#this ain’t marvel
hacked-wtsdz · 2 years
Bewildering to me that house of the dragon is disappointing people because the women of the show aren’t badass girlbosses who do whatever they can to get to the throne. If you want that, game of thrones is right there for you. Daenerys and Cersei and Sansa and Arya are all badass women, ruthless, ambitious and powerful. They have many scenes in the show in which they hold power: sack cities, avenge their families, break free of chains, acquire even more power. It’s all there, enjoy. House of the dragon is NOT about that, and I think that as soon as people grasp that concept, it will be much easier for them to either enjoy the show or stop watching it. Hotd is about familial cycles, the tragedy of losing your best friend to a patriarchal system, soulmates, existential rot, generational trauma and women feeling conflicted, confused, heartbroken, enraged, lonesome, feeling grief, longing, love, fury all of it about the same people. This is not a show about girlbossing your way through court life, to my great joy.
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underscoremoony · 7 days
Excuse me, what do you mean Spider-Man and Deadpool are “heartmates”????
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multifandominfj · 2 months
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Charlie Clapham, a British Actor of Romani descent WAS RIGHT THERE, and they just recycle RDJ?
Victor Von Doom is a Romani man with a background CENTERING around his family's persecution, with his ethnicity being at the forefront of his motivations and tragedies.
The fact they brought back RDJ as Iron Man fan service doesn't make me excited in the slighest for Avengers: Doomsday.
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aliitvodeson · 1 year
so Nick Fury made Director of SHIELD sometime between 1995 and 2008. He's a regular field agent in 1995, so personally I'd put it close to his interactions with Tony in 2008, but I'll split it in the middle and say 2002.
That means he's Director of SHIELD for roughly 12 years before he starts getting curious about what Pierce is doing, begins digging and Hydra attempts to kill him.
Meanwhile Peggy is Director/Founder/High Command from 1950ish to at least 1989, and she gets to retire, relax, and die peacefully in old age
So we don't even have to unpack all the Hydra scientists it's implied she recruited. Because how on EARTH did she run things for FOUR TIMES as long, and didn't see enough to make her question things??? While it was a SMALLER organization? She really didn't ask a single damn question that ticked Hydra off in fourty years? Not one?
Peggy Carter is either incompetent, or complicit.
the way I've seen multiple Peggy stans attack Nick Fury for not noticing faster- the racism is real
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keklordkaotic · 6 months
ok man . time to be evil again. I’m the ONLY ONE in your asks so i get to say what ever I wantttt. My evil question. How would you draw shockwave as a pony (YOU MUST!! YOU MUST NOW!!! YOU MUST DRAW IT!!!)
You didn’t specify the MLP art style this time. HA! Blessed day! I wasn’t satisfied with how my Bulkhead horse turned out. I had trouble with the stylization and I thought it turned out flat-looking.
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Anyway, here’s how. I made an attempt. Now send me more prompts. Please. I’m desperate.
Referencing this well-known cover art from the Marvel UK comics.
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cat-cosplay · 2 years
"Ain’t nothin’ like me, 'cept me."
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sun-snatcher · 16 days
I will never stop with these two
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Save your reasons all for later 
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mira-of-marvel · 2 months
hey Mira. I didn’t think you’d be on here
— @barnes-jamesbuchanan-official
oh—hey James- that’s funny I’d say the same for you. But apparently there are plenty of you on here anyway so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. How are you?
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crybabycunt · 1 year
Kate: You are… macaroni.
Yelena: Explain.
Kate: Makes me happy.
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yokai-girlie · 1 year
i wanna know what HER nexus event was! how did SHE end up in the TVA? because to me it looks like she’s just trying to mind her damn business and nobody is letting her 😭
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the-woman-upstairs · 7 months
Forget about the lore, what I wanted to see more of from Madame Web was that week Ben Parker (as portrayed by Adam Scott) spent looking after both his very pregnant sister-in-law AND three random, rambunctious teenage girls.
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age-of-moonknight · 7 months
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“Tigra,” Vengeance of the Moon Knight (Vol. 2/2024), #2.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Alessandro Cappuccio; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
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twilight-skies · 9 months
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sarcasstic-jpmvr · 9 months
Do you think that when the pilot of a show hits off really well the writers read the critics and they then sit together and just go
« ok, guys, now how do we alter all of our future episodes to emotionally torture our fans »
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