#this is a big part of why I really try to fulfill all the requests I can
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
AND you did it again, life interrupted is now my favorite AU thank you so much for writing more of it!! Gil is so sweet and Druig just wants whats best for his big sister 🥹 would love love love to see something where Thena is having a Bad Day and Gil is just being extra kind and gentle and soft w her, maybe even it gets to the point where Thena explains what happened to her and why she’s lost her way a bit. Sorry I cannot stop thinking about this AU but as usual anything you write will make me lose my mind with its perfection!!!
Thena sniffed, sitting at Gil's kitchen as he poured her a glass of water. Her hands still had a slight shake to them, even though it had taken them fifteen minutes to walk to his place.
Gil still didn't know exactly what had happened. Just that one minute she was fine and the next she was trembling with her arms wrapped around herself. He had thrown his coat around her shoulders and gotten her home without further incident. He hadn't asked about it yet, either.
From the moment they walked in, all he'd done was whisper sweet nothings and reassurances and been nice and gentle with her. All he'd done was be perfect.
"Hey," Gil whispered as she took a sip without the glass shaking too badly. He leaned his head down to get a look at her, eyes searching for anything wrong and what he might be able to do about it. "Better?"
Thena gulped, nodding. How did she ever find such a perfect soul as Gilgamesh?
"I'm gonna name off a few things," Gil said softly, hovering close but not too close. "You tell me what sounds good, okay?"
Thena nodded again. Maybe she wanted to tell him he didn't have to coddle her. Maybe she wanted to pretend everything was fine. Maybe she wanted to lie down on his floor and sob until Druig came to pick her up.
"Something to eat?" God, no, she couldn't bear the thought of food (not even Gil's). "Nap?...couch?"
Gil smiled as she nodded. He tilted his brows up at her, "want me to carry you?"
Thena's eyes watered, and it seemed as good as a 'yes' in Gil's eyes, because he didn't hesitate to scoop her up bridal style and carry her to his living room. She pressed her tears into his shirt. "I'm sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry for," he said as sure as anything. He sat himself down, letting her curl up against him on his lap. He held her gently, but firmly.
"I didn't want..." Thena trailed off. There were a lot of things she didn't want, and having a panic attack in the middle of their date was definitely pretty high on that list.
"It's okay, Thena," Gil whispered, running his hand over her hair and holding her around the waist. "All that matters to me is that you're feeling better."
Thena sighed, burying her face against his shoulder again. He was perfect--too perfect. "Too good for me."
"No," he was quick to deny. He twisted her hair over her shoulder so he could bury his nose against the side of her neck. "You deserve to be taken care of, Thena."
She wished she felt that way.
"You are so important to me," Gil whispered against her cheek, leaving light kisses there. "I asked you out for the same reason I started saving lunch for you."
Thena pulled away now just to look at him curiously.
He smiled that same smile that had first stolen her heart back in the psych ward. It was warm, and gentle, and even when she'd been medicated to heaven and back, she'd been able to feel her heart beating faster at the sight of it. It was all the medicine she needed.
"I did it to see that smile," he said gently, running his thumb along her jaw line, as if to pull her lips into a smile like smoothing a crease out of a fitted sheet. Her smile did appear, and his doubled in size. "There it is!"
Thena let out a small, shaky, watery sounding laugh. But Gil pulled her closer, pressing a kiss to her forehead to express how pleased he was by it, no matter how fragile it was. She sighed, letting his warmth and the smell of his aftershave swim around in her head.
Gil let her take her time, happy to hold her--to have her safe in his arms. He nuzzled her gently, tapped his fingers against her leg, rubbed her back and petted her hair.
Thena pressed her forehead under his chin. "Druig asked me to go with him to tell our father and step-mother that he wanted--wants to propose."
Gil waited for her to go on at her own pace.
Thena resettled herself in his arms. He was so comfy. "I told him he shouldn't try to involve them, but I imagine he still has some slight desire to feel like a family."
"I agreed to go with him, but our father didn't take the news particularly well. He's always been hard on Druig, and this time his temper was just...I had never seen them like that."
Gil ran his fingers through her hair as her breath hitched.
"They were so angry, and they started shouting," she continued, voice pulled thinner until it was a whisper. "Ajak told them to stop, but it just made it worse. Druig isn't big enough to fight him."
Her sentences were becoming fractured again--something she hadn't been able to completely break herself of after being in the psych ward those three months.
"I was scared," she whimpered, and Gil responded by holding her tighter. "I thought they were going to kill each other."
"You got in between them?"
She nodded, and Gil's hand gripped her shoulder. It was just short of too tight, but she could imagine it wasn't pleasant to imagine for him. "I pulled our father off of Druig, clawing at him. He turned around and..."
Gil sucked in a breath through his nose and held it, but he said nothing. She had more to say, and he wasn't about to interrupt her.
"Ajak ended up calling the police," Thena regained some strength in her voice, deep, deep in the memory of the fateful night. "It was agreed that no charges would be pressed if Druig took some time off work, Father performed some community service, and I-"
"Got checked into the hospital?" Gil asked, sounding more baffled than when he'd guessed she had gotten involved in their fight. "Why were you the only one with that punishment?"
Thena shrugged. "I'm sure they were more likely to believe in my hysteria than their anger."
Gil scoffed.
"I suppose in fairness to them," Thena shrugged, "they did arrive to me telling our father I would kill him."
"Well," Gil shrugged as well to match her lighter tone, "it sounds like he deserved it."
Thena let out another - stronger - laugh. How as he so perfect.? She emerged from the memory to look at him properly. He brushed some hair back from her face and let the hand drift over her cheek. She leaned into his touch achingly. "I'm afraid it's not very pleasant. But that's how I ended up meeting you."
"Well, I hate to say anything good came of that," Gil mumbled, as if sharing a secret with her. "But...I'm still glad you ended up in my lunch line."
She laughed again, smiling through the last of her unshed tears.
"I guess that's pretty selfish of me," he whispered, still looking at her with those eyes and that smile--the only things that would bring her comfort when she was in that hellhole.
"It's okay," she whispered back, "you can be selfish."
Gil closed his eyes as she leaned forward to kiss his cheek.
"That wasn't the first time they'd ended up like that, just the worst of them," Thena continued, somewhat easier now. "I've always been spooked by shouting and loud noises ever since my father's first truly bad display of temper."
Gil just nodded, pulling her head against his again. There had been a scuffle in the crowd outside the cinema--that was what had triggered her. "I'm sorry."
Thena shook her head, pursing her lips. "Every time, I think I can move past it-"
"You don't have to," he gripped her shoulder. "I know you might not like it, but it's a part of you. And we don't have to like it all the time to accept it--that it comes with you as a package deal."
Thena wilted against him. "Are you sure you're not a therapist from the psych ward disguised as a cook?"
Gil laughed, his chest vibrating against her shoulder in a very comforting way. "Guess I've heard enough group sessions in the cafeteria to have picked up some things."
Thena stretched out in his embrace like a cat in front of a fire. She was positively worn out from all the events of the day. "You're perfect."
"No one's perfect," he corrected softly, "but I guess...I really want you to feel like you can be yourself around me."
Gil changed his position as well, lying on his side with her still curled up against him. He budged the throw pillow more under her head than his. "I know we didn't meet in a...traditional way."
What an understatement.
"But," he threaded their fingers together, his breath hitting her face as he whispered, "I want this to work, Thena. I want to be here to make you smile every single day--just once, if you don't want to too much."
Thena laughed, her forehead bumping against his in their proximity.
Gil inhaled, looking like her laughter was something that could be injected into his veins for energy. "Maybe a laugh once a day--it is the best medicine."
Thena, lying on her side, staring at this wonderful, perfect man, shook her head. He blinked at her denial, but she smiled so wide her cheeks hurt, "you."
Gil's eyes slid closed as she leaned forward, touching her lips to his ever so gently. He returned the kiss, soft and sweet as it was--nothing demanding or intense. Just a little exchange of affection. His eyes fluttered open and he had this dopey smile on his face.
Thena let her eyes drift down between them to their connected hands. She flexed them a little, to test if it was really real. But his fingers slid down to clasp around her hand more firmly.
Gil pressed a kiss to her forehead, "tired now?"
Thena nodded, shimmying to properly nestle herself into him.
Gil wrapped an arm around her, letting his hand spread over her back as if that alone could protect her from today and every one to come. "I'll be right here."
Thena smiled against his shirt, drinking in the scent of his detergent and the warmth of his arm around her. "Perfect."
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flowerandblood · 8 months
Guilt | Greed | Grace
[ modern! • Aemond x stepsister! • female ]
[ warnings: sex content, sexual tension, angst, smut, kind of incest but not really, brat taming ]
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[ description: After one night together, he and his stepsister remain amused by the whole situation and that they have taken revenge on their parents in some way. Aemond begins to wonder if his relationship with Alys makes sense when their parents decide to go away for the weekend and leave them alone at home. The power of angst, ironic, bitchy Aemond. Anon request. ]
Part 1 − Rage | Revenge | Relief Part 3 − Pride | Promise | Price Part 4 − Blame | Betray | Bliss
Series & Characters Moodboard
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
My other works: Masterlist
After what they had done, they both began to fall asleep in his bed, exhausted after their physical exertion and fulfilment. His stepsister woke up before dawn − she slipped out of his embrace and stroked his hair before she left, quietly closing the door behind her.
He surprised his mother and the rest of the family by coming down for breakfast in the morning; Criston stood up, startled, and walked over to him, extending his hand to him. He shook it, trying to hold back a grimace of satisfaction.
"Criston. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." He said with the clear hope that he had finally broken through, that there would no longer be such a tense atmosphere in the house.
He looked at him forcing himself not to smile.
I fucked your daughter yesterday, Criston.
And it felt so fucking good.
"Aemond. Me too." He said low and matter-of-factly, turning away from him even though he could see he wanted to say something more, surely to ask how his studies were going or what he was planning to do today.
He sat down at the table taking a seat opposite his daughter, who for a brief moment pretended to be extremely focused on cutting pancakes with jam. He looked at her expectantly, waiting for her to take a bite into her mouth and swallow it, and she finally lifted her gaze to him.
"Hi." He hummed and she pressed her lips together, her eyebrows arched in amusement − she was all red, her innocent embarrassment making him feel a pleasant warmth in his lower abdomen.
"Hi." She whispered, immediately leaning over her pancakes, trying not to laugh, and he reached for the toast with a smile of satisfaction.
His mother and Criston watched them with astonishment, Daeron being the only one who seemed to notice nothing and simply ate his cornflakes with milk, surely focused with his thoughts on some test that awaited him at school.
"Why are you laughing? Is something wrong?" Asked Alicent, clearly amused herself, suspecting that this was clearly not the first time they had spoken.
She and he shot each other a quick glance over the table − she didn't seem terrified and he figured she wouldn't mind if he played with the situation a bit.
"Nothing. Something funny just happened yesterday. Right, kid?" He asked indifferently, throwing her a defiant look, biting into his toast with a loud crunch.
She almost choked on the sip of tea she had just taken from her mug in the shape of a dog's head and looked at him with big eyes, hearing her pet name that he had used earlier in the night.
He thought with amusement that her mug fit her perfectly.
"Yes. Very funny." She muttered wearily, pressing her lips together and quickly taking another bite of pancakes, trying with the last of her willpower not to smile or laugh, looking at him pleadingly.
"Don't you want to tell your daddy what you did?" He asked ironically and she burst out laughing, looking at him with her eyebrows raised high, accepting his challenge.
"Maybe you should brag to your mum about what happened first." She said defiantly and lightly, taking a loud sip from her cute doggie cup, and he bit his lip, deciding that he probably needed to say enough so as not to overdo it.
"I see that whatever happened you two quickly found common ground." Said his mother with a sort of expression of contentment and relief, as if she understood from all this that something funny had happened in their absence which had made them, willy-nilly, grow closer to each other.
In a way, it was true.
In a way.
"Yeah. We got closer." He said lightly, and she just threw him a calm, happy look without saying anything else, eating the rest of her pancake contentedly.
"Okay, I'll drive Daeron to school and come back to drop you off at the university, okay?" Criston asked her, but before she could answer anything he interrupted him with a word.
"Big brother will drive his little sister to school. Get yourself together, I'm leaving in ten minutes." He hummed, putting the rest of his toast in his mouth, walking over to the machine to make himself a quick coffee. Criston wanted to protest, saying there was no need, but his daughter ran quickly to get her backpack without even listening to him.
He drank his coffee and started to put on his shoes, waiting for her when his mother came up to him, an expression of gratitude on her face.
"That's very kind of you, Aemond. Thank you for trying, you don't even know how much it means to me. I know it's hard for you, but…"
"Mhm. Ready?" He asked completely uninterested in what she was saying to him, noticing his stepsister behind her − she quickly put her trainers on her feet and nodded.
They moved to his car, which he opened remotely with his key, and settled comfortably in their seats, buckling their seatbelts. He turned on the engine and played a Guns N' Roses record, backing out of the driveway, neither of them speaking to each other as they drove.
He caught a glimpse of her out of the corner of his eye as they stood at the traffic lights − he looked at her dress, light, girly, revealing part of her thighs, on top of which she had thrown on a thick, short, light-coloured jumper fastened at the front with big buttons.
It seemed incredibly fluffy to him, from a distance he could sense that it smelled like a pleasant laundry softener.
He shuddered when a driver in the back honked at him, frustrated that he hadn't moved off despite the green light being on. He looked in the mirror, furious, driving off with a squeal of tyres.
"Fucking old prick. Where the fuck is he in such a hurry?" He growled more to himself than to her, but felt her glance back at him with a smile, twisting in her seat, hugging tighter her material backpack lying on her lap.
He felt odd about the fact that she hadn't spoken to him the whole way − for some reason he had a feeling she would flood him with questions about what had happened between them last night, or who he was, what he did for a living, if he had anyone.
He parked in front of her faculty without turning off the engine, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye; only then did she look at him, her eyes big, her gaze calm, her face gentle and full of some kind of gratitude and understanding.
"Thank you very much. Have a nice day." She said softly and he swallowed loudly, looking at her with his jaw clenched.
"… you too."
He watched with indifference as she unbuckled her seatbelt and walked out, closing the door behind her, running towards a group of people, a couple of guys and one girl, hugging them one by one.
He licked his lower lip wondering if any of these boys had fucked her before him and rolled his eyes, deciding he didn't give a shit and drove off, not wanting to be late for his own classes.
He sat in the ancient history lectures thoughtfully, unable to concentrate on what his professor was talking about despite it being his favourite class.
He had already managed to get a few messages from Alys − she was asking him when they were going to meet again, sending him a picture of herself getting ready for work, saying that last night had been wonderful.
He stared at her messages with a blank stare, thinking only of the fact that he had been dating her for several months, and was only able to think about Criston's Cole's daughter.
About her warm, tender hands holding him close to her body, stroking his hair, neck and back with her soft fingers until he fell asleep while being still deep inside her.
He felt a sort of tightening in his pit, a discomfort, an unpleasant sense that something was wrong; he ran his hand over his face, sighing quietly, putting his phone aside and closing his eyes.
He didn't know himself what he thought of this relationship.
He felt that he had got into it because it was his way of taking revenge on his mother, because it allowed him to get physically off, to feel mature, to feel desired, to have somewhere to run to.
But now that his final revenge was done, now that he felt he had his mother and Criston in his grasp, that he had mentally regained control of the situation it all lost its meaning.
He felt nothing for her.
He wasn't even sure if he really liked her.
He felt some kind of shame and embarrassment at the thought that he had devoted months of his life to someone who was so indifferent to him, fucked her for hours like some kind of animal.
Looking at his stepsister, he felt empty, because she was full of everything − warmth, peace, understanding, joy, courage, humour.
Everything he was missing.
He decided to take a break from Alys for the time being and focus more on his studies, which he had neglected in recent months; he pretended not to listen at all if and when Criston's daughter came home, if she went out in the evening or not.
He noticed with interest that she had caught a close relationship with Daeron very quickly, being able to give him what he was unable to − she listened to his childish problems at school when they ate dinner and gave him advice as if he were an adult.
She was the only person besides Daeron he spoke to when he passed her or if they were at the table together − she usually asked him to hand her something, or asked if he would pour more water in the kettle so she could make herself a cup of tea too.
He was used to dropping a bag of Earl Grey into her doggy mug; each time she looked at him gratefully when he handed it to her already poured with boiling water.
"Thank you."
He would sometimes see her sitting on the sofa in the living room watching TV, texting with someone on her phone and involuntarily wonder if she was in love with some boy.
For some reason he felt discomfort at the thought, as if he had really stepped into the role of her older brother and wanted to know who she was talking to and where she was going out.
Of course, he would never dare to ask her about it and kept his frustration to himself.
She didn't impose on him or try to talk to him by force knowing it was pointless, something his mother and Criston couldn't comprehend, barraging him with questions he didn't feel like answering.
Some part of him was curious about her, about what she had read and what she had listened to, about what she thought about it all, what she thought about him.
From that day on, he drove her to her classes every morning even when his started much later just to be alone with her for those few minutes.
He once dared to put his hand on her thigh as they stood at the traffic lights, unable to contain himself any longer, stroking her soft, smooth skin with his thumb.
He felt a shudder pass through her, felt her looking at him, but didn't dare reciprocate her gaze fearing what he would see in it.
Disgust, condemnation, mockery, sympathy.
He swallowed hard when he felt her fingers gently stroke the skin of his hand and did so until they reached the car park.
Only then did he look at her with an indifferent, cold stare hearing only the loud pounding of his heart in his ears.
She looked at him with that warm look of hers, the worry on her face coming from some kind of tenderness and affection.
He touched her cheek, her full lower lip, soft and shiny, and she parted it slightly. Driven by some strange, natural reflex, he slid his thumb deep between them, her pupils dilated, her flesh clenched on his finger, sucking it.
He felt it in his cock so hard that he flinched.
He pulled her to him by the nape of her neck in one sure movement, pressing his swollen lips to hers in a wild, loud dance of tongues, teeth and saliva − she threw her arms around his neck, his fingers sliding into her soft hair.
His hand was already sliding down her body between her thighs when they both gasped and pulled away from each other, hearing someone approach the car beside them − he involuntarily licked his lips feeling her wonderfully sweet taste.
She looked at him with wide-open eyes, her breathing sped up and uneven, making the glass on her side steam up.
"See you at home. Have a good day." She mumbled warmly unbuckling her seatbelt and walked quickly out, closing the door behind her.
He ran his hands over his face and slammed the dashboard of his car with all his might, furious at himself for being so desperate.
He kept repeating to himself that this was only supposed to be one time, a simple fun, sweet revenge, but nothing more.
She was a good kid, she wasn't to blame for the situation between Criston and his mother, he didn't want to hurt her.
However, what he felt in his trousers told him exactly what he thought of her and what he wanted.
The worst part was that it didn't look like she was going to stand up to him if he came to her to take it.
He sighed heavily, recognising that they were both fucked up, though she was certainly less so than him.
At least she wasn't a fucking sociopath.
During his lectures, he realised that his mother had texted him a few weeks ago the phone number of Criston and his daughter in case he needed something from them, had to leave them the keys to their house or just wanted to contact them.
He knew that his mother and Criston had decided to take a weekend away to relax together from all that was going on, and Daeron had taken the opportunity to spend that time with his favourite friend.
He felt throbbing in his trousers at the thought that they would be staying home alone.
That they could fuck all night long if they wanted to.
He licked his lips, wondering with a pounding heart whether to show desperation, whether to text her or not.
Since he had her number, she had his too.
After a few hours of pondering, he gave up, deciding that he couldn't take it any longer, that he needed to talk to her, to make sure she was thinking about him too.
After all, it was impossible for what they had done to be completely normal and meaningless to her, wasn't it?
Once the decision was made, he felt some kind of excitement. He wrote her into his contacts as Little Sister 🐶 with a smile of amusement and after a while sent her a message with his heart beating fast.
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He shuddered when after a few minutes he saw the new notification on his phone, unsure if he wanted to read it, feeling horrified at the thought that she might have thought he was a pathetic little boy craving her attention.
He unlocked his screen after a moment and went into the messages with his heart beating fast and his throat clenched.
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He felt relieved at the thought that her answer was perfectly normal, without a trace of mockery or discomfort − for some reason, the fact that she answered him pleasantly flushed his ego.
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He stared at his screen with his heart beating hard, tapping the side of his cheek with the tip of his tongue, feeling the heat in his lower abdomen at the thought that he might be able to spend the night with her again.
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Although he hadn't been home for dinner for weeks, this time he appeared back straight after class, startling his mother, who looked out to him from the kitchen.
"Aemond! I thought it was Criston. How good you are here, will you eat with us before we leave?" She asked softly and he shook his head, taking an apple from the bowl on the table in his hand, running up the stairs and locking himself in his room.
He didn't feel like sitting there looking at his face.
He heard the sound of the front door opening, the voices of Criston and his daughter, from which a shudder went through him − he felt excitement and some kind of anticipation.
He was browsing the internet on his phone, eating the fruit he had brought with him with a loud crunch of flesh, when suddenly Alys started calling him.
He stared at the incoming call from her chewing slowly, wondering if he should pick up and think of something quick, say he felt bad or just admit that it all made no sense.
He did nothing feeling his heart pounding and sighed heavily when he got a text message from her a minute later.
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He decided that keeping her in the dark was cruel even for him, so he decided to write her back.
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He sent her a reply, sighing loudly, and rolled his eyes when the message from her popped up practically immediately.
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He pressed his lips together feeling an unpleasant squeeze in his chest − he was sick to his stomach at the thought that they might be getting back together again, but it wasn't her fault.
It was him.
All he had left was shame.
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He wrote back quickly and blocked her number so that she could no longer send him any messages or call him.
He thought that only this would make her realize that he was serious.
He shuddered when he got another notification of a new message and thought she had written to him from another number, but was surprised to see that someone else wrote to him.
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He got up immediately, walking out of his room, running lightly down the stairs, seeing her searching for something on his TV with the remote, probably looking for a movie already.
She was wearing a top with characters from The Lion King and shorts, her hair loose, pretty and shiny, its dark curls falling over her shoulders.
"If we start now, we might be finished by five in the morning." She said with amusement and nodded at the table top. "If you want, unwrap the crisps and put them in the bowl. Shall I spread out the sofa so we can lie down comfortably?"
She asked, looking at him questioningly, getting up from her seat. He nodded, opening packet after packet, pouring their contents into plastic bowls, trying not to think about her naked stomach, her nice long legs and the fact that she wasn't wearing a fucking bra.
They brought a couple of glasses, bottles of drinks and bowls of crisps close to each other and spread out comfortably, covering themselves with blankets and laying their heads on the big soft pillows she had apparently brought for them from upstairs.
They watched the first fifteen minutes focusedly, paying amused attention to scenes that had become memes − he pressed his lips together when he felt her lay her head on his shoulder, her hands embracing his arm, he could smell the pleasant scent of her shampoo.
He took a loud sip from his glass, trying not to think about the fact that he had been completely hard for about half an hour, that he felt like he was about to go fucking crazy because of her.
His hand under the blanket involuntarily slid down to her bare legs, running it up her knee; he felt her flinch, but instead of moving away she pulled closer to him.
He bit his lower lip feeling his heart pounding hard as his fingers slid between her thighs, teasing her through the material of her shorts in slow, circular motions.
He felt her press her body tighter against his shoulder, her hips began to rock to the rhythm of his hand, a quiet, blissful sigh escaping her lips that told him everything.
He pressed his lips together holding back a groan of surprise as her small hand slid down to the bulge in his trousers, her fingers began to press against his erection, massaging it up and down in a calm, slow motion.
He squeezed his eyes shut, feeling that he was terribly hot, the dialogue from the film seemed to him to be just background and he had completely lost interest in it.
He looked up at her with his lips slightly parted as she rose and with a light, sure movement pulled her top off over her head − he immediately reached to the belt buckle of his trousers to undo it when she took off her shorts and underwear, no sign of shame or embarrassment on her face, only shy smile.
She sat on top of him without hesitation as soon as he slipped his boxers down a little, stroking his scarred cheek with her warm fingers, placing her other hand on his shoulder to keep her balance.
He guided his swollen cock, throbbing with impatience, to her entrance and licked his lips, dry with desire, feeling that she was already all wet. She slid it deep inside her with ease, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
He groaned low and tilted his head back, panting along with her as she began to rise and fall on top of him, stretching her fleshy, hot walls with his fat length, feeling how wonderfully tight she was, how loudly her naked body slapped against his.
"− fuck, little one −" He gasped helplessly, desperate, with sure thrusts impaling her on himself; she mewled sweetly, her hands slid under the material of his black Tshirt and brushed across his naked chest, making him shiver.
He ran his hands over her buttocks, her back, her waist, wanting to savour the feel of her bare skin under his fingers, until finally he grasped her soft, plump breasts in his hands, teasing her hard nipples with his thumbs.
She gasped as she felt it, her walls clenching against him making them both sigh helplessly, speeding up − she slid her hand into his hair and kissed him, her lips so warm, her tongue so wonderfully moist, that he purred loudly into her mouth.
"− it seems you have missed me, big brother −" She cooed warmly, innocently, stroking his neck, hair and cheeks, looking at her so closely he could see how pink, puffy and glistening her lips were.
He felt his cock throb hard at her words and began to thrust it into her faster, clamping his hands on her waist and on the back of her neck, sitting up so that her whole body was pressed against his, his face at the level of her chin.
"− me? − you're fucking leaking, kid −" He scoffed with a grimace of amusement, moving inside her more aggressively, forcing her body to fit all of him in, deliberately sliding into her with lewd, loud click of her moisture, a pathetic whine escaping her lips.
"− look what you did to your big brother − how fucking hard he is because of you − have you no shame? −" He hissed and she sobbed with an expression on her face as if she was very sorry to have disappointed him, her lips parted slightly, a moan escaping from them each time his thighs slapped against her buttocks again, her breasts bouncing lightly.
"− I didn't mean to −" She mumbled with difficulty, embracing him with her arms − she gasped and moaned when he pressed her against him and grabbed her breast in his mouth, sucking and licking her nipple for a moment, releasing it with a loud plop.
"− you didn't mean to? − putting on that fucking slutty top without a bra? −" He growled and bit her neck − she sobbed and whined loudly, clenching her fingers painfully tight on his back and hair, letting him fuck her as fast and hard as he wanted.
"− I'm − I'm sorry −" She mewled as if she really felt guilty, cuddling her face into his temple, trailing her warm, puffy mouth over his cheek until their lips clung to each other again in a greedy, sticky kiss, his hips spreading her wide on his thick cock with quick, sure, deep thrusts.
"− you need to be taught a lesson, hm? − you need to be fucked more often so you'll behave properly −" He exhaled and she nodded her head as if she dreamt of nothing else, their lips and tongues rubbing and brushing against each other in moist, dirty kisses, he could feel her walls squeezing him faster and faster, that they were both on the edge.
"− yes − yes, yes, please, oh-fuck −" She mumbled and tilted her head back with her mouth parted wide as her body trembled in strong orgasm − she tried to push him away, moaning loudly, but he held her close, fucking her brutally through her peak until he came inside her with a loud sigh of pleasure, his warm semen filling her insides.
"− that's it − take it − take your brother's cum like a good girl −" He breathed out into her mouth, with thrusts of his hips pushing his seed deep inside her, her hands stroking his hair and back, their bodies all sweaty and hot.
He fell backwards, leaning back against his pillow, laying with her in a semi-prone position, breathing loudly as she did, their fingers trailing over their bodies as if they were blind and wanted to remember what they had done with senses other than sight.
"− fuck − oh God −" He gasped, completely relaxed and satisfied, lazily opening his eyes, looking at the screen again, noticing that by some miracle the action had moved to Rivendell.
They both inhaled loudly when the light in the driveway turned on, and after a moment they heard the sound of a key turning in the lock.
They looked at each other in horror, his stepsister quickly got up from him with a loud splat of his cock against his stomach, grabbing her underwear, shorts and top.
He stood up zipping up his trousers, wanting to give her a bit more time occupying whoever came in, fixing his hair in the mirror and suddenly Daeron walked in, all weepy. He swallowed loudly in relief, looking at him in disbelief.
"What happened?" He asked, trying to hide the tremor in his voice and the loud pounding of his heart. Daeron shrugged his shoulders.
"Nothing. Thomas is not as nice as I thought. He only gave me his worst toys to play with and we only played the games he likes." He mumbled pulling off his shoes − he licked his lips, glancing quickly over his shoulder, hearing the rustling of the fabric, looking back at him.
"And what are you doing? Watching The Lord of the Rings?" He asked curiously, apparently hearing the dialogues, going deeper − he wanted to stop him and went after him, but their stepsister was already sitting on the blanket, dressed as before, only slightly more red, scared and smiling at the same time.
"Hi. Yes, we are watching The Fellowship of the Ring. Do you want to join in?" She asked softly and he nodded wiping his cheeks, pulling his backpack off his back and laying down next to her, taking a handful of crisps in his hand.
"I'm going to go to the toilet for a while, you keep watching." She mumbled, and he led her away with an amused look, thinking only of the fact that, sure enough, his semen was just running down her thighs.
She came back after a few minutes and lay down between him and Daeron, slipping under the blanket, his hand immediately going to her thigh − he felt her flinch and swallow loudly, her fingers slid down to gently stroke his bare skin.
They gave up after watching the second part, deciding that they would finish together the next day, and covered themselves with a shared blanket, with the other enveloping Daeron, who had already fallen asleep a few hours earlier.
He embraced her from behind, deciding that he didn't give a shit if his brother woke up and saw it, or if he told their parents about it.
All he was focused on was the pleasant warmth of her body and the smell of her hair, his nose pressed into the hollow of her neck, her fingers entwined with his.
"− wanna be my girlfriend? −" He hummed softly into her ear, just thinking about how both wonderful and fucked up this vision of a relationship was.
She nodded silently, wrapping herself more tightly with his arms, pressing her back and buttocks against his body − he could feel that she was smiling. He murmured contentedly and snuggled into her closing his eyes, finally falling asleep.
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @randomdragonfires @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes
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arriansarchive · 1 year
Harry potter being an absolute brat (while trying to be subtle in front of your friends) but you can see through his act, so you need to put him in his place... maybe with degradation and edging involved. I love your writing btw :)
Sub!Brat!Harry Potter/Dom!Male!Reader
I hope my take on this is suitable because I really love the prompt
You didn't specify gender, so I made reader a guy
More eighth year shenanigans
Words: 1389
Reader I guess is a Gryffindor in this? It could be seen as any id think
Please if anybody else actually sees this; I'm begging you to request. I love peoples requests. I need to fulfill my duties
I got my amazing friend's help on this with deciding some things, so he is now a part of Arrian inc. (bad joke yes)
And anon I'm sorry but this might not seem like Harry's being subtle or anything I just didn't know how to incorporate that
I might've bent your request a little. I'm really sorry, but it turned out in an orgasm denial after edging
Okay okay ur great anon thank you sm
Oh also I've upgraded and I said cock one time in this story. Be proud of me
Summary: It is up above this for the basic rundown
The big halls of Hogwarts seemed more empty than usual as you walked down with Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Neville.
You all were talking about the new Herbology assignment. All of you meaning Hermione, Neville and you with Harry putting in a snide comment to you ever once in a while.
To any other person it might seem like he was in a bad mood or didn't want to do the assignment, but you knew it was something different.
"Y/N, what plant are you going to do your project on?" Hermione asked.
Harry decided to snicker and say, "He's probably just going to cheat off of you again."
You looked at him with a puzzled expression. You had never cheated off of Hermione, and she knew that well. You were a top student too after all.
This comment just made curiosity as well as a little anger spark in the bottom of your stomach. You wondered why he was acting like this.
You had known Harry since first year, and he admitted he was in love with you in your fifth year. Neither of you have told anybody yet, though. You pushed it off as just waiting for the right time, but now your not so sure.
"Harry, what are you talking about? He's never cheated off of me, and I know that because he doesn't need to." She cocked an eyebrow at him.
"He's just the type."
You decided you've had your fill of Harry's nonsense and tried to confront him. "What's your deal? I'm right here."
Harry just looked at you out of the corner of his eye with an evil, sinister smirk present on his face.
Neville apparently started to feel the awkward tension and stuttered his goodbye before going into the library, Hermione following. Ron made an excuse that he was heading to the cafeteria for more pumpkin juice made by the elves and split as well.
"Now it's only you and me, so you can tell me now." You opened a door into the abandoned boys bathrooms, ducked in, and locked the door.
He looked at you with venom in his eyes, but there was also something you couldn't place. His expression looked uncomfortable.
"I don't have anything to tell you." He spat.
You finally felt your patience give out, and you shot forward and pinned him to the back of the empty wall. It was kind of disgusting in that bathroom, but it would have to do.
"I'm getting sick of this bratty ass behavior. Can you just tell me already?" You leaned into his ear, so he could hear your lustful whispers.
He chuckled that ended in a small whine whenever you reached your hand down into his black pants and pulled his waistband to snap back onto the flushed skin.
"Is this really what you wanted that entire time?" You sneered, scoffing whenever he nodded. "You really can't keep it in your pants for a walk to our dorms?"
"It seems not." Harry shrugged under your intense grip.
"Don't sass me, whore." You hissed.
He bit his lip harshly and tried to snake one of his hands under your belt and into your uniform, but you swatted it away.
"What the hell?" Harry's eyebrows furrowed.
You stared at him intensely. "Get your cock out if I have to do this."
"Make me."
You pretended to ponder over this for a moment before diving in and biting him hard on the neck. You like to think vampires aren't real, but if they were you definitely have some genes in you.
He groaned out and struggled to get one of his hands free. You realized he was reaching for his wand, so you let one of his hands go.
Harry gripped his wand with shaking fingers. "Silencio!" He called out, his voice trembling.
You heavily doubted that anybody would hear or try to come into the lonesome bathroom, but you were glad that he actually thought about it since you didn't.
You took the wand roughly out of Harry's hand and threw it down on the sink beside him.
"Now take it out or else I'll leave you here like this. I would've been much nicer if you had just waited" You said angrily.
He obliged this time and pulled his pants and boxers down to his thighs. He winced at the cold and clammy bathroom air hitting him.
You grabbed a hold on him and stroked up and down quickly. You swore you saw Harry's eyes roll back into his head.
"Fuck, Y/N." He muttered.
He twitched in your hand a few times, beads of pre-cum leaking onto your hand slowly. You raised your hand in front of his face and with your other you forced his mouth open and shoved your wet fingers in. He whined through at the loss of friction.
He gagged around your fingers a few times before you took your hand out, a string of saliva threading yourselves together.
"You think that'll suffice?" You ask and held up your hand for him to see.
He nodded furiously and tried to shove your hand back down to him, but you ripped your hand away from him.
"Fuck this, Harry." You said, wiped your hand on your shirt, and walked to the bathroom door.
"No, please!" He shouted after you.
You unlocked the door and walked out briskly. The rapid footsteps behind you signalled that he had put himself away, and he was coming to find you.
That only made you walk faster.
Now, you had no intention to actually leave him that way. You just wanted to make him work for it (and embarrass him for it).
He pleaded after you, but you refused to listen to his desperate begs until you both got to your dorms.
The stairs seemed to take forever, and you were starting to get desperate yourself. Harry finally caught up to you after a few minutes of struggle and began to curse you and your entire bloodline
You reached the common room after five minutes of ignoring him, and you immediately grabbed his wrist to start pulling him to the prefect dorm rooms.
At this time of day the prefects were out doing duties, so you had no doubt that nobody would come in.
"Shut the fuck up." You demanded and started to take his cloak and shirt off.
He grumbled at the buttons that ended up flying off whenever you were doing your relentless heist to get his shirt off but stopped as soon as you bent down.
He was red and seeping, so it excited you to no end. You kissed it, and he moaned lightly. Harry was deathly sensitive from your earlier encounter.
Eventually after licking stripes along the edges and making him beg a little you took the tip in your mouth and sucked vigorously.
He moaned out in practical agony at the edging you were submitting him to. You would drag your lips up and down him painfully slowly.
"Please let me cum, Y/N." Harry whined.
"I will later." You rolled your eyes dismissively.
You hollowed out your cheeks and wrapped your hand around the length that you couldn't quite reach.
He groaned and gripped your hair as you started to get faster, allowing his release to come closer and closer.
He whispered something almost unintelligible if you weren't so close. "I'm gonna cum."
That was your signal to pull off quickly. He watched in horror as it looked like he came, but he didn't feel anything. The white liquid spurted out in globs, but the orgasm never came.
You smiled devilishly at him and stood up quickly. He looked at you in denial at what you were doing.
You kissed him on the cheek lightly, walking away from Harry.
"Hey, where are you going?" He questioned irritatedly.
You shrugged and grinned. "I gave you what you wanted. You came."
He looked on in disbelief as you walked out of the opened door and into the dorm rooms, snickering loudly.
"If you touch yourself at all your going without me for two weeks!" You called.
Whenever you heard him groan in protest, you felt accomplished enough to go down to the cafeteria and take some stuff from the house elves.
Overall, a day well done.
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luvfy0dor · 6 months
hiii feel free to ignore this but can i request sfw alphabets with akutagawa pls 😭 have a good day!!
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke SFW Alphabet ੈ✩‧₊˚
Description; Alphabetical fluff prompts with Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
Warnings; not proof read at all
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A/n; AHHHH Ive always wanted to do an alphabet like this. Sorry if I characterized him weirdly.
A - Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) ★
Akutagawa isn't very affectionate, but he'll absolutely hold hands or lock pinkies with you in public. At home he likes having his arm around your waist while he sits on the couch or in bed with you; touching you in some way reassures him that you are infact there with him.
B - Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) ★
The friendship would have to start in either childhood or the port mafia. Having Akutagawa as your best friend includes him looking out for you. It's not really weird, it just proves how caring he is deep down and how much he wants you to stay around him.
C - Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) ★
He likes it. Depending on his mood he might even verbally initiate it. "I want to cuddle. Sit down and cuddle with me, please." He's rather blunt and he knows you'll oblige 99% of the time, so why not just go for it? When he cuddles, Akutagawa likes laying on top of you, head pressed against your chest while he listens to your heartbeat. Sometimes he'll be the big spoon, but he likes being the little spoon for the most part.
D - Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How good are they at cooking or cleaning?) ★
He's given domestic life a thought and he wouldn't mind it. It's just not something he's outwardly seeking at the moment. Should he fulfill his goals such as proving to Dazai that he's not weak; yeah, maybe, but it's not his top priority. When it comes to cooking and cleaning, he's actually not horrible. I think he can make some basic foods spaghetti or pancakes, but if you're trying to have a fillet mignon for dinner don't rely on him. He's pretty good at cleaning. He knows what chemicals to keep separated and which ones are okay to use together. He dislikes doing dishes though, even if you own a dishwasher he'll grimace while trying to hold bowls in certain ways that won't splash him with water.
E - Ending (If they had to break up with a partner, how would they do it?) ★
If it was a conclusion he came to on his own that he didn't want to be with you anymore, it would be blunt and in person. He'd probably distance himself for a while beforehand while coming to the conclusion because even he knows that it's not something that just happens over night. He would ask you to meet up with him and immediately say something along the lines of "I don't want this relationship any longer. Things between us are done."
F - Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How do they feel about getting married?) ★
He's not going to be in a relationship with someone unless he feels like they're 100% not leaving. He'll be committed to you for sure, though. When it comes to getting married, it probably hasn't crossed his mind. He's not against it, but like settling down it's not his top priority. He can love you just as much without the fancy title.
G - Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) ★
Akutagawa is rather gentle but if he gets worked up he'll be pretty harsh and say stuff he really doesn't mean out of anger. But physically he's pretty gentle for the most part.
H - Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) ★
I think he likes hugs but it takes a while for him to actively seek them out. He doesn't hug you very often, but he doesn't push you away when you hug him. Hugging him is like hugging a thun memory foam pillow that you stuck in the fridge for a solid ten minutes. He's pretty stiff when you hug him, but the more often he hugs you it becomes more natural and flowy.
I - I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) ★
Part of me thinks he would say it way to fast but the other part of me thinks he'd hold off for a really long time. I think he'd say it whenever he came to the realization that he loves you. He doesn't dwell on whether he says it too quickly, he just says it.
J - Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?) ★
He gets jealous pretty quickly. When he is he'll probably confront you about it, but he's quick to take your reassurance for the most part. It's really not about trust but more about wanting your attention wholly.
K - Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) ★
Akutagawa kisses you passionately, sometimes roughly and others as gently as a feather falling to the ground. No kiss is meaningless to him. He likes to kiss your lips and in between your eyebrows. He likes to be kissed on his nose and lips.
L - Little Ones (How are they around children?) ★
Akutagawa isn't terrible with children, he knows how to take care of them. He's not going to willingly play with barbie dolls or matchbox cars though, the kid would have to convince him. He's rather awkward around them.
M - Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) ★
Mornings with Akutagawa probably consist of sleepy cuddling. I don't think he's much of a morning person and definetly prefers to stay in the comfort of you shared bed, under the blankets with him. But, he is the type of man that will share a morning routine with you- brushing your teeth together, skincare (I think if you asked him to do it with you, he would after light resisting), getting dressed, etc.
N - Night (How are nights spent with them?) ★
I think nights are relatively similar when it comes to routines. He would participate with you and when you both slip under the covers he'd probably sit and read for a while before actually settling down and sleeping.
O - Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) ★
Akutagawa, to me atleast, is emotionally an open book. But when it comes to his past he would probably wait a while to reveal things slowly. His past is more vulnerable to him than his emotions he feels.
P - Patience (How easily angered are they) ★
It really depends. He'd have a little more patience when if comes to you, but he's relatively short tempered.
Q - Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) ★
He remembers little details and he absolutely relies on them when it comes to gift giving and stuff like that. He remembers everything.
R - Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) ★
The moment you accepted his confession. He loves it so much because it marks the start of everything. He loves celebrating anniversaries.
S - Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) ★
He's pretty protective, he doesn't want to see you hurt, like any partner wouldn't. He protects you via keeping you away from Port Mafia affairs. Him being protected is tricky because I think it would make him feel kinda weak, but at the same time he might like it once every now and again.
T - Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks) ★
He puts effort into gifts like no other. He really wants to make sure it's something you love and then bashfully watch you open it. His idea of putting effort into dates is making a reservation for a nice restaurant, so in his eyes he puts heaping piles of effort in.
U - Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) ★
He's unintentionally snappy sometimes or he comes off the wrong way. He's also always messing with the thermostat and he leaves laundry in the drier until he absolutely needs the clothes or someone else moves it.
V - Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) ★
He's relatively concerned with them, he likes dressing a certain way and for his hair to be specific lengths, but he's not obsessed with them.
W - Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) ★
No. He can get by on his own, he loves you very very much, but he understands that you're a luxury. He's attached to you but he knows you're not a necessity like water or food.
X - Xtra (A random headcannons for them.) ★
He moves around a lot in his sleep. He kicks and rolls and everything. Some days you might wake up looking like you tried settling beef with Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Y - Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?) ★
He doesn't like unreliable people or liars, if you say you'll do something for him, then he expects you to follow through. If you tell him something, it should be the truth. There's no reason for lying, especially in a relationship.
Z - Zzz (What's a sleep habit of theirs?) ★
He kicks a lot like I said, and he would prefer to sleep with one of those fuzzy, high quality animal print throw blankets than a comforter. He likes to sleep in warm rooms, not too hot not too cold.
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A/n; I'm gonna be so fr I kinda struggled with this one. Akutagawa is interesting to write for but I'm not sure he's my favorite.
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mooncalvin · 1 year
Across the hall (George Russell)
Summary: when you moved in you simply expected to get along with your neighbours, but it seems that the world has something else in store for you. A/n: There will be a part 2!
Words: 2k
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When you moved to London you didn’t have big expectations for how your neighbours would be. You had hoped that you could become friends with some of them, since you didn’t know anyone there. No problems and not being overly loud and inconvenient to others. But you were actually disappointed.
Most of your neighbours were unfriendly or were going their own way, not bothering to even spare a look at you at the lift or the corridors. You had thought that maybe during the arrival some of them would try to introduce themselves, maybe just to make a good impression and to get to know the girl who had just moved into their building. But you were mistaken.
You only knew one person, if that counted as knowing. You had met George Russellg two times so far, once when you had recently moved, in the corridor, when you turned to him to introduce yourself, giving him your name and smiling when he gave you his before turning again to head to his apartment, which was the one beside yours.
The second time, he held the door for you as you carried one big box, struggling to open the main door. He was definitely a gentleman, you noted, but you didn’t know very much more about him. 
Shortly after you discovered that he was a formula one driver, something you could have expected. That night you serpent on the computer, looking for information about him, discovering that he was in fact Lewis Hamilton’s teammate.
He seemed to spend most of the day out of his apartment, probably working or training. You could hear him arrive and go through your living room walls, but the only time it was noisy was when his friends were in his apartment. To say he was mysterious was an understatement. 
You wanted to get to know him, but the thought of starting a conversation with him terrified you. And it wasn’t as if you had any opportunities, not wanting to interrupt him.
You interacted with his sister a few days later. You had been working on a new project in your apartment, all covered in paint. It was a commission someone had asked for, a painting of an intimate moment between lovers.
You were surprised when you heard a knock on your door, you rushed to the sink and then went running to the door. It was a woman who you had seen with George and another guy last week at his.
“Hi” he waved at you “I’m so sorry to bother you but I’m making a cake and I was wondering if you could lend me some sugar?” It seemed a normal neighbourly request, one you would be happy to fulfil.
“Yes! Of course.” you smiled at her.
She stared at you before smacking herself “Oh! How rude, I’m Lily, Alex’s girlfriend, a friend of George, your neighbour. Nice to meet you!” she said as she extended her hand at you.
You shook her hand “It’s really nice to meet you” you said genuinely. “Want to come in while I go for the sugar?” She stepped inside and couldn’t help but look at all the paintings, most of them portraying women and intimacy, but also some landscapes and portraits of your family. She walked to the easel where your most recent work was lying. For some reason you wanted her to like them, maybe to put you in favour with her friend. You shook the thought out of your mind, you really wanted her to like them for the thought of finally making a friend in this town. 
“Did you paint all this?” you turned around and saw her looking at you.
“Uh yeah, most of them, some others are from other artists that I like” you sttutered.
A smile spread across her face “You’re so talented! They are so beautiful!”
Heat rushed to your cheeks “Thank you, that really means a lot to me”. You gave her the bag of sugar and followed her to the doorway.
“Do you work on commission?” she asked.
“Sure, why?” you asked curiously.
“George moved here recently and he is looking for a painting for his living room, he asked Alex and I if we knew about some artist, and well even though he may not be the type to put naked women paintings on his wall I think you could advise him on something”
“Sure, he can come and have a look whenever he wants, or I could send him some ideas if you tell me what he has in mind,” you said, trying not to make a big deal, even though you were shaking internally.
“That would be great, mind if I give him your phone?”
“Yes, no problem” you typed your phone on hers.
“Thanks for the sugar and for everything else, you are a lifesaver!” unexpectedly, she pulls you into a hug “I hope we remain friends”
“I would love that” you answered genuinely. When you closed the door a smile made its way to your face, so happy that you had finally made a friend after feeling lonely for so long. It just so happens to be a bonus that you think his friend is hot.
Lily called you two days later, asking how you were doing and how your artwork was coming along. She also asked you to get coffee with her a few days from then, since his boyfriend (and George) were out for race week. 
Days after getting coffee with her, you saw him collecting his mail as you entered the building. You thought about talking to him about the painting for his house, but you discarded the idea, taking into account that he had your phone number and still hadn’t called you. In a turn of events you didn’t even have to say anything as the second he noticed you he turned his full attention towards you. You stopped, shocked that for some reason he was acknowledging you. You watched as he tucked his mail to the side and strode up to you, his long legs barely needing to move before being directly in front of you. This man was so tall, and by god, he looked good today, all sweaty, probably because of training, something that should be disgusting, but he made it look sexy. 
“Hello, I know it’s been a few days but thank you for the sugar” his lips curved into a shy smile. You felt blush rising to your cheeks, that had caught you by surprise, not having expected him to talk to you over something so trivial.
“Of course, it was no problem! Your friend was really sweet to me, we are actually becoming friends, so I should thank you for that too.” His smile went wider.
“I’m not surprised, Lily tends to have that effect on people.” you saw a light flush to his skin, but it must have been the lighting. There was no way he was blushing while talking to you. “Actually she told me that you are an artist, and that I should see your work. She also gave me your phone number, but I thought it would be weird to text you, since we barely know each other.”
“Yeah, she mentioned something about a painting for your living room.” you muttered shyly. You had thought he wouldn’t even bring it up, since he hadn’t called you.
“I’d love to see it if you let me.” your eyes widened in shock, that meant that he would have to go to your apartment. Where you live. He seemed to take your lack of response as a rejection, so he backed up and blushed furiously. “Forgive me, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, have a lovely day” he turned around and started walking to the stairs.
“Wait, George!” he looked at you again “I’d love you to see my artwork, not many people show interest, so I was a bit surprised”. He seemed to relax and a little smile came to his face. “I have to warn you, some of them are quite… suggestive?” if you were red before, now no one would know the difference between you and a tomato now.
He curled his eyebrow “Well that’s interesting” he said, something you can’t decipher in his voice, that made you clench your thighs, hoping he wouldn't notice.
“Since we are already here, would you like to come and see them now?” you bit your lip, hoping he would say yes. “I can make us some coffee or tea if you like”.
“I’d love that,” he walks beside you as you take your keys and unlock the door so you can enter the apartment. You thanked god you had cleaned the flat that week, otherwise you probably would have died of shame when he saw the mess that normally surrounded you.
“So this is my place” you said “the majority of artwork in the walls is mine, but some is from other artists that I love, you are free to ask about it, I’m gonna make us some coffee.”
Your heart is about to burst out of your chest. You cannot believe that this man is standing in your living room, looking at your paintings. What would you give to throw him into your couch and make out with him now. 
You shook that thought out of your mind and picked the phone to text Lily. George is literally checking out my paintings at my apartment rn.
You continue making the coffee as your phone chimes. Ooo! Sure he’s gonna love them!! They’re good af.
You are going to reply to her text but you hear George calling your name. You go to the living room and notice how he is looking at a painting of two naked women in a river, staring at each other in a not so innocent way. You could feel yourself dying of embarrassment. 
“Did you paint this?” he asks.
“Yes, it’s actually one of my favourites.” you wonder what he thinks of it. Does he think it’s vulgar or disgusting? Is he homophobic, or something? You really hope he’s not, that would be a big red flag. 
You continue picking your nails as he is still staring at the painting, when you notice a pair of much larger hands cupping yours, stopping you from doing it any longer. Your head jerks to look at him. He is smiling. He squeezes your hands “You are really talented” he mutters “These paintings are really beautiful”. He slowly releases your hands from his, telling you that you shouldn’t bite your nails. So far no one has been able to stop you from doing it, but you felt like quitting right now. The noise of the  coffee pot breaks the moment, so you excuse yourself to the kitchen to pick up both mugs. He leaves a bit after finishing the drink, telling you that he has some work to do. When you say goodbye, he not only compliments your artwork again, but also compliments you.
“I’m not really surprised that your paintings are such masterpieces, taking in account you were the one that painted them” que leans forward and leaves a kiss in your cheek “See you later sweetheart” you feel dizzy. Not really believing what has just happened. You closed the door and went for your phone again to text Lily. Would you believe me if I told you I’m obsessed with him?.She answered almost immediately: Totally, I was hoping you would be girl.
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jizzlords · 2 months
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Mam trying to throw this at Ozz because Mam likely bore witness to Ozzie's serious serial dating chapter. that was probably a time where Ozz fucked around more often around the other deadly sins, including Mam. Mam likely has dirt on Ozz. lots of it. what if that's part of why Ozz helped make Fizzbots per Mam's request? money isn't the issue to Ozzie. he's been well off and handled his own just fine for centuries. he only bent because of Mam holding something over Ozz, probably, since he's seen enough.
Mam relied on blackmailing Ozz a lot. a lot of blackmail now has expired but I'm not opposed to giving deadly sins/Mammon rpers the dirt that's still viable lol. but anyway, relying on the blackmail: which is likely why he tried to threaten Ozz with his and Fizz's secret "getting out" but had nothing when Ozz stood on both feet and called it out, himself. ideal? no. but for the sake of freeing himself a little, helping Fizz at the same time... if Ozz didn't have something he wanted to fight for, Mam's threat here would've made Ozz give in.
during Ozz's serial dating era, Ozz was sloppy. he was a tramp. he really lived up to being "embodiment of lust" by fulfilling his own desires. having someone on his shoulder. he was around and spreading sin at the same time. and in that, with not wanting to be tied down to anyone (his title, improving his ring, appearance mattered a lot in forming years), Ozzie fled from a lot of things.
a lot of "responsibility" as in heartbreaks, probably cheated once or "twice" but would say he never agreed to anything (likely one-sided claims! its muddled details there, lots of "he said, she said" it all chalks up to rumors. details I have in mind but Ozz won't let me air those details yet lol sorry)
Ozzie had a chapter of always ghosting. fuck around and dip. he had serious relationships, maybe even something a little more matrimonial. but Ozzie being the slippery type back then, he always found a way to get out. Mam knows this. which is why he taunts Ozzie by saying he's "acting like a big fucking hero". Mam knows the meaning behind those jabs. Ozzie knows, too. but he really stepped into a stronger version of himself by cutting the marionette strings there. yeah, he'll pay for it later. time will tell. and that's something weighing over Ozzie's head currently. he's just stupidly good at playing off his concerns.
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monkeydluffy19920 · 11 months
Quick thoughts about chapter 1031
A little late for the party but been slowly trying to catch up with One Piece. Wano has been quite eventful arc but so far this here became one of my favorite Wano chapters so far.  
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Sanji’s part of the Reasons to love Mugiwaras-series  was written 6 years ago and it focused heavily on WCI arc’s revelations (his past, reasons for his certain ways of behavior i.e sacrifical nature etc.) and we got plenty of answers during the arc and he even received major character developments there. 
There is another thing that was well explained in WCI: why Sanji is competitive around other guys (for example why the bounties always were a big deal for him). I think @movedbento​​​ summed it up in their post: It’s in his childhood, he was always put in comparison against his siblings and was ignored by his biological father. Since he was the only who didn’t have the monstrous superpowers and always ended up being the last one, displeased Judge wiped out Sanji’s existence basically. So, because of the neglection he went through as a child, he has the inner need to be needed and therefore puts his own needs aside and this is what explains the tendency for self-sacrifice. 
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While leaving the Whole Cake island, Sanji got the raid suit capsule and he also fulfilled one his dreams in Wano, being invisible and sneaking around the women’s bathhouse.  First he thought the suit was great but when arriving to this chapter, the problems are stacking up. 
Sanji starts to see the downside of the Germa raid suit and although his durability and fighting skills are increasing inhumanly, he notices that he is turning into his brothers. On top of that there was a beaten woman and obviously he started to hesitate whether he did it under the influence of the suit or not. So, all this leads him struggling with a huge decision, whether to trust on his own skills or becoming a Germa soldier. 
Well, he had very conflicting thoughts about the capsule already the first time he saw it and whereas Luffy and Chopper were super excited about it, the cook even stated that he prefers to get stronger by natural ways, not relying on Germa science
So far, Sanji acknowledges the good sides such as how easy it would be to win Queen or fight against ladies (which has been one of his weak points because it’s against his foster father’s teachings). However, he is also truly afraid of losing  the human side of his (the one that makes him who he is). So. again this dilemma is highlighting his strong traits: self sacrifice and kindness. 
Although he learned in WCI arc that he is valuable and important person, at this moment of hesitation in Wano, Sanji still keeps putting people first by thinking what would his captain want instead of what he himself wants.
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What makes Sanji’s final decision even more meaningful storywise is the fact that it’s reflecting towards one of the main themes of this series, freedom. He got away from his birth family and tried to forget them but eventually bumped into them again and got trapped. Later he got the chance to tell Judge that Zeff is more father to him than the Germa leader ever was  which was a great moment itself but now that he has erased the final piece that links him to their family, I think this was what Sanji really needed when it comes down to character development. 
So, this chapter is basically him finally breaking free for good. Of course this or WCI didn’t magically heal all the trauma he carried inside years that’ll need years of therapy like all Strawhats need but at least now he is on the right track when it comes down on recovering and becoming stronger for his crew’s sake. 
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This alone made this chapter great but also the ending was another chefs kiss-emoji.  Would be cool to see how the original dialogue goes but at least now his request (made because he is afraid things will still still end up with worst case scenario) sounds harsh but on the other hand is completely understandable. 
Most interesting thing is that Oda chose him to ask this from Zoro but somehow he’d be very logical reason compared to other crewmates. Anyway, asking for this kind of huge “favor” tells that no matter how much they bicker in the end, their nakamaship is more than just competing and annoying each other. They have utter trust for each other. 
What tells about their bond as well is that Zoro doesn’t even question Sanji’s request. It’s probably because he knows so well Sanji’s sacrificial nature and that he hates his brothers so much he’d rather die than turn into them. Zoro’s reply is great: basically he accepts the request replying the way he’d be expecting to say but at the same time he  also “ignores” it by telling Sanji he better stay alive no matter what and therefore pushes and motivates Sanji to move forward (because he knows that Sanji will kick Queens ass and just like the others, the cook also has a dream to reach). 
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Anyway, all I can say is, amazing work again from Oda! *thumbs up*
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theoldlesbianwithcats · 3 months
prev anon here: the article is far too long, but i quoted the section. this article is from the 1970s, but it was reprined in this issue on the request of some other reader, so there are women who still think this way.
"HOMOSEXUAL – This word should also, in my opinion, be erased from our language: les-bian language. According to Webster’s Dictionary, the homosexual is one who has, or “exhib-its sexual desire toward a member of one’s own sex.” As has been pointed out by others before,such a definition puts the total emphasis on the sexual aspects of our lives – homosexuals aresimply sexual beings (i.e., resulting in such questions as “What do they do in the daytime?”).Calling ourselves homosexuals almost seems to reinforce the stereotype that lesbians are over-sexed women who will be “cured” (sic) as soon as they meet the man (penis) capable of fulfillingtheir vast sexual desires. Another possible misleading undertone to the word homosexual is theimplication that female homosexuals are attracted to women in the same manner that males areattracted to women. Of course, the primary reason a man is attracted to a specific woman isbecause of her physical beauty, and I doubt lesbians love women solely for their physical charac-teristics. And despite what the general public believes, generally a lesbian who’s attracted tosome woman acts nothing like most men would (i.e., whistle, grab, put the make on, hustle, try toscore, etc.). The term homosexual almost implies that lesbians feel and act like straight men,since both simply “desire” women, but thankfully this is far from the truth. In her book LoveBetween Women, Charlotte Wolff states that a lesbian would more correctly be labeled “homo-emotional” rather than “homo-sexual,” making the important distinction of placing the emphasison the emotional, instead of the physical, part of her orientation. Yes, I enjoy sex with womenmore than I did with men, but that is basically because my emotional relationships with womenare so much more intense and fulfilling than those with men could ever be. It is because of theserelationships that I am a lesbian; I am not a homosexual."
"i am not a homosexual" we know lol.
"homoemotional" really in every generation bisexual women were busy inventing the split attraction model because they simply dont understand that bad or boring sex with men because men are shitty to women does not make them lesbians, preferring sex with women does not make them lesbians.
this whole argument is so dumb i dont even know what to say. its like when you tell TRAs a woman is a female so they respond with "oh so you think woman are breeders?" um no? also how is saying lesbians are attracted sexualyl to women implying they need penis to satisfy them? disgusting and stupid.
i understand why homosexual is the one word all gay and lesbian people are increasingly using, because all these fakers and appropriaters hate it.
Thank you! :)
As always, polilez can't help projecting their own feelings and showing how lesbophobic they are. Being homosexual is being sex-crazed, shallow, etc. and of course they denounce the lesbophobia of lesbians having a supposed male exception... even though they had sex with men and call themselves lesbians anyway (In a way, "abusive men made me a lesbian" / "comphet made me have sex with men" are just negative variants of "lesbians have male exceptions")
In my case, I was thinking of a big proponent of political lesbianism in France and Europe, Alice Coffin, who said in her book Lesbian Genius (right after talking about her ex-boyfriends...): "I am not lesbian because of orientation or attraction, like the wind veers north. Lesbians are not homosexuals."
(Speak for yourself, dumbass!)
So many bi women think preferring women or being disappointed in men makes them lesbians, and they outnumber us so easily that they can enable each other and marginalize us... I've even seen fakebians have an obvious crush on a man and being told by other "lesbians" that its doesn't mean anything and it's comphet! How does that confusion help anyone??
Homosexual doesn't have any ambiguity, which is definitely a good thing, but I don't want to abandon the word lesbian either... (and I think gold star sounds cute!)
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h8t3-d · 5 months
I don’t know if I’m late to this but I finally had time to watch all ever after high videos + movies and the last one was a disappointment. I’m of course talking about the Epic Winter storyline. There were so many things amiss that I had to make a list. Let me start with the lack of main character screentime. Don’t get me wrong, I love when they add in new characters and expand the story like they did in Way Too Wonderland with Alistair, Bunny and Courtly Jester and it was balanced, I never felt like anyone was being shunned from the story. In Epic Winter everything revolved around just the main plot with the same characters and I was kinda looking forward to seeing Apple and Raven more. That on it’s own wasn’t a big issue I just wanted to see more of them because they are my favourites but I was looking forward to learning about this new main cast.
Before I get into rambling about the story I just have to say that maybe this wouldn’t be such a bad episode if it wasn’t after the Dragon Games. I was expecting to see a clarification of why Apple wasn’t woken by Daring’s kiss and see how they dealt with it. If Apple wanted to stay with Daring or choose a ‘different’ path with Darling. That would’ve been great side plot (even though to me that would be the main event).
The story itself was okay, good defeats evil once again and I liked that Crystal’s parents finally learn to trust her and give her leadership powers over their kingdom. Maybe it was a bit weird that right after that they left her to rule alone but other than that the story was fine. Now for the most disappointing part Daring and Rosabella, or mostly for me Rosabella. I didn’t mind her much as a character, she wasn’t even in many episodes so I thought she was chill. At first it looked like she was trying to help Charming with his curse which was nice of her and also helping him with his relationship crisis with Apple. Even though they aren’t dating, obviously Daring cares a lot for Apple and they’ve been pretty close since the beginning, also in Way Too Wonderland when they got cursed and he turned into a coward he clung to Apple as his protector. Needless to say they have a special bond wheter it’s romantic or just as friends. So I was really glad that there was finally a girl that was trying to be nice to him not because of his looks or because she wants something heroic from him but because she was trying to be friendly. Then she started to make him into her desired guy and I think it had a lot to do with him looking like her dad (yikes). It kind of got into Rosabella mommying Daring situation where she would just constantly tell him that he had to stop thinking about himself and think of others which first of all isn’t even true. Daring can be self absorbed but he was shown numerous times through the show as a guy that helped out a friend in need. Also he was very kind to other girls. For instance when he was dared to date Lizzie and ended up enjoying it and after he succeeded to get a kiss from her instead of boasting about it in front of everyone he fulfilled Lizzie’s request to keep it a secret even though it meant he had to wash dirty uniforms of some other guys. Another time was when Farrah was upset because she fulfills wishes of everyone else but never her own so Ashley decided to make her biggest wish come true and make her a ball with prince charming which of course was Daring. He also danced with Cerise when he saw her alone at a dance as an apology for how he acted when he doubted her ability to play with them in a match of Book Ball. So needless to say he is a very kind person behind the charm and people who care about him know that. Which is why it was so confusing and out of the blue to pair him up with the most random character just because he turned into a beast as in beauty and a beast and call it a day. It is also out of place to give him a redemption arc as if he needed it. I also thought it weird that Rosabella acted like she knew him forever even though they just started talking/hanging out. It would have been more acceptable to pair Daring, if not with Apple, with Lizzie or even Cerise because they had some moments together. Instead they forced a relationship onto the viewers.
In conclusion it was upsetting to end the series with Epic Winter and I’m just going to pretend like it never existed.
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omnybus · 2 years
So, a while back, I wrote about how I really appreciate my watchers and commission clients for being so respectful to me, and how I've never dealt with an especially unpleasant client before.
Well, seems I jinxed myself!
The other day I was messaged by someone who asked if I wanted to take part in an unpaid collaborative art project. Normally I would turn down unpaid work, but I figured I might as well hear out what his project was and maybe give it a shout-out to others (I'm too polite; that's my problem). So he sends me a PDF detailing the project in question.
Basically he wanted to make a series of MLP comics starring his OCs along with 20-30 second animations to introduce each one. He also listed several jobs for the members of this project to fulfill: sketching, inking, coloring, cover art, lettering, scriptwriting, character design, prop design, 2D animators, 3D animators... even a "scientist" to help explain the workings of magic and tech in this series as well as "roleplayers" to help with writing character interactions. Like 30+ jobs in total.
While he did give a brief summery of the setting (sci-fi fantasy set 1000 years in the future) and stated there was no set time limit, at no point did he say what the plot of these stories are, how long these comics are supposed to be, how many there were going to be, or really any kind of framework to build off of. Hell, he didn't even name his OCs, let alone provide reference pics. The only thing he offered was the "privilege" of "showcase your own OCs" (which I can already do in my own gallery), "improving your art skills" (which I do literally every time I draw), and the opportunity to "help someone achieve their dream" (no comment).
Overall, everything about this project was incredibly vague and nondescript, and was essentially all going to be made up on the fly every step of the way. I even asked if he had a way to communicate with the other members of this project and all he said was "I have my ways of communicating". Like... why not just tell me? I felt like someone was trying to indoctrinate me into a cult, but they forgot that cult leaders are supposed to be charismatic. It seemed that all he had to offer were a bunch of lofty but nebulous ideas, and this clown was expecting a bunch of people to waste their time and talents helping him write self-insert fanfiction for his OCs and waifus.
But the most audacious part of the whole thing was that included in the PDF was a link to another PDF that was essentially a list of reasons for turning him down, and his explanations on why he won't accept them. They're listed below the cut:
“I’m too Busy, So I have no time to do this.” Reason.
As I’ve explain that Time isn’t an Issue for there is no time limit in my Project.
“I only do Commission’s because I really needed money to pay my Bills and Foods.” Reason.
I’m guessing that you don’t get out much then, surely there’s a Job vacancies around your places somewhere.
“I don’t do Freebies for stranger’s, only Friend’s” Reason.
That’s good rhem because I asked for a Collaboration, NOT a Request nor a Commission for that matter.
“I only draw what I want, I don’t do others and I’m not accepting Commission's either.” Reason.
Then I don’t see what’s the reason or why you posted your Artworks online then for everyone to see, unless of course, you want people to be jealous of you.
“What you just stated IS a Free Project, I’m not wasting my times and patiences for a Project who knows how long that will not help me Pay my Bills.” Reason.
…………, So what’s the problem then?; Please re-read my explanation to know what I mean.
“I appreciate you’ll willing to invite me for such a Big Project but I don’t think my Skills in Artwork’s is impressive enough.” Reason.
If your Artwork’s isn’t impressive enough for me then please tell me these 2 things:
why do you think I invite you to join my Project then?
if you’re that low on confidences about your Artworks, why bother posting it online for everyone to see?
“I just don’t want.” Reason.
Explain specifically and in details why not? please
Which one is your Reason or do you have any other “Reasons” that I miss or don’t know about?
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kikokus · 1 year
Sanji Since the Time-Skip, Part Eight (Chapters 810-813)
…So it’s been almost nine years. I’ve recently gotten back into One Piece and am caught up with the manga again, and since I’ve had some requests to continue this series (and there’s obviously been a lot of Sanji content in that time!) I thought I might as well go and do that!
This covers the few chapters of Zou but there’s actually a lot of great Sanji character moments within those four chapters so it seemed to make sense to keep it as its own section. As before, standard disclaimers apply.
[Part One] // [Part Two] // [Part Three] // [Part Four] // [Part Five] // [Part Six] // [Part Seven]
Let’s see if I still remember how to do this...
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So not only does everyone seemingly accept that Sanji’s the obvious choice to fill the position of captain in Luffy’s absence, there’s actually an entire chapter named after ‘his’ crew which really emphasizes the point that we’re supposed to look at him as taking that leadership role for the time being.
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And, because of that, most of the examples in this part have something to do with Sanji stepping into said leadership role, and that starts here once they can clearly see the city’s been destroyed and Sanji’s first reaction is to leave the others behind where it’s at least relatively safe and go off by himself to make sure he doesn’t put them in any danger.
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Chopper threatens Caesar a lot during this part as well but with Sanji here you can tell how much emotion there is behind his words and how angry he is because at this point it’s not even a request anymore, it’s just an order. I really do like how this is set up because the reveal with Sanji’s new wanted poster being ‘only alive’ is before this, but there’s really no other indication as to what that means and once you find out more about his birth family it makes sense why he’s able to take charge as easily as he does. 
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But for as emotional as he’d been with Caesar, he recovers very quickly here and is the only one to point out that they shouldn’t let their guards down just because it seems like the enemy's gone. Caesar also tries to deter him from deciding to help the Minks by painting them as hostile towards humans and really, all Sanji has to go on right now is Law’s word that his crew is there so he has to make a decision on the spot as to whether trying to save them is a good idea.
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Sanji being observant is nothing new but at least in this case we really don’t see what Wanda’s holding until he warns Nami so it’s revealing it to us as readers, too.
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I like that this is stated so plainly because the last time we saw Sanji he was very adamant about escaping with Caesar and not letting Big Mom get her hands on him since that was the promise he made to Law, but now that Doflamingo’s been taken care of he sees that as going along with the fulfillment of said promise. He’s also obviously weighing the option of whether or not Caesar’s worth all of the potential trouble both to his crew and to the Minks (and being snarky while doing it, which I always appreciate.)
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Though I think he quickly realizes that it’s not quite that simple as just handing Caesar over and being left in peace, and I feel like by this point it’s probably hard to keep track of all the people Luffy’s picked a fight with but Big Mom’s obviously a significant one and Sanji’s not ignoring that.
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This is about the most authoritative we see him when it comes to giving orders and it’s very brusque while also keeping Nami and Chopper safe and shutting down any sort of wild ideas Caesar might have. The focus on the panel of him looking down at Bege and giving that little cocky nod is also some pretty great foreshadowing but has another purpose in showing us how easily he can slip into that sort of role when it’s needed.
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Sanji doesn’t really have to say this because conceivably this negotiation doesn’t involve the Minks outside of Pekoms being there but once again it speaks to his inherent kindness that he doesn’t want to cause them any more trouble after what they’ve already been through.
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This is more just about how well Sanji knows Luffy and knows that he would never agree to becoming a subordinate of one of the Yonko, but at this point I think he’s still trying to find a way for all of them (except Caesar) to get out of there safely. It’s also interesting that earlier we get Brook talking about vaguely about the Vinsmoke family and Nami remembering that Sanji had told them before he was born in the North Blue so it wasn’t as if he was afraid to share that part of his past, but that was as much as he was willing to divulge.
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Sanji’s expressions in this chapter are so telling, and I think it’s very effective considering that we don’t know exactly what’s happening but we can tell from his reactions how serious it is and because he’s not saying anything one way or the other that’s all we have to go on. But this is where it turns from him wanting to escape with everyone to him realizing that, now that he’s been told Zeff’s in danger, that’s no longer an option and it’s more about getting the others out instead. There’s a panel directly after where he lights a cigarette which is a very classic ‘I need some time to think’ move from him as well.
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That little sad smile says so much…he’s accepted his fate and is saying goodbye in the only way he knows how, and I think he’s being honest here: he never intended to hide anything because, for him, he’s left that part of his past behind and cut all ties with his family so he didn’t consider it a factor or something to dwell on but now circumstances have made it impossible to ignore.
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His dialogue goes with what I was saying earlier but I really put this here because it shows him using Observation Haki again and while he can’t say for sure that it’s the Minks, he knows they’re likely the most powerful beings left on the island and he’s willing to take that chance if it means getting the others to safety. I’ll also point out that through this entire section he never even tries to frame it as just ‘getting Nami out’; he wants all of them out of there and goes so far as to hug them (even if it’s with the excuse of making it easier to toss them all out at once).
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Sanji’s definitely taking a chance here but even with the little he’s been told about the current situation it’s one he can afford to take because it’s not as if he doesn’t know what Judge is like and he can already infer that Big Mom has some sort of use for Caesar so threatening him is about the easiest way to make his point and gain the upper hand for just long enough to do what he needs to.
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And I think Sanji’s also banking on Bege being smart enough to realize that, too (which he does) so while there was a lot that could have gone wrong he’s managed to accomplish his goal of making sure the rest of the crew is safe. If you look closely at some of the panels in this section there’s these little double curved lines around Sanji which are usually an indication of trembling/shivering but even though he’s obviously emotional he’s still holding it together enough to at least make it seem like he’s in control.
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I’ve seen some comments that after so long Sanji should know the crew would back him up regardless of what trouble he’s in but Sanji’s nothing if not consistently self-sacrificial and this time, because it’s dealing with a part of his life that’s existed since long before he met any of them, I think he truly does see it as something he needs to do on his own. His smile still hurts me, though.
…And that’s the end of this section! That…probably went on longer than it needed to but I guess it proves that almost a decade later I still have a lot to say about Sanji so please feel free to like/reblog if you found this interesting at all and we’ll…see about working on the next part…
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zeico · 8 months
Long post request: how do you feel about BG3?
I didn't realize a new patch came out on final fantasy for about a week because Baldur Gate o Baldur Gate
currently in act 3 and trying to stock up on shit since I recently cleared out the bank. I'm TRYING to hold myself to not starting a new character until I finish this one but I see so many monk items and i want themmmmm (I have a half elf monk open in character creator right now)
Since I played a lotttt of dragon age origins, parts of the structure of bg3 felt very familiar to me like the camp itself and like how u interact with the companions. Like coming home in a way.
I'm also playing 5e a lot so that part of the structure of it was very easy to adapt to. I do still have trouble with like certain interface things like oh man gotta select the version of the spells BEFORE TARGETTING NO GALE WHY ARE YOU RUNNING TO THEM GET BACK HERE WHY ARE YOU HITTING THEM WITH YOUR 8 STRENGTH BACKED STICK
But its great and I do like the changes made to better facilitate it being a VIDEO GAME. Like I'm a Divination Wizard. My main Thing is portent dice. (There's also detect thoughtsing my way through all social encounters which is SO GREAT honestly scratches an itch I've always wanted to do but it would be such a pain in the ass for tabletop. Like first first ever dnd character I cooked up was an illiterate mind reading sorcerer that like got by through just that. But that would be so annoying to do with like.... PEOPLE AT THE TABLE of like 'so im just constantly getting ur surface thoughts...... i can't entirely control this... i'm sorry....' )
ANYWAY portent dice!!!!! in bg3 they have it at level 6 you fulfill little prophecies to get ur dice back to make the big boss miss their BIG attack or make SURE you hit (or my favorite, make the rogue crit on a sneak attack) instead of having it that when u cast a divination spell u get a spell slot back. since theres so few divination spells especially like using IN COMBAT so I understand the change.
I also like the variety of shit you can do. like my partner is one to summon 9 creatures btw the whole party so theres a small army of creatures following their main party. (also several buffed with mage armor and everyone has a higher level aid cast on them so they also have a decent amount of health its really funni to watch) I like wrote off the summon guys moves because I just dont like to have extra guys usually.
Something I wish I did on my first playthrough tho was simply long resting more I think I fucked myself out of a lot of social link scenes in act 1 bc I straight up didn't rest enough. The game is like 'oh no time is ticking' but things aren't REALLY like that (cept for like... 2 instances I can think of) bc its a videogame and thats fine.
It WANTS you to use all your abilities and not be dum like me and just cantrip my way through most the first act 'just in case i need my slots later' why am i like this. both short and lone rest more and just use all your moves its FINE
speaking of social links and companions theyre all great. I love them all. I DO wish some things weren't like... romance locked it feels??? well more like you HAVE to reject them???? idk I had a scene with gale when he's like 'but we're not THAT close tho' and i felt bad bc like... I want to be wizard friends with you. I'm SORRY I'm so weak to both vampires and elves.
heard some shit about astarion having like so much content compared to all the other companions and man imma feel so spoiled on my playthroughs where i dont smooch the vampire. I do wish everyone else had more scenes too its a shame.
something about bg3 thats HILARIOUS to me personally is that its all like 'recruit allies against the cult' and in another irl campaign im in thats been in hiatus for years but I still hope to come back its REALLY similiar. Oh no a huge looming death cult threat to the city. oh no the city has its own fuckmess of bullshit to deal with. OH NO a shapeshifting killer. Anytime theres strong parallels to that campaign it sparks joy.
A few technical problems I've had tho were around switching characters in and out of the party. like in a building and I wanna run back to camp to tag in someone. Wait why are they on the roof????
Or I tag in someone and WHY ARE YOU CLIPPING THROUGH THE FLOOR? Tbh the game is so enjoyable I just sigh and say "Video. Game." out loud and load a save. Like the last time that was REALLY frustrating is when it just would NOT let me out of a restricted area like please I persuaded u 3 times let me go I was on my way OUT.
Also why do all these 8 strength men have abs. This is Wrong. I'm bad with figuring out the technical shit of modding but holy shit I need them to not have abs.
Anyway I had this and the character creator open for like 2 hours now so Imma start that now.
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lilac-hecox · 8 months
I hope you don't mind/it's not too late for the ask game but curses/historical au antmien 👉👈
So, first thoughts would be something like medieval au or something like that. Anthony is a prince. He's very popular, he's well loved, he's a bachelor and everyone is angling to become the prince's betrothed.
Damien is a blacksmith, he does leatherwork, he's often dirty and covered in grime, etc. He is not as tough as everyone thinks he is, and he also secretly pines for the prince and he knows it is extremely foolish because the prince would never, ever, want someone like him.
Damien sometimes makes blades for the prince and though it is never Anthony that requests them and it's always a servant or like general, or whatever, Damien puts his whole heart and soul into making weapons for the prince. The way he sees it, he's doing his part to ensure nothing ever happens to Anthony.
Then, lets say that Damien also somewhat dabbles in spells because he's close to Courtney, who is a magician's apprentice and she sometimes lends him her books to study. They are hanging out one day when she shows him something her master had recently acquired, it's this really beautiful, black ring, big black stone in it. Damien is entranced, he puts it on, there's a shock of pain through his arm, and whoops, he's cursed.
Lets say that the curse is that if he doesn't have true loves first kiss then the ring slowly, sucks all the good out of him, turning his skin as black as the ring and he'll become a demon or something akin to a creature of the night.
Damien freaks out. Courtney and her master (lmao Garrett?) work together to try and break the curse to no avail. Damien suspects he's doomed. The darkness slowly creeps up his fingers and arm, and he finds he can no longer make weapons as he once did.
When a request comes in that he make something especially for the prince, Damien is heartbroken that he can't fill the request and apologizes. He has his hand and arm wrapped so no one can see the creeping darkness enveloping him.
Anthony, shows up in the blacksmith shop one day to personally find out why Damien won't fulfil his request. "You're the finest blacksmith I've ever seen. Your work is impeccable. I need you." he begs earnest and softly.
Damien is heartbroken that this is their first real conversation.
"I...I have an injury, Sire. I can no longer create as I once did."
and Anthony sees his wrapped arm and he takes it upon himself to bring Damien to the castle to see Ian, the royal doctor. Damien is embarrassed and scared, he feels ashamed and worried what will happen when the prince finds out he's cursed.
Ian finds out quickly, knows that it's a curse, and reports it to Anthony. Anthony talks with him but he's not angry. He's worried.
"Do you know the rules of this curse?" he asks and his eyes are big and filled with actual care.
Damien nods, turning pink, and he explains the kiss part.
"Shall I call forth all available maidens to kiss you? See if one of them breaks the curse."
Damien shakes his head, "It won't...I...there is but one person who has my heart."
"Who?" Anthony asks, his voice soft as he studies Damien.
"You...Prince Anthony."
Anthony goes quiet, and maybe there is a faint blush to his cheeks.
"It is a prince's duty to do what he can for his people...his kingdom..."
Then Prince Anthony leans in and kisses Damien and as soon as their lips meet, there is a white warm glow and the ring breaks, falls to the floor, and crumbles into dust.
The two men are amazed, Damien flabbergasted that the Prince is his true love. They kiss again.
Then Damien gets to marry Prince Anthony and he's the official royal blacksmith but also like future King Consort. And they live happily ever after!
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haohaowrld · 1 year
just remembered I had this account and I have nothing better to do than write :// I am going to be remodeling this account almost completely (adding + removing groups, changing the look of my account, etc) but my requests will still be open!
this list will change as I remake this account but the groups I am willing to talk about or write for are in the (small) list below ❤️ (they don't even have to be full on fics, you can just ramble to me about your favs ❤️ if you wanna talk to me about any other groups, feel free to as well! you can also send me asks on my other account @strawberrickys, but I don't write fics on that account)
I will write and talk about :
boys planet trainees (check below for who I write for!)
xdinary heroes
the trainees I write for are :
yoon jongwoo
chen kuanjui
cha woongki
oh sungmin
na kamden
I am not caught up at all with any seventeen content, and have not been as interested in them as of late, but I am in cwc and I must fulfill my duty /lhj
with that being said, I am not going to prioritize seventeen as urgently as I used to. seventeen has been a huge part of my kpop journey and they always will be, and I think that is a big part as to why I still want to write for them.
I feel that this change was expected, especially with my unnecessarily long hiatus, but as I said, I have nothing better to do right now, so please please please send some stuff in!
oh, also! I will try anything except for smut if it's requested (I'll allow suggestive, but that's really it. suggestive for 18+ only, as well.)
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ecargmura · 6 months
Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective Episode 12 Review - Accepting Spitz's Request
If you look really closely at the opening, you can see that it has updated to include the culprits from the Mad Chameleon cases; they are where Torage is. Anyways, other than the opening update announcement, the penultimate episode is the first of two parts where it revolves around the promise Ron and Toto made to Spitz back in Episode 4. I’m glad that the season is ending on fulfilling said promise by looking into where Spitz’s missing family is.
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Spitz has been a big asset to Ron and Toto, so it’s time to pay back the favor. However, Ron is a fan of equivalent exchange. If he were to help Spitz, he need something in return: specifically the unaltered version of the Bloody Field Training incident that was kept hidden away years ago to conceal crucial information about the truth. It’s held in a very secretive location in BLUE and Spitz is one of the few who can access it, given that he’s the tracking specialist and probably the best tracker in the story; he even bugged Toto’s phone without his knowledge! Spitz’s hesitation caused Toto to berate Ron for coming up with such a thing; he’s practically Ron’s conscience at this point—the good cop to Ron’s bad. Toto being good cop moved Spitz so much that he decides to accept the offer; I just hope he will be able to pull it off—that request is practically making Spitz Ron’s mole. What will happen if BLUE catches him stealing the files? Expulsion? Death?
Spitz’s missing family is his brother, Shepherd Feier (according to the end credits) and he was last seen in Yamanashi, a rather rural town in Japan eleven years ago. His brother was an ethnologist. Yamanashi is a rather intriguing place where the villagers believe in Yatogami, a snake god and the one Spitz’s brother was researching before his disappearance. Every villager is an devout believer and it is also the cause of the crime. Though, I do have this feeling that Mii might know where his brother is as her words towards Spitz, “Why are you here?” sounded surprised as she did gasp before realizing it was Spitz. Shepherd had vanished in this village eleven years ago. If Spitz had been coming to this village very often, she wouldn’t be that surprised to see him; meaning she probably knows where he is. Too bad it probably won’t be brought up until after the murder mystery is solved; I just hope my hunch is correct.
Onto the topic of the crime, I have narrowed down to two suspects. First is the mayor. He just seems a bit suspicious, you know? There were a lot of close ups on his face that seemed as if he was aware of the murder happening; he was also the one who arranged the social worker to stay at the guest house. He also could also have used Yatogami as an excuse for murdering the man in a way? Maybe. My second guess is Muroi, the curly haired ethnologist. He was away from the crime scene but that could make him even more suspicious. Next week is the finale and the reveal of the culprit, but it’s also Christmas, meaning it’s a Christmas present for the viewers! To be honest, this murder mystery is a bit trickier than previous cases, so I get why Toto and Spitz would struggle.
I did like the interactions between Ron, Toto and Spitz in this episode. All three of them have good chemistry. Spitz bounces off well with Ron’s antics, like wanting to try his brown sugar-dunked food and telling police officers and other villagers that Ron is his hobby friend so that he wouldn’t be seen as weird for being in the crime scene; collecting rare wrapping paper sure is a weird hobby—how did he come up with that? Toto bounces off well with Spitz too. Because they’re both detectives, they know what to do and what not to do.
I’m still amazed by the voice actor casting for this anime. Even for a side character like Spitz’s brother who had a flashback appearance, they got a high quality voice actor like Katsuyuki Konishi to voice him. Mii, the mayor’s granddaughter, is voiced by Akira Sekine; I’m most familiar with her role as Cure Sky from Hirogaru Sky Precure and her voices sounds so different here I was surprised they were the same person.
What do you think about this case? Is it a good way to conclude the season? Will there be more seasons later on; I sure hope there will be a season 2! I’m still surprised the finale will be aired on Christmas. Anyways, who do you think the culprit is?
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aeoki · 1 year
Grand Slam - The Blood-Vomiting Beast: Chapter 9
Location: Yumenosaki Grounds (Sports Festival) Characters: Tsukasa, Makoto, Ritsu, Arashi, Izumi, Leo & NEGI
< Almost an hour later. Right before the “Cheering Contest” begins on Day 1 of the “Old-Fashioned Sports Festival”. >
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NEGI: “Hey.”
“I’ve come, Anzu. A ghost that appears in the daytime couldn’t even dress up for the occasion, though.”
“Hehe… It wasn’t planned at all in the beginning, but you say you’ve prepared a time and location for us underground idols to perform?”
“It’s like a bonus appearance after the cheering contest from the Yumenosaki lot. Like inviting a guest over and having them sing a supporting song at the ‘Music Special Ward’.”
“Thank you for making the arrangements. You remembered what I said.”
“Hm? You’re sorry since that’s the only thing you can do?”
“Don’t apologise. That makes it feel like you’ve done something bad.”
“I’ve heard from my brother. He says you’re doing well, Anzu.”
“You had to help my incompetent brother with his project while also handling ES’ impossible requests perfectly.”
“You even joined forces with the enemy – the “Peace Party” – and put all the parts of the Sports Festival together this year.”
“Making the arrangements for all the areas, reconciling the different interests, as well as gathering the money and personnel… In the end, we couldn’t make it, so it ended up feeling like we’ve abandoned a departing train, though.”
“Come watch us. Everyone will have a good time, even the players and the audience. That means the idols and the fans.”
“That would’ve been good. It would’ve been a success. You fulfilled your duty as a 'producer'.”
“Hm? Well, yeah, it probably won’t be a happy ending where everyone can be happy and smiling.”
“Thanks to ‘Tanabata Fest’ being a huge success, ES wanted to harden its foundations, due to the company being in its first year of establishment, and they strengthened their opposition to those outside of their organisation more than ever.”
“Meaning, they didn’t allow anyone to rise to power other than themselves.”
“ES completely ignored underground idols and female idols and started favouring the ‘beautiful young boy idols’ they supported.”
“Normally, for an event like the “Old-Fashioned Sports Festival’ that ES is responsible for, I’m sure they definitely didn’t want anything to do with ‘people like us’.”
“Hm? Like I said, you don’t have to apologise. If anything, if you show favouritism towards us, you’ll lose your position at ES, right?”
“Besides, I’m actually happy with how things are right now.”
“I mean, if they’re trying to reject us so obviously like that, it just means we’re that much of a threat to them, right?”
“It’s a big improvement seeing as they never even acknowledged us before.”
“I’m sure their attacks will be more fierce. More brazen.”
“But thanks to you giving us some time to shine, the people who love us will also grow in number.”
“If people are obviously rejecting us and bullying us, our fans will definitely be angry.”
“That anger will turn into embers that will someday burn and consume that arrogant and cocky ES.”
“It looks like 'some of those guys' within your organisation appeared in the summer. Was their name ‘Crazy:B’?”
“...That made me happy. I couldn’t believe there were people who would get angry for us.”
“Times have changed. If only I could’ve lived a bit longer.”
“Oh, well. Anyway, that’s why we’re not discouraged. We’ll put on an exciting performance for the “Old-Fashioned Sports Festival” – for your time of youth.”
“That’s my repayment to you for shining the spotlight on us…♪”
Izumi: KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!? *Vomits blood*
NEGI: “Look, things are starting to get really exciting again.”
“Wait, what’s that?”
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Makoto: “♪~♪~♪”
“Go~ Go~! “Team StarPro! You can do it! Do your best~♪”
Izumi: Kyaaaa! Kyaaaaa! A dream!? Is this a dream!? Am I having a happy dream after falling asleep on the plane?
No! This is real! This is a reward from god after all my hard work! Thank you, god, thank you! It’s my first gratitude for you!
Thank you, thank you, Yuu-kuuun! He’s normally really cold but, in reality, he really wanted to cheer on his Onii-chan, didn’t he!?
I knew it! I had faith that he loved his onii-chan! Your feelings were properly conveyed to me. Onii-chan loves Yuu-kun tooooooo!
Yu-u-kun! Yu-u-kun! YU-U-KUN! *Writes out the alphabet letters with his entire body*
Makoto: “Umm~... You over there, you’re being so loud, we can’t even hear our cheering song, so please keep it down.”
Tsukasa: I apologise! What an embarrassment! I shall get rid of him at once!
Arashi: Come on now, it’s time you come with us to the security office, Mr Suspicious ♪”
Izumi: Stop! Let me go! Don’t get in the way of my dreaAAAAAAMMM! I’ll kill you!?
Ritsu: Your whole character has changed, Secchan. No, I guess you’ve gone back to the old you, huh. It’s been so long since I’ve seen that side of you, I’ve forgotten how to handle you, honestly.
Come on, let’s go over there. I’ll cheer you up in my old cheerleader outfit from last year, so just make do with that.
Izumi: Haa!? Kuma-kun, you think someone like you is equal to Yuu-kun!? Who do you think you are!?
Leo: Wahaha~ Sorry~♪
Sena has been working this whole time, but it looks like he wanted to come cheer you guys on no matter what, so he flew over without getting a wink of sleep, you know?
Arashi: Which means he’s naturally high after staying up the entire night?
Leo: Yeah. He should’ve just slept on the plane but he was reading the script for his next work. It’s not always good to be so serious, huh.
Ritsu: It’s a good example of the more serious they are, the crazier they’ll be when they snap. You should be careful too, Suu-chan.
Tsukasa: Haa… As usual, you are all good examples of what not to do in my eyes.
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