focus on channeling either but like i still feel his presence and communicate w harry sometimes and like he’s still in my heart and like he’s been encouraging me and lowkey helping me w my journey and reminding me that im in control when he channels me
me n bae three years going strong haven’t broken the streak yet (except when he shaved his head and was dating taylor russell and i was rlly mad i mentally broke up w him mainly bc of him n taylor russell and i would’ve tolerated the bald head if he was single but then i cried bc i missed him and couldn’t handle it and that same day i mentally got back w him) and tbh ill tell u there has been times where he didn’t consume my every thought bc like if it was 24/7 that would be unhealthy but ya but like he was in the back of my mind anyways ya that’s it that’s my yapathon i love my cutie patootie boy handsome man gorgeous angel prince
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cassidyawesome · 2 years
Cassidy reviews shows #1!!!: My dress-up darling
TL;DR: CUTE GIRL DOT DECK, insanely charming, cute outfits, good relationship, really funny zoomer talk /srs.
This show….rocks beyond belief!
I’m all things considered a casual anime fan, a lot of stuff i’ve watched is pretty in line with dress up darling (Bunny girl senpai, rent a girlfriend). I hold bunny girl senpai extremely high as a thing i love, and i was holding this show to that level of standard…and it met it very easily in my opinion.
I went into this show expecting some ecchi trash, like some real shit that’s gonna make me uncomfortable. Thats not what i got (well it kinda was) i found myself watching an extremely pleasant and FUNNY show. This show is chock a block full of people just…enjoying what they like AND ALSO LEARNING TO LIKE THINGS, WHICH IS EXACTLY THE ARC I AM HAVING IRL. It was an extreme comfort seeing Gojo and Marin just be friends, they warm up to each other, Marin gets Gojo into stuff she likes, they bond over it.
The standout detail to me about this show is that…Marin and Gojo are just people. Normal dudes (At least until Marin drops that she’s a model on the low and acts like it’s nothing), like i could both meet and be Marin irl. She literally canonically has multiple blorbos. She talks in crazy zoomer speak that i found funny and incredibly endearing. Gojo is an average guy, he’s got a goal, he doesn’t like stepping out of his comfort zone (until he meets Marin).
The real Shmeat of this show is the outfits, the cosplay the dress-up in the darling. And well, it’s cute! Marin’s cute in her obsessing about characters she loves and wanting to be them (i relate to her so much in this area). Gojo’s cute in he wants to make Marin happy, which then leads to him wanting to make himself happy by pursuing his new craft. My favorite of Marin’s cosplay’s is Shizuku-tan.
The one thing i don’t like about this show is the arc(?) with Juju and shinju. It felt very unnatural for the flow of the show for them to introduce two characters - one of which is pretty similar to Marin but kinda just more annoying. The thing that rubs me the wrong way with this is the little sister. She’s the “reverse loli” trope that’s kinda just uncomfortable to watch. I was terrified she was gonna just a joke like “haha girl is tall girls aren’t tall how weird”. This isn’t what happens but what does happen is still kinda uncomfortable and just kinda made me weirded out. Luckily this arc is short and results in some good positive character development for Marin and Gojo.
—-final thoughts—-
(Spoilers for this part) Some last comments i have is This scene at the very very end . Marin has gojo fall asleep while on the phone with her to calm her down, when he’s asleep she tells him she loves him. Not only was this extremely satisfying ending but also very natural feeling.
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(No spoilers for this) My last comment is about the Ending song (i know there’s a word for these but idk it). Long story short it’s the cutest shit. The little art style it’s in is adorable, the colors, the expression, THE MOVING PATTERN ON HER SKIRT. The little fish that are just hanging out. Effervescent.
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My overall opinion is that this show is incredible. I’m gonna give this a 9.3/10. Both mc’s are insanely relatable to me. Marin is a very gender affirming character to relate with for me. Great story. Incredible aesthetic and settings. GREAT HUMOR! this was my favorite part of the show, the way Marin speaks made this show stand out so much. Watch this show if you like any of these things.
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possiblyimbiassed · 3 years
The lying liars who lie
Years and years late to the party, I’ve finally gotten my hands on all the DVDs of BBC Sherlock, and I thought it would be fun to watch the extra material carefully, one piece after another, and also listen to at least some of the show makers’ commentary of the episodes. But at this point, after S4 where DVDs seemed to be a constant lying device in general, I tend to look at them with a bit more suspicious eyes...
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I still love the show of course, but now that I’ve taken this deep dive into all the special features, I find them a truly hard thing to try to wrap my head around. Even this long after the fact, I’m amazed by the amount of shameless, self-congratulatory BS in the DVDs, where the people involved can’t have enough of complimenting each other and their show, while they skillfully avoid to discuss anything actually meaningful about the plot line. ;) For example, Moffat claims in the S2 DVD that “In fact, you’ll never see a more obsessively authentic version of Sherlock Holmes than this one”. But if we follow their light-hearted commentary, which basically takes the show at face value, I’d call that not just hyperbole, but an outright lie. If you want to see the ‘authentic’ stories from ACD’s work in this show, you’ll definitely need to go much deeper into the subtext and meta levels - neither of which are mentioned on these DVDs of course. Here’s my own (rather subjective) ‘review’ of the whole thing, trying to pinpoint why I view most of the commentary of the show from its own makers as an advanced art of deception. 
(My musings under the cut)
Series 1 - a wealth of extra material
First of all - as many of you probably knew already - the whole of the Unaired Pilot is added to the DVD of S1. In the extra material about the making of the series, they (Sue Vertue, Mofftiss and others) talk about what things they changed between the Pilot and ASiP, claiming that many changes were necessary improvements once they knew that they had a whole series and a lot more time at their disposal. 
Which I can perfectly understand and agree with in general. But I think what’s missing in their discussions is more interesting than what’s actually there (”Mind the gap” ;) ). Things that I would expect from the show makers when they go to the trouble of comparing the pilot version with the aired product. There’s not a word, for example, about the fact that they added both Mycroft and Moriarty to the story in ASiP - two characters who later turn out to play major roles and appear in almost every other episode until the end of TFP. Or about the choice that one of the screenwriters would play Mycroft. 
Neither do they discuss why they chose to relocate the place where Sherlock was challenged by the cabbie from 221B to Roland Kerr’s School of Further Education. Instead they focus on the details, like for example the new design of the interior of 221B.
Not to mention the fact that almost every scene in the Pilot is mirrored in ASiP (as pointed out long ago by @kateis-cakeis X), but at Angelo’s in the Pilot Sherlock follows the events with the cabbie while looking in an actual mirror. I even noticed that in the Pilot the cabbie is offering Sherlock dark-coloured bottles with the pills in them, while in ASiP those bottles are transparent, as if the cabbie is offering Sherlock to play Black or White in the chess game that he is simulating. What’s with all these mirrors, though? Not a word on the DVD... ;)
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Now, even though these rather remarkable choices are neglected together with a great bunch of minor ones, I still think that the most interesting fact about all this is that they actually included the whole pilot version within this DVD, which is sold by the franchise. Why even do this, when it raises far more questions than it answers? The only logical reason I can come up with is that they’re laying out a track of little hints that anyone with a deep enough interest in the show to actually buy the DVDs can try to follow. And it seems to me that lying by omission is one of the first steps in the long line of cryptic and misleading author comments on this show. But at the same time, they clearly want the fans to have access to it all, even the abandoned version.
Moving on to Series 2, time for bigger lies 
In the extra material of this DVD Benedict himself describes how his character "faces one of his deadliest enemies in the shape of Love, and it comes in the form of Irene Adler, who is this extraordinary dominatrix [insert here a bunch of superlatives regarding Adler]...”. And then we see how Adler whips Sherlock with a riding crop (without any kind of consent, I have to add) while he’s lying on the floor, and we have Lara Pulver telling us how it was to have a go at Benedict on set. So Holmes whips dead bodies and Adler whips living; seems like a match made in hell! :))
Gatiss claims, grinning with his whole face, that “they’re clearly, absolutely made for each other”. OK, so I think we can see Sherlock being intellectually impressed by Adler, and even trying to protect her from Mycroft, and we can see John acting jealously. We can also see her being dressed and styled as a perfect, female mirror of Sherlock. But I’m still at a loss what all this has to do with love on Sherlock’s part? Especially since he’s not even responding in any fashion to her various attempts at seducing him. 
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And there’s more: Paul McGuigan, the director of ASiB, claims that the scene where Sherlock has a conversation with Adler inside his Mind Palace about the crime case with the car that backfires "is a part of a kind of love story, if you like...” No, I don’t. Maybe it’s just me, but if their aim really was to convey to their audience a love story between Sherlock and The Woman, I think they failed miserably. All I see is a guy ’mansplaining’ to a clever woman how to use her brain, while she’s trying to flirt with him by expressing her admiration (to no avail, though) and make deductions at the same time. Nothing new under the sun, really. John did the same thing repeatedly in ASiP (without making own deductions) and got far more attention from Sherlock, but I’ve never heard any of the show makers call that ”a love story”. But by ’lie-splaining’ the scene with Irene to the audience, they try to manipulate us all to see it as such...
In all the direct commentary of this episode, where Steven, Mark, Sue, Benedict and Lara are present, I get the impression that every time they even touch on the relationship between Sherlock and John, they hurry to add the term “friendship” or “man love” or similar words in case they forgot them at first, avoiding even the tiniest possibility that there could be anything more going on between them. They even explain that when Irene calls them “a couple” she does not mean anything romantic. This whole approach feels almost paranoic in the midst of all the laid-back jokes and light-hearted talk about the filming. It’s as if a sort of restrictive, heteronormative filter or blanket is being constantly applied, to teach the audience the ‘no homo’ lesson of it all. And the more I listen to this, the more tiresome it becomes.
In the commentary Moffat does reveal an interesting detail, though: that the ‘Flight of the Dead’ in ASiB was inspired by a cut out scene in the Bond movie On Her Majesty's Secret Service. To me this is just one more reason to question the ‘authentic’ quality of this scene, as opposed to possibly taking place in Sherlock’s Mind Palace. But I digress... 
Listening to the commentary in general, it’s like it’s aimed to distract the attention from what’s going on at the screen rather than highlight it and try to explain their intentions. They do mention that Irene didn’t actually ‘beat’ Sherlock in the end of ASiB, but there’s no explanation of this obvious deviation from canon, where Adler does indeed fool Holmes, taking advantage of his prejudices.
The rest of the extra material of S2 is mostly about technical stuff, special effects and such, and also about filming techniques and Benedict’s delivery of fast deductions. But the part I really do love is the one where Andrew Scott talks about how much he enjoyed playing the scene where Moriarty dances before breaking into the Crown Jewels. That’s one of my favorite scenes of he whole show. :) Also, the takeaway message from this DVD is Moffat’s words at the end: 
“These are still the formative years of Sherlock Holmes, and the most important thing about this series is not that it’s updated; it’s the fact that those two men are still young and they’re still at the beginning of what they don’t yet know is gonna be a lifelong partnership”. 
And then comes Series 3... 
...and its extra material, with the most blatant attempts at deception so far, I believe. At this point Sherlock is called a “psychopath” by both the show’s characters, John’s blog, Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman as if it were true, which is a big deviation from ACD canon. That simply doesn’t happen there; while Holmes is sometimes described as eccentric, no one in the books is ever claiming that Sherlock Holmes has some kind of mental illness leaning towards cruelty and egotism - not even his enemies say this about him. In the show, however, they begin in ASiP with making him torture a dying man for information (something that is not included in the Pilot). And in S3, where they avoid discussing the reason why they turned Mary Morstan into a ruthless assassin, this major shift is glossed over by the fact that in the same episode (HLV) they also turn Sherlock into a murderer, who cold-bloodedly blows the brains out of a blackmailer for threatening to make said assassin’s crimes public. 
But without ever getting into the “why” of it all, the cast and crew seem overly happy and smiling describing these rather morbid choices as something positive; “fantastic”, "fresh and new” and "amazing” are their choice of words. Benedict claims that Mary, who has literally shot and almost killed Sherlock in HLV, is now "a new best friend of Sherlock’s”. Amanda claims that Mary “is protecting John” when she shoots Sherlock in the chest. Now they’re both psychopaths, and poor little John is forced to stomach them both because he’s addicted to danger. In Amanda’s words, Mary also “kind of gets in between the two of them, but she wants them to be together as well”.  Which is a load of BS considering that Mary tries to kill the protagonist of the story.
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Lars Mikkelsen thinks it’s “such a good script” because “you’re mislead as an audience”. But he never gets the chance to expand on what the misleading actually contains, because then Mofftiss cut in to express how much they love playing with “what ifs”. As if this whole mega-budget project of a show were just a big experimental playground without any actual story to tell. 
Benedict repeats his line from HLV that Magnussen “preys on people who are different” and Moffat also says he “exploits people who are different”. Which is really confusing, considering what we can see Magnussen actually do in the show. Lady Smallwood and John Garvie are two well-established, powerful governmental politicians whom Magnussen blackmails by finding their respective pressure points. In Garvie’s case his pressure point seems to be alcohol problems in his past, but according to media he’s later arrested on charges of corruption. Lady Smallwood is blackmailed on the basis of her husband having sent compromising letters to a minor many years ago, in spite of later claiming that he thought she was older and stopped when he found out the truth. And then Magnussen is blackmailing an assassin who recently threatened to execute him but shot Sherlock Holmes instead, in order to try to get at Sherlock’s brother Mycroft, another powerful governmental figure. 
But what does media seeking out dirt on certain people in power and their families have to do with “people who are different”? Despicable as the method may be, isn’t this unfortunately how political power play usually works in our society? Or are TPTB somehow a repressed minority group now? Unless this whole “people who are different” accusation is actually about something entirely different, something that none of the show makers even cares to mention... ;)
In these DVDs, none of the involved persons is ever discussing the change of roles with regards to canon, though, or the (lack of) logics in this turn of events, or even a hint about the narrative motivation behind them. It’s all about the great Drama, the extraordinary visual effects and the aim to endlessly “surprise the audience”. Which is fine by me to a certain extent, but when this is all that’s being said, it feels extremely superficial, as if the audience is merely seen as a bunch of consumers that have to be triggered more and more by horror, special effects and cliff hangers to be able to appreciate the show. (“Warm paste” indeed, like Gatiss has later criticized some viewers of wanting...) While the "why”; the idea behind this surrealistic adaptation, made by self-proclaimed fanboys of ACD, is not even touched upon. Around this, the silence is total and therefore totally confusing.
Maybe I shouldn’t even go into Series 4...
...but why not, since I’ve already started? :) 
First of all, there’s a lot of extra material on this DVD and I particularly love the parts about the music and composing and Arwel Wyn Jones’ work with the design and build-up of John’s and Mary’s flat and the interior of 221B. Those bits are truly enjoyable. What I could live without, though, is the leading commentary that kind of instructs us, the audience, how we should interpret the show. 
Benedict is on it again on this DVD, telling us that in TST they picked up where they left off in S3 and “It’s a very happy unit of three people that then become four.” Why does he feel the need to make this statement, considering how S3 ended? Actually, if there’s anything I totally fail to see in S4, it’s happiness. The banter between the three  of them may seem entertaining for a while, but who could have a relaxed, warm relationship with someone who tried and almost succeeded to kill you less than a year ago? Without any sign of remorse? Now there’s a dark tone of discomfort and mean jokes that feels forced and not even a bit happy to me. 
But Martin tells us how excited John and Mary are about starting a family and Amanda mentions how much they’re looking forward to the baby. Again and again it’s repeated, as though trying to rub it in: “they’re in a good place, they’re a loving, married couple”. Yeah, right - a child that (judging by TSoT) wasn’t at all planned and now with an assassin for a mother... Twice we see the new parents complain that their daughter has the mark of Satan on her forehead and debate which horror movie she’s from. The clichéd hypocrisy of it all is sickening, and I’m willing to bet that it’s really meant to be. ;) 
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But Gatiss chimes in, deciding for us all that the christening of Rosie is “a funny scene” and “they’re enjoying each other, enjoying being on adventures as a three”.
An interesting detail is that Gatiss also tells us that the working name of this episode was “The Adventure of the Melting power Ranger”. So this little blue guy was that important? :) And - even more interesting - is when he says: “Cake is now the code for violent death”. So how should we interpret Sherlock, John and Molly going out to have cake in TLD then, on Sherlock’s (supposed) birthday? 
These might be jokes, though, but when they tell us that Sue cries every time she sees Mary’s death I strongly believe they must be joking. How could anyone feel truly moved by this overly sentimental long monologue where far more efforts are put into reacting to Mary’s speech than saving her life? And John’s mooing like a cow, is that also moving? :)
One thing Martin says about TLD that actually disgusts me is regarding the morgue scene where John assaults Sherlock and Sherlock lets it happen: “From there, really, their relationship can only sort of rebuild, that’s the absolute worst it can get”. As if outright physical abuse would be something that makes you want to rebuild a relationship? Wow - just wow... How far can they go with this crap?
Anyway, when we finally arrive at the absurdity of TFP and Sherlock’s ‘secret sister’, everything is of course discussed as if she actually does exist on the given premises, and everything she does is ‘real’, no matter how impossible it would be in real life. The abandonment of any attempt to have the story line make logical sense is skillfully covered up by more distraction with fascinating technicalities of the film making process. This is where Gatiss makes his now almost classic statement that after Sherlock and John jump out of the window at 221B when a grenade explodes there, it’s just “Boop! And they’re fine.” 
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Of course there’s no serious attempt at explaining this logically. Except perhaps Gatiss claiming that they both landed on Speedy’s awning - whatever good that would do to them, since the awning is leaning downwards, but never mind... But we never even saw that happen, did we? A great deal of time is then dedicated to show all the precautions to have Martin and Ben jumping safely at low level onto a madras supported by empty cardboard boxes.
Sian Brooke did say something interesting about Sherrinford, however, that got me thinking. She said that Eurus “wants revenge for the years and years that she has been held captive” there, isolated, and that in TFP the Holmes children are now “lab rats” and “it’s an experiment”. On a meta level, I think we can indeed see this episode - and maybe the whole show - as a kind of experiment, but maybe we, the audience, are also lab rats? Since Sherrinford is slightly shaped like a film camera (not commented in the extra material, of course), it leads my thought to all the adaptations through the years and years where Holmes and Watson have not been allowed to be together. A whole century when Sherlock Holmes has been held captive, restricted by the very same sort of heteronormative filter that all this extra material imposes; it’s like Sherrinford, isn’t it? Which gives all the more meaning to Moriarty’s arrival to the island, accompanied by Freddy Mercury’s “I want to break free”...
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I think I’ll let the final words in this little exposé come from Mark Gatiss in The Writers’ Chat (my bolding):
“Moriarty is a fascinating thing in that in our sea of ongoing lies, one thing we’ve genuinely been completely consistent about is telling people he’s dead. But no-one believes it! And it’s a rather brilliant thing.”  Again - self-congratulatory statements. But instead of providing some actual evidence of the death of this character, who has kept popping up in almost every episode since his supposed demise, they think that the more a confirmed liar repeats something, the truer it gets? And the more we’re supposed to believe them? Well, all we can do is wait and see. :)
Tagging some people who might be interested: 
@raggedyblue​ @ebaeschnbliah​ @sarahthecoat​ @gosherlocked​ @lukessense​ @sagestreet​ @thepersianslipper​
My earlier meta on a similar topic (X)
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farty-city · 3 years
inside bo burnham review no one asked for
i enjoy other peoples commentary and i was writing down my first thoughts anyway so here it is
first song/intro song
i like the phone screen on him, very reflective of how we have had phone screens on us
“roberts been a little depressed” osnskjdnfs
they were right “daddys made you some content so open wide” hjbfafn
oh my god he looks awful
but like in a cute way
healing the world with comedy (second song)
the canned and queued laugher no exactly… is it a symbol or is it just funny.. who's to say. 
it think its a good first song, establishing he knows what he is doing is kind of useless 
“the indescribable power of your comedy”
he looks like marc maron rn
i like the synthed voice and synthesizer
the jesus allusion … yeah
“i'm a special kind of white guy”
this feels like he knows how he is perceived by fans.. Make happy was too much
his fucking dancing fksjdnfksj
i think he did a good job looking manic
the lasers lmao
Side 1
Bo made a huge gamble releasing this like,,, what if you just stumbled upon it and this was ur first introduction to him..
I bet its like when i comment dumb things on instagram comments and get that rush of hehehehe
Also this is exactly what he wanted like,, he just wanted to make his things and not deal with the crowds so..
To think i was like finding scraps of him performing at largo and stuff and now,, so much content
life imitates art
the way he's literally what he wrote hgbkdf
there is no authenticity with cameras
suicide ?
 facetime with my mom tonight
the blue light.. Yeah
o hblue like sad
i don't know how i feel about the electric music but i guess its no different than whatever else i listen to
this is sad wow
still catchy etc
side 2
i wonder if here will be any fart jokes
that is how the world works (songs)
the huge mess and then him in a sweater
this is reminiscent of that walmart muppets
he became tim minchin with a sock puppet
the “yes… yes sir” stoppp 
bo making a political statement and a metaphor for activism and then making it weirdly kinky
brand consultant (bit)
man bun
i have to believe he filmed it with the beard because quarantine vibes and also bc he was tired of being seen as a child
white womans instagram (song)
i did not like that intro
the daisies wow just wow
“white womans instagram” or “bo burnham becomes a girlboss”
i like that he didn't lose his cadence like the way the rhymes are you can still tell its him
i don't get the mom part sorry
is it like how people are very superficial but also very personal on their instagrams
this part was legit sad
side 3
i wonder how he felt with cameras constantly on him
Although this is the point hes trying to make
lol seinfeld moment (bit)
unpaid intern (bit and song)
“barely people somehow legal” was so smooth woW
omg he was scatting
he was a man who would scat
oh my god what great news
the react clip omg
i cant believe he did that oh my god
observation/critisism and response to the “can anyone shut the fuck up” 
and as i realized what he was doing he was like “i have this need for everything i make to have a deeper meaning” oh my god
now the question is how long will this go on?
jeffrey bezos (song)
idk its catchy
and then theres him like sleeping and talking which kind of is part of the jeff bezos song
bug eyes salamanders hehe
sexting (song)
i do believe this is just a silly song 
the earrings tho omg
sounds like post malone hbkjdsnfskj
idk its still about like intimacy in quarantine and that stuff..
the knife (bit)
i know hes copying like other youtubers but like,,, what
stuck in a room (song)
the intro is very funny and relatable
classic bo i love it 
i will say this special has been more reflective but i suppose it has to be
“look whos inside again”
i like the end too, this is all a fabrication
this is the clip where hes staring at the projection of himself from his old youtube videos which is sort of more like an ending to the “stuck in my room” song
 sorry (song)
i love the 80’s style music and its like zumba
oh this is like an apology song
“father please forgive me for i did not realise what i did, or that id live to regret it” what a catchy line
i would say this is another more “classic” bo song where its self aware and funny
“my closet it chalk full of stuff that is vaguely shitty” 
camera falling
this deserves its own bullet because its silly
i'm turning 30 (bit and song)
i remember him talking about this on a podcast and like,, damn i didn't know this also happened LOL
i really like how he did the lighting 
“stupid fucking ugly boring children”
suicide talk (1)
this is interesting i like the use of the projection
this is something that could never have happened onstage
just like with the it being projected on him
i guess it could but it would have to be done differently and probably hed have to make it funnier to make it more engaging
i just checked this is about the halfway point.. Mh
i don't wanna know (song)
“i thought it’d be over by now”
i wish this was longer but i kind of like how its just a little snippet and then the cut
video game (bit)
“i guess i’ll cry again”
“is the dude big or is the room small” lol
hm depression
 feelin like shit (song)
ohh the lighting is fun again
this is the tone shift i suppose
the feels like supalonely and the new kind of music
panic attack 
everything all of the time (song)
feels like brandon rogers 
i enjoy this
this feels like “welcome to youtube” grew up
“a little bit of everything all of the time”
“apathys a tragedy and boredoms a crime”
ok olivia rodrigo
finishing the special (bit)
these feel like diary entries but as standup
interesting choice
jeffery bezos (2)
Why the seaweed suit
Where did he get that
the digital space (bit)
suit up, gather what is needed, and return to the surface
pirate map anfdkjfnskjd
this was so stupid (affectonate)
that funny feeling (song)
the campfire vibes 
kenny loggins
i don't get it..
is it about childhood, is it about the present?
i think its talking about the end of content? 
“the end of culture”, to quote make happy
change and not liking it 
“we were overdue, but it will be over soon”
if the second half of the special is like a panic attack this song is like a momentary pause before it gets worse
“so ive been working on this special”/breakdown 
this was .. uncomfortable and genuine which i'm sure is why he kept it
all eyes on me (song/rant)
another sad thing to watch.. damn
me trying to tell if the audio was from make happy
i think he was trying to make it as if the audio was from make happy 
this feels.. familiar
and obviously that is the point
“come on in the waters fine”
the use of autotune during the talking part... yeah
sad that he was gonna make another special… and it would have been totally different than this
i’ve decided i like the homage to make happy
It feels like hes made peace with it
the montage of him waking up and the “i think i'm done”
and then of course the ending where he's watching it over to remind us that its all fabricated
possible ending song/ “i promise to never go outside again”
ngl he looks good in the shirt with the haircut hehe
which i feel like is what he wants up to notice
and then like not think after we saw all his breakdowns
“i want to hear you tell a joke when no ones laughing in the background”
i really like the medley
Final thoughts
I want a blooper reel, but this doesn't seem like the kind of special
I also wonder if the songs will be on like apple music, but again, doesn't seem like the kind of special
I'm happy for him, he got to be honest and open and show us the sort of panicky stuff
this self aware comedy is exactly the stuff that i think will be making a comeback in the next decade.  John better be pulling up with more deconstructed comedy. 
I hope this has given him peace
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opbackgrounds · 4 years
Hi there Sarc' ;) I am sorry if the question has already been asked but I thought it could be interesting to have your opinion about this. While I love most of the female characters in OP and think that most of them are well developed and can be truly good role models for girls I still feel that Oda sometimes has a sexist view on female characters (the jokes about the naked bath scenes for example or Kororo being considered ugly make me really uncomfortable). What do you think about it?
Ah, I wondered when I would get this question. 
When people talk about sexism in One Piece they typically are referring to two different things: How women are drawn, and how they’re treated within the narrative. While there’s some overlap here, there’s enough distinction that I want to address them as two separate points in two separate posts, because I guess I had Opinions, and by god there should be a limit to how much text one tumblr post can be expected to hold. Consider this an introduction.
Buckle up, kiddos. This is gonna be a long one. 
Nami Face Syndrome Isn’t the Problem...
An important thing to remember with Oda’s art and storytelling style is that almost everything is hyper exaggerated for effect. You don’t go into One Piece looking for realism. You don’t go into One Piece expecting the characters to act like normal people. Everything--from the art to the humor to the battles--is stretched and pulled to its absolute limit in hopes of garnering a particular reaction. When a character is sad they cry big bubbly tears with dribbles of snot coming from their nose. When they laugh their mouths take up half their face. 
And when a girl is hot, her tiddies are two great big watermelons stuck to the center of her chest.
What is often dubbed “Nami Face Syndrome” within the fandom is somewhat misleading. After all, why was Wanda, who is a literal dog that walks on two legs, decried as yet another Nami clone at her introduction? I would postulate it’s less to do with her face and more to do with the fact that from the neck down they are virtually identical, something that’s made more obvious because Wanda is literally wearing Nami’s clothes
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What makes this frustrating for a lot of people, myself included, is that it’s not that Oda is incapable of drawing more diverse body types, but that he often chooses not to. Take for example the Kuja tribe
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or the Charlotte family daughters (thanks to Arthur at Library of Ohara for the resource). It’s pretty clear Oda has the chops to make his women as weird as the men, and he often does! For important characters, even. And yes, as the Kokoro example given above sometimes the gonkness is brought attention to, but for others like Lola and Chiffon it’s...not. 
(more on mermaids later)
But Sarcasticles, one might protest, even Oda’s “ugly” characters have ginormous boobs! Where is my itty bitty titty committee representation >:(
To which I can only shrug. For Oda, boobs on a woman are like abs on men. It doesn’t matter if it makes sense, they’re gonna have ‘em
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Seriously, Oda. What the fuck.
...So What Is?
I have a theory that’s impossible to prove, and that the problem isn’t so much Oda’s character design so much as the ratio of his male to female characters in general. It’s not that every female character is a Nami clone, but Oda has a template he uses for attractive female characters ages 16-25, the same way he uses Robin as a template for attractive women ages 26-35, which is how you get cases of mistaken identity like Viola for Robin or scenes during Reverie where one could be forgiven for thinking Nami’s supposed to be an identical triplet
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 Oda does this for his men, too. It’s not as obvious because 1) Even men with similar facial features can have a wider variety body types due to Oda having a sliding scale of buffness he’s willing to attach to a pretty face and 2) There are more men. 
There are a lot more men.
In groups where the male to female ratio is more or less equal (Baroque Works, Big Mom’s kids) you get a wide variety of designs. But there’s only one female Supernova. There’s one female Warlord. CP9 only has one female agent. Only one of the Revolutionary Commanders is a woman. There are very few female background characters in crowd shots, especially among marines. Big Mom might be the only female Emperor, but she’s not young, In fact, when drawing her at age 28, Oda defaults to a much more generic “pretty girl” face before giving her much more striking, memorable features in her 40s
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If you look at Oda’s male characters, the ones that are supposed to be hot are often given the same square jawline and the thin-bladed nose that at one point in time was reserved for Robin. Both Coby and Sabo had very distinctive noses before their glowups, while Ace must have had a laser treatment done on his eyebrows sometime between Alabasta and Marineford. 
But the biggest difference on the men has got to be muscle mass. The overgrown noodles of early One Piece are lost to the annals of time. Shanks alone must have gained 30 pounds of pure muscle from the time Luffy got his first bounty to his appearance at Marineford. 
Now, I will acknowledge that there is a difference between the increasing sexualization of female characters and the male power fantasy of giving Zoro bara tiddies post-timeskip. While I do think there are certain male characters specifically designed to be the Hot Dude, what I’m trying to emphasize here is that Oda works with templates for both men and women, and both of those templates have been exaggerated over time. Bigger boobs for women, more muscles for men. And when you’re only slotting for one girl in any given group, and that one girl has to be The Hot One then you’re going to have a lot of ladies that end up looking the same. 
My love for Otohime on this blog is well known, and I want to use her as an example of what Oda can do when he works beyond this template, because it’s really freaking good  
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Otohime is neither conventionally attractive nor gonk. She’s dressed in very conservative, traditional clothing and has a narrow waist and small chest. 
There are no sharp edges on Otohime. Not her eyebrows, not her jaw, and most of the time not even her hands, emphasizing her gentle nature. You don’t see it as well in this panel, but Otohime’s head is often drawn wider than her shoulders, emphasizing her frailty. Oda gives her a longer neck to compensate, and the overall effect is a very soft, willowy figure. 
Her headpiece looks like a sunburst. The audience never sees her fins, so Oda gives her a scale patterned kimono-dress-thingy (my knowledge of Japanese clothing is, uh, not good) as a visual reminder that she’s not human. The sash that circles around her head harkens back to Japanese mythology as a symbol of divinity, similar to a halo in Western culture. And fun fact: Otohime is named after a god, just like Neptune, while her goals and ideals are pure enough to be heaven-sent. 
I’m not an artist, but this is a really damn good character design. A lot of Oda’s older female characters are. Dandan, Tsuru, O-Tsuru, Shakky, Kureha, Big Mom, and Nyon are all instantly recognizable and have strong designs, even if a few of them fall into the hourglass figure that Oda often defaults to. It’s just...there aren’t that many of them.
So the question becomes why aren’t there more women, and I think the answer is because, ultimately, One Piece is a series geared at boys. While I wish there were a few more important ladies, I can understand why there aren’t. 
Note, that doesn’t mean I think it’s right or that Oda is obligated to include more women. It’s just one of the facts of the shonen manga industry at this point in time. 
A more important question, I think, is why does every younger woman have to be attractive? And why do the attractive ladies have to wear outfits that are blatant fanservice? This is something I don’t have an answer for. Oda has said on more than one occasion that he writes One Piece with his twelve year old self in mind. It could be that it’s a calculated move to appeal to his audience, in which case it’s certainly worked because said Hot Ladies are constantly used in marketing and merchandising. It’s the Hot Ladies that top the popularity charts (although, to be fair, who’s there for competition?). In the most recent chapter a new Hot Lady was introduced, and the fandom went batshit crazy for her.
Even the fans who are very vocal about how Oda sucks at drawing women. It’s interesting how that works out sometimes.
Or maybe I’m giving Oda too much credit, and he’s just horny. Not having direct access to Oda’s mind, I don’t have an answer. If I had to guess I’d say it’s a little of Column A, a little of Column B, because that’s usually how life is. 
But in a vacuum big tiddies are just a design choice. An exaggerated aesthetic, in a series full of exaggerated aesthetics. It’s when that design choice is paired with in-story comments, actions, and decisions where things really start to get heated. But that’s a whole other ball of wax, and there should be a limit to how much one tumblr post can be expected to hold. I promise I’ll get to the meat of your question next time.
Thank you so much for your patience. I really do think it’s important to start here before diving into everything else, if only because it helps keep my thoughts organized. I hope you’ve found this helpful, and if not, I hope to do better next time. 
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bisluthq · 3 years
i hate how you don't know how to interpret things and just say that shit, she didn't say he taught politics but he showed that it was important for her to express her publisher, not unlike the shit you're congratulating harry for doing, remember? that you said you think it's great that he doesn't express himself
Okay bitches let’s go.
Let us address Harry before those weaned at the milky tit of Insta infographics call me a misogynist. Harry Styles is… how do I put this nicely… a himbo. If we laugh about the fact that Joseph had to like fuck politics into Taylor, we need to laugh double as hard at the fact that model Camille Rowe had to teach Harry to read. You think I joke, but no, he was literally like “I didn’t read but my ex did so I had to make an effort.” We could think this was Harry exaggerating, but evidence says not because she made him read her favorite wanky dystopia and the entirety of his takeaway was “hehe pussy.” Harry Styles makes Taylor’s media interpretation seem PhD level.
He’s also… kinda not promising to be anything else lmao he’s a sweet little himbo who’s having fun dancing around stage singing about bananas and making eyes at his girlfriend. He’s like “wouldn’t it be better if we treated people with kindness?” and dances around with flags and hires marginalized people onto his staff and is nice to them and gives them opportunities.
That’s the bar for Harry - he’s said he’s not baiting, he’s not an activist, he’s just a himbo having fun and entertaining people and he’s not, you know, an asshole.
In a Miss Americana and Lover era free world, all this could apply to Taylor (except you know bimbo not himbo and better at reading). But Taylor made a movie that contained the following plot line: I was a young girl in the industry, it chewed me up and tried to spit me out, but I got through it and what I realize now is it’s the job of entertainers to spotlight social issues and politics. Let’s get something straight: THAT IS NOT THE JOB OF ENTERTAINERS. Entertainers need to entertain. We can enjoy art made by anyone on the political spectrum, from like left to apolitical to kinda basic conservative (I mean don’t consume like… art from Nazis but y’know like Carrie Underwood’s fine). But TAYLOR said “I realize this is my job here”.
She also put out an album and an era so… gay… the internet thought she was coming out. And she’d said you know “gay pride makes me me” so like to her that was reflective of the era and in fact she thinks it’s a core identity. If she’s straight that… makes her stupid, and a bad ally, there’s no other words to describe it. We’ve been through this stuff before let’s not rehash it.
In said album she included MAAHBP which is a beautiful love story but again isn’t very clever as a political commentary because similar to what I was saying before in other comments like… what the fuck does her Heartbreak Prince have to do with her social awareness or sadness about politics? And she’s linking him in directly to the official political song. Homeboy can’t even vote in your country how’s he painting the town blue with you?
It’s perfectly valid to say - talking to people changed my mind on politics. Chelsea Peretti says openly that Jordan taught her half the shit she knows and she’s gonna have to keep learning for her kid(s). I understand that. Lena Dunham - ffs - says openly that her sibling and now like Tommy have educated her on gay and trans issues. I understand that. What I don’t understand is how Joseph Matthew Alwyn of Crouch End, a sweet and well meaning and decently read (I suspect better in fiction than theory tho) man who did not know about Harriet Tubman until he was sent the script for the movie, was educating Taylor on American politics. I hear some people going “NO SHE JUST TALKED TO HIM ABOUT IT!!!” but do you see how STUPID that is? What would he say that would like profoundly impact one’s point to such a degree that you’d feel you need to be an activist now?
Anyway, Taylor put out Lover and MA and Only The Young and the VF interview when she thought she was going to the Oscars and then she went back to singing pretty bops and winning at capitalism and fudging Grammy rules.
And I’m sorry but that’s… kinda shitty. And I still think she’s a nice person and a sweet person and a kind person and an extraordinarily talented person but what I’ve outline above goes beyond being sheltered. Dudes, she made YNTCD with two straight white men. You know why she made the VMAs give everyone awards? Because otherwise it would have been two straight/“straight” white people on stage being like “yay gays we gave you your rights!!!” You don’t have to go to college to understand that if you’re gonna make a gay song you should involve gay songwriters and producers and directors. That should be like step one.
But here’s also the case - feelings about someone can be complicated. I can be like “🙄🙄 dumbass” and still enjoy the person’s music and public persona even which is the case here but ffs nothing in her brain besides music and making money sometimes like dudes fr.
And no faves are above reproach - again, if you don’t like Harry’s whole deal because it doesn’t really go anywhere that’s fair. If you don’t like Carrie Underwood because she’s, you know, a right leaning anti-masker lol, that’s fair. My issue with Taylor versus the two of them is Harry and Carrie know who they are and Taylor didn’t seem to. And yeah maybe it’s her whole aging out of order and she had her college era “YES POLITICS” thing that a lot of us go through on main in front of millions and at 30 but like you’d hope someone around her would have suggested steering clear of that idk.
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Alright so I can’t stop thinking of RVB Zero and how much potential it has so I wanna rework it a bit to work better.
So first I’m gonna talk about the new characters and what I’d change before breaking down the individual episodes for critique and suggested rewrites. At this point, I’ve only seen up to episode 4, Encounter. So spoilers till that ep. 
West - Honestly great! He doesn’t have a ton of character, but what he has is solid. He works very well as the gruff, no-nonsense leader who’s a tiny bit of a dad.
Raymond - Also great! He’s the most classic RVB character, as he’s an underdog who’s not the best at fighting, but has a lot of heart. My fav new character, right next to Tiny.
One - I want to change her to 2nd in command and drop the whole “can’t work within a team” thing. Keep the confidence and slight rudeness, but drop all the lines referencing anti-teamwork. It hasn’t factored into the story so far, One has been successfully working as part of the team for all the episodes. This would make her dynamic with Axel more interesting, being in a higher position of power. Especially considering how her healthy relationship with her dad contrasts with East and West’s relationship. This would reinforce the tension with East, since One now has an actual position of power over her. Also, she should have the exact same powers as Zero, but maybe less powerful. This would help foreshadow that reveal, and help us understand how the enhancements work. While One is a bit of a shit, and thinks she knows best, she’s willing to take the fall when her ideas fail or get them in trouble.
Axel - Imma be honest: totally forgot he was One’s adopted dad until I rewatched the episodes prepping for this. You could drop it totally, as it gets a bit redundant with West and East’s relationship, but I think there’s more fun in working with it. Also, if One’s 2nd in command and Axel isn’t insecure about it at all? Instantly makes him a more likable guy. I also think he parallels to Wash very well (bit of a kid at heart, weapons guy, team dad, emotional heart) so we’re gonna expand on that too.
East - Her and One’s relationship is the driving force of conflict within the strike team. With the changes made to One, East can stay pretty much unchanged. Before they were too similar. Now, with One being abrasive but willing to work together, and East being more reserved and distant, they’re great foils for each other. Also she parallels early Carolina, which I love (speed is her ability, prefers working alone, competitive as hell, dad runs team)
Villains: On characterization, they’re all good! Villains are allowed to be a bit more shallow, and they all seem to have understandable motives for what they’re doing: Zero wants revenge and power, Phase wants revenge especially against West, and Diesel just seems like he’s having fun. I do want to change Zero’s power tho, with Phase already having a teleport with a cool gimmick, and Diesel having a strength/tank ability, Zero should have a unique ability. Maybe gravity because of the sword? It would allow him some cool movement tricks while still being visually distinct from Diesel and Phase’s abilities. Or something inspired by his “ghost” line from Duo.
EP 1: Viper
The Good: The introduction to the villains and their abilities was amazing. I love Phase’s knife and it’s honestly one of the coolest things I’ve seen in the show. And the intro to the Strike team? Hilarious. Great character work. You can tell that One and Axel are close, that Raymond is hesitant and new, East and One have a very competitive relationship, and West is the tough love dad.
The Bad: Don’t violate the 180 camera rule. The intro fight scene was cool, but the camera moved way too much and made it hard to keep track of everything happening. And with the new, shiny art style we need a bit more time to absorb what’s happening since the detail level went up. Also y’all healed Wash’s brain damage with a throwaway line, and then immediately fridged him? Not cool. I mean, if you wanted to show how tough the villains are, you already had them beat up Carolina.
Story Changes: - Zero gets name dropped this ep so we get a scene next ep where Axel recognizes his name. - Either replace Wash with a high ranking soldier and completely scrub him from the episode, or give a different reason why he can’t help, maybe exactly Carolina’s reason of “you’re recovering”. I’m not committing to totally removing Wash bc in Recovery Carolina’s line of “That I-that we thought was a medium risk asset” hints that Wash knew exactly what they were carrying and I’m excited to see where they take that. - Mainly I want scenes of Wash talking to Axel and expanding on his characterization as they are both Nice Boys Who Have Been Through It. - I also think a scene after we meet Strike where Axel asks Raymond “You like riding with East?” and Ray goes “You two stuck me with her on purpose!” and One goes “Yup!” all cheerfully. Just reinforce those team dynamics and friendships before it goes to shit!
EP 2: Recovery
The Good: The garage scene was perfect. Tiny is amazing, love her so much! And Axel got such great characterization during this ep. What a dork. West and Raymond also work super well together, their interactions are great.
The Bad:You know it’s a problem when the villains have a better dynamic than the heroes. The scene where Carolina explains all the strike member’s abilities and personalities? Bad. Also a little OOC for her. And redundant, since we also get Raymond asking West about East, and Axel’s explanation of the girls to Carolina.
Story Changes: - Have Axel, the emotional heart, waiting outside the recovery room for Carolina. Honestly, this isn’t that big, but I think it’d suit his character. - Carolina’s exposition is changed to solely history and abilities, no commenting on their personalities. Maybe East gets a little “has shown difficulty in working with others” but that’s it. The physical acting for these scenes really shines through, so let it stand alone. Even watching without sound, you can pick up that West is a no-nonsense leader, that Axel isn’t a flashy fighter but gets the job done, that East is fairly young and doesn’t take fighting seriously, and that One is willing to leave others behind if she thinks she can do it better. - For Carolina’s convo with One this ep about her “not willing to work on a team” either swap One with East or change it to “you need to listen to your team more. Don’t assume that you immediately now what’s best” - At the end of training, when Axel says “the guards were priority #1″ One should say “I knew you could handle it.” and Axel could respond with “Well, it’d be nice if you let me know that.” to show that One can work well as 2nd in command, but needs to communicate and stop assuming things. -Also should change Axel’s warning line about her enhancements to “Don’t push yourself. Remember what happened last time?” to enforce that this is a habit, and that while he cares about her, he’s not trying to boss her around as much. -Don’t reveal that East is West’s daughter until Raymond and West talk. That way, there’s a bit more emotional weight, and Ray’s line of “I was digging through the team files” makes more sense if Carolina doesn’t drop that info in the previous scene. - When Axel talks about the experiments East went through, he should mention that he was there for some of them. Dropping more foreshadowing for the Axel/Zero reveal! - Carolina drops Zero’s name in their convo, and we get a shot of Axel’s hand tightening on his weapon, showing the audience that the name means something to him, but we don’t know why.
EP 3: Duo
The Good: First 3rd of the ep? Really good. I love One being rude to Carolina, and then gaining a grudging respect. West and Raymond are, again, the best dynamic. How? I honestly have no idea. The car looks so stupid in the funniest way, I hate it but I love it. Also god yes Axel and Zero’s relationship is so wholesome and could be the best thing in this season. One’s warning call to the facility? The funniest shit. And Zero’s dialogue is hella cliched, but it works bc he’s obv such a dramatic bitch.
The Bad: HOLY HELL THE DIALOGUE. First, One and East’s fight? garbage. Very forced. Super hard to believe these two are real people. Carolina and West literally repeat the exact same line, less than 5 seconds apart. The dishwasher joke West makes does NOT at all work, it’s too tonally dissonant.
Story Changes: - Obv. need to change One and East’s convo. End it with “Without your power, you wouldn’t even be on this team!” East should storm off or almost attack One, requiring Axel to diffuse. - It’d also be really nice to get a line where One acknowledges that she went too far with that, but puts off apologizing to East. It’d be a nod that she’s good at reflecting and assessing, but too proud to actually take her words back. - I’d like to make Raymond more panicked when they find Wash. It’d help sell that he’s in bad shape and add more weight to “He’s got a heartbeat!” - Maybe re-work Phase and Zero’s conversation a bit. The dialogue is definitely not this season’s strong suit. - Pull Carolina’s “I’m just trying to help, East.” since it’s more impactful for East to storm off immediately and West says the line a couple seconds later. And change East’s dialogue to “You may be my CO, but don’t try to be my dad. Not after what you’ve done.” Or something similar. - For the dishwasher gag in the meeting, either pull it or double down. It’d work so much better if someone asks “Are you serious about this? Aren’t there more important things to discuss?” and West just deadpans. “This is of the upmost importance. If we can’t keep this base clean, how can we be expected to do anything else?!” and then Carolina clears her throat super loud and West goes “...Right. Rookie? Take it from here.” - Rework the “Carolina stay behind” dialogue. Even just a “Carolina. You’re still recovering. If you get hurt again, it’ll just be longer till you can take these bastards down. Keep an eye on Wash, will you?” I just couldn’t get behind the wording of “we need you here. With wash” It sounds like every cliched “woman must stay behind while the manly men save everyone!” Might be personal preference but just ew. - Add a scene where One notices Axel being a bit off (bc he’s worried about Zero being a part of the bad guy team) and she asks if he’s okay. He brushes her off, says its nothing. She goes “alright, i trust you.” - Maybe make the flashback a bit more apparent? There was a moment in the middle where I questioned whether or not it was a flashback. Again, could be a me problem.
EP 4: Encounter
The Good: The fight scenes continue to be absolute standouts. The varied environments, the movement, the dynamics on point. Wish we could’ve saw a bit more from Axel, but as is the scene worked well. The framing of the ep was good too, cutting between the mission and the fallout. And Ray, resident coward, immediately squaring up without a thought after West got injured? *chef’s kiss*. THAT is good character development. THAT is an amazing way to establish their relationship without telling us outright. Go feral, my boy! And Tiny and Raymond’s convo was so cute. I love how, despite what he says, Ray is there for his team and always willing to help. Carolina and One’s convo was also pretty decent. It got a bit long and over-explainy on Carolina’s end, but there were some pretty good moments.
The Bad: The fight after the mission failure was SO over-acted. Too much motion, to many camera angles. It changed what should have been tense arguments to hilarious melodrama. This has been a consistent problem, but it REALLY affects this scene in particular. And the second Axel enters the scene it just immediately goes downhill.
Story Changes: - Add a line from West in the beginning scene like “I’ll cut them off!” to explain why he isn’t in the car too. This also means it’s not as out-of-nowhere when West shows up to trash the car. - One should call out Axel instead of East. If she’s his daughter, she should be able to tell when he’s acting off. And she would have an easier time connecting the dots between Axel and Zero. - Instead of “I trusted you.” One should say “You lied to me.” 1) He’s her dad. One lie isn’t gonna break her total trust. 2) This would imply it’s the first time he’s lied to her, adding more weight to the whole situation 3) It’s way more accusatory and less cliched (if only a bit) - Add in a “One, wait!” bc I am a sucker for it and we could hear the guilt in his voice, rather than the weird scene where the girls make him spin around by bumping into him. - It’d also be nice if Ray stayed back for a bit before leaving, so we got a bit of his feelings on the matter. I mean, obviously he cares a lot about West, but does he blame Axel for not being there to help? It’d be nice to know!
TL;DR The best parts of the episodes are the fight scenes, and when they focus on the fun team dynamics. The worst parts are dialogue (mostly the serious bits) and over-animating, as this takes away from the drama.
I don’t mind the cheesy villains, but that may not be the case for everyone.
The best part of RVB has always been the rag-tag found family dynamics. While the fight scenes are cool, they have always been supplemental to the real meat of the show. The writers are trying something new with the whole “actual family” but you have got to focus on and develop these relationships if you want fans to care.
Mostly, I see a lot of potential in these characters, but there are GLARING issues in this season that are holding them back.
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btsqualityy · 4 years
Amour Vincit Omnia / Epilogue
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11 Months Later / New Year’s Eve
“Kira?” Jimin called excitedly and Akira turned away from where she had been talking to her mom and brother to see Jimin jogging up to her. “You have another person who wants to talk to you about buying a piece.”
“Can’t you handle it Jimin?” Akira wondered, her feet already starting to hurt,  both from her heels and how much she had walked around Jin’s gallery even though it had only been an hour since the exhibition had started. “You know my prices.”
“The life of an in-demand artist, huh?” Jimin teased, making her laugh. “I got you though Kira.”
“Thanks Jimin,” she smiled, watching as he walked away from her before turning back to her mom and brother, who were both grinning widely. “What?”
“I’m just so proud of you,” Tonya chuckled. “You’ve been talking about the day where you’d finally have your own solo art exhibition ever since you graduated from art school and now here we are.”
“Well, none of this would be possible if it weren’t for Keem,” Akira said as she looked over at her brother, who was leaning onto his cane. After Akeem spent a few weeks in the hospital recovering, he was discharged and immediately began intensive physical therapy. It took months until he was able to even stand up on his own so he spent the first 8 months of the year in a wheelchair, which meant that he wasn’t able to walk across the stage at his high school graduation but he fully soaked up the attention that came with being wheeled across the stage instead.
“You’re damn right,” Akeem joked, hissing when Tonya smacked him in the back of the head. “If I didn’t need someone to accompany me to therapy, you would’ve never gotten that picture.” While Akeem was in the most grueling part of his physical therapy, Akira would often accompany him just to help out if need be and make sure that he was doing alright. 
One day, during his usual cool down period where he rested from pushing his body to it’s current limits, Akira caught a glimpse of him sitting in his wheelchair and staring out of a window. What amazed her was that that particular session had been really tough for him and yet, he was sitting and smiling as he simply watched squirrels chase each other around. Akira snuck a picture of him and ended up doing a watercolor painting of it which she titled “Black Boy Joy”. She posted it to her social media accounts and it ended up going viral, which subsequently led to the sudden popularity of her art. 
“Admittedly though, I never thought that that painting was gonna blow up the way that it did,” Akeem admitted and Akira nodded in agreement.
“Me either,” She smiled. “But I’m glad that it was that photo out of any of the other ones that I’ve ever done.”
“Don’t get sappy on me,” he groaned, lifting his cane and smacking her leg lightly. 
“Kira!” Akira heard someone shout and when she turned around, she saw Cassie and Hobi pushing their way through the large crowd.
“You made it!” Akira exclaimed, allowing Cassie to gather her up into a tight hug.
“You think us moving to Florida would keep me away from your big night?” Cassie scoffed playfully, making Akira smile gratefully.
“We would’ve been here sooner, but someone took forever getting dressed,” Hobi snickered and Cassie shot him a glare before looking back at Akira. 
“It’s getting hard to style this bump,” Cassie chuckled as she reached down and rubbed her 6-month baby bump. 
“How’s my god daughter doing in there?” Akira wondered as she set her hand on Cassie’s stomach.
“She’s high maintenance already,” Cassie giggled. 
“Just like her mother,” Hobi muttered. 
“You two are just in time though,” Akira announced as she looked up at the clock before Cassie was able to castrate Hobi. “It’s about time for me to give a speech.”
“Oh, we really are on time then,” Cassie giggled, and Akira flicked her arm in response. Just then, Jin clapped his hands loudly. 
“Can I have everyone’s attention please?” He said loudly, waiting until all of the chatter throughout the gallery had died down before continuing on. “My name is Kim Seokjin and I am the founder and owner of the Healing Gallery. As you’re all aware, we’re here tonight to celebrate the first solo exhibition of one of my best friends, Akira Lewis!” The crowd erupted into applause, and Jin waited until they stopped to keep talking. 
“Since this is her first solo exhibition, I’m gonna let her come up here and say what she wants to so Akira?” Jin called and Akira nodded before walking up to the front of the gallery where Jin was, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before turning to face the large crowd.
“Ok, this crowd looks a lot larger from this viewpoint so now I’m nervous,” she admitted, making the crowd chuckle. “But I’m gonna keep this really short and sweet because all of this is still kind of surreal for me and it hasn’t completely set in yet. Firstly, I want to thank my mom Tonya and my brother Akeem, who you all might recognize from the ‘Black Boy Joy’ painting. The two of them have always supported me and my dreams and I’m very grateful to them.”
“You’re welcome!” Akeem called out, making the crowd burst out into laughter. 
“I’d also like to thank my best friends who are all over there in the corner, being embarrassing and recording this entire speech on their phones,” Akira laughed as she motioned her hand over to where Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Hobi, Cassie, Jimin, and Jungkook were standing. “All of them have put up with me fussing about my work at some point or another and they’ve also been there for me whenever I call them so thank you guys as well.”
“We love you Kira!” They all replied, making her smile as her cheeks heated up in embarrassment. Akira turned back to face the crowd and she couldn’t help but to notice the front door to the gallery opening as she did so, the sounds of the New Year’s Eve traffic flowing into the gallery momentarily.
“And finally, I’d like to,” Akira started to say but she paused as the stranger who had walked into the gallery took the hood of his jacket off of his head, realizing that it was Taehyung. She gasped softly but quickly regained her composure, putting on a soft smile to the rest of the crowd. “I’d like to thank the person who has been my inspiration for a while now. A lot of these pieces that you see were created thanks to them so I’m also grateful to them. Thank you all for coming out tonight and please, buy lots of pieces!” Akira laughed, making the crowd do the same as they applauded for her. 
“You did great,” Jungkook assured her as she walked over to them, and Akira smiled at him.
“Thanks for lying to me,” she replied.
“No problem,” Jungkook smirked knowingly.
“I’m so proud of you kiddo,” Yoongi whispered, sweeping her up into a hug.
“Thanks Yoongi,” she muttered, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. “For everything.”
“Me too,” Namjoon spoke up and Akira let go of Yoongi before she stepped over to him, giving him a kiss on the cheek as well which made him blush intensely.
“Hey pretty girl,” Akira heard and when she turned around, Taehyung was standing right in front of her.
“You came,” she breathed out, and Taehyung smiled softly.
“I couldn’t miss your first solo show,” he chuckled, giving her his signature boxy smile. Just as Akira moved to open her mouth to reply, Jin walked over to her and touched her shoulder softly.
“You have some buyers that want to talk with you,” he told her and Akira nodded her head, even though the last thing that she really wanted to do was step away from Taehyung. “Stay and we’ll talk later?” She said as she looked back to him.
“Of course,” he nodded and she smiled softly before letting Jin lead her away.
Akira didn’t end up seeing Taehyung again during the rest of her exhibition, because a lot of the guests there took her “buy more pieces” comment very literally. By the end of the show, everyone was heading out to their respective New Year’s Eve plans. 
“Are you sure you don’t want me to wait with you?” Akeem asked Akira as the two of them slid into their jackets. Akira’s mother had gone back to Akira’s place and Akeem was joining Akira and the rest of her friends to pregame before heading to Times Square to see the ball drop.
“Nah, you go ahead with Yoongi,” Akira assured him. “I just have a few things to tie up here and then I’ll meet you guys at Jimin’s.”
“Ok, we’ll be waiting,” he nodded, leaning over and giving her a kiss on the cheek before walking out of the gallery and meeting Yoongi outside. As Akira gathered the last of her things, she noticed Taehyung standing in front of one of her paintings. 
“Hey,” she called out as she walked over to him, making him look over his shoulder at her. “You’re still here?”
“You promised me that talk,” he shrugged and Akira couldn’t help but to laugh. He held his arms open and Akira immediately allowed herself to fall into them, hugging him tightly. “How have you been pretty girl?”
“I’ve been great, great,” she nodded before pulling away from the hug to look at him. “What about you?”
“Pretty good,” he said. “You did great tonight. I’m so proud of you.”
“Thanks,” she smiled, following his gaze that was on a painting of a silhouette that she did. 
“Is this supposed to be me?” Taehyung questioned suddenly as he turned to look at her. 
“Is it that obvious?” Akira giggled.
“I mean, I know myself,” he chuckled.
“Yeah, it’s you,” she admitted.
“Ok, so does that mean I’m the person who’s been ‘inspiring you for a while now’?” He recited and Akira groaned as she nodded her head.
“I must be completely transparent,” She tutted and he shook his head.
“I kind of just put two and two together after seeing this,” he said, motioning to the silhouette painting in front of you two. “Although I’ll admit, I don’t understand how I was your inspiration when we’ve been broken up for almost a year and haven’t seen each other in nearly as long.”
“Well, you know how I stayed in Michigan after you left?” Akira said and Taehyung nodded. “I basically ended up moving back home for about six months to help my mom out with Keem and there was just so much going on, I kind of lost any motivation to paint. It actually kind of freaked me out because I’ve never experienced that.”
“You had a lot going on Kira,” he whispered and Akira smiled softly.
“Yeah well, that feeling lasted until I moved back to New York and I saw the picture of you that I had used for reference when I did that small canvas that I gave you for Christmas. Something about seeing that picture just...spurred me on and I ended up making this,” she told him, pointing to the painting of him. “It was the first time that I really took the time to think about our relationship and reflect, which is why it’s just a silhouette of you.”
“Wow,” Taehyung huffed. “The shadow of what used to be there.”
“Yeah,” she nodded, knowing that he’d understand what she meant. “But I thanked you as my inspiration because once I finished this, it’s like the fog that was hanging over my creativity was lifted and I created all of the pieces that were on display tonight afterwards. Even ‘Black Boy Joy;.”
“I’m happy for you Kira,” he replied genuinely and she smiled before looking down at the ground for a few seconds as a silence fell over the two of them. 
“I heard about your uncle,” Akira spoke up suddenly and Taehyung sighed. “I’m sorry for your loss.”
“Not much of a loss, really,” he chuckled bitterly. 
“I figured as much but I know that it probably felt weird and I’m sorry for not reaching out,” she replied. 
“Don’t beat yourself up about it,” he shrugged. “This is probably gonna sound really bad, but it was kind of the push I needed.”
“What do you mean?” She wondered. 
“After we broke up, I didn’t know how to go about ‘finding myself’ the way that you had suggested so I just threw myself back into working and creating the new line for Vantae,” Taehyung started. “Once uncle Byun passed and I went back to Korea for the funeral, I realized that my uncle had no one at his funeral to tell any funny stories about their time with him, or how he had impacted their lives in a positive way and all I could think about was that...I didn’t want to end up like that.” 
“Taehyung,” Kira whispered, reaching out and touching his arm lightly.
“The day after the funeral, I took an extended leave of absence from Vantae and stayed home with my parents,” Taehyung smiled. “It was kind of weird at first, given the fact that I haven’t lived or spent any extended length of time with my parents since I was 18, but it was great.”
“I know that your mom was happy about that,” Akira smiled and Taehyung nodded his head while laughing.
“Oh, she was over the moon,” he grinned. “Being home for so long forced me to kind of face all of the things that I had been burying concerning my uncle and how he treated me and I ended up having what could be called a little ‘breakdown’.”
“Not surprising,” Akira muttered.
“After that, I decided to go into therapy and Dr. Kwon, that’s her name, she really helped me realize exactly how manipulative my uncle was. Just not of me, but my entire family and how that manipulation has manifested itself into my life,” he explained. 
“That’s amazing Tae,” Akira praised, and Taehyung chuckled in embarrassment. “I’m proud of you.”
“Thanks. Now, I’m back in New York and I just started art school at the beginning of the semester,” he revealed, making Akira gasp loudly.
“Get out of here, you serious?” She questioned with a wide grin and he nodded his head proudly. “What about Vantae?” 
“After a lot of soul searching, I decided to step down as CEO of Vantae back in August,” he said. “I’m still on the board and I’m an investor, but I don’t have to deal with day-to-day logistics and designing anymore.”
“Aw, don’t you miss it?” She wondered. “I know Vantae was your baby.”
“Actually, I don’t,” he admitted. “I love designing and creating but with me starting art school, it just showed me that I was attached to only that aspect of the Vantae and not the business part.”
“That makes sense,” Akira murmured in understanding. 
“Maybe in the future, I’ll start my own company. Something that’s truly mines and something that I can build from the ground up,” he sighed. 
“Wow,” Akira huffed. “You’re so different now.”
“Nah, not really,” he shrugged. “I just sorted through my trauma and dyed my hair back to black.”
“And that makes a lot of difference,” Akira scoffed. “The trauma part, at least.”
“Aw, you don’t like the black?” He questioned with a smirk and Akira rolled her eyes playfully.
“I loved the blue, but I guess you’re still pretty cute like this too,” she joked.
“Pretty cute,” he repeated while shaking his head. “You really know how to cut a man deep Kira.”
“Oh, shut up,” she laughed, making Taehyung do the same. Once their giggles had died down, she was left with a smile on her face. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too,” he replied honestly. 
“What do you have planned for tonight?” She asked him suddenly.
“Nothing, was just gonna hang out at home with Yeontan,” he shrugged.
“Who’s that?”
“Oh yeah, I got a dog,” he laughed. “Forgot that part.”
“First off, I have to meet him,” Akira said seriously and Taehyung nodded his head. “Secondly, come out with us tonight instead.”
“Ah, I don’t know Kira,” he chuckled awkwardly. 
“It’ll be more fun than hanging out with your dog,” she tutted.
“Ok, Yeontan resents that,” Taehyung laughed. 
“Seriously Tae, come with us,” she pleaded. “I want you to.”
“You sure?” He wondered and Akira reached down and grabbed his hand, intertwining her fingers with his.
“More than sure,” she nodded. 
“Alright,” he grinned, looking down at their hands. She led to the front door of the gallery, turning off all of the lights before dragging Taehyung out into the busy streets of New York, their hands never leaving each others. 
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thebluenebula · 4 years
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4 (Part 1)
A New Bat: Day 4
(Part 2)
Honestly I didn't want to move but I did. We walked out of the range just in time to see Jay speed out of the cave, then we took a staircase back up and popped out from behind a bookshelf in a library. Dick was lying on a nearby chair talking to Babs. "Hey."
"Hey." Kate and I said in unison.
"What we're you two up to in the cave?" Dick asked, clearly suspicious.
"I don't think that any of your business Dick." Babs commented.
"I agree with Babs." Kate smirked.
Dick looked to me. "So, what do you think of the Bat-cave?"
"Its cool." I quickly replied. "Odd though."
"The Bat-cave is very odd." Babs agreed.
Dick's phone beeped and he looked at it. "Dinners ready."
"What is it?" Kate asked.
"Let's find out." He stood up.
As Kate and Babs headed for the door I whispered to Dick. "Would it be okay if I eat in my room?"
He smiled at me. "Of course. You don't have to ask, just grab a plate and head up."
"Thanks." I followed Dick out of the library.
We walked into the kitchen and saw Alfred preping plates of food. "Hello Alfred." Dick greeted him.
"Hello, I'm just finishing preparing the meals."
"Ashleigh's just gonna grab a plate and head to her room." Dick said.
"Of course, Master Dick."
Kate handed me over a plate. "Or you could come with me, if you want. I'm heading out to the gazebo. I've been cooped up in the cave all day I could use some fresh air."
"Yeah sure." I quickly agreed.
Dick looked at me. "I'll talk you later."
"See you later." Babs said.
I nodded at him. Kate grabbed her plate and put her hand on my shoulder and we headed towards the door. Kate stopped. "Oh Alfred, Jays gone out. I don't think he'll back anytime soon."
"Thank you, Miss Kate. I will leave his wrap in the fridge for him."
"Speaking of," Dick said. "Shouldn't B be home soon."
"He said he would be Master Dick." Alfred replied as Kate and I walked out.
We walked through the garden. It was beautiful. Everything neatly taken care of. We sat down inside a white painted gazebo, the sun shined in on us. Behind the gazebo was a large brick wall, largely covered in brightly coloured graffiti art.
"The sun's nice to see." Kate commented.
"Oh yeah." I looked up at the sky, quickly looking back down when the sun caught my gaze. "We never did see too much of it on Ireland."
"Is it a rainy as they say?"
"Oh yeah, but the rain can be nice." I shrugged. "At least I think so anyway."
"Then don't worry." Kate laughed. "It rains plenty in Gotham."
Kate took a bite of her food. A wrap. I looked at my own plate. A chicken wrap. Plenty on it. I took a bite. Gorgeous, same as all Alfred's meals it would seem.
"Do you need to go clothes shopping?"
"Hmm." Without thinking, I tried to talk but my mouth full of food. Kate giggled at my failed attempt to speak. I swallowed the food before trying to speak again. "What?"
"You said you only had a few skirts. If you need to go clothes shopping I can bring you." She gestured to herself. "I'm no style guru, that's Steph and Dick's department, but I like to think im not the worst."
"I like your style."
"Thank you. So how about it then? Clothes shopping?"
"I'd love to but I think Bruce is bringing me furniture shopping over the weekend."
"I could tag along and we dip into a clothes shop."
"I really don't have a whole pile of money." I said honestly.
Kate pointed to the giant manor. "You are literally Bruce Wayne's child."
"Adopted, and I can't just ask him for money."
"Yes. You can." Kate emphasised each of the words. "He'd be more than happy to give you money for clothes shopping."
"I don't know. It just seems wrong. I mean I've only been here less than a week. It'd be rude."
Kate sighed. "Even if he wasn't okay with it, which he is absolutely is, by the way," Kate took out her wallet and put a couple of bills on the table. "I am."
I looked at the money. Five one hundred dollar bills. "I can't-"
"Take it." She insisted and slid it closer.
I hesitantly took the money and put it in my pocket. "Never hesitate to ask me or Bruce for money." Kate insisted. "Even it's for something simple like fast food or a video game. We're happy to give you some."
"Thank you, Kate, but-"
Kate leaned in. "No buts. End of story." Then she leaned back out. "Just if you need money for bullets, ask me, not Bruce. Jays has been asking him since he came back from the dead. He's convinced he'll break eventually."
"Okay." I laughed, it took a minute for what Kate had just said to register. "Jay was what now?"
Kate laughed. "That's a story for another day. Don't worry he brings it up quite often."
"Okay." I sat staring at her blankly for a moment. My brain was still processing what she had just told me.
"So," Kate broke the silence. "How are you enjoy your meal?"
"What? Oh yeah. Its nice." I took another bite of my wrap. "Is there anything Alfred can't cook?"
"If there is, we have yet to find it." Bruce said as he entered the gazebo.
Kate and I looked at Bruce with surprise. She must not have. heard him approach either. "Hey." Kate and I said in unison.
Bruce looked to me."A couple more boxes of yours came." He gestured back to the house. "I just left them in the entrance but Dick and I can bring them up to your room if you want."
"No. That's okay." I stood up. "I'll just throw my plate in and I'll bring them up."
"There's a couple boxes. You'll need a hand." Bruce insisted.
Kate swallowed the last piece of her wrap. "I'll help." She said, standing up and grabbed my plate off of me. "I'll throw these in and meet you two in the main hall." She walked off towards the house.
Bruce and I watched for a second before he started walking as well. "Come on." He said. I got up and followed him. "So did you and Kate talk?"
I silently gulped. "Yup."
"I'm sorry about that. I know what you said but we thought it'd help."
"It did. Thanks." I said. "Anything else like that I should know about?"
"No." Bruce smiled at me as we reached the back door. We walked through the house to the entrance hall. A stack of boxes sitting by the door and by them, stood Kate.
"Let's bring these up then." Bruce said, grabbing a stack of boxes.
"So how was work?" Kate asked him, grabbing another stack of boxes.
I grabbed the last stack then we started up the stairs. "Not too bad. I got that business with Lex Corp sorted out. Thank god."
"So no more late nights for a while?" Kate asked.
"For a while." Bruce said.
"So what's in the boxes?" Kate asked as we reached the third floor.
"Lego, and books mostly, some clothes and other trinkets from my old room."
"Only some clothes?" She asked.
"Most of my old clothes were torn or too small so I left them."
"Definitely bringing you clothes shopping then."
"Speaking of shopping, you still want to go furniture shopping this weekend?" Bruce asked.
"Yes. Absolutely." I quickly replied.
"How's Saturday sound?"
"I'll join you and we can go clothes shopping. If that's okay?" Kate asked
Bruce look to me. "Is it?"
"Of course." I responded quickly.
"Also Bruce," Kate said. "You gotta have a serious talk with Ashleigh about money?"
Bruce glanced at her curiously "Why?"
"She didn't want to ask you for money for shopping."
"Oh." Bruce sounded surprised, then he grinned. "Ashleigh never be afraid to ask me for money."
"It's just, I've only been here a week. I don't want to push my luck." I said.
"Trust me. My kids are experts at pushing their luck. You couldn't be worse." Bruce assured me.
We stopped outside my room. "So who's gonna get the door?" Kate asked.
Bruce shifted the weight of the boxes to one arm and opened the door. We set the boxes down beside my bed.
"You need help unpacking?" Bruce asked.
"No. I should probably wait till I get furniture to unpack."
"Yeah." The two agreed.
"Hey." Bruce turned to Kate. "Alfred said Jays gone out. Do you know where?"
"He went to pick up Artemis and Bizarro. Why?"
"Just wondering. Artemis will keep him out of trouble anyway."
"He's in his twenties Bruce. You don't have to worry about him everytime he goes out."
"Regardless of his age, he's my kid, it's my job to worry about him." Bruce stated. "Plus it's Jason."
"Valid point." Kate agreed, then turned to me. "You said something about Legos right?"
"Yes." I looked at her curiously.
"You got any superhero ones?"
"A couple."
"Any of us?"
"I've got you, I said pointing at Bruce." Who smiled back at me. "The third Robin and Black Bat."
"I feel kinda hurt you don't have one of me." Kate joked.
"I missed out on Batwoman." I explained as I sat down the bed.
"Too bad." Kate said leaning against the wall.
"I didn't know they made ones of Cass." Bruce looked at me curiously.
"Oh they don't. I kinda just pieced her together from other figures."
"So you dismantle the little guys you get and make someone new?"
"Sometimes. Yes."
Bruce nodded. "Cool."
Kate looked at us. "So if I wanted to make one that looked like me, not Batwoman, like me me, I'd have to buy the sets with pieces that look like me."
"There's a website where you can just buy the pieces on there own."
"Handy." She commented. I yawned. "Late night?"
I nodded. "We watched a movie last night."
"Bruce, Harper, Carrie, Duke, Dick, and I."
Kate looked to Bruce. "Not like you to stay up late, if you're not on patrol."
"Got in from the office late. Sat down and watched a movie with the kids."
Kate smiled at him then turned to me. "You must be tired then?"
"Yeah." I agreed. "I should probably go to sleep."
Bruce nodded. "We'll see you in the morning." The two headed for the door but stopped. "I meant to say this before, my bedroom doors always unlocked if you need me."
Kate looked to Bruce then back to me. "While I prefer a bit more privacy, you can always knock, or call if I'm asleep. My ringtone never fails to wake."
I nodded. "Goodnight."
"Night." The two said in unison as the door shut.
I lay down on my bed. Jason seemed to be warming up to me, which was nice. Steph and her friend, Cass, seem sweet, and I really like Kate. She seems like someone I could talk to, about anything. As I ran through the day in my head, I couldn't help but smile as I drifted off to sleep.
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marculees · 4 years
🌼 Tag 🌼
Tagged by @pikachulein to answer ten of her custom questions, thank you 💖 💖
1. What compliment you've received meant the most to you?
I don’t really believe people when they compliment me rip. Only a few months ago, one of my professors told me I wrote at Masters level during a private meeting and it made me smile for three hours straight. I’ve been considering a career in third-level teaching and research and I hadn’t told him this but he started telling me I would be perfect for it and it was really motivating ;-;
2. Would you rather meet your favourite celebrity/group/bias and realize they're not at all how you imagined them to be like (maybe they're not as kind as you thought, for example) or never meeting them in person but it turning out that they're actually the amazing, kind, sweet, generous, etc. person that you thought they were? (I hope that makes sense hhhh I think the ethics of this question are really interesting)
I’d rather not meet them and have them be lovely. I haven’t met them yet anyway and so I wouldn’t lose anything by not meeting them.
3. What's your current favourite song you always use to get hyped up to or a song currently stuck in your head?
Boss Bitch - Doja Cat
4. If you had to write the book of your life, what genre would it be and what would you choose as a title?
I’d write it in the format of diary entries, very much a ‘slice of life’ type, with illustrations and doodles on the pages for metaphor and viewing pleasure. I think the title would be something simple too but with some depth to it, like a significant date in my life; almost like the ‘climax’ of the book, I could work the reader up to that entry and they would know something is coming up but not what 👀
5. Name your top 5 musical artists and your favourite song of each of them?
mxmtoon - Feelings are Fatal
Hozier - Movement
Kim Petras - Personal Hell
Conan Gray - Comfort Crowd
Kodaline - Ready
6. If you were invited to a big humanitarian event and had to give a speech on a topic you'd want to bring about a huge change for the better, what topic would you choose to speak about and voice your opinions/ideas? (Assume public speaking is one of your strongest assets and you'll ace this no matter what)
Okay so this is literally one of my aspirations in life, no joke, I’d love to be able to speak to a crowd and try to inspire and motivate them to achieve great things! I just really want to see people succeed and realise their potential regardless of who they are :( There are so many topics I would like to address but I think I would go for mental health in development. I study international development so I’m very familiar with humanitarian issues but often times, mental health is ignored when looking at healthcare regardless of where you are in the world.
7. What is something (a skill, personality trait, or something appearance related, it can be whatever) you wish you had and/or you really admire in other people?
I really admire team-players in leadership. People who are genuinely concerned for those around them and want them all to succeed together. They don’t leave anyone behind and remind everyone of their strengths and what they contribute to the team and actively push them to succeed. I try to do the same but sometimes I can sometimes be a bit of a pushover and not strict enough, instead just taking on more work myself rather than trusting a team member to do it... group projects, anyone??? :’)
8. What's your favourite anime/show/youtuber (you can answer whichever you got an answer for, it can be all three options of course :D)?
I don’t watch anime anymore but I enjoyed Ouran High a lot!
I’m waiting for the new season of Line of Duty to come out soon, but my guilty pleasure TV show is Bondi Rescue dsjvkdhlvjhfb I’ve also been watching that new show Five Guys A Week with my mum recently and its such good craic omfg 
I tend to flock towards gaming and commentary channels most but Dashie is my fave istg there isn’t a video of his that I don’t wheeze along to 😂
9. In kpop, are you more into vocalists, dancers, rappers, maknaes, leaders, or visuals (or maybe a mix of some/all :'))?
I’ve noticed I like the rappers most!
10. What's your most beautiful/favourite memory?
This is hard...I literally had to answer this question last because I wanted to have a proper think about it. Its been hurting my head for days trying to think tbh and is it bad that I actually can’t pick a particular moment?.I’m genuinely stuck but a recent-ish one I can think of was this time last year when I had to give a presentation in front of my class of 250 people. I was presenting with two groupmates and I remember how hard we practiced and rehearsed for the days coming up to it. We wore coordinating outfits and had our lines memorised and I remember walking up on the stage and immediately feeling ‘powerful’. I don’t usually feel powerful at all but once I started speaking and performing our skit with my groupmates (who were lovely btw it made me really happy seeing the more nervous one do so well!), I seen how the faces of my classmates lit up and it gave me that warmth I had missed for so long. Random people I had never even spoke to before came up and complimented me later and it made me really proud because its what I love to do and it was so lovely knowing they enjoyed it too ;-; The lecturer we had for that class was known for being really intense but she took a shine to me and pulled me aside one of the days to compliment me and then referred to me as “her powerful speaker” in front of the class when we were receiving assignments back weeks later. It was the highlight of my whole semester and second year tbh. I’m really hard on myself but for once, I felt genuinely and I mean TRULY proud of myself and it had been a long ass time since I had felt that way 😭 
Okay, now I tag @wheezing-pterodactyl @jbemin @jenoscity @starryseung @seventiddies @thegirlthatsdancingintherain @leechan-babyboy @angelwonho for the following questions:
1. What comment appeared on your report card most often as a schoolchild?
2. What’s your guilty pleasure?
3. You find a magic lamp and now a genie is here to grant you three wishes! What are you gonna wish for? (you can’t ask for more wishes though lol)
4. Imagine you have the power to control time. Would you rather pause, rewind or fast-forward?
5. When you shop for clothes, what’s the first thing that catches your eye? (could be the colour, pattern, style, price, fabric, etc.)
6. What’s the strangest dream you have had recently?
7. What is your MBTI type?
8. Do you have any unusual talents or party tricks? If so, what are they?
9. If your life were to be recreated through a form of art, which medium would you choose? (examples: painting, film, book, music, video game, etc.)
10. If you could be any mythical creature or figure, what would you like to be?
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tisfan · 5 years
Tentacle-tober Prompts
A/N - so I may have over committed for October. I do that sometimes. Anyway, I’m like five days behind on these, and I’m going to just finish them off as I get to it. This is prompt # 18 Tentacles in Space and a continuation of https://tisfan.tumblr.com/post/188197264098/tentacle-tober-prompt-7 this StarkLord piece (Tony Stark/Peter Quill)
All the story is under the cut for being Very Naughty. (tentacle oral sex and bondage and nipple play)
To be continued, obv. 
Note: Centauri are a Babylon 5 race that I borrowed. They do indeed, have six. It’s mentioned in the show (and even shown once or twice)
Yondu may or may not have a bifurcated dick. I don’t know that the canon is, but I’ve seen a LOT of art with him and Kraglin on that theme.
“So, we’ll just get it attuned to you,” Peter said, holding up the X’toy. “This… this should be bigger.” He shook it a few times, like he might rattle of dying flashlight to align the batteries better, and the X’toy responded by making a soft chirp, and then the center phallus went from a slightly underendowed, purple blob that looked more like a plug than anything else, grew at least four inches, turned brilliant pink, shiny, and shaped like a penis.
“You can switch it up?”
“Sure,” Peter said. He shook it again and got something bifurcated, with a thick ridge and-- were those barbs? “You want to do it A'askavariian-style?”
Peter switched it up again, and ended with an over-under double-dick in a light shade of blue. “Or Centarian?” 
“Wait, Yondu was Centarian,” Tony protested.
“Uh, yeah?”
“They have two dicks?”
“Come on man, Centauri have six, so--”
Tony’s head spun a little. “That’s unnerving.” And a little disturbing, although Tony couldn’t decide if it was disturbing in itself, or it was disturbing because maybe that was something he’d like to try--
“Centauri ladies have six-- well, it’s complicated.”
“So I’m given to understand,” Tony said. “Let’s try just normal sex, first time?”
“Normal has a lot more definitions out here in space, Tony,” Peter said, smirking.
“Human-style. Earth normal,” Tony clarified, throwing a pillow at Peter.
Peter shook it again, and it returned to mostly normal, if at least two inches longer than the longest dick Tony had ever been fucked with. “This better?”
“Yes,” Tony said, and his insides quivered with anticipation. “So, you just-- what, want me to strip.”
“No, not yet. We have to attune it to you,” Peter said. “Sit here, get comfy, think sexy thoughts. I’ll let it get to know you.”
“Uh, okay,” Tony said. “What-- is there a safe word in this situation?”
“Not exactly,” Peter said. “I wouldn’t advise using it without a partner, at least.”
“That sounds dubious,” Tony commented.
“Yeah, well, it’s, you know, empathic? A little. It won’t turn off until you want it to,” Peter said. “You can literally be fucked to death. Die of dehydration, you know? Or you have to have really, really good control over your thoughts.”
“How do you know all this?” Tony asked.
“Uh, I…” and Peter blushed, which Tony didn’t think Peter could do, “kinda rented myself out for a few months. I needed repairs on the Milano, and--”
“You sold yourself into sex slavery?” Tony’s voice went up a few registers.
“I rented… myself into sex slavery. What can I say, the price was amazing,” Peter said. “And there were some side benefits.”
“Is that where your endurance came from?”
“You could consider it training for the sex olympics, yeah?”
“Anyway, this one’s got a safety feature on it,” Peter said, “which is not quite like a safeword, but-- hehe, butt -- uh, after about half a rotation, it’ll shut down. Just, don’t be on like, one of those planets with a two hundred hour long day. Otherwise, I can take it off you, with a little bit of effort. My thoughts-- totally controlled.”
Tony snorted. “Forgive me if I’m not sure I believe you. I’ve experienced your dirty mind in action, Quill. And you do like to watch.”
“We’ll be fine. We’re in orbit around Baysol III anyway, and its standard rotation is 8 hours, so the worst case scenario, you get four hours. You can handle four hours, I have faith in you, Stark.”
Tony pretended that he was considering it for, oh, all about three seconds. “Okay, then, let’s see what-- an atuning feels like.”
Peter grinned. “Relax. Think sexy thoughts--”
He placed the X’toy on Tony’s knee, and for a long moment, it just lay there, like any other silicone sex toy would, if someone just put it down. No vibrations, no wiggling, no nothing. Just a dildo flower laying on Tony’s--
It moved, and some of the tendrils formed almost-- legs. Crawling up Tony’s thigh. Tony sucked in a breath, flinching away from it, the way all sane people would when something with a dozen legs was climbing up your body.
“Is that thing… clean?”
“I mighta washed it, last time I used it,” Peter said.
The X’toy hooked tendrils over Tony’s shoulders, prodded at his mouth with the bulbous end of the central dick. Tony wrenched his head to one side. 
“Quill, you complete asshole, if this is some kind of sick joke--” 
The X’toy pushed itself between his lips as he panicked. 
“It’s okay, Tony,” Peter said. “It’s completely sanitary. And it’s not going to hurt you, just--”
The central dick pushed into his mouth, an inch, maybe more. Tony pushed at it with his tongue, involuntarily trying to get it out. It tasted…
Like every single one of his favorite foods, liquor, cigar smoke, everything he’d ever enjoyed in his mouth.
A tendril slid over his ear, another one behind his neck. Two of them slipped down his shirt and hooked under his arms. Even more slithered down his body until it had his wrists, cuffed by coils of alien sex toy. 
The central cock pushed in even further, into his mouth, stretching his jaw. More tendrils, small, delicate ones, teased at his lips, tickling and tingling. Tentacles around his head pulled the X’toy even closer to him, until it was like one of those alien parasites from the Sigorney Weaver film, but fucking his throat instead of planting anything inside him.
He hoped.
“Look at you,” Peter said, admiringly. 
Tony lifted one hand to flip Peter off, and that might have been a mistake, because the X’toy tugged and pulled until Tony’s wrists were linked together behind his back, and then went up to thread in his hair, yanking his head back.
Still, the X’toy plundered his mouth, tasting perfect, but--
Tony thought this was supposed to be sexy, but he wasn’t sure that it was. It was weird, and it was a little hard to breathe, and Peter certainly seemed to be enjoying it, watching Tony’s cheeks bulge and his throat work, and the way he was captive in the chair. He couldn’t do anything about it now if he wanted to, the way it had his hands pinned, the way it was wrapped around his neck.
Panic touched him again, and then--
Well, Tony always was a little bent.
Even after everything that happened, he liked-- loved, really -- being helpless during sex. Being forced to stay still and just enjoy it. Tony had trouble relaxing during sex, he always wanted to be the one giving pleasure, he knew how to do that, he loved being praised, he loved all the wonderful little noises that people made. But when it came to his own wants and desires, he tended to shove them off, considered them unimportant, or a side effect, or--
The X’toy sent more tendrils down his body, touching him, probing at his chest, tickling over his ribs, flicked one nipple and when that got a slightly deeper sigh and Tony moving into the touch, it zeroed in on that spot, plucking, teasing, rubbing, coiling around and around. Another tendril, this one soft, wet, flat, brushed over his other nipple like a tongue, and Tony out and out groaned, heat rising in his belly.
“There you go,” Peter said. “It has to find out what you like. And-- look at you, you like being tied up, don’t you? Why didn’t I know that?”
Tony couldn’t respond, of course, but he rolled his eyes.
Peter just laughed.
“Don’t worry,” Peter said. “It’s gonna find everything that you like. Everything you were ever interested in, and everything you never told anyone.”
The central dick thrust deeper into his mouth, and Tony stopped fighting it, letting his eyes drift shut, knowing that Peter liked to watch, knowing that he was watching. A tendril wrapped around his throat, squeezing just enough to feel it, so he could tell each time the central dick thrust into his throat, feeling it on both sides.
The ones on his chest flicked his nipples, sending jolts of heat into his stomach, up his nerves, until he had his back arched so much it was almost painful. His hips thrust involuntarily, seeking friction that he wasn’t getting.
“Awww,” Peter said. “You want some attention here, baby?” Peter’s hand teased up his thigh, and Tony spread his legs to give him access, but he didn’t take it, the bastard, just traced up Tony’s leg, and down again.
The little hair-like tendrils around the base of the central cock continued to explore Tony’s mouth, little zings of sensation over stretched lips. His tongue was tingling. A tendril, wet like a tongue, but narrow, slid into his ear, and for just a moment, Tony tensed again. It pulsed over the sensitive skin of his earlobe, and then-- how did it have teeth? -- it bit the shell, hot air going into Tony’s ear canal, and Tony absolutely melted.
One tendril slid down his belly, a tickling, teasing line that made Tony squirm with anticipation, his dick throbbing hot and hard behind his zipper. Come on, come on--
He groaned, and the central dick pushed, thrusting in, swelling inside Tony’s mouth until his jaw ached, his tongue was pressed down in the bottom of his mouth, he almost couldn’t breathe at all, his eyes were watering with the effort--
Something squirted into his mouth, like cherry juice and lime, like the finest wine--
And then-- he was on fire, needing it so bad, wanting to be fucked and filled, and to come and to cry out--
The whole X’toy retracted back into its starting, flower-bud shape, laying in Tony’s lap, over his aching dick, while he panted for breath.
“Holy shit--”
“Yeah,” Peter said. “It’s learning you, and you’re… uh, got a dose of the go-juice.”
“It kinda came down my throat,” Tony pointed out. He squirmed, stretching his arms a little, trying to alleviate the pressure of his untouched cock. 
“You gonna go something about this?” Tony demanded, gesturing to his groin.
“No, not yet,” Peter said. “Give it like five minutes--”
“Five--” He didn’t want to wait five minutes, he wanted to be fucked now.
“Use the time wisely, starshine,” Peter suggested. “Take your clothes off an’ hop up onto the bunk. We’ll get you all ready for the fun part.” 
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joygaytrash · 5 years
The Best Night(Painter AU)
Word Count: 1727
Notes: @rose-gold-roman Hey!! Logan!! I finished it!! Okay, okay, long story short, Logan and I have a painter au and there’s Remile, Analogical, and Royality in it!! Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy~
That night was the best night of all their lives. The three couples had tied the knot once and for all. Logan and Virgil in the morning, Remy and Emile in the afternoon, and Roman and Patton at night. Now, here they were at their reception, surrounded by their friends, family, and co-workers.
Roman was the one who came up with the idea that they should have their wedding on the same day. At first, he wanted the three weddings at the same time that day but after some discussion with the two other couples and his fiance, he finally agreed that the weddings should be at different times that day.
Virgil had dibs the morning slot for his and Logan's wedding so then he could get some extra sleep after his wedding and before Remy's and Emile's wedding. Roman and Patton had claimed the night slot for their wedding because Patton had always wanted to have a wedding with the sunset in the background and Roman couldn't say no to him. So, that left the afternoon slot for Remy's and Emile's wedding but they didn't mind.
"See? I told you combining our weddings was a good idea," Roman bragged. Patton giggled next to him, resting a hand on Roman's arm.
"Well, I will admit, it was a pretty good idea," Logan stated before taking a drink of his wine with a small smirk. Remy bit back a laugh, his obvious smile on his face. Roman only rolled his eyes at them, his smile still evident.
"Roman, your husband is an actual god," Virgil said as he walked back to the table with Emile, "I mean, that cake looks fucking fantastic."
"First off, language. Second off, thank you, Virgil!" Patton exclaimed, jumping up from his seat and giving Virgil a big hug. Virgil laughed, returning Patton's hug. Emile giggled, standing next to Remy's chair.
"Speaking of cake, let's go get a piece. We can do that thing where they shove the cake into each other's mouth," Roman suggested, standing up from his chair.
"Yeah!" Patton cheered, letting go of Virgil and took Roman's hand, pulling him towards the cake. Roman laughed, following his husband to the buffet table. Remy and Emile ran after Roman and Patton. Well, Remy ran after them, he was carrying Emile in his arms bridal style.
"Come on, you nerd, let's get some cake," Virgil said, pulling Logan out of his chair and towards the cake. Logan couldn't help but laugh, following his new husband to the table.
The six of them had gathered around the 6 layered came with the wedding guests gathered behind them. Each layer of the cake was based off each person; Logan's and Virgil's layers were on the top, Remy's and Emile's layers were in the middle, and Roman's and Patton's layers were on the bottom(Virgil may or may not have made a joke about Roman being an actual bottom). Each one of them took a turn cutting a slice, taking it from their husbands' layer.
The second Virgil had a slice of Logan's cake in his hands, he shoved it into Logan's mouth, nearly toppling the man over. After the logical man recovered, he shoved Virgil's cake slice into his mouth, actually making Virgil fall to the ground.
Laughter ripped through the three couples and the wedding guests. The flash of the camera was clear as Thomas captured the event in progress.
"Oh my god, these guys are such gay disasters," Dee commented, resting his elbow on Thomas' shoulder.
Thomas rolled his eyes, looking over at him. "Like you're any better, Dee. You literally stopped functioning last week because of that one barista winked at you," Thomas pointed out, smirking a little.
Dee blushed, puffing out his cheeks a little. "Says the guy who couldn't form proper sentences one time at the store because the cashier was, and I quote, too cute for you to handle," Dee shot back, causing Thomas to glare at him. Dee only smiled innocently at Thomas, but at the same time, stared daggers right into his soul.
"Well, if you excuse me, I'm going to hand out my business cards," Dee stated, disappearing into the crowd. Thomas rolled his eyes just as Roman ran up to him.
"Hey, gimme my camera for a bit! I wanna get some close up pictures!" Roman exclaimed, smiling at his little brother. Thomas chuckled, handing the camera to Roman.
"Here, now go have fun, Ro," Thomas said. Roman laughed and nodded before running back up to the center, his camera hanging from his neck. Thomas couldn't help but smile as he watched Roman have the best time of his life.
Dee sighed, leaning up against the wall at the back of the reception hall. He watched the three couples and the other guests yell and cheer. Known fact about Dee; He wasn't one for big events like weddings. But he could stand them if he was familiar with everyone, which he was, in this case.
He sighed again, taking a drink of his water when he heard a young voice.
"How did you get those pretty pictures on your arms?"
Dee looked down and saw a child, probably about 7 or 8, standing in front of him with other children around him.
"Well," Dee crouched down to the child's eye level, "I painted them on my arms myself," Dee explained. The group of children gasps before gathering around Dee and staring in awe at his arms. He chuckled, holding his arms out so they could get a better look at them.
One of the children swiped their hand over one of Dee's tattoos then frowned a little. "How did you keep the paint on your arms? Every time I paint on my arms, the paint comes off," The child asked, looking at Dee.
"Because I used magic paint," He replied. The group of children gasped again and Dee laughed.
"Does that mean you're a fairy?" Another child asked.
"That depends. None of you swear to tell, correct?"
A unison of "correct" came from the group of children and Dee nodded.
"Yes, I am a fairy and I've been sent here to share the beauty of art," Dee stated, smiling down at the children. The group squealed before practically tackling Dee into a hug. Dee laughed as the children laughed, not minding whatever eyes stared at them.
About 10 minutes later, the children's parents called them away and the children whined. Dee had told them they should go with their parents so then one day, he can paint their skin. The children nodded, said goodbye to him before running towards their parents.
"Holy fuck you're great with kids,"
Dee whipped his head around to see Remy standing there, two drinks in hand. He only chuckled, standing up from his crouching position. "I'm not good with kids, they just love the ink. There's a difference," Dee stated.
"I dunno, gurl, it looked like you were having fun too," Remy said, walking over to Dee. Dee scuffed, rolling his eyes at the artist.
"I wasn't having fun, you jackass. I was just keeping the kids distracted, that's all," Dee lied.
"Suuure, gurl, sure. Now, get rid of that plain ass water and have a real drink," Remy responded, shoving one of the drinks in his hand into Dee's hand.
"Thanks," Dee said, taking a drink of the alcohol.
"No problem, gurl,"
The reception was starting to die down. Wedding guests were leaving, families were saying one last goodbye before going back home across the country, and Virgil was collecting whatever decent trash was left on the tables, with Logan's help.
"Listen Lo, this will definitely come in handy for a new project, trust me," Virgil argued, smiling like an idiot to his new husband.
Logan followed Virgil to each table with a bin in hand, rolling his eyes a bit. "My moon, you say that with everything else you find and then it ends up collecting dust in our basement," Logan stated. Virgil turned to look at him, pouting slightly.
"But my suuuun, I mean it this time, I promise!" Virgil whined, pouting a little as he wrapped his arms around Logan's neck.
"Okay, fine, we can bring them home,"
"Thanks, my sun. I love you,"
"I love you too, my moon,"
Virgil and Logan shared a small kiss that got interrupted by Roman.
"Hey! That's gross," Roman shouted from across the room. Virgil pulled away and glared at Roman, flipping him off. Logan was quick to put Virgil's middle finger down, gently pushing his towards the table.
"Really Ro, what that necessary?" Patton asked, resting his hand on Roman's shoulder.
"Yes, Patton. Yes, it was," Roman replied, smiling like an idiot. Patton rolled his eyes a little and kissed Roman, humming softly. Roman kissed back, smiling even more like an idiot.
"Hey Roman, that's gross!" Remy mocked as Emile, Dee, and Thomas broke out in laughter next to him. Patton pulled away to join them, his fits of giggles flowing past his lips.
"Wow, I cannot believe that my own husband betrayed me, I think I'm gonna faint," Roman dramatically exclaimed, leaning onto Patton's shoulder with a hand over his own heart. Patton giggled more as he tried to keep Roman from falling.
Minutes later, Virgil and Logan joined the others at the table, setting the bin of trash(or as Virgil called it, art materials) on the floor.
"Well, since we have one more bottle of champagne," Dee grabbed the full bottle from the middle of the table, "Let's celebrate with one last drink before you six venture off tonight for your honeymoons," Dee suggested, being met with whoops and cheers.
Dee laughed and popped the cork off the bottle, sending it somewhere across the reception hall. Laughter broke through the table as Dee filled everyone's glass before sitting down.
"To the newly weds, who start a new journey as husband and husband and to the single pringles, well, better luck next year," Thomas said as he raised his glass. More laughter erupted as everyone else raised their glasses, clinking them against one another. The eight of them spent the rest of their time laughing and joking, sharing their favorite memories of each other, and just straight up hanging out and being friends but also family.
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 157: Giant Zelda Boss
Previously on BnHA: The badass lady squad kicked some villain ass (even if it did take them a while). Toga showed up disguised as Deku and directed the heroes to where Nighteye and co. were fighting Overhaul underground. They crashed onto the scene as Toga, Twice, and Compress watched from the street above. Twice and Toga told Compress to go kidnap Eri, and he was all “:/ but it’s dangerous” but in the end they bullied him into going down there. Overhaul tried to escape with Eri and Deku leaped after them. We learned that Eri was the granddaughter of the Precepts’ boss, and her mom abandoned her, so the boss put her in Overhaul’s care. Apparently she had an unknown quirk that had somehow killed her biological father. Overhaul experimented and found out her quirk had something to do with “rewinding.” Then the rest of it we already knew -- Overhaul continued to hurt her and she had to suffer through it and eventually she was conditioned to blame herself and to believe that she was “cursed.” But now with everyone trying to rescue her, her quirk is apparently “awakening” with her desire to somehow save them all. omg.
Today on BnHA: Deku grabs Eri and says he’s not gonna let go! Overhaul, who has reverted back to his normal form, is all GIVE HER BACK, and creates some stabby rock tentacle claws to try and get at them. Deku instinctively uses 100% OFA to escape to the surface, and then panics afterwards, thinking that he’s broken his legs. But surprisingly, they’re fine. Meanwhile, Overhaul fuses himself with another unconscious minion and heads after them. Nighteye tells Ryuukyuu and the others that he saw the future and that Overhaul is going to pursue Eri and kill Deku, and that even if they go after him they won’t win. Back on the street level, Deku realizes that all of his injuries have been healed, but then he promptly crumples over in pain. Overhaul, having transformed into some sort of multi-limbed giant rock dragon man, explains that Eri’s quirk gives her the ability to “rewind” humans, and that she can’t control it. But Deku decides this is the perfect opportunity to activate OFA Full Cowl at 100% and just have Eri heal him as he goes. He’s gonna BREAK BONES LIKE NO ONE HAS EVER BROKEN BONES BEFORE.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 187 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
oh! I like this!!
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“the determination to be saved” YESSSS ERI YESSSSS
also, going back to the previous panel for a second, what is going on??
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what happened to Overhaul and Nemo? they unfused?? did she rewind time and undo all his bullshit?
anyway Deku has her now and he says this time he’s not letting go of her! YAY
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also Horikoshi’s love of drawing hands has officially gone too far. that is SO FUCKING DISTURBING. and also AWESOME, GODDAMMIT
like, look at how his fingers are separating the panels in the bottom right corner. fuck this artistic bullshit
also why is Deku worried about his ability to move? it’s not like Overhaul is any better off. he’s disintegrating the platform he was standing on so he can literally fall at them. you’re both falling. just dodge him. it’s not like he’s any more mobile than you are, and he doesn’t have 20% OFA or 8% or whatever the fuck you’re using right now
anyway he’s hugging Eri determinedly and glaring at Overhaul and again thinking that he won’t let her go no matter what
oh cool are we flashing back to one of the best lines in this arc? I’m down with that
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nice to see Deku getting back to his roots
nice to see Horikoshi getting back to his roots, actually. pacing has picked up again, art style is back in full swing, and Deku is thinking determined thoughts about heroically saving others? this is the manga I fell in love with
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...maybe I spoke too soon
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wait, what? did he just make a giant claw cliff only to grab himself?
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okay but what the fuck is happening, though?
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that’s what I... you know what, never mind
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I can’t tell?? they don’t look anything like they did the last time he used 100%, but the one time it happened with his legs, it looked pretty different from when he breaks his arms. with his arms his sleeves usually rip right off and he’s all noodley and floppy. but with his legs, his pants always seem to stay intact to preserve his modesty. which is very thoughtful of you, OFA
anyway, down in the basement, Ryuukyuu and the others are saying they felt some sort of shockwave, so it’s indeed seeming like he broke his vow to never use OFA at full strength until he mastered it
I forgive him though. do you guys. I fully forgive him. as long as it actually worked oh please god let it have worked
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he’s screaming at Eri (even though she’s not there) that he needs her “in order to realize Pops’s ambition”
well too bad
Ryuukyuu looks very concerned, and I didn’t understand why, but then I remembered that even though Deku and Eri got to safety, the rest of them are all still stuck down there with him lol
it honestly didn’t even occur to me to be concerned. I don’t know why. I just assume they can handle themselves
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I mean, we already knew that though
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...well shit
but I mean. did he really see that? because if so, that’s officially the first vision he’s had that we 100% know is not going to come true. so I guess they’re not infallible after all
and of course Ochako is FREAKING OUT now
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oh no but she’s falling down now for some reason
(ETA: I guess she’s still fatigued from all the vitality-absorbing attacks earlier)
Nighteye says that he saw it
Ryuukyuu’s turning in disbelief asking him if he thinks they’d just go along with what he’s saying after hearing that
but he says that in their current condition they can’t win
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Nighteye is all “...”
and he’s giving Tsuyu directions to where Mirio is
and he’s asking Ochako and Ryuukyuu to help him to the surface omg
meanwhile back on the surface, Deku is landing!
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he’s asking her about it!
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oh shit and now something’s happening
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“RRIP” is not a good fx for one’s body to be making, generally speaking. though jury is still out on “ZZGGGG”
oh shit
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look Overhaul, I’m going to allow you to make one last stand for just long enough that you can explain how this quirk works. and then you can fucking die
he says she doesn’t know how to stop it
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you really went and made yourself into a giant Zelda boss. and made yourself into its fucking tongue
anyway he’s continuing to explain, and it seems it is indeed a time-rewinding quirk
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actually that quirk sounds amazing. once she’s able to control it she’s going to be a BEAST. offensively and defensively this is a winner. I can’t believe she had to put up with so many assholes telling her she’s cursed. cursed with being fucking awesome, maybe
(ETA: question, the way Overhaul phrases this makes it sound like she can rewind literally anything. do we know if there is a limit? is it limited to just living things, or organic materials? or is it literally anything, because if yes, holy shit though?)
Overhaul’s telling Deku to return Eri to him. hahahahaha. full of jokes now, are ya
“there’s no way to stop her other than her disassembly” um, nah. pretty sure she’s capable of stopping herself if they can get her to calm down. which could probably easily be accomplished if you would just kindly step off and go fuck yourself
anyway, Deku’s strapping Eri to his back. oh damn
he gets it now. the instant his leg broke, she reverted it before he could even feel the pain
he says it’s a kind, gentle quirk
oh my god Deku yes. say it louder for her to hear!
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oh baby girl it’s okay
oh fucking shit, of course Deku immediately thinks of how to appropriate this quirk for his own reckless needs
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(ETA: “CONSTANTLY ACCUMULATING INJURIES AT AN EVEN GREATER SPEED...!” jesus christ he is so fucking excited to have found this new and revolutionary way to wreck his body more efficiently than ever!!)
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(ETA: normal! so we’re still not sure how All Might does it, but that’s okay)
okay first off we have an “afterword” by Horikoshi announcing that this arc will finally come to an end in the next volume, and thanking everyone who’s sent him fan letters, and apologizing that he doesn’t have time to respond to them
he also talks about how tired he is and how energy drinks aren’t as effective anymore
I’m pretty worried about him burning out now tbh. Jump always works their best mangaka to the bone, and it’s a problem
other than that, there’s just the back of the volume 17 cover, which has Eri clutching her beloved Lemilliocape and more or less looking like she’s come straight out of some sort of apocalyptic AU
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how did her clothes and bandages get so raggedy omg. Overhaul is just the worst caretaker in the history of time
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letterboxd · 5 years
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“Tone is fun. Tone is like a fingerprint, and I’m trying to figure out what mine is.” —The Art of Self-Defense writer/director Riley Stearns tells us about his singular new film.
Leaning heavily into ideas centered around manliness, Riley Stearns’ new film The Art of Self-Defense feels pretty loaded. Although it’s clearly presenting itself as satire, the hot-button nature of its subject matter heightens the whole affair.
Set in what appears to be sometime in the 1970s or 1980s, or a cellphone-less present—you can never be quite sure—the film stars Jesse Eisenberg as Casey, a meek office drone who is violently mugged one evening. After recovering, he begins taking karate lessons at a local dojo and falls under the influence of his charismatic sensei, a man named… Sensei. Sensei is played by Alessandro Nivola in a hilarious performance that itself justifies seeing the film, but it’s worth it for several other reasons too, not least of which is a great turn from Imogen Poots, playing a fellow student.
Destined to be polarizing, The Art of Self-Defense affects a vibe that feels influenced in equal parts by Yorgos Lanthimos, Charlie Kaufman and Wes Anderson. For Stearns, who also helmed the 2014 cult-recovery feature Faults, a black comedy described by Letterboxd members as “terrific”, “inventive” and “original”, The Art of Self-Defense continues a never-ending exploration of tone, “the most important part of filmmaking”.
Letterboxd caught up with Stearns earlier in the year to talk jiu-jitsu, ambiguity, violence and the Coen brothers.
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Writer/director Riley Stearns.
What was the impetus for you telling this story? Riley Stearns (writer/director): I think I started just worrying: what would happen if I got in a fight? What would happen if I got mugged? What would happen if I was with somebody I loved and something happened and I couldn’t defend them? And I just really didn’t know the answers to those questions. So I started looking into taking martial arts classes, and jiu-jitsu in particular is what I settled on. It was really out of fear initially, and now I do jiu-jitsu because it’s fun. It’s a hobby, it’s a sport that I like and it keeps me in shape. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself, but it really started out of fear.
When I started writing the movie, I’d been doing jiu-jitsu for a little while. I wanted to make a movie in that world, but I realized I could take my experience and my fear and put it into the story, and I thought people might relate to that. And the really interesting thing is some of the guys I’ve shown it to have felt like they saw themselves in the character, even though for me, it’s a stylized and exaggerated version of myself. I see myself in the character, obviously, but I feel proud that they see themselves too.
Is this film’s time period deliberately ambiguous? Deliberately ambiguous, yes. I wanted to kind of be able to just mix technology. I happen to think that analog technology is more interesting-looking, and it adds a certain production design quality to the film that I really like. I don’t want people to have to think about the timeline too much. If you’re thinking ‘why is it ambiguous?’ that’s one thing. But thinking ‘oh there’s an iPhone 7, so this happened at that time’, I think it dates a film unnecessarily. I also try to stay away from cellphones just in general too. Because if you don’t have ’em and they’re never touched on, then you can’t use them, and that’s great, because it helps propel story. But yeah, it’s definitely an ambiguous timeline.
Having said that, your film delves into a subject that there’s so much discussion around right now in society: masculinity (and toxic forms of it). Is that a coincidence? I started writing this in 2015. I think the conversations were happening then, it was just a smaller version. Recently it has really picked up, [with] the #MeToo movement, and there’s people questioning and saying ‘no we’re not gonna take this anymore’. I think that’s amazing, but this was already something I was looking at doing for myself. Just saying, like, I’m a white guy and I’m middle-aged and I grew up in a middle-class family and this is my perspective, and so this hopefully is how I can help. It’s karate and it’s got action and comedy and all that, but I do think there’s a message at the heart of it. At the end of the day, it’s entertainment, for sure, but I don’t want to make something that’s pure entertainment. I want to make something that says something, at least. That was my goal.
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The character of Sensei is really something else. What were your conversations with Alessandro Nivola like? For some reason I came up with this image that kind of started with Sensei: he’s the kind of guy who would wear sandals with socks. That’s who Sensei is. He’s a sociopathic character in the film, but he also is just a dork, too. I think he was the kid who was beat up in high school, probably started taking karate to be able to defend himself, thought it would make him cool. And at the end of the day, karate’s not necessarily the coolest thing in the world anyway. Anybody putting on a gi, you don’t look cool doing it. What you’re able to do from the martial art is one thing, but you don’t look cool in the gi.
I think Sensei just wants to belong. He wanted to belong to a group, and no group would have him so he kind of started his own, so he’s got his school, all these students look up to him, and he’s just pretending to be the cool person he always wanted to be. And he also just happens to be kinda crazy too. But yet, Alessandro had fun being that guy, just embracing the quirks of the character and not going the expected route.
There’s a declarative, deadpan tone to this film. Did you talk to your cast about tone? Definitely. ‘Deadpan’ is a word that’s used, and I think I accidentally slip into it here and there, but I like to say ‘literal’. In real life, we kind of hide the truth a little bit to be nice or friendly, and we don’t always express exactly what we’re thinking. I like to think that in the world of The Art of Self-Defense, everyone says exactly what they’re thinking. It’s either black or white, there’s no gray. And I think that helps inform the acting at times. Just saying what you think, and also a lot of times with quote-unquote jokes in the movie, I don’t think they work as well if you play it as a joke. But if you don’t play it as a joke, you play it dead serious, that’s where the humor lies. And we were really able to find that on set.
It’s hard to say that it’s a natural-feeling film, but I didn’t want it to feel so stylized that it takes you out of it. I wanted you to feel like this is just maybe a dimension over from us, a minute shift, but it’s enough that it makes things feel slightly off but it gives it its own world. I like building worlds, even if it’s not in some grand Avatar kind of way. Just hone and feel an atmosphere.
For me, tone is the most important part of filmmaking. I would rather have a nailed-down tone. I don’t know that I’m ever gonna achieve that; it’s always gonna be a battle to figure out what is perfect, but that means more to me than doing some really cool camera move. Or having some big explosion or something. I look at the Coen brothers and I say, like: how are they able to do exactly what they want to do with every single movie, and how does it feel like a Coen brothers film for me every single time? That’s an aspirational thing for me down the line; I want to get to that point where I know exactly what I want, we’re able to achieve it every time, and everyone’s on the same page. Tone is fun. Tone is like a fingerprint. And I’m trying to figure out what mine is.
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Violence is a big part of this film. Were you trying to approach violence in a specific way? Um, not necessarily. I think that our society, in the United States especially, nudity and sex is so “horrible” to put on film, but everything gets away with violence. And I think that to a certain extent, that’s not a great thing, but I do happen to find a certain style of violence… when it’s used in a certain context. The films of Yorgos Lanthimos or… who else…
Paul Verhoeven? Yes. There you go. Haneke. There are ways of approaching violence that don’t glorify it, and I do think that there is humor in violence, but I know at the end of the day I’m making a movie. In real life, I’m not a violent person. I don’t like violent things. But being able to explore it is interesting in the context of the film. Maybe it’s the shock of it. Maybe I’m just being clichéd or whatever. But I do happen to find [violence] an interesting tool to be able to use. There are moments in the movie where we show the violence and there’s moments where we have it off camera. And I think being able to decide that may be too much, or being able to say, this is just doing it for shock and not adding anything to the discussion.
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Something I definitely did in conceiving the way that we shot it, anything with fists or feet, like punching, very analog fights, all of that could be very bloody. But the moment we used weapons or guns or anything, I wanted [scene description redacted to avoid spoilers] to be almost not bloody at all. I didn’t wanna glorify the gun violence. But with the karate side of it, we just went balls-to-the-wall. So there’s also a little bit of that too, knowingly adding more to certain elements that you want to enhance. I don’t think people need to see [scene description redacted]. That’s not entertainment to me.
‘The Art Of Self-Defense’ is in US theaters now. Comments have been edited for clarity and length.
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