#this is going to multiple fandoms so I'm scared
aclickbaittitle · 2 years
Queer headcanons in LGBT+ Fiction Podcasts
Disclaimer: I am still learning and I am human so I apologize in advance for the mistakes I make.
When the pandemic arrived I realize I was non-binary and that there wasn't that many representation in mainstream media to explore this part of my identity in a fiction realm. This led me to podcasts like "Welcome to Night Vale", "The Strange Case of Starship Iris" and "The Penumbra Podcast".
Though I know not all fiction podcasts feature queer main charaters, Wolf 359 being an example of this (we only meet Jacobi in S3 and in S4 he's still what I'll consider a secondary recurrent character). We listeners had began to see queer representation in the fiction podcast medium as the norm instead of the exception.
And that is amazing!
However with this little bubble of queer representation being the norm we need to think about how we interact with media. To be more straight -gasps- I am mainly talking about headcanons in relation to fan content and the discussions around characters' romantic, sexual and gender identity.
As queer people we have been condition by the media to project our identity in chararters with complete disregard for the canon. Which considering the amount of queer bating, coding and erasure, "What else were we meant to do?" For some this meant creating fiction podcasts with explicit queer representation, for others it meant listening to this podcasts.
However we sometimes make the mistake of taking the ways we interact with mainstream straight media and using them when interacting with queer media. Like "changing" the sexuality of our favorite characters when writing fanfiction about them.
There is a difference between a straight character and a queer charater when it comes to changing their sexual, romantic or gender identities. What is the difference? Mainly power imbalance. If you take lets say a "quote-on-quote" straight character and say "Nop, he's bisexual now". Go ahead, we got you. BUT if you have a gay character and someone says "That man is straight", all will be in outrage. Same with characters that are cis but the fandom declares are trans.
Everything good till this point.
BUT, what if a character is gay and someone says "No, I'm gonna headcanon them as bisexual". In my opinion, meanwhile you aren't making content about it, you do you. However if you are, here are some things to consider.
It puts the community against each other.
If the character is canonically gay and you make xem pansexual you could argue "Well gays get more rep than pan people," which is a truth but isn't the gays fault (most of the time). This puts the community against each other and in some ways can make a person's identity feel unvalid. Until we live in a world like where the queer agenda has been realize to its fullest, we got to stay mindfull of how we treat people's identities.
Miscommunication (misleading publicity)
Most of these podcasts are independent, made by sleep-deprived artists which are relying on YOU to promote their work, especially folks who do fanart (y'all have my heart for keeping this bubble expanding).
If you make a post of let's say Adam Hayes [gay character from the bright sessions] with a bisexual flag it might make people think Adam is bi when that is not the case, so if someone goes into the podcast looking for that bi rep and realized he isn't bisexual, it would be a downer at least. Is not queer bating of course but it is misinformation.
And yeah I know that bright sessions is one of the most popular podcasts with published books and spin-off shows however, I wrote this at night and is a character most people know, unlike Shinji [gay character from Desperado].
It might erase representation
I once read a fic in which one of my favorite non-binary characters was written as a binary trans woman even though there was trans women representation in the show. It was well written and told a very interesting take on the character but, it wasn't the character since being non-binary is part of who he was.
As I say at the begginig of this opinion article, I started listening to podcast because of my quest for non-binary representation and the fic made me feel like I had lose something. Even if the character is still banging the gender binary in canon, it make me wonder how feable are non-binary identities in the eyes of the public.
What is straight? For me is someone who is this 3: cisgender, heterosexual and heteroromantic.
So in this case if you got a character who hasn't been told explicitly that is non-cis but more importantly that being cis does not inform their experience and how they interact with their other queer identities or doesn't misgender them [like with the case above] then I believe there is no harm in writing/drawing them as trans in fancontent.
-Valles Vicky : Non-binary Lesbian.
I personally think of Valles Vicky as a she/her non-binary sapphic. Which considering she is a dad like Juno is a lady I say that I got some argument here.
-Sapphic Demons
Another example is Belzagor [she/her character from Brimstone Valley Mall] . She's a very cool tech demon that lives in a queerphobic-free mall. There is a beautiful collection of fics where she is romantically paired with her other she/her counterpart Xaphan [demon of being exicted for everything]. Which makes sense in my book because all we know about her is that she uses she/her pronouns and is a god [sorta].
Pd. Misroch use your "Mom friend" powers and protect Belzagor from Hornblass in the next season. Yes? Thank you.
Now to the allo v.z. the ace part IS COMPLICATED [This whole section is to be fair].
-Caleb Michels is demisexual (and I die in this hill)
I am probably demisexual and so is Caleb [mlm character from the Bright Sessions]. He might also be demiromantic.
Why do I think I can say this?
Because it literally doesn't go against his queerness or identity. He likes boys and he still likes boys if he is demi. It doesn't detract from his identity, if anything I think it helps infrom it, and in the show there are so many instances that may me go you're demi. Or that how I justified it.
-Riley and Evelyn.
Another case is my favorite ghoul Riley [Non-binary and asexual character from Less is Morgue]. The only fics from this podcast (that I know of) is a trilogy about Riley being in a romantic relationship with their co-star Evelyn [Lesbian], which after hearing the frankestein episode I can understand the chemistry. I personally believe this characters to be in a QPR.
Riley is asexual but not aromantic (I think) so this two realities can coexist perfectly in a nice pizza delivery man. However there is an argument to be made about Evelyn being a lesbian and being portray in a relationship with a non-binary person, as I read the fic there was no misgendering of Riley thank Todd and Satan, so I take it as Evelyn's sexuality being somewhat misrepresented.
I am not a lesbian, so I don't actually get all the intersicracities of the identity. In my understanding is someone whose gender is woman or femme-aligned who feels atracction to woman or femme-aligned people. However Riley is agender, so in my limited knowdlege this is contradictory with the lesbian identity.
-Walt Pensive: Ace of Spades
Now lets talk about Walt Pensive, he is "uhhsexual" (asexual) and heteromantic.
Giving my previous cis/trans case someone could say "I declare him panromantic", but I don't think that is right. Walt being hetero informs his identity, he had a partner (girlfriend or wife? I can't remember) that die, and that of course has left him with some trauma. However, he also is ready to move on, he flirts with a woman and considers going on a date with her.
Personally I belive this can be a nice character for those who are heteromantic but queer in other ways can relate too. And adds another shade to the rainbow representation.
To conclude, I love audio-dramas and have a tendency to over analyze everything.
Not joking though, there is a DIFFERENCE between changing the identity of a straight character and a queer one. Even more when we add the conversation between indie media v.z. mainstream and their access to marketing and how their story is presented to the general public.
That being said the rainbow has many colors and some identities (queer and less so) can coexist with one another, and in the best case inform them and make the character even more nuanced.
I belive giving this rise in queer representation, mainly in podcasts but other media too, this is a conversation we got to have to get all the nuances and the best answer there is.
Pd. Heteroromanitc aces and heterosexual aros are cool and valid. And Walt Pensive 😢, why Mx. William?
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carolinanadeau · 10 months
the day somebody likes this story enough to kudos it is the day I finally know peace
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mionemymind · 21 days
The Chosen One
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Summary: How do you love the daughter of the evilest family in the galaxy? Just ask Wanda Maximoff.
Warnings: Death, Cursing, Blood, Killing, Angst, Evil
A/n: There is a lot of random fandoms in this one shot that inspired me. Let me list them off: Star Wars, Dune, Skyrim, A Court of Thorns and Roses, Fourth Wing. So if these are one of your fandoms, comment what you think I got from them. Also, please do not judge if lore ain't right. This is my version of stuff and god I'm struggling to remember all of it lmaooooo. Also, thank you @usersukuna for the amazing gif. And thank @hiiraya for reading the rough draft of this. Also, I wanted to get your opinion on it before I posted, but that was gonna take long lmaoooo. So if you see any plot holes bestie, let me know and I'll edit it in later. Also, I had intentions of make this more evil but I don't like the idea of Stockholm Syndrome so yeah.
Word Count: 13.3k
Loving the person that the galaxy was sworn to hate was not an easy task for Wanda Maximoff. She had come from a world that was known for its politics, her parents both being senators. Growing up in that scene allowed Wanda to see just how evil people can be when they seek power so recklessly. 
“I’ll never be like them,” Wanda vowed. She was as little as 10 when she first witnessed multiple assassins kill a mad hungry senator. “Those that are corrupt will only lead to a painful end,” Wanda’s father stated. He didn’t intervene or call for any help. Witnessing her father stand by at such a scene made Wanda question, “Was this a good thing or did my father help with his murder?” She was too scared to ask loudly. That was the moment she knew that fear was a powerful thing to have. 
Wanda was only 15 when her home planet was captured by the Aetos family. In just one night, she witnessed the destruction of the very thing she called home. She was separated from her family as they packed hundreds of young girls and boys in a spaceship. 
Crying her heart out, Wanda feared where they would take her. Soon they arrived at one of the many planets the Aetos family owned, Acrux. Shoving them in a line, Wanda saw many buildings of Greek inspiration. Not only that, she saw the many people who were enslaved there, all of them being no older than 18 years old. 
She was sorted to work at the Colosseum, one of the unluckiest things to do in Acrux. Every day she was tasked to fight a person, creature, etc. just to live another day. It was a brutal life but if she did survive, it would guarantee she would be able to leave at age 18. 
Two weeks after she arrived, she met Y/n. The kids were fighting for food when Y/n whispered to Wanda, “I know where they keep the food.” By then, she was starving to death and any ounce of awareness was gone at the mere offer of food. 
Y/n was talented and light on her feet, something Wanda quickly noticed. As they snuck around the darkly lit corridors, Y/n finally found the food pantry. “You go first, I’ll make sure to stay on the lookout. Try to eat the farthest batch from the front, that way they don’t notice that it’s gone.” 
Wanda didn’t question how Y/n knew this and simply followed her instructions. The pantry wasn’t massive but large enough that missing food would be hard to notice. Wanda first ate a few berries before heading to the bread. Just like Y/n said, Wanda focused on the stack near the back. 
While the bread was slightly cold, Wanda could tell it had been slightly fresh. One piece of it and she was already in heaven. Not able to contain herself, Wanda tried her best to eat as much as she could. It was selfish but she couldn’t help herself. 
Half a minute had gone by before Y/n opened the door and said, “Guards are coming.” Wanda stuffed the rest of the loaf in her pants pocket and followed Y/n out. They hid in a small opening in the hallway, dark enough that the guards hadn’t noticed them as they walked by. 
Wanda hadn’t realized how small the opening was until they were in it, chests almost touching each other. Looking closely at Y/n, Wanda never realized how close in height they were. She had dark hair and a small scar across her right eye. 
“I think they’re gone now,” Y/n coughed out. Wanda broke the stare she didn’t know she was holding. Quietly they made their way back. Wanda stopped Y/n before they entered the shared living quarters. “I appreciate you looking out for me back there. You didn’t have to - and if I’m being entirely honest, I don’t know why you did that.” 
Y/n smiled at Wanda, not knowing how to take her compliment. “But regardless, here is a piece of bread. I saved it because I knew you didn’t get a chance to grab something. I’m sorry I couldn’t get more but I didn’t know what would get noticed or not.” 
Y/n accepted the piece from Wanda and hid it in her pocket. No words were communicated as Y/n gave Wanda a small smile. They walked back into the quarters where everyone was too busy screaming and yelling to notice they were gone. That was the day Wanda started to look out for Y/n. 
A couple of days later, Y/n had woken up Wanda from her sleep. “Wake up,” Y/n whispered as she shook Wanda awake. Everyone was asleep by now. Y/n took extra precautions to make sure no one was awake. She didn’t need any snitches to ruin her plan. 
Wanda woke up disgruntled, “What? - What is it?” 
“I’ve been thinking.” 
“This late in the night?” Tomorrow was another designated battle for Wanda and she wanted to have as much energy as she could have for it. 
“Yes - I’ve been thinking a lot about you.” This had gotten Wanda’s attention. She sat up in her bed, scooting over to allow Y/n to sit. “Well, spit it out.”
“You and I can make a pack. I’ve seen you fight and you can carry yourself. But you do have your weaknesses.” Feeling defensive about the latter comment, Wanda said, “And you think you’re better? You haven’t even fought - you don’t even know if you can survive a day out there.”
“I know. I know. But hear me out. I have training and experience. My first match is directly after yours. Just watch me and see. And if you decide it’s worth your time, then you and I can be partners.” 
“What do partners mean to you?”
“It means I got your back and you got mine. If you have trouble, I’ll be there. Do you need something? Food, backup, or training, I’m there. Name it, you got it - just as long as you do the same for me.” Y/n looked around to make sure no one woke up to the sound of them talking. 
“What happens if you or I want more partners?” 
Y/n thought about it for a moment, carefully deciding what to say. “I’m only offering this deal to you and you only. If you decide to partner up with somebody else, I can’t be your partner anymore.”
“Does that mean you also won’t be partners with somebody else?”
“It will only be you Wanda - that’s if you accept.” 
Wanda was perplexed at the offer. She wanted to say yes, especially since Y/n had helped her before. Not wanting to seem eager, she said, “Let me watch your fight and think about it.” 
Y/n nodded in her response and got up. Before she could walk away, Wanda grabbed her hand and asked, “Why me?”
With all her truth, Y/n admitted, “‘Cause you’re the only one in here that has a chance of surviving like me.”
As Y/n walked away, Wanda felt hope for the first time on Acrux, hoping that maybe she’d actually leave this place alive. 
Today was Y/n’s first fight. Wanda walked away from her match victorious once more. On the way back inside, she passed by Y/n. “Good luck,” Wanda said. In her heart, she could feel that Y/n didn’t need luck. There was this energy that she displayed as if she knew she was going to win even with her eyes closed. 
“Thank you. You’re going to watch, right?” Y/n said while jogging backward. Her choice of weapons was two swords. “I will, probably from the gates though since I can’t run to the stands fast enough.” 
Y/n winked and turned around, she yelled back, “Then I’ll make sure it’s something worth watching.” 
Wanda and Y/n were 16 when Y/n first got hurt in the arena. A hired bystander had jumped into the ring on top of Y/n. Surprised by the attack, her opponent cut her arm. This type of corruption was something the Colosseum highly disapproved of. 
Within seconds, soldiers flooded the arena and arrested the opponent and bystander. Wanda was first among their peers to aid Y/n. The pounding in her heart and the ringing in her ears almost made her blackout with how worried and angry she was. If the soldiers hadn’t been there, Wanda was certain to have murdered them then and there. 
“Are you okay?” Wanda checked everywhere to see if there was more damage that she didn’t see. She didn’t calm down until Y/n held her hand and said, “It’s just a cut on my arm Wands. I’m going to be fine.” 
Wanda helped her up and walked with Y/n through the Colosseum back to their shared room. She immediately went to their first aid kit hidden in a compartment behind their pantry and grabbed all the necessary bandages and sterilization. 
Y/n sat at her bed staring at the cut that was slowly losing blood. “I don’t think it’s deep, thankfully. God that fucker just had to hire somebody.” Wanda grabbed a chair nearby and sat near Y/n’s arm. This was the first time Y/n had needed any type of bandage in their time at the arena. She didn’t want to show it, but it was scary. 
Back then, Wanda was the one to have gotten all the bruises and cuts before Y/n properly trained her. Nowadays, the two hardly have to use the first aid kit at all. 
As Wanda continued to stitch, Y/n noticed Wanda’s shaky hands. “Do you need me to get someone else? It’s okay if you can’t do it, Wanda.” 
“No!” Wanda hadn’t meant to yell but something about this was different. Afraid to say anything more, Y/n remained quiet as Wanda continued to stitch. Once it was done and Y/n was bandaged, Wanda was finally able to breathe again. The ringing in her ears finally stopped. She could feel her senses coming back to her. “Thank you,” Y/n said. 
“You’re welcome.” Wanda placed the first aid back into its hiding spot and got ready for bed. 
Night came and Y/n was quick to sleep while Wanda was wide awake. She laid on her side, paying attention to Y/n’s breathing. Logically she knew that it was just a cut and that nothing bad was going to happen to Y/n. But her heart just couldn’t stop worrying. 
It was then and there that Wanda knew that if Y/n died so would she. 
A batch of new kids arrived at Acrux. It was a mix of older kids at a range of 15-17. Wanda never had enemies this whole time she had been in the arena, which was only a year and seven months. That was until Emma had arrived. 
She was the same age as Wanda and Y/n. Nothing was special with her until she showed just how good she was at fighting. During her first match, she had beaten Y/n’s record of defeating an opponent in under a minute by a second. 
Emma came out of the arena without a single bruise or scratch. Wanda noticed this but she also noticed that Y/n did too. Wanda was never the type to worry about her place with Y/n, after all, they were partners. But it was the way she noticed Y/n watching Emma that something inside her triggered. 
For now, Wanda let the anger and worry remain inside her. “This will pass,” she thought. But it didn’t. 
Y/n and Wanda were sparing like normal when Y/n brought up the news. “Emma asked me to train her.” The confession caused Wanda to be distracted, allowing Y/n to disarm her with one swoop. 
“What did you tell her?” Wanda asked, ignoring that she was easily defeated in that small moment of distraction.
“That I only train with you.” Wanda released the breath she was holding. She picked up her sword and continued practice like normal. 
Wanda was on the way to dinner when she noticed Emma talking to Y/n again. The visceral rage that grew inside Wanda within a second could have destroyed everyone in her path. But she remained composed and hid nearby. 
It wasn’t that Wanda didn’t trust Y/n. She simply didn’t trust Emma. 
“I don’t understand why you only train with Wanda,” Emma huffed out. She knew that she and Y/n would work well together seeing as they’re part of the rare bunch that actually know how to fight on their own. 
“It’s not something you have to understand. I only train with Wanda. No amount of bargaining will change that.” Emma rolled her eyes at Y/n’s stubbornness. 
“Are you two dating or something?” Wanda’s heart dropped at the question. No one had ever asked her if she was dating Y/n. But that was something she never knew to be thankful for. Her face felt hot and her chest beat like crazy at the mere thought of someone asking her that. 
Wanda would never outright admit that maybe there were some lingering thoughts here and there about Y//n. But this was Acrux and all she could focus on was leaving this planet at age 18 hoping she could find her parents and twin brother.
But here she was, waiting anxiously for Y/n’s response. As if there was some secret she unfortunately wasn’t aware of. Maybe they were dating and she never knew till now. They were partners but does that mean more? 
“No…we’re not,” Y/n answered with some hesitancy. Wanda felt her heart plummet. She hadn’t meant to cry, but tears started falling. “Why am I crying? I already knew we weren’t dating,” she thought. 
There was no point in asking questions. Not when her heart knew…Wanda had fallen for Y/n. 
Wanda was 17 when she confessed her feelings to Y/n. Emma had been on Acrux for only five months and in those five months, she had constantly made moves on Y/n. Each time, Y/n had denied her offers. 
The more Emma pressed for clearer answers, the more Y/n walked away. And while Y/n would never admit it, Emma suspected that Y/n had feelings for Wanda. 
It was midnight. Wanda was asleep when she was woken up again by Y/n. Turning over, she slowly opened her eyes to a candle and a small cake. “Happy Birthday Wands,” Y/n whispered. “Make a wish.” 
She sat up and held the plate holding the cake. She thought about her wish for a second before blowing out her candle. “What did you wish for?” 
For months, Wanda had been wanting to confess to Y/n. There were multiple times during training, lunch, or even while they hung out that she had wanted to confess. None of them felt like the right time. There was never a right time according to Wanda. 
But it was the way that Y/n had looked at Wanda the whole time as if she was the only girl in the world. Maybe it was her imagination but God Wanda wanted to believe it so badly. And who was she to deny this anymore? 
Unable to hold back the urge, Wanda placed the plate down on her bed as she sat up to grab Y/n by the neck and kissed her. When Y/n did not kiss back immediately, Wanda broke it, afraid that she had messed up the most important thing to her. “I’m so sor-”
Y/n didn’t wait for Wanda to finish as she cupped her cheeks and kissed her back. There was nothing to deny anymore. Not when her knees felt like they could buckle at any moment. Not when the feeling in her chest grew with enticement. 
The desperation in each kiss grew as Y/n sat on Wanda’s bed leading to Wanda to crawl on Y/n’s lap. It felt passionate at first but quickly grew messy after each kiss.  Hardly coming up for air, Wanda grabbed the hair near Y/n’s neck and made a fist of it, unintentionally causing Y/n to moan. 
Feeling Y/n’s hands wrapped around her ass, Wanda moaned as well. She needed this girl more than anyone else in the world. And so be it if Wanda needed air, she needed Y/n more. Y/n broke their kiss, her eyes dilated with lust. While slightly heaving, Y/n confessed, “If you want me Wanda, I’m yours. Only yours.” 
“Show me then.” 
Y/n turned 18 two months after Wanda’s birthday. Although Wanda was eligible to leave, she stayed, not wanting to leave her girlfriend behind.
They were packing their things up, only carrying the basic necessities before completely leaving the Colosseum. They headed to the landing docks, waiting for the next transportation to arrive when a black spaceship, decked out with the Aetos family logo, arrived.
“Wanda let's go,” Y/n said as she tugged on Wanda’s hand. “That’s not our ride, dekta.” 
“Do you trust me?” Confused by the question, Wanda answered with, “Of course.” 
“Then let's go.” Not wanting to argue anymore, Wanda followed Y/n onto the ship. As soon as they went in, the doors closed, immediately lifting off. A droid entered the main area and stated, “Welcome back Master Y/n. Let me grab your things.” Y/n reached out with their things in her hand. As the droid grabbed their items, Wanda was perplexed at how the droid knew Y/n. “Master? Why did he call you master?” 
There was a worried look on Y/n’s face. The burden she had been carrying for three years was finally going to be free. “I need you to sit down Wanda.” 
“I’m not gonna sit down until you tell me the truth. Why did that droid call you master?” Wanda anxiously waited for Y/n’s response. Nothing was making sense and every single second without the truth only agitated Wanda even more. 
Y/n sighed. There was no way to hide from this. Wanda deserved to know the truth. 
“It’s because he’s my droid. My family gave him to me as a gift for my 5th birthday.” 
“Stop fucking around Y/n. There’s more to this story. Why are we on this ship?!” Wanda crossed her arms, unhappy with the secrets. 
“Before I tell you, I need you to know that I was only able to tell you once I turned 18. Had I told you before then, it would have cost me my life.” There was no response from Wanda, causing Y/n to stress even more. She sat down and continued, “My name is Y/n Aetos. I’m the eldest daughter of the Aetos family.” 
Wanda’s face dropped. “You’re lying. Please tell me you’re lying.” Tears came down Y/n’s face as she shook her head no. 
“This whole time you’ve been lying to me! I told you everything! I gave you every single part of me that was vulnerable just for you to be lying this whole time about who you are!” 
“Hear me-”
“I don’t want to hear it. Get me off this ship now!” Y/n got up and walked to Wanda. But for every step, Wanda stepped back. It was obvious that Y/n was hurt by the reaction. 
“Don’t you dare call me that,” Wanda snarled. The love of her life had not only betrayed her but was the very reason she was in Acrux in the first place. “If you don’t get me off this ship right now, I will crash it into the nearest planet.” 
There was no point in calling out her bluff. Y/n knew that even if Wanda had tried, she would be unsuccessful. But that was not a route she was willing to take. Not when it came to her. 
“I will give you everything you want - you want off of this ship? Fine. But please let me explain myself.” Before Wanda could disagree, Y/n continued, “I was only 15 when my parents said I had to go to a planet of their choosing and survive until I was 18. It was a long-standing part of our family tradition. Those that survive lead well and those that fail never get to see another day again.” Wanda saw the pained expressions on Y/n’s face as she relieved through the harsh memories. 
“A chip was planted inside my neck on my 15th birthday that forbade me to ever say what my bloodline was. I could only go by my years of training and knowledge. Had I told you, the chip inside me would have blown up within an instant.” 
“No one in this galaxy besides my masters and servants knows what I looked like. For the very reason that if I don’t survive until I’m 18, they simply would not want their precious kingdom to know that I was a failure.” 
There was silence as Y/n pleaded for Wanda to look at her. When she didn’t, Y/n continued to silently cry. This was the day she got back her freedom but at what cost? 
Finally, Wanda spoke up, “Why did you have to rope me into this? I was fine by myself. Was it all a trick to you?” 
Shaking her head no, Y/n confessed, “I knew strategically that if I had someone to rely on then my odds of surviving would increase. In the beginning, you were someone I only looked at as a companion, an ally.” 
“It wasn’t until the day you almost died that everything had changed for me.”
Wanda remembered that day clearly. A bull had managed to stab her straight in the stomach after failing to dodge the attack. Causing her to bleed out in the arena. Thankfully it was a 2v2 match and Y/n was her partner. 
“I had never killed something as fast as that day. When I saw you bleeding, I- I-,” Y/n cupped her mouth to suppress a sob. That was one of the worst days of her life. “I used all my winnings and favors that day to save you. And I didn’t even know then if you were going to survive.” 
Wanda was surprised at the tears falling down her eyes. She didn’t know when it started but it didn’t stop. 
“So when you did, I vowed that I was going to get you out…even if it had cost me my life.” Y/n wiped the tears from her face. Wanda had finally decided to look at Y/n and was heartbroken at the sight. 
“So when you kissed me on your 17th birthday, I knew you were the one for me. It was selfish of me to have you to myself but you are my reason to live Wanda.” Y/n took one more step to Wanda. And when she didn’t back up, she walked even closer. 
“I did not mean to have fallen in love with you. And I certainly did not mean for you to have fallen in love with me.” Y/n cupped Wanda's cheeks and wiped her tears away. “And I’m sorry it was me that you’ve fallen for because you deserve better Wanda.” 
“Did you even want to tell me?” 
“More than you will ever know.” 
“What does this mean for us?” Y/n hardly felt scared in life. It was the way she grew up that if you were to be scared, you would be just like the weak. But today, Y/n felt scared not knowing what the future had for her and Wanda. 
“I will not force you to stay. But if you choose to go…just know my heart will always belong to you.” 
Two weeks have gone by since Wanda chose to leave Y/n. It was not an easy decision to make. Even her dreams constantly haunt her,  reminding her of the heartbroken face Y/n had when she left. But Wanda could not stay knowing what the Aetos family had done to the galaxy. 
True to her promise, Y/n did not force Wanda to stay. Instead, she used her family’s database to try and find the last rumored location of the Maximoff family. 
“It appears your brother has been in hiding according to these latest reports. He’s currently in the Andromeda fighting against the Blackbar army takeover.” Y/n wiped away her last tears as she moved from the holographic map to a storage unit on the other side of the room. She grabbed a backpack full of equipment, extra water, and a weapon that was in Wanda’s skillhouse. 
Y/n walked back to Wanda and gave her all the items. She tried her best to appear strong for what Wanda chose. “Here are all the items you could need. Inside the backpack is armor, food, water, and a tent. You’ll need to be careful as the armor has my family’s signet on it. Any person who will see it will automatically assume you're the enemy. The first thing you need to do is get rid of it. Take sap from the thick trees that inhabit Andromeda. It should help get rid of the logos.”
Y/n looked around the room for one last item and gave it to Wanda. “And here,” Y/n said while handing it out. “What is this?”
“A beacon. Right now, no location of it exists. But as soon as you press this red button, it’ll alert me of your location. If you ever need help, just press this button and I’ll be there for you. However, it will only be me who comes to your aid. I can’t send troops without my parents knowing about my actions. For now, I think it’s best if we avoid that.” 
“Master Y/n, we’ve landed in Andromeda.” Y/n nodded and looked at the back doors opening revealing the jungle. The hot atmosphere quickly invaded the inside of the plane. There was no clearing in sight as tall trees surrounded them. 
Y/n walked Wanda to the edge of the plane before stopping. “I hope you find your family Wanda.” 
Wanda didn’t know what to say. Instead, she gave Y/n a strong hug before walking away. At the last minute, Wanda turned around to see the door closing. She glanced at Y/n’s face to see a tear fall. 
“I hope to never see you again Wanda Maximoff,” Y/n thought, “You were the best part of my life.”
In an instant, the ship was gone and Wanda was alone again. 
Wanda was alone in the woods when Pietro had found her. She was preparing for the night as she took off her armor. No logos appeared on it. Wanda had followed Y/n’s advice by immediately removing any signet bearing the Aetos family logo. 
Preparing her tent, she was ambushed by a team. In seconds, soldiers came out from their hiding spots, pointing their guns directly at her. “It was calculated,” Wanda thought as there was no chance for her to attack back. They had been watching for a while now and she barely felt it. Wanda felt stupid but could hardly blame herself. She was exhausted and hungry. 
Wanda heard the leaves behind her ruffle as their Captain spoke, “Who are you?” Wanda waited for them to circle in front of her. She didn’t need to startle any of the team fearing that they might shoot at any sudden movements. 
“My name is Wanda Ma-,” before she could finish her sentence she came eye to eye with someone who looked very familiar. “Pietro?!” 
Pietro was stunned at the girl that knew his name. He got on high alert. He aimed his blue saber at her and almost demanded more information but the terrified look on Wanda’s face stopped him in his tracks. “Wanda?” 
Pietro retracted his saber and hugged his twin sister. “You’re here…you’re finally here.” Wanda hugged back, almost afraid to believe that he was right there. 
“We need to get you back to safety,” Pietro stated as he rounded up his men. “There are so many things I need to tell you but right now let's pack up your stuff and get back to my base. Night in Andromeda is not safe.” 
Pietro led Wanda back to a village in the trees. Many huts were placed high above the ground and all were connected by wooden bridges that allowed for easier travel. “This is my home,” Pietro said as they walked through the door. “I’ll let you freshen up in the bathroom. In the meantime, I’ll prepare us dinner.” 
Wanda walked into the bathroom and noticed all the dirt and sap that covered her face and armor. She quickly undressed herself and practically moaned at the feeling of hot water. After she finished washing herself, Wanda got dressed in some fresh clothes that Pietro laid out. 
“Dinners ready!” Pietro yelled from the kitchen. Wanda walked out of the bathroom and placed her armor near the front of the house, not wanting to get Pietro’s place dirty. Once she got near the kitchen, she could smell the richness of the meal, instantly making her stomach grumble with delight. “Dig in.” 
Wanda sat across Pietro and served herself a portion of the meal. They both ate in silence as Wanda devoured the food in front of her. It was hard to survive in Andromeda when she knew little of what could kill her or not. 
“Do you like it?” Wanda nodded in agreement as she stuffed herself. “That’s good to hear. I’ve been working on my cooking skills whenever I have free time.” 
Wanda ate a couple more bites before asking, “Are you a captain of sorts? It seemed like those soldiers responded to your commands.” 
“I am. Although there’s not much official order around here, I have managed to get respected enough to be followed as a captain.” Pietro collected their dishes and placed them in the sink. 
“Let’s talk more in the living room.” As Wanda and Pietro sat on the couch, Wanda was quick to ask, “Do you have any clue on where our parents are?” With a solemn smile, Pietro said, “Our parents are..away.” 
“What do you mean?” Pietro sighed as he readjusted his position, “Let me start from the beginning.”
Pietro cleared his throat, “During the invasion, the Aetos family had packed all the younglings on a ship. We were supposed to be sent to Acrux but my ship had crash-landed in Andromeda. Thankfully, there was a village nearby that helped all of us out and took us in.”
“For weeks, I tried my best to find a way to get back home. It wasn’t until I got access to our family’s money that someone listened to me.”
“They provided me with transportation back but once I arrived, it was like a different place Wanda. Within those weeks, the empire of Barlowe had taken over everything. It was like a planet that housed thousands of soldiers for miles.”
“I tried my best to get intel on what happened. Fortunately enough, the few native people left told me everything.” Pietro reached out and grabbed Wanda’s hand. “An invasion from the Barlowe empire happened. They disguised themselves as the Aetos family to manipulate the rest of the galaxy into thinking that they were taking over.” 
“They relocated all the children to many different places. As for the adults, those that weren’t captured fled and those that were captured had to work for the empire.” 
“I tried sneaking into one of their bases to find more intel on our parents but all I could find was that they weren’t captured and were in hiding. The next thing I did was look for you in the system but nothing about you popped up. I wanted to find out more but I didn’t know how. So I flew back to Andromeda and have been living here with the other kids from Fornia.” 
Wanda sat there and tried her best to take all of it in. “Do you think they’re still alive?” Pietro sighed once more as there were countless times he thought of finding them. “I wish they were but it’s been three years and none of the other kids have a clue on where their parents are at. We kind of stopped holding on to hope of seeing our parents again when the Blackbar army started their invasion on Andromeda a couple of months ago.” 
“What’s stopping you from fleeing?” Wanda was desperate to cling on to Pietro. The fact that he was still alive gave Wanda some hope that her parents were also alive. 
Pietro looked away as he glanced at the window showcasing the village. “In the three years I’ve been here, I’ve managed to find myself people that I trust and care about. In turn, they look to me to help defend Andromeda from this takeover. I know I could still flee using our family’s money, but where would I go? Invasions are happening all around the galaxy.” Pietro was momentarily lost in his thoughts as he remembered all the times he desperately wished his family would rescue him. 
“Not only that, there’s this girl that I’ve grown feelings for. She’s been with me since we crashed here. And I don’t have the heart to leave her.” Although Wanda wanted to feel disappointed in Pietro’s decision to stop looking for their parents, she too knew the feeling of not being able to leave without Y/n. She reminisced for a few moments before focusing back on the conversation.  
“There is more that I need to tell you but could you tell me what it’s been like for you?” 
With a heavy heart, Wanda sighed, “Where do I even start?” 
“How did we even get to this point?” Wanda questioned as she fought her best to stay conscious. Dry blood ran down her face, her hands were tied behind her back, and a gag was placed in her mouth. Pietro was passed out in the cell across from her, tied up in the same manner. 
The twins were barely united for two weeks before Blackbar’s army sent reinforcements to further the invasion of Andromeda. Pietro was stuck in the front lines along with Wanda who refused to leave his side. The village barely was able to make a dent in the enemy’s forces before being captured. 
That was three days ago and now the majority of the village was stuck in a cell each being tortured for information. “Get up,” the guard demanded as they opened Wanda’s cell. She proceeded to scream and kick the best she could, causing Pietro to wake up. 
“Let go of her!” He screamed into his gag. “Get the boy as well.” The guard had enough of Wanda’s theatrics and punched her in the face causing her to pass out from all the pain. They dragged the twins to the control area where the leader of the operations was, dropping them in the middle of the room. “Are you idiots? I need them awake.”
“Yes, sir.” Grabbing the syringe, the guards injected Wanda and Pietro with a serum that would help them stay awake. “Remove their gags.” 
Stirring awake, Wanda groaned in pain. Nothing in Acrux had compared to this aching feeling throughout her body. If she had the energy, she would have screamed from how much pain she was feeling. “Wanda Maximoff, just the girl we need. According to our intel, you were on Acrux around the same time a certain Aetos was inhabiting the planet.” 
Wanda was barely conscious as she saw General Tullius grab a knife and hold it to Pietro’s neck. “Tell me what you know or your brother is going to die.” Wanda’s eyes widened, “Please don’t!” She thrashed in her bindings as tears fell from her eyes. “I’ll tell you everything you need to know but please let him go.” 
“Wanda don’t-”
“Silence! If you want to live, I suggest you cooperate.” Pietro froze as the knife was pressed deeper into his throat. 
“General Tullius,” a different soldier entered the room with Wanda’s backpack in hand. “Here are the girl’s items.” General Tullius grabbed the bag and looked through it. The only thing that caught his eye was the small remote. 
He dropped the bag and observed it. “Tell me Ms. Maximoff, what does this do?” Wanda held her breath at the very thing that could save them. “Don’t press it,” she begged. He didn’t listen and pressed it anyway. He looked around and felt nothing happen. “It’s useless anyways - come with me now, you have information to share.”
“As for you,” General Tullius sliced Pietro’s throat as Wanda Maximoff screamed in horror, witnessing her only sibling die in front of her. 
Hours have gone by and Wanda has not given any information to the General. All she could focus on was the blood on the floor where Pietro’s dead body was once. 
“If you can’t provide me with the information, I will find someone who can,” General Tullius spat at Wanda. There was a different type of evil in his eyes. Only hot anger lay behind them. Which meant one thing, General Tullius was sent here to prove something, something his superior doubted. And any loss meant more than likely his life. 
Tired and barely clinging on to her life, Wanda prayed and pleaded with all her might that Y/n would come soon. But as minutes went by, her hope waned. Y/n could be anywhere in the galaxy, probably back with her family, which could be light-years away. How could Wanda believe that she’d drop everything to come? “God, please…please send me help.” 
“Sir, an unmarked ship is heading directly for us. How would you like to respond?” 
“Take it down!” General Tullius could not bother with the inconveniences as he headed back to Wanda. Before he could hurt her again, explosions rattled the building followed by the blaring alarm system. 
“What the?” More artillery exploded. A shiver ran down General Tullius. He could feel the raw power that landed in his fortress. The force inside him could feel that this was only one person but someone not to mess with. 
“Turn on the cameras! They’re inside the building.” Wanda paid attention to all the chaos. She could see the panic run through General Tullius. This was someone above his skill level, someone powerful. 
The camera feed played for everyone in the headquarters to see. A dark figure with all-black armor walked through the hallways. No effort was exerted as this figure force choked the troops in her way. The raw power caused the camera feed to go black as the lights flickered out. 
“What’s happening?! Give me a different angle now!” The officer did as told and tried their best to provide a different camera angle. In a different room, a new wave of troopers prepared for the enemy. Everyone could easily hear the terrifying screams coming from the other side of the door. 
“Hold,” the commander stated. The building shook as the door crunched slowly. Soon it was pulled off its hinges. No one could see what was happening. 
A bloody body came crawling out of the shadows, “Please…kill…me.” A trooper tried to reach out but the body was merely dragged out of sight. Soon, the rumble of a lightsaber was heard. The red color illuminated the shadow of the figure. “Fire!” 
Red lasers fired their way. None touched the figure. One was purposely deflected to hit the camera inside. The feed went to black and General Tullius knew what he was facing. 
Wanda almost smiled in delight at the scared look on General Tullius’s face. “It’s Y/n,” she thought. The General gathered all officers and troopers to aim at the door. “We need to be on lockdown! Now!” 
“That would never be enough,” Wanda thought. But the injuries were adding up, she could feel herself needing to sleep. Soon, she saw the door fly off its hinges, crushing the majority of those who guarded it. The smoke and alarms were too much to process. Wanda fainted from the pain. The last thing she saw was the color red. 
Not much time had passed before Wanda woke up. Everyone in the room was already dead besides General Tullius. The saber in his stomach was hard to miss. 
“My family’s name is carried through the innocents we kill, the horrors children sing, and the people we control,” Y/n’s helmet unveiled to show her face. The glow of her lightsaber made her eyes appear red with madness. Inch by inch, she pushed her saber further and further, wanting the burning sensation to feel like an eternity.
“Your death will be meaningless compared to the thousands of generals we’ve killed.” General Tullius felt his blood start to boil, the heat coming from the lightsaber was burning him inside out. “Your men will forever remember the day I single-handedly slaughtered them to the masses.” His blood started to spill out of his eyes, mouth, and nose. No words could escape as he continued to scream in horror. 
“And you will never know a day of peace as I will chase you in hell for all the crimes you’ve committed against her.” Y/n flicked her arm, slicing the general in half. The smell of his flesh burning was almost too much for Wanda to handle as she looked away. She could hear the body drop to the ground as the room soon became quiet. 
Y/n surveyed the room of her damages. Many troops lay dead all because of one call. But this was who Y/n was. The daughter of the most evil family in the world. And Wanda so happens to be the person she loved. 
Y/n retreated her lightsaber back to its hilt and clipped it onto her belt. She removed her helmet and slowly walked towards Wanda. Bruises were covering Wanda’s body as well as some dried blood coming from her forehead. The sight made Y/n choke in anger but she remained composed. 
“Wanda?” Y/n called out, hoping to not scare her off. This was a side that Wanda had never seen before. The killings in the Colosseum were mandatory. It was always the opponent you were against but this. This was different. Y/n killed mercilessly without hesitation. No one could even beg to live another day before she killed them off. This was the part of Y/n that held the Aetos family name. This was the evil that surrounded and consumed Y/n. 
There were a couple of feet between them when Wanda spoke up and said, “You killed them all.” Wanda looked around, unable to cope with how much death surrounded her in just one instance. “I know my love.” Y/n didn’t move any closer, allowing Wanda to process. “I’m sorry I took so long…are you okay?” 
When Wanda looked into Y/n’s eyes, she no longer saw the person she had just seconds ago. Here was the Y/n she fell in love with. The one that made sure she was okay at the end of the day. The one that would give up her food to make sure she ate. The one that would kiss away all the pain from being on Acrux. The one that just knew her. 
Wanda ran back into Y/n’s arm where everything clicked. She felt safe, wanted, and loved in her arms. Nothing would ever harm her here. Tears ran down Wanda’s face, exhaustion creeping up on her. “Everything is going to be okay my love, I promise.” Y/n continued to murmur soft affirmations, hoping it would calm Wanda down. 
“You don’t have to explain anything to me right now, but let’s get you somewhere safe.” Wanda nodded in agreement as Y/n wiped her tears away. Hand in hand, they walked out of the base without any interruptions. 
There was a small fire near the ship that Y/ n prepared. Using the force, she gathered two decent-sized logs to use as makeshift chairs. Heading back outside, Y/n held a pot filled with her meat soup recipe. She hooked it over the fire and stirred. Feeling satisfied with it, she sat next to Wanda who was finally bandaged up. 
“You look different,” Wanda commented. “Is that a good or bad thing?” Wanda took a decent look at Y/n. She still had the scar on her eye but her face looked more sharp and her skin was more tan. There was this slight glow surrounding her. 
“I would say good.” Y/n hummed in satisfaction. Hearing the soup boil, she prepared two bowls. “Here you go, Wanda. Be careful, it’s hot.” Wanda held the warm bowl and started to blow air towards it. Wanda grabbed the extra spoon from Y/n’s hand. The smell coming from the bowl was to die for. Not only that, Wanda was desperate for a warm home-cooked meal. Wanda didn’t wait for the soup to simmer to start eating. Together they ate in silence like old times. 
When they were done, Y/n gathered the dishes and headed back inside the ship. She placed them inside the washer and walked back outside. It was nighttime now and Andromeda had the clearest view of the sky. “Have you taken a look at the sky?” 
“It was one of the first things I noticed after we parted ways. Even though it’s been six months, I’ve always been blown away. It almost feels like I can reach all the stars in the sky.” Wanda held her hand out as she examined the sky, imagining what it would feel like to have it in the palm of her hand. 
Y/n laid down beside Wanda. They each had their own sleeping bag. “The stars looked different here compared to my home planet.” 
“What is it like?” 
“Well, my planet is mainly full of cloudy skies. I don’t go outside often enough since my home is underwater.” Wanda turned on her side to face Y/n. She was surprised at the new information since they never got to speak about Y/n's true life. 
“Why is your home underwater? Do you not have land to build on?” Y/n shook her head in disagreement. “We do have land but mainly use it for decoy purposes. Our true city lies at the bottom of the ocean. While we don’t quite have stars in the sky, the surrounding coral and fish are a different site to see.” 
“Did you miss your family?” Wanda didn’t know where the courage to ask these questions came from. Mainly, she had wanted to distract herself from the events before. 
“I did. When they saw my course for home, they called me to tell me they were proud of me.” Y/n thought for a moment before admitting, “I did miss you more though.” Y/n looked at Wanda. Not knowing what to say, Wanda gave her a small smile. 
“I know I said I’ll give you time, but I need to know what you want to do after this.” 
“I don’t have a clue right now.” It scared Wanda to know she had no plan. For the past three years, all she could focus on was coming back home to her family. It was foolish to believe that everything was going to be fine after three years, that they could go back to the way it was. But sadly, she couldn’t. 
“Do you want to come home with me?” 
“I-,” Wanda cut herself off after remembering all the tall tales of the Aetos family. “I know my family’s reputation scares you but I promise you there is nothing to be afraid of. I’ll be there to protect you. Not only that, I have a separate condo in the city. You can stay there as long as you like until you figure out what your plan is.” 
Wanda was silent for a moment. Too much change was happening in such a short amount of time. It was almost too much for Wanda to handle. But as she looked at Y/n’s pleading eyes, she couldn’t help but say, “You better protect me.” 
“I cross my heart.” 
“We’re on course to my home planet Vernak,” Y/n shouted from the cockpit. She flicked a couple more switches before setting the ship on autopilot. Y/n walked back to the main area of the small ship to find Wanda in deep thought. 
“I can set it for a longer route if you need more time to think.” Wanda broke out of her thoughts and smiled at Y/n. “It’s okay,” Wanda sighed, “As long as you’re protecting me, then anything is better than being captive again.” 
Y/n knelt in front of Wanda and slowly intertwined their hands. “Don’t be afraid to talk to me. I know that it’s been a lot of change since we left Acrux but I’m still the Y/n you know, the one that will never let anyone hurt you again.” 
Wanda wanted to believe Y/’s words. There was still a large part of Y/n that she never knew about and that terrified her. “How do I know that I won’t get hurt on Vernak?” 
“I’ll die before I let anyone hurt you, Wanda,” Y/n said with all seriousness. “I know you’ve seen me fight back in Acrux. That part of me only had access to my knowledge and not my powers.” 
Wanda’s eyebrows furrowed. “You have powers?” Y/n chuckled. “Wrong choice of words but I am force sensitive. I’m a Jedi.” 
“That explains why you have that lightsaber,” Wanda pointed to the lightsaber that was clipped to Y/n’s belt. “Yeah, it’s my preferred choice of weapon but I wasn’t allowed to have it when I was on Acrux.” 
The cockpit’s alarm signaled that they were close to Vernak. “We’ll have to strap in now for landing, but I do have to ask you a favor.” 
“What is it?” Y/n let go of Wanda’s hands and grabbed the blindfold from her pocket. She placed the item into Wanda’s hands. “I need you to trust me and put this on. I’m not binding you or anything, but when we enter Vernak, I need you to be blindfolded for it.” 
“Can I ask why?” Y/n gave a small smile, “I’ll explain more when we land. No more secrets, I promise.” Wanda felt reluctant to follow Y/n’s rules but as they sat back in the cockpit and buckled in, she did as told and blindfolded herself. “No more secrets,” she thought to herself. 
The ship floated above Y/n’s condo, allowing the two to be teleported into her home. The sensation made Wanda’s stomach queasy as she straightened her posture again. “We’ve arrived. You can take your blindfold off now.” 
Y/n walked away to the kitchen, hungry from the journey. “You must be hungry so I’ll cook us something. Is there anything in particular you want to eat?” 
Wanda removed the blindfold and was stunned by her surroundings. She didn’t know what to expect when it came to her ex-girlfriend’s condo, but it surely wasn’t this. 
There was slick black furniture with brown accents that filled the medium sized condo. Various framed photos were displayed on one wall, the biggest one being a family painted portrait of the Aetos family. A large floor to ceiling bookshelf divided the living room and kitchen. And from what Wanda could tell, many of the books involved war and culture. 
What captured Wanda’s attention the most was the view of the city. Ignoring Y/n’s question, Wanda got up and walked to the window. A spectacular city lay before them. A handful of  skyscrapers were spread around the land. Small buildings stood in between as well as an intricate river that wove around the city. Various foliage hung from the side of the skyscrapers as well as the natural beauty on the ground. 
“What do you think?” Y/n stood by Wanda’s side, her hands behind her back. She couldn’t grasp what was going through Wanda’s head but the fascination in her eyes excited Y/n. 
“I think I’m in a dream.” Wanda followed various sky trams that zoomed through the city. The technological wonders were beyond what she expected. But the view, it was drop dead gorgeous how the sun was casting on Vernak. The place looked like heaven. 
Y/n smiled and looked back at Vernak. The view was something she never grew tired of. More than anything, it was what she dreamed of during her days in Acrux. There were multiple times that Y/n cried silently in her sleep thinking that she would never make it back home. But the thought of never making it back kept her alive. 
“If you’re up for it, we can walk around the block after you’re done eating.” Wanda looked at Y/n, almost forgetting about Pietro. But the weight of it all crumbled. 
Almost falling forward, Wanda hugged Y/n and sobbed into her neck. She couldn’t hold the tears back any longer. Everything changed and Wanda feared what was going to happen in her future. But as Y/n held her tightly while rubbing her back, whispering soft affirmations, Wanda knew she was safe. 
The night came and Wanda cried herself to sleep in Y/n’s arms after confessing the tragedies that happened on Andromeda. From the torture to Pietro’s death, Wanda didn’t leave a single detail out. The amount of pain that Wanda had gone through in such a short amount of time enraged the young Aetos daughter. 
All Y/n could think of was her broken promise to protect Wanda from all harm. Had she fought harder to stay with Wanda would she be in the same predicament? Had she managed a way to tell Wanda about her situation would she still be with Y/n? Had she been quicker to arrive at Andromeda would Pietro still be alive? 
Regardless of the what if’s, Y/n was unable to take Wanda’s pain away. Revenge was something that would come later, that was certain. But for now, Y/n would stay at Wanda’s side, doing anything and everything to take away Wanda’s pain. 
After a week of being cooped up in Y/n’s condo, Wanda decided today was the day to step out and explore. Although part of her still thought the view was a mere trick, she was learning to trust Y/n again. 
Dressed up in some of Y/n’s clothes, Wanda pushed past her anxiety and walked to the front of the condo where Y/n waited. “You look good.” Something about Wanda being in her clothes made Y/n feral, but the small comment was all she uttered. 
Wanda blushed and grabbed the rain coat hung up in the foyer as a distraction. “I think I have everything.” 
“Great, let’s head out.” As Y/n tried to open the door, Wanda grabbed Y/n’s free hand and intertwined their hands. Y/n looked back, trying not to panic at the gesture. “Don’t let go,” Wanda whispered, feeling vulnerable under Y/n’s gaze.
Not knowing if it was crossing boundaries, Y/n kissed Wanda’s hand in the same way she did back on Acrux. “Never.” 
“I don’t understand,” Wanda says as she looks around the bustling city. There easily could have been a hundred people just on this street alone. Everyone looked so at ease with life. “You’re not supposed to understand,” Y/n lightly commented. 
Several people walked past them, all acknowledging Y/n. They spoke at such ease that it perplexed Wanda. “Was this the same Aetos her planet feared? Was this an act?” She thought. None of it made any sense. 
Intrigued by one of the market stalls, Wanda let go of Y/n’s hand and walked towards it. The sight of fresh fruit and vegetables made her stomach grumble. “What would you like, miss?” Wanda slightly backed off and said, “I’m sorry. I don’t have any money on me.”
The worker grew confused at her response. “It’s free, ma’am.” Y/n slid to Wanda's side and grabbed two apples, a banana, and a mango . “I think this will be all for us Ethan. Are the crops still looking good in your region?” 
Ethan grabbed the items and placed them into a brown paper bag. 
“There are small issues with the implementation of our water system, but so far it’s been great. The new technology has been helping us be more efficient.” Y/n smiled in delight while grabbing the bag. “That’s good to hear. I’ll try to see if there’s anything I can do when it comes to the new system though. It should have been smooth sailing. But you have a good day now.” 
Y/n grabbed Wanda’s hand once more and looked around the city. There was so much that Y/n had wanted to show Wanda from the art district, business district, and culture district. However, it was only Wanda’s first day out. Not wanting to add to her anxiety, Y/n led Wanda on a small walk through the heart of the city. She gave her an apple and Wanda took in all the new sights. 
“I’m guessing you have questions.” Y/n grabbed the second apple and started to eat. 
“You think? None of this makes sense.” Every story she’d ever heard about the Aetos family was nothing but horror. The planet was to have hosted the worst criminals in the galaxy. So why does it look like a fairytale?  “Follow me. I have the perfect spot to explain everything to you.” 
Y/n led Wanda to the nearest sky tram. “Hold on-,” the tram flew up from the streets, causing Wanda to stumble back a little. Quick with her reflexes, Y/n reached out and grabbed Wanda by her waist. “-they tend to be fast,” Y/n said sheepishly. Wanda held on to the same pole as Y/n.
Soon, they arrived at a floating garden. It was high above the clouds which allowed Wanda to get a good view of the sunset. “Come on. I know a private spot.” Still holding Wanda by the waist, Y/n led them to a familiar spot near the edge of the garden. There was a seat that saw the view of the city below as well as the clouds that sat right on top of it. 
“Welcome to my hideout.” Y/n watched as Wanda looked around awestruck at the view surrounding them. Nearby plants looked to be taken care of yet no caretakers were in sight. “Do you take care of them?” Wanda asked as she touched one of the plants. 
“I try my best. I’ve recently been learning more about herbology and gardening to expand on my skills.” Y/n hadn’t meant to boast but she desperately carved for Wanda’s approval or affirmation. 
“You never told me that you wanted to try learning about plants.” Y/n shrugged. There was more she wanted to tell but was never allowed. “If you have the time, I can tell you everything you ever wanted to know about me.”
Wanda walked towards the seat and beckoned for Y/n to sit beside her. “I want to know first about the history of your planet because where are all the crimes and murderers that I used to hear about.” 
“If I tell you, you must promise not to tell a soul outside this planet. If you were to spread the truth about my home planet, many people could get hurt.” The seriousness in Y/n’s voice struck Wanda’s attention. 
“I promise.” 
“Good. I’m holding you to that Maximoff.” Wanda smiled at the lightness that surrounded Y/n. It was all too different from the stoic nature Y/n had back in Acrux. “Probably was trying her best to stay alive,” Wanda thought. 
“Vernak, as you may have thought it to be home of all murderers, rapists, and thieves was actually home to the very first runaways.” Y/n wiped a hologram into view to showcase a family photo of a father, mother, and two sons. “Dain and Elizabeth Aetos and their sons Cain and Christopher. These are my ancestors.” 
“They’re a beautiful family,” Wanda admired. “Dain was a Jedi Knight while Elizabeth was a senator. In a farther part of the galaxy, these two were not allowed to love due to the rules of being a Jedi Knight.” Y/n swiped to show articles stating that Jedis were not allowed to have any relationship. 
“The goal of any Jedi is to defend and protect. They’re like peacekeepers of the galaxy. If they were to get into relationships, it may lead to biases to protect that individual over another. So when Dain was caught, he fled with his wife to a different part of the galaxy.” 
Y/n showed a map to showcase how far of a journey the Aetos family had to endure to get away from the Jedi counsel. “They landed in Vernak and built a home for themselves. For a while, it was just them four living on an inhabited planet.” 
“One day, Dain had gotten word of another couple that was also in the same predicament as them. While he was scared to leave his family, Elizabeth understood the importance of saving this couple and encouraged him to go. It was a long journey and Dain did get injured from it but thankfully the husband had a medical background.” 
“What would have happened if they were caught?” Y/n looked into Wanda’s eyes and sighed. “Back then it was a different culture, but the Jedi would have been killed for breaking this rule. As for their partner, they typically get banished.”
“Your ancestors knew the consequences of loving each other and still did?” Wanda didn’t mean to appear like she was judging but losing your life over loving someone was a big punishment to possibly face. 
“I would’ve done the same to be with you.” 
There was hope in Y/n’s eyes that Wanda felt the same way still, but when she hadn’t answered, Y/n cleared her throat and continued with the story. “Ever since that day, the Aetos family declared that they would help any people that needed refuge in any type of way. They grew and grew and grew. However, the boys were now in their late 20’s and pointed out that if they continued to rescue people, they would get caught.” 
Y/n swiped to show an updated family photo of the Aetos family and this time, the boys were now grown men with wives in the picture. “On this eventful night in history, the Aetos family forged a plan to fabricate what Vernak was. They sent out loyal soldiers to neighboring planets to spread rumors that Vernak was an evil planet filled with the worst that mankind has ever seen.” 
“It took a long time but people started to believe it. Because of this lie, generations of people taught it to their children and their children and so on. In the meantime, we still rescued many of those that needed it. Vernak was the planet for the forbidden people, the runaways. We vow to protect those in need in the name of love.” 
Wanda took it all in as she watched the sunset go down and stars in the sky appear. “So this whole time, Vernak has been a thriving place full of culture and life? If you have an army, what’s the point of still lying to the galaxy?” 
Y/n sighed, preparing herself for the harsh truth. “We lie to protect our citizens. Some have ancestors that were supposed to have been beheaded had we not stepped in and helped. Others have families that are still hunted to this day. If word gets out that these people are alive, who knows how many soldiers would come to try and defeat us.” 
Y/n held Wanda’s hand, “We lie so that our people can live peacefully.” 
Two months have passed since Wanda had first arrived in Vernak. In the short amount of time, Wanda had managed to learn more about the planet’s history, army, politics, and culture. One of the biggest differences was obviously the lack of evil that the planet hosted. 
If anything, there was close to zero crime committed on the streets of Vernak. This marveled Wanda even more to learn how their legislation worked. With the help of Y/n, she attended several conferences where bills and laws were passed. 
The lack of arguing or fear mongering almost made Wanda uncomfortable. The palace had too much peace. Even her home planet had its fair share of power hungry people. So to see people work together to achieve the betterment of their people was odd to see. 
Right now, Wanda sat in her room, writing in her journal about the things she learned today when she heard the sound of the front door open. Closing her journal, Wanda walked out to the living room to see Y/n stripping off her royal attire. 
Wanda leaned up against the wall as Y/n sighed from the long day.  “How was your day?” 
Y/n looked up and smiled. “Rough. I had force training and it was more strenuous than usual.” Wanda walked towards Y/n and gave her a small hug.
Things were still unclear on what the two of them were. But having Wanda around was more than enough for Y/n. As for Wanda, she liked that Y/n never pressured her to talk. For now, things were okay. Pulling back from the hug, arms still around Y/n’s neck, Wanda said, “I cooked for you today.” 
Y/n held on to Wanda’s waist, a smirk on her face. “You did? You didn’t have to do that.” 
Wanda poked Y/n’s chest. “Nonsense. Plus, I managed to get the right ingredients. We’re having a proper Fornia dinner tonight. So dress nicely and you need a shower, you stink.”
With a light shove from Wanda, Y/n walked to her room with a laugh. “Yes ma’am.” 
After cleaning herself up, Y/n walked out her room in an all black attire. The savory aroma of the meal was the first thing Y/n noticed as she walked closer to the dim kitchen.
Once she entered, Y/n was awestruck at the sight of a candle lit dinner. “Woah,” she muttered under her breath. Before she walked any further, Wanda snuck behind Y/n and intertwined their hands. 
“You like?” Y/n looked back, ready to compliment the dinner, but the sight of Wanda in an all black skin tight dress stopped her. It was like everything in the room stopped as she took it all in. Wanda’s hair was curled to perfection and her makeup made Y/n’s heart leap. 
Mouth agape, Y/n took a step back, spun Wanda around. “I don’t think there’s enough words to describe how beautiful you are Wanda.” 
Wanda was thankful for the dim lights as she blushed under Y/n’s gaze. “I’d say you look handsome tonight.” Y/n led Wanda to her seat and helped push her in. 
“This looks so amazing Wanda. I can’t wait to eat it.” Y/n sat on the other side ready to dig in but Wanda’s longing gaze stopped her. “Are you okay Wands?” 
“I want to say something and you can’t interrupt me, okay?” Y/n shook her head in understandment. Wanda shook her nerves away as she reached out once again to hold Y/n’s hand. Meeting her half, Y/n held Wanda’s hand, giving her a comforting squeeze. 
“I first want to thank you for being here for me. These past two months have been such a whirlwind and having you here with me has been such a relief.” Wanda started to tear up, feeling her emotions get the best of her. 
“I know you must wonder what I’ve been wanting to do or what my plan for the future is and for the first month, I honestly didn’t know what I wanted.”  Wiping away a fallen tear, Wanda continued. “But living here in Vernak with you. It’s given me something to look forward to.” 
Y/n smiled softly. She gave Wanda another gentle squeeze knowing the girl had more to say. “I thought that my life was over the moment I landed in Acrux. But life led me to you. And suddenly, it felt like my life finally started.” 
“I know we don’t talk enough about my decision to leave you but I do want to say I’m so sorry.” The moment replayed in both of their heads and all Wanda could feel was regret. “I should’ve heard you out but instead I left.” 
“Wanda, darling, I don’t blame you for leaving.” The sympathetic look on Y/n’s face broke Wanda’s heart. Here she was apologizing but entirely, there was nothing to apologize for. Y/n always understood Wanda’s decision to leave. “You chose based on information we purposely crafted for generations. There was no way you could have known the truth about Vernak.” 
Wanda continued to cry at Y/n’s generosity, feeling even more guilty on her decision to leave. Hating the sight of Wanda crying, Y/n got up and squatted in front of her. She cupped her face and wiped the tears away. “I wish I never left you.” 
Y/n’s heart dropped at the whispered confession. This was the first time that Wanda had remotely ever admitted anything like that. In turn, Y/n admitted, “I wish I stayed.” 
Vulnerability was something Y/n was hardly taught to give. It could lead to death, abandonment, or betrayal. But every single time Y/n chose to be vulnerable, it was for Wanda and no one else. 
“Do you think…” Wanda looked into Y/n’s eyes as she choked back her tears, “...if I were to ask for another chance…what would you say?” 
Y/n thought about it for a moment before saying, “I’d give you a thousand chances if it meant to be with you again.” 
Unable to hold herself back, Wanda leaned in for a kiss, hoping that Y/n could feel just how much she missed her. Hoping that it would be enough to apologize for all the countless lies she believed in. Hoping that she can prove to Y/n once more that she’d never leave again. 
And as Y/n deepened the kiss, tasting Wanda’s tears, she prayed that the only girl she’s ever loved will understand that no matter what, she will always choose her.
Evil was something Wanda hardly associated Y/n with. After a year of living on Vernak, she could only see the good Y/n and her family have done for the people. So when Y/n came home from a rough day at the palace, Wanda’s love changed. 
She sat at their shared bed when she heard the front door open and close. “I’m over here dekta!” It took Y/n a long time to get to their bedroom, a long look was on her face when she arrived. 
Immediately noticing that something was wrong, Wanda closed her book and opened her arms. With no words, Y/n fell into Wanda’s arms. The feeling of being with her instantly relaxed the young Aetos. 
For a while, the two laid in bed, tangled in each other's arms before Y/n spoke up. “Something happened today and I…I don’t know how to handle it.” 
Wanda ran her hand through Y/n’s hair, trying her best to comfort her girlfriend. She pressed a small kiss on Y/n’s temple before saying, “You can tell me dekta. I’m all ears.” 
Y/n sighed, not knowing where to even start. “There was intel that came to the palace about a bounty hunter that managed to torture information about Vernak.” 
“We managed to get our hands on them but…” Y/n grimaced as she remembered. “...we had to kill them as well as the rest of the bounty hunters that they told.” Wanda could feel Y/n start to cry. 
“I know death is something I’m used to but these people were different. They were hired for all the wrong reasons in order to make ends meet. Many of them had families and now they’re probably waiting for them to come home.” 
Y/n slowly sat up as she wiped her own tears. Wanda followed suit and sat on Y/n’s lap. “I just- I hate the tough decisions we have to make. When things don’t feel as black and white, it makes me wonder if what we’re doing is good.” 
Y/n looked into Wanda’s eyes with fear. “It makes me wonder if I’m good enough for you.” 
Wanda frowned at the confession. “Don’t ever question that. There’s nothing in this world that will ever make me think that you’re not good enough for me.” Wanda gave Y/n a quick kiss, hoping to take away some of the pain her girlfriend was feeling. “Everything you do is to protect me and your people. There’s not a single day where I ever felt like you hurted people just to hurt. You and your family make the hard decisions in order for us to be safe.” 
“What if I told you we were evil?” Wanda looked at Y/n confused. 
“Dekta, we’ve been over this. Your family being evil is a lie.” Y/n almost felt guilty for how much Wanda cared for her. For if she were to see all the decisions being made, would she still stay? 
Y/n looked away, unable to meet Wanda’s eyes. “They unveiled today the final secret…our family has a long list of people turning to the dark side in order to make sure our country is protected. Even my father has admitted to tapping into that side of the force.” 
Y/n clenched her eyes, unable to forget the moment that electricity came out of her father’s hands. “The red lightsaber was one thing but having the powers of the dark side is another. I fear that if I’m not strong enough, I’ll succumb to the thoughts of the dark side.” 
“...I fear to be the person you hate.” 
Silence surrounded the room as Wanda stayed in deep thought. There were so many questions in her head but as Y/n slowly looked up, Wanda knew what to say. 
“Fear has controlled me before and it led me away from you. So listen when I say this, do not let fear make you believe that you will be destined for evil. The dark side is powerful but so are the emotions they feel. And as long as I’m here, I will never let evil succumb to you.”
Wiping away the remainder of her tears, Wanda finished with, “You are destined to be a great leader my love. Evil may linger in your genes but your heart shows me everything I need to know. And I will love you enough for the both of us to make you see that you are good.” 
Leaning in for one more kiss, Wanda would never call Y/n evil. 
Wanda and Y/n were 25 the night before their wedding. 
Wanda was looking out the balcony when she heard a knock at her door. It was close to midnight. “No one should be up,” she thought. The hologram displayed Y/n’s image and Wanda immediately opened the door. “What are you doing? You know it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding.” 
Y/n chuckled at the superstition and entered anyway. “I wanted to see you. Today has been long without you.” Y/n jumped onto the bed, feeling exhausted. Wanda followed suit as she dimmed the lighting in the room. 
They got under the covers and laid next to each other. Face to face, Wanda asked, “I know something’s troubling you.” Y/n still had her eyes closed when she responded with, “And how do you know that my love?” 
“I have a gut feeling. Or maybe the force has connected us.” The thought was sincere. What if they were fated soulmates? “Plus, anytime I’m wide awake this late at night, you always seem to be in distress. So tell me what’s wrong dekta.”
Y/n sighed and snuggled into Wanda’s neck. Wanda started to play with Y/n’s hair, waiting for her to talk. “I’ve been thinking a lot about us…and I wanted to tell you something.” Y/n sat up, leaning on her arm for support as Wanda remained lying down on the bed. 
They held hands as Y/n added, “Loving me is hard.” Wanda frowned at the statement. “It’s something I’ve thought about a lot. And sometimes I doubt if this is the right path for you.” Feeling Y/n’s insecurities rise, Wanda sat up and cupped Y/n’s cheeks. “You are my path Y/n. There’s no doubt about that.” 
“You say that but tomorrow is our wedding. There’s no going back after that. You’re going to be stuck with me forever.” 
“You act as if that’s such a bad thing dekta.” Y/n sighed not knowing how to formulate her thoughts. “I chose you when I came back to you. I chose you again when I said yes to engaging you. And I will say yes once more tomorrow to have forever with you.” Wanda kissed Y/n long and hard. It almost made Y/n forget about her worries. 
Y/n rubbed Wanda’s arms hoping her thoughts wouldn’t sound too jumbled. “Choosing me then is different compared to choosing me tomorrow.” Y/n looked into Wanda’s eyes with all seriousness and declared, “If you choose to love me, you will love the very person this whole galaxy will be known to hate. The very sound of my name will not only bring assassins to kill me but armies to destroy me.” Y/n invaded Wanda’s space inch by inch. Tension building in their eyes and body. “If you choose me,” barely any space was between them now, “you will be with the person that will bring generations of families to death as the galaxy will go through its darkest times with me.” 
Evil lingered in Y/n’s eyes. The very eyes that Wanda had fallen for.
“If you choose me,” swallowing her pride, Y/n confessed, “they will hate you.” There was no going back, but Wanda was a smart girl. She knew the consequences of falling for an Aetos, yet there was always part of her that willingly went back each time. Like a drug, she couldn’t quit. 
What does it mean to fall in love with the person everyone hates? It meant seeing them for something else. A different side only special to you. It meant power beyond their control just to make sure you were safe. It meant that they would choose you versus the world every - single - time. 
“Do you choose me?” There was no pause, no hesitation when Wanda replied. Her heart and mind were already set ages ago. 
“...I do.”
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murasaki-cha · 1 month
Honestly the best advice I can give to someone who wants to start Trash Of The Count's Family is to never and I mean NEVER ask a TCF fan about what TCF is but ask a person who has read the manhwa casually.
Because we will never give you a simple answer. Oh no no no we:
Will spoil the everloving crap out of the novel. All of it. We just can't help ourselves. Never have I met a TCF fan who doesn't spoil the novel. I think we just forget that they are spoilers and that there are people that haven't read the novel. I have legitimately had someone ask me "What's an Eruhaben?" and I was confused for a solid 5 minutes until I remembered that there are people who haven't actually read the novel
Will not shut up. You will get a rundown of our top 10 favorite characters, top 10 favorite villains, top 10 favorite battles, top 10 favorite scenes, top 10 favorite angst scenes, etc. YOU GET THE POINT! Probably because we don't have a big fandom we get excited when new people join. You will have to read a 10 page essay it'snot a choice. There are multiple powerpoints the fans have made and I wish I was being sarcastic about this
Will scare you because we are insane overly enthusiastic about TCF. There are some inside jokes that only the fandom will get but we usually don't even try to be subtle we just go "Oh man I can't wait for Cale to be hurt so badly he's bleeding so profoundly and probably choking on his own blood! In canon!!" Or "He needs soggy apple pies or he will die!" Or "Why won't slacker life-chan return Cale's feelings?" Or "White Radish *cue laughing soundtrack*". You will think we are deranged but I can confirm none of us has been put in a mental asylum so far from what I'm aware of👍. We're just silly but our silly will concern people
Now if you find all these factors as things that will motivate you to read the novel than please welcome you'll fit in here just fine.
If not than please stick with the manhwa onlys please than try to read the novel at your own pace
(Just to be clear this entire post is meant for comedic purposes. The TCF fandom has some of the nicest and kindest people I've ever had the joy of meeting and I've made many great friends here. We welcome any new fan with open arms, warm hugs, apple pies and heavy angst lol. Never be afraid to interact with anyone here as we love to talk about our favorite novel)
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gay-as-fucking-hell · 3 months
Headcannons (NSFW) | Adela
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Rating : 18+ (Minors and Fetishsizers DNI!)
Fandom : Path to Nowhere
Pairing : Adela × Reader
(If I missed any, please tell me and I will fix it!)
CW : NSFW, Begging, Body Worship, Hair Pulling, Marking, Mommy Kink, Overstimulation, Praise Kink, Pregnant Sex, Scratching, Somnophilia, Teasing, and Transfem
Summary : My NSFW Headcannons of the character Adela from Path to Nowhere. This covers what role she plays in the bedroom, along with her kinks and her preferences.
Notes : This was made with a female reader in mind but it can be read as a GN reader and Adela is written as both AFAB and Transfem. Enjoy!
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Adela's role in the bedroom is a Dominant Top. She's a mix of a Service Top and a Pleasure Dom. She likes being in control and gets very aroused by being the source of pleasure for her S/O and loves drawing multiple orgasms out of them. She is a hard top and doesn't like bottoming. The reason for this is tied to various parts of her past but it is mainly a tendency she has of putting others' needs before her own. She would try to bottom for her S/O if they really want her to, but Adela would have a really hard time enjoying it. Especially if her partner isn't getting any physical pleasure from it.
During love making, Adela notes every little detail about your body and the reactions she prods out of it. She's one to meticulously memorize every part of you till she knows your body and mind like the back of her hand. Its honestly scary how well she's able memorize you as it gets to the point she knows your body better then you do and can play you like an instrument, one of which she's mastered.
Adela prefers to use her own body on you rather than using sex toys. This kinda stems from a place of jealousy as she sees it as you getting pleasure from something that isn't her. She will use things like straps and blindfolds pretty often but other stuff, not so much.
Adela's finger game is god tier and honestly, it makes a lot of sense for her to be so good at it.  Working as a hairdresser requires some pretty nimble fingers and when you take into account how long each digit is, it all starts to click. So yeah, don't be surprised when she uses them on you and you can't walk afterwards.
Adela is one to check-in during sex pretty often, especially if you're experimenting with something new in the bedroom. She just wants to make sure that her S/O is comfortable and not in any pain. If there is something wrong at any time, tell her. She wants her S/O to feel comfortable communicating anything with her, especially during sex. So if she finds out that you were uncomfortable or God forbid, experienced any type of unwanted pain, then she's going to beat herself up and worry you don't trust her or are even scared of her.
If this situation ever occurs, Adela will communicate her worries and ask if there was a reason you didn't say anything. She might look composed on the outside but she's crying, worried, hurt, and scared on the inside. Just communicate with her and everything will be resolved in a healthy manner.
Adela is one to have soft, sensual, and romantic sex with her partner, both slow and fast. She sees sex as a very intimate bonding experience so she usually isn't ready to have sex with her partner until 4 to 6 months into the relationship. First time sex with Adela is so tooth rottingly sweet, it's adorable. She's constantly checking-in with you, making sure you're as comfortable as you can be, with a lot of praising and kisses from her.
During sex, Adela has a tendency to maintain as much skin to skin contact with her partner as she possibly can. She likes being physically close whilst being intimately close, it's like her way of saying, "I'm doing this because I love you, not just for of the pleasure," She kinda struggles with showing her love and vulnerability so she makes up for it during this time. Sex is already so vulnerable for her, so she sees it as the perfect time to be even more vulnerable with you by pouring every last drop of her love and passion into it.
As I said, Adela enjoys soft sex but that doesn't mean she's not into rough sex. It depends on how long you've been dating and the amount of sex you guys have had. She won't bring rough sex into your relationship until a lot later, probably not until the 9 month mark. She'll bring up the idea to you and will proceed with it only if you want to. Even with your consent, Adela will still be holding back pretty hard as she's afraid of going to rough and hurting you. As the session goes on she'll ease up on her restraint and start going at you harder, but if you want her to cut the shit and get to it then a "Adela, stop holding back and fuck me properly already," should suffice. She'll still be holding back but she will be pretty rough with you.
When Adela does eventually let all of her self restraint go, she lets out her Overstimulation Kink. Remember how I said she's a pleasure dom? Yeah, I wasn't joking. Once she's comfortable with dropping her shackles of control, it's pure, non-stop, continuous orgasms. She'll have you so overwhelming fucked to the point your overstimulation will trigger overstimulation. There will even be sessions where Adela goes at you while you're floating in and out of consiousness or till you're on the brink of passing out. These are also one of the few times Adela will use a sex toy, that being a cockring. Her goal is to fuck as many orgasms out of you as she possibly can and a cockring allows for longer sessions by trapping more blood in her cock and making ejaculation harder. These sessions only take place on occasion though as her S/O is left pretty sore afterwards and there would be consequences if they occur too often.
Adela is huge on Body Worship. She genuinely sees her S/O as perfect in every way and wants them to know that, inside and outside the bedroom. If you have any insecurities about your body, wether that be scars, deformities, stretch marks, weight gain, infertility, body dysmorphia, gender dysphoria or anything else of the sort, expect to be bombarded with kisses, various love marks, uplifting praises, and gentle touches. She'll show her admiration through these means with passionate and loving sex or whilst simply holding you, which ever you prefer.
Has a HUGE Praise Kink. Adela is one to praise her partner a lot but absolutely melts if she receives any kind of praise from them. She finds it very reassuring and it eases her worries, so give her a lot.
Pregnant Sex is a definite yes for Adela. Even though I see her as one who would rather adopt a baby than make one, I can't deny that she'd love to have you while you're pregnant. Its probably the sweetest sex you'll ever have with her. She's just filled with so much pride and love that she can't help but want to softly thrust into you while caressing your swollen belly.
Hair Pulling is a kink that Adela found out she had after her S/O yanked her face into their shoulder while she was going at them from behind. Now, anytime her hair is messed with in a sexual manner it causes heat to pool with in her groin. There are even times when you're innocently playing with her hair and Adela will feel the familiar sensation of blood/heat rushing downwards.
She also finds arousal in messing with her partner's hair. As someone who works with hair, Adela has gained a unique fascination and appreciation for it. People use it as a way to express one's self and put great trust into another person to shape it for them. So being able to mess with her S/O's hair in a rougher way during sex fills her with euphoria and she sees it as huge show of trust. She loves being able to harshly grasp it, tangle her hands within it, stuff her face into it and maybe even lightly tug at it.
Scratching is another kink Adela found out she had because of her S/O. Being able to make you feel so good that you dig your nails into her flesh before dragging them across her skin fills her with so much pride and bliss. Burying your nails into her like they're talons and just gripping her flesh does it for her to. And the burning sensation that follows after feels so nice on her natrualy cold skin. She also loves the markings that are left behind. Seeing all of the red lines and welts littered on her body gives her a feeling security and fills her with love.
Adela enjoys teasing her S/O as it feeds into her Begging Kink. She likes hearing you beg and hearing how much you want her is a pretty big turn on for her. This kink kinda ties into some insecurities she has of her S/O leaving her after she allowed herself to form such a intimate relationship with them. It's reassuring to hear you begging for her affection and she correlates it to you saying you won't leave cause you need her.
Adela is very into Somnophilia. She originally used this kink to satisfy herself as she didn't want to bother her S/O. But now she finds herself taking them whilst they sleep to pacify her libido and because of how arousing she finds it. Remember how I said she'd fuck you till you pass out? Well if Adela's sex drive hasn't run out yet, she'll keep going at you whilst your unconscious until shes satisfied. Waking up with cum between your thighs becomes a regular occurence, along with waking up in the morning to feel Adela thrusting her cock/fingers into your cunt.
And finally, Adela has a Mommy Kink, I don't think I need to explain myself on this one.
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Notes : And that's it! I may add headcannons if any more come to mind but this is all I have for now. Anyways, thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed.
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fantasy---feels · 4 months
Living Dreams (1)
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pairing: jungkook x female reader
genre: fluff, smut, fluffy smut, yeah mostly just smut tbh, fantasy
wordcount: 4,5k~
summary: Y/n get cheated on by her bf, with a friend of hers, which is just charming really. Luckily Jungkook, one of her best friends, is there to defend her, and maybe do something else for her too...
warnings: violence, unprotected sex (kind of?)
date: 15-01-2024
info: Initially wrote this about two of my Oc's but later felt like also adapting it to some of my favorite fandoms sooo, oops~ Also, since I couldn't choose there are multiple different versions of the same story, just with different main characters ^^
When Jungkook gets closer he sees Maron yelling at Y/n, 'Are you seriously breaking up with me over this? Are you really making me the bad guy right now?!' Y/n looks at him perplexed, 'You cheated on me? And with someone I considered a friend, what made you think I'd stay with you after that?' Maron rolls his eyes sarcastically, 'Yeah right, as if you've been faithful the whole time.' Y/n frowns, 'I never cheated on you what are you even talking about??' Maron laughs, 'Riiight, with the way you're always staring at that guy? And the way you dress? Fuck of with the lies you stupid slut!'
Maron blinks in confusion. He's looking up from the floor, and his nose, it hurts... It hurts like hell, what happened?! He slowly brings his hand up to his face, there's blood, a lot of it. His eyes shoot up to Y/n and... Jungkook. Jungkook's eyes basically tell him that he's lucky to even be alive at all. His fist is balled at his side and his other arm is protectively around Y/n. 'If you EVER. Talk to her again, or even get anywhere near her, I swear to the gods I'm going to fucking kill you.'
'Maron!' Layla, the other girl exclaims as she kneels down next to him, while he still states up at Jungkook and Y/n. Jungkook snarls at him, 'And for your information, YOU cheated, she never did, not with me, not with anyone else. YOU screwed up. And I'm honestly so glad that you did.' He looks at Y/n. 'I've been waiting to do this ever since she got together with you', he gently puts his hand on her face, still bloody from the hit.
She looks at him in confusion, but he just slowly leans down, and kisses her. She makes a surprised sound, but doesn't push him away. After a moment of hesitation she puts her arms around his neck and pulls him closer.
Maron glares at the two, his hand pressed over his face, trying to stop the bleeding. When Layla tries to comfort him and tell him that he has her now so it doesn't matter, he pushes her away. He gets up and storms toward the exit, Layla following him.
Jungkook and Y/n on the other hand forgot about him completely. When they finally break apart, they're both completely flushed and out of breath. Y/n stares at him in disbelief. 'Was that.. Did you mean that or did you just say it to-' Jungkook shakes his head. 'I meant it. You have no idea how much you've tortured me the past few months.' Y/n stares at him in shock. 'Why didn't you..' Jungkook, chuckles dryly. 'You were with him. And I was scared.' He pulls her closer to kiss her again.
When he finally let's go of her he whispers in her ear: 'Let's go home.' Y/n looks up at him in surprise before nodding slowly and letting him pull her to the exit. Once outside Jungkook can't seem to keep his hands of her and on the way home he keeps kissing her hand, her lips, her face. They come to a halt one turn away from the house, where Jungkook kisses her and she ends up with her back against the wall. As the kiss deepens and Y/n pushes her body closer to his Jungkook groans in frustration.
'You have no idea what you're doing to me..'
He reaches down and before she can react Y/n is sitting in his arms, her back against the wall and his hips pressed between her legs. Y/n gasps. 'No wait! Is this okay? I'm heavy..' Usually she doesn't care, but with him.. Jungkook blinks at her, confused. 'What? No.' He immediately leans in to kiss her again and Y/n moans against his lips as he presses into her. He freezes. He puts his forehead against hers and presses his eyes shut. 'I must be going crazy.. If you want me to stop, please tell me right now.' Y/n shakes her head, confused. 'I don't want to stop.' Jungkook looks up at her. 'I'm serious Y/n. If you don't tell me now, I don't think I'll be able to stop anymore.'
Y/n shakes her head and takes his face in her hands, her face flushed. 'Please don't stop.' Jungkook groans deep in his throat. 'Fuck.' Then he pulls her back into a kiss before lifting her in his arms, and away from the wall, making her squeal in surprise. But he just adjusts her, tells her to hold on, and jumps. She shrieks and clamps onto him, but a moment later they land on the roof of the house. He let's her down gently before opening his window and jumping inside. When he helps her jump in, he immediately pulls her close again to kiss her. After a moment he picks her up, and carries her to the bed. He gently sets her down and breathes in deeply, trying to calm himself. He presses his forehead against hers as her leans over her. 'Are you sure?' Y/n nods and pulls him in for a kiss. 'Please?' He groans into her mouth, 'You're going to ruin me.'
Then he leans back and pulls his shirt over his head before leaning back down. Y/n let's her hand glide over his chest, nervously at first, softly. Jungkook takes her hand in his and presses it to his body. 'It's fine, I wont break.' Y/n blushes, but let's her hands travel all over his chest and then his back and his stomach, which has him closing his eyes. Her hands reach his belt and she looks up at him uncertainly. He nods and gets up to undo his pants. When they fall to the ground Y/n looks at him in wonder. 'Can I..?' He nods and lays down next to her. Y/n hesitantly goes to sit over his legs and slowly let's her hands explore his body. He has his eyes pressed closed and one arm is draped over his face, while the other hand is holding onto one of her legs, slightly clenching any time she finds a sensitive spot. Her hands are torturously slow, but when she finally gets close to touching his dick, he can't stand it anymore. His hand shoots out to grab hers and her eyes meet his. He looks at her hungrily as he pulls her in for a kiss. 'Can I see you too?' Y/n flushes bright red but nods and sits back. He sits up with her and pulls her closer, till she's sitting in his lap. He let's his hands travel down her arms, while first kissing her lips, then her jaw, and then the crook of her neck, making her shiver in his arms. He slowly moves his hands to the back of her dress, halting as he finds the zipper. He looks at her and whispers,' Is this okay?' She nods, still flushed, and shivers as he pulls down the zipper, baring her back. He gently pulls the dress down her arms and chest before letting it pool at her waist. He looks at her in stunned silence. She blushes brightly under his staring and moves her arms up to cover herself. His hands shoot up to stop her. He let's them glide down her arms to her hands which he moves back down to her sides, 'Please don't. '
Then, he carefully cradles her waist and, for a moment, just stares at his hands on her skin. He still can't believe that he's finally holding her. His touch feels gentle, in spite of the size and roughness of his hands and Y/n shivers. He slowly let's his hand travel up, over her stomach and her ribs. When he gets to her breasts he stops and hesitates. Y/n brings her hand up to one of his, and gently puts it on her. 'I won't break either', she whispers. He let's her guide him to gently cup her breast, before taking a deep breath and letting his head rest on her shoulder. 'I can't believe I'm touching you...' He chuckles dryly, 'You have no idea how many times I've dreamed about doing this.' He kisses her shoulder, while carefully kneading her breast. When he feels her react, he softly sucks on the same spot, making her moan inadvertently. The sound makes him groan in frustration and he moves his hands to her waist.
He picks her up and lays her on the bed, before pulling her dress down the rest of the way, leaving them both in nothing but their underwear. When Y/n unconsciously tries to cover herself again under his staring, he grabs her wrists and pins her hands above her head. She blushes at the unexpected action, as well as the sudden vulnerability. He leans in to kiss her and whispers, 'Please let me look at you.' Then he lets go of her arms, which she wraps around his neck to pull him closer. He groans into her mouth and kisses her deeper.
He uses one hand to prop himself up while using the other to touch her. He let's his hand travel up her hip, her waist and finally to her breast which he gently kneads in his hand, before using his thumb to draw circles around the most sensitive part. Y/n moans into the kiss as he explores exactly what to do to her. He breaks away for a moment, and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. 'I haven't done this before, so you have to tell me if I do something wrong.' Y/n shakes her head breathlessly from under him. 'You're perfect.'
Jungkook smiles at her softly before leaning down to kiss her again. He let's his hand travel down and with his fingers he traces the line of her panties, making her shiver against his chest. 'Can I take them off?' he whispers. Y/n nods and he leans back to gently pull them down her legs, before swallowing deeply. 'I can't believe I get to have you.'
He let's his hands run up her body, from her ankles, over her legs and her stomach, to her breasts, as he moves to lay on top of her. He softly draws cirkles on one of her breasts while tentatively taking the other one in his mouth, eliciting a surprised gasp from Y/n. When he notices her reaction he slowly start to suck and lick around her sensitive nub, feeling it get harder against his tongue. The moans are falling from Y/n's mouth as he keeps gently massaging her breast with his hand while using his mouth on her at the same time. With one last gentle lick over her nipple he let's go and moves his attention to her other breast. He is taking in all of her reactions and he loves that she can't seem to control them, as he gently licks and sucks at her skin.
When he can finally bring himself to stop, he slowly moves down her body, kissing her stomach and her waist, sucking softly on her skin, trying not to leave any marks. When he finally gets to her most sensitive place he looks up questioningly. Y/n has her face covered with her hands in embarrassment, but still nods hesitantly.
He smiles reassuringly as he puts his arms around her legs, and softly places a kiss on the insde of her thigh. Then, he slowly starts kissing down the inside of her legs, all the way down untill he reaches her center. He looks up at her, his impatient eyes showing just how much he is trying to pace himself. 'Please tell me if you want me to stop, or when I'm doing something wrong.' He smiles at her before placing on last kiss on her leg. Then he leans down and licks one long stripe over her center, making her jump and cry out in surprise. When immediately after he softly sucks on her sensitive nub she moans deeply and automatically weaves her fingers through his hair. He smiles against her. 'Good to know.' Then sucks her into his mouth again and swirls his tongue around her, making her moans come out in stutters.
To get better access, he uses one hand to gently pushes her folds apart and licks long strokes in between. As he licks and sucks experimentally he greedily takes in all of her reactions and expressions. He softly starts to rub over her clit in circles with his thumb, while using his tongue to lick over and inside her entrance. Pressing his tongue against her, he groans under the combination of her taste in his mouth and her hands in his hair. Carefully he presses one of his fingers inside, while sucking her clit into his mouth. When she starts to relax around him, he adds a second finger, making her groan. He slowly starts oves in and out. She moans and reaches down to hold his hand in place. 'Curl your fingers up' she whispers, slightly out of breath. Jungkook smiles against her and does as she says while simultaneously circling her with his tongue. She starts moaning louder now, and he keeps doing exactly as she told him, curling up his fingers and rubbing the sensitive spot inside her. As he keeps licking her, and pressing his fingers into her, Y/n is getting closer and closer, until he knows she's almost there. When he feels her tighten around his fingers, he curls his fingers into her one more time and sucks on her hard. She cries out and her body trembles as she comes. He keeps slowly curling his fingers while licking her softly, working her through her orgasm, until she's pulling his head away, her hands shaking.
'How... How did you know all that?' She asks, confused and completely out of breath. 'I thought you had never done this before..' Jungkook grins at her, 'Aïsya gave me homework. One day she just handed me a whole pile of books she told me I should read.' Y/n turns bright red. 'Oh gods, that little witch!' She puts her hands over her eyes. 'I can't believe she basically trained you for me.' Jungkook chuckles while placing a kiss on the inside of her leg. 'I'm glad she did, otherwise I would have had no idea what to do.' Y/n sighs and grumbles, 'I guess I should buy her dinner sometime...' Jungkook moves up and pulls her hands away, to put a kiss on her forehead. 'Same here.'.
Then, when their eyes meet he kisses her lips and she pulls him in closer. She let's her hands run down his back and pushes at his underwear. 'I want them off...'
Jungkook flushes just barely as his eyes darken, before reaching down to take off his last piece of clothing. For a moment Y/n just stares, she had expected him to be pretty big, but not like this... He gently takes on of her hands and kisses it.' Are you still sure you want this? I understand if you want to stop now.' Y/n just shakes her head, her mouth hanging slightly open, still staring at him. Jungkook frowns, 'I don't want to hurt you.' Y/n looks up at him. 'You won't, I promise, we'll be careful.'
She slowly props herself up and reaches forward, to put her hand around him. He groans at the feeling, staring down at her touching his dick. She carefully moves her hand to stroke him and he let's his head fall back as a moan falls from his lips. 'Fuckkk, Mila..'
Her mouth waters at the sound of his voice and she slowly leans forward. He doesn't have time to realize what's happening as she licks one long stroke up his whole length, making his body shock with pleasure. But before she can continue, his hands shoot up to stop her.
He leans forward, resting his forehead on her hair and breathes in deeply, his eyes pressed shut. 'Please stop. I dont think I'll last long if you do that.' Y/n pouts, 'But you did it for me... I want to taste you.' A muscle ticks in his jaw at her words, but he shakes his head. 'Not tonight.'
He leans in to give her a quick kiss before leaning to the side to open a drawer and reach for a box of condoms. Y/n's hand stops him, and he looks at her confused. She blushes and looks down. 'I took a potion, so we can do it without.. But only if you want to of course..' She glances up at him shyly, her face flushed. Jungkook blinks at her in shock, then slowly sits back and puts a hand over his eyes while breathing in deeply. 'You're going to completely ruin me.' Then he let's his hand fall to his side and stares at her hungrily, before grabbing her face and kissing her roughly. 'You have no idea what you're doing to me.'
He let's his hands run all over her body, before ending up at her legs and gently pushing her knees apart. He groans as he looks down at her, 'I'm sorry, I don't think I can stop now.' She shakes her head at him, 'I don't want to stop.. Please put it inside me?'
He presses his eyes shut to calm down, and carefully leads his dick to rest against her entrance. They both moan at the feeling and Jungkook breathes heavy, trying to restrain himself. 'I'll try to go slow okay. ' Then he leans forward to push himself into her.
At first she is still too tight, and Y/n groans, but then his tip pushes inside and they both gasps. Jungkook groans, 'Fuck. You're so warm. So soft.' He leans over her as he tries to regain his composure. With one hand he cups her face while the other is holding her leg. 'I'm going to go a bit deeper okay?' Y/n nods silently as she takes deep breaths, trying to get used to his size.
He looks her in the eyes as he slowly starts to push in further, making sure that she's okay. Her eyes slowly start to go wide as he pushes deeper and deeper. Her mouth is slightly open and her expression is making him go crazy. He curses. 'Fuck I'm sorry.' and then suddenly he snaps his hips forward, pushing the rest of him in at once.
Y/n gasps as he fills her up completely. She moans as she is being stretched around him, it feels as if he pushed himself all the way into her stomach. Jungkook is panting above her. The feeling of her around him overwhelming. 'Fuck, fuck im so sorry, are you okay? Did I hurt you?' She wraps her arms around his neck and shakes her head against him. She wants to tell him she's fine but her voice won't come out. Jungkook buries his face in the crook of her neck and wraps his arms around his waist, accidentally pressing himself even deeper inside of her and they both groan.
He places soft kisses in her neck and under her jaw as they both wait to calm down. Y/n's breathing is heavy as her body tries to accommodate his size.
Jungkook pants as he feels her clench around him. He softly sucks on the skin in the crook of her neck and places gentle kisses on her throat. 'You're doing so good Y/n. You're doing so good taking all of me.' She moans as he readjusts himself, and he leans down to kiss her, absorbing the sound. He pushes himself up slightly, to look at her face. 'Are you okay? Does it hurt?', he frowns, a combination of concern and concentration. She shakes her head wordlessly, eyes closed tight and lips pressed together.
He rubs her face with his thumb. 'Look at me.' She opens her eyes to stare up at him, her eyes are glazed over and tears are slowly forming, dripping down her cheeks. His frown deepens and he begins to get up, but she grabs his wrist. She shakes head, 'Keep going. It doesn't hurt.' He rubs her tears away with his thumb, 'You're crying..' She smiles at him shakily, 'Just. A lot. It feels good, I promise.'
He frowns again but nods. Then lifts her hand and kisses the inside of her wrist, then her face, kissing away her tears. 'Are you sure?' She nods, and he kisses her softly, before slowly pulling back a little, and pushing back in. They both moan and he let's his forehead rest on hers. He chuckles dryly, 'Maybe it's actually me who can't handle it.' Y/n smiles slightly and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him in closer.
Jungkook carefully starts moving his hips, pulling out a little and pushing back in slowly, still scared he might hurt her. She moans under him, and kisses his face when she sees his concerned expression. 'I won't break.' He closes his eyes for a moment, before slowly picking up the pace.
He brings back his arm to hook it behind her leg and push it to her chest. The new angle makes Y/n writhe under him as he continuesly hits her soft spot. Jungkook makes sure to not push his whole length in, still worried about her. Looking at her face however is making it more and more difficult for him to control himself and every time she moans or clenches around him, he unconsciously snaps his hips forward just a little bit harder.
Y/n's voice comes in a string of moans as she puts up one hand to press against the headboard behind her and one down to rub circles on her breast. Seeing her playing with herself, and moaning with his dick inside her, makes Jungkook groans deep in his chest. He leans back and takes her other leg, to also push that forward, giving him the perfect angle to slam down into her. Y/n gasps in surprise, which accidentally let's him go even deeper.
Jungkook curses, but his self control is gone and he can't keep himself from pushing his dick into her to the hilt. Y/n's eyes fall closed as tears stream down her face and nonsensical sounds spill from her lips. Jungkook groans as he looks down at where his length has completely disappeared inside her. 'God's Y/n, you're taking all of me.' He pulls out and slams his hips back against her, just to see her taking it all. 'You're so good for me. You're perfect.' He leans forward, pushing her legs further against her chest, her feet on his shoulders, and he presses even deeper. Y/n just moans deeply, her face completely fucked out, dazed.
Jungkook almost bares his teeth looking at her and pulls back to slam down into her again. Guttural moans spill from Y/n's lips as he pounds her into the mattress, both of her hands now pushing against the headboard. Jungkook can feel her walls clench around him as she starts getting closer and closer to her release.
He leans back and let's her legs of his shoulders, before reaching down and grabbing her hips, lifting them up. He slams himself back into her, the new position allowing him to pull her hips back against him, putting even more force behind his thrusts. Y/n cries out in his arms as his whole length is being slammed into her again and again. His tip hitting her womb every time he bottoms out.
Her face is a mess, with her makeup running down her face, her lipstick smeared, her eyes only half open, completely glazed over and a continuous string of senseless moans falling from her lips. Jungkook basically snarls at the sight and snaps his hips into hers even harder, till they're both almost at their breaking point.
When he can feel how close she is Jungkook leans down, covering her body with his own and puts his arms around her, keeping her still as he pounds into her. He angles his hips, so that with every thrust, he's rubbing up against her soft spot. He groans, trying to control himself at least long enough to make her come before him.
Y/n's moans are deep and guttural as he keeps slamming himself inside her, rubbing her insides and bruising her cervix. Suddenly her orgasm washes over her and she cries out as she wraps her arms around Jungkook's neck, pulling him completely against, and inside of her.
Jungkook moans into her shoulder as she clenches around him and digs her nails into his shoulders. He wants to keep fucking into her, but he knows that he shouldn't. Her body is trembling against him and he can feel her walls pulsing. It feels like her inside are basically sucking him in and he softly bites her shoulder, trying to restrain himself.
'Jungkook?', Y/n's voice is soft and a bit hoarse, and the sound of it destroys all of his resolve. He groans against her neck as he slams himself all the way back into her, pulling a gasp from her already exhausted throat. 'Sorry', he rasps against her skin, as he pounds into her over-sensitive pussy, deep and hard, making her cry out as she wraps her arms around him even tighter.
He groans as he feels himself get closer and closer, his thrusts becoming faster and more erratic. 'FUCK. Fuck Y/n. Can I come inside you?' She doesn't have the voice to respond and just nods against his shoulder as her nails dig into his back, the overstimulation slowly turning back into pleasure.
Jungkook curses as he angles his hips to hit her even deeper, their breathing growing louder and louder. With another deep thrust Y/n cries out against him, her voice breaking as he forces her through another orgasm. Her walls tightening also finally pushes Jungkook over the edge and with a few last hard thrusts he presses himself into her as deep as he can, before coming undone.
They stay like that for at least ten minutes, panting against each other's skin, their bodies pressed together, her walls stills pulsing around him. When his breathing has finally calmed down a bit, Jungkook moves to get up but Y/n wraps her legs around him and pulls him back. 'Stay like this for a bit, you're so warm...' Her eyes are closed and her whole body is trembling slightly from exhaustion. Jungkook smiles at her softly and presses gentle kisses to her face. He kisses her on her eyelids, her forehead, her nose, her lips, and finally also her neck and her shoulders. She moans softly and tiredly as he softly sucks on her skin. 'I wonder if I can still walk.' Jungkook chuckles against her skin, you've survived worse things. She groans. 'Have I?' He laughs and kisses her shoulder. 'Wait here, I'll get a towel.' He carefully lifts himself of of her. 'Nooo, it's colddd', Y/n cries out in protest, her eyes still closed, but lazily lifting one hand to pull him back. He smiles and takes her hand to kiss her fingertips. 'I'll be back in a second. I'll keep you warm the rest of the night.' Y/n just groans and turns onto her side, grabbing a pillow to hold against her chest. Jungkook chuckles and covers her with the blanket. 'I'll be right back.'
Once they're cleaned up Jungkook climbs into the bed and lays against her back, wrapping his arms around her. 'Are you okay?', he whispers into her hair. Y/n grumbles in his arms and snuggles closer to him. He smiles softly and presses a kiss to her head, before pulling her close to his chest and falling asleep too.
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tomhollandisabae · 2 years
gone- simon "ghost" riley x f!reader
fandom; call of duty
summary; after a fight and a huge revelation he felt betrayed while you were lost.
warnings; angst, mentions of pregnancy, miscarriage, sex trafficking, mentions of rape, violence, blood, death, mentions of torture, english is not my first language
words; 1.9k
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Scared, cold, lonely, abandoned and betrayed was how you were feeling for the past -four years was it? Really, you had lost count of how long you were being held in this dark cell, since the last day you had seen the sun shining for the last time and were exposed to it, feeling its warm rays on your skin.
You had been abducted from your own house, while asleep, leaving behind a -possibly confused and hurt- husband.
It had happened on a summer night, after your husband, Simon Riley, had told that he was off to yet another mission. Then a huge fight followed, the loud sound of the front door closing and tears spilling from your eyes.
Your brain ached replaying the events of that night…
“we both agreed on that y/n!” simon huffed frustrated.
“well it happened one way or another. You can't control everything simon, we managed to prevent it for so many years, but here we are now.” You explained.
“and whose fault is that?” he raised his eyebrows.
“are you accusing me of something, simon?” you felt hurt, being accused by the very man that you so much loved for such thing.
“you're the one that's pregnant y/n!” he looked sternly at you.
“are you being serious right now? i'm on birth control for all these years, you know that doesn't always work!” you raised your voice at him.
“then you should have taken a better precaution.” Your mouth fell open at his statement.
“do you thing i'm some kind of dog that you can sterilise? Are you taking me for some kind of a fucking animal? And to your knowledge, it takes two to the tango, it's equally your fault too.” You were screaming at this point.
“that's not what I meant y/n” he sighed “look, i'm not mad—”
“clearly” you said sarcastically.
“I get that it's human and I couldn't hold you back from having a child, but i'm not suitable for a father y/n” he looked at you with sad eyes making your expression soften “i don't know how to be one. the only thing I got from mine was pain and suffering, nothing else and i'm not going to pass that on my own kid.”
“simon…” he raised his hand stopping you.
“i'm not going to tell you what to do with it y/n, that is your decision to make, but if you eventually decide to keep it, I don't thing that i'll be able to be there for both of you. i'm sorry.” He finally said.
Tears had gathered in your eyes by this point. You would have never fathom that you would have this kind of conversation with the man you loved. He was making you choose between him and your child, a cruel thing to do even for a man like him.
“I can't do that simon, I can't chose between you and our baby.” Tears were rolling down your eyes now.
“I won't press you into anything y/n, I guess i'll have my answer when i'll come back from this mission.” He wasn't even looking at you anymore, finding the floor quite interesting as it seemed to be.
“sim—” you didn't even get to finish your sentence as he walked out of your house, closing loudly the door behind him.
The thought of him coming back and not finding at your shared house, pained you to the core. The fact that you wouldn't even leave, for you had already chosen him. The man that you loved and still do. You knew that once he came back home and didn't find you there he broke once again. You were the only thing that he had left, the only thing that kept him going – as he had told you multiple times. You weren't able to control your tears at the thought of hurting simon. You would never, ever leave him, for nothing in this world.
Now you were trapped in this hell hole being passed from one man to another and of course with no baby.
As you realised with the time passing, you were being apart of a sex trafficking circle.
No one of them was aware of the fact that you were pregnant, but you soon lost your baby by all the beating and mistreatment you went through.
You had suffered so much all those past years, the only thing keeping you sane were the memories of all the good moments you had with simon. From the moment you met, to him proposing, to your wedding day and even your last encounter.
You were doing anything in your power to keep yourself going, while you constantly smelled of blood, sweat and other men. They had broken you to the last piece. Sometimes you were feeling completely nothing, the void taking over you.
The first few months you were patiently waiting for Simon to burst into those cages and free you, but obviously that never happened.
Until one day, four and a half years later.
You were laying on the floor of your cell, not responding anymore. The men in charge of you tried to make you react in some type of way; by beating you up, torturing you, raping you etc. But nothing worked. You had fallen in a mental coma. You couldn't feel anything anymore, both physically and emotionally.
You didn't even notice the huge blast that came from the main hall, not even the two strong arms that lifted you off the ground. You couldn't process what was happening, you hadn't even realised that you were just saved.
But it was too late…
You sanity was long gone. You would probably spend the rest of your life in a mental hospital, the last hope of seeing Simon, gone forever.
The man holding you, placed you down laying on your back while he said something that you couldn't bring yourself to understand.
“Okay sweetheart, you're going to sleep for a bit now so we can examine you.” You saw a woman smiling down at you while holding a syringe in her hands, before the darkness ,that you had been so used to, took over you once again.
When you woke up hours later, you tried to take in your surroundings. Not recognising where you were and noticing all the weird stuff on your arms, you took them off violently - causing yourself to bleed, while trying to sit up.
You were feeling dizzy and had the urge to vomit, but managed to get out of the room, immediately seeing the long hall way and the door at the end of it. You started running as if some one was chasing you down.
Your feet started giving up from under you while loud voices were coming from behind you. Right before you collapsed, two strong and firm arms wrapped themselves around you bringing you down and laying you softly on your back.
You looked up and saw a scary mask of a skull and those eyes. They reminded you of something, made you feel at easy while a warm feeling surrounded you. You couldn't believe that you were looking at them again, no you had to be dreaming. This couldn't be!
“y/n…” his harsh voice echoed in your ears, your body falling back into that mental coma.
“s…si…” you couldn't even voice his name anymore. It all felt too surreal.
“it's okay love, I got you now. No one's going to hurt you anymore.” He brought you closer to his body and hugged you.
“i… I lo… lost it…” your voice too weak, you didn't even know if he heard you.
But he did. His eyes locked with yours, a sad expression written on them.
“i'm sorry…” he whispered not being able to look at you anymore.
“I never… left you. I would never do that... i had chosen you, Simon. They took me.” Pain was the only thing you were feeling.
He didn't say anything. He couldn't say anything. Yes, he thought that you had chosen your baby over him, but he was leaving at ease thinking you were both safe somewhere on this planet. Yet he was so wrong…
Instead, you were being tortured to death, while your baby was long gone.
“simon…” you sobbed.
“shh it's okay love, we'll get through that.” He stroked softly your cheek with his thumb.
“I don't think I can—” he cut you off.
“no!” he said sternly “don't you dare think like that. you'll be alright. i'll help you through it. i'll be there every second of it. Please, don't leave me. Not now that I got you back.” His voice was barely heard and your heart broke at the sound of it.
You had broken again the man that once you had put back piece by piece. Your simon was long gone, replaced by a broken man that had lost both his wife and baby.
“now that I have you again, I don't know how to exist in a world without you. I don't think I'll be able to handle losing you again.” He said.
You wanted to touch him, comfort him, but your body wouldn't let you. You couldn't move.
“i…” your vision started getting blurry, your eyes rolling back.
“no! no!” he screamed “y/n keep your eyes open. Please, please don't leave me, please.” You could briefly make out by the sound of him that he was trying to hide the fact that he was crying.
“I love… you…” a last tear rolled down on your cheek as you left your husband behind for good this time.
From that day on, Simon was never the same. He wouldn't speak to anyone, building up his walls once again. He became a cruel killing machine, not caring if he died anymore. At least he would be reunited with you again.
‘Till death do us part’, was what you had said to each other, on the happiest day of your lives, thinking that you would have a long life ahead of you, while he thought that he could finally be happy forever, all his trauma being redeemed.
But that lasted for five years…
Now Simon had no purpose, no reason to keep breathing, taking his anger out on the battlefield.
Till he'll be reunited with you once again, for good this time.
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AITA for making a typo?
(to help find later)
This has been really frustrating me, but I don't know if my emotions are clouding my judgement and if I really was the one in the wrong. For context everyone mentioned is an adult.
The other day I (19) was talking with a friend in server about a character from a book series we both really enjoy. Two other people who never read the book were popping into the convo occasionally so me and my friend were trying to explain some context. One of those two people are who the situation revolves around, let's call them Leaf (20), fake name.
I have ADHD and I tend to get really excited when ranting abt my hyperfix, I tend to have a lot to say and a need to get it out as fast as possible, so I tend to make a LOT of typos. I make a lot of typos even when texting normally, it's a very well known fact about me. Because I make so many I don't tend to correct or change them in normal casual conversation because it's simply too much work and takes up too much time when people understand what I'm trying to say anyways.
When trying to explain a character's backstory I accidentally misspelled like and used a k instead of an l, since the letters are very close together on my keyboard. I had NO idea that it was an actual word at all, let alone that it was a slur. There was no malicious intention behind it at all. Leaf let me know that it was a slur, and I immediately apologized and explained I didn't know and I tend to make a lot of typos. Leaf was weirdly condescending about it though, we are NOT very close but they passive aggressively called me their "beloved darling" and to "use my eyes ❤️". They responded to my message with the apology in it by saying "well now you know" basically, and I thought that was it. The conversation moved on.
We sent a lot of messages in between that and when Leaf brought it up again. The original message was typo was completely buried. Admittedly I did not edit the original message right away to correct it, since I don't edit messages on discord often and I was distracted so it slipped my mind. But I did go back immediately when Leaf brought it up again. They said that they felt that being excited about a book isn't an excuse to say a slur and they shouldn't feel scared to speak up about it. We were all very confused by this, because we thought it was resolved and my friend even thought that they had said something wrong this time. I apologized AGAIN and had to do so profusely, with Lead responding to my messages with "ok" multiple times. They finally said that its okay now bc before I hadn't apologized or changed anything. Which is VERY CONFUSING TO ME because I DID APOLOGIZE, AND THEY RESPONDED TO THE MESSAGE WHERE I DID.
I will also admit that I did not like Leaf prior to this incident. They have a tendency to get condescending and harp on others for accidents or mistakes, but when they perceive the slightest bit of criticism they have a break down, regardless of if the actual message meant to be negative. They also do not communicate clearly and it's usually a guessing game in regard to what they're actually trying to say or what the problem is. I know they have some other mental health issues so even though I disliked them I never let it show in my behavior. I tried my hardest to be as polite and kind as possible, because I didn't want Leaf to feel unwelcome in the server. Sometimes people don't vibe and that's alright, their needs just clashed with my own (I have a need to over explain and completely understand a situation, so Leaf being vague and passive aggressive is especially frustrating for me) and I didn't want to isolate them from their friends just because I didn't vibe.
Additionally, in a previous conversation where I was talking about a fandom appropriating my culture and why that made it hard for me to enjoy the source material, Leaf said some questionable things. They were also a fan of what I was talking about, and they didn't seem to understand what I was talking about or why it was upsetting for me. This obliviousness made me extra baffled when it came to the typo incident.
I guess I've just been frustrated at the immaturity of how the situation was handled. I make such an effort to be polite and mature when it comes to them, and some of my other friends have said I've been much more patient with Leaf than they would have been, but maybe my judgment is clouded and I should have done something different. The server that we're in is very small (~20 ppl but usually only 5 or so are regularly active) and I don't want to stir up any kind of drama or trouble when I can just handle my own emotions personally. However what happened baffled me so much I feel like I need an outside opinion.
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ramen8008 · 1 month
I LOVE aged up Ladynoir dynamic because they are more mature and understand each other to a level that just AHHH!
One of my oldest and most loved Ladynoir head-canons basically goes like this:
Where as they grow older, they grow closer but especially during the time where the og friend group kinda separates because of college and Marinette being Marinette is like "you know what? not having close friends with me helps me focus on college AND ladybug" but she still NEEDS SOMEONE (whether she knows it at the moment or not) .
It gets tougher, the akumas evolve into causing more mental and emotional damage than physical, hawkmoth grows to understand that with their age and jobs it's easier to target their mind. During this time they've grown more independent than they should have. So one night they talk, they explain their situation, they vent to each other and decide that the comfort they feel with one another can't be compared to anything else. That maybe the other is more than just a work friend that they joke with, more than just someone they only see during the most stressful times of the day, maybe it's easier to find a best friend in someone who you've known for most your life, who you've been through thick and thin with, who understands you in ways most might never. So Chat Noir and Ladybug grow closer and closer.
They rant about college and work (Adrien works in his father's company now and did a business course so he doesn't have to model and Marinette has an Etsy shop on the side). They get close and have random night talks where they talk about things no one but them and the night sky will ever hear. Everything they go through as heroes, the ups and downs, and they also talk about fun stuff, learn more about each other, finding out that chat is a part of multiple fandoms, that Ladybug has a horrible bed head and hates that chat doesn't, that they more are more of a romantic at heart than they want to admit. But they also talk about just the struggles and anxiety that comes with their jobs, just how messed up what they went through as kids is now that they see it from an adults point of view, but they also just laugh it off, joke about the trauma some fights inflicted. Nightmares that keep them up, hopes they are too scared to say out loud, sometimes even the fear of losing purpose if hawkmoth is defeated.
There's so much more too. They have the kind of friendship where they make jokes and promises into the night about how if they are always going to be single because of their jobs they'll just get married in their superhero costumes. How ladybug is going to love making chat's kids little clothes and how chat is going to make sure that ladybug gets time with her future partner whenever there's an akuma by handling it for her. All the while not knowing that their feelings for each other keep on growing and growing. It's so huge that it feels like their hearts will combust but it's also constant to the point that they get used to it.
It hits them like a truck yet it's so slow, maybe just talking one night and it hits them that they can't imagine life without the other, that they want the other in a way that's more than what they ever thought, no they've thought of it before, they've jokes about it but never acknowledged the truth this jokes had in them, never acknowledged that over time they became to lean on each other more than just in battles, they became each others partners in more than just fights against akumas, more than in a platonic way. They've always loved each other but their love had grown into something much stronger
P.s. thx @rosekasa for reigniting my Ladynoir head canons and now I'm on a journey to go through all my head canons 🤍
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rallamajoop · 8 months
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An absurdly detailed analysis of That One Soldat Photo
Hang around wintersberg fandom long enough, and you'll likely run into a popular crack-theory that, since Heisenberg obviously thinks that building a set of huge, yellow-painted signposts is a good way to point Ethan to the Stronghold, maybe it's Heisenberg who's been leaving all those handy, yellow-painted supply crates all over the place for Ethan to find! It's exactly the kind of fun nonsense I'd enjoy if it didn't feel folks are starting to take it a little too literally (by which I mean I have now read multiple fics in which it's played completely straight ‒ and, like, people do get that it's just a crack theory, right? Like, why would Heisenberg have left so many yellow crates around his own damn factory? Look, you don't have to explain every last game mechanic, not everything is lore!)
But as anyone reading my own fic would know, I'm guilty of echoing the idea that Heisenberg-was-leaving-stuff-for-Ethan myself ‒ just not because of any yellow-striped crates. No, I'm way more interested in this one weird soldat-photo you can find in the village ‒ long hours before you'll ever see your first Soldat in the flesh...
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Very creepy. And if you turn it over, you'll find a clue to a puzzle you'll have to solve in order to progress.
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(And of course, when you do look out the window, odds are you'll get jump-scared by a lycan just when you're focused on the numbers, because RE8 loves that sort of misdirection ‒ but I digress.)
Anyway, the code you can see out the window will open a safe containing a jack handle you'll need to move a vehicle in the village, as well as the M1911 pistol (which will very likely be your go-to handgun for the rest of the game). The game is full of conveniently-helpful clues like that (heck, most games are), often with no obvious Watsonian justification. And there are other photos around the village ‒ Luiza has a whole photo album ‒ but photos of experiments created by Miranda and her lords don't generally turn up outside their own territory.
For a player exploring the village for the first time, that photo is a lovely little bit of foreshadowing, hinting at monsters and factory stages to come. But on replaying with full knowledge of Heisenberg's later attempts to get Ethan on his side, that Soldat photo is just enough to make you go, huh... did Heisenberg leave that for Ethan? Like, on purpose?
You can find another copy of that photo later, in Heisenberg's factory, along with his notes on his early series Soldat experiments. Which doesn't really prove anything beyond the fact that assets exist to be reused... but it does at least make it pretty canon that Heisenberg has photos of his Soldats sitting around.
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Possibly also significant: both the clue photo and the factory documents are tagged 'geekmemo' in the game files. Most everything related to Heisenberg in the files is labeled 'geek'-something ‒ it seems to be an early nickname for his character that lasted well into production. Everything in the factory is geek-something, even the model for the passageway from the altar to the bridge is labeled 'pathtogeek'. Considering that so many soldat-related assets are already labeled 'geek', maybe that 'geekmemo' tag doesn't really tell us anything we don't already know ‒ but it certainly doesn't work against the idea that Heisenberg wrote that 'memo' himself.
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Besides, it's not like there isn't precedent for this kind of thing. RE7 had a whole mechanic where you'd have to find 'treasure photos' pointing out the location of a few rare and useful items, all with "I hid something here" written on the back. We're never explicitly told who left those photos lying around, but it's obviously Lucas: he loves playing games, he loves taunting prisoners with the possibility of escape, and who else would it be? The complete population of the Baker mansion is like 6 people and a bunch of semi-sentient mould.
Over in RE8, there are a lot more village resident who might have left that clue lying around. Like it or not though, Heisenberg is very much RE8's equivalent of Lucas: the family's wildcard show-boater who loves making Ethan jump through hoops for his amusement. So how does the game let us know it was Heisenberg who left this particular clue? Well, who else would leave a message on the back of a Soldat photo?
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There's may be additional supporting evidence Heisenberg could be involved ‒ most notably the location, being a locked-off cul-de-sac labeled 'Workshop' on signs and maps. The area is full of metal junk very much like you'll later see lying around the factory.
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The workshop location does have other relevance ‒ it makes sense that you'd find the jack handle in the village workshop, whether Heisenberg was involved or not. But it also stands to reason that if there's anywhere in the village proper where Heisenberg might hang around and leave clues for Ethan, the workshop is it. And you have to admit that leaving Ethan useful stuff in a safe along with an easy clue that will likely get him jumped by a lycan is 100% more in-character for the guy than just leaving useful stuff out in the open, even if it doesn't really prove anything either.
There's one more weird-little does-this-mean-anything detail: there are three dead crows near the safe too.
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It's not the first time in the game you've seen dead crows (there were a bunch outside the village, and I've talked about what that might mean in the context of Miranda's cult before). But I don't remember finding any others around the village itself, other than in this one spot. And instead of being hung from trees like a ritual sacrifice, these ones are just dead ‒ messily, and with blood everywhere.
Now, maybe it doesn't mean anything, but is there anyone in the village more likely to vent his frustrations by violently killing a few of Mother Miranda's avian avatars than Heisenberg? I'd think not.
In conclusion: I still don't think all those yellow crates have anything to do with Heisenberg. And I still don't know for sure whether the RE8 development team wanted me to assume that Heisenberg left Ethan that photo, jack handle and gun. I don't know if we're supposed to read that Heisenberg keeps a workshop in the village and sometimes kills crows out of spite. But the evidence sure does point that way ‒ and it's as valid an interpretation as anything else you might take from this game.
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eatommo · 2 years
Common Tongue [d.d]
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A/N: Here she is! Just in time to get ready for kinktober! My first Din Djarin fic, it's drastically different than writing for Matt, but I do think I have a good understanding of his character. Star Wars is my home fandom, so I'm very excited to expand my writing to that universe.
Summary: Damage to the Crest causes you and your crew to seek refuge in a very crowded Inn. Left with few options, you make do.
CW: Multiple orgasms, mutual pining, playing with light, sensory depravation, p in v, creampie, fingering, mentions of sexual fantasys, smidge of breeding kink, one bed, helmet stays on, touch starved Din, glove kink, mask kink, implied squirting
You had never seen so many people on one planet before, down every street you turned there was another hoard of people going about their business. Typically, you would feel small, scared to get swiped off the street by some street gang looking to make a quick buck, or worried about getting lost. Luckily enough you had the shiniest beacon in the galaxy parting the crowd in front of you, the Crest had taken yet another beating and was in desperate need of repairs.
So here the three of you are, the little green child sitting in Mando’s satchel at his hip, cooing at you when you make eye contact. You’ve grown quite attached to the little thing over the last few months, just a few nights ago he had crashed in your bunk with you while Mando was out grabbing rations for the limping to Hosnien Prime for repairs.
For being a bounty hunter, he was surprisingly considerate of your needs and always made sure you were fed and slept, and even would occasionally make stops on planets just to show you something he had told you about. From meadows filled with luxurious flowers, or planets with seas raging under lifted platforms, to forests with trees taller than you thought possible.
Then there was this crowded metropolis, neon lights and holograms reflected off the helmet you kept a steady gaze on, half tempted to hold onto his cape to make sure you don’t lose him. A gruff-looking Trandoshan mumbling something incoherent to himself steps between you and your fierce guide. Dread fills your body but quickly dissipates when you hear your pilot’s modulated voice, “Step away from the girl.”
The crowd parts around you, and the lizard-faced man is speaking to you in a language you don’t speak probably a form of Dosh. You shake your head, eyes pleading to the visor of Mando’s helmet for help. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what you’re saying.”
You hear the unmistakable sound of beskar on beskar as the spear from his back is drawn, “She isn’t interested now beat it.”
Scaly hands draw up in defense, and you know he is swearing under his breath, but the way his body moves away you can picture the spear sitting at the base of his spine. As he steps aside, you watch the helmet tilt and look you up and down. “Are you okay? Did he touch you?”
You shake your head, “I’m okay.” You wipe your hands on your flight suit, “What did he want?”
“I don’t speak Dosh, but I could guess.” He offers his arm to you, “Stay closer, I don’t want to call too much attention to us or the kid.”
You take his arm, the cold touch of his vambrace soothed you, reminding you of the cold walls of your bunk on the crest, “Where are we headed?”
“An inn, it's just down the street here, I’ve stayed a few times but not recently.” His body is tense with caution, his hand remains on his blaster for the remainder of the few-minute walk.
You step into a modest looking in, and before you can speak to your surroundings he is handing you the kid to go and speak with the gorgeous green-skinned Twi’lek at the counter. His posture changes as he talks to her, and you wonder if they have a history together, knowing that he is constantly moving across the galaxy, and he doesn’t seem to have any exes or flames that you’ve heard about but you know there's bound to be someone in the endless systems he tells you about.
The thought bounces around in your head for a while, who was this mystery man? For all, you knew he was married, or a Wookie, or something even more improbable. He could be hundreds of years old, he’s traveled more than the last 3 generations of your family combined. After all, Grogu is 50 years old and he is hardly more than an infant, so you find it difficult to pass up the idea of a geriatric old man under all that armor.
You are broken from your ridiculous stupor, by a little bit of laughter in the lobby in front of you. The Twi’lek is fiddling with her lekku like those teen girls you used to watch in holodrama’s, you feel something bitter crawl up your spine and cause you to lick your teeth in disgust.
You continue to peer at them while running your finger over the child's ear, attempting to lull him into sleep. You straighten as Mando does, beginning to bounce the babe in your arms in second nature. “I trust that conversation went well.” Clocking the slightest tick of his helm to the side at your words.
“It’s not a large room, but it’s a roof over our head. Even managed to get some food delivered to the room.” His hands reach and take Grogu from your arms, “They even have warm water.” The child nuzzles into your chest, refusing the embrace of his dad who threatens him with a bath.
You smirk at the T-shaped portion of his visor, raising your eyebrows in a taunt as you pull the babe away from him playfully. “To that, we say dinner first. Right little man?” He grins with delight, hand coming up to your cheek before reaching for the metal piercing in your ear.
“There will be enough food ad’ika, maybe even some Spotchka for you.” He adds, with a sigh at the little one’s pout when you turn your head away from him. “You’re going to hurt her.”
He leads you to a room through a maze of hallways, you follow him closely, slowly growing deliriously tired. The door of the room slides open as you walk up, revealing a plain room with a simple bed and a desk against the wall. You set the child down, letting him explore the new space, if he wasn’t tired enough to sleep soon you may collapse.
You sit on the edge of the bed, ready to curl up like a loth cat and sleep for days. “You should probably freshen up, I’ll get the kid fed, and then we can switch if you’d like.” You remember when he was a man of few words, but you noticed that with each passing day he was getting more accustomed to having you around, time and time again he was surprising you.
You nod, beginning to unbutton your flight suit as you walk towards the fresher with your bag. When the fresher door doesn’t close directly behind you, you glance around searching for an access panel and you notice that it just tints a sheet of glass in front of you to a white smudged appearance. Interesting.
“It doesn’t look like there’s a door. Just some sort of privacy shield on the outside of the shower.” You set your bag on the sink, digging through it for a tunic to sleep in.
“The room is only meant for one person, she is bending the rules to accommodate us.” The modulator relays reality to you, and you feel as though your brain has to stitch the pieces together from fiction.
Sure enough, as you turn to heel and glance around, there is no door leading to a separate room anywhere, not even a storage area or a closet. Your eyebrows are lifted as you take in and process the situation more, to the single bed. Grogu is currently rifling through Mando’s bag in search of something he is seemingly desperate to have; a snack. “Huh.” You glance around more as if the punchline will land the moment your eyes fall on a door you missed. “Dibs on the bed.”
“You can have it Cyar’ika.” You both turn and look at the child who is trying to open a pouch of ration bars.
Your heart swells at the mysterious nickname, he uses it sparingly, and you can’t fight the fear it's something cursing you or belittling you. You haven’t the guts to ask. You’ve got plenty of things to call him, but his kindness fights the bubbling defensive tone in your throat.
“You’re too good to me.” You whisper under your breath with a laugh, a blush creeping up your cheeks as you undress and step into the warm water that falls from the ceiling like rain.
A knock on the door and you hear the clang of silverware as you run your fingers over your skin, checking for injuries that could need tending. “The food is here.”
Your foot slips on the metal floor beneath you, you barely catch yourself on the glass wall of the shower. You start to laugh in embarrassment but as you look up a metal visor is standing above the blur or security glass peering down at you, “Are you okay?”
You struggle to try to retain some of your dignity by covering your breasts and shooing him away, “Go! I’m fine!” The embarrassed laugh escapes your mouth, but you’re not as bothered by the situation as you should be.
Your cheeks start to hurt, with a smile not leaving your face as you finish up, enjoying the clean feel of your skin after nothing but desserts for almost two weeks while camping on Tattoine following a tip on a bounty.
You walk out into the room, wearing a tunic that falls just above your knee and some underwear, the chest band you wear getting on your nerves over the last few days.
The baby is curled into a blanket in a crib that must’ve been brought with the food, passed out. You look at Mando and nod in approval. He hits a button on his vambrace and the crib is enclosed similar to the kid's own that was destroyed.
“I’m sorry I snapped at you. You just surprised me.” The blush creeping up your neck makes you want to physically shake it off. “No spotc-”
He pulls a carafe of the glowing blue liquid swirling it before handing it to you, “The rest is yours, I did have a little bit.” He admits with a tilt of his head, you swiftly bring the bottle to your lips, eager for a sip of the sweet liquid. You don’t notice a drop from the bottle fall down your chin and drip onto your breasts. Staining the white tunic you wear blue.
He does.
You finish some blue milk pancakes and half of a Ronto wrap. Downing sips of Spotchka in between bites of food. “Did you eat something?” You ask, taking a few seconds before you finish the last of the pancakes.
“Yes, I ate most of the pancakes.”
Your ears prick at his voice, he seems exhausted you can’t even recall the last time he slept, knowing it’s been even longer than yourself. “Maybe we can share the bed, it's bigger than both of our bunks on the crest, I know you must be exhausted.” He’s nodding with you, and you smile to reassure him, “It’s gonna be just like a wake-over.”
“A what?” He asks, slipping his boots off before crawling up to sit against the headboard. You swirl the little bit of liquid at the bottom of the carafe.
“A wake-over? You know when a friend comes over and you’re up til odd hours talking about life and boys and sex..” You trail off, waiting for him to recognize what you're describing, he’s just shaking his head.
“I guess I’ve never been to one.”
Your mouth drops open in surprise, even with your dim childhood, your dad working in mines for the empire you had a few goofy childhood memories to hold onto. “Well, I’ll show you the ropes.” you finish the rest of the alcohol its warmth spreading over your skin like wildfire, before settling next to him.
“Do you usually sleep in all that armor?” You tap the silver metal with your fingernail, amused, and the light ting that rings in your ears. The heat from the alcohol feels like it's spreading into the air of the room, and sticking in the words between the two of you.
“I’m not usually sharing a bed with a pretty girl.” His tone is lighter than you’re used to. “But no.”
“It can’t be comfortable, c’mon Mando.” You tease, the foot or two between you feeling closer by the second. “I don’t bite.” You can sense the clenching of his fists in the sheet, between you, unable to see it in the dark.
“I do.” He teases, the words are almost regretful or frustrated. “I can remove the armor, is it bothering you? I just have to leave the helm.”
“Isn’t it heavy?” you muse, lifting the plate slightly with your finger. Wishing you could reach into his mind and unburden him.
“It’s like a second skin, I do fall asleep in it sometimes.” The room is pitch black, but your nerves are on fire with each little shift of the sheet, trying to calculate his body position. “Are you comfortable?”
“Yes, very.” You shift your hips a little, inching closer to him. “When was the last time you were with a woman? Do you get to take the helmet off for anything?” Having already cleared the topic on the agenda for your little sleepover experience, you cross the threshold for your typical conversation.
“I haven’t shown anyone my face since I was a foundling, I haven’t been with a woman since my clan was disrupted on Navaro.” He is honest, and it feels strange to hear him speak so vulnerably, but you still press on.
“I know foundlings are very important but are you required to marry Mandalorians?”
“No, that doesn’t matter, and it’s almost better because our numbers are so small.” His voice is almost a whisper, the modulator barely catching the small sounds. “One might even say it’s encouraged.”
Your breath gets caught in your throat, and it's like a rubberband snaps some clarity into your brain. He’s inches from your face, this is the closest you’ve ever been to him apart from him having to squeeze past you while making repairs. Even then you felt a surge of energy in your chest, an unnameable force drawing you closer to him, it frightens you because you’re so unsure of his feelings.
“So do you have a special someone? Maybe this generous Twi’lek? She was very beautiful.” You tease, doing your best to hide the jealousy in your tone.
“Twi’leks get me in trouble,” his eyes never leave your face, watching the temperature reading on your body shift as his words poke at your brain, “Do you not speak Mando’a?”
He feels your laugh reverberate off his chest plate, “Of course, I don’t speak Mando’a. I hardly know Rodian and I grew up in a Rodian’s mechanic shop.” You chuckle slightly unsure of what he’s going to say next, “I am pretty good with droidspeak, not that's any help around you.”
“I’m sure it’ll come in handy sometime. You’ve become a very important part of our little…” he pauses for a second as if looking for the right word, “crew. I’m very thankful for the way you look after the child. He likes you.”
You smile softly, eyes growing heavier by the moment as the warmth of the alcohol settles in your cheeks. “You’ve been very kind to me Mando, for a Wookie.”
“You’ve got me. I’m the galaxy’s shortest Wookie, who also happens to be a Mandalorian quite the story. Maybe I should write a holodrama.” His dry humor surprises you, but your heart thumps in your chest as you ask a question that has been bouncing around your mind since you met him.
“What is the story? I don’t know how much you know or what you’re allowed to say. But who’s the man behind the mask?” You let your finger run over the center of his chest plate feeling the ridge rise and fall with each breath.
“I don’t remember much, I was a foundling like the child.” he takes a deep breath as if chasing your hand as it pulls away to adjust your pillow.
“I’m sorry.” Your heart swells in your chest, you’ve seen him interact with the child and the love he carries for his covert. It moves you to know that this skilled and deadly man lying in front of you is also the best possible thing to have happened to you and that he has brought with him the adorable little man you’ve grown to love. “Thank you, for everything you’ve done for me. I think you and the little guy are the best things to happen to me.”
You’ve never wanted to see his face so badly. It’s as if you’re feeling your relationship with him shift, feeling the need to be closer to him with every passing beat of your heart.
Goosebumps spread across your skin when his hand comes to rest on top of yours between your faces, “Cyar’ika, I don’t know where else the adventures with the little one will take us but I hope, after he’s reunited with his kind, I can still find more places in the galaxy to show you.”
Your chest constricts, trapping a light gasp you suppress. “What does Cyar’ika mean?” The air in the room is electric, and you can feel each nerve in your body brim with energy like you’re ready to combust.
The only word you can use to describe his tone is bashful, the faceless man smiling the word, “Sweetheart.”
You surge closer to him, aching to kiss him before catching yourself, his hand finding up to your face and tilting your forehead to his. The cool metal only makes you realize just how warm your skin is. “I can’t take it off, but this is a Mandalorian kiss.” He runs his thumb across your cheek soothingly, “I will kiss you mesh’la, that is more of a need than a promise.”
You nod, not able to help the rush of need overwhelming your thoughts. You wanted to see him, feel his skin under your hands for the first time, and you wanted the taste of blue-milk pancakes off his tongue. You gulp, “Am I allowed to touch you?” You lift a corner of his chest plate in question.
The bed moves and dips beneath you, and before your heart can stop you hear the clang of his armor hitting the ground. The helmet hisses out a groan as his body presses against yours, the flight suit and your tunic the only barrier between your wanting skin and his. Briefly considering turning on the light, just so you could get a glimpse of your companion, you hesitate for a moment before you let your fingers run over the endlessly broad expanse of his chest.
The first thing you clock is his warmth against your palm, then you feel it rise and fall with his breath, the clip of his heart echoing with your own. You let your hand shift, more confident now, creep up to the back of his neck letting your fingers run over the little bit of hair peeking from below his helmet, his body tensing for a brief moment before practically keening into your touch. “I want to feel your skin, my sweet girl.”
You nod, sitting up briefly to lift the tunic over your head the cool air of the room immediately sending a shiver up your spine. His gloved hand ghosts up your side, every nerve in your body being coaxed into submission by his finger. He caresses your cheek, and you’re stunned by its size and the tender swipes of his thumb over your lips before he’s pressing it into your mouth. Instinct kicks in and your teeth bite at the soft leather offering a small tug, you are rewarded with a muffled groan.
His hand slips out of the glove with ease, immediately falling to caress your breasts, pinching your nipple between his fingers. You gasp as the sharp jolt of pain turns to pleasure as he soothes the sensitive bud with his thumb. “So beautiful, so soft.”
Blush continues to heat your cheeks and you nervously laugh, “Can you see?” your voice is a little timid as you feel the shift of his gaze wrack over your body through the emotionless veil of his visor.
“Everything mesh’la,” The strain in his voice is a warning before he’s pulling your body flush against his, “beautiful.” He offers the translation this time and the adjective seeps into your skin with each caress of his hands over the rises and falls of your curves.
You try to count the fingers that are touching you, you feel for scales, tentacles, and even the hairy palms of a Wookie. All you discern is warmth and tenderness, nerves on fire making you unable to sit still.
You press your forehead against his helmet, attempting to urge him to move on. “Can I see your skin?” You let your hands toy with the zipper at the base of his throat, letting your fingers brush over sparse but coarse rough hair and warm skin. Does he have a beard?
“I don’t want the lights to wake the child.” His pram sits a few feet away, “Next time.”
You nod, pulling the zipper down lightly asking for permission, he moves away from you but pulls up to sit straight as he stands. His body towers over you, and you let your hand tug the zipper down a few inches, barely able to discern the swell of his pectoral muscles, and the delicious hollow above his collarbones. You run your fingers over the rigid muscle tone of his chest, lavishing in the soft skin, fingers brushing over a rougher patch, a scar, or a birthmark.
“It doesn’t hurt, it was from a bounty on Yavin-7.” You nod, gently tracing over the raised skin, wondering what other old wounds you could soothe and memorize, each little story behind the marks on his body. Pulling the zipper down to his hips, you see the dark contrast of his briefs against his skin, a moan catches in the back of your throat. You reach to push the fabric of the flight suit off his shoulders, but he beats you to it, stepping out the pant legs and pulling his arms free.
“Keep your hands on me, please.” He guides your hands over his abdomen, the dip of his navel, the waistband of his underwear. He pauses, asking for permission to continue, your heart slams in your chest, the need to satisfy him in any way possible the only thing on your mind. Your hand brushes over the length, pleasantly taken aback by his size. Your thumb rubs small light circles over the head of his cock while staring up towards his visor. You’re unable to make anything other than his silhouette out, but you feel his gaze steady and hot on your exposed bodies, watching your every move.
“See what you do to me Cyar’ika?” His hips push against your hand, his voice as breathless as you feel, “It’s all for you sweet girl, take what you want.”
Not wasting any precious time, you lean forward slightly, letting your tongue run across his length clocking the slight shutter to his breath through the modulator. A trail of wet, open-mouth kisses follows as you let a finger trace over the waistband half teasing and a half asking for him to remove them.
When you lift your hand a moment, you blink and they’re around his ankles then gone, discarded in the cloud of darkness that surrounds the two of you. His cock bobs, aching and dripping in front of you and you hurry, falling to your knees, to suck down the beads of precome he offers you.
“Maker,” husk sounds fall his helm and reverberate in your ears, “I’ve never done this before.” When you pull away from him slightly, he chokes out, “Had someone’s mouth on me like that. Never had time. Please.”
Not one to deny him, at least not this time, you let your tongue swirl over the sensitive head of his cock before taking it into your mouth. His abdomen tenses under your palms and his hips lift to push further into your mouth on instinct, you adjust accordingly swallowing around him eagerly. You begin to move your head in time with his short shallow thrusts, taking as much of him as you can bare without gagging at first, wanting him to be as comfortable as possible.
You hold his hips steady as you lower your mouth further, relaxing your throat and tears brimming as you try and take as much of him as possible, your jaw aching and throat constricting around him as you struggle to accommodate his girth. His fingers find purchase on your scalp, tangling in your hair and pulling lightly.
Letting him take control you relax further, flattening your tongue to add more pressure to the underside of his cock, milking more of that salty precome down your throat as his thrusts grow rougher spurred on by your eager moans.
He pulls away after a few moments, panting and staring at the obscene sight of your lips swollen and wet with spit that dribbles onto your chest. He pushes your body up onto the bed, fingers running through your drenched folds, you find yourself writhing against him aching for any stimulation he offers you.
He brushes a skilled thumb over your clit, listening intently for a hitch in your breath he may or may not have heard from your bunk too many times to count.
You throw an arm to cover your eyes, focusing on the way he rubs small focused circles over your clit, moving every so often to gather your slick from your core, before circling back up. Fighting the urge to beg and fuck yourself against his hand, you whine low and desperate.
“What is it, sweetheart?” His tone is almost taunting like he’s pulling you up to the precipice of climax on sheer luck alone. “Is there something you need?” He swipes over your entrance before sinking two digits to the hilt and immediately curling it up pushing against the spongy spot inside you that makes your vision white. He draws out your first orgasm of the night expertly, your legs shaking with the force of the sudden release.
A thin sheen of sweat covers your skin, making your hair cling to your neck and forehead and breath coming out in shaking gasps. “You’re more beautiful than ever mesh’la.” If there was excess blood in your body, it was in your cheeks, you weren’t sure of the look on his face but he was smug and proud of the mess you made for him in his voice.
He pulls his fingers from you, and his hand disappears and you hear a moan from above you, “So fucking good, sweet girl.” You struggle to comprehend his words when you’re pulled to the edge of the bed, legs falling apart in desperation.
His hands ghost over your breasts again, coaxing your body as if he was guiding it with string. If you didn’t know any better you’d think his helmet needed repairs, the gruff static of his breath washed over your body, wondering how much detail he could gather from the gaze of the helm. He circled your navel, bringing a single finger up to the tip of your chin and tilting it up.
A bright flash of light blinds you. You flinch away, trying to let your eyes adjust. The first thing you see is a tan human appearing hand spreading across your chest possessively. You can see the goose flesh littered across your skin, but when you try and look at the Mandalorian's helm the light obscures your vision.
You make out a familiarly broad chest, a tampered but muscular abdomen, and a light trail of dark hair partially obscured by his thick heavy cock bobbing angrily in time with his movements.
He sinks his fingers back into you. A small plea falls from your mouth, fists gathering the comforter at your sides. He’s gentler this time, he works at an agonizingly slow pace. Scissoring and twisting his fingers under the harsh scrutiny of his tactical light, lifting his free hand to rub delicately over your overstimulated clit.
It takes every ounce of self-control to not crawl away from him, the sensitivity almost unbearable, but his movements are seductive. Like the movements of his hands are rewarding you with each passing stroke of the pain.
Slowly you begin to grind against him, shifting your hips so you can almost bounce on his hand aiming for the spot you know he’s avoiding. You’re writhing under him before you know it, filthy pleas and whines are spoken outside of your consciousness. It’s not until the brink of your second orgasm that you realize the words are coming from you.
His pace is steady and unrelenting, the fire in your belly building with each passing second. He notices the roll of your hips becoming more dramatic and your jaw falling slack in a silent cry. “Make some noise for me Mesh’la. Cum for me before I fuck you as I’ve dreamed about.”
You try to focus your vision on the flex of his arm and the veins straining under his skin, but his cock is the real star of the show. Thick and glistening with a mixture of your saliva and his precome. You’re eager to feel him splitting you open, to know the way his cock feels when it sputters rope upon rope of cum inside of you.
The thought of being filled by him sends you over the edge, your orgasm careening through your body as you thrash against him again. A rush of your cum coats his fingers, and you watch closer this time as the helm tilts up and his fingers disappear and presumably sink into his mouth.
He moans, swearing under his breath and fisting his dick in his free hand. You struggle to hold your head up to watch, your neck and body exhausted.
Your chest rises and falls as he strokes himself under the harsh light of his helm, before letting the head of his cock trace your entrance. Gathering your wetness on the tip he brushes over your hypersensitive clit, a smug huff coming from the strong man above you.
The gaze of his helmet is heavy and delectable as you arch, displaying your body and the spoils of your release for him, silently begging for more.
Finally, he sinks into you in one slow and satisfying push, both of your moans mixing as you fight to sit up, wanting to see him seated inside you completely.
You throw an arm around his neck for support, the shift in angle making the impossible stretch even more delightful. He bends and presses the cold metal bite of his helm to your forehead, another kiss. You follow the tilt of the beskar down to the glorious view of your pussy flushed and glistening, covered in your cum being absolutely split open by his thick cock.
The two of you watch enamored as he slowly pulls out, sick squelches echoing in the quiet room as he continues to work you open. “Mesh’la,” he picks up the pace, the pleasure quickly overwhelming your brain. “Fuck this might be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
His praising words weaken your posture, feeling the adoration wash over your skin like you would stroke a loth cat, coaxing you to relax and fall against the mattress; mouldable clay under his breathless flattery. The long strokes feel like ecstasy each one making your fists furl tightly into the sheets.
He shifts your body slightly, lifting you so your ass is partially dangling off the bed, allowing him to pitch his hips up into you. You feel his hands settle on your lower belly, applying a soft pressure before he picks up his pace, fucking up against your g-spot with sniper-like precision.
The change of angle has your muscles limp, unable to do anything but revel in the pressure building in your gut. Even staring into the black abyss of the ceiling, you feel his stare fixated on the movement of your breasts in pace with his hips.
He swears under his breath, something in a language you don’t understand, but he brings a hand to rest on your throat, you keen, exposing yourself more.
A man of his capabilities wrapping a hand around your neck should bring panic and fear to your heart, but instead, a rush of liquid pours out of you, coating your thighs and his abdomen glistens with your release smearing between the two of you as he follows suit, pushing deep and spilling into your spent cunt with a modulated groan.
His shoulders fall slightly, visibly exhausted and tense with sensitivity. You let out a small giggle at the nervous tension growing between the two of you. The helmet quirks to the side defensively, and you quickly add “Thank you.”
He lets out a dry chuckle, “Thank you?” your cheeks warm as he caresses the line of your waist with a single finger, “I’ve wanted to do this for a long time, I should be the one saying thank you.”
Catching his hand in yours, you offer a reassuring squeeze. “I’ve wanted it too, must’ve been the language barrier.”
He pulls his softening cock from you, letting the light fall to the sight of his cum sliding out of you before clicking off and your vision going with it. You give him a moment to move around you before pulling yourself to lean against the headboard.
The fresher light kicks on as din walks to the sink, finally getting a good glimpse of the crisp muscular lines of his body as the fluorescent lights highlight them artfully. “Can you bring me a-”
“Beat you to it.” He turns to hold a damp cloth in his hands. The muscles in his arms are prominent and lead your gaze to the rows of corded muscles that stretch through his pecks. The light dissipates as he crosses the threshold again.
Suppressing a frown you let him clean your thighs, and as he discards the towel you find the courage to speak your mind, “You’re pretty mesh’la yourself Mando.”
You take the shy wheeze from under the helmet to heart, enthralled to be so close to him that the words straight from his breath fall to your ears.
“Say it again.”
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finn-writes-stuff · 1 year
How about a Percy fic with dancing like beauty and the beast ballroom with something a little saucy at the end
In The Glade
When a plan relies on you being able to dance, Percy steps up to teach you, finally tipping the tension over the edge
Percy de Rolo x Reader
Fandom: The Legend of Vox Machina/Critical Role
Format: Oneshot
Content: This is just a snippet of romantic tension. It did not end up saucy.
Gender Neutral Reader
I'm in love with him, that is my husband right there. Sorry that this didn't end up saucy! Mutual pining has been rotting my brain lately <3 -Finn
You were going to kill Scanlan one of these days. He had managed to find a new lead for your latest adventure, but of course, it required infiltrating a formal event and finding out secrets. Scanlan had even created the perfect plan. You could subtly interrogate a person of interest on the dance floor and no one would be any wiser! Never mind the fact that you had never learned a ballroom dance in your life. 
There was no way you could do this, you would be found out immediately, the first moment that you misstepped. Why had you agreed to this?
"You're holding yourself too stiffly, you have to let me lead or this doesn't work." 
Percy’s steady voice drew you out of your thoughts as he tapped the hard set of your shoulders, a gentle reprimand to pull your focus back to him. He had offered to teach you how to dance, a skill he still remembered from his childhood in Whitestone. He should've been the one going, but he would have been at risk of being recognized.
"It's formal, but you do need to relax a bit, love. Get out of your head," Percy continued, waiting for you to drop some of the tension. "I can practically hear the gears grinding in there."
"If I die at that party, I need you to avenge me and kill Scanlan for this plan." 
"Deal, I can do that but you aren't going to die. Just focus alright? Here, step closer, you look like a scared deer. Nerves are like blood in the water at events like that."
You obeyed, stepping closer as his hand settled on your waist. Here, in the empty glade that he had found for the two of you, there was nothing to distract you from him. From the gentle heat radiating off him or the scent of gunpowder that always clung to him and his coat. He had a unique skill of being able to settle your racing thoughts just by being near you. 
"Follow my steps without guessing what I'm going to do next. Just trust that I have you," he said, guiding you once again into the dance. He was so sure of his movements, the same way he was in combat. It was incredible to watch, even as you stumbled along with him. He stayed steady, keeping you on track. "You're doing well."
"I've stepped on your feet multiple times already."
"So long as you don't start doing it intentionally, it's fine." He was smiling at you, the teasing lilt to his tone making your thoughts go fuzzy at the edges. 
"I should, you seem too smug about being able to teach me this."
"I'm hardly smug, I just...enjoy this. It's rare to get the chance to properly dance with someone and even moreso, I enjoy your company. So this is nice." 
You could feel heat rushing to your face. It always caught you off guard when he responded honestly rather than with his usual sarcasm. Banter was easy, but this set you off balance. Percy had been doing that more and more lately. You didn't know what to make of it, but you knew your heart was flipping in your chest each time he did. 
"It's, yeah, I think it's nice too. I really like getting to spend time with you" 
Gods, that smile. A little nervous, but so terribly genuine with a splash of red across his cheeks. You could hardly think, not when he was smiling at you like that and he was holding you so close, spinning you around the glade. The trees hid you both from the rest of the world, in this sweet moment of time, as if you had just stepped into a dream. 
You had both been heading towards an inevitable conclusion, drawing closer every time you joked around the campfire at night or had the other's back in a fight. From the first time that he had grinned at you, from the first time he had heard you laugh. There was no world where you wouldn't have fallen in love with him. And here, in each other's arms, you couldn't deny it. 
"Whatever you're thinking about now, it makes you better at following the dance, you aren't overthinking it anymore."
"I've got a good teacher. Are you going to teach me how to shoot next? Or maybe show me how to make those fancy arrows." 
He laughed and it felt like your chest was full to bursting. 
"Ask me nicely when you come back from that party and I will teach you anything you want." 
"Anything? That's a dangerous promise, de Rolo."
"I trust you. Besides, I think you're too curious about my guns to ask for anything else."
"What if I did want something else? Not a lesson," you asked, gently worrying the fabric of his sleeve between your fingers. 
"Then all you need do is ask."
"What if I asked to kiss you?" 
His breath caught, and you watched how his eyes dropped to your lips for a moment, before carefully dragging back up to meet your gaze. There was an open, honest want in his eyes, mirroring your own. 
"As I said, all you need do is ask." 
"May I kiss you, Percy?"
His voice was breathless as he responded without hesitation. "Please do." 
You couldn't tell who leaned in first, who kissed who, all you knew was the feeling of his lips on yours, a calloused hand cradling your face, and how good it felt to give into it all.
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chonkymoth · 9 months
going off of that twitter post about how Nandor is fucking giddy when talking w the Baron about how Guillermo killed all the vamps in the theatre and how he doesn't want Guillermo to change:
Nandor is happiest, or at least proudest, when recalling his own days as a fearsome warrior — his acts in conquering, slaughtering, and pillaging. He talks so highly of himself from that point in his life. And it begs the question if he considers vampirism a curse, at least in part, because he is no longer that once ruthless leader and fighter. In terms of overall vampires, he's honestly just kind of average it seems. And when it comes to Guillermo he's downright soft, to the point that multiple other vampires have pointed out that his feelings towards Guillermo and the way he treats him are odd, to say the least, for a vampire/familiar relationship.
But the thing is, I think the thing he respects the most about Guillermo is those same qualities he once had. He sees Guillermo as someone who is powerful and strong and fully capable of holding his own (and tbf he's very right). Him wholeheartedly vouching to the others to spare Guillermo in the name of the "warrior's code"? Yeah, that. And he knows vampirism changed that about him. I think, deep in that emotionally constipated little brain of his, he's so scared of Guillermo getting turned and no longer having those qualities he loves and respects, and instead turning out just like Nandor. We as a fandom talk a lot about how Nandor is scared Guillermo would leave him — and Nandor's said as much — and I do think that's a very good chunk of his hesitation to turn Guillermo, but I think a lot of it, too, is that he's scared of Guillermo turning out just like he has.
Yet, when Nandor sought out a wife last season, he wanted someone devoid of those exact qualities he seems to relish and uphold. He wanted someone that basically just lifted him up rather than be his equal, his counterpart. Nandor got rid of people who bested him in a fight, who were too pretty or alluring, who were funnier than him, etc. And he found, seemingly, the perfect person for him within those tight guidelines....and then proceeded to change every single thing about her. Until finally changing her to be an exact copy of Guillermo's boyfriend. Aka: he desires what Guillermo desires.
Which leads to the question of what does Guillermo desire? Well, that's not nearly as hard to piece together since he's much more open about his feelings. Guillermo desires and values the qualities that, he thinks, come with being a vampire — being ruthless, powerful, and attractive. It's the whole reason he finally said fuck it and went to Derek, because he was so tired of being him. He never realized that he already held all of those qualities he valued ("I don't feel powerful. I don't feel sexy" that's because you already were those things, love). It's just that he discovered the hard way that those qualities weren't really intrinsic to being a vampire. But, back to the point I was trying to make; basically, he values all the qualities Nandor had/has. Former fearless ruler and warrior of a nation, who had 37 wives, and is now a bloodthirsty and terrifyingly strong vampire who fucks around with anyone he wants? Check, check, and check.
So, if Guillermo desires Nandor and Nandor desires what Guillermo does, then Nandor is realistically looking for someone that compliments him and is equivalent to him. Someone who he recognizes to have all of the qualities that are fundamental to who he is and was. Man, I wonder who that could be.... And honestly? I think Nandor is finally starting to connect all these dots himself. Which is just adding to his fear of Guillermo changing in any way. Because he likes and respects who Guillermo has become over these past seasons. And I'm so scared and excited to see how he takes Guillermo being turned, both now and after he sits with the information for a while, because, realistically, Guillermo hasn't changed, not really. But will Nandor realize that?
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simonjadis · 19 days
Jesus christ. I'm scared to ask but... what the hell happened with The Watcher fandom?
I don't even go here, but here's my understanding
Several years ago, Shane and Ryan left Buzzfeed to launch their own company, teaming up with Steven Lim. Watcher has grown, producing multiple shows. Initially, people were supporting them on Patreon (for discord + early access) and YouTube. both of these are increasingly notorious platforms that take cuts from profits. YouTube payouts are massive if you're just 1-2 people getting a million views per video and a new successful video every week. but it doesn't cover a growing company's needs
To be blunt, for Watcher to continue as a company, they need cut out "middleman" services that both regulate their content and take a cut of their earnings. That means moving off of YouTube and it means changing the Patreon to just be for the podcast.
So, on Friday (April 19) Watcher announced that they're launching their own streaming model. Everything that they'd already shared would remain on YouTube, but future content was coming out on their own service for a $5.99 sub. Which in turn would be lower than or about the same as anyone subscribing on Patreon, and would also be without the horror of YouTube ads
(Again, I don't go here, but I will not watch advertisements voluntarily, least of all on yewchube. I have ublock origin/firefox and when it comes to streaming, I have the ad-free subscription or I don't watch it at all)
To be clear, they made this announcement well in advance of launching, and were making sure that international viewers would still be able to view (something that some major corporate streamers have not done). They also emphasized that they're unbothered by profile sharing, so that $5.99 per month could come down to $2 per month for three friends, or just (as I often do) one person buying it and sharing the login with friends.
Also you can gift subs. All of this is unfortunately moot, and it seems that many of the people reacting to the announcement did not learn or care about any of this.
The reaction to this news was, to be blunt, unhinged. Obviously, it's normal for some people who cannot afford $5.99 per month to feel disappointed. And any change can be unnerving for a fandom. But the vitriol (some of it, like the person who accused them of "ruining Taylor Swift's day," was admittedly very funny) was pretty vicious.
I think that a lot of it was disinformation based (unclear on where the idea that they were removing old content from YouTube originated, as it certainly was not from their announcement video) and a lot of it was (predominantly younger) viewers looking for social media clout by coming out with the coveted "worst new take" to impress their friends.
And so, SO much of it was racism. For some reason, a lot of people have invented a narrative where Shane is being held hostage by the other two co-owners, and desperately wants to release content for free to the detriment of his company, but Ryan and Steven have somehow conspired to make their company profitable so that they can continue to (evilly) pay their employees.
From what I can tell (again, I don't even go here), the bulk of the backlash ended up targeting Steven. People in the fandom are already weird about him and have an ugly tendency to invent mean things about him (a couple of years ago, some of these same ill-behaved "fans" decided that he was homophobic, not because of anything that he did or said).
So this was an excuse for these vicious little beasts to let loose. They were leaving abhorrent comments on his loved ones' Instagram photos -- some from months ago.
On the less overtly racist front, backlash included people saying that they just want Shane and Ryan sitting in a room talking about stuff. It is unusual for creatives to not care about the quality of what they make; of course Shane and Ryan and Steven care about production quality, about being able to film ghost-hunting and other shows. They're not 23-year-olds scraping by, they're artists and storytellers and they are also employers.
I don't know these men and I don't generally feel sorry for men, as a rule, but it must have been pretty devastating to find out how many of their most vocal "fans" seem to despise them, feel entitled to their art for free, and will rage against them like this.
Which leads to Monday's grim announcement, which as I understand it was that they're going to put new Watcher content up on YouTube with a delay. I'm not saying that it's a bad policy; I'm saying that it means that they remain tethered to YouTube for what content they can include, and it's showing these rancid trolls that their cruelty works.
I'm not going to say that this is "letting the terrorists win" because I'm not trying to victim-blame Watcher here. But I worry about what these rotten little beasts will do now that they've felt the rush of victory.
I cannot emphasize enough that I do not even go here. plenty of people very much go here and have written at greater length and in greater detail than i have. I'm just horrified. I don't even go here
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fantasy---feels · 4 months
Living Dreams (11)
Tumblr media
pairing: Taehyung x female reader
genre: fluff, smut, fluffy smut, yeah mostly just smut tbh, fantasy
wordcount: 4,5k~
summary: Y/n get cheated on by her bf, with a friend of hers, which is just charming really. Luckily Taehyung, one of her best friends, is there to defend her, and maybe do something else for her too...
warnings: violence, unprotected sex (kind of?)
date: 16-01-2024
info: Initially wrote this about two of my Oc's but later felt like also adapting it to some of my favorite fandoms sooo, oops~ Also, since I couldn't choose there are multiple different versions of the same story, just with different main characters ^^
When Taehyung gets closer he sees Maron yelling at Y/n, 'Are you seriously breaking up with me over this? Are you really making me the bad guy right now?!' Y/n looks at him perplexed, 'You cheated on me? And with someone I considered a friend, what made you think I'd stay with you after that?' Maron rolls his eyes sarcastically, 'Yeah right, as if you've been faithful the whole time.' Y/n frowns, 'I never cheated on you what are you even talking about??' Maron laughs, 'Riiight, with the way you're always staring at that guy? And the way you dress? Fuck of with the lies you stupid slut!'
Maron blinks in confusion. He's looking up from the floor, and his nose, it hurts... It hurts like hell, what happened?! He slowly brings his hand up to his face, there's blood, a lot of it. His eyes shoot up to Y/n and... Taehyung. Taehyung's eyes basically tell him that he's lucky to even be alive at all. His fist is balled at his side and his other arm is protectively around Y/n. 'If you EVER. Talk to her again, or even get anywhere near her, I swear to the gods I'm going to fucking kill you.'
'Maron!' Layla, the other girl exclaims as she kneels down next to him, while he still states up at Taehyung and Y/n. Taehyung snarls at him, 'And for your information, YOU cheated, she never did, not with me, not with anyone else. YOU screwed up. And I'm honestly so glad that you did.' He looks at Y/n. 'I've been waiting to do this ever since she got together with you', he gently puts his hand on her face, still bloody from the hit.
She looks at him in confusion, but he just slowly leans down, and kisses her. She makes a surprised sound, but doesn't push him away. After a moment of hesitation she puts her arms around his neck and pulls him closer.
Maron glares at the two, his hand pressed over his face, trying to stop the bleeding. When Layla tries to comfort him and tell him that he has her now so it doesn't matter, he pushes her away. He gets up and storms toward the exit, Layla following him.
Taehyung and Y/n on the other hand forgot about him completely. When they finally break apart, they're both completely flushed and out of breath. Y/n stares at him in disbelief. 'Was that.. Did you mean that or did you just say it to-' Taehyung shakes his head. 'I meant it. You have no idea how much you've tortured me the past few months.' Y/n stares at him in shock. 'Why didn't you..' Taehyung, chuckles dryly. 'You were with him. And I was scared.' He pulls her closer to kiss her again.
When he finally let's go of her he whispers in her ear: 'Let's go home.' Y/n looks up at him in surprise before nodding slowly and letting him pull her to the exit. Once outside Taehyung can't seem to keep his hands of her and on the way home he keeps kissing her hand, her lips, her face. They come to a halt one turn away from the house, where Taehyung kisses her and she ends up with her back against the wall. As the kiss deepens and Y/n pushes her body closer to his Taehyung groans in frustration.
'You have no idea what you're doing to me..'
He reaches down and before she can react Y/n is sitting in his arms, her back against the wall and his hips pressed between her legs. Y/n gasps. 'No wait! Is this okay? I'm heavy..' Usually she doesn't care, but with him.. Taehyung blinks at her, confused. 'What? No.' He immediately leans in to kiss her again and Y/n moans against his lips as he presses into her. He freezes. He puts his forehead against hers and presses his eyes shut. 'I must be going crazy.. If you want me to stop, please tell me right now.' Y/n shakes her head, confused. 'I don't want to stop.' Taehyung looks up at her. 'I'm serious Y/n. If you don't tell me now, I don't think I'll be able to stop anymore.'
Y/n shakes her head and takes his face in her hands, her face flushed. 'Please don't stop.' Taehyung groans deep in his throat. 'Fuck.' Then he pulls her back into a kiss before lifting her in his arms, and away from the wall, making her squeal in surprise. But he just adjusts her, tells her to hold on, and jumps. She shrieks and clamps onto him, but a moment later they land on the roof of the house. He let's her down gently before opening his window and jumping inside. When he helps her jump in, he immediately pulls her close again to kiss her. After a moment he picks her up, and carries her to the bed. He gently sets her down and breathes in deeply, trying to calm himself. He presses his forehead against hers as her leans over her. 'Are you sure?' Y/n nods and pulls him in for a kiss. 'Please?' He groans into her mouth, 'You're going to ruin me.'
Then he leans back and pulls his shirt over his head before leaning back down. Y/n let's her hand glide over his chest, nervously at first, softly. Taehyung takes her hand in his and presses it to his body. 'It's fine, I wont break.' Y/n blushes, but let's her hands travel all over his chest and then his back and his stomach, which has him closing his eyes. Her hands reach his belt and she looks up at him uncertainly. He nods and gets up to undo his pants. When they fall to the ground Y/n looks at him in wonder. 'Can I..?' He nods and lays down next to her. Y/n hesitantly goes to sit over his legs and slowly let's her hands explore his body. He has his eyes pressed closed and one arm is draped over his face, while the other hand is holding onto one of her legs, slightly clenching any time she finds a sensitive spot. Her hands are torturously slow, but when she finally gets close to touching his dick, he can't stand it anymore. His hand shoots out to grab hers and her eyes meet his. He looks at her hungrily as he pulls her in for a kiss. 'Can I see you too?' Y/n flushes bright red but nods and sits back. He sits up with her and pulls her closer, till she's sitting in his lap. He let's his hands travel down her arms, while first kissing her lips, then her jaw, and then the crook of her neck, making her shiver in his arms. He slowly moves his hands to the back of her dress, halting as he finds the zipper. He looks at her and whispers,' Is this okay?' She nods, still flushed, and shivers as he pulls down the zipper, baring her back. He gently pulls the dress down her arms and chest before letting it pool at her waist. He looks at her in stunned silence. She blushes brightly under his staring and moves her arms up to cover herself. His hands shoot up to stop her. He let's them glide down her arms to her hands which he moves back down to her sides, 'Please don't. '
Then, he carefully cradles her waist and, for a moment, just stares at his hands on her skin. He still can't believe that he's finally holding her. His touch feels gentle, in spite of the size and roughness of his hands and Y/n shivers. He slowly let's his hand travel up, over her stomach and her ribs. When he gets to her breasts he stops and hesitates. Y/n brings her hand up to one of his, and gently puts it on her. 'I won't break either', she whispers. He let's her guide him to gently cup her breast, before taking a deep breath and letting his head rest on her shoulder. 'I can't believe I'm touching you...' He chuckles dryly, 'You have no idea how many times I've dreamed about doing this.' He kisses her shoulder, while carefully kneading her breast. When he feels her react, he softly sucks on the same spot, making her moan inadvertently. The sound makes him groan in frustration and he moves his hands to her waist.
He picks her up and lays her on the bed, before pulling her dress down the rest of the way, leaving them both in nothing but their underwear. When Y/n unconsciously tries to cover herself again under his staring, he grabs her wrists and pins her hands above her head. She blushes at the unexpected action, as well as the sudden vulnerability. He leans in to kiss her and whispers, 'Please let me look at you.' Then he lets go of her arms, which she wraps around his neck to pull him closer. He groans into her mouth and kisses her deeper.
He uses one hand to prop himself up while using the other to touch her. He let's his hand travel up her hip, her waist and finally to her breast which he gently kneads in his hand, before using his thumb to draw circles around the most sensitive part. Y/n moans into the kiss as he explores exactly what to do to her. He breaks away for a moment, and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. 'I haven't done this before, so you have to tell me if I do something wrong.' Y/n shakes her head breathlessly from under him. 'You're perfect.'
Taehyung smiles at her softly before leaning down to kiss her again. He let's his hand travel down and with his fingers he traces the line of her panties, making her shiver against his chest. 'Can I take them off?' he whispers. Y/n nods and he leans back to gently pull them down her legs, before swallowing deeply. 'I can't believe I get to have you.'
He let's his hands run up her body, from her ankles, over her legs and her stomach, to her breasts, as he moves to lay on top of her. He softly draws cirkles on one of her breasts while tentatively taking the other one in his mouth, eliciting a surprised gasp from Y/n. When he notices her reaction he slowly start to suck and lick around her sensitive nub, feeling it get harder against his tongue. The moans are falling from Y/n's mouth as he keeps gently massaging her breast with his hand while using his mouth on her at the same time. With one last gentle lick over her nipple he let's go and moves his attention to her other breast. He is taking in all of her reactions and he loves that she can't seem to control them, as he gently licks and sucks at her skin.
When he can finally bring himself to stop, he slowly moves down her body, kissing her stomach and her waist, sucking softly on her skin, trying not to leave any marks. When he finally gets to her most sensitive place he looks up questioningly. Y/n has her face covered with her hands in embarrassment, but still nods hesitantly.
He smiles reassuringly as he puts his arms around her legs, and softly places a kiss on the insde of her thigh. Then, he slowly starts kissing down the inside of her legs, all the way down untill he reaches her center. He looks up at her, his impatient eyes showing just how much he is trying to pace himself. 'Please tell me if you want me to stop, or when I'm doing something wrong.' He smiles at her before placing on last kiss on her leg. Then he leans down and licks one long stripe over her center, making her jump and cry out in surprise. When immediately after he softly sucks on her sensitive nub she moans deeply and automatically weaves her fingers through his hair. He smiles against her. 'Good to know.' Then sucks her into his mouth again and swirls his tongue around her, making her moans come out in stutters.
To get better access, he uses one hand to gently pushes her folds apart and licks long strokes in between. As he licks and sucks experimentally he greedily takes in all of her reactions and expressions. He softly starts to rub over her clit in circles with his thumb, while using his tongue to lick over and inside her entrance. Pressing his tongue against her, he groans under the combination of her taste in his mouth and her hands in his hair. Carefully he presses one of his fingers inside, while sucking her clit into his mouth. When she starts to relax around him, he adds a second finger, making her groan. He slowly starts oves in and out. She moans and reaches down to hold his hand in place. 'Curl your fingers up' she whispers, slightly out of breath. Taehyung smiles against her and does as she says while simultaneously circling her with his tongue. She starts moaning louder now, and he keeps doing exactly as she told him, curling up his fingers and rubbing the sensitive spot inside her. As he keeps licking her, and pressing his fingers into her, Y/n is getting closer and closer, until he knows she's almost there. When he feels her tighten around his fingers, he curls his fingers into her one more time and sucks on her hard. She cries out and her body trembles as she comes. He keeps slowly curling his fingers while licking her softly, working her through her orgasm, until she's pulling his head away, her hands shaking.
'How... How did you know all that?' She asks, confused and completely out of breath. 'I thought you had never done this before..' Taehyung grins at her, 'Aïsya gave me homework. One day she just handed me a whole pile of books she told me I should read.' Y/n turns bright red. 'Oh gods, that little witch!' She puts her hands over her eyes. 'I can't believe she basically trained you for me.' Taehyung chuckles while placing a kiss on the inside of her leg. 'I'm glad she did, otherwise I would have had no idea what to do.' Y/n sighs and grumbles, 'I guess I should buy her dinner sometime...' Taehyung moves up and pulls her hands away, to put a kiss on her forehead. 'Same here.'.
Then, when their eyes meet he kisses her lips and she pulls him in closer. She let's her hands run down his back and pushes at his underwear. 'I want them off...'
Taehyung flushes just barely as his eyes darken, before reaching down to take off his last piece of clothing. For a moment Y/n just stares, she had expected him to be pretty big, but not like this... He gently takes on of her hands and kisses it.' Are you still sure you want this? I understand if you want to stop now.' Y/n just shakes her head, her mouth hanging slightly open, still staring at him. Taehyung frowns, 'I don't want to hurt you.' Y/n looks up at him. 'You won't, I promise, we'll be careful.'
She slowly props herself up and reaches forward, to put her hand around him. He groans at the feeling, staring down at her touching his dick. She carefully moves her hand to stroke him and he let's his head fall back as a moan falls from his lips. 'Fuckkk, Mila..'
Her mouth waters at the sound of his voice and she slowly leans forward. He doesn't have time to realize what's happening as she licks one long stroke up his whole length, making his body shock with pleasure. But before she can continue, his hands shoot up to stop her.
He leans forward, resting his forehead on her hair and breathes in deeply, his eyes pressed shut. 'Please stop. I dont think I'll last long if you do that.' Y/n pouts, 'But you did it for me... I want to taste you.' A muscle ticks in his jaw at her words, but he shakes his head. 'Not tonight.'
He leans in to give her a quick kiss before leaning to the side to open a drawer and reach for a box of condoms. Y/n's hand stops him, and he looks at her confused. She blushes and looks down. 'I took a potion, so we can do it without.. But only if you want to of course..' She glances up at him shyly, her face flushed. Taehyung blinks at her in shock, then slowly sits back and puts a hand over his eyes while breathing in deeply. 'You're going to completely ruin me.' Then he let's his hand fall to his side and stares at her hungrily, before grabbing her face and kissing her roughly. 'You have no idea what you're doing to me.'
He let's his hands run all over her body, before ending up at her legs and gently pushing her knees apart. He groans as he looks down at her, 'I'm sorry, I don't think I can stop now.' She shakes her head at him, 'I don't want to stop.. Please put it inside me?'
He presses his eyes shut to calm down, and carefully leads his dick to rest against her entrance. They both moan at the feeling and Taehyung breathes heavy, trying to restrain himself. 'I'll try to go slow okay. ' Then he leans forward to push himself into her.
At first she is still too tight, and Y/n groans, but then his tip pushes inside and they both gasps. Taehyung groans, 'Fuck. You're so warm. So soft.' He leans over her as he tries to regain his composure. With one hand he cups her face while the other is holding her leg. 'I'm going to go a bit deeper okay?' Y/n nods silently as she takes deep breaths, trying to get used to his size.
He looks her in the eyes as he slowly starts to push in further, making sure that she's okay. Her eyes slowly start to go wide as he pushes deeper and deeper. Her mouth is slightly open and her expression is making him go crazy. He curses. 'Fuck I'm sorry.' and then suddenly he snaps his hips forward, pushing the rest of him in at once.
Y/n gasps as he fills her up completely. She moans as she is being stretched around him, it feels as if he pushed himself all the way into her stomach. Taehyung is panting above her. The feeling of her around him overwhelming. 'Fuck, fuck im so sorry, are you okay? Did I hurt you?' She wraps her arms around his neck and shakes her head against him. She wants to tell him she's fine but her voice won't come out. Taehyung buries his face in the crook of her neck and wraps his arms around his waist, accidentally pressing himself even deeper inside of her and they both groan.
He places soft kisses in her neck and under her jaw as they both wait to calm down. Y/n's breathing is heavy as her body tries to accommodate his size.
Taehyung pants as he feels her clench around him. He softly sucks on the skin in the crook of her neck and places gentle kisses on her throat. 'You're doing so good Y/n. You're doing so good taking all of me.' She moans as he readjusts himself, and he leans down to kiss her, absorbing the sound. He pushes himself up slightly, to look at her face. 'Are you okay? Does it hurt?', he frowns, a combination of concern and concentration. She shakes her head wordlessly, eyes closed tight and lips pressed together.
He rubs her face with his thumb. 'Look at me.' She opens her eyes to stare up at him, her eyes are glazed over and tears are slowly forming, dripping down her cheeks. His frown deepens and he begins to get up, but she grabs his wrist. She shakes head, 'Keep going. It doesn't hurt.' He rubs her tears away with his thumb, 'You're crying..' She smiles at him shakily, 'Just. A lot. It feels good, I promise.'
He frowns again but nods. Then lifts her hand and kisses the inside of her wrist, then her face, kissing away her tears. 'Are you sure?' She nods, and he kisses her softly, before slowly pulling back a little, and pushing back in. They both moan and he let's his forehead rest on hers. He chuckles dryly, 'Maybe it's actually me who can't handle it.' Y/n smiles slightly and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him in closer.
Taehyung carefully starts moving his hips, pulling out a little and pushing back in slowly, still scared he might hurt her. She moans under him, and kisses his face when she sees his concerned expression. 'I won't break.' He closes his eyes for a moment, before slowly picking up the pace.
He brings back his arm to hook it behind her leg and push it to her chest. The new angle makes Y/n writhe under him as he continuesly hits her soft spot. Taehyung makes sure to not push his whole length in, still worried about her. Looking at her face however is making it more and more difficult for him to control himself and every time she moans or clenches around him, he unconsciously snaps his hips forward just a little bit harder.
Y/n's voice comes in a string of moans as she puts up one hand to press against the headboard behind her and one down to rub circles on her breast. Seeing her playing with herself, and moaning with his dick inside her, makes Taehyung groans deep in his chest. He leans back and takes her other leg, to also push that forward, giving him the perfect angle to slam down into her. Y/n gasps in surprise, which accidentally let's him go even deeper.
Taehyung curses, but his self control is gone and he can't keep himself from pushing his dick into her to the hilt. Y/n's eyes fall closed as tears stream down her face and nonsensical sounds spill from her lips. Taehyung groans as he looks down at where his length has completely disappeared inside her. 'God's Y/n, you're taking all of me.' He pulls out and slams his hips back against her, just to see her taking it all. 'You're so good for me. You're perfect.' He leans forward, pushing her legs further against her chest, her feet on his shoulders, and he presses even deeper. Y/n just moans deeply, her face completely fucked out, dazed.
Taehyung almost bares his teeth looking at her and pulls back to slam down into her again. Guttural moans spill from Y/n's lips as he pounds her into the mattress, both of her hands now pushing against the headboard. Taehyung can feel her walls clench around him as she starts getting closer and closer to her release.
He leans back and let's her legs of his shoulders, before reaching down and grabbing her hips, lifting them up. He slams himself back into her, the new position allowing him to pull her hips back against him, putting even more force behind his thrusts. Y/n cries out in his arms as his whole length is being slammed into her again and again. His tip hitting her womb every time he bottoms out.
Her face is a mess, with her makeup running down her face, her lipstick smeared, her eyes only half open, completely glazed over and a continuous string of senseless moans falling from her lips. Taehyung basically snarls at the sight and snaps his hips into hers even harder, till they're both almost at their breaking point.
When he can feel how close she is Taehyung leans down, covering her body with his own and puts his arms around her, keeping her still as he pounds into her. He angles his hips, so that with every thrust, he's rubbing up against her soft spot. He groans, trying to control himself at least long enough to make her come before him.
Y/n's moans are deep and guttural as he keeps slamming himself inside her, rubbing her insides and bruising her cervix. Suddenly her orgasm washes over her and she cries out as she wraps her arms around Taehyung's neck, pulling him completely against, and inside of her.
Taehyung moans into her shoulder as she clenches around him and digs her nails into his shoulders. He wants to keep fucking into her, but he knows that he shouldn't. Her body is trembling against him and he can feel her walls pulsing. It feels like her inside are basically sucking him in and he softly bites her shoulder, trying to restrain himself.
'Taehyung?', Y/n's voice is soft and a bit hoarse, and the sound of it destroys all of his resolve. He groans against her neck as he slams himself all the way back into her, pulling a gasp from her already exhausted throat. 'Sorry', he rasps against her skin, as he pounds into her over-sensitive pussy, deep and hard, making her cry out as she wraps her arms around him even tighter.
He groans as he feels himself get closer and closer, his thrusts becoming faster and more erratic. 'FUCK. Fuck Y/n. Can I come inside you?' She doesn't have the voice to respond and just nods against his shoulder as her nails dig into his back, the overstimulation slowly turning back into pleasure.
Taehyung curses as he angles his hips to hit her even deeper, their breathing growing louder and louder. With another deep thrust Y/n cries out against him, her voice breaking as he forces her through another orgasm. Her walls tightening also finally pushes Taehyung over the edge and with a few last hard thrusts he presses himself into her as deep as he can, before coming undone.
They stay like that for at least ten minutes, panting against each other's skin, their bodies pressed together, her walls stills pulsing around him. When his breathing has finally calmed down a bit, Taehyung moves to get up but Y/n wraps her legs around him and pulls him back. 'Stay like this for a bit, you're so warm...' Her eyes are closed and her whole body is trembling slightly from exhaustion. Taehyung smiles at her softly and presses gentle kisses to her face. He kisses her on her eyelids, her forehead, her nose, her lips, and finally also her neck and her shoulders. She moans softly and tiredly as he softly sucks on her skin. 'I wonder if I can still walk.' Taehyung chuckles against her skin, you've survived worse things. She groans. 'Have I?' He laughs and kisses her shoulder. 'Wait here, I'll get a towel.' He carefully lifts himself of of her. 'Nooo, it's colddd', Y/n cries out in protest, her eyes still closed, but lazily lifting one hand to pull him back. He smiles and takes her hand to kiss her fingertips. 'I'll be back in a second. I'll keep you warm the rest of the night.' Y/n just groans and turns onto her side, grabbing a pillow to hold against her chest. Taehyung chuckles and covers her with the blanket. 'I'll be right back.'
Once they're cleaned up Taehyung climbs into the bed and lays against her back, wrapping his arms around her. 'Are you okay?', he whispers into her hair. Y/n grumbles in his arms and snuggles closer to him. He smiles softly and presses a kiss to her head, before pulling her close to his chest and falling asleep too.
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tdalejandro · 7 months
Hey. Serious post. Trigger warning for sexualization of minors.
Yes. This is about Scepterno. Of course it's about Scepterno. I am not going to censor his name, because everyone should know what is going on with him.
He has responded to my post about him, where I said he was actively talking about Alenoah nsfw. I am going to respond to that.
Let's talk!
"i have seen the Posts and im laughing very hard HAHAH not only is Noah a fictional character, he is canonically 19 in the show. and is around my age. even if he werent.... i dont care. cuz he's fake. i can do whatever i want to him because hes not real. yall need to go outside and find some real problems to talk about. this is just plain sad !!!"
This is a serious issue. You want to know why? Because it has been proven multiple times that fiction DOES in fact affect reality. This is a very serious issue. The Total Drama Fandom has a lot of kids in it. Total Drama is a show for children. Children can find your very public blog, see you talking on public about alenoah nsfw, and they will normalize it. You wanna know how I know this? Because I've experienced this myself! Children stumble upon things that they're not supposed to see! You are coming into a space that is filled with minors, because this is a TV show for CHILDREN, and you are talking about these minors characters in a way that is messed up. I am scared for the minors that will see your post.
"PLEASE. guys. please. grow up. im begging you to stop worrying about the imaginary rights of FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. genuinely. for you own mental health. please find real issues to worry about in life. have fun. stop torturing yourself with drama that doesnt matter. at all. youre going to make fandom an absolutely miserable place if all you do is scream and tantrum over what other people do with what are essentially TOYS"
I am worried about the the fucking children. About the VERY REAL children. And you know what? "Stop torturing yourself with drama that doesnt matter." Then why even address it in the first place? If it doesn't matter, why make a long angry post about it? Fandom is supposed to be a fun place. Fandom is supposed to be where you go and talk about your favorite show and post little things that you think about the media. Me "screaming" and throwing a "tantrum" is because you are coming into this space and making it a nasty place to be. Minors are not safe with you in the space.
"you do not care about morality you care about getting attention and feeling more powerful by bringing others down."
Here's my take. People have immoral thoughts about things. That's part of being human. But when you act on said thoughts, and post about it on the internet on your very public blog where everyone can see when they look you up, and you don't even have it tagged or anywhere stated on your blog that you don't want minors following, that's the part that I am shaming. There is something wrong with you for you to post something like that, and not even try to hide it from minor's eyes. I care about the people in this fandom. I am trying to keep people safe from people like you.
And now, the tags.
"I draw [noah] short because size difference is sexy and noah has short king energy."
Height headcanons are fine. But the fact that you are brining size difference into this? A kink? Yes, you are an adult, I'm a fucking adult. We have things that we are into, but you bringing it into this space where children are, that's where the problem is. You are not tagging it, you are posting it on your very popular and public account, where I do not doubt for a second that minors follow you.
"I want you to really self reflect on why your so quick to see a gay man and call him a predator"
I am gay myself. I am not calling your a predator for you being gay. I NEVER FUCKING SAID THAT. I am calling you a creep for fucking talking about alenoah nsfw! I am calling you a creep for drawing nsfw of minors! I am calling you a creep for drawing incest art! Using this "It's because I'm gay" defense, it doesn't fucking make sense! No where have I ever said you're weird because you're gay. You are a fucking creep for talking about alenoah like that.
I am begging everyone to unfollow, block, and get this person off the platform. They are not welcomed here.
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