#this fandom is very unhinged
bohemian-nights · 1 year
I'm not sure if you've ever watched a show called "The Originals" but there's a character called Camille O'Connell who enters into a romantic relationship with one of the main characters Klaus Mikaelson. Now Camille was/is a fictional character but the way the fandom treated not only her but the actual actresses who played her.....
Now Leah Pipes is a white woman with blonde hair and blue/green eyes. Nothing wrong with that of course just pointing it out. The treatment that woman endured was absolutely disgusting. I'm only bringing this up because even though Nettles’s actresses hasn’t been announced, I’m really concerned for her, especially since this fandom is batshit. And for all they like to go on about how “it’s just a show” they can’t separate fiction from reality.
I’ve never actually seen The Originals, but that behavior is not surprising. Across the board get crazy when there are ships involved and it crosses over into real life…. a lot 🙃
The HOTD fandom is already behaving very insane when it comes to Nettles and we don’t even know who’s playing her. I do not doubt that they’ll show themselves when she is officially announced.
I mean someone called Olivia a c*nt to her face, Emma was deemed “too ugly” to play Rhaenyra(and now some of those who said that have amnesia about it 🙃), Emily(young Alicent) I think shut down her social media because she was being harassed, so Nettles actress is sadly going to get a lot of hate(and it’s going to be worse because they’ll add racism on top of their sexism🤦🏽‍♀️) thrown at her.
I’d like to think that the HOTD team is trying to protect her which is why they haven’t announced her yet, but you never know with this show considering how they’ve handled things so far😬
Hate isn't cute though so those of you who try it with the real-life actress(or if some of you call the character real life racial slurs) just know that God doesn't like ugly.
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 9 months
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this was gonna be just a sketch and then suddenly this happened-
anyways have an unhinged boi in his natural environment
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Meet Barrett!
I’m a bit late to party about this guy since my friend, @regularassgrass has already been making drawings and stuff of him on their page. But life has been hectic with me getting a job and all other crazy stuff I’ve been trying to work on, including the blog rebrand. But he’s here now and hopefully I’ll be able to draw more of my anxious dire wolfbeastman and his adventures at RSA along with the world around him.
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wickedcoeur · 3 months
I dreamt that I was fem!reggie and had been murdered by a serial killer from criminal minds (that doesn't exist btw, totally made him up), and the skittles and the marauders were trying to resuscitate me but I was hiding from then bc I wanted to hunt the guy who killed me, so I was torturing him in order to drive him insane until he kills himself, but I woke up and I don't know if my plan worked
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beyondplusultra · 7 months
People are STILL putting character hate and irrelevant content in the tags, I see.
I used to give these people the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they just don't know that you shouldn't do that here, that the tagging system is actually for actual curation and not exposure, that doing otherwise could get you reported and flagged for spam. But so many posts explaining that have come and gone already, with thousands of notes on all of them. CLEARLY the message has gone around and still goes around. And yet the problem persists.
It's funny because that behavior (that I can now only assume is willful ignorance) only achieves the opposite effect: People get tired of seeing spam in the tags, so they report and/or block the blogs that participate in it. Their reach just dwindles. Their content remains in obscurity.
Long story short, just don't fucking do that. Although at this point, I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir since I now just block spammers on sight. Lmao
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starsailores · 10 months
i love adsomblr for many reasons, one of which being the fact that i could make a post saying something like 'holland vosijk is truly the man of all time, i want to see him sopping wet and shivering and crying from the weight of his crimes' and the same group of four or five tumblr users would immediately find it and reblog it with tags like "he is my tragic little meow meow and i want to pat him on the head' and 'op you are so real for this'. you people get me like nobody else
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tozettastone · 6 months
RE: "there's so little F/F fanfiction," and its supposed relationship to misogyny, unexamined "fandom truly hates women," statements, and also why "eating your veggies" ala dutyfic is all kind of... inadequate and poorly expressed, in my view (and in my experience, as an AFAB person).
"Fandom hates women," is a statement that's usually written as though the person writing it does not hate women themselves. I think feminists who can't acknowledge their own misogyny are probably living the unexamined life (sorry, Socrates).
These people are right that misogyny is a problem. But they are wrong about how, why, and whether or not the amount of F/F fanfiction or female character-centric works is a proxy for measuring it.
I think there must be room to accept that among the people who happen to be assigned female at birth, even the most liberated suffer from some amount of internalised misogyny — or even just the relentless examination of their own thoughts in trying to root out the misogyny they know is in there. It's an ugly thing people really try to pretend isn't real. Feminists are also misogynists. Society has raised us all ugly and correcting it is a lifestyle, not a one-and-done deep clean.
Sometimes we've thought about it so much that every line of text is haunted by the long shadow of that misogyny. I know I often start and don't finish, or finish and just don't post, my f/f fanfics. It's not just because it attracts more harassment (although it sure used to, at least; I don't know now), but also because I overthink what I'm putting into the world: Is her vulnerability in this moment an attitude of feminine weakness? Is her stoicism just me the writer falling into a bland stoic butch trope because it's easy? Am I replicating gendered things I hate in M/F fanfiction but don't notice in F/F? Is this just writing in character, or is it a sexist stereotype? Hey, what if writing "in character" IS a sexist stereotype? What does this female character, a representative of her entire constructed identity, say about women? Shall I write another scene where she cuts her soft hair and rejects pink girly things and takes her job ever so seriously as part of a power fantasy, in which the excision of femininity goes hand in hand with the attainment of that power?
Every line of text might be a new enfilade in the long identity war. It's Schrodinger's sexism. Who's reading? What will this imply? What will they infer?
I just feel like, personally, until you can exist in society as someone that other people view as a woman, in a way that isn't being perpetually dissected and examined (by yourself, by others, by the people who feel insecure and defensive and want to respond to this saying "uhmmm sweetie that's YOUR problem, I'm an enlightened woman who genders and fucks how I want actually, YOU'RE the only misogynist here, you just suck," as though that's not yet another permutation of exactly the high-pressure, high-critique behaviour I just described), there will simply be fewer people putting their writing about female characters (and by extension F/F) into the public eye, and fewer people who want to do that writing at all.
It's just so fucking exhausting. I think it must be nice, sometimes, writing deathly boring (to me) M/F romance that openly embraces gender stereotypes, where she's always taken by surprise, and he's always competent. Ha.
But then you attempt a M/M romance, and you have to think, "isn't writing masculinity as the totally unexamined default actually kind of an act of collusion, too?" It doesn't have to be. But it sure can be, when you feel like this. And then you throw your laptop out the window. (I'm writing this on my phone. How did you guess?)
You have to draw a line somewhere, horribly, between your existence in a politicised body, your representation of politicised bodies in your art, and your existence as an individual who wants to enjoy their fucking hobby.
Maybe that means you delete all your social media accounts and go herd goats on a mountainside. Or you write about aliens for five years and give them whatever genitals you feel like today. But, like, listen. It's going to be fine. Gender is made up. I know, I know, pretty much everyone else thinks it's a holy binary, just like good and evil, and you have to live in the same world with them, sending coded gender messages all day every day and unable to stop. I know. But it is made up anyway.
Key takeaways: People should write whatever they enjoy writing and kind of just worry less about it. Worrying isn't helping you make fun art. And the amount of fanfiction about female characters and F/F relationships is a poor proxy for whatever we think we mean when we say, "fandom hates women."
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ineffably-human · 1 year
it's how definitive it is for me. it's how we've actually ficced and debated this for years and they wrote it so crudely and unimportant, in a way that they can't really revisit later. no chance of more thoughtful or better storytelling next year, about one of your show's central goddamn questions.
this is our arguable main character, he is our entry point into everything else. and as that entry point, Guillermo's story is about dedicating his entire life to something, finding meaning in it since he was young, finding and latching onto it when he's not even supposed to know it exists. clawing his way forward for a place at the table where he's decided he wants to sit. risking his life at least a half dozen times I can think of.
Guillermo's story is about damaging his relationship with the entire rest of the world, throwing himself in with people who take years to admit they even like him. rejecting his family and his innate nature and lineage. tying his most important relationship up in it: this is the person who'll give him the thing he wants most in the world. one day Nandor will look him in the eye as an equal, as someone Like Him, who can stand next to him forever. his relationship with Nandor, at every stage, has always been a combination of 'do I want you or do I want to be you? does claiming me as one of yours mean I am yours? am I allowed to have forever with you?'
Guillermo's story, this season, is reacting to every single stage and marker of finally getting what he wants with joy, with the exceptions of 1) stepping away from a family that never seemed to understand or fulfill him in the first place, 2) having it happen in a less than ideal place and way, hurting Nandor in the process. the central problem of his turning isn't his feelings, which are extremely clear, it's how this impacts his relationship with Nandor. (answer: exactly the way you think it will. he's upset and then he gets over it. nothing else changes.)
and then suddenly we're told: Guillermo can't be trusted about what he's consistently said he wants. he hasn't given thought to a regular, inextricable piece of what it means - even though he's been next to, and engaged in, violence that's way more direct and bloody and sometimes even more senseless. the guy whose vampire entry point was Anne Rice never thought about The Horrors for some reason, because he's an idiot now. some people can Handle It and some people Can't, and he Can't because by the way when the vampires said he couldn't get what he wanted because he was lacking in some way, they were right.
suddenly, in the eleventh hour, it's off the table now. and even though every single other part of him has been tied up in it for his entire adult life, that's somehow a simple decision to make.
and more importantly, the show is going to take maybe five minutes at best to tell us that, and to make it clear it's not something that's a 'maybe' or a 'someday'. character development can't smooth it out. he can't try to fix it. it's just how it is.
yeah, of course in life you prepare for things that then swerve unexpectedly and take you in different directions. there are things you dream of that aren't how you imagine in reality, and you change gears, and you adapt.
and those are huge moments. they matter.
Guillermo doesn't get to mourn it. he doesn't get to reflect on where it places him with his loved ones. he doesn't even really get space to decide it on his own before declaring it in front of everyone he's ever met.
he has no anchor for his entire place in the world anymore, and if the amount of attention and care paid (read: very little) means anything, we're not supposed to feel very much about that at all. and we're not meant to have any indication of where he's going next. and I fucking hate it.
it's a lazy, thoughtless, botched-ass job, and I expected better.
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coffeebanana · 1 year
look i'm not gonna be salty in OP's post but there's a poll going around about fanon vs canon characters and honestly if you prefer "fanon" marinette to canon you can unfollow me
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elithemiar-blog · 1 year
Know the whole Lazarus Pits being ghost alcohol what if the science behind turning it back to fresh alcohol...ectoplasm!
Ignore that.
Is to just distill it!?
Like distilled ectoplasm but with moonshine or or some other kind of known drink on the zone.
Like emotion filled ecto without the sentience gives the ghost that "type" of drunk?
Sad emotion ecto is sad drunk while happy is happy drunk?
So so distilled lazarus is the base of the alcohol zone!
I lost the brain map of where this was going...I'm 😞, but the workings of alcohol....I forget now.
But yall tell me of what you think!
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beastsovrevelation · 4 months
I had another Good Omens fanfiction dream this morning.
Basically, Crowley was due to give birth. You might ask, Pestilence, what's with you and Crowley being pregnant?.. The answer is, I don't know, and neither does my therapist.
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So, Crowley's due to give birth, he's scared and in pain. Beelzebub shows up, along with a few other demons (I guess I'll look through the Key of Solomon, I remember a few have to do with healing). She told him they'll support him. I have a feeling, the dream adhered to my idea that Crowley and Beelzebub are siblings (in spite Beelzebub looking like she does in S2, so Indian).
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Crowley had to change to his snake form, because while his human form was male (so he couldn't give birth without surgery, which was too dangerous), his snake form was female. The demons put him in a whelping box (genius idea). Crowley gave birth to either 4 or 6 baby snakes (apparently, they're called snakelets). It was a live birth, which, fun fact, some snakes do give (i think boa constrictors, and snake Crowley kind of looks like one, aside from the colouring). The baby snakes then morphed to human form. I don't think Crowley nearly died, but he lost a lot of blood, and got extremely exhausted. No, it probably wasn't realistic to how snakes actually give birth.
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(They were far larger, though)
Oh, and at some point, Aziraphale found out, but someone (possibly Beelzebub) forbade him from coming, because an angel's presence would distress the babies, and they wouldn't take human form. They could also die.
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No, I don't think Aziraphale was the "father". The babies were demons, while, according to my headcanons, when an angel procreates with a demon, the baby's an angel, as it's the original form (though, they do retain some demonic features). Maybe, Crowley mated with an actual snake, or something... It would be very Greek and Norse god of him, but what the Heaven, dude... I guess, Beelzebub could act as the litter's she-father, once the two had reconciled. Which, is a word I use for maternal figures who, traditionally, would be considered more paternal. You know, kind of emotionally detached, more provider than carer, often absent, that sort of deal.
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This is incoherent, but I only remember fragments. I guess, I will put it down in my notes for the future. I already did. (I'm kind of tempted to write the birth scene, I like writing birth scenes, they're brutal).
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Don't you just have a love/hate relationship with when you are already swamped with WIPs, but the Fanfiction Gods send you another vision?..
Also, don't you just hate it when you give birth to a litter of snakelets, with the help of your coworkers, and your estranged sister.
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What the Hell do you even name that many damn whelps...
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lucyydoodles · 1 year
Clara (belongs to both @angus-dark and me) has a habit of either quietly staring at Dipper or saying really unhinged stuff. Something like "I wonder what your soul looks like separated from your body" which mildly concerns Dipper- you can only wonder where she has that from!
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Also yes, Bill is raising a sweet little hellspawn and is surprisingly good at it
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zentriii · 4 months
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laurelwinchester · 4 months
at some point a certain fandom within the spn fandom is going to have to do some self reflection and figure out why they're so
a) wildly entitled for no reason
and b) utterly obsessed with portraying themselves as victims because they didn't get what they wanted out of a fictional ship on a cw television series.
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namira · 5 months
Tbh it is kind of crazy how normal the fanbases on this site for like live action tv dramas and soap operas are compared to the fanbases for like genre shows and video games and animation and whatnot.
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nylongenesis · 2 months
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I am in tears, this made my day way better ty for the chuckle
all i have to say abt it is where in gods name did you manage to come up w the idea that i think dave is the top.
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