#this has nothing to do with my current fics but maybe something in the future if you want? /gen
calypsoskaleidoscope · 5 months
Alastor gets possessed send post
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pomefioredove · 2 months
"stop saying things that make me wanna kiss the hell out of you!" with Idia please!
idia the kind of guy to talk tough over dms and then stare at you like 0_0 when you meet up
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summary: "stop saying things that make me want to kiss the hell out of you" type of post: short fic characters: idia additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is not specified to be yuu, kissing!??!?!
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"stop saying things that make me wanna kiss the hell out of you!!!"
That's how it started.
Just one message on a night where you were both feeling a little too bold for your own good.
"yeah?? I'd like to see you try"
You'd been playing some stupid online game that Idia had been recommended, for much longer than you should've. It was well past two in the morning by now, on a school night no less.
Someone would nag you about it in the morning, but that's a problem for future you.
Current you is hidden under a sea of blankets, trying to hide the light of your phone screen from the room.
"maybe i will, huh???"
You smile at his reply. As if.
The game had been long abandoned, leaving you to your usual banter before you found something else to do together.
But it's almost three, and you're actually starting to get tired.
"im holding u to that. you better not get cold feet tomorrow"
No response. He's probably trying to come up with some witty comeback that'll leave you speechless, as always. But, nothing.
You don't see much of him the next day, either. He hasn't been responding to any of your messages, and his status is offline, which is very unlike him. He's almost never not online in some capacity.
You're walking back to your dorm when your phone goes off.
"sending you my location. meet me asap"
Weird, again, weird. Idia being anywhere but his room is strange in and of itself.
Curiosity gets the best of you, and you end up somewhere behind the school, in a shaded grove.
And there's a head of glowing blue hair sitting against one of the trees.
"Idia?" you ask, a little dumbfounded. "What's up?"
He has his hands in his pockets, and a terrified look on his face.
Still, he speaks. "Ready?"
"Ready?" you repeat. "For...?"
You sit down next to him, and he flinches, clearly wanting to scoot away from you but not letting himself.
"Seriously," he sighs, sulking. "And you told me not to get cold feet..."
Then it clicks. Your face lights up, a little amused, a little flustered, but overall, very surprised.
He's going to...
You try to hold back a grin. "Yeah, I'm ready,"
Idia sighs (dramatically), mumbles, "Well, you asked for it," and kisses you on the mouth.
It's... not very good.
Tense would be an understatement, he seems to hold the static kiss for much longer than necessary, as if he's just as afraid of finishing it as he was starting.
After what amounts to a minute of nothing, you pull back.
"Before you say anything-" you say, quickly, noticing the devastated look on his face. "Maybe I should lead. Okay?"
Idia opens his mouth, as if to argue, but the only thing that comes out is a faint, squeaky, "okay".
You move a little closer, cupping his face in your palms, trying to figure out how to lead.
His whole face (and hair) is pink, and he's staring at you like you're about to take a bite out of him instead.
You smile, push his hair out of his face, and kiss him.
It's... a little better. He actually kisses back, and you pull away as soon as you feel him getting nervous again.
"I suck at this," he sighs. "This is so cringe. You should just get it over with and kill me now."
"Have you had enough, then?"
A long silence follows. He stares at you. You stare back.
Idia takes a deep breath, then kinda smiles. "...Third time's a charm, right?"
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adonis-koo · 8 months
sweet nothing • 9
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| in which he patiently waits one day at a time|
↳ Description: being a guest at the Jeon Estate after a mishap of being kidnapped and dragged into your brothers affairs isn’t all that bad. Truth be told it brings you a lot closer to the mobster and owner of the estate Jeon Jungkook himself.
His two rules are simple, don’t cause trouble and don’t give him a hard time. Somehow you manage to constantly do both in the most endearing way despite being pregnant and waddling around most of the time.
Pairing: Jungkook/reader, ???/reader
↳ Genre: slice of life AU, mafia!AU, pregnancy, there’s like…a little bit of a plot but not a lot, future smut? maybe? it's very domestic!
Word count: 2.9k
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Note: no matter how many scenes i write, they're all sad and i'm kinda sorry bc i said this fic wasn't going to have much plot but it somehow has a lot of plot now??? and its kinda sad??? HERE YOU GUYS GO THO
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The commotion going on in the estate wasn’t difficult to tell, men had been actively walking more than their usual rotations required and Jungkook knew this was a sign you were causing some sort of chaos as you seemed to do every day now. 
And upon following the trail it led him just a door down from your own room, items being moved and you were currently pouting as you sighed. 
“Do tell me what your idea is for this little renovation project.” Jungkook hummed, leaning against the door, not actually annoyed at how much you always move things around in his estate in fact…Dare he say he felt a little endeared. 
And Jungkook found himself falling into old habits, habit he found himself missing, such as being able to take the time to admire you, all thoughts of work fading from his head at the sight of your dress, just past your knees and a faded checker blue, flowing sleeves that went to your elbows for room and of course the ever growing bump. 
Your hands were set around it seemingly pouting over something before his words drew you out of your thoughts, “Jungkook, I didn’t realize you were home so early.” 
“I have a meeting I have to attend in person later,” Jungkook replied, “You didn’t answer my question.” 
There it was again, that small pout he hadn’t realized he missed so much until it dawned your lips once more, “Well…” You seemed a bit hesitant before you spoke, “I gave it some thought- what we talked about a few days ago, about a nursery and I figured you were right. It’s better we be prepared for it then not.” 
Jungkook was relieved to hear this because while he was trying his hardest to get something on Wonho, there was a smaller, more selfish part of him that enjoyed this, enjoying having you at his estate.
An even smaller part of him not wanting it to end so soon, he had to let go of you once and no it wasn’t fair, but even there was even the slightest chance…well, he didn’t want to let it slip through his fingers and have to let you go once again. 
Jungkook only nodded, “So what's with the look then?” 
“Well,” You gave him a sheepish smile, “I had all of this stuff moved out and realized I have nothing to actually put in here…” 
Jungkook couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him as he pushed off the frame stepping into the room, “Hm, that’s a strange way to ask for money.”
“Jungkook I wasn’t-”
“I’m teasing relax,” Jungkook cut you off, your lips tugging even poutier, you had always been like this, since day one in fact, always worried he’d think you were using him for money, always trying to deter him from paying even if you didn’t have the means to actually afford it yourself. 
It was sweet, “But you’re also in no position to not accept it and I have more than enough money to afford it- it’s a win win.” 
You stared at his outstretched hand, black shiny amex in his hand, “I don’t feel right just using it.” 
Jungkook sighed wistfully, “You didn’t seem to feel too guilty helping your brother with rates and statistics for drug sales.” 
Your lips parted somewhat in surprise, “That was different…!” 
“You’re right,” There it was that stupid teasing, charming smile of his, “It was probably worse.” 
You knew he was only teasing, but something about it made you feel gross still, you had a reason you were in that room, a reason that is long gone from you now, “Well it doesn’t matter anymore does it?” 
Jungkook paused at the sight of your expression dimming as you continued looking out the open window as your hand absently rubbed your bump, “I haven’t done that for a long time now…”
“Y/n I didn’t mean-”
“I know,” You cut him off softly looking back at him and there was an unmistakable look of regret in his eyes, not wanting to cross any lines with you but you were afraid they already had, “I just…I guess I just have some regrets about getting involved….I never wanted to hurt anyone,” You whispered out, “I had a reason I was there and it had nothing to do with the money...For myself at least.” 
Jungkook frowned, there were still so many things he didn’t know about you, your time together having been cut short when you both had first met, “What other reason could there be?” 
It was an indirect question, rather than a rhetorical one, you knew what he was asking. 
You hesitated, but then again, you supposed it didn’t matter now, it was all in the past, no matter how dull it made your heart ache. 
“Well…” You let out a soft sigh, “I’m sure you remember I wasn’t exactly financially stable, and for me that was fine. It was enough,” You nodded to yourself in thought, “It wasn’t much, but it was enough.”
“I received a phone call,” You mumbled, recalling the event, “A foster agency, telling me that they did a DNA test on one of their cases and it came out as a match on me and my brother. Just a week old, dropped off right outside the police station.” 
You had to bite down on your tongue, you had thought you were over it, but it still stung just as raw, “Since we were her only blood family I was given the opportunity to adopt her…” You let out a sigh trying to keep it together, “Except I was too poor, I didn’t even come close to having a qualifying salary to show that I could be responsible for her and take care of her…”
“What about Wonho?” Jungkook cocked his head to the side, baffled at this information. 
You let out a loud scoff, bitterness that you had tried so hard to let go of coming back up as you shook your head, “Wonho didn’t give a shit, told me that it wasn’t our problem but I struck a deal with him, if I helped him up until his annual evaluation with you for his first year of work, he’d help me get the expenses that were required to foster her.” 
Jungkook’s brows furrowed as he shook his head, “And?” 
There it was, that little niggle in your head that was angry about it all, angry at Wonho, angry at yourself, especially at Jungkook, “Well all of it fell apart. Very quickly, one thing after the other. I mean obviously you dropped off the face of the planet for months so Wonho wasn’t making money- I got let go of my job because of the murder- everything went void.” 
Jungkook looked away with a long inhale as if he had been mentally prepared for the moment you’d finally cave and say it, but it wasn’t as if you were wrong, you were simply stating a fact, he completely ghosted you and civilization as everyone knew it and just like that, he had left your life as quick as he entered. 
It was difficult to not be angry about it when he was the one that convinced you that the very thing you were afraid of wouldn’t happen, just for a few short months later, let it happen. And you were sure he had his reasons, you were certain of it, but it didn’t change the fact that he left you with little to no explanation and just like that, never bothered to come back, didn’t even so much as send a letter, a proper apology, nothing. 
“I’ve…” Jungkook’s eyes squinted on the ground, “I’ve been meaning to talk to you, about what happened.” 
You shook your head, “Jungkook, it’s been two years,” Your voice softened, his eyes glancing up to meet yours and once again you felt the dull ache that never went away, “I shouldn’t of brought it up, I’m sorry…it’s in the past now, life went on.” 
“Well it didn’t for me.” Jungkook let out a small breath and you could hear a hint of bitterness in his voice. 
Your lips quivered a little, “Do you have any right to say that?” 
“Probably not,” When did he get this close to you, “But it doesn’t change how I feel.” 
Old feelings were like a dam bursting inside you and you began to shake your head, “I’m not ready to talk about this Jungkook- can’t we just keep pretending like nothing happened?”
Jungkook shook his head, “We’ve both tried this and neither of us are good at it Y/n, I can’t, not when I have a second chance.”
You raised your brows, “No! No this is…” You took an immediate step back, “This is not what this is Jungkook, what happened is over. I’m only staying here because Wonho has a target on his back and you were kind enough to keep me out of the crossfire.” 
“Maybe that’s how it started out,” Jungkook replied just as quick, taking another step closer to you, “Look…I know it’s not fair,” He frowned, as if he hated saying it, “I had every intention to stay out of your life, it wasn’t fair to drag you along back then and that’s why I didn’t, but…You’re here now, right in front of me. So yes…I do see it as a second chance, and if there’s any way I can make it right, I will.” 
You groaned, “It’s not just making it right anymore!” You wanted to scream! “I have baggage now Jungkook!” Your eyes threatened to water as your hands dropped from your stomach, “A lot of it. It’s not just me anymore I’m getting ready to have a baby, you don’t know what you’re asking for.”
“I know exactly what I’m asking for.” Jungkook sharply replied, eyes brewing with anger, “And what I’m asking for is you, all of you.”
“You had your chance and you left me, plain and simple, you left. I don’t understand why now…Out of all the time, two years later, now…!?” You hadn’t meant to raise your voice, but you were angry, perplexed, scared. 
Scared just the way you were when he was upfront the first time in that stupid bakery you wanted nothing more then to pretend like didn’t happen, you wanted to pretend like you never got drunk at that stupid bar, that he wasn’t late that day, that he didn’t sat down and offer to pay for your meal for making you wait. 
You wanted to pretend like he had actually listened for once when you declined him asking you out, that he didn’t visit you every morning at work, and more then anything you wanted to pretend like you had a stronger will, that you didn’t let him convince, your mind was flooding with so many memories of him. 
His hand trailing down your thigh while drunk in the back of his car, his eyes when he saw the bust in your lip, his smile when your fingers intertwined with his, his skin etched into yours for the first time, ushered sweet nothings that he’d love you forever. 
But at the time you didn’t realize that forever would only be a short three months then just like that, it was over, and oftentimes you were left many sleepless nights wondering, was it even love? Everything had happened so fast, it felt like forever. 
But two years later, standing in front of him you realized it had been two agonizingly long years since you saw him in person. 
“I made a choice,” Jungkook defended himself, “I stuck to that choice…I was leaving you alone, even if I didn’t want to and then…” He ran a hand through his hair, revealing his face in full detail his eyes baffled as if trying to understand himself, “Suddenly one night you’re dropped in the middle of my office. I didn’t have any pretenses, I was just being nice letting you stay here, I had fond memories of our time together, I didn’t want to let you get caught in the crossfire- it was the least I could do after everything.” 
You crossed your arms as he continued, “And then…I don’t know,” He muttered, “I look at you, I see your smile, I see you standing here pouting and trying to do it all yourself, like you always tried to do. And suddenly it’s two years ago and we’re both drunk sitting at the bar talking about what it would be like to be in love. And I feel the exact same way I did back then, looking at you and wondering if maybe I had finally found it.” 
You felt physically sick, it was like he was intentionally wanting to break your heart all over again, “You sent them to raid my home, you can’t tell me this wasn’t planned…”
“I didn’t expect them to fuckin’ kidnap you Y/n!” Jungkook let out a hurt laugh, running his hand through his hair, “In fact I gave them direct instruction to do the shakedown while you were at work and to not destroy your apartment- you were supposed to be at work!” 
“Well I wasn’t!” You shouted back, “I wasn’t feeling well and my coworker offered to cover! You can’t do this to me! You can’t, not after all this time…” You voice died down, “You can’t just…open all of this back up as a second chance because you’re feeling nostalgic over a fling-”
“You were never a fling to me-”
“That’s how I felt after you left-” You suddenly winced, hand immediately pressing to your stomach, instinctual almost despite the pain coming from your chest, Jungkook’s eyes immediately widening and he had closed the small gap between you both. 
“Let’s get you sat down…” Jungkook murmured and you couldn’t help but stare at his hand, big and calloused, multiple rings just the way you remembered, pressed against your bump and a wave of intense sadness thrummed in your heart, what you’d give to go back and change everything. 
You were too tired to fight his touch, and a smaller part of you crying– begging inside your mind to just give in, to put your worries aside and roll the dice again, maybe he’d actually keep his promise this time. 
But you refrained from leaning against him too much as he sat you down on the bed in your room, phone immediately in hand as he called Doctor Choi, after hanging up the air was thick with a silence and tension. 
Jungkook sighed as he sat on the edge of the bed, “...If you don’t wanna talk about it, we won’t. I don’t want you going into preterm…But…I want you to know I didn’t make that decision because I wanted to, and I didn’t do it easily either.”
You self soothed, rubbing your tummy as your eyes closed, “I know you didn’t. At least that's what I told myself the last few years, that surely there was a really good reason…And you wanna know the worst part Jungkook?” You whispered, sad eyes as you opened them to look at him, “I waited…I waited every day, sat at that stupid register hoping you’d come, even after Wonho stopped talking to me I went to the Red Light anyways, hoped maybe you’d be there. There wasn’t a day I didn’t check my phone only to be disappointed by your name not being on the screen…”
It was silent again before you tried to hold back your tears, “You broke my heart. Right in two, promised you wouldn’t leave me, and then you did. And now you’re asking me for another chance?” 
You said you wouldn’t cry, but here you were softly weeping in your bed, feeling like a child once again, helpless and wondering why no matter how hard you tried, nobody ever stayed, you had thought he was different, but it turned out he was just like the rest. 
Jungkook’s hands cupped your cheeks, thumbing the tears away as he pressed his forehead down to yours, “For what it’s worth, I am sorry,” He murmured, “I’m just as much a sinner as anyone else, I’m ill-tempered and cruel, I’ve killed a lot more people then you could ever imagine, but most of all Y/n, I’m selfish, I’m not really a good man. But I could be good, for you.” 
“You don’t know how bad I really want to believe you,” You whispered out, “But I had so long to think about it, to look back and realize I know nothing about you. It was my own fault really, you’re not a good man and I knew that back then, just like I know it right now.”
“I know I hurt you,” Jungkook had a sort of determination in his eye, the kind that you knew was unwavering, he meant every word he was saying, “But there hasn’t been a day I wished it could be different. I’ll do whatever is necessary to earn your trust again.”
You pressed your lips together for a long moment, “I’m not saying it isn’t possible, but you have a long way to go if you really want it.” 
Jungkook’s long slim finger traced down your jawline, “I’ll take it one day at a time, just like the first time.” 
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weirdsht · 2 months
cale with idiots in love trope
- "You're cute" "hm?" "I said you look like a boot."
- casual displays of affection, hand holding bc s/o would space out and may or may not get lost (directionally challenged)
- pretending everything is casual, but they're soooo in love with each other
- "I look like a mess" "the prettiest mess"
- the kids absolutely love when they get cuddles with cale and s/o
- maybe braiding cales hair??
- whenever cale goes somewhere and can't bring them, they'd go like "I'll be going for a while" (cale) "I'll always be here" (s/o)
- stealing cales clothes bc its comfy!!
- "are you asleep?" "...no" "wanna talk?"
- "I love you" "I've loved you my entire life"
Can’t Two People Be Friends? - Cale/Gn! Reader
tags: gender-neutral reader, deputy commander reader, getting together fic, vague novel spoilers, is told from Alberu's perspective, tired Alberu, save Alberu from his dumb dongsaeng, use of degrading words (e.g. stupid) but it's in a loving way, have I mentioned Alberu is tired of Cale's shit?
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are currently closed but my ask are still open (read navi)
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another anon said: cale who acts like a lover to his "closest confidant", though they are not in a relationship, they certainly do act like one– to the point that his crew would question them, to which they'd respond "We're just friends" "What do you mean? They look at you like you're their entire world"– which then starts their operation, get cale a lover
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Cale Henituse is someone who has a lot of people under his wing. He's a heroic person busy saving the continents– no, the world. Which was why it is no surprise to find out that he has a close confidant. He has a second-in-command who helps him plan everything and is in charge of backup plans in case something goes wrong.
All of that is normal. Expected even.
What isn’t normal is how they act towards each other.
They act like… people who have a deeper relationship than just friends, for lack of a better term.
Like right now. [Name] is holding onto Cale’s arms as they navigate through this tiresome ball. Looking at him as if he had hung up the moon and the stars.
“Your Highness, you are quite close to the both of them… are we sure they are merely close friends?”
One of the nobles talking to Alberu Crossman questions as everyone watches the commander-and-deputy-commander duo dance in the centre of the hall.
“Of course they are. They have said so themselves.”
Alberu adds on at the end about how they shouldn’t inquire about another person’s private life.
However, Alberu himself is quite frustrated.
It was the truth when he said the two are nothing more than friends. And that’s what frustrates him. The two idiots can’t see the way they stare at each other. Can’t notice how they are unconsciously each other’s priority no matter what happens.
Alberu also knows that he isn’t the only one feeling this way.
No, as a matter of fact, everyone in Cale’s group feels the same frustration the future king feels.
“When will they get together? They deny their feelings as if we didn’t see them cuddling last night while reading a novel.”
On complained one day while eating the crown prince’s cookies.
“I’ve always known that our young master was quite dense in the aspect of love but… hmmm, I must say that this level is getting frustrating.”
Ron shared his own opinion as he served everyone tea.
Well everyone except the two people who are the topic of their discussion. Of course, they aren’t. For they were busy cuddling in the newly installed swing in the garden of the black castle while reading a novel. [Name] is busy platonically nuzzling their head in Cale’s chest, while Cale himself is busy platonically draping his legs over [name] as they lay down on the large swing.
‘Merely friends my ass’
Alberu thinks to himself as he watches the two from the window while sipping on the tea Ron served.
The people inside the room merely complained about Cale and [Name]’s relationship. They did not say anything about forcing them to get together and be in a romantic relationship.
And it’s not because they respect what the two have now.
No, it was simply because they didn’t need to say such things out loud. The complaints they have said out loud are enough confirmation to ensure that everyone is on the same page.
That everyone will be doing their best to show those two knuckleheads that what they have is more than platonic.
“You do know that you only let [Name] braid your hair like that. Do you realise just how much special privilege you give them?”
“What special privilege? The kids also braided my hair.”
Alberu’s dumb dongsaeng stared at him in confusion and the crown prince swears his about to have an aneurysm.
“Yes, but they are your kids. Of course, you’ll indulge them.”
“That is true…”
For a moment Alberu thought that they were finally heading somewhere.
“But [Name] is the only one who can braid my hair neatly like this.”
Turns out the only place they are heading to is back to square one.
Alberu pushed down the urge to smack a chair in his beloved dongsaeng’s face. How could he forget Ron’s existence? The Ron that does every task perfectly, but still could not braid the redhead’s hair because ‘only [Name] can do it perfectly’.
Cale better be glad Alberu didn’t transform Taerang into a hammer and threw it in his face.
“I love you, you know that right?”
[Name] had asked Cale during one of their cuddling sessions and Raon’s ears perked up.
“Of course I do.”
Cale answered casually and it got Raon’s hopes up.
“Are you guys together???”
He asked, eyes full of hope.
“What do you mean silly? Of course, we’re together, we’ve been friends for years now.”
That night Raon did not speak to any of them, and the two idiots only thought he was sick and tried to coax him to talk to them.
Subtle advances like that continued for a while before they all admitted defeat. One day Rosalyn even straight up asked [Name] how they felt about Cale. To which the deputy commander only responded with “he’s my best friend of course” before going on their merry way to steal another one of Cale’s clothes.
Just when all of them are about to give up Alberu caught the two of them talking in that same swing one night. 
He was about to go back to the palace. Only went to sneak into Raon’s castle to talk to Cale about an important business that cannot be said through a communication device. However, just as he was about to teleport back he heard the two.
“Why are you still awake?”
“I couldn’t sleep. You weren’t in bed.”
“Wanna talk then?”
Alberu silently scoffs at them. Even their conversations sound like their married already.
They talk for a few minutes. Topics vary from the mundane to philosophical questions no one can answer. 
It didn’t look like Alberu would get anything from eavesdropping so he thinks about going home.
But then…
“I know we’re both too busy. I know this will only add more burden to you. However, I must say it.”
[Name] spoke gently. Their eyes which were previously watching the stars shifted their focus to stare at Cale’s face.
“I love you. I love you so much. I love you more than life.”
That made the crown prince stop in his tracks. For a moment he remembers Raon’s complaints about how they seem to say “I love you” to each other without it meaning anything. For a moment he doubted if it was a confession.
Of course that didn’t stop him from recording the whole thing.
“I love you too. I’ve loved you this entire time. I’ll love you even after death.”
At Cale’s reciprocity, Alberu finally moved to give the privacy. He may want to see the two of them get together, but he does not want to see them kiss. A confession was enough to satisfy him.
But the irritation he feels from waiting for them to confess did not go away.
Hence why instead of going home he first went to his instructor, Choi Han.
Alberu Crossman did not say to the swordmaster. He only hands him a piece of paper before going back to his palace.
In that paper wrote:
The two idiots are finally together. I have a recording if anyone is interested. I’ll show it in exchange for a recording of you lightly smacking my lovely dongsaeng head upside-down. I’m sure my instructor will understand where I’m coming from.
Choi Han does. He greatly understands where his student was coming from.
That’s why, the next morning he was setting up a hidden recording device with a smile on his face.
Oh, he also got everyone’s permission before he set it up. In fact, most of them cheered at the thought of him physically knocking some sense in their young master’s head. 
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little-moonbeam-666 · 2 years
Little Witch
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HERE WE FUCKING GO! The hype behind this fic has been PHENOMENAL! But here’s the Osferth fic I promised you all. After all the teasers and crumbs I gave you from this, you should be pretty hype!
This fic reached 9k words! I went overboard with it and I regret NOTHING.
Warnings: SMUT (obviously), loss of virginity (osferth), A bit of angst, oral (both), breeding kink, talks of marriage, talks of 69..., Just Osferth being Osferth
Your wrists were bound together by rope that was currently being held tight by one of the men that had taken you hostage. You forgot his name. Sihtric, maybe? You could care less. You were just grateful that the men had stopped for the night and had you sitting by the fire with them.
“So, witch, why is Haesten so enamored with you?” asked the leader of them all, Uhtred.
“I do not know. Haesten stole me from my home where I was at peace, minding my own business. He had no right to take me, same as you.” you spat, venom dripping from the words you directed at your captor. He sighed heavily.
“If you think I wanted to take you, then you are wrong, witch. This is only a necessary precaution. But I know that Haesten would not take you for no reason. What exactly are your powers?”
“Stop calling me ‘witch’, Dane killer. I have a name. Y/N. Use it.” you barked before looking up at the stars and letting your voice soften.“I see things. That is why he took me.”
“What do you see, Y/N?” asked one of the other men. Finan, you believed it was. At least he was kind enough to use your name.
“I see lots of things. The future. My future, mostly.” you admitted, knowing there was no harm in telling these men of your seeing abilities. You’d already seen it and knew they would not harm you.
“Is that why you came with us willingly without a fight? You saw us taking you?” Uhtred asked. You just nodded, continuing to stare up at the stars.
“What do you see about your future?” Sihtric asked, tugging the rope slightly to get your attention, seeing that you had zoned out.
“My soulmate.” you said. Your voice was no louder than a whisper but you knew they heard you.
“Your soulmate?” Uhtred questioned, obviously skeptical of your words. “Do you know who they are?”
“No.” you replied sadly. “I only see bits and pieces that give me an idea of who he is. The gods haven’t allowed me to see his face. Not yet.”
The men chuckled, obviously not fully believing you, before going back to their own conversations and leaving you to your thoughts. You eventually found yourself asleep on the ground, only to be woken up by tugging on the rope that was attached to your wrists.
“Come on. We ride.” came Sihtrics voice, pulling you from your sleepy state and dragging you over to the horses before briefly helping you up onto one of them since your hands were still tied together.
The ride was long and it was nearly dark by the time you’d gotten back to their home base, the gates opening to welcome them home. Everyone stared at you, fear in their eyes as they noticed you were not only a Dane, but a witch. The permanent dark marking of a crescent moon on your forehead and two straight lines that ran from your bottom lip to the bottom of your chin gave it away.
They had all eventually led you into a large dining hall, your wrists still bound as they allowed you to sit at the table with them in order to keep you in their sights.
“Is this still necessary?” you asked, holding your wrists up. Uhtred gave you a look of concern. “The ropes have rubbed burns into my wrists and it’s painful. I promise I won’t run and I promise to play nice. You have my word.”
“Untie her, Sihtric.” he said, beginning to eat the food that was placed in front of him. Sihtric untied you and you rubbed your wrists gently, wincing at the pain of being tied up for several days.
“You should eat something. You’ve barely eaten in the few days we’ve had you.” Finan said. You just nodded your head, agreeing to at least eat. If you were being honest, you were starving, but you’d never admit it to them.
Finan quickly set down a plate of bread, cheese, and sliced apple in front of you, giving you a look that left no room for argument. You quietly picked at the food and ate until your plate was clean. You sat silent, listening to the mens conversations of them enjoying being ‘home’. Eventually you could feel your eyelids grow heavy, your body threatening to fall over.
“Uhtred.” you spoke up, getting his attention.
“I wish to sleep. If I stay up any longer I fear I may fall over in exhaustion.” you said, hoping he’d let you rest.
“Fine.” he agreed. “Finan, put her in a cell. But make her comfortable. Give her furs and fresh water. She may be of use to us.”
You quietly followed Finan to your holding cell, not speaking a word. He did as Uhtred instructed, giving you several furs to keep you warm on the small cot that was in the cell and enough fresh water to last you through the night. He stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame as you sat down on the cot in your cell.
“So, little witch… how does the soulmate thing work?” he asked, sounding genuinely curious. You could have laughed at how absurd the question sounded at that moment.
“It’s hard to explain.” you said softly. “I can only catch glimpses of him. In my younger years I caught many flashes of a monastery. Then as I’ve grown older I see more. His hands clasped together while sitting by a fire. The rolling fields while he’s on horseback. I believe he had a broken arm not too terribly long ago… it was in a sling. And a wooden cross hanging around his neck. The last one is laughable.”
“And why is that laughable, little witch?”
“Honestly, think about it. A dane sorceress and a saxon monk…. At least I believe he’s a monk. The monasteries at the beginning of the visions had me believing the gods were playing a joke on me. But now that I’m older, I believe almost anything could be true.”
Finan looked to be deep in thought at your words, giving you a look of curiosity before he spoke again.
“You said he had a broken arm recently?” questioned the Irishman, cocking an eyebrow at you.
“Yes. Broken… or maybe just sprained. But his arm was in a sling for a while. Why?”
“Well little witch,” he started, laughing to himself as he spoke. His eyes met yours and were filled with what you could only decipher as amusement. “I believe I may know who your soulmate is.”
A few weeks passed and the men had grown to trust you, accepting you as one of them and giving you more freedom, allowing you to walk around freely, and finally giving you your own bedroom that wasn’t in a cell. You’d even go as far as to say you considered them your friends. And of course Finan hadn’t let up on teasing you, always saying that he knew who your soulmate was but wouldn’t tell you anything about him. And apparently he’d talked to the others so they wouldn’t speak of this person in front of you. It was driving you mad.
You were sitting with Uhtred, Sihtric, and Finan when it happened. All of you were talking in the hall and having a small meal and some ale. Finan and Sihtric’s eyes were locked behind yours and Uhtred’s heads.
“My lord, it’s good to finally be back.” a soft voice said behind you. You couldn’t help but notice the way Finan’s eyes flashed to yours excitedly and back to whoever stood behind you, apparently eager to see your reaction. 
You turned to face the man and came face to face with the cross hanging around his neck before looking up at his face. You felt your heart jump into your throat before visions clouded your mind and you became dizzy. You spaced out, every vision you’d ever had of him coming into full view, finally allowing you to see his face as he laughed by the fire, rode on horseback, and even seeing Finan fashioning a sling for what was a broken arm as he winced in pain. When you finally came back to, Uhtred had you by the shoulders, gently shaking you.
“Y/N, wake up! What did you see?” he questioned, seeing your eyes flutter back open. 
You quickly scanned the room, seeing all the usual men around you, but your eyes locked on wide blue ones that were laced with concern. You felt your shoulders begin to shake with the nerves that suddenly bubbled to the surface and silent tears brimmed your eyes before falling in streaks down your cheeks, smudging the dark kohl you wore. You quickly looked away, letting your eyes go to Finan.
“It’s him.” you whispered, letting more silent tears fall.
“Little witch, are you sure?” he asked, eyes darting between you and the monk.
“Positive.” you breathed out, both of your hands coming up to your face, covering your mouth and nose as you took deep breaths in an attempt to calm your racing heart.
“I’m sorry, positive about what?” the monk asked, looking at the guys for answers. Finan walked over to him, clapped him on the back, and grinned before speaking.
“She believes you’re her soulmate, baby monk.”
Your nerves were already shot and you didn’t have the strength to explain anything else to these men, even if one of them was your soulmate. So you did the only thing you could think of. You got up and made haste to your room, hiding beneath your furs and letting your mind fill with thoughts of the young monk that was downstairs.
You stayed there for several hours, the day growing dark as you refused to come out of your room. You knew they would be eating dinner soon and you also knew that Finan and Uhtred wouldn’t let you go hungry. They’d force you down whether you wanted to or not. As soon as you sat up there was a knock at your door before it swung open to reveal none other than Finan himself.
“Little witch, are you going to join us for dinner?” he asked.
“I was thinking about it.” you admitted, giving him a smile. Finan chuckled, giving you a pointed look.
“He’s worried about you, ya know.” he stated, leaning against the doorframe. Your eyes went wide, not expecting his words. The monk was worried about you? You remained speechless, so he continued. “You rushed out of there so damn fast he thinks he did something to offend you. He’s been sulking all evening.”
“But he didn’t do anything to offend me!” you said quickly, feeling yourself begin to panic. You didn’t want him thinking he’d done something wrong.
“You know that, and I know that. Even Uhtred and Sihtric know that, but Osferth doesn’t know that. I tried to tell him he did nothing wrong but he won’t believe me. Unless it comes from you, he won’t believe it.”
“I guess I need to go down and reassure the sweet monk that he hasn’t offended me in the least.” you said, before pausing and raising an eyebrow at him, realization hitting you. “His name is Osferth?”
“Yes, Y/N, it is. At least now you know what name to moan while you get yourself off later!” He joked, quickly pushing himself off the doorframe and making his way back downstairs before you could holler at him for the crude joke. You could still hear him laughing as he ran down the stairs.
You huffed in annoyance, smoothing out your dress and pulling a woven blanket over your shoulders to keep the chill away before slipping into your boots and heading downstairs to face your fate… and endless teasing from the guys. You kept your eyes down, not quite ready to seek out the monk.
“There she is! Hey, Y/N, you damn near gave Osferth a heart attack running off like you did!” Uhtred joked, raising his cup of ale to you. You raised your head and gave him a smile. You continued over to the table, instantly finding an open spot next to the monk in question.
“May I sit?” you asked, finally making eye contact with him and gesturing next to him.
“Uh- um, yes, my lady. Of course.” he stuttered out, quickly looking away. You sat next to him, pulling the blanket tighter around your shoulders, smiling at Sihtric when he placed a mug of ale in front of you.
“So a little birdie told me you were worried about me.” you said quietly, leaning closer to Osferth so only he could hear you. You smiled seeing his face flush, even the tips of his ears going red.
“Is that little birdie named Finan by any chance?” he joked, trying to cover up his embarrassment. You giggled, nodding your head.
“It is. But you shouldn’t be worried, sweet monk. I promise you did nothing to offend me. I was just in shock.” you explained, hoping to ease his mind.
“Yeah, you ran out of there so fast that I didn’t even catch your name.” he said matter of factly.
“My name’s Y/N.” you said, grinning at him. “And you’re Osferth. Finan told me when he came up to get me for supper.”
“So… do you really think that I’m… you know, your soulmate?” he asked, looking sheepishly at you. You slowly nodded your head.
“Yeah, I do.” you mumbled, feeling your face grow hot.
“What does that mean?” he asked, wide eyes staring at you.
You stayed silent, not knowing how to answer his question. It was difficult to explain and you didn’t want to scare him away. But you had to try to make him understand.
“I’m not entirely sure to be honest.” you started. “Some Danes believe in soulmates, myself included. I’ve had visions from a very young age and it seems that the gods have allowed me to have an insight into who my soulmate may be, but never showing me a face. Just small snippets here and there. Hands clasped together either by a fire or in prayer, a seemingly broken arm, …. This cross.” you said, reaching over and twirling the wooden cross he was wearing between your fingers before letting it go. “When I looked at your face for the first time almost every single vision I’ve ever had flashed before my eyes in a matter of seconds, but this time the gods allowed me to see your face. It was you sitting by a fire or kneeling in a monastery in prayer. It was you with a broken arm. They even allowed me to see Finan standing next to you, helping you put your arm in a sling.”
He was silent for a few moments, taking in what you’d just told him. You knew the information could be overwhelming so you didn’t say anything, taking a sip of your ale and grabbing some chicken and putting it on your plate. You ate in silence for a minute before glancing over to see Osferth staring at you. You raised your eyebrow in question.
“I’d like to get to know you, Y/N… if that’s ok with you.” he said, giving you a shy smile.
“I’d really like that.” you said, smiling back at him.
“Ok, lovebirds. Stop making ‘fuck me’ eyes at each other and eat your supper.” Finan laughed from the other end of the table. You felt your face heat up in embarrassment, quickly turning your attention back to your supper and shoving a piece of chicken in your mouth.
Throughout dinner Osferth engaged you in quiet conversation, occasionally including the others. He asked about your life and how you were raised. He smiled when you mentioned that you were a pretty decent healer, promising to fix him up should he ever need it. The others joked about how you’d be more than willing to fix him up in other ways should he ask for it, making you slap Uhtred’s arm and throw a piece of bread at Sihtric.
The following few weeks were uneventful, just doing your usual duties and spending time with Osferth. If you were honest, you spent almost every moment of free time with the monk. And you’d come to find out he was an absolute sweetheart. He was constantly by your side, helping you do menial tasks and asking you more questions about yourself. And when the day was done, he’d walk you safely back to your room before flashing you a smile and bidding you goodnight. His presence made the days easier and you actually looked forward to spending time with him every day.
When you woke up, you didn’t expect to hear all the commotion coming from downstairs. You quickly dressed and made your way down the steps only to find the guys armored up and gathering supplies. You weren’t too worried until your eyes landed on your sweet baby monk. You rushed over to him only for him to immediately look at you apologetically. You could tell he didn’t want to leave.
“Os, what’s going on? Where are you guys going? Why am I not going with you?” you asked, not taking a single breath between questions.
“Haesten has claimed that Uhtred has stolen his property and he wants it back.” he said quietly, looking into your eyes.
“‘His property’ meaning me.” you stated. It wasn’t a question. You knew Haesten wouldn’t just let Uhtred run off with you without causing chaos. You’d just hoped you’d have a little more peace before he had the balls to confront Uhtred.
“Yes, my lady. And now he’s declared war upon Uhtred to try and get you back.” he said sadly. You could feel the tears welling up in your eyes, not wanting him to leave you… not wanting any of them to leave you. Osferth must have noticed the unshed tears because the next thing you knew he was pulling you into his arms and cradling you tight against his chest. You gently nuzzled your face into his neck, breathing deeply to keep the tears at bay.
“You better come back to me, baby monk.” you mumbled against his neck, just below his ear.
“I swear it. I’ll be back before you know it, my little witch.” he said, gently rubbing your back in an attempt to soothe you. But in reality all it did was send a burning heat straight to your core. 
‘Little witch’. It  was your nickname amongst almost everyone, mostly Finan and Osferth. But this was different. MY little witch. That’s what he’d called you. It sounded downright filthy the way it rolled off his tongue and you fucking loved it. Oh what you’d give to hear him say it again.
“That’s right, Os. I am your little witch. Only yours.” you said, inhaling his scent one last time before pulling your head back to look at him. “Just come back to me.”
You watched as the men gathered the last of their supplies and made their way to their horses. You wanted to cry at the sight. Imagining life without them almost caused your physical pain. Especially thinking about the possibility of losing Osferth. If he didn’t come back you weren’t sure your heart could handle it.
It wasn’t a half hour later when the men had finished gathering everything they would need and were ready to mount their horses. You stood off to the side, watching silently, waiting for the right moment to say goodbye. Your gaze focused on Finan animatedly waving his hands around, whispering something to Osferth and pointing towards you. Osferth looked your way, blushing crimson when he saw you already looking. Finan just laughed and clapped him on the shoulder before giving him a shove in your direction.
Osferth kept his head down as he walked closer. You met him halfway, reaching a hand out to grab his as you approached him. His fingers squeezed yours as he let his eyes meet yours.
“So what was Finan telling you, Os? He seemed pretty adamant about whatever it was when he pushed you towards me.” you giggled. He chuckled a bit and you watched in amusement as he struggled to find the words.
“I just, uh, I want you to know that I care about you.” he stuttered out. You couldn’t keep the grin off your face.
“I care about you too, my sweet monk. I really do.” you replied, stepping closer to him. As you did, you couldn’t help but notice Finan, Sihtric, and Uhtred gathered by the horses and watching the two of you like hawks with amused smiles on their faces. You grinned, pulling Osferth with you in the direction of the others. You stopped by his horse and smirked as you noticed the others pretending to not pay attention to the two of you.
“I’ll do my best to stay safe, my little witch.” Osferth said, stepping close to you and pressing his lips against your cheek. It was an innocent gesture but it left you burning.
Finan, Sihtric, and Uhtred did nothing to even attempt to hide the grins on their faces, obviously proud of their baby monk for making a move. Well, if they wanted to stare at the two of you so badly, you’d give them something to gawk at.
You didn’t say another word as you closed the space between you and Osferth, letting your hands come up to clasp behind his neck. His hands shyly went to your waist, his touch so light that it was driving you mad. You smirked at the others over Osferths shoulder before pulling his face to yours, kissing him deep and slow. He froze for a second before he responded. You could feel his fingers dig into your waist, gently pulling you against him as his lips slowly began to move against yours. Your fingers scratched gently against the back of his neck while his arms wound tightly around your waist, holding your body flush against his while he kissed you back fervently, gently scraping his teeth across your lower lip. You could hear the others behind Osferth, excitedly cheering him on as he kissed you. But alas, you needed to breathe and you reluctantly pulled away, your lips slightly swollen and slick with saliva.
“Just a little something to make sure you come back to me.” you grinned, pecking his lips one more time before letting go of him and taking a step back.
“My little witch, my love, I’ll do everything in my power to come back to you.” He said, smiling lovingly at you. You felt your heart practically burst in your chest with happiness and you couldn’t keep the smile off your face.
“You two are so cute it makes me sick.” Finan laughed behind the two of you.
Osferth took that as his sign that it was time to leave. You pecked his lips one last time before watching him ride out the gates, to be gone for an unknown amount of time. You vowed then and there that you would pray to the gods night and day for their safe return home.
Two days turned into a week, and one week turned into three. You’d tried your best to keep yourself busy during the days, but your mind always wandered back to Osferth and the kiss you two had shared. If you closed your eyes you could still feel his lips on yours. It was torture not knowing when or if he would return. But he promised he’d come back to you and you had no reason not to believe him.
You had moved yourself and your belongings into Osferths little house that was gifted to him by Uhtred long before you had joined them. He wasn’t aware you were in his home, but it smelled like him and made you feel closer to him. 
You lay on the bed covered by furs and staring at the fire, wondering what your sweet monk was doing right now. Then you felt it. Dizziness took over and your vision went black, flashes of color swirling in your head before it hit you. Yelling. Screaming. Osferth lying on the ground, screaming in pain and clutching his leg, his fingers turning red almost instantly as he bled profusely while swords clashed loudly in the background. It was complete chaos and you didn’t see a single familiar face. Osferth was alone and there was nothing you could do.
When you snapped out of it you were breathing heavily and fat tears streamed down your face. Your love was hurt and you had no way of knowing if he was ok or not. You cried yourself to sleep that night, praying to the gods that he was ok.
It had been three days since your vision and your anxiety only got worse with every passing minute. You had just stoked the fire and settled under the blankets, savoring the faded scent of Osferth that lingered on them. You closed your eyes, only intending on resting for a moment but before you knew it you were being woken up by someone shaking you and calling your name. When you opened your eyes, you were surprised to see Sihtric standing over you.
“Y/N, we need you in the hall… now.” he said hurriedly, worry written across his face.
“Where’s Osferth?” you asked, quickly jumping out of bed and slipping your feet into your boots.
“That’s why we need you, Y/N.” he said, making your heart drop. He must’ve seen the panic on  your face before quickly adding. “He’s alive, I swear it. But he’s weak. You said you were a healer… well, he needs some healing. Badly. And it took me long enough to find you, so come on.”
You rushed out the door after him, both of you running straight to the main hall. As soon as you burst through the doors your eyes searched for him, finding him sitting in a chair with his leg propped up, surrounded by the men. Finan stood behind him, holding tightly onto his shoulders while Uhtred applied pressure to the wound on his leg.
You ran over, not saying a word to any of them and immediately going into autopilot, inspecting his leg and seeing the large gash. You barked out orders to the others to fetch you clean water, a needle, and some thread. They ran off to get you what you needed, leaving you alone with Osferth for the moment.
“I told you I’d come back to you, love.” he chuckled, grimacing as he tried to ignore the shooting pain in his leg.
“Yes, and I’m so glad you did. And as much as I’d love to take you home and show you just how much I missed you, you’re hurt and I need to fix you first.” you said. Your insinuation made his face grow hot for a moment before everyone rushed back with what you needed.
You tried your best to keep your face neutral as you cleaned the wound on his leg but you caught yourself wincing whenever he did. You gently patted the area dry and glanced up at Finan who stood behind him. You didn’t have to tell him what to do, his hand instantly coming down to grip Osferths shoulders tight. Uhtred and Sihtric were on either side of him, prepared to hold him down if needed.
He tried his best to keep still and keep quiet as you stitched up the gash in his leg. And you have to admit, he sat like a rock compared to some men. When you were finished you quickly put away the supplies before looking at Finan.
“Let’s get him home.” you said quietly, carefully helping Osferth stand up on his good leg. Finan was at his other side, helping hold him up as you made your way out of the hall and towards his house.
“He was a true warrior out there, little witch.” Finan said, grinning at you as you both made your way into the house and got Osferth settled on the bed. Once he was settled, Finan grinned in your direction. “He may be injured but I think the baby monk deserves a proper welcome home from his lady.”
You laughed, looking over at Osferth laying on the bed who was looking anywhere but at your face. Your dirty thoughts were already waging a war in your head.
“Oh, I plan on showing him just how grateful I am that he’s returned to me. Now get out and leave me to welcome my warrior home properly.” you chuckled, practically pushing Finan out the door before shutting it behind him and locking it.
You turned back to Osferth who hadn’t said a word since you got to the house. He looked around the small space, taking in your belongings mixed with his. You watched him carefully as he pulled the blankets up to his nose and took a deep breath.
“You’ve been staying here.” he said. It was a statement, not a question. But he didn’t seem upset.
“I have. I’ve missed you terribly. I just felt closer to you here.” you admitted, going over to kneel next to the bed so you were face to face with him. You must have looked worried because he instantly reassured you.
“I’m glad you’ve been here. I would’ve asked you to come live with me sooner or later. Plus now the bed smells like you… it’s comforting.”
You reached your hand out to caress his face, smiling at the warmth of his skin under your fingertips. He smiled at you, reaching his hand up to cover yours. You leaned forward, pressing your lips against his gently. You didn’t want to push him too far since he was injured. But he surprised you, moving his hand to the back of your head and pressing his lips harder against yours. You whimpered in response, gently pulling away to look at him
“My love, you're hurt. I don’t want to risk hurting you.” you said, nudging your nose against his affectionately. He chuckled, grinning at you.
“Just get up here with me.” he said, moving himself over to make room for you. Thankfully the bed was big enough for two people.
You moved off the floor and crawled into bed with him, sliding beneath the blankets. You could feel the heat coursing through your veins, having never been this intimate with him before. He turned onto his side to face you and let an arm wrap around your waist, pulling you closer until your chest and stomach were pressed against his.
“I was so worried about you.” you admitted, your voice barely audible.
“I know. But I came back to you just like I said I would.” he said, obviously proud of himself.
“Osferth, my love, I saw you on the battlefield.” you whispered, feeling the tears brimming your eyes as you spoke. He stayed silent and let you continue. “I had another vision three days ago. You were on the battlefield and you were bleeding so badly that I thought-” 
You stopped yourself, feeling yourself begin to choke on a silent sob. Reliving the vision was no easier, even when Osferth was safe in your arms. His hand rubbed up and down your side, easing your anxiety.
“I thought I was gonna die out there.” he said. You looked at him with worried eyes but didn’t say anything. “The battle was over and won by the time the others found me. I had been in and out of consciousness for god knows how long at that point. I’d lost so much blood I didn’t even realize that I was being carried off the battlefield by Uhtred until he spoke of you.”
“Me? What did he say?”
“He said ‘Y/N’s gonna need a husband soon enough, so don’t you dare die on us.’” he said, smiling at you.
“Uhtred said that? Was that him giving you his blessing or something?” you questioned, your eyes going wide at the statement.
“Mhmm. He told me that whenever the time was right, I had his permission. Finan and Sihtric were the worst though, teasing me relentlessly. They wouldn’t shut up about it. Kept saying… well…” he trailed off, his face growing red. 
“What did they say, Os?” you asked, teasingly running your hand up his arm.
“T-they kept saying I wasn’t allowed to die because you would, uh, w-want to… hump me when I got back.”
His face was practically on fire as he spoke and you could feel the heat bubbling in your core at the thought. You clenched your thighs together in a poor attempt to quell the heat.
“Is that what kept you fighting to come home?” you teased, squeezing his bicep lightly. 
“The thought of you, and you alone, is what brought me home. Although, those thoughts did keep me warm the last few nights.” he admitted, sheepishly letting his eyes meet yours.
“You thought about humping me, baby monk? Is that what you want?” you teased, praying to the gods he would say yes.
“I… I mean, uh, I mean I do, but only if you want to.” he rushed out, looking almost terrified.
You grinned, moving your hand up to brush some hair off his forehead. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest at his confession, only stoking the fire in your belly.
“I want to, Os. I would’ve let you bed me before you left if we would’ve had the time.” you confessed while maneuvering yourself closer, carefully hitching your leg over his hip so your groin was flush against him. You could feel how hard he was and couldn’t help but rock gently against him.
“Oh my god!” he whimpered, causing you to smirk.
“Do you want me, baby monk?” you asked, gently bucking your hips again, only this time he let his hips move with yours. His cock pressed hard against your clothed cunt, making you whine.
“You know I do, my little witch. But it sounds like you want me too.” he said, sounding a bit cocky.
“I do. So bad.” you said, gently pushing on his shoulders and onto his back. You now straddled his hips, the dress you wore was now gathered at your waist as you settled your cunt over his covered cock. “Now tell me what you want, Osferth.”
“Can we… can you..” he tried, his hands pulling gently at the fabric bunched around your waist.
“You want me to take this off?” you teased. Before he could answer, your hands gripped the edge of your dress and pulled it up over your head, leaving you bare in front of him. His eyes raked greedily over your body, stopping briefly at your cunt before coming back up to settle on your breasts. Your nipples hardened under his gaze as the cool air swept over your body.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” he murmured, his eyes flicking up to yours.
“Such foul language from someone so holy.” you joked, leaning forward a bit so your breasts were pushed together.
“My love, please.” he begged, completely unsure of what he was begging for.
“You can touch me, Os. Need you to touch me.” you whined and grabbed both of his hands to bring them up to your breasts, gently guiding his fingers to squeeze the soft flesh. You couldn’t contain your moans as he took over, no longer needing your assistance in kneading your breasts and letting his thumbs flick gently over your hardened peaks.
“My god, your tits are perfect.” he moaned as you began to gently rock your hips over his bulge.
“Mmm why am I the only one naked?” you asked, never stopping the rocking of your hips, enjoying the feel of his rough pants against your throbbing clit.
“Would you like me to take my clothes off, my little witch?” he asked, running his hands from your breasts, gently down your ribcage.
“I would, my love. I should assist you though. I don’t need you ripping your stitches.”
You carefully shimmied off of him, kneeling next to him on the bed. Your hands went to his tunic, pushing it upwards, slowly revealing his pale skin. He sat up, helping you tug the fabric over his head and tossing it to the floor. Your pussy clenched around nothing, desperate to be filled. The sight of his skin was enough to have you literally dripping down your thighs. He laid back against the pillows, letting his face scan yours. He could see the obvious arousal swirling in your eyes and noticed you rubbing your thighs together in anticipation.
“Are you aroused, my little witch?” he asked, already knowing the answer. You nodded silently. You could see his shy demeanor peeking through again when he spoke again. “C-can… can I see?”
You smirked at his question and nodded your head, slowly parting your thighs and leaning back on one hand to make sure he had a perfect view. You let your hand run down your stomach to your pussy, using two fingers to spread your lips apart so he could see your glistening inner folds and your swollen clit that practically begged for attention.
“Oh Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! You’re gonna be the fucking death of me, woman!” he groaned, his eyes focused on your cunt and the way it was clenching around nothing. You giggled, feeling several drops of your arousal begin to drip down your thighs before you let your fingers swipe it up. You offered your fingers to Osferth, giving him a sickeningly sweet smile.
“You wanna taste, baby?”  you asked, innocence dripping from your voice like venom.
“Let me taste you, sweetheart.” he said, opening his mouth enough for you to push your two fingers past his lips. His lips closed around your digits and he sucked gently, making sure his tongue got every drop of your essence from your fingers. You slowly withdrew your fingers from his mouth, immediately bringing the spit coated digits to your clit, rubbing slow circles over it and moaning weakly. You watched his cock twitch in his pants, making your mouth salivate.
“Osferth, baby, your pants have got to go. I need to see you… to feel you.” you whined, moving your hands to untie his pants. He carefully lifted his hips, allowing you to pull the fabric down. His hard cock slapped up against his stomach, causing your eyes to go wide and your cunt to drip even more. He must have taken notice of the look on your face, pure shock shining in your wide eyes.
“Is… is it ok?” he asked, suddenly very shy, worried he wasn’t up to your standards. You snapped yourself out of it before replying.
“More than ok, my love. You’re perfect. I’d imagined you’d be, uh, well endowed, but you’re much bigger than my imagination could have ever come up with.” you answered breathlessly, your eyes locked on his cock.
You carefully helped slide his pants the rest of the way down his long legs, being sure to be extra careful around his stitches. Once his pants were off he spread his legs slightly and let his hand come down to wrap around his length, slowly stroking himself while he stared at your body. You noticed his gaze was now fixed on your swaying breasts as you crawled your way back up the bed until you were straddling his thighs. You stared down at him, watching the way he pleasured himself while he admired your body.
“Osferth…” you said, getting his attention. He stopped his movements, looking up into your eyes.
“Yes, my love?”
“Have you ever…?”  you trailed off, hoping he’d catch on. Thankfully he did.
“No, uh, I haven’t. I wanted the right woman in my life first. And thank god I’ve finally found her.” he said, grinning at you.
“Are you sure you want it to be me, Os?” you asked quietly.
“You mean everything to me, sweetheart. You’re it for me. I’ll never love another the way that I love you.” he said proudly. It took you a moment to realize what he’d just said.
“You love me?” you whispered, still in shock, but feeling your heart do happy flips in your chest.
“Of course I do, Y/N. I love you so much. More than anything.”
You were so happy you could almost cry, but you held back your tears.
“Osferth, I love you too. I’m so thankful that the gods have blessed me with the gift of sight, allowing me to know you before I’d even met you. But now I have you all to myself. I’m never letting you go, my sweet baby monk.” you said, shifting until your pussy was hovering over his hard, now leaking cock.
You didn’t say a single word as you reached down between your bodies to grip his cock in your warm hand, lining up his leaking tip with your entrance. You locked eyes with him, seeing him breathing heavily and his eyes wide. He nodded at you, giving you the approval you needed to finally take what belongs to you.
You slowly lowered yourself onto his cock, the stretch making you moan and whimper. Osferth had his head thrown back in pleasure and moaned loudly as your pussy engulfed his throbbing length. When you looked down to see you’d only taken about half of his length you whimpered, knowing you’d be feeling this in the following days.
“You’re so tight, little witch… so fucking tight!” Osferth groaned beneath you, doing everything in his power not to thrust his hips up into you so he wouldn’t hurt you. You couldn’t help but experimentally squeeze around him, watching his eyes roll back as he moaned out your name. “Y/N, oh fuck! Don’t do that or this will be over before we’ve even started.”
You couldn’t help but giggle before forcing yourself to calm down. After another minute of adjusting and slowly sliding yourself the rest of the way down his length, you were finally fully seated in his lap with him deep inside you. Leaning down, you braced your hands on either side of his head.
“You’re mine now.” you whispered, locking your eyes on his. He simply smiled up at you.
“I’ve always been yours, my love.” he whispered back.
You slowly began rocking your hips, your eyes fluttering at the feeling of his cock sliding against your wet walls, keeping you stretched open around him. You watched Osferths mouth drop open in a moan, his eyes shutting as he basked in the feeling of your wet heat. The coarse hair at the base of his cock rubbed deliciously against your throbbing clit, making you whine.
“Os, my love, feels so fucking good!” you whimpered, moving your hands to his chest, pushing yourself higher above him. 
You rose your hips, feeling about half of his length slip out of you before you lowered yourself again. You could feel Osferth twitch inside you as you did it again, slowly picking up your pace and fucking yourself on his cock.
“My beautiful little witch, your cunt feels amazing squeezing my cock. Mmm move faster, sweetheart!” he groaned, grabbing your hips to help you bounce faster on his dick. Your cunt fluttered erratically around his cock at his words. You never imagined Osferth was capable of such filth coming from his perfect lips.
You did as he asked and bounced faster, the sound of your skin slapping against his resonating throughout the room. The look of Osferth beneath you, sweat forming on his skin and glistening in the light of the fire had you going feral. You could hear the wet squelching of your juices coating his cock as you continued to bounce in his lap.
“Fuck, our lovemaking sounds so filthy! I fucking love it!” you growled, leaning down to capture his lips, biting gently before moving down to his neck. You latched yourself onto the soft skin and sucked a mark on to his neck, making him moan loudly. You chuckled against the skin, only pulling back when you knew he’d have a dark purple mark that would last for at least a week. 
“Y/N, little witch, I’m close.” he groaned, his hands gripping your hips so hard that you knew he’d leave bruises. You slowly stopped your movements, not ready for this to be over.
“Not yet, baby monk. I’m not done with you yet.” you said, your voice laced with mischief as you slowly slid off his cock, hissing as the sudden emptiness you felt.
“What are you doing?” he asked, watching you scoot yourself backwards to sit between his legs. You rubbed your hands up and down his thighs a few times and smirked up at him.
“Do you trust me, baby monk?” you asked sweetly.
“With my life, little witch.” he answered.
Without warning you gripped the base of his cock with your hand and leaned down, sucking the head of his cock between your plush lips. You glanced up at him to see him staring down at you with wide eyes, his breathing heavy. You kept eye contact as you swirled your tongue around his sensitive tip, making a whimper bubble up in his throat. Your heart practically exploded at the sweet sound.
He didn’t look away once, not even as you slowly engulfed him in the wet heat of your mouth. You suctioned your lips tightly around him as you pulled back up, making sure that you collected every drop of your own juices from his cock. You pulled back only long enough to lick your lips and swallow down your essence before descending on his cock again, sucking long and hard while your hand worked what you couldn’t fit in your mouth.
Feeling the vein on the underside of his cock pulsing, you flattened your tongue against it and added pressure, making Osferth moan. His hand came down to tangle in your hair, slowly guiding your mouth up and down his cock. You moaned around his dick, causing him to cry out.
“Jesus Christ, little witch! Oh fuck, your mouth is so sinful… so good!” he praised, yanking lightly on your hair and making you moan again. “Mmm I want to make you feel this good, baby. Can I? Please, Y/N?”
You slowly pulled off his cock and licked your lips, gently wiping your chin with the back of your hand where a mix of saliva and precum had begun to drip.
“You want to lick me, baby monk?” you asked, your voice carrying an almost teasing tone.
“Yes, sweet girl. Come up here. Let me lick your pretty little cunt.” he said eagerly, reaching for you. 
You let him grab you, pulling you until you were hovering over his face. He gave you no time to adjust, pulling your hips down so you were practically sitting on his mouth, his nose pressed directly against your clit and his tongue immediately licking through your folds. 
You braced your hands on the wall in front of you, slowly rocking your hips with the movements of his tongue. He gently shook his head from side to side while he let his tongue delve into your dripping hole, his nose nudging repeatedly against your throbbing clit, making you squeal. He moaned into your cunt, slurping loudly as he made sure no drop of your juices went to waste.
Moans, whines, and wet slurping sounds echoed throughout the room as you continued to rock yourself against his mouth, fucking yourself on his tongue and his nose. You tried to lift your hips several times, but Osferth wouldn’t let you. His arms wrapped around your thighs, holding you tightly against his face.
“Osferth! Oh my god! Fuck, oh fuck, please! I’m so close… I need your cock… need to hump you! Please!” you moaned, trying once again to lift your hips off his face. 
He reluctantly let go of you, letting you shift back down his body instantly sliding yourself back onto his leaking cock. Your eyes fluttering shut as you sighed in relief, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips, loving the feeling of being full of him. 
“Did you need my cock that badly, little witch? Seems like you’re right at home with my cock filling your needy little cunt.” he chuckled, mocking how badly you needed him.
“Don’t tease me, my love.” you cooed sweetly, your hands finding purchase on his chest. “It just feels so right to be filled by you. But you know what would feel even better?”
“What’s that, love?” he asked, reaching a hand up to brush your hair behind your ear.
“To be filled with your pups.” you whispered, staring down at him with lust in your eyes. His eyes went wide and you could feel his cock twitch hard inside you. He fucking liked the idea! “Would you like that, Os? To hump me day and night until my belly swells with your pup?”
“Oh god, yes!” he groaned. “But you don’t think it would be too soon?”
“Uhtred already gave you permission to marry me. I’m pretty sure that permission also applies to getting me pregnant.” you giggled, slowly beginning to roll your hips, gradually increasing your speed. You could already feel your juices sliding down his cock from how wet you were.
“You- oh god, fuck, you’re right. Let me get you pregnant, love.” he said, putting the weight on his one good leg and fucking you from below, moaning out his praises as one hand gripped your hip and the other reached up to grope at your breast. “You’ll look so good carrying my child. Oh god, and I can’t wait until these perfect tits fill up with milk.”
His words spurred you on, your nails digging slightly into his shoulder as he bounced you on his cock. You could feel the coil winding tighter in your belly, threatening to explode. You kept your eyes locked on his, trying to wordlessly convey how close to your end you were. If he couldn’t see it in your eyes, he could certainly feel it in your cunt as your walls pulsated rapidly as you neared your high.
“Os- fuck, Osferth! I’m… I’m gonna…” you whined, your voice now higher in pitch. Your eyes squeezed shut as you tried to hold off your impending orgasm. “Please!”
“Cum for me! Y/N, oh fuck, cum for me, little witch!” he gasped, his hips pistoning into you at a pace you couldn’t keep up with. Both of his hands came to tightly grip your hips, holding you still as he chased both of your highs.
You could feel the rising heat, spreading through your body. The coil in your belly finally reached its peak and snapped, sending a blazing heat through your entire body. Your pussy clenched hard around his aching cock and you screamed in ecstasy.
“Osferth! F-fuck! Mmmm oh god… yes yes yes!” you screamed, your voice faltering into unintelligible whimpers. Osferths orgasm followed immediately, his body stilling beneath you, holding your hips tightly against his as he released inside you. 
“Fuck! Oh fuck, my little witch! So good for me, baby. So fucking good!” he moaned, forcing his eyes to stay open to watch you as the aftershocks from your own orgasm wracked through your body.
You whimpered more at the warmth filling your belly as his seed flooded your womb, hopefully landing you with a pup in the near future. You kept your hips firmly seated against his, making sure every drop of his spend would stay inside you. The aftershocks subsided a bit and you smiled down at him as you both tried to catch your breath. You slowly lifted your hips, letting his half hard cock slip out of your abused and swollen cunt. You both hissed at the feeling. Falling to the side, you both looked at each other, basking in the afterglow of your lovemaking.
“I love you, Y/N. Truly, I do.” he said, a dopey grin on his face. You grinned, bringing a hand up to cup his cheek, your thumb rubbing soothingly over his cheekbone.
“And I love you, Osferth. More than you could ever know.” you responded, moving to cuddle against his side, hitching your leg over his hip, your leg just barely brushing his cock.
“So…about us getting married?” he questioned, giving you a shy smile.
“What about it, my love?”
You laughed, nuzzling your face into his shoulder and pressing a kiss against the still flushed skin.
“I’d say tomorrow, but I’m thinking we should at least wait until your leg is healed.” you said, peppering more kisses across his skin.
“You’re probably right, my love. What shall we tell the others?”
“I don’t think we’ll need to say anything. I’m sure they already know. With how loud we were, I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole town knows what we just did.” you joked. You watched his face grow red with embarrassment, making you laugh again.
“We weren’t that loud… were we?” he asked sheepishly.
“My sweet baby monk, I’m sure the guys have already planned our wedding and are already expecting pups from us.” you said, briefly reaching down to pull one of the large furs over the both of you. “Now sleep. You’re injured and need your rest.”
His arms wrapped around you, holding you close, letting you drift to sleep in his arms.
The next morning the two of you were woken up by a bang, the door swinging open to be more specific. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and looked over to the door, seeing Finan, Sihtric, and Uhtred standing in the doorway. Osferth, groaned at the loud wakeup call and you just laughed, letting your head fall back against the pillows.
“It’s too early for this.” Osferth mumbled, glaring at the men in the doorway.
“Early? You’re confused! It’s nearly noon, baby monk! Did the little witch hump you so good last night that you can’t even wake up on time?!” Finan laughed, causing Uhtred and Sihtric to chime in.
“You know she did! They weren’t exactly quiet.” Sihtric jokes.
“So when’s the wedding?” Uhtred asked, smiling at the two of you.
Osferth turned to you and smiled. You smiled back, all the assurance he needed to answer his friend.
“As soon as my leg is healed I’m taking her as my wife.” he said proudly, pulling you closer to his side.
“Leave us in peace, boys. My man just got back from battle last night and I’d like to wake him up in a way that shows him just how grateful I am that he’s returned home to me. Now shoo!” You said, waving your hand at them so they would leave. You could hear them all cackling and joking about how their baby monk wasn’t as innocent as they thought he was as they all walked away, leaving you alone with Osferth once again.
“Now what way did you plan on waking me up, my little witch?” he asked.
“In a way that is most unholy, my love. With your cock down my throat and your tongue in my cunt.” you purred, leaning down to kiss his perfect lips.
Needless to say, nobody saw you two until supper time that evening. The teasing was plentiful as was the ale and good company. But seriously, who would have thought a Dane sorceress and a Saxon monk would fall in love?
@sirenofavalon @aryacahill​ @letmeseeyoustripp3d @slytherincursebreaker​ @justxpaulina​ @linevondensternen​ @tessgiggles​ @stillinracooncity​ @nma-nekronauta​ @dothrckis​ @definitelycrazyowl​
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ddesertmoon · 1 year
Star Wars Fic Recs Feat. Time Travel
I think this is my favorite Star Wars trope… maybe just because sw is a tragedy and i want the characters to be happy.. maybe because I’m a sucker for the “reveal moment”… i don’t know.
Hopefully you all enjoy these as well!
(All fics are Gen unless otherwise specified!)
Back From the Future: Episode VI The Clone Wars by Ariel_Sojourner
“In which Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader travel back in time together to the Clone Wars era, have amazing adventures, and save the galaxy.”
Basically, Luke and Vader time travel and take over a clone battalion to change the major battles of the war. This is. A masterpiece. It’s insane. It feels like an actual, published story when you read it. It is told in a nonlinear way, so if you’re not into that, you probably won’t enjoy this. But I promise it’s one of the greatest fanfictions I’ve ever read, and there’s a reason it’s first on this list.
(Padme/Anakin and Obi-Wan/Satine, though neither ship is a focal point of the story)
there but for the grace of god by wanderlove
“There’s nothing particularly remarkable about Sullust.
Well, except for Obi-Wan’s time-traveling son. But, you know. Apart from that.”
I LOVE this fic. Young Luke is sent into the clone wars, and since he’s been raised by Obi-Wan on Tatooine, everyone assumes that he’s Obi’s kid. His appearance changes everything by causing the people around him to reveal deep secrets that would otherwise have led to the fall of the Jedi.
(Padme/Anakin and referenced Obi-Wan/Satine)
Old Masters, New Tricks by soft_but_gremlin
“Sixteen-year-old Obi-Wan Kenobi finds himself on Lothal in the middle of the Imperial Era. He has no idea why he's here or what all these white-clad troopers are for, but after a rocky start with a little Mandalorian, he finds out that his friend Luminara is in trouble and vows to rescue her.
Sabine Wren has no idea what this other Mandalorian is doing on Lothal, but he looks just like former rebel Korkie Kryze and he's got lightsabers on his belt. He's either going to be a fierce but foolish ally, or the Empire's paying bounty hunters to track down Jedi.”
One of the few SW fics I’ve read where characters are sent FORWARD in time! This one is really great, and I reread it all the time. The heartache Obi-Wan feels when he remembers that all his friends are dead and the heartache KANAN feels when Obi-Wan does something that reminds him of the Jedi…. Amazing.
Free Jedi to Good Home by soft_but_gremlin
“Jango Fett expected several things from this hunt on Galidraan. Three hypothermic Jedi children stumbling into his camp was not one of those things.”
Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka (and maybe a few others, later on 👀) are sent back in time to change the outcome of the massacre at Galidraan. This one is REALLY great and I especially love the sequel (which is currently unfinished but very suspenseful and exciting)
The Making of Mavericks by AppoApples
“Master Obi-Wan Kenobi couldn't let her just walk out into the galaxy without a lifeline. With Commander Cody and Captain Rex at his side, Obi-Wan tries to give Ahsoka some well meant advice. But the Force was listening and decided these four souls needed to blaze a better path. With all that has happened to them, waking up twenty-five years in the past shouldn't be a big deal, right?”
Time travel with Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Rex, AND Cody! FOUR people. Crazy. The classic “Obi-Wan is sent back to his childhood to change things before Anakin ever enters the picture” fic. It greatly surpassed my expectations for a time travel fic though! One of the best for sure.
Legacy by myrlendi (thehistorygeek)
“Three months after the Battle of Endor, Luke Skywalker goes in search of a rumoured Jedi temple in a secluded part of the Mid Rim. He finds within the temple nothing but a strange artifact, which unexpectedly brings him much closer to the Jedi of old than he ever thought he would be.
When Luke fails to return from his mission, Leia goes after him, retracing his steps to the ancient temple — and to the past, to the time of the Clone Wars and the waning years of the Old Republic. Under suspicion by the Jedi Order, the twins struggle to find a way back to their own time while trying to keep their knowledge of the future from affecting the past.”
Okay, time travel with Luke Skywalker is great (one of my favorite things!), but time travel with Luke AND Leia??? Perfect. I love when she’s included.. it usually leads to some very interesting interactions between her and Anakin.
Luminous We Are by AppoApples
“Master Obi-Wan Kenobi is filled with regrets when the Padawan he chooses is assigned to Anakin. When he discovers that it was Yoda's meddling that had prevented him from being a Padawan in his own youth, the betrayal runs deep. Wondering what could have been, a trick of the Force throws him back in time, where he learns to put his trust in the Force, not the High Council.
Redemption of Qui-Gon Jinn had he not been forced to take a Padawan before he was ready, and where the Order learns to take another course that put quite a wrench in the Sith plans. Start of the Clone Wars to 44BBY AU of the Apprentice books. Cheeky Obi-Wan and Mandalorian shenanigans.”
Obi-Wan Kenobi being adopted by Mandalorians is QUITE a popular trope in this fandom for some reason… I think it’s actually a tag on Ao3 now (don’t quote me on that). Anyway, this fic is one of the few where the time traveler is unable to rely on (very much of) their knowledge from the future.
The Kenobi Scandal by AppoApples
“One moment they are speeding on their way to Mos Eisley, only to be hit by a Force instigated sandstorm, and the next thing Ben Kenobi knows is he wearing his old armour with the Jedi insignia and Luke can't find the droids. What's a Jedi to do when he finds himself back before the fall of the Republic? Come up with a cover story more scandalous than time travel: ‘Luke, this is Anakin Skywalker. Anakin, this is my son, Luke Kenobi.’”
Amazing! I really like when we see the potential Luke has with some formal Jedi training. And although there is a cover story for Luke’s (and Obi-Wan’s, technically) time travel, there are still some lovely emotional outbursts :)
(Obi-Wan/Satine and Luke/Ahsoka)
Gone Are The Days by theycallmesuperboy
“While investigating an ancient Jedi distress signal in the Outer Rim, Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles are mysteriously sent back in time to the last days of the Republic, and stranded on Naboo, meeting two people Luke could only have ever dreamed of meeting: his parents.
Only, due to Luke's "quick thinking," the two are lead to believe that Luke and Wedge are just like them: a secretly married couple, due to Luke's status as a Jedi.”
Luke gets an opportunity to really get to know his dead parents, and Wedge gets to kiss Luke. I’m a sucker for the fake dating trope lmao, and combined with time travel? Zoo wee mama!
(Luke/Wedge and Padme/Anakin)
Significant Brain Damage by AppoApples
“Luke Skywalker finds himself in the past as Anakin Skywalker. Obi-Wan finds himself retraining his old apprentice who has permanent amnesia while also taking on Anakin's Padawan, being a General, a Council member -during a Galactic Civil War, and fighting for a Republic he's beginning to lose faith in. Clone Wars, no paradox, no easy fix it.”
I love this one so much. Luke has to kind of pretend to be Anakin.. but everyone around him just thinks he’s had some amnesia and a major personality change. I LIVE for the “why is Anakin so much nicer now” moments.
(Padme/Sabe and Obi-Wan/Satine)
Also you may notice that this is the FOURTH fic by AppoApples on this list… I love their ideas so much.
May Death Find You Alive by Must_Be_Thursday
“Anakin finds himself trapped in a nightmare, reliving the same day. He tries. He tries to change things, but it always ends the same.
With a broken bond and a dead best friend.
He's not sure how many times he'll be able to watch the life leave Obi-Wan before he loses his mind.”
Let’s switch it up! Groundhog Day style time loops are always fun, and this one saves the universe! So yay! Fr though, Anakin learns to trust Obi-Wan and it changes everything.
The More I Live The More I See This Life is Not About Me by K_R_Closson
“After touching a mysterious artifact, Cody's general is suddenly a child with the memories to match. Cody has to coax a suspicious adolescent back to base without alerting the nearby Separatists of their presence.
Reversing his general's age an easier fix than Cody thought it would be, but he didn't factor in the possibility that Obi-Wan might not want to give up his self in order to become General Kenobi again. It'd be easier to think if he didn't have an insidious voice in his head, whispering to him to distrust the Jedi.”
This one is technically just de-aging, with Obi-Wan becoming his thirteen year old self, but I consider it similar enough to time travel to be included, and it has a lot of the same tropes. It’s very well written, and the dialogue flows excellently with the descriptions.
what is necessary (for love and war) by hellowkatey
“His fingers reach for the hilt that has become as familiar as his own after that three-day journey back from Melida/Daan. He couldn’t stand to put the boy's saber down until he reached his quarters and reality finally set in.
Obi-Wan didn’t come back with him. Once again, he is without a Padawan.
The moment cool durasteel meets his fingertips, the overwhelming presence of Obi-Wan slams into him so hard the room begins to spin. Qui-Gon sinks to the floor, saber clutched in both hands and pressed tight against his chest as though it’s actually Obi-Wan he’s hugging.
‘You have to go back.’”
This time it’s Qui-Gon who is sent forward through time, into the clone wars. The time travel in this fic doesn’t really change anything (as in, it’s not a fix-it), but it gives some great insight into Qui-Gon’s character.
Chosen One (derogatory) by annathecrow
“Asajj Ventress, the chosen savior of the galaxy. Force help us all.”
VENTRESS is the one to go back in time. Isn’t that crazy??? Isn’t that an insane premise?????? It was SO fun to read.
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back by K_R_Closson
“Ahsoka Tano told Din to bring Grogu to the Seeing Stone on Tython, and Grogu would be able to call out to other Jedi. Ahsoka Tano did not say that other Jedi might call out to him or that the pillar of blue light was actually a type of planetary transportation.
Din ends up on a planet he's never heard of with nothing but his armor and his child. A lot has changed but his mandate hasn't. He must reunite Grogu with one of his kind. But first, he has to help these ade win a civil war against the dar'buir who abandoned them.”
Din travels back to the war on Melida/Daan, where one of our favorite padawans was struggling to lead the Young to victory (hint: he’s a fan favorite who almost always ends up being adopted by Mandalorians). I really like this one! It’s less about changing the past, and more about character growth and relationships.
Bonus: Incomplete Fics
I wanted to separate these from the fics above, which are all complete.
from this moment hangs eternity by EvanHart
“If Luke – Force, his son – was talking about slave chips, something must have gone wrong in the future.
Or, a six-year-old Luke ends up in the middle of the Clone Wars, meets his father, and changes the fate of the galaxy on the way.”
I’m a real sucker for child Luke. Gotta say. He’s ADORABLE. and moments of gut-wrenching sadness interrupted by his little sunshine smiles?? Oh my god?
Chapters: 10/15
Oya Manda’lor! by Cloud__Chaser
“After giving up his child to Luke Skywalker, Din Djarin has found himself without a purpose. Filling in the gaps by completing bounties for Boba Fett, Din comes across a strange artifact that leaves him stranded in time.
Who knows, maybe Din's complete lack of knowledge of the world outside of the outer rim will lead to the fall of the empire before it even begins...”
Din basically becomes the most admired person on Mandalore in the span of like. A week. after he travels back in time. It’s really funny, and something I like to read when I’m in a good mood!
Chapters: 38/?
Also, it’s been over a year since this updated (as of the date I’m posting this), so beware, it may or may not be abandoned.
Sith Lord Swell by AMournfulHowlInTheNight
“‘Well, looks like we're all Sith Lords, now. I hope you've all been practicing your most menacing laughter for our first run in with the Jedi Council.’
Ben could only sigh and raise a distasteful eyebrow at the cross shaped, red lightsaber he was given. Down the line other students were also handling their new weapons and robes with a raised eyebrow here and quizzical expression there.
‘Really, uncle?’
‘Really. I don't want to compete with the local Jedi population.’
Why did Jedi politics and time travel have to be so difficult?”
Like most Star Wars fans, I’m not a big fan of the sequels (‘somehow, Palpatine returned’ my ass), BUT! This fic, involving a young Ben Solo and old Luke Skywalker, was a lot of fun to read.
Chapters: 13/?
There is another Skywalker by WabiSabi
“‘They couldn't narrow down the precise relationship due to some strange contamination in the sample. But when they launched a search in the DNA databank they found a match. Reliability of 50%, which only happens between parent-child and—’
‘Siblings,’ Master Kenobi completes, voice faint. ‘Full-blood siblings.’
The clone nods. ‘She was estimated to be around 30-years-old, so by process of exclusion, Leia Solo would be General Skywalker’s older sister by 9 years.’”
This time, it’s just Leia who’s sent to the past! Technically Luke lives as a voice in her head, but it’s pretty much just Leia. Also, I really like the premise that the temple runs a DNA test and assumes that she’s Anakin’s sibling. It’s a lot of fun!
Chapters: 10/?
Also, it’s been over a year since this updated (as of the date I’m posting this), so beware, it may or may not be abandoned.
Companion of the Ancestors by Omegarose
“Ahsoka finds herself in a strange place, out of contact with Obi-Wan and alone with the twins. The Force feels like it hasn't in years, and she runs into a man who has to be an idiot for the way he's acting like a Jedi two years after Order 66.
((Dooku, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka all meet each other when they're 19 years old. With the addition of the Skywalker twins and a slightly-younger (than Ahsoka remembers him) Yoda.))”
I love Ahsoka, I love Luke and Leia, I love Obi-Wan… I love this fic. All of the secrets and reveals and drama! So much fun!
Chapters: 10/?
You’re not able to read this fic unless you have an Ao3 account, but those are easy to make. If anyone doesn’t know how to make one, I’m happy to make a post explaining the process!
That’s all, folks! 20 fics is… a lot. And there are A LOT of characters in all that… So, sorry for the exorbitant amount of tags I’ll be using here. Happy reading!
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falling-star-cygnus · 1 month
Actually here's another Billy angst idea just with him being a cyborg/robot, what if he glitches out and is out of commission for days maybe even weeks and then he powers on to see everyone's shocked faces
oml, this has been sitting in my inbox for FAR too long. -> i am so sorry TT^TT
side bar, i was just introduced to the wonderful WiseBilly and BillyBelle agenda, so maybe there will be some of that in the future :D -> not in this fic tho, in case shipping isn't your style
someone legit sent in an ask a few days ago asking me to tag my works with 'fanfiction' so that they could block them all 😀 bc 'they didn't want to block a million different fandom tabs' -> BUT THAT'S LITERALLY WHY I USE A 'KEEP READING' CUT. SO THAT IT'S BITESIZED TO SCROLL PAST 😭 Master List
Something was very
Currently, it was 8:24 in the morning. Nearly an hour past the time Billy normally woke up. And almost excatly the time he knocked on Nicole's door each day to tell her breakfast was ready.
Nothing had crashed yet.
Or shattered. Or banged. Or 'thudded.' Or 'thwacked.'
No one had started yelling.
It was quiet.
Too quiet.
Nicole stared at the ceiling and ignored the growing worry in her gut. It was probably nothing, she conceded. He had used a lot of power yesterday, so... the android was probably just taking an easy morning. God knows he deserved it after everything that had been going on.
Maybe he had found a movie to share with Anby.
...yeah, right. The boss of the Cunning Hares' bursts into quiet giggles thinking about it. Those two couldn't share that old thing to save their lives. It's why the schedule was made.
Her alarm clock buzzes. 8:30.
He'd come knock any second now.
Annny second.
8:31 blips on to the alarm’s face.
Nicole can feel her limbs growing cold- despite the relatively comforting warmth of her bed- and it cements in her stomach like gum.
She was being ridiculous.
Just because the android wasn’t knocking didn’t mean anything was wrong. Billy wasn’t required to do so by any means, it was just a habit he had picked up to make sure they all ate.
…but he did like his routines.
Was he mad at her?
Nicole throws herself out of bed decisively and slams open her door.
“Where’s Billy?”
He's not with Nekomata or Anby, from what the boss can tell from her survey of the room. The two smallest members of the Hares' were cuddled together on the couch. Which was frankly- adorable. In any other situation.
But she had an android to find.
"Billy hasn't come out of his room yet," Nekomata answers, looking somewhat weary of Nicole's warpath. Anby pauses next to her.
"Really? He hasn't?"
The cat thiren suddenly looks very uncomfortable as the Demara's pin her with twin stares.
"There was a rerun of a Starlight Knights special playing this morning, it's why I came to bother you," Anby continues, ignoring her former cuddle buddy's squawk of indignance as she moves to stand up.
"Wh- what? I thought you said you wanted to bond!"
"I can want two things."
Nicole leaves them to their squabbling, striding towards the android's room with deliberate steps. It was far too early for this sort of worry, he better be fine in there-
His door isn't fully closed when she pushes on it. He didn't exactly have a 'room' like the other Hares' did- he didn't exactly need one- but it was sort of mutually agreed that the garage was his domain.
Billy wouldn't leave it open like this if he could help it- not when it could mean unwanted visitors got inside.
Maybe she had a valid reason to be worried...
Or maybe not.
The android is still plugged in and leaning against the wheel of their car, not a scratch on him. His eyes are slanted in as closed as they can get, and his signature red jacket is hung neatly off the ground.
He looked fine.
Why wasn't he awake? Why would he miss an airing of his favorite franchise? Why couldn't the boss hear the familiar whirring and clicking he always gave off?
Something wasn't adding up.
Nicole is pressing her ear to his chest before she can even process she's moved.
The metal is cold as it bites into her cheek, and it's silent.
Anby and Nekomata peek through the doorway, for once taking due care to make their presence loud enough that Nicole can hear them approach. Probably for the best, the boss of the Cunning Hares' felt like a fraying thread about to snap.
There was a burn under her chest, nestled into her ribs like a hot coal she'd been forced into swallowing. Billy didn't move.
Calm down, she scolds herself, There's a perfectly reasonable explanation for this. He's not dead.
She hoped he wasn't dead.
Wordlessly- because she didn't trust herself to speak yet- Nicole begins checking his dormant form over. The other two join in with a silent nods towards each other.
Anby carefully tilts his head from side to side to examine his neck.
“Wires are fine here.”
There's no damage to his auditory processors either, or his faceplate, or any of the joints visible to them. And they resolutely refused to take his pants off. It didn't matter if he didn't have anything down there- maybe he did, they wouldn't know- that felt... too invasive.
Unless absolutely necessary, that was a bridge that would remain uncrossed.
"Oh-! There! His charging thingamajig!" Nekomata suddenly exclaims, somehow having weaseled her way behind Billy, "It's all burnt around the edges!"
"Burnt!?" Nicole all but flattens the thiren against the wheel as she takes a look for herself.
Sure enough, the silver metal around the cable was a charred black that flaked off onto her fingers. Hm.
The boss of the Cunning Hares finagles the cord out of the port, and yelps when Anby grabs the back of her shirt to fling her away. Nekomata lands next to her.
"Anby! What the hell-" the boss is cut off when she sees the white... powder? Paste? Thing that bubbles up out of the opening. It smells foul, whatever it is, and clings to her tongue in a way that makes her sick.
"That's battery acid," Anby explains, jaw tight in a way that was usually reserved for boss battles, "Given the burn marks, it's likely his battery fried itself and exploded. We shouldn't touch it barehanded."
Billy's battery had what.
Oh, Nicole said that out loud.
"What do you mean exploded," she demands, getting up to her feet.
The smaller Demara throws a pair of latex gloves Nicole's way in lieu of answering. Out of all the Cunning Hares, Anby really was the only one who knew shit about batteries. Well- Billy did too, of course, but..
"It happens when they get too overrun with electricity. Considering that Billy used a lot of power yesterday, only to get accidentally tased by Phaethon right after, there's a 98.96% chance that he overloaded his battery by charging it. If we take care of it before it can corrode any of his wiring, we should be able to minimize the overall damage."
That... sort of made sense. Right. They had an objective now.
Nicole can feel her title as the boss settle over her like a second skin, clarity cutting through the haze of morning and worry like a cut from a blade. She knew what they had to do, now to execute it.
"Ok then," Nicole nods once, overcome with a false sense of confidence, "You're the expert, Anby, what do we need to do?"
For a moment, things don't seem so bleak. Everything was going to be fine, and Billy would be back to his rambunctious big-brother ways in no time.
They end up not having the means to replace the battery- or the skillset to open the android up and remove said battery- so...
"We can't take him to Grace," Nekomata insists, something like a shudder rolling it's way through her spine and tails, "She's so- so weird about him."
"Agreed." Anby nods, crossing her arms sagely, "Grace is out of the question. But we need to get this fixed somehow, and Belobog is the only group close enough that has the skillset we need."
Nicole couldn't help but agree. The last time they had interacted with the eccentric mechanic of Belobog Heavy Industries she had practically glued herself to the android's hip! It didn't matter how many times he had edged away- or downright hid behind one of the girls, she just kept coming on to him!
It didn't help that she also referred to Billy as an it at first; even if she took it in stride when the Hares' had corrected her. Swiftly and firmly corrected her. Anby style.
Billy was not an it.
"What about Phaethon," Nekomata pipes up, her tails moving in swishing waves, "they might know someone!"
"That's right!" Nicole snaps her fingers, and ruffles between the thiren's ears for her good work, "Our dear proxy is sure to have some better information."
In the spirit of fairness, she pats Anby's head too. The smaller Demara had been the one to point out the problem with the android's battery, after all.
Nicole looks to the downed member of their team.
And pats his head.
It felt... wrong, somehow, to leave him out when he was like this.
"Don't worry, Billy," the boss whispers, in some vain hope that it'll reach him, "We'll get you fixed up in no time."
Nicole doesn't realize how badly she'd miss this part of her routine until it was gone.
It'd been three weeks since Billy had gotten repaired.
Three weeks of waiting, three weeks devoid of Starlight Knight references, three weeks of radio silence.
By all accounts, it should be peaceful. But.. in the end, she just missed him. For all her scolding, it had never really been an issue to listen to him ramble. And his optimism always stopped anything from feeling too hopeless on a mission.
Anby had stopped doing the little braid in her hair, the same as she did when that scrapper had taken the android for parts, and even Nicole had stopped putting her own hair in it's little half-up half-down pigtails.
She'd had them even before Billy came barreling into her life, of course, but there had been numerous occasions where she simply felt too tired to want to deal with the hassle of taming her bedhead.
Two black strips of cloth sit innocuously on her nightstand.
"We have to meet up with that contractor today, remember Boss?" Billy had said one morning, as he began to brush through pink frizz- starting at the bottom and slowly worked his way up until it was all neat and shiny.
Nicole hadn't even realized what happened until her hair was already tied up with cute bunny ear bandanas and the android was clipping in her usual barrettes.
That was the moment that had won her over, she thinks privately, as she fiddles with an errant strand.
Her clock buzzes for 8:30.
Time for another quiet day...
knock, knock.
The boss of the Cunning Hares throws herself out of bed, praying to whatever higher power that would listen that this wasn't some sort of cruel joke.
She flings the door open, with maybe too much desperation, but she can't really bring herself to care when-
"Oh- morning, Boss!"
Metal bites into her cheek as Nicole wraps her arms around his lanky build and squeezes until her arms ache. It hurts for a second and it's real, he's real, and he's warm, and he's loud. There's no stench of acid, or charcoal, just the dim whir and click of machinery under his plating.
"Boss-!?" the android startles, hands hovering uselessly around her back before settling gently on her shoulders, "did you.. have a bad dream?"
Something like that, she thinks.
And really, Nicole is more than willing to write it off that way.
bonus: *a few weeks later, after a taxing raid on their resident android* *Billy is sitting in the Remodelling Shop* Enzo, patting Billy's shoulder and wiping his hands clean: Battery's all good. Billy: uh... Boss? Is this really nec- Anby, Nicole, and Nekomata: Yes. Billy: ...okay.
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thewriterowl · 4 months
I love you fics so so much. You're appreciated a lot, and we understand that you have a life and needs a break.
Take your time, your health and life is more important.
So only if you want, I would love Modern setting Mafia Din, obvious luke. I unfortunately can't find a lot of fics like this.
Thank youuuuu and have a good day
omg thank you!! This really is appreciated. Truly, it means a lot that you took time to say that. It always helps me keep working on these updates! But I also appreciate the reminder for the break; I am very bad at that lol
Modern Setting Mafia Dinluke AU
So, I have made Luke a baker (still one of my favorites) and a librarian for this AU but maybe he can be something else. Maybe a really good mechanic who does a lot of work on cars but really shines with motorcycles. He wants his own but he's currently working in a garage maybe run by Djarin's clan but it is low on the chain and has become corrupt as Pong Krell is the manager of it and is not paying Luke well (so he needs a beat up car to maybe sleep in in the future) and pocketing a lot--basically stealing from Din (not good). Krell is very arrogant and thinks he is taking enough to not cause ripples to carry up to the head of the whole clan but he is very, very wrong.
Din runs things tightly and with intense respect and fear. They do quite a bit of illegal happenings but they are a bit more anti-hero/vigilante types.
The family runs escort houses but they are actually very healthy (a little capitalistic but nothing is perfect) and no one is forced to work there. Whoever is can stop at any time and they have great health care and housing. Not to mention incredibly protected and treated with a lot of respect. Even the strip clubs are more are less legitimate and probably the cleanest and best one can find (Lando runs a BDSM house under Din). They actually take down a lot of trafficking through their work with this. He has daycares that's basically free for all who work with him. Drugs are tricky but they mostly ensure nothing tainted passes by as there is not much they can do about stopping it but you better not have anything hard around his territory. He's a "family" business, after all.
He gets his money through a lot of laundering, the escort houses, hacking, blue collar crimes where they rob the billionaires/millionaires, underground fight rings...and, ahem, a few...hits here and there. But they're very selective over who they take out.
Of course, that doesn't mean he isn't dangerous. He and his family chooses to do things through a nicer lens but he had to bury a lot of bodies to get to where he was so that whoever takes over from him wouldn't have to get their hands nearly as dirty. He will do cruel, cold, selfish things if it means he can protect those he cares about. And he won't let some greedy slug try to take more than what he's earned and cause a dent in the network he's created.
He goes when Krell isn't around, bringing in his motorcycle, maybe not removing his helmet to be safe, and Luke is on him instantly. The blond is so EXCITED to see this model and has to chat Din up about it, offering to get it all fixed for him if he wants, he'll put it back together quickly.
Din is very charmed and let's Luke have all the fun he could want as he sneaks into the office and gets all the evidence needed (the little one was very oblivious; that's no good for his own safety) and decides to just chat with this puppy.
Din and Luke probably separate a little smitten at the end.
Luke really has no idea what he's done until the next time Din comes, with his men, dressed in a (sexy as sin) suit and gets Luke in one of the super expensive, sound-proof cars as he...settles things with Krell.
Din can't spend too much time making Krell understand his mistakes.
He has a reservation after where he'll talk to Luke over some nice Italian about him moving in.
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wintaerbaer · 1 year
in between (ksj)
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summary: It's nights like this that are embedded into your memory—your face fitting perfectly in the crook of his neck, his chin resting on top of your head, your arms and legs thoroughly tangled together.
pairing: Seokjin x Reader
rating: all ages
genre: established relationship au
word count: 1.8k
warnings: MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH, heavy angst, mentions of traumatic pregnancy/labor if you squint
a/n: this was originally a small piece i wrote for a class about a decade ago, which i then adjusted into a fic for a fandom that's no longer around. since i've never been able to get it out of my head, i figured it'd be fun to revise and re-release it again! dedicated to @btsborahaee who is apparently the angst demon that possessed me when i wrote it <3
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He never fails to amaze you.
You lean in the doorway, watching as he cradles the baby to his chest and croons soft phrases of love into the girl's ear, trying to get her to fall back asleep. He's shirtless, flannel sleep pants slung low on his hips, bare feet pressed to the hardwood floor.
He's never looked more handsome in his life.
After a couple minutes of the baby's incessant cries, he moves to the rocking chair by the window in surrender. The moon turns his face a silvery white, highlighting the ruffled hair and stubbly shadow of a beard. You’ve never seen him with a considerable amount of facial hair before, and you don’t yet know how you feel about it.
He rocks back and forth gently—the chair creaking under him and the baby still whimpering pitifully in his arms. He doesn't see you as you watch him calm the child, whispering now. His voice is so low that it's hard to hear, but you definitely pick up something that sounds like "So pretty. Just like mommy."
Amazing how he can make you smile even when he doesn't intend to.
His quiet whispers mollify the baby faster than would seem possible, and it's not long before the girl has drifted off to sleep, tiny face pressed into his bare chest. He continues to gently sway in the chair, staring at the wall, and when he shifts his head, you can see that his eyes are shining.
The sight of his tears has you backing out of the doorframe and padding down the hall, feeling sick to your stomach. The walls around you are so horrifyingly blank and merely add to your growing anxiety. You wonder how long they'll stay that way.
You take the stairs down to the living room, not knowing what to do except make yourself scarce. You pace around the room, dodging all sorts of new things for the baby—items that haven't found a place in your home yet and are therefore just sitting in the living room until they do. Somebody really should make an effort to clean it up, but no one has the time.
It's eerily quiet down here. The only sounds are the soft ticking of the clock in the kitchen and the occasional creak from the rocking chair upstairs. Moonlight filters in through the window, casting a glow upon the room that should be calming; instead, it highlights all of the objects haphazardly strewn about the couch and the table and the floor, and the overall effect is nothing short of creepy.
You take a seat on the couch, right next to a stuffed elephant that stares up at you with beady eyes—a gift from one of your aunts or some distant cousin. You run your hands over the tiny thing, wondering what its fate will be. A future favorite of your daughter's perhaps? Or will he be condemned to a life in one of the closets? His melancholy gaze seems to ask you why you even care in the first place, and truth be told, you don’t really know. Maybe you just identify with him at the moment, with a fate so unpredictable and currently feeling as though you’re stuck in some kind of middle ground where you’re neither homeless nor sheltered.
The sound of a door closing startles you from your thoughts. Slipping across the study and into your bedroom, you find Seokjin lying on the bed wide awake, his eyes still glistening. Crawling in next to him, you press yourself into his side, stretching your body over warm skin. It's nights like this that are embedded into your memory—your face fitting perfectly in the crook of his neck, his chin resting on top of your head, your arms and legs thoroughly tangled together. You lie together in near silence, his ragged breathing the only thing disturbing the quiet. You squeeze closer, willing him to sleep just as he had done with your daughter moments ago.
"I love you, Y/N," he whispers as his eyes finally slip shut.
"I know," you tell him. "I know."
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You’re sitting in the kitchen when you hear the front door open and shut.
"Honey, I'm home." His voice drifts to you from the foyer, the first lines of a ritual you had created in jest during college when you’d return to your shared apartment after days of classes.
"Hello, dear. How was work today?" is the traditional response you call back.
"Just swell, sweetheart. Just swell." He'd usually laugh after that, unable to contain his boyish amusement over how cheesy it is, but when he delivers the line today, his voice is soft and sober.
He hesitates by the stairs, leaning ever so slightly against the railing and kneading his forehead with the heel of his hand. He takes in the sight of the kitchen with all of the food that is lying around, practically covering every surface. Sighing, he moves to the sink, pressing his hands against the counter.
You stare at him, not knowing what to do, when his legs suddenly buckle and he's sliding down to the floor, shaking with sobs.
You leap to your feet, rushing over to where he's sitting up with his back against the counter and his knees pulled up nearly to his chest. Wrapping your arms around him, you brush your lips against his forehead, his ear, whispering anything and everything and just begging him to stop. Because, dammit, Jungkook and Hobi are right upstairs taking care of the baby and you don't want anyone else to see him like this. Not when he's been doing so well.
It's not long before you find that your own cheeks are wet, tears stinging your eyes. You hate having to see him this broken, hate even more how there's nothing you can do to help, how all you can do is hold him and pray that he'll get better.
Roughly ten minutes pass before his friends come bustling down the stairs to see what the commotion is. Even they can't help crying as they join you on the floor, offering hugs and words of comfort as he continues to break down.
Another half hour passes before he finally manages to compose himself and goes upstairs to see your daughter.
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You huddle outside the bedroom door, listening to Seokjin read the girl a bedtime story. Your daughter is so incredibly quiet, soaking up the words like a dry sponge. Occasionally she'll ask a question about the story or one of the characters, but for the most part, she doesn't say a word—she barely even moves.
When the story is over, you hear your husband shifting around, closing the book and putting it back on its shelf in the corner.
"Daddy?" comes your daughter's voice after a moment.
"Yeah, baby girl?"
"Did Snow White and the prince live happily ever after?"
You hear a creak as he sits back down on the side of the bed. "Yeah, sweetie, they lived happily ever after. They got married and had a beautiful little girl just like you." There's a squeal as he leans down to tickle her.
Once your daughter's laughter has subsided, she asks another question, "Daddy, did you and mommy live happily ever after?"
There is a pregnant pause where everything in the world seems to go completely still in anticipation of his answer.
"Yeah," he eventually says, voice cracking ever so slightly. "Yeah, we did."
The sound of rustling sheets fills the void as he properly tucks her in. "You need to get some sleep now. You have a big day tomorrow."
"School!" she squeals.
"That's right, baby. School."
"Is mommy going to visit me tonight since it's a big day tomorrow?"
You hear him take a ragged breath. These questions must be taking their toll on him. "Mommy visits you every night, sweetie."
"Because she loves me?" your daughter asks.
"Yeah, because she loves you."
There's a pause as the girl thinks this over. "I love mommy too, daddy."
"I know, baby. Me too." And he must be crying now because there's a telling catch in his voice.
But that's okay because there are tears streaming down your own face.
You peek your head in the doorway, watching him press a kiss to the girl's forehead before he stands, turning off the light as he leaves the room. When he passes you, you examine his face--dark shadows that weren't there five years ago lurk under his eyes and his cheekbones are more prominent than they used to be. But still, you’re proud of the fact that he hasn't completely let himself go.
Once he's gone down the hall and disappeared down the stairs, you move into your daughter's room and sit on the edge of the bed, just as Seokjin had done only moments before.
The girl is completely buried under the covers with only her head sticking out. She's a tiny little thing, with her father's dark eyes and her mother's smile. And she's smart. She's so incredibly smart, with one hell of an imagination to match.
You run your fingers over your daughter's face, her hair, but not touching—no, never touching. You can't. You simply can't. Can't touch; can't feel. Most days, you don't know if this existence that you’re living is a blessing or a curse. Because you get to see your little girl grow up, but you do this knowing that your child will never know you—she'll never know the mother who died giving her life. And on top of that, you also bear witness to every second of your husband's grief.
But right now, looking down at your daughter, you just can't regret getting to see her grow older.
You brush your lips against the girl's forehead, her nose, her cheek. Then you make yourself pull away, whispering a "Good luck tomorrow, baby" before you stand up, taking note, as you always do, of the plush elephant that's sitting on the nightstand and bathing in moonlight.
And then you leave, taking the familiar trip downstairs and into your bedroom (because no matter what it will always be your bedroom) where your husband is lying on the bed, eyes wide open. This, too, has become a sort of ritual for the two of you, even though he doesn't really know it. And yet, he never seems to be able to sleep until you’re cuddled into his side.
"I love you, Y/N," he always says right before he closes his eyes.
"I know," is your reply. "I know."
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a/n: sorry :') please remember to like/reblog!
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wishcamper · 7 months
Heavy Lies the Crown: Rhysand, greatness, and the pressures of power
Or: the librarian’s daughter, former playwright, licensed counselor mashup of my nightmares dreams because I am vast, I contain multitudes.
No content warnings and no real HOFAS spoilers, I don't think, other than that he's in it but I feel like you know that by now. Spoilers for Breaking Bad (lol).
In working on my current fic (on ao3 here!) I've been thinking a lot about Rhysand and how he really goes off the rails in ACOSF and HOFAS. It's easy to chalk it up to poor writing, but I like the challenge of trying to make it make sense. What are Rhys’ motivations, truly? What would explain the vast array of heinous shit he does the text tells us is justified?
Rhys is shown over and over to be quite Machiavellian ('ends justify the means' dude, who was maybe writing satire). It's easy to list the times he shows this. The 50 year Velaris hostage situation. The bargain UTM with Feyre. The Weaver's cottage. Stealing the Book from Tarquin. CLARE BEDDOR. Infiltrating people's minds. Torture. Assassination. Allying with Kier. Concealing his wife's medical information. Being an ass to people in general. According to Mr. Machiavelli, any action is warranted if it the goal it achieves is morally important enough.
It seems like Rhys can justify anything to himself if he believes it will serve the greatest good at the end of the day. He does so many things with the air of “it’s for your own good” or “you’ll understand why one day” but that day never.. comes? Not yet anyway, which begs the question: is he that unself-aware, or is there a longer game he’s playing that all of these minor skirmishes are leading up to? What if he knows what's coming? And what kind of cause or threat would feel so great he could justify everything he does up to this point?
Okay I'm gonna talk about Aristotelean literary structure, please don't leave me.
The idea of a tragic hero is a character whose downfall is inevitable but who fights against it anyway. Hamlet is a classic example of a tragic hero, Oedipus being the de facto first, Walter White from Breaking Bad a more modern version. We see Walt learn he’s going to die in the first episode, in the middle he does a bunch of stuff to prevent his physical death (cancer) and metaphorical death (failure/obscurity), and then both his body and reputation die in the last episode as a direct result of his attempts to avoid fate. It’s blissful Aristotelean symmetry. *chef’s kiss*
Every tragic hero has hamartia, more commonly known as a ‘fatal flaw’. In Hamlet, his fatal flaw is procrastination, and his delays create space for all kinds of the fuck shit he was trying to prevent. It’s important to note that hamartia is by design a neutral term - not so much a flaw, but a trait, motivation, or decision that sets off the chain of events the character is trying to avoid. Tragedies have occurred equally from too much love as too much hate, and doing nothing is just as much a decision as doing something. The word itself comes from the Greek for ‘to miss the mark’. To try and fail, the backbone of tragedy.
One of the most common hamartia is hubris, a modern synonym for arrogance but which more specifically means an outsized belief in one’s ability to affect and control the future. Well-known tragic heroes taken down by hubris include our boy Walter White, Tony Soprano, Viktor Frankenstein, Achilles, Jay Gatsby, Kendall from Succession. It exists in real life, too: Lance Armstrong is a perfect example of a modern tragic hero brought down by hubris. And what do all these men have in common? Power, via money, fame, strength, the state, intellect, violence etc.
I’ve been enjoying looking at Rhysand through this tragic hero lens because while it doesn’t really make him more sympathetic, it does make his actions easier to understand logically, which is its own kind of humanization. If Rhysand is aware of a prophesied or fated event sometime in the future and is pulling the cosmic strings now, it must be incredibly important, like annihilation-level important, which is so much pressure. 
So he grows to maturity with an understanding that he will one day have to face this intense evil that could completely destroy his world, and it plants in him a hubris. He believes that his immense power grants him a certain amount of influence automatically. And honestly, is he wrong?
And this is where it’s important to think about how power makes people weird. Power gives people a false sense of confidence in their actions and choices, because their status and privilege protect them from so many more consequences. In this way it’s easy to see how someone can get a big ego - no one is stopping me, so I must be doing well! Or: everything is going well for me, so I must be really killing it! I know I feel that way in the first tingles of hypomania, but hypomania is fundamentally a distortion of reality and I believe so is power.
Power not only gives people confidence but also access to make decisions for others. They begin to think they should share the success they’ve found by leading and guiding others to see how great it can be if you do what they say. Just look at one of those cringe 'billionaire morning routine' videos to see what I mean. It’s a very patronizing form of altruism, because the leader genuinely believes they have the people’s interest at heart. And I use the word patronizing intentionally - leaders have often referenced feeling paternal towards their people, Winston Churchill + FDR, 'God the Father'. Power and fatherhood have been linked for a long time. And direct from our girl Wikipedia, "paternalism is action that limits a person's or group's liberty or autonomy and is intended to promote their own good".
I was talking with a girlfriend of mine recently about how I think some men don’t have the experience of other people depending on them in a significant way until they get married and/or become fathers. Like, afab and femme people learn very early to be considerate of others, to think about how others feel, to act in ways that keep others happy, etc. This plants in us a sense of duty to perform in ways that please others, to smile, to create comfort and provide caretaking in every environment we enter. So by the time we get to marriage and motherhood, we already know how to put others’ needs before our own because we’ve been doing it from the jump.
For men, however, this can be a completely novel experience. And it seems like it's SO HEAVY FOR THEM. George ‘Father of his Country’ Washington just wanted to go back to Virginia the whole time he was President. So many men talk about the pressures of being a provider and their families depending on them in a way women don’t, and I think it’s because for the first time others truly depend on them and they don’t know how to handle it.
In response, they either shove down their emotions as patriarchy demands and have a midlife crisis, or they abdicate that responsibility and go completely absent physically and/or emotionally to continue living for themselves. (Obviously there are good men and dads out there, and bless you if you’re lucky enough to know, have, or be one.)
And this aspect of power feels relevant because from the text it seems like Rhysand is unraveling. Between Feyre, the baby, the Trove, Nesta and being threatened by her power, Koschei, Bryce, the whole High King shit - I think he’s starting to crack under the pressure. And honestly, I’m kind of surprised it didn’t happen before now.
According to Aristotle, the tragic hero must:
Be significant (virtuous/capable/powerful/important etc.)
Be flawed
Suffer a reversal of fortune.
Rhysie boy definitely ticks the first two. I wonder what it would look like to get to three? I don’t think Sarah has the balls, but it’s definitely enhanced my reading experience and given me a lot of interesting things to think about.
Okay that's all I've got. Love ya, see ya soon xx
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soobberries · 1 year
Bf!Jake // ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏 * .♡ *:・゚✧
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Some random headcanons I wrote in one sitting after seeing a cute Jake gifset and getting in my minor feels. He's not even my bias help me-
Nothing explicit, just some suggestive things here and there but it's like barely there so it's a pretty safe read!
Let me know if I should make a full blown Jake fic or just a full blown headcanon 🥺 ‎♡
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Boyfriend Jake who you have giggle fits after just glancing at each other from across the room due to the same braincell activating, or giggle fits at 3am and both of you trying to shush the other saying you're too loud and proceeding to laugh harder.
Boyfriend Jake that bites his lip as he looks you up and down before going out to an event, absolute stars in his eyes. Stumbling as he utters out how amazing you look, his eyes showing how they're both wholesome and very much not wholesome thoughts going through his head right now, but instead of trying to speak he just picks your hand and maybe kisses it before intertwining your fingers, with a wide grin on his face knowing your his.
Boyfriend Jake that will go out of his way to bug you or mess with you because he thinks it's cute when you whine at him or get upset. Only if you seem like your on the edge will he chuckle and kiss your cheek saying woops, or otherwise hugging you tightly with a 'I'm sorry baby~^^'. He has a shit eating grin when he's messing with you too. And he will happily say 'alright I'll stop [blank] if you kiss me?'
Boyfriend Jake that sees you shaking your leg, biting at your nails or lip, picking skin, or literally any nervous type of tic you may have, and he gently places his hand wherever he sees fit (on your leg or in your hand or on your cheek) either leaving it at that to calm you down or he asks you if you're okay, or need anything.
Boyfriend Jake laughing when you don't know something but patiently going through the topic so you understand it and is so attentive to your questions and won't stop till you're certain you got it or are comfortable.
Boyfriend Jake who sets up the most Netflix romcoms esc dates. Having a date in the back of a truck or in the boot of the car where he hung up fairy lights and messily threw some blankets, saying he ordered some food but for now he brought snacks (chocolate strawberries or smth). Candle lit dinners or baths. Dancing in the living room after watching a silly movie. A beach date where he definitely accidently got sand in a sandwich. (no pun intended).
Boyfriend Jake who's laugh is so boyish it transports you back to the free feeling of being a kid and brings you the most bursting joy in your chest. Bring out the child in you because you're able to feel so safe around him.
Boyfriend Jake accidently forgetting an important date but has the most heartfelt ways of apologising or making up for it, not stopping until you're alright again. Proceeds to label ever date for the foreseeable future afterwards too.
Boyfriend Jake who stares at you intently at events or parties, blatantly undressing you and losing interest in the conversation he's currently in. Not bothering to excuse himself from the conversation with a friend (probably receiving an eye roll from the other person) only going straight to you and wrapping his arm around your waist and even in front of people would with no shame be 'hi (any pet name he feels like or nickname), did you know you look dazzling tonight?' or something cheesy like that and even if you're in a convo he either asks to steal you away or if you're very occupied he'll lean his head down into you while he waits, or he'll back hug you, nuzzling his head in your neck, sometimes discreetly placing kisses on skin he has access to, maybe even a bite if he wants.
Boyfriend Jake who always tries his best to accommodate your friends and give off a good impression to anyone you trust to introduce him to. He will be doing his absolute most to show how well he's taking care of you and how you're in capable safe hands and he'd also show how he mutually leans on you.
Boyfriend Jake that would try and get to you as soon as he can if you call him after a nightmare or during a breakdown, fighting for his damn life to see you and be there for you. Will lose sleep if necessary.
Boyfriend Jake who remembers you saying you like a certain snack and buying it for when he next sees you if he can.
Boyfriend Jake who sometimes writes things down about you so he never forgets.
Boyfriend Jake who gets you matching charms or bracelets or rings... Literally anything.
Boyfriend Jake who if he has a lot of free time with you, will spend his time hugging and cuddling with you from behind regardless of what you're doing. If you're playing games, studying, working, cooking, literally anything. He's being a koala bear and just shoving his face in your neck, maybe even falls asleep but is just happy to hold you.
Boyfriend Jake who has you laying on his lap, and when you smile up at him, arrows hit his heart and he has a grin that hurts his cheeks just at the sight of you.
He's such a hopeless romantic bye.
He is the second lead in dramas and movies and you always root for them or somehow wish they were endgame. HE'S THAT GUY. he's always second place but takes place in everyone else's hearts as first. He is textbook boy next door in the best way and he's just... Idk he's so lovely bye.
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blackboxtheater · 18 days
Oh writer of two of my favorite fics ever-
I was rewatching Pearl's secret life eps in search of Mumbo clips (since honestly, Mumbo cuts a fair amount of things out of his vids) and only just now saw one of the cutest and funniest thing yet he's done-
"See you in the next one" becomes a trumpet
Anyways, Hiiii, want to also say again how much I love your fics and writing :>
God he's such a WEIRDO (said with all the love and affection in the world)
And thank you! I know I've been less active because my MCYT obsession is currently going through a lull, so for your ongoing love and support, here is a snippet from my drafts for a future House of String chapter that takes place after Pearl moves into Mumbo's season 9 vault with him.
Moving in with Mumbo is fine.
Trying to beat Decked Out and not get murdered by Gem is taking up all of her energy and nearly all of her brain power, so its easy to come back to the vault each day thinking of nothing but scraping together a meal and collapsing into bed.
But occasionally the close quarters inside the vault and lack of any discernible privacy becomes painfully apparent, and that fact that her new roommate is that attractive and right there crashes over her like a ton of bricks.
Like right now when she looks over from a Decked Out maps she's drawing to watch Mumbo padding across the floor barefoot and fucking dripping wet. Okay, so just his hair is wet. But he’s running a towel through it and when he reaches his hand up to do that his shirt rides up a little and that’s a dangerous path to let her mind and her eyes wander down so she snaps her eyes up to his face.
Except that's no better because she can see every drop falling from his hair and where it lands on his white tee shirt.
She wants trace her fingers over his shoulders as she counts each drop.
She wants to dig her fingers into his wet hair.
She wants to be so close that she is surrounded by the scent of the body wash and shampoo that she can smell from all the way over here. 
She wants to know if he tastes like steam and the spearmint toothpaste that sits on the bathroom counter next to hers.
She wants to-
“Is there something on my face? Did I nick myself shaving?”
His question slices through all those thoughts.
Fuck. She must be staring. 
“Wait did I catch the mustache?"
He must take her silence as a bad thing, because there is genuine concern in his eyes as he runs a hand  over his jaw, throwing the towel over his shoulder in the process.
She almost has a coherent thought formed in response until he steps even closer, hitting her with another wave of the smell of his shampoo.
"Is it uneven? Did I make it uneven?”
Watching his hands move over his mouth make the urge to reach out and touch him almost overwhelming.
But the echoes of the past are louder. It was a lifetime ago that she almost gave in and kissed him back in season 8. Back in the ender pearl stasis chamber, with his hair just as floppy and wet in that moment as it is now. But back then it wouldn’t have ever occurred to her that she might one day be sitting in Mumbo’s base, scratch that, living in Mumbo’s base because it was the place she felt the safest on the server. And honestly, maybe the place she felt safest anywhere at all.
If she had given in and kissed him that day, then this day probably would never have happened. She would have kissed him and maybe hooked up and then they would have fought or had a falling out or Grian would have discovered them and everything would be so different than her life now. She wouldn’t be here if she made that mistake then, and she sure as hell isn’t going to kiss him now and risk whatever might happen in the future.
She won’t.
“No, your mustache looks fine." She finally manages to settle on, and when the relief floods his eyes and he leans back, its easier to think clearly again.
"It looks perfectly Mumbo.” she adds with a smile before turning back to her map, and she doesn’t look back as the sound of his footsteps and the smell of his shampoo drift off into other corners of their home.
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roryonic · 2 months
Tag Me Wednesday
Thank you gorgeous Ice @spookygingerr for creating this week's tag <3 And thank you @spacerockwriting and @stocious for taggine me <3
name: Rory Borealis
do you drink coffee? if so, what's your coffee order? if it's iced, I'll probably drink it.
what's the best thing you ate today? pizza with pepperoni and ndjua
tell us about your first pet (or if you haven't had a pet yet, what's your dream pet?) I had a Siamese Fighting Fish named Blub Blub. So pretty.
if your life was a book, what would you call the current chapter? And So It Begins - Part 1
what's something you did recently that you're proud of? finished the Gallavich Summer Camp Fic with my very talented partner in crime, Pie.
what was your first dream job growing up? is it anything like the job you have now? probably a vet, and it has nothing to do with my current job whatsoever.
what's the name of the latest playlist you made? Good Luck, Babe. For the vibes of a future fic, maybe.
Tagging @sam-loves-seb @deathclassic @doshiart @gallapiech @grumble-fish
@jrooc @lee-ow @rayrayor @romidoes @transmurderbug
@thepupperino @transmickey @creepkinginc @celestialmickey @bawlbrayker
@blue-disco-lights @mybrainismelted
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fangbangerghoul · 4 months
OC Ask Game
I was tagged by @a-cosmic-elf, @staticpallour, and @therealgchu!
Thank you all for tagging me in this game I appreciate it!
I will be answering these questions from Ghoul's perspective in Dragon's Dogma 2. (except one of them will be a general answer)
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The first set of questions by @a-cosmic-elf
If money, time, and space were no object, what would be your dream pet?
Ghoul’s dream pet at this point in time would probably be a Griffin! She really loves riding on them in the sky and a part of her wishes she could raise one of her own. They are ferocious and probably make great battle companions.
Are there seasons where you are from? What’s your favorite and why?
Currently Spring, its not too hot, not too cold, and its easier to find specific herbs needed for the group’s travels. Plus, even if the rivers still run cold when the sun is at its highest in the day it’s a nice cool down to wade in the shallow pools.
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Ghoul has lost a lot of her memories before her current journey. Occasionally she will spend the evening by the fire making up memories to hold on to so she probably sees herself wanting to become a hunter. She keeps trying to teach herself archery but its been a journey. Thankfully her current companions are patient with her…least till an arrow flies into them.
Second set of questions by @staticpallour
What do you believe to be your greatest Strength? And on the other side, your greatest Weakness?
Ghoul’s greatest strength is her determination and quick thinking. She pushes through to achieve what she wants maybe to a fault. Her stubbornness and impulsive nature consistently gets her into trouble. Her greatest weakness would probably the caution she experiences strongly to not ask for help from others.
Who's your best friend? How'd you meet them?
Ghoul’s BFFs: Starfield: Valentine, Jessemine, Andreja BG3: Astarion, Shadowheart, Karlach Dragon’s Dogma 2: Srail, Erik, Ambrosius, and Quil (check out my A03 for the answers for the second half of the question)
What Motivates you?
Ghoul needs to know her place in the world. Her past is gone and shes been told she’s part of some prophecy she doesn’t adhere too. Who is she and determining if she has control over her future are things she needs answers on and its what helps her move forward.
Third round of questions by @therealgchu
what's your sleep schedule like?
Quil has enforced one. Beforehand she would sleep when she dropped and Quil got tired of the warriors complaining to rest more often than not. Plus Ghoul was starting to slow down when she lacked sleep then would get grumpy and nobody enjoys the company of a cranky Arisen.
do you cook and what's your favorite food to cook?
She cooks occasionally but nothing fancy over a fire. Normally she takes care of the meats and Quil focuses on the stews. Some nights its a race too cook more meat than Ambrosius can fit into his mouth before she's done.
where's the farthest you've traveled?
She doesn’t remember before waking up beside a river and a dead griffin so currently a week in the wilderness.
If any of these answers interested you feel free to check out my new fic Voracious Oblivion that centered around Ghoul, Erik, Quil (@bearlytolerant pawn), and Ambrosius (@lisa-and-shadow pawn) and their journey.
I will be tagging: @bearlytolerant @crystal-overdrive @roguishcat @soloavengers @arisenreborn
My questions for any of your OCs:
What is their prized possession?
Are they allergic to anything?
What is something about them that people would not expect just by looking at them?
Are they ticklish?
Feel free to pick 3 out of the 4 or do all 4. I had to do 6 so I figured I could plague someone else with 4.
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amethystfairy1 · 9 months
Hello and welcome to...
✨Amethyst's Scribbling Corner✨
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Also known as "I wanna practice writing short/get new ideas and this seems like fun, and I'm curious to see where it goes so let's give it a shot."
I've always wanted to try writing prompts/requests for the sake of trying new things and stretching my writing style a bit, it's always seemed like a ton of fun. I participated *cough* am participating almost done 😭 *cough* in Whumptober for the first time this year, and recently with TTSBC and Traveling Thieves, as well as this blog picking up steam, I figured it was a good time to give it a try!
Once a week(ish I promise nothing my brain is a pinball machine with a bunch of AUs and fandoms slamming into each other like demented bumper cars) I will make a poll tagged 'Amethysts Scribbling Corner' and I'll put in the poll a handful of requests/prompts that I've either dug up on my own or that I've received from anyone who would like to send one in! Whichever prompt wins the poll, I'll write it and post it! I'll probably make a new series on my A03 account just for fics that come out of this titled 'Amethysts Scribbling Corner' as well!
Use reblogs, replies, asks, messages, I'm not picky!
They can be as broad as a simple one-word prompt, or you can even give a brief description of a couple sentences!
Requests for certain ships or characters are encouraged for sure! Just know I'm more likely to use the ones that're for ships I already write for...but I mean...looks at TTSBC notes...there's plenty to choose from!
Also feel free to submit asks or requests for other fandoms, I'm currently living my best Hermit/Traffic/Empires fanfic gremlin life, but I've also written a ton for Haikyuu and Jojos, if those interest anyone! Pretty much any fandom that I've posted for on my A03 account is fair game!
Last thing: Feel free to request where you want the fic to take place! Especially when we're taking Hermit/Traffic/Empires stuff, if you want it to be within the Minecraft server world of that specific series, within a certain one of the Life Series, a modern AU, a fantasy AU, or even TTSBC or Traveling Thieves if you have ideas for them! Just know that if anything requested for TTSBC or Traveling Thieves contradicts or maybe overlaps with any future plans for those AUs, I might not be able to accept them 😓
As far as rules go...I do not write NSFW. I am happy to write romance and let things get a little spicy 🔥 but keep in mind I'll always end up fading to black...also no heavy gore, violence, body horror, things of that nature. I am very much a fan of writing whump and hurt/comfort though, so please send those ideas my way!
I think that's all...I hope for this to be something fun to give me a way to try out some new things in my writing and give everyone who has so kindly supported my stories so far something fun to engage with!
Requests are open now! Reply to this post, reblog, or send me asks or messages! I'm excited to see what we end up creating together!
TL:DR: I'm opening prompt requests for short writing/short story practice! Rules in the post above!
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imogenleewriter · 1 year
I have opened up to reading WIPS because of your fics (I love all of them, by the way!!!!!!!). Do you have any others to reccomend? 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Honestly, I hate that WIPs get such a bad wrap. I get it because I hate waiting too, but it's also so exciting to get the email, you know? Like I'd rather get it piece by piece than not at all. I'm not going to make this a pretty post because they won't stay WIPs, but here are some of my favourites! I'm only posting ones that have been uploaded to within the last month, but most have been uploaded to within the last week. I Don't Wanna Face The Music - hereforh / @hereforh Current WC: 24k 3/10 - Weekly uploads. Summary: Louis likes to think he's a pretty normal, typical lad. He likes spending nights at the pub with his mates, he loves football and is very close to his family. So when he moves to London for uni, he doesn’t think much will be different. Until he makes these new friends who are nothing like his mates back home and change his life for the better - and this one boy who messes with his head from the get-go and makes him question everything he has ever thought about himself.
Anything But Awkward - The_Dizzy_Pixie / @dizzy-pixie17 Current WC:91k Ch: 17/? Summary: Harry looked down at the signed album in his hands before flipping it over. He blinked at the sight of the cramped and rather messy handwriting scribbled on the back of the vinyl jacket. When you’re less tongue-tied, maybe give me a call, babes. xx :)  +44 280913 7777 Harry groaned when he walked right into the side of a bus shelter. Louis Tomlinson had given Harry his number. OR The one where Louis's a rockstar, and Harry's his biggest fan. When he meets him at a signing, he's awkward and forgets everything he wants to say to him but Louis thinks he's cute and gives Harry his number.
Babes In Boyland - bananaheathen/@bananaheathen Current WC: 37k Ch: 4/? Summary: The genderqueer parenthood sequel to Of Mates and Men ❤️ In which, Harry and Louis decide to start a family. Or, the one where they all grow up.
The Pros and Cons of Breathing - HelloLovers13/@hellolovers13 Current WC: 50k Ch: 12/19 Summary: Omega Harry has always known he'd be married off someday, so when he's betrothed to Prince Louis, he's anxious about having to leave his life behind, but hopeful for a happy marriage. The hope doesn't last long, with his husband avoiding him at all costs and Harry being left to fend for himself. Can he find happiness even in a broken marriage? everything to lose - stylinsoncity / @stylinsoncity Current WC: 80k Ch: 14/15 Summary: harry is a global popstar who's convinced the world he has it all -- a happy marriage to a devoted alpha, two beautiful children, two grammy awards, three platinum albums, and a budding film career. but some aspects of his image aren't as true as they seem. like the fact he's been separated for over a year, uses meaningless flings to cope and occasionally forgets responsibilities or commitments to his family. he and louis once commanded stages together. they tackled any challenges to their future. and no matter how hard things got, they always returned to one another. harry would always return to louis. until one day, he finds he can't.
Bike Strike - thinlines / @thinlinez Current WC: 62k Ch: 13/14 Summary: What would you do if you saw someone riding your bike, which had been stolen weeks before, across campus? Omega Harry chose to show no mercy. He didn't know it would all lead him to his own demise. The Habit That I Cant Break - Cyantific / @cyantific Current WC:5k Ch:2/10 Summary: While searching for a healthy alternative to fill the void that one habit left, Louis gets hooked on something and someone totally different. This new experience pushes him way out of his comfort zone, making Louis realize he’s capable of so much more than he could’ve ever imagined. Or… The one where Louis quits smoking and tries to get healthy, and Harry is the fitness instructor who helps him achieve those goals while making him sweat in and out of the gym. In which Harry and Louis still meet at bootcamp, just not the one you’re thinking of. Featuring Lottie as the supportive sister that drags her brother to bootcamp class, Louis as the grumpy ex-smoker, Harry as the instructor with exhausting amounts of enthusiasm and one obnoxious pair of yellow trainers.
Addictive Heart - Alwaysinlove /@always-in-love-x Current WC: 91k Ch: 41/? Summary: Louis prefers to be single. He's seen too many relationships crumble around him to want a boyfriend in his life. As a successful singer on tour, his schedule doesn't exactly allow for a relationship anyway. So he has Harry. Beautiful, handsome Harry, who always turns up whenever Louis is lonely or horny. Because Harry is in love with him. Sadly, Louis doesn't do love. Until one day, Harry stops replying to Louis' messages and he goes on a mission to find out why... Two Hearts In One Home - enchantedlandcoffee / @enchantedlandcoffee Current WC: 14k Ch: 3/? Summary: Best friends Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles have been living together for almost 3 years. With Louis' YouTube videos mainly featuring challenges, vlogs, and tutorials, his best friend is unknowingly a common topic on his channel (with his identity hidden) leading his viewers to believe that they are dating. What happens when Harry's childhood friend, Niall Horan, returns from Ireland and turns out to be one of his biggest fans and sends a tweet that turns his life upside down?
On The Horizon - FitzAndLarry / @fitzandlarry Current WC: 169k Ch: 16/? Summary: “Let’s enjoy each others’ company. You’re fit; you’re young; you’re a bloody doctor. You’ve got everything going for you.” There’s a moment of hesitation before Louis plants a gentle kiss atop Harry’s head. “I’ll be whatever you want me to be as long as we’re having fun, yeah?” Drunk, loose, and excited on the first night of his two-week-long cruise, Doctor Harry Styles finds himself with a little extra company on what has turned out to be a lonely experience. Louis, the pilot who helped fly him across the Atlantic, is the object of his fling. Thus begins an adventure filled with laughter, sun, and trauma rearing its ugly head. Deadline on their companionship, the pair commit to enjoying their time - and Harry, the screw-up he is, can't help but lose himself in the fantasy.
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