#they’re so in love it’s not even funny
henneseyhoe · 1 day
Just One More. | 2
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Lewis Hamilton x BLACK!FEM!Reader
WARNINGS: short, no smut! (surprisingly), just fluffy shit for father’s day <44 😘
SUMMARY: Congratulations! You had the twins! time to deal with lewis and his new dad antics (again), but first, here’s two cute moments.
“You happy now?”
You stare at your husband through tired and teary eyes, watching him cradle your daughter in his arms. You had just gone through twenty hours of labor, spending half of those hours at home and in pain and the other half in the hospital. When you got there you could barely walk, every contraction you felt striking your belly and back which made your knees weak. You swore hours earlier it was just braxton hicks, but your twins soon proved you wrong. Very, very wrong.
When you heard both their cries erupt in the room, you smiled in victory as you were finally done with the most crucial part.
“You did so good, love”
Lewis praised you with stray tears he could no longer hold in trailing down his cheeks, a sweet kiss being placed on your forehead before he did the same to the twins. The boy who was born first, with no surprise, looked exactly like Lewis. He was a spitting imagine of your other set of twins when they were babies, but that daughter of yours? All you. Exactly three minutes apart, when she arrived the nurses were starting to wonder if Lewis was in the room at all when she was conceived.
You looked at the two newborns, just as proud of your work as god himself was.
“You know, I was gonna lose it if she was a boy” You spoke while gently brushing your fingers through your son’s soft hair. Lewis chuckles and lays besides you in the hospital bed, his eyes switching attention from baby to baby, but never letting go of his babygirl. You smile and let him have his moment. You knew the hogging was mostly because of him being in shock that he actually got his girl, He’d be all over your son also come morning time.
“I’m in awe how much she looks like you. Usually they don’t look like anyone right away but wow…she’s all you, Y/N” Lewis expresses, a finger caressing her blushed cheek. You just nod in agreement, laughing at how her hair stuck up in the front like spikes while everything else laid down. Lewis was too busy gushing over both of them to point out how silly either of them looked.
When you two took the babies home, it was hard to keep the twins away from them. Your boys were there peeking over your shoulder at every feeding, every burping, every changing, even every bath. They had started to ask when they’d be big enough to play with, a toy in both of their hands as they waited for your answer. Before you could speak, Lewis was already speaking, serving them with the facts while simultaneously burping the baby in his arms.
“They won’t be able to play with you two for a while. They’re too small right now and they don’t do much but sleep and eat”
Your boys pouted, one rolling his eyes back dramatically. “Well, that’s boring! They’re boring!” Silas, the older one huffed, sitting on the coffee table in front of you. Both you and Lewis cackled, but the boys found nothing funny. “Yes, babies are boring for the first few months”
“Why’d you go and get two more then?” Silas’s face scrunched as he asked and you tried helplessly not to laugh so loud at the poor baby that the infant in your arms would jump out of her sleep.
“Yeah, Lewis…Why did we ‘get’ two more?” Egging it on, you look back at your husband for another answer, your face riddled with amusement as he completely curves the question. “Any questions other than that? Saint?”
“So they can’t throw a ball? or catch it?” Saint inquired as he went back to the previous topic, sitting next to his brother. You shake your head ‘no’ and they both sigh.
“And they can’t talk either?” Silas asks, earning another laugh from you and Lewis. You two thought the constant questions would stop at three, but your boys were a curious pair. You’d only hope the next set were a bit more tame but with how the universe humbled you the last time...
“If you hear them talking before they hit nine months then please inform daddy so he can call Guinness world records”
💌: again, superior trope, dad!lewis for the win, muah!💋
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incogrio · 3 days
omg I loved your soobin fic btw! I was wondering can you do ot5 txt being jealous/protective of the reader?
ot5 - jealousy, jealousy
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pairing: ot5 x reader (separately)
genre: fluff, bit of smut and angst
synopsis: how the members show jealousy!
warnings: jealousy, possessiveness, smut, anger etc!
a/n: thank you so much for the request!! hope u enjoy!! this isn’t proof read don’t kill me pls!!
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i feel as though yeonjun would show his jealousy in a more whiney manner
like, he wouldn’t outright say anything to you or the person making him jealous in the moment
i imagine you’re also an idol, maybe even in txt and an interviewer makes comments about your appearance and how you’re the most desirable of the group
yeonjun, being ever professional simply smiles and laughs
lingers behind you as you reject the guy once the cameras are off
but after… he’ll come to you like a big baby all like
“he flirted with you right in front of meeeee..!!” he’d whine out with a slight high pitched tone as he tucked his head into your neck
“i rejected him, i only want you jjunie,” you’d reassure
only for him to respond with, “but i was right thereeeee!!! don’t i look boyfriend enough!!!!” and his perfect lips would form a perfect pout and you couldn’t resist but to kiss his sad face away :(
that would most likely lead to him smiling against your lips and the craziest sex ever.. like full on
“bet he has a smaller dick than me, huh? bet he couldn’t make you drool the way i do. he wishes he could see you like this doesn’t he? too bad only i can see you all disheveled.. only me, right baby? just daddy right?”
yes jjunie has a daddy kink argue with the WALL.
as for what made him jealous, i think he’s a little crazy and would be annoyed when someone so much as looks at you for too long
he would never blame you or your outfit, simply the pervs who wish they could have you
thinks it’s funny whenever you’re jealous, doesn’t really see that he’s just as hot as you
also finds it crazy that you’d think he’d want anyone else
just remind him that you only want him and kiss his pouty lips and maybe give him a blowjob and he’ll be fine…
until you do promotions again
sigh… loser soobie doobie.
i feel like soobie would be annoyed by it if anything
also VERY passive aggressive
let’s say you’re in a library, looking at a book that you might want
a rando comes up mansplaining the novel you’re holding and soobin comes up behind you like 😒🤨
yall know that clip of him during that live where he’s looking at the members w that disgusted look? yeah that’s him rn
the guy reaches forward to touch your arm all like “i just think this book might be too complicated for you”
ha. ha ha. soobin pulls you back into his chest before the guy can touch you and looks at him so angrily. “they’re fine. they can pick their own book.” he says it with such an eerily calm tone despite his aggressive gum chewing and fingertips digging slightly into your waist.
mf just gives an awkward smile, raises his hands in surrender and walks away
soobin literally mutters “pussy” under his breath LMFAO
he doesn’t really say much after that, only keeping a hand on you till you get to the car
“bunny, do you think i should read this book or this one first?” you ask, lifting up both books as he pulls out of the parking lot.
he rolls his eyes slightly, driving (hotly) and looking only at the road before saying: “dunno. ask your new book expert boyfriend.”
you literally have to stifle your laugh. for soobie, he’s a sucker for your cuteness
soooo u just pout at him cutely and rest your elbow on the console and your head in your hand
“don’t be mad bunny… only want you :(“
he does that thing where he smiles and pokes his tongue to his cheek in faux annoyance (i’m horny)
just smiles and shakes his head, reaching to you and holding your thigh tightly, you rest your hand on his
he may seem all tough right now, but don’t worry soon you’ll have him tied up and whimpering after making him cum over and over to make sure he knows his worth 💋
tbh seems like the type to bring it up randomly too LMFAOO
beomgyu… hehehe
i imagine this to happen outside of a food truck
he’s waiting w you, probably talking to you about something stupid and you suddenly get a poke on the shoulder
you turn around, and beomgyu looks with you and sees a guy
as you’re rejecting the guy, gyu is literally snickering and giggling to himself
you are so embarrassed by him this mf is literally cackling
you’d think there was a witch behind you
the guy is definitely STILL in earshot as he walks away dejectedly, and beomgyu immediately giggling and smoothly tugging you to be in his arms
“did you see his face???? he thought he had a chance w you???!!! my girl?? yahhhgh!!! he’s soooo stupid!” he says all loudly and dramatically. he has that little smirk on his face as he says this, but has his arms tightly around you as though the guy would come and kidnap you
you see behind the facade, simply reaching up and pressing a kiss to his lips. “only want you,” you mutter, and he hums and smiles against your lips
“ahhh i knowww!! that’s why it’s so funny!”
he’d rather die than admit insecurity in the middle of a goddamn food truck line.
probably doesn’t talk about it until it’s late at night and you’re cuddled in bed
he might even start crying :(
for gyu, i don’t see sex being a good reassurance thing for him
i think he’d prefer to just sit with you, watching a bad movie and making fun of it together
randomly kissing you and every time you know what he wants to hear: “only want you, bear”
if you were to fuck, he’d deffo want to eat you out
“only i can taste this pussy, only your bear,” he’d grumble as you twist his long hair in your fingers, tugging him closer to your sopping cunt
mickey mouse voice: oh boy!
if you think you’re getting any other reaction other than silence, you’re WRONG.
hmmm let’s say you’re at the gym, watching him work out bc wow free show
at one point he walks away to grab weights from the other side of the gym and you wait for him to come back
suddenly, a sweaty yucky man is getting closer to you, and oh wow look he’s staring at you
as taehyun turns around, he sees you talking to him but doesn’t really mind because he knows you’re his
but then he gets closer and hears the guy complimenting your body… he just pauses for a second, making brief eye contact w you and continuing to set up his little work out thing (i don’t work out can u tell)
he knows you’ll tell the guy why you’re actually here
“so… why don’t we go grab protein shakes after you finish working out?” you wanted to scream. you were wearing jeans. WHO WORKS OUT IN JEANS?? you hadn’t touched a single machine and you hate protein shakes. is this guy a dunce.
“oh no thank you, i’m here to watch my boyfriend. he’s right there,” you point at tae, who is now bench pressing over 100 pounds and woah.. hehe
yeah no the guy could not have left faster. tae still doesn’t say anything.
you keep watching him, now sitting on the floor until he gets up from the bench and sits in front of you
before you can ask, he gestures for you to hold his feet and starts doing sit ups
except, after the first one, he starts puckering his lips when he sits up
sit up after sit up, he kisses you as he comes back up
he literally did over one hundred and you were drunk on him by the time he finished
his way of staking his claim i suppose… probably made sure that the guy was watching too
tbh… that’s all the reaction you’re gonna get
after, you ask why he didn’t say anything and he just shrugs and is like, “i know you’re mine. and you know i’m yours. i don’t need to prove anything.”
then you’re like, “so why did you do the sit up thing”
“i was horny.” you literally choke on your smoothie
when you guys get home he definitely fucks you but not super roughly or anything… super romantically actually
his thought process, conscious or not, is: you could go out and fuck someone and they’d do it emotionlessly. he’s going to fuck you like you built the very universe your souls found each other in. (you did)
huening kai:
just a warning… he’s my bias so this might be a little crazy
you’re in a grocery store, he seems like one of those cringy bfs who’s steer the cart but have you in between him and the cart
i want him.
every few moments he’d press a kiss to your hair or simply lean down and have his face near yours until you got the hint
his chest is against your back… his huge broad chest… i’m ill.
okay so you guys stopped to look at the cereal because you wanted to get the one w his face
as you’re looking, hueningie squats down and checks the very bottom shelf
and thus, the worker that goes up to you does not see him
“hey! you need any help over here?” you look over, pointing to yourself in silent question. the guy nods. kai is immediately tuned into the convo as he pretends to look for more cereal
“hm? oh no! we’re good, just looking for a specific cereal,” you remain vague as to not reveal kai’s identity.
lol imagine you’re like “yeah my bf has a cereal w his face on it! yeah my bf who’s a famous idol!” LMFAOO
the guy nods, and you think the convo is over so you keep looking for cereal as you reach down and pet kai’s hair absentmindedly. you don’t know how reassuring it is to him.
“okay well… i just saw you and thought you were so super cute. like.. how do you not have a boyfriend?”
“i do actually,” you respond without evening looking at him. you tug kai’s hair, silently telling him to make himself known. he gets up, all six feet and muscles wearing a fitted top so you could see all of his strength and hard work as an idol.
“they’re not here,” he says plainly, without the usual sweet tone he’d give you. he also doesn’t even look at the worker.
the guy doesn’t even have enough time to apologize before kai’s leading you and the cart elsewhere. he gets quiet, but a different quiet to the other members. a sad one.
the moment you get home, he breaks down
he sobs, barely able to get out the fact that he doesn’t understand why you’re with him, why you wouldn’t want someone w a normal life, someone who’s more attractive (no such thing), someone who could love you publically
oh my baby :(((((
you pull him into a hug, his head ducking to be hidden in your neck, reassuring him quietly.
“huening… i promise you, you are the most attractive man on earth to me.” you say sternly, “the universe, even. it pains me that you can’t see that. i don’t want anyone else, just you, hyuka. and i love you enough to endure the fact that you can’t be public with us.”
he’s just whining now, not responding. he’s holding you so tightly that you’d think you’d turn into thin air.
after a lot of cuddles with his plushies, he’s okay :)
but then his members come home and see the tear stains on his face
they don’t know what happened and call him a baby and make a bunch of maknae jokes
yeah that’s the last straw. he takes you to his room and shoves you onto the bed (makes sure that not only are you comfy, but also that all his plushies are turned away)
he fucks you until you’ve both cum at least 4 times, and he’s borderline shooting blanks.
he’s moaning so loud, hips are shaking as he keeps pumping into you, filling you up
you’re even louder, legs shaking and hands pushing against his stomach in a faux plead for him to stop
every so often, he’d say something like, “not a fucking baby,” oh negative kai i want you.
“could a baby maknae fuck you like this? oh fuck honey, clench me like that. could that guy at the store make you shake like this? hm?
yeah neither of you can walk after that. and the members for SURE heard your moans and are now never calling him a baby ever again
unless he does aegyo bc come ON he’s baby then
probably becomes an inside joke between you guys
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cottonlemonade · 21 hours
Wingman On Crutches
word count: 571 || avg. reading time: 2 mins.
pairing: Matsukawa x chubby!Reader (feat. Parts of Seijoh 4)
genre: fluff
warnings: some swearing
request: Menu B with strawberry milk, matcha pudding and a matcha roll. I slide right next to Mattsun || fluffy, jealous classmate crush Matsukawa, as manager
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“Why is she talking to him?”, Issei huffed. Iwaizumi followed his eyes and suppressed a sigh when he saw Makki talking to you somewhere on the side of the court. You were placing towels and water bottles down in pairs so the players could easily grab them.
“Because they’re friends.”, the ace observed, bouncing a volleyball off his friend’s head to get his attention back for training, “Come on, we gotta warm up.”
“If I would have twisted my ankle like that Victorian lady over there I could sit out practice and talk to y/n.”, Issei grumbled.
“Then why don’t you ask Makki to trade you his injuries for a curry bun?”, Iwaizumi asked, sarcastically.
“You‘re not funny.“
“Good, wasn‘t trying to be. - Get your ass over there so I can toss to you, come on. Don‘t make me pair up with Shittykawa.“
In view of his friend‘s nerves being on the line, Issei obliged and reluctantly turned his back to you to face Iwaizumi.
For a minute or two they threw the ball back and forth, then your distinct laugh rang through the gym and Issei all but pulled a muscle to turn around.
You were doubled over, both arms around your supremely squishy tummy as Makki continued to say something undoubtedly dumb.
“Quick, Iwa, spike the volleyball over there.“, he urged.
“To stop them!?“
“From… laughing?“
“YES! First it‘s laughing, then it‘s inside jokes, then it‘s hanging out just those two, then one day he’ll accidentally brush her hand while they reach for something together and boom! They’re married!“
“You really have to stop watching TV with your sister, dude.“
Before Iwaizumi could stop him, Issei called, “Yo, Makki! Hobble over here for a sec, will ya?“
Makki gave you a quick little bow, excusing himself and used his crutches to laboriously get to his friends.
“What‘s up? Want me to count or something?“
“What did you talk about with y/n?“
“What did you say to make her laugh? You know she is off limits, dude. I called dibs like two years ago!“
Makki blinked.
“I know. I told her about that time we went to the movies and I almost wet my pants because of a jumpscare and you weren‘t even fazed by it.“
“You- you did?“
Makki nodded, “Yeah and how you helped your little brother with his school project the other week.“
“He failed that assignment.“, Matsukawa admitted quietly.
“Not the point. I was talking you up, dude! As if I‘d ever go behind your back.“ Makki used a crutch to hit his friend’s leg.
Issei rubbed his thigh and felt his eyes starting to sting.
“I know, I know. I told her, you and I wanted to go to the store after practice for curry buns but I will conveniently remember that I have to get home to help my mom with dinner so you can be alone.“
Tears were definitely threatening to fall now and Issei put a hand on his friend‘s shoulder, “I love you.“
A volleyball hit Issei‘s head for a second time that afternoon and when he turned he saw Iwaizumi‘s face twitching with impatience.
Before he got back to the drills he lowered his voice and said, “Could you casually somehow slip in how intimidated all of you feel when we shower together after training?“
Makki squinted, then sighed.
“I‘ll… see what I can do.“
a/n: someone please come and collect this man.
This request is for 🫀anon. Thank you so much for this silly request! I hope it was what you imagined and thank you also for your kind words ^^ please enjoy 🌟
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Pairing: Dean x Reader Word count: 2,530 Request: @jessicalynnann Okay when you have time how about Dean is a cop and he and the reader are established well she thinks Dean is pulling away cause he is working a lot and there is a new partner who is pretty. Well she and Mary are shopping and she breaks down and tells Mary that she thinks she is losing Dean. Well what about there is a robbery where the reader works and she gets hurt and Dean risks his life to save her. I had this dream last night. Can you make the ending something like this I love you so much but I guess I’m doing this here. And he gets down on one knee… no rush.
Read on AO3
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You’d been with Dean nearly 7 years. You were by his side all through the academy, and when he got his badge. Things had been really good, and while there’d been no proposal or talk of a family, you felt you were on the way. One day you knew you’d call Dean your husband, and the father of your children.
And then Dean’s hours went up. Fine. He was busy. That happened. However, after the first couple weeks of the new hours you felt like Dean wasn’t your Dean. When he would crawl into bed he was out. No pulling you close, no holding you. Instead of eating breakfast with you (on the mornings he was there at the same time), he’d grab something on the way to work. You couldn’t remember the last time he had taken you on a date, either. Or surprised you with flowers ‘just because’.
After a month of this, you found out that he had a new partner. He hadn’t even told you. You’d met her at the cookout he and a few of his coworkers had now and then. It was them, and their significant others. She had walked up to you, a big smile on her (too beautiful) face. “You must be Y/N! I’m Kelly.” She held out her hand, clearly excited to meet you.
You shook it, not wanting to be rude. “Nice to meet you. Are you dating one of the guys?” You knew a couple of them were single, so maybe they had met someone?
She chuckled and shook her head. “No, I’m Winchester’s new partner.” She chuckled. New partner ? What happened to his old partner? “For about a month now.” She moved to stand next to you. 
“I honestly didn’t know he had a new partner.” You admitted, feeling embarrassed. “He hasn’t talked much about work recently.” 
“It does get really busy.” She nodded, a tension settling between the pair of you. “The guys have been so welcoming, too.” 
Her bubblynes was so odd to you. Not in general, but at this moment. How could she not feel the awkwardness? That you clearly had no idea that she even existed before today? “They’re all great.” You agreed. “I always look forward to catching up with all of them at the cookouts. I haven’t been able to have any of them over for dinner lately.”
“Oh, if I would have known I would have invited you when I had everyone over last Wednesday.” She shook her head. 
“Everyone? Was Dean there?” Your heart clenched. Dean said he had work, so just make yourself something. Was that ‘work’ spending time with the guys at Kelly’s?
She nodded. “Yeah, him, Cas, Sam…most of the guys.” She shrugged. “We hung out for a couple hours, had some beers.” You couldn’t be angry at Kelly. She didn’t know that she was pouring salt in your wounds. 
Dean came over, grinning. He had a beer in one hand, and a plate in the other. “Hey, babe. I see you met Winters.” He said happily. “I told you you’d get along.” 
You gave him a funny look. “You never told me about her.” You said awkwardly. “I didn’t know you had a new partner. She is nice, though.” That was something you couldn't deny. It still didn’t alleviate you feeling off about the entire situation. “Oh, I see Donna. I’m gonna go say hi. I haven’t seen her in what feels like forever.” You excused yourself, rushing to talk to her. 
Chuckling, Dean watched you go, sipping his beer. 
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A couple weeks later, you were lounging when Mary texted you. Up for some shopping with your mother in law? You sighed at her wording. Mary and John were like your second parents, and you adored them. Would you lose them, too?
Always! Let me shower and get ready. Want me to meet you at the mall? You got up, making your way to your room. 
I’ll pick you up in half an hour :) She replied. 
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You felt you’d done well hiding how you were feeling, but when you were in the second store, Mary brought it up. “You seem to have something on your mind, do you want to talk about it?” She asked, concern lacing her voice. “I can get it if it’s Dean being a cop. I mean, John just retired. Every day I worried about him coming home.” 
“I think I’m losing him.” You admitted, tearing up. Quickly wiping your cheek, you focused on the dresses you were looking at. “I can get long hours, but it’s him feeling gone even when he’s home. He doesn’t pull me close anymore, doesn’t take me on dates, doesn’t surprise me with flowers, or anything. And have you met his new partner?” 
Mary shook her head. “No, I’ve heard he’s good, though.” 
“ She’s gorgeous.” You huffed. “I can barely get him to eat dinner with me, but one night he told me he had to work and just to make dinner for myself. He was at her house with some of the guys hanging out for a couple hours. And having dinner. I hate feeling so insecure and like he’d rather be with her.” 
She pulled you into a hug. “Dean loves you so much.” She tried. “I don’t know what’s going on with him.” 
You hugged her back, welcoming the comfort. “I might go stay with my parents for a few days. I don’t think he’d even notice.” Which hurt even worse. 
“Our house is closer to your job. You can come stay with us.” She pulled back to look at you, hands on your arms. “John will love having you around, too.” 
After a moment, you nodded. “Okay, sure. Let’s finish up this shopping, and then I’ll go pack a bag. I’ll make dinner tonight. It’s been a bit since I’ve cooked for anyone but myself.” That alone gave you something to look forward to. 
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Dean got home just after 11 that night, and wasn’t surprised to see all the lights off. There was no sign in the first floor of the house that anything was different. He toed off his shoes, hung his belt on the coat rack, and made his way to the kitchen. Sometimes he got lucky and there were leftovers from dinner that night. When he didn’t see anything, he assumed that there hadn’t been anything left over. 
After he had a quick sandwich and a glass of milk, he made his way upstairs. He froze when he noticed the bed was still made. You weren’t in it. His nightstand lamp was on, and there was a paper folded against it. Walking over to it, he sat on the bed and lifted the paper. Did you leave him? It took him a moment for him to open it. 
I’m staying with your parents for a few days while I do some thinking. We’ve been together almost 7 years. 7 years in two weeks, actually. Did you have any idea that our anniversary was coming up? 
I barely see you, and when I do? You aren’t even *here*. It’s like you’re somewhere else. When you started working more, I understood. Your job is important, which meant the times you were home would mean more. Instead, those times hurt worse. 
When was the last time you held me at night? When was the last time you held my hand? Took me on a date? Cuddled with me while watching a movie (even if you fell asleep, I would be over the moon for that time with you)?  
Do you know how badly it hurt to want you home for dinner now and then, just to find out you went to your new partner’s for dinner? A new partner I didn’t know about, might I add. You’d rather go spend time with your gorgeous new partner than make it home for one dinner with the woman who has been by your side for everything, and that says a lot. 
I’m not saying I’m leaving you, but I do need to figure some things out. 
I love you, Dean. 
He clenched his jaw as tears rolled down his cheeks. Looking back, he knew this wasn’t out of left field. He knew what you were talking about. He’d seen the hurt on your face lately, too. He’d pushed it away, though. He’d told himself it was something else. It wasn’t about him. Dean sniffed, opening up his night stand drawer to pull out the tiny black box he’d put in there two months prior. Lifting the lid, he looked down at the ring he’d bought you, and wondered if he missed his chance. All he saw when he pictures his life was you by his side, and probably a kid or two. You’d be a great mom. 
“Fuck.” He breathed. He had an early shift the next day, so he’d go straight to you after work.
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It stung when you woke up to no texts or missed calls from Dean. You knew that by now he would have gotten your note. Unless he didn’t go home last night . The thought caught you off guard. He’d never not come home. Even if he came home late. Pushing those thoughts from your head, you got ready for work. You worked at a high end jewelry store, and had been promoted to manager 6 months prior. It paid well, and you liked all the people you worked with. 
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Dean hadn’t slept well the night before, and knew he’d be powering through his shift with a lot of (bad) coffee. He also wanted to talk to his chief about cutting back his hours, even just an hour here and there. Anything to be with you more. If he even had you more. 
It was nearly 4 when he was alerted to a robbery. At your job. “Shit!” He flipped on the sirens and lights before speeding off. He was only a few minutes away, but it felt like ages before he pulled up in front of it. He could see through the glass, where you were being held at gunpoint. The only other worker wasn’t someone he recognized, so he assumed they were new. What a way to start a job! 
“Isn’t that your girlfriend?” Kelly asked as they parked. 
“Yes, it is.” His voice was betraying him. He was trying to sound calm, but he felt like he’d lose it at any moment. “I’m going around back.” He told her. 
She whipped her head to look at him. “What? Why not wait for backup? Can you even get in?” 
“I can’t wait and risk her getting shot.” He pulled off his jacket. “And I can. I know the code. She’s the manager, so she told me.” Did you have a gut feeling he’d need it at some point? 
“And do what in there? I can see the door to the back of the store. Which means he can.” She opened her door to get in place. 
“I can distract him. Or maybe I can talk him down from inside. The storefront has bullet proof glass. She was really excited when it was installed. It’s supposed to be basically unbreakable.” He explained. 
“This isn't procedure!” She tried. However, she watched him rush around the back, gun drawn. “Damn in, Winchester!” She hissed, hearing other cops arriving.
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You were shaking, tears in your eyes, while the man in front of you aimed his gun at you. You’d heard the cops pull up, but that didn’t seem to phase him one bit. Someone must have called, because you didn’t even have a chance to trigger the silent alarm. He had to know that there was no getting out of this without being arrested, right? 
The door next to you busted in, making you and Alice scream. The robber whipped his gun towards the door. The door blocked whoever it was from view, but only a few people had the code. You quickly looked out the front of the store and saw Kelly. But no Dean. 
Just as it registered that your boyfriend was the one that came in, you heard two gunshots. The robber went down, and you rushed to the door. “Dean!” You sobbed, pulling off your blazer to press it against his chest. “Oh God.” Moving, you rested his head on your lap as you could hear people rushing into the store.
Dean hissed in pain as you kept pressure on his chest. “Fuck, I didn’t want to do it like this, but I gotta ask. I love you more than anything. Will you marry me? Your ring is in my nightstand.” He wanted you to know, just in case he didn’t make it. 
You nodded. “Of course I’ll marry you.” The feelings of the past month or so were pushed from your mind. The only thing you could focus on was the fact that Dean had been shot. “I love you so much.” You sniffed. 
“Ma’am, we need to get him into an ambulance.” Came a voice. 
“Yeah, yeah.” You gently moved his head off your lap so you could get out of their way. You watched as they got him onto a stretcher. 
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You’d stopped at home on the way to the hospital. You wanted to put on your ring, so when Dean woke up, he saw you wearing it. You also knew that you wouldn’t be seeing him right away. Mary had already been called, and told you that they would meet you at the hospital. 
Once there, you didn’t keep track of how much time you had been sitting there. All you could do is stare at the double doors that a doctor would come out of to talk to the family of Dean Winchester. John held Mary’s hand, both worried for their eldest. Sam was currently at work- at the police station, oddly enough. There was no telling when Dean’s coworkers would come flooding into the waiting room. 
“Dean Winchester’s family?” A doctor called out. You, John, and Mary stood. “Hi, I’m Dr. Micheals. Surgery went well, and he’s awake now. Groggy, but awake. For now I’ll ask that you go see him one at a time.” He gave you a comforting smile. 
“Go.” Mary nudged you. “We’ll see him after.” 
Nodding, you followed the doctor to Dean’s room. “Thank you.” You said softly before stepping in. 
“Hey, babe.” He smiled. 
While a few tears had slipped out while you waited, hearing his voice broke the dam. Sobbing, you went over and gently kissed him. “I’m so glad you’re okay.” You cupped his cheek. 
“You’re stuck with me. For life.” He gave you that smirk that he knew just melted you. “I’m sorry about this past month. I had planned to talk to the chief after my shift about cutting back my hours some.” He rested his hand on your leg as you sat on the side of his bed. “And I know I’ll be on leave while I heal. So, I’m all yours. I’m not leaving your side.”
You smiled at that. “Alls forgiven.” You promised him. 
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tadpolesonalgae · 18 hours
Shared Camomile[*]
Elain x fem!reader
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synopsis: after months of practically living together, Elain finally broaches the topic she’s been longing to share with you. You’re reluctant, doubtful, nervous. Two females? That can’t be right. So Elain takes it on herself to go out into her little garden to find something to help convince you of what you should already know. That you’re hers. 
a/n: cannot believe it’s taken this long for me to write something like this for Elain
warnings: use of an aphrodisiac/love potion from Elain, technically dubcon, smut, facesitting, fingering, pussy eating, squirting, fluff for my favourite girl 🩷🧡💛
word count: 3,662
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“What?” You ask, perplexed, tilting your head slightly before your lips are stretching in a wide smile, cheeks aching as they flush with laughter. “Move in together? You are funny Elain.” 
Dark, rich cocoa eyes blink at you quietly from across the table, her burnished gold hair hanging in full ringlets, spilling over her shoulders while small coils of silky hair quirk and twist over her brow. Between you is a cooling tray, holding the berry tarts you’d spent the morning lovingly making, flour-dusted aprons doing little to prevent the powdery mess from puffing into the air and dusting the fabric of your dresses. The smell is delicious, able to pick out the distinct citrus of the lemon and orange, the pleasant apricot and sweet blackberry, each held within a circle of thick, crispy pastry, golden-brown on its crust and slightly flaky. 
“Do you really find it so absurd?” She asks, a touch fainter than before, and you think you catch a look of hurt across her pretty features. You blink, caught off guard by her expression—you’d thought it a joke. “I…” you fumble briefly, unsure of yourself. “Is it…normal for two women to live together in the human lands?” You ask tentatively. “I had understood it was much the same as it is here, from how you’d spoken about…” She nods her head faintly, neither of you particularly wanting to mention the name of her past human lover. 
“No, you’re right,” she says softly, glancing down over the tray of delicious pastries, still steaming slightly with heat, their centres looking soft and slightly more liquid than they should. Once they’re cool, they’ll possess a more jam-like consistency—a little thicker, and less prone to spilling down one’s front after a bite. “But folk seem more content here. Happy to let people love,” Elain says, warm brown eyes raising to yours, her long lashes fluttering slightly with nerves that only fae eyes could pick out.  
“Besides,” she continues, standing straighter, fingers splaying across the kitchen counter, “you spend so much time in this house, with me, that nothing much would really change…” 
“Yes, but don’t you think people might get the wrong idea?” You counter. It’s a nice idea—lovely, even—but nice things aren’t always possible to have. Elain inclines her chin a little, “and what would be the wrong idea, in this case?” 
Your brow furrows. “That we’re lovers,” you reply, before wincing. “Not that two females loving each other in that way is wrong,” you swiftly amend, “just that, that’s not what it would be for us. People would get the wrong impression.” 
“You don’t…” Elain begins faintly, watching you as if in a daze, before shaking her head, the pretty, dark gold ringlets jostling with the motion. “Maybe we should have this conversation another time. In the evening, when we’ll have longer for a deeper discussion.” 
Elain smiles a little, a familiar softness to her features, and you can’t help the one that spreads across your mouth in reply. 
“Tea?” She offers. 
You nod, happy to accept whatever strange new herbal concoction she’ll serve you.
You swallow thickly, reaching for the glass of chilled, crystal-clear water on the small table, speckles of condensation fogging up its sides, small droplets gathering before trickling down over your hot fingers. 
You drink deeply, but it doesn’t seem to help with the warmth that’s been steadily accumulating within your body. The house shouldn’t be this hot, and yet you find yourself reaching to undo another button on your blouse, enough that if anyone else were accompanying you in the parlour, they would have an ample view of the lace peaking out from beneath the soft fabric of your shirt. 
Anxiously, you rearrange yourself in the large armchair, the circular, hand-embroidered pillows being removed from behind you, and tossed onto the long sofa in the hopes you’ll feel a bit cooler. Quilts hang over the back of each chair, so as to keep warm in the evenings during winter, but as it currently stands you can hardly bear to look at them without a wave of heat washing through your body. 
Taking another deep drink, you attempt to refocus your mind on the little botanical book you’d picked up from Elain’s night-stand a few days ago, steadily leafing through it while your friend works outside in her garden, watering plants, repotting small flowers, and so on. Usually you find yourself sitting in one of the hanging chairs—circular seats woven like bird nests, inlaid with pillows and cushions to prop up one’s back, allowing the user to rock faintly on the comfy swing—watching as the burned-orange of the sun spills over Elain as she works. It’s a pleasant routine the two of you enjoy during the warmer months, while most things are blooming, branches hanging heavy with fruits that’re full and bursting with juice, vibrant petals that unfurl in bright clusters of colour and aroma. 
Instead you’d retreated for the time being, having thought the evening haze was somehow getting to you more than usual, wanting to slink into the relative coolness of the indoors until the heat had passed and you could return. But it hadn’t passed, and you’re really considering undoing another pearly button. Considering hiking your skirts a little higher too, despite the almost sheer fabric. 
Elain glances up from the gardening bed, noting how far the sun has descended in the sky, the lengthening of the shadows. 
You’d disappeared a little over an hour ago, mumbling about wanting to cool off, and Elain would guess you’ll likely be wanting to strip the clothes from your body about now. She glances away briefly, a hot flush overcoming her cheeks, the smallest tinge of guilt in her heart. But ultimately it’s harmless, she assures and reassures herself, it’s not like she’s doing something you truly would hate her for. She’s just…bringing to the surface what already exists. Hurrying along the blossoming of a flower by nurturing and nourishing it correctly. 
You’ll be blooming for her in no time. 
You likely already are. 
Elain tugs the fullness of her lower lip between her teeth at the thought. 
She’s no stranger to these mental images, and has grown rather comfortable with them over the years. But she’s tired of having to fight them off, of feeling the slightest ounce of shame in her heart when she’s failed, and has had to look you in the eyes the next morning, knowing yours are the eyes she came to. Your nose, your mouth, your features she’d pictured…your scent she’d tried to imagine…your sex she’d…
Elain shakes her head, raising from the gardening bed. Inside you’re probably melting like a toffee left in the summer’s sun, dripping sticky sweetness for her plunge her tongue into. All she needs to do now is to stop by the washroom to clean her hands, then she can go see how your body is reacting to the sweet ambrosia plant she’d been carefully nurturing these past few months. Reacting to the sun dried leaves she’d crushed up to make a tea out of. 
She can practically taste you already. 
You hadn’t realised how far you’d spiral when you’d started. 
Hadn’t realised how deeply the heat would numb your mind when you’d fumbled your way to the sofa on shaky legs, and laid yourself across its plush length.
Hadn’t realised how exposed you would be when you’d rolled onto your side, plucking a cushion up, and shyly placing it between your thighs, starting off with small rolls of your hips before your movements became more languid. 
Now your hair is messy, silky locks having separated from your up-do, baby strands curling at your temples and the nape of your neck. A few more pearly buttons have been popped out, leaving you in the thin white vest you’d donned this morning beneath your dress, and your skirts have pooled around your waist. 
Still you’re too hot, feeling the dampness that’s gathered along your spine, the slight perspiration between and beneath the swell of your breasts and you could cry from the discomfort. If you could only remove your clothes entirely, then maybe you’d feel an ounce of relief…but what if Elain finds you? A fresh wave of heat splashes over you, and you think a moan slips out, burying your face in the pillow you’re resting on. You need to take your clothes off…you’re going to overheat if you keep like this… 
With trembling fingers and weakened muscles you manage to sit up enough to tug the material from your body, the skirts further mussing your hair as they caress over your shoulders. As soon as you can you’re flopping back into the cushioning, panting as you reposition the pillow between your thighs, shifting so the seam is pressing flush with your heat…but your underwear is still in the way…
You whine faintly.
You just want relief…
“Are you—…” 
Your half-lidded gaze meets a fully dilated set of cocoa, a deep, apricot flush on her sugar-powdered cheeks. 
Fresh heat licks across your skin, a soft moan dragging from your lips as your body melts over the sofa. Heavy pants spill from your mouth as you gaze at her, lids fluttering faintly in your attempts to keep watching her. Elain would be perfect…the perfect shape, the perfect feel, the perfect heat to soothe your own… Elain can fix this. 
“E…Elain…” you call out, trying to push yourself up into a sitting position, keeping the pillow flush between your thighs. “Elain…please…” 
Her mouth opens as if to speak, but she can’t find her words, her feet tipping into motion as she’s carried silently across the floor until she’s reached you. “What…—” But you cut her off when you reach for her, fingers linking with her own pristine set, squeezing her lightly. “Elain,” you cry softly, “please… Please, I need…” 
You watch a little fearfully as her lips tug up at the corners, her eyes still wide with infatuation, transfixed on the lithe motions of your form, the way your hips glide over the cushion in attempts to feel some kind of friction. 
“What do you want?” She asks lowly, hunger in her usually sweet eyes, and you could cry. You are crying. “You…!” You beg softly, gripping her tighter, “you, Elain. Please!” She hums with faint amusement, settling lower to the floor so you’re at eye level. “How?” She asks gently, watching you with a leisure that’s not at all appropriate for the undercurrent of energy that’s simmering beneath your skin.
“Hotly. Messily,” you plead, trying to pull her closer, “immediately.”
“Hmm? But we aren’t lovers?” She points out, still smiling faintly, hungry warmth curving her full mouth. Full, berry-coloured lips that you bet would taste far better than any of the tarts on the counter. You don’t know how to respond to that other than with a desperate, pleading look, squeezing her hand beseechingly, inclining your head to shyly offer your mouth. 
Her eyes twinkle, and your heart flutters as she leans forward, dark golden ringlets of hair teasingly brushing against your unfairly sensitive collar bones, lips grazing your own. “What do you want?” She repeats softly, quieter than a breath, able to feel each syllable over your mouth. “Elain,” you answer in return, fingers trembling, so close to getting what you need. 
You feel the flutter of her lashes against your cheek, the ticklish fan of breath across your lips as she laughs softly, before gently setting her mouth atop your own. 
A hot tear escapes down your cheek, hips winding over the soft cushion as she rests over you, and you shyly press back, curving up into her as you incline your chin, heart fluttering in your chest wildly at the intimacy. 
“You want some more, don’t you?” She asks when she’s pulled away, and you nod desperately, more than a little out of it, with the flush that’s heating your body, the arousal that’s softening your limbs. “Alright,” she murmurs, still with that strangely wicked smile on her lovely lips, “but keep still.” 
You whine when she pulls away, then shut up when she begins disrobing herself, leaving her bare save for the underwear clinging to her hips, perfectly matching your own state of undress. “What do you think?” She asks lightly, both her arms pulled back from her chest, hands likely wrapped together at her back, allowing you to take her in. Your eyes nearly roll, needing her to put her body on you now, needing to kiss her again, to touch her and taste her. “Let me taste you…” you beg without thinking, causing her flush to deepen, parting the stance of her delicate feet ever so slightly. 
“You don’t even know what you’re asking for,” she replies softly, undeniable arousal rolling from her body, perfuming the room with a scent like vanilla, but slightly muskier, slightly heavier. It smells delicious. Like something you’d delight in having in your mouth. 
Elain smiles at your dazed expression, before dipping her fingers slowly beneath the band of her underwear, liking how your hips take on a more urgent wind over the pillow, still so desperate as the tea works its properties into your bloodstream, short-circuiting your mind to bring out your basest desires. 
“You want a taste?” Elain recalls, and you whine when you pick up the wet noises coming from between her thighs, how her arousal becomes more concentrated, and you nod your head. “Please, Elain,” you moan breathlessly, “come closer…” 
“I’ll come where I like,” she replies, making your spine arch.
“Please,” you beg, “come over here.” 
It seems she finally takes pity on you, slowly making her way over to you. Your eyes flutter lightly when her fingertips brush hair from your face, the ones with her arousal on brushing teasingly across your lips, and you part them needfully for her. Tipping upward into her touch, so, so, desperate for more. Elain reads that in your expression, and smiles. “If I let you have a taste,” she murmurs, fingers pressing a little closer to your mouth, so close to slipping inside, “you think it might be nice if you stayed?” 
You nod dimly, staring up at her pretty, cocoa-coloured eyes. 
“Answer me, sweet pea,” she instructs.
“I’ll stay,” you whisper back. 
Elain smiles fully, and the moment feels so right it’s almost enough to take you out of the haze. But then she’s carefully swinging a leg over you, her lovely back turned so she can peer down your body, and for the first time that evening you’re aware of your mouth watering. “I knew you’d come round to it,” she says breathlessly, her thighs trembling slightly with adrenaline and anticipation. After all this time she’s so close to having you—it’ll no longer be restricted to her dreams, or her fantasies. “You’re being such a good girl for me.” 
“Elain,” you beg, lips feeling numb and tingly, just so desperate to be entirely swept away by her fragrance, her feel, her flavour. “Elain, please…” you breathe, staring longingly between her parted thighs, able to arrange just how well she’ll fit over your face. 
“Alright, sweet thing,” she murmurs, fingers tracing across your stomach, feeling across the soft expanse as if she’s studying new land under her jurisdiction, brushing the band of your underwear. “Since you asked so nicely.” 
Thoughts and words are obliterated away as she settles over you, the heat of her soft skin feeling so right and familiar, and your eyes slide shut in pleasure. In a far away part of your conscious, your body raises its hands to slide over her thighs, slinking over her hips to pull her flush to your mouth, able to feel the dampness of the fabric against your nose and lips, and—Gods she’s perfect. 
Elain’s fingertips teasingly trace over your abdomen, watching how tiny muscles flutter and contract beneath her ticklish touch, gently prying the pillow away from between your thighs to make room for her own hands. She swallows heavily, spine curving as she experimentally shifts her hips over you, revelling in the press of your mouth and nose against her heat. 
“Open your mouth,” she breathes, fingers trembling as they push your underwear away, licking her lips as she spots the gleaming threads of slick that are webbing between the wet fabric and your wetter cunt. You don’t respond, and she blinks, shifting her hips to glance over her shoulder—your eyes are closed, and she can feel the heat radiating from your body, the absolutely blissed out expression on your features. Her heart fumbles, and she decides to let you enjoy yourself for the moment—her pleasure is secondary to your own. 
“That’s it, sweet girl,” she says instead, palm cupping your bare heat, feeling your hips buck into her hand at the promise of stimulation. “Lay back and enjoy it,” she goads, running her fingers over your cunt, pressing lightly at your clit, feeling how a pulse of pleasure passes through you at the light touch alone. “So lovely and wet—is this all for me?” 
A shiver of pure pleasure drips down her spine at the deluded moan you breathe onto her cunt, thighs parting as she languidly rolls her hips over you, shuddering with blissful exuberance at the feel of your mouth and nose pressing so delightfully against her. Enough so that she raises them just enough to vanish the fabric away, before gently reseating herself atop of you, taking a moment to bask in the intimate feel. The strangely territorial feel as she winds her hips, knowing your nose, lips, and chin will be gleaming with her arousal. Hers. 
Biting her lip, she spreads your legs wider, rolling the pads of her fingers over your clit carefully, guessing how sensitive the ambrosia plant tea will have made you. And she’s completely right. Rewarded with a lovely whimper that causes her skin to prickle, storing away the small noise and already thinking what she can do to make you repeat it. 
“Do that again,” she asks, fingers running down over your wet cunt, light and teasing in her touch, tauntingly circling your entrance, feeling as you try to suction her deeper, tightening around nothing. You release a whine, and Elain smiles faintly, cupping one of her breasts as she thumbs across the peak, soothing their sensitivity as her head tips back from the relief. “That’s it,” she encourages, “all you need to do is keep making those sounds for me okay? Keep telling me what you like, how you’re feeling. Don’t try to hide them from me.” 
You moan loudly when her fingers sink inside of you, two gently plying you apart, pumping and curling while the heel of her palm glides across your gleaming clit, hips bucking needfully up into her hand as your arousal begins to be satiated. “Elain…” you moan without reason, simply unable to think of any other noise to make as her heavenly scent filters into your lungs, spreads through your body, following your instincts to open your mouth, and lick. 
Elain’s spine curves, a moan spilling from her lips as you softly apply yourself, tongue flattening over her clit, swiping up through her centre to kiss at her entrance, feeling dizzy from the eroticism of laying your mouth over such an intimate part of her. Feeling her coat your mouth like a lip gloss. You’d wear her every chance you could get. 
“That’s it…” she moans, fingers rubbing against a spot inside of you, and your arms coil over her pretty hips, pulling her flush against your face, making out with her pussy to hear more of those sounds, taste more of her flavour, have more of her coating you like she owns you. 
Elain sighs contentedly, hips rocking over your mouth before she’s dipping down, and you cry out onto her when her tongue swipes across your clit, thighs shaking with the sensitivity—how she licks through your centre, circling and suckling the apex of your thighs while her fingers are working you so well. The pressure she’s creating around your clit, her scent in your lungs and her taste in your mouth, the hot, feminine weight of her over your lips partnered with the delightfully full press of her fingers, how they curl against spots even you hadn’t know you had, her tongue licking at your clit, saliva mixing with your slick…so messy… 
You cry out as you come, and Elain gasps as you squirt, surprised as the liquid arcs from your pretty cunt. Her lips part on the surprised inhale, before she’s being driven by hunger, sealing her mouth over you entirely, tasting as much of you as she can, working her wonderfully wicked tongue to draw out your orgasm, the orgasm that belongs to her.
She feels it as she’s tipped over the edge, at last pulling away from your overstimulated cunt to spread her thighs wider and grind over your mouth, dragging her clit over the hot swell of your tongue, her eyelids fluttering with pleasure and all she can think about is getting to turn around and put her mouth over your own. Which is exactly what she does, before the aftershocks have even completely faded, tasting herself on your lips and tongue, flicking against the roof of your mouth as she presses her body closer to you, thigh now pressing between your own, feeling a strange sense of pride as you grind against her, wanting more so desperately. 
Elain can tell from your scent alone you’ll be needing much more than just one orgasm to get you past the herbal-induced heatwave she’s subjected you to. 
And she’s more than delighted to help you see each and every wave through to the end. 
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general taglist: @myheartfollower @tcris2020 @mali22 @slut4acotar @sfhsgrad-blog @needylilgal022 @hannzoaks @hnyclover @skyesayshi @nyotamalfoy @decomposing-writer @soph1644 @lilah-asteria @nighttimemoonlover
68 notes · View notes
I’m in love with the idea of reader having their own fanbase, maybe they’re also a musician or a YouTuber etc and when Joost and reader get together their fanbases are like “omg we’re siblings now!!”
I fell in love with your idea too! I was busy so it took me a while, but I managed to write something. It's not a typical fanfic, I experimented with a form this time but I hope you'll like it!
A reader is a musician youtuber with a small, but very faithful fanbase. You can read more under the cut.
user1: I absolutely adore this, keep your hard work! ❤️
user2: wtf is this shit???!!!
user3: such a shame no original song this time, but this slaps too! :) 
You looked briefly through the comments again. Most of them were positive, some of them were hateful, nothing new. But one of them brought your attention the most. It was the comment of Joost himself, a guy who you covered. You couldn’t believe that he noticed your video. You had just made a cover of this song because you had found it cool and had thought that Joost’s disqualification had been unfair and that his song deserved to be performed at the Eurovision grand final. You wondered how to reply for a while, finally writing just two words: “Thanks, king! :D” 
Ugh, I’m so pathetic, you thought as you buried your face in your hands.
user3: that’s what I’m talking about, pls give us more songs like that!!! 
joostklein: such a bop! 🤓
user4: omg I’m gonna listen to it for a whole summer ☀️
user2: another shitty song
user5: yea, they should delete their channel
That time you put a video with your original song on youtube. And Joost commented on it again! You thought that “Europapa” cover was just an exception because it was a cover of his song, but he actually followed your work. That moment even hate comments didn’t bother you that much. Your heart really raced up when you checked your inbox on instagram. You found a direct message from Joost there asking you for a collaboration. 
You politely replied that you agree, trying not to sound overly excited. You promised Joost to check out your schedule and come to the Netherlands in free time. 
[A TikTok video of you and Joost singing “Europapa” together.]
yourusername: FINALLY MET THE KING! 👑
user4: attention! attention! they sing europapa together!
user1: i’m gonna cry, y/n totally deserved to meet him! 😭
user3: but what does it mean? collab? 🤔
user7: MANIFESTING 🕯️🕯️🕯️
user5: pfft, attention seeker
user7: I can’t believe that two of my favorite artists made a song together 😭thank you so much!!! 💞💞💞
user3: pretty good!
user8: good jobs guys! i love you so much!!! 💕
user2: damn, does Joost really fall down so low that he collabs with them???
user6: if you don’t like it, just don’t listen to it 🙄imo it’s a bop, I hope they’ll make more songs together in the future! 🤞
[A picture of you and Joost on instagram. Joost poses in a funny way while you’re taking a pic of him with a polaroid camera.]
yourusername: LOVE OF MY LIFE 💙
user4: screaming, crying, throwing up, does it mean they’re together??? 🥺
user9: yea, I guess so, Joost confirmed this on his insta too
user1: joost nation x y/n nation unite! we’re the siblings now!
user7: they’re so cute together, I can’t!!! 🥺
user5: I’m so sorry for him, he deserves someone better…
user2: yea, for example me!
[user5 blocked]
[user2 blocked]
user8: they’re my favorite couple now! and yeah, we’re all siblings now!
user6: good luck guys! 🍀don’t let the haters bring you down!
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you strip me down into nothing (show me what i've been missing)
—if you love fwb, this one's for you!
author: screamingcolours | rated: e | words: 28k | ao3 link
“You could sleep with me.”
It’s Buck’s turn to choke on his drink.
“Wh—what? That’s not funny, Eddie.”
“I’m not joking.”
“Okay,” Buck says, slowly and looking at him with so much confusion, like he’s expecting a catch. “Why? Why would you offer to do this?”
That’s the part where Eddie should have a thought out answer about how this makes sense, because they’re both single and trust each other with everything or whatever, and maybe it wouldn’t be a lie.
But the truth is, he’s looking at Buck right now, on the verge of some kind of breakdown over sex of all things because he needs to be told he’s good and loved and needed, and Eddie will be damned if he’s not going to give him that.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
Eddie offers to sleep with Buck ~for science~, they become friends with benefits, and Eddie takes way, way too long to pick up on what it all really means.
—kels reasons to read—
delicious smut
them being oblivious idiots made it even better
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yangsharperavery · 20 hours
I was reading five times at a simmer; once boiling over again and idk if someone else already pointed out but I noticed you predicted a lot of things for season 2 like the “I couldn’t have done any of this without you” line, the panic attack moment and syd helping him, the fact that she wants accolades like a star and carmy saying they’re overrated, and probably more! so idk if it’s because they as well as their relationship are very well written so they are predictable for amazing writers like you or because you’re just a genius or you’re actually chris lol but wow this was great to read and you’re extremely talented!
Also pleaseee share some theories you have for sydcarmy s3 I will believe you!!
gah! thank you so much. thoughtful words like this mean so much to me. writers are typically so deeply critical of their own work and i am no exception! i appreciate your sentiments so very much. truly.
it's so funny because the same thing was brought to my attention about the second one shot i wrote after five times at a simmer; once boiling over.
in still don't know what love means i also predicted a few things that ended up happening in the second season.
i watch so much tv and have written a handful of spec scripts so its very possible i just see the story theme threads and follow them in the way i think they would naturally go in subsequent seasons.
i actually don't have any concrete guesses around s3 other than what i've seen other fans speculate about.
there's gonna be a lot of tension and discord. carmy's going to regress and probably drive sydney away/she'll be poached. they'll fight. probably alot. i forsee some type of emotional breakthrough for carmy towards the end of the season. like maybe we'll see him crying for the first time? perhaps over natalie's baby or hearing about the details of mikey's funeral or something happening to or with donna.
maybe he'll go somewhere to attempt to release or process or deal with his anger and grief. maybe even something unconventional that isn't therapy.
he's probably gonna turn into asshole chef from nyc, which is one of the reasons syd will threaten to walk/actually walk.
i'm very interested in the grand gesture carmy will present sydney with this season. first season was the restaurant, second season was the chef's whites. it's easy to say the third season would be a star but i actually think it's going to be more personal this time around. i also am not convinced they'll get the star on their first try.
but that will be his hyper-fixation and preeminent concern throughout the entirety of the season which will likely turn him into someone sydney won't want to be around or can't trust.
this is gonna be their angst season without a doubt. i eat up angst with a spoon so i'm ready.
richie or tina or natalie likely makes some comment(s) about the nature of the sydcarmy partnership. one or both refute/deny/hide, etc.
they might get too physically close or cross the energetic plane during an intense moment of resolution or continued conflict. they probably won't address or talk about it.
carmy may display some jealousy that he'll mask as rigidity and order and discipline in the name of getting a star if he sees richie/marcus/luca being too chummy with sydney.
edit: oh and something like this
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adenobabe · 23 hours
That’s what best friends are for.
Bestfriend!iii x F!reader
Another long one soz I’m obsessed with this man. This time we have your bestie iii taking care of your pleasure after one too many failed dates with men that just ain’t cutting it.
Tags/warnings: bestfriend iii, fingering, sex toys, overstimulation, hand kink, praise kink, size kink, mirror fuckin, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex (don’t do this pls), no use of y/n, oral (F receiving), cockwarming
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“What an absolute waste of time” you muttered to yourself unlocking the door to your home. This had been the first date of many you had been on and it started to feel like you’d never find anyone you connect with.
Yeah your date was physically attractive and thank god you didn’t get catfished this time, but as soon as you started talking you just knew you didn’t align at all. In fact most of the dinner, you found yourself thinking of iii and how much you’d rather be spending your Friday night with him.
There had been a few men here and there over the past few months but it never got serious and they never lasted more than a few weeks. Not to mention they never really met your needs and as soon as they’d leave you’d often find yourself having to take care of yourself instead.
As you entered the home you shared with your best friend III, you noticed he was in the exact same position you left him in, playing COD with IV, Vessel and II. It was Friday night after all and every Friday was COD night for the boys.
You never complained though, it was always so funny listening to them get so riled up together. You smiled to yourself seeing him how he was - sitting way too close to the TV, his headset on, surrounded by beer cans, he hadn’t even noticed you had got back yet.
You threw your bag on the couch and walked over to iii still in your heels and dress “you boys and that bloody video game I swear” you laughed and took his headset off.
“Where did you come from?! You honestly scared the shit out of me” iii laughed and stood up from the ottoman he had scooted closer to the TV.
“Sorry!” You smiled up at him, his height still towering over you despite your heels.
“I’ll be right back boys!” iii spoke into his headset.
“You look bloody beautiful I must say” iii looked down at you his eyes glassed over clearly from the staring at the TV for hours. You rolled your eyes and smiled at him “you’re buzzed but thank you I’ll take all the compliments I can get right now.”
You moved towards the couch sitting down to take your heels off sighing in relief. iii stood there watching you his eyes moving towards your cleavage spilling over as you bent over taking your heels off, there was softest in his tone “what do y‘mean love where is this lover boy of yours hmm?”
“Another disappointment to be honest we kissed but god was it awful and I felt absolutely nothing.” You watched him as he came to sit on the couch opposite you. He looked so cozy in his sweatpants and hoodie you couldn’t deny how badly you wanted to feel his arms around you.
“I think your body will definitely tell you if you have a connection with someone or not love.” iii shifted in his seat, you noticed his eyes raking over your tight dress a bulge appearing beneath his sweatpants. Oh.
“yeah definitely…I mean every guy I’ve been with these past months they haven’t even made me…well.”
“cum? Yeah I know”
You looked at him in disbelief blush rising over your cheeks.
“What do you mean you know?!”
“We do share a wall you know? It’s nothing to be embarrassed about love they’re the ones that should be embarrassed if it were me…shit I’d fucking do anything to make you cum.” iii froze realising what had just slipped out of his mouth his heart beat in his ears.
Both of you didn’t speak a word for what felt like minutes.
You broke the silence clearing your throat “how did..how did you know I didn’t…finish…with anyone I’ve brought around?”
iii shifted forward his arms resting on his knees “well I doubt you would be using your vibrator all night long by yourself once they’d left, if they’d fucked you right.”
You look at him with your mouth wide open in shock. “look I try not to listen I really do, but I must be honest, it can get difficult not to when you make such pretty noises. Amount of times I’ve wanted to come in there and show you how good I could make you feel…countless.”
Your heart raced and your breathing became heavier “iii we’re best friends you can’t..you can’t be saying these things to me.” You tried so hard to push down how badly you wanted him right now but it was impossible especially with the wetness and throbbing between your legs. There had been countless moments you had these kinds of thoughts about iii, shit, most times the only way you could cum was thinking about him even though you knew it was wrong.
“What are best friends for if not to make each other feel good?”
You swallowed hard and crossed your legs desperate to make the ache stop.
“You’re aching for me aren’t you?” iii’s eyes were heavy and overcome with lust as he watched you squirm. It’s true, you had never craved someone the way you did him even though god it felt so wrong.
“I can make you feel good love just this one time and we can go back to completely normal we’re just friends nothing serious or tell me to stop and we can completely forget all about this.”
“iii…” you sighed his name.
“Don’t say my name like makes me want to leap across this couch and take you now.”
“Fucking hell just do it!”
Barely a second after you spoke iii’s lips were on yours his tall height bending down to kiss you. You stood up to meet his kiss his big hands moving over through your hair and down your body to your waist like he was memorising and savouring every inch of you.
“Jump for me darling.” iii groaned at the feeling of the wet patch on your pink see-through panties pressing into his hard on under his sweatpants his arms holding your legs around him.
“Going commando I see?”
“It’s a Friday night love.”
“I love it when you don’t wear anything underneath those grey sweatpants drives me insane.”
“Oh trust me I’ve noticed.” III gave you a cheeky grin.
“You’re such a tease you know that?”
“Says you! Always in your white tops with no bra and pyjama shorts that barely cover your ass!”
“Are we going to keep bickering or are you going to make me cum?!”
“I do love a bit of banter but definitely the second thing” between the teasing and bickering you hadn’t even realised that iii had walked both of you to his bedroom as he laid you down on his bed, your head pressing into the pillow beneath you. It smelled like him and god you loved how good his cologne smelt. You sat up on your elbows watching him take his hoodie off your heart beating in your chest.
“Stay right here. I’ll be right back love.”
You moved to the edge of the bed dangling your legs off anxious for him to come back and noticed a large mirror opposite you on the door. Where on earth did he go?
The door opened and iii walked in holding something in his hand.
“Is that…is that my vibrator?!”
“Yeah, never used it with anyone before?” iii put it on the bed.
“No actually I haven’t…no ones ever wanted to.”
“God these men sound terrible.”
You rolled your eyes “okay! You’ve made your point.”
iii giggled and kissed your lips “you sure about this love? We can stop this all right now and forget all about it?”
“No. No I want this. I want you.”
iii smiled at you. “Come here love let me get you out of that dress.” You weren’t used to men being so gentle with you, so attentive and receptive to what you needed. It made butterfly’s swarm in your stomach as you felt iii’s long fingers slowly zip down your dress his lips kissing along your shoulder as he did so. He helped you step out of it and stood back to take in the sight before him. You were standing in front of him in your matching pink sheer mesh bra and panties you swear you saw his cock twitch under his sweatpants.
“My god you are so fucking beautiful.”
You stood there with your hands in front of yourself blush rising your cheeks again. “I dunno I....”
“No none of that. Yes you are. Come here.” iii’s hands roamed to your waist as he brought you closer to him your breath hitched as you met his gaze his beautiful blue eyes heavy looking into yours. His hand came to your cheek as he moved in closer to your lips slowly and passionately kissing you his tongue licking into your mouth. You moaned into the kiss pulling him closer to you your hand on the back of his neck.
iii moved you both to the edge of the bed as he sat down pulling you on top of his lap. You straddled him grinding down against his cock moaning against his lips. “Fuck I can feel how wet you are through your panties.” He moved his hips up to meet yours his hands on your waist, grinding his cock against your aching pussy.
“Turn around for me baby. Look at yourself. Look how fucking hot you look grinding on my cock.”
iii’s hands rested on your thighs his big hands splayed across them kneading your soft skin as you ground down against him your hips circling his cock. He moved your hair to the side kissing up and down your neck as he made eye contact with you through the mirror.
His hands moved from your thighs up to your breasts taking them both in his hands and rubbing his fingers over your hard nipples his lips still kissing licking and sucking on your neck.
“Oh god iii”
“Mmm feel good baby?”
You moaned in response as he pulled down your bra throwing it across the room with one hand the other resting between your thighs pushing your legs apart further. You ground down on him harder arching your back and laying your head back onto his shoulder as he continued pinching and rolling your nipple in his fingers his other hand slipped into your panties.
iii groaned in your ear “doing so good for me. Can’t wait to feel how wet you are.” His long fingers dipped into your wetness his cock twitched beneath you as he felt how wet you are “fuck. Such a naughty girl getting so wet for her best friend huh?”
You moaned at the feeling of his fingers coming up to your swollen clit as he circled it in painstakingly slow circles. “Mm sound so pretty need to hear more of those love.” Your breath quickened as he fastened his pace circling your clit moans falling from your lips as your head hanged back on his shoulder your legs shuddering and spreading open further.
“Going to cum for me pretty girl hm? Haven’t even had my cock yet and already going to cum? You look so fucking hot look at you watch yourself.”
iii brought his other hand from your breast to your chin making you watch you both through the mirror you blushed at the sight. Your wetness was seeping through making a mess over his grey sweatpants where no doubt his own precum was leaking through.
His heavy eyes were transfixed on you. “So fucking beautiful.” Your gaze dropped to his hands down your panties. You always loved his big veiny hands the sight of them where you’ve always craved them and the feeling of him expertly rubbing your slick over clit making it oh so easy to fall over the edge of your continuously building orgasm. You could feel his cock pressed up against your aching core desperate to feel him inside of you.
“Oh god yes please-” You grabbed the back of his neck desperate to hold onto something as your climax ripped through you moaning his name. You came hard grinding against his hand and cock beneath you. iii moved your head to the side kissing you and grinding up into you moaning into your mouth as you came his fingers still rubbing your clit slowly helping you to ride out your orgasm as long as possible.
You whimpered as you felt his fingers leave your clit your vision still blurry as he lifted you up off him placing you on the bed behind you both. iii moved over top of you his hands coming to your legs moving them apart to rest himself between you. You reached for his waistband. “Not yet pretty girl. Want one more and then I’ll make you cum around my cock.”
You watched him through your heavy lids as he kissed his way down your stomach his hands splayed over your lower stomach. He looked up at you as he kissed your sensitive clit through your panties.
“iii please still s-so sensitive.”
“Mm I know I know baby it’s okay gonna make you feel so good.”
iii hooked his fingers in your panties sliding them down your legs and throwing them across the room.
You brought your knees up moving your legs further apart for him.
“Fuck. You’re dripping.” iiis cock ached in his sweatpants as he saw your slick pussy glistening just waiting for him to fill you up. Your breath hitching as you felt him pull you towards his face burying himself in your pussy like a starved man.
He licked long stripes from your dripping hole to your clit lapping up your arousal and coating your clit hungry to taste you. Your hands found his hair pushing him against you grinding against his tongue, your head thrown back as you got lost in the feeling of iiis tongue licking kissing and sucking your clit. His name and curses repeatedly falling from your lips as his long fingers were now pushing into your entrance and stretching you out where you so desperately needed his cock. You clenched around his fingers as he pumped them in and out of you, to then be replaced by his tongue fucking your pussy his nose rubbing your clit.
His fingers suddenly replaced his tongue as he rubbed through your folds slowing down his pace. You looked down at him desperate for him to quicken when you saw him take your g-spot vibrator turn it on and push it into you pumping it in and out slowly.
“Feel good bunny?”
“Oh fuck-oh god yes” you moaned and ground down onto the vibrator meeting his thrusts as he quickened pumping it in and out of you, your wetness squelching and your pussy clenching around it his tongue back on your clit kissing sucking and lapping quickly. Your orgasm built quickly as the vibrations and angle hit inside of you just where you needed it mixed with iii’s moans against your clit caused you to cum so hard again. Your hands gripped his long hair as you kept him pressed against your pussy iii fucking you through your high with your vibrator. You screamed in pleasure writhing underneath his hold as your second orgasm washed over you.
“That’s it such a good girl for me.” iii removed the vibrator from inside of you placing it on his bedside table. He moved your hair from your face placing soft kisses over your cheek and forehead. “Feeling okay?” You nodded at him opening your eyes bringing him down to your lips the taste of you on his lips making your head feel dizzy.
“You taste so fucking good I could spend hours between your legs.” iii said against your lips kissing you. You smiled at him and tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear running your thumb over his lower lip.
“You know I thought about that every night I’d masturbate”
“Oh really now?”
“Yeah, always made me cum thinking about you filling me up or your tongue on my clit.”
“Such a dirty girl aren’t you? thinking about her best friend fucking her to make herself cum.”
“Don’t lie and say you hadn’t thought the same thing.”
iii moaned as you palmed at his aching erection. You knew he was big just at the sight of him through his pants. You had heard all the stories from his previous partners and the boys themselves always used to joke that he was as long as he was tall, which you knew to be true when you’d accidentally walked in on him in the shower before.
You moved his sweatpants down freeing his heavy leaking cock. He was even bigger than you remembered. You bit your lip as you stared down at his size. iii gripped his cock unable to stop himself from stroking himself a few times aching to feel you wrapped around him. His balls were heavy as you cupped them in your hand tugging gently and placing your other hand on top of his as he stroked himself between your legs slowly. iii moved the tip of his cock through your folds your wetness coating him, your legs jolting as he ran it over your clit. You swear you could cum again just like this.
“iii please. I need you inside of me.”
iii moaned and moved his cock down to your entrance pushing into you slowly. You both moaned at the feeling his head hanging forward over you. “Oh fuck you’re so tight.” His size stretched and filled you to the brim as you throbbed around him. He stilled in you as he bottomed out in you, your clit pressed up against him as you adjusted to his size.
“Oh fuck you feel so so good iii”
iii started moving in and out of you as your legs wrapped around his waist your hands in his hair his hands either side of your head as he thrusted into you. His eyes baring into yours as he groaned at the feeling of you clenching around him.
“Pussy feels like heaven. So wet and tight and fuck-feel so good around me“ iii’s lip came back onto yours as he lifted your thighs pressing them up against you his hands wrapping around them to hold them in place. You moaned feeling him stroking a spot in you that made the knot in your stomach grow again your pussy clenching around him. iii quickened his pace moving his hand to softly place around your throat as his fingers on your jaw moved your face to look at him. His other hand came between you to rub your clit, your thighs pressed up into his torso. Your brows furrowed, your mouth open with a desperate plea spread across your face as your breath quickened, whimpers and curses filling the room as you came close to your climax.
“gonna cum for me again my pretty girl hm? So fucking sexy. Gonna cum all around my cock? Gonna cum all around your best friends cock? You like how good I’m fucking you? Feels good where I’m stroking huh? Can feel you clenching around my cock.”
“Yes, yes, yes, yes oh God iii.” You moaned as your legs shook under him. iii continued to fuck you fast and hard your pussy clenching and milking his cock you felt him twitch in you as his thrusts became erratic and sloppy. Your orgasm ripped through you as iii filled you up with his cum rutting himself into you as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm and his own thrusting his overstimulated cock into you his cum dripping out of you.
“Oh fuck that’s-fuck-you made me cum so much.”
iii leaned down and kissed you his cock still hard inside of you. You grabbed the back of his head and kept him down on you once again exploring each others mouths your arms wrapping around his back holding him against you. iii went to pull himself out of you. You held him in place with your thighs locking him in.
“No. Just a bit longer.” You pouted bringing him down to your lips again.
He kissed your lips softly and smiled.
“Made me feel so good.” You whispered against his lips.
“That’s what best friends are for.”
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mythmakinvgxz · 3 days
sfw/nsfw headcanons - andrey rublev
warnings: this contains nsfw so if you're not comfortable with it just dont read it !!
notes: i lost the request im so sorry😭 but thank you sm for requesting this one im so happy to finally write for my man
- he’s the sweetest ever omfg.
- so clingy !!
- can’t keep his hands for himself istg he ALWAYS has to touch your skin or he’ll go crazy.
- “andrey, there are people here…” “i know, i just wanna feel you” cutie pie.
- he’s so funny, he makes you laugh even when you’re supposed to be serious.
- always telling jokes about other players during tours.
- and we all know that he doesn’t like when members of his family go to see him play, the only exception is you.
- your presence is the only one that he’ll never complain about.
- IN FACT whenever he has to start a match, especially an important one, he always makes sure you’re sitting right next to the court.
- to keep an eye on you.
- he LITERALLY invites you to join him everytime he has to do something with daniil, and he makes sure you’re comfortable.
- boy he’s sweet.
- likes to stroke your cheeks when he kisses you.
- and after kissing he always places one little kiss on you forehead. 🤗
- he takes HOURS to get ready.
- he cares a lot for his appearance.
- especially his hair …
- “andrey, are you ready?” you’d shout from the other side of the apartment. “yeah, just wait…” he’d answer from the bathroom.
- as you’d enter the room you’d find him looking at his reflection on the mirror, fizing his hair.
- “babe, you’ve been standing there for the past half hour, let’s go. they’re waiting for us.”
- “yeah, i’m almost ready.” with a concentrated look on his face he’d fix a stray of hair behind his ear. “okay, let’s go.”
- you’d sigh in a kind way, as he kisses you gently on your lips.
- about his hair…
- he adores when you tug on ‘em making a little pressure.
- he’s a switch i dont wanna argue with anyone.
- when he’s submissive he’s very vocal: a lot of moaning and whimpering and stuff.
- he gets so horny watching you doing everything by yourself, sometimes he’d even stay still and his eyes would be fixed on your body, not moving one inch.
- and goes ABSOLUTE CRAZY when you whisper sweet things in his ear.
- “you’re doing so good baby.” BOY HE’S SHAKING.
- and he just doesn’t have the energy to answer, eyes closed and head completely dizzy.
- “love, you have to use your words f’me, okay?”
- he’d nod in agreement, whispering in a low and tired tone “please… k-keep going…”
- and when he’s a top…
- looooovesss when you grab for his biceps during the initial thrust into you ... sedate me
- and always has to look you in the eyes to be able to tell if everything’s okay.
- but anyway !!
- he’s always hugging you from behind… he knows it gets you so turned on…
- and his fingers would slowly get under your shirt, circling your hot skin.
- “you’re already shaking, and i’m only touching you…” WTF PLEASE I NEED HIM
- he’a an ass guy… big or small he has to touch it !
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Abby, Lev & Yara incorrect quotes 🖤
Abby, to Lev: Look at you! All cute and small! I could just eat you up! Lev: *proceeds to kick her in the shin and run away*  Yara, walking past: Rule number 1, don't call Lev cute or small.
Lev: Why is everyone so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I’d just be excited to have a bunk bed.  Abby: Abby: I'm gonna tell him.  Owen: Don't you dare.
Abby: Today, Lev said a swear word, so Yara said that she was going to wash Lev’s mouth out with soap. Lev replied, “It’s okay, I like the taste of soap”. Turns out, they’ve both been putting soap on their lips to blow bubbles for the past hour.
Lev, gardening: Hey, can you bring me the hoe?  Abby: Yeah, sure.  *A few minutes later*  Abby: Here you go.  Lev:  Abby:  Owen: Why am I here?
Yara: Breathe, just breathe.  Lev: I’ve done nothing with my life! I’m a failure!  Their mom in Lev’s mind: Awww, that never bothered you before.
Lev on his 18th birthday: Adulting is hard.  Lev: How do I quit?  Yara: Time travel.  Abby: Die.
Lev: When Yara was born, the gods said, "She’s too perfect for this world."  Abby: Please. When I was born, the devil said, "Oh, competition."
Yara: You get turned back into a baby but you retain all your skills and memory, what do you do?  Abby: Eat a nickel.  Yara: A reminder: You have retained all your skills and memories.  Lev: Eat a nickel.  Yara: Ok.
Lev: Why does everyone want to kill Abby?  Ellie: Because, goddamnit, have you seen her? her neck looks so snappable.
*the Squad cleaning up*  Abby: Pick up the nearest piece of trash and throw it away.  Lev, to Yara: Aight, which bin do you wanna go in—
Lev: *sneaking in through their window*  Yara: *turning in their chair and flicking the light one* You want to tell me where you've been all night?  Lev: I was with Abby?  Abby: *turning in their chair* Wanna try again?
Yara: Do you support gay rights?  Lev: I’m literally trans.  Abby: He’s avoiding the question!
Yara: What did Abby do this time?  Lev: More like WHO did Abby do this time?
Lev: Self care is stuff like taking a bubble bath or putting on a lot of make up if you like that, or taking a nice warm nap and stuff like that basically.  Abby: Self care is the burning heat when rage washes over you. self care is when you feel the bones crack under your powerful fists. self care is the fear in your enemies eyes.  Yara: Self care is stealing someones birthday cake just to eat the frosting.  Lev: If you touch my birthday cake I’ll make you eat your hands.
⬆️ (Lev’s never had a birthday cake 🥲)
Lev: If I die, my funeral will be the biggest party ever and you're all invited.  Yara: "If"  Abby: Great, the only party I'm ever invited to and they might not even die.
Abby: Uh, I think I got your lunch. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘I am very proud of you. Love, Yara’*  Lev: Oh yeah. I didn’t think this was for me. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘Be good. For the love of God, Please be good.’*
Yara: Nice rock.  Lev: Thanks, Abby gave it to me.  Abby: I threw it at you!  Lev: Isn’t she the sweetest?
Yara: Lev! Abby got that thing on the control panel working!  Lev: Wow! That looks pretty impressive.  Yara: Yeah!  Abby: Any idea what it does?  Lev: Not a clue.
Yara: What are you two arguing about this time?  Abby: They’re always using common phrases incorrectly!  Lev: Cry me a table, Abby.
Yara: Lev isn’t answering my messages.  Abby: Allow me.  Yara: I tried 6 times, what makes you thi-  Lev: *replying to message* Hello.
Lev, not understanding the concept of holidays since I headcannon Seraphites didn’t celebrate stuff like Christmas: Christmas is cancelled.  Abby: You can't cancel a holiday.  Lev: Keep it up, Abby, and you'll lose New Year's too.  Abby: What does that mean?  Lev: Yara, take New Year's away from Abby.
Yara, to Abby You know, Lev can be really aggressive, so it's important to take all the necessary precautions when approaching.  Lev: *blows airhorn at a seraphite* GET FUCKED!
this was so funny to make lmao 😭
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prototypesteve · 23 hours
Representation starts between you and yourself.
Don’t worry that the world doesn’t understand you or represent you or say the right things about you, because they won’t.
Focus on understanding yourself. This will be hard. Get out into the world, and figure out how you want to be in it, as an aspec person.
Don’t ask “What do people like me enjoy? How do people like me move? What do people like me wear? What do people like me listen to?” Those questions erase you. There is no template.
Our under-representation has been a gift, because it hasn’t saddled us with a library of stereotypes and archetypes to conform to. (It will, one day, but for now we get to enjoy making ourselves up as we go along.)
Georgia Warr isn’t charismatic like Alastor who isn’t nerdy like Lilith Clawthorne who isn’t quiet like Isaac Henderson, who isn’t audacious like Gwenpool, who isn’t an overthinker like Georgia Warr. None of those things make them aspec, they are simply aspec with those things.
Go find out if you like to travel, or if you like to make sushi, or if you like to restore vintage bikes, or if you like to run in charity 5k races every weekend, or if you’re a gifted bassist with a love of 70s funk music. Go find out if you’ve been “wearing” a personality that isn’t yours, but met people’s expectations for you. Go find out.
In 2023, I realized I wasn’t a “malfunctioning” heterosexual guy. I had always been a perfectly asexual and aromantic Steve. That began a long but fun process of “unmasking”. I started looking for all the things I did in order to pass as a normal and viable heterosexual guy.
What specifically changed doesn’t matter, because it was my “fake” stuff. Your fake stuff will be different. My fake stuff was the product of decades of not knowing about asexuality or aromanticism, and trying to fake the things I didn’t have. Your fake stuff might be the product of living with one or two ill-fitting role models for how to “be” your flavour of aspec.
How I changed my fake stuff is what matters. I just did everything differently, so I could disrupt all my old routine, patterned thinking—blow the whole goddamned mess up—and leave room to trust that my intuition would start stacking the debris up in new shapes, and painting on the empty walls.
I tried new music, new shows, new books, new vacation plans, even used different apps and biked different paths. I unplugged from old podcasts and and and.
I’ll write about specific experiences later. What matters is that they worked.
Over and over again I’ve heard, “You seem more yourself, now,” or “you’re becoming yourself.”
And the funny thing is, that authenticity—that transformation—inspired questions and corrections and awareness and all the stuff we want allows to change about themselves. I have a group of close friends and a constellation of casual friends and coworkers who’ve seen that aspec identities are real, and that they’re not always what they expected or assumed. That’s let to lots of conversations, workshops, year-long chat threads, and a slow but irreversible trend towards understanding.
First, understand yourself, and then the world will have no choice but to eventually understand you.
Or, to put it another way, the world will drop their bullshit about you once you drop your bullshit about yourself.
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live reactions to house of the dragon season 2, episode 1: a son for a son
i'm basically doing this for my own amusement and reference, but i'm also up for constructive discussions on the episode if anyone feels like commenting
(but if you feel inclined to yell at me for any of my comments, please remember that these are fictional characters, and everyone is entitled to their own opinions🖤)
spoilers beneath the cut
it’s still the s1 recap and I’m already tearing up, can’t believe s2 is finally here
Jaw is dropped, actual chills at new intro. I love it
Winterfell theme=instant tears
Cregan Stark, the man that you are
“Starks do not forget their oaths, my prince” YOU’RE DAMN RIGHT THEY DON’T 🐺
The cave dragon-mounting platform setup? Love it.
“The mother grieves as the queen shirks her duties.” ~ harsh, but the truth
“Would that you were the king” ~ the queen who never was 💅
Rhaenyra 💔
Not Corlys commissioning a dagger for Lucerys😭 he doesn’t give af about blood, that was his grandson through and through.
Here we go, what have the Usurper and crew been up to….
Am I misremembering, or weren’t scorpions a relatively new invention during GOT?
I literally can’t with these two 🤡 like
The BALLS of Criston Cole with the damn cape like wtf.
Aegon, did you really expect the North or the Vale to answer you? If your councilors didn’t give you a heads up that that was not likely, you ought to fire them and get new ones.
Tyland and Jaehaerys😂 a pony ride?! These writers were in a silly goofy mood. Although, I will say it’s interesting to see the Lannisters being the ones to take orders for once, rather than give them.
Aegon really shows his age and lack if maturity here doesn’t he?
The real question is how will he react when he sees what the dowager queen and ser Crispin have been up to. I’m gonna wager it won’t be pretty
Not Arrax’s wing
I get they’re trying to make Aegon a bit more likeable this season, but as a member of the audience, I can’t help but feel like that would be SO much more effective if we didn’t already know that he was a predatory 🍇 ist 🤷🏼‍♀️
Otto needs to retire.
Good ol’ Larys, already schmoozing up his next meal ticket. Can’t knock the strategy though.
Alicent’s really trying to justify what happened to Lucerys 🤡
I’m getting the sense Alicent will have wished she kicked Otto out of the Red Keep herself by the time he finally gets canned
House Velaryon theme = always a banger
Mysaria’s accent is SUCH an improvement this season! 👏🏻
Daemon’s desperately pointing fingers at ANYONE who was even remotely close to Aegon😂
That little moment between Rhaenyra and Daemon was so little but said so much
“I want Aemond Targaryen” HELLS YEAH YOU DO 🖤🖤🖤
Daemon- “your wish is my command” 😇
I love that Baela accompanied Jace to go see Rhaenyra.
Jace💔 can’t even get through his report…
Jace and Joffrey😣
The fact that Rhaenyra and Alicent both accept what happened to Luke at the same time, but in different ways…. Cinematic poetry right there
A son for a son🤷🏼‍♀️
We love those in King’s Landing who remain true loyalists to the Queen🖤
What would Aemond think if he knew what the Commander of the Kings Guard and his mother do together in their free time🤔
Something funny about a man with no dragon experience and a young prince with no true battle experience talking about a war with dragons as though they’re even remotely knowledgeable…
What vengeance does Aemond seek at this point? Alicent even suggested it was because Lucerys was never punished for taking his eye… Aemond literally unalived Luke. At this point, the Greens seem to have all the advantage. So, at this moment, what exactly does Aemond want?
If anything happens to the dog I stg-
Don’t think Aemond would appreciate you referring to him as a “hound”, Aegon, but go off, I guess
Okay kicking the dog was so not fucking necessary-
Lucerys died during a storm, and it looks like someone else is about to too 👀
The fact that Blood is the voice of reason rn
Helaena💔 you don’t deserve any of this
Okay these noises are fucking AWFUL 😭😭😭💔💔💔
Helaena, not knowing where to go, going to her mother’s chambers🥲
OF FUCKING COURSE these two are at it again like- will they stop now? Will Criston at least have the decency to feel immense guilt and put an end to it himself?
While one can argue Criston Cole has a power dynamic to contend with in both situations (though I would argue he still consented to both), the difference is Rhaenyra was 17, and and Alicent is a woman in her 30s who also prides herself on being religious and practically pious🤷🏼‍♀️ one of them really ought to have known better then sleeping with a member of the Kingsguard, but I won’t say which one.
The Blackwoods and the Brackens!!!
Dragon eggs?👀
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kevinsdsy · 2 days
Random but do u have hcs for Kevin’s sexuality + relationship status in ur socmed au (highkey excited for Trojan + Kevin interactions for the Olympics) I mean Trojans + foxes but Kevin especially bc he’s babygirl
KEVIN SEXUALITY HEADCANONS— ANON I LOVE YOU FOR LETTING ME TALK MY SHIT HEHE i do have to put a disclaimer and say these headcanons are specifically for the socmed au i guess because i think his sexuality is more trauma-induced, but i keep the socmed au lighthearted because it’s just silly tweets and texts :)) but ANYWAYS LET ME GET STARTED
BISEXUAL KEVIN DAY NATION RISE ‼️ ((this is just my headcanon in general, kevin day is fr bisexual like he told me himself in a dream))
for the socmed au kevin has accepted his sexuality. it’s simply something he knows about himself, but also he doesn’t really care.
he doesn’t have as much of an existential crisis about this (which is only a headcanon for the socmed au, i think in general i headcanon for him to have a bit of an existential crisis about this due to trauma in the nest and him going around saying it’s easier to be straight)
for the socmed au the others know about his sexuality as well. so the foxes obviously and then jean + jeremy too.
when i’m gonna have everyone meet each other during the summer olympics i’m going to have more of the trojans know about it too.
but he is NOT out to the public eye. there are speculations due to a few retweets from kevin himself and jeremy and some (minor but) inappropriate tweets from both nicky & shawn because they’re just out there to create some chaos and leave LMAOOO
if asked by the media he will just straight up deny it like he is a firm believer that it’s none of their business anyway so!
when shawn finds out he will obviously make so many comments @ kevin like he will shamelessly try to flirt with him like he does with everyone else (even though he’s a bit intimidated by kevin) LMAO but a bit extra with kevin, because it’s kevin fucking day and that mean bitch is attractive enough to go to war for (shawn’s words)
shawn being so shamelessly shawn also makes kevin comfortable enough to not put up a persona and be a bitch :))) (he gets why jean puts up so much w shawn)
honestly i haven’t really given much thought about his relationship status though— he’s single in the au (so not dating thea).
i am a firm believer of his celebrity crush being jeremy LMAOOO which i think is funny for when jean x jeremy relationship gets established
kevin day keeps fumbling men from left to right
so yeah i guess that’s about it :) if anyone else has any takes or perceive things differently i would love to hear y’alls opinions fr <333
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itsfootballbih · 10 months
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President Bartlet and Leo McGarry are more married than Jed’s ever been with Abbey
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