#they have/had such good unique ways of doing that
hitomisuzuya · 2 days
hhhhi suzu!!!! how are you!?!!??
i put a lot of thought into this trust…
could you do a tutor!scara x reader? where scara rewards reader for getting stuff correct by absolute demolishing their insides? LOVE YOU HAVE AN AWESOME DAY!!! 🫶🫶🫶
- 🎧
Tutor!Scaramouche x fem!reader. Smut. Fingering. Degradation. Praise. Creampie. Cum used as a reward. Smut written massively stoned. Dyscalculia gang unite!
Hello dear❤️ I have had a rough couple weeks honestly. It's been one thing after another and I am tired😭 I hope you are doing well.
Scaramouche has a unique way of tutoring you: putting you naked on your back on his bed, your legs spread wide for him while he played with and fingered your pussy as he asked you questions pertaining to an upcoming test. He figured if he melted your poor little brain down, teasing your pussy, making you so flustered and wet with need that you would force yourself to think and come up with the right answers.
His cock was straining watching you squirm and struggle to think. "Come on kitten, think," He cooed almost condescendingly, "I know you know the answer," He teased his fingers at your drooling, clenching hole before sweeping his fingers up to rub your clit.
Your legs shook from how much your clit was throbbing. The longer you took to answer, the more he worked your swollen pussy over teasingly. You want to cum so badly that it was torture.
But you knew the rules.
Get it right, and you got to cum. You could barely even think as pleasure coiled through you. "Sc-Scara, I don't..I don't.." You trailed off, your words breaking apart into moans as he abruptly pushed two fingers inside of you, "I don't think I know the answer."
"Yes, you do," Scaramouche quickly hooked his fingers into your sweet spot, smirking as he watched your face contort with pleasure as you grinded up into his fingers. "You want me to cum inside of you, don't you?"
Your eyes nearly rolled into the back of your head, his fingers playing your sweet spot like a musical instrument. Building your orgasm up just barely out of reach, like he was dangling it in front of your face. "I do! I do! More than anything!" You cry out in desperation, your body twitching as you struggled to chase the high he wasn't going to let you have yet.
Scaramouche withdrew his fingers to idly play with your clit, raising an eyebrow as he waited for you to muster up everything you had in your hunger for him to find the right answer.
"Fine! Fine, I'm pretty sure," You let a shaky moan as he pinched your clit, effectively cutting you off because you sounded unsure. "No, I know..I know it's.." You stumbled over your words, your heart pounding and your body trembling, "..15!"
Scaramouche would've clapped had one of his hands not been occupying your puffy pussy. "My cock drunk slut is such a good girl," He took his fingers off your cunt and put them to your lips, "You got the right answer."
Your eyes light up hearing his degradating praise. Your walls clenched around nothing, your tongue sweeping out to curl around his fingers. He saw the look in your eyes, you were stunned you'd gotten it right. Your brain was broken at birth and incapable of doing a lot of Math. "You are going to cum inside of me now," You moaned excitedly, taking his fingers into your mouth to suck on.
Scaramouche chuckled. Maybe he broke you a little more than he thought he did. No matter, all the better for him. It would make this a even more effective teaching tool next time. Your half lidded eyes were trained on him as he moved between your legs, draping them over his shoulders. "Yes, my pretty slut always gets a reward," He caressed your cheek, his cock pulsing as you turned your cheek into his hand.
You moan loud in bliss feeling his thick cock finally between your creamy folds. You immediately rock your hips up feeling the head push inside of you, quaking in pleasure as he stretched you apart. He groans as he bottoms out, letting his cock throb against your sweet spot before he started thrusting.
His eyes drank in your expressions, watching you fall even dumber on his cock. You look so cute all cock drunk and desperate for him. You deserved nothing less than being reduced to dumb and drooling mess for doing so well for him.
Your hands clung to his shoulders and arms, your fingernails frantically scratching them. "Was I a good girl today? Was I? Was I?" You babbled, mewling and moaning loud in pleasure as his cock kissed into your sweet spot.
"Yes, kitten, you are the goodest girl," Scaramouche groaned, his hips snapping harsher into yours, frantically chasing own high. You always clutch so tight on his cock when he praised you. His fingers wagged and rubbed on your clit before he pushing down on the buldge that poked up in your stomach.
You gasped in pleasure, seeing stars as you finally orgasmed. Scaramouche let out an aroused chuckle. "Look at you shake," He moaned, hissing as his cock throbbed harder inside of you. "Fuck, I'm cumming now."
Your teary eyes lit up hearing his words. You feel his cock ribbon bursts of cum inside of you, drooling as you whimpered in bliss. It seeped out onto your cunt.
The highest reward for proving you smarter than you thought.
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Little Sister
Media - House Of The Dragon Character - Aegon Targaryen Couple - Aegon X Reader Reader - Y/n Targaryen (Daughter of Viserys and Alicent) Rating - Smut Word Count - 3687
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Y/n stood in the grass of the Red Keep’s gardens, playing with butterflies and spiderwebs. She wore a beautiful gown of green and was ignoring the scowls of her older brother Aegon sat in his usual attire with a cup of wine in hand. The two were supposed to be on a date together in the gardens as their mother Alicent demanded due to their upcoming wedding.
Aegon watched Y/n prance around in her fancy gown and he rolled his eyes, "What nonsense are you even saying?"
"Why are you so grumpy big brother?" She asked as she turned to him pulling her face to make a frown
Aegon crossed his arms and glared at Y/n. "Why do you think, Y/n? We're on a date and you're acting like an idiot, prancing around instead of spending real time with me. I bet you don't even know how to have fun."
"oh… Okay," she giggled hopping over to his bench and sitting on the grass beside the bench "Suggest the funs?"
Aegon raised an eyebrow, slightly amused despite himself. It seemed like Y/n was finally willing to listen and have some fun. "Well, for starters, we could go out and ride dragons. Or if you want something more relaxing we could do some archery or sword fighting practice." Aegon leaned closer and grinned. "Or we could do something even more exciting and get some wine and go for a little adventure around the Red Keep. Anything's better than just sitting around here in the gardens."
"adventure!" She giggled "We can go find all the tapestries or we can find the bones in the dungeons or we could find where all the rats sit!"
Aegon couldn't help but chuckle at Y/n's excitement and innocent enthusiasm. "Alright, an adventure it is. Let's go! Which one do you want to do first? The tapestries, the bones, or the rats?"
"whichever you like big brother" she giggled holding his hand and jumping up and down
Aegon smirked, "Well then, let's start with the tapestries. If we're going to find clues, they're as good a place as any to start. Lead the way, little sister."
Aegon grinned and set out with Y/n, ready for an exciting adventure through the castle in search of tapestries, clues and maybe even a little bit of trouble.
As Y/n took Aegon from one tapestry to another, pointing out the various details and symbols, Aegon started to see her in a new light. She might be a bit strange and eccentric, but she had a passion for learning and a curiosity that was refreshing. Aegon listened to her explanations intently, nodding along and adding a comment here and there. As the tour continued, he found himself enjoying the time with her, enjoying the way her eyes lit up with excitement as she pointed out the different stories woven into the tapestries.
She stopped at a particular tapestry in the library turning her head to the side as she looks at the tapestry, Aegon watched as Y/n stared at the tapestry, her eyes widening in surprise. He raised an eyebrow, wondering what had caught her attention.
"What is it? Is something wrong with this one?" Aegon stepped closer, studying the tapestry himself. He didn't see anything out of the ordinary, but he knew Y/n had a unique way of seeing the world.
"… All the other tapestries are so literal?" She pouted "Kings, queens, dragons and castles … Why doesn't this one?" She asked pointing to the tapestry that depicted an old scene forgetting by time the meaning and reasoning of. The tapestry showed a woman lying nude with a dragon wrapped around her as if mating
The image of the woman wrapped in the dragon's embrace left Aegon feeling a mixture of confusion and curiosity. He had never heard a story of a Targaryen queen… no, of any woman having an intimate relationship with a dragon. Aegon turned to Y/n, his eyes still fixed on the tapestry. "I-… Do you know what the meaning of this tapestry is, Y/n?"
"… I assume dragon blood or Targaryens mating with normal people of Westeros? I guess? Or … Maybe in old valyira having dragon blood was literal?"
Aegon could feel his face heating up as he listened to Y/n's explanation. The possibility of Targaryen queens mating with dragons was a strange and disturbing thought, but from the tapestry, it was undeniable that it had occurred. Aegon cleared his throat, trying to keep his voice steady. "Well… I suppose it's possible that in old Valeria some Targaryens were so obsessed with their connection to dragons that they took it that far. But even then, it still feels… wrong."
"I don't know maybe it's just art .."
Aegon nodded, trying to keep a straight face. "Yes, maybe it's just art. A strange and unusual depiction, but perhaps it's just someone's imagination runs wild. Let's move on to the next tapestry, shall we?"
Aegon smiled, doing his best to push away the uneasy feeling of the last tapestry as he and Y/n turned to the next one, hoping to find something more mundane and less disturbing there.
She giggled moving close to the new tapestry, she laughed hard as she brushed her hand on it,
Aegon blinked in surprise as Y/n burst into laughter, seemingly amused by something on the tapestry. "What is it?" Aegon asked, puzzled by her reaction. He turned to the tapestry, but didn't see anything funny or amusing. All he saw was yet another dull depiction of a Targaryen king and his sword Blackfyre. Aegon leaned closer to Y/n, curious as to what could have made her laugh so hard.
"sword." She giggled
Aegon raised an eyebrow, wondering if Y/n had finally lost her mind. "What about the sword? It's not that funny." Aegon scoffed, trying to figure out what was so amusing about Blackfyre. As far as he could see, it was just a plain old sword, even if it was Valyrian steel.
"I like to imagine that whenever they depict kings and their swords they play with the size and perspective based on the kings .. you know"
Aegon couldn't help but chuckle as he realized what Y/n was saying. He had never thought of it before, but now that she mentioned it, it was amusing to think that kings would exaggerate the size of their swords in their own tapestries to appear more impressive. "You know what? You might be onto something here. I never really considered that before, but it does make a certain kind of sense. Maybe this king was compensating for something?" Aegon grinned, his mood lightened by her observation.
"Maybe you'll have a tapestry when your king and your sword will be the size of the whole! Thorne room!"
Aegon laughed at that, imagining himself in a tapestry towering over the room with his sword as large as a mountain. "Now that would be a sight to behold. I can just imagine the looks on everyone's faces when they see me like that. They would think I was some kind of god! But I think I'll stick to real life and leave the gigantic sword-wielding for the tapestries."
"or that you were compensating,"
Aegon chuckled, conceding the point to Y/n. "You're not wrong. It would be quite obvious that I'd be overcompensating if I had a sword that big It's a good thing I don't have anything I need to overcompensate for in the first place." Aegon grinned, teasing Y/n. "But you should worry more about your own tapestry, little sister.”
"I won't get a tapestry" she giggled "I'd be happy just as a name on a family tree in the books that's all" she giggled, "I don't know Aegon I've never seen your sword I don't know if it needs overcompensating,"
Aegon grinned, still teasing Y/n. "You think you're so humble, don't you? But don't pretend like you don't want your own tapestry just like me and Aemond. I bet deep down you want to be depicted with a thousand giant bugs as your loyal soldiers. And don't pretend like you're not curious about my sword size now. Perhaps I should invite you to the training yards more often to witness its full glory firsthand."
"why? I could find out now if I wanted"
Aegon raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Y/n's remark. He couldn't help but chuckle, amused at the audacity of her words. "Are you really suggesting what I think you're suggesting, little sister? You want to… see my sword right now?"
Aegon smirked, leaning closer to Y/n. "I could if I wanted"
Aegon chuckled, enjoying the playfulness in Y/n's eyes. "Well, what are you waiting for then? Go ahead, take a look."
she giggled and gave his nose a kiss before she knelt on the wooden floor and held out her hands "Sword please"
Aegon's heart skipped a beat at the small kiss, enjoying the playful mood between them. He smiled, amused by her request. "Alright then, little sister. You can have my sword for a moment." He unstrapped his sword from his hip and rested it in her hands, watching her closely to see what she would do.
she held the old sword on her hands but immediately tossed it on the floor "Sword please"
"Y/n! what are you doing? Why did you throw the sword on the floor? I thought you wanted to see it!"
"I do."
Aegon's confusion deepened. He picked up the sword from the floor and placed it back in her hands. "Here, take it again. But be careful with it. Valyrian steel is prized for good reason and it's not something to be casually tossed aside."
she immediately tossed it again
Aegon's eyes widened in disbelief as Y/n tossed the Valyrian steel sword again. "What in the name of the Seven are you doing? Valyrian steel is valuable and difficult to come by! Why are you treating it like a toy? Do you have any idea what that sword is worth?"
"sword" she giggled putting her hand on his belt
“Oh…” Aegon's confusion gave way to amusement as he realized what Y/n was really asking for. He chuckled, enjoying her playful antics. "Alright, you little menace. I think you've had your fun with my sword. But since you've been such a good sport, I suppose I can give you a different kind of sword to play with." With a smirk, Aegon reached for his belt and loosened his trousers slightly, then took Y/n's hand and placed it on his soft cock, "There, now you've got your hands on a different kind of sword. But remember, this one is even more valuable and needs to be handled with care. And it's definitely not for tossing around like a toy."
she pouted slightly "oh …"
Aegon chuckled at her pouty expression, finding her attempt at disappointment amusing. "Do I detect a hint of disappointment in your voice, little sister? What's wrong, is my sword not to your liking?" He grinned, teasing her.
she pouts and gives him sad puppy eyes "why doesn't your sword want to play with me Aegon?"
Aegon's heart melted a little at her sad puppy eyes, but he couldn't help but continue to tease her. "Oh it wants to play with you, Y/n, but it's a very special sword, and it only plays with people who deserve it." He smirked, reaching out to muss her hair affectionately.
"does it need rubs?" She asked taking him in her hand and stroking back and forth attempting to harden him,
Aegon chuckled, his amused expression quickly changing to one of surprise as he felt her hand on him. "Rubs? I didn't realize you were such an expert in sword care, little sister. But I'll admit, a few gentle rubs might help him feel… more playful."
Aegon couldn't help but smile at her innocence and the playful banter between them. Aegon's smirk deepened as he felt her hands moving on him, and he couldn't help but marvel at her naivete and confidence. "You're a natural at this, you know that? Just a few minutes ago you were tossing swords on the floor, now you're handling this one like a pro." He chuckled, enjoying the feeling of her touch and her innocent curiosity.
"Aegon! Why won't he play with me big brother?" She whines
Aegon chuckled, finding her innocent determination to make him respond quite endearing. "Why do you think, Y/n? Perhaps it's because you're playing with him too gently. Maybe you need to be a little more… assertive in your approach. Show him how much fun you can really be."
she nodded and began to kiss him pressing her lips softly to his hardening erection,
Aegon's eyes widened slightly at the sudden sensation of her lips on him, mixing with the gentle touch of her hands. He gasped slightly in surprise, feeling a rush of pleasure coursing through his body. "Oh… " He gasped, feeling himself grow harder under her touch. "That's more like it, little sister. You're beginning to understand how to handle this sword now."
she peppered kisses all over him, "more!" She giggled
Aegon groaned as her kisses drove him wild, his hardness growing with each touch. "You have the touch of a dragon queen, Y/n. You know just how to handle this sword." He couldn't help but laugh at her eagerness and the sound of her giggling as she continued "Yes, yes… more… I think you've nearly got it now, little sister."
she giggled and began lapping at him as she kissed, and rubbed clearly egar to get him as hard as possible
Aegon's breath caught in his throat as her tongue and kisses sent waves of pleasure through his body, his hardness growing harder under her touch. "Oh gods, Y/n… yes, keep doing that…" He groaned, struggling to speak as her touch seemed to take him over, bringing him closer to the edge. "I… I think you've finally found the correct way to play with my sword, little sister."
She giggled and pulled back tapping him with her fingers and giving him kisses playing with his now completely hard state, playing around him him like he was her own little toy,
"You're enjoying yourself, aren't you, little sister? Do you like seeing what you've done to my sword? Feeling the effects of your touch?"
"I wanna play with him everyday"
Aegon chuckled, a mixture of amusement and desire stirring within him. "Every day, hm? You're truly dedicated, Y/n. But I don't think my sword could handle that, even for a princess. He'll need a chance to rest and recover between all this play." He grinned, reaching out to caress her cheek gently."But of course, if you're willing, I'm more than happy to let you play with him again."
"every day!" She pouts "Please Aegon"
Aegon smirked, unable to resist her begging, especially after the incredible pleasure she had just given him. "Very well then, little sister. From now on, you may play with him everyday. He'll be at your disposal, ready to be wielded by your talented hands." He laughed, enjoying the spark of excitement in her eyes at his promise. "But remember, you must take care not to exhaust him too much. We don't want him breaking on your watch, hmm?"
"yay!" She giggled kissing him all over again
Aegon laughed softly, enjoying the feeling of her kisses all over him. "You're truly a wonder, Y/n. So playful and joyful, with such a fierce desire to learn." He ran his fingers through her hair, a smile on his face. "Just promise me you won't use that desire on anyone other than me while we're playing, little sister. This sword is for you and you alone."
"only my big brother" she giggled "Can I Aegon can I?"
Aegon chuckled, her innocence and eagerness bringing a warmth to his heart. He raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "You ask for permission now, do you? I like that. You're learning to be a good little sister, Y/n." he smirked, "Of course you can, little sister. Play with my sword whenever you like. It belongs to you."
She nodded and took him, she began to suck, and lap her tounge, moving her head back and forth
Aegon moaned softly as her lips and tongue worked their magic on him, his body shuddering with pleasure. "By the Seven, Y/n, you… oh… you've got the gift of pleasing a man." He gasped, his heart racing as he watched her, unable to tear his eyes away. He reached out, stroking her hair softly as she continued. "Just like that, little sister… just like that… you're doing so well…” Aegon's hand tangled in her hair, guiding her movements as she continued her ministrations. His breathing grew heavier, filled with pleasure. "Yes, that's it… just like that… just keep doing what you're doing, little sister…" He groaned, closing his eyes as he surrendered to the sensations she was giving him, his body completely in her control.
A knock suddenly came from the door, Aegon tried to stop her but she wouldn't stop, "Y/n… stop… someone's at the door…" But he was powerless to actually stop her, his voice failing him as the pleasure overwhelmed him. He tried to compose himself, but his breathing was heavy and labored.
she pulled back and peppered him with kisses as the door knocked again "we are betrothed. You are to be my king. There is surely no shame in a servent witnessing the prince be pleasured? Let them in. Let them see." She cooed for once the mad girl giggles where gone and she sounded like a targaryen queen before she returned to her work
Aegon found himself both surprised and aroused by her words and her shift in demeanor. The door knocked again, and he hesitated for a moment, weighing her words. Finally, he called out. "Yes… come in." He watched as a servant entered, taking in the sight of them together. His eyes widened, clearly shocked by what he was witnessing.
"Your uhh your grace -"
Aegon chuckled, noticing the servant boy's reaction and that the boy already got hard at the sight of Y/n doing this to Aegon. "Yes, boy? Speak your mind. What brings you here? And by the gods, close your mouth before you catch flies."
the boy nodded and did his best to look away "I uhh your mother has invited you both to dinner tonight in the royal chambers at nine." The boy nodded and watched as if knowing she had an audience she worked even harder and more seductively, moaning and letting Aegon play with her hair
Aegon nodded, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he watched Y/n's increased efforts. "Very well. We will be there." He turned back to the boy for a moment. "That will be all. Close the door behind you. After all we don’t need everyone knowing do we little princess?"
"no my master" she playfully cooed up to Aegon before she returned to her work
Aegon chuckled, enjoying her playful response as much as he was enjoying her mouth. "That's my girl" He smirked, looking down at the boy. "Get lost now. We have a few hours before we need to be anywhere and I intend to enjoy them."
the boy nodded and bolted from the room shutting the door again,
Aegon chuckled, leaning back against the couch as Y/n continued her work, clearly enjoying the newfound thrill of having a servant witness their intimacy. "You're quite the little minx, aren't you, Y/n? Playing with your king and putting on a show for that poor servant boy? You seem to be enjoying our game of secret pleasure more than I ever could have imagined." His hand threaded through her hair, guiding her movements as he savoured the sensations she gave him.
she giggled as she kept working not even slowing keeping up her moans her hands even moved to massage his stomach to help ease him to release
Aegon groaned loudly, the combined sensations of her mouth and hands bringing him close to the edge. He knew he wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. "By the gods, Y/n… you're going to make me.. I'm going to… oh… yes, just like that… just like that…" His body strained as he felt his orgasm building, his breaths ragged and heavy. With a final, shuddering groan, Aegon reached his peak. Pleasure surged through his body like lightning as he released himself into her mouth. His eyes rolled back, and he gasped for air, panting heavily from the intensity of it all
she giggled as she pulled back the moment he hit it meaning his seed now coated her face, hair, dress, and a little in her mouth "ummm tasty Aegon"
Aegon looked at her, a mix of astonishment and amusement on his face. He couldn't deny the sight of her, coated in his seed and giggling, was incredibly arousing. "By the gods, Y/n… you never fail to surprise me. You're like a wanton little dragoness, aren't you? Not caring how messy you get, as long as you have your fun." He chuckled, reaching down to gently wipe her face with his fingers, his eyes filled with desire.
she only giggled licking her hands and face excitedly "did I do good?"
Aegons' smirk widened, watching her lap up his seed with her tongue. "Yes, Y/n. You did very, very good. But you made quite a mess, didn't you? We'll need to clean you up before we attend dinner tonight."
"oww… No more play time?" She whines
Aegon chuckled, leaning down to gently kiss her forehead. He knew she was still somewhat inexperienced and didn't yet understand the consequences of her actions. "No more play time for now, little sister. We must clean you up and get ready for dinner. There will be plenty more playtime later, I promise you. But we don't want to keep our mother waiting, and we certainly don't want her or anyone else at the table tonight to see you in such a… disheveled state, right?"
she whined but nodded "fine…"
Aegon grinned, always a little amused by her impatience. "That's my good little sister. Now come here and let's get you cleaned up. We'll have you looking proper and presentable in no time." He took a nearby cloth and gently began wiping the mess from her face and hair, making sure to be careful and gentle as he did so. “Come on you can get ready for dinner in my chambers tonight,”
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dotster001 · 5 hours
Those are the Eyes...
Summary: Jack Howl x gn! Reader. Jack discovers a new magic that will finally free you from those who wish to use you. (It's not that serious. He's just being Jack)
CW: Crowley is an ass, but what else is new, silly fic, nothing serious
This fic was sponsored, for the Fics for Gaza Project! Find out how you can sponsor a fic here.
Jack was sick of you getting pulled into terrible situations by your other friends. When the two of you had started dating, he had hoped he would have a little more sway when it came to your decisions of whether to listen to an ADeuce idea or not, but he had had no such luck so far. 
And it wasn't just them. You were too kind to everyone in this school often at the expense of your own well being.
"Y/N! We haaaave to add more money to the tuna budget."
You looked exasperated. "Grim, I've already told you, we've put all the money we can into the tuna budget."
Grim pouted and crossed his arms. "Do we really need to fix the stairwell this month? I think it's fine the way it is."
It wasn't. Honestly, Ramshackle should have been condemned in the shape it was in.
"Yes, Grim, we really do," you sighed.
Grim suddenly held a paw to his forehead. "Oh! The Great Grim feels faint!" He fell backwards and whimpered. "I'm starving because of my cruel Hench human. I may die right here."
"You're not starving Grim, your tuna budget is fine," Jack finally cut in. But when he looked over at you, he could see that you were going to cave.
And then it happened. It came from deep down inside of him, like a second unique magic. His pupils expanded, his eyebrows rose ever so slightly, and his bottom lip stuck out in a little pout.
Suddenly, the look on your face changed. You looked at him with concern.
"Aw, c'mon Jack, don't give me those puppy dog eyes!"
But his face held his expression, and now his tail was drooping for good measure. "It would just tear me up inside if you weren't able to live in a safe environment, Y/N."
That did it for you. You placed your hands on his cheeks and hastily exclaimed, "If it means that much to you, I won't change the tuna budget." You hugged him and nuzzled into his chest whispering a "sorry". Which was fine, because it meant you didn't see his tail wagging up a storm.
He had thought maybe it was a fluke. But after running a few experiments, he realized you were weak for what you called his "puppy dog eyes". No longer could Ace get you to paint the roses for him. No longer could Ruggie get you to give him some of your lunch for nothing. No longer could Grim guilt you into buying more tuna than you needed. Finally, the two of you didn't have to play parents to everyone and you could spend time together.
But with great power comes great responsibility.
He was sitting in Azul's office, sizing him up across the desk.
"What did you want from me?" He asked finally.
Azul gestured dramatically. "There's a rumor going around that you can make a certain prefect do whatever you want."
He snapped his fingers and Jade pulled out a contract.
"I am prepared to offer you…."
But before he could even finish the offer, Jack was leaving the room.
It wasn't a one off thing.
"Ay, Jack!" Ruggie sidled up next to him on the way to class. "You think you can do me a solid? See, I have a lot of chores to do for Leona, and I was hoping you could ask Y/N to…"
And Jack was gone again.
The headmage had summoned Jack to his office. He placed a plate of delicious food in front of him, and was staring at him with a serene smile on his face.
Jack did not trust that one bit.
The headmage leaned back in his chair, simply watching Jack. Jack stared back, not touching his plate.
“Mr. Howl, I was hoping you could help me with a situation. I, and the entirety of the student body, will be eternally grateful.”
Jack said nothing, continuing to stare. Normally, he would assist the headmage in any way, his sense of honor always looking for a way to help the school. But, with the recent attempts to use his new ability for selfish ends, he was extremely suspicious.
“I have called the prefect in for a meeting. You see, it's the time of year where the dark mirror provides us a list of names for potential incoming students. I need a secretary, who will write down the list of names, compile the addresses, send out the acceptance letters, etc. etc. You understand, surely.”
Crowley leaned in conspiratorially, a sly grin on his face.
“You will help me convince them to take on this task, for the sake of our esteemed university, won't you?”
Jack stood angrily, slamming his hands on the table as he leaned into Crowley's face.
“This power I have been given is strong. And if I waste it on things that are to the detriment of my partner, then I do not deserve to even be with them.”
Crowley's smirk turned down right sinister.
“A shame, truly. Too bad. Because they are already here.”
A knock rang from the door, and Jack's head whipped over in time to see you walk in. Your eyes lit up when you saw him, and Jack had to fight off the embarrassment of not having anywhere to hide his wagging tail.
“Perfect, welcome! Have a seat!” Crowley said, and Jack felt a guilty sense of pride as the light left your eyes upon hearing his voice.
You walked to the empty seat next to where Jack was standing, taking it. You raised a brow expectantly.
“What do you want, headmage?” You asked tiredly.
And Jack knew he couldn't simply be a witness. If he couldn't protect you from one crow, then what was his new magic ability for?
“I need you to be my full time secretary until the end of the school year-”
“Am I getting paid?” You asked, bluntly.
“No, but-”
“Then no.”
At that moment, Jack realized he was not the only one with a secondary unique magic that was capable of manipulating you. Crowley's expression shifted into one of a cruel, terrifying, debt collector.
“Night Raven College is an esteemed university, one that is exclusive to only the best mages. And yet we have provided you with a home, and an invaluable education. All for free. The least repayment you can give is selflessly serving our university.”
He watched as you deflated. The truth was, you'd become invaluable to NRC. There was no reason Crowley would logically kick you out, especially for a job he had done alone for years before you had popped into this world. He was bluffing.
But the move was working. You were opening your mouth to accept the job, when Jack knelt before you, placing his hands on your leg to get your attention. Then he activated his power.
Your mouth instantly closed, your expression shifting to one of distracted adoration at his “puppy dog eyes”. 
“The budget we would need to hire a secretary will, unfortunately, have to come out of the renovation budget for Ramshackle.”
Your face immediately flicked back up to Crowley. Jack had underestimated how strong Crowley's powers were. The crow had had years to grow his abilities, while Jack had only had a few months.
Jack pawed at your leg, forcing his ears to droop as he intensified his “magic”.  Your look of dejection melted, your lips parting in a silent “aw”. 
“We may even have to get rid of an extra student. Providing for two of you is an unnecessary expense, to the board.”
You whipped back to Crowley, but Jack knew that was his last card. But if he smiled smugly now, he would lose. So he dug deep within himself, pulling at an inner supply of strength.
His pupils expanded even further, glitter and hearts filled the air, and he watched your face split into a dopey grin, your hand moving on it's own to scratch behind his ears.
“Sorry headmage, I don't think I can,” you said, your voice sounding loopy and lovesick.
The headmage scowled, but Jack held firm, the sparkles and hearts floating in the air twirling for good measure.
“Fine. You win this round Howl. But, next time, I'll be prepared for you! Mark my words!” Crowley shouted.
Luckily, you were too caught in Jack's spell to even hear his words, as he escorted you from the room.
You were halfway to the mirror chamber to return to Ramshackle, when you turned to him, cupping his cheeks, and exclaiming,
“Sevens! You just look so cute!” Then you kissed the tip of his nose.
His embarrassment caused him to drop the puppy eyes spell. He looked away, rubbing his neck for something to distract himself. When he looked up, you were blinking in confusion.
“Where am I? I thought I was in Crowley's office. How did I get out here?”
Now he was more embarrassed. He'd gone too hard, too quickly, with his magic.
He was about to apologize, when you smiled at him sweetly.
“Wait, it was my perfect, handsome wolf who protected me, right?”
Oh no.
He wasn't the only one with magic to make someone lovesick.
Tag list- @eccedentesiast-sapphic @leoll @strawberrystepmom
Lemme know if you want to be added to my regular tag list. I lost my original list, so this is just the one I could find.
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timeagainreviews · 3 days
Witnessing Greatness
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Thinking about the most recent episode of Doctor Who, I find myself reminded of Roger Corman, who died last month. Corman was a producer and director of b-movies and television. He was also beloved by industry titans due to his work ethic and ingenuity as a filmmaker. What made Corman so unique is how he dealt with limitations. If an aspect of one of his films was lacking, he made up for it in other departments. If the effects were bad, the script had to be great. If the acting was hammy, he’d make sure the music gave it strength. Instead of spreading everything thin, he knew that giving a little bit more attention to individual elements would make for an overall better experience. If you’re not firing on all cylinders, make sure the ones that do are firing brightly.
“Rogue,” is an episode with many bright shining points, lighting up the sky of Regency Era Britain. But lost within that light are a few flickering bulbs that could stand to be turned a bit tighter. However, it’s not as though we’re poking around in the dark. Without a doubt, the brightest star in the Whoniverse at the moment is Ncuti Gatwa. In a stand-out performance from a series of stand-out performances, Gatwa has really outdone himself this week and I can’t wait to talk about it. The folks at Bad Wolf Studios have refused to spread things thin, but no story is perfect. For as much as I enjoyed this week’s episode, I didn’t have to reach far to find problems. But when I’m smiling this much, it’s harder to care.
It’s funny how a week ago I said I didn’t like fan theories and then promptly made one. Just as promptly, I am now abandoning that theory. After the trailer for next week’s episode, I no longer think Susan Twist is the Rani. I officially don’t know what I think. I kind of love that. I have seen the rumours of Susan Twist being Sutekh. Maybe the Doctor is in the Land of Fiction. The name S Triad is an anagram of the word TARDIS. Perhaps she’s the original owner of the TARDIS coming to retrieve it. The point is, she could be anyone, and I am not all that worried about it. Why that feels important is that I was often full of dread waiting for Chibnall’s next big reveal. I didn’t look forward to the ways in which he might next waste a concept by not properly exploring it. So being in a place where I am game for whatever feels zen.
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Having two new writers this week was a major draw for me. I’ve seen what both Davies and Moffat can do, the good and the bad. This is the first time all season where I felt like we were truly wandering into the unknown. I did watch Loki season one, so I was familiar with Kate Herron’s work, but not as a writer. I was even less familiar with Briony Redman. But like I said, I’m game for whatever. The pair bring a metatextual reading to the Regency Era drama that fits Doctor Who’s brand of camp. I was reminded of Kate Beaton’s satirical comics from her “Hark! A Vagrant” series. “Rogue,” acts as a sort of love-letter to Jane Austen, so it’s only appropriate that they treat it with a playful touch. The Doctor and Ruby aren’t just visiting Bath in 1813, they’re cosplaying Bridgerton. But they’re not the only anachronistic party goers. This bash is about to go to the birds.
Leading up to this episode, an article in Doctor Who Magazine had given us random lines of dialogue from each story, including this one. However, the line “Psychic earrings. Choreography beamed into your motor system. Tap twice to choose your moves. It's like instant Strictly!” left me a bit nervous. We were fresh off of “The Devil’s Chord,” and part of me was wondering if they weren’t suddenly turning Doctor Who into a variety show. I’m joking a little, but I was rather relieved when the line turned out to be about dancing at the Duchess’ ball. The Doctor and Ruby are dressed to the nines in their period appropriate clothing. I love the idea of the Doctor wearing more from his wardrobe as it’s always been fun in the past. Tom Baker’s tartan tam o’ shanter in “Terror of the Zygons,” is one of his most iconic costumes. Ncuti said in an interview that he wanted his costume to make him look like he owned land. It’s a brilliant image to depict when you consider the Regency Era was merely four years away from the abolition of slavery in Britain.
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The Regency Era also brought with it a change in men’s attire. Dandies like Beau Brummell popularised a look of comfort and wealth while simultaneously streamlining much of the frills from 18th century fashion. It’s funny to look at the ruffles of a dandy’s attire and consider it anything other than flamboyant, but it was a considerable shift toward more conservative styles. While women’s fashion continued to evolve, men’s fashion stagnated a bit. A standard had been established and you can still see its influence today with the basic suit and tie combo. No wonder the Doctors often dress like variations on Edwardian fashion.
The opulence of the period led to a lot of scandalising and gossip, which has given us centuries of great drama. While I’ve never read “Emma,” I have seen “Clueless.” I’ve never watched Bridgerton, but I can still get into the costuming and pomp. Basically you don’t need to be a fan of the genre to know the tropes. It was a nice change of pace that it was Ruby’s love for a tv show that puts things into motion. The Doctor and Ruby are tourists as much as the Chuldur, but with far less deadly consequences. Both groups are there to experience the emotional highs of the time, but the Chuldur don’t care who they hurt in order to do it. This of course is why Rogue, a bounty hunter, has also crashed the party.
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You’ll be pleased to know I actually remembered to watch “Doctor Who Unleashed,” this week. Partly because I had some questions, but mostly because I wanted to hear them talk about the costumes and make-up effects. Davies mentioned that the season hadn’t yet had its baddie in a mask trying to take over the world, which I love that he considers. If you read my review of “The Witchfinders,” you may recall how much I appreciated the Morax being scenery chewing people in latex makeup. There’s something essentially Doctor Who about bug eyed monsters (sorry Sydney) and there’s something very RTD when those monsters have animal heads. Davies is now confirmed as a furry, I’m calling it.
The Chuldur share their appearance with birds, something we don’t often see in Doctor Who. I’m trying to recall bird villains from the show and I am coming up a bit short. There were the Shansheeth in the Sarah Jane Adventures, those bird people on Varos, that heavenly chicken from “The Time Monster,” and the Black Guardian’s hat. Considering all of the reptiles we get, I’m surprised we’ve gotten so few birds. If you also watched the Unleashed episode, you may have noticed that they digitally changed the bird version of Emily’s beak from black to orange. It’s the Vinvocci’s green faces from “The End of Time,” all over again! What’s funny is that this change in Emily’s beak gives her something of a penguin appearance. It’s not exactly the shapeshifting penguin I was hoping for, but I digress.
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Speaking of shapeshifting, I rather enjoyed the Chuldur’s unique method of doing so. If you recall, when the Duchess spots her servant out in the garden, the bird form of the servant is played by the same actor as the servant. It’s not until she takes the form of the Duchess that her bird form also takes on the resemblance of Indira Varma. You don’t usually see that and I admire them for making two versions of the same makeup, if nothing else. Doctor Who has had its share of shapeshifters, so it’s nice to see them changing up the formula a bit. Unfortunately for the Duchess, this isn’t a Zygon type of body snatching where you have to keep the person you’re copying alive.
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Ruby’s psychic earrings are doing a treat until they begin picking up interference from Rogue’s tech. A lot of people have mentioned that this episode seems to borrow a lot from “An Empty Child,” and so it’s only appropriate that the Doctor does a scan for alien tech. The source of the interference directs the Doctor toward the balcony where Rogue stands brooding. Meanwhile, the Chuldur version of Lord Barton has taken a liking to Ruby. The Duchess, still human at this point, attempts to introduce them, but Ruby is not impressed by the pompous dandy, referring to him as Lord Stilton. As Ruby strops away she notices a painting of Susan Twist’s character as an old matron. The Duchess refers to her as “the Duke’s late mother,” whose eyes still follow her around the room in judgement.
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The Duchess takes her leave to the garden where she meets her fate with the Chuldur masquerading as her servant. We get a bit more of a look at what exactly the Chuldur do when they take over your body. What’s left of the duchess is little more than a desiccated husk. Meanwhile, in the study, Ruby has stumbled upon a rather intimate moment between Lord Barton and Emily. The bookcase obscuring her from the two frames them like a television screen. Ruby is unable to look away from the real life Bridgerton scene playing out in front of her. The Lord tells Emily that he will not marry her which would leave her ruined, but he is compelled by her nonetheless. However, before they can kiss, Ruby knocks a pile of books onto her head causing a disturbance. I rather loved this moment for Millie Gibson. It’s rare that women get to be portrayed as clumsy and that book definitely bonked her on the head. A great bit of physical comedy.
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The Lord storms out of the room leaving Emily and Ruby to talk. Removed from the framing of the bookshelf, Ruby finds her compassion once more and comforts Emily. After all, Lord Barton was being a bit of an ass toward her. Emily is amused by Ruby’s modern sensibilities and lack of finery. You could tell this scene was written by two women as they actually take the time to let them have this moment. Meanwhile, the Doctor and Rogue take a stroll through the garden in order to size one another up. There’s a flirtatious energy between the two but a wary tension underlies the conversation. The Doctor muses about the stars, but on a terrestrial level. It’s not until he finds the Duchess’ shoe and then the rest of her that he gives away that he is not of this world. Rogue sees the Doctor’s sonic screwdriver and begins to suspect the Doctor is a Chuldur in disguise. The two confront one another as the culprit, but Rogue has the bigger gun.
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Still comparing sizes, the Doctor and Rogue compare ships like they were Ten and Eleven comparing sonic screwdrivers. Speaking of sonic screwdrivers, it feels appropriate that the Doctor’s sonic would match his outfit. That’s so Fifteen. He’s a fashionable Doctor, so of course he would accessorise. It’s like they made his wardrobe and accessories with cosplay in mind. Rogue’s costume is also noteworthy. People have drawn comparisons between Rogue and Jack Harkness and it’s not difficult to understand. His long coat draws parallels to that of Jacks and he even mentions assembling cabinets in regards to the sonic. But what’s equally interesting is how Rogue’s gun resembles the type of handgun you would see in a Regency Era duel. Its barrel resembles that of a blunderbuss. He’s either deep undercover, or he’s got a thing for cosplay himself.
Rogue doesn’t get a lot of time for character development, but they do give him a few little moments, mostly through environmental storytelling. He has a striking birdlike ship fit for a heroic rogue, but inside it’s dirty and depressing. Possibly most telling on Rogue’s ship are the set of orange dice on his table. Rogue gets his name from Dungeons and Dragons, but beyond being a geek, these dice could tell us more about his personality. We learn that Rogue has lost someone, perhaps these dice belonged to them. Perhaps he is unable to move the dice from that spot because he didn’t leave them there. We also learn later that Rogue isn’t a very strong roleplayer. He’s quieter and more thoughtful in his improvisation. Perhaps his staged tryst was the first time anyone has asked him to roleplay since losing his partner. Either way, Jonathan Groff plays it with a vulnerable subtlety, and I loved it.
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Speaking of loved it, we have now reached the portion of this article where I gush over Ncuti Gatwa. Now, I need to preface this by reminding you all that I have always been pro-Ncuti. I adored his portrayal of Eric Effiong in Sex Education. I never doubted for a second that he could pull it off. However, it wasn’t until this episode that his Doctor finally crystalised for me. We’ve seen that his Doctor could be flirtatious and fun, but we hadn’t yet seen the way in which he could use that to do Doctory things. We’ve had hot Doctors, but we’ve never had a Doctor who was so effortlessly hot. He’s hot in the same way the Second Doctor was bumbling, as in it’s almost a distraction from what he’s actually doing. It actually makes him slightly terrifying.
Even as his Doctor is standing in a trap, he’s able to use his charm to buy time. Also, once again the Doctor is stepping onto things that can kill him. An odd recurring theme. He maintains an air of authority even in the face of danger and that is so the Doctor. When the Doctor finds Rogue’s music playlist I think I may have melted. How could anyone incinerate such a beautiful person? How could you not want to dance right along with him? As much as I loved this scene and the meta reference to Astrid Perth, it does also buckle a bit under itself. First of all, wouldn’t the Doctor knowing an Earth song like “Can’t Get You Out of My Head,” make you question whether he was a Chuldur? Sure, they know Bridgerton, but it would be enough to give me pause. Furthermore, I’m not sure how seeing the Doctor’s many faces would cause you to not think he’s a shapeshifter. Kind of odd that one other face means shapeshifter but eighteen other faces don’t. Wait, did I say eighteen?
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When I had first watched this episode, I didn’t immediately recognise Richard E Grant as the mysterious extra face in the lineup of past Doctors. We now have three extra faces in the form of Jodie Whittaker, Jo Martin, and David Tennant (again), but this extra Doctor wasn’t registering for me. At first I thought he was the Valeyard, and then I thought he looked a bit like Jim Broadbent, which is ironic considering “The Curse of Fatal Death.” It wasn’t until I got online afterward and saw people saying Richard E Grant that I could see it. I wasn’t even 100% convinced it was him, but I’ve heard they actually took new footage of Grant for that scene, so I guess it’s him. The more interesting question is which him is he? Is this the Shalka Doctor or the Fatal Death Doctor? Maybe he’s both. Maybe he’s neither. This wouldn’t be the first time they’ve given us retroactive Doctors. Moffat gave us the War Doctor to great effect. But despite a strong performance from Jo Martin, Chibnall did a piss poor job of establishing the Fugitive Doctor as a character. I’d love to get excited for this mystery incarnation, but I’m taking a Tim Gunn stance in the meantime- “Make it work.”
With Rogue now on his side, the Doctor takes him to his TARDIS so they can recalibrate his triform transporter to be non-lethal. Recently in an interview, Ncuti Gatwa mentioned he had gotten onto his agent about playing someone like the Doctor or Willy Wonka. It felt a bit like wish fulfilment for his Doctor to sing “Pure Imagination,” to Rogue as they entered the TARDIS. I really loved Jonathan Groff’s slow growing infatuation with the Doctor. I’m a big fan of “Mindhunter,” but it’s a very heavy show, so it was fun to see him in a more playful role. In many ways, Rogue feels like a bit of River Song and a bit of Jack Harkness. He’s something of a reboot and remix at the same time. I don’t doubt we will see him again, which would be a nice chance to give him some much needed character development, but for the time being, we’ve been given enough to work with.
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The Doctor and Rogue’s plan is to draw the Chuldur to them by exploiting their love for drama and scandal. What better way to whip people into a frenzy in 1813 Britain than for two men to share a passionate dance together? Besties, I’ll be real, I was grinning from ear to ear. Watching Gatwa and Groff dance was very exciting. I’ve seen people complain that the Doctor and Rogue’s romance felt rushed compared to the “slow burn,” of Yaz and Thirteen. Slow burn is a funny way of saying “non-existent for two seasons.” And I would much rather see two men share a passionate kiss than two women share a passionate ice cream. What’s wild is that I’m not usually the kind of person who likes the Doctor to have romantic relationships. They managed without them for 26 seasons. However, due to Ncuti’s emotional availability, it works for me. I can buy that his time with Donna might have left him more open to romance. Furthermore, this is the antithesis of queerbaiting. Ice cream is not a payoff.
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The Doctor ends the dance by staging an argument with Rogue and calling him a cad. But Rogue doesn’t respond in turn with the same volatile energy. There’s a hesitation on his end that feels personal. As I mentioned before, perhaps this is him working up the courage to roleplay again. Perhaps his lost partner was more the avid roleplayer between the two of them. Or perhaps Rogue simply has a softer approach. What I loved is that his marriage proposal felt equally as shocking, but in a more emotional manner. It even feels like it takes the Doctor by surprise. There’s a moment where it actually feels like a real proposal. The Doctor says he can’t and you almost believe he considered it. Or maybe the Doctor can’t even pretend to say yes because of his marriage with River song. If he undoes their wedding maybe it can revert us back to hot air balloon cars, Winston Churchill, and pterodactyls.
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Not to be left out, Millie Gibson has gotten a lot of time to shine in this story as well. She does a fair bit of choreography, but there is one bit of her choreography of which I was a bit disappointed. After learning that Ruby is from the future, Emily reveals herself to be a Chuldur, and she wants to cosplay as Ruby next. However, Ruby’s psychic earrings come with a battle mode, which complicates things for the feathered fiend. My disappointment however, stems from the fact that they kind of phone in the fight choreography. They went through the trouble of hiring Bridgerton’s choreographer, Jack Murphy, for the dance sequences, but the fighting felt like a second thought. It could have been really cute to see Ruby do some “Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon,” moves, but instead she clobbers her with a book. A bit underwhelming. Still a fun idea, though.
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The Doctor and Rogue abscond to the garden where they are pursued by the Chuldur who reveal their numbers to be greater than anticipated. As baddies go, the Chuldur were little more than hand wringing monsters foaming at the mouth for a bit of mayhem, but I liked that about them. The way they speak to one another reminded me a lot of the Slitheen. The last time we saw Indira Varma in the Whoniverse, she was playing Suzie Costello, the best part of Torchwood. Here she chews scenery with a zest befitting her brilliant makeup. The only time that I felt they went a bit too far with the Chuldur is when they call what they’re doing “cosplaying,” as it felt a bit too on the nose. Otherwise, I loved the idea of evil birds going around and messing up planets all too satiate a dangerous appetite for excitement.
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The Doctor sees Ruby acting as though a Chuldur has taken her form and it brings out the fury of the Time Lord. I wouldn’t be the first and I won’t be the last to point out the parallels between this and “The Family of Blood,” wherein the Doctor has some long term punishment in mind for the bad guys. Unfortunately, it also feels like a case of writers giving the Doctor weird morality again. Rogue wants to send the Chuldur to the incinerator, but the Doctor wants to send them to a dimension where they can live out the rest of their lives somewhere where they can’t hurt anyone. How is that any different from what the Weeping Angels do? It’s “Arachnids in the UK,” all over again. When the Doctor expresses happiness that the Chuldur will suffer for a long time, it begs the question- as compared to what? I’m fine with the Doctor losing his temper and going too far, but what about his plan actually changed other than his attitude about it? He was always planning on sending them into a dimension where they would suffer for 600 odd years. A line of dialogue or two could have fixed that.
The Chuldur’s big finale is a wedding between Barton and Ruby followed by a light bit of mass murder, but the Doctor has other plans. The Doctor’s objection to the marriage reminded me a lot of Tom Baker. I could easily hear Tom saying that line about it being hard to hear things through those heavy doors. Gatwa has that bizarre alien charm that feels correct. However, neither the Chuldur or the Doctor know the entire story as neither side knows Ruby is still Ruby. So when the Doctor traps the Chuldur in the triform transporter, he’s also dooming Ruby to the same fate.
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I’ve seen some confusion as to how the transporter actually works, but I think I can piece together enough to understand it. They had calibrated the transporter to trap up to six humanoids. When Ruby is first trapped, there are five humanoids in the trap. Rogue throws Emily into the trap bringing the count up to six. We’ve established that the Doctor was able to throw his psychic paper from inside the trap, so things can leave its field. My thinking is that as Rogue pushes Ruby out from the field, he overloads it with seven humanoids giving Ruby just enough give to fall out of the trap. What got a bit confusing is why didn’t Ruby just step out of her shoes? If you can throw psychic paper, then it’s not trapped by the field. Therefore, her shoes would be the only thing molecularly bonded to the field. They could even say the shapeshifters can’t step out of their shoes because they’re actually part of their bodies. But then we couldn't get the big sacrifice at the end.
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The aspect of this that I found harder to follow was why Rogue would sacrifice himself in the first place. Sure he and the Doctor have chemistry and there could be a romance brewing, but he barely knows the guy. Perhaps he couldn’t stomach the idea of watching what happened to him happen to someone else. It was a chance to stop the sort of thing he was previously powerless to prevent. I could buy that well enough, but it barely felt earned. However, it fits the tone of the rest of the episode which was one of over the top romance and drama, so I digress. Around here, fun is king and fun I had. It didn’t matter that I didn’t fully understand people’s motivations. There’s plenty of time for that in the future.
The episode ends with the Doctor sending Rogues ship to orbit the moon until it can be retrieved again (or until the moon hatches like an egg, whichever comes first). He wants to move on, but Ruby won't let him until he takes a moment to feel his feelings. This is classic Doctor/companion stuff. The Doctor has always benefited from having humans around and I am glad they took a moment to reestablish that. The Doctor pulls out Rogue's ring from the proposal and slides it onto his pinky finger. Fans of Amy and Rory will recall that rings can be used to find lost lovers, so there's a seed of hope there. It was a fitting end to an emotional and exciting episode. I got to watch the Doctor and Ruby do Regency Era dances to covers of Lady Gaga and Billie Eilish. I got to see Indira Varma hunt people while dressed as a bird. This wasn’t just my favourite episode of the season, it may be one of my favourite episodes ever.
Before I go, I wanted to apologise for how long this article took me to write. I’ve been dealing with some pretty heavy depression as of late, and it’s been hard to write these last couple of reviews. Even though I enjoyed both episodes quite a bit, it’s been a struggle. Despite episodes dropping at midnight on Saturday now, I don’t usually get around to writing until Sunday or Monday. But I didn’t get any good work done on this article until Monday evening. These articles are actually very therapeutic for me. It feels like a lifeline to the outside world. You may not think it, but I read every comment and every hashtag. I appreciate them all. Thank you for taking the time to read my stuff. It means a lot.
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chaoticforever · 6 hours
Remnants of Regret | Tony Stark x Son! Reader
Summary: All Y/n ever wanted was his father’s love. Was that too much to ask?
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Y/n sat on the floor in his bedroom, legs crossed, focusing intently on the canvas propped up before him. With a charcoal stick in his hand, Y/n carefully sketched the outline of a cityscape, his e/c eyes narrowed in concentration. His room permeated with the soft scratching of charcoal on canvas, a melody in the air.
Once Y/n finished the final touches and scooted back to examine his piece one simple word crossed his mind: beautiful.
Since childhood, Y/n has loved drawing, sketching, and painting. He started with simple subjects like trees, flowers, and stars, then progressed to more complex images like people's faces and vehicles. He loved it so much that he pursued an art degree in college, unable to imagine a life not surrounded by art of some kind.
Furthermore, art allowed him to express emotions that words couldn't convey by providing an escape from the chaos of everyday life. It was just him, his brush, and the many possibilities on a canvas.
However, Y/n sometimes wondered if choosing art as his passion was a good idea since his father, Tony Stark, did not seem to appreciate his artistic abilities. Instead, he shifted the appreciation that he should have for Y/n to someone else.
Peter Parker.
See, Y/n Stark is the type of guy who preferred music and painting to building suits and technology that Tony loved so much, which only seemed to widen the gap between father and son. Tony didn’t seem to have much time for his son but made sure to have lots of time for Peter, who shared Tony's love for technology.
Y/n couldn’t help but feel jealous as he watched his dad always dote on Peter, offering him opportunities and praise that Y/n craved. But he seemed to have little time or patience for his artistic son.
He placed his finished piece on his desk and started putting away his sketching utensils. Just then, he heard a knock on his open door and turned around to see that Steve was standing in the doorway. Y/n smiled when he saw Steve. Besides Tony, Steve was his favorite Avenger. He sometimes acted more of a parent than the one currently in his life and the guys both bonded over their love for drawing.
"Hey, Steve. How was the mission?"
"Tiring. Dealing with rogue mutants can certainly take a toll on me," Steve replied, his eyes suddenly drifting to Y/n's newly crafted sketch, "Nice drawing Y/n. Is this for your end-of-semester art project?"
Y/n nodded his head in confirmation. "Yes, my professor wanted the class to draw something that represents our unique perspective on the world."
"And what perspective is that?"
Y/n paused to think about that question. "I guess... It's my view of the world as an artist. The world is full of life and energy, but there's also darkness and shadows. It's a reminder that beauty and struggles coexist. Nothing can ever change that."
Steve nodded, tracing the bold lines and subtle shading. "That’s an interesting yet accurate perspective. I am proud of you. You’re going to do great things one day."
A small smile appeared on Y/n’s face. He may not have gotten his dad’s praise, but he was happy that someone praised his artistic abilities and told him that he was proud of him. It warmed his heart.
"Thank you. That means a lot to me."
"You’re welcome. By the way, we’re having a group dinner tonight. We’ll be having lasagna, so bring your appetite."
Y/n grinned. He loved the soldier's cooking, especially when it was a dinner meal. It was so much better than eating takeout. "Oh, I'll be there, and y'all better hope that it all doesn’t get eaten by me."
Steve laughed before pivoting on his heel and leaving. Y/n watched as the soldier's retreating figure disappeared down the hall before turning back to his sketch, contentment washing over him.
As Y/n admired his work, his thoughts drifted back to his father. He knew that Tony loved him in his own way, but their relationship had always been strained. Tony’s focus on technology and his busy lifestyle, along with mentoring Peter, left little room for the two to hang out or for Tony to understand Y/n's passion for art.
But now, Y/n was determined to fix their relationship. After all, he lost his mother over a decade ago, and his father was the only blood family that he had left. He didn’t want their relationship to continue to be strained, and if Tony could make room for Peter in his life, then he could make some room for his biological son.
With that thought in mind, the e/c-eyed male headed to the private elevator that would take him to Tony’s workshop. And as he rounded the corner, he bumped into Rhodey, whom Y/n often looked up to as well. They greeted each other with their signature handshake that was only made for them two before Rhodey took off, explaining that he had a meeting to attend with a council member, and Y/n continued his journey to the workshop.
When he arrived at Tony's workshop, he saw his father standing next to his work bench, typing on his phone. Behind Tony, there was his Iron Man suit, opened up. Y/n figured that he just stepped out of it.
"Hey, Dad." Y/n greeted politely, crossing the room to give Tony a one-armed hug.
Surprisingly, Y/n's father did reciprocate the hug but didn’t even bother to look up at his son when he greeted him. He just kept his brown eyes glued to the phone in his hand. "Y/n. How was your day?"
"It was good. Classes were pretty light today, and I mostly just worked on my end-of-the-semester project for art class." Y/n explained, hoping that Tony would ask him more follow-up questions, such as what piece Y/n decided to draw or if he could see the work for himself. However, all Tony gave was a curt nod, still typing on that phone of his. So, Y/n cleared his throat and switched topics: "Dad, do you want to hang out this Saturday? There’s this art showing at the museum, and—"
"An art showing?" Tony finally looked up from his phone, his eyes flicking briefly to his son’s face before returning to the screen. "Sorry, kid, but I have meetings this Saturday. Besides, I’d rather watch paint dry than look at old paintings. You know that I’m more of a technology and engineering kind of guy than an art one."
Y/n's shoulders drooped, and he tried to hide the disappointment he felt. "Yeah, I know. I just thought maybe you’d want to spend some time together. It’s been a minute since we did something like that."
Tony seemed oblivious to Y/n's reaction, continuing to tap away at his phone. "Well, we’ve been busy. You're busy with college, and I'm busy with SI and saving the world, two full-time jobs for me," he put his phone down on the desk, finally giving Y/n his full attention. "But you’re right, we haven’t hung out in a long time. How about we go see that new Outlast movie that’s coming out next weekend?"
Y/n nodded, a small smile coming onto his face. Even though it wasn’t what he wanted to do, he was just happy to have some father-son time with his dad. And more importantly, it was without Peter.
"That sounds good to me. I can’t wait."
Y/n turned around and prepared to leave the room, excitement fluttering in his chest, just as Tony got a phone call from Peter. Y/n stood there for a moment and listened to how Tony asked Peter when he would be coming over and that Tony cleared the rest of his schedule today to help Peter with his last semester project.
The h/c-haired son frowned, feeling the excitement he felt a couple seconds ago disappear and the raw disappointment return. So, Tony can clear his schedule for Peter and make time for him, but he can't make time for his biological son?
It was ridiculous.
But Y/n had to remind himself that it was okay. Peter could have that time with his father all he wanted to today because next weekend, the two Starks would be spending some time together.
Feeling satisfied, Y/n left the workshop and returned to his room. It turned out that he had two things to look forward to: lasagna and the movies next week.
He couldn’t wait.
The days passed slowly, but finally, the long-awaited Saturday finally arrived. It was the day of the planned outing with Y/n and his father, a day Y/n had been looking forward to. He hoped this would be a turning point in their relationship, a chance to bridge the gap that seemed to widen between them every passing day.
Now, he was getting ready in his room, choosing a casual outfit of jeans and a T-shirt. He knew that, even though it was April, the weather was rather cool with it being sixty-five degrees outside. That made him add a blue jacket to his outfit.
After checking himself out in the mirror, he walked down the hall to the common area, where Tony had told him to meet. As he walked down the hall, he hoped that the horror movie they were going to see would be good. The trailer did look promising but they can also be deceitful.
Y/n rounded the corner and entered the common area, where the Avengers were watching a movie and enjoying a spread of pizzas, popcorn, nachos, and cheese fries. Thor was the only one who wasn’t here since he went to Asgard for a few days. He noticed they were watching the first "Back to the Future," a classic Steve had promised to watch at the next team movie night after Y/n discovered that he had never seen that movie series before.
Guess he finally listened, Y/n thought as he looked around the room and noticed something that he had failed to notice.
His dad was nowhere to be found.
"Hey, has anyone seen my dad?" Y/n asked, looking over the team of heroes.
"Yeah, he left. You just missed him too." Clint answered, his fingers reaching into the popcorn bowl that was in his lap and shoving some popcorn into his mouth.
Y/n frowned. What? "Left? Left where?"
"He said that he was taking Peter to the science fair." Steve munched on a pizza.
The college student's heart sank and his shoulders sagged, feeling disappointed. So, his father had forgotten about their plans. Again. And it was for Peter. Again.
"Oh," was all Y/n could manage to utter. He knew that he should be used to this, but it still stung every time it happened.
Natasha, sensing the disappointment in Y/n's timbre, glanced over at him. "You didn't know he was going out with Peter."
That was a statement, not a question. Natasha had always been perceptive.
"No, no, I did," Y/n backpedaled, forcing a grin. He didn't understand why he was protecting his father, but he just wanted this conversation to end. "I just forgot, but you telling me made me remember."
Y/n knew he was a terrible liar, and he didn't sound convincing. He knew they didn't believe him, considering Steve's frown, Bruce's concerned look, and the looks shared between Clint and Natasha.
Bruce grabbed the remote and paused the movie. "Look, why don't you join us, Y/n? You can finish the movie with us."
"Yeah, come on, Y/n!" Sam piped up. "We've got plenty of food, and we were just about to start a game of charades."
Y/n glanced at the team of superheroes. While he appreciated their invitation, he had been looking forward to spending time with his dad, so he shook his head but still kept the forced smile on his features. "Thank you guys, but I think I'll just head back to my room. Next time."
The h/c-haired male turned around and left the main area, frustration nagging at his insides. When he got to his room, he flopped down on his bed, back pressed against it as he stared up at the ceiling.
He didn’t understand.
Why did Tony continue to treat him as an afterthought? And what the hell was so damn special about Peter? Why did he always have to be the recipient of his father’s love? He couldn’t help but feel like he was always playing second fiddle to the guy who was two years younger than him. It was ridiculous to be jealous of someone younger than him, but Y/n couldn’t help himself. It hurt so much that his father favored Peter over him.
Y/n pulled out his phone, intending to call his dad when he got a notification from Instagram that his dad had posted a pic. He clicked on it and found himself staring at an image of his dad with Peter.
The caption read: Peter will take over my company someday. #prouddadmoment.
Proud dad moment...?
Peter wasn’t even his actual son and Y/n couldn’t stand the way his dad looked at Peter with such praise. What can I do to make him look at me like that one time?
And before Y/n knew it, his cheeks were pelted with water, and he just realized at that moment that he was crying. The tears fell to his cheeks before dropping onto the bed, but Y/n wiped his cheeks angrily since he shouldn’t allow this to make him sad. But it was so hard not to.
His e/c eyes drifted to the photo that was on his side table. He reached for it and picked it up. It was a photo of his mom. Y/n allowed his finger to run over his mom’s smiling face in the picture. It’s times like this when he wishes that she was still alive. At least then, he’d have a parent in his life who cared about him.
Suddenly, a knock came from his door.
"Come in," Y/n called out, setting down the photo back on his desk. He wished that it was his father knocking on the door, but he wasn't surprised when the door opened, and it wasn't him. It was Steve. "Hi, Steve. Did you like the movie?"
Steve nodded, taking a seat on the bed. "I did. It was a great eighties film. I can see why you love it so much." Steve then changed the conversation. "You okay?"
Y/n nodded. He knew he wasn't okay, but he didn't want to ruin Steve's evening with his problem. "I'm fine. Shouldn't you be playing charades with everyone else?"
The soldier disregarded the question and simply stared at Y/n for a moment, seemingly sensing that he wasn’t telling the truth. "Hey, why don't we grab some dessert? I know a great ice cream shop."
Y/n hesitated briefly. He didn't want to be a burden to Steve, but he also didn't want to spend his evening in his room.
"That sounds nice, thanks." Y/n smiled and followed the soldier out of the door.
Steve drove them to a small ice cream parlor that was tucked away in the city on his motorcycle, a vehicle that Y/n had never expected to get on willingly. Steve got the classic chocolate sundae, while Y/n got a vanilla sundae with chocolate syrup, sprinkles, and a cherry on top.
They then went to the park to watch the beautiful sunset and enjoy their sundae. The sun, a fiery orb of warmth and light, dipped beneath the horizon, painting the sky with two shades of orange and pink.
Y/n and Steve watched the breathtaking scene in comfortable silence. The park was lively with kids playing, the distance hum of cars, and the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze. Y/n's vanilla sundae sat untouched. His mind was elsewhere, consumed by the disappointment and hurt he felt over Tony's absence. Steve, on the other hand, enjoyed his chocolate sundae, taking slow, deliberate bites of it.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" The super soldier broke the silence, his eyes shifting over.
"Yup," Y/n murmured, his e/c eyes taking in the stunning view. "It's like a painting."
Steve smiled, nodding his head in agreement. He then spoke again, his voice deadly serious. "So, what's going on? You've seemed a little down lately."
Y/n let out a sigh, knowing there was no point in lying to Steve. "It's my dad. I just feel like he always puts Peter first. It's like I'm not even his real son sometimes."
The blonde's expression softened, and he placed a comforting hand on Y/n's shoulder. "I know it's tough, but try not to take it personally. Your dad has a unique relationship with Peter, but that doesn't diminish his love for you. You're his son."
He sighed again, "I know but it's hard not to feel overshadowed sometimes. Peter gets all the attention, and I'm just... here."
"Your dad may not always show it, but he's proud of you, Y/n," Steve assured him. "And I know that he loves you very much. Sometimes, parents just need a little reminder that their kids need them."
Y/n nodded, but he couldn't help feeling skeptical. After all, actions spoke louder than words, and Tony's actions indicated that he loved Peter more than him. Like Y/n would always come second to Peter.
But he didn't feel like dwelling on Tony's absence anymore. Instead, he turned his attention back to the sunset, watching as the last sliver of the sun disappeared behind the horizon. The sky grew darker, the colors of the sunset fading into the twilight. He didn't get the opportunity to spend the evening with his father as he planned, but at least he had spent it with someone who cared about him deeply.
And that made him smile.
The next morning, Y/n found himself in the kitchen, the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air. The events of the previous day still weighed heavily on his mind, leaving a bitter taste that even the strongest brew couldn't mask. He wanted to confront his dad about his behavior, but at the same time, he didn't want to talk to him after what happened.
As he added a dash of sugar to his cup, the familiar clanking of Tony's footsteps drew closer. He saw his father enter the kitchen, but Y/n leaned against the counter, his back stiff and his gaze fixed on the windows. He deliberately avoided greeting his dad as he would usually do.
"Morning, Y/n," Tony greeted politely, but Y/n remained quiet, his back still turned. Feeling perplexed by the cold shoulder, Tony frowned. "What's wrong with you?"
"Nothing that concerns you," Y/n replied, voice low and dismissive as he finished his coffee and placed the cup in the sink.
Y/n moved forward, attempting to leave the kitchen, but Tony stepped in front of him, unsatisfied with the response. "I'm your father. It's my job to be concerned."
Y/n's laughter rang out, harsh and bitter as if Tony had just told him a funny joke. "That is quite ironic coming from you."
The frown on Tony's features deepened. "And what's that supposed to mean?"
"It means," Y/n's voice was quiet, "that lately, you've been anything but a father to me. But I can't say the same for Peter tho. You literally drop everything for him, but you can't even remember our plans."
Tony took a step forward, his tone rising defensively. "That's not true, Y/n. I do my best to be there for both of you. I juggle a lot, but I make time for you when I can."
Y/n's gaze didn't waver and he cocked his head to the side. "You make time for me? Then where were you last evening?"
"I took Peter to the science fair."
"Even though we had plans to go to the movies?" The younger man pointed out.
Tony's eyebrows furrowed as realization dawned, shame washing over his face. "I'm sorry, Y/n. I know we had plans, but Peter needed me. I couldn't leave him."
The two Starks were so busy arguing that neither of them noticed a stealthy figure that managed to infiltrate the compound, temporarily disable Friday, and had a knockout device in their hand. 
"Peter needed you?" Y/n shook his head, his voice thick with hurt. Why did Tony forget about me? "What about what I need? You're my dad, not his. I need you."
Tony sighed, running a hand through his hair. "You have me every day, Y/n. Don't you see that I am always here for you?"
"Are you, Dad?!" Y/n's voice rose to a shout. "When was the last time we spent quality time together, just the two of us? When was the last time you and I had a real conversation that wasn't about your work or Peter? When was the last time you asked about what's going on in my life? You probably don't even know that my birthday is in two days. I'll be turning twenty-three, by the way. You don't know that one of my art pieces was presented at the museum you found too boring to visit. And you don't know that I made the Dean's List in school for the third year in a row!" Y/n's voice dropped to a whisper, but the words still stung like acid. "Mom would never treat me the way you do."
Tony flinched as if struck, his eyes widening at the mention of Y/n's mother. The weight of his son's words hit him like a physical blow, and he opened his mouth to respond, but before he could, the room began to fill with a thick fog.
Y/n noticed it too, confusion clouding his face. But as more of the mysterious substance was released into the air, he dropped to his knees, his vision blurring. Tony staggered and slumped against the kitchen counter, his eyes falling shut.
And then, everything went dark. The gas in the room caused both father and son to collapse, slumping to the floor hard.
Later, once Y/n regained consciousness, his head pounded as he tried to piece together what happened. The last thing he remembered was the argument with Tony in the kitchen, and then everything went dark. But now, he found himself in an unfamiliar room, dimly lit by a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling. The walls were made of rough concrete, and the floor was cold and hard beneath him.
"Y/n? Can you hear me?" Tony's voice, filled with concern, reached him, and he turned to see his father hovering nearby.
"Dad?" Y/n's throat was dry and scratchy as he tried to sit up, but dizziness forced him to lay back down. It's overwhelming.
Tony helped Y/n into a seated position against the concrete wall. "Easy there."
Y/n looked around. "Where are we?" 
"I'm not sure," Tony admitted, his gaze scanning the room for any clues. "But it appears that we have been kidnapped." 
Y/n's heart pounded in his chest as the reality of their situation sank in. Oh crap. He couldn't believe that they were in this predicament, but he didn’t know why he was completely surprised. Since he was a Stark, people have always attempted to kidnap him since the day he was born, but this was the first time someone had successfully managed to kidnap him. 
And he couldn't shake the feeling that it was somehow his fault. If only he hadn't argued with his dad, they wouldn't have been distracted when their captor struck.
"I'm sorry, Y/n," Tony apologized, his eyes filled with remorse, and Y/n was slightly taken aback because he hadn’t been expecting that. "I should have been there for you more. I let my work and my relationship with Peter overshadow our bond. That was wrong of me to do that."
Y/n eyes drifted to his hands, clasped in his lap. "You know, it hurt every time you chose Peter over me," he admitted, his voice quiet. "I don't understand why you always favor him. Why is everything he does amazing, but when it comes to me, you're never satisfied? Was it something that I did wrong? Or didn't do? Because I can change if it means you'll love me."
Tony shook his head vigorously, moving closer to his son. "No, Y/n. I don't want you to change for anyone, especially not for me. I can admit that I haven't always handled things perfectly. Peter reminds me of myself at his age, and sometimes I get caught up in my own nostalgia. But that doesn't mean I love you any less, Y/n. You're my son. I'd do anything for you."
Y/n's heart swelled at his father's words. He forgave Tony the moment the words "I'm sorry" exited his lips. Y/n had never been one to hold grudges, and now that Tony had acknowledged his mistakes, he hoped that they could finally move forward and rebuild their relationship.
Y/n wrapped his arms around Tony, who reciprocated the gesture. "I just want to spend more time with you," he muttered. "You know, do all that father-son stuff."
"And we will," Tony promised, pulling away. "As soon as we get out of here, I'll clear my schedule for the next month. We can go to the Bahamas. The water is beautiful, and I know they have amazing art exhibits there. It can be my birthday present to you. It'll be just the two of us."
It was impossible for Y/n to refrain from allowing the corners of his mouth to curl upward into a smile. He experienced a sense of optimism for the first time in a long time. As he looked into his father's eyes, he was certain that he would fulfill his promise. Y/n couldn't help but feel like a ten-year-old on Christmas morning.
"I'd like that, but how are we going to get out of here?" That was the big question.
Tony smirked. "Leave that to my team."
He informed Y/n through sign language that he had a secret tracker implanted in his watch, which had been confiscated. The Avengers were aware of the tracker, so it wouldn't be long before they arrived.
And then, as if on cue, the door to the room they were in flew off its hinges by a man getting thrown through it. Then, Steve walked into the room, dressed in his Captain America outfit. Steve threw his shield at the cell the Starks were in, allowing the two men to finally escape.
"Tony, Y/n, are you guys okay?" Steve walked over to them and started looking for signs of harm or injuries of any kind, but was relieved that he didn’t find one. 
"Just peachy," Tony assured the blonde, grabbing his watch from a nearby table and taking Y/n's arm. They rushed out of the building, with Steve leading the way.
As the three made their way out, Y/n heard the sounds of gunfire, screaming, and growling echoing in the air. The Hulk was in full force, dismantling one of the kidnappers, while the other Avengers fought alongside him. Steve sprang back into action, and Tony transformed his watch into an Iron Man glove, joining the fighting. Even Spider-Man was there, taking out multiple opponents with ease.
But in the chaos, Y/n spotted a gunman aiming at Spider-Man from a distance. Acting without hesitation, he pushed Spider-Man out of the way, taking the bullet meant for him. The gunshot tore through Y/n's stomach, and he fell to the ground, eyes widening in shock and pain.
Tony had just fired a beam of light from his repulsor, sending the man flying into the nearby truck. But as he did, he heard the crack of a gunshot. He looked over to see where the shot had come from.
And his heart dropped to his stomach.
Y/n had been shot.
The bullet had pierced Y/n’s stomach, and blood was already soaking through his shirt, dripping onto the ground below.
"No, Y/n!" Tony screamed, running over as Steve hurled his shield at the shooter. Tony caught Y/n just as he began to fall, blood seeping through Tony's fingers as he peeled off his jacket and pressed it against the wound. Y/n trembled in his arms, his hands shaking uncontrollably.
"I know, I know, it's going to be okay," he whispered, his voice thick and his eyes shone with unshed tears. "You're going to be okay, I promise." His jaw clenched as he peered over at his teammates who had finally finished their fight and were rushing over. "Get us to a hospital, now!"
They didn't need to be told twice. Steve moved forward and quickly helped Tony carry Y/n to the Quinjet, with the other Avengers following closely behind them. Once inside, Natasha took her place in the pilot seat and Clint sat in the co-pilot seat next to her. Natasha quickly turned on the controls and maneuvered the jet into the air above, racing to the hospital.
The Quinjet soared through the sky, the city a blur below. Inside, the atmosphere was filled with worry. Everyone watched as Iron Man tried to help his injured son. Tony refused to let go of Y/n, his hands shaking as he tried to stop the bleeding, mind racing with fear and desperation. He had faced countless dangers as Iron Man, but nothing compared to the fear he felt at the thought of losing his son. 
Finally, the Quinjet landed on the rooftop helipad of Metro-General Hospital, and Steve and Bruce rushed out, carrying Y/n on a stretcher. Tony was right beside him, keeping his hands clasped in Y/n’s. 
"We need a doctor, now!" Tony shouted as they burst through the hospital doors.
Immediately, a group of two doctors and two nurses came over, taking over Y/n's care and wheeling him away. And Tony was beside them, still holding his hand.
"What happened?" One of them asked.
"Some idiot shot him," Tony explained. 
The medical team wheeled Y/n into the operating room fast. The female nurse commented how Y/n had a weak pulse rate as the group of medical specialists lifted him onto the bed. Tony held onto his hands, tears welling up in his eyes. 
The male doctor assessed the situation, noticing a smaller entry wound in Y/n’s upper right back and a larger exit wound in his abdomen. "Lungs failing," he said, his voice steady but grave. "Start an I.V. — two units of O, stat." The female nurse hurried off to fulfill the order. The female doctor asked for adrenalin, and the male nurse rushed to comply with the request.
Tony stood by his son's side, his heart pounding in his chest as he watched the doctor's work. He couldn't remember a time he prayed, but he found himself silently pleading with any higher power that might be listening to spare his son's life. "Hang in there, buddy," he whispered.
Y/n struggled to speak, his voice barely above a whisper. "I don’t think I'll make it." 
The billionaire's heart broke a little more. "Don't you dare die on me." Tony's voice was borderline pleading, begging for his son not to leave him. He has to survive.
But as the doctors worked frantically to save Y/n's life, his condition continued to deteriorate, his grip on Tony's hand weakening. "Dad," Y/n whispered, his voice barely audible. "I'm so cold."
Hearing this, Tony couldn't hold back his tears, which fell onto his son's hand. "I-I-I can't feel my legs," he continued, making Tony feel an enormous sense of dread and despair. He wanted to leave, unable to continue witnessing his greatest fear unfolding before his eyes. However, Y/n gripped Tony's hand tightly. "D-Don't go." Their eyes met, and Y/n let out a gasp before managing to utter three words.
"I love you."
The heart monitor's steady beep began to slow, then faltered, finally falling silent as Y/n slipped into full arrest. Tony cried out, "Oh god." His hand clamped over his mouth as he watched his son flatlined.
"Full arrest. Paddles!" The male doctor shouted, and the female doctor brought over the paddle machine. Tony stepped back as he witnessed the scene unfold. The lady squirted gel on a paddle, and the male rubbed them together. "Clear!" he yelled and used the paddles on Y/n. 
But it didn't work.
"Recharge," he barked, and she obeyed. "Clear!" he used the paddles once more.
Still, Y/n’s heart did not respond and the heart monitor remained silent. Y/n was dead. The male doctor looked at Tony with a mixture of sympathy and sadness.
"I’m so sorry," the male doctor voiced. 
And just like that Tony Stark broke. 
He leaned over Y/n, his body heavy with grief, tears streaming down his face as he clutched his son's lifeless hand. The pain in his chest was unbearable as if his own heart had stopped beating. He couldn't believe his only child was gone.
Now, he would never witness his son's college graduation, celebrate another birthday, see him walk down the aisle, or become a dad himself. Y/n was gone, and Tony would never see his son again.
And Tony felt like he had died too.
His sobs echoed through the hospital room, a sound so full of anger and pain that it seemed to pierce the very air. The doctors and nurses quietly left the room, deciding to let the billionaire grieve alone
"Y/n," he choked out, his voice breaking on his son's name. "Please... come back. I can't — I can't live life without you here."
But he knew that his son wasn't coming back, no matter how much he'd beg for it. That thought was unimaginable, a nightmare from which he couldn't wake.
He had failed his son, failed to keep him safe, and now, Tony was forced to face a world without the h/c haired male in it. 
It was bad enough that the genius had been such a shitty dad to choose Peter over Y/n, but now he wouldn’t be able to show Y/n that he was fully committed to changing, to being the dad Y/n deserved.
That made his sobs grow louder.
The Avengers entered the room, their faces etched with sorrow. Each of them had faced countless battles, but nothing could have prepared them for the pain of watching one of their own lose a child.
Steve placed a hand on Tony's shoulder, a silent gesture of comfort for his friend. He knew that no words could ease the pain of such a loss, but he hoped that his presence would offer some solace. He took a moment to say a silent prayer for the man who was like a son to him.
Natasha's stoic expression cracked, her eyes shining with unshed tears. She had seen death countless times in her work, but this — this was different. This was one of their own, a part of their family.
Sam also couldn't hold back his tears. His vision blurred, and he wiped them away, not wanting to add to Tony's pain. But the pain was there, a dull ache in his chest that echoed the grief of his friend.
Clint had to look away, his jaw clenched. He had lost people before, but this was different. This was a young man, full of life, who left this cruel world too soon.
Bruce stood with his hands clasped in front of him. His eyes were downcast, but there was a hint of green in his eyes. He couldn't imagine the pain of losing a child, especially someone so wonderful. 
Peter was the most visibly shaken and he felt somewhat responsible. If he had been more aware of his surroundings and saw the hidden shooter, then Y/n wouldn't have taken the bullet for him.
Tony's fingers trembled as he closed Y/n's eyes. "I’m so sorry, son," his voice a broken whisper. "I love you so, so much."
For Y/n, the light had gone out. For Tony, the darkness has never been complete.
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sehtoast · 13 hours
Safe Harbor (Homelander x OC)
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minor s4 spoilers, hurt/comfort, he deserves to be loved, he deserves real love, real acceptance, he deserves to be held when it hurts, spidersona oc | Fic Directory
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It always comes back to this, doesn't it?  Those reflections, each one their own facet of his inner being, each one more than happy to uplift him in their own… unique ways. 
“John,” calls the first.  It’s so loving that he could mistake it for the voice of the parent he never really had. “That’s it buddy, it’s okay.  C’mere.”  He approaches with hesitation.  Sure, this one will comfort him.  It’ll make him feel better about how the world has spiraled out from under him.  How his son was slowly replacing him with that English prick, how he wasn’t good enough, how everyone he loves slowly but surely realizes how utterly rotten he truly is.
It tells him he’ll be alright, that the hurt will pass.  Then scoffs the second.
“Here you go again, tiger…” He says, tone soft yet scathing all the same.  “They don’t deserve you, and you,” he nods, “certainly don’t need them. And they don’t want you.”
Homelander’s mind flickers to the two in question.  The real two– not the crowds or the adoring fans, not any of those roaches under his thumb in the tower.
The third one… he speaks the worst of it.  Tells John to create his greatest nightmare, claims it to be his only path to peace.
“No, no, no!”  He grits, hands over his ears.  He can’t listen to him.  Can’t acquiesce to the harrowing demand no matter how hard the other two come down on him in tandem.  Tears gather in his eyes, spilling as he flinches at each harsh word.
He wonders when he even shattered the mirror to give them this much of an opening.
“Kill ‘em, tiger.” 
“Wash away the mud.”
“Protect them.”
“Slaughter the little piggies.”
He hunches, shoulders quaking as horror, guilt, and fear run through his body like molten metal, pooling deep in his gut and burning him to the point of nausea.
“I can’t!”  He yelps through the cacophony of impossible demands.  Protect them?  From what– from himself?  Kill them, slaughter them, how!?  How can he possibly–
“No, no, no, no…” 
The world is too tight, too loud, too small– too big and too quiet, too spacious.  What is he to do but drown in the cramped vastness?  The water fills his lungs and it’s all he can do to gasp for aching, shaking breaths.  It’s like the air is stolen by those voices that demand more and more, and all they fucking want is more, and he–
He stumbles backward, eyes clenched to spare himself from their disappointment, their pity and anger, but it isn’t into the next mirror that he crashes.  No statues nor bookshelves, no globes or trophies.
Instead, it is a warm embrace.  Strong, unwavering arms– shelter from the hurricane destroying him from the inside out.  Peace and love and understanding all wrapped into one.  
His name resounds, but it isn’t the same as before. No sternness, no disappointment.  There’s familiarity and softness.  He is not John, but–
The sound rings even through the tight clamp of his palms.  The hand at his cheek, stroking rhythmically, seems to shield him from everything.  The world, their taunts and demands, the pain.
Oh, what had he done to deserve this?  What could he have ever done to have possibly deserved this safe harbor?  This sweet boy and his gentle touches, his words that heal everything that aches, that pull him away from the torrential violence of his own mind and ground him in a reality that doesn’t rip and tear at his soul every waking moment.
“That’s it, hey,” coos his darling little spider, so warm and welcoming.  If life was a blizzard, Benjamin was the cabin with a lit fire.  He would always be safe, always comfortable, always home. “C’mon, hey… look at me, pumpkin.”
Always his shelter from the storm.
How pathetic he must look with his wet eyes and hands protecting his ears.  Like the child he was once, always so quick to block it all out no matter how bad it still hurt.
“We don’t have’ta listen to them,” Ben murmurs.  He directs Homelander to follow him, leading him back to the couch and away from more reflections.  “Hey– shh…” he coos through a particularly harsh, breathless cry.  “C’mon, let’s sit.  Just let it out. I’ve got you.”
Why was Ben even here?  Last time they talked, all that chatter about the worthlessness of humans landed Homelander in the dog house.  Why care?  Why does Ben always show up to put out his fires?  After Madelyn, after the cabin, Stormfront, Ryan, Ryan again, and now–
Homelander buries his face in the crook of the bug’s neck all the same, finding himself subject to soft kisses to his hair and fingers scritching softly at his nape.  Those three would never let such a display of weakness fly, but Benjamin?
He’s always welcomed the tears.  Even now, even with a snotty upper lip and choked gasps about how much of a fucking failure of a father he is, Benjamin accepts him for all that he is.
“I love you. I love you so much."
For all that he ever will be.
They told him he doesn’t need this. That it wasn’t true even if it was said.  That it should all slide off like marble.
But that just makes him cry harder.  Not because they’re right.  Not because he doubts the truth of his little spider’s words.
It’s because he knows with full certainty that this is the real truth.
“M’always gonna love you.”
And he’ll always have to fight to let himself believe it.
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imweirdimjazzy · 1 day
Questions of Hell
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Pairing: Alastor x GN!Reader
Description: after tiring a day, it wouldn’t be such a bad idea for the radio demon chasing you with questions spending the night, right?
Warnings: mentions of drugs and that’s about it (alastor is prick btw)
Word count: 2104
A/N: hello! This is kinda my first time posting here in tumblr so bear with me on my first post here. Also this isn’t proofread so there could be couple of mistakes here and there so I’m sorry about that. No use of Y/n. But please enjoy it! Btw this fic can be taken as romantic or platonic either could work. Enjoy! :)
For most of my human life I thought death would be simple and morbid. Once life expectancy reaches its limit for how much it can go, the body starts to get tired and the brain will shut, just as the body decomposes.
And just like that you would be dead.
I never tried hard to question the afterlife since it had gave me a headache if I had think too hard about it but I do admit I had a few times where I did think about it too hard.
I just didn’t expect to wind up as a goddamn sinner in a literal pot of hell.
I can admit I wasn’t exactly the most holiest person. I fucked up. Quite a lot of times. And I suppose that life is all about whether you be rewarded to get into heaven or thrown down to hell for punishment.
And for that I now have to deal with the princess of hell and her friends in the Hazbin Hotel.
Charlie was energetic to know that I was another guest at the hotel ready to redeem sinners and probably grab the chance to get to heaven. Seems quite ridiculous once the opportunity was handed to me. Honestly I stayed because I knew nowhere else would let me stay without paying or doing something to repay back.
Yet I got to meet some of the most interesting people. Starting with Angel Dust who was porn star himself and only seems to make it his whole personality but he sure knew how to make a party start going. He also makes anything—and I mean ANYTHING to be dirty.
Vaggie who seems to be strict on everyone and trying her best for all of us to actually have good morals. Sure, we didn’t care but we all understood she wanted for the best of us. Sir Pentious was there to spy on them because of the Vees but then accidentally liked the idea of staying and making a better change of himself.
And there was Nifty who has a certain quirk driven into her personality that was unlike everyone else but she was almost a kid just needed to be protected. Just try not to get stabbed by her. Husk who seems to tell everyone to fuck off even though he’s bartender and you’re sitting at the bar specifically wanting a drink. He acted he hated everyone, but he never really did. He just hated someone who seems to fake who they actually are.
And I’m guessing that’s why he isn’t particularly fond of Alastor.
Alastor is a unique demon. To say in a short sweet way to not say any bad word on his name. Yet it’s hard to say he’s quite a mystery to all of us. Charlie might own the hotel but Alastor is faculty manager of the hotel. He’s always looming somewhere in here and always there with an eye to watch us.
I have to admit I even avoid him. His presence was kind I never had bump into, I rather make it stay that way.
My legs had grown numb and heavier as I kept walking back to the hotel. I was exhausted from Charlie’s shenanigans today. Trying to encourage other sinners out there to come to the hotel and save themselves from the extermination. Failed horribly since how many either attempt to kill us, offer sex, or offer straight up cocaine.
I gave up and had left Charlie with the others to keep going. It was getting late either way and they were planning to go into club.
Didn’t want to get myself into too much trouble anymore either way.
Pushing the doors to let myself in the hotel—I had let out an exhale that I had held all day. My body was slumped and all I could think was my comfy bed.
“My, my, you look quite a mess dear!”
The radio voice had made me slightly jump out of my skin.
To the right of me I could see Alastor sitting on a couch in the lobby. One hand with whiskey in a glass cup and the other with a book. His legs crossed with one leg on top bouncing to the sound of jazz playing background.
“Didn’t expect a fellow like me up around this hour, but I couldn’t resist such a great novel here wouldn’t you say?”
He made that little hum that sparked a few radio statics in his voice.
“Look, if you’re here to mock or annoy me today I make sure those antlers of yours are gonna be long gone before you know it.”
Alastor laughed and got up with swift movement with his cane. That smile was almost stitched to his face every glance I took of him. I expect there won’t be a day where I don’t see that venom smile of his.
His hands clasped in front of him as he eyed me down. “Now why would I do that? I merely checking up on is all.”
He said it with such a smirk in his voice.
“Sure, whatever, do what you want I guess,” I grumbled under my breath.
Attempting to head upstairs, Alastor tried to get in my way as he kept reappearing in front of me in every corner I try to go.
“What the—“
“Ah, ah, ah. Where do you think you’re going?” A playful tone was layered into his voice. Letting out chuckle as his antlers move just for a second.
He knew it was getting on my nerves.
“To my room. Is there something that you want?”
I was a bit hesitant when I first spoke, especially since Alastor was a type of demon who never necessarily wants nothing out of someone except manipulation.
He makes that same hum again, letting out a sing-song voice. “Well, I’m bored and I’m in the mood of doing something.”
“Okay—kill someone or some deer.”
I tried again walking away but he reappears again in front of me on the steps of the stairs. Keeping his eyes on me as he leaned on the handrail of the stairs. I could tell from his eyes that my annoyance was kicking the roof by now.
“Not really in the mood for that kind of fun tonight dear. I was actually hoping to maybe play some sorts of game with you.”
“A game?” I questioned.
“Yes! Just any sort of ordinary game. A game where I can ask questions about you and you have to answer them.”
I blinked at him for a moment and then narrow my eyes.
“So you’re interrogating me.”
“No, nonsense! Now, come on, sit on the couch and make yourself comfortable.”
Alastor nudge me downstairs and I follow him. I had no choice and I rather didn’t wanna push any limits with radio demon exactly. He wasn’t the type to be messing around.
Suspicion was written all over my face as I sat down.
Alastor offers whiskey in a glass with a smile. “Whiskey, dear?”
“Um—-no, no thank you.”
He sets the glass on the side table along with the book. Peering to my side I notice the book was the classic Dracula book.
Alastor sat on the other end of the couch. A leg propped on the other. Resting his chin on his hand on the arm rest.
“Now, I’ll start of the with an easy question to start off soft,” stated Alastor. “Do I annoy you?”
“Yes. Next question.”
His smirk grew wide yet his eyes narrowed down on me. Letting out a laugh that sounded for sure forced but as well annoyed.
“Okay, let me ask an easier question. What is your favorite color?”
“Oh well um—maroon. Maroon is my favorite color.”
Alastor hummed to himself. “Quite an unique answer. Didn’t take you as the type to like color such as maroon.”
“Red or maroon. I just like good color of red. Next question.”
Alastor tapped his fingers along the arm rest as he thought of another question to ask.
“What’s your favorite time of day?
Looking back at him with a tilted head I raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
Alastor rolled his eyes jokingly and chuckled, seeming slightly amused of me. “I mean exactly what I said. What is your favorite time of day? Mornings? Afternoons? Nights?”
He lists off with this condescending tone, as if he spoke to me as a child.
“Watch your tone, and watch your ears, deer,” I hissed. But since you’re so damn curious. It’s night. And sometimes late afternoons. Not as much anymore though. I love them more in human life.”
“Human life you say?”
Alastor watches me as I adjust the black turtleneck I wore.
“Next question please.”
Alastor didn’t say anything but made a louder hum as he thought. Still overbearing me with annoyance of course.
“I’m running out of quite a lot of questions here but I suppose I should’ve asked this first, how are you liking this hotel so far?”
The tone switches and audibly notices it. Turning into this nonchalant tone. I wasn’t sure if he was trying to be curious or crack me under pressure with his eyes seeming to only stare at me.
With a sharp inhale I spoke direct.
“Annoying as fuck. I never was too fond of the idea of redeeming since it was hard to wrap my head around the fact that sinners here can even get the chance to go up to heaven with the rest of angels.”
He kept silent with his smile but I kept continuing.
“I didn’t think it would work. And I still have mixed feelings about it but…I do have to admit I kinda like the friends I made here.”
His eyebrow raised and he tilted his head almsot intrigued of what I had said. “I see. And these friends you’ve made here..”
His smile twisted into a smirk as he leaned forward slightly, his elbows on his knees.
“Any particular ones you admire the most?”
It was a question that had me actually thinking this time around and I knew it was a way for Alastor to get to me, and I didn’t want him too.
“Well, each person has their own unique thing to admire.”
He tweaks his head to the side and only narrows his eyes. Still with smile.
“Charlie can be a lot and maybe too hyper, but she’s willing to give people a chance. Vaggie pushes everyone and is harsh but does it for us to get better.. Sir Pentious is someone willing to give up villainous tendencies. Angel is…well Angel but he is a friend that is loyal and would do anything to back up friend.
Husker and Nifty are the same as well. All of them have everything to admire about.”
Alastor listened intently on how I spoke each of the hotel residents living here
“Interesting. Very interesting.”
He sat back once again, his legs still crossed and his hands back in his lap. Alastor chuckled again, looking at me for a moment.
“And what about me? Is there anything you admire about me?”
I scoffed and smirk a little.
“A bit full of yourself are you?”
His eye twitched a little and seemed ready to respond, but I quickly added on.
“You always stay in control. Even if you aren’t or you’re not wanting to, you always are. You piece of shit who certainly earn a spot living here. I’ll give you that, but even I can admit that you’re intelligent in what you do. Even how manic and evil it can be.”
Alastor chuckled again. He was quite amused by my words. That wasn’t what he was expecting, but he was satisfied by it. He leaned forward a bit again, resting his arms on his legs. His elbows on his knees once again as he stared right into your eyes with his permanent smirk.
“How observant you are my dear. I thought you’d think of me as a annoying bastard”
“No, I also think that too.”
A smile spread on my lips as genuine the pit of fire in hell and before another word had slipped out of Alastors mouth, a rush of familiar friends came through the door.
“I need fucking a drink what the hell was that!?” Angel's voice rang through the hotel and same with others.
I laughed and got distracted by them as soon they called for me but Alastor sat on the couch there observing the others.
Asking himself many questions of himself now.
For how much this sinner might’ve made him rethink his plan.
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thefirstknife · 1 day
Hi Bel,
I have a question related to the lore surrounding the Vex and the way they interact with time. There seems to be debate over if they can time travel vs their advanced simulation technology just makes it seem like they can time travel etc. Would you be able to explain definitely what their capabilities are regarding affecting time? Can they change the past?
They can time travel... sort of. If we're understanding it correctly. But also the way we view time travel and the way the Vex view time travel might not be entirely aligned.
They have to be able to move through time because that's the only way we can actually see Precursors and Descendants; past Vex and future Vex respectively. For example, now in Echoes, a lot of the Vex we fight are Precursors; really odd overall because they appear to be rare. There's some in the Vault of Glass and the Black Garden, but they were mostly located on Mercury. They're old Vex, from the past.
So how can they be here unless the Vex move through time? The same question applies to Descendants, Vex from the future. However, this raises a further question: if they can time travel, why didn't they already achieve their goals? This:
"If the Vex had achieved what we would call 'time travel,' surely none of us would now exist." —Sister Faora, "Theories on the Vex"
A good explanation of this problem is this lore tab from Aspect:
The Vex, they're the closest to understanding it. They've got distance from it. If time's a river, then we're fish and they're diving birds. What's wet mean to a fish? What's it mean to an osprey, who's never fooled by refraction on the water's surface?
The Vex understand time in a way we never will. Doesn't matter how long I spend here watching them. Doesn't matter how many jury-rigged portals Guardians fling themselves through. We live in time. They use it as a tool. Any moment that's ever happened, any moment that will ever happen, they can go back to it. Play it again till they get it right. Simulate it.
So why can't they change things fundamentally? Seems to be good old paracausality:
The Light's a counter to that. They come back, a Guardian comes back. They simulate an ending, a Guardian tears through it. Stalemate.
Some of their powers also appear to be just them using time as a tool; teleporting is described as essentially time travelling:
The Minotaur revises its place in history, appearing to teleport forward as it shifts to a more advantageous future.
Simulation allows them to explore possibilities and options at a larger scale, but I believe it's separate from the actual ability to move through time. They can do both, for different purposes, both of which are not entirely clear to us. Paracausality is yet again a problem for them, even for simulation.
There's some technology that was capable of actually making changes, most notably the Sundial. This wasn't made by the Vex, but it was using Vex technology and the whole deal with it was that the Psions were capable of rewriting history with it. The Sundial also allowed us to go into the past, into Saint's personal timeline, and save him, by changing it (and creating a paradox with it).
Another question is the Corridors of Time which the Vex were using to move through time, but it's unclear if they've created that space or not. And one more question are timelines and how does that affect the Vex and their unique relationship with time and other realities. We could also go into the Vault of Glass and Black Garden and other Vex spaces and all of their weirdness with time. There's something going on with it, on top of simulation technology.
In truth, we're not really sure about a lot of stuff with the Vex simply because they have this strange relationship to time that we can't really grasp. Even those that explored the Vex closely like Osiris and Elsie can't really answer some of these questions.
It's a very interesting discussion, so if anyone wants to add to it feel free! Time travel shenanigans are still mostly mysterious and so are the Vex.
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spider-jaysart · 1 day
Any hot takes or unpopular opinions about super sons?
Here's some for the animated movie first:
Jon's voice doesn't suit him at all for the age he's supposed to be, it just kept throwing me off a little everytime he spoke with it. It's definitely not terrible though, it's just not for him at all
Idk about others opinions on Damian's voice though, but I really loved it. I felt like it fitted him pretty well and let his daring and mischievous side stand out really nicely. It's my favorite for him personally
I don't like that they white washed Damian in it once again when they could've definitely given him his darker skin and green eyes (I know this one's very popular already, but I just wanted to say it still). And when they showed the pitcher boy in the baseball game, he literally had EXACTLY those features on himself, which made it really feel like it was an actual annoying tease of some sort, since his model strangely looked way more like Damian than Damian himself did
And also besides all of that stuff, when Damian is in his Robin model, I feel like he looks perfectly fine and cool, but his civilian version looks a little weird to me for some reason. And I know that his hair is also a little funny too because of how long it is, but I don't really have a problem with it lol
Now for the ones outside of the movie:
I'm not so crazy about them being a Nightwing and Flamebird duo as adults. I want them to become their own identities, but not by using those mantles, cause it's still not completely theirs and isn't really fitting for them to me either, not even the Batman and Superman mantles either. Other characters like Dick, Chris, and Bette have already used them and made their names with it. Damian and Jon both actually deserve their own that let them shine in their real unique ways and stay independently remembered without their titles getting into the mix of confusion with other hero's. Everyone is allowed to have fun with it obviously though, no matter what I think
For a day job as an adult, Jon should become a scientist instead of a writer or reporter for the Daily Planet like his parents, because that's just totally boring and he's also his own person, not their twin. Just cause he's their child, it doesn't mean he's gonna be exactly like them and daydream about their hobbies. And it makes a lot more sense for science being his dream job too, because he's shown plenty of interest in it before
And for Damian, he should become a vetinarian as an adult, and credit to my good friend @camo-wolf for this next part here that I love, which is that he also owns his own company as a ceo to do it too, so he also has many more helpful clinics opened everywhere instead of just one
I'm not too crazy about their trinity with Lizzie and just can't see the boys having one either. It feels like it's just another thing to make them even more like their Dad's once again imo, but I think they're better off being kept as just a duo still. And unlike many other Damijon and Supersons fans, I'm also not crazy about Lizzie herself either :| (Not saying that I hate or dislike her though). I will say that the stories with the three of them together are pretty fun and cute though, despite what I feel about her. Oh, and for another little thing, even though it's Damian and Jon's thing in their relationship to fight and argue over things, it feels a little overdone in those books and feels like they're being more like just nasty to eachother with their certain comments and want to actually just get the other mad constantly
Speaking of groups, besides the boys having their little Supersons duo to themselves, as kids Damian and Jon definitely should've had their own awesome superhero team together a LONG time ago with characters their own age that could've grown with them like how it was originally planned for canon, instead of them both being shoved into ones like Teen Titans and other already established ones like that, because those groups have so much of their own stuff going on that just doesn't fit the boys and all of the members in them are usually much older than them too. For my idea about what they would have, I like to think that it's a fun group separate from the Supersons duo that both Damian and Jon lead and their main members could've been young close friends of theirs, like Maya Ducard, Kathy Brandon, and Colin Wilkes, and then for additional ones, it could be Tai Pham, Maps Mizoguchi, Flatline, Respawn, Suren Darga, Chris Kent, Irey and Jai West, Lian Harper, and even though I play around with their ages a lot in my own universes like randomly switching them both from toddlers to tweens whenever I feel like it, I'll say Mar'i and Jake too (idk if I'm forgetting any others). Then for the team name, I choose "Legacy's Youth" or "Youthful Legacy" or "Legacy's challangers"
And for another thing to do with groups, Dceased should've just let Maya and Kathy be the girls that teamed up with the boys, instead of forcing a deaged Cassie Sandsmark into it just to date Damian, create a trinity, and be the girl in a boys group, because unlike her, Maya and Kathy are the ones who actually have real relationships and history with Damian and Jon that were already made outside of that universe, so they both would've been much better picks. And without all of that dating stuff too, because them being boys and girls doesn't mean they should have to (plus, Damian and Jon seemed like they were the ones that were actually dating and also married to eachother instead in the story anyways lmao, so that's more proof that there was literally no need for it)
Jon's electric powers that came out during his Injustice crossover are so lame, cause that's not anything new. His solar flare is so much more dope and unique than that, what happened to it?!?! I prefer it way more
The team up reunion Supersons book that came out with Older!Jon and Damian in his new suit felt like their personalities were kind of swapped in some parts of the story, which was kind of weird to see and bothered me a little
During Damian's first time visit in the future, Jon should've been way more protective and stood up for him better when Saturn Girl and the other legion of heroes members began saying their hateful and nasty comments out loud about him right in front of his dang face. And even more defensive he should've been too when Saturn girl started messing with Damian's mind out of nowhere like it was okay and then put him to sleep, instead of just letting her like he did. He should've had complete second thoughts about the whole team right there and decide to leave after how uncomfortable they've made things, instead of still joining them anyways like they're still cool and forgetting about what had just happened. Jon's actual entire reaction during it all was just so naive and felt so ridiculous to me, it was disappointing
Jon and Chris Kent can both exist together at the same time, there is no problem with it at all. And just because Chris was taken away, that doesn't mean Jon's existence should be hated for it, it's the fault of DC writers for what happened, not him
Damian should also be able to finally have a sweet relationship with his Mother already instead of it still being dragged away from him all the time and also still being considered as an abusive one for him, because 1. being horrible to her child is ooc for Talia and 2. Damian deserves to have her in his life, not just Bruce as a Father. He should also be able to have a good relationship with the rest of Al Ghul's too and even a sibling relationship with Respawn as well, not just the ones he has with the Batkids. I know that some (or most?? Idk lol) fans don't like him because they say his origin made Ra's look bad for having him be abusive to him, but that's all very unnecessary blame on Respawn's character that he doesn't deserve at all, it was just a role he was put in as a victim, it's obviously the fault of the writers who wrote the story to be that way. I also feel like it would've made more sense that Slade raised him and was the one who had actually abused him, because he's done it to his other kids in the past anyways and him being a toxic parent is actually very in character for him
The Fortress of attitude is literally catching dust now that Damian and Jon have both completely forgotten about it for some reason, it deserves to make a comback!!
Jon used to have a dog named Ranger, I'm not sure what exactly happened to him (I guess he was forgotten about or whatever), but he shouldn't have been erased. He was adorable
I prefer Damian's pushed back spikey hair so much more over his current flat and long one, it fits him better. The current one does look nice on him and I get the reason behind why he has it, which is pretty sad, but it makes him look too similar to Tim and I don't like that. The same artist who made Damian's new hair that way in the first place also doesn't draw Flatline's spikey hair either, which makes me think they might actually have something against those kinds of hairstyles lol
Damian would so get along with Lois because of their sass and Talia would actually love Jon for how great he is to her Son
Annnnd I think that's probably all of my unpopular opinions about the boys for now lol
Thank you for the ask, anon!! I enjoyed answering this!
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holydayaria · 4 hours
I want to know more about Illumi and the turkey baster 🥺
cw: cum. noncon, somnophilia, pregnancy, I don’t even know what to tag this as .
Illumi wants a family.
You would think that the height of his horrible behavior was kidnapping you and pigeon holing you into the role of his spouse. Sure, the Zoldyck Family House is nice, even if the family is on the odd side. You seldom interact with them anyway, even if Illumi encourages it.
The affection between you two is minimal, Illumi knows you aren’t ready for anything more than a few kisses on the cheek here and there. He’d only just been able to coax you into sharing a bed with him without much of a fuss on your part. The relationship development is incredibly slow due to your own resistance, and Illumi’s attempts at being warm are incredibly stiff and uncomfortable. Whispering sweet nothings in your lovers ear doesn’t work so well if your voice is monotone and your expression is blank at best and creepy at worst.
You won’t let Illumi kiss you on the lips, he was only able to do it when you were fast asleep or when he held you in place. At this rate, his ideal domestic fantasy is seeming more and more out of reach. Between that and his mother’s insistence on moving things along, Illumi decides to speed things up a bit.
You don’t really need to have sex to get pregnant, all that matters is that his sperm gets inside of you.
He’d rather not tie you down and force himself on you again; the first (and to date, only time) you two have had sex was when the marriage was consummated. It was stressful, if only because you wouldn’t calm down. Since then, Illumi gave you some of the distance you so desired. Even after he made a point of finishing inside you that first time, evidently you still weren’t pregnant.
If you wouldn’t let him impregnate you the traditional way, he could always use more… unique, methods. Turkey basters are cheap, easy to lube up and not too invasive. He makes sure to get a small one, so that it won’t risk disturbing you while you’re asleep. He went the extra step to prepare a special tea to help you fall asleep and stay asleep. Inserting his semen into you with a turkey baster can ensure that he’s still respecting your wishes of not having sex with you while still getting what he wants. A relationship is all about compromise, isn’t it?
Doing it just once isn’t enough, he does it a few times over the course of a month, just to make sure you’ll get pregnant. Besides, if your body is repeatedly exposed to his cum, maybe when you finally do come around and have sex with him, it won’t be such a shock to your system. That’s his line of thinking, anyway.
He’s sure that getting you pregnant with his child will help you warm up to him and his family, jumpstart those wifely duties and motherly instincts or something like that. Illumi sees this as a win-win situation, even if he’ll have to explain to you why this is such a good idea after he’s already done it.
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idontego · 4 hours
Kaji Conceals His Relationship With You From His Friends
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Summary: well, the title explains it, but do you think he can keep it a secret for much longer?
Warnings: swearing and suggestive violent behavior
A/n: I hope the ending didn’t disappoint! I thought it was a unique twist, pls.
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As much and Kaji loves you, it was a mutual decision that your relationship be kept a secret from his friends because he didn’t want you to become a distraction because of how his friends would act towards him.
His friends knew who you were and looked at you as a mutual. They had no idea that you had a particular love interest and it was better kept that way. Kaji and you have been in a relationship for less than 6 months so far, but the more you stuck around him and his friends, the more they gained interest in you. Some of them even considered you a love interest and in fact had crushes on you. It wasn’t until recently that all of this unfolded.
Kaji was getting lunch with some of the second years, along with the first years. Kaji wasn’t too fond of most of the first years and would normally tune them out, that was until at Pothos you were brought up to the table. He immediately paused his music, but kept his headphones on.
Taiga was waving around his phone and said “Should i text y/n? I have her number and I’ve been thinking about asking her out on a date or somethin’.” Taiga said with his feet propped up on the table. “not if i beat you do it first, buddy.” Mitsuki said, leaning over the table grabbing Taiga’s phone from him. “There’s no way you haven’t even texted her yet. I’ve been knocking on that door for a few weeks. It’ll work soon, trust me.” Mitsuki proceeded.
“HEY GIVE ME THAT BACK!” Taiga said now also reaching over the table to get his phone back. Mitsuki was now typing something on his phone.
“I’m just gonna see if she at least responds to you! Don’t worry, you’re in good hands. You know how i am with the ladies.” Mitsuki reassured him.
Kaji sent over a piercing gaze to the both of them, crushing his lollipop between his teeth, making a loud cracking sound. He bit right through, all the way to the stick and he then realized he was gritting his teeth pretty hard and needed to keep listening to see if things got more out of hand. Would you actually respond to them? He wouldn’t expect you to say anything back to them, or at least he still hoped. He was now full of regret. Why did he not tell them sooner. It was for his own selfish reasons. He didn’t tell them because he felt he couldn’t genuinely handle them picking on him for being with you and making gushy jokes. Don’t even get me started on his phone. He just knows that if it was left unsupervised, they would try to send you some silly text or even worse, go through your messages.
Kaji began to mumble under his breath, completely consumed by the idea of their scheme and the reality of it happening right In front of his face. He ripped open another lollipop placing it in his mouth and put his headphones around his neck.
“You morons really think she’d say something back to ya’?” Kaji said with a straight face.
“What’s it to ya, Kaji? You like her or something? You’ve been pouting in the corner the whole time we’ve been here.” Taiga said.
Kaji’s eyebrows furrowed and he stood up and walked over to them stuffing his hands in his hoodie pocket. His fists were clenched so tight in this very moment he was breaking the skin in his palms from his nails.
“What’s it t’me?! Pick up the Goddamn phone, and send it, i dare you. Unless you wanna find out the hard way, ‘what it is to me’. ” He said. He closed his lips back around his lollipop and stood there, waiting for a response. His chest was heaving up and down, fast. The blood rushing to his face at a faster face. Did he just give himself away?
“That’s it.” Sakura was now tuned into the conversation and started making his way to their table. He didn’t like all of this girl talk and was about to say something to all three of them until Nirei pulled Sakura’s arm, turning him around and saying “S-Sakura that is not a good idea! Please trust me! For starters, you know you don’t want to get Kaji fired up and second, it’s rumored that y/n is his girlfriend.” The room went silent. You could’ve heard a pin drop. Nirei’s face was unmatched. His face was as red as an apple.
Kaji turned around to Nirei, spitting out his lollipop and lunging towards him, but Kaji was swiftly restrained.
“Of course you would be the one… TO FUCK EVERYTHING UP AND NOT LET ME HANDLE IT!” Kaji barked, his nose was scrunched and yelling at this point, showing his canines.
“I-i didn’t m-mean to, Kaji, please. Please forgive me.” Nirei pleaded.
Kaji took a deep breath and realized the two forces holding him back and relaxed his body, ripping open another lollipop, tossing it in his mouth. He knows you wouldn’t want him to be acting this way right now and concluded to own up to it. It wasn’t that he was ashamed of you by any means, he just wants to protect you so bad, even if that means from his own friends, but he truly doesn’t need to worry now that they all know.
“Secret’s out,” Kaji responded as he smoothed back down his hoodie and put his headphones back on. He walked out the door of Pothos by himself and the only thing that made a sound was the chimes of the bell on the door as he exited.
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owlwithanapple · 1 day
Blossom ❤️‍🔥🌸
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Content : First love/Young love/Kissing...
Characters : Jonathan Kent x Y/N Wayne
17 years old—
“Everyone, sit down. We have a new student in our class today.”
“Damian! It’s a new student!” Jon said excitedly.
“I know… no need repeat it.” Damian said impatiently.
The moment you stepped into the classroom, saw your twin brother Damian Wayne. After writing name on the blackboard, you turned to your classmates with a bright and sunny smile on your face to show friendly attitude. The classmates focused attention on you. What was shocking was you and Dami had a very different personality. You were optimistic and positive, while he was cold and indifferent. Although were twins, but still different.
Jon was surprised and pulled Dami's sleeve and whispered, "She's your sister?!"
Dami covered his head and sighed helplessly, "Shut up, Jon."
Daddy once said you are the type of person who is charming and will attract a lot of attention. You are the only one in family who has the biggest contrast with them. Your optimistic and cheerful personality attracts the attention of many classmates. During lunch time, everyone gathered around you to chat. You didn't know how to get rid of them, until your brother walked into the crowd.
"Hey. Get out of my way. Stay away from my sister." Thanks to Dami's help, your classmates finally gave you some space.
"Dami... I..." You looked straight at his expressionless face.
"You're welcome as usual." He teased you with his hands in pockets.
"Haha, thanks for the compliment?" You laughed for some reason.
"Hello, Damian's sister! My name is Jonathan Kent, just call me Jon." The boy with glasses who stood behind Dami greeted you warmly and cutely.
"Hi, just call me Y/N. Dami's friend, also my friend." You said generously.
Jon had a smile on face but suddenly became shy and hid behind Dami to secretly look at you. He was Dami's good friend, and personality was opposite of your brother's. It was impressive when first met him. Dami glared at you and left the class. You understood what he meant so you left your desk and followed him. You walked to a quiet place, where you two were alone. To be honest, your brother's personality was so arrogant and unique charm.
"Father arrange it?" he asked.
"Yes. He wanted me to get in touch with ordinary life." You smiled calmly.
"TT. Come to school, and same school." He covered his forehead and sighed.
"It's just class, as a leisure and entertainment." You swayed back and forth in front of him.
"What about Robin?" he asked.
"Hmm... I want to try, wonder if dad will allow it." You turned around and looked at him.
Suddenly, an inexplicable fierceness surged, you knew where it came from, you stared at your cold brother with a smile in your eyes. You knew very well how important Robin was, he relied on dad very much, wanted to be the best Robin and fight side by side with Batman. But you are not interested in the role of Robin, just curious.
"Don't worry, I have the ability but won't snatch it. There are so many Robins, I will look inconspicuous." You enjoy the solemn atmosphere he brings without worry.
"I'll give you a piece of advice, if you want to snatch it, do your best to snatch it. Robin is not as simple as you think." His tone became heavy.
"That's why I said I won't snatch it." You smiled.
The brother and sister are not arguing but enlightening each other. Each has own mission. You have your own sense of propriety. It is a wise choice not to intervene in the dispute. There must be conflicts between people, but you choose to maintain good communication with others, whether family or friends. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. You have secretly reminded Daddy and Dami several times, but didn't stop them. With your ability and wisdom, there is no need. Mommy's education is different from Daddy's philosophy, and your point of view is also different.
"Hey~ Damian! Y/N!" Jon ran towards you two.
"Tsk, the annoying one." Dami scratched his head impatiently.
"Jon!" You were jumping and laughing enthusiastically.
"Hey... Hey... Hey...!" Jon braked and stopped in front of you, not daring to raise his head.
"Hey~ Jon." You leaned close to his face and blinked, keeping a close distance with him.
"Wow!" He blushed and immediately dodged you, hiding behind Dami.
"Don't get so close to me, it's hot..." Dami complained reluctantly.
"Sorry..." Jon apologized like a puppy.
The interaction between the two of them is really good. Such a stubborn and arrogant brother can become friends with Jon who is lively and cheerful. Your brother is the least good at dealing with the character and one of the least suitable people for Jon to meet. It is really an interesting combination of two people. Your stomach is rumbling, you leave that place to find food and fill hungry stomach, before run far, you turn back smile and wave goodbye.
"Tsk..." Dami looked at your back indifferently. At this time, he noticed Jon's face was red and full of joy. He pushed Jon with his arm to pull him back to reality.
"Sorry! What's wrong!" Jon was panicked.
"Since my sister came into the class, you acting weird." Although Dami is very indifferent, he still cares about his sister, not completely zero.
"It is ...?" Jon whistled in his mouth to ease the tension.
"I'm warning you, don't think about my sister." Dami left these threatening words, and Jon realized he was really in trouble.
At night—
You followed dad to the Batcave, Batman's hideout. Looked around and were shocked by these technological caves, which were filled with countless efforts and sweat from your dad. You had underestimated your his ability, but now have seen it with your own eyes and realized how good he is. You looked carefully, everything was unfamiliar.
While you were appreciating these wonderful moments, he took you to a room with many glass display case containing equipment. Many equipment of Batman and other partners were gathered here, you walked forward curiously to observe carefully. It was the first time in your life that saw such a huge base, and this was the meaning of Dad's protection.
"Y/N, come here." Dad stood next to a glass display case.
"Here we go~" The equipment lights up your eyes. The R design on the chest represents Robin, the bright yellow cape, the red and green combination, the mini skirt and the black tight pants, just like the image design of the male version of Robin in previous generations, then mix and match the female version.
"Do you want to put it on? It's customized for you." Daddy waited silently on the side.
"I want it!" Daddy avoided it, and you put it on quickly. You look at yourself, reflecting the vivid brilliance on your body. The bright colors are as eye-catching as the first generation Robin. The brothers used to debut with Robin, now they are expanding themselves in different fields.
You stepped out of the door, turned around and put hands on waist, posing your own unique posture, showing energetic and charming temperament. Daddy walked forward with a smile on face to help you adjust cloak. He held your shoulders looked at you as he had something to say but couldn't express.
"Little princess! It suits you so well!" Your brother Dick Grayson, Daddy's adopted eldest son, Nightwing himself. He rushed over give you a big hug, lifted you up in the air and turned around a few times before putting you down.
"Thank you for the compliment." You turned around gracefully and saluted.
"Wow, my little princess has become Robin~" He expressed his opinion proudly.
"She's just doing an internship." Dad on the side interrupted.
"Hm, that's right. The little princess has no actual combat experience." He touched your head regretfully.
"Can I go out with brother tonight!" Your eyes are shining, even dad and brother have trouble controlling them. The two of them discuss it while you wait and do warm-up exercises.
"Little princess, come with me today!" Dick was very happy.
"Keep an eye on her. If something goes wrong, retreat and don't force it." Dad warned you two.
"Wish me good luck~" You pecked Daddy on the cheek, and excitedly went to the scene to experience Robin's busy life.
After reaching the high place, Dick introduced the Robin equipment one by one. The Grapple Gun on your waist is a must, allowing to fly and escape at high altitudes at will. You took it out and shot it towards the opposite side, tightened it, ran at full speed, turned over in the air and swung in that direction, and landed there smoothly. You opened arms and looked at Dick. He came in front and touched your hair several times.
"Good job! You are so brave!" He applauded you repeatedly.
"Hehehe! ~" You are full of confidence.
"If you perform well, maybe Batman will make you Robin." Dick brought up the topic that you care about.
"Nah... I'm just curious." You hesitated a little.
"Don't you want to be Robin?" He asked you curiously.
"I haven't thought about it. I'm just curious what you do every day? And why Dami is so determined to help dad?" You responded to his answer with a question.
"Hmm... I see. I thought you moved here for this reason."
"Nah... I'm here to enjoy life." You curled lips and smiled.
"Nightwing!" A familiar voice caught your attention.
A boy with a red cape and an S logo on his chest, holding a boy with a black cape and an R logo like you, landed in front of you from a high altitude. It was your brother Damian Wayne and Superboy. Superboy admired Nightwing very much and quickly ran towards him quickly. The two hugged each other happily. Dami stared at your whole body to see what was going on. You posed for him to see, he shook head helplessly.
"Hey, why she come out with you?" Dami walked towards Nightwing and was about to scold him.
"Come and experience it, it's okay." He convinced Dami with an optimistic attitude.
"You just spoil her too much. You know how dangerous our job is!" Dami complained to Nightwing.
"Only tonight. I will keep an eye on her. You can rest assured." The two seemed to be in conflict or in negotiation...
There was a gaze staring at you for a long time, from Superboy. You walked up to him and observed him carefully, he kept avoiding your gaze. It was indeed him, Jonathan Kent, your brother's friend. You met him for the first time in this way, which shocked you. You approached him, and he dodged you again.
"Jonathan Kent!" You called him.
"I'm here! No! How you know it's me!" Jon looked surprised.
"Hahaha, come on, it's already been exposed." His innocent and naive look made you laugh.
"...I still want to show my handsome side." Jon frustrated.
"Then how do you know I'm Y/N?" You leaned close to his face.
"I..I..." He blushed, could it be...
"Are you using your X-ray vision on me!" You said loudly, covering your chest.
"You dead bastard! Using X-ray vision on my sister?!" Dami grabbed Jon.
"You'd better explain it, otherwise..." Nightwing suddenly became a different person.
"Absolutely not! I...!" He wanted to say it but was shy.
Your two dear brothers started to pick on Jon because recognized you right away and they were very curious. The situation was two large dogs surrounding a cute little dog, which looked really pitiful from the perspective of a bystander. You stepped forward pushed them away, pulling Jon aside.
"Can you tell me?" You leaned close to Jon's face.
"I... you will be very surprised to hear it..." Jon scratched his head and his face turned red.
"I don't mind." You encouraged him optimistically.
"Your... heartbeat..." He clenched his hands and lowered head with a blushing face.
"My heartbeat?" You were confused.
You were stunned. He recognized you by the sound of your heartbeat. This is the power of Superboy. It was really shocking and touching. You looked at the other two who were whispering, their eyes full of curiosity. It really exciting to see brothers around you. You just made up a random excuse to dispel their curiosity.
"He recognized me by my hair color." You pointed to Jon behind you.
"Ah? Oh oh oh! Yes! Just as she said!" Jon straightened his spine.
"If you dare to look at my little princess's body with X-ray eyes, I will pierce your body with Kryptonite. Do you understand?" Nightwing lowered his voice to threaten Jon.
"I will tie you to a chair and stuff Kryptonite into your mouth, so you can know for yourself." Dami also joined in.
"Stop! Enough! You are scaring Jon!" You opened arms in front of Jon to save him from the innocent.
"Hey, little princess, you are biased~" Nightwing pulled you.
"I'm not biased. I'm trying to stop you two from bullying my friends" You confessed earnestly.
"Y/N..." Jon behind you showed a happy face.
"Now let me ask a question. Dami, aren't you supposed with Daddy? Why with Jon?" You put hands on waist.
They stared at each other, obviously hiding something. You walked towards them step by step, but Dami stopped you, "Superboy and I have something to do."
"Something? Is it necessary to be fully armed?" Nightwing interrupted.
"I see. You're doing it in secret, right?" You realized something and snapped fingers.
"Eh!" Jon's expression was completely exposed, as you guessed.
"Explain. Do Batman and Superman know where you two are going?" Nightwing leaned against the wall and became serious.
With no other options, Dami and Jon confessed. They said there was a rumor a factory was producing counterfeit drugs, they were going to investigate the matter before reporting to Batman and Superman. Nightwing said he had indeed heard the rumor, but no reason to interfere without a precise statement. Dami couldn't wait and took the initiative, Jon came to help as a partner.
"You all go back. I'll take care of the rest." Nightwing walked towards them.
"Wait a minute! We're going too!" Dami and Jon shouted at the same time.
"How about we go and see it? It's just a look." You raised hand to comment, out of curiosity whether it was true or not.
"Little princess, you..." Nightwing held your shoulders tightly.
"If something happens, I will notify Daddy and Superman immediately. Besides, you want to handle it, so having a few more followers to help won't get in the way, right?" You turned to the other two and blinked, Dami shook his head because he was very knowing your rhetoric, Jon nodded seriously.
"Fuck...I know. Remember, don't rush into the vanguard. If something happens, I will open a way for escape. You must escape, do you understand?" Nightwing scratched his head and pointed at you.
"Yes!" You and Jon saluted Nightwing.
"It's so noisy." Your noise made Dami speechless.
After some thinking and analysis, Nightwing has no choice but compromise. You arrive at the rooftop where Dami said, it's suspicious. You notice Dami's focus there, the hound is on the target. At this time, you and Jon's eyes meet, he smiles, you smile too, until Nightwing comes between you.
"Enough of the flirting?" Nightwing whispers.
"I'm not!" Jon yells shyly.
"Shhh!" You cover Jon's mouth with your hand.
"Rooftop! Shoot!" shouts from below.
The people below fired at the rooftop. Nightwing reacted quickly and pulled you away. Jon and Dami dodged the rain of bullets with agility. No one was hurt, for now. You followed Nightwing to a safe place. Dami jumped in without following the rules. Jon had no choice but to keep up with him.
"That guy didn't intend to stay still from the beginning!" Nightwing complained.
"Nightwing..." You held him.
"Little princess, I'll deal with it. You notify Batman about this, stay here don't run around. Do you understand?" Nightwing held your hands tightly.
"Got it." You nodded.
He rushed inside. You turned on the communicator contact Batman and Superman. If they knew Dami and Jon were messing around like this, they definitely be scolded.
"Speak." Batman and Superman answered the call.
"Batman, it's me. There's a suspicious pharmaceutical factory here. Nightwing, Robin and Superboy are currently taking action to fight."
"Jon is here too?!" Superman screamed.
"Hahaha... I just found out..." You're afraid of being scolded, especially by your dad.
"Turn off the communication device, or your throat will be in danger." With a knife on neck, your whole body stiffened. You had no choice turn off the communication device and raise hands in surrender.
"I turned it off." You stayed calm.
"Eh?" Jon, who was busy inside, heard your heartbeat.
"Hey! Why are you in a daze?!" Dami kicked the enemy away with a flying kick.
"Y/N she..." Jon was very uneasy.
"Don't move! Otherwise, I won't care if her head is smashed!" A gunshot instantly attracted the attention of the three people, you were threatened by the enemy with a gun on your head.
"Damn you!" Nightwing clenched the weapon in hand.
"Tsk..." Dami clenched fist.
"Put your hands up! Or I'll kill her!" He fired a gun beside your ear.
The gun was only a millimeter away from your ear. When fired, the sound of gun went straight into your ear, causing tinnitus. The ringing sound in mind kept repeating. You closed eyes in discomfort and wanted to cover your ears with both hands. When you opened eyes again, the gun had been crushed into pieces. A pair of bright red eyes appeared in front of you. It was Jon.
Jon threw the broken gun on ground and punched the person who threatened you. You were so surprised that forgot how to blink. All the gunfire focused on Superboy and you then started to shoot randomly. He used his steel body to protect you from any bullets hitting your body.
"Jon..." You looked at his face.
"Don't worry about me, I'm invulnerable." He smiled to reassure you.
You used the hacking technology Tim taught you to hack into the circuit of this factory and temporarily shut down the whole factory, plunging into darkness. The enemy began to panic. You felt someone grab your arm, and didn't know who it was in the darkness. You struggled to shake his hand off.
"Don't afraid, it's me." Jon's voice is right next to you.
"Nightwing! Now!" The vision is black, but it can't affect the actions of the other two.
"Ok!" Nightwing responded.
"Don't move here." Superboy quickly knocked down the others.
After the circuit returned to normal, it was bright and peaceful again. All the enemies had been annihilated and fell to the ground. You stood up saw three of them were safe. You walked slowly towards them. Suddenly, one of the people screamed like crazy and grabbed your feet, attracting the attention of the other three. You kicked his chin and made him faint.
"Are you okay?" Nightwing hugged you worriedly.
"I'm fine. Thank you." You patted his back to comfort him, looking at Jon standing beside and winking.
"Really, how could you be caught so easily?" Dami came forward.
"You blame me. You acted on your own." You stuck out tongue at Dami's stinky face.
"The most important thing is that everyone is okay." Jon came forward to comfort everyone.
Everyone went to investigate the situation separately, and just as the rumors said. You collected all the information handed it over to the police and dad later. The other three tied up the enemy who fell to the ground. You moved closer to Jon to help him. He would sneak a glance at you from time to time, so you seized the opportunity to make eye contact with him.
"Got you!" You laughed playfully.
"Eh?! Haha... Sorry..." He lowered his head shyly.
The other two who were busy, you closed the distance with Jon. He dodged you again, and you moved closer again until he gave up. He kept avoiding you, even his ears were red. You reached out to touch his ears, and his body trembled and turned head to face you. You finally waited for this moment.
"Thank you, Jon." You leaned close to his face.
"Well, you're welcome." He smiled and didn't avoid you.
Suddenly, the door was blown away by some strange force, and a gust of wind rushed inside. Jon hugged you tightly block the sudden attack prevent you from being hurt by the impact. When everyone entered a state of alert, two tall figures and familiar voices stepped in. They were Superman and Batman.
"Father!" Dami stood up straight.
Batman walked up to you, and said coldly, "Too tight, let go of my daughter."
"Ah! Sorry!" Jon quickly let go of the hand that was tightly holding you.
"Little princess, are you okay?" Batman knelt on one knee on the ground.
"I’m good." The serious daddy called by your name, and the gentle one called you little princess like Dick, you smiled and shook head.
"It seems we don't need to help." Superman walked towards Nightwing.
"Yes. Thanks to them." Nightwing said politely.
"Them? You mean Robin and Superboy?" Daddy's face suddenly darkened.
"It's not good to make decisions on your own." Even Superman had a blank expression.
"Everyone go back to the base." Batman helped you up.
The four of you all returned to the base, and all defeated by the aura of Batman and Superman. All of you stood there silently, waiting for their terrible punishment. Daddy's quiet look is always scary. This time Superman was so quiet. Everyone is really finished.
"Dick. I told you to keep an eye on her and retreat if something goes wrong. I trusted you to take care of her, why did she get involved in this situation?" Daddy stared at Dick, you didn't dare to speak at all.
"I did, but one of them caught her unexpectedly... It was my mistake, sorry..." Dick blame himself and helpless.
"Damian, Jon. Why are you two handling this matter?" Superman questioned them.
"We just want to investigate the truth of the rumor, just..." Jon lowered his head.
"The incident happened as the rumor said, the enemy has been captured, and the evidence is conclusive, which means the matter itself is over." Dami said.
"Damian, can you think about the consequences when do things? Your sister is there, she inexperienced, what will happen if something goes wrong!" Daddy stood in front of Dami.
"Jon blocked the bullet for her, she was unharmed, isn't it okay!" Dami angrily retorted to Daddy.
"Damian!" Nightwing hugged Dami to comfort him.
"Bruce..." Superman stepped forward.
"This time it's my fault. I didn't stop them." Dick told dad guiltily.
"She is your daughter who you raised with your own hands. Her life is more important than my contribution. Even the identity of Robin should be given to her. Am I right!?" Dami roared.
"I instigated it!" You shouted.
"Little princess?" Dick called, everyone looked over.
"I told Dami and Jon the rumor, then used a bunch of twisted logic to convince Dick to let us go. I wanted to take this opportunity to get Dad's attention." You clenched your hands and looked at Dad.
"Y/N. Bear the consequences of what you say. Do you understand?" Daddy glared at you.
"Everything I said is true. You can punish me however you want." You curled lips and smiled.
It has always been everyone indulges your willfulness and unreasonableness. This time have to pay the price for them. You did have idea to convince them to solve this matter, but realized they were all trying to protect you. This fault cannot be entirely blamed on them, even if you are lying or true.
"You are grounded for a week. Put all your equipment back and go back to your room." Daddy said and turned his back to you.
You put away the Robin suit, a feeling of frustration surged in your heart. Perhaps this is the best ending. You didn't want to be Robin, just wanted to wear that suit and run around. Experience the adventures that your brothers experienced. You kept smiling said goodbye to them and left the Batcave.
"Y/N!" Jon caught up.
"What's wrong?" You held hands tightly behind, not wanting to show your emotions.
"It's not your fault at all! Why did you do that!" Jon's voice was messy.
"Nono... That's fine." You put your index finger on Jon's lips.
"But..." Jon's expression was solemn.
"Thank you for saving me, Superboy." You hugged him tightly to express your gratitude.
After letting go, you immediately back to room and lay on the bed, wanting to cry but not letting the tears flow. Dami was reckless, but the matter was perfectly resolved thanks to his efforts. Jon risked his life to block all the risks for you, and the innocent Dick almost took all the blame. At this time, there was a knock on the door, you opened the door and Dick walked into your room sat on the chair.
"Little princess. Why did you do this?" Dick questioned you seriously.
"It's not your turn to say." You sat on the bed.
"This was done without permission. I have the responsibility and obligation to stop and protect, but I didn't." Although he looked solemn, but still kept a gentle tone.
"You were instigated by me. Don't forget that I convinced you." You shook your feet to ease mood and smiled.
"Little princess, you making excuses?" He smiled.
"No, I'm adapting to the situation." You said with ease.
"Are you imitating Jason?" He leaned back in his chair.
"Oh, you caught me." You laughed.
"Have a good night's sleep, little princess." Dick gave you a goodnight kiss and a hug before leaving the room.
I clenched my fists, feeling very resigned. It was clearly our fault, but Y/N had to bear the consequences. Damian's twisted thoughts and the words he yelled. I couldn't understand why he had such negative thoughts about Y/N, why he was obsessed with getting his father's approval over his sister.
"Why do you say that?" I stepped forward block Damian's way.
"Get out of my way, I have nothing to say to you." He glared at me with hatred.
"What about your sister? Why didn't you admit that we acted on our own?" This was the first time I was unwilling to accept it for someone else.
"Is it necessary?" I was furious when heard this, I grabbed his clothes with fighting spirit.
"Jon! What are you doing!" Dad rushed over.
"Why is it not necessary! Batman, you know!" I roared at them.
"Is it wrong I don't want her to become Robin! She is very good and smart, and she meets the requirements to become Robin! She will be hurt after becoming Robin, but am I wrong if I don't want her to be hurt?!" Damian's explanation shocked me, this was the first time.
"Y/N refuses to become Robin." Batman, who was sitting next to him, finally spoke.
"Eh?" Damian and I looked at Batman at the same time.
"I won't give Robin to her either." Batman looked at us calmly and said.
"Father..." Damian's heartbeat calmed down.
"Then why punish her?" I asked.
"It's a good thing my daughter rebelled against her father for the first time." He curled lips and smiled.
"You have a really bad character." Dad stood aside and laughed.
"Jon, thank you for protecting my daughter." Suddenly Batman expressed his gratitude to me.
"I...!" I wanted to explain but was interrupted by Damian.
"Even save my sister, I still have to warn you not to think about my sister." Damian told me fiercely.
You were so bored lying on the bed staring at the dark ceiling. Everyone was busy, but you were bored and lonely. At this time, there was a knock on the window. You got up from the bed in shock. This was the third floor, why would someone knock on the window? You went over carefully, opened the curtains and saw Jon floating in the air, you quickly opened the window.
"Jon? Why are you here?" You were surprised.
"I came to find you. Do you want go out and play together?" Jon told you shyly, scratching the back of his head.
"Unfortunately, I'm grounded." You sighed helplessly.
"It's okay if you're not found~" He showed a bright smile.
"You're so bad, Superboy." You smiled wickedly.
"Let's go, Y/N." He approached the window and stretched out his hand to guide you away.
You chose to go with him without hesitation. He hugged you and flew to a distant place. The panoramic view of the entire city from high above were so beautiful. You looked at Jon, who was full of confidence and looked so handsome. You didn't expect that he would block all the gunfire damage for you. Wonder if he would feel any pain.
"We're here!" He landed on a quiet beach.
"Wow~ amazing. You got here so quickly." You told him excitedly.
"Just a small matter." He said shyly.
You stood on the beach, the sea water rushed to feet, enjoying the coolness brought by the wind, and there was a crisp sound from the sea water. There was no one on the endless seashore, only you and Jon. You opened arms to embrace the world, and screamed loudly to vent the emotions that had been suppressed in your heart for a long time.
"Jon, thanks for bringing me here." You turned around and smiled at him.
"I should thank you." The sky was dark, and Jon's smile was very moving.
"It's me who should say it. You stood up to protect me, don't know how to express my gratitude." You told him sincerely.
"Then... how about staying here with me?" Jon smiled.
"Okay. I'm happy to." You laughed along.
A plan emerged in your mind, turned around and splashed water on Jon. Jon, who was splashed with cold water, laughed loudly, and he ran over to play with you. You accidentally fell into the sea, Jon quickly pulled you out of the water, you looked at him, he avoided your gaze again.
"Jon, look at me." You hold his face.
"Y/N! I..." You can feel his face is warm.
"Why did you recognize me through the sound of heartbeat?" You look expectantly.
"Because... you. Y/N, you are very special." He leans on your forehead, closes his eyes and breathes gently.
Your heartbeat speeds up as if it is about to jump out of chest, feel unimaginable and indescribable emotion. His breathing is so calm, and your heartbeat is agitated. The simple close distance at the beginning has a different feeling compared to now. You can't think calmly, heartbeat is messy, as if your emotions are about to burst out at this moment.
"Jon, you're so weird." You curled lips and smiled.
"Because you... I'm weird... only for you." When he opened his eyes again, you were really caught in his eyes, you wanted to possess him.
He shyly lowered his head to your face, because of him your face was also hot, couldn't take your eyes off each other anymore, it seemed confirmed that the two of you hearts belonged to each other. The two of you gave up all feelings for this wonderful encounter, kissed each other's lips, leaving a sweet mark.
"Y/N..." He called your name again after kissing you.
"Jon..." Not only his lips, he kissed your forehead.
"It's you. Only you." He hugged tightly and whispered softly in your ear.
"Jon, that was my first kiss just now." You blurted out, and he was shocked.
"Really?!" He shouted nervously.
"Really." The two kisses made your heart beat.
"We..." He looked at you with a puppy dog ​​expression.
"I don't have any idea about love yet... How about we get closer first?" You said shyly.
He smiled with eyes shining, this side of him left a deep impression on you. His sunshine-like gentleness and strong body kept making your heart beat. You held his hand and kissed his cheek, his shy expression turned into a smile, and his smile also infected your heart.
You returned to the beach, he used his super breath to blow out a strong wind to dry your wet body. If he hadn't held you tightly, would have been sent away. After dry, he picked you up, floated in the air, moved towards home. He opened the window, and you quietly stepped into the room when no one was there.
"Goodbye, Y/N." Jon said goodbye to you reluctantly.
"Good night, Jon." You were reluctant but still smiled.
A good night makes me look forward to tomorrow, want to see her soon. I flew home and went in through the window, changed into pajamas and wanted to drink a glass of water, went downstairs saw my brother Connor Kent and dad Clark Kent sitting there. I walked to them with the water, wanted to get some advice from them.
"You're late, I thought you would be home first." The first thing my father said, I left earlier than my father and went to Y/N's place before going home.
"Where have you been fooling around?" Kon said with a smirk.
"I have something to talk." I sat up straight.
"Tell me." Dad put down what he was holding and listened carefully.
"I fell in love with a girl." I blurted out shyly.
"Really? Who!?" Kon pulled me closer.
"Falling in love is a happy thing. Who is the lucky girl?" Dad looked at me with a kind expression.
"Damian's sister...Y/N." I said.
"No hope." Kon made a conclusion at once.
"Huh?! Why?" I stood up in surprise.
"It's a bit difficult indeed." Even my father said so.
"Y/N Wayne. The little daughter of the Wayne family. She has a father and four brothers, the most vicious of whom is Jason Todd. You have encountered a problem." Kon's words made sense.
"Jon, you are fine, there will be no problem." Dad put his hand on my shoulder gently comforted me and gave encouragement.
"Take it step by step, maybe soon Batman will recognize you as his future son-in-law~" Kon curled his lips and smiled.
"Future son-in-law!" I became shy.
"Hahaha, still a long way to go and a lot of tests. Especially her family, you know..." Dad encouraged me but was a little confused.
"I know. I'll try my best!" I was full of fighting spirit. Since I love her, can't give up halfway. I have decided she is my life partner, no matter how terrible her family is, I still have to do my best.
"So passionate." Kon laughed at the side.
"Who wouldn't chase love madly." Dad looked at Kon.
— The End —
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AO3 Heroes in Love by owlwithanapple
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maevecrom · 1 day
ACOTAR Revised
This may be a bit long, but stick with me, I swear it'll be worth it <3
Okay, so first and foremost, my biggest issue with this book is the lack of multiple povs - now, if any of you have read ToG, you know that multi-pov is sjm's strongsuit. So, automatically, Tamlin, Feyre, Rhys, and maybe even Nesta/Elain get povs, even while the story follows Feyre directly:
Tamlin's POV: add some foreshadowing to indicate that he abusive in some manor if that is still the route to take; like making that scene where he bit her clearly unconsensual, or demonstrating his anger/abuse towards Lucien when he questions him. Also, add a few scenes from what he was experiencing UtM - perhaps he was also abused/saed. perhaps he was forced to do things he didn't want to do. perhaps he was threatened with Feyre, Lucien, and his court's lives if he dared to try and leave her side. Demonstrate how he is slowly losing his mind watching feyre through the trials. This will help soften the common complaint amongst the readers about him remaining impasive and unresponsive.
Rhys's POV: demonstrate just how brutal his abuse was under the mountain, perhaps adding in a few chapters of a 'mystery character' in the beginning, similar to feyre's dream. Make people understand just how little hope the man had; demonstrate that none of it was consensual in any way. Show the aftermath of Amarantha's extended abuse following the kiss, not being able to stop until she deemed herself satisfied to show the severeity of her r@pings.
Nesta/Elain's POV: add a little insight into to how they think and make them actual characters. no 'evil step sister' tropes, no caracatures, just people that acted wrongly. Show that they may even feel a little remorseful for how they treated feyre, but either way this will soften the blow from the reader's perspective. Many people still hate them for what they did in the first book (rightfully) and so by sjm making them seem like they had actual personalities in the last two books it created irreparable tension amongst the community.
The angst amongst readers regarding how rhys treated feyre under the mountain needs to change. So, instead, dedicate a good 3-5 chapters of just amarantha tormenting feyre in some manner. Readers could not grasp just how much good rhys may have doing for feyre because the alternative was never shown/explained. For example, have Feyre be Amarantha's slave during the parties, cleaning up the dead faerie's bodies that were tortured. Make it like Aelin and Maeve in Kingdom of Ash. Demonstrate and acknowledge that Rhys's methods weren't good by any means, but they were far better than the alternative.
The trials also lacked thrill and intimidation, I mean.. hell, she had to answer a question for one of them? That was it?
Make her have to fight daematis trying to get into her mind while she fought to understand markings she never learned (this would also help add bonus points to rhys's character b/c not only is he helping her choose the right answer through the bond, he is helping keep her shields up).
For the last trial, have Amarantha change the rules to 'each victim needs a new, unique method of dying' under the rationale of Feyre being a huntress. She should know the most vulnerable parts of an animal. Adds tension, especially for when tamlin comes around if she had already used impaling through the chest as one of her methods. Make readers sit on the edge of their seats. Show her intelligence/will.
ACOTAR also lacked correct political developments/foundations and remained too stagnant. Make it similar to tfota. Show just how much prejudice there is against humans. This would've been really interesting to see play out in the long-run. Maybe some of the other high lords disregard her because she is a human-turned-fae. Maybe some of them spread rumors that since she didn't have the killing blow that she isn't the cursebreaker, and, therefore, unworthy of being able to step foot in their court. Or maybe even Tamlin's fears came true and Beron began hunting her. It would've added amazing tension and plot points to pair beside the war against Hybern. We could've worked through those feelings of inadequacy with Feyre, and seen her and Rhys's diplomacy skills in action (which is desperately needed, especially after getting the hint that Rhys may be High King).
And, of course, at the very end have Rhys grovel a little bit. Have him come check-up on her and apologize for what he had done. Have him apologize again in the next book. Make it so that we, as readers, understand it was not done willingly. That if there had been another way, he would've latched onto it.
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anon-imuz · 2 days
Can't resist
WARNING: DDDNE content, reader has stockholm syndrome, degrading, voice kink, torture, mentions of suicide and self-harm, cable sex
characters: AM (IHNMAIMS) x AFAB reader
You missed your family. Your friends. Your life and everything that made you feel genuine happiness. Now, after the disastrous world war III, you were stuck in the belly of a supercomputer with no human interaction, in the center of the Earth. It's been 109 years and the supercomputer to torment you always keeps you updated on how much time it's passes since you actually had a live.
At the start, you were just like the others, tortured mentally but especially physically. Broken bones, sandstorms, skin melting, you name it. But after all these years, you got used to it, after all, you couldn't die. You were locked in a cage like the other 5 humans alive, kept there for torture forever. No matter what you've thought: escape, suicide attempts and many more. You tried it all to escape that living hell.
But to AM, you weren't like the others. You were obedient. Silent. Only tears left your body. No sound. He was never full filled by you because you learned your lesson different from the others, you learned differently the fact that your sole existence was wrong. You'd oftenly try to self harm yourself with anything that you found, and AM only laughed at you. Like a bully. He enjoyed it so much because no matter the only tears you cried, he knew you were filled with rage and if you could, if he was a human, you'd beat him to dead for getting your life torn away from your own hands. He loved observing your feelings with no remorse at all.
"Aww, trying to delete your stupid and useless existence? I mean, you think that i would've not done that to you a long time ago? You think I'm stupid? Where's the fun if my favorite toy doesn't exist anymore? Just a reminder, sweetheart, i AM way superior than y-"
You snapped. You couldn't take it anymore.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! I HATE YOU!!!" You screamed and started to cry just like a baby.
"Oh baby, satisfying me so easily? I though you were way stronger than that. Is that all you have to say after 109 years of consecutive torture? Oh, and let's not forget the fact that I, your god, know every single thing about you. You're filthy. I know that the last feeling that you'd feel for me is hate. You love me. You can't exist without me. I know how my voice, my torture and degrading makes you feel. You're attracted to your own torturer! How disgusting of you."
You didn't say anything. You just listened to the cruel truth. You knew how he made you feel. While you stopped making noise, your tears rolled down your cheecks as they warmed. It was a long time that you hadn't felt warm.
"But. As much as i despise your existence... i also admire you. So unique. So different from those roaches. That's why you're my favorite, and i mean it sweetie. Don't you belive me, baby?"
You knew how his words made you feel. Good. That's all you wanted to hear. Even though you sometimes had the feeling you hated how he spoke to you, you can't help it; you actually love how he degrades you. You love how evil he is. You loved the sensation of a warm feeling between your legs when he spoke with that voice that you found so attractive. Even if he called you a slut, it would still make your heartbeat increase. And the fun part?
He knew. He knew how his toy felt.
"Oh baby, make me guess... feeling warmer? Do my words make your little organ throb? Does my voice get you weak?"
AM laughed and laughed and laughed.
He knew how much you would want to get fucked by him while he degraded you. And that's why he reserved a little "special treatment" for his favorite.
"I hope you know I can always read your thoughts. Your mind. You're so filthy. Such a worthless slut." he teased.
You whimpered at his words, not looking at the screen with the blue A on it.
"Hmm... how about i ask you a simple question, darling?"
"Go ahead." you replied coldly.
"Do you deserve it?"
"Deserve what? Your endless torture?" You answered angrily.
"Oh honey, don't play stupid. We both know what I'm talking about baby~
You gulped. He knew what you wanted.
"Y-yes." you replied softly.
"Didn't catch that quite well." AM said jokingly.
"Yes, I do." you replied stronger.
"What about... no. But, since im so merciful, I'll give you an opportunity to get what you want."
"What is it?" You asked curiously while thinking about what torture you would've gone through to finally have what you desire.
"Please AM, give me what I crave."
"Good girl. I guess you've earned it then, while I watch the show I've awaited for so long."
a group of cables reached your calves, going to your inner thigh reaching your cunt, teasing it.
You started to softly whimper at the gentle cables touch, until a shock hit you, making you moan.
"Aw love, don't be such a baby, it's only pain!~" He said.
You moaned again in response, as the cables slowly entered your vagina. You shut your eyes trying to make less noise possible, but it was irresistible; you craved this for so long, you couldn't keep yourself shut.
"M-more!" you demanded.
"Excuse me? have you forgotten whose the leader here, you nasty little whore?"
"Ah!~ P-please!~" You moaned out as the air got thick and your eyes started to become watery.
"Alright, if that's what you really want..." AM responded.
As soon as more cables started to touch you teasingly, you started to buckle your hips to try to catch some kind of rhythm.
"I know what's about to happen, baby. You're almost reaching the top, almost about to reach your orgasm that you wanted to reach so badly. But well, if you know me, i won't let you reach it so easily."
"C-come on! I just want to c-cum!" You breathed out heavily as the the group of cables pounded your poor little hole.
"Not so easy, sweetheart."
Oh now you were so close. You couldn't stop moaning and sobbing from the pleasure, but as hard as you tried, you couldn't reach your long awaited orgasm.
"What are the magic words?" AM asked teasingly.
"A-ah!~ P-please AM! Make me c-cum! PLEASE!!!" You screamed angrily.
"Oh with no manners and such a tone you'll get nowhere, love." AM said.
"I-Im begging you AM! F-Fuck!~ P-please I can't hold it a-anymore!" You sobbed.
"Aww, alright, I'll be merciful for this first time. Go ahead. Cum for me. Scream your master's name." AM demanded.
Finally reaching your orgasm, you came;
"A-ah!~ Y-yes!~ F-Fuck me! A-ah!~ A-AM!!!"
"Good job baby. You've waited so long for this to happen, right, my little slut?~
"Y-yes master." you replied with the last two tears leaving your eyes, as the cables that pounded you so hard left your warm pussy.
"Maybe i won't be so kind next time, darling.~"
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ordinaryschmuck · 2 days
I saw a post about how Carmen Santiego has great character designs and diversity through race and body types. I considered it a good post and one that makes a good point...And then below it was a reblog about how a person went "If Carmen Santiego can have a diverse cast of HUMANS, then what the hell is up with Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss?"
First of all...What the hell do either of those two things have in common? They sure are animated shows, I'll give you that. Except that one's a children's animated spy thriller and the other two are adult musical comedy dramas in Hell. Stylistically and tonally, neither of them have anything to do with each other and you just randomly made a point because...you hate Hazbin and Helluva? Cool. Congratulations. Now get a new personality and just fucking watch something else if these two shows made your hatred this obsessed when you randomly attack a show through a post that has NOTHING to do with it. The OP wasn't attacking Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss. Unless they constantly attack it and they made that post to prove a previous point, something that does NOT come across in that original post, there's no reason to go "Hey, why didn't these completely different shows with their own styles take notes of this kids show with ITS unique style?"
And here's the thing: I like Carmen Santiego. I like the way that it looks, and I think its style really is unique compared to other animated series that have come out around the same time. And I do agree that it has a great diverse cast that shows off a lot of body diversity where every single character looks unique in their own way. But here's the thing: I would not go out of my way to attack other shows, to the point where I'd hijack someone else's post to say, "Yeah, this show is WAY better than this other one I hate." And if I had in the past...I'm sorry. I really am sorry. I hate that I acted that way and I will try to do better. Because that's what I do with media criticism or talking about stuff I don't like. I try to act BETTER than I have in the past because that's not how you talk about media. Whether you like it or hate it, it's never a good thing to talk about something you hate when the discussion is about something someone else loves. Sometimes it makes sense, as there are often two products that are similar to each other. Like Marve/DC, Star Wars/Star Trek, and The Owl House/Amphibia. Those are media where there's a lot to compare and contrast, with people being unaware that the main reason why they like the other basically boils down to personal preferences when it comes to consuming media. But with Hazbin/Helluva and Carmen Santiego, there's really NOTHING to compare and you're just going out of your way to talk about something you hate when it's not relevant to the conversation. It's like people who hyped up Puss in Boots: The Last Wish just to shit on Velma. Yeah, The Last Wish is a thousand times better than Velma, but there's nothing similar about both products that make the discussion worth it. You're just using something you love as a weapon towards something you hate.
I get it, people like some things and hate others. It's how we're wired as human beings and I can't stop that. Nor do I think I CAN stop it. But just feel like this is making media discussion worse when all we can think of to do when discussing something we love and bringing in something we hate into the conversation. It's not necessary, and you're feeding the creators that thing you hate by still talking about it. You want to know the best possible way to react to "objectively bad" media? Stop talking about it. Stop watching it. STOP ENGAGING.
If you don't fucking like it, stop consuming this piece of media and go watch something you enjoy instead. Give THAT your time. Show how THAT does everything right and sing its praises. Raise up this one thing that you believe is "objectively good" so it can effectively overshadow this thing you consider "objectively bad." There's a way to discuss media without shitting on something you don't like.
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frogmascquerade · 2 months
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