#that makes it mentally heavy to even talk about the subject with other people because i already told my cousin about the theme
decodedparagram · 8 months
My life is falling apart :^
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tkwrites · 20 days
It might be a tad depraved of me. But would you consider writing a blurb or something of Sarah reacting to Quinn shaving his playoff beard? Poor girl wasn't warned that her last time being pleasured and stimulated by it was her last. Huggy bear betta make it up to her 😉 (if you are willing to do a blurb, you don't have to actually include the smut even though you have a gift at writing that girl! I just think it could be a fun little scene of her seeing him clean shaven, maybe even a cute domestic vibe idk, this ask is too long 😂)
Also ohhh not long until you post Nicos next part and I am very excited 😝
Hi my Lovely, inspiration struck for your ask in the middle of the night about a week ago, and I've been finessing it ever since. I hope you enjoy what I came up with!
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Photo from Pinterest
Blurb (664 words) below the cut. Allusions to smut, but nothing is described.
“Oh,” Sarah said when Quinn walked out of the bathroom. 
“What?” he asked, a hand going to his cheek. He didn’t think he’d cut himself.
“I just…I didn’t realize you were shaving.” 
“Was I not supposed to?”
A blush rose high on her cheeks. “No,” she said hesitantly, as if she was saying it because it was something he wanted to hear. 
“What?” Quinn asked. He saw right through her acting. The more he got to know Sarah, the more he realized what a terrible liar she was. 
“I just think you look really handsome with a beard,” she said. 
“I thought you didn’t like the facial hair.”
“I don’t like stubble. That hurts, but once it’s grown out, I like it.” 
“I can grow it out again.” 
“I know. I’d just kind of hoped you’d keep it until you moved home.”
“It feels nice.” 
“It feels nice?” he repeated. “What are you talking about?” 
Sarah sighed, deciding she needed to just come out and say it. She’d talked herself into this corner. “Your beard feels nice…when you go down on me,” she confessed, feeling a flush flair down her neck and onto her chest. 
“It does, does it?”'
Biting her lip, she nodded. 
Moving closer, he slipped a hand around her waist and pulled her body flush to his own. “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“I didn’t think I would have to. Isn’t it tradition to keep the beard until the final? I thought you’d have it until you went back to Michigan.” 
He winced, reminding himself Sarah just started watching hockey and didn’t know the traditions like most people he knew did. “That’s only if you’re playing in the final,” he explained, “most guys shave once they’re eliminated or after they’ve won.”
“Oh.” Great. Now, after dancing around it for the last 36 hours, she’d brought up the loss. “Shit, Quinn, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize.”
He shook his head, “how would you know?” 
“Still, I’m sorry.”
He needed to change the subject. Brushing his smooth cheek against hers, he brought his mouth close to her ear and asked, “so you don’t think I’ll be as good now that I’ve shaved?” 
“I don’t…” she coughed. “I didn’t say that.” 
“But it’s what you were thinking, right?” His other hand snuck under one of her straps. 
“No.” Her heart was racing with the nearness of him. 
“Do I need to prove you wrong?”
Her voice squeaked, “no?” 
“You don’t sound too sure about that.” 
She made a small noise that sounded like a halted whine.
His mouth drifted to her pulse point, kissing and sucking the tender skin. 
“Quinn,” she breathed. 
“Hmm?” Sarah so rarely got this flustered, Quinn reveled in riling her up like this.
Desire pooled between her legs - hot and heavy. She needed him. Now.
They had to take advantage of the time they had now. His family was finally gone, though his mom would be back soon. He’d be having surgery in two days, then heading home four days after that.
"Prove me wrong.” 
He smiled against her skin and gathered a fistful of her skirt. She was wearing that damned green dress again, and he was finally going to strip it off her. Or maybe he’d push it up and eat her out just like that. 
He liked the mental image of that — of her writhing on the bed, skirt shoved up around her hips, hands tangled in his hair as he buried his face between her thighs. 
Yes, that was exactly what he was going to do. Then he’d strip it off her and make love to her as many times as his body would allow.
“On the bed," he said, nodding toward it.
She backed up until the backs of her thighs hit the mattress, then reached for the hem of her dress. 
“Leave it on,” he said, voice gruff. “I’ll take care of it.”
Want more Quinn & Sarah? Check out the Snapshots Masterlist
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nekropsii · 1 year
Do you mind elaborating on how Dave was *sexually* abused by Bro? It's been a long while since I've read Homestuck but i hear many other creators say that that's an "absurd, chronically online" thing to say. so you specifying that that's exactly what happened morbidly piqued my interest (no pushing of course, given the gross subject matter i completely understand if this is not something you're comfortable with answering)
The idea of calling that statement "Absurd" and "Chronically Online" is baffling to me, because you'd honestly need to do significantly more mental gymnastics to say that Dave hasn't been sexually abused by Bro. It's textual, and it's a major part of Dave's intro.
Putting this under a cut, because you're entirely correct- this is a really touchy, disturbing subject matter. But it still needs to get talked about. Lucky for you, I'm perfectly okay with talking about the darker aspects of Homestuck's writing... Without filtering it through a fetishistic lens. I apologize in advance if this is more rambly than my usual essays. It's an uncomfortable series of topics that's hard to tackle for any normal person.
Let's do this.
Content Warning: Heavy Discussion of CSA, Mentions of Incest and Pedophilia.
I think where people are getting tripped up is that they hear the phrase "Child Sexual Abuse" and automatically think of the worst forms of it possible. It's an easy trap to fall into, and a pretty understandable one. The word "Abuse" is loaded, and perceived as an inherently violent, extreme action- a callous, sadistic disregard for the safety of someone who is seen as weaker, something done only by an unfeeling, inhuman monster who wishes to dominate the victim. It's a violent word, so people envision it as a violent crime.
I can't fault anyone for hearing the term "Child Sexual Abuse" being applied to two brothers with a significant age gap and instantly assuming that what's being said is that the older brother is committing absolutely heinous acts on the younger brother. That is easy to digest. That's the simplest takeaway one can get from that statement. It's a fair assumption. I can't fault anyone for assuming that the phrase "Dave was a victim of CSA under Bro's care" means that the person stating it thinks that Bro sexually assaulted Dave. I can't fault them for having the assumption that what is being said is that Bro is an incestuous pedophile. I cannot fault it for a second. It's just the easiest takeaway, and the most mentally and emotionally intense one. It's easy to digest, and easy to get mad at. Because saying that would be wrong.
Most cases of abuse are more subtle and nuanced than its most extreme cases. Sometimes abuse come in the form of Neglect. Even sexual abuse can come in the form of Neglect.
For The Record: We have no reason to assume Bro Strider ever made sexual contact with Dave, nor do we have any evidence to the idea that he even had any sexual thoughts or feelings about him. To assert that idea as fact would be fucked up. But that doesn't automatically negate the presence of sexual abuse.
What I want everyone to understand is that it is sexually abusive to constantly, wittingly expose a child to sexual material, be it websites, videos, photos, or objects. It is sexually abusive to do this, and the fact that Dave is surrounded by sexual objects and pornographic material- and has been since he was a literal baby- should absolutely concern people. The comedy of it is surface level, and a quick prod quickly reveals the abject horror of the situation.
Bro's main business appears to be in the porn industry, specifically making puppet fetish content. A parent being in the porn industry and having a fetish... Isn't inherently a bad thing. Kinks and fetishes are normal, and so is being a sex worker. If that's what you want to do, go for it. But Bro leaves his Smuppets everywhere, which are, by and large, sex toys. Whether or not they are for his own personal sexual gratification is irrelevant to the debate- if you are a parent and your business is making and selling dildos, it is still your job as a parent to hide those dildos from your kid, even if they're not for your own use.
Dave knows this. He knows that Smuppets are sex toys. Dave is very aware of the fetish porn site that Bro runs. Bro knows that Dave knows this. The sexual boundary between Bro and Dave is incredibly thin- inappropriately so for one's own young child. And Dave, the child in this situation, knows this lack of boundaries is wrong... But he's genuinely not in the right place to fully acknowledge it. He's too unsafe still, so he has to keep making excuses to try and bury his trauma.
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[Homestuck, page 461.]
The thing you have to keep in mind throughout reading Dave's entire introductory segment is that "Irony" is a code word. A lot of abuse victims, when they're still too unsafe to fully acknowledge their abuse, tend to make excuses for their abuser's behavior in the form of "At Least" statements. As in, "At least they don't hit me", or "At least I can still talk to my friends". Things of that nature. "Irony" is Dave's "At Least". That's him saying "At least this is a joke", "This is creepy, but at least it's not serious", "at least he doesn't mean it".
All of this Smuppet stuff is creepy, and Dave wishes Bro would stop. He wishes he'd put his puppet sex toys away, wishes he'd stop tormenting him every waking moment of his life, wishes he'd stop forcing him to fight. He wishes he wasn't trapped in an apartment that feels like hell, and he wishes he didn't have to hide any drinks and food he could get his hands on in the closet to get any chance at sustaining his own life and body. He wishes he was a normal kid in a normal home with a parent that loves him, just like his friends.
But hey, it's all ironic. At least Bro doesn't mean it, right?
It all stops being abuse when you declare it to be a prank, right?
It's fine, guys.
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[Homestuck, page 467.]
Totally fine.
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girlbloggercher · 11 months
how to become your best version
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i already have a post on becoming your best self, but i wanted to go a little more in depth.
1. visualize
visualize what your best version looks like. when i say this, i don't mean what their nose looks like. how long their nails are, etc. i mean their fashion, their routine, and their life.
2. get closer to your god
this is optional, of course. if you're an atheist, good for you. but if you're not, get more in touch with your spirituality. study whatever your religious book is. learn the sins. etc.
3. cut out all negativity from your life
cut off toxic friends. stop giving in to people who just want to see you fall. block accounts that make you feel bad. don't text your ex, because they're your ex for a reason. don't consume media that romanticizes bad things (sh, mental illness, abuse, etc.). also, [kinda NSFT] stop watching porn. i understand you might need to "get off". but if you can't control it, atleast make sure it's not torture or degrading porn.
4. educate yourself
read articles. study subjects that you know your teacher will cover soon. read. watch documentaries. because at the end of the day, attractiveness can only get you so far. but intelligence can get you farther.
5. focus on your health
make sure you eat healthier, more nutritious foods. workout. even if it's calm. like pilates or yoga. a lot or people don't mention this, but take care of your mental health too. this comes from someone who gets terribly depressed atleast once a week. go to therapy. but if it's too expensive (because it's definitely not cheap!), there are alternatives: meditating, journaling, and doing other different exercises for your mental health(especially if you deal with things like grief).
6. have pamper days
i know that atleast 60% of my posts talk about self-care and what not, but its so beneficial and important! self-care and pampering don't consist of anything specific. whatever makes you feel good. though it does exclude smoking, heavy drinking, and anything else that makes you feel good, but is actually dangerous.
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deluxewhump · 28 days
This isn’t about any one thing specifically, but in my 4+ years here and 3 million years in fanfiction circles it’s something I’ve thought about more than once regarding dark topics in fiction and harassment (and if you're sick to death of the subject, i feel you, skip the read more, it’s just my opinions)
I try to imagine what I would think if I was someone who anonymously (or not anonymously) harasses and tries to censor writers on the internet. I assume I would feel pretty righteous. And if you’ve ever felt righteous you’ll likely agree, it feels really good. I wouldn’t do something like that if I didn’t think that I was clearly in the right. This would probably come from the idea that the content in question is harmful. Harm itself is a large, ambiguous concept. If I believed that writing certain things was inherently harmful (not just to certain individuals who don’t want to see it, which is their right, but in general), I would certainly feel vindicated in my behavior.
Personally I think harm is more complex than that, and I think a majority of people here believe censorship is more harmful to society than any illegal, immoral, or disturbing thing someone can depict in fiction. The issue with crying “harm” is that it is so subjective when it comes to fiction. I’m not saying fiction exists in a vacuum, but it is not the same thing as real world harm, which unfortunately can also be leveraged in bad faith to distort arguments with hyperbole and diversion.
If I was in the business of trying to censor writers on the internet, and I was a stickler for nuance, I might say that the *way* someone depicted something was not correct, responsible, or heavy handed enough in the moral messaging of “X is bad.” This might be a mental compromise I would make in order to justify to myself the fact that I’m advocating for censorship. Criticizing someone’s handling of something is fine by the way, it’s the harassment and trying to get them to stop writing it bit that I’m taking issue with. I would probably feel really good about harassing and criticizing people I thought were wrong for depicting serious things in a way that didn’t sit well with me. I would probably secretly feel (because to admit it plainly would be embarrassing) like a bit of a vigilante. It might come from a deeply personal and complicated place, or just a place of general beliefs I’d picked up. I’d bet money that I would consider myself left leaning on most things, maybe even strongly so. I wouldn’t like to consider that my goals are ultimately conservative, because that would cause me mental discomfort. But “conservatism and liberalism” in the sense we’re usually talking about them is not a binary. It’s more of a circle, and you can find yourself batting for another teams tactics real quick if you’re not methodical and honest in your thinking.
These conversations often devolve into and circle back to “for the love of god just please tag everything” which I agree with. But that is not the reason why people continually harass other people. It’s more that they think the content should not exist at all, which is what I just don’t fundamentally agree with. I also think human beings tend to enjoy feeling like they have intimidated someone they’ve decided is wrong or bad. I try not to be too dug in on absolutely everything I think. If I’ve put personal biases into my little profiling opinion feel free to suggest where I’ve gone wrong lol. One other thing— there’s all kinds of things in books these people would have to say, to be true to their own logic, should not be in print. What do you say then, should we pull it? I wonder if they’d say that with their chest or if it’s relegated to the internet for them.
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yuri-is-online · 9 months
Same Anon here that dropped that mess of an angst post lol. Maybe I should find some name for myself if this becomes a regular thing.
There are a lot of valid points there. For as lightly as the story treats everything, wow this would be messed up irl. But I digress, I personally can see this potentially taking a much darker route. I don’t know if you’re comfortable talking about this so TW: Brief mention of suicide
I imagine Yuu to just bottle everything up for the aforementioned reasons of being seen as weak for expressing any of their emotions only for it to all come out in one big mental breakdown. I think it would be quite poetic for Yuu’s breakdown to be more of a quiet self-destructive thing just to contrast the showy, outwardly destructive nature of the overblots. I always thought it could be some spur of the moment decision to just end it all out of sheer hopelessness and a thoroughly crushed sense of self-worth. I just can’t see a teenager handling a burden this heavy very well. Whether or not Yuu survives could be up to how dark you want to go.
Also if it isn’t too much, I would like to see that post about the boys’ individual reactions to Yuu running away sometime. But I’m aware you only write for a few at a time so…
previous post
You are more than welcome to give yourself a name! I don't have any named annons so you are free to choose anything you like, and make regular appearances if that is what you wish. While I try to only write for a few characters at a time, I don't mind doing a bullet point type post with my thoughts on the boys reacting to Yuu running away sometime, but I need to think as part of me wants to write something sappy and romantic, while the other part wants to focus more on Yuu and their character. I could do both I suppose ( ̄ω ̄;)
I'm fine with talking about suicide, but since it's a sensitive subject I am going to place my thoughts under read more and tag it so if it is something you, dear reader, are triggered by you needn't see more than you are comfortable with.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, discussions of suicide and depression, isolation, abandonment, and missing persons. This also kind of takes a trip into theory town I am so sorry annon. Please do not interact with the words below if you do not wish to think on such things.
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I want to start out by saying that when a person is depressed it is not always obvious, even if they are contemplating suicide. We don't have a complete understanding of what drives someone to kill themselves because we can't ask people who have. I do think there is an element of assuming that either the world or you will be better off if you are dead; which I would like to stress simply is not true, but you are not evil for struggling with that feeling even if people try to make you feel like you are.
Yuu's breakdown being "more of a quiet self-destructive thing," as you stated dear friend, would be extremely poetic. To me it highlights the disparity between Yuu and the overblot boys. They have power and are able to hurt others to try and make themselves feel better, Yuu has next to none and is only able to hurt themselves.
Crowley mentions that there is counseling available to all NRC students, assuming the school follows real life laws we can assume the Professors are mandatory reporters. If Yuu shows signs of depression or self-harm, they will be required to report that and recommend Yuu for counseling, but the thing about therapy is that it's not a one size fits all solution. The patient needs to accept that they have a problem and, perhaps more importantly, trust their therapist otherwise you won't benefit from the treatment.
That's assuming that a counselor would even understand how to treat Yuu in the first place, there's a lot going on with their situation and while I could see a good therapist taking it very seriously, there's only so much they can do, which brings me to my sort of sticking point with this and why it took me so long to answer your ask.
Why in the hell is Yuu in Twisted Wonderland in the first place??? "Because they're Alice" ok sure but what does that like actually mean. I don't want to derail this into theory town but I keep thinking about the translated lines Crowley mutters to himself when calling Yuu a beast tamer that doesn't appear in the text box... something about how they look more like they are meant to be eaten by the beast than tame it.
There is a part of me that feels like Crowley wants Yuu to feel isolated and despondent about their chances of getting home, like he needs them to be accepting of their death and convinced it's the only way they will be useful. Something to do with Grim and that big Chimera at the beginning of the game, in the light novel there is someone telling Yuuya to take their hand but they can't move to take it, all they can do is stare up at the big monster and it's evil grin (if i remember correctly)
Anyway all of that to say I can see two sorts of scenarios leading to Yuu trying to harm themselves.
Route A: Summer
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As was correctly pointed out in these tags on the original post, I think Summer would be the worst time for an actively depressed Yuu. If they have been seeing a counselor, they will likely not be available over the summer months, Crowley didn't take us on vacation with him the first time so there's no way he'll do it now, and everyone has their own families to get back to.
They only have Grim and the Ghosts. And while Yuu might love them, they technically belong here. Yuu does not. The lack of other friends bothering them means Yuu has time to think good and hard about where they are. And who they left behind.
I like to listen to Dateline while I work sometimes and one of the things that always gets to me is how little closure people feel when someone goes missing, even if they find out what happened to them. If Yuu is missing in their world and their family loves them... they just have next to no chance of ever finding that out. Ever.
If Yuu has a bad relationship with their family, or none at all, they probably start feeling like they are going insane. They have nothing worth going back to really, to the point that people would probably encourage them to see being in Twisted Wonderland as a good thing, a chance for a fresh start. But it has been anything but.
Summer would be a good time to run away, it's easier to be homeless in the Summer, plenty of places need part time help anyway, and Yuu can make a clean break from the school before anyone notices they're gone.
It's also a good time to decide you want to die. By the time your friends come back they will have already gotten used to life without you anyway.
.... i could see this making grim overblot tbh. He blames the school for taking Yuu from him and by the time everyone returns he is there. Waiting. The consequences of their actions given form.
A monument to all their sins.
Option B: Sacrifice
So back to theory tangent.
Grim and Yuu are one student. Crowley treats them as such, but what if he-
Or whoever the real final boss is
Need them to actually be one student.
So they approach Yuu, offer their sympathies. Tell them they know why Crowley cannot send Yuu home.
"Because you came here by dying, don't you remember? These events you have seen, all your misfortunes and troubles, they've all been like one big dream. What a terrible fate you've met... but no worries. I know how to set you free."
The strange masked man places his hand on your shoulder and guides you to the mirror. You see your reflection in it, for the first time you idly realize, hair spread out on the pavement with a halo of blood spatter about your sleeping head.
"You needn't be scared." the man's voice is calm, soothing even, so much so that you almost believe him when he says
"You've died once before, after all. You know exactly what it feels like, it will just be like going to sleep."
Sleep sounds good, even if you have just gotten done fighting to stay awake, so very good you nearly miss the creature's wicked grin spreading mockingly across the reflection of your peaceful face.
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thelunarfairy · 11 months
Holaaa, First of all I want to tell you that I really like your account and your analysis💖Your points of view are very accurate and you give me my daily dose of hananene, so thank you 🫶
Now let's get to my question, it is not new that AidaIro makes "jokes" about Hanako harassing Nene, however this usually reaches strange limits, let's say, that Hanako tells Kou that he has touched Nene's breasts (clearly a lie) wanting to see up her skirt in a final comic of the Guardians of the Clock arc, hinting at her a lot, in another final mini comic he imagines what it would be like Nene if the water won't affect her (She would clearly be naked and he knows it) I even once saw a user of this app talking about how there is a fairly old mini panel drawn with a pencil in which Hanako wants to imitate a scene with Nene from the romantic movie Ghost (a scene that ends in something sexual) and the most famous imagen:
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Clearly if you see this scene without having some context you are going to think badly, everyone thinks badly, the link I am leaving you is an analysis in which it is mentioned that eating and sex go hand in hand in the manga.
And so we could continue talking about the many times that Hanako makes advances to Nene, to which I asked myself this, is Hanako sexually attracted to Nene? Maybe my question makes you uncomfortable, so if so, don't answer it :), even I feel bad and uncomfortable asking you this, I would just like to know your point of view, I also analyze these characters.
Many greetings from Mexico ☺️
Aww I'm the one who thanks you for your kindness, I'm very happy that you're enjoying my posts >.<
This answer was a little long, so I'm going to put fewer images to avoid making it twice as long, I'm going to rely on your memory on this one haha
Finally someone asked about this, and I'm immensely happy because it's a subject I've wanted to address for a long time. It turns out that I never really went into depth about it because I didn't know if people would feel uncomfortable.
JSHK has very strong and heavy themes, so I try to be cautious when talking about some things, even if I have theories about the topic. But to be honest, I'm thinking about talking to people about it.
Some of these themes are important to the main plot, and their analysis has a very important outcome for us to draw some conclusions about the characters' behavior, but anyway, returning to your question, let's talk about two of these themes, and one of the most controversial.
Hanako died at age thirteen, but he maintained his consciousness and physical presence for over fifty years. People still debate his mental age today, some say he has a mental age equivalent to the age he died, others say he already thinks like an adult.
Hanako has a duality, he will never be just "one" thing always, he is not just a good boy, but he is also not just a bad boy, I can spend hours exemplifying this, but that is not my intention, making it clear that this applies to most of the characters, so since we're talking about his mental age, this applies too.
He acts like a child, not like Tsukasa, but you still see him playing with toys or playing with other people, Hanako likes to have fun. He also has some childish thoughts about some things and does wrong things like a child. Tsuchigomori is sometimes seen teaching him things, as if he were responsible, like when the boy wanted to sell Tsuchigomori's objects without permission to buy a hat, the teacher teaches him that this is wrong and he understands.
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We can clearly see that there is a very childish side to him, but at the same time he also has a more adult side. Let's consider him to be a side younger than an adult properly speaking. Hanako was thirteen years old so he was in puberty, about to leave pre-adolescence and enter adolescence. In fact, sexual desires are common and very latent at this age.
But, we are already talking about two topics, I will separate them so that we can better understand the connection that sex has with hunger.
Let's start by talking about sex.
Hanako clearly has strong and very latent sexual desires, this was made very clear from the beginning, what happens is that the "comic" side of the series leaves this as a situation that is supposed to be "funny" as if it were just a joke. It is common in works to see perverted characters being used as comic relief, but this does not apply to JSHK.
Hanako does indeed have latent desires, the way he acts, the way he behaves and the way he looks at Yashiro is almost always with a lot of desire. Just look at many panels of the manga, the way Hanako looks at Yashiro with desire, as if he was always about to kiss her, the way he is always touching, hugging, putting his arms around her, it's because there is a desire he tries to control.
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The face he made when she was touching him
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I talk more about his desire in this post here
Make no mistake, Hanako has actually touched her breasts a few times, I talk about that in this post here
Hanako doesn't just feel desire for Yashiro, he has a sexual desire that is natural to him, that is, this desire didn't start because of her. He always walks around or finds some suggestive items.
Erotic books (whether with girls in bikinis or magazines teaching what to do at "the right time" such as the magazine that teaches how to reach your girlfriend's G-spot)
Books teaching how to win someone over (like the one he used to help make Yashiro's wish come true) the book was very worn out, which means he read it very often. This indicates that he was wanting to learn to do it with someone (conquer someone).
The Kokeshi doll.
Let me tell you about this doll. There are some meanings behind it, such as the fact that it is used as an amulet to guarantee the protection of children, but at the same time the doll is also associated with sex and the sexual desire of boys, due to its shape.
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On some Japanese sites I found it being linked to use for boys' sexual "relief", if you know what I mean. Not only does Hanako have a kokeshi doll, but he also thinks it's "Sexy." Again, people associated this moment where he says this as comic relief, but the signs are there.
See other examples
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So, let's move on to the sexual desire he feels for Yashiro.
When Hanako was a child, he said that Yashiro was his type, that is, he had been attracted to her since that age (even though he was so young). When Nene met him again when he was older, the first thing Hanako did when they formed a bond was flirt with her, and he flirts very often.
His flirtations are different from those we usually see in other works. He always uses touch when he does, and Nene has noticed this to the point of claiming that he sexually harasses her. Do you see that Yashiro herself noticed this? At first Hanako had no criteria, he actually didn't care about touching her or imagining her naked, trying to look under her skirt or watching her take a shower (despite her turning into a fish).
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And he didn't care because it was purely physical, he actually felt a strong sexual desire for her, even though she wasn't the only one. Yes, Hanako has also touched Aoi-chan, and even talked about the size of her breasts.
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Then, Hanako falls in love with Nene and his way of acting subtly changes. We saw how he was reluctant to go after Yashiro when she went to take a shower with Sumire because he was afraid Yashiro would be mad at him. Do you think he would do this before? Hanako now has feelings for her, so he starts holding back.
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Holding back is something that represents Hanako well.
And we see this all the time, the confirmation that he holds so much back came precisely in the chapter on the mokkes of the dead. Hanako doesn't have his normal consciousness, he's letting himself be carried away by his desire, in this case for sweets, but did you notice that he recognized Yashiro's voice when she called him? And the way he "attacks" her is different from the way he attacks Kou. We clearly see the sexual connotation here, Hanako's desire for Yashiro, and he pursues her until the end.
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The way he "attacks" Yashiro
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the way he attacks Kou
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see his eyes of desire in this last panel
In this chapter we see that just by "relaxing" a little, he already tried to fulfill one of his own desires. Hanako already had several opportunities to kiss Yashiro but he was always holding back, he couldn't hold back any longer during their reunion because he hadn't seen her for a long time, because she risked her own life to see him, she saved him from Teru and She still confessed that she loved him. He couldn't hold back any longer and kissed her.
So, I've been thinking about this whole situation and whether Hanako would start putting pressure on Yashiro if they started dating. If Nene is his girlfriend, he'll be able to tease her, right? I was wondering if this possibility could happen and I started to think so after what happened between Hakubo and Sumire.
So, after an intense kiss between the two, would we see Hanako trying to touch Yashiro? Or even succeeding? Nene is not difficult to convince, and she must know that when she wanted to have a boyfriend, sex would be part of the relationship, the question is, how long could Hanako stay before he started wanting to consummate with her?
This is where I start to talk about the second theme, "hunger".
You sent me the link to a post (very good indeed) talking about the relationship between eating and sex, which are directly linked to JSHK, and it actually makes perfect sense. Aidairo made it very clear that this duality exists and the constant use of this metaphor.
That's because sex and hunger have one thing in common, desire
Everything in JSHK is about desire. Make wishes, fulfill wishes, always wishes.
Hunger and Sex are represented by the desire to obtain, to consume, to obtain something at will. Or are you going to tell me that you don't feel pleasure when you can eat delicious food when you're starving?
Eating is a word that actually has a sexual representation not only in JSHK but also throughout the world. I'll give you a personal example here.
In the country where I live (Brazil) the word "eating" is almost a synonym for sex, depending on the context in which you use it. If you say that you desire or want to "eat" someone, the person listening to you will SURELY understand that you are going to have sexual relations with the other person and that you will be the one who will be on top (active). So, if you come here haha, don't use that term because people will interpret it as being about sex.
I want to eat someone is the same thing that I want to have sex with someone. It's a very popular term even though a lot of people hate it (especially women).
I imagine that in other places in the world the word "eating" could be related to sex too, not just here in Brazil.
So back to JSHK, let's talk about hunger. We know that cannibalism is present in the work too, in addition to the extra arts in which the characters are represented as food or something like that.
We see Hakubo and Sumire's relationship, and we have to admit that the moment Hakubo went to "destroy" Sumire, he ate her. It was very obvious and very clear that it was a sex scene.
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Obviously not in the most common way, but remember that Aidairo literally uses eating to represent sex itself. This is the most explicit example we have in the work (for now).
So let's move on to another topic, the way supernaturals relate to humans is different, of course it's different. Supernaturals like to devour humans and the way they deal with feelings is different but at the same time similar to that of humans.
Hakubo was a supernatural, he was born that way, and he reflected what was part of his nature. He did it the way he liked, he could have destroyed Sumire in any other way, but he chose to eat her, to consume her.
Do you know who is also a supernatural?
Even though he was a human and understands better how relationships between humans work and that he can actually fall in love, he is still a supernatural.
Hanako is also hungry, and the whole time he is next to a kannagi girl, and he said that kannagis are delicious for supernaturals.
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Hanako feels desire for Yashiro, he is a supernatural, she is a human with that title, with the blood that supernaturals desire. So, Hanako wants to eat Yashiro?
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What if in the end Hanako has to "consume" Yashiro in the same way as Hakubo and Sumire? It's a possibility.
He has to stop himself from doing that. Which brings me to another point that people don't really like to think about
Hanako's relationship with Tsukasa.
Have you ever stopped to think? Tsukasa is Hanako's yorishiro, and if Nene doesn't remove Tsukasa's seal, will Hanako have to "eat" Tsukasa too?
Tsukasa seems to be looking forward to it.
What kind of relationship did these two have?
I won't delve into that now, let's get back to Nene and Hanako.
Their relationship is troubled, not only because he is supernatural and she is human, but also because of the way this relationship develops. There is a supernatural side to dealing with "love" and "desire" that we don't know about, but which is dangerous.
Hanako desires Yashiro in human form (sexual) and also in supernatural form (hunger), he wants her in the same way that Hakubo desired Sumire. Hakubo was supplying both, wasn't he?
It could be the same thing with Yashiro, it will depend on Hanako and how much he can control himself, which side of him will speak louder? the human side or the supernatural side?
This is the question he fears so much, he is afraid of his supernatural side, and the proof of this is the desire he has to remain sealed because he can control himself.
Hanako's human side wants to touch every part of Yashiro's body, wants to take her as a wife, wants to give and feel the purest pleasure with her, but the supernatural side actually wants to consume her, wants to devour her.
Which of these sides will be able to win in the end?
It's like I said, everything always begins and ends with a wish.
Hahaha the answer was longer than it should have been, sorry, but I loved finally being able to talk about it. There are a lot of things I think about these topics, but I'm still thinking about whether I'm going to talk about it or not, I need to know if the public is okay with it.
A big hug to Mexico from Brazil \o/
I hope you liked it, thanks for the ask! ♡
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wonuwrites · 3 months
"A House In Nebraska" ot13 Song Reaction
Before we start: Warning: this song is heavy and talks about really heavy topics and even mentions about Suicidal thoughts. Personally, I, @wonuwrites don't like writing about suicide or suicidal thoughts because it is a very triggering subject for so many people (myself included.) I will mention the suicide part in this reaction. Having said that, PLEASE do not read this reaction if it will affect you in a negative way. You are WAY more important than a fanfiction on this silly website. if you ever need to talk, please message me.
Just wanted to put this warning before we started because I felt it was important.
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requested from this anon x
Warning/author's note : This will be a lot more heavier than things I usually write. (pls send me pet pictures or fluffy wonwoo drabbles) This will be post-apocalyptic themed with hints of the song "A House In Nebraska" by Ethel Cain. There will be talks of suicide like I mentioned above, also death, dread, trauma, and so many other things. I will write happier drabbles and things after this so please once again if this is too heavy please skip. I love you all and want everyone to be safe. I know I say this often but please if you are a minor- DO NOT INTERACT. Also this took so long for me to write because it was rough to write. I had to make sure I was mentally okay <3
Just like all my song preferences before: members parts will be in order of the song lyrics.
Let the angst begin <3
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Everything was normal for a year until some governments were a little bored and decided to do experiments on their inmates of the respected countries. Some of these experiments went a little haywire and caused a pandemic. The pandemic caused a very contagious disease that made 2020's COVID-19 look like child's play. The disease made people lose their minds and the only way to cure it was to put them down. Many people compared it to be a modern day zombie apocalypse except for zombies it was homicidal psychopaths. When the pandemic first happened, you and your boyfriend (member of Seventeen) took refuge in a House in Nebraska, USA. It was secluded and you both thought nobody would find you and harm you. Happy endings don't always happen though. After many days of skipped meals and sleepless nights, the worst happened. You watched the love of your life walk out the door to get some food from the garden when a stray homicidal was walking down the road. Before he could grab a gun to kill the homicidal, the Homicidal shouted alerting more Homicidal's to come. There you watched the love of your life try to defend you both before getting infected. It was then when you had to defend yourself from the Homcidal's and even the love of your life. After shooting the only person who knew you for you, these were the memories that would haunt you until your dying breath.
Actual Members Reactions Now~
⌂ DK: "Labored breaths and bed sores, sing it to me all day long, when the aching 'Sound of Silence,' used to be our favorite song."
It had been no more than two awful weeks since you had to kill Seokmin. The memory of the look in his eyes when he realized he was infected scared you. It haunted you. He slid you the gun and just whispered "I love you, (Y/N)." You had to do it but it killed you to do so. Ever since, you just laid on the once shared dirty mattress. At this point you had been just laying down and getting bed sores due to lack of activity but in all honesty, you just wanted to return to the love of your life. You didn't want to live without him any longer. You felt your breath getting labored and you closed your eyes praying that it was your time to go. As if it were a miracle, you heard faintly the love of your life singing "sound of silence" which used to be your favorite song due to the memes. You choked back a sob before whispering, "I'm coming home Seokmin, I am so sorry."
⌂ Mingyu: "You and me against the world, you were my man and I your girl."
You stared down at your whole world who starred back up at you with blood dripping down his chin. He was still warm but he was gone. You looked around and saw a lot of other Homicidal's scattered across the gravel driveway. You didn't have one clear thought as you realized what you had to do. The one person who promised to be with you until the end of time was shot because of you. You both swore that if one of you got infected, you would shoot one or the other no matter what. However, with the seclusion of the house in Nebraska you both thought that it just would not happen and things would eventually be better. Life without Mingyu now though, it wouldn't be better even if this pandemic ended. So you did what you had to do. You dragged Mingyu into the house and drenched both you and his body in gasoline. You cried while doing so because the thought of dying was horrifying, however living was just not an answer as well. You took a deep breath before pressing a kiss onto Mingyu's forehead. You held onto him as you flicked the lighter and set both of you ablaze. The world may have won this battle, however you knew that you would both find each other in every lifetime that came.
⌂ Dino: "And I still call home that house in Nebraska, where we found each other on a dirty mattress on the second floor."
Once the pandemic hit Korea, you both ran refuge to America because there were more places to be secluded. Chan always joked that Nebraska was a myth because "nobody lives there" until that's where you found home. A worn out house that looked like it had been vacant since 1958. There wasn't much to it but a dirty mattress on the second floor. Any fear of germs vacated as it seemed better than a hardwood floor. The first night you spent on that dirty mattress, Dino and you had torn up some of your own shirts to use as a sheet and held each other for comfort. You swore that no matter what you would be together.
⌂ Woozi: "Where you told me even if we died tonight, that I'd die yours."
Jihoon and you made a promise that you would be together throughout the whole pandemic. You both would live together or you both would die together. After surviving for months, living seemed so much brighter. You both were a light to each other during this dark time. When you saw Jihoon get bit, you felt like your world shattered. He tossed the gun at you and looked up at you begging you to shoot him. You ended up shooting the rest of the homicidals but left the love of your life for last. "Y/N, kill me." You heard him beg. He wasn't infected quite yet but the color in his eyes was starting to change. It was a matter of time before he was like the homicidals. So you did what you promised him. You sat in front of him and put your head against his temple. He tried to push you off when he realized you were planning on shooting both of you at the same time. He wanted you to live but you still fired the shot killing him and injuring you. You ended up passing from lack of blood next to the love of your life. You both died together and as each others persons. Just like you promised.
⌂ Joshua: "Your mama calls me sometimes to see if I'm doing well and I lie to her."
About a year after shooting Jisoo, the pandemic had been lifted. You left the house in Nebraska and tried to live life the way you had before meeting Jisoo, before the pandemic and it was hard. It was so fucking hard. Especially since most of his family had survived. His mother would call you once a month once the pandemic was over even though she knew what you did. When you saw her name on your phone, guilt always ate you. She told you she didn't blame you and you shouldn't do the same thing however it was easier said than done. Whenever she asked how you were doing, you always gave her little white lies in hopes that she would believe you and hope that someday it would be true.
⌂ Vernon: "And I say I'm doing fine when really I'd kill myself to hold you one more time."
After Hansol passed, you left the house in Nebraska after setting him on fire. The only thing you had left of him was a plaid shirt that he wore often. You wore it every day and left with it on. You found a camp of other survivors and they welcomed you in with open arms. Nobody knew what you did but they knew you saw some heavy things. Someone named San was at the camp as well and wanted to know why you didn't smile. He would ask you how you were doing and your answer was always the same. "I'm fine." It was a safe answer and one San realized would be the only thing you would give. You thought San was nice however, your heart was burnt in Nebraska along with Hansol. Each day that passed, you wanted to kill yourself so you could be with your other half. Living without Hansol was the worst pain and nobody could ever understand.
⌂ Seungkwan: "And it hurts to miss you but it's worse to know that I'm the reason you won't come home."
You didn't know what hurt more. Missing Seungkwan being around physically or feeling remorse for killing him. When he took his last breath, you knew it was what you had to do but it didn't make the pain any more bearable. Seungkwan was your missing piece. He was the ying to your yang. The Bonnie to you Clyde. He was everything and him not being there was simply awful. You spent so many hours a day crying and just craving him to hold you just one more time. However you knew that he couldn't come back. You just prayed he would be waiting for you.
⌂ S. Coups: "You know, I still wait at the edge of town praying straight to God that maybe you'll come back around."
Killing Seungcheol drove you mad. You knew he was gone but you still would look out the window and walk to edge of town hoping to see him running home to you. Maybe him being infected was just a bad dream and he was coming to your makeshift home with some much needed supplies. Maybe he was still alive and you would see him again soon. One night when you made your way to the edge of town you saw a being in the distance. He looked so much like Seungcheol. Your heart started beating faster than ever as you started running toward 'Seungcheol.' As soon as you made it to them, you realized it was a scarecrow that was just propped up. You fell to your knees and started wailing out Seungcheol's name. You sobbed until you couldn't handle it anymore and just laid down and prayed to God that you could be reunited with your one true love once again. It took a few hours but soon your last breath was taken laying right next to the scarecrow.
⌂ Wonwoo: "I cry everyday, and the bottles make it worse 'cause you were the only one I was scared to tell I hurt."
You were no stranger to Jack Daniels and mental breakdowns prior to meeting Wonwoo all those years ago. You struggled with mental health and the only one who knew how deep your mental health struggles and alcohol uses was Wonwoo. So when you shot him with his own gun you ran back to what you knew best. Your addictions. You used to be afraid to confess when you missed alcohol to him but with him you ended up being a year sober. However, the familiar taste of whiskey burning the back of your throat numbed the regret and remorse. You knew he would've shook his head at your actions but at the same time, who could blame you?
⌂ Minghao: "I thought you were so beautiful, it was love, I guess."
Once the pandemic hit, it was hard to see things as beautiful. However, when you met Minghao at a camp before you made yourself home in that house in Nebraska, you thought he was so beautiful. His giggles that ended up haunting your every thoughts, the soft stare he'd give you, the way his arms would wrap around you when life got too scary. It was all so beautiful. One of the main regrets you had was that you didn't realize how much you loved this beautiful man until it was too late. When he was gone, dullness took over again and it was hard to find anything beautiful.
⌂ Hoshi: "And you might never come back home, and I may never sleep at night."
Delusions started to eat you alive, you ended up just thinking Soonyoung left you instead of you murdering him. You thought it was just a scary nightmare and he was just getting supplies for you both to survive. So you waited for him. You stayed up staring at the door like a stranded puppy waiting for their owner to come home from a silly 9-5. You lost track of the days and couldn't remember the last time you ate. However, you heard a noise from the outside and all you could think of was Soonyoung. You opened the door and ran to the tall figure. You didn't realize it was a homicidal until you felt venom run through your veins. By then it was too late and you were one of them.
⌂ Jun: "But God, I just hope you're doing fine out there, I just pray that you're alright."
Out of all the members, Jun actually survived. You shot the dirt next to him and he played 'dead.' He heard your screams of heartbreak and he felt so horrible. However, he knew the homicidal's came for a reason and he had just found a cure for a bite. However, there was not enough food for both you and him so he hid the fact that there was a cure from you. Instead, he decided to "die" and leave the food and everything for you in that house. After you did a shallow grave for him, he crawled out of the grave and made his way to a camp. He oathed if he could find more supplies he would come back for you. However, after he found more supplies and food he came back to an empty house. There was no sign of you and it broke him. He blamed himself. He should have told you what he discovered. He would spend every moment until his last breath trying to figure out what happened and where you went.
⌂ Jeonghan: "And I feel so alone out here and I feel so alone without you."
Prior to Jeonghan, you considered yourself super independent. You could take care of yourself because that was all you had known how to do. However, once you met Jeonghan, you became codependent. As much as you could, you turned your brain off because he always had a plan. You always were together so when he passed, you felt so alone. You tried your best to find who you were before Jeonghan came into your life but it was practically impossible. Everytime you thought about moving on, you felt a piece of you die. One night when it was raining, you couldn't handle laying down on a dirty mattress by yourself anymore so you went to his grave and laid next to it. You felt insane as you started to put soil on you to feel closer to him but believe it or not you felt him there. You closed your eyes as rain droplets continued to splatter across your face and took your last breath. You couldn't wait to be reunited with Jeonghan.
holy shit it's finally finished. I hope you enjoyed this. Sorry it was so heavy. fluffy shit is coming <3
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transhawks · 2 years
A Thin Veneer: BNHA 374
As dedicated readers of BNHA and meta for BNHA meta would know, the way characters drawn and depicted, the way certain scenes are framed, all of that is crucial to points Horikoshi makes about his characters, the plot, and the themes he wants to convey. Something to note is expression and how people are drawn. On the subject of Hawks, we know from in-text reactions to him that he is seen as conventionally attractive, and typically has a cheeky or happy-nature in his expressions. It's alone or in tense movements that we see something else.
What we do have is faces that break the Uncanny valley, like the famous image pre-"attacking" Best Jeanist, or getting confirmation about the raid where he very much show-cased his heteromorphic side, or the frightening image of him from Jin's pov as he was shrouded in shadows and looked very much like a predator.
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What's consistent in these images is 1. Hawks was in control at of himself when he makes those faces 2. They usually don't *take* away from him in terms of find him "palatable" even if he's frightening. And there's a point to this.
Hawks isn't unflappable; there are plenty of moments where he loses his facade and cool, and we can argue those faces were truer to his inner nature than the bubbly cheeky personality he puts on a lot of the time.
But facially, it's interesting that he was so solemn as a child, and when alone and comfortable with himself, he seems to be mostly blank-faced and not very expressive. Perhaps that is the "default" Keigo.
Why all of this talk of faces and how Hawks is drawn? Because with 374, something has changed, and it means something very heavy is coming up with Hawks in the future.
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First off, let's read about a certain trope
If a character is deranged or has just lost it for a moment, one eye is drawn as being very different than the other. Commonly, the Mad Eye (or its iris/pupil) is much larger than the other. Can also double as an unspoken Oh, Crap! moment. For extra effect, may be paired with Twitchy Eye.
Consistently, Dabi has been shown to be drawn with this trope time and time again. It's featured in promo art, in his battles, and this example up top. Dabi is clearly mentally unstable, openly and not unlike his friend Twice. The "Mad Eye" trope is meant to be a visual indicator of mentally instability. There's nary been a time where we've seen Hawks drawn like this. Even when he was drawn smirking before "killing" Best Jeanist, the eyes were the same.
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It's interesting that his expression and eyes were relatively stable through out the process leading up to killing Bubaigawara Jin. But in the same panel where he kills him (right in the image above), half his face is obscured. Still, there's still an element of control here. I, and many other meta writers, have written about how control is a specific element in Hawks's character. His skill is in his technique, where he lacks in pure power, his skill in using his quirk in extremely adaptable and creative ways shows that he has an intense amount of control over it. And essentially his quirk is in that - controlling feathers do the various things they're capable of (sensors, listening devices, controlling their movements, flexibility, hardness, etc).
When being in control is so crucial to Hawks's quirk functioning, and being out of control so crucial to his narrative (the frequent caged bird references), it's interesting that most of the time Keigo is control of himself, even if he isn't in control of his circumstances. It's what made the HPSC make him a spy and what makes him, in my opinion, an interesting character.
By interesting, I don't mean "good" or "bad", moral or immoral or amoral, etc. I mean interesting in that he's complex and there's still mystery to him. It's very hard to understand Hawks because Keigo's story and personality are layered and presented to us in a way that it's difficult to get a full picture.
So what do we see in this chapter?
Keigo losing control.
He's been remarkably poised this war arc. He started by immediately trying to assassinate AFO without hesitation: While he's had emotional moments, one of the most striking things is that in earlier chapters against AFO, he's been repeating something that shows where his mindset is:
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This whole fight Hawks has been telling Endeavor to keep a cool head, to not be provoked, to regain control of himself. He also keeps trying to play the circumstances - delaying so heavy-hitters like Enji can get a shot in, making sure everything it together.
Something else to notice is Hawks is wounded over the left side of his wave, and there's blood drying over his eye. However, there are numerous pictures of him in this state where his eyes are open at the same time or half-closed and there's no indication that he can open more than other.
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As you can see here, this is Hawks with the blood over his eye in various expressions. Even when stressed, his expression never gives us indications of the "going mad" trope as the most recent chapter does. Thus, whatever is going on cannot be explained as due to his wound - it hasn't been shown before.
Why make so much of a single panel?
Because it's important.
We have Hawks, known for being very in control of himself and who tries to be in control of situations around him, and we have heavy build up by Hawks being the one to remind Endeavor to not lose it.
And yet....
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This is not like anything we've seen from him so far. The mere sight of Twice alive again, the knowledge that what he did was for naught, heck, All For One is provoking him just on that basis:
"Time to learn how it might have turned out if you hadn't made his death your top priority back then."
Hawks's extrajudicial assassination of Twice became a viral moment, and don't forget it was drawn that way in the same time Japan had started undergoing protests for police brutality in 2020 due to viral videos of local beatings going viral amongst Japanese social media and twitter. Hawks has had to face immense scrutiny and criticism over his choice to kill Twice for the past few months, and his reaction to it has been to publicly apologize that he couldn't find another way to deal with him and to privately tell Best Jeanist that he admired the person he killed and wishes to be like him.
There's been no real show of regret, no reflection. And suddenly, with the appearance of Twice once more, we see a crack in this veneer:
Hawks's first words at the sight of the man he killed is to scream that the clones have to be killed immediately. Hawks's first expression at sight of Twice is one not of collected focus, nor even his usual anger or frustration.
He's drawn as if he's fucking crazy.
Horikoshi doesn't do panels like this for nothing. The way the panel beautifully lines up with one of Dabi's back covers, and the fact it's the first time Hawks has been drawn with the "mad eyes" trope is significant. It's showing us that Hawks, for the first time that we know of, is losing control of himself. And for a character whose narrative has been about controlling what people think and know about himself (and letting others do that for him), that's elemental to breaking down all we know of him.
This panel promises to show us another side of Hawks, a side he cannot hide away, or charm and joke his way out of. Naked, raw, and with no ulterior motives to control the situation, this face promises that we might finally hear what Hawks thinks of his actions and the reaction to them.
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etoilesbienne · 9 months
Nice to see that apparently we’ve all read it runs in the family. It was my guilty pleasure fic and i didn’t expect to see other people talking about it. I started reading it like a month after i got into bad and dsmp and i was /obsessed/. It’s one of those fics that changes your brain chemistry and makes you stare at a wall after reading it. To this day im still subbed to it on the off chance that it gets another chapter.
like genuinely its an enamoring fic it has an odd premise but like the author has so much potential in, like, being able to write genuinely engaging narratives. i'm shocked at how much setup is put into the work and you can tell where the narrative is going in a way that's like watching a trainwreck. You know exactly where it is going but the journey of getting there is so fascinating to watch.
anyway i want to ramble about what i liked and what i didn't like in the fic. so. huge reader discretion advised, go look at the other warnings i posted about this fic before reading this (also spoilers for the fic ahead)
like part of its most interesting facets is it is one of the few fics that tackles this sort of heavy subject matter of assault and kidnapping and doesn't really shy away from how genuinely negative it is and can be. like don't get me wrong ive enjoyed other psychological horror before, but it was, like, nice? to see the "pets" all be like genuinely upset and respond realistically to the situation they're in. no "they really like it secretly" undertone.
not a criticism but my favorite part of this story is the random ass normal human names they try to give everyone. they made skeppy have a white ass last name. bbh's name is Bad Halo. purpled doesn't even show up but his name is mentioned to be, like, "nolan purpled but he goes by purpled because his cheating whore of a mom named him nolan and he hates her" genuinely funniest line of the whole fic one of my favorites i can never ever forget it. i need to find all the human names in this theyre so fucking funny.
also badboyhalo? while he IS woobified and made much more demure and defanged, he's still like... that IS badboyhalo. his moments of complete suspicion at every encounter. his doubting. refusal to break the mould and rock the boat out if fear something bad would happen. VERY badboyhalo sentiments. also the fact the writer knew about skephalo divorce. going to be honest, looking at how their other work contains a6d, i think the writer was/is a bbh watcher. and then the schlatthalo. the fact they made schlatt ask to curse? and then bbh laughed when he did? this person understood both of these guys. they did their homework. schlatt isn't a megalomaniac evil villain one note. i don't know if i'd call both of them "in character" per say, but i can definitely say they had consistent characterization and i could understand how their characters got to these versions.
also the technohalo multifaceted concept? techno seeing bbh as too innocent? putting bbh on a pedestal and denying his humanity in that way? WILD. the setup and writing was all there for, like, bbh using his body and manipulating techno to turn against phil.
like the good parts of this fic are such crazy highs and peaks it makes the lows look so much worse.
speaking of which: wilbur soot.
by god is wilbur soot not a character, he is a force of nature and just continuous digging deeper on trying to fix a problem the writer accidentally started. none of sbi really are fleshed out or rounded characters, but wilbur soot is like by far getting the worst treatment. im not even a wilbur fan LOL.
he's supposed to be a schizophrenic serial killer which already isn't a great start, and then you watch the writer realize the issue and try to fix what they've started. this is when schizophrenic medicated slimecicle comes in. followed by badboyhalo looking at the camera and going Not All Mentally Ill People Are Bad. which was just really funny in such a morbid way. but then the writer DOES go in an interesting direction with phil denying his condition and refusing to help him get medicated. however with the slimecicle medicated moment it comes off as a medication = The Good Mentally Ill Person narrative. genuinely i dont know how id solve the wilbur issue without extensive rewriting. he's just a mess.
phil i think is one of the most interesting of sbi, being made into a central antagonist and a genuinely good villain. his scenes have well made tension and poses actual threat and stakes to the narrative. he's a good villain! techno has an interesting arc with bbh but just isn't given enough screentime and doesn't have much beyond "brute to be manipulated" which sucks a little. tommy is tommy. only one of sbi i could see not dying in a fire at the end. wilbur, despite his other issues is a narrative driver with his capriciousness, but the schizophrenia plotline is such a mess that he just is not a person here, he's a plot device more than anything.
more abstractly i do wish they committed and, like, had sex scenes or were blatant about sex happening. like they keep dancing around it but so much of the fic does not make sense if sex isn't what's occurring here. like i get subtlety if the avoidance of sex is what they're aiming for! but its okay to, like, maybe make it more clear whatever techno and bbh have going on is obviously sexual, because that can be used to advance the narrative and make it more clear bbh is using his body to manipulate here, because that'd be a good plot point to continue the themes and motifs of the story. i also just do not know how else to interpret the relationship lol.
my other biggest criticism is make it less misogynistic. the only three named women are the dead samsung smart fridge (who is now a dead mom named samantha), minx the alcoholic witness, and puffy, who is somehow ranboo's mom. like the ableism is horrific here but its so over the top stupid in the ableism, while the misogyny is subtle and just reeks. genuinely why is puffy ranboo's mom that sucks so fucking bad. make her be his aunt or guardian or something. but mom? c'mon.
i rambled way too long lol there's more i can say but this fic is my roman empire. the writer has so much potential but just needs more life experience to understand mental illness and misogyny. also a beta reader to fix their formatting. and maybe make their dialogue more human. shoutout to ranboo giving his name and phone number to tommy after tommy literally fucking tells him he'd "make a beautiful corpse" CRAZY exchange. no human would do that.
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eeblouissant · 2 days
I'm so so sorry I didn't think to TW. For what it's worth now, TW for discussion of sexual assault in this message. I have a lot of thoughts to your 100% correct and thoughtful reply, thank you so much for taking the time to write it all out, and I did think that was a subtext to your fic in case you were wondering if it came through (your take on Dorothy is heartbreaking but cathartic ans very needed), but before I get them in order (I don't want to spam you with nonsense rants.... even though I sort of am) I have to say its worse than what you remember unfortunately. On one occasion Dorothy says he slipped her something in her drink. People try to argue its only a small dick gag and nothing more but in the same bit she says that "when [she] came to, [stanley] was carving a notch". I can't remember the ep but I do remember it immediately lingers on a reaction shot of Rose who looks upset. And I actually think you can slot each story together into one - he guilted her over the war, got her drunk, put something in her drunk to be (evil), then raped her. Because Dorothy can't even remember the entire encounter (she definitely doesnt remember the assault, thats consistent in every telling), the version she internalised is that she must have agreed and been a sloppy drunk. Its awful. (She knows, in the back if her mind, the truth. But that's a pain she buries deep. I'm not even sure she'd react well when Blanche or Rose first calls it for what it is, because its tangled up in so many other hurts (like her relationship with her mother)).
bit of a heavy subject, so mind the warnings, but I love that we’ve really (finally) unpacked the subject of what really happened between stan & Dorothy that night, and your layout of events, to me, is so so canon - the fact that Dorothy can’t lay out the story in order is even more proof to me that he did in fact slip her something, and that it was not just a gag. or something Dorothy imagined to fill in the gap in events.
(this got long so, more under the cut)
I would argue that even Bea - separate from Dorothy - looked quite uncomfortable in that scene. The way she says it and the immediately recoils, her eyes are glued to the table in such an im clearly uncomfortable way. As soon as she says it (and, most other times Dorothy mentions that night with Stan, but especially & specifically the time she tells Rose & Blanche that she had “come to” and that “(he had) slipped her something”), there’s an almost out of character & clearly uncomfortable air in the room. And it takes a lot for them to shake sometimes. Seeing rose so visibly upset, even if it was just for a split second, was so heartbreaking. I can only imagine that from a professional standpoint (and as someone with as much knowledge in psychology as she has) she would want to approach & start helping Dorothy unpack in so desperately. But, like you mentioned, I don’t think it will ever truly be unpacked. I think it’s a mix of The Times, age, & how far away from it she thinks she is.
I genuinely think that if Blanche or Rose ever confronted it directly, and really poked at it (especially professionally??? I personally hc that Dorothy has a thing against seeking professional help for herself, especially regarding her mental health, purely because of past experiences. But that’s another ramble), that she would back away and isolate completely. That pain is something that will be healed unspoken. It will never be talked about, but through actions & receiving the love she can’t quite accept for herself yet (something that will just have to be given to her, forced but never mentioned or given in any way that could make her think she’s being healed?). One day she will wake up and know, and it will continue to be unspoken. Rose, Blanche and Sophia will know too. But it will never be talked about, and Stanley will never be brought up again unless by her or her children.
I think her & stan would need to have one long, final conversation. No contact afterwards, unless their kids specifically request it.
As for her relationship with Sophia … this may turn into a second ramble because it’s something I think about so often - I think there might have been an unspoken (but also, very much not unspoken?) bitterness between them up until her stroke. Dorothy’s not knowing exactly what happened that night is laced with denial, and I think that a lotttt of that denial was built up by her parents reaction. She was obviously devastated, feeling absolutely violated, a child - and now on top of all of this forced into a marriage with the man that created all of that hurt in the first place? By the two people she, from birth, had no choice but to place all her trust in? She definitely gaslit herself into thinking she had just been a sloppy drunk and that this was her fault too. We know this is absolutely not true, but it would explain her current state & relationship with Sophia imo.
We know that it was moreso her father that pushed it, and that he also was equally not happy with Stanley (threatening him & such, god that mention was therapeutic), but we also know that they were both extremely hard on her. And that, even if it’s playful, Sophia still hides (well, not really tbh) a hint of resentment towards Dorothy’s situation because of the stain it supposedly left on her reputation as a mother. (I just?? Like. with the exception of Gloria, I suppose, she seems to talk a lot about how little faith she has/had in her children. With Phil’s cross dressing ((hint at being queer/trans)) and Dorothy’s teen pregnancy - she seems to bring one up whenever the other is mentioned. As if they’re on the same level of shameful in her mind.)
I think that Dorothy really clung to Kate during the rough period with Sophia; she definitely projected the love she was missing onto her. Smothering, love bombing, whatever you’d like to call it. Some have mixed feelings & even resentment towards children conceived in the way that Kate was, but I absolutely don’t think this was ever Dorothy. (I also… don’t think Dorothy will ever tell Kate about what happened. Eventually she reaches an age old enough to do the math i think. And, literally - because she will realize their age gap & that it doesn’t quite feel right. She comes to her & they sit with it, but that’s as far as it will ever go. Kate creates a sort of closure in her head. Maybe she doesn’t want to know). I think her children were what got her through the hardest parts. but again, that’s another ramble — Sophia & Dorothy drifted until the stroke. Her stroke was a wake up call for the both of them. Maybe her sending Sophia to shady pines had some kind of hidden meaning for her personally? I don’t know, this is all just headcanon 🤸‍♀️
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therpgconnoisseur · 2 months
can we talk a minute about attribute usefulness degradation in dnd? its a change that started in 3rd with the implementation of its skill system but its really dire in 5e.
to put it simply for those not familiar with older editions, your attributes used to be more relevant both when doing things actively and passively. Attributes where much more central to roll resolution (roll a d20 under your attribute to succeed), with the awkwardly named "non weapon proficiencies" (what are now skills) being either more of a slight bonus or a determinant on weather or not you could even roll (mostly for knowledge or profession based skills, you either knew about the subject or didn't) and some "nwp" being more similar to feats, allowing you to do a specific think like blind fighting.
Strength added to damage done by attacks and since it determined how much you can carry in a game where loot=xp that was much more significant, wizards where maybe the only class that didn't benefit all that much from it. In 5e its all but useless to characters that aren't specializing in two handed weapons.
Intelligence determined how many "NWP" you got, so even melee focused character benefited from it, as it gave them access to a variety of extra things they could do. 3rd edition kinda kept this but your class became your main source of skill points so intelligence was more of a slight bonus that was considered very sub optimal to focus on for most classes, 5e basically turned int into the academic knowledge stat, vital for wizards and artificers but otherwise not much use (there are a few subclasses that use int but my point is that it used to be useful for anyone).
Charisma is in a weird spot, it used to be the social skill, which included active social interactions (i roll to persuade) but also determined your ability to attract followers and their loyalty, pretty useful for anyone. In 3rd edition as social skills where introduced your class and even your intelligence had more of a role in how successful your character was at convincing people, with charisma being a bonus that got less significant as you leveld up, it influenced getting followers but only a little bit and that aspect of the game got very optional-y anyway. The designers seem to have noticed so they turned it into the casting spells stat for anyone who wasnt a wizard, cleric or druid. Every new class introduced had a 95% chance of being a charisma caster, this sucked since it was a useless stat that you where forced to take for many interesting classes, making the few intelligence based casters vastly more preferable (since that at least gave you a few more skillpoints). This is why most casters are charisma based in 5e i think, the design correction just carried over even though they made charisma a tad more significant for social interaction.
Constitution and Dexterity have changed little, but as the other skills got less useful constitution and dexterity have shot up in power, currently those two are the only attributes that everyone get a lot of value out of, the two adding a lot of survivability to any character as they make one have more hp and be harder to hit respectively as well as being the two most called for saving throws, even characters that dont use finesse weapons and wear heavy armor get use out of it.
Wisdom sucks and has always sucked, it is a poorly defined mix of perception, willpower and ...faith? that should have been gutted and split into the other two mental stats from day one imho.
This creates very uneven design for classes, and once you notice it it just feels like shit. Its, i think, the reason "minmaxing" got its bad reputation, its because the game encourages it to an insane degree, where as in older editions (and honestly most other ttrpgs) having a "dump stat" is making the choice of being bad at something, rather than be something players do because in most cases the stat in question does fuck all.
conclusion: uhhhh idk play another game and so on and so forth
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fanstuffrantings · 3 months
Alright going to talk about the Manhwa "How to Win my Husband Over" with heavy spoilers and tw for: eating disorders, abuse, incest, suicidal ideation. If you haven't read the series and can handle these, I highly recommend doing so rather than hearing me ramble. Everything I listed is portrayed as a negative thing, there's no romanticizing it.
I've been reading the series since the translations first started and don't talk about it much but I want to.
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The story follows Rudbeckia, who has been reincarnated from our world into a novel she read. She takes over the body of a villainess in the novel who married the male lead and brought about death and destruction of both others and herself on the direction of her family. We follow her as she tries to avoid this fate by going way over the top in her attempts to show adoration for her husband while rejecting the chances to do what her family sent her for.
It is a very funny series at times but gets incredibly heavy.
I really love how complicated all the characters are and how the author seems to be putting out the idea that there isn't really a simple good or bad character in the reoccurring cast. Obviously Ruby's family itself is portrayed as pretty clear cut evil with how they both emotionally and physically abused her. But there's still a depth to them that makes them more terrifying than characters who are mustache twirlingly evil.
Now onto my rambles:
Ruby struggling with the same things Ellen and Izek's mother did with Ellen being the only one of the two with full knowledge of that and a deep trauma connected to it, means that to me her reaction and actions (while aggrevating and disappoint at times) make sense. Coupling in the fact that no one likes or trusts Ruby's family only compounds the issues.
I like how the author writes Ruby as not suddenly getting better from her depression and Bulemia, with it instead being something she relapses on when under intense stress. Mental illness isn't something that just goes away because people love you or you find happiness, Izek loving Ruby isn't a one and done fix for her own troubles. And Bulemia once more taking ahold of her life in the wake of the Cardinal appearing brings a whole new level of tragedy to things.
I don't even blame Ellen for getting angry or stressed in these moments and not being able to deal with Ruby because it makes sense that she wouldn't. She was the one at the hands of her mother's abuse when her mother went through a similar situation, she got to see the decline first hand and what the end result was. It doesn't matter if she's a grown woman that trauma doesn't stop existing.
And on the subject of the Cardinal, when he kissed her, I really liked that the author and artist made it dramatic and horrifying. They'd built up this man as abusive, cruel, one of the main contributors to Ruby being as she was. We'd seen him in action while hiding behind the guise of being her brother who cares. The scenes are always given the weight and tone they deserve as we get put in Ruby's shoes.
I enjoy the romance that grew between her and Izek and how he is always on her side regardless of what people say, but I also like that the author doesn't just make Ruby instantly confide in him all her troubles and history. That he doesn't immediately fix her life or take away all her turmoil. It feels realistic in a way. Not perfect but still.
I know readers have a habit of just hating on everyone who causes pain or trouble for the female lead in these stories but I am waiting for us to get more content on Freya because I heard her actions are painted more sympathetic and I want to see what is written for her.
All in all I really like this story, from the art to the writing it's a great read.
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cool-island-songs · 2 years
I want to talk about difficult themes in South Park fanworks. I've relied on SP fanfic during two of the most difficult periods in my life - when I was a teenager struggling with mental health problems in an extremely abusive household, and again as an adult in my 20s with debilitating health problems that have rendered me isolated and depressed.
I think there could stand to be far more understanding and compassion about how people choose to express themselves in fandom spaces, which are full of neurodivergent people, mentally ill people, people with serious trauma, and people struggling to connect with others or express themselves creatively in their offline lives.
A lot of the fics produced in the late 00s dealt with heavy themes like sexual abuse, self-harm, dysfunctional relationships, abuse, and mental illness. I relied on these fics as a teenager experiencing many of those things in my real life. Not everything I read was sophisticated or realistic because much of it was being written by other mentally ill teenagers. But it made me feel less alone, and the things that really warped me were the real life abuses I had to endure, not the fiction that I retreated into in order to be able to keep going mentally.
Returning now as an adult with real problems in my life, I can see that there exists a new social order that enables people to condemn certain subjects as unable to be explored. I understand that it's what some are used to, but personally it sickens me to see real people harassed with malice, with their creative efforts being distorted in bad faith and without nuance, in campaigns by grown adults who should know better.
No one person knows what everyone else is going through. No one person has the moral authority to decide what subjects are allowed to be explored in art, nor to determine for everyone else what was done tastefully and what wasn't. Let people explore difficult subjects. You truly cannot know what people have experienced in their lives.
Even if you hate something and don't want it to exist, it honestly bothers me how awful people's tactics are on this. Don't spread it then? Don't screenshot it to shame people? You are giving it hate clicks and if you're sitting around reading and looking at things that make you miserable all day instead of just creating and/or uplifting the things you do like, maybe consider why that is.
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king-casino · 1 year
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I made a merc self-insert!!! Yeah i know realistically I wouldn't be able to run around on a battlefield because of the whole....well....disabled situation. But let me live in my fantasy world.
MEDIC: i feel like at first they would butt heads because they both wanna be the smart science guy, but they become friends after a while. And all the other mercs are like "oh god oh fuck". In the middle of the night you can regularly hear a pair of manic laughter and screams coming from either Medic's or Scientist's labs.
HEAVY: I think that they're friends by association. Since both Scientist and Heavy are friends with Medic, I reckon they hang out a lot. Scientist will rant about chemicals and experiments to Heavy, and Heavy will rant about his guns. And maybe they talk about how hot Medic is O///O
SCOUT: ADHD solidarity. Maybe Scout is kinda scared of Scientist, but they have fun. Maybe they read comics together (Scientist having to read them out loud). They probably talk music together. Scientist prefers garage rock (until the punk scene started), but they're open to listen to Scout's favorite Tom Jones songs.
SPY: Spy probably thought Scientist was just gonna be another insane idiot in the beginning, but was surprised at how intelligent they can be. Scientist will let Spy talk about his butterfly knives to them. I think that Spy probably respects Scientist to a reasonable degree. Scientist thinks that Spy is kinda a narcissistic prick, but so are they so it doesn't matter all that much.
ENGINEER: Southern solidarity. Scientist is from Georgia, more southern than country like Texas. When the both of them hang out, it's like a southern echo chamber. They'll use terms that make no sense to the others, and share family recipes. Engineer probably worries about Scientist, seeing how they're a young adult (even younger than Scout) with mental/physical health issues. Scientist sees this as kinda patronizing, but tries to be civil about it.
PYRO: Pyro IS NOT allowed in Scientist's lab. The last time they went in there, the base exploded. But Pyro and Scientist are friends. Scientist will draw with Pyro and play with them. Scientist also finds Pyro to be an interesting psychological subject to study. But Pyro doesn't liked being asked all those questions, so usually they just hang out and have fun together
DEMOMAN: BEST. BUDS. They love blowing things up together, and they love talking about chemicals together. Scientist's stepsister is Scottish, so they have a bit in common in that department. Scientist isn't actually old enough to drink, so when they hang out, Demo is drinking and Scientist is smoking. Weed, that is. They would never smoke a cigarette as long as they live.
SOLDIER: Soldier doesn't like them all that much because he thinks they're a commie (probably because they are). Scientist has tried explaining to Soldier what communism actually is, but Soldier just yells about Scientist's "commie tricks". Nevertheless, they hang out a lot. Scientist likes to play with Soldier's raccoons, and Soldier just likes having someone to talk to who doesn't treat him like he's crazy or stupid.
SNIPER: Most of the time Scientist is "too much" for Sniper. But he likes to hang out with it when they're chill. They like to sit outside together with their sketchbooks and draw. Sniper's better at animals and Scientist is better at people. They also like to do archery together. Sniper also just might like Scientist because they never, not once, made a comment about him being Australian and looking like he does.
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
So for day 11 of the event, I used the letter ‘B’ from prompt 13 for Motojirou from Bungou Stray Dogs! I had a lot of fun writing for him, as he’s not someone I have a lot of experience writing for or even digging deep into and I hope that any fans of his will enjoy 😊
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Being best friends with Kotojirou
So, let’s bring up the obvious. To truly be best friends with someone like Motojirou, you’d have to have somewhat loose morals. Motojirou is a man with little respect for humanity and human life, holding science above all else. To get along with other people, he needs to find them either interesting and intriguing or respect them and to truly connect with him, his best friend does have to at least hold some interest in science and be willing to accept and roll with the human sacrifices needed, in Motojirou’s mind, for that science.
I do think, for a friendship to really work for Motojirou, he wants a best friend who will challenge him while accepting him at the same time. He wants someone to question him, to be like ‘okay, this doesn’t make sense in my head. Either explain it to me or accept that you might be wrong this time’ because, as a scientist and someone who considers himself a lifelong learner, complacency is a fear of his and having someone to challenge him like that is absolutely necessary in his mind. However, he doesn’t want a ‘friend’ who will constantly be harping on him about how he chooses to live his life or how he chooses to conduct his experiments. He has enough voices calling him insane, unhinged, a villain, he doesn’t need any more and especially not from someone who claims to care about him.
I do headcanon pretty strongly that Motojirou is someone who is attracted, in all ways, to people who are terminally ill or even just deal with a chronic condition. He finds it intriguing and getting to spend his life, even just a part of it, with someone going through that, getting to see the progress of the illness or the impacts it has on his friend – that would really interest him and would make the person both friend and interesting subject to him philosophically, scientifically, and emotionally.
Motojirou is someone who is very intellectual in his own way. He enjoys thinking about and exploring some really deep subject matter and while he’ll be thrilled if his best friend is someone who also enjoys science, it’s not actually a necessity. What is a necessity in his best friend is that they’re someone who is also very intellectual. He wants to be able to talk about all the serious subjects and the heavy topics, both sociologically, scientifically, and philosophically and he needs a best friend who won’t be afraid to talk about, learn about, and discuss these various sensitive topics with him. Not only does he want them to talk about these subjects, but he wants them to have their own opinions and he’ll have a lot of fun, actually, if they make the topic into a sort of debate, with ideas and opinions that might challenge his own.
That’s not to say that being best friends with this man is all seriousness and science and mental stimulation, because it’s not. It will be a large part of it, but at the same time, he is only human, and he does want to just be silly or have fun with his friend at times.
Motojirou really does enjoy opera and he’ll want to get out with his friend to go watch performances whenever their schedules align. While he’ll expect silence during the performance, so that they can both get really into the opera being performed, he really has a lot of fun discussing what was good about the performance, what could have been improved, thoughts on the storyline, the songs, and all of that.
I do really see him loving science fiction stories as well, both reading them and watching media geared towards that kind of thing and I think on really chill days or nights, when there’s not a lot going on or Motojirou has exhausted most of his energy, he really does love just sitting down with his friend, some take-out, a big comfy couch, and binging a good sci-fi show together. He actually doesn’t demand silence during the show and it’s nothing for him and his best friend to keep a pretty steady stream of chatter throughout the show, both about normal topics that pop into their mind and about the show itself.
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