#they were fucking cuddling and saying I love you and giving forehead kisses. I’m gonna lose it.
sunnibits · 1 year
bruh I just had the cutest goddamn dream last night about baby edizzy being deeply sappily in love and now I’m SO FUCKING MAD THAT I HAD TO WAKE UP
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hp-hcs · 4 months
maybe theres a party in the slytherin common room and reader gets absolutely shitfaced
so being a flirty drunk they start chatting up a random dude (lets just say cormac bc hes always the bad guy) and boyfie theodore <3 gets jealous nd pulls them into his dorm nd hes all like
"I'll carve out your tongue if it’ll stop you from flirting with anyone else."
but reader still being drunk asf is just like :] snd gives him a kith and tells theo how pretty he is
poor baby just cant stay mad
HOW DARE YOU (be so cute?) — yandere! theodore nott x gn! drunk! hufflepuff! cutie patootie! reader
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warnings: underage alcohol consumption, teen partying and drinking, threats of violence, aggression, possessive/obsessive behavior, jealousy, general yandere tendencies
please enjoy my attempts to see how many ridiculous near-rhymes to ‘cormac’ i could come up with
“Yeah, yeah. Gryffindor’s playing Ravenclaw this weekend, you know. Maybe you can come out and…show your support.” The boy you’d been talking to all night leaned in close, resting one hand on your hip and letting the fingers of the other brush over your collarbone.
You honestly couldn’t be bothered to remember the boy’s name when you had a plastic cup of White Wyvern in your hand. It was something dumb, you remember that. Cognac, Corsac…?
“Y/n?” CarMax asked, trying to regain your attention. “You gonna cheer me on, sugar?”
“Huh? Oh- yeah, yeah,” you grinned, taking another sip of your drink. “I’ll get all decked out in red ‘n gold, jus’ for you.”
Tarmac grinned back and tightened his grip on your hip, tugging you a bit closer. “Maybe I oughtta give you my spare jersey to wear to the game then, huh? Wouldn’t you like to have my name across your back, little badger?”
(You shrugged noncommittally at that, not quite sure how to express to Shellac that literally no one wants the name Cornsack written across the back of their shirt.)
“Oh, I see. You want me to be your good luck charm, huh?” You teased, resting a hand on Callback’s forearm.
Rickrack smirked and opened his mouth to reply when a heavy hand clapped down on his shoulder from behind.
“McLaggen. You’ve got two seconds to get your hands off my partner before I cut them off.”
Trashbag paled, hurriedly snatching his hands back and holding them up in surrender as he whirled around to face the newcomer. “Woah, woah- calm down, Nott,” he chuckled nervously. “We were just talking. No harm, no foul.”
Theodore stared back at him with an unamused, dead-eyed expression.
Hackeysack swallowed nervously. “Uh…yeah. Yeah. Well, I uh…I think I’m gonna get going now, Y/n. See ya at the game.”
Theo interrupted you before you could even respond. “I assure you, they won’t.”
And with that, Theodore wrapped an arm tightly around your shoulders and dragged you away from Radioshack.
“What the fuck was that?”
“What was what?”
“Don’t play dumb, darling, I’m not in the mood.” Theodore pushed you up against the wall of his dorm, one hand with a possessive death grip on your hip, and the other tightly grasping your jaw to hold it still. “I swear to Salazar, Y/n, I’ll carve out your tongue if it’ll stop you from flirting with anyone else.”
Whatever reaction Theodore was expecting you to have to those threatening words, you drunkenly giggling and kissing the tip of his nose was not one of them.
“You’re so pretty when you’re jelly, baby,” you gave him a dopey grin, reaching out to fix his rumpled shirt collar and smooth your hands across his chest. “You’re always so pretty.”
His heart melted and he let go of your jaw with a sigh, running his fingers through your hair and leaning forward to kiss your forehead. “Merlin- what am I going to do with you, love?”
“Cuddle me?” You asked hopefully, a sweet pout on your face.
Theodore whined. “Shit, darlin’- I’m trying to be mad at you right now.”
“But cuddles, Teddybear!” You pouted further, tossing your arms over his shoulders to pull him into a hug. “Why would you wanna be mad when cuddles are an option?”
“I guess I can’t argue with that logic.” He conceded slowly, resting both hands on your waist and rubbing small circles into your sides with his thumbs. “Alright, fine. We can cuddle.”
You grin proudly at your incredible drunken convincing skills, disentangling yourself from your boyfriend to clamber onto his bed. “C’mon!”
“Hold on, hold on,” he laughed. “I need to find you something to sleep in that isn’t your party clothes, love. Here,” he tossed something at you as he finished digging through his dresser.
You caught the item, unfolding it to reveal his Slytherin quidditch team captain jersey, complete with NOTT written out in a big bold font. You snorted and glanced up at him.
He gave you an innocent smile as he stripped out of his own clothes and climbed under the covers next to you. You rolled your eyes fondly, changing into his jersey and lying down beside him.
“Goodnight, darling,” he murmured against the top of your head as he wrapped his arms around you.
You grinned into his chest. “G’night, Teddybear.”
You fell asleep cuddling Theo, in Theo’s bed, in Theo’s clothes, with Theo’s name written across your back. And as long as you didn’t think too hard about how your boyfriend was absolutely going to kill Hazmat McLovin tomorrow, then all was quite well in the Slytherin dorms that night.
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judes-hoe · 1 month
Dad vibes ~ JB5
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Parrings ~ Jude Bellingham x reader
Summary ~ laying in bed with Jude after the parade, you keep seeing pictures of him on instagram and he looks like a dad which turns you on!
Warnings ~ p in v(unprotected wrap it before ya tap it!!!), breeding kink, belly bulge-ish kink, pregnancy talk!
A/N ~ he was so hot
You’d stayed home while Jude went to the parade. You had a bunch of things to do around the house and thought it was the perfect time to do them.
You’d seen a few clips here and there of the parade and did Jude looks sexy! He almost reminded you of a dad which kinda turned you on.
Night time rolled around about 10pm. Jude was home and you were both in bed cuddling but on your phones, Jude showing you stuff from the parade here and there. You kept seeing things from the parade and seeing Jude with the glasses and shirt tucked into the pants…it turned you on.
“You looked so hot today” you said putting your phone down kissing Judes chest to get his attentions “yeah?” He smirked at you. “Yup, you almost looked like a dad at a kids party, turned me on a little.” I whispered while kissing his neck now. “You saying you wanna make me a dad?” He raised his eyebrows with a smirk. “I mean I wouldn’t complain.” I smirk at him.
Jude was flipping you over so fast. “Darling you’re in for it.” He kissed you neck taking yours(his) shirt off. He attached his mouth to your boobs that was now exposed. “Want me to make you a mommy?” He said his breeding kink now coming into play. “Yes!” You whine.
He smirks and takes your panties off while taking his boxers off. “You thinking about me being a dad got you this wet!” He said looking at your core that’s practically dripping. “Told you it turned me on?” You shrug at him.
He leans down and licks up your slit tasting you, he lets out a groan at your taste. “Fuck you taste better and better every time.” He groaned coming back to kiss you. He took this opportunity to push his cock inside. “Fuck” you moan out feeling the sudden stretch.
He gives you a second before starting to speed up his thrust. “Gonna make you a mommy, fuck a baby into you.” He groans in your ear. “Yes…please!” You moan out scratching at his back. “Get you nice and round in a few months?” He said teasing you as he felt you clench around him at his words. “Right here?” He pushed on your lower stomach making you feel him in your stomach, your eyes fluttered at the feeling.
“Yeah feel me there, that’s were out baby’s gonna be.” He whispered in your ear. You keep clenching around him at his words. “Fuck Jude, gonna cum!” You moan out scratching his back up. “Cum for me baby right behind you.” He said, thrust getting sloppy.
You cum around his cock eyes fluttering, Jude continues his thrust before he does one last deep one. Cumming inside you who’s a low groan and did a few more thrust making sure it stayed before pulling out.
“Did such a good job baby.” he said kissing your forehead before getting up. He went to the bathroom cleaning himself before grabbing a nice warm cloth and coming to wipe you up.
“Did so good.” He said kissing your thighs as he wiped around your pussy and wiped your thighs. “Can’t wait to be a daddy.” He said cuddling you once he put the cloth away. He big spooned you and hand his hands in your stomach. “Gonna be great parents” you said taking his hand and kissing it.
Few weeks later, here you are in the bathroom with Jude. 2 pregnancy test upside down. “I’m nervous.” You told Jude hands shaking a little. “It’s ok love, we’ll be fine, we’ll be great parents.” He said calmly holding your hands and kissing your head. “Promise.” He whispered.
“They should be ready now” you said looking at Jude. “Well each pick one up ok?” You told him handing him one. “Ok 3….2…1” you said filling it over. Your eyes widen seeing the positive test and you watch Jude’s eyes go wide. “We’re gonna be parents!” He said excitedly hugging you and kissing you repeatedly. “We are.” You said crying a little. “Can’t wait to start a family with you!” He spoke wiping your tears pulling you in a loving kiss.
A/N ~ hope you enjoyed!!!!
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elysianeclipxe · 1 year
How they react to seeing you sleep on the couch
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genre: fluff and a little crack?? (just stupid parts)
summary: how these genshin men react to coming home and seeing you asleep on the couch while waiting for them to come home
word count: >800 words
sidenote: just note that you might not agree with the characters in that section, this is just how i see them as. OH YEAH, uhmm navigation is in the works so after that y'all can start requesting if you want
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picks you up bridal style and brings you over to the bed
To them this is the quickest way to get you into bed. They don't want to bother you by waking you up since you're probably in a deep sleep at that point, but they also don't want to let you continue sleeping on the couch since the chances of you waking up with a stiff neck are extremely high. They’re such caring partners to the point I’m jealous. Some of them are pretty nonchalant about their love for you though, but if they’re sweet enough to do this then I think it’s pretty obvious they’re real into you. Will get really close to your face to either peck your lips or rub their nose against yours, just another reason why they prefer carrying you to bed. I can see them whispering a light “thank you” to your sleeping figure in their arms since they appreciate you trying to stay up for them. Excuse me, I did not ask for this sweetness, ughh.
— al haitham, diluc, gorou, kaeya, ZHONGLI
gently wakes you up and tells you to sleep in the bed
All of them are surprised that you stayed up and feel their hearts clench at the image of you sleeping, you’re so cute to them. Would try their best to be as quiet as possible and gently shake you awake. You deserve to get some proper sleep… in their arms. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! I can easily confirm that when you wake up still half asleep their eyes would get so soft at the sight in front of them, a smile crawling up their lips cause omg how are they so lucky to have you. Will guide you to bed and tuck you in again before joining you in. Lets you lay your head on their chest and will stroke your hair or run their fingers through it to ease you to sleep. It’s so cute how smitten they are for you.
— ayato, baizhu, THOMA, tighnari
drapes a blanket over you and kisses you goodnight
I can spot sweethearts from a mile away, and these men are it! I’m only like 27% joking rn. HEAR ME OUT!! Yes you’ll probably have a stiff neck in the morning cause of this but they are so sweet when you’re asleep. Really doesn’t want to wake you up so they just let you sleep there, will cover you with a blanket so you don’t get cold. Sighs cause they find you so pretty, one of them for sure has a blush on his cheeks seeing you look so soft *cough* cyno. ANYWAYS, leans down and cups your cheek with his hand and stokes it with his thumb. Kisses you goodnight on the forehead, lets their lips linger there for a bit before pulling away with a smile. Aww, they’re so whipped.
— aether, albedo, cyno, KAZUHA
tries to fit themselves on the couch to cuddle and sleep with you
THESE MFS!!!! Does not give the slightest fuck if you are sleeping on a couch half their size THEY WILL MAKE IT WORK. Just like breathing = living, sleeping will always equal cuddles, it’s just a given. The idea of y’all sleeping in a proper bed just goes over their head, plus this seems more fun. They’ll whisper for you to move a bit so they can fit in. Just saying, these idiots are probably gonna wake you up in the process. Don’t worry tho, they’ll bring you close to their body and give you enough body warmth for you to fall back into sleep. Is the type to bury their head in the crook of your neck, mumbling a soft goodnight that you instantly relax to.
— childe, ITTO, venti, kaveh, heizou
leaves you on the couch, might check up on you here and there
I don’t wanna make them look anti-romantic but y’all I cannot even sugarcoat the fact that they would not care if you were sleeping on the couch or not. I'M SORRY!! But like they probably think you slept there on purpose so the idea of moving you to the bed would not even be there. They think you’re weird for sleeping there, for sure will ask you about it the next day. As much as I want to make them seem like the most unromantic person ever (jk) they will check on you ever like 10 minutes minimum. At one point they get so tired of walking back and forth from the living room and the bedroom that they decide to just sit on the floor beside the couch and sleep there. You’ll probably wake up and see your hand intertwined with theirs, they’re soft boys in disguise.
— dainsleif, WANDERER, xiao
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nothing much left to say other then thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed the little scenario i made <3 let's hope i can actually be more consistent with posting, mwah
© elysianeclipxe. all rights reserved. do not copy, repost, translate, or modify my content onto other platforms.
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ajortga · 4 months
pairing: tara carpenter x fem reader
summary: you are there to comfort tara's mood swings during her period.
word count: 800+
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based off request!
can you make a oneshot wherein, Tara has her period and has sudden mood changes, thank you in advance if your gonna make it!
As you were tidying your apartment, you heard Tara's annoyed groan.
“Stupid.. Bit- OW!” She yells in pain as you peek in to see her smacking the drawer. "Fucking hoe."
“Baby, you okay?”
She turns to you and immediately you see her eyes soften, just slightly.
“I can’t find this stupid remote. I want to watch something. And the damn drawer is broken because it woN'T DAMN OPEN."
You immediately come and hug her from behind, burying your face against her neck lovingly.
“Was it broken?”
“No. I broke it. I opened the stupid thing to find the remote and I smacked my head on the cabinet. Bitch. “ She huffs, glaring at the drawer with annoyed eyes.
You smile, bringing in a cup of warm lemon tea as you walk to her and pat her to the bed, “Shush. I’ll find it for you, you need to rest. Lie down. And you better be paying for that.” you joke softly.
And she does, she crawls into bed with you, burying her face to your neck. Your hands run through her smooth soft hair. You look down at her as you hand her the cup of tea and some dark chocolate. Her favorite brand of course.
“Thank you.” She murmurs, looking up at you and taking a small sip.
“Only for you. Would you like anything else? Is it too sweet? Does it taste good?”
“Yes it’s perfect. Don’t go. But you know what else tastes better?”
“Oh yeah? What?”
“You,” she giggles, making you cover your face.
She laughs out loud, putting the cup back to the small night stand.
“Okay fine, your lips actually.”
You huff, pressing your lips to hers, making her squeal against her lips. You pull away, nuzzling your nose to hers, “Let me go get you a heating pad, okay baby?”
Tara pouts, making small grabby hands, but says a small “Okay..”
You laugh, “30 seconds, maybe even less,” pressing your lips to her forehead.
After 17.5134139132 seconds, you come back with a heating pad and crawl back into bed with her, cuddling her and placing the pad onto her stomach.
“Yes,” she whispers, hugging you as you turn the TV on to find a show.
You choose a random show that you two have never watched before and 20 minutes in there's a scene that's meant to be sad, but you found it so corny you started laughing.
Tara starts to sniffle, rubbing her eyes as you look at her, “Tar, are you seriously crying?”
“T-that’s s-so sad..” She whispers, sniffling as she cries, making you laugh softly.
“Your period seriously makes your mood different.”
“It’s not funny…” She sniffles, blowing her nose in a tissue, making you cackle.
“It’s a little funny when you cry over something like that baby,” You smile, scooting closer to her as you cuddle her, making her smile a little.
“There we go, don’t cry. At least don’t cry over a dog running into a popcorn bag in slow motion.”
She kisses you deeply, making you squeak, “When you say it like that it’s a little funny.”
“I know, now let's stay like this and we’ll watch another show maybe.”
“I’m hungry, can I get chocolate covered strawberries?-”
You jumped off of bed, making Tara make a small sad sigh as you ran out of the room, slammed into the fridge and came back with them less than 3 minutes later.
Your figure crawls back into bed with her, for some reason in your relationship Tara was always the big spoon as she wrapped her arms around you and let you crawl into her embrace. You fed her small strawberries while she made, "mmmm" sounds to make you happy and giggle.
“I should have my period more often, without the cramps though, you treat me even more like the princess you already treat me as,’ she gives a hearty laugh as you feed her.
“It’s because I love you and don’t want you to get hurt,” you murmur, kissing her nose.
“I feel so appreciated,” she says softly, smiling as you kiss her nose over and over, pulling away to come back and press her lips against hers. You kiss her back, cupping her cheeks as you rub her belly a little after, warming her lower body up.
“I love you.”
“I know.”
“I love you too.”
As you chose a movie, you were the one to comfort Tara, rubbing her back softly and nuzzling your nose to hers. 
“That scene was so stupid, did you find it funny like Nick said?” she said, looking a bit dumbfounded.
“Y/N?” She turns her head to see you asleep, head buried into her chest as you murmured in your sleep, cracking a smile on her face.
“You’re so adorable, my adorable sleeping beauty,” she whispered softly, kissing your temple as she cuddled up to you, she loved the way you cared for her. She loved you more than anything, and it felt good to know you did too.
Not long after you both were asleep, legs tangled together, now Tara was the one playing the role of making you feel loved and safe, her cramps died down, you were such a sweetheart for her.
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suempu · 1 month
HAI i forgot if i requested this already but can you do hc’s for laios or kabru with amab reader? gn reader is okay if not ❤️
dom reader for laios’ part + switch kabru + tall man reader + nsfw + amab !!!
he likes playing a certain push and pull game with you, the art of trying to be the more dominant one whenever you two get intimate. its similar to a wrestling match and a chess game to him, which makes it enjoyable and fun.
although if you asked him which position you’d like to be for the night, he’d agree (but not without a few cheeky teasing, its kabru after all).
he’s roughly your height, about 2-4 inches apart. loves to rest his forehead on yours because of it. just the feeling of closeness and warmth of your skin makes him happy.
like from my previous kabru hcs, he’s very attentive, especially as a lover. hugging, cuddling or just laying your head on his shoulder is your main source of comfort whenever he pulls you away from the party or during alone time.
if you’re as tall as him, he likes to put his head on your chest and just nap. kind of like a cat with the way he nuzzles into you.
regardless if he takes the lead in bed or not, he will always be unfair and cheeky. whenever you come out on top, he’ll be disobedient and bratty. but only in a way that gets you mildly annoyed.
“get on the bed, i’ll prep you.” you smile, huffing as you sit on the edge.
“but what if i don’t want to?”
you frown at him. “its gonna hurt.”
“what if i want it to hurt?”
you gave him a deadpan expression. “get on the fucking bed.”
he’ll laugh it off, he finds it fun to mess with you.
if you’re tall then he’s like about 4-6 inches higher than you, which is the perfect height for you to give him surprise pecks. you could literally just talk to him normally, look at him and just sneak in a kiss. he’ll need a few seconds to process it, making you laugh before he blushes and smiles.
laios loves your praise of course, especially in bed, but if you say it in a gentle voice, it gets him kinda giddy.
“so behave. thank you, baby.” cooing at him, you rub the space under his eyes.
he’s a grown man and he’s perfectly capable of taking care of himself, but knowing that you love him and that you’re always there to support him will never fail to have an effect on his heart.
he loves to be loved and loves to love (if that makes sense.)
i’ve mentioned it before, how laios would accidentally break some stuff during sex but there was an instance where he scratched your back while squeezing too tight that it lead to you actually spraining a muscle.
he got so guilty afterwards, he refused to touch your dick or any lower part of your body for a whole month. laios was on the verge of tears but you merely laughed it off and kissed his cheekbone.
“i feel so bad. i’m sorry!” he yells hysterically.
you were in front of the mirror, turning around to inspect yourself before smirking at the red marks on your back. “i dunno, i kinda like this one.”
now laios likes being in your lap, not really sitting on it but he lays on it similarly to how a dog would. his torso is on your lap while his head rests on your stomach. he loves the head pats and the affection after all.
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inurnctdreams · 15 days
00:00 - l.dh
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idol!haechan x gn!reader
genre: fluff, established relationship, drabble
warnings: swearing, suggestive, mentions of sex, pet names (baby, hyuckie)
wc: 0.7k
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“happy birthday dear hyuckie, happy birthday to you!”
“hi baby, thank you.” donghyuck’s voice is quiet and slightly raspy. nothing you haven’t heard multiple times before, but not what you’d expected when you’d called your boyfriend at exactly midnight in his current time zone.
“did… did i wake you up?” you frown, and your voice must betray your disbelief if his cute little chuckles over the line are anything to go by.
“maybe, i fell asleep like twenty minutes after i ate dinner.”
“were the guys not with you?” you pout. you’d at least taken some comfort in the fact that he’s surrounded by the rest of the dreamies for the start of his birthday if you can’t be there.
“they’re here.” he says. “our intention was to stay up.”
“and you all fell asleep? that’s actually really fucking funny.” you can’t help the giggles that escape you at the thought of all seven of them crowding in one hotel room to see donghyuck’s birthday in, only to not make it to midnight.
“yeah, i guess we were all pretty tired.”
“wait, does that mean i still got to be the first person to say it?!” you say excitedly. it’s not yet his birthday where you are, but you’d be damned if you were gonna let a silly thing like time zones come between you and making sure your boyfriend started off his day showered in love, albeit virtual.
“uh-huh.” he smiles, leaving out the fact that he’d been planning on answering your call before anyone else could wish him happy birthday anyway. you’d been so cutely adamant that distance wouldn’t stop you from being the first. “i miss you so much.” you almost don’t hear the whisper. if you didn’t know him so well, you’d chalk the voice crack up to him only just waking up.
“i miss you too, baby. twenty-one hours.” you let yourselves sit with the bittersweet feeling for a moment. tears begin to form in your own eyes but you blink them away. “i cannot wait to give you your presents, i think i’ve outdone myself this year!”
“all i need is you.” he elongates the vowels in ‘you’, trying to match your cheery tone.
“ew, stop being so greasy! plus, you love presents and i’m still mad my master plan to have them sent to you was ruined.”
“management did have a point about the shipping time issues, plus this way you can see me open them properly.” he reasons. “i can’t wait to hug you again.”
“just hug me?” you smirk.
“this was supposed to be a cute, innocent birthday call, not phone sex!” he gasps dramatically, sending you both into another fit of giggles.
“okay, okay.” you relent. “i guess the whole point of birthday sex is to do it in person.”
“we did not need to hear that.” another voice chimes in, clearly muffled and far away.
“why are you even on the phone so late?” mark questions, sounding closer than jaemin had. “oh shit dude, happy birthday!”
“is it already midnight?” jisung’s voice is muffled, and then you hear rustling and yells for the other boys to wake up.
“i’ll let you go, have fun with the boys!” you smile.
“no!” hyuck immediately whines.
“it’s okay baby, have a good morning and let me know when you’re boarding and landing, yeah?”
“fine.” he sighs, and you can hear the pout in his voice. the mental image of him, bedhead and traces of sleep, has you mourning the fact that you can’t squish his cheeks or kiss his forehead. yet, you remind yourself. “i’m gonna cuddle the shit out of you as soon as i get back.”
“i’m holding you to that.” you smile, ignoring the fake gagging sounds in the background.
“get some rest too, i know you have work in the morning.”
“i’ll try.” you knew it would be difficult to settle your restless brain but he was right, you did have work, plus the stuff you’d planned for when he got home that you had managed to keep a surprise. “happy birthday, hyuckie. i love you.”
“i love you too.” you glance down at your phone when the call ends.
twenty-one hours.
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Slutmas Day 7
No Longer A Virgin (Chris)
Request: None
Warnings: Loss of virginity, use of mama, fingering, I think that’s all
“Fuck baby, you’re so tight! I won’t last long like this mama.”
Y/n’s pov
I have been dating Chris for about 7 months now but I have known him for about 5 years. I was still a virgin but he wasn’t and I was scared I’d be bad during sex or that it would hurt. Chris knew this but never rushed me and never asked me if I wanted to have sex or give him head. He says that’s not why he was dating me and I appreciate that. “I love you and I don’t want to have sex until you’re ready. Don’t pressure yourself into doing it because you think it’s what I want. I don’t care, I just want you to know when the time comes I will try my best to make it a good experience for you” is something Chris always told me.
I think tonight’s going to be the night I let Chris take my virginity, I’ve been thinking about it for the last couple of weeks and I think I’m finally ready. Today had been a good day with him so far, full of cuddles, movies, and kisses. We were currently laying down in my bed watching tv since it was around 10pm, “Hey Chris can I tell you something?” I asked him visibly nervous. He turned off the tv before putting his full attention on me, “Of course you can babe, is something wrong?” He questioned while moving some hair out of my face as I shook my head.
“Nothings wrong, I just wanted to tell you that I’m ready” I said nervously, “Are you sure my love?” he asked while looking into my eyes, studying my face for any signs of doubt. “Yes, I want it to be with you. I trust you and love you Chris, so yes I’m sure” I told him while looking down. He gently moved my face back up, placing a soft kiss to my lips “I love you too, I’ll be gentle but it’s still going to hurt at first, okay?” he informed me. “Okay” I replied back as he stood up and took everything but his boxers off.
I was already only wearing an over sized t-shirt and panties so he just let that be at first, lightly pushing me until I laid flat on my back. He hovered over me with a smile, “So we’re gonna start by making out like we normally do except I’m going to grind on you. You know to get you wet and for me to get hard, alright?” he spoke sweetly. “Alright” I replied before Chris started kissing me, we started off slowly as he gently slid his tongue across my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I quickly allowed.
After making out for a minute or so, Chris started to press his hips against my own in a slow grinding motion. I could feel him getting hard which caused me to whine. Pulling away for a second, Chris started asking, “Can I kiss down your neck and leave hickies?” “Mhm, you can take my shirt off too if you want” I replied, suddenly having a boost of confidence. At this, he smiled before slipping my shirt over my head, and started leaving kisses across my neck, gently biting down on the skin ever so often.
I let out a whiny moan when he bit down on this one particular spot, causing him to stop and harshly suck on the skin. I let out another moan as he created the hickey on my neck before he trailed down towards my chest. After leaving multiple hickies around my chest, looking up at me, “Is it okay if I um, suck on your nipples?” he asked softly. I gave him a nod and before I knew it, I was letting out whiny moans as he gently sucked on and played with my nipples. Once he was satisfied with that, he kissed down to my panties, stopping and looking up at me.
“Have you ever fingered yourself before baby?” he softly asked, making me giggle, “How else am I supposed to get off, Christopher? Of course I have!” I joked in a sarcastic tone. “Don’t be bratty Y/n” he joked back, “Do you want me to eat you out first?” “N-No. Can you just f-fuck me please” I nervously stuttered out. “Don’t be nervous my love, I’ll be gentle” Chris softly smiled, giving me a kiss on the forehead before grabbing some lube out of his nightstand.
“This is gonna be a little cold but I’m gonna stretch you out a bit, okay?” “Okay” he squirted some lube onto my pussy and spread it around a bit before sticking two of his long fingers inside me. “Such a pretty pussy” he smirked as his fingers slowly thrusted in and out of me. Chris sped up his movements a little, now scissoring his fingers to stretch me out some more. “Mhm, I could get off on your fingers alone baby” I confessed as I ran my fingers through his hair “Yeah? You think your stretched out enough for me mama?” he asked after placing a shot kiss to my lips, I nodded in response.
Chris pov
I was kinda shocked when my baby said she was ready for sex, but I was also excited to get to pleasure her. After some making out and grinding, I got some look and started to stretch her out with my fingers until I thought she was ready. I still asked if she thought she was ready to though, just to make sure. I got some more club and put it on my cock, stroking myself a few times before running my tip through her folds. “Are you ready mamas?” “Yes, just go slowly” “Of course I will” I lined myself up with her entrance and slowly pushed my tip in.
“You okay baby? Want me to stop?” I asked as soon as I saw the look of discomfort on Y/n’s face. “N-No keep going all the way then stop” “Okay sweetheart” doing as she said, I slipped myself all the way in her before bottoming out. She was so fucking tight but I needed to stay still until Y/n said it was okay to move, which she said after a few minutes. I was slowly thrusting into her, both of us groaning at the feeling when suddenly Y/n gripped my bicep. She was looking at me with innocent eyes when she said “Can you please go faster” I just nodded before pounding into her.
“Fuck baby, you’re so tight! I won’t last long like this mama.” I confessed, considering I haven’t had sex in well over a year, this was like heaven to me. “Me either, I’m already so close, you feel so good Chris” she whimpered, which went straight to my cock as she started to tighten around me. I moved my tumb down to start rubbing her clit which brought her over the edge as she came all over my cock. “Fuck Chris- holy shit- oh my god so good!” Y/n cried out as she tightened and came on my cock.
I quickly pulled out as ahead came down from her high and started pumping my cock, shooting out ropes of white as I came. Her tits and stomach were covered in my cum and she looked so hot. “That was amazing Chris!” “I’m glad you had a good first time because you were such a good girl for me.” I kissed her. After I fully caught my breath, I got up and grabbed a wet washcloth to wipe the cum off the both of us before throwing it into the hamper. I put on a clean pair of boxers and dressed Y/n in one of my shirts and panties before turning off the lights and drifting off to sleep with Y/n.
Tag list: @angelic-sturniolos111 @biimpanicking @chrisenthusiast @chrisolivia4l @christinarowie332 @chr1sgirl4life @delimeats-000 @dev-speaks @ermdontmindthisaccount @flowerxbunnie @fionaheartswomen @freshlovehacker @iheartchrissturniolo @justaslvttygirl @kvtie444 @lustfulslxt @luvysworld @mangosrar @mangoposts @meerkatzthings @recklesssturniolo @solarsturniolo @soursturniolo @strniohoeee @sturniolohoe @sturniolosluvv @sturnphilia
All work is subject to copyright
©Daddyslilchickenfingers2 2023
Do not steal, use, or repost my work
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moonstruckme · 7 months
Hiiii your marauders fics are AMAZING!! I’m truly obsessed with them. Would you ever do an aftercare fic where the reader is in sort of an emotional subspace and is just super clingy? Totally fine if not just curious :)
Hi, thank you! I realize you said "just curious" lol but I decided to try my hand at it. I'm not super familiar with this stuff, so it might be kinda cringey lol--sorry! Anyway, thank you for asking/requesting lovely :)
cw: smut mdni, p in v, dom/sub dynamics, praise kink
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 605 words
Your forehead crashes against Remus’ chest, panting breaths blowing warmth back onto your own face. 
Both of his hands had been gripping your hips, but now one coasts up the ridges of your spine, coming to rest on your upper back. 
“You’re alright,” he murmurs. 
You hum in response. It comes out a bit like a whine. You’re feeling teary and torn open, the emotions that had been heightening as you inched toward climax now crashing into the gulley below. 
Remus’ lips press gently to the top of your head. “Was that good for you, sweetheart?”
“Mhm,” you affirm readily. “Really good. Was it for you?” 
“I thought I made that apparent enough.” There’s a teasing edge to his voice, and you smile, turning your head to nuzzle your cheek against this chest. “Ready to get up?”
“No.” It’s almost a whimper. You needle your hands under his arms, wrapping yourself around him. “I wanna stay here.” 
He shifts, and you inhale sharply at the slight movement of his cock, still inside you. Shushes and apologies alike fall from Remus’ lips, but he leans up on his elbows, using one hand to tilt your face towards him. His expression shifts as he realizes your still-fuzzy headspace, lips pulling down.
“Oh, baby.” It sounds almost pitying, one knuckle stroking down your cheek lovingly. “You’re not going to feel better until you let me clean you up, dove.” 
Tears press at your eyes, but you do your best to sound reasonable. “I’ll feel better if we cuddle.” 
He kisses your forehead again. You recognize the apology in it and whine as he moves uncomfortably against your sensitive walls, sitting you both up. “We’ll still cuddle, I promise.” He slides you off his cock despite your protests. “Hey, you’re alright. I’ve got you, sweetheart. Not hurting, are you?” 
“A little,” you say, giving him doe eyes in hopes of some extra attention. But then Remus’ brow furrows concernedly, and you rethink it. “Not really, though. Not more than I wanna be.” 
He lets out a little sigh, pressing his lips to your forehead again. “You’re fine,” he says, seemingly to both of you. “Wanna have a bath, honey? We can cuddle in there, if you like.” 
“Or…” You give him a suggestive look, and he laughs. Not exactly the response you were looking for. 
“Sorry,” he says at your frown. “Sorry, dovey, you just looked too cute.” Admittedly, that softens you a bit. Remus squeezes your hip lightly, tilting his head as he considers you with an odd half-smile. “No, no more tonight. Think I’ve got you a bit too fucked out already, hm?” 
You pout. “Am not.” 
Remus hums, leaning forward to kiss your pushed-out lips. “Right, course not.” He lifts you up a bit, slipping out from under you. “You wanna stay here while I go start the bath?” 
“No.” Your tone pitches desperately, grabbing for his wrists as he stands beside the bed. Your vision blurs. “I want to be with you, Rem.”
“Okay, okay.” He brings his hands to your waist hastily, standing you up in front of him. “You’re fine, baby, you can come with. You gonna be okay with sitting on the counter while I get it all ready for us?” 
You blink at him interestedly. “Because I’m a good girl?” 
His chin comes down on your head and his arms wrap around your shoulders. You’re not sure what’s prompted the show of affection, but you’ll take it, nosing your way into the juncture of his neck. “Sure, darling,” he says, a definite note of amusement in his voice. “My good girl.”
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lovelywritinglady · 1 year
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Slutty Showers
Hisoka x fem!reader
Smut, Shower sex, mentions of blood, established relationship, fem reader. Hisoka fucks you and then treats you right.
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Third Person Pov
The sound of skin slapping together your moans were echoing against the shower walls. The warm water cascaded over your bodies as Hisokas cock was hitting your walls so good that it make your brain foggy. His hands were gripping your tits while is fingers were pinching your nipples hard. It stung but god it made you feel so good. His mouth was biting and sucking on the soft skin on your neck. He began sucking on the hickeys he’d given you the night before while he was pushing your body to its limits. The two of you had been going at it for a long time yet his pace never faltered. You swear this man his an incredible amount of stamina.
Suddenly you were being picked up and your back was pushed against the wall. His hands grabbed your legs and forced them around his waist, not like you were complaining. You then put both of your arms around his neck and pressed your lips against his. It was a fiery kiss that sent pleasurable shivers down your spine. His tongue went inside you mouth which you let happen. His cock wasn’t inside you and you were aching without him. He knew this and you could feel him smirk against your mouth. After some more time of teasing you he thrusted himself into you which caused you to yelp with pleasure and pain. His pace quickened and you began moaning his name like a prayer while your hands began scratching his back. You knew he loved pain so you made sure that you scratched enough to make his back bleed. He began to moan loudly as well. His golden eyes met yours with a lustful and love full gaze. His hand came down and he started to rub my clit meaning he was holding you with one arm. You two kept this eye contact until you felt that familiar bubbling feeling and you could tell he was close too.
“Hisoka, I’m gonna cum” you moaned out
“Mmm good cum for me flower” he grunted
After a few more minutes you came hard on his cock. His name was moaned over and over again and your nails dug into his skin even harder than before. Then Hisoka came shooting his cum inside your walls while he was still thrusting inside you. You were on birth control so he knew you were okay with it. He thrusted inside you until his cock softened. At that point you had lost feeling in you legs. Hisoka turned the shower off and carried you out of the shower and put you on the counter.
He then grabbed your towel and started drying you off while giving your forehead a kiss. This was the Hisoka you knew. He was sweet to you and he didn’t say it often but you knew he loved you and you loved him too. He’s a very strange man, but he’s loyal to you which you thought wouldn’t happen when you two got together. But just by the way he’s looking at you know you know how much he cares for you.
After you were dry you took his towel which of course was pink and began drying him. His body looks like it was sculpted by the gods. Hisoka could tell you were admiring him because of how long you took to dry him. This made his ego get even worse than it already was. When you were done you reached up and pressed a long loving kiss on his lips and then looked into his eyes and smiled. He then picked you up once more and took you to your shared bed. The two of you cuddled while Hisoka talked about his abilities and how beautiful he thought you two were. Despite how rough he is, he always is sweet after the two of you have very hard sex. After a little while of Hisoka babbling you fell fast asleep. He noticed after a while and chuckled at your cute expression. He then gently kissed your cheek and looked at you before saying…
“I love you, my flower”
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Thank you so much for reading!💜
•I do NOT own any characters except y/n•
Please feel free to request, reblog, and comment
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remusslove · 9 months
Hiiiiii! I love your work sm! <3
I was wondering if you could maybe do a sub!regulus having a rough day and going to dom!readers dorm to be taken care of? <3
With feel at absolute peace. You have a few candles lit up, fully deep cleaned your room and are now currently snuggled in bed waiting for regulus to get out of his extra class.
“Why don’t you fuck off sirius? Go back to your brother or whatever you call that gryffindor your always hanging out with!” Regulus words are like venom piercing into Sirius’s ears. Of course regulus knows who James is, but he doesn’t want to find the courage to say his name.
With that Sirius scoffs and flips him off turning directly and his heel and storming away. Regulus quickly taking deep breath to gather himself not wanting to let the tears fall down his cheeks. That’s the second argument this week. Usually they just ignore each other whenever they make eye contact in the halls.
You hear a knock on the door and immediately open it only to be met with a grumpy teary eyed regulus. “Another argument with Sirius?” You asked softly. “Yeah, he keeps fucking with me, it’s like he knows when I’m upset.” He spit out dropping his book bag on the corner you gave him and plopping himself on the bed.
You giggle a bit before unlacing his dark green converse. Pressing a kiss on his forehead and nose you stroke his face with your hand looking into his stubborn filled eyes. “Oh Reg, as hard as a rock, is that why you were upset before Sirius?” You cooed. He scoffed softly about to disagree before you cupped his hard on with your soft hands.
“Hm? What was that regulus?” You teased applying more pressure causing him to buck his hips and whine slightly. “Yes, missed you.” He whimpered. “Poor baby, m gonna help you mkay? Gonna let all those silly thoughts out of your head yeah?” The way you talk to him drives him insane.
Talking to him as if he’s a baby, only yours. “Yes please” he whispers. You unhook his belt and pull down his pants and boxers with such ease he forgot when they were on. His head clouded with pressure as you spit on his needy cock, not forgetting to give attention to his tip.
“Mommy, oh god-” you shush him gently and he immediately goes silent, grabbing the soft linen blanket you out over the sheet. Pumping you hand up and down his cock occasionally reaching down to press kisses on his stomach.
Increasing you past strings of moans he tried to fight by closing his mouth are now the only sounds of the room beside the soft squelches of your hand running up and down his red tip and cock, precum beading down.
“Oh mommy, right there! I’m gonna cum! Please can I cum?” He begs tears now freely falling down his pale cheeks. “Of course baby boy, cum for me.” That’s all it took for him to tip over the edge. Roped of cum stain his stomach as he takes short breaths in between over stimulated whines.
“Such a good boy regulus, can mommy get the towel?” You asked him rubbing his slightly sweaty forehead to get his falling hair out of his face. Usually regulus likes to cuddle after a session, so when he’s finally asleep you can sneak out of bed to clean him up so he won’t wake up all sticky.
He nods pushing the duvet under his head as a sort of pillow. You quick waltz into the bathroom in and out, and wipe him down. He whined as you cleaned his cock. Poor thing all overstimulated.
Finally joining him in bed so he could talk about his day before drifting to sleep laying on your chest.
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graymanshoots · 5 months
Rainy season
Prompt: It starts raining while you star gaze with Kyle and you didn’t bring an umbrella
Warnings/tags: fluff, non sexual nudity and touching, car cuddling, sexual and romantic tension no smut, use of ‘love’ instead of ‘y/n’, gaz finally getting love!
A/N:I had great temptation to turn this into a smut but the one comment I got answering my question said fluff so here’s fluff! (Comments, likes and reblogs appreciated!!!)
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The moon hung high in the sky, its fullness taking up space between the stars. The wooded mountains were enveloped in a comfortable ambiance, with trees swaying gently and creatures bustling in the darkness. You lay on a blanket in a serene clearing with your boyfriend Kyle, your eyes trained on him while his were directed towards the seemingly clear sky. The moon's reflected light beamed over Kyle’s warm brown skin, casting a mesmerizing glow. You couldn't help but admire his pretty features, his lips curled into a smile and his eyes shining as he gazed upon the sky. Kyle glanced at you from the corner of his eye before fully turning to you. “You're supposed to be looking at the stars, love,” he said, gesturing above himself. “I am, got the prettiest star right here,” you replied in a dramatic manner, leaning over to kiss his cheek. He made a fake gagging noise and pushed your face away. “Cheesy! I should be saying that to you,” he teased, earning an eye roll from you. Kyle scoffed and pulled you closer to him, scrunching up the blanket beneath the two of you. “Don’t try anything; we’re still in public,” you warned when he pressed kisses to your cheek and behind your neck. “Because I’m sure a squirrel or deer is going to worry about what we’re getting up to,” he retorted with a cheeky smirk.
Your mouth opened to respond, but your words failed you when something wet hit your forehead. Your eyebrows furrowed as a few more droplets landed, and then you realized what was happening. “Shit, we’ve gotta pack it up,” Kyle groaned, sitting up reluctantly. The little picnic you two had packed was quickly put away, but you couldn’t beat the harsh rains that rolled in.
“Fuck me!” you yelled, running towards the car, basket in hand. Your hair and clothes were soaked, and you cursed yourself for not bringing an umbrella. “That’s what I was trying to do before the rain, love!” Kyle shouted right at your tail. He didn’t miss the laugh that fell from your lips, muffled by the progressively heavier rain. Kyle fished for the van keys and opened the automatic boot. You got there first and took a breather now that you were under cover, Kyle soon joining you at the boot of your car.
You were both panting heavily and soaked from head to toe. “I don’t think it’s safe to drive back down the mountain in this weather,” he commented, wiping his face with his wet T-shirt. “We can wait it out; doesn’t seem like it’s gonna be that bad,” you assessed, unsure of how long the weather might last as you looked out into the darkened trail.
“Well, we’ll see,” Kyle huffed, pulling his shirt over his head and tossing the wet fabric in the trunk. “What are you doing, Garrick?” you questioned suspiciously, causing him to raise his hands in surrender. “Hey, hey, no sex; just don’t want to get the seats soaked when we get in,” he defended, his chest glistening in the warm car lights.
“Right,” you followed after, pulling your clothes off until you both were stripped to your underwear. It felt chilly now that you were half-naked and outside in the rain, the only cover being the open boot that provided a decent amount of coverage considering how heavy the rain was.
Kyle climbed into the car to push down the seat so the two of you could get in through the back, his ass poking out as he climbed over. You drummed on his boxer-covered cheeks, the wet fabric sticking to his skin. “Hey!” Kyle glared back at you, swatting your hand away. “It’s so round, Kyle; you can’t blame me,” you said, cupping them, almost tempted to give him a wedgie. The chair finally gave and folded down, giving Kyle the opportunity to get away from your grabby hands. “We have a towel in here somewhere,” he muttered while you climbed in after him.
Pressing the side button, the car closed and locked itself, and the overhead lights dimmed and shut off. The rain was muffled, and the car was silent aside from the even breaths coming from Kyle.
In order to fit in the back seat, you were straddling Kyle’s waist as he lay back, his arm stretched towards the ground. He wasn’t paying attention, feeling around blindly for a towel until, “aha!”
Kyle brought up the large beach towel he had and wrapped it around the two of you. “Now we can get nice and dry,” he hummed, sitting up to wrap his arms around your waist. “I have half a mind to blame you for not checking the weather,” you muttered, leaning your face into his shoulder, his warm skin damp against yours.
“Maybe this was all part of my plan!” Kyle said, his expression unreadable due to the lack of light. “Aha, sure,” you tsked at his antics and leaned over toward the front seat to turn on the car.
The heating kicked in fast, and the radio followed after, leaving you with the ambiance of the rain and R&B of the radio station you guys had previously had on.
“Hey, love,” Kyle sighed softly as you looked back over to him, the navigation screen lighting up some of the car. “Hey, Kyle,” you responded, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “M’sorry our date didn’t go as planned,” he confessed, resting his head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat. “I really wanted to make it special, you know, I’ve been gone for so long,” he continued, his thumbs smoothing over the skin of your hips. “Not everything is going to go as planned; I’m just happy I got to spend this time with you,” you reassured him, pressing a kiss to Kyle’s forehead and then between his eyebrows. You brought your hand up to his chin, bringing him to look up at you as you peppered kisses across his face. Tired of narrowly missing his lips several times, Kyle wrapped his hand around the back of your head, bringing your lips against his.
His lips were soft and sweet with the wine you two had shared previously. His grip was firm, pulling you further into him as he kissed you deeply.
There was a reluctance when you pulled away, Kyle’s cock beginning to stir beneath you. He lay back again, bringing you down with him, his arms wrapped around you. “Give me a minute, love, I just want to lay here right now,” he mumbled, to which you nodded.
As hard as it was when Kyle was gone, nothing beat the feeling of him when he came home to you.
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topguncortez · 1 year
11. “I’m taking you to the hospital.” If you could ❤️
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In Sickness, In Health | Nick "Goose" Bradshaw x Female!Reader
warnings: exhaustion, dehydration, sickness, passing out, Goose being fucking adorable
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Goose had been silently watching you all week. Going into February was always a busy time for you at the flower shop. One, you had started planting all your hanging baskets, succulents, and rose bushes. Next, Valentines Day was the second busiest time of year as couples came in looking for flowers for their significant other. And spring was usually when prom and wedding season would be in full blast.
You were spending your days down in the basement working under the heat lamp, watering and watching your plants grow. You spent hours working on specific arrangements and baskets that you knew would see good. You also spent hours on the phone, contacting different growers about getting seeds for certain strains of plants. The kitchen table had become covered with magazines, seed packages, and past receipts from the year prior.
"Baby," Goose said, walking into the kitchen. You were barely awake, your eyes straining as you read over a magazine on perfecting the planting of hydrangeas, "Why don't we call it a night on the flower stuff."
"Mm, I can't," You said, rubbing your eyes, "I gotta get these ordered by next week if I want to have them in bloom for May. The old ladies love their red hydrangeas. They say we always have the best ones."
"Well," Goose said, "Can't argue with that," You smiled and he placed a kiss on your cheek, "A couple more minutes, then I'm taking you to bed. I'm gonna go check on Bradley."
"Yes sir!" You said, giving him a mock salute. He shook his head with a laugh, heading upstairs to check on the sleeping three year old. You stretched as another yawn fought its way out of your mouth. You grabbed your coffee mug and frowned seeing that it was empty. You pushed yourself out of your chair and walked towards the coffee pot on the counter, but white spots filled your vision.
"Whoa," You blinked a couple times as you went to reach out for the counter, placing your mug down. You winced as you missed the spot, the mug crashing to the ground and splitting everywhere. You went to crouch down to pick up the glass, but felt your head start to swim, and before you knew it, you crashed to the floor.
--- --- ---
Goose whistled as he walked down the hallway to your son's room. He gently pushed the door open, and noticed that Bradley's reading lamp was still on, and the little boy was playing with his two model planes.
"You," Goose said, pointing at the little boy, "Are supposed to be in bed." Bradley giggled shyly as he set the two planes down next to him.
"I'm not tired, daddy," He smiled and shook his head.
"You and your mother both," Goose muttered and walked into the room, "How about another book?" Bradley nodded and Goose grabbed a book from the pile near Bradley's bed. He sat down next to the little boy and he cuddled into his dad. Goose could never get tired of the way Bradley liked to curl up on his lap or your lap when you would read to him.
Goose was half way through "Goodnight Moon" when he heard the sound of glass breaking. His head snapped towards the bedroom door. He waited a moment, expecting to hear your voice that you were alright, and then he heard another loud thud.
"Stay here," Goose said, gently moving his son off his lap. He pressed a quick kiss to Bradley's forehead before running down the stairs to the kitchen.
"Y/N?" Goose called out as he rounded the corner into the kitchen, and saw you trying to pull yourself into a sitting position, "Holy shit, baby!"
You held your hand up as you leaned against the kitchen cabinets, out of breath, "There's glass." Your voice was weak and Goose looked down at the glass on the floor, and then to your bleeding elbow.
"What happened?" Goose asked, kneeling down next to you and gently touching your face.
"I needed more coffee and I just. . . my vision went black," You said.
"When was the last time you ate?" Goose asked, "You skipped dinner with us," You just shrugged and shook your head, "Okay. . . when was the last time you drank anything beside coffee?" Again, you shook your head, "Baby, I’m taking you to the hospital.”
"No," You pouted, "It's late. I'm fine. Bradley is sleeping-"
"You need hydration," Goose said, "You are going to work yourself sick. If you won't let me take you to the hospital, at least take a couple days off. Let Margery or Jack do some stuff. Please, honey." Goose held your hands in his, almost near tears and you felt your heart break.
You didn't think that you were working yourself too hard, but with you being in your current position, you knew you were probably on the brink of a stress induced attack.
"Okay," You said and Goose kissed your forehead, "I need to clean up the-"
"Your time off starts now, lady," Goose scolded you, "I'm taking you to bed, and then I'll come clean up the glass."
You smiled at your husband, "I like when you get all demanding."
"Sex is part of the time off deal," Goose smirked and winked at you.
You groaned and Goose chuckled, his arms going around your body and easily picking you up from the floor. He took you to your shared bedroom and gently laid you down on the bed. He helped you change out of your work clothes, and slipped one of his old academy t-shirts over your head. He tucked you in and placed a kiss on your lips before he walked back down to pick up the mess in the kitchen.
When Goose returned back to the bedroom, after cleaning everything up, he was met with the sight of not only you, fast asleep, but Bradley curled up with you. He smiled to himself, taking in the moment before climbing in and laying next to his family.
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desireesfics · 6 months
pairing: rockstar!Ellie x drum player!reader
summary: You and Ellie have been in a band for as long as you can remember, you two were close with the other members but nothing like you and Ellie. A couple hours later after your last performance of the tour, Ellie decides she has to confess something to you.
warnings: fingering, make out sesh I guessss?, pet names, tit play, I think that’s all? 🤑
a/n: sorry I haven’t written anything in awhile, hope you enjoy this! 💞 — I’ve been very busy with Christmas holidays I’m so sorry! This is rushed btw my bad ☹️
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Your heart was pumping as the lights flickered on, there were a lot more people at your bands concert than you expected. Tonight, the air felt different something inside it made you weary and calm. You had remembered what Ellie had taught you, breathe in — hold for 5 seconds — then breathe out and repeat.
You held your eyes closed for a bit until you felt loud thumps crash onto the floor and loud cheering from the overly excited crowd, it was Ellie, prettier than ever. Only her presence could calm your rapid heartbeat.
As soon as she started humming that was your hands cue to start. The way Ellie was singing was magical and that seemed to be all you could focus on, she was living her best life out on stage and you were there, just admiring how much more perfect could she get?
Your band’s performance that night was more than perfect. As you were walking back stage, with sweat dripping down your forehead you felt long and cold fingers snake around your wrist. You felt warmth rising to your cheeks.
“Hey y/n, you okay? I saw you were a bit uneasy tonight?” She was looking at you? You couldn’t speak, all you could focus on was her veiny hands and fuck, her goddamn raspy voice goddd.”y/nnn?” She snapped her fingers in your face twice, breaking you out of your trance.
“Oh yeah, haha sorry just sad it’s our last performance from this tour, it’s been fun.” She felt a warm smile creeping up on her cheeks, leaping onto you for a hug. “Where still gonna see eachother right?” You sniffled and she chuckled. “The bands not breaking up silly..” she whispered softly against your ear, which made you squirm underneath her touch.
You smelt s’good she thought, fuck that vanilla perfume you always wore. But it wasn’t just that, your natural sent drove her through the roof, you always left the room making everyone feel energised.
After cuddling with you for a bit she told you she would be back, she wanted to go say goodbye to the other hand meme bees before leaving. She left your heart pumping. “Tell them I said h- fuck— bye!” She chuckled and gave you a thumbs up before running over to them.
After a short amount of time she raced back and you were stalking her Instagram, nothing much just her cute little drawings. “I’m back!” She almost made you jump out of your seat.
“Didnt mean to scare ya sorry doll.” That nickname always made your heart flutter. Ellie peaked over your shoulder to see that you were stalking her Instagram, she didn’t know how to use it well but the only people she followed were you, Jesse, and Dina— (which are in the band). How cute, she thought.
Tonight was the night Ellie was going to confess her ongoing love for you, I mean it was weird— she never gave out any signs she was inlove with you? Maybe she’s just really good at masking stuff. It’s whatever.
“Hey doll?” You hummed giving her the ‘yes’ to go on. “You know I love you right?” You smiled at her, dimples showing, it made Ellie’s heart ache. “I love you too.” You hummed, scrolling through Instagram. “No like, I— I love you.” You looked up at her, eyes full of hope. “Els..” you looked into her eyes.
Her face inched away from you, hesitant wether or not to kiss you. So you cupped her cheek and pulled her closer to you, foreheads touching. She leant her lips down further to yours and kissed you softly, you could feel her cheesy smile through the kiss. You parted your lips for her slide her tongue through and so she did, eliciting a moan from the back of your throat. Ellie pulled away, “Don’t, don’t make sounds like that..” she panted, you had no idea what you are doing to her. “Why?” You teased, knowing damn well why. “Fuck, don’t tease doll.” You rolled your eyes with that big smile she loved. “Williams, ____, move it!” Your boss yelled. “Mmh, fuck princess, you wouldn’t mind if I took you back to mine would you?” You shook your head which made her smirk even more. “What did I say? Leave now!” He yelled, stomping his foot on the floor. “Ugh, fuck okay! We’re going bro chillll.” He rolled his eyes and stomped out, making the floor rumble. “Fucking fatass.” She chuckled and you giggled hard.
Ellie was driving you to her house, with her hand on your thigh. Princess treatment! You loved it when she did that, it made you feel special. You were humming along to a random ass song on the radio and she was admiring you from afar, well hats what it felt like, she just wanted to hold you or pin you up against her wall.
You watched as she unlocked her chipped door with her rusty key, you half expected her house to be a little empty but it looked very cozy—as in messy teenage room cozy.
You walked into her room, stumbling over her messy floor filled with clothes and empty Amazon packages of some sort well atleast that’s what it looked like? “Ellie your house is so homey.” You made your way to her bed. She just hummed in response. She jumped onto her cozy bed, making you bounce a little. “Where were we?” She smirked as she grabbed your hips and pulled you on her lap, making you gasp.
Moments later you found yourself grinding against her hips, unaware of your well-being, too lost in the moment or looking for some sort of friction. She kissed every inch of your body, slowly taking off your clothes but by bit. Your head fell back in response. “Fuck Ellie.” You bit your lip. “Mmh, such a needy girl, you need these fingers inside of you, don’t you?” You could almost feel her grin through kisses. You shivered at her words, who knew such sentences could make you this wet.
“You look so beautiful.” She peppered your body with kisses, bringing up her freehand to grope your plush tits, eliciting a moan from the back of your throat. She saw how wet you were and couldn’t make you wait any longer so she brought her fingers down, just to tease you a little longer.
“Ff-fuck Ellie!” You moaned as her fingers circled the entrance of your cunt, she smirked sheepishly. “Please.” You whined over and over. “Please what mama? Where’s your words, too backed up in your throat? Maybe I should help you get them out.” Soon enough her fingers were thrusting inside of you, fast. You almost screamed, grinding up on her fingers so she could reach that spongey spot inside of you and when she did you clawed onto her back like a rabid animal.
Ellie was fighting back the urge to pull out her strap and fucked you dumb, but she could tell you weren’t so experienced. Her fingers moved fast and she started curling them up to hit that spot. “Ellie oh my god-“ you managed to choke out.
She knew you were close, picking up her pace and fucking you through your orgasm. “Holy fuck— ahg-“ your back was arching and your nails were digging deep into her shoulders.
“You did s’well baby..” you opened your eyes to get a glimpse of her sweet face. Your chest was falling up and down too fast for her liking. “Hey, hey it’s okay.” She kissed your forehead and went to go get a dampened cloth to clean you up.
As soon as she got back she was babying you and everything, it made you feel safe. She turned on a movie of your choice after you were all cleaned up, you laid your head on her shoulder and she played with your soft hair. Not a word was spoken, but it was comfortable.
a/n: I’m so sorry it was kinda rushed at the end I jus wanted it to be finished it’s been sitting in my drafts for so long now 😭
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borathae · 2 years
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"You had a bad day, but luckily for you, your husband knows exactly what to do to make you feel better again."
Pairing: husband!Yoongi x f.Reader 
Genre: married life!AU, domestic!AU, Smut 
Warnings: sub!Yoongi, soft dom!Reader, kitty as a nickname, Yoongs gets very needy from giving her oral, Yoongi's hands, relaxing massage which turns sexy, slow fingering, slow oral, some humping, nipple sucking, missionary, she tops him from the bottom, edging, which turns him just a lil bit bratty, soft spanking, eye contact *screams*, kisses, unprotected sex but they are clean & on birth control, snuggles afterwards, he is just ideal :(
Wordcount: 5.2k
a/n: I feel like all I'm writing about these days is married life ahaha I think my body clock is trying to tell me something here. Oh where, oh where is my happy marriage to an absolute cutie of a man? 😔 no but seriously, Yoongi is the cutest and I am deeply in love and I also wanna blow his fucking back out while asking if he wants breakfast in the morning. Enjoy besties 🤍
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"Honey?" your husband’s voice is quiet in the silent room. He spoke softly, looking at you with worried eyes. 
"Urgh", you let out.
"What's wrong?" 
He came home to your shoes not having been put away and your bag having been left in the hallway. Something which was highly unlikely for you as you are a great lover of order and tidiness. He knew what that meant. You had a bad day. And so he cleaned the mess for you, stepped out of his own shoes and went on his journey to find you. 
He found you in the bedroom with your face buried in the pillows and your fluffiest onesie on.
"Everything", you answer him.
"Everything. Oh no, that’s a lot." 
The bed dents beside you, then you feel a warm hand place itself on your lower back. He rubs slow circles on it. 
"Do you want to talk about it?" 
"I don't know, I’m just sad and mad and tired and everything hurts", you whine. 
"Oh no, that sucks." 
"Yeah, big stinky suck." 
"Yeah, big stinky", Yoongi agrees, giving the back of your head a soft pat. 
You inhale audibly and exhale, making a sound of utter despair as you do. 
"Aw honey", Yoongi says, leaning down to kiss your hair, "don’t worry, I’m here now." 
"Ye, I know", you turn your head so you can look at him, "Yoongi gimme kiss." 
He does so gladly, caressing your cheek once he pulls back. 
"Thankies", you mumble, looking a little happier already. 
"Do you want some food?" he suggests to which you shake your head. 
"I already ate on my way home. Leftovers from last night. They were the only thing keeping me from ending it all." 
Yoongi snorts. 
"And the aspect of seeing you. It helped too", you add. 
"Aw honey, you’re cute", he says, kissing your forehead which paints a smile to your lips.
"How about I'll quickly go eat something and then get ready for cuddles?" he suggests. 
"It's alright, you can do something else. I think I’m just gonna stay here and sulk." 
He nods his head in understanding, "I'll be quick."
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Yoongi returns whenever. You didn’t really count the time. You just laid there and boiled in your little soup of self pity. 
Speaking of soup. Yoongi had soup for dinner and left you some for tomorrow. But that was beside the point. What truly matters was that he has now entered the bedroom in his comfiest pajamas and a mysterious looking bottle in his hands. 
You eye it.
"Get naked honey, I’m gonna massage you", he says, revealing the mysterious bottle to be your massage oil bottle. 
"Really?" your eyes seem to light up, "you'll really massage me?" 
"Yes, only if you want to of course."
"Yes, wow. I want to", you say, taking off your onesie quickly and then plopping down on your stomach, "I'm ready."
Yoongi has to chuckle. You are so adorable when you are so eager for his massage. Yoongi likes to argue that he is quite talented in massages. You say that he is because his hands are "literally carved by the gods or maybe sex demons" and that "whatever he does with them sends you to the moon and back", but it is also because he really likes making you feel good and so he practiced a lot.  
Bear in mind the practice was on your body, but you tell him that he is a literal master of massages these days. So it was definitely worth it. 
Yoongi sits down on the back of your thighs, keeping his hands on your back. 
"Where does it hurt the most?" he asks. 
"Like everywhere, but my shoulders are killing me."
"Got it. Don’t startle, here comes the oil." 
"Ah Yoongi cold", you whine. 
"Sorry, I'll warm it up", he says and once the bottle is closed again, he places his hands into the little puddle of oil and begins spreading it. 
He goes slowly, using his palms for now. Your skin needs to be equal parts covered. He concentrates his touches on your upper back for now, as he will do your lower back separately. 
"How's that?" 
"Good, not cold anymore." 
Yoongi finishes off spreading the oil, finally giving his fingers a task as well. He begins with his thumbs, rolling them in downwards motions from your upper shoulders to the middle of your back. He draws the touches along your spine.
"So nice", you say happily.
The two of you are quite obsessed with massaging each other, actually. It is one of your most beloved quality time activities. You can find relaxation that way and improve the connection you and him share. It feels so intimate to massage each other. Truly, feeling the other's skin so slowly and for such a long time strengthens the love you share tenfold.
"Can you feel how tight I am?" 
"Yeah, you’re really tense. What did you do today that got you that tight?" 
"It's probably from all the anger tensing I had to do." 
Yoongi works on getting an especially stubborn tension point out of your upper latissimus dorsi, using his fingers and knuckles for it. 
"Tell me about it."
"Rick made me sort through the cabinets even though he knew that I was supposed to help with the deliveries today." 
"Oh damn okay, that’s so unfair. He's such a prick." 
"Yeah right?" you huff out air, "I hate him so much."
"Same, he's such a snobby idiot." 
"Right? God honey, you just get me", you sigh contently. 
Yoongi smiles to himself. He feels good when you rant to him and he can help you feel better through it. He feels like such an accomplished husband whenever he does. 
He trails his touches to your upper shoulders again, using his fingers to feel for the tightest spots. 
"There, yooo okay it hurts so much there."
"Yes, urgh it hurts." 
"Sorry, I know. I have to get in there to get it out", Yoongi says, working diligently to fight this stubborn tension.
You huff out air and groan.
"I'm being abused here." 
He chuckles, but softens his touches. 
"You're so dramatic, it wasn’t even that hard." 
"Yeah it was. You’re way too strong." 
Yoongi rolls his eyes fondly and smiles. He trails his touches down your back again. It makes you relax in a sigh. 
"Yes, do it like that tonight. I just wanna relax." 
"Okay, anything for you", he says. 
He reaches the middle of your back, using the flat of his palm to spread the oil. He ends up needing more, covering your lower back in it as well. 
"So nice, oh honey love that", you whisper and exhale in a happy sigh. 
Yoongi is massaging your lower back. He traces your spine, outlines the dimples on it, touches your sides. 
He also oggles your naked butt from time to time. 
It is also very hot. Massaging each other isn’t just relaxing intimacy, but also incredibly hot. Most of your massage nights end with eager fingers between other's legs and sloppy tongue kisses. It’s just way too sexy to be touched and to touch for such a long time.
Tonight is no different. Yoongi feels an ache of longing in his chest. An ache only the warmth of your pussy could heal.
He dares to go further down. His palms first then his fingers. 
You chuckle lazily, wiggling your hips slowly. 
"Love your butt", he says and gives it a good squeeze.
"Mhm, me too. Love your butt too", you say and crane your neck to send him a knowing look. 
Yoongi lifts himself off your legs and watches how you open them for him. So you want it too. 
"Really?" he still makes sure. 
"Yes", you allow him. 
And so it happens that Yoongi sits down on his heels right between your legs. He can see your pussy from that position. His fingertips itch for a feel of it, but he controls himself. Instead he kneads your inner thighs, making you part your legs further. 
Your breathing is quickening. You are wiggling your toes in anticipation. You really want his touch. You were hoping that tonight's massage would go to such lengths and now you are aching for his fingers. 
He inches closer, letting his thumb brush your pussy. 
"Hah", you gasp and lift your hips. That felt like electricity on your skin. You chase him. Yoongi gives it to you. 
He places two of his fingers on your pussy and rubs them back and forth slowly. 
"Honey", you moan, parting your lips. His touch is electric. You are so hot because of it. This is the exact distraction you needed tonight. 
Yoongi watches his fingers, feeling his cock harden at the view. You are wet even if he didn’t touch you for long.
"You're so sexy", he rasps.
Yoongi touches your clit and rubs circles on it. Your hips lift themselves again, you grasp the pillow. 
"Wow", you whisper then make a soft sound of approval. 
It turns him on so much to see you that way. It also turns him on to know that he can get you so good in such a short amount of time. 
He tries something. He slips one digit into you. Carefully and slowly.
"Yes, oh baby", you moan, welcoming him oh so happily. This is where he belongs. This right here is heaven.
"You're so wet", he whispers, moving his finger in and out of you. He watches it. How it looks lodged inside of you, how wet you get it and how your pussy is stretching around it.
He slips free to touch your clit before slipping back inside. Skillful just as his massage. Yoongi knows exactly what you like. 
"You're so good", you praise and sigh, feeling bolts of pleasure course through your veins when Yoongi touches your clit again. He stays there, making breathing oh so difficult for you. 
"So good…"
He aches again. You are so wet. It looks so yummy. He wants it on his tongue.
"Oh god, baby. Your touch is heaven", he hears you moan and yet all he can concentrate on is his salivating mouth. He has to give in. It is unbearable otherwise.
Yoongi lies down and connects his mouth with your middle. He sucks softly, letting go of you a second later. 
He listens to how deeply you exhale. He feels how you shake and then tense in anticipation.
He does it again. One suck for just a second then he lets go of you again, letting his lips hover above you. You taste magnificent. He is so obsessed.
“Yoongi”, you sigh and move. 
Yoongi dodges your leg as you flip onto your back, claiming his rightful spot between your legs once you are resting comfortably. He shimmies closer and touches your core. His long finger he buries inside of you, keeping you parted with his other hand. He connects his lips again, kissing and sucking on your clit slowly. He comes up for air every now and then, sneaking glances at you. 
Your eyes meet. No words are spoken and yet you understand each other perfectly. This is what you want and in return this is what Yoongi is oh so willing to offer. He scoots closer and connects his mouth with your core again. This time he keeps close, swirling his tongue over your clit while his dark brown, oh so sparkly eyes are locked on yours’. 
“That’s really good”, you tell him breathily and reach down to run your fingers through his dark hair. 
Yoongi shivers at the touch, letting the softest of sounds roll over his tongue. 
“Ah”, you gasp softly, lifting your brows, “hah your voice, I feel it.”
“Mhm”, he hums, watching how this makes your eyelids flutter, “mhm”, he does it again, sucking on your clit just to let it go. 
His lips are glistening, looking pinker than they normally do. His eyes are just slightly widened, he looks cute like that. His cheeks are reddened, it spreads over his button nose as well. You give his hair a soft ruffle and Yoongi smiles contently. 
His lips find their home back on your core, his tongue dances through your folds and over your clit. Getting pets while he is eating you out will always motivate him to do better. Tonight is no exception. 
You pet his raven hair and Yoongi gives you his best performance. You twirl strands of it between your fingers and Yoongi gives your magical spot a skilled curl of his finger. You tug on it softly and he moans needily. You scratch your nails over his scalp tenderly and he grinds his wet tongue against your clit until you tingle. Truly it is a win-win situation for both of you. 
“It’s so nice”, you sigh, dropping your head back in the pillows. 
“Yeah”, Yoongi agrees, “so nice.”
He slips a second finger inside, sending a jolt through your legs. You roll your hips up then drop them in a shudder. 
“Yes, that’s good. Like this…”
He moves them in and out slowly. Just how he did before when you were still on your stomach. They manage to go even deeper in the new position, which he likes a lot. You like it a lot too, tingling all over. Your husband has the best fingers, he really does. Strong and manly and yet never rough. Always tender and loving. And skilled. Oh so skilled. 
Paired with the slow licks he gives your clit and you are floating. This is the best end of a shitty day you could have wished for. You knew that once you would be home with your love again, everything would be better again. But you hadn’t expected him to be just so incredibly good at making it better. Which is quite unfair of you. You married Yoongi afterall. And Yoongi has always made it his goal to brighten your dark days. Even back when you and him were still friends secretly yearning for the other, he was always the first person to cheer you up with sweet words and little self-made snacks. 
Yoongi stops again, kissing your clit before lifting his head. His fingers continue their movements. In and out slowly, deep curls and wiggles. You peel your eyes open and tug on his hair. 
“Back”, you whisper. 
“You taste so good”, he says and flutters his lashes at you cutely. 
You smile, “thank you, but I want you back.”
Yoongi chuckles, “okay, okay”, he mumbles, fulfilling your wish gladly. 
“Mhhm yeah”, you sigh, placing your hand on the back of his head, “now don’t stop.”
Yoongi nods his head in obedience, giving you a cute little moan. He changes between slow sucks and skilled licks. It is a smooth movement, blending into one until it fills your veins with bubbling warmth. Truly, you are tingling everywhere. Your chest feels so light, your stomach is filled with butterflies, your legs are literal jelly. Yoongi turns your body so weak in such a wondrous way that you wouldn’t even mind if you stayed that weak for all eternity. 
“Oh”, you tense then shudder, “okay now actually don’t stop anymore. Ah baby…” This right now felt magical. The tip of his tongue is drawing circles on your clit, his fingers are curling deep inside of you. He is so wet and warm on your pussy too, his tongue is so soft. Every single sensation feels ten times better and you know exactly what that means. He found the spot. The one spot which will make you orgasm.
Yoongi flits his eyes up, studying your features. Your eyebrows are lifted, your lips are parted and your eyes are squeezed shut so tightly your lashes threaten to disappear.
He must have found it. He furrows his brows in desperation and rolls his hips into the mattress. Breathing gets harder for him and so he begins panting through his nose while his tongue is drawing circles on the spot which makes you tense oh so much.
You feel how quickly he is breathing. It is tickling your lower stomach and makes your core feel oh so sensitive because with each exhale, Yoongi lets out a small moan.
“Baby, ah god that’s so good”, you choke out, arching your back, “fuck.”
Yoongi whimpers, grinding his cock against the mattress whilst wishing it was your pussy instead. He has soaked through his pants by now, it makes the fabric stick to his dick and creates a little wet spot on the sheets.
“Fuck, baby. Ah”, you tense around his digits. You need one more swirl of his tongue. This is all you need. Your nerves are hypersensitive, your muscles are so tense, you can’t breathe. One more swirl.
Yoongi moans and swirls his tongue.
“Yes”, you break, smothering him with your pussy as your body goes up in the flames of your high.
Yoongi ends up having to hold you down just enough that he can continue licking you through your high without missing your favourite spots.
You tug him away by his hair once it gets too much. Yoongi feels droopy, burying his face in your inner thigh to nibble on it desperately. His hands are groping your legs and hips, his teeth are tickling your skin.
“Yoongs”, you laugh breathily, “that tickles.”
Yoongi makes a tiny sound, which is a mixture of a huff of air and a grunt. He abandons your inner thigh just to kiss your lower stomach and then right up the middle of your stomach. His big hands are on your side, following along his lips. He sucks on one of your ribs softly.
“Tickles”, you chuckle tiredly, “Yoongs don’t, it tickles.”
He whimpers oh so cutely, cupping your breasts just to squeeze them together and bury his face in them. He wiggles his head from side to side, purring deeply.
“Baby”, he makes you laugh. He is so adorable.
“Hmpf”, Yoongi huffs out and lifts his head just to guide one of your nipples to his lips. He takes you in greedily, licking and sucking on your nipple like a hungry little kitten.
“Baby…” you sigh, chasing his mouth.
His fingers are holding you safely, his palms are big enough to fit all of you in them. They are warm and soft.
Yoongi lets go of your nipple, letting the string of saliva break. He exhales shakily then takes in your other nipple to make it just as swollen and sensitive as he did the other. And while he sucks on it, his fingers play with your other, making sure it wouldn’t lose any of its stiffness.
He mewls and lifts his lips again. His fingers take your nipple instantly, keeping it oh so sensitive. He shimmies closer, pressing his soaked pants and hard cock against your core. His eyes are widened cutely, the tip of his nose is glimmering oh so cutely.
“Kitty wants pussy”, he says, giving you a cute pout.
His words make you shiver.
“But kitty just got pussy”, you rasp, taking his chin between two of your fingers to wipe away some of your arousal which has gotten stuck on his skin, “I fed you so well, didn’t I?”
He pouts harder, looking so adorable doing it.
“Yes, but it hurts”, he whines.
“What hurts?” you ask, knowing very well what he is talking about.
Yoongi rolls his hips into you and pulls a face of utter despair.
“My cock hurts so much”, he keens and does it again.
One deep roll of his hips, grinding his big bulge right against your pussy.
“Yeah it hurts? Did eating my pussy get you all desperate like always?”
“Ye”, he lets out and nods his head. He nuzzles into your neck, giving your breasts a big squeeze, “please”, he whispers, “please, please.”
You dance your hands down his back and hook them in his pants. With one tug, you have it pulled over his perky butt, working carefully to get his cock out safely. Yoongi wiggles and whines, reaching down to help you. He tugs them down until they are lying messily around one of his ankles while the other was free. He is too horny to care. He needs you so bad.
You welcome him back with open arms. Yoongi falls into them happily, bucking his hips forward to sink his cock into you. He glides in easily, muffling his sounds with your neck.
This is paradise. He is finally back where he loves it the most. 
Yoongi begins moving the moment he bottoms out. He pours his entire heart into those thrusts, caging your head between his elbows while his hands are engulfing your head most tenderly.
“Fuck”, he croaks, dropping his forehead against yours. He rubs his nose against you like a love-drunk kitten.
“Do you like it?” you ask in a sigh, holding his buttocks between your hands. They are tensing and relaxing with each roll of hips.
“Yeah…ah so much”, he presses out, trembling on top of you.
You wrap your legs around the back of his thighs, forcing his cock to lodge oh so deeply inside of you.
Yoongi huffs out air, grunts and shudders. A moan tickles your neck, his pouty lips follow.
“Feel that? Feel how I’ve got you?”  you whisper, hugging his torso.
“Yeah”, he keens, lifting his head just to end up rubbing his face into your cheek cutely. Love making gets him so good. He would never actually admit that it does, but he does such a terrible job at covering it up that you have long figured him out.
You love it too. Especially when he is all needy from eating your pussy. He gets especially clingy when he is. And you are living for it.
You pull him closer, twisting your fingers in the hair at the back of his head. It has gotten oh so long these days. It fits him so well. 
Yoongi kisses your cheek then hides back in the crook of your neck. His heart is hammering in his chest, his breathing is oh so quick and worked up.
You turn your head and press your lips into the side of his head.
“You’re mine”, you rasp into his hair.
“Yeah…” he lulls, tensing up and releasing all the tension in a shuddering breath, “don’t wanna stop.”
“Neither do I, your cock’s so good baby.”
“Wanna cum”, he confesses next and then whines sadly, “don’t like that I am.”
“You’re so cute”, you have to chuckle, “kitty really needed pussy, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, so bad”, he huffs out air and lifts his head again. His eyes are half-lidded, looking oh so drugged up, “don’t wanna cum.”
“Then don’t”, you tell him, reaching down to stop his hips with a strong hand on his butt.
Yoongi furrows his brows and huffs out air in distaste. You just edged him. You literally just edged him with your pussy.
“Why?” he whispers, voice just slightly pitched.
You give him a playful smile and with a soft nudge, you show his hips how they should move. Both your hands are on his butt and your eyes locked with his’ oh so demandingly.
“Like this”, you say, making him rock back and forth in the slowest of movements, “that should be easy to do, shouldn’t it?”
“But…edging”, he whines, “it hurts.”
You laugh, “you’re so whiney. You don’t wanna cum, but don’t wanna edge either. What do you want, kitty? Decide.”
Yoongi blushes and then buries his face in your neck in embarrassment.
“You’re mean”, he mumbles, making you chuckle.
“You know I’m just teasing.”
“Mhm”, he says then shudders, “oh-oh god, fuck it’s so good”, he keens, stumbling out of the rhythm you guided him in.
“Slow baby, slow”, you pull him back, squeezing his hips with strong fingers.
Yoongi mewls and shudders.
“Don’t edge me”, he begs but still follows your instructions. Once again your pussy is oh so tight and warm, but edges him oh so cruelly. Barely any movements, just slow rocking back and forth. Yoongi is being kept right on edge. And we are talking right on it. Edging with your hand or mouth at least gives him moments where that unbearable burn dies down again. But you keep him riding on it. Hot and deep and yet not enough to throw him over the edge. He is destined to dance right on its thin line, wobbling but never falling.
You grip his hips and then force them to speed up again. Fast and deep.
Yoongi has to gasp for air and grab the upper edge of the pillow with one hand.
“Oh fuck, oh, ah, yes, so good”, he moans.
“You fuck me so well, baby”, you rasp, clenching around him.
Yoongi tenses and shudders. He lets out a groan, having his voice crack at the end. One more tense and you stop.
His hips are still again, your hands are on his ass oh so strong. The fire in his stomach aches unbearably.
“Why?” he whines, throbbing desperately while the warmth of your pussy feels like torture around his cock.
“You almost came again, don’t worry I helped you”, you speak softly, caressing his butt.
“You’re so mean”, he keens, “please more”, his beg swirls against your neck just as softly as his lips do mere seconds later.
Your caresses turn into slow movements again. Back and forth with a soft roll at the end when he is oh so deep inside of you.
Yoongi has to follow. Dancing his hips right to the melody your demanding hands play. Slow and deep. He graces your favourite spots, fills you up so well, feels like burning up himself.
He twists the pillow until his fingernails ache.
“Please”, he begs, “seriously please.”
“Please what?” you ask, slowing his hips down again.
“Let me cum, please.”
“Yeah? Finally decided what you want?”
He nods his head and shivers.
“I fuck”, he grunts and scratches his nails down the pillow, “can’t take more.”
“It didn’t take you long to make your decision, did it?” you taunt.
“___”, he presses out, tensing his buttocks, “please, close.”
“Slow”, you order, stopping him with your legs and a harsh grip on his hips.
“Fuck. Goddamn fuck, can you let me cum?  It’s not that hard”, he sounds impatient, maybe even a little bratty.
He makes you chuckle, which in return makes him whine because you are clenching like crazy when you laugh.
“You’re a brat”, you say, spanking his ass just hard enough that he flinches forward with a gasp slipping past his lips. You make his hips move again afterwards just enough to stimulate his cock, but not enough to satisfy him. Oh poor Yoongi is trembling on top of you, twisting the pillow to its limit.
“___”, he whines, nudging your cheek with his button nose, “please ___ please.”
“You want it?”
“Yes, want it.”
You stop, forcing a heartbreaking mewl to escape him.
“Why do you wanna hurt me tonight?” his voice sounds close to tears.
“Well you said that you want it, not that you need it. That’s a difference.”
“What?” he lifts his head, giving view to his ruffled bangs and glassy eyes, “you serious? We picking words now?”
You spank his ass, making his eyelids flutter and his lips part.
“Talk back again and I’ll make you fuck the pillow instead of my pussy.”
Yoongi’s face falls in complete desperate devotion. He cups your cheeks, letting his forehead fall against yours.
“You’re so hot”, he croaks, rocking his hips just the slightest bit, “oh god, you’re so hot.”
His quick panting is tickling your skin, his lips are brushing against yours, his eyes are glued to yours even if your visions are both blurry from closeness.
“Mhm kitty, so good”, you sigh, caressing his buttocks and hips.
“So good”, he breathes, poking your nose with his button nose. It makes you close your eyes and tilt your head up just so you can kiss him. You want to kiss him, get lost in the sensation and never leave again. But Yoongi doesn’t let you, because Yoongi is needy and therefore breaks the kiss just to beg again.
“Please I need it”, he tries, giving you a cute little sob, “need it so bad.”
“Mhm, you need it?” you coo, tickling his lower back. He has it arched so perfectly.
“So bad, please.”
You smirk in amusement.
“Well then fuck yourself stupid will you?” you demand and grip his hips to give them a maddening rhythm to follow.
Yoongi’s arms almost give up on him.
“Holy fuck”, he presses out and moans loudly. Then he takes over. He ruts into you with restless hips and a throbbing cock. Your hands are merely resting on his ass, feeling him tense oh so nicely, but doing nothing to control his movements. This was his task again. And Yoongi is hellbound on feasting on this privilege until he is satisfied and oh so filled up.
“So good, fuck, your pussy’s good”, he grunts, “gonna make me cum so hard, holy fuck.”
His hips stutter but he forces them to find their rhythm again.
“Now”, he moans, “oh- now.”
You can feel it happening. It fills you up oh so warm and good. Yoongi groans before he falls completely silent and unmoving. He is even holding his breath, orgasming so hard that his entire body is tense.
“Ah, ah, ah”, Yoongi’s voice returns, high-pitched and desperate. His body is shaking, his hips are chasing your warmth, “yes, ah yes, yes, oh god yes.”
“You’re so hot”, you press out, feeling dizzy in pleasure.
“Feels so good”, he mewls, pressing his hand into the mattress so strongly that he actually manages to lift his torso for a few seconds, “ah”, he lets out with his head tilted back, shaking out his last burning wave, “darling”, he gets out then drops on top of you like a limp ragdoll.
He shudders uncontrollably, making a desperate sound as he does.
“You good?” you ask him.
“Yeah, holy fuck”, he rasps and exhales loudly.
“Agreed, that was intense.”
He nods his head, “like fuck, you just…wow.”
You smile, “mh-hm yeah, right? Thank you so much for this, I really needed it.”
He snuggles and nods his head, “I’m happy I could help.”
Yoongi finally manages to lift his head. His face is heated and sweaty from the amazing sex you just had. His bangs are ruffled and just slightly damp. He looks so, so happy. You feel happy too.
“The shower I took was so unnecessary, I’m so sweaty”, he says and chuckles.
“Yeah same, I’m so sticky and I’m leaking on top of that.”
“Sorry, I feel like I just came way too much.”
“It’s hot, don’t apologize.”
He smiles shyly and lowers his head back into your neck. He nuzzles and sighs happily. You begin playing with his hair, tracing his spine with your other hand.
“Should we like, take a shower together?” he suggests.
“We could do that, couldn’t we?”
“Mhm yeah, we could.”
Yoongi lifts his head again and by just one look at your sparkling eyes he knows that he has already won you over.​​
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bellatrixscurls · 2 years
boyfriend!billy hargrove; thoughts.
warning : bipolar disorder, crybaby!reader, mean!billy at some point and then just fluff.
he is just so awkward and mean at first and i imagine you being a crybaby, so its very often that he makes you cry or even throw a tantrum while sobbing violently because of him.
“oh, yeah! now go ahead and fucking cry. god you’re such a baby” he spat, rolling his eyes as you sat in your corner, choking on sobs.
you looked up at him with puffy eyes. “hate y-you” your heart broke as you said it, but it was the truth, you hated billy right in that moment.
he turned to you, his jaw clenched and he felt his chest tighten, but he managed to pretend further. “like i give a shit.”
but every single time he makes you cry, he brings you flowers and cuddles you the next day, saying how sorry he is and how much of an idiot he’s been for hurting his baby. and you always fall for it.
“p-promise?” you sniffled, bottom lip wobbling as his forehead pressed against yours, his eyes staring right into your own, arms holding you tightly against him.
“pinky promise, sweetheart” he kissed your forehead, his lips lingering for a bit before he moved in his previous position, “m never doing that again to you, never.”
but lord knows he does it again, and again. and it hurts him everytime too.
“you promised me!” you shouted, hitting him on the chest, your hands much too weak to hurt him, though.
and billy couldn’t say anything, not even protest like he usually did.
and after having calmed down, you only let out quiet sobs, your head heavy and nailprints in your palms, “get out” you muttered calmly, and he gave you a weird look, “get the fuck out!”
and obviously, he keeps ‘making it up to you’. until you do not fall for it anymore.
“you’re gonna have to do more than that this time, billy” you sighed, it hurt you to say that.
and he looked at you, clearly defeated, leaving the flowers on the table. “anything, i’ll do anything, sweetheart. just tell me and i’ll do it.”
so you tell him. you set a couple of rules, mostly trying to let him know that he has to change something this time. he has to let you in, and not push you away.
first, he starts picking out the flowers and not bring you the first one he sees at the shop.
“i brought you lilies!” he exclaimed happily, wide eyes looking up at you for validation. “i just thought you’d like them. they’re pretty. they, uh, r-remind me of you” he smiled to himself, looking down at the pretty flowers.
“they are, indeed, pretty” you leaned down to take a sniff, humming to yourself as you gave him a small smile, “do you think i’m pretty?”
billy blushed for a second, silently cursing himself for saying that out loud, but you found it entirely too cute. “so pretty.”
and then he opens up to you, and actually talks to you instead of yelling everytime he doesn’t like something. still, he keeps whining and acting like a baby the whole time, but you understand him. after all, he is doing his best.
“he was touching you!” he whined, pouting up at you.
“billy, he is my cousin” you tried to reason with him, but it was no use. billy was a jealous one.
“well he obviously likes you anyway, the freak” he muttered grumpily, pulling you into his lap, and holding your waist between his big hands.
you giggled at his furrowed brows, and his annoyed expression, your hands coming up to card through his locks. “but i don’t like him, hm? i don’t. can you trust me?”
and he nodded pathetically, of course he trusted you.
“love you, honey.”
and so of course he still has his moments where he just wants to scream and shout and old billy comes back. but his ego isn’t as big now. he hates seeing you hurt by bad old billy. so he comforts you everytime, apologising profusely and actually making it up to you.
frustrated, with his hands tugging at his locks, billy heard a quiet sniffle and his eyes fell on you; you were curled up in your bed. scared, after billy had yelled at you for something stupid.
billy’s eyes softened and his arms immediately engulfed you into a hug, pulling you flush against his chest. “no no no. no tears, angel” he shushed you, pressing hard kisses on your forehead, his eyes closing as tears start running down his cheeks. “he went away, my love. it’s alright, he’s gone now.”
and you just kept whimpering, “y-yeah?” you asked, eyes hopeful as you moved your neck so you could look into his eyes, billy’s heart breaking at the mess he’d made of you. “don’t like him, like you. love you, billy.”
“i love you, sweetheart. love you til the end of time” he reassured, kissing your head countless times trying to soothe you, “i’ll do better, i swear. will be better for you, my angel.”
and then he spends the rest of the day spoiling you, trying not to push you too much as your mind had turned foggy, and you were even more sensitive than usual.
he watched two movies with you, cuddled and made dinner for the two of you while you were taking a nap.
then, you buy him a little teddy bear, but not a normal one. this one is a teddy bear for people with a bipolar disorder, and it changes moods whenever billy’s does — because, obviously, he still has some moments when he is quiet and not verbal for him to tell you what is wrong.
“so you can let me know how you are even when you don’t feel like speaking about it” you said sweetly, handing him the bear.
billy took it and looked at it, perplexed, for a few seconds. he flipped it over a few times and you saw his eyes light up; he had found the buttons. as a matter of fact, at the bottom of the bear were some buttons, every mood written down next to its own button.
he flicked one of them and the teddy bear’s angry face turned into a smile and happy eyes. you felt like crying in that moment, and so you did.
you sobbed against his chest as billy sobbed into your hair. it was just such an emotional moment, and you were sure that if anyone were to watch you, they would think you were complete freaks. but it all made sense to you, both of you.
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