#they're going to take steps together just like the waltz
Slow Dancing the Nightmares Away
Two months after they started dating, Simon and Johnny find themselves in the kitchen at the same time after a nightmare.
It's 0328 and neither of them are capable of human speech beyond a meek "hi" toward the other.
After brewing coffee and a cup of tea, they settle along the counter next to each other, hip-to-hip and unwilling to break the tense silence first, to ask what was wrong first lest it touch a nerve.
Simon, ever the one to compartmentalize faster than anyone can blink, gets through half of his tea and notices Johnny staring blankly at the wall across from them, cup of coffee barely touched and hardly gripped tight enough to be called holding.
He reaches over and grabs the cup of coffee, accidentally startling Johnny into a slight flinch. Stopping for a second and looking Johnny in the eye, Simon continues to take the coffee from him and put it on the counter behind them.
He grabs Johnny's left hand, stilling the residual trembling he can feel as he brings it up to his lips to kiss it gently, never breaking eye contact as he does so. He grabs his right hand next and brings it to the back of his neck, getting Johnny to link his hands behind Simon's neck so he can guide him a few feet away from the counter.
At the confused look this causes, Simon simply kisses Johnny on the forehead and brings him closer into a swaying hug, gently dancing in the still and cold early-morning air, humming starting up in a slow tune only Simon knows the steps to as Johnny relaxes into the embrace, swaying with his partner.
Slowed heart rates and sleepy blinks lead to yawns that bring them back to the kitchen and away from their own world they made in the half hour they swayed together to an unseen melody.
Simon kisses Johnny's forehead again and lets go of him to turn him around and push him back to the direction of his bunk, grabbing and dumping the mugs as he passes the counter and the sink. With a good rinse and a few swipes from the sponge, he sets them into the drying rack and follows his partner's tracks back with the different destination that is his own bunk.
In the morning, it's not mentioned. If he gets a grateful look and a small squeeze of the hand Johnny grabs before leaving breakfast, no one else is the wiser.
It becomes habit.
To look for their partner in the kitchen after a nightmare. Sometimes they didn't show up and the other drank their beverage in silence and recovered by themselves. But more often than not, they would find the other in the kitchen, making their own drink, and it would evolve into slow dancing in the middle of the kitchen to a tune only Simon knew.
Johnny finds out that Simon took classical dancing classes. He knows how to waltz, and tango, and other types of ballroom-style dances Johnny can't remember in the yellow haze of the kitchen lights.
They never truly try a ballroom dance, mostly just swaying in place with limbs wrapped around one another and taking in the silence of the early morning or late night as Simon hums something he admits not truly remembering the name or actual words to.
Once in a while, Simon will want to distract them more than the silence will allow, so he'll make sure they're situated correctly and lead through a proper ballroom dance. Something slow Johnny can keep up with but not so slow that it feels like their night terrors can catch up to them.
It's a miracle they last so long without someone catching them, without someone walking in on them in a communal kitchen. Sure it's always between 0000 and 0400, But they're not the only ones with nightmares and preferred drinks to ward them off.
Three months after this habit started, of meeting up multiple times a week to spend time in the other's company without interrupting what little sleep they get, Price walks in.
Neither of them notice, and he doesn't make a sound when he does it.
Price wakes from his own nightmare and feels the need to get coffee, to start his day early because he's not getting that last hour and a half sleep he deserves.
He goes to the kitchen.
At the sight of the light on in the kitchen and no noises he can hear, John slows down his walk and opens the swinging door as quietly as possible.
What he sees convinces him to go back to bed.
Simon, unmasked and wearing sweatpants and a loose t-shirt, is leaning his forehead against Mactavish's shoulder, mirrored by his sergeant who has his hand clasped behind Simon's neck rather than around his hips like Simon's own hand placement.
They seem to be talking in hushed whispers, nothing John can make out, and nothing he thinks he wants to know, as they sway gently and slowly to a song only they know.
He closes the door as quietly as possible and sneaks his way back to his bunk, choosing to put that in the mental "don't touch that" folder in his mind where he decides to ignore every sign of fraternization because he knew.
He knew Mactavish was good for Simon.
He knew that Simon was becoming Simon again, but didn't truly know why until he saw them.
Soft with exhaustion, pliant with trust, not paying attention to their surroundings, not on edge. Dancing under the dingy yellow of the nighttime lighting in the kitchen.
He hopes it lasts.
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scoonsalicious · 5 months
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3.1 Bucky
Summary: Lily McIntyre, trainer for new SHIELD recruits at the Avengers Tower, has been in love with her best friend, Bucky Barnes, from the moment she met him. She's been content with her role of the #1 girl in Bucky's life, even if it means she has to sabotage a romantic relationship or two. It'll be worth it when he realizes that they're meant for each other, right? There's just one small problem: Lily McIntire never expected Bucky Barnes to fall for You.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, mentions of sex, toxic plants (it's Lily, guys; Lilies are toxic)
Word Count: 929
Previously On...: You and Bucky were amazing together <3
A/N: The morning after.
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
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Around mid-morning, Bucky came walking back into the common room of the Compound, a spring in his step and whistling an old Big Band tune. He made his way over to the kitchen, opening up the refrigerator and grabbing himself a bottle of orange juice.
“Well, well, well,” Sam sniggered from where he sat at the dining table, eating a bowl of cereal, with Steve at his left. “Look who’s just waltzing home in yesterday’s clothes after being out all night. James Buchanan Barnes, are you doing the Walk of Shame?”
Bucky took a swig of juice and smiled at his two friends. “Not sure what that is, exactly, Big Bird, but I can promise you that I am feeling no shame right now.”
Sam and Steve exchanged a look of surprise. “Last night’s clothes? A smile on your face? No sarcastic comeback? Why, Steve, I do believe our grumpy little friend got himself laid last night!”
Bucky grinned; he couldn’t even be bothered to be irritated by Sam’s sass this morning, he was still riding the high of last night and early this morning. “Guys,” he said, coming to sit down on Sam’s other side at the table, “Major is amazing. She’s smart, she’s funny, she kicks actual ass. I’ve never met a girl like her before. I think this could really be something.”
Steve offered his friend a gentle smile. “Buck,” he said, “I’m happy for you. I really am, but don’t go rushing into anything, okay? You’ve only just met the girl. Just because you slept together once doesn’t mean you have to fall in love right away.”
“Six, Steve,” Bucky said proudly.
“I had sex with her six times between bringing her home last night and leaving her place this morning.” Bucky flushed at the memory of the past several hours– in Major’s bed (three times), on the washing machine while his clothes were going through, against the railing of her balcony as the sun rose, and again in the shower. Hell– he wasn’t even counting what happened on the living room floor.
“You damn, dirty dog!” Sam said appreciatively, giving Bucky a playful punch on the shoulder. “Congrats, my man! I didn’t know you had it in you!”
Bucky ducked his head down in pleased embarrassment. “I told you, guys; she’s something. Something special. I’m seeing her again tonight; taking her out on a proper date.”
Steve reached across the table and clasped Bucky’s hand. “I’m happy for you, you punk,” he said. “You deserve a good woman, just be careful about rushing into things.”
“Well, look who finally decided to find his way back home.” Bucky looked toward the door as Lily walked in, hands on her hips and looking pissed. Ignoring both Sam and Steve, she glared angrily at Bucky. “Where the hell were you all night?” she asked accusingly. “First, I come out of the bathroom last night, and you’ve left the bar without a single word of goodbye, then I was worried sick when you didn’t come back to the Compound. Even tried to get this one,” she nudged her chin to indicate Steve, “to track your location data, but he refused.”
“I stayed in the city last night,” Bucky said, not wanting to mention Major to Lily just yet until he’d had a chance to ascertain if she was still pissed about their interaction at the bar last night. “It was storming; didn’t want to risk driving the bike all the way back up here in the rain. You know how these back roads get when they’re wet.”
Lily’s face softened. “I just wish you would have called me, or at least answered one of my texts,” she said. Shit. Bucky had put his phone on Do Not Disturb while Major had been getting towels, and he never took it off. “I was up all night, thinking you’d gotten into an accident and were dead in a ditch, or got re-captured by Hydra and turned back into the Winter Soldier…” She trailed off as tears began to form in her waterline, and Bucky felt awful. Here he’d been, out having the time of his life with the most amazing dame he’d ever met, and his best friend was driving herself sick with worry for him because he couldn’t have been assed to send her a text. He stood up and walked over to her, pulling her into a hug. “I’m sorry, Lil,” he said. “I swear, I didn’t mean to make you worry. I wasn’t planning on staying out all night, it just sort of happened. Next time something like that happens, I’ll let you know.”
“You better,” she sniffled. “I was really scared.” 
Bucky heard Sam cough from the table in a way that sounded a lot like “bullshit” and looked up at his friend. “Sorry,” he said, hitting his chest with a closed fist. “Milk went down the wrong pipe.”
Lily frowned in Sam’s direction. “How about you take me out to our brunch to make it up to me?” she said to Bucky, keeping her arms wrapped around his waist.
Bucky wasn’t the least bit hungry– Major’d made him scrambled eggs and bacon before he’d left her condo this morning and, if he was being completely honest with himself, he was exhausted. He’d only gotten maybe two hours of sleep last night, and had had quite a physical workout. But he felt awful about having had made Lily worry. “Yeah, sure,” he said, giving her a friendly squeeze. “Brunch with my best friend sounds amazing.”
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malfiora · 1 month
Can't Get Enough
by captainBAEhab
Tags: GrayWing, getting together, previous DickKory, fluff, thirst traps
The first time they met was...less than stellar. Kori had been raving about her new boyfriend for ages and finally got to introduce him to the Titans during their annual holiday party. "You'll like him, he's from Gotham," he'd been assured.
Nightwing is curious – until in walks the princeling of Gotham, Dick Fucking Grayson. There's a blissful moment in which he thinks (knows) this is a mistake, but, nope, Kori is greeting him with a kiss and heart eyes. How had they even met? And what could Kori have possibly seen in him?
He watches to find out. Dick waltzes around, flashing his best paparazzi smile at the Titans and regaling them with ridiculous socialite stories. What's worse is that everyone else is actually charmed by this, if the faint blushes and waving hands are any indication.
When Dick finally makes his way over to him, he gives Nightwing a sweeping look and his smile tightens to a smirk. "You, I know," he declares. "My family's cleaned up enough of your messes."
And so Nightwing vows to hate the guy, even if the others vouch for him.
"Oh, c'mon, he was trying to be nice," Troia says. No.
"Yeah, isn't that just how Gothamites say 'hello'?" Beast Boy tries. Nope.
Nightwing gets the last laugh when Dick and Kori break up three months later.
Or so he'd thought. As fate would have it, night shift in Gotham falls to Nightwing one weekend. Batman and Robin are off world, Red Robin is on the West Coast, the Batgirls are on the other side of the world for a "mission" (read: vacation), and Red Hood won't return his calls. And apparently some upstart gang thinks it's the perfect window to kidnap a Wayne for ransom. But not just any Wayne, oh no.
Dick Fucking Grayson is sitting in the middle of a dingy room, gagged and tied to a folding chair. Nightwing removes the zip ties first and the gag absolutely last. As soon as he's able to, Dick pushes off the chair to stand but immediately falls back into it with a grunt.
"Whoa, take it easy," and Nightwing scans him for injuries. "Looks like your ankle is sprained."
"Doesn't matter, the girl –"
Nightwing raises an eyebrow. "What girl?"
"The other victim." Turns out, the upstart gang is more daring than they initially seemed and kidnapped two hostages. "I'm not leaving her, I have her my word."
It's a bad idea, he should complete Dick's rescue before going back for another hostage, but Dick's eyes are burning with determination and it's crumbling his resolve. "Fine," Nightwing sighs, "hang onto me."
They hobble down the hall to another dilapidated room. Huddled in the corner is a girl, probably a preteen, with smudged glasses and a shock of red hair. She launches herself at Dick the moment she sees him and hugs him around the middle.
"Hey, Carrie," he says through a pained smile and he pats her head. "I told ya I'd come back for you. And I brought a friend."
Carrie peeks up at him and smiles. Nightwing crouches so he's level with her. "Hey, Carrie, my friend here's a little hurt, so I need your help. Is that okay?" She squeezes Dick tighter but eventually lets go and nods. "Awesome. I need you to go a few steps ahead of us and tell me if you see or hear anyone coming. If you do, make this signal with your hands." And he flaps his hands like a bird.
"Like this?" She imitates the gesture.
"You're a natural."
Carrie diligently checks around every corner as Nightwing supports Dick through the building. Either the goons all left or they get extremely lucky, but they don't encounter anyone, and soon enough they're free of the lair. GCPD arrives a minute later with paramedics, so Nightwing gives Dick over to the paramedics and calls it a day. But not before he watches Dick smile down at Carrie and offer his hand to her while they wait for her parents.
See, he's never seen this side of Dick before. Warmth, protectiveness, concern for someone and something other than his hair and his fancy clothes and gaudy cars. It's...weird and vulnerable and a little precious, and so now Nightwing is curious – what else is there to Dick Fucking Grayson?
Which, of course, leads him to Twitter. He scrolls through Dick's posts and retweets, just skimming, all the way back to when he first created it, just as part of his investigation. It's not obsessive if he's only looking, right? It's a patchwork of silly ramblings, vague political statements encouraging Gothamites to vote without endorsing anyone, links to interviews with various Waynes, and photos of charity events. Normal, even a little thoughtful. Must be Dick's PR team, right? Except that wouldn't explain the thirst traps.
There aren't many, but they're there, sprinkled into perfectly innocuous posts. Hashtag-no-filter selfies of him allegedly just waking up, post work out poses, fit checks in various dressing rooms, just there, for everyone to – FUCK.
He accidentally liked one of the posts.
And so now Nightwing is faced with a dilemma: does he un-like it and pretend it was a mistake? Or leave it there and act nonchalant? Dick is going to get the notification either way, and moment now –
"Well hello there 😏" comes the DM notification from @ not_a_dick_joke and nonononono this can not be happening right now. "Glad you liked the pic! But here's a more recent one" and sure enough Nightwing gets an alert saying he's got a photo.
Dare he? Should he open the messages to see? Well...a peek couldn't hurt at this point. Lo and behold, it's another thirst trap, this one of Dick with his shirt half unbuttoned and holding a sign with a scribbled 'to my savior' on it.
Nope. That's enough Internet for the day. Nightwing logs off of Twitter and considers deleting the app for five whole minutes before doing something more productive like polish his wingdings again.
And everything is fine for another couple weeks, in which Dick definitely sends more selfies and Nightwing definitely looks at them and leaves him on read and this is definitely normal and healthy behavior for both of them. Until it isn't.
@ not_a_dick_joke: is getting kidnapped the only way I'll get you to talk to me? okay then 😊
What...what does that mean? Holy fuck, is Dick Fucking Grayson going to get himself kidnapped just to get Nightwing to talk to him? That's just...(stupid/hot/crazy/sweet).
So naturally, Nightwing must check on him. He drops by Wayne Manor, onto a balcony he's seen Batman use before. Sure enough, Dick is there, waiting, elbows leaning on the balustrade. He grins when he sees Nightwing.
"So that did the trick, huh? I was wondering what I'd do to get you over here if that didn't work." And then he's tugging at Nightwing's wrist and pulling him inside the manor. "C'mon, I wanna show you something." He tossed a wink back at him. "Something I can't post on Twitter."
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avantgardetheseventh · 3 months
Francesca's story has to be the most interesting of them all. The first thing she'd poured so much heart and love into - a humble piano - was all she was. Happy to be defined by her music, happy to talk about her interest. Entering into the social season, perhaps with no interest to get married on her own but doing so just to get her mother off her back - she'd just wanted someone kind who would allow her to keep her piano, practice her music. Love was a distant thought. It would be a coincidence if she were to find somebody who shared the same interests as her. Social seasons were difficult on their own. Fran doesn't go in with expectations.
Enter John. He's quiet, reserved, takes an interest in Francesca's music. She is elated. He's someone kind, someone who is willing to listen, someone whom she can just stay with, no pressure to woo them with flowery language. They're such a perfect fit - understanding of each other on such a deep level despite not having spoken to each other one bit. Francesca lets herself be vulnerable, be seen.
She loves him. It is not everyday they find someone who is able to accommodate the other's interests, let alone barely tolerate it. They carve out a space just for themselves; it is everything they've ever dreamt of. Not just a fancy house or surface-level pleasures, rather an invitation. There's no pressure to proclaim love out in words. There's just no pressure to simply exist; breathe in the same air as the other. It's wonderful, the love treats them both with so much kindness. After all, that's what they've wanted, right? Someone kind?
Francesca doesn't take John's death very well. Piano is to her as John had been to her. The things she loves snatched away from her. How long would it take before she loses her ability to play? The jubliant compositions turning slow, mellow and one day, she ends up forgetting it entirely.
She must move on someday, right? John would not be willing to keep her in one place. Where does she go? Who will treat her with the same kindness John has showed her? Who is she willing to carve out a space for - taking time and energy to just love? It was easy to love John; a slow descent into a warm embrace. Who will she ever share it with, if not for him?
Michaela is Michaela. Stubborn, daring, charismatic, social, attractive. Encouraging, perhaps. Maybe she doesn't understand Francesca down to her molecules when they first met. Maybe Francesca is a bit nervous herself - besides ruminating over her attraction to women, trying to piece together an explanation - she is scared. A little. Change doesn't do Fran much good anyway, but she's willing to try.
Michaela lends her a hand - perhaps, after years and years of Francesca adamant on going through it all alone. She accepts it. To step out of her comfort zone, but not too much as to overwhelm her. Step by step, like a waltz. Moving on, rebuilding her hands again to play her piano, to create with reckless abandon. Slowly, it transforms into love. A different kind of love without fear. A love that treats her so gently, arms tight around her but also unafraid to drag her out, let the sun on her face again. It's something kind, something new. Two sides of the same coin. And yet, there's also a space built for them to share. A love of something warm, a feeling of home and yet, a love filled with so much daring hope.
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schoenht · 2 years
Omg sol I just used my braincell hear me out
I'm thinking of Riddle, Azul, and Vil in a royalty au... Do with that information what you will (I am begging on my knees for hcs or anything plsplspls)
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characters: vil schoenheit, azul ashengrotto, riddle rosehearts.
genre: royal au, enemies to lovers/belief of unrequited love (vil), childhood friends to lovers/arranged marriage (riddle), masquerade (azul)
a/n: CRACKS KNUCKLES LOUDLY YOU CAME TO THE RIGHT PERSON i say as i desperately hide the tons of royal aus in my drafts in every blog ever (do not mind how long these are, they're like. actual fics almost.) different format bc each one will have its own name and title
warning: fem!reader (main use of "princess", "bride" and she/her for azul's part), banter for vil (its enemies to lovers ofc there's banter)
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In every fairytale, there was always a magical ball where everyone's dreams came true and everyone lived happily ever after, with their true love. But as you stared at the waltzing figures before you, you could only mutter curses under your breath.
As the princess in line for the throne, you had a multitude of royal duties to attend to, none of which should have included you attending the Winter Ball. The duchess was supposed to take your place, yet she decided to mess around and was unable to make it. You stepped in--because you had no other choice. The king had told you that it was either the Ball or going through a few hundred files on the exports of wheat.
At the sight of him, you mentally punched yourself for not choosing the files. He was beautiful, like sunlight reflecting on freshly fallen snow. He was elegant, carrying himself with a grace unmatched by anyone. The air around him seemed to freeze, causing him to glow. It was said that a single teardrop from his eye could make even the most wilted flowers bloom to life. There were myths about how if you looked into his eyes, you would melt from his amethyst-colored eyes, more radiant than the sun itself.
More like be paralyzed, Medusa could never, you told yourself as you stared at Vil Schoenheit, next in line to be king. He had been your enemy since you were toddlers. He had pushed you out of the way so he could ride a tricycle before you and you kicked sand at him. Granted, you were the one that got in major trouble for that but the moment of satisfaction was worth it. But that wasn't the last time you two crashed heads.
It became worse over the years. You thought he was pretentious, he thought you were overconfident. You always hated how he would constantly look down on you and he loathed how you would act like the complete opposite of a princess. In classes, you were always the one that defeated him in tons of tests, until it came to hands-on projects. Whether your professors loved to see the two of you fight, you'd never know. But they always put you two together for projects and the class had always been on edge, waiting for something to explode, maybe even one of you. Luckily, that never happened but you were close to dropping a potion on his hair and he was close to purposefully throwing his grade if it meant you'd fall too.
It had been years since that era. You were too busy completing all the duties necessary for a princess. Your hatred for him was simmering back up, a trained instinct. With your arms crossed, you watched as he walked through the room, graciously dodging the massive fanclub he got. His head lifted and his eyes locked with yours. That was the first time you had ever seen him genuinely off guard. You waited for a glare or something to let you know he hated you.
That was worse. You stood there, dumbfounded. You shook it off, thinking that it was better like that. He would leave you alone and you'd leave him alone. That was exactly how you liked it. Or so you thought. However, when you looked back at all those years without him, you always felt a pang in your chest, inexplicable. It didn't matter. You were nothing compared to him, and he made that clear. You didn't care.
Meanwhile, Vil was being escorted to the opposite side of the ballroom. He was curious to find out why you were here but then he remembered that his feelings towards you were not altogether positive. His eyes narrowed faintly before he gracefully accepted the dance invitations from several of his fans. He waltzed through the room with them and it seemed as though they were floating through the crowd from how smoothly they went. Vil was an expert at ballroom dancing, your complete opposite. Last time he remembered seeing you try to ballroom dance, you stepped on your partner's feet. He could recall going home and bursting out into manic laughter. The look on your face had been...quite endearing. He shook his head again, pushing away those thoughts. Why did they exist in the first place? He shouldn't have been thinking about you at all.
You took a glass of apple cider from one of the waiters passing by, sipping it. The taste was sweet but just enough to be pleasant. You tried to appear bored, but your eyes followed Vil as he danced with everyone who pleaded to have the honor of his presence bestowed on them. With a scoff coming out of you, you sat down, toying with the shiny utensils.
"Well, this is a pleasant surprise. Perhaps I'll do you a favor and keep you company, maybe my radiance can help you go from...a disaster to something slightly decent."
You groaned at hearing his voice. He was too flawless as you stared up at him. He matured from the last time you saw him. His blond hair was longer, purple tips at the end. His eyelids were intricately painted and his clothes were nothing less than expensive. He looked the part of the prince, especially how he held himself. In comparison to you, you knew that he had practiced beforehand, aware of the event. You snorted, rolling your eyes at him. "I think that the pigs' company is much better than yours. At least they are self aware."
"Are they? I'm quite sure they do not care, as long as they get scraps."
"What do you want, Vil?"
Vil wasn't sure. He stared down at you, believing that he came over just to tease you. However the sight of you was a comfort to him, so much so that he could not help but be drawn to you. You were his sole constant, the one to bring him to reality. Everyone else wanted desperately to be seen with him, yet you did everything in your power to not be seen with him. He should have hated that fact, he should have.
Then why did his heart pound whenever you glared at him? Why did the anger in your eyes make him weak at the knees? Why in the world did he find himself dizzy at the sight of you?
He shook his head. He was acting like an idiot. "Come. Let us dance."
"Hell no."
"Oh? Then perhaps I'll just claim that I'm the victor of the ballroom--" He was cut off by you taking his hand unceremoniously and leading him to the center of the ballroom. His hand was on your hip delicately, the other one holding yours. It was such a small detail, but you noticed that his nails were painted the exact shade as yours. That idea was preposterous since the nail polish was extraordinarily rare to find and a hassle to obtain.
Vil was looking at you with an expression you couldn't place. You gritted your teeth, hating the way he looked at you and mostly, hating the way your heart was racing. You knew everyone was watching, you knew that his fanclub was seething since they all knew how much you loathed the man. Making eye contact was your worst mistake. You could feel your breath stop short. Then, with agony, you realized that you didn't harbor hatred for him. No, quite the opposite really. You had had feelings for him for the longest time. You didn't know how it happened, but you knew when it did.
There was no way you'd tell him.
You let go of him, your eyes wide, matching his in shock. "I...I need to go."
Vil watched as you left, the sounds of your footsteps becoming fainter. He felt you physically and mentally withdrawing from him. He now knew what feeling helpless was like. He knew what it felt like to not be loved in the same way. His fist was clenched and he murmured pardons as he moved to the balcony, staring at the moon as if it would give him answers.
Instead, he was faced with a fact: the only person he had ever loved had never loved him and it would remain that way. He could never be loved.
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A knight, descendant of a noble family and serving as the most prestigious graduated scholar of the royal academy, you were a force to be reckoned with. You had been the master strategist from a young age and the people fully looked up to you. Even when you were little, you were taught how to do several difficult subjects. But you didn't want to be a scholar. You had been taught by the general (who was your babysitter at the time) how to spar. He would constantly have you spar with him.
Little Azul could remember these moments with clarity. At the sound of murmurs of another sparring session, his little chubby legs would lead him straight to you to watch what was going to happen. He would cry out when you were tossed to the floor like a ragdoll but you sprang up, a new determination on your face. He recalled how he would carry a first aid kit around with him constantly, pressing bandaids to your knees when you scraped them.
There was one time where you were the one that took care of him instead. He had fallen off of your horse and he was holding back tears. You carefully wiped his injury and placed a bandaid over it. Then you pressed a kiss to his knee. "My mom says that can help speed up the healing process!"
Azul knew that was a lie, but he didn't say anything. He was too flustered.
The years passed by and he became smarter, more knowledgeable in several fields. You became stronger and more graceful in your fights. During the annual tournaments amongst the knights, you had risen to the top quickly. His eyes were focused on you as you skillfully wielded your sword against your opponents. At the end of your final battle, every year without fail, you would look at him and wink, a secret message between the two of you. As you grew older though, he came to anticipate it and each time, he would feel his face get red.
It was worse when his own bodyguards noticed. He was working on the exports of wheat when Floyd Leech came in, a smug smile on his face as he put down an invitation. "Boss, you've got an invitation! Well, this is a first draft but the palace is going to have a masquerade ball!"
Azul raised an eyebrow at him. "I don't have time for such ordeals, I have too much work to do." In truth, he hated those events because it meant mingling with other royals who were stuffy and stuck up. They all talked about the same things or drama going on amongst them. Granted, when he met up with you, he always heard gossip from you but it was different. It was you.
Jade Leech came up right next to his twin brother. "But, Your Highness, this is the event that everyone is invited to. Including the knights." His voice was subtly suggestive, a smile on his face.
Azul's glasses almost fell off from how flustered he was. His face was red as he looked up at the twins. "What are you insinuating?"
"Oh, nothing, unless you count how down bad horrendous you are for the captain!" Floyd was cackling. "Boss, everyone sees it. She could be walking across the gardens and your eyes are on her like a moth to light. It's so cute, awwww, you're in love!"
"H-How dare you imply such a ridiculous notion?" He stood up suddenly, his papers all flying to the floor in a scrambled mess.
Jade snickered. "It's not ridiculous, Your Highness. You have known each other since you were little. But, oh dear, there have been talks going around of other knights wanting to ask her to the ball. Dear me, what would happen if you didn't ask her beforehand?"
"Ooh, maybe I'll ask her! I can show her my fresh moves!" Floyd chimed in.
Azul sighed, his fingers rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Your job now is to ensure no one asks her before me. It's been a while since I've seen her. Hopefully, she will say yes."
But it seemed like each time he saw you, his nerves got to him. Had you always been this beautiful? He knew the answer to that already. Just the sight of you rough-housing with the other knights made his heart flutter, knowing full well that you were the one protecting him and never vice versa. You were the one with a strong will. It was his turn. He took a deep breath and went up to you. "Y/N, may I speak with you? In private?"
The other knights nudged you and you shoved them before following Azul. "What's up?"
His face was a vibrant red. "W-Will you go to the ball with me? It's okay if you don't want to, but I trust you and there's no one else I'd want to go with and--" This was a common thing that you learned about Azul through your years of friendship: when he was nervous, he would keep rambling unless stopped.
"Of course!" You were smiling. "I'd love to. What color are you wearing?"
"Okay, I'll wear that. I'll see you then!"
Even the day of, he was still surprised that he managed to ask you and much less have you at his side. You looked simply divine. In his mind, he was only thinking of how neither the moon nor the stars could hold a candle to your beauty. He wasn't aware that he had said all of that out loud and your face was burning. He, on the other hand, was more embarrassed than anything until you told him that it was cute. He was thankful that the mask over his eyes partly covered how his eyes shifted everywhere but at you.
One of the things that Azul had not learned was ballroom dancing. He never thought that he'd need it. He was sitting at the table, watching as Floyd danced with you. Jade sat next to him, an amused expression on his face. "Your Highness, if you keep avoiding the dances, someone might steal her away. Floyd is very close to doing that."
"Jade, I can't dance. What was I thinking?!" Azul buried his face in his hands. "If I can't dance, how am I supposed to spend my time with them?"
"Just go for it. Maybe your confidence will take over. Besides, she's your best friend. She will not judge you."
Azul took a deep breath, standing up and going over to you. A slow song had come on and you were laughing at a joke Floyd had made. Azul asked, "Floyd, may I steal her from you?" It wasn't a question and Floyd knew it. He was grinning as he skipped away, allowing you to fall into Azul's arms. He cleared his throat. "My lady, may I have this dance?"
You bowed slightly. "It would be my pleasure."
His hand was on your hip and the other clasping yours gently. It should have been an incredibly romantic moment if it wasn't for the fact that he was constantly stepping on your feet and looking anywhere but at you. You raised an eyebrow at him. "Didn't you say you would have this dance? So then why am I leading?"
"Human legs are stupid and built stupid."
"Okay, why can Floyd do it?"
"Because he is abnormal."
You laughed before twirling him. "You act like a prince who is untouchable, but let's be honest, when it comes to things like this, you cannot handle it, can you? So then, why did you ask me to this dance if you can't dance?"
He took a deep breath. It was now or never. "Do you remember the times we used to dance together when we were little? Well, I thought that...now that we're older, we could have a more romantic version of that, one where I was able to twirl you around and have you fall in love with me. Maybe I could be cool and dip you, take your breath away. But it seems that you are the one that has easily taken my breath away. If you do not feel the same way--"
You kissed the corner of his lips, effectively causing his brain to malfunction as he turned to you. "For someone as smart as you, you are so stupid sometimes, Azul. I said yes because I like you too."
"So...if you return my feelings, we can come to an equal agreement."
You rolled your eyes and dipped him instead. "Stop being so logical for once, Your Highness. Enjoy the moment instead."
And he did. He knew that he was stumbling several times, but he did not care. He heard your light laughter each time and it made his heart swell. As he twirled you under his hand, he found himself falling further for you. Perhaps you were his protector, but you were the one to easily tear down his walls and make him feel vulnerable. But he trusted you. His heart was in your hands and as he tugged you in for a gentle kiss, he told himself that he would never hesitate when it came to you. As long as it meant that he could have you in his arms, he would do absolutely anything for you. He would sacrifice it all if it meant that you stayed at his side.
Perhaps you were not a princess or even a royal. You were only a knight but at the sight of you leaning against the balcony under the night sky, he could not help but think that you were more beautiful than every queen and princess in history. And now you were all his.
Floyd collapsed next to Jade, groaning. "Damn it, Jade, why did you give him that speech?! If you gave me five more minutes--"
"You lost the bet fair and square, my dear brother."
"I didn't think Shrimpy had it in her!"
"She's a knight and the master strategist. He is a flustered, rambling mess of a prince who turns red at the thought of her. Did you seriously think that he would be the suave one and dip her? Or even kiss her?"
Floyd grumbled as he handed the money over. "Look at them now. He's staring at her with this stupid look on his face, ew."
"That's called love, Floyd. Someday you'll find it, as long as you can tie your shoes properly."
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Riddle's childhood memories served of only you. He eradicated all other negative thoughts of his childhood, only thinking about you. As the Crown Prince, he was trained to be the cream of the crop, only the best to impress his mother, the Queen. There was no other way to describe his past than torture. However, you served as a beacon of light and hope for him.
He could recall how often you would sneak him out. You were the Crown Princess but discarded that title in your mannerisms. He had heard from his mother that you were nothing but an "insolent buffoon who had nothing better to do than make everyone's lives miserable". At first, he believed that you were a demon, horns, tails, and all. But once he met you, the image fell apart.
You introduced him to multiple new activities that he had never tried. Outside of books, ink, and the endless pursuit of mind-numbing knowledge, he had no hobbies and much less, any friends. He was a quiet child, yet he went along with your schemes without thinking twice. Without you, he never would have discovered the magical world of sweets. His cheeks turned pink at the sugary delight, taking in all the flavors that he never got to savor before. He notably loved the strawberry tart that the baker would make for you and you would share with Riddle.
You were a reckless child, one that wasn't afraid to be roughed up. He was your complete opposite. He worried for you more often than not. After you had taken a particularly nasty fall, little Riddle started carrying around a tiny first aid kit with him. He was always prepared when you got hurt, carefully wiping away the dirt and putting on a cute pink bandaid on it.
It came as no surprise to either of you that Riddle got caught sneaking out to play with you. He was forbidden from seeing you, his mother, the queen, looking down at you in disgust. You merely frowned at her and looked at Riddle, whose head was hung in disappointment at losing his only friend. That didn't stop you. One night, you had snuck out of your own palace, your guards right behind you. You found a footing on the side of his palace, knocking at the window. When he opened his window, there was no end of shock on his face. He could not believe that you snuck in just to see him. And so, that is how you two would continue playing together, behind closed doors and hushed voices.
For years, this continued. You had found a way to interact with him, albeit having more royal duties placed on both of you. The royal birds were trained to send letters and as you grew, so did the amount of letters sent. His handwriting brought you a source of happiness that you could not retain from anything else. He constantly looked forward to your letters, the curve of every letter reminding him of your smile.
He didn't know when he started falling. Had your laugh always been this bright? Had your smile always been this kind? Had your eyes always sparkled? Most of all, why did his heart beat faster and louder in his ears? He couldn't understand and although he told you everything, this was the one thing he refused to tell you about. He did not want to know if you did not like him back, else he'd risk ruining your friendship.
But to his joy, you were the one that expressed your feelings first. You were afraid, yet he was ecstatic, accepting your feelings. From that moment on, you were almost inseparable. His thoughts would wander towards you. It did not matter what his mother had him do, his mind gave into the lovesick notions of the date you'd go on later that day. His music classes saw an increase of improvement and even his mother was astonished. He was not surprised, knowing full well that he saw your soft smile every time he played the piano.
On a night when he had snuck out to meet you under a blue moon with the sky full of stars, he realized that he was completely in love with you. He knew of many subjects, an expert in many of them. But it was at your touch that he turned into a flustered mess, not knowing what to do next. It was that very night too that you had shared your first kiss. He was taken aback, and the next thing he knew, his eyes were closed, holding you closer. The night was cold, yet he had never felt warmer that in your arms. Afterwards, he had been nervous, thinking that he was too eager at the moment. You had laughed and pressed a kiss to his head. "You keep overthinking, my pretty boy. It was nice."
"Are you sure? Or are you saying that to make me feel better? I just--I don't want to--" His face was cherry red, ready to go into a ramble out of fear that he was doing something wrong in the relationship, that he wasn't what you wanted. You merely kissed him once more and his mind slowed down to the point where he couldn't think of anyone else, only you. From that moment on, Riddle knew that you were the only one who could make his heart weak and make him ignore all the rules, if it meant having one more second with you.
The life of ecstasy came crashing down around him when a month later, his mother had revealed that he was going to be in an arranged marriage. Riddle's heart sank, knowing that his mother put him with someone he didn't love and wouldn't love like he loved you. "Who is it, Mother?"
"You shall see. The wedding will be in a week."
"A week?!"
"Do not worry, son, for this will help our queendom." His mother gently patted his cheek as she walked away. "My son will be married, this is the happiest day of my life!"
Riddle felt anything but happy. He had run out, switching the tables and snuck into your room to see you. His eyes were full of tears and you rushed to see him. You didn't even ask any questions, you were only worried about him crying. He buried his face in your shoulder, crying harder as he realized that he would not be able to feel your warmth anymore. Whoever he'd be married to, he didn't want them. He only wanted you. "I'm in an arranged marriage. I-I don't know who it is, I don't want to get married to a stranger!"
You had to swallow your own sobs. You were in his same situation, sold off to a stranger who you would never love. "Shh, Riddle...breathe...it'll be okay..."
"Run away with me." His voice was hushed. "Please. We can run away somewhere else, together."
"Riddle...I can't. I'm next in line for the throne. If I leave now, a tyrant will take over." You moved back and cupped his face, wiping away his tears with your thumbs. "I have a plan. You just have to go through with it, okay? Do you trust me?"
His eyes may have been full of sadness but there was a clear glint that stated how much he trusted you. He nodded. "I trust you. More than anyone."
With a kiss to his forehead, you told him the plan. A week later, both of you were suffering, on different sides of the venue. You still didn't know who you were getting married to and you were angry that you couldn't at least be at Riddle's wedding. Somehow your own wedding landed on his. But you had sent a warning to your future husband, stating that you would make his life a living hell the second the ring was on your finger.
Riddle was standing at the altar, his head facing his shoes. He knew you wouldn't be able to make it and he wouldn't be able to go to your wedding. How unfortunate that you would both be separated--he heard the song chosen for his future wife to walk down the aisle. When he looked up, he saw the most beautiful white dress he had ever seen in his life. But above all, even he couldn't hide how stunned he was at seeing you in the dress.
You were looking at Riddle like he was a mirage. No matter how many times you practiced your walk, you could not stop yourself from practically almost flying down the aisle. You needed answers. You were at the altar with him, both of you having matching surprised expressions. The minister put a cloth over the both of you so you would be able to share your vows in secret. Instead, Riddle asked, "You're my bride?"
"I-I guess? What is going on?"
Riddle closed his eyes, trying to stifle a giggle. "You're the only eligible princess of the most powerful empires. Since you were available..."
"Oh, that makes so much sense. Hmm, I know this might be too fast but we might as well go along with it, don't you think?" Your smile was bright and he could feel a glow inside of him.
The cloth was taken off of both of you and the minister continued, asking you if you took him as your husband. You did not hesitate in responding yes. Then he turned to Riddle. "Do you take Y/N L/N to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage?"
Riddle turned to you, his hands holding yours tightly. "I do."
"Then I now pronounce you to be husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride--"
But you hadn't hesitated. The minister didn't finish his words before you literally dipped Riddle and kissed him. The crowd was cheering, roaring in joy. None of them could compare to the happiness that the two of you had felt. Even in the carriage, you two felt as though you were on top of the world. His head was on your shoulder and he could not stop smiling. "We are now married. I didn't think I'd get married this early."
"I think they really pushed it on us. Maybe...in the future when we decide on our own, we can do it all over again. We can get married again."
He looked up at you with an adoration that was unmatched. "Of course." The bouquet of roses in your hands caught his eye. "Are those the roses I gave you twelve years ago?"
"Mhm, I put a preservation spell on them. A rose for each year we've known each other."
He couldn't begin to say how happy he was. All he could do was hold your hand, squeezing it and hoping his declaration of love would get to you, albeit silently.
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dullgecko · 18 days
i need to talk about this fig headcanon of mine and i cant edit the fic im writing about for like two days so
hear me out. fig knows several very traditional elven dances
i see elven couple dances as ballroom style dances, like a waltz or a slow dance, just endlessly more complicated. obviously theres still the dance style fabian does, which is either a singular person dance or multiple people dancing at the same time but separately, but i think fig knows specifically two person dances and is pretty good at them
so fig in freshman year is all. oh no, prom is coming up? but i cant dance?? and obviously logically nobody will be any good but shes still stressed about it so gilear teaches her one of the simplest elven dances he knows (incredibly complicated but at least hes a good teacher)
and obviously fig cant use that knowledge at prom because *dragon*, but i do think she learns more just from dancing with gilear all the time because she thinks its fun, and i also think adaine knows the same dances so they 100% will dance together
i dont see kristen or gorgug as being able to really do them(on account of either low dex or just the dances inherently not being made for a half-orc body type), and i dont think riz would want to either, but i think adaine does know them and has fun doing them with fig
fabian and fig dont dance until sophomore year spring break passes because he did *know* the dances, from being made to take classes, but he and fig both absolutely refused to be the following role until after spring break
but once fabian is willing to let fig lead (toxic masculinity is dead after all) they also dance! they have lots of fun i think
anyways thats my fig dancing headcanon, i just love the idea of her being taught by gilear and then using it as a way to stay connected to her elven roots. she is still half elf, after all, and so are 2/4 of her parents !
Fabian starts taking his bard classes in junior year and he is crushing it. They're learning all sorts of dances from all over Spyre, including elven ballroom dances, so he has the music in his playlists so he can practice at home. He needs to get both roles of this dance memorised as part of a graded assignment so he organises a study/hang-out session with his friends while he works on it solo.
Its not quite the same as practising with a partner and its complicated so he keeps messing up and tries to goad some of his friends into helping.
Riz is the first person he asks, the goblin is already there before everyone else because he's burning himself out trying to help everyone study while also doing his own homework, but he categorically refuses to dance and argues the height difference would make it weird. It's an elven dance, elves tend to be over 3 feet tall. He has memorised the steps though and helps Fabian with his footwork from the sidelines whenever he catches him messing up, even if he refuses to do the dance properly. Fabian, for a moment, thinks of getting Ayda or Adaine to cast enlarge on the goblin so they'd be the same height for a while but immediatly stomps on that idea because no, it would be weird if Riz was tall. Better to ask one of his other friends instead.
Gorgug offers to help when he arrives for their hangout session but he's not good at dancing at all. He's strong, and he's an athlete, but he has two left feet and his movements are too slow to keep up with the fast-paced footwork. He ends up stepping on Fabians feet so many times that they decide its better not to practice together otherwise they're GOING to have to get Kristen or Fig to heal the half-elf when they arrive. Gorgug takes over manning the music, restarting or rewinding it whenever Fabian asks him to, so that Riz can go back to doing his homework without having to break his concentration every three seconds.
Kristen arrives next, plopping herself down on the ground next to Riz and his impressive spread of papers and notebooks and settles in to watch. Fabian does not ask her to dance with him and she doesnt offer, they both know that if she tries someone WILL break something. Her dexterity score is bad enough that she'd probably even manage to injure either Gorgug or Riz in the crossfire and there are a lot of mirrors to break in Fabians studio. She is pretty strict about making sure Fabian stops every ten minutes or so to drink some water and even forces him to take a proper break and have a snack when he starts looking a bit woozy from low blood-sugar.
By the time Fabian is feeling better Adaine has arrived, the elf plopping down with Riz and pulling out her own homework to get his help with something. Adaine watching Fabian from the sidelines for a few minutes while Riz reads over her notes before mentioning that she knows this dance. Her homework immediatly gets abandoned as Fabian drags her to her feet and gets her to go through the dance a few times with him before she has to stop from exhaustion. She does not have the same level of stamina as their fighter who can literally dance for an entire day before getting tired. Fabian is grateful for the help though because now he has at least got the lead roll memorised. He still has to perfect the following role before his next class but Adaine cant help with that, her parents only ever let her learn the following role so she wouldnt be able to help him as lead.
Fig is, predictably, fashionably late to their hang-out/study session. She doesnt go to any of her bard classes so there's no homework there, and Porters barbarian classes don't really assign homework so she doesnt have any book-work to do so it doesnt matter. Fabian doesnt have to ask her to help him with his footwork, because the instant she clocks what he's working on she dumps her bags and jacket and sweeps in to wheel him around the room as the lead in their dance. She has been waiting for an oportunity to show this off and she takes to it with gusto. She is a bard afterall, and even if her speciality isnt dancing her performance is immaculate due to all of her practice with Gilear.
Fabian, of course, gets an A+.
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munkiey · 1 year
Hey I saw some Macaque fanart that looked eerily similar to yours and just wanted to let you know (I might be making a deal of nothing but yeah I'll include a screenshot of the art):
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Alright so.
1: This is likely someone who is doing screenshot redraws from the same images I did that came from a published show that is accessible to millions.
2: Tracing is actually a great way to learn.
Now, credit should be given obviously but there is a huge stigma from folks online about tracing. I can almost promise you that some of your favorite artists out there will look at a work they like and go 'how did they do this?'
Best way to get into the head of another artist? Trace it.
I've done traces of other artists that I admired and honestly I learned a lot from doing so. Did I post these or ever claim them as my own? Absolutely not, that is when you're stealing.
Thousands of professional comic artists, or almost every skilled artist you can think of has traced. This little waltz is like a baby bird taking its first haphazardly drunk steps across a ice pit. We call them screenshot redraws today, but in the fine arts spectrum, they're called Master Studies.
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Because you're looking at someone who has already accomplished something and you want to see how they did it, how you can apply it, and how you as an artist can grow.
The beauty of art is that we can take aspects of things we like and add onto our own work. Its an amalgamation of influences that compound together to create the concept we call an artist. I love seeing where people draw their inspiration from.
3: Personally, I think that it's good that this person is taking some steps into digital and learning. Looking at the line weight and the way they use their tools it seems that they're still learning how they want to navigate the digital platform. This is a great way for them to improve an if they had, allegedly, used my images at reference then I'm honored they saw something to admire in it!
The fact that they practiced at all is way more than I can say for others that say they want to improve but don't put the effort in.
4: Now, final point here.
In the future, please do not come to me like this.
I appreciate you trying to give me a heads up, but I'm not going to sit here and reprimand or police people. This kind of message to me feels like a rather deliberate attempt to stir up drama, which if it was not your intention and you genuinely were just looking out for me, I appreciate you trying. The way I see it though, reporting people like this or going after what may very well be kids trying to learn creates a toxic mentality that I don't want anything to do with. I've been there, done that, and been on the receiving end of that nastiness.
I've learned a lot through my time online and the big lesson sometimes is just to let people do what they're gonna do.
Seriously though, who ever did this has a very cute style. I like the smile headshot there in the middle.
Stay wild <3
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writingforstraykids · 11 months
Be nice
Pairing: Minchan
Word Count: 2983
Summary: Sometimes, Chan helping him out isn't what Minho wants, and this time, they get into a fight. Later that day they talk but it never stays at that with them...
Warnings/Tags: angst, minor fight, fluff, lots of kisses, teasing, smut, top!chan, bottom!minho
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Minho stares at the ceiling, wondering if Chan would join him at some point tonight. The lights of passing cars illuminate the room, and the continuous sound of raindrops hitting the bedroom window calms him slowly. He hates getting into fights, especially with Chan. His boyfriend was a sweetheart, but when he got mad, everyone else felt like hiding and let him deal with it. Which was exactly what had happened today. 
Six hours earlier 
Minho scrolled through his phone as his stylist made the last adjustments to today's outfit. They'd be giving an interview soon, and he was a little nervous since it would be in English once again. Understanding wasn't the problem, but the time his brain needed to process the information and grasp some words together for an answer was simply too long. He hated it, wishing he could participate more, and Chan knew how upset he could get because of it. Nevertheless, he had repeatedly told him that he'd take over the Japanese, becoming more fluent than the rest. One of their staff members came up to him, and Minho greeted him politely. 
"The company feels like you're going to be left behind with all those English interviews coming up." 
"Sorry?" Minho asked, confused. "I'm here, aren't I?" 
"Yes, but a lot of this promotion is focused on English, so we need you to open up more," he told him. 
"What's going on?" Chan asked, strolling over as he saw the utter confusion on Minho's face. The staff member repeated himself for Chan, who frowned. "Why? You're not pressuring any of the others who struggle with that either." 
"Well, they try, at least. Everyone knows they won't get any new bits of information from him, though," he told them, and Chan glanced at Minho, whose face fell. "We need you to try at least." 
Minho was hurt by that because everyone knew how much he struggled with it. Nevertheless, this was his job, and he knew he had to put in some work to excel. "Okay," he nodded quietly. 
Chan placed his hand on his lower back and shook his head. "There's no need to pressure him like that. You all know I always try to include him."
"You may be the leader, but you're not the babysitter," he told him, and Minho closed his eyes in defeat, knowing Chan would be pissed now. 
"It's okay, I'll try harder. I'm sorry," he said, and Chan opened his mouth to protest. "Just let it be, please," Minho said before stepping away from them and sitting down on the sofa next to Felix. 
"What's going on?" Felix asked gently, but Minho didn't get to answer as Chan came over. 
"Why don't you stand up for yourself?" he asked, and Minho stared at him blankly. 
"You're serious right now? You do know your position as the leader is a little more secure than mine, right?" he asked defensively. 
"They're not gonna kick you out just because you tell them to fuck off once in a while," he said. 
"I got kicked before, didn't I?" he gave back and grabbed his phone. "Just stop, they're right you're not my babysitter, Chan, I can handle it." 
Chan huffed. "You're right. I'm your boyfriend, and I'm there when you're in trouble." 
Minho contorted his face. "It wouldn't have been a problem if you didn't waltz in and take over once again." 
"Now it's my fault they're telling you that stuff?" Chan asked, offended. 
"Chan. That's not what I said, and you know it," Minho sighed before pushing himself up. "Stop, okay? It's embarrassing." 
Chan stared after him as Minho left their room and closed the door a little too loudly. He took a deep breath before following him outside. Minho was leaning against the opposite wall, nervously fidgeting with his hands. "Min, come on," he said softly. 
Minho closed his eyes in defeat and shook his head. "I mean it; you're not making things easier. I know I'm shit at it, but you defending me for being shit at it makes it even more obvious."
"I was trying to help, okay? That's all," Chan said. 
"I don't want your help, okay?" Minho told him. "I love you, Channie, but I have to figure out some things on my own. Stop hovering." 
Chan looked at him for a long moment before going back inside. Minho sighed, knowing he was beyond pissed now. 
This time, Chan didn't mention him once or ask any questions to include him. He kept his distance during the game they played, and once they were done, Chan packed up his stuff. "We're going home," he told him firmly, and Minho blinked at him surprised. 
"I thought we were getting dinner with the -," he asked, but Chan's firm look made him stop. "I suppose not, then," he said, grabbing his bag. 
The others watched them nervously as Chan opened the door and let Minho out first, who waved at them with a halfhearted smile. As soon as the door closed, Minho turned toward him. "You're an asshole." 
"Excuse me?" Chan asked firmly, gently pushing him in the right direction, and kept walking next to him. 
"Why would you spoil our group dinner just because you're pissed at me? They were looking forward to it all week. I was looking forward to it." he said. 
"You're a grownup, you can still go," he shrugged, and Minho stopped walking. 
"You know what? Maybe that's a good idea," he told him. "Because you're being ridiculous right now, and I'd rather enjoy my evening instead of hiding until you calmed down." 
"Great, fuck off then," Chan said, not noticing the tears shimmering in Minho's eyes. Minho didn't answer and dropped his bag to his feet before turning on the spot and returning inside. Chan rolled his eyes and grabbed the bag before leaving. “Fucks sake,” he cursed.
Jisung watched him worriedly as he stepped inside. "You're okay?" 
"Not really, but that's between me and Chan," Minho told him, accepting the hug he offered. If there was one thing that he cared about, it was not pulling the others into their disagreements. Their relationship shouldn't weigh heavy on the group mentality. 
Two hours earlier 
Minho came back later that night, waving Changbin goodbye, who had driven him home. He sighed softly as he pulled the door close behind himself and slowly walked into the living room, spotting Chan on the sofa. "Hi," he said quietly. 
"Hey," he said, not looking up. 
"You should've come, it was fun," Minho told him gently, trying to make peace. 
"It wouldn't have been with me hovering," Chan said sourly. 
Minho nodded more to himself. "Okay," he whispered, putting his keys on the kitchen table. "How long?" 
"What?" Chan asked, irritated. 
"How long do you need until you can look at me again and talk to me without being pissed off?" he asked calmly. It wasn't meant as an insult or tease but to check his boundaries. 
Chan put his phone down and stared at him, a little startled. "What?" 
Minho closed his eyes for a moment, reminding himself to stay calm. There was no use in exploding and triggering Chan's response even more. "Listen, love," he says very gently. "I had an amazing evening, and I don't intend to ruin my mood with another unnecessary fight. I missed you there, okay?" 
"Why? I thought you don't want a babysitter?" Chan said before he could think it through. 
Hurt filled Minho's eyes as he grabbed his keys from the table. "Now you're just being mean," he told him, clearly disappointed, and made his way upstairs. 
Chan groaned at himself and leaned back into the sofa, rubbing his face. 
Chan still sits on the sofa, unsure if Minho would like him to join him tonight. By now, Chan knows Minho has every right to be disappointed, and deep down, he knows he didn't mean any harm telling him to back off a little. He is still hungry and craving that amazing noodle dish, Minho made them a few days ago. But now is hardly the time to ask him for it, having no idea how he made it. 
He looks up as Minho slowly comes down the stairs, his breath hitching when he sees him. Minho is wearing nothing but boxers and a shirt he lent him, his hair framing his face beautifully. Chan is once more reminded of how effortlessly beautiful Minho is at all times. Minho's eyes meet his, and the world seems to stand still for a moment. "Min, I'm sorry," Chan says softly. 
Minho walks past him into the kitchen and pours himself a glass of water. Chan gets up, hesitantly making his way over and leaning against the kitchen island opposite him. Minho puts down the glass and searches his eyes. "You had dinner yet?" he asks. 
"No," Chan shakes his head. 
Minho sighs softly and opens his arms for him. Chan doesn’t hesitate and practically throws himself into his arms, hugging him tight. Minho gently runs his hand through his hair and plants a soft kiss on his head. "I know you meant well, Channie love. It's just…" 
"I don't make it easier, I know," he nods. "I just hate seeing them treat you like that." 
Minho places his fingers beneath his chin, lifting his face. "I have you, at the end of the day, I don't care what they say," he says, rubbing his thumb across Chan's lower lip. "We both know they're right, I have to try sometimes." 
Chan smiles softly and sinks deep into his eyes. "Did I ever tell you how adorable you are when you try though?" 
Minho's eyes brighten up, his smile growing shy. "Not since we recorded Drive." 
Chan smirks, cupping his face. "Mhm, the day of our first kiss. You were too adorable to resist." 
"So that's why you finally confessed your feelings," he teases lovingly. "I don't think I ever saw you that shy again." 
Chan mindlessly brushes back his hair, caressing his cheeks. "I was scared to ruin our friendship." 
"Technically, you did," Minho grins and searches his eyes. "We're way more than that now, aren't we?" he asks and turns, kissing the palm of his hand. 
"There's just one thing that bothers me," he tells him, and Minho frowns softly. "Your last name." 
"What?" Minho blinks at him. "Go blame my parents, thank you very much," he protests, gently shoving his chest. 
Chan grins before taking his hand and mindlessly fondling his ring finger. "I intend to change it one day," he says, and Minho's eyes widen, realizing what he is on about. "When all this is over, I'll officially make you mine." 
Minho chuckles softly and rolls his eyes at him. "You're so cheesy," he giggles. 
Chan smirks and pulls something from his pocket. "Until then, I want you to hold on to this for me," he says, sliding a subtle silver ring up his finger. 
"Channie," Minho breathes out, stunned. 
"Happy birthday, Minho baby," he says sweetly after checking the time. It’s only a few minutes after midnight. 
Minho's heart is about to burst, and he pulls him in, kissing him hard on the mouth. Chan's lips crash onto his, a soft moan leaving his lips that shoots straight to Minho's stomach. He sinks his hand into his hair and presses himself close. "Love, I need you. Right now," he whispers against his lips, and Chan takes the hint. He lifts him up, chuckling as Minho wraps his legs around him. Minho kisses him heavily as Chan maneuvers his way through the living room and up the stairs. He doesn’t even bother turning on the lights and sits down at the edge of their bed. Minho straddles his lap, hands cupping his face as he kisses him passionately. Chan sinks his hand into his hair, pulling him back as his lips travel down his neck. Minho moans sweetly at the sensation and presses him closer to his skin. "Chan, sweetie," he pants, and Chan hums questioningly against his neck, sinking his teeth into his skin. "Lube. Now." 
Chan chuckles at his impatience but reaches for the table next to the bed, grabbing the lube from the drawer. Minho takes it and slips from his lap, chest heaving softly from their heavy kisses. 
Minho leans down and captures his lips in another short, soft kiss. "Take it all off," he whispers before grabbing the hem of his own shirt. 
Chan doesn’t need a second invitation and pulls Minho back down on his lap as soon as their clothes are gone. He hungrily kisses him before getting up and lowering him back on the mattress. "Fuck, you're beautiful," he tells him quietly, and Minho smiles sweetly beneath him. 
"Please don't make me wait," Minho answers just as quietly, reaching out for him. 
Chan flicks the bottle open and pours some lube on his fingers. He spreads Minho's legs, and his hand disappears between them. Chan watches his face in awe as he starts to open him up. Minho pulls him into an open-mouthed kiss, arching into him as Chan adds another finger. As soon as Minho tells him he's ready, Chan grabs a condom and prepares himself quickly. He pushes in with slow, careful movements and can’t help but groan when he is fully buried inside him. "Fuck." 
Minho beams up at him, softly burying his fingers in his hair and pants at the pleasant stretch. He takes a moment to adjust before nodding. "Okay," he whispers, and Chan starts moving. He watches him full of adoration, brushing back a curl that's already sticking to his forehead, and places his hand on his neck, thumb fondling his cheek. Minho presses their foreheads together as Chan thrusts in deep, both moaning at the feeling. "Feels so good, Channie hyung," Minho tells him, and Chan growls softly at the honorifics. 
Chan's bracing himself on his lower arms, gently playing with Minho's hair. He leans into Minho's touch as the younger one caresses his cheek, and their lips brush together, moans and soft sounds of pleasure echoing between them. Minho's head falls back, toes curling as Chan manages to hit his prostate. His hand shoots up, nails burying themselves in Chan's shoulder. A punched-out sound leaves his lips as Chan buries his nose in his neck simultaneously, gently licking the spot he previously sunk his teeth into. "I got you," Chan rasps against his skin and hits his sweet spot again. Chan watches Minho’s face flood with pleasure, lips falling open with soft whimpers and moans. Moonlight dances across his dark hair, highlighting every significant feature of his face.
Minho chases his lips, moaning into the kiss loudly, and wraps his legs around Chan’s waist. “Don’t stop,” he pants, gripping his hair tightly. “So close…”
Chan kisses a trail down his jaw, keeping the same pace as Minho’s hips start to stutter beneath him. He reaches down between their bodies, wrapping his hand around his dick and pumping him fast. “Come for me, baby. Make a mess,” he rasps into his ear, and Minho does, whimpering his name as he paints their chests. Chan picks up the pace of his thrusts, knowing Minho only likes to be overstimulated when he’s in the mood for it.
Minho smiles at him lazily as Chan falls apart above him, lovingly fondling his hair as the older one collapses onto him. They lay still for a moment, both catching their breaths before Minho speaks up again. “We could’ve done that earlier, maybe you wouldn’t have been sulking all day then..”
Chan giggles and weakly punches his arm. “Fuck you.”
“I thought you did already,” he teases, kissing his hair. “I’m joking.”
“I know,” Chan snorts before pushing himself up. “We need a shower.”
“You still need dinner as well,” Minho reminds him.
“Yeah, about that,” Chan starts, and Minho snorts softly. 
“You’re addicted to that dish already, aren’t you?” he asks, and Chan blushes. “You always are when I try something new,” he giggles. 
“You know me too well,” Chan laughs. 
“Of course I do,” he smiles smugly. “And, of course, I’ll make it for a very late dinner,” he tells him and gently pats his back. “Now get off me, you big baby, before I get too lazy to move and decide differently,” he says, laughing as Chan does so immediately. 
After their shower, in the dim light of their bathroom, Minho sees the scratch marks he left on Chan’s back and contorts his face softly. He gently brushes his fingertips over them and meets Chan’s eyes through the mirror. “I’m sorry.”
Chan smirks before turning and wrapping his arms around him. “One of the reasons I call you kitten, it’s fine,” he assures him, and Minho fondly rolls his eyes at him. “Also, I don’t want to pressure you or anything, but I can help you out with the English stuff at any time.”
Minho stares at him, amused for a moment, before squinting his eyes at him. “You know why that’s not a good idea?”
“Why?” he asks, clearly confused. 
“You’d have another excuse to fuck me stupid and blame it on me speaking English,” he smirks, and Chan’s jaw drops. 
“How is that bad?” he asks, playfully offended. 
“How is that helping with learning? I’d be distracted the whole time, and we’d get nothing done,” he protests. 
“It would work like a reward system, which is quite effective, by the way,” Chan smirks. 
“Oh wow, he’s speaking English, but somehow he can’t walk straight anymore. I wonder why,” Minho thinks out loud, and Chan starts laughing.
“Shut up, I was being nice,” he giggles. 
“I’m just being realistic,” he grins. 
“Buzzkill,” Chan snorts.
“Be nice, it’s my birthday,” Minho pouts playfully, squirming away and laughing as Chan tickles him.
Taglist: (Please let me know if you want to be added to/removed from the taglist!)
@soullostinspaceandtime @brownieloved @rebecca-johnson-28 @euphoric-univers @hyunniebunni @mal-lunar-28 @malfoygalaxies
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cosmicskittlez · 9 months
I bring to you 2 dating headcanons for each pairing in starlos poly posse
Starlo x Ed: -Sometimes Starlo asks Ed to carry him around during whatever missions they do, ranging from slinging him over Ed's shoulder to grabbing him by the scruff of his shirt -When Ed first moved in Starlo practically refused to just let him sleep in a hole in the ground but has since settled to allow it, so long as he's allowed to give the occasional sleep cuddles
Starlo x Moray:
-Moray was the first person in the posse to see Starlo without his hat, as they were the first he was able to get fully comfortable around
-At one point they both tried to do the kiss behind the hat thing and ended up bonking each other with their own hats, they still laugh about it and reenact it sometimes Starlo x Ace -Ace will never admit to this but the reason he sleeps in the hammock is so he can have a clear view of Starlo when he watches his westerns, seeing him sitting at the tv helps lull him to sleep -Starlo has always considered Ace his second in command even if he never outright says it, and on anyday he can't be acting sheriff he knows he can put his automatic trust in him Starlo x Mooch -Starlo is the only person to know Mooch hasn't come from the best backgrounds, growing up in a pretty poor part of New Home and often having to fend for herself. Starlo was one of few people who was willing to trust her despite her background -Mooch's new favorite thing to steal is kisses, and every time she distracts Starlo he falls for it every time. Moray x Ed -Anytime they work together be it on a mission or just cooking dinner they're perfectly in sync, able to work off of each other extraordinarily well and helping at just the right times. -Moray can get overheated pretty easily given they're a literal fish out of water so Ed acts as their shade, something he's more than ok with doing seeing as they can kiss much easier this way. Moray x Ace -They like to dance in the barn in their spare time, going from waltzes to tangoes with giggles in their steps -Moray doesn't get down in the dumps often, but anytime they do and Ace can tell. And by the end of the day Moray ends up with more love letters slipped into their pockets than they can carry
Moray x Mooch -They love to annoy each other on purpose, often making a game out of Mooch stealing Moray's rapier and Moray stealing it right back, seeing how many times in a day they can keep it going between them -Every now and then Mooch will forgo her stealing nature and instead buy something for Moray, something meaningful to them, knowing it'll be more worth it Ed x Mooch -Mooch likes to hide around in Ed's jacket and see how long she can go without being noticed. Ed can tell everytime from the first minute, but he pretends not to notice so he can hear her giggles -Mooch isn't the best cook but she likes to cook for Ed, making multiple smaller portions so can feed him and practice variety at the same time Ed x Ace -They don't open up to each other verbally often, but they more then make up for it with their actions. Ace acts as Ed's reminder to take breaks and to keep his temper and Ed helps Ace around when his stamina runs low -Ace likes to talk to Ed during the late hours of the night when they're both restless, talking about the past and future and the everything in between. Its much more casual than normal dates but they prefer it this way Mooch x Ace -Ace has a not so secret soft spot for Mooch and often admires her grit and positivity, and he more often than not helps her with her smaller thieverys -The first time Mooch kissed Ace he was flustered for the whole day, barely able to get out a word. The whole posses teases him for it but they always wish they were there to do it too
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alleyskywalker · 9 months
do you have any theyne fic recs? I already went through your entire catalogue and I am unwell 😭
gfnsjlkgf I knowwww, there are really not enough Theyne fics! (If by my catalogue you mean what I have up on AO3 for them...somehow it's only like 4 fics?/ I gotta find a way to write more for them.) Anyway, really wish I was better at bookmarking/remembering the fics I've read lol. But here are some truly amazing ones ❤
Take My Hand as the Sun Descends by MymbleHowl / @st-clements-steps (E; 9,266)
So anyone who knows me knows I'm not into porn like at all but DAMN this fic is just so good in every way, including the sex. Just brilliant characterization and a happy ending post-canon. Just everything you could want for this ship.
Afterlife by silverapples (M; 49,711)
The theyne novel we all need in our lives. This one starts more immediately post-canon so there's lots of angst. Theon and Jeyne go through this absolutely excruciating (in the best way) roller coaster of learning to live again (especially Theon), falling in love, going home, falling apart, and ending up together again. Tender and romantic and frustrating at times where you just want to shake them (especially Theon lol) but so good in the end.
a sparrow alighted upon our shoulder by oceaniads / @oceaniads (T; 3,053)
Beautiful and sweet fic. If you're looking for fluff with Theon and Jeyne happily married, this is the one! A fic for the shipper's soul, so to speak :D
Stormwatching by cealtrachs (G; 932)
This one's more gen, but it can easily be read as ship (and they're married so....) Gorgeously written, with lovely domesticity and care and friendship.
waltzing with the open sea by oceansoflove (T; 4,352)
So, just as I'm not a porn person, I'm also generally not a modern AU person, but I really loved this fic. It's probably my fave theyne modern AU. The writing/style is wonderful and if you're looking for an angst with a happy ending modern teenage romance AU, this is the one!
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peachjagiya · 6 months
i’m so confused as to how everyone seemingly came to the collective consensus that the dream premiere was some huge pivotal moment/statement for taekook. i don’t rlly understand how them showing up to a movie premiere together is a huge deal? it’s not like they waltzed in holding hands or anything like that. it very well could have just been two close friends/bandmates going to a movie premiere together bc why not? if any two other members had gone to a movie premiere together it would be seen as completely platonic and normal so why is tkk going made out to be some crazy brave and “wow” moment for them? everyone knows they’re friends. is it just bc jk was shy? bc that’s pretty normal for him tbh especially given that it was his first public outing since being on hiatus for a long time and only doing weverse lives from his house/gym.
also everyone seems to have concluded that they were definitely intentionally wearing queer coded clothes when honestly their outfits were pretty normal. ppl just dug extensively into the background of every item they wore and found some far-off connection to queerness/tkk when rlly it’s so unlikely they planned each article of clothing out like that. bc for what? they’re not actually trying to come out so why would they plan queer coded outfits as some “secret sign” ? like ppl really think jungkook looked up the exact quotes of the print on his jacket and traced it back to being vaguely alluded to something queer? and then said to himself “yes this is what i’ll wear to show the world” ?? and ppl genuinely believe taehyung intentionally wore the brand juntae kim to symbolize the connection of their two names together…like rlly? it’s just a brand…we talk so much abt how shippers connecting clothes/accessories to prove a relationship is stupid yet we’re out here doing the same and making it one of our biggest moments?
don’t get me wrong i love the dream premiere, it was cute, but i rlly don’t get why it’s been made out to be THAT much of a big deal. like i get the kappa tshirts thing bc those r clearly the exact same shirt on the same day but in what way is going to a movie premiere together some “huge step” ?
Vibes, my friend. Vibes.
Let me start by saying I also don't put much into the clothing. They may have been styled for it, they may have chosen themselves. Who knows? But I also wouldn't be surprised to find out it was deliberate. Tae is knowledgeable about queer culture, British music and art, etc. I don't think it's a reach to assume he knows who Morrissey or Oscar Wilde are. But ultimately no, I'm not factoring it into my thinking.
I found videos of a couple of other times two members attended a thing together.
Joonie and Hobi at Love Your W 2022 photowall.
They do heart poses together but when you watch the video, they are both completely focused on posing for camera. I'm not implying they're not close but there's a business-like vibe to it. Joonie was there to perform, it's on schedule etc.
I also found Jimin and Hobi at Dior in Paris.
This video doesn't show it but they arrive seperately, do photowall seperately* then sit together at the runway. They're on schedule.
(* there are some pictures showing them together at photo wall but they're edited.)
These both feel a bit different to:
👉 An off schedule event to support Seojoon.
👉 Tae going to his best friends premiere and taking a plus one.
👉 Being together at all points of the event from arriving in same car to leaving together to then continue being together with Wooga after the event.
👉 Hyungsik and Wooshik posed alone and they're super close. This might be because Tae and JK are grouped as BTS though.
👉 The pair of them having a number of moments of eyes on each other rather than anywhere else.
👉 JKs extreme giggliness which, though I see your point about him being shy, seemed excessively nervous.
👉 The fancams of JK stopping and Tae encouraging him.
👉 JKs somewhat pensive live later.
👉 This picture:
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(I know it's a still photograph of a millisecond in time. I'm just being a dork.)
Thanks anon. It's good to look at this stuff twice and compare. If you know any other times two of them attended something, let me know! 💜
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sodabranch · 6 months
Halo here, still waiting for the next time their irl friends are up to play Lethal Company together... Justice time!
1. One thing that would suck about the Company is that I doubt it you get time off for illness/injuries. So imagine the dilemma of Justice having to leave to look after the employees heading to the bunker, but also being worried about the one needing to be left to rest on the ship.
Other than the issue of the employee being unable to react timely to an enemy lurking near the ship, I see Justice's past experiences worsening their mental conflict. They were always there, when the master or someone in the household got sick, so leaving them feels unnatural.
And what if it's something they can't simply recover from? Earning a disability is bound to be as easy as death itself, on the job.
2. Okay, this one isn't a Justice specific one. I was thinking, man, even the freakiest and erratic of nutcracker OCs will find a human out there who thinks they're really cool! Suddenly, an idea popped into my head.
Because the nutcrackers have parasites, making them semi living, what if one could apply a freaking soulmate AU to it?!
3. Justice, in the past, waiting for the master to come home from work, but they're coming home late. How would Justice react? I could imagine it thinking about how it can't just make a phone call.
Sure, you could easily turn the idea into angst, but I see it that the master simply had overtime, and eventually came home just fine. But Justice is a bit angy they never warned it, because it was worried...
4. The employees and Justice were gathering scrap from a mansion. Everyone is back inside the ship, confident that Justice will soon return safely. In the midst in the snowstorm, they see its approaching silhouette, but something about it is different? Oh, that's right, it's carrying scrap, too. But what?
As Justice steps inside, they see it's a—
Oh no, it's a somehow decently preserved and clean puffy dress?! Justice is irradiating excitement; isn't this fitting for a partner to wear for a waltz? The employees, on the other hand, are thinking 'Oh crap, it's gonna make one of US wear it!' They then push the one who they know Justice sees as the master to the front of the group, like a sort of sacrificial offering to wear the dress.
~ Halo
Oh, I'm also waiting for my friends to have a free night so we can play Lethal together and totally suffer the consequences of our own actions...
I just arrived home a moment ago so brace yourself:
Aaaand no, I also doubt the Company would be so kind to offer you some time off or even compensation lol. Once you're away from Gordion you're on your own, buddy;; better read the fine print.
Justice would be torn between staying with them or helping the team. On one side, it would be able to provide care for the injuried person, aiding them on their needs and staying guard in case any entity was to take advantage of their state; on the other side, there's no way it is going to abandon the team!!! four people is still better than three. Yes, of course it believes that the team can totally fend for themselves!! but maybe just maybe,,, what if some monster sneaks up on them and it can't do anything, then what!
In the amidst of this mental dilemma, Justice settles on giving the crewmate a walkie and gestures for them to use it if something were to happen, then helps tucking them in the uncomfortable bunk bed (to much of Justice's dismay. It really has ought to look for a way for them to rest more comfortably...), and there's no way it is going to forget the "healing kiss" to the forehead before heading out with the rest of the crew. Then maybe it would keep checking on them from time to time, excusing itself to "bring some scrap back to the ship".
Oof I let myself get invested in that one,,,
AND UMGMMGGMMGMG, SOULMATE AU???? ON MY BLOG?? MORE LIKELY THAN YOU THINK- I REALLY need to think of a way to make this real???? I never thought of it as a possibiity, but you're kinda so right? Preach.
Asdhsdhd also choking up from thinking of Justice waiting by the door to see if their master makes it home safely...
At the start, it would be a bit confused, they were supposed to arrive some time ago! Well, could have been a slight delay, but that doesn't erase the nagging thought telling it something might have happened. What if they got injured on their way back? What if someone did something? What if this? What if- Enough for now, it should think more rationally than that. So naturally, Justice decides to busy itself with some cleaning while it waits... Only for more minutes to pass and for it to start growing more and more worried. Now without any tasks to do while it waits it just sits motionless on the entryway, expecting to see them any second now...
And it's not until the sound of keys turning and the door creaking open that it can rest, seeing the face of their master and mentally restraining itself from running up and hugging them. For now, it is glad it got to see their face for another day.
Just just imagine,, while exploring this mansion, Justice finds itself in some sort of bedroom. Rummaging through it, it wasn't long before something caught it's attention: a perfectly preserved dress stored inside some sort of garment bag... The sight alone brought back so many memories of packed ballrooms and the many dances that took place, most of which Justice had to spectate. As a guard, it was supposed to watch over the people, never let in the fun.
So it guesses the crew won't have much trouble when it brings the beautiful garment back to the ship!! One of them even stepping forward, how sweet!
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and im cutting it here because it may be getting too long :9 but I have so many new ideas giggles*
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chicanomick · 1 year
Sway with me (Stay with me)
New fic on ao3!
Mickey and Ian are spies who keep having the misfortune of being assigned to the same cases. This case just happens to be a ball. AKA I just wanted them to waltz together 👉🏼👈🏼
Excerpt: The music picks up speed. “The host.” “Yeah, what about him?” Mickey lets go of Ian’s back and spins him counterclockwise. “He’s in on it.” “No shit,” Mickey doesn't stop his swaying steps as he spins Ian with one hand, moving with the crowd clockwise while their bodies spin in the opposite direction, “I’ve been telling you that towel head was in on it since I read his fucking file.”  “First of all,” Ian stops spinning when Mickey’s hand gently rests back on his shoulder blade, they begin to spin in the opposite direction when the music shifts beat, still moving with the crowd in a spiral, “can we drop the racism?” Mickey groans in his ear before spinning him again, “Second of all,” Mickey’s hand lands lower on his back, “We didn't have clearance to those files that’s why we needed to get evidence.” The music picks up speed and Mickey spins Ian more constantly, eyes scanning the room, “Holy shit how much more are you going to spin me?” Ian complains feeling like a pig on a stake being spun over fire as he holds on tight to Mickey’s hand above him.  The music lowers in volume and the swaying pauses long enough for Mickey to mutter, “Now spin backward.” they're moving again, only this time Mickey pulls Ian with every step he takes back, the crowd of dancing couple spinning in a circle.  At least now they spin together, not letting go of one another. Ian is starting to feel lightheaded.  “And? Did ya’ get it?” Mickey speaks into his ear as he continues to sway them, not looking the least bit dizzy, eyes on the crowd. “Yeah,” Ian’s words come out strained as just at that moment Mickey says “up” and lifts him up in the air. At least as far off the ground as he can given the fact that Ian is taller and heavier than him. “Holy shit you’re fat.” Mickey groans out as he puts him back on the floor. Ian brings his fist down against the shoulder he's holding onto.  “Yeah well, you’re so short I have to bend down every time you spin me under your arm.” Mickey glares at him but holds onto his waist tighter to lift him again. This time Ian helps out and jumps enough to ease some of his weight off Mickey.
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paleparearchive · 5 months
The Bonds of The Soul
El Greco's initial 4★ story (3/3) ( 1 - 2 - 3 )
Location: park (morning) | Characters: El Greco, Courbet, Munch, Aoi/MC
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El Greco: ~~~♪ ~~~~~♪
Courbet: … Nothing is coming. I knew the ritual was a waste of time.
El Greco: Strange. The ritual should have been a success... Don't tell me we weren't grateful enough…?
Aoi: … Ah! Everyone, look! Butterflies are coming from over there…!
Courbet: There should be plenty of butterflies in the park. It would take a more obvious animal to determine–
Munch: Look Courbetti, look! Birds and cats are gathering from all over the place!
Courbet: W-What the hell!?
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El Greco: …! You're back…
Little bird: Chirp chirp chirp~♪ chirp chirp chiiirp~♪
Cat: Meow meow meoooow~♪ meow meow meooooow meoooooow♪
Munch: Hahaha! Little birds and cats are singing along with Niko-chan!
Aoi: Rabbits and squirrels are waltzing over here...!
El Greco: The dance you are watching is a joyous dance. The assembled familiars are expressing their gratitude to everyone.
Courbet: I can't believe it no matter how many times I've seen it, but I have to believe it... You seem to have the power to make the unreal real.
Munch: C'mooon! You're exaggerating, Courbetti.
Courbet: What do you mean I'm exaggerating? It would be too unrealistic to think that just singing would make animals come to you.
Munch: Really? I think it's normal!
Courbet: What part of it is normal…
Aoi: Well anyways, it's good to see El Greco-kun's familiars back!
Munch: Yeah! Niko-chan looks happy and the ritual was a great success!
El Greco: Yeah. Courbet, Munch, deputy director. Let me thank you again. Now I can paint without any worries. All thanks to you guys.
Aoi: (Thank god…! El Greco-kun seems happy. This means it won't cause any delays in production.)
Munch: Right! I wanna draw Niko-chan's friends too! You want to paint too, Courbetti? Let's go get art supplies together!
Courbet: Yeah. We don't get a chance to gather this many small animals. By all means, let me sketch–
Munch: C'mon, c'mon! Quick Courbetti, quick! Mr. Little Bird, Mr. Cat and Nessie are waiting for you!
Courbet: H-Hey, wait, Munch! Don't pull me! … I mean, there's no such thing as Nessie!
Aoi: … They're gone.
El Greco: I'm surprised they would want to draw a picture of my familiars... Look, deputy curator. My familiars are happy.
Little bird: Chirp chirp chirp! Chirp chirp~♪
Cat: Meow meow meooow~!
Aoi: Fufu. They sound so happy. … But still, there are so many familiars. Everyone looks happy to be back with you.
El Greco: Back in my hometown, more of my familiars would gather. So many that there would be no room for your feet.
Aoi: Even now I have no place to step foot, but to think there were more in your hometown…! Amazing… I might want to take a look.
El Greco: Do you like my familiars, deputy director?
Aoi: I do. I like small and cute animals.
El Greco: I see. Then I'll invite you to the island someday. My familiars say I should do so too.
Aoi: Oooh… Would that be okay?
El Greco: Yeah. You told me that you like my familiars and since you're a dear friend of mine. … Here, this is a seal of promise.
Aoi: … Wow, what a beautiful shell!
El Greco: Cherry blossom-colored seashells bring good luck. It fits you like a rainbow after the rain.
Aoi: That's a very nice island custom. Thank you. But am I really allowed to take such a shell?
El Greco: Yeah. I want you to have it, Aoi. I've had enough happiness, now it's your turn.
Aoi: What do you mean?
El Greco: Not a single person had ever asked me about the island with pleasure until I came to this museum. I didn't even want to talk about it because I didn't think anyone would understand it in the first place. … But now it's different. I'm glad to be able to talk about the island to everyone here at the museum. I've changed my mind after meeting you guys. I'm happy to spend time with you, Munch and the others. I'm truly happy… I belong here.
Aoi: Fufu. I'm glad to hear you say so. Keep up the good work, El Greco-kun.
El Greco: Yeah. My pleasure. … If you have time, let me tell you about the island again.
Aoi: Yes. I look forward to it!
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morallygreyyn · 2 years
Hi! I saw that requests were open and thought I'd ask if u would be willing to do a kurapika x short female reader where they're dancing and bc of the height difference reader stands on Kurapika's feet or somethin :0
a prince from a fairytale (kurapika x reader)
description: after being stood up by your date at a ball, you thought your dreams of the perfect night were ruined. little did you know your very own prince charming was waiting in the wings and your night turned into one straight out of a fairytale...
authors note: i think this is my oldest request and i actually am so sorry for the wait! i was suddenly hit with fairytale, whimsical, cinderella type vibes for this fic so i just rolled with it (it’s cringy like one too lmao 💀) hope that's ok!
warnings: absolutely none (for once lmaooo)
word count: 954
requests are open!
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Sitting alone outside was not how you thought your night was going to go when you woke up that morning. Having been invited to a charity ball a few weeks prior, you were barely able to contain your excitement in the days leading up to the big event. You had gone above and beyond with your outfit to make sure this would be a night to remember. After all, it wasn’t often you get to wear fancy clothes such as these. Everything was going so well, until it wasn’t. Your one problem? Your date never turned up.
He had stood you up. You couldn’t say you were surprised, he did seem like the flaky type but you were never one to judge until you got to know a person. Jokes on you, you guessed. Your poor foresight had left you sitting in the cold on the steps to the magnificent venue. Feeling incredibly sorry for yourself, you fished out your phone.
“Y/n?” A voice you recognised all too well called out from behind. You peaked a glance and sure enough, your best friend was approaching, walking down the steps looking for all the world like a prince come to rescue you.
“Kurapika.” You gasped and turned away, not expecting to meet anyone. Hastily wiping your tears away, you only turned back once you were sure your cheeks were dry. It didn’t matter, Kurapika was able to tell anyway.
“Why are you crying?” He asked, voice filled with concern. He reached out, a gentle hand coming to rest on your arm. “You’re freezing, let's go back inside.”
“No, I’m fine. I was about to call it a night anyway.”
“But you didn’t even go in.” His brows furrowed, trying to piece together what had happened. 
You just responded with a half hearted smile, ignoring the chill that was seeping into your bones. “It doesn’t matter.”
“You’re upset, of course it matters.”
Knowing he wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight unless you told him, you eventually gave in. “My date stood me up.”
His usually composed features gave nothing away, only the slight edge to his voice revealed how angry he was. “And you stayed out here waiting?”
“Pathetic, right? I didn’t even get to dance.” You looked down at your feet, feeling utterly stupid. 
“He’s the pathetic one.” Sighing, Kurapika held out his hand. “Allow me to be your date.”
Your eyes snapped back up to his and you didn’t even bother trying to hide your surprise. “What?”
A small smile tugged at the corners of Kurapika’s lips. “Y/n, will you allow me to accompany you?”
He really was your knight in shining armour. You beamed at your best friend, gladly taking his outstretched hand. “Of course.”
Kurapika, however, didn’t lead you into the ballroom as you thought but instead brought you into the impressive gardens. The faint melody of a waltz carried outside, making the gardens feel as if they were alive with magic. Soft lanterns illuminated the hedgerows and flower beds while the moon took care of the rest. You must’ve looked like a fool as you took it all in as Kurapika couldn’t stop staring at you. Snapping out of your awe filled daze, you turned to him.
“What? Do I have something on my face?” You patted your cheeks, worried you had somehow gotten dirt there.
“You look wonderful.” He assured you, making you feel happier than you had all evening. Your happiness skyrocketed when the boy before you once again held out his hand. “Will you dance with me?”
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m quite a bit shorter than you.”
He laughed lightly, grabbing your waist with all the gentleness in his body. “That’s not an issue.”
With a fond smile on his face, Kurapika lifted you so now your feet were resting on the tops of his shoes. Thankfully your face was already red from the cold otherwise you would’ve been caught blushing.
In time with the gentle music, Kurapika began spinning you both around the gardens and you could’ve sworn you had been transported into a fairytale. The lanterns turned into fractures of light as you span, making it seem as if magic was in the air itself. 
“I didn’t know you could dance.” You whispered breathlessly, staring wide eyed at the boy before you who looked remarkably like a prince in this very moment.
“Do you like it?”
“Like it? Everything is so magical I’m starting to believe I caught a fever and am hallucinating on the steps.” You laughed freely, throwing your head back to glimpse at the stars. 
“If this is a hallucination, why am I in it?”
“Maybe because nothing ever feels right without you.” You confessed, feeling quite brave in your whimsical fairytale. It was too dark to tell clearly, but you could’ve sworn Kurapika’s face was lightly flushed. Resting your head on his shoulder, you allowed yourself to be gently rocked back and forth as the music slowed. “I don’t ever want this night to end.”
“Me neither.” He murmured, almost too low to hear. Kurapika’s head quietly rested on top of yours, giving you a sense of beautiful completion.
You didn’t know how long you both stayed like that for, both of you swaying back and forth to the music under the light of the moon. All you knew is that you somehow had stumbled into a fairytale and that you never wanted to leave.
The moon heard many things that night, all of them sweeter than the next. Best friends became lovers, tears became laughter, and music became magic. If you looked up, you would’ve seen that the moon was shining just a little brighter.
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devilruin · 11 months
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if a link to a piece is :
⛧ ⋅  italicized ― it contains explicit content
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✧ @abbacchiosbelt ― hayley has such great ideas that i just want to pick apart their brain to see how they come up with such splendid thoughts! they're honestly such a fun person, i want to give them all of my love and then some!
personal picks : stuck in a wall with genshin men (reader's just like "oh won't someone come save me? wait... not like that!") , glory and gore with toji (funny story, i didn't know they wrote this and posted the link in a server we share and they were like !!! i wrote that! needless to say i was super embarrassed) , yandere kaeya headcanons (i just think he's neat when he's unhinged) , arranged marriage with diluc (oh nooo what a terrible thing to have to deal with...), and someone great with gojo (gods he walks the line of infuriating/bearable every damn day)
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✧ @after-witch ― theo has perfected the art of suspense. her immaculate pacing within her stories always blows my mind, and there has been a few times where i've gone "WHAT!?" while reading some of her works!
personal picks : good as gold (the ending of this! i love the implications sm), wife or death (its always morally correct to make a deal with the devil in one's time of need), alone in the dark with gojo (he's is such a vile pos here... not that i'm complaining!) , a gift with sesshomaru (adore the chance to see sesshy being soft for once), love is the honey with chrollo (honestly reader, same.), welcome home lord scaramouche (the absolute level of bitchiness this man possesses...), glass half full with dazai (him taking advantage of another person's feelings? its more likely than you think!), character development with fyodor (how to gain his approval: read books together), suffrance with chrollo (seeing such a normally calm character snap will never not be satisfying to me), and act of contrition with chrollo (my hand twitched at the end with the physical NEED to slap this man)
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✧ @bye-bye-sunbird ― big sis sunnie!!! sunnie is literally a ray of sunshine, she's so sweet and warm-hearted, she always makes me feel so happy when i chat with her! i swear her smile can melt ice and make flowers bloom!
personal picks : necessity with scaramouche (this absolute menace, i hope a bird poops on his precious hat) , yandere diluc soulmate au (diluc refusing to lose the few things that bring him joy, no matter what the cost is, is so delicious) , waltzing with the harbingers (note to self: do not step on their toes) , blaphemous with pantalone (the gods do not exist here in these snowy lands, but don't fret, for pantalone exists in their stead) , and forced marriage with diluc (fuck there's something so sexy about diluc when he snaps...)
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✧ @cinnamonest ― lena is a dark content creater / momcon enthusiast / CEO of feral razor / raging kurapikasexual that never misses with her works (did i mention she's got a great sense of humor paired with a big brain?) i love her mei mei series and hope to use her profile template in the future!
personal picks : dad kaeya with his daughter (love all of this series tbh) , the genshin boys' reactions to being slapped in the face (her rankings are always spot on) , genshin boys' dick headcanons (all i can say is yes, this is permanently engraved in my brain) , genshin boys' choice of womb tattoos (sex magic go brr) , dad diluc with his daughter (he'd be such an insistent and possessive father for sure) , moribund with childe (i wonder how many people he'd kill in one go while coming after you. surely he can't go after too many... right? right???) , and crepus with his daughter (thank you lena for always indulging my depraved thoughts!)
honestly everything from her is just so good!
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✧ @ddarker-dreams ― lock's mastery of the english language is always a sight to behold! she seamlessly connects minute details from the original work (anime / manga / show / etc. ) or even from some of her own works into her writings, sometimes with no one noticing! scarlet bindings with diluc has a few different references (most of which are obvious) ! she's also a giant sweetheart who i absolutely adore bouncing off ideas with, and wrote cold to the touch with kaeya for me!
personal picks : tempting fate with scaramouche (lil sadistic gremlin will get what's coming for him... eventually) , "your body won't lie to me" with chrollo (he's such a bastard here, i love it) , yandere tartaglia with a fatui recruit darling headcanons (the chilling realization that reader is stuck with him as a superior...) , break a leg with gojo (his insufferableness bleeds through the words here) , the snowstorm with childe (imagining the bloodthirsty look in his eyes as he's coming after reader is just hngh...) , entanglement with kafka (she really is both the unstoppable force and the unmovable object) , smoking gun with johan (the realization johan has after speaking to reader is so good... i could feel the heaviness in the air) , loaded question with arlecchino (i always did believe that she's the type to play with her lover in more way than one...) , aftertaste with kaeya and diluc (never a good time with both of them, that's for sure) , in your eyes with izaya (gaining his attention never ends well, does it?) , exodus with chrollo (ngl, chrollo you're looking real smackable right now) , entrenched with kaeya (the audacity of this man never ceases to astound me) , comfortably numb with chrollo (what is numbness if not acceptance? what is ideation if not desire?) , quid pro quo with chrollo (going to be completely honest this piece lives in my mind rent-free) , and hell within reach (this series has such a special place in my heart, i love lady avalor sm)
not gonna lie, you could probably read any of her works and leave full and happy (or binge them all for a good time!)
(fun fact: lock was the first person i followed, and is one of my biggest inspirations for writing, which is why i like to call her the goddess of yanderes, suspense, and horror)
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✧ @dear-yandere ― vanny (or as i like to call her, the yandere queen or queen of yanderes) is another one of the great yandere writers of tumblr! she's also the owner of a big heart (honestly i think she possesses enough love to fill a few blue whale hearts) and is such a compassionate person, whose writing (and artwork) is top tier!
personal picks : diluc's crush dating kaeya (a jealous yandere diluc is always a good pick! ) , acquiescence with pierro (oh yeah, love this old man so much) , little dove with columbina (she's so hauntingly beautiful and also frighteningly eerie) , vladimir (league of legends) at a bar with his darling (can i bite him back? please???) , shuu sakamaki being slightly tsundere + mean (he says he's not looking out for a walking blood bag, he's just upholding his father's rule (like he ever cared about it in the first place)), hisoka being his usual perverted + creepy self (ugh he's so hot like that though) , mafia boss dazai osamu drugging his darling (mafia dazai just hits different) , memento mori (chillingly ironic since it's starring mori ougai) , and little lover (shared harbinger darling) , honestly another writer where you just can't go wrong with any of her works
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✧ @hypnoswrites ― their way of crafting stories is like a master painter. each line is a brushstroke and every word brings a new color to the piece. by the time i've reached the last sentence, my jaw is on the floor, my eyes are wide, and i have to take a moment to compose myself (in a good way!) after reading.
personal picks : nightly visit with astarion (fuck he's insufferable like this and im all for it) , quality time with shalnark (the only words i have is oh fuck, he's so manipulative with a soulmate) , heard through the grapevine with shalnark (all i can say is holy shit. i love reader's nen in this and the pacing is exquisite!) , spider cave with chrollo (the utter despair of knowing that everything you did was for naught is such a bitter taste and i gulp it down like the sweetest honey) , to prove oneself with hisoka (fuck yeah reader get his ass!) , and dissonance with demiurge (anti-magic runes? engraved in the walls. hidden listening device? secretly planted. hotel? nazarick.)
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if you would like to be removed from this list, please let me know!
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