#they said 'we're assigning you a partner' and all she heard was the word partner and went Hog Wild with it from day one
nachosncheezies · 1 year
Scully really did look at her academy buddy in her third damn case and say "Fuck you what if I wanna be Mrs Spooky?" and then spent 7 years manifesting it.
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drunk-person · 9 days
Study Session
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x classmate!reader
Summary: Aemond is assigned to a college work with Y/n, an absent-minded art student who doesn't give a damn about philosophy. Things don't go well since she doesn't help him at all, until the two come to an unorthodox agreement that ends the impasse.
WARNING: 18+ mdni! secret crush, semi-nudity, voyeurism, breast fetish, exchange of academic favors for "sex", modern au, no description for reader.
Word cont: 3.200k
Author's note: This just came to my mind while doing some really boring work and I ended up writing it. The Rosby house is close to Kings Landing so I chose this surname for the reader, I hope you like it.
Dedicated to the poor readers of The Gossip who read chapter 7 and are in need of some comfort for their souls after all that mess hahaha I love you all! English is not my first language 💕💕🥰
Y/n was so frustrated. That class was absolutely hellish and if it wasn't mandatory in her schedule she would certainly never even pass in front of the door. The only reasonable side to all of this was the fact that Aemond Targaryen sat in front of her during this unbearable class. He could be as arrogant as he wanted if he continued to be so hot.
The girl bit her lip as she stared at the back of his pale neck that was exposed to her eyes since his long silver hair was tied in a bun due to the heat wave. The two had never exchanged more than a few words, but Y/n couldn't help it, he was too handsome and intelligent for his own good.
She didn't know how he could understand that subject and answer all the questions the teacher asked as if they were obvious to him. Y/n did her best to hide her crush, but whenever no one was looking she couldn't help but sigh lightly as she looked at him.
She was barely in the same reality as the rest of the class when she heard her name being called harshly by the professor, pulling her out of her deep thoughts and back to real life.
-I'm sorry, professor, I was distracted. - She looked down, blushing when she realized that the whole class was looking at her while letting out light giggles.
-Which seems to be a very common occurrence with you, doesn't it? - The man spoke in an irritated voice and Y/n felt her face heat up even more.
-If you're interested in knowing, Miss Rosby, we're holding a draw for pairs of work for the semester. - The professor was still looking at Y/n as he spoke and reaching into the jar, he pulled out a new piece of paper.
-Aemond Targaryen.
Y/n felt her heart stop momentarily when she heard that name. Would her semester partner be Aemond Targaryen? The gods must have wanted to play with her.
-Good luck, Mr Targaryen, you will need it. - The man said, making the whole class laugh, except for Aemond, who, without Y/n noticing, glared at the teacher when he heard the mean joke.
After the class ended, the room gradually emptied, while the few remaining students put their books and notebooks in their backpacks. Aemond finished writing some notes in his notebook under the watchful eye of Y/n, who was anxiously waiting to talk to him.
And when he turned towards her with that serious look and that sculpted face, Y/n smiled and pretended to be disinterested.
-I don't understand half of what that man says. - She shrugged, staring at him while Aemond frowned. - I hope it won't be a problem for you to be my partner.
-Maybe you would understand if you spent more time paying attention in class and less time drawing. - Aemond rolled his good eye, putting away his own books while Y/n felt her belly heat up.
How did he know she was drawing in class if he had his back to her the whole time?
-I don't like studying boring things that guys who died centuries ago said and that don't make any sense.
-But do you like studying works that boring guys who died centuries ago painted and that don't make any sense? - He raised his eyebrows ironically, looking at her and Y/n's mouth slightly opened, not knowing what to say.
-That… That's not the point.
-Mmmm… if you say so. - The irony was poignant in his voice and expression and Y/n slightly narrowed her eyes, feeling the urge to argue more without knowing what to answer.
-They… They're not meaningless! - She snorted in annoyance and Aemond just let out a nasal laugh while raising his eyebrows.
-Most of them are just a bunch of meaningless scribbles. - He rolled his eyes, putting his backpack on his back.
-The name is surrealism, and perhaps underdeveloped minds don't understand it very well! - Y/n lifted her chin, pulled her own bag onto her shoulder and pressed the sketchbook against her chest, leaving before Aemond, leaving him with a mischievous smile on his lips as he watched her leave.
Y/n rolled her eyes, irritated with herself as she walked towards the open courtyard of the college, sitting at a stone table and throwing her bag on it, seriously considering diverting her idiotic crush on Aemond Targaryen to another guy.
Unfortunately for her, at the same moment the thought crossed her mind, his soft voice called her from behind and the hairs on the back of the girl's neck stood on end at the same moment, making her snort.
-We need to decide where and when we're going to meet to start the work. - He murmured and Y/n turned to look at him, snorting when she saw that he looked even more attractive with the sunlight shining through his silver hair.
In the natural light, the prosthetic eye was more visible than indoors, as was the thin scar that ran from the eye to the forehead and cheek. Y/n didn't give a shit, she just thought he looked even hotter if that was possible.
-Rosby? - Aemond called her, his voice miles away from taking her out of her self-imposed trance.
-I'm sorry, I got a bit distracted. - She shook her head, trying to focus on the conversation, and Aemond turned his face to the side, smiling discreetly at the action. - What did you say?
-We'll meet to start work.
-Oh, yes, yes. - She nodded thoughtfully. - How about the library?
-I don't study in the library, there are always idiots who go there to make a mess and interfere with concentration. - Aemond rolled his eyes with a frown, making her rack her brain to remember if she had ever messed up in the library.
-Yeah. They're all idiots! - She agreed, rolling her eyes when she came to the conclusion that she hadn't done anything wrong in the college library.
-We can go to my dorm. - Y/n shrugged, trying to be casual. - But my roommate is always there and never turns off the TV.
-Don't you have your own room? - He looked at her confused and Y/n laughed.
-Not all of us can own the campus. - She grimaced and Aemond rolled his eyes.
-Your family has money too.
-Having money is different from being a filthy rich Targaryen. - She grumbled as she gestured lightly with her hands, arching her eyebrows, and Aemond didn't contest her.
-Whatever, let's meet in my dorm, it's empty there and no one will disturb us.
Y/n nodded, subtly biting her lower lip at the idea that she would go to Aemond's room.
-Where is it? - She came back to reality, remembering to ask, and asking her for a pen, Aemond wrote down the number and the floor on the last page of the sketchbook that was on the table.
-See you on Friday. - He murmured, turning around and leaving her as soon as he finished writing, making her sigh once more at hearing that voice so close to her.
Y/n did her best to look beautiful in the most disinterested way possible. Just a gray blouse with black denim shorts and a thin black coat on top, her hair tied with a simple clip and just a bit of lipstick. It was almost how she looked every day, except for the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra, but with the coat on top he probably wouldn't even notice that fact.
Apart from the fact that when she got there she discovered that they were fixing the cooling system in Aemond's building and now she was without the coat and wearing only the thin blouse, attracting Aemond's discreet glance at her from time to time.
The two spread their materials across the table in the living room connected to the bedroom and sat on the floor to study. Unfortunately, Aemond was having more trouble concentrating in his own room than in the library, with the sight of Y/n in that blouse in front of him, scribbling drawings on her philosophy book while pretending to read something.
When he finally managed to read a few words, he could hear her melodious laughter from the other side of the table.
-What is it? - He murmured almost in a growl making her become serious.
-It's just that I'm watching and I think my shared dorm room would fit inside yours.- She shrugged and Aemond rolled his eyes without giving a verbal response.
Minutes later, when he went back to reading focused and taking some important notes, her voice rang out once again, distracting him.
-I'm so lazy. - Y/n threw herself onto the philosophy books open on the coffee table in Aemond's dorm room, and he slightly arched his eyebrows.
-You haven't done anything so far. - He grumbled as he took note of an important quote that he would probably use in the future during the work.
-Because this subject is totally boring. - The girl mumbled with her head still lying on the books but now with her face turned towards Aemond looking at him while slowly blinking her eyes feeling a little sleepy. Until now, nothing interesting had happened outside of her imagination.
-Boredom or not, I think it's better to start working on your part, because there's no way I'm going to give you credit for something you didn't do. - Aemond looked at her very seriously while Y/n sulked, crossing her arms under her breasts, slightly drawing the older man's attention there again.
-Are you always this boring, Targaryen? - Y/n snorted, making one of the loose strands of hair fly out of her pretty face.
-This isn't boring, this is justice. - His eyes were still discreetly fixed on the subtle neckline of the gray blouse that Y/n was wearing, except that now she noticed it, feeling her stomach tingle with the idea that Aemond Targaryen was looking at her.
-Talking about justice and being a total pervert. - She slightly pressed her eyes to him while tightening her arms under her breasts, making them more prominent, making Aemond cough with a subtle choke, looking away.
-Mmmm, I wasn't looking at your breasts. - He grunted looking in another direction.
-Ah, you certainly were. - She arched her eyebrows laughing. - If you want to know, women always know when you're looking.
-What's that? A weird sixth sense? - Aemond raised his eyebrows in disbelief, still a little embarrassed for having been caught.
-Something like that. - Y/n shrugged with a slight grimace, but then an idea popped into her head making her subtly bite her lower lip, staring at him as she gathered her courage.
-How about we make a deal? - Y/n was still biting her lower lip without believing she was actually going to say that to him.
-What kind of deal? - Aemond tilted his forehead, confused but interested, while his eyes inadvertently fell once again on her breasts.
-I'll let you be a perv and look at my boobs, and you do my part in this stupid job. - She suggested, slowly poking the hem of her own thin blouse under the attentive gaze of Aemond, who felt his own mouth drying up.
-Mmmm. - He mocked her with an ironic smile. - No deal. This work is almost 30 pages long, I want to at least be able to touch them.
-What? - She narrowed her eyes slightly while arching her right eyebrow now, not believing what he was saying.
-That's right, and you'll be topless while i writing the work. It's that or nothing. - He smiled maliciously as he arched his eyebrows, waiting for her answer, being almost certain that she would give up on the idea.
-Gods, you're more perv than I thought. - She grumbled, staring at him with a frown as she tried to process the fact that Aemond Targaryen really had asked to touch her boobs.
-Do we have a deal? - Aemond asked, still with a dirty smile on his face, and Y/n rolled her eyes at him, mumbling something to herself, unable to call him an idiot since she had given him the idea.
-We have a deal. - She spoke firmly, feeling soft shivers down her thighs as she said this, making Aemond subtly widen his eyes in shock at her accepting. - But… I don't want to read a single sentence about this subject, I don't want to know about these idiot philosophers and much less about their silly theories.
-These aren't silly theories… - Aemond rolled his eyes condescendingly at the girl's lack of understanding on such an important subject, it almost affected the crush he had on her… almost.
-Ah. - She cut him off instantly. - I don't want to know. Deal?
-Deal. - He grimaced in slight disgust, if she weren't so hot it wouldn't be worth all the effort, Aemond thought rolling his eyes.
With a sigh Y/n pulled the gray blouse of thin fabric over her head leaving her bare breasts exposed to Aemond's hungry and raw gaze that made her skin crawl almost instantly.
The moment she took off her blouse, Aemond took away his previous thought. She was certainly worth the effort and he would definitely do a thousand jobs like that just to take a look at those breasts.
Feeling confident under his gaze Y/n sat on the two-seater sofa and once again crossed her arms under her now bare breasts while looking at him with one of her eyebrows raised.
Taking a deep breath, Aemond sat down next to her, staring at that beautiful pair of breasts that he could say for sure were the most beautiful he had ever laid eyes on in his life.
-Can I? - He reached out his hands to her breasts, but stopped just before touching them, wanting her to be one hundred percent sure of what she was doing. And when the girl nodded positively while biting her lower lip and subtly pressing her legs together, he touched his palms, feeling her soft breasts and almost moaning at the soft sensation.
Little by little he moved his hands while looking at her with a very serious look, and with the tips of his thin fingers he began to massage her erect nipples with increasing dedication, observing the responses her body gave him. Every soft tremor, every subtle gasp, every press and rub of her thighs against each other.
-They're perfect. - He praised softly as he stimulated them, eliciting a soft moan from Y/n who bent down even more offering her own breasts to Aemond.
She was lost in his touches, so gentle yet so demanding. No one had ever given her so much pleasure just by touching her breasts, and Y/n wanted to moan with pleasure but was holding herself back so as not to seem so given. She pressed her eyes tightly, feeling the shocks of pleasure running through her body and going straight down to her completely soaked pussy.
Suddenly, with her eyes still closed, Y/n felt Aemond's warm breath close to her skin, and opened her eyes at the same moment, looking at him.
-What are you doing? - She gasped, looking directly into that blue eye that had left her fascinated since the first time she saw it and that now looking so closely she thought it contained some violet reflections.
-I said I wanted to touch, you didn't specify just using of hands. - He murmured dirtyly, lowering his mouth over Y/n's breasts and sucking deeply on her excited nipple, which curved her back against the couch, finally moaning loudly in pure contentment.
-Oh Aemond please more. - She whimpered, writhing and pressing her thighs together. - So good... so good.
From that moment on, it was impossible for her to contain her own moans, his mouth felt so incredible against her already sensitive nipples. With each suction she trembled and tightened her thighs while gripping the sofa tightly, almost digging her nails into the upholstery.
-By the gods, you have the tastiest tits I've ever tasted in my life. - Aemond moaned between the hungry sucks and firm, desperate caresses, sending a new wave of pleasure over her as she heard those words. And without control over her own body, Y/n put her hands in Aemond's hair, tangling her fingers there and holding her head against herself as she moaned his name in despair.
Her pulling on his hair did something almost wild to Aemond, he usually didn't like it when people pulled his hair, but at that moment… Fuck, it really felt good. And when she started moaning his name in a completely lacking way while rubbing her pussy on the couch like a desperate bitch in heat, he felt himself on the edge.
While he sucked and licked her left nipple, caressing the right one with his hand, drawing waves and waves of pleasure from her, he guided his vacant hand inside the gray sweatpants he was wearing and finally paid attention to his cock, which was leaking and making a mess against the fabric of his boxers.
He violently fucked his cock against the left hand while still inside his pants while inevitably moaning against Y/n's nipple, making her rub even harder against the sofa.
-Aemond. - Came Y/n's broken voice in a moan that was almost a whimper as she shuddered without control over her own body, writhing on the couch, feeling the unbridled pleasure of the orgasm taking over her.
And hearing her beg for his name as she writhed in the midst of orgasm, Aemond reached his own peak of pleasure, spurting against his own hand in thick, strong jets, moaning with contentment against Y/n's sensitive, reddened nipples.
The two remained motionless for a few moments, just trying to regain their senses completely taken over by the debilitating pleasure. Y/n's mind went completely blank as she laid her head on the back of the sofa, still panting, completely shocked since she had never cum just by stimulating her nipples. And Aemond, in turn, tried to regain his composure with his head still buried between his classmate's delicious breasts.
And when he finally raised his head, he couldn't resist the temptation to suck her nipple once more, making her gasp with overstimulation.
-Oh, Aemond. - She sighed complainingly, lightly pushing his head away with the palm of her right hand. - They're sensitive.
-Mmmm. - He murmured caressing her naked waist. -I could suck your tits for hours if you let me.
-I could let you. - She gasped, pretending to be uncertain about the subject even though she was still sensitive to his touch, feeling the inside of her thighs tingling amid the scandalous moisture in her panties.
-Well, it's 30 pages. - He shrugged, moving his caresses up and down her waist. - And as far as I know, the pairs that Hayford assigned are until the end of the semester.
-We'll have plenty of time. - He kissed her nipple once more, making her sigh.
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alotofpockets · 11 days
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Crazier things - Finding our way back | Katie McCabe x Reader
Where you and Katie take it slow to rebuild what you once had
A/n: part 2 to 'What if we're still meant to be?'
Woso masterlist | Words: 2.5k | Read part 1
Putting on the Arsenal badge for your first training back felt like a dream. You could not wait to get back out there with your team. Stepping onto the pitch clad in your Arsenal gear felt like coming home. While Barca had been an incredible experience, and a place you felt very comfortable, a part of you had always belonged with the red and white. 
Your old teammates and current England ones greeted you warmly. Reuniting with them, even if you had met up with some yesterday, felt extra special while wearing the same badge on your chest. 
“Welcome back everyone!” Jonas started the first speech of the season. “It is great to see you all. I hope everyone had a good break and got the rest they needed. A lot of familiar faces, and also some new ones. Daphne, Rosa, and Y/n, welcome to the team, I hope your teammates will do great work in making you feel at home.” 
Then it was officially time for your first training back at Arsenal. Leah immediately claimed you as her partner, she of course wanted to train with you as the two of you were good friends, but she also wanted to know how things went with Katie. 
You updated her on where the two of you stood. While you did so, you glanced up to find Katie. A smile immediately on your face as you watch her laughing with Kyra at the end of their drill. 
With the players you had already played with around you, you quickly fell back into the familiar Arsenal rhythm. As for your new teammates, you made a point in getting to know them, and watch their playing styles closely. 
Between your first couple of training sessions, you spend some time with your family before you head off to America with the team. It was so nice to be able to just hop into the car and be with them within an hour. 
You had also met up with Katie over coffee again, spending a couple of hours talking and catching up some more. There was a lot to catch up on from the past four years, and you were interested in every bit of information that she had to share. 
When the team departed for the pre-season tour in Washington, the plane was filled with excited chatter. Match wise you were especially looking forward to the Chelsea game. You had recently faced off against them in the Champions League, but nothing compared to a London Derby. While it wouldn’t be on London grounds, still it meant a lot to you being a part of one again. 
Beyond the matches, you were excited to explore the city, and get to know your teammates better. The schedule was packed with training, and team activities, but also left time to explore on your own. You intended to use the time to connect with your teammates, and continue to figure out where you stood with Katie.
As soon as the team arrived at the hotel, the room assignments were handed out. When you found your name on the list, your stomach dropped. Katie McCabe. Without thinking, you rushed over to Kim. “Why did you room me with Katie?” Kim heard the panic in your voice, but raised her shoulders. “It wasn’t up to me.” You furrowed her eyebrows. “The pre-season rooming assignments were done by the staff, so no getting out of this one I’m afraid.”
You cursed whoever planned this, but picked up your key nonetheless. Since you did a little detour to complain to Kim, Katie was already in the room when you entered with your bags. “Hey,” She said from her bed with her bags still packed. “I can see if anyone wants to change rooms, if you’re not comfortable sharing.” 
With a shake of your head, you put your bags down on the other bed in the room. “No, it’s fine. It’s just a room, right?” Katie nodded and you both started unpacking your bags, before the team would head out on their first small training to make sure the flight didn’t take too much toll on their bodies.
After a long day of travel and training you found yourselves back in your hotel room. Katie pulled out a deck of cards, “Wanna play?” You spend a lot of hotel room nights, while travelling with the team, playing cards with Katie. The thought of playing cards again like old times, made your stomach fill with butterflies. You ignored them and plopped down on her bed with her, “Bring it on.”
The evening was spent laughing with each other and multiple wins and loses on both ends, all in all you had a lot of fun. Something you had really been craving, maybe rooming with Katie wouldn’t be as bad as you thought.
You could not have been more wrong.
Everything had felt so familiar. The games on her bed, the laughter shared, and then brushing your teeth side by side. It was something that had always been a part of your routine, and without thinking, after putting your toothbrush down, you pecked Katie on her lips like it was the most natural thing in the world.
You froze, “Shit, I am so sorry.” Your heart was racing as you realised what you had just done. Katie’s eyes wide in shock as well, not expecting it. Before she could respond, you bolted out of the bathroom, and out of the room, heading straight for Leah’s room.
You knocked frantically until someone opened the door. “Calm down, what happened?” Leah says as she pulls you into the room. “I kissed Katie.” You blurted out as you sat down on the closest bed to you. “I promised we’d take things slow, and now I’ve ruined everything. I kissed her out of habit and-”
“Take a breath.” Leah interrupted. “Wally, can you grab some water?” It was only then that you realised Lia was there as well. “Oh, sorry I didn’t mean to ruin your night.” Lia shook her head, “Don’t you worry, just drink up.” She says while handing you the water bottle. 
You ended up spending the night in their room, not yet ready to face Katie. Leah did send Katie a quick message.
Leah: Hey, I don’t want to come between anything, but I just wanted to let you know y/n staying here tonight.
Katie: Thank you for letting me know. Goodnight
Leah: Goodnight
The next morning you knock on your bedroom door. In your haste last night, you had forgotten to take your room key. Katie opened the door and let you in, to your surprise she didn’t look upset. Still you started apologising right away.
“I am so sorry Katie. I shouldn’t have kissed you, I promised we’d take things slow and I messed it up already. Everything felt so familiar and it just happened.” Katie let you ramble on while she was putting on her trainers. “Are you done?” She chuckles when you’re out of breath from apologising. You furrow your brow, “Yes, you don’t hate me?” She shakes her head and sits down next to you. “I didn’t hate you before, why would I start now.” She had a good point of course, but you still felt like you had messed up. “Look, I agree. It was probably too early to kiss me, but I understand it came from everything being so familiar. I don’t blame you, and I did not mind the kiss.”
You breathed out a sigh of relief, glad you didn’t mess up again. “But what now?” You asked. “We just keep doing what we’ve been doing. Taking it slow, talking, and spending time together. We’ll figure it out.” 
Her reassuring words combined with her calm demeanour eased some of the nerves you felt. “That sounds good, thank you.” Katie nods, “Of course, we’re in this together, remember?” You smile and nod, “Yeah.”
“Come on, get dressed. We’re gonna be late.” Your brow furrows. Your mind had only been on kissing Katie, so you had completely forgotten you had an actual itinerary for Washington. “We’re sightseeing with the team, remember?” The cheeky smile you loved so much now on full display. “Right.” You say nervously, quickly grabbing some clothes and changing in the bathroom.
The two of you were the last ones to enter the bus and already giggling over some joke that Katie made. Leah and Lia share a knowing look, the two of you were going to be alright. 
With the whole team you spend a couple of hours exploring Washington. You travelled from monument to monument and took in all the sights around the city. It really was a great way to bond with your new teammates. 
“Alright team, as I’ve said before, this pre-season tour is all about bonding so go out and have some fun. We’ll meet back here at five, and take the bus back to the hotel.” Jonas said and the bustling of your teammates making plans began. 
“Hey, do you have plans already?” She asked looking between you, Leah and Lotte, who were chatting together. “No, nothing yet. Did you have something in mind?” Her smile grew. “Yeah, my followers on snapchat gave me some restaurant recommendations, and I was wondering if you wanted to try one out with me for lunch.” 
You loved the idea and told her just that. “Ah, well looks like you two have plans then, we’ll see you later!” Leah quickly said and pulled Lotte away with her, making sure the two of you would get your alone time. She might be your biggest supporter right now, she knew how happy the two of you had made each other in the past, and wanted nothing more for the both of you.
Spending time with Katie was easy, and something you wanted to do forever you thought when you were sitting in a corner booth of the cosy restaurant that had been recommended to Katie by the fans. 
“Hey Katie, what is this?” You ask her out of nowhere. “Ehm, your food?” Her eyebrows raised and a chuckle left her mouth. “Sorry, I left the context in my brain.” Her smile grew, “Yeah, you always had a tendency to do that.”
“I mean are we just having lunch or is this a date?” Katie is quiet for a moment. “Would you be okay with it being a date?” She questioned shyly. “Yeah, would you?” She smiled, “Yeah, I would really like that.”
The rest of your stay in Washington, you went on a couple more dates. The two of you were figuring it out and you really liked the way things were going. On top of that, you got to play your first minutes for your club, and couldn’t be more proud to put on the Arsenal kit again.
On your last night in the States, you were watching a movie in your room with a couple of the girls. You and Katie sat together on her bed, while Leah, Lia, and Beth were sitting on yours. About twenty minutes into the movie, you started getting uncomfortable just sitting up against the headboard, so you started wiggling around until you were comfortable, which was leaned into Katie’s side. “Is this okay?” You whispered. In response she lifted her arm and put it around your shoulder, “More than.”
When the movie was over, you had already fallen asleep with the steady beat of Katie’s hard next to your ear. Leah, Lia, and Beth had said goodnight to Katie and left the room, all without you even realising. 
Katie woke you up with a gentle shake. “Hmm too comfy.” You said, still half asleep. “It’s okay, you can stay comfy. Let’s just lay down under the covers.” Katie moved the both of you down and pulled the covers over you. “See, way better.” She joked when you were already getting comfortable cuddling up to her again. 
You had laid in her arms for a few minutes, falling back to sleep when you felt Katie’s heartbeat raise. Just as you were about to ask if she was alright, she pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. The gesture made your whole body feel warm, you looked up from her chest and let your eyes meet. “Hi.” She said, and even though the room was dark, you noticed the light blush on her cheeks. “Hey.” You smiled.
“Was that okay?” You nod slowly in response, while looking between her eyes and lips. “Would it be okay if I kissed you?” Your heart was beating out of your chest at this point. “Yeah.”
Katie placed her hand on your cheek, and started leaning in. You smiled and closed the distance. Her lips on yours were soft and she kissed you slowly. It felt new and familiar all at the same time. One feeling you were certain about, was that you felt on top of the world. 
When you pulled away, you cuddled back into her chest, and she held you close. It wasn’t long until you fell asleep to the steady rhythm of her heartbeat again.
Back home, the two of you still took things slow. Just taking it step by step, in a way that felt right for the both of you. Which for the moment meant, going on dates, cuddling, sharing some kisses, and spending a lot of time together.
After plenty of pre-season matches, it was time for the first match of the season. You were playing Rosenborg at home in the first Champions League qualifying match. Like it was meant to be, Katie swung in a ball from the left flank to you on the right. You hit the perfect volley, and kick the ball into the back of the net. 
Your teammates surrounded you, and the crowd went crazy for your first goal of the season. The goal that put your team ahead in the qualifying match, but there was only one person you wanted to celebrate the goal with, and she was patiently waiting behind the group of your teammates that was celebrating with you.
While Katie had joined in on the team huddle as well, she wanted a moment for just the two of you. She lifted you up and spun you around. “My Gooner.” She whispered in your ear. The familiar words brought a big smile onto your face. 
“Yours?” You say when she puts you down. “Yeah, if you’d like that.” With a smile you nod, “Yes, I do.” With her arm still around you, the two of you made your way back to your starting positions. 
This time when the whistle blew, not only was the match starting again, but so was your relationship with Katie. A new start you couldn’t wait to explore more. You were hers and she was yours.
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auroravictorium · 2 years
bejeweled (k.b.)
Summary: reader gets ready for a heist and shares a few sweet moments with kaz.
Pairing(s): kaz brekker and reader Word Count: ~2.2k Warnings: a bit of violence (mentions of prior stabbing), allusions to kaz's touch aversion, mentions of a near-death experience Genre: total fluff
Author's Note: the response to lavender haze has been SO AMAZING, thank you all so much for your notes and kind words <3 you do NOT have to read lavender haze before reading this, but these two can be read as part of a larger series that i'm working on if you so choose! the link to my grishaverse masterlist can be found here. please drop any requests you have in my inbox! happy reading loves <3
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You fiddled nervously with the skirts of your dress, bunching up the silky fabric in your palms and releasing it. Scrunch, squeeze, release. Over and over until Inej slapped your hand. "You'll wrinkle the fabric," she told you, then returned to figuring out the best way to hide a knife in your hair. If anyone could do it, it was Inej. You aspired to be as collected and creatively armed as she was.
"Sorry," you muttered. You examined your outfit in the cracked, dirty mirror in front of you. You wore a gown nicer than any clothing you'd ever owned, clearly seized from a store along the Geldstraat. The material was soft and dyed a rich color that went beautifully with your skin tone. It was also very susceptible to creases, judging by the look Inej kept giving your nervous hands.
A few harsh tugs on your scalp later, Inej stepped back to admire her handiwork. The blade was thin and capped with a black sheath, making it look like an innocuous stick holding your bun together. It wouldn't do much damage, but it would be semi-useful if you lost access to the five other knives and the pistol strapped to you.
Three months after the disastrous job where you'd almost died after a nasty dagger to the chest, Kaz had tried to assign Nina to this mission. You argued that he couldn't keep you out of heists forever. After one tense standoff in front of the Crows and two hushed arguments in his room and an empty Club parlor, he'd reluctantly agreed to designate you for the task. The conditions? Jesper should not leave your side, and Kaz would kill him if you got injured again while partnered with him on a mission. You found that unfair, considering it hadn't been Jesper's fault you got stabbed in the first place, but you could only get so far arguing with Kaz. He'd forgive the sharpshooter eventually.
"Well, it'll have to do," Inej sighed. She caught your gaze in the mirror and rested her hands on your shoulders. "You'll be alright?"
"Not you too," you said, though you appreciated the concern. You'd heard it enough from Kaz in the past three months, and it was getting tiring.
"We're just worried about you." She squeezed your shoulders. "Especially him."
Heat rushed to your face, and you looked down at your hands and wrists, adorned with beautiful jewelry too glittery for your taste. You and Kaz hadn't told anyone about how he'd been waiting for you to wake up after the heist had gone wrong or how he'd bared his feelings to you as best he could. In fact, you thought you had continued with business as usual between the two of you. Aside from more lingering looks and brief moments spent together in your rooms, soaking in each other's company a few feet apart, nothing had really changed. 
Her observation had only reminded you how nobody could hide anything from Inej.
Inej turned you around and squeezed your shoulders again. "I won't tell anyone," she told you. You lifted your head and looked her in the eyes. They were filled with sincerity, and she offered you a smile that matched the warmth in her eyes. "I think you're the only one he doesn't scowl at. It's refreshing to see a look on his face that doesn't indicate him plotting or mentally counting his kruge."
A laugh slipped past your lips before you could stop it. "Maybe I'll put in a good word for the rest of you. It would do him some good to stop scowling so much. I've heard that prevents wrinkles."
The day Kaz stopped frowning was the day hell froze over, and all of you knew it. Inej grinned and handed you the last piece of jewelry to complete your outfit: a glittering necklace that Kaz had swiped from an oblivious Dime Lion's pocket. "Can you get this on yourself? I need to help Nina in the Club."
"Yeah, of course." You smiled at her. "Thank you."
She ducked out of the room, and you turned back to the rusty old mirror. You almost didn't recognize your reflection. Never in your wildest dreams did you believe that you would get to wear a gown and jewelry like this and attend a party like tonight's. Though it was a facade designed to get an expensive set of Dekappel paintings for reselling (you assumed), you thought you looked... beautiful. Wildly overdressed for a potential combat situation if you got caught, yes, but beautiful. You polished up quite nicely.
You jumped when a pale reflection appeared in the mirror behind you and cursed. Whirling to face Kaz, you demanded, "Have you heard of knocking? Or making any noise?"
He smirked in amusement and nudged the door shut behind him with his cane. His eyes roamed you up and down, taking in the exquisite gown you wore and how it clung to your hips and fell gracefully to the floor like a silken waterfall. 
As his eyes scanned your form, your breathing stuttered. There was no reason for you to feel exposed as you did right then, but you did, and you started to fidget with the necklace in your hands. Your face heated up again, and you prayed that he would stop looking at you like... that. You were losing focus on the assignment ahead. Instead, you were thinking about his eyes and that stupid smirk on his face.
"You look...beautiful," Kaz finally said, hesitating before choking the word out. Saints damn him. Why couldn't he offer a simple compliment without feeling like he needed to throw up? As soon as the word was out, his nausea receded, and he felt like he could breathe again. 
You smiled, unaffected by his hesitation. You understood. "Thank you," you murmured, looking down at the hem of your gown. You turned and went back to fiddling with the necklace in front of the mirror.
With your back turned, Kaz took the opportunity to admire how the neckline fell around your shoulders, how the gown clung to the curve of your waist, and how the skirt spun around your legs as you turned from him. How absolutely perfect you were. All the little details that he had secretly let himself indulge in before you nearly died, he now admired openly. He embraced the way his heart pounded faster and leaped into his throat when you smiled. He made sure to savor every grin and laugh, and he would never take any of those things for granted again.
"I like the color," he added. He felt like he needed to make up for hesitating so clearly. He loathed himself for it. He saw you struggling with the necklace in the mirror and stepped forward. "Can I help?" His blood rushed in his ears as the words left his mouth, and it took every ounce of determination in his body to not yield to the terror starting to rise in him.
You looked up from the chain, catching his icy blue gaze in the mirror, seeing the genuine desire to help in them. "Okay," you said softly. You passed him the necklace, and he undid the chain with ease.
Slowly, he brought the necklace around your throat. He saw you swallow, the goosebumps spreading across the back of your neck. His gloved fingers brushed your skin as he clasped the necklace for you, and they lingered even after the jewelry had been fastened. His eyes fixated on the contrast of the metal against your skin, and he imagined how soft and warm you felt compared to it. For a moment, he let himself remain this close to you. He challenged the water rising around his chest, threatening to crush his lungs, and he brushed a few loose strands of hair away from your shoulder.
Before he could back away and bow to the tide trying to pull him under, he slipped off a glove and brushed that loose hair behind your ear. His fingers stayed there for a long moment. You sucked in a startled gasp but remained still, watching him close his eyes and try to battle the current. He could feel the warmth of your skin ghosting across his fingertips, and he clung to that feeling. 
Warm. Near. Alive. All the things Jordie wasn't.
Kaz pulled away as his brother's name crossed his mind and pulled his glove back on. He gripped his cane so tightly that his knuckles ached. "No mourners," he said roughly. He took a few steps back, and self-hatred burned within him as the pressure on his chest lessened the moment there was space between the two of you. What kind of man was he if he couldn't stand close to the woman he cared about?
"No funerals," you whispered back. You smiled at him. He caught your glance one more time, expecting pity or sadness. Instead, he found pride. You were proud of him, and that realization startled him so much that his cool mask slipped. The knot of anger within his sternum loosened, and a ghost of a smile crossed his face. Then, adjusting his grip on his cane, he turned and made his way out of the room deliberately louder than when he came in.
You couldn't help but giggle and cling to that feeling of bliss as you worked through the heist without a hitch. Aside from a band member pressing too close for comfort and asking if you had anyone waiting for you, to which you responded with faux timidity, "I don't remember," and cursed Jesper for taking so long, it went perfectly. 
"Your delivery, Boss," Jesper said proudly as the two of you swept into Kaz's office, pulling the canvases out of his jacket with a flourish and setting them on Kaz's desk. He bounced on his heels and waited for an acknowledgment. "Shall I take a bow for our excellent work?" he asked after a few moments of silence from Kaz, who finally looked up from some piece of parchment he was looking over.
"Well done," Kaz murmured, but his eyes flicked to you. He searched your face, then let his eyes run over your body. You realized he was checking for injuries and offered a reassuring smile. Nearly imperceptibly, his shoulders lost some of their tension. "Can you handle the door?" he asked Jesper.
Jesper sighed. "'Shouldn't you be at the door, Jesper? Can you handle the door, Jesper?'" Despite the mocking, he left without complaint and whistled as he strolled down the hall.
Kaz pretended he didn't hear the sarcasm and turned to you. "You're okay?" he prompted, analyzing your face more closely once the door closed.
"Perfectly unharmed," you confirmed. You started to remove your jewelry, intending to give it back. Maybe Kaz could pawn it and add the funds to the emergency reserve he pretended he didn't have. For someone so brilliant, that discolored brick in the wall wasn't the best hiding spot for thousands of kruge.
When you got to the necklace, you hesitated before removing it too. It reminded you of him, of the moment he trusted you enough to take off his glove and touch you. You didn't want to give it back.
"Keep it," Kaz said, seeing the hesitation written clearly across your features. "It suits you." He'd go to his grave before admitting to anyone other than you how much he enjoyed seeing it on you. He liked seeing you sparkle, and he also liked knowing that it made you happy. In the three months the two of you had been something, he realized that your happiness was a drug he could not get enough of. It was stronger and sweeter than any liquor, and he longed to protect it.
So damn the kruge he could get from selling the necklace. It was yours. It had been from the moment he'd seen it and swiped it for this heist.
Your hesitation dissipated upon hearing the sincerity in his words, and you pondered your response. "Only if you help me put it on sometimes," you said. A small smile curved your lips. 
Kaz was silent for a moment, considering. In his opinion, and he was quite the business expert, this seemed fair. "Deal," he said. He gestured for you to sit in the chair across from his, and he passed you a book of his that you'd started reading.
As the night passed by and heavy rain started to pour over the city, the two of you sat in his office and basked in the success of the heist and the sheer comfort of each other's company. You shared your lingering glances and tiny smiles, and when you left his office in the early hours of the morning to finally get some sleep, the necklace back around your neck, you couldn't wipe the stupid smile off your face or the memory of his fingers brushing over your skin out of your mind.
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knightyoomyoui · 4 months
The 1% Of Chances | TWICE Jeongyeon x Male Reader Fanfic: CHAPTER 10
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NOTE: We're down to two chapters before this book officially closes! We are now crossing into the storm where no rainbows can be seen, which means I'm giving an early warning already that this is going to be full on angst... until the end(?) A quick additional note from yours truly, this features some medical information and I want to say that I'm not entirely sure if these are accurate, but I swear that I did some research as much as I can have then I tried to intepret then all from my own understanding. Basically, I just wanted to include this for the sake of the story, as I believe it would be important when the twists arrives (yes there will be) on the last remaining chapters. Enjoy!
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YN and Jeongyeon are making their way through a certain room after a call informed them that they would be met by someone urgently. They followed as they couldn’t even reject it anyway, and it puts them today in the JYPE building, where they just unloaded from the elevator to reach the 4th floor.
Jeongyeon is holding your hand, and when you two stopped in front of the door, she glanced at you and softly smiled, to which you reacted the same, adding it with an assuring nod.
Jeongyeon knocked on the door, and they heard the person inside shout, “Come in.” Twisting the doorknob, the door opened, and they got exposed to JYP, who was just writing a song while playing a guitar on his couch.
“Hi, pd-nim”
“Good morning, have you two already eaten breakfast?”, JYP smiled and looked at them while he’s plucking some strings on his guitar.
“We did.”
“Good. Well, I haven’t but that can wait for later.” He placed the guitar on the empty space next to him. “I wanna talk about something first and promise this won’t last that long.”
“We supposed so too, that’s the reason why you called us in.” Jeongyeon said.
“Yeah, I just want to check on you two.” JYP replied, then his eye turned next at you. “Especially you, YN. I’ve heard that you’ve been having some another episodes of head ache again these days.”
“Y-yes, I am sir.”
“And what is it, did it got more frequent than before?”
“I’ve noticed sir.”
“Did you have some history of you know… head injury or something that triggers your pain? Because if it’s not I still believe there’s something wrong right now on your head.” JYP seriously mentioned. He caught their perturbed reactions. “Now I don’t want to scare you both, but… things happen for a reason innit?”
“I agree.”
“Have you seen a doctor already?”
“We’re just planning so far, sir.”
“Good, you don’t need to. I’ve partnered with some doctors that are part of our medical team regarding on our idols and staffs health, I’ll assign one to check on you YN and the payment is all mine.”
“I-it’s free?” YN surprisingly asked.
“Yeah. You don’t need to worry about it.”
Jeongyeon looks at him and smiles. “Well you’re in oppa’s company. In here, we treat everybody here well, and we care for each other like a one big family. That’s JYP Nation for you.”
“Oh you’re fluttering me too much Jeongyeon.” JYP sheepishly laughed. “But you heard her right, that’s what we do here.” 
“T-thank you, sir. I appreciate the help so much.” You bowed in respect for your boss.
JYP shook his head and smiled. “No problem. But, I think you know what this means in return don’t you, YN?”
You didn’t respond and instead waited to continue his words. JYP took that as a cue.
“Since you’re going for a medical treatment, whatever the result will be based whether I will put you in hiatus or not. If it does, it means that you will stop managing Jeongyeon for a while and she will be handed for a while to one of your other managers. Is that clear?”
Jeongyeon massaged your shoulder and peeks at you with a comforting smile. “Don’t worry, oppa. You’re much more important for me. Take a rest for a while, okay?”
“Are you sure, Jeong?”
Jeongyeon hummed. “I wouldn’t be going to focus on working properly if I know something’s bad is happening to you. This kind of calms me a bit because you’re now getting a help, and all you have to do is to take it for now because you need it. Just please, you’ll be alright after okay?”
“I’ll do my best… for you.” 
You kissed Jeongyeon on the lips and smiled at her. JYP was happy to witness the two’s blooming tough love for each other in front of his own eyes, making him more of a proud father-figure to Jeongyeon. He slowly cleared his throat to gain their attention without any means of disrespect.
“Sorry to interrupt you both, but we made ourselves clear now right?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Okay. Tomorrow expect that you’ll be having a check up with one of our professional doctors in the company. I’ll just call Nayeon to pass the signal to you.”
“Noted sir.”
“And Jeongyeon…”
“Yes, oppa?” She responded.
“I’ll allow you to supervise for YN for a week since your promotions just ended for Between 1&2, am I right?“
“It did, yes.”
“Good. Then you’re okay to do that.” Jeongyeon was satisfied. “Alright, both of you are dismissed. Enjoy the day.”
The two stood from their seats and bowed in gratitude for the kind leader of this industry. They exited the room and made their way back to the lobby as you shared your compliments to JYP for being a kind boss and again received the overflowing care and support of your loving girlfriend.
All set to go and courageously prepared, you brought Jeongyeon again with you and drove through the hospital where the doctor is stationed. After parking your car outside, Jeongyeon took the initiative to ask at the assistance booth for the name of the doctor.
Fortunately, the nurse gave the directions to both of you, and she was given thanks.
Following the paths, both landed themselves correctly at the exact destination. A door that says “The doctor is in” and the name of the doctor are plastered to be seen by his attendees. Jeongyeon knocked twice and opened it, and there they were seen by the doctor, who was just arranging his medicines on the kit.
Following the paths, both landed yourselves correctly at the exact destination. A door that says “The doctor is in” and the name of the doctor are plastered to be seen by his attendees. Jeongyeon knocked twice and opened it, and there they were seen by the doctor who is just arranging his medicines on the kit.
“How may I help you two? Was there an appointment that you two made with me?” The doctor asked politely.
“Uhm hello and yes, doc. Mr. Park Jinyoung was asked for us to meet you. He said that you are free to be visited.” Jeongyeon did the greetings.
“Oh… Jinyoung did. You must be his idol and your boyfriend I presume.”
“Yes, doc.”
“Who is the patient here?”
“Me, sir.” You raised your hand.”
“Okay, give me a second. Please, make yourselves comfortable on the seats there.” The doctor offered. You and Jeongyeon took it and just watched the doctor prepare some papers, equipments he will use for consultation. He also viewed at his phone to evaluate something.
“Ahh, so you are YN LN and Yoo Jeongyeon?”
“Yes we are, doc.”
“Okay, let’s start.” The doctor sat on his swivel chair. “Jinyoung notified me that you Mr. LN has been dealing with some head aches.”
“Yes, doc.”
“Rate the pain for me.”
“Absolutely 10 doc.”
“10? As in severe?”
“It’s like, my jaws are numbing and I couldn’t move my face. My brain feels like it’s being tugged and then squeezed roughly.” 
“And it how much does it occur?”
“Before it was seldom but from the past few days, it has been attacking often doc. Like, it doesn’t follow any time anymore to irritate.”
“I could confirm that, doc.” Jeongyeon continued. “He’s also my manager and we are together most of the time. I’ve been a witness from how he deals with his pain and when does it happen. It’s… indeed unpredictable.”
“And I suppose you couldn’t do anything about it to help it stop?”
“Y-yes, doc.” Jeongyeon nervously said. “Hearing him groan and cry in pain while his face twitches and holding his head tightly, I couldn’t stand it. As much as I want to try remove it I don’t even know what to do too. I even tried making him drink painkiller but it was only for a moment.”
“That’s okay, Ms. Yoo. Painkillers are designed to ease the pain but to use it only if its necessary, and you did nothing wrong.” The doctor calms down the worrying woman. “Okay, now back to you Mr. LN. Did you have any history regarding about hurting your head before? Injuries, perhaps?”
“N-none, sir.”
“What about stress? Are your daily routine balanced? Do you rest at a given time?”
“Well, I mean I’m a manager of an idol. If she’s awake and active, I must be too so yeah it’s stressful but… it doesn’t affect my head that much. My body is rather exhausted but I don’t let it get in my head because I have to be focused on managing my idol.” 
“Point taken.” The doctor nodded. “Okay, for now I’ll assume that you have a severe case of migraine going on, and we don’t underestimate its temporary nature because it still could get worse, and we’re talking about the head here. A critical part of our body. That’s where our brain is being kept, one of the reasons why our body acts the way it does. That’s why I would like to line you up for continous check-up for us to further determine the problem on your head. Maybe there’s actually something worse than we imagine.”
“Do what you must do, doctor. As long as it would help me relieved from this head ache.”
“Good to know you’re willing for it.” The doctor nodded. “I won’t do the scanning on your head today but let’s arrange the schedule on Tuesday. Sounds good?”
“Yes doc.”
“Alright, well please sign these papers up to confirm that you two have made your meeting with me today and for further examination that we will conduct regarding on your illness.”
The doctor handed out the sheets of paper, and you filled up all the information and signed it along with Jeongyeon. You passed it back to the doctor and thanked him again for his service. 
A few days later, you returned just like the doctor tasked you, and you were placed in a CT scan that uses X-rays to picture if there’s any anomaly present in your skull, brain, and even sinuses that were not able to be located, which can assist in helping to know the right treatment could be given to you.
After an hour of evaluating the result of the CT scan, the doctor reentered the office holding the scanned image of your head, and you noticed that he faced you and Jeongyeon with a slight uneasiness in his face.
“Doc, what’s the result?”
He looked again at the picture and positioned into thinking. “This is strange…”
“Why, what is it?”
“You said that you have a pain that highly severe and we came up with a possibility that its migraine… yet your brain is telling in the image here that you don’t have any signs of functional changes in the structure.”
“Then what does that mean doc?” Jeongyeon curiously asked.
“It means that you’re perfectly normal. Your head status is fine. As if, you’re not experiencing this severe head ache you’ve been having.”
The doctor leaned closer to present the image clearer to you two. “Look at these, we have certain parts in the brain that is easily affected when a person has a severe case of migraine, the reason is because it disrupts the function of the blood veseels around our brain.
Some of the these parts include the posterior pons, where our trigominovascular system gets hypersensitive because our pons has an abnormality and could cause weakened connections through some sort of our brain which contributes to the pain we feel in having a migraine. Yours doesn’t have any sign of that.
Most of our blood vessels in our brain can be found too in some perivascular spaces present around here, for people with migraine it enlarges but yours has a normal gap.
Last I could give to you would be our hypothalamus here, it goes overactive due to the effects of the pain attacks our migraine releases and since this part is heavily responsible from how we sleep our any status quo that we have, it showcases a condition of that. Yours is functioning well.
In conclusion, I’m currently puzzled right now on how you are getting this kind of headache when your brain is… healthy.”
You and Jeongyeon remained silent for a moment to sink in every aspect of information that was shared by the doctor to further claim that there’s no problem in your head despite hurting like a bitch. 
Jeongyeon saw your perplexed state and she doesn’t know how to feel, but she was convinced that you were indeed having it when it happened right in front of her. “D-doc, are you trying to tell us that m-my boyfriend might be… lying?”
“I… haven’t said anything about him lying but… the CT scans don’t lie.” The doctor shrugged and shook his head.
“M-maybe we could check it again, maybe it wasn’t visible-”
“Miss Yoo, too much exposure to x-ray can cause more problems to your boyfriend here. We may not have that much limit on how a patient can undergo CT scans, but it’s not right to take both exams in a very short period of time. We only do x-rays mostly in just one take.”
“O-or maybe you have mistaken on the result, i-it’s not actually his…” Jeongyeon paused when she felt his arm being held by you. All of you know that it was ridiculous because the name is indicated that it belongs to you plus the result must not get mixed up since it was only you who is assigned on the exam.
“Stop, Jeongyeon.” You muttered to her. Jeongyeon gulped and slowly nodded at you as she holds your hand.
“S-sorry… sorry if I have doubted you doc.”
“It’s fine. It’s a normal reaction for patients here who gets nervous or scared.” The doctor said. “But I promise, I’ve been a longtime partner with Mr. Park and I never once failed my tests. I’ve also treated many employees of his through my career. Yours is not different.”
“Then what’s the next step, doc? What now, if it wasn’t migraine then what- ah…”
Jeongyeon and the doctor saw you immediately lower your head and clench your face. Your grip went tighter around Jeongyeon’s grasp in sync with how your head throbs. “Shit… agh…”
“Mr. LN can you tell us how you’re feeling?”
“AAAAGGGHHHH!!!” You let go of Jeongyeon to hold both of your head furiously.
“Doc, he’s having another episode again!” Jeongyeon yelled at him.
“Wait here, I’m calling a nurse to assist him.” The doctor sprung up and went out of the room to call for some assistance. You were now curled like a ball on the floor and keep screaming in pain. Jeongyeon’s heart broke as she saw you cry for the first time, realizing that the pain must hurt way worse now than previously.
Jeongyeon didn’t know what to do, as she just tried to calm you down by placing you in her embrace while she started to get teary-eyed at your poor state. The nurses arrived on time, and the doctor gave the command to put you in one of the vacant rooms.
Minutes later, you woke up to find Jeongyeon talking to somebody on the phone while walking back and forth around the room. As she dropped the phone. She saw you awake and quickly went by your side. “YN, are you okay? ”
“I feel dizzy.” You said. It was the truth, it looks like the ceiling is spinning and Jeongyeon’s face is distorted in your vision, but her voice is enough to calm you and confirm that she’s still here, staying by your side.
“What happened?”
“You had another migraine attack, but it looks bad. You were crying while you wince in pain, so the doctor decided to bring you here. You’re currently confined now, YN.” Jeongyeon shared. “He said he will do more tests on you to figure out what’s really causing your head to hurt because… it wasn’t looking any good.”
“I-I’m sorry if you have to see me like that again…” You said weakly. You heard the crack in her voice and felt something drop on your hand before she gives it some squeezes. 
“Don’t cry, please.”
“How could I not? I’m scared… I’m scared for you, YN.” Jeongyeon said as she lifts your hand and cuddled it on her face. “I don’t know what’s exactly happening to you, and my mind is just running thoughts in my head that doesn’t help me at all in our situation, but I still couldn’t avoid to think about it. What if these gets worse and then… oh God, y-you’re suddenly gone?”
“Don’t think like that, Jeong.” You still couldn’t see her properly, so you began to caress her face and imagine her beauty that was never a time you have enough of seeing on her. “We both know we don’t want to happen, but… if the time won’t let us have it… a part of me believes that our fate still leads for us to be together again. 
I’ll find you, and I know you’ll meet me too. Promise that.”
“With all my heart, YN.” Jeongyeon showed a bitter sweet smile and kissed your hand. She leans closer and kissed you also on the lips. “Don’t force yourself, you can rest for now. I’ve called the girls and our managers and some of them are coming to see you.”
“Okay.” Jeongyeon patted your chest and you took one last glimpse of her blurry figure before you closed your eyes and went to sleep in recovery.
Few hours later, after your body has had enough energy to send you back awake, your head still throbs but only for a little. Your vision has gone clearer but you waited for it to become stable as you blinked rapidly to endure the bright light coming from the ceiling.
As you did, you roamed your sight around the room with your newly woke up expression.
Then you observed, you were not alone in the room as someone is sitting on the spare chair in front of you.
And Jeongyeon is nowhere to be found anymore.
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pleasantspark · 2 months
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Forever & Ever - Chapter One (Cold Cold Heart) Frieza x Fem! Frieza Race OC Genre: Horror/Romance(?) Tropes: Yandere Part of The F&E Series Warnings: Possessiveness, Frieza (Because he's a whole ass warning in of itself), Sexism, Forced Gender Roles, Misogyny, Internalized Misogyny, Stalking, Implied Offscreen Death, Death, Yandere Behavior, Canon Divergent, Impossible Logic, DBZ Logic, Forced Pregnancy (Offscreen), Abusive Relationships, Gaslighting, Toxicity AUs Utilized: Frieza Redemption Arc AU (Separate Arc, a COMPLETE different whatif) Frieza Race Overhaul Doc Used! Please check for it here: x
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In her days of being on the run, Orion could have not guessed what she gotten herself into. She's been on the run from various planets starting when she saw the fearsome Frieza arrive on Old Namek. Morri told her about the danger that was going to happen and he allowed her to take a group of Namekians to flee the planet, and since then. She believed she was being watched.
Orion was born a Female Frieza Race, the last of her kind. She was sent away in a Pod that crash landed on Old Namek after her parents failed to send her to Earth and Morri decided to keep her around. She was pretty for her Race, unlike the traditional males of the Frieza Race, you can tell pretty well she was a female.
The two Namekians she was assigned bodygaurds had acted like her protectors. They travelled across the galaxies trying to find a place to accommodate themselves. But she couldn't shake off the feeling that she was being watched... By someone...
That feeling only got worse as she arrived on Earth, the pod door opened and the Two Namekians that were assigned to her immediately fell on the floor for her to walk on them. She shook her head.
"You don't need to do that, Vio and Mint." She said, to the Namekians.
"It's what we're here for." Vio gruffs, and got up, Mint following after.
"Where are we?" Orion asked.
"Earth." Mint comments. Using his scouter to show a hologram of Earth. "The main inhabitants are creatures known as Humans or Earthlings."
Orion inspects the image and hums. "What does this Earth do, I concur?" She asked.
"...We shall find out." Mint then stops the Hologram and turned to the taller Namekian.
"Should we proceed to assess the area in case of any potential threats?" Mint asked.
"We are tasked to do so, lets. Miss Orion stay here." Vio said.
"Of course." Orion said. She watched as Vio and Mint went to check for any signs of danger, while Orion watched the landscape. It was pretty peaceful. But... The area was... Oddly quiet. She felt uneasy. She wanted to bolt out and find Mint and Vio. But she was told to stay put.
Eventually, minutes passed, and they hadn't returned, so she got away from the pod. And began to walk, before she knew it. She felt a cloth wrap her nose and mouth and she saw what seemed to be someone's manicured fingers clench around the cloth. She struggles and shushing was heard.
"Shh, shh. Be a doll and don't make this any harder, I don't want to clip a nail." A voice said.
Orion eventually went limp in the person's arms and her eyes fluttered.
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In all of his years, the fearsome Frieza has been without a partner. He had no need for something trivial as that. He had done well without someone to bother him.
But... As the years passed and as the days passed and the seasons changed. He's gotten word on a... anomaly. A new development if you will. It was a... Female of his race? His father always told him the females have been dead for centuries and he had no hopes of extending the Frieza Races Genetics, and as King Cold died, he was left with the sinking despair of his species dying out due to the lack of females.
That is, until one of his spies found a Female Frieza Race on Old Namek and had followed them around so he had the grunt place a tracker on the Pod traveling through space. This led to the discovery of the female and her... Bodygaurds. So he devised a plan, a plan to take the female and finally make more of his species.
The female arrived to Earth and he took note that she was left behind, he ordered Zarbon to come and take her away. So here she was. Laying unconscious in a chair, tied to it. What a waste... A Waste of so many years. Just to find out the only female of his race was here the entire time. She was even more beautiful up close, he placed a hand under her chin and looked at her closely. Her eyes fluttered open and upon seeing Frieza she screams. She attempted to kick him away and Frieza looked unamused.
"Now, that's no way to treat your future mate." He would say, crossing his arms in disapproval. She blinked at him, looking around frantically.
"Where am I?" She asked.
"You're in your new home. Where else did you think you were at?" Sneered Frieza who was in his First Form, Orion squirmed and looked down.
"Please let me go... I need to go back to Vio and Mint..." Orion begs.
"No, how about this? You do realize how important you are, right?" Frieza asked, getting close to her face, "You're... The last of our race, a female. And as the only female of our Race, you are to provide me, and our entire race, a new lineage. That's all your good for... Breeding, and providing me a outlet for my desires."
Orion's eyes widened and she squirmed away. "What?! Are you nuts!? I don't want that!"
Frieza was getting frustrated, he was used to getting what he wants. And here she was, defying his wishes, usually when lower ranking soldiers defied him, he kills them on the spot. The only exception would be Zarbon and Dodoria, but he cannot kill Orion as she was the only female of his race left.
He stomped his foot, and growled. "You're being absolutely bratty! You're not giving into what I want! And as your superior I demand you to give me what I want!" Frieza shouts.
Orion felt uncomfortable.
"And if I want you to bear my children, you'll do as I say. And since I can't kill you, I can find other ways to ensure you listen, and if you don't... You'd wish you weren't born as a female in my own race."
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>Next Chapter
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I'm totally still willing to request for your young!tony with fem!reader. I like to live in a place where tony's parents are alive and they're the best parents in the world 'cause tony deserves all the happiness in the world. So, my request is for college tony totally in love with his colleague/parter and he's nervous about asking her out and he asks his parents for some advices, they gladly help him. And then he asks her out, the date is a success, they start officially dating and tony introduces her as his girlfriend to his parents, and they absolutely love her, thanks ❤️
The love of my life
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PAIRING | College student!Tony Stark x College Student!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | Tony has been in love with you for as long as he can remember, but he is afraid to ask you out. Every time he attempts, the two of you get interrupted or he gets so nervous he can't think straight and the words tumble out of his mouth. When he finally decides to ask his parents for help, they come up with an absolutely foolproof plan.
WARNING(S) | None.
A/N | Thank you so much for this sweet request, Nonnie, I love the idea of Tony’s parents being there for him in this way! I hope you enjoy the route I took with this 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💚
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics | 18+ banner is made by yours truly
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist | AU Masterlist
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"I can't believe you still haven't asked her out, man!" Bruce said to his best friend, Tony. "Everyone can see you're head over heels for her, and it wouldn't surprise me if she does, too, at this point."
But Tony hasn't asked you out for a reason - a good one if he says so himself. He can barely talk with you when you're working on an assignment together; how will he ask you out without embarrassing himself with these nerves?!
Deep down, he knows he should ask you out. That there is nothing to be afraid of. But you're so beautiful that he can't get the words out. Not that he hasn't tried, however.
Each time he tried, the two of you either got interrupted, he changed his mind at the last second, or he stumbled his words so much you couldn't even make out a single word he said, so he gave up asking you out. He is perfectly content with admiring you from a distance.
"I'm fine, Bruce. I don't need to ask her out. She's probably not going to say yes anyway," Tony sighed, resting his head on his fist, his elbow leaning on the table. Bruce doesn't need to look at him to know where Tony's line of sight will lead.
"You know, you could ask her to the spring dance; I believe she has yet to be asked. It's the "is all Bruce can say.
"Can you not just shut up about it for once?!" Tony says as he raises his voice, his hand slapping the table, making everyone look at them, including you.
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"Do you have a date to the spring dance yet, Y/N?" Your friend Natasha asks you when you are walking to class.
"I don't, but if it's going to take too long, I am going to have to ask someone myself," you sigh, adjusting your backpack just to give yourself some distraction from your thoughts.
"Why don't you ask Tony? He's a nice guy, and the two of you are already partners for acting class, so why not?" Wanda chimes in.
"I don't know. Sure, he's a nice guy and all, but I just find him a bit… odd," you say, and you shrug. "He always seems embarrassed to work with me," you say, blushing a little.
"He's not embarrassed; he likes you! I heard from someone he's been trying to ask you out a couple of times, but he doesn't know how," Wanda says. Nat nods in agreement.
"No, you must be wrong. There's no way someone like him would ask me out!" You say as you're finally walking into the classroom.
"All we're saying is that you should give him a chance. It's the least you can do," Natasha says before sitting down at a table with Wanda, her acting partner.
You walk over to an empty seat so you and Tony can sit together, but to your surprise, he doesn't attend today's class.
When the class is done, you head back to your dorm room, so you can just do your homework in peace and not think about why Tony suddenly decided not to show up.
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Tony doesn't go home to New York often, but he decided it might be time to do that this weekend, mainly because he wanted to talk about something with his parents.
"Tony, hi! What a nice surprise!" Maria says as she walks out of the kitchen, wondering who opened the door.
"Hi, Mom, I'm sorry for showing up unannounced, but I need a weekend with you and Dad for once," Tony smiled, and his mom pulled him in for a hug.
"Well, I'm glad you did, and you know you're always welcome back home," she says.
"Thanks, Mom. I have to do some homework now, but I'll be back in time for dinner," Tony says, walking up the stairs to his old bedroom.
He lets himself fall back on the bed with a deep sigh, his eyes closed while his mind wanders to you. God, all he can think about is you.
He lays like that for a while and just lets his thoughts wander. He thinks about what it would be like to dance with you, what it would feel like to hug you, how your hands would fit perfectly together, how your lips would slot together like they were made for each other.
You. There's nothing else he can think about, but you and his mom are starting to notice something is up.
"Tony? Can I come in?" She asks after she knocks at the door, pulling him from his thoughts.
"Oh, yeah. Sorry," he says as he sits up, watching the door swing open.
"Is everything okay? I called your name a few times, but it would appear you were lost in your own thoughts. What has my perfect son thinking about, lying like that?" She asks, sitting down next to her son.
"I don't want to talk about it yet; maybe when Dad's home. I need your advice," he says as his head leans on her shoulder. It's good to be home again, he thinks to himself.
"Alright, I love you. But I was calling you because dinner is almost ready," she says.
"Thank you, I'll be down soon," he says, and with that, his mom stands up to go back to preparing dinner.
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You, Nat, and Wanda are having a girl's night with movies, face masks, and gossip at your dorm. Lots and lots of gossip. The most burning piece, though? You and Tony.
You have told them countless times nothing is going on between you and that you are just partners in acting class; they won't drop it.
"I seriously think he will ask you to be his date for the spring dance!" Wanda said as she got another bag of microwave popcorn out of the microwave. She pours it into the bowl that's on the counter before turning and walking back to the couch.
"Well, what if he doesn't? I'm not going alone and won't ask anyone, either. So if no one asks me, I'm not going," you shrug, trying to act like you don't care. But you do care, more than you'd ever like to admit.
It's not like you didn't want to be asked; you like Tony a lot. But you're not the kind of person who would ask someone out, not after all the rejection and heartbreak you've received over the years.
Little did you know, however, that Tony was working on a plan to ask you out after the countless times he has been unsuccessful at that task.
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"So, your Mom told me you wanted advice about something?" Howard said as he put some of the dinner Maria had prepared onto his plate.
"Yeah, I do actually need your advice about how to ask out a girl. Well, not just any girl, but Y/N. We're partners in acting class, and I really like her a lot, but every time I want to ask her to go on a date with me, I get so nervous I can't seem to get the words out; I just become a stumbling mess," he confesses as his cheeks grow more and more red with every word.
"That's sweet, Tony! I'm honestly glad you came to us for help because we would love to help you," Maria says, and Howard nods in response.
"Did you have a specific date planned for the two of you?" Howard asks, and Tony nods slowly.
"Well, I am either thinking of asking her out to dinner or to the spring dance that's coming up soon," he says, his mind secretly wandering to you in a gorgeous dress on his arm as the two of you walk into the party.
"Oh, the spring dance is the perfect opportunity to go for a date; the two of you can dance, talk, have fun, and let go for an evening. I think you should ask her to the dance," Maria said with too much enthusiasm for Tony's liking, but he knew she was right.
And with that, the rest of the evening is spent planning ways to ask you to the spring dance. When all three finally agree on the perfect way to ask, Tony lets out a sigh of relief. He knew coming home was the best thing to do.
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The following week it is finally time for Tony to ask you to the dance, especially since it is only 3 weeks away now. And as luck would have it, you have to prepare a scene together for an acting class.
Tony invited you to his dorm room, and you gladly accepted, eager to get every bit of attention he would give you. Little did you know what would await you on the other side of the door when you arrived.
The weather is nice today, so you opted for a light and airy outfit, which frames your body perfectly, your hair hanging loose around your shoulders.
When you knock on his door, Tony says it is open, and when it swings open, you softly gasp at the sight in front of you.
In the middle of the room stands Tony with a small bouquet of red roses, ready to ask you on that date like he and his parents discussed. Nothing over the top, just the two of you, absolute perfection.
"Hi, Y/N. I, uh, I have been wondering about something for a while now, and uh… Would you, maybe - you can say no if you want - willyougotothespringdancewithme?" he asks in a single breath.
"Excuse me?" You say with a slight giggle; you find it adorable how he suddenly gets so shy and nervous, especially since he's always the most outspoken and loudest person in the class.
"I'm sorry, I-I'm just nervous because I have been trying to ask you multiple times, and it never worked. But would you like to go to the spring dance with me?" He asks, his cheeks and neck turning almost as red as his face.
"I thought you'd never ask," you say, walking towards him, taking the roses from his hands. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him in for a hug; his arms happily wrap around your waist to pull you closer.
"How many times exactly have you tried to ask me out?" You ask, and Tony turns even more red now, his complexion sporting a deep crimson color.
"About 7 times…?" He says it's a question, and your jaw drops to the floor.
"7 times?! How have I not noticed that before…?" You say, wondering to yourself, but you decide to let it slide. You text the girls that he finally did it and say yes before sitting next to Tony to work together on your scene.
You scooted a little closer to him, and your shoulders were touching while you worked. It had never felt more right to be in his presence than it does right now.
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Ever since Tony asked you to be his date to the dance, the two of you have been spending more time together. Where you usually didn't see each other besides classes and assignments, the two of you now gravitated toward one another outside those moments.
Nat and Wanda have picked up on this and are now trying to get every bit of information out of you that they can possibly get.
"How did he ask you?" Wanda asks as she's rummaging through the dresses.
"We were going to work on an assignment together, and he invited me to his dorm room. So when I walked in, he was standing there with a small bouquet of red roses, and that's when he asked me," you said with a big smile and flushed cheeks.
"Oh my god, that's so romantic! And did you kiss him?!" Wanda asks now that you have her full attention.
"No, we didn't kiss Wanda, but we did cuddle a little, so I guess that's something. But no, we haven't kissed - yet," you say softly.
"Did you just say yet? You're planning on kissing him, aren't you?!" Nat said as she grabbed your shoulders.
"That's not-"
"Oh my god, you totally are planning on kissing him! This is so cute!" Nat almost shrieks out, and suddenly a few people are looking in your direction.
"Can we just drop it and go on the hunt for a dress? I told him I'd let him know what color it is, so he can dress accordingly," you say as you wiggle out of her grasp.
"Fine, but this is definitely worth talking about later!" Nat says, and she goes back to looking at the dresses.
When an electric blue dress suddenly catches your eye, you immediately walk over to it and grab it off the rack to look at it.
It has a normal neckline in the front but a deep cutout in the back, which is the perfect moment for you to show off your back tattoo.
"I'm going to try this one on; I'll be right back," you tell Nat and Wanda before heading to the dressing rooms.
You step into the dress, and when it's on, you turn around to look at yourself in the full-length mirrors. It fits perfectly, and every curve is accentuated beautifully just the way you like, and you go to show the girls.
"Nat? Wanda? Where are you?" You call for them, but they don't answer; you assume they're too far away to hear you. When you're about to turn back, you hear a soft 'wow.'
Your head turns towards the sound, and you suddenly see Tony standing outside the store, looking at you through the big window. You smile at him and wave before returning to the dressing rooms; now you know this is the dress.
When you've changed, you find Nat and Wanda again, letting them know you found your perfect dress. They reacted similarly to Tony when they saw it, saying a soft "wow" when you show it.
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The night of the dance is here, and you're ready to go; only waiting for Tony to pick you up now. You're seated at your desk, reading your book.
It doesn't take long for him to arrive, and he softly knocks on your door, a smile appearing on your face instantly. When you open the door, you find Tony in a deep black suit, a tie that perfectly matches your dress, and his hair perfectly styled.
When he smiles, the look is complete, and he takes your hand and kisses it softly. "You look gorgeous tonight," he says. He twirls you around a few times to take you in from head to toe before twirling you into his arms and kissing your temple softly.
You feel the butterflies in your stomach go crazy when he holds you, and you secretly wish he would never let you go so that you can stay in his arms for all eternity.
"You look gorgeous right now," Tony sighs as he untwists you. He's gotten a bit bolder with his affection towards you for the last week and a half, and you are reveling in the attention he's giving you.
"You look nothing short of amazing yourself," you tell him, and the flush that appears makes your insides melt a little.
The two of you walk to the gym together, and when you arrive, Tony leads you in by putting his hand on the small of your back, right above the fabric of your dress.
You immediately spot Nat and Wanda in their beautiful dresses, accompanied by Bruce and Clint, their dates. "You look beautiful, Y/N, and I'm glad he finally listened to me," Bruce says, which makes you laugh.
"Well, I'm glad he finally did. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here right now to enjoy this evening with all of you," you say, all six heading towards the main party.
After many drinks, dancing, laughter, and talking, it is time for a few slower songs.
"May I have this dance?" Tony asks as he extends his hand to you. You gladly take it as he leads you onto the dance floor, finding a spot where the two of you can dance without bumping into anyone.
"I'm glad you asked me to be your date tonight; I'm having a lot of fun," you tell him, and you move to rest your head against his cheek, giving him a soft peck before pressing your cheek to his.
"I'm glad I finally dared to do it, but I was thinking of a way to make this night unforgettable," he says as one of his hands leaves your hips and finds its new place on your cheek.
Your eyes meet his, and he gives you a soft, reassuring smile; your eyes flutter shut as you see him leaning in, and his lips brush softly over yours before capturing yours in a breathtaking kiss.
The around you seems to slow down, and fireworks appear to go off around you as you get completely lost in each other. You don't notice the song is over, and more upbeat music is playing again, but suddenly you hear Nat, Wanda, Bruce, and Clint cheering as they see both of you kiss.
When you pull apart, you get a shy smile on your face, your cheeks are flushed, and you're looking at Tony with nothing but love and adoration in your eyes. He has that same look on his, and he takes you off the dance floor to sit down for a little bit.
"You guys are so cute together? Wait, are the two of you together?" Nat and Wanda ask, and you look at Tony, who gives you a reassuring smile.
"We are," you tell them, and they couldn't be happier when he holds your hand, stroking the back of your hand with his thumb.
The rest of the night went by in a blur, and when Tony dropped you off at your dorm room again, you parted after a long, sweet kiss. No one was there to interrupt the two of you, and the moment was perfect.
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"I can't help it that I'm nervous; it's not every day I meet my boyfriend's parents," you say as you squeeze Tony's hand. He just turned into the driveway at his parent's house, and you are invited for a summer barbecue.
"They're going to love you, so there's no need to be worried," he said as he leaned over the center console to give you a soft, sweet kiss.
You get out of the car and fix your dress before taking Tony's hand as he leads you towards the garden at the side of the house.
"Tony, Y/N, welcome!" Maria says as she walks over to both of you. "It's so nice to finally meet you; Tony has told me a lot about you. I'm Maria," she says as she envelops you in a big, bone-crushing hug.
"It's good to meet you, Mrs. Stark," you say as you let go of Tony's hand and hug her back.
"Please, no need for formalities here. You can call me Maria and-" She's looking for Howard, but he appears nowhere in sight.
"Ah, Y/N, you're even more beautiful than Tony described you to be," Howard suddenly says as he walks out of the house towards you.
"Howard Stark, it's an absolute pleasure to finally have the chance to meet you," he says with an outstretched hand, and you gladly take it.
"It's great to finally meet you, too; Tony has also told me a lot about the two of you. Nothing but good things, of course," you say, and you and Howard both let out a burst of laughter.
When the introductions are done, Tony leads you to a bench after getting you a drink, and the two of you sit down. His arm is lying across your shoulders, and you're snuggled into his side.
"Thank you for taking me here; it's great to finally have met your family. They're even greater than you described them to be," you say.
"I'm glad you decided to come with me today. I love you so much, and I can't wait to have many more days like this," he says, and he softly kisses your lips.
"I love you too, Tony. More than you'll ever know."
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dragon-kazansky · 2 years
The Chaos Family
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Iceman x Dragon
[Previous Chapter] - [Next Chapter]
From how these two fools met and fell in love. To how they built a family surrounded by those that mean the most to them. There's a lot to tell in a story like this, but if you're willing to hear it out, well, who am I to deprive you of the Kazansky's and their crazy friends?
Word count: 2.6k
Chapter Two - The Iceman
The bar was alive with music and people. Most of those people being graduates o their way to starting their Navy careers. Dragon was so proud of Goose. The fact that he was following in her footsteps made her so very happy.
Nick immediately takes her over to the bar to order drinks. She laughs as he orders for her, knowing exactly what she'll want. Rachael rolls her eyes and shoves him playfully.
"I heard you're being deployed soon," Nick says, leaning against the bar with her.
"I leave in 3 days. Gotta be back home tomorrow so I can prepare. I'll be gone a few months. Big job assignment coming my way. Think you'll settle into base without me for a while?" She grins.
"It will be very lonely, but somehow I think I'll manage."
Rachael rolls her eyes. The bartender gives them their drinks and they look out at the crowd.
"You still don't have a partner up in the sky?"
"You offering?" Rachael asks.
She chuckles. "You can find your own pilot, Goose. They'll find someone for you."
"Why not you?"
Rachael falls quiet.
"I'm sorry," Nick apologies.
"Don't be. I should just get over it."
"You shouldn't have to do anything. Hey, listen to me, you got me, okay? We're going to be great. Nothing is going to stop us from saving the world."
Rachael bursts into laughter. "Oh, sure."
She eyes a group of pilots near a dart board. She then turns to Goose.
"Are you not going to introduce me to any of your pals?"
Nick laughs. "Pals? I guess. That's Cougar over there. He's really good. That's his girl he's with."
"That... over there, that's Scarlet."
Rachael sees a pretty redhead talking to some of the people with Cougar. She's laughing at something they said. Rachael notices that Goose is staring at her.
"Oh. I see."
Nick turns to Rachael and quickly shakes his head.
"You see nothing."
"Oh, come on!" Rachael glances back at Scarlet. "She's beautiful. Is she taken?"
"Not that I know of."
"So what's stopping you from going over there and taking your shot with her? She seems nice."
Goose shrugs.
"Right, that's it. You're not allowed to leave here tonight until you've spoken to her."
"No! I don't want to hear it. You'll talk to the pretty redhead, or I will."
Goose stares at his friend in shock. He can't argue with her because he knows she will abide by her word. He takes another swift of his beer and Rachael laughs.
Before Rachael can say any more on the topic, Nick changes the subject.
"Oh! Over there, that's Slider and Whiskey. Ron was so head over heels for her that Ice and I set them up on a blind date. Slider was mad at us for a bit, but he forgave us because it worked. They're so good together, and I hope they stay that way. It's pretty recent, but I know they'll be good for one another."
"Cute. Who's Ice?" Rachael asks.
Goose looks around and sees the man in question. He had just been getting himself another drink. The tall blond man returns to his friends.
"That's him. Iceman."
Rachael looks over and sees him. For some reason, she finds herself unable to look away.
"Yeah. He's the best of us. Never once made a mistake. If you make a mistake, he picks up on it. He's definitely going to be a force to be reckoned with once we get going."
Dragon acknowledges Ice from afar. "I see."
Goose gives her a nudge and she finally turns back around. She lowers her gaze and tries to pretend she hadn't been staring at the stranger from across the bar.
"Really?" Goose asks.
"Ice? Of all people, Ice?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
Nick grins. "Right. Sure. Okay."
They both take a swig of their drinks. Rachael wanted to crack on with the night and pretend there wasn't some handsome stranger in the bar behind her.
Oh, how fate had other plans.
Goose turns around and sees Slider coming over with Whiskey under his arm. He smiles at them and Dragon turns as to not be rude.
"Oh, date?" Slider asks.
"No. This is my friend. We've been friends for years," Goose says.
Slider grins. "Figured. Scarlet's been looking at you all night, might want to clear the air there if you want something to happen."
Goose just chuckles softly.
"I'm Ron Kerner, you can call me Slider." He holds his hand out to Dragon. She takes it and tells him her name.
"I'm Jade, aka Whiskey," says the pretty woman under his arm.
"Hi," Rachael smiles. They shake hands too.
Just as Rachael was getting comfortable with the new company, he walks over. Though she probably should have seen that coming since they all appeared to be friends.
"This is Tom Kazansky. Iceman." Slider introduces.
"Hello," Rachael says, though she cringed with how awkward that sounded.
Iceman was wearing his aviators. She couldn't see his eyes, but she could definitely feel them looking at her. Rachael drops her gaze from Ice and turns to Goose instead.
"Seriously though, Goose. If you're going to do anything about Scarlet, tonight's the night."
Goose makes a face before sipping his beer. Rachael tries to ignore Ice as she looks up toward where Scarlet is.
"She's very pretty, Nick. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea."
Goose looks at the group and knows he's outnumbered. He sighs and orders another bottle of beer before making his way over there. He knows they'll only tease him all night if he doesn't.
Rachael laughs as Nick leaves.
"So, you Navy too?"
Rachael hadn't come in uniform, so it wasn't exactly obvious.
"Yes, actually. A pilot. They call me Dragon."
"Now that's cool," Whiskey says, chuckling. Rachael laughs too.
"That's the coolest thing about me, to be honest."
"I'm sure that's not true."
Rachael just chuckles softly. She bows her head down slightly and sips her drink. Ice is still watching her.
"Would you look at that, Goosey is getting somewhere with her," Slider says.
Rachael looks up and sees Scarlet laughing. Goose is looking pretty proud of himself. Whiskey is looking at Ice who hasn't turned away from Dragon at all. She grins.
Someone has caught his eye. At last.
"Hey Sli, let's go dance."
Slider looks at his girl and smiles. "Sure. Why not!"
He doesn't even question where her sudden interest in dancing came from. Any excuse to be up close to his sweetheart.
Dragon watches them go and then awkwardly looks up at Ice who hasn't moved at all.
"Looks like we've been abandoned," he says.
"Yeah... You don't have to stay. I'll wait and see what happens with Goose and then either head back with him or get a room somwhere.... I don't know why I told you that."
Ice chuckles. "What if I want to stay?" He asks.
"Then you can stay..."
He smiles. For the first time that night since they met he removes his aviators from his face. Rachael finds herself forgetting to breath for a moment.
He's so handsome.
"How about another drink?" He offers.
Dragon glances down at her nearly finished drink. She smiles and agrees. Ice calls over the bartender and orders them both another. Rachael gets comfy on one of the bar stools, while Tom leans against the bar top.
"When did you graduate the academy?" He asks.
"A little over a year ago."
"You any good?"
Rachael eyes him. "I might be. Are you?"
"Yes," he grins.
"Cocky, aren't you?"
Rachael chuckles. The bartender puts their drinks down on the bar and they each pick up their glass.
"So, you and Goose? Assuming not together."
"Considering he's over there flirting with the pretty red head, I think that's a safe assumption," Rachael tells him.
Ice chuckles. Dragon smiles. He was easy to talk to and she found comfort in that. She was only here tonight, so she might as well enjoy it.
"Tell me about you and Goose then."
Dragon smiles.
"I was about 4 when my family moved out to the States."
"Ah, yes, the accent."
Dragon laughs.
"Despite living out here so long, I still have that British thing."
"It's pretty."
"Oh hush!" She blushes.
"No really. It's pleasant," he tells her.
Rachael chuckles again. "Anyway, my dad was an army man. He got stationed out here permanently, so of course we moved out here too. It was pretty lonely growing up not knowing anyone at all.
Then I met Nick Bradshaw. He was at my new school. I was struggling to make friends, but Nick saw to it that I had at least one."
Ice smiles softly.
"We've been friends ever since. My dad most definitely wanted me to follow in his footsteps, but I fell in love with the sky. I knew that's where I wanted to be. Nick listened to all my hopes and dreams about wanting to fly. When I graduated the academy, Nick told me there that he wanted to follow in my steps. So, that's my story."
"Sounds like an adventure, almost."
"I guess it kind of is. What about you? What's your story?"
Ice bows his head down a bit. "Not quite as sweet as that one."
"Oh. You don't have to tell me. I was being nosey too."
"It's alright. I suppose I'm here to prove a point, but we won't go into that. I'd hate to kill the mood we've created," he says, looking at her.
Rachael stays quiet as she looks back at him.
The atmosphere in here is nice and she can't deny a mood seems to have set. When Dragon came to celebrate with Goose, she hardly expected to spend her evening chatting to a handsome stranger she is very unlikely ever going to see again.
"You know, I never actually caught your name."
Rachael feels shy all of a sudden.
"You kept talking to me even though you didn't know my name?"
"I keep talking to you because you're very pretty and I want to know you," he says.
Rachael laughs softly. "Oh. I see."
"You're not going to tell me?" He asks.
"Dragon. That's all I get?" He asks.
Ice chuckles. "Alright. I'll find out though."
"Oh? I'm only here tonight. That's not much time."
"I fly home first thing tomorrow morning. You won't see me again. I'll be another stranger you met one night."
Tom stares at her. Just tonight? The universe puts this beautiful soul in the same room as him and he only has tonight to talk to her? That didn't seem fair.
"Then I need to make the most of tonight, don't I?"
Rachael smiles at him. "I guess you do."
Tom finishes his drink and then holds out his hand to her. Rachael watches him carefully as she slowly gives him her hand. Ice helps her off the stool and then takes her over to the dart board on the wall.
"You any good?" He asks.
"No," she admits.
Tom laughs and takes the darts from the board. He holds three out to her.
"Then we play for fun."
Rachael takes the darts from him and watches as he takes his own three darts. He gets into stance and aims, throwing them each one at a time at the board. All of them land around the centre of the board.
He looks at Rachael over his shoulder with a grin.
"As long as you hit what you're aiming for, that's good enough for me."
Rachael chuckles softly and switches places with him. She's never really cared much for darts, but she supposes it could be fun to just mess around with him.
The first dart hits pretty high up the board. The second one pretty close to where Ice's sit.
The third one knocks on of his out of the board and Rachael laughs. Ice stands there looking at his dart on the floor. He then slowly bring his gaze back up to her. She's covering her mouth as she laughs hard.
Ice smiles.
"You took one of mine of the board..."
"I'm sorry!" She laughs.
"I get the suspicion I have to keep a close eye on you," he says.
Rachael bites her lip as she recovers from her laughter. She can't stop smiling.
Slider and Whiskey had long since finished dancing. As soon as Ice and Dragon had left the bar, they went over go get themselves a drink and watch the pair.
"I've never seen Ice warm up to someone so quickly," Slider comments.
"Maybe he has a thing for her," Whiskey replies.
"Just like that?"
Jade looks up at Ron. "How long after we met did you fancy me?" She asks.
Slider smiles. "Not long at all."
They smile at one another.
"Sometimes you just know," Jade says.
"Well, let's hope it isn't to serious," Slider says.
"I just heard Goose tell his new date that he has to drop his friend off at the airport tomorrow. She flies back up home first thing."
Jade turns her head back to the pair playing darts. Dragon is still laughing and smiling. Ice is watching her like she's the most beautiful sight in the world.
"I think it might be too late..."
The darts game is interrupted by Goose coming over. Rachael gets over her last giggling fit and turns to him. Nick smiles as he comes to a stop.
"Having fun?"
"Yes," Rachael says, smiling.
"As glad as I am to hear that, it's late and we have to put early tomorrow."
Rachael's smile fades. "Right." She glanced at Ice. He's not even looking at her. It stings to think he's lost interest now that the night is over.
"I'll wait for you outside."
Goose smiles softly at her and then leaves. Once he's gone, Rachael turns to Tom.
"I had fun," she tells him.
His short sharp response hurts a little.
"Rachael Hunter."
He looks at her.
"My name. It's Rachael Hunter. Just in case... you know."
He doesn't say anything, so Rachael leaves. He follows her with his eyes. She waves at Whiskey and Slider over at the bar and then exits.
Suddenly, Ice doesn't feel like sticking around much more. Slider calls him over as he passes, but he doesn't stop. Ice leaves too.
Just as he gets outside, he sees a truck drive away. He just knew she was in there with Goose.
How could fate be so cruel to have him meet someone so beautiful and funny and kind, only to have her leave right after?
He supposes nothing would have come from it anyway.
He has a new career to focus on. No time for silly little romantic daydreaming.
He would feel so different if he only knew what time had in store for him.
@bayisdying - @mrsjaderogers - @gracespicybradshaw - @cycbaby - @callsignscupcake - @askmarinaandothers - @breadsquash - @luckyladycreator2 - @callmemana - @starlit-epiphany -
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farfromsugafanfic · 2 years
Dangerous | Chapter Five: Maraschino
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Genre: Enemies to Lovers, Bad Boy!Jimin, Bartender!Reader College AU
Pairing: Jimin/Named Reader
Rating: M | Minors DNI
Chapter Warnings: use of derogatory language toward women, alcohol consumption
A/N: I've discontinued using the graphic dividers because I'm lazy and it's been a while since I posted and I don't want to have to hunt for it. Therefore, the original dividers will be used.
Pabo: Don't forget about Mochi's vet appointment.
Pabo: Check your door before you leave 😘
You had almost forgotten about Jackson's vet appointment that you had scheduled a week before. You'd told Jimin he could come since the kitten was half his, but your stomach churned. Other than class and dance practice, you didn't really associate with Jimin on campus, and if your ex or the wrong person were to see, it could mess up your plan for revenge or cause problems like the night before.
You're ex's words still echoed in your head. You knew it shouldn't matter what he thought of you or what he called you, but it still hurt. It shouldn't matter that you enjoyed sex, casual sex, even, or that you enjoyed the attention you got when you wore a short dress or a tight skirt. It was easy not to think about when you got what you wanted, but as soon as someone you used to care about so much looked down on you for those things and called a name you usually embraced, it hurt.
You left for class in yoga pants, a sports bra, and a jacket thrown over the top. You shut your door and turned around to lock it, noticing two Ziploc bags taped to the door and a sticky note stuck between them.
You smiled, remembering Jimin's text. You peeled the sticky note off the door:
A treat for Mochi and a treat for Mommy
He'd drawn a small heart and smiley face after the note and indicated which bag was for you and which was for the kitten. However, looking at them it was obvious which was yours. One bag was full of cat treats and the other full of hard candies. You took one of the red candies and popped into your mouth. Cherry.
You entered the classroom and noticed it mostly empty except for a few students huddled in a group in the back and Jimin setting up mats around the studio. He looked up as soon as he heard the door. He smiled but was sure not to linger too long.
You quickly stuck out your red stained tongue causing him to smile. You could tell he held back laughter as he ran his hand through his hair, his smile only growing wider.
"What're the mats for?" you asked.
"You'll have to wait and see," he said, cocking an eyebrow.
You rolled your eyes and noticed as the rest of the class began filing in. You took your spot in the class, despite not being assigned a place to stand, everyone always fell into the same places. The instructor came in a few minutes later.
"Hello class," she said. "Today we're going to be doing something a bit different. For some of you, this will be familiar, but for others, this may take you out of your comfort zone. Regardless, part of being successful in the dance world is trusting in your team and your partners. So, today we are going to do some trust exercises, so partner up."
You looked around as everyone in the class grabbed onto a partner. You looked towards the girl next to you who had asked about Jimin--Eun-ha--but she had already paired with the girl on her other side.
"Now, there's an odd number, so one of you is probably without a partner," the instructor said, her eyes sweeping through the pairs before landing on you. "Ah, Inna." She waved her hand over at Jimin. "Jimin will be your partner."
Jimin walked over to you. He held a smug look on his face and he looped his arm through yours, brushing his fingertips over the skin of yours lightly.
"All right, the first exercise is an easy one, the trust fall," the instructor said. "Take turns falling backward and catching each other."
You turned to Jimin. "All right, fall," you said.
He laughed and turned around. "Are you sure you can catch me?"
"Shut up and just do it," you said. "Let's just get it over with."
You held your arms out and Jimin fell towards you. You caught him with your arms locking through his armpits and his head falling against your collarbone. You were used to these kinds of trust exercises from your ballet days. They were standard in the beginner's classes and often when working on a show when tensions are high, you'd all run through them again.
You helped push Jimin back to his feet. He turned to face you, a large grin taking up the majority of his face. "You trust me, babe?"
"To do a trust fall? Sure. Otherwise? Not an ounce."
"Ah, come on, I didn't beat up your ex last night for nothing."
Your entire body stiffened and you stood frozen. Did he really hurt Chul-soo? Your eyes looked down at his knuckles which didn't look terribly bruised. You hated your ex. You wouldn't care if he disappeared and you never had to see him again, but the thought of Jimin beating him up brought back the memories from high school of Jimin's black eye and bruised ribs and that Chul-soo didn't come to school for a few days he and Jimin fought back then.
"Okay, the second partner should be going by now," the instructor said.
You shook away the thoughts and Jimin's concerned glances and turned around. You held your arms up and began to tip back on your ankles, feeling your toes leave the floor and slowly, ever so slowly, you began to fall. Your eyes closed and you felt as Jimin's arms came under your own and catch you.
Your head rested against his shoulder and you felt his breath against your scalp. He slowly helped you back to your feet, but his hands lingered on arms and his lips brushed against the top of your ear.
"See? You can trust me." His voice was raspy and rough, but so hushed you could barely make out the words.
You scoffed and pushed him away. Yet, you felt a small pull in your stomach that maybe, just maybe, his words were true.
"Hey beautiful," Jimin said, leaning against his motorcycle and holding his spare helmet in his right hand. "I should write your name on this." He held the helmet up to you and you took it and strapped it on. "You're the only one who wears it."
You rolled your eyes as Jimin climbed onto the motorcycle and started it. You got on behind him and wrapped your arms around his middle. Once you were secure, he kicked up the kickstand and drove towards your apartment.
You weren't sure what it was about a motorcycle that made you feel so free. You could rest your head between his shoulder blades and feel like you were the only two people in the world. The wind that swirled around you isolating you from the rest of the world.
It only took a few minutes to reach your apartment. Jimin followed you up and waited for you to unlock the door. Jackson was curled up on the couch asleep, but as soon as you opened the door, his head popped up and he meowed in greeting.
"Hey buddy," Jimin said, immediately throwing himself down on your couch and touch his noses with the kitten.
"I'm going to go change. I'll be just a second."
He hardly acknowledged you as you walked back to your bedroom and changed into a different pair of leggings and a sweatshirt. You placed a few treats in the pocket to reward Jackson after the vet and to make sure he stayed in your pocket on the way there.
You walked back toward the living room and heard Jimin talking to the kitten softly. "You're taking care of her, right, Mochi? I can't be here all the time, so I need you to make sure she's all right." You felt your chest tighten and walked into the living room.
"Hey," you said. "I'm ready."
He nodded and picked up Jackson, the kitten slumping happily over his palm. He handed the kitten to you and you placed him in your sweatshirt pocket where he curled up against your stomach. You kept one of your hands inside the pocket and allowed the kitten to chew lightly on your fingers.
You walked back down to Jimin's motorcycle and climbed on, this time careful not to crush the kitten, but also ensuring that the kitten couldn't climb out during the ride.
"I think I'm gonna keep my hand in so that he can't fall out," you said.
"No," Jimin said. "I don't want to risk you getting hurt. Just make sure you stay close to me and he should be all right."
"Jimin, I'll be fine. It's not a long ride--"
"Just be careful. I really shouldn't ride with you on this thing."
You rolled your eyes and secured one of your arms around his waist while you kept the other one in your sweatshirt pocket.
Jimin took off slower this time and you noticed he braked sooner and slower. Jackson stayed in your pocket, nearly asleep between yours and Jimin's bodies.
"He appears to be fairly healthy for a stray," the vet said, her hands ran over the kitten's body and peered at his teeth. "He does look a little malnourished, but it's likely he was abandoned or orphaned. It's nothing a little love can't fix."
Jackson--unlike any other pet you'd before--didn't seem to mind to mind the vet's poking and prodding. He only mewed a little during his vaccinations and even purred as the vet did her examination.
"Looks like this little guy was lucky you two found him when you did," she said. "We'll keep him here for a couple of days to monitor him and prep to neuter him." You nodded, swallowing back your worries. "You can come pick him up in a few days. We'll make sure he's perfectly comfortable."
You nodded and gave Jackson a few goodbye pets and the treats he hadn't already eaten. He nudged the back of your hand and you felt it hard to pull away from the kitten.
You were startled out of your thoughts as you felt Jimin's hand on the small of your back. He gave you a sympathetic look before petting Jackson.
"We should get going," he said. "We still have to practice tonight."
You nodded and left the little kitten with the vet. You clung to Jimin a little tighter as he drove back to the university.
You approached the final dance studio, although felt your heart sink as you heard music. All of the studios were being used.
"It's full," you said, walking back down the hall to Jimin. You shrugged your shoulders, your lips pouting out slightly.
Jimin sighed and reached into his pocket. You heard the rustling of keys and watched as he flipped through his keys until he came to a small silver one. "Come on," he said.
You followed him down the other side of the hallway and to an older part of the building. The building with all the studios had recently been remodeled and so there were a few abandoned dance studios in the basement of the building, but they were normally locked.
"Since I'm the T.A., I have access to the old studios," he said. "Since I'm required to always be available."
He unlocked the door to one of the studios and held the door open as you walked in. He followed you in and turned on the lights. The studio smelled a little dusty but was still in good condition, other than a few dents in the floor.
You headed to the corner of the room to plug in your phone.
"Wait," Jimin said. "I wanna do something different today."
He took hold of your wrists and led you to the center of the room. He sat down and you did the same. He pulled out a bottle of alcohol from behind him and two shot glasses.
"Where?! Jimin, have you had those the whole time?"
"It doesn't matter," he said. "What matters, is that for me to be able to help you, we're going to have to work through some things. You can still go on with your little revenge plots, I don't care, but you need to trust me enough for this."
"So, what's the alcohol for?"
"Answer or drink," he said.
"Jimin, you still have to drive…"
"I don't have a reason to go home tonight. Do you?"
Without Mochi at your apartment, there was no reason for you to go home. Your outfit was appropriate for the next day's dance class and it wasn't like you hadn't stayed out all night before classes before.
You shook your head and Jimin proceeded to pour you both a glass. The alcohol he'd chosen was a cinnamon flavored whiskey you were surprised he'd like at all. The orange liquid settled in the shot glass and you were surprised as Jimin took a shot immediately. He poured himself another shot and set the bottle back down with a soft thud.
"All right, who should go first?"
"I will," you said. "Are you attracted to me?"
"Yes," Jimin said, his voice cutting through the air. "Don't waste all your questions like that."
"Why do you let me see Mochi?" he asked.
"What do you mean, Jimin? We found him together. It's only right."
"But, you hate me?"
You sighed, downing you shot and refilling it. "That was two questions."
"Why are you so nice to me?" you asked.
Jimin's eyes softened for a moment before he took the shot glass and tipped it back.
"Why do you still care about what happened?" Jimin asked.
"You were my first boyfriend, Jimin. I don't know, I was deluded and naive and you took advantage of that. Why--why did you do it in the first place?"
Jimin sat still for a moment, his eyes stuck on your face. "I don't know," he said. His voice cracked and barely there.
"That's not an answer, Jimin."
"I know, but I really don't know why I did that."
"Just drink."
He obliged and took a shot. While you knew Jimin had a fairly high alcohol tolerance, you could see the flush beginning in his cheeks.
"What happened between you and Chul-soo?"
You immediately took the shot. There was no way you were going to explain everything between you and Chul-soo. The cheating, the toxicity, the jealousy that turned to resentment. You'd dated Chul-soo for years, and yet, you were happiest without him.
"I tried to look for you, you know? That night after you ran off, I looked for you for hours," Jimin said, his flush getting worse. "Where did you go?"
"Jimin, I--"
"Just drink," he said.
You did, this time the whiskey didn't go down as smoothly, the burn in the back of your throat becoming scalding. You felt your own neck and cheeks heating up. You hardly ever got flushed, but this time, you weren't sure if it was from the alcohol, or from the game.
"Why are you doing this? Surely, you had girlfriends after me," you said. "Why do you care about me so much?"
Jimin didn't answer, but rather, scooted closer to you. He took a shot, keeping eye contact with you. He threw the shot glass aside before his hands were cupping your cheeks.
"Can I kiss you?"
Your eyes widened at the question, but before you could even think about answering, your lips had already done it for you. "Yes."
His lips landed on yours for the first time since the night you first spotted him the club. He tasted like cinnamon and alcohol, you were sure you tasted the same. Within a minute, your back was on the floor and Jimin's hips were pressed against your own. His hands were balanced firmly on the floor on either side of your head.
He pulled away, his eyes tired and his lips swollen. Jimin brought one of his hands to his hair and pushed it back, before bringing back down and wiping his thumb over your lips.
"You should go home," he said.
"Jimin, I thought we were just going to stay here all night?"
"I changed my mind. Come on."
"No, Jimin, you're not driving. Let's just walk back to my place. You can crash on the couch."
When you woke up the next morning, Jimin was gone. This time there was no note left or any evidence he'd even been there, other than the crumpled up blanket on the couch. All he left was the slight swelling of your lips and a small ache in your chest that you wished would go away.
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mimisempai · 2 years
Proud to love and be loved
Wanting to surprise Greg by picking him up at work, Mycroft overhears an interesting conversation between his lover and Sergeant Donovan.
Mystrade Monday 2.0  #79 “Be careful”
On Ao3
Rating G - 731 words
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"Sign here one last time, boss, and we're done for the day."
Mycroft was about to walk through Greg's office door when he saw him sign the report that Sergeant Donovan had handed him before sighing, "Finally done for the day."
As she picked up the file, his colleague asked with a mocking smile, "Do you have plans tonight that you can't wait for this day to be over? You haven't stopped sighing all afternoon."
Mycroft paused to listen to Greg's answer. He was well aware that Greg had plans, since those plans were with him. They had a date in a restaurant to celebrate their first anniversary.
He was curious what Greg would say.
His lover replied in a voice he couldn't hide his pride in, "Well, yes, Sally, you see, I have plans. I'm going out tonight. I have a date at the restaurant."
Sally had the nerve to ask, "Alone?"
Greg answered directly, "No, with my partner."
Mycroft couldn't help but look over at his lover and was surprised to see a sort of dreamy expression on his face. Apparently he wasn't the only one to notice, because Sally replied in the same mocking tone, "Be careful, boss. If you keep acting like this, people are going to start thinking you're in love."
Greg chuckled and replied in a voice that never wavered, "First of all, what could I possibly have done to make you think that I'm not, and secondly, I don't give a damn what people think. There's nothing to worry about."
Sally seemed surprised by Greg's honesty, but not as surprised as Mycroft felt. He didn't doubt Greg's feelings at all, but he was pleasantly surprised that Greg didn't hesitate to express them in this way. Almost as if he was proud of them.
Sergeant Donovan replied, "Good for you."
Greg, a mischievous smile on his lips, replied quietly, "I know."
Sergeant Donovan shook her head as she said, "I'm going, you're really getting too cheesy for my taste."
As he started to chuckle, she headed for Greg's office door, unable to stop herself from smiling. As she walked through the door, she gasped for a moment when she saw Mycroft, nodded at him and then continued on her way without a word.
Mycroft pushed open the door and Greg, who had his eyes on his papers, asked, "Did you forget something, Sergeant?"
Mycroft replied with an amused tone, "This is me being promoted to Sergeant, fantastic."
Greg suddenly raised his head and his face lit up with a smile as he exclaimed, "Mycroft, are you here already? But weren't we supposed to meet at the restaurant?"
Mycroft approached Greg's desk and replied, "My last assignment of the day was a few blocks away, so I thought it would be a shame not to take advantage of the opportunity. That way we can walk there together."
Greg had stood up and joined Mycroft. He glanced behind him, made sure the door was closed and kissed him gently. Mycroft kissed him back before hugging him and whispering into his hair, "Happy birthday my love, thank you for this year with you."
Greg stepped back and raised his hand, placing it on Mycroft's cheek as he replied, "It's been my pleasure, believe me."
Mycroft, pressing his cheek into Greg's palm, replied, "Since we disagree on the subject, let's say the pleasure was shared equally."
He turned his face into Greg's hand and kissed the palm. Then, taking the same hand, he said quietly, "I heard what you said to Sergeant Donovan."
Greg blushed slightly, but his voice was perfectly confident as he replied, "Everything I told him was true. I have nothing to hide."
Mycroft shook his head, "What surprised me most was the fact that you looked almost proud."
Greg squeezed Mycroft's hand in his and replied softly, "Of course I am," tugging on Mycroft's hand to make him bend down and bring his face closer to his, "I am proud to love you and to be loved by you."
Greg had never looked more beautiful to Mycroft than at that moment, radiating confidence in their love. He could only reply in the same tone, "As am I," and it was he who finally closed the distance between them, sealing his lips to Greg's in a kiss full of the promise of the celebration to come.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Mystrade masterlist here
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knightcorqueen · 10 months
DanceAU! Snippet
Quick little tidbit of information. Sun is kinda a meanie in this AU. he's got his reasons, but he is definitely an asshole for like, half the plot. He'll get better as things go on, but since this takes place early in the storyline, he's gonna be a rude little thing. Thankfully our Reader ain't gonna put up with none of that nonsense-
A mechanical sound of frustration crackled through your animatronic dance instructor's voice box as he folded his hands in front of his face and dragged them down from his eyes to rest them against his lips.
“I said move with the beat, not to it.”
Exhaustion and confusion continued to swim through your head.  Were they not the same thing?!?!  The only difference had been his wording!!!
You and a few of your fellow competitors had been learning and practicing a few sets of new dance moves that Mr. Sun, your prestigious instructor had been teaching you all.  The assignment had been to "seamlessly integrate the 4 moves into your dance routine."  However, after about 2 hours of the same repetitive movements and nothing but unhelpful criticism from your hoity-toity commander you began to feel your patience strain.
You were in the middle of a small break, drinking deeply from your large water bottle, and wiping away sweat that continued to pour out of every possible surface of your body when you heard that mind-boggler of a statement.
You looked over to see which of the other contestants had garnered his disappointment this time.  
"Katrina, honey, when you do your spins you need to loosen up!  Don't be so stiff!  Your movements should be flowy and graceful, not sluggish like a stumbling corpse.
You noticed Katrina immediately shrink in upon herself, eyes downcast towards the floor as she mumbled out an apology and excused herself to the restroom. Mr. Wax Bean gave a disapointed hum before pulling out a small notepad, marking something down, and then moving on to his next victim.
You knew you were glaring at the animatronic.  You could practically feel the steam coming out of your ears!  How dare he treat someone so cruelly!  Why, you oughta march over there and give him a piece-
"Mark, darling, stand up straighter.  You’re going for a sensual performance, right? Then quit slouching. You look like a behemoth."
You. Were. Furious!  You slammed your water bottle down on a bench near the rest of your belongings and began stomping over to what might possibly become a crime scene if you could shove your foot far enough up an ass.
"Excuse me-" you managed to wedge yourself between the two men and turned to face Mark.
"I thought you were doing an amazing job!  I especially enjoyed how you integrated our 3rd move into the first half of your routine. If you need a partner to help you practice anything, especially since it's a duo's dance, I would love to assist in any way I can!."
"I- I thank you? I guess?"  Mark seemed to be very suspicious of your offer but also looked to be relieved that someone other than Mr. Sun was talking to him.
"No problem!  I just felt it necessary to spread some positivity around to the dancers since we're all working our asses off and it can get pretty overwhelming." You could practically feel the pair of eyes burning into the back of your head.
"Well lookie here.  We've got ourselves a nice little alliance going on don't we?" Suddenly two very large hands latched themselves onto your shoulders. "Or do you plan on helping all of your opponents? Careful little dancer, that's the quickest way to lose, and you wouldn't want to do that!"
You mentally gave yourself two options.  You could either turn around, acknowledge your instructor, and remain on good terms, or….
Yeah, no.  Fuck that tall, yellow man.
"Speaking of spreading some positivity, I was thinking everyone could get together and have a little party before we have to start the next round, just as a little de-stresser, y'a know?" 
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shadowqueen402 · 2 years
Prim And Proper Origins: Part 4
Prologue is here:
Part 1 is here:
Part 2 is here:
Part 3 is here:
Later that day, Primrose had been waiting to punish Esme for talking with her Roy. It wasn't until after recess that she found the perfect way to do so.
Cockroaches AKA a girl's worst fear. Primrose had found them crawling outside near a bush. Normally, she would have just squashed them without a second thought. But after witnessing what she saw in the cafeteria, she decided to put these feared creatures to good use.
Hiding the cockroaches was slightly tricky, but Primrose managed to evade any suspicion from the teachers and the principal. Now the real trick was finding Esme's locker.
She searched each of the lockers carefully, until she found one with a personalized lock that had Esme's name on it. With a smirk, Esme took her key and unlocked it, opening up the locker.
Then, she took out the cockroaches and placed them all into Esme's locker before closing it back out and locking it. She took out a marker and wrote a bunch of not-so-nice words on it. Primrose stifled an evil giggle as she walked away to join her classmates. I can't wait to see the look on Esme's face when she sees this! Primrose thought. This will teach her to stay away from Roy!
Later on, the students went back to class. This time, Primrose was in Biology. It would appear that a project was happening. "For this assignment, you all will work with a partner," The teacher said. "You both will be given a certain species to study on. You must have all of what's written on the board."
She then showed the class what was written: domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species. "This project is due next Friday." The teacher said. "It will even cost one quarter of your grade. I will decide who you will partner up with."
There were a few groans heard from the classroom. The teacher pulled out two slips of paper, each with a student's name on it. "The partners will be… Roy and Primrose!" She announced.
A lot of students flashed pity glances at Roy. None of them were too particularly fond of Primrose. The platinum-blonde teen, on the other hand, felt like she was in heaven. Now, she could get to know Roy as well as hopefully convince him to go on a date.
With a smile, Primrose got up and made her way to where Roy sat. Roy frowned at her, but didn't say anything other than "Hello."
"Hello," Primrose replied in a too-sweet tone. "Roy, is it? I'm Primrose Gaillot! Nice to meet you!"
"Nice to meet you too, I guess," Roy replied, shrugging. "So…can we get started on the project?"
"Oh, of course!" Primrose said, smiling. I can't believe it! She thought to herself. He's talking to me! We're so going to get married!
Primrose unfortunately wasn't allowed to ask Roy questions that weren't related to the project. So she would have to find another way to get to know more about Roy.
The sound of screams were heard in the hallways, grabbing everyone's attention. Esme backed away as a bunch of cockroaches emerged from the inside of her locker and crawled out onto the floor. Primrose stood in the back, smirking. Serves you right, you imperfect boudin! She thought, internally laughing at the scene.
"Esme! Are you okay?" Roy called out, racing towards her. "I heard you screaming… And then I saw cockroaches crawling about…"
"Someone put cockroaches in Esme's locker," A male teenager said to Roy. "They even wrote some insulting names on it too."
"What?" Roy asked, stunned and angered. Esme closed her down and saw the multiple derogatory words as well as a threat written on the door:
Man Stealer
Fat Cow
Stay Away From My Roy or else!
"Who would do something like this?" The teenaged girl from lunch asked, looking at the words with shock and disgust. "Esme didn't do anything wrong. She's never provoked anyone…"
"I don't know, but I wish to walk Esme home," Roy said. "Someone wants to hurt her just because she's close with me and I don't want something to happen to her."
Esme smiled. "Thank you, Roy," She said, grabbing her stuff and taking his hand.
"We'll figure this out together, okay?" Roy assured Esme. "Well, let's go home." The two of them, as well as all of the students, left the building for the day. Unaware of the fact that Primrose was seething in rage after seeing Roy walk Esme home.
"He should be with me…" She said to herself. "Not that freakshow… Guess it's time to take her punishment up a notch…"
I don't own Madame Prim.
Roy and Esme belong to me!
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gothicknightz · 2 years
the book of immortality — xavier thorpe
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:: what would wednesday do? definitely not wear whiskers and a nose.
chapter 2: poe’s styx
Ever since the incident in the woods, your friends had been dying to figure out what had happened that night, but even with the incessant asking, you wouldn't say a word.
You washed your face that morning, staring in the mirror for a few seconds before you heard your phone vibrating.
Enid was calling.
You answered, and as soon as you did, you were met with stressed out breaths and labored breathing.
“Yoko can't compete and Wednesday is joining, but we don't have enough people to compete, can you be on our team this year?” She exclaimed all in one breath, and if she said it any faster, it would've come out as a conglomerate of words.
Usually, you were always on Bianca's team during the Poe Cup, but due for a lack of better words, you silently owed Enid for that girls night.
“Enid, breathe, let me text Bianca real quick.”
You shot Bianca a text that read, ‘hey, enid doesn't have enough members on her team this year, u don't mind if i join? i owe all of you for that night.’
A few seconds after the text was delivered, the typing bubble icon appeared on your screen.
‘still not gonna tell us are u? no promises if u guys get shut down this year.’
‘don’t worry. ik your game already.’
You return to an anxiously waiting Enid on your call, “So?” She asked, “What did she say?”
“She said it's alr-”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'll be at your dorm in five to give you your costume and a brief on our plan!”
As soon as the call ended, you heard a knock on your door, which took you off guard. “Damn, she was fast.” You muttered as you went over to open the door.
But when you went to open the door, you were greeted by a half costumed Xavier.
“Xavier? Shouldn't you be getting ready for the Poe Cup?”
You knew Xavier through Bianca, and as far as you knew, she had gotten over him after they broke up, but you could never tell with him.
You were friends by association, occasionally helping each other out with Ms. Thornhill’s assignments and homework, and eventually becoming sparring partners during fencing class.
But you never had talked to him outside of classes, at least when he was with Bianca. That was your number one rule to each other; you never messed with Bianca's love life, and she never interfered with yours.
Even after the fact, you occasionally talked to him, and now, he was standing in front of you with no meaning or prior warning.
“I should be asking you the same. Shouldn't you be with Bianca around now?”
“Not this year. I'm with Enid on a favor. What do you need?”
“I wanted to ask you about, you know, the shit that happened at the fair. Did anything seem off to you?”
“Other than the irony behind Wednesday and the sheriff's son seen together? No. Besides, hasn't everyone put that behind themselves? Rowan got expelled, nothing happened, end of story.”
“Yeah, but don't you th-”
Enid's presence came bursting into the doorway, “Hi Xavier! Poe Cup emergency, let me just borrow (y/n) for a second, bye!”
The door was closed in Xavier's face, in response, causing him to scoff and walk back to his dorm.
“Okay, here's your costume, ears, I'll do your makeup-” Enid paused mid sentence, “What was Xavier doing at your door?”
You shrugged, grabbing the costume from Enid's hands and heading to the bathroom, “I could ask you the same thing,” you closed the door, then raising your voice as you changed so Enid could hear you.
“He started asking some odd questions about Rowan and that night at the fair, and if anything felt off to me.”
“That's weird- so anyways, Wednesday came up with this plan to beat Bianca at her own game this year, and we're going to need your bow and arrow.”
You came back out of the bathroom wearing the cat costume; it had sheer sleeves while the gloves and rest of the suit was some sort of leather material.
A gasp emitted from Enid as she looked at you in uniform, “Oh. My. God. I have to get a picture of this!”
Enid scurried around you, frequently snapping pictures of you in your costume, “I’m sending this to the group chat!” She smiled before getting some makeup and started applying a set of whiskers and a nose before doing your eyeshadow a dark purple.
You turned around and looked in the mirror before gasping, “Enid,” you turned around to look at her, “I wish I was as good with makeup as you are.”
In a costume of her own, Enid rushed by your side, “You’re gonna make me blush, now, let's get a selfie for my blog!”
As soon as Enid snapped the picture, a thought came to my mind, “Now, what did you want me to do with my bow?”
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Before the race, you take a quick glance to your right, seeing Xavier's team clad in jester hats and clown makeup, and of course, the captain has to comment.
“Like what you see?” He jokes with a small smile on his face.
“I'll take it into consideration when I wipe that smile of your face, Thorpe.”
The fanfare after Mrs. Weems call-out set everyone off, and soon enough, each team was racing against each other in a competition to make it to their flag.
There was no rules in the Poe Cup, and year after year, you and Bianca had always sabotaged the other teams, whether it be by destroyer their boats, or setting up a distraction.
But this time, with the aid of Wednesday, Enid was determined to win, no matter what it took, even destroying others if they had to, and they would.
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locitapurplepink · 2 years
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Chapter 22
During class B11B99 doing their social assisgment, Hunter mentioned Rex was going to get someone attenttion. He payed attention the signs that he trying to tell.
He quickly understood and stared at Crosshair was focusing on his work "Shh..Crosshair, Crosshair." He called in whispered.
Crosshair groaned as looked at him "What do you want ?"
"Someone needs talk to you." Crosshair stared at the window and noticed Rex needed to talk immediately.
He raised his hand "Mr. Chester. May I go to the restroom real quick, please ?" "Yes, Crosshair. You may go." He nodded "Thank you sir."
"How could be possible he figured out of Kaylee and me ?!" Crosshair was so shocked after Rex told him that Julian might spy on him.
"When he said 'his eyes say otherwise' ." Rex replied.
Crosshair thought that Julian might overheard his converastion with Kaylee when they had a video call. "Thanks to letting me know." "You're welcome and you better to get this one straight."
"I am agree with Rex." They were surprised by Tech's appearance "The siblings can be overprotective when one of them has a partner or someone which become a part of his or her life. They can be responbility to keep their sibling safe to avoid something unwanted or unplanned happen."
"Ah, like an unplanned pregnancy of one of the seniors before me. I heard that woman never seen again since she was 11th grade. The teachers and her classmates had been looking for her around this city but no one could find her at all." Rex told.
Crosshair sighed "I see your point there and don't worry, I can put this under control."
Next, Echo came to them "What is taking you guys so long ? Mr. Chester wondered about you and Rex, Mrs. Yarrow has been looking for you. You were supposed to be the one who showing your work on whiteboard."
Rex sighed "Shoot, I better go." He rushed to back to his class.
"Don't forget our plan." Crosshair reminded Rex as Rex gave him a thumb up.
"What plan ?" Echo asked him. Crosshair tapped on his shoulder "I suggest you shouldn't join this one if you don't wanna be mistaken.
After the school was over, Julian was rushing to pick his sister up before Crosshair but he was stopped by Rex as bringing some clothes.
"Hey Julian. I need your help. I can't choose between these three." There was Navy blue, dark blue, and white suits.
Julian sighed "Rex, you know I'm in the rush right now..."
"Yeah, but me and my friends will do our practice right now."
"What kind of practice you're gonna do ?"
"Something will entertain our people who come to our talent shows."
"Rex, they probably the parents or the siblings will come. No big deal."
Rex made a serious concern look "It is big deal. Haven't you heard Miss Luana said ?"
"I have but I don't have..."
Rex cut his word as reminding him "This year, this school have to be more festive, interesting to see so this show will be unforgetable by people who watching ours..." Julian sighed as had to listening his buddy.
Kaylee waited at the bus stop, the same where Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair took her. She spotted Crosshair riding his motorcycle to her.
"Hello beauty. Ready to go ?"
Crosshair passed her a helmet. She smiled as sat behind him and hold his waist tight. As he taking her home, they had a conversation.
"So how long you'll stay here ?"
"Probably a week. My classmates will tell me any college assignments to finish for this week."
"Goody. Listen Kay, we might have a situation."
"What is it ?"
"Your brother, Julian figure out that we're in relationship. You better straight this up right away or it brings a big misunderstand."
Kaylee was shocked after hearing it "That's what I'm afraid of. I'm not sure if he will accept it."
Crosshair reassured "Ready or not, we'll face it together, beauty. You're not alone." Kay smiled as put her head on his back.
Julian entered the house 'cause he knew Crosshair picked her first. He then saw Kaylee put some snacks on the jars. "Kay !" He rushed to her "Are you alright ? Is he hurting you or forcing you something you don't like it ?"
Kaylee calmed her brother down "Relax, bro. I'm really good."
Julian relieved "Thank godness, good to hear that."
He took breath and spoke again "Sis, I need to ask you something and you have to honest with me, okay ?"
Kaylee knew he couldn't wait about her truth. She took breath and turned around "Okay, what is it ?"
"Are you actually have a boyfriend now ?"
"How long you have been in relationship with him ?"
"Only few months."
"Is your boyfriend older than you ?"
She sighed "Nope, not really."
"Don't you think it's a big deal ?" Julian asked concern.
"Listen to me, Julian. I knew nothing about him until we met face to face. That was kinda a surprise."
"So you're saying that you met him on soc med ?"
She nodded "Yes."
"You know how much risk if you..."
"And I'm glad I took that risk. I've been learning to connect with someone. I know it sounds crazy but I need you to trust me. I'm grown up that means I can be very careful, I can decide what I want to do with my life."
Julian still doubt of his elder sister's relationship but he knew that she had been through the worst. Kaylee holded his hands "Can you trust me ?"
Julian locked at Kaylee's big puppy eyes. All he knew that whatever it is to make her happy, having a future good soulmate to have a lovely family.
He nodded "Okay..."
She smiled "Thank you. And please don't tell mom yet."
"And how long you will tell her ?"
"At least until Crosshair graduate from high school."
Shoot, this would be a long road for it, like more than one year. Julian tried to think positive about it.
Then they heard Ivan came home from school along with Crosshair behind him "Hello Kay. Look what I got !" He showed his elder sister a math exam paper.
Kay rubbed his hair "You did it great job, Ivan."
Julian stared at Crosshair "So are we good ?" Crosshair asked. Julian nodded "I can give it a try."
"Goody and trying not to spy us again next time."
"I'm not spying, okay ? I just overheard, that's all !"
Kaylee shook her head "That's enough, boys. Why don't we practice for the school talent ?" The boys nodded at her at the same time.
@cassie-fanfics , @zaya-mo , @crosshairs-simp, and @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond will be excited to read this one and upcoming chapters.
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Day 7 of whumptober!
This fic was cross-posted on AO3 here
Venomous Relations
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Alleyway | Radio Silence | "Can you hear me?"
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Words: 731
Warnings: poisoning, paralysis, panic, aka the trifecta of pain. Also self-blaming
I hated this. I hated going behind my friends' backs, but I had to.
If we had any hope of taking down the LOV, gods know that working from the inside-out would absolutely help.
"Venom, there you are."
My illusory disguise looked nothing like real me. It helped that this was not my first time doing this. "Hey boss, whaddya need~?"
"A special poison. Transfers through the bloodstream and wounds. Paralyzes the victim for however long you can make it. No antidote."
I nodded.
I'm definitely making an antidote.
"This is for Toga's weapons, right~?" I sing-songed in the fake voice.
AFO nodded.
"Mkay~, I'll be about a week, maybe two maximum. Name your price as always and it's done All for Nothing."
"How many times have I told you to not call me that."
"I don't really see much stopping me~."
"Look I'm offering 2 and a quarter million for the job, just get it done okay?" (Author's note: ¥2.5M is a little over 15k USD)
"Sounds fair to me. See you soon~," I told him before skipping back the way I came.
I almost threw up once I got back to my dorm about the prospect of my own poisons being used to paralyze my classmates, my friends.
That's why we're also making an antidote, calm down Clo…
I started work on the poison. Slowly but surely, I made progress on the paralysis poison- and its antidote. I would not let them have the upper hand just because they were hiring me whether or not they knew I was a student here.
There were a few questions on what exactly I was doing, but those were few and far between, I made sure people stayed out of my room most of the time. Whether I be working on tech or some sort of poison or putting together the pieces of the goings on in the criminal underground, it was generally unsafe for people to be in my room most of the time.
I finally finished the poison, delivered it, and got my money. Gods above if I weren't doing this for my friends I would quit right now or be 'fired' due to attacking him.
Thankfully, I didn't need to make them for him very often.
----《 ¤ 》----
"Hey Vee! We got a mission!" Izu told me. I didn't think anything of it at the time. It just seemed like a simple mission they were sending us on.
----《 ¤ 》----
"Hey, just checking in," I said into my comms. No response. "Uhhh, Deku?"
"Deku, can you hear me?"
Still absolutely nothing. My heart started racing and so did my legs, running through our assigned area, searching.
He was in an alley. Toga was right by him. He was paralyzed with my own fucking poison.
This is my fault. I made the poison. I gave it to the LOV. I paralyzed him.
"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM!" I shouted at her.
She turned just in time to get hit directly with my punch. She attempted to stab me, use my own damn poison against me, but I was way to quick for that. During one strike I grabbed her arm and slammed her into the pavement below me using momentum.
"This is Blackout, requesting backup. One villain and my partner likely needs a medic."
I kept a foot firmly planted on Toga's back while I searched through my Limbo for an antidote.
"Found you~," I whispered to myself, grabbing the needle. I temporarily left Toga and kneeled down next to Izuku.
"Can you hear me? Blink twice if yes," I said, praying that it only hijacked his ability to move his limbs as intended. My poisons always worked as intended, but I could never be too careful.
Two blinks.
"Okay, I'm gonna inject this, and it's gonna fix what she did to you in about 5 minutes, tops okay?"
Two more blinks.
"Where the fuck did you get that?" I heard Toga say. She watched in amazement as Izuku regained control of his body, effectively removing all effects of the poison.
I heard the footsteps of the backup I called for. I stared her down, "you can't use my own damn venom against me."
I hoisted Izu up under one of my arms to help keep him stable and walked away, refusing to answer any questions from him or the LOV.
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outlustings · 3 years
Hello there! I've been enjoying every little bit you wrote about Eddie, he's my absolute favourite in the outlast games, your characterization of him is spot on and everything is just fhshdhsjdh
If I may request a thingie, I'd love to see your take on a pregnant psychiatrist assigned to help Eddie, and him being very delusional on who the father is, and thinking it's his
(bonus points if he asks to feel the baby kick)
Thank you so much for what you do! Have a lovely day!
(ok so this got out of hand. you said "your take" and my take is sad and awful and i hate it lol. have 5k words of it.
this is not a cutesy story this is choppily written angst. my film studies teacher would call this high melodrama but i'd personally like to call it me trying to turn my depression into a contagious disease.
reader is referred to with she/her pronouns. reader also needs a hug, nothing goes well for reader. lots of emotional neglect and sadness and everything. reader is alone in the world lol. enjoy?)
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This new job was making you tear your hair out. Interviewing and offering emotional support to insane men wasn't exactly new to you, no, not really, but trying to act calm around a serial killer? That was tough. Not to mention that the moldy, cold building was filled to the brim with these violent people - but for some reason, as a cruel test from the universe, you were assigned to the worst one of them all. Eddie Gluskin. Case number 196. That number would haunt you in your dreams.
Things were going a bit rocky with your spouse at home, but you chose to blame it on the stress of you working in a place like Mount Massive. The reason why he slept on the couch most nights or played net poker into the early hours of the morning on the computer, gambling your savings away - it was just tiredness. Yes. The move had been hard on him. And your new job was hard on him, right? Who the fuck wanted to live in Colorado anyway?
Not to mention all the nights that you spent up and about your tiny apartment, trying to ignore your partner's fist slamming into the desk for the fourth time that night, leafing through past interviews and files upon files of him. Gluskin.
All of those pictures of mutilated women, all of the BDI tests and brain scans and newspaper clippings. Insane prescriptions for sedatives and doctors' handwriting about his medication causing hypersexuality. You spent many sleepless nights thinking about this man. You hadn't even met him yet.
Another thing that drove you practically insane was people grilling you constantly in the breakrooms.
Oh, you know, we're just both so tired from work, and you know, we gotta pay that mortgage, you heard yourself explain to your coworkers for the fifth time in the same month.
We really don't have the energy to focus on kids yet. But you guys are looking great!
But you knew that their nods and smiles as they cradled their tea cups on top of their baby bumps were a front that concealed their pity for you.
Why aren't you pregnant yet, doctor? Why don't you get knocked up, doctor? Why, doctor, I thought you'd be the kind to have kids early? Why don't you come over for Michelle's baby shower, doctor?
It was driving you insane. You weren't safe, not even in the breakroom. You took up a habit of eating your lunch in an empty toilet stall, away from your coworkers.
And then there was Eddie Gluskin.
You hated him. Hated how his eyes wandered down your body as you tried talking to him, hated how his leg brushed up against you underneath the table, how his foreamrs strained against his handcuffs, how his hands ached to wrap around your neck. His sly grin, the way he talked to you, so lightly, as if nothing was wrong. He divulged frustratingly little about anything. All he wanted to talk about was you, himself, and the supposed chemistry between the two of you.
"I knew ever since I first laid eyes on you - you, you would be the one," he'd said once, leaning back in his chair, inspecting your blushing face with a grin.
It was starting to make even the supervisors uncomfortable. They amped up security, for your sake.
What you didn't like was him being restrained - you'd never been comfortable with the extreme measures at Murkoff - but what you liked even less was how entirely convinced he was about your relationship being something other than professional. And it never changed, not even as the weeks went on.
He was talking to you as if you were his dutiful housewife, catching his coat as he shrugged it off after an exhausting day at work before taking his hand and leading him to a plate of some horrific jello slop. The vivid image of yourself in turquoise heels and an apron flashed before your eyes. Marion Ryan on the radio. You almost smiled. This was all so, so stupid.
You shook your head slightly, trying to focus on his words, nodded solemnly before cutting off his monologue.
"Eddie, are you aware of where you are right now?"
He turned his gaze to you. Confused. Maybe even a little offended. But you had to know if he was delusional - maybe regressing into a previous life. Suddenly, in your mind, the lady with the turquoise heels had no face. You wondered who she could've been. Someone else?
"Pardon?" he huffed out, his thick brows knitted together. You had interrupted him so rudely.
You swallowed.
"Are you aware of where you are right now?" you repeated, slower this time.
"Yes? Why'd you ask?" he gave a small laugh, incredulous. Like your question was stupid.
"You seem awfully casual with me," you blurted out, smirking slightly as you watched his cheeks blush faintly. So, so faintly.
Eddie rolled his eyes.
"You won't even let me tell you about my day? Like we're strangers," he muttered under his breath, "Stupid bitch."
You frowned.
"I'm sorry?"
"Nothing," he waved his hand as best as he could in his handcuffs, assumed another casual, charming grin, his eyes glinting dangerously.
Your brain was scrambled. What the hell was going on? You sighed.
"I'm going to let you tell me about your day - but don't call me that," you eyed him, clicking your pen and pressing it against your notepad, ready to cuss him out in an email later.
"Call you what?"
"Anything that you're trying to call me - I know we -..."
"That too. Just -..." your eyes flicked to your notes, where you began scribbling something.
"Did you enjoy last night?"
You lifted your head up, quirking your brow at him as he grinned at you.
"Last -...? What?" you asked, stopping your pen mid-sentence, staring at him, the way his eyes narrowed and his grin melted into a smirk.
"Try to remember, my love," Eddie leaned closer, lowering his voice into a conspiratorial whisper as you heard his handcuffs clink softly underneath the table, "How I fucked you. The way you were begging for it, little minx."
You blinked at him, heart sinking to your stomach as you felt cold, numb waves flood through your extremities.
"No. That never happened."
Your throat felt suddenly very dry. You watched his eyes rove over your body as he smiled, cocking his head to the side.
"Don't worry, I won't tell them," he winked and gestured towards the two-way mirror to your left, "I know you're a little shy about these things, but it's only natural."
You huffed out a laugh, regretting it immediately as you saw his eyes glint and flick to your lips.
"Right. Okay then," you tried to compose yourself, "I'm sorry, maybe you dreamt it. Because it definitely didn't happen, Eddie."
You kind of wanted to add a second"I'm sorry," to the end but decided against it as you watched his pupils dilate. For a second, the intense blackness swallowed you whole. You shuddered, ever so slightly, but held his gaze.
"Ah," he clicked his tongue and leaned back in his chair, making a point in rattling the chains of his handcuffs against his thighs as he adjusted on his seat, "Well, darling - nevermind. I'm just glad we were able to conceive."
Oh Christ.
You couldn't shake the look in his eyes for a few days after your last appointment with him. So intrusive, yet - genuine. Why did he sound so genuine, so sure? You couldn't get the intense, icy blue gaze out of your mind. His boyish grin haunted you.
You'd have to write this down in the notes. His little delusions. Fantasies. At the cost of your own dignity.
You tapped your fingers against the rim of the toilet seat, watching the whirling waters below as you flushed down another cup or so of bile. It was six in the morning.
Morning sickness? Couldn't be.
I mean, you kind of have to, your brain told you as you grabbed the cardboard box on autopilot, shaking the rickety plastic stick out onto your palm. You racked your brain, thinking about your spouse. Maybe - wait, two months ago? You couldn't even tell when the last time was. He hadn't touched you in weeks.
You eyed the unopened pack of pads on the shelf as you tapped your foot against the tile of your bathroom, waiting for the result. Wait, when did you buy that pack again? It was like time was blurring into a big, grey mass and your brain was a fuzzy, great mess. Everything was wrong. You threw a quick glance at the test resting on the edge of the sink. Two lines. Your heart skipped a beat.
You only told your spouse. No one else. Of course, you wouldn't bring it up at work, especially not to him. Eddie Gluskin did not need to know you were pregnant.
You were getting nowhere with him. Even after four months of constant consultations, all he wanted to talk about was his days at the library with anatomy books, playing pool with the other patients and how he'd managed to get two portions of prepackaged dessert by being charming to the staff at the cafeteria. He was deep into his own delusions as ever. Kept calling you his wife. Darling, dearest, beloved. Maybe he really thought you were his.
"He's refused to leave his cell," the guard sighed, crossing his bulky arms, leaning against the doorframe of the empty therapy room, "Unless you come to retrieve him yourself, ma'am."
You blinked at the man, clicking your pen absentmindedly, your eyes flicking to your watch. Twelve minutes late.
"W-why?" you cleared your throat, "Why isn't he cooperating?"
The guard shrugged. Indifferent.
"I don't know, ma'am. But he won't move. He said he won't move unless you, uh, come. And I've got orders -..."
"Yeah, my orders not to restrain him," you finished his sentence and rose from your chair with a sigh, your hand flying to your lower back, "Shit," you muttered.
"Your orders?" the guard scratched the back of his neck.
"Yes?" you quirked a brow, "Is there a problem?"
It came out way more aggressive than you wanted.
"No, no," the guard shook his head, his hand shooting to his belt, where he snatched his keys and started spinning them around in his finger, the little clinks digging into your throbbing brain, "I just thought - you know. You weren't the doctor."
He gave a weak laugh, the kind where he was inviting you to laugh with him. You wanted to punch him.
You slung your bag on your shoulder and frowned pointedly at him.
"No," you said coolly, "I don't know. Shall we go then?"
"You do have a gun on you, right?" you eyed the bars of the cells and how easily they rattled in the fists of the prisoners as the groaned and yelled obscenities at you.
"A taser," the guard mumbled.
You sighed.
"You better have some excellent aim then if shit hits the fan," you adjusted the strap of your bag on your shoulder, very aware of the clicks of your heels against the crumbling concrete of the cell block floors and the howling and hissing of the men around you.
You approached the door of the cell that you knew to be his. Your fingers felt numb as you reached out for the bars, grabbing onto them for support as you cleared your throat. The cell was dark.
"Eddie?" you called out softly, "Come on, we have to get going. I'm here now. You're late."
No reply. Your heart beat loudly against your ribs.
"Can you turn the light on?" you hissed at the security guard who blinked at you dumbly. He raised his flashlight.
"He dead?"
"I don't know," you whispered, turning your head back to the cell, "Eddie, wakey wakey," you called out, desperation clawing at your throat. You heard a grunt from the bed of the cell and the guard lit up the cell with his flashlight.
Eddie climbed up from the bed, flashing you a wide grin.
"Darling, you finally came."
"There we go," you sighed, "Come on, there's no time for games, we have to get going, okay?"
You gestured for him to come out. He rose slowly from the bed, walked up to the bars, bare feet slapping against the concrete. He leaned against the bars. He was so much taller than you. You swallowed.
"Where are your slippers?" you heard the guard pipe up from behind you. Eddie just stared at you. Licked his teeth obscenely.
"Eddie, get your shoes on, we have to go," you crossed your arms, tried to ignore his heavy breathing and feverish little mumbles as he pressed himself against the bars.
"Not the cuffs this time, please," he muttered.
"It's policy," you sighed and tapped your heel against the floor, "Let the gentleman here get you into your cuffs and we'll go."
"Why don't you love me?"
"Eddie... Not now. Really."
"Let me out, we can run away - together."
You stepped back but felt his hand snatch your wrist. You squealed. The guard lifted up the taser.
The months dragged on and on. You were heavily pregnant and every day felt like a herculean task. Getting out of bed was hard and it was not only because of your swollen belly. You were overworked and stressed out and your nearly daily run-ins with Gluskin didn't help in the slightest. The higher-ups wanted more therapy, more consultation mingled with whatever the fuck they were doing downstairs. It made him aggressive. Rashes that split his handsome features began popping up on his face, his swollen lips twisted into a frown.
"For the sake of the baby," his voice trembled in frustration as he gripped the edge of the table, knuckles white and distended, "I'll have to work on my moods, darling. But you're really not being very helpful."
You tried very hard to not roll your eyes.
"Okay, do you want to take a break?" you sighed in defeat, tapping your pen against your bottom lip as you eyed your watch. You were only twenty minutes in and it was already going swimmingly. You made a mental note to never bring up his father again. Not on a Monday morning.
"Oh no, you can't just walk away from the mess you've caused," Eddie chuckled, "I know that you lot get hormonal, but really, there's no need for such - vulgarities. Nonsense."
You shook your head.
"I can see that the topic hurts you," you tried to go for an understanding approach but you were interrupted by his scoff.
"Hurts? No - but I'll tell you what hurts," he narrowed his eyes at you, bouncing his leg up and down so that the chains of his handcuffs clinked dangerously, "What hurts is a mother denying the father of her child. That's unbelievable."
You felt coldness settle in the pit of your stomach.
"We've talked about this," you sighed, furrowing your brows, "My... pregnancy - has nothing to do with you, so can we please stay on the subj-..."
"Has nothing to do with me?" Eddie repeated, barking out a breathy laugh, lifting up his hands and slamming them down on the table while looking around the room.
"It really doesn't, Eddie," you gritted your teeth.
"I bet that's why he kicks you so much," he quirked his brow, baring his teeth, his voice lowering to a growl, "A rotten temper - just like Mommy. But no matter, if he has the same smile as you, so lovely..."
You exploded.
"No!" you screamed, rising up from your chair so fast that you knocked it over, "This is enough! This - it's not yours! My baby is. Not. Yours! Your fucking -..." you lifted your hands to your head, tearing at your hair as you swallowed your spit, eyes wide, "Your wet dreams are not real! I'm sorry that you're alone and I'm sorry that I'm such a fucking shitty psychiatrist - god - I can't help you, I really can't! This is not real, the baby is not yours, so stop it! We've never been anything but a doctor and a patient and I'm sorry I can't help you but this is too much! Stop acting like - like... it's..."
You took in shallow breaths, your lungs expanding painfully as a sob racked your body and you shook, your words dying down as you slowly bent down to pick up your chair and slumped on it, your head in your hands, tears streaming down your face as all you heard was the rushing of blood in your ears and the monotone buzzing of the lights above you.
Eddie was silent. You rubbed youe eyes with the heels of your palms, sniffling against your sleeves as you trembled in your chair, carrying the weight of the world on your shoulder. Every bone in your body was screaming for rest.
"I'm sorry," you huffed out after about a minute of tense silence, wiping at your eyes.
"No," Eddie muttered, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have..."
"No," you said louder, not making eye contact as you swallowed back another sob, "No, I'm sorry, I should-d-..." you hiccuped, "...- be more professional. It's just that - god, I'm so..."
You couldn't even finish your sentence before burying your head in your hands again, leaning your elbows on the cold steel table between you and him. You heard the rattle of his handcuffs, heard a soft, feathery popping noise and raised your eyes as he waved a tissue in front of you, one that he had plucked from the box on the table.
You took it with a slight, choked out laugh and blew your nose noisily.
"Thanks," you mumbled, dabbing at your eyes with a dry corner.
Eddie just nodded. He watched you wipe your tears, his face blank, but soft. Almost pitying.
"I'm sorry, darling. I upset you."
You always came back to an empty house, your legs sore, your eyes swollen and bloodshot. Yet he wasn't there. The father od your child. He was away most of the time. Kept his distance. Even in bed, he kept his distance, his back turned to you as you rubbed the stretched, itchy skin of your stomach, trying to focus on those crumbly patterns on the ceiling so that you wouldn't start hyperventilating. Then morning came and back to the asylum you went. And back home you came, the smell of piss, blood and hand sanitizer fading into the pungent fumes of fresh paint that wafted from the baby's room and gave you a migraine. You sat on the floor, folding tiny clothes into a bag, unfolding them onto the floor, then folding them again, swallowing back your tears. It's like you were going insane.
You were offered a severance check in February. You took it. You didn't even care anymore - you didn't care where the money came from or what they were trying to say by essentially firing you, leaving you to pack up your office in some damp cardboard boxes - you really didn't give a fuck. You were glad it was over.
But you had to say goodbye. You had to.
You walked up to his cell, nodding at the guard reassuringly as he twisted his key in the lock and wrenched the heavy door open. You swallowed, tugged at your coat and stepped inside his cell. His domain.
Eddie was sitting in the center of the room in a rickety chair. Humming. They must have kicked up the sedatives after your last visit to his cell. You were kind of glad as you eyed the scratchy linen of his straitjacket, how his muscles bulged against the straps. You felt both guilt and a sense of triumph flood over you. What had this place done to you?
You took a deep breath and walked up to him, leaving about two feet of room between the two of you.
His head snapped up, startlingly fast. He smiled tiredly.
"My love - I was just thinking about you."
"Eddie, I - uh..."
You didn't even know where to begin. You settled your hand on top of your bump as if trying to suck up courage from your baby. You sighed.
"I'm leaving Mount Massive, Eddie. We're - this is going to be goodbyes, okay?"
Eddie blinked at you.
"What?" his lips parted, his eyes widened as he tried to process what you'd just said.
"Yeah, I'm - I'm leaving," you decided you'd add some finality to this all and continued, "I got fired."
"No, that's not possible. You were so good to me," he shook his head slightly, his voice quiet yet slightly panicked.
You smiled gently.
"Thank you. But I gotta go now, Eddie. I jist came to - to..."
You didn't know why you came. You watched him stare at you, watched his handsome face stretched into a taut grimace as his eyes drilled into yours. He was silent for a while. You opened your mouth but he interrupted.
"Can I feel it?" his voice was startlingly soft. It trembled ever so slightly, bouncing off the walls of the cell.
"Eddie, I - I really don't know -..."
"Please?" he whispered, "Just for a moment?"
You stared into his eyes, and for a moment, you got lost in the softness of the baby blue - the exact color of a blankie you'd picked out for your baby. Something took over you. Against your better judgement, you nodded slowly, took a few steps towards the man in front of you.
Eddie's face was blank as he leaned to you, his face a few inches away from your bump as you shuddered in the cold air, feeling the indescribable heat of his body against yours as you closed the distance between the two of you. He cocked his head to the side and softly, slowly, pressed his ear against your belly. You held your breath, watched from above as his broad shoulders rose and fell and how he nuzzled his cheek against the roundness of your stomach. For a few heartbeats, he listened, eyes wide. Then his face melted into a soft smile. You watched his lip quiver.
"Ah, a healthy heartbeat. He's strong," Eddie mumbled, craning his neck back and flashing you a slight grin before settling his forehead against your belly.
Against the thin, stretched fabric of your blouse, you felt hot puffs of air fan over your skin as he breathed against you. You swallowed back a lump in your throat, watched as he gave your bump a gentle kiss. Another one. Then he pressed his forehead into you, sighing deeply against your belly.
Everything felt hazy. It took a while for you to adjust to the warmth inside you and when you came to, you found your hands tangled in his black hair, squeezing him closer to your waist in an awkward hug as you stroked his head.
You trembled, your eyes burned and your throat clenched around empty air and the scent of mildew and the scent of the iron bars and the scent of him.
"Hush now," you heard his voice as he cooed to your bump, "Mommy's got to go away now. She's feeling shy - but she'll come back to Daddy with you. All mine."
You let out a shaky sigh and tore your hands from the softness of his hair, hating yourself as white hot disgust pumped through your veins. You looked down at his flushed face, his pleading eyes that were glossy underneath the blinking fluorescent lights.
"I have to go," you croaked out, "I'm sorry."
"Stay, please," Eddie whispered, "Please don't go."
You stepped back, grasping your belly, rubbing at the are where he had touched you. You shook your head, walking backwards, heart beating. He rose from his chair.
"I can't. I have to go."
"No!" he gritted his teeth, his voice getting louder, "You can't leave me!"
He wriggled against his restraints, taking a long step towards you.
"I can't stay," you shook your head, felt a tear roll down your cheek, tasted the salt as you watched him try to shrug off his straitjacket, his wide eyes fixed on you as he grunted in desperation.
"Don't go!" Eddie yelled. You shook your head, tried to open your mouth, but no words came out. Nothing but a weak whimper as you backed out of the cell and slammed the door shut, squeezing the bars between your fingers as you watched him.
"I'll find you, I'll come and see and - and I'll take you and him home! You can't walk away! You can't do this to me!"
You heard him scream as your vision blurred and you stepped back from the cell bars on wobbly legs, turned youe back to him and started walking away towards the doors. Your chest felt heavy. Shattered.
At least someone was excited about the baby.
You heard his voice call your name out to you behind your back, but this time, it was low and gruff, bouncing off the walls sharply, drilling into your brain. Not a smidge of gentleness. Only desperation. But not hysterics, not anymore.
"You know it's not real, right? The child."
You turned around on your heels. He was slumped forward, forehead pressed against the rusting bars, his eyes fixed on yours. His chipper grin was gone. All softness in his face had turned to icy coldness. You shuddered slightly, but didn't open your mouth. Just stared at him with what you hoped looked like pity in your eyes.
"I heard the doctors talk about it. It's not real," he paused before muttering quietly, with a bitter edge to his voice, "I would have given you a real one and you know it."
You wanted to scoff at him. But you didn't. He sounded so sure. Something in your gut told you - no, nothing was wrong. He was wrong.
"Yeah, I know," you spat, "You with your - your fucking... Grasp on all things real. Don't even bother."
You stood there for a moment. Staring at him, your blood feeling cold. An empty, numb buzzing spread throughout your limbs as you looked in his eyes for the last time. One final blow that he had to deal to you.
"Goodbye, Eddie. I wish you the best."
You didn't even know if your words were genuine anymore. You turned around and rushed to the metal stairs, wiping your eyes, sliding your other hand on the railing, hearing the guard's keys clink against his belt behind you as you left case file 196 to rot in his own sickness, his own filth. Fuck him. You didn't even care anymore. That's what you kept telling yourself as sobbed with your forehead pressed against the steering wheel of your car.
A few weeks went by and you kept seeing the man in your dreams. Blood and guts and screaming babies and his god damned smile. You woke up in cold sweats, your heart racing as you felt your belly, felt the kicks that your son gave you. You're safe, you closed your eyes and rubbed your bump, fingers grazing stretched skin and bulging flesh. I'm gonna keep you safely tucked away from Daddy. Then you'd turn to your side and fall asleep quicker than you realised what you'd thought.
The labor was tough. Excruciating. Even with the epidural, you felt nauseous, tingly. Cold. You tossed your head from side to side as you hyperventilated on the plastic sheets, kicking and screaming.
"Emergency caesarean," you'd heard after twenty hours of trying to push. You didn't even care anymore. You just wanted to hold your son. You welcomed the darkness as the clear plastic was cupped over your nose and mouth, the air tasting sweet and viscous and cold. So, so cold.
With all that trouble he gave you, you knew he was his father's son.
Your partner squeezed your hand. You blinked lazily at him, trying to adjust your eyes in the bright light. Dark bags under his wide eyes. His mouth a thin line. Something was wrong. Your stomach jolted.
"What is it?" you muttered, adjusting yourself on the pillows, hearing the fabric rustle underneath you, mingling with the beeps all around you, gripping his hand with numb fingers, "Honey?"
He just shook his head, ever so slightly, his wide eyes still fixed on you. You were starting to feel creeped out, the way he held your hand and just stared. He looked almost catatonic.
"Wh-where's the baby, honey?" you looked around the room, turning your head, tearing your gaze off your spouse. An empty crib with tubes around it, hooked to nothing, undisturbed hospital sheets quivering slightly in the breeze of the air conditioning, "Where's... Where is he?"
You shook your partner's wrist, your brows furrowing.
"Where -...?" you opened your mouth, lifting your upper body off the pillows before being interruoted by a knock at the door.
"Come in," your partner called out hoarsely, not taking his eyes off you.
The door was pushed open. Two doctors with white coats stepped into the room along with a nurse. You eyed them.
"You're awake, we -..."
You interrupted them.
"Where is my baby?" you demanded. Your voice was starting to get louder. They just stood still, quietly.
"Sweetheart," your spouse whispered squeezed your hand, bringing it to your lips. You felt panic constrict your throat.
"Where is my baby?" you yelled. Your words echoed, rattling the linoleum as your chest heaved. The doctors shut the door and stepped to your bedside. Your gaze flickered between their solemn faces and your partner's glistening eyes.
"No," you croaked, your voice going up an octave as you felt coldness spread through your stomach and chest and into your limbs, "Where?"
"Darling... There was no baby," the stranger sitting beside you said with a blank face, his thumbs digging into the flesh of your palm. You breathed in exactly one lungful of the sterile, numbing air, your eyes widening before you distantly felt yourself let out a raw, throat-tearing screech as your world collapsed on itself. You saw nothing. Blackness swallowed you. There was nothing.
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