#this baby is a little too big for its own good I'm afraid
seyaryminamoto · 1 year
An ask about how you plotted Gladiator raised a good question. How do you keep track of it all? If you write notes, how do you organize them? How many Word files do you have? Or do you use another software?
Well... I can certainly say I've never needed as much backup material to keep up with a story as I have with this one, for obvious reasons X'D
Okay, I had a simple bullet-points list at first, probably started it around the time I was writing either arc 2 or finishing arc 1? At that point, keeping track of what I wanted to happen next wasn't so hard. But I turned this into what you could call a wishlist, haha, of ideas that I wanted to implement in the future, so I dumped those ideas there. Little by little I started articulating, organizing them, and that's kind of how Part 1's structure came to be. Whatever new idea I'd get, I'd add it to the bullet points list. Once I crafted the bulk of the story's outline for the first time, it was initially written there. As of this day... that particular document, which I don't rely on as much anymore, amounts to 3K words, 8 pages worth of very rough, very basic plotting.
But then more complicated arcs started happening. Stuff I REALLY needed to work out in proper detail because I wasn't sure I would be able to just remember whatever I wanted to do. Sometimes inspiration strikes like lighting: hits once and then it's gone and you're just left ambling about, half-blind, unsure of what the hell is going on :'D so I started writing similar bullet points lists that were more detailed structure for the more difficult arcs to plot. Pairs Tournament arc, I think, was the first one to receive this treatment. Fire Lord for a Week arc in Part 2 also had to be handled this way, same as the final arc of Part 2, and the Race, particularly since that one required extra choreographing on my part to get it right. In Part 3, I did this with the Taking Omashu arc as well. There are a few more bullet-point lists about some really important things that will matter in the future... but I can't talk about those yet :'D
Now then, past this: I have the a huge Excel document where I tried to keep track of the disaster ranking of the Superior Gladiator League. As much as Part 3 has been so difficult... not having to update the ranking is so goddamn nice about it :') This document had the ranking itself, the names + locations of all Superior League Arenas, the brackets for every Pairs Tournament we saw, it's also where I kept track of the Race's points... and there's also a very poorly crafted timeline in this document where I tried (and kind of failed) to figure out how many years had passed in the story and how old each character would be :'D as you might be able to tell, this particular document is... a mess. Big mess. I do not recommend looking at it. The timeline in particular is just completely irrelevant tbh...
Because I made a NEW timeline doc that keeps track of... everything. Kind of. Mostly? :'D
The new timeline doc was necessary and I honestly should have had it around from the start, but I spent AGES putting that one off because I have no sense :'D I think I started it in Part 2, REALLY late, as in, when Wan Shi Tong was writing down what Azula would say about her family. Then, Part 3 made this doc a much bigger necessity because I REALLY needed to keep track of... the obvious :') as in, Azula's pregnancy. Real pregnancies are tracked on a weekly basis. Hence... I had to start planning, plotting and strategizing my story by keeping in mind where, exactly, we would be in terms of Azula's pregnancy, CONSTANTLY. That sure switched up things for me :'D forced me to be a lot more organized than I usually want to be because wild freedom is kinda nice sometimes... but I couldn't keep doing that anymore. So! This timeline doc starts with the birth of Fire Lord Hizuo in the year -49, and it goes all the way to the events of year... 121! :'D I broke down the story events of each year in this doc, so if you want a bit of a rundown of what we've seen so far...
Year 104: Chapters 1 and 2
Year 106: Chapter 3 to approximately chapter 46
Year 107: Chapter 47 to chapter 114 (yeeeeah a lot of things happened that year :'D
Year 108: Chapter 115 to chapter 164
Year 109: Chapter 165 to chapter 200 (note that there was a preeetty big time skip of around 6 months between Hahn's Gambit arc and The Mad Alchemist arc).
Year 110: Chapter 201 to chapter 328 (okay now THIS was an eventful year, holy shit :'D and naturally it's the one I'm posting right now...)
Year 111: Chapter 329 to... ??? Still not done with the events of that year :'D so I dunno how many chapters it's going to be!
Things really changed since I started keeping track of events by month, even by weeks. I've tried to keep doing that since, even beyond writing Azula's pregnancy. It's a little annoying to be so thorough and to panic over miscalculating dates and such, but at the same time I think I feel more secure in my own crazy story this way.
Ah, and there we go. That's Gladiator's plotting documents, every single one of...
Yeah okay, that's not true.
Look. Sometimes you REALLY need to be thorough. Some things require WAY too much finesse. Sometimes you're telling two stories simultaneously. Sometimes you're telling THREE. Sometimes it's even MORE than that because you have flashbacks and multiple POVs of events in a battlefield. Sometimes you have to write huge battles between armies and you need to keep track of wtf you're doing. Sometimes you have to articulate events to make sure they match each other timeline-wise!
... At those times, you make a big document with a huge table, split in three columns.
Column 1 is the arc's name. Column 2 is Sokka's side of the story. Column 3 is Azula's side of the story.
... And sometimes that document ends up becoming as long as 122 pages.
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Yeah, uh, the document carrying the highly sensitive plans, detailing every single arc of Part 3 and how they work, how they connect, how long they'll be, what will happen in each of them (as well as which elements happened in which chapter, some of which ends up getting switched up, back and forth, depending on whether my writing lined up with the reality of my plotting or not...) is genuinely, uh... 122 pages long. 45K words. By my standards, that's about the length of 3 Gladiator chapters :'D
I had to be really thorough in that document. I was lost in regards of how I'd handle Part 3 for some time. Even if I had some ideas for it already, Sokka's side of the story used to be muuuuch clearer than Azula's. Once Rei showed up, plotting for Azula's side became soooo much easier to do... but the point is, Part 3 has been the most challenging aspect of plotting this story by far. I'm flexible enough with my plans, some things don't work or would work better at other times, and I simply adapt to it. But this document was 100% necessary to make sure I wouldn't get lost in the chaos of Part 3... so there it is :'D
Additional to this: I keep a version of Bill Mudron's ATLA map on direct access for easy reference whenever I want to make sure I'm not committing geographical crimes by making characters travel too fast, or to places that aren't even close to each other :'D it has been a huge element in my plotting and ensured I don't ATLA finale ANYTHING in the story since its earliest days. I also had to acquire a strange little resource, an educational app about space that features a projection/simulation of timezones! And that's how I've been keeping track of whether it's daytime or nighttime in Sokka or Azula's story, particularly useful whenever they connect to each other spiritually since it's very often nighttime for one and daytime for the other and these events should be happening simultaneously :'D
Oof, well. That's all I can think of atm to answer this question. There are always a lot of references you need as a writer, lots of places to keep track of your research, of your worldbuilding... it's chaotic but once you find a method to your madness, it can be fun, even! :D it still blows me away a little that my big full plotting document is 122 pages long, but it's been an undeniably useful asset all across these years.
So, in total, counting only my documents... I have about 10 different Word documents, 1 Excel spreadsheet with multiple sheets, probably around 8 different ones, 1 map, 1 cosmos education app. Making it around 13 resources to keep track of what I'm doing in this huge chaotic story :'D
... 11, come to think of it. I have one hilarious document that's basically me arguing with myself over some big plot changes I did to Part 3 as a whole when I started writing the first spiritual connection and it became EXTREMELY obvious that Azula wasn't letting Sokka go without telling him she was pregnant :'D yep, that wasn't part of the OG plan because I, as usual, underestimated my girl. By the time I got there she was like "I'm going to do it and you can't stop me with your PLOT" and I had to go back to the drawing board for a LOT of rearranging the plot, to figure out how it would work, what to do with it... document is literally called "BETWEEN A ROCK AND A HARD PLACE.doc" simply because I was terrified that change would alter the plotted story way more than I could handle. After my bickering with myself in that doc, it all started making a little more sense :'D
Alright, I think that's that XD
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michelle-is-writing · 6 months
Doubt, Spencer Reid
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Word Count: 1k~
I've noticed Spencer avoiding me lately and looking rather sad. He doesn't reject me when I give him attention, but its almost as if he never returns the favor. I commonly see him reading a book for a few minutes before losing focus or interest in the work of literature and putting it down with a sigh. It's unusual for Spencer to lose interest in something so quickly, and it's strange for Spencer to not talk to me as much as he usually would.
After returning from a day of work at the BAU, Spencer does what he usually does and places his bag beside the door along with his shoes before stripping off his coat and hanging it up. Walking over to me, he plops down on the couch beside me and plops his head beside my legs. Happy to see him, I smile at down him, moving my hand to lightly drag my finger across his cheek. He doesn't smile at this, but he doesn't pull away from my touch either. This is my moment to ask him.
"Spence, baby," I say his name, causing him to glance up at me. "Are you okay?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. "You haven't been your usual self, and I'm kind of worried."
Staring up at me, Spencer stays quiet for several seconds before sighing and answering me. "I'm okay, yes," he answers, sitting up. "I've just... I've just had a few things on my mind lately," With his back facing me, I move closer to him before wrapping my arms around him and pulling him into me, his head laying back on my shoulder.
"Then tell me," I say to him, leaning over and kissing his cheek. "Tell me what's on your mind."
Spencer shakes his head in a way that says he doesn't think it's a big deal; we've been dating for so long that we know what each other's movements mean. I know when he purses his lips and shakes his head that he doesn't think something is a big deal. I also know that when Spencer's eyes stare straight ahead instead of meeting mine that he's afraid to tell me something, or he's a bit hesitant in what he's about to say. Even though he's doing all of these, I don't stop asking him until he finally sighs and begins to speak, his voice low.
"I'm not good enough for you," Spencer tells me, making me a little confused. "I can't do a lot of things with you like travel or take you on planned dates without stupid work cutting in," he sighs, closing his eyes. "Besides, I'm never home with you for more than two or three days. Not to mention I'm socially awkward and I sometimes don't know what to say... sometimes, all I can think about is how you're too good for me, and you deserve someone so, so much better."
After hearing his confession, I don't know what to say. I wait a few moments to respond as I slowly process through everything Spence just admitted. I never knew he thought this way, but now it all makes sense. The way he's avoided me for the past few days... the way he constantly apologizes for silly mistakes even though it's not that big of a deal... it all pieces together now.
"I wish you wouldn't say such lies," I finally answer him, placing my hand on the side of his face. Turning him toward me, I push my lips against his, smiling as he kisses back before pulling me into his lap and close to his chest. It's moments like these that I live for, that I dream about. I crave these moments day and night, and when they happen, nothing around me matters. All that matters is my lips on Spencer's, and his heart beating against my own.
Pulling away from the kiss, I rub my thumb against his cheek before finishing my sentence. "But you're all that I've ever wanted in my life," I continue, sighing blissfully while tears come to my eyes. "And if I'm being honest, you're perfect for me. I know that sounds selfish, but-"
Before I can keep on, Spencer's lips reattach themselves to mine again before his hands find their way into my hair. With Spencer finally making the move to kiss me after what feels like forever, I tearfully smile and wrap my arms around his neck, linking my hands together. Soon, we're both lying down on the couch with my body beneath Spencer's own perfect body.
Pulling away to breathe, Spencer smiles softly and sweetly at me, the entire room lighting up as he does so. "You're perfect for me too," He confesses, his voice gentle and calm. "I can't live without you. If you'll have me, I-I'd like to marry you one day," Spencer further concludes, making my eyes widen as everything around me comes to a halt.
"Are you asking me to marry you?" I ask, staring up at him with wide eyes. In response, Spencer gently smiles and nods.
"I don't want it to seem like this is a split-second decision I'll regret later because it isn't, and I know I'll never regret this," He begins, taking my hand in his. "But this feels so right. When thinking about being with you for the rest of my life, I thought maybe you wouldn't want me, but now... it just seems like the perfect moment to do this,"
Leaning back down, Spencer's lips hover over mine as he continues, my full name falling from his lips as I smile with tears in my eyes once again. "If you'll let me, I'd like to make you (Y/n) (M/n) Reid instead," he confesses, smiling. "The only thing I'd ever want to change about you is your last name," his comment makes me giggle before leaning up and attaching my lips to his, holding him closer once more.
"Yes, Spencer," I answer him, pulling back to stare into his beautiful hazelnut orbs. "A million times yes," I add, placing my hands on the sides of his face before kissing him again, my fingers running against the light stubble of his cheeks as his hands find their way to my waist. Once again, my lips are on Spencer's, and our hearts are beating against each other's, although this time, it feels as if our heartbeats are one in the same.
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roosterforme · 9 months
Always Ever Only You Part 23 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley realizes there's some good news and some bad news. The good news is he's deeply in love with his wife who likes to be adventurous in the bedroom. And the bad news from the mechanic? He'd actually rather not mention that to you.
Warnings: Swearing, smut, anal play, anal sex, fluff, mentions of mission details
Length: 5200 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order. Always Ever Only You masterlist. Gorgeous banner by @mak-32
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"Bradley! What did you do?!"
Your shitty little car's center console was loose, propped up by Bradley's booted foot like it was on a hinge. If he moved his foot up, the whole thing went with it. "I didn't do anything," he replied, removing his foot and letting the large piece of your car interior settle back down like he was completely innocent here. 
You reached up from his lap and moved the console with your hands, and you gasped at the result. "You destroyed it!" Then you lifted it up higher and turned back to him with flashing eyes. "I can see the ground through the gigantic hole in my car!"
He winced. If you were upset when your car ended up in the shop last year while he was using it, you'd almost certainly be even more pissed off because of this. "I'll take it to my mechanic on Monday. He fixed it for you last time."
You nodded with some uncertainty, but you wrapped him up in your arms and kissed him. "Yeah... he fixed it last time. I'm just happy you're home. I made Marry Me Rooster and birthday cake for you." Bradley was practically panting at the feel of your fingers pushing back through his hair again. "And we can relax all day tomorrow." 
For the first time in a week, he felt calm and sated. The adrenaline rush had finally worn off a bit, and right now he was exhausted. It was nearly midnight. His birthday was almost over. But if you wanted him to eat dinner and have cake with you at one in the morning, he would. 
"Let's go home," he whispered. With one more kiss, you opened the back door and climbed off of his lap. When Bradley went to follow suit, he hit his head on the door frame and nearly landed on his face. "Fuck," he grunted, rubbing the top of his head. Great. Your car was poised and ready for revenge. He was going to offer to drive just in case there was something truly wrong with the thing, but he was a little afraid. He asked anyway. "You want me to drive?"
You just gave him a look. "I think you've done enough, Roo. And even though I love you, my car does not."
"That's fair." He kissed your forehead and yawned as he walked around to the passenger side. The engine started up for you without any issue, but it took you and him both pulling on the shifter to get it into reverse. And then your car made a horrible loud noise as you backed out of the parking spot. 
Bradley had a very bad feeling about this.
It took you twice as long to get home as it should have. Your car sounded like it was begging for mercy every time you so much as tapped the gas pedal. It was a strage, loud whirring sound, and Bradley was looking at you with big, innocent baby cow eyes. 
There was a gap between the center console and the floor of your car, and you wondered how on earth he managed to push on it hard enough to rip it clean off like that. It was almost comical. You husband was huge, and he'd apparently put all of his size into fucking you just right. 
You laughed as you pulled into the driveway next to the Bronco. "So you're not too mad?" he asked quietly as he helped you push the shifter again.
"I'm not mad," you promised. "Your mechanic can fix it next week. We'll just need to share the one car until then."
Bradley leaned in to kiss you and said, "I will take care of it, Sweetheart." 
Once you made it to the front door, his lips were all over your neck as you tried to unlock it. He was being sweet and soft now even though you were sure he could tell you were flustered with need again. Even the rough fabric of his duffel rubbing against your leg was almost too much. "I love you," he murmured against your earlobe as you finally pushed the door open. But you could tell he was tired, and you weren't the only one who was excited to see him. 
Tramp came bounding out onto the porch, whimpering and whining as Bradley knelt and got his face licked. "Yeah, I missed you, too," he told the dog as he carried him inside. "Did you have fun with mommy?" Tramp kept running to his leash and begging, but Bradley said, "I'm not taking you for a walk in the middle of the night. We can go tomorrow."
"Are you hungry?" you asked, feeling a little silly for getting yourself so excited to feed your husband when it was so late. But you made a huge batch of Marry Me Rooster, and of course he insisted he wanted his birthday meal. 
"I'm always hungry for this and for you," he said, pulling you onto his lap at the dining room table. He took a bite of chicken and grunted softly, and you leaned in to kiss along his cheekbone as he chewed. He had dark circles under his eyes, and you knew he was going to need to rest tomorrow.
"You want to tell me about your super secret special mission?" you asked him while he ate. He took a few more bites and set his fork down with a sigh before he answered. 
His voice was careful as he said, "I really can't say much, even to you."
Your eyebrows shot up and your hands shook a little as you played with his hair. "Was it successful?"
"Yes," he replied immediately, which took the chill out of your body. "We had to... aid in hostage retrieval."
"Oh my god," you whispered, wrapping your arms around his chest and snuggling against him. You knew better than to ask for any more details than that. If the stakes were that high, no wonder he came back a bit of a needy mess. You could just imagine him on the aircraft carrier after completing his flight, adrenaline thrumming through his body. You rubbed your hand along his side as he finished the rest of the food on his plate.
"Thanks for my birthday dinner."
You smiled at him. "I'm just happy you're home. Do you want to save the cake and your present for tomorrow?"
"Please." His voice was soft, and his eyes closed against the feel of your fingers. You led him to the bedroom, taking the time to dig his toothbrush out of his duffle so he could get ready for bed. His new notebook was in there as well, and you flipped through it to see that he'd filled about a third of it up with his writing. But you could save that for later. 
You pulled your dress over your head and tossed it in the hamper as Bradley walked back into the bedroom from the bathroom. "Ready for bed?" you asked, standing there completely naked. He just examined every inch of you, his eyes taking you in. It never really occurred to you to be self conscious around him, and when he brought his hand up to rub his cock through his boxer briefs, your lips parted on a soft sound. 
He slowly raised his left hand which was hanging at his side, and as soon as he pointed at the bed, you were in it. Bradley stepped out of his underwear and left them in the middle of the floor, his hand wrapped around his cock as he climbed right on top of you. "Yeah?" he rasped with a grin. You supposed even through his exhaustion, he still had a little left in the tank for you, and you couldn't help but smile up at him. 
"Yes." You spread your legs wide, and he buried himself inside you, uncaring that he'd filled you up barely two hours ago and left you a mess. He was doing it again, and he was doing it oh so well.  
"Missed you," he whispered, the snap of his hips making you moan. "Missed our bed and your body and your pretty face." You watched as he took his silicone ring off and tossed it aside while he fucked you. Then his lips dipped down to your breasts before they found his wedding band where it rested against the front of your neck on your chain. 
He fucked you until he came, kissing and licking the ring, bucking his cum deeper inside you with his eyes closed. You rolled him onto his back and sat up with him still buried deep. He was all soft smiles and comically boneless limbs beneath you as he stroked your thighs. "Can I have my ring?"
You reached for the clasp of your chain and slid it past your pretty charms. Then you secured your necklace once more before reaching for his left hand. You slipped it on his finger and kissed him there as he caressed your cheek. But his eyes were already closed, and he was sound asleep by the time you went to the bathroom to get cleaned up.
When Bradley opened his eyes, his stomach was growling so loudly, he thought that might have been what woke him up. He was so damn comfortable, finally back in his own bedroom. "Baby Girl?" he rasped, wanting to just go back to sleep, but needing you with him. 
Then he noticed the absolutely delicious smell coming from the kitchen and groaned. His stomach was growling so much, it hurt as he climbed out of bed and stretched. He found you a moment later cooking pancakes and bacon while sipping some coffee in his old UVA shirt. Tramp was on the floor begging his little heart out. When you saw Bradley you smiled, and he wrapped himself around you from behind, enveloping you in his arms. He could tell you were still fresh from your shower, and Bradley couldn't get enough.
"Are you hungry?" you whispered as he kissed along your neck. 
"Starving," he replied, stomach growling loudly. "And I missed you in bed."
You rubbed yourself back gently against his naked body as you said, "You can rest and eat all day today. We've got nothing planned. I thought I'd feed you breakfast and let you take a long shower and then a nap."
He sighed next to your ear, feeling completely relaxed. This was all he really needed right now. You and he had worked on every little detail of your marriage until you were on the same page about what was important. The successful completion of Operation Loophole had him feeling pretty good about going back to base tomorrow. But today, the only thing he wanted was you. 
You sat perched on his thigh as you finished your coffee while he ate. "What did I miss here while I was gone?"
"Just Jake almost fucking things up completely," you replied, biting into a piece of toast. "Oh, and I'm trying to get Bob to move in with Maria."
"The fuck?" he asked with a laugh. "As in, Bob would move into your old bedroom?"
"Sweetheart. Your old bedroom? We did some fucking  nasty stuff in there together."
You erupted into laughter. "He doesn't need to know that."
Bradley looked at you like you had two heads. "I'm sure he already does."
"Poor Bob." You kissed his cheek and whispered, "Do you want some birthday cake for dessert?"
"I get dessert after breakfast?" he asked, somehow perking up even more over this perfect homecoming.
"You get whatever you want for your thirty seventh birthday," you replied as you stood and headed for the kitchen, letting Bradley see a peek of your gorgeous ass beneath his shirt. And in that instant, it was the only thing he wanted. He groaned and let his head tip back. 
"Fuck." His heart was beating a little faster as he thought about tasting you there, touching you and fucking you there. You'd let him put his mouth anywhere he wanted last year on his birthday, and during your honeymoon, he'd enjoyed that particular part of your body again. But his cock was twitching, and now he was kind of mad you'd just proverbially offered up anything his horny heart desired. Because he was going to have to ask you for it. 
There was no way you didn't notice he was half hard when you walked back in holding a confetti cake with your other hand behind your back. "Oh. My favorite. Thanks." His voice was bland as you set it down in front of him before pulling a lemon cake from behind your back. 
"I was just messing with you with the confetti cake," you said with a laugh, bouncing back into the kitchen again. This time Bradley landed a little smack on your ass that left you giggling and looking at him over your shoulder in surprise. "I said the confetti cake was a joke, Roo," you told him with a wink.
This time when you came back, you had one single birthday candle and a lighter along with two forks. As you stuck the candle in the lemon cake and lit it, he asked, "Are you going to sing to me?"
"Of course," you whispered, kissing his cheek before settling on his thigh, your hip grazing his cock. Then you proceeded to wrap your arms around his neck, licking and kissing along his scars as you sang to him like you were Marilyn Monroe and he was JFK. You were giggling and enjoying yourself, and it shouldn't have been as hot as it was, but Bradley hoisted you up to straddle both of his legs as you finished singing.
You gave him a little squeak as you settled against his cock, and he got his mouth on yours right away. He ran his hand up under your shirt to where your Rooster tattoo was and caressed you there, but he was cupping your ass with his other hand. "Roo," you moaned into his mouth as he teased both of your holes. "You're still all keyed up, Daddy?"
"A little," he told you, surprised to find that he was again. He blew out his birthday candle which had burned almost all the way down, while he kept his fingers on you. 
"You want your cake or your present?" you asked softly. 
"Aren't you my present?" 
You smirked. "I got you something else, too."
"I want it."
When you climbed off his lap, Bradley reached for you, but you were already walking toward the bedroom. "Take a shower, Roo. I'll get it ready for you."
So Bradley stood under the stream of water, first cold and then hot. He was afraid to touch himself too much, because he really needed you. And his curiosity was piqued. What did you get for him? And why did you need to get it ready? 
Oh. He had asked you for another calendar. Another sexy pinup calendar featuring you, you and you. "Shit," he grunted, running his hands through his hair to make sure all the conditioner was out before turning off the water. He barely dried himself off before charging back into the bedroom. He was about to call for you when you popped up behind him and put your hands over his eyes. 
"Close them," you commanded. "And no peeking."  
"I wouldn't dream of it," he replied, going slightly crazy at your touch. You let go of his face, and he kept his eyes closed as you guided him by his shoulders until he was pretty sure he was standing in the bedroom doorway looking out into the hallway. Then you placed something in his hands.
He heard you cackle as you let go of him and said, "Okay, you can open your eyes and unwrap your gift, but don't turn around. 
Bradley had the pretty red and yellow wrapping paper off in a flash, and it fell near his feet as he moaned. He read the cover out loud. "The Bronco and Baby Girl." Oh fuck. He'd never make it through this thing. 
"Okay, now open it to January," you called out from behind him. He did, and it was a photo of you laying on the hood of the Bronco in the red bikini from the honeymoon. "Do you like it?"
"I fucking love it," he promised, his eyes roaming the high quality photograph. You looked like a real model, there was no doubt about that. "It's stunning."
You laughed and said, "Now look at February." He flipped the page and moaned at the sight of you sitting in the driver's seat wearing your skimpy red lingerie. "Now tell me which month you like better."
He flipped back and forth between the two before ultimately saying, "February. And it's a fucking shame it doesn't have thirty one days, honestly."
Your laughter filled the room and made him smile as he looked at March. You were wearing his aviators and little else. "You still like February?"
"Shit. I might like March the best now."
"How about April?" you asked, and Bradley was having a lot of fun with this game. 
"Oh, that's nice," he remarked at the photo of you bent over his tailgate. He was currently having an existential crisis over your ass, and this wasn't helping. 
"Why don't you keep going until you get to your favorite one, and then you can turn around."
"Alright," Bradley said, clearing his throat as he turned to May, which was one of you wearing the little dress you had on when you picked him up last night. You were laying on the backseat, and your tits looked like they were going to come free from the fabric. 
But when he turned to June, you were topless. You were sitting in the back on the tailgate with your hands tucked behind your head wearing nothing but the shortest denim cutoffs he'd ever seen. You were facing the side with your upper body turned toward the camera. Your back was arched, your tits were jutting out, and your nipples were hard. The photo also somehow captured the perfect shape of your ass, and it was quite possibly the hottest thing he'd ever seen in his life. 
"June," he announced. "It's June, Baby Girl. It's my favorite one." And when he turned around, you were on the bed posed exactly like you were in the calendar, but you were smirking. Because you knew him. You knew he'd stop on June. You knew he'd fucking short circuit over that particular one. And now it was right in front of him in real life. 
He tossed his calendar carefully onto the dresser as he inched forward, looking at you in those denim shorts at every angle as you bit your lip. "I knew you'd pick June," you whispered, and he leaned in to kiss your shoulder. Then he ran his palm down along your spine until his hand was on your ass. 
"You know me so well," he rasped, climbing onto the bed with you. "Thanks for my calendar." He licked your right nipple before pulling your left one between his lips and sucking gently. You whined his name, and your hands were immediately in his hair. 
"You're welcome," you gasped your hips rolling as he cupped your pussy gently through your shorts. He worked the button open and unzipped them as he kissed his way up to your neck, and you asked him, "Any special requests, birthday boy?"
But you knew. Somehow you fucking knew. You got on your hands and knees facing the headboard and wiggled your ass at him until he pulled your shorts down and helped you out of them. And then that was it. You were bare for him. He ran his hands up your soft thighs and up along your butt. He kissed you all over before he got on his knees and leaned his body over yours until his lips were right next to your ear.
"I do have a request."
He felt you shiver as he bucked involuntarily against your core. "Tell me." 
You turned your head to look at him. His voice was a harsh whisper. "I want your ass, Baby Girl."
You moaned and rolled your hips back against him, nearly sending him through the roof. "What do you want to do?"
He kissed your cheek and tried to take a deep breath. "I want to do anything that you want to do. And if you don't want to do anything, then that's fine, too." He was panting as he kissed along your shoulder and your back, unable to stop himself from pressing against you over and over.
"Do you want to fuck me in the ass, Roo?" you asked so sweetly, he thought he was going to black out. "Because if so, you need to get the lube from the nightstand. And you need to go very slow. And you need to stop if I tell you it hurts."
"Holy fucking hell," he groaned, wrapping his arms around you and caressing your tits and your belly. "Yeah?"
He practically fell off the bed in his excitement. Other than using your toys, you and he had never done this together or separately, but he was ready to go. You didn't even look hesitant as you folded your arms on the pillow and let your head come to rest as you spread your legs a little wider. "It's like your birthday tradition now," you said with a little laugh as he dug around for the lube. 
"Wonder what you'll let me have next year," he asked, kissing your lips before climbing back on the bed with the small tube. He needed to calm down, so he angled himself to get at your pussy with his mouth from behind. Within seconds, he had you gasping for him, and his mustache was soaking wet. He licked you up and down, swirling his tongue around one hole before slowly dragging it to the other. Your hips were held firmly in his hands as you rolled back against him for more pressure, crying out when you let you have it only on his terms. 
"Bradley!" you whined. 
"Shh," he whispered, licking along your pussy with a grin. "On your birthday, you can have whatever you want."
You were going to be tight. Even as he painted you up with your own wetness, and worked the tip of his thumb into your asshole, watching the stretch with fascination as you groaned his name, he could tell. He grunted as he flipped open the lube and coated his cock with it, never taking his lips off you.
"I'm so close," you moaned, pressing yourself back against his mouth as he played with your clit. And when you eventually came for him, he brought his slick hand up and worked his thumb a little deeper this time. 
"Do you want me to stop?" he asked, kissing your lower back and pausing. 
"No. Keep going."
It took Bradley a while even though you were relaxed from your orgasm. It didn't hurt, but you needed him to go slow so you could be sure of this new sensation. First his thumb. Then his cock. 
"Oh my god," you whined, your eyes squeezed shut at just how full you were. You could feel the cool drizzle of lube hitting your body before your husband's hands returned to your hips in the gentlest caress. The stretch was almost too much as he moaned and whispered your name behind you over and over again. "Go slow," you reminded him when his thrusts started coming faster, and he took care of everything you needed.
Bradley's words were becoming unintelligible. He said something about his birthday before he told you he loved you. The soft glide from the extra lubrication was aided as you flattened your back out, and then Bradley gasped, "It feels so good. Too fucking good."
When he pushed a little deeper, you grunted, ready to tell him that was far enough. But you didn't need to worry. You could feel him slowly easing back out of you until that foreign feeling of being filled to the brim eased up and then vanished. Bradley yanked your body up so you were standing on your knees in front of him. His sweaty forehead came to rest on your shoulder as he panted and vigorously jerked off, his hand working along his cock between your body and his. 
"Sweetheart," he moaned as he coated up your back and butt with his cum. "Fuck. Fuck!" He felt him run his hand through the sticky mess before he wrapped his big arms around to the front of you.
"Did you like that?"
He took a few deep breaths before his lips and mustache were tickling your ear. "I love everything we do together. I love you."
You felt warm all over from his words and his body, and he held you tight for a long time just like that as he caught his breath. 
"I didn't hurt you, did I?" he asked, slipping off the bed and pulling you carefully with him. You didn't feel sore, exactly. You were just more aware of everything as you moved slowly. 
"No," you promised, shaking your head at him. He helped you pull on his UVA shirt before he carried you back to the kitchen. "I'm just a little tired. You wear me out more than my toys do."
He laughed as he set you down and took the leftover Marry Me Rooster out of the refrigerator. "I feel like your butt is for special occasions?"
Now you were laughing. "Like your birthday?" 
"Yeah. Like my birthday. Now let's eat together and have my cake and take a bath. Then maybe you can replicate the rest of the calendar photo poses for me to see in person?"
"Oh. You really liked that."
"I really liked that."
Bradley held you against his chest in the bathtub. It was late now, and the bathroom was lit by one single candle in the darkness as he sang to you. He was relaxed, soothed by the feel of your hand on his thigh, and when you turned and smiled up at him, he kissed you. 
"Don't forget, my parents are coming in a few days."
He'd already forgotten. The special mission and then coming home to you had clouded his brain and made him a little shortsighted, but not in a bad way. He loved your parents. "Right," he said with a nod. "Sounds good."
"And we'll have to leave earlier tomorrow morning so you can follow me to the mechanic."
He'd forgotten about that, too. Fuck. Your car was your favorite possession. Bradley truly did not understand the appeal, but you'd had the stupid thing forever. "Sure," he grunted, already nervous again. You nuzzled his cheek and then stood in front of him, and he leaned in to kiss along your ass while you giggled. 
Today had been perfect. Last night, too. Other than breaking your car, Bradley was just happy to be home. It didn't really matter to him that you'd given him a little birthday celebration and agreed to try something new in bed, being with you was the most important thing. You and he had spent a lot of time apart over the past year and a half, and he was hoping that the successful mission might help shape the trajectory of his career to make things a little easier in that regard. Especially if you did get pregnant on your own, or if a conversation about alternative options took place in the future.
Bradley eventually fell asleep with you draped across his chest. He read to you from his new notebook, but he skipped the pages about his dream where you were pregnant. It felt like too much for tonight. He turned the light off, and your hand found his tattoo like it was a magnet for you. Even though he was exhausted, his mind was swirling as he tried to fall asleep. 
Monday morning was a rush to get out of the house on time, and when you started your little piece of shit car on the driveway, it made such a distressing sound, Bradley almost insisted you get it towed instead. But you backed it out onto the road, and he followed you to his mechanic. 
"I'm scared," you told him when you dropped the keys off at the front desk. "It sounds really sick this time." He had to kiss away the crease along your brow.
"Let's just play it by ear," he told you, taking your hand and leading you back to the Bronco. He patted your ass in your uniform pants as you climbed in, and he buckled your seatbelt. "How are you feeling today anyway?" he asked with a smirk that you kissed off his face. 
"If you're referring to my butt, I'm a little sore," you told him, running your fingers along his scars. "But I'll be interested in the next special occasion." He climbed in with you and gave you sloppy kisses as you laughed. "Roo! We'll be late for work. I have a meeting with Bickel at nine."
"Aww, you can be late. Just tell him we were talking about your ass."
"Bradley," you snorted. "I will not."
He kissed you one more time before climbing off of you and closing the door. The drive to base was short, and you held his hand the whole way. He had to keep turning the radio volume up as you sang along badly, but you just kept getting louder with it. 
"You're a nightmare," he informed you when he parked and killed the engine. "And god, I fucking love you so much." The way you kissed him made him want to put the key back in the ignition and drive you home to bed. Your hand was just about on his cock in his khakis when you pulled away. 
"Gotta run!" He watched you stroll off toward the side entrance, waving at him coyly over your shoulder as he adjusted himself and headed for the locker room. 
Bradley's day was going great. He was happy to see Nat, and he was looking forward to having lunch with you if you could get away from your lab. But when he checked his phone around noon as he walked to the cafeteria, he had a new voicemail from the mechanic. He could see you in line for your burrito bowl as you chatted with Bob. He could practically hear you laughing as he played the message and cringed.
"Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw, give me a call back. The car is totaled."
Oop. I can see the tears flowing already. Fix this, Bradley. Parents are visiting soon. So many things are happening soon. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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roseofdarknessblog · 10 months
Little miracle (Postwar!Levi Ackerman x Reader)
Word count: 2 674
Disclaimer: english is not my first language, I apologize in advance for any mistakes
Summary: Three years after the Rumbling, you and Levi finally get the chance to grow your little family.
This story can be read on its own or as a part of my little post-war series: Learn to live again
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Little miracle
Sitting on a little stack of wooden crates, you were watching as your husband gave out sweets to all the kids in the refugee camp. The happiness on their cute little faces made your heart melt over and over again. And even though you couldn't see Levi's face, it was more than obvious that he enjoyed doing this. After all, he always had a soft spot for kids, since the very first day when you got to know him back in the Underground.
„Not feeling up to anything?“ Yelena asked, when she walked past you, carrying a crate with a couple of toys in her hands. They were from a toy store, that was right next to your and Levi's tea shop back home. „I don't see you helping us at all today.“
„Yeah, sorry. I'm not feeling my best,“ you said to her, running a hand through your hair. „I just didn't want Levi to come alone.“
She rolled her eyes at you with a small smirk on her lips. „Always looking out for each other no matter what.“
„That's what married couples do,“ you reminded her with a chuckle, proudly showing off your wedding band. „No, look... I'm sorry I'm so useless today. I don't know what's wrong.“
You lied.
For a few days now, you knew what was wrong and what was making you feel sick every single day. Or rather who was making you feel like this – the baby, that was growing inside your womb. The baby only you and Falco knew about. You didn't tell him but when he randomly found you throwing up three days in a row, while he and Gabi were helping you out in the tea shop, he put two and two together.
It was truly a miracle, that you were able to keep your pregnancy hidden from Levi. Or maybe if he suspected something, he was waiting for you to tell him. Not that you were afraid to tell him, you just didn't know how to do it. It was something very special and you wanted Levi to remember such an important day in the best way possible.
„Are you sure everything is okay?“ Yelena asked, her big eyes observing you closely.
You nodded, putting on your best smile. „I'm okay, just didn't get much sleep last night.“
„Oh, the Captain kept you up?“ she teased you, looking over at Levi for a moment.
„Even if he did, it's none of your business,“ you tried brushing her off and got to your feet, adjusting your skirt. „I'll go help you, okay?“ Leaning down, you picked up one of the crates and followed her. When you walked past Levi, you flashed him a loving smile, reassuring him that everything was perfectly fine.
It was... until you found yourself behind one of the tents half an hour later, bent over and puking your guts out. The so-called morning sickness was bothering you more and more every day. On top of that, you felt extremely tired and dizzy almost constantly. Just yesterday, you almost fell over in the tea shop, when you got lightheaded while returning from the kitchen in the back. Fortunately, Levi didn't see anything. He was too busy talking to one of the customers.
Sighing, you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand and tried to catch your breath once again. Only then you noticed two of the kids staring at you, one of them eating a lollipop he got from your husband. You gave them both the sweetest smile possible at that moment and walked away as if nothing happened. After you had some water you found Yelena with Onyankopon again, and joined them, taking care of everything important for the next hour or so.
„Hey, are you holding up okay?“ Levi asked as soon as you were done talking to two little girls, who stopped you to tell you how much they liked your skirt. „You didn't look too good this morning, I just didn't want to argue.“
„I'm fine, yeah. The weather is really nice today, isn't it?“ you asked with a smile, trying to hide the once again growing nausea. „It's good that we came here. The kids looked happy and that's what matters the most.“
The day was really nice, the sun was shining and summer was just around the corner. Even if summer wasn't your favorite season, you loved the warm weather since it always helped Levi with his chronic pain. Meanwhile, the cold usually made him feel much worse, mainly when it came to his left knee.
„It was nice but I can't wait to be back home,“ he sighed quietly. „Are we going to open the tea shop for at least a couple of hours?“
„I don't think anything catastrophic is going to happen, if we stay closed today,“ you said and came closer, reaching for one of his hands. Since nobody was really around, Levi didn't hesitate – he wrapped his fingers around your wrist and pulled you closer to him, making you sit on his lap. „We'll have a nice romantic evening. No work, only love.“
He smirked, resting his back a little better in his wheelchair. Three years after the Rumbling and he still needed to use it daily. When he felt good enough to do it, he was able to walk short distances. Mainly around the tea shop. But for the most time, he wasn't able to rely on his injured knee – not even after multiple surgeries or rounds of physical therapy.
But as years passed by, Levi's outlook on his life started to change. From hating the way his body changed, to slowly accepting the new life he and you got the chance to live. It took a lot of time, energy, and tears, but after three years, both of you were finally feeling... good, content, and satisfied. Everything was like it was supposed to be. As painful as it was, the lives of your fallen friends brought you a safe and bright future.
„What's going on with you?“ Levi asked, wrapping his arms around your waist.
You shrugged and brushed a few strands of hair from his forehead. „What do you mean? I'm fine.“
„You're not.“
With a smirk, you kissed his forehead. Keeping anything from him wasn't even a little bit easy. And maybe it was truly unnecessary. Making a big fuss of this whole thing. This time of your life was supposed to be the most beautiful, not full of stress about every little thing. You wanted to truly enjoy this time – something you never thought you would be able to experience.
Having kids was off the table while you and Levi were in the Survey Corps. Years back, you had a pregnancy scare, but it all turned out well, fortunately. Since then, the two of you didn't seriously talk about having children. Not really even after the Rumbling. With Levi's health issues and all the major changes in your life, there was simply no energy left to think about starting a family.
Despite that, you agreed that you're not going to try to prevent a pregnancy. If it happened, you would simply have a child together. However, months and then years went by without you getting pregnant. Not even once did you suspect anything. So when this little miracle happened, the two of you weren't really trying for a baby. But it looked like fate knew what your marriage was missing.
„Are you going to tell me or should I ask?“ he raised his brows, giving you probably the last chance to say what was on your mind.
„I guess you already know,“ you sighed, resting your head on top of his. The sun was brightly shining down on the refugee camp all around you, the light wind making the hot air a little bit more bearable. „Don't you?“
„I have my suspicions, yes,“ he nodded, gently caressing your side. You were feeling more and more nervous as each second passed, suddenly not being sure how he was going to react. „Your period always makes you pretty damn sick for the first two or three days, each and every month. And it's been around seven weeks since I last saw you in such a state,“ he said in a calm tone, not wanting to make you even more anxious about the whole situation.
„I wanted to tell you, just didn't know how. It's such an important moment in our lives and I wanted to make it special for you.“
„So I'm right? We're expecting a baby?“ he asked directly, not giving you another chance to change the topic of the conversation. „I'm going to be a father?“
„If everything goes well...“ you shrugged, giving him a hopeful smile. „Then yes, you're going to be a father in a couple of months.“ It was hard to tell what Levi was thinking or feeling at that very moment. His expression was almost impossible to read. His good eye was fixed on your face, his lips pressed into a thin line. „I'm not sure how it happened after so much time. To be honest, I stopped thinking that we would ever have kids. After more than three years...“ You shook your head, a smile making its way onto your lips.
„Guess it simply wasn't the right time until now. And our bodies knew it,“ Levi said, his fingers playing with the ends of your hair. „How long did you know?“
You opened your mouth to speak, but suddenly Onyankopon showed up, calling on the two of you. He seemed a little shocked at first when he saw you sitting on Levi's lap, but he quickly managed a smile. It was apparently time to say goodbye to the people in the camp and return home. This wasn't your first time doing something like this, but leaving never got easier. You wanted to help these people much more, mainly to all the kids running around.
In a way, they reminded you of all the kids from the Underground back on Paradis. Since you grew up there as well, you sometimes wondered what happened to that place and to all the people living there. Did they finally have a better life? After the Walls were torn down, when the Titans inside them started moving at the beginning of the Rumbling, you were sure many things changed.
While Armin and the others went back there for peace talks with Queen Historia, you and Levi stayed behind. It was... better, in a way. Leaving all the political work to the younger generation. Maybe it sounded selfish to some, but you simply had no need to get involved with the new military regime on Paradis. Their problems were no longer yours.
Not after everything that happened during and after the Rumbling.
Not after being called traitors just because you decided to kill Eren and stop the madness he unleashed upon the world.
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It was already late evening when you came back home. After dinner with Onyankopon and Yelena, you finally closed the door of your little ground-floor apartment, sighing exhaustedly.
„Finally...“ you said and sat down on the little stool by the door. Being on your feet throughout most parts of the day made you as tired as ODM gear training used to be back in the day. And you had only your pregnancy to blame. „I'm so tired.“
„It was a long day,“ Levi said and wheeled himself a bit closer to take your hands in his. „And we still have an important talk to finish.“
You nodded, interlocking your fingers. Being so tired suddenly left no room for feelings of anxiety or nervousness. You knew this moment was coming, it was inevitable to have this talk about your future. And the sooner it happened the better. You kept stealing glances at him during dinner, but his expression didn't show anything. Your friends had no way of knowing something was going on.
„Are you mad that I didn't tell you earlier?“ you asked Levi, looking at him in the dim light of the little entryway. The scars on his face healed more than nicely throughout the years. Now they were barely visible. Or they maybe seemed like that because Levi's face changed in different ways as well – slowly, but the signature dark circles under his eyes started disappearing since he was sleeping much more and better than ever before. Sometimes when you looked at him, he almost seemed younger than ever.
Levi shook his head, his thumb running over your wedding band. „I have no right to be mad. It's our kid, but it's your body.“
„It is but... you know...“ Finding the right words was suddenly way too hard. Your whole body was suddenly overflowing with so many different emotions. „These past three years... I knew you wanted a baby. And I wanted to give you one... at least one. But you know that it simply wasn't happening, I wasn't getting pregnant even if we never did anything to prevent it and...“
„Hey, hey, hey! Shhh, don't panic. Take a deep breath,“ he encouraged you, his thumbs slowly rubbing your knuckles. Focusing on the soft expression on his face, you took a couple of deep breaths to calm down a little. „I hoped we would one day have a child together. Not really when we were still in the Survey Corps, but after we settled down here. But that doesn't mean I wasn't happy with just you by my side.“ Levi talked slowly to make sure you were able to follow his thoughts.
„We're so not ready for this, Levi. But I don't think we'll ever be.“ You laughed nervously and leaned closer to plant a soft kiss on his lips. „You'll be the most amazing dad ever. I'm more than sure,“ you whispered into his lips, kissing him once more.
„Guess I'll learn,“ he smirked, placing one of his hands on the back of your head to keep you close. „And you will too. We'll manage.“
„It probably won't be harder than killing Titans.“
Hearing him chuckle was a very nice end to this day. You thought about a moment like this many times before – about telling Levi that your little family will soon have a new addition. And now it was reality. You were talking about a baby that was already growing inside you.
„Aren't we too old for this?“ Levi suddenly asked, kissing your forehead. His lips were still very slightly curled upwards.
„Probably not if we managed to actually make a baby,“ you giggled and slowly got up, standing in front of Levi. His right hand, which was missing two fingers, gently rested on your lower abdomen.
Your body didn't look any different yet, it was still way too early. And maybe because of that your pregnancy didn't seem real to you. Perhaps later, after your belly will grow a little or after you will feel the baby move for the first time. But for now, you still felt like your old self, just more tired and nauseous.
„Falco knows, right?“ Levi asked suddenly, his thumb very gently stroking your stomach, while he was looking up at you. „Either that or he did something and doesn't want me to find out.“
„He knows, but not from me. I didn't tell him, he figured it out himself after seeing me throw up so many times when they were last here.“ Levi nodded, his face still showing signs of amusement. „But he's the only one and he swore not to tell Gabi.“
„Good. I don't think anybody needs to know for now.“ You nodded, putting your hand over Levi's, which was still gently resting on your stomach.
It was more than obvious that he needed this baby. He needed to be a father. After so many horrific events that took place in his and your life, you both needed something so pure and innocent.
Something so precious.
A true miracle.
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miguelhugger2099 · 8 months
Oh I love your writing so much! Ur really feeding us so much Miguel fic thank you for ur service 🫶❤️❤️❤️.
I'm just thinking about reader take Miguel to meet their mom and seeing Miguel n her bond with each other and maybe talk shit about his mom( I need Miguel to have a better mom like he deserve😭🙏🙏)
First Meeting
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bro its so hard to find a gif of this man NOT frowning or beating miles up 😭 BUT thank u sm <3 hehe i try to feed yall and im glad im doing an okay job i love serving my community🫡 I really loved this request a little breather from smut lol but i hope i did okay! as always, i can write something different if you're not happy with it :'3
Miguel x Reader, Fluffy, A bit of angst, Word Count: 1,950
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Miguel clutched your hand in his left hand, while his right gripped a small wrapped gift tightly. His eyes were glued to the front door and feet planted on the wooden floorboard of your mothers porch. He had stopped you just before ringing the doorbell by tugging on your hand. “Wait,” He breathed out. “Are…are we sure it’s today? Are you sure this gift is enough for her? Maybe I should’ve brought food instead…” He murmurs with a worried knit of his eyebrows making his stress lines appear deeper. You sigh through your nose with a soft smile. “You have nothing to worry about. Yes, it’s today and yes the gift is enough. My mom makes too much food anyway so it’s probably best if we didn’t have more.” You chuckle softly and cup his cheek. The warmth of your hand makes his eyes slip off the door and down towards your face. His eyes had softened but they still held worry in them. You knew about his own past, how he didn’t really have a positive parental role model–much less a mother. So, you believed all this worry came from the trauma of what she had done to him and now, he’s trying to seek the approval of another mom. He wants to be good enough and you’re one hundred percent sure he is. “She’ll love you.” You whisper gently, as if the idea itself would spook him. He sucks in a sharp breath and looks off to the side. “But what if she doesn’t?” He asks, looking down at the pretty red bow around the small box in his hand.
“She will,” You assure him. “You are so easy to love, Miggy. I know you’re afraid and that this is a big step for us, but just trust me.” Your thumb caresses his cheekbone. “I do trust you.” He mumbles and looks back down at you. “Good. Then you have nothing to worry about.” You lean up to kiss him and he meets you halfway, pecking your lips in a sweet and quick kiss. You pull away and smile up at him, his cheeks tinged a light hue of red at his vulnerability with you; he was still getting used to it. “Ready?” You ask him. He squeezes your hand tightly in his. “Yeah.” You squeeze his hand in return and then press the little button of your mothers doorbell. You hear the ringing from inside and you two wait patiently until your mom arrives. Miguel’s leg shakes nervously, his finger tapping the box. The door opens and Miguel stiffens into a straight posture. Your mother greets you two with a warm smile and a small cry of joy. “Oh my baby!” She yanks the open wide open and ushers you both inside. “Come in! Come in! It must be freezing!” You giggle and tug Miguel with you with him bending slightly so as to not bump his head coming in.
She turns to Miguel with a big smile after closing the door behind you. “And you must be Miguel! They’ve told me so much about you!” Miguel smiled wearily, unsure and a little terrified with how…welcoming she had been already. He pushes it aside and lets go of your hand to hold the box in his left hand to give your mother his right for a handshake. “Yes, Miguel O’Hara. It’s a pleasure to meet you, señora.” Your mother takes his hand and shakes it, her other hand on her cheek as she coos up at Miguel. “Oh, what a gentleman! Come, let me take your coat.” She holds out her hands as both you and Miguel slip your coats off your backs. Miguel shakes his head and politely declines. “Thank you but it’s alright. I can do it myself.” Your mother sputters and scoffs, waving away his concerns with her hand. “Nonsense! I insist. You’re in my home so you are a guest! Don’t be too gentlemanly.” She jokes at the end, taking his and your coat despite your protests. Miguel takes it harder than you, worrying that she might think he’s lazy and forcing her to be so kind but you loop your arm around his. “She’s like this. She likes doing this and I’ve tried to stop her.” You shrug with a knowing smile. “Don’t worry.” You remind him and kiss his cheek. “Well don’t just stand there! Dinner is just about done.” You hear her call from the kitchen. Miguel fiddles with the box, tossing it from hand to hand. “I’m gonna head to the bathroom really quick.” You tell Miguel, feeling him freeze subtly. You slip your arm from him and he stands awkwardly in the living room.
Miguel swallows the lump in his throat and sets the gift down by the table. He then walks over to the kitchen where your mom is and sees her collecting plates for all three of you. He walks beside her and taps her shoulder to not scare her, underestimating his giant footsteps. “I can help.” He shrinks his size as much as he can to not look as gigantic next to your mother. She brightens up at him. “Oh, you don’t have to but thank you.” She pats his muscular bicep.
“I know I don't, but I'd like to. You've done so much work tonight making a delicious dinner.” He says softly, taking two plates for you and him.
“Of course. I wanted to make a good impression on the man who captured my baby's heart. Especially when they're a real piece of work.” She tuts playfully, shaking her head and laughing to herself.
Miguel chuckles along with her, taking a spoon and scooping out some white rice for his plate. “They're not that bad.” He defends you with a small grin.
Your mother hoots out a laugh. “You weren't there in their teenage years!” She jams her own spoon into the rice cooker to scoop her own desired amount. “I love my children to death but oh, I could've used a break when they were fourteen. So many phases I couldn't keep up. I'm sure your own mother thought the same.”
Miguel smiles to himself, wondering and wishing he could've seen you during those years. He wonders if you two would have clicked. He thinks back to his own days as a teen. They weren't as nice as yours.
He remembers holding his baby brother rightly to his chest as his parents were fighting, making sure his ears were covered. He remembers the fights he had gotten into with his own mother and how he was always compared to his little brother. Everyday in that house was a screaming match–either with Miguel or between his parents.
He sighs heavily, the weight of the past pressing against his ribs. Your mother notices it instantly, growing worried she might have set something off.
You exit the bathroom after washing your hands and approach the kitchen after hearing their conversation. You stop and wait by the wall behind them when you hear Miguel talking again.
“Yeah, uh, my mother and I weren't really close so I wouldn't know.” He chuckles dryly, picking up some tongs and grabbing a bowl of pasta for you. He hopes he hasn't made it awkward.
Your mother stops making her plate and instead looks up at him with an expression he can't decipher. “Did you know her?” She asks.
Miguel nods, shrugging his shoulders up. “Yes, yeah, I did. She was–I just wasn't her favorite, is all.” He puts it lightly.
She juts her bottom lip out in a deep frown and huffs, already getting an idea of how his own mother treated him. “‘Favorites.’” She scoffs. “What bullshit. If you're a good parent, then there are no favorites.”
Miguel blinks at her sudden cursing before letting out a soft laugh. “I could've been better.” He says, feeling defensive strangely enough by blaming his mothers abuse on himself. “I mean she didn't go as far as hitting me yet but–”
Your mother loudly cuts through a large piece of steak, the pan slightly squeaking from the force of her knife moving to rip apart the meat. She mutters under her breath, anger simmering under her skin.
“I know I said teenage years were rough but none of that is ever your fault. Physical or not.” She picks up the slab of steak with a fork and places it on Miguel's plate. She knew he was a big eater via you.
“You were just a boy and anything that woman did to you doesn't deserve a moment of your thoughts.” She says firmly. “And if that woman is out of your life–is she out of your life?” She points a knife at him.
Miguel nods. “For the most part, yes ma'am.” 
The older woman tsks and returns back to Miguel's plate, picking up a tomato and slices thin pieces for him. “Well, if she ever comes back and pisses you off, you come straight here. You don't need all that negativity sucking out your happiness.”
Miguel smiles as your mother works, feeling warm that he has a home to lean back on. “Si, señora.”
“You come here with them too because they don't visit me often.” She nudges Miguel with her elbow, talking shit about you playfully.
You lift off the wall with a smirk, deciding now was the time to intervene. “I see you two have reached the stage of talking behind my back.” You pipe up, reaching between them to grab a slice of cucumber. Your mother smacks your hand, chitting you for touching the bowl. You laugh and feel Miguel take the hand your mother hit and he kisses the same spot with a teasing smile. You feel your heart flutter and look away shyly.
Your mother pretends not to notice and tries to reach for your plate but you take it before she can. “Alright, c'mon. Time to eat. I know this monumental man is hungry.” Your mother ushers all three of you back to the dining table.
She stops when she sees the small gift-wrapped box on the table. She picks it up curiously. “Is this yours?” She asked Miguel.
He nods and sits next to you after setting his plate down. “Well, it's really for you. I brought something for you.”
The woman sits right across from you two and lets out a small “aww”. 
“You shouldn't have.” She places it to the side. “Oh and we're about to eat.” She laughs, unsure of whether to open the gift or ignore it for food.
“Please, open it. Or don't. Whatever you like.” Miguel chuckles.
She opens the small gift anyway and inside is a simple yet elegant set of earrings and a necklace. Your mother gasps softly, placing a hand over her chest. “Oh, Miguel…” She murmurs, feeling touched that this young man had done everything for her approval when she loved him the moment you talked so fondly of him.  She looks up at him and his hopeful expression. Despite his stress lines and big muscular frame, her mother instincts saw a little boy with big brown eyes. She cups his cheek and pats it gently. “It’s beautiful.” Miguel smiles in relief, letting out a sigh he didn’t realize he was holding. In that moment, he wouldn’t mind this being his new family with you. He glances at you after your mom begins to pull the necklace out and you beam up at him. “I told you.” You whisper with a scrunch of your nose, teasing him. He chuckles and squeezes your hand. “I guess so.” He murmurs with an adoring look, kissing your temple.
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A/N: i love making miguel cute and nervous i feel like we don't get to see that side often <3
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poppy-metal · 9 months
aaaa poppy going crazy bc stepsibling jordan who's older than u and just thinks you're so cute!! and is unbearably mean to you becuase of it teases you for being so sweet and oblivious :( makes fun of your girly little room and your pretty little outfits :( teases you for walking around in your tiny little sleep shorts nd how nervous u get when its just the two of u home alone. im afraid i cant take it
naur bc they intimidate you so bad. you dont know if they genuinely hate you, because they're always picking on you. you can't help but want their attention, even when its the two of you bickering it makes you buzz inside because their focus is on you. and oh, you can't help the way your heart pulses whenever those dark eyes land on you - zero in on you.
and we're you're all alone in that big house... a part of you is excited, like buzzing. you subconsciously dress cuter, because you've seen the kind of people jordan hooks up with, know they like feminine women and dumb himbos - you're not a himbo, but well, you put on your pinkest socks - your most delicate pjs. little bows in your hair. loiter outside your room in the kitchen, living room, just for the hopes of running into them.
when you do, its when they come back from the gym, nylon shorts hung low on their hips, tank dotted with sweat. you're sitting at the kitchen counter top, spoon dipped into your strawberry yogurt and you just kinda.... take them in. they yank open the fridge and guzzle half a water bottle down in one sip, and its almost pornogrpahic the way some spare water drips down their throat.
in masc!form you can see the way the tank clings to their chest and abs. the corded muscle in their arms. the tattoos running down their skin - gotten to piss off their dad after marrying your mother - and you're just a girl.
"parents are out." you say softly, looking down at your yogurt.
their eyes fix on you and that flush you always get around them starts in your cheeks, warms down to your belly. they finish off the water bottle, crush it in their hands. they approach the island, rest their forearms on it - jesus they're so big - your eyes dart to the silver chain that dangles around their neck. half silver chain, half pearls.
"you sound excited about that," they note. "you plannin an epic rager I should know about?"
you shake your head, giggling a little. "i dont think i even know enough people to throw a party. plus, i dont wanna anger your father - hes scary."
jordan rolls their eyes. "hes a pussy."
"do what you want - he wont give a shit. you're the good girl." the way jordan says it, with a hint of resentment, deflates you a little.
"I'm not that good."
one dark brow raises. "oh yeah?"
you figet. push your spoon around the cup. "well, i haven't done bad things, like-"
"like me?"
"no!" quick to reassure. "i mean in general things that are viewed as bad. partying, drugs, alcohol, except for that one time i accidently took a sip of my moms spiked eggnog during christmas-"
jordans lips fold together like they're holding in a smile, but a little dimple peeks out. these little things you dont notice, too flustered with your own overexplaining.
"- but besides that one time, i haven't done anything but. but im not good - i mean, what is good anyway? cause a person can do all these good things and then still be a bad person with the way they think, you know."
teeth dig into jordans bottom lip as they appraise you. its clear you're embarrassed at having spoke so much. you dont realize how fucking cute you are, and that makes them want to mess with you. a little. alot. they rest their hip on the island, looking down at you.
"you have bad thoughts, baby sis?"
there goes that face flush again. "well, not evil ones."
lips quirk to the side, they tilt their head at you like you're an interesting puppy playing a trick for them. "uh huh." they hum. "what kind are they then? spiteful? bitchy? or..." they shift then, voice changing half way through their talking. "are you a little fuckin' perv up there?"
if they could frame your face they would. squirming in place. shifting in your seat, eyes darting away quickly. basically all the confirmation they need.
unbidden, the thought of you in your bed, hand between your legs, rubbing that little clit furiously to fantasies running through your head hits them and they have to swallow. fuck. they imagine your skin flushing, grinding your hips because you cant hit the spot right, frustrated. would you give upn teary eyed? or would you roll over and hump your pillow. what kind of sounds do you make? quiet and soft? throaty? they think there'd be alot of whimpers. their eyes trace down your skimpy sleep shirt. god, yeah. they could make you whimper. it'd be so fucking easy. you'd let them too. the way you're constantly looking at them with those big eyes of yours, vying for their attention. makes them want to squash you under their thumb. and make you cum.
"n-no!" you try to defend. "i just meant I'm not a goody two shoes!"
"sure you're not." they totally think that's bullshit. "wanna prove it?"
you blink at them. "prove it?"
their tongue darts out, licks their bottom lip. they feel their cunt throb in their boxers. they're kinda no better than a dog. panting at the fucking bit to get you alone all the sudden. they've thought about it before, fucking obviously. you dont get a hot new baby sister like you and not imagine fucking her. this is the first time they've considered doing something about it though.
"come on." they push off from the counter, making sure their bare shoulder brushes yours as they pass. they feel you shiver, and smirk. "lets go to my room."
they don't look back to see if you'll follow. they know you will.
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pedge-page · 10 months
Hiiiii I’ve loooove your plushie series and idk if you do requests but
I’m a slut for Tommy
And I keep thinking of Joel calling the big teddy a big brother like him and the insinuation that teddy wss tommy
I’m imagining Joel and hes got teddy on you and your grinding on tommy and you accidentally “mmmm tommyyyy- TEDDY! I mean teddy!”
And take it where you’d like. Maybe Tommy gets involved or maybe Joel just teases her or maybe he watches….. idk
I was so excited reading this ask because this is EXACTLY something I thought about when I wrote that line in part 4!! Tbh I don't think this version of Joel likes to share but his girl loves to push his boundaries and tease tf out of him
Plushies - 4.5 : Teddy-Tommy
Plushies Series Masterlist
Warnings: teddy bear humping, spitting, language, pet names, voyeurism, implied cucking, implied cheating, one spank, dry humping
18+ ONLY
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Joel has made a habit of staying at your place more often than his own. He never needs to announce when he’s coming in, usually just closing the door right behind him then seeking you out.
He can hear your quiet little slutty whimpers in your bedroom, the door left ajar. 
Joel also isn’t someone to waste things, so he’s immensely pleased to find you making good use of your giant Teddy bear he bought you: you’re naked after a shower and straddling its tummy, humping the plush cotton with delicate bounces.
He leans against the doorframe, smug as can be, unwilling to interrupt the little porno scene happening because of him, and whether or not you intended, certainly for his eyes to enjoy only.
You turn your head, temple resting against the bears chest when you spot Joel, giddily moaning louder and rocking your hips faster for his amusement. He doesn’t make any moves, just content watching his girl grind her wet pussy on her teddy bear. You can hear his ragged breathing like he’s holding back. “Teddy treatin’ ya real good?” He asks curiously.
“Oh, oh, oh, oohhh fuck,” you moan as your answer, arching your back with exaggeration so Joel get’s a good look at your ass grinding down.
He’s still not approaching you. His smile does get wider, the tent in his pants more evident. 
You just want Daddy to touch you. 
“Ohh, Fuck yes! Yes! I’m cumming! i'm cumming so hard--Fuck yes—TOMMY!” You wail, thighs clenching as you cum hard.
The room goes quiet when you stop moaning. Your teeth sink into the soft mound in front of you, too afraid to see Joel’s face. You can’t hear him, can’t see him, your heart beating a mile a minute. Was he mad? Had you taken your game too far?
After a long moment of holding your breath, he breaks the silence. 
“Why’d you stop.” He commands with a frighteningly calm voice.
“I—I um—“
“What is it? You get off on thinking about Teddy being my little brother? Is that it, princess?” 
You can feel his shuffling closer to you, but your face is still buried in the Teddy bear, body cradled around it like a scared child. “I—you—um— had said it—before—“
His warm, rough hand soothingly rubs along your spine. You shiver at his touch. His hand rests lowly on your lower back, pushing so slightly so you go back to an arch position, pussy spreading to catch along the wet seam of the bear’s curly tummy. You can’t stop the moan from coming out of your mouth.
You slowly roll your hips. “T—Teddy—“
He spanks your ass once, making you yelp. “No.”
“T-Tommy!” You whine, hips moving faster now as you spread your slick more fervently.
“’at’s right. You like grinding on Tommy like that?”
you nod. His hand remains against your lower back, guiding your swaying hips encouragingly.
“Filthy girl. You been thinking about cheating on me?” 
“N-No!” You say quickly. “I—just wanted you attention…”
“Yeah? Well you got it baby.” His hot breath blows along your neck teasingly. “Who are you grinding this slutty pussy on again?”
“T-Tommy—I mean Teddy!” You yell.
“Tommy—Teddy—which is it babygirl? How many men you fuckin’ behind my back?” He growls, fisting your hair and yanking you away from the comforts of the bear. He rests your head on his chest, eyes peeled back so you can see him clearly.
The fear that he was angry completely dissipates as you see the smirk plastered on his face. He grinds his clothed hard-on against your ass, eyes so filled with adoration, lust, obsession, and dominance all at once that your little pussy clenches around nothing desperately. 
“Bet you’d like that, huh, little girl? Fuckin’ Tommy right in front of me, makin' me walk in on him impalin' ya on his cock.”
You nod shamelessly, lips parted as broken gasps leave your throat. Your hips are humping furiously against the teddy bear’s thighs while also bringing your ass back against Joel’s hard body pressing you down. 
He takes the opportunity to position himself above you, clenching your cheeks so that they remain open. He gathers a glob of saliva and lets it pool into your waiting mouth, your tongue eagerly peaking out to accept it hungrily.
“My greedy little whore—holy fuck.” He grinding his crotch with renewed vigor, the two of you breathing hard as you chase your highs. “Cum for Tommy and Daddy.” 
Your body obliges, your rocking stuttering as your cunt spasms from the stimulation of the Teddy’s soft fur suffocating your sensitive clit. 
“Good girl, good fucking girl!” Joel rasps, his hips slamming against your ass twice more before his spill his cum in his jeans, panting harshly. 
He kisses your forehead lovingly, all the tension in his grip relaxing and replaced with the soft Joel that reminds you so much of the rest of your plushies.
Despite the confidence he had just exhibited in ordering you around, you can feel the wobble of his breath as he tries to speak up. “If you… if you really wanted to…I mean I don’t love the idea but…if that’s something…” 
You giggle. “It’s not, Joel. I don’t think about Tommy like that.”
Joel sighs out relief. “Hot as hell though,” he laughs. 
You nuzzle your head into his chest, the two of you breathing in each other’s scent after a long week apart.
Joel nudges your shoulder with a sudden idea. “You got a printer?”
You don’t bother to question it at the moment—but you really should have.
Tommy comes over later that day and, through red tipped ears, asks you why you have a giant Teddy bear with a printed picture of his face taped over the head in your bed. You choke on your coffee, glaring at Joel who just hides his guilty smile behind his cup.
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Permanent Taglist: @harriedandharassed @lola8888673 @its-nebuleuse
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i-write-things · 6 months
Obey Me! NB boys: Who would most willingly have kids
(Note: NONE of them would ever pressure you into having kids. I'm saying this now so I don't have to repeat it every time.)
Any surprise here? I can't remember where I saw it, but I do remember seeing somewhere he said he'd love to start a family. If you don't ask him about kids, he might ask you, first. He'd be a great dad, too. He'd be calm, supportive, and his kids would always be well fed and have plenty of exercise. They'd grow up big and strong like him! :) He'd also do that thing when they're little (and when theyre grown, too) where He'd use them as weights to lift up while he does push ups. He'd also carry them on his back everywhere. If it's a baby, he'd be a little tired of having to get up every night to calm their screams, but he'd get used to it because he makes himself a deal: he'll just get a snack every time the baby cries at night. Speaking of if it's a baby, he'd be afraid he'd crush it at first, and refuse to hold them. But once he finally holds them, he refuses to let any stranger hold them. His biggest fear is his child not being safe. Protective Beel! Oh, and they'd get a LOT of visits from uncle Belphie.
Ok, here me out- he'd essentially be Bandit from Bluey (Dont ask). He'd make sure his kids are clever and he'd most certainly teach them to gamble from a young age, and how to cheat. He'd be very over protective, but also really fun. His worst nightmare is his kids growing up to hate him. He'll never admit it, but he stops cheating so much to earn money. While he wants his kids to grow up learning how to make quick cash, deep down, he just wants them to be good kids. So he also tries to set a good example and work for his money. All his brothers are shocked, and they'll tease him for it. And of course, Mammon being Mammon, will deny deny deny! The brother that baby sits the most for him is probably Lucifer, actually. (He doesn't trust Mammon at first. Jk, he trusts Mammon a lot with this, actually.... mostly)
3. Satan
You may be thinking, 'Pen, you're absolutely stupid and don't know anything about OM!, nor how to write in character', and you may be right, but let me cook!
You see, Satan at first isn't too keen on the idea of a child. All they do is scream and cry shit themselves and eat then cry some more. And when they're a teenager, they'll just sass him. And he does NOT like the idea of that. But all you have to do is appeal. Example:
Tell him to imagine the following: A 4 or 5, maybe even 6 year old boy or girl that's a mini version of him. Running around the house of lamentation, screaming curses about Lucifer, who can't do anything because they're a child who doesn't know any better. They'd be able to get away with anything and he could use that to his advantage. Now he's hooked, and he'll think about it, but despite his hate for poor Luci, he's still aware that it's a lot of responsibility. Which is why you have to reassure him that that's why you'll raise the baby together. Plus, imagine taking the child to the library, reading to them. They get to develop their own personality. Which is when teenhood becomes fun, because it's not about the sass, it's about the fun personality they've developed.
His biggest fear for his child is his child becoming like him. He doesn't want that. He'd prefer his child become like Lucifer than to see himself in his child (though not by a lot) Oh, and he trusts Asmo enough to be super gentle with the child. (Mostly because he threatened to kill Asmo if the baby is hurt) but also because he knows that the baby would be in gentle hands!
4. Lucifer
Lucifer isn't so quick to agree for 2 reasons.
He's always busy, what if he ends up neglecting the child in favor of work? And then you'll end up taking care of the child in its most vital years to have both parents present (though every year is vital to have both parents present). Of course, you'll just reassure him that Diavolo would give him some leave time in favor of raising the baby, and the brothers would help with his work load in the meantime.
2. Ok, but what about his brothers? That's the thing, he feels like he's already a father of 6. He won't be able to look after them as much because a baby is far too much time. They'll be running loose like chickens without heads in no time. You'll have to tell him he'll just have to have faith in his brothers. At first, he scoffs at the idea. But...he thinks about it. And the more he does, the more he agrees. Finally, he'll take you out somewhere private to tell you that he agrees. He wants to have a baby.
His worst fear is his child not feeling like he was present in his life. He already knows what it's like to have someone related to you hate youSatan, so it would be nothing new to him, though it would still hurt. Yet, his worst fear is his child growing up feeling like he was never there for his them. This will result in him constantly switching his attention time during teenage years from super clingy because he wants to be present, to a little distant because he doesn't want to come off as clingy. You better bring it to his attention and help him find a happy medium before your child starts to resent him for this. Oh, and the brother he trusts most to look after his kid is Mammon. This may sound stupid, but we all know Mammon would at least keep the kid alive. (Like Satan, he'll tear Mammon limb from limb if otherwise) but if Mammon isn't present, he'll ask Satan. Though, he can't be surprised if Satan has taught his child how to say 'fuck Lucifer' as one of their first phrases.
5. Asmodeus
Like Satan, he doesn't really want a child for the same reasons. They just cry, they take a lot of time, he won't be able to get his beauty sleep at night, ect. Also like Satan, you'll just have to appeal. Imagine all the cute family photos he can take! Plus, wouldn't the child be beautiful? 'Oh, but what about when they grow up and go through some weird emo phase?' Well, you guys will just have to accept them for that. And when (if) they grow out of the phase, y'all can continue to support them and then finally take family pictures again. And if they never grow out of the goth phase, you'll just have another Belphie. He laughs, and is a little more calm. It takes maybe some few months before he brings up the idea, saying that he thinks he's ready. His biggest fear is his child growing up unloved by their peers, so he tries to dress them up pretty all the time. You might have to remind him to let the child explore their own style for a bit, and he'll reluctantly agree at first, then be very willing later on. He doesn't want people to see his child as anything but pretty, but understands how important it is for the child to have their own style and feel supported for it. But he's keeping all them embarrassing baby photos. And he's definitely showing them off to his child's romantic partner (if they're not aro/ace). The brother he trusts the most to handle his child is Lucifer. He knows the child will be safe. He would pick Satan, but....y'know.
6. Leviathan
For obvious reasons, at first it's a no. He won't be able to play games as much, the baby will always be crying, ect. But you'll have to remind him that it's a team effort, and he won't be the only one taking care of the child. Plus, once the baby grows up, he'll always have someone to play games with. To which he responds they might not like games. You can counter that if they're constantly surrounded by games, they'll become a familiar source of comfort, and they'll likely love games. Same for any cartoon or anime he makes them watch. He'll give you plenty of excuses, but they're all bullshit. His biggest reason(and secret) is he thinks he'll be a horrible, embarrassment of a father. His child won't think he's cool, and might even get bullied a lot. I mean, imagine having some lame Otaku for a father. Sad, right? But just tell him that his child will love him because he's their father, and no matter what, they'll be proud to call him dad, just like you'll be proud to call him their dad. He tears up afterwards, and maybe a while later, he'll shyly approach you and tell you he's ready. He'll pay less attention to video games and anime for a while, but when he gets a break, if he's not sleeping, he's catching up on all the anime. His worst fear is his child becoming lonely like him. So he makes sure the child grows up with a pet of some kind. That way, they'll learn to be social. Oh, and if it's a boy, he'll try his damndest to name him Henry, and if it's a girl, Hana and/or Yuri. The brother he trusts the most is also Lucifer. He would say Beel, but he doesn't want him to eat his child (Beel would never), and he would say Asmo, but he doesn't want to receive an Asmo Jr. Oh, and Mammon isn't allowed near the child.
7. Belphagore
Last, and least surprisingly, Belphie. A child is wayyyyyyy too much responsibility for little old him. Plus, they cry all the time, he wouldn't be able to sleep. I'm not sure if you really could convince him to have a baby. If you did, it would be years in advance before he would agree. I think the best route is to just prove to him that the responsibility will be shared (and worth it), and he could still get sleep from time to time. Which would help. But if y'all ever do have a baby, he'll slack off a lot. You'll probably get into a couple of arguments because you'll be doing most of the work in toddler and infant years. (Most likely to get divorced over the child if y'all are married. Not saying it will happen, though. Just most likely out of the brothers.) Eventually, after ranting to Beel, he'll realize he has been a shit father at first. To the child, and to you. (Thank Beel for getting through to him). Like Beel, his worst fear is his kids not being safe. He really doesn't care how they turn out as long as they're happy and healthy. After he finally starts taking initiative as a parent, he becomes over protective. If its a girl, he sees Lilith in her, and he wont let her go. Obviously, he trusts Beel the most with his kids.
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allisluv · 18 days
baby i would kill for a johanna sfw abc’s (for my own inspo mostly)
A = affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
johanna isn't the most outwardly affectionate person in the world, and when she is affectionate, it's through sarcastic comments. she never means it as a dig or anything, it's just the only way she knows how to express herself to the people she loves.
B = best friend (what would they be like as a best friend? how would the friendship start?)
johanna would be your number one supporter if she was your best friend. she would be the best hype woman, too. she's not afraid to tell you the truth, either, regardless of whether you want to hear it or not. i'm not sure how you would meet; it could be through the capitol if you were a victor or it could be from home back in district seven.
C = cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?)
johanna likes to cuddle but she won't admit it aloud. she likes to be the big spoon and she'll drape her legs over your waist, intertwining her legs with your own.
D = domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
johanna's not opposed to the idea of settling down, so long as it's with the right person. she can't cook to save her life, though, and if you want a house to come back to, it would be best to leave her out of the kitchen. she's surprisingly good at cleaning and she likes it, too. she finds it theraputic.
E = ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
johanna would rip the band aid off. she doesn't see the need to drag things out, so she'll tell you the truth. she tries not to sugarcoat it because, to be honest, she's never been one to lie to spare someone's feelings.
F = fiancee (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
johanna's so used to people leaving her, so she doesn't want to jump the gun. she won't move too fast untill she knows you're sticking around for the long haul. i think she would be the one to propose, mainly because she's too headstrong and independent ro let it be any other way.
G - gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
johanna is emotionally very distant but over time and with a little bit of patience, she starts to open up. physically, she would never lay a finger on you and her touch is always gentle.
H = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
johanna isn't the biggest fan of hugs. i don't think she's huge on physical touch (excluding cuddling), full stop. when she does give hugs, its mainly because you need some comfort and she's willing to give that to you in any way possible.
I = i love you (how fast do they say the l-word?)
again, i think johanna is terrified of good things being ripped away from her, so it takes her a while to say i love you.
J= jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they're jealous?)
johanna can be a really jealous person. when she's jealous, she'll tell whoever's flirting with you to fuck off because you're taken.
K = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
johanna’s kisses are heated and passionate. she likes to kiss and be kissed on the lips.
L = little ones (how are they around children?)
johanna is the kind of woman your child picks bad words up from but she's also the kind of woman you know will go head to head with the biggest baddest man if someone so much as looks at your child the wrong way.
M= morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
mornings with johanna are spent cuddling in bed and when you do eventually drag yourselves from the comfort of your sheets, she makes breakfast (ie; coffee because she considers that a substantial substitue for food)
N = nights (how are nights spent with them?)
nights with johanna are spent with takeout food and board games (which usually end up with her flipping the table and saying "whoops" as if it wasn't because she was losing).
0 = open (when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
although johanna isn't afraid to tell you how she feels, she's a very private person when it comes to her life before the games. it takes a while for her to open up about snow killing her family and it would happen over a longer period of time.
P = patience (how easily angered are they?)
johanna is easily angered with everyone else but when it comes to you, she's got the patience of a saint. don't get me wrong, there will be times where she has to walk away because you're pissing her off, especially if you're just as stubborn as she is, but she would never ever dream of taking her anger out on you.
Q = quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail or do they kind of forget everything?)
i'm gonna be honest, i think johanna has the memory of a goldfish. she forgets everything but your birthday and your anniversary dates.
R = remember (what is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
if you were from the capitol, johanna's favourite moment would have to be when she took you axe throwing for the first time. if you're from district seven, her favourite moment would be your first date.
S= security how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
johanna is so protective, especially because she doesn't want to lose you the same way she lost her family. casual dominance is her go-to protective move. she'll place a hand on your lower back when you're out in public, just to stake her claim.
T = try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
johanna might not be the most outwardly affectionate person, but that doesn't mean she can't be a romantic at times. if she sets her mind on doing something or planning something for you, she follows through with it.
U= ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
johanna smokes when she's stressed.
V = vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
johanna knows she's pretty but she couldn't care less what she looks like. she doesn't adhere to anybody's beauty standards, especially not the capitols.
W = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
johanna would rather die than live without you. after losing so many people, she doesn't think she can cope with another loss.
X = xtra (a random headcanon for them)
johanna loves doing tarot card readings
Y = yuck (what are some things they wouldn't like, whether in general or in a partner?)
johanna doesn't like bigots.
Z = zzz (what is a sleep habit of theirs?)
johanna talks in her sleep
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naebycb97 · 1 year
First Post here.
I ain't that good writing in english so please excuse any mistakes.
I wrote this solely for a friend as a birthday present. I have their permission to make it public.
It's a small little Noah Imagine!
DISCLAIMER: this is solely fictional scenario. I know people might find it cringe. Its written for comfort. If you don't like it - ignore.
Hope I can make some people smile with it!
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Just us and the Wind
the song is just a suggestion. You can also listen to any Bad Omens song you want!
The wind picks up, its no longer a breeze but a bold wind and the rain starts pouring like it hasn't been raining the last two days. Some would call it depressing, rain can lower the mood and it's true, maybe a bit, but that doesn't keep Noah from being himself. As I walk down the stairs I hear the music, that is not quiet as loud as it normally is, and come to a scene that lets me suck in a breath.
Its 7 in the morning, not a good time to wake up but the bed was empty and for a minute I was afraid I woke up from my dream. The dream called Noah. So I yawned, stretched myself before pushing the blanket to the side and leaving the cozy little bedroom.
While rain pours down on the little cottage in the middle of that forest the wind rattles along the roof like a ghost. My feet bring me to the stairs, the carpet is soft under my naked skin and I get reminded that this is not a dream, that I am really here. And so is Noah, as I find out a couple seconds later when I come down and stop at the last step. Noah is wearing nothing but socks and his boxers, in his hand a wooden spoon. His own song is playing in the background, the pan on the stove is quietly buzzing while Noah starts playing air guitar in the middle of the open kitchen. I just stand there, watching the man. His hair is pulled into a ponytail, he shuffles along the floor on his socks like he is dancing and he sings along to his song, even though it sounds a bit like mockery. While my boyfriend is moving his hips to bad decisions, he starts pushing the spoon around in the frying pan on the stove. He is completely out of reality, humming and singing. Noah is making breakfast, I realize when he scoots to the oven, opens it and shoves a tablet full of rolled dough in it. After closing the oven he stands still for a second, that he uses the spoon as a guitar, playing and sawing his hips before shuffling around in the kitchen again. I yawn, lean against the wall and watch him do his little show while he has no idea I am already up.
Its been a year since we made it official, dating and being together, and six months ago we bought this small cottage in the heights of the mountains. Its cozy, not big and it has room enough for us and Harper. She is currently laying in her little bed, wagging her tail while Noah is dancing around the kitchen, shaking his head a little. I just watch, smiling and taking in und till he turns and yelps as he realizes that he is not alone anymore. "Baby.. what...are you doing up?" He asks and puts down the spoon in his hand. It smells like fried egg and bacon, coffee and the oven starts smelling like bread too. "Couldn't sleep anymore... You left" I say and shuffle closer to the kitchen Island. Noah comes up, puts his hands on my hips and pulls me in. "I'm sorry, Love. I thought I'd make breakfast for your birthday." I smile up to him. Right, it is my birthday... I blink and yawn before Noah bows down. "Happy Birthday, pretty lady" he hums and I chuckle quietly, then I lean in and he kisses me. Harper yawns in her bed, stretches and comes up to us, rubs her head against my leg. This is the perfect morning. This is more than I could ever ask for. And then Noah begins swaying me, while he starts humming one of his songs again and we start dancing in the kitchen together while Harper joins in, which makes us laugh a lot.
by sleepindeepgreen
for ma Bestie ✨
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good-beans · 9 months
You talked a little while ago about why you don't think Shidou would make a good father to Amane (agreed) and proposed the idea of Mahiru adopting Amane. That's cute but I want to tell you about my post-MILGRAM headcanon:
Amane joins the Kajiyamas
Not Fuuta specifically adopting her, but like him taking her back to his family's house. I'm sure they'd have a spare room
I think people don't think about Fuuta's homelife much, or if they do they take Fuuta's one interrogation question where he calls his dad an old fogey and assume its like, abusive
And don't get me wrong, I don't think the Kajiyama household are perfect. Fuuta' beautician sister surely hasn't helped when it comes to Fuuta's body image issues and I'm betting they're all a bunch of tsunderes too embarrassed to say they love each other
But in a series where most of the abused characters are still convinced their abuser loved them/acted out of love. Seeing a guy not be afraid to call his dad a loser is almost a green flag
I think it'd be good for Amane to not necessarily be adopted as the lone child to a single parent but get to be introduced to a very different style of family unit from her own One where its normal to express different opinions or disagreements or even have arguments and not have it be the end of the world
Amane already has a snarky side to her, I bet it'd flourish in a brash household like the Kajiyama's (or at least how I imagine them to be)
OOHHH wait I love that so much! >:O
I agree -- I never interpreted Fuuta's family as abusive or harmful, just not super close and struggling a bit after his mother left. (And yeah, all as openly emotional as him😭) They seem stable and very capable to taking in a extra, very well-behaved child. Assuming Fuuta is the way he is because of them, that atmosphere of being very honest and forward would work well for her. They say things as they are, little by little pointing out the harmful parts of her worldview. Like you said, none of them make excuses about harmful behavior stemming from love, so she'd get a really healthy dose of truth in that area. She never feels coddled or treated like a baby. They care for her while treating her very maturely.
I absolutely love how well she and Fuuta get along, with that snarky side to her that you mentioned. It would allow her to fit in well in the new household, getting the sense of belonging she'll lose after leaving the cult. Also, seeing how Fuuta and his sister let things slip and aren't perfect sons/daughters, she'll be able to relax about earning a parent's love through perfect behavior. She'll probably stay exactly the same, but her stress about it will fade <3
I doubt Fuuta's father can ever replace the hole she'll have from her own father, but the addition of an older sister will be huge. Amane will never get the feeling her mother is being replaced, but the woman will still fill the gap of the older, same-gender role model she needs. Her beautician job may throw Amane at first (being an indulgence in vanity), but it isn't as in-your-face as other careers. I think she could definitely ease Amane into accepting it, and over time, accepting her own personal "indulgence."
Plus, her moving in would also be really good for Fuuta! I think he'd recognize there's a ton of fun things she missed out on, and that heroic side of him outweighs the part that cringes: he gripes and groans about going to "kid places," but he's always the one to announce "I can't believe you've never been to __, we're going right now!!" This allows him to touch grass leave the house and experience his own life to the fullest. He's able to channel his desire to help society into a healthier outlet. Also, seeing her studying habits and plans for the future might even inspire him to do the same. (might.) He becomes the stereotypical good big brother, though of course he denies it viciously...
I have recently been going insane over their friendship so I'm completely taken with this idea OUGH thank you for telling me ;-----;
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boygiwrites · 3 months
Harley D. Dixon 34
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Harley D. Dixon's Pinterest Board!
Harley D. Dixon's Playlist!
📖Chapter List.
Author's Note.
Sorry for the slightly longer wait between chapters than usual recently! Please enjoy! 😊
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Walking back into the cell hall after everything that happened is a breath of fresh air.
Approaching the cell with caution, I'm almost afraid to interrupt the quiet chatter coming from inside. We've been gone for almost a full day, night having fallen over the prison, bringing with it a sense of calm. The first person to turn around and notice us is Beth, gasping at the sight of us, alerting the others of our return. The conversation morphs into curious mutters, questions of if we're okay and where we've been, as I continue into the cell, the sounds of their voices a faraway ambience. I come to a stop at the bed, unable to contain my smile.
The chatter dies away. There's a baby in Lori's arms, and its the most precious thing I ever saw.
"Would you like to hold her?" The woman weakly croaks, offering the bundle to me. "It's okay. She's a little sleepy."
"'She'?" I softly exclaim as Carol helps me embrace her, resting her heavy little head in the crux of my elbow, her whole body weighing no more than a few bottles of water. Wow. A girl. Ya couldn't tell like this, aside from the pink blanket she's swaddled in — she looks more like a doll than a baby. She's warmer than I thought. Her cheeks are fat and perfectly smooth, her nose a cute button, her lashes so small and delicate I think somebody must've taken the time to stick them there. I even wonder if she has angel wings. "Hi, baby. I'm Harley."
Looking up at Carl, I match his beaming smile. After months and months of waiting, he's officially a big brother.
"I think she likes you," Lori whispers to me, while everyone else looks on with fond gazes, not a sad face in sight.
"Y'know, she don't look like no Bob-ette," I decide, earning myself a round of hushed laughter. "I changed my mind."
Carol teases, "I don't think her Mom would've let you name her that, anyway."
As Dad steps forward, she takes the baby from me and places her in his arms, letting him take her as carefully as he'd take a glass vase.
"She got a name at all, yet?" He asks, looking down at her pristine face, sweat and dirt plastered all over his own skin.
"No," Carl shakes his head. "Not yet."
"Well, how about 'Little Ass-kicker?"
"Dad," I protest, making sure not to raise my voice too much. "How come I gets, 'Chicken,' and the baby gets, 'Ass-kicker'?"
As more quiet laughter breaks out, my Dad placates, "Hey, I'm only pullin' ya leg. We all know you're the top ass-kicker."
"You can teach her when she grows up," Glenn agrees, with Maggie hugging his side, her head resting against his shoulder.
"Me, too," Carl adds. "We can both teach her."
Looking back down at the baby, my Dad gently bounces her in his arms with the sort of ease only a parent could muster. I think back on the day Carl and I were sitting under that tree on the farm and we overheard his Momma blurt that she was pregnant, the months we spent out in the snow together, unsure if she and the baby would survive, and I think it's quite amazing that we managed to get here at all.
Suddenly, my Dad's eyes begin to well up, and he blinks the tears away as he hands the baby back to Lori.
"Good job," He mutters to her, kissing her cheek before standing back up.
Maggie smiles sympathetically, her own eyes slightly watery. "You alright, Daryl?"
"Yeah, s'just—," He clears his throat, swiping the heel of his palm over his eyes. "Reminds me of when Harley was born."
After a long stretch of silence, Carol asks, "Where's T-Dog?"
I avert my gaze to the floor as Glenn hesitates to answer for us. "He—... He was with Daryl and Harley."
"We made it outta the courtyard together," Dad explains, his tone grim. "Found our way into another part of the prison. Hid ourselves in some cupboard or other, dead knockin' on the door. We was already trapped in there 'fore we realized T'd been bit on the way in."
"Oh, God," Carol gasps, covering her mouth in shock, her silver brows knitting tightly over her tearful eyes. "No."
"We waited long as we could," He tells her in a comforting way. "And I promise you he ain't turned."
"Oh, God," She says again, as Carl puts a hand on her shoulder.
T-Dog was with us folk from the quarry since the very beginning. It's hard losin' somebody who saw you through all the ups and downs of a year in a world like this, almost as if to think that just because you've known them such a long time, it means they're invincible.
"I guess now's a great time to ask," Dad jokes, looking at Glenn. "Where's Rick?"
"The pressure got to him. When Maggie and Carol came back with Lori, she could barely walk, barely talk. They'd had to—," He pauses, uncomfortable with what he's saying. "—To perform a C-section. It wasn't pretty. Nobody knew where you guys were. We had no idea if Harley was alone, or if you were even still alive. That freaked him out even more, and then he saw the baby and he just ran."
"I stitched her up before the bleeding could get any worse." Herschel reassures us before we can ask. I look over at Lori, whose hair is tussled messily over her shoulder, looking more exhausted than anything. "She'll be bed-bound for weeks, but she's stable."
Glenn continues, "I've tried speaking to him, but I think he just needs some space right now. He's a live wire."
"Where is he?" Dad asks, but I don't think he plans on going out and finding him right now.
"In the boiler room of this cell block."
"He'll be glad to know Daryl and Harley are alive," Lori says, a badly concealed look of hurt in her eyes. "Somebody should talk to him again."
Glenn smiles a bit. "Maybe later, hey?"
"What a shit-show." Dad deadpans, what I'm sure everyone's thinking. "How'd this even happen? Y'all find out?"
"It was one of the prisoners," He says. "Rick thought he'd left him to die in a courtyard, but he escaped. Wanted revenge, I guess."
"Rick blames himself for that, too," Maggie adds sadly.
"Well, the bastard got it. He dead now?"
Glenn only nods.
When the baby burps up some spit, Beth quickly wipes it away with a little rag, and the rest of us decide it's time to go to bed.
"The baby is really cute," I whisper down to Beth and Carl as we all try to go to sleep, the cell block peacefully quiet.
"She looks like Mom," He smiles in the light of the electric lamp, blanket up to his chin. "I can't pinpoint it, but it's just... It's her."
"Go to sleep," My Dad's voice echoes.
"Sorry," We all call out, before Carl reaches over and flips off the light.
In the sudden darkness of our cell, I pull my blankets up, sighing deeply. All this talk of the baby is a bittersweet tang in my mouth, the aftertaste of gunpowder and blood never far behind. It's sad that T-Dog ain't get the chance to see the new addition to our family.
When somebody coughs, I'm reminded to take out my hearing aids and stuff them under my pillow.
The noise came from the prisoners' cell. Through their locked door, I can see a pair of feet sticking out from the bottom bunk as one of the men tosses and turns. I don't like it any more than I did before, but the two prisoners, whose names are Axel and Oscar, returned to the prison just like I thought they would. Though, it wasn't for the reasons I guessed. They ain't chickened out or starved. Glenn told us they heard the alarms blaring in the distance, knew something had gone wrong, and came running back to offer us whatever help they could.
I think it was just an excuse for them to cowardly weasel their way back in and steal a bed and a warm meal offa us, but even I know I can't blame them for that. We all want to be safe. Besides, they did help Rick and Glenn find the controls to shut off the alarms, and they ain't seem too sad about their dead buddy that set them off to begin with, neither. I guess they ain't done too badly for themselves.
They're lucky they're so pathetic, and that their cell block is completely run over by walkers, now.
But they ain't never gonna be T-Dog, and I hope they don't forget about that granola bar he gave 'em til the day they die.
The prison now has a graveyard before it has a farm.
The next morning, the white ball of the sun rises over the trees in the distant forest as I sit in the dry grass, watching as my Dad stomps the shovelhead into the dirt and pours it into a pile beside him, the repetitive noise of it all nearly lulling me back to sleep.
This is where T-Dog is gonna be buried, on the edge of the field, overlooking the sunrise. Never thought I'd say that.
Once Dad's finished the grave, he drives the shovel into the ground and steps out of it, sitting beside me in the sun.
"I wantchu to feel safe here," He sighs after a short pause, looking away from the forest to study my face. "You know I always want that."
"I feel safe," I tell him, and it's the truth. "You're here."
"And I'll always do my best to keep you safe, but what happened yesterday was scary. Weren't it?"
I nod again. "I'm just gonna miss him, I think."
"Me, too. I'm sorry you had to be there for it."
"You think it hurt?"
"No," He says sternly, in a way that makes me believe him instantly. "No, baby, it don't hurt like that. He would'a felt nothing."
"Like Tank?"
"Yeah. Like Tank," He agrees. "Like Morales. Sometimes, endin' the suffering is the kindest thing to do. Ain't I taught you that?"
Whenever he and Uncle Kyle used to take me hunting, I would always get upset if we ever came across a wounded animal, and it would be laying in the dirt, kicking its legs, honking in pain, and they'd just shoot it in the head. I'd cry, Why don't we help it? Why doesn't it get a plaster like when I'm hurt?, and Dad would say, Baby, sometimes being kind means you gotta do an unkind thing.
Hearing the sound of wheels wobbling loudly behind us, I turn around and see Glenn, Maggie, Axel, and Oscar making their way down the hill with a big wheelbarrow, a white sheet billowing out from it like a woman's long hair. I already know what's inside of it.
"The others will be here soon," Glenn says to greet us, setting the wheelbarrow down close to the open grave.
My Dad stands up and takes his shoulder in thanks, all of us gazing down at the covered lump — T-Dog's body.
"He was a good guy," Oscar muses somewhat indifferently. "He gave us couple of nobodies some extra food before we left."
"He was family," Glenn corrects him, offended.
"I had one friend like that in my entire life," He says. "You got a whole group. I'm sorry for your loss."
"Well, thanks for helpin' us go back for him," Maggie smiles weakly, before the first of our group begin to head over. "I guess it's time."
After the funeral, we return to the cell block, where Lori is tryna breastfeed the baby without any luck. I thought new Mommas always had enough milk to feed their babies, but Herschel tells us that isn't the case when the Momma has been through what Lori's been through — Sickness, starvation, injury, strain, a thing called, malnutrition. Her body just doesn't have what it needs to make milk.
"Somebody will have to go on a supply run," He shakes his head as Lori shushes the crying, hungry baby.
"I just feel so bad," She whispers, strong guilt written all over her face. "What kind of Mom can't feed her own child?"
"It's okay, Mom. We'll go," Carl comforts her, looking expectantly up at the adults, "Won't we?"
My Dad sends a questioning glance to Glenn, the only other person who can make big decisions for the group without Rick around.
"Please?" Carl continues. "My Dad said you'll let us help out more. You've been training us to deal with walkers. We're ready."
Dad looks at me with a brow raised. "And you wanna come, too?"
Nodding, I think of T-Dog. He would'a gone. I know it. Rick and Dad were right — This isn't a game — but we're not gonna learn much about surviving the world outside if spend every day inside the prison, only ever waiting for a time we might be old enough to try, that might not even come. We might be young, and we might'a messed up going after the infirmary on our own, but this is the right way.
Looking like he's thinking the same thing, Dad eventually decides, "Alright, then. As long as you give it the green light?"
Lori considers it for a moment, looking at her son. "I think you're right, baby. You're ready. And they'll take care of you."
His eyes light up. "So, that's a yes?"
"Yes," She nods, smiling faintly. "You be careful, though."
"Of course." He gives her cheek a small kiss, pulling away. "Thank you, Mom."
"Thank you, Dad," I say with a smile.
"I'm thinkin' we check out that strip mall on Durn Street," He says, pushing himself off the wall. "And, Glenn, I'm thinkin' you stay."
Agreeing, Maggie offers, "I'll come with you guys."
"Are you sure?" Glenn asks, lowering his voice. "With everything you've been through—?"
"I wanna go," She reassures him. "For Lori and the baby, I have to."
Relenting, he cups her jaw with his hand and gives her a quick kiss. "Okay. I love you."
"I love you," She smiles as they pull apart, before we exchange a bunch more goodbyes with each other and head outta the cell block.
It takes about ten minutes to walk to Durn Street, but I don't mind. The weather is good, the gentle breeze carrying the warmth of the sun along with it, the trees on either side of the highway quietly rustling against each other like smooth paper, a relaxing sound.
It would be a good opportunity to take in the ambience, like I often enjoy doing, if not for the fact that Maggie and Carl are singing some country song that never seems to end. Rising to the challenge, my Dad and I begin to sing a song of our own — A crazy one he used to play on the radio all the time — until they're forced to belt it out in an even louder, more annoying volume, leading us to do the same. 
When we do eventually get there, after a long singing battle that nobody wins, I'm feeling better than I have in days.
"Remember it ain't Winter anymore," My Dad reminds us as we step into the car park. "I know we used to let'chu come along with us a lot more back then, like when we went searchin' for presents, but it's warmed up since. Walkers ain't in low supply, now."
"Thanks, Captain obvious," I say in a funny voice, earning a scolding look.
"Yeah, and who are you?" He jokes. "Captain smartass?"
"Sounds about right," Maggie teases, coming to a stop in front of the pharmacy and knocking on the window. "Anybody home?"
We wait a moment or two, my Dad lifting his crossbow and shooting down the single walker that comes to greet us.
"Could be more inside," She warns us as she steps through the doorway.
She's right. We find a a pair of rotting walkers holed up in a cupboard at the back of the pharmacy, guarding some bottles of medicine and other supplies, and another walker slumped behind the service counter, but we take them out before they can do any damage. 
After we've looted all the baby formula we can find, which is only one small tub, we're back on the road again.
Of course, we sing all the way back home, too.
When we return to the cell hall in the early afternoon, the sight that greets us is a surprisingly sweet one.
Carol is passing the baby to Rick, whose fingers tremble as he reaches out for her. His blue eyes, wide and unblinking, stare at her small, doll-like face as he holds her against his chest, almost as if unsure if he'll poison her just by touch. He certainly looks like he's been locked away in a boiler room for two days, but for whatever reason, he's chosen to be here if only for a moment. Sometimes I wish I could hide away, too.
Pulling us over to the side, Herschel quietly asks, "How did you do? Everything alright?"
"We're fine, Daddy," Maggie whispers with a smile, kissing his cheek in greeting. "Kids did great, and we managed to find some formula."
"Only one tub." Dad warns. "It ain't much, but we didn't wanna overstay our welcome. We can go back and search more another time."
As Glenn approaches, Herschel puts a hand on Dad's shoulder. "Don't worry, son. Any little bit helps."
She hugs Glenn tight, only pulling away after a long moment. "Hey, you."
"So glad you're alright," He says, looking around at each of us.
"I killed a walker," I tell him proudly.
"Did you? Wow," He croons, even though it's a simple achievement. "Well done, Harley."
"And look who's here," Carol says to Rick, gesturing to us with a small, excited smile on her face. "Daryl and Harley. They're okay."
Rick's gaze meets mine. It feels like I've been slapped across the face without even being touched, but I recover quickly. I can see the relief flood through him in real time, before he moves onto my Dad, then back to me, making sure we're really here, really alive.
He searches for a third person, but he doesn't find them.
"I'm sorry," He mutters, his voice hoarse, stuck at the bottom of his throat. "I didn't think—...."
"Save it," Dad says gently, shaking his head. "Weren't your fault."
"I said, 'Save it'."
After the farm burnt down, Rick promised us with the flames of the campfire reflected over his face that he would keep us safe. All Winter, he thirsted after finding a home for us, to the point where it became the only thing he ever wanted to talk about, if he talked at all.
What happened yesterday wasn't Rick's fault any more than it was mine, or Dad's, or T-Dog's.
I know he must feel like he's failed us — failed T-Dog, and maybe even the baby in his arms — but he hasn't. He never has.
Nodding slowly, Rick looks back down at his daughter, but unlike my Dad, he doesn't start bouncing her, doesn't coo at her, stroke her cheek, sing her a lullaby — He just stares, stares, and stares, like he would stare at a blank wall, contemplating nothing at all.
When she stirs, her face scrunching up in anger, Herschel speaks up. "She's hungry. Let me make her a bottle."
"Hey," Rick croons softly, his voice soothing out the wrinkles in the baby's forehead. "Hey, don't worry."
I almost don't notice the smile tugging at Lori's lips.
Author's Note.
A short and simple chapter. I think writing T-Dog's death threw me off a little bit, leaving me unsure of where to lead us next with this chapter (especially since we're in a bit of an awkward spot between major events), so sorry if this felt like filler - It kinda was! Hopefully, satisfying filler.
Can't believe we're so close to meeting Merle again. It's gonna turn everything upside down.
Hope you enjoyed reading and I'll see you in the next chapter! 💙😊
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
I really do love your writing so far, LIKE THEY'RE SO GOOD!!
So ummm...can i request for Ramuda, samatoki and gentaro ( again lol, bc they're my fav AHEM.) How will they react when their wife tells them she's pregnant?? Ik its so cringy but QIGSISGAIAHZJS
You can ignore it if you want, and thanks again to your hard work and make me so happy with your writings!!
Ramuda, Samatoki and Gentaro react to their wife's pregnancy
ahhh no!! this is not cringy it's so cute..!! so here, hope you will enjoy it <3 also thank you very much for your sweet words ahh..! you such an angel..♡
femreader, fluff, just wholesome stuff, mention of meds, spoilers for their past/ background??
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-I think he's kinda clueless about these things, so when you start to have toxicosis he just thinks you have a fever or something.
-"Ahh! My dollface, what's wrong? Do you feel sick?" - Ramuda keeps jumping around you, really worried.
-Only when you tell your husband about pregnancy, he suddenly gets so over excited.
-It's probably sound strange yet for Ramuda, who didn't have any childhood and normal maturation, it's really interesting.
-"Why didn't you tell me before?! Don't tell me you were afraid or something..!" - he giggles, hugging you tightly. - "Uwa, we have so many things to do now, come on..!"
-That's where Ramuda's whole designer potential comes out. Cause your baby needs to have the cutest room that your husband would style himself, along with all outfits and little toys. Good sense in fashion should be instilled from the first days of life..!
-Of course he would also design some new clothes for you too, more comfortable and oversized so it would be easy to move around for you in the third trimester of pregnancy.
-Also, you would have the best treatment. Ramuda has enough money to buy you all kinds of vitamins and meds, enough time to take you to the hospital almost everyday for different cheek ups, tests, etc.
-Maybe in the beginning he quite didn't understand how hard it can be to you, but now he's learning more and more and trying to support you as much as he can, bringing some sweets after work for your pregnancy cravings, letting you stay the whole day in bed when you feel sick.. Your husband even tries to be more quiet and calm around you now, so you would feel more peace..! He wants you to feel less stressed about this, after all.
-Cause you're the one who helps him feel more needed, to feel more human.. And thoughts about having a big family, his own family with you.. Ramuda didn't know it would bring so much joy to his heart.
-"How you feel today, my dolly?" - he sat next to you in bed with a soft smile. It's so different from his casual wild cheerful smile that you can't help but smile back, pulling him closer to a hug. - "Hehe, if you're good, maybe we should start to think about our baby name? I want it to be super sweet and cute..!"
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-You may be kinda nervous cause he's a Yakuza, after all.. What if he doesn't want to have kids at all, due to his dangerous work?
-But you better tell him as fast as you can, cause actually it would hurt Samatoki if you try to hide it.
-"You're pregnant..?" - for a moment your husband thought it was a joke, but your sincere face told him everything. You expect any kind of reaction but suddenly Samatoki drops to his knees, hugging and kissing your stomach. - "I.. Darling, s/o.. I'm so glad.. I love you."
-To be honest, he always wanted to have kids with you, to build a happy family.. He had a rough, terrible childhood so he wants his kids to see only the bright side of this world.
-If Samatoki was soft with you before this now he's even more gentle and overprotective, stoically enduring any tantrums that you might have through your pregnancy. He understands that it's just nervousness and stress and he will never raise his voice back.
-He is a harsh, cold and emotionless leader.. well, outside. When inside he's willing to be your personal servant and do everything you want.
-Pregnancy cravings? He was already in the store, buying what you asked for. Pain in back or legs? His hands are already on your sore muscles, massaging it gently.
-You will not even lift a finger in the house now, as Samatoki would do all household chores for you, it doesn't matter if you feel sick or not.
-But it doesn't mean he would let you slack off. Your husband will make sure that you do some physical exercise that is safe for pregnant women and walk a little with you in the park everyday.
-"You feel tired today? Maybe you want something? Huh, just lay down with me and cuddle..?" - Samatoki's face quickly changed from worried to soft but smuggy expression as he embraced you gently. - "Oh, princess, of course.. Come here and tell me how your day was.."
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-He's always so insightful.. So he would understand everything immediately, but wait for you to start this talk first.
-It's a serious conversation, after all, and he wants you to feel comfortable to share this important moment of you and his lifes.
-"Oh, my dear, you're pregnant? Of course I know..My servants already tell me you would be pregnant with the next prince of forestland.." - your husband nodded with a serious face. - "What? I didn't tell you I'm actually a great fairy king? Huhu, well, it's all a lie.."
-But actually Gentaro is really happy to be a father soon. He just can't help but tease you a little, so you would feel more relaxed about this.
-Surprisingly soft and caring, trying to give you the best treatment now. As he's always visiting his brother in hospital, Gentaro is acquainted with many people here and was able to find the best meds, doctors, clinics, you name it.
-Your husband may look like nothing will ever bother him, but actually he's quite nervous about your well-being, just not showing it. After all, he doesn't want you to get into real state, as you already have enough on your shoulders.
-So instead Gentaro would relieve his stress on paper, writing fairy tales for your kid and then read it to you before sleep, asking for your opinion.
-"Mm? Want me to write a story about our baby too?" - he smirks when you two are laying together in bed. - "Okay, but you need to give me some inspiration, darling.. Few kisses filled with your sincere love would be enough to fill me with the power of clairvoyance, and I will write the whole life story of our kid.."
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the-bar-sinister · 6 days
Bleeding, Broken, Mended (91671 words) by VickytheSnake, thesavagesabretooth Chapters: 17/17
Summary: Law is certain that he was 'rescued' just so Doflamingo could kill him himself, but Doffy has other plans. As far as he's concerned, Law's decade-long quest for revenge was nothing more than a sad misunderstanding. He wants to remind Law how things used to be. He wants to find a way to bring Law back into the fold-- back to him-- forever.
Final Chapter Author's note: Moving on from this fic is a little sad for me, even though I'm glad that it's completed. It's one of the 'easiest' things I've ever written– it flowed very naturally without ever getting really stuck, and it gave me a warm feeling to write, every time. 
I know it's an unusual tone for Doflamingo x Law fic, but I really hope you enjoyed it even half as much as I did. It was important to me just to be able to wallow in them romantically for a while. Thanks for coming on the journey with me.
We'll see more of Law and Doffy— and Law's next encounter with Luffy– when we hit Deicide: Red Shift.
catch up here
They had missed dinner— of course they had missed dinner— but there were plates put aside for them in the galley, and Baby 5 and Komurasaki were still there finishing the after dinner cleaning when they got there.
Law and Doflamingo had missed dinner together. There was little hope that the family didn't very much guess what that meant.
"They were clearly fuckin'." Baby 5 said as she washed the last of the big pots "I mean, that's obvious, right? At this point I know it wasn't killin' one another behind everyone's backs. Not with your cap finally bein' Corazon, an' all." 
Doffy paused as they came in the doorway with the biggest shit eating grin on his face and put his hand over Law's mouth, listening in.
"No, killing one another seems very unlikely at this point," Komurasaki agreed. "The story the captain told did seem like a tragic romance that would end such a way— but 'the young master' seems to have managed a last minute reversal of fortune."
Law was sputtering, muffled entirely by Doflamingo's massive hand. Of course they were gossiping. Baby 5 was a damned incorrigible gossip and Komurasaki was an absolute fiend for drama and interesting trouble.
He should have expected this. He should have known. But it still it was embarrassing to fucking walk in in.
"He's good at that, ya know," Baby 5 was saying, he saw her bump Komurasaki's shoulder with her own. "Nothing in the world is impossible for Doflamingo or his family. Even convincing a moron like Corazon that they don't gotta kill one another in a torrid fuckin' romance." 
"I do agree with the sentiment, but I'd appreciate if you wouldn't call him a moron," Komurasaki chuckled, bumping her back.
"Evening, ladies," Doffy purred, finally releasing his hold on Law's face.
"Aww, but I've been calling him a moron for a—-" Baby 5 suddenly froze, dropping the pot and squeaking out in utter surprise. "Young masterrrr???"
Law snorted. "And the moron. Evening to you too, Baby 5. Hey 'Saki. Sounds like you two were having a good conversation." 
"Baby 5 is quite the talented conversational partner," Komurasaki agreed, turning around to smile in his direction. She bent down and scooped up the pot that Baby 5 had dropped, checking it over for dents. "I hope you were having a pleasant evening as well."
Doffy was half doubled over, giggling.
"Corazon!!??" Baby 5 had finally turned to see the both of them, wringing her hands together with a smile that threatened to drop her cigarette onto her askew apron. "Hahahh…w-well, you know. I wanna impres— I mean, entertain our new crewmate is all!"
Law raised his eyebrow with a snort, before he gave them both a lazy grin. "You mean she's a notorious gossip , Saki. But that's a talent in its own way. Good to see you're getting along, even if it's to gossip about my love life." 
"I'm afraid it was a common topic of discussion at dinner, captain," Komurasaki nodded.
Doffy caught his breath and leaned on the table. "Of course it was. Did anything else get talked about, or just that?"
He pulled out a chair for Law with his strings as he sat down in the one beside it.
Law took a seat with a grumble, flushing brilliantly. "Fucking gossipy ass Donquixote family." 
Still, that casual, informal air…
He'd missed it. Sure, the Heart Pirates had it, but there was always that barrier. They weren't as chaotic and unfettered as the Donquixotes were. He missed the Heart Pirates still— his heart panging for a moment over them— but it was good that at least there was this familiar comfort to cling to.
Baby 5 tapped her chin as she bustled over to bow her head to Doflamingo. "Can I get you anything else? Drink? More food? Back rub? Anything you like, young master! There was a lotta talk. Lots about that. A bit about Uta's concert. S-some other stuff." 
"A drink, please, Baby," Doffy purred, scooting his chair closer to Law's. "Did the navigators bring up the marine situation at all?"
"Bepo did mention it," Komurasaki nodded. "It sounds like we're going to see some fighting tomorrow."
Baby 5 grinned brightly at him before she scurried to pour him a drink, "I'm so excited sir. I haven't been able to kill anyone for days, and I'm starting to feel itchy about it."
Law poked at his food before he called out. "A drink for me too, thanks Baby. heh…" He closed his eyes. "Honestly? I'm really excited to take out a few marines too. Didn't get a proper fight with Blackbeard…the bastard." 
Doffy patted Law on the back and squeezed his shoulder. "Not yet. We'll have a chat with ol' Croc about that. I'm getting really tired of seeing that bastard in the papers. And now the family's got a standing grudge with him."
Baby 5 grinned widely "I wanna blow his sniper's head off from a couple of miles away. You know. To prove I'm better."
Law leaned into his touch. "Heh, yeah. You know that sounds good to me. We'll rally Cross Guild and take our grudge to the bastard to finally take him out when the time's right." 
"Damn right," Doffy growled. "And we'll pay him back in blood. That'll be a real fight. Tomorrow's just a bit of exercise."
Doflamingo's leg rested against Law's under the table. He'd always known how physical Doffy could be— now it was back in full force and certainly not letting up any time soon.
He sighed good naturedly, leaning his leg back against Doflamingo's as he poked at his meal.
Baby came back with two drinks, placing them down in front of each of them before she chirped "I wanna see how Saki fights!" 
"I'm sure I have a lot of people to impress," Komurasaki said. "You included. The captain— Corazon— hasn't even seen me fight yet."
"What a shame," Doffy purred, rubbing his knee on Law's. "Let's consider it a chance for everybody to show off."
A few minutes of idle chatter later, Komurasaki and Baby 5 had finished up the cleaning and headed out for a smoke, leaving Law and Doffy to finish dinner and their bottle of wine together. Law raised his filled glass to Doffy, a subtle smile on his face. It was nice, just the two of them in the aftermath of a chaotic reunion. Sharing a drink, some talk of things to come.
It made him feel right at home. For the first time in a long time. 
Doffy smiled widely and clinked his glass against Law's, his large body so close he was half on top of him even though they were in separate chairs. "Cheers, Corazon. To a fresh start."
On deck, Komurasaki leaned over the railing, her pale green hair flowing out behind her like the sea below.
Baby 5 leaned on her hand, propped up against the railing as the smoke curled from her cigarette to the sky above. The sea was beautiful, sure— but she couldn't tear her eyes from the way Komurasaki's hair drifted in the wind. It was just as beautiful, if not more so; absolutely more so. So much had happened in the last day, but her private wish had come true. Law was their Corazon, her close and beloved childhood friend wouldn't leave them again, especially now that they were the only two from their cluster who were left. He'd be here with them— screwing Doffy, playing around with the gang's jokes and chaos, and staying close. Just like she'd wished.
His crew; the navigator Bepo and Komurasaki, the woman as beautiful and deadly as the sea, were gonna stay with them. As part of the family. Part of the gang, no longer held at arm's length as guests or possible enemies.
They had time now, time to get to know one another. She chewed the end of her cigarette with a subtle flush.
"Looks like things with the young master and Corazon have really settled, huh? Means you guys are officially part of the gang officially one of us, without the fear of Corazon backin' out at the last second." 
"So it seems," Komurasaki chuckled beautifully, still looking out to sea. "I'm far from displeased."
She turned and smiled at Baby 5 with that strange, distant look of hers. "Could I share one of your cigarettes?"
Baby 5 grabbed her pack immediately, pulling a cigarette out with a few soft taps and offering it to her with a bob of her head. "Course ya can, here— I'll light it off mine, Saki." 
She took the offered cigarette and cocked her head with a little smile. "Show me how that's done."
Baby 5 chuckled. "Alright, put it between your lips, and take short little puffs off it, first of all "
She loved smoking, her earliest vice since the day she bummed one off of Dia and a calming habit that often stymied her nervous nature. That was to say nothing about the social aspect— the moments on the deck with another as you shared a cigarette and talked. 
Komurasaki put the cigarette between her soft lips, holding it there as was becoming increasingly common. She had refined features, and deep eyes, but with the cigarette in her mouth, she looked more sharp— more rebellious. 
The sharp, rebellious Komurasaki…she belonged with the Donquixote family. She had the right edge to her, the right spirit. Baby 5 was like a moth to the flame as she leaned in closer and placed the tip of her cigarette against Komurasaki's without breaking eye contact.
The flame started to pass, flaring in time with Saki's intakes of breath. 
Komurasaki did it exactly right, inhaling in sharp little puffs until the tip of her own cigarette was lit, her face quite close to Baby 5's. She felt a hand brush her hip.
Her face flushed as the flame lit up, the flickering embers casting light in both their eyes as they leaned close. She didn't flinch away from the hand, even with her flustered surprise. Instead, she raised her own hand to rest against the curve of Komurasaki's side.
"See, nice and easy. Best way to light a cigarette."
"I can see why you'd say so," Komurasaki agreed, taking a long puff and turning her head to blow the smoke out to sea, before bringing her gaze back to catch Baby 5's. All the while her hand lingered on her hip. "I appreciate your wisdom. And your company."
Baby 5 smiled, warmth blooming through her at the complement. Wisdom, and company. She had never really been called wise and so many people didn't care as much about her company as they cared about what she could do for them.
She liked Komurasaki's company a lot. The woman, with all her subtle mysteries and her reserved air, was a powder keg of rebellion and excitement. Beautiful, deadly, fascinating, kind…
Baby 5 blew her smoke towards the sea as well, her thumb brushing against Komurasaki's side as she chuckled. "You can have my company whenever you want it, Saki. Happen to really like yours too. Don't think I've ever met anyone quite like you.." 
"The same for myself in regards to you, Baby 5," she chuckled softly, shifting so that they stood shoulder to shoulder. "The winds and tides have brought me to a strange place since I cast myself off to them. I'll be happy for the opportunity to get to know you better. You can teach me about the world out here."
Baby 5 rested against her with a tilt of her head. "The island of Wano's real different from everything I'd ever known, Saki. The world you talk about ain't anything like the places I've lived…the North Blue, Dressrosa…"
Her hand shook a little as she dared to loop it around behind Komurasaki's back, holding her as they smoked against the railing. "You can count on me…I'll make sure to teach ya everything I can about the world, or anythin' you want." 
Komurasaki leaned her cheek against Baby 5's as they stood together on the deck of the ship. She didn't say 'I need your help', she didn't echo that she'd be counting on her. She just said, "Thanks."
And the way she smiled, Baby 5 knew that she meant it.
Baby 5's heart melted more than a heart of bullets and blades ever should. She smiled brightly around her cigarette and looked out on the infinite sea as she exhaled curling smoke into the night air.
"Any time, Saki-baby." 
Bepo cuddled half on top of Law in the cot in their cabin after the work was done for the evening. He was a little surprised Law was there, and not dragged off by Doflamingo, but he wasn't complaining.
Law lay against him, arm draped over his furry chest and face nuzzled into his side. He looked comfortable, relaxed…and above all, happy. 
Bepo nuzzled him and snuffled his hair. He couldn't help but chuckle. "This is going to take some getting used to. You smell like Doflamingo."
Law sputtered against him. "Yeah he has a way of rubbing his fuckin' stink on people," he muttered, glancing up at him with a grin. "I'm sure we'll both get used to it pretty fast." 
"I'm sure," Bepo chuckled again. He gently thumped the top of Law's head with his chin. "We can get used to pretty much anything. Even if this isn't what I expected at the beginning of the year."
It reminded Bepo of the way they had met— unexpected and tumultuous, all snap decisions and 'I guess this is what we're doing now. Bepo had never regretted it, not even a little bit.
"You know me better than that, Bepo. Never expect anything at the start of the year. It ain't ever going to go according to plan. I'm Dr. Impulsive Decisions, remember?" 
"Oh trust me," he huffed, grumbling and pulling him closer. "I know. And I'm not complaining. I think this is the happiest I've ever seen you. So. I'm happy."
Law flushed, looking up at him with his chins till nestled in his fur. "It is huh? I was wonderin'. I'm glad it makes you happy, Bepo. I'm glad you're gonna come with me on this." 
"On any and every adventure, captain. No matter where it takes us, or who we turn out to be."
Law kissed his cheek, half crawling on top of him to hug him tighter. "Damn right, Bepo. You've always been precious to me, hope you know that."
Bepo rumbled embarrassedly in his chest as he remembered the other night, when Law had called him his 'greatest treasure. 
"I know it. Without any doubt, captain. And you're just as precious to me."
Heart Pirates, Donquixote Pirates, or even on their own. Bepo decided it really didn't matter to him, as long as Law let him come along. And he trusted that now he always would.
The encounter with the marines was exactly like Doflamingo said it would be— less of a fight, and more like exercise. It was a bloodbath. Thanks to Violet, they came into it knowing all of the enemy's positions, numbers and major weapons, and it was used to full advantage.
They swept in like a goddamned tidal wave. For all their quirks and their ridiculous bullshit— the Donquixote Family were a terror in battle. A force of nature that plowed down anything in their way in a cackling bloodbath of violence anderror.
Law and his crew moved among them,crashing through a port fortification with his power in full effect. Cannonballs and bombs meant for them wound up back in the thick of bunker encampments, detonating and shredding the marines inside. Limbs flew, replaced with explosives, and hearts were torn from their chests as they fought deeper into the island.
It felt good— damned good— to be fighting with them instead of against them. Pieces of the landscape warped under Giolla's power, becoming strange and twisted art, as men fell to the cackling Derringer and his sharpened heels. Baby 5 moved like a dance of death, shifting and twisting her form into all manner of deadly weapons just like he remembered to execute whole groups without breaking a sweat.
This was the power of the DQ family, the fact he'd beaten them in Dressrosa was almost a miracle. The other executives were making a terror of themselves— the ground rippling under enemy feet, tossing marines to the ground where some of them writhed like insects in Trebol's glue traps. Pica was already rebuilding his shrunken body with stone from the fortifications on the island while Vergo intercepted the more powerful haki users among the marines.
Doffy of course, was doing what he did best, standing and laughing as his threads sowed chaos in the form of enemies appearing to fight one another— none knowing where the next attack would come from.
Law's crew were just as terrifying, too, Komurasaki watching Baby 5's back, her swordsmanship with shusui a terror to behold. And Bepo protected Law's flank, powerful and opportunistic. 
At the end, the commanders rallied for a last charge against them, which was met with enthusiasm. Almost too late however, it turned out to be a distraction for a sneak attack. In the flurry of combat Law heard someone behind him almost too late— and then a choking sound.
Law turned to find that Doflamingo was garrotting a huge marine who'd had the tip of his sword nearly between his shoulderblades only a moment before.
Doffy hovered over the battlefield, grinning. "Take it away, Corazon."
Law stared for a moment at the marine, whipping around with a fury in his eyes. 
"Thanks Doffy," he breathed for only a moment before he formed a glimmering green gamma knife in his fingers and hammered it home through the marine's heart.
The green fire flared through the man for a moment, the waves of energy liquifying him from the inside as Law held his hand to his chest before shoving him away to collapse in a bleeding heap. 
The Donquixote pirates were the only ones still breathing in the aftermath of the violence, and Doflamingo leaned down to sling his arm around Law's shoulders when all was said and done.
"You looked good out there, Corazon," he purred, smiling. "Did good, too."
"You weren't half bad yourself, Doffy." Law flashed a wicked grin up at him. "Feels good to have gotten a little exercise." 
Doffy chuckled. "I'll bet. It was fun to see you cut loose like that— on somebody else," he teased. "I'll be excited to see you face a real challenge with us."
He cracked his knuckles, looking out at the devastation. No doubt the rest of the family would collect the bodies, and the identifying marks they needed, and bring them back to Cross Guild for the payout.
"Probably after this Uta thing. Can't imagine that's gonna turn out to be much of a fight at the end of the day." 
"Brawl at an Uta concert?" Doffy laughed. "I sure fucking hope not. But that should be fun anyway."
Strings wrapped their way around Law's wrist and hauled him gently against Doflamingo's chest.
"Hey, Law." He saw himself reflected twice in Doffy's glittering lenses. "I missed you."
Law leaned up against him with a quiet chuckle. "...Few weeks ago I wouldn't have believed it but…I missed you too, Doffy." 
"I believe you, Corazon." Doffy chuckled and licked his thumb, wiping a spot of blood off of Law's face. Then he pulled him into an eager kiss.
Law kissed him deeply, melting into his arms as the remains of the battlefield calmed around them. 
His life had never quite gone according to plan. The loss of his sister, the death of his hometown, his attempted suicide, his life with the Donquixotes and his way Rosi took him away from them and sent him on a quest for revenge he fully expected to die right after.
Somehow, Doffy was at the center of so much of that— drawing him back in. Saving him, loving him.
Somehow, life had taken him right back to Doflamingo. Right back to where he seemed to belong. 
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ifyoucandaniel · 2 years
Crimson Rivers as Reputation Songs
hi ive decided that taylor wrote reputation for Crimson Rivers and I'm sure you've all had the same thought, but i wanted to write down all the little ways i see them in the album and my interpretation!!!! soe spoilers for CR ahead so be warned! @mayzarbewithyou
…Ready for it?
“In the middle of the night in my dreams / you should see the things we do, baby / In the middle of the night in my dreams / I know I’m gonna be with you / so I take my time” 
very regulus to james !! dirty scandalous man hehe
regulus talking quietly to James when they’re alone and not being watched and he opens up and tells james the things he dreams about for them
I see how this is gon' go / Touch me and you'll never be alone / Island breeze and lights down low / No one has to know
regulus at the beginning of the fic when he was in his parting gift era
"no one has to know"
Obviously the “baby let the games begin” is very Crimson Rivers of her!!
“I see how this is gonna go"
Regulus seeing the ending before it can even begin and never letting himself just want and have until be finally does 
“Knew I was a robber / first time that he saw me / stealing hearts and running off never saying sorry”
WHEN THEY WERE LIKE “ stole your heart, did I?” “Return it to me will you?” “No I think ill hold onto it for a bit more” IDK if that’s word for word but off the top of my head that’s what I remember and ??? That’s so them im???
“Every lover known in comparison is a failure” regulus after exactly one night and thinking Barty wasn’t as good as James LMFAO
End game
This one is also jegulus I’ve decided 
“Big reputation / you and me we got some big reputations / and you heard about me / I got some big enemies / big reputation / you and me we’d be a big conversation”
This is so them before their games!!! Like there isn’t a single person who doesn’t know their names and if they were in love??? They’d be a big conversation indeed
“I don't wanna touch you /  I don’t wanna be / Just anther ex-love you don’t wanna see / I don't wanna miss you  / Like the other girls do / I don't wanna hurt you / I wanna be your end game”
This is so James to reg. Like he wanted him to love him so badddd he just wanted to be reg’s endgame!!! He didn’t want them to be something only to be nothing to him later :(
“Knew her when I was young / Reconnected when we were little bit older / I Did Something Bad”
Them growing up and being in love so close yet so far and then when they’re older falling in love fr this time??? Yeah this is so them
Don’t Blame Me
dorlenes ANTHEM
“For you, I would cross the line / I would waste my time / I would lose my mind / they say she’s gone too far this time / Don’t blame me love made me crazy” 
You’re going to look at me and tell me this ISNT Dorcas meadows starting a WAR to save Marlene ???
“Lord save me my drug is my baby” 
Dorcas literally on her KNEES doing whatever she can to save Marlene oh my god they’re so in love they invented love 
“And baby for you / I would fall from grace / just to touch your face / if you walk away I’ll beg you on my knees to stay”
This is it. This IS their song it belongs to them and them alone I don’t care
Like dorcas went against both riddle and Dumbledore for Marlene. She made her own side and went against the person she’s been fighting for for years for the love of her life
This whole song is just so them!!! I love a woman on a mission <3
Lilymary!!!!! Also wolfstar, but lilymary!!!
“This ain't for the best / My reputation's never been worse, so / You must like me for me / Yeah, I want you / We can't make any promises / Now can we, babe? / But you can make me a drink / Is it cool that I said all that? / Is it chill that you're in my head? / ‘Cause I know that it's delicate “
The first part is so remus to Sirius because he met him at his lowest point and still fell in love. they are the definition of love. Look up love in the dictionary and its them
Then lily <3 she was always so afraid of love and what it can do and how It can rip you apart, but she knows what she has with Mary is so so so special and she wants to treat them with so much love and care!! They have a delicate beautiful thing that she’s holding so gently!!
“Just think of the fun things we could do / ‘Cause I like you” 
When lily only wanted a fun time with Mary at first and wasn’t ready for anything else, but then going from that to just “it cool that I said all that? / Is it chill that you're in my head? / ‘Cause I know that it's delicate”
Yeah just them being so lovely and treating what they have with so much love and care 
Also very remus and Sirius learning to trust and tentative touches and gentle kisses and washing dishes together and !!!
Just delicate things
Look What You Made Me Do
this could go either way and a little bit of both between dumbledore and riddle. 
But either way it’s directed at Dorcas. 
Dorcas finding out the things dumbledore has done to ensure he wins this war HE started
“I don’t like your little games / the role you made me play of the fool / no I don’t like you / I don’t like your perfect crime / how you laugh when you lie / you said the gun was mine / isn’t cool / no I don’t like you”
Like we can all agree this is Dorcas @ dumbledore right? Okay cool
“But I got smarter I got harder in the nick of time/ honey I rose up from the dead I do it all the time/ I got a list of names and yours is in red underlined” 
DORCAS MF MEADOWS BABYYYYY she’s so cool wtf I want to be her and be with her I just need her 
“Oh look what you made me do” riddle bc he fucking sucks
But also Dumbledore when he made Gideon and fabion take the fall for dorcas
And dorcas when she started a war because neither side was doing anything so she took things into her own hands. 
Dorcas looking at Dumbledore and saying “look what you made me do” is so powerful!
Dorcas is a badass mf put some respect on her name I want to kiss the back of her hand so bad
Getaway Car
this is one of my favorites off the album and it is very much dumbledore and grindelweld. (unfortunately? idk bc zar did so amazing fleshing or their backstory that its fascinating and i dont like them as people, but their characters are fascinating and the PARALLELS mmmm so good)
“It was the best of times, the worst of crimes / I struck a match and blew your mind / But I didn't mean it, and you didn't see it / The ties were black, the lies were white”
Albus falling in love during the worst time of his life (best of times worst of times)
Grindelweld not seeing albus’ betrayal coming or maybe he did but the lies were white
"X" marks the spot where we fell apart / He poisoned the well, I was lyin' to myself / I knew it from the first Old Fashioned, we were cursed / We never had a shotgun shot in the dark”
He poisoned the well I was lying to myself- albus when grindelweld betrayed him and killed Ariana, he was lying to himself thinking grindelweld  wasn’t the man he was and that he wouldn’t do anything to get him  back
You were drivin' the getaway car / We were flyin', but we'd never get far / Don't pretend it's such a mystery / Think about the place where you first met me / Ridin' in a getaway car / There were sirens in the beat of your heart / Should've known I'd be the first to leave / Think about the place where you first met me
This part belongs to the moment when dumbledore finally kills him. 
Don’t pretend it’s such a mystery, think back to the moment you first met me- they were never going to have a happy ending and grindelweld should have seen it coming, they met during the hunger games where he was putting him and his sister in an arena to fight for their lives. They could never exist like they wanted to. 
“Until I switched to the other side, to the other side / It's no surprise I turned you in / 'Cause us traitors never win”
Albus turning on the man he loved, betraying him and killing him, but never winning. 
“It’s no surprise I turned you in”
Just thinking about dumbledore killing him and saying “don’t pretend it’s such a mystery” as if he would ever do anything less to avenge his sister, even to the man he loved.
Regulus through and through
This song is literally his internal thoughts about James 24/7 
reg wrote this song about James I know bc he showed me his sad boy poetry and this was in there
“You should take it as a compliment / That I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk / You should think about the consequence / Of your magnetic field being a little too strong / you’re so cool it makes me hate you so much”
Liiiiike? Regulus coded. Taylor knows CR reg personally and wrote this for him
Him making fun of James because otherwise hell just talk ab how pretty he is and how in love he is
You're so gorgeous / I can't say anything to your face / ‘Cause look at your face / And I'm so furious / At you for making me feel this way / But, what can I say? / You're gorgeous”
Like come onnnnnn he can’t even look James in the eye most of the time bc every time he does he’s just a deer in the headlights
James is so pretty im in love with him 
Regulus get in line I wanna kiss James face so bad
“You should take it as a compliment / That I'm talking to everyone here but you / And you should think about the consequence / Of you touching my hand in the darkened room / ‘cus you’re so gorgeous it actually hurts”
God this is so regulus idk what more I can say
“Ocean blue eyes looking in mine / I feel like I might sink and drown and die” 
I know James eyes aren’t blue, but the comparison to regulus drowning in them is too good
“You make me so happy, it turns back to sad, yeah / There's nothing I hate more than what I can't have / You are so gorgeous it makes me so mad”
UUUUUUUUGH they’re so lovely im clawing at the wall I want what they have ugh ugh ugh
this is both wolfstar AND dorlene
“Secret moments in a crowded room / but they don’t know about me and you / there is an indentation in the shape of you / make your mark on me”
This is so CR wolfstar Zar might as well have written the song himself.
Secret moments in a crowded room but they don’t know about me and you??? You’re joking. Like it’s so them😭 Remus at parties as a server while Sirius is siting with sponsors like 3 feet away with hickies he left the night before?? Yeah 
“Say my name and everything just stops / I don’t want you like a best friend / only bought this dress so you could take it off” 
LITERALLY THEM. When they tried to be friends but Dorcas wanted so much more! Them being in love and being friends never being enough! 
When Marlene asked Dorcas to take her dress off!!! God I love them so much oh my god
“Everyone thinks that they know us / but they know nothing about / all of this silence and patience / pining and anticipation/ my hands are shaking from holding back from you”
WOLFSTAR <3 I love them so much. When the hallows think they have Sirius and Remus all figured out and put in their little boxes, the boy who give out sexual favors for sponsors and the servant to the hallow, but they know nothing about them
When they’re around the hallows and have to hold back from each other but all they want is to be in each other’s arms😭
Also dorlene!!! Again everyone  thinking they know Dorcas and Marlene and they have them in their little boxes, but Marlene would never be the girl they wanted or thought she was and Dorcas was literally undercover for a war. 
The pining and anticipation / my hands are shaking from holding back from you !!!! Dorcas and Marlene!!!! They’re so in love oh my god I love them sm 
“Flashback when you first met me / your buzz cut and my hair bleached / even in my worst times / you could see the best of me / flashback to my mistakes / my rebounds my earthquakes / even in my worst lies / you saw the truth in me”
This is so wolfstar and dorlene. Flashback to my worst times- Sirius knowing Remus saw both his games and has seen him at his worst and Remus thinking about grayback but even then Remus saw the best in Sirius and neither love the other less for their lows
Flashback to my mistakes- Marlene finding out about lily and despite not being together still hurting  because  it hurts! They’re so heartbreaking and I just love them so much
Call It What You Want
“I brought a knife to a gun fight / they took the crown but it’s alright”
Sirius winning his games but never actually winning 
“My baby’s fit like a daydream / walking with his head down / I’m the one he’s walking to / so call it what you want”
Remus walking with his head down bc he’s a servant but he’s always walking to Sirius!
Sirius thinking Remus is so fit all the time and basically drooling nonstop- me too babe, me too
“My baby’s fly like a jet stream  high above the whole thing / loves me like I’m brand new”
Remus never paying attention to rumors and loving Sirius for him and nothing else, loving him like he’s all new and never been tainted by the hallows or the games 
“All my flowers grew back as thorns / he built a fire just to keep me warm / all the drama queens taking swings / all the jokers dressing up as kings / they fade to nothing when I look at him”
Sirius feeling like after the games he only destroyed things and like he grew thorns and ruins everything he touches, but Remus showing him he’s loved??? 
All the hallows trying to get their hands on him and sink their claws in but he only has eyes for Remus (specifically that one scene when Remus is working at the party and all the hallows are throwing themselves at Sirius but as soon as he sees Remus his eyes follow him all night and yeah them)
“ I’m laughing with my lover / making forts under covers / trust him like a brother / yeah you know I did one thing right / starry eyes sparking up my darkest nights” 
It’s literally them. That’s all. It’s them building trust and loving each other and laughing together and being in love.
“I want to wear his initial on a chain ‘round my neck / not because he owns me / but because he really knows me / which is more than they can say”
No you’re not listening. This is literally cr wolfstar 
Remus is the only person aside from his friends who can say they KNOW Sirius because Sirius let’s him know him. He KNOWS Sirius. All the hallows who want to own Sirius and to make him THEIRS don’t get it. Sirius could never be theirs because they don’t know him and  they never will. Sirius wants to belong to Remus because it’s his choice! He wants to belong to the man he’s built trust with and who KNKWS him. Oh my god they make me SICK. They’re so perfect 
“Would you run away with me?” Sirius to Remus all the time pls pls pls I love them
anyways I have to go do some work so this is all i have but i just love these characters so much and !!!!!
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lucius-the-sinful · 1 year
9 ship songs
@omgkalyppso tagged me to post 9 songs for one or more ships! I think this will probably become multiple posts over my various blogs because I Have A Lot to Talk About. For my first post I'll start with my most recent brain worm: my OC Galethor and Astarion (full playlist appropiately titled killing and maiming). Songs aren't in any particular order other than what I listened too first when making this list, lol.
tagging any and all who wish to participate <3
9. On Melancoly Hill by Gorillaz
Are you here with me? Just looking out on the day Of another dream Well you can't get what you want But you can get me So let's set out to sea, love 'Cause you are my medicine When you're close to me
I'll try my best to avoid Astarion romance spoilers but both Galethor and Astarion being survivors of extreme abuse and after everything is over they are completely unsure of themselves... Other than they know they need each other.
8. Something Real by Post Malone
No cover fee At the gates of hell, no VIP Everybody waits in line So give me somethin' I can feel Light a cigerette just so I can breath Give me somethin', somethin' real
Act 2, Hug Scene. Thats really all you need to know.
7. Honey Whiskey by Nothing But Thieves
I think I better go before I try something I might regret I might regret But if you wanna free your body tonight Its our secret, its our secret
Act 1, Goblin Party. Galethor doesn't do well with large parties or with alcohol (both bring up traumatic memories). So when Astarion proposes getting away from it all, Galethor eagerly takes it.
6. Feeling Sorry for Us by Vegetables
Sad eyes in front of you And frozen arms around your neck If only there were something to find But I need my wounds cured So do you mind my staying here
Galethor feels pretty insecure in their relationship at times, he tends to disassociate. He thinks far to much about how messy things are. Astarion hasn't always been the best partner, but I think given their very similar trauma, Galethor could never confide in anyone else. No one else understands him like Astarion does.
5. Sing To Me by Missio
Its like all day my vanity is for sale Take it away, my head is in my own hell Sing to me, I am not doing well
Chose this one for similar reasons with the previous song.
4. The Valley of the Pagans by Gorillaz
Its so convincing, but something is missing The sun is kissing on my face and erasing my doubts I'm going out with a bang And the fangs of a parasite I'm feeling alright
Galethor is a bit of a sado-masochist and likes to be fed on, okay. Next.
3. Can You Feel My Heart by Bring Me The Horizon
I'm scared to get close, and I hate being alone I long for that feeling to not feel at all The higher I get, the lower I'll sink I can't drown my demons they know how to swim
I think its fair to say that Galethor had just as much trouble opening up as Astarion did. Their relationship was extremely rocky in the beginning, but they never gave up on each other.
2. Trouble by Adam Jensen
Baby, you should look the other way Forget my name, 'cause I'm no good for you Is it living or dying that makes me afraid? Or is it that I know my soul can't be saved?
Not gonna lie, not sure if this is more about Astarion or Galethor. Their relationship is always teetering on the edge, where they know they cannot live without one another but that anything could tip them over the edge into catastrophic ruin.
1. Dead Inside by Younger Hunger
I'm all talk with a thorn in my side I got a real big heart that I'm willing to hide You ask me what I want from life I said to make a lot of money and feel dead inside
Charlatans. The both of them. Whenever Galethor tells lies and spreads misinformation I can see Astarion behind him, biggest heart eyes known to man. They can be a little toxic, as a treat.
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