#this is also my first real fair isle project
darthkvznblogs · 2 years
What do you think of the new Owl House and/or Amphibia episodes this week? Man, if you thought LAST week’s Owl House had some revelations…
Answering @the-literary-lord and the anon who asked pretty much the same question:
Honestly, I found Hollow Mind much more impactful even though I (and many in the fandom, not taking any credit here) had predicted a lot of the revelations; they just relentlessly kept coming and coming and the twist with Belos' "inner selves" was superbly executed. Edge of the World only really had a couple of reveals in King's true nature and the Titan Trappers, as well as the big cliffhanger - and don't get me wrong, they were big reveals, but the sort of 'wow factor' of this episode was a lot more understated - much more fridge horror, with the all-but-stated implication that the Trappers wear the actual skulls of King's ancestors and that the Titan that makes up the Boiling Isles themselves was one of those slain ancestors - probably not his actual dad, though, I doubt King stayed inside his egg for centuries if not thousands of years for civilization to have sprung up from the Titan's corpse.
(Wouldn't it be supremely messed up if Tarak(?) was actually wearing the skull of King's real father?)
Again, don't get me wrong, I loved it, it just wasn't as bonkers as last ep. I've rewatched Hollow Mind like five times in the past week. I'm obsessed with it :P
Amphibia definitely blew my socks off though! They're finally diving into the nitty gritty of the girls' relationships, the fighting was super cool, and both the heroes and the villains - especially the villains - are really bringing their A game to the table.
I have seen some weird buzz hating on Sasha for her doubts about being able to rescue Marcy and salvage their friendship; I think it's fair of Sasha (whose whole arc this season, though somewhat off-screen, has been realizing what a terrible person she was and that she needs to put in the work to fix their broken friendship) to bring up the fact that Marcy did, in fact, knowingly betray them - she'd know a thing or two about that, wouldn't she? - but I feel like there's also some projection going on here. I think some part of Sasha still feels like she doesn't deserve the second (third?) chance Anne's given her, which is why Anne's spiel about forgiveness and her "look at what we have now" comment hits so hard for her. I think Sasha just needed the verbal reassurance that Anne truly believes their friendship is worth saving - and able to be saved in the first place.
(And yes, I do mean friendship. I'm a staunch Sashannarcy supporter but I truly don't think we'll see any romance between any of the girls in canon. Just some ambiguous hints and scenes open to interpretation)
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i-love-hobbies · 3 years
Eda and Lilith similarities
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1. Both got roasted by Luz
"Cards the paper rectangles that old people think are fun!"
"The real mystery is how Lilith can be both so smart and yet so wrong at the same time. Academics am I right?"
2. Both are hard-working, powerful and physically strong
3. Both care a lot for people that are close to them
4. Both don't respect each others opinion
5. Both cope with childish behaviour, recklessness and apple blood
1. Being adult figures in children's lifes
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Eda is an only parent of someone from another species and a temporary guardian to someone from another dimension, which in her world means their future is questionable and one has food allergies. She isn't a perfect one and is not nice towards kids that don't live in her house.
Lilith is an almost child murderer and is jealous of a sixteen year old. She trauma projected on her nephew. But she also saved King's life twice and Luz's ones.
2. Powers
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As a wild witch the owl lady learned in every way, even from school by sneaking in classes. My guess is that this made learning extremely fun for her. This made it possible for her to continue to learn even as an adult.
She also learns through experimentation which means before she learned the basics, she almost got herself killed a lot of times. I'm assuming that she survived thanks to Lilith.
As a cult member, she is someone who never questioned authority, this comes from the fact that she was neglected as a child and needed validation.
At first this helped, cause both she and Eda are alive. But the school in the boiling isles took away her curiosity and joining the coven didn't help.
I believe both sisters had the same amount of talent and hunger for power but the enjoyment was the deciding factor. And this factor was a big one.
3. Showing care
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Thanks to running away from the system, the criminal made an emotionally supportive system around her.
She is very mature. The show hasn't yet explained where she learned all this. Best guess for now is Raine, but were both of them that smart at such a young age.
She is selfless, but she also knows how not to be self-sacrificing. That's pretty rare, though to be fair it's not the perfect balance.
There are a lot of mistakes she has made though, but I think all of them can be fixed if she learns to open up, cause her other mistakes always happen when she's too scared or is trying to feel more.
The cop is easily in the top two most immature people in the show. (Fighting for the first spot with Hunter.)
I guess thirty years of isolation with someone, that used the fact that his system had influenced her to be very vulnerable to manipulation, does stuff to a person.
She's either self-sacrificing or ruining someone else's life, usually both. Considering her main motivation is caring, this is painful to watch.
The most mature we've seen her so far, obviously it's after she left the coven, was her acknowledgment of Hooty's efforts and more impressively her not using the fact she's better at glyphs than Eda to make fun of her.
Problem is she overworked herself while having a new curse.
Then s2ep4 happened and she trauma projected on a child, I'm expecting she's nowhere close to realising that was a bad idea.
She also left Hooty after telling him "Are you my mother, cause that's an awful lot of judgement?" without apologizing.
Luckily she's writing supportive letters, so it didn't hit him that much.
Her decision to leave had me facepalm. She just left a person, that has been dealing with the complexities of her being in the coven for thirty years and is easily the only thing that kept her sane and her new friend for someone that for one day acknowledged her existence.
Plus by the way they talked about the father he hasn't visited her at all.
We've already seen the negative effects from this choice on Eda and Hooty, can't wait for hers.
I refuse to believe that this is gonna end well, cause it's possible but it's gonna be luck. And the lesson from this will be "Parents with good intentions change in a day." And trust me when I tell you that is far from the truth.
My parents have been changing, but so freaking slowly it hurts. Fairly they were more flawed and now a bit better than Gwen but still the change has been taking place my whole childhood and until now I've either been refused help or gotten stuck with a bad mental health professional.
Only now am I getting actual help. I'm expecting a speed run after sixteen years of unintentional parental abuse but it's not gonna happen in a day and it's foolish to believe so.
Also we didn't see her watching King's video on her sister's account. Which has to mean something. Why did they show everyone but her?
4. Respecting others
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Eda was the favourite child or at the very least she got a lot of attention for being younger. Also I refuse to believe that her parents did anything about her "breaking the classroom" behaviour.
But she respects a lot of people's opinions. Whether it's a bard with stage fright, a child from unknown species or a teen from another dimension. She's gotten close to all three of them. And they have all shaped her point of view (except for Raine but fairly enough we know nothing about their relationship with her).
So what about her complete "I don't care about Lilith's point of view."
Well it's not just her. It's a huge hatred towards "Belos is a saint." She grew up in this system, she had this opinion at one point herself. She isn't hearing anything new from her.
She doesn't have a right to laugh at her but she has a right to refuse to talk about it with someone that refuses to go beyond "It's just the right thing."
Talking about that, it took Eda almost dieing for this stubbornness to shake. No one could tell her Belos is wrong.
On top of that she lived (and "lives" but that's kinda debatable) with huge amounts of fear from both Belos and thanks to his gaslighting, Eda and was working a job that asked of her to be a workoholic.
This makes her emotionally exhausted which makes it hard for her to question stuff. How do you do that when you can barely think?
Eda worked on her laughing in the beginning of season 2 but I'm not sure how she'll act now. Because after Raine seemingly died, she acted awful towards Hunter. She needs ways of handling her trauma outside of making fun of people.
Lilith did too. Firstly, she commited treason and she was also quite open to King being the king of demons.
Now, it was idiotic to believe in it. She's shaking between Belos is always right and wild magic is always right. She needs middle ground.
What's funny is Eda has found the middle ground that works for herself. She's reading books from the local library and is known for being a wild witch.
Because she's scared of hurting others she isolated herself and that gave the wrong impression to the fandom.
She's the one that believes in the healing and potions covens, not her mom.
5. Recklessness
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Eda has a one-sided grudge against a twelve year old. I will never shut up about this.
When she was young she broke everything in sight. But now at the very least she's not breaking her own house.
I think it's a bit better.
For before I think it was ignorance, because she was a child. But now it's her coping. She knows better than this.
Everything the ex coven head does is without thinking, even Eda's rescue.
She can't go beyond "Well she is my sister and we had a good past with each other."
"And how can you prove that she hasn't changed?"
"Well, she saved my life and I actually played a game with her."
If she can say the last sentence, ignore me but I don't know if she can.
Honestly I just wanted to compare the good and bad, but I ended up saying Lilith didn't have a life. And honestly she didn't. She wasn't a positive in anyone's life including her own. She was doing her best to become a robot. She doesn't have opinions or ideas of her own that she respects.
Eda said the words "It's my power, kid and before you showed I spend my whole life wasting it." Eda wasted her powers by isolating herself from people, but she didn't waste her mind. Lilith wasted both.
Her importance in Eda's childhood is the only positive, because she didn't respect herself. Her thirty years in the coven was straight up waste. Nothing positive to both her and others happened, after an action of hers in that period and that's just sad.
It's not too late for her obviously. It's never too late for people that want to change. She was already living. She had a new friend. She was restoring her relationship with Eda. She was begining to have her own opinions... AND THEN SHE JUST LEFT.
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I know this is good writing, because everyone goes through their ups and downs. Plus Lilith's biggest fears recently came to life.
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shera-dnd · 3 years
So remember when I mentioned that one of my projects was a whole ass AU based on a single line from some song lyrics? Well that’s the project!
Because why not take the lyrics to Smile and turn some of that shit very literal?
Also get ready because this fic is gonna be flowery as all hell.
Anyways there is the AO3 link up top and here is the fic itself for those who’d rather read it here
Camps and tents were set, and arenas had begun construction in the cold fields just outside the walls of great Atlas, the city of innovation, riches, and splendor. This could only mean one thing, the Vytal Festival was fast approaching and with it the nobles, knights, and representatives from every last human nation in Remnant.
In an official capacity it was a seven day long celebration of their long lasting peace. In practice people always arrive long before the festival proper, and then start a few festivities of their own until it is time for the main event, meaning the festival itself could easily span a full month of revelry.
That meant a crowd of strangers, countless new faces that no single person could ever keep track of, all gathered outside the gates of Atlas for weeks. Which made it the perfect time for a young fae to play her tricks. Honestly, the lords of men should all be thankful that she wished only to partake in their revels.
The fae woman gathered her belongings in the nearby forest, and checked her reflection in a little pond she had found. Of all the members of her court, she was the one that had achieved mastery over glamours with the most ease, still she planned on spending weeks among the humans, so she had to make sure everything looked perfect.
The face that greeted her was unfamiliar, but also perfectly human. Her skin was a shade darker than the pasty atlesians she would be mingling with, and little freckles marked it in incidental little patterns. Her long wavy hair was kept in a neat little braid even as little strands insisted on rebelling. Her eyes were a beautiful grayish blue, but carried in them an uncharacteristic exhaustion for someone her age.
This was all calculated of course. She had to be beautiful and fair like it was expected of a proper noble lady, but she couldn’t allow herself to look too perfect, or the humans would find her unsettling. It took an experienced hand to craft a face that struck such balance and was still so well suited to the fae that hid behind it.
Satisfied with her work she donned her human clothes - a simple, but charming dress of blue and gold, and a matching shawl to keep her warm - and made her way into the fields beyond.
Her kind had described the city of Atlas as a scar upon the natural world, a hungry parasite starving its host of all it needed to survive as it slowly expanded to consume ever more. The very epitome of all of humanity’s crimes given shape in stone and metal.
She knew these accounts to be true, of course, but standing before it now she found it difficult to not feel awed at the majesty of it all. The city was grand indeed, but to say so felt like an understatement. Grandiose structures rose above the city’s imposing walls and reached towards the sky above. Every inch of them was white marble and polished silver.
And yet it all felt colder than the harshest winter, as if this city was meant to be beheld in awe, not lived in. Every tile, every brick, every unnaturally clean stone, it all declared a single message.
“You’re not welcome here.”
She did what she could to ignore the city beyond and focus her attention on the fields that stretched before her. All around tents and camps were being set, and music could be heard even at such distance. This is what she came here for.
Delicious smells washed over her as she approached the gathering crowds. Many of the smaller camps had brought food from the nations beyond, and prepared their meals around their own campfires, or sold them to passers by, and she was more than happy to purchase quite a few of these unique delicacies.
Around her musicians and artists, from nations all over the world, prepared to perform before what would soon grow to be the largest crowd in all of Remnant. For now they were all street performers, travelling bands, nameless bards, and the occasional trickster claiming to have mastery over the magical arts.
Except some of that magic was very real. Their glamours were good, but no illusion could hide a fae’s true nature from one another. So she saw their faces as clear as crystal and they, in turn, saw hers. They were fae of the seelie courts, living a secret life among the human crowds, and she was the sole unseelie that walked among them.
It was in that moment of distraction, taking in the faces of her fellow fae, that she found herself being pushed aside with considerable force. She turned around, ready to curse whichever fool was responsible for this, only to find a very apologetic looking woman.
The woman in question had dark skin and long curly red hair. Though she wore no armor, her white and green clothes were clearly expensive and finely made. The presence of a staff in her heraldry betrayed her as a Knight of the Winter Maiden.
“My apologies,” the knight blurted out, “are you hurt?”
Something about the way she carried herself made it very hard to stay mad at her.
“I’m well, thank you,” she replied, “but please, do be more careful.”
“I’ll try to,” the knight assured her, before adding, “I don’t believe I have seen you around Atlas before.”
“This is my first time in the kingdom actually,” she lied with ease, “I’m Ilia of the Menagerie Isles.”
“Salutations, Lady Ilia,” the knight beamed as she bowed respectfully before her, “I’m Penny of House Polendina. I would be delighted to show you around the festival grounds, but right now I’m needed for a tournament.”
And with another bow Lady Polendina dashed away with just as little care as before.
Huh, a tournament, she had said? Now that seemed like a good way for Ilia to spend her time.
Said tournament was taking place in the only fully constructed wooden structure around. It was just a simple set of stands with enough space between them to form a somewhat proper arena, but having a proper space to fight in seemed to have gotten many of the knights’ hearts pumping with excitement. So much so that there seemed to be some sort of commotion waiting for her by the entrance.
Multiple men seemed to be arguing with a knight in perfectly white armor, or more accurately shouting at them, since they did not appear to say anything and just tried to make their way around the men and into the arena.
“Lady Schnee!” One of the men called and Ilia froze in her tracks. Years living in the courts around Atlas had left her with a burning hatred for the name Schnee.
With pale skin, and paler hair, the woman who approached them looked like she had been sculpted from a block of ice, and the look on her face was at least as cold as one. Lady Schnee was as severe and uncaring as her name would indicate.
“What is it you want?” She demanded.
“This stranger refuses to take off their helmet, or tell us their name, but they insist on joining the tournament,” the first man explained.
“Do you have reason to deny them entry, or are you simply insistent on wasting everyone’s time?” She said, with a tongue that was twice as sharp as that man’s sword, and thrice as sharp as his wit.
“My lady, the Vytal tournament was created exclusively for nobles and knights,” the other man tried, but a stare from her made him shrink in his armor.
“Do you think me stupid? I know the rules of the Vytal tournament,” she rebuked, “this is not the Vytal tournament, this is an excuse for bored fools to hit each other with swords. If you believe them unworthy of such noble competition, then perhaps you should prove so in the arena, instead of wasting everyone’s time with your pointless pratling.”
With that the men scattered and Lady Schnee made her way back into the arena. Though the white knight’s face remained hidden by their helmet, there was still a sense of amusement with how they held themself after this. Ilia certainly knew who she would be rooting for today.
With that out of the way Ilia joined the crowd by the stands as they watched the knights take turns dueling each other. Neither Lady Schnee, nor Lady Polendina seem to partake in the fighting, though they both took their roles as judges and organizers of the event. Though only Lady Polendina showed any excitement at her role.
Soon enough the duel Ilia had been looking for was about to begin. The white knight versus the loud fool from earlier. While the fool armed himself with a heavy shield and a heavier blade, the white knight seemed to prefer a lighter approach to combat, fighting only with a long and thin sword.
Unfortunately the build up had been much longer than the fight. In but three moves that felt almost like a single fluid motion, the knight had stepped through their foe’s defences, and placed the tip of their sword against his neck. The duel was over, and the crowd sat stunned.
It quickly became clear that no duel would live up to that one today, but that did not mean the crowd could not find entertainment in the matches that followed. Even though the white knight had not shown such swift brutality again, they quickly took the position of crowd favorite as they continued to win duel after duel.
That was until there only stood one soul who had not been bested by their blade. A knight in pure black armor, adorned with valean heraldry, and armed with a pair of shorter blades. Though that knight also hid their face, something about their stance seemed familiar to Ilia.
That sense of dejavu only grew stronger as the duel itself finally began. The swiftness of their movement, the lightness of their feet - even in full armor - the way the twin blades danced around them with ease. Ilia had only known one person who fought like that, but that simply couldn’t be her.
It made no sense.
Distracted as she was by that familiarity, Ilia was caught by surprise by the end of the duel. The knight in black had managed to pierce the white knight’s defense, and had a blade firmly pressed against their neck. The white knight put their blade down and conceded.
The crowd cheered as both knights offered each other a respectful bow and the white knight marched away from the arena.
Lady Polendina hopped and skipped her way to the middle of the arena, gesturing for the crowd to quiet down for a moment.
“It is with great pleasure that I announce the winner of our warm up tournament,” she announced and the black knight took that as their cue to pull their helmet away.
Though the face under it was unquestionably human, and clearly untouched by any magical glamour, there was no doubt in Ilia’s mind as to who she was. That may truly be impossible, but she had only known one woman with golden eyes like those.
“Lady Blake, of the Knights of the Fall Maiden!”
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multimilfs · 4 years
Lilith Clawthorne x Fem!Witch Reader: Intentions
Summary: Anon requested “I had a bit of an angsty thought regarding the 5 + 1: Lilith x Fem Reader story. What if, at first, Lilith was only interested in the reader *because* she was cursed? Someone she could try out the more risky, experimental cures on who *isn’t* someone she loved. And then they get to talking and time passes and they go and fall in love, leaving the experimental cures for another time, another life. Imagine Y/N’s reaction when she finds out.” 
A/N: I was very tempted to leave this on an angsty cliffhanger, but I didn’t. This time. (Also why are there only like... 3 Lilith gifs?) 
Warning(s): Angst 
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You had never been meant to find it, that’s what Lilith had said, You were never supposed to know.
The overwhelming warmth that usually came from thinking about the witch filled you with pain instead. Deep, gut-wrenching pain. And so many questions.
You’d been on a bit of a cleaning kick that day; making the beds, cleaning the kitchen, organizing spaces. One of the messiest places in the whole place was Lilith’s desk. You never knew how she managed to work in it. It was covered in unorganized, nearly toppled stacks of papers and notebooks. She didn’t bother to organize it because she never had time. You understood that she was busy, but you hated looking at it. So you took matters into your own hands.
While sorting out some of the piles and documents, you’d accidentally bumped a stack of notebooks with your elbow. They’d toppled off of the desk and onto the floor in a glorious heap. With an over dramatic sigh, you bent down to pick them up, when an open one caught your eye. Bright blue writing in Lilith’s typical neat penmanship was glaring up at you. What really shocked you was the presence of your name, next to the word ‘test subject.’
All of the guilt that had come with reading the pages fell away when you actually read through all of it. It made your heart break, knowing what you knew now.
You were meant to be a lab rat. A test subject for Lilith to try out curses on. There were pages and pages of ‘progress reports,’ which were really a diary on how she was slowly getting close to you. It made you feel sick to your stomach, but it also made you furious. You’d given all of yourself to Lilith. And the whole time you’d been a project. An experiment.
Lilith had walked in then, looking worn out and exhausted from her day. The sight made you ball your hands into fists. When she came around the corner, a pleasant smile on your face, it just made it even worse.
Then she’d seen the notebook in your hand and her eyes widened.
“Darling, it isn’t what you think-” Lilith said, reaching out for you, but you had pulled away.
“Not what I think? I don’t have to think anything! You wrote your intentions out crystal clear!” You snarled, “And to believe I fell for all of it.”
“Please, I know this looks bad, but if you’d just let me explain-”
“No,” You said, “You don’t get to explain your way out of this. I’ve given you so much; years of my life, my heart - and it was all some ploy. How long was this meant to go on? Do you get some sick pleasure out of it all? Watching me fall in love with you, knowing that all you want is to curse me again and again. That’s why all of this has taken so long, hasn’t it?”
“At first, yes, the intention was to use you to understand curses. I’ll admit to that, but it’s been terminated. I terminated it. You were never supposed to know, or find out.” Lilith rushed out, before you could cut her off.
“It became real for me. Your smile, your laugh, your… everything,” Lilith admitted hesitantly, “I couldn’t go through with it.”
You wanted to reach out and comfort her, to tell her that you understood, but it didn’t change her original intentions. It didn’t change that she’d started this whole affair with the intention of locking you up like an animal. That it had all been an act, even if it wasn’t now.
“I don’t know if that means enough.” You whispered, avoiding her eyes.
Lilith flinched slightly at the statement. Deep down though, she knew that she probably deserved it. That didn’t stop it from hurting though.
Needing some space, you pushed past her, leaving her standing alone in the middle of her office. That was how you found yourself where you were currently, sitting on the rooftop of some abandoned building on the other side of the Boiling Isles.
You wanted to go back to her. The earnestness on her face told you that she’d meant what she said - that it had all become real for her. It didn’t change that she’d kept the truth hidden for so long, though. That in the beginning you hadn’t meant anything to her. Was that something you could move past?
All of the memories flooded your brain at once. Lilith being there for every curse treatment, holding your hand. The way her face lit up when you slowly got stronger and stronger with each passing day. How she’d been there at your worst moments, offering nothing but love and strength. She’d never left you, even when you’d begged her to.
She had terminated the plan before going through with it, never actually causing you any harm. That didn’t mean you were going to forgive her. But you realized that everything she’d done for you outweighed the things she’d done to you.
So, feeling a little more secure in your stance, you flew back to the Emperor’s castle. You made your way confidently into your quarters, only to stop up short. All of the lights were off. You were very fortunate that your curse had given you excellent vision.
Moving through the rooms quickly, you couldn’t find Lilith in any of them. A few of her things were missing too. That was when you found the note.
It seems only fair that I be the one to give you some space. I’ve moved to another temporary place in another wing of the castle. Take your time, my love.
The note made your heart clench. How could you ever stay angry at her? Rushing from the space quickly, you followed your intuition to where you believed Lilith was. It was a mix of tracking her magical aura and your owl-senses working together. And knocking on the door, you knew you’d been successful when she opened it, looking horrible. It was clear she’d been crying.
“Darling-” She started, shocked. You held up a hand for her to stop.
“I’m still very angry and upset,” You said, “but I recognize that you’ve changed since your original plan. You’re not forgiven, but I… I don’t want to be away from you. So come back, please.”
Her eyes filled with tears and she tried to hide it, though you were much too observant for that. She reached out, cupping your cheek in her hand like she wanted to pull you into a kiss, but she just gave you a teary smile. You leaned into her hand, returning the smile.
“I love you.” She whispered.
“I love you too.” You whispered back.
As she walked back into the room to grab her things, you let out a breath. It would still sting for a while, but you’d work through it. Together.
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dragonofthedepths · 3 years
I’ve only watched the first five minutes of episode 1 of The Owl House but this is what I came up with:
(I’ve also seen a few clips on YouTube to be fair, so I’ve got some random bits of foreknowledge jumping around in my brain. Also I can’t remember Luz’s surname so I used Garcia-Shapiro as a stand in because I knew it was Spanish and I watched Phineas and Ferb when I was younger. Edit: Learned it’s Noceda, fixed it.)
Luz is abused 7.9.21 horrible parents? Foster family? Idk, but Luz was abused in the human world, and Eda cares. So much angst and hurt/comfort.
Eda gets captured 7.9.21 Eda first visit to the human realm get her captured by human traffickers. Eventually she gets rescued/out/ends up with Luz and her mom, but it’s been a few decades.
The owl house is a dystopia 7.9.21 I mean, I bet in Canon the land of witches of fine, but in Luz’s first few seconds there she saw what looked like several people get eaten so I thought 'Ooo! Cool dystopia wourldbuilding opportunity!'
Chuunibyou 7.9.21 With the occasional declarations of herself being the strongest and the allusions about being from a high standing family with many mysteries (combined with the fact that Eda is, indisputably, a trash gremlin), Luz has long accepted that her second mom- mentor has a little touch of chuunibyou herself, even though she actually is a witch. Then Eda is called and forced to fight a dual, and she proves she actually is the strongest witch in the kingdom.
Safety or Scintillation? 7.9.21 Luz manages to grad her book and book it back through the door without ever talking to Eda, and she goes to boring camp with a less than a minuet long but absolutely terrifying encounter with absolute proof magic is real. She does her best to fit herself into the mold at camp boring, try to tie herself firmly to reality with memory of  how terrifying magic was. Then there’s a fire, just a small one, and for a few moments there’s the adrenaline of her life being in danger again. And Luz discovers for certain that she’ll pick the scintillating draw of adventure over safety hands down. Now she just has to find her way back that that magical world she saw. ¿Enter demon summoning?
Princess and the pauper ourselves 8.9.21 Owl house is a more traditional YA hidden world story with things in the magic world possibly being a threat to her mundane family if they can trace where she came from, Vee solves a lot of Luz’s problems if she can keep her mother convinced she is Luz in the forthcoming future. “Hi, my name is Luz of Darkness, formerly Luz Noceda.” “Uh, hello. My name is Luz Noceda, I suppose. Formerly #5.”
Then I watched the first few (5? 4? 6? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don’t know) episodes with my best friend and came up with all of these:
Luz takes the weirdos with her 11.9.21 Taken seriously. In episode 1 when Eda tells her to flee Luz does, and she takes those she just freed from prison with her back through the portal. On the Boiling Isles side of things, Eda and King get captured and imprisoned.
Quest powered by her imagination 11.9.21 Episode 2. You know those illusions that reflect exactly your desires and thoughts back at you in order to trap you? The wizard/quest/whole thing in episode 2 is one of those. It can only draw from one person at a time which is why King sees Luz’s reflected world.
Quest is real 11.9.21 Episode 2 AU. Taken seriously. The quest in episode 2 is real, and I re-write it to be more in-depth and whatever the adventure version of slowburn is.
Quest is supposed to be a death trap but Luz rocks it so hard as a quest she passes anyway 11.9.21 Episode 2 ficlet. Exactly what is says on the tin. Crack without a smidge of angst in sight, Luz just accidentally avoiding death-trap after death-trap without even knowing that they’re there.
Luz rescues Neveroth 11.9.21 Episode 2 AU. Just like puppeteer tried to trap Luz within himself, Neveroth is a person he did trap. Luz rescues him before bonking the puppeteer with a sword one last time, now she has a gay wingman who needs some reintroduction to society and some help getting over his trauma and possibly depression that got him trapped there in the first place.
Luz is trapped 11.9.21 Luz is actually trapped in the magic world from word go and there is no portal home, at least not one Eda and King know how to find.
King teaches Luz 11.9.21 King is Luz’s main teacher instead of Eda. Secretly old and powerful King. Demonology.
(103/100) @the-wip-project
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I think I’ve got it covered except that it’s annoying that you can’t add all eps at once using this method but whatever. And yeah a list of the eps would be helpful bc the wikia isn’t exactly the most comprehensive
Omg so happy it all worked out for you anon!!! It took me and my sister a good couple hours to figure it out. And yeah the process of adding episodes can be so tedious but its worth it if youre a big fan!! And yeah anon I’ll make a list for you rn
Now you may or may not know but SHS is broken down in 5 eras so I’ll sort the episodes by era. Here’s the full list and just so you know its very long 😭 also here is the link to the walkthrough so that you don’t have to fail the episodes and play them a second time: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/iphone/979746-surviving-high-school/faqs/58319
Football Star
Football Star
Football: Big Man on Campus
Football: Halloween
Football: Valentine’s Carnival
Football King of Spring Break
The Classics
A Summer Fling
Making Some Dough
A Float Is Born
Assembling The Team
The Great Float Caper
Break A Leg
The Outcast
Surviving Europe
From Europe With Love
Skate Video
The Concert
Wrong Side of Town
Best Party Ever (episode version)
Local Ghosts
Spud the Stud
Lost Recipe
Secret Ingredient
Writer’s Block
Flex Games
Party Fowl
Road Rules
Winter Queen
Quest Rewards
The Holiday Party
Tom Prince’s Carol
New Year’s Kiss
Prank Wars
Bootcamp Breakout
Guys Versus Wild
The Crosstown Races, Part 1
The Crosstown Races, Part 2
The Break Up
Andy Canneloni, P.I.
Fair Catch
The Cheer-Lationship
The Prince Plot, Part 1
The Prince Plot, Part 2
Prom Night
The Graduation List
When Howard Met...
Homecoming Queen (optional episode)
Hector’s Guide to Girls (optional episode)
Love Potion Fun Pack (optional episode)
The New Girl: Cheerleading Crush
Best Party Ever (mega pack version)
Spirit Week
Love and War
Green with Kenji
Foreign Exchange
Dance Dance Revelation
Party Crashers
Sam’s Formation, Part 1
Sam’s Formation, Part 2
Surviving Pet Society
Halloween: In Colt Blood
The Quiz-aster
Long Distance Relation-trip
Pranksgiving (option episode)
Denni and Raven’s Thanksgiving
The Truth About Colt, Part 1
The Truth About Colt, Part 2
A Very Tom Prince Holiday
Holiday Cheer (optional episode)
Bringing Home Christmas
New Year’s Date
School Ski Trip
The Reluctant Matchmaker
How to Fight Nerdy
The Kim-provised First Date
Valentine’s Date
Queen of Hearts
Basketball Woes
Spring Breakup
Wilson High’s Demise
The New Regime
Officer Monte’s Ridealong
Trapped in the Classroom
School Rebellion
Good Chemistry
Anger Management
Sink or Swim
Tough Guy on Campus
Justin for President
Return of the Astrid
Erik’s Date
Breaking News
Broken Promises, Part 1
Broken Promises, Part 2
Spike Must Graduate
Howard’s Summer Bummer
Fourth of July Flashback (optional episode)
Freedom Festival
Girl’s Night In
Camping Trip Visions
French Connection, Paris, Part 1
French Kiss, Paris, Part 2
French Finale, Paris, Part 3
A College Date
Hector vs. Hector
Gossip Files (optional episode)
Back to School
Homecoming Princesses
Ben’s Blowup
Big Shoes to Phil
Homecoming Short Stories (I think the file is just called Sam or Zoe or Taylor or something doesn’t matter which one you choose)
Homecoming: The Game
Homecoming: The Dance
Nerd No More
Halloween: The Second Kiss, Part 1
Halloween: The Second Kiss, Part 2
What Happened to Colt, Part 1 (optional; part 2 is a Cause of Death episode the episode is on YouTube!)
Cheerevolution, Part 1
Cheerevolution, Part 2
Double Date
Thanksgiving Surprise
Taylor the Nerd
Secret Santa, Part 1
Secret Santa Part 2
Holiday Short Stories (optional episode)
Christmas Break
Christmas Exchange
New Year’s Parties
Holiday Tales (optional; these are five separate short stories and the file names are like Dr. Pepper or something idk why)
This Is Spartan
Clash of the Immortals
Valentine’s Dilemma
A Spartan Love Story, Part 1
A Spartan Love Story, Part 2
Amanda’s Valentine’s Day (optional episode)
300s A Crowd
The Contestants
The Spartan Games, Part 1
The Spartan Games, Part 2
The Spartan Games, Part 3
Eyes on the Prize
Faceplace Zero
Real Life Hero
April fools (optional episode)
Photo Op
The Candidates
The Endorsement
The Last Straw
The Campaign Trail
Sara the TV Star
Ballot Breakup
Nice Girl Unleashed
Father’s Day (optional episode)
The New Head Cheerleader
Date Auction
Howard’s Last Day
Wilson Strikes Back
Swim Team Trip
The Island Party
Howard’s College Tour
A Kingston King
The Storm, Part 1
The Storm, Part 2
Getting Over Howard
Surviving High School, The Novel Prelude (optional)
The Super New Girl (optional)
The Super New Girl: The Floating Isle (optional)
The Super New Girl: The Sinking Schools (optional)
The Super New Girl: Return of the Dyre (optional)
A New Start (fyi in between this era and the New Girl, the SHS novel was released so there might be some confusion about certain changes. also somewhere in between episode 36 and 40 of this era, the second SHS novel came out)
A New Start Season 1 (all 5 of the episodes are contained in this one pack)
Novel Bonus Chapter (optional)
Howard’s Return
Swim Team Retreat, Part 1
Swim Team Retreat, Part 2
Howard’s Secret
Psych Project, Subject: Owen
Psych Project, Subject: Paige
The Halloween Dance, Part 1
The Halloween Dance, Part 2
Basketball Tryouts
The Dance Dilemma, Part 1
The Dance Dilemma, Part 2
Paige’s Thanksgiving Party
The Snow Ball, Part 1
The Snow Ball, Part 2
A Fallon Family Christmas
Howard’s Holiday/Paige’s Nightmare After Christmas
Full Court Pressure
Showcase Sabotage, Part 1
Showcase Sabotage, Part 2
Girl Trouble
Paige and Owen’s Valentine’s Outing
Anti-Valentine’s Day
The Art Showcase
The Conned Artist, Part 1
The Conned Artist, Part 2
The Play
Casting Call
Paige Against the Machine
The Show Must Go On
Owen’s Eleven
Perfect Paige
The Debutante Dance, Part 1
The Debutante Dance, Part 2
Ready, S.E.T., Go
Cheer Off
This Friday Night
The Newest Cheerleader
Talent Search
Talent Show
Graduation Stories
Summer Beginnings
Admit Weekend
Sorority Showdown
Rehearsal Dinner
Wedding Smashers
College Stories
Game of Cones
A Clash of Queens
Romeo & Juliet (optional)
Magic School Book 1 (optional)
Magic School Book 2 (optional)
Magic School Book 3 (optional)
OMG St. Patrick’s Day (optional)
Dog Days
The Fashionista
Spencer’s Story
The Breakup
The Pumpkin Farmer’s Daughter
The Float
The Unusual Suspects
College Scavenger Hunt
The Tutors
Homecoming Kiss
A Troublemakers’ Thanksgiving
Nate’s Revenge
Christmas Stories
The Date
Pyramid Scheme
The Secret Life of Owen Harris
Spencer Betrayed
The Winter Dance
Heart to Hart
Hart Attack
The Kimi Dates
Just the Four of Us
Kimi Strikes Back
Series Finale
Magic School Homecoming (optional)
Battle of the Schools Guy (optional)
Battle of the Schools Girl (optional)
Sierra’s Challenge (optional)
Lauren’s Story (optional)
Peter’s Challenge (optional)
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mediawhorefics · 4 years
Hi marie! I am interested on how detailed tts is! And i love the fic generally. May i know how you wrote the fic?? Like do you find the info abt the place first or you are actually live there haha? Also do you plot first before you write a full fic?? How do you know abt this place?? SORRY IF IM ASKING TOO MUCH! YOU CAN IGNORE/ DONT ANSWER IT ITS OKAY! 😅
hiya :) 
so tts was kind of a weird one in terms of how it was made. i’m a huge researcher when it comes to writing in general & i write a lot of historical aus, so diving in and researching a lot is often the first step for me when it comes to writing. but tts was a little different in that it was a combination of my research for a different project, my lifelong love of lighthouses, a prompt sent to me by an anon & my own experiences in/love of scotland. i lived there for two years, though not on any of the islands. 
so a few years back, as i was finishing uni and preparing to move to scotland, i signed up for this exchange where the concept was you received a quote as a prompt and had to write a fic based on that. i can’t remember the quote i had but it was something a oscar wilde one and i got really interested in writing a murder mystery/dark fantasy story set somewhere remote and isolated. i wanted to write a story where a series of shocking & slightly supernatural murders take place on a remote island with a very small population and a journalist comes to the island to write a series of articles about it. i got to busy with real life and had to drop out of the challenge, but i had found & thoroughly researched fair isle as the perfect setting for this story. harry was going to be the journalist coming in from london to investigate and louis was a sculptor who lived in the lighthouse at the tip of the isle; a recluse and an outcast; everyone’s favourite suspect. i made the choice of him living in a lighthouse because i love them and it’s been a dream of mine to own one and live in one for literally decades haha.
obviously, this story didn’t end up happening. but many months later, after i’d already moved to scotland, i received an anon essentially saying ‘ i wish you would write a story where recovering alcoholic/addict harry shows up to louis’ little b&b to recover’. now i rarely take other people’s prompts mostly because i’m very picky & fussy with ideas, but this one really inspired me and i basically said ‘okay, but it would HAVE to be set in scotland and the b&b HAS to be in a lighthouse’ and i just wrote a mini drabble outlining the main plot of the fic. people got really excited about the mini-outline/ficlet; i had lots of messages asking me to make it a full-length fic and big bang season was starting and tbh.... the idea wouldn’t leave me alone. so i signed up to write it and the rest is history i guess! 
but because i had done all this research on fair isle already, it was the only place that made sense for me as a setting. i’ll be honest though, not all of it is accurate; i used inspiration from other scottish islands and my own imagination to create this fictional version of fair isle. and some info in the fic is no longer up to date; like the whole no power at night thing! that changed while i was writing it :) 
so yeah, i def. found the info about the place first and no i don’t live there. from what i know, it’s a very tiny very closed community. and unfortunately, even though i lived in scotland, i never had the chance to visit. it’s not thaaaat easily accessible haha 
and yeah i def def plot first before writing. i rarely have a fully detailed outline before i start writing, but i’ll normally have the ending (or the Big Emotional Catharsis moment) planned as well as all the big beats. i research, make decisions on vibe, atmosphere, aesthetic, first, then i outline and then i write. though i guess with historical stuff, the research lasts the entire time you’re writing more often than not haha. 
anyways hopefully that answers your question <3 thanks for reaching out and for reading the fic x 
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First off, thanks to you lovely people that reblogged my earlier post asking for resources ❤️ thank you thank you!
I also have the need to explain everything? I don’t know, I’m excited! This is a new kind of project for me and I’m always excited to share new things! It’ll be kind of fun to document my process and research as well. 😊
~Stranded Colorwork~, also called Fair Isle Knitting, is one way to make patterns with different colors in knitting. You kind of work with two colors at a time, knitting with one and carrying the other behind it until you need to switch. It looks like this on the right and wrong sides:
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(image source)
Cute pattern in front, lots of lines in back.
There’s lots of little things that go into making nice, even colorwork, but what I’ve learned so far boils down to: 
don’t tangle the two colors
don’t let the little lines in the back (called “floats,” which I think is hilarious) get too tight
Usually you have a repeating pattern that is shown in chart form:
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(image source)
So I’m doing my research, as one does with a sudden urge to create a thing, and I found this site: https://www.chart-minder.com/. It’s a free chart-making site, which is excellent! I’ve got a thing to make my design. I can also break out the grid paper and some markers if i need to draw the thing out, which might be a fun way to include my sister? Hm. That has potential.
But I also need actual instructions for an actual sweater. I figure I can add in the colorwork to a normal pattern, like keep the rows the same length with some extra fanciness thrown in. I hope I can, anyways. I found a pattern for a single-color sweater in a shape I like on Ravelry (I will not tell you how many hours went into finding a pattern—just know it was too many). It’s a free pattern called “Brick” by Clare Lee: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/brick-2.
Now I just need to translate this—
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—into a design that will work for an actual real-life sweater.
*rubs hands together* To work I go!
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I Want to be Yours
I do like to work on small things in between big projects and this thought occurred to me when me and my sister were talking about the last episode. If Amity’s parents can decide who she’s friends with then what’s stopping them from deciding who she dates. After all, she is getting up there in age. 
To say she felt disgust was an understatement. She was angry, she was appalled, she was distraught and overcome with desperation. Proud, Amity Blight, was desperate to find any way out of the predicament she found herself in. She had collapsed and sank to her knees soon as she entered her room while the events of moments prior played in her mind like a nightmare on loop. 
“Amity, it has come to I and your Father’s attention that you are going to be fifteen this year will you not?” 
“Yes, mother” Amity replied in a tone that would not dare to be anything but polite. 
“I’m sure you are aware that the son of an important friend of ours has recently turned fifteen?” Her Father.
As if she could be anything but aware, Amity was quite certain she knew who they were speaking of. She had been forced to go to his party and suffer the humiliation of being openly gawked at by not just him but his friends. The whole event made her sick to her stomach and if not for her fortitude she’d have thrown up the cake upon first bite. 
“I’m aware, but what does he have to do with anything?” She wondered or at least tried to pretend the ice in her veins wasn’t what she thought it was. But Amity has never been an idiot. 
“Do not play dumb child, you know he likes you.” her mother chided.
Amity internally blanched, like was a strong word. 
“He likes a lot of girls.” She tried desperately to steer the topic away though she knew, with no small amount of dread, that the outcome was unavoidable. 
“He’s a man, of course he does, but I heard from his father that he’s particularly interested in you.” 
Of course he is. Roman “liked” every girl. But he eyed Amity more often then most. Many guys like him did, she was smart, pretty, strong-willed, and loaded. Their desire to own her was purely for their own egos rather than actually caring for her.
“What am I suppose to do about it?” 
“Watch your tone with us, child.” Her father began. “We’ve been informed that he will be making his intentions known to you at school tomorrow. You will say yes.” 
She knew, she knew this was inevitable but she still dared to hope. Please, please don’t do this to her. To make matters worse Amity did have someone she liked, someone that she knew would never be approved. 
“Mom, dad, please I don’t-” 
“A Blight does not beg!” 
“But I don’t like him!” 
“You will in time, he’s everything a girl wants in a man.” Then maybe her mother should date him. 
He is nothing that Amity wants. Amity wants brown hair and gentle hazel eyes. Tan skin that was almost too soft to be real, and a heart so big that not even the giant that made up the isles could compare let alone the scruffy jerk with rough hands known as Roman. 
“He’s nothing a girl should want!” 
“That’s enough, Amity Blight!” Her father screamed with enough force to have her cower in fear and nearly bring her hands up for protection. An act she still struggles with but knew would only serve to enrage him further. 
“You will say yes and that is final, now leave my sight!”
Amity didn’t need to be told twice as she bolted out of the sitting room and up the spiral staircase, grateful that she wouldn’t have to pass her sibling’s rooms to get to hers. 
This was a nightmare, she’d rather endure being best friends with Boscha than be Roman’s... It’s a good thing there wasn’t anything in her stomach cause it would have ended up on her floor with how sick the very thought of the word made her feel. 
But she’ll have to endure it tomorrow. Even pretend that she was happy about it, and while Amity has done a lot of pretending over the years even she wasn’t that good an actor. 
What was she to do, she doesn’t want this. She didn’t want to get rid of her best friend, she didn’t want to be friends with Boscha and Skara, she doesn’t want this! Why couldn’t they care about what she wanted?! 
It’s not fair. 
It’s just not fair.  
Luz had been psyching herself up for this for a few days now but today was the day. Today, nothing will stop her from telling that special person how she truly felt! ‘Just don’t think about the fact that they’re way out of your league and will likely laugh at your confession.’ Dang can her brain be the worst sometimes. 
“Gee thanks, now I can’t help but think about it.” 
“Think about what?” Willow asked as she stood before the locker next to hers. “Are you having second thoughts about telling Amity again?” At first Luz was hesitant but she quickly learned that it was okay to confide in Willow about her crush. While the two weren’t on the best terms they also weren’t on the worst and despite everything Willow couldn’t blame Luz. She was mature enough to admit that Amity was quite something when she wanted to be and it would be a lie to say she didn’t notice the sparks between them. The plant witch would never stand in the way of love no matter who the person was.
 “Second thoughts, more like fifth thoughts. She won’t be the first person I ever confessed to but I’ve never confessed to someone so completely...”
“Perfect?” Willow offered, not that she meant it she just wanted to help. 
“Yes! Amity is...and I’m just...I can’t even think of words! What happens when I go to tell her and I forget how to use them entirely so I’m just standing there making dying animal sounds!?” 
“I’m sure it won’t be that bad. And besides no matter what happens she’ll say yes cause she definitely-”
“Likes you!” Another voice pierces the air and the two looked over to see a group of witches standing around a rather handsome but cocky looking young man that even Luz knew who he was despite only starting school rather recently, Roman. The one speaking was Roman’s rather high-pitched Lackey, Lefou. “But who doesn’t?”
“You aren’t wrong, Lefou, I plan to tell her after school today.”
“Man, but do you really have to go and make every guy jealous? I mean, Amity Blight?” 
Luz’s eyes widened and her heart sank upon hearing the name. Roman was gonna confess after school today? Dear gods in witch heaven let there be some other Amity Blight who lives on the Boiling Isles. 
“You kidding, Jake, who else could it be but Roman? Why are you crying when you never had a chance to begin with.” The other guys laughed and ‘jokingly’ shoved Jake around as they started to walk down the hall past Luz and Willow. 
“So how do you plan on asking her?” 
“I’ll offer to walk her home then ask her when we get there. My family is good friends with Mr. and Mrs. Blight so I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if I said hello. Maybe even ask for their blessing.” He knew he would get it of course, knew that the Blight parents loved him. It was all for show and to ensure that Amity said yes. But no one needed to know that. 
A few of his posse did though for they snickered at his comment and it wasn’t till they turned the corner that Luz realized she had been holding her breath. Willow was the one who had to remind her how to breath lest she almost pass out.
“Luz, it’s gonna be okay, you can still-Luz wait!” But she didn’t wait, she ran as fast as she could to the nearest restroom, not bothering to make sure she was going into the right one considering bathroom labels were also weird around here. 
“Hey watch it!” She had ran into a ?girl? just on the other side of the door so that was good, I guess, it was the right one. But Luz didn’t bother to say sorry as she hurried into a stall and closed the door. She simply closed the lid and sat down on it bringing her knees up to wrap her arms around. 
Of course it had to turn out this way. That the exact day Luz had planned to confess her feelings to the girl she really likes, like a lot, someone else, who was clearly better than her, thought to do the same. 
Luz didn’t like Roman, didn’t like him at all but girls tended to like Roman and who’s to say Amity wasn’t one of them. Why wouldn’t Amity say yes to him, he was handsome, powerful, and not a human. His family was almost as well-off as the Blights. He seem like the type her parents would definitely approve of unlike Luz. What was Luz thinking, confessing to the most popular and amazing witch in school. She’s done crazy things before but this one takes the cake on insanity. 
“Luz?” There was Willow’s gentle voice following her into the bathroom like the good friend she was, but she didn’t reply. 
“Luz, I know you’re in here.” 
Still she was silent.
“Luz it’s gonna be okay. For what it’s worth I still think you should try telling her how you feel.” 
“What’s the point?” She finally spoke up, her voice cracking under the strain it took to speak. “This isn’t the first time this happened, why would she choose a weirdo like me?” 
“You might be a weirdo but you’re also sweet, funny, and incredibly likable. Trust me, I’ve known Amity for years and I’ve never seen her act with anyone else the way she does with you.” 
All was silent again save for Luz’s sniffling. 
“Just, try at least this one time? Trust me, I know I can only really speak for the Amity I use to know but...she would not have liked Roman. Believe me, I’m not kidding when I said I know she likes you too.” 
Luz really did try to come up with a way to reply but she just couldn’t. What she was feeling now was just one of those feelings you couldn’t easily get rid of and just had to feel them out. Something Willow gratefully understood for she told Luz. 
“I’ll be at our lunch table when you’re ready. Just, think over whatever it is you want to do. If there’s something you truly want, don’t let an unknown variable control the outcome.” With that the door opened and Luz heard footsteps leaving the bathroom but not long after did they return. Luz decided she had enough of keeping quiet. 
“Willow, I know what I truly want, and I know that it’s Amity. And you are right that I should still try despite the circumstances but it’s just really hard to find the strength right now.” 
This time it was Willow’s turn to be silent which Luz didn’t mind, until it felt like the silence was stretching on for too long. 
Luz’s mind went blank, the only thing it was able to tell her was that was definitely not Willow’s voice. In fact it sounded like. She stood up from where she sat and dared to peek over the stall door. Sure enough there was “Amity?!” 
The girl was smiling rather shyly as she waved up at her, her cheeks a light pink. 
“I must admit that while I have been confessed to a few times in my life it was never like, nor have I ever expected it to be like, this.” She brought the hand that was waving up over her lips to stifle a giggle. 
“I’m sorry!” She spoke rather quickly as she exited the stall. “I had this other thing planned out that I was gonna do today but then I heard Roman and totally lost my resolve so I came in here...and...and...and you aren’t repulsed.” 
“Ugh, I really don’t want to think about Roman, but why would I be repulsed?” Amity looked rather confused at the notion. Though Luz couldn’t help but smile at the confirmation that Amity did not like Roman it was quickly replaced by a look of fear.
“Because now you know that I have feelings for you.” 
“Why should that repulse me?” Amity was still very genuinely confused. 
“Because...it’s me?” 
“And what’s wrong with you?” 
The nonchalant manner in which Amity spoke left Luz rather confused on how to answer the question. “Well, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with me but others have begged to differ, especially when they’re amazing and perfect like you. BUT NOT as perfect of course, there’s no one like you. I mean, wow , I really did end up sounding like a dying animal did I? Just in a different way than I expected.” 
Amity’s blush kept deepening the more she spoke until the part about the animal which had her bursting out in a laughing fit that not even her dainty little hand could hide. 
Despite the storm of things she was feeling inside, Luz couldn’t help but smile. There was no better sound then Amity’s laughter. Except maybe what the witch said to her next. It took a moment for her to calm down but when she finally did Amity decided to admit something to Luz. 
“If it makes you feel any better, I have feelings for you too.” 
“What, really?” 
“Have you ever known me to lie?” No Amity tended to be rather straight forward. 
“What about Roman? I hard he was gonna walk you home and then ask.”
That had been on Amity’s mind all day and honestly the reason she had come in here was to be alone with that suffocating feeling of dread. But right now she found that she couldn’t bring herself to care for just this one moment.
“If he can’t find me he can’t ask me.” True it may be easier said than done but she’ll find a way to make it work. Amity always does. 
Luz looked down between them. “What about your parents, they probably wouldn’t approve of me.” Amity silenced her with a kiss to the cheek. 
“I’m slowly coming to understand why Ed and Em do what they do, I don’t know what’s going to happen from here but...I want to be yours, Luz. Not Roman’s or anyone else.” 
Luz couldn’t hold in the giddiness those words made her feel and did an adorable little excited dance on the spot. “I want to be yours too, for as long as you’ll have me!” 
Amity’s eyes went wide but she quickly regained her composure. “I’ll hold you to that. For now we should probably head to lunch, though, the bathroom isn’t exactly what I consider the most private or romantic place for this.” 
Oh that’s right they were in the girls bathroom. Wow, how had someone not came in during all that time? “Thank you witch gods!” Luz accidentally said out loud. 
“I’m sorry, what?” 
“Oh uh, ehehe it’s nothing really.” Luz rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly before offering her hand for Amity to take, like the gentlewoman she is.
Amity smiled warmly as she took it without hesitation. 
Have I ever mentioned that writing for these two is a lot of fun. I love them and just want them to be happy. 
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medea10 · 4 years
Medea Plays Pokemon Sword (&Shield): Part VII
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Well, it has been a couple of months since the last update. Quite honestly, I did a few little tidbits with my games when I got the opportunity.
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Like give my team the Gigantamax treatment.
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Make more items on the abomination-o-matic
(nice callback to Kurt)
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Get my certificate (only for the first pokedex)
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I made this little bitch cry again.
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I celebrated my birthday!
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Honey, 2020 has been a trip and I hope to God it ends faster than a battle against a Magikarp that only knows Splash.
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Pound my friggin’ head against a wall because this dex entry made me recall an unpleasant Pokemon episode.
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My rage is rising...RISING DAMMIT!
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And watch Honey quickly become best girl of the game.
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Did, um...Did she kick his ass for real?
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Can we please see her in anime form?
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South of Galar is the frozen wasteland known as the Crown Tundra. As soon as you arrive, you’ll get an update in your pokedex and you’ll run into some trouble.
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Is this a stranger danger moment or just some snotty teenager moment?
Either way, you battle this fella so that his daughter can escape his clingy father’s clutches.
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Heads up, this fool has level 70+ steel-type pokemon. Much like a certain other person in this game. But we’ll get to that when we get to that.
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Peony’s daughter leaves and goes to a place called the Max Lair. A place filled to the brim with legendary pokemon.
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You rent pokemon. Go down different paths. After three rounds, then you can go up against a legendary. The automatic players aren’t as useless as normal raid battles. And you can always ask friends and relations on the internet to join you.
Let’s talk to our good mate, Peony.
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No wonder his daughter wants to ditch him. Peony’s a fall-down drunk.
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Wow, he very well could be a fall-down drunk. And then this...
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Good eye. Actually, Peony is in fact Chairman Rose’s brother. Even Oleanna was confused.
Let’s head off to the one town in this frozen tundra.
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Freezington? Oh, Pokemon...
Before I get to the tasks, let’s go skulking around the areas.
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Nobody. Absolutely no-fucking-body missed these blood-sucking, annoying as fuck, blue-balled fucks. Say what you will about this game and the lack of essential pokemon, not seeing Zubat for a straight 11 months in a game was a God-send!
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Lady, that’s not a Fwoofy. That’s a Nebby!
You will receieve Cosmog after you save the town of Freezington.
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Only I could be so fucking thrilled about being followed by two Clefables. To be fair, only one of those is wild. Missy was just following me and ignoring the wild one.
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I got my sixth OG pokemon pal, Lucy the Dratini.
FYI, not every pokemon is in the Crown Tundra pokedex. I still await Ampharos. But the Dratini line-up makes me very happy.
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This giant tree. You can shake it. No fruit comes down. But if you shake it just right...
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Giant, fat squirrely. Gigantamaxed!
Well, onto the missions with Peony.
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In the tundra, there’s a huge tree you can see from a long ways away. That’s where the Galarian Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno are.
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And I disturbed the harmony of fire, ice, and lightening.
If you don’t get what I just said, fuck off.
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The three birds took off in different directions and start causing havoc throughout the Galar region.
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Moltres will flap around the Isle of Armor
Zapdos will run around in Wild Area
And Articuno will troll you in the coldest area of the Crown Tundra.
It should also be worth mentioning that the Galarian forms are different types. Moltres is part dark, Zapdos is part fighting, and Articuno is part psychic.
Disturb not the harmony of Dark, Psychic, and Fighting.
Next up...
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*singing incoherently* YEAGER!
Sorry, force of habit.
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Throughout the tundra are giant buildings that require you of something in order for it to open. Much like the Ruby/Sapphire games, you go through some tedious tasks just to get the Regi-trio. On top of that, they give us the same OST.
Once you capture Regirock, Registeel, and Regice, you can get one of the new Regis. But you can only pick one. Either the dragon type or electric type.
And finally...
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This one is kind of a lengthy mission. It starts with taking the head of a statue from Peony (who has been using it as a pillow).
Dude. Why would you think the head of a statue is a fucking pillow?
Lay off the Absolut, would ya?!
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Once you return the head onto the statue, a new pokemon would like a word with you.
But wait Medea, pokemon can’t talk.
Taken care of!
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Here’s a human host.
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And this happens time...
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And time...
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And time again!
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Shouldn’t have insulted Calyrex’s head, mate.
It’s been eons since anyone has sighted Calyrex and only some of the elders of Freezington know about it. So after asking village elders, talking to the mayor, buying carrot seeds, and planting carrot seeds, we’re about to meet Calyrex’s noble steed.
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Calyrex does not have that much power, but if he has his noble steed maybe it could happen. Just that Rin Sohma over here is stubborn. And we have to chase it to the highest, coldest part of Crown Tundra. Plus have the mayor and Peony craft an item that’ll attach both pokemon when they’re together.
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God Peony, get it together.
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Once these two are together again, you may battle them and catch them.
Once captured, you can detach both pokemon with the special item you crafted during the mission. FYI, Pokemon HOME will not allow you to put the fused one in the box.
Now that all three missions are finished, Peony’s daughter Peonia will show up.
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And totally ruin the moment with his daughter.
I thought he was trying to propose to her to be honest. After Peonia runs off in disgust and Peony chases after her it looks like the adventure isn’t over yet.
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Eh...I’ll take a break from this portion.
Another thing to do in the Crown Tundra...
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Tracking footprints.
And suddenly I remember having to complete that fat-fuck, Zygardre.
Sonia is doing some research and once you get 100% in three areas, it’ll open the doors to some more legendaries.
And finally...
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If you’re from the Trump campaign, I’m reporting you to the police for harassment.
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Oh God, it’s Leon.
Well, the hammy, former-champion wants to flex his muscles by doing yet another tournament. Where you can battle alongside someone.
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Fuck’s sake, this skank is here too?
Yeah, depending on what game you play Klara and Avery return to compete and to tell you that they are now a gym leader (in the minor division).
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Old age?
If Leon is old to Raihan, what does that make someone like Opal?
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It works much like the league rematches, except you’re in doubles with the person of your choice.
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Well, this has been a wild ride filled with legendaries. Lots and lots and LOTS of legendaries.
And no Ampharos!
One can only wonder if there’ll be another game expansion with more DLC’s in the future. I mean, there’s a good chunk of the entire pokedex that’s still prohibited from being in the game. Now, are these expansion packs worth the extra $30 per game? I found joy in these. But I know some people who are disenchanted by how small these side quests are or the lack of their favorite pokemon or some other such bitching.
I honestly don’t think there’ll be any more surprise areas of the Galar region for there to be another side quest. Unless they create an Ireland for us to fly to that has a town full of Wooloos and Mareeps. It should be a thing, but it isn’t. What will the future hold for Sword and Shield? Will we get more in the coming year or will the creators move onto bigger and more exciting projects?
In the meantime, I’m going to fill up these pokedexes.
I’m sure there’s gotta be some more fucked-up entries that rival the ghost types.
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And just like that, I have vivid Cell from DBZ flashbacks.
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thebeautyofdisorder · 5 years
The Undone & The Divine (BBC Dracula) - Chapter 4
A/N: Sorry for the cliffhanger, but chapter 4 is here! I really hope you like it. Whether i will leave it here (for now) or add on anymore immediately I’m not sure of, but I suppose we will see. Please let me know what you think! 
First two Chapters Here
Chapter 3 Is Here
Can be found on AO3 - Right HERE -
Rating: T, for blood and maybe language
Pairing: Dracula & Zoe/Agatha Van Helsing
Chapter 4
He'd felt her before he heard her, despite her best attempt at startling him, her form partially blocking out the beam of light projecting from the door he hadn't cared to close. It took more self-control than the Count would ever willingly admit to remain facing away from the source of the voice, if for no other reason than to keep his confusion as close to the vest as possible. He refused to be at a disadvantage again, with her more than anyone.
“Apparently we’ve both underestimated our own resilience,” he remarked, with faint amusement calling back to his comment from the last time they’d met, though he couldn’t rightly include the ‘vampire’ designation. She didn’t feel like a vampire, and yet she was certainly not the sick woman who he’d left for dead. 
“So it would seem,” Zoe agreed, taking a few steps inside despite the agitation she’d felt from a distance ramping up to a fever pitch now that she was actually in his presence. It wasn’t fear – he wasn’t likely to be any danger to her in her current state, not anymore. She was simply hyper-aware of Dracula, and it was causing a strange disconnect between her mind and her body. At least she’d assumed he was the cause of it, but now as she found herself approaching him for closer study, without any inherent want on her part, she wasn’t so sure he alone was to blame.
“Indestructible after all.”
“Yes, I’m afraid Death has turned out to be completely immune to my allure,” the vampire drawled in a good imitation of indifference, finally turning about to meet her approach, head tilting as he took her in with careful consideration.
“What?” She felt herself ask, feeling the weight of his focus drag on a moment too long for her liking.
Dracula ignored her question, approaching closer until she had to crane her neck to meet his gaze, an act she wasn’t accustomed to having to enact that often in her daily life. His hand lifted, brushing her hair off her neck to study the state of his bite. The wound was raised and slightly jagged, but shown white against her skin - evidence of rapid healing, yet no inflammation or scabbing. 
A clear sign of life – real life, in a woman he had murdered a week ago. A wry chuckle reverberated through his chest, previously so still that she could feel it like a distant earthquake.
“Of course it would be you.”
One sharp nail grazed the pierced flesh, and she stood rigid against the tremor that bloomed over her skin until his hand dropped, and his gaze flipped rapidly from probing to analytical. 
“Why though? Five centuries I’ve been trying to procreate, and it was rare enough I even got within the realm of close. Most recent attempt notwithstanding, perhaps Johnny, but he threw himself off a bloody cliff, and well – he didn’t exactly look very alive towards the end, did he?” he blurted with a scoff, the cogs of his mind whirring as he began to pace in front of the window. They were almost audible, tripping over the obvious until someone couldn’t resist the urge to prod the bear any longer.
“You haven’t figured it out yet? Honestly, Count, maybe you should’ve eaten more doctors.” 
Dracula’s eyes narrowed, catching the muted edge of Dutch hostility he had grown to know far too well over the last century, infuriation and amusement blending imperceptibly on his face. His lips parted, intent on snapping back, but just as quickly he stopped, shut his mouth and took a moment to think. Out of spite, of course.
Then it clicked. 
The count let out a loud guffaw of frustrated laughter, slapping his large hands down on the table with so much force Agatha was surprised it didn’t split down the middle. It was the least collected she had ever seen him outside of a blood frenzy, and it was at first difficult to tell if he were furious or enthused.
“Of course. My blood. Of course,” he announced, grinning widely to himself, before spinning and turning upon the woman before him, grabbing her by the shoulders, uncaring if she shared in his jubilation or not.
“What was it, Agatha, you told Johnny all those years ago? There was a pathogen that was passed from one to another, yes? Oh, you are brilliant. And heaven’s sake, I am an idiot at times, aren’t I?” he mock-sighed, lauding perhaps a little less than an ounce of authenticity to his self-deprecation.
“At times?” She snarked back, despite Zoe’s otherwise well intended vow to not indulge him, leaning back in reluctance to his grip. 
His eyes rolled skyward, tilting his head to look down at her in disappointment, retaining her in his grasp. “Always one to ruin a party.” 
“Only if it’s yours.” 
A pointy-toothed grin slowly overcame his face. “Wouldn’t have it any other way,” he shot back, in what could have almost passed for warmth. 
With a brief, forced groan of disgust, Zoe decided it was paramount to take back control of this particular reunion with some sense of urgency before it got off the rails any further. Nudging her shoulders out of his grasp, which he surprisingly didn’t protest, she paced back and looked out the window, “You know I can’t just let you go infect the world with unquenchable bloodlust, Count Dracula.”
“Oh?” He inquired with a small hum of surprise, stuffing his hands as far into his pockets as they would fit. “You don’t look so unquenchable to me…” His tone was mocking, but his eyes shown dark with curiosity. 
“That’s because I’m not like you.”
He looked even more amused. “Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure. Have you been around fresh blood?”
She didn’t respond, but from her stubborn silence he already knew the answer.
“Have you been eating? Sleeping?”
“Some,” Zoe protested, turning back to face him with renewed confidence. “More often than not I’ve been working.”
Dracula looked mildly alarmed at the insinuation, but not for any reason pertaining to himself. “Don’t tell me you went back to that institute? Oh, Zoe. Surely you know that can never end well?”
“You yourself said science is the future, and I very much agree. Which is why I’m going to do everything in power to make sure that I never have to take anyone’s life,” she continued, powering through his protest like the useless distraction it was. She didn’t for a moment think he had any real concern for her well being, vampire or not.
“By starving yourself until some unfortunate intern gets an ill-timed paper cut? Dr. Helsing, they’ll lock you up and throw away the key. Believe me. I know.”  
“I’m not starving myself. The reason you can’t process solid food is because all of your organs stopped functioning centuries ago, I am going to do what I can to make sure that doesn’t happen to me. Plus, there are other ways to intake the nutrients within blood that are necessary to live without using someone else’s veins to do it,” she protested, holding her head high in protest.
His brows wagged, her stubbornness coming as no shock, despite the unfortunate nature of it. If the rest of the Van Helsing bloodline were half as persistent as just one of these women’s weakest moments, he hated to know what the family dinners were like. 
“Fine. Fair enough. If you’re so determined to try that approach I can’t stop you. But don’t expect me to join you.” 
Her smile was triumphant, but minimal. “Oh I don’t. So long as you don’t expect me to let you murder your way through the British Isles uninhibited.” 
His smile mirrored hers, and despite knowing there was nothing (he was currently aware of) that she could use to stand in his way, his eyes held a darker edge of challenge and his voice was a ragged, conspiratorial whisper. “On the contrary. I would be highly disappointed if you did.”
She quirked a brow. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you like it when things don’t go your way.”
The vampire shrugged, approaching her once more. “Call it an existential crisis. On the other hand…” He placed one longer finger under her chin and with light pressure, urged it up so that she was meeting his eyes more directly. “All my best brides are the defiant ones.”
A mocking scoff erupted from her throat, and after a short, internal scuffle it was, at least in part, Agatha’s words that countered him. “I am not your bride, Count. In fact none of them ever were – you don’t keep ‘brides’ in boxes and feed them garden pests. Those were lab rats. A bride is someone you actually have to ‘live’ with – if you’ll excuse the colloquialism.” She gently jerked her jaw out of his grasp.
“Good thing we have forever, then.”  He gave her another brief crooked smile and began to walk past her entirely towards the door. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m starving. I trust you can find your way out – unless you’d like to join me?”
“I’ll pass,” Zoe insisted, blinking out of the strange daze of his presence and Agatha’s intrusion with an annoyed set to her shoulders, looking after him with a look of warning. “I’ll be seeing you.”
He paused, glancing back one last time from the hall. 
“Looking forward to it.” 
Thank you everyone who’s been following it, I hope I paid off that cliffhanger while still being a tease.  I hope the Agatha/Zoe conundrum doesn’t come off entirely too confusing, though it is meant to be confusing to her as well. Poor Zoe. Join the OT3 or put up with our incessant fuckery Also, I wrote this at work yesterday, so this post is funded by the US government ;)
@my-fanfic-library @ohveda @imagineandimagine @wannabebloodsucker @hoefordarkness @mymagicsuitcase @crazytxgradstudent @itendedbadly @theplumsoldier @gatissed @allfandoms-writings @littlemessyjessi @punk-courtesan @vampiregirl1797 @gleefullyselfishreblogs @break-free-killer-queen @desperatefrenchwriter @bellamortislife @charlesdances @iloveclaesbang @carydorse @ss9slb @dreamerkim @isayhourwrong
I’ll add anyone else who asks! 
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knittedkneil · 5 years
Production Paralysis and WIPs
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Something that’s been on my mind quite a bit is something I like to call “Production Paralysis” (PP), my own acronym. Now, this is similar to procrastination, but in fact the reason I’m making this specification is because I find it to be the regularly occurring procrastination of specific tasks when otherwise completely available.
What does this look like?
For me, it’s like this. I get up in the morning on a saturday, world is calm, and I’m feeling alright. I’ve planned several tasks, and these are all projects I’d like to do. the first task, is something I’ve been planning to do for a little while- but whenever it’s time to do it. I freeze. I don’t get out of bed because I’m thinking about it, I’m psyching myself up for it- but for some reason it doesn’t happen.
Another example, I have a bag of knitting projects. I get through and finish some objects, a shawl, a hat- but something like a pair of socks. I see it. I pivot. I can’t put myself in the mindset to. Just. Do it. Comparatively it’s an easy task, but it’s like there’s a block.
This frustrates me, because I like to get things done. I feel go doing these tasks, but for some reason it’s not coming. Can it be related to other things? A manifestation of stress? Perhaps- but there are other tasks that are similar that I can accomplish.
There’s aren’t any particular deadlines, which do activate me but stress me the hell out.
So, I think about it. Even though it’s still something I struggle with, here are some things I meditate on:
This is about my emotions
Like procrastination, I need to draw the focus away from the idea that this is all a productivity problem. It’s not about being lazy. It’s not about an unwillingness to get things done.
It’s an emotional response.
Things that hit me in those moments are feelings, like being overwhelmed, or not feeling good enough, or that the process is going to be uncomfortable.
So I’m going break that down.
I feel overwhelmed when I think about this task. (In this case my poor orphaned projects)
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Above are a couple longstanding projects. You’ll noticed that the pattern motifs are similar but I’ll get into that later. More importantly. I look at them, and I imagine all of the sheer work that needs to get done and I’m not sure if I can do it. So I avoid them. I keep them in my project bag- and when I’ve finished everything else it’s just one glance, then NEXT!
I’m overwhelmed because I feel Ike this stakes are so high. The duffle bag, I want it to be the center point of a book I’m trying to write. I want this to be proof that what I’m thinking about *works* well. That’s a lot for one little project to hold. The dark scarf, it’s a really big lace motif, it’s gotten easier to do as I’ve become comfortable but it’s harder to feel the progress on this, because I’m always in the thick of it and never really finishing the repeat (it’s 40 row repeat XD)
So how do I approach this? I’m going try and break it down.
For the lace motif, rather than thinking in large 40 row, I noticed the smallest scallops are only about 11 rows long. SO. I try my best to work in that unit. It’s less than 4 varying repeats of one his repeat. I give myself those little goal posts. Then, when you are working at it, there’s this really cool technique called the Pomodoro Method. That means you just break the task up into 25 minute increments with small increasing breaks in between. You get whatever you can get done in 25 minutes then you let it go no matter where you are in the process. Then you do it again for another 25 minutes until the task is done. Because the idea of 40 rows are still daunting to me, I do that for a couple of my little goal posts and my plan is to do that regularly each day until I finish!
Now the duffle, stakes are high. How do I get around that? This is harder for me because it’s a question of my worth, the value of my ideas, and a reflection of my skill. Which brings us to the next point.
I don’t (or the project doesn’t) feel good enough.
This is two pronged. My duffle bag requires of me much more skill than I currently have. I had to learn how to attach a zipper to a project for first time. I need to learn how to attach hardware, need to figure out a good pattern for straps- and on top of that I don’t even know if that duffle bag, the centerpiece of my book, is going to look good enough. Even as, I write this, I can feel those thoughts tighten my chest.
I’m catastrophising: What that means is that I’m letting my mind run with every bad outcome that can possibly be. It’s not going look great. It won’t be functional. No one will like it. I won’t like it. I’ll have wasted all of my time for nothing. What I need to do is stop. And question it. Do I really know those things to be true? Will those things actually happen? Am I allowing space for the best outcomes as well? What I have to remind myself is that the best outcome is just as likely as the worst. It really can turn out amazing. I need to give myself that space.
I’m being resistant to growth: There is so much to figure out. That’s just it. Can I do it? Will I be good enough to do it? So, I have to tell myself to be kind. To tell myself that every step is a journey, much like my post on sweaters. At the same time this is a different project in a lot of ways. It’s stretching me. That’s okay.
I’m not being compassionate to myself: This is one I catch myself doing a lot. A lot of my personal culture growing up. The idea that I could do better, translates in an unkind way in my head by default so I always find myself needing to change the conversation I have with myself in my head. Something that’s helped me is to ask myself. Would I say that to my sister? She and I are really close, and we come to each other when we are struggling- if it’s something I wouldn’t tell her because it was unkind. Then I shouldn’t be telling myself that either. So finishing projects might take longer than I expected. It may not turn out exactly the way I want. That’s okay. My efforts aren’t wasted. I am good enough, and it is good enough. Everything is beautiful in it’s own way.
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What if the project really isn’t good enough? There’s no reason why you shouldn’t frog it because you aren’t happy. (Above is a beanie I had ALMOST finished but. I just ended up not liking how the ribbing didn’t quite gel with the rest of the hat) IT’S. A LOT OF PROGRESS. You say. Yeah. You can still start over. Which segways into the next point.
The process is going to be uncomfortable.
When I’m in the thick of things, I play this game where I pretend that if I just keep my head down and keep going down this same path it will magically get fixed without any effort.
Yeah. That doesn’t always happen.
You can try and fix it. I feel like real skill is not just learning the complicated stitches and patterns. It’s how to recover after you make a mistake. I learned a lot about brioche when I forgot to do a whole two decreases in the west knits shawl pattern. So, I frogged in that section and learned how to rebuild that section without having to frog all the rows in their entirety. The stitches were tight/looser than they should be but... still gorgeous
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It doesn’t have to be perfect. It’s yours. Something my aunt always tells me when she makes an error on her silk paintings or her water colors. “Now it’s artisan, because you can tell it was handmade” The mistake didn’t break the piece. It elevated it. This is your piece and if you wanted something that looked like every other thing you could have just bought it. You can riff it. If you didn’t do enough increases/decreases you can find ways to change it further to match the stitch counts you need. There’s always a way.
But, If you need to frog it. Do it. Yes, you’ll have to start all over again, yes you’ll need to do more work. But that effort was not wasted. You learned something important about this, and that’s exactly what it was there for.
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I completely frogged the yoke on the top red sweater- which later became my Red Herring Sweater. The duffle bag and dark scarf— are still waiting for some love. The viney hat crown I finished (the only one out of this whole table) The blue faire isle scarf? Not wide enough. The cast on wasn’t thick enough. Frogged. That GORGEOUS Baby sweater? Took too long. The baby long outgrew my sizing- Frogged. But that’s all okay. I grew with each piece and I’ve been getting better and better.
What I’m trying to say is that growth doesn’t happen smoothly. It’ll get hard. I try to imagine the finished piece when it’s particularly in a hard spot, and I feel really discouraged. I remember why I started it in the first place. Maybe that could get me through. Find a way to get yourself in an emotional place that can work for you, may think about it differently OR don’t, maybe it’s not the thought but the process that counts. Remember in knitting everything is built one stitch at a time. You’re making fancy knots on string. Everything is just based on a knit, you know that, build from there.
Nothing is too hard. It just takes patience, time, and commitment.
Thanks for sitting with me, as I break this down. This post is a lot for me, as I find a way to pick up those needles and finish those resting projects. If you like my long form posts, there may be couple more on my blog— and a couple more on the way. Things kind of float in my head that need this kind of gestation to completely get it. I also have instagram! Same username! For all my links you can go to knittedkneil.com/links
This was the last project I finished :) I’m really REALLY proud of it, and I’ll try to remember this feeling for when things get hard.
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Moonlight Chapter 11: Rumination
A fanfic Novel by la-topolina
Rated for Mature Audiences
Warnings: Language, Violence, Sexual Content
Chapter 11/26
Moonlight Masterpost+
<< Chapter Ten+
Chapter Twelve+ >>
Trigger warning: Brief allusion to miscarriage.
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Twilight was falling as Miranda slowly approached the beautiful Scottish Deerhound. It was loitering near an ancient ring of stones scratching itself and, as yet, unconcerned about its human observer. The air was cold but, as there was no wind, the temperature was not yet so unpleasant as to make outdoor tracking uncomfortable. Miranda started to ease her wand out of her pocket and the dog started, skittering a few feet and halting by another stone. She froze and waited for the dog to settle again, then she pulled a baked pig’s ear out of another pocket. The dog sniffed the air and began warily circling back towards the temptation.
Miranda squatted down and held out the treat, motionless except for her breathing. Little by little the dog came closer to her, until finally it snapped up the pig’s ear and bounded a few feet away from her. It stared at her for a moment and then plopped down on the ground to chew at the morsel. When it was fully engaged in gnawing and ripping the pig’s ear, Miranda managed to draw her wand. She waved it at the beast, lips pursed in concentration as she attempted to force the possible animagus into human form. Nothing happened. She sat back on her heels and sighed. She knew she was wasting her time and it irked her. She felt as though she had tracked every large black dog in England, Scotland, and Wales. Now she was on the Isle of Man and she was planning to cover Ireland next. She had no idea how long Albus Dumbledore expected her to keep up this charade, and she was starting to lose her patience with the game. She was also growing concerned about the state of Lucius Malfoy’s patience. He had decided to be amused by her performance at his Manor rather than admit that she had outwitted him. She suspected from their most recent meeting that his amusement was gradually turning into anger. He’d made a few passing remarks about how numerous and exposed her family was. She knew that America was only a port-key away and that he had the power and the resources to do whatever he wanted to them. True, the Rose clan was more dangerous than your average No-Maj family, but she knew that if Malfoy decided to take them out, there wouldn’t be much they could do to stop him. She couldn’t be everywhere at once. She had thought of asking Aaron for help putting some sort of MACUSA detail on them, but she trusted MACUSA to be about as competent as the Ministry of Magic. She also knew her family too well to imagine that they would be any good at being baby-sat. She would have to play this game out to the end. The dog finished its treat and padded over to her, hoping for more. She held our her hand and it sniffed her, cautiously at first, but soon it decided that she was a friend. She scratched it behind its ears and then fished out another pig’s ear for it. This time it sat down at her feet, happy to have company during its chew. She obligingly continued to pet the animal, and tried unsuccessfully to keep her thoughts form turning yet again to Severus Snape. He was on her mind constantly these days and it exasperated her how much she missed him. He was a spy. He was an ass. He was the most irritating man of the face of the earth and, if he were suddenly to appear and crook his finger at her, she would fall back into his bed, no questions asked. She missed his hands. She missed his body. She missed his dry humor and their verbal sparring. She missed his rare smiles and the way he studied her when he thought she wasn’t looking. She didn’t completely understand why he had ended things so abruptly at Prospero’s. She found it hard to believe that he had only just become aware of the risks of their association, but maybe that was the case. Or maybe he was just afraid that she would blow his cover. She knew him well enough by now to understand that he hated not being in control of everything. And she knew herself well enough to understand that she wasn’t very good at taking orders or being predictable. At the end of the day, maybe that was the real issue. She was probably too wild for him. She had thought there was some part of him aching for freedom but, even if that were the case, he was firmly resolved to see out his mission to the end. If she had been more to his taste, maybe he would have been willing to put up with the risk. As it stood, whatever fleeting pleasure he had had with her simply wasn’t worth the cost. It was a bitter pill, and she was doing her best to swallow it. She gave the dog a final pat and stepped away to Apparate back to the mainland. She was due to have Thanksgiving dinner with the Lees and she was looking forward to Aaron’s complaining about the difficulties of procuring proper supplies in England. They had insisted she come by frequently after that night at the club, supposedly to ‘cheer Rachel up.’ She knew it was more about them trying to cheer her up, but she was happy to have the company all the same. It was good to have a pair of familiar faces in this sea of strangers. Severus’s memory would fade in time. She just needed time.
“Do you know how hard it was to find canned pumpkin?” Aaron said with a laugh as he distributed pie and rye-laced coffee after dinner. The three of them sat companionably around the farmhouse table in Lees’ airy kitchen. Aaron and Miranda had stuffed themselves with turkey, cornbread, sweet potatoes with bacon, cranberries, and rice. “I had to go to five No-Maj grocery stores. I finally found a can in the back of a Waitrose and I had to elbow three No-Maj grannies to get it,” he added. “I’m glad to know you’re not above elbowing old women in your pursuit of comestibles, Aaron,” Miranda quipped. “Aw, they were armed. I was black and blue from their canes and umbrellas by the time I got home.” “He was,” Rachel agreed, smiling wanly. She had only managed to eat a few bites of rice at dinner. She declined the pie and nibbled at a piece of toffee from the tin Miranda had brought. She had dark circles under her black eyes and her face looked rather sallow. “He earned that can, no doubt about it.” Miranda smiled at Rachel but she was a bit worried about her friend. She hadn’t seemed herself these last few weeks. “Are you feeling any better?” Miranda asked. “I know this gloomy English weather can get anybody down.” Rachel exchanged a look with Aaron and he said slowly, “Well, about that. We’ve got something to tell you, Miranda.” “Yes?” Miranda sincerely hoped this wasn’t going to be bad news. Aaron’s face became very serious. “We’re going to have a baby.” “What? Really! Congratulations!” Miranda cried. “To be fair, I’m going to have the baby,” Rachel clarified. “Aaron’s going to try not to faint during the process.” “I’m so happy for you! When are you due?” “In the spring.” “And, is everything going…” Miranda’s voice trailed off. She was well aware that the Lees had been having a rocky time trying to start their family. “Everything is going fine,” Rachel said firmly. “I’m exhausted and can barely stand the sight of food.” “That’s wonderful! I’m ecstatic for both of you. I can’t think of two people more suited to being parents than you both.” “And we were hoping you’d agree to be godmother,” Aaron said. “Of course! It would be an honor. I’ll even go to confession first.” “I would expect no less,” Aaron said mock-seriously. “And there’s one other favor we’d like to ask.” “More than looking after your child’s immortal soul? Do tell.” “There’s this party I have to go to for work at the end of December. I know that’s a long way off, but it’s a highfalutin pure-blood shindig and I have to answer the invitation now. Do you think you could behave long enough to be my date? Rachel wants to take it easy gestating this time and you know she hates this sort of thing.” Aaron took his wife’s hand and smiled kindly at her. “Are you sure I’ll fit in?” Miranda asked, her eyes twinkling wickedly. “You know how to behave when you choose to,” Rachel said. “And I really would appreciate it. I’m in bed by eight o’clock most nights and this thing doesn’t even start until nine.” “You know I’d do anything for the two of you. When and where?” “It’s on the twenty-eighth of December,” Aaron said. “We can meet here at say eight-thirty, tuck Rachel into bed, and head over to Malfoy Manor together.” Miranda dropped her fork. “Did you say Malfoy Manor?” “Yes. It’ll be about as exciting as watching grass grow, but the house is something else. We can snoop and see how many priceless works of art we can admire while everyone else gets sloshed.” Miranda swallowed hard and forced a smile. “Sounds divine. I’ll be there with bells on.” *****
Severus grated the Snakewood meticulously, careful not to waste a speck. Several cauldrons bubbled next to him, each filled with the base for a healing potion. He’d completed the anti-venom and had turned his thoughts to something more global. He had read through the book of American magic that Miranda had given him in September, and he was incorporating some of the ideas he had gleaned into his repertoire. He began adding specks of Snakewood to the first cauldron, recording the amount and the number of times he stirred on the scroll next to him. Fortunately, he was quick enough to duck as the potion exploded out of the cauldron, shooting into the air like a geyser. “Evanesco,” he muttered, vanishing the mess and making a note on the scroll. He moved to the next cauldron and a memory came to him, unbidden. …….“Nice one, Sev” Lily was giggling as his potion exploded. They were in their fourth year, and Professor Slughorn had allowed them extra time in the potions room for their own projects. Severus couldn’t remember what he had been working on that day, but he vividly recalled the shade of the green scarf holding back Lily’s hair and the way she had smelled of cinnamon and pomegranate juice. “It will work next time,” he had muttered as she vanished the mess……. How he hated this room. It had not been so unbearable when he had first started teaching, flush with the importance of being the Dark Lord’s spy and creating a brave new world for wizards. He had enjoyed terrifying his students and playing at creating a new world order. After Lily’s murder, there had been a long period during which he could go no where at Hogwarts, especially the potions room, without seeing her before him. Eventually, that had faded with regards to most of the school—but here—-she was always here. It had been particularly awful since Harry Potter and his friends had come to Hogwarts. There was Ron Weasley with his ridiculous red hair—as though Severus had not had enough of teaching Weasleys to last several lifetimes. Hermione Granger—the muggle-born witch brighter by far than any of the other students and bold like Lily had been. And, of course, there was Harry Potter himself—strutting about the school like a second James Potter, just as arrogant, just as unteachable. Except, once in a while, when Harry would be focusing intently on his work, and his eyes would gleam like Lily’s had when she was working. It was in those moments that Severus hated Harry Potter the most; when the child unwittingly crucified him with Lily's eyes. Severus finished adding the Snakewood, stirring, and taking his notes. It was Saturday evening and he would come back in the morning to take the first cauldron off the flames. He packed away his supplies and went to his rooms to sleep. His rooms had been the one place at Hogwarts where he was not constantly assaulted by memories of his youth. They had been the one place in the world that he considered his, the one place that was private and safe. Now, however, they were filled with memories of Miranda. It had been more than a month since he’d left her at Prospero’s. He knew it had been the the sane thing to do, but sometimes it was almost impossible to resist the urge to find her and drag her back to his bed. He told himself that she had probably returned to America and would soon forget him. It had been a mad fling, and it was best that it were over. The logic of this reasoning did not stop him from hoping that she would suddenly appear. Every time he entered his rooms he half expected to find her sitting in his armchair. He could almost see her, looking up from her book and smiling at him; saying something that would make him want to smile and kiss her. Frequently, when he woke from sleeping, he would be sure that she was next to him in the bed. He would keep his eyes closed, dreading to open them and see that he was alone. But eventually he always did open them, and he always was alone. Soon it would be the Christmas Holidays. Usually he looked forward to this break from most of the students and many of the teachers. He could stay at Hogwarts, work on his own projects, and not have to return to Spinner’s End. This year he was dreading them. They stretched before him as ominously as the summer had, full of idle time and memories. Why was this his life? Why had he never been anywhere but Cokeworth and Hogwarts and London? He had never even been to the Continent. He sat down in his armchair, intending to read until he nodded off. He couldn’t seem to focus on his book and found himself staring into the fire, brooding about Lily and Miranda. He had loved Lily so much that losing her to James had felt like dying. He knew, however, that he had lost her before that. She had been horrified by his interest in the Dark Arts and that, combined with his own brutish behavior, had driven her away. He still loved her so much that it took his breath away. That was why he continued on this path that Albus had set for him. If he kept Lily’s child alive, if he helped to vanquish the Dark Lord, then—-someday—-Lily would forgive him. Thinking of Lily always caused him a comfortably familiar feeling of pain and guilt. He had carried it so long that not feeling it was unnerving. Thinking of Miranda though, that tended to make him dizzy. She had burst into his life and he had felt off kilter since the moment he had met her. She was like a force of nature and he had been swept up in her madness. Even his fevered adolescent sexual fantasies about Lily had paled in comparison to the carnal pleasure he and Miranda had shared. He sometimes thought that Miranda understood him better than Lily had or at least accepted him. She saw his dark side and did not seem to be bothered by it. Many of the qualities that had driven Lily away from him seemed to draw Miranda to him. Part of him envied Miranda her freedom; her ability to accept the uncertain without anxiety or complaint. She seemed completely unconcerned for her own safety, but not because she was unaware of the risks that she faced. She was intoxicating, but he did not want to bear the guilt for her death if, or when, it came. Sometimes he would let his thoughts roam, creating fantasies of a more perfect life. A life where he had avoided all of the many mistakes he had made. In his younger days, he would imagine that Lily had forgiven him his callous words, and that he had won her long before she'd married James, or he had made the desperate choice to join the Dark Lord's circle. Since he had met Miranda, the fantasy had mutated into one where he had never heard that blasted prophesy in the first place. Lily had her perfect little family and they had all grudgingly reconciled. Severus dreamed of having met Miranda the first time she had been in England. She would have swept him up in her madness again and, because this was a dream, the Dark Lord would be dead and buried. Severus felt that Lily and Miranda would have liked each other. And Miranda would have hated James with him, and he would have quit teaching and joined her in her ridiculous bounty hunting business, and….. Severus shook his head to stop his idiotic flight of imagination. His life was what it was. Nothing would change that. Dreaming was a waste of time, and Severus hated waste
Moonlight Masterpost+
<< Chapter Ten+
Chapter Twelve+ >>
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caladhel-iarian · 5 years
Talking to Dhel is like going to dinner at Dick’s Last Resort
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General Information—— —
FULL NAME:  Caladhel Ia’rian.
The Ice Prince.
Daddy. This is an excellent way to ensure he never talks to you again. Use with caution. And by caution, probably don’t ever call him this if you like his company.
Various other silly, syrupy endearments his brothers come up with on the fly.
Crown Prince Caladhel.
Master Caladhel.
Professor Ia’rian.
AGE:  305. Roughly the equivalent of a human in his mid-to-late 30′s.
BIRTHDAY:  October 29.
RACE:  Highborne. Yes, he has distinctly Sin’dorei colouring. But take a look at his ears, his height, his build, his face--he is not Sin’dorei. 
GENDER:  Male.
Married to his work.
(He’s single. Good luck changing his mind.)
Physical Appearance—— —
Thick, black as pitch, and silky. Mostly straight, though the jagged ends tend to swoop in all directions. He has two long strands that drape over his shoulders and touch his abs, long bangs (often swept to one side in a ponytail), and the rest is a choppy mess.
The irises are a rich chocolate brown with gold flecks. If they didn’t glow lime green, they’d resemble a deeper, darker tiger’s eye stone held up to the sunlight.
His eyes are narrow and almond-shaped, and they slant up at the outer corners. They’re also rimmed in black lashes thick enough and long enough to make many women envious.
HEIGHT:  8′ even. He’s a big boy.
Many students express surprise when first confronted by this professor. They expect withered, hunched old men with beards longer than table runners, or frail, fragile dolls who would shatter in a stiff breeze. Instead, they get an enormous, broad-shouldered elf who looks like he could probably swim the entire Great Ocean without getting winded.
While he’ll never resemble a walking refrigerator, if you catch him naked, you’ll find plenty of lean, defined muscle. Dhel has a swimmer’s build.
A lip piercing that he doesn’t always wear.
Glasses. If he’s not wearing contacts, he’s wearing his glasses. Otherwise, he can’t see his hand in front of his face.
Tattoos. Many, many tattoos.
Knotty scars around his ankles, his heels, and his soles.
He has a birthmark on the tip of his right big toe; it resembles a bird with wings spread.
Both cheeks dimple when he smiles.
His smile is crooked; the left side of his mouth pulls up higher.
You’ll rarely see him without a cigarette and a cloud of purple smoke hanging around.
TATTOOS:  Left arm:
Family crest on the inside of his forearm (a massive tree on a hill with the sun rising behind it).
Infinity symbol curling around his wrist. It looks like a musical staff.
Musical staff around his bicep. The staff contains notation and a few lyrics.
A trio of fox kits chase a red butterfly down the outside of his forearm.
Right arm:
Azure cloud serpent Ouroboros on the outside of his forearm.
Marionette with cut strings on the outside of his bicep.
Words from his favourite poem on the inside of his forearm.
Fleur de lis on the inside of his wrist.
A Punch ‘n Judy stage with the titular characters on the inside of his bicep.
From his neck down, he is covered in runic tattoos that are only visible when he uses magic. They glow a vivid violet during his spellcasting. 
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PIERCINGS:  A lower lip piercing. He doesn’t always wear it.
Pen and paper.
A mithril ring on a simple silver chain around his neck. The ring is shaped like an ivy vine set with emerald leaves and tiny moonstone flowers.
A string of jade prayer beads wrapped around his wrist like a bracelet.
A briefcase and/or messenger bag filled with folders. The folders contain assignments he needs to grade and outlines for future assignments he can give his students.
Personal Information—— —
Crown Prince and Heir Apparent.
Vocalist, pianist, and lyricist for the rock band, Dysphoria.
Adjunct professor for the Sunfury Spire (Silvermoon) and the Violet Academy (Dalaran). 
He teaches World Mythology, Ancient Runes, and Advanced Evocation for the older students during the fall term, and general education for the kiddies during spring and fall terms. 
On occasion, he also teaches ballroom dancing as an afterschool elective.
Collecting books.
Reading everything he can get his hands on.
Writing poetry and short stories he never publishes.
Ice sculpting.
Working on the book he does plan to publish.
Traveling and urban exploration.
Baiting people with harsh banter.
Tutoring kids.
Tea ceremony (both teaching and indulging in).
Making paper lanterns.
Solitary walks.
Playing piano.
Pointing out all your faults.
Natural inclination for frost magic.
Playing piano.
Undefeated champion of hide and seek.
Making people upset.
Making people cry.
Born to teach.
Being an asshole. He’s real good at it.
Likes to think he’s great with words.
Despite how acerbic he is around adults, he’s fantastic with kids. 
Observant. Probably too observant.
Analytical to the point of paranoia.
Pointing out your flaws.
Making a damn good cup of tea.
He’s a walking, insulting bag of dicks, but he’s surprisingly good at picking out gifts for people.
Getting pissed off faster than you can blink.
Fashion. The man’s a snappy dresser. Just as snappy as his mouth.
Darnassian (ancient and modern).
He owns a penthouse apartment in Silvermoon. It’s located near the Court of the Sun and he shares it with both Lin and Bren--and the rest of his family whenever they come to visit.
He also has a penthouse apartment in Dalaran, smack in the middle of Runeweaver Square.
In the Brydydd Theatre outside Tranquillien (Ghostlands), an entire suite of rooms has been set aside for him.
Back in his homeland, he still has his private suite in the royal palace.
BIRTHPLACE:  Sunset Palace on Skyfire Isle. It sits at the end of Morning Glory Lane in the capital city of Berl’din Mor.
RELIGION: He’s about as religious as a rock.
Relationships—— —
Unmarried--whether by choice or because no one can put up with his acid tongue, who knows? 
If you’re interested in getting him down the aisle, best of luck to you.
None at the moment. But he’d love to have a large family of his own.
Because his genes are just as dominant as the rest of him, if he ever knocked a woman up, she can expect that her first child will be children, either twin boys or triplet sons. His line has bred true in this fashion for countless generations.
Taenaran Ia’rian (father).
Sumire Ia’rian nee Ker’anith (mother).
SIBLINGS:  In order of age:
Calaglin Ia’rian (triplet and elder brother by two minutes).
Calabren Ia’rian (triplet and younger brother by two minutes).
Ylinderwyn Ia’rian (sister).
Kethian Ia’rian (sister).
Istaunna Ia’rian (sister).
Kouwin Ia’rian (brother and twin to Kouyuu).
Kouyuu Ia’rian (brother and twin to Kouwin).
Yenchul Ia’rian (brother and twin to Tevryn).
Tevryn Ia’rian (adopted brother and twin to Yenchul).
Phirayaela Ia’rian (sister).
OTHER RELATIVES:  Too many to name here. Suffice to say, he comes from an enormous clan and holidays are busy. Both his grandmothers are still living, as well as his many-times great-grandmother.
Traits—— —
•extroverted / introverted / in between.
•disorganized / organized / in between.
•close minded / open-minded / in between.
•calm / anxious / in between.
•disagreeable / agreeable / in between.
•cautious / reckless / in between.
•patient / impatient / in between.
•outspoken / reserved / in between.
•leader / follower / in between.
•empathetic / indifferent / in between.
•optimistic / pessimistic / in between.
•traditional / modern / in between.
•hard-working / lazy / in between.
•cultured / uncultured / in between.
•loyal / disloyal / unknown / in between.
•assertive / timid / in between
Additional Information—— —
SMOKING:  never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never/ sometimes / frequently / to excess.
Extra—— —
FACECLAIM(S):  Aoi of the GazettE (Shiroyama Yuu). But mostly, I just draw him.
VOICE CLAIM(S):  His own, I suppose.
ALIGNMENT:  Chaotic. 
CULL-ay-dull is also a possible pronunciation, but this is considered obscure and doesn’t really see use anymore.
I don’t really play WoW anymore, but if you’re interested in him and you play Final Fantasy XIV, you can find him on Balmung under the name Kaito Fujiwara.
Otherwise, you can hit me up on Discord. Ask me for it. But be warned that I am slow to respond both because I have projects to work on and I make drafts of all my posts; I want to give you the best I can write.
You May Know Them If:
You’re a fan of music and you follow any bands around Azeroth and/or Eorzea. He and his band have been featured a few times in a popular music magazine called “Azerothian Axes.”
You’re a Magister/Magistrix. He’s part of the Conclave of Mages in Silvermoon and a decorated war veteran.
You ever attended classes at the Sunfury Spire or the Violet Academy; he’s taught there for several years now.
You also teach classes at either of these locations.
You’ve been to music concerts, including the concerts held each month in the Darkmoon Faire. He and his band have performed on this stage.
You’re friends with a girl who’s had her heart broken by this icy bastard and you’re out for some revenge.
You grew up in Silvermoon and played with the other kids. He’s probably kicked your ass at hide and seek.
Rp Hooks:
Find him in a bookstore and he’s more likely to be mellow enough to carry on a conversation with you. He likes books. Get him talking about them.
Find him in his favourite cafe in Silvermoon and he’s probably sitting at a table alone, grading student papers. Be smart in your approach and he’s less likely to try to bite your head off. Tea is a good way to get him interested.
If you’re a fan of his band/music, interact with him after the show. Approach him during the meet and greet. Just be sure he’s around his brothers or he’ll probably say some unpleasant things. And for the love of all that is holy, don’t bring him gifts. Or do, if you’re the sort of person who really enjoys conflict.
If you’ve ever taken one of his classes, talk to him. Ask him about his lectures. It’s a surefire way to get his attention and if you can speak with him intelligently, you’ll get on his good side. Or at least not on his “I wish you’d fall off the face of this planet” side.
Are you the adventurous, treasure-seeking type? Meet him on one of his journeys to collect ancient knowledge from ruined cities and tombs. Just be wary of his brothers lurking in the shadows.
Have kids who are fond of wandering off when you’re a little distracted? They are a bazillion percent safe with Dhel. Let your kid approach him and they’ll find a stern but gentle caretaker who will protect them while he helps them find their lost parent/sibling/nanny/governor. Just be ready for him to give you a tongue lashing for being an inattentive adult. And definitely do not call him “daddy” unless you never want to see him again.
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Dhel is pointing out your flaws.
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Clean White . . . The Next Project. NOT FINISHED -
Albert Watson
The iconic image below was captured by Scottish fashion photogragher, Albert Watson, in 1973. It was commissioned by Harper’s Bazaar Watson and framing their feature around Hitchcock’s prowess as a gourmet chef and his recipe for a Christmas goose.
There is nothing I don’t love about this image. The stark white background pushes Alfred Hitchcock and his prop (the defeathered duck wearing a bow tie) to the forground. There are no distractions of shadow. It’s purely about Hitchcock and his Christmas bird.
Amazingly, as this was Watson’s first famous subject, and since Watson had basic kit containing 2 lights, he managed this clean white portrait with only a white backdrop (to contrast with Hitchcock’s black suit), one light to the background and 1 umbrella light on Hitchcock himself.
The contrast in this image is amazing. I am a photographer that loves high contast images. This has always been a favourite of mine. It is humorous. It makes me smile (if you can get over the fact that he his holding a poor, plucked dead duck :(. ) There is an unimplied feeling about this image, as it is obvious to me, being a portrait photographer of sorts, that Hitchcock was at ease with Albert Watson. Humourous even. This says a lot about the photographer himself.
The image itself is crisp, the lines unhindered. There is no light spill. Nothing is out of place. As for pattern, there is a ‘gooseflesh’ pattern to the duck. 
1973, Alfred Hitchcock
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(Johnson, 2019) (Profoto and stories, 2019)
Irving Penn
Jean Patchett, 1949
Irving Penn’s image depicts Jean Patchett in a dramatic fashion post. I chose this image not only for my love of hats, but for the close-fitting netting on her face that cause the honeycomb line pattern. The stark white background and high contrast really shows off her demur ‘oh my’ pose. There is nothing I don’t love in this image. The negative space has been made just as important as the positive. The eye starts at the top of the hat, moves around and down to the face and décolletage area, traces her fingers around then to her arm and leading back to her hat.
Since I love hats, this is my chosen image for practice in the studio on 1st of October 2019 when we come back from the holiday weekend.
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(An American Goddess of Paris Couture: Jean Patchett | Official Site, 2019) (Christies.com, 2019)
David Bailey
Johnny Depp, 1995
David Bailey’s image of Johnny Depp is striking. Liquid blacks are riveting against the white of the background in this high contrast image. Depp’s fingers interlaced into his hair and the rings on his fingers create interest as the eye moves down to his black eyes then travels to his lips, up his arms and back to his hands. 
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(Wall Street International, 2019)  (Artsy.net, 2019)
Platon Antoniou -
Was born in London in 1968. He first attended St Martin’s School of Art for Graphic Design and then recieved an MA at Royal College of Art for Photography and Fine art. He has worked for such magazines as ‘George’, Vanity Fair, Vogue, Rolling Stones, Esquire and GQ. Platon has captured images of many Presidents, from Barack Obama to Vladimir Putin. His last Presidential Portrait was of Bill Clinton. (All-about-photo.com, 2019)
Below we have a bold and graphic portrait of Stephen Hawking taken late 2017.  What draws me into this image is all the mechanical detail of Hawking’s chair leading our eyes into the face of the man himself. The perspective of this image, in my opinion, is superb. We are looking straight into the face of this great man. The graphic detail of this portrait, the blacks against the stark whites, and the perspective combined make this one of my favourite images of Platon.
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(Platonphoto.com, 2019) (Medeiros, 2019)
Flóra Borsi - 
I’m throwing a wrench into this mix of famous photographers and images. For this brief we were to include 5 clean white images. It did not say the image could not be new, or old, or from only the very famous. Above I have included some iconic images that are some of my favourites.
However, during my research I found this young woman, and her series of white portraits. Flóra Borsi is a young fine art photographer from Hungary. She has exhibited solo in many places including the USA and Budapest to group exhibitions in France. She has been featured in publications from Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Photoshop to The Wall Street Journal.
While I am aware, at some point, after capture, that this image, most probably, has been taken into photoshop and added to, I just couldn’t exclude them. That being said, I could see that the image was indeed taken as a clean white, because we can see the slight reflection from the perspex beneath the model (unless of course, that was added as well, but I don’t think so).
This image is part of a series called Des Monstres by the photographer Flóra Borsi. It is fluid, graphic and most striking. Dark Fantasy meets Atmospheric. Everything about it screams motion. It feels alive. The extremes in contrast are eye catching, not only that, it holds the veiwer’s attention as the eye moves around the canvas. The perspective and flowing garment wrapping around this female model transforms the piece into a living artwork. Fascinating.
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(Floraborsi.com, 2019)
Below are images of Alex Reilly showing us how to set up a clean white studio.
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image from inside the isle we created.
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taking readings with the Sekonic L-308S light meter.
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Adam is the assistant. Alex is setting up the key light.
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My test images Today . . . 12th September . . .
Noticed the red glare in Adam’s glases, so I had him remove them . . . Background grey. Adam’s face, in my opinion is too dark on the right. 
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Again, we have the passport image of Adam. The background here is too grey. Adam is not looking into the camera. He was making a face, but it’s awesome because some of his personality is shining through. 
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Much better. Here is Adam again. I wish I had noticed the headphones. I need to be more vigilant and aware of extraneous objects that do NOT need to be in the portrait. Again, the background is grey. 
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Image of me that Alex took. There is no spill. The background is white. There has been no post processing. Question, Adam and I used the same set-up and took our images right after Alex did. What happened?
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MY FINAL IMAGES on First day of Clean White Project With Alex Reilly
In Studio with Alex we were shown the correct way of setting up for Clean White. We used to lights on the background and 2 lights on the subject. We used the Sekonic L308S Flash Meter to insure even lighting of the background. It was at F11. Then we were better able to set up for the image, insuring we were at F8 for the shots. 
Here we have Adam in my 1st 2 images of clean white. We only got to take a couple of images each. He is looking directly into the camera. His eyes are in sharp focus. I took this image and his next into Lightroom. First I changed the settings to monochrome and worked within those parameters. I cropped the image to remove the headphones and bring immediacy to the portrait. There is a real punch to the image now after working with the contrast, highlights, shadows, whites and blacks. Then I moved on to the B&W Mix settings. I took the yellow to +51, the orange to +7, green to +9, magenta +100. I then went into transform change the vertical setting to -10. This brought Adam more in line with looking straight at the camera. I cropped the image further by bringing up the scale and close cropping. I wanted his eyes to be the main event really.  
We took the images into Lightroom with Alex in Imaging class to finish them.
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This is a fun image of Adam. His eyes are serious, yet he is pursing his lips. I made the same adjustments to this image as I did with the one above.
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This is my passport image I have edited in Photoshop . . . I have taken away the slight greyish tint using adjustment masks. It took longer than using Lightroom with Adam’s images. This is much better. I have cropped the image to the correct measurements required by the UK Passport website. 
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2ND Day of Clean White In Studio with Dawn Martin
I feel the second day was more difficult. First of all, we had much trouble with the lights where we were working in the studio. Alex from the store was called in, and between Iain (Alex Reilly was unable to attend the class that day) Alex (store) and John, they helped change out the lights. By this time, 3/4 of the morning class time was gone. We were to get 1 silhouette, 1 low-key and 1 high-key image completed. That wasn’t to be. Our group was not quite as successful as we were the first day. We were shown a totally different way of doing the Clean White, and I felt it was confusing. But as we learned on the day, there are many different ways of capturing clean white images. 
The 2nd half of the day, Studio 2, was also chaotic. As a group, we kept forgetting to check our images to see if the clean white was achieved. So the first half of my clean white images in the contact sheet below were either too blue, too sepia, or had chromatic aberrations. Finally around half way through we were capturing more acceptable images. The images were not in total silhouette however, because of light leakage caused by the close proximity of the nearby ‘studios’ throwing light onto the subjects during flash. 
Contact sheet
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In the above contact sheet, you can almost tell, before ever having seen the images up close, which photos were good, and which are not so much. We could have gotten a lot more acceptable images if we had checked often throughout the process. I have learned a lot today.
Final practice shots from 24th September . . . Still need work . . .
Adam . . .
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Derek . . .
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Hannah . . .
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Derek . . .
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Aiden . . . 
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AL . . .
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Johnson, B. (2019). Photographer Albert Watson on getting the stars to pose - Macleans.ca. [online] Macleans.ca. Available at: https://www.macleans.ca/culture/movies/up-close-and-personal-2/#gallery/albert-watson/slide-3 [Accessed 11 Sep. 2019].
Profoto, T. and stories, P. (2019). The story behind the image of Alfred Hitchcock. [online] Profoto. Available at: https://profoto.com/uk/profoto-stories/albert-watson-alfred-hitchcock [Accessed 13 Sep. 2019].
An American Goddess of Paris Couture: Jean Patchett | Official Site. (2019). Photo Art Gallery - An American Goddess of Paris Couture: Jean Patchett | Official Site. [online] Available at: https://jeanpatchett.com/galleries/photo-art-gallery/ [Accessed 13 Sep. 2019].
Nationalgalleries.org. (2019). Platon Antoniou | National Galleries of Scotland. [online] Available at: https://www.nationalgalleries.org/art-and-artists/artists/platon-antoniou [Accessed 17 Oct. 2019].
Christies.com. (2019). How Irving Penn ‘changed the way people saw the world’ | Christie's. [online] Available at: https://www.christies.com/features/Guide-to-Irving-Penn-9751-1.aspx [Accessed 13 Sep. 2019].
Wall Street International. (2019). David Bailey. Stardust. [online] Available at: https://wsimag.com/it/arte/13965-david-bailey-stardust [Accessed 13 Sep. 2019].
Artsy.net. (2019). David Bailey | Johnny Depp (1995) | Artsy. [online] Available at: https://www.artsy.net/artwork/david-bailey-johnny-depp [Accessed 13 Sep. 2019].
All-about-photo.com. (2019). Platon (Antoniou) Photographer | All About Photo. [online] Available at: https://www.all-about-photo.com/photographers/photographer/377/platon-antoniou [Accessed 19 Oct. 2019]. (All-about-photo.com, 2019)
Platonphoto.com. (2019). platon. [online] Available at: http://platonphoto.com/gallery/portraits/business--technology/edwardsnowden/ [Accessed 19 Oct. 2019]. (Platonphoto.com, 2019)
Medeiros, J. (2019). Stephen Hawking obituary: a life defined by brilliance and mischief. [online] Wired.co.uk. Available at: https://www.wired.co.uk/article/stephen-hawking-obituary [Accessed 19 Oct. 2019]. (Medeiros, 2019)
Floraborsi.com. (2019). Flora Borsi - Des Monstres. [online] Available at: https://floraborsi.com/des-monstres [Accessed 19 Oct. 2019]. (Floraborsi.com, 2019)
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officialleehadan · 6 years
Procyon Moon
Andra was thinking about her ship’s navigation system in excruciating detail.
Really, there was no better way to drown a telepath than to focus hard on a detailed task that didn’t allow for any additional thoughts to sneak to the surface.
Cygnus Volans was a legend. His telepathy could reach across the galaxy if he really tried. He could rip apart a Destroyer with his mind, and had enough precognition to make shooting him a serious challenge.
He was also the leader of the Blood Star Mercenaries, renowned for their psionic abilities and their truly, shockingly, high price tag.
Senator Ursa had brought him along as heavy-handed insurance to make sure the peace treaties between the Edge worlds and the Inner worlds went smoothly.
Probably for the best. An assassination attempt wouldn’t be a bad option, and Senator Ursa was one of the most influential senator of the era. If he died here, the Edge Revolution stood a real chance of overthrowing the Inner World Consortium.
But that wasn’t Andra’s concern. She was a pilot, and mechanic, and a decent hand on a fight, but political assassination was a little above her pay grade.
For now, she was thinking about her navigation system. Specifically, the programming console, which had been buggy for the last few solar weeks.
Low laughter caught her attention, and she looked up to meet the odd grey-green-gold eyes of the very man who was the cause of her mental preoccupation.
He was watching her, and there was suddenly a polite tap on her mind, like a request for admittance.
(If you expect me to believe you haven’t been reading my mind this whole time, she thought casually, and imagined a door opening up a crack. If he really wanted in, her low-grade telepathy wasn’t going to keep him out. It was nice that he was being polite. (You’re somewhat deluded.)
He snorted in amusement and his lips curled up at the edges. People, including Ursa, looked at him, and were largely ignored.
(Of course I was,) he replied in a lighter mental ‘voice’ than she had expected from a man his size. (But you’re the first person here to pick a preoccupation that is actually interesting.)
(Interesting, but not effective?) she fired back, dismayed. She had hoped the detailed thought project would be enough. (Damn.)
Probably she should be more upset, but honestly, she hadn’t really expected it to work all that well. It was decent for chasing low-level telepaths out. Cygnus Volans was nobody’s idea of low-level
Although apparently picking a unique topic was distracting enough to derail him. That was... interesting.
(You aren’t very afraid of me,) he noted curiously as he prodded at her thoughts. Andra imagined a flyswatter coming down on his fingers in vivid detail, and he had to fight back laughter again. (That was rude.)
(So is digging through my mind without permission.)
(You allowed me in.)
(Only because you might blow the door off the hinges if I didn’t.)
She accompanied that with more vivid imagery, this time of a cheap screen door falling off the hinges on its own and then spontaneously lighting on fire.
Ursa glared over his shoulder when the feared leader of the Blood Star Mercenaries started laughing behind him. The negotiations were at a particularly sensitive, and solemn, moment.
“Apologies,” Cygnus excused himself as he got himself under control. “An errant thought. Nothing more.”
(Rude,) Andra said cheerfully, confident he could still hear her. (Aren’t you supposed to be protecting him?)
(If someone doesn’t get to killing him soon, I’m going to have to do it myself,) he replied with a decidedly put-upon huff of annoyance. (Although it might be difficult to get paid if I kill him in front of all these witnesses.)
(You don’t care about the peace?) That was an odd thought. The revolution had been underway for nearly fifteen years. She had thought everyone had a stake in it. (Why not?)
(I’m a mercenary and I live on a space station,) he said, with the mental equivalent of a shrug. She eyed him from across the room, and he tilted his head just slightly in her direction. (It’s good to have work.)
(Innocent people are dying.)
(So? Unless they try to kill my Contract, they aren’t my problem and if they do, they aren’t innocent.)
Andra hid a growl. He might be able to get away with disturbing the meeting, but she was just a pilot, and definitely couldn’t.
Alarm suddenly blared across their open connection and Andra jerked back as Cygnus tensed suddenly and his mental ‘touch’ went sideways into a yawning pit. He had an iron grip on her mind, and she couldn’t figure out what happened until the images started to come, almost too fast to parse.
Across the room, Cygnus started to seize.
“What-!” Ursa said, and shot to his feet, but Andra was already moving, urgency making her bold.
“Precog!” She hollered, and elbowed her way through dignitaries and officials to Cygnus just in time to catch him as he keeled out of his chair. “He’s having an episode!”
The whirl of images threatened to pull her in, and Andra anchored herself, cursing somewhere in the back of her mind.
If this was what high-level precognition was like, she wanted none of it, thank you very much.
After a few heartbeats, she managed to get a look at some of what he was Seeing, and it left her cold.
Ships. Thousands upon thousands of ships that Andra had never seen before, that moved like angry bees and flooded towards them, so many they blotted out the sun. Behind them came bigger ships. Carriers and destroyers, each enough to dominate a planet alone.
They were coming. A force greater than anything their part of space could hold off.
Through the haze, Cygnus realized she was there, in his mind. He somehow used their connection to haul himself out of the vision and back into waking life, taking her with him.
(Thanks,) his mind voice felt fragile and shaken. That was fair. She felt that way too. (I didn’t mean to drag you in.)
Before Andra could reply, he sat up, face tight and drawn.
“Your peace treaty no longer matters,” he said into the stunned silence. “Nothing else matters except rallying our forces as fast as we possibly can.”
“Why?” Ursa asked. He, at least, was taking Cygnus seriously. That was good, because Andra still couldn’t find words for what they had seen. “What did you see?”
“Invasion,” Cygnus rasped, and his hand closed around Andra’s wrist where her hand rested on his shoulder. His finger were cold and clammy with sweat, and shook almost imperceptibly. “An invasion is coming, and they want to kill us all.”
Awaken History
Isle of Monsters
One Punch Man
Stonebreaker Caldera
Hot Potato, Hot Potato
Vigilante Vampire  
Blood on the Walls
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