#they're rotting my brain your honor
skullsemi · 8 months
psst! more mortimer and gladstone?
anon thank you sou much even though I don't think you know what you're asking for but- If you insist
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wulleooo · 1 month
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Doodles i made instead of studying
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steve, throwing his head into billy's lap: tell me i'm pretty!
billy, lovingly stroking his hair: you're pretty fucking annoying, that's what you are.
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"Why didn't you stop me?" by Mitski
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almoststedytimetravel · 8 months
Thinking about the trio telling their spouses about their backstory and going hurng!!!! Odin telling Nyx his life story after he said her back story was much more dark and tragic than his... How does Nyx react to that? Like what is his standard for dark and tragic?
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Hello, I head cannon that Apollo affectionately calls Klavier “Nutter Butter”. Yes, like the cookies.
As a licensed Apollo kin, I just know these things.
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liketwoswansinbalance · 2 months
What if Evil Rhian and Evil Rafal interacted? Give me a good show, boys. 🍿
Expect violence and all-around ugliness.
Also, thanks for the prompt. This was a fun one!
Rafal: The one thing I can agree with Vulcan on is that we should've kept the name: The School for Evil and Good.
Rhian: What.
Rafal: You heard me. Clear as a death knell. Vulcan should've killed you while he had the chance. Instead I'm bedeviled by you, a foul nuisance spawned from "Vulcan's stithy."
[To clarify: In his Shakespearean insult, Rafal is now referencing the mythological, Roman god Vulcan, not Vulcan of Netherwood.]
Rhian: Well, you're a raging egomaniac, for someone who thinks himself the finest puppetmaster in the Woods despite being inadequate when set next to me.
Rafal: As if you're not one. And such language from the so-called Ever. Dean 'Headache' would blush.
Rhian: All right, let's say I descend to your wretched level, if only to vanquish you: you left me in the Doom Room, to rot!
Rafal: If you weren't a traitorous snake, I wouldn't have left you. Besides, you went behind my back to the Kingdom Council to frame me! To launch a war campaign against me without a jot of forewarning. I should have done worse while you were still vulnerable, hanging there, numb.
Rhian: And yet, I overheard you say to Midas that your aim was to take over all the Woods? What say you to that, devil brother? If I win and take over, I'll string you up by your vocal chords.
Rafal: [derisively] That's anatomically impossible. You're new at this, aren't you?
[Rhian lunges for Rafal, and they get into an all-out duel to the death, executing remarkable feats of arms, considering the pitiful weapons they're armed with.]
[During an intermission afterwards:]
[They are black and blue, battered and bruised all over, sustaining minor cuts, each gasping for his breath, and they are seated on chairs, beside one another.]
Rafal: I should've brought my poleaxe, or even a halberd, so I could fracture your skull properly. Strike out the brains and dash them on the floor. [shakes his head.] Would've been great fun to ram a longsword through your ribcage, too, had I brought it along. [He twists his letter opener around idly.] This meager, little thing isn't suited for thrusting; it barely did any damage.
Rhian: [nursing a long, open slice on his forearm] I think you did enough with that letter opener. [He sheathes his dagger.] Though, someone should've died, even if you failed to shear me in two. What gives. What's the matter with us?
Rafal: [glances over at the Storian] Looks like someone or some thing wants us alive to provide the entertainment. I'm not opposed to trying again though. Why don't we? I'd love to rip out your heart. It's not as if it's getting regular use anyway.
Rhian: And I wish to wreak the same harm upon you, with your tongue besides. I hate hearing that grating voice. So monotonous. You could be a punishment for others in Hell where you belong. Your lectures are torture enough.
Rafal: Well, you won't have to hear me much longer. Not that you ever listen. Your dismembered ears will make excellent trophies of war. I could have them plated with gold—gold on the outside, rot on the inside, just like your tainted soul. [He smiles to himself, satisfied, and then, fishes through his jacket pocket and finds a long piece of thread in a clump, trying to untie it, so he can use it to garrot Rhian, or at the very least, choke him effectively enough.]
Rhian: And I'm sure your bones would make a lovely tea set, once they're pulverized. [Rhian reaches over to clock Rafal upside the head with a book.]
Rafal: [leans out of reach, rolling his eyes] Child's play. [He shoves Rhian off his chair and that devolves into a second fistfight on the floor, more vicious than the first, in an all-out brawl as they forgo all dignity.]
Rhian: At least I have HONOR! [he bellows to stall Rafal, while attempting to summon his dragonfire.] I'll scorch you like I would a snowman!
Rafal: [raising his voice as he throttles Rhian in the neck, punctuating every sentence with a punch] You? Honor? You're the least honorable man I know. At least my Evil's out in the open, for all to see. Everyone knows I use underhanded means. Everyone knows I'm a two-faced backstabber. And they rightly take precaution and obey me. [spoken through his teeth with a clenched jaw.] My Evil's a publicly-acknowledged fact. Can't say the same about you, you who went to the Kingdom Council, who indelicately skirts around Ever customs despite claiming to be one. Which makes me the "honorable" one, by your twisted definition.
Rhian: How dare you— [as he rakes his nails across Rafal's face, drawing blood that clots immediately due to their self-healing, as per the original oath, leaving shallow, stinging wounds that knit themselves right up.] I will outlast you!
[Don't ask me how they can still heal despite breaking their oaths. The Storian derives sick entertainment from mindless repetition and senseless, brutish violence. That's why.]
[And, the Storian doesn't bother to write because this is a regular occurrence with two Evil twins—it's unworthy of a tale, infighting not balance. And so, the Pen just watches and waits and watches...]
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thirstykateyes · 1 year
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Listen, your honor, I just think they're neat 🥺👉👈
I got massive brain rot for these two and idk why, but now they won't leave my brain :,))
This is just a sketchy comic loosely based on a fic called Poison Apple by surveycorpsjean that's really spicy but it's got SUCH a good building of Tension (tm) and good writing!
Soap enjoyed being pressed up against Ghost a little too much 😳
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ghouljams · 1 year
HI i need to know what happens to Love after Ghost drags her out of the store please and thank you whehrhw 🥹👉👈
Uh, they're animals your honor. Something possessed me when i wrote this at like 1am last night... Lets have Ghost do a fun magic trick to make up for my brain rot.
Simon drags you out of Liebling's store with very little convincing. Hardly letting you loose before you're turning to kiss him. Pressing the length of your body against his as you grab his face and pull him down, all tongue and teeth and desperation. His hands grope over your ass, under your thighs, you hop to help him lift you and wrap your legs around him. The jingle of your keys just barely reaches you over the slide of his tongue against yours. You're pressed back against a wall as Simon does... something with your keys.
A lock clicks and the wall behind you swings open, letting you both tumble to the floor. Simon kicks the door shut behind him, his fingers trying to work around yours to get your fly open. Good, you'd hate to be the only one who needs this right now.
"Wicked, devious little thing," he murmurs between kisses, his teeth catch your lip and you taste blood. You haul him closer so he can run his tongue along the split and he groans against your lips. He hardly waits for you to squirm your pants down before his hand is sliding between your legs, fingers rubbing you through the fabric of your panties. "Fuck you are soaked," he really shouldn't sound so pleased with you, it might encourage you to do something like this again, "What are you thinking?"
"Want it to hurt," You mumble, grinding down against his fingers.
"Sweet girl," Simon warns, his fingers hook into your panties, claws slicing the fabric apart as his other hand slides his belt free and his pants down, "always know just what to say."
His thick cock splits you open in one maddeningly deep thrust. The drag of his veins against your tight gummy walls makes you arch into him, clenching against the intrusion. Simon swears and you whine. God he stretches you so good, shapes you to fit him and only him. The roll of his hips is fluid, shallow, keeping you full as you get used to the movement, to the burn.
You don't want to get used to it, you want that hungry power that Liebling had pulled, that desperate clawing aggression. You thread you fingers through Simon's hair, feel your heart flutter at his absolute trust when you pull his head to the side, and you bite him as hard as you can. His hips still, pressed flush against you, its your last warning before his hand closes around your throat and you're yanked off of him. He pins you down to the floor, his claws gouging the wood on either side of your neck. Eyes black, muscles trembling, you feel a very pleased rumbling in your chest at the red mark you've left on him, at the raw aggression in his gaze.
"You're forgetting your place, Love," Simon pulls nearly all the way out of you, and your brain reminds you in a panic that there's always a very real possibility he doesn't fuck you at all. He grabs your legs with his arm and pulls them to the side as he slams back into you so hard it almost hurts, the slap of his skin against yours sure to leave a mark.
God this is what you wanted, what you needed, he's been too gentle with you recently. Not now, now he fucks you without a thought for your comfort, keeping you pinned and twisted how he needs as you dig your fingers into the hand at your throat. He whispers absolute filth to you, "Such a greedy little slut, were you hoping for a show in the shop? Thinking about how badly you wanted my cock while you played your little trick?"
You nod and whine and beg for him. Barely able to think as he pounds that spongey sweet spot in your gushing cunt over and over again. Your skin prickles with sweat and your core burns hot from friction and need. Simon's palm presses against your throat, a solid physical connection, your tethers light up and he shudders pressing deep into you as he cums, dragging you down with him.
His thick seed fills you and you spasm on his cock, gasping his name as you arch your back. You can feel yourself clench around him, feel the way his shoulders tighten and his hips shudder. It might not be fair but you didn't want fair, you wanted this: rough and all magically natural. Your chest heaves as Simon releases his grip on your neck and all but collapses on top of you. Now that your head is clear, you recognize that light.
"Is this our flat?" You ask, staring at the ceiling, Simon presses his face more firmly against your throat, "How'd you do that?"
"Easy magic: you had a key, I made a door. Now shh, trying to forget seeing König hard."
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dizzybizz · 1 year
I need your Sampard headcanons, if you have none that’s cool ignore this ask, BUT IF YOU DO LEGALLY YOU HAVE TO SHARE THEM
anon- i don't think you know what you've signed up for with this ask
my headcanons are all incomprehensible to myself so o7
this is brain rot at its full saturation..........
gepard being honest to a fault and that flustering tf out of sampo..., , , , 🥺
like,, sampo will jokingly make a silly comment about gepard liking him and gepard will respond with something like "of course i do? why wouldn't i??"
it's a constant cycle: sampo joking -> gepard responding honestly -> sampo getting flustered -> it hits gepard after some confusion that it was in fact a joke -> and they're both useless and flustered together, absolute losers <3 -> repeat
anyone being genuine and nice to sampo would destroy him
he'd crumble
like- he'd collapse like a house of cards in a gust of wind
they're both touch starved and clingy but really awkward about it
"i need to cuddle so bad!! but i would sooner die than be the one to suggest it!!!!!!"
they get over it once they realize it's a mutual feeling
then it's just collapsing on eachother whenever
i kinda just want them to cry and have a breakdown together, cry and hug it out and just like talk
they both need a good cry,,, 🙏
gepard. yotasuke takahashi. just saying things that sound so romantic without so much as a glance at the other person,,, like:
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sampo asks serval to please talk to her brother about thinking before speaking, she leaves him on read
idk what to tell you, they're just losers
they're that "relationships should be 50/50, he cooks us dinner and i sit on the kitchen counter and look pretty" post
sampo entering the kitchen: what's cookin', good-lookin'
sampo gets gepard one of those "kiss the cook" aprons
they're the kind of couple where they're seeing eachother through a shoujo romance lens but to outsiders they're just so unbelievably unbearable
can't flirt to save their lives.
i really just imagine them to be the biggest losers together, they're made for eachother, they're pathetic, they're disasters
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gepard runs cold!! sampo can't stand it!!!
who's the big spoon and little spoon? yes
pet names? pet names.
sampo uses them obnoxiously and calls gepard everything he can come up with
darling, babe, baby, sweetie, cutie pie, angel, my little captain, hotstuff, handsome, my one and only, knight in shining armor, prince,,, etc
gepard just defaults to calling him honey or something
gepard names one of his plants koski
sampo is very honored
but also so worried, considering gepard's track record with the lifespan of his plants
he makes it his mission to keep koski alive
sampo loves pulling on gepard's cheeks
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redwinterroses · 1 year
Ren and Martyn and Dogwarts are so funny to me because on one level they're Super Dramatic and I Would Die For You, If You Only Ask It Of Me, but on another level they're giggling the whole time because it's so ridiculous and they know it, but on another (third, not so secret) level they can only get away with being so dramatic and laughing about it because there actually is a ridiculous amount of respect and trust there. Like. They're goofing off and playing knights in Minecraft, your honor, but also I'm pretty sure they'd both drop everything in an instant if they got a call from the other asking for help.
Anyway it's been actual years can they stop rotting my brain now
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thatmaxcontent · 29 days
East Blue Polycule, yeah? Let me headcanon-dump onto you, stranger who didn't ask for it!
They overall love one another equally (in their own unique ways), but they do have favorites (keep it a secret though 🤭🤫🫡).
Luffy doesn't favor anyone in particular, but he has the most fun with Usopp and the most 'emotional' (big quotes on that) times with Zoro.
Speaking of the Lettuce Demon, his favorite is obviously Luffy, I need not elaborate on this point. He was the first and he will be the last.
Sanji's favorites are Nami and Usopp, Nami in the more silly yet beloving sense. She'll often tease him for being such a simpy simp, but will happily give him some love every now and then. Usopp is constantly around, not just Sanji but the whole crew, and through that Nicotine Kicker kind of just got used to him being THE first one he'd go to (aside captainly stuff and such). They behave more like married folks who've been together for around 10 years most of the time, but this doesn't take away from Sanji's simpyness. Sanji simps for all his partners, but he only visibly does it with Nami and semi-visibly with Usopp. The other two are far more casual.
Nami's favorite is Vivi (surprise! I got this idea from another post, I don't remember the poster, but aaaugh I love it!!!), but out of the crew it's Usopp. Vivi and Nami are one-to-one, the blue gurl isn't dating anyone else. They keep in contact by constantly sending each other letters and SNÄILIN'!!! Usopp is Nami's crew-favorite because... well... they're besties. They bond over so much, and they're the most open in the relationship with one another (close second being Luffy and Zoro tied with Sanji and Usopp, followed by Luffy and Nami, ect ect).
Usopp's favorites are Nami (because of stated bonding) and Sanji (because of their incredible connection), but Luffy deserves an honorable mention as Usopp spends a lot of time and has a blast with him!! Sometimes they also take two-on-two time, rarely it can turn into a little bit of a quiet session, but usually they rave about future adventures and plans. Sometimes Luffy makes Usopp come up with a 'bedtime story', but it's just an excuse to see the sniper get so passionate and think about another adventure!
(This is also from that other poster, aaaaa thank you for infecting my brain with this incredible rot) Aside Vivi, Kaya is dating both Nami and Usopp! They rarely manage to talk, but when they do their sessions are long and if someone disturbs them it's game over for them!
Now onto the funsy headcanons!
Nami and Usopp browse magazines together on a daily basis (sometimes Robin joins them as the cool mother of the group), and they plan some cool and absolutely ✨️SLAY✨️ outfits none of them can ever wear.
Zoro and Sanji have a little bit of a play-competition going on constantly. They get genuinely pissed off by the other often times, but sometimes they make something a competition as an excuse to angrily make out against the kitchen wall (they definitely 'sword'fight about who tops)
Luffy doesn't completely process the relationship as a, well, romantic relationship. He's more in it for the good times, and because he loves the peeps! He's overall fine with more strictly romantically-viewed things, but sometimes he just doesn't want to. One second he will say "Zoro, crush me with your arms", the next he sees Franky and Robin (the cool parents) kissing and he goes "BLEUGH I'm going to need a shovel to transport this bullshit out of my mouth BLEHHHHHH"
Usopp is the most insecure and unstable in the relationship. He's very people-pleasery, while also trying to keep up a persona. If he ever emotionally talks it's usually to Nami, sometimes to Sanji within the relationship, but outside of it he confides in Franky (the awesome dadster) and Jinbe (the ultimately best grandpops). He tries to get better, but fails to realise how. He has fun with everyone, seeks to be around them at all times, but sometimes he can't help but disappear. If you don't see him at breakfast give him until lunch, at that point it's suitable to check-in. Who knows what the thoughts in his head have made him do.
Sanji has a dedicated notebook/ramblebook about each one of the peeps. Sometimes when he can't sleep, or someone just did something he found notable, he whips out a book and starts going "September 1st, 1989, dear diary-" oh shit, wrong fandom.
Zoro is the one that has to be dragged into things the most, he does go willingly as well but his solitude is important to him. This being said he usually doesn't mind Luffy or Usopp chilling around if he's laying back, sometimes they can ramble and do their own thing as well. A lot of the time it's just sitting and silently contemplating on things, with Usopp at least. If Luffy doesn't have stimulation for five seconds he'll gomu-gomu the ship.
Nami absolutely loves physical contact, but sometimes feels bad that she can't see her girlfriends and feel them around. In these cases she'll request some physical space until things have settled, but sometimes that can make her even more clingy. She usually seeks out Usopp, but will cling onto someone else if he isn't to be seen.
Luffy found a new appreciation for various relationship through the polycule. This also helped him think more healthily about his past, those who are gone and those who are alive. He's managed to settle some feelings, but a lot of experiences still hinder his head. He doesn't think about those things that much, and besides if he feels down he will quite literally start deflating. A quick munch of food, mention of stories or a good song will always cheer him right up.
Usopp actively leaves gifts for everyone around the ship (to the ones outside the relationship as well, but extra for the peeps). They're handmade, and they range from silly notes/drawings with cheesy jokes to actual equipment/tools and sometimes even clothing and jewelry.
I COULD GO ON FOR SO LONG, BUT IF YOU READ THIS FAR THANK YOU FOR BEING AN ENJOYER!!!! And drink some water, you're dehydrated you fucking amazing dewdrop angel baby
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thegreatbiattorney · 1 year
asoryuu is rotting my brain so hard rn. your honor im literally love them
playing through tgaa (mostly spoiler-free, i have an idea of what happens in general but have never watched a tgaa playthrough so dont know much) and i just now finished case 1 and Erm your honor they're gay. after like a tiny bit of dialogue the game opens with this shit
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i can't get over these motherfuckers my HEART is gonna EXPLODE
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sillysushi1 · 2 months
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Here's my Assassin's Creed OC with Altaïr! They have a whole lot of lore in my rotted brain, but for now let's just keep it to "THEY'RE IN LOVE YOUR HONOR LET THEM BE GAY" cause that is enough lol
(+ blurred background version)
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argisthebulwark · 11 months
Idk if you’re a bridgerton fan but I just binged the two season of the main series and now I can’t stop thinking about Miraak and LDB fake dating and enemies to lovers… the brain rot caused from thinking about Miraak telling LDB that they’re is no place on earth far enough away from them and that they are both the bane of his existence and the object of all his desires…
Haha enemies to lovers amiright :,D
oh god you're so right. I'm a big fan and actually just finished rewatching all of it and the queen charlotte series - the music is so perfect to get me in the mood to write something romantic. the yearning that all those actors are able to convey is astonishing.
the whole scene with Kate and Anthony telling each other to stop is so Miraak/LDB coded. both blaming the other for the attraction because they're bound to their own duties. can you imagine Miraak's deep voice saying some of those lines?? i would collapse.
if the Dragonborn wandered into a garden as stunning as that and saw Miraak, mask off and frustrated they'd probably lose it. if he got up in their face, demanding that they stop taunting him with their sheer presence, insisting that they exist only to torture him??
"I try to act with honor but every moment I am stuck in your presence the thread my honor hangs by grows more precarious. You are the bane of my unending existence and the object of all my desires. There is nowhere on Nirn you could go that would be far enough from me, from how badly I want you."
Or fake dating?? if they seem to absolutely detest one another but go through with a fake marriage because it's safer than facing the countless number of suitors hoping to use their powers for their own gain??
Miraak secluding himself to his libraries and offices claiming to have work to do. The Dragonborn attending to their own duties endlessly annoyed by the distance he forces between them. Trying to convince him that even if they do not love each other they should be allies. Being Dragonborn is lonely on its own but loneliness in marriage is more than they can bear.
"I cannot be your friend, Dragonborn. I cannot be your friend because when I look at you it causes me nothing but pain." "Looking at me pains you?" "Yes! That is what happens when one burns for someone who does not feel the same."
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
Hello, rotting again too many thoughts, too little of a brain. SR is chillin with the one of the boys and its golden hour (when the sun hits just right and makes you look <33) and sun is hitting her just right making her look all pretty. And she's just talking about how a tomato is a fruit or not, and she turns to look at them, and her eyes staring at them with the sun hitting her so prettily is just so intense. That suddenly, they are unable to answer her,; just stuttering, or unable to find the the will to form words at all(seeing flustered Giorno or Bruno who always is so suave now trying to speak but their toungue feels so useless, unable to form words, and now simply opening and closing their mouths like a fish, trying to save their pride) as SR's eyes slowly go softer from her previous excitement into more of a mellow confusion, asking them if something is wrong, even putting their hand on their head to see if they are sick. And most of the boys have never had this experience before, seeing someone so pretty that they can't even speak properly (we've all had those moments irl, ik I have) and they 're all red in the face and even the ears are red. (even better if they're not dating and the boys just flounder about, Narancia genuinely thinking it's a stand attack fighting for his life just to form a sentence, while Fungo and Abbachio just can't handle and look away or even walk away 💀Mista trying so hard to make a joke out of it, while beat red in the face ) End of rot rant, sorry if i'm sending in too much stuff.
you have nothing to apologize for omg,... these are beloved asks... i am cradling them gently in my hands ....
'And she's just talking about how a tomato is a fruit or not,' LMAO i love this it captures SR reader's energy so perfectly tyhjrtkmg
giorno would be sighing, resting his chin on his palm, feeling kinda bad for zoning out because he likes you to know you have his attention but. his brain stopped working properly. he can't think of anything especially dazzling to say, just that he sometimes struggles to believe you're real. bruno would be stuck in a similarly difficult predicament. you just make him feel so warm on the inside and in moments like this, it's almost too much. you make him feel human again. his responsibilities melt away, nothing aside from you registering. he could get drunk on the feeling.
fugo hits you with the legendary line 'stop... doing that. being... pretty.' shakespeare who? he screams into his pillow that night in embarrassment. it's amazing how you can turn such an intelligent man into a blubbering fool. he doesn't mind nearly as much as he lets on. abbacchio just getting up and walking away though PFF he'd be clutching his chest the second he left the room, trying to regain himself while your footsteps pad on over. you motivate him to get a physical again to make sure everything's working right in there. he's fine, though, just lovesick to a worrying degree. he has no idea how you do it.
narancia ... he's such a sweetheart... he already feels emotions so strongly, so this is messing him up. in a good way though. you'd have to reassure him that no, this isn't a stand attack (probably?), and that he's got to calm down. take some deep breaths. you'll think it's the cutest thing ever when he explains his reasoning. mista does a somewhat better job at playing it cool, since he always wants to give off this debonair vibe. chokes on his spit a little though and ruins the atmosphere. if pistols have been filched a snack recently, the little snitches will gather around to profess mista's innermost thoughts to you. apparently he's convinced a religion could be started in your honor.
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