#this goes largely for the whole system
the-bar-sinister · 1 month
The queer platonic question brought up something that I've been struggling to talk about, which is like, that there's a word to describe something about myself that I've always kind of known, but played off as a joke, or an thought I must be unconsciously exaggerating, or that there was some connection I was just missing.
Even before I found out there was a word for it– that it was something other people experienced– I was getting the strong sense that there was something "wrong" with the way that I interacted with people that I got close to.
A few years ago I made the deliberate choice to stop letting myself get very close and intimate with people I met online, because inevitably, again and again, I would get a crush on them, and fall in love with them. And I would fail to understand what– in hindsight– were completely normal boundaries of intimacy between friendship and romance. 
I don't know how to interact casually with someone I'm close to without flirting with them. I don't know how to care about someone without wanting to kiss them, and brush their hair and take them dancing, and solve their problems, etc etc.
And it was seriously complicating my life– which at this point is comfortably married and settled– so I just sort of stopped.
I've gotten better at managing it for the last while, just by being aware of it.
Learning that 'aplatonic' is a thing you can be has helped me understand and manage myself, just by having a word for it.
For one thing, it's made "platonic shipping" and "friend shipping" and "familial shipping" and platonic F/Os in fandom make a whole lot more sense to me.
It makes my enemies to lovers fixation make a whole lot more sense too.
I genuinely didn't– and still don't, emotionally– understand how you can want two characters to have an intense relationship that *isn't* romantic.
But I understand that there's this whole experience of attraction that I'm missing out on and that that's what other people are experiencing and expressing.
I don't really have an end to this post. It's something that I'm still struggling to communicate, and figure out what it means beyond the obvious way I've been living with it my whole life.
Thanks for having patience with me.
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i think that veganism as a political movement has a lot of interesting things to say about how food agriculture has been shaped by consumerism and the way its alienated the average westerner from food production especially around meat. its a cruel cruel industry for everyone involved and it sucks.
unfortunately it also overwelmingly falls victim (like a lot of other socially progressive political movements lol) to a complete inability or perhaps a refusal to engage with rural indigenous communities especially in the global south. which is ironic because (like a lot of other socially progressive political movements) much of their theoretical framework for reforming society Depends on rural indigenous communities especially in the global south ^.^
#this isnt just about how a lot of rural indigenous communities cannot survive on a vegan diet altho that is part of it#but its also more importantly about how a lot of the global north cannot survive on a vegan diet without exploitation!#and a lot of my issues with veganism as a political movement stems from the fact that ive never heard of a vegan solution to#food production that isnt reliant on restructuring imperialist foodways but just Making them Vegan Now#meanwhile you look at historic examples of widespread adoption of veganism and vegetarianism#and theyre almost all in subtropical fertile regions with a huge diversity of native grains and fruit and veg#i guess the uk is a good example of it because the uk already imports so much fruit and vegetables#the uk as an island in a temperate/subarctic position cannot grow the amount of food required to feed their population on a vegan diet#this goes for a lot of europe and north america in fact. so if the whole world was just gonna switch to a vegan lifestyle#the global north would largely be fed by the global south (as it is now)#perpetuating systems of oppression of both land and people in the global south. not much would change on that end#this is largely because a lot of vegans are these super alienated super priviliged white settlers from the suburbs#and they project their alienation onto others#anyway i think about the politics of veganism a lot for someone who will never be vegan (due to geographical and ethical concerns)#probably because until recently my family and others in my area have relied on hunting for food
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mejomonster · 10 months
What's so wild to me is like. Wille technically hooking up with anyone in Hillerska would've been a scandal. Simply because like. While within the student body it would've likely been fine (the same way all the girls pretty much KNOW it was really wille in the video with Simon but publically it "wasn't wille"), if his cousin August wanted to fuck up his life he could still leak info and hurt Wille. Like... Wille could've immediately gotten with Felice, and any public leaks of a video would still have led to his mom going "We need you OUT of that school and making a press statement." Or if it had leaked to the public they had the party with drugs, which is why getting Alex not to rat them out was such a big deal.
Within Hillerska, in fact, even if he'd been with a boy... if it had been say one of the inner group that knows August, most likely everyone would've kept their mouth shut. Still it would be a risk, because being with a boy means scandal blackmail they can use over Wille if they want to hurt or threaten him to do something (cough August cough). But still, in the grand scheme, Wille could've probably been fine crushing on some person like Alex along with a non disclosure agreement.
But Simon. Simon and his sister Sara in particular are the outliers of the school. Sure, it would be a scandal in PUBLIC either way if anything Wille does at school (that isn't picture perfect) gets out. But Simon is partly such a Risk, because INTERNALLY Hillerska does not approve. They don't want someone who isn't elite to talk to them, sit with them, converse with them. Sara gets off slightly easier because Felice does make an effort to see her as equal, use her own status to back up Sara (and since Felice is queen bee there's no bully pushing back on it the way August tries to push Simon back down if Wille tries to treat Simon as equal), and Sara tries hard to blend in and not stir the pot. Simon gives zero fucks about blending in, about playing nice or tolerating bullying, he is himself pure and simple. And Hillerskas elite little teens don't want to be seen mixed up with a regular teen, and in particular the guy's don't want to look chummy with a guy with zero power (is it fragile masculinity? That they all NEED TO OWN MASSIVE PROPERTY to be respected by each other? need to have tangible POWER which is why season 2 Wille has a pretty easy time pushing August down since August doesn't have any). So for the guy's and their fucked up values in particular? It hurts their ego, to see how HARD they have to try just to get a speck of respect. And then to see Wille, the PRINCE who's automatically got more than they ever will (and who they like pushing down in the hierarchy on technicalities to feel he at least has to conform to be powerful too), to see Wille talk to Simon as an equal? Absolutely unacceptable to them. Even without the crush, just being Simon's friend is so unacceptable to them. Seeing Wille value Simon more then them is like throwing all the hoops they jump through and maintain in their face (much like Wille starts breaking things for August season 2). It was always going to be a massive hurdle for Wille to want to be close to Simon. Not even to the country or the monarchy, but also at a much smaller level. In their world in their school, its not a possibility that their peers can allow to exist. At least not when Wille starts school. (Though ill say Felice and Wille have done a bit at starting to dismantle that)
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braveburned · 9 months
I think we as a collective should question the system of caverns under the pizzaplex more. what the fuck is that about.
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unforth · 11 months
Gentle reminder that very little fandom labor is automated, because I think people forget that a lot.
That blog with a tagging system you love? A person curates those tags by hand.
That rec blog with a great organization scheme and pretty graphics? Someone designed and implemented that organization scheme and made those graphics.
That network that posts a cool variety of stuff? People track down all that variety and queue it by hand, and other people made all the individual pieces.
That post with umpteen links to helpful resources, and information about them? Someone gathered those links, researched the sources, wrote up the information about them.
That graphic about fandom statistics? Someone compiled those statistics, analyzed them, organized them, figured out a useful way to convey the information to others, and made the post.
That event that you think looks neat? Someone wrote the rules, created the blogs and Discords, designed the graphics, did their best to promo the event so it'd succeed.
None of this was done automatically. None of it just appears whole out of the internet ether.
I think everyone realizes that fic writing and fanart creation are work, and at least some folks have got it through their heads that gif creation and graphics and moodboards take effort, and meta is usually respected for the effort that goes into it, at least as far as I've seen, but I feel like a lot of people don't really get how much labor goes into curation, too.
If people are creating resources, curating content, organizing the creations of others, gathering information, and doing other fandom activities that aren't necessarily the direct action of creation, they're doing a lot of fandom labor, and it's often largely unrecognized.
Celebrate fan work!
To folks doing this kind of labor: I see you, and I thank you. You are the backbones of our fandoms and I love you.
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magnoliamyrrh · 2 years
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shellforbrains · 1 month
the idea of Stolas publicly humiliating Blitzø in Apology Tour needs, needs, NEEDS to be looked at through the lens of their class difference.
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(this is an idea that's been floating around twitter. that stolas is going full diss track in the scene the above screencap is from.
and weirdly enough, there's been some people PRAISING or DEFENDING the idea.
so i did a thread about it on twitter & decided to post it here too bc why not. slightly edited of course bc i made typos in the original lmao.)
first off: i am of the belief that one of the big reasons that Full Moon goes badly is bc stolas is off his meds.
i think that both stolas & blitzø will share some blame for the conversation spiraling out, but i think the main underlying reason that this happens is bc stolas is off his meds & not communicating his point properly.
second: i think that if blitzø DOES cross some sort of line in FM & ends up really hurting stolas, stolas is obviously within his rights to be hurt & feel bad about that shit. and especially bc he's going through his second adolescence & feeling a lot of these intense & big feelings for the first time.
him lashing out in some way or being a little petty could be in somewhat understandable. he's not perfect & has flaws just like everyone else.
HOWEVER. i do not think stolas lashing out after FM or going so far as to PUBLICLY HUMILIATE blitzø is what will happen. doing something like this would kinda be major steps backwards in stolas' character growth.
he has done a lot of work on himself over the 1st half of season 2 but he still has a long ways to go, ESPECIALLY in regards to how he treats imps as a whole.
stolas, a very powerful and influential prince of hell showing up to publicly humiliate blitzø, an imp at the bottom of hell's class system, would be... very questionable at best. and potentially dangerous for blitzø at worst.
regardless of how hurt stolas could potentially be & what big feelings he's experiencing for the first time in his second adolescence, the position & privilege he still currently holds are things that always needs to be considered. especially since a huge part of his character arc is that he's starting to REALIZE the extent of that class divide & how he unintentionally took advantage of that with the Full Moon Deal.
i REALLY do not think that stolas will actually belt out a blitzø diss track. i think that he will be using this opportunity to attempt to communicate properly what he WANTED to say in FM but couldn't bc their conversation spiraled.
but i am still writing this to try to get people to look at this from an alternate perspective.
i love stolas. i relate to him so much & i don't want to make it seem like i don't think he's allowed to be imperfect or hurt by things. i am merely REMINDING anyone that reads this that the class difference between stolas & blitzø currently still plays a large part in A LOT of aspects of their relationship.
publicly humiliating blitzø with the influence he has would NOT be a girlboss moment. it would carry a LOT of weight on how blitzø & his company could be seen & maybe even have an effect on their livelihood.
which is exactly what stolas wanted to AVOID by giving blitzø the crystal in the first place.
he is giving the crystal so that I.M.P can keep going & growing, as well as trying to put blitzø & himself on ever-so-slightly more even footing. this idea of publicly humiliating blitzø would be the exact OPPOSITE of that.
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esvcort · 9 months
collide - gojo satoru.
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cw: nsfw, 18+ content, gojo x fem!reader, clit rubbing for like 2 seconds, penetration, belly press, gojo has a little bit of a breeding kink, the way he was breathing so heavily in the latest ep AUGHHH, kinda implied coworker!reader idk
author's note: YES I'M AWARE OF WHAT'S HAPPENING IN THE MANGA. i just don't care. anyway i had to get this out of my system omfg i've been thinking about this even while i was in class (i don't recommend it), about the reader being his coworker is something i kinda want to write about on maybe a real full fic idk we'll see, i did not beta read this!! just raw dog it like gojo did you ;)))
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gojo breathing heavily while doing slow thrusts into you, savoring the way your messy pussy clamps on his cock. it's so wet and sticky between your thighs but that doesn't matter when all you can think about is how the throbbing head of his fat cock gets caught inside your warm walls with every roll of his hips. his large hands are on the back of thighs, until your legs are spread wide open for him and - god it's so hot - he can't help but fuck your gorgeous pussy a little quicker. he's enjoying the small noises that keeps bubbling out of your mouth, the way you can't control it, that it's because of him, that you're feeling so good. you could feel his bright blue eyes watching, staring down where you were connected. how your cunt just swallows his dick whole and how a ring of white liquid was forming at the base of his cock. his eyes roll to the back of his head at the sight. suddenly, his thumb catches on your swollen clit, giving it a quick rub that has your toes curling. but the warmth of his hand moves upward and rests just below your bellybutton. and he presses, fucking presses and presses, the action making your back arch as a choked sound got stuck in your throat. he smiles when he feels himself going in and out of you, and your pussy walls tightening around his cock.
"g-gojo-san! don't- ah! ugh- hah- press!"
your hands try to hold on to his wrist to remove it, but it goes back flying to grip the sheets when gojo hits a deep thrust all while still pressing on your abdomen.
"c'mon, sweets. y'know my name."
he mutters beside your ear, leaning all of his weight down on you, and the added pressure on your abdomen creates a tingling heat inside where he's hitting your walls over and over.
"sa-! ah! -toru! g-gonna- hng- mhm-! cum! please!"
he groans, feeling your pussy squeeze his dick like a vice. he delivers another hard thrust and your legs shake, his free hand soothingly rubs your thighs as his thrusts become shallow.
"yeah, 'm gonna cum too, baby. cum on my cock. take all of my cum in that tight pussy."
you can feel him releasing warm spurts of liquid, filling you up until it's dripping back on his dick. he sluggishly fucks it back into your womb, relishing in the way that your tummy looked so full.
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likes and reblogs are much appreciated!!
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bibiundtinaundzombies · 4 months
au in which robert, the starks and the lannisters play monopoly instead of going hunting and pushing each other‘s kids from towers.
tyrion implements a tax system to make things more interesting and fights cersei over the cat for a solid ten minutes.
around thirty minutes into the game, catelyn realizes that she has free will and stops paying taxes.
arya and sansa haggle over new york avenue, which ends up being bought by theon. this causes the two to completely cast aside their differences, ally and subsequently start doing everything in their power to make theon‘s life hell.
theon himself is quite severely stoned the entire time throughout.
ned enters horrendous debt pretty much immediately and, after two hours of being financially sucked dry by both cersei and his tax evader of a wife, decides to just place his figurine in jail and never leave.
jon, playing the dog, controls the railroads and makes jaime, playing the ship, go completely broke within minutes. being beaten by a bastard and officially the first to lose the game makes jaime so mad he spends the rest of the evening perched on the family‘s ancestral armchair eating flaming hot cheetos and stifling sobs.
cersei is holding onto her last two dollars and her one house in atlantic avenue like a maniac and evades taxes like it‘s an olympic sport. she claims ownership of kentucky avenue on the grounds that red is her house‘s color at least twice. after three hours, she‘s consumed enough vintage red to kill a large mammal and keeps quoting the art of war. fascinatingly enough, she never goes completely broke.
robert, just as broke and drunk as his wife but not nearly as ferocious, proposes marriage for tax advantages to bran, who is in possession of the boardwalk and lets him dangle on his proposition for two rounds before accepting and feeling like a benevolent god.
sansa sees this and immediately proposes to arya, who accepts, only for them to be sued by their mother for public indecency („you‘re siblings, jesus christ!“). arya argues that this is just a game and that one could argue that robert‘s and bran‘s marital alliance is just as if not even more inappropriate, considering that bran is seven and robert thirtyseven. sansa countersues her mother for tax evasion, who promises she‘ll drop her lawsuit if her daughters let her keep hoarding perverse amounts of wealth. „love wins!“ arya says, which causes jaime, still perched on the armchair but now eating old nan‘s home made whiskey truffles, to hysterically sob. cersei stares him down.
robb, in a rare moment of almost prophetic foresight, excuses himself one hour in and goes on a very, VERY long walk with grey wind.
tyrion, whose tax system has spectacularly backfired in his face, proposes marriage to catelyn, jon and cersei in rapid succession, who all turn him down. „i wish i was the monster you think i am. i wish i had enough poison for the whole pack of you. i would gladly give my life to watch you all swallow it.“ he screams before he leaves the table.
at that, joffrey, who has refused to participate and instead sits on the couch playing doom on his nintendo ds, starts hysterically laughing. tyrion turns on his heel and awards his nephew with the bitchslap of the century. this causes cersei to completely abandon the game and chase after him with a broom. catelyn makes sure that everyone is distracted by the lannister antics and then reaches across the table and bags cersei‘s money and properties.
with a heavy heart, myrcella trades arya and sansa one of her limited edition bayala schleich unicorns for park place.
at this point, the game is between the tycoons that are catelyn and jon, the bran-robert alliance, the arya-sansa-alliance, and ned, who is still in jail and watching ice hockey on his phone under the table. that is when catelyn hears rickon gagging and discovers that he, in the absence of tyrion, the self declared bank manager, has managed to eat all bank notes from the box.
rickon gets his stomach pumped, cersei and tyrion have both been arrested, theon is still stoned, arya, sansa and myrcella have wandered off to go play schleich horses, and jon remains at the table, alone, content, and quietly considering himself the winner.
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nibbelraz · 4 months
SQH + An Ding Idea
-An Ding runs similar to a sort of college campus, everyone writes about An Ding basically doing everything for the whole peak.
(Architecture, Accounting, Business, Operations, Textiles, etc. etc.)
There's no way every disciple can learn all of the things An Ding does, and be able to perform them to a high quality.
So, perhaps SQH is the one who starts it because he realizes how kind of fucked the An Ding mechanics are. (Or system helped out, or possibly SQH god powers because that little guy is real busy and instituting all of these plans would take a whole long time)
But An Ding ends up running like some sort of campus, with a bunch of disciples specializing in different areas. Younger disciples take all of the essential classes, and then pick one or multiple areas of study/specialization. And they get real good at them, because specialization and not covering a million jobs at once means quality goes up. And I think SQH would just take in kids at the masses, just gathering up pretty much any kid with no place to go even if they have no real cultivation potential. Because running An Ding means they need a large number of disciples. He has a recruiting system or something, so there's a little girl in the street who fashioned her rags into a slightly cuter skirt. And an An Ding person is like 'hey, you like fashion? Textiles? You can do that for as long as you want if you join An Ding.' room, board, safety all for people who enjoy these sorts of trades to be able to specialize them and produce all the things the sects need. Street kids who are good with numbers or good with carpentry get taken into An Ding, no cultivation potential needed just kids who have passions but no way to enjoy them in their current situations.
This would also mean so much less outsourcing for the peak, much easier to work in house if it can be set up correctly.
Do the An Ding kids still get pushed around and shit on by other peaks, yeah for sure none of those peaks ever appreciate all the work An Ding does. But these kids are fine anyways because as soon as they get back on An Ding their solid, their doing what they enjoy and what they're good at. Who cares if some buff bai zhan kid teases them for being An Ding, they get to go to woodshop after this and the hall master is teaching embellishments and decor carving!
(one of the req. Classes would be a year long 'how to deal with Bai Zhan' training)
Qinghua running the peak that has each category to specialize in is great. They handle literally everything for course they need more man power and of COURSE THEY NEED PEOPLE TO LEARN SOME THINGS THAT ARE VERY SPECIFIC INSTEAD OF A THOUSAND THINGS AT ONCE ohhh OH I love the does that he takes in just anyone
I wonder if he takes in whoever doesn't make it from the other peaks. "Trust me you don't want to be at Bai Zhan peak. You actually get to do what you like here" also I feel like there has to be a group that does the heavy lifting from all the stuff they get so there IS a group that are ready to fight anyone who picks on the other An Ding kids
This means An Ding must have the most disciples of course its HUGE, imagine if he doesn't tell the other peak lords
He's just like "fuck it what are they going to do? Tell me I can't when efficiency has SKYROCKETED AFTER MY SYSTEM!"
Yes YES i would read a fic with this premise so FAST I absolutely love this idea
Wonder what the whole "campus" of kids think when Mobei Jun starts popping in randomly
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carionto · 9 months
When in doubt, duct it
The prevalence of mass printers means that if the design is functional, anything can be built. Humanity boasts the largest orbital shipyards in the known Galaxy, capable of constructing vessels beyond reasonable scope and complexity, which they need to be able to do due to the sheer number of redundant systems, safety features, and the compartmentalized nature of their space craft.
So why is that half of them begin to look cobbled together after a while? Nearly all civilian craft appear unique, every single small military craft has personal modifications reflecting the pilot's and crew's personalities. We've even seen whole engineering teams rip out large sections of their massive Dreadnoughts and replace them with parts from others. One time we even saw them cut off the propulsion system of a smaller Destroyer and just...
plug it under a Capital ship.
Once again, we desperately are trying to understand the nature behind this odd behavior.
"Well, the architects and designers do a fine job, but when the rubber meats the road, or I should say, when you bump into an asteroid for the first time, only then you begin to understand what each ship is like, you know? A good pilot and crew can feel what their ship wants to really be only after you've been on it for a while.
Any ship or station starts off as a blank slate, but after a while it starts to develop a personality. And like any good friend, they take care of you, so you take care of them. Sometimes the lights just aren't right, so you replace them with a different model. Other times the recoil tilts it a little bit to where it makes the life support hiccup, so you gotta add a counterweight, but not just anything, it has to fit the vibe. Then that has it's own little complaints, and it just goes on like that.
As a matter of fact, the oldest ship in the Fleet started off as a Carrier, but over time the crew, without saying a word, just knew it was meant to be a Battleship. A few "surgeries" later and the Jubilant Axolotl added six extra generators and now can't hold a single fighter craft, is always leaking something, and has two of the biggest Rail Cannons we've ever built. She could probably punch a hole through Mars if she overloaded all her generators, but the crew think that that would be the last thing she, and everything within a few hundred thousand kilometers, ever does."
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cy-cyborg · 2 months
Dealing with Healing and Disability in fantasy: Writing Disability
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[ID: An image of the main character from Eragon, a white teenage boy with blond hair in silver armour as he sits, with his hand outstretched. On his hand is a glowing blue mark. He is visibly straining as he attempts to heal a large creature in front of him. /End ID]
I'm a massive fan of the fantasy genre, which is why it's so incredibly frustrating when I see so much resistance to adding disability representation to fantasy works. People's go-to reason for leaving us out is usually something to the effect of "But my setting has magic so disability wouldn't exist, it can just be healed!" so let's talk about magic, specifically healing magic, in these settings, and how you can use it without erasing disability from your story.
Ok, let's start with why you would even want to avoid erasing disability from a setting in the first place. I talked about this in a lot more detail in my post on The Miracle Cure. this line of thinking is another version of this trope, but applied to a whole setting (or at least, to the majority of people in the setting) instead of an individual, so it's going to run into the same issues I discussed there. To summarise the points that are relevant to this particular version of the trope though:
Not every disabled person wants or needs a cure - many of us see our disability as a part of our identity. Do difficulties come with being disabled? absolutely! It's literally part of the definition, but for some people in the disabled community, if you took our disabilities away, we would be entirely different people. While it is far from universal, there is a significant number of us who, if given a magical cure with no strings attached, would not take it. Saying no one in your setting would be disabled because these healing spells exists ignores this part of the community.
It messes with the stakes of your story - Just like how resurrecting characters or showing that this is something that is indeed possible in the setting can leave your audience feeling cheated or like they don't have to worry about a character *actually* ever dying. healing a character's disability, or establishing that disability doesn't exist in your setting because "magic" runs into the same problem. It will leave your readers or viewers feeling like they don't have to worry about your characters getting seriously hurt because it will only be temporary, which means your hero's actions carry significantly less risk, which in turn, lowers the stakes and tension if not handled very, very carefully.
It's an over-used trope - quite plainly and simply, this trope shows up a lot in the fantasy genre, to the point where I'd say it's just overused and kind of boring.
So with the "why should you avoid it" covered, let's look at how you can actually handle the topic.
Limited Access and Expensive Costs
One of the most common ways to deal with healing and disability in a fantasy setting, is to make the healing magic available, but inaccessible to most of the population. The most popular way to do that is by making the services of a magical healer capable of curing a disability really expensive to the point that most people just can't afford it. If this is the approach you're going to use, you also typically have to make that type of magic quite rare. To use D&D terms, if every first level sorcerer, bard, cleric and druid can heal a spinal injury, it's going to result in a lot of people who are able to undercut those massive prices and the expense will drop as demand goes down. If that last sentence didn't give you a hint, this is really popular method in stories that are critiquing capitalistic mindsets and ideologies, and is most commonly used by authors from the USA and other countries with a similar medical system, since it mirrors a lot of the difficulties faced by disabled Americans. If done right, this approach can be very effective, but it does need to be thought through more carefully than I think people tend to do. Mainly because a lot of fantasy stories end with the main character becoming rich and/or powerful, and so these prohibitively expensive cure become attainable by the story's end, which a lot of authors and writer's just never address. Of course, another approach is to make the availability of the magic itself the barrier. Maybe there just aren't that many people around who know the magic required for that kind of healing, so even without a prohibitive price tag, it's just not something that's an option for most people. If we're looking at a D&D-type setting, maybe you need to be an exceptionally high level to cast the more powerful healing spell, or maybe the spell requires some rare or lost material component. I'd personally advise people to be careful using this approach, since it often leads to stories centred around finding a miracle cure, which then just falls back into that trope more often than not.
Just outright state that some characters don't want/need it
Another, admittedly more direct approach, is to make it that these "cures" exist and are easily attainable, but to just make it that your character or others they encounter don't want or need it. This approach works best for characters who are born with their disabilities or who already had them for a long time before a cure was made available to them. Even within those groups though, this method works better with some types of characters than others depending on many other traits (personality, cultural beliefs, etc), and isn't really a one-size-fits-all solution, but to be fair, that's kind of the point. Some people will want a cure for their disabilities, others are content with their body's the way they are. There's a few caveats I have with this kind of approach though:
you want to make sure you, as the author, understand why some people in real life don't want a cure, and not just in a "yeah I know these people exist but I don't really get it" kind of way. I'm not saying you have to have a deep, personal understanding or anything, but some degree of understanding is required unless you want to sound like one of those "inspirational" body positivity posts that used to show up on Instagram back in the day.
Be wary when using cultural beliefs as a reasoning. It can work, but when media uses cultural beliefs as a reason for turning down some kind of cure, it's often intending to critique extreme beliefs about medicine, such as the ones seen in some New Age Spirituality groups and particularly intense Christian churches. As a general rule of thumb, it's probably not a good idea to connect these kinds of beliefs to disabled people just being happy in their bodies. Alternatively, you also need to be mindful of the "stuck in time" trope - a trope about indigenous people who are depicted as primitive or, as the name suggests, stuck in an earlier time, for "spurning the ways of the white man" which usually includes medicine or the setting's equivalent magic. I'm not the best person to advise you on how to avoid this specific trope, but my partner (who's Taino) has informed me of how often it shows up in fantasy specifically and we both thought it was worth including a warning at least so creators who are interested in this method know to do some further research.
Give the "cures" long-lasting side effects
Often in the real world, when a "cure" for a disability does exist, it's not a perfect solution and comes with a lot of side effects. For example, if you loose part of your arm in an accident, but you're able to get to a hospital quickly with said severed arm, it can sometimes be reattached, but doing so comes at a cost. Most people I know who had this done had a lot of issues with nerve damage, reduced strength, reduced fine-motor control and often a great deal of pain with no clear source. Two of the people I know who's limbs were saved ended up having them optionally re-amputated only a few years later. Likewise, I know many people who are paraplegics and quadriplegics via spinal injuries, who were able to regain the use of their arms and/or legs. However, the process was not an easy one, and involved years of intense physiotherapy and strength training. For some of them, they need to continue to do this work permanently just to maintain use of the effected limbs, so much so that it impacts their ability to do things like work a full-time job and engage in their hobbies regularly, and even then, none of them will be able bodied again. Even with all that work, they all still experience reduced strength and reduced control of the limbs. depending on the type, place and severity of the injury, some people are able to get back to "almost able bodied" again - such was the case for my childhood best friend's dad, but they often still have to deal with chronic pain from the injury or chronic fatigue.
Even though we are talking about magic in a fantasy setting, we can still look to real-life examples of "cures" to get ideas. Perhaps the magic used has a similar side effect. Yes, your paraplegic character can be "cured" enough to walk again, but the magic maintaining the spell needs a power source to keep it going, so it draws on the person's innate energy within their body, using the very energy the body needs to function and do things like move their limbs. They are cured, but constantly exhausted unless they're very careful, and if the spell is especially strong, the body might struggle to move at all, resulting in something that looks and functions similar to the nerve damage folks with spinal injuries sometimes deal with that causes that muscle weakness and motor control issues. Your amputee might be able to have their leg regrown, but it will always be slightly off. The regrown leg is weaker and causes them to walk with a limp, maybe even requiring them to use a cane or other mobility aid.
Some characters might decide these trade-offs are worth it, and while this cures their initial disability, it leaves them with another. Others might simply decide the initial disability is less trouble than these side effects, and choose to stay as they are.
Consider if these are actually cures
Speaking of looking to the real world for ideas, you might also want to consider whether these cures are doing what the people peddling them are claiming they do. Let's look at the so-called autism cures that spring up every couple of months as an example.
Without getting into the… hotly debated specifics, there are many therapies that are often labelled as "cures" for autism, but in reality, all they are doing is teaching autistic people how to make their autistic traits less noticeable to others. This is called masking, and it's a skill that often comes at great cost to an autistic person's mental health, especially when it's a behaviour that is forced on them. Many of these therapies give the appearance of being a cure, but the disability is still there, as are the needs and difficulties that come with it, they're just hidden away. From an outside perspective though, it often does look like a success, at least in the short-term. Then there are the entirely fake cures with no basis in reality, the things you'll find from your classic snake-oil salesmen. Even in a fantasy setting where real magic exists, these kinds of scams and misleading treatments can still exist. In fact, I think it would make them even more common than they are in the real world, since there's less suspension of disbelief required for people to fall for them. "What do you mean this miracle tonic is a scam? Phil next door can conjure flames in his hand and make the plants grow with a snap of his fingers, why is it so hard to believe this tonic could regrow my missing limb?"
I think the only example of this approach I've seen, at least recently, is from The Owl House. The magic in this world can do incredible things, but it works in very specific and defined ways. Eda's curse (which can be viewed as an allegory for many disabilities and chronic illnesses) is seemingly an exception to this, and as such, nothing is able to cure it. Treat it, yes, but not cure it. Eda's mother doesn't accept this though, and seeks out a cure anyway and ends up falling for a scam who's "treatments" just make things worse.
In your own stories, you can either have these scams just not work, or kind of work, but in ways that are harmful and just not worth it, like worse versions of the examples in the previous point. Alternatively, like Eda, it's entirely reasonable that a character who's been the target of these scams before might just not want to bother anymore. Eda is a really good example of this approach handled in a way that doesn't make her sad and depressed about it either. She's tried her mum's methods, they didn't work, and now she's found her own way of dealing with it that she's happy with. She only gets upset when her boundaries are ignored by Luz and her mother.
Think about how the healing magic is actually working
If you have a magic system that leans more on the "hard magic" side of things, a great way to get around the issue of healing magic erasing disability is to stop and think about how your healing magic actually works.
My favourite way of doing this is to make healing magic work by accelerating the natural processes of your body. Your body will, given enough time (assuming it remains infection-free) close a slash from a sword and mend a broken bone, but it will never regrow it's own limbs. It will never heal damage to it's own spinal cord. It will never undo whatever causes autism or fix it's own irregularities. Not without help. Likewise, healing magic alone won't do any of these things either, it's just accelerating the existing process and usually, by extension making it safer, since a wound staying open for an hour before you get to a healer is much less likely to get infected than one that slowly and naturally heals over a few weeks. In one of my own works, I take this even further by making it that the healing magic is only accelerating cell growth and repair, but the healer has to direct it. In order to actually heal, the healer needs to know the anatomy of what they're fixing to the finest detail. A spell can reconnect a torn muscle to a bone, but if you don't understand the structures that allow that to happen in the first place, you're likely going to make things worse. For this reason, you won't really see people using this kind of magic to, say, regrow limbs, even though it technically is possible. A limb is a complicated thing. The healer needs to be able to perfectly envision all the bones, the cartilage, the tendons and ligaments, the muscles (including the little ones, like those found in your skin that make your hair stand on end and give you goose bumps), the fat and skin tissues, all the nerves, all the blood vessels, all the structures within the bone that create your blood. Everything, and they need to know how it all connects, how it is supposed to move and be able to keep that clearly in their mind simultaneously while casting. Their mental image also has to match with the patient's internal "map" of the body and the lost limb, or they'll continue to experience phantom limb sensation even if the healing is successful. It's technically possible, but the chances they'll mess something up is too high, and so it's just not worth the risk to most people, including my main character.
Put Restrictions on the magic
This is mostly just the same advice as above, but for softer magic systems. put limits and restrictions on your healing magic. These can be innate (so things the magic itself is just incapable of doing) or external (things like laws that put limitations on certain types of magic and spells).
An example of internal restriction can be seen in how some people interpret D&D's higher level healing spells like regenerate (a 7th level spell-something most characters won't have access to for quite some time). The rules as written specify that disabilities like lost limbs can be healed using this spell, but some players take this to mean that if a character was born with the disability in question, say, born without a limb, regenerate would only heal them back to their body's natural state, which for them, is still disabled.
An external restriction would be that your setting has outlawed healing magic, perhaps because healing magic carries a lot of risks for some reason, eithe to the caster or the person being healed, or maybe because the healing magic here works by selectively reviving and altering the function of cells, which makes it a form of necromancy, just on a smaller scale. Of course, you can also use the tried and true, "all magic is outlawed" approach too. In either case, it's something that will prevent some people from being able to access it, despite it being technically possible. Other external restrictions could look like not being illegal, per say, but culturally frowned upon or taboo where your character is from.
But what if I don't want to do any of this?
Well you don't have to. These are just suggestions to get you thinking about how to make a world where healing magic and disability exist, but they aren't the only ways. Just the ones I thought of.
Of course, if you'd still rather make a setting where all disability is cured because magic and you just don't want to think about it any deeper, I can't stop you. I do however, want to ask you to at least consider where you are going to draw the line. Disability, in essence, is what happens when the body stops (or never started) functioning "normally". Sometimes that happens because of an injury, sometimes it's just bad luck, but the boundary between disabled and not disabled is not as solid as I think a lot of people expect it to be, and we as a society have a lot of weird ideas about what is and isn't a disability that just, quite plainly and simply, aren't consistent. You have to remember, a magic system won't pick and choose the way we humans do, it will apply universally, regardless of our societal hang-ups about disability.
What do I mean about this?
Well, consider for a moment, what causes aging? it's the result of our body not being able to repair itself as effectively as it used to. It's the body not being able to perform that function "normally". So in a setting where all disability is cured, there would be no aging. No elderly people. No death from old age. If you erase disability, you also erase natural processes like aging. magic won't pick and choose like that, not if you want it to be consistent.
Ok, ok, maybe that's too much of a stretch, so instead, let's look at our stereotypical buff hero covered in scars because he's a badass warrior. but in a world where you can heal anything, why would anything scar? Even if it did, could another healing spell not correct that too? Scars are part of the body's natural healing process, but if no natural healing occurred, why would a scar form? Scars are also considered disabling in and of themselves too, especially large ones, since they aren't as flexible or durable as normal skin and can even restrict growth and movement.
Even common things like needing glasses are, using this definition of disability at least, a disability. glasses are a socially accepted disability aid used to correct your eyes when they do not function "normally".
Now to be fair, in reality, there are several definitions of disability, most of which include something about the impact of society. For example, in Australia (according to the Disability Royal Commission), we define disability as "An evolving concept that results from the interaction between a person with impairment(s) and attitudinal and environmental barriers that hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others." - or in laymen's terms, the interaction between a person's impairment and societal barriers like people not making things accessible or holding misinformed beliefs about your impairment (e.g. people in wheelchairs are weaker than people who walk). Under a definition like this, things like scars and needing glasses aren't necessarily disabilities (most of the time) but that's because of how our modern society sees them. The problem with using a definition like this though to guide what your magic system will get rid of, is that something like a magic system won't differentiate between an "impairment" that has social impacts that and one that doesn't. It will still probably get rid of anything that is technically an example of your body functioning imperfectly, which all three of these things are. The society in your setting might apply these criteria indirectly, but really, why would they? Very few people like the side effects of aging on the body (and most people typically don't want to die), the issues that come with scars or glasses are annoying (speaking as someone with both) and I can see a lot of people getting rid of them when possible too. If they don't then it's just using the "not everyone wants it approach" I mentioned earlier. If there's some law or some kind of external pressure to push people away from fixing these more normalised issues, then it's using the "restrictions" method I mentioned earlier too.
Once again, you can do whatever you like with your fantasy setting, but it's something I think that would be worth thinking about at least.
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chaoticallyfluffy · 18 days
"What are you, a cop?" and "Now you see me now you don't" both sound interesting
For "What are you, a cop?"
Billy is deaged (actually deaged. He goes from 15 to 10 or something and doesnt remeber the league) during a mission. He suddenly woke up in the middle of a battle so he's freaked out. the Justice League take down the threat then try to calm the boy down, explaining that theyre heros and here to help.
Billy takes a moment to take that in... then bolts.
It takes a bit to catch the kid, he's surprisingly agile for his concerningly small size, but they manage to get him into the jet and hes pouting in the corner looking angrier than the league has ever seen him.
They try to ask questions. Are you okay? Are you hurt? Why are you so thin? Is there anyone we should call? But Billy stays silent and his glares stay intense until he finally speaks.
"I don't talk to pigs." he spits out, giving them the nastiest look as if his glare alone could poison and kill them.
They stare at him for a moment, processing that.
"We're not cops???" Clark says, unconvincingly. Hes never been more confused in his life and has definitely never been confused for a cop.
"Whats wrong with being a cop?" Barry, the forensic scientist, pouts.
They knew that Marvel had a bit of a weird relationship with cops but they didn't realize he hated them, and especially not with such a passion!
The league spends the whole jet ride back to the tower trying to convince Billy that not only are they not cops, but that cops shouldn't be something to be afraid of anyway.
Billy spends the whole trip explaining ACAB to them and that yes, they are in fact cops, and here's all the things that the police system has done wrong that the league have probably also done or been complicit in..
I just want to write Billy radicalizing the Justice League and the league helping to reform the police system.
For "Now you see me, now you dont"
In the original comics Billy can and will transform in front of anyone at anytime and they wont realize that it was a transformation. Why?because plot armor. They will just think that the boy ran away right as Captain Marvel appeared or something, and when Billy reappears they don't question it either.
In the fic, its a magic perk that came with the whole Champion of Magic package and its a perk he uses often and irresponsibly. He takes it to the extremes by transforming in front of large crowds (no one questions it), while being recorded (The camera shorts out and stops working completely), and even in front of villains (they curse when the captains escapes yet again, completely ignoring the little boy standing in the middle of their secret base)
The last one is how he figured out that even if he is very much Not supposed to be somewhere, he wont be questioned as long as the only people who see him there also saw Marvel transform in that area. If someone who didn't witness the transformation were to see him, they would realize he wasn't meant to be there and call him out which would cause the witnesses to notice it as well. Leaving the room and then returning would also snap them out of it and he would be questioned.
Its a pretty overpowered ability for a child to have access to and when your a street kid without any video games to play who gets chased out of public parks for being too 'dirty' and can't afford any toys, you have to get creative with your entertainment.
Billy wants to see just how far he can take this power, and decides to transform in front of as many people in one day as possible while on the most highly secure facility in earths orbit- the Watchtower.
Follow Billy as he stretches his powers to their limits by transforming in front of the Justice League while praying he doesn't get caught and see what pranks he's able to pull off in that time!
I really like both of these ideas and I definitely want to write them someday. I already have lots of ideas for ways Billy can abuse that particular power! For now I am focusing on a few other fics but these ones are somewhere in the queue.
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foreversandalways · 9 months
unpopular synastry opinions
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as someone who studies ancient hellenistic astrology and as someone who’s been genuinely enthused by astrology/synastry for a long time now.
- there is no perfect synastry. synastry is relative to the people involved; it informs us about a dynamic, but doesn’t in and of itself make a statement about the longevity, success, or even health of a relationship. you’re much better off asking a horary astrologer a specific outcome based questions about a certain relationship to get a definitive answer. a “successful” (using that word relatively, because what constitutes success differs greatly between people) relationship largely depends on two people and their karma. synastry just informs a dynamic.
- conjunctions are not positive aspects to have. ancient astrologers didn’t even consider the conjunction an aspect. it’s a blending of energy, and the “goodness” you get from it depends on the planets involved.
for example, moon conjunct mercury can be nice for telepathy but I’ve seen it play out where the moon person doesn’t let the mercury person get a word in where they’re talking.
if venus is conjunct mercury, that’s positive because venus is a benefic, not because the the conjunction itself is positive. even venus/mercury squares can make for a pleasant dynamic because VENUS as a planetary archetype promotes harmony no matter what aspect she’s in. conversely, venus conjunct saturn would be more difficult because Venus’s pleasantness is inextricably tied to Saturn’s cold, dry nature, which over time can weight her down. especially if the Saturn person is a night chart. which leads me to my next point.
- SECT MATTERS. whether one person is a day chart or a night chart matters tremendously. For people with day charts (you were born during the day, or your sun falls in houses 7-12 in the whole sign house system) your most positive planets are the sun, jupiter, and saturn. for people with night charts (you were born during the night, or your sun falls in houses 1-6 in the whole signs house system) the moon, venus, and mars are your most positive planets. mars is more troublesome in a day chart, saturn is less troublesome and more helpful. saturn is more troublesome in a night chart, mars is less troublesome and more productive.
venus conjunct saturn in the synastry where the saturn person is a night chart is going to be way more difficult than if it was a day chart. venus trine jupiter in a chart where the jupiter person is a day chart is going to be felt more positively than if they were a night chart.
- which leads me to my next point. i like venus/mars aspects waaay better when the two people are both night charts, because venus and mars are both part of the night sect. i find them hotter, there’s less bickering and more passion. yes, even the squares and oppositions. in fact i prefer them.
- a bunch of trines and sextiles in synastry are boring, and i’d even go as far as saying those are the real synastry red flags. oppositions and squares bring tension, but tension is a part of growth and life. tension sparks creativity. think about the sexual tension it takes for two people to have sex and create a child. think about how the moon cycle is brought to manifestation via squares and oppositions. we have our new moon (conjunction) first quarter moon (square) so on and so forth until we reach the full moon (opposition) where things come to fruition.
trines and sextiles are nice and do have their value and place, but they’re just that. nice. not dynamic. i barely felt it when pluto trined my sun, but when it squared my mars it spurred me to action for the better. souls need growth and that’s what the hard aspects provide.
- someone’s planet conjunct your angles isn’t necessarily good, just loud.
lemme say it again: SOMEONE’S PLANET CONJUNCTING YOUR ANGLES ISN’T NECESSARILY GOOD, JUST LOUD. that goes for the degrees of the AC, IC, DC, and MC. it can signify them being an important figure in your life, but important doesn’t always mean good, or lasting. just prominent. the angular houses (1, 4, 7, 10) are the anchors of the chart with the most important life themes, so planets here are LOUD, but loud doesn’t mean GOOD.
case in point: sophie turner and joe jonas. her venus sits right on his descendant. you’d think that would mean soulmate, true love, and it very well was for them at some point, but now it’s nasty divorce in the press (the descendant also being the place of opposition, and things seen in the public)
- synastry also isn’t static. what worked and was lovely one day could suffocate you tomorrow depending on your own souls growth. venus conjunct saturn can mean lovely stability and dependability between you two one day, and then three years later it means you feel like your partner gets colder and colder towards you, dampening your spark.
- saturn square venus in synastry does not work. spare yourself the heartache, it’s the most blatant omen of cosmic NO I’ve ever seen and experienced. the universe does not want y’all together.
- the 8th house is not about sex. I see this so much on tumblr and it makes me want to SCREAM. the 8th house is NOT. ABOUT. SEX. it is about the consequences of merging with someone. in the 8th house you take on their benefits and their baggage. the 8th house in the ancient tradition was associated with the esteem of others, i.e being beholden to what other people have and can provide you with. speaking as an 8th house venus myself, that isn’t always fun. it’s also a place associated with death, anxiety, and avoiding the inevitable. the 5th and even 7th house are much better places to look for sex. modern astrology has such a misconstrued view of the 8th house as some deep, intense sexy soul bearing place and that’s not what it is at all. i PROMISE you that if you become competent enough you’ll find intensity in some other aspect or placement in your synastry.
- 12th HOUSE SYNASTRY IS NOT SOULMATE SYNASTRY. I don’t even like speaking in absolute terms, I know a happily married couple where her aries stellium falls into his 12th (trining his leo venus, but i digress) but it’s more so the romanticizing of the 12th that drives me crazy. the 12th house is a place of mental anguish, suffering, isolation, and losing yourself. it is called the joy of Saturn, the greater evil-doer. it is a place of hidden enemies, and people who secretly sabotage you. if the ruler of the 7th is in the 12th, the partner can undermine you in some way. if the fourth house ruler is in the 12th, your parents or family could keep some secret from you. it is considered a bad house. the ancients called it “bad spirit” for a reason. tread carefully.
- sign affinity works! when all else fails keep it simple! you’re going to get along with people whose moon sign is in the same element as yours. if you’re a taurus venus, you just “get” other taurus placements, regardless of the house it falls in in your natal chart.
- 11th house synastry is good, and it’s not just cause you’d feel friendly feelings towards each other or whatever. the 11th house is called “good spirit” in ancient astrology, it’s the joy of jupiter. planets here are uplifting and supportive, so someone else’s planets falling here would have a similar effect. it’s warm. i especially like the moon here in synastry.
- nothing beats 7th house synastry. I don’t care, it’s the true house of merging and intimacy and closeness. the seventh house is where you find close bonds. 1st and 5th house are close second and thirds.
- don’t sleep on love asteroids! don’t make them the end all be all, planets will always tell the story best, but i’m currently obsessed with them at the moment. i could make a whole separate post on them.
- juno trines/squares/oppositions >>> juno conjunctions. i’ve seen the trines function much better than the conjunctions. goes back to my point about conjunctions being neutral. i have literally seen venus conjunct juno and saturn conjunct juno relationships fall apart while saturn trine juno, or jupiter square juno relationships thrive over years.
- the asteroid person is the one who feels it in synastry. they play out the myth/meaning through the planet person. this is what i’ve seen on an overarching level. if someone’s cupido conjuncts one of your planets, they have a crush/infatuation and you feel it, and may or may not reciprocate.
i think i’ll cap it here!
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[To read on Ao3]
It's Saturday evening and Steve is annoyed. He doesn't understand why everyone won't just stop asking if he wants to talk.
It'll be better for you to get it out of your system, Steve. (Nancy) Talking these things through really helped me, Steve. (Max) You know we're here for you, don't you, Steve? (Dustin) If anyone understands, it's us. Me. You know that, right, Steve? (Robin)
Isn't he allowed to have one damn secret to himself!? Robin did almost get him to crack because out of everyone, Robin would understand his ridiculous, almost overwhelming crush on Eddie Munson.
He's not keeping it a secret because he's embarrassed of his crush, but because he's afraid of rejection for the first time ever. Based on past experience, Steve has always been the one doing the rejecting. In fact, Steve would argue he's never been rejected before. Nancy and he broke up, and breaking up doesn't count as rejection. It's just a change in feelings. And Robin didn't reject him because she had told a half truth when they thought they were gonna die, and then came out to him when he confessed, and rejection also doesn't count if you were never a romantic option to begin with.
Eddie is the first crush he's had (that he's willing to, eventually, act upon) that he's uncertain about. Eddie flirts with him, sure, but he also flirts with Robin, Nancy, Jonathan, and Argyle. He doesn't shy away from Steve's touch, but he rarely initiates it himself. Everything Steve tries to test, to gauge Eddie's interest, just falls flat, or doesn't work, or isn't enough to show if Eddie likes him romantically or as a friend.
Anyway, it's Saturday evening and Steve is annoyed. Annoyed because he knows that waiting for him at his own house is an ambush (an intervention, they'd called it) from his own supposed friends. Steve had just listened to them plan the whole thing over the walkie talkie.
When Steve pulls into his driveway, he's a little impressed at that fact nothing looks off. There are no extra cars, no bikes scattered across the lawn. The house looks dark, even.
When he goes for the door, it's unlocked, though, which is the dead giveaway. Steve sighs heavily before letting himself in. He doesn't bother to flick on the light in the foyer, just shrugging out of the Family Video vest and toeing off his shoes, leaving both in a pile by the door before squinting into the house.
It is dark, but he can make out irregular shapes, lightly illuminated by the light from the backyard coming through the large windows on the far wall. It looks like they've rearranged his furniture. He also hears the slight creak of the floorboards, from the kitchen. That would be Lucas, who Steve knows has been tasked with sneaking around and making sure Steve can't just bolt back out the front door (like he's ever actually run away from a confrontation).
They were very thorough with the planning. Steve knows where a majority of people are lurking, cutting him off from 'fleeing'. Lucas in the kitchen, to cut him off from the front door. El at the top of the stairs so he can't hide in his room. Argyle stationed in the hall that leads to the garage. Everyone else scatted throughout the living and dining room.
Might as well get this over with.
Steve makes it about halfway to the living room before a single floor lamp lights up. It illuminates Robin, who has turned his father's favorite chair around to face the front door instead of the TV, arm still up from where she'd twisted the nob on the lamp. "Steve. We need to talk."
"Buckley," Steve answers, calm as he can manage, surveying the room. Everyone else is just out of the line of light from this ancient lamp. He wonders how they managed that. Still. He knows they're here, so with as much confidence as he can muster, he looked directly at an out of place shadow and hopes he's right as he says, "you want to talk, too, I suppose?"
"How-" it's Dustin's voice that starts to speak and is quickly cut off with a smacking sound. Steve's willing to bet it's Max or Erica who slaps a hand over Dustin's mouth to keep him quit.
"Okay, so Dustin's here, too," Robin says, trying to regain control of the ambush but Steve's not having it.
He puts his hands on his hips and says in a voice loud enough to be heard throughout the quiet house, "And Lucas, sneaking though the kitchen to the door. Argyle in the hallway, El upstairs. The rest of you are here, too. I heard the whole thing on the walkie."
"What! You were supposed to be at work!" Dustin yelps as almost every light flicks on at once. Each light switch has a person stationed at it. Steve can now see Jonathan and Nancy to his right, Dustin, Max, and Mike also to the right, but further into the living room. To the left, Argyle has made his was from the hallway, and Eddie (Jesus fuck, only this group of assholes bring his crush to the intervention about refusing to talk about his crush! (not that they know about the crush)), Erica and Will mirror the position of the others, almost against the wall to stay out of the light from the windows. He hears the stairs creak as El makes her way down.
"I was. It was slow. I got the walkie from my trunk to ask someone to save me from boredom just in time to hear your scheming," says Steve.
"We aren't scheming, Steve," Robin says, standing from the chair now and stepping closer. "We're worried. You don't talk to us."
"I talk to, like, almost all of you every day!"
"Not about important things!"
"I happen to think that discussing the newest releases is important. Tells me a lot about all of your guys' terrible taste in movies."
"Steve!" Nancy steps in now, "this is serious."
"It's really not. You are all making a big deal about this and it's not!" Steve says.
"Why are you keeping this from us?" Max pipes up, "if you can't talk to us about this, then who can you? We understand."
"Look, I know we've all experienced this.... issue, at some point, but that's doesn't mean I want to talk to any of you about it-"
"Issue he says! You can't even say it," Robin challenges him, matching his hands on hip stance, mirroring him.
Steve closes his eyes and takes a deep breath through his nose. This is getting ridiculous. Of course, he can't say it! He's barely gotten through his sexuality crisis and hasn't even come out to Robin yet! He wants to, really, but... "Listen. I appreciate that you are all so invested in this, but you need- sorry, no. I need you to let me do this at my own pace."
"It's been since '83! How much longer do you need!?" Dustin is looking at him like he's grown a second head and that-
What. Wait. What? Steve's brain screeched to a halt. "What."
"What what?" Dustin raises his hands, confused. "You need to talk to someone about what we all went though. The Upside Down! We all talk to you, but you don't talk to any of us and bottling it up isn't healthy."
Steve's arms go limp at his sides and all he can do is blink. They aren't- they don't think- Steve's brain hasn't restarted yet, which is what he blames for what leaves his mouth next. "Wait. This isn't about my crush on Eddie?"
A clatter and the sound of glass breaking, accompanied by Eddie's voice cursing follows that. Steve looked over to see that Eddie seems to have fallen back against the wall he was near, knocking a picture from the wall in the process. He's staring at Steve, though, eyes owlish and he looks like he's about to either faint or run away.
Steve's gut twists because neither of those were the reaction he'd hoped for (but they are the reactions he most expected).
"Your WHAT," Robin screeches and that brings Steve back to his brain.
Oh fuck.
He just. He just came out to everyone, all at once, in his living room. This is fine, this is fine. He can deal with this. The room and everyone (oh God, everyone) in it fades away as Steve puts one palm flat on his own chest, focuses on feeling his own touch, on the rise and fall of his chest, trying to remember how he draws breath usually. Normally he can pull himself back this way but it's so much, too much, everyone is watching him-
"Steve. Hand," El's voice is distant but he obeys, hand going out on instinct. El takes it and he feels someone else breathing deep. "Follow. In. In. In. In. Hold. Out. Out. Out. Out. Again. In-" El repeats and repeats, counting each second with a word, and slowly she comes into view, her hand held over his on Lucas' chest. El talks him through it as Lucas demonstrates because it's hard to give instruction and breathe at the same time. This is not the first time El's helped him through a panic attack, but it's usually Hopper who has to demonstrate the breathing for him.
She stops when he calms, allows him to pull his hand away from Lucas but not her own hand. She brings her other to clasp around his, holding his one hand with both of hers.
"Thank you," he whispers.
She gives him a nod, face still serious as she stands next to him.
Steve takes in his surroundings. His panic attack wasn't too long, thankfully, but enough that everyone has moved. He seeks out Eddie subconsciously and finds he's relieved to see that he's taken a seat on the couch, Will next to him all but tucked into his side. No one left, and Steve's glad for that, but they all look so uncertain and off kilter now, scattered across the living room. Robin is a few steps closer than she was before and looks like she wants to finish stepping forward, but not sure if she should.
"Um, thank you guys, for not freaking out while I was freaking out," Steve says, reaching out his other hand to Robin. She takes it and he pulls her into a half hug. "So, uhh, I thought I knew what this was about but guess I didn't."
"Of all the things to think we'd stage an intervention for, having a crush on Ed-someone is certainly not that high on our priority list," Robin snorts from where she's buried her head in his shoulder.
"Well, it makes sense now that it's not about- Maria said I should have talked to you guys sooner, like individually, but too late I guess."
"Who the fuck is Maria!?"
"Language, Henderson," Steve snaps on instinct. "She's my therapist."
For the second time tonight, Robin says, "your WHAT?"
"Therapist?" Steve repeats, but it sounds like a question even to himself because he's almost afraid there's a wrong answer here.
"I didn't know you were seeing a therapist, Steve," Nancy says, voice gentle in a way Nancy's voice really isn't usually. "Do you talk about- I don't know how to phrase this without prying."
Steve rescues her from the awkwardness of having to ask. "She knows about the Upside Down. Dr Owens introduced her after Starcourt. Why are you surprised by this?"
"Because we didn't know," says Dustin.
"I see Maria every Tuesday. How did you not know?" Steve asks.
"What do you mean how did we not know!?" Dustin shouts.
"Can you not shout at me?" Steve sighs. He needs to sit down, so he does. Just drops there, dragging Robin and El with him. Neither complains, though. "I've been going to therapy every Tuesday since '83. I guess it just became part of my schedule, so I don't think about it. And I did, like, actively hide I was seeing a therapist that first year so guess that was habit."
"Is this why you don't talk to us?" Robin's voice is quiet.
"Well, yeah. I didn't realize it was affecting you all so much that I didn't. I thought- I am talking about it. I told Maria about a nightmare I had just last week, I'm not bottling it all up," Steve reassures, "You all talk to me. I didn't wanna create some like, trauma loop where we just talk about how awful it was back and forth and never get, like, closure with it, so I didn't share back. I've just been trying to do for you guys what Maria does for me, but I'm not, like, qualified."
"We could all use some therapy," Nancy says in what seems to be a rather agreeable voice for the tone of the room currently, "but why were you the only one offered help after Starcourt?"
"Oh. Well. It was less Dr Owens offering Maria's service, and more my mom barely refraining from murdering Owens on the spot until he gave into every demand she had. Which, being fair to Owens, he was more than willing to help to begin with."
"Your mom spoke to Owens?" Jonathan speaks for the first time.
"Oh. Wow," Steve blinks, feeling a bit thrown. There's so much he's unintentionally hid from his friends, things that could have been helping them (like them talking to Maria instead of him, have any of them even been offered therapy?) but he's also realizing that they've made an awful lot of assumptions about him without talking to him. "So, wait, I need to know something. How did this come to happen?" He half-heartedly waves towards everything around him with the arm he has half wrapped around Robin.
"The intervention?" Max asks.
"Sorta? No. I get why you thought you needed to intervene, but I don't understand why you came to that conclusion without like, asking me things? All of you were like talk to us Steve we can help Steve we understand Steve but how did it not occure to any of you that I might already be talking to someone?"
It seems the only one brave enough to answer is the person who has known Steve the least, because Argyle says, "far as they could tell, who would you talk to that's not them, bro? Like, you come home to a big empty house. On bad days, Nancy can still cuddle up to her mom and just be held even though Mrs. Wheeler doesn't know what's up, but you're like, alone."
"I-what? What's the implication there?"
"Steve, we can count on one hand the number of times you've ever spoken about your parents," Nancy says, "I guess we all came to the conclusion that you were... you felt like you had to be alone in dealing with the trauma, like you're alone in this house. I mean, we dated for a year and a half, and I never even met your parents."
That's true, but it's because his parents were going through a rough patch and trying to work through his dad's... problem while also working on a big deal for the company. Steve's not going to pretend he knows how his dad's business works but it involves a lot of meetings in cities bigger than Hawkins. "You all mock me for being a rich kid, and then act... what, surprised that my parents actually have to run the company they own?"
"No. The only things you've ever told me about your parents was that your dad was an asshole and that you didn't want them to find out about beer at a party you threw!"
Well. That does paint his dad in a real bad light. "Well, I was younger and stupider when I said those things!"
"When the Russians drugged you, you made a comment. Something about only doing marijuana, dad," Robin says softly from his side. "it's kinda easy to draw the conclusion that your relationship with your parents might be negative at worst, absent at best."
Steve retracts his arm from around Robin, suddenly cold on the inside. He gently shakes off El as well and shoves off the ground so he's standing again, taking three steps back to be able to see everyone at a quick glance around. "I think it's best if we stop this here. I can't- I'm gonna say some shit I'll regret otherwise."
"Robin," Steve cuts her off, feeling the need to defend his parents, who he loves so fucking much, from his friends. Anger rolls tight under his skin but he doesn't want to give in, so he goes cold instead. "I call my mom every night. They have a mobile phone my dad pays way too much for, so they can know I'm still alive no matter where they have to be currently. My parents are absent," he spits the word like venom, "because I begged them to leave after Starcourt and the only reason they didn't drag me out of here with them kicking and screaming is because I was 18 and legally, they couldn't! That's the only real fight I've ever had with my mom, you know. I told them they had to go because Hawkins is fucking cursed and I couldn't protect all of you and them and-" Steve clamps his mouth shut, swallows down the words. He's going to have to talk to Maria about his hero complex again (he thought he was getting better). No one says a thing in the silence, even though they all look like they want to. Steve takes a deep breath, trying to calm. "I'm going to go call my parents, because they're gonna start to worry, because they do that, if I don't call soon. Let yourselves out like you let yourselves in."
He doesn't quite stomp his way to the kitchen phone, but it's a close call. He could go up to the master bedroom and call privately but a part of him wants them to hear this conversation as they leave. He yanks the phone off the receiver a bit harder then needed and punches in the phone number he's got memorized now. It rings twice.
"Oh Steve, I was just starting to worry!"
"Hi mom. No need to worry. I'm, well, I'm not fine right now, but it's not any Upside Down nonsense."
"Oh, honey, do you want to talk about it?"
"No, not, uh, not right now. I just wanted to hear your voice. To tell you I love you, and I miss you. Dad, too," as Steve speaks he hears the sounds of movement, of shuffling down the hallway and the front door. Resolutely, he keeps his back to the kitchen entrance.
"We love and miss you, too."
"When will you guys be able to come visit?"
"Honey, do you need us? We can be on a plane in a few hours."
Steve smiles at that, and hopes she can hear it in his voice, "no. But, uhh, I wouldn't mind seeing you guys sometime soon."
"We'll make it happen. Hey, how about we have that barbeque you mentioned before. We'd like to be able to meet the people keeping you safe. I do wish the Byers still lived in town, I'd love to catch up with Joyce".
"Oh! I can't believe I didn't tell you! The Byer's are moving back. Oh God! Mom! Hopper's not dead!"
There's a fumbling noise, like perhaps his mom dropped the phone. Some staticky noise, shuffling sounds, and his father's voices comes through the phone, "Steve, your mother looks pretty pale, kiddo. What did you just tell her?"
"Jim Hopper's alive and kicking. The Starcourt Russians kidnapped him apparently."
A deep sigh and then his dad says, "We'll be home in two days, okay kiddo? Gonna want a full explanation of that, but I've got to go, your mom's going to faint -sit down, Stephanie- We love you."
"Love you, too."
Steve hangs up and turns around to see El, Will, and Eddie still lingering by the kitchen entrance. He's not as angry on the inside anymore, and it helps that these three didn't really pipe in and call his parents terrible people who don't love him. (okay, so he's putting words into everyone's mouths, Maria will frown at him hard when he talks about this, but he's going to allow himself to be a little petty right now).
"I am sorry for being part of this," El says, "I do not want you mad at me."
"Never, El," Steve strides forwards, easily pulling El into a hug. She's probably just worried for him because everyone else was worried, and not because she has some idea about what his parents are like. Honestly, El's probably never even thought out Steve's parents even once. "I'm not really mad at anyone. Just... frustrated, and upset, perhaps. We'll all make amends tomorrow, I'm sure."
El releases him after a moment and before she's even fully out of his arms, Will is pulling him into a hug just as deep. Steve's not sure why, he and Will aren't particularly close, but Will clings to him and makes this soft, sob noise as he presses his face into Steve's shoulder, and Steve's wrapping his arms around him on instinct, "Oh, hey baby Byers, it's all good."
Will shakes his head no and just sobs for a moment. Steve lets him, rubs his back after a moment, trying to be soothing. It's a long hug but not awkward. Finally Will pulls back, swiping at his eye with both his hands. "I- thank you, Steve."
Steve is bewildered by that, and it must show on his face, because he hears Eddie try and hide a laugh behind a cough. Steve says, "you're welcome?"
Will doesn't clarify. He just steps back and El takes his hand easily, and the siblings leave, presumably to climb into the back of someone's waiting car.
Which leaves him alone in his house with Eddie.
Eddie, who knows about his crush now because Steve blurted it out loud for everyone to hear.
"I'll leave if you want me to," Eddie says, like he can read Steve's mind, even as he leans against the counter next to him like he plans to stay, "but I- I don't wanna start throwing everyone else under the bus, but I really just thought this was a case of Hero Complex where you think you're only good for getting between us and danger and that we were all gonna try and like, show you how important you are to us all so you'd open up to us. I didn't even think about, like, your parents."
Steve believes that, so he huffs a dry laugh, "yeah. I'm sure you're idea of my parents are snotty rich people who look down on everyone."
Eddie's got the decency to be embarrassed about that truth, if his red face is anything to go on. "Sure, but like, I thought the same thing about you and that turned out to be wrong, so I can admit that. Also, I thought you were an asshole who always got what they wanted, and that's not really a bad parent trait, y'know? Caring about what your kid wants."
"Well, thanks for admitting to it, man."
Eddie nods, then looks away, towards the door. "Do you- should I leave? Do you even want me hear?"
Did he? "Yeah, I want you here. I kinda want Robin, too. I shouldn't have kicked everyone out like that."
"No dude, that was fair. But, uh, I can go chase down Nancy's car and see if Robin will return with me."
Steve does laugh, then, "no. We're so codependent as it is. I just... Robin's been here when I've called my mom. She's here all the time. I don't understand how she just... never picked up on it."
"You always call from the kitchen phone, or do you make it a private conversation? 'Cause Buckley and you are stupidly codependent, but if something's meant to be private, I doubt she's going to be eavesdropping on you."
That's true. And Steve knows he's being irrational. He never said anything, he knows he never even talks about his parents, that they're so rarely even in Hawkins these days, it isn't a farfetched idea to assume it's because he doesn't love them, or they don't' love him. That doesn't stop the hurt he feels for his parents. And a little for himself because, yeah, he never said anything, but also, they never asked.
They see their parents every day, have left their parents in the dark about the truth for reasons Steve doesn't agree with, but he'll never argue that choice with them, never assume they have a bad relationships with their parents for it.
"I had to tell my parents," Steve says, because he and Eddie are just standing in his kitchen in silence and he's thinking these things anyway. Might as well think out loud, "when Billy punched me unconscious and I woke up in my own damn car being driven by Max I just- what if I hadn't made it home to them? What if Billy had hit me one too many times, had beaten me to death? My mom was pacing the living room with worry when I did finally get home. They were supposed to already be on a plane to I don't even know where, but she was so worried about me that she stayed. She didn't even know about the Upside Down. Didn't know how close she'd come to losing me."
Eddie doesn't say anything, but he moves closer, to lean against the kitchen island, across from Steve.
"She was so fucking terrified when she saw me. Wanted to know who did it, what happened, where I'd been- she's never had to patch up anyone after getting a beating, so she tried to usher me back outside, to the car, a hospital I guess, but the thought of leaving the house was so overwhelming. After everything that just happened? I wanted to be home.
"I think she caught on to that. Instead, she pulled me into the bathroom and did her best to clean me up. I tried my hardest to hold it together but she- my mom just took my face in her hands, so gently, afraid to hurt me more," Steve mimics the motion, holding his hands out in front of him like he's cupping a face, "and just said you can tell me what happened, honey. No matter what it is. I love you so much. and I just- I broke down." Steve stops, sucking in a deep breath because just the memory of that night brings back the emotions. His mother's fear for his life. Her love for him.
"I told her everything. Just started talking and couldn't stop. And when I was done, a crying mess on the bathroom floor, she just... just sunk down beside me and held me as I cried. And the craziest part of all, she believed me. The next morning, when I thought for sure she was going to ask what kinda drugs I took to come up with that story, instead, she asked me if she could call Hopper. Wanted to talk to another adult about it," Steve swipes at his eyes, getting misty at the memories before continuing, "the only reason they aren't here right now is because I basically begged them to leave. To go grow their company, I'd said. I'd be here, and I promised to call every night, so they know I'm safe."
"Is that why you've never redecorated?" Eddie asks, out of left field, "'cause having their things around reminds you of them?"
Steve shrugs because he's not sure. "They told me I could change whatever. Make this house your own home, Steve my dad had said but, it's always felt like home, y'know?"
Eddie nods. "Not even a little tempted to change the wallpaper in your room? 'Cause it's pretty fuckin' atrocious man."
That makes Steve bark out a laugh, "ok, yeah, that's just me being lazy."
"Well, if you ever want help removing that wallpaper, count me in. The sooner, the better. How you can stand to look at it, and with those matching curtains, yikes," Eddie is grinning at him and Steve sees what he's doing. Distracting him from the heavy topic. Steve appreciates it. "I won't be caught dead in there until you change it."
"Oh? Hoping to be in my room sometime soon, Eddie?" Steve asks, quirking an eyebrow.
"Well, I did kinda just learn that my crush has a crush on me, so maybe I was hoping," Eddie gives a shrug, aiming to sound indifferent and aloof, Steve thinks, but he can see the grin Eddie's trying to fight from forming on his face, and the way his hand has gone to his hair, pulling some strands to hide that grin behind.
Something sweet and happy spreads through Steve's entire body. Steve opens his mouth to say something, he's not sure, but what comes out instead is a big yawn.
"Alright, bedtime for you I think," Eddie says.
Steve nods, because he is tired. The rollercoaster of emotions and events have worn him down. "You wanna stay over and watch terrible movies until we fall asleep?"
Eddie looks delighted to have been asked.
Today was a shitshow, and Steve knows he'll need to reach out to everyone and talk. Individually, because he's not sure he can handle everyone all at once again. But he needs them to know he was just angry and doesn't hate them all or something.
Tomorrow's got promise, though, so that's good enough.
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bigbabycry · 7 months
Bathroom - pt. 2
part 1 here:
warnings: semi-public sex, alcohol, smut
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His mouth and tongue still tastes like you, his senses overflowing with the thought of you and how you reacted to him. Drew quickly cleaned himself up, standing in front of the mirror and adjusting his pants, not wanting it to be obvious about how needy he was for you. He watches as you calmy exit the bathroom and make your way towards the large group of friends, following behind you not long after, trying to hide what he was feeling.
You eventually made it back to the large group, most of the girls were insanely drunk and stumbling over each other. Clearly too far gone to notice that both you and Drew were gone for a good amount of time.
“Just had to use the bathroom.” You informed Brooke when she ran over to you with her arms flailing in the air, asking you where you had disappeared to.
You smile to yourself when you see Drew walk up behind you. You know the real reason you were gone, and you know the reason why Drew is behind you as your gaze drops down to his very obvious erection in his pants.
You teasingly kiss him on his jaw, your ass rubbing against his crotch as you know he will struggle to control himself. The way Drew grunts, and his eyes roll to the back of his head makes you feel the throbbing desire all over again. But before you can find a reason to leave the party early, Drew excuses himself from the group.
“I need a drink.” His voice is rough, and he presses a firm kiss to your lips before walking off by himself to the bar, desperate to find a distraction from you and his boner. As Drew got to the bar and was served a drink, he took a look back at you. His eyes look at you like you are everything, and like he is still dying to see more of your body and your skin tonight.
The night goes on, the music pumping and drunk dancing. Drew keeps a close eye on you, watching the way you move your hips from the center of the dance floor, swaying to the upbeat music and laughing with your friends. All of which makes Drew painfully hard. He enjoys the sight of you, chuckling to himself as he knows he made you cum in a matter of minutes in the bathroom.
2AM comes around, the night comes to an end and now Drew is helping you stumble into a can to take you back to your hotel. But Drew feels so desperate, his hard on rubbing uncomfortably against his jeans and his hands constantly touching you in an intimate way.
“I need you baby,” Drew murmured into your ear as the two of you ride back to your hotel. His fingers trace soft circle on your bare thigh, fingers slipping further up your dress. He can feel the heat radiating off of you, and it only fuels his desire.  
You stare at him drunkenly, heart racing against your chest and your pussy throbbing for your boyfriend. “Can’t in public, baby.” You whisper, taking his hand in one of yours and playing with the golden ring on his finger. You rub his thigh, the palm of your hand occasionally pressing down on his erection.
Drew let out a long groan as the touch of your hands send shockwaves of pleasure through his system. “Oh baby, you are making it so hard for me to behave.” He whispers huskily, leaning his face close to her ear, his lips brushing against the shell.
You turn your head so your face to face with your boyfriend, a cheeky grin on your face, “uh-uh…” you whisper, lips barely brushing against each other, not letting him touch you any further. “wait until we get back to the hotel.” You state steadily, knowing he’ll have to suffer the 30-minute drive.
His breath is heavy, and his eyes roll to the back of his head as he feels your fingers against his thigh still, his erection becoming more obvious and more painful, even after sporting it all night. He knows you are about to tease him for the whole car ride back. You smirk to yourself as your palm rests against the large bulge in his jeans, putting slight pressure on it. You can feel your own heart thud when he subconsciously bucks his hips into your hand.
“oh, baby.” You coo in a soft whisper, knowing the driver would be able to hear everything you’re saying in the backseat. Drew groans deeply, his head falling back against the seat with a thud. He can’t believe how much you are tormenting him, yet he loves every second of it. You admire the lusty and desperate look on his face, the way his chest rises with each harsh breath as he tries to contain himself and his pleasure.
Drews hands clench into fists, his knuckles turning white as he tries to focus on anything but your teasing touch. He could feel the heat emanating from your body, the scent of your perfume filling his nostrils, making it nearly impossible to think straight. You know that he won’t let himself make a mess and cum in his jeans but you can also see that he is struggling the longer your hand palms his hard and throbbing erection.
Feeling his breath hitch and his dick twitch in his pants, you take your hand away but gasp when Drews large hand catches both of your wrists. His face is extremely close to yours, and his eyes and dark and lusty.
“fuck, baby.” He mutters; his voice strained. “You’re killing me.” You giggle softly, heart racing in anticipation of what is to come.
“I know, baby.” You purr, your fingers tracing light patterns over his skin. “But we’re almost back at the hotel, and then you can have all of me.” Your voice is low and sultry, lust dripping off of your words.
Drew groans deeply, his body trembling slightly under your touch. His eyes are heavy lidded with desire, practically rolling back into his head. His hands grip your wrists tighter, not wanting you to stop even though he knows he’s on the edge “God, you’re merciless,” he managed to say between ragged breaths. “Just…”
His words cut short, and you tilt your head as you watch him breathe deeply, his cock still twitching for you to touch. “Just what?” You push, your voice sweet, innocent, and teasing.
“Just promise me…” he panted, his grip on her wrists tightening ever so slightly. “Promise me you’ll make it worth the wait when we get back.”
His words come out harsh, but the desperate look on his face shows how badly he needs you to release him. You lean in and take his bottom lip between your teeth, sucking and nibbling on it which makes Drew groan and buck his hips for friction.
“I promise.” You whisper against his mouth, pulling back slightly to see his face, knowing you’ll arrive at the hotel in a few moments.
“Good girl.” He grunts, his hips jerking forward again. “Gonna fuck you so good.” His voice is dark and husky in your ear, his hands roaming over your body as he tries to regain some semblance of control.
The taxicab comes to a halt and Drew hurriedly pays, thanking the driver and exiting the car, pulling you out behind him and giving you no time to straighten your small dress as he’s already walking you to the entrance of the hotel.
“Drew, baby,” you gasp as his fingers grip your hip under your dress once you’re inside the elevator. You rub your front against his crotch, already moaning for him. You know he can’t wait himself, not with the way he hungrily nips at your neck. The elevator doors slide open, Drew practically drags you into your room, shoving you inside, following you in. He kicks the door shut behind him and then, with a growl, he pins you against the wall. His hips grind against you, his cock hard and demanding. “You have no idea how hard it was to keep my hands to myself.” He grunts, lips smashing against your mouth, leaving you no time to breathe. He can feel your heart beating against your chest, vibrating through his own body.
Drews grip on your hair loosens as he pulls back to look at you. His eyes are dark and full of lust, his pupils dilated with desire. “Do not leave me like that ever again, do you understand.” He warns, his voice harsh and gravelly.  
You furiously nod your head the moment those words leave his mouth. Your eyes and heavy lidded and staring at him with the same amount of desire.
“Never again, never again baby. I’m so sorry… Please, take me baby. You ramble and whine, your wetness seeping through your panties as Drews nails scratch at the back of your head.
“Take of your dress.” He commands, his voice rough and his eyes trailing over your small body, “and those fucking panties.”
You instantly do as you’re told, stripping in front of him before launching yourself forward and toying with the front of his jeans, vision hazy as you struggle to get them off.
“Fuck,” he growls as your hands fumble with the button on his jeans, “quit stalling, beautiful.” He groans, helping you open his pants, freeing his cock so you could have full access.
At the sight of his rock-hard cock, you go to drop to your knees, but Drew slides his fingers through your soaking folds, his lips already finding yours as you gasp. “If you touch me now, I won’t be able to fill you up.” He grunts against your lips, slowly walking the two of you towards the hotel bed.
Drew chuckles, his hands sliding up to cup your breasts as he falls backwards to sit on the bed. “I want you so fucking bad.” He murmurs to you as you straddle his lap, his cock poking at your thigh as he brings your lips into a heated kiss again. You can’t help but moan into the kiss, your fingers grabbing the ends of his shirt and swiftly pulling it over his head. His tip prods at your entrance and you both moan from the contact, your heart racing fast as he grabs your hips, guiding you to sink down on him.
As you sink down, taking him deeper inside of you, he groans loudly, his hands digging into your hips. “Fuck, you feel so good,” he pants, his cock throbbing within your tight heat. You adjust to his size, your plush walls squeezing and tightening around him. Your lips find his neck as you begin to slowly bounce, his cock sliding in and out of you, making you feel stuffed full of his cock. Small whimpers and grunts leave your lips as his hold never falters on your hips, small praises leaving his own lips as you pleasure the two of you. 
“You’re killing me,” he growls, his fingers digging into your hips harder. “Keep doing that.” His breath hitches as you continue to ride him, your walls squeezing him tightly. His lips trail over your bare chest, tongue swirling around one nipple, making you gasp as his teeth graze against the sensitive bud. You can feel the socking sensation on your clit as it grinds against his pelvic bone, his strong arms helping you in keeping the pace.
“Fuck, baby. I’m so- so close.” You stutter, your pussy fluttering around him as his dick enters you and pushes against your g-spot.
“me too,” he pants, his fingers digging into your hips harder. “Don’t stop, please.” He groans as your body moves above his, sucking his cock into your tight pussy, your bodies moving in perfect sync.
You shake your head and arch your back, your round breasts pushing into Drews face which makes him groan and look up to the ceiling, desperately trying not to cum just yet. “I won’t… I won’t.” You promise, gasping when his fingers reach down to stimulate your clit.
Feeling you tighten around him, Drew growls low in his throat, his fingers expertly working on your sensitive nub. “That’s it, baby,” he encourages you, his hips bucking up to meet her downward thrusts.
You can feel it, the way your pussy tightens harshly around his thick cock. The way your body trembles and your stomach tenses with the overwhelming feeling. “I’m gonna cum.” You warn, eyes fluttering shut and your head tilting to the side as you try to maintain the pace the two of you have set. Drew looks at you, admiring your sweat glazed face as it glows in the dark lighting of the hotel.
“Cum for me,” he grunts, his fingers working faster on your clit. He thrusts up into you hard, feeling your walls pulse around him as you cry out his name, your orgasm shaking your whole body. Your back arches as that feeling washes over you, your vision going hazy and white from the sensation.
Drew’s hips still push upwards to reach his own climax, making you whine from the overstimulation. “Oh fuck,” he groans, holding onto your hips as he thrusts into you one last time, his hips slamming into yours as he releases within you. You can feel it, his warmth entering you, body shivering from it as he wraps his arms around your body, staring at you with those loving eyes.
Panting heavily, Drew looks up at you, his eyes filled with satisfaction and love. “Fuck, that was intense,” he breathes, his fingers still gently teasing your sensitive nub. You moan again, hips twitching from the feeling.
“Baby, stop.” You breathe, your chest heaving as you try to regain your composure. “I’m sorry for teasing you in the car,” you grin, pressing your lips to his cheek.
Laughing softly, Drew pulls out of you, your sticky entanglement testament to your passionate encounter. “It’s okay, babe.” He assures you, wiping some of the sweat from your face. “I loved every second of it.”
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