#they're just more like brothers or platonic soulmates for me idk
plonn · 28 days
am I the only one who doesn't think that charles is in love with edwin
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tending-the-hearth · 9 months
favorite "chalice of the gods" moments, in no particular order
spoilers below!!!
percy and annabeth having the same setup for iris messaging, and having cute little sign-offs when they say goodbye to each other
grover going to percy's swim meets 😭😭😭
annabeth and sally's relationship, they adore each other so much
just... annabeth being a jackson-blofis even before percy proposes
annabeth not making and blue desserts because it's percy and sally's thing and she sees that as something sacred!!!
percy being bitter about the recommendation letters!! let him be a bit of a bitch!!!
percy, annabeth, and grover having a regular smoothie place that they go to 😭 they're best friends your honor
i kind of wish we got more of the trio as eight-year-olds, like those are babies and i need to see more of grover trying to play-fight with percy
grover admitting that he's scared of percy and annabeth going to california!! he doesn't want to lose them!! y'all mind if i sob?????
50% of percy's internal monologue being about how cool and amazing annabeth is
the way the trio just trusts and supports one another???
annabeth hanging out with juniper, idk why, i like thinking about the two couples going on double date picnics <3
percy embracing old age 😭😭😭😭 and seeing himself growing old with his two best friends 😭😭😭 the way i was bawling my eyes out
annabeth being worried about percy's reaction to sally being pregnant because of her own bad experiences with her half-brothers and her dad and percy knowing exactly where her mind was going like YES PLEASE give me more percabeth reading each other's minds
percy talking about how he could never see himself with anyone other than annabeth because they've known each other for so long but also because they're bonded in a way no one else understands 😭
annabeth never saying luke's name after the Titan War and the trio still struggling to talk about him, my beloveds 😭 give them therapy please
the mention of jason talking about wanting to have kids with piper and grow old with her... how dare?????
the sheer amount of percy and grover moments... i missed them so much... they're platonic soulmates!!!!
idk i said it before but the way this book just felt like "the lightning thief"? the trio being all sarcastic with each other, joking and teasing one another, being comfortable with each other in a way no one else understands?
in conclusion i love this book so very very much
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thedawningofthehour · 6 months
I meant to send this yesterday, but did you ever mention what exactly Josh is? I honestly don’t remember there ever being clarification (and if there was it totally went over my head) and while i was rereading for the umpteenth time Josh was referred to by splinter as “the copper one” and my mind kinda went “Excuse me, Copper???” I figured he was a Yokai of some kind but then we know that Rose is a witch/from witch town (right?) so whenever I vision Josh is just a very wobbly image of some nerdy buff guy idk and he’s always wearing a blue shirt for some reason :P
Lol well you're pretty close! Josh and his brother and sister are all witches from Witch Town and look vaguely humanish, as Yokai witches are shown to be.
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Like yes, these people are undoubtedly Not Human, but unlike many other Yokai they don't seem to be anything else in particular. (in general-I see Lion Dude up there, but he's an outlier) (I've actually thought a lot about the lore of Witch Town and I have no idea if I'm going to end up using any of it so I might do a write-up one of these days)
Josh and his family (his twin sister, their little brother, and the little brother's husband, and maybe his niece I haven't decided if she exists here) all live in Witch Town and run an apothecary. They actually met Bella because the little brother Reed (who I apparently haven't even referenced by name yet, sorry Reed) was her bodyguard while she competed in the Nexus. He got into some debt and the debt was then purchased by Big Mama, and he refused to fight for her. Big Mama basically rigged his contract so he could never pay her back, effectively enslaving him, and had his tongue cut out for talking back to her too many times. He got assigned to Bella because she already knew how to sign, they became friends, and when she left she bought out his contract. Turns out his sister was hot and his brother was her platonic soulmate, so happily ever after. (Bella and Reed are still really good friends, they're just less reasons to mention him because his skills aren't really plot-relevant)
Josh is definitely a nerd, he's pretty tall and broad-shouldered but skinny. He's kind of pink, not intensely so but definitely a few shades into 'not a human skin color'. His hair is either blond or he's a very light redhead, depending on how I feel that day. He has an extremely prominent nose, which...I just realized that doesn't sound good, considering he's Jewish. Okay, to be fair, when I designed him he was not Jewish. He's a Dishonored OC, the Dishonored world does not have any real-world religions, they have one twink who is also a whale as their god and their religion is centered around hating on him. I made Josh Jewish because Bella was Jewish and I kind of liked the idea of her bonding with him and his family over that. (I don't know why Bella is Jewish, she just Was) (also Bella and Josh aren't religiously Jewish-they're atheists)
Rose looks pretty similar, except she's much shorter (which vexes her greatly, as she's the oldest) and her hair is more of a ginger color. Reed however is massive, taller than his brother and super buff, like 'body of a Greek god' but unironically. His coloring is more pinkish-purple and darker because he has a different father. Everyone thirsts over him and he is entirely oblivious. His husband got a lot of high-fives when he put a ring on it. (and a lot of jealous glowers, especially when the story of how he proposed with a BBQ sandwich came out)
Splinter calls him 'the copper one' because their last name is Copperspoon but he couldn't remember. (he's old) And they have that name because their mother is this bitch:
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Delilah Copperspoon, bisexual poly witch and bastard daughter of an emperor. She's such a wonderfully evil character.
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noxiatoxia · 9 months
i cant NOT ask about a ship chart for hikakao regardless of what everyone knows about your feelings on hikakao
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still failing to get a bingo duhhh.......regardless. we all know that im feral about those twins. twincest numero uno and all that.
The one space I put a * on is one I didn't feel like I could fulllyyy mark because it's a tricky subject. Because tbh i have not really seen many serious character studies for hikakao. most people who write for hikakao do it for yaoiz or for a dramatic (usually unrequited) love story, WHICH IS FINE BTW, I love twincest yaoi as much as the next guy and im also a sucker for angst, but the fact is I've not come into very many cases where people try to dissect their relationship and so it's hard for me to concretely say "Hey, I don't really agree how they're portrayed in the fan base"
That being said, there areee hikakao tropes I'm not a fan of & don't agree with, such as Kaoru hating haruhi out of jealousy (not saying he would be incapable of being jealous, just that i don't think he'd ever hate haruhi, he likes her a lot guys), Kaoru being very emo depressed (yes he is depressed/anxious and tbh I think the main issue here is less people write him with depression but more that people who write it tend to write it in a very uh. .. wattpad style if you know what i mean. which again is fine, fanfic is an outlet, but i just dont agree at all with that portrayal), hikaru being generally ooc (iykyk) and prob some other stuff i failed to mention. however a lot of this seems to be more of an old school ff.net issue, as i see it less and less on ao3, which is nice, but still.
It doesn't really help that I have a very specific outlook on their relationship that doesn't neatly fall into society's per-defined labels for a "romantic relationship" or "platonic friendship" or even what it means to be siblings. And a lot of that - how i view their relationship - is shaped by the way they themselves grew up. they have a very complicated history and even in their present, it is showing an era in their adolescence that includes a lot of change both to their lives and their outlook on it. such things will lead to an equally complicated relationship that can't really be described simply as "they are in love <3" like yes i think they are soulmates. no i dont think they are romantically involved. yes i think they fuck. no i dont think they consider themselves in a relationship or even "friends with benefits" (ironic considering i marked that spot but i did it out of simplicity bc that's how it comes off a lot of the time ...) liiike they are each other's most important person in the world. they love each other so much. but idk if they're in love y'know. of course, i love reading and even writing stories where there ARE romantic feelings involved, because different interpretations and AUs are fun, but speaking from a strictly canon pov, i think whatever they feel for each other can't really be described as romantic or platonic or familial, it's just love, plain and simple.
sometimes i like to think despite fucking his brother on the reg hikaru considers himself straight. kaoru is the exception, he doesn't count, family discount or whatever .
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evilwickedme · 1 year
I’m so sorry to add to the fic Rex requests but I’ve been desperately sad lately and need a pick me up. Do you have any Batman fic recs for happy aus? Idk how to exactly explain it but fics where they all get along pretty well and clearly love eachother. Something along the lines of Shutterbug, if you’ve read it. Thank you and I’m sorry for adding to the growing pile of requests 😭
hey for sure!!! do not apologize for adding to the growing pile of requests I have DREAMED of this keep sending them FOREVER
some of these are a little ooc but I tried to pick ones that at least aren't outrageously ooc. it's just hard to write happy batfam fic that isn't a little ooc they're so fucking miserable in the comics
JLA & the batfam
what a genre. I have more of these but I picked my favs
Jason Todd's terrible, horrible, no-good very bad Week - Jason gets kidnapped by JLA who think he's still a wanted Gotham villain. Batfam (minus Batman, who's unavailable) try to rescue him.
Batman/men? - how can Batman be in like six places at once on this JLA mission???
Not So Alone - JLA doesn't know Batman has a team/family, they insult him, batfam gets revenge
specific dynamics
Life in the Fast Lane - honestly the ao3 description is a pretty good summary: “So, let me get this straight,” Dick said, frowning, “You stole a car, kidnapped Tim, got in a high-speed chase, stole another car, fought a bunch of cartel members, and blew up a chop shop...all to get a minivan back?”
hit 'em up style is an all time favorite!!! Bruce gets Steph some tampons. that's it that's the fic
How to be Brothers with the Family Cryptid - a guide by Duke Thomas - Duke gets to know Jason and vice versa
crack and general fluff
Waynes? More Like Wayne-kers - the Waynes are annoying! lots of fun
pest family - ratman ratman ratman RATMAN RATMAN RATMAN RATMAN RATMAN RATMAN RATMAN!!!!!!!
Capture the Flag (to the death) - the Waynes play capture the flag. it is not a low-key affair.
this is our home, we just don't have a door - the batkids for sure are doing something, and Jason is not getting involved. he's not.
The Wayne Family Annual Beach Trip is exactly what it says on the tin
before we get married, I need to get permission from batman - I almost forgot to rec my own fucking fic. I am fucking speechless. anyway the story of five people asking for a batkid's hand in marriage + 1 time it was the other way around
this has some drama, but they still love each other when it comes down to it
I'll Still Love You Anyway - a platonic soulmate au for the four male Robins & Bruce | 2nd edit: has a quick mention of pit madness
Minimum Height Requirement is an au where Bruce strictly enforces a "no capes until you're 18 rule" | edit: decided to reread this and as per previous request here's a tw that this fic has mentions of pit madness!
hope this makes you feel better <3 <3 <3 much love and enjoy
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I Send you a double character because they must not be separated : Yuma and Astral
favorite thing about them: For Yuma! I,, fucking love that this kid is kind of a loser. LIKE FOR A YUGIOH PROTAG THATS SUCH A COOL THING TO SEE it helps play up this idea that you can grow and get better at dueling and that anyone can be a great duelist if they work at it! Let us see our protagonist lose sometimes!!! It's a good thing!!!! He's just such a believable middle schooler to me. For Astral! I love just how deadpan he is, I've always loved "alien/nonhuman entity comes to earth and has to learn earth things" and Astral's just so great with that. He's so FUNNY. I love watching him learn about the power of friendship it rules!!!!
least favorite thing about them: im going to be real, I can't actually think of anything really concrete for this for yuma or astral?? I just like 'em. I wasn't expecting to be this into either of them but I've ended up really enjoying their characters!!
favorite line: I can't think of one for Astral off the top of my head but I'm very excited to see if anything in the zexal 2 dub goes as hard as Yuma yelling at Vetrix and telling him "you think they [the Arclight brothers] owed you their lives because they're your kids, but youre wrong!" because jesus FUCK i still think about that.
brOTP: each other of course!!!! Not particularly engaged with them in a romantic context (as i said when I talked about Trey, in general I just don't particularly care much about shipping younger teen characters) but platonic soulmates let's fuckin GOOOO!!!!! I do also in general love Yuma's little friend gaggle it feels like such a middle school weirdkid friend group ;___;
OTP: See above. sidenote idk who people even ship Astral with otherwise?!?!? Dark Mist maybe??? sure alright
nOTP: Not a fan of Kite/Yuma. Yuma is 13. Be normal please.
random headcanon: For Yuma, I think he would be really good at running cross country (didn't his sub VA outrun a horse once?? yeah.) For Astral, I think he would really like ASMR. Like if Yuma showed him ASMR videos that would be it, he'd be all about it. He'd be listening to them constantly and putting Yuma to sleep in the middle of the afternoon.
unpopular opinion: i love dub yuma to bits this kid is a bouncy little doofus and he's funny and GREAT. I actually dont think I've seen enough Zexal to have an unpopular opinion about Astral? Maybe once I'm more fully done with the series.
song i associate with them: I WISH I HAD ONE ;__; i dont rly have any zexal character songs just cuz these guys havent finished simmering in my brain yet. much like with trey im sure i'll find one for either of these guys eventually
favorite picture of them: IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO PICK ONE FAV PIC OF YUMA THEY MADE THIS KID SO EXPRESSIVE!!!! every time he makes a goofy face is my favorite. so instead heres one of my fav pics of (zexal) yuma and astral together
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it really feels like the platonic ideal of their personalities, this image.
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lokislytherin · 1 year
Heyyyyyyyy so this ask is just out of pure curiosity, but what is your lookism
kinda popular pairing u cant just jive with so much
hello curious anon! thank you for the ask hope you're having a pleasant timezone!
otp: idk if you've seen my posts or my ao3 but i am literally a janiel writer. jaeseok is literally The lookism otp for me. but if i had to pick a second otp it would be zami bc they're so good for each other sorry vinzackers but zami is one of my only few valid het ships that i'll actually die fighting for (i like danizoe too but i think they're better off besties bc they both need a bestie of the opposite gender so 1) zoe can realize guys are not that great 2) daniel can realize he can be good friends with girls without having to date them)
rarepair: idk if anyone ships this other than me but yuimira? i made a bs headcanon post when i saw lookism rarepairs prompt-ish thing and i'm too lazy to link it but if you search yuimira on my blog i bet you'll find it but anyway! mira's 'i can fix them' energy is so strong (read: zack, johan) but she's also really sweet and her angel energy could really balance out yui's bitch energy you get me? hence why i raise you the even rarer rarepair of zamiyui bc zack is also a bitch at least to others you can't tell me no
non-ship: hmmge. HMMGE. CURIOUS ANON YOU'RE GONNA GET ME STONED FOR THIS but i'm gonna say quite a few ships actually so i might as well let the homies flame me sooner rather than later btw some of this might get a little nsfw!
gundaniel: i'm sorry but you can't tell me daniel would ever love gun romantically of his own volition. i only ship it as gun simping for daniel and daniel being terrified and disgusted / noncon / possibly dead dove ish with the broken bone and blood kind of gore combined with noncon
gungoo & jakemuel: they act like brothers. i thought they were brothers for the longest time i can't ship them romantically, sorry for the anon who asked me to write gun x goo and jake x samuel sheesh both of my non-ships!
jakejiho: idm jake but i HATE jiho with a burning passion. i love his bastardisation arc and it was really well written but 1) it took up too much of the main story imo like daniel literally wasn't the mc of lookism for that arc 2) his ending SUCKED. he just died like that and i think it was just like ??? why so sudden?? why he just end like that? haiyaa ptj-nim you already made him bad why not make him Worse and keep him in the story (and keep me fuming every other chapter /LOL jiho's the one guy i would hate irl more than gun bc he's so fucking pathetic istg)
vasco and jace: this is the one i'm gonna get flamed for more than anything but LOOK. vasco's neurodivergent aroace vibes are so strong to me and just. male friendship yk. they're platonic soulmates bc that's good too yk. they're more than besties but not lovers in that sense... not me hinting at my vascojace platonic soulmates agenda in hit and run with "jaeyeol and hyungseok have the special bestie telepathy like vasco and beomjae, but it's different for jaeyeol and hyungseok" as in romantic difference, and one of my readers immediately went omg yeah vascojace should totally get married and i was sobbing like NO THAT WASN'T WHAT I MEANT AT ALL
vinzack: i just can't see it. sorry. i believe in mira supremacy but that might be bc i'm gay and i would date mira if zack doesn't
phew that was a lot LMAO but it had to be said! once again thank you for the ask curious anon feel free to come back to ask more!
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vicea · 3 years
it's that time of the day again, thinking anon's daily dream and friends' love posthing hours!!!
no thoughts, just sapnap and dream's dynamic... to think all this started because baby sap and dream got teamed up for a game on a minecraft server. they've known each other for almost a decade, they've seen each other through everything. relationships, school, youtube, you name it, they were there for the other. sapnap saying he'll go wherever dream goes before he even made a name for himself on youtube with no doubt that his best friend would succeed. dream constantly raving about how talented sapnap is at minecraft and calling him brother at any milestone. dream saying that he thinks him and sapnap are platonic soulmates and them moving in together. them having designated days for this specific food and sapnap meeting dream's mom and her loving him as if he was her own son. drista liking sapnap and teases him like she would dream. sapnap talking to dream about their future and him being uncle nick to his kids and the fact that he thought of the future and seeing himself still at dream's side makes my heart warm :( there is no doubt in my head that they're brothers for life.
- thinking anon
lets fucking go dreamnap my beloved, oh my GOD how i adore these best friends with my entire fucking heart like lord their interactions together make me so happy because yes, they are the pinnacle of childhood ride-or-die best friends
dream just entering sapnap’s room and sitting criss-cross on his floor just to accompany him and talk to him just exudes their brother energy. sapnap wanting to eat with dream on their burger day will always get to me like... I think it’s really fucking sweet when people wait for their loved ones to sit down and eat with them. like that’s how much you love their company- when you want to share such a simple every day task with them... that’s so fucking wholesome 🥺 and when dream and sapnap watched boxing together and dream sending a text message to him to remind him... i love them so much gosh 
i also remember super fondly when sapnap was playing valorant on his alt stream, dream came in and then sapnap started showing off his gun skin collection. and then he was like “look this one is an axe, like a minecraft axe, you’d like that right?” and then he let dream pick out the skins for guns and IDK that moment itself also just POURS brother energy and makes me so fond of them...  
sapnap did his best to gain patches’ love and trust by leaving his door open so she can enter his room whenever, by feeding her despite her more or less complicated meal, how he always boasts about patches. and remember when sapnap was with karl for a week and he was like “i can’t wait to go home” (x) home being dream and patches. i just... it got me punching the fucking air in the best way possible. and connected to how you mentioned sapnap will become uncle nick to dream’s kids... they truly are a family already :’)
moreover, i remember they made these smoothies/sandwiches once over video call when they were younger and i was like aw, that’s sweet. but then - here’s the tear-jerker - them making mayo together present day with dream’s mom and dream sounding so fond about the whole thing and what he learned with sapnap like 🥺 (also pls supply us food pictures with your taco tuesdays and your burger days they sound so good)
i will never not wipe a tear whenever i’m reminded that sapnap said he’ll follow wherever dream goes. he trusts him so fucking much and respects him too and it’s mutual!! like dream is 100% so proud of sapnap and respects him just as much for everything he’s done (not just for his minecraft skills but for bringing home bank from the mrbeast event and the pokemon thing with karl) oh god and this (x) has happened more than once too. i love it when dream compliments sapnap it’s so sweet <3 and whenever sapnap is like “only dream is cool” or like “dream is so smart” (sapnap is dream’s number 1 hypeman you cannot convince me otherwise) like best friends supporting and praising each other you love to fucking see it !!
and sapnap takes every mf chance to promote roadtrip, like mans sings that song like it’s his fucking anthem and you know what?? it probably is at this point (rightfully so). he never fails to sing it at least once every stream (probably an exaggeration but tbh i feel like he actually has) and god i love him so much for that he supports dream so much at every given moment and unabashedly loves that song. i cannot wait for him to start singing mask.
oh my god i will never ever forget how sapnap and dream POPPED THE FUCK OFF in sky battle in their MCC11 together. like holy smokes their synergy in PvP is so unrivaled, dream also mentions how in sync they are. like dream’s health was low once and he asked for a heal (all of this was in a pressure situation with the barriers closing in and in the middle of a battle) and apparently sapnap immediately reacted and splashed him with an instant health pot. 
oh and in their manhunts, their battles are so intense... like sheesh the lava fight and the joust fight is truly Iconic !! dreamnap pvp battles are always so epic
some more brainrot: sapnap has seen the car dream mentions in roadtrip. sapnap has seen the warehouse for dream’s merch, also has every dream hoodie. sapnap also changed his own merch line over to dream as well. and sapnap has a miniature dream (dream’s youtooz i’m assuming) in the background (x).
in conclusion, dream and sapnap’s friendship is literally unrivaled, i love them to fucking death
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donotpercieveme123 · 2 years
Someone tagged me in a post about the founders as aro and hell it's about time I post my own headcannons! I think they're all some flavour of aro.
1. Mito (my beloved)
Aro (romance repulsed), and a lesbian. Her marriage to Hashirama was arranged (I like the reason behind why as it is in WASS, where whirlpools had to get rid of her because Princess wanted to lead and it upset their democratic political system basically). Girl boss lol! So yh I think she's a bit bitter, especially since she never wanted a husband or children. Tsunade mentions Hashirama but not her, I imagine she was a very emotionally distant figure in her children's life. But I think her and Hashi became friends, they were comfortable enough together at first, but with time she grew to resent him a little for all his empty promises and what happened to her home years after as a result. I think she's also best friends with Touka, and they have something of an affair, a fwb type situation. Everyone's cool with it.
2. Hashirama
Aro (but just indifferent, he'd be okay being with someone who is romantically interested in him as long as they accept that he won't be able to return those feelings). I actually think he's canonically aro. He never mentions his wife and the most important relationships to him are familial and friendships (the VotE scene yh, lovers are often top of the list of ppl who hold dearest and he doesn'tmention it, he never actually mentions his wife lol). Even into his adulthood he never really realises it though, especially since nobody's ever expected jt of him (Mito is literally a romance repulsed lesbian lol, and Madara is emotionally constipated). When he was younger, like early teens, he thought he was going to marry Madara just so he could have his best friend to himself, solidifying bonds and what not. He never even considered it as romantic though.
3. Madara
Demi romantic/ can't really tell the difference between romantic and platonic attraction. Spends his whole life thinking he's in love with Hashirama, playing out this tragic unrequited romeo and juliet story, when really he probably just wants to be prioritised. He'd marry him just to have him to himself lmao. He got so depressed and heartbroken over Hashirama marrying, thinking him and Mito were some love sick couple, completely taken with each other. Which not true at all. He resents her, but accepts it, especially since it's around the time he leaves the village. The whole time Mito is like, bitch I know ur eyeing up my husband, I DON'T WANT HIM, have him please, he's annoying. They'd actually really get along if they talked through it lol.
4. Tobirama
Yh just obviously he's aro (also romance repulsed, but in a more I literally don't care kind of way, get that shit away from me). He never marries, never has children, never wants to. He's devoted to his brother and the village and that's okay with him. He's secretly a little lonely though, I don't think the man had any friends. Maybe he knew Izuna well enough to think that if things had happened differently they might have been friends. They would have literally been platonic soulmates!
5. Izuna
I've already posted about this but yh he is REPULSED by romance, nothing turns him off or weirds him out faster. Having said that he is big on relationship anarchy. He likes to blur the lines with friends in terms of how he physically expresses his affection. Man has no boundaries lol. He also really wants a qpr (either completely platonic or fwb, and depending on if I characterise Tobirama as ace or not, he fills both of those). They're fucking intense lol. Like ur half of my soul and I hate and love u for that, I want to carve my mark into you, and rip our souls out and tie them together so we'll find each other in the next life. Fucking insane😂 They're both yandares about it though, they never really acknowledge it, and if anyone else points it out they'll gaslight the shit out of them. Like idk what ur talking about, all friends are like this. Unhinged.
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chronicowboy · 2 years
001 ghosts and 002 buddie !! 💖
001: ghosts
Favorite character: ahhhh um either captain or thomas
Least Favorite character: the fucking posh neighbor who calls his dog bitches
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): idk its not really a shippy show for me ?? but ig mikealison, captainhavers, robinjulian, kittymary and idk cant think of another lol
Character I find most attractive: thomas probably but thats leftover crush from horrible histories when i was a kid
Character I would marry: oof alison ??
Character I would be best friends with: the captain without a doubt we're already besties <3
a random thought: the reason the show is so good is because the actors write it themselves so they all know they're characters so well
An unpopular opinion: idk if i have any unpopular opinions ?? but i kinda think it would be cool if the show ends with mike seeing the ghosts somehow
My Canon OTP: mike and alison
My Non-canon OTP: the captain and happiness
Most Badass Character: thomas in the flashback to the moment when he died but the overdramatic one with the guns and grenade
Most Epic Villain: oh thomas' cousin?? the one who stole his gf that was like fucking evil but impressive ngl
Pairing I am not a fan of: idk if there are any?? oh fanny and the body of humphrey
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): um i cant think of one
Favourite Friendship: oof so many but the captain and kitty
Character I most identify with: probably thomas in a weird way
Character I wish I could be: alison maybe
002: buddie
When I started shipping them: i can give you an exact date on this which is 19/01/22 but mainly because that was when i watched s2e1 id probably shipped them by like proxy because of tas for ages
My thoughts: i mean i have so many but most of them just amount to incoherent rambling about how they're a family and they keep choosing each other and they're in LOVE and they deserve to be HAPPY
What makes me happy about them: the fact that they are the least platonic best friends in the history of best friends, like touching ur homie on the shoulder is no homo but touching ur homie on the shoulder as ur thumb presses into their collarbone whilst u tell them there's nobody else in the world they trust more with their kid than you is decidedly homo
What makes me sad about them: the fact that they can't see how much they're loved by the other and that their timing is always so wrong and they don't think they deserve to be happy
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: infantlizing chris or like erasing his disability, thats the main one but i have many specific icks that I'm not gonna get into
Things I look for in fanfic: oh so much, mutual pining YES PLEASE, load me up on the unrequited not actually unrequited love trope, give me a good old amnesia au and im yours, you want a kudos gimme gimme gimme idiots in love, domestic fluff is a yes please, but ill be here for some hurt/comfort
My wishlist: um give me a genie in a lamp and my three wishes are - eddie healing, eddie sexuality crisis, love confession
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: nobody. literally no one. they're soulmates, they built their lives together until they became one, there's literally no other choices for them.
My happily ever after for them: the ideal is them happily married for the rest of their lives and becoming girl dads and chris being the best big brother <3
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Hi. Hello. I've finally come to terms with the fact that I ship destiel AND wincest (is this a thing?? am I a fandom oddity?) and I'm so excited about being in the wincestie side of the fandom too now like thinking about Sam's feelings for Dean has always been one of my favorite things ever especially in the early seasons. Sam overthinks where Dean represses and I just KNOW he has spent so many sleepless nights growing up asking himself 'what the fuck is wrong with me', sneakily reading books on incest, trying to psychoanalyse their relationship and ultimately fleeing it because he was scared of figuring out what it could become. and then the series start and it's them against the world and Sam just. lets go of it all. sorry I know you guys have been here talking about this for 15 years but GOD does the preseries pre-slash hit (note: the appeal of wincest to me is that it will ALWAYS be pre-slash). Idk I just wanted to share my thoughts rn because I'm sat on my bed vibrating out of my skin like that's how powerful even a single wincest thought is when I'm not worried abt the destiel fans thinking I'm disgusting
It's the same new to wincest anon I'm sorry I'm having a whole crisis now thinking about middle aged domestic samdean and Dean casually calling Sam 'my husband' in front of strangers when Sam's not there because it has become so much simpler to explain than 'my brother'. the quiet acceptance of that in the second of slight hesitation before he says it for the first time. the soft smile that follows when the person he's talking to doesn't bat an eye and he knows that by their normal people standards they understand what Sam means to him a little more than if he had said brother.
hello dear anon!
multishipping is indeed a thing, welcome to the club where all the chill kids hang shipping whatever the hell they want and being really cool about other people shipping whatever the hell they want
and oh man, i so get vibrating out of your skin with wincest thoughts. right now i'm vibrating mostly for wangxian, but last year when i binged the whole series in something like 8 months (i haven't been here 15 years either) i vibrated myself onto a whole other plane of existence because of the weird brothers, they're just so argh and guh and hnnng with their codependence and twisted little ways of saying 'i love you' and their complete inability to deal with their emotions like functioning adults, i just can't with them. they're way too much
also i really get the appeal of pre-slash wincest, the pining, the guilt, the 'i know i shouldn't but i can't help thinking about it fuck i'm so sick'. it's delicious
also also domestic middle aged wincest and dean calling sam his husband because it's easier for others to understand, damn, that's like peak weirdcest/gencest, that wonderful liminal space they canonically (vibrating out of my skin at this thought) occupy, platonic life partners and brothers and soulmates and IT for each other, and still none of these categories are quite enough to explain the 'what the fuck is that' quality of their relationship
so yes. hi!
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theangryjikooker · 2 years
TAJ actually as a hard jikooker i always find their bond far from gay couple tendency, idk. They're just very close in my opinion, like soulmate-level-of-close. And maybe this closeness could lead them into something more than platonic someday in the future (like maybe at one point both of them cant seem to meet partner with their compatibility for each other and start to figure out their relationship into something romantic). But until then, until there's obvious evidence more than just them hanging out off-sched, I don't think they are a couple. That's why I said it's possible the members don't know to what extent their closeness might be, because maybe even jikook themself don't know, it's possible they themself still twirl in a brother-and-soulmate stuff and not open the possibility for them to be a couple. For right now i doubt they would want to settle down with each other, considering how homophobic koreans are in general, i feel like they're still looking for girls... (Tho it would be beautiful if things changed but that's just me)
Despite some problematic phrasing in your ask, you've basically just paraphrased what I've previously said.
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I feel like people dont appreciate platonic relationships as much as they do with romantic or familial ones.
whenever someone says "I want to spend the rest of my life with my best friend" they assume that it is their romantic partner. I genuinely want to stay with my best friends forever. I love them a lot and losing them would be just as devastating(or even more) than losing a romantic partner.
I think that they are absolutely amazing and wonderful and would make amazing romantic partners, but I dont want a relationship like that. I want to shit talk our neighbors over tea, I want to have silly little sleepovers when we're in our mid forties, I wanna be able to tell kids about all the crazy shit we did in our you and see them look at us in awe. I want to see them fall in love(if they want to), I want to celebrate with them when they finally get the job they want, I want to see them happy.
all my life I've been told not to expect that friendships are real and will last forever, yet those same people tell me that I will have a soulmate that will stay with me for the rest of my life. why cant friendships last a lifetime. my life would be so fulfilled if only I could be by their side.
my own mother has told me that no one will love me more than her as she is family. she says no one will ever sacrifice and listen and care as much as her and maybe some other family members. my mother is extremely emotionally neglectful. whenever I finally get the courage to open up about my problems I'm told that everything is my fault. she has NEVER offered actual proper support. she always figures out a way to somehow blame it on something I did. she says that when I'm older and in desperate need, no one will help me. I will be all alone and I'll lose everything if I dont have her or my brother. my brother is great and all but hes absolutely awful at comforting people as well. at least he doenst try to guilt trip me about it. if that's the most I can ever expect of people, my life would be oh so incredibly sad.
my current friends are first people that I've been able to fully trust in my life. they're the ones I came out to first. they're always so supportive and loving towards me. whenever one of us is upset or going through something, the other two band together to comfort the person in question.
for the first time in my life, I feel like I have a loving family. I dont feel alone anymore like I did for the majority of my life. I dont have to hide all of my emotions and pretend to be unbreakable because I'm scared of being rejected. if something makes me really happy/excited I can tell them any time I want.
idk if I'll regret writing this one day but I cant help it. I love them so much that I can't even put it into words. romance can be beautiful, but creating a new family with people who would've otherwise been total strangers is one of the greatest things about being alive.
this is a love letter to my friends, the only people that ever loved me back.
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