#this is kinda crazy i still shock myself to this day that i drew this
karvviie · 5 months
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somebody on instragram told me to draw um. errrm. uh. well. uh. um. uh… uh. well uh
[originally posted august 2022]
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bosskie · 5 months
Anatomy, Bones 'n' Sentimentality
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I been sketching some Molluck stuff but haven't posted them because been too busy or depressed for such since well, I just didn't know if these are worth posting but here they are. I'm also feeling better now, so better time for posting in this sense too.
These are from newest to oldest, so yeah, the first one, above, was just me trying to figure out Molluck's anatomy, yet again. There ain't just enough reference material for me to see his anatomy clearly... My sculpt isn't detailed enough to help me with some stuff, so gotta sculpt a more detailed model/sculpt, in 3D or from some clay.
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And yeah, speaking of anatomy, I wanted to try to draw Molluck's skull but since I ended up drawing it in the middle of paper, I drew some more bones to him. Yes, not everything here is his bones but I just felt like adding his brain and the structure holding it in place but also his ears. I'm not an anatomy specialist but I believe that his 'brain cage' consists of muscles and flexible tissue, and other stuff like that. I have wanted to draw his skull for a long time, like maybe even for two years, and now I did it! I also had an idea of drawing his facial muscles but frankly, I feel like I need to learn more about anatomy before doing that...
Oh, and yeah, his skeleton somehow reminded me of that cartoony electric shock effect, so I ended up drawing him getting hit by lightning... I don't know if it would have looked more brutal if they did such an effect in AO/NnT... At least we could have seen his actual skeleton! Maybe I draw his full skeleton one day. I'm not sure of how his teeth actually go, just cannot see them clearly enough, like how many molar teeth he got but about 4 pairs of them, both up and down. I personally love his teeth and enjoy drawing them!
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I have also said that I love Molluck's hands, so yeah, wanted to figure out his hand anatomy better. Looking at that reaching hand of his just makes me wanna grab his hand and hold it... Yeah, he got big hands compared to mine, though I'm not completely sure about the size difference but I bet that they are somewhat this big. His hands kinda look like feet too but hey, he walks on them! I took some reference/help/inspiration from some primate hands to figure out his palm since cannot see it well from the material I got...
I don't know if you find Molluck intimidating/scary, at least my mother has said that Molluck looks scary, and some other people... But I just somehow cannot get that vibe from him... Maybe if he was next to me since he is a head taller than me and his head is, well, big... But I don't know, he is so adorable and beautiful! Well, this is just how I see him... I have seen some people seeing him smiling being scary... But I only love to see him smiling!
Oh, and I have been reading some comments on Molluck stuff recently and found out that yeah, there do are people who would find me crazy because of my Molluck love, since one person's friends told them that they are crazy for thinking that Molluck is sexy... Actually, I must be insane in their opinion! Well, I don't care, just having fun. And I just cannot help that this Gluk has 'stolen' my heart... Locked tight to his vault! Just joking, I 'stole' his too.
But yeah, like I said, I'm starting to feel better now. If I just keep telling myself that I'll be nothing, well, I'll be nothing since I won't even try in that case... So, now I do see reasons to fight again or at least something pushes me to keep going. I still feel like I got a long road to get my stuff looking something 'professional' but I wanna keep going, try to achieve that level. Still don't know when I feel like I have achieved it since well, I don't personally see me having any special 'artistic talent', even I have heard since a childhood much compliments about my art and been even rewarded for my art; my art teacher in junior high school and high school (same person) really liked my stuff too and she rewarded me in both places when I was graduating. But still, I don't know why it's so difficult to see what the others see in my art... I don't even really like to call my stuff 'art' but creations but I guess that it relates my self-hatred since I don't really feel like my stuff is art... Well, I guess that this is something common among artists, not able to see own skills etc. Sometimes, I just feel like I cannot draw, like when I was drawing that first sketch, but I still just keep drawing until it looks alright. Man, art requires understanding a lot of things...
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dykexenomorph · 3 months
Regarding the ask game, you told me asp that you were in an info dump mood so i have a lot!!
3. What first drew you to this character? 5. If this character were a woman, would you honestly still like them? Or in reverse, what if they were a man? 7. Does the character’s age matter to you? 9. Does this character remind you of anyone you know? Does that affect how you see them? 13. If you could draw effortlessly and as much as you wanted, what scene (s) would you draw for this character? 27. Do you like to ship this character with other characters or do you prefer not to? 28. Do you get defensive about this character? If yes, then why? 43. What type of weather makes you think of this character?
For Nell (Hillhouse), Donna (Re8), and\or Minthara (bg3)!!!
OHH MY GOD UR MY HERO (gonna try to only do one chara per question just so this isnt CRAZY crazy long LOL)
3. What first drew you to this character? doing this for nell bc i have a very genuine answer for this, INITIALLY her character in the SHOW (bc i watched it before i read it somehow) really drew me in on account of her relationship w her siblings. sibling relationships ALWAYS get me in shows, but ESP if its doomed siblings. THEN i read the book and was shocked to my core to discover that (in the LEAST brainrotty/online/annoying way possible) she was genuinely exactly like myself at the time i read it. her thought processes and general way of treating/seeing others was identical to thought patterns and the personality i had at the time. it was genuinely a bit uncanny to read. now that ive grown a bit i feel we differ a bit more (im a little more confident now than i used to be, if nothing else), but the similarities are still there. it makes it hard not to have a large fondness for the book/her as a character.
5. If this character were a woman, would you honestly still like them? Or in reverse, what if they were a man? YES ABSOLUTELY for nell, possibly for donna, and absolutely not for minthara. cocky/evil men just dont do it for me im sorry LMAO
7. Does the character’s age matter to you? no for everybody but minthara. i get kinda crazy about donna's age bc i am a fiend for any lore i can get my hands on (and am just generally annoying about the small details for my hyperfixations as a whole), but the only person's age i ACTUALLY care about is minthara's. LET THAT WOMAN BE OLD!!!!!!!!
9. Does this character remind you of anyone you know? Does that affect how you see them? look at everything i said for nell and then guess my answer for this LMAO
13. If you could draw effortlessly and as much as you wanted, what scene (s) would you draw for this character? ONE DAY. WHEN IM BETTER AT DRAWING. I WILL TRY TO DRAW THE SCENE WHERE NELL FIRST EXPLORES HILL HOUSE AND LEANS HER HEAD OUT THE WINDOW IN THE STYLE THT ANGIE HOFFMEISTER DID FOR THE BOOK. ALSO THE "i have somehow earned this joy; i have been waiting for it for so long" SCENE. GOD. GOD. GOD.
27. Do you like to ship this character with other characters or do you prefer not to? i prefer not to for all of them really? i think nell and theo DEFINITELY had something homosexual going on in the book, but its not rlly like i ship them, its more of a background plot to me if that makes sense
28. Do you get defensive about this character? If yes, then why? YES FOR ALL OF THEM. nell and donna are just bc i feel like i have gone over the source material so many times and i've rlly done my best to analyze what's canon about them to make sure i know them rlly well, but minthara is just bc the fandom reduces her to be a lot more one-sided than she is and it annoys me
43. What type of weather makes you think of this character? DEFINITELY fall for nell, winter for donna, and probably fall for minthara as well? the only real/large one i have is nell and fall though.
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thekitteninlove · 3 years
I want to start with a disclaimer that applies to all my fanfics.
BDSM has always been seen in a bad light, and i want to clear some misunderstandings. Any impact play (spanking, whipping, etc) should always be consensual and never send you to the hospital or leave bruises. It is also highly recommended to only spank the thighs or butt because they have the most protective fat and muscle. You must understand that this is just a game, there's no 'beating' or anything like that and i don't want to encourage any sort of violence by this, which is why i'm saying this. It's hard to explain it. It's like in a movie when 2 people are fighting. To the observer it looks like they're harming each other, but irl they're just acting. It's just an act. The damage taken isn't anywhere as bad as it seems.
Want a scientific explanation? Here it is. When the butt, for example, is spanked it stimulates the skin’s nerve receptors and can trigger the release of feel-good endorphins and the neurotransmitter dopamine.
Okay, now, so i'm participating in the kinktober event, but i combined more kink prompts from @xxsycamore 's list. They are: temperature play, sensory deprivation and begging. From the dialogue list i did 25. “I’m going to fuck you until you can’t stay awake anymore. Maybe after that too.” At first i planned to only do day 30, but then i thought that temperature play would go well with sensory deprivation, so i wrote this. This takes place in Oliver's route, which i did last year, so i don't remember too much from it. It's when they try to escape from the Magic Tower only for Dalim and the other disciples to stop them midway. This is what would've happened if Oliver and the MC hadn't been able to escape from them.
Characters: Dalim Tweedle, Oliver appears only at the beginning
Warning: smut, bondage, sensory deprivation, temperature play, begging
Title: Dalim's doll
I was at a crossroads. Either I could just run away or become Dalim’s doll to save Oliver. I didn’t want to abandon Oliver because that’d be an awful thing to do, but I didn’t want to become that disciple’s plaything either. I didn’t even know him. But I couldn’t see any other way around it. There was a large group of magic disciples clad in black robes right in front of me who were like a pack of wolves ready to attack at any given moment. There was no way I could defeat them all by myself, so I chose what I thought was the best option at that time.
“Alright. I agree to become your doll, Dalim” I could see Oliver’s eyes widen in shock, while Dalim seemed quite pleased by my decision. “On the condition that you won’t harm Oliver in any way” I added hastily to remind him of the promise he made. Oliver tried to put on a fight, but since it was daytime he didn’t have much strength because he was in his child form, so in the end he was taken away by the disciples. I was left alone with Dalim, who seemed to be their leader since they all obeyed his orders. While I followed him through the forest back to the tower I mulled over the decision that I made. I believed it was the best choice, but I wasn’t so sure anymore. Who knows what he had in store for me? I started to get nervous as I walked through the dimply lit hallways of the tower. I was worried that they might want to use me in their crazy experiments, so at this point I began to rethink my choices. But before I could come up with any escape plan, Dalim stopped in front of a door and said “Since I tend to stay here more than the other disciples I was given this room to use it for resting”. Once he opened the door he invited me in. It wasn’t too small, but it wasn’t big either. It looked just like a bedroom, with one double bed in the right corner of the room and a nightstand besides it. On the left side of the room there was a closet and some bookshelves. I think there was also a window, but any light coming from it was blocked by a large drape with the symbol of the tower on it, so the room was, just like the hallway, dimly lit by some magic crystals embedded in the wall.
“This will be your new room. I hope you like it” I heard him say.
As I turned to him to ask him about his plans he pulled his hood off and I gasped in surprise. I recognized him. He was the barkeeper I met at a pub in the Central Quarter. Relief flooded me as I realized I at least haven’t given myself to a complete stranger and that Dalim wasn’t as bad as he seemed to be.
“You shouldn’t drop your guard around me, princess. You don’t know me as well as you think you do” he warned me, but that didn’t convince me that he was the villain he pretended to be. To begin with, I’ve talked with some of the girls that knew him and all said only good things about him. The only bad things I’ve heard people say about him was that he was a whore who stole their partners away from them.
“You say that, but I’ve heard about how well you treat the ladies, so it’s kinda hard to believe you’re that bad” as soon as I said that a grin spread over his face.
“Oh, so you won’t believe me? Don’t say I didn’t warn you” he said as he drew near me. “Ever since I first saw you in my tavern I wanted to touch you, to feel how smooth your skin was under my hands” his heated look along with his words made me realize how much he wanted me. “But that man stopped me and I had to hold back” as he said that he slowly made his way behind my back. “I’ve waited so long for a chance to make a move on you without being interrupted” he put his hands around me from behind. “And now I finally got you where I wanted”. I heard him say that in a low voice right next to my ear, which sent a tingling sensation down my spine. “You’re my doll now, so I’m going to play with you to my heart’s content”
I saw him bring a blindfold to my face and tie it up around my eyes. “This should make things a bit more interesting” I heard his voice come from behind me. I let out a yelp of surprise when I felt him lift me up in his arms. “Relax, my lady. As long as you’re being a good girl and listen to me I won’t do anything bad to you”. I then felt something soft under me as he put me down on what was most likely the bed. He brought my hands over my head and bound them to the bed with what I think were a pair of fluffy handcuffs before I felt the bed shift a little as he sat down next to me.
“Why are you tying me up?” I was a bit tense since I didn’t know what was he planning to do to me.
“I just don’t want my doll moving around too much while I play with her” his reply was a bit too vague for my liking, but I decided to just wait and see what his plans with me were. He didn’t sound like he wanted to divulge too much.
As he began to unbutton my shirt I felt a mix of excitement and anxiety form within me. “My Lord said he wanted to play with you too” I heard him say all of a sudden, “but I don’t share my dolls, so I convinced him to find another toy” his words brought me some relief. I didn’t want to experience real torture. As if he knew what I was feeling he continued saying “So don’t worry, princess, I won’t let anyone else lay even a finger on you.” His face must’ve been quite close to my neck because I could feel him breathe on it. “You’re mine now” I heard him say before he pressed his lips against my neck, eliciting a soft sigh from me. Since I was blindfolded and couldn’t use one of my senses, the other senses were heightened, so every touch and kiss I felt on my body was more gratifying than usual and I soon started wanting more. I knew I wasn’t supposed to feel this way towards my enemy, but I couldn’t help it. I wanted him. So much. And he seemed to want me just as much because his hands were hungrily roaming my body, leaving a trail of warmth in their wake. “Ah, I finally got my hands on you, princess, and I won’t let you go.” His words were filled with desire. “I doubt you can even imagine how much I’ve been craving you all this time” He paused to place another kiss on my neck. “but I can give you a hint”. He pressed his hips against mine so I could feel how hard he was for me even through our clothes and I let out a sigh of pleasure as he began rubbing against me. Knowing that he desired me so much was quite arousing and being bound and unable to do anything but submit to him and let him do whatever his dirty mind came up with was even more arousing. I was enjoying this too much, but I couldn’t stop myself from feeling like this either.
The way he was touching me and his movements were driving me crazy. I was supposed to hate my enemy, yet here I was… craving him.
“I can tell that you’re enjoying this, my lady, but I still want you to say it. I want to hear you beg for it”
Dammit, I didn’t want him to know how much of an effect he had on me, but now that he knows… no, I won’t give him the satisfaction of hearing me beg. Why should i?
There was a moment of silence while he waited for me to say something, but when he realized that I wasn’t going to say anything he said in an almost amused voice “Hmm, so you don’t want to do that? Fine then, I can just play with you until you do”
Play!? But I’m in no mood for playing right now! Is what I wanted to say, but I knew he wouldn’t listen, so I kept silent
His hands kept sliding over my body, gradually warming me up. “Your skin is so soft, I can’t keep my hands off you” there was a brief pause before he added “Actually, I think you got too warm. I need to cool you off. Luckily, I have some cold water with some ice cubes in it nearby, so I’ll use that”
I felt him move on the bed to get the glass of water. I gasped when I felt a few drops of cold water land on my neck. “Uh-oh, was that too cold? I’ll warm you back up a bit then” I then felt something warm and wet on my neck as he ran his tongue on my cooled off skin, making me sigh contentedly. He kept playing with my senses like this for a while, pouring a few drops of cold water on me, then warming me with his mouth. Sometimes he’d blow some warm air on me to tease me before using his tongue to stir the fire within me. Once he got rid of my clothes I felt too exposed, so I wanted to cover myself with something, but since my hands were cuffed all I could do was close my legs
“Oh, you’re feeling bashful now, my lady?” I heard Dalim’s mischievous voice come from above me, while he managed to slip one hand between my legs and rub his fingers over my entrance. “But you’re so hot over here, don’t you want me to pour some cold water over this hot mess?”
The way he moved his hand over that spot was so arousing I unintentionally let out a moan.
“Come on, princess, I know you want to”. He used both of his hands to spread my legs and I didn’t put up much of a resistance. As soon as he did that I felt a few drops of cold liquid run down my pussy.
“If you’re a bad girl and don’t stay still I’ll have to use the rope to tie you up until you won’t be able to move even an inch, so you better stay like this” there was a warning tone in his voice that had a strange effect on me. Instead of making me afraid of him, it made me even more aroused.
After he poured some cold water on me, he pressed against that area what was most likely the tip of his cock, then he rubbed the length of it over it. “Do you feel how much I want you?” his voice was quite husky now. “I can hardly hold myself back from going all out on you, but I want to hear you beg for it”
He kept rubbing himself against me, stopping only to pour some cold water on my sweet spot before resuming what he was doing. I didn’t want to yield to him, but I was about to reach my limit and there was no way I could escape from this difficult situation I put myself in. His movements made me so hot and wet for him I couldn’t contain myself any longer and said “Ravish me already”. I made a sound of surprise when I felt a sting on my butt as he spanked me.
“That can’t even be called begging” he sounded slightly annoyed, but not too much. “I said beg”
Dammit, fine then.He made me crave him so much that I finally gave in to him and said “please fuck me. I need to feel you inside me”
“Yes, you finally said it” He seemed quite satisfied by this as he pushed himself inside me, eliciting a sound of delight from me. As he began moving I heard him say in a low voice “Oh, it feels so good… mmmh, I’m going to completely lose my control”
I could tell he was trying to control his movements, but after a while he lost it as he began going faster at an erratic pace. Seeing that his desire for me was so strong he’d lose control made me even more aroused. I hoped the others weren’t able to hear us, but with how loud I was moaning, I doubted that they couldn’t hear it. I don’t think he’s supposed to do such things in his workplace, but then again he’s in a high position, so maybe he tends to get off scot-free for doing such things.
Waves of delightful sensations coursed through me as he went all out on me and I tightly gripped the bed frame to which I was cuffed. His hands were on my hips making sure I was staying as still as possible. I couldn’t see anything since I had the blindfold on, so my mind was focused on the naughty things he was doing to me. The pleasure had been quickly building up inside me until it reached its peak intensity as I came under him.
After he calmed down a bit he took off my blindfold laid right next to me. Since I couldn’t move much because of the handcuffs I just turned my head towards him to see his beautiful dark grey eyes staring intently at me. We were still breathing hard after that passionate love making session and I was still trying to regain my composure.
Dalim broke the silence when he asked “Why did you sacrifice yourself to save that man? Is he that important to you?”
Sacrifice myself? Oh, he must be talking about how I offered myself to be his doll in exchange for Oliver’s safety. That man better thank me. “Well, he’s just a friend, but I just couldn’t bring myself to leave him there, in the hands of the bad guys. If something bad were to happen to him because I ran away it’d be partly my fault”
Dalim sounded a bit confused as he said “That can’t be. The blame would only fall on the ones who do the deed, not on anyone else”
“You’ve got a point, but… what I’d be thinking is ‘if only I’d stayed there and negotiated somehow then this wouldn’t have happened’. You know what I mean?”
“I guess. I still think you shouldn’t feel guilty about that though”
He didn’t seem to get it, but that didn’t matter. His hands were back on my body before he said “I can see you care about him more than I would like you to and it makes me jealous”
More than he’d like me to? What does he mean by that? I wondered, but I didn’t have time to think about the answer because my mind got distracted when he moved his hips back on mine.
“Ready for round two, my lady?”
“Huh? Already?”
He gave me a grin and said “You’re my doll now, remember? I’m going to use your body for my own pleasure just like I would with a sex doll. So I’m going to fuck you until you can’t stay awake anymore. Maybe after that too.”
He began moving again and all I could do was moan at how good he was making me feel. He kept doing naughty things to me for hours until it was time for him to report to his lord. Then he made sure I had everything I needed, which was quite thoughtful of him, before heading off to do his job. I was quite tired after all the things he did to me, so I quickly fell asleep after he left, feeling relieved that the deal I made with him didn’t turn out to be as bad as I thought it’d be.
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buoyantsaturn · 4 years
So Come On, Talk it Out (your voice brought me back from the dead) (1/1)
summary: A relaxing date between Nico and Will the spring before Tower of Nero.
word count: 2616
read on ao3
The air was finally warming up late that spring. The snow had all melted a few weeks back, but it had still been too cold to stay outside for more than an hour or two. It definitely hadn’t been warm enough for a pseudo-picnic under the shade of a tree, but now it finally was. And it would probably be their only chance to do so before summer rolled in and brought a hundred kids back to camp. 
Nico had kicked off his shoes and socks before laying his head down in Will’s lap as the son of Apollo sat upright against the trunk of the tree. Nico planted his feet firmly in the grass, and Will cringed at the sight. 
“You’re just going to stick your feet in the grass like that?” he asked.
Nico shrugged as best he could in his current position. “Yeah, so what? It makes me feel more...grounded, more connected to everything.” 
Will snorted. “Yeah, connected to feeling like you’ve got bugs crawling over your feet.” 
“That doesn’t even make sense.” 
Will poked him in the forehead. “You don’t make sense.” Nico snatched Will’s hand away and brought it toward his mouth, biting down gently on the side of Will’s hand before Will could rip it away. “Hey! I thought we agreed on a nice, relaxing date! Relaxing does not include biting.”
Nico reached up and squished the tip of Will’s nose down with a single finger. “No, you agreed on a relaxing date. I already took you on one last week.” 
Will scoffed, and swatted at Nico’s hand. “Almost dropping me in a vat of Cheez Whiz in Venezuela is not relaxing! And I ran out of KitKats, so you couldn’t even get your energy up enough to bring us back here!” 
A smile started to creep its way onto Nico’s face, and he started to brush his fingers across Will’s cheek. “I still can’t believe you committed a crime for me.” 
“Well, what was I supposed to do?” Will demanded, waving his arms frantically. “They wouldn’t accept my drachmas and didn’t speak English, and you--! You couldn’t even open your eyes long enough to see where we were! What was I supposed to do, not steal a few KitKats?”
Nico’s smile was full blown as he gazed up at Will with hearts in his eyes. “So you agree: best date ever, and I win.” 
Will started to laugh - a little bit in shock that Nico would even think that, but also finding it hard not to crack up at the absurdity of their conversation. What other fifteen year old had ever stolen KitKats from some shop in Venezuela to restore his significant other’s magic powers so that they could teleport back home? He almost sounded crazy!
“No,” Will told him, still laughing. “Not the best date ever! And definitely not relaxing! I wanted to, like, sit together like this, and maybe share some snacks and play twenty questions. Not run from cops in Venezuela.”
Nico’s nose scrunched up - something Will had recently learned his did when he was confused - and Will wanted to kiss the wrinkles away. “Why would we play twenty questions?”
“To get to know each other. Duh.” 
Nico tipped his head back and met Will’s eyes, frowning slightly. “Do we...not already know each other?” 
“Well, we do,” Will replied, his head tipping to the side, “but not everything. I don’t even know your middle name.” 
“Yeah, so? I don’t know yours either.” 
Will grinned. “And that’s why we play! Tell me your middle name.” 
Nico rolled his eyes, but answered, “Vincenzo.” 
Will hummed. “Nico Vincenzo di Angelo… I know you’re Italian, Death Boy, but that’s a lot of o’s.”
Nico pursed his lips and turned his head away, gazing out toward the lake. After a moment, he said, “Actually it’s… Niccolo Vincenzo di Angelo.” 
“Your name is Niccolo? That’s so cute!” Will repeated the name to himself a few times in his head, and then gasped. “Like piccolo! Oh my gods, Nico, can I call you piccolo?” 
Nico leveled him with a glare so strong that it could’ve made flowers wilt on the spot, but Will didn’t so much as flinch. “Absolutely not.” 
Will lifted a hand and started to brush his fingers through Nico’s hair. He leaned into the touch, despite how angry he was pretending to be. “Okay, so only in private, then.” 
“No! Never!” 
Will simply continued to smile down at him, carding his fingers through Nico’s hair and gently releasing tangles in the curls. He wondered if Nico’s hair would curl up even more if it was shorter, but they’d both gotten fond of the length. “It’s your turn to ask,” Will reminded him softly after a few short moments of silence. 
Nico crossed his arms with a huff, and looked away again - though only with his eyes this time, as though not to dislodge Will’s hand from his head. “Same question.” 
Will hesitated. “Can you call me piccolo?”
At least Will’s brief moment of stupidity brought a smile back to Nico’s face. “No, your middle name.” 
“Oh! It’s Andrew. William Andrew Solace.” 
Nico repeated the name, whispering it to himself, and Will felt his heart skip a beat at the sound. Then, Nico’s hand searched out Will’s - the one that wasn’t twirling curls around his fingers - and laced their fingers together. He met Will’s eyes as he said, “William Andrew Solace, I want you to know that if you ever betray me, I will use your full name to embarrass you as payback.” 
Will’s smile only brightened. “Why would I ever betray you?” 
Nico shrugged again. “You might not even realize it when it happens. I’m not talking about any big stakes. I mean, like… Like if Sherman’s on the lava course, and you don’t tell me so I can avenge my loss against him. That’s a betrayal.” 
“You really are kind of a sore loser, huh.” 
“I am not!”
Will nodded. “Uh huh. Okay, Piccolo.” 
Nico ripped his hand out of Will’s and used it to smack at his arm. “Shut up!”
With his hand now free, Will was able to reach into the backpack he’d brought with him, and pulled out a clementine. He took away his other hand, causing Nico to sigh in disappointment, though Will didn’t tease him for it. If the sudden blush on his face was anything to go by, then Nico hadn’t intended to make a sound at all. Will laid one arm across Nico’s chest, the other held over Nico’s head as he reached around him to peel the clementine. 
“Where was the first place you shadow traveled to?” Will asked. 
Nico paused to think, one of his hands coming up almost subconsciously to curl his fingers around Will’s arm. “Uh, China, I think? I don’t really remember. I kinda...jumped, and then immediately passed out. I think Minos said I was out for, like, three days, and then I just jumped back.” 
“You went all the way to China? And you didn’t bring any KitKats?” 
Nico pinched his arm. “We just learned about the KitKat thing a month ago, Will. Whatever. Um, did you have any pets before you came to camp?” 
Will grinned at the change of subject. “I did! I had a golden retriever, and her name was Sandy.” He dropped the clementine peel into the grass and broke the fruit into pieces. He took one small piece and held it out for Nico.
“No thanks,” Nico told him.
“You haven’t eaten since yesterday,” Will reminded him.
“I went without eating for a week when I was in that jar.” 
“Yeah, and I wish you would stop reminding me of that, because it just makes me want to feed you even more. So, open up!” 
Nico rolled his eyes, but allowed his mouth to drop open so that Will could feed him the slice of clementine. Nico’s face scrunched up as he chewed. “It’s kinda sour.” 
Will ate his own slice, and shrugged. “Not really. You just haven’t eaten a fruit in over a year and forgot what it’s supposed to taste like.”
“Uh, pomegranates are fruit, and I--”
“Ate those in the jar, I know,” Will cut in, “but you were in a trance and probably didn’t even taste them, so that doesn’t count.” 
Nico huffed. “Whatever.” Still, he opened his mouth when Will placed another slice of clementine at his lips. 
“Have you ever thought about getting a tattoo?” Will asked.
Nico shook his head, gently rolling it back and forth over Will’s thigh. “Nah, I’ve been stabbed with a knife before and that wasn’t great, so I don’t think I need to get stabbed with a thousand tiny needles. Why, have you?” 
Will frowned. “Okay, we’re going to circle back to that later, but yes, I have.”
“What were you thinking of getting?” 
Will moved the few remaining clementine pieces into one hand, and placed the other on Nico’s chest. He drew a circle with his finger directly over Nico’s heart and said, “Right here, I want to get a sun.” 
“Why’s that? Are you afraid people won’t think you’re sunshiney enough because of the...everything about you?” 
Will flicked him in the chest, right in the center of the circle he’d drawn. He smiled as he lifted his gaze out toward the lake - he was worried about something, Nico could tell that much just by looking at him.
“I’ve been thinking about my dad a lot recently,” Will started, his voice hushed as though he was sharing a secret. “I haven’t heard from him in so long and I’m...worried about what’s going to happen if he doesn’t make it. I’m worried about the state of the world, first and foremost, don’t get me wrong, but… What about me? Do I lose everything? Will I still be able to heal? Or use any of my other powers?” 
He dropped his gaze again, eyes focused on the spot on Nico’s chest where his fingers had started to circle again. “So I want that tattoo as, like, a way to remember him, and a way to remember that part of myself, just in case things don’t go as planned.” 
Nico covered Will’s hand with his own, and brought it up to his lips so that he could press a kiss to his knuckles. “Whatever happens, you’ll always be my sunshine.” 
Will smiled at him sweetly and said, “Who are you, and what have you done with my significant annoyance?”
Nico huffed and threw Will’s hand away. “Way to ruin the moment.” 
“Just ask me another question, would you?” Will asked, and popped another piece of clementine into his mouth. There was just one left - he’d give it to Nico.
“It’s not my turn,” Nico told him.
“Oh, yeah.” Will fed him the clementine and tipped his head back against the tree as he thought. “What’s your favorite movie?” 
“I dunno, I don’t watch a lot of movies,” Nico replied. “I don’t really have the attention span for that, so I haven’t seen...any?” 
Will’s jaw dropped. “You haven’t seen Star Wars?”
Nico hesitated. “Uh, no? I think Percy said I didn’t need to see it anyway, because there’s apparently some other Star-something movies that are better.” 
“Star Trek?” Will shrieked. “Absolutely not! The Apollo cabin is a Star Wars family, and I will not stand for this kind of slander. For our next date, we’re watching the original trilogy.” 
“Woah, hang on a second!” Nico held up his thumb between them. “First of all, I get to pick our next date.” He raised his index finger. “Second, I just said I can’t even sit through one movie, and you want me to watch three? I don’t think so.” He added his middle finger. “And third-- Uh, no actually, I don’t think I have a third point.” 
“Okay, then two dates from now, we’ll watch Episode Four, and then another two dates later, we’ll watch Episode Five--”
“Why wouldn’t we start with the first episode?” Nico asked. “Wait, and I thought these were movies. Actually, no, never mind. Whatever, as long as it makes you happy.” 
Will smiled. “It will.” 
“So, I assume that’s your favorite movie.” 
Will hummed an affirmative. He started to stroke Nico’s hair once again, and Nico’s eyes slipped shut at the feeling. “You gotta ask me another question,” Will whispered. 
Nico cracked one eye open. “I just did.” 
“That wasn’t a question, it was an assumption. And besides, I can’t think of another one, so you go.” 
Nico rolled his eyes. “Oh, like I can? This game was your idea, Solace.” He let his eyes fall shut again, though there was a tiny wrinkle between his brows that let Will know he was trying to think. “What other powers do you have?”
Will tapped his fingers against Nico’s skull a few times, and then resumed playing with his hair. “Well, you know about the healing, and my sonic whistle. And, uh, I don’t know if this is a power, really, but I’m good at calming people down. And I can, um.” He cleared his throat, and Nico opened his eyes to see that Will was looking everywhere and anywhere that wasn’t at Nico. “Glow. So what other powers do you have?” 
Nico sat up instantly. “Hang on, did you just say you can glow?” He turned to face Will, clutching his hands in his own and demanding, “Show me!” 
Will’s cheeks were turning pink, and he still wouldn’t meet Nico’s eyes. “It’s-- I can’t, it’s too bright out here, so you wouldn’t be able to see it anyway, and… I dunno, it’s embarrassing.” 
“No way, it’s not embarrassing, it’s cool. Just show me!” 
Will sighed, and his eyes flickered up to meet Nico’s for just a second before he looked away again. “Fine, but only for a second. Can you try to make it a bit darker? It’ll show up better that way.” 
Nico released Will’s hands and dropped his own to the ground. The shadow of the tree they sat under stretched and darkened, and the air around them grew cold enough that Nico wished he had a jacket. Will started to take off his flannel shirt, and Nico was half-tempted to reach out for it and put it on himself when he saw Will hold out his arms and close his eyes. A moment later, his skin turned from bronze to gold, each of his freckles acting as little flashlights to let the light escape from beneath Will’s skin.
Nico grinned. “That’s so cool!” 
Will let the glow fade, and he pulled his flannel back on as Nico released his hold on the shadow. “It’s really nothing special,” Will muttered.
“Yes it is!” Nico insisted, waving his arms around for emphasis. “I have my own personal glow-in-the-dark boyfriend!” 
Will’s head snapped up, his eyes locking on Nico’s as his jaw dropped open again. “Did you… Did you just say boyfriend?”
Nico’s cheeks had developed a bit of their own blush, but he refused to look away. “I… Yeah, I did. Is that okay?” 
Will beamed, reaching out for one of Nico’s hands to lace their fingers together. “That’s so okay. That’s more than okay! Does that mean I can start calling you my boyfriend now, too?”
Nico let a smile creep onto his lips. “Nah, you’re my boyfriend, but I’m still your significant annoyance.” 
Will rolled his eyes, but nothing would be able to take that smile off his face. He tugged on Nico’s hand to pull him close and press a kiss to his cheek. “You got that right.” 
thanks for reading!!
buy me a coffee | come talk to me if you need a distraction!
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sunnysviolin · 4 years
Kel and Aubrey going around interacting with people to learn about the different cultures everywhere as they travel, wearing cultural outfits, participating in cultural activities, just having an overall good time...
Would they be good at any cultural dances? Since they're traveling to Spain first, I can just imagine Aubrey in a flamenco dress with Kel as they just dance together and enjoy themselves (or maybe Kel wearing the dress- or maybe both of them wearing dresses-)
...I kinda wanna draw them dancing around together now.
-from a videogame-world traveling anon
nonnie.....nonnie wait....if you drew something we created together I would be SO EMO WAIT!!! No oh my god like my brain literally just exploded like art?? ART??? I wanna be able to draw so bad...but I can’t I just gotta continue on w my lil writing bits....here take some more writing bits nonnie
*Singing to myself* This got lonnng againnnn I’m putting itttt under a readdd moreeeee
Kel’s parents are....less than pleased to find out their son isn’t directly going to college like Hero did, and they make that known. 
They don’t approve of his choice to take at least one gap year. They don’t approve of him not continuing his education. They don’t approve of him throwing away his life for that bad girl that spent so many years terrorizing him. Even two years after changing her ways, Aubrey is still regarded as a nuisance among the town old timers. Kel’s parents tell him plainly that they don’t approve of Aubrey, and they won’t be changing their mind. 
Which leads to Kel having a minor breakdown and finally admitting what he’s known his whole life- that he will never be good enough to measure up to Hero, and he’s finally tired of trying to be someone he’s not. He isn’t Hero and he never will be, but for once he wants being Kel to be good enough. 
Seeing their bright positive middle child finally crack under the weight they’ve been unintentionally laying on him is...it’s painful. Kel’s parents never meant to make it a competition between their sons, they just wanted what was best for both of them. 
Having Kel sobbing at their dining room table at 3:00 am on the night of his high school graduation teaches them that they might not know what’s best for Kel after all. 
So...yeah the talk the morning after that is filled with a lot of awkward pausing. Kel isn’t used to sharing his true feelings, and he isn’t used to exposing anything other than cheerful hope. Ultimately they come to an agreement. Kel can go with Aubrey, follow her and his heart on their crazy plan, but he has to spend the year before they leave working and earning and not just hanging around the house
That was Kel’s plan anyway, so he’s ecstatic. He calls Aubrey immediately after, and she comes over so they can plan things out together
That year before they leave is definitely not easy. They’re working multiple retail and menial labor jobs, spending 12-15 hours a day on their feet in steamy kitchens, being screamed at by rude customers, and delivering so. many. pizzas. 
At some point in that year Aubrey and her mother have the inevitable fight that has been coming her whole life, and her mother kicks her out. Aubrey shows up in the middle of the night with her things next to her. Kel’s mother welcomes her inside and gets her a cup of tea. Kel wakes up and comes downstairs the next day to see his partner curled up asleep on the couch under a blanket his mother had just finished knitting
His mother doesn’t explain anything (”It’s her story dear not mine”) but after Aubrey comes to stay with them his parents warm to her quickly. Aubrey and Kel are allowed to share the room that Hero and he once shared, but they’re adamant that the beds stay on opposite sides
((He and Aubrey fit cramped but happy into his twin bed every night, but she always wakes up early to switch beds in order to be respectful to his parents wishes)) 
Soon enough its the afternoon before their journey is beginning (They decided to redeye to Sevilla). They have hostel confirmation numbers for a dozen different European countries, a thick binder of plans and itineraries, and a joint account that has a surprising amount of money in it. 
Turns out working 15 hours a day, taking only your eight paid vacation days, and having all of your dates be creative free dates in the five hours a week you both have off together means that you are able to acquire quite the nest egg. Kel’s parents sit them down at the dining room table, and his father is shocked to see how this year has shaped Kel. 
It’s a strange thing to see your son as an adult for the first time. It didn’t feel strange when it was Hero, he always expected it from Hero. Seeing it in Kel rocked him. 
They drive the two young adults (calling them kids now feels...wrong) to the airport and make them promise to call and write daily. 
There’s an undeniable energy and excitement as they board the plane. He and Aubrey breathe an audible sigh of relief. They shouldn’t, but they sleep on the plane. After a year of running, they’ve earned it
Aubrey planned for everything, so she planned that they would need at least two days to recover when they finally got to Spain. The first two days are spent in a combo of sleeping and eating fantastic food and finally being able to spend a full night in bed together instea of sneaking unsuccessfully around Kel’s parents. 
She splurged and got them a private room at their first hostel in Sevilla. It was more expensive, but ultimately so very very worth it. 
But day three is when they start to explore. They finally venture off of the block around their hostel and began to deep dive into the tiny back paths of the city. They meet a nice handful of locals who invite them to breakfast the next morning (Kel’s spanish speaking skills are undeniably useful to them in this moment) 
And that night...that night is the beginning of the wish fulfillment she’s waited for since she was five years old. A flamenco lesson that promises an authentic experience, real outfits, and a party for all involved at the end. Aubrey was frugal with accomodations, but she spared no expense when it came to the experiences. Especially this one. 
Flamenco is traditionally a single dance with one woman, but she asked and Kel is allowed to come if he likes. The instructor in charge recognizes Aubrey from her call, and drags Kel over to where another man sits with a guitar. He and the man begin to converse in Spanish, and Kel seems to be rapidly making plans. He’s fine with only watching for tonight, this is her dream
Aubrey is thrust into a room with a bunch of other tourists, even a few from her own state, and a gaggle of women who work at the studio. They show her a row of gorgeous traditional dresses, an overwhelming rainbow of frills and explosions of color. 
Aubrey has let her hair go back to it’s natural color by this point, and her long dark locks catch the eye of one of the instructors who pulls her over to a corner of the rack of dresses. The instructor winks at her and pulls out a dress. It’s perfect. 
Kel is also having a fantastic time. He and the guitar player who’s name is Raphael are discussing guitar playing. Raphael wants to teach Kel to play himself so “He can play for his lady when she wants to dance for him again” 
All conversation stops when Aubrey walks out. 
The others are dolled up as well, but Kel only has eyes for his girl. Her dress is black, hugging to her waist and her body. As the ruffles of the dress begin on her arms and her legs, the dress goes from black to a striking bright red. Around her wrists and on her neck is bright gold jewlery, gleaming against her skin. 
Aubrey’s dark hair is wrapped up in a bun with a series of pink to red carnations following the curve of her hair. Her lips are tinged with maroon lipstick. 
Kel is left speechless. Aubrey asks him something and Kel just has to nod and try to catch his breath. The rest of the group giggle at their antics, and Aubrey rolls her eyes at him. She presses a kiss to his cheek, maroon imprint left in its wake, and then she is over with the other girls in front of the instructor. 
Raphael begins to play at the instructors insistence
The dance lesson is fun. Even just watching Kel has fun. Aubrey normally has a hardness in her eyes, a tightness in her shoulders as if she’s always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Within minutes of the instructors careful praise and guidance Aubrey is loose and even giggling. Kel hasn’t heard a sound like that from her since they were children. 
At the end the group performs the dance all together to a raucuous applause form Kel, Raphael, and the instructor. Then they all go to the patio behind the studio which has been decked out in warm golden lanterns with a table of food prepared. 
Raphael begins to play again and the others mingle close to the food. Aubrey takes Kels hand and they go to a separate corner of the dance floor. They don’t dance in any particular way, just holding one another and rocking to the melody. Her hair has begun to come out of it’s tight bun, but her eyes are bright with happiness and she can’t manage to stop smiling
That night under the glow of the lanterns is the night they first say they love each other. It was a given, they already knew it, but those words are saccharine sweet against their lips as Kel holds Aubrey close to him and they spin while the music plays. 
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vanillann · 4 years
the story of last october (peter parker x reader)
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ahh thank you for the peter parker request, i love writing for him!!
word count: 2.0k
october 1st, current day
“Happy October First!”
I jumped from where I stood looking for my books, turning around to find an overly excited Peter Parker standing behind me with his goofy smile.
“Don’t scare me like that Parker,” I lightly punched his shoulder, smiling at him while I turned back to look through my locker. I saw him lean against the locker beside mine, feeling him tug on the end of my sweater lightly.
“Sorry just excited it’s October,” he spoke softly, his eyes watching me burn into the side of my head.
“Why? I thought you were more of a Christmas guy?” I pulled my Physics book that I had been searching for from my locker, pleased as I stuffed it in my already heavy bag.
“Don’t get me wrong, I love Christmas-” without a word he took my bag from my hand, throwing it over his shoulder with ease and I was pleased with his spider skills for I didn’t want to carry that all the way to Peter apartment.
“-but October has a special place in my heart.”
I smiled, following him out the door of Midtown as the crisp air fanned over my face.
“Why is that Parker?”
“Because we fell in love in October,” he shrugged, his smile breathtaking as he took the steps down the front of the school two at a time.
I smiled to myself, letting the chaos of Peter asking me out last October flood my senses.
october 25th, last year
“Did you hear Flash is throwing a Halloween party tonight?”
I nodded as Ned spoke, completely zoned out by the giant C scribble on-top my Computer Science paper.
“Yeah I had that weird invitation stuff in my locker,” MJ voice spoke this time but I was too into my paper that I couldn’t pay attention to what anyone was saying barely.
“Well maybe we should go, I have this awesome costume I wanna show off,” I think Ned spoke again, at least the verbiage sounded like Ned.
We finally all pushed through the doors of the school as we made our way to a pizza shop we normally all sat at after school for some time to ourselves. I felt two hands grab my shoulders, helping down the stairs as my eyes were trained on the paper.
“You know, a C isn’t the end of the world,” Peter whispered. It was too close to my ear for me not to get butterflies.
“Say you,” I spoke mostly to myself, still upset over the C no matter how close Peter was to me at the moment.
“Yes, says me,” I watched the paper vanish from my hands, my mouth falling open as I turned to Peter and reached for it. He was quick. dodging my hands as I jumped for it.
I felt like a little kid begging for a toy, pouting as I jumped for the paper but he easily moved it again, causing my chest to collide with his own.
“Nope, you need to stop freaking out over a C.”
I let a breath out, looking up to a red-cheeked Peter before turning around and catching up with MJ and Ned.
“I can’t stand you, Parker,” I muttered as he jogged to my side, a little smile as he shoved the paper in his book bag.
“Anyways, you both are coming to the party?” Ned skipped slightly, giving those puppy eyes that nobody could say no to.
“Sure,” Peter shrugged, unbothered by the thought.
“I don’t know, I probably need to-”
“If you say study I’ll drag you from your window to this party.”
“Jokes on you, I live on the 10th floor,” I smiled, doing a quick jog to grab the door of the pizza shop for the rest of the group. I waited to see if he’d slip up, tell me something I already knew but he didn’t.
“Trust me, I’ll still do it,” he walked through the door, taking a seat at a random table as MJ and Ned talked to each other about something that made Ned giggle.
“You both fight like you're in a five-year relationship,” MJ commented as I joined the group at the booth. I closed my eyes out of embarrassment, sacred I might be blowing my cover right now.
“(Y/N), you’re coming to the party?”
I looked to Peter who played with his fingers while his eyes were trained on the red glossy table of the pizza shop.
“Fine, I’ll go.”
The day felt as if it faded away as I placed the old cowboy hat on my head and began my subway ride to Flash house. The old costume was a group costume between Peter, Ned, and I last year but I didn’t care if I’d worn it before.
I was gonna go for five minutes, maybe ten, and head home to study for Computer Science. I regretted even coming when I was the crazy lights flashing outside the house. I could hear the music loud and I felt the headache forming already.
“I can’t stand you, Parker,” I spoke into the air, pushing open the door to the party. Thankful Flash wasn’t at the door so I didn’t have to deal with that first thing.
“(Y/N),” I turned at the call of my name, MJ standing not far from the door giving me a light smile. She wore a white shirt that read “Error 404″ and a pair of her everyday jeans.
“Well isn’t this last minute,” I smiled as I joined her side, looking into her red cup to see a clear liquid.
“Eh, I think it’s kinda funny,” MJ shrugged, smiling at me before her eyes drifted to the door that I had just walked in. His shoulder crashed into mine, her finger-pointing. I stopped picking around the grapes on the table to see whatever she was pointing at.
I looked, my jaw hung open as I looked at Peter and Ned's costume. Ned wore an almost exact replica of Spider-Man suit, a proud smile on his face as he made it over to us. I wondered if Ned knew of Peter's little secret but I didn’t let the thought consume me as I took in Peter. Peter on the other hand wore the cowboy costume for last year, his jaw hung open as he looked me up and down in the same costume.
“You read my mind Parker,” I laughed as he made his way over to me, smiling at me with his arm held out for me.
“I thought you were more creative than this.”
I chucked, giving him a tight hug as he wrapped his arms around my back.
“Oh god, I didn’t know you were both together.”
I slightly drew back from Peter, looking at Flash who was pointing at Peter and I with a crazy smile. Peter and I both frown, opening our mouth to speak but it was too late.
“Hey everybody, Parker dating (L/N)!”
His voice echoed off the walls of the large house, I was shocked his voice could be so much louder than the music but it managed to get over half the people's eyes on us. I felt myself drawback more, suddenly insecure of everyone watching Peter and I.
“Flash, no-”
“You have a couple costume and everything,” he walked closer to me and tapped the hat that sat on my head with a little “yeehaw” falling from his lips.
“Flash- '' Peter was cut off by Flash shushing him, giving a little smile before patting his shoulder and leaving to join the rest of the party. I felt my jaw drop, looking over my shoulder at Ned and MJ who found this whole thing funny.
“I- we aren’t-”
I was so glad for the flashing light so Peter couldn’t see my embarrassed face as clear as I looked around the party.
I looked at him wide-eyed, hoping this was a prank or he would say something that would make this less embarrassing. He only shrugged, looking around the party before his lips were beside my ear whispering.
“I think everyone has already forgotten.”
I nodded, praying he was right as I joined MJ side and went back to before.
I didn’t pray hard enough, the entire night people walked up to Peter and gave us thumbs-ups and “I didn’t know”. The guy who asked me out last week even came up and apologized for not knowing, which caused Peter to drag me off another direction. Eventually, an hour had passed and I felt my eyes slowly grow tired.
“Guys, I’m heading home,” I waved to each member of our group, Ned pushing Peter in my direction as he ran to my side.
“Can I walk you home?”
I shrugged, heading for the front door as Peter kept pace with me easily.
“Sorry about back there,” Peter spoke at a lower volume once we made it out of the chaos of the party.
“Not your fault, Flash doesn’t like to listen.”
I tried to ignore the little heartbreak I felt as he apologized for fake being with me when it wasn’t even either of our doing.
“Yeah but, I don’t I guess I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
I frown, stopping my walk down the driveway to turn to Peter. I felt my eyebrows draw together, looking to the boy who made a wide-eyed look at me.
“Uncomfortable? Why would I be uncomfortable?”
“Well you know, at the thought of dating me,” I watched as he spoke the words so easily like it wasn’t the craziest thing in the world.
“You think that would make me uncomfortable?”
“I mean, yeah.”
Normally I would be adoring his accent but I simply brush off the thought, completely absorbed in proving him wrong.
“Peter, that thought has never made me uncomfortable.”
This time his eyebrows were drawing together as my hand slowly made its way to cover my mouth.
“You’ve thought about it before?”
Would making a run for it be appropriate right now?
“I know you’re Spider-Man!”
Whatever was appropriate at this time definitely wasn’t that.
“I know you’re Spider-Man,” I spoke much quieter this time, careful of listening ears.
“H-how do you know? Did Ned tell you?”
I suddenly felt my hand drop, looking at Peter who now covered his own mouth.
“You told Ned and not me?”
Maybe I was being overdramatic but I felt my heart hurt slightly because Peter, Ned, and I told each other everything yet he couldn’t tell me the biggest secret of his life.
“I- he walked in when I was in my suit. I shouldn’t have even told me but he saw,” his hands were going crazy as he spoke, his eyes wide as ever as he tried to save himself from the hole he was digging.
“You kept the biggest secret from me?”
“Well I wouldn’t say it’s as big as my crush-” he slapped his hand over his mouth, his other hand covering the hand that harshly slapped his skin.
I felt my eyebrows fly to my hairline, shocked at the new information. Peter Parker had a crush and a super-suit and told me about neither.
“No offenses but that definitely isn’t bigger.”
“It is when it’s you (Y/N),” Peter's words were muffled but still clear enough to understand as he spoke between his fingers. For what felt to be the millionth time that night I was in shock over something to do with Peter Parker.
“You like me back?”
I couldn’t even care at the moment when his hands slowly fell from his mouth, his jaw slack as he stared at me.
Without another word I rushed to meet his lips, my hand finding the back of his neck as I pulled him close as I could. My other hand traced over his chest, his heartbeat under my fingertips as his hands both cupped my cheeks.
october 1st, current day
I snapped out my daydream, smiling as Peter grabbed my hand and pulled me down the steps of the school, where the story first began.
“Hey, Parker?”
“Happy October 1st.”
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kyuublu · 4 years
Ice cold
part 3 (Sakusa Kiyoomi x Reader | series)
Ice Sakting AU
Song rec: Pope Is a Rockstar - SALES
„Ladies and gentlemen, we will be arriving Paris shortly...“
My brows furrowed in confusion as I slowly started opening my eyes. Grimacing at the pain in my neck I started rubbing my hand on the area. Sakusa was seated beside me looking out the window, a pair of headphones stuck in his ears.
Tapping his shoulder carefully, I tried making conversation with him since his lack of movement scared me a bit.
„Did you not leave your seat once?“ I asked casually after gaining his attention. „Of course not. I’d rather piss myself than getting on one of the toilets here.“ The boys‘ eyes skimmed over his phone. After taking a brief glance to the side he earned a groan from me.
„Jesus, did you listen to that the whole time?“
Sakusa finally turned fully to the side, greeting me with a annoyed face. „Are you interrogating me?“
I huffed out a laugh before the deeper voice on the other side of me could chime in.
„Y/N is trying to say that you should maybe put your attention on something else for a bit so you can breathe and think clearly for the competition.“ Both of our heads were now turned to the trainer that had a magazine in one hand and a wine glads in the other. „Wasn’t that what you were trying to say dear?“ I only shrugged, dismissing the caring undertone that he had implied. „I just personally think it would drive me crazy.“
“I’d rather listen to this song for days on repeat than have to listen to your snoring again.” The curly head was getting more and more sarcastic over the course of the flight and I was getting sick of it.
„Well thank god we don’t have to sleep next to each other ever again.“
Looking him directly in the eye, I finally felt a little more on eye level with him. I guess we just both get a bit bitchy when we‘re stuck in a big metal box with wings for hours.
„I mean, you never know what the future holds.“Both of us snorted in disbelief at Mr. Watanabe as he kept his gaze on the magazine.
Here we were, Paris. It was beautiful.
I mean- as far as I could tell from the short taxi drive from the airport to the hotel.
„So you guys know, no breaks. Go up to your rooms, leave your stuff there and we’ll go directly to the rink.“ Sakusa only nodded after taking one of the key cards from his trainer. Sighing at the stress that was already hitting me since we got off the plane, I also took a card. Room 147 B.
Suddenly I noticed that the dark haired boy had already left my sight. I gotta admit, he is fast.
After getting to my designated room and literally throwing my stuff in there. I only quickly got changed into something that didn’t smell like a long day at the airport. After closing my door I came face to face to the man himself.
„Tzeh, he wasn’t wrong when he said we wouldn’t know what the future holds. I’ll probably hear your snores through the walls.“ Sakusa had what appeared to be an attempt of a smirk on his face, as he then walked down the hallway.
„Oh my god, its not even that bad. Can you stop being such an asshole?” Rolling my eyes I followed the skater down the hall, back to the lobby.
The venue was even bigger than I expected. As we walked past the huge white walls towards the rink, Sakusa excused himself to the lockers. The ceiling was open and the all the seats around it made me feel dizzy. All eyes will be on one performer.
Shuddering at the thought I turned to Mr. Watanabe. “Do you think he’s-“
“He’s alright, trust me. Sakusa has performed in bigger venues.”
The trainer confidently clapped his hands together. My mouth fell open as my brows furrowed at the thought of even bigger rinks. “You’re kidding...”
Suddenly I heard scratching ice and felt a figure coming to a halt on the rink behind me.
“Don’t you know, Sakusa is a little superstar!” I turned excitedly when I recognized Sugas voice, engulfing him in a awkward hug over the railing between us.
“Wow! At least someone is happy to see me.” The smile was evident in his voice. We both had really missed eachother, since after the time we first met we had been texting constantly. He was a great friend to me eventhough we haven’t seen each other often.
“Of course! I’m not just here for grumpy cat.” We chuckled at the nickname of the black haired boy until I could feel his eyes pierce through my back.
“Nice to see you have chosen to befriend the enemy.” I rolled my eyes as Sakusa stopped to stand next to me. “Oh come on Omi, relax a little. Behind the scenes we’re all just buddies after all.”
“I’m not your buddy.” The boy mumbled as he secured his skates once again. Suddenly another figure swiftly appeared behind Suga.
“Omi, you seem thrilled as always.” The boy leaned confidently on the railing next to Suga. This must be Aran Ojiro as Mr. Watanabe had informed me beforehand. He was an amazing performer, gathering alot of points for his presence alone.
“I told you guys to stop calling me that.” Sakusa stood up, ignoring the two skaters as he departed towards the ice rink. He easily moved to along the ice and made his rounds. After Sakusas little fit, Aran turned to me with a grin as he held out a hand. “I’m Aran by the way.” My hand found his as I returned the smile and introduced myself.
After talking a little with him and Suga, it was clear to me that they had already been close for years.
“So you and Omi? How long have you guys been...?”Aran raised a brow playfully, I immediately shook my head.
“Hell no. Not in a million years.”
“Excuse me? So you mean to tell me that you came all the way here to the City of love, only to watch some skinny boys twirl on ice?”Suga exclaimed as he gave a look.
“I- I uhmm... Yeah?” My confidence went downhill as I thought of another thing to say. Both of them were such big characters. I kinda felt boring between two pro skaters that lived these crazy lifes. Flying from one country to another, performing in even bigger venues than the one we were currently standing in.
“Well let me tell you, I’d never thought I’d see him inviting someone to a competition. Let alone a girl.” Aran chuckled as his eyes travelled to Sakusas form that was still moving to warm himself up.
“It’s not like that though.” Both of the boys eyes were now on me, seemingly interested in what I’d say next. I looked down as my face began heating up. He could never like me like that. “I- I just helped him with picking out a song and the rest was thanks to his trainer.”
Aran hummed in acknowledgment but decided to speak up again. “That’s something though. He wouldn’t consider to ask us for any type of advice really.”
Sugawara chuckled at his comment, lightly pushing himself back on the ice. “Well, I’ll have to get moving again before I’ll start freezing to death.” I gave him a quick smile as I watched his skate away, Aran close to follow the grey haired boy until he quickly turned around again.
“Was nice meeting ya! Maybe you guys can meet us at the entrance after practice. We’ll probably explore the city for a little bit before the big day tomorrow.” My eyes went wide at the offer, that caught me off guard. They really wanted me there? I barely knew anybody besides them. “Sure! But we’ll see if I’ll manage to drag Omi along.” I playfully remarked, which was met with a small chuckle from Aran as he also pushed himself back onto the rink.
My eyes snapped open as I felt someone’s elbow meet in my side. Still slightly in shock I looked to my right.
“Jesus Sakusa, couldn’t you have woken me up a bit less violent.”
The curly head didn’t even seem to listen to my nagging since his eyes were fixated on the rink. I followed his gaze until I was met with a tall lanky figure, moving elegantly on the icey floors.
“Lev Haiba. He’s one of jury’s favorites.” Sakusas tone was more serious as he watched the boy skate his routine.
“Don’t worry, just because heart a favorite doesn’t mean he’ll do any better than you. You’ve been working on this performance for so long. You’ve actually tried something new and decided to change things up while maintaining your style.”
My hand subconsciously rose to almost land on his shoulder but I decided against it, as I drew it back between my legs. “You’ll definitely outshine this guy in a heartbeat when you step on the ice.” I looked at him through my lashes, waiting for any kind of reaction.
“We’ll see.”
The boy stood up abruptly without sparing me another glance. Then suddenly I got a hold of his one of his sleeves to ask him the question I had been dying to ask for hours.
“Do you maybe wanna... hang out?” Sakusa turned to me with an unsure look on his face. To me he seemed as if he was either confused as to why I’d even attampt to ask or why I’d dare to hold his sleeve. I quickly let go of the end of the skaters jacket and stood up infront of him. “So?”
He sighed in defeat as my eyes stayed expectantly locked on his. “Alright, but lets ask Mr. Watanabe before we-“
Loud laughs could be heard from the seats above us. One of them clearly being from our precious coach, enjoying his time with some of the other coaches (probably the femal ones).
“Well, I guess he won’t mind a little fun!” I walked ahead of the black haired boy with my head held high. This time I won’t let him run away from me nor his other ‘friends’.
When we arrived at the entrance there was a group of around 5 people waiting. Sakusas pace slowed down a little as he saw Suga approach us.
“Oi, you guys actually decided to come! I thought I’d have to wake you before Omi would leave you to sleep in the venue.” Me and some of the people giggled along with the joke but Sakusa clearly wasn’t amused.
“Well, are you guys waiting for more?” I asked curiously but Aran shook his head. “Nah, we can go. We’ll probably look for some food place before we can check out the area.” Nodding at his idea, the group slowly took off until I noticed Sakusas figure standing still like a statue.
I turned to the boy with brows furrowed in confusion, why was he making such a fuss now? “Just go ahead, I’ll wait for Mr. Watanabe and head back to the hotel.” The boy stayed nonchalant not even noticing how I was practically fuming on the inside. He can’t even allow himself to have fun in freaking Paris.
“Are you serious?”
I stared him down now, tired of his behavior. Sure he can be antisocial but these guys were all so nice to him and trying to be his friends, but he wouldn’t budge.
“We’re in Paris! We should be exploring, having fun-“
Sakusa only let out a cold laugh as he looked away from me in disbelief. “I’m not here to have fun, y/n. I’m here for a freaking competition.” Suddenly he stepped closer to me with a daring look on his face.
“These aren’t my friends and they aren’t yours either. As soon as we leave, they’ll forget about you and your stale personality because they have more important things to worry about than texting some average girl from a small little town.”
I looked down to my feet. This time I wasn’t feeling shame or embarrassment. I was in rage.
Then a voice rang from further away, breaking the tension. “Are ya guys coming or not?” I cleared my throat for a second, turning towards the group. “Just a minute!” My head moved back up to face the boy infront of me.
“Just because you can’t let anybody get close to you, doesn’t mean they are automatically the bad guys. You won’t even open up to me, Sakusa.”
I slowly walked away from his form without seeing his reaction but I decided to speak up again, my back turned towards the skater.
“I’m sick of trying to excuse or even understand you and your ways. I’m done.”
My feet moved on their own as I kept my eyes locked on the group in the distance. Their giggles and talks piercing through the heavy tension I had just left behind.
After finding a small restaurant that wasn’t going to cost us a whole three day budget in Paris, we finally settled down at a table.
I actually calmed down pretty quickly after the fight with Sakusa. Usually my thoughts would be stuck on these type of things for hours but I felt confident in what I had said. I wasn’t going to let him ruin my night or any of the others for that matter.
“You okay?” Sugawara sweetly leaned towards me next to my seat. I shrugged off the uneasy feeling I had before and responded “Yeah, I’m just hungry.”. The boy gave me a sympathetic look before handing me one of the menu’s. “I definitely feel you on that one.” Letting out a laugh I quickly scanned over the menu.
Some time later we had all been full and ready to hit the streets. I also got introduced to the other people of the group in which mainly Suna and a pair of twins had stuck out the most. The Miya twins usually bickering and Suna showing me recordings of some of the most iconic fights between the other skaters. They were a pretty loud bunch, but it was actually pretty refreshing.
As we roamed around Paris, it seemed that tall classy buildings and cosy cafes were all over. Even in the break of dawn it seemed as if the night was still young. Lights adorned the streets and people were still busy as ever.
There was a little thought in the back of my head, just for a moment. Maybe Sakusa would have liked seeing some parts around here. The more quiet once, or the little river that mirrored the lights of the city.
When we ended at the infamous Eiffel Tower, Sugawara had already persuaded me into going onto the attraction though. It took me abit of strength to actually get all the way up there but the view was worth it.
All the city lights seemed to shine even brighter. Even the height was forgotten when the beauty of Paris had engulfed me already.
“I haven’t been up here since I was 12.” The voice of the one person I have been trying to avoid in my head was suddenly right behind me. I didn’t let myself turn to the curly hot head as I crossed my arms. “Why didn’t you just tag along if you’d end up here anyways...”
Sakusa stepped next to me, eyes focused on the view infront of us. “I only left the hotel a couple of minutes ago.” He then held a an image of Sunas instagram story up towards my face. “It wasn’t that hard to find you guys though.”. I stifled a laugh at the thought of Sakusa actually looking through our instagram stories to find us. “You’re ridiculous.”.
I felt his gaze on me. “I’m sorry about that thing at the venue...” His voice was barely audible, as if he wasn’t even sure what he had wanted to say next. “What thing exactly?” My eyes stayed on the buildings and lights, not once budging into giving him my attention.
Kiyoomi sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. He really wasn’t good at these kinds of things. “I didn’t want to be so fucking rude. I just-“ The boy stopped himself but then decided to just blurr out what he had already been thinking.
“I just thought you wanted to hang out with me, not with the whole group... I thought you’d actually want to be alone with me for once.” My brows furrowed in confusion. “We have been alone countless of times Omi.”
The use of his usually dreaded nickname suddenly made Sakusa look away quickly to hide his creeping blush. “Yes but it was because we had to be, not because you actually wanted to be around me.” My eyes went wide at the confession, my head snapping to his face. “What?”
Suddenly I could feel his hand touching mine cautiously. “I don’t want to be around those idiots-“ I chuckled at his remark until he continued his little speech. “but I shouldn’t have told you all of that crap. I was just a bit...” He looked to the ground, almost looking shy at this point. “Jealous?” I asked curiously with a hint of a smile on my lips. The boy looked up, a bit taken back by my sudden boldness. “Irritated, I guess.”
I smiled at the underlying victory, I knew what he was thinking for once. I could finally be more casual around him.
“Are you still nervous about the whole Lev thing?” I asked to break the silence that had been dawning on us for a bit now. “No, I think I’m alright.” My brows were raised at his relaxed answer. “So my peptalk did ease your mind, huh?” He smiled softly “I think you have that effect on me generally.”
As he turned to me his gaze lingered for a little too long, making me feel like I was about to freaking pass out. His hand swiftly grabbed mine and I knew I couldn’t contain my smile anymore.
“You know... I think I might like you.”
Finally I catched his eye, basically exposing my shameless happiness that was spread across my face.
“I think I might like you too.”
Everything; Paris, the competition, the job I had back home, all of these expectations including my year off of college, suddenly werent clouding my thoughts. We were both finally just here, in the moment.
And I had a lingering feeling, that even Kiyoomi could finally breathe for a second.
The end.
I hope you guys enjoyed it! I know it didn’t end with the competition but I wanted it to rather focus on the relationship they slowly built than on the skating alone. Hopefully it was still a nice ending though ^^
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Desperate Dream
Drew McIntyre 
Be realistic.
Tags:  @blondekel77 @calwitch @chanelxberlinstark @briqueenofthenorth @fioportella @wrestlingfae @whocares006 @dancefaeirie @ramsaypants @alibob687 @lunarchaosqueen @keepyourdreamsalive @meremaidqueen @demonqueen29 @colbynatorsforlife
I’m back baby!... Kinda....
I turned in the bed again, waiting for an alarm I knew would come too soon. I felt the sick feeling of hollow rise in my chest, the crispy sheets felt too clean. Too cold. I open my eyes to the disgustingly bland room, who knows what hotel at this point. They all look the same. I turn to my phone, just as empty of notifications as I am of the will to rise and get the day started. The past few months would do that to anyone.
“God he drives me crazy.” I smile at Sasha. She winks and continues to scroll on her phone as Drew enters catering. While I was not the hottest star on the roster (being looks or with the audience) I always managed to keep a warm temperature around the Scottsman.
He walks with the kind of swagger you would expect from the current champion, despite him not currently having anything decorative adorning his waist. His usually unkept hair had been tied back as he picked an apple from the pile on the food table. At this point I felt myself heat in the cheeks, it would not look good to have someone like me staring at a man so openly. A married man. I frowned and picked at my now cool pasta in front of me.
Sasha leant across and caught my eye “You know… People are saying it’s not going well.” I raised an eyebrow at her. “Drew, I mean… He hasn’t gone back to Scotland, in maybe, months?” I blanked at this information. I had noticed Drew was around a lot more, I just guessed they were gearing up to finally give him a title and he needed to prove commitment. The company had always been a bit archaic like that. “Probably warming up for the title Sash, he’s getting awfully close.” I pulled the corner of my mouth down. It wasn’t like Sasha to encourage a friend into doing something bad; she was the voice of reason.
She leant back and said “I know, but...” she flipped up her phone and went back to scrolling “Management told everyone they’re free to proceed however they need to, Heyman said he’s stayed voluntarily. The call for Drew as next champ was made months ago.” Now this was new. Sasha herself was in contention for the
Raw title, it would make sense that she had this knowledge… But the idea that Drew would go months without going home hinted at something else. Superstars always went home when they could. I did occasionally, but I had no one to go back to. Didn’t sting to be away when no one noticed you were gone. I was snapped out of my musing by the rather handsome man. “Is this seat taken, ladies?” Sasha shook her head and gestured to the chair and I smiled at him, feeling heat rise in my cheeks again.
He sat fluidly and brought tonight’s matchlist in front of him, I hadn’t even seen him holding it. “Uh, hey Drew- do you know what-” I began nervously and he cut me off without even looking up “Four” I smiled tightly and looked back down. “I better get going” I rose and went to take the pasta to the bin. “God luck!” I turned to see Drew had looked up from the sheet and was smiling widely at me.
How did he know my name?
I rolled to one side of the bed and back again. The idea that soon I wouldn’t have anything but memories made me sad, so sad. But what could I expect? It was nothing more than I deserved.
Drew’s shoulder brushed mine in the small booth, we were both laughing at Bayley dragging a terrified Kevin Owens towards the dance floor. He leant back in his place while I went to grab a drink from the centre of the table. As I turned back to check where I was sitting I noticed where Drew’s eyes were. I sat back, coincidently my back was now near Drew’s outstretched arm over the booth.
I felt this sudden urge to lean into Drew, and the room got hotter. I heard him clear his throat. “You’ve been doing well lass, makin waves.” I turned to him as he spoke and raised my brows. While it was true, I was slowly making my way up the ranks, it was a shock that Drew paid any attention to it. We weren’t in the same groups of friends, it wasn’t common that people ventured past their immediate friends. “Well, I could say the same to you Mr Number One!” I smiled back to him, happy that my work had been recognised. He shook his head and smiled. My heart could’ve stopped right there and then.
I smiled at the mirror across from the bed, lost in the memory of the night. Remembered being so struck by his smile, the way his eyes crinkled and the blue hues in his irises seemed to jump. I could understand how so many of his fans had fallen for him so quickly. I had been all too keen to throw myself at his feet.
His tongue was hot and heavy against my throat, licking a trail from the base all the way to my ear. I couldn’t help but squirm, it felt so wrong to have such an exposed part of me clear with his mark. If someone walked past they could see the wet mess I had too quickly become at the short work Drew had made of me. His hands wound my waist and I found myself trembling, the sheer power of the man. Trying to get my own back, I snaked my hand into his hair and pulled sharply- in turn pulling him from my neck. Drew growled and pushed his hips into me, pushing me against the wall further. “Drew, room!” I managed to gasp at him, and we soon both fell through the door.
“Are you sure ya don’t wanna continue in the hall? I could take you right there, how many men would be jealous?” I hummed under his praise, really anything that came from his mouth I was here for. The door slammed shut and his ripped at my clothes, I was getting annoyed at how they clung to me. He grunted and one of the buttons on my shirt pinged across the room. We moved to the bed and he licked down my neck, biting at the base and pushing his hips into mine.
I gasped his name to the ceiling; my prayer was heard when Drew took the rest of his clothing off. I kissed his cheeks and his beard burned under my lips. I knew this was a lust fuelled night, but I would take the adoration and these moments to fuel the idea of an us later. He chuckled and his hands found my hips, pulling me to him before moving me further up the bed.
I scrambled backwards and stilled as arms landed either side of my head. I found his eyes and kept contact, winding my legs open and around his midsection. I wasn’t sure how long this would go, before he realised the mistake, before he became sober- before my head found it’s way back to being on top of my shoulders. I couldn’t stop now, not knowing full well I could have felt him.
We both stopped and he lowered his head slightly, lips brushing mine. “Are ya sure?” He whispered to me I nodded and again refused to blink, scared to break whatever this was. I was already too wet, too worked up from the idea. He slid in far too easily and I moaned at how filthy it was. “This all for me?” I nodded again and licked at his neck. I suppose I could at least act like just having his hands on me was enough to fuel orgasms later on. After a few strokes, I could hear myself along him and Drew was grunting. I couldn’t have this over so soon.
My hand snaked between us, I needed to hear him, needed him to use me. I needed to make this impossible to forget. He grinned at me, thinking I was going for my clit. I smirked back. “Ah fuck, yer fucking-” his neck strained as I used my index and middle finger around his cock to squeeze him as he pulled out. He strained and stuttered into me a few times and I felt him pulse. I began to rub my clit and used the moisture from his cock to assist me. Drew was whispering things in my ear that I couldn’t hear. He’s fucking me, this is really happening, Drew is splitting me open. I couldn’t hear anything past my thought. I panicked and arched off the bed, cumming so hard it might have actually been leaking from me. Drew was moaning and began to protest when I pushed him off of me. I turned on my knees, spread my legs and wagged at him.
“Fuck, that’s how I like it baby.”
I bit my lip as he slipped in again, and I knew from the tempo he wasn’t going to last for too long. I snuck my hand down again to squeeze him and he grunted, thoroughly shoving me through the bed as he came inside me. I squeezed around him and sighed.
I had been stupid. So unbelievably stupid that night. And the many nights that followed. Each time Drew knocked, I had been on my knees waiting for him. Work had been no different for us, no real interaction… But Jesus. After school curriculum would take all night learning how to make each other sing.
That didn’t stop the worst part. It was easy to ignore the guilt and feelings of pure loathing when we were in the act. But the nights where we wouldn’t be together, the nights I would go home, he had press… Or he went home… I didn’t eat, or maybe I ate too much… Or was it that I drunk too much? I couldn’t remember the last time we had been separated. My life outside work was being drained by a man that wouldn’t look twice at work.
Sasha had been the one to spot it. I no longer looked when Drew entered the room, I knew the head would be between my legs later that night. She only looked at me and dragged me to a closet in the stadium we were in that night. “Look, I don’t know and I don’t need to know. You need to get your head in the game. Whatever has happened or is happening, you need to stop this. I don’t remember the last time we hung, the last time you were at the PC...” She shrugged and looked away. “People are talking. Of course I’m defending you, but please know that this is not worth it.” I looked at her, for the first time. I nodded… “I’m sorry Sash.” I chocked the words out and she hugged me, letting my cry into her shoulder.
Where did I think this was going? That we would just start skipping through work holding hands? So I asked. I spoke, I asked him what we were doing. It was hopeless, he gave me a demonstration that ended the conversation before it even started.
It was getting closer, there was more talk backstage. Drew was going to take the championship and run the company for the red brand. I was happy for him but… I had a decision to make. I think I had already made it when I never actually had a conversation about what we were doing. There was still a ring on his finger at press. As it loomed closer, his wife came over to see it happen live. I couldn’t believe it when I saw her. Not that she shouldn’t be there, she had every right. It was me that didn’t deserve to be there. I looked at her, so beautiful with brown locks and a glow around her that a happy wife always has.
I didn’t sleep for two nights after.
I wasn’t sure how I could live with myself, for being so selfish. For believing rumours about someone’s marriage. Never going to the source.
Be realistic, be realistic. It was never going to happen, it was nothing more than sex when his wife wasn’t there. Be realistic.
Hunter was not overly against my leaving. I gave him reasons like not being on TV and taking spots for others that deserved it more. I knew he saw through it. But he at least respected me enough to pretend to believe it. Be realistic I whisper…
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Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24936943
Made for the LU Art and Writing exchange for susmarie! Hope you enjoy!
Summary: It was routine by now. They would split up into groups of two and scope out the village in search of this kingdom's hero. As per their earlier conversation, Warriors and Twilight would be taking the upper part of town while Legend and Sky were taking the lower sector. Time and Wind, meanwhile, would be searching through historical records in the library while Hyrule and Wild would be trying to get information out of the town guards. Like Hyrule said. It was a simple plan. A foolproof one, if he did say so himself. Afterall, they hadn't failed to find a hero yet. They would probably find the new hero within the hour! Or: A “Four is the last to join” fic
Hyrule would usually consider himself to be a pessimist.
Actually, pessimist isn’t quite the word he’s looking for… Realist! Hyrule would usually consider himself to be a realist.
In his world, one could not afford to be anything but a realist. Optimistic thoughts were usually reserved for kids who had not yet been exposed to the world. A single mistake, a single toe out of line, could spell doom. And getting too comfortable was practically a death sentence.
That wasn't to say his world was terrible! Hyrule loved his home and the hardy but kind people that lived in it. It just meant that, to Hyrule, the phrase ‘too good to be true’ was a statement that was proven to be correct more often than not. So he had learned to eye things that appeared simple and happy and pure with more than a little bit of skepticism.
And yet, despite all of that, even he had to admit that this version of his beloved kingdom was absolutely adorable.
This Hyrule was still obviously a very young kingdom. Not as young as Sky’s–which was little more than a handful of houses around a statue, an idea in the mind of a determined young woman– but still young.
The castle was beautiful but small, it's spires barely brushing the sky that would later be pierced by the sprawling towers of the castles in Time and Twilight’s eras. Castle Town, or Hyrule Town as the guard had said, was little more than a village enclosed by cobblestone walls. It was larger than most of the towns in Hyrule’s kingdom, but small compared to Legend ’s Kakariko or even the Windfall Island of Wind’s Great Sea.
Yet, while small, the traveling hero could see how Hyrule Town was truly alive. People bustled in and out of their small but warm looking cottages, carrying on conversations with loved ones or hurrying with empty baskets to the center of town where a pop-up market was in full swing. Children darted between the sea of legs, giggling and chasing one another or the cuccos that strutted over the cobblestone.
There was something just so… wholesome about the kingdom that simultaneously drew the traveling hero in and set him on edge.  He wanted to join the mass of citizens, wanted to follow the stream of people down into the market. And at the same time, the sheer amount of people, the sheer amount of noise, the enclosing cobblestone walls had his eyes flicking to and fro, searching for danger.
It was like anticipation whiplash.
But thankfully, Hyrule didn't have to dwell on it long.
“Okay, is everyone clear about the plan?” Time asks, turning to address the group, raising his voice slightly to be heard over the din of the nearby crowd.
The eldest hero is met with several nods and one particularly strong eye roll from Legend.
Which Hyrule kinda gets. It was, after all, a very simple plan. They had used it for pretty much every new Hyrule they had encountered.
It was routine by now. They would split up into groups of two and scope out the village in search of this kingdom's hero. As per their earlier conversation, Warriors and Twilight would be taking the upper part of town while Legend and Sky were taking the lower sector. Time and Wind, meanwhile, would be searching through historical records in the library while Hyrule and Wild would be trying to get information out of the town guards.
Like Hyrule said. It was a simple plan. A foolproof one, if he did say so himself. Afterall, they hadn't failed to find a hero yet. They would probably find the new hero within the hour!
“Good,” The Old Man says with a nod of his head, pointedly ignoring Legend’s exasperation.  “Remember to meet back here at noon with any information you can get. There is a bell in the center of town that should ring the hour.”
“Don’t be late,” Twilight adds, narrowed eye landing on Wild and then Hyrule in turn. They grin at him, the picture of innocence. He narrows his eyes even further.
Then, without anything more to discuss, the other heroes set off two by two; Twilight and Warriors heading up the stairs while Sky and Legend join the tide of people toward the market. Time practically has to drag Wind along with him, the sailor not so pleased that his pair was checking out the library.
Soon enough, only Wild and Hyrule are left standing by the quietly bubbling fountain.
“So,” Hyruel says, turning to grin at his friend, “I’m assuming we’re gonna be late.”
“Oh, you know it,” Wild replies with a smile.
The two high five and then dive headfirst into the river of people.
Twilight finds trying to gather information with Warriors to be an exercise in patience. A lot of patience.
The problem isn't that they don't get any information. No. Quite the opposite, actually. The problem lies in the fact that Warriors has a tendency to be chatty on the best of days and a goddess damned gossip on the worst. The captain could get the dirt on one lizalfos from another lizalfos if the monsters weren't trying to kill him the whole time. And in a town this small, where everyone knew everyone by name, there was a lot of gossip to wade through.
Some of it was useful: apparently the hero of this kingdom was a blacksmith named Link– typical– who, according to at least one very ardent house wife, was spending far more time at the castle than he had before.
However, besides his name, occupation, and apparent interest in the princess, no one could agree on anything about the kid. Everything else about him was apparently fair game for gossip.
The hero had gone on one, no, two, no, three adventures. He was approachable but cold but sweet but hot headed. He was kind but a little bit… off, driven crazy by his adventures, no, it was his blade, no, why would he still have it if it drove him crazy?
He was twelve and twenty two and part minish– whatever that was– but lived with his grandfather, no, just his father, no wait…And could be seemingly everywhere at once one moment and then nowhere at all the next.
Basically, no one could agree on who or what the kid was. It was giving Twilight a headache.
Thankfully, however, they come to learn that the hero spent most of his time running a forge outside of town, giving Twilight the excuse he needed to drag Warriors away from the group of busybodies he had accred in his search for knowledge.
“You know,” the captain says, grumbling through the winning smile he was throwing over his shoulder at his new best friends, “You could stand to be a little bit more personable.”
“I think you’re personable enough for the both of us,” Twilight grumbles back, giving his companion a hard yank forward on his scarf.
Warriors quickly adopts an affronted look; hand on heart, mouth open, eyes blinking in mock confusion, the whole nine yards.
“And what, may I ask, is that supposed to mean?”
“It means that I– what the…?”
Something rough yet soft gently smacks against Twilight’s nose, cutting off whatever snarky remark he was about to throw Warriors’ way. With a small backstep, the farm hand gets a better look at his attacker.
It’s the frayed end of a thick rope hanging down from the roof of the house they had been walking next to. It sways lightly in the light breeze, swinging at the perfect height to hit Twilight directly in the face. With inquisitive eyes, the farm hand traces the cord from the roof,up past where it must be connected, wondering at how it got there.
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” a young voice says before Twilight can investigate much further, dragging his attention down to a young man in a red tunic. The kid looks pretty distressed, brows drawn, mouth trembling, and big amber eyes full of unshed tears.
“See, I was flying my kite earlier when this big breeze came and pulled the rope out of my hand and got my kite caught on the roof of this house but I can't get it down by myself and it's not my kite– oh Farore, my brother is gonna kill me!– and–and–!”
“Whoa, kid,” Twilight says, cutting off the boy before he can work himself into a tizzy. He kneels down, bringing himself eye level with the now crying child, setting a comforting hand on the boy’s shoulder. “It's going to be okay. I’ll get your kite down.”
“R-really?” The boy sniffs, wiping at his eyes with the undershirt of his tunic.
“Really,” Twilight replies with a reassuring smile.
Without further ado, the farmhand straightens and takes hold of the rope, giving it a few experimental tugs. Nothing budges. He gives it a few harsher pulls. Still nothing.
Hmm, a bit more stuck than he thought.
“Maybe stand back a little bit,” Twilight says, shooing the kid back a bit. “It might be caught on some tiles and I don’t want you getting hit if a few shingles come loose.”
The kid nods with a watery smile, skipping a few steps away.
Getting himself into a better stance–feet firm and spread apart– Twilight takes ahold of the rope and yanks. Something above gives with a slight groan, the rope loosening, falling in the farm hand’s direction.. Twilight looks up, ready to catch the kite–
Only to catch approximately a million water balloons with his face.
One by one, the little water bombs smack into the farmhand’s absolutely shell shocked face, exploding with sharp little cracks and pops. In less than a second, the farmhand is soaked head to toe. And for a second he just stands there, looking like a stupid drowned rat, pelt heavy and water logged against his back, wet hair covering his eyes, and rope still gripped in his hand.
Two laughs ring out behind his back: one familiar, annoying, Warriors. The other, young and bright and quickly retreating in the other direction.
“Hey!” Twilight shouts, whirling around.
But the kid is already gone, lost in the crowd of people.
A snort of laughter has Twilight turning back around, now met with a Warriors who is hardly containing his laughter. The captain's whole face is red with the effort of keeping it together and yet, little giggles still slip from between his lips. The asshole.
“Did–” Warriors cuts himself off, taking in a massive breath to steady himself. “Did you just get pranked by an eight year old?”
Warriors dissolves into uproarious laughter at his own question and Twilight slaps a hand to his forehead, kneading at his brow bones there.
Yes. A lot of patience indeed.
Wind was so bored he could scream.
But he couldn't scream because he was in a library, where he was pretty sure it was frowned upon to scream. Not that that would usually stop him. He’s a pirate after all. Rules are little more than things for him to follow on a whim and break when he feels like.
But Time… the thought of Time’s glare or worse, his disappointed stare stayed Wind’s hand. Err, mouth.
But that didn't stop him from huffily slouching into the chair at the older’s side as Time poured over a book. Didn't stop him from bouncing his leg as fast as it would go. Or sighing very loudly every chance he got. Or sinking even lower in his seat until his chin was level with the table and bouncing both of his legs even faster or–
“Wind,” Time says, the older pinching at his eyebrows as he closes his eye.  “A little bit of quiet, please.” He pointedly turns a page, opening his good eye to begin reading once more. “We’re almost done here, I promise.”
Wind slumped in his chair, resigning himself to silence.
For all of about three seconds before the sailor let out the loudest, longest yawn of his life, the force of the inhale arching his back while the exhale causes him to go boneless in his chair, forcing the thing to move back a several inches. A horrible screechy sound emits from the movement as the wooden legs of the chair as they whined against the hardwood floor.
By the end of the whole production, Time is staring at Wind, single eye wide, face painfully neutral.
Wind sends the older a sheepish smile.
Time’s eye narrows.
Which is how Wind finds himself stalking through the stacks, arms piled high with the books that Time no longer needs, trying to sort out where exactly to put each title. The older had apparently forgotten why Wind wasn’t helping look through the books in the first place: he couldn't read this version of Hylian, it's letters too foreign, too distant from his own.
So basically, at this point, Wind’s just putting books back where-ever he's finding openings and calling it good.
He just needs to find a few more vacancies and… there! A couple of bookshelves down the line, on the bottom most level, several books sit spaced out, leaning against one another instead of packed rigidly together. Perfect! He can get rid of several of these damn things all at once.
With a slight pep in his step, the sailor moseys on over to that shelf, leans down, and shoves about seven books into the open space.
Arms now considerably lighter, the young hero stands, whistling a quiet tune as he glances around for somewhere to deposit the last of his load–
“Aw, c’mon!” A voice, high pitched and annoyed. “I just set that all up!”
The sailor whirls around, apology ready on his lips for whatever librarian he just pissed off, only to find himself alone amongst the books. Wind looks back the way he came. No one. Back the other way. Nada. A peak around the shelf. Zilch.
“Uhhh, hello?” the young hero tries, turning a circle, peeking through the spaces between the books to see if perhaps someone was speaking to him through the shelf. “I’m sorry I fuc-err- messed up your… uh whatever it is you set up?”
“It’s fine, ” the voice replies, resigned frustration bleeding into its tone. “I’ll just be back home a bit later than I…”
A beat.
“Wait... Kid, you can hear me?”
“Not a kid,” Wind corrects, his ears flicking up and down, trying to pinpoint where the voice is coming from. “But yeah, I can hear you. Why?” Wind turns another circle. “Where the hell are you?”
A little laugh.
“Look down.”
Without thinking, Wind does as the voice commands and… huh.
Down below, next to the shelf Wind had just gracelessly filled, stands a tiny person. Like a really really tiny person, probably hardly bigger than Wind’s thumb.
“Holy shit!” the young hero exclaims, almost immediately dropping to his knees to examine his new friend.
And upon closer inspection, Wind can see that his friend isn't exactly a person at all, per say. Well, not Hylian, at least.
The little guy has ears like a Hylian, long and pointed and pierced, which protrude from the side of his head. He has hair like a Hylian, shoulder length and blonde, with the front pulled back into a neat ponytail. He even wears clothes like a Hylian; a black shirt tucked into puffy green pants, the tiniest sword Wind has ever seen slung over his shoulder, and a little pair of goggles dangling out of use around his neck.
But that's where the similarities end. Because the little guy’s face is nothing like a Hylian’s, instead ending in a long pointed nose, like the muzzle of a mouse. Wind can see that the other even has whiskers, the little hairs twitching and flickering inquisitive as the little guy tilts his head up to look at the sailor.
Wind thinks he must be examining Wind as closely as the sailor is doing to him, but there's something about his small friend’s large eyes–big, black, and seemingly pupil-less– that makes Wind feel like the other is taking a mental pictograph of him, filing away Wind's face for later.
Oh yeah, and the tail. His small friend also has a little, white, feathery tail with forest green plumage on its tip. It twitches every so often. It's adorable.
With a small laugh, the little guy takes a small step forward–huh, four toed feet– moving closer to Wind, no doubt taking in the sailor's downright astonished expression with the amount of glee of someone who's been through this whole song and dance before and who absolutely loves it.
“What kid?” he says with a grin, exposing long, rat-like incisors. “Minish got your tongue?”
“Not a kid,” Wind corrects without even thinking. “The fuck’s a Minish?”
That seems to knock his new friend off balance a little, the little guy’s grin slipping the slightest of bits as his nose begins to twitch faster.
“You’ve never heard of the Minish? Or the Picori?”
Wind shakes his head. “Nope.”
The grin slips entirely off the mouse-like man’s face, black eyes losing some of their twinkle.
“But uh,” Wind says, because oh, Ocean King, if he thought a sad looking Hyrule was bad, this little guy takes the kicked puppy–kicked mouse?– look and turns it up to eleven.“Thats probably just because I’m not from around here. I’m from really far away. An island actually.”
“An island? Really?” The little guy perks up considerably at that, eyes lighting back up and whiskers and tail twitching excitedly. “Huh. I’ve never even seen the ocean before,” he says a little wistfully.
There is a beat of silence between the two.
And then the little guy, the Minish, shakes his head as if coming out of a day dream, smiling sheepishly up at Wind.
“Heh, sorry about that.” he rubs the back of his neck, a nervous habit. “Just been stuck in this town for a while. Going a little stir crazy. Anyway,” and the minish’s face quickly shifts from sheepish to imploring, “now that I know you can hear me, how about you help me fix what you just messed up?”
Which is how Wind finds himself multitasking, helping the minish, who he comes to learn is named Green, set up all of the books back into their original configurations while the little guy rides on his shoulder, helping Wind to place his own books back in their correct locations.
They chat as they go about the task, Green telling Wind all about the Minish who live in the library and why the books were set up the way they were while Wind describes growing up on a small island in the middle of the ocean. Back and forth, the two trade stories in between placing books, Green bragging about killing an Octoroc on his own (which, for his size, is actually pretty impressive) while Wind goes on and on about being the second in command of a pirate ship.
Before long, Wind finds himself sliding his final book into place, feeling oddly sad as the cracked leather spine leaves his fingers.
The sailor brings an open palm up to his shoulder, which Green steps into to be placed on the shelf Wind is standing in front of, bringing the two eye level.
“Thanks for all the help, Wind” Green says, smiling, black eyes twinkling in the dim light of the library.
The sailor waves him off, sending the other a grin of his own. “Ehh it was nothing. I mean, I’m the one who messed all of that shit up in the first place. Might as well be the one to clean it up too. And besides,” a roll of his sea glass green eyes, “it kept me from actually fucking dying of boredom.”
“Yeah, about that,” Green says, strolling over to the book Wind had just placed on the shelf. He runs a small hand over the spine, tracing the golden embossed letters with his fingers. “Not many people are super interested in the old legends of the Light Force. What exactly are you and your friend looking for?”
The little sailor takes a glance around, making sure no one is within earshot. Finding not a soul, the sailor turns back to his new friend and leans in smiling, truly a kid with a secret to tell.
“I’m pretty sure this is supposed to be hush hush, if you know what I mean,” the sailor starts, voice a whisper but words alight with excitement as he flashes the minish a conspiratory grin, “But I think you’re cool, so I'll tell ya. Hold onto your tail, ‘cause this is gunna sound absolutely keeseshit insane.”
“See, my name isn’t actually Wind. That's just the hero title I got for saving the Great Sea.” He gives the wide eyed minish a little playful bow and a wink. “Link, Hero of the Winds at your service”
“Anyway,” the sailor continues, really getting into his story now, hands moving wildly as he explains, ”Me, the dude with the sick face tats–that's Time, by the way– and six other heroes from across time and space were all brought together for a really fucking important adventure where we’ll probably have to save all of our kingdoms. And today, we got spat out here and because it’s none of our versions of Hyrule, we know that we probably need to find the hero that lives here and get them to come along with us on our adventure.”
“So Time and I were here checking the library to see if there was any info on the hero. Makes sense, yeah?” The sailor finishes, eyes finally coming back to rest on the minish
The minish who is now blinking at Wind owlishly, large obsidian eyes somehow even bigger than before.
And then the little guy breaks out into chittering laughter, the mouse-like man almost knocked over by the force of his own giggles as his tail lashes and he clutches at his stomach as though in pain.
“Hey!” Wind exclaims, indignantly. “I’m not making this shit up! It’s true!”
Green shakes his head, still laughing as he wipes a hand down his face.
“Oh no, don’t worry. I believe you,” the minish says, words still bubbly with laughter even as he tries to compose himself.  “That’s why I’m laughing.”
Another chuckle, this one considerably less light. More bitter, and crumbling around the edges.  
“Never a dull moment when you're a hero, huh?” Greens says, looking down at his hands.  “Never a moment’s rest.”
Before Wind can respond, before he can unpack what his little friend just said, his head whips to the left following the quiet and distant sound of his name. It’s Time, the Old Man calling for him. It’s no doubt time to go.
With a tinge of sadness swelling in him like the tide, Wind turns back to his friend, farewell ready on his lips, only to find the minish smiling up at him, an aquamarine fragment of stone hefted in his tiny arms.
“For all your help,” Green says. And then when Wind doesn't take it immediately, he lifts it higher, more insistent. “And for good luck.”
With ginger fingers, Wind plucks the stone from his small friend’s hands. He turns it over between his palms, staring at the etching of a four leafed clover in the middle, tracing the way the stone seems to be broken in half, a jagged edge disrupting the intricate carving.
“What is it?”
“A Kinstone. If you find its other half, something good will happen.” A rat-toothed smile and glittering black eyes twinkling with an unreadable emotion. “Something tells me you’re going to need some luck in your future.”
“Wind!” Time’s voice again, closer.
“Coming!” Wind calls back.
And then to his little friend: “I uh, guess this is good bye.”
The Minish nods and holds out his hand, looking pointedly at Wind, encouraging the sailor to do the same. With a touch of confusion, Wind complies, holding out a finger to his small companion.
Green smiles, looking up into Wind's eyes as he presses a hand to the center of his chest, placing the other to the tip of Wind’s finger.
“Umoriut ichiri,” he chirps warmly.
And then, just before Time turns the corner, the little guy sends Wind one final grin, before turning and running, ducking behind several books and skittering out of sight.
“There you are,” Time says, finally coming to stand at Wind’s side. The Old Man glances around, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. “Were you talking to someone? I thought I heard voices.”
Wind’s eyes flick back to where his little friend was just standing, tracing the little alcoves they had made for the Minish who live in the library.
“Nah,” Wind says, turning back to Time with an easy grin, hands behind his head, “Just whistling to myself. “We good to go?”
As the two exit the library, headed back toward the fountain to meet up with the others, a blonde haired boy in a green tunic rushes past Wind, gently brushing the sailor’s side as he runs.
“See you later!” the kid calls, looking over his shoulder only long enough for Wind to catch sight of forest green eyes before the boy’s face is obscured by bodies, his small form disappearing into the sea of people near the market.
The kid must have Wind confused for someone else.
And yet, the little sailor could not help but think the other’s voice was oddly familiar somehow.
Legend and Sky start canvassing the lower town.
Start being the operative word. They do not finish canvassing the lower town.
Because really, Legend muses, how were they supposed to work in these conditions? On an empty stomach and absolutely surrounded by the mouthwatering smells of the little market?
So they stop searching for the hero and start searching for someplace to get lunch because, really, with so many eyes open and ears out looking for the kid, one of the others were bound to find something they could work with.
Or, at least, that's what Legend tells Sky to get the chosen hero to stop looking like a guilty puppy over the fact that they’re ditching their job.  
So, after touring the stalls for a bit, sampling this and trying that with the pocket change that Legend always keeps on his person, they eventually settle on a more permanent looking place for lunch: a little bakery with a sign out front that says “Wheaton and Pita’s Bakery”.
The soft tinkling of a bell and the absolutely heavenly scent of baking bread, melting butter, and sugary frosting greets them as they push their way through the door, confirming that they made the right choice.  
“Welcome to Wheaton and Pita’s Bakery, home of the lucky brioche,” calls a dour voice from behind the counter. “What can I get you today?”
The owner of the voice is a blonde kid standing at a work bench a bit farther behind the counter, kneading dough with the viciousness that one would use to throttle their worst enemy. The kid is absolutely covered in flour and powdered sugar, leaving only his livid cobalt eyes unbleached by the ingredients. He’s wearing an apron with lots of little blue  hearts and stars embroidered into the front.
With an angry grimace, the blonde gives the dough another massive punch, blowing a few strands of hair that have managed to escape his tight bun out of his face.
The kid looks like he hates his life.
Which is fair, Legend thinks. The kid is working retail, after all.
Welp, too bad for him. If he's this easily annoyed, he's in the wrong business. And unfortunately for the young blonde, Legend most certainly isn’t above antagonizing strangers for his own amusement. Gotta make your own fun while going on a wild goose chase for the Goddess, you know?
So, with only a tiny dot of venom soiling his innocent mischief, Legend plasters a doughy, dumb look over his face
“Any recommendations?” the pink haired hero asks, voice so sugary it contends with the crystalline smell of frosting in the air, his smile wide and vacant. “We’re from out of town.”
The kid must know what he's doing, because the veteran swears he sees the boy’s right eye twitch. Bingo.
“We literally only sell four things,” the kid grits out with a grimace.
Legend raises an eyebrow at that, innocent smile going a bit more pointed as he gives the boy an appraising look. A ‘oh really? You’re talking to a customer like that?’
The kid’s grimace somehow becomes even more pronounced as he narrows icy blue eyes at the veteran hero. But then, as if hearing the words of someone lecturing him, the kid shakes his head and gets a hold of his temper.The young blonde takes a deep breath in, and sighs it out, visibly trying to soften his jaw, his shoulders. Another breath in and the kid holds it this time,  the boy somehow turning his grimace into an even more painful looking smile; all teeth, no lip.
“If you want sweet, get the pie or the cake.” He says, mouth hardly moving as he hisses the words out between his bared teeth. “If you want savory, get the brioche or the croissant.”
“Oh that sounds great, but what do you recommend?”
The kid's face turns a little red.
Legend takes it as a win, even as Sky elbows him in the side, clearly having caught on to what the pink haired hero was doing.
“Sorry for my friend,” Sky says, an easy, appeasing smile on his face. “I’ll take a brioche, please.”
“And a slice of cake for me, if you’d be so kind,” Legend adds, batting his eyelashes a little.
He gets another elbow to the stomach. Its totally worth it for the icy glare he gets from the blonde as he shoves himself away from the counter, going off to fill their order.
“Why are you like this?” Sky whispers, shaking his head.
Legend merely shrugs, pulling out the correct amount of rupees and placing them on the counter. And then, after a second, places a purple one inside the open tip jar. Because the kid was at least a good sport about the whole thing.
“Here’s the brioche,” the boy says, handing a personal sized loaf to Sky with a napkin. “And the cake,” he finishes, passing a ceramic plate and fork to Legend. Then with the fakest smile known to man: “Have a great day.”
The two heroes turn away from the counter, only making it a few steps before both give into the temptation of their food.
And Legend has to admit, the cake is amazing.The frosting on top has crystalized on the outside, leaving the inside buttery and sweet and tasting of vanilla.  The cake is spongy and light, complimenting the fresh, tart strawberry and raspberry jam sandwiched between the layers.
It's nothing short of heaven and Legend would have finished it in a few seconds flat if not for a sharp crack, followed by an excruciating pain in his mouth.
With an open mouthed shout of surprise and hurt, he spits his last mouthful onto his plate; chewed up bits of cake covered in blood followed by a fucking fragment of a blue stone.
Well that and part of a tooth. Part of his front tooth.
“Wuh huh ‘UCK!” Legend screams, blood on his lips, jolting both Sky and the boy behind the counter, who both look at him in surprise and then shock.
“Did you just fucking bite into the Kinstone?!” The boy shouts in a mix of surprise and anger, vaulting over the counter, a handful of napkins clutched in his palm. He quickly guides the pink haired hero back into a chair while shoving the paper into Legend’s hands. Once seated, the boy takes the plate away as Sky leans in, shooting Legend a concerned look as the veteran sets about shoving as many napkins in his mouth in order to curb the flow of iron.
“Why huh ‘UCK are ‘here shtones in a ‘UCKING cake?!” Legend spits as best he can around the napkins and the painful half stump of his front left tooth.
“It's a Kinstone, you moron! Almost every goddess damned thing in the store has one baked into it!”
“How wash I shuppos’s to knohw ‘hat?!”
“You would have known if you had bothered to look at the fucking menu instead of being a goddess damned  menace!”
Legend whips his head up to look at the sign hanging above the counter, not believing the little, snot nosed–!
… sure enough, in bright white letters, it says, “Chance to win a Kinstone in every treat!”
Son of a...
The door opens with its tell tale tinkling and a woman steps into the bakery, freezing the three boys in their tracks as they watch her enter. She totters in, arms full of groceries and a jovial expression on her face, having clearly not seen them yet.
“I’m back, Link!” she says, setting her basket down on the counter, before glancing around, obviously looking for her helper. “How was manning the shop– oh my goodness gracious!”
A hand comes up to her mouth as she rushes over to the group of teens, glancing between Legend’s bloody mouth and the kid’s angry expression.
“Oh, Link.” She says, voice sad. No. Disappointed.  “You punched another one?”
“Another one!?” Sky exclaims.
“...the one fucking day I switch jobs with Red, I get the morons…” Legend catches the boy mutter under his breath. And then to the woman, “No, Mrs. Pita. This one,” he throws a thumb at Legend, “bit into a Kinstone and broke a tooth.”
“Oh, you poor thing,” the woman exclaims, gently removing Sky and the blonde from infront of Legend, taking a hold of the pink haired hero’s chin to examine his mouth herself. She hisses at the sight of the broken tooth, the white bone broken clean in half. “I’m afraid you might need a fairy to fix this, my dear.”
Legend groans as best he can around the napkins and now the examining fingers of his woman he's never met before. The Old Man has all the fairies right now and Legend does NOT want to explain why he needs one.
“Uhhh,” the blonde boy says after a few moments of the woman’s examination, inching back away from the scene, apron already over his head and in his hand. “Looks like you've got this covered, Mrs.Pita, so I’ll just…”
The woman waves the boy away, not even looking up from where she’s now examining Legend’s gums. “Yes, yes, out with you. Thank you for the help, deary, and say hello to your grandfather for me.”
The boy nods emphatically, throwing his apron over the counter and dashing out the door.
It's a few minutes later, the woman bustling about looking for gauze, Legend pressing a lump of ice into his mouth that Sky suddenly says: “Wait. Did she say that kid’s name was Link?”
Legend would punch himself in the face if he wasn't afraid of losing any more teeth today.
Oh, Time really shouldn't have put Hyrule and Wild together if he wanted them to be on a schedule of any kind.
Because really, what did the Old Man expect? For them to stay within the walls of the village and talk to soldiers when there was an entirely new, never before seen kingdom just beyond the barrier of dull, grey stone?
Yeah right!
So it really shouldn’t have surprised anyone, least of all Time, that pretty much the first chance they got, Hyrule and Wild were out the gates and into the rest of the kingdom proper.
And Nayru, If Hyrule had thought this Hyrule was cute before, well now he thought it was both cute and beautiful.  
The two adventurous heroes spend hours just getting lost together.
They end up at the base of a volcano, the ground heat-baked and cracked, a gentle but continuous snowfall of embers blanketing the earth and smothering it.
Despite the... warm welcome, they journey higher, until each inhale becomes a breath of pure flame, searing their throats and layering the roofs of their mouths and their lungs with ash.
And yet, for as inhospitable as Mt. Crenel is, all around them, the two can hear the sounds of the volcano rumble and combine and thrive with a sort of life of its own; the muffled bubbling of hot geysers mixing with the whistle of superheated air shrieking through cracks in the ground, all of it adding to a percussion of falling boulders until the entire mountain is thrumming with a rhythm, a heart beat of why would you try and climb this?!
So, of course, Wild and Hyrule continue to climb it.
Then, slightly smoldering and definitely soaked in sweat but smiling as bright as the overhead sun, the two teens stroll their way through rolling fields. They trace the curvature of the hills with pounding feet, wade their way through a sea of knee high waves of grass caught in the tide of the wind.
At some point, they catch sight of a small house in the distance, sitting alone on a raised plot of ground, and consider stopping to ask for directions. They eventually decide against it, content to their wandering.
Past the house, which Hyrule thinks might actually be a blacksmith due to the sharp ting ting ting emanating from the building as they pass, the two enter a forest. Almost immediately, Hyrule feels something in him shift, his chest releasing a breath he hadn't even known it was holding, letting the traveler feel like he was finally breathing  for the first time in a long long while.  
Hyrule can’t put his finger on it, cannot reach out and touch it or even put a name to the feeling, but there's something about the place that just… feels like home. The trees, tall and older than Hyrule will ever be, create a dark canopy overhead, interrupting the sun and leaving the forest floor in cool, misty shade. There is a strange stillness to the woods, as though everything has been muted; the trees, the bushes, the fog, all of it taking the sounds of the forest and softening them, a gentle brush of noise rather than a deafening din of activity.
And the air... The air is cool and refreshing, thick with the scent of rain and moss and mud and growth. And something else. Something that prickles familiarly at Hyrule’s skin. Something that sits on the back of his tongue, sweet, but not cloying so.
It’s something magical.
Not the crystalline honeysuckle of faerie magic, Hyrule thinks, but something similar, adjacent. It is not as ephemeral, not as wily or mischievous. It feels… more grounded. More rooted, more ingrained into the very earth instead of free floating magical ozone. It feels nice. Homely.
Hyrule could probably stay in that forest, The Minish Woods, for hours, if not for the fact that they did, infact, need to head back at some point. So with a bit of reluctance, Hyrule lets Wild drag him from the woods and back out into the light of day.
Soon enough, the two of them find a dirt road and follow it until the grey cobblestone of Hyrule Town come into view. The home stretch, they’re almost there–
Hyrule feels the dirt of the road shift beneath his foot, something burying through the ground underneath his soles, creating a small wake of rock and displaced dirt that has the traveling hero tripping with a gasp.
He catches himself, but only just, eyes almost instinctively following the way the shape that had nearly caused his fall glides forward through the dirt before it comes to a screeching halt. Thin black claws erupt from the top soil, scrabbling scrabbling scrabbling until there is a hole large enough for a rounded, yellow head to emerge from underground.
As if looking for who just stepped on it, the head wheels around in the hole, revealing a molelike face wearing a blue domino mask of all things. However, the monster's tiny eyes seem to spot them easily enough, the creature's lips immediately peeling back from it’s thin snout to reveal a needle-like sneer that has Hyrule and Wild drawing their blades.
With a squeaky giggle, the head disappears back underground only to immediately reappear as the creature emerges more fully from the dirt.
Or, if Hyrule is going to be accurate, as the creatures emerge more fully from the dirt, because their little guy apparently has friends. Friends that stack ontop of eachother, one after the other, until there is a tower of the little guys tottering toward them, claws extended, mouths snapping, eyes glittering greedily behind their masks.
Hyrule raises his shield and sees Wild do the same next to him. The two heroes lock eyes briefly, nodding to each other, a vicious smile shared between two people with the same idea. Focusing his eyes back on the tower of enemies, Hyrule braces his legs, ready to break into a sprint.
Because while the spire of moles is tall, it isn't exactly what Hyrule would call stable. A single blow from their shields should do the trick.
“Go!” Wild shouts, jolting both heroes into action, the two springing forward as one, shields ready to dismantle their enemies–
When a massive clawed paw erupts from the ground directly in front of the tower, grabbing a hold of the bottom most enemy. The little thing only has long enough to widen its eyes and let out a little shriek of fear before it's being dragged back down under the ground, the entire tower coming down with it.
“What in the hell was that?!” Wild asks, having to shout over the muffled sound of rodent-like shrieks and hisses rising up from the depths of the hole
“No clue.” Hyrule responds, just as bemused, keeping his eyes firmly locked on where the claw had emerged. “A new type of Wallmaster?”
A final high pitched shriek pieces the air, followed by total silence.
And for a second, Wild and Hyrule just stare at the hole, swords up, shields prepped, ready for literally anything to jump out of its depths.
They don't have to wait long, as two massive clawed paws emerge from the hole, working in tandem to tear at the sides of the pit, widening it. Wider and wider and wider until it’s at least three times bigger than the one the little moles had popped out of.
A final pass of paws and then the claws grip at the edges of the pit, wicked looking nails rooting themselves into the earth, a stable basis for something to haul itself up and–
Another blonde head pops from the hole, but unlike last time, it is quickly followed by shoulders and a very small, hylian looking body and Oh, Nayru,  the traveler thinks his jaw might have just hit the dirt because what looks to be a freaking eight year old child is hauling himself up from underground.
In seconds, the boy is free from the earth, standing and pulling off the massive clawed gloves– gloves! They’re gloves!– and stowing them away in a leather satchel, as he mutters quietly to himself. The child then lets out a sharp tisk as he seems to realize how dirty he is, hands passing methodically through his straight blonde hair to rid it of any clods of dirt. A couple of harsh swipes across his clothes sends clouds of dust billowing from the child, and Hyrule watches as the kid’s tunic seemingly turns from a dusky heather to a vibrant violet.
Quickly stowing his sword and shield, Hyrule rushes to the child’s side just as the kid finishes cleaning himself up, the wandering hero’s eyes peeled for any injuries, any visible bruises, tears in the other’s tunic or pants.
“Are you alright?” Hyrule asks, voice a little breathless from shock.
“Oh,” the boy replies, taking a reflexive step away as the traveling hero skids to a stop next to him, sharp amethyst eyes giving Hyrule an evaluative once over before flicking over and doing the same to Wild as the champion approaches.
“My apologies,” The boy gives a slight incline of his head, his face betraying nothing as he speaks. “I was unaware anyone was out here. I am sorry if I surprised you.”
“Surprised us?” Wild asks with a little laugh, eyes wide with excitement. “I mean, yeah, but that was freaking awesome kid! What were those things anyway?”
“And what were you doing down there?” Hyrule asks, voice soft but eyes sending daggers Wild’s way because the champion just completely bypassed the fact that there was an eight year old underground fighting monsters.
The boy’s face cracks a little, his blank facade wrinkling as his eyebrows furrow an inch, his mouth turning down a tick. His eyes flicker back and forth between Wild and Hyrule, as though the two heroes are a puzzle he’s trying to work out.
“Those were Acrobandits,” the boy explains slowly. “Not particularly dangerous monsters, but pests nonetheless. There has been an unfortunate resurgence in their numbers as of late, so I was asked to “thin the herd,” so to speak.”
“Not saying you aren’t capable of handling them yourself, but aren’t there soldiers for that?” Wild asks, Hyrule nodding along with his friends' words. Because, sure, while he was handed a sword at the age of fourteen and tasked with saving the world from an all powerful pig demon,  that didn't mean all kids should be out killing monsters before the sun had set on their first decade.
The boy’s eyebrows furrow further, face now looking completely nonplussed.
And then suddenly, his face shifts again, a look of clarity easing the confused tension in his expression, amethyst eyes beginning to flash with interest.
“You’re not from here,” he says. It’s not a question.
“Uh, no. We’re not, but–”
“Then you’re travelers, I presume.” the boy cuts in, turning to more fully face the two heroes as his eyes light up even brighter, curiosity polishing the gems of his eyes into glinting facets. “How many kingdoms have you traveled to? Why have you come to Hyrule? Have you noticed any significant differences in georgraphica–”
“Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down, one at a time,” Wild butts in, waving his hands slightly, as if he were dispelling the words from the very air. “Yes, we’re travelers, we’ve been to about eight kingdoms, and were in this Hyrule looking for a hero named Link.”
The boy blinks at that.
And it's like a door slamming shut, the younger blonde’s expression closing off as the interest that had illuminated his eyes dims. His face hardens into impassive stone, painfully neutral.
“Why are you looking for him?” the words cold, carefully measured.
“You know him then?” Hyrule asks, picking up on the boy’s defensive behavior. One would only act that way if they cared deeply about the person in question. Cared about a stranger’s intentions toward them. “We need his help with something and need to speak with him as soon as possible.”
“Need help with what, exactly?” the kid asks, narrowing his eyes.
Wild and Hyrule share a look.
Because, really, isn't that the million rupee question?
Because, at this point, even they aren't sure what they're doing. They know they’ve been brought together by some sort of force powerful enough to punch rifts through time and space itself but they weren't clear on what this force was, or if its intentions were benevolent or not.
There was no old man to tell them what they were supposed to be doing. No cryptic clues or helpful hints, no companion to give them some incentive.
They were just eight heroes from different eras suddenly shoved together by some weird twist of fate and expected to do... something.
But that isn't an answer.
But Hyrule has no other to give.
So he tells the truth.
“We… don't actually know.” the traveler begins, letting out a soft sigh as his eyes meet the boy’s, a field of earnest hazel versus a sea of skeptical violet. “We… aren't sure what we’re doing or even why.”
A raised eyebrow from the boy and Hyrule lets out a humorless laugh in response.
“Yeah, I know, right? Sounds pretty stupid. But,” and Hyrule tries, he tries to make his words as full of conviction as possible. Full of steel but also full of simple, all encompassing warmth. “All I know for sure is that whatever it is we’re doing, we’re doing it for the good of others. And that’s worth looking a little stupid for. Or, at least, I think so.”
A beat of silence passes between them.
And then, for the first time since they’d met him, the kid smiles.
It is small, barely an upturn of his lips, but it is soft and fond, the kid shaking his head slightly, as if dispelling a thought. Or perhaps a memory.
“You sound like my brothers,” the young blonde says, still smiling. “Idiots, the lot of them, but brave. Brave idiots.”
Hyrule watches as the kid’s smile turns sad. A breath in and a breath out and the expression is gone, the boy’s face once again a fond, half smile.
“It sounds like you could use all the help you can get. I’ll tell you where you can find him. The Hero.”
Honestly, for how much they had done exactly the opposite of what their job was supposed to be, Hyrule is a little proud to find that he and Wild manage to procure the best information thanks to the help of the kid– Vio.
And sure, they’re three hours late, but they’re not empty handed like Time and Wind, or soaked to the bone and with little more to show for it than rumors like Twilight and Warriors, or missing a tooth like Legend.
It is mostly only thanks to them that the heroes set off south of town, Twilight in a new set of clothes (but his still damp fur plastered stubbornly to his back) and Wind happily admiring a now completed Kinstone thanks to Legend’s… souvenir.
Before they know it, the group of heroes find themselves outside of the blacksmith’s forge that Hyrule and Wild had passed hours ago.
To think, if they had just stopped to ask for directions, they could have found the Hero with no muss, no fuss.
Oh well, Hyrule thinks, a touch of a smile pulling at his face. He always did prefer to do things the long way around.
Time, ever the leader, pushes open the door, the rest of them following close behind and–
“You!” Twilight hisses,taking a slight aggressive step forward as he jabs a finger in the direction of a very familiar looking young blond boy sitting on top of the weapon shop's counter. And then addressing the other heroes, accusing point never dropping for a second, “That's the kid who dumped water all over me!”
“Uhhh, no,” Legend cuts in, sending a look Twilight’s way that clearly implied that the veteran thought the farm hand was being a moron, “Thats the kid from the bakery. The one who sold me the cake with rocks in it.”
And Hyrule wants to break in that, no, this is Vio. The one who fought off a bunch of mole monsters like it was nothing and who told them where they could find the Hero in the first place. The reason they were even here.
Because its very clearly the same kid. Same diminutive height, same straight, shoulder length blonde hair, same headband holding the golden locks out of the kid’s face.
And yet, at the same time, Hyrule can also distinctly tell that it's not the same kid.
Because where Vio had been chilly politeness, bright curious eyes, and stone cold suspicion, this kid is all knowing grins, mischievous looks, barely contained anticipation. He’s also wearing a completely different outfit: a quadripartite tunic, four different colors sewed roughly together at their edges to make a very unique whole.
And apparently he’s been waiting for them, a bag already packed and sitting on the counter next to the kid.
“It sounds like you’ve met my brothers,” the boy says by way of greeting, smile never leaving his lips as he hops over the service counter, dragging his full bag with him.  “Sorry about them, they can be a bit of a handful. My name’s Link.”
A little laugh to himself, like there is some sort of inside joke here that no one seems to be in on except the boy himself.
“But something tells me I won’t be going by that for much longer,” the little hero continues.
A hearth warm smile. An air of confidence. A stone firm handshake. A tempest of energy.
“You guys can call me Four.”
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Welcome Aboard Part 1
Wow, finally made my tweaks and got to posting this akshlkjaslk, I’ve had a busy month, anyways, part 1 of my collab with @dongiovannaswife is finally here! A bit of an origin story if you will ^-^ Thanks Lena for working on it with me! <3
“Hey let me go! What the fuck?!”
 “Shit, great, a civilian’s involved now, just our luck,” Mista rounded the corner and brandished his gun when he saw their target restraining a smaller girl, the sex pistols appearing around him, soon to be followed by Narancia and Abbacchio. “Alright cazzo, let the girl go and get this over with. It’s over for you.”
 The others behind Mista took notice the girl was staring at something, namely at Aerosmith, then in the direction of the pistols’ too.
 “No, you and your little buddies, are going to let me go and never come poking around again, the don’s going to forget about lil ol me and leave my business alone or she’ll get it.” Emiliano threatened, pulling the girl closer to him as his stand’s razor sharp blades for nails drew closer to her face. “Come on, I know that bleeding heart would get upset to hear a poor little girl got hurt because of his men!”
 “So she is a stand user like I thought,” Abbacchio muttered, seeing as how she was staring at the enemy’s stand as it grew closer to her face, the target not even noticing.
 “That good or bad?” Narancia could barely get out before a pinkish glow lit the alleyway up.
 “I said, let me go!” the girl snapped; a combusting in ball of fire appeared that knocked the Mafioso off of her, at least half his face scorched from the look of it. Emiliano used the shock to get away. She looked back to the other three and scowled, “what!? You wanna go too!? He’s getting away!”
 “Holy shit,” Narancia breathed, a smile cracking on his face, “an American stand user, cool.”
 Deeming the three not a threat to her, her stand pulled in closer to her again. “You’re… not from here, are you?” she swallowed, picking up on their accents and the fact that they were definitely not native English speakers.
 “You know, thanks to you that guy got away!” Abbacchio shoved past Mista and Narancia so he could lean down to get in the girls face with his usual scowl. “So thanks for nothing.”
 “Like you were any help to me just now!” She spat back, her stand hissing behind her. “You just stood there and watched that asshole try and rip my face off!”
 Abbacchio rolled his eyes and turned on a heel, gesturing to the other two, “let’s go, we’ll let Fugo and Bucciarati know what happened just now, we’ll reconvene at the hotel before going after him again.” He ordered the younger pair.
 “Ugh fine,” Mista looked back to the girl and her stand, “I- hey are you sure we couldn’t use a little extra muscle on this one? You also weren’t exactly very nice to her just now, she’s kinda owed an explanation.” He elbowed Abbacchio who was ignoring them.
 “You’re welcome for weakening him for you I guess!” She shouted after them, but they disappeared around the corner. Frustrated, she ran after them. “Hey! Are you idiots listening to me!?”
 “Buzz off, we don’t need some little girl’s help— aah!” Abbacchio waved his hand when her stand appeared in front of the trio, all of them flinching, especially after what they just saw it do before.
 “First off, I’m not a kid, second… I’ve never met anyone around here that can see her,” she walked around to speak to them more. “Who are you assholes and why are you here? Oh, and was that jerk with you?” She demanded.
 Narancia opened his mouth to freely answer all the questions when Abbacchio pulled him back, “this doesn’t concern you, so what if we also have stands? We don’t owe you anything. Come on; let’s go before he gets too far.”
 “We’re a part of the Italian mafia!” Narancia quickly blurted out before Abbacchio grabbed the younger yet again and covered his mouth.
 The girl laughed, “You expect me to believe that?” She frowned, looking them over again, “then again, after what just happened, I could believe it I guess,” she frowned. “So was that guy some traitor then? Did he escape and make it all the way over here and you’re trying to punish him?”
 Mista lowered his guard more, contemplating also telling her a little more, “Guess you can say that, he’s just causing a lot of trouble, okay? He needs to be taken care of.” He holstered his gun.
 “I want in,” she spoke again after a moment of silence.
 “Uh, no,” Abbacchio decided, but she got in front of them again, defiant. “Go home kid.”
 “He threatened to kill me; I still have to let Crazy finish the job-”
 “Wait, who?” Narancia asked.
 “My stand,” she pointed to the pink and blue flaming humanoid figure. “It’s short for Crazy=Genius.” She explained. “She sets things on fire and makes explosions... well, when I get angry anyways.”
 “Great, another volatile stand, sounds like Purple Haze all over again,” Abbacchio muttered.
 Mista looked back at the other two, “come on, what’s the harm in letting her help? Besides, as one of the don’s right hand men, I have seniority over you, I am a capo now after all,” He looked back with a smirk before, extending his hand to the girl, “Mista, that’s Narancia, the big cazzo over there is Abbacchio.”
 “Marissa- well, call me Mar,” she took it, smirking back. “So you are with the mafia, damn,” she chuckled a bit, “never thought I’d meet the real deal.” She shoved her hands back in her pockets and started heading off in a different direction, “the guy went this way so this will be our best bet.”
 “Thanks but we don’t need your help tracking someone down, that’s my job,” Abbacchio continued the other way. “Right now we need to regroup and let the others know what happened so we can move in together.”
 Mista shook his head and gestured for the others to follow.
“You know, I’m surprised you of all people let her follow you guys around.” Bruno sounded amused as they followed Moody Blue’s playback of their target from the alley he got scorched in. “No doubt Giorno will have concerns when we report in.”
 “Mista flashed his seniority card and I didn’t have a choice but to accept it- You have that look.” Abbacchio grumbled.
 “What look?”
 The taller laughed, “The look you always get when you want to adopt another kid.” He pointed out, looking over his shoulder at the girl talking with the other members of his team as he got in front of his stand more, always paranoid about showing newcomers Moody Blues. “But we know even less about her than when Giovanna first joined.”
 “Maybe that’s why I like her, she reminds me a little of him; I just hope you won’t feed her piss too,” Bruno smirked knowingly, turning back to Moody who had stalled, finding they were in front of a warehouse that was locked. Of course that was no trouble for them as Sticky Fingers appeared, unzipping the door and stepping through first.
 “Looks like it’s all here,” Fugo shook his head, looking at the crates that filled the small building. “This was everything that wasn’t accounted for back in the Sicilia warehouses owned by Volpe. This also means he’ll be back soon, I’m guessing tonight.”
 “Awesome! A stakeout!” Narancia cheered.
 Marissa walked over to one of the opened crates and frowned. “I thought it was a mafia thing to distribute drugs, you guys are kind of weird— I mean, not that I condone drugs myself, but you know… Unless I’m making rude assumptions…?”
 Bruno closed the lid on the crate, “our organization doesn’t run on such things, not anymore.”
 “How do you make all your money then?” she raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by the answer.
 “Embezzlement,” Mista bluntly stated. “Protection fees, assassination, you name it!”
 “Just no drugs?”
 Fugo rolled his eyes and further poked around the place, “we may be the mafia, but have some morals. Our leaders just happen to despise drugs.”
 “How honorable,” she dryly replied, well, who was she to judge? She looked around more, curious if there was anything else to find, “You know, my stand can torch this entire place right here and now if you want. I’ve tested it before, it’s pretty powerful and nothing but ash would be left behind.”
 Abbacchio scoffed, heading back to the front door of the building where the zipper portal still was active. “And you’re a pyromaniac arsonist from what I’ve gathered; I don’t think you have room to talk about morality. Now let’s get set up so we can grab this guy when he comes back. ”
  One could hardly call it a fair fight, after Emiliano had returned to the warehouse to start moving his shipment out, they made quick work of him, using Crazy=Genius to torch the place and ensure that their target was dead and the drugs burned up along with him.
  “Consider it mission complete then, we leave for Napoli day after tomorrow, we’re ahead of schedule,” Bruno pocketed his phone as he informed the others who were drinking and unwinding from the fight before; though it wasn’t that much of a fight, six on one? Even with a stand as strong as his Nine Inch Nails, it was built for close combat while his opponents had ranged attacks.
 “Well, I better get back home before it gets too late and my parents worry,” Marissa got up and grabbed her jacket. “I had fun, guess I can officially say life will be infinitely boring from tonight on,” she joked when she was stopped.
 “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy having your stand to help out,” Bruno admitted. “You don’t seem to have much practice with her though.”
 “What? You wanna help me train her?” The girl was expecting some kind of joke, but he looked serious. “I can’t just up and leave and move to a whole new country on a whim… to join the fucking mafia too? Sorry, but I think this was more than enough for me for a lifetime.”
 “Just give it some thought tonight,” Bruno patted her shoulder, “I once heard that stand users attract other stand users, some kind of fate; I’m just saying, maybe there was a reason we crossed paths, because I know a liar when I see one, and you don’t really want to go on with a normal life. Right?”
 She got quiet after that one, but shrugged his hand off her shoulder, “I need to get back home.”
 “You know where to find us if you change your mind before Thursday.”
 The five turned their heads when they heard a familiar voice.
 “Hold up… phew, shit, I’m not used to running,” Marissa placed her hands on her knees to catch her breath. “I… I still have some stuff I’d need to come back for if I did go, but,” she swallowed, avoiding their eyes, “I’d like to go back with you guys. J-Just to scope the place out for a week or two, see if I’ll like it or not,” she added on.
 “Wooo! New teammate! Trish is gonna be so excited for another girl to hang out with!” Narancia grinned.
 “I’m sure she gets sick of all of you constantly bothering her, but yes, I supposed you’re right about that. Plus it’s always beneficial to have a team full of varying abilities and powers; we could certainly use another powerhouse. I think Giorno and the Speedwagon Foundation would be interested in studying her and her stand,” Fugo turned away, ready to start off.
 “Don’t get ahead of yourselves now, she’s just visiting for a couple of weeks, no promises, she’s free to decline any offers we make her,” Bruno had reminded the other three.
 The young woman awkwardly smiled as the others seemed to welcome her, of course Abbacchio kept silent, aloof as when she met him a few days ago. It didn’t matter, she found it fun to tease him; anything could get under that guy’s skin.
 Whatever the group’s reaction to a potential new teammate, she followed them as they left their hotel.
“Yeah,” Bruno nods as he speaks into the phone, eyes trailing to Fugo briefly as he makes sure the call is safe.
 “We’re just heading to the plane —she’s coming with us in hopes of your approval, since Mista already said yes.”
 There is silence for a moment while Giorno speaks back, whatever he was saying making Bruno tense. The atmosphere changes momentarily as Sticky Fingers’ user looks out the window, watching as the businesses go by.
 “Yeah,” he mutters after a moment, low and calm despite his rigid posture. “I’ll let them know.” Silence settles in as he lowers his eyes into the floor of the car, seeming to study his own shoes as he listens to the boss on the other side of the line. “Of course, Gi —Don.”
 The call ends even before he can end it himself. With the team’s attention upon him, Bruno takes a deep sigh, closing his eyes and letting them open slowly as his sight falls into Mista, who’s right before him. “He’s not pleased —at all.”
 Abbacchio scoffs, rolling his eyes. He’s sitting by Mista’s side. “That brat is never happy with other’s decisions —he thinks he’s the only one allowed to make moves. Why name Mista his right hand if he won’t let him take part in the decisions?”
 Bruno raises an eyebrow, “Are you on her side now? I thought you thought the same.”
 “Do not misinterpret me.” He snarls back, “I don’t approve of this idiot’s decision. I’m just saying I don’t understand Giovanna.”
 Narancia laughs, short and lighthearted: mocking still. “Yeah, yeah, whatever —you’re not fooling anyone.”
 Abbacchio growls, shooting a glare at the boy, “Do you want Giovanna to know you got a broken nose?”
 “Oh?” Narancia smirks, leaning into Leone’s personal space, “So you care about what he has to say?”
 Before he can reply or even try to make his word true, Bruno speaks over them. Rough and commanding. “Enough.” He directs his attention back to Mista, who has been waiting to speak. With a curt nod from Bruno, Mista finally talks.
 “I’ll talk with him —I’m sure his discontent falls upon her being a civilian and getting involved, huh?”
 “A part of it, yes.” Bruno nods, adding last. “That, and the sudden reveal of information to her played into it.” He directs his attention to Narancia, who’s trying to sink into his seat. “He wants to talk with you, too.”
 Abbacchio chuckles —dark and mocking.
 Mista sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. “I mean, maybe if I ask the Donna for a bit of help, he’ll soften?”
 Bruno shakes his head. “That won’t work.”
 “How do you know?”
 Bruno looks through the window for a moment, silence settling in before he turns back to the group, giving them all a brief look. “The call was on speaker. She heard it all and although she didn’t say anything I could tell they are on the same page.”
 Abbacchio rolls his eyes, mumbling something intelligible under his breath.
 “Are you done?” Marissa cuts through the conversation suddenly. “I’m still here and listening to you all.”
 “Oh, sorry, Queen of England” Abbacchio snarls, frowning as he looks through the window.
 The rest is silence before Mista murmurs. “At least we made the job.” 
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mcnamaste · 3 years
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Task 001: Character Playlist.
Another case of Affluenza - a Dylan McNamara playlist
Snippets of Lyrics below:
Side A + Dylan’s vibe 
1. all in my head (flex) - Fifth Harmony feat. Fetty Wap
Flex, time to impress Come and climb in my bed Don't be shy, do your thing It's all in my head
fun fact - the original song that they sampled this chorus from actually goes like this: 
Girl flex, time to have sex Long time yuh have di rude bwoy yah a sweat Girl, flex time to have sex Look how long yuh have di rude bwoy a sweat
thanks for coming to my ted talk
2. ain’t my fault - zara larsson 
It ain't my fault you keep turnin' me on It ain't my fault you got, got me so gone It ain't my fault I'm not leavin' alone It ain't my fault you keep turnin' me on I can't talk right now I'm lookin' and I like what I'm seein' Got me feelin' kinda shocked right now Couldn't stop right now Even if I wanted, gotta get it, get it, get it, when it's hot right now Oh my god, what is this? Want you all in my business Baby, I insist Please don't blame me for whatever happens next
3. sugar - Maroon 5
I'm hurting baby, I'm broken down I need your loving, loving I need it now When I'm without you, I'm something weak You got me begging, begging I'm on my knees
4. stupid love - Lady Gaga
You're the one that I've been waiting for Gotta quit this cryin', nobody's gonna Heal me if I don't open the door Kinda hard to believe, gotta have faith in me
 5. desperado - Rihanna 
If you want, we can be runaways Running from any sight of love Yeah, yeah, there ain’t nothin' There ain't nothin' here for me There ain't nothin' here for me anymore But I don't wanna be alone
6. pray for me - The Weeknd, Kendrick Lamar
I'm always ready for a war again Go down that road again It's all the same I'm always ready to take a life again You know I'll ride again It's all the same (Ooh, ooh, ooh) Tell me who's gon' save me from myself When this life is all I know Tell me who's gon' save me from this hell Without you, I'm all alone
Who gon' pray for me? Take my pain for me? Save my soul for me? 'Cause I'm alone, you see If I'm gon' die for you If I'm gon' kill for you Then I spilled this blood for you, hey
7. 24k magic - Bruno Mars Pop pop, it's show time (Show time) Show time (Show time) Guess who's back again? Oh they don't know? (Go on tell 'em) Oh they don't know? (Go on tell 'em) I bet they know soon as we walk in (Showin' up) Wearing Cuban links (ya) Designer minks (ya) Inglewood's finest shoes (Whoop, whoop) Don't look too hard Might hurt ya'self Known to give the color red the blues
Ooh shit, I'm a dangerous man with some money in my pocket (Keep up) So many pretty girls around me and they waking up the rocket (Keep up) Why you mad? Fix ya face Ain't my fault y'all be jocking (Keep up)
8. bed - J. Holiday 
Wanna put my fingers through your hair Wrap me up in your legs And love you till your eyes roll back I'm tryna put you to bed, bed, bed I'mma put you to bed, bed, bed Then I'mma rock ya body Turn you over Love is war, I'm your soldier Touchin' you like it's our first time I'mma put you to bed, bed, bed I'mma put you to bed, bed, bed
9. don’t judge me - Janelle Monáe
Even though you tell me you love me I'm afraid that you just love my disguise Taste my fears and light your candle to my raging fire Of broken desire
But don't judge me I know I got issues, but they drown when I kiss you Don't judge me Baptize me with ocean, recognize my devotion
10. the greatest - Sia 
I'm free to be the greatest, I'm alive I'm free to be the greatest here tonight, the greatest The greatest, the greatest alive
11. love in this club - Usher feat. Young Jeezy 
You say you're searching for somebody that'll take you out and do you right Well, come here, baby and let daddy show you what it feel like You know all you got to do is tell me what you sipping on And I promise that I'm gonna keep it coming all night long
12. u don't have to call - Usher
Aw, girl, your face is saying, "Why?" Tears in eyes Should've been more smart about it Should've cherished me, listening to friends Now it's the end And again, no story can end without it
Side B + Annalise Young (Infidelity & Divorce)
1. forgive me - Chloe x Halle
Baby, what you think this is? Why you wanna plead the fifth? You ain't gotta tell me what it is 'Cause I saw the messages You must got me fucked up You must got me fucked up I think I had enough
So forgive me, forgive me I been goin' too hard in your city So forgive me 'cause I'm not teary Best believe I'll move onto better things
2. makes me wonder - Maroon 5
Wake up, blood-shot eye Struggle to memorize The way it felt between your thighs Pleasure that made you cry It feels so good to be bad Not worth the aftermath, after that, after that Try to get you back
I still don't have a reason And you don't have the time And it really makes me wonder if I ever gave a fuck about you
3. maps - Maroon 5 
I miss the taste of a sweeter life I miss the conversation I'm searching for a song tonight I'm changing all of the stations I like to think that we had it all We drew a map to a better place But on that road I took a fall Oh, baby, why did you run away?
I was there for you In your darkest times I was there for you In your darkest night
But I wonder, where were you? When I was at my worst Down on my knees And you said you had my back So I wonder, where were you?
4. mend this love - Vaults
Take me from the edge Steal a step and lead me back from harm Hold it in your hand Crush it into crumbs like nothing's wrong
And tell me "right what you wanna know? Take what you wanna hide It's too late to mend this love" And tell me "go where you wanna go Break what you never had It's too late to mend this love"
5. wicked game - Chris Isaak 
The world was on fire and no one could save me but you It's strange what desire will make foolish people do I never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you And I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you
No, I don't wanna fall in love (This world is only gonna break your heart)
6. love’s divine - Seal
Then the rainstorm came over me And I felt my spirit break I had lost all of my belief, you see And realized my mistake But time threw a prayer to me And all around me became stil
7. beautiful mistakes - Maroon 5 & Megan Thee Stallion
It's beautiful, it's bittersweet You're like a broken home to me I take a shot of memories And black out like an empty street I fill my days with the way you walk And fill my nights with broken dreams I make up lies inside my head Like one day you'll come back to me
8. i’m not the only one - Sam Smith feat. A$AP Rocky
You and me, we made a vow For better or for worse I can't believe you let me down But the proof's in the way it hurts For months on end I've had my doubts Denying every tear I wish this would be over now But I know that I still need you here
You say I'm crazy 'Cause you don't think I know what you've done But when you call me baby I know I'm not the only one
9. perfect illusion - Lady Gaga
I don't need eyes to see I felt you touchin' me High like amphetamine Maybe you're just a dream That's what it means to crush Now that I'm wakin' up I still feel the blow But at least now I know
It wasn't love, it wasn't love It was a perfect illusion (Perfect illusion) Mistaken for love, it wasn't love It was a perfect illusion (Perfect illusion)
10. don’t walk away - John Legend feat. Koffee
We can't go out like this It's just the two of us We should be making up We could be making love Didn't  used to talk like this Now you say you're giving up Took too much to build this house I don't wanna sit and watch it burn down I ain't leaving, I ain't leaving, I ain't leaving, I ain't giving you space I will not be replaced I don't wanna save face Don't leave me open, leave me open, leave me open, leave me open like that Whatever love we had We need to get it back
11. if I could have you back - Aly & AJ 
On the subject of you being gone forever I still can't believe it, I can't see it I should just stop counting days On the subject of the future Wouldn't it be nice to leave it open ended And pretend it could go either way
If I could have you back again I'd think about it once or twice, I guess If I could have you back I'd reconsider, maybe I'd say yes On the other hand, it would be better to have a life Without the constant indecision over If I could have you back If I could have you back
12. fairplay - Kiana Ledé
I think it's kind of funny You could say you love me Turn around and play me, yeah I think it's kind of funny You say things you don't mean Underestimate me, yeah
I have always done right by you Said you're never going to lie, liar Shit gon' come around full cycle I flip the script on you
Tell me why you mad Tell me why you're hurt Bet you didn't think that the tables would turn You gon' fuck around I'ma do the same How you like that karma? How you like that karma? Yeah, that's just fair play
busted - The Isley Brothers feat. JS 
Busted, It's 2 o' damn clock in the morning, where you been? (Baby didn't you get my 2-way I was with my girlfriend) You are lyin', I called Kiesha and Tanya And they were both at home (But I didn't say them though) Well they're the only friends I know Girl you better (Wait before you get all upset here's the truth) Talk to me (I was with my girl when she got some bad news) And...? (Her man cheated, had her upset and confused) But baby what's that got to do With you coming in at 2? (I'm telling you, now she was so upset She asked me to stay with her) Well why didn't your ass just pick up the phone and call me? (I was gonna do that but it slipped my mind I'm sorry) (But I'm telling you the truth) Yeah, well I got something for you... Tell me what's her name? (Sharon) Where does she live? (Uuummm...) Her man's name? (Billy) She got kids? (I think one or two) She got kids? (Baby yes, no) That's one thing I got to know How the hell is she your friend If you don't know if she got kids?
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music-es-vida · 4 years
A few weeks had gone by, and it was finally time for you to get your cast off. 
Doyoung had offered to come with you again so your mom wouldn’t have to, but he was also planning to show you that he was your soulmate this way— instead of just telling you.
His plan was to put his wrist up next to yours right after you were freed from the cast, to surprise you. 
“Alright, you’re good to go.” The doctor smiled, and you grinned, excited to see your soumark again for the first time in a while. “Thanks,” you reply, and she nods.
“Wait— what? It changed!!” you yell with wide eyes. 
Doyoung, who had been rehearsing in his mind how he was gonna tell you, immediately got up from the chair in the corner and came over to see what you were talking about.
“Oh no, This can’t be happening--” He thought to himself, panicking.
“Woah~ you’re right. Wasn’t it neon green before?” The doctor asks in shock. 
She was the same doctor who thought it’d be funny to give you the matching cast, but even she hadn’t seen anything like this before— since changing soulmarks was so rare. 
“Yeah.. it’s a red heart now..” You say, breathing unevenly, trying to process what you were seeing. 
“But that means..” 
Doyoung’s heart shattered when he saw your new soulmark, quickly pulling up his sleeve to see if his was still there. 
“It’s gone.” 
Suddenly, you got up and ran out the room. 
“Y/n, where are you going? Wait—” Doyoung asked, running after you. 
“I have to find Lucas! He really was the one after all this time— I knew it,” you say, tearfully, with a happy smile. You just had to find him. 
After hearing that, Doyoung just froze where he stood, letting you go.
Deep down he knew Lucas would win in the end. He wasn’t surprised.
“But what if I can make it change back?” He briefly thought, searching for an excuse to follow after you, but he was too late.
Once he got outside, he saw you in Lucas’ arms. “No-”
As Lucas leaned down to kiss you, Doyoung had to look away. 
It wasn’t fair.
“Huh? You’re up at this time again? Was it another nightmare?” Mark, who had been watching tv, asks from the couch. Doyoung ignores him, slamming the door to the bathroom behind him. “Yeesh,” Mark said, scrunching his eyebrows up.
You didn’t see Doyoung in class this morning, and it made you worry something was wrong— since he never missed classes. (He slept through them, but never missed any). 
During lunch, Ms. Thompson came by to remind you to pick up your things from the dance committee room at the end of the day— since you’d been temporarily suspended, and you nodded. 
“This is stupid, I wasn’t the only one drinking at that party..” You thought to yourself in annoyance.
At the end of the day, you did as you were told, and walked down to the room the dance committee used to meet and plan things, with Aisha. “At least there’s next year, Y/n,” Aisha says, trying to cheer you up about it and you nod. 
When you got to the room, you saw Yuta and Taeyong horse-playing. “Guys! Stop messing around, we still have to figure out what we’re gonna do about the decorations, and catering before Ms. Thompson gets here,” Aisha says with an annoyed expression. 
Ms. Thompson had agreed to help with sound equipment, but literally everything else was on y’all-- well, not on you anymore. They still had a lot of work to do and the dance was coming up soon. Yuta, who had Taeyong in a headlock, releases him, but not before you saw his neon green soulmark.
Your eyes immediately went wide. 
“Yuta.. your soulmark—” “What? Does it match yours?” He laughs, holding it out for you to see, and you get a better look at it, realizing it was different from yours. “You wish.. Is it the same color as Taeyong’s?” You ask, noticing Taeyong’s was also neon green. This was so strange. “Yeah- me and all the other guys have this neon green color, it’s kinda crazy,” he chuckles. 
“Moonbin and all his friends are like that too— different soulmarks, but the same color,” Aisha adds.
“Wow.. it’s like we were all meant to be friends or something,” Taeyong says. “Yeah— except Doyoung,” Yuta laughs. 
“Right, we’re more like frenemies.” “Hold up, hold up,” you interrupt, having a mixture of a confused and shocked look on your face. “What did you mean by that? —Isn’t Doyoung’s soulmark purple?” You ask, shaking your head, and the two return the confused look, like they had no idea what you were talking about. 
“I remember seeing it— it was a devil!” You say, fully convinced that that was what you saw.
Taeyong and Yuta exchange confused looks, before finally remembering the prank they had played on Doyoung that day. “Ohh-- you thought that was real?!” Yuta busts out laughing, confusing you even more. It was even funnier to them now that they knew it actually looked believable. 
“It wasn’t real?” “No, we drew that on him when he was sleeping in class,” Yuta answers in between giggles. “You actually thought that was his soulmark? This is hilarious.” “Right. I think his actual soulmark was like— ..three music notes or something like that,” Taeyong laughs.
Before you knew it, your legs were carrying you out the door. “Y/n— where are you going? You left all your stuff!” Aisha called after you, but you had already sprinted down the hall. You had to tell Doyoung. 
As you ran, your mind flashed back to all the times you’d run into him. Everything was clicking now.
The day soulmarks came in, when he bumped into you in class.
The day after soulmarks came in, when you both fell in the grass.
(It was a blurry memory that had returned, but--) that day at the party when you’d bumped into him while you were drunk, and he caught you. 
When you had bumped into each other as kids..
You were running into him for a reason.
As you ran down the many steps, exiting the building, you ran right past Lucas, who called after you. He was waiting for you to come out, so he could tell you something important.
“Y/n-- wait up,” he called after you, and you stopped in your tracks. “Lucas.. I just found out something crazy,” you say, trying to catch your breath. “Me too.. You go first,” he says, taking a seat on a step. 
You sit down next to him, gathering your thoughts, before saying, “Doyoung is my soulmate.”
Lucas’ bright expression fades. He doesn’t have much of a reaction, so you lift an eyebrow at him. You’d expected at least an *eyebrows raise* or something— but he had no reaction. 
“..You knew, didn’t you?” You ask, scrunching your eyebrows together. 
Again, he doesn’t answer, and you stand up, pissed. “Wow. I can’t believe this,” you say, walking down the rest of the stairs, but he gets up to stop you. 
“Y/n wait, I can explain—” “Explain what? How you’re allowed to have your soulmate, and i’m not?” You roll your eyes, trying to walk away again, but he steps in front of you. 
You were tired of him being so possessive over you for (seemingly) no reason. 
“Can you get out of my way? I don’t wanna speak to you,” you say, walking around him. 
“Y/n wait— ..I didn’t tell you because I like you.” He blurts out, and you freeze in your tracks. “I mean.. I think I love you,” he corrects himself.
“How many surprises am I gonna get today?” 
You wonder to yourself in shock. 
“I wanted you all to myself, so I didn’t tell you he was your soulmate..” Lucas admits, and you turn back around to face him. “Why? Why now,” You ask, shaking your head with a bitter smile. 
Why did he wait until *after* you got over your crush on him to tell you this?
”I didn’t know I liked you until another guy came into the picture,” he says, shrugging his shoulders. “What about Isabella?” “I’m done with her.. I found out she was the one who posted that video of you,” he says, and your eyes go wide, but you really weren’t surprised. 
“Of course..” 
“But I’m serious, Y/n, I ended things with her. I told her I like you,” he says, walking closer towards you. You were completely speechless. 
All of this seemed to have come from out of nowhere. What happened to him thinking of you as nothing more than his best friend? You looked up at him with an unsure expression, when suddenly his lips landed on yours. 
“I can’t—” you say, pushing him away. 
Never in a million years did you think *you’d* be the one pushing him away, but things had obviously changed.
“..I think I like Doyoung,” you admit out loud for the first time, and Lucas glances down towards the ground, looking disappointed, but nods. 
After that, there’s an awkward silence that comes over you two. “See you around,” you say before running off to find Doyoung. 
Lucas nods, but decides that he won’t give up.
One thing he admired about you was your persistence with him-- you never gave up on him after all those years, even after he rejected you multiple times. So he was ready to get rejected a million times too. He just knew you’d change your mind eventually, and he wasn’t about to give up any time soon.
He just hated that he was too late.
 You were sitting under the tree, waiting to see if Doyoung would show up. You’d texted him earlier today, but got no response. “I hope he’s okay..” you think to yourself, looking around with a worried expression. The whole campus was pretty empty. 
You considered walking over to his dorm, but you figured that he’d contact you when he was available. Your dad had gotten your car fixed again, and left it for you at your house this morning— leaving a note on the hood (which you crumbled up), as a goodbye/apology gift. 
You were still angry with him, but you still accepted the gift. “Guess I should go..” you sigh, getting up, but when you turned around, you bumped into someone. 
You stopped to check for your soulmark, but it still wasn’t there. Suddenly, someone behind bumped into you. “Hey, watch where—” you turned around to see that it was that quiet guy, Doyoung. “You made me drop all my stuff.” He glared at you. “Well maybe watch where you’re going next time.” You glared back.
“I don’t need your help.” He pushes your arm away, and in the process, you catch a glance at his left wrist. It was blank too. “Hmm.. that’s interesting.” You said, thinking out loud. “What?” He asked, straightening back up. “..I thought I was the only one who was still blank.” 
You say with a bitter smile, pointing at his wrist.
“Should I find you? ..Or am I really just better off alone?” You ask your soulmark, 
but your thoughts were interrupted when you accidentally ran into somebody.
Whoever it was, had been foolishly walking while reading a book, not looking where he was going, and you crashed into him. Thankfully you both landed on the grass. Well, you landed on top of him, and he landed on the grass. 
“Wh— You again?” You say, leaning up to see it was Doyoung. 
This was the second time you two had run into each other, and it was starting to get annoying. “Get off of me,” he says, shoving you onto the grass. “Wow, what a gentleman.” you say sarcastically, peeling yourself off of the ground. 
As you were walking through the hallways of your new middle school, after being denied entry into the nurse’ office to see Lucas, you turned a corner and bumped into this kid who was reading a book.
After regaining your composure, you scowled at him, saying, “Watch where you’re going, bookworm!” You recognized him from your homeroom— he was always reading some book. 
To your surprise, he scowls back at you and blows a raspberry in your face. “Ew— Doyoung, you’re so gross!” You complained, running off to the bathroom to go wipe your face off. 
Doyoung rolled his eyes and went back to reading his book.
You stumbled your way back over to the kitchen to search for Lucas, but you ended up running straight into somebody else.
“Y/n?” The familiar voice said, and you looked up in a daze and smiled once you saw it was Doyoung. “We just can’t stop running into each other!” you giggle, shaking your head. 
“Ow— ..Doyoung?” You asked, gazing up at him as if he were the most important person in the world to you. He had his hands on your arms to support you so you wouldn’t fall. 
“Why do you sound so surprised? I think whenever we bump into somebody from now on, we should just assume it’s each other,” he laughs, and you slowly nod. 
It was like ever since you found out he was your soulmate, you were starting to see him differently. You couldn’t stop staring.
He had been in his dorm all day, thinking about that nightmare— wondering if it would become a reality. Thankfully, Mark talked him down and convinced him that he *had* to tell you— even if the soulmarks do change, you still deserved to know.
You both had big news to share with each other, but the only thing you could seem to do was gaze into each other's eyes. 
Eventually the silence broke, “..I have to tell you something-” you both said at the same time. 
“Oh, you go first,” “No you--” you both continue interrupting each other. “Ok fine—” You both just end up laughing because you couldn’t stop speaking simultaneously.
Then you both decided to blurt it out.
“We’re soulmates—” “What? You knew?!” You both exclaimed. “I just found out today, Yuta and Taeyong kinda told me..” You reply, and Doyoung makes a face. “Wow.. I wanted to be the one to tell you,” “Wait- is that what you were gonna tell me at the skating rink the other day? How long did you know? When did you find out?” 
“..Don’t be mad,” he says, looking nervous, and you give him a skeptical look. “..I found out the day you got your cast fixed,” “What— seriously? Why didn’t you say anything?!” “I thought you liked Lucas! So what was the point?” He says, and everything starts making sense now. 
All those times he’d mentioned not wanting to tell his soulmate because she liked her best friend.. He was talking about you. 
Suddenly you began to feel guilty, remembering how you’d said you’d definitely pick Lucas over your soulmate. It wasn’t your fault— it was true at the time, and you had no idea you were actually speaking to your soulmate, but now you just felt bad for saying that to him. 
“No wonder I always see him and Lucas giving each other dirty looks..”
You briefly think back to Lucas kissing you- deciding not to mention that.
“My head hurts..”
Doyoung watches as your expression changes from hurt to sad, trying to figure out what you’re thinking about.
“Can I see it?” You ask all of a sudden, and he nods, holding out his wrist. He pulls down the sleeve, revealing the neon green music notes. 
Your eyes go wide, even though you already knew he was your soulmate. It was just crazy actually seeing it— the exact same one you had, only on his wrist. 
“So I really did see it that day..” you mumble to yourself in shock, as tears start forming in your eyes. You weren’t sad-- you were just grateful you’d finally found him. 
You take his hand in yours and light brush your thumb over the music notes. 
Even though you were teary-eyed, a bright smile came across your face. You’d finally found him, when you thought you never would. 
You had been waiting for this moment your entire life— ever since you found out what soulmarks were.
You looked up at him, still holding onto his hand, and he had the same expression of happiness and almost relief on his face. He was grateful you didn’t react in the way he thought you would. 
He kept thinking back to that day you’d told him the soulmark you got wasn’t the one you wanted, but now it seemed like it actually *was*. 
“It was you this whole time, huh?” You say, breaking the silence. He nods, and you let go of his hand, watching his expression change.
“What?” “..I’m scared,” he admits nervously, and you let out a small laugh. “I thought you said you don’t get scared?” “This is different! We’re *soulmates*,” he says defensively, but he smiles too. “Yeah.. I’m scared too,” you admit as well.
This was new territory for you two.
You’d never even had a boyfriend before this. 
(Besides Lucas, in your mind.)
“Let’s just promise not to hurt each other.. Okay?” You say, holding your pinky out. Doyoung raises an eyebrow, skeptically, and you roll your eyes. “Just do it.” “Alright, alright,” he says, wrapping his pinky around yours. “I promise.”
You knew it was getting late and that you should probably start heading back home before you were late for dinner, but you just could take your eyes off of Doyoung for some reason. 
It was the same for him, so you two were just gazing into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever— until you both started leaning in closer.
You closed your eyes and felt his nose lightly brush against yours, but suddenly he moved back. He couldn’t get the image of you with Lucas out of his head. “Y/n.. you don’t still like Lucas, do you?” He asks, with a sad, yet worried expression on his face. 
You open your eyes back up, looking surprised he asked that all of a sudden.
You hesitate to answer, looking down at the ground. Lucas had stirred up some old feelings by confessing to you earlier, but you didn’t know how to tell him that.
“I can’t tell him what happened..” You shake your head, saying, “No.. I think my crush is gone.” Doyoung furrows his eyebrows, like he’s thinking, making you wonder if you sounded believable enough. “I really wanna believe you,” he says quietly. 
“..But you don’t?” 
“I dunno..” He answers honestly.
After that conversation you went home, and on his way back to his dorm, Doyoung ran into Lucas (not literally). He was just going to ignore him and continue on his way, but Lucas called out to him. “Hey— you know Y/n knows your secret now, right?” He says, but Doyoung keeps walking. “Yup. She told me.”
“Oh really? Well did she tell you that we kissed too, or did she leave that part out?” Lucas says, and Doyoung freezes in his tracks. 
His fears were already coming true. 
“Look man, I know she’s your soulmate, but she’s liked me for longer, so you might as well just give up. You know I’ll win in the end.” Lucas says, trying to sound intimidating, but Doyoung decides to just keep on walking. 
Continuing this conversation would just be pointless. 
In the end— it was *your* decision who you wanted to be with, not Lucas’, so he just kept moving and didn’t let what Lucas said bother him.
He wasn’t mad at you, but he was definitely gonna confront you about this later.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
skeleton key slash x reader
+++++++++ i wanted something cute and fluffy but ive been in a mood lately so here ya go lol, its kinda cute and fluffy but starts a little disconnected and stand-offish
i edited this but if i missed anything sorry lol
Song: ill always be around by waterparks
tag list: @cynic-spirit @satans-arse @slashscowboyboots @smokeandmirrorz +++++++++
i sat against the wall of the dressing room and swirled the unopened bottle of beer against the tile floor in front of me. it made a mesmerizing sound as the glass scraped against the linoleum. it was the only thing really keeping my attention. it had been a rough couple of days and i wanted nothing more than to feel normal again.
i watched slash slide down the wall out of my peripherals, hearing him sigh as he hit the floor with his full weight. we sat in silence until i broke my trance, opening the bottle finally, i just stared down into it. slash cleared his throat but i didnt look at him.
"You okay?"
He asked, nudging my arm with his elbow. I took a quick swig of my beer, making a sour face at the taste.
"As okay as I usually am."
I sighed out.
"So not very?"
He asked, sending me a look. I looked over at him and shrugged.
"I'm sure things could be better but I'm living life one day at a time."
He shook his head.
"That's no way to live."
i sighed again, taking another drink.
"is it ever?"
he hummed.
"well no, but whats been up lately? you haven't really seemed like yourself."
i took another swig.
"havent i?"
i asked, raising a brow quickly. he frowned at me.
"none of us think so. the rest of the guys have noticed it too. you arent the same as you were a week ago."
i sighed, dropping my head back into the wall and looking to the ceiling.
"im lost."
he looked a little confused.
"youre lost?"
i looked over at him, watching his hair as it fell into his face.
"i dont know, my mood just tanked all of a sudden. i have no drive, i dont want to do anything. the only reason im here is because i have to be."
he tried to examine my face but i was on the whole expressionless.
"you couldve stayed on the bus, not that it wouldve helped, but you couldve."
i let out a short laugh, bringing the beer bottle to my lips.
"i thought getting out wouldve made an impact, ya know, keep myself busy to forget about it."
He nodded.
"it didnt."
I said and he sighed out, pinching the bridge of his nose. i looked back ahead of me, staring at the wall. we sat in silence for a bit until he shot up, drawing my attention and looking at him like he was crazy. he offered his hand to me.
"come on."
he said, more chipper now. i raised a brow.
he shook his hand, wanting me to take it.
"come on, get up. we're going on an adventure."
i drew my brows before reluctantly taking his hand, setting my beer on the ground where i was just sat.
"where are we going?"
i asked as he pulled me out of the room and into the hall.
"It a surprise, but you have to come along to find out, thats why its an adventure."
i followed closely behind him, still unsure about the situation he was dragging me into. he walked comfortably down the hallway, looking from room to room as we went. i just watched him, trying to figure out what he was really after as we moved further into the venue. he nodded to the venue workers as we passed them, his grip on my hand getting tighter, making it known to them that we were attached. he relented as he ducked under pipelines and around mic stands. suddenly i was forced into someone.
"hey! watch where youre going!"
i heard as i looked up with wide eyes. in front of me was a large bald man with a stern gaze and i suddenly realized i was no longer tethered to slash. i looked to my suddenly empty hand in panic before looking back up the man.
"whats your deal?"
he asked, harshly. i looked around but the curly mess of hair was nowhere to be found. i breathed deeply.
"do you speak or are you just here to get in the way?"
the man said a bit louder. i jumped.
"no, i, i, uh-"
i stuttered out. he looked like he was waiting for an answer.
"you just gonna stand there looking stupid with your hand in the air or are you gonna move out of my way?"
he grunted out. then my hand got snatched away from me and i looked to slash with relief.
"sorry dude, i guess i lost my girl."
he apologized, pulling me to him. the man watched us as slash led us away from the man.
"keep her on a leash or something! i dont have time for road blocks!"
he called after us. slash waved his hand in the air.
"will do man."
he said before looking at me like 'yeah right' and making me giggle. slash looked around before ducking into an empty room.
"dude i thought id lost you there for a second. i saw one of the crew and went to squeeze your hand and i realized youre hand wasnt in mine anymore."
he let out a nervous laugh.
"it looks like i found you just in time though cause that dude looked like he meant business."
i nodded in agreement.
"yeah that was kinda scary."
we both laughed a little at the situation.
"but i found this place."
he said excitedly. i looked around, it was dimly lit but the furniture looked much better than the dressing rooms we were in. part of me wondered if it had been an office at one point but was now a storage room. i looked up as the light flickered overhead.
i said happily, raising my brows at him.
"well, im glad you like it cause i set this up for us."
i drew my brows as he took my hand again and led me around the bulky couch in the middle of the room. my mouth dropped at the layout of food, wine, and candles on the floor; all of it arranged on top of a black blanket.
"where did you get all of this?"
i asked, a bit shell-shocked. he half smiled at me, rubbing his arm.
"Well, i noticed youve been down for a bit and wanted to do something nice. i also figured we had a decent amount of time before the show starts so i went out and got this stuff earlier with a little help from duff and he helped me set it up. all i had left to get was you."
i could feel tears stinging my eyes. no one had really ever done anything this nice for me before and it made my heart ping. He really new what to do to make me feel better, he always did. i sent him a smile before pulling him in for a hug. he held me tightly to him, burying his face into my neck.
"thank you, slash, it means a lot."
i whispered against him. he pulled away and helped me sit.
"i wasnt sure exactly what you would like but we asked the lady at the shop down the street what she would want and thats just kinda what we got."
he said bashfully. i leaned over and kissed his cheek quickly.
"its great. really. it is."
i reassured as he started pouring two glasses of wine. he cleared his throat as he handed me one of the glasses.
"i, uh, also had a question for you while we're here."
he looked down at the blanket, and i almost thought i saw a small blush on his face but it was hard to tell in the low light.
"ask away."
i said raising  the glass to him in cheers and taking a sip. i watched as he swirled the liquid around in his own glass.
"well, i was wondering, if maybe youd want to go on a date with me. like officially."
i smiled widely at him.
"id love that."
he gladly returned the smile.
"great! i mean i know weve kind of gone on a date before but it wasnt legit, and yes i kind of blame axl for ruining that one-"
i laughed a little bit, shaking my head.
"lets call it a trial run."
i said, making him laugh too.
"well then i already feel more comfortable."
he clinked his glass against mine in cheers.
"same here."
i took a sip before setting the glass down and resituating to sit with my legs crossed under me.
"now, lets see what that lady made you buy."
i joked, prompting him to move the little basket he had acquired closer to me.
"dont blame me if its terrible."
he said through a laugh. i sent him a warm smile.
"thanks for this slash, you really know how to make a girl feel better."
he nodded.
"no, i know how to make you feel better, and i wouldnt have it any other way."
it was my turn to blush, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks at his words.
"im glad you have the thing that opens the door to my emotions or else this tour would be much harder."
i noted, taking a small box out of the basket and setting it next to me. he snorted.
"like a skeleton key to your happy place."
he said. i nodded.
he laughed a little bit before taking another sip of his wine.
"you have no idea how happy that makes me."
he said, leaning back in his spot. i leaned over, close to him.
"the feeling is mutual."
i said lowly, watching his eyes flicker to my lips.
"can i kiss you?"
he whispered out, looking back to my eyes. i nodded. his hand found its way to my face, caressing my cheek gently. like a slow motion film, he moved forward, it felt like every anticipation building inside me before our lips finally met. it was soft and warm and he tasted like the wine. when he pulled away i felt like my home had been ripped from me and i missed it immediately.
"cant wait for that date."
he laughed out and i couldnt help the amused look on my face.
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z-iridest · 4 years
(A/N: Okay, guys, I hope you enjoy a little Denki Kaminari fluff ^.^ A big thank you to @lxvely-mha for helping me with the idea, if you haven't checked out their blog, YOU HAVE NOT LIVED! Lxvly, this is for you, and I hope you don't mind if I drew from your headcannons for Denki Kaminari as a boyfriend)
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Hungry Eyes: A Denki Kaminari x Shy & Clumsy Female! Reader One Shot
It all started with a dance....
As the daughter of a pro hero, I had to be ready for anything. A villain attack, random people wanting an autograph from my Dad, and my Dad's infamous loud as hell outbursts to name a few. Considering that the Pro Hero I'm talking about is Present Mic, it's actually kind of ironic that his daughter is a silent, shy klutz that has a similar quirk to his. Mine is literally a sonic scream.....
My clumsiness is going to be my death one day. It's why I've never danced at any school dances, preferring to be either sitting on the sidelines, or next to the DJ booth (sometimes in it if my Dad was the DJ). I'd already embarrassed myself several times tripping over anything and everything, no reason to do it with an audience. To be fair, my Dad did try teaching me how to dance..... Hours of sore feet on my Dad's end later and me falling on my rear way too many times, we were both ready to call it quits. Speaking of my Dad....
There's only a handful of people I've ever talked outloud to: My Dad, My Mom, and my Uncle: Shota Aizawa (yeah, Aizawa is my godfather, get over it). Everyone else, I talk to using JSL or writing down what I want to say. I only talk to people I'm not comfortable around when it's an absolute necessity. Why? Allow me to take you back a few months ago....
See, when I first started at U.A., I started dating this guy... You actually know him. Remember Monoma from Class 1-B? Yeah....
Well, everything was going great with him... Until I caught him making out with a different girl. He had the audacity to tell me it was my own fault for not measuring up to his "perfect standards" and told me I'd never be good enough to live up to my Dad's rep as a Pro Hero, that I was a waste of space. I kinda just shut down after that, refusing to talk to my Dad or Uncle Shota for a while, especially since Monoma spread a rumor around school that I was quirkless. That got me bullied a bit until Dad got wind of it.....
Boy, was he mad....
But don't worry! Everything's fine now. The rumors died down about a month ago, though I think that was mainly due to me joining the BakuSquad.... For those who don't know, the BakuSquad is a group of a bunch of loveable goofballs and their explosive pomeranian of a leader: Katsuki Bakugo. Mina was the one who brought me into the group, and thank god, they never pushed me to talk. I mainly just listened to their antics and tried to hold back fits of laughter. It almost felt normal...
Since we broke up, Monoma has a bad habit of cornering me at my locker after school to try to get me to go back to dating him. I always tell him no, and he pushes me around until either Kirishima, Bakugo, Sero or Kaminari come looking for me. I think deep down, he's scared half to hell of Kaminari, because the one time Monoma didn't stop when Kaminari told him to... Oh boy, Pikachu Boy went all out on Monoma, shocking him until he made a run for it. It was actually really funny to watch, I won't lie.....
Back to what I was saying: As the kid of a pro hero, you have to be ready for anything. But, that's where fate'll get you good...
When you least expect it, fate can just (excuse my french) bitch slap you out of nowhere. For example.....
"You did what?!" The only reason I was talking to Mina and Jiro at that second was out of shock. We were in my dorm room, so there was no one around to hear me talk anyways outside of Mina and Jirou.
"Mina decided to nominate you and Kaminari for the couple to do the first dance at the Mid-Summer Dance this year for the first years, and you guys won the school's vote." Jirou told me. I let out a humiliated whine and plopped facedown onto my pillow. The Mid Summer Dance was a school wide dance party to have fun in the final days of summer. One couple from each year did the first, second and third slow dances, the first years being the ones to kick off the actual dance. I felt a hand on my back.
"Aww, come on, Y/N, it's not that bad." Mina's voice told me. I sat up faster than Iida can run, and looked at her with a look that told her I thought she was crazy.
"Are you forgetting who you're talking to? The resident klutz of U.A. High, that's who! I'm gonna die, that's it! Game over, no pro hero career for me! Y/N Yamada, dead at 16! Cause of death: Embarrassing tumble in front of the whole school! I'll be lucky if the dress I wear that night doesn't rip or something on the way there." I burried my face in my pillow again. "Besides, I don't know how to dance. I've always avoided the dancefloor at parties or anything like that."
"Why don't you just ask Kaminari to teach you how to dance?" Jirou asked.
"I've never talked in front of him, remember? And I can't ask him, it'd be too embarrassing." I reminded Jirou.
"Fine, if you won't ask Kaminari to teach you how to dance, I'll ask him for you." Mina's words pierced me with more horror than any thriller movie. Believe me, that's saying something because I hate horror movies.
"No, no, no, no, no!" I shouted, jumping up, but Mina was already out of my room, calling for Kaminari. I raced out of my room after her, but by the time I caught up, she was already telling Kaminari. Crap....The second Kaminari locked eyes with me, I bolted back into my room and hid in the closet. Damn it, Mina! I felt heat rise to my face. Great, now I'm blushing.... Just a few minutes later, I heard footsteps. They stopped before I heard voices.
"Jirou, have you seen Y/N?" Kaminari's voice.
"She's hiding in there." Traitor. I heard footsteps walk away. Okay, maybe Kaminari walked away. Maybe he...
"Y/N?" Damn it, he didn't walk away. "Why didn't you tell me you couldn't dance?" I slowly came out of the closet and signed my answer in JSL.
I thought it was obvious. I'm the resident klutz of U.A., so....
"You're scared of falling in front of everyone? You always seem so fearless." Kaminari told me, sitting on my bed. I gave him a You've gotta be kidding me look as I sat down next to him. "I'm serious!"
Looks can be deceiving. I'm scared of everything. I put on a facade during training to make it look like I'm not scared when I actually am.
"You're still such a badass... Anyway, back to the dance. What were you gonna do when the night of the dance came and you still didn't know how to dance?" Kaminari asked me. I shrugged.
I would have figured out something.
"Like what, bailing on the dance all together?" Kaminari asked, raising an eyebrow. I opened my mouth, but quickly closed it. That had been the last resort. "That's what I thought." He stood up and offered his hand to me. "Come on, the dance is a couple weeks away, but we'd better start now if you're gonna be ready." With no other choice, I placed my hand in Kaminari's, a sudden spark flowing from me to him.
And it wasn't from his quirk.
I didn't have time to ponder what the spark even was, because Kaminari pulled me up off my bed and started pulling me to the gym where the dance would be held. I had just enough time to notice how perfectly my hand seemed to fit in his. What's wrong with me?
It was then that the real work began. While keeping up with studying and homework from all my classes (which I had to help Kaminari with most of), and planning the dance with the Dance Committee, I was taking dance lessons with Kaminari. Surprisingly, no matter how much I stepped on his toes, he stayed patient and helped me through it. Everytime I tripped and started falling, he caught me easily. "Now that the worst's happened, you don't have to be scared. I've got you." Kaminari had told me with a wink the first time I had tripped and he had caught me. I have no idea why, but I started blushing like an idiot around him, and kept tripping outside of our dance lessons, worse than my normal clumsiness. If this is what having a crush was, I was falling hard for the human Pikachu.... Literally.
Before I knew it, it was the day before the dance. Kaminari and I danced alone in the gym, and much to my own surprise, I didn't trip. Not once. Kaminari was grinning wider than a Cheshire cat when we finally finished.
"Yes! I knew you could do it, that was awesome!" Kaminari exclaimed with the biggest smile on his face as he pumped both fists in the air. I covered my mouth to keep a laugh in, but it slipped out in a giggle. When I looked up, Denki was looking at me with the most adorable look ever. His head was tilted to one side slightly, and his eyes held this just... Adoring look. "Y'know... Your laugh is adorable." I felt the heat rise to my face as I looked away from him. "I mean it." He made me look at him, giving me a sweet smile. He was so close, one single move from either of us, and we'd be kissing. He cleared his throat after a good long minute, giving me a sheepish smile. "Want to run through it one more time?" He asked me. I nodded and we danced again. I couldn't stop the smile on my face as I danced, feeling happy for the first time in a long time. I noticed that the more I smiled, the more Denki smiled. As we finished the routine perfectly for the second time that day, I felt Denki interlace his fingers with mine, the look on his face serious. He raised one hand, gently cupping the side of my face. My heart started pounding fiercely against my chest. What was going to happen next? "Y/N.... I want to ask you something...." He told me, his eyes and his voice soft. Just as he opened his mouth to continue, my phone rang. I groaned.
"Sorry, I gotta take this." I shrugged before answering my phone.
"Y/N, where are you? We have to do the final preparations for the party!" Mina's voice shrilled at the other end. Iida must have been right there, otherwise she wouldn't have called me about something like this.
"Do I really have to be there?" I asked.
"No, I just need you to answer a couple things over the phone." Mina told me.
"Go for it." I told her, giving Kaminari an apologetic look. He gave me a thumbs up as if silently telling me it was fine. I leaned against the wall behind me as I listened to Mina's questions, answering each one. Everytime I talked, I noticed Denki having that same adoring look on his face. Just as I shifted against the wall a bit, I saw Kaminari start to walk over to me.
"Y/N?" Kaminari called my name, and I noticed he had a determined look on his face."I was wondering... Do you want to go to the dance with me?" I put the phone down for a second, feeling a little confused.
"Yeah, I mean, the BakuSquad's all going together, right? I think Bakugo has us leaving the dorms around 7 or something..." I told him. I heard Mina call my name and put the phone back to my ear. Jeeze, how many more questions did this girl have?
"No, I mean, with me." Denki told me. What was he getting at?
"Yeah, I can swing by your dorm around 6:30." I told him. He did mean arrive there as a group with the squad.... Didn't he? Mina asked me another question before I could think about what he meant. "Yeah, when you're facing the stage it has to go on the left... Right." I shook my head as Mina sounded confused. "No, the left, not the right." I heard Denki mumble something under his breath, something along the lines of,
"Oh man, this is gonna be hard." I suddenly felt his hand on mine as he placed his other arm on the wall next to me. Is he... Doing the kabedon on me? I felt my cheeks turn bright red, as he was really, really close to me now. I was forced to look into his gold eyes, which held a very serious look. "Y/N..." He moved my phone fully from my ear, keeping my closed hand in his. I swear, Mina was intently listening in, because I could hear her suddenly go silent on the other line. "Would you.... Be my date for the Mid-Summer Dance?" A smile crept onto my face, which caused him to chuckle a bit. "And... If you don't absolutely hate me by the end of it... Would you... consider... Maybe, being more than friends?" I smiled up at him brighter. I was getting asked out by my crush! "Maybe?"
"Like... Boyfriend and girlfriend where we can... Hold hands instead of just fist bumping and slugging each other all the time, and... We can text, and I can tell you how great you are, because, Kaminari, you really are great, and I'm the luckiest girl in the world, you're so sweet and adorable, and..." I suddenly felt something warm and soft against my lips, effectively cutting me off. Despite the dark blush on my face, I melted into Denki's kiss. When we finally pulled away, he grinned down at me.
"First of all, you call me Denki. And second, if anyone's the lucky one, it's me, sweetheart." I closed my eyes and blushed darker, if it was humanly possible, as he softly kissed my forehead. I giggled and hugged him, feeling him hug me back. "Well then, milady, until tomorrow night." He grinned goofily as he held my hand in his, bowing and pressing a soft kiss to the back of my hand. With a wink and the most adorable smile, he was gone.
When I got back to the dorms, I was greeted by all the girls, each one having the stupidest smile on their faces as they all sat in the common room. I blushed under their stares and said only two words, knowing Mina had heard what had happened after dance practice and had told all the girls. "Shut up." I told them, causing all of them to burst into a giggle fit.
Right after school the next day, the girls of 1-A practically dragged me to my room to get me ready for the dance. Mina, Momo and Ochaco teamed up on picking the dress while Toru and Jirou teamed up on curing my hair. Once my hair was finished being curled and fully hair sprayed, Toru pinned one side of my hair out of my face with bobby pins before Mina, Asui and Ochaco carefully helped me into the dress they chose: an adorable white, off the shoulder sundress that fell to my knees in length. While Ochaco grabbed a pair of white heels for me to wear, Mina did my makeup for me. I put my heels on myself once Mina was done and grabbed my purse, blushing when I saw that all the girls were admiring their work. "Twirl, Y/N! Twirl for us!" Toru cheered at me. I blushed and twirled. The dress spun before falling back into place, the girls awwing before I spoke up, looking at the time.
"Uh, guys? It's 6:45." My words forced them into action, a unanimous:
"Oh, crap!" Leaving each of the girls as they scampered off to go get ready, realizing they had very little time left to ready themselves because of fawning over every little detail when it came to me. I giggled and looked at my reflection. I didn't look completely like myself, but for the first time in a long time... I felt... Beautiful.
At 7, I left the comfortable confines of my room to join everyone else in the common room. I felt my face turn dark red as the chatter from the boys suddenly stopped, all attention on me.
"Damn, Yamada, you look great." Kirishima spoke up first, a grin on his face.
"Great? Try goregous!" Sero spoke up. All the boys except for Bakugo, Midoriya, Todoroki and Kamin... I mean Denki, started arguing about what word was best to describe me. I snuck a look at Denki. That teasing bastard was wearing black dress pants with really nice black shoes and a tucked in, white button up shirt with the top two buttons undone. He just had to dress like that for tonight... I exchanged glances with Denki, and I swear, there was a shit-eating grin on Kaminari's face as he wrapped his arms around me.
"Man, if I'd known you'd get all cleaned up this good for me, I would have asked you out weeks ago." Denki told me as he looked down at me.
"Blame the girls, they wouldn't let me out of my room until I accepted their wish to do a full on makeover." I blushed darker. "You cleaned up really nice too, by the way." He grinned down at me before pressing a kiss to my forehead.
"Only for my baby... Besides, girls should know you didn't need to put on makeup and style your hair just to impress me, princess. You're beautiful to me no matter what you look like." He whispered in my ear before softly kissing the tip of my nose. I hid my dark red face in his chest as Kaminari spoke up over the guys, cutting off their arguement. "It's all very flattering, but the best word to describe her is simple: Angelic." I could practically feel the cheesy smile he was shooting at me in that second. I looked up at him and opened my mouth to respond, but the girls had joined us just then.
When we got there, Dad was blasting music left and right, doing his DJ thing as always. I laughed a bit as I saw him living up. I had to admit, the decoration committee did an awesome job at turning the big old gym into a dancefloor. I felt Kaminari kiss my cheek and I turned toward him. "Go ahead and say hi to your Dad, I'll grab us some punch." He told me. I smiled and nodded before pulling him down into a quick kiss... Which he turned into 3 sweet little pecks. I giggled and he winked before leaving my side. As I made my way toward the DJ booth, Jirou caught me.
"Y'know, we all knew he had a crush on you. As soon as you guys started doing dance lessons, he suddenly stopped flirting with all the girls and started keeping Mineta in line." She told me.
"Seriously?" I asked. She nodded.
"Yeah, Mina and I knew it was a matter of time before he asked you out. We just weren't expecting it to happen yesterday." She told me. I smiled. "I really am happy for you guys. You especially look extremely happy."
"I haven't smiled like this in a long time, Jirou." I told her honestly. She smiled and we exchanged a hug before I continued walking toward my Dad. He grinned when he saw me and exited the DJ booth for a second to give me a hug.
"You look beautiful, baby bird." Dad told me, tucking a stray curl behind my ear. I smiled up at him.
"Thanks, Dad." I told him.
"You nervous for the dance?"
"A little. But, I've been practicing for the past two weeks, so I think I'll be okay."
"Who is your partner anyway? Everytime I was about to find out, I got pulled away."
"You'll see, Dad." I winked at him before leaving to rejoin Denki. Instead, I ran into the only person who could ruin the night for me.....
"Wow, Y/N, you never dressed like this for me." Monoma crooned at me.
"I never felt comfortable until now, please excuse me." I said as I started to walk away. My heart came to a slamming hault in my chest as Monoma grabbed my wrist, stopping me from going anywhere. "M-Monoma, let me go!" I told him, feeling a panic attack coming on. My anxiety was shooting through the roof....
"You're not going anywhere with him." Monoma hissed at me. "You're mine."
"Not anymore." I yanked my wrist out of his grip, gingerly holding it. "Denki cares about me way more than you ever could care. You don't care about anyone but yourself, and I'd take back dating you if I could." I told him, trying to calm myself down. He growled, roughly grabbing my arm and pushing me into a corner. My breathing got so short, I couldn't breathe.
"Wrong move." He snarled at me. Right before he could touch me, he yelped, a spark of electricity zapping through him. Behind him was Denki, his quirk crackling in his right hand, and boy did he looked pissed.
"Denki." A breath of relief left me as I scampered behind him, feeling his right hand hold mine as Monoma growled angrily, getting back up.
"Nobody puts my baby in a corner." Denki snarled, aiming a bolt of his quirk at the ground near Monoma's feet. That blue eyed, selfish blond screamed like a girl and ran for it, his classmates laughing at him while Kendo scolded him. As soon as Monoma was gone, Denki deactivated his quirk, turned around and wrapped his arms around me protectively. "You okay, babe?" He asked. I nodded.
"I am now." I told him before kissing his cheek. "Thanks for saving me." He grinned down at me and winked just as my Dad announced that it was time to dance. He let go of me and offered his arm.
"Shall we, milady?" He asked. I giggled and took his arm.
"Do you even have to ask?" I questioned in counter. He chuckled before leading me to the dancefloor. Once of the floor, we took our starting positions before the beat of the song started. (A/N: Start listening to Hungry Eyes by Eric Carmen for this part ^.^).
As soon as the beat started, we started to move, our eyes never leaving each other. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see all of Class 1-A gathered around us, watching us as we danced. "Everyone's watching us." I whispered to him.
"They don't matter right now. It's just you and me right now, baby." He whispered back with a grin. I giggled as I had fun, dancing with him. I knew, without a doubt, that my Dad was watching us, and I mentally cringed. Denki wasn't exactly popular with the teachers in a good way..... My thoughts distracted me enough to make me trip over my own feet after the second verse. Thank God for Denki, because he caught me and made it look like he was dipping me, which caused our classmates to cheer. He winked. "Told you I'd catch you." He softly told me. I smiled and we continued to dance, Denki spinning me at certain points and the next dip he did being during the instrumental after the bridge after twirling me again.
We continued dancing until the music started to fade out, stopping in the middle and slowly bringing our conjoined hands down. A roar of applause thundered from the crowd and Denki pulled me into a hug. I did it.... I danced with my boyfriend without getting embarrased! I felt him tense a bit after a second and I turned to see my Dad giving Denki the "I'm watching you" look. I rolled my eyes and pulled Denki into a kiss, feeling him hold me tighter as we kissed.
This night couldn't have been more perfect.....
Epliouge ( A/N: Extra just for fun!)
A couple days after the dance, Monoma tried to corner me again, this time being stupid enough to do it while the BakuSquad was still around me. I heard a snarl leave my boyfriend, but I put my hand out, stopping him from doing anything as I glared at my ex as he fired off insult after insult at me. But, he really crossed the line, pissing me off in the process, when he insulted Denki. Finally having had enough, I slammed my locker shut and faced Monoma with the sharpest glare on my face. If looks could kill.... "Monoma, you are absolutely pathetic. You can say whatever you want about me, but insulting my boyfriend? It's about time you GET A LIFE!" I used my quirk on Monoma, letting out the loud energy I had contained for months on end thanks to him. He flew backwards and hit the wall while Sero, Kirishima, even Bakugo laughed their asses off. Denki smirked as he wrapped his arms around me.
"Told you: You're a badass." Denki told me.
"Come on, guys, let's get the hell out of here." I told my friends, walking out beside my boyfriend.
(A/N: Tada! ^.^ Hope you guys enjoyed!)
Taglist: @lxvely-mha @fakeanimefanntnt
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lowkey-lokis-bitch · 5 years
our chosen family - dad!steve.rogers
request - can i request for steve rogers x teen!reader? they have a father daughter relationship ever since he recruited her for team cap. they see each other again back @ the avengers facility after a long time. reader got affected by the snap (they shared a moment before turning to dust like peter & tony in titan) her last words: “i love you dad” and she’s the last one who’ll turn into dust. steve cries, vowing to avenge her and the others. reader has strength, speed, heat vision and flight. thank u!! - @barnes-parker – i’m so sorry it’s taken so long aha but i got so invested in this story and couldn’t stop ahaha <<33
word count - 7679
pairing - dad-figure!steve rogers x teen!reader, uncle!bucky barnes, uncle!sam wilson (btw the uncle figures are so much fun to write i love it omg), pretty much team cap family
a/n - hi! this became a long one and I’m kind of really proud of it so I hope you enjoy!! please let me know if this is the sort of thing you would like to read more!! also this kinda jumps between timelines so the lil ‘—-’ are the same scene just jumps, but the proper ‘——’ are different scenes :::))))))
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Stars lit up the sky as you floated above the metropolitan horizon of New York. Your mask covered the bottom half of your face, but you could see your breath cloud as the evening became cold. Landing on a rooftop, you squatted and scanned the area for any disturbances. Your eyebrows furrowed as you saw a group of bodies, all crowding around a young woman. The heat signatures they gave off were crazy, deep reds and bright oranges almost hurting your eyes. You jumped across a gap to the next building, trying to get a closer look. Then the woman screamed.
You leapt down from the building, landing in a crouch as the bodies turned to look at you. You stood up quickly, taking in the gasps from the men as they realised who you were. The first man sprinted towards you, throwing a punch at your face. You blocked it with your forearm and jammed your fist into his stomach, doubling him over in pain. You drew your knee up to hit him in the face and jumped over his falling body. Throwing yourself onto the floor, you swung your leg in front of you and tripped up two of the remaining five bodies. As they fell you grabbed their heads, banging them together just hard enough to knock them out for a few hours.
A knife flew by your face, missing you by only a few centimeters. You turned quickly, sprinting towards the attacker and buried your elbow in his face, taking out his legs with your foot. As he fell to the ground, you grabbed his body and threw it against the remaining men, taking them out like bowling pins. Walking towards the young woman, you helped her up and checked her over.
“Thank you,” she stuttered, tears falling on her cheeks. You gave her a smile, hidden by the mask, before sending her on her way. You began lining the bodies up against a wall, ready for the police, when the sounds of footsteps approached you from behind. You spun, holding your hands up in a defensive measure.
“Hello (Y/N),” a man in basic black and purple armor spoke, a quiver strapped across his back. You were taken aback by his use of your name; you had never told anyone of your true identity.
“How do you know my name?” your voice was tense, as were your fists. “Who are you?”
“I’m Clint, this isn’t my normal way of introducing myself,” the man laughed to himself, rubbing a hand against his forehead. “I’m just gonna cut to the chase, we need your help.”
Days later you found yourself in Europe with Captain America, having been recruited for his fight against Tony Stark. The two of you had clicked instantly, him taking the fatherly role that had been missing from your life. You trained together, Wanda helping you with controlling your powers and Steve taking responsibility for your hand-to-hand combat. The progress you saw within yourself in just a few days was outstanding and you found yourself imagining a life with the team, training and becoming friends. But that was a dangerous fantasy.
“Take the new guy, he seems about your age,” Steve didn’t look at you as he spoke, his eyes still focused on Tony as he ran across the airfield. “Save Buck and Sam.”
“Ah, my boys always need me,” you laughed despite your anxieties. Sprinting towards the glass building, you flew into the air and crashed through one of the walls. You landed in a traditional “superhero” pose, looking up to assess the situation. Bucky and Sam lay on the floor, tangled up in some kind of web, as Spiderman crouched against a tall pillar.
“Woah, you can fly?!” the kid spoke, his voice revealing his youth. As you considered, he probably wasn’t much younger than you, a year or two at most. How could Tony bring in someone this young?
“Hey kid, haven’t you got homework or something to be doing?” you cocked him a brow, a smirk hidden beneath your mask. Spiderman’s eyes flicked up to you, widening in shock. You threw yourself towards him, arms outstretched to tackle him to the ground. Landing with a thud, you launched Peter across the room where he hit and slid down the wall. You bolted towards Bucky and Sam, ripping apart the webs that bound them. “What would you boys do without me?”
“Probably not have all of my food stolen,” Sam muttered, standing quickly and bringing his hand to his goggles. You sent him a glare before standing alongside Bucky. Glass shattered behind you, and you turned to see Spiderman caught by one of Sam’s drones, pulled outside.
“That works,” you shrugged your shoulders, leading the pair of men towards the building’s exit. “I can’t believe you got your asses handed to you by a kid.”
Deep breaths echoed, bouncing off of the prison cell walls. You sat by the bars, your arms wrapped around them and your hands intertwined. Your head rested against the cold metal, your eyes barely open as exhaustion took over your entire body. You had barely eaten, you couldn’t remember the last time they had given you water and you were sure the fatigue was obvious on your face. A sigh escaped your lips as you forced your head up to look across at Clint in his cell. He was sat on his bed, his head in his hands - as had become his usual position.
The opening of the main door caused you to look up; you half expected Tony to be back to gloat about his victory, to try and weasel any secrets out of you, but the silhouette in the doorway was taller, broader. As he stepped into the light, you heart broke and your lower lip quivered. Steve’s face was rugged, a hint of a beard tickled his jaw as he walked towards Sam’s cell. The two had a brief conversation, Steve glancing around the room at several points. You assumed Sam was explaining what had been going on. Steve reached into his pocket, pulling out a tablet that had hacked into the Raft’s mainframe. With a click of the screen, the cell bars lifted and you lifted yourself from the ground slowly. Your head spun and your legs shook beneath you as you stumbled your way to Wanda’s cell.
Wanda was the weakest of the group, she had been wrapped up in a straitjacket with an electric collar around her neck. Her eyes were sunken, deep bags hanging beneath them. She dragged her eyes up from the wall to look at you. A tear landed on your cheek as you knelt down before her, looking for some way to remove her restraints. Your breathing sped up as you began to panic, unable to find a solution. A hand touched your back, throwing you off balance as you spun around quickly, falling as your head went fuzzy. Large arms wrapped around you as your consciousness began to fade. You forced your eyes open just long enough to see Steve’s face, smiling down at you as you drifted off to sleep.
“She needs to be here, where I- we can look after her.”
“She’s old enough to make this decision herself.”
The steady beeping of medical equipment steadied your breathing as you began to regain consciousness. You tried to lift your hand, but it felt like dead weight. Your fingertips twitched and you let out a soft groan, attempting to communicate with anyone who was in the room.
“Hey kiddo,” Steve’s voice calmed your racing heartbeat as he stepped towards your bed.
“Where are we?” your throat felt as though you had swallowed broken glass and the taste in your mouth was foul.
Steve looked towards the other man in the room, who you could now see was Sam. He sighed, his head hanging before looking back up at you, “A safe house in Sweden, the whole team’s here.”
“How did you- what happened?” your eyebrows furrowed as you coughed, your chest aching with each exhale.
“Well, I couldn’t leave my best girl,” Steve smiled up at you, but his eyes showed his true sadness. “Can’t be part of a team if the rest of the team isn’t there.”
“So, everyone’s staying here? What about Tony?” Steve flinched as you mentioned the name, taking a deep breath before speaking.
“We have to stay under the radar, according to everyone we’re criminals now. Tony isn’t going to try and change that. Nat, Sam and I are going to go underground and Wanda’s gonna be with us most of the time. What you do is up to you,” Steve looked up at you once again, his eyes pleading for you to stay.
“I-I don’t know.” “I don’t want to interrupt a lovely moment,” Sam stepped forward, his hands in the pockets of his jacket. “But you’re young. You can’t be giving up your life before you’ve even had one.”
“Whatever you do,” Steve started, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb. “We’re always here for you, whatever it is, I’m here.”
In the time after Germany, your physical and mental health took a hit. It took you days to be able to walk again, and weeks beyond that to start training. Natasha and Clint would often find you pottering around the safe house at 3am, a dazed look in your eyes and various weapons in your hands. Not to mention the nightmares, they woke not just you, but Steve who would race through from his room - adjacent to yours - when you began screaming, your lungs crying out for oxygen. It was decided that you would go with Wanda, she was the only one who could fully comprehend what was going on in your head, and you would return when you had fully recovered. Whenever that was.
“I’ll come visit as soon as Wanda thinks it’s okay, kid,” the tears in Steve’s eyes threatened to spill as he held you close to his chest. Your cheeks were already damp with salty tears as you had said your goodbyes to the rest of the team. Your arms were tight around Steve’s waist, and you didn’t want to let go. He pulled back to push loose hairs away from your face and to look into your eyes one last time. “I love you.”
“I love you, and thank you,” you hesitated. “Dad.”
You kicked your leg out as you leapt into the air, thrusting your foot into the chest of an Outrider and slicing another in half with your blade. As you returned to the ground you drove your foot into the fallen Outrider’s face, leaving the Wakandan dirt splattered with black blood. You wiped your face with the back of your hand, a grimace painted across your expression, before looking up to see Steve struggling against a pack of creatures. You launched yourself into the air before hurtling into the group, sending Outriders flying in all directions.
“Thanks kid,” Steve breathed, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he tried to regain his momentum.
“You know, maybe you’re getting too old for this,” you joked with a quick salute. Steve simply raised an eyebrow at you in response and the two of you sprinted in seperate directions. You grabbed a pistol from the holster at your thigh and sent bullets flying towards two Outriders, dark gore showering the dusty ground beneath you. You increased your speed as you lifted off the ground, taking an aerial view of the battle. From your viewpoint, you saw Wanda fighting against one of Thanos’ children, and she wasn’t exactly winning. You bolted towards her, your hair flying behind you as you landed on the ground, sending dirt flying from under your feet.
“She’s not alone,” Natasha spoke as Okoye readied her blade. You stood next to the assassin, fists out in a fighting position. Proxima Midnight looked between the three of you before lunging towards Okoye, blades prepared to strike. She dove, striking at Okoye’s chest as you plunged your foot into her lower back, tripping her onto her back. She rolled up easily, landing in a crouch as she kicked out at Natasha’s feet. Wanda, now up from the ground, lifted Proxima into the air and sent her flying into one of Thanos’ large tanks.
“Anyone got eyes on Vision?” Sam’s voice came through your comms and you spun quickly to see Vision fighting another of Thanos’ children. You gave Wanda a quick nod before she used her power to give you a boost into the air. You hurtled through the air to the forest, your landing ruined by the dense trees. You dropped through branches before arriving at the floor, the air sucked out of your lungs. You wheezed, your eyes closed as pain surged through your entire body. Your adrenaline was starting to wear out, and you weren’t unscathed from the fight. Looking down at your body, blood and dirt was caking your armor, skin exposed to show deep wounds. You lifted yourself onto your knees, looking up to see Vision stabbed by Corvus Glaive. You stood quickly, grabbing a dagger from your belt and lunged towards the creature, sinking the blade into his side.
Suddenly, Corvus was tackled to the ground and you whipped around to see Steve getting to his feet, yelling across at you and Vision. Vision was visibly injured and struggling to move. He nodded at you and the message was clear. You sprinted towards Steve and Glaive, landing a punch on Glaive’s cheek and kicking your shin into the back of his knee. As he fell, he grabbed your arm and threw you into a tree, your spine curving around the trunk. You cried out in pain as you landed against the ground. Steve blocked Glaive’s blade with his shield, landing a punch and grabbing the blade and throwing it in the opposite direction. Glaive grabbed Steve by the neck, throwing him onto a fallen tree where Steve rolled, grimacing in pain. Corvus walked towards the tree where you were still shaking with agony, and wrapped his hand around your neck. You gasped for breath, your eyes beginning to go hazy.
As you sucked in a shallow breath, Glaive’s eyes went wide. His body lifted as a blade protruded from his chest, revealing Vision holding the staff behind him. Letting go of the stave, Vision fell to the ground. You gasped for oxygen as Steve sprinted over, blood trickling down his face from a cut on his forehead. You crawled towards the pair as Vision’s eyes began to droop, Steve holding his head.
“Hey, you’re good,” you spoke slowly, breathlessly. “We’ve got to get you out of here, okay? I can take you-”
“There’s no way you’re doing anything,” Steve’s voice was stern. “You’re injured, we can’t risk you any further.” “Steve, we need to get him out of-”
“I know, but-”
Wanda arrived on the scene, her face painted with worry as her eyes landed on Vision.
“Don’t cut me off!” your voice was raised, filled with urgency. “I can fly him up, get him back into the building. I’ll take out all of the Outriders, I can do it.”
“It’s too danger-”
Steve stopped speaking as dark clouds appeared between the trees, an ominous noise wiping out all cries from the battle field. A large figure stepped through them, a familiar golden glove decorating his left hand. He tensed and flexed his fingers, the stones making beautiful sounds as he glanced around, assessing the area. You looked towards Steve, his eyebrows furrowed as he stood.
“He’s here.”
early 2018 - remote europe
The bed creaked beneath you as you sat, the old wooden bed frame groaning at your presence. You pulled the medical kit out from your drawers, opening it to grab the antiseptic and cotton wool, before pulling up your shirt. A grimace crossed your face as you pressed the ointment to your skin, the stinging sensation dancing across your stomach. Grabbing a bandage from the box, you unwound it and wrapped it around your torso, ensuring it was tight enough to stop any bleeding. Then you moved on to the multiple wounds across your arms.
“Got yourself in kind of a bad state, kid,” you turned slowly to see the familiar face of Sam Wilson. “Need a hand?”
An aggravated sigh left your lips as you stood from the bed, “How did you find me?”
“Well, the deal was you were with Wanda. But that’s obviously not how it played out,” Sam gave you a serious look. “She told us the last place you said you were going and we took it from there.”
You rolled up the leg of your suit, cursing under your breath as you saw the bruising that had begun to appear. “Are you alone?” The uneasy tone of your voice didn’t go unnoticed. Sam looked across at you, his eyebrows furrowing slightly as he considered the team.
“We didn’t want to undo anything Wanda might have-” Sam struggled for his next word, thinking carefully of his next word.
“Fixed?” you finished the sentence for him, looking up and giving him a breathy laugh. “Well, don’t worry. I can take care of myself.”
“You don’t have to.”
The words stopped you in your tracks.  You took a deep breath, turning to face the man before you.
“You’ve heard about the Infinity Stones?” Sam crossed his arms over his chest.
“Wanda and Vision mentioned them a few times, told me a bit about them. Why?” “Some big, scary guy is trying to get them all. They went for the Mind Stone, but we got to Vision first.”
“Is he okay?” you spoke, your voice raising slightly with concern.
“He’s fine, he’s back at the compound with Steve and Nat,” Sam stepped towards you. “We need you, (Y/N).”
“Now, where have I heard that before?” you joked with a sigh, rubbing your forehead with your palms.
“He needs you.”
You looked up, pained eyes searing into Sam’s.
“What’s the mission?”
The quinjet landed beside the Avengers facility and your heart jumped the second you reached the floor. You were instantly aware of how you looked, the weight of your backpack, the noises your jacket made as you stepped off of the jet. Sam moved to stand beside you, giving your shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
“You ready, kid?”
You gave a quick nod in response, your eyes fixed on the main doors directly in front of you.
“You’ll be fine,” Sam began to walk, his large strides putting distance between the two of you. Gritting your teeth, you forced one foot in front of the other, counting down the seconds until you were inside. The training hall was the exact same as when you had left. A sense of comfort washed over you, releasing the tightness in your chest as you looked around. A small smile broke onto your face as memories flooded back: training with Bucky, long nights talking with Wanda, Natasha trying to teach you new moves, leading to you on the floor, the breath stolen from your lungs.
Footsteps alerted you to a presence behind you and you spun around to meet Wanda’s kind eyes.
“Hey,” you breathed, a wobble in your voice.
“I’m sorry, I know you wanted to be by yourself bu-” Wanda began to walk towards you, taking your hands in hers.
“It’s okay,” you reassured her, pulling her into a hug. “I understand. Plus, everyone was probably missing me tons. You know, I don’t know how they survived without me.” You feigned a confident front, but you weren’t sure that Wanda was fooled.
She laughed nervously, taking your arm in hers and leading you towards one of the main rooms. You stopped before the door, looking across at your friend. She gave you a comforting smile before opening the doors and walking in. Your body felt like lead as you stepped through the doorway, seeing the same people you had left two years ago.
Nat’s eyes met yours and she rushed over, wrapping you in her arms. Although she rarely showed it, Natasha was one of the most caring people you had ever met. It was an extreme contrast to the act she maintained, but you knew her in a way no-one else did. She pulled back, her hands on your shoulders as she studied your face. You could see the relief on her face as you took in her appearance.
“I like the hair,” you let out a laugh. “You know, it’s hard for a redhead to pull off blonde.”
“Good thing I have the attitude for it,” she smirked, hugging you once again before returning to the large screen in the centre of the room.
You spotted Vision at the other side of the room, talking with Wanda, and gave him a quick wave. He responded with a smile, still growing accustomed to human greetings.
“Where’s Steve?” you spoke softly, to no-one in particular.
Natasha turned to look at you, “He’s in his room. Something about not wanting to make you uncomfortable or nervous.”
“I’m gonna-” you trailed off, leaving the room.
The corridors were hauntingly familiar, the same lights flickering as your shoes moved quietly along the wooden floor. 84. It was still 84 steps from the stairs to your room. Your heart rate increased as your hand stroked the door handle, pressing it lightly to reveal your room. Nothing had been moved, it looked as though you had been there only yesterday. The light streamed in from the closed window, thin, white curtains sitting perfectly still. You walked slowly towards the centre of the room, dropping your backpack onto your bed. It was a weird sensation, being back in a place that held so many mixed emotions.
You were snapped out of your memories as footsteps quickly approached from behind. You spun around and saw Steve standing in the door frame, an apologetic look on his face.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realise you were back already,” Steve diverted his eyes, avoiding meeting yours. “I thought someone was-”
He stopped talking as you walked towards him. Once you were within touching distance, your lower lip began to quiver and you wrapped your arms around him quickly, sobs escaping your lips. He sighed in relief and hugged you back.
“I’m sorry,” you spluttered, pulling away to look up at him. “I shouldn’t have gone off on my own, it was stupid and-”
“Hey, no,” Steve pulled you back into his chest. “I just-, I got scared. But that’s my fault, not yours.”
You stayed in the same position for a few minutes, just taking comfort in his familiar heartbeat. When you pulled away, he wiped the tears from your face before walking you back through to the meeting room. Natasha was now joined by Rhodey and they were deep in discussion, frequently referencing to various sheets of paper that were strewn across the table. They looked up when you entered, Rhodey folding his arms across his chest.
“Welcome back,” you hadn’t met Rhodey before, only briefly encountered him at the airport battle, but you could tell you were going to get along with him pretty well. “You heard of Thanos?”
“What did you do?” Thor bellowed. The gauntlet was fried, burned into Thanos’ skin. The titan looked around, a smile growing across his face, before summoning a portal and falling through. You looked across at Bucky, who was standing from where he had been thrown. A sense of unease settled across Wakanda and glancing around, it was obvious that everyone felt the same. You launched yourself into the air, trying to see the battlefield, to see if the same dread could be felt across the nation. And that’s where you saw it. Soldiers floating away in the wind, nothing but ashes. Your heart dropped as your mouth opened, your breathing staggering. You crashed back into the forest, looking around at your fellow Avengers.
“Something’s not right, people are-are-” you stuttered, your heart racing faster than it ever had. Steve looked across at you, concerned.
“Steve,” Bucky’s voice came from behind you as you turned. A pile of dust was on the floor, where Bucky’s body would have fallen. Your breath hitched as tears pricked your eyes. Steve staggered over, his heart breaking in his chest. Kneeling down, he ran his fingers through the remains of his best friend, his face obvious with distress. He looked up between you and Thor, the three of you sharing a thought. What the hell is going on?
Something inside of you felt off. Your stomach lurched as you looked up at Steve, tears beginning to stream down your cheeks. He stood quickly, racing over to hold you in his arms.
“Steve, I-I don’t know-” you spluttered, tears staining his armor.
“It’s okay, it’s going to be okay,” Steve’s voice cracked, his facade of strength dissolving before your very eyes. Natasha burst through the trees, her breathing heavy and her face panicked. You had never seen her this way before, the unshakable assassin, shaken. You fell to the floor as your knees gave out, Steve going with you. He held you in his lap, his hands running through your hair.
“What’s going to happen?” your voice wavered as you looked up at your mentor, your face tacky with salty tears.
“I-I don’t know,” Steve could barely look at you, feeling sick to his stomach. “But it’s going to be okay, I’m gonna figure it out, okay?” He nodded, trying to convince himself most of all.
Your legs went numb and you tilted your head to look down, but Steve placed his hand under your chin, lifting your eyes back to his. Your breathing sped up, panic settling in your stomach as you felt like you were going to throw up.
“I love you, Dad.”
Steve fell forward as your body dissolved before him. A tear fell from his eyes onto the ashes on his arms. Natasha walked towards him, placing a hand on his shoulder as she chewed on her bottom lip, her anxieties getting the best of her. Steve looked at the floor, his body heating with despair and anger.
“This isn’t over. I will get them back, and I will kill Thanos.”
Your eyelids were heavy as light beamed through the thin layer of skin. Squinting, you lifted a hand to cover your face and sat up slowly. Steve was gone. Looking around you could see Bucky standing up, Sam on the floor and the tree guy next to a log. But no Steve, no Natasha, no Rhodey. You made eye contact with Bucky, and confusion was plastered across his face, as you were sure it was across yours.
“Where’s Steve?” you stuttered, your legs shaking beneath you. Stumbling over to Sam, you took his hand and he gave it a quick squeeze. “Where’s anyone?” “I don’t know,” Bucky spoke slowly, moving to join the pair of you as T’Challa and Wanda emerged from seperate parts of the forest. You lowered yourself to the ground slowly, your body exhausted from whatever had just happened. Sam rubbed his forehead, desperately trying to hold it together and figure out an answer to the thousands of questions running through his head.
Your breathing was speeding up, your heart pounding in your chest; it felt as though your ribs were about to explode from the pressure. Your worried eyes met Bucky’s and he knelt down beside you, taking your hand in his larger, calloused grip. He gave you a soft smile, exaggerating his breathing to encourage you to fall in sync with his. Due to his past, Bucky was no stranger to anxiety and thus he was the one you always went to when your body started to act against you. He was more than happy to help, seeing you like a little sister and wanting nothing more than to protect you from the big, bad world. Your lip quivered before you took it between your teeth, hard enough to draw blood. Your eyes darted between Bucky and Sam, but as you looked at them you saw them looking in an entirely different direction.
A man stood before a glowing, amber circle, his red cape floating behind him as he strided towards you.
“My name is Doctor Stephen Strange. I was with Tony Stark as we fought Thanos, and I’m assuming you lost as we did,” Stephen’s eyes danced across the group, trying to devise the leader.
Sam stepped forward, “Nah, this is our victory party. You don’t see the balloons?” Despite his jokes, his voice was dark, serious.
“It’s been 5 years since our defeat,” your eyebrows furrowed at Strange’s statement. “And the Avengers need us.”
“Avengers, assemble.”
Roars broke out from all around you, an army running and fighting as one. Steve was at the forefront, his shield in one hand and Mjolnir in the other. You could see the grime and dried blood that coated his face from your position, despite being fairly far away. You sprinted forward, a cry escaping your lips in anticipation of the extreme battle that quickly approached. Holding your arms out before you, you launched yourself into the air and thrust your fist into an oncoming Leviathan. The punch reverberated through its entire being and it began to fall as a white horse came flying through the air, the Valkyrie atop it slicing the beast’s spine. You sent her a quick smile before turning to observe the ongoing battle. You bolted into a large group of Outriders, a shockwave exploding beneath your feet and sending creatures flying into the air, where they were quickly taken out by Tony and Pepper. You were moving at an incredible pace, legs and arms flying as you obliterated any Outriders that dared to threaten you.
“What do I do with this thing?” Clint’s voice was familiar over comms, and instantly you knew the object he was referring to. The gauntlet.
“Get it as far away from here as possible,” the sound of Steve’s voice made your heart skip a beat. A smile broke onto your face as you realised, this could be it. This could be the end of Thanos, the end of constantly looking over your shoulder for trouble. You could have a life after this. Your eyes roamed the battlefield, searching for a glimpse of the red glove. Amongst the hoards of creatures, you spotted Clint diving and dodging oncoming attacks and bulleted towards him, your feet leaving the ground and your body becoming streamlined.
“Hey kid, not really an ideal time,” Clint spoke, his breathing heavy as he dodged under a blade that flew towards him.
“Gimme that thing,” you nodded towards the gauntlet.
“Hell no, I’ve already fallen for that once today,” he continued to run, the glove tucked underneath his arm.
“Clint,” you looked at him, your eyes stern. “I can fly. They can’t get it up there.”
The man hesitated a moment, before holding the gauntlet out to you, “Touché.”
With the gauntlet secured in your grip, you bolted into the air, your hair flying out behind you. The roars of battle echoed from below, but your focus remained on getting the glove away from Thanos. A searing pain shot through your abdomen as you were thrown to the ground. Looking down, you saw the hilt of a knife sticking out of your side. You gasped, blood trickling down your side as you brought yourself to stand again, gripping the knife and pulling it out of you. Gritting your teeth, your eyes roaming for the perpetrator as you began to run. Your feet were heavy beneath you, swinging back and forth across the uneven battlefield. Shots rang out around you, but you didn’t flinch. Once again, you jumped into the air, throwing your head back to look at the ships above you.
Bullets flew past you, bolts of energy and weapons you couldn’t recognise skimming your armor. Leather could only hold off so much, and little cuts and digs were becoming bigger and more painful. You could feel your power draining as your body began to give out, failing under the increasing pressure of losing oxygen and blood. Your eyes struggled to remain open as the air became thinner and you felt your grip on the gauntlet loosening. In a panic, you scrambled to hug the glove to your chest and you began to fall. The ground was closing in as you squeezed your eyes shut to prepare for impact.
“Hi, I’ve got you!” a familiar voice rang out as you felt arms catching you. You forced your eyes open and saw the familiar mask of Spiderman. A breathy chuckle escaped your lips as Peter raised an eyebrow, a cheeky smile across his face. “I thought you said you could fly.”
You simply nudged him in response, trying to maintain any kind of energy that was left in your exhausted body. “You have spider-legs now?”
“Oh these things?” Peter glanced at his suit as you reached the ground, him letting you down gently. “That’s not even the best bit.” He reached out for the glove, and you gave it to him gladly. You smiled at him before he swung off, gauntlet in hand. You allowed yourself a few moments to catch your breath, glancing around at the battlefield and trying to find your teammates. You spotted Rhodey in the air, thrusters lit up as he attacked a Leviathan, with Sam on his tail, shots firing out at a rapid speed.
Blood rushed through your body as you gathered your strength to stand, muscled legs holding you up. A herd of Outriders watched you rise and sprinted towards you, teeth scratching and drool flying as they ran. You gritted your teeth as your rubbed your hands together, readying your familiar fighting stance. Your fists acted upon muscle memory, driving into chests and faces, legs flying and stomping on fallen creatures. Your armor became covered in Outrider gore, staining your skin with a deep blue tint. You fought until an entire group of monster corpses lay at your feet, your breathing was heavy and sweat droplets coated your forehead. With a quick swipe of your hand, your face was almost cleared of Outrider blood and your eyes focused once again as you looked towards the surrounding creatures.
“I am inevitable,” Thanos’ voice rang out over the battlefield and you spun to see the heavy gauntlet on his hand. Your breath caught in your throat as his fingers touched, the sharp snap cutting through the dense air. A confused look appeared across the titan’s face as he turned his hand, revealing the lack of infinity stones. You gasped as your eyes roamed to Tony, who was kneeling with the stones implanting on his suit.
“I. Am. Iron Man.”
A sharp, metallic tone shattered the air. Pain was instantly shown on Tony’s face as his body crumpled to the ground. The hoards of creatures that had begun to charge towards you stopped, all seeming to share a thought. These monsters that you had previously thought incapable of emotion were scared. A quick look around the battlefield showed that their entire race was reacting the same way. The area was almost silent, only heavy breathing could be heard over your comms.
Your feet began to move slowly beneath you, carrying your body towards the familiar presence of Wanda, who was stood near to you. Without turning to look at you, she took your hand in hers, her eyes still glued to the titan knelt in the centre of the fight. Around you, ships fell from the sky, exploding as they met the ground. Fire burst out in the perimeter of the battlefield, but you couldn’t tear your eyes away from the monster stood before you. His breathing slowed as his eyes dropped to the ground, his elbows resting on his knees. He remained there for a few seconds before looking up towards Tony, and dissolving away with the wind. Your breath hitched in your throat as he turned to ash. You tilted your head up to look at Wanda as a single tear rolled down her face. She dragged her eyes towards you and a relieved smile broke onto her face as she looked at you. You pulled her into a tight hug, sobs escaping both of you as you felt her arms around you.
You pulled away after a few moments, your tearstained face smiling up at her with a mix of relief and heartbreak. You couldn’t imagine the cacophony of emotions whirring through her body. Your heartbeat was steadily increasing as you looked around the battlefield, looking for one person. Steve. Your comms were alight with conversation and celebration, making it impossible to identify individual voices. And then, from across the battlefield, your eyes locked with his. A breathy sob escaped your lips as you began to sprint towards him, your injured legs stumbling as you crossed the uneven terrain.
His arms were around you within an instant, your face pressed into his chest. Tears spilled from both of you, neither in belief of what had actually happened. Steve pulled away to look at your face, and despite being in his old uniform, you could see the weathered effect the past 5 years had had on him. His eyes were swimming as he assessed your face, barely an hour older than when you had disappeared before him. Your mind raced with questions but you couldn’t bring yourself to speak.
“Hey kid,” Steve’s voice cracked as he looked down at you, his hands on your shoulders.
“Hey,” you stuttered, your voice shaking. “So, it’s not weird that I called you dad right?”
Steve laughed, shaking his head, “It would be an honor.”
He pulled you into him once again, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You spent a few moments just relishing in the familiarity of your family. Wanda had approached the pair of you, alongside Bucky and Sam. Steve took Bucky into his arms, patting his back as he pressed his face into Bucky’s soft shoulder. Sam jokingly wrapped his arm around the pair, encasing them in a group hug. You smiled at the action, taking Wanda’s hand once again. Once the group of boys had separated, Steve gave Wanda a quick hug, smiling at his friend. You situated yourself between Steve and Bucky, an arm around each as you settled into the comfort of your family.
Peering around the group, you noticed an empty space, “Where’s Nat?”
Steve’s face dropped as he looked around the group, “She -uh, she didn’t make it.”
Your eyes clouded over as your eyes fell to the ground. The group shared a few minutes of silence, grieving for your fallen sister. You reached to take Steve’s hand in your own, giving it a squeeze and looking up at him through clouded eyes. “She knows we won, and we won for her.”
Tony’s lakeside cabin was beautiful during the summer, the rays of sun beaming through the windows. You could have sat out by the lake for hours, not a single thought crossing your mind. It was peaceful, and you felt the most peace in knowing that Tony and Natasha were at peace as well. The funeral had been deeply emotional; you hadn’t known Tony too well yourself, but seeing the effect he had had on people’s lives proved to you how important your job was. You sat on the porch, watching Tony’s young daughter as she played by the lakeshore. An absent-minded smile danced across your face, the cool breeze tickling your face.
“Hey kid,” Steve approached you, his hands in his pockets as he sat next to you. You lifted your eyes to meet his, noticing the nerves he was trying to hide. Your eyebrows furrowed, but you shifted to give him some space.
“Hey,” your voice was soft. “How is everyone?”
Steve took a deep breath, surveying the horizon before you, “As good as they can be, I guess. Bruce is setting everything up, should be ready to go pretty soon. Best to just get it all fixed now.” You nodded up at him, leaning your head on his shoulder. He responded by wrapping his arm around your shoulder, hugging you into his side. “Can we talk?”
“What else were we doing?” you turned to face him, your entire body shifting as you crossed your legs beneath you.
“I mean, a serious talk.”
“Of course, what’s up?” nerves rumbled in your stomach as he looked down at you, his well known “serious face” on display.
“I think I’m going to stay there,” Steve’s eyes dropped to the floor, as though he was trying to look at anything other than you. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Where? What are you-” you stopped yourself as realisation vibrated through your body. “As in-?”
Steve nodded, his eyes clouding with tears.
“With Peggy?” Your voice cracked as you felt your throat thicken. Tears threatened to spill, but you focused all of your efforts into staying strong, for him.
“I- I can’t stay here when I could be living the life I truly want.”
You ducked to meet Steve’s eyeline, drawing it back to you. Giving him a reassuring smile, you took a deep breath and composed yourself. “I understand, and I love you. No matter what.”
Steve pulled you towards him, tears falling from his eyes onto your hair. He pressed a kiss to the crown of your head then placed his cheek on top. He could feel your chest rising and falling unevenly as quiet sobs escaped your lips. Your face was pressed into his shirt, taking comfort in being able to hear his heartbeat.
“Say hi to Peggy for me,” you smiled, your lower lip quivering as a tear dropped onto your cheek. Steve pulled away from you, taking your face in his hands. He pressed a kiss to your cheek, his eyes alight with emotion as he looked down at you.
“Do you want to come out, stand with Sam and Buck?” You nodded in response, taking his hand gently in yours. “I’ve spoken to Bucky, but we’re not gonna tell Sam. I don’t think he would take it too well.”
“Judging by some of his previous reactions, I would say you’re correct,” you laughed slightly as the two of you left the lodge. The brief walk through the forest was a daze, you barely felt as though your feet were touching the floor. You tried your hardest to take in every moment, knowing it would be some of your last with Steve, but your uncertainty took hold of your consciousness.
You reached the clearing where Bucky and Sam were deep in conversation with Bruce. The pair turned as they heart your footsteps, Bucky giving you a knowing smile as his eyes met yours. Sam jogged over, throwing an arm around your shoulder.
“You okay, kid?” he looked down at you.
You wiped your face quickly, having forgotten about the tears. “Yeah, just allergies.”
“I keep telling you to go outside, instead of stuck in your room all day,” Sam’s eyebrows raised in an “I-told-you-so” manner.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” you shoved his chest jokingly, making a beeline towards Bruce. You watched as he pulled a small briefcase out from beneath the table. Steve stepped towards you, unclasping the buckles to ensure that all of the Infinity Stones were counted for.
“Remember, the exact second they were taken, then-”
“Then back, yep. Got it,” you were surprised at how Steve sounded, confident. He closed the case, taking it in one hand and Mjolnir in the other. It still shocked you to see the magnificent hammer in his grip. He climbed the stairs, not looking back at the group of friends behind him. You found yourself moving towards Bucky, wrapping your arm around his.
“Okay, and 3, 2, 1,” Bruce pressed a button on the machine and Steve was gone. You breath faltered and Bucky reached to take your hand, his eyes still fixated on the spot where his best friend had just stood. You remained silent, not wanting to bring Sam’s attention to you, not wanting to let him know anything that was happening.
“And back in 3, 2, 1.”
You turned your head into Bucky’s shoulder, trying to steady your breathing as you began to accept that he was gone.
“Where is he?!” Sam’s voice boomed through the bare clearing as he glared across at Bruce, who was panicking and rushing around his equipment.
Bucky nudged you with his shoulder, causing you to look up and across at the bench by the lake. A small silhouette was outlined in light, white hair sitting atop of a frail, old body.
“Sam,” Bucky’s voice pulled Sam out of his confusion as he turned, following Bucky’s gaze towards the old man. “You go ahead.”
Sam walked over slowly, his hands in his pockets as he looked out to the water. You watched the conversation, too far away to hear any of the words spoken. Bucky remained in silence, your hand still in his. He pulled his eyes from the scene before him and looked down at you, trying to gauge your feelings towards the situation. “You wanna go speak to him?”
You considered for a moment before shaking your head. “We said our goodbyes, I’m okay.” Bucky gave you a soft smile before turning his attention back towards his friends. You pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before spinning on your heels, your gaze fixed on the cabin through the woods. A tear fell to your cheek as you left, leaving behind the comfort of your father. Thoughts spun through your head as you walked, but you brushed them to the side.
The future is bright, so full of opportunity and possibility. And you have to take it. For Natasha, for Tony, for Steve.
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