#they would do that for the students that fail so that they get another chance but now they quit that
stormgardenscurse · 2 days
pillow stacks
Summary: Sleeping over with them! Ace’s is longer in honour of his birthday!
Characters: Ace, Vil, Azul, Charming Stranger (that new Gojo-guy in the next halloween event)
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The idea begins when Ace realises how quiet Ramshackle Dorm is at night. Sure, you say that you’re used to it and it’s not a big deal, but a part of Ace feels bad for not realising that no matter how he and Deuce may try to liven up your daily life, you still are, first and foremost, a student displaced in another world.
And with that comes a certain sense of loneliness that Ace can’t stop thinking about. At this point, it’s less pity that he feels for you and more of a desire to hang out with you after your usual hours. He wants you to feel like you have a home in Twisted Wonderland, too. And, well… He’d like to include you in his, by letting you into his personal world, if he has the chance.
…Which is why you’re here now! Doing typical things like a movie marathon, nail painting, and snacking on cup noodles. Ace claims that everyone just needs some TLC once in a while (including him, though you can’t imagine what’s stressing him out), so he’ll even let you do his nails (if you do a bad job Ace will have his revenge by doing your makeup after).
But Ace has always been a best friend who involves you in everything, so the activities up until now haven’t really struck either of you with a sense of ‘something more’ yet. That is, until you guys were fighting over the makeup palette and it stains your shirt - you didn’t bring a spare, so it was left to Ace to give you one of his instead.
That was the moment Ace realised that not only was he dressing you up, but he was doing so in his clothes; just what kind of crazy scenario is that?!
Suffice to say, he couldn’t help but stare as he saw the way one of his baggier shirts looked on your frame. It had to be one of his sleepwears too, which most people wouldn’t see him in - which only makes his thoughts race even further, knowing that this was a side of you that only he would be privy to. And he’d very much keep it like that. 
(The next day, Ace just borrows you one of his uniform’s dress-shirts so that you can escape the dorm without looking too suspicious. You get caught regardless because he’d forgotten to retrieve one of his hair pins from you, in the design of a bright red cherry.)
It’s not often that you get to spend a quiet evening with Vil (or simply a quiet, extended amount of time at all, considering how busy the both of you are). So to summarise the sleepover as therapeutic wouldn’t be too far off.
Vil wastes no time in beginning an elaborate skincare routine, and the two of you watch movies while waiting for your face masks to dry. 
You even manage to convince Vil to try one of your favourite games. If it’s for two-players, you’ll quickly get engrossed and experience a bit of drama (just typical, childish arguments about how one of you keep falling off the platforms). If it’s a visual novel or otome type of thing, you finally have the chance to witness what Vil Schoenheit, real-life celebrity and crush of thousands, has to say about romancing a 2D fictional man who is pretty, by the game’s standards, and critique how the storyline goes. 
Spoiler: he thinks you just decided to torture him for your entertainment, specifically because you chose an otome where the male leads were all pigeons. 
In the case where you played a normal two-player game, Vil will ultimately try and fail to forget about it so that he doesn’t get addicted/distracted by the game in the next few days, but of course, you soon get asked when you’ll next be free to play. He needs to get the ending over with so that he can move on with his life.
Your main souvenir from the sleepover is a new phone wallpaper — which Vil swapped for you when you were still setting up the game on your laptop. It’s a selfie with the two of you together, a far-cry from the usual celebrity and prefect personas you wear in everyday life.
No one can fathom how you managed to convince Azul to do this. Even with the pretence of this being a study-sleepover, he was generally much too self conscious about how he’s presented to let people witness him unguarded — let alone sleepwear.
Azul’s stuck; he can’t wear anything too tight fitting or hugging his silhouette because he knows he’ll just be too busy stealing glances, checking to see your reaction and overthinking about whether it’s a good one or not. So, instead, Azul wears something baggier (very unlike him), which also covers all his skin.
His plan works pretty well, up until the point where you almost roll off the bed by accident, and while catching you, Azul realises - ears red and face following - that you were leaning your entire weight on him. And your hands are right on his abs.
It’s almost phantom-like how fast the two of you dart away, trying to salvage your dignities. You’re left flustered because his muscles felt unexpectedly defined, while Azul is considering if he should make a contract with you and try to confiscate your memories of the past minute.
The paper that you both were working on is submitted successfully the next day, but Professor Trein notices an embarrassing spelling error on your names.
Just what could’ve caused this kind of mistake anyways? Well… it may have to do with your innocent question of how your names would be written together if you had the same surname instead. 
Just yours ‘and Azul Ashengrotto’ together in one line, or separately as you ‘Ashengrotto and Azul Ashengrotto’? Wouldn’t that sound redundant?
Azul had quite enough of your questions after that, scribbling your names and shutting the folder like his life depended on it. He’d forgotten to include your surname, making it look like the former hypothetical above.
Charming Stranger (Pumpkin King, Gojo twst, etc)
For a second, you thought you’d woken up in yet another coffin like the one that brought you to Twisted Wonderland. But you were soon proven wrong as someone cleared their throat next to you, causing you to jump and hit your head against the coffin door in your alarm.
It’s more spacious than you realise, accommodating a man beside you without it feeling too crushed. But judging by the lack of panic on your part about how claustrophobic it is, you assume that this was some sort of odd dream.
An odd dream with a charming-looking stranger. Perhaps you wouldn’t want to wake up just yet.
The stranger welcomes you to his humble abode, mentioning that it’s the first time that anyone has entered here other than himself. That ought to make you quite special, seeing as he doesn’t even feel irritated by the lack of space. Are you perhaps a ghost seeking some warmth? He regrets to inform you that his vessel is equally as cold as the ‘bed’ around you.
He’s also quite enamoured by your nickname for him. ‘It makes it sound like we’re in a romantic tale~ If you do not mind dancing in a graveyard of wilted flowers, then I would be more than happy to share a never-ending waltz with you.’
You bat off his comments, saying you probably won’t meet again after this - only to be taken aback by his smile.
Confident, knowing, and stretched as wide as a jack-o-lantern’s mouth. For a second it finally hits you that he is a type of powerful being, and that if he wanted to, may gain a permanent hold on your soul.
Then, the alarm flees your veins as his expression relaxes, taking your hand to place a parting kiss on your knuckles. Until you meet again…
Like how most dreams evade memory, you’ve already forgotten about this encounter the next time you see this man. His eyes land on you within he crowd of students at the college, and seems delighted that you’re there.
A wink, a finger to his lips. Just wait a little longer, and you can share that waltz he promised you atop his bed.
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medicinemane · 2 years
All I'll say, is that college professor who bitch about "professionalism" in students forgets that it cuts both ways
You're a professor, this is a student. You are in theory at least and educator, and so when someone behaves in a way you find unbecoming it's your duty to say "in future please do ___ because that's the polite way to do things" rather than just tearing into them and complaining... to do other wise... well it lacks professionalism
Because it's never a reaction to the student being like "Yo what up skank?", it's always something minor that's not even a universal faux pas
Which cuts to to the core of what it's really about, it's never the language used, or that handing in an assignment only x minutes before the due date is an issue, it's a pure power trip
I don't know about you, but I find power tripping pretty unprofessional
These professors will act like the sun shines out their ass while throwing bigger tantrum over nothing than a toddler would, while citing that the student isn't behaving properly and it's just... you're a disgrace to education, you make academia worse with your presence, you have the emotional stability of a child, and for all your pomp and airs you lack even basic manners which is the foundation of being a professional
Just get tired of that kind of professor and wanted to complain about them
(Bonus complaint, professors who brag that only a small % of students pass their class. Oh... so you're a bad teacher... you're not good at your job. You fail at the one thing you're paid to do with a large % of your students)
#this isn't about anyone I dealt with; but you know these examples pile up over the years#from the professor a friend of mine had to deal with; to the one I saw the other day marking an on time assignment late#to the one I just saw complaining about a :) in a message from a freshman#like... oh... they put a :) and you don't like that?#well someone with actual professionalism would say:#'Here's the answer to your question; by the way emojis aren't really good form so try not to use them in official communications'#whether you're wrong or right; you at least handled yourself with dignity#if I were a higher up at any of these places and heard about this stuff I'd be reprimanding them for their behavior frankly#like with the friend of mine; this was a while back but I swear it was something like they said 'yo' in an email... like that level of issu#and the prof is like threatening disciplinary action and like... if they came to me with that and I had any authority#it's them who'd be getting disciplined for wasting my time#you're beefing with someone in their 20's you weeny; grow up; and not even beefing over an actual insult#like this holds true for almost anyone complaining about 'professionalism'#but it's so much more true with professors cause it's like... you're literally a teacher... it's literally your job to teach#no this isn't philosophy or whatever; but you can... teach... what you think the person should be doing#and that starts with modeling it in your own behavior#maybe I'm just a kook; but to me professionalism is built on good manners; so being a rude ass makes you seem like a real chump to me#but like I said; never actually about what they say it is; it's always a chance to power trip#plenty of good professors; like my German prof; he engaged with every student and would really keep an eye on what was happening for them#students didn't fail his classes; lowest I saw anyone get was like an 85 and they were moving to another country#cause he paid attention and before tests would be like 'this person is weak in this; so we're going over it again'#it wasn't that his tests were easy; they literally were only short essay; zero multiple choice cause he wisely didn't respect that#so you literally couldn't answer a question unless you knew; and you had to get it right; he was a stickler about it#but no one ever felt stressed because he literally just made sure people knew; he made sure their knowledge was up to his high standards#and everyone loved him cause he was such a nice guy; literally everyone ever only had good things to say about him#plus he was a linguist so when people would ask questions about why something was how it was in German#he'd stand there thinking and say 'I'm trying to decide how much to say so it'll help you understand rather than confusing you'#and then he'd give a really good explanation that you knew maybe lack some details but really made sense#also he was the only person to recommend me a text book for outside reading that was an actually enjoyable textbook on language#I don't think everyone can be him; he was an exceptional teacher and exceptional guy in general; just really nice
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decodedparagram · 8 months
My life is falling apart :^
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tojisun · 7 days
simon and his sweet darling filming porn together for his friends.
he starts posting little clips, ones that are only about three seconds long. there’s never a shot of your face nor the actual penetration, and it is meant to only tease, and damn if it doesn’t do a good job at that.
the first time he’s posted, he receives a frantic message from kyle, telling him that, “sir. your private video’s been leaked.”
and it’s so utterly sweet that simon’s only reply is to send to kyle the whole, unedited version of him fucking you raw—it’s actually such a messy session, with lube and spunk coating your thighs and oozing out of your cunt, making a thick glob that in the next second, simon got down to his knees to lick your pussy clean.
he knows garrick will go crazy for that. kid’s a desperate oral giver, simon knows.
(funnily enough, neither his captain nor mactavish raised the same concern and simon knows exactly just why—hell, they were the first notifications he got from that video.)
the other people who started following him for his homemade clips were just a bonus and a confidence boost. you and simon would spend hours going over the comments, giggling to each other at the palpable thirst for either or both of you rolling off of every posted note, while also shelving ideas that were being thrown at them.
simon’s favourite was the pet play. yours was the roleplay where you were a failing student and simon was your ridiculous professor whose only proposal to your issue was to allow him to fuck you.
the videos get longer, of course, but the anonymity remains. somehow, that becomes the biggest charm—just a scarred and tank of a man fucking his girl, folding her every way he can even when she protests that she’s too heavy for him.
you never are, and simon fucks that into you every single chance.
it takes about a month of regular posting when, finally, his mates cracked.
johnny’s started a group chat, and all his message reads is, “please. wanna see bon’s face when she’s cumming.”
simon turns to you, his eyebrows raised. “your call, love.”
you roll your eyes at him like you don’t know how much he’s been waiting for this. then, you trill, “go on. tell them.”
simon grunts like he isn’t blushing himself, desire heavy in his eyes, before finally sending his reply. it’s an encrypted attachment because he’s still going to put your safety above all else, but also because it is another game. another taunt. another means of teasing his mates.
but when they break through, oh how thankful they will be.
(there are hours of videos saved in the file, many of them sorted out by date and by name. it was a surprise, after all. a pleasant gift. and when they watch it, when they finally get a glimpse of you—and you are the best thing that simon ever had—they’ll forget how it was to cum without seeing you.
without watching the way you mewl and tremble underneath simon’s touch.
…without hearing the rasp of your voice calling out their names.)
five minutes pass by when a new message comes in. it’s from john.
> Christ above.
simon laughs.
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applejarjar · 1 year
Yall I finally got a job
The day before graduation from this damn program
#It's finally happening#Plus I get to be based in the place I wanted!#So glad I didn't quit this program and have to pay back that 3k bonus#Then I'd have to move back in with one of my parents#I'd be completely devastated if that happened#Like it'd be nice to have a few weeks to relax and find another job#But both of my siblings have moved away and then had to move back in to our family house#Which isn't a bad thing per se or sad or anything#I just wanted to successfully make it out on my own from the get go#I know my parents will be there for me to lean on if necessary#But I wanted this to work out so bad because to me going back to them would mean I failed#But I made it through and I'm one of two ppl in our program who'll be making more than the others from the get go#I should be on the same pay level as a superintendent#It's possible that I won't be because my source of information is a little questionable but whatever#Chances seem good that I'll start with a better wage because it's a super serious position in a specialty department#Like I'll be working directly with customers at times#Anyway I'm super excited! And I get to move closer to family!#It's kind of a win win#This job will be intense but I think it's something I could do really well at and get to have a good work life balance#Plus another student is taking on the same role so we can lean on each other and we already have a good relationship#Gonna have to crash on another coworkers couch though while I hunt for a house oof#Seems like options are limited in the area though so hopefully I can land something soon#I could also see if my job would set me up with a hotel until I find housing but I'm not a big fan of hotels#If I'm gonna be on a different shift than my roommate it might be best to just do the hotel though#Idk stuff to think about tomorrow#But anyway v happy rn!
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amourane · 5 months
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pairing: yoon jeonghan x fem!reader
genre: fluff
w/c: 0.7k
summary: jeonghan is completely smitten for you and he refuses to admit it.
warnings: noneee
a/n: aaa i hope you guys like this <3 i wasn't gonna post two fics in a row but i whipped this one up in about half an hour so i hope you guys enjoy it! not sure if i should make it a mini series, lmk!
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Jeonghan found it hard to breathe with you around. He found it hard to focus, to concentrate. He had always been one to keep his cool, to stay calm and collected but ever since he met you all logical thinking had been thrown out of the window. He wasn’t a type of guy that would get nervous and he certainly wasn’t the type of guy that would get distracted. Jeonghan prided himself in being the stoic and very attractive star student at Seoul National University. 
So why did he find himself completely befuddled in front of you?
You who were so beautiful, so pretty, so gorgeous yet so annoying. He had never met another girl who would claw at his bones more than you. Your tinkling laugh and bright shiny eyes. It all made him go positively crazy and he couldn’t do anything to help that. You had this magnetic pull that would drag Jeonghan along despite his protests. 
His friends had all teased him for it. They had seen the way his cheeks would flush whenever you stared at him or the way he would look at you with the most lovesick eyes. Nevertheless, he continued to deny his affections. 
It didn’t matter anyway. You were too dense to notice how everyone seemed to snicker whenever you went up to Jeonghan or the way everyone would peer over their textbooks whenever you asked to partner up with the infamous student. You, who’s smile was so bright, failed to see how everyone could tell how smitten Yoon Jeonghan was for you even if he denied it. 
“Hannie!” Your voice echoed through the hallway and Jeonghan winced at the loud sound. His expression remained neutral as you came bounding up towards him with the most adorable grin on your face. “Guess who just got full marks on her test? Me!”
The test paper you shoved in his face made Jeonghan go cross eyes as he struggled to decipher your scrawled answers and the red pen the professor had marked with. The biggest thing that caught his eyes was the 100 in the top right hand corner. 
“That’s good Y/n.”
“Is that all you have to say?” You pouted as you removed the test paper from his face. “I worked so hard for that Hannie, I pulled all nighters and everything! I didn’t even ask you for any help, isn’t that impressive?”
“Yeah.” Jeonghan felt the cage of butterflies fly open in his stomach and he gulped. “That’s amazing Y/n but you really shouldn’t stay up revising, it actually decreases the chance of taking information in. You can enter sleep deprivation and it has a really high chance of simply going blank in exams and that’s not good at all you know.”
Your smile remained on your face as Jeonghan continued to rattle off the side effects of lack of sleep. You stepped closer towards him, only inches away. Jeonghan’s breath hitched as he stared at your pretty face. His eyes flickered to your lips and then your eyes. The eyes he could stare into forever and not get bored with. 
“Then you help me revise. I could use help from that brain of yours. I actually did go blank in my exam but it wasn’t because of sleep deprivation.”
Jeonghan knew better than to ask what but he couldn’t help the curiosity that was gnawing at his mind like a beast begging to be set free. He stared at you, your bright expression rendering him speechless as he tried to come up with words to say.
“What was it then?” He croaked out, voice trembling at the close proximity. “Why did you get distracted?”
You giggled leaning in closer so that your lips were brushing his ear. “You.”
Jeonghan froze, his whole body stood still like ice and you continued to giggle and he saw the way your smile seemed to grow bigger. His heart pounded in his chest as he watched you step back, the test paper still clutched in your hands. He felt his cheeks burst into flames as his jaw hung open in shock at your words. 
“See you later Hannie! I’ll pop over so we can exchange notes.” 
You waved him goodbye before skipping away as if you hadn’t just caused the poor guy to melt in his shoes. Jeonghan gripped his textbooks tightly and he tried to breathe in through his nose and out through his mouth. The beating of his heart could be heard in his ears and he tried desperately to calm himself down.
You were the only one capable of making Yoon Jeonghan grow completely flustered and he hated it.
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fushigowo · 2 years
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╰┈➤ gojo satoru x fem!reader
╰┈➤ synopsis: in your LIT 2000, your classmate, gojo satoru, has his eyes set on the shyest student after telling his theory to getou suguru that the shyest ones are always the horniest. to prove his theory right, satoru finds ways to know whether he’s correct and he’s absolutely sure that he is.
╰┈➤ warnings: fingering, cunnilingus, oral sex, teasing, praise, degradation? soft to rough sex, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, dumbification, doggy style, cowgirl, name-calling, size kink, spanking, begging, pleasure dom satoru!! (reader and satoru are in their early 20s)
╰┈➤ a/n: this was supposed to be posted on christmas but i didn’t finish it on time :(( but i hope u all had a gentle holiday!! as a gift, i wrote whatever this is and i got inspiration from this soundgasm audio which is HOT AF!!! also, i did not proofread this. im lazy as fuck
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Gojo Satoru has his pretty cerulean eyes set on someone, and that someone is none other than you.
You sit at the very front of the classroom, three rows in front of Satoru’s where he can get a clear view of you every time he stares. Not only you’re the smartest and the teacher’s pet, Satoru considers you as the most mysterious student in LIT 2000 despite being with 30 more students because of how quiet you are.
Satoru’s been observing you since the start of the year and the thing that he noticed the most was that you rarely and he means rarely talk to anyone or even participate in class. Whenever you’re called by the professor, you would mumble some I don’t knows and I’m sorrys because you can’t answer the question that was given to you. However, Satoru knew for a fact that you’re just saying those things so you won’t get to speak longer than that. He knew very well that you know the answer to every damn question.
Which is why he is so lucky to have you as a partner for a midterm essay.
As for you, you don’t know what to feel when professor called your name after Gojo Satoru’s.
You don’t really have a problem writing a five-page or more essay with a minimum of three thousand words. The problem is… Gojo Satoru is your partner. It’s not like you don’t like him. It’s just that...
Holy fucking shit. Did she figure out that I have a huge crush on Satoru?! Is that why she paired me up with him? But I made sure not to make it obvious! No, no. This won’t do.
So after class was over, you had a talk with your professor, begging for her to take the midterm essay on your own. The talk didn’t go well as planned.
Since Satoru is having a hard time catching up with LIT 2000, your professor told you to help him by partnering up in this midterm essay. However, that didn’t sit right with you so you protested, saying that there’s a chance that Satoru wouldn’t help writing the paper which would result into you writing the entire thing yourself. But that was just an excuse not to work with Satoru, otherwise you would get all flustered and nervous throughout the week while working on this midterm essay.
“It is not different from doing the entire essay myself,” you scoff.
“I know, but that is also why I partnered him with you,” she says, making you raise an eyebrow. “You can let me know if Satoru didn’t help with anything at all, which is easier for me to fail him.”
“You’re gonna fail him?” you ask.
“Yes. As you can see, Satoru hasn’t been performing well in my class,” she says, “but I figured you can help him since you’re my top performing student. Can I count on you?”
“There are other top performing students in your class though,” you mumble. Sighing in defeat, you agreed to partner up with Satoru. “Professor, did you know that I have a crush on Satoru? Is that another reason why you paired me with him?”
Silence. She knows.
“I genuinely did not know that until now.”
Crap. She doesn’t know. And I told her?! Holy—
With that, you immediately rushed out of her office and slammed the door shut.
The only reason why you wanted to do this midterm essay on your own is because you won't have to deal with Satoru’s presence. Oh, his presence alone would make you so nervous that your smartass brain won’t even function and you would get all flustered, which is really bad because this might hinder your focus on working on the essay. Not only that, but Gojo Satoru does not take things seriously. A complete opposite of you since you take everything related to academics very seriously. But you realized that it won’t hurt to give a little help for Satoru to not fail LIT 2000.
Meanwhile, Gojo Satoru wanders around the halls of the building, in hopes of searching for you so the two of you can start working on the essay. But before that, he had a talk with his best friend, Getou Suguru.
“Yo, Satoru,” Suguru approached the white-haired man with one hand raised up. “I heard your partner for this midterm is that girl. Won’t this be the perfect time to test that theory of yours?”
“Yeah, well, I’m not trying to get into her pants,” Satoru says and a smirk grew on his glossy lips, ”not unless she wants me to.”
After your talk with your literature professor, you had to compose yourself in the rest room and even practiced a script on how you’re going to talk to Satoru. However, you had a realization that this isn’t going to be the only time that you’ll interact with Gojo Satoru since your professor knows that you have a thing for him. You scold yourself for being so nervous around him, despite being a grown ass woman.
But Satoru is… just so pretty. I can’t even look at him straight in the eyes. Also because I’ve touched myself to the thought of him so that would be awkward as fuck.
When you finally got out of the restroom, you heard a loud voice from behind and the minute you heard that voice, you already knew that it would be him. Looking over your shoulder, Satoru in his white long sleeves, black pants, messy yet gorgeous white hair and those round sunglasses. The tall man approached you with a smile on his face while you try not to melt down the ground that you’re standing on.
“I was looking for you,” Satoru says. “I thought we could start working on the essay so we can finish it ahead of the deadline.”
“You—uh, you want to start working now?” you ask, but a hint of nervousness in your voice.
“Yep!” Satoru gives you a smile and a thumbs up, and suddenly, he leans down on your face and brings his lips closer to your ear, making you shiver. “Just between you and me, I think professor is failing me this semester.”
Your eyes widen when he mentioned that.
Could it be that he heard your conversation with your professor earlier? Did he also hear the part where you told her that you have a crush on Satoru? That would make him think that you’re a complete loser in your 20s and in college yet you act like a teenager with a crush. But it’s not your fault that you’ve rejected so many guys because they’re not your standards and it’s definitely not your fault that you reject them because they’re not Satoru.
“Why would you think that?” you ask.
“Mmm? Because I haven’t been performing well in her class.” he grinned.
So he knows.
“Uh, let’s start then,” you say before walking pass him until he asked where you’re going. You look over your shoulder and said, “the library. It’s where I usually do my tasks if not in my apartment.”
“The library is too… quiet. So we’ll work in your apartment instead!”
It’s a library so it would be quiet. And did he just decide that on his own? God, he’s so stupid, I love him.
Your apartment is not far from your university. The reason why you had an apartment for yourself is because you don’t want another person taking up space and you most definitely don’t want to live with another person that you barely even know. And you’re not bothered that you’re living off-campus. It just makes it easier for you to live independently.
When the two of you got in your apartment, Satoru’s cerulean eyes scanned and observed the place. It was neat and everything is organized. But the thing that caught his attention is the stack of books next to the balcony of your apartment. Four stack of books that almost reach Satoru’s waist and he’s a tall guy. He knew that you read a lot since every time he takes glances at you in class, you’re either reading or writing something so he knows that you like reading, but he didn’t expect you to like it that much.
“Sorry, it’s a mess here,” you mumble. “Let’s get started.” You sit down on the wooden floor as you place your laptop on the coffee table adjacent to Satoru who is now sitting on the couch.
“I forgot my laptop.”
You blinked. Twice.
“Sit next to me.” he mumbled.
And that’s what you did despite being flustered at the thought that it’s only you and Satoru inside your apartment. The thought has you squeezing your legs together as you try to listen to Satoru about his ideas regarding the midterm essay. However, your thoughts were making your mind foggy and you couldn’t think straight. It’s awkward that on this very couch, you’ve touched yourself to the thought of Satoru and now, he’s sitting right next to you.
“Hey,” Satoru calls out. “You okay?”
“Mmm, yeah…” you mumble. “Since, uh, since professor asked us to analyze a chosen text from the 20th century regarding its social context, let’s choose a piece first to write about first. Do you have anything in mind?” you ask, trying your best to not make eye contact with him now that he doesn’t have his round sunglasses on.
“I have a few,” he says. “How about The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath? Or No Longer Human by Dazai Osamu? Ah! I know. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck.”
“Am I the only one who didn’t cry my eyes out at the end?” you ask.
“What? You did not cry your eyes out at the end?! Are you even human?” Satory’s eyes widen, looking at you with shock while your eyes are locked on your laptop as you type. “I had snot coming out of my nose that soaked the pages of my book when I read that.”
“First of all, that’s disgusting. Second, it was sad, I admit, but I didn’t shed a tear. It was really good though so kudos to you, Mr. Steinbeck.” you chuckle. “Third, I gave it a five stars so you don’t have to attack me.”
Satoru laughs, making you flustered all over again. This is the first time you’ve heard him laugh this close and he’s laughing because of you, and you like it of course. You like that he’s comfortable around you and you like that he’s still himself despite you being awkward around his presence.
“You know, you’re actually fun to be with,” he says. Satoru’s legs are crossed while his elbow is resting on the arm rest and his cheek is on top of his closed palm as he stares at you with his pretty cerulean eyes. “But why can’t you look at me in the eyes?”
You gulped, squeezing your legs together since you can feel him staring daggers at you. Satoru seems to notice your action and a smirk formed on his glossy lips. Satoru moves closer to you, almost like you can feel his hot breath touching the sensitive part of your neck, making you shiver.
“Are you scared of me?” he asks and the only answer you could give him is by shaking your head, telling him that it’s a no. “Hmm? Then why can’t you look at me?”
You didn’t answer.
“Look at me,” he demand.
This time, you feel Satoru’s fingers making its way down your chin, making you face him and look up at him but despite his actions of forcing you to stare into his pretty cerulean eyes, you didn’t protest at all… because you like every single move he’s making on you. Satoru’s other hand glides down your arm, feeling your soft skin that made you shiver because of his warm touch.
When your eyes met his, you couldn’t help but melt on your seat. And it’s not just because Satoru is staring at you.
“There you go,” he chuckles. “That wasn’t so hard, was it? Now tell me, sweetheart, why are so flustered around me?”
You couldn’t form the words. Of course you can’t. How could you even continue to talk when Gojo motherfucking Satoru is so close to you that his hot breath is almost touching your skin and his hands are caressing your arms and chin, leaving you no choice but stare into his eyes. Not to mention the smirk that he has on his glossy lips.
“T-that’s because I… I—fuck.” you curse under your breath, trying hard to compose yourself and break eye contact.
“Do I make you nervous? Is that why you’re squirming and squeezing your leg so much?” he chuckles.
You bit your lips—hard—trying to wake yourself up and check if you’re having another wet dream about Satoru again. Fortunately, you are fully awake and the person right in front of you is the real Gojo Satoru. Not your fantasy, not your dream, but real. It was hard you to believe that something that you wanted for so long finally came true and you most definitely won’t let this moment go.
“S-Satoru…” you whisper, almost inaudible.
“Yes, sweetheart?” he asks with a smile on his face. “Is there something you want? Or need?”
He knows what he’s doing. He definitely knows what he’s doing.
“Touch me…” you mumble under your breath. “Just—touch me, please.”
With that, Satoru chuckles before leaning in towards your ears. His hands trailing down, from your chin down to your neck and wraps his slender fingers around the base, but not too tight. Just enough to make you squirm and squeeze your legs even more.
“If the shy girl wants it then who am I to refuse?” he whispers, his hot breath touching your skin that caused the hairs of your body to stand up.
Suddenly, you feel a wet yet hot sensation make contact with your ears, making its way down your jaw while Satoru’s hand tilt your head to the sides to give him more access of licking and kissing your jaw and neck. Your back touched the arm rest behind you as Satoru slowly pushed you down. He held both your thighs, positioning them to open so he can stay in between them as he kisses your neck down your collarbone, leaving bites and marks.
As Satoru devours your neck and collarbone, his hand expertly unbuttons your shirt while the other caresses your thighs, his fingers making circle patterns on your skin. When your buttons are finally undone, Satoru opens your shirt so he can clearly see your body underneath him. He pulls away from you so he can properly enjoy the view then pulls his shirt over his head.
Your half-lidded eyes earlier suddenly widen when you saw the perfect view of Satoru’s body. A body that was almost carved by the gods themselves and that wasn’t even the main attraction that caught your attention. It was the veins running down his crotch and that fucking v-line.
“You like the view from down there, slut?” he chuckles but then he noticed how you whined and squirmed underneath him when he called you slut. “Oh? Did you like being called that?”
You nod. But Satoru doesn’t take that as an answer so his hand made its way down to your neck again but he wasn’t squeezing it too hard.
“Yes,” you say. “I like it, Satoru. Like it when you—ngh—when you call me a slut.”
“Good. Because that’s what you are,” he mumbles as he leans down to your chest, leaving marks and kisses. “Such a shy little slut for me.”
But the white-haired man scoffs because your bra is in the way. He didn’t bother taking it off by clasping it. He just pulled it down to expose your nipples and didn’t waste any time to lick and suck your sensitive bud, making you arch your back. Satoru’s fingers pinch your other nipple while his knee keeps on pushing and adding pressure on your sensitive pussy, still covered with your now-soaked panties.
Satoru continues to feast on you body while you squirm and moan underneath him. When he was finally done with your tits, Satoru’s kisses went even further down until he reached your skirt. Being the impatient asshole he is, he didn’t bother taking them off and just lifts it up, exposing your panties that has a wet area because of your arousal.
A smirk grew on the white-haired man’s lips and didn’t hesitate to touch the wet area using his index and middle finger. He pushes his fingers on your sensitive bud with enough pressure to have you arching your back. Satoru might be an impatient man but of course he would take your panties off to have better access on your soaking pussy.
Realizing that your cunt is now exposed of Gojo motherfucking Satoru, your hand instinctively covered your pussy as if he did not just suck your tits earlier. But seeing your pussy is different. Of course you’d be shy and flustered. He’s Gojo Satoru, for god’s sake. He’s seen more pussy other than yours.
“Don’t get all shy on me now,” he mumbles. “Take your hands off or I’ll tie them together.”
With that, you slowly took away your hand, letting him see your soaked pussy.
“Don’t hide yourself from me,” he smiles. “You’re fucking gorgeous.”
Satoru leans down so he can easily make contact with your cunt. His fingers rub your slit, soaking it with your juices and you couldn’t help but arch your back. A smile grows on his face and suddenly, you can feel him insert a finger inside your cunt, making you whine. His thumb draws circles around your clit that made your thighs quiver until you feel another finger being inserted inside you.
Satoru plunges his fingers in and out of you yet in a slow and sensual pace. He can feel your walls clenching around his fingers as he inserts his digits back. A smirk forms on his glossy lips and plunges his fingers even deeper, deeper than you could reach yourself.
You’ve fingered yourself before but—god, this was so different than what you would usually feel. Is it because his fingers are thicker and longer than yours? Or is it because he’s so fucking good at it?
“Ah! Satoru!” you whine. “R-right there! Right there, please!”
The squelching noise that your pussy and Satoru’s fingers are creating together as well as your wanton moans filled the air of your apartment. You didn’t care how loud you were. You didn’t care if the walls are thin and you didn’t care if your neighbors hear you. You didn’t care about anything else, you just want Satoru to make you cum with his fingers.
Satoru’s pace becomes even more faster, but he figured that it wasn’t enough. Of course it’s not enough. He wasn’t satisfied with just using his fingers.
So he leans down and lolled his tongue out, not even hesitating to lick your sensitive clit, making you jolt and arch your back when you suddenly feel his tongue circling around your clit while his fingers plunge in and out of you. Your legs start to quiver and squirm. The sensation was too much for you that you couldn’t help but close your legs. But Satoru wasn’t done so he grips your legs apart and held the back of your thighs to keep you in place.
This time, Satoru pulls his fingers out and held your thighs in place but his tongue is doing all the work now, licking and sucking your poor overstimulated pussy. Your eyes suddenly widen and your back arched when you feel Satoru insert his tongue inside you, plunging it deeper that his nose is touching your clit.
“Oh, fuck! Satoru! It’s—ngh—too much! I can’t—!”
Your whines and moans continue but Satoru was too busy eating you. But he suddenly pulls away to look at your view. You look so fucked and he didn’t even used his cock yet.
“For someone who’s shy and quiet, you’re being awfully loud for me, sweetheart.” he chuckles before devouring your cunt again.
Satoru can already feel that you’re close. He knows you’re close so he used his thumb to rub circles on your clit and that’s when you completely lost it.
Your legs quiver on Satoru’s grip when you feel your orgasm rip through you. The sensation that Satoru made you feel had you seeing stars, something that you never felt before whenever you touch yourself and this might’ve been the first time that you came this intense. And it felt so fucking good.
Seeing your fucked out state, Satoru chuckles as he watches you catch your breath after that intense orgasm.
“You still with me?” he asks. “I haven’t even used my cock yet!”
“Then use it. Fuck me, Satoru… I want your cock inside me, please.”
“Kiss me first. Come up here and kiss me.” he smiles.
You didn’t hesitate to sit back up and reach for Satoru’s face. Your hand made their way to his cheek while the other caresses his soft white hair. He returns the kiss and inserts his tongue inside your mouth, writhing and swirling against yours. This time, Satoru settles himself next to the arm rest, laying down on the couch while his head rests on the arm rest. Now, you’re on top of him, kissing his glossy lips and grinding your aching pussy on the bulge of his pants.
“Why don’t you do the honors and take my cock out?” Satoru smirks in between your kisses.
And who were you to deny that?
So you unzip Satoru’s pants, bringing it down to reveal the bulge inside his boxers. His cock sprung free when you slid down his boxers, slapping against his lower abdomen. Its size and girth has you gulping because you haven’t seen a cock that big. Sure, you’ve fucked yourself using your dildos but none of your toys compare to Satoru’s cock. A prominent vein runs along the underside of the base of his cock, its pinkish head is releasing pre-cum that drips down to the base.
You didn’t have any idea what you were doing when you had the urge to suck Satoru’s cock. But the white-haired man didn’t have any protests, of course. In fact, his hand is guiding your head to suck on his pulsating cock. After realizing that you didn’t need any guidance, Satoru lets you do your thing.
You let your tongue swirl around the base of his cock and despite it being deep inside your throat, you’re barely even gagging as you take him deeper that your nose is touching his nicely trimmed hair. You continue to suck and lick Satoru’s cock, making him release pretty moans and groans and curses under his breath.
When he felt himself getting close, Satoru couldn’t help but grip your hair and guide your head even though you’re sucking him so well. He just needed something to hold on to and your hair was perfect.
“Ah, fuck! I’m gonna cum. Shit!” he moans until he feels himself release inside your throat. Satoru lets you pull away. Your saliva and some of his cum is leaking down your chin, making him wipe it using his thumb.
“Holy shit. That was so good,” he chuckles. “You sure it’s your first time sucking cock?”
“Uh, well, I-I had some practice,” you say, “with my… toys.”
“Who knew you were such a horny slut?” Satoru didn’t let you answer when he told you to—
“Sit on my cock,” he says. “Sit on my cock and ride me like what you do to your toys. I bet they won’t even compare to mine, huh?”
You gulp before climbing on top of him again. Satoru uses his hand to snake down his head as a pillow while his other hand holds your hips. Positioning yourself on top of him, your hand holds the base of his cock while the other is clinging on the head rest of the couch to support yourself.
You lower yourself down on Satoru’s cock and you couldn’t help but whimper and bite your lips when the tip of his cock finally went inside you. His cock is far more thicker than any of your toys that it has your legs quivering and shaking yet you still continued to lower yourself, taking all of him inside you.
When you stopped, Satoru looks up at you.
“Why’d you stop? You’re not even half way there.”
“What?” you whimper. “Is it t-that big?”
“Yes, sweetheart,” he chuckles. “It’s that big.”
Without answering, you continue to lower yourself. Satoru is staring at how your pussy is taking him all in and how you’re struggling to. You’ve done this numerous times on your toys before but riding a real cock—his cock—is far different from that feeling, mainly because Satoru is big.
“It’s so—ah—so deep, Satoru. I don’t think I can—can’t take more.” you whimper.
“But it’s all inside you now,” he smiles. “Ah, fuck. You feel so good.”
To ease the feeling, Satoru lets you cockwarm him while his thumb rub circles on your sensitive clit. When you finally feel at ease and ready to ride him, Satoru places his hand on your hips to keep you in place as you bounce up and down on his cock.
The squelching noises every time his balls meets your skin fills the air of your apartment once again, accompanied by your loud moans and Satoru’s groans.
You can feel the tip of Satoru’s cock hitting the sweet spot of yours that has you clenching around him and every time you look down at the lewd sight below you, you can see a bulge forming on your lower stomach whenever you sink yourself down on Satoru’s cock. Although you seem to be fine riding him and taking all of his cock, you couldn’t look at him straight in the eyes and you even use your hand to cover the lower half of your face since his cerulean eyes are staring right at you.
“Don’t get all shy on me now, slut. You’re riding my cock and yet you still have the nerve to be shy? C’mon, don’t hide yourself,” Satoru grins when he grips both of your hips and lowers you down.
“Ah! Satoru! What are you—ah!”
You couldn’t seem to think straight when he took the initiative to guide you on his cock in a fast and rough pace. Every time he sinks your body down his cock, his hips would thrust up and meet your movement, making the lewd noises even more louder and harder than before.
“Ngh! Fuck, ‘Toru! It’s so deep! So good!”
“Yeah? It’s better than riding those plastic cocks you own, huh?” he chuckles, followed by a moan. “God, you feel so fucking good. Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
“‘m gonna—gonna cum, Satoru! ‘m so close! So close!”
“Do it. Cum on my cock.”
With that, your orgasm rip through you once more. Your legs quiver on top of Satoru and your chest making rapid up and down motions, letting you catch your breath while you half-lidded eyes try to open despite being fucked out after releasing another intense orgasm, but this time, on Satoru’s cock.
When you decided to get off Satoru’s still hard cock, he tells you to—
“Bend over the couch.”
And who were you to disobey?
Satoru positions your upper body to bend over the arm rest of the couch, placing a hand wrapped around the back of your neck. Wasting no time, Satoru plunges his cock inside of you again, making you let out a muffled whine.
This time, Satoru didn’t let you relax on his cock and continues to pump inside you in a fast pace. His hands grip your hips as he thrusts in and out of you. His gaze his on the lewd sight of your pussy taking him all in, observing the white ring around his cock.
Who knew he’d be fucking the smartest and shyest girl in his literature class? Who fucking knew that that shy and quiet girl is secretly a horny slut who is begging for him to fuck her harder until she can’t think?
“Oh, fuck! Satoru! Yesyesyes! Fuck me harder, please!”
“Easy.” he mumbles before fucking into you so deep that it reaches your cervix, making you grip the sheets of the couch and whine so loud that you’re sure that everyone in your apartment building heard how you’re being fucked so good.
As Satoru keeps his rough and fast pace consistent, you couldn’t seem to let out coherent words anymore and your eyes are now teary from the pleasure that Satoru is giving you. Your toes are curling and your hands are gripping the sheets as you feel yourself releasing another intense orgasm out of you.
“Fuck, ‘m gonna cum—gonna cum! ‘m close, Toru! Satoru! Fuck!”
“Yeah, cum on my cock again! Oh, god. Fuck! Fuckfuckfuck!
Satoru quickly pulls out of you before he can release. His hand pumps his cock, releasing his cum on your back while your thighs are now soaked with your juices that drips down your legs. The two of you catch your breath but Satoru pulls you in to kiss you.
“You just proved me right, sweetheart,” he mumbles in between your kisses. “Now let’s work on that essay, yeah?” he pulls away and smiles, as if he didn’t just fucked the words and ideas out of you.
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© fushigowo | 2022 reblogs are appreciated <3
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chrollogy · 1 month
SFW; fluff ><, scara uses a term of endearment for the very first time which catches you off guard, implied established relationship, pet names mentioned. divider: cafekitsune.
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── it wasn’t foreign to not receive terms of endearments from scaramouche—it was simple, really. he’d rather just call you by your name. you asked him about it once to which he flatly replied with ‘it’s a silly thing for silly humans.’ and you left it at that, of course not without a pout thrown his way but more times than not, you’ve always wondered how pet names rolled off his tongue, how they sounded with his dulcet voice, though, the biggest question in your mind was: what would scaramouche even call you?
given his personality, he definitely excelled in colourful derogatory nicknames when it came to enemies or people that lacked basic common sense, though, those words were never directed at you. of course, you’ve asked scaramouche to at least try calling you something, even a simple ‘baby’ would suffice but all you were met with was an unamused grumble before walking away, clearly he was more flustered than he let on.
you stared at your boyfriend across the wooden study table, a serene expression painted on his handsome face, his amethyst gaze slowly followed the inked sentences across each page of the book. the house of daena was filled with low murmurs from other students, and researchers, sounds of pages turning every now, and then turned into a calming melody.
bored, you let out an audible huff which not only gained scaramouche’s attention but also from other students in your vicinity, “i’m so bored.” scaramouche simply turned another page from his book before replying, “last time i checked, you have an assignment due tonight.” you didn’t bother replying, instead, poking your tongue out at him despite his eyes glued to the pages.
not wanting to let this conversation go to waste, you spoke up again, “what do you think are the chances of me failing this assignment?”
scaramouche didn’t reply, not even having the heart to lift his gaze towards you. he knew what you were doing, making pointless conversation just to satiate your boredom, unfortunately for you, he actually had matters to tend to, and supposedly, so did you. scaramouche knew better than to engage in your silliness.
oh, but you were determined to get his attention.
“not even going to speak to me? how mean,” you feigned hurt, dramatically placing a palm over your chest even though he wasn’t looking.
“heeeeeeeey, don’t ignore me.”
this carried on for a few more seconds, calling out to scaramouche with a hushed tone but to no avail, his expression remained indifferent, still focused on the task at hand—definitely an expert at tuning out your silly antics, you had to give it to him.
“hat guy.”
scaramouche let out an annoyed sigh, it was a silly name that other students at the akademiya called him, he wasn’t fond of it but he didn’t necessarily despise the name—he just wished others had the creativity to at least give him a better one. nonetheless, you successfully gained his attention, a celebratory smile crept up your face.
you watched as scaramouche closed the book with a light thud before turning his sole attention to you, with an annoyed huff, he spoke, “yes, my love?”
your eyes widened, the smile you wore seconds ago unceremoniously falling off your face, heat blossomed from your chest, kissing its way up the column of your neck, and onto your cheeks. my love. were you hearing things right? did scaramouche just call you my love? you weren’t dreaming, were you?
he snickered at your unexplainable expression, brows knitted, and amethyst narrowed at you, “cat got your tongue now? you were just begging for my attention seconds ago—”
scaramouche cut his sentence short upon realising the words that slipped past his lips mere seconds earlier. oh. that was definitely not meant to come out. he clicked his tongue before looking off to the side, to avoid your wide-eyed stare. he hated that expression (not really), how it was able to bring out such humanly emotions from him, how it rendered him completely speechless.
you held the cosmos in your eyes, and scaramouche thought you were the most beautiful person in all of teyvat.
crossing his arms over his chest, he closed his eyes, and let out another annoyed sigh, “what? now that i’m finally giving you a pet name, you’re not even going to acknowledge it?” scaramouche clicked his tongue once again but didn’t dare meet your gaze.
“no, no. it’s just that . .” you trailed off, still trying to process his words.
my love.
you smiled, letting out a soft chuckle, “my love, huh? you’re adorable, did you know that?” this earned another grumble from scaramouche, paired with a roll of his eyes,
“i’m taking it back.” “you don’t mean that.”
he didn’t at all. in fact, my love was what he had been wanting to call you since then but he just didn’t have the guts to—it made scaramouche feel all weird inside whenever he imagined a scenario where he’d say it to you. he guessed there were consequences for keeping such thoughts to himself, seeing as how it accidentally rolled off his tongue.
though, the words felt oddly natural. like it was meant to be.
affiliated with @houseofsolisoccasum !
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a-edgar-allan-hoe · 2 years
Wild Horses
Part 1
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Female Doctor!Reader
Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4
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A/N: Just a little idea I had after seeing all the TikToks and now I am yanked onto the Ghost train. I used to watch my brother play the game but that was a while ago so bear with me here. (advice or little pointers are much appreciated). I also might make this into a short story or add another part to it, let me know y’all. Comments and reblogs are much appreciated!
Summary: Imagine being the new physician assigned to the team and a certain masked individual takes a new keen concealed interest in you. The two of you are too awkward to function.
Warnings: language, fluff, angst
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You were assigned to the team as their personal physician, as requested by the higher ups in order to make sure the soldiers stayed in best health, both physically and mentally. You used to work at your local hospital before you were offered the position.
You knew the dangers and the risks involved, but you were in debt and had student loans that needed to paid. So after much hesitation, you accepted the offer, eventually being convinced by the fat paycheck.
You remembered the day you were first introduced to the team, the way everyone's eyes glued to you like a hawk, their large forms towering over your small frame in the room while you picked at the skin around your nails in nervous habit.
They were curious to say the least, wondering what the hell someone like you was doing in a place like this. And since when did they get the chance to have a full on doctor to treat them, usually they were offered combat medics. You had guts, that's for sure.
You on the other hand were nervous, frightened even, with the thought of living in the same quarters of men wrapped up within the tumults and afflictions of war without a single clue as to their current psychological state. You had seen the worst of men and humanity growing up and you no idea who these soldiers were, what they were capable of, or what their intentions might be. Maybe you should have requested that briefing before you hopped on that plane.
Amongst all of their gazes, you had failed to notice a certain masked individual in the far back of the room, his form shrouded amongst the others as he studied you. His eyes, hidden underneath the grooves of his mask that only seemed to be darkened by where he stood blocked by the only source of light, watched your every movement, from every gesture of your perfectly manicured fingers to every smoothing of the lint-free fabric of your sweater to the way you kept shifting your weight from one foot to another.
One thing was apparent; during the entire length the high ranking officer next to you introduced you and debriefed the men on what was expected and such, you had not uttered a single word, minus the small polite and somewhat strained smile on your face while your eyes told another story. Why the military truly hired you, he may never know.
After being shown your little office and workspace including your room, you were quick to settle in, decorating the area to the best of your abilities with what you had taken with you from back home in order to bring some life into the dull and two-dimensional area. If anyone questioned you on it you would just say that your own sanity is extremely vital in order to ensure quality treatment for your patients.
Once everything in your office was set up, you threw on your white coat and retreated yourself to your office space, sitting at your desk and hastily going over the files that you had completely forgotten about that were given to you regarding the soldiers' previous health before they come pouring in reporting symptoms of god knows what. Best be prepared. Jesus how many bullet wounds can a single individual have.
The soldiers were advised to do their routine physical examinations with you so the first one to come waltzing in through your office door was none other than Johnny "Soap" MacTavish, a cheeky grin plastered on his face and much too excited for his own good. That boy's got a crush on you I swear. To be honest I'd be lying if I said the whole team didn't have a schoolboy crush on you.
The men were quick to warm up to you, relieved to have a gentle soul in their midst after all the shit that goes down outside, you were like breath of fresh air. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to bring a doctor on board, as quiet and reserved as you were. They speculated you were just shy, the reason why you never spoke much, not knowing that you just couldn't hold a conversation if your life depended on it, especially around those you weren't close with. At first they couldn't tell because of your major rbf.
During their routine check-ups or whatever issue they had going on, they would do most of the talking, which was a good thing on your end because it helped you to piece together their temperaments. Thank the lord no one is a psycho murderer. Oh wait.
Soap is the most chattiest of them all. Boy wouldn't shut his mouth when he sat in your office. He's super flirty. But not as flirty as Alejandro.
Ghost on the other hand was reluctant to step into your office for his check-ups. After all he was usually the one to tend to his own wounds or just push through whatever it is that is going on, so he did not know what all the fuss was about in having to get his health checked. So when you call out his last name more than once might I add, clipboard in hand and scanning the area for whoever looks to be headed in your direction, he can't help but heave out a sigh, trudging over to where you stood, your clean white coat a stark contrast to the rest of the environment as you leaned against your door to hold it open.
You muttered out a small hello to which he let out a small huff as you moved aside to let the man enter, watching him walk into your office and seat himself down. That man intimidated you a bit not gonna lie. Not only could you not see his face but he had also not said a single word to you. And not to mention he was absolutely huge as compared to you, even more so in person. You also had heard a lot of stories from the other guys.
"How is your day?" You ask, shutting the door behind you as you briefly read over his previous but extremely short records on your clipboard. There's barely anything on this man. Does he not get ill?
Ghost is quiet at first, watching your eyes scan over the clipboard and curious to know just what is on those papers before your eyes flit up to meet his and catch him off guard, which causes him to answer abruptly. "Fine."
"Okey dokes." You give a quick smile.
Did you just say okey dokes.
Clearing your throat, you go over to where he sat and set the clipboard down on the table next to you beside your laptop. You didn’t have to read his body language to know he did not want to be here at all. So you were going to do him a favor and make the appointment as quick as possible.
"So do you have any allergies to any medications, any allergies I need to know of?" Your fingers hover over the keyboard of your laptop as you turn to face him, only to be met with an expressionless skull of a mask and the expressionless eyes beneath. Oh boy this session was going to be something. You had heard of how he had never shown his face, so you made sure not to question on it.
"No ma'am."
"Are you currently taking any medication?" You ask the same standard set of questions you have asked every single patient of yours, typing as you go.
"No ma'am."
Any previous illness? Disease?"
The more you ask him questions, the more he strangely finds it easier to answer. Your voice is surprisingly soft, warm even, like the start of autumn, and he finds it comforting to listen to. Or maybe it's just some technique doctors learn during training in order to relax their patients.
"Do you have any history of smoking, alcohol, or illicit drug use?"
".......sometimes I'll have a smoke, and a glass of bourbon." He's almost waiting for you to hand him a pamphlet about the dangers of smoking.
"How many times would you say?" You ask for details, your eyes still glued to the screen of your laptop as you await his answer.
Ghost is a bit confused by the amount of questions you ask, but he also has not been to the doctor's so how would he know. "Um I don't know."
"A rough estimate is fine."
"Not much, maybe 2-3 times a week or so when I'm not on duty."
"How many times a week do you exercise?" You feel silly for asking this question to a man like him but it's all part of the procedure and you almost pray he doesn't hate you for it.
"Every day." So no pamphlet?
Jesus this man has more discipline than you. You can barely get up in the morning.
"Okayyy." You mutter out, more to yourself as you enter in his responses.
Ghost finds himself watching you from his seat on the chair, his eyes tracing over and studying your features as you type away on your laptop. He thinks you're really pretty but either doesn't want to admit it or just flat out does not know that he finds you attractive.
There are certain details about you that he can't help but find himself intrigued by, like the small black outline flower tattoo on your hand that was located near the area of your thumb, running along the curve to meet the knuckle of your forefinger. He's curious as to the meaning behind it, if there was one. He wanted to ask what type of flower it was, perhaps it was your favorite? It would give him an idea as to what flowers to get you.
"Have you ever been hospitalized, had any surgical procedures done or been treated for any chronic conditions?"
"No." Ghost shakes his head before remembering his wounds from combat, wondering if that is something you should know. "Just the bullet and knife wounds from combat. Nothing too serious."
Jesus fucking christ. You were willing to bet he treated those wounds himself.
Ghost is not a fan of hospitals. Pretty sure this dude just looks up YouTube tutorials on how to fix himself instead of just going to the doctor like a normal human being.
"When was the last time you visited your general practitioner.......or just any doctor in general?" You ask the last question, willing to bet it never.
There was silence on his end as you looked towards him waiting for an answer, the clicking of your keyboard coming to a stop and only loudening the silence. Ghost could not remember the last time he had been to a hospital or even scheduled a visit. And as you looked at him, your eyes almost staring into his soul, still waiting for a response, he could not help but feel a tad bit embarrassed, as if you were judging him for not being a responsible adult. Also it didn't help that you were goddamn pretty.
"I'm gonna take that as a very long time, the last time being the prehistoric ages, correct?" There's the slightest hint of a tease in your voice.
"Uh.......yes ma'am." Ghost squints his eyes at you as you go back to typing on your keyboard. Did you just.............did you just call him…..He does not know how to feel about that. Did you just try to crack a joke? He always thought doctors were the serious type.
"Okay then." You straighten up, grabbing your sphygmomanometer off the table and turning yourself to face him. "Is it okay if I check your blood pressure?"
The man is stunned. No one has ever asked his permission for anything before. He's so used to either taking orders or giving orders that he doesn't know how to respond and stares at you for a moment, forcing his brain to process what to do next before eventually giving a nod.
"Is it okay if you take your jacket off so I can get a clearer reading?"
He nods again, still in shock as he takes off his jacket, leaving him in his black long sleeve thermal. He's almost thankful he wasn't in his full tactical gear, having to imagine you standing there waiting for him as he removes every single piece of equipment off his torso.
"Thank you." You give him a short smile, placing your hand under his tricep and gently lifting his arm in order to wrap the inflatable cuff around his bicep. You almost blush at the mere size of this man's arms. "Now you're just going to feel a slight pressure okay."
Ghost can't help but feel a slight warmth spread to his cheeks at the way you handle him with such care, as if he were the small delicate thing and not you. Now he knows why the others were so giddy after leaving your office.
As you place your stethoscope on his forearm near his elbow to listen to his blood pumping through the artery, your other hand pumping air into the cuff using the inflation bulb with your eyes glued to the numbers on the gauge, he can't help but to notice the old Donald Duck watch that sat at your wrist, the ones with the moving arms and the vintage style black leather straps.
And as he further investigated your attire, he noticed a few other details, like the colorful glittery badge reel in the shape of a pill container with the words "licensed drug dealer" printed on it that was attached to your scrub top, the glitter sticker with the words "I'm nicer than my face looks" as well a few Disney character stickers and the little frog looking keychain that hung off of your badge. He was wondering what the hell that thing was. Your accessories were awfully colorful for a general doctor. Something was telling him you either used to work with families or children. Whatever the hell managed to bring you to such a drastic change.
You brought him out of his thoughts as you shifted from your position, unwrapping the inflatable cuff from around his bicep and placing it back on the table before typing the results into your laptop. "Okay," You adjust the ear pieces of your stethoscope back into your ears as you turn back to him, "I'm going to perform some auscultations, which is just listening to the sounds of your heart and your lungs so if you could just sit up straight and relax that would be wonderful."
Simon straightens up his posture as you place your free hand on his shoulder, at this point you're not sure if you're steadying him or yourself, your fingertips just barely grazing across the bottom of his neck. He doesn't know why but, it's as if your fingers are directly touching the skin underneath, despite the fabric of his mask that separated your fingers from his skin. Your hands feels hot, like really hot and he has no clue why.
The soldier only feels his cheeks warm up even more so now as you inch closer to carefully place the diaphragm of your stethoscope on his chest, your head tilted and your eyes lowered to the floor as you listen for his heart beat. He gets a whiff of your perfume and he finds himself drawn to it. You smell like something along the lines of jasmine petals, geranium, myrrh, frankincense, and a hint of sandalwood. Now he definitely knows why the others are fawning over you. Poor Simon is praying you don't hear how his heart is nearly racing. He does not know why he is feeling this way and it slightly bothers him in the way that he has no clue what it is he is feeling.
He catches how your brows slightly furrow at the center and his heart skips a beat. Now he's fucking embarrassed and this man rarely ever is embarrassed. Maybe he's even starting to panic. Can you tell? Do you know? You open your mouth to say something but he quickly interrupts he just got back from a run so you dismiss it with a shrug, placing the diaphragm on his back now and asking him to give you a couple of deep breaths.
"Okay. Take a deep breathe in, breathe it out. Breathe in, and out."
He complies with your instructions, breathing in slow and deep breaths as you go from one side of his back to another.
"Good job." You remove the earpieces and let your stethoscope hang around your neck as you go back to your table, recording in more info. Hang on did you just, did you just tell a grown 6'4" man good job.
Even Simon is confused. Like bitch.
"Okay, so we're all done with that." You inform him, before going over to one of the drawers and sliding it open. "Now if you don't mind, I would like to have some blood work done on you, just to make sure there are no underlying issues that need to be taken care of."
Simon is silent so you turn to him. "Is that okay, Ghost, is that what the others call you? Would you like me to call you Ghost?"
Goddamn you're too polite. "That's fine by me ma'am."
"Perfect. Now is it okay if I take your blood sample?"
Ghost nods, so you grab the tools necessary and place them on the table next to you.
"Could you please roll your sleeve up and make a fist for me? Thank you." You ask him once you sanitize your hands and throw on a pair of fresh gloves. You grab the tourniquet and catch sight of the tattoos that cover his forearm as you tie the tourniquet around his arm above the elbow. You're curious to know the story behind them but you have a feeling he's not one for storytelling or just talking in general so you remain silent. You tear open the small packet of the alcohol wipe and apply it to the area. The chemical is cool against his skin as you sanitize the area before letting it air dry. Simon can't help but notice how small your hands are.
Simon watches you intently as you work, the way you are so focused and so precise with each step, and yet so gentle. It's almost cute.
"You're just going to feel a little pinch." You tell him in a soft tone, a tone you were used to using on all your little patients before inserting the needle into his vein. As if the man hasn't been shot or stabbed and god knows what multiple times before.
At this point Simon doesn't even notice the needle in his arm, he's too focused on the details of your face. He can sense that you're nervous around him and he feels bad. Even though he's just met you, the last thing he wants is for you to feel scared or unsafe around him. And even though this whole situation is awkward for him since he never was a fan of visiting the hospital, you're their physician, and at the end of the day you're there to patch them up. So he comments on your dark circles, thinking you haven't gotten any rest since you arrived here. "You look tired."
"............that's just my face." You give him that distinct smile, the same smile you have given anyone who ever commented on them as you connect the vacutainers to the needle to draw his blood, your eyes glued to the dark red liquid seeping through the thin clear tube before pouring into the sample tube.
If you thought it was quiet before, well you are most definitely wrong because the silence is absolutely deafening now.
Simon nearly punches himself for his stupidity. Why in the bloody hell did he say that of all things. He wanted to tell you he liked your dark circles but decided to bite his tongue instead. Now he's definitely not going to say another word. Better yet, once he leaves your office, he's not coming back. He's just going to avoid you at all costs in order to save both you and himself the embarrassment. He's willing to bet the others handled this way better than him.
"But I suppose I am a bit jet-lagged though. Haven't really gotten any rest since I got on that plane." You add. "I appreciate your concern."
You most definitely said that to make him feel better about himself, Simon thinks to himself as he stares at the wall and avoids your face. There was no other reason.
Once your done drawing his blood you ask him to hold the piece of cotton pad down onto where the needle was punctured as you open up the drawer where the gauze is located. "Do you have a favorite color?"
Did you just ask him his favorite color? Simon stares at you blankly. Were all doctors this odd?
"I'm guessing you like black?" You pull out the roll of black gauze, displaying it in front of you with the most deadpanned expression possible.
You've got jokes. Simon thinks to himself. If he had looked a little closer he would have noticed the ghost of a smirk on your lips.
"You should see the colors the others picked." You tease as you wrap the gauze around his arm at the elbow, making sure it isn't too tight but also not loose enough to the point where the cotton pad underneath slips out.
Simon narrows his eyes at you. Bloody fucking hell. The others picked a color?
You're pretty sure Gaz requested you get an Elmo print one he saw online once somewhere. Soap asked if there a print of the Scotland flag available. The look of hurt on his face when you said there wasn't so you improvised and gave him both the blue and white gauze. You gave him a Dum-Dum lollipop to make him feel better. The others may have also gotten a lollipop as they left your office, especially after seeing the special treatment that Soap received. Were they jealous? Maybe.
Once you tell the man he is all good to go and that you will call him once you're done getting the results from his blood sample, he nearly jumps out of the chair and bolts out of your office. He prays some unknown miracle happens and that his blood sample magically disappears so that he doesn't have to face you, firmly believing he insulted you and that you thought he called you ugly when that is not what he intended. I am telling you this man does not know how to compliment. They should make a guidebook for dummies specialized just for him.
You watch him disappear out your door with a quirked brow. Well that was fucking weird.
When Simon leaves the area he finds Soap lounging about on a chair with a sucker in his mouth.
"The hell is that?" Simon squints at the sergeant.
"Mph mph." Soap's voice comes out muffled.
Soap pauses and turns to see Ghost looming over him. "It's a Dum-Dum."
"A fuckin what?"
"Y/n said they're called Dum-Dums." Soap pulls it out of his mouth, twisting the stick of the lollipop around in his fingers as if he were inspecting it. "This one's a cotton candy flavor."
"She gave you a fuckin lollie?"
"It's pure dead brilliant I tell ya. Why, did she not give ya one?"
More silence. Simon would be lying to himself if he said he wasn't a tad bit butthurt.
"Maybe you scared her." Soap jokes.
Simon lets out a grumbled incoherent huff and walks away.
Soap just shrugs and pops the lollipop back in his mouth.
Simon has a feeling he is going to go to bed thinking about his actions.
Part 2
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satoruxx · 11 months
pairing: gojo satoru x reader summary: best friend!satoru is everything to me, fluff, teeny tiny bit angsty, but only bc of pining (my favorite), here to add to my simp satoru agenda, he’s trying his best but reader is oblivious (same), pls notice him rheya’s note: i cant stop thinking about best friend!satoru so i’m here to share this silly little blurb LMAO that’s it enjoy !! part 2
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if satoru had known that being your best friend would be this difficult, he would have turned away from you when you said hi to him on your first day at jujutsu high.
it's not that he doesn't care about you. no, quite the opposite actually. he's always cared about you more than he'd like to admit. he can remember the way he used track the eyes of fellow students trailing you when you walked by. he can remember the sting of his nails as they dug into his clenched palms, and how suguru would pat his shoulder sympathetically when he noticed. he was sixteen at the time.
back then it seemed like he would grow out of his teenage crush, after being dismissed as your good friend for so long. but no, just his luck that these stupid feelings would grow and grow until they were tangled up around his very soul. a vice-like grip.
and now almost seven years later, nothing has changed.
"and he told me that if i wanted to be more interesting i should learn to fence, like he does!" you rant, throwing your hands up as you pace the length of his kitchen. satoru leans against the counter, arms crossed as he watches you vent your anger over yet another failed first date.
"uh huh." he acknowledges, trying to stay focused as you continue your annoyed speech. his fingers flex against his biceps, a thinly veiled attempt at controlling his frustration. whether he's frustrated with you or the man you were with, he has no clue.
"then he asked me where i was from, and then said i didn't look like it!" you rage, face hot as you finally unload the frustration you've been carrying all evening.
satoru huffs in mild irritation, trying hard not to roll his eyes. but you hear it and turn to him, half ticked off and half curious. "what was that?"
he clicks his tongue.
"you do this all the time. you always pick guys who treat you like shit. i'm not even surprised anymore." he snaps, a bit more forceful than he intended to be.
there's a silence that follows, and satoru’s unlucky enough to catch the mildly surprised look on your face. he tongues his cheek, brows pinched as he watches your expression fall. an ugly feeling that reminds him suspiciously of guilt rolls around in his stomach.
"you’re right…" you sigh, shoulders slumping as you cross your arms with a defeated shake of your head. "it's just tiring, you know?"
he turns his back to you, reaching across the counter to start slicing up an apple, trying to keep his hands occupied because they're itching to touch you. but he can't keep the bitterness out of his tone when he answers with a clipped, "yeah i know."
he can practically feel your confused stare on his back. but then you chuckle in amusement, mirth clear in your tone. "what do you mean you know? you literally get attention from random people on the street. you can have anyone you want." you laugh.
"are you serious?" he asks, eyes wide with disbelief as he spins around to face you again. you only blink at him, expression so annoyingly clueless it makes him sigh. he turns away from you once again, going back to cutting the apple.
"what?" you cock your head, not understanding why he's so forlorn about it. "most people would jump at the chance to date you. everyone wants you, you know?"
"not everyone. not the one who matters." he mutters bitterly as he places the apple slices onto a plate. you said all of it so casually, like it's supposed to be obvious, but all satoru feels is an overwhelming wave of disappointment wash over him.
"you…never mind." he relents, biting his tongue. "it's not important."
he hears your sharp intake of breath as you gasp, curiosity no doubt brimming in your barely concealed grin.
"ooh interesting! are you telling me you have a thing for someone, toru?" the teasing in your tone is palpable, and satoru feels his stomach flip pleasantly when you say his name. he turns around to face you, letting his shoulders drop as a helpless smile stretches across his face.
he walks up to you, pushing an apple slice past your lips and chuckling quietly. you're still giving him those curious little eyes as you chew, and he tries to swallow down the overwhelming wave of pure affection that threatens to burst from within. clearly today wasn't the day you were going to realize what kind of feelings he's been keeping a secret for so many years.
that's okay. he'll wait as long as you need him to.
he flicks your forehead gently, before reaching down to tug on your cheek. "don't worry your pretty little head about that, sweet thing. you'll figure it out soon enough."
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iid-smile · 14 days
his printer , shinazugawa sanemi
x fem!teacher!reader ! modern au, maths teacher sanemi, he's got a big fat crush on you! not proofread
author's note: idk what to put here.. i just couldnt stop thinking about teacher sanemi ahuhuhu 🌝
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most people were very aware of mr shinazugawa's bias towards you.
no, more like a crush of sorts. you're a teacher, a fellow colleague of his, and your classroom just so happened to be next to where his maths lessons are held. coincidentally, your room is the only classroom in the school that doesn't have a printer, so you often make trips to his, because his is the closest.
teaching-wise, you're a lot more gentle on your students, so little to no noise was heard except for the shouting coming through the thin shared wall. somehow, mr shinazugawa always manages to get troublemakers to teach, undoubtedly growing more and more irritated and stressed with each day that passes. you don't blame him, obviously, since the only way to get them to behave seemed to be yelling at them.
really, the only time they saw a little bit of light was when an angel liked you walked in, just emitting that addicting aura everywhere you go, a soothing effect of sorts.
his lesson had just come to an end, the kids quickly packing up their things and running out, as per usual. he let out a frustrated sigh in a failed attempt to calm down, running a hand through his messy white hair from all the times he pulled and tugged at it in a silent fit of rage.
just another rowdy and loud set of students coming within the next few minutes. was he ready? not at all. he needs a break, and a long one, yet the school year just started.
suddenly, a very familiar figure moves into the doorway of his classroom, catching his eye. that relaxed, tender gaze that met his fiery ones. he pauses, quickly straightening himself out. he tries to school his facial expression to look more neutral, hoping that would be enough. the last thing he wanted to do was be rude to you.
"need something?" he asks you, his voice coming out a lot more harsh than he intended. in reality, the sight of you had made him a little flustered. a little too flustered. quickly, he glances away from you and crosses his arms over his chest in an effort to look nonchalant.
"just wanted to pop in here before your next class starts..." you slowly approach him, but make sure to keep a professional distance. "are you planning on having a test today, by any chance?"
he slightly raises an eyebrow at you, a little surprised. though the two of you were in different departments, he was used to questions about assignments and whatnot, but not about possible upcoming tests. "yes," he says, "i am. why're you asking?"
for a beat, your expression drops to worry, but you smile once again. "just a bit wary of coming in while the kids are trying to focus. i have some things to print later on, so..."
he lets out a quiet hum of acknowledgment at your reasoning. in all honesty, he never really minded it when you visited to use the printer, even if the kids got a little distracted or chatty. he didn't blame them at all, you were an easy topic to talk about when you were and weren't around.
"you don't really need to ask," he says bluntly. "the kids'll get distracted either way." he uncrosses his arms and lets them fall to his sides, taking a small step toward you. "you're free to come in when you want. printer's always here, don't gotta ask me so much."
you appear to be taken aback. "are you sure?"
he scoffs, rolling his eyes. "yeah. 'course i'm sure." he says, gesturing a hand toward the printer. "nobody needs you going around the entire school to just print something. that takes up extra time you could use to be with the rest of your class."
he doesn't want to admit it out loud, but he also likes having you in close proximity. it provides a nice distraction on not-so-good days like these; which was every day. "saves your feet some rest too. besides, it's not like the kids are doing anything other than talking their asses off until class starts anyway." he says with a shrug. oh, was he talking too much? did he sound too casual?
you stare at him, and your permanent smile widens more, something he hasn't seen before. you actually looked happy— no, relieved. only now has he realised that the difference in your expressions could be so different. "thank you, shinaguzawa."
"it's no problem, miss." he offers the best smile he can himself, pretty crooked, but he's sure you can see it. with a little bow, you turn on your heel and exit the classroom, your hand grazing the doorframe for a moment. his eyes remain fixed to where you just were.
please come back and print some papers. soon too.
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waitimcomingtoo · 2 years
Burnt Face and Second Base
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Synopsis: Peter can’t seem to stop accidentally hurting his crush
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Peter opened his locker and hid behind the door so that he could stare at you without detection. All you were doing was printing something off a campus printer, but you made it look like an enchanting performance that had Peter captivated by your every move. Peter had been in college for three months now and found himself pinning for you for most of that time. You hadn’t spoken yet, but he held out for the day that you would.
“Who are you staring at?” Ned asked at full volume, making students passing by look and laugh at Peter.
“Would you keep your voice down? Jesus. Everybody heard that.” Peter whispered harshly and checked to make sure you hadn’t heard Ned. Ned followed Peters gaze and when he saw you, he smiled deviously.
“Oh. I know who you’re looking at.” Ned said as he raised his eyebrows up and down.
“I can’t help it. I love it when she wears her hair like that.” Peter sighed and leaned his cheek against his locker door as he continued to stare at you.
“You say that every day.”
“I know.” Peter sighed again and watched as you flipped your hair over your shoulder. You seemed to move in slow motion as you pulled your hair to one side so you could take a sip from the water fountain. Peter smiled dreamily as he watched you until you accidentally made eye contact. Peter quickly turned around so you wouldn’t see him staring.
“Do you think she ever stares at me?” He asked Ned.
“I think you’d know if she did. You know, since you’re always staring at her.”
“Ugh. You’re totally right. Why won’t she ever look at me?” Peter whined and shot another look at you.
“Have you tried speaking to her?” Ned asked. “Or are you hoping she’ll get the hint through your spider telepathic abilities?”
“Ned, for the last time, I do not have telepathic abilities. If regular spiders aren’t telepathic, then why would I be?”
“You say regular spiders aren’t telepathic with such confidence but how would you know? How do you really know?” Ned asked and shook Peters shoulders.
“Oh my God.” Peter groaned and turned back to look at you. He watched you laugh at something your friend said and wondered how amazing it would feel to be the one making you laugh.
“Do you think it could ever work? Do you think I could ever have a normal relationship with these stupid abilities?” Peter asked quietly as he stared at you.
“They’re not stupid, Peter.” Ned assured him. “I would kill to be telepathic.”
“I’m not telepathic.” Peter groaned and looked down at the web shooter that was peaking out from his sleeve. He knew it was unrealistic that he could ever have a normal relationship and sighed wistfully. Ned looked between you and Peter for a second and felt a pang of guilt of his friend.
“I think it could work. You and her, I mean.” Ned told him.
“You do?” Peter asked skeptically and shut his locker.
“Yeah. I do. Who says your abilities, telepathic or not, have to stop you from having a normal relationship? As long as you treat her right and don’t hurt her, it would work.”
Peter took a second and thought about what Ned had said and wondered if he was right. He’d never admit it to Ned, but the reason he never tried to talk to you wasn’t because he thought being Spiderman and being in a relationship at the same time wouldn’t work. It was because he was scared that the relationship could work, but would fail because of something that Peter did that had nothing to do with Spiderman. It was easy to blame his double life as an excuse not to talk to you instead of admitting that he was scared of messing it up on his own accord. That kept him from ever trying to ask you out but with Neds pep talk, he felt like it was worth a shot. He unlocked his locker again with a plan to write a note to you that he could slip into your backpack as you passed by.
“Thanks for saying that, man. I really hope I could make it work if I ever got the chance. Because I really like this girl. I would never hurt her.” Peter said as he swung his locker back open. He heard a clash, followed by a pained whine. Peter frowned and shut his locker only to find you standing right there with both hands over your nose.
“Y/n?!” Peter gasped in shock when he realized what he had done.
“Ouch.” You winced and pulled your hands away from your nose. Peter watched your eyes widen when you saw the amount of blood that had gushed out of your nose.
“Oh my God! I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you there.” Peter quickly apologized as he fumbled around his pocket for a tissue.
“Yeah, it really felt that way.” You said as you pinched your nose and tilted your head up to try and stop the bleeding. Peter pulled out a bunch of tissues and gently held them up to your nose as his other hand went to the back of your head. You made eye contact for a minute and you found the look of absolute panic on Peters face to be quite adorable. You smiled a little, but quickly stopped when it made your nose throb angrily.
“Ow.” You flinched and put your hand over Peters to hold the tissues in place. Peter gulped and felt his face flush at the first time the two of you had not only spoken, but made physical contact.
“I’m so sorry, Y/n. Can I take you to the nurse?” Peter offered.
“Yes please.” Your voice came out nasally due to your nose being pinched.
Peter wrapped one arm around you and kept the other on your nose as he walked with you to the campus nurse. He sat with you in the waiting room and gave you a fresh bouquet of tissues to soak up the still flowing blood.
“Is it bad?” You asked him, still not having seen yourself. You had blood all down your face and neck but Peter was not about to tell you that.
“No. It’s not bad.” He said unconvincingly. You gave him a skeptical look and pulled the tissues away to inspect the damage.
“Oh God. That’s a lot of blood.” You gulped when you saw the saturated tissue.
“Is it? I don’t think its that much.” Peter played dumb in an attempt to keep you calm.
“You said it wasn’t bad. I look like I just ate somebody.” You laughed and playfully shoved him.
“I was trying to make you feel better. Your nose looks like that “Can’t Help Myself” robot.” Peter smiled a little now that he had heard you laughing. It felt just as amazing as he imagined and hoped it meant you weren’t mad at him.
“Oh good. That’s my favorite artwork.“ You laughed again and it sent a flush to Peters cheeks.
“It is? That wasn’t too niche of a reference to make?”
“It probably was. But I understood it.” You shrugged. You and Peter looked at each other again as a comfortable silence settled between you. It wasn’t much, but it was a rare moment of feeling seen for the both of you.
“How’d you know my name, by the way? I heard you say it after giving me a face full of locker.” You asked Peter as he switched out your tissues for fresh ones.
“Oh, uh, I asked one of your friends what it was. Gwen told me, I think.” Peter admitted without looking into your eyes.
“You asked her what my name was? Why?” You laughed shyly and anxiously waited for the answer.
“Because I wanted to know it.” Peter said simply as he finally looked into your eyes. Your jaw dropped a little then closed in a smile. No boy had ever sought out your name before, at least not to your knowledge, so you couldn’t help but feel flattered by the gesture.
“Well now I want to know your name. Since you wanted to know mine.” You said with a teasing smile.
“It’s Peter. Peter Parker.”
“Thanks for taking me to the nurse, Peter Parker.” You said, sending shivers down Peters spine with the way you said his name.
“It’s the least I could do after giving you a face full of locker, as you put it.”
You smiled in delight at him using your words from earlier. You looked into each other eyes again but before you could say anything else, the nurse arrived.
“What do we have here?” She asked as she looked at you.
“I hit her with my locker.” Peter sheepishly admitted.
“It was an accident.” You added when you saw the way she looked at Peter. Peter found it sweet that you would jump to his defense after what he did it you.
“Jesus. How hard did you hit her?” The nurse asked as she removed the tissues from your nose to inspect it.
“Not that hard.”
“It was pretty hard.” You mumbled.
The nurse started to feel around your nose, making you wince in pain. You instinctively grabbed Peters hand and squeezed it every time the nurse hurt you. And every time, Peter was a blushing mess.
“Okay. It doesn’t look broken but it’s definitely gonna swell. Let me get some ice.” The nurse smiled sweetly at you and went into her office.
“Hey, at least it’s not broken.” You shrugged and gingerly touched your nose.
“I know. But still. I totally messed up your pretty face because I had to fling my locker open like that. I’m such an idiot.” Peter sighed and rubbed his face with his free hand since you had yet to let go of his other one. This just further confirmed his theory that he’d mess up your relationship just from being himself.
“You think I’m pretty?” You smiled shyly. Peters eyes flew open when he realized what he said and he had to think fast.
“You don’t?” He scoffed playfully, making your smile grow.
“Well right now I imagine I look like Carrie at the prom. Post pigs blood.”
“Hey, Carrie was hardcore. She was my first crush.” Peter shrugged, making you laugh. Peter smiled proudly at all the times he had been able to make you laugh.
“You’re a little weirdo, aren’t you?” You said, making Peters smile drop. You had meant in in an endearing way, but Peter hadn’t realized that.
“Oh, uh…” He trailed off as he struggled to find something to say. Before he could, the nurse came back.
“Here you go. Keep the ice on it and return it when it’s not cold anymore.” She instructed as she handed you an ice pack.
“Thank you.” You said as you carefully placed it on your nose, flinching from the cold.
“You can stay here for the rest of the period. You and your friend.” The nurse said before leaving you and Peter alone in the waiting room.
“Here. I don’t want your hands to get cold.” Peter said as he took the ice pack from you. He wrapped it in a napkin he had fished out of his backpack before holding it against your nose. The ice pack was more bearable now that it had the napkin buffer so you sighed in relief, all while finding it incredibly sweet that he was holding the ice pack for you so that your hands wouldn’t get cold.
“You don’t have to stay if you don’t want. I’ll be fine.”
“No way. I’m not leaving you after the crime I committed.” Peter sighed with guilt.
“Thanks.” You chuckled.
“For what? Smashing your face in with my locker?”
“For staying.” You shrugged and gave him another shy smile. Peter felt his face heat up so he pretended to be busy with the ice pack so that he wouldn’t have to look into your eyes.
“It’s the least I could do after hitting you with a metal door at full speed.” He mumbled in embarrassment.
“Yeah. Maybe.” You chuckled, secretly thrilled that he was staying. The two of you made eye contact again as you both wondered if something was happening here.
“So what class are you missing right now?” You asked him.
“Business ethics.”
“Business ethics? What’s that?”
“Fuck if I know. I just switch between different tabs on my laptop until the class is over.” Peter admired honestly, but you laughed thinking it was a joke. Peter felt his relax a little now that he knew you weren’t mad at him.
“What about you? What class are you missing?” He asked you.
“Intro to western art history.”
“Oh. Sounds fun.” Peter laughed sarcastically.
“It’s not. It’s a gen ed requirement. You’re actually doing me a favor by helping me skip it.” You told him.
“I’m glad you see it as a favor because I’ve never been more embarrassed.”
“Please. We’ve all hit someone in the face with a locker before.”
“Have we?” Peter said skeptically.
“Maybe not.” You admitted. “But it’s kinda my fault for standing so close to your locker.”
“Oh yeah. You were really close to my locker.”Peter realized. “Were you gonna come talk to me or something?”
“I honestly can’t even remember.”
“Because I gave you a concussion?” Peter joked it off but felt slightly disappointed that you hadn’t been coming up to talk to him.
“Probably.” You laughed, making Peter laugh as well.
You stayed in the nurses office until your ice pack wasn’t cold anymore and promptly returned to to her. You walked out of the office beside Peter just as the class period was ending.
“So I’ll see you around?” Peter asked hopefully.
“I hope you see me next time. Maybe you’ll open your locker a little slower.” You teased him, making Peter blush.
“Bye, Peter Parker.” You smiled shyly and squeezed his arm.
“Bye, Y/n.” He said softly as you walked away. You looked over your shoulder to wave at him before disappearing behind a building. Peter stood there and sighed as he replayed the entirety of your interaction in his head.
“How’d it go with Y/n? Did she make it?” Ned asked when he caught up with Peter later that day.
“Did she make it? I hit her with a locker, Ned. Not a bullet.”
“Excuse me for asking.” Ned mumbled.
“Sorry. I’m just a little distracted. Y/n called me a weirdo.” Peter recalled with a frown.
“Oh. That’s odd. In a good way or a bad way?”
“I don’t know. Is there a good way to be a weirdo?” Peter sighed, already knowing the answer.
“Maybe she meant it in an endearing way.” Ned offered.
“I hope so. It doesn’t matter anyway. There’s no coming back from hitting her with my locker.”
“Maybe there is. At least now you know you can never embarrass yourself in front of her more than you already did.”
“Oh yeah.” Peter smiled in relief. “You’re right. That takes a lot of the pressure off knowing the worst thing that can happen between us has already happened.”
A week later, Peter and Ned sat in the library as they prepared for an upcoming test. Peter hadn’t seen you since the locker incident and he was starting to worry that he’d completely blown it with you. You seemed to hit it off in the nurses office but now he wondered if you were just being nice and didn’t actually plan on ever speaking to him again.
“Dude, can you toss me my notebook?” Ned requested across the library table
“Which one?” Peter asked and rummaged through Neds backpack.
“The red one.”
“Okay. Heads up.” Peter said and threw the notebook to Ned. Peter had momentarily forgot that he was 10x stronger now from the spider bite so his casually toss ended up sending the notebook flying across the entire library with a perfect spiral. As if in slow motion, you started to walk in the direction of the airborne notebook with your earbuds in. People tried to warn you about the notebook heading your way, but you couldn’t hear anything over your music. Peter looked up just in time to see the notebook hit you in the eye and send you crumpling to the floor.
“Ah!” You called out as you put a hand over your injured eye.
“What?! Where did you even come from?” Peter shrieked in disbelief as he ran to you to help you sit up.
“I was coming to say hi to you.” You said in a pained voice.
“You were?” Peter stopped freaking out for a moment to smile.
“Yeah. Then the Fire Nation attacked.” You winced and took your hand away from your eye. You had a red mark going across your eye and the most bloodshot eye Peter had ever seen, but he tried to keep his face neutral so you wouldn’t freak out.
“That doesn’t look so bad.” He said with a high pitched voice, making you give him an unconvinced look.
“At least you missed my nose this time.” You said with a weak smile.
“I know. But I got you right in the eye. I’m so sorry.” Peter frowned as he helped you get up.
“It’s okay. I got another one.”
“Can I walk you to the nurse?” Peter offered.
“Well I definitely can’t see myself there.”
“I’m so sorry. I’ll take you there. Oh geez. I’m so sorry.” He continued to apologize as he wrapped an arm around your waist to help you walk to the nurses office. Peter couldn’t believe that this had happened a second time and knew his chances with you were 100% down the drain now.
“You two again? What happened this time?” The nurse asked when she saw you and Peter entering the office.
“I threw a notebook in her face.” Peter said with a defeated sigh.
“He got me right in the eye.” You said as you took your hand away from your eye.
“He sure did. Let me take a look.” The nurse said as she took a flashlight out of her pocket. It wasn’t painful, but you still grabbed Peters hand for comfort. He blushed at the action and gave your hand a squeeze to let you know he was there.
“Okay. Luckily he didn’t scratch your cornea but this is definitely going to bruise.” The nurse told you.
“Oh. Lovely.” You said sarcastically.
“First I made you bleed and now I gave you a black eye? I’m so sorry. I don’t know what to say.” Peter said as he looked at you with guilty eyes.
“I don’t know what you can say either.” You shrugged. “I’ve never been in this situation before.”
“Um, black eyes are hot?” Peter offered weakly, making you laugh.
“They better be. What’s next? Are you gonna knock my teeth out?”
“Not on purpose.” Peter replied, making you laugh again. He laughed as well and soon looked into each others eyes as a comfortable silence settled between you. Peter felt the connection he felt the first time he had taken you to the nurses office and smiled shyly until he remembered something you had said.
“Hey, what did you mean the other day when you said I was a weirdo?” He wondered.
“Oh, you remember that? I didn’t mean it in a bad way. I hope you didn’t take it that way. I meant it in a good way.”
“Is there a good way to be a weirdo?” He asked skeptically.
“Of course there is. It’s you.” You said with a sheepish smile. Peter felt himself relax now that he knew you didn’t think he was too weird to talk too.
“Oh. Okay. Cool.” He smiled back just as the nurse came back.
“Here you go. Ice it and bring it back once it’s warm.”
“I know the drill.” You said as you got off the chair.
“I’ll walk you to class.” Peter offered as he held the door for you to leave the nurses office.
“Aw. Thanks.” You smiled as you pressed the ice pack to your eye. You sighed in relief and felt your pain melt away. The hand that wasn’t holding the ice pack bumped into Peters a few times on the walk to your next class but neither of you was bold enough to take the others hand.
“This is my building.” You said with slight disappointment once you reached your class.
“See you around?” Peter asked, hoping you’d make a plan to purposefully see each other.
“Don’t think I’ll be seeing much of anything for a while.” You chuckled and gestured to your eye.
“Right. Sorry again.” Peter apologized.
“It’s all right. Bye, Peter.” You waved and started going up the steps to your building.
“Bye.” Peter waved back, disappointed that you were once again getting away with no plans to see each other in the future. He hoped he’d run into you again soon, without injuring you this time.
The next time you saw each other came sooner than expected when you spotted Peter on line for a coffee shop on campus. You got behind him in line and tapped his shoulder.
“Hey Peter.” You smiled to greet him.
“Hey…” Peter turned around and trailed off when he saw the black eye he had given you.
“What?” You asked and insecurely touched your eye.
“Nothing. Nothing at all. You just look really pretty today. I like your hair like that.” He quickly recovered and tried not to look at the eye.
“Aw, thank you.” You smiled shyly. “I was wondering when I’d see you again.”
“Really? You were?” He asked hopefully.
“Yeah. I felt a little lopsided with just the one black eye. I thought you might want to throw a rock or a brick at me or something to even me out.” You teased him, making him feel a mixture of embarrassment from hurting you and excitement that you had an inside joke now.
“I’m so so sorry about the eye. I feel horrible. I would never hurt a girl or anybody and I-“
“Hey, relax. I’m just teasing you.” You assured him as you gave his arm and gentle squeeze. Peter looked down at your hand on his arm and felt his entire face turn pink.
“Oh. Right. Sorry.” He laughed timidly.
“I actually think the black eye makes me look hardcore. Like Carrie.”
“My first crush. You remembered.” Peter smiled in surprise.
“I did. Because it’s the weirdest first crush I’ve ever heard.” You laughed at him.
“Oh yeah? Who was your first crush?”
“The pizza boy in Home Alone.” You shrugged.
“What?” Peter laughed. “That’s way more obscure and weird than mine.”
“No way. The pizza boy from Home Alone didn’t kill anybody with his mind.”
“That we know of.” Peter corrected, making you laugh and lean into him. Peter felt his face warm up from the physical contact and was shocked at how well your conversation was going.
“Let me buy your drink to make up for the black eye. And the bloody nose. And whatever else I end up doing to you.” Peter offered when you moved to the front of the line.
“You really don’t have to do that.”
“I insist.”
“Aw. What a gentleman.” You laughed shyly and squeezed his arm out of appreciation.
“Together or separate?” The cashier asked after you and Peter ordered.
“Together.” Peter answered before shooting you a wink. You winked back and stepped to the side as you waited for your drinks. Soon enough, Peter was handed his hot chocolate you were handed your matcha.
“Thank you for paying. That was really sweet.” You said as you clinked your drink against his.
“Thanks for continuing to speak to me after I gave you a black eye.” Peter replied, making you laugh.
“What are you drinking anyway?” He wondered and nodded towards your cup.
“Matcha. Have you ever had it?”
“No. That’s the green one right?”
“Yeah, the green one.” You chuckled. “You want to try it?”
The thought of putting his lips where yours had been made Peters face flush and he nodded eagerly.
“Yeah. Sure.” He tried not to sound as excited as he felt as he accepted the cup. Peter took a big sip of the drink and was instantly met with a burning hot sensation on his tongue. He instinctively spit the drink out, which spewed hot matcha latte all over your face. Peter slapped his hand over his mouth while you scrunched your face from the hot liquid hitting you.
“Oh my God! I’m sorry! It was hot!” Peter quickly explained as he grabbed a bunch of napkins.
“I can tell.” You said dryly as you wiped the matcha out of your eyes.
“Let me help. I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize it would be that hot.” Peter apologized profusely as he dabbed your face clean with his wad of napkins.
“Yep. Hot drinks tend to be hot.” You smiled sarcastically as you wiped the matcha off your clothes.
“Oh no. I got it all over you. Let me help.” Peter offered and started to dab the stain he had made on your shirt. He put a hand on you to keep you steady as he dabbed at a particular large stain.
“Uh, Peter-“
“I can’t believe this keeps happening. I’m really so sorry.” He cut you off.
“Peter, can you just-“
“I swear I’m not doing this to you on purpose. It just seems like no matter what I do, I end up hurting you or burning you or-“
“Peter, can you get your hand off my boob?” You cut in, making Peter freeze. His eyes slowly moved to his hand and he realized that he had placed it directly on your boob. His eyes then went to his other hand, which had been wiping at your other boob to get the matcha off. Peter immediately held up his hands and took a step back from you.
“Oh my God. Oh my God. My hand, I didn’t-“
“It’s fine. You didn’t realize. It’s okay.” You cut him off to spare the embarrassment for the both of you.
“Oh my God. Oh God, I am so sorry. I didn’t even notice.“ Peter pan kicked and gripped his hair with his hands.
“You didn’t notice that your hand was on my boob?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Not that you’re flat!” Peter quickly explained. “I’m not saying you’re flat at all. You have really nice boobs. Not that I stare at them. But I felt them! But not on purpose. I was just trying to get the matcha off of you and I totally groped you. Right after spitting hot liquid in your face. Oh god. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay. Really. I know it wasn’t on purpose. Just like all our other encounters weren’t on purpose.” You chuckled as you finished cleaning yourself up.
“Can I walk you to the nurse?” Peter offered weakly.
“I think I’ll be fine. I’m not sure she can do much for a burnt face and second base.” You shrugged, making Peters face turn bright red.
“I totally didn’t mean to go to second base on you. We haven’t even gone to first base yet.”
“Yet?” You raised an eyebrow, making Peter cover his mouth with both his hands.
“Not that I’m expecting anything from you! I didn’t mean it like that. I meant it more in a “no, not like this” kinda way like in New Girl season 2 episode 15 titled Cooler. That’s what I meant.” Peter said all in one breath.
“That’s the episode when Nick and Jess kiss, right?” You smiled shyly when you realized he was implying that he wanted to kiss you in the longest and strangest way possible.
“Damn. You really get my weird references.” Peter said, mostly to himself.
“Such a weirdo.” You chuckled. “Thanks for the matcha. And for the feel up.”
Peters burned a hot pink as you waved and walked away from him. Even after two embarrassing moments in a row, you were still being nice to him. If he didn’t know any better, he almost believed you liked him back.
A few days later, Peter sat on a bench on campus as he waited for Ned. He hadn’t spoken to you since the matcha incident, something he had still not been able to think about without it cringing. He didn’t want to hurt you again, but on the event of it happening again, he hoped he’d get your number next time.
“The vending machine is all out of Sprite so I had to get Mountain Dew. Do you know what flavor this even is?” Ned complained as he sat down on the bench with a can of Mountain Dew in hand.
“I don’t know. Mountain?” Peter shrugged.
“Interesting.” Ned looked at the can with a newfound respect before taking a sip.
“Well?” Peter wondered about the verdict.
“It’s definitely mountain flavored.” Ned nodded and took another sip.
“Ugh. I hate these shoes. The laces are way too long so they’re always untied.” Peter whined when he saw his untied shoelace lying on the ground.
“That one’s untied too.” Ned said once Peter tied his shoe.
“It is?” Peter asked and stuck his foot out to check. As fate would have it, you were walking by right as he stuck his foot out. You tripped over Peters foot and landed on the ground with a hard thud. Peter heard the noise but was scared to look down, having a sinking suspicion that it was you who he had just tripped.
“Please tell me that wasn’t-“
“Ow.” You groaned from the floor, cutting Peter off.
“Oh no. How does this keep happening?” Peter asked the sky before looked down to see you. Your face was scratched from the fall and you had a leaf stuck in your hair.
“Hey Peter. Nice to see you again.” You smiled weakly as you rolled over on the pavement.
“You too.” He nodded. “Is that a new top?”
“It is. I’m kinda whatever about it.” You said waved your hand back and forth.
“It’s nice. I like the sleeves.”
“So do I.” You smiled and held up your arm to admire the lacy sleeves of your shirt.
“Cool, cool. So um, did you ankle always bend that way?” Peter asked and nervously flicked his eyes to your ankle. You prompted yourself up on your elbows and looked down to see your ankle bending the wrong direction.
“Not that I was aware of.” You shrugged, the pain not hitting you yet. Peter immediately got down on the floor to help you sit up.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you walking by. I’m gonna take you to the nurse.”
“What else is new?” You mumbled as Peter slipped an arm around you.
“Here. I got you.” Peter said and lifted you off the ground with ease. He carried you bridal style in the direction of the nurses office.
“Is this really necessary?” You whispered when you noticed the other students staring at you and Peter.
“Yes. You shouldn’t put any weight on it until you know it’s not broken.”
“I guess so.” You shrugged and stayed silent for the rest of the walk. You wouldn’t admit this out loud, but being carried made you feel like a princess that had just been rescued from a tower. It was cliche and outdated, but it made you feel special. You looked up at Peter before resting your head in the crook of his neck, your way of silently thanking him for carrying you. Peter gulped at the action but felt too flustered to say anything to you.
“Hey.” Peter timidly announced his arrival as he carried you into the nurses office.
“Be fucking for real.” The nurse said and put her hands on her hips.
“She tripped over my-“
“I don’t even want to hear it.” She held up a hand. “Put her down while I get some ice.”
“Thank you.” You called as the nurse disappeared into the back. Peter carefully set you down in a chair and took his backpack off his back to give you something to rest your foot on.
“Make sure to keep her foot…” The nurse trailed off when she saw that Peter had already done what she was about to say.
“Elevated.” She finished. “Good. Let me take a look, baby.”
You gripped Peters hand as the nurse inspected your ankle and winced every few seconds from the pain. This was definitely the worse injury Peter had caused thus far and he could not feel worse about it. He squeezed your hand tightly before putting his other hand around it.
“You’re lucky this isn’t broken. It’s just twisted. I’m gonna give you this splint and some crutches. In the mean time, ice it and keep your weight off of it.” The nurse instructed as she wrapped your foot and placed it in a splint.
“Okay.” You nodded to let her know you understood.
“And do me a favor?” She asked with a smily.
“Yeah. Anything.”
“Stay away from each other.” Her smile dropped. “You’re clearly each other bad luck charm or something. How many more signs from the universe do you need before you realize you shouldn’t be around each other?”
You and Peter sat in silence as the nurse got up and left the room. You were both wondering if what she said was true because deep down, you’d both even thinking the same thing.
“Y/n, I’m so sorry.” Peter said after a beat of silence.
“You have to stop apologizing, Peter. It was an accident. They were all accidents.”
“I can’t stop apologizing. I’m sorry I can never be normal around you. Every interaction we have ends with you getting hurt because of something I did. It’s probably better that I just stay away from you for the rest of college. Which I really don’t want to do but if it keeps you safe from me, it might be the best option. So if this is our last encounter, just know that I really am sorry for all of it. I would never hurt you on purpose. I don’t know how it happened so many times. The universe must hate me or something. Or maybe it hates you. Anyways, I just have this big stupid crush on you but for some reason, I can’t stop hurting you.” Peter sighed and looked down at the ground.
“You have a big stupid crush on me?” You asked as a smile tugged at your lips. Peter perked up when he heard the hope in your voice. He looked up at you and saw that you looked happy about his confession.
“The biggest and the most stupid.” He admitted, making your smile grow.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You asked him.
“Well most of our interactions happen in this room after I’ve severely injured you so it never really felt like a good time.” Peter laughed dryly.
“Yeah. Maybe not.” You agreed. “But at least I know now.”
“You do know now. Oh God. You know now.” Peter realized and started to panic a little. You could see him starting to freak out so you thought of something to calm him down.
“You wanna know how I think our first date would go?” You asked, pulling Peter out of his panic.
“How?” He asked as a shy smile crept on his face.
“I think it would be raining, since the universe hates us as we’ve established, and you would pick me up in your car and splash water on me as you pulled up to the curb.” You began. “And then I think you’d get out to open the car door for me like the gentleman you are and accidentally hit me with the door.”
“Yeah. All of that would definitely happen.” Peter laughed.
“Uh huh. And then you’d drive me to a restaurant and pull out my chair for me when we sat down. But you’d pull it out too far and I’d fall on the floor. Then we’d sit down to eat and you’d spill water on me. Or maybe spit your hot food into my face. I know you like doing that.” You continued with a teasing smile
“This is all very likely.” Peter agreed with you, growing fonder of you with every detail you added.
“I know. Then after we ate, you’d order us dessert and somehow, I’d be allergic to it. The one thing you ordered would definitely be something that made me break out in hives or go into anaphylactic shock or something. And after you walked me back to your car, you’d lean in to kiss me.”
“Yeah? And then what?” Peter hung on to your every word.
“You’d miss my lips and knock your head right into mine. And we’d both end the night with a headache. And maybe even a missing tooth.”
“I’d risk the headache for the kiss.” Peter smiled softly. “You know, one of my favorite song lyrics is, “I’ve got headaches and bad luck luck but they couldn’t touch you.” That kinda describes us perfectly. It describes how I feel about you, at least.”
“I don’t know that song.” You frowned. “I can’t believe I finally don’t understand one of your references.”
“It’s an old Fall Out Boy song.” Peter explained as he pulled out his phone and earbuds. “Here. I’ll show you.”
You stayed perfectly still as Peter placed his earbud in your ear and the other in his ear. You leaned your temples together as Peter hit play on the song. When you got to the part of the song with the lyrics, you looked over into Peters eyes. He looked into yours and felt his face heat up the way it always did around you. Since your heads were already pressed together, all you had to do was tilt your face to close the gap between you and Peter. You kissed him slowly and softly until your felt his hands cupping your face to pull you closer. Peter could barely believe what was happening after all the time he had spent imagining this every moment. He never thought it would happen after he twisted your ankle, but at least it was happening. When you pulled away, you smiled shyly at each other and laughed a little.
“Well, what do you know. That was completely painless.” You teased him. But that wasn’t entirely true for Peter. He touched his now burning lips and realized he smelled something all too familiar.
“Are you wearing peppermint chapstick?” He asked you.
“Peppermint lipgloss, yeah. Why?”
“Oh no.” He gulped and felt his lips start to lose all feeling.
“What? Is something wrong?”
“No. Nothings wrong. I’m just a little severely allergic to peppermint, is all. It’s fine.” Peter kept his voice calm as he frantically wiped his lips.
“What? A little severely allergic?” Your panic grew to match his.
“It’s fine. I’ll be fine.” He smiled to assure you but couldn’t hide the panic in his eyes.
“Are you sure? Your lips are swelling.”
“Tho ith my tongue. But ith okay. I really liked kithing you. It wath worth it.” Peter said through his red and swollen tongue and lips, only worsening his pain.
“Oh my God. Nurse! We need some help in here!” You called out as you held Peters hand to comfort him. The nurse came running back in and immediately sighed when she saw the two of you.
“Oh my Lord. How did you manage to hurt her again in the five minutes since I’ve left you? You haven’t even moved!” The nurse exclaimed.
“No, no, no. I hurt him this time. He’s having an allergic reaction to my lipgloss.” You quickly explained.
“Well how did he get your lipgloss on his…” The nurse trailed off when she put two and two together. You gave her an embarrassed smile while Peter passed out from the pain.
“You two are so nasty.” She shook her head. “I’ll go get some ice.”
Tag List 🏷️
@awesomebooklover17 @thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling @serendipitous-amor @tom-hollands-wifey
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dolicekiss · 3 months
Hiiiii I love ur writing!!! If it's too much of a bother, I totally wouldn't mind if you don't write this😭😭 I understand that you might be busy with other things, butttt could you write about Martin from Another Round?? Him as reader's teacher (in like uni or something one where reader is legal) and like a punishment sort of thing that's happens to the reader while he's trying to teach them something after school bc they've been falling behind in their grades, and he eventually makes a deal that if they were to do a little "favor" they'd get an A?? Idk I just really like Martin😭😭 If possible, could you make the reader fem?? If not, gender neutral would be greatly appreciated, thank you!!!
- 🫧anon
♡: sorry this was so late, i just finished it and requests r piling up :[ hope u like it anon!
Good Grades
PAIRING: Martin X fem!Reader
CONTENT WARNING: SMUT (18+, mdni), age gap (obviously), unprotected sex, perverted martin, oral (male receiving), degrading, humiliation, hair pulling, biting, filthy martin, power play.
SYNOPSIS: You've always struggled with your history subject, more so when it came down to remembering which historic event took in what year — the numbers screwing you up. It wasn't a surprise when you were called in by your teacher to scold you about your downgrading grades but you didn't know there was a much easier to fix them right up.
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You were in a state of panic.
When your teacher had asked you to stay behind, you knew damn well what it was for.
History wasn't one of your strongest suits, especially remembering the numbers. You tried your best to embed your mind with it but you failed at the end.
Your nails scratched the skin around them in anticipation, stomach twisting in nervousness and anxiety knocking at the doors of your brain to allow it in.
You only had to wait for the bell to ring and once it rang, all the students left. Rushing to catch their breaks and some letting out sighs of relief to finally be freed of this soul sucking boring subject.
You were alone with him.
Martin’s gaze captured you as he picked up the papers he'd graded, setting them aside after picking out one.
It had to be yours.
He walked over to you, dragging a chair and sitting down on it in front of you. You could feel your pulse throbbing in your neck, heart hammering rapidly in your ribcage. Your forehead had perspired and you let out a breath.
“What is this, miss?” He asked, holding your paper out for you.
Immediately when you saw the grade of it, you felt like passing out. Martin eyed you as you averted your gaze from him and the piece of paper, looking around.
You had no courage to face your failure.
“I'm asking you something.”
You licked your lips. “A paper.”
Martin leaned back into the chair, thighs spreading open. He sighed. “I know it's a paper and it is your paper, which you almost failed.”
You flinched at his tedious tone, not enjoying how he spoke to you. Truth was, Martin had kept an eye on you for so long. Unbeknownst to you, he always tried to focus more on you and make you learn.
But you didn't want to.
Head anywhere but here, in his class.
“This isn't the first time. If you keep falling, I'll have to kick you out of the class.” It was a threat and your eyes widened immediately, shaking your head.
You leaned forward, the unbuttoned shirt revealing your chest which Martin captured a glance of. His cock stirring in his pants at how your tits pressed together — forming the perfect view for him. “Please, no. You can't do that. Just give me a chance, I'll do anything to fix my grades.”
Martin raised a brow.
Anything you said.
“I'm sorry but there is nothing I can do. I've had enough of this. You never pay attention and you're always chatting with other students.”
You shook your head. “Sir please, I will focus more. I will pay attention.”
Martin eyed you.
You seemed so desperate. He could see the raw desperation in your gaze and something inside him snapped, seeing how your pupils had blown out. He swallowed tightly and after debating with his own mind, he finally came to a conclusion.
He had power over you.
Why not abuse it?
“Get up and lock the door.”
You blinked at his abrupt command but nodded nonetheless, rising up from your seat to lock the door. Once you had snapped the little lock in place, you turned around to look at your teacher.
“Come here." And you obliged again.
Sauntering towards him, your pale skirt flowing by your side when you moved towards him. Nervousness had crawled all the way up to your throat and you licked your lips, in an attempt to wet the chapped skin.
You stood in front of him.
“There's something we can do to fix your grades.” He spoke, voice now a few octaves lower. Your fingers engulfed the material of your skirt as you raised a brow.
Martin reached for your hand, taking it into his. His brown eyes drowning in yours and his lips holding a sweet smile as if he wasn't about to make an immoral offer. “How about you be a good girl for your teacher and suck his cock?”
Your eyes widened in horror.
Pulling your hand out of his grasp, you retreated and stared at him. You'd never thought about your teacher in that sense. Yes, he was very attractive and you had a thing for older men but this was completely unethical and unprofessional.
You inhaled sharply.
Confusion clouded your judgment. You didn't know what to do. The proposal wasn't as bad as your mind was making it appear. Just give him head, get your grades up and work harder next time.
That easy, yeah?
Your knees dipped in front of Martin’s spread thighs and his smile widened. A tent already visible in his crotch. He was so excited, as he would always wonder how your glossy pink lips would feel wrapped around his cock — your tight little throat fighting to make space for his length.
You blinked, profusely as you reached for the zipper of his pants. He noticed the tremor in your hands and smiled softly, loving how innocent you appeared. Your hand managed to unzip his pants and pull out his cock but the moment your fingers caressed his hardened length, Martin hissed.
Your mere touch felt like embers on his skin.
Your eyes widened upon witnessing his gaze, the sheer length and girth of it leaving you completely bemused. How was that even supposed to fit in your mouth? You wondered if you could grow used to his size.
“What you waiting for, pretty girl?”
You looked at him with your pretty eyes as you leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to his tip. It leaked with precum and the salty taste glossed your lips. You ran your tongue over his pink cockhead and then wrapped your lips around him while your hand began to stroke him from his base — upto his length.
Martin slumped into his chair leisurely as his palm opened and rested over your head, forcing you to take him further. His lips fell open as he shuddered, enjoying the warmth your mouth produced around him.
The more you took him into your mouth, the harder it became for you to breathe properly.
You tried to inhale oxygen through your nose, your hands both resting on his parted knees. Martin’s hand pushed you further down on his cock and you fluttered your eyes shut, feeling his cock glide over your tongue and make way into your throat.
“Fuck, such a tight little mouth you've got, baby.” Martin groaned and as you peeled open your lids, you saw a sight before you which made your cunt throb.
A few straight strands had fallen over Martin’s forehead, his lips parted as his chest heaved up and down. Chiseled cheek bones reflexing everytime he let a gasp slip.
You took him deeper, feeling his cock head slip into your throat and you whined, sending vibrations and tremors down his cock into his groin. His cock throbbed and twitched like crazy and you could feel every little movement inside your tight cavern.
Your windpipe felt like it was being crushed and you pulled back from his cock, to take him deeper again.
“You're pretty good at this.” Martin groaned, staring down at you with hazy eyes. “How many cocks have you sucked, hm?”
You shook your head, telling him that this was your first time. Martin thrusted his hips upwards, driving his cock deeper into your throat. He managed to catch a glimpse of his dick print in your throat and lost his restraint.
Callous hands grabbing your head, holding it in place as he began to fuck his cock into your throat. Thrusts harsh and vigorous, your heart galloped in your ribcage. Your eyes fell shut and Martin’s fingers engulfed your hair.
“Look at me. Show me those pretty eyes, baby.” You obliged, fluttering them open. Your lashes coated the apple of your cheeks and tears emerged from your tear glands — droplets sliding down. Martin discarded the chair as he stood up, using his full strength to chase his orgasm.
You sniffled, gagging over his cock. A white ring of spit accumulating around his length from all the choking. Your mouth was covered in drool as well as chin, streams of precum mixed with saliva going down.
Martin’s balls throbbed and his pace fastened, fucking your throat like it was a cunt. You felt a stinging sensation spread in your knees from how long you'd been kneeling on the floor. His stomach was taut and his thrusts grew slightly slow — hinting at his upcoming arousal.
Loud groans and gagging sounds filled the whole of classroom. “Fucking whore. On her knees just to g-get good grades. How desperate can you be.”
Martin was a mess. His forehead was sweaty and then after a harsh thrust in your tight throat, he finally released inside your cum. Though that didn't last long as he pulled out halfway, shooting ropes of cum all over your face. You closed your eyes as the warm liquid stained your face wet.
You breathed like you'd ran a fucking marathon. Shallow breaths being inhaled while Martin stared at you, admiring how his climax covered your cheek. You reached to swipe it off your face, sticking your fingers into your mouth to suck them clean.
“You look fucking pretty like this.” He praised, running his hand over your messy hair.
Your cheeks warmed up. “I-Is that enough? Will you fix my grades now, sir?”
He tilted his head, contemplating you. Lost in complete dilemma before he came to a conclusion. Martin didn't waste time lifting you up from the floor and you yelped — bemused by this abrupt action. He set you over the desk and smiled, causing his smile lines to appear.
“I can't let you go this easily, pretty girl. I need more now.” You blinked and stared at him, knowing what he was hinting at. You'd sucked him dry, there was no way he could regain his strength this quickly but when your gaze lowered and you caught onto his cock hardening, you realised his age did not work as restraints to his desires.
Martin took a step back. “Open your legs, show me that pretty cunt of yours.”
“Sir but you—”
“You want to fail?” He asked, brow raised. Deep voice hiding a threat underneath and you shuddered at the unexpected change of tone.
You nodded your head, face flushed and hair sticking to your skin. Parting open your thighs, you revealed your sticky panties and Martin’s chest rumbled with a primal growl at the sight. Your panties had a wet spot and that only worked to heighten his arousal for you.
His large hands held you open, staring at how your cunt produced more and more essence of desire. Your thighs shuddered when his knuckles caressed them, his hands tugging off your panties and slipping them inside his pocket.
“But..” You complained at the perverted action of your teacher.
Martin grinned at you. “Sh, I might need them for later when my cock becomes hard at the memory of being inside your little pussy.”
Martin didn't even care to prep you. He only held his cock in his hand and rubbed his tip up and down your moist puffy cunt. Then he entered you and the stretch of your pussy made you arch your back. Your palms gripped on the edge of the table as you whimpered.
You were all over the place.
Embarrassment crept up your body like vines when you registered the situation you were in.
Willing to sleep with your older teacher only to achieve good grades. If your parents were to find out, they would look down upon you and you'd probably be expelled from your university but none of that mattered.
You needed good grades and this was the only way.
“Fuck— you've got such a tight little cunt, baby.” Martin moaned, entering you till he's pelvis had pressed up yours. Soft little whimpers escaped you when you were filled to the brim. “I'm gonna fuck you, gonna dumb you down on my cock.”
You sniffled, a lone tear sliding down.
Martin leaned in and captured your lips in a kissing, licking and sucking at yours. A hungry kiss it was but it made your cunt throb around his hard cock.
He started to pull out, only to thrust back inside you with vigor. His hips snapped repeatedly, finally losing all sense of control.
Martin’s hands held your hips, digging into them as he drove himself into the warmth of your sweet cunt. He was fucking hysterical, each thrust delivered with passion and driven by need.
Crying out from pleasure and ecstasy, your body jerked upon feeling his cock nestle into your sweet spot. You reached for his sweaty nape, wrapping both arms around it for support. The desk underneath you quaked whenever Martin would snap his cock into you.
“S-Sir, oh my god. Sir please, someone might h-hear.” You sobbed uncontrollably from the unbridled lust.
Martin brought his hand upto your face and shoved his fingers into your mouth, pressing along your wet tongue. You choked a little but allowed him to shove his fingers down your throat, tips brushing against the palate of your mouth.
“Keep quiet, yeah? Don't want anyone to know you're getting fucked by your teacher for some high grades.” Martin shushed you, staring at you with pure lust swimming in his gaze.
You kept your thighs apart, abdomen shivering from your upcoming climax and your fingernails dug into Martin’s nape, scratching at the skin. He hissed and the pain only increased his strength, thrusting harshly inside you.
You squeezed your eyes shut, your release pounding at your taut stomach and with a loud cry you came all over Martin’s cock. He didn't give you any time to calm down, instead seeing how beautiful you looked when you made a mess on his cock only made him fuck you harder.
He grabbed your leg and pulled it up to his shoulder, leaning down and pressing his body firmly against yours. Martin dug himself deeper inside your tight cunt, as it clamped down on him and the man felt like you would snap him in half.
“You'll fucking cut my dick in half, baby. Relax a little, yeah? I'm close, so fucking close.” He reassured you, pressing onto your stomach to feel his cock push up against your cervix. His length grazing your walls.
He buried his face in your neck, digging his teeth into your skin. Tainting the unmarked canvas of a skin with red and blue.
Martin’s hips stuttered as he felt himself near, soon spilling inside you. His load heavy and filling you up to the brim. Thankfully you were on birth control so it didn't really matter but the feeling of his cum inside you made you twitch.
He pumped into you, emptying himself inside you for the second time but in your puffy cunt. You'd buried your head in his chest and Martin let you, finally getting what he needed from you.
He pulled out from you after you both had calmed down and caught a breath and you whimpered at the loss of contact. The blonde watched your gaping hole release his seed in drops, trailing down and making a mess on his wooden desk.
“Such a pretty, swollen cunt.” He whispered, shoving his cum back inside with his long fingers.
Your walls had grown extremely sensitive and you let out a whine when he did that. His tan skin glistened with sweat, making it appear gold like to the gaze. Hair a mess, similar to yours and his flannel shirt crinkled up. Martin fixed your skirt, pulling it down over your thighs and you realized he had fucked you in your skirt, which made this rendezvous even more hotter.
Your face flushed and sweaty, lips swollen and eyes watery.
Martin wanted to take a picture of how fucked out you looked. But he didn't — it would only cause problems if he was ever caught. Especially by his wife.
“W-Will you fix my grades now?” You asked, once you'd ran a hand through your hair and slid off the table. Lower body barely having any strength to support the upper one.
When you looked up at Martin, your eyes still held remnants of your innocence and he nearly swooned.
He nodded, pressing a lingering kiss to your lips. “With how well you took my cock, I'll fucking give you the highest grade.”
You smiled, pleased with the result. This was all you ever wanted. To pass and not be a failure and knowing your teacher’s weakness made it a whole lot easier for you.
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gojo-mochi · 1 year
KarateInstructor!Toji x Innocent!Reader
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Content Warning: FemVirgin!Reader, Slight DubCon, Size Kink, Age Gap but reader is over 18, Usage of Pet Names and Master, slight bondage, and Toji being Toji
A/N: I know this a OP Blog alright!! I just have major Toji brain rot rn and need to get it out,,, I’m sorry! ໒꒰ྀི ៸៸៸៸ ก꒱ྀི১ Second attempt at smut! Going deeper this time. (Pun-intended) Not Proof-read/Not Beta’d
A/N: Dividers by @benkeibear​ (Please let me know if you like to be untag at any time!) Thank you so much for letting me use them. Please go check them out if you have the chance! They have amazing fics to read and the cutest dividers! ૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა
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KarateInstructor!Toji: Who got fired from working with kids due to him making every single one of them cry. The scar and his resting bitch face apparently don't help when he’s trying to calm them down by yelling at them. So, now he only works with young adults and middle-aged people with too much free time on their hands. (Not like he’s one of those middle-aged people, mind you!)
KarateInstructor!Toji: Who almost got fired again for stating that his class “Isn’t for pussies, and he’s teaching you fuckers how to actually fight, and this isn’t some therapy karate or whatever.” He might have threatened the owner of the building so he could stay, but there were no witnesses and no charges brought against him this time. So he was free to teach the class how he liked.
KarateInstructor!Toji: Who snorts quite loudly when you trip over your pants on your first day in the Dojo. He still goes to help you up; he finds the way you stammer out a small “So-Sorry!” and how his hand engulfed your tiny wrist to be rather enticing. You stand up to your full height; which is barely anything standing next to Toji; and with a practiced bow, you exclaim, “My name is Y/N and I’m excited to be working under you, Master Toji!”. Alright, now his pants tighten up a lot more when the word “Master” passes your sweet lips. He barely greets the other students when they come shuffling in and only eyes you when you settle into your spot.
KarateInstructor!Toji: Who thought being called ‘Master’ was stupid at first, but then you kept calling him that every single time you needed help: “Master, am I doing this right?” or “Thank you for the lesson, Master!”. Now he can’t stop thinking about it, how pretty it would sound when you’re under him, begging for him to touch you. He had to bring in spare boxer-briefs to the dojo after you joined his class due to all the times he would leave wet spots on the front of them.
KarateInstructor!Toji: Who bends you over in countless sex positions without you even noticing. You think it’s just some new move he’s teaching you, and you’re grateful for the extra help, as you can be quite clumsy at times. “Yeah, just like that, lift your back up higher though.” He has you on all fours, and with him grabbing your hips behind, he wonders how dumb you must be not to notice what’s going on. He grunts when you push back a bit, trying to lift up your back just like he instructed you to; “Like this, Master?” You peek behind you to see Toji wipe away some sweat. “Mmhm, good job.” When you smile at his praise, he thinks about all the other positions he wants you in.
KarateInstructor!Toji: Who adores the way you whine and pout when you can’t defeat him. You finally thought you got him in a hold, but Toji quickly flips it around, and your back is now against the floor. You let out a huff when Toji chuckled above you. “I swear I had you that time!” you whined some more, “Sure, Doll, you had me that time.” Toji gave you a lopsided grin when you looked away with a blush. He always calls you these nicknames and no one else, but it can’t mean anything, right?
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 It was another night of one-on-one practice with Master again. He said that you needed ‘Extra training’ and honestly? You were grateful that Master would take time to help you! Even though he liked to tease you when you failed a move against him or call you those nicknames, ‘Sweetheart, Doll, and sometimes even Pet’, it makes your stomach curls in a way you haven’t felt before. You try not to think about it when Master comes back into the room.
“Are you ready, Doll?” There it is again, those nicknames… “Yes Master!” You shrugged it off and tried to focus on the lesson ahead. He strides until he is standing in front of you. You suck in a breath as you gaze up into his emerald eyes. With one hand on his hip and the other pointing at you he taunts you by saying, “Alright then, have another go at me and let’s see if you can last more than five minutes this time.” The way he said it makes the knots in your stomach curl deeper, but you wanted to show him that you had gotten better at this, so you quickly position yourself into a fighting stance and charge at him. He lazily gets into some sort of stance as he defends himself against your kicks.
With a few more kicks and some punches that easily get deflected, you start to feel a bit annoyed at how Master is not taking you seriously. So you went in for the tackle, arms barely wrapping around Master’s waist. You pushed with all your might, and…. Nothing. You feel a rumbling from Master’s chest as he tries not to show that he’s outright laughing at your feeble attempt. You blush deeply, feeling embarrassed, you let go and turn around to exit the dojo. Master stops you though; now with his arms easily trapping you, you let out a small ‘oof’ when your back hits against his chisel chest.
“Now, now… don’t be mad, Doll.” He leans down so his lips graze lightly against the shell of your ear, causing shivers and heat to pool near your core. Before you could muster up a response, he lifted you up, turned you around, and placed you on the ground with him on top, all in one swift motion. All you could do was let out a small squeak, which had Master chuckling again. Elbows by the sides of your head and his thighs in between yours, slowly spreading out your legs. Your heart was racing, “Mas-master wh-?” you whimpered those words out while trying to get freed from this new position.
“Quit ya squirming already.” Master scolded, his voice coming out gruff, and you immediately stopped. “Good girl, now raise your hands above your head for me, alright?” Without even thinking, you do as he asks. “That’s it baby, always so obedient.” Master looks at you so intensely as he reaches down to grab something. You can feel yourself getting wetter by the minute, and the heat is pooling up everywhere now.
You only just see Master grabbing something off his pants, when he brings it up, you can now see that he undid his black belt and was now holding it. With a smirk, he goes to tie your hands together. His hands descend to caress your cheek, and his lips attack the other side. It makes you squirm a lot more than before, with a breathless moan coming out of your lips. “Please! Wa-wait! I-um-I Ah Master! I ca-Mmph!” You get cut off by Master’s tongue invading your mouth, it as big as he is, effortlessly enveloping your whole mouth with just a few licks. He holds your chin in place, his thumb pressing in on the side of your jaw when you try to turn away.
He pulls away only after your lips are thoroughly bruised and wet with salvia. Your thighs are shaking, and your chest heaves up and down heavily. Through half-lidded eyes, you peer up at him. “Toji…” He quirks an eyebrow at this. “Toji? Did I lose the right to be your Master already?” He snorts out, and still he maneuvers his hand under your shirt, grabbing your soft mounds and rolling your nipple between his long fingers. You mewled and thrashed your body around to try to get away, or to get closer? You weren’t sure what you wanted anymore. The slick between your legs was starting to drip down your thigh. As he began to mark up your neck, nipping at the soft flesh, making you clench your thighs in protest.
Toji, or is it still Master?, lift up your shirt over your head and fumble around with your bra until it unclasps and your pretty perky nipples are free to feel the cold air and Toji’s hot mouth over it. “Mmp-Ah! To-Ahhh.. Mas-Master, master, mas-master!” It felt so good.. It was a new sensation, Master’s tongue running hot over your nipple while the other is being pinched and rolled around. “Haahh.. Feels good.. so good, Master, Please,” At this point, you weren’t sure if you were begging him to stop or continue. Master bit down on your chest in multiple places, leaving each spot with a visible bruise that will last for a few days. He lifted his head up to view his artwork, “Pretty girl, so pretty, just for me, right?”
You don’t think you have enough brain left to answer, nor do you think Master was waiting for an answer anyway. When he leans down again, this time you tilt your head up to try to meet him halfway. He smirks wildly at this, stopping just before your lips. “What is it, Doll? Hmm? What do you need?” He mocks your expression by pouting out his lips too. He doesn’t leave time for a respond again when his fingers dips into your pants, and straight across your wet folds. “Mmhmm, my girl all wet for me, isn’t she?” His fingers are so long and thick, it breaks your mind a bit. It easily slides up and down your core with one finger inserted inside. “A-Ah!” You bite your cheek, struggling not to let all these new sounds escape your body.
“Fuck, you’re so tight, aren’t cha? Can’t imagine how my cock is gonna stretch you out.” He inserts another finger, stretching out the inner walls. With your hands tied, you could only grip your nails into the palms of your hands for some sort of distraction. When his thumb starts to play with your clit, that’s when your mind completely blanks. The white hot pleasure was so new and so foreign to your body. Master grabs your face and sticks his free thumb inside your mouth, letting it press down on your tongue. “Don’t bite your cheek like that, darling, I want to hear all the cute little noises you make, alright?” You dumbly nod, drool trickling down your chin and onto his hand. He gives you a chaste kiss on the nose in return.
Somehow he managed to get three fingers in you without your noticing in the time that passed. Deeming that you were stretched out enough, though, Master pulled out his fingers and gave them a taste while his other hand ripped off your pants. He takes his sweet time to take off his own pants and boxers, letting his length hang over your pulsing clit. He let the tip get soaked in your juices between your folds first before rubbing the bulbous head across your stomach. “Master.. Please.. just fu-fuck.. I need you..” You were nearly out of breath as you said those words. Master barked out a laugh, “I think that was the first time I heard you curse.” He hums, grabbing his cock and leisurely letting it sink into your gummy walls.
He stops about a quarter in and starts to rub again at your swollen clit, flicking it with his thumb. You whined and mewled so loudly, you were sort of afraid that people outside could hear. “Use your words, Darling; tell Master here what you need.” “I-I need you, please! Ne-need you to fuck me, please please please-!” You couldn’t take it anymore, you needed him, now. Luckily for you, Toji finally decided to stop with the teasing, lifting your legs over his shoulder and bending down to fully pin you down. His cock sinks deeper and deeper into your tight cunt. It burns so much at first but when he starts to move against your walls, his thumb still abusing your clit, you instantly came. “Mm-AHhh… Ngahh.” Toji sucks in a breath as your wall tightens more around him. “Fuckkk…” But he’s not gonna cum this fast; his pride won’t let him, so he powers on slamming his cock in and out with ease now that you’ve gotten more comfortable.
The wet slopping noises echoed so loudly in the empty Dojo room. Sweat dripping down both your faces as Toji rams him cock into you at a fast pace. “My girl so tight, so fucking tight for me, hahhhh fuck, so good doll, so fucking good.” He praises you in between open mouth kisses. You just try to nod along as you feel your pussy start to clench again as another wave of pleasure builds up. You feel that Master was getting closer too, as he picked up his pace, lifting up your hips, angling his cock deeper than before. “Ahhh, Master Toji!” Master climax closely; after you do, you feel his hot seed pour all over your insides. “Fuck hngh…”
He lays his forehead against yours, quietly letting your leg rest on the ground. He looks at you through heavy eyelids and smirks. “That was good practice, but let’s make sure that you fully understood the lesson, yea?”
A/N:switching between toji and master cuz im insane and don’t know what to call him and  IM SORRY ABOUT THE ENDING I NEVER WROTE ACTUAL SEX BEFORE SO I JUST BLREH IT ON THE PAGE ૮꒰ ˶> ༝ <˶꒱ა Also I prob made Toji a lot nicer than usually but that cuz I like nice(ish) toji alright
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nezuscribe · 2 months
My 3am cozy in bed brainworms today are fuelled by your slytherin!Gojo content 😵‍💫 I would like to thank you for this meal.
Imagining slytherin!Gojo insisting (pretending) that all the other carts on the train are filled to the brim just so he’d have a chance at being alone with you before you arrived at the castle. Him sitting next to you and eyeing you, hoping you fall asleep on his shoulder.
slytherin!Gojo who purposefully makes a scene in a potions class to get your attention back from another student who managed to make you laugh. (He doesn’t even care that Snape’s whacked him upside the head with a book for exploding a bottle)
ofc nonnie :)
and he would for sure do something like that. especially when it's your seventh year, and he's had the summer to mull over the fact that he's wasted six years not doing anything.
so he finds your cart eventually, somewhere in the back, and the only other people in there are some second-year ravenclaws, he insists that everywhere else is full and that his friends sat somewhere else.
he'd probably sit awkwardly facing you, but when other second-years start coming in and want to sit with their friends, he moves, sitting next to you as you awkwardly shuffle around, trying to make some room for his lanky body.
you're not used to sitting next to somebody, let alone gojo satoru, so you try to act normal, reading something from your book or looking out of the window occasionally. he doesn't talk much either, which helps.
but at some point, as you always do, you grow tired, your eyes heavy as you try to keep them open. but you eventually nod off, your head resting on the window. when it proves to be too bumpy you mindlessly move it to the other closest thing, which in your exhausted state fail to realize is gojo's shoulder.
you just go back to sleep, thankfully not nothing that way he goes rigid, not wanting to move a centimeter to wake you up. the entire way to hogwarts he sits as still as humanly possible, casting the occasional look at you, his heart thumping loudly at the way your cheek is smushed against his shoulder.
when you wake up you don't even realize what you have just done, just giving gojo a small nod as you go to get your bags, not noticing the slight flush on his cheeks.
as for the potions part!
because he's so focused on keeping his rank and being at the least corgeal with his teachers, i wouldn't see him breaking something on his own accord. but if the beaker of the guy who was lamely trying to make you laugh somehow randomly exploded, don't check gojo's wand for the last spell he cast!
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bloodyshadow1 · 4 months
So I made a post about Adaine being the principal after killing Arthur Aguefort in a duel. And if that happens I think it would be fun for the bad kids to join her as teachers so here's what I think they teach
Kristen- Cleric teacher obviously. I think she's the most powerful and best cleric in the world, or at the very least Elmville even if she stumbles a lot. I think her background as helioic/solesian, who created her own god and found then revived another gives her a very unique perspective for any young clerics out there. I also think as someone who worships a pantheon it would work like Yolanda giving up her path of following a single god to be more fair to the students she teaches, unlike Bobby Dawn. Kristen has made as many mistakes as you can as a cleric so she would be a very good person to teach kids who might have anxiety about their choices.
Fabian- Bard Teacher, dance and sword. Corsica is a young woman as the fighter teacher so there's no real reason to replace her when the bad kids come of age. Fabian also drifted away from fighter so hard to bard it's clear where his heart is even if he's still an amazing fighter. I think he would be the teacher that brags about being the future and present of dance, along with being the Oracool of Dance to his students. He also has made a lot of steps from his stumbles in his school days and assures his students it's okay to fail, it's okay to wallow but you do have to pick yourself up still. Seacaster manor is still used as a study hall for any students who need it and his is the teacher willing to help any and all students, no matter the class or grade
Gorgug- Barbarian teacher. While I think artificing has his heart more, I could see Gorgug as an amazing Barbarian teacher. His goal is to undo a lot of the toxic aspects of rage and being a barbarian that people like Porter tried to force upon the class and the students taking it. He teaches about the positives of rage, that while it's a strong weapon, it can be an amazing shield to protect people. He is also the main multiclass advisor, he never refuses an MCAT request, he does ask questions but to let students talk about their interests not to make thing think their ideas are stupid or pointless
Riz- Rogue teacher. I think Riz starts to work for the CoC (Council of Chosen) for a bit after graduation, but doesn't like it since it feels more like Narc shit than spy work like his dad did. He's more fair than Yolanda, he is on school grounds more so kids have a chance to find him instead of having to go to a town miles away to find Eugenia. He focuses on the practical application of being a rogue, stressing that it's more than just damage for sneak attack. Being a rogue is about team work to make sneak attack easier, knowing your terrain to making hiding easier and not to jump into lava when you're not fire resistant or immune, investigating things not just focus on killing people
Fig- Sorcery teacher. Obviously she wouldn't be the bard teacher. She didn't go to bard classes as a student, why would she go as a teacher, despite being one of the most famous musicians in Spire. At first it seems like she's just another Jace, you know just hanging with her students instead of really teaching because sorcery is innate. But she's actually very good with them, she actually has experience in knowing what it's like to get powers from your blood instead of hard work. she also encourages her students to try multiclassing since they have time at school, she doesn't want them wasting the time they have when their young. Hackysack is fun, but they should try things when they're young and can get easy A's so try other class.
Adaine- Before she became principal she takes over for Tiberia as the wizarding teacher. she is much kinder and sympathetic than the previous teacher. She also doesn't make her students buy their own spell components and she makes sure that they know that they can explore other disciplines. Everyone thinks she's the sweet gentle wizard teacher until one of her students get bullied and she throws the other kid off them, or a monster attacks the school and she just decks it in the face exploding it's skull from the force of the blow. I also think she recommends that her students get exercise more than any previous wizard teacher. Studying and reading is important, but spells aren't everything, sometimes a healthy lifestyle can save you more than just magic.
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