#this fucking sucks ass
mineonmain · 4 months
They've fucked it up already
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I'm sure others have mentioned this already, but i'm gonna do it again anyways bc it's got me pressed. What do you mean he's flying without his glider?? Did they not see any of the source material??? They have external control over the elements, it's not some kind of internalised power, like they can only manipulate what's around them and not create something out of nothing??
Not to mention that the first time we see someone flying in the ATLA universe was in Korra during S3, when Zaheer attains his version of 'nirvana' and physically detaches himself from the physical earth. It was a Big Deal in that story arc. They specifically point out 'holy shit he can fly' as in, that is not a thing the average airbender can do. And most definitely not a 12 year old who may or may not have completed their airbending education from monks who themselves probably didn't have the power of flight, nor knew how to achieve it. Zaheer himself had to study this one obscure air nomad's teachings and then have INCREDIBLE internal strength and resilience and control to actually put those teachings into practice.
Next we're going to see Azula say 'flameo' and turn herself into the human torch. I've never been more glad of a decision to not watch something. Fuck this
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munchboxart · 5 months
How is the photo quality on the Tumblr app way worse compared to PC, like even Twitter’s looks way better
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wrixie · 2 years
my family is struggling financially and I can’t find a job. no one will call me back. it’s understandable, I don’t have a car or my license. I feel so useless. I sent my mom my last $10 so she could get gas and get to work; she started crying.
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plumberrypudding · 11 months
my fucking sinuses 😭
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queerlycarter · 4 months
my migraines are getting so much worse again
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girl HELP.
my next appt w my neuro isnt until april but im gonna call monday and get one sooner. this is fucking ridiculous and also im not supposed to take my migraine meds more than 10 days a month uh. the last few days I've been taking them 2-3 times a day lmao
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the-aleksy-show · 10 months
Trying to draw yet another oc, but I fucking can't, so, I guess its time to fucking kill myself.
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@staff put the pictures back to the way they were this sucks. the blurry version of an image in the background is bad and distracting. not being able to double tap to zoom sucks. scrolling down to an unrelated video or image? genuinely go fuck urselves. this app keeps getting worse and fucking worse stop changing shit that doesn't need to be changed
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sarahmesstuff · 6 months
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Samurai tiddies😱💦
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kringelorde · 1 year
want to do shit so bad I'm about to gnaw my fingertips off but god decided to punish me by taking my spine and using it as a fucking jump rope or some shit all night
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oopsorryagainagain · 2 months
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A little of each 💕
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sisaloofafump · 1 year
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What the Robins consider each other to be
From Heroes in Crisis #9.
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obscureenthusiast · 1 year
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-Brutus and as many as 60 co-conspirators, circa March 14th, 44 BC
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cins-brainrot · 2 months
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POV your client shows up at your job with his German Shepard friend to attack ur balls
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swagxodoll · 23 days
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do u wanna see more?
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ew-selfish-art · 11 months
Dp x Dc AU: Jazz Fenton, after years of fixing her brother’s injuries, becomes a Doctor with an inclination towards behavioral health and psychology- In order to make the difference she wants to see in the world she joins Dr. Leslie Thompkin’s practice. 
Jazz Fenton, M.D. has spent years of her life doing research, doing the hard work and the emotional labor, and finally, finally, she’s joining a practice she can feel 100% confident in. She’s goddamn good doctor and she wants to make the biggest impact that she can. 
Dr. Thompkins (who insists that she call her Leslie as they’re colleagues now), is a kind woman, sharp as a tack and keeps her practice open at odd hours to help the most unfortunate. It took some time for them to bond and trust to be built, but now Jazz is being allotted a few night shifts here and there. 
It’s incredible. Jazz gets to spend time with the kids who come in and really talk to them (in addition to getting them antibiotics, heating pads and pokemon themed bandaids) to help equip them with a few coping skills. Her passion for psychology never disappeared after all, but the expansive knowledge of how to heal the human body has made her find a sense of fulfillment like no other.
Having proven herself and worn Leslie down, Jazz now takes up about 1/3 of all the night shifts in the month. She’s hoping to get to 50/50 by the end of the year but she’s content with what she has. Danny keeps odd hours anyway so calling him after work on her walk home can happen any time of day and he will always answer enthusiastically. 
It’s a particularly busy night before he comes in. The Red Hood. 
He was known for being an ally to Leslie, despite being on contentious terms with the Bats, but Jazz had never asked directly. Never one to turn away a patient with bullet hole wounds, she hops into action to get his wounds cleaned, sewed up and gauze wrapped. She’s handing him a sheet (an Infographic! Dani made it with her! Graphic design is her passion!) on how to care for his wounds when he first seems to recognize that she’s not Leslie. 
“No, Of course not. I’m Dr. Fenton. I can’t blame you for not remembering but I did introduce myself as you bled in the entry way. You’re Red Hood, right?” 
“Hm. Didn’t realize the practice was expanding. Where can I find-” He grumbles before pushing her hand aside from where she had still been supporting his shoulder.
“Hold on there, mister. You’re going home, you’re following this infographic and you’re going to get some sleep.” 
“Lady you don’t know-” His voice modulated ton came across antagonistically. As if he was trying to intimidate her. Ha, Jazz rolls her eyes at the inclination.
“Who I’m talking to? Who I’m dealing with? You’re hilarious. I can eat you vigilante’s hero complexes for breakfast. Tell me who I’m calling to pick you up and then you can say thank you.” Jazz snaps at him. It really had been a long night but his whole dialogue thus far is making her a bit batty. 
“Oh really Doc? You know Leslie’s tough shit, and from what I can tell you’ve got nothing on her-” 
“Trying to make me feel insufficient when I just saved your life? That’s cute. I’m sure a lifetime of abandonment by both of your parental figures gave you that. I’m also sure that you inherited this desire to prove you’re not going to be dependent on anyone who wants to help from whoever got you dressing up in tights to fight crime in the first place. Again, I’d love to talk at length about how predictable you-” 
“Bwah- wait- I’m Predictable? You’re probably some nepobaby who had parents who told her she could have the world-” But Jazz cuts him off with hysterical laughter- he couldn’t be further from the truth. Her parents loved her, but nepotism? With what, the ghosts? If anything she got that from Danny, but he doesn’t need to know about her ghostly titles. 
“You’re just some guy who came back from the dead and made his trauma everyone else’s issue. So shut it. And tell me how I’m getting you home from this clinic.” She seethes though her voice stays devastatingly level with each word. 
Speechless for a moment, he eventually relents to Jazz that he’s already called for help on the comms but it will be hours before they can come for a pick up. The sun had already come up and the night had been over for most of them before Hood had walked into trouble. She groans and the realizes the time for herself and the empty clinic around them.
“Fine. My shift just ended anyway. I’ll get you home in one piece and I swear to all the ancients that you’d better follow the directions on the infographic.” 
And that’s how Jazz ended up calling her brother while supporting the weight of a grown ass man (who no longer wanted to talk to her) on her walk home. 
The next time Red Hood appears in her clinic, he’s brought a dozen roses in addition to the cut on his neck that definitely needs to be pressurized like ASAP. Did he stop for the flowers on his way to the clinic? He’s going to pass out from blood loss! She doesn’t even like roses!
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