#this is like the last thing i needed today I'm gonna have a full blown breakdown soon and i cant even do that bcz all my grandparents have
definitelynotnia · 11 months
had a fight with my dad and now i feel like I'm about to throw up
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golbrocklovely · 10 months
i'm gonna make a general post about this, instead of answering all the individual asks i got. especially since they all basically say the same thing, and i don't want to repeat myself over and over again.
this is about colby's love life, so it's not anything too serious. so let's all remember that haha
okay, so… in case you missed it, which i'm assuming some of you probably did: colby and sam went out last night, colby admitted today that he got blacked out. while in that state (most likely), he posted a pic of him and girl on his stories. there's nothing major about the picture. it was literally just him and a girl taking a selfie together. a girl he hasn't been seen with before.
then this afternoon, he removed the pic from his story.
and you might be wondering "why is any of this newsworthy?" your guess is as good as mine, lovely readers. bc to me, who the fuck cares lol
according to my anons tho, this is important. so, let me give my two cents on it.
i think my main issue, or complaint, with how this fandom treats colby's love life is that you all take it a lot more seriously than even he does. some of you treat it like it's life or death or a serious issue that needs to be discussed when in reality, we just don't know enough to really comment on it. if you wanna have fun, say something funny, whatever - that's fine. but a lot of you go from joking about it to full blown calling him or the girl he's possibly with names. and that's just weird.
i've seen plenty of fans slut shame colby. but i find it quite odd when we don't know enough to even really say whether or not he is a slut. first and foremost, there's nothing wrong with sleeping around or being a slut. there's only an issue if you lie to the ppl you're sleeping with (like saying you're committed to them when you're not) and or not using protection. those are really the only issues. and the thing is, colby hasn't been in a serious, committed relationship since 2016 (in his own words). so i find it strange that any fan of his would be pissed that he's not staying committed to one girl. like, that man isn't trying to be in a relationship. he's allowed to fuck around.
and the MAJOR, top TIER actual problem this fandom has is assuming every girl colby is around is his new girlfriend/fling. a lot of fans have this problem with thinking that any girl in colby's orbit is a) someone he plans to fuck, b) someone he is currently fucking, or c) someone he has already fucked. a lot of you guys act like colby can't be friends with a pretty, single girl. and yes, that includes the ones that show their ass on insta or have an onlyfans. and look, you wanna joke about stuff like that, be my guest. but a lot of you haven't been joking. a lot of you shame the shit out of colby for things he didn't do or that you have no proof he is doing. it's really gross to assume he can't have platonic relationships with women.
the amount of times i have read things like "colby is such a slut, sleeping around and having all of these playthings. it's so gross. he needs to keep it in his pants, he's such a manwhore" when YOU DON'T KNOW WHO HE IS OR ISN'T SLEEPING WITH. idk what projection you feel the need to put on him, but he isn't your exes. you don't gotta assume he's fucking everything that moves.
and even if he was…. what's wrong with that? and i don't want to hear "oh but he's the one that wants a connection but then doesn't settle down". he's allowed to be unsure of what he wants. he's allowed to go looking and switch up his mind from time to time. reality is if he was doing something wrong, ie fucking over these girls over and over again, half of LA wouldn't fuck with him. most of his assumed exes still fucking follow him, so clearly he isn't burning bridges or pouring gas and waiting for them to light the match. not to mention, he's not trying to settle down. he's allowed to go out and have fun and get his dick wet if he wants to lol
bffr yall, you're telling me you don't say one thing but do something else that goes against that? take me for example, i would love to be in a relationship rn. but i'm not putting myself out there at all. so OF COURSE i'm still single. we all do shit like this. let's not put ourselves on a high horse just bc it's easier to call him out than it is to admit our own shortcomings :)
i think it's good to remember that not every girl that's around him is someone he's planning to, is currently, or has fucked before in the past. some girls are just his friends. some might turn into more, some might not at all. it's wrong to believe that he can't have just girl friends. it's wrong to assume that all he sees when he looks at a woman is a pair of tits and ass, or that she's some conquest he needs to win. another notch in his belt. not only does it boil the woman down to nothing but a sex doll, but you turn colby into a sex monster, looking for his next nut. it's very weird.
also, i know a lot of you don't like 99% of the women he chills with, for whatever reason. and i need you all to learn and accept that colby is not your sim. you don't get to control his actions. you don't get to say he should be with X girl for y and z reasons. he's allowed to be with clout chasey girls. he's allowed to be with annoying girls. he's allowed to even be with girls that post him too much. it doesn't matter. it's his life, he lurks and knows what happening way more than we do, and it's best we just let him do his thing and ignore the girls that annoy us. don't let curiosity win. just block the girls and move on if they really annoy you that deeply.
and if you're done with colby and his love life, move on then. there's no reason to be hung up on something that should just be mildly amusing to you at best.
stuff like this shouldn't be major drama or important things we direly need to talk about it. this should be silly and fun and lighthearted. it used to be, too. but too many of you have read too many y/n fanfics and think you have a choice in the matter when you really don't. and i mean that as respectfully as i can say it. you don't own colby. colby doesn't owe you an explanation as to why he does what he does. accept it as reality and move on. if he, or his choices, upset you that much - leave. log out for a while. all of this silly, nonsensical shit will still be here when and if you return. and for some of you, i strongly suggest leaving, since this clearly upsets you too much.
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anonymusbosch · 8 months
car crash happened in front of me (I am fine and people involved are not hurt)
guy completely speeding and weaving thru traffic, I slow down cause I'm like "oh shit this is gonna go bad," and sure he spins out and crosses all the lanes and hits the side of the bridge seconds later
I'm just a few seconds behind. my partner calls 911 and I pull over to check if the driver's okay and see if there are any passengers, give first aid until the EMTs get there
airbags all blown. guy extracts himself. he's able to walk but really staggering and i try to get him to sit down. sometimes people are stumbling like that and they're super injured and they're running on adrenaline, in shock, no idea how injured they are. a previous accident I responded to there was a guy with head trauma bleeding down his face with no idea he was hurt. so I try to get him to sit down so I can check on him but he's not mentally there, he's stumbling so much he tips onto the guardrail and then I'm like "jesus" so I sit down and get him to sit and give me his info (entirely to get him off his feet) and he's just so intoxicated that he can't walk. he was walking like his leg was broken but he's just that smashed. and there's shrapnel all over the bridge. he hit two other cars, they're pulled over, the police are there holding back all the traffic behind us. Everyone in front of us kept going and everyone behind us is blocked by the police. and I try to start to leave because there's real first responders and this guy isn't bleeding and he tries to stop me - he's polite but he wants me to be a witness and I say "dude I saw you screaming down the right lane and weaving in traffic and totally spinning out" and he says "that guy cut me off!" and I say "listen, I didn't get hit, you're not hurt, I'm leaving" and he says some more stuff, he's not belligerent but he's drunk and scared and I want to leave, my legs are shaking and the sirens are loud, and I say I'll make sure the cops have my info, and I drive on and the cop ahead of me waves me down and I realize that oh fuck I left my wallet in the house. but I have a photo of my license and that's good enough and I give the cop my name and phone number and license number and drive off the empty bridge with nothing but the crashed cars and the flashing lights and my arms shaking just a little and I get off the bridge as soon as I can and pull over and stop the car and half start crying. and I dictate what happened in a voice memo and hold my partner's hand and sit there and shake for a minute until I can get my breath and legs beneath me and feel ok to drive the rest of the way home. and I just. this is the... fifth? time? I've responded to a crash that happened but it's the only one that happened while I was also driving. and I sometimes wonder what I would do in some emergency situation and I've learned that I don't necessarily keep my head on straight or pay attention to the right things but I *try* and I do respond. and this is just the first one where I've fully felt my body going haywire even when I'm keeping a cool head, felt my legs shaking like that, felt the bloodrush and the need to go cool off after.... blllaksjfbakla I am home safe and able to just shower and lie down. and I am very glad no one was seriously injured and I am very glad I saw what was about to happen and braked and I am very glad I wasn't 10 seconds further along the road. and I am just. glad to be home
also like last night i got a drink at the bar planning to dance for a while and then pick up my partner to go home and it was wayyyyy stronger than expected so I had to be like "sorry babe I'm gonna need to wait this one out" and ended up taking like an extra full hour (on top of the planned amt of time) and then some before I was 100% good. and so we didn't get enough sleep and were going home early today and I roped us into an extra. 45 mins of delay. with the responding to the crash. and so i am not good at getting partner home early these last couple days. but for. reasons
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uncl3badtouch · 8 months
📢 Spoilers if you haven't read it 📢
I read 📚 (full disclosure, I listened to this one and it took 44 hours) "It" recently and I'm still reeling. I finished it sometime last week, and there are still scenes that truly haunt me. My mind was also blown with the big finale, but that'll come.
It started off with a bang, the man getting bit 👌🏻 very scurry. But then there were a handful of things that don't get repeated today, and people know about that, so not to beat a dead horse, that's all I'll say. That there were so many slurs I actually learned one I've never heard before. 😅
Anywho, he's apologized and it's the last I will say of it. Soooo, getting back into it, the first chapter really sets you up for what's coming. Now, the next few chapters, I'm not sure if everything I'm gonna say is in exact order but I'm gonna try my best!
Everyone gets their call from Mike to come back to Derry, and suddenly, they remember. Bill had even remembered his brother who he hadn't thought about in years. Derry is a special place where you forget everything as soon as you leave it. ✨️ it is explained better in the book 📖 We catch a glimpse into everyone's lives and how different they all are after they grow up and leave.
Stanley kills himself because he couldn't deal with everything again. It's sad but also the worst because it weakens the gang 😕 everyone meets at the restaurant and they have the famous scene on the food becoming gross stuff and they have to pretend they don't see it. But that happens after they tell a majority of their childhood story, flipping between everyone's memories that are returning to them slowly.
We see some of the traumas the kids endure without It involved. These kids were soo tough. Some of the things they got through... 😔 but here we learn about all the other times that It had popped up too, some of the stories were crazy! And we don't see them in the movies.
The werewolf that the boys encounter is 👌🏻. 🐺 It's so scary and so... almost unexpected. It was probably one of my favorite memories discussed. They laughed and had a decent time then decided to head their separate ways for the evening, and regroup the next day to take It on.
They each run into their own monsters on the way to their shared destination, and each of those monsters is really cool in the way they appeared and who they appeared to. Personal favorite, Beverly and the witch in the candy house 🍬 🍫 🏠 (gotta read it to find out 😉). Soooooo fucking sick. I wish it was in the movies.
They all end up back at the townhouse they're staying at and Beverly and Bill go heels to Jesus in the most awkward way. Like, I was super uncomfortable with how Mr. King described the whole scenario, and it made me roll my eyes so hard people could hear it. He's not a romance writer, that's for sure. I also want to say that the scene after the kids all beat It for the first time, where they all have sex sith Beverly, super unnecessary and super inappropriate in my opinion and we didn't need it to push any part of the story forward. The worst part of the book in my opinion.
When Henry comes back is super eerie. It really made me tense and I really love the crazy of it all, but things didn't go how I had known them from the films and it was really dynamic in that evening leading up to the final fight.
Mike is barely hanging on at this point and the gang decides to get going. I believe it was early morning, I'm not sure the exact time so sorry about that. But the gang goes with Eddys arm broke again and they're down two members. But they make it to the lair of It.
It was difficult and gruesome and Bill's wife is missing, but they make it through all the obstacles. They perform the ritual of Chud and we meet the turtle. I get it and don't at the same time. I'm still thinking about it's significance days later.
Oh, also, I find out that It is female, and pregnant, and it blew my mind. So much so that I had to stop it and call my brother just to talk to him about it because it just blind sided me. Like, I don't know, it just shook me 🤷🏼‍♀️
There was a lot of the story that doesn't get very touched on in the movies. There's steampunk birds, talking moons, gay bars, and a lot of violence and hatred (It was involved in gang murders! Yikes!) And there's so many extra story parts that are sooo good to read about and I would live to see in the movies, but I'm not sure 6 hour movies are everyone (I mean, I could do it, cue lord of the rings) but some of the scenes would be super difficult.
King truly is a a beautiful story teller. He's famous for good reason and deserves all the credit he gets in creating these terrifying and amazing stories. I would never think about half the things he had, he's truly a creator of terror. All in all, I think I'd give It 7/10.
There was so much good 👍🏻 honestly and truly and I wish that more of the book was recognized, but there was a lot I thought could have been taken out. Not including the aforementioned things, there's a ton that I personally don't think moves the story forward in any good way.
Would I re read this? Probably not in its entirety, but I will go back and read read certain scenes
Would I recommend it? Yes, I really do. Take the time to read it or listen to it once in your life. It really is worth it.
What did you think?
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monthofsick · 2 years
An unwanted Gift
Nov(emeto)ber 2022, Day 28: The token made a mess prompt
OCs: Isaiah, Luka
Not gonna lie, making a huge mess is one of my favorite tropes ever. Especially in a public setting! It's just straightforward gross goodness, even though poor Isaiah might disagree. I had lots of fun writing and it even fit the season.
TW: Vomit, illness
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Like every year, once fall had begun, the days until Christmas flew by in a timelapse. To avoid getting caught up in last-minute stress, Luka and Isaiah had decided to buy their presents early. They had planned a trip to a large shopping mall for maximum choice in a compact area. Conveniently, there was a direct bus stopping right in front of the mall. It was barely a 30 minutes trip.
Everything was fine when they met at the station close to their college. Isaiah was a bit tired, even more so than usual. Not a big obstacle to overcome if he could enjoy the rest of the holiday season without any hassle. The bus was surprisingly crowded for the time of day – other people probably had the exact same idea. Isaiah and Luka sat down at the two free middle seats in the back row for a bit of Christmas gift brainstorming.
About ten minutes later, Isaiah began to feel unwell. The burrito he had eaten for lunch weighed down his stomach like he had swallowed it whole. It triggered an instant anxiety that only added to the persistent queasiness. Isaiah had been carsick before and the driver wasn't necessarily gentle with his maneuvers. When Isaiah had covered the inside of Tiago's mother's car with his puke, it hadn't only been induced by his alcohol intake, but just as much by the winding mountain road. At least it was a much shorter ride today.
"So I found this awesome recipe for spiked mulled wine that we absolutely have to try, I'm getting winter bonfire Christmas S'mores party vibes, are you with me?" Luka's eyes were beaming, cheeks flushed. He was already in full blown festive mood and Isaiah would have loved to join in. He was a winter's child, way more comfortable in the cold than in summer heat. Snow was probably his favorite thing ever. If only it hadn't been for the brick in Isaiah's belly that demanded all of his attention.
"Oh… yeah… sounds great." It was a lame response, and Luka noticed. He gave Isaiah a slap on the back of his head.
"Don't tell me Mr. Freeze is turning into a Scrooge."
"Sure, I'm thinking tropical vacation this year." Isaiah rolled his eyes and instantly regretted it as a wave of vertigo washed over him. He should have probably looked out of the window, but there was a woman in the seat next to him. Staring rigidly in her direction would have been highly uncomfortable and borderline creepy. "It's just… I'm not sure about Tiago's present. He's still mad at me and I want to make things right without looking like a suck-up."
"I get it, man." Luka sighed and placed his hand on Isaiah's shoulder. "The guy needs to calm the fuck down, it's not like you barfed on purpose. Don't worry too much, he'll be fine once his mom allows him to borrow the car again."
"I hope so." Isaiah already regretted bringing back the vivid memory of being violently sick in a moving vehicle, even though it had successfully diverted Luka from his current issue. He was painfully aware of how full he was. The amount of food filling up his stomach, sloshing around in the gingerbread milkshake he had indulged in for dessert, added another dimension of threat to the unpleasant situation. If he couldn't hold it down, there was a lot that would come up. And this time, he wasn't in a car with his friends, but in a public bus full of strangers.
With a deep breath, Isaiah put a hand on his stomach. A subdued, but constant pain lingered in the back of his head. Had the driver turned up the heating system or was it just him breaking out in a sweat? The air was stuffy, almost viscous as it filled his lungs. Isaiah felt it gliding along his uvula. A sudden retch burst out of him and he tried to disguise it as a muted cough.
"You're not getting a cold, are you?" Of course, Luka had realized something was wrong – no surprise when he was sitting right next to Isaiah. The redhead looked up to check what station they approached. It was about ten minutes until they would arrive at their destination. Isaiah really didn't want to get off the bus and wait half an hour for the next one. It wouldn't make much of a difference anyways, he still had to sit through the rest of the ride either way.
"The air's just dry because of the heater", Isaiah tried to talk his way out once again. Actually, his mouth was anything but dry. There seemed to be a special offer on saliva today. With a straight face, Isaiah kept on swallowing and swallowing. His chest hitched with a burp, which earned him a disapproving glance from the woman at the window. "Sorry. Must be the beans."
"Would have been worse if it came out the other end." Luka grinned. There was no way he would miss the opportunity for a fart joke.
"I'm saving that for the way back", Isaiah declared with a strained smile. He felt sick to his stomach. The abdominal muscles under his hand clenched tightly, pushing up a sour liquid with the vague taste of cumin. Isaiah's eyes widened for a moment, then he pressed them shut and forced himself to swallow the vomit back down. Maybe getting out wasn't such a bad idea after all, but the next stop was nowhere in sight.
Lips pinched tightly, breathing in through the nose, Isaiah tried to stop his digestive system from shifting into reverse gear. It was hard to fight an automated process, especially when the entire muscles of his upper body worked together, contracting harshly to pump out his stomach. The rush of panic as the redhead understood that he was about to lose control poured an entire gasoline canister into the flames of his nausea. He would hurl in front of everyone in the bus and there was nothing he could do about it.
Or maybe there was. Unexpectedly, the vehicle came to a halt. Had they reached a station? No one got up and the doors didn't open, so it was probably just a red light. At least they didn't move anymore. Isaiah found new hope that the break would grant him enough recovery time to make it to the next stop without tossing his lunch. He didn't dare to part his lips, but he inhaled deeper and slower through his nostrils. It would be alright. He could do this.
Then the lights turned green and the bus accelerated with a sudden jerk.
The abrupt jolt hit Isaiah like a fist in the pit of his stomach. He couldn't even groan before a surge of thick liquid shot up his throat. His hands flew up to his lips just in time before his cheeks puffed out. Swallowing wasn't an option, the vomit had already flooded his mouth entirely.
"Isa?" Luka's voice, distorted by a static in Isaiah's ears. "Are you going to be sick?"
Isaiah couldn't answer. He desperately tried to hold it in, but more and more custardy fluid kept on coming up until finally, the seal burst. Creamy, light beige puke filled up the cup his hands formed in front of his mouth. It spilled over on top and splashed on Isaiah's lap. The woman sitting next to him screamed and recoiled in horror.
At this point, everything added to Isaiah's nausea. The movement of the bus. The warm throw-up covering his palms and seeping into his pants. The sour stench of rancid butter. Helplessly, Isaiah lurched forward and projectile vomited all over the floor. More people let out sounds of shock and disgust, some backed away to get out of the splash zone.
With eyes staring at him from every direction, Isaiah was shaken by a violent retch. Unable to control himself, the redhead noisily gargled up another fountain of puke. Grainy soup with lumps of beef, rice, black beans and whole kernels of corn cascaded from his mouth onto his legs, the ground and some of the adjacent seats. The spicy salad burned even more than on its way down, probably because of the gastric acid that accompanied it.
"There's some kid throwing up like crazy back here!", a man screamed through the entire bus, just in case anyone hadn't noticed yet.
"I know!", the driver yelled back. "Everyone's gonna get out at the next station, you can use your ticket at the replacement bus."
Part of the revulsion directed at Isaiah turned into annoyance. He trembled all over his body while his muscles wouldn't stop spasming rhythmically. A long, sickly belch bubbled up from his stomach, soon turning into a wretched gag.
"Mom, it stinks!", a little girl complained. "It makes me sick!"
"Pinch your nose, sweetheart", the mother tried to calm her, unable to hide her own nerves. "We can leave in a second."
"Drunk by lunchtime, that's why our country's in such a bad state", an elder man grumbled.
"Can you guys calm down for a second?" Luka put his arm around Isaiah's shoulders. "He's not drunk, he's sick, so leave him alone!"
"Yeah, some people should maybe stay away from public transport if they can't keep their food down", the woman next to Isaiah huffed snidely. She was pressed against the window to keep as much distance as possible in the confined space. The overwhelming feeling of shame wrung out Isaiah's stomach like a wet towel. A chunky mush was squeezed up his esophagus and plopped into the congealed puddle on his knees. Worst thing was, it didn't happen quietly – every bout of vomiting forced loud retches and sickening gurgles out of him.
Isaiah wasn't done spewing the vile mixture of minced burrito and milkshake as the bus finally came to a halt. Luka, who obviously had enough of the public humiliation, put both arms around Isaiah's upper body and dragged the puking redhead towards the door. With his mouth gaping wide open, Isaiah expelled a trail of vomit the entire way. He almost slipped in the barf he had projectiled over a remarkable area earlier. The sudden movement sparked another burst of nausea. Isaiah doubled over and hurled up a massive gush of bile and undigested food all over his shoes.
"Hang in there, Isa, we're almost in the clear", Luka encouraged Isaiah while he guided him out of the bus. To make things even worse, Isaiah's eyes were overflowing with tears. He felt horribly sick and embarrassed. He was covered in his own puke that stuck to his skin and drenched his clothes. And they were stranded in the outskirts of the city. There was no way a filthy, reeking mess like him could enter another bus – especially when he still hadn't finished throwing up.
Luka led his friend a few steps away from the station and the people that streamed out of the soiled vehicle. Supporting Isaiah with a hand on his chest, Luka bent him over even more.
"Don't worry about these assholes, just get it all out", he calmed Isaiah with a surprisingly gentle voice. Luka's hand firmly rubbed Isaiah's back as the redhead emptied himself on the lawn next to the sidewalk. "Yeah, that's it. You're gonna feel so much better once you puked it all up."
"Does he need a doctor?", the driver's voice reached Isaiah's ears through a rustling white noise. He stared at the off-white splatters below him, the bits of ground beef and corn and legumes. Gagging weakly, he added another mouthful of sick to the fetid mess. It wasn't much that came out of him, he had probably spewed most of his stomach contents inside of the bus.
"Thanks, I'll take care of him", Luka declined. He tried so hard to sound calm and collected that his suppressed anger was almost tangible. Isaiah choked up whatever was left inside of him, his tears dripping into the splashes of his upchucked meal. Even when he couldn't bring up anything more, he didn't dare to straighten himself again. The thought of facing the people who had witnessed one of the most mortifying moments of his life was too much for him. It was Luka who eventually grabbed him by the shoulders and raised him up. "Feeling any better?"
Isaiah shook his head, avoiding Luka's gaze. Luka pulled a crumpled package of paper tissues out of his bag and began to wipe Isaiah's lips and chin. Before he was done, he suddenly paused and put his hand on Isaiah's forehead.
"Okay, I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to feel that warm." He brushed back Isaiah's hair, then moved on with the cleaning process. "I knew there was something wrong with you. Didn't you notice you were about to explode with puke?"
"I – I thought I was sweaty because I felt nauseous." Isaiah's own voice sounded strange to him, shaky and husky. "Thought is was carsickness or something."
"It might have still been a good idea to tell me, you know? We could have left before you blew chunks all over the place."
"I know." Desperately trying not to break into a sob, Isaiah wiped his eyes before the tears could spill over again. "It's just… I mean… we were so close and… and… I don't know, you guys already joke about my weak stomach all the time. Now I didn't just ruin Tiago's car, but an entire bus."
"Stop it", Luka scolded him. He threw the dirty tissue on top of an already dangerously full trash bin next to them, then put both hands on Isaiah's shoulders. "You're sick. You're probably running a fever. I can tell that this feels like the end of the world to you, but it's not. You'll never see any of those dickheads again and I promise I won't tell Tiago and Thien. And now stop crying, you fucking idiot, it makes me want to hug you and I can't because you're covered in barf."
Against his will, Isaiah had to laugh. It quickly turned into another stifled sob as he remembered that they were still stuck far away from their dormitory.
"I feel like crap. How the fuck are we supposed to get back home when I'm like… like this?"
"Don't worry, I'm gonna call a fellow student. The guy still owes me one." Luka took out two more handkerchiefs and tried to wipe the worst mess from Isaiah's hands and clothes. "Probably gonna tell him to bring something clean so you can get changed… and a trash bag to transport this hazardous material you're wearing."
"You're so dumb", Isaiah mumbled, but he did feel a little better. Still dizzy and shaky and nauseous, but not as desperate.
"That's rich, coming from you", Luka grinned and took a moment to ruffle Isaiah's hair, even though he had fixed it just minutes ago. "Enough with the sad face now. You probably don't know, but I'm a great nurse. I'll get you back on your feet in no time."
"Wait, you… you really wanna take care of me?" Isaiah felt his freckled cheeks turn even warmer. His friends had always looked out for each other when one of them was dead drunk, but he hadn't expected Luka to stay with him when he was actually sick. "I mean… what if you catch it?"
"Then it's your time to repay the favor." Being somewhat done with his cleaning attempts, Luka disposed of the tissues and got out his phone instead to call for their pickup service. "Don't worry, I'll make sure he brings a barf bag, just in case there's anything left after you threw up the entire Niagara falls. And once we got you tucked up in bed, we can distract you with a bit of online shopping. After this, you definitely need a stress-free holiday time."
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Archive of our own: Up all night to get Bucky
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skrrtskrrtitsjrrt · 2 years
Listen -
alright so capri suns are so good. Like whoever thought putting fruit juice in a squeezable container with a straw that could poke someone's eye out and giving it to a bunch of tiny children fueled by rage and pokemon cards had it right.
I don't get it. And then even grown up, I am a full blown adult, have been LEGALLY an adult now for a few years and you know what I went wild, thought yeah I'm gonna treat myself today and full on bought me a box of capri suns when I was sick and wanted something simple for my simple minded, half a functioning brain cell, self, and then when I ran out of them because I drank them all because hECK YEAH THEY'RE FLIPPIN AMAZING and life is fantastic I went and bought me another box of them.
You know what's not fantastic?
The package was sealed so completely there was no possible chance of any little gremlins running by and snagging a single drink from it as they ran wild through the store. Whoever packaged that stuff knew what they were doing and made it stupid proof. And I applaud them, 5000%
When I am sick and feeble and only have half a functioning brain cell, I can't open a stupid box of cardboard to get to my treasured fruit juice designed for children. I sat there on my bed, trying to find the power I need to open my juice box so I can astral plane out of my misery, for like a solid 20 minutes. That box probably could've lasted through a nuclear fallout, I s w e a r.
I almost called it quits right then and there and got some help from my roommates but my mama didn't raise no quitter and by gosh and by golly I opened that box if it was the last dang thing I did. Which it almost was by the end of it
So, yes, capri suns are actually the greatest children's drink to exist and prods my suppressed monkey brain into action, and the packaging company knows what they're doing
Which I appreciate
Even when I'm the stupid in "stupid proof"
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sangyeonsmuse · 1 month
BREAK THE WALLS | Kim hongjoong
Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Full Chapter List
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🀥 Government agent Hongjoong x Rebel Oc
🀥 genre | dystopian society, halazia x geurilla concept , enemies to lovers
🀥 word count | 1k
🀥 Summary | An organization by the name of Sector 1 was well known for their work in the underground, theyve been well known for the recruiting of teens and using them to form an army since the year 2034. Collecting strays for their rebellion against those in higher power. Now the year is 2064 and the organization still runs strong they run like a family, with the new technology theyve found ways of keeping alive those that have been scorned in any past battles theyve had against the government.
When the government sends in 7 of their best men to infiltrate the organization. What will they do when their cover is blown and their true intentions are revealed? Will they join the rebellion or will they continue to let the government pull their strings like the little puppets they once were?
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Skylar district October 15th 2064
"I understand we have to practice with them for this evaluation or whatever it is but why do I have to practice with her? Shes pretty and all but she scares me a little." Mingi whines as he and the rest of the guys conversed in Hongjoongs room.
"Because we played the number game and you clearly lost, besides hongjoongs dignity is still recovering from last night's fight with her." San laughs as he looks over at Hongjoong who was simply scowling in a corner.
"I just underestimated her a little okay, I underestimated all of them. They're a little more advanced than we are back at Alaura. It's just a little unexpected, okay. They are a lot stronger here than I thought." Hongjoong sighs as he leans over in his seat, as if thinking over a new way to go about things
"Earlier today when I got lost I overheard her talking to someone from the hallway, she told them that she wouldn't stop until anyone involved in the government was dead. Based on her fight with hongjoong and the way she speaks about Loren...if she finds out why we're really here then.." mingi trails off silently
"Looks like this is gonna be a lot tougher than we thought." Yunho scans over the faces of all of his brothers before sitting back in his seat.
"If you continue to let me get you off your feet like this you surely won't make it past the evaluations. You need to get at least one hit on me, Mingi, I'm not even moving at my usual speed." Tahani shook her head as she watched the silver haired boy push himself up from the floor for the third time.
"You always go for me when I'm not ready, you never even gave me a chance to stand the last two times." Mingi whines, earning an amused smile from the girl
"Your enemy wont think twice about whether or not you're prepared to fight, which means you need to be ready at all times. You need to fight until there's nothing left." Helping him up from the floor she allowed him to take a breather before calling out san into the pit.
"Ill never understand how she can just fight them back to back like this." Jongho who had been soaked in sweat, sat on the sidelines beside a tired Leedo.
"I'm pretty sure its the body, it isnt like she can necessarily feel the pain anymore from the neck down." Leedo responds before chugging down a bottle of water.
This was a moment San had been waiting for since the minute he watched her fight Hongjoong. Amongst the seven of them san may not have been the strongest but he was the quickest and most swift moving amongst the seven of them.
"Alright pretty boy, let's see what youve got." She smiles at his stance before watching as he made the first move. As she avoided each of his attacks she set her eyes on his movements, compared to others who she could easily track their steps san was a bit more difficult. His movements were not as easy to predict as the others. Everyones eyes locked in on the two as they fought, more specifically hongjoong. Rather than watch his own teammates' swift movements Hongjoong found himself observing Tahanis movements alone. She moved quickly, and every attack or counterattack she delivered against san was swift. Did she seriously just pick up on all those movements in four years alone? Hongjoong was snapped out of his thoughts at a loud thud, looking up he saw san sprawled out on the floor and Tahani standing over him smiling at yet another victory.
"Well that was fun." As they entered their living quarters Seonghwa slumped into the couch allowing his body to finally rest after hours of practice.
"They're a lot more intense than Alaura." Yunho sighs before grabbing a water from the fridge and downing it.
"Why does it feel like no matter who we beat here our strength wont matter unless we can get past the girl."
"Im sure thats not the case Woo this organization was here long before she even joined so i doubt she's what decides whether we make it here or not." Seonghwa responds half asleep on the couch.
"Yeosang got it easy, all he has to do is hang around in some lab with that Eris girl." Mingi whines before plopping down onto the couch.
"It is the perfect place for him though, plus it gives us a chance to check out their technology, we can report whatever we deem useful here back to Eden." Hongjoong responds as he leans over a nearby chair.
"The Hira girl, she's pretty ruthless when it comes to her fighting you think they're all like this?" Wooyoung states, earning nods in agreement and few shrugs from few of his brothers.
"With the girl I think there's more to it. When she fought with mingi her demeanor changed. She wasnt mean to him like she was that first day we got here. When she speaks about fighting it's like do or die for her like she doesn't have a choice."
"That's because I don't." The sound of the girls' voices made them all jump, how much had she heard.
"Why are you idiots so jumpy, you can relax, it's not like I'll hit you outside of the arena." She rolls her eyes before looking over at all of them.
"I fight like that because against your enemy they'll show you no mercy. We all do. You can't spare even a second to those asssholes at Alaura because theyll kill you without so much as a second thought. There isn't a moment to spare for weakness in this organization, too much ride on the sake of every recruit for me to allow any of you to slack off." At her words they all fell silent, though it angered them to hear someone like her speak ill of the Alaura they couldn't say a word.
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snowmuttgetsweird · 2 months
07/31/24, morning
Actually slept okay. I would really have preferred to get, like, at least one more hour, but for once I didn't wake up at like, 5 AM randomly so I'll take it. I've actually heard that sleeping worse is a common side effect of being at a caloric deficit, so maybe that's actually a good sign...? I haven't been counting my calories really- just my protein, though even that I know I've been undercutting quite a bit. I'm probably getting about 100g on average, when I should really be shooting for at least 130-150g, but it's just really hard to convince my stomach AND my wallet to consume that much food in one day. This might be a "you just need to incorporate protein powder into more meals/snacks throughout the day" situation. I'll do some research, but honestly, this early into my "fitness journey," I don't think my body is going to do a lot with that much protein anyway.
Decided the overnight oats need to be eaten pretty quickly. While distracted by another activity like drawing or posting art or something, I tend to eat and drink very slowly, so yesterday it probably took me an hour to eat my oats, and they got pretty gloopy and unpleasant after a while. Good to know.
Red Beans and Rice were a great success. Best pot I've made so far. Added a red bellpepper to the usual trinity, diced everything up MUCH finer than I usually would, threw in a good scoop of bacon fat after browning my andouille to sautee my veggies in, cut a few seasonings in favor of a couple big tbsp of Tony Chachere's, threw in a few dashes of a nice vinegary hot sauce, and simmered the whole mess WAY longer than I normally do- like twice as long. Blown away by the result. I was worried the Tony Chachere's being mostly salt would keep the beans from softening, but cooking them down longer made up the difference just fine, and now I've got a vat of rich, delicious red beans and rice that'll feed me for like a week! Think the only thing I regret is not having some cornbread and collard greens to go with it all. Next time I wanna source a ham hock to throw in too.
Still keeping up my morning exercises. I decided what I'd originally committed to was too much too early, so I've mostly been doing 3x10 knee push-ups, 3x20 crunches, and 3x20 glute bridges the last few days, but I think I'm gonna be ready to tack the bicycle crunches back on soon, and I'm just about ready to graduate to full push-ups. I can see myself trimming up a little bit, and my shoulders starting to fill out just a little, but I think it's mostly just that I've been shedding water weight. I haven't been using my scale the last week or so- the battery died and I keep forgetting to grab a replacement, so I don't know how much I'm actually losing, but again I'm pretty confident it's mostly just a combination of water loss and eating less overall, and fewer things that would make me bloated or gassy shrinking my tummy.
I'm very used to starting a new exercise routine, and then quitting out through shear distraction about a week later, but I'm really doing my best and this is the longest I've kept it up in a while. That said, I haven't had much DOMS since I first started besides a little achiness in my thighs the day after squats here and there, and it's making me nervous. I hope I'm not sabotaging myself by not lifting heavy enough or something, but even my shoulders didn't get achy despite really struggling on even just 10lb dumbbells for my side lateral raises. I couldn't even quite finish a 3x10 that way- I think I got to, like, 3x8 and had to tap cause I couldn't even really do a decent partial rep by that point. I was really expecting that I'd be sore after but my shoulders are absolutely fine. Well, yesterday was my "rest day." I didn't even hop on the treadmill, though I wanted to, but being that I hadn't walked much yesterday anyway since I was just drawing all day, I wasn't exactly prepared to spend 100 minutes on a treadmill to hit my 10k steps for that day anyway. Today I'm back on weights though. I think I've got a good idea of what I should be lifting for each exercise, but I think I might still need to up my squat weight more. We'll see tonight.
Think that's about it... Uh, final thoughts: Furikake and sriracha are great, they make like 50% of all my meals right now way way better. My shift at the day job today is short enough that I won't really wanna bring a lunch, but I think I'm gonna hardboil an egg to snack on anyway to try to cram a little more protein.
Think that's it. Think I'm gonna try to relax and conserve some energy before work- maybe read my book and clean up around the apartment just a bit. I need to hit up my friends and try to get them to play pickleball with me or something.
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fizzingwizard · 1 year
Had to go home today and see the ear doctor. Don't read on if squeamish haha
I'd been having some ear achey-ness in one ear for about a week, but since last night, it suddenly felt like a full blown ear infection, like I haven't had since I was a kid. But since I work with little kids, I tend to catch little kid colds and stuff more often than most adults. (I've built up immunity and don't get them as bad as I used to, but there's always something new and wonderful going around 9_9)
I had to go into work this morning, because I messed up last week due to a miscommunication. It was the same thing as when I had covid: my boss said "until Thursday" meaning I should come back to work on Friday, but to me "until Thursday" meant I should come in on Thursday. This time she told me something was due on the 31st, which I took to mean by the end of the day on the 31st. But she actually meant it was due before the 31st... From now on I'm gonna ask more questions whenever words like "until" or "by" are used
Anyway, I was able to get it done pretty quick, because my head was killing me and I couldn't hear much of anything out of the one ear. So I went home and went to the ear doctor. He took pics and my goodness. One ear was pristine. The other... soooo much wax build up. Not only was there a lot, but it was a weird color, and the texture was different - I usually have kind of dry, orangey wax, and this was dark and slimy. (see I told you don't read if squeamish!)
I've never experienced this before in my life. The doctor started cleaning my ear with these long sticks, and using this suction thing like the dentist uses (though not quite as strong, thankfully). I don't know if I can say it was painful, but it sure was uncomfortable. And I don't know why, but it made me light-headed! I actually got nauseous. The doc asked what as wrong and I was too dizzy to think in Japanese, so instead of saying "I'm dizzy," I said "My head is light." Which isn't the most common way to express it here, but it got the point across, and they had me lie down on a cot with a funnel in my ear that dripped water in to loosen the wax x'D
After that fortunately the rest went pretty easily. The doctor was this twitchy, happy guy who couldn't stop talking. I liked him though. The nurse was also nice but seemed really anxious for some reason. But idk, she calmed down, or I guess maybe she didn't understand why I was acting weird until she took my blood pressure and realized it was low, and then focused on just not letting me fall over lol
(I don't know with the low blood pressure. Although my guess is I was dehydrated because I rushed around in the morning and didn't eat and only drank a little water. Plus it's really hot. But I do get light-headed like everytime the temperature changes x'D I have debated whether I should talk to a doctor about it. It doesn't really impede my life, but it has made it hard for me to get serious about hiking and stuff. I love hiking, but I tend to feel exhausted long before my muscles hurt, and it's really inconvenient to be nauseous on a mountain. ETA: I looked up about feeling faint when cleaning ears, and there was a mention that the suction tool can change the temperature inside the ear canal suddenly, which can result in dizziness and faintness. So that's that solved :P Woulda been nice if the doctor had warned me tho...)
I asked before I left what caused so much wax, because I really don't wanna do this again :P It wasn't painful, but it still sucked, ya know? They wouldn't really confirm, like usual, the doctors always just want you gone once you're fixed up... but hopefully that means it's not anything serious. I asked if I need to clean better, but I was confused why it only happened in one ear when I treat them both the same. But looking online, it sounds like that can happen if the inner ears are shaped differently, or if you sleep more on one side. I am a side sleeper but I'm not sure if I favor my right side. I don't think I do. Anyway... Idk, will just be more careful about cleaning my right ear from now on I guess XP
Eventful morning... At least I get to be home for the afternoon now. What's funny is last night I watched a video about Ouchi Hisashi, who was a victim of the criticality event in Tokaimura. What he endured was unimaginably horrific. Sitting there getting my ear cleaned, I hated it so much that I started reminding myself "Remember what Hisashi went through. This is nothing..." Yup I'm a wimp
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ouch-thats-harsh · 2 years
venting ahead
don't look please
just needed to release everything
its never too late for me to start working
I've been procrastinating for too long
my entire chest aches
and I haven't even started on the things i have to do
so many books left to read
so many exams to give
hell, more than these, there are too many expectations
and every time I vent, it just feels like I'm faking for attention
I'm laughing with tears streaming down my face, scratching my neck, pulling my hair, franticly wiping my tears, screaming, sobbing while trying to take a walk to calm myself
music was blaring outside yesterday
and people still think I'm happy and fine and okay and gods know what
I'm so tired of thinking I'm doing all this for attention and that I'm a fucking fraud
I cried too much last night
and stared at the ceiling while laying motionlessly on my bed
went to the toilet and sat there terrified of having nightmares or sleep paralysis
its getting worse everyday
us making plans to meet on that specific day after 20 yrs
just for fun
I said "If I'm alive ofc"
I looked happy saying that
and my friend who knows how shit my mental health looked so worried
she freaked out when I screamed at my friend to stop packing my bags
I freaked out because it was fucking my brain up in all wrong ways
my arms started to shake
just because my books were packed weird (felt weird to me, it was completely fine)
she and my best friend looked so helpless while I had a full blown panic attack in our classroom
my best friend hates my family because she knows they are primarily the reason I'm so fucked up
I don't hate them
never did
last night i asked why she compares me to her in-laws
my mother can be so selfish
and a hypocrite
called me selfish and horrible
that i'll never be a good person
and then last night she said that she only says such because they ill-treated her
and she hopes they were dead
I asked, do I really treat her as such
she said, I never said that
then proceeded to talk about her trauma
even though I asked her to let me know why she hates me so much
i want to talk to someone
be held
just someone to sit with
I want to cry
so hard
she asked if I had been crying today
I said no
I want to bang my head until my skull cracks
have been calling myself all sorts of shit things
and I know they are true
and if anyone else says I'm not
then I know they're pitying me
if they yes, then I'll sit quiet
and then start to cry later
not me hating how I've wrote 'I' too many times
like my own existence bothers me
don't wanna cry
but then how am I suppose release this feeling
my chest hurts and feels like something's gnawing at it in the middle
I'm tired of feeling
tired of being tired
and my arms are weak
my stomach
it doesn't feel good
I'm gonna cringe at this
not like I'll read this again
0 notes
professorrw · 3 years
Don't Fake It
marvel masterlist
Pairing: female reader x Peter Quill
Request: peter starts getting frisky with the reader but shes tired and isn’t really in the mood. He would never pressure her or anything but she wants to make him happy and feels bad saying no, so she does it and fakes her orgasm just to get it over with. Later, he somehow finds out (or knew all along, you decide) that she faked it and of course his ego is bruised and he’s kinda annoyed, but also feels guilty she didn’t tell him how she felt. So the next night, she starts coming onto him and he makes damn sure she never fakes it again. Then after, she apologizes for faking it and it gets kinda fluffy because hes like “hey, its not good for me if you’re not having as much fun as I am. I have a right hand if i’m that desperate.”
Warnings: smut, 18+, fluff, faking an orgasm, protected sex, rough sex
A/N: Requests open, taglist open, inbox open! Please like, comment, and reblog!
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Sleep was calling your name, digging its claws into you and dragging you into the dark depths of slumber. But there was something stopping it. That thing was Peter. He was wide awake and his sex drive was in full throttle. You weren’t feeling up to it though. The long day at work had taken a toll on you, and the only thing you wanted to do was go to sleep.
You loved Peter, everything about him. You didn’t want to deny him sex, especially when he was being so sweet about it. Your back was to him so he could cuddle you while you slept, but he started to kiss your shoulders and the part of your back that was exposed by your tank top.
“Mmm what is it baby?” you asked groggily.
“I want you,” he replied unashamedly. You could feel Quill shifting his weight behind you. He was peering over your shoulder, trying to look at you. He had missed you all day and you were finally home. What he didn’t know was that you were tired, and not in the mood.
“Oh really?” you mumbled.
“Mhm, I missed you today.” You couldn’t see him but by his sweet tone of voice you could tell that he was sticking his bottom lip out and giving you puppy dog eyes. You smiled and turned around, cupping his face in your hands.
"You know you're adorable right?" you teased.
He smiled, "I know, that's why you can't resist all of this." He wiggled his eyebrows, making you laugh. He was just too cute. You didn't want to tell him no.
When you stopped laughing he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. The kiss quickly elevated, his hand snaking up your tight shirt and pressing heat against your lower abdomen. While your eyes were closed, sleep called your name once more, but you ignored it.
Peter pulled back for a minute and reached over to the night stand. He grabbed a condom and pulled his boxers down and put it on, tossing the wrapper back onto the table. He switched positions and crawled on top of you. His face drew closer and he kissed you while he pulled down your sweat shorts.
He got the lube too and squirted some on his covered dick and rubbed the leftovers around near your entrance. With dick in hand he guided his length into you, easing it in as to not hurt you. He let out a long sigh when he got to moving. At least he was feeling good, you thought. Peter was making you feel good too, but you were so tired that if it weren't for the movement you would have fallen asleep.
The pleasure wasn't building like it usually did. You wanted to cum, you wanted to show Peter that he was doing a good job. But you weren't feeling it, and you knew you weren't going to cum. You didn't want to hurt Peter's feelings so as he reached his peak speed and his head lolled back you moaned extra loud, "I'm gonna cum!"
"Me too," he groaned back. His hips pounded into you and his balls slapped against you as he came in his condom. You kept on moaning a little, acting like you had actually cum too.
Peter slowed then pulled out. He pressed a kiss to your forehead and went to the bathroom to clean up. He went to take his condom off and realized there was no cum on the outside of it. You said you had cum, but there wasn't anything other than lube on there. Quill didn't want to assume you had faked it, but he didn't want to ask right away either.
He threw the condom away and went back to your bedroom. You were already out cold, and when Peter saw he sighed and crawled into bed, completely dejected. He was embarrassed that he couldn’t make you cum, and a little annoyed that you wouldn’t just tell him. But he let those thoughts drift away so he could fall asleep.
The next morning you woke up early for work again. Peter was still asleep so you didn’t wake him and instead went about your morning routine. Three minutes before you needed to leave you wrote a little note on the refrigerator for him, “I hope you slept well hunny, I’ve already left for work by the time you wake up but I just wanted to say I love you and I’ll see you later <3”
About an hour later Quill rolled out of bed and dragged himself into the kitchen. He wasn’t a morning person by any means. The coffee machine beeped and he pushed himself off of the counter to pour himself a cup. He set his mug down on the counter and went to the refrigerator to get milk and creamer. Your note, which he noticed just then, made him stop mid pull. He shut the refrigerator and took the note off so he could get a better look at it. A tired smile spread on his face.
Then he remembered last night. It was odd that there wasn’t anything on his condom, and you didn’t get up to clean yourself off right after he did. Now that he thought about it, you went straight to sleep. How unusual. He pushed the thought aside and decided he would bring it up later. It wasn’t making him mad, but he was a little wounded that you had faked it, or if you even did fake it.
Lucky for you, work was slow and you got off early. On the way home you picked up lunch for you and Peter. It was in a way an apology for your tiredness last night and faking your orgasm, whether he knew about it or not.
Keys jingling together you unlock the door and step in with takeout in hand. “Quill I’m home!” you shout.
He power walks out of the bedroom and just about tackles you into a bear hug. You giggle and kiss his stubbled cheek. “I missed you,” you say into his ear.
“I missed you moooore,” he replies. “How was work?”
“Better than yesterday, I’ll tell you that. Plus I got off early, so that’s even better. I get to spend more time with you.” You kiss his cheek again and he smiles before setting you back down. The food gets set on the kitchen counter and you pull out the chinese you got. You hand Peter his usual order and take out your own.
There’s only the quiet sound of eating for a few minutes before Peter says something. “Y/N I need to ask you something.”
You look over at him. He rarely calls you by your first name. That means he’s being serious. “What is it?”
He wants to ask about your orgasm but you’re right in the middle of eating and he doesn’t want to interrupt you. He can just ask later, he thinks to himself. He thinks of something else to ask and quickly thinks of, “Can you pass me some soy sauce?”
You quirk an eyebrow at him but hand him a few packs and go back to eating.
Later that night, a few hours later, you were laying in bed doing nothing in particular. Thoughts of last night were filling both your heads. Peter was set on trying to ask you about it, and you were set on trying to make up for it.
The both of you were sitting up in bed and you set your phone down on your bedside table and leaned over. You set a hand on Peter’s bare chest and he instantly stopped what he was doing. His eyes shot to yours, a sly smile on your face. He could tell exactly what it was you wanted.
“Peter,” you whispered against his lips. Your mouth was an inch away from his and your eyes were drifting between his and his lips. He parted his mouth and leaned forward, capturing you before you could make a move. You were trying to take the lead, but he wasn’t letting you.
He overpowered you, flipping you around and putting you on your knees. His bulge was against your ass and he was rubbing circles against it. The intensity he was showing was like nothing before. Whatever it was that was riling him up you needed to find out. It would have to wait until later though, because your panties being dragged down your thighs was the only thing you could think of.
A condom and lube had already been taken out of the drawer, and Peter was putting them on. The room was silent other than the rustling of sheets and your heart hammering in your chest. Then there was the squirting of the lube and you knew it was about to come. The cold goo was smeared on your folds and slightly inside of them by Quill’s rough fingers.
His tip, covered by a condom, was right at your entrance in a second, and in just one more, it was inside you. Your whole body was pushed forward with the force that Peter was thrusting. You were moaning and panting, and he was smiling between his own groans. His goal was to make sure you never had to fake an orgasm again. And with the way things were going you wouldn’t need to.
“Oh- Oh my god!” The way he was slamming into you was so quick and hard the pressure inside of you was building like a balloon being blown up.
His hands were holding you and keeping you from falling over. If they weren’t you would have smacked into the headboard. You couldn’t stay on your hands any longer, you dropped to your elbows, back making a beautiful arch for Quill.
The unbearable speed was tiring Quill out, but it was also making his orgasm come even quicker. He grabbed your shoulders, giving himself even more leverage to thrust with.
Your knees were trembling, jelly below you. But you wouldn’t have to hold that position for much longer. That balloon inside you popped like too much air had been blown into it. Your walls clenched around Peter’s cock, and the cum he was searching for yesterday covered his condom. He kept his pace, legs killing him and pelvis hitting your ass.
He let out a loud groan, and cum leaked and squirted from his tip. He let go of your shoulders, seeing a red handprint there. He pulled out of you, your cum dribbling out when he did. He smiled, satisfied that he had done what he set out to do.
Your lower half ached and you all but collapsed onto your pillows. You flipped over and saw Peter above you, buttcheeks against the heels of his feet and catching his breath. You laughed just a little and he opened his eyes.
“What?” he asked.
“That was something else,” you admitted with a smile.
“Good.” He crawled onto his stomach and laid next to you with his head on his arms. You scooted over closer to him, laying on your back with your hands set on your stomach.
“Y/N,” he sat up, “last night,” he started.
“I already know what you’re going to say. I’m sorry. I should have told you. I was just super tired last night and I didn’t want to deny you.” You looked down at your stomach but Peter turned your face back to his with his thumb.
“It’s okay, really. I’m sorry I didn’t catch that you weren’t in the mood. If you ever don’t want to do stuff just tell me okay? I won’t be upset. Besides, it’s not good for me if you aren’t having as much fun as I am. I have a right hand if I get that desperate.” He waved his right hand and grinned.
You giggled, “I promise I won’t do it again.”
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lovespelt · 4 years
(I kinda like Sharing my weird AU Ideas with you lmao, this one is gonna be weird, buckle up)
Among Us + Bnha AU
..... But not in a game setting.
There are 10 people heading to THE SKELD.
7 crewmates.
3 Imposters.
2 are killers.
1 is an Alien.
Ok now that we have the dramatic effects aside.
Izuku is obviously the Alien. He's green all over lmao. ANYWAY.
He Stumbled upon the ship when he killed one of the supposing crewmate down on the launcher.
The humans have taken his spaceship with his food and one way ticket home.
He was hungry. And Mad.
He was so hungry, he ate a Human, but when he had his first bite, he couldn't stop. Human flesh was starting to be addicting to him.
He needed more but he didn't want to get caught. That's when he heard a buzzing voice in the helmet of the human he ate.
"Zzz... Izz...Ku.. D.. Come in... We are going to launch—1 hour.. —are sending you to.. — planet.. unknown.. Zzzzwe had this unknown..zzz..map on —... UFO... Ther—zz believe —hav—zzz a... Unknown life.. Zzhere. your crewmates — waiting...Zzfor You.."
A ship huh? Hundreds of miles away from earth? Heading to his so called home planet? With food Humans on board? And no secret government humans in it? Sounds like a vacation-back-home to Izuku.
He looks at the suit the previous human had worn.
He smiled.
He puts on the helmet.
And transforms.
AAAAND AFTER THAT WHOLE SHIBANGBANG. He went to the ship and basically the whole thing started to have like the "1 Impostor" but none of the crewmates knew.
After Izuku's first kill of one of the crewmates. They panic.
They contacted the government officials about having an Alien on board that might potentially be the one that was inside the UFO they have back on earth.
So they became weary of each other.
Izuku feels full for a while but he's starting to feel hungry again.
Izuku kills another one. Another dead body and one witness.
He froze. He didn't think someone would come here in electrical.
He thought that person was gonna report him. He still had his tongue out, with blood all over his suit, a dead person on the ground.
He thought it was over for him. He closed his eyes. Waiting for the report.
5 seconds have past.
He opens his eyes to see the witness—
Blushing??? Was this person blushing?????
Then he heard a soft "oh." From him.
His guard is still up but now he's a bit weary. Why isn't this human freaking out? Why is he just standing there? Is... Is he ok??????
Izuku waved his hand in front of the human. Who is wearing a cyan colored suit.
The human snapped out of his trance.
"Why... Didn't you report the body...?" Izuku asked.
The human said nothing for a few more seconds. Until he said—
"That...uh.. was... Kind of hot."
".... What—"
Ok so after a bit more explaining, there are now 2 Impostors, If you haven't guessed, Cyan is todoroki.
He would do killings as well now, with a knife he found in cafeteria. He would kill and cut the upper half and feed it to Izuku. so that way they wouldn't be sus of Izuku being alone all the time as well. He taught Izuku how to go through vents lmao.
So after this encounter, Izuku was still a bit more weary of todoroki. He would try to be more careful now, he wouldn't kill Todo anymore, he would look too suspicious if he did that now. Plus Todoroki gives him food to eat anyways so he'd be useful like that to him.
He saw a crewmate in reactor, doing the square button-thingy. He looked at the hallway of upper engine and lower engine.
No one on sight.
He was feeling a bit hungry now anyways.
He sneaked closer to the brown suited human.
And ate his upper body.
Then there was a gasp behind him, he turned around and saw 2 crewmates.
Where the hell did they came from?!?! He was sure nobody was walking down the hallway.
Then he remembered.
The Cameras.
The white suited one reported the body.
Everyone was at the table. It was discussion time. There are 7 people left.
Izuku is now panicking. There are 2 witnesses already. How did he not see the camera light up? It was so bright! So much for being more careful.
Now he's gonna get ejected.
"I-IT'S HIM!! THE GREEN ONE!! I SAW HIM KILL BROWN IN REACTOR!!" The girl with the white suit exclaimed.
"I-IT'S NOT ME!!!" Izuku's defended weakly.
Izuku is now sweating outside his suit. Todoroki decided to speak up.
" it's not him. I was with him last round, he did a scan on medbay, the scan can identify him if he is an Alien if his blood is different. He's a crewmate. He's not the Impostor here. You are sounding so sus right now." Todoroki lied.
She was very accurate to the truth.
"That makes sense... Two Impostors." The yellow suited girl thought out loud.
Izuku didn't know what to do.
"You can't prove that. It might be you who is Impostor. Blaming Green because he was near." Todoroki injected.
Why is he trying so hard? Why is he defending an Alien like Izuku? It makes his stomach feel weird. Must be the skull.
"Hah it's too late for that now pretty boy, Orange was with me the whole time, he saw green killed brown. Right Orange?" White smirked.
Orange has been silent for the whole meeting. He didn't speak up.
What is he thinking about??? Why isn't he confessing that he saw him kill??? Izuku was confused.
Red eyes meet green.
Orange opened his mouth and he said—
"White sus."
.White was ejected.
OOOOOOOH, WHO COULD ORANGE BE?? *cough* Bakugou *cough*
There are now 3 Impostors.
Would you look at that.
(yes this is a TDBKDK if you are wondering)
LMAO, I might make a part 2 of this tomorrow—or today? Idk I haven't slept for a while lol. Should I even do a continuation of this??? It's kind of long LMAOOOOO. This is it for now. I'm too fucking sleep deprived to think of an actual plot hahahahahahaa.
1) i am not normally a fan of evil izuku but i love izuku winning over todoroki and bakugou w his cuteness (yes i am weak for todobakudeku djndsad)
2) seriously dude do you have an ao3??? bc your writing is amazing and i feel like any of these au’s would make awesome full-blown fics :D!!! (like seriously!!)
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sunarintoes · 4 years
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Dear Whovever: [Kenma]
Synopsis: You and Kenma are both best friends and youtube gamers however you want to be more than just best friends so you decide to ‘man up’ one day and write a heart felt confession in a minecraft notebook before then putting it in Kenma’s personal chest.
WC: 3K
TW: slight swearing :)
[Episode one]
[recording in 3… 2… 1… start!] 
“Hey gamers, Kodzuken here with Tulip-but-make-it-yellow! I've done a few Minecraft videos with Tulip before, but thought I'll start a new series that will be posted every Monday.”
“It's called Minedays with Tulip and Kodzu”
“I- no, Tulip. I'm not sure what we’re gonna call it. But you guys will know- obviously since it's the title of this video.”
You whine and pout into the monitor, “Kodzu I think Minedays is a cute name.” 
Instead of replying Kenma rolls his eyes and hits you ingame. “Should we introduce the challenge and get it started?”
“Yeah that's a good idea!” 
“Well, it's about eleven am right now, we have until eleven pm to build a Minecraft house from a random topic,” he pauses and moves to the side to point to a sectioned spinwheel, “on this bad boy,” whacks the spinner, “we have eight different themes, in a sec I’ll spin it and whatever it lands on will be what we have to build.”
You let out a high pitched ‘hmm,’ “I feel bad for Kuroo and Hinata, they’re both going to have to edit twelve hours of footage down to 10 minutes!”
Kenma chuckles, “fifteen minutes actually.”
This time you roll your eyes. “Hurry up and spin it you fool! I want to get buildinggg” 
Smiling, Kenma moves back a bit and spins the wheel, after thirty seconds full of anticipation the wheel finally stops and its small arrow is pointing at- “Yes! Cottage core theme!” you yell out while Kenma groans. 
“Really? That's lame why couldn't we have ‘Lucifer’s Bedroom’?” 
You poke your tongue out to the monitor - which Kenma could see, after all, you are in a Discord call with him. “Don't be sad just because you're prancing in my turf…. Looooooser!”
Kenma playfully glares towards you, “You’re on! See you in twelve hours!”
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Unfortunately, the difficulty of building a cottage core house in the woods - in survival mode, proved more difficult than planned. 
“We spawned in a desolate area huh? Barely any flowers!” you hear Kenma make a sound of agreement as you sink into your comfortable ‘gamer’ styled chair. 
“Don't tell me you've given up? Just because you can't find any flowers?” 
You scowl at his cocky tone however your mood does a one-eighty when you suddenly get a good idea. “Ok everyone! I know what I have to do! I'm going to restart in another place because this isn’t working!”
Kenma makes a sound of surprise, “you're restarting? It's been an hour already-”
“Yeah and we have, like... eleven more.” Kenma sighs in response, “better get a move on.”
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For the most part, the two of you kept quiet - not wanting to let the other know how well you were doing. However one look at your phone only to see that your twitter has blown up, you decide to take a short break, after all it has been four hours of you sitting on your ass playing Minecraft. Once you open Twitter you're met with a barrage of tags and mentions - all of which screaming ‘KenYn’ and ‘Kodzutulip.’ You felt heat rise to your face, you - yes you, Ln Yn with the online alias Tulip-but-make-it-yellow, has a big, fat, humongous crush on your best friend and fellow youtuber - Kenma, aka Kodzuken aka the cutest guy in the world. To make it worse - or better, you couldn't really tell, was that many of your viewers shipped you with him - as did his viewers. 
You are of course, happy with this but you can’t help but wonder if Kenma feels the same way, does he feel weirded out by all this shipping content? Does he find it uncomfortable? Does he find it unsettling to be shipped with his in-real-life best friend?
“Hey Yn?” Kenma calls softly, “you've been looking at your phone for the past ten minutes and your face looks sad.”
You instantly look up to meet Kenma’s face and try to find the right words to say, “I… I’m just kinda tired and eventually got distracted!! Sorry Kenken!”
Kenma visibly cringes at the old nickname - the one you gave him in primary school, “if you say so… better get your head in the game though - my mansion looks epic.”
Your eyes narrow, “mansion? The theme is cottage core!” Kenma quietly chuckles in response, “a mansion can still have a fairy aesthetic, you should know that”
You huff in faux annoyance as you place your phone away and ‘get your head in the game’ just as he requested. “Be prepared to be crushed! I am the cottage core guardian!”
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There are ten minutes left to your’s and Kenma’s excruciatingly long Minecraft challenge, your ass hurts from sitting on it for almost twelve straight hours - including bathroom breaks. When the buzzer rings the two of you step back from your respective buildings and make your way to the starting point - which had been marked by a stack of 20 or so dirt blocks. 
“Well that was twelve hours of eye straining torture,” you say as you stretch your arms. 
“You're tired already?”
“Kinda… I can't wait to go to sleep after this.”
“Weak, I’m playing Battlefield as soon as this is over.”
You roll your eyes and scoff, “this is why you look like a living corpse in the morning…”
Kenma looks you dead in the eyes and with a completely serious face he says, “yeah but you love it.”
You choke on your spit at his boldness, “y-yeah I guess.” 
If you were being honest, you were not the best at reading people and it was dark in Kenma’s gaming room, the only light coming from his three screen/monitor computer setup, but you think you see a light blush creep up to his cheeks. And you hate it, you hate when he says things that make your heart flutter, you hate it when he just sits there and the digital glow accentuates all of his delicate features, but what you hate most is yourself. You hate yourself because you have fallen in love with your best friend, you hate yourself because you know he doesn't like you back and you hate that you continuously give yourself a sense of false hope. 
“Yn… you want to stay up and game with me don’t you? ”
You sheepishly look to the side, ‘mayhaps.’
Kenma sighs looking at you with a soft face as he whispers “then I won’t play Battlefield and I’ll go to bed and so will you, ‘kay?”
You smile tiredly at him, “sounds like a deal.”
“We'll get back on at the same time tomorrow and we’ll do the final part of this video - the reveal. Until then.”
You smile and wave at the camera “cya soon~”
[recording over]
After your call with Kenma ended you got ready for bed but for some reason, no matter how tired you were, you just couldn't fall asleep - your mind was screaming obscene ideas that you couldn't help but contemplate. At first it was just wishful thinking but then came a thought that refused to leave, ‘confess.’ 
It was a tempting thought, but how? Surely you couldn't just say ‘hey Kenma I've liked you since high school lets date!’ yeah no, that was a horrible idea. Maybe if you confessed with some originality he would be more likely to accept but for now, you were going to do your best to go to sleep.
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[Episode two]
[recording in 3… 2… 1… start!] 
In the morning you woke up feeling refreshed and excited for the day to come, Kenma had texted you and asked if you were feeling up to recording the reveal from last night and episode two today and of course you said yes. 
The video goes on without any troubles and soon you find yourself staring at the computer screen at eleven once again. 
“Remember to like, subscribe and comment below on who you think won this round.” Kenma’s voice is soothing - if you had to describe it you would say that it is silky like honey and smooth like dark chocolate; or maybe you would just say his voice is perfect. Kenma waves to the screen monitor, “hello? Earth to Yn! Are you dead or something? You look like a zombie.”
It takes a while to register, you weren’t really paying attention to the words he said as you were more interested in the way he sounded. You sit up and smile into the camera, “I'm awake… thanks for caring!”
He scoffs and swivels in his chair a bit, “I don't care about you, you're just my idiot best friend and flatmate.”
You playfully narrow your eyes, “well this idiot flatmate of yours helped you bake apple pie so you wouldn’t starve to death!”
“Hmmm, I guess. Well I'm going to head off. I'll see you later.”
You smile softly, “yeah I'll see you later, i'm just gonna stay on for a while.”
Kenma looks at you with an intrigued expression, “you're going to stay up longer? Better not be in this world, that's cheating. Want me to stay up with you?”
You roll your eyes and giggle, “it's all good I want to fix my house up in the other world. I'll see you tomorrow.”
He sighs, “if you say so.”
[recording over]
Your chair rolls back as you stretch, “maybe I should confess to him through a Minecraft journal…” you jump up. “Thats it! Thats a great way to confess! Its original and Kenma would appreciate it…. If he accepts my feelings that is…” 
You groan and slump back down into the chair, “maybe it’s best if I don't confess at all. No! I've wanted to do this for years! If he doesn't like me back it's all good! Maybe I just won't do this on a stream!”
You reach over to the bench and pull up your phone, “who to call, mmm ok let’s call Alisa I’m going to need some emotional support!”
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“Hey gamers, Kodzu here in another Minecraft live stream, today we’re just in mine and Yn’s regular world and i'm going to build a house - a cottage to be specific,” he pauses and looks at the comment section; ‘no Yn isn't here right now, no Yn won't be joining this video, no I didnt know shes streaming at the moment, yes my favourite food is apple pie, yes I have a calico cat, no Yn is not my significant other, yes we are just friends.’ Kenma moves back and takes a breath, “wow you guys sure are interested in Yn huh? Maybe I should get them in more videos, might get more views that way,” he laughs a bit.
“Let's start off by heading to my base, I have the materials I’ll need there- oh uh what's this?” Kenma pauses as he stares at the foreign object, “I don't remember having a written book in my chest… maybe Yn went in here and put it in?”
Kenma stares at the book for a while before he opens it, only to be shocked. The comment section notices the blush on his face and continue to spam him with questions:
[kodzusbabe]: what's in that diary!!
[piefacecutie]: ^^ omg you're so right @/Kenmastan hes so cute 💓
[Kenmaxyn]: I hope it's a confession!
[ynhater]: @/Kenmaxyn from who? Cause I didn't do it and I'd be the only one for Kenma oppAr
[kennismaken]: I hope it’s Yn! They’d be such a cute couple
[applepudding]: umm? Kodzu! Why did he get up and leave??
[ynhater]: babe come back!
[Kenmaxyn]: OMG MAYBE IT WAS YN !!!!
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After your late night call with Alisa, you decided it would be best to just do it and then ignore Kenma for the day - well, not ignore him per se, just simply decline all his Discord calls and Facetime calls so you could put off being rejected a little while longer. You woke up with a throbbing headache that you could only blame yourself for, after all you are the dumbass who stayed up until God knows when just to write a heartfelt confession. Eventually the angst of waiting for a message from Kenma overwhelmed you and here you are now; streaming Overwatch to get your mind off of a certain someone.
“Ah no! Cant believe that stupid Hanzo got me! What a pain!” you frown at the screen and let out a sigh, “the round is over… bummer. Well while we wait an eternity for the next round I guess I should answer some of your questions… oh? I didn't know Kenma was streaming, no I’m not dating him… “ you feel your heart sink as you read the next comment; “what do you mean Kenma ran away after reading a book? Was he unhappy?”
The next moments felt like a blur, your heart was heavy and you felt tears well up in your eyes and somehow you missed the sound of someone breaking into your apartment and then your bedroom. Within a second you feel someone wrap their arms around you from behind, your body tenses up but immediately relaxes when you recognise the perpetrators scent; sweet yet salty, like caramel toffee.
“Kenma! W-what are you doing?”
“I like you too… I have for so long.”
Your eyes widen and it doesn't take too long for a smile to appear on your face, “I'm so glad to hear that.”
You feel him smile into your neck as his embrace tightens, “finish up your livestream so we can talk please.” 
“You don't need to tell me twice!”
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It is eleven at night once again, but this time you’re not sitting alone in your gaming chair, instead you're sitting on Kenma’s lap - in his gaming chair as he slowly runs his hands through your hair and softly kisses your neck.
“So everyone’s pretty much freaking out over us huh?” you hum in response, “we’ve been officially together for what? Five hours?”
“Correct you are.”
You smile and hold up your phone while you continue to cuddle into him, “smile baby, I want the whole world to know that you're my player two.”
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[Bonus - the love letter]
Dear Kenma,
This must be so strange - finding a journal in your chest. 
I have wanted to tell you this for quite a while and I guess I have never found the write words to say; or the right way to for that matter,
But I love you
I have loved you since our first year at Nekoma
It's been a while hasn’t it?
I'm sorry if this inconveniences you, makes you uncomfortable or makes you never want to see me again; 
Just let me continue for a little while longer because I need to get this off of my mind.
I love your smile - especially the rare one where you really smile, where your eyes crinkle and your cheeks begin to hurt 
I love your voice - it’s smooth and silky, like honey being spread across bread
I love your scent - it reminds me of salted caramel,  I can never get enough 
I love your mind - the way it works to make me laugh, make me calm and all else
I love your lips - not necessarily in a sexual way, but more so in the way you talk and speak, they move softly and slowly in a way only your lips could move in.
I love your body - how although you're hunched most of the time you still possess a fine elegance in the way you move. How at times it reminds me of a graceful swan floating down a lake. 
I love your hands - they are so pretty and dainty and soft, I want to hold them all day and all night
And most of all;
I love you
I love you in your entire
I could go ahead and pick the parts I love most and least but then you would no longer be you
I love you in your entire
Flaws and all
I know this may not be the most romantic, especially considering you’re reading this through Minecraft and I've never done this before but I had to let you know
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Taglist: [open] @ladyrenart
note: sooo this is another style that i tried and i have mixed feelings about it :) also if you can’t tell,,, i’ve never written a love letter before :’)
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"Had I known how to save a life"
Kai Parker x OC!Mack Grace
Series synopsis: "We're both cursed, in a way."
We all know the story of Kai Parker, but he once lived in a very different life. Do you ever wonder what that life looked like?
Chapter summary: there’s a party
Warnings: ben is a douche, Kai is kinda sweet
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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It had been about 20 minutes since they realised Nicole was alive and a lot had happened, Mack had broken into more tears and an ambulance had arrived. The fire engine had retrieved Nicole and she was on her way to the hospital, everyone else either stood around awkwardly in shock or heading home. Mack leant against a tree and sunk to her knees covering her face with her hands. She sat there for god knows how long. She hadn't seen Kai or Ben since the almost fight and she didn't particularly want to either. She looked up a someone cleared their throat.
"Need a hand?" Kai said - almost shyly - holding his hand towards her. Mack stared into his eyes but didn't move, before Kai sighed and extended his hand further. "C'mon Kenz, I don't bite." She carefully put her hand in his and Kai yanked Mack to her feet, pulling her close to him and whispering in her ear. "At least not unless you want me to." His hot breath fanned across her face and Mack looked away turning red. Kai stepped back and winked, backing away.
No matter the situation, Kai always managed to make Mack so flustered and it annoyed the shut out of her. Why? Why him of all people? Mack sighed, annoyed and walked towards Ben's car, before noticing it was gone.
"Need a ride?" Kai's cocky voice sounded from behind her. Mack threw her head back before looking back up and putting on a fake smile and turning to face him.
"No- yes. Please." She said quickly, a smirk breaking into Kai's face and he gestured for Mack to follow him. His unlocked his jeep and let Mack inside before going to his side of the car and climbing in.
Mack rested her head back against the seat and the tears suddenly fell. She was so close today, too close. Kai froze.
"You okay, Kenz?" You could slightly heat the concern in his voice. She clenched her eyes shut and pressed her lips together before turning to Kai and shaking her head. "Hey, hey. It's fine. She didn't die, it's not your fault, Kenz. It's that jackass you call a boyfriend." She nodded and he placed a tentative hand on her shoulder, not sure what to do.
"It's not fine, Kai." She spat through the tears, breaking down into even more.
"Shhhh, okay it's not fine. But it's still not your fault." He reassured her, before pulling her into his chest and wrapping his arms around her. The embrace was awkward at first, but they both melted into it soon enough. Kai's hand ran through Mack's messy hair and he rubbed her back soothingly, trying to make her calm again.
As the tears subsided Mack pulled away and wiped her now wet eyes before sitting back into her seat. Kai's Starr was still on her.
"You need anything?" His voice was unsure.
"Just take me home, please."
The sun leaking through the slight gap in the curtains made Mack's eyes fluttered open. She groaned and rolled over, pulling the covers back over her head. But they were yanked back down straight away.
"Ah ah ah sweetheart, you don't want to miss breakfast do you?" The sound of Kai's voice from beside her made Mack shoot up and instantly look under the covers. Clothes were on. But they were not what she was wearing last night. She was in one of Kai's AC/DC T-shirts and her underwear. Shit. She looked to the side to see a grinning Kai laying over the covers with his hands folded behind his head and his ankles casually crossed. Her eyebrows pulled together as she spoke.
"Why am I-" Kai cut her off before she could get any further.
"In completely different clothes to last night? I thought you'd be uncomfortable in a wet suit." Kai's smirk was evident through the insistent grin.
"You saw me naked?!" Mack almost screeched with wide eyes, holding the covers over her chest.
"Maybe." His grin was now a full-blown smirk. Mack made a noise of disbelief before slapping his arm and scrambling out of the bed, trying to hold the covers over her half-naked body but failing. Her feet twisted with the dark blue sheets and her shoulder collided with the wall.
"Ouch." Kai mused through his hysterical laughter and Mack stumbled into the adjoined bathroom and kicked the door shut with her foot, shouting a muffled 'fuck off!' as she did so.
Once getting into the bathroom Mack instantly spotted her wet suit and bikini top on the floor. Mack double checked the door was locked before tugging the t-shirt over her head and putting her cloths from yesterday back on. A sudden knock on the door made her jump.
"You know, wet suits are uncomfortable. I could always lend you some clothes." Kai shouts from the other side of the door. Mack sighed and unlocked it.
"Really?" She asked hopefully, popping her head round the side. Kai thrust an armful of clothes towards her and Mack backed into the bathroom to get changed. "Thanks."
"No problem, you look sexy in my clothes anyway." Kai winked and Mack scoffed before rolling her eyes and closing the door.
A minute later she walked out clad in light grey sweats and another one of Kai's t-shirts, this was a black Nirvana one.
"Yes, Kenz."
"Why am I not home?" For some reason Mack hadn't asked that question yet.
"You fell asleep in the car and I felt too bad to wake you so I took you back to mine." Kai said with a fake pout.
"You felt bad? Wow. Funny." Mack scoffed. "Wait. I slept in your bed, which means-" Kai cut her off again.
"I slept on the couch." He finished for her, flashing a smile of innocence. Mack's mouth was still open. She closed it after a second and frowned.
"You want a ride home?"
"I thought you said breakfast was ready."
"I did, and I lied. I just didn't know how you'd react to being woken up and I was bored." Mack rolled her eyes at Kai's words and picked up her stuff.
"Sure. Take me home." Kai stayed on the bed. "Please." He jumped up and brushed past her and out the door.
"Whatever you say babe." Mack stopped in her tracks.
"Babe? That's what you've resorted to now?" The disbelief her her voice clear.
"Well, you told me you didn't like princess, so..." Kai trailed off and grinned before continuing his was down the stairs.
"Where's Jo? And your parents?" Mack wondered as Kai locked the door.
"They're away for the week." He said simply.
"The whole week? Without you?" Mack pushed.
"I didn't want to go. It's some family thing - there's always something happening." He shrugged, getting into his car.
"Oh." Mack could've think of anything else to say.
"So I'm having a bunch of people round mine tonight, wanna come?" Kai asked with a smirk. Mack shook her head and tried to hide her laugh.
"I'll pass. Hanging out with you're lot never works out well for me." Mack snorted.
"'My lot'? What's that, Kenz?" Kai tilted his head questioningly.
"You know, the popular kids. The jocks and self-obsessed bitches that gossip and call themselves pretty." Kai raised a brow.
"Self-obsessed bitches who think they're pretty? What'd they do to you?" Kai laughed. Mack crossed her arms and scoffed. "That bad?!" He continued laughing.
"I meant what I said. I used to be part of that crowd, realised they were awful and graduating school was more important so I left." Mack defeated. All Kai did in response was nod.
"Here we are, babe." Kai pulled into Mack's drive and brought the car to a stop. She rolled her eyes but said nothing.
"Thanks." Mack said before getting out the car and walking into the house.
"Think about tonight! It's starts at 8!" Kai shouted before driving off.
"Mack!" Kim shouted. Mack groaned and padded over to her door, flinging it open and shouting back.
"What?!" Mack answered with a bored voice.
"Ben's here! He's coming up!" Kim replied and sauntered off, letting Ben make his way up the stairs.
"Hey babe." Ben greeted as he walked through her door, placing a chaste kiss on Mack's lips. She cringed internally and turned away, plopping back down onto her bed. "Get changed. We're going to Kai's." Ben spoke.
"W-What? I already told him I wasn't going." Mack defended.
"Since when are you hanging out with Kai? And hurry up, we need to be there in 20 minutes." Ben's tone was demanding.
"He took me home last night after you disappeared." Ben rolled his eyes and folded his arms over his chest. "And I'm not just gonna up and leave because you tell me too." Ben's expression was over taken with rage.
"Yes. You. Are. You never go out with me and people are starting to think you're not into me. You're coming." With that Mack gave up, scared to anger her boyfriend further. She pulled some cloths out her drawer and put them on, discarding her pyjamas on her unmade bed and walking over to Ben. He pulled her into him, making Mack gasp, and brushed his hand over her cheekbone before trailing it over her curves and grabbing her ass. "Mmmm, you look sexy. I can't wait to tear this off you later." Ben whispered in her ear before intertwining their hands and pulling her out of the room with him.
As they pulled into Kai's drive Mack slipped out the car and waited for Ben, who wrapped his arm around her waist and led Mack to the front door. He knocked loudly and the door soon swung open, revealing Kai, who's head was facing away from them.
"Sure, just don't go in Jo's room - she gets cranky if everything isn't perfect." Kai shouted down the hall to someone in the house. Mack soon spotted the couple rush up the stairs and she put two-and-two together. "Hey guys." Kai greatest with a smile as he turned back to them, shooting Mack a subtle wink when he saw her and making her cheeks flush. "Come on in. Mi Casa es su Casa." He said, stepping to the side and holding his arm out as an invitation.
The couple ventured into the house, walking their way to the living room where around 10 of Ben's friends were sat with red solo cups in their hands all laughing at something someone had said.
"Ben! My man!" A guy called Mitchell shouted as he clapped Ben on the back, who was already smiling and greeting all his friends. The two found a place on the sofa, where Ben pulled Mack into himself further. Kai sat down on Mack's other side - not before handing both of them a drink and sending her a smirk as she looked his way. She rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the girl sat on a bean bag on the opposite side of the coffee table that occupied the centre of the room.
"Who wants to play truth or dare?" She slurred slightly. Cheers hollered through the room and eventually everyone had agreed. "Okay, Matthew. Who's the sexiest girl in this room?" The girl started. Matthew surveyed the room, before his eyes landed on a girl Mack new as Sophia. He bit his lip, giving her a once over and winking.
"It's gotta be Sophia, baby." He called back and the boys laugh, Sophia giggling and blushing slightly. "Right, my turn." Matthew looked over everyone until he saw Kai. "Okay, new guy. Best sex you've ever had?" Kai shook his head.
"For-fit, give me the dare, dude." His ever-present smirk was still there but he looked sheepish, almost. Lots of 'ooooo's and 'that bad?'s came from the crown of teens.
"Okay, I dare you to take off an item of clothing." Matthew orders. Kai grins and pulls his t-shirt over his head, leaving it on the floor and sitting back into the couch. Mack felt herself keep giving his toned, bare chest glances and had to stop herself, instead focusing on the next dare. She missed the first part but caught the end of it.
"Courtney, I dare you to take off your panties and give them to the guy in this room you'd be most likely to smash." Kai said with an evil smirk, looking in the direction of a blonde girl who was wearing a short black skirt and crop top. Her cheeks flushed red and she stood up, removing her underwear and shyly walking over to a guy Mack didn't know the name off. Courtney placed the fabric in his hand before sitting back down, crossing her legs awkwardly.
Mack zoned out for a while, only snapping back to reality when she heard Ben's name.
"Ben, what's the dirtiest thing you've ever done with Mack?" One of the guys asked with a sly expression. Mack looked down at her hands and twiddled her thumbs, feeling everyone's gaze on her. She drowned out Ben's response the second she heard him start.
"Well Mack does this thing with..." she didn't listen to the rest. There was a chorus of cheers and 'no way!'s before Ben settles back into the seat. "Okay babe, what's your dirtiest secret?" Ben asked, nudging her side playfully. That I want to see Kai Parker over me, she thought instantly. She shook herself out of it quickly.
"Um, pass. D-dare please." She said sheepishly.
"Okay, I dare you to take off your bra." Ben said, kissing her cheek and winking at her. Mack leant forward, reaching around her back and unclasping her bra. She pulled the material from under her shirt and threw it on the floor. She heard someone shout 'the old Mack is back!' and everyone laughed, even her. Mack felt herself grow a bit more comfortable, like she used to be. She turned to the girl that started and asked:
"Okay, Tracy, what's your biggest fear?" Tracy refuses to answer. "Fine. Down 5 shots of the strongest alcohol Kai has in the house." Kai shook his head, grinning, beside her and pushed himself up, soon returning with some shot glasses and a bottle of whiskey. He set them out on the table and poured the shots.
Mack's attention was drawn to Ben who started kissing her neck, moving his hand to her inner thigh.
"Let's go somewhere a little more private." He whispered in her ear, pulling the girl up to standing. He held her hand in his, dragging her away from the living room and towards the stairs. As they turned the corner Mack caught Kai's eye, who looked almost disappointed to see her leaving with her boyfriend. His look soon turned to one of sympathy and Mack gulped, turning back to look at her boyfriend who wore a dark expression.
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savoies · 4 years
Cliches - Carter Hart.
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Carter Hart x Reader.
Summary: Carter is the popular guy while Y/N is just the girl who keeps to herself. She starts tutoring him and they rekindle a friendship that they used to have which leads to even more after learning to trust each other again.
Word Count: 2.5k
Warning: maybe a bad word or two and hints of a bad home life.
A/N: Before anyone comes at me, yes this is like a walk to remember but with my ideas and a different take on that. But it does have the aspect of two opposites attracting. I really hope you guys like it.
Carter Hart was the residential popular boy at Lakeview High. Everyone knew him and he tried to know everyone. Carter was big on meeting new people and starting conversations wherever he was. He wasn't popular for being rude, being the football captain, or dating the head cheerleader. Carter was actually popular for being nice. Yes he did have a spot on the football team but he didn't think he was better than anyone else and treated everyone the same.
Y/N was the residential shy girl. She kept to herself and her life motto was the less social interactions the better. Y/N didn't perceive to be rude she just didn't like to put her walls down for people that would just walk away. She felt as though keeping to herself was the best option. She did put her walls down for her best friend but he just walked away after they both went into highschool.
Carter and Y/N had their fair share of interactions throughout highschool. But during their entire childhood they were glued to the hip. Carter was the only person that had seen Y/N be herself yet when they went into highschool that all changed. Carter joined the football team saying that he would still have enough time for his best friend. But after the first week Y/N was by herself and Carter was mostly with his new friends that included football players and cheerleaders.
Carter tried talking to Y/N, ok maybe not having a full blown conversation but sending a simple hello her way. But every time he tried she would walk the other way. She didn't want to deal with him. If he had ignored her all of freshman year, she could ignore a simple hello. As she walked to her english class she took a seat towards the middle where she could blend in. There was about ten minutes before class started so she buried her head in a book to avoid conversation. What brought back her attention though was Carter walking in with his friends laughing loudly. Y/N looked up and they made eye contact for a second. She smiled at him shyly and put her book away as the teacher walked in. 
Carter was failing english badly. If he didn't show up to class everyday he probably would've had a better grade than now. He needed to raise it up to play football or his spot would be given to someone else who had better grades. If he let it go down one bit more, then his whole football journey was over. Now he didn't want that and his teacher had talked to him about getting a tutor. Now Carter knew that getting a tutor probably meant that he would get stuck with some dude that only cared about homework. That is why he groaned at the idea but if it was supposed to help him so he was supposed to say yes right.
As class ended Carter headed up to the teachers desk as you packed up your stuff. You noticed that they were talking so you decided to pack up a bit quicker to leave and give them privacy. But as soon as you were gonna walk out the door your teacher called you.
“Y/N could you come here for a second please.” you put a smile on your face and headed back inside. “Mr. Hart here is in desperate need of an english tutor and I would like you to help him.” Those were the last words both of you guys wanted your teacher to say. Both of you interrupted them with banter.
“Why me, there're so many people in the class.” you said.
“Yeah i don't think that is gonna work out.” Carter said. It was like he was reading your mind.
“Well that's the only solution and there will be no further discussion exchange numbers and start as soon as possible.” your teacher said and pushed you out of their classroom. Little did Carter know that you never had the guts to erase his number.
“Here plug in your phone and i'll text you when i'm free.” Carter said, handing you his phone. Glad to know that he didnt save your phone number. You were kind of hurt but it didn't really matter right. It's not like you were going to call him. 
“Look Y/N, i'm sorr--.” before he could end his sentence and go on giving an apology you stopped him because right now you didnt want Carter’s pity. ���I'm just helping you pass, I'm not trying to reconcile.” you said as you headed to the last place you wanted to go, home.
Today was the day that you were going to have your first tutoring session with Carter. You weren't too thrilled to say the least. But anything to get you out of your house for a bit. It was after school and you headed to the library to wait for Carter. You sat down at the table and waited for Carter. You thought maybe he would arrive in twenty minutes but after forty minutes of waiting you were getting irritated. He didn't even have the audacity of sending you a text that he was gonna be late. After one hour of waiting you decided that he had wasted enough of your time and you decided to pack up. That's when Carter came rushing in.
“Oh gosh Y/N, i know i'm sorry for making you wait but Coach decided to have an emergency meeting, i'm so sorry. Im here now.” Carter said exasperated.
“You could've at least sent a text.” you suggested.
“Coach doesnt let us use our phones.” Carter said hopeful that maybe you would stay cause he really didn't want to mess this up on the first day. You decided that he seemed like he was being honest so you shrugged your backpack off and took out the textbooks. After the next two hours of him studying his butt off, you decided it was time to wrap it up.
“Same time tomorrow and don't be late.” you said walking out into the now dark sky.
The next day Carter asked you to meet him in a cafe. You weren't sure why but you decided that a nice warm drink didn't sound too bad. So you headed over there after school and set up everything. After everything was laid out you thought it was the perfect time to order a drink before Carter got there. You ordered your usual hot beverage and were about to pay when Carter came up from behind you and told the barista “Oh and one cappuccino, thanks” he said, handing her his card. “Thanks you didn't have to do that.” Y/N smiled shyly at Carter. Maybe tutoring him wasn't going to be too bad.
“No problem, now where did we leave off on yesterday?”Carter said, actually sounding like he was excited to learn. After both of you guys got your drinks, there was less studying involved and more talking. Carter started talking to you about football and you liked how his eyes lit up when he talked about the subject. About one hour of just talking you decided that it was time to get back to studying  before it got too late. Before leaving the cafe, Y/N pulled out her favorite book out of her backpack. “Here I thought you might enjoy this, it's one of my favorites.”
“Thanks, I'll let you know when I finish it. Carter said, grabbing the book from the girl and their hands slightly brushing. 
A few days later you were in bed ready to go to sleep when your phone started ringing. You thought it was probably a unknown number so you let it ring, but after four rings and no signs of hanging up you decided to pick up.
“Hello” you said, sleepiness evident in your voice.
“Did I wake you up, sorry, I just wanted to let you know that I finished the book.” Carter's giddy voice was heard on the other side of the phone. His voice though had no sleep evident in it whatsoever.
“Look Carter, I don't want to sound rude but why couldn't you just wait till tomorrow to tell me, it's 12am?’ you asked him questionaly. The truth one he couldn't sleep all night, thinking about how finally things with you guys could be fixed. And he just wanted to hear your voice. 
“It was a really good book and i had to tell you, i'll see you tomorrow then.” he said hanging up the phone knowing that it was a bad time to call you but glad that you picked up. He took it as a sign that maybe your friendship could be restored.
The next day you headed to school and stopped at your locker to drop some stuff off. When you were pulling stuff out of your backpack. Carter approached from behind you. “Heres your book back” Carter spoke up.
“Shit Carter, you scared me.” you said as your notebook fell to the ground. 
“Sorry, just wondering if we were gonna meet up later.” Carter cluelessly asked.
“Well yeah, that's basically the agreement.” Y/N stated, kind of annoyed because he knew that they were supposed to meet mostly everyday due to the teachers orders. 
She got to the cafe where she sat at the same table as last time. As she waited for Carter she took everything out . The bell above the door rang signaling the arrival of someone, and it was Carter. They exchanged their hellos and got to tutoring. After what seemed like forever of studying, Carter decided to bring up a question that seemed to be bothering him all day. “So do you have a problem tutoring me or what, cause let me just say i'm not the biggest fan of this either.”
“What do you think Carter, that I think this is a fun way to spend my time, tutoring you.” giving the word you a deeper meaning. Carter was confused on what she meant.
“You really don't remember, you pretended I didn't exist.” the girl said, feeling more vulnerable than ever. 
“ You are the one who's always mad at me, you stopped talking to me, freshman year.” Carter told her, saying it in a way saying it was her fault.
"Really, on the first day of school you didn't see me down the hallway and then turn the other way.”  Y/N said pleadingly. At this point it seemed that they were competing seeing who could say it in the most hurtful way possible. 
“I didn't know what to say.” Carter said looking down.
“ How about hey Y/N, how's it going?” she said spitting it out a bit more harshly than she meant to. She couldn't take this right now, so she packed up her bag and headed out the door. Carter didn't really process what was going on until the ding  above the door signaled that she really had left. 
When you got home you heard the sound of yelling, crying, and the shattering of glass. You decided that the best option right now was just to lock yourself in your room and with your thoughts. You went to sleep listening to music and the next day you got ready for school.
As you were at your locker Carter appeared again. He saw the way that you looked tired and drained and even though you weren't on the best terms decided to ask you how you felt. “Hey, you ok?” he asked concerned. 
“No offense but I really don't want to talk about my personal life with my ex best friend.” you looked at him and shrugged your shoulders. Carter understood so he wasn't mad about it. 
“No tutoring today right? I'll see you in a couple days then.” he said waving goodbye. Even though you didn't really appreciate tutoring Carter you didn't really want to go home so you were kind of bummed out that there wasn't tutoring today.
 Two days later there you were at the same table with the same stuff laid out in front of you. Again waiting for Carter. He walked in and took a seat. “Before we start I just wanted to make sure that you're ok.” he said, looking concerned.
A slight blush appeared on your cheeks because even though he asked you the same question two days ago he was still concerned. “Like I said before, I don't really want to talk to my ex best friend about this.”
“Well then don't think about me as your ex best friend, think about me as your therapist.” you laughed but when he didn't laugh back you knew that he was serious. “Oh you're being serious.
“Yeah I am, now tell me what's wrong.” he said, getting all serious but it didn't last long because both of you burst out laughing. You liked this, just being able to laugh with him again. Like everything was back to normal. But everything wasn’t back to normal and it probably wouldn't but in the end you were having a good time.
After that day you tutoring Carter had become less of a task and more of something that you enjoyed. It had become less stressful and you actually felt like you guys had a good chance of repairing your friendship. Maybe even having the possibility of bringing it back to how it was before. Now that's the way you felt, but you weren't sure how Carter felt. Maybe for him this was just tutoring.
Now Carter saw that maybe he was slowly breaking down your walls again. He was slowly seeing the person you were in middle school again. He liked that. But he thought that maybe you just thought that this was something you felt obligated to do and nothing else.
The next day at school Carter was talking to his friends against their lockers. You were walking towards your locker when you heard the topic of conversation. Now you weren't trying to be all up in their business and invade their privacy but it seemed like they were talking about you.
“Oh look it's your little girlfriend, you're not gonna say hi.” one of the cheerleaders said in a snarky voice. All his “friends”  around him laughed at the girl's comment. 
 Carter thought that maybe if he went along with it, they would stop. “She isn't my type anyways, you know that all she is to me is my tutor so I can pass English and still be on the football team.” 
After Carter said that you knew that you should've said no to tutoring him and just told the teacher that you were too busy. “Im so stupid, i should’ve let him fail so he could see what its like to lose something just how I lost my best friend” you told youself as you wiped a tear with your sweater sleeve.
Well now you could tell that it seemed Carter didn't feel the same about your friendship finally getting a bit better or becoming reconciled. But deep down Carter knew that everytime he saw you his face would light up and that he was slowly falling hard for you. Yet he couldn't let his friends know because he knew that if they did find out they would just tease you and he didn't want that because you didn't deserve it.
taglist: @hartsyhart (thanks for all the help kan), @patty-cake-nolan (thanks for helping me with the title), @mitch-slap (thanks for all the support always), @summerko8, @barrettshayton, @leafsxhockeywrxtes​, @segsation​, & @idkwhyimhere19​.
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wonkasmissstarshine · 4 years
The Chocolatier’s Rose {Willy Wonka x OC} Ch. 9
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GIFs not mine. Credit go to owners.
Summary: Willy shows his guests the Inventing Room. And Violet’s gum chewing comes back to bite her in the butt.
A/N: This is where it starts getting really fluffy between Rose and Willy.
Tagging: @holdmeicant​ @willymywonkers​
Willy got out of the boat first so he could usher everyone out of it. Rose was the last one to step off, and being the clumsy girl she was, she managed to trip over her feet. Luckily, she was caught by a pair of arms.
"It's alright, starshine" Willy whispered to Rose.  "I've got you"
"Thanks" She muttered softly to him, looking up at the face of her saviour. Her heart began to beat faster when she realized how close their faces were. The tips of their noses were touching.
It felt like it was only them in their own little world until the sound of someone clearing their throat reeled them back into reality. Rose and Willy turned their heads to see everyone staring weirdly at them. Well, everyone except for Charlie who had a wide grin on his face.
The two lovebirds stepped away from each other. Rose walked over to Charlie. She could feel a set of eyes glaring into the back of her head. She turned her head to see Mrs Beauregarde's eyes flared with jealousy. Rose just decided to ignore the woman for now. The door to the Inventing Room opened, and Willy led everyone inside.
Rose's eyes lit up in fascination when she saw all the machines and flasks, the smoke and colourful liquids. "Now this is the most important room in the entire factory!" Willy explained and then he cautioned. "Now, everyone enjoy yourselves, but just don't touch anything. Okay? Go on!"
Every child was quick to run off, except for Charlie. He looked up at Rose, and she gave him a nod with a smile. Charlie then walked off. He was definitely the most behaved child here, well, the only behaved child. Rose went off to do some exploring of her own. She felt the presence of someone come to stand next to her. She turned her head to see Willy.
"Does anything in particular catch your eye?" He asked her curiously, playfully bumping his shoulder against hers.
"It's hard to say" Rose said, smiling up at him. "Everything here is so fascinating" A smile danced across Willy's lips. He was glad the girl was enjoying herself. He looked down to see that their hands were nearly touching. Rose didn't seem to notice yet though. He was about to make a bold move, and lace their fingers together, but the moment was ruined.
"Hey, Mr Wonka! What's this?" Violet called loudly from a pool with windows which she and Mike were looking at. Oompa-Loompas were swimming inside it.
Willy pursed his lips in annoyance, glancing in the child's direction. He just wanted one uninterrupted moment with Rose. "Oh! Let me show you!" Willy's annoyance was replaced with excitement when he saw what Violet and Mike were standing by. He walked over, and an Oompa-Loompa emerged from the water. He handed Willy a red ball. "Thank you!" He said the Oompa-Loompa. Everyone gathered around Willy to hear what he had to say. "These are Everlasting Gobstoppers. They're for children who are given very little allowance money. You can suck on it all year, and it'll never get any smaller. Isn't that neat?"
"It's like gum" Violet compared.
"No" Willy disagreed. "Gum is for chewing. And if you tried chewing one of these Gobstoppers, you'd break all your little teeth off" He admired the piece of candy wearing a proud smile. "They sure do taste terrific"
He walked off to the next machine and everybody followed after him. "And this is Hair Toffee" He picked up a piece of candy that looked similar to chewy caramel. "You suck down one of these little boogers, and in exactly half an hour, a brand new crop of hair will start growing out all over the top of your little noggin. And a moustache. And a beard"
"Who wants a beard?" Mike asked, clearly not impressed.
"Well," Willy paused a moment as he thought of an answer. "Beatniks for one. Folk singers and motorbike riders. You know, all those hip, jazzy, super cool, neat, keen, and groovy cats. It's in the fridge daddy-o. Are you hep to the jive? Can you dig what I'm laying down? I knew that you could. Slide me some skin, soul brother!" Willy stretched his hand out to Mike, waiting for the boy to give him five. Mike didn't, he just glanced weirdly at the man. Willy pulled his hand back when he realized Mike wasn't going to do anything.
"Unfortunately, the mixture isn't quite right yet because an Oompa-Loompa tried some yesterday, and well, he...." As if on cue, an Oompa-Loompa resembling Cousin Itt walked over. He had hair all over, it was a wonder he could even see where he was going. "How are you today?" Willy asked the Oompa-Loompa. It held up two thumbs. "You look great!"
Then finally, Willy led everyone over to a machine where an Oompa-Loompa had dumped various foods into it. "Watch this!" Willy said excitedly and then pulled on a lever.
The machine whirred and buzzed, bubbled and smoked, until it was finished and dispensed the finishing product. A stick of gum. Violet took it and examined it.
"You mean that's it?" Mike said, unimpressed yet again.
"Do you even know what it is?" Willy mocked Mike's tone.
"It's gum" Violet stated.
"Yeah! It's a stick of the most amazing and sensational gum in the whole universe! Know why? Know why?"
Rose could tell how excited Willy was about the gum so she decided to play along with him. "Why is it the most amazing and sensational gum?" She asked, tilting her head curiously.
"This gum is a full three course dinner all by itself!"
"Why would anyone want that?" Mr Salt asked.
Willy reached into his coat pockets and grabbed the flash cards. He flipped through them until he found the right one, and began to read from it. "It'll be the end of all kitchens and all cooking. Just a little strip of Wonka's magic chewing gum and that is all you will ever need at breakfast, lunch and dinner. This piece of gum happens to be tomato soup, roast beef and blueberry pie"
"It sounds great!" Rose said.
"It sounds weird" Veruca judged.
"It sounds like my kind of gum" Violet decided. She took out the piece of gum she was currently chewing, and stuck it behind her ear. Rose cringed at the little blonde girl. That was utterly disgusting, and she was surprised that Violet didn't get the stuff stuck in her hair.
"I'd rather you didn't" Willy warned. "There's still one or two things that are—"
Violet interrupted him. "I'm the world record holder in chewing gum. I'm not afraid of anything!" She shoved the fresh stick of gum in her mouth, all while Mrs Beauregarde was smiling pridefully at her daughter.
Violet began chewing and Mrs Beauregarde asked her, "How is it, honey?"
"It's amazing! Tomato soup! I can feel it running down my throat!"
"Yeah!" Willy nodded and smiled nervously. "Spit it out!"
Rose even tried getting Violet to stop. "Young lady, I think you'd better—"
She was rudely interrupted by Violet as the gum changed tastes. "It's changing! Roast beef with baked potato! Crispy skin and butter!"
"Keep chewing, kiddo!" Mrs Beauregarde encouraged her daughter. Rose rolled her eyes. She was just as bad as her daughter. "My little girls gonna be the first person in the world to have a chewing gum meal!"
"Yeah," Willy said, still feeling anxious. "I'm just a little concerned about the—"
"Blueberry pie and ice cream!" Violet said.
"That part"
Veruca noticed something odd. "What's happening to her nose?" Everyone looked at Violet to see what Veruca was talking about. A little speck of blue appeared on the tip of Violet's nose and very quickly began to spread.
"It's turning blue!" Mr Salt exclaimed.
Violet looked up at her mother. "Your whole nose has gone purple!" Mrs Beauregarde said.
"What do you mean?" Violet asked as she touched her nose.
"Violet, you're turning violet!" Violet's eyes widened in fright as she looked at Willy. Mrs Beauregarde looked at him as well and asked, "What's happening?"
"Well, I told you I hadn't quite got it right 'cause it goes a little funny when it gets to the dessert" Willy explained. "It's the blueberry pie that does it. I'm terribly sorry" He ducked down and hid behind the machine.
Violet's whole face had gone blue, and now her hands and hair were turning blue as well. The colour change was even affecting her clothes. "Mother, what's happening to me?" Violet asked, feeling horrified as she looked at her hand. Everyone backed away from her. If the colour change wasn't bad enough, Violet also started to engorge.
"She's swelling up!" Rose noted.
"Like a blueberry!" Charlie added.
Once Violet was completely blown up, Willy appeared from behind Mrs Beauregarde. He spooked her as he told her. "I've tried it on like twenty Oompa-Loompas, and each one ended up as a blueberry. It's just weird!"
"But I can't have a blueberry as a daughter!" Mrs Beauregarde shook her head at him. "How is she supposed to compete?"
"That's what you're concerned about?" Rose asked the woman, completely appalled. "Honestly, your daughter is blue and as a big as a hot air balloon, and the thing you're worried about is competitions? Maybe if you had been a better parent, then--"
"Don't you tell me how to parent my child!" Mrs Beauregarde snapped at Rose. Rose flinched a her tone, but she decided against arguing with her any further.
"You could put her in a county fair!" Veruca chirped, a little too happy about the situation.
Suddenly, the machines in the room began making a rhythm. Rose knew that the Oompa-Loompas were going to start singing again, and she was excited to hear them. Some Oompa-Loompas emerged from the smoke and they began to sing. Willy started dancing to the song, and Rose couldn't help but dance too.
Listen close, and listen hard,
The tale of Violet Beauregarde
This dreadful girl she sees no wrong
Chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing all day long
Chewing, chewing all day long.chewing,
Chewing all day long.
Chewing, chewing all day long.
She goes on chewing till at last
Her chewing muscles go so fast.
And from her face her giant chin
Sticks out just like a violin
Chewing, chewing all day long. chewing,
Chewing all day long.
Chewing, chewing all day long
For years and years she chews away
Her jaw gets stronger every day.
And with one great tremendous chew
They bite the poor girls tongue in two
And that is why we try so hard
To save miss Violet Beauregarde
Chewing, chewing all day long chewing,
Chewing all day long
Chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing all day long
As the song ended, Willy kept dancing, and an angry Mrs Beauregarde approached him. The look she had on her face was one of pure anger. When he noticed Mrs Beauregarde, he stopped dancing and looked at the Oompa-Loompa that approached. "I want you to roll Miss Beauregarde into the boat and take her along to the Juicing Room at once, okay?"
The Oompa-Loompa crossed its arms over its chest. "The Juicing Room?" Mrs Beauregarde repeated. "What are they gonna do to her there?"
"They're gonna squeeze her!" Willy answered with a wild grin. "Like a little pimple!" Mrs Beauregarde's eyes widened and her mouth opened in horror. "We gotta squeeze all that juice out of her immediately"
Without another word, Mrs Beauregarde ran over to help the Oompa-Loompas push Violet out of the room. Willy faced everyone. "Come on, let's boogie!" He beckoned. Everyone began moving along, but Rose was stopped when she felt Willy gently grab her arm. She looked at him to see him smiling wildly at her. "Close your eyes and hold out your hands!"
"Okay" She said. Rose closed her eyes, cupped her hands together and held them out. She could feel something being dropped in her hand. Her hands closed together around whatever had been put in her palms. Then she could feel a pair of hands wrap around her own. Her hands were being guided until she felt something soft brush against the back of one of her hands.
That's when she opened her eyes to see Willy pressing a gentle kiss to her hand. Rose's lips parted slightly, and her eyes locked with his. The two of them shared an intense stare. Willy released her hands and he smirked at her. "Come along, starshine"
Willy walked off. That's when Rose looked down at her hands to see what he had given her. It was the Everlasting Gobstopper. She grinned at the candy and started walking again.
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