#they post gifs of them just making eye contact or friendly touching each other and have a wholeass analysis on their sexualities with it
wordsaresimple-imnot · 2 months
Truth or dare - Joe Toye x F!Reader
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Summary: Could taking Toye's cigarette from his mouth on a dare be the push Reader and him need to cut the recent tension in their friendship?
Warnings: Cursing, heavy make-up, suggestive ending. 1st person POV (female, no use of y/n).
A/N: I have the biggest respect for the real life heroes of WWII (and all other wars, past & current), this work & all other works is based on the actor(s) and character(s) portrayed in the Band of Brothers series.
A/N pt 2: This is the second fic I've posted today and I'm really hoping it's good. The ending leaves room for a possible smut part 2 if anyone is interesting. Comments, likes, reblogs mean everything to me. Thank you & enjoy!
"What's so funny?" I ask as I sit down at the nurses table in the mess hall. I got there just in time to grab the last bits of lunch options before my shift starts.
"We are playing 'truth or dare' and Emily just had to answer who she'd rather kiss: Tab or Luz." Betty told me between giggles.
"Well? Who'd you pick?" I shoot Emily a smirk, already knowing her answer as we've been the only ones in our group that came from Toccoa and therefore the closest.
"Tab." Her face gets redder, as if that was possible, then she gets a mischievous look in her eye. "Your turn. Truth or dare?"
"Dare." I know she knows too much dirt on me to let her ask a question. But judging by the smile spreading on her face, I'm not sure I chose correctly.
"Go get that cigarette Toye is smoking." Her smile widens as the girls within earshot say 'oh' and some whistle.
Joe Toye is not someone that most of the nurses like dealing with. Not that he's rude or inappropriate, he just intimidates them. Not as bad as Spiers, but they put him right up there. From an outsiders point of view I can understand, he's not overly friendly like most of the guys in Easy you have to work a little to weasel past the hard exterior.
For myself, all I had to do was shoot Tab down for the billionth time back in Georgia as I was wrapping up his ankle that he twisted on yet another Currahee run. Don't get me wrong, I like Tab but not in that way and the quicker I could make him understand that the sooner we could just enjoy being friends.
Right when I was finishing up with his wrap, he started to say another pick-up line and being at my wits end I snapped a little. Grabbing his ankle I put enough pressure on it that made him stop talking and sit up straighter.
"Tab, if you come onto me one more time I will break your ankle. Do you understand me?" I kept my voice low and hard, maintaining direct eye contact so he knew I wasn't playing. With a small gulp, he nodded his head and I put on my most charming smile. "Wonderful, now take it easy with that ankle. If Sobel gives you a hard time about it, let me know and I'll put in a word with my supervisor to find a reason to annoy him."
With a final nod, I got him off the bed and started to help him to the door when a hand pushed me to the side and took my spot next to Tab. My protest died on my lips as I came face to face with Toye.
"I can take him from here, ma'am, thanks." He threw Tab's arm over his shoulder and started moving to the door. Two steps later he looked over his shoulder back at me with a small smirk on his face and said, "Remind me to not piss you off when you're fixing me up." Without waiting for a reply, he turned back around and kept himself and Tab moving.
From that day forward a friendship of sorts grew and since landing in Europe and dealing with the horrors of the war in our faces everyday, we'd grown even closer. The past few weeks things are taken a turn to being more flirty with beginning stages of intimacy. Jokes whispered in each others ears just so we can be closer than normal, fingers touching when handing each other items, lingering hugs, forehead and cheek kisses. It was all adding up and creating a tension neither of us seemed ready yet to break but didn't want to dispel either.
Emily's foot nudging mine under the table breaks me from my memories and makes me send her a glare. She's fully aware of the gray area Toye and I are in at the moment and seems to be all too happy to add fuel to that fire. I give a loud sigh and look around till I find him sitting a few rows to our left, sitting with Guarnere and Buck. Inwardly I groan, those two are never going to let me live this down.
With a final glare in her direction, I stand up and make my way over towards the guys. I can feel all of the girls eyes on my back which does nothing in helping me stay calm.
All three of them see me at the same time and smile in greeting.
"Hey doll, how's it going?" Buck asks as I sit across from him, next to Toye.
"About to go on shift, thought I'd say a quick hi and get a smoke." I shrug, trying to sound nonchalant.
"Here ya go." Bill tosses his pack my way from next to Buck.
"Thanks, but uh, I think I'll take this one." Before I can over think it, I pluck the cigarette resting between Toye's lips and take a long drag. I blow the smoke right in his face, hoping it'll hide how red my face is and stand up quickly. "Always a pleasure."
I practically jog to the nurses table, ignoring the laughs and 'good jobs' as I grab Emily by the arm and force her to leave the mess hall with me. I don't let go of her until we are nearly at the medic station. With a final puff I toss my stolen cigarette into the road and turn to face my friend that hasn't stopped beaming at me since I grabbed her.
"What?!" I sound almost frantic.
"Oh calm down, it's not the end of the world. It was just a cigarette."
"How do I even begin to explain what that was?" I put my hands on my hips.
Emily shrugs and flicks some invisible dust off her shoulder, "Just tell him that it was dare. But honestly, I don't think he really cares why you did it. The way he was looking at you as we left was more than mild interest. You're welcome." She pats my cheek and goes into the medic station, leaving me with no choice but to groan and follow her.
It doesn't take long for me to push the earlier experience from my mind and become overwhelmed with current and new patients in need of varying medical attention. Most are stable and just need an easy wrapping or cleaning up. There's a few that have been with us for a little while that still need monitoring but they're in relatively good spirits so it helps make the shift not too depression.
It's fully dark outside when I finally am able to step away and take a breather. With a signal to Emily letting her know I'll be around back, I slip out quietly and lean against the backwall of the building. I can't be alone more than a few minutes when I hear footsteps heading my way. I just want to be alone. But my annoyance goes away when I see who it is.
Neither of us speaks as he stops right in front of me and tucks a lose piece of hair behind my ear.
"You okay?" His words are soft and light, barely above a whisper as if he's afraid anything louder would break the small bit of peace we've managed to get in this hidden area. All I do is nod, not wanting to elaborate on the different faces and wounds I've been dealing with the past hours. His response is to pull me in his arms and spin us around so that his back is against the wall and I'm leaning against him.
We stay like that for a bit, listening to the noises on the street and each other breathing. It's nearly enough to make me fall asleep when I feel his chest rumble and the question I've been dreading is asked.
"So what was that at lunch?" I groan into his chest before pushing back far enough to look at his face. Fuck Joe Toye for being beautiful and sexy at the same time when he allows himself to give a full smile, not just a smirk.
"The girls were playing truth or dare and that was my dare. Sorry." I shoot him a small smile and pray he just drops it. He gives a small hum as he takes in my words.
"Well then, truth or dare?" He leans more against the wall, waiting for my answer. I gape at him.
"You can't be serious." The intimidating Joe Toye is trying to play 'truth or dare' with me? What the fuck.
"I'm always seriously," Joe winks, "so, truth or dare?" The glint in his eyes tells me there is no safe choice.
"Dare." I'd rather do something stupid than be asked something I'd rather not answer right now.
The silence stretches between us almost to an unbearable point, making me start to fidget in his arms.
"Close your eyes." His words make me freeze and my face scrunches up in confusion.
"That's my dare?" I'm trying to figure out what the catch is, but I can't find one.
"Close. Your. Eyes." His voice leaves no room for argument and since it's not anything crazy all I can do is comply.
With my eyes closed I try to use my others senses to figure out what his next step is. At first all he does is stand up straighter, move one hand up my back and gently cups my cheek. Joe pulls me a little closer to him and then I can feel his breathe on my lips.
"I'm going to do something now and I only want you to respond if it's something you really want. If you don't, just push me away." I barely finish processing his words when his lips brush against mine softly, teasingly.
When I don't make a move to push him away, he gently pecks my lips still in a teasing manner. The next time his lips touch mine I grab onto his jacket to hold him there and kiss him back. At the feel of his tongue tracing my lips I open my mouth and let him have complete control.
We lose track of time staying wrapped up in each others arms, making out like teenagers. We break apart at the same time when we finally need air. I'm not sure what comes over me but I kiss along his cheek, making my way to his neck and begin nipping at his exposed flesh. The hand that had been on my check moves to my the back of my head, fisting my hair but not moving me away. His breathing is becoming more ragged and when a groan escapes his lips from a particular bite I leave I feel like I've died and gone to heaven. As my tongue works to sooth the sting, the hand that was on my back drops down and grabs my ass, pushing my hips against his, letting me feel his erection.
"Joe." His name comes out as a whimper mixed with a moan and that makes him grind against me again.
Just as we are about to kiss again, someone clears their throat and we freeze.
"Very sorry to interrupt, and believe me I am sorry, but I need help checking wounds and restocking the stations." Emily's voice is both amused and apologetic.
"Yeah, I'll be right there, Em." My voice comes out much too ragged but it's not like she doesn't know the reason at this point. I wait till her footsteps grow faint, before beginning to pull away from Joe. He's slow to let me go and only manages to move his hands back to my waist.
"I should be off in a few more hours...can I come find you after?"
"No need, I'll be waiting outside for you. I believe we have some things to finish." He pulls me flush against him, making his point perfectly clear. Before I can think of a cheeky response, he gives me a final, firm kiss and spins me around towards to way back inside the building.
I walk a few steps, then turn around and shoot him an innocent smile, "No touching before you find me, Toye. I have a few ideas on how to spice up 'truth or dare'." I laugh lightly to myself when all I can hear as I round the corner to the building entrance is Joe cursing.
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kikijackson-blog · 4 months
Sing For Me
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This is my first time posting my work on here so be nice please. I got this idea from a line from a Lana Del Rey song called Fishtail. It was only the one line that served as inspiration for this.
Readers 18+ only
Warnings: Language and Smut
“What are you thinking about?” The question spilled out of your mouth before you even had a chance to stop it.
You internally roll your eyes at your own stupid question. You knew this question never turned out well for any woman in history. Ever. It was a question that was rarely answered if at all. Perhaps on another night or another time but not right after the man lying next you had just given you the best tongue lashing you’d ever had in your life. But it was for this reason exactly that you were asking the question in the first place.
He had shown up at your door just moments ago completely unannounced. You had just gotten out of the shower and slipped into your Eeyore tank and matching shorties. You heard the pounding on the door as you were pulling down the sheets. It was so unexpected that it had startled you. You hesitated. You weren’t expecting any visitors tonight. You reach for your phone to check your messages. You friends know better. They know to text first.
“y/n, it’s me. I know you’re there.”
You relax a bit when you hear the familiar voice. Then it hit you. What the hell was he doing here? You liked him and all. You’ve hung out together dozens of times, but it was always in public places and never alone. It was usually always a group setting and never one on one conversations. You two were cool but not cool like that. So why was he here at your place and at this hour?
You open the door and let him in, avoiding eye contact. Around others all was fine but alone he made you nervous as hell.
“Hey,” he says.
“Hey.” you finally look up into his eyes. Heart racing.
Silence filled the room. With each second you could swear you heard your heart beating faster. It was only when he moved in a step closer that you realized how close he’d been to you already, now he left no room between you. No, he was completely invading your space. You knew it and he knew it. You wondered but said nothing. Then you glanced up at him again and it clicked. He was waiting on you. Wanting to see what you’d do next. You saw the look on his face, it was a combination of amusement and desire. He wanted; needed you to touch him. His crooked smile was daring you. The slightly arched brow was challenging you. And you knew it was your move.
You snaked your arms around his neck, gently nudging him closer to you and you pressed your lips against his. He tasted slightly of alcohol and cigarettes and it was delicious. His stubble prickling at your cheeks, were it another, you would have hated that but with this man, each prickle electrified you and sent every hair on your body on full alert.
That was all he needed. He’d wanted you from the moment he’d set eyes on you but he’d stayed away from you. He’d decided from that very day that you were too good for him yet he was always willing to be a good friend to you if you’d asked him for that but you never did. So he’d resigned himself to being just a friendly face. Someone who would you would just say hi to and offer him the prettiest of smiles. Someone who would always laugh at his jokes whether they hit or not. You always got it even when no one else did. Your laughter only made him want to say or do more stupid shit to just to make you laugh more even if it was at his expense. It was worth it to him.
But tonight he couldn’t take it anymore. He wouldn’t deny himself. He would cross that line tonight. A line that he knew full well he could never come back from. Tonight he knew exactly what he wanted and he was going to take it.
This kiss was never gentle, it was never meant to be. It was one full of longing, aching and pent up desire desperate to be released.
He left a trail of burning heat along your neck then traced them with his tongue, if that was meant to dampen the fire it only served to fan the flames. That action elicited a sound from you that you didn’t even know you were capable of, at least not by being stimulated in that area of your body. That sound had a similar effect on him, just like the one he’d just given you. It spurred him on because he knew exactly what he wanted to do to you. He’d been wanting to do it to you for a long time and if he could get that beautiful sound of pleasure from you just by tasting your neck, he was only all too ready to find out what pretty little sounds you’d make from him when he tasted other parts of you.
He roughly grabbed your ass and pulled you even closer to him making sure you felt just how much he wanted you as he rubbed himself against you. If you ever had any doubt that this man wanted you it there were no more. You felt it between your legs, spreading them more so you could feel all of him. You wanted to rub your weeping pussy all over that big bulge, and you tried, desperately so. But he had other plans. You moaned a protest when you didn’t get what you wanted but it was cut short when he slipped his hands under the band of your shorts and yanked them down exposing your lilac panties with the bow on the front. Hands on your cheeks again, squeezing them, kneading them, his lips on your mouth again, his kiss even more desperate than before, he walked you to the couch with your shorts still around your ankles. It didn’t take much to get you to fall back onto the couch. Your body was more than willing to be spread out on that couch opened wide for him.
He knelt down on his knees. “y/n, tell me you want this as bad as I do?”
You look into his eyes and see a pained expression on his face. “I fuckin’ need this. Coco” You nearly cry out.
A wicked smile crept onto his face and it made you both nervous and excited at the same time.
“Good.” He bit into your inner thigh and you yelped.
He pulled off your shorts, freeing your ankles. He thought about leaving them on and torturing you but for what he wanted to do he needed them gone and he needed them gone now. The way he tossed your shorts like they offended him would have made you laugh if you weren’t so far gone now. As was evident by that wet spot right at the center of your core. The exact spot he wanted to get to. He spread your legs wider for him and leaned in with one slow agonizingly delicious lick to that sweet creamy stain.
“Ahh, oh my God!”
“Mmmm,” vibrating into your pussy.
This sinful man kissed every inch of your sacred temple. His temple. It was his, it always had been. He’d just never claimed it before but tonight he was going to make sure you knew this was Coco’s temple.
His kiss trailed down to your thighs alternating between the left and right. Pulling down your panties, you both let out sighs of relief, but you had no time to relish in it as soon as they came off, the fabric was replaced with his tongue. Licking and kissing your mound, the lips, every inch of it except this devil of a man was avoiding one crucial area. It was that one spot you needed him most and he was denying you. He chuckled at your frustrated groans. That son of bitch was doing it on purpose.
“Damn it! Co-'' His tongue came down on that little bundle of nerves that he had worked up but just the tip of his tongue and lightly. Soft caresses from his tongue as he savored both your taste and the pleasure you were only too happy to vocalize.
“Don’t worry mami, I got you.” One long slow slick from the bottom all the way to your clit. He gave it a little kiss. “Sing for me baby.”
And all was lost then. His restraint, your modesty, whatever you had left of it anyway, his control. Who you were. Who he was. All was lost in that moment. He licked and sucked that precious little jewel, sliding first one then two fingers and pumping them in and out of your dripping hole while his mouth continued its assault on your poor abused clit. But he showed no mercy and you asked for none. You reached down and buried your hand in his hair pulling him closer to your pussy. You ground against his face but he never relented, his fingers kept steady pushing firmly against your g-spot and his tongue never quit lapping at your sweetness. And sing for him you did.
“What are you thinking of?” You know you probably shouldn’t have asked that question but right now after that orgasm you weren’t thinking straight. You had expected him to fuck you right after but instead he took you into his arms and snuggled with you on the couch. It took several minutes for you to recover enough to even form words and those happened to be the first ones out of your mouth.
He sat up to light a cigarette.
“Nothing.” He shrugged as he exhaled.
That was the answer you expected to hear. That’s always the answer to that question.
You sigh.“I wish I could skinny-dip inside your mind.”
Skinny-dip? In my mind?” he laughed. “Nah, you don’t wanna do that.”
“Sure I do. Why wouldn’t I?”
“Well, if you do that you might not ever make it out again. You’ll get lost in there and never find your way back. Trapped forever.” He said dramatically.
“Maybe I wanna be trapped forever.”
The devilish smile claimed his face again. “Careful what you wish for mami, you just might get it.”
You have a devil’s smile of your own and it’s the first time Coco has ever seen it. It sparked something in his eyes.
“Alright…” he said as he snuffed out his cigarette. He stood up and started removing his clothes, slowly. First his kutte then came the unbuttoning his shirt, “You wanna know…” peeling off his undershirt. “what I was thinking, huh?”
You nod enjoying the show before you.
“I was thinking…” undoing his buckle and pulling down his zipper. “that I didn’t know you were a squirter. Let’s see if I can make you squirt again.”
He was on you before you could hit him with your witty comeback but it was on your mind while he kissed you.
I got a few more songs for you.
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rorykeanersactualgf · 18 days
request where Benny uses a love potion on the reader but it doesn't work cause she already loves him
A/N: i have seen a few other people do this and i have liked their ideas, i don't mean to copy any ideas, only take inspiration. should i create a masterlist so its all in one place or wait a bit? xx
side note, on posts where its not specified for gender, i do gender neutral so everyone can read it, if you want specified gender or different versions where it has specified genders, please let me know so i can do that for you, the reason i say this is because there is the use of she in the request but i am more than willing to do other versions :)) sorry it took longer than usual to upload but i had a few things to do today but i will compensate by doing 2 today :))
CW: Fem! Reader version, Benny and reader being cute and oblivious, Benny being nervous, Grandma Weir being amazing as always :)))
@regalisonata for the GIF of Benny :))
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The Potion Of Love
Over the years of being friends with Benny, he developed a little big crush on me, which somehow managed to go undetected by me seeing how obvious he can be when he wants to be. But seeing as he has been my friend for ages and his advances towards me just seemed friendly, I never noticed and thought he was being nice... That was until middle school when I started developing feelings for him too.
This crush however was not very well hidden from Ethan and Rory since they had figured it out within the first few weeks, which is why they get told and documented on pretty much interaction or small look from across a place or slight touch, which they quickly grew interested/tired of. Rory was always the one to be happy to talk about what it could mean while Ethan was the more rational and realistic one.
As Benny and I grew closer as friends, our feelings for each other only grew and made Ethan more indifferent and Rory more invested. As we talked more, I fell more in love with every and anything about him, like his smile, style in clothes, his little gestures that he had for me, his ability to make me laugh no matter where we could be, etc.
"Man, she's so pretty, I can't not look at her," Benny said, Ethan trying to regain his attention but ultimately failing when he realised why he couldn't get it back, he noticed that Benny was looking at me from across the lunchroom, while me Sarah and Erica were getting our food. "Dude, she's looking at you... she just smiled," Rory whisper-yelled into his ear, feeding into his feelings for me. He sat there and waved, almost as if he was in a trance, with lovey-dovey eyes like he was under a sirens call and finally broke contact when he saw me approaching.
Benny realised he couldn't wait much longer to tell me his feelings, scared he would be rejected and have to try to move on from his first and only real crush he's had. He was looking through his old spell book when I sat down opposite from him, not questioning what he was looking at since he had a serious face, which usually meant he was trying to concentrate.
What he was concentrating over wasn't something like memorising incantations or spells that could be useful in a fight, it was love potions, their benefits and drawbacks, the things that could go very wrong and very good, but funnily enough it had nothing on if the other person already had a crush on the person giving the potion, interesting.
Throughout the day, Benny became increasingly more nervous and but excited, hopefully with this potion, I could be his girlfriend and he could give Ethan and Rory a break from being all lovey-dovey, or would it make it worse. He knew that Rory wouldn't leave it alone, wanting to know what its like to have a girlfriend and helping Benny on dates and such, but for Ethan, hopefully it would quieten him down at least a bit.
When Benny got home, he almost flew to his room and started on the potion making, getting all of the ingredients he would need and putting them together in a frantic manner like his life depended on it. A flurry of swirls and sparks flew around him, making various shapes until finally it made a pink heart, to which he had to say one final incantation and my name and then it would be done.
As he did so, a realisation befell him, what if it doesn't work, nothing in the book said what would happen if it didn't work, what if she hates me, what if it DOES work, what then? A mix of excitement and nerves coursed through his veins, wondering all the possibilities, meanwhile I was on the phone to Sarah and Erica, on the same old spiel as always, talking about Benny and how cute he was etc. In this case, Erica was like Ethan, not too bothered about it and just wanting me to say something because it was obvious he liked me. Sarah was similar to Rory, very willing to dissect what had happened and give educated guesses about what it could mean.
The next day, Benny came into school with the potion in his bag, cradled around a jacket so it couldn't break in the vial it was in. When he reached Ethan and Rory, he had a feeling of anticipation and apprehension crawl up his spine as he waited for their reactions after pulling out the potion. Rightly, both of them were confused even with the pink slurry of liquid and the vaguely heart-shaped container. After explaining to them that it was a love potion for me, there were polar opposite reactions, Rory was ecstatic because it was fool proof, it had to work and he would finally have a girlfriend. Ethan on the other hand, was uneasy to say the least, relighting all the past worries Benny had.
I, on the other hand, was ignorant to any strange behaviour Benny was exhibiting. When I did walk up to the group, I saw that Benny was almost unable to look at me, Rory having a big smile on his face and Ethan looking almost disappointed at the other two.
I wasn't able to talk to them much before the bell rang signalling us to go to our first class, to which I didn't share with anyone which was a bit upsetting but it was over soon enough. After a few more lessons, it finally became lunch. Almost a full repeat of yesterday but this time (Reader) was sat in between Benny and Rory, talking about my lessons and any recent news about assignments or projects that would need to be done. After Erica and Sarah came to the table with their trays of food, I stood up and went to the bathroom.
As I was getting up to leave, I had a sip of my water and placed it back down where it was and I turned towards Benny so I could get my legs out and get up, Benny go up with me while sneakily taking m water bottle and taking it with him. I didn't think anything of it, but when I came back Benny had an eye on me at all times, which was odd but I brushed it off thinking he was being a little bit weird. What I didn't know is that Benny had taken my bottle and poured all the potion in and said a small incantation so the pink slurry it was creating turned back into a clear mixture so I wouldn't suspect anything.
"Hopefully she loves me now," Benny said with a sad but hopeful tone.
The only thing that he didn't account for was the fact it tasted different. When I had a sip of the water, my face scrunched up slightly and confused me, wondering what that unfamiliar taste was. It made me feel weird but it was probably because I hadn't eaten anything. As lunch went on and our table got to chatting, Benny and Rory had a closer eye on me than normal and I decided to bring it up.
"What's going on? Do I have food on my face or something?" I said with a light-hearted tone, not wanting to seem annoyed but more confused than anything.
Since it had been a few seconds, Rory decided to say something so it didn't weird me out. "Uh, yeah, you've got some food right there," he said, pointing to a part of my cheek and slightly kicking Benny under the table to snap him out of this trance.
"Oh, thanks Rory," I said, less confused now and getting back to talking with my friends.
As the day went on, Benny kept looking for any sorts or behavioural changes and when he couldn't see any he gave up and went back home at the end of the day. When he got in, he flopped onto the couch face first and heard his grandma shout a greeting, to which he replied in a lack-luster way to. That was when his grandma walked in and sat next to him, rubbing his back and asking what's wrong since Benny never usually acts like this.
"Okay, promise not to be mad?" He rolled onto his side as her eyebrow quirked up at this and she let him continue.
"So I gave (Reader), yknow the girl I'm crushing on," his grandma nodded, urging him to continue, "well I gave her a love potion..."
"Benny..." she said, warning laced in her tone.
"Hey, you said you wouldn't get mad at me," he said rolling onto his back and going to sit normally, "and it didn't work anyway."
She looked back at him, a small smile stretching her face as she realised something. "Don't you know what this means?" She asked with a small laugh hiding behind her voice.
"That she doesn't like me?" he said more like a question, "The book didn't have anything on if it didn't work..." he trailed to a stop.
"Or if the person given the potion was already in love with the potion maker." She said with a knowing smile, waiting for Benny to understand what she was getting at.
"Wait... she likes me?" He said with hope rising in his voice.
All she did was nod and he took off out of the door running to confess to me.
After a few minutes of running and panting on my porch, Benny rang the doorbell, waiting for me or my parents to answer the door. Luckily it was me that answered the door and as soon as he did, he looked up at me and said all in one breath,
"Look(Reader)IreallylikeyouandIcametoaskyouifyou'dliketobemygirlfriendofvourseyoucansaynobu-" He was cut off by my hand covering his mouth.
"Okay, I think I caught about 3 words in that whole sentence but I like you too Benny, I was literally getting ready to go to your house to tell you." I gestured down to my feet and he saw I had my shoes on.
After a moment, I pulled my hand away from his mouth and placed it behind his head, over the small hairs on the back of his neck and pulled him down gently and as soon as he was at the same level as me, I leant in and kissed him. After a moment, we pulled away and I spoke up again,
"I've always liked you Benny, since we were kids but I was always too shy to tell you so I always told Sarah and Erica about it. I'm surprised that they didn't tell you."
"Me too, I've liked you since we were kids, and I always told Ethan and Rory, I was for sure certain that Rory would have told you by now." I looked at him again and realised we were just two dumb kids, not realising our feelings for each other until we almost burst. We had a sleep over that night and caught up on lost time together, falling asleep in each others arms with content smiles on our faces and a bit story to tell our friends next week.
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parkerslatte · 3 years
Gone Forever
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Luke Patterson x Reader
Warnings: Car accident, death
Word Count: 1.9k
Summary: (Y/N) is friends with Julie and the boys - she is very friendly with Luke in particular. Not long after the Orpheum performance, (Y/N) dies in a car accident. Luke tries to find her as a ghost.
(Y/N) beamed up at the stage as Julie and the boys performed, she was beyond proud of what Julie has accomplished with the boys. Julie was no longer the timid girl who shied away from music. She was now performing on stage at the Orpheum. (Y/N) was beyond proud of her. However, no matter how proud (Y/N) was of Julie, there was still an aching feeling in her heart. She knew that the boys were going to cross over, she knew that this was the last time she was going to see them. 
The song drew to a close and (Y/N) clapped along with everyone else. A single tear fell down her cheek as she looked at Luke, Alex and Reggie. She made eye contact with Luke and he gave her a small reassuring smile. It’s okay, he mouthed. (Y/N) smiled at him once more before smiling at Alex and Reggie who both gave her a smile in return. The four of them took a bow before the three boys disappeared, leaving Julie along on the stage. 
After the show, (Y/N) went straight home. Julie offered for her to stay the night, but (Y/N) just wanted to be alone. Julie understood this, knowing how much the boys crossing over had affected her. While Julie went home to find the boys dying (again) on the studio floor, (Y/N) went back to her house and cried on her bed. (Y/N) wished that she had never fallen for the shaggy haired ghost, but it had happened. She knew that a relationship between the two would never be possible for them but at least she could’ve still spoken to him - but now he was gone forever and there was nothing (Y/N) could do. 
There was a faint knock on her door and (Y/N) tried to compose herself quickly, knowing that it was most likely her parents, “Hang on, I’ll be a minute.” (Y/N) hastily wiped the tears from her face while getting up from the bed. The door opened and (Y/N)’s heart dropped. She stopped wiping the tears away and stood there stunned.
Luke smiled at the girl, “Yeah, it’s me.” (Y/N) noticed that he looked different, he looked more alive.
“But, how- how are you here? You crossed over.” (Y/N) said, inching forward towards him.
“Playing the Orpheum wasn’t our unfinished business.” Luke stated, stepping closer to (Y/N).
“What about Caleb? What about his house band? Are Alex and Reggie okay? Does Julie know? Does-” Luke cut (Y/N) off by holding her upper arms gently, “How- how are you doing that?”
Luke smiled again, “Something happened with Julie at the studio, we don’t know what it was but I don’t think we need to worry about Caleb anymore. And as for this-” Luke’s moved his hands from (Y/N)’s upper arms to cup her face, (Y/N)’s moved hers to hold gently onto his wrists, not believing this was real, “I still think we’re dead but we can now touch people. So now, I can finally do this.”
(Y/N)’s eyebrows furrowed, “What do you mean-”
Luke planted his lips on hers, cutting off her speech. (Y/N) kissed him back, gripping onto his wrists a little tighter in surprise. Luke pulled away and rested his forehead on hers. (Y/N) opened her eyes and looked at Luke. A smile stretched across her face. 
“How long have you waited to do that?” (Y/N) mumbled.
“A long time.” Luke answered before leaning in and kissing her again.
It was a few weeks after the Orpheum performance and everything was going amazingly. The boys had figured out that they could choose when they wanted to be seen and could make themselves tangible at will. This of course made Reggie very happy as he could interact with Ray without it being a one sided conversation. But even Reggie’s happiness didn’t meet the happiness Luke and (Y/N) felt. The two of them were not rushing into things, the last time they had kissed was that night after the Orpheum performance, but the two of them were now extremely touchy with each other. They were always connected in some way, whether that be holding hands, Luke’s arm slung around her shoulder or their feet touching as they sat opposite ends of the couch. 
The four band members were sitting on Julie’s couch flipping through all the TV channels trying to find something to watch. (Y/N) wasn’t with them, she had decided to go shopping with her mother that day - of course Luke sulked at the thought of spending time away from (Y/N) since the two had been connected at the hip these last few weeks. (Y/N) had reassured the boy that she would come around later that day.
They flicked through the channels until the word ‘Breaking News’ flashed up on the screen. Julie stopped flicking through the channels as the four band members listened.
“At 4:02 this afternoon, a car was hit in a drunk driving accident. The drunk driver sustained few injuries however the car they hit wasn’t so lucky,” The news reporter said, “The two people in the car, believed to be a mother and daughter, suffered major injuries. The mother was quickly rushed to hospital to treat her, the daughter however, wasn’t as lucky. Seventeen year old, (Y/N) (L/N) was pronounced dead at the scene.”
Tears fell down Julie’s cheeks as she jumped up from the couch, immediately phoning her dad. Luke, Alex and Reggie sat there in shock, their eyes glazed over with tears. It wasn’t until a few minutes later once everything had sunk in, that Luke got up from the couch and began pacing around.
“No, no, no, she can’t be gone. She promised she'd be here and she never breaks her promises,” Luke ran his hands through his hair as tears slid down his cheeks, “Maybe- maybe she’s come back as a ghost, I mean we did right? Maybe she has too.”
Alex looked at his friend, even though Alex himself was distraught over the news, he knew that Luke was hurting much more than he was, “But Luke, we had unfinished business, that’s the reason we came back. And we came back twenty-five years after we died, if (Y/N) does come back as a ghost, it may take her that long.”
Luke took one look at his blonde friend before leaving the house, not before saying one final comment, “I’m going to find her.”
For days after her death, Luke had searched everywhere for (Y/N). He had checked the site of the crash, he had checked her house, he had checked the small cafe she had loved so much. He looked everywhere he could think of and she wasn’t anywhere to be found. Luke didn’t want to believe that (Y/N) was gone forever, but he was beginning to think it. 
He collapsed on the side of the street. No one would be able to see him, he made sure of that. All he could think about was (Y/N). If she wasn't a ghost, he would never see her again. He would never get to hug her again. He would never get to kiss her again like the night of the Orpheum performance. Luke just wanted (Y/N) back. 
Luke wished that he hadn’t convinced (Y/N) to come around Julie’s later that day, maybe then she and her mother wouldn’t have been caught in that crash. They would have taken another route home and (Y/N) would still be alive and her mother wouldn’t be in the hospital. Luke’s eyes widened, there was one place he hadn’t checked yet. 
(Y/N) stared down at her mothers body laying on the bed. Her chest going up and down in shallow breaths. Her mother was alive and (Y/N) was happy about that. Her mother was okay and that’s all that mattered. Even though she was hooked up to multiple different machines, (Y/N) knew she would pull through - her mother was a strong person. She would never let something like a drunk driver take her life. (Y/N) had been in the hospital her mother was in the past few days, she hadn’t left. (Y/N) had realised that she was a ghost quite quickly after someone had walked directly through her. (Y/N) even watched as her body was placed into a body bag. 
However, since she had died, (Y/N) hadn’t gone to see Julie, Luke, Alex or Reggie. She would have no idea if Julie would even be able to see her. (Y/N) wouldn’t even know what she would say to Luke. (Y/N) had gotten entertainment from people from her highschool posting tributes to her. When there was no one at the computer in reception, (Y/N) went onto instagram and saw everything people were posting about her. She always laughed when someone she hated posted a tribute saying they were the best of friends, it took everything for the dead girl not to comment on the post, but (Y/N) thought that a comment from a dead girl would probably give them a heart attack so she refrained herself from doing so. 
Feeling another presence in the room, (Y/N) turned around expecting it to be another doctor but when she saw who it was she stood up. Luke was standing there, he looked clearly disheveled and his eyes were red and puffy like he had been crying. (Y/N) felt her break, she suddenly regretted not going to see him once she became a ghost. 
“(Y/N)...” Luke had rushed forward and pulled the girl into his arms. The girl he had been looking for for days was in his arms.
“Luke,” (Y/N) said, pulling away from the hug and looking up at him, “I am so sorry I didn’t come to see you. I was scared and I didn’t-”
“I don’t care. You’re here, that’s all I care about.” Luke’s hands held (Y/N)’s waist gently. 
“So how are the others? How’s Julie doing?” (Y/N) thought of her friend and how she was coping with her death.
“She’s been a bit distant, she hasn’t spoken to us much about it. Alex and Reggie tried to talk to her but she just brushed them off.” Luke explained.
“Do you think she will be able to see me?” (Y/N) questioned.
“There’s only one way to find out.” Luke said, taking a step back from the girl and holding his hand out.
(Y/N) looked at his hand before looking back over to her mother in the hospital bed, Luke noticed this and took her hand in his, “She’s gonna be okay, alright. The doctors and nurses are going to take good care of her. She’ll be fine.”
(Y/N)’s glance lingered on her mother a few moments longer before it finally shifted back to Luke. (Y/N) gave him a small smile, “Alright, let’s go.”
“One thing first.” Luke said before pecking (Y/N) on the lips. (Y/N) smiled before the two of them poofed away.
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hoe-doroki · 3 years
passing the night stars
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banner by @dymphnasprose​
warning: reader has social anxiety
pairing: shinsou x reader (platonic or romantic)
genre: hurt/comfort
wc: 3.2k
summary: The party was neon and you needed darkness.
a/n: this is a gift for my SiL’s birthday today! To any astronomy nerds: I tried and I’m sorry.
edit: I no longer write x reader but here’s my old masterlist - mobile | desktop
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There was something to be said about distance.
It was a buffer, quieting every voice, external and internal, until the only one left was that of the crickets singing over the lo-fi spilling out of the house behind you. You’d stepped away from the party long enough ago that the playlist had started over many songs back—you had no clue how many anymore. The distance turned the music’s thrumming into a quiet melody, the lyrics just as indistinguishable up close as here in the backyard, sitting on patio furniture that rocked lopsidedly in the grass.
Any filter would do, though. Anything that could soften the world just a little around its loud, coarse edges. The ice in your peach-flavored hurricane melting so that the drink was a little less saccharine. The rum casting a film over your mood, keeping your loneliness from dropping you into total dolor. The slight late-night breeze blowing the smoke from the fire pit away from you so that the acrid smell was stronger on the hood of your black sweatshirt than the air. It all muddled your emotions, numbing the buzzing overwhelm of the party to an anxious hum. The party had been neon, and out here you had a bit more darkness.
Without these buffers absorbing some of the furor, you might have escaped the party hours ago. Snuck out while the thing was still in full thrall, before social anxiety could hiss over your bones. Got out while you were ahead. Instead, you’d lasted as long as you could before out to the backyard with the near-dead fire, wracked with guilt at the prospect of leaving without saying goodbye, while too nervous to actually draw the attention to yourself necessary to actually say goodbye.
That wasn’t to say you hadn’t held up for a good while, though. You’d hung out with your friends when the fire had just gotten started and then when the party had moved indoors for drinking games and edibles. You’d hovered on the border as your friends grew more interested in dancing in drunken delay to the somniferous lo-fi beat than conversation. Then the itching had started in your brain, and before you knew it, you were out here, social battery drained dry, waiting for an indefinite future in which you could find the energy to escape.
You shivered as footsteps swiped through the grass, crickets chirping at the intruder.
“Did I surprise you?” Shinsou asked, his voice deep from booze or smoke or both. Or, maybe he was just tired, you figured, as the harsh light of the fire sharpened the bags under his eyes into dark creases.
“Breeze,” you mumbled, goosebumps rising on your wrists, standing the fine hairs on end. Only a few licks of heat from the pit were touching your knees, leaving the rest of you cold in your threadbare sweatshirt as the fire shrank smaller and smaller.
Shinsou had a blanket in his arms, ratty and certainly stolen from the back of the living room couch. He blinked at you for a second before he asked, “Can I join you?”
His voice was deadpan. Between the two of you, there was no real vocal inflection to speak of. Still, you shrugged one shoulder and said, “Sure.”
You stiffened when, instead of choosing one of the many other patio chairs or foldable camping chairs forming a friendly circle around the fire, he joined you on your bench, tossing a bit of blanket over your knees. You hardly realized you were staring at him until he said, “You’re cold, right?”
“Oh, yeah, a little,” you said, tucking your knees up to your chin and curling the scrap of blanket around your arms.
The blanket was raggedy in your hands, pilled on the hem, but warm from being indoors with all the dancing bodies. Plus, clinging onto it, running your thumb over the uneven texture gave you something to focus on instead of Shinsou’s body so close to yours.
Your senses were tingling, raw at having someone nearby again. It was too soon—you still didn’t have anything to say, no defense for why you’d dropped off from the party without a word.
But, on the other hand, being alone wasn’t fixing you either. Parts of your brain were still coiled taut as compression springs, and while they weren’t getting any tighter, they weren’t quite loosening yet either. It was rest, not recovery.
Abruptly—was it abrupt, or were you that zoned out?—Shinsou touched the back of his hand to yours, nearly making you flinch as he furrowed his brows at you. “How long have you been out here?” he asked, shifting towards you and pushing more of the blanket into your lap.
“Oh, um—” maybe a half an hour, maybe more, “—not that long.”
For that flash of contact, his skin had been hot against yours, so you could only imagine how cold your hands had felt to him. Your icy drink was probably mostly to blame, but you were also suddenly aware of how your shoulders were hunched nearly to your ears, your arms clenched to your sides like your chest might warm them. You piled the blanket a little more over your knees and one shoulder, only the hand holding your drink poking out.
“Hard being on the fringes,” he mused as he took a sip from a can. Possibly seltzer, probably beer.
You mirrored, tasting your own drink. It was really mostly water by now, though you were sure it was still painting your tongue orange.
Shinsou’s situation wasn’t much different than yours. Everyone in that house was old classmates. Shinsou was too, but he’d come late. Not too late to be friends, but late enough that it mattered. You were even later—not a classmate, but a post-high school roommate. You’d both landed on the side of Kaminari’s friend group, but neither of you were the core of it. The heart of it. That, for reasons you couldn’t quite understand, was Bakugou.
For some reason, you and Shinsou had never talked about this before.
“Hard being in a group big enough for there to be a fringe.”
Because, of course, it wasn’t just the Bakusquad here today. The majority of the old 3-A was here, those who weren’t on duty or suffering with early morning duty tomorrow. Enough people to certainly cause a ruckus and maybe a noise complaint that even pro heroes wouldn’t get out of.
The two of you fell into silence, and you couldn’t help but wonder exactly what had drawn Shinsou from the party. Even if he didn’t feel he was the most popular guy in the room, you’d seen the way he had the ability to talk to everyone. You weren’t sure if it was a product of his quirk or what, but he was able to start a conversation with everyone he met. He didn’t seem shy or anxious in the least.
Then again, that was just what he presented. You knew from that what you put forth in public wasn’t necessarily in line with what you were feeling.
It was hard to be the introvert around a group like yours. Worse—it was noticeable. This wasn’t the first time you’d stumbled away from a party, mind half gone not on alcohol or weed but on the sudden assault of attention, loud voices, and talk of hero work. Being one of the only non-heroes in the room was exhausting, and maybe that’s why you’d had to escape. Or maybe there never was a reason, good or otherwise, and you were just here because of your stupid self.
“Clear night,” Shinsou commented, “Don’t get to see much of the stars in the city.”
You looked up, a bright spot in the center of your vision from where you’d been staring into the fire. Almost everyone in your group lived in the city, not too far from each other, depending on your definition of the word. But those with quirks better suited outside the city, like Tsuyu and Koda, had moved out of town post graduation, granting the rest of you access to a night in the suburbs like this.
The truth was, you hardly looked up at the sky in the city. Tourists were always looking up, eyes glinting off the skyscrapers and billboards. But natives were always looking down, too aware of the fact that other natives didn’t always clean up after their dogs and, with so little grass, the sidewalk often needed a close eye kept to it.
But here, it was pretty. Not the smog-stained brown you were used to, but deep blue and twinkling with infinite pinpricks.
“Mm,” you hummed, taking another sip of your watery drink. “You’re right.”
“There’s Cassiopeia,” he said, pointing just over the tree line.
You followed his finger, unsure quite of what you were looking at. The stars hardly looked like clusters to you, especially on a night like this where you could see so many. It was more a broad network of them, either all connected or all individual. All the stars or just a star.
“You know constellations?” you asked, ears latching onto something that finally wasn’t hero related. Truth be told, you probably knew less about stars than you did about hero work but it was less alienating. You could lean into it.
“Some,” he offered. “Cassiopeia is a basic one.”
“Where is it?”
Shinsou glanced at you, leaning in closer so that his finger could match your gaze. You shoulders knocked and you could feel his wild hair against your own. His finger traced down and up, down and up in a cockeyed W. “Cassiopeia, mother of Andromeda.”
“She’s a woman?”
It was any wonder that ancient people had looked into the night sky and seen things like rams and bulls, creating a whole woman out of a few diagonal lines. Still, you listened to Shinsou, his low voice rumbling into your tired bones as he began.
“A beautiful woman,” he answered. “In Greek myth, she thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world. Her boastfulness made Poseidon angry, so he created a sea monster that Andromeda was sacrificed to. Andromeda was left to await her fate when Perseus, who had just killed Medusa, used Medusa’s head to turn the sea monster to stone. After saving Andromeda, the two of them got married, and when they died, they both became constellations alongside Cassiopeia.”
Shinsou’s voice was husky and even as he told the story. The cadences were easy drops, landing you softly before he started up again with his next thought. It was a voice you could be rocked by, a voice you could be held by.
“Do you know where they are too?”
“Just below,” Shinsou said. “Probably come up just in time for the sun to make them invisible.”
“That’s too bad,” you said, curling deeper into the blanket, curling so that on shoulder leaned more onto the bench than the other. You head was almost resting on Shinsou’s shoulder and you could feel his warmth radiating in the cold night. “How do you know all this?”
Shinsou was quiet for a second and your nerves spiked again. You hadn’t even felt them relax, but suddenly your anxiety was scratching again, wondering if you’d misspoke. Or maybe you’d whispered it and he just hadn’t heard you? Before you could decide whether to say it again or apologize, though, he let out a sigh that jostled the blanket.
“Jack of all trades, master of none,” he said by way of explanation.
You cocked your head. Perhaps it was just a good hobby for an insomniac, but you were unsure about the evasiveness. “Did you have to learn a lot for general studies? Or to get in to U.A.?”
You could only imagine. U.A. was an incredibly competitive school for heroes, but that was a specialized course. For general studies you didn’t need to have the physical prowess or the other particular skills that came with heroics, but you had to be an ace in school. It was no small feat to get into general studies, especially while you were trying to pursue something else. You were satisfied with that, ready to let it go and return to the near silence of the crickets and the fire popping, when Shinsou suddenly continued.
“When it looked like my plans to become a hero wouldn’t pan out,” Shinsou began, his words slow, tired, “my parents encouraged me into any and all other interests. None stuck.”
“Oh,” you said quietly, the personal admission taking you aback.
For all the times you’d seen Shinsou talk effortlessly with people in a room, you weren’t sure how personal or vulnerable you’d ever seen him. He seemed comfortable enough probing other people, but this was new. It made the space between you suddenly seem private—so different from the party you’d escaped from. You could still hear the ambient noises of a couple dozen people in there having a good time, but it was suddenly a world away.
“I’m sorry, Shinsou,” you said, brows furrowing as you glanced his eyes, still gazing up at the stars. His parents had probably thought they were being supportive, but it wasn’t the support he’d desired.
“It is what it is,” he said. “It worked out in the end.”
There was the smallest smile on his face at that, barely betraying what must have been true joy at having a dream slip through his fingers only to fly back to him. And he’d earned every bit of it, even if he wanted to keep it to himself.
“So now,” you began softly, “you just have a lot of little things that you can offer people. The little things you could have been. That’s not so bad, right?”
“No, it’s not so bad,” he agreed. “I always liked that story.”
“Yeah,” he said. “Japanese astronomy varies so much from region to region and is usually about more functional things. Harvest, seasons. But these other myths about people with no chance of being heroes becoming ones anyway…”
He trailed off, but the sentiment was there. Trapped in the things he’d done to try and leave heroism behind were little vestiges. The inescapable fact that he was meant to be a hero and would be one anyway, even if the world told him he was a villain, doomed for failure.
The stories had been true.
“Are you feeling better now?” he asked, surprising you.
“Feeling better?”
“You’d been out here for over an hour,” Shinsou stated. “Your eyes were glassy and distant and you were freezing and you didn’t seem to notice.”
“Oh,” you intoned. You hadn’t realized it had been that long. You were sure it had only been half that time.
“You don’t have to tell me anything,” he said. “I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay.”
“No, I’m fine,” you said truthfully. “I’m fine now.”
The anxiety from earlier that had been buzzing through you had kept you awake, all while thoroughly draining you. You’d hardly realized just how much until now, with your body not just feeling settled but heavy. The stress had run straight through you, and now you bore the fatigue.
Shinsou glanced down at you out of the corner of his eye. His brows raised and it lifted his whole face, making the dark circles under his eyes just a little less stark. “You look exhausted.”
“You always look exhausted,” you retorted, your first little grin curving along your lips.
In his surprise, Shinsou smiled too. “I know that. Here.”
Shinsou took your forgotten drink from your hand and set it down, then patted his shoulder.
“You should rest for a little while.”
Your eyes met his, searching for anything that looked like obligation or impatience. But there was none. Just a surprising amount of openness and a pretty shade of purple.
“Do you have more myths?”
Shinsou smiled and, once again, his gaze went up to the stars. As he started another tale, you snuggled onto his shoulder, the rest of your body drawing closer to his as well. He didn’t wait long to begin speaking, talking in more detail than he had before. There was no reason to be concerned that he might be boring you, or that you didn’t want to hear it. Really, these stories, these stars that had brought him even the tiniest speck of light were just what you needed too.
You weren’t sure when you fell asleep, and you weren’t sure when you woke up. But when you blinked your eyes awake, the first thing you noticed was that Cassiopeia hadn’t moved far. The second was the feeling of Shinsou’s head tilted against yours, his breath like gentle waves under you.
You shifted, signaling that you were awake, and Shinsou did too, his head lifting from yours. At some point, his arm had wrapped around you, encasing you in his warmth. He didn’t move it, not yet, as your body creaked and you forced yourself to sit up.
“How long?” you murmured, voice barely raspy with sleep.
“Not that long,” Shinsou answered, echoing your reply from earlier.
He didn’t look at his phone or a watch, and hadn’t since he’d come out, so you wondered if he had any clue. Or if it simply hadn’t felt long. Somehow, the idea that his time spent with you hadn’t felt long was a comfort, a relief.
“How are you feeling?”
You checked in, feeling that grogginess that always came in the wake of an intense mental episode. Your brain struggling to catch up and survey the backlash from its earlier antics. That would go away. It always did. “I’m good.”
Shinsou continued to look at you, switching between each eye, double checking your expression for any lie. But he must not have found any, for he leaned back into the bench and relaxed, that tiny ghost of a smile back on his face.
“I’m glad to hear that,” he said, gazing out again. “You out here alone before? It had been…well, we were…I wanted to check on you.”
For the first time, Shinsou looked almost a little shy, and you couldn’t help but smile, touched. You put a hand on the shoulder that had just taken your weight and brought his gaze back to you. “Thank you.”
There actually was one thing you knew about stars. You’d heard that every light year a star was away from you was a year into the past you were seeing its light. Looking at the stars was looking millions of years into the past. Despite the fact that these selfsame stars connected you to humans around the world today and those of old, that filter of distance and time rendered them ancient, if not already gone.
But as you looked at Shinsou, their soft, silvery starlight illuminating one side while the last dancing coals of the fire glowed on the other, you were sure that this was the opposite. This wasn’t old or past or known to anyone but the two of you. This wasn’t the stars or even the stories inspired by them.
This was just beginning.
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gloamingdawn · 3 years
Chapter 2
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Chapter 1
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Lyn realized in an instant how much she stuck out against the black and gray rock; it had meant a lot to her that Eyir had turned the original dark armor that she’d been made by the other women in Skold Ashil, a joke about her ‘black sheep’ nature among them, golden. But now it seemed a disadvantage.
A subtle shift in the air to her right drew her attention as an almost imperceptible hum filled the space nearby. Ve’nari’s projection flickered into life and didn’t even wait a beat, “How fortuitous! You just happened to be transferred to a location in which I have a certain... interest. Place the aural sequencers I gave you and I will attempt to establish a functional signal. Such a perilous location will require the utmost discretion. You will want to use your ethereal cloak to avoid being seen.”
Right. The cloak and the sequencers. She felt the keyhole eye of the Broker’s face fixated on her as she pulled the item out of the equipment pouch on her bag and slung it back around her shoulders, hoping that it worked. With luck, placing the sequencers would help her scout the place out and find living Val’kyr — if any remained. Having an idea of how to get around the winding paths would help out the mercenary group later if they were ever sent there at any rate.
Lyn found a few stable handholds in the rocks she’d materialized on and wound her way down the small cliff-side, careful to keep an eye on the Maldraxxi patrols that wandered past her on the road. None of them paid a single lick of attention to her and she let out a breath she hadn’t known she’d been holding as her boots touched the ground with the quiet rattle of metal on stone.
Slipping past potential threats unknown made the chore pass by with surprising swiftness; Each of the sequencers was placed in what felt like the correct spot before Lyn slipped off again, doing her best to stay conveniently hidden from view. It was the fourth and final drop that literally struck gold.
A trail of brilliant feathers littered the ground, heading toward what looked like the edge of the place. Southeast, if she had to slap an Azerothian direction on it. The projection of Ve’nari crackled into the space next to her again, the Broker’s lilting voice cutting in. Whatever it was she said, Lyn hadn’t heard. She had to save whoever was left here, if anyone. That was her task, not whatever this stranded, inter-dimensional trader wanted. She took off again, following the fallen feathers down a winding path as quick as she could.
It was hard to miss the glowing, golden Sunborne Val’kyr suspended above the ground like a bird in a cage, just past the dais littered with the corpses of their sisters and her — Helya — presiding over whatever ceremony. They’d all had names, a purpose in death, and now they’d been snuffed out for eternity. Not this one, not if she could help it.
Lyn wound her way past supplicant Mawsworn Val’kyr and Vyraz’ chosen; As she stepped in behind the cage, trying to get cover before dropping the cloak, the Sunborne’s visor tipped in her direction and a bright smile — perhaps the first she’d worn in this place — dawned across the trapped woman, “My heart rejoices to see a noble face in this realm of nightmare!”
There was palpable hope in the trapped Val’kyr’s voice, and Lyn couldn’t help but smile back, “Eyir sent me to free you and whoever else remained… Who keeps the keys, Danica?” They had never met, but Lyn knew her name. It sifted up through her memory as if she’d always known; but why wouldn’t she? They were sisters, connected by death and their great Lady’s design.
Danica pressed down toward the bottom of the cage, bringing herself closer to her would-be rescuer to keep her from having to speak too loudly, “You are the Alvilda... Keeper Odyn must be warned of this foul betrayal! The Mawsworn called Kjellrun holds the seal that can free me. You can find her gloating in the nearby hall.”
Lyn glanced back over her shoulder toward the arched metal passage that led down into the dark below before looking back to her sister with a sharp nod, summoning her spear to her hand with purpose, “I’ll be back before she takes you, I promise.” She turned and ran, traversing the stairs two at a time. The ethereal cloak’s magic allowed her to skirt past the guards as unseen as before.
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Kjellrun stood at the back of the room, surrounded by the bodies of other dead Val’kyr. If she could get behind the towering, twisted facsimile of the Maw’s dark version this would be over quickly. The Light would still answer her call here, she could feel it warm in her chest — waiting. As soon as she got into a favorable position she lunged forward, ramming the spear directly through the center of the Mawsworn’s chest armor with a blaze of golden magic.
Helya’s Val’kyr clamped a gauntleted hand down on the spear’s blade and turned her head to glance back at the now visible paladin, the hollow eyes of the mask locking with Lyn’s own. The weapon disappeared before her adversary could snap the shaft, sent away with another pass of magic before Lyn summoned it back into her hand again to focus a gout of holy flame in a sweeping arc from the tip in a frantic frenzy. These were dead creatures, and a slight miscalculation could be covered up by dumping retribution and fury into every strike.
It wasn’t a subtle light show, and she heard the panicked shouts of the Maldraxxi posted as guards further up the corridor. Kjellrun swiped at Lyn, raking the sharpened black metal fingertips of her gauntlet across the smaller woman’s face and spattering blood across the wall and floor. She’d feel it later — for now, she had an opening and Lyn pressed it. There wasn’t time to fuck around.
Lyn threw her body weight behind ramming her weapon up and into the skeletal visor with a howl of challenge, pitching Kjellrun’s head back. The dark Val’kyr twitched and shuddered, clawing at the spear with futility before dying again, abruptly. Lyn grabbed the seal hanging around her neck and pulled, severing the chain and pulling the taller creature further onto her spear for good measure.
The guards' footfalls were getting closer still, she could hear them over the pounding of her heartbeat in her ears and the throbbing across her forehead, nose and cheek. She had to go. Lyn snatched the ethereal cloak up off the ground where it had fallen off her shoulders in the scuffle and threw it back on hastily, the magic immediately taking hold. Vyraz’s men didn’t even notice her as she ducked past them, their realization of failure echoing off the walls as she ran.
As soon as she was within reach of Danica’s cage she tossed the seal up onto the floor, and her sister’s spectral hand closed around it with triumph. The metal groaned and shifted, the door opening as the seal made contact with the magical lock. As soon as the Sunborne Val’kyr was free she unfurled her wings, stretching them out for what must’ve been the first time in a while. Lyn let the cloak slide down to the dusty ground, there was no point for subtly anymore, and if they were going to make a stand it might as well be—
“I mourn the loss of my sisters and desire nothing more than to avenge them. Yet I know that I am no match for the witch's magics or her army of Mawsworn. We must let wisdom guide us and fly from here. Though I am weak from my captivity, I have the strength to leave this place if you fly with me. Let us go, sister,” Danica kept her voice hushed as she cut off Lyn's train of thought, but she was right.
Not that Lyn thought she could fly, but stranger things had happened. Helya turned her gaze on them both with one of her harsh cackles, another dark Mawsworn taking point in the sky as the body of a spent Sunborne fell to the ground. Lyn grit her teeth and dug deep, activating Ashildir’s gift as Danica’s hand clamped around her arm.
The transition was always odd back on Azeroth, but here it was worse. As golden wings sprouted from her back and the token visor appeared in place on her own spectral Val’kyr form, she could see them all — hundreds of thousands of flickering souls, scattered across the Maw. Trapped, bound to this hellish plane where so many of them weren’t meant to be. If she had breath in this body, she knew it would’ve hitched in her chest at the horror of it all, but all Lyn felt was a terrible sorrow.
Danica pulled her up with a sharp tug, and it shook her out of her thoughts long enough to remember that they had to go. Helya snarled a message at them both and cast the scroll toward them with a magic that flickered an unsettling blue-black. Poison to deliver to Odyn. The first of them, the cursed sea witch, Lyn felt sorrow for her, too.
“Skyja! See them out.”
It wasn’t to be a friendly escort. Danica’s wings start to beat and Lyn focused. She’d never used her own wings in this form before, it had always been a measure to stave off death just a little longer, but wasn’t that what this was, too?
As the Mawsworn dove toward them, she and her sister flew out and away — the pair of them supporting each other as they tore through the Maw, into the In Between, and then toward Skyhold.
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lilxberry · 4 years
Can’t Quite Quit You - Chapter 1
It appears that Mr Stark once had a Mrs Stark in his life that certainly wasn’t his mother. Tony and reader must work around their rocky path for the sake of the Avengers and the work the must focus on together once again.
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Warnings: Language. Mentions of past relationship. That’s about it for this Chapter.
Words: 2,840
Pairing: Tony Stark x OC (past), James ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes x OC (platonic)
(A/N: This is a separate series I will be working on. There will be confusing changes to the characters, original plots and relationships between people. For example;
Tony stark will have been previously married to OC
Morgan will be in existence at the age of 5 in this for a plot that will happen in future chapters
I have set direct ages for some characters like Tony and Rhodey which will respectively be 45 and 46
Tony and Rhodey will have met before they canonly met
Any further changes to things that I feel will need to be discussed, I’ll add them before the chapter begins in an authors note.)
(A/N 2: I will foreseeably not be posting on Thursdays and Fridays. I WILL continue to write during those days though ((if I do not have college work to complete during those nights)) and post them any other days of the week. Also, Chapter three of The Glitch should be up Saturday. Read chapter 2 here.)
She took one last look around her home that was now vacant and clear of all her belonging, dark from the late hours of the night. Chloe sighed through her nose softly and lugged the last box in her arms through the threshold, closing and locking the door behind her, posting the key through the letterbox then proceeding to head to her car.
One Nick Fury had requested her scientific knowledge to be put to use helping the Avengers. It took a lot of persuasion on Fury’s and Rhodey’s part. Rhodey and Chloe are practically life-long friends with how close they once were, knowing each other for many years, still regularly keeping in touch. So, when Fury approached him about about recruiting her to the more scientific and engineering department of the Avengers, he had contacted her immediately in the hopes of convincing you to take up his offer.
She was renowned in her work as a scientist and robotic engineer, although, no one would truly know it’s her. She gave herself an alias, disliking the attention and wanting the focus to be purely on her work. 
Usually, Chloe wouldn’t need to be sweet talked into such an amazing opportunity but certain circumstances with a certain someone had left a bitter after-taste in her mouth and, if you hadn’t picked up on this yet, that certain someone is, let’s just say, closely involved with the Avengers.
We’ll get on to whom she refers to later.
Placing the last box into her Vauxhall Wagon, she climbed into the drivers seat and began her journey to compound, leaving behind her comfortable and solitary life where she focused solely on living and work. As she drove down the desolate dirt road, her eyes drifted to the rear view mirror, noting the stand alone house surrounded by fields upon fields, slowly fade away as she put distance between it and herself.
Her mind wandered as she travelled, wandering into crevasses she wished would not be explored, memories she thought she had locked away behind barriers and chains well enough.
Chloe thought of him, what his reaction will be when he sees her for the first time in 13 years. If he’s changed, if he thinks she’s changed which admittedly, she had. 
She knew what he looked like recently, of course she did, he was all over the fucking news. She couldn’t even open up Google on her laptop without his bloody face showing up but she hadn’t the slightest clue on what was going on in his life apart from being one of Earths mightiest heroes and quite frankly, she didn’t want to know either.
As she pulled up to a red light, she leaned back into her seat and closed her eyes as she exhaled loudly. A million scenarios passed through her head at how the interaction could play out. She knew things would be fine though, Rhodey would be by her side, a comforting presence helping her through the ordeal.
Her eyes were open once more as she watched the lights change. She turned her radio on, hopeful the loud 80′s rock blaring from the speakers would drown her thought out, remotely giving her a peaceful 10 hour drive.
“Fuck. Me.”
After a gruelling 11 hours and 45 minutes drive, the compound came into view as she passed the trees surrounding the large, sleek building. Chloe noticed the many people training on the grounds, making the assumption that they were employees of S.H.I.E.L.D., agents training to maintain their fit-for-field-work physique.
As she closed in on the compound, she noticed three figures standing near the entrance. As her eyes adjusted, she was able to recognise Director Fury, whom she had seen through her laptop screen when they first made contact, and Captain America himself stood beside a woman she did not recognise.
Her car slowed to a stop, becoming still then silent as she killed the engine. She huffed out a breath as she unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the door, swinging her legs out first, happy to finally stretched her legs and exit the vehicle finally.
She breathed in a the fresh air as she stoop up, momentarily closing her eyes to give them a well deserved break, adding moisture back into her green orbs. She quickly recomposed herself and closed her door, rounding the car and taking a few small paces forwards to meet the trio.
“Doctor Miller. I’m glad you took me up on my offer.” Fury extended his arm towards the woman for a handshake which she shook with firmly with confidence. As he retracted his hand for hers and began to gesture to the two beside him. “This is Agent Maria Hill and I assume that you already know who this man is.” He gestured over towards the fellow brunette and the Nations favourite super soldier who both gave the woman a friendly smile.
“You assumed correctly.” She mused as she thrust her right hand towards each other them to shake as her left slides into her front pocket of her jeans. “It’s good to meet you both.”
Steve was the next to speak. “It’s good to meet you, too. A few of us have been informed of your work and I believe you’ll be a great addition to the team, working in the labs.” He sent you a charming smile. “I think you’ll fit in nicely with the others.”
“I’m glad you think so.” Chloe sent him a smile back. They noted the lack of shyness, she exudes confidence and is clearly prideful of the work she has put out into the world.
“We should introduce you to the rest of the team in the living area.” Maria speaks up, catching the attention of the other three. They nodded simultaneously in agreement. “If you hand me the keys to your car, we can collect your stuff and take them on to your floor. We’ll move your car into the a secluded area for safe keeping as well.”
Chloe nodded but spoke before handing her keys over. “Let me just quickly grab something and we can get moving, I guess.” Maria gave a curt nod of her head and Chloe walked back towards the Vauxhall. 
She opened up the front passengers side door and reached in to retrieve a box off of the passengers seat and her back pack from floor in front. Satisfied she’s grabbed everything of real personal value, she straightens herself out, closes the door with her hip and makes her way back over to the trio who was patiently waiting by the entrance.
She swiftly handed her keys over to the agent of three before following Fury and Steve through the doors and towards an elevator at one end of the large space.
“Would you like any help with that bo-”
“NO!” She cuts the captain off quickly, emphasising loudly. She cleared her throat before continuing. “Uhm, no, thank you. Sorry, the stuff in here is really important to me and I’d rather not put it into the large hands of a stranger, no offence.” She smiles up at the man bashfully. He smiles at her apologetically in return.
“No worries, sorry.”
As the elevator finally arrived, they stepped inside and rode up to the main communal floor all the Avengers use. The ride was relatively silent, until Fury spoke up. “Rhodes has been quite excited to see you, you know.”
She smiled at the mention of her friend. “I’ve been pretty excited to see him too. Not seeing him in person for 12 years is a pretty long time.” She chuckled at the thought.
Steve smiled as he watched the woman speak kind words about her friend, voicing how, after all this time, she would seemingly still be excited to see an old friend.
They fell back into a comfortable silence, listening to the hum of the elevator as it works to ascend pass multiple floors. A simple ‘Ding’ cut through the silent machinery and soon after the metallic doors slid open, reveal the mixed group of people as they turned their attention to the three now steeping out. 
The silence was daunting as the team watched them walk towards them. The silence was soon broken once again as Rhodey pushed passed the few stood in his way, a massive smile had broken on to his face. “Hey there, Pip.”
She grinned at the use of her childhood nickname. “Well, if it isn’t my favourite Lieutenant Colonel.” She sent him a playful wink as she placed her back pack and box gently on to the ground before surging forward, engulfing the man in a long awaited hug.
He immediately responded by wrapping his arms tightly around her shoulders, closing his eyes to bask in the loving moment between friends for as long as time would allow him. “You’ve grown.” She mumbled.
“You’ve shrunk, short ass.” She pinched his back through his shirt and his chest vibrated as he laughed.
He leaned back, looking at how she’s aged well in person. A few frown lines are scattered across her forehead and dark bags from lack of sleep evident on face but he couldn’t help but notice that she still had that same beautiful, youthful features that remained from their 20′s.
A cough from behind Rhodes brought them out of their small reunion, forcing their attention on to the group awaiting anxiously for an introduction. “Oh shit, right. Avengers, this is Chloe Miller, Pip, these are the Avengers.”
They all flashed her a welcoming smile as she drank in all of their faces. 
‘Too many damn people. I’m not gonna get used to this quickly.’ Chloe thought to herself as she continued to study the heroes before her.
“Maybe we should actually start introductions instead of standing here looking like a bunch of mute dumbasses.” The man she recognises as Hawkeye spoke with a hint of sarcasm. “I’m Clint.”
He began to point at individuals as he recited their names to her. “That’s Natasha, Bucky and Sam. Over there we have Wanda, Vision and Thor. And finally, Carol, Stephen and Scott.”
“Lady Chloe, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Thor boomed as he quickly made his way over to her in just two large strides and proceeds to pat her shoulder.
“Yeah, nice to meet you too, Salt.” She winced slightly as she rolled the shoulder the God had previously touched with his large, powerful hands roughly, referencing the Angelina Jolie character with long, blonde hair.
“I apologize for my rough housing, lady Chloe.”
“All good, buddy.” She patted his arm to show there were no hard feelings between the two.
As it looked like Thor was to reply yet again, Steve decided to interject. “There’s a few more of us but they’re currently either out, busy in the labs or away for other matters, personal or other.”
“Cool.” She simply replied to the man. As formalities and introductions continued to be exchanged between the group she noticed a small girl peer from behind Scott, she appeared to be young, like 9 or 10.
The young girl wasn’t necessarily shy in any way, she just chosen to stay out of the way as the adults talked. Chloe tilted her head towards Rhodey who still stood beside her. “Didn’t realise you guys were a fucking day centre.” She joked quietly, causing the man to let out a chuckle at the crack.
“That’s Scott's kid, Cassie. It was Scott's weekend and she really wanted to stay at the compound. She’s a sweet kid.” Rhodey informed her. she nodded in acknowledgement before making the decision to take a step forward and lower herself down to the child's level.
“Hey there.” She smiled sweetly at the girl. “I heard that your name’s Cassie. I think that’s a super pretty name.” This caused the young girl to send a smile to the 43 year old and step closer.
“I think your name is pretty too.” Cassie spoke in a sweet voice, tone laced with a childlike chirpiness.  
“I think we’re gonna get along great, Cassie.” She stuck her hand out towards the girl to finalise their meeting. Cassie grasps Chloe’s hand into her small, dainty one and shook it lightly.
Chloe straightened herself out and sent one last smile towards the girl before stepping back to her original position next to Rhodey. The man smiled sadly as he watched her in the corner of his eye, a knowing look in his eye as he noticed the smile that didn’t quite match the solemn look in her eye as she continuously glances as Cassie.
The group of people had migrated to the couches within the living space, continue to conversate with the newest addition to the building although, Scott had taken Cassie out to get food and have some daddy-daughter time.
As they continue to get to know each other, the elevator dinged once more, signifying the arrival of more people. Chloe peered over, seeing one Doctor Robert Bruce Banner, whom she was a big fan of, and a young male at his side. 
‘Seriously. How many kids do they let in here?’ 
“Ah, Bruce, Peter. We’d like to introduce you to Doctor Chloe Miller. She’ll be working in the labs with you and Stark.” Steve spoke to the two. Chloe stood up, ignoring the mention of Anthony and met them halfway, shaking Banner’s outstretched hand.
“Doctor Banner, it’s wonderful to meet you. I’ve read all your papers. Your thesis's are impressive, to say the least.” He smiled sheepishly at Chloe. She noted he was quite the humble man. 
“Thank you, Doctor. I look forward to working with you in the lab. Young Peter here works alongside us in the labs sometimes.” He directed her attention to the teenage boy that stood to his left.
“P-Parker Peter. I-uh-I mean, Peter Parker.” He wiped his hands on the front of his jeans before reaching to shake the woman’s, stumbling over his words. 
She chuckled at the young boys behaviour and sent him a comforting smile which seemed to have helped him significantly. “Don’t worry kid. It’s nice to meet you. You must have a bright mind to be working alongside Banner occasionally.”
He beamed at this as he flushes a light shade of pink at her compliment. “I mean, I’m okay, I guess.” She laughed at his also apparent humbleness.
“Sure, kid.” She patted his shoulder gently before moving to sit beside Rhodey again.
Bruce and Peter joined the others on the couches, sitting in any space that was available. As they settled into their seats, Natasha spoke out over the small murmurs between people. “Tony still in the lab?”
“Yeah, he should be up in a few minutes though.” Banner replied then looked over towards Chloe. “Doctor Miller, have you met Stark before?” He questioned.
Rhodey and Chloe shared a look, almost seemingly having a miniature conversation telepathically that didn’t go unnoticed by the group. “I guess you could say that I have.” 
Before the scientist could ask what she had meant by her statement, the elevator dinged once again, announcing a new arrival. “Why is everyone so damn quiet? Who fucking died guys?” He spoke as he walked further into the space, not looking up from the tablet his eyes were glued to.
Chloe didn’t even need to look to know it was him. His voice hadn’t altered that much over the years.
Tony’s eyebrows furrowed together when his question was met with silence. He tore his gaze away from tablet that displayed plans for one of his new suits and looked around at each person sat on the couches. He did a double-take when his eyes reached a a certain brunette from his past, a brunette he hadn’t seen in 13 years. 
“Chloe.” He breathed out, multiple emotions are on display in his eyes alone but the most noticeable of them all is shock which is etched across his face. 
She stood up straight, looking him directly in the eyes, her face stoic but voice laced with many emotions. “Stark.” She spoke with anger, malice in her tone. 
Tony quickly recomposed himself before draining his face of emotion to match Chloe’s. “Don’t say my name with so much hate, Pip. After all, it was yours as well at some point in time.”
Rhodey closed his eyes for a brief moment as he sighed softly before joining the pair in standing, staying close to Chloe as he knows he needs his support most right now.
The rest of the Avengers, excluding the pairs best friend, looks at them in confusion, unsure of the true meaning behind his statement. “What do you mean you used to share it?” Wanda spoke up, her accent thick and laced with curiosity.
Then suddenly, it’s as if the newly gained information and witnessing the interaction between the two had made something click, everyone’s features change as quickly as a flick of a switch. 
“No fucking way...”
“You guys are...”
Something a bit different
Never done an OC before but I kinda liked how this turned out
I hope you enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and appreciated :D
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mlm-writer · 4 years
Flip-Flop (Hongseok x M!Reader)
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Pairing: Yang Hongseok x Male!Reader (NOT trans-friendly) Rating: Explicit Words: 1168 Summary: First time gay sex for Hongseok, so you two are just figuring it out and taking it slow.  Note: This is a repost. It was originally posted on @lgbt-kpopimagines​, but that blog died. Reposting to get everything properly in my masterlist. Tags: anal sex, rimming, handjobs, making out, first time, anal fingering, protected sex (AS YOU SHOULD), joking during sex (which you also should) and fluff
With tongue and lips I worshipped the well-defined abs of my boyfriend. He seemed so relaxed, aside from the hand in my hair, guiding my head around. He mewled, as I assaulted a nipple with my mouth, working it with wet, heated passion. None of this was planned out. It was another night at my place, watching a movie and cuddling. We made out like we usually did and now we were here, with him sprawled over my couch and me on my knees, devouring him.
Hongseok pulled at my hair, forcing me towards his face. Our tongues invented a new kind of tango, after he mashed our lips together. I couldn’t breathe. He helped me back onto the couch, letting me lie on top of him. I couldn’t stop my hips from grinding down on him. I felt we were both excited and okay with where this was going. Like a starving man, Hongseok separated our lips and latched down onto my neck. The sensation was weird at first, but it took little for me to whine in pleasure. “Ouch!”
As if burned, Hongseok let go, when I cried out. “I’m sorry!” He exclaimed, looking at me with big eyes, as if he just accidentally stabbed me, instead of just biting my neck. I chuckled and bent my head down to give him a less harsh bite on his shoulder. The moan from his lips spurred me on to bite him more. After I switched to the other shoulder, he started trying to stop me. My teeth sunk into his flesh for the sixth time, when he used every muscle fibre in his abdomen to lift off the couch and pick me up. He twirled me around as he stood up from the couch. I giggled and held onto him for dear life. We ended up tangled on my bed, kissing and undressing each other. Our hands naturally wrapped around each other’s lengths. My mouth was slightly ajar, as I rested with my chin on his shoulder. “What do you want?” I sighed out, pleasure and warmth filling me.
Hongseok leaned back a little, making eye-contact with me. “I want to have sex with you, of course”, he chuckled, giving my cock another playful tug. I wanted to laugh, but it came out as an odd mixture of a moan and a giggle. “What do you want, honey?” I got my hand off his manhood and cupped his face with the other. “That was not what I was getting at,” I pecked his lips before continuing, “I meant… you know… Do you want to top? I know you haven’t been with a guy before, so…” I swore he was turning red. He probably wouldn’t admit it though. Hongseok shrugged, looking a little embarrassed. “Hey don’t get shy on me. My dick is still in your hand.”
Hongseok meekly removed his hand and put the both of them on his lap. “You have been with guys before, right? What do you usually do?”
“Usually they either have their fingers in my ass by now or are on all fours in front of me,'' I joked, but in hindsight it only made things worse. I patted a hand on his lap. “Hey, think about it. I am gonna look for condoms.”
I left him on the bed to look through my drawers. I was sure I had at least three lying somewhere. It was a real mood killer, but I eventually found a package of unexpired ones. I grabbed the lube I kept and crawled back onto the bed. “And what have you decided?” I kissed his full lips. Hongseok didn’t say anything and took the supplies from my hands. He looked at me like he had already told me what to do. Somehow, I got the hint and lied down, spreading my legs for him. He poured lube onto his fingers. He seemed more confident now, playing with me with skilled fingers. I was on cloud nine, demanding his cock inside me.
Hongseok wasn’t a tease for once. Perhaps he was just as turned on as I was. My eyes were trained on his face as he pushed his covered and lubed tip against my hole, pushing until he slipped inside. It had been a while since I had bottomed. No dildo did justice to the way Hongseok moved shallowly inside, slipping in more and more with each thrust. I was panting and moaning under him. He looked so pretty with that concentrated frown covered in raw please. He seemed shocked as his balls hit my ass.
Neither of us was much of a talker in bed. He just rested there, deep inside me and watching me for the green for go. I relaxed and nodded, trying to keep my eyes open as his hips moved languidly. I felt every inch of his veiny cock rubbing against my walls. My nails naturally dug into his shoulders. He didn’t last long, pulling out suddenly and catching his breath. I could tell he was embarrassed. “Hey, you didn’t come, right?” He shook his head and I smiled. “Then don’t look at me like you just gave me one pump chump sex.”
I pushed myself up and gently kissed him. “Sorry, it’s just… much tighter.” I smiled and nodded. My hand found its way to his hair, running through the soft strands.
“It’s okay; it felt really good. Want to try out for yourself?” He didn’t hesitate, nodding eagerly. We switched places. He almost came when I rimmed him. He almost came when I fingered him, while sucking him off. He literally sobbed and cried from pleasure when I finally pushed inside him.
I had him on his hands and knees for easier access, but the moment I pushed in, his arms collapsed. I let him stay like that, while I agonisingly slow pulled out and pushed back in. All the self-control in my body was working hard. I needed to hold back; I did not want to hurt him. While he had been fairly quiet while fucking me, he was anything but quiet now. He demanded more, not quite asking, but I felt how tight he was around my cock. I put a hand on his back, stroking lovingly. “You need to relax Seokkie,” I whispered, bending down to pepper his back with kisses. My soft touches seemed to help. His muscles unclenched and his moans were looser, less strained. I wrapped an arm around his torso and pulled his back against my chest, before going to town with him. His sounds were everything I needed in life. Hongseok was always taking care of others, but not now. Now he just had to relax, let go and take it. He turned to putty in my arms, coming without warning over the pillows. When his hole clenched around my length again, I lost control. A few uncontrolled, deep thrusts later I was filling the condom, while I was still inside him.
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utterlyinevitable · 4 years
Doctor D’Ora
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Pairing: Bryce Lahela x MC (Becca Lao) x Ethan Ramsey x OC  Word Count: 2.3k Warning: angst angst angst  Summary: Becca spots Ethan with a new lady friend. This takes place in OHSY about a month after Ethan returns from the Amazon.  
A/N: This was meant to be a chapter in the Trials & Tribulations series but I didn’t think it fit anymore and wanted to post this fic as-is before I destroy it. 
He met her on location. The long brown hair, inquisitive green eyes, long legs that held her frame in perfect posture, and a faint minimalistic dove tattoo on her wrist. In another life Dr. Alessandra D’Ora could have been a model. She was brilliant and supportive - a great companion in the lonely Amazonian nights. Just like him she was in her late-thirties, and worked at a private practice in Ontario, Canada. Ethan Ramsey was grateful for her company every one of those sixty lonely nights on location - Alessandra was the perfect distraction from his thoughts. 
And now here she was in Boston. 
Two weeks after the end of their mission with the World Health Organization she was sat at the table across from him, describing her newest adventure; She’s spending a month guest lecturing on socialized medicine at Harvard Medical. 
Dr. Rebecca Lao passed by the window of Alessandro’s and saw the two - her boss and sometimes lover sharing a meal with a stunning woman over delightful conversation two tables away. She stopped in her tracks. They looked so comfortable together. At ease, even. Becca noticed the way his shoulders curved in relaxation much like when they were alone together all those times ago. 
There in the damp August evening her heart broke. Ethan was smiling, the crows feet around his eyes on display for everyone to see. Ethan rarely smiled. If she didn’t know him better, she’d be convinced he didn’t have any cracks in his features and his life was devoid from any sort of happiness. But there he was in that navy sports coat, its only purpose to compliment his gleaming eyes, smiling with someone else, laughing at her jokes. He was happy with someone else. 
How long have they known each other? Is this new?
Becca ripped her gaze from the deceiving window and pushed the thoughts away just as quickly as they infiltrated her mind. Ethan had abandoned her without a trace all those weeks ago, she didn’t owe him another thought. He made the executive decision to sever their intimate relationship, so she made the decision to keep him away from her life outside the hospital. 
Becca headed home, abandoning her takeout mission. If he had moved on so could - should she. She pulled out her phone and rang the second most used number in her contacts recently. 
He picked up on the second ring. 
“Have you eaten?” Becca asked without pleasantries.  
“I could go for some dessert,” she could hear the megawatt smile through Bryce’s playful remark.   
“I’ll be over in ten.” 
Becca started spending more time with Bryce outside of his apartment. They weren’t necessarily hiding their relationship, they just didn’t know what to call it. They were casual. They were friends. Friends who had intimate benefits at the drop of a dime. It wasn’t a secret, but also no one bothered to ask about their title. Bryce hated labels anyway, they didn’t fit with his go-with-the-flow demeanor. 
They started spending more time outside of the bedroom and the comfort of the walls around them that let them simply be. With every passing day Becca and Bryce grew closer and bolder in their advances. They’ve played footsies in the cafeteria, kissed for hours on the grass in the park, shared plates at Don Luigi’s, and intertwined their hands at the coffee shops by the hospital. 
Today they were sitting in the corner of Derry Roasters, Becca’s go-to for a caffeine fix. Cuddled close together on a half-booth with their backs to the wall and shoulders touching. They were specifically sat right under the overhead speaker which drowned out the world around them and made Bryce’s whispers even more erotic. He’d gotten cocky in the last few days, slipping his hand up her thigh, whispering all the ways he wanted her with hundreds of passersby around. 
This time his whisper brought a chill up her spine, it wasn’t what she expected to hear during their brief coffee break. 
“Hey, look. Dr. Grumpy’s on a date,” Bryce called her attention to the attending sauntering in. 
Becca’s deep brown eyes watched his every step carefully, silently hoping he’d look over to her deep in Bryce’s embrace.
He never did. His eyes were solely fixated on his companion. 
Dr. Ethan Ramsey glided over to the table Dr. Alessandra D’Ora had been sat at. She rose when she felt his familiar presence not too many footfalls away. He gave her a hug and Becca unnaturally stiffened under Bryce’s arm at the sight. 
“They look friendly,” Becca whispered. 
Bryce’s eyes were still dissecting their movements. It was a sight to behold - strict and lone Ramsey was joined by someone and not just anyone, an absolutely stunning woman. “Do you think they’re friends or friends?” 
“Et- Dr. Ramsey doesn’t have friends.” 
“Hm… looks more intimate than just a business lunch. Wanna find out?” 
Bryce rapidly stood up, grabbing Becca’s hand and dragging her briskly through the seating area. They were moving so quickly Becca couldn’t keep her shorter legs in pace with him, when her hand slipped from Bryce’s she felt off balance and collided into the corner of an empty table with a thunk! Bryce spun on his heels to make sure she was okay and backed right into Dr. D’Ora waiting for her order. 
Once he was positive Becca wasn’t in any imminent danger he turned back to Dr. D’Ora. “So sorry about that,” he apologized as he steadied himself and the unknown doctor. “You okay?” 
Alessandra expertly took in his green scrubs and badge as Bryce flashed her his most flirty smile. “Quite alright, Doctor…?” 
“Lahela. Bryce Lahela.” Bryce ran a hand through his hair, a move he was well aware most women couldn’t resist. Becca came over to the pair and he winked at his favorite accomplice, “Should really watch where you’re going, Becks.” 
Becca rolled her eyes. 
With a sparkle in his kaleidoscope eyes Bryce sent his most charming of smiles to the stranger, “I didn’t catch your name?” 
“Dr. Alessandra D’Ora,” she placed her wallet under her arm to free up her hand to shake his outstretched and waiting one.  
“Pleasure to meet you, Dr. D’Ora.” He gave her hand two good shakes before letting go and pointing to the awkward doctor beside him. “This is my girlfriend Dr. Rebecca -” 
He didn’t get to finish the introduction.  
Ethan’s deep authoritative baritone voice rang like warning sirens in her ears. “Rookie. Dr. Lahela. Don’t you have patients to attend to?” Her cheeks began to flush in mortification.
“Just on a break, Dr. Ramsey,” Bryce smiled, “Who’s your friend?” 
Alessandra looked between the three of them, noticing the unaddressed new tension between her friend and the doctor he’s spoken about on many occasions. “You must be Dr. Lao,” she outstretched her delicate and manicured hand to Becca. Out of courtesy Becca obliged. “Ethan told me about your excellent diagnosis of Dr. Banerji. Well done, you must be very proud.” 
“I’m just happy Naveen’s alive and well,” Becca smiled before tugging on the back of Bryce’s scrubs, “We should get back.”  
“Bye, Doctors. Enjoy your date!” Bryce called over his shoulder as Becca all but dragged him away. 
Once they were safely out of the eatery Becca let herself relax and her freckles break free of the blush. “I can’t believe you,” she laughed uncomfortably.  
Bryce laced his fingers with hers and tugged her closer. “Hey - we learned that Dr. Ramsey has a hot lady friend and he talks about you.”  
“And that I’m your girlfriend?” She thought they had an arrangement, they were meant to be a carefree and no-commitment zone. Introducing her as his girlfriend was a shock.  
“Well, yeah,” he shrugged. “You’re a girl and you’re my friend. If you were a man you’d be my manfriend.”  
Becca rolled her eyes, “Uhuh.” 
“Take it however you want, Becks. I’m just happy you choose to spend your free time with me,” he pecked her temple before they entered back into Edenbrook and went their separate ways. 
Later that day as she was packing up her things to leave the office after the mid-week diagnostics briefing, Ethan called behind her; 
“Lao, a word.” 
Becca’s eyes went wide. Her and Ethan really haven’t been on the best of terms since he pushed her away the last time they kissed. The closest they’ve gotten to their past level of normalcy was when they were doing a house search for the Lamar Stevenson Case - he held her when she slipped and then with both their knowledge and a bit of banter they solved the case. 
With arms folded and a critical eye he inquired, “What was that back there?” 
Becca decided then and there that the best way to avoid this awkward conversation was to play coy,  “I don’t know what -” 
“Whatever you and Scalpel Jockey were doing, don’t,” he defensively interrupted her lame excuse. “My personal relationship with Dr. D’Ora is not hospital gossip.” 
The way his shoulders were squared, all his walls were on display and the way he was talking down to her burned a fire deep in her core. “Who is she?” she mimicked his stance and tone.  
“A friend.” 
“You don’t have friends,” she challenged, folding her arms over her chest. 
Ethan let out a long sigh, knowing he’d have to give her something. He didn’t want to fight with Becca anymore. He owed Becca some sort of explanation. He didn’t know why but he felt he needed to tell her. 
He rubbed his hand down his face as he said, “We met on mission. Friendships happen when there aren’t any bars around.” 
Becca took a second for his words to settle, piecing the puzzle together out loud. “You met her in the Amazon... When you were trying to forget your feelings for me...” she tried to mask the betrayal forming in her throat and creeping up into her features as best as she could. “Did it work? Did she help you move on?”
The tension was built up so high around them that neither could move from their positions only four footfalls away from one another. 
“What are you doing with Lahela? Don’t think I haven’t noticed your… closeness,” he spat back. “Are you his girlfriend?” Ethan’s brow was raised high to the sky and blue eyes clouded over with a storm of regret.  
“Whatever we are isn’t of your concern. You made that decision for us. You pushed me away.” 
“I sure as hell didn’t push you into his arms!” 
“No. But you made it explicitly clear I can’t find solace in your arms,” she bit back. Becca’s chest began to heave. Her mind was telling her she needed to pace to muster up the courage to say all that needed to be said, however her feet were stuck there in that spot. His intense gaze paralyzed her, and just looking at his face she adored so much arguing back at her, Becca internally screamed at herself. She assembled every ounce of courage in her frame to retort, “I can’t believe you. You’re meant to be holier than thou, the epitome of a moral compass. Why are you such an ass?” 
Ethan’s nose flared and eyes hooded at her words. 
They stood in bitter silence staring one another down. He was a statue boring down at her shaking and rageful form. The world of emotions coursing through her veins evident in the way she balled her fists, callusing the skin of her palms with her fingernails. Her brown eyes squinting trying to keep tears from falling and giving her a much-needed release. The loose strands of hair at the crown of her head are the only thing moving with the natural rotation of the earth. 
Ethan broke the trance first going to sit down on the couch. 
Hunched over with his head cradled in his hands he breathed ever so softly, “She has a private urgent care practice in Canada.” Tugging at the roots of his hair he tried to keep his voice level and calm. “We were on mission together. She’s guest lecturing at Harvard Medical. We’re just colleagues.”  
Becca was rightly skeptical, “Like we’re just colleagues?”  
“No. Strictly professional.” Ethan finally looked over at her. If Becca stood closer she could see the faintest marks of red in the whites of his picturesque eyes. “Her wife is really supportive of her work.”
Becca’s mouth dropped. 
Ethan watched as the woman ten years his junior slumped into the seat next to him, letting her knee brush against his as her hands followed suit to cover her face in embarrassment. 
“God. I’m an ass,” she sighed.  
Ethan’s shoulders loosened as he involuntarily let a small chuckle slip through his lips. “Yes, yes you are,” he agreed with a smile and shake of his head, placing his hand on her thigh and giving it a reassuring squeeze. 
“Sorry,” Becca mumbled. 
He was mesmerized by the feeling of her heat under him, taking him back to all those times he held dear. “I’m sorry… for everything.” 
Her hand found his. “I know…”  
They couldn’t catch a break. Everything between them was always so complicated. For another moment they let themselves sit in silence, a more comfortable silence where they could simply be Ethan and Becca, not attending and fellow. Just two people finally being honest. 
Ethan was the one to shatter the comfortable bubble they’ve found themselves in.
“Are you dating Lahela?”  
Becca shook her head to herself. “We’re friends. Really good friends.” It was the truth. Bryce was her best friend, they did everything together. “I should get going,” she gave Ethan’s hand a squeeze before removing it to rise up from her position. 
She was halfway towards the door when Ethan spoke, “I’m going to Evelyn’s art exhibit tonight. Do you want to come along?”  
Taglist: @ohchoices​​​ @dulceghernandez​​​​ @aylamreads​​​ @binny1985​​​​ @ramseysno1rookie​​​​ @interobanginyourmom​​​​ @queencarb​​​​ @perriewinklenerdie​​ @rookiefromedenbrook​​​ @eramsey28​​​ @choicesficwriterscreations​​​ @heauxplesslydevoted​​​ @schnitzelbutterfingers​​​ @purpledragonturtles​​​ @ramseyandrys​​​​ @ermidc​​​ @mrsdrakewalkerblog​​​ @doilooklikeiknow​​ @overwhelminglyaquarius​​ @drethanramslay​ @edgiestwinter​ @rookieoh​ @lucy-268​ @mvalentine​ @lilyvalentine​ @starrystarrytrouble​ @angela8756 @pitchblackstars @custaroonie​ @ezekielbhandarivalleros​ @sanchita012​
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lavendertwilight89 · 4 years
The Reason
It’s finally done @lemonlushff​!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
NFSW fic smut smut smuttttttt :) only for the beautiful lemon herself!
Also posted to my AO3 HEREEEEEEEEEEE
@dangerouspompadour​ @lemonlushff​ @willowandfog​ @cstormsinukagblog​ @keichanz​ @littlestuffstohide​ @clearwillow​ @ruddcatha​ @hnnwnchstr​ @smmahamazing​ @wolverine1092​ @inuyashaloverforever​ @xfangheartx​ @umacaking​ @bluejay785​  @murdergiraffe​ @superpixie42​ @shnuggletea​
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“Kagome are you even paying attention?”
“Hmmm?” Kagome hummed, still not pulling her eyes from their drop dead sexy best friend personal trainer who was helping Sango’s boyfriend Miroku. 
“I told you that if you don’t pay attention you’re gonna fall and scrape the shit out of your face,” Sango chastised again realizing Kagome still hadn’t bothered to look away from their friend Inuyasha. “Kagome!!!”
“Huh?” Kagome finally said but the attention grabbing call of her name made her misstep and literally eat fire as she skid down the treadmill. She yelped and Sango grabbed the emergency clip out before it caused any more damage to Kagome’s body.
“Kagome! This is what I was trying to warn you about!! God, are you okay??”
“Just super embarrassed,” Kagome winced as she tried to push Sango away as she sat up and touched her face in hesitation. Her hand was grabbed by a clawed hand before she made contact and she looked to the side to see very angry annoyed eyes glaring at her.
“Idiot--this is why they have fucking clips when you fall to stop the treadmill. Come on,” Inuyasha chastised as he helped her rise.
“Wa-wait! I can go get myself cleaned up; it’s not that big of a deal!”
“Uh huh; Sango, you take over spotting your weak ass boyfriend while I handle this,” he said, clearly ignoring her the way she had ignored Sango. Karma was a bitch. An ironic twisted bitch who was clearly laughing at her. She often wondered what in God’s name she did to piss her off.
Inuyasha pulled her into his office and closed the door pulling a first aid kit out from his desk. Kagome knew she was already five shades of red. How embarrassing. He probably caught her gawking at him like a freaking teenager that just hit puberty, too. This day couldn’t have gotten any worse. 
It wasn’t her fault--really--it wasn’t. At least that’s what she told herself, anyway. She was just...well… 
It all had started when she graduated from high school. She had finally summoned the courage to sleep with her boyfriend Koga. They had done handys and fingering but never removed clothing. She had decided before going off to school, she wanted to take the next step--even if they did break up, she could say her first time was with her high-school sweetheart. 
Kagome was super self conscious about her body and was why it had taken her so long to summon the courage to sleep with him. Firstly, she was naturally curvier. She had larger breasts, wider hips and because she was short, she felt like it made her look bigger. Secondly, she had a couple of scars on her arms and stomach from a fire she had been in when she was younger in her childhood home that took the life of her father. They weren't terrible but they were enough for people to stare for an extra moment if they weren’t covered.
Anyway, when her shirt came off he stopped kissing her and grimaced at her. It was a real mood killer. They argued, she got dressed, he said things weren't really going to work out between them anyway and left. It was the next day she saw he had changed his profile picture to him and another girl wearing their swimsuits by the pool. The girl, who was tall, lean, had perfect skin that showed perfectly through her emerald bikini, literally took her breath away. Firstly, she was upset because he clearly moved on… within twelve hours of their breakup. It made her question if he was secretly talking to that girl on the side and then secondly, it made her feel even more self-conscious. 
Kagome was utterly humiliated. They had been dating for two years, said they loved each other,  everything… and he grimaced at her scars she couldn't hide. They weren't bad… well,  she thought they weren't but obviously she had been wrong. 
A month later she packed up her things and moved in with Sango in an apartment for college. Her best friend was always there for her--she was two years older than her and treated her like her younger sister. When the incident happened, Sango drove home immediately and spent a week with her. Kagome didn’t have the heart to tell her mother what happened other than her and Koga broke up.
Sango never cared for the wolf demon--but he seemed to make Kagome happy so who was she to tell her friend her true feelings. Kagome knew Sango didn’t care for him and appreciated her support throughout their relationship. After the week was over, Sango took some of her things she didn’t need for everyday that way Kagome didn’t have to move too many extra things when she moved in with her for school.
When Kagome arrived in Kyoto for school, she was overwhelmed--it was so different from Tokyo. Not to mention college was already so different from highschool. Highschool they had uniforms, thankfully that covered Kagome’s ‘problem areas’ as she referred to them. College was more lax and there were girls wearing crop tops, tank tops, shorts, mini skirts, jeans…
Kagome developed extreme anxiety. She stuck mainly to Sango. Sango understood and never pushed her to open up. But she did introduce her to her closest friends she made at school--her boyfriend Miroku and his roommate Inuyasha. 
Originally she couldn’t even sit in the same room as the guys without freaking out. Eventually she got used to Miroku since he was dating Sango and Sango had him over for dinner the most. Sango had coaxed him to be friendly--Kagome felt almost a little too friendly--with her. It caused him to be smacked, kicked, and punched by Sango sometimes but it did end up helping Kagome get out of her shell she had created around her mind and heart. 
Sango then started to make it a point to invite Inuyasha over more. Something that made Kagome panic further. He was so… handsome. Mouth watering. He had the softest beautiful silver hair, bright amber eyes, soft twitchy cute doggy ears, and by the Gods was he fucking ripped. Like. She would climb him. If she wasn’t about to have a panic attack around twenty-four seven about showing her body. She had seen pictures of his ex from Miroku. She was a ten out of ten. Kagome considered herself barely a four. According to Miroku, his ex, Kikyo, was actually a three due to her being a ‘cheating whore’. Inuyasha hadn’t bothered with dating since they started college. Something she and him seemed to have in common.
He, someone so outrageously gorgeous that it should have been a sin, would never see her as attractive let alone beautiful. She would always be ‘Sango’s kid friend’. Not that he ever referred to her as such outloud, but… who was she kidding herself? They argued all the time. He had a cocky attitude but she could see through the act he put on. He just brushed people off so that if they left, it wouldn’t hurt. Something she had come to understand all too well. 
In the short time they had become friends, she had really grown to care about him. In more than just a friend kind of way. But she neither had the courage or the confidence to act upon her unspoken desires. Instead she just pinned from afar...
And here she was: sitting in his office as he cleaned up her chin, hands, and knees from the most embarrassing fall she could have ever taken. Tears filled her eyes. Damnit. What had she done in her past life to deserve this???
Inuyasha was a simple guy. Well, simple as far as his parents were loaded as fuck and rather than use them for money, he preferred to work for what he had and prove he could provide for himself.
He had agreed to go to school for business so that he and Sesshomaru could work for his father but he also had dreams of owning his own business. A gym. A dojo. Something of his interest. While he went out here and there in college, he did keep his head low outside of work and class. His freshman year he met Miroku and they ended up rooming together. They had partied so hard, he almost failed out. He was thankful he got his shit together but that scare was enough to chill him out a bit.
Even though Inuyasha got his shit together, Miroku still went out constantly. It wasn’t until their senior year, Miroku met Sango and he settled down. Unlike Inuyasha, Miroku could sweet talk his way through school. It was nice from having Miroku ask nightly to go out and having to turn him down to just asking if they could have Sango stop by. They still went to the bar here and there, a party or two in a month, but they were definitely more controlled especially with a female in their little pack.
He hadn’t been looking for a serious relationship--his high school girlfriend had kind of fucked him over. Cheated on him with some other dude. He didn’t mind random hook-ups (if he ever got offers, he was still an asshole and never actively looked for some tail). But, he wanted to finish school before finding someone to be with--well at least until his undergraduate had been completed. But he wasn’t actively searching for a girl even when he began his master’s program in the fall.
That was before he met Kagome though. The moment he saw that rare beautiful gem he couldn’t get her out of his head. She was curvy--the natural way. She didn’t shy from food and she didn’t work hard at the gym daily to maintain her figure. Perfection was what he would refer to her body as. It literally gave him wet dreams like he was a fuckin’ teenager.  
It’d only been a couple months since he met the gorgeous woman. It took her some time to open up. When he originally met the girl, he heard her heart race and her face paled as she ran into her room. Miroku asked Sango if they had done something to offend her. Inuyasha knew better to know she wasn’t offended; she was fucking petrified.
Sango explained in detail what Kagome’s ex had done to her--how she was already a little self conscious about her looks in general and how he put the final nail in the coffin. The entire summer she spent with Sango, she stayed in the apartment. She didn’t want to go to the freshman orientation let alone do any of the meet and greets. 
It had explained Sango’s absence over the summer and explained why she had only come over to their place instead of them venturing over to hers. 
It enraged Inuyasha, deeply from within, that someone had made Kagome feel so unattractive that she had to literally hide in her room when men were near. It took a couple weeks for her to get used to Miroku’s presence and then gradually, she was alright being in the same room with all of them. She slowly came out of her little shell but wore baggy clothing to hide that delicious body from him.
It drove him insane.
He fantasized about ripping those ugly baggy black sweatpants from her body and destroying her oversized hoodie nightly then taking her round supple breasts in his mouth, kissing all up and down that taunt stomach and then settling between her luscious thighs and exploring how she tasted. Teaching her every hour of every day how beautiful she actually was.
Yea, he was fucking attracted to her. Probably not even the correct word but, close enough. But her looks weren’t the only thing that made his dick hard. He was used to girls trying to butter him up. Being overly submissive or pleasing. It didn’t matter to him because they were just a quick screw and he never wanted additional contact with them. This girl however, she was fiery. Feisty. She never bent to his attitude; she often called him out on it. They could argue for hours
She was also kind. Sweet. Caring. Funny… Fuck he had it bad for her. 
She had gotten comfortable enough to be around just him after Sango and Miroku went to bed. He hoped he could get her even more comfortable enough to show him her damn skin again. Even at the gym she wore looser pants and a zip jacket that flowed. He could just barely make out where her breasts and ass dipped. 
He noticed the way she looked at him when she thought he wasn’t paying attention. Fuck he could smell the way her thoughts turned. It made it harder to keep himself from fucking taking her right then. But this--this little accident was his way in. This was his opportunity. He wasn’t going to waste it.
Studying her face, he could see her utter embarrassment. Sighing, he spoke gently, “ Hey, it’s okay. It happens to everyone.”
“Sure… you just said I was an idiot.”
“Since when do you take that lying down?” he hummed, dabbing a rug burn on her with an alcohol swab.
“Since you are right in this instance…” she hissed from the contact.
“Nah; I’m just mad you don’t take your safety seriously. And I was worried you hurt yourself worse than you did,” he said after swiping the alcohol against her cheek. “Alright, shed your pants and jacket.”
“Wh-What?!” she stammered.
“You heard me. You may not have demon hearing, but I know you heard me,” he added twitching his ears hoping to make her smile. Unfortunately he got the opposite effect; she gaped, her heart pounded and he was slightly afraid he was going to give her a heart attack. “Nothing to be blushing about, Kagome. I just need to see the extent of the damage for the accident report I have to fill out as the manager in charge.”
He put down the wipe and took her hands in his and pulled himself to have her legs between his. Even though he hated the idea she got hurt, this was the opportunity to change her. To change them--their relationship. He wanted to be the one to heal her--and he wanted her to be the one to heal him. Inuyasha wanted to finally let someone in his heart--he wanted it to be Kagome.
“Kagome, just relax. There’s nothing to be scared of. I’m not here to hurt you,” he said gently like he was talking to a scared doe.
“Y-You don’t understand--I--I--”
“Breathe,” he said as he lightly cupped her cheeks and stared into those beautiful bright blue eyes.
She closed her eyes and followed his instructions thankfully. Once her heart rate decreased he got up and locked the door. He sat back down in his rolling chair and took her hands back in his. “Kagome, I swear I’m not going to think any differently of you if you shed your outer layer of clothing. We’re friends. We can trust each other okay?”
She swallowed and nodded hesitantly. He could smell the lie in the nod but she shakely went to unzip her jacket. He let her do it so that he wasn’t coming on too strong and she wasn’t even frightened. She pushed it off her shoulder and squeezed her eyes shut--like she was scared of his reaction. She also stood and hesitantly pushed down her pants to reveal her Soffe black shorts that just barely covered her bottom. Silently he thanked the Gods she had her eyes closed because he went hard instantly. She was wearing a bright green sports bra under her Addias jacket and shit. He had only seen her once without a bunch of baggy layers on but this was fifty times better. He got a full view of her sexy body. 
He couldn’t help but look for the scars that Sango mentioned--the reason Koga and her never… well… fucked. He found one on her stomach and it wasn’t bad. It was barely the size of a hand. Quietly he scooted his chair to the side of her and pulled at her arm. She cringed slightly but kept her eyes closed as she allowed his inspection of her arm. Again, there were some scars on her upper arm around her triceps but nothing she should be this scared over.
“Kagome,” he said softly.
“Yes?” she whispered nervously.
He wanted to make sure she realized how foolish she was being but didn’t want her trust in Sango to shatter for telling him what happened. So… he played dumb. It wasn’t like she could smell lies afterall.
“Why are you so anxious?”
“I--I--I’m not.”
He tapped her nose and her eyes shot open and locked eyes with his. He kept his expression as neutral as he could before he countered, “You realize I can smell your fear and lies right? So...let’s try this again. What are you afraid of?”
“I--Inuyasha--please--” she started crying.
Sighing, he knew he was gonna have to show her he knew exactly what was scaring her. He knew he had to be subtle though. His hand brushed the underside of her arm as lightly as he could to gather her attention again. She shivered and looked at him in freight.
“Are you scared of your own scars?” he asked leadingly.
Her lip being enclosed between her teeth was as good of an answer as any. He brushed his hand on her tricep again and then slowly lowered it to her side; he knew he was being bold but he needed her full attention. She jumped and watched him closely as if she was scared he was going to make some dickish remark. It slightly hurt she didn’t trust him but he couldn’t blame her--he understood all too well how trust was easily shattered. If anything, it made him want to hunt down the jackass who made her heart that fragile. 
“There’s nothing wrong with them Kagome. They are a part of you. They have a story.”
“They--They’re ugly. I--I’m ugly--” she said, starting to sob. He cut her off by grabbing her chin missing her abrasions.
“Kagome--there’s nothing about you that’s ugly. I don’t know who the fuck told you or made you feel like you were ugly but let me set the record straight right here and now; you are the most beautiful and sexiest woman I have ever met.”
Her breath hitched as she stared into his eyes. He gently wiped the tears in hers away with his thumbs as his hands shifted to cup her cheeks.
“Y-you can’t mean that--I’ve seen Kikyo…I know she was gorgeous. I’m nothing compared to her.”
“Let’s get one thing clear--Kikyo is a thing of the past. She was an important part but she isn’t here anymore and even if she was, it’s over. I hope I can meet the jackass who made you feel so low. I’ll make sure he’s pounded so hard he’s as ugly as he made you feel,” he growled.
“Listen to me, Kagome. I know we haven’t known each other for long. But… trust me when I say this; I care about you. I wouldn’t lie to you about this. Honestly, you make it hard for me to behave myself,” he added with a hinting smirk.
She looked confused until he nodded down towards his cock and she turned into a tomato.
“You can’t be that surprised. We’ve only hung out everyday since you were comfortable enough to stay out for dinner with Miroku and I,” he winked. When she giggled he added, “Also don’t act like you’re a little angel either--I could smell you from your room ‘taking care’ of yourself.”
“Wh-what?!?! How--”
“I can smell when you lie, Kagome. I know you’re a smart girl… you shoulda known I’d be able to detect that,” he smirked as he pulled her back between his legs. She gasped and blushed looking at the door. “I’m not gonna force anything on you. We can act like this never happened or…” he offered as he stroked up her leg and grasped her thigh.
She whined and met his eyes, more flushed than blush evident on her face, “B-but we’re-- we’re in public…”
“And I have a lock on my door and they think I’m treating your injuries. No one’s gonna come in.”
“I--I don’t wanna mess up our friendship, Yash… I… I really care about you too. I know you’re not looking for anything serious and I really wasn’t either but--” she swallowed as she placed her hand over his to which he intertwined their fingers to her surprise. “I--the fact you are trying to help me--I can’t overlook--well--I--I like you… I couldn’t bare if we messed this up--”
He leaned forward and caught her lips in a gentle kiss, trying to soothe some of her worries and to reassure her of other thoughts. Pulling away he cupped her cheek, “Yea, that was true. Then I met you. I haven’t been able to get you out of my head for the past two months. Let me tell you--cold showers are the only type I can take now to clear my fuckin head… unless I have already blown my load in the pants.”
Her giggle was music to his ears. “We can take things slow, but I have to warn you--if we start anythin’, I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to stop. I can barely stop myself right now. I can’t even get myself to stop touching you. I promise I will never hurt you the way that asshat did.  I can promise you that I do plan to take this seriously. You aren't just a hookup. You're Kagome. My best friend. The most beautiful girl in my life, inside and out. And I want to show you how beautiful you are and prove to you again and again how you shouldn’t think of yourself as anything less."
“I’m sorry. I just--my ex--I--”
“He was an asshole who deserves to have the shit beat out of him.”
“I just… it was supposed to be our first time. Then he saw my...well my scars and it just put a big damper on everything. I just, after that, I got in my head. I guess. He started seeing some girl that we went to school with--Ayame. She’s just so beautiful. Perfect.”
“But you are perfect--you are beautiful, Kagome. Don’t let that jackass take this kind of experience away from you. Don’t let him make you unable to fall again. I may have only loved once and it may have hurt, but that won’t keep me from you. I can confidently say that nothing will ever keep me from you in that way.”
Biting that sweet lip as her eyes lowered in lust was all he needed for an answer. His lips pressed firmly against hers and then began to move in a heated dance. She moaned and he took it as an invitation to search her mouth with his tongue. He couldn’t believe how she tasted--like strawberries and honey. Gods, he'd never be able to go back to being alone again. A life without sweet Kagome.  But he didn't want to come off needy or clingy. He planned to prove to her though how he planned to worship her for as long as she’d let him.
As the kissing became more feral, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her erect to press her body against his. Whether her whine was made from shock or desire, he took the opportunity to make sure she felt how much he affected her by rubbing her core against his hardened length. She whimpered as he set her down on his desk but encouraged her to keep her thighs wrapped around his hips. 
He wanted to go slow but fuck--it had been a minute for him. With Kagome plaguing his dreams he hadn’t gone out for a ‘quick fix’ in months. Firstly, no one caught his attention if he even made it out of the house and secondly, his pesky desires kept him pinning for her at her house trying to entice her to come out of her shell so he could get himself in her own head. He had even called his brother to talk with him about his ungodly need for this woman. It freaked him out and had wondered if it was a full demon thing he was having a hard time processing. He didn’t want to involve his parents, but knew he needed to talk to someone… his asshat brother was unfortunately the lucky candidate. 
Sesshomaru was an ass, but a helpful one. After some teasing and exchanged insults, he explained his demonic half had likely found its mate. Inuyasha didn’t quite understand but after Sesshomaru had described how he found his own wife and mate--it made sense. Their mate’s scent never left their minds. Their mate haunted their dreams. They had to find a way to be close to them and earn their trust. The idea of their mate hurt or upset killed them. The constant need and want to mate with them… Inuyasha was a goner.
He swore he would take things slow with her though. While his demonic half was just beneath the surface, he tried to make sure it knew that Kagome was still fragile and by rushing anything, including mating, it could ultimately hurt her. It complied. For now.
Tentatively he ground into her as they kept kissing. His fangs started nipping her lips and tongue as she got more adventurous. He could tell she was warming up to him, in more ways than one. Her scent was slamming into him and fuck if it didn’t make him want to throw something in her but this was for her. Not for him. 
He felt her hands brush against his chest tentatively and it took all he had to hold on to his own needy pitiful whimper. Fuck. It was going to be harder than he thought controlling himself. He did forewarn her though--not that he should take advantage of not having any self control.  
His lips left her mouth and caught her cheek then he trailed down to her jaw nipping her chin. She moaned as he laved his tongue down her neck and then over her collar bone. He didn’t want to push her to remove anymore of her clothing but he did want to pleasure her, even if he was left high and dry. He knew according to Sango, she was ready to give it up to Koga before college and wanted her first time to be with someone she loved. He wasn’t going to force her to fuck him on day one. 
“Just tell me if I should stop Kagome,” he said huskily as he raised his hand to cup her breast. She whined and arched into his grip as he stroked the pebbled nipple with his thumb. He brushed his other hand against the scar on the right side and stroked it lovingly. Her initial tension brought on from him stroking her scar melted as her moaning resumed with the pinching of her breast with one of his hands and the other began to sink down into her shorts and brushed her wet folds tenderly. 
“Y-Yash--wait--” she panted. He pulled back, scared he went too far, but she hesitantly pulled his hands back to grasp her bra. The flushed and heated expression of uncertainty she gave him killed him. He tugged, testing to see if that’s what she really wanted--letting her again, take the lead. She bit her lip and lifted her arms above her head as she closed her eyes. The bra was suddenly lifted over her head and fuck… He thought maybe he blacked out for a moment--he likely did because all of sudden his mouth was sucking on her bare breast hard. Her hands were clasped to the back of his head holding him to her and his hands resumed their previous antics; teasing her other mound and pushing under her pants fingering through her soaking wet lips again.
“Inuyashaaaa--” Her sexy voice nearly made him cum right then. Shit. He needed to focus. He needed to… well...fuck. Her hands were suddenly shifting down to her pants. His demonic half was trying to emerge at full force. Damnit all. He wasn’t done with her and he didn’t want to push too far. Fuck. He was a goner. His demon literally demanded he be buried within that tight wet pussy. He paused having to try and regain himself.
Kagome had experienced these kinds of sensations and desires before--but nothing like this. Gods he knew exactly where to touch her. He knew exactly what she liked already; it was exhilarating. She knew he was by no means inexperienced and why should he be? He was a fucking God. She was lucky he didn’t actually have a girlfriend. That he actually wanted her--not just physically. Well, that part was the part that made her the happiest. When he confessed he couldn’t stop thinking about her though, that he cared about her, that he would take things slow… she swore her heart would beat right out of her chest. 
It finally dawned on her what he meant by ‘showing her’ how beautiful she was. He was going to pleasure her. Honestly, it had been a minute for her. While he said she ‘took care of herself’ she honestly hadn’t been able to… complete the deed. She lost that kind of confidence to even really fantasize about a man in that way. She could only see Koga’s hesitation and disgusted face whenever she would get started or even just about to finish. But now--now she would never be able to see the look of horror again. She’d only see those bright burning amber eyes that seemed to memorize every inch of her. His soft but intense touches, his meaningful carasses, even if he never wanted to do this again, she would never forget.
As his hand descended into her shorts, she couldn’t help but shift herself so she was bare before him. She heard a hitch in his breath and the growl that followed only made her hotter. She met his eyes and saw they were tinging red. 
“S-sorry,” he said as he pulled away slightly. She grabbed his shoulders, fearful of why he was stopping.
“What’s wrong??”
“N-nothing. You’re perfect. It’s me,” he said uneasily. 
“What?? What do you mean?”
“My inner demon is trying to emerge. It wants to take you. I just need a second to get back under control. You just smell so fucking good.”
“I-I do? Why does… I mean…”
“It’s a lot to explain.”
“If you talk about it, I’ll listen,” she offered, keeping her arms around his shoulder but lifting her hips to rock against his. The motion made them both moan and neither seemed to be able to control their continual movements to alleviate the pressure they both were feeling.
“It’s a demon thing,” he said shortly, seemingly unable to control himself as he dipped his face to the juncture of her neck and began to suck on his sensitive skin.
“Ahhhhhh, re-really?”
“Mhm, it wants you. Just as much, if not more than I do,” he added with a sharp bite that pinched her.
“Oh! Inu--”
“Like that?”
“Yes,” she sighed.
“Good,” he grinned into her shoulder as he dropped quickly to his knees, kneeling between her spread thighs. He gripped her legs and threw them over his shoulders as he dug his tongue between her wet folds. 
“Oh Gods!” She never experienced anything as good as Inuyasha eating her out. His fangs nipped at her sensitive nub and she wailed loudly; the fact they were only in his office with a basic door between them and other people had completely been forgotten.
She heard his breathy chuckle as he continued to stroke her. As he teased her, the places that made her make the most noise he seemed to circle back to the most. He would bring her to the edge only to pull back. She was fairly certain she snarled at him at some point earning a raised eyebrow and smirk. She noticed his eyes were completely engulfed with red as he stared at her with interest, but he seemed to be in control still. If his full demon had managed to emerge, she knew he wouldn’t be as amused with her demands.
He finally encircled her clit in his mouth and sucked hard as he thrusted two fingers into her weeping core. Her fingers laced through his hair holding him there as she felt the tall tale signs of her impending orgasm and like hell would she let him take it away from her again. She moaned and writhed but refused to let go as she felt her walls begin to twitch around his now drenched fingers.
“Ughhhh, Inuyashaaaaa!!” she yelled as she succumbed to the blissful pleasure of his mouth on her overly stimulated nub. She finally came down and had to push him away when he tried to continue because she felt like it was too much. She was too hot. Too horny. Too sensitive. 
Catching her breath as he raised to catch her lips in a quick peck before he smiled at her before resting his forehead against hers.
“Yash, that was--”
“Oh, don’t worry, I heard you perfectly,” he joked as he wiggled his ears again for her. She swatted him and then took one of the soft appendages in between her fingers and massaged it lovingly. The rumble that emerged from his chest made her heart feel so light. Sighing, she closed her eyes and leaned against him. His arms wrapped around her and she felt his still very evident arousal. 
“Uhm… Inuyasha?”
“Hmm?” he hummed, clearly still enjoying her feather light touches as he sank down to rest his head in her cleavage.
Nervous, she swallowed, still rubbing his ears, hoping it would give her some confidence, “Uhm...I--uh--that is--are you going to…”
His golden eyes looked up at her in a questioning stare. It made her flush; how was someone so attractive? Even a look made her swoon.
“What is it, Kagome?”
“Are you uhm… not going to undress?” she said, pretty sure if he didn’t have his ears he would have missed what she whispered completely.
“Is that what you want?”
“I-I mean--I--I thought--”
“We can go as far as you want Kagome or hold off until you are ready. I want to rebuild that confidence you should have,” he punctuated with a kiss to her chest as he began to work his mouth back up to her neck. She shivered in delight and started to lose her breath again.
“Yes, Ka-Go-Me?”
She huffed at his cockiness and enlisted a deep chuckle from him as he finally lifted his head to kiss her lips. Before he could break away, she traced his lips with her tongue and brushed it against his fangs. She encouraged him to delve back into her mouth as she softly placed her hands on his shorts he was wearing and pushed down.
He stopped kissing her and looked into her lust filled eyes, “Are you sure?”
“I...I really like you, Inuyasha. I don’t want to just--leave you hanging like that,” she confessed. 
He kissed her again at her admission and then studied her closely as he spoke. “I really like you too, Kagome. Really. I swear, I’m not that guy. I’m not someone who will walk out on you for not jacking me off or giving yourself to me. This isn’t something we have to do. I’m a grown man. But trust me when I say this, I’m not going to say no if you want to. I want to. But only if you are actually ready.”
“...Only with you,” she whispered.
Smirking, he pulled back and lifted his shirt over his head and wrapped his arms around her naked body. He nudged her with his hips to silently give her permission to continue to push down his pants. 
She resumed her previous actions, slowly and carefully. Once his shorts and boxers were on the floor, she locked eyes with his large hardened cock. He must’ve smelled her panic from seeing how ‘well-endowed’ he was, because one of his hands started threading through her hair as he whispered huskily in her ear, “I’ll go slow.” 
She nodded her consent as he pulled her hips to line himself up to her center. He pushed in slowly as she was still perched on the desk. One of his hands was on her backside, kneading and rubbing soothing circles to keep her relaxed while the other hand held her head to his as he continued to kiss her. His distractions worked as she only felt a pinch and stretching of her womanhood being invaded. Overall, it wasn’t as bad as everyone made it seem. 
Once he was fully seated within her tight warm pussy, he pulled back from her lips and breathed heavily. “Fuck,” he groaned. 
Panting, full, and desperate for movement, she rolled her hips to test the waters and by God she couldn’t believe the amount of pleasure she got. Moaning, she felt him shift and begin to slowly pull out and thrust back in until he was fully seated within her again. He began to pump in and out of her in a rhythm she could barely keep up with because she was so overly stimulated. She felt like her insides were melting. His body was a flame and hers a candle. They went hand and hand and moved like they were dancing--well--not necessarily that choreographed. It was far more desperate, needy, and the sounds were grunts, moans, and cries. 
Her hand was on his shoulder and the other on the edge of the desk to keep herself perched up to him. Her ass was hovering over the edge as his hands held it as he controlled her movements. She was so close it was unbearable. Wailing and writhing in his arms, she wanted him to do--something, anything. Covered in a fine layer of sweat and her core weeping from the uncontrollable hunger she was feeling, she reached down between them to touch herself.
“That’s it,” he growled, still driving into her.
She snapped her head up and stilled her head to lock eyes with a very demonic looking Inuyasha.
“I know--I’m fine. We’re… in sync. Don’t be afraid,” he soothed, slowing down just slightly but not ceasing his thrusts into her body.
“I’m not afraid; I know you would never hurt me,” she said, lifting her hand from between them to stroke his purple jagged lined cheek. “I just knew you were fighting to stay in control.”
“My demon and I agree on our current premise,” he added as he dropped his lips to nibble and suckle on her neck again. Her breath hitched and she shot her hand down to her nub once more beginning to stroke it as hard as she could.
Her walls grabbed a hold of his hardened length and she tried to match his now frantic pace of plunges trying to make herself release. 
“Cum for me Kagome,” Inuyasha purred in her ear. 
That was all she needed as she felt like she burst. By far, it was the most powerful orgasm she had ever experienced. Not that she had a lot to compare to--but she knew she would never be able to have anyone but Inuyasha again.
Her mind was so mushed out she barely realized they were still fucking until she felt him shudder. She was able to pull herself together enough to lave his own neck and nibble seductively pushing him into his own surging release.
They stayed locked together, bodies intertwined, panting breaths, as they exchanged sweet simple loving kisses. He finally pulled out of her and set her down gently before he nuzzled her cheek with a gentle purr. She stretched up to rub his ear again and kissed his cheek before bending down to start redressing. 
She had all of this thanks to Koga. As odd as that sounded since he had been the underlying cause of her horrible summer and self image issue. But Inuyasha and her had only been friends for a few short months and he had pushed to get to know her in ways no one else did. Sango had always been her best friend and sister, but Inuyasha had somehow become more. She didn’t want to use the ‘L’ word and scare him off.  But somehow she almost felt like somehow he felt the same. Like some odd external or even possibly an internal force, he had become so involved with her life. He was such a big part of her that she could never imagine separating from him. As they dressed, she caught his hungry eyes still lingering over her body and she did the same to him.
She only put her jacket back on and left her pants on the floor. He smirked down at her lovingly as he took her hand and pulled her close into another heated kiss before he switched the door lock open. What made her swoon was it looked like he was the one who was finally ready to take on the world… with her right by his side.
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wayward-mikaelson · 4 years
Come Back pt 4
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Word Count: 2997
Characters: Dean, Sam, and Reader
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sam x Reader (laying next to each other)
About: The Reader and Dean have been having lots of hot sex, to Sams knowledge who pretends he doesn’t care. But all that crumbles when the Reader finds Dean with another woman. Sam does damage control and when Dean finds out, he isn’t happy.
18+ CONTENT so if you are younger SCROLL ALONG.
Warnings: Bondage, Smut, Protective Sex, Angst, Language, Cheating, Fluff, Fighting
A/N: If you want to be tagged in future posts let me know in the comment below!
I yank at the restraints that bound me to the bed until my wrists hurt. What the hell kind of knot is this? I think in between gasps as Dean licks up whatever slick mess is left over from my orgasm. I look down to see Dean kiss the inside of my thigh. He slowly crawls up kissing my stomach, kissing both of my breasts, kissing my neck and then my jaw line, only to tease a kiss to my lips with his. He lingers them above mine for a few seconds longer than he normally does. I lift my head up and take his bottom lip with my teeth. Dean reacts by thrusting into me without warning causing me to scream out.
"Oh my god," I breath out and drop my head down on the pillow. I love when he did that but I knew what was next. Dean normally pulls out just as fast. I quickly wrap my legs around him and tighten them so he wouldn't pull away. "I got you now," I say managing to use all my body weight to roll the both of us over. Which is nearly impossible but after a few attempts I'm on top of up him but not much can happen since my hands are still bound together.
"I was not expecting that," Deans face shows that he is even more turned on. I feel him twitch inside of me. He reaches up without breaking eye contact with me and loosens the rope. His first mistake. I pull back and take and rope and tie his hands up. In the same exact knot. I slowly begin to roll my hips up and down. I watch his eyes close and as he tighten his jaw. Dean tries to pull his hands free as I feel him trying to take over to finish himself off.
"Now you know what that feels like," I saying leaning in to brush my lips along his jawline to his neck. I start to feel his body twitch and tense up. I knew that he was close. I begin to pick up the pace only to hear the rope snap and have Deans arms around me and sitting up thrusting a few times before falling back down.
"I need you to take over more often," Dean says rubbing my back as I roll off him.
"I need to find a rope that wont snap," I say looking at the remains of the rope.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "I got a case," Sams voice is on the other end. "If you two are done in there, we should talk about checking it out."
"Well," Dean gets up and gets dressed. I follow suit and before leaving the room, Dean has me up on the wall pressing his lips hard on mine. He pushes his tongue passed my lips and I feel myself get excited. "That's for probably the best orgasm I've ever had." Then Dean leaves the room leaving me collecting myself before seeing Sam out there.
Since Sam found out that Dean and I were sleeping together, he said he didn't care and that he had dropped the chasing. But I can tell in his eyes that whenever he looks at me, he wishes that it was him pleasuring me and not his brother. So, Sam would try and avoid me and when he couldn't, he wouldn't acknowledge me. I pretend that this doesn't bother me and most of the time having sex with Dean helps. But on the nights that I don't, I think about Sam and contemplate leaving the boys. But I don't.
I make my way to the library where Dean and Sam are huddled over Sams laptop. Sam looks up and I can  see the pain still but, at least he gives me a small smile. I return the smile. Maybe he's slowly accepting the idea that he and I won't ever be a thing. "So," I say sitting across from them, "Where and what is this case?"
"Looks like simple shifter case, in downtown Chicago." Sam says leaning back and crossing his arms. "Some people have reported seeing a dead loved one or someone who had died recently and once they caught up to them, a pile a goop was all they would find."
I nod. "I'm down for this." I lean my arms on the table. I see Sam takes a deep breath and his eyes look away from mine. Dean is too busy looking at the laptop to notice so I lean back in my seat. "We haven't been on a case in almost two months. We really need to get out. I'm sure we all are rusty on our fighting skills."
"Agreed," Dean says getting up and making his way towards the kitchen. "I've been itching to shoot at something."
Right at seven in the morning we load everything into the impala and take off. For the next eleven hours it's Deans music, the smell of gas station burritos, and small talk when the music got annoying. We rolled into the motel parking lot right at six. Just in time to check in and get settled before going over the plan for tomorrow.
"I think our best shot is having YN and you talk to the police while I go out and talk to those who made reports," Sam says leaning back in the chair.
"Sounds like a plan," Dean says getting up and grabbing his jacket. "I would like to check out the local bar around the corner. YN, would you like to come with me?" Dean looks at me with that smile he know I love.
"Sure, let me get out of these clothes and into something fresh," I get up and grab my bag and make my way to the bathroom.
"Sweetheart," Dean says looking me up and down. "You look hot. Just go as is and if anyone gives you shit, I'll kick their ass."
I look down at my clothes. I'm wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants. On any other night, I would be okay but, "That's sweet," I say walking into the bathroom. "But, I have been on the road for eleven hours with the both of you and after you guys get some of those gas station burritos, well, its gross. I need to get it all off me."
The boys stare me. "Okay, then, just wear something nice and a little flashy." Dean eyes the lace underwear that had fallen out of the bag.
"Screw off Winchester," I say grabbing it up off the floor giving Dean a playful smile. "Save me a seat at the bar."
"Will do," Dean dips out of the room.
After my shower I dress in something light. I throw my hair up into a hair tie because a few drinks in, Dean and I were most likely going to end up in the alley way behind the bar. I make my way towards the door when Sam stops me.
"Hey," he says gently. "I'm sorry for being a dick. Truce?"
"What brought this on?" I ask pocketing my wallet.
"I see the way Dean makes you happy. I see the way he looks at you. I see it all and I don't think I can compare to that." Sam doesn't make eye contact with me. "So I'm sorry."
"Sam...I don't know what to say," I take a step towards him but he turns to me and smiles.
"Go have fun tonight, for me okay?"Sam waves me on and I get this gut feeling that something was going to go down.
"Do I need to stay here and watch you?" I ask.
"Nope, just go have fun."
I walk out of the motel room and make my way to the bar around the corner. I still couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to go down. Sam looked sad and pained when he had said what he said. But I guess that he was finally giving up at trying to win me over. I shake my head and cross the street. I head towards the bar only to have the dude at the stop me.
"ID?" he asks holding his hand out.
I reach for my wallet and pull out my ID. "What, I had short hair then. Sue me." The dude lets me in. I look around for Dean but couldn't see him. Normally he would be at the counter but I don't see him there. Maybe he went to use the bathroom, I wonder. I walk up the to the counter and ask for the bathroom and the bartender points to a small hallway around the corner. I smile and thank him. I make my way over there while sending a text to Dean. The moment I turn the corner, my heart falls out of my chest and my body gets cold when I see it.
His lips are hook to hers. His hand trails down her side and picks up her leg to hook it around his waist. He walks her into a wall where she wraps her arms around his neck and lets a hand run through his hair. He kisses her jaw and neck and I'm too numb to move or to do anything. I just stare until I see her look at me. I drop my head and take in a deep breath. I hope to God I was seeing things. I look back up just in time to see Dean slowly turn to me.
"YN!" The blood falls from his face.
"You know her?" the woman says with disgust.
I spin around but Dean already has my arm in his hands. "YN, stop." He says spinning me back around. He looks horrified but I wasn't the one getting too friendly with someone that wasn't him.
"Touch me again and I'll make sure you never walk again," yanking my arm back.
I make my out of the bar and fight tears all the way back to the motel. How could he do something like that to me? I did nothing to him to deserve seeing him kiss someone else like he was. Maybe it was because I told him that Sam kissed me? Maybe he saw that it was easier to get into my pants if he played that he felt the same way about me? It could be almost anything and I all I want to do is put him six feet under. Alive.
I storm into the front office of the motel and demand a room. "Aren't you with those guys?" the dude at the counter asks.
"Yes, just get me my room, or I will jump over this counter and get a room myself." I can tell my voice is close to breaking. The dude hands me a key and I quickly rush back to the boys room and storm in slamming the door behind me. I grab my bags and just as I am about to leave, Sam walks out of the bathroom. He's in just a t-shirt and sweatpants.
"What happened?" He sees my bags and the look on my face when I turn to see him. "What did he do?" He knew Dean did something.
I try to say something but the long awaited tears start. Sam walks  up to me and takes my bag from my hands and pulls me into a hug. "I'm so fucking stupid," my voice breaking against his chest. "So fucking stupid to let him in like that." Sam rubs my back and tells to let it all out. Sam stands there holding me for nearly half an hour when I finally stop cry over what happened.
"Want to tell me what happened now?" Sam ask letting me pull away.
"Once i'm in my new room," I wipe my eyes. I must look like a red puffy mess but the way Sam looks at me, he doesn't care.
Sam nods and picks up my bags and lets me lead the way to my new room. Which on the next level and has a single bed. Sam sets the bags down and grabs the Chinese take out menu off the dresser. "What do you want?" he asks already on the phone.
"Surprise me," I say plopping onto the bed and staring into space. Even thought nothing sounded appealing, I knew that I should eat something.
"Okay, ordered." Sam sits a the foot of the bed.
"He was kissing another girl." I say sitting up. "I don't want to talk more about it. I just need space from him or I'm going to do something that might kill him."
"Okay," Sam says. "Want to watch Game of Thrones? I have my laptop so we can start where we left off or we can start over."
I smile a little. "That would be great. Let's start from the beginning since I don't remember what happened."
Sam is back in five minutes. Sam pulls a few phonebooks from the motel room drawers and sets them on the bed and had his laptop up and running. Just as we were about to hit play theres a knock at the door. Sam gets up and opened the door. It's the food. Sam brings in two bags and I just stare at him.
"What?" he smiles. "You said to surprise you so I ordered what I thought you would like."
Sams sits on the next to you and he starts to place containers on the bed. I grabbed the spicy beef lo mein and a fork. I couldn't use chopsticks if meant saving my own life. I see that Sam is still sitting a few feet from me on the edge of the bed. I pat the spot next to me. "Dude, sit right here so you can see the screen better. I won't bite you."
Sam moves closer and I hit play on the show. Its not until I finish eating that I am aware of how close Sam is to me. He's so close I can hear his breathing over the show. Sam leans ups and stretches his arms and sits back and I see that he had been tense. I scoot a bit closer.
"Don't bite me," I say. "Relax your shoulders. You won't get those knots out like that." Sams shoulders drop and relax. I take my hands and before I place them on him, I think twice, but then again, I'm about to do it anyway. I place my hands on his shoulders and begin to rub out the few knots in Sams back. Sam takes a deep breath and drop his head down. I stop and sit back.
"That actually feels so much better," Sam loosens up his back some and sits back next to me. We sit in silence for a few minutes just letting the show play. "Thank you for being with me, Sam. Otherwise I would have ripped Dean a new one." I shiver and Sam, without thinking, puts his arms around me. I curl up next to him and lay my head on his chest. I can hear the sound of his heart quicken and his body tense up some. Soon it relaxes and he tightens his arm around me and plants a soft kiss on the top of my head.
I wake up the next morning to pounding on my door. I sit up to see that Sam was sleeping on the small motel couch. I smile a bit but that quickly fades when the pounding of the door continues.
"YN!" Deans voice calls out. "I know you're in there. The guy in the office said you were in this room. Can we talk?"
I sit on the bed and hear the pain in his voice. Sam stirs and sits up and see my face. Sam's about to speak until the pounding starts again. "Dean I assume?" he asks and I nod. "Let me get it."
I get out of bed and stop Sam. "No, I got it. Just make coffee." I unlock the door and open. There stands Dean, in yesterdays clothes, reeking of whiskey. I see the pain and regret in his eyes. "Okay, what do you want?" Dean walks in passed you and stops as he sees Sam making coffee.
"I see what this is," Dean rubs his face. "I do something stupid and you think revenge is the answer."
"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask closing the door. Sam continues to busy himself making coffee.
"Sam, YN! Why the hell was he sleeping here?" Dean angrily gestures towards his brother.
"First off," I take a step towards Dean and cross my arms. "Lower your voice or I'll tape it. Second, nothing happened between me and him." Other than the fact that Sam held me for three hours last night while we watched our show until I zonked out. "Sam helped me to the room and hung out with me. We watched a few episodes of  Game of Thrones. I passed out. Sam stayed on his own accord. He was comforting me while you were screwing the local hooker." No, Sam stayed just in case I woke up and wanted to go out and throttle Dean or have angry make up sex. "So you can pipe it down."
I grab my bag and head to the bathroom and Dean grabs my arm. "YN," he whispers hoarsly. "I'm sorry."
"No," I take my arm back. "You're not. Now get out of here or so help me I will kick you out and over the railing. I gotta get ready so we can finish this damn case."
Dean raises an eyebrow and scoffs. "Alright, then." Dean slams the door causing me to flinch. Sam walks over to me and hugs me and thats when I notice that my body was shaking with anger.
@donnaintx​ @myinconnelly1​ @elansaidaris​ @magssteenkamp​ 
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Meeting and Dating Buddy Revell
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(This gif came out kinda alright considering it was made by me)(requested by @oh777 )
(My inner love for dissecting characters came out so if you’d like to see my ideas of why buddy is the way he is you can find them at the bottom of this post.)
- You, of course, meet Buddy at school. You’d had all morning to hear about the new psycho student before you actually got your eyes on the him. Because of that your first actual meeting was...kind of disappointing. Well no not disappointing just anticlimactic.
- It was just after first period, you were heading to your locker to get some stuff for your next class when you saw him. He was standing in front of your locker looking at the little slip of paper the main office gives you that has your combo printed on it. You debated just going to class unprepared instead of talking to him but you decided against it and walked up to him.
“Hi,” you greeted awkwardly. “Sorry but you’re standing in front of my locker...”
- He looked down at you and your heart stopped beating for a second. That is until he shuffled to the side with a low ‘sorry’ before he began trying to open what must have been his locker. Jerry had seen the entire thing right before he tried to verbally convince Buddy to let him off the hook.
- After your next class he begged you to try and help him survive. He wanted you to try and distract him after school so that he could have more time to plan what he was going to do. You hesitantly agreed but didn’t promise him anything.
- You stress over what you’re going to do all day, how are you going to distract a guy hellbent on killing your friend? You aren’t sure but by the end of the day you have to think fast. Your legs are jelly and you’re gulping as you walk towards him but you just focus on how he didn’t kill you this morning and how that’s probably a good sign.
“Hi, Buddy is it? I’m y/n I didn’t get to introduce myself earlier,” he didn’t answer just kept moving stuff around his locker. “So...uh, how was your first day?
“Fine.” He responded after an awkward silence.
“Good, good! Do you have a favorite class yet? Well I guess it’s probably too early to tell, huh? I-”
“Listen girly I know what you’re trying to do.” You stiffened like a deer in the headlights. He looked at you for a long moment. “Why don’t you tell me something, hmm? Why would you stick your neck out for that kid?”
“Because... that’s what Jerry would do for me.” You shrug. He looks away and goes silent for a minute
“I’ve got a kid to kill.” He says and shuts his locker. You trail after him quickly, wide eyed and silent as he walks out into the parking lot.
- Jerry didn’t seem nearly as nervous as you thought he would be which you took as a good sign. So the fight happens, Buddy is defeated and the crowd begins to clear out until it’s only really you left in the parking lot with a few unconscious bodies. You hear Buddy let out a groan so you hesitantly creep over and stand above him.
- He opens his eyes and they focus on you for a long minute as he tries to get his bearings. Finally he sits up and pushes himself to his feet, remaining silent as he stumbles to his car.
“I really don’t think you should be driving right now!” You can hear him let out a sort of low chuckle before he turns to you.
“Yeah? How else am I gonna get home?”
“Well... I can drive you...if you want?” He doesn’t say anything for a long time, you’re just about to leave until he throws you his keys and climbs into his passenger seats.
- You hop into the drivers seat and push the key into the ignition while he pulls down his mirror and rubs at the blood under his nose. He tells you what street he lives on and you start your drive towards his house. For the most part you’re silent until you decide to shoot your shot at the weirdly handsome new to the school psycho.
“Do you uh want some lunch or something?”
“-Fuck it; sure why not.”
- Before you know it you’re sitting in a booth with him at a pizza place not too far from school. You don’t talk for a good few minutes until he finally speaks.
“How does a girl like you wind up hanging around a kid like ...Jerry.” You quirk a brow in confusion. “I mean you’re nice and pretty and all that. Why would you hang around a wimp like him. How do you even become friend with a guy like that.”
- You start to talk about how you got to know Jerry and told him a few stories of things that had happened during your friendship with the boy. You were definitely less uncomfortable around him by the time the two of you had finished eating. When you’re walking out of the pizza place he convinces you that he’s fine to drive and you hesitantly give him your address so that he can drive you home.
- Once you pull up in front of your house, you thank him and start to get out until he grabs your wrist. You quickly turn to face him and he asks if he can “drive you home tomorrow”. You know exactly what he means by it and agree with a smile.
- The next day at school, Jerry tells you all about how Buddy gave him back the money and how he thinks he respects him now. You smile but neglect to inform him or anyone else that you’re going to be going on a date with the guy later that day.
- After school Buddy waits by your lockers and let’s you gather your things before the two of you walk to his car. He takes you to the movie theater where the two of you share a large popcorn and different boxed candy. You spend a lot of time glancing over at each other rather than watching the movie.
- Once the movies over the two of you sit in his car and talk about the cheesy parts of the film while you finish some of the candy you hadn’t eaten before. You realize just how much you’re beginning to like him as you watch him smile and shake his head while mentioning a particularly stupid scene.
- He drives you home and parks in front of your house; rubbing his hands across his jeans as he leans back in his seat. You give each other a long look before you slowly lean in and kiss him soft and quick. Once you pull away you quickly hop out of the car and give him a smile, telling him you’ll see him tomorrow. After you’ve disappeared inside your house he touches his lips; staring at your door before he shakes his head with a smile and drives off.
- You finally tell your friends about you and him, the next day. They think you’re crazy for even talking with the guy let alone going out with him. You assure them that he’s actually pretty nice but they don’t believe you. You can’t bring yourself to care.
- It’s not long before the whole school knows about the two of you. Some people will avoid you, others will try to get you to explain why you’re doing this to yourself but you just ignore them. You’re happy with Buddy and that’s all that matters.
- He always walks you to class.
- He usually walks with his arm around your shoulders during the school day. Everyone tends to move out of your way as you walk down the hall.
- You do make him seem a little less evil. It’s hard to maintain the reputation of a brutal killer when a girl half your size is tugging you around by your hand.
- Getting driven to and from school every day.
- Going places with nice views to just hang out in his car and talk to each other.
- Sitting with him when he smokes.
- Sitting with him in the library during lunch.
- You start off with soft kisses and that’s all you really do at the start of your relationship, up until he just can’t take it anymore and ambushes you with a full on heated makeout session.
- As much as he doesn’t like being touched by anyone he doesn’t particularly mind when it’s you doing the touching. He trusts and likes you, and that makes all the difference in the world.
- After a while he starts to really enjoy physical contact, well, as long as it’s with you. You’re the exception.
- He isn’t really sure how to respond to just innocent affection. He likes it...in a weird way, it makes him a kinda flustered and sometimes a little uncomfortable but it’s kind of nice at the same time?
- Brushing his hair out of his face.
- Sitting in his lap.
- Laying your head on his shoulder while he reads.
- Piggyback rides
- He could honestly lift you up with one hand if he wanted. It’s like you weigh nothing to him at all.
- He always wants to be seen with you; he’s proud that you’re his.
- Constantly says how you’re too good for him. He’s only partly joking.
- He doesn’t really like talking about his time in continuation or at his other schools so you have a kind of murky collection of different moments but not a full story.
- Learning why he doesn’t like being touched and supporting him, promising to help him in any way he needs.
- You’re admittedly extremely in love. He likes when you tell him, over time he’ll mutter it back to you.
- He loves hearing you ramble on about something you’re passionate about.
- He doesn’t really have any reason to be jealous since no one ever really dares to even talk to you knowing that you guys are dating.
- He still intimidates any guy who seems to be trying to get too friendly.
- Hes very protective even though no one would ever think about hurting you.
- Wearing his leather jacket.
- He lets you look at his brass knuckles when you spot them in his room one day.
- If you pester him about it he’ll “teach” you how to fight. The quotations are there because he never really takes it seriously, it’s alright though because neither are you.
- Watching wrestling with him at his house.
- Tossing a football to each other every now and again.
- He gives you his old jersey to sleep in.
- If you want to spoon then he’s always the big spoon because there’s just no other way that shits going to logically happen. You usually cuddle with either him as the big spoon or with you snuggled into his side with his arm wrapped around you.
- Sharks are his favorite animal so if you were to ever get him anything shark related he would be elated.
- He’s actually really smart. He doesn’t mind helping you study or do homework.
- You have to stand on your tippy toes to kiss him; he finds this adorable.
- He’s in awe when you wear his clothes. They’re huge on you and you think you look a little stupid in them but it doesn’t change how amazing he thinks you look.
- He just thinks you’re so beautiful. Even if he doesn’t tell you a lot, he’s constantly thinking it.
- Forcing him to make amends with Jerry. He does apologize but they don’t exactly become friends, they just kind of tolerate each other.
- I feel like Buddy would find Jerry and rant to him or silently hang out with him whenever you two were fighting. All Jerry would be able to do is just sit there like he was in the twilight zone or something.
- Double dates with Jerry and his girlfriend.
- You’re the talk of the school. There’s so many rumors going around about you.
- Helping him work off his anger ;)
- He thinks everyone’s trying to start something or try something with him. You have to convince him that they don’t mean anything by what they say.
- Patching him up after fights when you can’t stop him.
- Hes really nervous when meeting your parents. They don’t approve of him until they meet him and realize he’s actually kind of sweet especially to you.
- The future will happen when it happens. He just wants to enjoy the fact that for now you’re utterly and completely his.
{ Alright so here’s the thing; Buddy is a really complex character that I just cannot perfectly understand. Here’s a little bit of what I’ve picked up and decided is a plausible explanation for why he is the way he is~
Buddy seems like the victim of abuse, most likely by his father since every time he’s reacted violently to being touched the victim was a guy. Another reason behind my thinking is that he looks scared and uncomfortable rather than embarrassed when Jerry does land a punch on him; it looked a lot like he had a flashback. So in my opinion it’s a case of serious same sex touch aversion caused by some traumatic experience in his life.
That’s why I think he’d be alright with you touching him because it seems a lot like it’s just male physical contact that really gets to him. }
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asphalt-cocktail · 4 years
Kinkmas Prompt #8: Voyeurism
If you are considered a minor do NOT interact with this post. This is fictitious content and I own nothing. A/N: Hi cuties! The next installment of Kinkmas, I know i promised these would be done by New Years day, but it’s just not going to happen tbh. BUT I will complete them. I’ll be recovering from my hangover tomorrow so I’ll be able to write almost all day. Anyways, enjoy some good old fashioned hate fucking from 80s!Roger, you already know he’s my favorite.
If you would like to request a prompt and character yourself please reference my Kinkmas masterpost.
Pairing: Roger Taylor x F!Reader
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: Smut, fingering, public sex, fr its super public, alcohol and cigarettes, slut shaming, dirty talk, Roger and reader being dicks to each other, what’s up with me and enemies to lovers?? What can i say, i love the fic. not proof read.
Kinkmas 2019 Masterlist
General Masterlist
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If you are considered a minor do NOT interact with this post. This is fictitious content and I own nothing.
Touring with Queen as an up and coming rock and roll band was honestly everything you had ever hoped for and more. With them having been established and a world-wide success for roughly a decade, they could have easily ignored you and your band, but they took you in with open arms. They mentored your troupe and made you all feel included.
Well, most of them did at least.
There was one that just couldn’t seem to stand your antics.
Roger Taylor.
You didn’t know where you had gotten off on the wrong foot, maybe it was when your guitarist accidentally shattered all the hotel room windows, or when your bassist got punched in the face by a guard after starting an argument mid show, or maybe it was when your drummer was arrested for being too drunk in public and passing out outside of the club you were at. Either way, he could not stand your careless and stubborn attitudes.
Tonight, the post show ritual was like any other. You quickly changed from your show clothes into something suitable for the after party and tried to quickly clean some of the sweat from your body before you headed over to back to the hotel.
Because of the success of Queen, they could afford to rent out the penthouse suite on the top floor, while you and your bandmates crammed into two hotel rooms. It didn’t bother you though, you often found yourself waking up on their living room floor at some weird time and dragging yourself back to your hotel room.
As you approached the room to their suite, you could practically hear the shouting and music through the door, you pushed it open and let yourself in. Your senses were overwhelmed by the different smells mixing together, sweat, alcohol, cigarettes, filled your nostrils. It was familiar and comforting.
You quickly lit up your own cigarette and grabbed a bottle of beer, frowning when you saw it wasn’t a twist off. You looked around before your eyes settled on the counter in the kitchenette, you walked over carefully lining up the edge of the cap on the counter and hitting your hand against it, successfully popping it off. “Can’t use a bottle opener like a normal person?” You turned, to see Roger leaning back against a wall, brooding.
“I didn’t break anything.” You said back, furrowing your brows with frustration.
Roger rolled his eyes, “You chipped the bloody counter, I saw it.” He chastised
You flicked your cigarette ash at him, “Piss off,” You spat back at him, before taking an angry drink of your beer.
“We’ll mail you the bill.” He said, stuffing his hand in his pockets.
He wasn’t right, you did chip the counter. But did you care? No, not in the least bit because the night was just getting started and a little chip on the counter was nothing compared to what the night could potentially have in store.
“What’s the cause?” you asked, tapping a finger to your lip in a mocking manor “I hope its for you to finally get a better haircut, can’t stand looking at the god-awful mullet. Makes you look way older than you already do…”
Oh, that did it, his cheeks flared red and you swore if this was a cartoon, steam would have blown from his ears. He sputtered out a few incoherent words before he clenched his jaw, stomping off.
The more the alcohol flowed the more you found yourself loosening up, dancing and swaying your hips along with the music and even occasionally grinding on a groupie that had found her way in Queen’s suite.
You let out a loud burst of laughter when one of the scantily dressed girls bumped into you, causing you to spill your glass all over yourself and the floor, you turned to see Roger frowning and shaking his head across the room, despite him wearing those stupid dark sunglasses you knew he saw you and you loved getting a rise out of him, you might even would have called it your favorite pastime. Your hand reached up to your cleavage, swiping up a droplet of alcohol from your skin and sucking it off your fingers while maintaining eye contact with the sunglasses clad Roger.
You frowned, stumbling a bit, “I’ve got to change, I’ll be back!” You said to the nameless girl who was swallowed by the crowd as soon as you left.
You ran into Freddie who looked down at the dark stain on your tee shirt “What happened to you?” He asked, wrapping a friendly arm around your waist and pulling you against his side.
“Some girl bumped into me!” You said holding up your half empty drink, “Can I borrow a top dear?” You asked leaning onto his shoulder.
Freddie rubbed your shoulder and gripped your hand “Of course, love, let’s go.” He said pulling you off into one of the closed bedrooms. He rummaged through one of his many suitcases, “Roger’s been pissing and moaning all night.” He said shooting you a knowing grin, “Because you called him old and said his haircut was god-awful.”
You tried to bite back a smile, “I wanted to get a rise out of him, you know I love to piss him off.” You answered honestly.
Freddie threw you a button-down shirt, you quickly slipped it on frowning when the buttons didn’t touch.
Curse Freddie and his stylishly tight shirts.
You shrugged opting to leave it open, “Just watch yourself, you don’t want to get him too riled up.” Freddie warned as you exited his room.
You grabbed another cigarette, sticking it between your lips and lighting it as you wandered over to the table with all the alcohol on it, quickly making yourself a heavily mixed drink. You sipped it as the crowd swallowed you, bodies pressed against you as you turned and swayed your hips to the music, you soon felt small hands gripping your hips and rubbing up the sides of your torso as you swayed against them. You turned seeing the girl that had bumped into you earlier. You grinned, gripping her hands and keeping them placed on your hips as you began to grind against her. Her hands slipped from your grip and lightly trailed up your waste, tracing the band of your bra with her delicately decorated fingernails.
You shivered against her touch and leaned back, burying your face into her neck and sighing against her soft skin. You briefly looked away, locking eyes with Roger from across the room. Even at a distance you could tell his eyebrows were furrowed, still bothered by your comment from earlier. He was clearly not paying attention to Brian who was seated next to him and talking.
The groupie pulled your hair back and her mouth lightly ghosting over your neck as you let out a breathy sigh. You turned, glancing sideways at Roger and cupping the girl’s face, placing a soft sensual kiss on her lips. Your mouths lightly touched, and she laced her fingers in your hair, pulling you closer against her. You two kissed only for a brief moment before you pulled away, finding yourself breathless “I’ll be back.” You said swallowing thickly, feeling her lingering touch as you made your way to the bathroom.
You just needed to freshen up, your skin felt excruciatingly hot and your panties began to dampen from the girl’s soft touches. You tugged on the handle to the bathroom door, only for it to be pulled from your grasp, you looked up to see Roger. How had he made it here before you?
Maybe your brief kiss wasn’t as brief as you thought.
He scoffed, looking down at you, not moving, “Surprised you aren’t running off with that girl, slut.” He harshly said.
You crossed your arms over your chest, “Not like you wouldn’t have done the same thing,” You moved to push past Roger, but his body filled the frame, “It’s kind of nice though, all those fake moans wake me up so I don’t have to see the painful interaction when those tramps do the walk of shame.” Roger looked taken back and his mouth hung slightly ajar with shock, “Surprised you can even get it up, you’re so old you know.” You continued, sensing the anger bubbling within the blonde-haired man.
His jaw clenched with frustration, “You should have really just forgone the shirt tonight, love,” his tone sent a shiver down you’re your spine, “Lord knows it winds up coming off when you drink anyways.” When you didn’t respond, he boldly took a step closer to you, “What, no smart remark?” He asked, watching you step back, you back hitting the wall behind you.
When did this hallway get so small?
Sweat began to prick the back of your neck as your heart began to race, you looked up at him and locked eyes with his intense gaze, “I can’t fucking stand you.” you tried to sound confident, but your voice failed you.
Roger’s face fell into a mocking frown “Aw, what’s wrong, has the kitten lost her bite?” He mocked and stepped closer towards you, closing the distance between the two of you.
Your hands splayed against the cheaply painted wall as you averted your gaze, your thighs clenching together at his words, “I-I can’t fucking stand you,” Your voice not hiding the arousal you were feeling while cornered.
Roger smirked, “You like this, don’t you?” He asked, pushing his knee between your legs and putting his hands on either side of your head “Bet it’s getting you off, isn’t it?” His hand lightly brushed against the exposed skin around your neck and shoulders, massaging it in his rough hands. Your mouth hung open and you let out a shuttering breath, “You’re fucking filthy, aren’t you?” He chastised as his hand covered your throat, keeping it there just to tease you.
You whimpered against his hand, shifting the weight of your legs in hopes of some form of friction. You opened your mouth but found yourself unable to speak. Roger’s grip tightened around your neck, causing your jaw to fall open and a stuttering moan to fall from your lips. He released his grip and watched as you let out gasping breaths, your eyes rapidly blinking in an attempt to focus once more.
His smirk widened as he felt you slowly rubbing your self against his leg, desperately trying to relieve some of the tension that had begun to build between your legs before once again squeezing your throat. You gasped against the pressure, feeling your throat constricting as you struggled to inhale. Your eyes fluttered shut and pressed harder against his thigh, his free hand came up and stilled your hips, pushing them against the wall. Your mind began to feel fuzzy from the lack of oxygen, you reached up tapping at his hand.
Roger quickly released, rubbing the sides of your throat as your legs wobbled while you gasped, sucking in the air your lungs were deprived of. You looked up at Roger, blinking to clear your hazy vision and saw his stern face looking down at you, almost in judgement, “You think you can get off after the shit you’ve put us through on tour?” He asked, his hand now moving to the side of your face, squeezing your cheeks together and forcing you to look at him.
“Please,” You whimpered through your forcibly puckered lips.
Roger dramatically rolled his eyes “Please?” He scoffed at your request, “If you’re going to act like a slut, I’m going to treat you like one.” He said letting go of your face and stepping back, “Turn around” He said pushing your shoulders.
You shivered with excitement and turned around. He immediately pressed you against the wall, pulling your hips flush against him, “I’m going to fuck you right in this hallway,” He said, slipping his fingers down the front of your pants, harshly rubbing against your clit, “Christ, your soaked.” He said, his fingers easily moving between your slick folds. Your hands desperately pressed against the wall, clawing at it as you whimpered while his fingers worked you.
You spread your legs and pushed against his hand, desperately chasing your release “Rog, please” You gasped.
“Please what?” He taunted you with his words as his fingers slowed down, now lazily rubbing your swollen clit.
“Fuck me,” You whined.
Roger pulled his hands from your pants and toyed with the waistband of your pants “Fuck you where? Here in this hall, where everyone can see how much of a filthy girl you are?” He asked.
“Yes,” you jumped, feeling him roughly pulling your pants and underwear down, exposing your ass and wet cunt to him.
“No,” He sharply said, “Say. It.” His words were harsh and purposefully articulated.
Your walls clenched at his demanding tone before you swallowed your pride, “I…I want you to fuck me,” You breath hitched in your throat, feeling his rough hands rubbing against the globes of your ass, “Fuck, I want you to fuck me in the hallway.” You tightly balled your fists.
His hand harshly came down, smacking your ass, you jumped and pushed back against his hand, preening into his touch, “Why?” He pressed, spreading your cheeks apart and teasingly running his hard on between your folds.
You hissed and arched your back, pressing against him in hopes that he would finally fuck you, “Because I’m a slut.” You finally answered, swallowing your pride down and submitting to him.
Roger hummed in content “There, you go,” He softly cooed, “Feels good to finally say it, doesn’t it?” He asked, finally pressing into your slick folds.
Your back arched against his touch, as his hips harshly snapped against yours “Oh god,” You gasped out “Yes, feels good.” You whined, pressing your hands against the wall, clawing at it in desperate need to hold on to something.
“Come on, let those pretty sounds out,” He hissed, letting you fall forward as he securely held you, “I want this who fucking party to know you’re a little slut.”
. Your breasts bounced with his thrusts, spilling out of your bra. You turned and looked down the hall, seeing people unknowingly waking past. Your mouth hung open as he rutted into you, his jaw tightly clenched as he grunted with his thrusts, “I’m a slut,” You sobbed out with pleasure.
Roger’s free hand came down and slapped your ass loudly, “Yeah, who’s fucking you right now- go on tell them.” He said nodding towards the light at the end of the hall.
“R-Roger” You sputtered out weakly. His hand came down harder on your cheek, “Fuck, Rog, your cock feels so good inside me.” You cried loudly.
“You like knowing that slut from earlier can see you getting fucked out here?” He grunted, your arms felt tight and sore as they stretched out, bracing you against the wall once more. His now free hands reached down, rubbing harsh, messy, circles around your clit.
“I want her to see,” The words spilled out of your mouth without a thought, the filter between your brain and mouth now gone.
Roger’s hips harshly snapped against yours, “You’re filthy, you know that?” he said, pinching your swollen clit and rolling it between his fingers, “Fucking filthy, wanting everyone to see you like this.”
You hissed at the delicious burn between your legs and your walls fluttered around Roger’s cock. The thought of anyone walking in and seeing the two of you was pushing you dangerously close to the edge, “’M close,” You whimpered, pushing yourself back and meeting his thrusts.
Your body sloppily shifted as he reached down pulling your arms away from the wall and turning you so you could face down the entrance of the hallway, the light reflecting off the sweat that had begun to speckle your forehead. Your shoulders burned as Roger slammed you back against his hips, tightly holding your wrists in his hands. Your back arched as he hit that spot inside you that caused the string of tension in your belly to ware thinner and thinner, “R-Rog,” You gasped, squeezing your eyes shut.
Roger jerked your arms roughly, “Keep them open, I want you to see everyone that walks past here.” He clenched his jaw, his thrusts faltering and losing their rhythm. He was close as well.
Your mouth hung ajar as a string of whiney gasps passed through your lips while you struggled to keep your eyes open. Several people walked past, glancing, quickly averting their gaze, and shuffling past; their mumbled apologies going from one ear and right out the other as the two of you lost yourselves in pleasure.  With one last sharp thrust, Roger had you coming undone. Your walls pulsated around him, the pressure causing him to reach his own release. He quickly pulled out, releasing hot spurts of come on your back.
Your legs shook and threatened to buckle as you gasped, coming down from your high, “Christ, Roger you’re room is less than three meters away, you could have gone in there?” You recognized the voice but averted your gaze, maintaining your bent over position.
Roger let your arms fall limply to your sides, the muscles in your shoulders aching from how he held you “Don’t worry, we’re finishing up in there, Bri.” Roger said tucking himself back into his pants. You slowly sat up right, rubbing your sore back and caught Roger’s gaze “Don’t bother fixing yourself, you’re just going to take it off.” He said while opening the door to his bedroom. You shivered with anticipation, he wasn’t done with you yet?
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eris0330 · 4 years
Cards against The four horsemen – Part 1
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Genre: Comedy, light angst, Fluff (friendly way… I may eat my own words later on) Summary: A group of three university student from different majors, unite at the grand final party to celebrate their last bit of youth before adulthood. Jimin majored in acting, which granted a bonus to his charming smile and works wonders to get top score. Jungkook majored in the IT department, with a handful extra time to study the works of the dark web. Taehyung got a diploma and a museum attraction for his photography, that he promises to continue with passion. They all had their own career in front of them but decided to stick their heads together, to form secret detective group in honour of finding the truth within a mission. Except... they need your help. 
“Okay, next time I’m not using a whole night with this lady without a proper lead. Either it’s double in cash, or no physical meeting!” Jimin sighed frustatingly as he walked into the room, throwing his black velvet jacket to the ground. Taehyung scanning the photos upon the black board, pinned with photos of a woman in her early 30’s. “I mean, it was your own idea? Could have waited till we got enough to send you out” Taehyung explained, pinning another yellow note to the board. 
“We aren’t getting anywhere with this? Mr. Kim asked us to find out if his wife is cheating on him and on top of that, figure out if she has any secrets before he will decide to propose. I spent a whole night with her, without her touching me and you have hundreds of photos, while Jungkook has zero leads upon her social media! We’re supposed to uncover the truth but here we are, waiting for something spectacular to happen?! If we don’t make this a success, this will eliminate our business!” Jimin exhaustedly seated himself in the worn-out couch, rubbing his temples to relax. “What did you expect? Three guys in a torn down apartment and internet to keep us occupied. I’m surprised we even have customers in the first place” Taehyung chuckled, seating himself next to Jimin to stare at their so-called evidence. 
“I think the worst part is, we haven’t found any dirt on this woman and trust me, we all have some kind of dirt.” Jimin claimed, untightening his tie to throw it in the bunker of clothes on the floor. Jungkook coughed in their presence, gathering their attention to his desk station. “There is no doubt that this woman has secrets but it’s not easy to find things, when we aren’t the actual person” Jungkook explained, leaning back into his chair. “Then hack her computer or something, you’re the IT guy!” Jimin answered, flapping his arms in the air to have them fall back by his sides in defeat. “It’s not that easy to hack someone, specially when you don’t know what you’re actually looking for.” Jungkook sighed, looking upon his screen filled with the target’s social media pages. It was drawn to be quiet in the apartment, as they all sat in despair of the mission that is bound to wash down the drain. It was as if a light struck upon Jungkook, as he sat energetically at the edge of his chair. The boys giving him a twisted brow, worrying whether he got a stroke. “Remember Y/N from first year?” He questioned the others, engaging them to think back into the past. “The one who got kicked out in second year, for trying to hack the school system?” Jimin questioned back, looking upon Taehyung who were sitting dumbfounded. “Exactly, I’m pretty sure she didn’t just randomly stop because of that and that she is still doing her thing. Last time I spoke to her, she was working for the FBI about the dark web. After that, she went off the grid.” Jungkook explained, excited about the idea that you could be a part of their plan. “And how do you expect us to find her? She went off the grid, which means she is basically nowhere to be found.” Jimin asked exhaustedly, thinking this was the worst plan they had ever come up with. “Well... She always told me I could contact her, if I just used my dark web name” Jungkook answered softly, shrugging his shoulders. “Dark web name??” Jimin added confused, waiting for an enlighten. “Means I don’t use my real name but a name I’m known for, when I studied the dark web back in university. It’s kind of like a username but this can be used everywhere.” Jungkook explained, making Jimin slightly annoyed that it was nothing but rubbish within the conversation. “So what, you’re going to beam up the sky with your ‘dark web name’ and hope she sees it? Not only is it morning right now but this whole batman idea, is so far up in the fantasy.” Jimin mockingly spoke, while Taehyung was thinking deeply. “Exactly! That’s it!” Taehyung outburst, making the boys stare at him in disbelief. “You’re going to beam up the sky???” Jimin added confused, while Jungkook tilted his head. “No, you dummy. We’re going to contact her THROUGH the dark web! See it this way; we’re going to post our address into a forum or whatever, of this so-called apartment because in all honestly, no one wants to be here anyways. We use Jungkook’s dark web name at the end, so she knows it’s him!” Taehyung explained, standing up in excitement that the plan sounded so well in his ears. “And if she doesn’t see it?” Jimin questioned, shaking his head in disbelief that he is even asking. “Then we gotta go, cause I ain’t about to find out what kind of people are on the dark web cause’ they decide to check the address.” Taehyung answered, walking towards Jungkook who had already found a forum to post the address. Jimin staring confused but decides to sigh as he gives up trying to stop them- “I’m surrounded by idiots…” Jungkook types down the address of their worn-out apartment, making the post visible for everyone. Taehyung sighed while patting Jungkook’s shoulder, looking upon Jimin on the couch. “And now we wait.”
11 pm.
The sound of a banging door and police siren in the distance, woke the boys from their slumber. They each gave a glance at each other, while gathering different kind of objects in the room to use as a potential weapon. The banging becoming louder and louder, by each step they take towards the entrance. Taehyung turning the door handle, to be flown back by the force of the door flung open. Their eyes wandering in the dim light, watching a hooded figure close the door to look down upon the three men. They each have different scenarios in their minds, of whether they are going to get killed by a stranger or be tortured. “Erhm… hello?” Jungkook spoke out, with his voice shivering out of fear. The hooded figure revealing their identity, to kneel down on eye level. “ARE YOU ABSOLUTELY INSANE?! TO POST YOUR ADDRESS ON THE DARK WEB?! ARE YOU BORN YESTERDAY?!” You yelled at them, seeing their body posture changing to scared puppies. They all looked dumbfounded at you, watching your brows frown upon them. “Wow.. the plan really worked..” Jimin whispered, getting your attention as he gulped. “What plan?” You questioned, standing up straight to watch the boys follow. “Our plan was to get in contact with you and here you are!” Taehyung added, flaying his arms around as if he had seen a celebrity. Jungkook sighed lightly as he stepped forward, to notice the height difference. “We are on a mission to find information on someone but we don’t have the skills.. that’s why we need your help”. You pondered on the request, as the boys stood in silence of your eyes scanning their looks. Jimin stepped forward to add in the information, catching your full attention. “Look, maybe we need to explain what we’re doing first. We are having this kind of detective-gang thing and-“ You put a finger upon his lips and another on your own, to simulate shushing. The other staring wide eyed, as you looked around the room in silence. “We gotta go, it’s not safe here. I got a place we can stay, pack your things and follow me. Do not leave anything behind.” You ordered, making the boys hesitate at first but the simplest sound made their skin crawl, as they hurriedly gathered all of their things. When they got all their things, you walked out of the apartment to have them follow you like sheep. “NJ, get the transportation ready” You spoke into a bracelet on your wrist, making the boys watch with furrowed brows at the action. You stopped at the exit, gathering the boys at the front. “There’s an uber coming for you, it knows its destination and I’ll meet you all there.” You explained, watching the headlights of a car come close. Taehyung coming closer, tilting his head with a suitcase pressed against his chest. “But what about you? Aren’t you coming with us?” 
“Don’t worry about me, I have my own transportation. All you need to worry about, is to not talk about me or what happened tonight, at all cost.” You added, pushing the boys outside as the car pulled up. An elderly man greeting them, as they looked back to see the entrance being empty. The things stuffed in the car and their road ahead were silent, as they were too scared to speak after of what you have just told them. They were worried if you were a fraud, what was going to happen to them and who would know if they went missing? Everything seemed like a blur, when they all ended at the destination point. They were at a parking lot, while their transportation drove away to a new customer. Their things surrounding them, standing in front of an entrance to a wooded area. They walked closer to investigate as they saw a figure come to sight, they sighed in relief when they could make out your body posture. You were leaning against a motorcycle, seeing the boys stand in awe. “Of course, she has a motorcycle…” Jimin scoffed making you smirk in return, as they all stood in front fo you. You scanned them thoroughly as you put your wrist close to your lips, making them watch curiously. “NJ, did you get the time to search them?” You questioned, making their stomachs turn to hear a voice answer. “They got their usual dirty stuff but they are clean”. It was rough and clear at the same time, making them question if it’s a computer or an actual person. You smirked in delight, crossing your arms as you asked them curiously; “So… Tell me about this so-called ‘Detective group’?”
-To be continued-
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missambrose16 · 6 years
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Word Count: 2,363
Pairings: Braun Strowman x Reader
Warnings: Smut, swearing, some violence
Plot: Nia and Ronda make a dare with you to sneak into Braun’s locker room. It all goes well until you’re caught.
“You want me to do what?!”
“You heard us, Y/N.” Nia spoke wither her arms crossed over he chest. “If you lose your match tonight against Mickie James. You have to sneak into Braun Strowman’s locker room.” The rest of the girls struggled to hold in their laughter when they saw the terrified look on my face.
I’ve only been on the main roster for a few years. In the short amount of time, I’ve made a name for myself in becoming Raw Women’s Champion my first year being on the main roster. I’ve made friends with most of the superstars here. Everyone except the Monster Among Men, Braun Strowman. We haven’t been able to get along very well. The instant I came onto the main roster I wanted to accomplish two things. Make a name for myself, which I have and make friends with everybody, which I have not.
I shook my head at the lot of them. ”First off you’re insane for even making up a dare like that. Secondly, I’m gonna win against Mickie tonight so don’t get your hopes up because there is no way that she’s going to beat me.”
“Oh alright, Y/N,” Ronda said, rolling her eyes. Just then something came over me. I felt so confident in beating Mickie James that I decided to raise the stakes a bit. “What you don’t believe that I can beat her?” They shook their heads while giggling at me. “Okay, I’ll tell you what. If I don’t win my match tonight against Mickie, I’ll go to Braun’s locker room, strip naked, and take a shower in his bathroom.” I spoke sternly.
Oh, I’ve done it now. They screamed with laughter, turning red in the face. “It’s fine, I know it won’t happen you know why? It’s because I won’t lose.” I said shouting over their hollering. I looked off to my right as someone called my name. One of the backstage crew members came up and informed me that my match was next. I nodded and headed to the entrance. I stood at there stretching and trying to focus on my easy win. My music hit and I walked out not bothering to greet the fans like I normally would. I was determined to win and I can’t afford to be distracted by some little kid that wants my autograph or the occasional pervert that wants my panties.
I hopped into the ring and stared at the ramp as I continued to do my stretches. The seriousness etched into my face as I waited for my opponent. A second later Mickie’s theme music filled the arena and she appeared onto the ramp with Alexa Bliss in tow. I rolled my eyes knowing the sneaky things Alexa will do for her “best friend” to win.
Mickie entered the ring flaunting for her fans. She threw a few petty insults my way as her little cheerleader backed her up from outside the ring. I laughed along with her until I spat in her face and slapped her, knocking her back into the turnbuckle. I ran up and kicked her in the gut over and over before the ref backed me off of her. I backed away from her with my hands up.
I watched as she struggled to get up, her friend coming up to encourage her from outside the ring. I grabbed Mickie, pulling her up and spinning her around to knock into the other turnbuckle. I walked back before rushing off to tackle her but, she moved out of the way making me slam my shoulder into the ring post. Mickie grabbed me by my hair and slammed me down on my back. I held onto my head trying to get the pain under control. Mickie held her arms out, showing off even when the crowd groaned at her.
Alexa jumped and cheered for her. I looked over to see Mickie and Alexa celebrating. I jumped up and hit Mickie in the back, she fell onto the second rope. I placed my foot on the back of her head making the rope collide with her neck and choke her. Her arms flailed around trying to grab hold of my foot to release the pressure. I backed off and smiled at her while she struggled to breathe. I backed off going to the opposite side of the ring to bloat, the crowd erupted with cheers.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see a small figure come up by my feet. Alexa tried to grab my ankle but I backed away before she could touch me. I tried to grab her from the ring but backed up. “What are you doing?! What are you trying to play at huh?!” I yelled.
That twisted smirk of hers crept up on her face. Before I could turn around I was grabbed from behind and before I knew it, Mickie had rolled me over on my back and I was down for the count. Her music played again and she got off of me before running out of the ring. I sat up and looked up in defeat. Not only have I been beaten by the lowest of lows but, I have to take a naked shower in a not so friendly monster’s bathroom.
I sat on the back of my heels and held my head in my hands. I felt defeated. When suddenly that familiar roar filled the arena. I looked up shocked to see Braun Strowman walk out onto the ramp. I stood up and walked out of the ring. I went to walk past him but he blocked me. I didn’t dare look up into his eyes. I moved to the side and so did he. I looked up at him, he looked down at me staring into my soul. He huffed before walking past me to get ready for his match.
When I got backstage I saw Ronda and Nia standing there waiting for me. “What the hell?!” I shouted. “Did you tell him?!” They both looked at each other, confused. “The who what?” Ronda spoke. “Braun! Did you tell him about the bet?” I yelled. “Whoa, Y/N, keep your voice down,” Nia said looking around to see a few stares pointed our way. “Let’s go somewhere so we can talk.”
We arrived outside of Braun’s room and I looked at the both of them. “We promise we didn’t say a word.” They both said. “Oh, really so how do you explain what happened out there? It’s like he knew about it somehow.” I said looking down. “Well, I don’t know how he knew-- if he knew but, you don’t have much time to do the dare. Get to it!” Ronda said pushing me into his dressing room. I looked around to see a regular WWE dressing room but there was a smell of leather mixed with cologne.
I hurried and stripped off my clothes so I could get this stupid bet over with. I went to the bathroom, turning the shower on. I stood under the warm water, washing the sweat away from my match. I couldn’t believe that I was actually doing this. I’m in my crush’s shower. Yes, I’ve had some sort of feelings for Braun ever since I came to the WWE. I tell Nia and Ronda all the time that I don’t like him but they can tell. There’s no way he would like me, up until tonight I’m pretty sure he’s never even looked at me before. I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn’t hear to door creek open.  
“Hey.” I jumped looking over to see Braun standing there through the glass shower door. I grabbed a towel to cover myself. “I’m assuming these belong to you.” He said as he swinging my black lace panties. I gasped reaching out to snatch them from him. He pulled them away from me. I stared at him. “You wanna explain to me why yer in my shower, in my dressing room?”
“I...um, w-well you see...I,” I tried to speak, he looked at me waiting for a comprehensive answer. “I l-like you.” I cursed at myself for saying that. He raised his eyebrows at me. “I mean I lost a bet.”
“I know,” he spoke. I looked up at him. “You do?” He nodded. “I heard your little conversation with Ronda and Nia. I also know about that crush you have on me.” He said stepping closer. “I guess we’re both the same. I’ve had feelings for you the second you came onto the main roster but I figured you didn’t like me.” I shook my head. “That’s not true.”
“If you like me as much as you say. Then show me.” He whispered down to me. Suddenly a burst of confidence rushed over me. I dropped my towel, he looked down at me taking me in. Before I could act he placed his lips on mine. The noise from the crowd drowned out. He picked me up and by instinct, I wrapped my legs around his waist. He moved from the bathroom to the somewhat small leather couch in the middle of the room.
He sat down with me on his lap, his hands had a firm grip on my waist as I moved my hips onto his now fully hard bulge. A low growl crawled out from his throat. I leaned forward to kiss his neck, his thumb massaged over my nipple making a moan come out of me. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this moment,” he huffed, ”going out there every week in that new ring gear of yours.” A few months ago I changed my ring attire to look more similar to Ronda’s, just a sports bra and shorts.
“I knew I felt someone staring at me.” I smiled into his neck. He lightly grabbed me by my neck making me look at him. “You’re so beautiful.” I smiled once more and kissed him before crawling off of his lap keeping, eye contact. He took off his shirt as I unzipped his pants, the bulge much more visible from the material of his boxers. I kissed along the imprint pressed against his underwear. “You’ve been teasing me long enough, Y/N.” He rumbled. I smiled up at him before biting my lip. I slid the top of his underwear down to expose his hard cock. I wrapped my hand around it, enjoy the pleasant weight it had.
I wrapped my mouth around the head of his cock. He hissed when I swirled my tongue around the head of his cock as my lips engulfed him. I moaned around him making his cock throb in my mouth from the vibrations. I licked along the head of his cock not fully wrapping my mouth around it. I felt a sharp pain on my ass and heard a loud slap echo throughout the room. I yelped out loudly. “I said enough teasing,” Braun spoke lowly. “Come up here.” He said grabbing me and laying me down on the couch. He spread my legs apart, before letting out another a growl. He planted kisses along my thighs making me giggle because of his beard. He kissed further up into my inner thigh before passing right over to continue the same pleat of kisses on my other thigh. I groaned impatiently wanting him to stop teasing.
He got the sense of what I wanted but all he did was chuckle at me. “It’s not fun to be on the other end of the stick is it little one?” He spoke. “Please.” I moaned. “Please what,” he said kissing right over my pussy, I moaned louder this time. My hand traveling down to grab his hair to push him closer to my core. He pinned my arms down by my side. I moaned in disagreement and squirmed. He smiled down at me. “Your ears work just fine, sweetheart. I said what do you want?”
“M-my pussy. I need your mouth on my pussy.” I choked out. Without a second’s thought his hot tongue worked its way through my folds and flicked pleasantly against my sensitive bud. I cried out wanting to grab onto his hair but he continued to hold my arms down. I lifted my hips up wanting him to devour more of me. He moaned causing me to shake from the vibrations.
“Don’t stop I’m going to come.” I moaned out. “Say please.” Braun stopped momentarily to speak. “Please! Make me come, please! I need it!” I screamed. “Come.” Just like that I came undone on his command, my body shaking in pure bliss as I screamed out his name. Before I could come down from my orgasm. I felt him push into me and fill me completely. I moaned and grabbed onto his shoulders. “You okay?” He spoke with genuine concern on his face. I nodded and with no hesitation at all he drilled into at a destroying pace.
The sound of loud moans and slapping skin filled the room. I was sure that if someone were to pass by they would hear us for sure. Or at least hear me from down the hallway. Using his thumb he massaged it over my clit making me jolt as I my pussy clenched around him. “Fuck, Y/N! You’re so damn tight.” He growled, slamming into me at a faster rate. I clenched around him once more making him let out a howl. “Shit, little girl you need to come. Now.” He said staring me down. My mouth stayed open for a second before a loud cry escaped it as my second orgasm came rushing over me like a tidal wave. With a few more rough thrusts he pulled out exploding onto my stomach with a series of deep growls.
I stared up at him with tired eyes. A layer of sweat taking over the both of us. “Looks like you need to take another shower.” He said with a tired smirk on his face. “So do you.” I smiled back up at him.
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