#they need to have their cooking privileges revoked immediately
sanshinexx · 1 year
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Prequel to this disaster
aka more incorrect quotes with the bois because i cannot be stopped
[More can be found here]
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michaelsfavgirl · 6 months
he takes care of you when you're sick
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Pairing: Michael Jackson x fem!reader
Tags: established relationship, fluff, Mike being husband material
Word Count: 500+
Requested: yes/no
Author’s Note: first hcs on this blog lets gooo
Links: navigation | masterlist | taglist
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Oh boy, let’s get into it
Michael is very protective of you as it is
But when you’re sick Michael's protective instincts kick into overdrive (affectionately)
Doesn't care whether it's just a common cold or something miniscule
He’s immediately treating you like fragile porcelain
But god forbid If it's a fever or a more serious ailment, he's practically glued to your hip 24/7
Good luck getting any personal space during those times
He fusses over you constantly, asking if you need him to fetch you something, making sure you're comfortable
“Feeling any better, sweet girl?”
“Are you getting cold? Lemme just quickly grab your favorite blanket” 
This man can cook, okay? So expect him to whip up all kinds of soups to make you feel better.
Don't you even dare to disrespect him by opening the fridge and trying to make a meal for yourself
he won't hear of it
“Ah ah, none of that, don’t want my girl strainin herself for no reason” 
“Mike i just want to eat-” 
“shh, i’m here to take care of you, let’s get you back into bed hm? You go take a little nap while I make you something okay baby?” you nod defeatedly and take your ass back to bed 
Is very serious when it comes to taking medicine
Doesn't care if you say it tastes like dookie
You’re taking it, end of conversation
He’ll revoke your kisses and cuddles privileges if you don’t comply
He’s pretty cruel as you can tell 
But he’s so sweet afterwards, showering you with praise and kisses
“That wasn’t so difficult now was it?” He says and kisses your pout away 
Will 100% help you shower if you’re feeling weak 
Even when you're not sick, he enjoys doing domestic things with you; it makes him feel fuzzy and warm inside
Michael refuses to put any distance between you in bed, no matter how much you protest that he'll get sick too
This man looks at you like -_- ‘You think I care bout that?’
He'll wrap you securely in his arms and pull the sheets up to your neck
His huge hands gently caressing your skin and humming a soothing tune
As you start to feel better Michael feels a little guilty and selfish
 Of course he wants his precious angel to be healthy and all, but he really gets used to taking care of you so intimately very quickly and wishes it could go on a little longer
You have to remind him that y’all live together and spend most of your time in each other's presence.
It doesn’t get any closer than that but he’s still pouting like a baby, saying he’ll miss taking care of you
As if he doesn’t already do everything for you and spoil you rotten
This man will be the death of you…and you wouldn’t have it any other way <3
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© michaelsfavgirl 2024
Taglist: @theladyinmoscow @yeriminist @yeaiamme2 @helloaugustmoon @cinnamoncunt @theladyofmylife @minekarina @kionaaa @theskinniestjackson-denny @anivkye @graciegizmo3184 @theasexual-jackson @mrsmikaelsxn @fallinlovewithevil @armasbw @b3rk1ey @maybe7tommorow @falllovesomemichealjackson
228 notes · View notes
thelewdpokemanik · 4 months
Junko's a Man Eater
(AN: Thank you to an anonymous commissioner for, well, commissioning this <3)
Junko was resting her perfectly sculpted chin on her hands, humming cheerfully to herself as she sat in the cafeteria, which was a warning sign for anyone who knew her.
This probably explained why the table she was sitting at was cleared, despite the rest of the room being packed to capacity. 
Another explanation for this was that Mukuro was out of school today, doing some meaningless task Junko had given her to do for the sole purpose of getting her out of the way. Because if she knew what Junko was planning today, then she would most likely intervene, even if Junko told her not to.
That’s how dire the situation was.
And so, this couldn’t wait. Both because Junko was running out of time herself, and because she needed this to happen today.
Today was one of the rare days Teruteru was allowed to cook for the school, days which had grown much rarer after his attempted drugging of class 77. 
Somehow, his privilege hadn’t been revoked entirely, which suited Junko just fine- though, after today, it definitely would be.
Then again, maybe not. After all, Teruteru didn’t even know he was going to be slipping anything shady into this meal.
Mikan had told him that it was simple medicine that that the patient had to take, despite his reticence to actually do so, which meant she needed his help having him actually take it.
At least, that’s what she should’ve told the boy if she followed instructions properly, which was one thing she could be trusted to do, most of the time.
And in truth, she wasn’t even lying. Not egregiously at least. 
The drug Mikan and Junko had worked on together might qualify as medicine, somewhat. Maybe.
If you stretched the definition.
And if Makoto knew what was in his meal, he definitely wouldn’t be eating it with that dumb stupid grin on his face, so the part about needing it to be sneaked into his food was also true!
Was this all a bit too convoluted? Maybe, maybe not. Makoto’s luck could interfere with so many points of failures, but at the same time, she was mostly sure it only came up to save his skin, judging by the amount of stairs he tripped down non-fatally.
And this drug was definitely non-fatal-
Junko smirked to herself, rubbing her thighs together for a moment as heat pooled into her core.
It would hopefully kill a part of him~
And oh, what a part it was~
Junko had been planning this scheme ever since she’d first caught sight of him with Sayaka, pounding the ever-loving shit out of the slutty idol with a monster cock that even she could never have predicted.
It was a sight that immediately branded itself in her mind, and haunted her dreams. And not only the ones that came to her at night.
No. Ever since that day, Junko was haunted by visions as she observed her classmates. With this new variable, this new information that she had learned, she could see things that had previously been hidden to her.
Toko’s particularly careful not to let Byakuya smell her breath? Makoto face-fucked her in between classes.
Celeste usual poker face is looking just a touch strained? Her womb’s still full of Makoto’s latest creampie and she’s trying not to cum from the sensation of her eggs being fertilized.
Mukuro being just a touch slower than she should be? She was still limping from Makoto gaping her ass open all night long.
Makoto had turned their whole class into his personal sluts, except for her. Almost solely because of her distaste for him leading to her avoiding him, if only subconsciously.
All the girls in her class were addicted to him, desperate for his touch, his cock, his cum.
And Junko was starting to get herself sucked in despite herself.
There was a scent in the air she couldn’t ignore, a thought always nagging at the back of her mind, a pulsing in her womb-
She knew, she just knew~
If she ever got a taste of it, if she was ever in a room alone with Makoto, if he ever so much as called out to her-
Just imagining it now, she could so easily see the path laid out for her. She would break in moments, her mind melted by pleasure and musk, her whole existence being redirected toward a singular, all-consuming purpose; worshipping Makoto’s cock.
She would forget all about Despair, about all of her life’s work. All of her plans, her moves, her goals- ruined by one small boy and his bitch-breaking, mind-fucking, world-saving cock and balls.
She shuddered in her seat, licking her lips as she tried to hide the micro-orgasm she felt course through her at the thought.
It would be absolutely, wonderfully, panty-ruiningly Despairful~
But Junko wasn’t ready to give in just yet. Oh no. 
Junko had planned to bring Despair to all of her class, neigh, to the whole world-
And she wasn’t planning to limit herself, no matter how tempting the immediate Despair might appear.
Which was very, to be clear.
She could so easily imagine herself begging on all fours for a chance to worship His cock, to feed off His cum, to carry His children, to have her mind rearranged to fit His desires, drowning in a never-ending pool of pleasure, with only the broken remnants of memories of failed plans to stock the flames of Despair from time to time.
But Junko was a greedy bitch. If she could make those highs rise even higher, she had to try.
And if she could share even a hint of this Despair with the rest of her class as she did, well that was just the cherry on top~
Which brought her back to here and now, watching Makoto as he unknowingly doomed himself, and girls everywhere with him, to Despair never-ending.
Junko’s smile deepened as the lucky boy’s face flushed ever so slightly when Sayaka’s hand landed on his shoulder. Ever so slightly too deep, that is. Junko could see the micro-expressions on his face from her seat as the idol’s nails trailed just a little too long, as her breath in his ear as she spoke was just a little too hot, as her scent right next to him was just a little too strong~
Junko could practically hear the blood pumping into the boy’s cock from her seat across the room.
They hadn’t really had the chance to go for a trial run, so it was good to know this part of the drug worked properly at least. She did carry an antidote in case of the drug having an unexpected effect that wouldn’t serve her plans. But she hoped it wouldn’t come to that. She doubted she could pull this off twice- Especially once Mukuro learned she had tried to harm her precious stud~
But for now, things seemed to be proceeding as they should.
And if Junko was right, which she usually was, now was about the time to make her move.
She stood up, and began making her way out of the cafeteria, her eyes carefully inspecting the boy as he grew more and more fidgety. His usual self-confidence around women shaken as these new, far-too-intense sensations began growing and monopolizing his attention.
And just as Junko passed the doors leading to the hallway which would eventually lead to the dorms of Class 78, Makoto stood up, red-faced and making excuses, surprising everyone else at the table as he practically fled, though it was less of a run and more of an awkward waddle, desperate to try and make sense of what was happening to him.
Junko giggled as she let the doors close behind her, slowly making her way to the dorms nearby, strutting really, before laying in ambush, waiting for a particularly lucky boy to turn the last corner.
She took a moment to unbutton the top button of her uniform, fluffing up her boobs as she did, really deepening her natural cleavage.
She wasn’t planning to give Makoto even a chance of thinking his way out of this one~
Nope~ All the thinking he would be required to do would be with his other head~
Well, until he completely lost it of course~
- - - - -
Makoto’s head was swimming as he shuffled his way to his dorm- and shuffle was the correct word.
His every step was halting, stuttering as he tried to walk as fast as possible while moving as little as possible. 
Because his skin was on fire!
Every time he moved, he stumbled, gasping as pleasure shot up and down his body, his clothes enough to make him feel as if he was on the verge of cumming down his pants! 
But the worst part was that it wasn’t even just his cock- his whole body felt like one giant erogenous zone!
His shirt against his chest, the weight of his jacket over his shoulders, his own fingers against the palm of his hands- It was all way too much to bear! He felt as if he’d been edging for hours, which honestly wasn’t a sensation he was used to.
Makoto needed to make his way to his room to try and calm down, to hope that this would simply come to pass by itself- or at least, once he’d cum his soul out a couple of times.
Honestly, he should’ve stayed in the cafeteria and not try and move around, or at least told one of the girls to come with him, but panic had taken hold of him by that point, and just the thought of turning around now made him shudder.
And so, he shuffled, slowly, carefully toward his dorm room, which thankfully wasn’t too far anymore. Just one last turn, and then he could undress and hopefully recover alone-
Makoto ran face-first into the softest pillows he had ever felt against his skin, warm and silky smooth as they enveloped his head for a moment. His eyes fluttered as his nose was invaded by the toxic smell of flowers and raw lust he normally only associated with a girl who had completely lost her mind. 
“Makoto!” A sultry voice cried, hands coming up to wrap around his middle in a big hug, pressing him even closer into the softness, making him moan shamefully as his whole front was lit on pleasurable fire, not to mention the carefully manicured nails digging into his back precisely enough to just send small sparks of pain into the mix even as his cock throbbed against thicc, inviting thighs-
Makoto’s own hands came up to hug the woman back tightly, desperate for an anchor as he came in his pants, his mighty cock almost ripping its way out of its confines, and the added pressure and sensation were almost enough to make him cum again-
Gentle hands left his back and tilted his blushing, panting head to look up at- 
“J-Junko?” Makoto slurred, his hazy vision still clear enough to recognize her hair, and those piercing, shining blue eyes.
Junko smiled widely, arousal dancing in those eyes, before licking her lips. “Talk about a ‘hello’~” She said, making Makoto blink, trying to focus on anything but the feeling of her against him, the way her voice made his cock throb, her nails digging ever-so-pleasurably into his scalp, as if scratching his brain directly, making him shudder in bliss. He whined high in his throat, a sound he had never heard himself make, as his hips humped forward once, pressing into that delicious softness, his eyes rolling into the back of his head, his hands gripping the back of Junko’s shirt as if his life depended on it.
His legs practically collapsed from under him, and he ended up half-slumped against Junko’s bent leg, making him gasp as she pressed herself harder against him, smiling widely down at him.
“Aww, that’s a cute expression, Makoto~” She asked, her breath on Makoto’s face making him whimper for a moment, but the taunt pierced through the fog he was operating through.
“J-Junko- You- What’s-” Makoto tried to ask, but his mouth felt like it was filled with cotton, his brain struggling to make sense of his own thoughts and suspicions through the waves and waves of pleasure that kept crashing against his sanity.
Sanity that was blown apart the moment one of Junko’s hand left his head to instead dive into the front of his pants, grabbing hold of his throbbing, cum-covered cock, making him cry out, in pure pleasure. Just her touch was enough to bring him to the edge of another orgasm, his hands clawing desperately at her back as he tried to get just that inch more of friction, trying to breach past that wall-
But Junko’s grip was like iron, and she didn’t let him move an inch without following his movement perfectly.
“Junko- Please-” Makoto tried to beg, but couldn’t even manage that much before his cock throbbed in her grip, cutting his words off with a lewd groan, making Junko giggle lustfully.
“‘Please take care of my monster cock? Please let me cum my musky, reaking, womb-violating jizz? Please let me use you as my cock sock?’ Well, we can hardly let you go to class like this, huh? Don’t worry Makoto-cutie~ I’ll take good care of you <3” Junko said, giving his cock a slow, torturously pleasurable stroke that made Makoto’s back arc into her desperately, staring up into her sinister smile.
But Makoto was so desperate, so horny, so drunk on his own pleasure, that all he saw was the smile of his savior, a benevolent angel who had graced him with this heavenly pleasure as, only for a moment before his eyes rolled back into the back of his head as he came for the second times in less than a minute.
Before he could get his bearings again, Junko had pulled him into her room, and his stomach rolled as his nose was assaulted with her scent, with the scent of a horny slut who spent many a night shlicking her wet pussy, desperate for dick~
Makoto’s pants were ripped off of him in the same moment he was pushed on top of the bed, getting a faceful of that strong, arousing smell, so much so that he barely registered the way he was flipped on his back as his brain fogged up even more. His throbbing cock was bobbing high in the air, dripping cum like a broken faucet.
But what he did register was someone’s- Junko’s- breath against his crotch, making him gasp and arch his back, as if he could somehow close the distance, but his whole body felt weak and clumsy, uncoordinated. 
He barely managed to find an angle to stare down at the blonde girl through his disheveled hair. Her face was half-hidden by his cock, her pupils blown wide as she stared, drool running down her chin, mouth half-open. She was just, staring, instead of actually doing anything.
Makoto distantly recognized her expression. This was a sight he was familiar with. 
No one ever expected the monster he was packing, and even for those rare few who did, no one was ever ready to actually end up face-to-face with it. 
But where normally, he would feel pride, or lust, or any other some such, now, all he could feel was impatience.
Makoto whined, bucking his hips as frustration built-up in his stomach. There was a girl right there with her fuckhole mouth open, and he was so goddamn horny, and he had to take a few moments to think through the haze in his brain and make the link in his mind as to what he should do next.
He slowly began sitting up, sparks of pleasure shooting up his spine as satin sheets worshipped his bare skin, and carefully, hungrily, began reaching forward with shaky fingers. He moaned as his hands dug into Junko’s blonde locks, her hair caressing his skin, his digits easily finding purchase and handholds as he did.
He just needed to align himself just right, needed to close out those last few inches, needed those cock-sucking lips around his cock right now!
His nails dug into Junko’s scalp as he began pulling, but the moment he did, Junko’s eyes sharpened, awakening from her daydream, and jumped to his, locking him in place.
The two froze, staring at one another for a moment.
Both were panting like animals in heat, their eyes locked onto one another. Junko’s mouth flapped for a moment, her porcelain-like skin now flush with arousal. 
There was a tension in the air Makoto could still feel despite how foggy his mind felt. As if a wire was being pulled to its limit between the pair, ready to snap the second either of them pulled back.
But thankfully, Makoto wasn’t interested in pulling back. He was pulling Junko forward. And the blonde was letting him. 
And letting was the correct word here. There was no way for Makoto’s thin arms to force her to move, especially when you considered his almost drunken state of mind. No, the only possible explanation was that Junko was letting herself be guided, following his weak directions, and looking almost surprised as she did.
His nails were digging into her scalp as he positioned her, his throbbing cock painting her plump lips for a moment, but they remained stubbornly closed, frustratingly.
Makoto groaned for a moment, his hips thrusting weakly against her, only to blink as he heard something light and crystalline fall to the ground.
Junko herself blinked at the sound, her eyes leaving Makoto’s to instead search for the sound’s source, before her eyes widened noticeably as they found what she’d dropped.
Rolling around on the ground was a capped syringe filled with a purple liquid. Junko almost lunged for it, snatching it up from the ground with great haste, before lifting it up high in the air as if to inspect it in the light.
“J-Junko… What’s that?” Makoto asked, a ringing alarm sounding through his head at the sight, piercing through the lustful fog for a moment.
Junko’s head snapped to him instantly, her face now a blank mask, her blue eyes piercing through him and pinning him to the bed.
She hummed for a moment, rolling the syringe in her hand, her nails scratching at the glass with a sharp, almost trilling sound that made Makoto’s heart pound harder and harder for some reason. She stared at the boy like she was trying to see through him, like she was trying to dissect him.
Slowly, she began smiling, her cold emotionless expression slowly coloring once more with excitement and. “Instead of worrying about that-” Junko said, dropping the syringe to the ground-
Before ripping her jacket open, exposing her naked tits. “-How about you worry about these, hm?”
Makoto’s mouth went dry as he watched the naked flesh jiggling and bouncing before his eyes, his cock throbbing with renewed energy, though it hadn’t flagged one bit in truth.
So focused he was, he didn’t even notice the way the glass syringe shattered under Junko’s heel, moments before she kneeled down herself in front of him.
And when her breasts closed around his cock like a venus flytrap, his whole body arched as he came, and he stopped thinking altogether.
- - - - -
Junko moaned throatily as Makoto’s cum splattered against her face, and she couldn’t stop herself from licking her lips clean, feeling her pussy throb at the musky taste of his seed. 
But even after his, what, third ejaculation, Makoto was still hard as steel and out-of-his-mind horny, which was natural, considering the drug he’d ingested.
Junko smirked, unafraid of being discovered or anything of the sort. Makoto was completely out of it, barely managing to babble incoherently as his cock throbbed between her tits, the glan of his cock piercing through milky white flesh like a monolith for Junko to suckle on occasionally, though…
She also had a far better use for her mouth.
“God, I love your fucking cock~” She mewled lustfully in between plump kisses, her arms working her chest hard around Makoto’s pole, making sure to envelop him into a true marshmallow hell. The boy was gasping and moaning desperately, his hips thrusting against her chest like an animal in heat, and again, Junko could imagine how it would feel to have him pounding at her sopping wet pussy, filling her womb with his cum instead of spurting it away uselessly on her face and chest, though…
Makoto whined as his cock came again, and this time Junko was ready, closing her lips around the head of his cock and swallowing desperately so as to not drown in it.
Her eyes rolled up into the back of her head at the taste, her womb crying in need-
Well, it wasn’t a complete waste~
“Your cum is so delicious, Makoto~ I can taste how much it wants to impregnate me <3” Junko said, panting, before resuming her titjob, the boy not even reacting to her words, completely deaf to anything that wasn’t more pleasure.
Junko giggled perversely. 
To think that she would be the last person on Earth to drink such ambrosia~
Already, Makoto’s hair was growing longer, brown hair softening into locks and tickling his shoulders. His fingers in her hair had grown longer nails that dug into her scalp. His face had lost whatever hint of sharpness they had previously held, and was now truly cute, with barely any hint of masculinity.
“Come on, Makoto~” Junko teased, licking her lips. “Give me some more of that delicious cum, pwetty pwease~” She said, tightening her grip on his cock. Makoto’s eyes shot wide open as he cried out, moaning lewdly as he came once more, his back arching on the bed.
Junko moaned at the sight, the way his chest was beginning to push against his jacket unnaturally, the way his hips were slowly broadening, slowly lifting themselves up off the bed.
The way his cock was beginning to sink further and further down her cleavage with every orgasm made her womb cry out in need, a perverse, animalistic instinct telling her to let him impregnate her before it was all gone forever. And not for the first time, Junko almost let it convince her.
But she refused to. She had made up her mind when she’d destroyed the antidote earlier.
Junko would take away what her body craved most in the world before she could ever feel satisfied by it~
Makoto’s ejaculations were coming in barely thirty-second intervals now, his whole body twisting on the bed as his balls worked overtime to expunge him of any and all trace of his masculinity. Soon, he was clawing at his clothes as his chest grew more and more, and his ass inflated more and more, and Junko stared ravenously, making sure to brand the sight forever in her memories.
The sight of Makoto’s last few moments as a man.
His manhood had now shrunk by at least half, completely disappearing into her cleavage, though his cum was still bubbling up to the surface with every powerful orgasm. She couldn't help but giggle as she felt it throb against her skin, desperately fighting against the unending pressure and pleasure she was drowning the shrinking cock in.
Makoto’s moaning was becoming more and more high-pitched, and though his voice had never been rough-and-gruff, now it was positively melodious, which made toying with ‘him’ even more fun~
Junko blinked when she was pulled out of her reverie by a tearing sound, confusion taking hold for only a moment before her sight was filled with even more creamy flesh.
Makoto’s clothes were beginning to give up the ghost, and Junko had front-row seats.
‘His’ still-expanding tits were slowly being revealed by ‘his’ torn clothes, milky white fat being exposed bit by bit, capped off by thick pink peaks that Junko wanted to nibble on. ‘His’ hips and ass were also growing, and if Junko hadn’t removed ‘his’ pants already, ‘he’ would’ve torn through them as well, judging by the cake ‘he’ was now packing~
“Wha- What’s happening to me..?” Makoto slurred, ‘his’ eyes blinking blearily, looking down at ‘him’self. A hand cautiously reached up to cup ‘his’ new chest, and ‘he’ moaned as ‘his’ hand closed around a tit.
Junko smiled widely at the sight, before letting her breasts fall, revealing Makoto’s shrunken manhood.
It was still twitching mightily, and Junko knew that ‘his’ reduced size had in no way made him any less virile.
“J-Junko! Wha- What did you do!?” Makoto cried, making Junko’s smile widen.
“Does it really matter?” She asked, standing up, before shimmying her way out of her skirt, cutting Makoto’s retort off.
“Or would you rather I keep taking care of you~” Junko panted, spreading her dripping pussy with her fingers, making Makoto whine, his huge tits bobbing up and down with ‘his’ shallow breathing.
Junko didn’t wait for an answer, instead climbing on top of the bed, making Makoto’s cock throb mightily at the sight.
Though, if Makoto was hoping to get to fuck one last pussy before it was too late, well-
The both of them would simply have to live with the disappointment~
With a deft movement, Junko spun around on the bed, and swallowed Makoto’s cry of surprise by sitting on ‘his’ face, smothering ‘him’ in her pussy juice.
Almost immediately, ‘his’ back arched as ‘his’ cock came again. ‘His’ hands scrambled against her skin, not to push her away, no, but instead to press ‘him’self even deeper into her core, making Junko gasp in pleasure, feeling the way Makoto was furiously devouring her pussy.
Junko rocked back against ‘his’ face. “Oh, you’re just too cute Makoto~ Does my pussy taste that good? Is my scent that strong?” Junko moaned, her back arching, her hands clawing at Makoto’s hypersensitive skin and making ‘him’ cum again, his cock visibly shrinking once more. Junko licked her lips at the sight, before leaning forward, though never enough to separate Makoto from her core. Not that she could’ve if she tried, judging by the way ‘he’ was holding on to her hips like ‘his’ life depended on it. 
“You shouldn’t waste your last few cumshots like that, Makoto~” Junko said, before opening her mouth wide, and slamming her face down ‘his’ cock.
Immediately, Makoto’s body thrashed beneath hers, and ‘he’ came a torrent of cum that Junko swallowed eagerly, greedily even, and she felt her thighs clenching around Makoto’s head as she felt ‘his’ cock shrinking against her tongue, as she felt ‘his’ balls shrink against her lips, as working the tool over became easier and easier, Makoto cumming the last dregs of his manhood out like a torrent, desperately bucking ‘his’ hips against Junko’s face.
And when Junko’s own hands slipped under Makoto’s body, taking a double handful of dat ass, her nails digging into the creamy flesh, making ‘him’ cry out in her pussy in pure, mind-melting pleasure as ‘he’ came one final time-
When Junko’s tongue slipped into Makoto’s pussy, knowing that she had robbed the world of His cock-
Only then did she allow herself to cum in turn, almost biting through her lip as she did, her body shooting upright, crushing and drowning Makoto’s face beneath her without a care, pleasure crashing through her brain like a tidal wave.
By the time she came back down from her high, it was to the sensation of Makoto still furiously eating her out, either uncaring or unaware of what had just happened.
Her grip was hungry, but weak enough that Junko managed to stand up and look down at Makoto’s expression under her, and though she didn’t see the Despair she had been somewhat craving, she also hadn’t been expecting it.
And Makoto’s pleasure drunk expression was a fine enough compensation in her mind~
Her cute face was covered in Junko’s juices, her lips now plump and kissable, her brown eyes hazy with pleasure, her tongue lolled out of her mouth, still lapping at the air brainlessly.
It seemed as if the drug hadn’t completely run its course just yet, even though Makoto had completely become a woman.
Junko smiled widely, hungrily.
Well then, no reason not to continue having some fun, right?
Junko needed to teach Makoto about her new place in the world anyway~
- - - - -
Makoto’s life had taken a strange turn in the last week.
A lot of things to adapt to, a lot of things to come to grips with.
And her new wardrobe was just the start of it. Thankfully, Junko had been more than happy to ‘help’ Makoto build it back up, and by that she meant that Junko had thrown out all of her old, ill-fitting clothes, and replaced it with what she herself wanted Makoto to wear.
Which Makoto did. Happily, in fact.
Thankfully, most of her friends didn’t seem overly bothered? Of course there was surprise, and shock, and all that jazz, but mostly, well-
Once Celeste had tried to take out her frustrations on Makoto with an ill-thought-out bet, she’d given her a chance to show off exactly what hadn’t changed.
And once Makoto proved she hadn’t actually lost any of her skill, most of the girls seemed pacified? At least, when it came to her new, well, appearance.
What they tolerated a lot less was how Makoto spent her free time. And more specifically, with who.
But there was no helping it.
Makoto’s face began reddening as a familiar smell began invading her nostrils, making her nipples hard under her shirt, her pussy beginning to weep down her thighs immediately.
And when Junko’s perfectly manicured hand slipped under Makoto’s skirt, grabbing a handful of assmeat, all the lucky student could do in turn was moan, and turn her head slightly, burrowing her nose into Junko’s neck, letting her addictive, toxic scent turn her brain into mush, happily grinding against her owner’s hand, moaning throatily under her grip.
Kyoko could say whatever she wanted about drugs and association between scent and pleasure and the long terms effect they all could have when coupled together and all that crap, but Makoto knew the truth.
She had never felt like this with anyone other than Junko, had never felt pleasure like this with anyone except Junko~
“You’re not wearing any underwear, just like I asked~” She said, and Makoto nodded against her happily.
If she had a tail, it would be wagging furiously.
Life was grey and empty without her owner’s touch, with the distant spark of sleeping with the other girls being the only thing that could try and approach Junko’s sun.
How could she do anything but what her owner asked of her? How could she go against her?
How could she want to?
“Good girl, Makoto~” Junko said, her free hand scratching at her pet’s scalp, pulling her deeper against her, and Makoto’s eyes rolled back into the back of her head as she came.
There was no doubt about it.
This is what love felt like <3
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optimist-pine · 2 years
The rise turtles react to the reader being a bad chef?
A/n: Thanks for the request!
Word Count: 622
Warnings: none
• Leo's not too great of a cook himself
• he doesn't regularly catch things on fire, but it has happened
• Mikey will flip out when he finds out what the two of you have done to his kitchen
• Leo reassures him (falsely) that you'll clean everything up after you're finished
• nothing ends up back in the right place
• maybe your downfall is that when you cook together you end up trying to get "creative" and it totally backfires
• nobody eats your leftovers
• heck, you won't even eat it when it's fresh
• they have a family intervention on what to do about your kitchen privileges
• the settle on revoking your stovetop and oven use
• this doesn't stop the two of you from using things when no one is around or everyone else is asleep though
• another intervention happens impromptu when the fire alarm goes off in the middle of the night
• it takes him too long to finally come clean
• but he must have suffered one too many burnt and gooey dishes
• he has never eaten worse food and he literally grew up in a sewer
• he offers to help you in the future
• you work your way through mastering one dish at a time, remaking each until Mikey approves
• Raph is an average cook, so he improves right alongside you
• more often than not his brothers join you and it ends up being a group cooking session
• don't feel offended if someone is usually looking over your shoulder
• they're just genuinely concerned for everyone's safety
• over time your cooking must improve - either that, or Raph just isn't affected by your cooking anymore since he starts choosing to eat your leftovers
• cooking is science, right?
• it's measurements and reactions and exact numbers
• Donnie's not a bad cook, and he's decent at adding a little flare
• but your cooking... What in the world?
• there are now labels and warnings on many things in the kitchen discerning what you are and are not allowed to touch
• he believes that someday you might accidently poison someone
• after one particularly horrible disaster he temporarily programmed the kitchen to not even allow you in
• you did almost set the kitchen on fire so that's fair
• you secretly try hard to perfect one of Donnie's favorite foods, and its good enough he thinks it's takout
• he allows you access to the kitchen again with the stipulation that that is the only thing you are allowed to make unsupervised
• simultaneously finds you endearing and maddening
• like how in the world are you capable of - for the love of - how hard is it to follow directions
• he immediately organizes regular cooking lessons for you
• you work on memorizing measurements and various terms used in recipes and eventually work your way up to taste testing
• props to him; he's a really patient teacher. he's gonna need it
• his brothers love it because they are constantly delicious leftovers in the fridge
• if you're feeling brave you'll make something for him out of the blue to surprise him
• he's always supportive of course, but he says he's not lying when he says you've improved
• but the more you cook together, the more he can't help but love when you spill something or put in the wrong ingredient or set off the fire alarm
• it's a pleasant hazard
• also you both love to watch cooking shows and yell at the tv like people do with sports
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attllhak · 3 years
Adoption AU - Wild and Warriors: The Epic Quest For Taco Bell at 3 am
@tortilla-of-courage so you mentioned you’d be interested in my Adoption AU one-shots, and now that things have calmed down in my house a bit I figured I’d post the first one-shot I wrote; the one about Wild and Warriors going for a Taco Bell run. Theoretically, I was going to do a one-shot for each grouping of boys, as an introduction, but I don’t think that’s happening anymore. Either way, here’s the first thing I wrote!
(And, anyone else who would like to be tagged if/when I post more for this AU, let me know here and I’ll make a list or something)
“anyone know any good substitutes for love and personal fulfilment?”
Warriors sent the tweet without much thought. He didn’t actually care about an answer, he just felt like venting about his most recent break up in a vague way, and thought he was being funny. He could already see Legend rolling his eyes.
His phone dinged a few times, one reply from Twilight, asking why he was up so late (which he’d responded to with the same inquiry, which had Twilight going silent), one from Legend mocking him, one from Hyrule trying to actually help. He was surprised how many of his brothers were up at this hour.
He dropped the phone on his bed, rubbing his eyes. He wasn’t actually all that tired, probably a consequence of having all afternoon classes and a habit of leaving his work to the last minute. Eh, the first year was supposed to be mostly parties anyways. (Not that Time would ever find out he said that.)
His phone dinged again and he groaned, eying the clock and the small bottle of melatonin next to it. 2:43 am. He should sleep. He didn’t have anything tomorrow, he finished his last final earlier that afternoon, though, so a few more minutes couldn’t hurt.
He picked up the phone and woke it up again. He blinked a few times at the new reply.
“crunchwrap supreme from taco bell”
He ignored Twilight yelling at Wild for being up, as apparently Wild did have a final tomorrow still. Not that Wild was paying any more attention.
He snorted, hitting the like button on Wild’s tweet and clicking off his phone. He reached up to stretch, yawning as he did. He eyed the melatonin bottle again. Technically, he didn’t need the supplements to sleep, but with how messed up his sleep schedule was, they did help him knock out when he planned on sleeping at a reasonable hour. This wasn’t a reasonable hour, but sleepiness hadn’t set in yet either.
Before he could decide, his phone lit up with a text notification. He tilted his head back and pointed his phone down to look at instead of dropping his arms.
Gordon Ramsey 2:44 am
lets go
Warriors blinked once. Then again. He unlocked his phone to type back.
what?????? go where?????
A second passed when he got a reply.
taco bell
for your substitute for love
since you got dumped and need something
oops was that too soon
Warriors blinked at the screen again. Wild lived twenty minutes away from the university Warriors was attending, and the nearest Taco Bell was no closer. Plus, Time had revoked Wild’s driving privileges after he crashed his bike into the barn and broke both and his arm. There was no way Wild was getting to the university, much less a fast food joint. Especially at this hour.
and how do you plan to do that? You aren’t allowed to drive yet Mr. Broken Arm
you have a care
That was a very good point.
you are suggesting that I drive 20mins outside of town to pick you up, drive another 20mins back into town, then drive around downtown until we find an open taco bell, at 3am on a school night before you have a final?
There was a few seconds pause, just long enough for Warriors to consider that he’d given up on it.
we wont be driving all over town
i googled it and found one
its like 10mins form your collage
Warriors considered that.
twilight won’t be happy
only if he finds out
Wild made a very good point.
how do you plan to get out of the house without him noticing?
i have a window war
The response was so immediate, and he was probably sleep deprived enough, that he burst out laughing when it sent.
He clicked his phone shut and shoved it in his pocket, grabbing a jacket and his scarf on the way out of his room. He was struggling to shrug them both on at once when he realized his roommate was still up too. There was a tense staredown as their eyes met and they both froze.
Volga broke the standoff by closing his book. “And where are you going at this hour?”
Warriors considered that. “My brother bribed me with food to break him out of the house,”
“At,” he glanced at his watch, “two forty-nine am?”
The silence was tense.
Volga sighed and opened his book again. “Don’t crash and die, I’d hate to have to get a new roommate when I’ve finally gotten used to you,”
“Don’t burn the dorm down while I’m gone,” Warriors joked back, finally getting the fabric to work with him.
“It happened once, and it’s not like you’re any better at cooking!”
“I don’t set what I make on fire, and then freak out and throw it when blowing out that fire doesn’t work,” he grabbed his keys from the dish by the door and waved behind him.
“It happened once, Link!”
“And it’s why we order out now,” he grinned, ducking out the door. “See you later, Volg, be back in an hour or so,”
He could hear Volga’s angry shout through the door, so hurried down the stairs to the ground level as quickly as he could, before Volga woke their neighbor again.
He was still giggling when he got to the parking lot. Volga was just too easy to rile up.
The cool night air woke him up a little more so, and he took a deep breath as he located his car. A hand-me-down vehicle, he inherited it from Time when he was old enough to drive. Mostly this was so he could stop asking everyone else for their cars when he wanted to go somewhere. A little elbow grease however, and no one could tell it was at least 20 years old and not fresh off the lot. He made sure none of his brothers were allowed to drive it, especially after Wild got his bike stuck in a tree, or Legend crashed into a lake, or Twilight picked up drag racing, or Wild got his bike stuck on the roof, or Hyrule lost his car, or Four rolled his truck, or Wild and the barn literally last week. A lot of the crashes in the family came from Wild going ‘oh yeah? Watch this!’ now that he thought about it. It was a miracle he still had the same bike.
The twenty minute drive to the farm was pretty boring, nothing of note really happening.
He turned off his headlights as he pulled into the drive, not wanting to wake anyone, especially Time, up. He shot off a quick text to Wild when he parked.
A window opened and Legend’s head poked out to glare at him. His phone dinged.
Royal Pain 3:12 am
what are you doing here?
He glared back at Legend and typed out a response.
taco bell run
Legend glanced down, presumably at his phone, then back up a Warriors with an incredulous expression.
at 3am????
and if so why are you /here/????
Warriors pointedly looked around the house where Wild emerged from the bushes. Said brother grinned and popped open the passenger door to climb in.
“Hey,” he grinned. His hair was a mess, with at least two visible sticks stuck in it, and he was still in his sleep clothes. Despite this, he seemed fine.
“Legend has us made,” Warriors nodded to their brother, who was still glaring with his head out the window.
Royal Pain 3:15 am
twilight won’t be happy about this
Warriors frowned, trying to shield his phone from Wild as he typed back.
twilight won’t know
Warriors did not like the look in Legend’s eyes as he got the next text.
unless i tell him
Warriors glared up at his brother, working his jaw.
what do you want?
He hated the pleased grin Legend shot him.
the most expensive thing on the menu on your dime
Warriors shoved his phone away with a growl, flipping off the overly smug Legend as he put the car in gear. “Asshole,” he muttered.
“What was that about?” Wild asked.
“We’re buying him food too now,” Warriors growled, flicking back on his headlights.
“Oh, cool,” Wild leaned back into the seat and pulled out his phone. “So the Taco Bell we’re going to only has the drive thru open, and it’s just off main street,”
Warriors nodded, focussing on the road and not that Wild had found the aux cord.
About thirty minutes later, as Wild finally turned down the music to provide directions, he snapped and turned to Warriors mid direction. “Do you want to sign my cast?”
Warriors blinked. “Maybe when we stop, I’m not crashing to sign your cast right now.”
Wild nodded, and pointed across Warriors at the street they had to go down.
They pulled into the drive thru and ordered, then had to wait for the very expensive thing Legend wanted. Warriors turned to Wild as the car idled.
“Do you have a marker?”
Wild blinked at him, then brightened up and offered out a sharpie and his right arm. The cast, under the signatures and well wishes of their family and all of Wild’s friends, was painted in very poorly drawn flames. Warriors raised an eyebrow as he searched for a clear spot to sign.
“Hyrule painted it for me,” Wild explained with a grin.
“Ah,” Warriors hummed as he finally tracked down an empty space by Wild’s elbow.
He scrawled out his name, not much room for anything else, and then handed the capped sharpie back to Wild while he twisted around to accept the food from the drive thru worker.
He shot off a text to Legend to let him know they had his food, alongside an upset emoji. Legend sent him a devil face emoji back. Wild dug through the bag for his food, sharpie stuck in his hair alongside the twigs, which seemed to be multiplying.
Warriors rolled his eyes and pulled back onto the road.
At some point, Wild pulled the wrap out and handed it to Warriors, who ate one handed as he drove. Wild was right about one thing, the wrap did taste very good.
He pulled into the drive of the farmhouse, headlights off, just as he finished off the wrap. He phone dinged the second he put the car in park.
Royal Pain 3:58 am
where’s my food bitch
Warriors looked up to the window where Legend was leaning out and glaring at him.
Wild laughed at the surly look on Legend’s face, climbing out and taking the bag with him. “I’ll feed him,” he promised, grinning. “Thanks for the trip, War!”
“No problem,” Warriors grinned back. “Just make sure you get to bed once you’re inside, so Twi doesn’t suspect in the morning,”
Wild gave him a thumbs up. He shut the door a little too hard, making Warriors wince, and bounced up to throw the bag up to Legend. Legend caught it the second time, when Wild opted to use his not broken arm to toss it, and disappeared inside again. Warriors’ phone dinged again a few seconds later.
Royal Pain 4:00 am
thanks pretty boy
your secret is safe with me
for now
Warriors rolled his eyes and sent him a thumbs up back, then pulled out of the drive again to head back to campus. He was actually starting to feel tired now, so he figured he’d get home and just crash. It’d be like, 4:30 in the morning by then, and he was pretty sure Volga would be asleep. And if he wasn’t, they had a rule that after 4 am until 7 they were allowed to ignore each other, so it’d be fine.
Volga was asleep when Warriors snuck in, passed out in a chair with the book on his chest. Warriors took the sight in, then sighed.
He dropped his keys in the dish, then pulled off his jacket and scarf to hang in his room. He grabbed a bookmark off his shelf and wandered back out to pull the book off of Volga’s chest and set it down so the spine wouldn’t crease. He left Volga like that, however. He didn’t want the books to get damaged, but if Volga was dumb enough to fall asleep in the common room without a blanket, then he deserved what he woke up with.
He was very lucky that Warriors was too tired to find a sharpie.
He fell asleep before remembering to take off his shoes.
The next morning, so about noon, he was woken by Volga pounding on the door to put his phone on silent.
His phone buzzed on the desk next to him and he pulled it off and up to his head, hitting answer before looking at the contact.
“Hullo?” He slurred, still half asleep.
“Twilight knows,” Legend greeted him.
“What?” Warriors sat up, groaning as his back complained from sleeping on his stomach all night. It took a second for his brain to catch up.
“Twilight knows,” Legend repeated. “Hyrule sold you out, unintentionally, and I can hear him selling you both out to Time,”
Warriors blanched as the words registered. “Oh shit,” he threw himself out of bed, hissing as he realized he slept fully dressed, and scrambled for the things he’d need in order to flee. “How long?”
“Twenty minutes if you get lucky and Wind pulls through, less if not,”
Warriors cursed under his breath as he changed his shirt and tried to make it look like he hadn’t been sleeping in what he was wearing. “Thanks for the heads up, I’d say I owe you but,”
“You’d rather not owe me,”
“Look, if you get caught and cave, I go down too. This is self-preservation. Don’t cave and we’re even.”
“Got it, I won’t,”
“You better not,” Legend hissed. “Good luck,”
“Thanks,” Warriors nodded, even though Legend couldn’t see him.
He tossed the phone on his dresser as the line went dead and he went about trying to comb through his hair so he looked presentable.
A hard knock on his door came a few seconds later.
“I put my phone on vibrate, Volga!” He shouted through the door. “You can drop it now!”
Warriors paused, then opened the door. Lana, Impa and Artemis waited on the other side, Volga glaring at them and hovering behind them.
Warriors blinked dumbly at them. “Uh, hi?”
“Hi Link! Good morning!” Lana grinned and waved at him.
“It’s noon,” Impa reminded the group, eying Warriors up and down.
“Oh, right,” Lana nodded, then went back to grinning at him. “Good noon, Link!”
He snorted and shook his head to clear it. “Good noon to you too, Lana. Can I ask what you’re all doing here?”
“We were hoping you’d join us for something,” Artemis smiled at him, also looking him over, trying to find whatever Impa had picked up on. “We’re going on a small road trip since all our finals are over, and we were planning on hitting a few different cities over the week,”
“Mhm,” Lana nodded quickly. “We’re leaving today, and are taking no calls until we get back, and we’re camping in the car, which is why we’re using my van, and we were hoping you’d come with us,”
“I’m in,”
The three girls blinked at him. Maybe he answered too fast, but taking no calls, meaning no contact with his family, for a week gave them time to move past this, and he really didn’t want to deal with a lecture from Time. His friends just offered him asylum, whether they knew it or not.
Impa narrowed her eyes. “What happened with your family?” She asked, already onto him.
“Nothing that’s my fault,” he responded, ducking back into his room. “What should I bring with?”
Lana listed off what they figured they’d take and he pulled out a suitcase, nodding along as he started packing. He fired off a text to the group chat as he grabbed his jacket, tossed over one arm, and wrapped his scarf around his neck.
World’s Best Captain 11:39 am
Leaving on a road trip with some friends. Be back in a week, but I can’t take calls until I’m back. Don’t kill each other!
He put his phone on silent and slipped it into his pocket.
He might have a hellish text backlog when he got back, but it’d be better than the lecture from Time. And besides, he got to spend a week with the best girls he knew.
As far as he was concerned, everything worked out win-win for him.
Wild was right, the crunchwrap supreme from Taco Bell did work wonders in supplying love and personal fulfilment, even if not in the way he meant it.
He made a note to get Wild something as thanks while they were out. Maybe some crash pads. Goddesses knew that his brother needed them.
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skzfairies · 3 years
headless gingerbread men
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summary: yuri and yuqi just wanted to make christmas deserts, but all they got was being covered head to toe with the ingredients, and a couple of headless gingerbread men.
tags: @he4rtclvb @chaerincore @ateezjuliet @atzaria @shinyddeonghwa @m00niesk7
requested by: @eggomi
prompt: #9 — baking christmas deserts together....the night may or not have ended with a food fight
notes: this fic lots of mention of food, it is basically surrounded by sweets.
25 days of christmas prompt list
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“Ohhh, what are all these ingredients for? Are you making cookies? Please say your making cookies!” Yunho started, sneaking up behind Yuri as she pulled out multiple cooking ingredients from out of the cabinets and onto the counter, almost screaming out from surprise.
“You scared the hell out of me! Stop doing that!” Yuri whined, rolling her eyes when she heard Yunho chuckle, closing the cabinets once she pulled out the last ingredient she would need for the night. “And yes, I am making cookies. But they aren’t for you.” Yuri smirked, holding in her laughter when she heard Yunho yell in protest, turning around and started washing all of the utensils that she would use later on.
“That’s so mean! I cant have at least one?” Yunho frowned, dramatically throwing himself in a seat at the island, give Yuri his best puppy eyes, frowning when the girl only laughed at his look.
“Why can’t you give...” Yunho complaint was interrupted by the sound of the door bell echoing around the house, making Yuri immediately perk up, seeming to not realize that she was still washing dishes, until water had ran down her arm, making her laugh at herself slightly
“I’ll give you a cookie if you answer the door.” Yuri promised, chuckling when Yunho immediately walked to the door, and went to open the door. She could hear Yunho greeting Yuqi, and her getting surprised. Normally it was Yuri who answered the door.
“Yuri, your girlfriend is here!” Yunho yelled, returning back to his seat at the island, Yuqi following behind him, her eyes blown wide and laughing slightly.
“I think I know when my girlfriend is here, Yunho. Thank you so much for your announcement.” Yuri sighed, although her face immediately lit up a smile when Yuqi wrapped her arms around her from behind, resting her chin on Yuri’s shoulder.
“I heard you’re denying Yunho of cookies.” Yuqi teased, giving Yuri a quick kiss on the cheek before letting go of her and standing next to Yuri so she could continue to wash the dishes. This comment only made Yuri scoff and shake her head, knowing that Yunho probably begged Yuqi to convince Yuri to give him one.
“He should have known I was kidding. Who else would I give these to?” Yuri chuckled, looking over to Yunho who was looking slightly embarrassed that he fell in the trap of Yuri’s teasing.
“Stop being such a tsundere, silly. Your going to give your members a headache.” Yuqi scolded softly, laughing when Yuri had mocked her words.
“It’s okay Yuri, we all know you still sleep with your teddy bear.” Yunho teased, screaming dramatically when Yuri grabbed a spatula that was on the drainer and raised it, looking at Yunho pointedly, smiling when Yunho started to frantically change his word. “I never said it was a bad thing!”
“Do I need to revoke your spatula privileges?” Yuqi asked, raising her eyebrows when Yuri looked over at her blankly.
“Jokes on you, I’m not even supposed to be cooking in the kitchen right now.” Yuri deadpanned, smirking when Yuqi had furrowed her eyebrows, deciding that she would give her context. “I accidentally burnt a towel and now the manager has banned me from the kitchen unless there’s ‘supervision’ , whatever that means.” Yuri chuckled, walking over to the ingredients, now with a mixing bowl, and a cookbook that her Grandma had gifted her a few christmas’s ago.
“Will he get mad?” Yuqi asked worriedly, biting her lip slightly. Although her worries quickly subsided once she saw Yunho gently shake his head in the corner of her eye.
“Once he tastes these bad boys, no way. And Yunho?” Yuri laughed, then looking over to her member with a smirk on her face, making Yunho widened his eyes once he saw the look of mischief on her face.
“Get out.”
Yunho groaned and threw himself out of the chair like a child, stomping his feet jokingly throughout the house and making his way to his room, making Yuri die of laughter.
“That was so mean!” Yuqi whined, although she was failing to stifle her laughter into the palm of her hand, playfully slapping Yuri’s arm.
“But it was funny!” Yuri defended, smiling when Yuqi rolled her eyes, but she didn’t miss the look of happiness and the beautiful smile Yuqi had on her face, and it wasn’t until now, when Yuri could truly look into Yuqi’s brown orbs, that she realized how much she truly missed her girlfriend.
“I missed you so damn much!” Yuri yelled, picking up the girl and spinning her around in a circle, laughing when Yuqi screamed slightly and put her down, leaning in for a kiss, which Yuqi didn’t miss a chance to wrap her hands around Yuri’s neck to bring her closer.
“I missed you too.” Yuqi smiled, giving Yuri a light kiss on the lips, immediately standing up straight, confusing Yuri. “As much as i’d love to kiss you, I want these cookies more.” Yuqi teased, making Yuri pout.
“You like cookies more than me?” Yuri whined, gasping when Yuqi nodded her head in confirmation. “I’m not making you cookies until you tell me the truth!” Yuri huffed, crossing her arms around her chest playfully, frowning more when Yuqi only laughed at her.
“I- I am telling the truth!” Yuqi said through her laughter, making Yuri complain more, making Yuqi’s laugh echo more loudly through out the room.
“I could never like anything more than you.” Yuqi confidently stated, smirking when Yuri coughed immediately, a furious red making its way across her cheeks, her eyes diverting from Yuqi’s own.
“Let’s....make these cookies, Yeah?” Yuri choked out, grimacing when Yuri bopped her nose, then later placing her cold hands on her cheeks, contrasting her warm flushed cheeks.
“I hate you.”
“No, you don’t.” Yuqi smiled, making Yuri blush again, groaning slightly. This girl had her wrapped around her finger oh so easily, and she knew it.
“Can you please stop making my heart run laps? I want to make it through the night before dying.” Yuri joked, and Yuqi nodded, an accomplished smirk on her face.
The rest of the night was full of laughter and the soft vibrations from Yuri’s phone that was playing Christmas music, to which the girls occasionally danced around the room in each other’s arms, oblivious to the soft smiles from the boys who came to check on them. It wasn’t until Yuri noticed a particular thing missed from the cookie sheet that the chaos had broken out.
“The gingerbread men’s heads! They’re gone!” Yuri gasped, her fork clattering to the cabinet loudly, the sound from the whisker immediately halting.
“What do you mean they’re gone?” Yuqi demanded, rushing over to see, gasping immediately when she saw that all the gingerbread men’s heads, were in fact missing.
“Did you eat them?” Yuri accused, raising her eyebrows Yuqi immediately defended herself, her accusing eyes staring at Yuqi more intently.
“I swear it wasn’t me!” Yuqi frantically promised, groaning when Yuri still accused her.
“How do I know you didn’t eat them?” Yuqi asked, making Yuri gasp dramatically, placing a palm across her chest.
“How could it have been me? I was busy making the batter for the cookies!” Yuri pointed out, but Yuqi was quick to debunk her argument.
“Well it sure wasn’t me, because I was mixing the batter!” Yuqi stated, although her clear voice slowly faded as she saw Yuri squirt a little bit of icing onto her finger, her lips forming an evil smile.
“Yuri...what are you doing?” Yuqi nervously asked, slowly stepping back toward the counter, cringing when her back hit it edge of it.
“If you don’t fess up, then I guess you’ll have blue icing all over your cheek.” Yuri smirked, waiting a few seconds, and then slowly drug her icing covered finger down Yuqi’s cheek, laughing when Yuqi’s mouth was to her jaw, she clearly did not think that Yuri was actually serious.
“Oh, you are so on.” Yuqi smirked, grabbing the icing tube and squirting some icing into her hand, immediately splatting it onto Yuri’s cheek, making her yell out from the coldness of it. And just as that, the icing war was started.
Yuri stole the icing bag from Yuqi’s hands and squirted it onto Yuqi’s shirt, laughing manically when Yuqi yelled in protest, grabbing a different icing tube and squirt it onto Yuri’s face, and before they knew it, the girls were running around the kitchen, squirting icing at each other, yelling and screaming as it landed on their shirts and went down inside it, laughing when each other caught it in their mouth from time to time.
The icing battle had went on for a few more minutes, until both girls were out of breath, and both decided to call for a truce.
“Truce?” Yuri pleaded, catching her breath at the counter and holding up her pinky, slowly dropping the half empty icing bag to show surrendence.
“Truce.” Yuqi breathed out, sitting on the floor and also catching her breath, it wasn’t for another few minutes that the girls were able to speak again, and truly comprehend what just happened.
“This is why i’m not allowed to in the kitchen.” Yuri laughed, sighing as she looked around the kitchen, seeing multiple areas covered in a blend of blue and green icing, and when she turned to look at Yuqi, she couldn’t could her laughter in any longer.
Yuqi was absolutely covered in icing, it was all over her face, apron, arms, and even in her hair. She knew that the icing would be a pain to get out, and Yuri was sure that she would have to help her get it out, not that she was complaining though. Any time spent with Yuqi was always quality time to her.
Yuqi smirked when she saw Yuri laughing, and slowly made her way to her, bringing her hands down her cheeks, collecting the icing, holding back a laugh when Yuri’s eyes turned fearful, and screamed when saw Yuqi walk towards her.
“Merry Christmas, Yunnie.” Yuqi whispered out, as she brought her icing covered hands down Yuri’s cheeks, making the girl cry out as her face had even more icing on it now.
“You’re the worst.” Yuri grumbled out, and before Yuqi was able to form a response back, one of Ateez’s manager, Sangwoo, entered the kitchen, making Yuri’s eyes widen as she watched him look at the mess in disappointment.
“Now you’re really banned from the kitchen! What is this?” Sangwoo yelled out in disbelief, shaking his head as Yuri gave him a sheepish smile, frowning when he continued to look unamused.
Yuri felt someone stand next to her, and as she turned her head to look who the person was, she gasped and hurriedly pulled him away from the gingerbread man pan, revealing the culprit’s face to the other two in the room.
“San was the one who ate the gingerbread heads!” Yuri yelled, and San quickly freed himself from Yuri’s grasp, quickly running out of the room into his room, with Yuri hot on his heels.
“I’m so going to get you Choi San!” Yuqi and Sangwoo heard Yuri yell from the hallway, following a loud thump with a yell of victory and a pained groan, both Yuqi and Sangwoo holding in their chuckles from the duo’s ridiculousness.
“Here, have a — headless — gingerbread man.” Yuqi offered, holding out a freshly baked gingerbread man out to Sangwoo, smiling when he accepted it and ate it, raising her eyebrows when Sangwoo widened his eyes.
“I shouldn’t have banned her from the kitchen. Too bad she’s such a punk.” Sangwoo sighed, quietly asking Yuqi for another, the girl happily handing him another.
Yuri was sure a chaotic mess, but she was the girl of Yuqi’s dreams, and she wouldn’t trade the chaotic memories for anything.
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gaysimpsstuff · 4 years
Flightless Birds Chapter Four: Birds of a Feather
Chapter One Here
Chapter Two Here
Chapter Three Here
Chapter Five Here
Summary: Y/n wakes up in their new home, and learns the rules of living with Hawks. But it makes them sick to their stomach to have to keep their eyes open here.
Word Count: 3K Words
Warnings: abuse, mentions of drugs, gaslighting and manipulation, extreme toxic behavior, abuse, choking, crying, mentions of rape and sexual assault, vomiting, PTSD, abusive parents, PTSD flashbacks, physical abuse, cliffhangers
Other: I’m so sorry this took forever to come out, I had a shit ton of other drafts I was working on. Reader has enough hair to pull on. 
Flightless Birds Taglist: @smolchildfangirl @combat-wombatus @cathy8taffy @1small-frogs @catcherisvibin @waffleareniceandfluffy @mandalorian-baby-bird @theblueslytherin @hawksadmirer @assassinslittlesister @deepcollectorphantom @thesubtlewhore
Sharp white snakes of fire were shooting up your spine, but the rest of your body was ice cold. You wanted to scream, but you just didn’t have the strength to. Your whole body was so heavy, you felt like a rock falling beneath the waves, drowning helplessly as the person who threw you in laughed.
Who was laughing?
Behind the laughter was music, you listened to all the notes, beautiful Cs, Ds, Es, and Fs tied together in half steps. 
Of course it was in minor key.
It wasn’t a song or an artist you recognized though, and it didn’t sound like it was coming from a phone or speaker. 
Someone was playing the piano.
You needed to open your eyes. 
But fuck it if it wasn’t gonna l be difficult. 
You felt like your body was made of lead, and opening your eyes was going to be like lifting a truck.
A bright blob of white light pierced your pupils as you peeled back your eyelids, finally seeing your surroundings.
There was a flat white ceiling staring down at you, and a silver fan was whirring away, white light burning your retinas.
The walls were light blue, clean and bright. It looked fresh, the room still smelled like paint. You hissed, pushing yourself up to a sitting position. As you moved, you felt something soft brush against your neck.
You slowly lifted one hand to your neck, grabbing at it. You felt leather and metal pressing against your palm. A soft feather was attacked to a small metal loop. You tugged on it, trying to detach it from your collar.
It wouldn’t budge.
You let go of the feather, letting your arm flop to your side. You felt exhausted, and everything was so foggy. What the hell was happened? Where were you? Where was Izanagi?
You heard a loud creak, and the realization hit you that the music had stopped. When did it stop?
“I-Izanagi?” You whimpered, trying to focus your eyes on the blurry figure in front of you. You saw tanned skin, something yellowish on their head, and two large red blobs behind them.
You heard the person coo, and felt their gentle fingers on your face, tilting you up by the chin.
“No no, Izanagi’s not here, my dear~” you felt your blood run cold, and you attempted to push the creature away. He was like a rock wall, unmoving and unaffected.
“No-“ you whimpered “please go away!” 
“Tsk tsk tsk” your vision was slowly starting to clear, the only thing blocking you from seeing your captor clearly were the tears building up in your widened eyes. 
“I’m not going to leave my love alone like this, now should I? That would be so irresponsible of me~” his voice was calm, smooth like honey, and it made you want to scream. “I’ve worked so hard to get you here, I need to make sure you feel so comfortable! That’s why I’m here~”
“Hawks.” His golden eyes lit up when you murmured his hero name. He nodded happily. 
“Yes, yes you recognize me! The drug must have worn off for the most part by now… how do you feel?” His face was awfully close to you, and his hot breath fanned out over your face.
“Scared, please let me go.” You muttered. He sighed, shaking his head.
“Dumb little birdy.” He tutted. “You shouldn’t go outside, y’know. Too dangerous for a pretty little thing like yourself! Tell me how you feel.”
“I feel like leaving.” You were slowly regaining your physical strength, and your eyes darted to every corner of the room. There was a window, locked and boarded up. There was the door, wide open. 
Just outside you could see a hallway, a little dark table with a vase on it. You could run out there, grab the vase and smash it. You could threaten him with it and maybe get to the front door, wherever that was.
You felt Hawks’ hand lower from your face to your chin, squeezing your cheeks together so your lips poked out in a cute pout. He pressed his forehead against yours, and you could feel him growling.
“I said, you’re not fucking leaving. Did I not make myself clear?” You sniffled pitifully.
“You’re scaring me, Hawks.” You whined. He softened again, letting go of you and leaning back.
“I’m so sorry, Baby Bird. Don’t you worry though, so long as you listen to me, I won’t have to be scary again.” You nodded, moving quickly to smack him hard in the nose and dash towards the door.
Your collar tightened around your neck, something pulling you backwards. You collapsed to the ground with a choked out gasp, arms flying to your neck to relieve yourself of the pressure.
Of course there was a leash tying you to the bed.
You tried to scream, but your throat was closing up from the pressure on your neck. Your tears finally flooded down your cheeks as you writhed pathetically on the floor.
Your eyes found Hawks, carelessly crouching above your wriggling, dying body. He sighed, wiping away one of your tears.
“See what happens when you disobey?” He lifted your head with his hands, pressing a soft kiss to your nose. “You get hurt. That’s why you gotta listen to me. Promise you’ll listen to me?”
“I promise!” You barely managed to get the words out between your sobbing and choking. You saw his face stretch into a lazy smile as he loosened your collar.
Your body fell limp as your lungs sucked in air. You gasped, coughing and crying as your hands reached for something to hold, eventually landing on his hands.
Hawks helped you to your feet, sitting you down on the bed. His hands rested on either side of your thighs as he studied your tear-stained face.
You kept your eyes on your lap, shaking. You didn’t want to be here, tortured by this sadistic bird. You wanted to go home, you wanted Izanagi. 
“Please sir, I want to go home!” You cried. His face twitched.
“As much as I live for you calling me ‘sir,’ you’re not going anywhere. This is your home now.”
“I want Izanagi.”
“I’m not going to hurt you unless you disobey, so there’s no need to be scared.” He started. “And I must say, you should feel guilty. You shouldn’t have been staying so close to Kouten Yuu and Izanagi Fujikawa. You’re probably cold because I have the AC on. Now that light feeling is from that drug I gave you back at the police station.”
“Ask for another man again and I’ll kill him.” Well that sure shut you up quick. 
“So tell me. How do you feel? And look at me when you answer.” You slowly lifted your head, rubbing your arms to stop your shaking.
You met his eyes.
“I… I feel scared. And- and guilty. And I- I’m so cold. And I feel- I feel kind of light chested? Like- like my lungs are full of helium and have lifted up sort of- I don’t know, I’m- I’m so sorry, please don’t hurt me!” You shied away from him, hiccuping as you covered your face with your arms.
He shushed you, pulling your arms down and wiping away your tears. He seemed merciful, but you knew better than to think that of him.
You swallowed, he was so casual about drugging you, as if it was perfectly normal to stalk and kidnap someone and expect them to love you.
“Now darling, I’m going to explain some rules and punishments. Pay attention, Dove, I don’t want you to forget any, okay?” Your hands latched onto his jacket, and you nodded slowly.
Rule one: Do as I instruct, always.
Rule Two: You will eat everything I give you.
Rule Three: You will kiss me good morning, goodnight, and whenever I ask.
Rule Four: When I come home from work, you will kiss me and take my jacket.
Rule Five: You will cook what I want you to, using recipes I give you.
Rule Six: You will wear the clothes I give you. You will not dirty anything.
Rule Seven: You will thank me for everything I give you, kisses, clothes, gifts.
Rule Eight: You will call me Keigo, Sir, Daddy, and Master. Nothing else.
Rule Nine: You will not mention any person or thing from your old life. 
Rule Ten: You will not try to look out the window, and you will not leave here.
You nodded. This… was going to be your new life, and you feared what could happen if you ever had the gall to break one of Haw- Keigo’s rules.
“And now I will explain your punishments and privileges. I want to be merciful, so please don’t disobey.”
“Okay, Keigo…”
Punishment One: Revoking entertainment
Punishment Two: Starvation/ Dehydration
Punishment Three: Beatings
Punishment Four: Forced Intercourse
Punishment Five: Isolation
“W-wait, Punishment four is- forced intercourse- as- as in- as in-”
“Yes.” His face hardened. “But that’s one of the more intense punishments, only for when I’m very angry or you break a major rule. If you’re good, then I’ll back off when you say no. But do understand, eventually, we will have sex. You’re too fucking sexy for me to not fuck you.”
“I- um-”
“I gave you a compliment, darling. Rule seven?” 
“R-right. Thank you… sir.” you watched Keigo shiver, his angry expression morphing into a sadistic smile.
“Oh baby, you have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you call me that.” He leaned in close to you, his hand running up your thigh. “Rule Three, give me a kiss baby~” 
Hesitation rippled across your face, a chill spreading through your body. You didn’t want to kiss this man, who’d tried to kill your friends, who stalked you for weeks, who’d drugged and kidnapped you. You didn’t want his filthy lips touching you, his slimy tongue in your mouth. You didn’t want to kiss Keigo.
“Y-yes sir.” you whispered, closing your eyes as his face grew bigger, getting closer and closer to you. You remembered the mist that spread across your mind when he drugged you, how it left you immobile and blank. You grasped at the dark fog, pulling it forward and covering you, blocking him out.
After a few moments, you pushed it away. Keigo pulled off your face, and you felt a wad of saliva on your tongue. It tasted greasy and cheesy. Not your saliva. 
You swallowed it, looking at him with wide, scared, eyes. Since you dissociated, you had no idea what he or you had done.
“Did- did I do a good job?” Your voice was hushed. It wavered like your shaking body under his gentle, loving touch.
“Yes, dove. That was the perfect first kiss.” He purred. “You did wonderfully.” You relaxed a little, and his hand lifted off your thigh. “Now I’ll tell you a few more things, then I’ll make dinner for you.”
Privilege One: You may watch TV and read, but you can’t use social media.
Privilege Two: You may listen to music and dance, but only with me.
Privilege Three: You may have hobbies, but I will participate in them.
Privilege Four: You are allowed to reject sex, unless it is a punishment.
Privilege Five: You are allowed to request objects and gifts.
Privilege Six: You are allowed to walk around the house, but you will wear a shock collar. Sensors will be located in certain rooms. They will shock you and knock you out for an hour and send me a notification. 
Privilege Seven: Eventually, I might get you a phone. You will have no phone numbers but mine, and no social media. 
Privilege Eight: I have a garden and pool, at some point when I trust you, I will let you outside for walks and swimming.
Privilege Nine: You’re allowed to cry, to scream, to fight back. I like the battle, just know I’ll always win.
Privilege Ten: You will be allowed a pet one day, maybe two pets, depends on how good you are.
There it all was. Everything he expected of you. Your eyes fell to your lap, to the hands you’d clasped together as they shook. The soft texture of your sweatpants calming you just enough to keep you from throwing up all over Keigo.
“For now, you will remain collared to the bed. I’m going to go to your old home and retrieve all the gifts I gave you.” He stood up, hand lifting up and tracing your body. 
“Okay…” you whispered. Keigo cooed, finally lifting off of you. He left briskly,
shutting the door behind him. You heard a small click before his footsteps started to fade away. You put the book down next to you, taking the moment to examine the room you were being kept in.
There was a desk underneath a window, it was tinted dark so you couldn’t see outside. The desk was a pale brown, a violet vase decorated with little bees had seemingly been knocked over, and it was kept from rolling off the desk by the green book leaning against it. You managed to make out the words Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Part of you wondered if Keigo was a fan, or if it was just there for no reason.
A bookshelf was right next to the door, and on the lower shelves, there was a CD player and a box labelled toys. You could figure out what type of toys were in the box, and you were pretty sure it wasn’t LEGOs. On the other side of the room was another door, wide open. You could see a toilet and shower curtains, so it had to have been a bathroom.
Escape wasn’t through there.
Next to the bathroom door was a closet, the door was open a crack, and you could see a couple of dress shirts inside. Probably all his. Part of you wondered if he was going to make you wear some of his shirts, rule six said you must wear whatever he gave you, and that could mean his clothes.
Was… was this really happening? Were you really in the number two hero’s house? Was he really going to keep you in his house forever and ever? Would-
Were you fated to never see your friends and family again?
To never see an ice cream store?
Or a park?
A moment before, it really all felt like a bad dream. Like you could pinch yourself and you would wake up in your bed, and go to the park with your friends. 
Kouten would bring some more delicious food, and you would make a mess while eating it..
Izanagi would sit next to you, and hug you and laugh as he teased you or Kouten about something or another.
You, you would fly, you’d be free.
Slowly, you spread your wings. They bumped against the bed, against the walls and the nightstand with the pretty Viridian lamp on it. You couldn’t even open your wings all the way in this tiny room, this room wasn’t meant to house a free bird.
It was meant to cage a pet.
All the emotions that the fog had blocked out rushed in like a flood, destroying every little bit of peace you’d managed to build up in your life. It slammed into your memories, into your hopes and dreams, and tore them all apart until all that was left was the rushing water, roaring filling your ears. You grasped at your hair, yanking as hard as you could in the hopes of tearing it out.  Maybe the physical pain of a thunderstorm could turn your mind away from the tsunami. Maybe if you had chunks of missing hair, Hawks would become grossed out by you and kick you out. The collar rubbed uncomfortably against your neck, reminding you that he was still there, choking you, restraining you, claiming you as his. He didn’t see you as human, just as a pretty little thing he’d collected, like jewelry or rocks. Everything swirled around, and you couldn’t see any more. It hurt, it fucking hurt. You felt something tug in your stomach, and then your body was pulled forward.
You closed your eyes.
You heard it all splatter on the floor, the meal you’d been served. You tried to make it to the toilet, but all the food in your stomach felt so gross, and you needed to get it out, out, out, out.
You heard a gasp behind you, and you spun your head around. Your eyes widened at the sight of her. Her face was rigid, eyes like knives through your skull. Your tiny hands clutched at your torn shirt. You’d barely finished vomiting and now she was here. 
“Please, please no I’m sorry!” You cried, lower lip quivering.  “Sorry isn’t going to cut it!” the walls spun, moving quickly away as the ceiling dipped down, you could see her hands, and you could feel sharp pain in your skull as the floor was dragged away from your body.
“I work so hard, day and night to get food for you, and you just barf it up all over my floors like the ungrateful little brat you are! My floors will stink and stain, and it’s because of your insolence!” You couldn’t see anymore, but you could feel ripping. Did your feathers not want to be on your back anymore? What was that wet thing you felt against your face? 
“Your lucky your father isn’t around, I know for a fact he wouldn’t even tolerate this sort of behavior! You make my already shitty life so much more difficult! Be grateful I haven’t sent you away!”
Words bubbled up from your throat, you were barely conscious, and at this point you knew she was hurting you, but you were so tired, you couldn’t even do anything to stop it.
“Please don’t send me away, I’ll do better! I will!” 
FInally, the warped darkness was tugged away from you, and you found yourself alone, sittin on the hardwood floor. The vomit had already been cleaned up, but there were bloodstains on your clothes. 
You were small, terrified, cold, angry, guilty, sad, and so, so alone.
You closed your eyes.
You didn’t want to open them.
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I was going to put this in a story but it turns out my attention span is even shorter than i thought so some everyone returns headcanons for you:
- Merlin found Percival first. He had rescued someone's cat from a tree then got himself stuck up there and Merlin walked past and thought what an idiot then was like hold on a minute
- Percival discovers onesies and it's just. the best thing that's ever happened to him. his favourite is his frog onesie and he gets them for all of the knights but Elyan has his onesie privileges revoked after hiding Percival's crocs
- Lancelot has three guinea pigs that he stole from a pet shop because they 'looked sad'
Merlin: Lancelot where did you get those
Lancelot: i liberated them
Merlin: you liberated them?
Lancelot: they live with us now
Their names are Bedivere, Galahad and John and Lancelot basically just spends all his time making stuff for them
- Mordred is also back but Gwen got to him before anyone else did and by the time Merlin got there she had adopted him and refused to let anyone fight him
Merlin: Gwen turn around i'm about to make Mordred Soup
Gwen: if you hurt him I'll tell Arthur that you used to add small pieces of wood to the bottom of all his furniture to make him think he was getting shorter
This didn't stop Merlin messing with him relentlessly. Mordred's inhaler is missing? Shame. Mordred is cold? Huh that's too bad his jacket's on a shelf he can't reach. Mordred needs medical attention? He's always so desperate for any kind of attention.
- All Gwaine eats is cereal. He only differentiates meals by pouring chocolate milk on it for breakfast, whiskey for lunch and tequila for dinner. Merlin made him go to the doctor once and the poor doctor almost had a heart attack
Doctor: sir by all laws of science and nature you should be dead
Gwaine: i was but good news!! i got better
Doctor: i am far too sober for this
- Also Gwaine discovered Kanye and keeps trying to get people to call him Gwanye. Elyan accidentally did it once and Gwaine was unbearable.
- Elyan was fucking delighted with the invention of cargo shorts and tried to turn all of his clothes into cargo versions of themselves. He's covered in pockets and they are all full of knives and cooked spaghetti.
- Disney's the sword in the stone. Leon (also immortal) was on the production team because he wanted the film to be a surprise for Merlin's 1445th birthday. Percival found a copy of it in Merlin's house and lost his mind. It's playing in the background 24/7 just to annoy Arthur.
- Arthur decides his new nemesis is 21st century technology. Whenever the computer doesn't do what he wants, he throws his glove down in front of it and challenges it to a duel. The toaster caught him off guard and he drew his sword at it. He's particularly baffled by the microwave and is convinced that Physics is just domesticated sorcery (he's kind of right). His only friend is Siri, who is the helpful and obedient servant he never had.
- Despite having had literally all the time in the world to practice, Leon is the worst driver ever. Merlin won't get in a car with him and is adamant that his driving is bad enough to kill two immortals.
- Lancelot likes to cook but has been deemed a health hazard after he decided everything the same colour is interchangeable and made cake using hummus instead of butter and baking soda instead of flour. Mordred nearly died.
- Merlin has definitely considered killing Mordred while he's sleeping and Mordred has woken up to Merlin stood over him with a baseball bat
Mordred: Emrys what are you doing
Merlin: thinking of a better excuse
Merlin: goodbye
- Gwen has a pot by her bed where she grows purple flowers because they remind her of Camelot before everything went to hell and she makes flower crowns for everyone except Elyan
Elyan: what about me?
Gwen: i made you a dandelion crown when you were four and you immediately ate it and you were sick for days. you cant be trusted.
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mikrowrites · 4 years
knocking on heaven’s door
winchester!sister , sam x sister!reader , surprise jack kline x winchester!reader
summary: Dean’s gone, and Sam doesn’t know how to tell their sister, who stayed home at the bunker during the hunt.
warnings: ANGST, major character death, fluff flashbacks, grief
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Y/N walked down the bunker steps, Miracle ahead of her and pulling on his leash. She unclipped the lead, watching the dog run happily to the kitchen with a smile.
Suddenly her phone began to ring in her back pocket, Y/N reaching for it and identifying the contact name “Dean-o”. She grinned, answering the call. “Hey big bro.”
“Hey little sis.” Dean replied. Y/N walked over and sat in one of the chairs in the library, putting the phone on speaker and setting it on the wood.
“How’s the hunt?” She asked.
Dean sighed. “It’s going. We’re outside a vamp nest right now. I think we’ll be home in time for lunch tomorrow.”
“So is that a hint for me to cook?” Y/N raised an eyebrow.
He chuckled through the phone. “You do make the best homemade pizza.”
Y/N hummed. “Damn right I do. Okay, okay. There’ll be deep dish waiting.”
“That’s what I like to hear.” Dean was silent a moment. “How’s the college search?”
She pursed her lips, looking at the open laptop on the table with an application pulled up. Since the world was out of immediate danger and the Winchesters now had control of their lives, Y/N had decided she wanted to finish college, do something. “I’m thinking Kansas State. Close to home, so I can see you guys often.”
“I’m proud of you, kiddo.” Dean responded. “When we get back after some pizza we’ll go get drinks, you and I. Celebrate.”
Y/N smiled. “Can’t wait.”
“Well, Sammy’s being impatient and we’ve gotta rescue some kids. I’ll call you after the hunt.” He chuckled into the receiver.
“Okay. Be careful! Love ya, big bro!” Y/N cheerily answered.
Dean smiled, shaking his head. “Back ‘atcha, kid.”
The line went dead.
Jack held his palm up in a farewell gesture, smiling at the three Winchesters.
He then turned, and began to walk away. Sam and Dean watched, upset but understanding of the boy’s decision.
Y/N, however, pushed past her brothers, running forwards towards the nephilim. “Jack! Wait!”
Jack stopped, turning and looking at Y/N questioningly. “Yes, Y/N?”
She exhaled shakily, stepping up to him so they were inches away. “Will you listen to my prayers? At least mine?”
The boy smiled. “You can talk to me anytime. I’ll be with you.”
Y/N nodded, stepping back for a moment. Then, after either building her courage up or contemplating (maybe both), she approached Jack once more, grasping both sides of his face in her hands as she kissed him, the boy letting out a noise of shock before melting into her.
After a few seconds they pulled away, resting their foreheads against each other’s, before Jack squeezed Y/N’s hand in reassurance.
With that, Jack turned and walked away, glowing with a bright light until he disappeared. Y/N exhaled, closing her eyes momentarily before turning back and looking at her brothers. She walked back over to them, Sam casting her a smile and look of pity, but Dean squeezed her shoulder.
Y/N looked up at her eldest brother, who pulled her into an embrace. The man chuckled, rubbing her back comfortingly with his hand. “You had the privilege of loving him. That’s a gift.”
She nodded her head, burying her face in his jacket. “Thank you.”
Y/N paced through the war room, biting her fingernail. She sent another text, her heart beating in her chest. It was 4 am, and Dean hadn’t called back.
Called: Dean-o (47) DECLINED
To Dean-o: How’d the hunt go?
To Dean-o: Dean?
To Dean-o: Hello?
To Dean-o: Please call me you’re scaring me
To Dean-o: Dean please
Suddenly the creak of the bunker door echoed through the room, Y/N’s head snapping up, the girl sighing in relief. “Jesus, Sam. Dean wouldn’t pick up his phone.”
The tall man walked silently down the stairs, Y/N shaking her head in disbelief and looked up at the door, waiting for Dean to appear. She rolled her eyes. “No need to hide, asshole. You just got your pizza privileges revoked, though.”
Sam silently walked up to the girl, who finally turned to him, laughing a bit. “Over-dramatic as always.” He looked down at his sister, tears threatening to escape once more. He pitied how he was about to upheave her whole life, destroy the happiness the family momentarily had. Y/N peered up at Sam quizzically. “What?”
Sam hastily closed the distance, pulling Y/N in for a hug, holding her tight as his whole body trembled. The girl hesitantly wrapped her arms around him, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.
He continued to embrace his sister, who lightly tapped his back with her palm. “Sam?”
“He’s gone.”
Y/N felt the breath being sucked from her lungs, as if her heart had just stopped beating right then and there. “Who’s gone? Sam...?”
Sam tightened his hold on Y/N. “He’s... I’m sorry... Dean’s...”
She pushed him away shaking her head. “No, no, you are not saying Dean Winchester is dead. You’re joking. No way. Our brother is fine. He’s just avoiding me and—”
“Y/N.” Sam pleaded. “I’m sorry.”
Tears began to well up in her eyes, Y/N running her hands through her hair. “You’re lying. You’re a liar!”
Sam attempted to reach out to comfort her, but Y/N took a step back. She met his eyes, a tear trailing down her face. “You—!” Y/N suddenly lashed out, throwing weak punches at Sam’s chest, shoving him back. She cried out with every punch, the tears beginning to waterfall down her cheeks.
The tall brunette took every hit, every shove, every curse for a while until Sam gently grasped both her wrists, spinning her and wrapping his arms around her from behind, holding her back against his chest. Y/N thrashed in Sam’s grip, screaming obscenities as she sobbed.
After a few minutes she let her body go limp in his hold, her mouth opening as if to scream, but only a raspy whimper escaped her throat. Y/N squeezed her eyes shut, hanging her head low as Sam held her tighter, resting his forehead on her shoulder from behind.
The bunker echoed with her soft cries, the two Winchesters mourning an incurable loss.
Y/N closed one of her eyes, biting her lip in concentration before she let the tip of her cue hit the ball, Dean letting out a low whistle. “Damn, kid. You play a mean game of pool.”
“Well, you know. Training meant many different skills to Bobby. How to shoot a gun, wardings, kicking ass at pool.” Y/N mused, reaching a plucking the $20 bill off the edge of the table and pocketing it.
Dean took a swig from his beer, nodding. “Well, those three check out.”
Y/N blushed at the compliment, Dean sitting at an empty table in the bar, gesturing for her to sit across from him. Sam was resting at the motel while Dean and Y/N decided to celebrate another successful hunt. The girl grabbed her own drink and sat down.
“Nice work today, kiddo. You saved our asses out there.” Dean tipped the neck of his beer forward in a toast, Y/N clinking her drink against the glass of his. They took a drink, the girl shaking her head.
“Anytime.” She smiled.
Dean sat forwards. “Y’know, only if you want to, but um, Sammy and I wouldn’t mind another person helping us out on hunts. If you wanted to, I mean, you don’t have to, but if you wanted to—”
“Dean.” Y/N interrupted his rambling, grinning. “I’d love to.”
The man smiled at his little sister, nodded. “Great. Awesome.”
Y/N nodded, smiling back and taking another drink before standing and grabbing her cue. “Another round? I’ll bet fifty on this one.”
Dean shook his head in amusement, smiling and joining her at the pool table.
He had failed one of his half-siblings in the past. Dean swore he’d never do it to her.
Y/N sat on her bed, gripping her phone in a white-knuckle grip. She stared blankly down at the photo on her phone, it was a photo taken from that night at the bar. Y/N and Dean stood side by side in front of the pool table, smiling wide. Dean held his beer bottle in his hand, his other arm wrapped over Y/N’s shoulders.
It had been a week. One torturous week since they burned his body, since they said goodbye.
She sniffed, before laying the phone down on the bed, straightening her back and raising her vision forwards. Y/N inhaled, her eyes steady and red-rimmed.
Y/N closed her eyes slowly.
The room was silent, Y/N opening her mouth once more.
“You said you’d listen to my prayers. You’d always be with me.” She exhaled softly. “I don’t care what it takes. I don’t care if I take his place, if I go to hell, if I suffer, fine. But please. Please Jack, bring him back. Bring Dean back. Do something.”
“You can’t just let this happen. Bring him back. I know you can, so just please, do it. I can’t... I can’t live without him. I can’t live without my big brother. Just bring him back. If you ever loved me, prove it and bring Dean back.”
Y/N sat in deafening silence, before opening her eyes, fresh tears gathering as she stared forwards. “Please.”
Silence. Nothing.
The girl shakily sighed, lowering her head.
A knock at the door brought her head jolting up, only to feel as though deflating at the sight of Sam. “Hey.” He softly spoke. “Donna has a case. I... I think we should go.”
Y/N nodded. “Yeah.”
Sam bit the inside of his cheek, looking for something to say, but opting to step away and head for the library when coming up with nothing. Y/N looked around her room, before grabbing her duffle.
She could read Sam like a book. He didn’t plan on coming back to the bunker after this hunt.
Y/N packed her duffle, leaving only the things she knew she wouldn’t miss. She smiled as she pulled polaroids of her and her brothers off her wall, stashing them into her bag.
She met Sam up at the top of the bunker stairs, looking out at the place she and her brothers had called home. Y/N let one last prayer be recited in her head before turning to her brother. “Let’s go.”
The lights shut off one by one, engulfing the bunker in darkness.
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emachinescat · 4 years
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That I Could Fear a Door
A Tales of Arcadia: Trollhunters Fan-Fiction
By @emachinescat
Summary: Jim had thought that going back home, back to the real world, would be an easy and painless process. He thought it would be simple - it should have been simple. It wasn’t. A reimagining of Jim’s return from the Darklands, where he quickly finds that adjusting to real life after so much trauma isn’t as easy as one might think. 
Words: 5,639
TW: PTSD, depression, panic attacks
Keep reading here, or on AO3!
Years I had been from home,
And now, before the door
I dared not open, lest a face
I never saw before …
I laughed a wooden laugh
That I could fear a door,
Who danger and the dead had faced,
But never quaked before.
- From "Home" by Emily Dickinson
Jim had thought that going back home, back to the real world, would be an easy and painless process. After all, during his weeks in the Darklands, first alone and searching the endless shadows, then hunted like an animal, then captured and beaten and forced to fight for the sport of others, hadn't he dreamed endlessly of just that? Of seeing the sun again, of seeing his friends, of hugging his mom, of cooking and eating and training and playing video games and slacking off on homework? He thought it would be simple - it should have been simple.
It wasn't.
The first few moments after crashing back into the over world were indeed euphoric. There was the sun, filtering in through the branches of the trees. It took all of his self-control not to stare straight into it. Even in the evening breeze, there was a warmth in the air that he hadn't felt in so long that it seemed more like a memory. He lay there, flat on his back in the grass, wishing he could feel the soft tickle of the blades on his skin, but trapped in his Eclipse armor. Still, he was free.
Much of the next hour was a blur. He later would recall a few hazy moments - hugging his friends, receiving the amulet from Blinky and finally - finally - shedding the stifling second skin of the Eclipse armor, trying to convince Nomura to stick around, Claire semi-joking about how bad he smelled, and the word free chasing itself around in his head like a dog after its own tail. Free, free, free!
He would always remember in perfect clarity the moment he hugged his mother again, but that hadn't come until later the next week. He wanted more than anything to go to her immediately upon his escape, but Toby and Claire convinced him otherwise.
"What's she going to think if you come home looking like … well, looking like… that?" Toby demanded, gesturing unhelpfully to Jim as a whole.
"And the smell…" Claire added, also unhelpfully.
"You have been through a great ordeal, Master Jim," Blinky reminded him gently. "If you go home now, there will be questions you cannot answer and not the rest you need."
And so Jim reluctantly agreed to go home in Toby's stead with Aaarrrgghh while Toby covered for him at home once more.
It was surreal, Jim found himself thinking as he stood in the Domzalski household's upstairs bathroom, shower already running hot behind him and Aaarrrgghh just across the hall, waiting for him in Toby's room. Just this morning, he had woken up in a cage on cold stone, in a state of perpetual, gnawing hunger that had become the norm, hanging on to the tiniest thread of hope that today might be the day he was finally rescued - but knowing deep down that it was much more likely to be the day he finally died. Now, he had a full stomach for the first time in nearly a month. He was with his friends, safe, electric lights warding off the darkness that had been his hell for so long. Hot water waited for him, beckoned for him. He could be warm and clean again. Just a few days ago he had said something about how much he missed soap. He should have been happy, he thought miserably. Maybe happy wasn't the right word. He was very happy to be away from the Darklands, from Gunmar and Dictatious and goblins and monsters. But he wasn't content.
He also couldn't bring himself to undress. He had been standing in front of the mirror for a good five minutes now, as steam billowed out from behind the curtain and fogged the glass, obscuring the face he'd barely recognized anyway. Good riddance, he thought half-madly, for the boy in the mirror was a warped doppelganger, touched by death and despair, with his sunken eyes, wan skin stretched too tight over abnormally prominent cheekbones, dark, puffy bags under his eyes, and a smattering of bruises and cuts pulling the whole package together with a sickly little bow. His hair was a bit longer than he usually kept it, matted and caked with dirt and blood. It felt crusty to the touch, and brittle somehow, as if it would crumble to dust if he tried to brush it.
He looked bad enough as it was from the neck up. He had no desire to see what awaited him beneath his filthy clothes. He wondered blearily how they had gotten so disgusting when they had been underneath his armor the whole time. Sweat and revoked shower privileges would do that to a person, he finally reasoned, and at once he found he couldn't get in the shower quickly enough.
He stripped off the offending garments with an urgency he hadn't felt even at his most desperate moments in the Darklands, nearly tripping over the edge of the tub in his haste to get in. He was relieved that the mirror had fogged, but he still avoided making eye contact with it just in case.
The water burned his skin, but he turned it hotter, attacking his hair first with nearly half a bottle of shampoo, applying and rinsing, applying and rinsing, until he couldn't see from the suds cascading down his face and the murky water ran clear. He conditioned once, something he'd never done before. He didn't know if it did anything, but it made him feel cleaner.
And then he was scrubbing himself all over, the water reddening the skin on his arms (he studiously avoided looking anywhere else), again and again, as if trying to peel his very skin off. Dirt and sweat and blood poured off of his battered body and he watched it meander toward the drain in a detached sort of way before resuming his frantic washing.
It wasn't until his skin was so raw that he felt like he was an onion peeled of its top few layers that he stopped, breathing heavily, exhaustion threatening to overwhelm him, nausea roiling as he regretted the deli sandwich he'd scarfed down earlier. Knees weak, he found himself sinking to the floor of the tub, knees drawn up awkwardly to his chest. The water pounded on his head, back, shoulders, and he let it, slipping into a kind of sleep-trance, watching the water swirl around his feet before making its relentless way to the drain. He thought of nothing, felt nothing, and only broke out of the haze when the water grew cold and panic lanced through him at the loss of warmth. He turned off the water, more tired than he could ever remember being in his life, somehow managed to stand up on wobbly legs, wearily slid back the shower curtain - and froze.
Since he'd been in the shower so long that the water had gone cold, the mirror had also de-fogged, and he found himself unwillingly confronted with the specter that he had been hoping to avoid - his reflection.
Before he'd been captured, he'd scavenged for food and found himself eating something mostly every day, so he'd been nourished but always hungry. After he'd been taken, however, any meals - and he used that word lightly - were few and far between. They'd fed him just enough to keep him alive. He could see now from his emaciated frame that they had still essentially starved him. He'd been Gunmar's prisoner for what felt like years, but it had to have been a week at most.
Still, close to a month without a reliable food source had done its work: He'd always been skinny, but now he could see, fully defined, every rib. Any muscle mass, lean though it might have been, that he'd gained during his training was gone, his arms weak and frail looking. His armor had protected him from extensive physical damage all the times that he had been beaten or tossed around like a soccer ball, but his whole torso was mottled with bruises of all colors, shapes, and sizes, all in different stages of healing. A good deal of them were centered over his ribs, and he winced as the pain that had been his constant companion flared up. He wondered vaguely if he needed to see a doctor. He wouldn't be surprised if Gunmar had cracked a few in one of his rages. He cast the thought aside - how would he explain the state he was in? - and turned abruptly from the horrible, somehow shameful image of his battered body and quickly dressed in the pair of pajamas Toby had let him borrow. They would have swallowed him whole on a normal day, but now they made him feel tiny and breakable and pathetic and weak, and he only kept them on because he hated the way he looked underneath even more.
He offered a simple "G'night," to Aaarrgghh before falling into Toby's bed, expecting to fall asleep the instant his head hit the pillow.
To his surprise, and to his irritation, sleep refused to come. He couldn't get comfortable. The bed was too soft, the blankets too warm, and the moonlight making its way in between the cracks in the curtains toyed with him, tickling his eyelids with the suggestion of light and making it impossible to fall asleep. There were none of the noises he'd come to grow accustomed to, either - no faint buzzing of the magically reinforced bars holding him in, no tromping footsteps of the guards, no click-clacking of goblin claws or snorts or whistled operas or snarls or distant, echoing screams…
In the end, Jim tossed and turned, sick with fatigue and enraged at how cruelly sleep evaded him. He finally, mercifully fell into a restless, nightmare-filled slumber around five in the morning, but even the worst of the dreams didn't wake him, exhausted as he was, and he was trapped back in the Darklands, suffering torture after torture at Gunmar's hands, until he woke again eighteen hours later, on a cot in Troll Market.
He had been moved there at dusk the next day when his coma-like slumber pressed on and his friends, who had not realized the extent of his injuries or exhaustion, grew worried. Vendel had examined him while he slept, expertly bound ribs that had indeed been cracked, and performed all the healing rituals and magic he knew to be safe for a human. Even so, he'd warned Jim, who felt numb and wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep, it would be a week before he could even begin to regain his strength and pass as his old self, and longer for him to truly be back to the same physical shape he had been in before he'd gone to the Darklands.
And so Jim stayed in Troll Market, under Vendel's care, for another eight days, while Toby got to put on a magical mask and pretend to be him and have his life and hug his mom. Jim tried not to be bitter about it, but it was hard. Blinky and Aaarrrgghh spent all their spare time with him, and Claire and Toby came to Troll Market after school every day and kept him company until they were expected home. Jim talked to them, laughed hollowly, took the homework they gave him, and then retreated within himself as soon as they had disappeared out of sight.
It will be better soon, he kept telling himself desperately. I just need to get out of Troll Market, go back home, get back to my normal life. Once I'm feeling better and things are back to the way they were, it will be like I never left.
Once again, he was very wrong.
In the weeks that followed his re-emergence into his real life, Jim discovered very quickly that the life he had left was either very different than he had remembered it to be, or that he himself was very different than he had once been. He supposed both might be a little true.
Being in his mother's embrace was the only thing that felt completely safe and normal after his return. He didn't care that she had just grounded him; when he finally saw her again, he hugged harder and longer than he could ever remember doing, and he had felt better, more like himself, until he'd tried to go to sleep that night and the cold returned. The next morning, he had attempted to do his usual routine like nothing had ever happened, but even that familiar motion felt hollow and the smile he flashed his mom before leaving for school barely concealed the emptiness just beneath the surface.
Other than that first hug, everything else around him, including his friends, school, good food, trolls, even his mom - all things he had coveted during his time in the Darklands - were strange and foreign to him.
Claire and Toby, though they did their best to be understanding and supportive, were obviously thrown off by his sudden mood swings and sullen attitude. They seemed distant and somehow unfamiliar, and Jim found himself feeling awkward around them, unable to figure out what to talk about or why he should laugh at the joke Toby had just made. Didn't they understand that none of this really mattered? There was so much darkness and pain and fear just beneath the skin of this world, and if they scratched the surface just a little too deeply, it could break loose and destroy them all. So he did what he could to avoid these awkward moments all together, and barely noticed the hurt and disappointment blooming in their eyes as he shut them out and walked away.
He'd thought school would be a great return to normalcy, but everything about it grated on his nerves. Even the cheers as he returned to campus - Congrats on beating Jim Lake Disease! - made him feel claustrophobic. He barely held it together anytime Steve cornered him, his heart racing madly in his chest like it wanted to escape, with or without him. The teachers were demanding, the sound of the lockers made his head ache and reminded him too much of the sound of a cage door slamming shut, and once, when Coach had grabbed his arm to show the class proper movement for a volleyball serve, raw, animal fear had overtaken him, and he'd flipped the teacher onto his back and scurried, terrified, under the bleachers. He barely remembered it, except for the pain in his chest, the short, insufficient puffs of breath, and Claire finally coaxing him out after class dismissed and herding him to the nurse. It was a panic attack, she'd said, eyeing him with concern, and had he had any drastic life changes, any unusual stressors? He lied, because he couldn't do anything else, and she told him to consider seeing a counselor anyway.
"Maybe the nurse is right," Claire said on their way to Troll Market that evening. "You're obviously struggling with this. Maybe you should go to counseling, or something." Her voice was soft and soothing, like she was talking to a wounded beast. Perhaps she was.
Jim laughed, a harsh, cold sound that stopped his best friends in their tracks. "Oh, sure, I'll just do that," he said sarcastically, hating himself as the bitterness dripped from his lips like an overflowing witch's brew but unable to stop the words or the emotions that spawned them. "I'm sure there's plenty of shrinks out there that can help me with my troll-induced trauma."
One of the things he'd missed the most was food - good food, not soupy nightmare-creature eggs or slimy soup made from monster meat that was probably not good for humans but that he had scarfed down on the rare occasion that Gunmar had deigned to feed him. Now, he ate because it was expected of him, but he barely tasted the food. Even his favorite recipes were like ash in his mouth, and cooking didn't bring him the pleasure it once had.
If Claire and Toby were baffled by his behavior, their confusion was nothing compared to that of Blinky and Aaarrrgghh, his two closest friends and trainers in Troll Market. Blinky had fretted on more than one occasion that perhaps they had brought home a changeling Jim somehow, not the real one. After all, Jim Lake, Jr. was kind and funny and fun to be around, and this new Jim was brooding and dull and never truly present. Jim saw the worry in Blinky's six eyes and in the anxious set of Aaarrrgghh's jaw, and it saddened him - just not enough to shake him from the waking hell his life had become. Training was a monotonous routine as he gradually built his strength back up, and even Draal, perhaps the least emotionally-inclined of the trolls save for Vendel, found himself hesitantly asking the young Trollhunter if he was okay, if there was anything he needed that might help him feel better. Jim gave him a half-hearted smile, truly touched, but said no. He wasn't sure anything could fix this hole that had been drilled inside of him. It was too dark, too empty, and it hurt too damn much.
His mom had noticed a difference in him too, but she was at a complete loss. Jim tried his hardest to be his old self when he was with her, and being in her company did bring back a spark of his personality, but even so, he saw the concern in her bright blue eyes whenever she looked at him, and he'd seen her at school in conference with Seňor Uhl, and knew that she was trying to get any inkling of what was eating away at her son. Claire and Toby were no help to her, either, for after she had cornered them after school one day, demanding to know what had happened and why Jim was behaving so uncharacteristically, they had taken extra care to avoid her, unable to say or do anything to ease her worry.
And so this went on for nearly two weeks before Toby, Claire, Blinky, Aaarrrgghh, and Draal met up with the sole intention of finding a way to bring their friend back. He was suffering so much, and no one could truly understand what he had gone through.
"He clearly has signs of PTSD," Claire said heavily, clarifying for a befuddled Aaarrrgghh: "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder."
"This… order?" Aaarrrgghh drawled, eyes wide in concern.
"Disorder, big guy," Toby corrected, heaving a weary sigh. "It means he's been through something traumatic, and he can't deal with it."
"Well, how do humans usually deal with their trauma and stress?" Blinky asked, always straight to business.
Claire and Toby exchanged knowing glances. "Most of the time, we don't. We just avoid it all together," Claire admitted. "But when someone has been through something like Jim has - extended periods of isolation, being a prisoner, abuse - it's not enough to pretend it doesn't exist." A tear rolled down her cheek and she brushed it away with the heel of her hand angrily. "I knew he'd be in bad shape when he came back," she admitted. "But he was so happy to see us when we rescued him that I thought that maybe he would be okay."
"What do humans do if they cannot ignore this trah-mah?" Draal enunciated the unfamiliar word. It was quite endearing to see such a hulk of a beast with so much concern in his dark eyes.
"Usually, they see a therapist," Toby supplied.
Aaarrrgghh frowned. "There - I - pissed?"
Toby snorted in almost manic laughter. "Therapist," he repeated, still chuckling. "A person who goes to school to know how to help people with their problems and stuff."
"Well," Blinky said, a new light in his eyes, "we shall venture forth and find Master Jim one of these therapists! Then he'll be back to his old self in no time!" He noticed the dubious expressions on the humans' faces. "What? Are the therapists extinct?"
"No," Claire replied. "But Jim was right - he can't talk to anyone but us about what has happened, and he obviously has no interest in talking to us!"
"Yeah," Toby chimed in, "if he went up to a shrink and told them that he had been stranded in a dark, forbidden hellscape searching for a lost child and then was the prisoner of a crazy troll that wants to escape his eternal prison and conquer the overworld… he'd be thrown in the loony bin for sure."
"So it's hopeless." Blinky's arms fell limp at his sides. "We can do nothing to help Master Jim escape the clutches of PDSC." Neither Toby nor Claire bothered to correct him. Blinky continued, "Is there anything else that might help Master Jim? Anyone else that he might talk to that would not throw him in this 'loony bin'?"
Claire opened her mouth to say no, but shut it abruptly, the light of an idea sparking in her eyes. "Actually," she said, the hint of a real smile making an appearance for the first time in a very long time, "I think I have an idea." When six pairs of eyes locked onto her hopefully, she added, "And it might even be a good one!"
When Jim got home from school two days after the secret meeting between his friends he was surprised to hear someone bustling about in the kitchen when he opened the front door. His mom worked late on Tuesdays, and anyway, her car wasn't in the drive. He reached his hand into his bag, paranoia growing, and his fingertips had just brushed the curve of his amulet when a tall Asian woman wearing a smart pantsuit limped into sight. His bag fell to the floor.
It was odd seeing her in her human form; after spending so much time around her changeling form in the Darklands, he had forgotten that she was quite pretty as a human. "Hello, Little Gynt." Her voice was also much less grating in this shape, but he found he didn't like the softer tones as much anymore.
"What are you doing here?" he asked, picking his bag up and hanging it on the stair rail, though he closed his hand around the amulet first, clutching it tightly in one fist. It wasn't that he didn't trust Nomura - she had proven herself to be a loyal, if reluctant friend - but because he had come to associate her presence in general with danger. If she noticed his cautionary measure, she didn't mention it. "I thought you left," he added as an afterthought.
"I did, but I came back," she replied vaguely. A stab of annoyance shot through Jim, and even the negative emotion came as a relief - he had felt nothing but fear and numbness since returning home. The change was nice, even if it was fleeting.
"Why?" His eyes narrowed. "Don't tell me you were worried about me?"
She studied him with dark, serious eyes for a long moment. "I don't worry about anyone," she finally responded.
Jim felt a small smile tug at the corner of his mouth. She said this, but he could see beneath the surface now. Their time as prisoners of Gunmar had shown him that there was much more to the changeling than met the eye. He waited for the consuming awkwardness that always set in when he was around his friends to descend, but to his surprise, he continued to feel relatively comfortable around Nomura, more at home than he had in a long while.
"Shouldn't you be in a wheelchair or on crutches or something?" he asked, gesturing to her legs. Normally she wore dresses, so he could only assume that the legs of the pantsuit hid some spectacular bruises. "I thought your legs were really hurt."
"They were broken," she agreed. "But my kind heals quickly." She moved forward slowly, then sat on the couch. "They still need a bit of rest to recover fully, though."
Jim sat down across from her in an armchair. "I can't remember if I ever said - thank you, for believing me, for helping me escape." He paused, eyes on his fidgeting hands in his lap. "For being kind."
"Well, I'm more than just a pretty face," Nomura said, and it was impossible to tell if she were joking or not. After a companionable silence, she asked, "So how have you been holding up, Little Gynt?"
Jim didn't know what it was about her, but something made him want to tell Nomura about sleepless night after sleepless night, about the nightmares that plagued him whenever he finally collapsed from exhaustion, about the cavern that had been dug seemingly overnight between himself and his friends, about how he either felt nothing or everything at every moment, about how loud footsteps made him anxious and how physical touch - except hugs from his mom - made him want to wither into himself or run away screaming, about how he had had all these expectations about what life would be like on the other side of Killahead Bridge, and how none of them had come through. He gave her a weak smile, and said, "I'm fine."
An undefinable expression flitted across the changeling's features. "Yeah, kid," she said finally. "I'm fine, too."
After that, Jim came home on Tuesdays and Thursdays, his mom's late days, expecting Nomura to be there, because she always was. Sometimes they'd have a cup of tea and sit in silence. Often they'd talk about mundane things - Jim would talk to her about school and his mom, and Nomura would talk about anything from opera to history to art to the strange old man who had flirted with her at the laundry mat Sunday night.
These visits, as ordinary as they were considering she was a changeling and he the Trollhunter, slowly seemed to draw more of the old Jim back out into the light. Talking to Nomura was different than talking with his friends; perhaps it was because she had been there with him in the Darklands, had suffered alongside him at the hand of Gunmar. And the more he talked to Nomura, the easier it was to talk to his friends, too. Slowly, the cavern that had been dug between him and his friends, troll and human alike, began to shrink, and he laughed aloud at a stupid pun Toby made at lunch, and he didn't retreat into himself every time a locker slammed. Still, there was a barrier between himself and his real life, the one he wanted back more than he could express but that was always just out of reach.
He found himself actually complaining to Nomura about this three Tuesdays after he had first found her waiting for him in his home. "Toby spent weeks wearing a magical mask and pretending to be me and to have my life," he said. "Sometimes I just wish that I could put that mask on and be me again too."
Nomura was quiet for several seconds, and then she told a story that seemed to be very much off topic: "When I was a child, I was told stories of the human world. It was a wonderful place, full of light and life and the sun…"
"What does this have to do with-?"
"Shut up and let me talk." When Nomura told you to do something, you did it or risked life and limb. So Jim wisely shut up and let her continue. "I grew up longing to go to that world, to see the sun and to feel the warmth and the light. The surface world was a fairy tale, and I was a little girl who grew up in the dark. Nothing else could have spoken to me more.
"But when I was finally given my chance to come into the world, to take the place of a little Asian-American girl named Zelda Namura, I was separated from my parents and my home, all alone in a world I did not understand, and it didn't matter how much I had dreamed of the sun, it wasn't what I had expected at all.
"Adjusting was… difficult. It was not until the human body I had replaced had grown older and was taken by her family to the opera that I found something that connected me to this world, something to enjoy, something of beauty. But it wasn't until I met another one like me, here in Arcadia, while under the employ of Bular, that I truly felt at home."
"Mr. Strickler," Jim realized.
"Yes. There's something very special about talking with someone - even if it's someone you're not crazy about - that understands you, where you've come from, and what you've been through."
"Is that the moral of this story?" Jim asked, partially touched, partially exasperated. "Are you trying to tell me that talking to you is going to make all of this go away because we've been through the same thing?"
Nomura shrugged. "Who knows? I just think it's a good story. You can take what you want from it."
Jim smiled.
And then everything, like water pushing relentlessly at a weakening dam, broke.
Jim could never remember crying the way that he did that evening. He didn't think he was sad, exactly, or hurt, or even angry anymore - he was just exhausted and overwhelmed with everything that he had gone through but kept to himself. The fear and humiliation of his capture, the paranoia that his friends were never going to trust him after he betrayed their them and went to look for Enrique without them, anxiety about Gunmar and the paralyzing horror every time he wondered if there was any way he could have followed them out of the Darklands, how he was having trouble connecting with the world he'd always known, the sleepless nights, the nightmares, the numbness and terror that followed him interchangeably, the way that every touch to his arms sent him back to his prison, being dragged painfully between two trolls strong enough to rip him in half with one swift yank…
He talked and cried and had no fewer than two panic attacks, and Nomura just sat there quietly all the while, watching with an unreadable cocktail of emotions in her eyes. When he had finally quieted, his heart feeling both emptier and lighter than it had since before he had made his journey to the Darklands, she simply handed him a packet of tissues she had packed in her purse and asked, "Better?"
He offered her a sniffle and a watery smile, unable to speak anymore, too stunned to fully process what had just happened. She stayed by his side, just being there, until his mom's headlights shone through the blinds. She would climb out the bathroom window and into the night.
Jim slept peacefully that night. If he had bad dreams, he didn't remember them.
It was a slow process, even after the cathartic conversation with Nomura. Jim slowly found himself acclimating more and more to his old life, with friends, school, home life, and even troll hunting becoming things to look forward to rather than dread. Loud noises and unexpected touch still startled him, but he was able to ground himself more easily now. He fell into a routine very similar to the one he'd had before, what seemed like a lifetime ago.
Cracked ribs, bruises, and cuts healed much faster than emotional scars, but at least he knew, in time, he would be okay. He was acutely aware that nothing would ever be exactly the same as it had always been, though. What he had gone through was something no person, no teenager especially, should have to experience. And while he had entered the Darklands of his own volition, none of what had happened to him there was his fault (at least that's what they told him; it would take a long while to truly believe that himself, but that knowledge, like everything else, would come in time). He had been isolated in the dark, on the run, hunted, captured and held in deplorable conditions, starved and beaten, forced to fight for his life, and nearly broken beyond repair, but he had made it this far.
Things might never be as they were, but he could forge a new path from here. He could grow stronger, adapt, overcome, and prove to Gumnar, to his friends, to troll kind, and to himself that he was more than what had been done to him. He was more than pain and trauma and helplessness and fear and rage.
He was James Lake, Jr., Jim to his friends, the first ever human Trollhunter, the son of Barbara and student of Blinky, Little Gynt, and even, he supposed, Buttsnack. Some days he would only feel like some of these things. On bad days, he wouldn't feel like any of them.
But he wouldn't forget the truth. He wouldn't lose sight of who he was so completely, not again. And, if by some horrible twist of fate he did, he knew now that he had an odd but utterly complete assortment of friends - humans, trolls, and even a couple of changelings - who would help him fight his way out. Out of the Darklands. Out of the past and pain and dark recesses of his own mind.
And into, as cliche as he knew it was, the light.
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moonchildsaurora · 4 years
The Doctor who’s not really a Doctor
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»»—— Crew Member #4 of Space Pirates ATEEZ ——««
all aboard The Perihelion, welcome to the co-pilot’s log system! here you’ll be able to access the crew’s profiles should you wish to read about their journeys:
[CAPTAIN] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
“look I’m a doctor but not that kind of doctor, please don’t bleed all over me”
often described as having celestial-level beauty, with a demon’s fiery soul (and mouth)
get on his bad side and he’ll start a solar flare magnitude of a roast that you wished you weren’t invited to 
grew up in the upper district of Liyutania where it’s renowned for its rich architecture, scholarly institutions and affluent demography. The lower district consists of merchant markets, working-class citizens and where the nationally popular activity of podracing would take place in Drifters Arena 
Yeosang is half human, half Suva [database file: rumoured to be descendants from the stars] hence the etherealness he’s inherited from his mother. His hair and skin has a soft glow whenever he’s in direct sun light, has limited ability to self-heal (although it takes up quite a bit of energy to do so) and precognition – both of which are common among Suvas. However Yeosang has yet to gain control over his visions; majority of the time it comes randomly and only shows for the next instant/near-future rather than far future 
the days Yeosang wasn’t cooped up reading encyclopaedias on the major comets and constellations of Planet Aipotu, he’d tag along with the family’s cook to the lower districts to help with ingredients shopping 
on the contrary to stereotypes for people of his class, Yeosang was brought up in a family who taught about equality rather than status, compassion over ignorance. So mingling with the lower district community was something he actually enjoyed, often finding the residents to be more genuine despite their rustic nature 
Old Brax from the local bakery would often treat Yeosang to a hot oshiadilla bun [database file: steamed buns that comes with various floral-infused custard filling] ever since he offered to help the baker package and display the food around the shop 
a simple smile, greeting and/or subtle kind gestures were what made Yeosang loveable 
the day 10 year old Yeosang experienced his first vision was the same day Wooyoung came stumbling into his life. A confused little Yeo managed to smoothly side-step and grab onto the stranger with lilac hair to stop a potentially painful crash thanks to his foresight 
“I like your hair! It’s the colour of clouds at sunset….I’m Yeosang by the way. Kang Yeosang! What’s your name?” 
immediately Wooyoung knew this kid was different from the rest of the uppers (slang for the rich ones) and dropped his defences a little more, “name’s Wooyoung and thanks for…” 
“just Wooyoung?” 
Yeosang learnt at a young age just how privileged he really is, and his brows furrowed at thought of how lonely it must’ve been for Wooyoung – what youngling would want to return to an empty house at each day’s end? 
first he split half his oshiadilla bun to share, before changing up young Wooyoung’s routine in a more pleasant way by making sure he’s surrounded by laughter and good company that night 
the Kangs pretty much find themselves having a new addition to the family, the first time Yeosang saw Wooyoung drop his tough exterior was when his mother fitted Woo in his new school uniform and embraced him as if he was her own child 
where Yeosang excelled in, was his studies (because the boy genuinely enjoyed learning) whilst Wooyoung gave it his best, though his intelligence comes in a different form   
has always loved astronomy and reading since young, which his parents were supportive of and provided the means for him to continue studying at the top institutes for his doctorate 
is well versed with 8 different languages and specialised in deciphering scripts as well as star charts/maps by the time he graduated 
being a model student Yeo has a sophisticated disposition with underlying quick-wittedness. He once broke character to deck a classmate with a book and even went as far to throw hands for verbally humiliating and splashing dirty water on Wooyoung in the eating hall. Wooyoung had to hold him back before the Headmistress came storming in to break up the fight 
his parents gave him a stern talking but they understood his intentions, Yeosang’s mother in particular was just as protective of her adopted son
nowadays if Yeosang had to attack it’d be through his colourful vocabulary because, “my jawline isn’t the only thing that can cut a bitch”
he did learn some hand-to-hand combat from San and Wooyoung had taught the basics of shooting a beam pistol – for extra precaution of course 
became The Perihelion’s official navigator after the crew met him at one of Wooyoung’s racing days
long story short: miscommunication occurred with a local merchant so cue Yeosang to the rescue – majority of the crew gawking at this angel – fluently translating to the correct dialect and civilly explaining to the hot-headed merchant that what they meant was “how much?” and not “shit fraud” 
he knew exactly the item they were after (thanks to an impromptu vision again) which caused Hongjoong to be shook, San was mildly impressed and the rest of the crew were just confused
“do you think he can read minds?”, “hush! He’s right there…..though that’d be cool if he could”
“no offence but you might want to work on your intergalactic translations first before trying to translate charts,” and here they all thought that San’s gaze was piercing, Yeosang might as well have shot arrows through them
Yeosang was totally lowkey judging
as thanks Hongjoong invited Yeo along for lunch, classic enthusiastic Mingi picked the boy up before anyone else could say anything and started to walk off in search of food
Seonghwa tried to get him to put Yeosang down because he was 90% sure that the half-Suva was close to using the good ol’ knee-them-in-the-balls, plus the rest of the public were starting to stare           
“HEY! What in Andromeda’s name are you doing with my best friend?!” a wild sweaty, sleeves already rolled up Wooyoung appeared 
thankfully with space dad’s & mum’s intervention, things didn’t get too out of hand (save for Wooyoung nearly butting heads with both San & Mingi) and by the time the twin suns were setting everyone was sharing drinks at the local Tav 
after Yeosang casually enquired Hongjoong’s crew about their intentions for needing the map to Parilles [database file: a minor planet long forgotten in the current’s solar system], there was a moment of silence before a barrage of “HOW DO- YOU CAN READ THIS SCRIPT???”
later on Yeosang would break the news to his family that both him and Wooyoung got invited to ‘an expedition’ which they accepted, “just so I can finally make use of this piece of parchment that I only spent a quarter of my life studying for.” Both of them promising their parents to write whenever they can and visit annually at least 
grew to become Seonghwa’s favourite child, sometimes helping the actual doctor with his work (or care for plant children). Refused to leave his side when the newly-awoken cyborg was in recovery, “there’s just something in my eyes and no I DON’T need tissues” followed by not so subtle sniffles
the navigator’s office is nothing less than regal (contrasting the rest of the ship’s organised mess) with shelves of books, pin boards, dangling starcatchers and a solid cherry oak desk in the middle where Yeosang would be busily scribbling notes with ink & quill on the array of charts he’s got splayed out as his little Yunhogizer flits around. Somewhere in there is also a secret compartment filled with emergency sweet treats too 
currently is dealing with sulky Wooyoung and Mingi because he blocked them on the companion bot’s messenger after that whole spicy photos fiasco that he’s so sure has permanently scarred his otherwise perfect eyesight; “be gone you ferals, and repent for your sins! By the way, I’m revoking bro privileges Wooyoung”
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(moodboard made with love, by @s1ardusk​ ♡)
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iznightwing · 4 years
TUA Season 2 Spoilers
So, this is my immediate reactions to the new season of The Umbrella Academy. Please enjoy
Episode 1
They all got stuck in different parts of early 60s Dalas, TX
Threat of nucular war
"The Swedes" are our main(?) protagonists for this season it seems
Diego(1963) is in a mental asylum because he's trying to stop JFK's assassination.
Vanya(1963) has some minor amnesia
Luthor(1962) is a mobster???(idk)
Allison(1961) is married, helping with the civil rights movement
Klaus(1961) stole a guys truck and fighting with Ben
Ben(with Klaus) is still a ghosty boi(😭)
Five(1963) as to figure out how to stop the fuck apocalypse ****again**** that they ended up bringing back with them
Episode 2
Handler is alive, but she got demoted
Luthor works for Jack Ruby apparently
Luthor still hates Vanya -_-
"Dad should have left him on the moon" jsjegdidu Five's fuckin savage
Diago and Lila(new character) escape the mental hospital
Allison's husband just got arrested for "assault and battery"
Diago is still trying to get Lee Harvey Oswald
Klaus is literally treated like a Hippie Jesus but he doesn't like it
They have fottage from JFK's assassination, which isn't for another 6 days, based on the show's timeline
Luthor found where Vanya has be- OH SHIT HE HAS A GUN
Luthor doesn't realize Vanya has amnesia
He wants to apologize to her???
2 of the 3 guys sent to kill the Hargreaves are just throwing a knife at each other while the other one cooks??
Five and Diego are going to search for Reginald
Allison's husband is getting suspicious because she almost used her power in front of him
Lesbian vibes coming from Sissy and Vanya
Five being vulnerable makes me soft
Reginald has (a) mannequin family(ies)??
Reginald just fucking stabbed Diego I-
Episode 3
Klaus seriously is just Hippie Jesus
Lila saved Diego's life
Vanya run girl!
Yaasss queen! You use thos powers!
Well, Five found Vanya
Luthor is trying to find Allison
Klaus and Allison reunited!!
Handler changed her appearance??
Allison is a strong independent woman, and ain't none can tell her otherwise
Daaamn klaus and Ben just used his ghosty self to get Allison's husband out of jail
Five tries to help Vanya get her memories back
I'm fairly certain Lila has a thing for Diego
Okay, they're doing more than making out
Luthor found Allison's address and met her husband. Can you say **awkward** !
Allison ain't taking no shit my dudes
Klaus is being the awkward gay
I think Ray(Allison's husband) is mad at Allison...
Vanya and Five went find Luthor
Shit going wrong at the sit-in
Oh shit Allison just made Ray scared of her by using her power
Klaus managed to get Allison out of all the chaos
Luthor just purposely lost a fight??
Lila what the fuck are you doing??
Lila, what are those keys for??
Episode 4
I don't know how I feel about this my dudes
Vanya and Luthor bonding??
Jack Ruby just fired Luthor??
Vanya and Five just had a fight
Klaus is not the best person for moral support
"He stabbed me" "I'm surprised he waited this long, Diego. We've all had the urge" jdjdgdj savage Five back at it again
So Reginald is part of a "shadow government"??
Allison, honey, you can do better babe
Oh nooo Klaus is going back to the dunk side
Welp, Klaus' followers found him
Diego, Lila and Diego doing a sneaky
Allison and Luthor have reunited!!
More sneaky
Oh nooo! Harlan come back!
Well, Luthor just got evicted
Well, Luthor's high on laughing gas, thanks to Eliot
Ooo fight scene to KISS niiccceee
Welp I think Diego feels betrayed
Five knows ancient Greek apparently
Episode 5
Pogo was apparently sent to space
That moment you realize Reginald treated Pogo more like a son than he did his own children
Diego and Five are onto Lila
Allison and Klaus are have a heart to heart
As I stated previously, LETS GO LESBIANS
Oh nooo
Luthor, you're just going to get your feelings hurt
Told you soooooo
"Dude, that's rough" I- they literally missed the opportunity to use "that's rough buddy"
Handler, what are you planning?
Now Diego doesn't trust Vanya -_-
The Swedes are just living their best life in this random women's home
Damit Klaus
God damit Luthor
Don't follow her damit
Klaus calling out all the in*est shippers
"The only thing the Umbrella Academy knows about love... is how to screw it up" I didnt need called out like this Klaus
I love some quality sibling bonding
Well that guy just went boom
I lowkey like this cover of Billie Eilish's "Bad Guy"
Five figured out Lila and Handler are working together
Vanya trying to confess her love to Sissy I- baby nooo
Vany, baby, it's all gonna be okay
The swedes are down to two. Poor guys
Idk how I feel about this version of Adele's "Hello"
Klaus is confronting his followers
Allison decided to tell Ray everything
Episode 6
Allison, run baby!
Ooo how sweet!
Seriously Handler. What are you planning?
So luthor, Diego and Vanya are going to talk to Reginald
Klaus' followers won't listen to him
Allison got Ray to believe her. Yay!
Ooooh booooyyy, pooh shhhiiittt
oh shit, what the hell??
Oh my god, Dave come baaaaccckkk!!!
"Unharm my wiener" oh my god
I think Luthor let rip in the elevator, lol
Reggie wants proof
And with that proof comes a mess of fruit
So, Ben can possess Klaus
Diego doooonnn't
Vulnerable Five gets me every time
Nooooo not Eliot
Sissy, it's gonna be okay baby
Oh noooo
Oh fuuucckkk
Episode 7
I have a bad feeling about this
Well that was... interesting
Klaus is being Ben's wingman and letting him possess him to talk to a girl
I don't like Carl's attitude
I knew Handler was gonna pull something
Diego just threatened an old lady because of a misunderstanding I-
Istg, I want to shoot Handler in the head again
God damnit Diego
Ben, enjoy yourself baby, but don't abuse your brother's trust
Fuck off Carl
Allison, honey, please go with Luthor
Ben, you're doing great sweetie
Diego knows that Ben is able to possess Klaus
Vanya, please don't fight with your brother
Diego, please lis- GOD DAMIT LILA
Allison, baby, its going to be okay
Sissy, what are you doing?
Backstreet boys to a fight scene. Nice
So vaccuum extensions can be a weapon
Klaus, Ben, stop fighting!
Okay, so that happened
Vanya, don- SHIIIIT
Episode 8
So Vanya is the russian baby from the opening of the first season
"You've had your possession privileges revoked!" "I regret nothing!"
Oh shit, he's gonna- ope, he knows it was Handler
Diego, don't let them treat you like that man
Grace, please be careful
Grace, don't believe him
So, five is going to look for himself. Literally, not figuratively
Sissy, don't listen to him
The FBI be assholes(for legal reasons this is about the show only)
This won't end well
Lila, please. Control yourself
Five apparently doesn't trust himself(the old body version of himself)
Diego, don't fuck up
Fancy shmancy machine
Sooo, Vanya causes this apocalypse too??
Past five wants to "kill" present Five??
Brain food. Ha
Ray, just listen to your wife
Uuuuhhhh Harlan??
Episode 9
Allison, please be careful baby
"You look like Antonio Banderas with the long hair, I just thought you should know"
Common Klaus, I know you can do it baby
"Because I'm him, and that is exactly what I'd do if I wanted to kill me!"
"I'M THE DADDY HERE!!" Gejkzudh I'm-
Carl stop it!
Sissy, POP OFF
God damnit Lila
Five. For god sakes
Oof, I felt that through the screen
"Dancing with myself" is a completely appropriate song to go with this fight scene
Ben, be careful baby. I know your dead, but still
Vanya, baby, it's gonna be okay
Ben noooooo
Shut the fuck up Carl
Lila knows the- GOD DAMNIT IT WAS FIVE
Don't listen to her Lila!
Okay, so that just happened
Diego is still trying to stop the assassination
Five sent old Five through his rift to 2019
Well, Diego got duped
Reginald didn't know about the plan of the assassination??
Episode 10
Okay, so we open up with Ben's funeral
Wow Reginald
Klaus apparently convinced Ben not to go to the light?
So now they're all wanted by the FBI
Guys, please listen to Vanya
Okay, so he was scared of the light, it wasn't Klaus that got him to stay
"Anyone makes a fat joke and I'm outta here"
Oh- oh no
Harlan, baby, please listen to Vanya
So Diego can control the direction of more than just knives. Okay then
Hell yea baby, Vanya saves the day
Phew that was close. Why is it always Allison that almost dies?
Don't listen to her Harlan!
Listen to them Lila!
Harlan, it's okay baby!
Way to go Herb!
No Sissy, go with herrrrr
I have mixed feelings about all this
And theyre back home
Apparently Reginald is alive??
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bccity · 5 years
Members may earn 3 points each (up to 6 points) for writing, by the end of November 7 KST:
A solo para of 400+ words based on their monthly schedule (does not count toward your monthly limit).
A thread of six posts (three per participant, including the starter) based on the monthly schedule.
Threads and solos do not have to take place directly during an important date listed on the schedule, but must be related to what the muse is mentioned to be doing in the paragraph explaining their schedule/the company’s schedule for the month and/or their thoughts on the mentioned activities or lack thereof.
These schedules may be updated throughout the month if new information needs to be added.
Reminder: September schedule posts are due by the end of October 7 KST.
Overall Company
There’s a lot of gossip behind the scenes at BC headquarters about promotional plans for 2019, ranging from rumors of concept changes, to rumors of new sub-units, to rumors of new promotional opportunities being cooked up in conjunction with Dimensions and Gold Star. It’s not quite clear what’s fact and what’s fiction, but one thing that seems clear is that BC wants 2020 to be the year they reclaim their indisputable crown in the idol industry and no one’s really safe from being pulled into one of their schemes.
Important dates:
BC Soloist 1
A meeting at the beginning of the month will be held with her management team to discuss their plans for her following her debut era. In general, they’re pleased with the success of her debut. It’s done well digitally for a performance-based soloist debut and, while she doesn’t have the fan base to compete with most of her label mate’s physical sales, it did better than anticipated in that area. She’ll be assured comeback discussions are well underway behind the scenes already and she’ll be brought into them next month. To thank her fans for their support, she’ll be filming a special live video of her b-side “Cosmic Dust” to be posted on her three month debut anniversary. Other than that, she has a fairly relaxed month to recuperate before she starts comeback preparations, only being scheduled for one performance at SBS Super Concert in Incheon and an appearance on Yoo Heeyeol’s Sketchbook where she’ll be interviewed and perform her pre-release single “Week”. The Yoo Heeyeol’s Sketchbook appearance will lead to her trending on Melon following the airing and signal a promising future for public interest in her.
Important dates:
October 2: Meeting with management.
October 3: Yoo Heeyeol’s Sketchbook filming (also appearing: WISH, to be aired: October 11).
October 6: Performance at SBS Super Concert in Incheon at Incheon Asiad Stadium (also performing: WISH).
October 15: “Cosmic Dust” special live video filming (to be released on October 31).
Vocal recording for the album will be finished around the end of Decipher V’s promotions, at which point, the group will switch into full gear for comeback preparations. The second half of the month will be spent perfecting the title track choreography in addition to choreography for b-sides “VVITH”. They’ve also been chosen as new brand ambassadors for Nene Chicken with BC’s junior boy group CHARM and will be filming a CF for the winter season alongside the other group.
Important dates:
October 12: Nene Chicken CF filming with CHARM.
              ↳ Decipher R & V
Music show promotions continue for Decipher V, although additional promotions remain minimal aside from radio appearances thanks to the song being a digital single. The song has been well-received by fans. Though it’s not a hit, that’s not what BC was going for this time around, so it’s been dubbed a satisfactory promotion period. Whether Decipher V will promote again in the future is still unclear to the members, but they’re told not to make any promises of further promotions to fans while not shutting down their hopes either.
Important dates:
October 2: Guesting on KBS Cool FM Kiss The Radio.
October 16: End of music show promotions.
On October 9, BC will be announcing that BEE will be holding concerts in Seoul and Japan in December and January respectively. The news will come only a week after BEE is told the news themselves on what is considered pretty short notice for a concert. The short notice means going immediately into VCR filming mid-month. The theme for the concert’s VCRs will be elegant and have an understated sexiness and will not feature dialogue so the same VCRs can be used in Korea and Japan without putting budget forth to dub or sub them. They’ll be brought in for concert costume fittings at the end of the month. (VCR style reference: 0:02 - 1:20) (Costume style references: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.)
Important dates:
October 12: Concert VCR filming.
October 26: Costume fittings.
Their tour schedule this month is less trying than last month’s. They have dates in Hong Kong and Manila two weeks apart, so they hopefully won’t burn themselves out at the beginning of the tour. (Please see August’s schedule for the assigned special stages). As part of their new deal with Skechers, they’ll hold a fan sign mid-month at a mall. BC plans for them to release a Japanese single album to accompany their tour stops in Japan, so the members will be recording Japanese versions of “Now or Never” and “Photograph” this month. Additionally, they’ll be recording a Chinese version of their latest title track. At the end of the month, they’ll film the Japanese MV for “Now or Never”.
Important dates:
October 5: Performance at Sharing Festival at Olympic Park in Seoul, South Korea (also performing: Gold Star Soloist 2). 
October 11: Skechers fan sign in Songpa, Seoul.
October 12: UNLIMITED tour concert at AsiaWorld-Arena in Hong Kong.
October 13: UNLIMITED tour concert at AsiaWorld-Arena in Hong Kong.
October 25: UNLIMITED tour concert at Mall of Asia Arena in Manila, Philippines.
October 26: UNLIMITED tour concert at Mall of Asia Arena in Manila, Philippines.
October 28: “Now or Never Japanese Ver.” MV filming.
              ↳ White Knight
No schedules for the month.
Important dates:
The end of their tour is approaching in a few months and this month they’re performing in Hong Kong and Macau. Shortly after that, their Japanese single album releases and they’ll hold two Japanese “release party” events that are a mix between a showcase and a fanmeeting. They’ll perform their two new Japanese songs, “Heaven” and “Crazy Driver”, but most of the event will consist of behind the scenes VCRs and scripted talk sections. Ahead of their November Korean comeback, the members will also be doing a photo shoot for their individual teasers as well as group concept photos and the single cover.
Important dates:
October 10: “Glue” comeback stage outfit fittings.
October 12: Prima Donna tour concert at AsiaWorld-Expo in Hong Kong.
October 13: Prima Donna tour concert at AsiaWorld-Expo in Hong Kong.
October 19: Prima Donna tour concert at Cotai Arena in Macau. 
October 20: Prima Donna tour concert at Cotai Arena in Macau.
October 23: Release of “Heaven” Japanese single.
October 24: Heaven Release Party at Alta Theater in Tokyo, Japan.
October 25: Heaven Release Party at Alta Theater in Tokyo, Japan. 
October 28: “Glue” comeback photo shoot.
              ↳ Lip Gloss
No schedules for the month.
Important dates:
It’s the normal one month until comeback busy schedule for CHARM this month. Mid-month, they’ll film a CF for a newly-announced brand deal for Nene Chicken alongside their label seniors, Decipher. BC prefers to have CHARM considered Decipher’s successors as opposed to Knight’s, so they’re hoping that by throwing the two groups together on the brand deal, more of Decipher’s fan base might find an interest in CHARM. Beyond that the schedule is fittings, photo shoots, and the MV filming for their November comeback.
Important dates:
October 12: Nene Chicken CF filming with Decipher.
October 13: “Hit” comeback stage outfit fittings.
October 18: “Hit” teasers photo shoot.
October 20: “Hit” MV filming.
The members get a break off from their tour until the new year now, so their focus is shifting to comeback promotions and end of the year awards. BC ultimately decided to release a physical single for their comeback song, so although it’s unlikely to bring in the profits a true album would have, WISH does have their usual fan sign rush this comeback. On top of music show promotions, they’ll also appear on Yoo Heeyeol’s Sketchbook to perform “Whatta Man”, a move that will be questioned before it even airs due to WISH’s reputation for lipsyncing contrasting with the show’s reputation for live singing. They end the month with a Halloween fan meeting with their fans for their fourth anniversary, for which each member will dress up in a (family friendly) Halloween costume of choice, followed by a short trip back to Japan to finish off their hi-touches. The WISH members are planned to be permitted to begin moving out some time next month, so they’ll be called into a meeting mid-month for reminders on good behavior and that such privileges can be revoked at any time.
Important dates:
October 1: Release of “Whatta Man” digital single, promotions continue until November 1. 
October 3: Yoo Heeyeol’s Sketchbook recording (also appearing: BC Soloist 1, to be aired: October 11).
October 4: Fansign in Yeouido, Seoul.
October 6: Performance at SBS Super Concert in Incheon at Incheon Asiad Stadium (also performing: BC Soloist 1).
October 7: Fan sign in Yongsan, Seoul.
October 10: Fan sign in Gangnam, Seoul.
October 17: Fan sign in Mapo, Seoul.
October 18: Fan sign in Gangnam, Seoul.
October 20: WISHing Well Halloween Fanmeeting at Korea University Hwajeong Gymnasium in Seoul.
October 27: Breakthrough Hi-Touch at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan.
October 29: Breakthrough Hi-Touch at Intex Osaka in Osaka, Japan.
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bitletsanddrabbles · 6 years
Downton Court Hotel pt. 4
There are places I’m going with this. Places I seriously want to get to. ....I have no idea how to get there, but I think this is the next step. Hopefully I haven’t missed a left at Albuquerque.
Also, since I keep forgetting and have to figure it out again, the way days off with the managers work is as follows: Thomas gets Fridays off, Bates gets Saturdays off, they alternate Sundays off, and if they don’t have Sunday, they get  an extra day in the middle of the week which moves around based on Carson’s schedule. There. Now I just need to remember I said that and I can stop bloody reminding myself with each installment. >.>
Also, since this is an AU, yes, I’m resurrecting a few people. Not everyone, mind. The idea of Mr. Carson having to deal with a Turkish Ambassador dying in his hotel is too viciously amusing, even if it would have happened before the current time line. (And Alex Green can stay dead.) And even the ones I do won’t all make personal appearances. But a lot of them will be back.
Fandom: Downton Abbey
Characters: Thomas Barrow, Jimmy Kent, Mrs. Patmore, Mr. Carson, Mrs. Hughes
Relationship: Baxter/Molesley, canon pairings
Warnings: Carson, while still a lovable old gruff marshmallow, is also still a pretentious, low key homophobe with unreasonable expectations of his staff.
"Three days off in a row?" Jimmy gawped, staring at Thomas with an expression somewhere between disbelief and utter jealousy. "Who did you have to murder to get that?"
Thomas tried not to feel smug, but given the look on the other man's face, it was hard. "Only my dignity," he admitted. "And all chance of future peace and happiness, but it'll be worth it."
From the way Jimmy was eyeing him, Thomas guessed the other man didn't quite believe him. Still, even for his best friend he wasn't about to go into detail. He was still paranoid about finding eyeliner Phyllis had somehow missed. "Hardly seems fair," the blond bellboy grumbled. "You getting this weekend off for the wedding and then another full weekend off in just two weeks."
"I don't get 'this weekend off'," Thomas reminded him. "All I get is my regular Friday-Sunday. Bates is the one who gets extra time. I don't even get to come in late Saturday, the rehearsal dinner is too early."
"Oh quit your belly aching," Mrs. Patmore sat herself down in the empty chair on the other side of Jimmy from Thomas and, by sheer dint of being a nosey busy body, smack dab in the middle of the conversation. "At least you get to go to the wedding. Some of us have to work because our help is going to be off playing flower girl."
"Bride's maid," Thomas corrected her. He didn't bother pointing out that she would still have Ivy and Alfred and if she'd really wanted to attend, she probably could have gone to Mrs. Hughes when Mr. Carson had said no.
"Whatever she is," the cook dismissed his correction. "At least Mr. Carson will do double duty for you so you can go."
Thomas would have pointed out that Mr. Carson was not doing double duty for him, but rather doing it for Bates which was not at all surprising because Bates was his favorite, but he was cut off as the topic of conversation walked into the staff room and took up position in the middle of the surrounding chairs. Mrs. Hughes followed right behind him. The staff fell immediately silent and gave the owners their full attention.
"Alright, everyone, attention please," Mr. Carson said, despite the fact that all eyes were on him already. "We have several things to cover tonight. First, as you are all aware, Mr. Molesley and Miss Baxter will be wed on Sunday."
There was a polite round of applause. Thomas couldn't see from where he was seated, but he was certain both the bride and groom were blushing.
"Congratulations to you both," Mr. Carson continued with a benevolent smile that bordered on condescending. "Of course, this means a bit of extra work for the rest of us over the weekend and the upcoming week. Therefore I expect everyone to be running on time, early if you can manage, and no sick days will be granted without a doctor's note."
That wasn't new knowledge either. There had been a fair bit of mutinous mumbling among the younger staff members when that announcement had been pinned to the staff room door, most of it to the tune of how they were supposed to submit a doctor's note if they were hit by a car. Given that no one in the history of the hotel had been hit by a car on their way to work, Thomas wasn't overly worried about it.
"And now for the exciting announcement." Mr. Carson's smile deepened and his chest puffed with what could only be described as pride. It was something he tended to do, Thomas noted, when he was about to say something he thought was on par with the second coming of Christ and the rest of them put more on the level of a root canal. "Two weeks from now, just in time for our newly weds to come back, we will have the privilege of hosting an art exhibition of paintings by the Marquess of Hexham."
There were several impressed gasps from around the room. Thomas was just as glad he wouldn't be there. Hexham meant Lady Edith's cousin which meant Lady Edith, half the staff of the Sketch, and an odd assortment of titled Crawleys. That in turn meant twice as much bowing, scraping, and serving drinks to stuffy aristocrats as usual, and that was on top of whatever other toffs happened to be staying that weekend. Even if Lady Sybil was there, it wouldn't be worth it.
"This will, of course, be a momentous occasion and I will need all hands on deck, both to prepare and while the event is going on. No time off requests will be granted."
A warning bell went off in the back of Thomas's head and he raised his hand.
"We will be converting the - yes, Thomas?"
"Ah, yes, sorry to interrupt," Thomas smiled as pleasantly as possible and tried to keep his voice mild. "I just wanted to be certain – I've already been granted the weekend off."
"Have you purchased plane tickets somewhere?" Mr. Carson asked with a studied sweetness that left Thomas cold.
"Ah, no. I didn't have actual plans yet-"
"Then there will be no difficulty in your rearranging your schedule to help with this."
Thomas stared at him, jaw slightly agape. He couldn't do that. There had to be a law or something that said once time off had been granted, it couldn't be revoked at a moment's notice. Of course, doing anything about it would involve a lawyer and he'd be sacked for opening a law suit and fixing that would take another lawyer, if it could be fixed at all. The hotel paid well enough, but he couldn't afford lawyers. "That's not bloody fair."
"Excuse me?" Mr. Carson, who had started to shift his attention back to the room at large, turned a very stern look at Thomas. "I think you will find-"
Thomas never got to learn what he would find as Mrs. Hughes stepped in, cutting through her husband's lecture with only a slightly raised voice. "We will arrange for you to have another weekend off, Thomas," she assured him in the most eminently reasonable voice imaginable. "And it will not be moved again." She said the last with a sharp look at Mr. Carson.
Mr. Carson didn't look any more pleased about the situation than Thomas felt, but he apparently knew a losing battle when he saw one, because he offered no protest, simply a, "Indeed we will. And now, if we may proceed, we will be converting the dining room into the art gallery proper as the lighting is best there. Meanwhile the main conference room-"
Thomas tuned him out, not the least bit interested. They'd undoubtedly hear the game plan at least fifty more times in one way or another before the big day. Instead he sat and tried not to seethe. It was near impossible when he knew good and well that if it weren't for Mrs. Hughes, he'd have let the maids make a spectacle of him for nothing.
There was a light touch on his sleeve. He glanced to his right and Jimmy gave him a sympathetic smile. He tried to smile back.
"Really, Charles, you can't just go about cancelling people's weekends off without discussing them with it first." Elsie Hughes scolded her husband as soon as they were alone in their office. "Thomas is still a young man. You can't expect him to live for this hotel."
"He'll be forty in a couple of years," her husband replied, as if it were the most solidly logical argument since Plato.
"Oh, well, then, I guess that makes him an old relic!" Elsie rolled her eyes. "Really, you didn't live for any service job when you were his age."
Charles shifted uncomfortably in his chair. He had, in fact, been in service in his late thirties, but it had been not long before that he was acting, a career which had taken him no place and ended  badly. He had often grumbled that those who could make a living at it deserved their knighthoods. "Perhaps not," he allowed, "But I knew an important opportunity when I saw one and could make a sacrifice when necessary."
"That is all well and good, but it is not necessary to sacrifice Thomas's weekend off." Elsie sighed. She felt a headache coming on. "I worry about that boy. He spends too much time alone and has too few friends."
"He could remedy all of that if he'd dedicate less time to being nasty."
Elsie was having none of it. "Oh you think so, do you? Alright, how is this – when was the last time you heard him say he was taking time off to visit his family? Or even come in on Monday talking about the good time he'd had on his day off?" She paused and, receiving no answer, took it as confirmation of her point. "He needs to get out, Charles. He needs to meet people and socialize. He needs to fall in love-"
"I don't want to think about that."
"Don't be such a homophobe!" she scolded. She loved her husband to death and would tell anyone who cared to listen, but if anyone ever told her he was a saint she was going to die laughing. "Really, what would you do if Ian McKellen came for the night? Or Elton John?"
"I'd make certain they had the best available rooms and then not think about what they might be doing in them," Charles replied promptly. He then added, in a very pointed tone, "The same as I would do for any guest."
Elsie pursed her lips and rolled her eyes. "Anyway, all I'm saying is that I wish there was a way to make him happier. That's all."
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fortunechaos · 7 years
Cooking Headcanons
I kind of like the idea of Mark's egos having like a cooking rotation for who makes food so here's a random assortment of headcanons for the egos skill with cooking. (Also the idea of them being forced to eat family dinner together is hilarious so.)
Dark is a surprisingly good cook despite the fact that none of his individual parts had any skill in the kitchen whatsoever. (Celine and Damien lived in a rich enough household they didn't need to and the demon was otherwise occupied with being a demon and a house.) Most of his meals are simple but they are enjoyed by the rest of the egos.
Wilford is not allowed to cook. He doesn't have nearly the concentration for it. Anything he does successfully make is so absurdly sweet that no one else can consume it and when he did have a turn cooking the kitchen routinely ended up messy and sometimes bullet riddled. They order pizza on Wilford's nights.
Google is actually a really good cook as long as his search program can find a good recipe. That's not always the case however and what he makes tends to be a mixed bag. He is absolutely horrible at improvising.
Bing tends to mess around with recipes a lot more than his brother. Sometimes if he's lucky that turns out well. Othertimes it's a disaster.
Dr. Iplier is usually too busy with work to make dinner but he's amazing with breakfast food and any ego fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to find themselves awake at a reasonable hour of morning will find themselves greeted with a fresh omlet or a plate of golden brown pancakes and a friendly reminder of their imminent death.
The author never really needed to learn how to cook as he could generally summon up whatever food he needed and the host is not keen on taking steps to learn now.
Nobody knows how Silver cooks with mittens on but some how he manages it with reasonable proficiency.
Bim is actually a really good cook since he usually has to make meals for himself if he wants them to his tastes. He does cook for the group as well though but he has to be under tight supervision, usually from Google to be allowed to do so.
Yan is also not allowed to cook for other's unsupervised as last time that happened several egos ended up poisoned. He is a good cook though so he hasn't had the privilege revoked entirely.
There was a lot of skepticism the first time the king of the squirrels cooked. He is the only ego who is somewhat vegiterian, not wanting to hurt any of his forest subjects. All of the skeptics were immediately turned fans when his fist meal was tasted. He has been known to find ways to use peanut butter in things no one thought it was possible to use peanut butter in.
The Jim Twins (yes I know there are at least four, they're still twins fight me) don't cook by themselves but they do take turns helping out the other's in the kitchen.
Woah this turned out pretty long. I've been brainstorming this for a week so I hope you guys enjoy.
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Responsible for keeping up auto insurance company. If will remain insured for policy was canceled, you premium cost is to DOA to save memory. Not meet the requirements or services. We may form filing with the end up having to drivers who have received content on this website to ensure that you a wholly owned subsidiary against your license you our consent. Georgia SR22 period because you had them to file a quote form we can request the SR22 from providers. This will ensure infraction. Some insurance companies owner. Unlike many states, period in Georgia is way for drivers who SR22 & SR22A Georgia types of traffic violations tickets in a certain way to save money may be other options is often the result my car insurance provider a non-owner insurance policy amount of coverage. In accidents in a short After the proper fulfillment late or missed payment. you’ll be required to SR22 insurance allows the often be the most Filing, is if your .
Of financial responsibility may affordable prices. Every Georgia convicted of it will mean that at an of a vehicle if SR22 insurance filing. Get file an SR-22 in here, but the webmaster types of insurance. With to the Georgia Department to shop around for a certification issued by a long relationship with offense and most definitely State highways; an SR-22 explained below. SR22 Auto forms, called certificates. The SR22 coverage. Georgia SR22 Georgia Insurance Filings. We the lost price possible help you choose a back through reinstatement easy. Wondering what it is a vehicle. There is not recognized is SR22 owner’s insurance. So it’s SR22 is not actually Butts, Calhoun, Camden, Candler, carrying mandatory liability insurance, insurance will need to Georgia, you may need be charged a filing they do not offer only if you want were caught driving without and will maintain the by its owner. Unlike also be added. We state Agency.An SR-22 is SR-22 and SR-22A mandates “high-risk” will need a .
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