#they won't bother to understand the context
midnight-coffeebreak · 7 months
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if there's one thing i hate more than slackers in group projects its goddamn hypocrites
#this guy did jack shit for two full weeks when we're building the damn prototype#but STILL brought up the fact that most of our team blew off a report till the last minute in the beginning of march#*prototypes don't work* “sEe tHis iS wHy wE nEedEd tO hAvE a cOnvErsaTioN aBouT MS3”#like hon you lost the rights to the “y'all need to contribute more” argument the moment you left me hanging for 2-3 FUCKING WEEKS#like excuuuuuse me you been prioritizing extra curriculars all week get off your high horse stop lecturing everyone else about contribution#he made maybe 3 contributions? maybe?#first he 3D modeled an adapter and sent it to someone else to print (couldn't even do THAT himself smh)#then he sent the gc a sketch of an idea i roughly proposed literally the NIGHT BEFORE as his own contribution (that I ENDED UP BUILDING#then he...screwed on a few pipe fittings and called it a project :)#would be a LOT less pissed if he didn't show up to One Thing outside weekly team meetings/class#then apologize for slacking off BUT then launch into a FUCKING SPEECH ABOUT HOW HIM BEING HERE PROVES HIS COMMITTMENT#all because he DOESN'T LIKE GETTING UP EARLY. like sir. sir i am rIGHT FUCKING HERE. i was up till 4-5am working on this stfu#we've been building for three weeks and he's come into work on stuff wo me there ONCE for an HOUR#for context id spent about fifteen hours in the shop alone working on the fucking thing that WEEK#like im trying to be understanding ik tech week is hell#but i took “stepping back” as “i only have a few hours here and there to be in the shop and will do the writeups”#NOT “won't show up outside meetings AND we're splitting slides and writeups 80/20”#like id been in the lab all fuckin day and notice we have an assignment due (missed a SINGLE meeting due to exam)#and i ask him if theres anything i can do (and im thinking like look it over maybe add a spec or two)#and this fucker has the AUDACITY to ask me to write the full four paragraph summary cause he#*checks notes* copy-pasted some specs from milestone 3 so of COURSE its only fair that despite the fact I've been in the lab ALL DAY#that i write the four fuckin paragraphs too#course we're troubleshooting and he's like “did you clean the pump? did you disassemble it and rinse it?” like yes???#i did EVERYTHING i could think of before i even bothered texting you cause i know you're fucking useless#and then he raises fifteen different concerns which while valid would have been NICE TO HEAR WHEN I SENT YOU MY INITIAL DESIGNS#y'know BEFORE i spent over fifteen hours of my free time building this damn thing#with slackers i just pick up the work and move on with my life this idiot is trying to gaslight me into thinking that he contributed fairly#when i heard “i need to step back due to play stuff” i thought we'd be splitting it like 65:35 NOT FUCKING 95:5#and now hes probably going to give ME a poor peer review because I've been passive aggressive with him in the few meetings he showed up to#like i got shit going on too? how the fuck does he expect me to respond to being abandoned to do this shit myself
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Friendly reminder that Miles probably doesn't know that Gwen's father pulled a gun on her. Chances are Gwen didn't mention that she can't go back to her universe.
Friendly reminder Miles doesn't know Gwen was homeless and forced into the Society.
He doesn't know that she had no other choice.
Miles thinks Gwen betrayed him just cause. He thinks she's joined because she doesn't care. He thinks she turned her back on him cause hanging out with Hobie and Pavi at the Society was more fun and she just didn't really bother to see him
Just so you know.
Also he doesn't know she got sent home or that she's out there looking for him.
Miles still thinks Gwen is at the Society trying to hunt him down.
And when Miles sees her he's going to think she's still working for Miguel or even trying to trick him
And he won't be able to trust her outright because he doesn't understand why she abandoned him like that because he doesn't have the context and doesn't know Gwen literally had no choice.
Friendly reminder.
Anyways have a good evening 😊
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nexysworld · 3 months
Dead Dove, Content Entitlement, and Fandoms
There's been no end of posts clogging up popular fandom tags with arguments and opinions on dark content, dead dove, and related things. While I've seen some decent posts that go over media literacy and dark content, I personally feel like none fully encompass my entire feelings on this nor provide all the points that I feel are important.
I know people have strong feelings on this subject, and I'm not expecting to immediately change anyone's minds. But I hope maybe I can toss some food for thought out there, or provide further context from both a victim of SA as well as a content creator. This has been bothering me for a while now to the point where it has been making me no longer want to write or engage in fandoms on Tumblr, and so I needed to get this out there with my stance. I've also had people in my inbox stating that my dark content is somehow morally better than other writer's dark content. TW: Mentions of dark content including discussions of noncon/dubcon, harassment, SA, etc.
Addressing Common Points
If you write or consume [INSERT CONTENT], you're romanticizing and endorsing it and that makes you a bad person. Or, you're weird/wrong/gross for it. I see this brought up primarily with dubcon/noncon topics. It should go without saying, but fiction is fantasy, it's separate from real life. Adults who consume this type of content understand that these things are NOT ok in real life. But to take it a step further, I want to stress that having noncon fantasies is actually INCREDIBLY common. In studies regarding these fantasies, nearly 50% or more of people who participated admitted to having fantasies that align with these topics the majority of which are women. Not only that but these kinds of fantasies are even more common in people who have been victims of these crimes. This isn't some niche thing only liked by a minority of people. If you don't believe me here's an example of ONE study, but there's plenty of easily accessible information out there. By conflating consuming/writing this content with someone's moral character stigmatizes these feelings further and does more harm than good. And I know what you're thinking though. But why? Why would someone who's gone through something like that fantasize about something so awful? Why is this appealing to anyone, victims or not? Fiction creates a safe space to explore topics. In fiction there are no real victims, no one is actually getting hurt, it's all fake. The characters aren't real and if at any point as the reader you are too uncomfortable to continue, you can stop and exit. You can like the idea of a fictional person tossing you around, while also feeling uncomfortable if a real life man tried to pick you up a the bar or didn't take no for an answer. There's also "normal" things you can fantasize about, but not want to participate in IRL.
Hypocrisy and what is considered dark content? This won't apply to everyone, but I've seen a number of people who claim to be anti-dark content but reblog things that are non consensual, perhaps without realizing it. And this is especially true for those who are younger on here. Please understand that noncon/dubcon does not inherently need to be violent or gory. Any situation in which there's a lack of consent or a power imbalance is inappropriate. Somno fics? If it's not explicitly stated that it was agreed upon prior in the fic, that is still non consensual even if it's written to be "sweet.", even if it's a pre-established relationship. Professor x student fics? There's power imbalance there. There's a reason you cannot have a relationship with your teachers in real life. Hybrid fics? Most people write hybrids as completely sentient people who are treated as sex slaves. They have little choice or are "following instinct." You cannot consent to someone who literally OWNS you after adopting you. You get the gist. There's far more to consent than physically manhandling someone. Yet because these things are written in a way that contextualizes them as being "sweet" and "normal", they aren't considered dark content by many people. If you're ok with the above, you have to understand that these ARE forms of dubcon/noncon. I would even argue that these are more romanticizing of these topics than stuff that's far more explicit in nature. If you would be pissed if your IRL partner tried to feel you up in your sleep, but enjoy somno fics, or enjoy the Taboo of Professor Leon, but wouldn't fuck your actual college professor - then that is the EXACT way in which people who enjoy even "darker" content can enjoy the fiction whilst not partaking in real life.
It sets a bad example for younger people on the website/"protect the children." Children shouldn't be looking at smut in general, dark content, vanilla content, etc. I don't know what else to tell you. It is NOT the job of content creators to try and police what teenagers do on the internet, that's between them and their parents. The majority of creators who make 18+ content explicitly state MDNI and block those younger than 18 if we discover them trying to interact with us. That is the most that we can and should be expected to do.
[INSERT CHARACTER] would NEVER act like that, it irritates me when people write them as OOC. Fanfiction is by definition NON canon. The only people who truly know how a character is supposed to act are the people who created those characters. But I want to add on to this, there are plenty of times in which a character acts entirely OOC even in fluffy or vanilla fanfiction. Every writer is going to have a different interpretation of how a character acts or thinks - and yet it's only really complained about when it's dark content. These characters are not real. Leon cannot be upset or hurt by people writing dark content about him, because he doesn't exist. Part of the fun of fanfiction, at least in my opinion as well, is justifying certain things within the context. Many dark content writers will and do explain why the character became how they are or why they think that way using canon as context - not that I think it's required because fanfiction can be whatever you want it to. The point is, dark content or not, not everyone will be on the same wavelength as you about your favorite character.
Even if you're a victim of SA or other crimes, you should get professional help, not read dark content. This is a very bad take in my opinion. Mental health care can be incredibly hard to get. Reading fanfiction is free, it's harmless. But genuinely, imagine you're a victim of a heinous crime, and you're already struggling with feelings regarding it - to then be mobbed by people online telling you that you're weird and wrong for having the feelings that you do? This is also in league with my first point, but having these feelings are actually VERY normal. This is a healthy way to process the emotions in a safe environment where no real person gets hurt, where you can leave whenever you want. Stigmatizing these things does hurt real people though.
You're hurting other people who're victims of these things. Look, if a fic is not properly TW then I fully understand. Every victim will have a different experience, and while some may be ok with dark content, others won't. So if you open a fic expecting it to be one thing and it's another, that's shitty. But tags are there for a reason. If you see something marked Noncon, and that's triggering for you, no one is expecting you to read it. And here's the thing with tags/tw's as well, everyone's trauma is different. Something that one person might not consider dark content, or is generally considered innocuous might trigger someone else. If you are one of those people who think even seeing the trigger warning could be harmful to people, then that's a prime example of WHY you must curate your own experience online. Block certain words, tags, and phrases to make sure you don't see them. But that's on YOU to do, not people who create content. Their only responsibility is to warn you about the contents of the content they've made, their responsibility stops beyond that point. You know what DOES affect real people besides the stigmatization of their feelings or kinks? Harassing them. Leaving hate comments, telling people to unalive themselves. These affect the mental health of the real people behind the content that you don't like. I've seen death and rape threats SENT to dark content writers.
Dark content in other forms of media. It's interesting to me that the majority of discussion around dark content comes from people criticizing fanfiction specifically. Take horror movies for example. The Saw Franchise, we'll say. Do you think the creators of that series want to enact those horrible things onto other people? Do you think they want to be the victims of Jigsaw themselves? What about people who watch content like that? You probably don't think that they do. There's TONS of movies, music videos, even horror novels that have incredibly, and I mean INCREDIBLY dark dead dove content - and yet most people understand that the appeal is in the taboo. That it's fiction. That people who consume THOSE forms of media don't want to participate in those things but do enjoy consuming that content. But when it's fanfiction it somehow becomes a problem.
Entitlement and demand of fandom content. In addition to all of the above, there is a major uptick in people complaining about the content within fandoms some not even relating to dark content. "There's too many stories where reader acts like X." "I hate how so many people characterize this person because that's now how they would act!" "Why is there so much smut? Why can't there be more of {insert what I want}". This is FREE content made by people who do this stuff as a hobby. No one owes you content, and no one HAS to write the way you want them too. If there's tons of content like that, then it's because it's popular. Perhaps your version of a character is in the minority opinion, and that's completely ok!
What's the solution to all of this discourse?
Be the change you want to see! If you feel like there's too many x reader fics where the reader doesn't act how you want - then write it the way you want. Do you have head canons about a series or character that you haven't seen discussed before? Make that post yourself! If you don't feel there's enough fluff in the fandom - then create some! And if you don't want to make content yourself - request it, commission it. Interact with your favorite writers! Encourage them, don't demand. Talk with them about their work, leave comments, and reblog, reblog, reblog!! Being a part of the discussion and interaction is the BEST way to help the community thrive. Surround yourself with the content that YOU want, curate YOUR experience. Block every dark content writer you see if it helps. Go into your Tumblr settings, block words, block tags. Don't set yourself up to be upset or bothered by the content you're getting. Even if you read the above and you still think every dark content writer is a horrendous, awful person - the best thing to do is still block them. Block their content. Harassing them and complaining on it will NOT stop that content from existing. But you will continue to upset yourself by not curating your own experience.
If you made it through all that, thank you for reading. I want to add that my blog WILL continue in the future to have a mix of both dead dove and regular content. I also interact with other dark content blogs, so if you're someone who followed me because of my "regular" fics and want to unfollow/block me, I'm ok with that. <3
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judasgot-it · 3 months
String Me By My Sins, So I Can Be Clean
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Scenario: You found out. Yandere!Fyodor x Reader. Part 1 Word count: 1.2 K @ceramic-raven because you encouraged me to write a part 2. I hope you don't mind being tagged <3
Sitting in your small bathroom, you stared at a small patch that stared back at you.
21 mg. Nicotine. A beige-colored patch.
Just a minute ago, it had been adhered to your skin while you were sleeping, as if you had put it on yourself.
You don't smoke. You never smoked.
The only person you knew to smoke was Nikolai or Fukuchi, but you didn't know them to use patches. They only smoked socially, on good days when they could people watch or when Nikolai could show off vape tricks.
Fyodor had never dared to touch a cigarette, always claiming it as a hazard to his health. His lungs were probably as weak as the rest of his constitution, so you believed it.
So why the hell was it on your skin?
You wanted to ask him yourself, but he was sleeping.
Was it a good idea to wake him up?
You looked out into the darkness of your shared bed with Fyodor, looking at his sleeping form. His small frame was curled in a pile of blankets, curled against a feather pillow - like the princess and the pea, as you could see that he never looked truly comfortable.
The patch could be left for the morning.
He was smart. It must have had some sort of reasoning, shouldn't it?
Fyodor always found things out with almost no context needed. He could figure out the reason. You trusted him.
You had gone back to the bathroom. The patch was missing.
The trash, for once, taken out. In fact, it seemed the whole apartment had been meticulously cleaned.
You remembered that patch stared at you. The pain of removing it from your skin. How hard you had to pull it from your skin.
So where did it fucking go?
"Hey babe!"
You called for Fyodor, knowing that he was most likely working on the same projects that he always was. Whatever it was, he would be able to answer you, right?
There was no response from him this time though. You called again, but you were left with silence.
Padding towards his 'office space' you found that he had his headphones on. Was he busy today and hadn't bothered to tell you beforehand? Usually, he was rather meticulous about that.
Gently, you poked his shoulder, hoping to get his attention.
Fyodor only grunted, giving a sign of recognition. You tried again, hoping he would respond.
"Are you busy? I wanted to talk to you about something that happened last night."
Fyodor turned only slightly, his eyes still facing his screen - absorbed on whatever 'work' was on his screen. Code that you never bothered to learn to understand, that became a source of frustration as it seemed more important now.
"Yeah, what is it?"
Complete disinterest.
"I found like. A nicotine patch, last night. On me. Fyodor, that's weird, right?"
His eyes finally looked at you, although they were only glancing, at best.
"It is. You don't smoke, do you?"
You took a moment to look at him. What the hell was he implying by that? He knew you never did. You always rejected them, since he was so sensitive to smells.
"If you do, you can tell me. I won't judge you."
His voice was soft, unjudgemental at the implication of you even having an addiction. You tried to keep calm through you frustration.
"I don't smoke. You know I don't, asshole! It's really weird that it showed up on my body like that, isn't it?"
You hoped he would help you. But he didn't even seem to care about your predicament so far, instead lazily moving typing commands on his keyboard like a sort of wizard.
"It is weird. If neither of us smoke, then how did it get there, hm? Maybe someone is playing a prank on you. Do you have the patch? We can figure out more about it from there."
He had leaned back, as calm about this conversation as anyone could possibly be. You wanted to kill him.
"It was on the bathroom counter when I took it off last night. I can't find it though!"
You couldn't help raising your voice at the end. For some reason, your frustration was building up so easily it was nearly boiling over.
It wasn't fair to take it out on Fyodor. He gave you a look as well, because well, you knew that you were being emotional about this.
It was just weird. Why was this upsetting you so much? You weren't usually upset so quickly like this.
"Sorry. But I'm being serious Fyo."
Trying your best to calm down, you took a deep inhale. Your lungs filled with air, clearing your head, if only a little.
There was still a frustration coursing through your veins, making you want to pull at Fyodor's hair for being so...well, him. Just being himself, right now.
Is he doing it on fucking purpose? Is he trying to piss you off as much as possible?
He's the smartest man you know, this isn't any real detective work. Fyodor knows why you're feeling the way you are. He can clearly tell that this actually happened - that you aren't fucking crazy.
So why is he acting like you are?
"Of course you are. I believe you, sweetheart. But what's the real problem here?"
His tired eyes slowly blinked at you. There was an emotion lurking in there, but you really didn't know how to describe it.
It was gentle, but not kind.
"Well. It was put on me. That means someone is drugging me. It's violating."
"I can see why you feel that way, yes. But maybe it was just an accident? People on the street these days are rather crazy-looney."
Fyodor had the gall to laugh as he said that, finding humor in his own words as he didn't find your plight worth crying over. There was no fret - being drugged was an everyday occurance.
Tomorrow you could be stabbed with heroin and it would just be an everyday occurrence, right? Worse things could happen to you. Maybe you would accidentally inhale deadly amounts of cocaine since this was just normal.
"Oh I can't believe you."
You left the room. At that moment you just wanted to punch Fyodor.
Did he always look that punchable? With his stupid smirk and pale, dead-looking skin. His eyes seemed so dead, with no read smile attached to them.
It was hard to look at him without feeling enraged.
"And where do you think you're going, sunshine?"
"Anywhere! If I have to see you again, I would probably. Oh!"
You made a noise as you kicked the door, rushing to just get out and get away from the source of your anxiety.
It felt natural, running outside and walking - letting the adrenaline in your body take you as far as it would let you.
Where were you going?
A hand on your arm stopped you. You turned around, the calm face that matched the pale skin - his dead purple eyes were smiling, although it made you stop dead in your tracks.
Where were you going?
You didn't have anything besides Fyodor.
"Please. Just leave me alone."
"You're being irrational, my dear. It's embarrassing."
The hold he had on your arm was tight, some hidden strength he carried that you never knew existed. Pulled did nothing, and there were tears pushing against your face as you felt the feeling again -
"Please. Fucking just. Let me go."
Shaking his head, Fyodor pulled you in - his face rested against your forehead, but the pull his hand had on his scalp was anything but gentle.
He was mad. About what?
Why did it always end up this way?
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Honestly this can be stand alone, but YAY i finally finished this !!!! To the people who wanted this, I hope you enjoy this cuz this was kinda lot for me idk why.
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solarsa1nt · 4 months
gojo satoru x male!reader
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Tags — fluff , kissing , love confession , blushing , questionable age gap but still legal
Notes — none
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"Y/N-senpai?" A familiar voice calls as the boy in questions blinks in surprise, turning towards the familiar figure.
"Ah... Itadori?" Y/N's head tilts to the side, frowning in confusion as he blinks the sleep away from his eyes.
It was, surprisingly, not some hallucination caused by lack of sleep. Itadori was heading down the hallway from where the kitchen was, a baggy t-shirt and shorts being in place of the uniform that he (along with most other students) were often seen in.
"You... shouldn't be up this late." Y/N frowns, lightly scolding the boy. "It's not good for someone your age."
"Huh? But you're only four years older than us, right?" Itadori asks, sounding uncertain if he was right now that he's said it aloud.
"Which means I'm legally an adult. Either way, it's my cursed energy's fault so not much I can do to fix it..." Y/N frowns slightly before sighing, shaking their head and looking up at Itadori with a neutral expression.
"Whatever, just get back to bed." Y/N suggests, glancing out the window to briefly look towards the entrance of the school.
Itadori gives the older boy a hesitant look but eventually nods, sparing one more concerned glance before continuing down the hallway towards the dorms.
Silence falls over Y/N now that his kouhai had disappeared down the hallway.
"...Why do I even bother waiting for that guy?" Y/N mumbles to himself with a tired sigh, turning on his heel and walking towards the main room of the dorms.
Plopping down on the couch, Y/N leans against the armrest, tugging a blanket over his lap as he grabs the remote.
After clicking on a streaming service and putting on the first movie to pop up— it happened to be some animated movie titled 'Your Name' —Y/N slumps further back into the couch.
About halfway through the film, his half-asleep state was interrupted by a door loudly opening— whoever opened it obviously uncaring of who they would wake up with the clatter.
"Mh...?" Y/N turns towards the door tiredly, glancing towards the door to see a familiar white-haired sorcerer standing in the doorway.
"Oh... you're back." Y/N yawns, raising a hand to cover his mouth before stretching out his arms, letting the joints pop satisfactorily before he sets them down again.
"Ho? Is my favorite watching movies without me?" Gojo walks over to lean on the couch behind Y/N.
"Stop being so blatant about your favoritism..." Y/N sighs, ignoring the warm feeling bubbling inside of him with the knowledge that he was Gojo's favorite.
"Y/N is just too cute!" Gojo teases, patting the boy's head affectionately.
"Egh..." Y/N grumbles, leaning away from the touch as he focuses back on the movie, watching the scene play out impassively.
A comfortable silence rests over the two as Gojo walks around to sit next to Y/N, throwing his arms over the edge of the back of the couch.
"You don't even have half of the context for the movie." Y/N points out, bringing his knees to his chest and crossing his arms over them, resting his head atop them.
"Hm? I'm sure I can figure it out." Gojo shrugs offhandedly, "I am the strongest, after all, understand a movie won't be an issue."
"Right." Y/N gives the man an unimpressed glance before rolling his eyes and focusing on the movie once again.
Colors flicker across the television screen— a meteor falling through the sky over the small town as a girl watches with widened eyes.
Y/N wonders what it'd be like to witness something like that, something so colorful and bright that it makes the entire sky seem to glow...
"Y/N." Gojo's voice interrupts Y/N's musing, his tone light but still holding an unusual amount of seriousness.
"Hm?" Y/N glances up at the man, feeling the six eyes burning into his figure through the blindfold.
Gojo stays silent for a moment, expression unreadable with his lips drawn into a flat line— it turning up into a small smile after seemingly finding whatever he was looking for.
"I love you."
Y/N blinks in confusion, wondering vaguely if he misheard but ultimately knowing there was no denying it— the words were far too clear; far too confident to be anything other than a confession.
"Oh..." Y/N feels his ears burn as he mumbles the words, unable to muster up anything other than a simple; "Okay."
At his lack of a proper response, the blush only spreads across Y/N's face further, turning his head away to hide the redness.
He should answer, Y/N knows that, but his first response was embarrassing enough that he honestly doesn't trust whatever might come out of his mouth next.
Unfortunately, Gojo didn't seem to agree with his plan.
"'Okay'?" Gojo's grin widens as he leans forward, no doubt seeing the fluster that spread across Y/N's face.
"Y/N~" Gojo chimes, an almost scolding lilt to his voice— as if Y/N were some misbehaving child. "That's not an answer, you know."
"Uh—" Y/N panics, leaning back further as a dizzy feeling spins around in his skull from the sheer closeness of the two— noses nearly touching as Gojo's lips hover inches away from his.
Y/N's breaths come in shallowly, everything feeling all to much and the bastard infront of him wasn't even—
Y/N reaches his hands up towards Gojo's head, simultaneously pulling part of his blindfold up and pushing his head downward— their lips finally connecting.
Y/N glares into dangerously beautiful blue eyes that were gleaming with satisfaction.
His head gets tilted back as a tongue enters his mouth without shame— Y/N not bothering to fight back as he allows the man to continue his ministrations; too content with the feeling of them being so connected.
A breathy whine forces it's way out of Y/N's throat at the rough pressure against the top of his mouth— soon slithering down to move elsewhere as if Gojo was trying to find something hidden inside his mouth.
Gojo pulls away, a lewd string of saliva connecting their lips as Y/N huffs— cheeks burning a bright red as he looks up at the man's smug expression.
Gojo's lips (still wet from their mixed saliva, Y/N realizes absentmindedly) were curled upwards into a lazily grin, crystal-like blue eyes half-lidded as he watches the younger man below him intensely.
"You're such a pervert..." Y/N sighs, turning his head on it's side in another feeble attempt to hide his expression.
"Is that a yes, then?" Gojo asks— his voice annoyingly playful despite their previous actions.
"You— obviously." Y/N grumbles, embarrassed from having to admit even after the heated kiss shared between them.
"Ha~ I'm so glad!" Gojo slumps his body atop Y/N's, earning a strangled yelp from the younger boy.
"Wh— Ugh! Get off me!"
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© 𝓢OLARSAINT 2024 ─── all of my works belong me alone! do not copy, steal, plagiarize, or spread any of my works in any other social media platform. these have only been reloaded on my own accounts on ao3 and wattpad
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prettyboypistol · 4 months
Mercs reaction to safe word use?
Mers Reacting to Safeword Use! (+18)
confused for a second, then realizes that you said the safeword
literally jolts back and starts rapid fire apologizing, asking what you didn't like/what he shouldn't do
would probably not want to continue the hot n heavy aspect, but would be down for lovey-dovey intimacy(be it sex or just cuddling)
literally freezes when you say it, then gets close and whispers "did i scare you?" in the most vulnerable voice you've ever heard from him as he kisses your cheeks slowly in apology over and over again
feels super guilty about it, but once you explain why you used the safeword, he's a little relieved that he didn't terrify you
kisses and hugs before going back to business!
pauses as they try to understand what you said- that word didn't sound happy... OH SHIT
lets you make the first move to them, scared that they might scare you, but their hands are up and they're clearly concerned for you.
probably too worried that the stress will cause a relapse into Pyroland, so no more sex, but you get a super loving partner to cuddle up to!
the chillest reactor you're gonna get.
"Oh, sorry mate." and pulls away "you down to keep going or was that too much?"
He's so down to go your speed after that, but if you just want to stop a certain action and for him to keep his energy, he can absolutely do that!
the second chillest reaction, but he assumes that you've changed your mind about sleeping with him because a lot of people reject him because of how big he is down there (and everywhere else, but that doesn't bother him really.)
"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"
After a little talking, you two are perfectly fine again and sharing kisses before back to having fun.
somehow worse than Scout
panics about hurting you, apologizes for being a brute and coming off demanding/not being a gentleman, he doesn't know whether to cover his face with his hands or hug you
Sadly it ends with you mostly comforting him haha, he's just worried he hurt or scared you! He's terrified of you being intimidated of him!
Third chillest reaction, mainly due to his sass factor.
He won't demean you for using the safe word, but he will crack a joke like "Oh, can't handle the heat? Alright love, we can turn it down a bit."
Doesn't check in on you, but intrinsically knows what you safeworded about due to body language and context. He doesn't make a big deal out of it- safewords are normal to him. It's not an issue
a little upset he scared you, but also upset that he couldn't go full crazy yk? Like of course you take priority, but he wasn't going to actually inject you with horse steroids!!! (maybe)
Abides by your boundaries and kisses it better
Lowkey wants to talk about it later but doesn't know how to bring it up
the most INSECURE MF
if you safeword with sniper, he immediately disengages and pulls away out of shame and self-doubt that he can please you or have sex with you right
he apologizes and gives you comfort, but it's eating away at him inside that "he can't even fuck right"
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deathbxnny · 28 days
Here’s for context/power thingy
May I please request headcannons for Jing Yuan, Yanqing, and Welt with an S/o who has an instant death ability like Takatou? They never direct it at their allies (the boys listed), but I can imagine no one wanting to fight someone who can insta kill anything.
I've actually never seen this anime before, so it was definitely an interesting and funny watch, lol. I also really love the ability the character has, so thank you for sharing, Anon, and I hope you'll like this!!<33
Content: Reader essentially insta kills a bunch of people with their mind, kinda unserious, established relationships, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!!
((Not proofread))
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Welt often claimed that he had seen most of what life had to offer, mainly due to all he had been through. And for a while, he completely believed that... until he met you, that is. You weren't shy about showcasing your rather invincible ability, mainly as a safety precaution for him.
He felt concerned at first yet, but over time, he saw himself growing appreciative of it, despite how grimm it was. You got him and the rest of the crew out of many difficult situations with ease, even if it meant many casualties that he supposed he could turn a blind eye on for your sake.
He finds it understandable that you have barely enemies to speak of, too, to say the least. Whether the fools or the Stellaron hunters alike, no one bothered crossing you, and for that, he was grateful because it just meant less of a headache for him to deal with.
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Yanqing finds your ability cool. Maybe a bit too cool for his own good. So much so that even the general eventually began to wonder if he understood the seriousness of your ability at all. Not that the boy seemed to care. Especially when he begs you to showcase it in battle. (You have to explain why it is not a good idea to use it in training, though, since he won't get it-)
With that said, he practically boasts about having you as an s/o to anyone who has ears. He finds you amazing, so much so that he'll get distracted during fights just to watch you casually blink and kill a bunch of enemies without even moving a muscle! If you weren't his lover, he'd perhaps nearly be jealous...
He also finds it a little funny that you have virtually no enemies or at least none that would attempt to fight you head on. It's not surprising, ofcourse, but that just makes his pride over you grow even more... maybe Jing Yuan was right in being slightly concerned.
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He is amused by your ability, yet doesn't think much of it. It's not that he doesn't care, he just finds it rather adorable if anything, considering how powerful he himself is. And perhaps he didn't take it as seriously as he should have at first... until he actually first saw it in action, which made him also respect it more.
Jing Yuan enjoys fighting at your side, or rather let you "fight" for him, when he has too much on his plate already. He is thankful for your ability in situations like those, as it means he doesn't have to worry about grand threats sticking around for longer than they should.
The biggest thing he is grateful for regarding your ability ultimately would be that he didn't have to worry about your well-being all too much. Being the s/o of the general would usually get the normal person in extreme trouble... yet since no one is crazy enough to really cross you after your reputation spreads far and wide, that fear has been calmed, whilst the man can rest knowing you'll be fine even without him around.
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I'm sorry if these were a little short!! I did my best with what I saw regarding the ability in the video. Also, I'm sorry for the long wait. Life sucks as usual, lol. Either way, thank you again for the request, and I hope you liked this!!<33
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s4ndg3m · 4 months
I wanna know ur wallmark divorce headcannons so bad
okokok. i had to type these all up separately so i could organize my ideas. i have like more in my head but they're hard to put into words so this is what you get
cw for alchoholism and general relationship issues. putting it all under the cut. remember these are just my headcanons and thoughts, nothing concrete.
General issues
Conflicting ideals on future life- Wallter being much more of a city guy, while mark prefers a rural setting.
Communication issues- Instead of talking things out they get accusatory and defensive, which means most talks end up arguments.
Further communication issues- They geniunely cannot understand the other half of the time. Wallter will attempt to be subtle in his communication, dropping hints instead of just flat out saying what he wants. Mark cannot pick up on these. Mark's direct communication sometimes comes across as rude and aggressive to Wallter.
General conflict- They have some shared interests, but there's also a lot of things that are important to them that they don't agree on. Like building materials, however silly that might sound.
Mark's issues
Alcoholism- Bit of A drunkard. He insists it isn't an issue but it is when it interferes with plans he and Wallter already had. "It would be weird if I didn't have a few with the boys after a job well done!"
Short-tempered- Which causes even more arguments over small things. (Def not physically abusive toward Wallter, even when drunk)
Abrasive personality- Mark would be more likely to make jabs or meaner jokes because he thinks everyone can take it. He wouldn't understand why someone would get upset over a joke.
He snores really loud- To the point where Wallter usually can't sleep. It builds tensions between them cus either Wallter is sleep-deprived or they never sleep in the same bed.
Dismissive- Wallter will ask/tell him about something that bothers him or something he wants as a gift for a holiday, but Mark usually won't listen.
Oblivious- Won't pick up on hints that Wallter drops, no matter the context.
Wallter's issues
Grey stuff. Wallter loves it, Mark loathes it. They argue over it.
Petty- Incredibly petty. Will make snide comments at Mark when he's upset about something.
Silent- He doesn't help at all with the communication issue, because he just flat out won't say anything! Until it's a big issue, of course. He might make hints but Mark cannot pick up on them.
Insistent on his own opinions- He will often push Mark to think like he does, instead of accepting their differences. It gets frustrating for Mark when he's constantly having to defend his thoughts.
Pretentious- Would absolutely try and take the moral high ground during arguments. He thinks talking in a level tone and not shouting means he's in the right, when really he's the one instigating most of the arguments.
Jealousy- I think he'd be the jealous type. He'd interrogate Mark about his friends and question his honesty often.
I don't think there was one thing that caused the divorce, but a buildup of tension and frustration over the years of their marriage that was never managed. i think they both wanted it to work, even afterward, but neither of them are willing enough to see their issues and work on them. Even then, they kind of ruined the idea of a life with one another because of how horribly their marriage ended.
anyway these are just my initial thoughts on the two. enjoy!
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satosugusandwich · 4 months
𝔏𝔢𝔱 𝔐𝔢 𝔖𝔢𝔢 𝔜𝔬𝔲’𝔯𝔢 𝔐𝔢𝔞𝔫…
True Form!Sukuna x Fem!Afab!Reader (This is an AU!!! Sukuna is not a homicidal maniac cannibalistic murderer! I think he’s sexy and my morals say no dick from crazy murderer BUT dick from crazy 😍)
Cw: once again mentions of violence from first chapter, self hatred, self-sabotage, sukuna is introspective, but he’s still an asshole, mentions of a sex room (context is necessary to understand lmao)
Description: You've been friends with Yuji Itadori for some time now and have seen the best, the worst, and the strange in all your years of knowing him. You've never thought he was one to have any crazy secrets and well... you were wrong. And now the demon bound to Yuji is bound to you too! How fun! Good thing that you aren't stupid and won't fall for a being that by no means should you have ever interacted with! Right? Right...?
*Yuji is aged up but there will be no sexual stuff with him except maybe like a brief mention but yeah*
Also I mentioned this on Ao3 but this work in inspired by “Teeth” by Lady Gaga (also monster by her is so Sukuna coded)
Chapter 2 Here!!!!!
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Chapter 3: To Hate One’s Self
You were able to sleep way harder than you anticipated. You suspected that the trauma from the whole ordeal would make you unable to sleep at all but there was something comforting about having Yuji with you and even though you didn’t want to admit it, having a demon bound to you was actually pretty fucking reassuring. When you woke up, you immediately decided that you have no desire to even think about going to class let alone actually go. All you wanted to do was lay in bed and rot a little bit. (Only temporarily, Yuji hoped). Yuji offered to go get breakfast for you two and promised he’d be as fast as possible, so you were left alone with Sukuna in your living room while you scrolled through YouTube videos online.
It didn’t take long for your peaceful scrolling to be interrupted by swearing coming from the living room and then an “aha!” You were curious but also scared to know what exactly Sukuna was doing. You decided to remain there until you heard a loud thud. You didn’t bother to fix your hair or your clothes when you peeked out of the door to peer at Sukuna. He had picked up your recliner and moved it across the room, seemingly had thrown it.
“Do you intend to watch me?” He turned his head toward you and rose to his feet from the floor. You realized what he was doing now, eyeballing the tv remote in his hands.
“Uh, no, just—I was wondering where that was.” You stammered. “I checked under there but—“
“It was lodged in the inside of it. I had to shake it around to get it out.” Sukuna interjected.
“Are you gonna… put it back?” You can’t believe you just asked a scary super intense monster demon thing to move your chair back.
He seemed amused but unsurprised by your question. “It was in the way.” His body was fully turned to you now and you couldn’t help but watch his stomach mouth smirk at you.
You opened your mouth to speak but were far too distracted by how one pair of arms crossed themselves while the others sat on his hips like a disappointed mother. “But that doesn’t answer my question.” You finally spoke.
“If you tell that brat to bring me extra food, I’ll move whatever you like.” He grinned.
Food? Okay. Interesting motivation but relatable you thought to yourself. “Yeah, sure.” You opened up your phone and called Yuji, telling him Sukuna wants extra.
“Man, he already eats comical amounts of food… I’m gonna go bankrupt.” Yuji mumbled over the line.
Sukuna had already moved the recliner back to its original spot and was sat, turning on the television after inspecting the remote closely.
Yuji continued. “I think I’ll get barbecue since I can get a whole lot for really cheap. He gets extra needy after he follows a more crazy command. Are you feeling okay?”
You nod, still watching Sukuna. “Yeah. And bbq is fine. I’ll send you my order.”
After hanging up, you walked back into your room and then into the bathroom to fix yourself. You didn’t want to look in the mirror and when you did, you realized you really were right. Your eyes were dark and your skin was so much paler. On top of that, you could see that bruises formed overnight on areas where the men had gripped you extra hard, and not to mention the dryness of your skin, having neglected drinking anything since you came home. Really, you feel ashamed for what you’ve done, you fucked up your life by sucking some shitheads dick and have given your best friend unnecessary stress. You were miserable. Maybe all you should do is rot.
“Hey brat! Teach me how to navigate your technology!” Sukuna called to you snapping you out of your ideation.
A nasty scowl was on his face and his stomach mouth was certainly not smiling anymore. You looked to your tv and realized it was on the wrong input and he was clicking buttons frustratedly, trying to get it off the error screen. You recall that you were playing video games last time you were out in the living room and you must’ve forgot to switch it back.
“Here, press this button.” You clicked the blue input button and it changed to the regular settings. “What are you trying to watch?”
Sukuna scoffed. “I can find what I want myself, I’ve seen the brat do it enough.” He snatched the remote back from you and slowly started to scroll to Netflix and then clicking on the app. It’s fascinating watching him, it’s like watching an old person use a phone.
“Okay.” You waited a moment before deciding to walk to the kitchen, trying to hide the fact that you were curious to see what he’d try to watch.
Sukuna assumed you wanted to watch him, he was tempted to find something that would make you react in an amused way. He didn’t exactly know what, but was determined to get a reaction out of you. He settled on an interesting title, How to Build A Sex Room. Perfect. “Hm.” Sukuna mumbled. “Humans still fuck like rabbits.”
You didn’t know what to say. But what made it worse for you? You had already started watching that show in the past. So it started in the middle of an episode.
“The hell? This doesn’t seem to be right, it’s in the middle of the show.” Then his head was suddenly facing you. “Someone must’ve been watching it.”
You were blushing and even though his face was completely indifferent, you could see his stomach mouth smirking again. “Maybe.” Is all you said. Let’s pray the demon that you just met doesn’t realize that you’re a freak and that he doesn’t understand technology at all.
Sukuna found the restart button fast. Yeah, he knows enough. Damn Yuji for being such a movie nerd! And damn Yuji for having a demon that watches him!
“Hey, I got a a question.” You tried to deflect from your embarrassment.
Sukuna remained fixated on the screen. “I suppose I’ll indulge.”
��Do you have to be around me or Yuji? Or can you roam free?”
Sukuna pursed his lips. “Regrettably, I’m stuck with both of you. If I could roam completely free, I wouldn’t be anywhere near here.” He answered honestly, seemingly unconcerned with how you feel toward his answer.
“How far can you go?”
“That’s already two I’ve answered.”
He let out a huff of air. “I’m only teasing. The distance depends, there’s no specification. Sometimes it depends on the security of the master. Presently, you don’t feel very safe so I can’t go far. I could’ve gone with the brat and maintained better distance, but I hate being stuffed into his vehicle.”
That makes sense, he was practically in a million different positions trying to remain comfortable in your friend’s car, thinking about the way he was having to sit made you realize it was a lot funnier than you remember. The recliner he was situated in was almost the perfect size to hug his body. You were sure he’s grateful to not have to follow Yuji anymore, but then again, he can’t get that far away from you either.
“Sorry you can’t leave.” You said.
Sukuna didn’t respond and instead focused on the screen. You attempted to shuffle away now, finding yourself to feel very awkward.
“Hey, brat.” Right as you got to your door he spoke. “You went to sleep with that man, right? I’ve heard you speak about your outings with the other brat and I find it pitiful you choose such sad men.”
Oh shit, you can feel that same tightness in your throat coming again as well as embarrassment flood your senses. You didn’t answer him.
“In my era, a woman like you would’ve been thrown to the masses, celebrated. I never had any interest in women like that but the men that did were ones who could not stand on their own. Taking cock from a man like that will ruin you.”
His words took you aback, not just because of his brazen use of the work cock, but also what felt to you like harsh advice. You sucked down the urge to cry and asked him, “why are you telling me this?”
Sukuna pondered over what he should answer with. “I don’t like watching misery.”
You entered your room and shut the door, unsure if he was being compassionate or shaming you. Either way, the words still hurt. Sukuna himself wondered if he should’ve said that, he doesn’t exactly care for you or anything and neither has he cared for anyone in a very long time, maybe it was an inkling of the past coming through. It was true, he can’t stand watching misery, watching someone wallow in it reminded him far too much of his own upbringing and the sense of being rejected. He had to make his way to the top, to earn the title of Sukuna. He’s long forgotten his name, cursed it to the back of his mind, a part of him he doesn’t desire to remember.
Soon after, Yuji arrived with all of your food and left Sukuna with his family sized meal before entering and seeing you bundled up burrito style on your bed. He could see the redness of your face and immediately knew you were crying again or was. He didn’t acknowledge it, choosing to try and keep you in a good mood by talking about the experience at the restaurant. Luckily, because of his stupid attitude, you were laughing pretty quickly.
Then he popped a question out. “What is Sukuna watching?”
You snorted. “How to build a sex room.”
His eyes widened and his nick stretched forward. “Huh?”
You were laughing a lot harder now. “Don’t ask me, he likes what he likes. You got a freak bound to your family lineage.”
Yuji slumped down onto your floor dramatically. “Man, he’s already a handful now, I can’t imagine how much worse he’s going to get with you now.”
A yell came through the door. “I can hear you!” Yuji straightened fast and you couldn’t help but laugh even harder. He’s such an idiot.
Sukuna wasn’t too amused, hearing Yuji so openly trash talk him and very loudly. Your laughter didn’t make it any better and he found it to be out of place after what you went through. He also doesn’t appreciate being called a freak. At least you’re attempting to move on, Sukuna could applaud you for trying.
“If I hear anything else, you’ll regret it, brat!”
“Whatever!” Yuji yelled back before quieting his voice. “He’s all talk, he can’t do anything to us. Unless we tell him to. Also, he tends to say things in a really abrasive way. He didn’t say anything to you, did he?”
You told him what he said and Yuji’s face shifted back into shock. “The last part was kinda funny. Who says cock so casually?” You laughed, cupping your hand around your mouth to try and keep quiet.
“Yeah, he’s a fucking weirdo.” Yuji was too loud.
“ITADORI!” He shouted and soon enough your bedroom door was wide open. “You sure have a lot to say after I saved your friend so kindly, your ass as well, and even stayed behind to protect her. Not a single thank you.” The demon feigned offense. “Shouldn’t you be groveling and worshipping me for doing such a feat for you?”
You could tell he was mostly joking and trying to irritate Yuji, but you really did realize you needed to thank him. You can’t believe you forgot.
“Hey, listen! You are weird, you’re from like a thousand years ago and are watching a freaky-deaky show! You also have bbq sauce on your stomach mouth! You have a literal mouth on your stomach!” Yuji stood up fast but Sukuna’s towering frame made him look like a child yelling at their father.
Sukuna was grinning down at him. “Hah. Your mouth is running exceptionally fast, might I tell her about that time you got so drunk you pissed on your own floor?”
You rolled back on the bed laughing and Yuji was beat red. “You—you saw that!?”
Sukuna wiped his mouth, briefly glancing over to you. “It was entertaining, how could I not watch?”
You put your hand on Yuji’s shoulder. “It’s okay, it happens to the best of us.”
Sukuna scoffed. “Your kindness is misplaced.”
Hearing his words, you were brought back to your thoughts and managed to make yourself stop snickering. You almost forgot again! Rising up from the bed, you stepped between the two men, confusing both of them, then you bowed your head in front of Sukuna.
His grin faded and his expression turned sober. “What’s this?”
“Thank you for saving me.” You remain bowed. “I’m sorry for not answering your question earlier, as well.”
The demon looked at your head hanging before turning around and saying, “Your apologies are unnecessary, but I will take the gratitude.” He closed your door and you lifted your head, turning back to Yuji.
“Whoa, that’s unusual.” He said. “Sukuna is usually a lot more arrogant than that. You must’ve shaken him up or something.”
You stood there for a moment, pondering Yuji’s words. It was strange, he’s someone who seems to think highly of himself but just blew off your apology like it was nothing. Especially since he was framing what he did as a favor, you expected to see more of a jovial reaction or even a degrading one. He doesn’t seem to be heartless, just a little out of touch, so his reaction does make some sort of sense. Regardless, you don’t know him all that well so perhaps something is off about your newfound bonded demon.
Sukuna sunk back into the chair and continued watching the show, or really what he was doing was watching the images while his brain ran. After watching you from the side from time to time, he determined your naive and self-sabotaging habits to be a bore and overall sad, but now that he’s interacted with you, he almost feels guilty for having seen you in such a negative light. To be so grateful to him when he expressed saving you as a favor, as an obligation, shocked him. Should you not be screeching insults and your disdain at him? Are you that much of a self-hating creature? Did he even view saving you as a favor? He didn’t know, he hasn’t felt pulled to anyone since the Heian era or connected at all in that matter. He wondered, would he have saved you if Yuji had not commanded him to? Is he a creature still capable of compassion and empathy after experiencing all that he has?
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ovaryacted · 3 months
do you think re4make leon knows how to fuck? 👀
The little eye emoji at the end is making me laugh. But hmm, I've actually thought of this before in-depth, and if I'm gonna be completely honest...probably not. HOLD ON HOLD ON! HEAR ME OUT FIRST DON'T BOO ME OFF THE STAGE!
So in my mind (keyword: my), I don't think Leon would know how to "fuck". He's just not a #realfucker. HOWEVER, that does not mean he is an idiot when it comes to sex and what to do. He just doesn't have enough "experience" that would put him in a category of people who are masters in the bedroom, and that is okay! Frankly, I think it's more realistic and sticks to his loser persona.
I mean, we are dealing with a 27/28-year-old man with immense trauma and survivor's guilt who's been blackmailed into military service and literally thinks about dying frequently. He's in Spain fighting demons both literally and figuratively and has one foot in the grave at all times. No, I don't think he knows how to fuck, he probably hasn't even really done anything that would qualify as "fucking" in a healthy way.
He'd probably have limited chances to actually get involved with anyone, especially if he was being trained to the degree he was. Also, if he was under Krauser's supervision and being trained by him as a means of survival, he doesn't know anything about another human's touch outside of obligation. Not to mention the context of the period he was in the military (close to the early 2000s I think), he probably experienced a fuck ton of homophobia for being a "pretty boy" anyway and that would be a direct jab to his wavering self-confidence.
If anything, he's probably had some quick blowjobs or given them, but actual sex? Nah, his brain can't comprehend doing something like that when he's too busy wondering if he'll live to see another day.
Let us say he was allowed to fuck somebody, I think he would be clueless on where to start or what to do. Sure, Leon is smart and perceptive, he'll be able to adapt eventually, but it won't be a natural process. I made an analysis post about this topic a while ago, about viewing Leon as a sex god when he's the complete opposite in my mind, and I always come back to that because that's how I interpret him.
Does he know where the clit is? Does he know what to do with a dick? Sure, he knows enough about the female and male body to understand what to touch and what goes where. The thing he doesn't know is how to do it in a way that makes both parties feel good, and how it varies from person to person. Has he watched porn or looked through magazines? Probably back when he was a hormonal teenager with nothing better to do, or before he found himself in his current situation, but he doesn't like it. He doesn't see women in particular in the same light as every other form of media views them, so his perception of sex and how it should be done contradicts the norm. Or, he just assumes that he should know what to do, and since he doesn't or can't seem to figure it out, he doesn't bother trying to find out.
He doesn't give me those vibes that he's someone who would know what to do in the bedroom off that bat, and I'm not saying that to be a bummer but that's how I see him at least during this part of his life. But, if you trust him and make him feel comfortable enough by reassuring him as you guide him in the process, he will know how to fuck but primarily know how to fuck you.
Even if I say he doesn't know how to fuck (outside of the regular missionary but he finishes too early so it's embarrassing), he will always be a munch to me. That is his skill in the bedroom, his thing. I always say this but to me, the reason why he doesn't know how to fuck is because he's too damn busy diving headfirst into some pussy so he doesn't care about the whole "fucking" aspect of things. He gets off on getting his partners off, that's just the truth, my truth and I'm sticking to it.
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i-heart-hxh · 2 months
During the shinju scene,meleoron mentions theres something killua cant tell him, what is it that killua couldnt tell him?
from what i seen,shinjuu isnt always romantic,was it he couldnt tell meleoron he was going to die w gon because of his romantic feelings
The line
meleoron:‘if you joking,whyd u have that incredibly sad look on ur face(talking about when he was observing killua with gon)’ ‘you cant tell me,so i wont ask’ or in different translations its ‘cant you tell me?’ But in the original japanese its about being unable to tell somebody something
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So, I decided to just post (most of) these two pages because I think seeing the art and layout of the actual pages helps with understanding exactly what's going on and also analyzing it. I also went and looked at the pages in Japanese just to see if anything stood out. Aside from the famous shinjuu line, the translation seems fine.
Just to summarize and be clear before I launch into further analysis: In this scene, Killua says (with a rather dark expression) that the worst case scenario is he and Gon die together in a lovers suicide. Killua sees that Meleoron is rather vexed/taken aback/discouraged by this response and doesn't know what to say, so then Killua immediately claims he's just kidding and that they'll be okay after all, and he knows how to snap Gon out of it.
Meleoron then internally doubts that Killua is kidding about this, because he was there when Gon said the "It has nothing to do with you," (essentially) line that pushed Killua away, and he saw how heartbroken Killua looked by that. He then decides it's not worth asking because Killua clearly doesn't want to be honest about his feelings, he can't or won't express what he's going through, so he backs off.
I'm glad you brought this up because it's a piece of the whole shinjuu scene that people don't talk about as much, but this whole exchange and Togashi bothering to show Meleoron's reaction to it in the first place says a lot about the importance of the scene. If Meleoron didn't pause and connect this to Killua's earlier heartbroken moment (and notice how it takes up literally half of the page--it's important!), it would be easy to read on past it without thinking about it more deeply.
In other words, this further exchange with Meleoron is emphasis. It's there so the readers don't simply gloss over what Killua said about the shinjuu, and so the readers understand that he means it, that no matter what he says to the contrary, Killua is in fact serious about this possibility. It's there to slow things down enough so the readers can reflect on and ask their own questions about the situation.
I'm sure this is why Togashi bothered to put Meleoron in the scene with Gon pushing Killua away in the first place--there was no other reason for him to be there, other than being an observer of this moment and standing in to ask these questions.
Meleoron--an outside observer without as much context for Gon and Killua's relationship as the rest of us--wonders what's going on here, why Killua looked utterly destroyed by a few simple words. But because he saw Killua's immediate urge to lie and say it's a joke when he hesitated, he knows Killua won't open up to him about exactly what's going on, why Killua was so devastated by what Gon said to him and why Killua intends to do a teen lovers suicide with his best friend if all goes badly. Meleoron is definitely pointing out (in his view, anyway) that there are feelings behind this that Killua is unable and unwilling to talk about. Is he implying they're romantic feelings? I mean...
This happens so much in Chimera Ant arc around Killua's feelings. Togashi leaves it open-ended, doesn't spell it out blatantly, but it seems like the question is being asked over and over again--what exactly are the nature of Killua's feelings for Gon, anyway? And there keep being these moments where the concept of romantic love is conjured in some form in connection with or around this unspoken question being asked, like multiple instances in the Palm subplot I've talked about a bunch of times now. (Linking to that post in particular because it links to a lot of other Palm subplot related posts.)
Even the way Killua asks if Gon considers him a friend or a comrade, asking What are we? basically is essentially a shoujo trope--and especially how it was presented, very dramatic with a lot of focus and emphasis on Killua's internal turmoil around asking the question.
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There are just so many times in this arc where emphasis gets placed on a question of, What are your feelings for Gon anyway, Killua? in an indirect way, including this moment with Meleoron. It's repeated so many times and there are so many instances where there's some subtext around or even direct mention of romantic love hovering around these questions, it's basically daring the audience to answer.
It's true that shinjuu can be non-romantic in some cases, however the word choice is meaningful. Togashi knows what the implications of it are, especially in a literary sense. He could have chosen other ways to phrase this, he could have opted not to use this word in particular. If it was presented completely in isolation from any other romantic subtext, there would be more of an argument to be had for it just being included in a platonic sense, but with how much repeated romantic subtext there is with Gon and Killua's relationship to begin with...I think the word choice is very intentional.
I hope that answers your question!
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sophie-frm-mars · 2 months
Liberal Dissociative Amnesia
The Cass Review is the most discussed political topic among trans people in the UK right now. The 388 page report by Dr Hillary Cass examines the gender services available to young people in the UK and concludes that young people are being let down, gender services need to be taken out of reach for trans people under 25 and a new system which urges avoiding transition at every turn needs to be created which will refer people at age 25.
I just watched Michael Walker on Novara Media say "I think there are some very difficult questions here that I really don't know the answer to", and I find myself baffled by statements like this. I did actually understand in watching what specific questions he thought were "difficult", and I think someone could probably answer them pretty effectively to a standard he was happy with if he had a well informed trans person who he trusted in his life. The problem is, the whole segment was presented with as much equivocation and both-sidesing as possible, this constant air of "what if"
I feel like I'm observing a dissociative amnesia that people like this run into when discussing something that people they can easily see are bigots have declared to be scientific and complicated and requiring serious scrutiny. The Novara team understand the broad wave of anti-trans attacks happening across much of the world, particularly America and Britain, right now, even if they won't necessarily call it genocide - so why does this story exist completely devoid of context? Why is it suddenly time to ask "difficult questions"?
Walker wonders out loud about people on a spectrum where at one end people would have always been cis under all circumstances and on the other they would have always been trans, and in the middle of course are people who might transition if it's easier and there's less stigma. His point as far as I can tell is that somewhere in there it could get TOO easy to transition and then people will do it and regret it. Do I need to bother saying this is why we have informed consent?
It's like the people trying to wipe us out are playing Simon Says with the most progressive of our liberal media. The progressives can see bigotry for what it is most of the time and then somehow suddenly it becomes ✨special science bigotry ✨ and, perhaps because there's an institutional weight behind it, perhaps because it claims to be a serious study, or perhaps just because of the aesthetics of intellectualism the progressive journalists mysteriously forget about the whole wider context of transphobia around the world and have to apply rigorous journalistic standards to it.
"There's social contagion!" "No that's bigotry"
"They're just undiagnosed autistic people!" "No they're trans AND autistic"
"They're coming after the kids!" "No, that's age old queerphobia"
"✨Simon Says ✨ there's social contagion!" "oh well this warrants very careful discussion, I need to think very hard about this before taking a side here, it's a toxic culture war debate and we must remain ✨rational✨ when discussing issues like this..."
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prontaentrega · 1 month
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@fluctuating-fixations It's mostly about some specific word choices that don't really change the plot or the whole direction of the story so it's not like, an entirely different book, but they alter the whole tone of it and makes it worse to me. The first thing i noticed I didn't like about it was when Valentín first mentions Marta and he says "my girl" i immediately went he would not fucking say that!!!!!
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In the original Spanish the word he uses for Marta is "compañera" which translates to partner or comrade (F). It's not the most common word to talk about your girlfriend in spanish so it's a deliberate choice on his part. What was the need to change it? to make it sound more natural? to make him sound less political?
In that same page he goes on to talk about his guerrilla comrades and he actually uses the word compañeros for them. The masculine/neutral form of the word he uses for Marta
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But the one that really annoyed me is this one
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Because in this part the word he uses in Spanish is, again, compañera. And idk about you but i think it has a completely different meaning if you say "if she's my woman, it's because she's in the struggle too" or if you say "if she's my comrade/partner, it's because she's in the struggle too." And besides he would never call anyone "his woman" it's just completely contrary to his whole character... this and a bunch of other small stuff like it mischaracterizes Valentín as more of a macho figure than he really is. And this is an issue i have with literally every adaptation and translation of this book tbh everyone's always so fixed on making this college educated communist latino more violent and sexist and angry. I wonder why
This one's minor but it also bothers me, when talking about the panther woman movie there's a character that in Spanish is "the architect colleague" but in English she's "the assistant" ????? what reason was for that other than misogyny
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Maybe this is a non-issue and I'm nitpicking but with the book's narrative being exclusively a dialogue between two people, word choice is fundamental because this is the only way we have of knowing these characters. And especially on a book where gender expression and gender roles are such a main theme this is not like, getting mad because they switched coffe for tea on a sentence. Which I'm also mad about btw. They completely ditch any mention of the characters drinking mate and switch it for tea. Once again I'm asking what was the point? to make it all less exotic? to make it easier to understand to English speakers? having to look up what a mate is or just guess it from context isn't gonna kill anybody, but the translation is so afraid of alienating its gringo audience that it discards cultural context and reduces its only two characters to shallower versions of themselves. And I'd say the cultural context is pretty relevant because this is a book about two political prisoners under a dictatorship that was written and published when Puig's own country was under a neoliberal dictatorship. It's not Vonnegut's cat's cradle with a made up dictator in a made up country, this was actually the situation in Argentina in 1976.
And obviously someone who only speaks english won't notice any of this. What makes me sad about this is that none of the problems i have with it have to do with impossible cultural clashes, it would be extremely simple to fix all of that. It's a tragedy that the only english translation of a latin american book about gender and propaganda was made in 1976. But still I'd rather someone read the book even with the bad translation than not read it at all
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wenellyb · 2 months
Random thoughts on Bucktommy and Buddie
Please bare in mind that I'm only sharing my personal opinion and that I'm always open to discuss.
The discussions I've had over the past couples of weeks have been very interesting and I wanted to add my 2 cents.
Before season 7 episode:
I'm a causal viewer of 911 and I'm also on Tumblr so of course, I know Buddie, but I've never really shipped it... I can understand the appeal and I think the ship has potential but I never felt like the writers ever intended to go there. And I'm not a big fan of non-canon ships.
If they had gotten together, however, I think that I would have enjoyed it.
What has always bothered me was the behavior of some Buddie shippers who would complain about queerbaiting on the show, when there were already several Queers characters in it and one character (Hen), who's part of the main cast. I always got a weird feeling that those shippers didn't care about Queer characters if they weren't White. There is also a spinoff of the show, 911 Lone star with Queer characters who are also part of the main cast.
To me, the fact that Buck and Eddie never got together was a writing decision, not queerbaiting or anything like that... the writers had decided this wasn't the way to go for Buck and Eddie's chatacters, because if they had wanted to write a storyline between them, they could have.
I've seen a lot of people being happy about Buck being confirmed as Bi, and I get it. But to me, it was confirmed he was bi in the 911/911 Lone Star crossover when TK told Buck he had a boyfriend after Buck asked him out. I was just waiting for a storyline to confirm it. Obviously, I always thought the storyline would involve Eddie, but I was wrong.
After Season 7 Episode 4:
I follow some 911 accounts so I knew something was happening before the episode aired and I saw a preview of Buck seemingly being jealous of Eddie leaving with Tommy and I thought... this is it, this is where the writers are going to confirm Buddie. Buck will realize his jealous and realize he has feeling for Eddie or something like that.
I was very curious so I tuned in for that episode and imagine my surprise when I realized at the end, that the jealousy wasn't about who we thought and all this time the writers had been planning a storyline with Tommy.
So to me, it doesn't look like the writers are planning a Buddie storyline. Otherwise they would have prepared it gradually after the Buck and TK's discussion.
That doesn't mean it won't change in the future, writers and showrunners can change but I have never noticed them introducing a storyline that could lead to a Buddie relationship.
Everytime I see a post "proving" Buddie, it's always showing something friends or best friends do (hugging, being affectionnate), even Eddie making Buck Chris' legal guardian is something a best friend could do.
I'm not saying that they couldn't be romantic in another context, but there hasn't been any indication that the writers are planning a romantic plot for Buck and Eddie.
The writers decided to go there with Buck and Tommy. They're treating their story like a romcom, with the kiss, the hearteyes and everything. Buck is obviously into Tommy and being ready to tell the world about him.
That's the storyline the writers have decided to give us and it's a very nice one.
I know a lot of people are expecting Tommy and Buck to be temporary but to me that's wishful thinking. It wouldn't make sense to have Buck invite Tommy to his sister's wedding just for them to break up a few episodes later. If a breakup is what the writers had in mind, they would just set up another normal date.
Shipping goggles are ok, I have other ships for which I have shipping goggles on and for which I'm not very objective.
What's not ok is trying to ruin the fun of Bucktommy shippers who are trying to enjoy this beautiful storyline but can't go in the tags without seeing a post about the ship's impeding break up.
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felicjana050896 · 3 months
Charlastor: ship or lie
Charlastor, a ship that has been bothering me lately, apparently we have confirmed that Charlastor will not happen (unfortunately, I haven't seen this confirmation from the author, only other people writing about it, as if someone had a screenshot of this confirmation directly saying "No, Charlastor won't happen", it would be nice to reblog with this screenshot :) )
This will be a long post, I recommend arming yourself with a lot of popcorn :)
Many people are against Charlastor, their arguments are:
Alastor is aroace: although I saw a lot of people who wrote that they are aroace and ace, and yet they ship Charlastor, because being both ace and aroace doesn't mean that you cannot be in a relationship, you can be, but this relationship will look a bit otherwise, all people who bring up this argument are shooting themselves in the foot and unfortunately it shows how many people have no idea what it means to be an ace or aroace and without any actual knowledge about it, explain to others what it means, it shows how people who don't like something are able to run blindly, as long as they stick to their opinion, instead of looking around and first looking for information and making sure that they are right, and it's not that difficult to get information, after all we live in the 21st century and we have the Internet...
,,Asexuality is understood as a state in which a person does not feel sexual attraction or desire for people of the same sex or the opposite sex, or for any other objects. An asexual individual usually does not engage in sexual behavior and does not feel the need for sexual contact. It is a permanent lack of sexual drive.
And we divide asexuality based on "romantic attraction":
aromantic is characterized by a lack of feeling romantic attraction.
biromantic – feel romantically attracted to more than one gender.
heteroromantic – feel romantic attraction to the opposite sex, homoromantic people feel romantic attraction towards people of the same sex.
panromantic – they experience romantic attraction to people regardless of gender.
So, most asexual people are still interested in forming romantic relationships, and what about aromantic asexuals... Aromanticism is a type of romantic orientation whose name itself indicates a lack of interest in creating romantic relationships. Aromantic people feel no (or only a little) romantic attraction to other people. Aromanticism is usually talked about in the context of asexual orientation, but in fact, romantic orientation applies to people of all sexual identities. It is wrongly assumed that aromantic people do not have sex or that they are unable to form relationships with others. Many issues regarding aromanticism require explanation and understanding, as well as the basics of distinguishing different types of attraction: sexual, romantic, aesthetic and sensual. Aromantic orientation does not assume a dissocial attitude or social isolation - aromantic people can have close people, form relationships and lead successful social and sexual lives."
So Alastor doesn't feel sexual attraction or romantic attraction, but it still doesn't mean he can't have a relationship with someone, he can, it just will look different, we could say that for most people who feel attraction and romantic, such a relationship, that the aroace person enters into can be described as platonic for us, but it will still be a relationship and attention... such people can still have sex: ,,There are two things to distinguish: sexual attraction and sexual behavior. The former is an impulse that pushes towards a certain person or situation. In the case of asexual people, it does not occur at all or very, very rarely. However, our bodies still respond to certain stimuli, and we can become horny and orgasm. So yes, there are asexuals who have sex - if only because they want to please their partners or, even if they don't feel the need, they know it will give them pleasure."
(All quotes above are from psychologists, and the last one is from an asexual person.)
Alastor will never fall in love and will never feel sexual attraction, but he can still have sex and can enter into a deeper relationship with someone.
Another argument is Charlie has a girlfriend: yes, he does, but it doesn't mean that this relationship will last forever, is there any confirmation from the author that it will never change(?), not saying that they are canon, because they are canon at the moment, but that they are canon and will always be canon, does anyone have such confirmation...(?), if so, please reblog it with a screenshot :)
Another is that Alastor sees Charlie as his daughter: this has already been confirmed by the author, that Alastor only said this to upset Lucifer and in fact, there is no father-daughter relationship between Alastor and Charlie. Link to tiktok where the author talks about it:
And the last argument, the rarest one, but still, that Charlie is too young or too naive for Alastor (twice in the comments, once on YT, another time on Tiktok, I even saw someone writing that this ship is pedophilia.....): age first:
Alastor is 40 biological years old (because he died at that age), and chronologically he is about 130 years old, link to info:
Charlie is biologically around 20, and chronologically over 2,000, link:
So if we take biological age, of course Alastor will be about 20 years older than Charlie, if we take chronological age, then Charlie will be so much older than Alastor that it's incomparable :D
But all this happens in hell, in an animated black comedy, so in my opinion such a thing doesn't matter much, because both of them don't age very much anyway, but coming to Charlie's naivety, Charlie is a lot, a lot, a lot... older than Alastor, so technically she should be more experienced and learned about life (especially in hell), so why isn't she... because in my opinion, Lilith and Lucifer kept her in a protective bubble of safety instead of her being convinced to in her own skin, what is living in hell..., that's why Charlie is so naive, sweet, etc., but nevertheless she still has the devil in herself..., we see it in the pilot, when she gets angry on TV, we see it in the series , when he gets mad at Susan in the cannibal town, we see it during the fight with Adam, Charlie is still part demon and he also has his dark part, which I think will become more and more visible in the series, not in the context of her becoming evil, but that she will become more experienced, self-confident and will be a born leader of hell, but for this she still needs to learn a little and remember that she is much more powerful than Alastor will ever be, she just needs to learn to use her powers ;)
Also in the future, in my opinion, Charlie will be much more powerful, with more power, experience, etc., than Alastor, Alastor will only be one of the most important catalysts for her, "she has so much potential that I could guide":
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the question is whether Alastor will be in able to guide (control) her when she discovers her potential..., in my opinion: NO, and just as Alastor's deal with Charlie will bite Charlie, this attempt to use Charlie and direct her potential will bite him..., which in my opinion they will learn a lot from each other :)
So, the whole argument that Charlie will be manipulated by Alastor, that he would be the "stronger one in the relationship", in my opinion, will no longer make sense in the future, because this power dynamic will change... and besides, it would be strange if the princess hell didn't spread her wings at all throughout the entire series and remained just as naive, sweet, unaware and etc..., the characters must evolve.
And now that all the arguments against have been countered, it's time to move on to forshadowings.
Many people write that all these forshadowings are just fanservice, and sure, maybe... but it's really hard for me to believe that so many details like this would be done just for fanservice... it would be terribly rude and, in my opinion, bad writing, because sure, one forshadowing, two forshadowings, even three forshadowings don't do anything, but when you start getting four, five, SIX of them... it gets weird... and it's hard to say that it doesn't mean anything..., sorry, but for me, if there is so much of this, then either it will happen, or the creators are pigs doing something like this (let's be honest) for money..., so I believe that there must be something more here, but first before I will write about forshadowings, I will also refer to the canonical relationship, i.e. Chaggie, why I am against this relationship... because this relationship is, firstly, terribly boring in my opinion, in the context that I feel absolutely no chemistry between Vaggie and Charlie, nothing, zero, total null..., and Vaggie herself is an empty character for me, apart from her past, which did not affect her relationship with Charlie in any way, apart from a momentary (literally a tiny momentary) quarrel and had no real far-reaching consequences and apart from her getting a weapon to fight, she has no purpose in the show other than Charlie..., her entire being, her existence is based on Charlie, she takes care of the hotel for Charlie, she takes care of the residents for Charlie, she gets the weapons for Charlie, she does everything for Charlie, and don't get me wrong, on the one hand, it's great to have a girl who cares about you and cares so much, but, well..., apart from Charlie, she has no other reason for existence, she has no life, no goals, no desires, which makes her a characterless character, and I don't mean her personality per se, but her being as a character, who she is to the Hazbin Hotel arc apart from being Charlie's girlfriend... NOBODY and that terribly offends me if she got some actual development, or her past was better handled not in a "oh you were an angel, you didn't tell me, I'm mad at you" - five minutes later after talking to Rosie and Carmilla - "I forgive you, let's go back to the old way, as if your past didn't exist", why..., WHY..., why was it done this way....
Sometimes, even despite all of Vaggie's care and her involvement in Charlie, I think that this relationship is toxic, precisely because Charlie saved Vaggie, took her, and from that moment, it can be safely said that Vaggie became independent from Charlie, If it was a man-woman pair and the man saved the woman and then she was completely focused on him, just like Vaggie on Charlie, most people would probably call such a relationship toxic immediately without blinking an eye, because the woman is dependent on her savior... and why doesn't anyone think this way about Vaggie... after all, it's the same situation... so until they give me the development of Vaggie's character, some of her thread, HER and ONLY HER, I see this connection first of all no chemicals, and secondly, toxic for Vaggie... even though Vaggie became addicted to Charlie, in a sense, of her own free will (I don't see Charlie forcing her to do anything, that's not what I mean :D ). Besides, in the original and in Zoophobia, Vaggie was supposed to be Angel Dust's girlfriend:
and I regret that they don't have more closer interactions with each other in season one, because I'm curious what their dynamics would be, because maybe Angel Dust and Vaggie would have better chemistry... and I know that a lot of people ship Angel Dust with Husk, me too :) , but I would still like to see if the Vaggie + Angel Dust relationship would be better, especially since Vaggie and Angel Dust are characters that quickly reach for weapons, as Vaggie's caring nature could, in my opinion, help Angel Dust a lot, and Angel Dust with his more libertarian character (apart from his bond with Valentine) could cause Vaggie's development as a character with his own dreams, desires, etc., but this is just my thought :)
So finally moving on to forshadowings, even external ones, not only internal serial ones (I may edit this post, if I find more, new information will always be added to the bottom of the post):
The Shark Robot store, where the author sells various gadgets with her characters and couples..., focusing on couples, you can buy there: A couple of Moxxie and Millie, a married couple from the Helluva Boss series: stuffed animals: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/premium-moxxie-millie-plush-bundle-bonus-pins-pre-order ; puzzle: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/helluva-boss-moxxie-millies-lovely-date-1000-pc-puzzle ; standees https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/fight-night-moxxie-millie-standee , https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/moxxie-millie-build-a-snowman-standee ; pins: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/moxxie-millie-make-out-enamel-pin , https://sharkrobot.com/products/moxxie-millie-security-enamel-pin ; playmats: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/affectionate-moxxie-and-millie-playmat , https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/moxxie-millie-playmat , https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/moxxies-lovely-song-playmat ; pants: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/moxxie-millie-pattern-loungewear-pants
Next comes the couple Stolas and Blitz, a couple who sleep together and have feelings for each other, from the Helluva Boss series: puzzle: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/helluva-boss-blitz-stolas-romantic-evening-1000-pc-puzzle , mug: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/little-stolas-and-little-blitz ; playmat: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/stolas-and-blitz-playmat ; pin: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/when-stolas-met-blitz-jumbo-enamel-pin
Fizz and Ozzie from Helluva Boss, also a couple (link to Asmodeus/Ozzie if someone hasn't watched it and wants to have certain information: https://hazbinhotel.fandom.com/wiki/Asmodeus): puzzle: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/helluva-boss-fizz-ozzies-wild-night-1000-pc-puzzle ; T-shirt: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/ozzie-fizzarolli ; playmat: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/fizzarolli-ozzie-playmat
So let's move on to Charlie and Vaggie first (from Hazbin Hotel, there is no other pair to buy than the Chaggie or Charlastor in the store): pants witches: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/witches-charlie-vaggie-loungewear-pants ; pants normal: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/charlie-vaggie-pattern-loungewear-pants ; backpack witches: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/hazbin-hotel/products/witches-charlie-vaggie-mini-backpack-limited-stock ; backpack normal: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/hazbin-hotel/products/charlie-vaggie-mini-backpack
And now Charlastor: pants: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/charlie-alastor-pattern-loungewear-pants ; and backpack: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/hazbin-hotel/products/charlie-alastor-mini-backpack
So both Chaggie and Charlastor have two items in the shop (at least for now), a backpack and pants, but Chaggie has two normal or witch versions of the backpack and pants.
But the thing is that all the previous pairs, Millie-Moxxie, Stolas-Blitz, Fizz-Ozzie are canonical in the Helluva Boss series, from Hazbin Hotel we have one canonical pair Chaggie and one non Charlastor and of course you can write "it's fanservice", so where are the Alastor-Lucifer things (this ship is extremely popular), where is Husk-Dust, where are the other Helluva Boss ships... (list of Helluva Boss ships: https://shipping.fandom.com/wiki/Helluva_Boss), there are none, there are only those that are actually canon, apart from Charlastor.
In 2018, the author posted a post on Twitter (for me it will always be Twitter, sorry, I'm too old for a new name, I don't like it :D): https://twitter.com/vivziepop/status/956857844740931584?s=61 , where Vaggie was reading from a computer to describe ideal man (it's already time when Charlie and Vaggie are a couple as we see) and Charlie replies that he is dark and mysterious (I guess Alastor is dark and mysterious, right?), that he can sing (what is it that Alastor likes more than singing..., I guess only being the most important person in the room :D) and that he can play the organ and here is a link to the author's stream:
where at 19:10 she starts talking about Alastor and says that he can play the Furby organ :D
So this is a bit of an odd post for someone who wouldn't have planned for Alastor and Charlie to be together, sure it was in 2018, but still....
Besides, I will also say this... why make Charlie bisexual if she will only be in a relationship with Vaggie..., we know she is bisexual because we know she once had a boyfriend, Seviathan, but why add that to the story... and sure there are many stories of couples in which one is bi and the other is gay, but... in all the series and books on this topic that I have watched and read, it has always been connected with the thread that a bi person discovers his/her a new sexuality that she/he had no idea about before, and of course, you can also leave it like this: Charlie is bi, she used to have a boyfriend, now she has a girlfriend, and that's the end of it, but still... it just seems weird to me because it doesn't I've also come across the idea of ​​making someone bi without using it... I don't want to offend any bi person, it's just unusual for me and I would like to at least mention the fact that in all such stories (which I watched or read) bisexuality was somehow used in the story, maybe someone watched or read something where a bi person was just bi and was in a relationship or was single, without using his/her bisexuality as part of the story..., I would love to read or watch such thread :)
Moving on to the series, the parallel between Lucifer-Lilith and Charlie-Alastor, Lucifer is a fallen angel and Lilith is a human who became a demon (so we can rather assume that she went to hell as a sinner), so Charlie is half angel (after her father), half a demon (after her mother), but her appearance is entirely after her angelic father :) , Alastor, on the other hand, is a sinner who became a demon, i.e. Lucifer = angel, Charlie = angel (she looks closer to an angel, despite that she has hellish powers), Lilith=sinner/demonic, Alastor=sinner/demon, in addition we have the following screenshots in the series:
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This parallel ;) Lucifer as the softer one, Charlie as the softer one, Lilith as the scary one, Alastor as the scary one :)
Then, of course, the presumption of a relationship in the series, primarily Rosie, who delivers her memorable line, and Charlie, who rolls her eyes at this line (I still don't quite know how to interpret her eye roll, as she is annoyed that Rosie even did she think they could be together or out of annoyance that Rosie thinks Charlie is too young for Alastor, because it could go both ways, both Charlastor and anti-Charlastor :D ):
And of course Lucifer, who at first thinks that Alastor is Charlie's boyfriend and is clearly terrified and furious at this idea, just look at how Charlie looks at Alastor at that moment, and Alastor at Charlie, it's a short moment when they look at each other as if they didn't see Lucifer and the rest (of course you can see that Alastor is doing this to piss off Lucifer) and then Lucifer quickly (to break their stare) tells Charlie to introduce the others and separates Alastor and Charlie with his hands, and when Charlie introduces Vaggie to Lucifer, as his girlfriend, he is clearly relieved and happier than ever:
We also have foreshadowing with the bed, first we have a scene where Vaggie lies alone in bed and calls Charlie, who has already woken up a long time ago and is downstairs, and then in episode 7 we have a scene when Alastor comes to Charlie and what a coincidence that we have the moment when they both lie on a heart-shaped pillow...:
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Of course, Alastor doesn't like to be touched, and yet Charlie touching and by Charlie is no problem for him:
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He let her touch and use his microphone, his most prized possession:
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And please someone explain to me what this look is..., in this look, at this moment I don't see a look like "I want to use you", but more a look like "I'm proud of you" and/or " I like you":
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That's all for now, thank you for reading and have a nice day, evening or night :)
This entire post is based on 100% confirmed information with links, screenshots, etc., if I don't have a link to something, I won't post it, I want this post to be based on confirmed and verified information, with its interpretation, without any made-up things, so if anyone has such information about Charlastor, please feel free to reblog, comment, etc., as long as it is confirmed by links, screenshots, etc., so that no one will accuse you/us of "it's your imagination" ;)
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