#this episode made my heart grow like 5 sizes
mo-ok · 2 years
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Kiramager ep. 27
But I want to learn more and more, And become even stronger
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woodsfae · 2 years
Babylon 5 s02E08 Soul Mates
s02 Table of Contents • previous episode
oh god. All three of Londo Mollari's wives. Minus two. Sounds very slightly more manageable. To watch.
What kind of mind trick was that? Stoner, lol. Maybe it’s the scent of dank weed floating off him.
No. I just made a very weird noise. Talia's ex husband Matt Stoner has arrived on B5. This is going to be an episode of all time. I can just tell.
Timov: "I won't bite, Vir." Vir: “With all due respect, madam, that's not what I heard." Timov: “All right....that one time." Vir: “It was...it was twice..."
Oh, Centauri. why. Them Being Like That is, so far, kinda funny, kinda repelling. While being unfairly interesting, actually. I'm getting to be fond of complaining about them. And I also realized today that part of what repels me about them is that I feel unwillingly voyeuristic whenever they get heterosexually dysfunctional.
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^ actually me whenever the Centauri whip out a tentacle or overshare about their painfully hetero sex lives
Another wife has arrived! I quite like these two women interacting.
John Sheridan, my heart just grew three sizes. That's so sweet! Friends and allies!
ashfdsjhfd. OK. I have to pause and quote this Ivanova and Delenn interaction because I just put my hands over my face and scream-laughed for a minute over Delenn's hair.
Delenn, all but vibrating in rage: "Commander. I want you to understand. I acquired human characteristics to bring your people and mine closer together. To symbolize our mutuality! It is supposed to be a dignified, inspiring transition for both humans and Minbari. So will you, please, explain to me, why this - this - this *rips at hair*" Ivanova: "Hair." Delenn *rips at a trapped hairbrush* "...refuses to cooperate?!"
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This is also everything I ever wanted. And also why my hair is never allowed to grow longer than my chin before I whack it off.
Delenn: "Please. I trust you."
my heart
Oh, Talia. My heart again, for totally different reasons. PsiCorps are shits.
And G'Kar!! I've missed G'Kar. His armor is getting prettier and prettier I swear.
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So shimmery and shiny!
I could watch Daggair and Timov all day.
Daggair: "Your problem, Timov, is that you've never known your place." Timov: "My place? You once threatened to break a vase over his head." Daggair, laughing: "Well, that...that, was the impetuousness of youth." Timov: "That was last month."
Timov definitely has Londo's number. I agree with her, Daggair is definitely up to something.
Timov: "The secret of our marriage's success, Londo, is our lack of communication. You have jeopardized that success, and I would know why."
This is absolutely, hands down, the funniest, most engaging, and delightful Centauri episode so far. I love Timov so much. She can come back whenever she likes.
Happy 30th Ascension Day, Londo.
Wow, a two-out-of-three divorce is a great 30th Ascension Day gift from the emperor. Well, any one wish within his power is a great gift, but it totally tracks that Londo would use it to get out of as many arranged marriages as possible (while insisting that it's a valid way of life and other people should just shut up and take the marriages).
I like the staggered introduction of Mollari wives.
I bet the props department had a ton of fun coming up with alien artifacts.
Lennier is back!!! He's so sweet. Checking to make sure the hair curlers aren't painful. I must disagree with Delenn: they may not be physically painful, but they're a psychological torment.
This tension between Garibaldi and Matt Stoner is delightful. He's clearly a shit, but he and Garibaldi have banger chemistry.
Londo: "Be careful. I should have warned you. On Earth, you have these creatures - insects attracted to flames?" Sheridan: "Uh, yes. Moths. They're drawn to flames and bright lights, and get burned." Londo: "Mariel is drawn to men of power in that same way. But trust me - she burns them."
I like her.
My most insistent inclination right now is that Londo will stay married to Timov. But I could also see him staying with Mariel just because she's the youngest, or he admires her zest for burning powerful men. Or Daggair, since she's flattering his ego on this trip. It'll be interesting to see how this goes! Perhaps this divorce is a fake-out and he'll end up using his favor for something completely unrelated.
Fuck U Matt. Leave her alone.
This is definitely a case of the cure being worse than the sickness. Losing telepathy after a lifetime of having it sounds traumatic. Losing it to get out of PsiCorps grip if there's no other option - potentially worth it, depending on the individual. Having your creepy ex arrange for it, thus giving his obsessed and gross self something to hold over you? Nooo. No thank you.
Talia, to Garibaldi: "Please, keep out of this. It's not your concern." Garibaldi: "I...I feel it is." Talia: "Feel differently."
TELL HIM SIS. Fuck yes. Talia telling men to fuck off instead of appeasing them and de-escalating is a glorious thing to behold.
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Londo: "You haven't changed." Timov: "You have. You've devolved."
Your honor, I love her.
:( I'm sorry you're apologizing to Gaibaldi, Talia.
And that you're considering leaving with Matt!
Understandable feelings, F- risk assessment.
Londo and G'Kar's fighting is as delightful as ever! Londo could do so much with his brainpower if he devoted it to anything worthwhile, and this is obvious because he's so good at fucking with G'Kar.
Lennier is so fucking cute. Londo is going to cheat so hard with those marked cards.
Murder via ancient, Centauri artifact is a pretty interesting way to take someone out.
Obviously Matt Stoner sucks, but I continue to love him and Garibaldi interacting.
Awwww, Timov.
"Whatever you think of me, doctor, I have some principles that even twenty years with Londo can't erase."
oh my god. hahahahaha I love her.
Security Officer: "There's just something about [Matt] that makes you wanna like him."
Hmmmm. Residual PsiPowers?
Franklin: "Ambassador Mollari, do you mind if make one personal observation? Londo: "No, not at all." Franklin: "Stick it." Londo: "How odd. I didn't even know we were married."
That's a pretty good one. I tolerate the Centauri Boomer Humor a lot better when it's less hetero.
Matt definitely has some latent PsiPowers. Shake it off, Talia! Kick him in the nads!
Well, setting him up to being hit by Garibaldi is OK too, I guess.
I did wonder if Mariel was responsible for the poisoning. Love her. And G'Kar! He continues to be a total delight and I love seeing him interact with new people.
Matt: "Look into my mind. No shields. No tricks." Talia: "No chance."
Good plan. A+ risk assessment. That's character growth!
It is slightly laudable that Londo prefers to have honestly over flattery in his stable relationships.
:( oh fuck, poor Delenn. Menstruating is not something you wanna pick up, especially when it comes with cramps. :(
next episode
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nekoandfriends · 2 years
Triseraquins' Headcanon:
(Note: Click ALT to view the image descriptions)
Not only do the Triseraquins socialize with humans and other races, but they also socialize with aquatic-life mammals such as jellywhales, dolphins (like the ones from Season 5), belugas, sea lions, sea otters, and other aquatic life beings. However, for the marine mammals beside jellywhales and dolphins, it is not yet confirmed if they ever existed in Aku's world since evil has been declared as law...but hopefully, they're around in this world, somewhere safe from Aku's tyranny.
In Jack under the Sea, when Jack first arrives at Oceanus (as shown in the image ), all of them are males, but there's no sight of females during Jack's arrival. This gives us a lot of questions:
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Did Genndy Tartakovsky and his crew have a hard time designing the female Triseraquins during their process of making Jack under the Sea episode?
Was the variety of genetic codes (hermaphrodite) from the exposure of a chemical reaction in the ocean environment are the impacts of the Triseraquins' gender hormones (and reproduction systems)?
We may never know for sure, but two of the question could be the ones that'll explained the reason behind the female Triseraquins' absence in Samurai Jack universe.
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Like humans (since they're humanoid beings), finding love can be difficult for the Triseraquins. So they intend to listen to their heart and find someone who'll truly love them back (a sign of true love). And once they find true love, they take a slow step to get to know each other, and soon enough...they'll mate and become lovers to reproduce babies (as shown in the image below uwu).
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Once they mate, Triseraquins will lay 1-6 eggs (the size of a baseball) at once based on the development of the genetic information given by their parents, similar to the ones in human race. For examples:
If Triseraquin laid two eggs, then they're gonna have twins.
If Triseraquin laid four eggs, then they're gonna have quadruplets.
If Triseraquin laid one egg, then they're gonna have the only child in their family but will make more babies when the child loses their tail when getting older.
(Note: Even if it's twins, triplets, quadruplets, quintuplets, or sextuplets, they might be either born identical or alternative from each other as they hatch and grow up)
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These eggs will hatch in 4-6 days when the water is at the right temperature (65-70℉ or 18-21℃). Once the eggs hatch, a baby Triseraquin will emerge with a tadpole tail to keep them balanced while swimming.
Eventually, they'll lose their tail once they learn how to walk with their legs as they grow older.
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In ancient times (before the exile event), Triseraquins made peace with the mainland locals, forming a friendship between the two race. This friendship have caused the amphibian beings to have a UK accent from the language of the land-dwellers.
(Note: That's my theory to predict how Triseraquins have a UK accent in the episode of Jack Under the Sea)
According to @teacupballerina's Headcanon lore (with Greek and Roman inspiration in the Samurai Jack series), Triseraquins are either worshiped or have been in direct contact with their ocean god (Oceanus) since ancient times until Aku came by and banished them because he couldn't take control of the Neptune jewel and banishing the ocean god's creation will consider being as a retaliation against them.
Even if Aku banishes them, Triseraquins still have faith in their hearts and continue to pray (to the ocean God) for any signs of hope and freedom.
However Aku soon found out about this and began to deceive them with lies, mocking them that there was no hope for them to be free now that their ocean God could not protect them anymore, meaning that they're now enslaved by the grasps of Aku. This made Triseraquins' hearts tainted by his words as the hope and the chance of being free they held on...vanished.
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As the years of being trapped underwater flew by, Aku visited them once more and decided to make an obligation to the Triseraquins: If they successfully captured his enemy (Samurai Jack) by tricking him into going to the (fake) time machine, they'll be sent back to the surface. But if they fail, there will be consequences for both the city and their families.
Triseraquins aren't sure if he's telling the truth but immediately accepts his obligation since there's no other choice for them to protect their city from Aku's sinister actions.
This pleases Aku as he vanishes into darkness, leaving the City of Oceanus after accepting the obligation. However, one thing Triseraquins didn't realize was that Jack (with the magic sword) would be the one to save them from the enslavement of Aku; Hence the event of Jack Under the Sea was formed in Samurai Jack series.
I hope you enjoy the Triseraquins' (very) long headcanons. If you have any interesting facts or headcanons about them, feel free to comment down below or reblog it! ^w^
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forkaround · 2 years
Top 3 Personal Favorite BLs of 2022
I would like to start by thanking everyone who replied to my 'What's the appeal of BL?' post. A friend had asked and I felt I hadn't given a satisfying answer but seeing all the reblogs and comments made my heart grow three sizes. These were things I knew to be true. These were things around me, abstract and translucent. And every answer made me so fucking happy. I could see hope. Thank You.
I got into BL this year and I can say, with ease that I've never been happier.
I am a writer. At 15 I had the idea for an epic fantasy. But things changed once I realized the female lead could end up with no one but this other female character. I steeled myself for a difficult battle because since this was gay this won't be published in India. (Back then there was still a ban on homosexuality. Section 377, if anyone's interested. A remnant of the British Raj. Lifted in 2018.) And I told myself this is going to be hard but it's fine. We can publish in the US. Parts of the story take place in the US anyway, and the rest is in another galaxy, so it's okay. We are fine.
At 20, I had an idea for a story where the female lead become the uncrowned Queen of India (Richest, most influential person in the country). Her motto was - Ambition isn't a bad word. I knew this won't be well received since a woman has ambition but I figured it won't be that bad. But I couldn't conceive of this character as anyone but a lesbian. And I knew this would never be made or rather published if she was the main character.
And in rolled the year 2022. I am 23. It's my 24th birthday and I am more excited for something else that's going to happen in two days than I am about it being my birthday and also the day I go to live, by myself, in Germany, miles from where my parents live. I can barely think about that.
All I am thinking about is -
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This show is fantastic and no one can deny this but to me it's much more than a show because it made me believe there was a market for my stories. That I could do this and the road ahead wasn't as difficult as I'd thought I'd be. And that was because of how much of a phenomenon Kinnporsche was. Still is, idk. It trended worldwide every week. It trended in India every week since Ep 4. Major Indian magazines wrote about it. And for once I thought, maybe India is ready.
Kinnporsche was also a personal phenomenon. I had Sundays blocked off in my Bullet Journal as Kinnporsche Brainrot days. I bought wine for the first time in my life in anticipation of the Vegaspete episode. This show spawned 7 WIPs and added umph to pre-existing projects like the Ambition one I mentioned before. I had the time of my life reading metas and my critical thinking and media analysis skill improved because of this fandom. The fanworks were the first time in my life I've been as invested in the fandom of the fandom as I've been in the media. It glitters like gold. And in-between the changing genres and political scheming, stage blocking and color theory, and tooth rotting fluff and sadomasochism I found hope.
And what Kinnporsche started multiplied with the things to come.
Old Fashion Cupcake
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I've mentioned I'm 24. I feel like I'm 40. I am a woman from a conservative country like India. I am queer but that's not the only thing about me that defies norms. And when you are young defying norms is a metric of success. When you go to college, though, things change and everything that you thought were things people were proud of, are suddenly not. All the talk of feminism and equal rights that had people clapping at 15 are all the same things that people snide at you about. It's the same with your family. And once you've finished college. The second that bachelor's degree hits your hand, the first question asked is - When are you going to start searching for a husband? And you've know for a while this is coming. And 25 feels like the end of the world. You can't imagine being 28, 30, 35, 40... And you've not even lived.
Then some guy, 5 years older than you, starts teaching his boss about some anti-aging thing. The boss is just like you, someone who hasn't lived and regrets it and you realize, a thought so powerful that your cry in the middle of the afternoon. There are as many years between me and Nozue as I've lived. It's not exact math but it shocks you down to your every cell. I feel old. But I'm not. Nozue is twice as old as me and I never thought him to be that old. And yes, life still sucks in many ways and yes, the rules of the universe are different for men and women but it also means my life doesn't end at 30. I won't be a haggard, old woman the moment the second hand moves to the next day on my birthday. Even if the world believes it - I don't have to. And it changes me coz all the things I thought I didn't have time for are suddenly things where I have all the time in the world. I have time for cute food. I have time for a cute cat. I have time to make my name. I have time to live.
And then comes something that makes me even more insane than I already am -
Love in the Air
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I know. I know. But this is the first time I've seen someone that makes me as insane as Payu does. And I don't mean the department god status or the cool look. I mean the complete balance and grace this guy has. Before him it was Peggy Carter who I thought was just amazing but it was Payu that solidified the idea of why. He defies every expectation put on him. Good guy? No, he has connections to the mafia and can make you vanish with a phone call. Bad guy then? Nope, he is nice to everyone and is a general pleasure to have around. Any bad guy aesthetics are things he is passionate about in a nerdy way. The Cool Guy? Nope, he looks cool sure but it's not his goal to be a cool guy. He wants to be a nice guy. It's being nice that is cool. Nice Guy (derogatory)? Nope, he tests Rain but is pleasantly surprised every time Rain does pass the test. Narcissistic? Nope, he will put his whole pride aside for the man he loves. He will get humiliated for him any day. He is a well adjusted, respected man who is into kink. No tragic backstory, no dark impulses. Just some guy. Who likes kink.
He became dear to me and looking at him is the reason I realized that in order to make my dreams come true I can't just hope and have talent, I need discipline and balance too. But I also need grace to understand others. Enter Parpai. He spotted something wrong with Sky from the few seconds he seemed lost in thought. His priority in the finale was to take care of Sky and not being his hero or being The Hero. He cared about nothing beyond Sky's wellbeing. This is a type of character I can honestly say I've never seen before. The maturity and emotional intelligence shown by Parpai blows me away each time.
The clock struck twelve and I broke my first bottle of Merlot. Here to to an amazing 2023, an insane 2023, a wonderful 2023 and a kind 2023. I end this with love and gratitude, thing that before this year I considered superfluous, especially gratitude. But I've felt more gratitude this year thanks to BLs/GLs/QLs than I thought I was capable off.
What I wanted to do at 15 hasn't changed but now I have hope it can happen and time to make it happen and the balance and grace I would need to help me achieve my 15 year old self's dreams. Coz after a decade of being told it was stupid or unimportant I get to have confidence that all that I felt, things that others didn't agree with are real. And that makes all the difference.
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vole-mon-amour · 4 months
(i'm watching the show under the cut. in short, i didn't like it.)
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gay. also, lieees.
well, this episode couldn't be more boring and look more fake. the only interesting part was about the ghoul.
I think less people need to make video games adaptations and more people need to play the actual video games the adaptation was made for. mark my words, just like with Uncharted, Borderlands movie is going to be one hell of a shitshow.
also, 8.2 on imdb? were we watching the same episode? the fights and the killing looked fake af. the scenery is staged, but that's understandable, they're inside a vault. i wanted to skip forward the entire thing (which i kinda did, because it's tedious). i'm glad i've waited until the end, though.
i don't know why they went with this because, for example, the base for fallout 4 was way more logical and faster than this. i couldn't play new vegas because it was dragging itself for so long & i was bored.
rating for me: 1 out of 10.
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malinois are gorgeous dogs.
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why. does it look. so bad. so blurry. so fake.
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now that's my kind of energy. (not him fucking chickens though.)
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have you looked around? do you know where you are and what situation other people are in?
rating for me: 5 out of 10. wasn't as bad as the first one.
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Hey, Maximus, you're being an asshole.
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hey, get fucked, maybe? the dog is fucking everything.
rating: 3 out of 10. boring af.
1x04: rating? maybe 4/10. some interesting moments were shown, but the ghoul? my goodness, dude. who fucking hurt you. is that the fandom's fav? he better have some seriously tragic backstory.
1x05: you know what? we don't have enough of the doggo. i want to see more of the doggo.
what I don't understand is why they were getting ready for the shelters and creating the entire program when the America seemed to do fine? like, what the hell happened? and why WERE they in those vaults when people still live in this radiation? it's just like that woman say, how ARE you going to save America?
and why are they electing a new Overseer when the old one disappeared, but they don't know if he died? can they even do that?
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so you just leave all their stuff there? should've looted and sell. what a waste. that's not how video games work.
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I like him. He and Lucy have good hearts.
rating: 4 out of 10 maybe? 5 out of 10 at best. i liked how they explored Vault 31. so far I think I'm the most curious about that.
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and humans eat EVERYTHING? what are you on about? we can be cannibals and not grow veggies and feed dogs with that logic.
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say it!!
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though I'm not sure if a black female being a villain is a good or a bad thing for media?
in all her rant, she still hasn't answered who decides on all of that. because it's probably her. :)
btw, that thing Lucy said about the sun feeling so real and its warmth on her skin? foreshadowing it being real. her mother bringing her to the surface until she gets killed and buried by her husband aka Lucy's dad. if he IS his dad. i'm doubting everything here.
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i'm watching all of this and thinking how much money is wasted on something completely unnecessary. all those human sized dolls. all this show.
this was a way decent episode than all the previous ones.
rating: 6 our 10 maybe? in this case, it's a good rating. 6.5-7 at best though.
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wet cat with big eyes.
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oh, he's great.
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yes dogs in the vault!!
Listen, I know the show starts with Lucy wanting "a real deal", but was the romance really necessary?
Rating: 5 out of 10. At best.
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so what they're trying to create is basically the matrix? and reinvent capitalism.
i feel like the ending (and the entire show) is trying to be Arcane. ohhh, this technology, we can use it. ehhh.
if Lucy's mom is a ghoul, how did she not attack everyone? no way she's still conscious, right? also, is there a hint that Lucy's mom and this Cult Leader were in love? (upd: ah yes. kill your gays trope.)
and in s2 Max wakes up like nothing happened. :))
also, where's is Ghoul's daughter?
s1 is such a waste of time, barely anything happened. no charismatic villains (aside maybe from The Wife), no charismatic protagonists (Ghoul? idk. he's not the good guy, either). just... what IS it and why are people so head over heels this show?
also. why do people ship Ghoul and Lucy? because of one or two parallels? no chemistry, not canon, like?
"my echo, my shadow, and me" as in the dog, Ghoul, and her?
rating: dunno, 3/10?
i'm gonna go ahead and give the entire show a 3/4 out of 10. bad. very bad. watch Arcane instead lol.
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ketso · 2 years
Episode 5
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A month ago, I walked out of prison and I swore to all that was inside of me that I’d never go back there. I did my fifteen years and it had been a long fifteen years. The worst part is not even the time that I did. It is the time that I missed out on my child that hurts me the most. I came out of prison to find a grown woman who is now old enough to even make me a grandmother. I will never state it enough how grateful I am that she kept our relationship going. She came to see me every week. She spent every family holiday with me in prison. It may have been just for one hour at each visit, but it has made all the difference. She gave me the opportunity to watch her grow up and I listened to her tell me about her university experience and this boyfriend of hers that she now has – Senzi. I don’t even know his last name. The stories she's told me have definitely made me laugh, but they've also put me in protective mode because I don't want people making my daughter feel as if she's less of a person because of her mother is a convicted criminal and her father is useless. For that I am thankful to her beautiful heart.
The other sad part was listening to her tell me how hard she's working for herself because Nathi had written her off. I’m not sure if I will ever forgive him for that. Bottom line is that I feel like I know my daughter. But this is my time to really know her. I play catch-up with her life with every event that takes place in her life. I do also feel like I need Nathi to know her better. Regardless of the father that he has been to her, he has lived life with her and he knows far much more than I would ever know from behind some steel bars.
She and I are getting ready to go out for lunch right now. She showered while I bathed – yes, in one bathroom. We chatted throughout the bath/shower. Now we are almost all dressed up. She's so beautiful. Her entire body took after me... thick thighs, thick bums, small boobs and a flat tummy. I wish she took after my mother with the boobs. My mom left none for me or my Wandisa. But she's the spitting image of Nathi and his children with Thandeka. She took Nathi's smile, his fair and light-skinned complexion and his eyes. She got his hair type too and that's great news because my hair is disabled shame. I didn't live in wigs for nothing. When I got into prison, I just stayed with short hair. Wandisa has her relaxed hair hitting her back so beautifully. And it's so thick!
It still bugs me that my child uhlala emaroomini. My child? Uhlala emaroomini? They look nice, but okusalayo ama-room.
The room is actually nice, yes. Everything in here make it look like a Sandton apartment.
She has a mini kitchen in here. She has a nice LG fridge, LG microwave and stunning kitchen appliances. Why is she in a back room and not in an apartment?
Wandisa decides to take me to some restaurant outside some church. Apparently, this is the church that Thandeka’s kids were telling me about where Wandisa’s boyfriend is the pastor. This is not the church that you have in mind. There is an office building here that actually has staff walking in and out as if they are making serious money for an organisation. Then there is a church. The church is MASSIVE! I haven't even been inside, but I'm sure it's one of those that have cinema size screens and bands and and and...
Then there is a mall. An actual mall. The first few shops sell church-related things, i.e., objects that have the word "holy" next to it. Then the rest are normal shops that you'd find in an actual mall. Then there are restaurants. But they are all church-related restaurants. We are eating at one of them. This doesn't feel anointed shame. Even the church inside of prison felt more anointed than this.
"Wandi, why are we eating here?" I ask her.
She laughs then says, "What's wrong, mama? Your food doesn't taste holy?"
I laugh.
"I get to eat for free here. I have vouchers for days. Whenever you feel hungry, grab a voucher and come eat here." She says.
"Why do you have these vouchers? Do you attend church here? I thought this was a Senzi thing, not yours."
"Something like that".
"Something like that?"
"This church... this land nje and everything in it and within the gates surrounding this place... it belongs to Senzi's parents." She says.
My eyes widen.
"The dad is the bishop or something to that effect. The mother is the head lady. She's a bitch and she's not afraid to flaunt the bitchiness. Senzi is a head pastor."
"I thought he was a pilot. When did that change to him being so devoted to ubufundisi that he is the head pastor? "
She laughs. I'm actually being serious.
Then she says, after a good laugh, "Mah, he is a pilot. But the church is a family business. They are the famous first family in the country... the Twala family."
"You are dating Laura Twala’s son?!"
This child!
"You know Senzi's mother?" She is surprised.
"Hey baby", I see a very handsome young man kiss her cheek and hug her.
I look at him. Oh, he's here with Laura.
"Maphuthi Ngwenya", Laura says to me.
"Laura Akkufo... I hear it's Laura Twala now." I say.
"It is. I thought you'd be Maphuthi Buthelezi by now. Instead, you are prisoner number?"
Wandisa becomes immediately defensive. But I chip in because I can handle Laura.
"Don't worry about my prison number, darling. I heard enough people throwing your name around inside that I might just need to start negotiating protection for you should your shit get caught."
Her face changes.
"Is this how you clean up your money now?" I insist.
"Mah, what is Miss Ngwenya talking about?" The son asks.
"Senzangakhona, take Wandisa for a walk." She says.
"Mah -
"Senzangakhona, we all know how I feel about repeating myself. Take a damn walk! You too, Wandisa!"
"Sorry sisi, you don't talk to my daughter like that. Ungang'hlanyisi when I'm so fresh out of a cell!"
Senzangakhona takes Wandisa by hand and they take a walk.
Laura sits where Wandi was sitting.
We face each other.
"My family... they don't know about how I got money to start all of this. They believe it was an inheritance from my family", she says.
I laugh.
"The money you were promised when you agreed to eat the charges and do the time for us... it's ready for whenever you are ready for it." She says.
"Good to know."
"So, how do we get it to you?"
"I don't want my daughter asking questions. Give me a job around here and pay me a salary from that money. You can pay me R80 000 a month."
"What job are you going to do at a church?"
"Do you think I'm stupid? This is a business. Not a church."
"To the world, it is. How am I supposed to explain an ex-convict serving the Lord through her career?"
"I don't give a shit. Tell them you believe in second chances because the bible tells us to forgive not only seven times, but seventy times seven times and more... I don't give a shit how you spin it. But I want a house that my daughter and I can move to, and I want my life back. I'm Maphuthi Ngwenya and the only reason why my arrest took the heat off you and the others is because my name was big enough to make my arrest a reason for someone else's promotion. If my name was not as big as it was, they would've known that I didn't work alone. But my name was so big that it took heat off you. I did fifteen years away from my only child! When I ask for shit, I don't expect resistance. I am Maphuthi Ngwenya. I was a CEO of a mining giant. Give me an executive role in whatever shit you are doing here. The R80 000 a month is what you all owe me. I want a salary from the church – the original church that this church ironically protects – on top of that. Collectively, R120 000 a month would be amazing."
"It would keep you quiet and kept?"
"As I've been all these years", I say.
She nods her head.
"Fine. I'll phone the rest and let them know." She says.
I nod my head.
"Are you still in business?" I ask her.
"I dabble in it. But not like I used to be", she says.
"And your husband?"
"He's a man of the cloth. He just keeps his face in the Bible and gets paid. I do all the work. You know how it is. Nothing much has changed over the fifteen years you were away." She says.
"And Senzi?"
"Senzangakhona is fine. I'd like him to break up with your daughter. She's not a good partner for him as a future bishop", she says.
"And yet here you are next to a man of the cloth."
She gives me a look.
"Lady Laura, can I get you something to eat or drink?" Some waiter asks her with fear. She shoos the waiter away like some fly. This is really the mam'fundisi of this place?
"Mama, are you still okay?" Wandi.
Oh, they are back.
"She's fine. She starts work as our Operations Managing Executive", Laura says.
"What?!" Wandisa is both shocked and disturbed.
"That is great. Welcome, Miss Ngwenya", Senzi says.
"Thank you", I say.
"Maphuthi Ngwenya was dynamite. We would be fools to not take her on now that she's back. Plus, it's good for the church to show that we live by God's instruction to forgive not only seven times, but rather seventy times seven times and more. Most importantly, we love all our neighbours as God has loves us", Laura is such a bullshit artist.
"Mama, what is this?" Wandi is the only one who is not convinced.
"She's doing what you should be doing by now, Wandisa... being part of the family church. You know it's required if you and Senzangakhona decide to get married." Laura.
"Laura, I'll talk to my own child, thanks." I say. I hate how she addresses my child like some bad smell stuck under her bottom lip.
"Senzangakhona, we have a meeting with your father. Let's get going." Laura says.
"I'll call you later, baby. I love you", Senzangakhona says to Wandi.
Wandi smiles at him.
They kiss.
I look away. Laura looks disgusted.
They leave.
We are driving back to the township and backroom that my daughter lives at. We are moving soon. I'm getting my child out of here.
"How do you know Lady Laura?" She asks me.
"We used to be friends", I say.
"Illegal friends?"
I'm quiet.
"Mah, I don't want you getting into trouble and going back to jail."
"I won't."
"Lady Laura ukhohlakele. She didn't just give you this job out of the goodness of her heart."
"You are right. She didn't. But I need a job and she's doing me a favour as an old friend. Within three months, we'll afford a house somewhere nice."
"House?! Mama!"
"Wandisa, I'm not breaking the law. It's a job and it pays well. It's for us."
"Fine." She says.
She's a smart girl. She knows what she's dealing with when it comes to Laura. I will not lie. It gives me some sort of relief about her relationship with this boy of hers.
We get home. I'm actually tired. I used to pass sleep around 7pm in prison. My body is preparing to head into bed.
This place is a bit rowdy. Wandi greets the guys and gives them food she took as a takeaway. She actually ordered meals for takeaway. I thought it was for us. But she brought it for men who just look ready to rob you.
"Wandi baby! You are a star!" They say.
She stays outside and chats to them as I make it inside the room.
I hear them asking her who I am and she tells them I'm her mother. They cannot believe it. Apparently, I look too young to be her mother.
I change into pyjamas.
I get into bed. She finally comes inside the house.
"And then? Those men out there?" I ask her.
"They are professional criminals... well-known. They are my friends though. Keeping them close makes me drive the most wanted car amongst hijackers so freely." This child!
"Mama, I was seven when I was raped by my friend's father and law-abiding adults couldn't keep me safe. I learned how to protect myself from the age of twelve and I'll have you know that criminals have protected me on these streets so much more than people who I was supposed to trust. So no, mama. I don't look down on them. I look after them like they've always looked after me." She says.
I take a deep breath. She can see that she has slightly hurt me and you know what, she doesn't care.
This girl is quite sleg and I'm learning it slowly but surely.
She takes out R500 from her purse. She walks out and I hear her telling these guys to stay safe out there. What is she giving them money for? I can't even ask because she's just told me to fuck off without saying it in too many words.
She walks back into the room and locks the door and butler gate.
"Wandi, what do you do again? For a living?" I just need to know...
She gives me a "none of your business look" at first, then she says...
"I have a clothes and accessories boutique in Joburg CBD. Then I do hair and nails on the side. Maybe if I make enough money, I'll open a hair and beauty spot somewhere in Joburg and create more jobs. Then I get acting and modelling gigs here and there."
I nod my hair.
"I could never be an employee. I was not built for a nine to five." She says.
Must be nice.
"So, why do you stay here and not in a decent apartment?" I ask her.
"As a self-employed individual, I prefer to buy things cash and not on credit. I prefer to minimize my debit orders. So, I've been saving for a house and a car. Soon, I'll be able to buy both cash." She says.
"Senzi bought me this car because I need to get around for when I buy material or need to get to work."
"Buy material?"
"Yep. All the clothes in my boutique.. I make myself." She says.
I suddenly feel so proud.
"Those pyjamas... the bedding in here... the couch covers... all my clothes... the clothes in your wardrobe... I made all of these myself."
I'm in awe.
"I'll take you to my studio tomorrow. I'm actually working on a big order for some company and some rich housewives all over Hyde Park. I'm doing okay, mama. I really am."
"I'm so proud of you Wandisa wami."
"Must I show you my social media page and website?"
I nod my head.
Ja no... I gave birth to myself la.
We spend an hour going through her portfolio. I can't believe this is my daughter. Wow!
Her phone rings. The caller ID reads "Khanya".
She answers it and puts the call on speaker.
Wandi: "Little brother".
Khanya: "Yo! Where you at?"
Wandi: "At my place. What’s up?"
Khanya: "Pops is not well. He's in hospital. Can I come and pick you up so we go see him? Mah said we should pick you up instead of letting you drive alone so late."
Wandi: "Eish skhokho sami, I’m chilling with my mom today".
"No, please go. I'll be fine", I say.
Khanya is quiet. I guess he has heard what I've just said.
"Are you sure?" She asks me.
I nod my head. I want to sleep anyway.
"Okay. Text me the details. I'll Uber there. You can give me a ride back." Wandi tells Khanya.
"Okay sure. See you now", Khanya says.
They hang up.
As she changes and gets ready to go, I ask her:
"You and your brothers are close, neh? Like, really close."
"We are. They are good people. Even Mam'Thandeka is good peoples. Ubaba is the nutcase." She says.
"So, you and your dad are not close?"
"We are weird. But he tries, shame. I think we've just said hectic things to each other all the time. We try to reach out to each other in our own ways without being loud about it. Like... he buys suits and coats from me only. And when I make his suits and coats, I keep them top tier. He wears them with pride. Plus you know that ubaba likes looking like a snack."
I laugh.
Her father is a snack.
"Sometimes, he shows up at my shop and studio with lunch or dinner and coffee just to ask me how I am. When covid happened and my business was in trouble, he paid the salaries of my shop assistants. So, he steps up now. He’s not like how he used to be. We just need a breakthrough in our conversations and displaying the love that we have for each other. You know..."
I nod my head then I say, "What are his thoughts on Senzangakhona?"
"I've never asked and he's never brought it up. So I don't know. I just figure that if he has something to say, he will face me and say it."
This is quite the child yaz.
It's 10pm and I'm still stalking my child's website. I'm so proud of her. God, thank you for keeping her for me. Let me make this right. Please let me make this right.
As for Nathi...
I hope he dies.
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goosedawn · 3 years
Drawing request - Last Life with g/t (any characters you like ^u^)
last life... 👀 (this is from the beginning of ethos episode 5 ^^)
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hey anon ur ask made Them take up residence in my brain ...again. (this insinuates that they ever left my brain which is not true actually shdjfbej) i love them so 💛
this is set in an au where green lives are human sized, yellow lives are minigiants, and red lives are giants! in this au, boogeymen have the power to sizeshift between their current size up to red (green lives have all 3 options, while yellow lives can only shift between minigiant/giant).
in my version of this, red lives often also take on… some less human characteristics as they progress towards becoming red. if someone shifts sizes when they are a boogeyman, the individual will also take on some potential characteristics that will become a part of to their future red form
(credit to @/toriowlfluff’s third life au with a similar concept for sparking discussions in the mcyt g/t discord about this idea! i have not watched third life but her content is So Good and you should absolutely go check out her stuff if you have not :])
also some extra info/headcanons about bdubs' design under the cut!
[tw for discussion of injuries and death (with respawn, but canon-typical permadeath is mentioned briefly), plant matter growing on/over a human body, as well as some spoilers for last life]
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(right image is just showing where the wood ends and the flesh begins)
- i like to think that injuries obtained through deaths not caused by players are less likely to be healed through respawn (not quite a punishment for being careless, but it certainly feels that way at times. after all, this world demands violence, and it doesnt want its game to end too soon)
- bdubs initially turned red because he fell in the nether off a ladder, and i like to headcanon that he fell directly on his face which is why he looks... like that.
- it also means his spine and such kinda got messed up, so the branches act as supports which double as armour.
- all his kills were done with an axe, so i gave his tail a sharp axe-like blade at the end ;D
- his crown of red leaves is meant to be the equivalent to his red headband!
- ... if i didnt need to redraw the heart marker again later i would have designed it to look more like the targets from shadow if the colossus ;P its also where he gets shot by grian later. just as a fun extra :]
- after the wither incident, the wood spreads and blackens, growing thornier and harder than before, the leaves crowning his head wilt away, leaving sharp, dark wood.
- however, his cloak mostly withers away, exposing his back (think of it like a weak spot in a boss fight ;P)
- scarring from the explosions appears over his body as layers of lichen, covering areas like his hurt eye
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IOTA Reviews: Gang of Secrets
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Well... I'll give this episode one thing. It's better than what we got from both “Truth” and “Lies”, and it did do one of the things I hoped the writers would tackle this season. That's not saying much, but I'll take what I can get.
Let's get into the fourth (chronologically the third) episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fourth season: Gang of Secrets
We start off right after an Akuma battle, and while Cat Noir is eager for their victory fist bump, Ladybug seems to be on edge, insisting that they go on patrol. Cat Noir thinks of a place that they can relax at without talking... and he chooses to take Ladybug to see a romantic comedy.
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We're not even a minute in, people, and it already looks like Ladybug is considering using her authority as Guardian to take away Cat Noir's Miraculous.
Ladybug goes on a brief tangent summarizing what happened with Luka (which conveniently happens to reflect the events of the movie), and naturally isn't happy with the movie. Gee, it's almost like Cat Noir's plan was a bad idea. He seriously tries the whole “pretend to yawn as an excuse to put his arm around Ladybug” trick, so you can't tell me he didn't have romantic intentions here.
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Why Kagami couldn't accept Adrien's “true self” is beyond me.
After storming out of the movie theater, Cat Noir tries to emphasize with Ladybug (key word being “tries”) by going on about how “he knows what a broken heart is like”. At least he didn't ask if she was single now. Ladybug decides to go for a swim, but we cut back to Marinette's house, with Ladybug in her aqua form, implying she went to the pool while still transformed. And here's a big problem with the episode. In theory, I like the idea of Marinette stressing over her new responsibilities, as it could lead to some interesting plotlines. The problem is that when we get something like that in this episode, it's played entirely for laughs. At one point, Alya mentions hearing Marinette crying in the bathroom because of the stress she's been going through. And instead of being a dramatic scene, she just runs out in some Groucho Marx glasses for some reason, because according to the writers, we're supposed to laugh at Marinette suffering from a potential mental breakdown.
This just raises several questions about the way we're supposed to treat Marinette's behavior in this episode. Are we supposed to take this seriously? Not completely, because of how a lot of the “jokes” in the first act of the episode revolve around Marinette's anxiety being driven up to eleven. Are we supposed to see all of this as a joke? Not completely, because the end of the episode is when the writers decide to take Marinette's inner demons seriously. It leads to a very conflicting picture the episode is trying to paint with the way Marintte's conflict is portrayed.
We then cut to what seems to be the only thing the writers like to do with this character now, Alya acting like has control over Marinette's love life.
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Of course those are the only pictures Alya got of Marinette.
Uh... Alya? Honey? Have you even considered the fact that maybe Marinette didn't tell you about Luka because that's none of your damn business??? What gives you the right to know every single detail about your friend's life? I understand that you're a hardcore Adrienette shipper (and an unintentional metaphor for how obsessed the writers are with the Love Square), but why would Marinette be obligated to tell you about Luka?
I know that I asked Marinette if she told Alya about Luka in my “Truth” review, but that was because she continued to force the belief that Marinette still liked Adrien onto her. Yeah, I'm still confused as to why Marinette didn't tell Alya, but the difference is that I was more confused at her not explaining it, and felt it would have made the conflict in the New York special a lot easier. I don't think Marinette has to tell Alya, I just think it would make some things easier between them with how much Alya wants Adrienette to be canon. Marinette has no obligation to tell Alya anything about who she's dating. What goes on in someone's love life is a private matter, and we'll see that Alya has no regards for privacy.
Alya, along with Juleka, Rose, Mylene, and Alix, devises a plan to give Marinette a friendship bracelet to show their support for her. And as usual, Alix has the simple idea to talk to Marinette about what's going on with her, and of course, she's ignored. Sorry, Alix, but this is an Alya episode, where smart choices don't fly here.
We cut back to Marinette's room where we get a pretty good scene where Marinette confides to Tikki about how she knows she has no chance of having a love life. She points out how she had to end things with Luka because of her secrets, and knows that even if she worked up the courage to talk to Adrien, she couldn't do anything because of the same secrets. She can't tell her parents or friends about her secrets and is forced to lie to everyone all the time. The voice actress gives a good performance, and the animators did a good job rendering the red eyes Marinette gets from crying.
And then we get back to the stupid stuff, where Marinette decides to transform into Ladybug and demands Hawkmoth (even though he's Shadowmoth at this point) show himself. This is really just an excuse for the Girl Squad to barge into Marinette's room, where Rose sees the dollhouse Marinette uses to hide the Miracle Ball. Marinette quickly runs back in and tries to hide the the Miracle Ball from her friends, who confront her about her “problem”.
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No, real friends respect boundaries and don't demand to know every single detail about someone's life. They understand that there are secrets they don't have the right to know about. If Alya found out that Alix still needs to sleep with a nightlight and told everyone, would you really be surprised if she got mad at Alya for exposing this secret of hers? Right now, Marinette is clearly uncomfortable about telling her friends about a secret she has, and rather than understand she doesn't want to, they just keep pressing on, and don't care how unhappy she looks.
Unsurprisingly, Marinette tells them all to get out, saying she doesn't want them as friends anymore. Okay, so we're in every salt fic ever written now. Again, we get a good scene where Marinette feels remorseful for what she said (as understandable as it was), while the girls leave with their heads down.
Shadowmoth sends out an Akuma for the friendship bracelet, and because the object had personal meaning to all of them, Alya, Juleka, Rose, Mylene, and Alix all get akumatized into their previous Akuma forms, Lady Wifi, Reflekta (yet again), Princess Fragrance, Horrificator, and Timebreaker respectively. Shadowmoth calls them the “Gang of Secrets”. But they were akumatized because of secrets. Wouldn't a more accurate name be something like “The Honesty Brigate” or “Truth Troop?”
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When I reviewed “Felix”, I had talked about how the motivations for the three Punishers weren't didn't reflect their Akuma forms, which were twisted versions of what they were feeling like at the time. While the same thing applies here (as well as “Heroes' Day”, now that I think about it, though I always thought it was like a drawback to Scarletmoth's powers), the titular Gang of Secrets is actually a pretty good lineup.
I think my main problem in “Felix” is that we didn't get to see the three Akumas working together much because the writers were trying to prioritize Felix as the primary threat of the episode and failed miserably. Here, we get to see a lot of interesting combos and strategies I never really thought about. Lady Wifi uses her powers to freeze some civilians while Timebreaker skates by and absorbs their energy for her skates. Reflekta zaps some other civilians while Princess Fragrance sprays them with her perfume to brainwash them into looking for Marinette, even if it’s the only time this episode that we get to hear “At your service, Princess Fragrance~!”. Horrificator intentionally goes around scaring people while growing in size, acting as the muscle (even though she doesn't do anything in this episode). They all work surprisingly well together, acting like Ladybug and Cat Noir's own Sinister Six.
After making a new safe to hide the Miracle Ball, Lady Wifi breaks into Marinette's room again, so Trixx, the Fox Kwami, uses his power to create a mirage to distract her. But like when Plagg used his Cataclysm in “Style Queen”, it has a little drawback.
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The funny thing is that this doesn't even crack the top 5 in terms of weirdest things to happen to the Eiffel Tower in this show.
We cut to Adrien's room so the show can remind the audience he exists before he transforms into Cat Noir. The two don't meet up in person, but Ladybug tells Cat Noir to keep Timebreaker busy so she doesn't travel back in time while Ladybug goes after Lady Wifi. Of course, she doesn't have the friendship bracelet, but that wasn't Ladybug's plan in the first place.
Her actual plan is talking to Lady Wifi in an attempt to get Alya to break free of Shadowmoth's control. It's short, but it's a nice scene, with Ladybug explaining to Alya that even though they can't know everything about each other, they're still friends. So against all odds, Alya manages to reject the bond with Shadowmoth.
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Oh yeah, it's not like we saw Chloe reject an Akuma in “Miraculer”, right? And Chrismaster giving up his akumatized object for Ladybug to purify? That didn't count either. Alya is clearly the first person to ever do this, and this is why you should immediately accept what happens later on.
Alya tells Ladybug where the Akuma is, and in response, Ladybug gives Alya the Fox Miraculous, which she uses to transform into Rena Rouge... even though she was already benched in “Feast” for endangering herself by uploading a video about the history of the Guardians to the internet, just like how Queen Bee and Ryuko were benched earlier for similar reasons, and the latter only appeared again because Ladybug wanted to get Kagami away from Adrien. Because I guess we're just going to ignore one of the biggest plotpoints of “Miracle Queen” now.
The other Akumas have Cat Noir at their mercy, so Rena Rouge uses her Mirage to create an illusion of Marinette to distract them. Timebreaker goes off to chase the illusion, and while Horrificator, Princess Fragrance, and Reflekta are about to take Ladybug's Miraculous, Rena Rouge and Cat Noir are the ones to break the object. Overall, a really clever climax to the episode.
So after Alya returns her Miraculous to Ladybug, we cut back to Marinette apologizing to her friends, who never apologize for invading her privacy. And while she mentions Luka, Marinette suddenly talks about how hard is to confess her feelings for Adrien, something that was never mentioned in this episode, because the writers are desperately trying to encourage the audience to ship the Love Square again brutally shooting down Lukanette and Adrigami. And after all this, Alya goes back up after everyone else leaves because she can just tell Marinette has another secret. How does she know this?
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Okay, fine, Alya can be supportive of Marinette, and even her worst moments like the New York special were motivated by what she thought would make Marinette happy. A little misguided, and yeah, her teasing can be annoying at times, but she's ultimately there to help push Marinette to be honest with her feelings. “Reporter” is stretching it a little. No matter what the show likes to say, Alya isn't a good reporter. She barely verifies her sources and just posts things online. I'm sorry, but the Ladyblog is basically the superhero equivalent to TMZ. Alya probably doesn't even know who Joseph Pulitzer or Edward R. Murrow are, because rather than reporting the news to the public, she just wants to find things that will get her clicks on her website. Alya's biggest flaw as a character is that she is incredibly impulsive, but like everything else in the show, this flaw is never acknowledged, and is basically rewarded. Why do I say that? Well...
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I have a lot of mixed feelings about this scene. On the one hand, it's very well acted, and the interaction genuinely highlights Marinette and Alya's friendship. Before she tells Alya, Marinette is just opening her heart out to her friend, and the grievances are played completely seriously. Even the reaction Alya gives when she finds out is very subdued, simply showing her shocked face before she gives Marinette a hug, with no dialogue. It's a very profound moment, and it's arguably one of the best in the entire series. Even the ending card doesn't show an action scene, but rather, it continues to focus on the hug while the Kwamis watch.
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And thankfully, the episode doesn't end with the standard upbeat “Duh dun dun dun dunnnn, DA DA DA DA~!” track that almost every episode, no matter how depressing, usually ends with. It's just a really great moment, and a good way to end the episode... on its own.
When you think about previous episodes, like what I've mentioned with Alya, it's just strange that despite all the times she has shown herself to be bad at keeping secrets (like the aforementioned scene in “Feast”, posting a picture of her and Cat Noir kissing on the Ladyblog without her consent, and invading her privacy in this very episode, demanding to know her secrets), Marinette suddenly decides to give Alya a chance. Even worse, she had just said that she wasn't going to force her to tell her anything, which seemed like a strong character moment for her, but then the writers go back on the lesson and have Marinette do what Alya was trying to do the whole episode and tell her she's Ladybug.
Sure, Ladybug told Alya she was the Guardian and to keep it a secret earlier, but this lesson in keeping secrets should have stuck when she first became Rena Rouge in Season 2. I don't have a problem with Alya being Marinette's confidant (lord knows she needs one at this point), but I just don't think Alya is ready for this. It's the same thing with what happened with Adrien in “Syren”, by saying him immaturely threatening to quit being Cat Noir because of Ladybug's secrets was meant to show how he was ready to meet Master Fu even though it showed how selfish he was and was anything but ready. How is an episode where Alya tries to force Marinette into telling her everything she's keeping a secret meant to show she's ready to learn Ladybug's identity. Maybe if this episode kickstarted a character arc for Alya where she learned about why people keep secrets and that getting the truth isn't the right thing to do, culminating in a later episode where Alya learns Ladybug's identity, I'd be fine with that. As it is, this just had some poor timing and was the result of the writers not really thinking this through.
I guess I'm still interested to see where this goes, and how Marinette and Alya's friendship will change as a result of this. Maybe Alya can help Marinette get away to transform, or worry about her safety after an Akuma fight. Although the worst case scenario is that if Cat Noir finds out about this, he'll use it as an excuse to bitch and moan about how Ladybug is still keeping secrets from him and of course, she'll be blamed for whatever happens as a result of that.
Though I can't help but feel like I'm forgetting to mention something. Wasn't there someone else who wanted to know the truth about Marinette?
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This is what really kills the episode for me, just how it goes back on everything established in “Truth”. The whole reason Marinette broke up with Luka in the first place (which motivated the conflict of this episode) was because she realized keeping secrets from him wouldn't lead to a healthy relationship. As much as it pained her, it was a necessary evil Marinette had to do in order to protect her identity.
But now you're telling me that it's okay for Marinette to tell Alya her secret? WHY? How is this any different from what happened with Luka? Like Alya, Luka also wanted to known the truth, but the only difference was the way he confronted Marinette. He calmly asked her about what she was hiding, and even though she couldn't tell him, he respected her boundaries, and they both managed to end things on good terms.
Alya, who has a history of exposing secrets to the public, who barged into Marinette's room and demanded she tell her all of her secrets, is more trustworthy than Luka? This is why I don't buy the writers making Alya Marinette's confidant. I get that they want to give her some more story presence after how she had mostly faded into the background in Season 3, but this just isn't the way to do it.
Barring that, what did I think of the episode?
Yeah, it's just... it's just okay at best, mediocre at worst. There were a handful of decent moments in the episode, and some creative action scenes. Even stuff like Cat Noir's forced movie date and Alya violating Marinette's privacy isn't anything new, and unlike other episodes, the latter actually seems to apologize for that. The problem, as I already stated, was the ending. I think maybe the ending could have worked if Alya had found out Marinette's identity, but decided to keep it a secret. That way, it would make for an interesting dynamic, with Alya learning to be more responsible while secretly helping come up with ways for Marinette to get away to transform.
But as it stands, the episode is alright, but mostly forgettable if not for the ridiculous ending.
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a34trgv2 · 3 years
Fixing Ed, Edd, n Eddy's Girl Problem
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Ed, Edd n Eddy is one of the funniest shows I've ever seen. It's got amazing slapstick humor, well crafted animation, memorable characters and outstanding voice acting. All that said though, it has a big problem that has held the show back since the beginning: the female characters are NOT good. That's not me being sexist, I'm genuinely saying Sarah, Nazz and the Kanker Sisters are the least interesting, most underdeveloped and otherwise annoying characters out of the entire show. So in this post, I'm going to explain my problem with these girls and how I would've written them better.
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Might as well start off with the obvious: Sarah is a spoiled brat. She's loud, annoying, bossy, rude, and not once gets in trouble. Ed's too kind hearted and naive to tell her off, so I personally would've made an episode as far back as Season 2 that changes this. This episode would've shown Sarah pushing Ed too far, maybe ruining his latest addition of his favorite comic or something. This would've caused Ed to finally snap and let it all out on her. All the pent up rage Ed had inside him from all the beatings and humiliation he had to endure because of his sister would be brought to the forefront and she would finally know how her brother really felt. Sure they would make up by the end, but from this point onward Ed would never again let Sarah push him and his friends around and she would eventually learn to be not just more considerate, but potentially helpful to the Eds and their scams. Optimistically, I'd like for Sarah to no long be a spoiled brat by the end of Season 2 and at the start of Season 3 she would actually help the Eds out into scamming the other kids.
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I've made it no secret that I don't like girls portrayed as nothing more than eye candy and Nazz is one of the most egregious examples of this. I hate how throughout the entire show, Nazz is never once seen by the boys as anything more than a pretty face. Not helping is the fact that she's severely underwritten, only makes scattered appearances throughout each season and when every she does show up, her personality is almost nonexistent. The way I'd change this is to take an element from Season 5 and have that be her character throughout the show. In Every Which Way But Ed, Nazz is shown in one flashback to have been rather plump in size at one point. Not sure if that's officially canon or not, but I would've just made Nazz an insecure plump girl who grows more confident and slimmer with each season until she's a healthy, athletic and confident young lady in Big Picture Show. Also, NO romance between her and Kevin because it just doesn't work. Maybe her and Double D, but I'd rather the show focus more on slapstick comedy than romance.
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Last but not least, there's the Kankers. I'll admit, when I was a kid I did find it funny that the Eds were constantly kissed by these characters. As a grown man who supports the #MeToo movement and strongly stands against any and all forms of harassment though...yeah, these characters have not aged well. Personally, I would've had the characters get their comeuppance during Season 2, maybe with Sarah and Nazz teaming up to fight the Kankers in a girls vs girls brawl, with Nazz and Sarah coming out victorious and the Kankers never bothering the Eds again. Just thinking about what that would look like in my head puts a genuine smile on my face. As for who would be recurring antagonists for the rest of the show, I'd just make new characters, hopefully ones that won't age so poorly like the Kankers.
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For as good as Ed, Edd n Eddy is, it's important to acknowledge the the show has it's problems. Among it's other problems though, such as the lack of other characters residing in Peach Creek and some jokes not landing as well as others, it's biggest shortcoming is failing to make good female characters. Most people's favorite characters from the show are either one of the Eds, Rolf, Johnny, Kevin, Jimmy or even Plank. I've never seen anyone say Sarah is their favorite character from the show, nevermind Nazz or any of the Kanker Sisters. That's what's most disappointing about these characters: they're NOBODY'S favorite and unfortunately it's for good reason. To conclude, I know Ed, Edd, n Eddy is never getting remade so long as Danny Antonucci still owns the rights, but if I were to make my own slapstick comedy, I'd do my best to make the female characters just as funny, memorable and quotable as the male characters.
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reidsbookclub · 2 years
HI!! im the anon who wrote about derek HAHAH, im at the beginning of s4! The first three seasons just show so much of his intelligence like aaaa plus how he will give his all in any cases like the bomb ep in which he stayed and held the hand of the woman in the car with a bomb </3 like thats so sweet. Also how much he cares for the team?? He would do anything for them man,, he makes me so soft 😔 plus the new york case for s3?? maybe its because i have a soft spot for ppl/characters with heroism
Omg idk how I’m just seeing this and I’m sorry.
Okay that that episode made my heart grow like 5 sizes for him. And the one where the homeless where missing and he called that lady beautiful mamma and like DEREK 😍
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Dress You Up In My Love (Darren Treacy x Jeanie Turner)
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: angst, smut, language, cross dressing kink
A/N: Darren needs just one night to hide after pulling a hit on Dublin's biggest drug lord. He turns to secondary family where he finds out something surprising about himself and unfinished business from his cousin's wedding. (Takes place in series two between episodes 5 and 6. There ARE spoilers for series two of Love/Hate.)
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A frantic knocking sprung Jeanie out of sleep that she didn't remember falling into. She hurriedly pulled on the hotel bathrobe and shouted at the door she was coming. A glance at the clock told her it was 8pm. Still plenty of time for him to come by.
Jeanie opened the door and gasped. “Dazz?! What's going on?”
“Is Gordo here?” The man shifted from foot to foot outside the doorway. He had a motorcycle helmet in his hands and a wild look behind bright green eyes.
“No. He's been up at Trinity in that fucking lab all day. I've not seen him.”
“I need a place t’crash for a few days,” he half-begged, half informed Jeanie as he pushed past into the suite. “Crikey this is posh. If I knew Gordo was gonna grow up t’have this kinda cash, I wouldn't have poked fun at the specs n shite.”
“Darren is there something I can help you with? As we've not seen you in four years?” Jeanie crossed her arms over her chest.
“I.. Did something. Just need a place t’lay low. Figured my cousin was th’last place anyone would look.” There was a shrug in his voice.
“Why not Rosie?”
Darren started to shed his jacket then ran a hand through his shaggy hair, “Best not involve her either. Not exactly talking these days.” He held his jacket out to Jeanie.
“Fuck off with that!” she swatted the jacket away.
“Oi! Just hold it while I take off the rest.”
“Rest of what? Your clothes? Hi Darren. Haven't seen you since the wedding. You've grown up. Sorry about Robbie and your mum. Thank you, Jeanie. How have you been? How's Scotland? Just lovely. Don't see Gordon for days and he's had TWO affairs.”
“Fair point, darlin,” Darren stepped out of his boots and unzipped his sweatshirt. “The Treacy side ain't exactly one t’write home about. Are we, yeah? ‘Cept Mary.”
Jeanie took the leather jacket and pinched her nose. Eyes closed. Something sticky about it made her recoil. Eyes popped open. She held her hand up; it was speckled brownish red.
“Dazz is this blood?!”
“Best you don't know. Can I shower?”
“I don't know, can- JESUS DARREN PUT SOME FUCKING CLOTHES ON” Jeanie covered her eyes.
“I'M IN UNDERWEAR!” he shouted back, laughter in his voice. “Alright, Ginge. Haven't ye ever seen a grown man in his underwear? You just need to get rid of those anyway ye can. Please?”
“Well you certainly aren't 16 anymore.”
“I was 18 when ye’s got married. Don’t ye remember?” his eyebrow arched suggestively.
“I would say I tried to forget, but when I'm stuck alone at night, or in a hotel for days at a time, I don't feel bad. It really was foreshadowing for the rest of our marriage.”
“Gordo’s cousin trying t’shag his new wife th’night he got married? Almost got that tossover. Pride myself on that.”
“I was hammered and you have very hypnotic eyes. Like Kaa in the Jungle Book”
Darren frowned, his brows knit together in confusion. His lower lip turned out as he struggled to comprehend that as compliment or insult.
Jeanie couldn't help but stare now. A proper look. Darren's body hadn’t changed much since she last saw him. Still thin, muscles a bit more defined. Scars littered his chest and stomach as he exhaled deeply. It was labored.
“Are those from a gunshot?” Jeanie looked minorly distressed.
Darren absently ran his fingers over the old wounds. “Aye. Working on one lung and I'm a bit barmy now.” Like it was no big deal.
Jeanie sighed heavily, but stopped to gather up his clothes. “I'll take a walk, and ditch these. Against my better judgment. Clean clothes are in our bags. You're about his size I suppose.” She rummaged around in the closet by the front door for a garment bag.
“You're a fucking beauty!” Darren snatched his cousin’s wife up in his arms. He pecked her cheek awkwardly.
“Towels are in the bathroom,” Jeanie grappled with what just happened. “I'll be back in half an hour. I hope whatever you did is fucking worth it. Dazz.”
“Trust me, love. No ones gonna miss him.”
Jeanie sloshed out of the canal bed glad she packed her Wellingtons for the unpredictable Irish weather. Grateful too for the stones she found along the water side. She had put the hotel pub news bulletin out of her mind warning of a gangland hit on a local known drug lord. One that showed up to her wedding on the arm of Darren and Gordon’s aunt.
“I hope Darren shot you right in the fucking face, and you knew it was him.” Jeanie muttered as she watched the clothes sink after she pushed the bag under the surface.
Maybe it was hypocritical she was relieved JohnBoy was dead. Dazz wasn't the only one who tried to fuck her that night, but he was the only one she welcomed. Maybe, Jeanie owed Darren a bit of physical gratitude.
Jeanie shut the door behind herself and popped her boots off in the closet. She changed quickly in the bathroom.
“You hungry or anything? I hope you found clothes that-”
Jeanie stopped in her tracks when she came around the wall that divided the suite foyer from the bedroom. Darren with his back to the full length mirror, was twisted so that he could look at himself. He seemed to be staring at his own ass.
“What are you doing?!” Jeanie was surprised, but amused more than anything.
“Oh! What kinda fookin underwear does Gordo have?” Darren's cheeks were just a hint of pink as he caught Jeanie’s eye. “T’ere’s no place for my cock when I piss, but they feel nice? Like t’ere comfortably snug?” He caressed his ass for emphasis.
“Well, those are mine. Not Gordon’s boxer briefs. So that answers the cock question. And they look snug because you have.” Jeanie's eyes strayed down over the bulge that had grown inside the boy shorts. “Well you must REALLY like them.”
Darren's eyes were wide, but he didn't seem embarrassed. Not really. His gaze followed Jeanie's downwards to his erection. “Yeah looks t’at way, doesn't it. I promise ye, I've never done t’is before.”
“Who cares if you have. Women wear boxers all the time. Back home, when I was in uh, what's it here? 1st through 4th year, all we wore was boxers as regular shorts. If you like them, Dazz, you could try some more?”
Jeanie had sat down on the bed. One knee crossed over the other with her hands clasped together. She bit her lip while her heart drummed loud in her ears. A pleasurable discomfort as she began to throb at the sight of Darren in her panties. The anticipation of him getting into a sexier pair. Letting her feel them. It had been so long.
“I mean, I'm not going anywhere t’ night. I’m not dressing in full drag though,” he insisted.
Jeanie stood and rifled through the suitcase. “I didn't think you wanted to. My regular clothes wouldn't fit you anyways.” She bit her fingernail and debated between a deep purple and cobalt blue. “I'm built like an hourglass and you,” she laid her choices on the white duvet, “are built like a baby giraffe.”
Darren rolled his eyes but joined Jeanie at the bedside. He gravitated towards the purple ones. Mostly lace with a bit of satin, they would look absolutely obscene on him. In the best possible way.
“Ye were wearing these t’at night,” Darren was full of nostalgia.
“I didn't know your side of the family could be sentimental besides Mare,” Jeanie giggled. She couldn't help it. “I definitely married the wrong cousin. Sometimes, I wish I could legally kill him,” there was an uneasy humor in her voice.
“I mean, I would do it for ye.” Darren didn't even hesitate.
“Um..” Jeanie's face matched her hair.
Darren burst into laughter, “Ease up, darlin’. I'm fuckin with ye.”
Jeanie wasn't certain about that but she played along. His smile both unnerved her and turned her on. The way he studied her and then the panties with a curiosity and delight.
“Why don't you put those on, and I put on the bra. Then.. we can make a full set.” There was innuendo in Jeanie's suggestion.
“We can't.”
“We CAN. The right sentiment is whether or not we SHOULD.”
“Should I really put these on?”
“Would you really kill someone you care about?” It was a strange reciprocation.
“If I cared about Gordo, I would not have tried t’fuck his wife the night he got married.”
Jeanie licked her lips, flames curled around her ears and cheeks. “Put them on. Anything I can do to make you more comfortable? Liquor?” She reached inside her shirt and produced a small bag that she swung back and forth, “Cocaine from your jeans?”
Darren reached for it but she was quicker. Stuffing it back in her bra, she swatted his hand away. “How about you.. don't do stimulating narcotics with a PTSD chaser?”
“It keeps me awake so I don't have nightmares. Just go so I can put t’ese on!”
Jeanie planted herself on the bed after taking her shirt off. She leaned back on her elbows, legs crossed. “I'm not going anywhere.”
“Fine! But close your eyes, so we can both be surprised. Wait, why’d ye take your shirt off?”
“Won't this make you more comfortable?” She pushed her chest forward a bit.
Darren’s eyes darted down to Jeanie's tits where they lingered longer than she expected. “Alright, sweetheart.”
Jeanie could listen to him talk for hours. Still she squeezed her eyes shut with a dramatic flare. “Go on then. I can't bloody wait.”
There was some shuffling around as Jeanie sat without peeking. Her heart raced in anticipation as she realized Darren had tossed what he was wearing at her feet.
A few minutes went by, and she lost patience, “Can I look? You've gotta have them on by now.”
“Fine, but don't laugh! I can't seem to get my junk in these.”
Jeanie opened her eyes and her mouth, “Fuck me, Dazz. Those are..” She stood up and made her way over to him from behind as he faced the mirror. Completely unable to stop herself. “You look delicious.” A word no one has ever used to describe either of them.
Jeanie’s hands on Darren's thin hips. They ran back and down over the sheer and lace over his ass. There was a playful squeeze before changing direction and flattening her hands on his. Downwards and into the indentation of his abs. Then she stopped to trace her fingertips over the angry red scars. Jeanie ran her fingers over them as if she wanted to memorize them.
Darren’s stomach convulsed a bit under her touch. “Jaysus,” he muttered under his breath. Eyes shut as Jeanie watched him in the mirror.
“Let me take care of you. Just one night,” she kissed between his shoulder blades. “You certainly deserve it after what you did today.”
“What did I do t’day?” Darren challenged Jeanie with his question. His hands covered hers, but not to push her away. To guide them down further over his erection.
Jeanie playfully squeezed again. The man in front of her let out a sound between a gasp and a moan when she began to rub the satin barely containing his cock. Her open palm gained friction as she worked faster. Where a man might find a woman's clit between her legs under the fabric, Jeanie moved her palm over Darren's balls.
“Eradicated part of Dublin’s largest pest population,” each word punctuated by her hand moving faster. Jerking him off without ever touching more than the underwear.
“I hope..” Darren's breath hitched and grew heavy. “Someone else..” his hips started to twist. “Ro-”
“I don't think we should talk about her right now, do you?” Jeanie cut him off. She finally let herself reach inside of the panties to properly take his cock in her grip.
Her thumb played with the head, slick with precum. Fingers wrapped around the shaft and stroked the length down and back up. She wasn't used to doing it from this angle but found it even sexier. The power she felt surge being the one in control. How wet she was inside her OWN panties.
Darren's head hung back as he lost himself in the ecstasy of what his cousin’s wife was doing. He didn't care that she was married. To a man who neglected her, ignored her.
Nidge. Tommy. His own sister. His cousin. They fucked around all the time. He and Rosie, that almost got her killed and they weren't even shagging. He knew he'd be livid if he caught her cheating. not violent mind you, but pissed. Just like if Siobhan or Trish did it. Or even Gordon. Everyone was a hypocrite.
Yet here was Darren. His cousin’s wife wanking him off while he wore her knickers. And he didn't give a fuck for once. His dick hadn’t been this hard in ages. That day he and Rosie had sex felt so long ago. They didn't do it much if at all since then.
Maybe this wasn't right, but Darren couldn't care anymore. He stood three feet above a malicious drug lord reduced to a cowering pussy and killed him. It was the same feeling as Jeanie's fingers as they twisted and kneaded his cock. Euphoric.
“If we don't take this to the bed. only one of us is gonna get a happy ending.”
Darren turned quickly. Faster than Jeanie could focus on. Their mouths finally crashed together as he gripped a handful of her. He shoved his tongue in her mouth and hands in her the pockets of the jeans she still wore. He dug his fingers into the thick of her ass as they stumbled back towards the bed.
Jeanie's hands labored in an effort to unbutton and unzip her pants around Darren's body as it thrust into her. She didn't want to stop the war their tongues waged as she struggled to tug the denim over her hips, but there was air as her husband’s cousin intervened. They laughed as he yanked them down to the floor and he went with them.
Darren looked up at Jeanie, who now sat on the edge of the bed, as he knelt on the floor by her feet. He helped each ankle as she lifted them out and literally kissed the tops of her feet as she drew them up on the comforter.
“That was romantic,” her voice thick and barely above a whisper. No hint of her usual sarcasm or humor, only some embarrassment. Her cheeks were pink.
“I've wanted t’fuck ye since we met. And I want ye to remember this for a long time.”
Darren stood up and hooked his fingers in the elastic of the underwear of hers that he was wearing. Jeanie covered his hands and leaned forward to kiss his stomach and his scars. Using her tongue this time to trace over them like she had her fingers.
“Leave them on? I'll never forget it if you let me fuck you wearing those.” Her fingers tangled up in the lace. Tips of her nails just brushed his cock through it.
Darren smiled in a way Jeanie wasn't sure he was capable of doing anymore. Right now, in this moment as his eyes changed from darkness to almost emerald, she knew he let himself forget. That's all she wanted. One night for both of them to forget.
“Can't say I've ever had sex like t’is,” excitement in his voice. “I'm right curious t’see how ye manage.”
“You lay down, and I'll play it by ear. This is definitely a new one for me too.”
They switched places. Darren laid down on the bed, head on the pillows. Jeanie unhooked her bra and slipped out of her own panties. She stood naked and exposed in the lamplight. Her heart raced when she realized he couldn't keep his eyes off of her. They traveled over her breasts and stomach and further still as she crawled on the bed beside Darren and straddled him.
“Fuck me,” it was a response. And a suggestion he made simultaneously. His hands spread out over her back and caught up in her long red hair.
Jeanie raised a bit up on her knees to situate herself. She lowered her body so that the outline of Darren's cock beneath the satin and lace was between the folds of her naked sex. Her hands anchored on his chest as she started to ride him.
“Jaysus your so fucking wet already,” Darren breathed and ran his hands up and down Jeanie's body. Over her shoulders and to her ass where they settled on her hips.
“It's you in my bloody knickers,” her voice wavered as she started to rock harder back and forth.
It was like a pleasurable rug burn on her cunt, as Jeanie closed her eyes and twisted her hips just a bit. She rode the length of Darren’s hardened cock completely from bottom to top and kept gaining speed each time. His strong hands buried in her waist helped her pump over and over. Then he angled himself underneath her so that the tip could hit her clit just right as she moved down.
Jeanie rode harder and faster. The satin and her cunt on fire as Darren's cock started its familiar twitch. She clawed at him without caring if someone else saw the marks on his chest. That explosion was building deep in her walls as they throbbed and ached for him to be entirely inside of her.
Instead Darren slid a thumb into her cunt. It replaced his cock as Jeanie started to lose control. Circled and fucked as she fucking him.
She clutched his wrist, “Harder. Rub my clit harder. Like that.”
He obliged all too eagerly. Especially when moments later she cried out unexpectedly. Her body rolled into an orgasm. He never let up with his thumb or his own hips as they bucked up into Jeanie as she came.
“Let me fuck you properly,” Darren begged as her cunt constricted around his hand. His thumb, the knickers and Jeanie's body slicker than before they started.
Then Darren's mobile rang. Darren's mobile was always ringing.
Tag list: @joz-stankovich @robertsheehanownsmyass @badsext @slutforrobbiebro @badsext @sean-falco
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blouisparadise · 4 years
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Here are some great bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of June. We really hope you enjoy this list. Happy reading!
1) Until You’re Home | Explicit | 1039 words
Louis lives in London, Harry lives in Tokyo. They make it work.
2) He Holds My Paradise | Mature | 1332 words 
“What is it that you want, baby?”
“Your dick” Louis breaths out, choking on his own words, neck still covered by his boyfriend’s hand.
“And where do you want it, baby?” the Devil asks him, a satisfied smirk painting his lips. “in my pussy, please.”
3) Morning | Explicit | 1428 words 
Harry and Louis wake up and have a 'productive' morning in the shower ;)
4) Let's Go To The Beach | General Audiences | 1489 words 
Note: This fic contains no explicit smut, but since it’s omega Louis, we’ve included it. This is a sequel. Part one of this fic is #6 on this list. 
"Louis," Harry repeated.
"Right," Louis sighed. "He tried to scent me."
or the one where Louis has a meeting with an aggressive alpha and Harry calms Louis down.
5) Sweet Relief, Pretty Please | Not Rated | 1840 words 
Louis is drunk, sad and alone, and Harry is a wanker.
6) Hey Moon, Don't You Fall Down | Mature | 2574 words 
Note: The sequel to this fic is #4 on this list. 
"Make me yours," Louis opened his eyes and put his hands on Harry's shoulders. "I'm ready, alpha, always been ready for you. Since the first day we met, I was yours. Please," Louis gasped as Harry slid his fingers out of him.
or the one where Harry and Louis finally bond.
7) Nothing Like Anything | Explicit | 2614 words 
Harry is bored of his frat parties. No one interesting comes anyway.It's always drunk people, grinding in the living room, strangers trying to catch his eye. He's about to leave, just to ease his pounding head when he sees him, sinful on the dance floor and suddenly the party isn't so bad.
8) Over Exposed - Part Two| Explicit | 2840 words
Note: This fic is a sequel to this fic.
Harry and Louis take a quick break from Harry's tour to attend the VMAs, then have a night out at a club.
9) Sweet Vanilla Cream | Explicit | 2896 words 
Harry fights to resist his roommate's new omega boyfriend, Louis. Louis maybe doesn't want him to resist.
10) Take Off Your Glasses | Mature | 3742 words
Louis was enjoying his time, as he decided to spend his weekend clubbing, Louis knows no one in there, yet someone wanted to mess with him to know who's Louis the attractive boy in the black skirt.
"It’s Louie.. Sir."
11) Rose’s Fortune | Mature | 5055 words 
Note: This fic contains no explicit smut but since it’s a/b/o we’ve decided to include it in this monthly roundup.
Omega Louis takes one of his siblings to the doctors (check up, possible broken bone or possibly injections?) and the new Dr is Alpha Harry. Harry is great with kids and Louis is smitten. Harry is smitten too but attempts to act professionally and keep his distance whenever Louis visits the Drs with his siblings or to pick up his prescriptions. But Harry realises there is no reason for him not to make a move as Louis isn't under his care.
12) Dare You To Move | Not Rated | 6060 words 
The one where Harry falls in love with the omega who is the brain behind the omega march he joined.
13) Savage Garden’s Song Rules Sometimes (While Yours Always Reign Supreme) | Explicit | 6261 words 
Note: This fic is a sequel to this fic.
The morning after one too many nights of isolation for Louis Tomlinson and his hot & dangerous boy.
Aka how insanely adorkable Harry Styles could be after a sulking episode. [wordplay edition]
14) I Can Feel Your Blood Pressure Rise | Explicit | 9292 words 
"Hello, your Highness," Harry heard a familiar voice coming from behind him. Chills ran down his body as he felt the coldness of something sharp poke the back of his neck, "Turn around slowly or I'll hurt you,” the voice said in a teasing tone.
Where Louis is some sort of Robin Hood and sneaks into the King's castle, only to be fucked hard.
15) You Know What They Say | Explicit | 10323 words 
Nice guys always finish last.
16) Teenage Dream | Explicit | 10333 words
Harry and Louis get reintroduced to each other by their friends. It’s an instant connection. Now they’ve just gotta get to know each other.
17) Move So Petty (You're All I See) | Explicit | 10548 words 
Harry’s pretty content with his life. He loves his job- a veterinarian at a local clinic who’s already built up a name for himself despite his young age. He loves his gorgeous flat with its wide, open space and minimalistic, yet still homey feel. He loves his family who he talks to and visits as much as possible, not bothered by the long hours of driving to Holmes Chapel from London he endures multiple times a month. He loves his friends and his coworkers and his neighbors- especially Allison, the little old lady next door who brings him and Louis cookies on holidays and who always comments on how “strong and handsome you are, Mr. Styles,” everytime he sees her.
And most importantly, he loves Louis, just- maybe in a slightly different way.
18) When Tomorrow Comes | Explicit | 11111 words 
The one where Louis is an Omega who has been keeping himself pure for his Alpha, Harry is a traditional Alpha focusing on his studies while he waits to find his bondmate, and Niall is a sneaky bastard who keeps borrowing Louis’ clothes and never returning them.
19) Smells Like Omega Spirit | Not Rated | 11769 words 
Note: This fic contains no explicit smut, but since it’s omega Louis, we’ve included it.
Louis is an omega doing a test run on neutralizers for a class project. Every time he talks to Harry he smells completely different.
Harry is an alpha who can't figure out if he's going crazy or his sense of smell is broken, but all he wants to figure out what Louis' real scent is.
Somehow they figure it out.
20) You Kill My Mind | Explicit | 13181 words 
Harry has always been ashamed to reveal his kinks to friends and partners alike. One day he meets a man who seems perfectly designed for him and they embark on a wonderful, sex-filled exploration journey.
21) In The Heat Of The Moment | Mature | 15743 words 
When Louis unexpectedly goes into heat in maths class it takes him way too long to figure out why (it might have something to do with a certain curly haired boy sitting next to him).
22) Was In No Hurry, Had No Worries | Explicit | 21485 words 
The year is 1999 and Harry can’t stop dedicating songs to Louis on the radio. Or the one where Harry hits Louis with his car.
23) You're The Smell Before Rain, You're The Blood In My Veins | Explicit | 21945 words 
“It was him you talked about, when you used to call me late at night, saying you were missing your ex? Was it him, your important five-year long story? Was it him the person you had thought about proposing, one day?” Nick asks with a low voice, almost inaudible, almost like he’s talking to himself “He’s my boyfriend…” he whispers again, without looking up.
“I know! And you shouldn’t worry, because you don’t have a single reason to do so. He’s yours now, he’s with you. I really don’t understand why you came here, honestly” Harry says defending himself out of instinct, even if he has no reason to react like that. He just- just wishes for Nick to leave his room and go back home to Louis. Because at this point Nick has Louis and fuck, why can’t he just go fuck off for once? Doesn’t he have enough shit do deal with already? Does he really need to get into this as well? Right now?
24) Like The Earth Around The Sun | Explicit | 23600 words 
The one where Harry bursts in on Louis in heat and things only get more complicated from there.
25) The Blood of Love | Explicit | 25273 words 
Harry is a nurse and Louis is a painting worth more than a thousand words. As desire and darkness encompasses him, Harry has to learn the secrets of Thorne Hills manor before he succumbs to the mystery that surrounds him.
26) Habit | Teen & Up | 27095 words 
In which Louis is a Donna who has a soft spot for alpha Harry.
27) Let Me Carry Your Weight | Explicit | 28633 words 
Louis is fresh out of a bad relationship with someone who made him feel awful about how he looked. on his journey to better himself, he meets harry - the ridiculously attractive and fit personal trainer.
28) Robbers And Cowards | Explicit | 33237 words 
A modern day Robin Hood AU where Louis and Harry (don’t really) hate each other but they hate greedy billionaires more.
29) Caves End | Explicit | 39711 words 
The one where Harry has lost his future, Louis has lost his past, but maybe together, they can find a way through the dark.
30) Soaked In The Blood Of Angels | Explicit | 40867 words 
The boy looks drugged, caught between a man who’s almost twice his size and a girl who looks like she wouldn’t even break a sweat snapping him in half despite her small stature, eyes closed and mouth open as he pants, arching up between them almost as if he’s trying to escape.
Normally, Harry would ignore it and continue on his search for someone to drink from, someone who wouldn’t mind his sharp teeth and rough hands. He’s seen plenty of boys like this one, ones who picked the wrong playmates, and if he stopped to rescue every single one of them he would have died from thirst a long time ago.
This one, though. There’s something about this one, the sheen of his bright blue eyes as he blinks slowly, looks around as though he doesn’t know where he is, the weakness of his hands as he tries to push the girl off of him and make his escape.
31) With Stars Of Brightest Gold | Explicit | 41109 words 
Louis Tomlinson is the premier courtesan at the Moulin Rouge. In his dreams, he has always wanted to be a famous stage actor. Locked into his contract, he has little means of escape until a handsome duke promises him freedom with a romantic alliance. Due to a case of mistaken identity playwright Harry Styles is thrown into the mix, compelling Louis to choose between his head or his heart.
32) We Both Got Nothing To Hide | Explicit | 43811 words 
Omega Louis has a secret nest. Alpha Harry keeps losing his clothes.
33) In A World Alone | Explicit | 50787 words 
Harry’s breath catches as the glow grows bigger and bigger until he’s squinting his eyes and blinking at the sudden intense brightness. He closes his eyes, rubbing at them helplessly. When his eyes open again- he gasps, grip loosening on his bow as he gawks at the sight before him.
Because the swan is gone.
And in its place is the prettiest omega Harry has ever seen.
A Swan Lake AU.
34) Hunting Ground | Not Rated | 583658 words 
Note: This fic is the third part of a series. Part two is #38 in this list.
Louis Tomlinson didn’t know how complicated life could be until he became a werewolf. And until he was mated to Harry Styles, the son — and enforcer — of Liam, the leader of the North American werewolves, he didn’t know how dangerous it could be either...
Louis and Harry have just been enlisted to attend a summit to present Liam's controversial proposition: that the wolves should finally reveal themselves to humans. But the most feared Alpha in Europe is dead set against the plan — and it seems like someone else might be too. When Louis is attacked by vampires using pack magic, the kind of power only werewolves should be able to draw on, Harry and Louis must combine their talents to hunt down whoever is behind it all — or risk losing everything.
35) The Wrath of the Emerald Eyes | Mature | 85205 words 
His chin is grabbed harshly, facing the two deep green eyes that have been getting on his nerves for the past ten minutes. The smirk on the man's face does not vanish. The grip of his hand on Louis' chin does not soften, his thumb at the side of his lower lip.
His smile widens as he answers Louis' question, ''My name is Styles, but you will call me Captain."
Pirate AU.
36) Cry Wolf | Not Rated | 85205 words 
Note: This fic is the second part of a series. Part three is #36 in this list.
Louis never knew werewolves existed, until the night he survived a violent attack... and became one himself. After three years at the bottom of the pack, he'd learned to keep his head down and never, ever trust dominant wolves. Then Harry Styles, the enforcer—and son—of the leader of the North American werewolves, came into his life.
Harry insists that not only is Louis his mate, but he is also a rare and valued Omega wolf. And it is Louis' inner strength and calming presence that will prove invaluable as he and Harry go on the hunt in search of a rogue werewolf—a creature bound in magic so dark that it could threaten all of the pack.
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here’s why Thieves in Time is a bad game
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before y’all try it, i just want to say that i’ll be as unapologetically petty and sarcastic as i want and fucking rip this game to shreds. yes, this is how i’ve spent my days since Thieves in Time came out. sitting alone in my room, staring at the wall, crying and complaining. because it has since been my life’s aim and dream to think about it every day, state the negative things about it, and become an evil essay witch on this half-dead website. *evil laugh*
References: i want to start with the smallest problem, but one that annoys me to this day. in the original trilogy, there weren’t a lot of references but the ones that were included were meticulously researched and well thought-out (i’m specifically referring to that Neil Diamond Carmelita vinyl gag, but can’t find the original post). the references in Thieves in Time however, were obviously just the creators’ interests. Turning Japanese, Clan of the Cave Bear and Bentley’s “hacksona” presented as Rambo just scream 1980s (which i’m assuming is the decade the creators grew up in), and Of Mice and Men is classic literature about the Great Depression, which subsequently started being taught in school in the US during the 1980s. it feels like the creators just went ‘let’s discuss what our lives had in common during our teen years and put that in’ instead of researching it first. and, here’s the thing: when you’re adding references, in order to make them funny or interesting, they have to fit in with the property or the character that’s connected to them in some way. Don Octavio was an opera aficionado so his episode’s title card pays homage to the Phantom of the Opera, young Muggshot was influenced by the movie “The Dogfather” because he’s a gangster, etc. these were funny because they were so spot-on with these characters. if every character in the Sly Cooper universe references the same type of stuff (from the 1980s) and shares the same interests, it’s just claustrophobic and uninteresting. i’m pretty sure i’m not the only one who had to look up these ultra-hetero, scrotum references when the game came out. that’s because they were specifically tailored to be funny to them, and not their target demographic which were kids in 2013.
Narrative: now that we got that out of the way, let’s look at the narrative. at the end of Sly 3, Bentley says he’s building a time machine. Sanzaru took that joke and decided to run with it as the premise for their game. ok, not the best idea, but i get it - you’re literally picking up where the last game left off. since all the storylines were wrapped up, they could’ve done something different like Sly’s kids or Bentley and Murray’s families, but this isn’t an essay about suggestions so...... time travel (i want to say that it’s, again, an 80s reference but whatever) was pretty ‘out there’ in 2013. i mean, even Plants vs Zombies 2, which was released that year, had to do with time travel (yes, i’m referencing an app). but Sanzaru had the advantage of applying this premise onto already established mythos and lore. the story had definite potential: someone is threatening Sly’s lineage so he has to travel back in time to save the day. the player would get to explore new locations and iconic eras in history, and, of course, the main selling point: playable ancestors. how could you screw that up? welp.... let’s think about the plot holes here for a sec. Bentley’s device would take the gang back in time when given an item from the specific era. stop. this right here is called ‘over-complicating’. how did they know the items would take them directly to the point where the specific ancestor was in danger? the Feudal Japan period lasted for 700 years: how did the machine know when and where to drop them off? and if the gang could return to the present at any time, why didn’t they do so when they were in trouble? oh right, the machine was broken. so how did they return the baddies to the present after they defeated them? i mean, why did they use the Grizz’s crown to travel to Medieval England if they went back to the present to drop him off to Interpol first? and on that note, how did they drop the baddies off to jail without getting caught and without Carmelita being around? i can already hear you thinking but these are total details that aren’t important, you jerk! well, yea, they truly are details and i truly am overthinking it. and yes, i truly am a jerk. but let me tell you something: when Sanzaru chose to make a new Sly game, did they not think ‘oh we’ll have to follow up Sly 2 and Sly 3′s stories’ which were well thought-out narratives with depth and various themes and didn’t have huge plot holes (as seen by my analysis through the episode project) ???? and did they also not think that their game would come out eight years after the last one, having expectations at an all-time high???? yea, that’s what i thought.
Characters: i’ll make a different section for Sucker Punch’s characters, so this is for Sanzaru’s original ones. name one iconic original character from Thieves in Time. i’ll wait... nope. not one. that’s because all of them were absolute shit. and here’s where i want to touch upon Sanzaru’s over-reliance on the trilogy. Ms Decibel (perhaps the most obvious copy) is a mix between Don Octavio, Miz Ruby, and the Contessa. El Jefe is Rajan if he went to the gym. Toothpick has Sir Raleigh’s temper and tendency to grow in size. and the Grizz is... whatever the fuck he is. (don’t worry i didn’t forget Le Paradox and Bob). there’s a difference between studying & creating similar characters and blatantly plagiarizing older characters because you lack the creativity. oh, boo-hoo this evil jerk’s telling it how it is. this set of villains is so lacklustre, i don’t even know where to begin. El Jefe is a tiger, even though we’ve already had two major tiger villains and one tiger flashlight guard. ok. Rajan could summon lightning because of the Clockwerk heart but El Jefe can do the same, how exactly? Toothpick is an armadillo (good) from Russia (better) with an obsession with the West (excellent) who can also grow huge (very bad). it’s never explained how or why. why?????? just tell me why. i want to know. i really want to know. Ms Decibel is an elephant who got into a tragic accident which left her with the power of hypnosis. music and hypnosis have already been done, but ok, i’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. so how do we use this character? spend the entirety of her screen time making jokes about... wait for it... her weight !!! this is top-notch comedy... really? like... really? the creators’ humor is a crime, at best. fart jokes and fat jokes all around. oh, and then there’s the Grizz. what the fuck where they thinking? just, what the fuck. i guess the guys at Sanzaru thought black people speak in rap? is that it? apart from it being extremely offensive, it’s also a blatant copy of Dimitri’s backstory. like, his introductory cutscene even has his paintings thrown at him and into the trash, like the intro cutscene for The Black Chateau. honestly, all of these villains caused me several types of pain, but not as much as...
Bob & Le Paradox: the absolute worst. i can just imagine the meeting going something like this: Sly’s ancestors are awesome! i wish we could fit them all in the game... here’s an amazing idea! what if we use one of the game’s few levels to introduce a brand new ancestor! yea! let’s make him dumb as fuck, strip him of any athletic prowess, and retcon the entire lineage by having him be the first Cooper ever! the kids will love a prehistoric level! ..... could you kindly point out where and when did ANYONE ask for this? i remember @ironicsnap​ saying something like the game is good until Bob. no, it was already bad - Bob just lowered the standard. like, a lot. people love Murray and his gameplay is neat, but no one ever thought ‘oh i wish we had a Cooper character with Murray’s game style’. why would they waste the opportunity to bring in Henriette, Thaddeus, Otto, literally any ancestor? why??? but they went ahead and created their own Cooper, and that wasn’t even the end of it. they had to make him dumb. they had to make him unbearable. they had to ruin the Cooper ancestry by adding this mess to the lineage. Sucker Punch made sure that all the ancestors were unique, but at the same time made all of them suave and funny and slick and you wish you could be them! well, fuck that. also, his name is Bob. Bob Cooper. it’s been 7 fucking years and i still can’t wrap my head around it.... so now, let’s talk about Le Paradox. i don’t have to mention the previous main villains, but i will. Clockwerk killed Sly’s ancestors and father, and was seemingly an eternal threat. Neyla was a psychopath who fooled everyone on her journey to becoming immortal by resurrecting Clockwerk. Dr M opened up the possibility for Sly’s dad to be a jerk instead of a hero, and died trying to unlock the Coopers’ legacy. how does Le Paradox compare? well, he’s a sleazebag skunk who was mad because of his dad’s downfall to the Coopers. that’s it. no twist, no depth, no clever dialogue. nothing. there’s nothing there. this is a new character, unfamiliar to everyone, who was hyped up for 5 levels and defeated in the conclusion. why was he a match for Sly? i don’t know. how did he fight for his life and ultimately tricked Sly into helping him? i don’t know. how the hell did he kidnap Carmelita? i don’t know. was it the power of persuasion? no, he’s revolting. so i literally don’t know. there’s no backstory, no fleshing-out the character, nothing. all we’re given to work with is a brief info-dump about his dad and how he escaped prison. i don’t know what else to say apart from how big a humiliation this was for Sanzaru and their team of writers. you had 8 years to work on something and this is what you came up with? anything would be better. anything would best this utter cliché of a villain, a distasteful misogynist, crybaby, idiot with an accent. literally anything.
Arcs & Themes: let’s take a look at the formulaic subplots for the gang’s members. apart from dealing with Le Paradox, everyone had a small arc. Sly had to deal with his break-up with Carmelita. Bentley had to deal with his break-up with Penelope. Murray had to deal with playing second fiddle to Bob. Carmelita was a damsel in distress and sex bait for the ancestors. the ancestors had their own mini storylines along with reacting to Sly’s presence. there you have it. i summarised it all for you, nice and neatly. are there any themes like in the previous games? nope. i promise you i’m not lying when i say that i tried hard to come up with something, even some speck of a detail i could use to over-analyse the story and come up with some ideas on themes. nothing. there are no themes. the subplots are character-driven and the player gives it 0 emotional investment. there is nothing to analyse, nothing to talk about. maybe even a theme for each level, like a spooky level or something? nope. the levels are dependent on eras and historical periods. the variation here is ok. Feudal Japan, Wild West, Prehistoric Australia, Medieval England and Ancient Arabia  - pretty good selection. i’ll give them credit for it. but that’s it. due to the absence of themes, the hubs feel empty. there’s no replayability factor. after you collect the bottles and masks and treasures, there’s nothing. i would spend hours revisiting the trilogy’s hubs, just roaming around. the hubs here are huge and empty. there’s nothing to reminisce about. nothing to recall. oh that’s where this mission went down. no, nothing like that. the aforementioned subplots are resolved during mission cutscenes and then they’re gone. you don’t have to explore spooky Prague alone as Bentley to have him overcome his fears, you don’t have to find out miners abducted Murray’s beloved Guru and search the Australian outback for him, you don’t have to hold back your tears when you’ve reached the end of the Cooper Vault and Sly asks his dad for help. nothing.
Controls: as soon as i laid my hands on the controller the first time i played the game, that fateful afternoon, i knew something was up. Sly would respond 1 second late after you pushed something on the controller. it felt clunky, is what i’m trying to say or, as my sister put it, it felt heavy. and she was right. the controls were clunky and heavy and didn’t feel light, like playing as a thief should feel. i don’t know shit about game mechanics but this definitely didn’t feel right. the hubs are also chunky in design, the cliffs are huge and so cyclical or hexagonal, that when you parachute your way to them and are just an inch close, Sly will automatically just drop because he can’t grab onto them. running as Sly doesn’t feel fast, silently obliterating guards from behind feels slow, and swinging, grabbing, pickpocketting, and hanging aren’t fun anymore. presentation-wise, @designraccoon​ goes into detail here, in an absolute gem of a post. in short, the gameplay animations make Sly look less sneaky. Sanzaru didn’t even consider a thief’s movements.
Missions: why the fuck would you remove the player’s option to choose between which mission to do first? why would you do that? the game lays out what goes first, sometimes having only one mission available in the hub. and the missions aren’t even enjoyable. firstly, the loading screens take up to 5 minutes, maybe even 7-8. secondly, there’s hacking every 2 missions. the missions don’t have any dialogue to make them fun, lack in interesting puzzles, what more can i say? they’re overly easy and lack any challenge whatsoever. at least there’s variation in gameplay (hacking, RC car, fishing, costumes, ancestors, turret etc.) but because of the controls, even these get tiresome. the missions are solely there to progress the story and that’s why the operations are merely ‘storm the main baddie’. the trilogy had some pretty interesting missions which made sure to complete jobs required to take down the big bad. e.g. kidnap General Clawfoot to take down the security, hack Contessa’s computer to make sure Carmelita will be freed, steal voices to tempt Neyla, and then take down the Contessa. the missions in Thieves in Time lack substance and variety. and the hacking (all three styles) sucks.
Collectibles: here’s another fantastic idea: have players collect costumes in order to collect bottles in order to collect treasures in order to collect masks in order to unlock funky Sanzaru logo-themed merch! what was the reason for the collectibles? in previous games, collecting all bottles would unlock special abilities. that was it. it’s the same thing here too, but there’s less incentive? i mean when you have to collect 1000 things, what’s the point? the treasures are random and very few are references to the trilogy, so whatever. and the masks unlock... superhero costumes for what reason exactly? oh, and then there’s also the achievements for your Playstation account, like ‘open the map in every single location you visit’. what fun! if the reason for collecting the treasures is to play godawful hacking minigames in order to get masks, what’s the point? decorate your paraglider with the Sanzaru logo? or have Bentley dress up as discount Robocop? i mean including masks in the interior locations was cool, but the bottles were always supposed to be something you could do whenever your soul desired. sometimes i left them last before the operation, sometimes i collected them before the first mission. so i was pissed when i found out that, in some cases, you had to unlock the episode’s costume in order to get the all the bottles. so, fuck off.
Animation: i’ll keep this short. the animation was terrible. do you remember that tumblr blog from a while back, where she dedicated the posts to pointing out the mistakes in the animated cutscenes? yeah. point is, there were lots of them. the animation style was bad, the character design was ugly, the characters’ movements were unnatural. everything about it was shit. looking past the bad decision to drop the trilogy’s comicbook-style animated cutscenes, couldn’t they have hired someone better? someone with more experience? their concept art was awesome. couldn’t they hire that guy and have it be comicbook style if he wasn’t trained in animation?
The Players: let me ask a genuine question: who was this game made for? kids growing up in 2013? maybe so. because it feels like Sanzaru didn’t even consider the fans of the trilogy. actually, it felt like a huge fuck you. Sucker Punch made their trilogy for whoever. there were great stuff for kids, but adults would pick up and appreciate the references, the real-life setting (e.g. tobacco use, existence of nightclubs, spice instead of drugs, etc.). that’s why all three games are timeless classics. judging by Thieves in Time’s humor, the game wasn’t targeted for adults. so, it doesn’t make sense to use an already established property, beloved by its fans, to attract a new audience consisting of nine year-olds who’d laugh at Murray dressing up as a woman. if they really wanted to appeal to the fans of the original, why retcon everything? why change who the first Cooper was? when the gang’s stranded in Saudi Arabia, why have Sly say ‘i couldn't remember a time since we've teamed up that we felt so defeated’? the gang’s been in way deeper shit before. why the ‘Sly’s dad vs Le Paradox’s dad’ deus ex machina? Sly’s dad wasn’t famous because of stealing the world’s largest diamond, what the fuck are you even talking about? do the guys at Sanzaru have such big egos and bravado that they needed to change the original games’ lore? were they so preoccupied with leaving their signature on a property which was never their own? i don’t know who needs to read this, but i’m stating FACTS.
Characters: now let’s talk about Sanzaru’s treatment of the Cooper gang and the ancestors (female characters will get their own section). why would you change the characters like that? if it wasn’t for the voice acting, i’d say this is a completely different Cooper gang. there’s no wise-cracking band of best friends, going on heists and being proud of their brotherhood and bond. all that is replaced with the formulaic story arcs for each member. the trilogy’s cutscenes and dialogues made sure to establish how Sly, Bentley and Murray have lived together since they met at the orphanage, play videogames all day and order chinese food and pizza and whatever. through missions and their adventures, they face obstacles they have to overcome as a gang, and when Sly 3 came around, their friendship was put to the ultimate test when they almost disbanded. Thieves in Time was too lazy to add to this. Sanzaru thought ‘oh the trilogy showed how they’re best friends so we might as well have them focus on their own stories separately’ and if this is truly the case then i ask again: who was this game made for? because new fans would never know how tight the gang was just by playing Thieves in Time. there’s a lack of genuine friendship moments. like, what happened when Sly came back after faking his amnesia? that’s completely ignored. where’s the witty banter? the ‘wizard & sitting duck’ type of jokes? nothing of the sort. what we get is fart jokes and Murray wanting to dress up as a woman. on that note, what was that all about? ok, have him dress up as a geisha to get in. fine. have El Jefe slap his ass, have him perform in a painfully lengthy dance sequence, have him dress like that during the rest of the episode, and then have him be persistent about getting the belly-dancing gig? the hell? Murray was always kinda goofy but this just feels kinda homophobic? it feels dragged out and unfunny. and then there’s the ancestors. i said it once before and i’ll say it again, Sanzaru deprived me of a buff Arab daddy Salim Al Kupar and gave us that elderly shit instead. all jokes aside, the redesigns were uninteresting. why take away Tennessee Kid’s facial hair and give it to Galleth? i legitimately think all the ancestors were boring. i mean, their gameplay was cool, especially Tennessee Kid’s guns, but in terms of character, they were just some dudes. did they believe that Sly was their descendant from the future? maybe. did they care? nope. they all had the same storyline of dealing with Sly’s arrival, flirting with Carmelita and getting their canes stolen. that was it. the fans waited for so long to get even a glimpse of the ancestors in action, and Sanzaru downplayed all of them. they reduced them to useless idiots too occupied with women and food, incapable of getting their canes back from stupid Le Paradox. and they didn’t even stick to the lore. no ma’am. let’s make Rioichi the inventor of sushi !! because that makes total sense and would defo fit in with the character and the property! why. just, why. you were handed the lore !!! you were given all this rich backstory and you threw it all away to replace it with trash !!! complete trash.
Changes & Inconsistency: i want to briefly mention some changes that pissed me off. where’s the laser glide move? it was an important turning point at the end of Sly 3, so why did they get rid of it? Sly is a master thief who’s traveling back in time, so you’d think they’d actually make him a master thief. also, the changes in the binocucom and Bentley’s slideshows in order to modernise them. if Sucker Punch managed to place the mission starting points at locations where the binocucom would show the objective clearly, so could Sanzaru. instead, they chose to have it be a moving camera, floating around the hub. and Bentley’s slideshows were absolute classics, opportunities to include gags and have Bentley show off in his own way. you just had to change it into a tablet, didn’t you. omg you’re still looking at small details like these? yes sweetie, i consider the details because i think they shape the game more than anything. if i didn’t consider the details, then my opinion on the game would be incomplete. when i praise the trilogy i don’t only look at story and gameplay. because i’m unbiased like that. here, i’d also like the mention Dimitri. what a fucking waste. you either include him in the game or you don’t. but don’t give me some half-baked shit on how he’s working for the gang back in present day. Dimitri staying home, waiting on the gang to call him in order for him to give them details on the villains. how does that even slightly resemble anything about Dimitri’s character? they didn’t even include his voice, some greasy sweet Raccoonus Doodus dialogue.
Female Characters: you know it’s all been leading up to this. this is the crux of the Thieves in Time hate. i don’t want to say the game is misogynistic so i’ll call it anti-feminist. why? just answer me. why? why did you have to disrespect Carmelita like that? right off the bat, they swapped the pants for the skirt. in what world does an active inspector who’s always on the scene wear a skirt? Carmelita now wears a skirt because her only role in the game is to be the love interest. Carmelita now wears bright red lipstick and has a new hairstyle, which would be ok if only it wasn’t Carmelita. Carmelita now plays up her inner sassy Latina because she’s pigeonholed into the ‘angry ex girlfriend’ role. they compartmentalised her, tried to sexualise her because she couldn’t possibly be one of the boys. nope. let’s take a respected woman, high in rank and as physically able as Sly, and turn her into a cliché, an angry ex girlfriend for comedic relief, strip her of her abilities and have her be kidnapped twice, have every exchange with her be about how attractive she is, have almost every male character in the game flirt with her, have her boyfriend be jealous of his own ancestors because they’re flirting with her in order to create purposeless love triangles, and then, after all that, dress her up as a belly dancer and distract some guards while the rest of the gang do the heavy lifting. that last one was really the nail on the coffin. did Bentley have other ways to enter that door? absolutely. so, what the fuck? why did i come back for a good Sly game 8 years later and receive a game where you have to shake your controller to have Carmelita shake her ass? why did they have the guards’ eyes pop like that? why did no one stop them? and it isn’t just Carmelita. it’s Penelope too. god forbid we have a female character who doesn’t have a waist smaller than my finger, and a voluptuous physique. why was the redesign so drastic? the story stuff is also nonsensical. why did she leave? wasn’t she happy with Bentley? i watched her speech about turning on the gang about a thousand times and it still doesn’t make any sense. like, i literally don’t understand. what was her motive? and why reverse her story of overcoming the Black Baron persona and the connotations of a meek woman hiding behind a man’s disguise? why repeat it, shamelessly? do the guys at Sanzaru only know women who have recently broken up? why does Carmelita, Penelope and Ms Decibel all go through break-ups during the game? why does Penelope go against Bentley before they even break up? why waste the opportunity to introduce a new, well-written villain and use it to repeat something already done? why???? no woman is safe from Sanzaru because Ms Decibel... boy, did i feel bad for her. apart from continuously reminding us that she’s haha fat!! she’s also presented as a blind lovefool. love? what a silly concept only women believe in! Ms Decibel had a crush on Le Paradox (for some reason i can’t even fathom) and for that she must pay by being utterly humiliated. and what do ALL women do when a guy breaks up with them? they get so angry! yikes, stay clear guys! ....why does Sanzaru hate female characters? i’m genuinely curious. i mean, what forced them to depict women like this? i’m sorry, i can’t take much more of this.
Ending: and how do you end a disappointment that came 8 years late and didn’t even have a sequel guaranteed? yeap, you guessed it! a cliffhanger. but not just any cliffhanger - a total fuck you to anyone and everyone. with a single move Sanzaru instantly screwed over the franchise. the fans, the creators, the characters, anyone looking to continue the series. everyone. WHY would you trap the protagonist in the past? WHY? did you feel defensive about something that wasn’t even yours and went ‘well you can continue the series but the sequel will have to do with time travel’. why did you think it was a good idea? how does it even slightly resemble a good ending? someone fill me in please. because i don’t think i’m being unreasonable, i’m just telling it how it is.
i did it. i fucking wrote it in all its motherfucking glory. the idiots at Sanzaru could’ve given us an amazing game but instead of working on how to make it better or including extra levels, they wasted their time on deciding what killable baby animal to include in each hub or what the backstory for each treasure should be. how fucking distasteful. and to think i’m an idiot myself for trying to force myself to like it because i was so in denial about how bad it was. i’ve just outlined everything wrong with that cursed game. i’m exhausted.
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zoe-dinh · 3 years
Shameless Media: A Start-up's Guide To Digital Stakeholder Engagement
Today’s businesses exist in a world where everything is rapidly changing. How organisations communicate with stakeholders, and vice versa, have been transformed by the digital age.
Not only are stakeholders powerful and tech-savvy, thanks to digital media, they now also have direct contact with companies and organisations 24/7 (Ozer 2020).
Companies therefore are much more accountable for their conduct and value (Tench & Yeomans 2017). This can either play to their advantage, or hinder it in a critical way.
As such, businesses need to foster relationships with stakeholders by leveraging the power of digital media. The goal is to have a community of people who support the organisation, who resonates with the brand’s value and message.
An example of modern organisations championing this is Shameless Media. Utilising digital media, Shameless engages with their stakeholders through strategic branding and content marketing.
How can we capture people’s hearts and minds in an attention economy? Let’s learn from this millennial start-up.
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Shameless Media (SM) is a millennial gen Z’s destination for all things digital content. Operated in Melbourne by a team of five young women, the company was founded in 2019 by writers Zara McDonald and Michelle Andrews.
Although relatively young, the podcast venture has accumulated a consumer base of over 20 million listeners, plus a growing community of 220,000+ followers across Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. SM also recently created a brand-new agency for content creators and influencers, The Sana Agency.
Since its inception, the podcast has not had a single episode that has not been sponsored (Forbes 2021). More notably, Shameless listenership is overwhelmingly 94.7% women in their 20s (Gillezeau 2021).
SM's key stakeholder groups thus include:
1. Consumers: audiences, readers, listeners; and
2. Sponsors: collaborators, business partners.
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Current digital operations
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1. Podcast
At first glance: Eye-catching cover. Good tag line (“The pop culture podcast for smart people who love dumb stuff”). Almost always seen in the Top Charts.
My thoughts: I was surprised to discover how new the podcast is. Its popularity, large growing number of listeners and content quality make Shameless seem a lot more established.
Open and honest, the hosts are not afraid to let audience knows where they stand on critical issues (feminism, politics, climate change etc.). New episodes are regularly scheduled which is good for audience retention.
As a consumer, I am drawn to the show/company for their seeming authenticity and relatability. Not to mention the well-balanced research that allows audience to form their own opinions without being spoon-fed. 10/10 recommend.
2. Website
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At first glance: Layout is easy to look at. Visually appealing. All relevant info seems to be there.
My thoughts: Nice design, but not as much interactivity as I would have liked. When I tried looking for more information on the founders and organisation, something like an About Us section for example, there was none. Neither was there any resource or material on the business side of things (annual reports or data analytics or anything of the sorts).
One may excuse this considering the age of the organisation. However, I believe SM might benefit from a website update or revamp. It will certainly be helpful for those like me who are curious, who do research on the firm and would therefore like more access to information.
3. Instagram
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At first glance: Quite large following. Relatively high audience engagement. Content layout not my personal taste, but appealing overall.
My thoughts: Shameless has great social media presence, especially on Instagram. The company made good efforts in interacting with followers. There are the ‘Your say Fridays’, polls and Q&A every other day on Stories. Users regularly comment on posts (memes, podcast updates & announcement), and many get replies from admin.
Overall, Shameless is doing very well with social media engagement and audience interactions.
4. Facebook
At first glance: Not much to see/do as this is a private group. Nice cover image though.
My thoughts: Large community of readers of nearly 34,000 members. The group has been active since 2019. While discussion threads cannot be publicly viewed, those interested in the content can find related episodes on the Shameless podcast.
Over on Instagram, there are links in bio to the book-selling site for each month’s pick. Makes me wonder whether or not these are affiliate links.
5. LinkedIn
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At first glance: Small-to-medium sized following. Appealing visuals, though not too much information.
My thoughts: I have seen the Shameless LinkedIn profile before, but has only started following them recently. The account is not too active, the latest post was from a few months ago. Perhaps this is because the content that circulates on LinkedIn often revolves around business culture, not the usual focus by SM. Most of the posts thus far are general announcement and job openings.
In the future, SM might be benefit from a more active LinkedIn page, so as to not only attract new audience and potential talents, but also to establish their presence more firmly among competitors in the corporate world.
The corporate brand is constantly being co-created by organisation with their stakeholders. Dialogical communication is said to enhance this along with corporate reputation (Gundolf et al. 2018; Ozer 2020; Rosenberg & Seager 2017).
In reality, what might this look like?
From tactics to dialogic communication in digital media, let’s look at how SM has been engaging with stakeholders.
Dialogical communication in digital media
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Potential areas of improvement
Lack of strategy
Upscaling the business
Other types of content, especially video
So far, leveraging social media has helped Shameless achieve their goal and stay true to their brand. “Win their niche, core audience, nurture specific community of mostly young working women” (Gillezeau 2021).
The company’s success is in no small way thanks to the relationship they have with their audience. SM has intimate understandings of what the audience wants, and are able to deliver it.
This is in large part due to the founders being in the same demographics as their audience. As McDonald put it, “[W]e wanted to tap into a younger demographic that we thought were generally being ignored by mainstream media” (Forbes 2021), which explains the company slogan.
“We make content for ourselves, our mates, and you”.
Branding and content wise, SM is doing a good job capitalising on the trends, particularly with interactive content, content marketing, and online content communities (Clark-Keane 2021; Thomson 2019).
Yet, it is also important to note the fortunate position SM finds themselves in. As a millennial start-up, they are already advantaged by having skills in digital media and technologies.
Nonetheless, through forces of strategic digital communication, Shameless Media has been successfully engaging with their stakeholders through a combination of clever branding and content marketing.
Clark-Keane, C. 2021, ‘7 Content Marketing Trends to Watch in 2021’, Wordstream, https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2020/11/23/content-marketing-trends
Forbes, T. 2021, ‘How I Do It: Shameless Media’s Zara McDonald and Michelle Andrews on building their empire’, Fashion Journal, https://fashionjournal.com.au/life/how-i-do-it-shameless-media/
Gillezeau, N. 2021, ‘Shameless Media: The podcast start-up that’s rejecting big offers’, Australian Financial Review, https://www.afr.com/companies/media-and-marketing/how-they-built-it-shameless-media-20210330-p57fbu
Gundolf, K., Jaouen, A. & Gast, J. 2018, ‘Motives for strategic alliances in cultural and creative industries’, Creative Innovation Management, vol. 27, pp. 148-160, DOI: 10.1111/caim.12255
Johnston, J. & Rowney, K. 2019, ‘Social networks’, Media Strategies: Managing Content, Platforms and Relationships, Taylor & Francis, Sydney, pp. 75-103.
Kim, K. 2021, ‘How to make sure you’re marketing to Gen Z the right way’, Sprout Social, https://sproutsocial.com/insights/marketing-to-gen-z/
Ozer, D. 2020, ‘Organisations’ use of social media from the perspective of dialogical communications and marketing-oriented public relations’, In B.O. Aydin, S. Gurbuz & O, Dugan (eds.), Public Relations in the Networked Publics, Peter Lang, Frankfurt, pp. 211-235.
Rosenberg, M. & Seager, P. H. 2017, ‘The Big Picture: Four Trend that Change Everything’, Managing Media Businesses, Retrieved from ProQuest EBook Central, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-52021-6_1
Smart Insights 2020, ‘7 ways to reach and influence millennials using social media marketing’, https://www.smartinsights.com/social-media-marketing/social-media-strategy/7-ways-to-reach-millennials-through-social-media-marketing/
Tench, R. & Yeomans, L. 2017, ‘Exploring Public Relations’, Global Strategic Communication, Pearson Education, Harlow, Available from: ProQuest EBook Central (14 August 2021).
Thomson, C. 2019, ‘Top Marketing Trends For 2020’, Forbes, https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2019/10/03/top-marketing-trends-for-2020/#6889ba113d5d
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birthdaysentiment · 4 years
The music in wtFOCK season 3 - Song #21
Woensdag 16.36 // "Ocean Eyes" - Billie Eilish
Overall, season 3 was a roller-coaster of emotions and so where the different episodes and sometimes even the individual clips. With Robbe's story I went through every emotion possible, because I never knew what to except when a clip dropped. wtFOCK managed to create a season, where I knew nothing about what was going to happen, even though I knew the storyline by heart. After what happened in episode 4, the chances of getting a cuddle-clip didn't look that good, at some point I believed that it would never happen, so you can imagine how excited I was when the clip dropped, because that could only mean one thing, it was going to happen. And once again I didn't know what to except, and once again wtFOCK took me by surprise.
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At this point, episode 5 had been another trip through various emotions, and it's crazy to think of all the things that actually happened in a couple of days. The episode started out with Robbe being at his lowest after not being able to have sex with Noor, but after a long-needed conversation with Milan, Robbe started to realize what had happen, what he had done, and he finally came to the realization that he couldn't pretend anymore. So, he broke up with Noor and then he finally found his way back to Sander the following day, where we got one of the best original clips of the season. It finally seemed like everything was going in the right direction. 
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I've never smiled so much as I did when I watched this clip, and there is so many reasons for that, so fair warning this is going to be a long one. The cuddle-clip has always been one of my favorites in all the universes, and wtFOCK's version of it was no exception. I loved the fact that we finally got a chance to see Robbe and Sander spending some time together alone, where they could just enjoy each other and I know this isn't the first time they're alone, but it feels different somehow.
Take the supermarket-clip for example, that was their first hang out and already back then you could feel the connection between them. But in this clip, that connection just felt so much more intense, because at that point, they had admitted their feelings to each other, they knew that they wanted to be together. This clip always makes me realize, how deeply in love Robbe and Sander actually was.
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And if the clip wasn't perfect enough, then the choice of music adds to the level of perfection. I think Billie Eilish is the artist, who's songs wtFOCK has used the most, and there's definitely a reason for that. Her songs are so versatile, and fits almost every situation, where this song really captures the whole essence of the clip: comfort, love, attraction, intimacy, intensity and I could keep on going. If the song had been different, if it hadn't been the sweet and calming voice with the simple and soothing melody in the background, then I think the clip would have turned out very differently.
After the Chernobyl-clip I didn't think Robbe and Sander could look more in love, but I was wrong. This clip is filled with so much love, and it's crazy to think that they've only known each other for a couple of weeks, because they already look at each other with a huge amount of admiration and affection. They're so tender with one another, but the air between them is also packed with a lot of passion and lust.
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For me, I was particular surprised to see Robbe take so much initiative, because it was different from what we had seen him do before, or at least it was a change to see him actually liking it himself. For example, with Noor, Robbe was pretending, trying to do too much, while he didn't enjoy any of it and it never felt real, but with Sander it was different. It's obvious to see how attracted Robbe is to Sander, how much he wants to be with him, to touch him, kiss him and just feel him next to himself. It makes me so happy, because it just shows how comfortable Robbe is when he's true to the person that he is, and his feelings.
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I'm actually so proud of Robbe, because he finally let himself feel, he finally admitted to himself what he wants, and in this clip, he just goes for it. He takes initiative, he kisses Sander, without excepting to get anything back in return, he strokes his hair, because Robbe loves the feeling of Sander's soft hair, and he just looks at him with so much love and joy, that it almost fills up the whole room. This is a new side to Robbe, that we haven't seen before, and I must say, Robbe-in-love is my absolute favorite Robbe.
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But this clip also gave us some new information, something made sense in terms of what had happened earlier on in the season, and some details just made us theorize even more. For example, Sander's drawing of Robbe and his idea for it, because at that point, who would have thought that it would actually become reality, that Sander would paint that drawing of Robbe on a huge mural? I love that scene, because by looking at Sander, you can see how his eyes just lights up by the thought of it; Robbe combined with art, his favorite combination.
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I love how Robbe and Sander fool around, not only kissing and clinging to each other, but also how they're teasing one another, learning new things, taking pictures, talking, touching and so on. They really seem like a couple, who has been together for an eternity, because their chemistry is just out of this world.
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Their conversation about parallel universes, has so much meaning attached to it, because it actually became reality. Everything about this scene is so special, from the aesthetic pleasing pictures, where the light makes everything seem warmer and more comforting, to the beautiful song in the background, that highlights every emotion in the room. The song has different meanings, not just the beauty of a pair of ocean eyes, but also the feelings and emotions that gets generated when you look into them. Eyes can be so memorizing, that you never want to leave them, because by looking into a pair of them, you realize how much you want the person, which they belong to. When Robbe and Sander look into each other's eyes, every emotion gets intensified and the feelings between them only gets stronger, which makes them realized that they never want to lose the sight of each other's eyes, because they "can't stop starin' at those ocean eyes".
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But this conversation also leads to the opportunity of getting to know Sander at bit more. For me, at this point in the story, I had my doubts whether or not wtFOCK would go with the mental illness storyline, because I hadn't seen that many signs of it. Small details got dropped here and there along with conflicting pieces of information, but that just made me question everything even more. But in this scene, we finally got a sense of what it feels like to be Sander, and that made the theory about the mental illness storyline much more possible.
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Before wtFOCK, I never imagined that I would be able to see myself so clearly in one of the characters from the SKAM universe, but Sander changed that. Like I've written before, I identify with Sander, because he speaks for me, he can put my feelings and thoughts into words, when I can't. He has an ability to explain his emotions in a way I find very difficult, and with this scene, with Sander's words, I never felt more represented.
What I found really interesting with this scene, was the acting of Willem De Schryver, and this is just one of the many times, that Willem has shown his amazing talent for acting. If you look closely, it seems like he's not even blinking, he is just starting out in the room, while he lets his mind speak without taking a break. Robbe doesn't say a word, he is just letting Sander know that he's there, that he's listening and that he doesn't have to hide or be ashamed of his feelings. In this scene we get a glimpse of the care and tenderness they show each other, we see how completely honest and open they can be, which shows the trust that grows between them.
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I'm so proud of Sander for opening up, that he's comfortable enough to show a more vulnerable side of himself. He wants to make Robbe understand, that he has his struggles, that he might not always be the easiest person to be with, but Robbe doesn't care, he just wants Sander in every possible way. Because even though Robbe isn't expressing his feelings with words, he is showing Sander with a lot of kisses and heart-eye looks, that he's in love with him, that no matter the size of his problems, he's always going to be there by his side.
Not only is the song perfect for the clip, but once again wtFOCK managed to pair the song with the editing in such a beautiful way, For example, the whole beginning of the clip, where we see Robbe and Sander in different situations, where the song really gets a chance to shine. And also, towards the end of the song, because right before Sander starts to speak, the following lyrics can be heard in the background:
I've never fallen from quite this high
Fallin' into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes
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And just as she sings "ocean eyes", Sander looks up, revealing his ocean eyes. Well I know Sander has green eyes, but still, it's a very nice touch and it's obvious that Robbe falls into Sander's eyes every time he looks at them, so the song seems fitting in more than one way. This will always be one of my favorite clips, because it always reminds me of the time they looked more in love than ever, and even though it has been over six months since the clip dropped, I can still feel every emotion, that I felt the first time I watched it. The cuddle-clip never seems to disappoint, and with Robbe and Sander it definitely didn't do that, because once again wtFOCK surprised us all, by doing all the things we weren't expecting.
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thepeacetea · 5 years
Broken Angels Ch. 5
Hi everyone! Sorry this one came out a little later, but here it is. Though I do have to say, I don’t know where you guys got the idea that Marinette is Jason’s sister. I don’t think I ever remember saying that. Oh well. Anyway, thank you all again for the likes, comments, and reblogs. I tried to tag everyone, but if I missed you, just send me a message and I’ll get you next chapter. You all really seemed to enjoy the last chapter, so I hope ya’ll enjoy this one! Again, if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, let me know. Hope ya’ll enjoy! Peace!
“I swear, if you don’t get out of my way right now, I will kill you! NOW. LET. ME. GO!”
It wasn’t the threat that caused the family to pause. No, they received death threats everyday. Nothing new there. It was the pure rage, desperation, and panic that radiated off Jason that caused them to hesitate. They had never seen him like this. Sure, they had seen him angry, they had even seen him worried. But they had never seen him panicked. Ever. No one, that is, except for Alfred. As he watched the young man yell and threaten his family, his brothers, Alfred was reminded of the one time Jason had displayed that same amount of panic.
It had been three weeks since the boy had been in the hospital. Three weeks since Master Bruce had found him in that ally beaten half to death. Three weeks since he had been in the coma. Alfred had been coming in faithfully for those 24 days like clockwork. He would arrive precisely at nine and leave when visiting hours where over. Bruce would occasionally come for an hour or two and Dick had dropped in once or twice, but most days it was just Alfred. Most days he would just sit in the room and read. Nothing changed for three, long weeks.
It was around 4:00 p.m. on day 24 that the boy woke. The subtle shifting was Alfred’s first indication that he was waking up. The soft groan that followed almost made the old man smile. If the boy was feeling pain, then that was a good sign. It meant he was healing. The boy forced his eyes open and for the first time, Alfred looked into the blue eyes of the newest member of the Wayne family.
The boy blinked a slowly a few time, carefully shifting in the bed to scan his surrounding, muttering something that sounded like ‘Nettie’. Confusion flashed across his face as he surveyed the hospital room before landing on Alfred. For a moment, Alfred let the boy just look at him, giving him a chance to collect himself before speaking. But he never got a chance to.
In a split second, the boy’s eyes went from clouded with confusion to recollection. Alfred watched as the boy’s eyes grew impossibly wide as panic leaped in.
“NETTIE! WHERE’S NETTIE?” the volume of the question was more on tune with a scream then a shout as the boy shot up from his position, fully intending on leaving the bed.
“Sir, you need to calm down. You’re in no condition to be walking.” Alfred stated, rushing forward to prevent the boy from getting up.
The shouting caught the attention of the staff. Nurses and one of the doctor’s came running in a panic. They were greeted with the sight of the comma boy wide awake desperately trying to get out of bed, while his temporary guardian was trying to hold him down.
“Kid, listen. You need to calm down. You just woke up from a comma. You’re still healing.” One of the nurses said, rushing to help hold the boy down.
“NO, YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND! I HAVE TO FIND NETTIE! SHE’S OUT THERE ALONE AND I NEED TO FIND HER! I HAVE TO FIND PIXIE! I NEED TO FIND MY SISTER! NOW! LET! ME! GO!” He ordered, the panic giving him enough strength to throw the nurse and Alfred off him and into the wall.  
The doctor used that momentary distraction to his full advantage. Moving faster then the boy, the doctor injected a sedative into his body. The thrashing he was doing speed up the reaction as his body started to relax.
“No, please. I have to find her. She needs me. She needs me!” The boy said, his voice cracking as tears made their way down his face. “. . . . I need her.” he whispered the last part before his body relaxed. Forcing him into a state of forgetfulness.
As the medical staff buzzed around the boy, Alfred just looked at him. The boy may be asleep, but he wasn’t forgetting. The whimpers proved that. He wouldn’t be forgetting any time soon.
“Jason, we are not going to let you go out to do god knows what until you tell us what is going on.” Master Bruce’s voice snapped Alfred out of his memory. “And I think a good place to start is how you know that girl.”
“Yeah, its not like you’ve cared about accident victims before.”
“Or anyone for that matter.”
The last statement was from Damian, who had said it in an attempt to snap whatever state of panic his brother was in. Though he may not admit it, he was concerned for his older brother. Panicked was not something Jason ever was, and it honestly scared the youngest. He knew that it would snap him out of panic, but no one was ready for what it snapped Jason into.
Jason’s eyes flashed from panicked blue to almost murderous. If looks could kill, then the family would have been turned to ash. Everyone, including Bruce, fought the urge to step back. Jason never was one to keep his tempter in check, and the family had seen many explosive episode, but none prepared them for what they were seeing. To see Jason go from laughing, to panicked, to looking ready to murder them, in under the course of a few minutes, was terrifying.
“How do I know her? Why do I care?” he hissed, his mouth pulling back into a snarl, eyes flashing dangerously. “She’s my f*cking sister! That’s how I know her!” He yelled, his words echoing off the walls of the manor.
“I thought . . .  I thought she was dead for seven years. Seven! Then I see her on the news after almost getting killed by that frecking driver looking like someone’s been beating her! So get the hell out of my way!” he shouted, his voice hitching slightly at the mention of her injuries.
“Jason, think rationally for a moment. It’s late. Even if she still was at the station, they wouldn’t let you in. They would be monitoring everyone who’d go see her. Only her legal guardians could, even then, they would be under scrutiny because of the state she’s in. If you go down there like this, with no form of prof of your claim, they could very well arrest you under suspicion of abuse.” Bruce said, physically putting himself between Jason and the door. He spoke low, logical. It wasn’t quite his Batman voice. No. But it worked better.
For a few, very long seconds, the two men stared at each other, neither breaking contact. Both tense, ready to fight. Jason’s fists shook with pent up energy, his entire body taunt. The silence stretched from seconds to a minute, with no one daring to move.
“ . . . you have a sister?” Dick finally asked, breaking the tense silence with the question everyone had.
“Nettie. My little Nettie.” The confirmation came almost without thinking, Jason’s eyes never leaving Bruce. “She was always so tiny. No matter how much I tried to feed her, she never grew. We were both convinced she had some pixie blood that prevented her from growing. But what she lacked in size, she made up for in heart. Tch, her heart was always too big, ‘specially when I first met her.”
“You look cold.”
The tiny voice startled Jason. He almost thought he had imagined it as it seemed to blend in with the wind. Looking up, he found an incredibly tiny two-year-old girl staring at him, wide blue eyes blinking slowly. The kid’s face was red from the cold as the bitter February wind tore through the streets of Gotham.
“What?” He hadn’t meant to ask that. It just slipped out.
“I said you look cold.” The tiny fairy said, waiting for an answer.
“That’s because I am cold.” Jason growled. He didn’t have the time or the patience to talk with this kid. He was trying to stay warm. He had gotten kicked out of his last place and he hadn’t been able to find a new one to hole up in. He didn’t want to spend time talking with an over curious kid.
A tug on his sleeve brought his eyes back to the girl. She was tugging on his coat sleeves, trying to pull him up. While she obviously couldn’t, Jason was a little impressed at the strength she did seem to have.
“What are you doing?” he asked, his brows scrunching together at the girl’s actions.
“Well, you said that cold so I’m taking you to my house. It’s not very warm, but warmer then out here.” She grunted, still trying to pull Jason to his feet.
“Thanks kid, but I don’t think your parents would be too happy with that.” He explained, gently pulling his hand out of hers. She seemed sweet. And caring.
“Oh, I don’t have parent’s, so they wont mind. An’ I have blankets an’ some food an’ you can stay with me.” She said, a cheer in her tone that caught Jason by surprise. This girl, this two-year-old was on her own and offering him, a total stranger, to stay with her.
“Kid, didn’t anyone tell you not to talk to strangers? And how old are you?”
“I’m five. An’ yeah, I’ve been told not to talk to strangers. But you’re nice. You won’t hurt me.”
“Really, and makes you think that?” Jason asked, momentarily ignoring the question of why a five-year-old looked so small, and focusing on why she thought he was safe. Her answer surprised him.
“Your eyes.”
“My eyes?”
“Yup. You have good eyes. You . . . care even if you don’t show it. You’ve been hurt before, but you still care what happens to other people. And you don’t always follow the rules, but you do what you think is best. You do what you have to do. You’re good.”
That answer shocked Jason. This little girl. This tiny, pixie like five-year-old, was telling him that he was good, that he was worth something. She was too trusting. Too soft. Something tugged at his heart at the thought of someone taking advantage of her.
“Alright you pixie, I’ll come with you. But just for tonight.” The words were out of his mouth before he could even register what he was saying. The smile she sent him seemed to make the air a little warmer, but it fell after a moment.
“I’m not a pixie, though. Pixie’s are pretty, and nice, and magical, and I’m not.”
Seeing how she seemed to shrink into herself, Jason felt that tug again. Smiling, he knelt beside her, gently guiding her chin up to meet his eyes.
“I wouldn’t be too sure about that. You’re tiny, just like one, you have the most uniquely beautiful blue eyes. And you seem pretty magical to me. You where able to tell I was a good guy just by looking at my eyes. And you’re offering me a place to stay, and that’s really nice. So yeah, I think you’re my pixie.”
For the longest time, the girl just stood there looking at Jason, as if trying to see if he was telling the truth. Finally, that same, heart warming smile made its way back on her face.
“I . . . I guess you’re right. But if I’m your pixie, can you be my big brother?”
‘Big brother?’ Those word caused something to tighten in his chest. He didn’t know how to be one. He had no idea how to care for someone younger. He wasn’t exactly the safest person to be around. He was in trouble more often then not. But . . . she didn’t have anyone to look after her. And she was too trusting. She needed someone to look after her. He couldn’t just leave her after everything he just said. The coil in his chest just tightened, agreeing with everything his mind thought of. Glancing at her, he found her looking at him with so much hope shining in those eyes, that he knew there could only be one answer.
“As long as I get your name, pixie-pop.”
“Marinette, but everyone calls me Nettie. What’s your name?”
“. . .Jason.”
The smile that she gave him sealed the deal. He was going to be her big brother. He was going to protect His pixie.
“Well then Nettie, lead the way.”
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