#this is a joke but also like what if they kissed and became a power couple that everyone hates
vivibunne · 1 day
yandere boyfriend x reader
desc: boyfriend x reader, sweet relationship turned sour, yandere tendencies, kidnapping, very slight nsfw, power dynamics, misogyny, abusive relationship
Note: I've always sort of imagined the thought, of someone you thought on the surface, was a kind person, be something much more dark and sinister inside, especially when it's someone that you hold so dear to you. What if they took that love you had for them, and sort of, twisted it? Enjoy!
word count: 1.8k
When you first saw him, your very first thought of him was that he looked like the men you would see in only paintings. A chiseled, handsome face, with only a dashing personality to match his looks. While you were deeply immersed in a book, he had approached you at the library and questioned the book you were reading. You excitedly told him that you were a big fan of the author that had written the book, and asked him if he knew about the author as well.
At that moment, his face lit up, and he went on a ramble of how he too enjoyed the authors work. He chatted with an animated face, his eyes never leaving yours once. As he went on, you couldn't help but be distracted by his face. He was so beautiful, in addition to also being into many interests you had of your own.
So, mustering your courage, you quickly interrupted him, and asked him if he wanted to discuss this over coffee, with a much more squeaky voice then you had intended to. Your cheeks warmed, as you waited for his answer. He had looked taken aback for a second, but quickly regained his composure, nodding with a smile.
From then on, you both were inseparable. It seemed like you would run into each other so often, and you would joke with him about it quite a bit. Then, you both would drop your plans to spend time with each other for the rest of the day.
On a chilly Christmas eve, you both were sitting outside on a bench, admiring the Christmas lights. It had been so long since you both had met each other, and you had yet to muster the courage to admit your feelings to him. You took your eyes off the Christmas tree in the center of the town, to look at his illuminated face, surprised to see him looking right back at you.
He looked hesitant, so you placed a hand above his on the bench and asked him to tell you what was on his mind. He looked at you with wide, tender eyes, and took your hand, clasping them with his own, before beginning with a shaky voice.
Your mind raced, as he began to say how grateful he was for this friendship, and how he hesitated to tell you this. Before you knew it, he said the 3 magic words, just like that. It was like your wishes had finally come true, and as the bell on the clock rung at midnight, he pulled you into a hot, searing kiss.
From then on, it was as if everything was a fairytale. He was so loving, so gentle with you. Even on days when you acted like a petulant brat, he was patient with you. On a particular day, you managed to accidentally break his laptop, but as you panicked, he comforted you, even when it should've been the other way around.
You were in such a daze that you never realized how quickly you both were moving with the relationship. He had become well acquainted with your family in such a short time, and you began spending more time with each other. However, it was never a problem for either of you, as you both enjoyed each others company a lot.
One thing your noticed about him however, was that he was much more quiet about himself, and only talked about himself when prodded. When asked why, he would just say that he liked listening to your voice, and how it soothed him.
You should've known that fairytales wouldn't last forever, but you were still in that loving phase. Cracks in your relationship soon appeared, as he became more overbearing, and when more of his true self began to appear. It started when he saw you with a male colleague outside of work, immediately asking you to distance yourself from him. Of course, you being blinded from love, you had agreed.
However, the intensity of his controlling nature only deepened, going from asking you to distance yourself, to checking your phone secretly. Once you caught him doing so, he found no point to hide it anymore, and asked to check your phone regularly, deleting contacts as you stood there.
It felt as if his eyes were on you at all times, but you were blind to it, thinking that you could make it work. When he asked you to move in with him, you immediately agreed, but things only seemed to get worse from there.
One day, he had been particularly angry after you had announced that you were going out with your girlfriends and dressed up in what his words were, "skimpy clothing" that showed the outline of your body. When you began to argue with him, he looked hot with rage, and before you knew it, you felt a searing pain on your right cheek, where he had slapped you. Your eyes watered, and he immediately snapped out of his trance, apologizing profusely and kissing your face again and again, promising he wouldn't do such a thing again, reassuring you as you cried.
So, you stayed. But it didn't stop. What a fool you were making of yourself, staying every time he wronged you, clinging onto the small hope that he would change. Yet, again and again, as you saw that unpleasant side of him, your heart stung more each time. Soon, it was getting more harder to hide the scars littering your body, but even this didn't wake you up from the horrible reality you were in.
The day that changed everything however, that made you see him in a different light, was when he asked you something that you could never even fathom. It was late at night, where you were sleeping in his arms, after he had lovingly worshipped your body. As you were dozing off, he suddenly blurted something.
Something about quitting your job?? You pushed him off quickly, and looked into his eyes with a shocked expression, practically asking him if what he said was real with just your eyes.
He took a deep breath, and explained that it would be beneficial for the both of you, how he was uncomfortable with the eyes on you from other people, and how you could just relax at home.
Your response to this was to cry and ask him if he was in his right mind. He tried his best to convince you to do so, but you resisted, before uttering how all of this was a big mistake. You had only said it vaguely, but he became super quiet all of a sudden, his eyes darkening, before pushing a hand to your neck to choke you.
As you screamed and tried to push him off, he said in a deep voice to never say something like that again. then, at the flip of a hat, he became cheery, taking his hands off of your neck to your shoulders instead, and told you that you were just overthinking things, and that you both could revisit the idea tomorrow.
But something changed in you that night. Even your boyfriend had noticed, but said nothing of it. He reverted to normal, but your mind had begun to stray. You realized how deep of a hole you had willingly placed yourself in, and as much as it hurt you, you needed to leave.
So you planned a smooth escape plan, hiding a suitcase full of your belongings under the bed. Your plan was simple, and it involved sleeping pills.
The night you were to execute your plan, your heart hammered against your chest, as you made him a soup, while slipping in two sleeping pills ever so perfectly.
As you made your way to the bedroom, you acted so lovingly, so doting towards him. Didn't you say you've been tired the past few days, dear?, you would ask, as you placed the tray with the soup on his desk. You did your best to not give yourself away with your nervous voice, as you attempted to spoon-feed him.
Suddenly, before you could put the spoon in his mouth, he grabbed the spoon with his hand, and smiled at you, before asking you if you wanted some of it first. Your eyes shot wide open, as the colour drained from your face. You quickly declined, and attempted to feed him again, however, his grip on the spoon tightened, and said in a low and aggressive voice, to try it.
He found you out, you realized as the harsh reality dawned on you, and you shook as he forced the spoon into your mouth, the warm soup instantly going down your throat.
The events of what happened after were not clear to you after, but when you had woken up, you found yourself on the bed. However, when you tried to get up, you quickly tripped from the bed, realizing that your foot was shackled to the bed.
You struggled as you tried to free yourself, tears filling your eyes as you realized what a situation you had placed yourself in, before you heard a voice call out your name. You head darted upward to the direction of the voice, to see your boyfriend, with a smile on his face.
Only, it wasn't the usual smile he had on his face. It was a much more twisted one, his eyes darkened as well. When you cried and asked him what he was doing, all he could do was respond with the words "it'll be fine".
He felt zero sympathy for you, for you had willingly done this to yourself. All you had to do was comply and stay with him, which you couldn't even do. On top of that, you tried to escape, like the heartless monster you were!. But he could fix you, make you completely dependent on you.
Could you blame him for his deep love towards you? When he had no one else in his life, you walked in like an angel, giving him life, making him look forward to waking up every day. And when you tried to leave, he just couldn't bear it. You weren't allowed to do that to him.
He soothed you as you cried, embracing you tightly as you tried to fight him off, saying that it would be all right, and you would figure it out, like you always have. After all, you had been with him for so long, right?
Soon, you would realize that everything he was doing was for your own good, and he would be able to trust you again. However, for now, he had to take precautions, and he was sure you would forgive him once you saw his reason behind it.
You always did, after all.
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highlifeboat · 11 months
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Shitpost but also if I had to choose between Miranda and Saddler the Village from RE8 would need a new Goddess.
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lucysarah-c · 5 months
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Summary: When you go to ask Captain Levi for a promotion, it's important to remain humble. Author note: I've had this idea for so long... this had been collecting dust in my computer for SO LONG. Because I wanted it to be hot and dirty like the underground's air but at the same time I was scared that it was a "bit" too much. That's it. In case I forget any warning or tag, feel free to remind me. Pairing: Levi x fem! reader. Warnings: Top Levi Ackerman, Dubious Consent, Rough Sex, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Multiple Orgasms, Smut, MP reader, Levi x MP reader, Captain Levi Ackerma, Dirty talk, Explicit Language, Explicit Sexual Content, Cigarrettes, Smoking, Alcohol, Power Dynamics, Power Imbalance, Power Play, Oral sex, DUBCON, Bondage, Breathplay. Word count: 12k words of pure porn. You had been warned lmao HONESTLY, JUST BECAUSE I MANAGED TO EDIT this long ass post in the tumblr editor I DESERVE A LIKE AND A REBLOG (jk... but if you want its not a joke)
The agonizing rubatosis, mixed with the upsetting silence, creates a disconcerting atmosphere. Frowned eyebrows, eyes closed, cold feet rubbing over each other, and itchy underwear contribute to the discomfort. A deep breath in, count to 4, hold it for 7, and exhale slowly, counting to 8. Fists tighten, jaw clenches, and breathing becomes agitated.
‘Should I?’
Shea butter and vanilla penetrate her senses, smoothing legs that perfectly align, having been meticulously shaved. Not a single rough patch of skin, not a single hair, not a single cell left unmoistened. The hair conditioner matched the body lotion, nails painted a deep shade of red. Lips glide smoothly over each other thanks to the reddish gloss, creating a subtle plumping effect. The darkness enveloped her; hair spread on the pillow, eyelashes curved and painted a deep shade of black, with mascara perfectly in place. Blushed cheeks, radiant skin, softly glittering eyes, enhanced with brown pencil. Self-performed surgeon work, like an architect drawing up plans.
Reflective, slightly darker lips create the illusion of being kissed. Rosy cheeks mimic arousal. Uncomfortable underwear, but a perfect frame for her body. Subtly enhanced eyes for a pleasing view from the top. Everything is calculated, makeup that doesn’t look like makeup, intentionally tousled hair. She couldn’t recall the last time she put this much effort into her appearance for someone else. Usually, she dressed up for herself or her friends. A guy? Never, as far as she could remember.
All the to-do list’s lines had been checked except for one. The last item on her mental list was ‘Do you dare?’
Did she, though? Did she dare to slide her bare, smooth legs across the sheets, touch the cold floor, sneak through the corridors, slip inside through the creaked door, wait in the gloom with only one candle at the kitchen during late hours, hoping the collected info was real, and perhaps, only perhaps, see him appear through the door?
The place was ridiculously silent; she could hear her own feet against each other, her nervous tapping nails. Scouts followed rules, always doing what they were told, unlike the MPs. Even in the deep of night, you could hear everything—people making deals, cadets sneaking out, higher-ups taking cadets for personal parties. It was as if, the moment curfew started, another world began. Mixing that with the streets of the capital that never slept, the constant babble in the background. However, that wasn’t the scouts’ reality, and maybe that’s why she hated sleeping there so much. Somehow, she had gotten used to the sleepwalker city, and its ceaseless mutter became her lullaby.
After the retake of Wall Maria, after the coronation of the new queen Historia, life inside the walls changed drastically, especially in the military. New uniforms, universally appreciated in black, and the roles within the military became more ambiguous. MPs were still MPs, but they also contributed to the advances of new constructions, the displacement of new citizens to the reclaimed lands, and everyone learned how to use the new anti-person 3DMG.
Life was improving, or so many decided to believe. The scouts, almost eradicated after they took Wall Maria, saw an increase in their ranks. Transfers happened more than ever, and their salaries went from being the worst to the personal favourite military brand of the queen. Promotions were granted based on performance, sacrifice, and meritocracy—a notion she found irritatingly noble. Out of pettiness, boredom, or perhaps jealousy.
Extra-curricular activities? Even before she graduated from the trainee lines, she was in the top ten of her class, with excellent behaviour and military antecedents. Reports from citizens praised her attention and willingness to help. Double-checking almost everything. Therefore, explain why she had been rejected for a promotion so many times in the last years. The simple answer: anything in the MPs was about contacts and money, even as life inside the walls changed.
There was always an excuse—someone else deserved it better, a son of someone else got a spot that was rightfully hers, a green cadet got it simply because he was a man, and she clearly wasn’t. She wouldn’t lie and say that her desire to join the scouts had always been there. As a single daughter of a single mother, her wishes had always been to provide for her, to help her around. The day she could make her old mother stop working with her MP’s salary had been her happiest day.
Discussing it with her friend as they delivered provisions to the lines working on the train’s rails, not seeking help, but rather complaining in confidentiality. Concentrated so deeply in her venting that she didn’t notice how her friend remained quiet for a split second and then interrupted her with a cheerful smirk.
“Captain Levi just checked your ass.”
It caught her off guard, involuntarily making her want to check. “DON’T TURN!” her friend almost screamed. The idea felt bizarre, not because she wasn’t confident in her looks—she was hot as hell, and nobody could tell her otherwise. But… Captain Levi? From the Special Operation Squad? THE Captain Levi who had led the Uprising? Humanity’s Strongest Soldier? … That Captain Levi? Then, she gave it a second thought, slightly shaking her head.
“You must have imagined it,” she said.
“I SWEAR, you bent, and he checked you,”
“But… Captain Levi is?”
“No, you idiot. I mean yes, but not what I’m trying to say,” she corrected herself. “He just… I’ve never even heard about him with any girl, anyone to be more precise.”
“Well, I don’t know about that,” her friend said, grabbing a box and starting to walk away, “but I know what I saw.”
Superiors and higher ranks checking her out, catcalling, perhaps even touching without permission? UFF, the military was full of them, even when she was much younger. However, Captain Levi could be an antisocial, stoic little jerk, but it had never struck her as those types of men. Always so uptight, correct, stoic, disinterested. There was a rumour circulating that perhaps… and only perhaps, he wasn’t particularly fond of women. A few female soldiers had tried to show their interest during military hangouts, and none of them had been successful. Considering military men’s pent-up frustration, that was very odd behaviour.
If there’s a rumour that spreads faster than what happens in someone’s sheets, it’s the lack of activity in those sheets. Captain Levi seemed to be on the other spectrum of the rumours. He definitely wasn’t a womanizer, and if he was one, what a smooth criminal he was. Not a single victim had been known.
“You know what would give you that promotion?” The administrative higher-up enlightened her after another unsuccessful raise in her salary. Her resentful eyes admired the boy, easily seven years younger than her, getting a spot because his father was a military member too. Her tired stare moved slowly back to her front, silently waiting for the pointless information to be given to her. A better cover letter? CV? Extra hours? Non-paid internships in other divisions? What?
“A recommendation from someone important.”
The red lips of the administrative staff moved slowly. If Y/N squinted a bit, she would have been able to hear the indirect suggestion. Between women, softly getting closer so the secretary could whisper without being heard. Glasses pushed down the nose bridge, and Y/N drew closer to hear the secret.
“You know, the scouts are making a big impact around here lately. Think about it.”
The words accumulate on her throat; her lips trembled, but nothing aside from indecipherable sounds left her mouth, frowning slightly at the idea.
“Think about it,” the woman repeated. “You won’t be the first girl, dear, and I guarantee you won’t be the last one.”
The wisdom that came with age and serving the military's paperwork for so many years must have given the woman enough knowledge to suggest it so plainly. What she hated the most? She had been considering it badly; she needed the money; she wanted the promotion. What was the difference between some stupid daddy's boy licking the boots of his higher-up for the position than this?
The boldest side of her mind insisted that she had slept with ex-boyfriends who were less attractive, less influential, and definitely less clean than Captain Levi. Yes, Captain Levi, because if she was doing this, she was going big or going home. Not some random newly promoted squad leader or anything. Those were the other options at the scout after they got almost eradicated—purely freshly adults. Her mind tried to convince herself of an easier target, like Jean perhaps, but she gagged at the idea. ‘He’s a baby, barely 18.’
For a split second, she wished Commander Erwin was alive. Never met him; she hadn’t even talked to him, but the blond seemed like an easier target somehow. Was it because people had talked about a chick or two that he took to his hotel’s room after parties? Maybe.
‘What’s the worst thing that could happen?’ pondering around the idea, like a friend encouraging you to confess to the boy you have a crush on. “You already got the no, go for the yes!” they would say, but this wasn’t silly girlish crushes.
‘That he says no and thinks of you as some cheap-ass whore.’
No, this wasn’t a crush. It was plain transactional.
‘Well… not like Captain Levi had ever looked over to me as if he had me in any sort of high esteem to begin with.’
Back to the beginning. They had ordered her to help around the Scout’s facilities as they developed the new train station around Paradise, and as soon as those orders had reached her ears, the plan was rolling. ‘Now… or never.’
Battle dress on: short loose shorts, a loose shirt that barely covered her belly, and her fanciest lingerie underneath. Captain Levi always made himself a cup of tea late at night to carry on with paperwork. Her military’s trajectory to secure the objective was: leave her bed, go there, and hope that her glossy lips and glittery eyes would do the trick. This was far from what she was used to, and what had boosted her confidence earlier that day to get ready had easily dripped away. Leaving her tied up to her bed as an external force that incapacitated her from doing it.
‘He’s not your higher-up; he can’t fire you directly.’
‘But what if he does?’
‘He’s probably small and will last a couple of minutes with luck; it’s easy as cake.’
‘What if he tells someone?’
‘You got nothing to lose and a lot to win.’
‘Everybody does something to scale in the MPs; no amount of extra work and good behaviours would get you anywhere. Think about what you could buy with that promotion.’
Tiptoes on the ground, a deep sigh, hands on the edge of the mattress pushing her up, calculated steps on the wood planks that didn’t squeak, palm against the edge of the door to close it without making a sound, single candle in her grip waiting for her to reach the kitchen to turn it on, non-existing hairs raising on her legs due to the coldness of the halls, curious eyes checking over her shoulder as she reached the kitchen, candle on, kettle on the fire, speech ready.
‘Now… are you going to show up, Captain?’
The flame of the candle flickered in the night air. She had heated the water multiple times, taking the kettle off the stove before it boiled, resting it on the countertop, and once it cooled, returning it to the fire. The script had been prepared, written, and practiced in her mind. However, the main participant in this story, her co-star, had not made his triumphant appearance.
First, she waited in a poised position, then faced the door while resting her weight on the countertops. After an hour and a half, the cold had crept up on her, fighting and winning against the burning heat of the nerves, leaving her shivering. Bent over the countertops with her eyes fixed on the kettle, she seemed disinterested, disappointed, and tired.
Her hand covered her mouth in a loud yawn. Once the anxiety had subsided, tiredness set in—slow blinks, head buried between her arms on the table, eyes still fixed on the kettle. It was right there, on the fire, still with time to boil. "You're going to burn the whole place down," a voice interrupted her thoughts.
That snapped her back from her reverie. It was evident that her mind had conjured a realistic dream because the kettle she was supposed to be watching had been removed from the fire, with a cloth covering the handle, and placed on the countertop, far from her reach to prevent burns. Steam billowed loudly from it, whistling in the stillness of the night.
Standing up, she froze in place, her mouth slightly agape as she tried to process what she was witnessing. The first few buttons of his grey shirt were undone, and he wore black trousers of the uniform, but no boots. Although his slippers didn't match the scene, his exhaustion was unmistakable. There he stood, as stoic and unfriendly as ever: Captain Levi, with rolled-up sleeves, removing the kettle from the fire and clicking his tongue as he turned off the gas.
Facing away from her, he seemed as indifferent as if she were just another countertop in the kitchen. Her nails softly scraped her arms as she pondered whether to press further, take the hint, or if she was simply cold, hence why she ran her hands up and down her arms. The muscles of his back contracted and moved, the V-shaped shadow down his spine emphasized his broad shoulders and defined waist. His rolled-up sleeves made her admire his porcelain skin, catching the light in particular shapes as some of his forearm hair shimmered under the candlelight.
While the slippers detracted slightly from the uniform, diminishing the powerful feeling, she had to admit, upon deeper thought, that the tight black trousers of his new uniform were incredibly appealing. Despite his short stature, Captain Levi was a fine specimen of a man. The subtle notion that perhaps scouts, with their heavy training, gather a couple of points from the MPs in that department. After all, MPs hardly bothered to train beyond the obligatory, which was very little.
Slightly turning to his right, locking eyes with her with an unapproachable demeanour, hand on hip, he questioned, "Dare to explain what you're doing breaking curfew, cadet? Do you want to jeopardize us all with your incompetence"
The first part of her plan was to improvise. ‘I couldn’t sleep,’ she thought about saying, but how could she claim that after sleeping over the countertop? His grey eyes, almost cat-like, hunted her in the dark, and suddenly, she felt her legs tremble. There was something inexplicably magnetic about him now that she had him up close, alone, in the middle of the night.
Her lips, still glossy, parted in doubt as she mumbled uneasily, "I…" She wanted to come up with a new excuse, but quickly realized she wasn’t cut out for this, for the whole charade. "I have a headache," she finally managed.
His face remained unreadable, uninterested eyes glued to her, judging her, waiting for her to break under his scrutiny, like a mother who knows you’re lying, allowing a brief moment of silence for a confession before taking matters into her own hands. But Y/N stayed resolute, gathering ambition from unknown sources.
Hand on hips, weight shifting from one leg to another, eyes quickly moving from her face to the countertop. "That won’t help," the words crossed the kitchen as if it were an open field of a hunting sport, piercing her heart but leaving her to crawl an agonizing death until her dying breath.
Eyes focusing again on the countertop. "Black tea," he said monosyllabically, as if each word cost him money. "That doesn’t help with headaches; you should get chamomile or peppermint."
"Ah," she replied, confused. Why was he clarifying that? What was the point of this conversation? Crossing legs as the cold crept in, but it quickly vanished as blood rushed to her cheeks.
Turning back around, facing the counter and gripping her own teacup. The recommendation was blatantly ignored; it seemed like a random fact thrown at her rather than something to take seriously, at least for her. About to carry on, she considered just faking preparing the tea and getting away from there.
Frozen in place, each hair on her body raised involuntarily. Not even his steps against the wood planks had been heard. ‘Oh.. Uhm-’ the natural process of breathing was totally forgotten. A strong, patronizing hand sneaking, almost creeping with confidence on her lower back, guiding her toward another cupboard.
He moved closer, getting an involuntary reaction out of her. Straightening up, chest pushing forward, lips parting, breath accelerating. He was so close, looking into her. Eyes locked onto hers over her shoulder, transparent pearls penetrating her soul. Nails sank into her palms as her teeth clenched. If he was so short, why did it feel so towering? Suddenly, the thought of owing him an apology for simply sharing the same air crossed her mind. Her nipples were noticeable through her loose shirt; he must be able to see it. As he grew closer, her idea was that all the subtle little hints must have worked.
Eyes closed, holding her breath, the air moving around her gave her the idea of movement. Holding out for nothing. Waiting for him to steal a kiss from her, perhaps grip her hips, pushing aside her loose short, turning her around, and fuck her roughly and mindlessly over the countertop. Getting what he wanted as if it were rightfully his.
“Here,” she opened her eyes. He was handing her a tea box where it read the same ingredients he had suggested.
“Thank you, sir,” her subtle smile tried to make up for her disappointment. Expectations were different; somehow, her best hopes were on him ogling at her, making it more impersonal and disinterested. Therefore, she could say that she walked up there, perhaps pleased him, and got what she came looking for. It was easier; easier it is to repeat like a broken record some silly washed-up quotes and nicknames that guys allegedly liked. ‘Yes, daddy’, ‘I’ll be a good girl Captain, I just do bad things with you,’ ‘Please, sir. I’m a good girl,’ or something in the department of ‘Ah- its so big, daddy,’ Get used and lose a little bit of dignity in exchange for something else.
Different it is, the tension building in her as she felt him looming over her frame, reminding her of just how insignificant she truly was compared to him. His hand resting lightly on the small of her back, guiding her movements. The coolness of his touch contrasting with the heat radiating off her body. Or the opposite, how cold and exposed she felt with her scant clothes and his cold hand didn’t help. A treacherous finger began to travel upwards, making each vertebra move and curve.
“Sir?” she hated how scared her voice sounded. Suddenly, as if it had escaped her mind, she remembered he was humanity’s strongest soldier. The soldier who went on the expedition to retake Wall Maria and essentially fought the most difficult titan shifter known until now, who led the Uprising. How many MPs did he kill there? How much stronger was he than her? Could she truly still walk away from this, or was her fate sealed?
“You’re stiff as a board; that’s giving you the headaches,” he commented casually as his right hand reached her shoulder and kneaded.
The action was absurdly overwhelming; she didn’t know her traps hurt this much until now but also how to react. Self-preservation mechanisms were out of the window; her lips pronounced what they had been dying to say since she left her bed. “It’s because of the promotion; it’s stressing me out.”
“I can help with that,”
Her worst fears and wildest dreams, all together in a sentence. Confirming what she came looking for but also the end of the speculations. Translucent eyes looked at him over her shoulder, expecting him to make the bolder move. She hated to admit how her heart skipped a beat, how his controlling hand on her neck made her want to arch her spine and gasp softly.
“With the headaches, I mean,” adrenaline had reached a peak and now tumbled down, leaving her devoid of thought other than disappointment mixed with relief. However, his tone, covered in a thin layer of entertainment, passed unaware to her at first.
Both hands on each trap, fingers sank in and then moved. Tearing her muscles apart from her bones, that’s how it felt. Handling, strong, overwhelming. Her breath stuck in her chest, and no matter how much she tried, she wobbled in her place. No amount of strength could help her remain still. Each tug that forced her to press slightly back against his chest, feeling the straps of the uniforms, made her sense weak, nervous. How his strong, calloused fingers felt divine, slightly too rough with the perfect amount of pain to make her forget for a minute but not entirely. Despite their roughness, his nails were perfectly short, making it impossible to experience any scratches.
The thought that perhaps there was another motive behind all this, beyond just getting a promotion, crossed her mind. It was the opportunity to experience how it would feel to be man-handled by the strongest soldier out there until she was left foolish. Her walls pressed together as excitement crept in, reminding her of how lonely and empty she felt. Wouldn’t a little love and something significant big feel extraordinary? The realization of how thin her shorts were and how much her body reacted to his touch filled her with shame.
Allowing him to treat her like some bitch in heat, shooting a load or two for a mere letter that said, "she’s good at what she does," as some cruel inner joke. It left her feeling worthless yet needy, a bad combination.
“Breathe, you’re tensing even more,” he murmured, and she could almost swear the smirk could be felt in his tone. The intentions were to breathe, to remain unaffected, but his movements felt powerfully triggering, and he seemed so unbothered by it. Any force he applied to almost tear her muscles into the correct position didn’t signify any real strength for him.
Each tug began to win little chopped breaths out of her as it was painful but also relaxing. She couldn't help but obey his command, forcing herself to take deep breaths to try and relax. But his touch, his presence, it was all so intense. Each movement of his hands felt deliberate, calculated, as if he knew exactly what he was doing. And she couldn't deny the tingling sensation that spread through her body at his touch, despite her best efforts to remain composed.
She struggled to follow his instructions, her breaths coming out in short, shallow gasps as his hands worked their magic on her tense muscles. Each touch sent shivers down her spine, igniting a strange mix of pleasure and discomfort within her. It was as if he could sense her vulnerability, her longing for something more than just a simple massage. Tug, thumbs pressing against her traps as they moved upwards, dragging her skin with them, chopped out breath as the pressure was too much before it withdrew slowly.
Then all over again, harsh. “Mhh ah-” it left her lips involuntarily as he touched a particular place. She gnawed her lip, holding back. His fingers weren’t particularly soft, not only because of the pressure he delivered but also rough with days and days of working, slightly calloused, rubbing in all the right places. Not again, she swore she was trying to remain composed, how he hadn’t heard her. “AH-” wincing as he moved up and contracted her neck, she feared for a second he would choke her.
His grip tightened, nails digging deeper into her flesh, pulling her downward. Thighs shaking, knees buckled, she fought to keep standing as her world spun. He knew her weakness; he exploited it without remorse. Every touch was a reminder of his dominance, every pull a testament to his power. She was helpless beneath him, unable to escape his grasp. Levi’s hands, humanity’s strongest hands—strong, angled, harsh, broad.
He chuckled.
He chuckled between pulls, his thumb rubbing circles on her sore spots, while his palm pressed harder against her neck.
Y/N froze in place as she felt him chuckle entertained behind her, almost mischievously. “Somebody is excited,” he calmly commented, but the smirk on his face was subtly evident in his tone. His voice was steady, despite the few sassy remarks, and it annoyed her to death. Like a cat playing with a moth until it's dead, they know they've won the game, so why rush it? Let's enjoy the hunt while she’s stripped of her dignity. “Nobody's given it to you in a while?”
Lips parted, feeling a mix of embarrassment and offense, she looked over her shoulder at Levi’s bleary eyes. “Excuse me?” she frowned deeply as she turned. She hadn't realized until then how close he was to her, practically breathing the same air. His stare penetrated her iris and seemed to read her soul, making her swallow uneasily. Her demanding tone quickly withdrew not only from her voice but also from her features. His silence subtly implied, but his presence demanded, ‘Come on, girl. You don’t reply to me like that if you know what's good for you.’ That’s what she got.
“A massage,” he said quietly, “nobody's given you a massage in a while?”
At this rate, she knew he knew. He was playing, dancing around the edge of pretending ignorance and seeing how far she would go. Standing, either summoning the courage to bring up the offer herself or walk out empty-handed. Waiting, like a mafia boss to see how much she would beg before setting her free, or crawling back to him, hoping for an opportunity.
There was an inner battle: either snap at him, reply, or descend all levels of self-love.
“It’s because you’re going too rough,” she said, mainly because she refused to be so quickly humiliated by a guy that short. Both looked at each other; her gaze moved slightly over his eyes, expecting any shift, something, but it was obvious that in a stare fight, he was going to win.
"Rough?" he repeated, raising an eyebrow in mock surprise. “You’ve no idea what rough means.”
Her cockiness quickly withdrew. She wished she had some sassy comeback prepared or ready, but it wasn’t the case. Her teeth rolled along the edge of her bottom lip. It made her curious; either he liked to pretend he had more sexual history than was known, or she had bitten off more than she could chew. It stirred up a mix of curiosity, excitement, nervousness, and fear all at once. Imagining him fucking some unknown soldier rough, mindlessly, just for the sake of it. Scouts were so stressed, living quick, short lives.
Her eyes couldn’t help themselves, quickly dropping down to check. His thick, muscular legs, almost as if they had been forced to fit into the tight black trousers of the uniform. Losing its subtleness, the outline of his dick on one side of his left leg forced her to look back up. She finally turned around to face him again, but his stoic expression gave away little information, almost none.
“Perhaps you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into, brat,” his voice began to sound like a distorted dream. She was waiting for some smooth approach or perhaps a fully humiliating one. The expectations were simpler: either he would like to pretend some love he endeared from her or behave like any disgusting dude at a bar, asking for a quickie in a bathroom cabinet. Neither of the two options was less humiliating. But this was different.
At this rate, the humiliation and initial thoughts were replaced by overwhelming curiosity. “How rough?” She felt her glossed lips stick together slightly as she murmured timidly, feeling her head heat up and her stomach tighten. Something intrinsically wrong must be with her, she believed.
With a second thought, she was sure that this would make her extremely ashamed.
“You’ll have to stick around to find out,” he warned, not a single centimetre of his features giving away any sort of intentions. Excitement or expectation, arousal or boredom, sweetness or creepiness. Grey gems looking back at her deadly, daring her to make deals with the devil or walk back home.
‘Go big or go home, didn’t I say that?’
“I want a recommendation,” she finally said it, thrilling anticipation coursing through her veins. This man, this beast, was about to unleash hell upon her body. Yet, she found herself oddly eager for it. Was it fear or excitement? Perhaps both. “and… in exchange, you can go as rough as you want.”
It felt absurdly dirty. Giving it a thought in the hole of self-hate, she concluded that perhaps she should have done this when she was younger, like her friends as cadets. When hormones and lack of experience made it hard to think it through, that receiving a good salary and free days to go out and party was worth letting any squad leader get a chance.
"Recommendation," he echoed, repeating her words as if testing them on his tongue. There was a moment of silence, as if weighing the pros and cons of such a proposition.
Finally, he nodded. "Very well."
Those two words held such weight, sending another wave of nerves through her. What had she gotten herself into? The room suddenly became hotter, thicker, suffocating. Her heart raced faster, pounding heavily in her ears.
Half-lidded, she moved closer, not entirely sure how this was done, if it was meant to start slow and soft for it to escalate. But she tried; she could take the lead in the kiss. But his hand stopped her face as he tilted backwards, completely breaking the moment.
“Who do you think I am?” Levi said, offended. And she feared for her life. Perhaps he just wanted to ascertain how much of an easy, cock-drunk slut she was to give him more reasons to find her worthless. But then, “Some green cadet who, for the sake of getting my cock wet, I would fuck you behind a horse at the stables? Or at the common kitchen?”
She didn’t know how to answer, but thankfully, Levi didn’t give her much time to talk. “My chambers.”
Feeling closer to a military order than a booty appointment, she slowly made her way to the door while he retreated to the counters, tidying up. Her feet dragged across the hall as she pushed open the door, her eyes constantly checking behind her. She couldn't shake the feeling that this might all be a joke.
Before she knew it, his hand urged her forward, pushing at the small of her back to guide her upstairs. "Come on, girly, we don’t have all night," he muttered.
It felt like a shameful march. They ascended the stairs in silence, each step echoing loudly in the otherwise quiet hallway. The stillness of the night only intensified her discomfort; she couldn't shake the feeling that someone might overhear them. Perhaps some night owl among the scouts would peek through a door, or worse, they might already know who slept where. The thought of having to make the same trip downstairs the next morning filled her with dread. As if she would walk out of that room with a paper stuck to her forehead that said, "I was Captain Levi’s slut for a night."
Led through the dim corridors of the base, they passed several closed doors marked 'Officer Quarters,' indicating where higher-ranking personnel resided. Finally, they reached what seemed to be his room. With a swift motion, he unlocked the door and gestured for her to enter first. ‘What a gentleman,’ she thought sarcastically.
As she stepped inside and took in her surroundings, she noticed the simplicity of his chamber. It lacked extravagance, with only functional furniture and tools of his trade. The room felt impersonal, as if he had never bothered to make it feel like home. His office area featured a desk cluttered with paperwork and a bookshelf filled with texts on military strategy and tactics.
To the left were two doors, presumably leading to his bedroom and an attached bathroom. Levi moved past her to search through the cabinets while she observed. Two glasses were already filled by the time he turned to her.
"A drink?" he offered.
She accepted, unable to suppress a subtle smile. Whatever she had anticipated for the night, this wasn't it. Chuckling, she teased, "Do you offer drinks to all the girls you bring over?"
Levi downed his drink and poured another. "No. But you seem nervous as fuck, and it’s making me uncomfortable."
She laughed softly, acknowledging the truth in his statement. "Thank you, then." The burn of alcohol sliding down her throat helped steady her nerves somewhat.
As they stood there, glasses in hand, tension hung thick between them. Hoping the alcohol would ease the tension, she shifted her attention elsewhere, but she could feel his eyes on her, assessing her. Swallowing, Addam's apple moving before he spoke, "Are you clean, right?"
His question caught her off guard, and she almost choked on her drink. "What?" she hummed, not fully comprehending.
Then, fear crept in quickly. "I am… I’m not doing it without protection," she clarified confidently.
His chuckle did little to ease her worry. "No shit, girly. I wasn’t stupid enough as a teen to not wrap it up. I'm not starting now," he replied. "The last thing I need in my life right now is getting a chick knocked up."
His words, despite their lack of warmth, reassured her. "I meant, is it safe for me to eat you out,"
Relief washed over her as she realized her misunderstanding. "Oh," she replied sheepishly. "Yes, you can." As his words sank in, she felt the blood rushing to her cheeks, lips pressing together before she took another sip and crossed her legs. 'Doesn’t he want a blowjob?' How many superiors offer you promotions in exchange for making you cum?
He nodded, finishing his drink in one gulp. His intense gaze never wavered from hers. "Good."
Slowly, he approached her, closing the distance until they were mere inches apart. She could smell the liquor on his breath, taste it on his lips. For a brief moment, she wondered if he expected her to initiate something, but before she could gather her thoughts, their lips met in a passionate kiss. His tongue explored her mouth, asserting dominance as his hands gripped her hips, pressing her against the door.
Pulling away slightly, he pinned her against the door, his hands roaming her body as he kissed her jawline. "Wait… let’s go to the room," she suggested, realizing he meant to fulfil his earlier request.
"No, you're too timid for riding my face. I want to be buried in your pussy right now," he insisted. The impact against the harsh wood surface and his lips reconnecting with her with necessity almost knocked her completely off her breath. Hands that had been kneading her shoulders only a few minutes ago were now digging into her hips, pushing them into his, possessive and demanding.
"Levi," she managed to croak out, her voice barely audible. The kiss was broken again, and her agitated breathing filled the gap between their faces. Surprised by his sudden aggression, she struggled to form coherent thoughts as he continued to devour her neck and shoulders. His hands roamed freely over her body, tracing along her curves and dipping beneath her top to cup her breasts roughly.
“It’s Captain Levi, for you,”
All her attempts to appear seductive were now the natural flush of her face, pumped lips of how they tried to suck each other’s air, the blood in her cheeks, the tossed hair. His hands grabbed the edge of her shorts and played with it. His words crossed the little space between their features with cockiness. “What are you wearing under this for me? Huh? What slutty little shit did you put on to wrap yourself up as if you’re my birthday present?”
A cheeky index finger ghostly touched her belly with its knuckle, making the fine hairs raise involuntarily before tugging on the fabric to sneak a peek. ‘Why doesn’t he just tell me to strip?’ But Captain Levi seemed to be like a cat; he liked to play with his prey until eating them completely, a cruel game. Eyes checked down and hummed in approval. “Black, classic. Not bad,” he said, but a part of his speech didn’t seem impressed. “But I prefer pink.”
Her mind insisted on giving it a second thought, that he didn’t strike her as those types of guys, but anything happening until then had proved to her that she had no idea who he was, what he liked, what type of man Captain Levi was.
Without further prompting, Levi dropped to his knees, positioning himself between her legs. His fingers trailed along the hem of her shorts, pausing briefly before dropping it. He took a moment to appreciate the sight before diving in, his nose brushing against the fabric.
Y/N sucked in a sharp breath as his warm breath tickled her sensitive flesh. Anticipation built within her, mixing with apprehension. It was unavoidable. Closing her eyes, she allowed herself to focus solely on the sensations washing over her. A gasp left her lips as he grabbed her right leg and lifted it as if it was nothing and placed it over his shoulder. His calloused hand still lingering on it, gripping her thighs with strength and pleasure, enjoying gripping them as his nose pressed softly against her folds.
Levi's skilled fingers hooked beneath the elastic band of her panties, tugging them aside just enough. Once removed, he ran the pad of his thumb lightly over her swollen core. An involuntary moan escaped her lips. She trembled in a different kind of anxiousness; it was now plainly obvious. With a smirk, Levi leaned in closer, his nose barely grazing her sensitive flesh. "Do you like that, girly?" he whispered, his tone thick with lust. Her answer was evident in the way she trembled under his touch.
Gently, he blew cold air across her wetness, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her. She couldn't help but arch her back, moaning softly as her grip tightened on the door behind her. Nails digging into the wood as terror set in. Slowly, he lowered his head, his tongue darting out to trace the outline of her folds.
Fear. No, he didn’t want a quickie at some public facility. No, he didn’t want some quick blowjob under his desk. No, he didn’t want any fast, easy solution. He wanted to savour each single centimetre of skin, torture all the cells, squeeze each second that he got to play with her as his little possession.
Each flick of his tongue sent shockwaves of sensation throughout her body, making her squirm. His expert hands found purchase on her thighs, holding her firmly in place. His tongue flicked out, teasing her entrance as his thumb kept doing slow little circles on top of her clit. Gripping his shoulders for balance and support. He slid his middle finger across her entrance, coating it with her arousal before dipping it inside. His thumb continued to tease her clit, stroking gently yet firmly.
Her moans grew louder, punctuated by soft whimpers as her head thumped against the door. Her breath agitated as his tongue slipped inside her. “Mh- Ah!” she felt her climax nearing, wondering with half-lidded eyes why he was being so pleasing. It was torture how he moved with perfect sync, but yet it was subtle. As if she let herself be dragged by the course, her body relaxing and twitching unintentionally as he held her in place.
Her back arched unintentionally, trying to follow him as he suddenly pulled back when she was about to reach her peak. “Captain-”
“That’s it, get all soft for me,” He murmured as he casually kissed the bottom of her belly. Before he went back, determined. It only took one, two, three flicks of his thumb directly over her bud to make her gasp loudly, press her raised leg against his head and feel how the other tensed and then struggle to keep her up. Her breath struggled to find a rhythm when all of a sudden, he took all of her in. Unapologetic tongue ran flat all over her fold before closing over the top so he started to suck and lick directly her clit as two unceremonious fingers were playing with her entrance before sinking in all the way.
Her mouth opened, but no sound came out as her nails scratched the door and she began to twist in position as if it was too much after her release.
“MH- Ah, no wait- AH!” a loud moan cut her complaints as his fingertips found a particular place and decided to assault it with no mercy, as his mouth kept playing directly over her clit. It was too much; she felt her leg shaking as much as she felt his fingers getting impossibly wet and slippery inside with no remorse anymore. They pushed against her walls, making her feel the tug of her own body before returning to press against that spot.
“No. No-hah!” She began convulsing against the wall, her head moving hectically to the side as she felt herself getting impossibly wet and electric waves coursing through her. “Please- No! Wait ah! No."
Palms pressed against the door, trying to push herself upwards, but he grabbed her shaking leg that was struggling to keep her up and positioned it over his shoulder with the other. The movement was so smoothly done; to him, it felt natural, but for her, it felt like a completely different situation. The strength with which he moved left her absurdly powerless; the tug felt so powerful as if she didn’t even notice the resistance she was exerting compared to his.
Then, he completely sat on his face. She felt everything—the contour of his face as her body rocked involuntarily, his fingers slipping in and out as his nose rubbed against her folds while his tongue licked clean her abused hole. “HM!” she gasped loudly, jerking upwards before falling completely over his head when the hand that was kneaded the meat of her thigh slapped her loudly.
She wanted to move, to slip away as she felt as if her bones were being drained, uncontrollable pleasure overtaking her. Her thighs pressed against his head as one of her hands moved downwards to tug his soft dark locks, obsessed, shivering as her mind kept shutting down.
Tears pricked at her eyes as she struggled against him, fighting against his strong grasp. "Please, Captain, I can't take it anymore!" she pleaded, her voice hoarse and desperate. “I’m fucking going to piss myself.”
With a smirk hidden from view, Levi held her in place, refusing to let her go. He knew exactly where she stood, only groaning pleasingly as he intensified his actions. His fingers thrust into her relentlessly, matching his rhythm with the flicks of his tongue. Levi could feel her hips buck violently, trying to escape his relentless assault, how she squirmed helplessly in his grasp. He was feasting on her with no remorse.
She cried out his name, unable to bear the intensity any longer. Her orgasm hit like a freight train, her body convulsing as she tried to pull away. But he wouldn't allow it, keeping her anchored to his mouth, shaking as he kept driving his tongue all over her. The feeling of being dripping was overshadowed by him drinking her in as if he was the thirstiest man alive, moaning against her folds as she could almost bet she felt his pleased smirk.
At some point, she couldn’t even hold her form against the door, twitching involuntarily. Levi reluctantly released her, wiping his mouth clean with the back of his hand. He stood up and picked her up, no buckling knees, no groan or scoff as he did; it was as if he was picking up a paper sheet from the desk. Weightless, powerless against his pull. Unceremoniously, he dropped her on the bed.
Jacket off shoulders, left at the back of a chair inside his room. Arness's upper part was pushed down so his hands could grip the edge of his grey shirt and push it over his head. Then, before she could process it, enjoying the soft cotton of the fabric against her body, marking a huge difference from the rough door, one of his knees sank on the mattress before he crawled to be between her legs.
Elbows on the bed, heels pushing upwards, her broken voice pleaded, “no, please. It’s enough,” as he kissed and nibbled the sweet part of her inner thighs before moving to her core again. “Ah!” she jerked again as he snapped the side of her leg again.
The tingling heat after the hit lingered on her as Levi rearranged her on the bed to his pleasure. “I think you’re not understanding your position,” he groaned, “I’ll say when it's enough; you just have to spread your legs for me to do what I please. That’s your fucking job now if you want your stupid letter, lay there and be a good pliant hole for me to fuck.”
Uncomfortable groans echoed in the room, interrupted by his own voice once again, “Did I make myself clear?”
“Yes…” she murmured but his haunting glance between his legs made her thought he heard her backwards softly. Passing down saliva, “Yes, sir.”
“This is your last warning,” he informed her, while his hands ran up and down her body, palm flat against the valley of her breasts, the touch was so soft but it felt subtly rough from the callouses of his hands, a permanent reminder this wasn’t supposed to feel as lovely as it momentarily did. “Did you hear me, girly? Or have I already fucked you dumb?”
“Yes, sir.”
Contorting uneasily as little whimpers left her lips between a mix of discomfort, pleasure, exhaustion, and pain. Pain because she could already feel his fingers sneaking in, three of them patiently spreading her for him and his restless mouth once again on work. It was too much, involuntarily her legs pushed against the mattress when he hit a particular place. Twisting as if she was possessed, fingers tugging from the sheets and her back arching as a natural reflex.
It was embarrassing how much she felt the wetness of her own mixed with his saliva sneaking through her ass cheeks down to the bed. Her legs felt weak but got a sudden burst of strength as he kept playing with a place that made her eyes roll back and tried to push her up. Levi held her in place, arm surrounding her thighs and arching her core to his face. Despite it all, her hole twitched with the necessity of more, demanding something even bigger as she felt her pinkie fingers going numb from the overpressure.
Knees buckled as he parted momentarily. “What a cute little slutty hole. You’re so tight; I will enjoy fucking it raw,” while she trembled in anticipation, Levi smirked as if he could already see everything he had planned in his mind. He softly pressed a finger on it only to see it clamp down onto it. “So fucking needy; when was the last time you got a good cock to fuck you back into your place?”
With a smirk, Levi withdrew his finger, replaced it with his mouth, and plunged inside, sucking her into his mouth. His finger teased against the back wall, exploring her depths before finding the spot that made her buck wildly. She mewled, her voice hoarse and filled with a hint of desperation. Her head thrashed from side to side, her nails digging into the sheets as she begged for mercy.
The following two orgasms were quick; Levi was getting eager to plow into her pussy with his dick now. His finger pried her open, and his tongue easily got in and swirled around. At this rate, she was just spread on the bed, twitching miserably, whimpering out of pleasure and the sweet pain it provided. “It’s so pretty when you cry,” he joked as little mewling sounds left her rose lips, and her eyes looked translucent with clamped-out eyelashes by the moisture. “Beg me more.”
Her eyes fluttered open, desperate and pleading. "Please, sir… just fuck me already," she begged. The intensity of her arousal was overwhelming; her body begged for release.
Levi got up to his knees, looking down at her and then between her legs, admiring his own creation with a smirk on his face. Fingers casually unbuckling his belt, letting it hang loosely around his hips as he undid the front button of his black uniform trousers and shamelessly patted the front of his engorged dick, feeling the outline of his erection through the fabric and hissing slightly as he finally got some relief from the pressure. As if he enjoyed forcing himself to enjoy every little bite from his meal, saving the best for last, testing his endurance of resisting to the last limit so each little inch that he plugged in of his dick finally in that slippery hot heaven felt like pure blessing. His left hand, which wasn’t touching himself, caressed her leg that forced to be up because she could no longer do it on his own.
“Ass up, girly,” he said. The command had been processed, but it was as if her body wasn’t replying to her mind. The only thing she could fully process was the movement of the mattress and how cold the bed felt as Levi abandoned it. Lazy steps against the wood planks that gave up little cracking sounds. Striding in front of his dresser, slightly bending, allowing her to have a good view of his ass as he dropped the trousers with the underwear all together and then quickly folded them and threw them over the surface, but he upheld something with his left hand from his clothes that she couldn’t perceive from the perspective of spying on him from her lazily open legs and half-lidded eyes. Fingers rummaged through a couple of things before he got what he had been looking for.
“It seems like I’ve to do fucking everything,” he complained, but there was no hint of actual anger in his voice, stoic as ever as he walked back to the bed with his hard dick on full display. Impossible erect and slightly dripping pre-cum from the tip that was a deep shade of red compared to the rest of his pale body, it involuntarily twitched as if it was happy of being finally free. She bit her bottom lip as she delighted herself with the view before doing a little eye contact; it was a good size, way more than she anticipated. Underneath it his heavy balls and on top a nice happy trail that resembled a signal that indicated anything under his belly button and chiseled abs was also a happy surprise.
Her eyes quickly fell to his left hand, and she noticed the belt from the 3DMG gear. While the reason why he may have kept that was rather obvious, the possibility escaped her rationality. “Wait- You’re not using that-“
“I said.” He just gripped the sides of her hips and flipped her over, “Ass up.”
Knees sank on the bed, “MHMP-“ her complaints were muffled by the bed as avoiding her full upper body falling completely into the mattress was difficult as he gripped her arms.
“I told you, it was your last warning,” Levi said as the belt tied up against her wrists, knotting up safely. Her face buried in the sheets by the pressure of her own weight, “I’ll teach you discipline, little shit.”
Hands massaging her ass cheeks, fingers sinking in the meat as his own knees against her legs forced more space. “HMP!” muffled complaint as swiftly one hand impacted on her ass, heat spreading through the skin and turning it red as the sound echoed in the dead of night. His hand followed, leaving a mark on her ass. The heat traveled through her skin, and she could feel her pussy drenching with need. She whimpered, trying to squirm against the belt, but he held her in place. Another and another, each time made her jerk forward slightly as her breath held in her chest and then puffed out.
“Please…” she whispered as her head turned to a side, resting her cheek on the mattress. “I’ll behave, please.”
Levi hummed, but his hand didn’t leave her ass, caressing the hurt zone softly. “Don’t you think we should make it even?”
The next swat landed on her other cheek, making her eyes water and her body jerk. "Please!" she cried out, her voice hoarse and desperate. Her whole body tensed, every nerve ending screaming in anticipation and desire.
Levi grunted, "Ah. You’re such a crying baby. As all MPs," he growled, rubbing the red splotches with his calloused hand. "You're so wet, begging for my dick. You better be grateful you're getting it."
“Ah-!” she gasped loudly as he slapped her ass again. The grip on her hair pushed her head up, and despite the tug and the strength of the grip, the relief of fresh air filling her lungs finally clouded her mind. His breath impacted on her face from the side as he held her, watching how her mouth hung open, panting softly.
“Thank me for showing you your place,” Levi demanded.
“Thank you, sir,” she whispered, forcing herself to look at him from the side. Locking her pleading eyes with his demanding stare. “Thank you for reminding me of my place, sir.”
Levi hummed satisfied, his fingers weaving into her hair again. "That's my girl," he growled, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. “Good girl,” he repeated before placing a kiss on her shoulder blades that were working extra hard by having her hands tied back. He released her hair, gave her ass one last swat, and then positioned himself behind her. She whimpered one last time, face resting on the side as she observed him opening up the foil of the condom carefully and then the subtle hiss as he rolled it down his dick. One hand lazily jerked himself as another reached for her folds and casually ran up and down his thumb through them, spreading the slick evenly.
“You should be riding my cock until I got tired of keeping it wet and warm, yet here I am,” Levi complained as if he wasn’t the one taking each and every decision while shamelessly gripping her tied-up hands from the back to position himself. “Fucking you silly and doing all the shitty job; maybe I should get that promotion,”
‘As if this wasn’t what you wanted.’
But she decided to carry on with the performance, either out of self-preservation, arousal, or the feeling of the cold-wrapped head of his cock running up and down her folds, applying soft pressure at her entrance before withdrawing, had already made her mad. “Thank you, sir.”
The angle of her body, the arch of her back, his hand on her hip, and his subtle hum of approval. Her mouth hung open, and the gasp was fully cushioned by the bed, struggling against her binds. Despite her assumptions, Levi sank in slowly and patiently, despite slipping inside effortlessly.
“Ah- Fuck,” he scoffed out, gritting his teeth as his head fell backward slightly, forcing himself to savor the moment but not completely lose it, gasping slightly. Withdrawing only a bit before thrusting back in, testing the waters. He took a moment to adjust, breathing heavily through his nose, and then began to thrust slowly. Each movement was met with a soft whine from the girl. But the soft, almost loving pace lasted the split of a second, a brief moment of calmness before the storm.
She should have known, at this rate, the second one of his hands abandoned her hip to grip the belt around her tied-back hands and used it as leverage. The tug from the resistance, the forced into place, and one deep thrust that knocked the air out of her lungs. Withdrawing almost all the way, almost only the tip left in before he used her own hands as a grip to push all the way in.
"God damn," he cursed under his breath, pushing in deeper. “You’re so tight,” he muttered, a pleased growl escaping his throat. Meanwhile, she would swear she was trying to breathe more, but the sheets stuck to her face and covered her nose. She tried to cry a little bit less loud because despite her features being buried down, the loud muffled moans each time he plunged all the way in mixed with the loud slapping of the bed frame against the wall must have woken up someone somehow.
“MH-HMP!” Her dignity told her not to sob of how good it feels, how deep it hits, how it felt as if he was trying to break her in half, conserve some dignity, but tears ran down her face of how perfectly synced he set the rhythm, how the friction of her parted knees against the sheets was starting to burn, but it was the perfect mix of how his cock’s head hit that place so brutally sweet.
“Fucking shit, what a pretty view on all fours,” he grunted, his voice sounding less controlled. The lust creeping in as his free thumb pushed his ass cheeks apart, locking his eyes on the way his cock disappeared into the slippery mess of her abused hole at that rate. “Ah-“ Levi let out a subtle moan as if the view was too much to handle, as the sweat glistened on her skin. The only way to not get completely lost in it was to spark it again.
“NH-AH!” she cried out as her legs trembled and her lips gasped for air.
“Best ass inside the walls,” Levi groaned. “And it’s all mine to fuck raw.”
Each thrust, each pull out, and then the deep push - Levi grunted, his own breathing ragged. He gripped the belt, pulling her hands slightly, making her hiss as the pressure against her skin was starting to leave obvious marks. Marks that joined all the rest of them, the still fresh, almost pulsating red handprints on each of her ass cheeks, the shameless bites he left on her shoulder blades each time he bent over to it.
His pace quickened, and so did her tears. She was soaked, her toes curled, and her body shook with each hit. She was a mess, a crying, whiny mess, and yet she was enjoying it, her core clenching around his cock with every movement. Levi growled, and his thrusts became harder, faster, more forceful. A relentless groan escaped him as he slammed into her harder, the friction of her wet core against his shaft nearly driving him insane. His grip on the belt tightened, and he pulled her hands back even further, making her body arch even more. The sound of leather against her skin echoed through the room, the scent of her arousal mingling with the smell of the clean room.
She was close, so close, but Levi stopped suddenly, and she wanted to scream out in frustration, to put an end to this sweet torture. Her knees hurt, her arms hurt, her pussy throbbed with need and abuse when he pulled out of her. No time to think as his pale, sweaty hand appeared from the top, grabbing the pillow and then turning her around forcefully from her shoulder.
“I want to see that fucking pretty face of yours while I fuck you,” Despite the darkness of the night, the room felt like it lighted up for her now with her face finally on display. Pillow under her hips, both legs over his shoulders, and without a minute to spare, he thrust all the way in.
“AH!” her moan echoed in the room as the angle felt too much, her toes curled impossibly, and her legs shook. “Ah- Ah- MHA! Captain-“ Top of her body twisted as her head rolled to the side, tears running down her cheeks, and the restless attention of him on her face was humbling.
“SHHH, quiet, little shit ah-“ He whispered. Sweat dripped from his forehead and from the tips of his dark locks, but he ignored it. “You want the entire fucking scouts to hear you?”
The bed creaked loudly, their bodies merging into one, like an animalistic dance. He gripped her legs more tightly, pushing in and out, setting up a pace that seemed to put both of them into a trance. Few messy soppy kisses to her legs as he had them within reach. Y/N bit her bottom lip trying to suppress her moans, leaving restless whimpers and cries of pleasure “Ah ah ah- hmmm,”. She tried but couldn't contain the sounds, but his dick was hitting her cervix as if that was his glorious duty; he folded her as if squeezing her legs against her bouncing tits was somehow helping her not to feel how his dick filled each corner of her. No, it did not help.
“Stop, stop, stop, almost, fuck-” she begged, pressing her legs against his head and trying to control her body from shaking.
Levi laughed roughly, a sound filled with victory and lust. “Want more? Want me to ruin you completely?”
“AH! YES-!” a loud moan as her back arched, head thrown backwards, and eyelids flickering of how good it felt. Nothing that felt like this, as someone pushed her down on the bed, slamming his cock into her, should be healthy, she concluded. “Quiet,” Levi warned, his voice hoarse. He loved how she clenched around his cock, how her pussy milked him with her orgasm. Frowning deeply as the feeling of her clamping down on his dick was too much to handle, a soft, quiet little moan left his gritted teeth. His abs contorted and his white knuckle grip on the sheets made his arm veins pop up.
“Please, Captain, Ah!” Why bother, the sound of the bed should be enough of a clue for the rest. And what if someone thought she was Captain Levi’s slut? What if she opened her legs wide and steady for him to fuck her restlessly? Who cared? Not her, definitely not her, as the only remaining feeling aside from the scorching heat of the pleasure waves around her body was the tingling sensation of her numbed arms and feet.
“Shut the fuck up,” he insisted, looking down at her. His hand around her neck, two fingers pushed down her parted lips. “I fucking told you to keep quiet.”
“NHG!” She choked on them as Levi kept them there while he lost his rhythm, thrusting into her restlessly and messily.
Her eyes watered up, staring into his as she struggled to breathe. The sweaty, panting man fucking her hard and fast, with an unapologetic expression on his face. She attempted to shake her head, but he wouldn't let her go.
"Shhh," he muttered, panting mouth as sweat ran down his face. "Just let me finish this."
Each thrust seemed to drive him closer to the edge. The friction between his dick and her pussy grew more intense, sending waves of pleasure through him. He couldn't care less about being quiet anymore - he just wanted to come, and he wanted her to see him do it.
"You're gonna cum with me," Levi growled, his voice ragged. "Look at me."
Her eyes locked onto his, filled with a mixture of fear and desire. Levi's eyes bore into hers, making her shiver with each thrust. She let out a soft whimper, unable to deny him anything anymore. The pleasure was too overwhelming to resist.
"That's right," he praised, his grip on her throat tightening slightly. "Cum with me, you little slut." His thrusts grew more desperate, each one driving him closer to the edge. He needed to come, needed to release the tension building up inside him, and she was his outlet. Her pussy clenched around him, milking his cock with every twitch, and he couldn't hold back any longer. Tears ran down her eyes into her ears as so did the saliva around his digits drool down her chin, pleading eyes looking into his begging for him to put this to an end.
“MHM-Hmp,” soft humming whimpers that were wordless pleadings of him letting her finally cum.
"You want it?" Levi snarled, thrusting into her harder. "Fuck, you're so damn tight. You love this, don't you?"
Levi couldn't resist anymore, the sight of her tear-filled eyes and pleading look pushed him over the edge. He growled, his thrusts becoming more forceful as he felt his orgasm approaching. He grinned down at her, his grip on her throat tightening slightly. “Fuck- Aren’t you pretty?” he murmured against her face, almost smiling out of satisfaction.
Both panting in the microspace of the closeness of their faces, breathing each other's ragged puffs of air. Their noses thrusting into each other sometimes as he slammed into her the final times, feeling the wave of pleasure wash over him. Frowned closed eyes, as mewled moans mixed together. Her pussy gripped him tightly, milking him like a vice, and he knew she was cumming too. His eyes met hers, her face a mask of pleasure and pain, and he couldn't help but smirk.
"Not bad," he breathed out, collapsing on top of her. He tried to catch his breath once, twice before he rolled to his side. Finally withdrawing from her slowly and laying flat on his bed next to her. One knee up, arm over his chest, and the other behind his head as a makeshift pillow as his lost eyes glued to the ceiling.
The room was silent except for their heavy breaths, the sweat dripping off their bodies mixing together. His chest raised up and down still erratic as both of them slowly blinked. Y/N lay there, panting heavily, her hands still bound behind her back. She could feel the sweat from Levi's body on her, where their skin touched. Her legs were shaking, and her pussy was still throbbing from the intense experience they just had. Her eyes met his, and she couldn't help but smile weakly.
His body twitched from time to time from the stimulation; her body felt like jelly. Completely boneless. She closed her eyes, trying to catch her breath. But as the cold began to creep in, she contorted uneasily and cleared her throat timidly. “Could you…ehm-“
Levi didn't answer immediately. Instead, he stared at the ceiling, still catching his breath. After a few moments, as he came out of his lethargic state, he finally spoke. “Oh yeah.” His fingers began to undo the knot around her wrists. “There.” Y/N rubbed her hands, feeling the blood returning to them. Her eyes focused on the deep red lines and bruises around them, and she grimaced uneasily. Her heart still pounded in her chest, and she couldn't help but glance at Levi. He shifted, sitting up and rolling off the used condom before tossing it into the bin close to the nightstand.
He stood up slightly to pick something up from his nightstand and also to push the blanket closer that was at the bottom of the bed. She tugged a bit from the sheets to cover her body as the moment slightly washed away, and nudity felt obscene and unnecessary. Levi let the blanket crumple around his hips as he turned on a cigarette.
"You good?" Levi asked, taking a puff from it and leaving the cage back on the nightstand. He looked at her, examining her bruised hands and the red marks from the ropes. A small frown appeared on his face, but he quickly hid it.
Y/N nodded, biting her lip. The marks on her wrists stung, but she didn't want to complain. She slowly sat up, trying to regulate her breathing. The room was still filled with a mix of their sweat and the scent of their passion. Her eyes caught on his lips, more precisely the cigarette. They were rather new now that they discovered the world outside the walls.
Levi looked back at her, at her silence, and casually took a last puff from it before placing it in her lips. “There, have it,” he offered. “You know how it works, right?”
She placed both fingers around it and smoked patiently as she hummed and nodded in approval. Somehow, that made him scoff entertained. “Of course you do, MPs always get used to luxuries rather quickly.”
As the smoke left her lips, she returned it. Y/N hesitated, still rubbing her wrists. She couldn't help but wonder if she should be honest. "Ehm—" she pondered around how to approach the topic, her voice shaky. "Was that… good enough? For the promotion?”
Levi glanced at her from the corner of his eye as she smoked the cigarette. The smoke swirled around them, marking the end of their intimate moment. He took the cigarette back and flicked the ash away, taking another drag.
"Good enough?" he repeated, a smirk forming on his lips. "Was it?"
She grew nervous as he asked back, not sure what to reply. Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, glancing up at him. "I gave you what you wanted?" She asked, her voice soft but curious. She couldn't help but feel a bit vulnerable, lying there with him after their intimate encounter.
He chuckled softly, his gaze returning to the ceiling.
Levi sighed, extinguishing the cigarette in an ashtray. He leaned back against the headboard, crossing his arms. “You want advice for next time?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Let the other person make an offer first, girly. I asked for your support at the camp so I had an excuse to give you a recommendation; I’ve already heard about your struggle from one of your friends. I had the stupid letter written before you even set foot inside this building."
He paused for a moment, turning his head to look at her. The smirk never left his face.
"But since you offered yourself, I wasn’t going to say no.”
Y/N's face flushed red, feeling embarrassed and a bit betrayed. She bit her lip as she looked at Levi, trying to process what he had just said. Then she scoffed offended, pushing him by the shoulder a bit playfully but also with anger.
"So it was all for nothing," she exclaimed, disappointment evident in her voice and obviously irritated. Holding the crumpled sheets against her chest, “You’re an asshole!”
Her eyes closed in reflex as she noticed his hand moving closer to her face, wrinkling her nose and pushing backward in self-defense. But Levi’s index fingers only softly pushed her frown playfully, and he said, “And you’re too naïve for being an MP,” Levi snorted, rolling his eyes.
Levi watched her move, a small smile on his lips. He slid his legs off the bed, sitting on the edge; his body still feeling sore. To her surprise, he grabbed the blanket and threw it over her head playfully.
"You shouldn't have done that," Y/N muttered, her cheeks still flushed. She took the blanket off her head, which only made her hair even more tangled, glaring at him. "I thought you actually meant it."
Levi smirked, standing up and pulling on his pants. "You really thought I'd turn down an offer like that?" he asked, clearly amused. He reached for his shirt, still smirking at her.
"Get some sleep, I don’t use the bed anyways," he said, zipping up his pants. "But don’t get used to, this isn’t a hotel."
He crossed the door of his bedroom and closed it behind him as she mocked his reply and cursed under her breath.
Walking down the corridors, everybody running to be somewhere else. That’s what the capital is like, always a new pub to discover, always a better party to attend than the previous weekend. Hot and dirty like the vicious air of the underground that laid underneath their boots. Her friends made plans as they called out for the week, writing their names and working hours down on the cards at the front desk. Yellow paper flowed under the conflicted air of the reception office, names written down with different calligraphies and a restless pen swinging as it hung from a cord to the forms.
‘Volunteers,’ it read at the top. The last row was empty, but it was quickly filled out.
‘Squad leader: Y/N L/N’
One of her friends who was eagerly talking to the rest turned around and frowned, confused. “Why are you wasting your weekend volunteering for the Scouts,” she asked, frowning in disgust, “You’re already a squad leader, Y/N, don’t sell yourself short.”
Her fingers gracefully placed the pen back on the table as a smile raised on her features. Adjusting her purse around her shoulders, she casually said, “You know, it’s important to remain humble.”
Link to my masterlist and my other works if you feel like checking them out. Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @i-literally-cant-with-this @angelofthorr @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @levistealeaf @an-ever-angry-bi @youre-ackermine @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @feelingsandemotionsnotexplored @flxrartsstuff @katharinasdiaryy @kikarouflames @levisecretgfblog @searriously Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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priniya · 1 year
hi lovie! could you do some percy (or leo, maybe both?? i love them sm hahaha) headcanons abt dating an aphrodite’s child?
I COMPLETELY LOVE THE IDEA OMG??? tysm for requesting anon <3
sorry if it’s not like you imagined it😭 it’s my first time with headcanons like that
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dating percy as an aphrodite’s child would include . . .
okay you all gotta admit that if percy could, he would brag about his partner being so beautiful that no one can compete with them
i feel like he’s at the university and some guys are talking and he just waits for a chance to show you off and be like “they are literally a goddess’ child”
BUT IN FRONT OF YOU??? he’d get so awkward even if you were dating for so long
also i’m 100% sure annabeth would sometimes point it out and laugh at the way he turns into a hot mess around you
but tbh you thought it was cute, cus let’s be real. it’s percy jackson, if you weren’t a hot mess around him as well, who would you be?
if you two are sent on a mission together, he rarely thinks about himself first, always making sure you’re okay before he checks himself
in his dorm he probably has pictures of you sticked to the wall in like a heart shape and his roommates might make fun of him for being such a simp but those photos gives him strength whenever you two are apart 🔥
he’s all in for that relationship, he even officially introduced you to both his parents and paul
you taught him how to braid hair and whenever you stay at his mom’s he braid his sister’s hair under your supervision ☹️☹️
when he started dating you he probably became such a gossip guy LIKE hear me out, he started paying attention to details and people’s behavior to talk about it with you
“you won’t believe what i heard today from piper.” “nah, she didn’t told me about it directly, her body language did.”, “i know right, how could he do that to her?”
he’s all in for the tea‼️‼️‼️
OH and also when you began dating he started paying more attention to jewellery and his outfits upgraded so much??
“i know you’re a child of aphrodite but these people gotta know i am your ares. or hephaestus.” “wait, am i your ares or hephaestus?”
dating leo as an aphrodite’s child would include . . .
this man is head over heels for you, and i know i said percy also is head over heels for his partner but LEO is on different level
he often drags you to the bunker whenever he feels like it and make you sit there with him, while he crafts something (mostly for you)
that man dedicates all his work for you, like
“oh this? i made it for yn cus they said [insert thing] fall apart so i just… did it.”
ngl he is kind of insecure that you’d left him for a child of ares just like your mother did to his father. even though you reassure him he’s the one on your mind, it still stings him sometimes
getting an approval from your mom wasn’t even that hard as you thought it could be. though she wasn’t exactly the most delighted you were in love with her husband’s child but… love is love right?
pet names in spanish ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
n you would pick it up and surprise him by calling him something in spanish <3
EVEN THOUGH he’s insecure about history repeating itself he jokes about it way too much sometimes 😭😭
brags to jason about you so much jason wants to off himself and i am not kidding
he once asked you to charm-speak him just to see how it feels
“what? don’t be like that, mi amor. i gotta know what’s your power’s like in case you do it subconsciously.”
(that’s literally the dumbest excuse you’d ever hear but didn’t care, considering it was your boyfriend who asked)
MANY people says you remind them of charlie and silena and when you heard it for the first time, you broke down crying because it was such a good compliment
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bratscave · 15 days
This thought is about Batman specifically. It might a bit out of character?
(tw: dubcon)
So, there's this civilian, always hitting on him, teasing him, just getting herself into trouble to see him. It's a game for her.
Now, Batman or Bruce, he's pent up. He has a gaggle of kids and Gotham to look after. He doesn't get time to fuck or jerk off. So this is just getting on his nerves, even though he's known to have immense patience.
One day he snaps, he just hauls that civilian up into a dark alley. One that he knows is secluded. He ends up eating the civilian out until she's seeing stars and then promptly using her like a fleshlight while rubbing her clit almost raw.
At the end, he dresses her back up, drops her off at her apartment complex with a plan B pill and is back on patrol, feeling much, much better.
Also, I really love your work!
— i can totally imagine this omg
It started out as a joke. Your life was boring, you were mostly buried in your journalist work. Until Bruce Wayne started making headlines, and your company wanted as many articles on him as soon as possible. It became your job — obsession even, to keep up with Gotham’s most elusive billionaire. You, and your annoying snarky comments on his nepotism and his suits, his womanizer activities. Your writing style was something the average reader of Gotham couldn't look away from, not even bruce himself. He'd never admit that he actually reads your 'shit'. You were so incredibly infuriating yet he couldn't stop thinking about you. When he has his little one night stands after the galas you show up to, he thinks of you. pounds harder into said-woman at the thought of you under him. And when he sees you smoke on the large balcony, he thinks about how it would feel like to see those plump lips of yours, wrapped around his dick. He'd never admit that though. You had mumbled another jab at him the second you noticed his lingering gaze, which led to him dragging you across the main hall to the luxurious restrooms. It recks of those typical rich men cologne's, not the ones that bruce wears —not that you knew exactly what dior perfume, he was wearing. The exact one that you now scent while he's kissing down your neck, it's quick, it's rough. rough enough to surerly leave evident marks, in a matter that he knows everybody will see once you walk out. You'll become exactly something that you critize him for being. He slips your dress of, so fast like he has no damn time. Even though he doesn't event want to get back to the gala, he just wants to make you feel how you make him feel. annoyed and well- very horny. He lifted you up onto the marble counter like you weighted fucking nothing, his hands gripping your hips with bruising strength. Slipping your panties off, his fingers cold against your wetness. His mouth followed, finding your core with a primal hunger all while his groans vibrated against you. And how he loves the sound of nothing besides whimpers and whines coming from your direction, they are sweet noises, noises he'd love to hear more of. When he finally slides inside you, it’s with a harsh thrust that makes you cry out. His movements are powerful, driven by a raw need that leaves no room for gentleness. He’s using you, each thrust a release of the pent-up frustration he’s felt from your taunts and the constant grind of his dual life. His fingers continue to work at your clit, rubbing it almost mercilessly. And he's an asshole about it, taunts about how 'loud you are', muses about the fact that all your damn morals went out the window the second you saw some good dick. When he finally finishes, it’s with a low growl of satisfaction, his grip on you loosening just enough to let you catch your breath. He dresses you with a rough efficiency, handing you the Plan B pill with an almost clinical detachment. The look he gives you is cold, but there’s a flicker of something darker behind his eyes. Something that suggests that this will definetly not be the last time. Oh, and he loves that little complete dumbfounded expression of yours. He'd pay millions to see that rare one again.
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noooooooop-e · 7 months
My *nsfw* Meangirls head cannons no one asked for ;)
x Fem! Reader
Characters: Janis Imi’ike, Regina George, Cady Heron, Karen Shetty, Gretchen Weiners.
Janis: Wants so badly to be a top cause she’s “such a bad ass” but is really a power bottom/pillow princess. (still a badass though). She will carry that to her grave. Low key (high key) likes to act like a brat. Will try to gain control but ultimately fold the moment a hand is placed on her waist. Enjoys being treated rough but would never admit it, you could put a gun to her head and she’d just shrug. Degrading kink. Deeply appreciates affectionate aftercare. *cough* masochist *cough* Pet names for her: Love, Hun, Butterfly, Cutie Pie*to annoy her*, shortie *cause of her height not ShAwTy*
Regina: Switch leaning bottom. Has a thing for punishment (wow so surprising). Will challenge and egg her partner on just so she can get the outcome she hopes for. Pet names for her: Reggie, Princess, Darling, Love, Bitch(an inside joke that became real)
Cady: Low key switch *leaning top when paired with janis or regina cause we know*. People pleaser. Can and will use her puppy eyes to get what she wants. Pet names for her: Love, Cutie, Honey, Bee.
Karen: Pillow princess, nothing else makes sense to me. Proud of it too. Very possessive but in a cute way. *like if someone flirts with her girl she will smile then kiss her partners cheek before gushing how much she loves her* Begs all the time even during the most inappropriate times. *She would definitely try to drag her partner away mid conversation* Touch starved. Pet Names for her: Pretty Girl, Karebear, Bub, Love, Sweetie, Princess.
Gretchen: Switch leaning bottom. Also touch starved. Loses it when being held by the waist or sitting in partners lap. Her cute smile and puppy eyes makes her partner fold. Pet names for her: Bebe*wink wink*, Love, Cutie, Babes, Darling, Amor.
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 4 months
Moi Devochki: NSFW Alphabet, Omega Wanda
WandaNat Masterlist Marvel Masterlist Moi Devochki Masterlist
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
She is quite clingy, and often worries about coming across as overbearing due to this. But she need not worry, both her mates adore seeing her all soft and cuddly. She is a big fan of soft touches, hands in her hair, and gentle words. Add a bit of praise to the mix, and she's as content as could be.
But all that's not to say she neglects her mates. She's sure to check in and make sure both are feeling alright, and she will eagerly give whatever is needed. Kisses, praise, warm words or  affirming touches. Your comfort means just as much as hers does to her, and she delights in caring for her mates. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Her hands are definitely her favorite. Even before getting her powers she felt drawn to them. She’d adorn them with rings and paint her nails to make them look even nicer, and to hopefully draw your attention. Then, when her powers took hold and they became capable of such incredible feats, she felt even more drawn to them. And the fact that she can bring you and Nat such pleasure with just a few touches and movements of her fingers, drives her wild.
Her favorite body part of yours is your neck. It may sound silly, but at the start of your relationship this was a bodypart she had to avoid at all costs. Now that she can safely show her affections, she hardly moves away from that area. She's always nuzzling it, inhaling your scent or kissing your scent gland. She also loves adorning it with hickies as well as tracing over her and Nats marks with her fingers. 
Her favorite part of Nats is her arms. They're quite muscular, so watching them flex and drip sweat while the Alpha works out is a quick way to get her heart rate going. And it amazes her how something so strong can also be gentle enough that she never feels at risk while being in their embrace. Quite the opposite in fact. They offer a safety she's never quite known. And now that she does, she never wants to go without.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Before the two of you had begun your relationship, she would often daydream about getting to eat you out. The question of what you must taste like twirled around her brain more often than she would have liked to have to admit. When she finally got her chance and her tongue was able to swipe through your folds, she swears she almost came from that alone.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
When you were all still unmated, your rooms were close enough together that she could smell your scent when you were in heat. Oftentimes, she found herself pleasuring herself when your smell was strongest. She just couldn't help herself. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Before you the only experience she had was with her toys. Once she got with you though, she began to gain some experience. She knows how to pleasure you, what spots are your favorites, what movements elicit what sounds and so on. With Natasha, she's still learning. But despite that, the Alpha praises her for how good she is with her tongue. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary. She loves being able to look into her mates eyes, letting them watch her expression change as she watches theirs. It also allows for her to easily wrap her arms around her mate to hold them close, which is something she really enjoys.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Depending on the situation, she can be either. She enjoys being a bit of a tease to her mates and so in turn doesn’t mind when they tease her for being needy. She also is fine with a bit of joking around from all parties. But do these things at the wrong time (aka, when she's in heat) and she will not be very forgiving.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Having hair down there doesn’t bother her, she just keeps it neatly trimmed. And yes, the carpet matches the drapes.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
She's quite romantic. While she absolutely enjoys sex for pleasure, for her it's also all about the bond formed between her and her mates in those little moments of bliss filled intimacy. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
She honestly doesn’t partake in masturbation often. You and Natasha leave her pretty fulfilled sexually, and she finds it rather hard to finish without at least the presence of one of her mates.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
She hasn’t really looked too much into it but she's sure she has a praise kink. She just melts whenever Natasha makes a comment on how well she's taking her, whenever either of you comment on how good she is at giving oral, or whenever either of you call her a good girl.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Her nest by far is her most favorite place. Afterall it is an Omegas safespace, and it's not only the first place she got to be with you but also is where Natasha claimed you both. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Watching you and Natasha train together gets her worked up pretty fast. There's just something about watching her mates muscles flex as they tussle with sweat dripping from them that she finds very hot.
Any groping done by either of her mates coupled with the dirty words they whisper in her ears instantly have her turned on. She just loves knowing how she worked the two of you up by more than likely just doing normal activities/actions.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
She is absolutely not up for partaking in anything rougher than how Nat handles her during the Alphas ruts. She's seen how some Alphas have treated their Omegas, and while she irrefutably trusts that Natasha would never be so cruel or careless, she finds herself afraid of allowing anything other than soft romantic encounters. This is likely due to the way the Alphas at Hydra pushed both her boundaries and yours while at their facility. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
She enjoys receiving oral of course, having your head or Natashas buried between her thighs is a truly incredible and very enjoyable experience. The way that either of you can have her squirming and approaching orgasm with just a few sucks/flicks/thrusts leaves her lightheaded.
But she also really likes giving it. She loves being able to use her mouth to bring pleasure to either of her mates, and she especially enjoys being able to swallow either of her mates cum after she works either up until release.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
She prefers slow and sensual, but when her Alpha is in rut she happily indulges in things a bit more rough/fast. She doesn’t mind the possessive holds or harder thrusts.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
She loves quickies, especially when in heat. In regular life she indulges in them a fair amount, as she finds it very hard to keep her hands off her mates. When in heat its not unusual for her to indulge in several a day through her heats duration.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
She does take risks, her forbidden relationship with you is proof enough of that. She’s down to experiment to indulge in her own kinks or either of her mates, as long as she is comfortable with whatever could occur during that indulging. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Her stamina is pretty good as she can go a couple of rounds without being worn out should she wish to indulge. Or even more than that if the rounds are spread out throughout several hours. During her heat her stamina is upped incredibly, and she can easily go for hours before finally succumbing to exhaustion.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
She does have toys, but not many. She has a dildo and a vibrator that she uses on both herself and her Omega when either feel so inclined. Which is usually when Natasha is unavailable.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
She occasionally likes to tease, but honestly she doesn’t usually have the patience to keep it up for very long. When she wants one of her mates, she doesn’t like to wait.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
At first when she was only with you, she had to control her volume. She didn’t allow herself anything more than small gasps, whimpers or stifled moans. But once Natasha enters the picture she's able to let her pleasure be known from either of you. She still tries to not be at full volume as she's sure the rest of the compound wouldn’t appreciate being able to hear her. But she's no longer as shy about being heard.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
She often thinks about what it would be like to be in between you and Natasha. Either with the Alpha fucking her while have her eating you out or you wearing her dildo and making her suck it. Or with Natasha in front of her having her suck her cock with you behind her fucking her with either your tongue or her dildo. Maybe one day she'll actually bring up the idea with you both.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
She has a couple barely visible scars from her childhood encounter with Tonys missile, and a few larger less faded ones from her time in Hydra. On either side of her neck, where it meets her collarbone are her claiming marks from you and Nat. And her pale Slavic complexion shows off her few freckles.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Quite high. As stated before she can be quite needy, is turned on by quite a few things her mates do easily, and is very romantic. She finds it hard to keep her hands to herself which is fitting because her mates find it hard to keep their hands to themselves as well. She honestly finds it hard to contain her horny urges, and is thankful that as long as the three of you are in her room, neither of you mind.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Usually she falls asleep pretty quickly as going a few rounds with each of her mates does tire her out. But she tries her best to stay awake long enough to either help her mates clean herself up, or help clean her mates up and care for them. Unfortunately she isn’t always able to do so, but you and Natasha give her credit for trying and hold no grudges against her.
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Taglist: @wandaromamoff69 @when-wolves-howl @danveration @sheneonromanoff @sayah13 @likefirenrain @nighttime-dreaming @chaoticevilbakugo @crystalstark02 @wackymcstupid @lovelyy-moonlight @blackwidow-3 @mistressofinsomnia @that-one-gay-mosquito @yomamagf @yourfavdummy @justarandomreaderxoxo @scoutlp23-blog @whoischanelle15 @lissaaaa145 @eline03 @wizardofstories@imthenatynat @marvelonmymind @fluffyblanketgecko @bitch-616 @dakotastorm @zoomdeathknight @aeroae @sashawalker2 @maggieromanov @doveromanoff @mommyluvu @404-almostdone @tarathia @ayoungexwife @loki-laufeyson68 @elle161989
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hopelessdelusional · 2 months
do you suppose we could have some headcanons for shoto todoroki being friends w/ reader who has seraphim wings? whether they’re into each other or just friends or in a qpr, who’s to say?
plz and thank you
no, thank you!!
i’m gonna do todoroki x gn! reader bc i’m pretty damn nonbinary and i don’t feel comfortable writing fem readers anymore :( sorry loves
also this is longer than i meant for it to be but my big ol brain just had so many ideas with this specific quirk so
‧₊˚♡pairing: Todoroki x gn! reader
‧₊˚♡tags: no beta we die like katsuki, one mention of negative reaction to religion, implied child abuse, reader gets hurt, slight angst, lots of fluff tho, kissing
requests are wanted!! pls drop any ideas in my inbox 😚
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☆ in the world of my hero, there are so many different quirks that manifest all over the world-and though wings are a common manifestation for people, seraphim was not
☆ your wings were not only a beautiful, soft and white set of wings that were stunning to look at, they were also powerful
☆ ever since your quirk manifested your father saw the instant potential of a true hero; as seraphim wings in many religions mean a great deal, and in his eyes you were a savior
☆ it was a blessing and a curse that your father trained you so hard- you were able to learn how to fight with and without your wings, becoming strong and independent
☆ however you started to feel as if you were only a soldier to your own father, and slowly religion and family started to mean nothing to you
☆ when you made it into UA your parents were ecstatic, and you were just glad you could make them proud after all of these years
☆ you fit into UA nicely, and slowly but surely create a friendship with the half white, half red headed boy: Todoroki Shoto
☆ whenever you talked to Tokoyami in class, Todoroki was there because of his seat, and you were always curious about the great Endeavor’s son-so you included Todoroki in conversations
☆ little did you know, ever since you showed off your stunning white wings, Todoroki had been infatuated with you and your quirk
☆ the more you talked to him, the more he developed a soft spot for you, and soon the two of you found out you both had similar childhoods when it came to your father’s constant training
☆ what started with small conversations with the three of you, became Shoto and you having your own inside jokes, and leaning towards the back of the class to comment on whatever came to mind
☆ it got to the point where the class always knew Shoto would be right by your side, whispering remarks in your ear waiting for you to snicker and continue the thought (gender-neutral gossip girls fr)
☆ Shoto loves to train with you, and ever since finding out about the two of you having alike childhoods, he would constantly ask you if you needed any breaks of any kind
☆ whenever he felt as if you pushed yourself too much he would force you to take a break, and there was absolutely no arguing with him
☆ the boy also loves to see you fight, seeing you fly into the sky with specks of gold in your aura (there were a multitude of times he got beat in training bc he was too busy looking at you)
☆ once, after a long day of training, Shoto accidentally let his hand slip and in a matter of seconds, you felt an extreme pain on the side of your body-and it wasn’t until the pain started to spread that you realized one of Shoto’s flames had hit your lower left wing
☆ the flame started to spread just as your fear did and you dropped to the ground, causing Shoto to rush over to your side, but too scared to touch you due to his quirk hurting you
☆ he watched as Aizawa helped you get up, as your fall had burnt out the flame, and all Shoto could do was watch as you had the most broken look on your face
☆ he watched helplessly as you walked off, and Shoto slumped to the ground
☆ later, after his friends encouraged, Shoto brought your favorite desert to your dorm and knocked lightly on the door; scared to wake you if you were resting
☆ “hold on i’m coming!” you responded almost immediately, and Shoto listened closely to hear you wrestling around along with a few grunts
☆ it had only been a couple of seconds and Shoto already felt bad for bothering you, starting to worry that you would never want to even look at him again after the incident
☆ just when he decided to just leave the desert by your door and disappear, the door swung wide open to display you in your pajamas
☆ he nearly melted at the sight of your domestic presence and the bright smile that appeared when you saw his face instantly
☆ as if nothing happened earlier that day, you gushed at the desert in his hands and quickly found comfort in hugging Shoto
☆ of course Shoto made no debate on your physical affection towards him, making sure not to touch your wings but still reciprocate your affection
☆ once you pulled away from the embrace, Shoto felt his face fall as he saw the bondages that were wrapped around both of your left wings
☆ “Hey, what’s wrong?” you inquired once you noticed the change of expression on his face, and you cupped his cheek gently to get the boy to look at you
☆ Shoto felt his face heat up with your delicate touch as he looked at you not being able to help the immense feeling of guilt
☆ “I hurt you.” he muttered, keeping his voice low with shame-meanwhile you just frowned at Shoto before dragging him into your bedroom
☆ you forced him to sit down on your bed, making him look up at you crossing your very muscular arms, and the new angle of your face made Shoto blush even more
☆ “You did not hurt me, you misfired in my direction. There’s a difference.” the stern tone in your voice caused him to pout mirroring your crossed arms
☆ eventually you sighed, plopping down on the bed and to Shoto’s surprise you stretched out your wings and started to unwrap the bandages
☆ Shoto felt himself panic as he tried to protest against your unwrapping but would soon become speechless when he saw your two left wings
☆ they were perfectly fine and unharmed, looking as powerful flawless as usual so when he looked back at you and you were smiling proudly he couldn’t help but smile as well
☆ “You can touch them if you really need to make sure.” you said leaning back to get more relaxed, and releif washed over him as he studied the state your wings were in
☆ usually you don’t let people touch your wings due to years of people randomly grabbing them and touching them without your permission, and you rarely have your wings out instead tucked and folded nicely against your clothing
☆ so to see you so relaxed and nonchalant about Shoto touching your wings, he felt honored that you allowed him to do so and yet so terrified to ruin the delicate moment
☆ his first touches are barely making contact, hovering over the feathers pleasently surprised to find out that they were as soft as he imagined they’d be
☆ a quick glance at your face and Shoto concluded that you were truly comfortable with him, as you had your eyes closed and head thrown back
☆ as he started to caress down the wing, making sure absolutely no marks were left behind from the incident
☆ “Another blessing of the quirk,” you breathed out obviously enjoying the physical touch
☆ “Healing powers,” you finished as Shoto’s eyebrows raised and suddenly his head ran full of questions for your quirk
☆ he realized that there were many things he did not know about your quirk, and the intimacy of the situation caused him to blurt out a question about your quirk
☆ “What’s the extent of the healing?” before he could scold himself for his lack of control you opened your eyes and smiled him
☆ his heart was racing with how close you moved to his face, and he was genuinely lost in your beauty
☆ you looked so at ease and happy, something he had always envied and loved about you, and without thinking next the hand that was on your wing moved to your face, tenderly touching your skin just as he did with your feathers
☆ instead of pushing him away or
becoming disgusted by his touch you just continued to smile then nuzzle your head closer to his hand
☆ as you began to answer his question he couldn’t help his mind wonder as he looked at you, trying to take in every detail of your face afraid he’ll never see it this up close again
☆ “But you’re not listening are you?” snapping out of his daze Shoto peered into your eyes again, feeling sorry that he didn’t listen to your explanation
☆ he opened his mouth to apologize but was cut off by your laughter, enjoying how your face crinkles when you do so
☆ you stopped abruptly, and if he had to guess it was probably because his face was centimeters closer than it was before
☆ in that moment Shoto decided that he was going to kiss you, and soon the gap between you two was closed
☆ the kiss unlocked feelings unlike Shoto had ever felt before, and just as he started to adjust to the new contact you pulled him closer and started to move your mouth
☆ his hands clumsily grabbed at your body desperately wanting to be even closer than you pulled him to be, feeling as if fireworks were bursting off of him
☆ suddenly you pulled away, a wicked smile and blown pupils faced Shoto as he caught his breath
☆ “Should have let you touch my wings ages ago” you giggled as he pulled you onto his lap
☆ “Yeah, you should have” and before you could respond his lips were on yours, exactly where they belong
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kiradrabbles · 6 months
Ticci Toby x Afab reader NSFW alphabet
(hello! i may do an AMAB version of these if someone requests it :) in any case, enjoy!!)
A = Aftercare Toby isn't an expert on aftercare. He's mostly inexperienced with sex generally, and even then because he can't feel pain, temperature etc. he's not quite sure what exactly you need. But he'll get you a towel, and awkwardly offer you some water or a snack, hold you as close as possible and conk out on your tits cuddle you to sleep. Or he'll shower with you, but that ends up in another round usually. If you tell him anything specific, though? He'll make sure to do it every time, albiet a little nervously the first few. If he's bruised you by accident he'll kiss where he bruised and apologise, maybe get you an icepack if it really aches. And if you can't walk well? He'll carry you round 'till your legs work again.
B = Body part (his favourite body part) For an AFAB partner Toby is a tits man no question in my head. He's just.. A tits guy, what can I say? Flat chests, large chests, any. He'll smother his face in them and bite them and kiss them- also cuddle actually. Just use them as a pillow. Depending on how sensitive you are he'll incorporate this more or less into sex.
C = Cum Toby loves seeing his cum on you. That's it. He's messy too. He'll give backshots, face shots, tummy shots, anything and everything. This man is a menace.
D = Dirty secret Probably the fact that he's masturbated to you like.. A lot. And he has a ton of pictures he does it to. He isn't ashamed of it per se, he knows you know he finds you incredibly attractive, he just thinks you'll be creeped out by it.
E = Experience I headcanon Toby as a virgin, so you'd be his first.. Everything. Kiss, handjob, head, etc. So he's inexperienced - but he makes up for it with passion! Think about it, when would he have done all this? He was homeschooled for the majority of his life, and even then when he was at school he got bullied like hell for his tourettes. After he became a proxy he probably wouldn't have gotten the chance either. I guess he could have like.. Done some non-con stuff with a victim, but I really can't see him doing that idk.
F = favourite position He'll fuck in any position, but his favourite? If he's topping, this man will use his operator strength. He'll literally pick you up and fuck you. On the table, against the wall, he'd fuck you against a tree if you let him. He likes the power, and the view. Plus if you're held against him he can easily pop a titty in his mouth. If he's bottoming/taking it, mating press with him underneath. He likes the way you have a good view of his face, and can watch him moan and squirm. Plus he just likes the sensations.
G = Goofy (whether or not they're serious during sex) It depends, for Toby. Some days he's up for rough animalistic sex when he's feeling really pent up or stressed, During this he won't be exactly.. Serious, but he'll be too focused on everything else to mess around or make jokes with you. Otherwise? He can goof around a little. Play with you by picking you up and throwing you onto the bed, or biting places he knows you're ticklish.
H = Hair I think he'd be decently well trimmed down there. He wouldn't let it grow out into a bush, but he wouldn't be clean shaven unless his partner wanted it specifically. He also usually has a happy trail fuck you. Body hair? I feel like he doesn't bother to shave it (again, unless his partner prefers it). So he'll have hairy limbs and armpits. He also has some light stubble, which he shaves whenever he remembers, so it varies from clean shaven to the begginings of a beard.
I = Intimacy This man is NOT used to intimacy of any kind. Considering he only every got love from his dead sister? This fucker is probably so easily flustered, sexual or not. Anything non-explicitly sexual but still loving probably turns him into even more of a stuttering mess than he already is. Please kiss his scars and call him handsome and pretty and tell him he's deserving of love despite his disorders I'm BEGGING. Sex wise, again, it depends. Some days he'll just go wild during sex, if he's pent up stressed or just feels like it, other days he'll kiss you romantically and compliment you in between thrusts. He'll also adjust based on your preference.
J = Jerking off He jerks off once or twice a day, usually before missions and bed. He can't get a boner during missions (that would be awkward if nothing else) and doing it before bed is convenient. He isn't addicted to it or anything, and has gone a week or two without doing it on long missions, he just prefers to do so. Especially to a picture of his beloved.
K = Kink(s) Toby is a total freak in the bedroom. I'm talking period sex level freak. It would probably be easier to list what kinks he didn't have. But a few specific ones spring to mind. • Praise kink. Toby is happy to give compliments during sex, but receiving them? Oh lord. He's spent most of his life without compliments or praise, so having you do it to him during something so intimate? He'll turn into a blushing moaning mess. This one is more for when he's bottoming. • Primal play. Like I said before, he's a pretty animalistic guy. He'd love to (with consent ofc) chase you and tackle you down, or play hide-and seek and fuck your brains out when he finds you. Or just hold you down and breed you like an animal. • Cumshots. I mentioned it earlier but this man loves seeing you covered in it. Not only is it straight up hot as hell, he also thinks It marks you as his in a way. Possessive lil shit. • Begging. He also loves it when you beg for him, or he begs for you. He's into it both ways. When you beg for him it's hot because it's reassurance that you want him and find him attractive. Him and no one else. When he begs for you it's hot because he's being vulnerable, and theres something about being that desperate. • Marking. I'm talking biting you, scratching you, hickies and fingerprint bruises on your thighs. He'll kiss them better after the act of course, but in the moment anything that he gives to you makes him go haywire.
L = Location This man will do it anytime, anywhere if you're both feeling it. Bedroom, couch (if the other pastas aren't home), forest, you probably have to persuade him not to do it in alleways sometimes. Or just do it, if that's your thing all power to ya. He does slightly prefer private places though, as that way you can go for longer.
M = Motivation (what turns him on) What doesn't? One particular thing that comes to mind is seeing the marks of what he did the next day, especially if you don’t hide the hickeys with a scarf when out in public. It's embarrassing (and sometimes he feels guilty even when you assure him it's fine) but it also sends something in him crazy knowing you're displaying that you're his in public. The smallest things can get him in the mood, though. You stretching, wearing his clothes, complimenting him, sweating, anything and everything. Sometimes nothing, sometimes just seeing you.
N = No (boundaries) Shit and vomit are.. No go's for him. (He'll try piss if you're really eager). DDLG and Daddy in general make him feel predatory and gross, and also anything father related remind him of his dad which is.. Yea, not sex thoughts. And also voyeurism. Remember I said he was a possesive lil shit? Yeah. He ain't sharing you with no one.
O = Oral He loves oral, both giving and receiving. If he had to choose, though? He'd prefer receiving. He loves seeing you gag on his cock, and of course, cumming all over your face. (he'll clean you up after ofc). Not to say he doesn't love giving it either. This man loves eating. He thinks the noises you make are cute - and he also would not mind you sitting on his face.
P = Pace He's usually fast paced. He loves fast rough sex, both of you moaning and yelling and grabbing each other. Sometimes he'll force himself to slow down though, either to tease you or to make the most of it and enjoy every second, especially if he has a long mission coming up and won't see you for a while.
Q = Quickies He prefers longer sessions with multiple rounds, but he's fine with quickies. Sometimes he just needs to bang your brains out before a mission.
R = Risk You're in the slendermansion, everything is a risk. The walls are thin as fuck - at least you think they are? You've never heard anyone complain about you and Toby, but you've never heard anyone complain about the screams of whichever victim Jeff has brought home for some reason. Toby finds it hotter when theres a risk of getting caught. After all, worst case someone else gets shown point blank you're his, and it's cute seeing you try stifle moans.
S = Stamina This man. Can go. For hours. If you let him. The operator strength affects more than just his strength if you know what I mean. By the time he's done you're usually all fucked out. I'm talking multiple rounds, maybe a minute break between them? If you date Toby get ready to be able to hardly walk for a lot of the time. And you best believe he's a smug shit when he carries you around after. "O-oh babe, sorry, did I fuck your brains out t-too hard?" and he will make you say he did.
T = Toys He doesn't usually use toys, except maybe ropes or vibrators if you're into that stuff. Except. Srap-ons. Peg this man. He won't tell you, but this man is PEGGABLE. And he WILL enjoy it and start moaning your name. Trust guys. He's also pretty skinny (lean, but skinny) so if you use a big enough strapon he'll get a stomach bulge.
U = Unfair (teasing) Usually he can't really tease you during sex as he's too busy fucking your brains out (or getting his brains fucked out) but as with pace, he can slow it down a little sometimes. And when he does you best believe he'll tease the shit out of you. He'll make you beg for it, and he WILL drag it out as long as possible. Probably try his hand at edging you. (but it's fine if you edge him back he'll become a stuttering fucking begging MESS)
V = Volume/Vocal I imagine Toby isn't the most vocal of men, but you will know when he's enjoying it. Moaning, grunting, even growling. Sometimes he'll stutter out short sentances too. "F-fuck, tight-" "gonna split you in half baby-" "Mach w-weiter" (keep going) "Please, p-please please-" shit like that.
W = Wild Card (misc) Toby speaks fluent German, as his parents were 1'st gen immigrants from Germany. (it's canon confirmed he has German ancestry but not more specific than that, so that's more of a headcanon.) He does some sex talk in german, especially when he gets In the heat of it. "Oh mein Gott" ( oh my god) "V-Verdammt, das fühlt sich so gu-gut an" (Fuck, that feels so good) "Ich l-liebe dich, härter bitte" (I love you, harder please)
X = X-Ray Toby is skinny, but lean. And deceptively strong. His whole body is covered head to toe in scars - stomach, chest, arms shoulders legs. Everywhere. He has no tattoos save for the operator symbol on his wrist. He's 5"10 in hight. In terms of his member, he's pretty big, a little larger than average at about 7.5 inches, give or take a few depending on just how hard he is too. He's pretty girthy as well, so get ready for the ride of your life.
Y = Yearning (libido) High libido. Horny fucker. Literally so horny, he's pretty much ready for it any time anywhere. Especially when it's related to you. You could probably look at him funny and he'd wanna fuck.
Z = Zzz It's 50/50 whether he'll pass out after sex or not. If he does he cuddles you close though, probably whispering nice things and calling you pretty. Just resting on you, playing with your hair or letting you play with his.
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censorious-asshat · 2 years
Ot8 x gn reader
Genre - fluff
word count - 0.8k
An- i hope you guys like it. please like and reblog if you liked it
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This man is into the classics
Call him darling once and he will be ready to do anything for you
Turns into putty every time you call him that
The first time you called him darling, you could literally see the heart in his eyes
“Chan, can you please come back to bed” “just give me 15 minutes” “Please darling” “y-yea, a-anything for you baby”
Since he is known for overworking himself
On multiple occasions, the boys have called you up to call him darling and get him to take a break
You know the power you have over him and you take advantage of it, for his benefit of course
Once you start dating, its a race between you two to see who gives the other a cat nickname 
So when you beat him and call him kitten, the man gets a little mad
But his brain goes to mush before he can do anything
“Kitten, can you help me with this” “did you just call me kitten” “do you not like it” “no- I mean yes- I like it”
Loves cats so much, that being compared to one is the biggest compliment he could receive
All the teasing stops when you hit him with this nickname
Even though it's reserved just for private, it's his favourite nickname
He adores you so much that he would be fine even if you call him piggy
But the day you called him baby, the man turned into one
“Baby, are you busy today” “I'm baby now” “are you busy or not” “I’m not busy”
Call him anything else and he won't reply
“Binnie, what are you doing” “Binnie, i don't know Binnie” “baby what are you doing” “ordering us food”
All he wants is to be babied by you
Big muscle baby
You see him fussing, call him baby and he stops in a split second
He is a romantic at heart
You called him love once, and he was already planning your wedding
You became his angel the very next minute
“Love, can you pass me my phone” “of course my angel”
Surprisingly acts regular about it
But gets butterflies every time you call him that
Add a little something and call him my love
His heart starts beating out of his chest
He treated you to one of the best dates ever after you said it for the first time
His eyes turn into little crescents every time
It started off as a joke to get his attention and you never planned on using it again
But you called him jagiya once
And now this man complains if you call him anything else
“Jagiya, can you come to help me” “of course jagi”
First, you weren't sure about it
Now you call each other jagi and jagiya to annoy the boys
And cause han loves it so much
Its the pinnacle of romance for him
You can use it as blackmail
You once threatened not to call him jagiya if he kept his space dirty
It was cleaner than ever before
He is the purest man ever
So obviously, you decided that sunshine was his new nickname
He heard and smiled even brighter than the sun
“Do you know where my keys are sunshine” “right by the door, but before you leave, give your sunshine a kiss”
Smiles so brightly every single time
Sometimes he even does a little dance
Call him sunshine, and the next day he has baked you brownies
Call him sunshine, he may even stop playing video games
Call him sunshine and you'll be smothered in his love
It makes him so happy
When you started dating, he said he wasn't into nicknames
But when you called him my puppy while watching an interview of his
His heart did a cartwheel
This man had literal puppy dog eyes 
“My puppy is so cute here” “a-are you talking about me” “of course my little puppy”
He didn't make fun of you for a week
And now you do it to help you get out of it
He turns into a total softie every single time you call him that
You called him puppy once in front of the boys, and he turned red out of embarrassment but he was also too soft to tell the boys off.
Will give you infinite cuddles despite not being the biggest fan of physical touch
Before you started dating, he put it out that he didn't want to be called baby
Not that it mattered, cause you didn't want to call him that anyways
You called him honey, and his reaction was totally worth it
“Honey are you back” “yessss, and I missed you so much”
He jumped onto you and melted on top of you
This man was so soft, that he did not let go of you at all and kept asking you to call him honey
He was so whipped that he even started letting you were his favourite hoodies and sweater
He always gives the biggest hugs when you call him that, and the boys are jealous
They tried calling him honey to get a hug but instead got a slap
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Luz is the character of all time, I swear to Titan
She starts the series off canonically weak, at least from a physical standpoint, but by the time the season one finale hits she pretty much solos storming a prison. And not only does she make it out of this incredibly dangerous situation alive, but despite probably having to fight through a lot of guards to reach Eda, there are only two people in that entire building who she isn’t able to immediately mop the floor with. 
What's more, look at the state they’re in after she’s done with them! 
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Casual reminder that she did this back when she only had four spells at her disposal, only three of which were combative!  
And despite this clear badassery, she isn’t OP or the strongest character in the series, barring temporary titanification. Heck, she isn’t even the strongest member of her immediate friend group! Pretty much all of her big fights (Ex. Grom, Belos rounds 1 & 2, the Abomiton in EE, heck any of her fights aside from the Stonesleeper in EaE) she either lost or needed someone’s help to finish/simply survive. 
And yet she managed to trick a man who mastered manipulation centuries before she was even born, twice, and became the champion of a god. 
But also she once got a magic cold that made her think she had snake arms.
Her adoptive mom is a proud criminal who introduced the son she’d been raising for 8 years as her roommate, and is in love with a nonbinary rebel leader/band geek. Her birth mother is a trekkie who once beat up a flat earther with a flip-flop while she and her snake-sister watched. Said sister spent months stealing her identity, and once mispelled her name in a letter to her mother. 
She met god, and he was wearing sweatpants. Her little brother is the son of god, and accidentally predicted her death in a one-off joke before almost getting them both crushed to death by a snappily dressed lizard later that day. 
She meets her first real friend, who is one of the most powerful witches in the entire series, and less than an hour later they’re sneaking her into school so said friend can cheat on a project. 
Her second real friend, who is also one of the most powerful witches in the series and a massive human nerd, took out a Coven Head by accident while having a breakdown, and she had to hear about the whole thing second hand. 
She shot her future found brother/trauma buddy off of an airship, then saved his life less than an hour later. They speedran the ‘enemies to friends to siblings’ pipeline but with 10x the trauma, and were both murdered by the same centuries-old puritan witch hunter. 
She challenged her future girlfriend to a duel before she knew how to use a combative spell, and both of their teachers made them unintentionally cheat. Said future girlfriend also kissed her on the cheek, and she still spent a whole day freaking out about how to ask her crush on a date before said crush beat her to it seconds before she got the question out. 
She has some of the coolest moments in the entire series. One of her most heartbreaking scenes takes place under the tree she and her girlfriend made when they defeated a nightmare monster with the Power of Love™. She considered going to prom in an otter onesie.
For 99% of the series, she’s at her most powerful when armed with nothing but a (most likely pickpocketed) notepad and a pack of crayons.  
What a character. 
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hoshieeyewrinkles · 7 months
Dark best friend's brother Jake who really wants to fuck reader but can't seem to get her alone. She's also scared of him because of his habits like smoking weed and partying all the time kinda reputation. Pls make it non con!!💕
Here you go anon 💓
[ Bloodshot eyes ]
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Tw: non-con, slight degradation, uses of drugs, ass eating, anal sex.
"Why are you running away from me, sweetheart?" He asked, trapping you between his thighs, one hand firmly gripping your hip and the other holding the cigarette in his mouth. You tried to wiggle out of the way, but he just smirked.
"S-Stop it! Jake, I am going to tell your sister about this." You tried to threaten him, causing him to snort. "Alright, sweetheart, you have scared me enough. You are free to leave." He said, spreading his thighs to release you. You dashed upstairs, looking back once to see him staring at your ass with those bloodshot eyes you feared so much.
Terror clawed at your insides whenever Jake sauntered into the room. "Scared" was a laughable understatement; you were petrified, paralyzed by a primal fear that danced in his eyes and lurked in the sneer twisting his lips. His habits were disgusting, his friends, and his violent outbursts sent shivers down your spine. What made it worse was how everyone seemed to fall under his spell, mesmerized by his list filled eyes. Did looks truly hold such power?.
It was like a cruel joke. You'd befriended his sister, drawn to her genuine sweetness and kindred spirit. She, like you, was innocent, sweet and timid. You'd naively expected a similar light in Jake, instead, you were shocked to find him doing everything which you loathed. It didn't matter what he did as long as he didn't bother you but that's the only thing he does these days, cornering you with every chance he could get.
The mere sight of Jake sent shivers down your spine, His lustful stares felt like physical gropes, each passing touch a violation disguised as casual contact. His house, once a haven shared with your best friend, became a hell you had to run. The air thick with the smell of weed and the annoying laughter of his friends, their jeering hollers as you passed by made you want to crawl and hide.
But you were trapped. Confiding in your best friend, Jake's sister, was unthinkable. How could you shatter her image of her perfect, protective brother? Her belief that his bad habits are just a way of rebellion towards their neglecting and absent parents.
The night came quickly, and you found yourself moving around, trying to find a comfortable position next to your best friend, who was fast asleep. You sighed and got out of bed; perhaps a glass of water would help, and since it was only 12 am., her brother would not be back yet.
You tiptoed your way down the kitchen, refilling your glass with water. You jumped when you felt a hand on your ass. "Its me, darling." There was his honey voice which always spoke nasty words to you. Commenting on how big your tits look and you pretty you would look with his cock in your mouth.
"Please Leave!" You turned around, attempting to remove his hand, but his hand remained groping your ass, groaning in satisfaction. "You don't understand how long I have waited for this..." He whispered before pulling you in for a rough kiss. You could taste the alcohol in your mouth as his tongue desperately licked every corner of it. He only pulled away to catch his breath.
"I'm gonna fucking ruin you!" His hands ripped open your shirt as you thrashed around, trying to scream his sister's name, but he cut you off with a slap on your tits. "You think she will help you, baby? She will blame you for seducing me," he laughed, palming your tits over your bra before pulling it down.
You could only swallow your moans as he sucked your nipples and twirled them around with his tongue, staring at you with bloodshot eyes. The ones which are always drowned in lust and intoxicated. You did not have the guts to stop him when his hands slid down your shorts, cupping your pussy and playing with your clit while your body continued to produce slick. "Might as well admit that you like it, darling," he chuckled, pulling away to admire the marks he had left all over your chest. He bounced them in his hand, grinning as you cried harder.
He treated you like a ragdoll, pulling your shorts down and bending you down on the counter while sucking hickies over your ass. "Mmnh...I needed to eat this ass, the one you liked to flaunt like a real slut." His tongue left a long stripe between your ass crack. You felt disgusted and violated, not only by him, but also by yourself, as you struggled to control your moans.
You did not stop him when he desperately ate your ass, moving his head around and moaning loudly, not caring if his sister was awake, because, in the end, you seduced him, and God knows how many times he jerked off to your thoughts. The fear in your eyes, the way you went pale every time you saw him turned him on so badly and so he will use you as he wishes.
He did not stop groaning as he relentlessly pounded into your ass, his hips moving at an uncontrollable pace. "Y-yeah baby, this is just fun. Come on just admit you like it." He taunted you, pulling on your hair as you let out moans and shook your head between your messed-up state. You did not like it. You despised it, even if your body acted otherwise. You still despised it when you came around his cock for the fourth time. You hated yourself when he laughed each time.
"You are mine now doll, I own you now. I'm gonna pass you around to my friends, fuck you till we are satisfied. Gonna give you a valid reason to hate me now, yeah? "
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generalsdiary · 9 months
a stupid bet (part 2)
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gn!reader x Dr. Ratio
part one here
warnings: kissing, suggestive themes, occasional curse words (?)
word count: 6k~
a/n: didn’t expect so many of you to like it, so here’s part two, I knew which way I wanted to take this – and no it isn’t smut like some might assume. two adults with a complicated situation such as this would behave a tad differently, this ain’t a movie after all. but it was fun writing, a bitch to edit it, I hope you guys like this one as well, I am quite pleased with how it turned out. not beta read (we get snapped like Tingyun), if he is ooc this has been written before he became playable ((doubt there will be another part btw))
description: the aftermath of the bet, how the new dynamic functions, stubborn and arrogant attitudes with the fear to show emotions underneath it, all the while yearning for each other (fluff) yes they are communicating, this ain’t miscommunication trope, DW
It is the same day. Late at night with the workplace practically empty, you are finishing up some work. Being in a high position of power means also late hours, you stand up to stretch from sitting for hours.
It is quiet, everything seems still and desolate, with only the occasional sounds of machines, the soft buzzing of the lights, and the occasional Ruan Mei’s creation passing through.
You’re not alone to your surprise. Another figure also stands up to stretch, you aren’t aware of the presence until you hear the low sigh.
Veritas Ratio was still here, also finishing up work, just like yourself. Both hardworkers it seems… You two have a lot more in common than either of you would ever care to admit.
Upon acknowledging each other's presence he simply says. “Oh, so you’re still here as well?”
You nod, not finding the words to say, plus small talk is pointless in your mind. To which he nods back.
“Mind if I ask what kind of work you’re still working on at the time of night?” He tilts his head, you don’t know if it is cockiness in his voice or actual curiosity. On the other hand, he should also be very aware of your area of work.
“I’m done- about to head home~” You avoid the question, the simple rivalry and some sort of defensiveness still existing.
“Huh.” He ponders for a moment. “We’re both here, we’re both almost done and we’re both also heading out? It seems we’re more similar than I thought.” He makes a lame joke, to which you cross your arms and stare him down with a raised eyebrow as if to ask ‘Seriously?’.
You do answer, more of a scoff, “Perhaps” as you turn off the screen. Then the irony of the stupid attempt at the joke also brings a smile to your face. You don’t even notice it.
He also slightly smiles, realizing the stupidity of it, “Well… I mean, we’re already here at this late night. We could also just go ahead and leave together if it is alright with you?”
You nod, not thinking much of it, “Sure, c'mon.” You two exit the building.
He happily follows you out and you both soon exit the large lab building and walk out into the dark and chilly night. You weren’t aware, or maybe you didn’t notice the weather conditions being added to Herta’s space station. You two walk, all alone in the dark of late night, with only each other’s company to keep you warm.
He looks over to you, as he whispers. “Seems so peaceful and calm here, doesn’t it? It feels as if everyone has vanished from the station with you and me only left standing. Some life of the scientist huh?”
You nod at his words. Noticing your silence, it didn’t feel awkward, more tired, full of confusing thoughts and comforting silence. He continues, “How about we just keep walking without saying anything else? Let’s just… let’s just walk together and enjoy the peace of this… artificial night.”
“Sure” You didn’t mind his suggestion, walking beside him and feeling tempted to hold his hand.
He also gets an urge to hold your hand and even, hold you close. This quiet, late night has always made him feel at ease and rest, and this moment is no exception. In the darkness, it feels different, the way you two interact and behave.
You break the silence. “I’m still shocked we kissed today” to which he chuckles softly.
“I could almost say that I was surprised too. It didn’t feel like just any old kiss, it felt… like there was so much more inside it. A sort of intensity, a spark, that I couldn’t shake off for a long time. Almost as if my body felt as though it could simply melt from that kiss. It took me a bit to focus on my work again today.” He dryly chuckles.
You laugh softly at his analysis, “It appears someone liked it a lot.” And also avoiding the thoughts of it. He laughs softly at your tease and whispers, his voice a bit more tender and sensual. “Oh, I definitely liked it. I liked it a lot. It was as if I could hear some sort of music playing in that kiss. It was as if the very notes that this melody was composed of was just for that single kiss… that was the impression the kiss left on me…”
You smile, “Interesting” Is he actually truthful or mumbling nonsense? Who could know? You two bump into each other while walking and your nostrils fill with his cologne again today, just like while you were kissing and you sigh.
He also sighs and feels a sudden urge to wrap his arm around your waist, to take you in towards himself. He barely holds back the urge. “Interesting would be an understatement. You and I really must share a similar taste,” his voice goes lower, “but I can say one thing. I don’t think there was enough of our… closeness and the kissing.” He has more thoughts about this, yet quite unlike him he decides to keep them to himself, the thoughts of how your lips feel like they were made to just kiss each other and only each other, and perhaps meant to walk together in these quiet night station hours… He sighs softly, his mind turning into just nonsense.
It certainly is pleasant to be walking during these hours, and his words make you ponder over your thoughts and possible bubbling emotions. The calmness is unlike most other places, yet this peaceful atmosphere keeps you calm with which you also feel a bit of temptation. Feeling like you want to give in, want to take his hand in yours… Be close to him.
You both walk slowly, wanting perhaps to be closer to one another, your hands bumping into each other as you walk. Your bumps, as well as every other accidental touch and brush, only seem to tempt you further.
When your fingers brush against his you move them away like you got burnt, it feels like a zap of electricity, they feel too hot, too cold… like fire. And you wonder… gods why do you just want to hold his hand and get burnt? It seems as if those accidental touches are now turning even more intentional. You both keep the slow pace, perhaps both enjoying the feeling of being this close together and not wanting it to end.
Silence befalls you two once more. You don't know what to say. Stuck in a quiet and silent moment, as your bodies brush against each other with each step. Shoulders bumping, fingers brushing. Gravitating closer, you can feel that gentle heat of his body. There isn't much you two can say at this moment – you should just let this peaceful, calm, yet sensual and tempting moment speak for itself… a moment like this is worth more than any words could ever describe. Although this is more like a set of moments, rather than a single moment. Time feels like it is speeding by, seconds running yet it also feels like it has been slowed down.
„Veritas,“ You say his name softly. At the sound of your voice, he turns his head a little bit and looks right at you through the faint night lights. The look on his face seems to be filled with longing and passion, a look on his face that seems to be waiting for you to complete whatever sentence you were trying to say. He seemed quite eager to hear what you were about to say. His eyes looked as if they were burning with passion. Or perhaps you just imagined it all and he was merely waiting for you to speak, but you had his attention.
„You said you wanted to get to know me,“ you're looking ahead while walking, „yet we walk in silence.“ You try to slice the silence, the tension and thoughts of how he smells and how warm his touch would feel filling your mind, so you try to make conversation.
He nods and chuckles softly as you make this observation, „The truth is… it's just that I am enjoying being so close to you that I'd rather keep walking like this for a bit… I just…“ he sighs, closing his eyes for a moment, „I just want to feel you next to me without having to speak a word. And to also be honest…“ His voice turned to a whisper. „…I'm feeling a bit tempted. The quiet and the... silence of the night making everything feel so much more sensual, I'm having a hard time resisting…“
You look up at him, hoping your cheeks aren't shaded pink, „Resisting?“
He is fast to answer, „Resisting the temptation… I want to kiss you again… I want to feel that warmth again. Your perfume is driving me insane… I just want to get lost inside of you with every kiss… with every touch…“
Veritas' words leave you in shock, he is completely frank, and blunt. Your thoughts scatter at his eagerness. You offer a small reaction. „Oh…“
He chuckles silently to himself at your surprised reaction, he is getting slightly out of hand, out of his usual stoic self, leaning closer while walking to say, „I mean, we could stop here and just enjoy these feelings with each other. No words are needed. I believe the quietness and the silence have just really been making everything feel so much more… as I already said, sensual. So I ask you, dearest, would you like to continue walking together as we are, or would you like to let these feelings finally get the best of us, and just… kiss?“
You stop walking and look up at him. You smirk, „You don't have a lot of self-control with indulgence now, do you?“ You tilt your head when you say these teasing words. Then almost like karma, an artificial draft blows past you two, his cologne filling his senses, making you close your eyes while it returns you the what happened earlier that day before you open your eyes again.
Veritas' eyes light up when you point out the lack of self-control but he can't help but chuckle softly. „You don't know half of it. It has been eating at me today, seems like a dam of suppressed… thoughts burst through. And they seem to be getting better of me the more and more we stand like this. I do apologize for my eagerness, it is improper… Would you really like to know just how hard it has been to hold back from simply kissing you?“ He adds the last sentence as if he is saying a secret, whispering it softly.
You smirk, „Oh, do tell me~“ Barely hiding the way his cologne almost had you swept off of your feet. Of course, he sees your reaction, just how much of an effect he seems to be having on you right now. You can feel your body just wanting to sway towards his, wanting to feel his touch, his warmth.
„Oh, where should I begin“, he does his analysis as a doctor, „My breathing has been feeling… hot and heavy… it's almost as if my heart rate has been rising faster than normal, or perhaps the fact I want to embrace you with every fiber of my being right now. But don't make me start listing the symptoms.“ He ends with a smile, to which you smile back. You'd never normally do that, you wonder what is it about this late at night?...
„Well, a mere hug is innocent enough, Veritas“ You smirk, teasingly and continue walking now. He laughs at your words before speaking, „Indeed it is. But the problem I find with this so-called 'innocent hug' is that it would inevitably lead us into the unavoidable action of you and I embracing tighter and tighter until a point where our hands may wonder and- let me not ramble, but“, he whispers into your ear, „A hug is just the beginning. Would you still like such an 'innocent' act of a hug?“
He is right, and you know he is. You try hard to not imagine it as he speaks, struggling to hold the thoughts back, to try to ease the tension you tease. “Overthinking~” You shoot him down and walk, avoiding anything upfront and making it obvious to the clever man as to why. You know he is as desperate as you to touch each other, feel, hold hands… And confused by it.
“My dear friend”, the nickname icks you the wrong way, but you ignore it, “I have quite the knack for figuring things out. And I can easily see that you want to hold me and embrace me too, but you seem to want to tease and want to be teased. Would you like to tease you a little bit?” He smirks, reading you like a book and recognizing the weak spots he can aim at.
“Oh, Veritas please don’t tease me, I don’t take it well. And, also, I assume then the innocent hug would be a bad idea.” You answer honestly rather than putting up a strong front that would crumble in mere seconds.
He is amused at your sudden concern about being teased and has an amusing tone of voice, “Alright, alright then. I promise to not tease you… well… not too much. Yes… no hug for us. It would lead us to do more… well, it would lead us down a very… not so innocent path.”
You two continue walking at a rather slower pace, you get the feeling of just how close the two of you are getting, bodies moving almost in sort of a sync, every little sway that one of you makes is seemingly replicated by the other. It is as if all other movements have faded away, except for the two of you walking together silently in the darkness.
Your fingers brush each other making you sigh. The touch of your fingertips is felt through the fabric of clothes. You become aware of each other's breathing in this silence. It all drives you insane, why do you want to hold his hand so badly… it makes you sigh again. It appears your fingers brushing has the same effect on him, your hands gravitationally shifting towards each other, as if trying to come in contact with each other, you can barely resist and you can tell Veritas is struggling not to just take your hand in his. More bumping, the desire to hold hands feeling like a natural response at this point, yet you don’t. “Veritas…” You quietly sigh.
The sound of your sigh sends shivers down his spine, turning his head to look at you, and his face is readable like a children’s playbook right now. His desires are, the same as yours. Maybe you’re both too prideful and too scared, to be honest with each other.
“We are almost where I live.” You gesture with your head, telling him the walk will end soon. You now brush your hand against his on purpose, the feeling of getting burned makes your heart skip a beat. “I’ll see you at work tomorrow then…”
He nods and you two stop near your place. His mind wishes for an embrace but you two decided against that, his eyes scanning your body as if wishing he could keep this view of you in his head. “Good night.”
People are much more honest at night time, especially if tired, the walk was something… You sigh when you enter your home, feeling frustrated, the chemistry between you two is insane, but your pride, much like his, is too big. Both without the courage to make the next move. Playing this back-and-forth game, with neither of you being willing to take the leap of being the one to start it. Kissing can be discarded always, but if someone states their feelings… with both of your arrogant personalities and your ‘enemy’ like history… well it isn’t an easy thing. So for now, you both go your separate ways, yet wishing you were in his arms, you and him laying alone in bed.
The thought of him keeps crossing your mind. You are thinking of him as you crawl into bed, feeling the weight and warmth of the blankets surrounding you. As you lay there, you think about how it felt to walk beside him. Imagining how it would feel to sleep beside him, feel his body next to yours. Sleep overcomes you, dreams end up being of him.
The night passes by and another work day begins. As you walk into your workplace you can see Veritas walking to his desk, right across yours. He meets your eyes for a moment, it is obvious that last night left both of you shaken up and still confused… which is an understatement, to be true to the fact, both scared, tension still hanging in the air between you two.
Occasional rumors about the people who saw you kissing feel annoying to you but you divert your attention to work. Both focused on work in your own separate bubbles, time passes by quickly. Yet your mind doesn’t clear up, not with all the hushing and whispering of your co-workers in the background. Everyone seems to be chatting about this supposed ‘romantic attraction’ you have to each other, while you two pretend nothing happened yesterday. You make an effort to not even glance at him, at his indigo hair which just makes you wonder if it would feel as soft with your fingers going through it- no, you stop your thoughts.
Feeling tired from a few hours of work and your mind distracting you with memories and scenarios you get up from your desk, intending to walk outside and get a break, catch some air. Your work building has experiments of installing new weather conditions on the station getting performed on it, so you look forward to the artificial wind on the rooftop.
While you walk away, you hear footsteps, someone had the same intention as you. Following right behind you.
Outside you find a spot without anyone, yet the footsteps follow close behind. You slowly breathe in, and the air feels fresh, the experiment might be successful, but it sure feels real. You turn around to see who followed you to ruin your break and time alone.
When you turn, you find Veritas staring right back at you. You both wanted to get away and walk away from all the noise. His face is neutral, but his eyes are soft while he tries to figure out your mood, and your thoughts. The tension fills the air again, especially since he is the one person who wouldn't help with all the thoughts you had of him.
„Morning“, you say simply, standing a few steps away.
„Good morning to you too.“ He nods, tilting his head slightly, „Did you also want to get a break or some… space from everything?“
„Needed a break, yeah.“ You nod back.
Attempting to turn the conversation about work his tone sounds formal, „The work can be exhausting, stressful… especially when people keep… gossiping“, he gives you a knowing look, „and everything.“
„Sleep well?“ Your voice is also formal, yet soft, not as loud as it would be if you asked him while inside.
„I'll admit“, he chuckles, „I was having a few interesting dreams last night, but other than that, I slept nicely. How was your rest last night?“ You notice how this isn't something a co-worker or a close colleague would just say to one another. You both were behaving differently, dancing on the line, on the edge of it.
„It was alright.“ You keep it simple, as silence falls again. The silence could be cut with a butter knife when the air feels thick, tension growing as you keep staring at each other. How did years of disliking and rivalry turn into this… tension after the bet and the kiss? Well, more than one kiss, but that's beside the point. Both prideful, so prideful. Like cats, predatory cats, so carefully circle their prey, but not sure if the prey is poisonous yet. Both are in the same boat, feeling the same way.
You sigh, „Veritas, I'm-„, you exhale „frustrated, but… prideful. Like you.“ His gaze was still on you when you spoke, his eyebrows raising at your words. Both struggle to get any words out regarding the matter, yet the electricity between you two is too strong, too powerful. You feel a pull towards him, and you look away.
Veritas stares at you for another few moments, before looking down to clear his mind.
„You're awfully quiet“ You complain and move away a few steps.
At this point, he also struggles to contain it anymore. His chest filled with a strange feeling of some sort of anxiety at wanting to say something yet holding himself behind. Even as you walk away from him, he calls your name, making you turn around. „Wait-„ He looks almost vulnerable, yet it could be the experiment's artificial sun making you imagine things. You make a few steps closer, raising your chin, „Yes?“
„I wish to ask you something“ He speaks softly.
„Ask.“ You look at him, a strong wind blows and you both move closer to the wall of the building, the entrance to the rooftop area, now a step or two apart.
Standing closer you can almost feel the heat of his body, it makes you tremble for a second – or is it just your imagination playing with you? He leans closer, and you also feel the desire to lean in close to him as well. He is about to say something when rain starts falling heavily and you both move under the entrance's rooftop, your bodies close to each other. So close, so close… your face a breath away. He exhales shakingly. You make an observation, a wrong one, „Why are you nervous?“
He chuckles a little bit, „Quite the opposite actually. Just finding the words for the question.“
You deadpan, „Ask then.“
The wind blows stronger moving the direction of the rain falling and you two move even closer together. The proximity makes your mind hazy, struggling to find words. Upon moving closer and the sudden temperature drop you feel the heat between your bodies, the strong wind now blowing the rain right over you. The feeling of electricity makes you both lean in closer while your hair and clothes get damp from the rain. The rain cooling you down, your breaths mingling and you curse under your breath.
Almost like you could read his mind you find the words for the very thing on his mind, „Why are we like this?“
“I… we’ve been like this ever since… well we’ve been like this for years. I feel so drawn to you…”
You tsk at his words and look away, your voice full of complaints, “I can’t get you off of my mind since the bet, your… cologne, and your- our kissing… Why the hell do you smell so good?” You furrow your brows.
He chuckles when he hears talk about the bet, making his cheeks blush a soft pink, and laughs a bit when you mention his scent.
You sigh, continuing your complaining, “And it doesn’t help that you’re so goddamn attractive and the fact that despite our hatred we know each other pretty damn well, so all this… tension…” Your words make the man chuckle warmly. He nods, agreeing that you are very familiar with one another, also feeling attracted to you. Veritas looks at you curiously.
Even after the intimate moment in the hallway yesterday you both still hesitate. You sigh, thinking of more things to complain about while he smirks at you and remains quiet.
He wonders, maybe it was more than a bet, maybe an excuse to actually get close to him, he will ask you more about it in the future. You both hesitate now, staying quiet with something just on the tip of your tongue.
You narrow your eyes, “You’re surprisingly quiet for a man who always had something to say about me.” To which he chuckles, very much aware of how right you are. He always had something to pick on about you. But now, he can’t help but smile at you silently. You curse at him softly, “Cat got your tongue?” He laughs even more, the proximity making him speechless, he looks down shaking his head slightly in amusement while you shake your head and look behind him. The tension fills up, cold rain hitting you, the desire to kiss rising. You both turn to face each other and your lips brush accidentally, just barely. You can feel your own heart beating faster when you slow your movements, almost like freezing upon the soft brush. It all feels overwhelming as you both fight the desire to kiss. You sigh and look down.
While you’re focused on resisting your urges, he moves closer. The two of you are breathing heavily, you can feel his breath against your lips, the heat of his body. You observe the way he drifts closer, but his hands remain at his sides. So proud, so hesitant.
You look at each other, the final drop about the overflow everything, you want to reach out, and his hands are formed in fists to hold back his wish to touch you.
You curse and meet his gaze, “I can’t- I… I am not a patient person, Veritas” You say sternly before meeting his lips. This time it feels as if the tension of years that passed is getting released. You both press up against each other, the heat rising. The kiss feels like it will be a longer one, your hunger to kiss him only growing while the rain pours down your back. Your hands move up his chest, over his soaked shirt, feeling the muscles of his torso, one hand moving to his damp hair pulling him closer even.
He turns pushing you gently against the wall, pressing his body into yours almost offering protection from the rain and the wind, unhelpful, you both keep getting watered down like dried plants. Not that you two would notice it that much at this point. The rain is pouring down on you, washing away your worries. You breathe in, his scent swimming around the air, making your mind foggy, both desiring to be even closer to each other. His hand stays a moment on your hips before moving to your back, pushing you into him, the proximity between you two nonexistent.
You pull away, creating a tiny distance between your lips, mumbling, “Sorry”.
He shakes his head softly, but his eyes are on your lips, they’re wet from the rain, like his. He breathes heavily, attempting to catch his breath. You look at each other, the loud rain falling the only sound.
Feeling like your actions spoke louder than words you don’t say anything more than that. He notices, chuckles, and speaks, “I know our… history. I may have never admitted myself but I always found you so… insanely clever, strategic… hot- and all of our good and bad conversations, moments when we behaved as friends- and moments when we were behaving as enemies… I- I was just too stubborn to acknowledge it- that, there might be something below the surface.”
And he was right, you two from yesterday played this back and forth, of talking and making out to prove points, and stating your confused feelings and thoughts, yet still held back. It is difficult, the fear that he might turn around and smirk, mock you for believing his actions, saying it was an experiment or something. It is very obvious that he is experiencing the same fear. Your walls are up high, and so are his. The never-ending pride, arrogance, strategy- move planning, what is the other person thinking… Is this another of his tricks… are you playing a trick on him? Too many years of lending a helping hand, or giving a snarky comment as a bully would. Of course, you would both be on edge, on the edge of control to not jump each other's bones, on the edge of misbelief, on the edge of calling him a liar. Because would you even dare imagine such a thing? You and him… him and you… It sounds good, feels right and feels wrong, feels strange, and feels like it was always meant to be- yet it doesn’t. So you both stand tall, defensive, and wishing for the other's attention. Hoping to recognize the truth and escape the lies.
He whispers, “This rivalry seems like it was an excuse to stay close, which at this moment-“, he smirks, leaning closer, “I don’t mind at all, wouldn’t you agree?”
You shake your head, whispering back, “I don’t know anything anymore”
It is painfully attractive the way he leans above you, his nose next to yours droplets of water dripping down it and falling to your lips. It feels intimate, that one droplet… you lick it off of your lips, and his eyes are glued to the action, inhaling slowly. He gathers himself and whispers, “May I propose a goal? A tool of discovery? A new goal, to sway off of rivalry, a goal of keeping ourselves united and closer than ever, and of helping each other become the best we can be and be the best we want to be for each other?”
You smirk, easily reading between the lines, “Are you asking me to date you?”
Veritas chuckles under his breath, every word spoken softly, no need for any loud or even normal volume, “Yes… yes, I am… it may be ridiculous, but I just… can’t deny the strength of…”, he makes a small break, finding himself at a loss of proper words, “us.” He looks up, “Imagine it… how brilliant we are together. Yes, I could ramble on about a ‘power couple’ of sorts and intellect and how smart we are, but I just want you. I don’t care about that, I love your genius, and the way you work and behave- it is extremely attractive I might add.” He smiles, and continues, “In this moment, I just want you, I want to keep you close, stay close to you, I want to see us and where we would go, would we work…”
You fidget with his fingers, thinking it all over, the cold water cooling you down and the passionate kiss you had moments ago moving away from your mind. Going out, to get to know each other isn’t a bad idea… but you know so much, years of him, years of Doctor Veritas Ratio and his habits. If anything you already know his flaws, as well as his virtues. This leaves only one option you’d do, “I may find myself agreeing to a new goal, Veritas Ratio.” He smiles at your words, but you still feel uneasy- like this is a dream you will wake up from and you are again being snarky to each other, the thoughts don’t help so you say more to yourself than to him as he says, “Thank you-“, interrupting him, “Oh, hush now” and crashing your lips on his again, to drown the thoughts.
This time the kiss feels slower in a way, deeper, passionate. He cups your cheek, his thumb gently caressing your cheekbone. It is almost sensual, the desire still clings onto you two, below the surface, an eternal dance between attraction and emotions, fast making out and slow meaningful touches.
You dare to take your hand in his, he swiftly gives you a small squeeze, and slowly separates your lips, with your bodies still pressed against each other.
Looking at him it feels strange to think he is taken, moreover that he is taken by you. He is yours… well, and you are his. He leans in kissing you softly once more, and you feel both of your desires rising again- “Veritas”, you mumble against his lips. He clings onto you even more, truly lacking the mentioned self-control in moments like these, you catch your breath, separating from the kiss, completely soaked with rain now. “Just because we are at the top of the food chain doesn’t mean we should abuse our power and take too long breaks.” You say in a normal voice, it is very much so unlike either of you to behave such a way, and he probably got carried away.
He laughs softly, nodding to your words. Pulling slightly away to give you some space, the wet clothes making you stick together makes both of you laugh, and he gently tugs his shirt away.
A couple of moments of silence pass, his hand caressing your cheek, gazing into your eyes, not trying to read you like he usually is, it looks like he is almost… adoring you.
Soon enough you two return to work. When asked about why you’re soaking wet- you call out the weather experimenting on the roof, to which people nod in understanding or the reckless ones dare laugh.
Later that day, again you two are the last to leave, and you walk, again, just like the night before. The night is quiet, there’s a cool draft when you exit the building, you both walk in silence, there are not a lot of words to say, and there are too many. At least you’re now together, each other’s. Your hands bump into one another.
You sigh, not wanting yesterday’s walk to repeat, and take his hand in yours, making him smile. It may all be complicated and confusing, but this feels right. You will take it slowly, this… everything. His thumb caresses your knuckles and you two walk with more ease, bumping less into each other.
When you reach your home you both stop, “Good night, Veritas” You say softly, releasing his hand, your mind does wonder how his body would feel warming up yours, would he hold you tight, would he snore… You chuckle at your thoughts. Similarly, to you, he wonders how it would feel to have his arms wrapped around you tightly, your bodies pressed against each other the entire night. You keep staring at each other- “You won’t say good night back?” You tilt your head, teasing, knowing he is thinking about something.
He laughs gingerly, raising an eyebrow and shrugging, “I wasn’t quite sure if you finished saying your goodbye yet, since you were… hmm… staring at me” He smiles brightly, happy with how he phrased it. “But yes, good night. It was nice walking with you. I shall see you tomorrow.” He reaches for your hand and places a soft kiss on the back of it while making eye contact, you step closer and kiss his cheek, whispering, “Sweet dreams, Veritas”.
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songsofadelaide · 3 months
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In 2006, you entered Tokyo Jujutsu High with nothing but the clothes on your back. A cursed spirit wreaked havoc in your home and awakened your spirit sight and cursed technique— and mopping up the scene were two high schoolers from an unknown school who became your classmates soon enough.
Your situation was confusing enough as it is, but long story short, your newly awakened "powers" meant you had to leave your life behind and begin a new one as a jujutsu sorcerer. Seeing as you had nowhere else to go anyway, you relented and allowed yourself to be led away, like a girl from nowhere headed nowhere.
Except it wasn't nowhere, and you found yourself a home— with people just like you. Satoru, Suguru, Shoko— and also Kento and Yu. They were once strangers who soon became your only family.
Yet it still gave you chills when you think about what it was exactly you were fighting. Sometimes, you could hear what they were saying, with voices that sounded so human yet also unearthly.
You started taking things more seriously when you realised there was no more turning back for you. You undertook missions with only one goal in mind: to continue staying alive. When you were partnered with Suguru one time, you didn't hesitate to leave him behind when things got nasty. Surprisingly, he didn't fault you for that and even understood just how terrified you truly were by the whole ordeal.
In one instance, you fell unconscious, only for you to realise in that mid-death sequence that it was Suguru who fished you out of the rubble of your home and breathed life back into your lungs. He was a tender youth, and you could even call him old-fashioned, but he took his assignments just as seriously as you did and even made sure you were always all right with things.
"Do the cursed spirits still scare you?" "No... Not as much. I think it's because you're always around..."
Suguru likened you to a feral cat that got lost in the woods, only to return to a different kind of civilisation where everything wanted to hurt it all over again. Out of all your classmates and schoolmates, he was most understanding with you, to the point where Satoru was incredibly jealous, for the lack of a better word.
"Just how long are you planning on keeping up that helpless girl act of yours?" "Don't speak to her that way, Satoru. You've seen what she's been through."
When you called him by his first name by accident— because Satoru called him by his first name all the time— he told you it was fine, and that you could keep calling him by whatever name you were comfortable with.
"If it's fine with you, I'll call you by your name, too."
You were more than fine with that. In fact, Suguru made you feel all warm and stupid and fuzzy that it almost felt moronic of you to be around him. It was your mistake asking Shoko for a check-up because she did nothing more but aggravate the strangeness you felt whenever Suguru was around.
"You aren't sick. You feel that way because you like him, you idiot."
He didn't blame you either when you kissed him that one night, overcome with so much affection he had a hard time pondering from where it came. He joked about having successfully tamed a wild cat, but you reminded him once more how human you were when you pressed your chest against his and stole the rest of his quip from his lips once more.
The first time you went out with Suguru after that hazy kiss, you could hardly hear his voice because of how loud your heart pounded in your chest. He was the perfect gentleman— or so he attempted to be— and was incredibly attentive to you and your needs. Why he gladly played house with you was beyond your comprehension, but you didn't mind staying so blissfully ignorant in this bubble that caged you both.
Suguru was kind. Nothing but kind. And he was exceptionally kind to you, even though he thought you were nothing more than a feral cat he managed to domesticate.
Your kiss reminded him of the sweetness of a colourful hard candy when he was little— fragrant and cloying— perhaps a bit too sickeningly saccharine for his tastes, but it was far better than the flavour of the curses he had to ingest. He'd kiss you again to remember better days— again and again and again until both of your lips were sore, until he's had his fill, until he's had enough— enough of your sweetness and enough of you. Then he'd tell you to drink a glass of water like nothing happened.
When the disillusionment occurred— the Star Plasma Vessel was killed and Yu died in a miscalculation— the light in his kind eyes had died out, and no amount of knocking on his door will arouse him, let alone let you in.
Suguru left for a mission one day and never returned. He visited his friends one by one until it was only you left that he had yet to meet. You said that you'd follow him to the ends of the earth, fuck the system and fuck society.
He felt like he was leaving his pet cat to fend for itself.
"If you leave, there's no going back for you."
Where you went didn't matter that much anymore as long as he was there. It never mattered to you at all. It only started to matter when Suguru said he would love to have you with him.
"I can live with that. I only need you."
Satoru did not take your escape kindly. He said that you were just as poisoned as Suguru. Your only mistake was trying to fight back— against the young god that Satoru was. You supposed it was your feral cat instincts that told you to engage.
He did not finish you off but instead turned you over to his teacher, who would find something to do with you one of these days.
Suguru waited for you until nightfall, and he concluded that you bailed and probably had cold feet. Like always, he never blamed you. You would be a fugitive like him, after all, after working so hard for the roof over your head. It only hurt him a little, especially when you told him that you only needed him and nothing else.
What could have possibly changed your mind?
He didn't mull over it any longer. Wild cats like you will always find ways to survive, after all.
"I guess I'll have to leave that kitty behind."
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In 2018, "Suguru" finds you among the school's collection of oddities. Only it wasn't him, but a stranger with his face. He coos over you, holding you close to his person— as though it was truly him— and he remarks how this body remembers "this vengeful spirit".
He remembers— in fragments— breathing life back into you long ago, and how you orbited him as though he was a celestial body. Your face occupied much of his thoughts— back when those thoughts were still truly his.
He consumes you, and his body is overcome by the memory of a fragrant, cloying flavour that runs his mouth dry.
"Ah," the impostor remarks. "So that's what it was."
"Suguru" summons you in the thick of battle, and his opponents are fraught with terror at the sight of his most favoured curse— a menacing feral cat that lives only by his commands, that lives only for him.
"You never changed your mind after all."
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bigbadvoxbox · 8 months
AHHH, oh my god those Lucifer pegging headcanons were absolutely SCRUMPTIOUS (Same anon btw, hi!!) absolutely adored them. He’s been rotting in my brain since he first showed up on screen my goodness, anyway!! I have so many dirty thoughts about him, how about Lucifer smut with reader who’s been edging the poor baby for hours and he’s all whiny and needy and pathetic and begging for his mommy to let him cum like the needy little slut he is :(, thank youuu!! - 🪲
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Lucifer x Transmasc reader
warnings: edging. degradation + praise. lucifer is a sub, power bottom at best. he's a whiny baby (but we love it). pegging. mention of selling his soul.
Here he was, the big bad King of Hell himself, writhing beneath you, his chest arching up against yours as he whined pitifully.
"Awh. Poor baby." you feigned pity at the state Lucifer was currently in, pouting mockingly.
It had been hours. So many long, excruciating hours, of being brought right up to that edge, right on the precipice of ecstasy, only for all of the sensations to stop and send Lucifer tumbling back down the way he came. Each time he was brought back down from his near-release, his body began to ache more and more. His nerves were on fire, aching, begging, screaming for the orgasm he craved so badly. His eyes bubbled with tears as his lower lip trembled, whining and groaning about how "Please, please I can't- I need you to- fuck, please."
His tip was beginning to blush slightly red as drops of precum began to dribble down the length of his dick, not only was his body being stimulated by your hand around his cock, but also by your strap inside him, your hips alternating back and forth between a rough, quick pace that knocked the breath from his lungs, and an oh so slow pace that had him squirming with the need for more.
His pale skin was now marked with hickeys and bites, not only an expression of love, but a display of dominance, of possessiveness. Each kiss you pressed gently to his skin had him pulling such a sweet face for you, an expression so fucking pathetic yet so cute, like a puppy begging for a treat. You knew exactly what he wanted, and would you give it to him? That was for you to know and him to find out.
"Does it feel good?" You asked. He nodded frantically, failing to even speak through his pants and cries of pleasure. That wasn't good enough for you. Your pace became agonisingly slow, and he could feel your strap slowly caressing every sensitive spot inside of him. It was practically torture. "I need words, Luci." you said, your voice softening to a whisper as you used the sweet nickname you knew he loved, even if he wouldn't admit it. "Come on. Be a good boy for me, yeah?" you coaxed him, enough for him to force out the words you were looking for.
"Yes! Fuck- it- it feels good." He answered. He was almost immediately met with a harsh slam of your hips against his ass, your strap filling him so deliciously that it had him clawing at the sheets beneath him. As you began to fuck into him fast enough to leave him breathless, your hand matched its speed, jerking him off with a somewhat sadistic grin across your face.
Your lips crashed together, with you feeling the vibrations of his desperate voice against your skin. The kiss was fuelled by passion, and lust. This kind of affection was enough to have Lucifer melting beneath you, whining against your lips.
"So whiny, baby. Whats'a matter? Wanna cum, is that it?" you grinned like a cheshire cat at your question, hearing him cry out in response.
"Yes! Please!"
"Hm... I dunno, sweetheart. How about we make a deal?" You asked, before your voice dropped to a sinister whisper as you leaned in, close enough for him to feel your breath on his ear. "For your soul." you said. The gasp you pulled from his lips was almost comical, and you couldn't help but chuckle meanly as you caressed his cheek. "I was only joking, sweet face, but... do you like the sound of that? Me owning your soul? You being my pretty toy for all eternity? Hm?" Your teasing was no doubt getting him riled up, evident in the look in his eyes - that look of arousal on his face.
You then noticed something, the way he gripped the sheets slightly tighter, his breath hitching in his throat, and the way his legs began to tighten around your waist. He was getting close. Again.
"Beg." you commanded.
Almost immediately, Lucifer began to cry out, his voice frantic with desperation.
"Please! I need you to- keep going! I'll be a good boy, so please!- Fuck! Don't stop!"
His begging seemed to appease your inner sadist, especially seeing the tears in his eyes, that rolled down his previously pale cheeks, now turned red with the heat of your passion.
"Suuuuch a good boy." you praised as your hips kept their brutal speed, pushing him closer and closer to his long-awaited orgasm.
When it finally came, when he finally came, it was almost like he was seeing Heaven. (pun intended)
His body trembled as his jaw dropped, an unholy wail of a moan leaving his lips at the pure bliss that was like lightning, striking across every nerve in his body. His back arched as his cum squirted into a mess over his stomach, poor baby definitely was denied so much, but now he was getting exactly what he wanted. A string of blasphemous curses followed his orgasm, as his eyes screwed shut tight. His voice was loud and unashamed, just the way you wanted it to be. His aching cock was finally getting relief, as you used your hand to milk it of all he had.
The aftershocks of his orgasm left Lucifer quaking beneath you, his mouth hanging open, not only in awe, but also out of exhaustion. You couldn't help but chuckle as you placed gentle kisses over his neck, and jaw.
"You did so good for me, sweetheart. You're my good boy, aren't you?" You praised him, receiving only a soft whine in reply as you pulled your strap from inside him.
"My poor good boy just be so tired out after that. Let's get you all cleaned up." you told him, voice now losing all of its sadism as you carefully held his cheek in your hand, caressing it with your thumb.
You knew this would definitely become a more regular occurrence, the look on his face driving you wild, it was too good to give up any time soon. Lucifer seemed to notice this, and honestly? He couldn't say he was opposed to the idea. After being edged for so long, his orgasm had felt 10 times more powerful than any regular orgasm, and he knew it would become a feeling he'd be craving again very soon.
(that was hot if i do say so myself)
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mordredisacoolname · 6 months
Could you do FEAR STREET characters reacting to male! Reader being a badass in front of others but soft and shy with them?
Love Your contento btw <3
Hey, sorry it took so long, I'm very busy but I try to dedicate as much time as I can to writing, hope you like it
Characters: Kate, Simon, Ziggy, Cindy, Nick
Sorry I ran out of inspiration for tommy and alice
CW: maybe some curse words here and there
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-what made her interested in you in the first place was your strong personality
-she loves how you always stand up for yourself and others and never let anyone walk over you
-you became friends with simon, and sometimes hang out with the rest of the group
-you became close with Deena, which was hard to do
-kate decided to find out why does her friends like you so much
-she invited you to babysit with her, which was odd, but you didn't complain
-she saw how sweet you were with the kids
-it surprised her, given how you act in public
-she decided she likes that part if you too
-when you started dating everyone saw you as a power couple
-never daring to mess with you
-when the two of you hang out alone you were always gentle with her
-wraping your hand around her when cuddling
-playing with her hand
-always complimenting her
-she liked that she was the only one who gets to see this part of you
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-you were the new worker at the pharmacy
-at first he thought you were scary, having resting bitch face
-never tolerating any bullshit from costumers
-of someone made a scene you stayed unphased, answering passive aggressively so said costumers would know how you feel but won't get you fired
-her was attracted to this, to you
-one of the many shifts you worked together were obnoxiously slow
-so he decided to chat you up
-two his surprise you had a great humor, and laughed at all of his jokes
-you were soft spoken with him
-next shift you even complimented him
-you started hanging out outside of work, and one day you just kissed
-you were high, but after you sobered up you told him you still wanted to explore things with him
-you stroked his hair, or gave him a gentle kiss, and he was surprised every single time
-he felt proud, that you felt comfortable enough with him to be yourself
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-you became best friends the second you both stepped in the camp
-she Sunnyvales were mocking you
-you opened you mouth and so many insults flew out of it
-even Ziggy was flabbergasted
-she instantly took liking to you
-the same day she approached you and asked you if you want to help her with a prank
-of course you said yes
-you were inseparable
-doing everything together
-even sheila was scared to touch you when you were together
-you were both comfortable with each other, but it took you both a little time to complete open up
-ziggy thought that if she'll show her softness you would laugh at her
-but what she didn't expect was you making soft gestures at her first
-you sat in her cabin on the floor, backs leaning on the bed
-she was still eating the pastry you stall from the kitchen, and her hair stuck to her mouth
-so you gently wiped it away and tucked it behind her ear
-she looked at you shocked, but than smiled and continued eating
-later that night you somehow ended up laying on the floor, opposite to each other
-there was a comfortable silence
-ziggy sat up, scooching closer to you
-you made eye contact for a minute
-and than she kissed you
-its was quick, and Ziggy had a questioning waiting look on her face, waiting to see how you react
-you also sat up, touching your palm to her cheek and kissing her
-you decided to keep it casual on the outside
-no body had to know what you do behind closed doors
-of course Cindy picked up the moment you stepped out of the cabin
-oh how much more trouble will be coming to the camp
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-the first time she noticed you was at breakfast
-the Sunnyvale leaders were announcing something and you boo'd them
-they insulted you, but you didn't stay silent
-you made a snarky comment
-making shadyside laugh
-not just then, but every time you had a comeback
-you didn't let yourself get bullied
-you were strong and witty
-so Cindy had a hate love opinion on you
-she admired how you were never scared
-but also thought you were reckless
-you didn't talk much, but one night you had to do chores together
-she barley spoke to you
-when a younger shadysider came in to ask something
-you were so gentle with them
-you asked them what's wrong and reassured them that's ok
-after helping them you went back to work
-after that Cindy decided she misjudged you
-when made effort to talk to you more, and even defended you sometimes
-one night someone insulted her, and you defended her, making the person look stupid and just plain mean
-she later came to your cabin, thanking you
-you offered her to come in and hang out for a bit
-despite what she thought she actually really enjoyed your time together
-you started hanging out a lot, and after two weeks you decided you were tired of waiting and just confessed to her
-she was silent, and you were afraid you overstepped
-before you had the chance to apologize she leaned forward and kissed you
-a sweet and soft kiss
-she encouraged you to be more "soft" on the outside
-but she secretly enjoys every comeback of yours
-she's proud of you for standing up for yourself and your people
-she would never admit it but it turned her on
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-you were in trouble again
-arguing with his younger brother
-so he tried handling it
-"I don't need your help thank you very much"
-after he came to tell you to behave, or you'll be thrown out
-you just blankly stared at him and walked away, leaving him confused
-he thought you were emotionless
-but than he saw you playing water war with the younger kids, laughing about "losing"
-after a particularly messy dinner, caused by Sunnyvales they forced you to clean it all up by yourself
-so he came to help you
-he were an asshole sure, but he was fair
-you silently cleaned the floor
-"thanks" you said
-not ashamed to accept help this time
-"why do you always get in trouble with my brother, you know if something happens they'll believe him"
-"I can't let you win, you already think we're weak losers, I gotta stand up for myself"
-the next few days you had brief interactions
- acknowledging each other and saying hi
-while you were playing a game, Sunnyvales vs shadysiders, you caught him hiding
-"c'mon sunny boy let's get you to jail"
-he stood up from his hiding place
-you stared at each other, not moving
-you though he's going to attempt to escape but instead he just kissed you hard
-you leaned into the kiss, who slowly turned slow and soft
-he pulled away "you know, I don't think they'll notice us missing for a bit" he smiled at you
-you ended up spending the whole night together
-trying to explain in the morning that you're both just that good at hiding
-you both knew that wasn't true
-you spend almost all the time together
-hiding from others
-snicking glances and touches
-at day you pretended to hate each other, lightly insulting each other
-but at night, when you were all alone, you say together quietly talking
-you were the first person nick could open up to, and he was yours
-you became each other's comfort
-he decided he can never lose you, and he'll do anything to keep you with him
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