#they do actually risk their lives to save people
i feel like some of the fandom is a bit harsh on Monty... like, trauma is definitely not an excuse, but it does give pretty much all of his actions an understandable explanation?
like... Monty was actively being abused by Esther in practically any scene they were together. he said something she didn't like, and she yelled and grabbed him threateningly. both of the times she transformed him, from crow to human and then back again, she literally stabbed and ripped him up in a really gory way.
i sure wonder why an evil witch's familiar who's constantly treated like that would follow her orders even if he disagreed with them!!
and considering that Esther is potentially one of the only humans Monty came into contact with before meeting the others, and she's like that - he turned out alright, didn't he? he's petty, a bit rude sometimes, and takes things personally, but generally, he's a shockingly decent person.
yes, he didn't take it well when Edwin rejected him. but, as others have pointed out - how was Monty genuinely meant to know any better? he had lived his whole life as a crow in a cage too small for him, where the only person he knew was his extremely nasty and cruel owner. and then, all of a sudden, he's forced into a new body and has humanity thrust upon him against his will. he explicitly expressed this discomfort himself when Esther degraded him for getting "too emotional" for her liking.
"i never asked to be human. with all these... feelings."
even after the bitterness of the rejection, Monty never actually wanted to hurt the Dead Boy Detectives. turns out, he didn't even know that Esther's plan intended to end them completely, and was so horrified upon finding out that he made an attempt to lead them to safety, which was, by the way, putting himself at massive risk. Esther already punished him likely under the assumption that he just didn't put enough effort into manipulating them - can you imagine what she'd have done to him if she knew about his last-minute attempt to actually save them?
of course, i don't think Edwin was wrong for not forgiving Monty. he deserved that. Monty still helped in the scheme that aimed to destroy him. he also fully deserved to reject Monty if he wanted to (conversely, i do also see people say that Edwin "could have handled it better," but honestly, i don't know if it's just me not being neurotypical or something, but i genuinely do not see how Edwin could have been nicer about it? he was straightforward and polite, then afterwards, still tried to be Monty's friend until the betrayal.)
however, Monty was still very much a victim himself, and any harm he did was not from his own will, instead motivated by fear of the terrifying witch who had him fully reliant upon her, often through both verbal and physical force. Esther never hesitated to hurt him. he was painfully aware of that. she didn't care about him beyond how useful he could be. and when he failed at that, her reaction was violent.
but he didn't have anyone else.
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spideypoolbigbang · 3 days
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Title: The Second Secret
Author(s): MythicalTzu, @mythicaltzu on tumblr
Artist: Andro, @skelet0andro on tumblr
Rating: M
Warnings: No ao3 warnings apply
Word Count: 17K
Posting Date: Tuesday 22nd October
Summary: Deadpool and Spider-Man team up a few times until Peter realizes Spider-Man’s reputation can’t take the hit of being seen with a murderous mercenary. He tells Deadpool to back off. Deadpool respects his boundaries and occupies himself elsewhere… just kidding! Actually, he does nothing of the sort, but it’s not his fault. He’s Deadpool. And Peter? Peter’s busy figuring out his feelings. Join him while he figures out the answer to the age-old question: If you can’t trust a semi-reformed mercenary strapped with dozens of weapons, who can you trust?
Teaser Excerpt: (below the cut)
Peter cuts him off with a wave of his hand. “We’re getting sidetracked, and what I was saying is important. I can’t take a knock on my reputation right now. I need to return to being a solo act. I appreciate all the assistance you’ve given me, but things are bad enough as they are. I can’t risk making them worse.”
Deadpool cocks his head to the side. “Bad? Things are bad for you? What sort of bad, and how bad is bad?”
“Bad as in I’m broke,” Peter replies. That’s probably more information than he should share, but he’s pretty sure Deadpool will notice once he takes up residence beneath a bridge.
To his credit, Deadpool doesn’t look horrified to learn of Peter’s financial crisis. Or even surprised, although Peter would have appreciated him faking a bit. “Are we talking ‘considering delivering pizzas for a little extra cash’ broke, or ‘starting an OnlyFans’ broke, or…?”
Peter gives a despairing shake of his head. “It’s ‘might have to move back home’-level broke.”
Deadpool allows a respectful beat of silence to pass. “It really seems like the guy who devotes so much of his time to saving people should be getting a paycheck.”
Peter shrugs. “If I’m doing it for money, then it’s a job. What do they call a hero who only saves people for a pile of cash?”
“A mercenary,” Wade provides cheerfully. “Maybe you should consider it. Sure, it’s not pure like the volunteer thing you’ve got going, but it comes with the upside of not having to live in my parents’ basement. Which would be <i>super</i> inconvenient, considering that they’re Canadian, and also dead.”
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hils79 · 3 days
Hils Watches Tibetan Sea Flower - Ep 19
I didn't get as much Tibetan Sea Flower watched on my week off as I'd hoped, but I suppose the slower I watch it the longer it is until it's over and I'm back to having no DMBJ to watch
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It's no wonder Wu Xie ends up with lung disease when he runs around inhaling caustic gas
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Wow he's really going through it at the moment. He's been stabbed, gassed and now blown up. How delightful for me as a whump writer.
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I thought this dude was dead! Well, I'm now enjoying two half dead men stumbling around helping each other to walk. This is what DMBJ is all about
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This is what he does. He adopts people then risks his own life to save them. Sometimes in the opposite order.
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Oh, good, I'm crying again. He's so determined that Xiaoge will remember him when he gets out from behind the bronze door, because the alternative isn't something he wants to even consider.
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It's interesting that both Zhang Nian and Zhang Jiuri blame Xiaoge for things that happened to their loved ones, even though it was their own actions or decisions that were actually responsible. Zhang Nian put saving his work ahead of saving his wife, and Zhang Jiuri was waiting for Xiaoge when his parents died in an accident.
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This is also what happens. The people Wu Xie adopts also become willing to die for him, and quite often do.
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When I started watching this drama I really did not expect it to make me cry as much as it has
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I was today years old when I learned that horses eat salt
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XIAOGE HAS A TINY BUNNY! If anything happens to this bunny I will quit DMBJ forever and go and live in a cave
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crossdressingdeath · 2 days
It's so weird to me seeing people insist that all Rooks are going to be the exact same with no real variation between them besides the names based on the fact that they all get involved with the Veilguard after prioritizing saving lives over their faction (if you look at the blurbs even the "they go against orders to save people" angle only applies to Thorne, the others didn't know or didn't have actual orders to go against, and even "prioritizing lives over their faction" doesn't apply to Mercar (going against slavers is kind of their job and the Shadow Dragons want them out of sight to protect them) or de Riva (they didn't actually know about the wider mission at stake and could easily have assumed that their superiors urging caution didn't mean letting civilians die)). For a few reasons, actually. First and most obviously... people are making a lot of assumptions based on the very brief and vague backstory overview you get at the start of the game. The character introductions we get at the start of the game have always been a brief overview with no emotional details; the details come in the game proper (which is also when Rook will I'm sure get the chance to discuss how they feel about their faction and the events that led to them leaving it; it's very strange to me that so many people seem convinced we won't get to make decisions about that based from what I've seen solely on the single paragraph of background information we get before the game even starts). Bioware didn't stop in the CC of DAO, DA2 or DAI to ask us exactly how our character felt about their background, they let us decide that for ourselves during the game, and I really don't understand why people are assuming it'll be different here.
Secondly it's based on a massively oversimplified view of what exactly happens in each backstory blurb. I mean there is of course the general setup of each character's background before the incident that led them to the Veilguard (do not come here and try to tell me that a baby found by the undead and raised by necromancers in Nevarra is the exact same as a kid raised by a military family in Tevinter, using the two whose childhoods we have any information on as an example; they are not the same and would have very different viewpoints on the world), but there's more to it. The actual incidents are quite different if you look at them beyond that basic "prioritized lives over the faction's best interests" angle! Aldwir choosing to give up a valuable artefact to save their teammates isn't the same as Thorne refusing to wait for reinforcements when a nearby village would be destroyed before they arrived, which isn't the same as Laidir pissing off the nobles and risking drawing the authorities' ire down on the Lords by killing a corrupt noble, which isn't the same as de Riva unknowingly compromising a larger mission by rescuing Antivan citizens taken captive by the Antaam. These are different events! Saying they're all the same is a very, very simplified read of them!
But I'm sure people will still argue that they're too similar because of that very simplified read. To that I say: every Warden is the exact same because they all get involved in a dangerous event and then get recruited by Duncan. Every Inquisitor is the exact same because they all go to the Conclave and pick up the Anchor. The details of their backgrounds and their thoughts on those backgrounds and their dialogue that's impacted by their backgrounds don't matter, the inciting incident is the same so clearly they're all the exact same character and the only things that change are names, classes and aesthetics.
...Stupid, right? Obviously if you boil down the protagonist of an RPG to the most basic description possible they're going to appear the same as every other possible protagonist of that RPG. The protagonist needs a plot hook to get them involved in the main story and that plot hook is always going to be similar to every other potential protagonist's plot hook. The Warden needs to be in a situation where they would get recruited by Duncan, and it makes for easier writing if that happens in a situation where there's a good chance they'd be grateful for it. The Inquisitor needs to get the Anchor. And in this game Rook needs to be in a position where their faction wants or needs them out of the way for whatever reason and Varric would want to take them for the Veilguard. With those two factors in mind, them putting innocent lives over their faction (for lack of a better way of putting it, see my comment on Mercar and de Riva in the first paragraph) is a good choice. It's something that ensures their faction will encourage or order them to join up and something that would encourage Varric to pick them! If you agree that it's stupid to claim all Wardens or Inquisitors are the exact same regardless of backstory because of the inciting incident that gets them into the plot (which I assume everyone does), then don't automatically assume that all Rooks are going to be the same because of their inciting incidents having some similarities.
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im rewatching disasters at sea because hi one of my special interests is shipwrecks, and i forgot that one of the episodes includes the phrase
high seas hit and run
#kai rambles#special interest#disasters at sea#shipwrecks#idk how to tag this#its a fun show it you ever want to watch it#theres currently 3 seasons each with 6 epusodes and every episode is on youtube#they do recreations and their effects do not look like they were made in windows movie maker#and theyre very fair and respectful of those who died and their family members#snd they really do give them their moments to talk about their lost loved ones#and some of them have just amazing stories of survival#its a good show#you also get to meet emergency divers from the coast guard and some from the navy and like putting the military bullshit aside#these guys are genuinely heroes#like they jump into below freezing temperatures with waves as high as like 40feet so they can get to people who need rescuing#they do actually risk their lives to save people#also the show goes over what went wrong in this case and what regulations and laws have been changed and put in place since then#to make sure it never happens again#as a brit idk much about the coast guard and idk if its part of the military in america#but they genuinely seem to be very good at their jobs and very much care about saving as many lives as they can#and they seem very very thorough in their investigations rather than just pinning it on someone and going home#obviously this show could be giving me a false picture of it#but somehow a show called disasters at sea does make me feel a little less convinced that i will never get on a boat heading into the ocean#still never doing it though
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how about you shut the fuck up Mr. Irresponsible
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Heylo my maggotsies... I'm sorry to do this but I have a thing that I really, really need to do (thank you Ash for helping me realise that) but I'm terrified to. so well. I'm going to make one of the posts (Neil reblogged me a couple of days ago so I feel pretty safe making one now since he only lurks by once in two weeks so this is as good a time as it gets to make a post and not expect many notes, yes I'm an overthinker and I'm actually scared of this getting notes).
Sigh. Here goes.
...I'm scared of even typing it.
Nope okay I can do this let's go.
If this post gets 1k notes, I'll look up jobs in design and film making that don't need a college degree.
2k notes, I'll sign up for an Alliance Francaise course so I can have another language on my CV, and I'll find a course that teaches me how to use design software.
5k, I'll look up distance learning alternatives, because just talking about physical college yesterday made me spend the whole morning and afternoon today in and out of nightmares screaming. Fuck.
10k, I'll tell my mum that I can't do the offline college. She's been talking to me about it, but I've been dodging because I'm not well-off and I really need to be earning and idk how to do that without college and I feel so guilty.
15k, I'll officially back out from the college (does that count as dropping out, if it hasn't begun? maybe half. i am a college and a half dropout, my 11th grade self would hate me and my 10th grade self would refuse to believe it).
I don't know what I'll do then. I don't know how to live as trans here in India, I don't know how to earn enough to be able to help my family, I don't know what I'm good at and I'm so fucking terrified. But. I spoke to @random-doctor-on-the-internet last night (I love you Ash you're such a fucking amazing human) and they made me realise that well maybe landing in a hospital with steroids to relieve an allergy attack because of exam stress isn't normal and so.
Well. Here I am. I know I can't do it, but I'm scared to risk everything, it's just not something people do here, dropping out. But also (TW s**cide statistics mentioned below the cut)... And so I've just. Got to do it, got to save myself and say no to college (cue say no to school, kids joke). Somehow be brave enough. And yeah.
To quote a financial express article: "In an alarming situation, a total of 7,62,648 suicides were reported in India between 2018 to 2022, Of this student suicides account for 7.6% at 59,239". Maybe if more people did say fuck you to the system here, that wouldn't be the case. That number could have been 59,240 (aside from everyone who wasn't counted and hushed up), that could have been me, and I don't want to put myself in that situation again. You know? Yeah.
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medicasino · 11 months
forever crying and screaming because i couldn't make it to the Jhariah, Pinkshift and Pollyanna concert happening IN MY STATE 😭
#blaire.txt#I WANTED TO GO SO FUCKING BADLY#I REALLY REALLY DID#but a number of things ended up getting in the way of me going :(#namely it being on a day my mom is working#me not having a phone#me not wanting to go w/ my mom#and not being able to drive#just. augh i like watching the clips jhariah posts of the tour it looks so FUN and i want to BE THERE but. it wasnt meant to be this time#😭😭😭😭#I REALLY WANT TO GO TO A JHARIAH CONCERT SOMEDAY THOUGH... hopefully one day i'll have a phone and friends to go with#the worst part is I ACTUALLY HAD ENOUGH MONEY TO AFFORD TICKETS...#just. PAIN#i want to go to concerts with friends but i dont. have . irl friends. im bad at meeting people irl. how do u do that#like i mainly meet people online by sheer luck or because i followed them or met them on toyhouse or met them through another friend#how do i make irl friends . my main interests are ocs and casinos . how do i translate that into IRL Friendly Interests#i like drawing and art in all its forms so i usually have made friends that way in the past but... im shy /lh#SORRY SORRY OFF TOPIC but. im never recovering from missing jhariah and pinkshift and pollyanna tour .#i would KILL to see jhariah perform RISK RISK RISK! live and honestly i would IMPLODE if i heard flight of the crows or pressure bomb#SPLIT! too i would SCREAM#honestly i'd also die if i heard a lesson in dramatics live but... considering it's a collab between jhariah and save face#idk if that'll happen#jhariahposting
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This fandom created a myth about Lady Whistledown. Sometimes i wonder if i watched the same show. Let me make myself clear: While Penelope has to tell Colin the truth, because she loves him and he deserves it, LW helped the Bridgertons a lot actually. It saved them to have Daphne married to a creep ( and see how Violet wanted people to talk to reach LW and spread), saved Colin from a loveless marriage with children that he didn't know anything about it and saved Eloise. Yes, it saved Eloise. Eloise created and kept pushing the situation in her reckless pursuit. Eloise also didn't think about the consequences of her action towards the people working for LW, didn't listen to Penelope, didn't think about the risk she was putting people at. And while i understand her anger in not knowing, had she been a better friend, many other things would be different, because she truly never paid attention to what Penelope feels or want, she molded Pen to be whom she wanted and be her audience. And then, she left Pen with the choice of losing all she built and suffer consequences or pick the less harmful option: to make Eloise's scandal about politics, not romantic and save them both, plus Theo. The real ruin for Eloise would've been her being caught with Theo, something that was bound to happen as she was not careful at all. Why should Pen sacrifice all for Eloise? Would any of you sacrifice all ( job, family and possibly your liberty) for a friend who caused the bloody situation? I'm no hypocrite, i know i wouldnt. Not to mention Eloise bravado, to Pen she would say she wants to challenge society and doesn't care about what they think...but folded the moment she received a frown from the Ton. Shall we see who are LW victims, people that suffered real consequences? Lord Beerbrock. That's it. Marina is married, despite her lies and deceit. Colin? Nothing as well, in fact, happier than ever. Eloise? A few weeks of ostracism and she's back without a problem, without a romantic entanglement to ruin her. One that she clearly didn't really thought was deep enough to face society. The Bridgertons have more to thank LW than to hate her. And Violet and Anthony, i bet your asses, do think so, and see it. And The Queen? Are you watching the show? Have you seen Charlotte's personality? That woman loves the whole game with LW. And She loves to take it all, to receive the laurels of that society. As long as she can make it look like the won, and she can, easily, by revealing or be involved in revealing who is LW. See the whole KatexEdwina, how she handled the Ton there.
Anyway, just wanted to say something because some people have dreamed a LW that doesn't exist at all. Created on their own minds a boogeyman that wasn't simply reporting the truth with witty opinions but fabricating stories and lies to ruin lives, and that's simply not true. Never happened. There was never a lie created there. Only the truth, even about herself, as Pen was often damaged by her column.
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madlori · 5 months
On Tommy Kinard
"It's not that I don't like Buck and Tommy, it's just happening so fast, he's underdeveloped!"
*clears throat*
Here is a recap of what we know about Tommy. And this is just off the top of my head, I didn't rewatch anything.
He was closeted at the 118 before and found the atmosphere repressive. He (probably) acted like a dick to fit in. When presented with the chance to make things better, he took it, and developed positive relationships with Hen, Chim and Bobby.
He was in the army and trained there as a pilot.
He knows Muay Thai and has a set up in his house.
He likes to work on cars and has a lift at his house (where TF does he live is my question - he has some nerve being agog at Buck's loft if he has a muay thai gym and a car lift)
He is down for violating departmental policy at the drop of a hat (has done so on at least two occasions) to help a friend and has no problems fucking with the fire chief.
He is a nerd. He likes pub trivia and has incorrect Star Wars opinions, and can keep up with Chim in the movie-quoting department.
His favorite movie is "Love, Actually" and he likes craft beer and monster trucks.
He came out when he transferred to Harbor and felt comfortable enough to stop lying about who he was.
He follows MMA and has friends in Vegas who like him well enough to hook him up to a frankly insane degree.
He'll risk his own life and engage in helicopter skulduggery to save people he doesn't know...I mean, apart from doing that for a living.
He'll take time out of his day to give a tour to the cute boy who called him up and offer to give that boy flying lessons (a significant time investment) which was probably maybe about more one on one time with said boy.
He yearns for the belonging and found family that the 118 became after his departure and probably befriended Eddie hoping to earn a plate at the cookout, aside from just clicking with him.
He likes Eddie and Chris a lot and they like him. Chimney also likes him.
He was attracted to Buck right away and was emotionally aware enough to pick up on Buck's jealous feelings over Eddie and his friendship, even if he was surprised that it was him Buck wanted to get to know.
He respects and values Buck and Eddie's friendship and wanted to make sure Buck knew that.
He's brave enough to shoot his shot by planting one on a dude.
He's a lil bitchy but also generous and ready to throw in with this insane guy who's inviting him to a family wedding after 0.5 dates.
He showed up to a bachelor party when he was on call because Buck asked him to, then showed up in turnouts after fighting a fire for like 12 hours yadda yadda we all know this part.
He has got it BAD for one Evan Buckley, who he only calls "Evan" which according to LFJR is a conscious decision by the writers, which fascinates me.
He was willing to take a chance with a man just discovering his sexuality BUT wasn't willing to put himself through that if the man in question wasn't ready for it. When Buck showed him that he was, he was all in.
He does NOT take his coffee like that.
Oh and
He's a beast.
This is VASTLY more information than we knew about ANY of Buck's previous girlfriends with the possible exception of Abby. Even Taylor did not get this much development over 20 episodes (things we knew about her: she was an ambitious and ethically flexible reporter, did not eat fudge, had a dad in jail, and sometimes jogged for exercise, she was capable of being nice and did love Buck, I believe). And as for it being fast? Sometimes it just be like that? A relationship doesn't have to have year(s) of buildup. Sometimes people do just meet, like each other, and start dating, in fact in the real world that's usually what happens. It's in TV Land that you have to have eighteen seasons of UST before pulling the trigger. Most of the time in reality people just vibe off each other and decide to go out and THEN they learn about each other.
And they've got a great start. You'd think they'd barely spoken by how a few naysayers are talking about it - the loft scene was like a solid five minutes of very open conversation, the Cringe Date seemed to have gone well and again, open and honest (if cringey) conversation before Cockblocker Eddie showed up, and the coffee meetup was again....open and honest conversation. They're not gonna show us long scenes of them exchanging firefighting stories and workout preferences (I mean, I'd watch that, but it's not what the show is about).
In conclusion, anyone saying he's poorly developed or the relationship is "out of nowhere" either is being willfully obtuse or has ridiculously unrealistic expectations for relationships and/or what constitutes character development.
As for whether they have chemistry, that's a matter of subjective opinion. Given that a TON of people watched that harbor tour scene (even when it was posted as a sneak peek) and started going "wait...what's going on here...are they flirting??" might be a clue. People were talking about Bi!Buck maybe happening with Tommy based solely off that clip of the harbor tour and what they were seeing between them. And imho that loft scene was crackling. But we all see things through the lenses of our biases, myself included.
Got that off my chest, whew.
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autistichalsin · 18 days
Analysis of each character's final words in the new Dark Urge evil ending
If you are romanced to a character, you have the option, when taking the new version of the Sins of the Father ending, to kill your partner in front of the others in your party, killing them with one last kiss. They then give their last words and pass away. I love each and every one and feel they are incredible characterization moments.
So let's break these down!
I... I am glad it was you. No other blade would have sufficed.
This is something that hammers home that, Vlaakith or no, Lae'zel deeply believes in all the ideals of a Githyanki. Life is a privilege for the strong, and death is the price of weakness. Further, if romanced, Lae'zel will affectionately call you "the source of my bruises" many times. If she has to die, if she has finally found the one person stronger than herself, then she is "satisfied" that it is you- who she both loved and admired. The only one she would ever consider worthy of besting her.
Fuck you.
Short, simple, and to the point, just the way Karlach does everything else. She's already gone through all her stages of grief with her engine- well, almost all of them. Anger still remains. She burns hot until the end.
I... I forgive you.
This isn't just Wyll being a good guy. This is heartbreak, and guilt. Guilt for not saving you from Bhaal's influence when he was so sure he had. Heartbreak that after he gave his literal soul to save as many people as he could, he couldn't save you- and couldn't save others from you, either. All he sacrificed, negated in an instant by the person he loved and trusted most. Of all the characters here, Wyll (tied with Halsin) sounds the most obviously broken, and it's easy to see why, given that he is self-sacrificing to a fault.
There was a set of scenes datamined from the game, where at the Morphic Pool, the Netherbrain would have taunted the players, causing them to hallucinate things related to their fears and insecurities. Wyll's would have been a vision of himself talking about how he was never a hero, how the Blade of Frontiers was a farce all along. One can't help but think about that scene here, wondering just how much blame, bordering on self-loathing, he might feel here.
Dark Justiciar Shadowheart:
I... I'm coming to you, Lady Shar.
Another short and simple one. By becoming a Dark Justiciar, Shadowheart has fully embraced the nihilism of Shar's teachings. Why be saddened or angry at her own death when this is just what she's embraced with all her sacrifices?
(Sidenote: this does also answer a question I had, namely, what was going to happen to everyone Durge kills. Thankfully it seems they aren't actually going to be sacrificed to him as such, and will indeed end up in the realm of their deities. This makes Bhaal's plan even DUMBER, because deities in DND lore need worshippers to have enough power to exist. Killing everyone at once just guarantees that soon after Durge dies as the last person alive, so too will Bhaal fade from existence.)
Selunite Shadowheart:
I... I thought we were going to save each other...
This Shadowheart rejected everything she knew. She was scared to defy her goddess, but worked up the courage- thanks to you. She thought you would have a new life together. She believed in you. She thought she would get to return the favor, and help you turn the page on Bhaal, too.
She's not just heartbroken for herself; she's heartbroken for you, too. Heartbroken at the life you denied both her and yourself.
You made me want to live...
From the moment the orb entered Gale's chest, he knew he was at risk of dying. Then Mystra all but marked him as a dead man walking. But despite that, he finds love with you- and for the first time thinks maybe there is a purpose for him beyond Mystra. That he isn't more useful to the world dead. More than that, he wants to live to be with you, to enjoy your company and companionship. And then you kill him, and do the one thing WORSE than what would have happened if he'd never been pulled from that rock.
It almost would have been kinder to just hack his hand off the first time you met him, though Gale may or may not agree.
Spawn Astarion:
I should have killed you when I had the chance...
The angriest, most bitter response out of all the romanced companions, a step beyond Karlach's "fuck you." This is beyond "fuck you" and even beyond "I hate you." It's "I regret every moment I spent with you." You made him believe he could have better. That he could recover from what Cazador did. You even convinced him to spare the 7,000 spawn and that he could be something better than Cazador.
And now you reveal it was all a lie. Astarion is probably thinking that you talked him out of completing the ritual solely so he'd be easier to kill right here and now. How many regrets are flashing through his mind, how many moments where he wonders if things could have been different if only he'd done this or that, even aside from killing you?
All he wanted was to live as a free person. And then the first time he thinks he has that at last, he loses it as the world ends.
Ascended Astarion:
No... no, this can't be... I can't- you can't- no...
In contrast to spawn Astarion, ascended isn't angry, because he doesn't have the clarity, the ability to process what's happening. Spawn Astarion could tell he'd been betrayed.
But Ascended? Ascended, who went through so much to become one of the most powerful beings in the world, only to STILL lose without fanfare? And by you, his own spawn who he thought he had under his control? It isn't betrayal, because he is bluescreening; he can't comprehend what happened or how or why. How could he have been killed, and by you of all people? Was all he went through killing Cazador really for nothing? How could it be when he was supposed to be the most powerful? Was power actually meaningless all along?
He doesn't say anything of substance because he can't understand what's happening here.
Thaniel... goodbye...
Halsin is the oldest of all the companions. He's experienced the most loss of anyone; his birth family, his fellow Druids, and, for a time, Thaniel. He has had more than enough time to contemplate his own mortality, because he's already lived multiple lifetimes.
So here, two things are happening. One, he isn't expressing anger or betrayal at his murder- because he is more than wise enough, and humble enough, to understand that there are worse things than what has been done to himself. Instead of himself, he is thinking of the world he's leaving behind that is about to fall- and most of all, of his most important person, the one who gave him a purpose, who was there when no one else was, who he failed once and only just got back. The closest thing to a child he'll ever have. In his last moments, instead of himself, Halsin is thinking of those he loves.
And second, it's an almost deliberate snubbing of Durge. He willingly walked into that kiss, knowing full well it would be the last thing he ever did. He gave you his death, he pleaded with his own god to forgive you and him both. He gave you everything he felt he owed you, and no more- no begging or sobbing. Instead, he comes as close as he ever gets to selfishness, and spends his last moments thinking about the thing that makes him the happiest- which could have been you, in another life, if you hadn't done this.
No... we were meant to do this together...
Heartbreak, disbelief, and betrayal. You spent so many nights planning this out. She had been cast aside by her people, her goddess, and she was going to get the last laugh. She was going to crush them personally under her heel and prove she was the best (or second best, behind you) of all of them. She's devastated she won't get to help you torture all those souls and take what she feels was owed to her. But interestingly enough... no anger. Probably because it was overshadowed by the sheer heartbreak, but also a sign that even in those moments, she still admires you for your ruthlessness.
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charredpages · 5 months
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[Alt text] ten screenshots of text posts by the user themme_fatale on Instagram. The text reads:
Do you remember the exact moment that anti-masking stopped being a far-right talking point
And became advice you were willing to follow?
I try to make the ways I communicate about COVID as compassionate and non-judgemental as possible because I understand that we have all been failed in this and my primary anger is always upwards.
I also need you to understand - if you are not taking precautions, you are aligning yourself with eugenicists.
The person who actively says “fuck disabled people they deserve to 💀” and never masks, and the person who never masks because “It’s annoying and besides-no one else is” are BOTH devaluing people’s lives.
And that might feel confronting for some of you, and I know the knee-jerk reaction is probably going to be to deflect by accusing me of “shaming people” or whatever.
I’m not shaming anyone though - it’s just uncomfortable to sit with because if you’re the kind of person who follows me chances are you don’t actually want to be engaging in eugenics.
And re-engaging with the idea that COVID is not only still around, but still actively dangerous is asking a lot of you when the alternative is the comfort of denial.
Especially when so many of the tools to keep ourselves and each other safe have been taken away from us. But the thing is none of that is actually a reason not to act.
There are people IN YOUR COMMUNITY relying on you to take precautions so that they don’t d1e.
With love, and compassion for the fact that this shit is hard - ignorance is running out as an excuse. It’s time to do better, and help your mates do better too.
People in your community shouldn’t have to constantly remind you not to put their lives in danger. Surely you can see that’s a pretty fucked up dynamic, right?
We shouldn’t have to push so hard on “it’s good for you to protect yourself too!” Like it still absolutely is, but saving the lives of people in your community should actually be enough to motivate you to act.
It’s genuinely fucked up to be ok with a whole proportion of the population being either being locked in their homes indefinitely or at risk of 💀 on the daily.
It should be considered more socially awkward to engage in eugenics by k1lling and isolating disabled people in your own community than it is to put on a mask
The fact that it’s not should embarrass all of us until we change it.
It should be considered more selfish to put people’s lives at risk than to ask to be kept safe
Your choices can change or reinforce that culture.
Government inaction puts a weapon in your hand
Pretending it’s not there puts us all in danger
Why do you require a mandate to care about other people?
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flamingpudding · 7 months
That's our baby hero
Protective Amity Park Au but maybe not like you would think?
Danny's identity wasn't as hidden as Sam, Tucker, Jazz and him thought. His identity was an open secret, in fact his whole town knew that Danny was their hero Phantom, well everyone but his oblivious parents but they were a case of their own. The thing was his entire town knew about his oh so big secret identity and that he was the one trying to save them from ghosts 90% of the time as well as from his own parents crazy inventions at times.
Dash shoving him into lockers like a bully? Danny didn't look good and Dash tried in crude ways to give him reasons to skip classes to rest. It also later was a good move to hide him from snoopy government agents also known as the Guys in White or GIW for short. Really his bullying played perfectly into him finding creative ways to get Danny to skip classes for rest.
Valerie hunting him and other ghosts? Well she was hunting him in the very beginning, but then it became an attempt to make him stop fighting the ghosts on their behalf but in the end it turned into her trying her best to be the support to him that Sam and Tucker couldn't be in a fight. Let alone taking 'night shifts' from him so Danny could get at least a good nights rest every now and then.
Sam's parents the Mansons? Sure they didn't like him that much from the start anyway but most of their anger later stemmed from the danger their daughter was willingly get into to help their reckless teenhero that shouldn't be a hero at his age anyway. Let alone shoulder the responsible for their entire town at the age of 14.
Tuckers parents? They were glad any time Danny stayed over with their son, even attempting to subtitle convince the boys to have more sleepovers at their home. Surely being a hero with ghost powers and living in a house of ghost hunting parents wasn't easy on Danny. They were glad that they could give him some peace at their home. They willingly ignored it when Danny showed up late night in Tuckers room, getting patched up by their son.
The entire town apparently hating him with all these negative newspapers and comments? All fake in a desperate attempt to get the 14 years old teenager with a bad sleeping schedule and powers to stop risking his damned life, half-life. Surely if they appeared not thankful the kid would get the hint and stop playing hero. Like seriously he was a kid! Who's bright idea was it to let a kid fight these dangerous appearing ghosts?! Oh right the poor kids parents were incompetent when it came to ghost hunting and it wasn't like they could just up and do it without destroying the kids confidence. Plus the GIW were no help either.
Vlad becoming Mayor was not exactly their plan but they thought maybe they could use that as some help to convince Danny more that he didn't need to play hero for them just because he got powers now. That didn't turn out like they hoped and THAT plan was dismissed quickly. Especially when the GIW showed up. They learned their lesson sort of quickly after that, at least when it came to people from out of Amity did not mean well.
Lancer, at first when Danny first showed up as Phantom, had attempted to get into contact with the Justice League several times, so that Danny would actually get the professional help he needed and get some sleep at night as well as the time he needed for his schooling so that heroing wouldn't be the only career path he would be forced into. The additional point of getting the kid training too for his powers was also very tempting, there are only so many chemical breakers they could allow the him to break before they HAD to sort of ban him from touching them again.
But when the GIW appeared in their town they stopped trying to reach the Justice League. Suspecting that that was the answer they sent in regards to their SOS calls. Amity Parks protectiveness over their teenheroes that sacrificed to much skyrocketed. They started to sabotage the Agents subtitle. Always working within the limits of the orders and finding the loop holes.
"Oh but we did comply, not our fault that you guys tripped and let Phantom escape."
"Wupp, sorry I got that from the Fentons for self defence, but it looks like I need to work on my aim."
"I am so sorry, my car is stuck! See my tire is popped I can't get out of your vans way."
The fact that Amity Parks weather report was more a report on the ghosts, the Fenton parents and the GIW was all a tactic for them all to keep each other informed so they could execute any step to ensure their -by now- towns sweethearts safety. Even if they still tried to turn the poor kid away from being a hero with all the unnecessary mean comments and articles.
So when one day a hero from the Justice League showed up it was predictable that they all were suspicious of it. Even more so when that hero came with a bunch of teenage heroes. Apparently they were here to investigate a bunch of ignored calls one of the teenheroes found in their call logs. Some of the adults eyed Lancer who in turn was glaring at the heroes fessed up, he hadn't attempted to call them ever since they decided to sent the GIW into their town. Which apparently was more of a cover as these heroes showed an interest in the Fentons research of Ectoplasm pretty quickly.
Well now Batman and his flock of bats and birds were confronted with a very unhappy town that was apparently very protective of their hero and 'accidentally' continued to manage to block them from making contact with said teenhero. And who where these Guys in white suits that tried to suck it up to Batman? Better question why was the entire town suddenly hostile towards them when they started to look into the Fenton Family that had a connection to Lazarus Water?
Meanwhile Danny is confused by his towns newfound favouritism towards Batman and his entourage and how whenever he went to find out what was that about everyone seems to deflect. Even Sam, Tucker and Jazz were confused by what was going on!
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helaintoloki · 1 month
the other Hargreeves siblings being absolutely teary-eyed on the day of y/n and Five’s wedding. they like to think of her as an adopted member of the family, because she’s gone through so much with them, gotten so close to death in multiple occasions while trying to save them. after everything, they never thought to see her live out the happy life she deserve, much less getting married to Five.
a/n: i am a sucker for found family tropes and wedding pieces so this was fun for me to write
warnings: none i think ? mostly fluff
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Your stomach feels as if it’s tied into a million knots, and you can’t bring yourself to even touch the plate of fruit Klaus had fetched for you to nibble on as you got ready for the big day. Allison works diligently to perfect your look despite her insistence that you should have just let her hire a professional to get the job done, but you were adamant about keeping everything as simple as possible. Neither you nor Five wanted some big extravagant mess when it came to your ceremony, and if it had been up to you both you would have just settled for a courthouse marriage, but his family wouldn’t have it. You were finally becoming an official Hargreeves, and they deemed it necessary to celebrate with a proper wedding and reception despite the fact that there really would only be about ten guests at most.
You met Five in the apocalyptic ruins of the world while scavenging for food. Despite everyone you knew and cared about perishing in the gale of fire that blanketed the earth, you had miraculously survived. Call it pure luck for being at the right place at the right time, but you had been searching for a flashlight in your underground basement when the moon had been struck, and the reinforced steel structure of the room had kept you from suffering the same fate as everyone around you.
Neither of you trusted each other in the beginning, but you both were smart enough to realize that sticking together was necessary for your survival, and so you put aside your differences to travel the apocalyptic wasteland together. That’s not to say there weren’t times when you got on each others nerves or wanted to strangle him with your bare hands, but with time your partnership evolved into an actual friendship, and perhaps it could have evolved into more if not for the constant distractions that arose during your fight for survival.
Allison accidentally poking your eye with a mascara wand interrupts your moment of reminiscing, and she merely gives you an apologetic smile when you shoot her a look of annoyance in return.
“I told you we should have hired a professional,” she reminds you matter of factly only for you to lightly swat her hand away.
“And I told you I wanted to go down to the courthouse and pick up a sheet cake at the grocery store,” you counter with a raised brow. Sensing defeat, Allison relents with a small sigh and takes a step back to look at her masterpiece.
“You’re right, I’m sorry. It’s just our family doesn’t get to do these sorts of things very often, and it’s not every day I get a new sister.”
Your shoulders slump guilty at her admission, and you find yourself now feeling less combative against her than you initially were. Though you mentally are in your 50’s and no longer see a need to have a big wedding to marry a man you’ve known for basically your whole life, you still physically look like a young bride, so it’s only natural for Allison and the rest of Five’s siblings to want to treat you as such. From what Five has told you along with the stories that have been recounted in your presence, their lives have always been less than normal. You of all people can relate to that- growing up in an apocalypse, becoming a glorified secretary for a time-ordinance bureau while your only friend is out on assignments, risking your life to save the world, ending multiple apocalypses. The list could go on forever. They’re only trying to experience normal family milestones, so who are you to get in the way of that.
“No, I’m sorry,” you relent with a remorseful sigh. “I know you’re just trying to be nice, and I’m grateful for how quickly you and your siblings have welcomed me into the family despite how unconventional this all is. I really appreciate it.”
“Good, I’m glad you see it my way,” Allison teases playfully before finishing up the final touches on her masterpiece.
“Knock, knock,” Klaus singsongs from outside your dressing room before letting himself in. Proudly holding up the plastic wrap bag from its hanger, he announces, “Here I am with the dress, and as promised, nothing happened to it under my watch.”
“Thank you, Klaus,” you smile gratefully only for him to return the gesture with an affectionate pinch of your cheek.
“No need to thank me, sweetheart. I’m just so excited to finally have a little sister!”
“You know I’m technically older than you right?” You retort with a raised brow only for him to press a finger to your lips.
“Shh, don’t ruin this for me,” he gently corrects you before pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. You don’t miss the way his eyes begin to water at the sight of you with your hair and makeup done, but you’re kind enough not to point it out. Klaus had been the easiest of Five’s siblings to warm up to, always treating you like one of his own and roping you into his mischief despite your fiancé’s protests. The Seance couldn’t even count on one hand how many times you had been there to lend a shoulder for him to cry on when his addiction became too much or offer a supportive hand when his siblings had been less than eager to do so. He adored you, and he could nearly burst with pride at finally being able to call himself your brother.
“Alright, we have thirty minutes left to get you into that dress and down that isle,” Allison announces with a determined clap of her hands before snatching the dress from Klaus. “Are you ready to officially become Mrs. Hargreeves?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” you announce with a resigned sigh before immediately being pulled every which way by the two siblings to finish your ensamble.
You can’t wait to get this over with.
“You nervous?” Viktor whispers with a gentle nudge to Five’s side. Quiet chatter drifts through the air as the handful of guests that are present make conversation to pass the time before the ceremony begins. Neither of you exactly have big families; Five has only ever had his siblings, and your family isn’t exactly supportive of your choice of groom. It’s an intimate affair, but you both prefer it that way.
“Hardly,” he scoffs indignantly, though his need to readjust his tie for the millionth time says otherwise. Five knows that this probably should have happened sooner and promoting you from his partner to his wife has been long overdue. He was honestly surprised you had said yes when he’d finally bit the bullet and asked the question. He loved you, cared for you in a way he never thought possible and in a way that honestly wasn’t quite like him. But you were different, and he hadn’t risked it all trying to end multiple apocalypses just to not marry you once the world was finally safe.
“I’m glad you’re happy, we all are,” his brother notes with a kind smile. “She’s good for you, and she’ll be a good addition to the family.”
Five can’t argue with that. It honestly pains him to think about just how many times you’ve thrown your own life on the line for not just him but his siblings as well. You’ve been there for them even when it wasn’t your responsibility, when they technically weren’t your family yet, even when Five himself wasn’t the best brother to them all. While Five could at times be brash or crude, you were patient and understanding, and this balance helped make their team stronger. You’d make a fine Hargreeves; he wouldn’t be standing here today if that weren’t the case.
Behind the wooden double doors you nervously readjust your veil as you wait for your cue to enter the room. Diego holds your bouquet patiently on your left while Luther fluffs out the skirt of your dress for you on your right. Having no real family present for your big day, you were left without anyone to give you away to your new husband. Diego and Luther had both been eager to throw themselves at the chance to be at your side down the aisle, constantly at each other’s necks arguing over who deserved the right more. Of course, as the bride it was you who got the final say, and the choice couldn’t have been more obvious. You picked them both.
Both men had been put through a lot by your fiancé, from having to carry his drunken form out of a library to dealing with his fits of rage at their inability to meet his deadlines for important tasks, but they had always been kind to you despite the unorthodox nature of your relationship with their brother. Luther had taken several bullets for you before, and Diego hadn’t shied away from being a supportive shoulder to cry on whenever you and Five couldn’t see eye-to-eye. It would feel wrong not to have them both by your side, and they were honored.
“You scared?” Diego questions after noticing your tight grip on his bicep when the music begins. He has to hold back a wince from the way your manicured nails dig into his arm and distracts himself by handing you your bouquet.
“A little,” you answer honestly, harshly swallowing down your nerves when Luther opens the doors for you to walk through.
“You’ve got this,” Diego encourages after pressing a chaste kiss to your temple. “If anyone is brave enough to marry my brother, it’s you.”
“Brave or maybe a little insane,” Luther adds under his breath.
You can’t help the small huff of air that pushes past your lips in response to his quip, but you’re given no time to respond as your soon-to-be brother-in-laws escort you to your awaiting husband.
No one can deny how absolutely breath taking you look in your elegantly simple wedding gown, your smile nervous as you make your way towards Five who looks so handsome in his perfectly tailored suit. All day you’ve wanted nothing more than to see him, but now that you’re here you find yourself full of nerves and anxiety.
Luther and Diego give you away at the end of the isle (not without sternly warning Five to take good care of their new sister), and you finally find yourself face-to-face with the man you’ve loved for years.
“You ready for this?” He whispers under his breath as Viktor begins his officiant speech, subtly reaching for your hand to give it a reassuring squeeze.
“This won’t be the worst thing we’ve done together,” you note cheekily with a shrug as you hide your smile behind your bouquet, and Five can’t argue with that.
Though his siblings have been better at showing their excitement for this day than you or Five combined, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t happy to finally be marrying the boy who had been by your side through thick and thin, good and bad, and life and death. Perhaps your love story was a bit unconventional, but unconventionality is a Hargreeves speciality.
You’re going to fit right in.
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lidiasloca · 19 days
Ok this one of my ideas not sure if I have actually read it before or if it was a fever dream. Az has a girlfriend/ mate that the inner circle hasn’t met before.she works with marja as a high and has maybe other powers I don’t know. I have 2x options in which to take this idea. 1. Azzy gets very hurt on a mission and his brought to you to fix him. Very emotional IC and reader. They save him blah blah. 2. Some of the healers are working on so far out town. Az was cutie and like don’t go. She was like boo you go all the time I going to help people. Love you be back soon. But while they are there they are kidnapped by someone ( you pick). Word gets back to Marja who tells Rhys and Az happens to be there. Az freaks out when he hears our name on the list of miss. Blah blah.
totally cool if you don’t wanna use. It is just an idea.
azriel being worried about you going on a mission
azriel x reader
a/n: i ain't really not for angst these days, so i only took the beginning of your second idea, hope u dont mind :)
“You will not go,” Azriel sates, and his voice is so commanding and serious you stop in your tracks. 
“Azriel, we’ve been through this. I’m a healer. This is my job.”
“No, your job is to heal people being safe,” he explains as if you were stupid. You know he means well, but you are growing more irritated by the moment. “Your job is not putting your life in danger.”
“Well, saving lives in the middle of a war comes obviously with my life being in danger.”
Giving him your back, you continue packing all you need for the journey. You hear his footsteps getting closer, then his hand is on your back, gently stroking. “Y/N. Please,” and it sounds enough of a plea for you to turn and face him. 
“Azriel, you constantly put yourself in danger. Almost everyday I have to see you leave to work, with no assurance you will come back.”
His eyes drop to his feet in defeat. “I know, and I know it’s not fair for me to ask you this. But - I simply don’t care.” He watches you again, a spark of confidence and hope settles in his eyes. “I cannot risk loosing you, and the risk of loosing you is higher than yours is to lose me on a mission.” When he catches your frown, he adds, “You must give me this; I know how to defend myself better than you in the battlefield.”
You let out a soft chuckle, the seriousness of before fading a bit as a timid smile blooms on his face.
But your mind is made up. “Azriel,” you sigh. “I must go still.”
His lips close to a thin line, worry back in his face. He takes your hands in his scarred ones. You are to hear his angry pleads again, but to your surprise, he simple answers, “Alright.”
You open your eyes wide in astonishment. “Alright?”
Your mate grins before adding, “Alright.” And that grin means two things. Trouble, or planed trouble. 
“What is your mind up to, Az?” you ask accusingly, as if he was no more than a kid planing mischief. 
His grin grows more teasing. “Nothing, nothing,” he says as he turns to your travel trunk, putting things. His things. “It’s just that I'm going with you.”
“What?” he says, totally unfazed by the situation. “You need protection. I want to know you are safe. You are no good with a sword, yet excellent healing people. I’m quite good with a sword. I think it’s a perfect plan.”
“You miss that Rhys has assigned you a mission in the Spring Court. Tomorrow.”
He looks at you, looking at you as if what you’ve said it’s dumb. “I don’t remember that.”
“Yes, you do.”
“Love,” he says, and his voice is serious again. “Please. I beg you, don’t make me suffer like this. Let me accompany you. I will talk to Rhys and he will understand. He knows how terrible it is to know your mate is in danger, no mater how strong or brave she is. And you are, but I am not strong enough to spend every second of the following days not knowing if you are safe.”
You sigh, now you are defeated. “Alright.” He smiles triumphantly, so you are quickly to add sternly, “But no scaring anyone that comes near me, understood?”
“Yes, ma’am,” and he has that teasing smirk on his face again. 
-Characters by Sarah J Maas
and you can also request any fic idea you have through my inbox so i can write it down :)) i much appreciate requests for azriel and other acotar characters
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virginsexgod69 · 7 months
❝Laundry Day ❞
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pairing Daryl Dixon x f!Reader
summary a laundry mishap turned into a dream come true 
cw smut, perv!daryl, perv!reader, panty kink, humiliation (if you squint), unprotected p in v, masturbation (male), pussy eating, cunnilingus, pining
3.9k words
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“Here’s your laundry. I don’t know how you like it folded, so I didn’t fold it,” you said as you placed the basket of freshly cleaned laundry outside of his bedroom door. You lingered for a moment, but once he heard your footsteps walk away, he opened the door and grabbed the basket before shutting it again. He wanted to thank you, he really did, but as usual, he was too nervous. He sifted through the laundry and began putting it away, guilt still lingering in the forefront of his mind for not thanking you. 
    Like clockwork, every Sunday, you did everyone in the house’s laundry. You were skilled in combat -against the living and the dead-, you were smart, you were so many great things that he didn’t know why you would delegate such a paltry task to yourself. Ever since Woodbury fell and the group accepted you into the prison, you took on such tasks; laundry, cleaning, the typical household chores. Everyone assumed it was because you weren’t trained to face what was outside of the secure walls of the prison, so nobody paid too much attention to you. But when you ended up tagging along for a run and saving everyone’s ass, people started noticing you, Daryl started noticing you. 
Daryl actually found himself admiring you. He admired how detail oriented you were -although he found it rather annoying at first- how you picked up on the things most would miss. He appreciated how open you were. When most of the Woodburians would turn their noses up at the squirrel he brought back to eat, you tucked in like it were any other meal. You took care of everybody and although he’d never admit it, it made his heart swell. You even took care of him, always making sure he had more than enough to eat, doting over him whenever he came back from a run, insisting to be the one to patch up his injuries. All those little moments together formed a unique friendship between you two, but as soon as Daryl realized it was more than friendship that he wanted, he distanced himself from you. You were kindhearted, smart, beautiful, and selfless and he just saw himself as a big, mean, gruff redneck who could never be enough from you. So he stayed away from you, he was afraid to hurt you and it hurt too much to be near you, but not have you. 
   Something red peeking out from the darkness of his clothes snapped him out of his thoughts. Curiously, he pulled the garment out with pinched fingers. It was a pair of red panties. They were either yours or Michonne’s, but something about them told him they were yours. His mind immediately went to places he didn’t want it to go, imagining you in nothing but those little red panties. The way he knew your plump ass would look delectable in them made his cock twitch with eagerness. He could not think about you this way. His face went red with shame as he shoved the red fabric underneath his pillow. 
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  He tossed and turned, unable to find sleep. The thought of your underwear underneath his pillow weighed too heavily on him. Maybe if he just gave the panties back to you, he’d be able to fall asleep. The awkwardness that situation would put him in immediately shut that idea down. He thought about going out for a smoke, but didn’t want to risk running into you on the way out. He wasn’t in any state to see you, considering the thoughts of you running rampant in his mind. The thought of you wearing those panties, soaked with desire, begging him to rip them off you. His boxers grew tight on him. 
Fuck it. 
He’d do it one time, then throw them away and just hope you never ask about them. 
His hand slipped under the pillow, feeling for the soft red fabric. Once he found it, he immediately put it to his nose, hoping to smell you. The smell of laundry detergent disappointed him, but he pulled his hard dick out of his boxers anyway. He stroked it a few times, letting pre-cum bubble at the tip before using it as lube. He knew your fleshy, velvety walls would feel ten times better than his rough hand. He dreamed of feeling it clenching around him as you bounced on his cock, with those red panties pulled aside. He increased the pace of his fist as he felt himself getting closer. Your tits would look so delicious as they bounced in unison with his thrusts. He quickly pulled the crotch of your panties over his tip before emptying his load into them, stifling a grunt. God, you’d look too damn sexy with his cum leaking out of your cunt. He wiped the spilled remnants of his pleasure up with the fabric before shamefully shoving it back under the pillow. 
He slept good that night. 
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  Sunday rolled around again, which meant laundry day. You had collected everyone else’s laundry, aside from Daryl’s. When you knocked on his door, you got no reply, so you washed the other clothes before coming back. When you came back again, there was still no response, so you let yourself in. The room was empty -and probably was earlier too- making you feel a little silly for not letting yourself in the first time. You picked up the articles of clothing on the floor and tossed them into the basket held to your hip. As you bent down to pick a shirt off the floor, something under the man’s pillow caught your eye. With pinched fingers, you pulled out the red fabric only to find it was your favorite pair of panties that you’ve been missing all week. 
"What the..." you muttered to yourself as you examined the garment. It was balled up in the center, held together by god knows what. Upon a closer look, you realized it was dried cum. Daryl's dried cum. Which could only mean that he masturbated in your panties. Your cunt throbbed and your face went hot as you tossed the dirtied garment into the basket. Your mind was reeling. 
Did this mean Daryl liked you? 
 He'd been distant with you for months now. You had no idea why, but you knew trying to find out why would only push him away further, so you let things be. Your current relationship with him felt no deeper than that of acquaintances, which is what hurt you the most. With everything that's happened since the prison fell up until now, you didn't exactly have the time to try patch things up with Daryl. Didn't have time to ask him where you stood. Didn't have time to see if maybe he liked you, too. But maybe finding your panties stained with his cum hidden underneath his pillow was a sign?
  You decided to try something, not thinking for too long so you wouldn't get cold feet. You hastily shimmied off your shorts and slipped off your panties before putting your shorts back on. You hoped Daryl would like these. It was a simple black thong with a little red ribbon-bow on the front, just below the wasteband. The sound of the door opening downstairs sent you into a small panic. You shoved the thong underneath his pillow in replacement for the red pair and hurried out of his room.
Unluckily, you ran into him in the hallway. 
"Hi!" you awkwardly chirped out, trying not to look guilty. 
"Hey," he replied. 
It was awkward now. For the both of you for similarly different reasons. 
"I gotta—I gotta go wash these now. Uh, bye!" you maneuvered your way around him and made a beeline to the laundry room. 
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 Daryl felt anxious for the rest of the day. When he saw you hurrying out if his room with a flustered look on your face. He wasn't mad at you for being in there, it wasn't uncommon for you to just go in and take the dirty clothes. But he was worried that you saw something you weren't supposed to see and be disgusted by him. 
  He was stressed. Instinctively, he reached under his pillow for your panties. Despite having come in them a couple times already, Daryl continued using them. He felt it was the closest he'd ever get to actually being with you. When he pulled out a different pair of panties, he was surprised, but didn't stop to think of the implications. He inspected the underwear. It was different from the last, but that didn't stop his cock from hardening. 
 Out of curiosity, he lifted the thong to his nose, hoping maybe these'd smell like you. He could've came right then and there. The panties smelled like everything he hoped they would. They smelled like you. He let out a groan and reached for his cock, palming himself through his boxers. Impatiently, he pulled his painfully hard dick out. With one hand holding the panties to his nose, the other stroked himself ferociously. He wanted to see your pretty lips around him, to feel your throat gagging around the length. He let out a noise between a grunt and a moan as he fantasized about you swallowing him hole. He wanted to hear the pretty noises you'd make while tears streamed down your face as you struggled to fit all of him into your mouth. He licked the crotch part of your panties, tasting your essence which only brought him closer to finishing. Like all the other times, he brought the panties down to his dick and came in them, imagining it was him coming down your throat. 
Daryl hated that he ruined another pair of your panties, but god did it feel good to have just a taste of you.
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  Your suspicions were confirmed. Last night, when Daryl finally went to bed, you crept out of your room and over to his. You very sneakily cracked the door open, just enough to see Daryl pleasuring himself with your panties over his face. You didn't mean to watch for so long, but you couldn't look away. The moonlight shone through his window highlighting his muscles. The way his arms flexed with every stroke had you rubbing your thighs together. Every noise he made made you wetter and wetter, wishing that was you in there making him feel good. Once he finished, you silently closed the door and hurried back to your room. 
He wouldn't come into your panties if he didn't like you, right? 
Tomorrow, you'd bite the bullet and find out. Your relationship with the bowman had become so strained that you were willing to risk what little the two of you had just to see if there was a chance he felt the same way about you. 
 Nighttime came around again and you knew it was now or never. Those who were home were asleep, with the exception of Daryl. You knew he was awake, because you had your ear to his door, listening to the sounds of his pleasured grunts, much like you did the night before. You gently knocked on the door. 
“Daryl,” you whispered loud enough for him to hear. 
You heard some rushed shuffling behind the door before he opened it just enough for him to peek through. 
“Wha’,” he snapped. 
“Um, can I come in? I want to talk to you about something.” 
“Righ’ now? Can’t it wait ’til mornin’?” 
“Please?” You gave him those doe eyes he’s never been able to say no to in the past. 
He sighed but reluctantly let you in before shutting the door. Once you were in his room, you realized he had nothing on, other than his boxers. The moonlight shone on his body, making him look delicious, but you needed to focus! You walked further into the room and sat on his bed. It was still warm with his body heat. A look of nervousness flashed across his face, but he quickly returned back to his usual stoic countenance. You suppressed a smirk.
“Well, what’d you wanna talk ‘bout?” He asked, growing impatient. 
You leaned all the way back onto his pillow, the pillow you suspected he was hiding your panties under. Daryl’s thumb flew to his mouth and he began nibbling on the skin beside the nail, a telltale sign that he was feeling anxious. 
“I’m missing a pair of panties,” you said smugly. 
“Wha— Wha’s tha’ gotta do with me?” He replied, stumbling over his words. You could see his skin flush under the moonlight. 
“I was wondering if you seen ‘em. They look kinda like this.” You slowly pulled up the hem of your t-shit, exposing the plush skin of your thighs, then the panties you were wearing that were almost identical to the ones you left Daryl on Sunday. Except, these ones had a white bow instead of a red one. Daryl shifted awkwardly and ran a hand over his face. 
“Godammit, woman, I dunno what ya wan’ from me.” He was really getting nervous now. 
“Cut the bullshit, Daryl.” You smirked up at him as you slowly slid your hand under his pillow. He awkwardly lunged toward you to try and stop you from finding what he was hiding, but he wasn’t fast enough. You held the cum-soaked garment up between you and him in your pinched fingers. You could tell the man was ashamed, but you couldn’t help squeezing your legs together. He looked so cute when he was embarrassed. 
“Tha’s not— It’s not wha-”
“Daryl,” your tone was firm, effectively stopping him from trying to explain himself. 
“I don’t mind you taking my panties, but if you want them, you have to take them off of me.” 
He froze, likely from not expecting that to be your reaction. 
“Want ‘em or not?” You lifted your t-shirt even higher. 
Daryl apprehensively approached you almost as if he thought this was a dream and any sudden moment would snap him back into reality. His big, rough hands clasped on either side of your hips. His fingers slid under the waistband and he slowly pulled down the skimpy black garment. He was shocked to see how wet the panties were once he got them off of you. He couldn’t help but gawk at the sight between your legs.
“What goes on in your mind when you pleasure yourself with my panties every night?” You asked, both teasingly and out of genuine curiosity. 
“You— You knew?!” 
“Of course. Who’d you think left you a fresh pair on Sunday?” 
He stood there, frozen. You started to feel guilty for teasing him too much. When he still didn’t move to do anything, you started to think you misread the entire situation. Maybe it wasn’t even you he fantasized about every night as he came. Your face felt hot and your eyes burned with unshed tears, this would all be so embarrassing if he wasn’t even thinking of you in that way. With a shaky hand, you pulled your shirt down to cover yourself up. 
“Y-you don’t have to tell me anything. I probably went and got the wrong idea anyway…”  You moved to get out of his bed, but he gently pushed you back down. Your eyes snapped up to his. You saw a look in his eyes you’ve never seen before. 
“Nah. Didn’t misread nothin’,” he said as he grabbed your ankle. Your heart started beating faster, anticipating his next move. This was really happening. He put both of your legs over his shoulders as he crawled onto the bed, settling himself between your thighs, right in front of your dripping cunt. 
“You don’ got any idea what ya do to me.” He kissed your inner thigh before sucking it, making sure to leave a mark. The little sounds you made made his already hardening cock twitch. He finally gave your pussy some attention, licking up the juices of your arousal. The feeling of his tongue on you and the tickle of his facial hair made you clench around nothing. 
“Daryl, please,” you whimpered. 
“Nah, not yet. Now that I gotcha, I’ma take my time.”  You whined in response but were quickly silenced by his thumb on your clit. He rubbed slow circles, fast enough to feel good, but too slow to give you an orgasm. Before you could ask him to go faster, his tongue entered you. Reflexively, you squeezed your thighs together, trapping his head between them in the process. That didn’t stop him, though. His tongue swirled around inside of you as he increased the pace on your clit. You bit back a moan and opted for grabbing a fistful of of his hair instead. The vibrations of his groan between your legs made your toes curl. He continued to eat you out, until he couldn’t breathe anymore. He tapped your outer thigh and you quickly released him. 
“S-sorry!” You had forgotten that he needed to breathe. 
“Don’ apologize.” He put his mouth on your clit at the same time he inserted a finger inside you with ease. He sucked on your clit while his finger touched you in places your own couldn’t reach. He added another and curled them, earning a moan from you. 
“Daryl, I’m close!”  He continued his ministrations until he felt you involuntarily clench around his fingers. Your legs shook as you came around his fingers, yet he continued to pump them in and out of you. You looked down at him once you came to. He looked at home between your thighs. You smiled down at him and saw his face relax a little. He reluctantly removed himself from between your thighs and sat up before fiddling with the bottom of your t-shirt as if he were asking for permission to take it off. You nodded and sat up too, coming face to face with him. In the moonlight, you could see how dilated his pupils were. You could hardly tell that his eyes were supposed to be blue. You lifted your arms and he timidly lifted your shirt over your head before tossing it aside. He stared at you, slack jawed, enamored by the sight before him. 
“Goddamn,”  he whispered. 
You giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. The taste of you on his tongue made your mind go numb. You moaned into his mouth as you felt his fingers’ firm grip on your ass. Keeping the kiss in tact, he pulled you onto his lap, grinding you onto his clothed member. He grunted, much like you heard him the night before. You wished to hear him more, but knew you couldn’t risk waking the others in the house. You pulled away from the kiss. 
“Daryl, I wanna feel you,” you whined. 
“Dammit girl, be patient,” he teased. 
“I’ve already waited for like…months!” The confession made his eyes go wide, but you weren’t in the right mind to reflect on your accidental revelation. The bowman pulled his hard dick from his boxers and slid it up and down your slippery slit, coating it in your juices before lining it up with your entrance. Impatiently, you sank down on it, not realizing how big he actually was. Your pained whimper sobered him. 
“Y’alright?” He asked worriedly. 
“Yeah, just wait a ‘sec.” 
The stretch hurt so good, but you weren’t ready for him to move yet. His warm hand cupped your cheek before he swiped his thumb under your eye, wiping away a tear you didn’t know you shed. 
“Ya sure? We can stop if you wan’,” he said in a gentle voice. Your heart swelled and you struggled to hold back a grin. 
“You’re so sweet, Daryl, but I promise I’m fine.”  He placed gentle kisses on your collarbone, going further down until he was at your breasts. He took one in his mouth, nipping and sucking at the soft, supple flesh. He removed his hand from your ass to give the other one equal attention. You threw your head back and moaned in pure bliss, but his hand quickly flew to your mouth. 
“You gon’ wake up everyone in Alexandria.”  He connected your mouth to his once again while still pawing at your breasts. You wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. You slowly lifted yourself from his cock before dropping back down again, earning a groan from him. You continued your movements, eventually finding a rhythm. 
“Yer takin’ me so good, baby.” His words had your pussy fluttering around him. Your arms unraveled from around his neck and started to slide down his back, but he abruptly pulled away from the kiss and grabbed your wrists from behind him. He pushed you back down into the mattress and held your wrists in each of his hands beside your head, now being the one on top. Despite being inside you, he suddenly couldn’t look you in the eye.
“Is everything alright? Did I do something wrong?” You asked, worry evident in your voice. 
“A-are you sure?” 
“S’nothin’.” He snapped out of whatever it was and started thrusting into you. His sudden shift was quickly forgotten as he pounded you into the mattress. He filled you up so good that you could feel the veins on his dick licking up and down your walls. He was close, you could tell by the way he was losing his rhythm and the way his dick twitched inside you. Daryl let go of your wrists and weaved his fingers through yours, holding your hands as you both got closer to the edge. Your back arched and your pussy squeezed his cock as you came. Daryl continued fucking you until he couldn’t hold his own orgasm back any longer. He pulled out and shot his hot seed on your tits and stomach. The physical exertion exhausted you. You could barely keep your eyes open as Daryl wiped his cum off you with your discarded panties. 
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 Daryl was an early riser, and that didn’t change just because he had the best sex of his life last night. You were still sound asleep. Daryl admired the way the early morning sun made your skin glow and the shadow it made your long lashes cast on your cheeks. You looked so beautiful, so at peace. He was afraid that all would change once you woke up and remembered what went down last night, despite you being the one to initiate it. He carefully untangled himself from your arms and put on a shirt before slipping back into bed. Your eyes fluttered open once he was settled. Wordlessly, you wrapped your arms back around him and nuzzled into his chest. 
“Mornin’, Sunshine,” he said, his voice still raspy with sleep. 
“Good morning,” you replied sleepily. 
He had a question that weighed on his chest since he woke up. He wanted to know what you meant when you said you’ve been waiting for months for this. He was about to ask you, but he stopped himself. You had drifted back to sleep again. You looked so peaceful and he didn’t want to disturb you with his racing thoughts. He pressed a gentle kiss to your hairline and let you continue to sleep on his chest. 
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notes i proofread this to the best of my abilities. i hope this was good. this idea came to me in the shower a few days ago and i just had to write it heehee =p i PROMISE i will get to the requests in my inbox and for those of you reading Seclusion, I will update that soon.
thanks for reading !!! <3
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